`,2itttibvtelt El OEM r .nt.\ I=l J. C 74. JOHN W.CEARY, '1"1,• OW. • tp ck , t • 11, lohler , co, , N,,t '..1" tit . 1 I'llll. l'l/31.11ITTEE lito .1 aF. ALI'S' , \ =MEI y . tr., at ll=l Bliill= NoTICE TO AUK TUTU% ERN 1,er,t11., s.I tit Alf 54•.!"),11C15,3 ••!re•l this n..t r~ ~~e Y~ i.~ .ire •.e ref =9 SPREVe 7OIINSON APS-NilVl - =MEM 1 111 ,' MEM - 'l3 \\lllol W MEE • ,; lA,. • —••. ani duty ot ~,„ viTa ly rcuad eu.i speclaid sidta,tion h! tbe 1,0- 11,:a Liki t • FIIG I I.)a :et 'Lau . IMMO lIME ~ l ~ I CL' lii y .1, l Nva,t WI lEEE t•-• Illy ( 0 .11; . 1 . ~~.~:, ~~.. .~. - an , l advan , ,11.0 ! lb- =1 Mill =EI t. t•-=, fi _ , ' t IMMIIIMI ILEMEN=III I. :•li ~i: =I WI • ; tie e 111E1111 t' ~., ineu - igwiy as Lush be ••r osite 1 Tun foiio•w"te July, I'F3l, Mr J. - AIN mturt.,-,1 he iubje..t. ana Bald 'Then. is ~f ,cid the tio,Li• : iv.,:ort.!:ng to, t in tunas of Sit _lll 1,, I klI1,1i11111(.11, 1535 CAUte iV rent 41 , this t•ost'Cn tlt x':11 D., we• usn ;mow, Ino, tli.ll If :I:I 11, secAing ant., stood here as in.•!.. reia, senting the interests of thou ixtd fit tit.esr.p.,e.r tel Ch,Ck 41 , 11, ad . sti 'e mfyht bo +nude 5b zh , Skin) I showsu !ar:i rfat'd them st the isit Ilcy t, .1, II ]tart the otlit.,/ - when Fire.idoat %ye had is mAiority ~pposulua to t.is than, is on ~ .1) ar,llty g 11.11%:. S . . ‘1 . .,./11 111, - 110 , 1 II a. 19 the I d. pu:. 1,,e id, z Ilkto h. ...vcw,l L.. • : .•11•41:pon M. 17 ')Co. 5 the L•htl , 1.11. •• / '•, Otad flat 1.4 C, mount. • f A ,zaac.' • : the ..t. • I). ~, ,01 A:Iwo tnot 1.4 not 11.4 ,, 11:117 4.lfrrattd ,1.1k1:14 , I , i , g)• , ay '1 , h, ookitrating aa,4i...ati,,,n? 1)0 rcc not +. - .now that if an) tnit:i, , er whom 1,, , h ut otbroad ahould Lasko a treaty inimical to theinativ2tiona of the South, that trorty Atlf At.oce 5.• ehtt/Jhut • , r ogor ay of ::00-thirds the The. 1,111,11.1W1S ilk. n ut thew two speerhea ore Int!trccrt-tble T:.oy hove their loon ...ratans In tith tln Con.t it at ion, ;11C gotta. of InAillaiOnn, to the peollif p•+.1,411 It) net I,v o' hun.orilic , , but by assuruittntns, n. tsld. under hits ‘esni condetnnatkon; be stands self-convic t ed I.nd Wahl the Southern leader, iskoy atarged Mr. LINCOLN would do, au-I ;iP lOU r.y coiled ...pon them ti, r..n0t; , 1 in their pla^n., Amt rc+iti'. A FL'S 11.02,711 b Mr C vi.vErt 'raft a 11:-.;vel IftYCI-V.. L.: I 0.1 , 11 irt in which e ha, fallen into tnth "Jloula) he via , at ., ested r C,Uisrli'ttry to kle:fr9Utt. C4.4,4,10...n,ta are TLION /101.,E, P.R.20 , t , I)tp.raLD, .+f Franklin. C •r se held to t. 2 fn the • I:In of NA), ac ,UrP.l Iv the cu,he- r of the Veonor 31/111L, Waif Arrt,.c charge, and gavt b ii in Inc ,nin Tlie citizen , ' 0: Frta.k,ln hat-r• uflered 'nem severely than (laity by the farltu•e 7: persons arc tts 1,rtra..0 ,1 losers .tamellS. giant ...• w. . • 5 rl,OOO ltlet-roarit 1r witt ..... . • • 3. D . 111.0111, ............ 4001 .1 ljtl Dtlttledd ..... • 0,000 dial la I 1..u.0t0 X R. . .... 'lllc,ms, 50LCIO Here an -eery p.2ptOns whose le -se, al, itrakittl.ttt_ S3GO.GnJ Tiie secregate of the r - eopir Franklin are probal4 double that acuvr.at antidat it has beet. 'ads by llE•titt I It LYLc and cent 1 , . the Auditor fitueral, Fakir for the oppoiurtnew rf a Receiver for • Petroletun F of Titusville ii11)1 of A. D COTTON dr CO are , -reported to have etTeetsd a compromise tvith their creditor. EUROPEAN EMIGRATION r. are?. e .. hiu. The le rev In n NN tilt 11 tin 11, , b1 , 1e an•l till 31.1n4 t-. :lit lio , , f 1,4 po•r1.1 , th, rum 1.1111.4,1 Nuu,.l: comp nccr iLc.lscan 11/Iti 111 µ 14, Ilsrt• I a W.II, as 11.11 T ,„ Fr. Ivt.n. many lung , ‘„, t - , t•rN ,illl non, =ECU ,t 1., lat. 1111,1 . r.31 , the I 11l „,, , =I ,• .1 vvrbal v ont,llll,l 111, rt. :Intl ‘li‘t inct ion , lit ir:11.111:1 . -.perverting Itelory the 11,11 1111 the, in,lication,, iq•nod of trial ratite, an,l then ' tht•lrftloe• if ernniul• ,4)511i1) liar3cier voinpol•nt Itt fact. Ow t 111.1a1.1.• 1, circutitstaucv, an I t.. 111. ~ , out of despair, thcrc 1,1 cnrral vEprv,Ritlll of nppinli-. 1,1 In oittr,titttliitt itt pi.ut, 'twit,. it, t' littir children ill the tit, , t Tiii• suit, of whi. it they 'H tt, IMIE , „brill, .dim !!, pn.. ,•: fit•N‘ fin d 0 fit t tuatt, tPI ni.it k , L. 4‘ , 111.1 41.‘11.i, cii rClcr 11.kitho•- 1,, ,ink 4,1141 11.• D 111 , V Will ,• 1. , 1, , i1 lia'4 l, I 11 , , •ti• rv1111111,,11 , i 1 , 1 of m !•k I. 1/11' ar,• 11,1 w II in line 8r1.1.11 =MB 1..\% 11.11 i well that their Ct. 1.111.1011, nuide I hAt Mlllll4 . Vcr I limp.: INTIM ,l.it•• they 1,, Lii 1,1 1.0 r, not •'l‘ I! 11,in 11, I/11l silent as 5 Ill..; nn• b. wort, tot thr i6iuz G.. ihrw i- s r I 11. :iii I rt t ME= II I a II 3 I. 1 gill tall 10 1 heir .hart-- 'I'LL utiuw•r iiangt, ..t, I be only Intl- 41.1 I.•llllericy =SEM t• Tr.!, w Pial Tunny Icw I to L ip I:kir I) 1.. inattguratc =SEE BE.III.IIIITkTION MEM MEM =l= ..6"A: ..Lt'V, 314 , 1 us ;0141111 1 'r..• 1.1.,•1p10if.n in I .lllllf a'. I, our 111.1 , 1r•r , i V% „',n ; 7. ,7 111• M err; 1.1.tc t% hilt I = NM 3 !, , -1,;11 , it ~,n, t ru, tIJfI nhotliii Lit.,,itt tor. , ; Ira %%111. .1- 1,31, hut all.' It• ..t 1... it, 11111111 hr saint. Ittite we have ticts a greater Imrll,l..ki. To the •a hilt' peuplT•C BEIE3 111 , t;nlrfOtnt•ni I:I I I:19f1 - .11, lia•tio It. 111.. i.• 1.. t;:i• ql by white heiffille,r- ail II right- a hat-..ever. ladee , l, ts. has r .1 been able l 0 shake .41 the I\'i M. ,;It it fair 111 5511 . 111 the rehel bite-. v line thin Inativr, • v, hat ...as', lilete, it shall be 55.5Stirellto1•5 sari.s urrl• arr fnur of that • i .:0.r1ue•.,1 v.illud• Yrt Inc I)emneratA and l'u n 'rrt' n ti+r lif•r•ohliculd, .drip turn 1•3 r,. dr A I m„ l ,, .•.d !told Ow. • . I[, u linntinn thci, Old ~11•.0 I. . 11”-m et•pr,..ntaii , l ••1• id !ohm , u. 1 lII' hill" pia.* N crl 1101 m, tifuu aupri , ‘ meal in their 0, , v. 1011 1,0 ruaLl !'r•llr ~10,11- 1,, , ' • . 4 011.1 ,11.1,1 11, IlaNt ". '''.. tin 1.4 ,I I ‘. ' lit. • • lea., ed of all the di , :thtlitle. tin., ; ; n..” of 51. ~ e, em rred, in ev.r Moore 1. , -.M.. In- "I n , r. bet ,e to r:, 1,.. .I. l'•i.' ,l ,- ab , m l o rt ~,,....„ „. r „„„,,,, t . I. • ' • rocni ~I tie , Il•o: • ',... to t lo , e I•lnek loyalt t , . 'I io ptosp, c• " '" , •,"fe ''' ' l '" " .'''' ' " ':' 1:01i 1111•A‘IhTEII, ,e'relothitation on curl, a ic.t.r.'s, perfectly - ' '' ' '' '. oot tst s 1,41 \ I 1,1.1'11 I/I ,lq I. 11. JOHN SMALL 1,,a••,. F , 6.,,hi, is mouths ago, luta been fro‘tra 4 ,,, i i ,., 1 I ~. .bikini 0 I I ,: 1 .if 1 . .“.nur11....p1acel 10 ih” a,llaulwr the l'nlon i. •I by 110 action ot the PreAdent. ' Tilt . ..tiler i ..r Ile go iot no! •.: (' •Illto ion '''' ''''''"'' . o """ c*""''111:'" nyili.ld„ ..• i 511,04 el ill Id. ; .k,: .• t . Oli REGISTER, THE Reconstruction Committee of the ii,m.,A, of Representatives have now ae I MEETINGS. 11 ,, ql.t rat e.d. by meana-of their Report, tint - ornate Town.lilli, Calle of Co. X., Until I.n. Reg.. FEECTION NO'TICE-The Anus- w"""''''' n"' ' 1, 7"" , n 0 .. l'nut. or 1'.1r...":•) the liquiblieati majority of that body do / a , p.,,,,,,,, ,-„ r ,„, ~,,,,,,,, •//i/p.ei to th/ . veto,/ el in I. akin Republica„ ...,.tit, I ~,,111.,1. 10,:I .- :re :ink do t xclualon of the tiouthern 1 BIRMINGHAM OAS COMPANY Spates, for any lengthened perioe, from re I w , ti1.t...41 . V. , , , ,t h tt , ; , 0 , : -.. .. c n.. t 1.11L,A 11 3. on at,,N- , "c 7...41. -E°ll' ELEGisTEIR, • i "" ~,,, ,:,. hour. a:v. o ae,i an, FL D. HUMES, p.e.entation in C ongr ess . This feeling is 1 .. • claek r Mr FIT 0..1er wall Iln , l li. II llil Val /V, arerrlftrl. -tit: more dearly evinced, if possible, by . the .111.0C111.1111C1111.. uttered - by 31r. Brrnmair, i,. DIVIDENDS. ; t,... R. puhilcap L./potty Lot.; cut Sae. ..... g p,,,,p. L . 1 , - t rilon nEconvEn. (, „bin, anti Mr. BooTWELL, .if 3l.n..stirlitt- net e• I , IP .71.,a1.11,c11, ( 1 1. , It.. If 1.11 1 .1 Congres,tunal plan shall be' IviDEND. 1, :.,:, kl. i I!) . Ist. Pei, t / HENRY SNIYELY, —The President and i modified an suggested by either of the4e i I) ,of 11 , 1.. il .. nok lir. 4111 g. .la, .14 r.1....1 a , 1 .‘ 1. , 1 , 1 . 1 * . r . i 4 ;1 , ' .. 11 . 1 1: 0 , y ,.. .. ,, L i .. .. t ::} . 17, ,, ,. 0 ., ,:, , ,!,, k . , ;,, ,, .. , N , ;;; gentlemen, no nimbi, le will remain to the 1 .":„”:"," 4 . ‘ „,"'L. r t i o ' l ti a rp w . , :ai. - or w. i t r ....: t .'„'i n .,, ' „70 ` ,..7. - , 1 0 as.. to.oobllean Coanly l'onventlon. ap115., .-. . - ~,,turutim, of Tennenue and Arkansas in I 1',',1, ° ,:;:,` '" i t ,';,,,; 1 ., ° ,,, k ;,'" idrr ," ly . i T i '', 1 ,1`,.," . .', r 2,;,,'„ ;. -1 ' r . ,41 - FOIR Iti:CORTIEIL t:,, , 'gave of tixt thii s. ,11111 11l 01111 r Sollt 11- , tn ,it) V. .7, an IN., 1, k•tF. f -i 41 . 1 , 1 I ; ABDIEL M'CLURE, ,• , -r, State.; in ample ,en-,On tl) have lilt •lele. I) -,--.['`..LT ".'"• "` '''' - -... ; I% alt.% ll.—wne Board o f Di - i II( 1 111111 n muvanpalit, will be • andidata fur Re y itiolts lull on the opening of the vent i,•5 , r. c 0... of Isle lwineank. re/ t le.. de , ,' .0 f. , I .4ldrr. .10,1 to the ecilim of t in t Union liepubli coon 111 tie.„,l,, •I•hi, i. a point of ins- i ii!, : ', d ,, : ;, 1 , ° ,,, r 1 " : ' ,:: 1 1. v , 1 0 ? ttr... 1 in . .. ~7.," 0 1 , : : :," e ' . :" . 0h . :!: . ‘ r ' . ,-- 1 ;"'” ' n' i, "1 0 ';, "" ; 'l !'"' ap7Autc p .1. nllr, in the •Ilacne , itin upon thin topic 1 ,;;;".,..,': ',. 1 . - ...‘,'. f ,,‘, 1 ', 1 ',,.V.. - ,,.1,'.;i',',. ' ;'',' 'i . ....,.,.... ' •, •• •• • • • . - ..',. '..-lE'f."-- FO RECORDER. and art, 11... loth In.:. ' IWO. I. fir int 11 . 1. . a io. I, might not to be overlooked. J. B. COPELAND, n.r.....2w. 1 Time AM/Krieg Ittednew, 1 ". " ."''•' ''. ,'"" '"' " " '. '''' r - ." ...•.• 1 or ,mate In Twain/111p, will lie ac. date for Ito ''. " -'" "' '` m . `,' " . n .' -06 - ‘ 4...r.1er ...elect lo the dcololon et the welt Union Belorc the l'ennnyliranta itailroad Con, TII , E HOARD OF tilltEi*Tiailt OF Republican liannty Convention. apfliic pally litilierlook lin. l'ealeintibilil yol Ili/ I.Vi; :I. lN"..'. 1 '. ...1 ' 1 ‘ 1 .. .. . ' :...ii i ~. I . 11. . ' l ' , l l I . ' 4 ' ; '. ' .--- lin, of foreign steamshite. plying between ~','"""'",„1" '''''.,; tr '' ' ' '' ' I I. ' " '... L “ PROPOSALS. ..___ _ ._ thi. port and Liverpool, the r maw!. I/13 111. .7 t " n l, :. ' llll l.l ' return voyages to the latter port always it , ~, o. el el sot mat Nisi 10, Pret eit I sutra tttt t Me> Id, nee. i g eill lo New York, on pretence tit 11.., lie AND 'mime- I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. THE PRESIDF-9.1' lg able. lo 11rOrlire full eargnee 0 1111.1.11.1 '.-...,"'• 1 . 4.. . '”'" 'W.' 'I I ' '' ,. "'".l .1 iii . ,. I :weird Peep/welt e ill le. r.....”..1 {this flici• on he re. We knew this to he totally onneee. .;'.',%1,-",',,1',1,,.1,'„Y'0',,'',N.1..,',.',"„:,7„,,r,„,.111,t1";,.,',', i tit 1 4 11 , ;,1 ,;, ,0: 1., 1c tn.1. , .. ,, 1 ,, iL.,4 ., 1 - . 1 11 , '.11 , 11 „ ,, ,, „ au p, n', but deestietl It not worthwhile to sal.. ' l" , ' , ,•• -.•••,!••• •••••;• ••• ~.., u'e. , ri , '•"'' - * , I . i ,. " e l . i nii, ' 0.1 . 1.11e ro . ll ' illnditie Ilaln ilaawlionf I'lvl .p..... / . •• Oleo Ile :oh ip•i .. f.., •. ../oreillocut I ' i , , , ;,,,,,,,,,, t ,,,,,,,„ gcggere ,„/..,. eg . lint' farther pains In correct .1‘1• 2 unpre, ,• " m ''''''' 'Un ' '''''''` 1 ‘ "ein'a 4 . Let nigt•:illeaLions eau be seen oil applies slO it 6 respecting these European Imes until '"` .1. , ..; , .; rio„ a e rl.lllll IlaVe 3 line al Our own Th,.. a, ~. '. , •; ; k g•.,;.. •..1.//. / . / • , 14.4. e1,,,,1e, of I ,011 IT (•01,,,,1,f,,,,,, '1 - , ..•i. Al:I., i. tv... 1 fli4 I 1,• - •i VVVP . II I..NItV LAMBER I', Contratli c._ -alignment proposed .by the railroad cent- . 'ill C Di RECTO litS Olt Tit IN RANK. : , A li pENTEitii AND - liiiiILIIERS I.v ha. new b... 11 proposed ) ~.-tanllol.l, and ,%,,, ~..,.,,,- ~., ,”• ...: :, .11...1..0 ..1 .. .1N Ifil i 4,...).,,,,.. ~,,T , ,t, ,i,,,„,,tii t i t . lora or MAY! IkV IlifeCt 11.11111gu•al. The kat:11111,bl'. Da i .., ,7,. ...," . :,, ~,'„. •. ~.. . • .. i. • " ...,, , ,• : „ .E .,..1.• I , sge , p,,,,,',i p e ../pc..ala will NJ tectovial, by the/ one fril l yi e liaa left herr for fAvermtol with a 1 , 1e: , r.... u r , .. ~ , e r, . ...., . ..,.':.•: 0 1 ~.trt".' :; 111 ' 1..111 . 1 . n.7 i i '''. '•''',..' `iYi.Val,te,rbicjTlßl.,4.ll.l:.." o.l:ii ful cargo furnished hr le, and without r - - ''' - " 1 '1 ':':''' 1:1*; ' "°' I i';'irtrit; : IL slum',d 1:1, mile swath 4 Vol/letdown, . outty, near lac l'ittaburgh and Wee ot-e.ling to go in New York Not only so.. I a large amount of freight was left over . ___. ..... .., , .0 to be u'.-u roe ta u e ROOMS AND BOARD. ""''''' "°"'"'''' Al . r ' ..1 Inc tvonlrnolOr. U. aid brink c siren, vide) Is 5 - '' se feot awl le Inch wall, containing. in pet S Or :/., 1110 next eteamer , Jf the line. We see l 11;0AIIIIII%(.. - 4 fey. gaunt lite II ' '.'le:llcni /cap elei. Ilea(' nounpimilieations can be/ Ilt , W the benefit altering tlie ntilroad eon' . 0. in tim.oorn. en ~0 ..00et . • 0., . :'''' '' .' ' " . " 1"-;:"Intii''? ' r ' ll ' ; I' 1 iolAl: la • loud br ewling 1.11 itany standing ret•pmftiltle for the mainte ', ',„,,,),,, r*„. ,; 0 ,.., ,„..„, ,„., ~ ~ ,„" •';,,,. `,,.,,.",. ,', ; ‘,-,7, 14 , „,.„, w ,,pip a w,,,,n.sp, to newt. of the line Tilig, indeed, appears I li' Os ans. Ain/ pis/p. / . .1., ''' ' i" N'''''..‘" "r". M in C h'" 'Ve."47.tr'ill)RHEA 0, In hove been all that was cver ..ended.- ' R OIIIIIS AND 1106 Kill. I Whir- -.1,3,..':.n.1.t wl , Weetethry of Committee. l'harturriphirt thizette lexnanall,. In A,llranerty. au 1 1 ... 11.... ufr llo eahscuatec Relic o , 11 atlore•alnli NI. F.. ra, .., ro 0. Insiercneaa •e• ;wore I ,„„,,,,,,,. =!EGI ttny other lo ATTENDANCE IT 1111E1ILIN Ciii.Lhiii . : The total IlilendnElDr in the ditferent de partments ~1 the College st i dierllb thisCO-PARTNERSHI.P. spring, is seven hundred' and seventy; of P:TT , III la.ll Vpr , ',,, le..k. which tonr hundred and twenty live are - lAr E. HAUL'. THIS I: AI A 4 . .ii0 (11,11- gentlemen and three hundred asididrty five y l, Office, No. 75 ( gran t street, ladies. Of the Whole number two hundred .i,ii-iiirtralsv:lalf:aysw.6.l.oe.-,•;17',, .z"'n, 5 ,."„ m t ",.;!`„ 4. 4 k. ,", i ) ".:; and sixty-or& ate - now sttidents. . ' ~....,,,. mAt I PNT , rit nEMI.BILI. & CO. i ra14:1,,d PriViatiniart, PitisDlA. =EINE IME I'. i.. \I t 't , =I t. 'f h~ 1.ui~.,, 1 i , I IMMII 1 - MEE =MEE= =II I= =MI i re rut 1 IN =I 1.. , i. L-.n lIMEEIZOI2 II ME =I =CM MIME= ME =I 1:1c11 SIIEILIFF MEM =I =EI IMIII =II lIM ‘1 I ii \ MI ME OEM MEE 1=1! 11111=11 u, -t t \ I BIM =MI =IT a., ••I I ”to 4•11 il•kt ol I •1 • NI, =IN HI,. • I I I'. 111,•. I, nt. cull3l.lc t,t. tr. ttt t. VOIR C I.EILN OF COURTS, OR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, 151 i r I. I lEEE I •Ilr POLITIUAT Hon- I SION REPUIII.It .1N if OUN- VOTlCi..— !'. our and after 'N Vt.!. ~ Republic , . 1 DAY. Id• ~. " VT ' , ted urt.,•( of the .. cot. er. %111 !nig • tlous.cl.—cd in t,ll, ••I i.,5 to . 1 ' L.” ! kTl.'ll- : 1 , r. 0111 I - . -• r . • !.. 11 •:1 , 1 1 . .. N VI 1N • uty3 31.1 u.l'perta)nA intere.te(l • .• L, el 4 not oir.l tiro Lit, 1, r...01...1 clr.. . d II •I -1 • . meet .on ill. pr. ~u Y 1,,. \}, NI A 1 .55111 it 1 , 1, 1 .1. •S er. • ..`. • ' 1 , 1.. 11 • . 11 1.• I'. Si., th. • II Ai:1'111 1N --1./,:)On PI:It II:41i! H ,O lAr , 11 11i I'lti,Vl.ll l 1 WI. I 1 I. • NOTIC'E',. The ltoliler, . . eh , r's ,'). . • 14,..1unt-r.er... orrl I, 111 , for v ° ME=EN MI ILIE , i'• I 1 MIME • I NI 1l• , ,-. I • • NI av 1, It. IN, II • ,.I• • ( omati;SS, 1.241 DISTRICT. ' ,1'•._..1 HON. J. K. MOORHEAD llMlll==== ~,, 0.N4.1t1:`•• GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY N. , , t , 11111 2`21., " 1" " r ' • " •• WILIIAM 11,111.1.11, .11011t,11 . 41N,111: ONGKESS. The friends of , Nto• w.. 1 fiALF,N, HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Ta,ollt i Slll. .1 ,11 .1 1 11 L. 1 . 1111.01 111,11. A poll ',AI. too:, 11 . 111tSt'ANCE or 1110 /Is l Se/- I of all A , t retailing 1•• Allrgl:ott” proof:all , lot day tor a. lahl. au:l SAMUEL B. CLULEY, nivnt 0a.14 appr::•• tho .otlt ..1 laloi• I. DA% 14, K ~1 ,„. 44 „, 44 , 44 .„ 4 , 4 , 4 „„„. Id, We 11/11, I It., 11u . i , 111.. 1 .. 11, • ao.sron. trlo. ' I "ttt and atter the 111,T MAY. `alt , Fax:scan tte paid at I:•aoura:l'..o/111...: 11111 i 1111 t . Vlitb•l' II A, 4.1% Al iti ~ 1 1,1 a dt.:Its:•11::n• :tt FI , K VEIL ' , UN I O: to tnn" 1, o kl.cao: Thor:: orlll lot: TIEN t• T. A tax: ren tog unslat 1 nn 111. :t1 ••••Itttsmt:or NOTICE The ontlersignetl. o ttttt =I u l / 2 74 - 1-'olt ER I Ft CHARLES BARNES, - FOR sII EMI' JOSEPH ROSS, -OIEIIIII CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, 4 ..~"FOIt Nll I:IiIF'F COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, i : -- F•ullt AhhEYll3l.l JOHN A. DANKS, FOR k!.sIMISLI =I JOSIAH W. ELLS, FOR .4SsEMBLY ME THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ISIMII FOR Visk:,ll.Sl.l SAMUEL CHADWICK, kit)lt .4,4NEMBILI MAJ. GEN. 1. B. KIBBOO, =I - 1 On 4.o.1:11111.1k HON. GEORGE WILSON, .',,,=n.",. ';.77..!",=Y;L1 It..;:= I'ITE 1. , WW,1111 O.III,IISSIONER. SAMUEL NEELY, SR., (01 I'l l 011111!...IONE11 GEORGE HAMILTON, I I . It =ICI 01 NT% ( O:nnISSIONEIR CHARLES PUGH, von t Lcith 01"777E Oil ALEXANDER KILANDS ,•. 1 r .urt. • l'Olt II Rh 01 . OR.. Vit.! I JOHN M. LARIMER, "'FOR l LER li (I TIIE On =EI EB. WILLIAMS, JR., "'FOR t LEM*. OF TEfl Olt IE I HORACE S. SNOWDEN, Mil ME I LElllt 01' THE (VERT% .1, lOW •-"k,FOR FILER R OF I'OURTM. JOSEPH BROWNE, ATTORNEY& E . DIDDLE 110111E,ILT*, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIE Ei=l • . -I. .T t. 1111.• IRE PITTSBURLII GIS Sill \CS I 1.01,11 4.11 , eii• ppr•.t•rl 1. 1 1:111 1.1 I u 11.4, ,r. I 51 b, 1..f .L: Mr cmc, cc,c. 1 sccii 04( fl (% F •. , 111 . A NI 1 17 F 1,11-burgh. 10, ri1t...11 , 1 1,1 t.y NIA I A I. I.• 14. yurrsnrituit. -- A ppro%.l the 1 2 1 :11• deo' of MAT eh, A 11 • t. 1••• A• 1 tl.l .••••{•A••• tt•• 19th !lay of 4lay. 4. 11„ 1,66, .1. al 11•• i• •1 I: llt • t 1 N ••• 92.; 1•• •••• • ,I.,•11 • 1'r•111 aGm. ,—• TIIE NOTES OF THE IF 11.4 W FOIIID A 4,1 • 1 - 1 .t '.11.r Irl 1:1 Lt: 4,1.1, ,ANt.i , ItAN „ 1 . ...• • I 1: El. I VAN 1.01:1. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS,Brc ( 'I.4ITH %Al 44( V., I==IMI ~J ..1r .~ ~ ~ ..~,Ill:.i. 111112=1 011 • Y.( V 1 t I COINS JOHN 0. BROWN, l!i3=1:1 NOTICES =MI ISM ENTERPRIZE INSURANCE COMPANY 01) NIIII.IANI 1 . 11i1.1.11 . 5. V, II I I,XI It.i \ 111 , 111 , 1 \ ItPI.F. It“itl- It SA CQ 1.:5.• m.., I. . 1:0111 CALF Jr( Mulex, for rale by 1 2 WHITE, ORR & CO., SGi F. 111.13. Btroot N EW SPRING GOODS W. W. MOORHEAD'S, \o. RI Xlairket Street Rlo II I ‘11.10511 , E1111., vysy, VA! ik TI:IMMV FF'l- IP V 11. F. , IA I F 4 F 1 , 41 , K 1,1 • K 1 I'l &IN AN 1,1114.1; 1 ;1D NLW 1101 Ara , I I F. TS— 1•;aln. ,n:ln and F.tahr013 , ..1. at , 141 Market St rect. ap4 BOOKS. STATIONERY, &c k:sl I.lllhn 01.11)'‘. , I' 111 Ni T:WletA F. 1': 1 K iL I 'l Memorandums, Slates, & I= 1.1 %ICI V‘.11.. 11111. F I.f. 4? to 13 , .1. I . JOHN P. HUNT & 59 Firth St.. ltlawon ti THRILLING BOOK Political Ec000m) of Prophet), \llll, .I,er," rely:cue. te It. telstb.,, 1 1.1 t 11 , e here....,1111 1.11, 111151 Yr, olet I . cr U i l es,- • 11 0 , HI. I ~ f the u.l ulst. La, s,llll Ap11,11. 1, •.11 the Ift, }:11•,11,1\1. 'tot the the n 1 I orkey 1,, , p1,11ea11y 3,1 Illate , t ,, Lleissnnstrated. 1111t.travr•1 by !'Perna!' . . ,11., 1"•,....,• 311/11%.11.1L3rtete.511 —5 • Mn.p ~1 the lily 1 1, the Are , Schlm,..ll 540 1, .1. 1 HEAD, \J.: , tull.lll FISHING TACKLE, M Ai' IN ON lIAIND. IPSBBING 3 s% it I. Ilk 1111. zPORI OM I Ilk 'lt .1,, Fishing Hooks and Tackles CIA-IVES P OT-.EH. FUCK, licell4.l.lllCA and Bails JAMES BOWN'S, uty4.W 41, 130 NM rtTlIGt. LEGAL. IRPIRANSorder' COURT hanaSALE.-- II) Irina of an of the Orp• C..ort of A leghen) County. (sated April Pala. tl.e owlet signed, Guatet tan 01' the suln or Children and tle,r• oI law or atthan Smith, deeeltar.t. .111 aell al I'w ,, Sol,at the Court House. in the 1.Il) Pltlabor6 , .. on ATI - MI/AY, May =th , ikal, at 10 ~•Hoek all that aertaaln Lot of tiromtd altnate Inthe Third Ward. City 111 Pittsburgh, In the County of Alla n lte. I. 1 . .. numbered lu the plan of lo t. of .1 dm •No 4 0 . ill ,oundt..l by /Ugh at L n ~ •.n or late of Andrea %% sod lot No. a , . "eing In fret try lot fat t. nherel . are created a Yraane Ho n. eont.tlolog MOP, 'lllO .1 garret, a La •torhl realm . House, Brick ,hop and three ISrlet, rnstornanta. Re Term. made kuonu nt tltue of sale. For 'farther Infoysnall,u, ontolre of 011727iLlar'''11Jrni"ftnittib0S, - - REMOVAL. itEmovAt.. a. net.. 3213 FLOWN, Attorney at Law, No. 13.41 Mr•LTAI:z. LIME Vor ..a.,• hi the .10re... d'o -o ~.he at the I . I l'I••• Ills Lo. ellnitcy . filo sa e s e tte n es-, It 1' du fl N 17),-Icict Fe. thy0•1m...3,1' ...PUN It. .4 A. 411 111,. 11. ANORLW G. CURTIN, 1 MARCUS L. WARD. VA' V EIIREN 4, I'.„e1 '. „ e ern,. of Portnoy. , ants I tiovernor of Seer JeroT HON. ELI M I AHER, HON. W. S. JOHNSON, MISS KATE BAUM. • t., of atm eof Penna. Ser'y ol State or Y. J. Anne s t.sel. of Ctn. rat N• why's 4overtor new I SON. NORTON NcIIICHAEL, Y Eftlle. NA. MIPS li lie /5 ll:III, no, rt vie Luna,.. Al - I the Osktsod tiro., hone,- Mayor of 1 . 1111•Itelphis. CO-PARTNERSHIP.' "'” "'''''''''''"'; " ' " v""`"'''' ' ..,..o. m. I hohrnaa. creels Cont. Nat. Kant, PllllO - -----`'' ----------- - ' -_' VITTS1111:11(ili State. tail ',co. K. Y.FI, 1.1.11, V ous,. Nat. irk Coo/mere, • • Connor I'. Kim,. of Bine A Paled, CO-PARTNERNIIIP NOTICE.— We I a 11, ~.. 41 S , , 111 NC.ofJ.F. a g. B. urn.; • • h..' 'ht. a" .".°1.4"1 'lth " " P"'"" ...i . AND OAKLAND GRIENHUHISES, I. too 1 nt. A. ,„con it, .r E. A. .s..w.s ,5,...... . t s o . n , e , s t m a noomer of the ronndry and Machine tool. , .111uN H. .11 A. At 1.1101 0 4:11, • I M.,,rrotatalff.l.lnarn• ofllond & 11111/11., ,___. nes, In whirl. we are now emr•ped, Mr. JAM E., i gemoomors to Jon. AfteraocA, Jr_ • I .. .'aut NI mato, of Y. A W. Welsh, NEL T O-Nt 1 ......... W" th. ‘''' .-•..w. '''''' ""' NUM , YR VINEN AND 1/I.OSll,Ttn, llttshech r•. --I 1 , temtiptiort.. give name •MI . 4 ' . FRENCH., GERNIIN A IKNGL Pi ll GOODS. Nelson d Co., and Stankbottoe itti(Narilegt.n BULB.i. i &dont ...eh Mon V, thes . tot tenoleentoeh of fruit any ' , .''' ..''''''' '4 'o l ' order that It 'May be estrreeti . 0117. i m N.l',/,,i °ha,honor tree, ever greens. EMI. . lune *IWD - erns .., ' ",.....,.:l'ol, e nocuterlptlon b h. onk i , fvotn which re l . DRESS A.N1.1 .bH.IR'X - T:: ,. fu : r 1 I N T :1 : 9 : . ::4 .c,,,,,t. , honor Phmm. ' . t o 4 or. I n 'llea. MIS from -. 1 Noun,, se m. b. , PPITIOOII.OII April lot, MM. -aptiblool P11.....r.t. 0 0.. 4 P... , .F. , ' . ... r.... ..‘. .Z....-• 0... for tto atm m0,.115& rer organl/stlon liMllMOnlverps. dn.,. wlent..... .. • • I lo• 1.041e10 rery•well arstrilirp•rluttb rein..! ore V. 1./ .HAIS NETS App COIL, lc ;:, ,I . I Ott Y. L. 111.1. up , orespent I. well. . . . 1 . IaITX NK1N.3 . ?.1 BM WV IS 11L..C14 • ri.reo i • ear shaft ete this L.•de .... feet deny/and 1 REAL it er...., L. YOIN T c,ol.Leltd• ''' , l ll . ; ' ,; l. iT ic ,,r."l " ,VD ° dc.s"": ' ,l7 i' Ll. !..r."l in width . m " . 1 L'E,LA4I•VIII-4NOt.ffirtirCLlAUX:C.6t;t4Nte''.l;tee.t'3' 1'11E; NEVI ot the Nei In the distr./1' /I.PSP IS . shalt rot 116.) , NEW STYL: A BU II TTO II UNION CEPOT HOTEL, r r ,., 1..1-0.11 with a rent nt only.hserts Mgr feet In sr o ath ASSAYS NM& 01 this ore prove 11. to be rerT 1 7 / I 'S .-N•IJ .. ,0,11 / 1 gP......01 , Mlles del, A full tolsort,ment of Ve Ili he open for h..... •1,011.:tioillion ou l'Ill'ItT• rhts 1. an A. .• 1./Vdes arid 10. s short nfTy feel i n 1 KID GLOVES, SILK AND vd.,i ,E • . 4 LON Kr., OAI.AI A V :So , ~, , 0 1 0 ,em of urn three feet In width mad 01 trOm. 1 as irUS o rX eet ß as, 3 44• 4 n K t i ati ll 'arqu U ort /a t, E.T ' RI ts I a I'll 4%11. 14 A ''...1.1 r? , 1. ..1. ,, , AI -1 t hsllty , ore trtkett 'from thte Lode vlelded ISM per ...........-'.. .....-^',. ........"-:,... IMO 'lto It., de, sod 1.101.0. ,tenany• el.-riot .1 .e to , In sold.. I I' tabitaY 1101114/4 AND NOTION,. /1, 4 4. A. Alit, /It IT t-o el • T., to Is v. 0/y ('Ar il r L...1e yet dlsCOVered In 1 T L ladles ...ill And town Isom' artl leo ne t , ~.... . .. . oboe tntrk , it IP 'Ar develnyte A d and ore t.Fro (roe, .1•7 1 .41 Utterer before opened In glttatta4p . - ' VENETIAN BLINDS. st,M3IER.--STIL,TsON 'ROL SE. ~,,,i , „4 , ..y1 . ,..4 up-...,4. oraaDoper cora. _ .. . _. , L,,,,,, hii.,:, e tr. NEW JEW4:Y. ii,l,lld W RI. G. lIINIGIIT, Th.. new ttn,l eterao. 11.4.1 o 11l he opened for rho . __ ~ . ___,,, ______ 1 . Merchants Supplied atEasternP seas.. on or ay... 4th /11.1. v, Joon/Sea, Thu. hovel FINANCIAL. P rices al ANUlAteronate or I. port emote •r.” 101 tor the . Loon, .1 funnies. lt.oons et, he oncnrerl no the .season Ily ..04,114talion i VENETIAN BLINDS, ~ Ole A etor T1...-+P. St'' , I Oft. 10 J. I, 11. ACA. , I ' NIII'ED STATES' • •• ' MACRITII a CARLISLE , ' STY', t...diN tht the noth f April tl e er-eLhotelers i No. 50 rea....0.6 11 4..& 1 /.6h *t tY City. ; Me.. IIC .%oTor Howse to tio..V 11. e. pion% .11410. ' ia - OLD BLINDS HONE BP VA. A-1 T NB ----•- 0 - -W• . nate thelr no.ms. 0 , 10. 4 hoar 40i.• .o F r.,...it. on. thIIPOUND INTEREST NOTES ova :end'. . . oh ntlon to J. IT tOl .1.5, Tinlotrer. IP3 ' '. MUM -- - • M.,,71,,,,,,.. ne se York. my ithltend Bought at Highest RiatCl bit 1 . —......... GROLTERB • - V .----- '- -- w x ..21.,..-T i MAPLIE STItVP-7-50.:WiCaholie I _., .„ ... . i Allll_ iii - cciug's 1 ,, ' co, SEMPLE At401(614-- - . • ft,iiiikeis.,NV,;;;;li and Third las. . ... . JOON 1.1.0 TY MATZ.. WSLIICIS. .0 &ISIS 0.7 . 3' • .I ails FLovp s'C °2 1T&1'1e1&...!,' I ‘,, .'! l .l; °, v- u -P ; ''iLlAVirlc s , r t iitAttit3 -4 I, • vitsm e irt m,N. , ri - w-‘ , -2. - , 142, t , m;a . ~ ' ag2l Corner M a ras( .d Yin% stnrei. I .L.9l2Trd ~, BTLIV i i ,tri76.l....h.eajjarPZ.' third k ND poll..lzric, ......• Itkanne E.4 - STFIRN WHITE LIME. The clo,Wrißimed in revel, log ‘lally WHITE _LIME By the car load. ellasA MAIM ratturerK and other• ornlnhed by the wagon Wag or barrel al Um 1.0.0 et Rate, It. 31MKISIEN, thyalatol Cool Yard. 050 Liberty street PIANOS AND ORGANS pIANOS AND °IMAM GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, Too slunke room for •u ENT 111 Ir Si W STOCK y CHARLOTTIi. ISLUNIIi. 43 Fifth woes. NEDICIN AL W.A.TRS, DRY GO _:r. iva at- clerk, -NrEint. t't 1.1,1% " tj `A N'i 1 D W CONGRESS, w 4.,•7:1 to men SELTZER, ME enri , .~:.~~.: i `I FOR -ALE • 1:0I2 ',ALE- thou! i OliTa lit ILU FOIR 41.11 I S .015 H AND 1.11(0- 1;011 1,0. E---1011 11. 52,()00 ill • A.1:1 I .‘ , l , • I r• g 1;011 s Al,ll--A 3 alltiaii,lt• I 'otin Iry 1:.41/14 IL. , 1 r.. 515 1..1414 aert... I Aw 1.... .tro ati.J f.irthur . Ilk. Y... rltt.roorgi, , r ,•1• [...7 I,r i.kul 1 nell .111” • $ , Of • •I,n. PlitAl T 11.41.1 int 11111 , 11, . „.. re, tt arr. hot. atitttli.- 'll r • .i. rtir t it 11, I it. thlll.httr tlai at thrrt at i •• t trot tr - 4.1 N. rittla irlitrat ‘'' rt • ' ;; • • • ; .;1 T;;;;P::,, U : 01 ,:,•tti FOIL SA lA., =II MEM 'llll •i Lk . 1 1 ilp.IR .'OR ILE ASHLAND HOUSE. LOT • T. A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE FOR RENT. l'o- E •rt; t: .., , 1 1. tui• , •0‘,1,. ;I, plaet .1 ,rd• and nal , 4 1110; o . lllllp ,I• tithe. and 1e the 'ear Obbi, the gold bola, .I . . '. l',; ! ..l.eae'l ' o:er , :l 00ttea aLimont ,10‘,0 , tietl u, .nah, •r - .n the 0,10, !he,d.bearit,g •111211/ b totteh the N lora •' Ns , t'• h , eNt• "r the ',all • 5 1 au, I,a/t ,rrep:ll el le wive an ca t . 4, co) time t d• say titti 1.11.1 I la.- I ,Ll 4 • am, the l'arttle Ithllroad IL t. Ilea( Ipso -41or•A • _ bat s c T , I- - 1114,. tined 011 t ItUrarsa al , loam, st araet •t, e: -II ire •I • the felloerin, extract: I'o,l,lleapttotlabts •aarchabe.l bib 10 , 001 1 ,4 iho ~/ 0.1na,, .rd their ageots and em- AUCTION SALES. Ito Ii %IA Tral Is, X - A Ll 1141. E Llllftf swttr,El' 111'1 \T 'll' , Ti 6.1 h an use* oi the •,11, 1101,11• !,. hi 'l,' '' ..t v :nay Ise 1,11..4 0 ben the fact i• „ter .1 that II . t.retu,•••• an lauer , n•er h' ,ften arca, 1,11 1,1 , 1 0,11 t‘stta 0,011 tb, bud .• '"e' . In say, rat Inatane , Isr en sold fer MI , r le , is •" 1 . ,1 h •et htr .1 •t -I the 11,,tatal, Lode • 11 ' . 1 " 11 V' .o ' sl t.aa bust rea .0.1 reftlaad fact 5 , 1' ;.., ,tlen . ,•, t.. ',uaa , 150 a .laloa of ItVl 1111.1 .'l'l 1.41141 ES .•1; RI I I r nt i t 1. OK ItIEVE The Lot on 1011• cot 13 t“. I •I ,• 1,11. t tt 1 , , 1 I Olt 14 r r , • I I '" ' s ' l ' I It it y trt t itr I. h. t• 1 ii I a•I • I A. tam ot n•Jttti r tb , woo, I k. 11•. 1... than 11. taj.,ll y Pet2oll. " '1•11.0 has twen d,tt , rtnlncd ~ t,ot A. 11. A 1 , 61 . a1 . ....t . hrtn, r ati.1 to din 141. them into Ton-1,, H Imem. I I. I t 41.1 E i I TIE I.Ol'S AT Al'l'll'lON. 11 $.,, .- AII 1:1 , k% A PTV It‘ , " , . Ma , •• • •,,• • 41R14:11:% AI. SHARE'. ~ • .... ••• • , ~. — ,,, 1-- ..,. , '" , .,r. ~. , „,. ~ ~,,..., ‘,....0.—,,b, , „ ,„.r.. ',:',1, - ''":;!:::,.. ,'“",. ,, :T.' '.. , :: ,. .. 7, '' ,,,* ;.‘ . :. .',‘" One Hundred Doling , Eaten, ..., t. eii, seer& t e , iii,i ii 'reel ..1 - 1. , 1..• t Or •t to • 1 nt ~ taunting the nl•tu •,‘ touted no ans, a. 5 t.1 1 . 5 in 1. et i, Ito a..... • ..if a. r. Lot .noohl to, pt., te. ls. pltallet. an opportunlts to 'vett, an Int , er- , i,b,. ~,,,i It,. •.. .tkeelt. , 1, bliroosss. 1.., . 111 titi. region of •pritetienlly Inexhaustible' wealth parteen t...,•,it• 11, ed. ell.. ,u tn. A all nre attar.. the be,al pins. *.lopin.l lor the pr. mt., .. Te. 11l s• . •Ottr , l ......,o, n.ban• • in on. .1..e10ne.0.0t ~ . f ,411 , - , 1 a eepee - ft I. I. fern, a comps. • an , .. , ,o 1. a, ~ n,i I Int. rt t, - • et, ,1 1.. nend al, 1" •1/.1 , •ss -ertltlea 1,, of otoel.. Th. plan here „„„„ T t at, .i I 1.1. A 5 1 1 Am 1. v r.„,......... tt•hlete•l etibl..idtbAttV lo int et .., ~i , we, or 1,1, IIssbIIVIIIIO- on dies. prop , V . A LICA t:LE r ROI" EllT 1 Al ;rti.!! ' , ' ,.,, ,, to ,e, ..holm t o n o r ..,,,,,. 1,......, , V Al, 11 , o!...- t t •. be soo.l oe ,AT1'111. , 51" :11.. , . ~ 1 g., , ., Li In It, al 1.0 octet • I. ~ on Ent. premb.... .iti 1' , ,.• 11-1,1.4 1111,1111 f• ss, th en upon tl.:• eolith and DV qt. %;,..1 ill 11.1.1 ,, LI/ r, .1100, In NV . -, -into , , to ...1 , .. , te, , ~Olver, from tortoni, th..m -t 1,, • • ... I . ..• .1.• 1, ~,,., gh, met nu, ~ .. • on,. r • , I ~,, t nt •• .' .- -I it.“., l • "1,1,', ton .11(1 r a11r../el. In n.. 15, that handwout• ',torn- may toe rpee,lll) I 1,0 1. , at.lifull, .I,, t aied. ~,,t hae,,,,... cos,. 1. AllFosl. the-, •uteer•et Inn. a i r. hunt's! 11,11‘ Ills , ~,, ~ ~ , , ~,,,,. ,„ ~,,,„,,,,, ~„s l ss , ..)ss. s ., pr..potili , on Olaf th , -u le ethers b010...411May 011 re poti one ..•. ,t • t , • Illf , 1.,111 .11 l ASI. 1.11.1 -Mt Is, ~11.1 Of tin D. edr (now ma w, far 4,41,.„.y. and 1 Isb A bar. ••.•••• V -.. 'I. , 1 , -, lie 1131141 ~,,,, 1.11, 10nt.1...... 10, et :twitted at tht odic,. of the under • onJ lu , lo e .... t:.tt.t ...,..., ttti ~ 1 11 1 .0 mooi veltho,,t t . ,z , nt.,1; , ,, , ,.. , , , , , -uhrr s l , ll o ug, , ) ma. 1e174 . Elle, lan.h. on ~ o t r he • org•t*l . ( Illopsill.. In t St s , iiAtt it ~.,,s 1 „. t ,•. t.t.ttm ...) tor wilt - , of Is an ample Leeds. r.• :t. e..muntitat e flio, of mtnterale Mean., thei... posTro.Ar.3lEAT.—on lAccoutut • .iert.•i•• ~ .e put at tlOnolteb. In ordprto get the 1 ••••I at eine. mull to pravent ..iy del ty In the ii. • . ' - • , . 111 lII,' ,ILs, s I ot - let, •• , n i ,-T •,. •• ;, “.. •nt , on ot the entnpunt ••1 null. Alt 0:. It AN. al ...r - tl, tt r. 0,.,...1., t • , ...to , .ib aiibut'n'oo - , aibab/o - Lodges' , ~,,,,,,,,,,, 1t .,„ n i l , ~,,,,, ~,,. I ' II. , , s , ~,,,n Ft I 1., o iitenennautute itler twit.; at this ontrrrptlo.--tl, 1.11l1.1111111tIlts• 111.11 /40..11, .•....n1 ir ~,,, tin .an al, tall 4..0.11 ahoo I.,tibre.,--i.no low itriena at . ..1/anti ••int...e.,..t.•• In It sr. otrer , , I, and dl earn Interest ll The oarilt nisi .I .•, •ol ..., f. bsISSIe I+ valied t• , • utotle• tin bottler to hitt prom,, snare of noes In till. t i re ,ir , toaltl , 1,, op. ,t.. lb tug ot ..b.y a••I • •:, 1 • ~ I. th • t osupanlea that itia) he orttnolzed 141011 to the vitt 7 leem—n.•.. r ~,,, Meeting that In all, them IL, only in y.t T. A. NIcfI.Y.I.I.A S ;It. Atter, r i.e. WIS., sslel 40 fte mold. xn.l It would only require , o ,• . ~,.1., .1 g.. 0 Il• met. r Ault to Labe Iltal tillObtn to - • - •- thaeolo the whole. It I- presumed that It Is burdl) RORTICITLTURA.L. ~..,....thary to ou,gt, to thane dentring to FecurF Oleli .•- .. , Itt of Ore.. °CI 'alai intemsts. IS• at on.: send n Ln..lr aaMcrlpt inn a. i ' lIEENIIOIUSE .4ND BEDDIN I: ~,,, 0 ,.„ : o ,n. , i ,„„, d be th .....„ ~,,, the ~,,, or ur I h .1,, ~,,,,..i. ~ 110, cod...went veal be a re -I=`,l-11.11....1\TT gEe . nip, to attdltlOn tn the nue that ',III At promptly to. on tog .11,..m. . Au 1r00. , -nst rt 0.... vf 1. ot. 1., t nod Fr 'I Ft oo r l'ullr..l ',tot, , 5-'2o', 10-r , I. :-.11,/ - . t .bil other Dor i illnlll n Ilit( l nt - ~ \li jil li••IStI I'l ANTS. i•ii ',mien! i ltilnie. taken at per, anit ru) premium bc.lr :,1 II r 0F41,,nd lir, ur.,,,-,... •.r ' a nt interont tiresoun utiowed. Bond. rn., h. 1,111 ss, I:, S A. SI VIII111(.11 1 111 b) r. glslet,Ll mall or by ..pre.. Air Oni.lood t are ron to the Gr. , 0b0u... rrrry r. The Ifook.• Fro no op.m. I,lrthscrlptions recrlned m. 0.., 10, lub,lauT "• ()RNADEENTAL lIEDGER. DUNCAN DI. MITCHESON, .. V. o,,ittiElt POUUTIS AN I/ WAL , IIII .7,1 , Phi le, cl Es 11 Imi. ea,. .Interican arbor Pliee .Ind dretillock Spruce, HOTELS KISSINCEN, SARATOCA STAR, SIMON JOHNSTON former Smithfield and WA 11= GOLD MINING 'pet: i. 01.1) M G ININ • r kJ i .ki •fiAtk , r. 1'450 l'lve Presi(lent 1.. , • I. Lb. 14 ..4:1 .1 1.11, Hi rectors The Secret:lr) and Treahurer rtlt• t att.l •-••let t, Itttecttoze litu !I kern. lIG. t'•1II 1111 lillll,i. I VI. LI:, r I. >I INEIIIII That to•e be. liAti —thereto' g wI~ ni.a.!tb.rokaelle• of the OCCSIMPII now 0re...1,44 e • r” , 010* ,, r -. at . I - 7"‘' XTZikt:.dL."' I rt o , the ompa.syg,,po.vd I. he o 11:All 4 1?1 , .F13 141 4, T111 4 •T • •• • • •• ••••••• •• 111111= EMIR •1,11, ft.! .- , v• latle .cogt of 1,11 , n O,l pt • .1, .1, I,- andan 311.1 41 , •• ~r ocr 14.1EIng i..rt/. ro. ' 711, ro pr, • t• t. a I 11t3: ln•C cart tql, 4,lttoln• .11.1M.11i, t cut7.l ,tN 00 1.1,,,tate , 1 t.. 'rive mud ti,t , , 1 I'lut , t. 0,, S,•v. ISI , . 1..1,c . ..b..1n rl:lll :! 1.1. o 1..,1 r rel . I;, tarc..ftrtt Inle•ri .r. I , • I , tt , I,at.,rt• tly *•,1111i.,11, •• • \ h MEI I I 1 ••• • I. II I . I,llllk It. •1 111 MIM 1 rt, S(., .C.. b:c =II i lAA ff llr •f I I e ‘f" INEI=I f ( 1 .3% (rte • (art Eli IS KOINE RlL* ittp‘tio:vci , (.;Lt,VES, Etc 1!II:13111 =IMMO MEESE =SIMMI Y'S ll= ll= 11111=1 =EMU ii .n a'U =MEM sI 'LE( i.t*Eit 17.1\ TON, 17 SlErei GERMAIV (OPERA. 111tRIII, ELIDE & 10., NO`, iti and tit) V_ik "'l< "it . (mit 1,1),1,S =I 13..101. FINE IVORY FANS, FINE SANDAL WOOD FANS, REAL POIITIOLLARS, Fine Lace Collar. and iiiLne%eralef3 REAL HOUSTON HANDKERCHIEFS, imitation Guipure ilitmik'fs, WTI 1 1 0 , , lit+ s ct Ea•tert. Ps it pyruoluitlal Monda, April i 6, 1868 TRIM, OlthNo\ W o•Jc1 ••;treet! NOW OFFERING ►eat LARGE::►si, ACTIVE 4. -- L% (JOODS OM •cD 4 P C.) IV' , At Prices, fov Cash, WHOLESALE BUYERS FROM WESTERN PEN N'A, EASTERN OhlU, and WEST 'VIRGINIA ARE INVITED TO CALL I= NEW GU ODB NOW OPENING I , BATES & BELL'S, 1 21 Fifth Street NEW GOODS! e w 4a.oodts!! A SPLENDID All the Novelties 19 Fifth Street. .1111 , 01 ed
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers