- - • POLITIC Al.. Tyr NI., I .,, N,TITCTION ' , l - M.ll,or)t l . POL.I.T.LCA.L. WANTED. Vittsiitivtilt 6itz-ettc. ~.,„ ,h„, •„, ______ .__.__.___________ ,_ • _ _. ___ •: Prol."Y r'. 1 .11 I • 4 ' v ' ern l ... F.1.41tv.i ur: 11 , Ht.., 1r.., wrIll• fl oft nn I:: .r.—UNION REPUBLICAN COLA- X.V.43TED - PAIITNEI2. *.,,,,, ' , kutlon. *ANTI %itch at , ~, ,. y 1, .. ~- "1 l,riat.' I Iler I, i proll.l.len , N. 1.r.4.1.tti, - TT. ON VI'ArTI , N•—T' . Cal•.o Arp,..traii , 1„-,,„1 far 1 „,1,11, ,„ h, i l. .r„ 1 •;11 , k ,- ath : -114 .1 ~.I,' at . .L,... t 0111ilt. , vt. , fj..n, ,r, ~..,,,,',',,,;,'',,',c , !"."..T,,';'1. : :•":717"...••17'!:,.." .. .‘„1 ; ',..."::. . .' . I r I n‘ii " :::••• I. :. ''... i”,.. !.' • . ',...' ..° :%•ii . i.V . H 17 i xi I,k:tie 1, , 111,. l 1.0 ,. .! ''' '''... ''' "' l. 1"..' -' ' ''''''' .'''' I " It. •1 ll ' ' .."' '.'' 'i .. k ' a " ',rk . ‘ ' ., ' *: -. r ' : ... . • .. ' ..• ' .. i . ' ....'..;•L: . ,...; - •. ‘ •. 1 f 1 r. ) •. ' • . • 1 1...' ''''". , • • ;...tnr• 11.1 r., 1, , ~ , ..1,1, 1 •.t,,,,1 hua. 1 , IV ANTI I) -\i Mal tial ion as II 1ei.1., 1., li. h. ,1•., I. Nlll atirrlt o tot 10 ~...,..1. %1 ~, .. ~. „.,,,, „ ,„,,,,,,,,,,•”.1. , t h., ,0,•.,-- :, 111, .+,„., A.t o t,.. to o to ' ow} l ' 1 , 64 FOIL le VERN OR CEN. JOHN W. GEARY, coUN CY. ItA 11141. t:oNtri =I I=l voTicE TO A OVERTIs CRS •• La .1., b.rraftrr ai: titan rtl...r on, rte,,....1 ELls anol. Most be MEM =I =MEM a: , t. •, c. C to, tvr lull., ll= =Ea r from a, n. t, cattier.. al F F N . I FS HI MO% I 111111 OVUM - 111•11 •% . 111 Pr1 , 1.1e1,1 A 2' . 10 • • ...II tl 1 . 1 .1 %,14! I L.• ..[ • r .11; j 121,111•11 I= .11.1/., 111.1 11 h 13Inag.— !III: t,.•11' I Ilt loft i ii =1 •.I.tent be Hi •.I. I ~•rll.li, 111141 IdhclAilCrr , I 111,1,1 Zi.t I, , he e-, , L ;,Tess mss hyldw re.it thc. 11,r) per It: the Pre.slit.h: hl 071, I❑ 111. ,'./urt Mc Ilea it. lepartlliClll9 77 it plain to erery fau auL.l,l Lust galore. mil consent liEllE=IIM!! 1= tie maLei , f F.pponitment only one ex save pren - lhure—that of 1,1111111a11..ri e Seine has the ngln and ,illl V Ito se befcr lb. LA LlllGuto , ll , am mad,. reje.:t if they ate urzzizati•faz tory hen the Prer . ilenz aiirni z pi• ze z 'keep ma, t. I 11111 DIME =I th( Proms I. f I F' r • t urnily , 1, , - ..f I'rt 144 ,1 =EI r, • - th• hh 1.1“,111b =M Vroi , I It I, Cll,l ll= =III I. “11 4 t11111.. , 11 Mr .\ e 7 nti~ it ..4;i t. !i-• I . • noittll, 11= ISM MED L ip • 1••'., •fl 11;$ .5 vt,:ol: . , r MEN =II tarn 1, a_t:o Iwo •tt L1,..i.~•r MEE= TI ME i ,-I alh‘ /CO it lltacit 1., I=llll= ,r I , H i I . :till!. liwt utd.•p.p.! Iti tll I 1 141 i i1. , 11 Tilt piiitt ti, lliE Itulitirliallatil the Prrstd, ul i -rrritnebt 111.,ugh he ,snue cot the ii ames wrrcganti, ?,, Ice Ti,., ernuient is organized in three general d. visions. and 1 tat , - divairrence of all these to plot .de and dot:inutile how a man once inducted iota office shall be got out before the euitration of the term for which he in appointed in in,umbetit can le removed, not dy the .-.lpritai or will of the Executive, hut under the opera• tier, framed for that speethe lend IHF tiV,ATE MASSACHURETT, leYotria cco..std.raltie time ;luring the cur rent session in projatt for connecting tie railway system of the British provinces with that of New England, by mean, .d :that is known as Inc European and North American Railway, ciiartereci to the Lee islature of Maine it it iesigned to stall from the boundary line between Maint New Brunswick,at which point it evil cetn sect with the line from St Min Flinn St. John a line of road is already in opera tiou to Stediac, tiptm the Gulf of rence, a. distance of 108 miles Front lies CAN BYLIi brought before the United States 'Circuit Court at New Or leant, tsn Saturday, for contempt in pre veming the opecudon of a writ of segues iraiion The case was fully argued, but the der colon reserved . Tay, small-pot is so prevalent in Trent pcaleau count), Wisconsin, that .ludge Ulint has postponed the tern, ul the Court loon the fourth Monday in April to the s e cond Monday in :line sputa, woman in Missisitippi recently shut her mother and children Op in a cabin , and starved them to death The 111111101iiii wench was found in Jackson, Tennessee. and arrested . Mr. Mos ALL, a Loudon photo s raid..., ' has invented a new solar camera by which he ran ilitiLinify small cartes tie vtstte to hie ' size portraits . Tut: amount appropriated by (*Ong,. to cover losses of Ilovernment ship-builders titbit). is 81,100,000, SO be div ided snaring forty Thy Jou.t hdiug lonituittet tot Rail lwo person.. Edonv of the men injured Irately by lice ways and Canal: , have boo cd,t thorough ezplosiou of the holier of the Pomcnn, ,nvestigation nu Ohio, Iron Works, have lice matter, anal I eicurt since Jird that oonsitleritte lice -accrues of loud and MORE than forty new factories, mostly through husote - s, the la °nowt! rood will 1. 0 produce woolen goods, will he erectt d in not only uttet the interest on the Suite Illinois this eumwer bond,wLirh m ay to :id in Its Aau 14 120 miles was recently math. constructiott.llan w il l prove a productive Millie Michigan Central Railroad in 3 hours investment on its, it hale cost. This con and , 49 minutes * elusion Is fortified by a mass of farts, clas• Rifled under appropriate heads. Pia and other municipalitf6, hare fodriedgne:ll Miller.f'Atis has 125,0001 O,W mires, and much assistance, so ,' It ' this report shall mu67DleL 481 people; 117),Aliii horses; I,ool,Etuti induce favorable action on the part of the Ttutfto are 87,600 churches in the Uni- Mankcitusens Legislature, the succrsc of ted States. They will hold 14,000,00 0 peu -1.. :hn ri torri sincnreiri. • thence a hne to to prileeca of construction Ptctou. 155 mile., Here .r the ode. trateci okn; Ili Two I , ieu. iu ". 0,%,.1rr:.1.1i ten/I.ou !dug LEM C tic 11L51 Ko•tol.. rt.lllll/e1 . 4,A1i) uUn, F. 17 tha , The nth,: I,rm “,,tll,l tl lon .rill. Yru❑ ME r 74A r •.f the New Etichttul lEEE 11.1.1 n;: thy lEEET Our. of v. hit I h It,. 4 1. , 1 driVillk' mn chinery. awl . L,I 1,,t , I , IIIA lor 'ape or four ych • to certain . nln taYf6is t Lint; i t w i 4 . t.• I n . " " ' " 1 "en". • NI , 11,1., 15‘1,1‘.., •••i•P r.Lci 1111. all, j , 1 •1 0 11,, 1 . .1, 111.1..: ,111 111= EliEl -... I 'Q., 111 .1, fl.lll. 1 1., 111,. 111.1111 I. 11. 1 • ''"'• It''`' . l''''''' .." 1, '1 , t 1 111.: 1..... •a , .. 1110 \ ............t`na a ...1.1.1..1,.. ••,,r , ..r.grt .r. In ..al.tall•lrlet• th. .'‘.l.-1-I ,I- P..... ..1 ,r. • .. . • ... 11, "''"''. ' 1 " I t ''"'' l ''t AI'l" ''''' 1111.1 I li. , t........,1 1i1n..11,.11 .11.. l , lni; . l,"', V'""".'''''''"'“".:, 'r,',' , r th ' . '"".,"" h • I I:',,,"".. " 'I . 15 ' ,..1i11 ' a " .'r ' ... ' ..:. ° :.'t .' , " ,‘, ' ,.. ",.'"..' n " . a . „:' , ',.t:' . t l .l " ; ' ' ' . '" .: ..11 , 1 erts•d 1117•.-77- tt-070 , - 'mammon. in It t 7,r 70 i t o;dln,, a ~,,,,,,, ~,i',...",',.',', :.. t Y.ltn i .'r ' o " u r :r..... 1.r. ‘, ... ' ...... tl i , 1W. ' ...r, ,tl' fo n .r ''''''''"" '' •'' "..'", '' "" ~ l' • * "'' ' r '' ''"" "' ' l '. I.' . ' I' L:: .'" ""."'"" .! I'I'..LY n:::.,... - „:'', - ;,'..,r , ..' ~,1 v ..Ti:1:."::;:Av ';',:-:::,,,:).‘: ANTED — Good Agents to Sell 1.,,,. , ~,,,,,, ~, , x,..,1 ,,,„, cr ,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, ,60. ! li., 111.0 meeting till! 1.77 held In .Y.I L , •LLIt" . 1. , : , "! ,, 1: : ,, ‘ • / , ! l • , ' , i 'r i, " , ""'" ,, .. Ml 4. LIINI.s lOR 14,4 1, F. . • Pi • I 11l I .‘ 7 i ,Il F.lOl AN \s: It 111 , . AN11,11. , .. ..llA's r 1.14.11 lo .11. T1.,,n,1aV .NIIIV I: next t'l . ..r. " 't ' .7 " ll.:]l ' l_rft.E., Chalr man. Nll.l 1 .-. l' l'll '' l'N..l. " l , r ' ll : ; ,. T 'l l l .7 * ,,• ' -V. '.. r' ~, ..' , ,'''. . • , ~.. , .n..in filo • .1..V.. 1 1!..1 1... religiou , , educat tonal „ , - , , turce....1...1T11F..‘ NI I. lilt AN 1• V P',. 1.. K- II .... ~1E.5.11., 7. roimAILI..I I 1,1 , I ;r.. 'P., 1 . s ii ‘4 . ..".','',."... '• l'''''''''''''''' are al: no . 14...,,....1•1 1...."..4.1.1,,- ~..1 ...,,...-..... 111.1 eleemosynary MN., 1. , . 111 11111 .filli.,lll ~,,,i 1 , K . 1 . ,. . ‘,. ,. Ii„ (~...„,,,,,,, ,„ I L ,,r I. ' • do belLer with thr... 11....1 wlth .ns ..ther war ...,1 .•' ~. , s ‘ ,r. .. „.., 1 ;real 31.11,ef. hat . re-71Ited nem it, rTI t•ing the ~..,,, .. .111c111 all.; t ..11., 11..11 ., • L 41.1. , ,T1 . 0%4:8E55, *rid DISTRIt 'T. T.4,11T1111:LLY,,z.rv,v,,,,',,":,!,7;.'',.‘,,,,,.,;!;'.',•. ,^ .I';` '%' ' •. ...111 to ttn7o. nt and r11i..1,11 lithe , II ha. of Wiseottsda, wi lt meet ~ m., 7,,„„ , ~ ,„, HON. 1_ K. MOORHEAD .7770712:1,703tae7 al ar .7tmetitnes linpiwlled 111.11 n \ vrV Iltnt:. pro Ilr ' i ' la ` I'l ‘ l ". , 1 . 1 11td.' , 1 7 t l7l ' 1 I'l" - ANTE D.--ii 1 ,400 PlEll It E. 4 It I I i'" ~- ~,,I th.,l th7i 3 O, o t x,„t, a ~ . 117. ""''.., 1 ,4 ." b1‘ , 77. 11 .'"" •'h' I"'''' o "RI" fr.." , r r -Vt'e want A.:ENT , ,•,.r..1...r. to -. ; r 77070.0, of all 11..• ri, . lopertle. in ana „ :7 , r , 7 • , ... , ..... , ,... , 1 . .. , (14 , .. , r ,, ...5 „ 1 , 1 ~. .t 15 , ,1 . e ., , , . ,, 1 , 11 . 11. ; 111 , n n: m .nr . l ‘ .. i 1111P...1/yl.: yTWF.!, TT -1 ...I. I, Alt ,i. P. I, t. ‘l . S , • 1 . \ . 1 1 ~ , . ' Flue WIII Y1'111111" '' •l ii•.‘ 1., , .., o WTI 11 , 1 , ,..11 held 111 Illi , Wlt) 11 the s,,h, it , , , ~, , I. \',,,,,, ” 0, i , ~,,., ~, ‘, -. 7 ..” i . .., 0ner..... i',., the rt.+ Illstrint. ...Went tu a I ;,aV r ''',,,',i'',,', i ''',.*,'",,7, ''' , '," l. '!„',= ‘ •',',',.l,`,T,''',, r ,,, : ',„„. ' ' '',.. .. • ..... •. to 1 InI LL a I, l , ..''''''''' ' "'int` 1 ".!`'.- stun pn.1.1. Th....NIA Marhinr.L.LPlLl la I al., L` L .'lli L. ,L,„ ~ , , , ...., L!.. MI, 111 111, ag, is 111, 1 0.111.1 . . 1 • ,1111/1 , pro t,„l t l y I„. „, ,1„ ~ , „, , 0 ,,, n O, 7 ... 11-77 'll''' . i for les, than p... n 1.1.-1. ...rn frail,' 11,21..1 by it .ro., ' , ' ' Whe.i•er & 11114 , , G 4 ,4 ., 4 b.a,r. Pitn,.4 ,s tht from till , embarrassment. it I, ll 1111111.4'r Lrft. ,, lfo.lll NI c on t . 1111 , 1 • L Is E . ...ef - 4 uNC.;IIIIsS i nevi f1ar1i.1,44. Ail wther ILlLatp NI.. hint, sr , - ' : 1 . ..1 - colli!Talllitilion 1' , .1. lit. II "Li , (.1 1 11.11 •I \\ (' '.1,... TniNit.n.ral.NT , . t..lrt•nlars fro.. A.1.1r...r, or ca.! 0.,.. 1'11..1 .. a on aIIAW • llat.liti, tfiddsrvrd. 31a.1.... ,sa. l'n3l'llettllV, in I.lln L'llill.,l Stlllt. , , il land "'um) . ' ':' u '' '''' ' In "ft l''"" GENERAL JAS. Sr NEGLEY de.rnleco.lst tWV 11111.1,ts little dilTerem'e whether religious, . I ,; - : . i ..,. 1 , ...‘ , 1 , ..1 . ~i , . ..1 1 :t ,,,: , t ., 0 7\ 7 , . 7, , , , , ,, , , 1,0 I ...Vt.! It., ..1 . I , A CANIIIIIATF. IN Till , 200 I,IBT RI, T. FOR SALE. .•,in.-Aliouul .7r charitable properties are ex. IT ,_ ii,,, ,,, ~,., , L ,, , , , ~,,,,,, ~,,, , , all. , and - . I L n : tilted Inull taxation t7t nut. .Xlmost all 1 .,,,....,.. ~, i t „let 1 . ,1,1..t , 111 he 7 17, 17..1 E _iiv - i'ONGI3ESS. --The friends of FfIT .. SALE- ., - ... F . L1T1 , ' ,, A N D ,.,,. , , 1:11 , 117 7nr people are contributors to establedt l'rt ....vit ail I 0 .r. re ~. ,111 '... talc helot - . ts, HON. JOHN P. PENNEY , I,.':er'',l l ,`:,`l:„'','" „ 1 ,.",.`,!1', :;','.l, , ~,,‘‘ .',":'„',Z'r:: " 1 ' 1 ' 1! mart. (or tilos. , ends , and the peoph• a .., 107 . -ent ..7.71•7'd rd. , LI, 1 Produrs. llta•lne4s. Ail ~ 1 :1111.1111,11 . .1 , .... IL I 1 IL 11,. " . Pr••rhat 11.- name to the , ohs nntlon .4 thin ' confidential. Addreeil r". 7 KO. 1•111,hurgl -.,1\ ha,' I 1.1.• 1)111.1ic Inge , too pat It. - r” , is. "'"t k ' ll"'''' ''' R . I"' '''''' ' ' ..: , ~,,t, ~...„,„,,„,,,,,,, a , „,,,,,,,a„, h ., 70,.. ; t atecntr , 1h7.. te...-ed the 1,r ; ; F., 1.. , 111....1., 1..11 .10.11 ...rt.' ...TIP.'" rantthe litolivy (units t, \II •JI lii. .........._ F OR SALE—IOWA if'',Tuilit°ll:tii..l.l)llll.A:l.N, AS I P -S T I II ° 11?T ° 1 ''''' L . 4 4:. — FOR SIIL'REI'F, • -.ann. the 1:1 • 1, If elturclwa, cilllehr.... -8 Illt P EItSCIN 11. ITEM", ACItF, trF LAN O. sitalated he N% t hive t It, _ _ il:II 11, and hospital. au tared, 01 her prop - • SAMUEL B. CLULEY, Hamilton emit.), itt•ta. 0", tar line.' 11, I'aeltr. Railroad.) te „fiery' for L.ll, fur rna. 1,4111 IL. LL .4.1 i LEGAL. 1,, -, i s ~... . Pto a 11.1 , it .1. , 1. litt DI ern, have a trifle less to contrlbult 'I ll''' , ‘ 7 1 ,,, at ,, n ~,,,, 1, ,, , „, ~,,,,‘„,,,,, ~,.,,, 1n.,,,, II ...).Hon ti to. t nook Itepublh•rt i ...in- ,-,,„--, --- Antra.,- ''IVNKIC.. " 4, ' ; ' ,1 .' ( )1111 . H 4N s• 401 ITT s 4 LE. 11l ..i.tr, ...,.... F tent - In \ Cal. taller properlit.... o ill Ilayl• 1111 131 1 .•I ~,,,,..‘ 11.. .1n,,,, 1,, 1„,,, , 7 1. 1,1,,,,,.,,, r,, ie, V raiN4Nl a little. The odd , . In Ilt , 1 "Il.l the l 111,7 r,tll , ', .it 1...11i111tt11. , .. “I t 1111- liArFOll StlEltlF F, VOR SALE--A Valuable l'ountry !,'',:'',` 'u` '''' ' ‘.' ''''•':'';'','l',',';':,„ n. Realdvner at raigeattod atatlet. 1 tin . •yi. out& . 0 , „. ~,,„, „ „,,,, • .• .. ..... , t! o t . ,. ,et un, i , not enonolt 177 gel •••.•1 li .1 aI.III tom , 7117'71 70, \I on 177‘ ,al the 7 , 7 . I .. L IL II CHARLES BARNES, Railroad. one and a half alt, 1...1.1 NS 111.1noturg, ~,,,,, ~....., , ~ ~. ~ „, , ~ .„ ,„, ~, .•.,,,,, . 0 , . int. V et, SUMS Ind 1...n . 11..,, of hand,. nor new Irwpll. , m •,,, a a ,,„, „ „ ~ „,, , , ,„. s s s ., . -........- IV seVill Vlitr- tag real-Falling tear ismay nlet —l3. uuderlleath L , ~ , ~...,. L ,, : ...., „., ~,,,. ~, ~,,. rh„,, IN ARRAN. \ o .41 ring th ,, lira( ,Imirt, "I )l u:-. E t s ,, R , st , s , ‘, ~ , „,,1 , „„,t I . 11,. 1, ^ ,,,.., ' il ' , `' , "'' ,:::: . T I' ; '.. - g, I',7„„:!..:7‘;;; `,;;.,;•;;1,„'",;', L7t1,`,.?1.1-`2r - ,.`LW:.'.`":.',:r:z "4'..`.",,n.'Vr.,.-..` . ..';`, ,!,..,,,,.,, ~,,„:.' ! .;',-.. ,',: - ','" , ,T:", - ,', ."' . i f" . , the current rear. the month rof ration., or Eted, C:0111.11.10 11 n.. lotuot• ..: 1111 fp, II , •11 ‘,... 1 ~,..” . ..,i 1., ii .n ~,,,, ~, p Ni . t o tty . fix , r t gli, 0r . 114 tat . ar..ILItS. a. .• N... YI :1,"..tr. t 1.; ".''.',. n '... .“... ~ t,,i,,, , ,. ~,, o , Is . ~,,. t ,,,,,„,1 m ,,„ ~ In lla i'.. 10 lte, tot ,u mine o loot I . ltid (L4y - FOll !SHERIFF', --- 1,011,1.;•,..ig , ..I 7,, pre...7.ll,l••melai .1- t `OR SALE. lillfl,l, M., n , 1..111. , • ' "-la.' M., Ili ...if- 4' I JOSEPH ROSS, !Oa w. 1.. Nyht , .• Limo tut. • • k .1et,,.." 1 • •.. r T. 1 o 1.....1.1 1.1.,er mark , . Jeer 11..1 I-. \II !. plotto- ex `... lia 1.1 lUe I. Int ~1,1, 11ir a b,,,,,, .., b" , ~,,,. MO Illtlrlottln Nrn.. r.t .....r.r.a..n. . ... .. ot kll 1,1:1,, • . A....t.. ta, ,,,,„„ t, , a ~,, ~, ~,,,a, I , ~ ~,,,,, ~, ....,, a ,,,,,,, ii,, a , .1“.• fol ....herld hdhp el t.. 11, • 11,.. LI Lilt 011101. PLL ii... 1 1 41• 11 I .iural. LI Lau F lITI. ••...• I 111-1A.1,1i ..,•.1 " 1H .:hit t ••unty • on, rm.,. zahlir t. Al 310 I Ita rII 7',,.1 wt . :. 11•15. IL ' , ill, II k 1t1t1 , ..N ..usroils” ~..,. ler h. 77 the 17 :lel ', t.. w t ,t7lil h Iv 1..1. .1.1 _ ,a7 ., ,Fosk . irr spa 4, A h\V,AI I k. r i 4 ILILIC.SAS .E OF RIL'AI.EsTATL. _ I.`OR SALE , AN OAKLAND REM- t _B. . 0 Ito-4 at. .. 1.-1 ..1 tio. i ..nrt of ...n....,.. Tealt - fallut. --; '- 7 7. 7.! '' ' 3 -•; H* r:1:41 YOUNG, . I.rs.F tole of then L tat d• 11.elo.fal •itd to 1'1...t• stolr• • ..la •la. r• I.e. \\ Inel.. I ( err., I. Inesll null , It• u bite- 10 i/lelitl.lstel , X \3 H. t Ali At tt. ..,, , I 7 ~.1v 7t7 II , P ~e 4, ..... ,_,.. Sllegle to ...e.iity ulllt 1 I *FI , I , lIIiII It 1•W ,• I ..I.,ertrl.l. -.. i.... t ....‘11. • 1•• ..0 Oa Inter... , Lt.., ....tr., 111 the 1.1 , ,1rrn ....p...... 5n... , ... I ~.f ...., I LILL,„ L. i• 1. dd. lor ,elirittn4 ..uri 1611, .111,4 11.4 I(Ot.t, Itilleh lii. , Cla nig tlit ...1,. , , 1,,, _ . ~.. ~,, . I ~s mic , 1,,,,,,4 , ~., . -.... Lte .. . .ti.„617,,,,w.„,,,:1 7 ,,,, ....at* 7 •sr.or 0:07 k. A Pre • lt • reilk 0•. ..1 111.1.-111.1..r1i11. 1 „,, a ,„!... 1,.,„, a , „ 1.„,..1 I „ , ~,, a a , . ~,..17.„i;..r..-7.,t...-42-::,-:.....-. t.1111.11L1.L.1 111. tam-. ,II .1..11311, h.-..... at s, of i,I•IN 1. Bali LI. „..,,••....• .1.•• • , • i , ....,, 111. 1111,,, or •xt i them 111 ttileuv , s, m bile Oh , lilt,. 111 , t . ill 111. V 1• II ..11. 1., ' . .t\ t\, lilt I .111 ',LILL, I;' ' old. klld Rea, ,tni, /tr,, r ...ILL,. L•I L.. ...,1 Ir. ,it 11., I. 1..1, 1,41 PLLSII. .Ira N , P r 1 •osr.l. r,. i •Itatare In r..... , .h. ..•..n...., ~ ....gh,..... n.... In'llt..l 1.. work oidtrot 0 de- COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, _,,..„,.... Nil- 1.11 It.• NI 17-771- ' P'` h I.771l17: Is L'OR SALE: --THE P11.11•T1C.4 I_ .1. .... ..,., ~..... , , to.otitto do Ho 1in0... „ ~,,,„„,,,, ....., „. 111 , ... I . IP.. ~,,r , „, I . 1, L ~,, ,It ~, ~„„„ , ~,,.. ~,,„, ,„,,,,. 1 urn,. . • I tut 1.•.. 1 .1. i . 1.11 id.ltl 1,11 , 1111, I ~,,,,,, ~,,,, ,r,,• 1 11 I t, B .llll l t ~. .1) n...1,111e0, till ..! 1,:t• ,- 11, Illflll s ..I. ..o a.......,1s for ~ ....112, burnt., L., the he. talon enlarged An.l twapr.."....1 Alpo., ..11, half...rt..- -LI ”" ' '''; '. ''‘' ! ''' '', ::',•,;,., ors". eI. p0,1,,t, • It. - .1,,,,, , I ''''' P n.." ' ' ""n ' ' '''''' .."n Itl • • i•Ilt1 Rit. • hill ...I lite ti.t.tti. , tlitilito) ot Hie leQ, 1 1 , '•;••I' . , 7, •' ~. ~ 7...... A5,,,,E„,,,Lx, a-hottarat,a7 rune a strum I.ln tot. , liktild 1„1.. A ' 'L " L-"•L • L ' : ': • .. Einpl L , l l . of RUL •I / 1 The minive to the , 1 ; .„ ' , ' . `,: 5 . n ,. " I """" nt 4"'l I '''"‘"" ''' I `'" ako . uni, ut e. • 1.. tu• tt a, t•• le• spur.. Islt . I 1, IV S. 1 \\ I .1 HI I I ...not... Ali uit. ../... Lel to the -...,..., r..,, st :1111 In ' t un " "'' n ' 4 " L '''' '" II " . In. '""'''' ""'S ‘ t' itil i 1 I La. 7 1.. ate, ,it I -7-77 7 7..77 JOSIAH W. ELLS, i FUTS - .1 . 10 • A • 1 rat.l.,,rh i . , ~11,.. ~,unpt , ~,, , :' "' ,I "" "..' '''' .1 '. 1:..1 ‘ '" ;"D"r '"1" it °' it ?"o l 51 I t, F ..1 tini.elluli , lh, Itt nl. 111.1111......0. Wllll lion aa ,,,,,_ ~, I ~ ,,,,,, i , „ ,•,, , ~,, 1 ,, i „,1„..,.. al , I LL1 ,, 1 .L .1t., ,1 4 1 . vi..lJje., 1 • 11.. 1,1. ,u I ...... I ~, ... H . .., ...I ....1, . atten.l. S. ~ P , ' FOR SALE, ri4l7t , of the people, nor In 17.1 malevolent 77 . 171 77715111 .5 -.7 ignir. ! . 'fie ..1 . 1 kern , I.: ~:. .. 40 .., 01R 4 ssEmßLy. _ k .71 ivrsllll7o', it..., of IwiWtri I.V 11., Eli. k .. Li l l I \ !t:. ti," tran.lsl .1 'I the Fla ate 7.0 but in tile 11100 that 111. Impellat an 11,Ls .I•-•a. .1 -X'f•hk- e is...leittot it , . (Lori((' 1.,1 he ,. ~x,,,,,,,,,t 1,,,,,,,e1y. I. tiddtu7... ,, a u t „, l t i u. ,,, tatr ,i . 1 ti:e I yerot , nt t-tate ~,,, .„, „. , ~,,, ~L,, , ~,,,..1. ~,1 , ,,,, , ~, „„ ~„, 1,00,1,, 4, 707 a,71 tn ..f the 1te1.,..,.. ..... lut.n . In A 1..... '''' '''' liberate many milhot, 70 ix tine people „,,,,, ...,-,,,,„,,,,,,,,,, ay:, h 11./11l 1181 nry ' L . F,,,,,,,, \l IE,, ~, it., :5,0 1.., i t_ -- 11111 ASsE:NIBLY. __.......0-._ Flame( 1.751 -7 .Lll,Bl 1,. g .1 1 , ht. ll I ." Li k Too ..atelliteN oi the Presi lent arc 31.11.1 g SAMUEL CHADWICK, 1 T.l 77 ! packst.- PI. li, 'a" Ileht , Le ... tt the .I..lruct of eiturtiera untie' a 1111)11111" .ig -IT 4.,...2 - - ...• •un.e. , tr. Mr • 11.. L. LA (1.• ,11100 itr.p,.1.11. w. i c1,,1, Assistant•Posthootter iteneral Ita , `l''' ''' , 1,. 1..... t lt, forme.. VIL 5t.,1.11•1. I •.1„11.,11.•it • L GALL coolly informed Senator liowi 01 _ La , • '.l ' '",,,`.' , ‘ , , ',`, l i e ,e ' r n a '", „ ' ,:; ,, , v i ~,,.. ~,,.' 1, 1 , t1' i : 2 ; I : , :: , i ,..... ,a .,.... L"'" r ' o s j i "" A "' s ' scminci, 1 r,l, Fn .Hi Hot ot . i . ,,i..r , oiler 1, .41. Wia,•011S111, that "no man should eat Pre l lXt r ednea.7.la , in the 1....tg,1it00 Ii .ol the 1 , herr, ~I.NL L/1.1 bat 21.1..1 11 . ..111 I ... 1 , I'LL' , ".:', ~.' ‘-1.:"": MAI, GEN. 1. B. KIDOOO, dent luaNaccx 5 Illefol All.l bullet MI, .11 , 1 CIIN. ltr 1 , net. ..11. ..1 I ..rda,lerat, , r .. 1 t , 177 ea, 'eel To I4a lee, ..il . !LPL AZ. Ihe el wl .fti. el 1r„ ,N. ort- were 17.7 :77:0,7 ar Me 1,1.1 •n.114 - ii. I's \,a..lid ull• ti] T'' '''' ~•I support h,-, p,,l,ey Do itte:7 thud , r , '," -1 . ~., ~..,„ _ __,,,. Ito- 1 1 „„ , ," ~, , le.-'- . n , ,• ~ ~,,„,,,, „„„ p „ . .,,, „ „,,,,,,,, .„,,„,, ~, fftare.l. ItuLliting. •nd s I enlill tik.645. ..I Ir • ~,,,, :\ LB 1 EBBEN I r. a7l) at XVashington that :XL Ina:'``.7, ~,I I, : • , i' , , , 1 . ' , ~ 77 , 7 , I i t:: ~,:, ~,t ~ r , ,, , r _11 7 , 7, l i r. , ~1 ; , ,, , r , r , .' , ... , 1 ,. I n t 1 ,t h .:. 1. ,. . !, .. , 1 ,,,,t, i ; . , nr , ...a „. . , , , .. , .:11.1 . .! . t!. ,. 1 . .... , . ,,, A ,, teem 1. , nr.r .,..,.... . , 1 ,. .r rt n ia :r r.. ., ... rt..... ;. . , . 1 . 1 .;,.. . r, , , r , r .. ...... , rta r n r r r a r i r . r :.t.l , - . .. r .. s r, t . tn,ll. 1.11;5 ..,.-.I ,h h hilagnft., littll pa,,l. '' MAO. ~ L.. I i M I 1.L.L1:. 13, I I.r I ••1 .... r • ,Lit 4 InIt•I at ..ill I rt., .x I olifetierait . c,ie.. - VOIR ASst: '941L1 • Ine-yahoo 11 11-11 , Tall•sD`..l. FOR 5,41. E. lII' 1.1,, .I 11,7 rl,•hl 7.7... , •4 tll, id 01..., 1 I'lllls 11. 1 , LW Ii I \ Lit, Is•eli 1,1111 I[l o lll'll ',T.,. 111 - I',. 1 • i. .1 1.111, 077.,77 I'd it IV Inch, stet I Ireinta, w loch ,- ,l“ 1\ 'LI :. , air.., , , I l • litql'leLl 1.1. calatala the remain, of the 1'1,7 1.7. ~ ,t,. it .- , mho:. I ti .t 2. ILL LW I. „it : , tale. -,1t11,1, ILIII. II 11l 01111 liilllll.ll 1111 1, ' to L 'IL •I IL . 1 . I', / II L ‘. ''.. ti , i the Shenandoah Valle) It 1.• .ittlitted ye-t 7 1.17, aft, I: dill al; I tlitt . U. ot tit.. Rester.. portion of the It., 11, and ttetrnitt.' ...inn, aldoil 31.1 Ile re anti a hall .klotili , ...I,r hundred kailt•• 111 Fv‘irral w.1.11t.1 , Wt., ttlew.t.ly 1111. rrl,l ..I. the ,111.1 pn,'l ..1.1- 1 ~ 11 , •r•lr., 1,11, .111.1 1111 . 1 oto. I.ontl red hai. ' 77, 7' . • "'WI' , t ,!,uc .. '7 • 0.i1 L 11, , • • 1.. I: 1 , I, llii I.laiti j . 1. , 1...,t1 Ll, rued then sill'” o til I,r 111.1,10 1.. '.. Ian -11.71.1. h. In 111 A 170....7.. Ex xt.s a .11,07.7 .71 1 0 ,!,,,t. L,..,,, , ,1,,,,,. tit', 1101 on , tirreoil . .i 771 t, the . 2 .. .111 .01 i h . ~ r,.. , , i ]; MEI fr,sl t tic il.t [MEI I ns I , I I , r _ln , NI., If GI:NEMA I. NI V. =EN „. . „ ~ !.lath,, eiitht ..T nine ear , :l g.. • ,t rande on complaint .4 4 mink .1 Toter, , :ay, site had at/ illrsrill 111111.. he Es ills, which 11 , Strfillgl, l .(t . ter It, birth his lately married a reve, Lill,- lady ol EV:Lt..% ill. whereupon Mr- N „,„•,, Tim, Ire! Ivan nrre,ted A locr.Tltt Tt .tat Err At `I” Illh .1.1.P"A e w,th u , enzin. buil., is.. 1 he I:itildoir ~11, , wn• ! •entrn ea pie.l !ow mi NIT A12 , 11,- , .11, ‘0116•di. , 11:1 , , 0111 E. l'he Ihioltler., of Coo- Nlr 11 , mard ~tn‘e au , ' tocetm I , ,„„ ...„ 4 .. 11 a • win...everal other latililinc, wa , tin. I. unknown A 11,55 113111,1 11-agenian ( e • it 1. vide in Itenrdmmn ism n is i IL' 1 , reported to have I.een worth $115,14a1 'N; 01'11 E $ll,lOO, and he otneiied the idea that 1,,• t,. death. and \ , •i calamity' -I that ,latty 5111 tlo the harn I , Liu 111.1 huuc Lulu:A - 11 lii. wile I,fr tr t • 1,1.• e‘tin. t at hun n, MO he .11,1 altar 1.11 limo • • 1 utiil 1414. 9111161. A 111.11 Well -true 1. al 1,•1 puuy , eue Duly 1.1e01), TIIIIV.- lityal ‘VeMel, filo 11 , A 1 , 4 ,1:: fifty rod- f..`fitn 11:c I,aviy nu Ihnu , rr rail, lied I,N Under' , :SO A. 11 ti , k it, The excitement t, greitt >I ueit he till Vitas Iv 3-1 :Al, as at' lanni,ge aa. read% It prrovui, 1 ,, be a very laree a',ll -- Repul.tg Ji not. lit •TI It, la the Memphis C nuu nal Cowl, has decided that the law of Tea u.,see, discriminating against colored per .sus in the licensing ul billiard tittles, 1, u, ' “arti, I with the ,•161 rights a. t, recentli passe , . I P t'ongre and theretory void Th e negr,n, of klympits !nay now open as many billiard saloons as tier want scrkets thousand barrels or flour are le ing iti the N artMOUSe of one mill at Milan. awns, Minnesota, awaiting the opening of navigation, to be shipped ..1.41 , 1 Nearly three million bushels at wheat are in store at points of debarkation on rail and river awaiting shipment, which does not include the large amounts still held by farmers JAMBS L. robzwAti, a member of the Indiana county, Pa., bar, convicted of st duction and sentenced to the Penitential) for one year, has been pardoned on condi tion that he pay to Lucinda Snyder, the Prosecutrix, the sum of $.1 , 000. lle has arrived home and complied with the condi Mons THE Preatdent's message was read In China forty •three days after it was read in Washington it was telegraphed from Washington to San Francisco. and carried thence to Chinn by a sailing vessel, that made this remarkable quick paasage of fur ty days \ll , llll, , 11 112 `‘.. w, I=ll PITINIRP.I,II t,AN ,11110 Si 7 ...NIP • • 1 • .7 •t,.. = %t I C. 1.1 ANI I• 1 1 ,1 I IA lE' 11 lALF k I II NLOTI('E TO OWNIF:RS OF DRAYS, 1.11 id , .. , ^, 1 la. I ownahtt .I. PIA , K.` , . d" , . -Non-.. 13 he.,, K.,-,0 14, .1,,,, Fon REGISTER. ~. ned •ol [ote. ..t i , al rixgr• 13“,,,1 , 0, A •• bether rs'..lent ..r ro,t,Te.ll. t.s i, the (dr, ..! Fittsbusal, to pa, thy, I t• yur• a at tio Tteaeuret 'a JOHN SMALL, °thee of lh , t 1.• of l'lttthuran F. di 111 W I 111 it, ,"..'''' . '''' '''' ill -1 "*. ,,, d , i'bnt — Y , 1 , 1 I'lliebut,n aohjort to thy aetlun ..11 thy 1 ohm March a. tahr, shd Fil , ttneu . at the Le. d...1,..,1 Itspel,ll It. I noun t ona anti,. _ ter the • cat a l'ltial hort, ~,,.....1 Apr ii la Ma, and all - ••• 1 ap., a Ip. 11,10. r. al r • .“, T. t•lir out 1.1 , votes "FOR REGISTER, ...It, Ur euldect t., t ~. oalts. 1 . to. rec. , ere.' Lel., . Die dtayor, 1111 , ,hty the alp uf the 1.1,•••• - )OSEPH H. CRAY, The oid medal ids,. of id, tr , os yeArs 0.411 oe re Inrard al the "hilt I....eatee art totes, ...t h• pta Y. ern. therefor Ili e... tux ustilo, "111. dl 1 o. F, Ifblia Pa. Kith Marled" , LB kr., a dun.led and dlsabled at the hattla of Fait Oats, Each One Hors y I ch i 0 -so *tithe, to thy ;vision of the talon Republica, Each 1 re. Flossy I chicly I's et, t cunt, l' , 2r. vent,. aplade . . East Four Horse Valk.. F. 41.11 Two Holey Hack . n • .k., FOB REGlSTER, ifmalbuses and Tim, r Wheats ,11,11/11 bY tuo horses, 401 Oa each For corn andltlonal horse woe? R. D. HOMES, i„.., 0, ~,...,,,..... spills., tl on. '''''' '''''''"'"" M ' ' 11l 1 "”""' t•f Sarsultan HOt oh 11, aobject to the deals on u orlrrthr 401.1. F , ehruarr "Ti, lad.6.—tyA tbae_td ~, ,, ,e . v uti1k9.5_, , , ,,,,f6, c 0.,,„,,,,. aphis, `"l'i,T.,l.Ttl:.` . .r.,`A;l,;',"irg.' . 1 14 - ",- - fon aki•iiiiiikit. . _ IN PURSUANCE of the Tlsit Sec = Una of .n Artselatlnp to Allophsny County ap HENRY SNIVELY, proved the tat day of May , laed, th e the AIIIVIIII , 01,1110 •ald broth., appros.,4 amp dpi 01 , .11, 14,1 , 1.1,111 g •rll PIO aborah hilt be a caisdt, March. lerl6, I. DAVID AP KEN Jr , Trraenre• of u,, c o , ~, ‘ p„,,, „„m" ~p ole, " 6, 'h a ...ttnet of th• a• 1 11 , eunlT, rereby Ow out 1 , • , ‘ the Ifulbleata• ' Union Ilepouttran I .1.4 t.ouryntiot a":6.tt of the at • cent Ward, 14 , troopha and TOWitablyis will - - ' - ' ' a....-E re open. and I wit' be prepared to feeolrethe Cour. ; ,- ,X — liroll RECORDER. Iv Stair Poor son Work-Hone, Is-es for Ited au u- ~ and after the I , IIIST L/AY tIE MAC', Intl. Sald Taxes Call be paid at the Treasurers Int, anti t the ABDIFL M'CLURE, FIRST DAY t•t' ALltitS3 with a daductlnn •alp FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT for prompt pa r- 'd el 1 bin I otrashlp, WI II It • vandlolatt N. 11l anent to any persun paying the whole ainoUnt ot • • •idor tint r'•l to the 'triton of Ow l'ld R oa epal , ll their taxer. There will be no deduction allowed on au • , alllY , ' , n1 , 11. no, 0p24.0r taxes paid during tbe mouth of August There will ,___ al ,..., be TE.N FER CANT. ADDED to all taxes remelt, FOR RECORDER , Inifitipath OD the brat of September. apS,AX•I 6-719 N OTICE—The undersigned, Corn .1. B. COPELAND, A , missions., named In the Act tit Assembly entt Ili . ~, ,i,,,, , ,, ,, 1 . 9wn.,, , , til, ire . ol stlidate for 11 , I tied ' 'A n Act to them - port It the , tuldert to the der I a ••ro Ine ous h tin; Ru ENTERPRIZE INSURANCE COMPANY tin; t ' , De.. ''•n , "nsehtlon aptl-b. OF prrrentraoH," -' APProed the VIA day of March, A It . laid. alll open Hooke and receive aubrcrlptlona to the Lapltal Storkof sald CoMpaby, on the 19th Day of May, A. D., IS6fi, Al ~., 0 ~iock a. al , tat the I•it'llT11 NAIII I, A I UNION DEPOT HOTEL, NA NH. In the City of Plttahursh. l',11.• .1 AMESI Ii`CONN , ilt. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, • Va di,. opyb tot puddle a,..1.1.11111,11•1.10l. 131.1T111'11 W11.1.1A11 IIAt•ALF 1 , 1•01 at AY: i• • br 1t... E F,'SsiiN. I' "''"''''''''''' I IIESTA URA: , I II HASLAIEN I. •tpy it at AI.I .1 A ME: , lIEHDAIAN, i 111 d'lLa, let th.l night 'fund.) n excepted. R. HI I/0 Lk 11 1 PIII.Ii 1',.• my 1 10.1 IRA A (111 , 11 , 11, Soo apla . Ito , l. . . . _ SEMMERe 'STETSON H(/USE, 1 ".."..' N A n ''''" ”... 1 f. L. , 1.4 t. Illt a NCI I. 0 rm.' .mic,,E., PI ilabbatiti. Marsh nth, tat, . 11,1. orw and ideal., Hot. I ••• 111 hs op• lied for the TUE NOTES OF THE CRA IV Eff if D . aysa••ll ou or sada l the Pith of done near •1111. lodel I, 4., OTT BA NE. Meadville: OIL CITY II ANIt . l• partly ularly arranged tot the courforl of 11/11111. , . 11), VENASR.:O HANK, Frank., and 1 . / ' Rooms ,115 he Ifftraloal fat 1110 ileaa,ba hl appllcapoo Ttit•LEUNI Ilk i 6 'fltbsvllle, 0111 1101 hereon, I 1 ',.11*V1.7,111"1r Root.. ‘ .11 1 ,41,.. " ;, " ,iriL.. 1 ., ' ,4 : kf ,„1 i4.. ", ; ... ~...,..a. by Is Bank. r01,0,1f trltl/. 'l' VAN 1/lIRTN. 1 *order ad, {the Alto, Ilan.. In • leo Ito. pima* mad la. tare Ihel, fouled, A law abates of stork reni•ln no dlaposyd of. Pastier wlahlug to anbaCtlbe ,an do ao I.y appllentlem to .1. D. t'UltLlEft„l remotes, 171 broadway, New York. my i ditt' 1: • LEcTioN NoTiCE. - The A _no -, •, r ~..., lon for I /tr....tors of I to. CO-PARTNERSHIP, BIRMINGHAM GAS COMPANY .. _ .... ...._ __. , , o- PAHT N ER NllllO NOTICE. ~ . he host . t, oft.. of the ~onpun,. oft !MN- 1/A l, HAT :t If icoi at, u ihe hour. ,4,,. 1 r r C Ilsv.^l , 0 ." " 7 ''....'"•••, ~". oi. VI 0 0^, o'otosl. r. si. If. order ' '"' "" P. . J. VISA NI . E. rre Islli routine do It IttiVlCltl ha Faa at ttie °id stand No. 11 iiii=lotil I' in "' I". ''• S''''r. '''' A f• P.%ritAAlN'l'Lr. f . ...1‘0.,. the style of WV.1.1 A .. h . i t , hl A. , ai it, i lid would rritiosett oily solicit' for tlo. new firm It roolltotanny co the pstrousmo Orretoforr so itherally 1v...Tr01l m i n . 77 If. A i.1./Willefl V PITT. A prll 24, 111SIL--spllrtsrd i , O. PA 'ITN EIIS II IP NOTICE.- -IT° J h.,. (Mr .Isy Associated with us as parlor, and AM-Nita Pg4to3At 41i.00rk.ey -, rral St snag. of the lloutolry ood At Aciiine boat- • ~...... in 'shish we sr.. [IOW en:timid, Ms. JAMM.s ingT rim' COB3ll OP MA I FL CLUE ST 6 IEII Nu. IA lit M.. Clair IIL, deaf duatioosioa 1101110 ~, ~,,,N, formerly or the stell4nowu firm of J. ... Nolson A Co.. and titaekhoose a Nahum, of this i. a l .. I- % a N iike i s inlE gly" '''."'"••• .It.. !WM INi 1 ,1, 1 :ii. '. yiyiao i: holt 01.0111.1. 11.66.—liploihnd PIANOS AND ORGANS put Nos AND UREA \5 GREW RENcrioN PRicEs, To matt room tor nu t. , 1 I Iti. t +llll h VENETIAN BLINDS. WM. G. WRIGHT, 14 Crt RLe SIP V ENETIAN BLINDS, No. 50 Federal St., Allegheny city. **-4 1 Lr1 /15jUAL 70 NEW MEM =NE NOTICES. :. 41 II pe•r*on% interepoled .1 I e 1• 1- 1 ) . 11 Yl.l NI., ItTlll 11 11. , 11`1 , 1 .11..N1, 11A 1.1 t- • I MEETINGS = .t \'x'l,l Cll. ItoIL Alo vlionl. on Tvr.,DA). HON. OEOROE WILSON, 1•ITI It. 1:•1111 01 VEY 1413113111hh1lllit:111. SAMUEL NEELY, Ol NT% 031MISM0AER GEORGE HAMPTON, Olt NT) 4 °NMI:OWNER CHARLES PUGH, ti Ir. a wild... -. f itt .2tt •Fl'• :_e - FOR CLERK OF I'OURTS JOHN M. LARIMER, r vo (I.ERN OF THE OH ,vicr EB. WILLIAMS, JR., 1r , ..t.“,.1. relon FOR 4 'LEHI( I OF THE OR rnk• .1 I. HORACE S. SNOWDEN, t th• 1. ”Olt. 01 THE couirrs. JOHN O. BROWN, ~ : 1„ 1 1;t7 1 . 1 •, ,I ., : J. ~+ :4Alkly. la, 1,11, , C4ir I . OR ( L ERB, OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, al • 1 • • 111.{%11•111 •.iunt.•vr• Kn.l in l. 1. C - 46 1- FOIR CLERK OF curt.wrs DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, HOTELS T HE NEW LOST L - - - • . OST-8•20 BEVVAIRD.—Lost on the 17th of Agri. 0 rt)CILET BOOM containing 'ito. Ten dollare reward will tat geld for Inform.• twtlon as to the party ending the pocket boon, and o dollar. for the reeneery of the inotey. in f.-manna may be leg. with WkSTLRT T.RR. Red WANTED 4 General k; ASHLAND HOUSE. H•ritt..} 1 PIIII .I•EI.rHI. 1-141Lers. 0..,A1 Nul s[l.l nrl,-1“..•.••• II••••• • 11 , a .9.• *ln •I ISDR SA LE 1L....9.14. Car MEI I-040,T A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE 111= Itltl ••• rib misF,el I= FOR RENT I,'Oll RENT--The Lot oil Ilse cur ..r htßuts . n 1PET1101.11• lIINE WhlthS, Wads../'ltler Its Lttr , $l.l lurk Is ..l / th,trttn. rile let 1t...1141 , , front 1,, to h dr., to •sl Wlll lens.. It for nee •.r Crn t,ttr.t. I , iht \X ht. •1 111.1N11T. No :17 Ylr: •tot,nd floor. tut, it AS,44tifteloior AUCTION SALES. /As 1444111,1. T4..1.•, %NIP V1A11 . 51 4 4 st ni•1.1,44..11 AN14,11.1 WEI.] S. 45.411e0tar ntsruslon Ins stod to Me Pat. urea I.I*RNITIL'ItE, C.ARPLTS , in and mad. of 414.444A44. &Co Al' A I I'TIAIN ill TIIIII-41. 1 V• . nsol Al—, 444.4nndard stare, age Al , 111!11 af 0•r14.4.14. at Marontr Mall An. 114.1/. , •••I. :11 p.m eat. ordar.4l hr so.tl of m a nd Fifth ati.v.t. will In 1 , 1 a s s . 4 .. . •piat op t 44 4,,, oi all trill Ftirnitora. openortsing mart,. 4.41. at. 4 1,.41 .1. I •I.• • .13.9.1: tool., le , It dr...ming and plalu 'girt..., • ardroln oh.. m 34 a Pas Is Koaspie. t o nom4l4lne wool oiselo•rd "And, In•r141.• Pop table., glntssa, tg,...14, 44,14,4,1, protutly attandvd to. breakfast. ard and hall table, bect•tea4l.. crib. I 4.14 pr. par. •I leen..., to .itb a r mannta4.4 lutingr.. t o tau. 11.11 m.rtog Inaltra—e. tor,- tor 11.444... i: •votwooto on liberal term, Ito pallowa Mar•allte. 14.4,114111 R, el,ge.‘ en , fr.... It Alb mirrr.. polo 1, 'gat or rhalr.. ....no dintor lain AtuYAa room and chamber ebair, tiro notimi. rain, • Pane. wlsolow shde. earioga. .r are, Ar. Al.o, 4.Mb y•rda slow eat-pats w Ili I, ...4.1 STOVES, GRATES. &c. .„ ,„ tollt purchaser. T 114 " . "'L1..." 6 11101 511 - : 111 . 11.131:RS V ALE 4111. E LIBERTY STREET l \+l, 1 . 11411 . 1.11tTl AT AucTioNltn 1,1,1 110 1 .'.I PEIt S. 1 - 1 . 11t54.445. May •111, at .• . will lo +oh, on 111. prt•ml... I.4barly -stoat epung•nelt, fart frgin rotors . of "'MA,. Iniilny front on I 414 . ors, sleet, of fo.•t, r ttiollirg bac), ters Spring ally., an the t'rar of •ald lot rroet.4.l to itrlok Yuen..: newt lot i• at pre , ....4 d• go..stucr iu 41,111 of In• fart rut.Pr•'l al .at rrader• ealled to 1.1.1. pr•pr Leto.. Pluto . ..1444r .5 I • IFSIPE lig h I N 4: HA \,t dlatele opposite Pa. 11. H. w 40.1.1 •ois • A. 441 a lot An-n,l or' inert-Rutile t•tie tr. t MIT .4.. tit , .,'. los 54an . baianea In one and two year. wills . tug ato,i. an.l great,' 111 terra, ~ r ural by bond and ... rtgagr. .•4.1 (44., of 4411 vrt T-. 4nd 1ntr0d0.4.4.1 nett T A. Mrl'l 511. A 44,1 th. BEST 44.4 4 11154 i It A NUE, t Or. 14.4114. tbr .14 In oral ..1 11l I A 1.11 4. A('RE LOTS Al' All;CT1011. n• • —On PATURDAY A.FTICItAiIItsAI. Mon fah, MIMES /BIM X_s 1-a cis 0 ' """• ‘"` Pr"""'". "" ""'"' h "". f '""' • N... 135 LIP dTEEnT, log on thr Preen Avenue and adjacent 14.1441 g tte, to/. 14,1 1(1 l'111•11 and 111 Ai 445./C ... - )11 will lo• A lot, of ground. ....Mulls, rAn. half , arra. Ai*. Onn /01 In/ lb.. Alenue eollolnlnA s...anth Ward, haring a front of Eal fare •I 1. 4. 4.l'h Th" "'""r" ..""hl "r"" DRY GOODS, TRUNIDIINGS 84c aultable nn inatanfaeturing I', pillar. all on Etqulrr Heed, id 01 niny tho pr ' rpolar , Tarn..ne-third retell; tiataner ono NElli GOODS and two re•r., 111. Intel - Pet. Areportgi by bowl And .1. cnotlgagn T. A 111,1.14.L.1.A1.11, Aso A 1 V ALE A BEE PROPERTY .4T ArcnoN. - tw sold nnl,A - I'l'lll 4 Al Ala, W . W. Idoollll - .EAl'il, . 6th. tees, al 1 o'eltalt r , tli. pretnirre, 3fl 1 DESIMAHLE 11111L111514 1.4 4 1 d. 11... lu W Alaboaeld, Allerben) Pd• no I.' P A Railroad. at:, nate. from Plitnnurgl.,llll4 hot a / K.. fbee7l47l.l%li."atllly'"ollitt'ahlietr,"a"n"d",li"l'i u1 h e 1 44 '. ..V, 1" 4 -. . *. 2 . 151.1 4 114 4 1 N ,1 . I A' I I AISI _A I •elitlenet., nntnn elose elturebe• l stbot„ii..li, 1 V• 1•1. 4 A,Nr, 11 NMI. Hod. Id, and lonia anent .11.platIon, and will be 4.1,1,1 A, AM it' LI V A RI , iltgoP I:116 15, rtserv.. and •su trrina Its atilt oil. ‘m- datto and Edinbrottle red. al g Rpm lwd MAT. HARBISON, A , ..l t NI Markel Street. MUMS MERCHANT TAILORS REmov4.l.. 1. & J. 1. M'CANCE, Merchant Tallorn and Utothiet " li•vr ll,shoovetl to the S. 11m111Mat No. 196 Liberty Street tpwlug to 11,.. lateut•es rL It,, IF porrlsa. nn Itt 'lli lIV 111,4. Arnim partial., 1,.-lug thr Eaati Lile, MI I' L,rr par oil to exhibit good. lor um•rom TILA U K 11.. VK It LOW vti,o Inn Mal I I. hay.' 7 ,, "...hr.! Th.,' ha, •%1.1 de•lgn tao ki,v. • t' , U rElllttit KTOCK or All . A NIANUYACTIIIIK.•II.IFAJIIAI.II. ail rvap....•l NI.N% AND t 1 ,11 , 4 ‘.l , 111,11 , 31 WORK. "‘ " ' " " " '"' l Isll lON %111, F. 3IIL LIN Ell Y . GOODS, GEN. GRANT IC.IV 015.M114.33cP COME 19 NEW SPRING STYLES Flt*l.4ll 1,1.4/1! SOY lEl' Si LT I "1" tEi $7 NI, Clair Street. GRAY LOGAN . 4 xntei HEAiItY G. DALE. BUMCK.ART TAILOR, Duairra to ruturo tbeulte t.. Ms Maude and the pub 1k generally for theft liberal palronage.,•lo would resqlgiy !Worts; them that he has ust return t e Monona market. with ge arkkirell select .took of Fine Woolen Goods; 1 MINgiIsaVitaVENTLEICIII4,II LPN bB BOOKS. ST NTIONEB Y. &e A Ni• 11001 t.. Al.oo 0 ' mi NI it ir I: , 000 to of l'rophec) I= I'l Al`. : \ll ',l ‘1 1 . 1:1 , .1• , qa.V•4 .1•.11 /..1 JOHN P. HUNT & CO., r. 9 Fifth sit- .111ammic Qull HORTICULTURAL. (ittELNitet st: AND BEDDINtw =II 111,1 ,4 .1 N, f. lll= ORN M ENT AI. HEDGES MIMMIRMMIM 1 1. 11 purvinunGti NUICSERV AND pAy,k.tto,.agfirpiluSES. 1 , 1 11., EN \IFS lo r•., t• eitrnolv•• slArt. or fruit •1111 o`,lllll,llLakk r• e, ev.rgrrcus. gratne •utl vet,- re. n Ikon Amu =II =ME BORING TOOLS . 1 1311:S 1101‘ N. =1 1:16 Pittsburgh. Ps AND IIILILDF:I1H, tkh %oa❑ lii. itorn 0110,nte iti erval , , h he tt, 0.1 . t 1• , 1- 111'111 1 1 , . etiltale , vuth N.,le-to.h, erl“- Plit.l“al,ll nud Stets •• et, 11,1.. ht 11 , 4 14. 411.1 .11 , 4 elloich. m. 111.-1, I. tk, 2 t shd 4.411 1,11411.11.4/ " 1 1 "" 4 I 4114.10 11.11,11. 01' sna 4,44...111t,114411.14,111 1 t . 44 ..I , ‘lna at 1, N0bt.,1“.•11. r ttunti , n run 111. 11.1 Al Mt .1 n... 1 az. A.lcheas. Alleyhen‘ WM It , evretar, Coulintlita No. 1110 Vederal • • Allegheny I ity MRS. M. KITCHIN. 1= =ll. ...x..A%_wr a IM=l ria on wirbor 111 a dud Hemlock Spruce MISS KATE BAUM &Xi 11t, r e nFer Cars r• •Le lk 1311.asn =I IMITO%ED RIM N G TOOLS, 111:11E=1= ,•( XI. = MMIEMI I.IIITES AND ItXNGEm, =I PROPOSALS RI. ...Idly k MILLINERY I=ll EMU FISH DAILY AIIHI\'AU, I.P LAKE AND EASTERN FISII, A 1 S•. IS 1.14 MI, 1. NI A ICK KT, I . ll"Erllll'hirki. r Ile 11,r or Os, ,u 1.11., awl request In. 1u i•• n. a :1. we are prrpared to eel/ all 1.111.11 4tl l• 1.1, as low ^”T I. the tra.ttir. .."" DRAUGHTING GENERAL DRAUGUTITiG BRICK MACHINES. tgIICH MACHINE.—THE NA— TIONA.L BUICK MAketrerlE meter), ieltb •otily I. """ lrrejj "n' Agaarg ' erl:l l :o ld mi l t id Er. l rad sl . m ' e l ern e dots poi perform *bet ° We el: Pelt we .ul tot. It 040). and rerun. the peaty. Addreee A {flute'. HUQUI, Uonerel AgenT,Vl3o Bro_edway, Voet- DRY GOODS. TRTMIYEING S. MEDICINAL WATERS rim IN (I. 14 irmuumuuttiu. 1110!ilERit (:1,0V11. 4 %, Etc. I=l I=l I=l 11=1 I= I= I=ll I I'}, .LIST REI EIVED F. H. EATON, ..110 IES -1-.4 7.1.1 R. lie 17 Fifth Street GERMAN OPERA 11101111, GLIDE & CO., Noi. 7. and 40 Market Street, IMM=III mr.l4 AL :N ur co( FE% lc 4;OLD PA PLIIS 3E. Y..y JE-t. ja_ kl, =1 C:6 Jr. "IT/ 11131.4 EL Et C7O 11333 M FINE IVORY FANS,' B=ll FINE SANDAL WOOD FANS, :\ ER' " 1 ""T "" "" 6 BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPiIe ,uu not Fit L, REAL POINT COLLARS, SPRING' sain-rs, Fine Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs bi i.„„„ REAL HOUSTON HANDKERCHIEFS, Imitation Guipure liandlas, t 7 "`".'" 4 " " ".""' - Each lhaq, I IS •• nh teuq,er, Reel ppringfi, I Ilro tgthar letirr to ed,. furent.s I n.l mo„, I ktr.FXIIII,F th•op / .1 bowl or holesale Rulers supplied al IlkLv Rrn ,rrPrar..7. hIl h • ; . O ' L ere. onaolnlow. olat•Ot oLI 41. , i Alth that iL.t 4. L 14,1, nr.l Ll.ll'll. I Monday. April 16, 1866, 1111ITE 1\ 0 LIGHT COLORER hilts I=! pITTSBYRGU, I'ELROI, DICKSON & C 0.,, Av„(,,l Street, NOW OFFERING A I ERA' LARGE AND ATTRAMV d•roosi CON. DEE DM GOODS AND NE 40, NV c) 03 , At Imo P :ices, for Cash, WHOLESAtiE. BI'YERS FROM WESTERN PENN'A, EASTERN OHIO, and WEST VIRGINIA ARE INVITED TO CALL 11=1 =MI NEW GOODS NOW OPENING A T BATES & BELL'S, 21 Fifth Street. 124: N EW GOODS 1 11 ew (goods!! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, All the Novelties FRENCH, GERMAN & ENGLISH GOODS, WOWS AND SILL; jillIDLIIINOS; NEW MATH NETS p COILS; REAL SKIRTS , B'D IN SL It SJ,TESE AND TOI NTAVE: eOLL ARS: LACK VEILS AND VEIL MATERIAL; REAL AND IMITATION CLUNG LACES: BLACK4IIIgRE T 4 O .I s. i i new style; o D sesand Coats: TIES AND SCARFS—new styles. A BIS assortment of KID GLOVES, ME' AND LISLE GLOVES; DoSIEIt ,1: SMUTS, ISSESETH; ESIBUOIVEINFE, RIBBONS, and ' . FANCY 0001)5AND NOTIONS. The ladlea will Ond many fancy articles and new styles never before opened to Pittsburgh. Merchants Supplied at Eastern Prices. MACRO! & CA RLI iLE, MI CABs McCANDLESB & cfp, , • ' Maya irn.sorr,Vass • 0 6,1_ Prlolesalv I.l_ol[ll . ll , 2l , %g d f,miat Pe. ( .1.1" ( 1,?,:%=. • CONGRESS, SELTZER, KISSINCEN, SIMON JOHNSTON Corner SHlM,'field and l'uut lb :NE, V r =MEM WALL PAPERS, Ate, 1'1113,145, NBULF! , 9it, 111) (ANL iirlo 15 W I 1.) TRANSPARLNI WINDOW StIADES Warthou,c, 91 it 4041 SI, eri I= 1c21:11n. I PITTSI“ i A FA pen ill NGIN atm - rico ra 'alt ArE H • t /SI/ P .l P fi ',lt ['rent 1i Pa perN =EI F.:'i F'-I W ALL PAPER!, S. 101 1141(Ki..1 I i:Lf I Ni All 111 Fi II EST S, 1 . 0 . 3a1:71V VCO 14 14- STANDARD SKIRT of the stervik . burgh Jobb , , ..1.• olorce Bradle) Dupk Elliptic Alri, ==le=l4l DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT Al I c 1,1 I II I r oms 11,4 1.1 1., LI II s n. .I 11111“ er It L /SILL, 19 Flit t t teo eodamm 11 . l M4CILUREI.I (.1. Pt. Licensed K. 101.1111./ 11^11111. Algt.ll (”r t ta :Mrratii OW with awl MCMASTER, Ili AZ 31 [3. ('O-., ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW I.lt - test:l Lax - , rc., I. nttenF.ASKFLn tlu Ifo vs ftT(.., vtir• r• :.,f. t.• Ic. Ines examined and -0, vamm ohto and W. V N11.11.7i.1r!!..! 1.. I at every Ore , rt,•.k • •t • rll.vr, at tilt lolluwlue r""' Al 4. Sri at 1-.., . • Diamond etre. tlie coon B.—So charges are it an does So; umeed, siv: all laforv.l kr seCy L. P. STORE. fis..E, im DIAIIt.ND Hi HEE I uouq•lw to C.our I.Floo Plctsbur[b. I'. 1a29 • STEAMSHIPS, • __- BALTIMORE AND HAVANA STEAMSHIP COMPANY ALEX, BROM N A tiONN, Lett , l Agents FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT l'arr3 tug the t:nited Ntatt , s The Flt,to,lssa ttesrushlpt.fwill eel MaUn follows / ".• • •t' UNA ort Wtu 'Hon., • •u.sottud. on nATI . RDA, prllloth • •L INF NTT —l,notottsW , J. Mtitto t, •. ornstai ts.dTt:ltitA y.,— it rout It N•d HI...kW-Lt., I,llf, At r prect,tr. - he dal • announ , ..l Por frrlgta paedAge. has uneurpasted ac eututuottatlons, app . y to HENRY . Id If A lIFIE lAD & CU , u Agents, Iri orZ&VCd MO, N. H —No Eltilt Ls•Stnit but those of the Comps try will be tanned. Permifs tor the freight Must be Ails from this odic, No freight recctred nor bills of lading signed on day of ndflug. ap12,.7 _ _ PYRITES. -- T HE i.ENirinLvAiiic. -- lALT MANUFACTURING COIVANI Sulphiaret. of Pantisyl•Aots r 11•111.11,c1 aria, 0113 re Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne W a volald .l / . THE HEN FRANKLIN NNW/JR -A. ANCK COSI I . AN TIIK CITY tilt ALI.K.- 1211ENY. -The Commlnnlone, itain‘A to the A.cl of Aentn.y Incoroorntlyin • - The Penoklln [neut. Mtce Company of the ll,of A IltPicnea e. meet the Banking_ Moo, of THE FIIAS hAV MO HANK, No. 43 •in.•• .treet. w the City of Al lecheny. on TUE:r•I,A Y. the (Stir Any Of May, A. U . 11.6. ate o'clock♦C. I to organize ni which time and One, wi ll ne, Hooke ia t, opsPorpl to rt• P. expbsetil) - Ilona to ttle 1...e1, .1 In p...n .n•yoce Com panCOy. NM,Slita a n y . r • .•• I: hi , eier.Sei• If. (layer J in Henry r en .••.• .1 •tu. • W Hptletana (lot. J. T. M:ILA:xi, .I••••ol. • •••••:, Henry Uerwin, Jeh u Haworth AW iiitAn. I 1C...40 it St 1111•fo ple. John Taggart 1-lenr• IT A") 11 1•••••1, Its ,en Hugh 14 Jo u.... P. alp., pa 1, a rtaur 110bpaan nod Jolat - .5.2.5 ed FARM IMPLEMENTS 'RUM A. SLACK, Have on band a Lar,o soooransexkl of I= UNITED STATER COMPOUND INTEREST NoTES 19 Fifth Iltreet Tat 24 & " 1 3 1, 1 " . r etz SARATOGA STAR, E!IMEICMI = 1 / 4 7 it ...t lII=I =1 =MEM SKIRTS NUMB & Cilil, .1.2, ATTORNE Y ATTORNEY Al lA* ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL HUI plogievitaotei4 I= i;ii;y.vMM.sflrfl I=l ME= No. IN •D 4 10 0b). Allegheny FINANCIAL Bonghl at Highest Bahl, by SEMPLE & JONES, Bankers, Wood a yid Third %Ss. •IDetwd GROCERS