The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 01, 1866, Image 1

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B. n.
aum3 'A NI MAX 1
LL ERR ETT, "thre•
re1a..t.50.81.14r7 • TTE
Nr AnsuciA ram,
writr cr. l'irr4eraiiii.
I'ER WEEK, SERVED RY d A.M.RIER... • ..1118'rII:
*iftshurnh 6azette.
TUESDAY, MAY t . 188 E
Fit COnFerVati ~n• having :
tune of it. 11, th. 11,4rirl
at BrUit&r/S 1{ orgy
Pe tersburg, of th, 3111 If
the abolition of ',III i n ril
the fie., It.Us`,,,,
'lll or tilt rnrillet,i rIC Ali . .xan
iier 11 A:. :in riiin
of th: cia ; a 71
;.ft) ii,:
tzr , •4'
11e. r.•
‘II/..ol'ilt nl/W htIVIII7. 1,01V11,,
tllvtlnta:ll- • and :In .trr.ngi,p .
r.( litttkittot.tttn . the). X% 1 ..1,1 nr. 11ht ,
roots , •1 the Ina,ke• 111,. empire,
Freedom ! , sa'otnes noi only lius,ia's
est claims of fdreCtioll 1111 , in her Ilea A,
fttlC mlbjecas, Nat at vi the .ewe.:
for the extension of her I",nt-
THE Norfolk Ohlr~r>,inro.-luirply
r , ukee the Norths•rn llrnro. eatie journiii•
who abuw Congri••••••• And etainor for tiu 4tl
era tem.( centatinii "The people nt
eruct are to-day in the enjoyment
freedom Ulna they has 1 1 08Se4S,if g4il4 r IA.
4 priny of IS6I ne, man ran go abat e r
Ina bl.inta+. malio !nom nnjoy the• fruit.
lin•labut, ros: se; ..•-•• in h expren,
his opinion, •inen nibi a , early 11,
ever, sal tea , w t . o Ti. pet hr t
ro buy IV, ilo • i I,li we art,
ground t. in' s he i vranny of
anybody. J: t...• NV, .1 I h•
True N t SAT!
not v i my m rong,,,,
to I.otr I • tre r . , 44 had
~:v 41. d 'cp c.ipao .12 1-it•z
IT 1, confidently pi eilieted that Mr
1. the only elate,
Llonee r Lo ys• Ci_ngre,yions'
pian of re, P:c do not beiley.
Le a•Ili oppose H, !nay rie..4lrr more that.
C,!: sehem, •s. tut 1, • !111111. , far
lAA - Led Ipv
moat .levoutly
I ar people ci East Tennes,eo tis„,
tr.g 'great ,tiergF iseanir.t‘ fo
[Le purpr.qe of 4..7CirILZ r•Srati.o
West Tennessee, and
r“•DAT PP.OIScT tr,trde
L;FARII , .:
it.--Sru,phli.y o,st, .1..
HE cONTLST t- fur Th.-, L'n;te.l -,ryl
::,enroor :.,P from
eta Itwurnb, M: Yocna , G ~rrrmv ß.: l
ano Gene:-.; • Ivrt)
NficLiKul l
heard fr,to, itvpi,t,h,hp
- -
net gull':
eJer. , not ike ~ ,,tvecno on
s lakal t 3 hupll.vl n
L1 , 17,F,
Flog ea,, - tit , ~ -
Drothote the ,• t. et hat tile •
the tnhnt v , ,
e•t• • 1..41 I , 111,
nu hurt, t,
••, ' .", M. 1n... n •
PPV, r 42/•., I' .:,
I .
ottl .. icu -. l: t l'uoti..o. I till (1104.•.!
prOpos.. 10
.\ in, nortt t '11.0.,t
Inajor, 11, a•I Int. :inn,. Al.
•••••Inr"t M. Ir Ip,
fn; ' , ten [int.) not L. n• - • , •;•'. •L or
• vr,. • ~• 11. dr,..• Ids Ow) , fat
" • 1,,• • .., • , rnr t - • ..topart. r,"ora
aintur , • .• merit 13 "nye,
t..) pi el, rI. n,reion. !:oln 01,
talnl 'tut be•• irradn
air "on, fn. , ••• • nr, 1 1,, of !hut clasn
•., ,n, /le in not
rrs. too .Lotortloniy ilnpOpulat, "lead
ing. con t run,' non . do
.tong It') frig t.• fun',' then tru,nralllteel
grad io to to.l school.. Mr. II rlght ill
tills Mallet.. n• the ptiblle will .tan 11.StIty
To. the 11.-. r Or
VIIIGNO or FAlrt Pt , AS .b
StSenn,. Lint Toi- Tit/rt. ..ppeafed in the
Dieporch of Solar as no art cli• poi. porting to
nitro been wetter: '1 - Mr tiOiltleyi the Third
ward. In it be make,. per.onal all edo:1 to in,'
ee:dently designed to weak. n Iny ',potation
ur a tettehcr. liiin.elt, our of the miwiltrontn
type, auddettly elerated to present noeltion
by a train of fort ultimo. clr, anni.tanees, rather --
than by lilt - tn.. of excellent power or qua;
t i es. l a p1ea....,f to attack, In mod tinman/l, Boots
style, one, tyliew,‘. reputation tinned upon a ! A large stock of Boots, Goo..
and nod Shoes Al Auction.
noccestrol experi.%oce of set en t een years. Mr.
I.; infonaut Int, poi, lie that I left the
,profeeidon , r , ti he '
- 'a
."ion r
for a time, and in,ittinto en that I lacked the I 139 Federal iitreet. Allegheny, this arternoor
corn to abllltr to succeed, nod was compelled to re- 2 •
o'clock, to which 1 , , at 0,1.1 attention
u. „ tprotean i. for which alone I " ,
qua lined The public 01... that I engaged in 3' i rt.rten
mei-ea:Mite anti tLer know toe, that I
was Sueeenfili in it: that, however profit- .
able it promieutie., it Wet nut eufficientl
oOngerdol, and that I ve•ry soon returned to n
p , IBIIIOII of ~,,,,,,, toy labor - ,
clat,od,n large number of
efficient teacher .ha ,14 , 1 uan. mt, doing honor
to their Instructor, notiot ng proteerion,
and s' log farm- for ee. Now bf r
O. giv een es me eredit tot Laving 1,/e courag
nocefi.n.ry to ' , lunch out into on entirely new
field of action. w bile his own heart him;
for It Is wril known that but a abort tittle ago
he bad actually reaol run and declared ills par
nese to eater a Ttitiolovrlittil SemL nry, but not
7,`Otaessing the r im to iiarry Wm through,
fo.Nod tnat utast confine himself ntrlctly
to the humble which you behold !alto
pure irking .o-iitn); and It la fondly hoped he
may ' , et be able to attain, at least, a fair repu
tation .0 an instructot of children -tea spec!.
men Of "regress, we refer you to his effort of
Batiarday;qta recorded In the Bally Dtspatch,
where yott will notice style of oomposttlon
do. T. E. vrAlEr.H.....u,
Principal Pourth Ward F.ielnactl, Allegheny
Lenses 11.4\iNTTX article appeared in
the Emoting C:frotlefe of Monday, signed by W.
W. Dickson, on the County Superintendency,
at the close of which eaters his Prote ,,,
aria:tat the peracualith,,, ,:eotl by the friends
of Mr. phut/tett Is various ar...‘ciww which have
appeared in his defense. Sots in all can
dor, floes the gentlemg, xtlppo. s th_ t.L.D. pub
ate are hiaorget sl the L,et that be, of
Qll3 indulged to th e ,77407‘.1 personals. ' 43
of any One aho has entered the 11,G34 of this
We reer_pitortlculaliy
•• • ;- ----- . - --uculat.ty tn an ar- i , tomatir i Inger, lot sale only ti) {_nation.,
ttcleln Saturday s Disputer st,,,,gi “Direci " i ''''
of which the aboVe gentleman ~U ' r ' t i Blume, 43 Fifth street, al door atm, Wood.
the publication, if he did not write It 'e' Thl I street
article contained personalities of tuts lowest ' '
grade! of which we have any conception, one Ilielodisoos and O
t a n ins an lndsvldual who has taken no 'ar rgans,
this etextroverz p
y—anetb er „gat., the In ' at , rry lo ',' Prin. s et el.."'" Omni' .11 05 . 4
ponntendent This gentleman refers tocegg a t n Fin b *tree , -
statementa, Made by the County Superintend
ent, In regard to Mr. Bunt which he says
"that gentleman so triumphantly re nted
glow let ttl examine this "blur/spinet" refute- '
don Hr. Douthett says that "the only person '
who !crept • Normal school," Ale I. sr the Pittsburgh yisette
„Wow we know no reason why any one, aho nemesis' of hire VOl6 nonatiorst.
.1164,.tancti tho_Enpitsh language, could fall
to underetand MO - ' , tomer, yet Mr. Burn sal ~,ell'lie'nh,"."ln%lif.,m'n,,"l:l,Prt-rjdonudryn"al/s't(irlipbom'lcllll.:"o",.
I n Ills ••,TriumpAcmr• refutation that Profess: '
, public events •11•1 we not say that the remortn
cn flog, Stseenson, mil IN.'S taught Nor
lea/ Uhooloind Mr Burt r thinks, that Ise• . '''r m' Pon l '''" nt ''``' I ' w '''' l ' 7"" " `"" I.
cauSe they were Normal tea•hers . once they . ."'""''''''•"'''' " --- tAiinn Irreml, AP , t 2
L ateenolottelthstandl n g the tact that one of The aislvr is the co nett:wino ut a sickly pro.
been n hook
- - agent for near ton test put fort It h) the .Ibn/eternal, after several
years, and =Other a Profeiceor in the Western days Lime far reflection, against the removal
Cain:ratty for about the same time. Here vie I of Air 4,n Iton 11110/ +144-
have the author of a Grammar, who can not i It hat the commerelof calls it acrious mlatake
recognise the difference bets. ren the Present , 4,, r) 1 r (1.• Union moo, In this community calla
gentleman and Past tenses. Put allowing the eagree,U.•
to mix tile tenser to suit himself e a will en . It aas mista ß ke of Wm President. Bo did
quire farther trite ICI. •Itrl ic utplian I ' refute- .it willnill3 and delft's/Wady, :Or it Is but littl
doz. kir. Bunt admits pupils into Ids settled e''' , ', ...Lb ' , Mee ho Sarre Mr. Yon Bonnhorst
from any point a hatev ei unil charge. a fee h, ismonlasioni and now without cause orr
of are •lollars for tuition Messrs. tioff, Man- certson, tithe, than the re-At of such
ro aid bleveh,..ln taught those of their v., • . 11 ' ,... N P ... far a tol.....atdallie/ MortedvaT
ward ruby . Now If this entitles them i•i is. • tli r Pre.nleti t removes Mr. Is On Bonnhorat, and
ctmetilereil teacher, or Normal 1 , 11001., 1 /1(111 ,h, ‘,,,,,,66,,./, as MO friehrt Of the President,
every One of the ids hundred Leaehers of Mir. .and
. bo n y ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, Sc., „1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,, Sur „,.,, tempt, Indeed, to lock the stable after the
Sehool teacher.,..t, to the example en,si o s Mire° le gone, and thinks - it stan throw dolt to
kr. ihekson, to prove the part tali ' t3 o. at, the eyes of the people by' Speaking &Tenthly
. o f Si , lon ikaulliond If mo doUbt boiler.
.Dceibett for fir. Curry's pupils, ar e c . 1.,
answer, rte We know nothing of the ci..l Lien . Lat. It says about hlm, at ilt la tOOlate. It
spoken of: but as we are aatiseed II,: toll) hi well a.m.'n that hawnar, Med:Slimy a Co.
tano-tenthil of all the reports hi car, ..halloo h... L.e. ,wen fo,thled, ft. Nfbelr,_,Ppeals to the
concerning the Superintendent are raise, we Pi" - solaot ."3 , t h e Palpable,. ....nthr of the
shall receive this Min with all due 11.110. Wit,. C ''' erner e k r . 'Verde I le i k - FeeidellVe PO/ley
Baying succeeded by our termer agnate, In
_,na...,.1. 0 2....1tten with Like,
_fact that one of
drawing the gentler - rum our over his own sig. ~ .0 ' lee rreeteente Or the Jtimisolt ineetting la
nature, we hope In Ulu, to at -least dismantle tie neat the throne Of the Oita otarchal aa to be
considered [be supreme dletkator *Per Its al ,
hueof the assumed dlipiat 3 which he litratult-
(Maly appropriates to himself, when be as- lath. , it strong erinePne that* th_e aillanercloi
stones to be one In th e Profession, who enters was Of great SOIIIOO to the , "Stittakiers” In
his protastattrainst personalities i their perogriogriocia to Wiuddluttoss.
O. J. Lenity, 0 iirnieg WA ILD.
111 , 11' \•:;ii
mg I Iti4 11,10M.L1 !hal
tt/K3 tlir ~tl,ntng, 14`,11.11
Ili Iro,llz 71! o:oth0,1 .Inlttg !mount.,
t wonry ran ho 1..•1 No mor,
not .Allier nr
.% grout vurteto
01 vttrtirTtlnri atittptpd tr I
To she Ll.bititatl4l•o4ll tea D.4.11.17,1d•
For general lehility an•l exhaust ton of the
erg of nature. whether oecuslored by swk.
or,. fast ~r, ether, COnat It talons] decoy, ti,lttgr•
any other phyuirtol 01 talifilla. canto', the one
thing needful and lodlupeocable is Ho..etterm
eelehroted Stomuell littler, When the ere of
!Ire 1 .0011111 to 110 ettuolutely dying nut lh :he
stern, and the no ono, uvutputhie tog ulth the
*sly, la rodsit tali:oust to a Potato of Imbecility
this mighty iteutoretive eeetns, as it werr,
Intl the sufferer foot f_tf 1110 •I.lllghuf ftespotftl.
and roftrnit and relnt lgorute l.nth the frame
end the Intellect to flit tunnel :to the I alley
of the Monongahela untora t to. to Dr. 111 , 001 -
tor f'l Pin ernoporr the
Linter. Upon ft,. to notttllff: loft thy rate, or V ,l lll-
filf-ct IL
role error long dry efse/1 In the full .0 I f to.
year The rain felling on the Int...Jou sine,/
•Kteonft oroil of gross, cod hWv•fornft
medicine seems to hav,. started Amend rrop
of hie and etoritu In on • Alf.l I• nu:).
the cfreet of thole grateful anti powerful prep..-
rutiOn. Ladle. of went; collo it talon. or triune.
stren.rt to keen an ,pal nett Ify roc kite., or age.
On 111 o must rtticoctottu and delightful 'Tonic
..nol It Is wltntroutered greot In
11//trli 1 , 11110 . 1 1 ;1 , le s t, 1/1 1111111'
9 .' . • 1 / 1 .11 1 . 1 /a,l, It la a moon ....for at, 5•0 r...;
•-• fffirer, than anythlltv ad.
t, II .1 II
11% , - 1 .tttt•-iall:..f.•z hitt post,
ttttt ..r•ft Hitters
• • ••••1•1 it•teal at Pet - t
tl ' ati.l I•tste.t, N.l.,llelrte Depot,
St. ilmtirett , irnetr of this 1 - 1 14410.11•1
as I Star lt.t. Fottrth tttrttol
Iron- Ph olophors.--l'al I *ay
They, I,.+t known !M.`, , lnurlut nll.l
to nit nu,et-eoloreT c,..
.11a1,1teattillully transparent tell,. e pig,- I
ant to the tn4te and aveeteN hie T.Ol he •1. - nn6t II I
NON. O'N, nte
I)j „,,,
I Itxtr of C 3 llNnyt, Ftarl.
Each pint ennttilno otte pule ftoynl I „
g . .. t.
hark, , n.l such To•tettooeltil 1, 111311.• -ne
Re.. irnn Nntuple• rnt - nt , /tet.l free the Ittornlnt, • nr. I . The ~,thea .
t.rx. Ife hem,. w-,:tt npn Ned N
n., of IT ;
N 1
n - nt ti , holeN4e• rn l t, ttallturgl. Tr It T •••
kt retortet' .01 Dentrgt.,
iato.ll 1111.-.1 ` nn It
of Ind
:t.14 Im• Ire t! w't..rtw,l i l o a n l eral.rnr,
1.11111 b•-,.... .rtio fe. l e...1...1 tor ,
1.15. u,, coat., lw Into]
•out , tan...r a gallsuit
41,11 g Nlr.
Thomas W. IPlarry et Co..
Practical Slate P.oofers, and Dealers pi An
oh State 14 Carlon, colors. Oltlee at Ale
ler Laughlln's near the Water Wnrka 1'
burgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78 Pike street
:are promptly attended to. An work warr
rd water proof. Repairing stone at U , .1,
eat notice. No charge for repaars
loot to not abused aft°. at Is put on
, 1 / 1 1 , 111. 3 •••••1 la.
.'r•-•1""'-?";••71rad'al7ralT '"'"''".'
a 11., II a ili.•
Th.. Pre,1,i,1:114,-.1., ...tete: i n -on.o. to Is
a 'l , 1..11.1 I•• I err, -nine Texan. nut., it.. hest la a • ,
„,a, : raltrail.l tat .i 1• . ,. nl•.', pre, . rhat :on .. ha,.
tug held t -, N Ii alffieraaa hed. • rite ....e.411,1 t n Mr J ollen adreseed the Ben... 0
I t federate 1 . , •••1 , T114•1:11, three teem tee, - g; . ..Ist'. tln te-ol tan.. ato I; 4, was I, fro led to
•-•••.. f ron, 1 outmeita n nel fir e 11,01%, •,...rr.rn., •orrler I. rrirclar) l 010171/11,e
r,, ..r r arcitar .•Ir err} Irrn. All . • • -• . 4 ei
.rt 001111!, 011 Tobin t..l.lreorlitur
, gent 14.1
1.1.... III•( /1111.1 to Inoutns into the al leg.
tat,d• di the entoreement of the Bet en.
~,t , .4. st Mark,
The rtgg:egar. toe: , ••••:•-••• r, the 0: ! •-. [as.. at Pee and New Tort, and authorize
-. es .-
~..r 14.1 :,...4 4 , tr. on t 1 .. ttotorttrli, . A,.,o • rr- t 0 .;,,,,,, ure 0, erre, of toner. n- a: t a
An Infalliable l are ' , tattoos I. or Ili r r I ~• 11114.11.- aa:al O.' '`.' .'ar IlIa"t a VS, N , 111 , 111 plat r•
1 ' 441 4 1 1 st t hey,( rsenter r an•l cholera, Is found 1 " n " l ''''' ' oar • '"... 4 ' ''''''“"' ' ri.c •-,.. t. tat) id mate was te.oasted 1,
-as- ton., re :00 .•, . orlol.. 01 0 141,...ns of Ih.
tn the medico - 1e prepared only by Jo. Fleur- ' .
I n :red -to., , a pondleg [l4 eut legatton a ,
trig. di hggist, No 84 Idarket street In mew QI IPiNTINR I'llol.Eß 9 REPORT. ,„,„.„„. agarr.• r,,,.. N e,„,„.t r ,„ ~,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,
'it tha approach of the cholera, no family :
and •tatt *ha: timasoire. an. te.iralred fe4
- • "Id rr •peed . ...ettletnent
snorkel he without this valuable toed:eine r
' 'll.. 14 et ..•4.1 Hat !.. d ... ...... s .4i4,414,,01
5,41,1 only 14 4 rietolore prtig and thtleto led NEW EXCISE LIQUOR LAW. lit 1..114M .terke tt it. far,o, a„,, ~,,,,,,
trine store. Na -t ittar•••l sheet
, `• pre, aa•aia. •,,la•Mallals Th. "all 1•11.4•10.1
N , n . l „..., A,,,,; , _I, ......14..n. II ea:: h Nts'i.t..t.l4iti[..".,...n.7adi'"E"rt>':.ln4ll"ii,i'ai:ter',.::•':-.1..r,,5,1,17V•
1 oin, nt ii40,..1 Liss. ...came, '44.s -•,.. •,t I ,bia,.. planet:ono. r dnltest mg htinsolf turn the
~ . i
~,, ,
~, n
~ , _ , i.,- n,
~,,,,,,. r . •, , , , a . : , , f . , . ,,,; . t 14 , 11 ,, , ,. .ng ,
i i , i; 1 1. ,. .1 , 7 , 41 ,0 n . t r 4 , 4 „ t1 , t ,
~[ 41, 1 , .. .ei,;0 , ,, , ..,, , - ,
''• tent ~ 11.1 dim, T:-e•• !IA!, ....., '• 0 ' ,!!!!..! r.l I .nrl..:ltrg ant rr, The letter stales [hal Mr .
' cholera or, the I tratn la oo :tie j. ed ur r.. 10, . rrr h . , ~/re r. ar..... rt to rr. ,te .1:1411) true, and ,i,..
-. 4.4 ' the Logland none .if I lie parr.eriger • lot, e been till I/rt....lrak tatty.. at sorth• length.
attacked TOW. ar• nmetv.e,ght o I Irn Nir • rt.•vr . r.a. f:•0/. 11,. Besot...traction tour
pita:, of which fifty are eon. a......e5n:. Tie 1.4,.... ettrodt..l . tele, t, already s h,..:
i hag g ,,,, ha e teen tern .. , r•.I aI! Itinrlgal.,' rt. reirly ton tt 4114 , 1tm. 31 t 4te 8 sow sal.! thts
Pianos and Ora-ana.
1 a story to ...nd: nit It to a ' h,. 4r . 1 : • .4.4 .1: 1 ~.1 hie:red.. ihe on,. r, r''
..real red art lon In prices, I o make MOM tor I t r r ' jn ' }: y.l 1,180 fra.,.....,,,,er ,a: I a ,r, yonr .1... ' .. I r•r rr• -.rt. -. 0 1 0111 red 'tans d o , „ s in es. ii, ~1
an 4•44 t Ire nes sthet.
oecorred on th • pa.satte 1i ,, ,t fron-Inte. •r. , 1 ire r . lr. r errrr•! ... en.l. ri I.:. at at, t lOW.
diseases. Many Mal,. bar la , 011/I11••.••ii I. Ito repor F. .1 A t sr.-third. , oie, aas made
I nerte. for the 1.4..1.1,1
o. speca. •.: ret for tuesda). Wed ne...lay and
There I. reno4l4l.•reide 1.,•1,1114 nt 10 the , -7, .1
LA ,t 1 0 ..: ire., %el,
eoneerning the ti. a- ~ 0r, , , 1: n. 4... srhe.!, h ster er t -,,1,1 , ..hort well ter , epot!
•r takes el.-,•r to-tnor rase rhe I II " .
il lat Bend:. v. , .oi ~, q 1 Ire pre•rm led
n - lit 11,•. r , ise only dour rd.' , can pr o r r. ~...1 ,Ir , t0 •, . • ...4. fa,. 111,. 1 Oar Millen on \ r Not,
Mond eharactei - no. la.. raltiasal I.' ' .rr 1r0n ,,. ..s, eportett a Irtii lank )tibt uppreorie.
sellers tall, of re.sat dig the hie ,I• la.lalinllt,l ,to 11,0 avii• 01 Ihe Imre.. of nnfa nt ,,,,, ,
:tiphni, Less than te tt i no en tt ., of I iet.. (.aye f:e. Omen and alraorhintnt lands, for the year
Ibeen ticener4l litarana. ajira• The potirr t 0 11,111.- . • ,1110 , 0, log . 1 .a.n10,1C 1.. t, 1.01%, WIII . E • 11 WaX read
alone, ace deterrudind to rotor , . Ni'!,,,, : 0.4 r and relents: to !hi. t Otilitlitt... r
entt the
V. hale ' , II Ihe State ol the F turn{'and mal e
ap,11.1 order tor llondri3. The tll makes the
FEXTENSIVE FIRE AT THERROLD, C. W.. h"low log appropriattons ',lanes of assi s t.
I sot and sult.eamotant 1 : 111 IlvitimmlOnOr., p r int.
- i snlat ter of elerka,t[l4arth stationery and prl nt.
Thirl) -three •
Ilitilditin. 11 . in:cc!. I o , p. Patfltit , i nem et 0. , end [eel, $1114.00: elOthing
•,„ di st sditio, 41,;Itt,000, rommoisary stores,
- ; sl .4,..7r0. tn.-areal depart meal_ Iree,trou, trans-
T o ra n , n. 4 ir ,
~,,, oY. 4on - oettat ' e a.-, p., '4.14.11, 0,1141,a1a11a, ..bassi a•upt•rlnttuldent,
T o o
a flte I.roke out in t 4 , ot -.hop ot ' 4- "" . "'• '''''', .'''' . 11. " 4 '"'ar" a altYlunrs,
Jame. [lltder , elitch raged ! until thirty-liars.. t" '''''... 4l4, I' I raraltultrg Sis.o.4 total, .11,te
, h 0,.. .,,, ,,
n0n,,, , . ~,,,,,,
n ,,,,,, ,, ,
~,,,, , 11 r ‘rlev err% dittereo a tile for the hill
buirtlit-s were destroyed :‘, eat 1.,• the r. In", I dt 444 ' , "' 4 'd l' , ' , ln' P. ' 4 ' 11014,-20 th,aitri refnrred
of 1 .,,., , ,
~,n, (in n.,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,..,,p . ,,,, , j ,,,, i I, 14. I - .Izonllte t . cal the Whole on the S tale of
.tre4 t are 111 iudre.. The loe, Is re Hid. ,1 et , tio loh 11 , h• doubie the Pen Mons of those
ler . 4••• The pi - moped ..,g, rsn., ~,,.
.1 ‘,„„ :, aI, a.. re. or pen eirriets by the eamaltle.
I.'. a. 'Ala wallet and it II Hendershot, 4.1.1 '•' 11 ' . 4^ " . " 44 , I " l'' V . 1...14 ,, . date to loyat
i tt,,,, iit The c 1• W 1 grr% einthertit. and rebel rani
. ~r tint. I..hteß ace ~,,,k.,,,1 !,crmeler.o
r r , ~0.1 10 oial..erUe the vOttfineat.loll of properly
en..., . a Melt wee ordered to be printett.
Mattoon* finarke-Connterfel In- Austria Vll: •' .elite It u n, te n b t o . rf n e , lta i
itl,l. t,hiterrt,•./:,1te5t,..1 /La . : e i n h a ,, l i l
and America--The Reconstruction . i ht . pith , ii .
1 fun reed the 1 toVerlllllent 01 the ao-ealltel
.3 ow Tony. Apart IU.- - I he Pt.,. Lela g • Tarn , I 0 0(0,14,1de states of nnericat threets the
..y. 'rho bank t,...mmit ter de, I.led torrlaN to 1 I • 1 r.. 1.1001 ti. rail,. Ille .o,llre, fortliWltbr Oil
report ago tact in, creation of any more 4. .5. I .
- urns irrlaplarlp trel.,lo,llri, 10 the belligerent
tonal frank,
, , eta 1•n, a. ia rieetired forfeited by [beam of the
A large numbs/ ..t ,• .. oho fro ht... ort rhe I ro w el Jo! ) , Peg, to lead and appropriate the
isneitist comity hank, of New 1 to a. , 4 ere 111, : ~a.• to the ',eters Itroperty, and to proceed
Or cireolattokln Brook, n [him morning 'to the collilmnAtallOa or that already proceed
'rt.. t r , ..w......, „..t.h. ell, I tie Att.. i h also pee toes that the President shall ti.p.
trlan Minister hai, a4l v.-, tmerl lila forti,stied ' point Iwo, routtor.slit ... Or 1110 1 e, to ‘ lO ll/91.11 Of
tralatil•liee •Illia ta t 1.1 al.. la.. Do-Tx F 14, "peat. 1 three pert0tt.,41.4•1.4 to a r ljtollelLte am! VOlielet•II0
Rte.., asa ail tat tia, 1,.... et thra marling irl An,- -teo, orop. ri ). a 1114.11 shad beeorrie rested lo
trlan troop.: for Mean°, which will .11,11. all, Ti,, I 111,,i 'tale- 'I he lands Mo. cortasnate.l
pitte.porte from re/ elf,'. `Pa al ,,,,, or. rthorrllruleal 10 1110 . r.IILVea Ills.
There I. great torn Id , trite 1,, 11., opera! ion. Of the WRY
aeherne, Beth the .iese ~,,, 0 /no.!;tame,,- -.11.1 t and the anierndliienl tar the tortatito Lion,
Repo/dor m opts. , e d
at the rule of lorry are,. to curb dull route
I t
:rt. , :d etteh a Mon aho 1 , the head of
The Rani. Robbery at l'adhe - burglars ! bowls ,to te note hi t I in tee temple, but
Arreetcd-Ilioncy Repo, Fred • to he mainteriblit 'l.ll tell yearn, after widen
S i. „ eni int ,. NN I, , A ~,,I A r. _ 1,,,. 1,,,,,,, a ,,, I low the ahsoluie to the Sanaa shell he e0n
,,,,,, ,es ..rt It. ore. The rest of the eon:healed
tel'O'fille'B'n'inik'oh," tcri”..11"),''111.4':..1.":;.•41tir'.."-c',.:;:trl'irken ' 1 ,4, 1 44,1 ) 4- to br a l . l 4l U'l 144 the rolloa lug l'ut -
snout I W. taatif, Iron I Thin,
tthjo, this at- is.e. 4.4. log one hundred dot tar. ho the
ettetrou of .411;141Ingn no each hotonstead,
I ern 01)1/ .
A sharp 1•11.,11111, took plarr, 111 all,lcla ..”, ' t[. enf s mlllions to Ire Invested In rafted
Of the trarglar. woe a. 0un.1.4.1, and I hn.44 I-51,1 `taper.44,lllllo,„ arr.,' 11,.. ~,,,,,,,,, nth! ,
tined. One streceeded In nial. Mg hl. es4Apc ,to the pral.1•11, ml pellx101101•11, 000
closely purnitl, humoredl4lllllmo. to go towards
The atnotett o f MI. 1•y t or0Vo• rod Oil: pray"-...inn ! 1 ,10, the Imolai., frf ..01 , 11errr, and two
WY oleeed rt... /Mud, es. and UN s 1 ledoeinol houllred million. 10 grr t‘rraa,..l,, ~,.n . „,.1 „
dollars. • damages to loyal entre.. by the civil and in If
operations or the government lately
renianaßecoming Diettall titled. ell 1.1 I all• Confederate slates of A Merlett. No
:rem . . properi I. to be tle.lZell WI.IOXO WhOle
0f1;1101',1m...4.c„....'ir AL,P,'.L1,,t',,•,;,,A,,'
,','lri.,,ri.g,," 7, ' :: ' ,.., "" , , g , !.:•rtitt II On the fourth of Mareh, hen, %as no[
a , '4th more than ten thousand dollars , utile,
Oda ally yesterday. Is cent:mit ter. att. appoint. ' ~... 1n , , , „,,,,,,.,,, bat e 01
0 `,,,
e ,,,.
td Under the tkillirarlill.hil/ (a 1111. I •Ilaarat.t ":
Centre, Andrew. Wylie., to pre5 , ...41 In Ne.n . iON a••• In the ministry or 01011 service of the
P ' ' .•
Ile It on feolerato htutte4 In en furring all
York ' n4 '''''' . " l " h. "‘" Cud ' l"." '""'Y Li " . 7. ' 11 -Stn . ., the value of ien th„tutund dint
Object of the revetit MO, rilleti t 1• .1( the carer-
Iii . 1•1 1 . 71 . 11ra1 Err personal property In to he left
at headquarters, and an explanation of the .
,e , the
~,,,t ht, „„„i e
manner in w loch the funds are belng exit - Mel me ~,,,,,,,,, ttit .„ et , t , e ne , fflet , oh. i.ithh, the
rd. The object of the commit tee aal Ita sati s ty
feet that the l'iunitlent had made no annaer to
Ike feeling of dismal I..ractlon among the Fe- ,
‘. he, airy „, the Ith „,,,
e... to the nuns tar et
Mane In 11l it Pity, a Melt I. rllll/{ . urn,, :ng
tronger ; ' ..a. ' ideas arid amount. rat property restored to
I etas' ow tiers. Ms's., led to. .
First Itt lanarenworth. -wee
-31 I II ttrittmk I utrod nem/ a hlll to construct a
~,,,,,,,, crtaif from Nebraska to Montane. Ita
l.. nne won re, April a.-Eight ot tett hirlhir (erred.
trigs on Showell street, recopied as elOt fling Iri, A Ahley presented reeoluLlorts referring
entree and saloons, were bursted on Saturday to the 13nmeh Shot at Careen City. Referred.
morning. The necks were saved In a darnagml In. Blow IntrOdueetd a bin to erected the ,
condition. Insured In eastern relic.. No In. wharf at M. Comm. Referred.
entrance on the buildings. LOta estimate,, at etr,coonling preaeoted a petition of wily- j
Onnia Or Patna. • i ova ilimsachusetit 1, 011:11111, Raking an amen.
Di.pepid• core.
The onlv
nu 1.•1- an I ,o•roottoolt1) .Iy+prpola. 11
rest On elek-hezolvol-, mud
In ex, hootrly Without fear of ,
enn nr obt t00..1 at al: (IQ r drug
,gent ritt.ll.orgh Joseph 1:srol
lOngul.t. Markel,+trotel.
A n,oorttoPtilthY norttreasi ,ro or.
or Fount, nn it Market rtroptri.
At lees than market rates, on the nortlinunt
corner of Fourth and Market ntrret• .
1. lIANS.N lArb. a
Dram. Cicada
Opened thin morning, on the 111,11wpal vornel
Of Fohrth and ktarket street,
Al all prireit horn tea reszt., up writ .l, Oil
tno cornet it Fourth et 11 , 1 Market
ettettritat 1 NOP York Pianos at areatit• rw
dnerd prices, at Blume . % 111 tV.I,• Mid piano
Store, 43 Fifth street.
unab..* Unrivalled Plaftos,
Ct'Arlotte Blume, 43 Lb ett.-.4
Open Thl. Dsy : open ThR Day
What 9G rent• •Nr .In.
25 vent.% will lir,
)-:% Pry cup nhoold
1 very one should null,
nel see nO,n
vl ill do
Fad&rely ne.
liCthud tvatltt.
Method of Selling Goods
The allellllol/ 01 the °Went-in Ithdanor
3. called to the catoldirdonent of M EN,
C . ,. K./ Fl lth o reel A large and well
leeted .tor f. .fr weld. Silver Ware and Yen
o. offered on terms never lekforf. Lino
in, I a enty-flre r •111 good, ,0 11511 lit of an
333,4 3.333,3334.3r331131.• Idle of If Ir. .'"'
.••• itr.d .taLt,•t. (Ate
itt) Rttent,on to ',nett tO the tat-1 t
1•• 141 11A, nay art
le uel:: knew want t•• , lt are t
• all: I'l,l
ra,ln• A 111 II nd
Mt❑ rnll .liN
ll'l'l ,101
43 Firth .beef
Mipii-Ing. aura , tg. rts mrr Csawal • •
On RLOTTI, 81.1,1111(, 47 tinrl 1 , 4.1
81... k
A. Lot
C Lora Nat
lisklnim Bro..
"Prince & loo.••
- NO. 102
- .
THE LATEST NE WS CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS ,=,`,,take,..Z.`..',1;-,;",.utt'.°:,',.,F,.`„'T,',"z70,;'„1:;‘
011 , 1,1 tt,”11111011 ilttl:t
BY TIIEGRAPH, •• Cotnnilrlen n Ith n/nrer In lotk
. AtitArDleut, nob I, Mr Conkltne
,rning fpnvo-t. Mar..llal.-inuni.ll.l Fry.
Mr. norm 'folk .11 to
nn I kllnfe. f rn,
Mt . main, nom/ Hi, I , lqt, 1 , ,
, 11.1 COW not es-cciroi
Mi. i. t. it.,.....1.ti I 1.11 t.4•ll,irt,Al front the Reno... ru
ein tommittete the init. reoolettion tand MI
, , t
LITENT POREIG\ lIIIIIES. - ..,•; . ;. - i,L!',,..,':.'`,",„'7i,_
tie oentte.ttee ou the Idiot
-- - r , , :ep,ii tett a Joint resolution fur the perehas
of the rim Ore 01 Jame. Pettigrew of `met
e drllnu, tor the 1.41 N. I. ihrtu id Oman:es
. German Nevi . s IteassuPino..
, ,„,,,,„,,„ authorize the 111 r 14 11 . .lactriun of
',mg. , intro,: the hi tetuteotippi ref tliti nits-, Ili;
Role, wee, taken 111,
, II
n . A spAvisif ( . 4)NpiplitAir v. hie. totem. tilnireel an atne.deltelgoti atone.,
:o r
leg the I Ith 'ego. litirlitigton and eltaillee Itiell
iel tit mold a It, ;dire at liet riingteeti
Mr Ilenrinr,on it
till /1111 . 1 11111111•11 I All
il. , 1,111t! t la, I. 101•011, 'toll Of a 111 lllgll .t 1 /Intl
Al. t.itiol i.
SI i t Itathi no - rewo tie mak" lier,(ohyti
Al „„„,,,, ii•Illi• weeks rill., he ,
hail reterriol
i• • da oratml Aat so. in the city, known a. the
s a t emal Rifle, as ~ ruled e 0t0.,,,,,, „„ .1 1 , ,
I i I'till( e teamed. vole a. Ml:Mak,
M. I (.......iilen, !COM the Cominettee on R..-
~, 1 Ito ion. ,01.,1,•,1 eertaln 1011-. and 3
)01111 V l, OlllllO/1, II Ittil have already Leon
loildisheil Be taute VII
n! let demig !Kt, Lhat ti, hail
~... the in:runoff of the Porton. tee to at
, „,,, ao , the Mlle aml the Mint ion
At It II It 11.11 I ley .r it ten report, but
'eta, Ile -ILII/Ilhirl of LIICI.OIIIIIIILIoe that Lill,
t quirt had not horn e intipleted. Tin hoped to
The alit ollo in t petotent
M It to the rtenrtihentore long.
s and int reomittion te
we, °ril e , i .,1
to he pi .itei•l
If r Howe z oat, LOD. pOrSolliii Orplnntllloll. Ili.,
b... ~..en 11, lilt- quoted dispatcher, in the New ,
1 ~,,, yene;d. a paragraph that Gortroor Iralr• 1
~,,,,i CI o
L , h e: e II: az tang* matters In nelatient
to the re ill t tat P ostrlieletel. It ‘4 . 4,1 1101
i . , ii ,, leo i rhor Fairchild
.waa horn LO NCI-
LIU the ult.., ... Iwo north the tomer.] tiovor..
mime and : lit• sate of WI , C.LinaILI. 111 1110
C01ii . ,.. ill A tee remarko On tilts oultiom, Mr.
!lOU e a. 1.1 ili I. A,444 I•tati I i'ostemister-eieueral
heel remarked that no tonn ahould eat
lee' reihmem's hi, Ad and butter atm dm not I
„,,,,,,,, i t , pent, Ile, Howe, diel mot
in Ilie 0p11.1‘ , 11 of the AStlltiLltnt l'oelinnal,
1,41.01, that lite puhlle patronage of Mils
emottry a at: ilOSlgnell
lin InetrOltnent for r
dragooning the people into the turn... of ally .
pommy.. hue Of Colley.
Mr. RantSer offered a petltioa for the relief
th thtet p
m o u or ofve Ao n labama, which a , ,,,, /Metered to •
Mr 'Fron, ed! ealled upClaim+,
the hill to author., i
the 1,41. a: 11l t tIITI of certain bridge, on the Mtn- I
,i,,,,t rp i at tminey, !Mimic for railroad par.
The Attempted Assassination
•, -1.0.
fon.. 00 IL. I.:In
Qm.hh.o4,us con 'e, f.. 1 to-1,
liondrod nod 1d... ,
he h,. „"nom, honrd
Aattorthurnlt.• Int, 1 rails...
.1 (lone iii - 111. •••• Trlt foi f.erliinu Re
-001110 IIIII0:101 'I. 001 nu 1! /00,1 rln 1110
1,11 Ond.,; 11/,01. 01,Ica, Qd„,,,•1 1,, •,
I rti t RI, 1 1 /11-o...t . than nfly wen
roat tnue io nn ilw re x+grunion heti,
A l tem. tett ,rno, ••i 1,010 h nay. 1111,-I\llR,
`ft ‘oro fool lint oontaitt
tilt t to. . ma,, it , ,l Yetterul
the, mould all bin
on the •1.11 . ..7 \ 0,11 Thr 1r ..gtveruent e
f...u r urb n gt,ed the :MIN' shut Ure ,1 111 not tie
Oho rlnflel• 111001111 g. 001 1Ilnlied to
, held lit the torso towns throughout Pfun..flft ho
I f he len., tho
Ilspntoh if thPo r7tilsl,n Innn
s e n n t . t4o
..1..1 lt .Iwelln eslu, 10.113 On the Intltt ed
1 1 1,1 1,111ent 14 11,,. Atod Hutt nun , • gut tlye Pmts.
.m 1 frontier, tf). wtoel, u ua• Ind In Lake
deteroore otono..res. and als,Va taut it mint
. 11 c0u.dottf, after the Enn peroi hxaru....notl lon
I'd that Ito mll.
ranilll ount r. d int.ita
tylnLica .0
1011 /I 0 exin...t...1 1.., r 111 rlvf.
foival/v cleat de,. int et, ,ntont ton.
• fin, tug
linen t htng,,,n,l nhoitl.l
1 o too e ideh
n ert. vatic .1 forth by nt tit od o ~r ~,,
Pru, la . . al:au 0! to effo.u.., inner
Isnald t.. tw. cold tool toot {.Oll. 1 lit. \ f
nunn it sn).. thfl In 'on not usl. tot . och ~ 1
land in I Ile lite-, u
Prtte..lon 1.h.•• t.l u,l.:rn the
tell In lalllll l I 0 Ril ppo t I the rlght... 0:
RO3 aft
talcl IC , thou, 1...1• fl.a. the. led. .0 I Lot
people toll tho Ihet -It
lt 1 , 0,411 nod Aloft, tr.. :•- - 11 . 0 4 , 1 •••
orn‘t n, and the 'woo., •u..! cllOO.O a go ,
ernrnestl. to un. eon,' son Age. A , 4101
kept. tht .t .1,..
of .
Fit N. e. 111, 1,1.1 .1
1,4 t.nrt 1 , et
Itettle', nn ill 1,111 ht 671 C.,
Iliet t tt!trt,..r tt
Mirll,l.t.l the tr•tt.r.oz -tated
cerium • :1.1
Z , 10,11. t
lit Tint,
Pnler-I.nre an I tn , t,..11,
titan n Ittqupt•-.? In• t rnin•rni'.
tturtintn Istrnl " -wit]: •
Ninnr,l hint•r•lt •
or the .rt . - !It .:.•
pi., otl., t 1.4.1
na lt s plo ,
l I
tnnt nt,rB,l
ltr 1.
n, •4 114/1+,41 he , 'l3 I
g y ‘11,t1) • IV nut o I ••,,,,
the, ~•11 ,h.. I
1. Berl! 1,1,1..,[ch rst •
.t nt,
xtre • l, .‘
tut if harles
cept the 11,, epo.i.tre1,11, .4 Y. 11Itillinin
rlr. 11
tPi.t - 1* , 4 unit the er- 1,1
I .•countene,,e h.- ,ta.:r 1 '•gn. , .rri t.,k
her.. n,,rr. rr ~
••tt tt••• • • • •1 11 - th, 111
11 Uit
n '"" Prc..,l• I;ii "):1
ati4.ll:l/ Knit k •,
;‘,11.••111 •
tin t•• rta PP 1 I
It! /pp p•
1,11- it " 1 • ,P t
Oz. I het,'
mn ,.. I clApitA.
li" h
ol• ' c!tv
1 Ir.*. Till . nent Inz
ye, o . ,
' ;,:.
Mb bbribni catered an amendment, a hielb
aa. ablotneti, antlborlatna the Chicago, nnb
.ibletnn abbbb qubney Rallrbbatt to ibriblae th"
an itorllngton
Ilenbitrann (aerialtut atnethlnbant, a. hi, lb
tea. bt 111 nod:Mg the V00'0,1.110.1 of
bb at• Ilantylabl, MtP•antrl. Tne bill, a•
T tlebb, then passed
b.e !II making anittopnatnnta toe the sup
iabbb bn blab Po,inflice 1111 ilia r
'nate li
eat n. bballed
Mr. trunblboll batere.l the 101141,0 a it. an
muallbllnen! ttb tht• bill
eseibbi•lng bbr hal furtning the
e- • ! any ~Hire a Lich he law 1, tetttlited ~
btblvier• nll.l consent of till' ~
it... , uotirtmallon ht th oll e
bb.-blab • • ebn vb- any nal:try nt conaptla
• •thbn Int h •art baa., h a b„.
•abintb.abonebl b • Ihe Pet ' , Went In FIN op a
• Nell,CV tlleil has nerbbrtebi durm{;
.r nanato,l.ll,l t• bta Ibtat nblbnurnment,
ht .lenth. re...banal lon nr etplration
141,./1, 1•4•11.4 {MI part lelpetr,l
t..1,1,..i•,i1,1.1,11 rumboll.
- brrnmrs, 1141,, :lull and
l'• mil, at ~ r tmk nit IIIf: (111
11.:11,r 11. 341)01.11. , 11
111 II .1.
M. XE.4krig.., 1 , 111 1,11111{:
1. ItLelllll., for ht• eon v , rsl.o,
t'.. ,I.• 11.1 /I isl (11 \ 111,4] Bank hh.h
u, : r.•fc. rre.l 1,1 tlte• Cotun.tee
!1, n
g t Leg t+lnflre AA.o . usr.Ply of
Was,/ Mgt/ 4 ,4 Trri itor) In ref..: etzue to , Vunts.
. • -I TIIV. 4. /.44.1i rt•Lol I wire anti rt•fer
•...l I•. t on Ter: iturier,
thin, lineal tired 1.r1t.,
4n4444:44 4 1, 4. 4 114 4 t reef ion of lint. of ratiroo.l
t • I, of 13..ttokg.ton unit thy
I.P. ..• 1.0: • 4 . 4.04. 4 a: rt. Vt., ‘,..4 a ' 4
/ .. 014 : 4 11 . 114•,1014 44: 11/ 11,14 41 T./1:-
. 4 .. I , 44,,,1 ,h. 1 . 4.4. Ito I 14 4 ,4•:,..1.41
. • • 4 11 . •/. /I . .4. 0:1 ,
NI: 4 ,4, 4 : 14/ trod /44,41 a go . t.•
,tll ion t 4matt nellurt of a utlion, I
..lg.• t enynhoge r leer, over are:
.Apus r• ti men t pier• (4,1(1Vei11.131.1.
)/ ./ 4 ,44, WI , 0140 ry.f 1/1 Ihe eon,.
[AI II •411/ 21 . 14 t,e
1%. lit ••. ..1 •••••411 n !WI t•.
••1 wgs, r owl 111
.• tl!, nlll, Wan real terte•
t., th. t
t. . , st I*,rlt,,r
1. I% tli k• tWai • I .s
al l rcial”111- t 11.11 !Ile I rs:l,l
,ar t
Mr .111.11eAt of 10% 6111 to
"1-1 t:.. ei , t or Mu, ltm.
ttsn , l %he • e./•••
• lir Ant • , 1 . 1 I ts rrsvl In L..,
• 1.. ka10..t... n
.Liot Notsta.,
..•.1 . 1. 10 thc
‘• tv. and "qt.; rtml to lb
1 or.l/o oNI
\ ,•1••:.n 6,11, ,
3/14“, 1134 - int!, MA: Ilevenur 4.4.1
1.64. hinr, h
..,, %, • mi‘4l r,•I• ,11111,1111..•
rl• o MV.III-
•• olleted
I Ile •1 ,. .1% . I: .4.14 11•:•Ilaire• 1.41. 1 / 1 4.l alln. 0.1111
"pt e‘ef-ut‘n, 10.11111 N4l,
. I, ll,nlre t t
1.. t erlatn ..ttle.n
. Kent., soon.ln the ' , lnt, 8,1 alt:.
:rut: I • e •11.1
zie.....lndta., %Null •
Distriell Court.
Aloe ow 1., A. 01.11 :M.—Beton. thlgetWilliants.
The first ease called want bat of Thom. Mel
lon vs. 1.. C .1. Nolile'e heirs Ti,., Jury t MIMI
for the plaintiff,
The next case I ark en up 000 that of Dr. Wm.
N. Halt t the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. Thls was an action to recover
damage", for injuries "ustained by the plain
tiff, by an accident which OnCllrreti on the rail
road, nnar Larirner.s station, On the 21st Of
September ' PIM. Ti,,, plaintiff wan a
lag dentist, end !tad hcen on a vigil In nhifia
kinlplOn, On MS return home the train In
which 1.10 tool taken passage was thrown from
the track at Lartrnerqi station, and several
cars rolled clown an einbanktnent.. Among
these injtirnal lin. Plaintiff, who soetaino,l ;
a severe nnilltU9ioll on the back of the
His spinal COlllO2ll WWI Mai/ injured to l each an
OlOnnt that paralysis ensued, by which he loot
the ace of his right hand end arm, In eons,
quonno of Lbw. Injuries he wan forced to re
linquish his proffsgdon. The accident, It In
alleged, w the result of gross carelessness,
and the ac ti on In brought to rescuer the dam-
ages sustained thereby, laid et MOOO. Messrs.;
D. W. and A.S. 8011, and floe, M. Harahan,
appear for the plaintiff, and John H. Hump.
& Pao., for defendants. The es.° Is still on
Car Pl a tt of ittvotettrttellon -Omitlton,
el the N,1 , 0 'fork lira..
s r' , 1 Oita, Aortl t. -The ira,,,,0. , t.t.),,••f it.:
plan tot roeondt reel ion 14.1:r• es.' 1/11 , •11 1 , 111,
4 nlntillit4C -This .1,,1111 lee 01 114t4.r1114.1.
or, r the 11110010) to
.. agree
11 of . Ile Joint Loin
toittoe or art. Is, 1•‘ 1111,1. 11111svir, . Tll.
Toenail tee 1t,.. agr, no on a 141 , 11.5..111,1 0 , Mel'
,11 t".,.4,71,,. ~, , ,,,,,,I in WI, 11 , ,,, Ant
A hiell I/118 11, • 11,st1 11, Nni,,,... ,•1 i,, ‘•• 4,
'll , l', all but tit, u ,, i , p,,11,../ mt•uc,, • 0..
44111. I.lll,4llnorsts t•ss Opt stud, .•11.11.1••1 1 1 ,, 1 ~,,„,
ya:23 .. .. plan 0. r•st ~ , ,,,Li s./I.lnis 14111 ilis,,, plisi•
••irsits 4.
u th.. ,. 11 .11 , .. te. an I :doll/Int pp , -
fre nt p7x ' r h t ' litille ' tl Litixtek h'.:".n"lEr4'4'rht.“..t".•'•!,tto'n;tn'ttln.';',‘..l Mr. TIII '' .1• '" ' I ''' I ' : '' ' ' ' ":' ''' "
the Sr, cull.. 0..1 I toklne ~ elialbt , ••• '1 •
• he e. holup• Thew
TlO , ifeltdri any- '1 'hr. plat. 16 Ingt•Liln,LJ-., , I"l'''..,','•l; ‘V.',...'71,',,r1r:1,,1-",°' ,! ° ,, 1 ,::, ' !, ‘' , r 1 , ' ,7: 1 ' ,,, r 1 1 ,2 1 ; ' , 1 , " Tl i f .7 .... i. 1 . f , .". 1 Depot floor
,n - I T/foul ug l'• ' '..
t, It
I, I. ,
~,,,,,,,,, ~.1 1, ..
~,,,,,,, ,Iran ,
~, , 1 , 1 4, ,, , ,,
1 4 , t„,....0 ,.„, ,
~...t. teri7hor•day Ilirct - Itte Botha. , ~.
anything. eouthatll o , how the, ~,a rillltre, und : ‘".!,
a;r 11,;. 1, 3s.s, a petition ri4 , 1114 . 11.12,1.61 Il s e ~. g. nr " "r "• Eic ..0, el ,• .
heater the poll , , and 11.4 • . • ot Preot , lnni i
~,,, , ~, I, „ ) •,,,,,,,. („,., 1 „. 1,,,,,,,, down of , ' to' •arze • ettant and . onto...den, Ind, I ..• .. " r ' 4 " •"
' "'"°‘• JI '''' ' ‘ l
IIIII " '''''' '''''') in on ' oe I a wet. r tutor t • E• eon. el, n•.•• at s•rtsel, .s.iredsl. /4111/ • lon - r 4, 1144 , , • ,,, ILI It ' , Tread f on, r.,...• . 1 , ,,,t1•••1
• tient:rehear . .
, (Tong, ultportla , ,ro Pt ollinia, 41%11 unfair to IL, 1111.1„.. ~, 1,„„,
~,,e , , ,, ,,, , hun.i ,
the ~,,,,
~ 1
,„, ,
I ,on to. of tarlo• lon or Llso :tooth°, n ettxte. of- ,
iv n... 1 to t Ilrs I'slls.•,, ,ti••I Us ICI to %Vat, I '" I
1, Iht harlomou Llielr pal I, fultplod the . nil ! - ~• ~p,
co•lr , ••• nf - ....t... 1. ,,, , ..r ••• E c.a. st,nl,ll, isll,l. t ,,. ‘,.,,,,,,,, ~, Its,,,A s /1.,• 1.4
'Cl‘.43'74.l2l'L'lrllLryhe,ju"ll:l's'll'.s",",,,st,"l'l7:4l".llel/Irtr',:dll(7,jo"e'Llt:Cs.-t. 1 A ''' "I" '" 1 ' Oet " 1 "" Ir. "" Pr " Pert Y '''.. ". I . ' I"
'PI"' 10'
11 "' ' " ' I"I "" "' '' l ''' •." l's'sl ,, “, - ' 1.,,, ' i“ , ~, .
• ..,3 liaTO nOti 4,,,1. to an di. the ir....• before I I"III""t° I an"( ”"":r. I. "
'"°•°"' I '' lr°f:l • ! 11. :, InI "'"I'IT .1• ‘ • W. ••••..I • hree ,IL P. /:,, „„
I the ten fholln4.. 1
1 1 ,, " : ' , t ,T g g ;,, , , ' „ i ;, -- , 4 .t,-n ^,i,„ - 4,0,,:ii,;;T:,: r . , , , ,, .b,-;„','.,- . hffie, ,eater.ll .•.,,,' 'End... -Erre. I hroutrh the ~,..,,
i Thf 1 " " • tf • lf °l "' ll ' "1"'“I '' °IIII ' I4 f ''' lll I frion I 1•O' end of t Ito present. ' pa:. einon ' t to • 113. hailn 111111 MOM., II." 'is, .11r011.1, pun hod it
"'P l "g a " . " I " .011 '1 ih " "I. "' "'ln.." ' ' lille Referred to SLreetteleinlttee
r .,,, ,, , it,
e ,,,,,,, , a ,,, Is ,
, e ,„,,,
e „.,,, e1 ,,,, m. I
......,„,, _
_,,,,,,,,,„ ,
~, ,
~ , ' detailed , 1,....,1 pt..... I ' ll • /In ...111 101., ..4s,s .1.011 . - n1i11,r,... ' s/1 , ...,,
1 111411,•1 1 lialiws 11 pr0N 4 1•14:4/ for teht.leNaleronfla- , f , i ' e L l l ~,1 , 1,,,,,. ~ ~.., , r
e ,, , ,' ~',.'',, , fi ' n : i. '
r '' . II Prel . n. , 0//!•
. .n• a
,Arene.»4 en., •II II- 1 1 , ..11, , 1^ isst•• ,, •
=lieu eartextertninutlon. to baniatiteent of '
, 1 4 11.t.j. 1 n ' t,r1,, 41:1 , reek „rol 1/ " .• ; 4,4 1.1 ' 71. 1 3•17t'd I n :. ' ' ... ' , "" ' • ; 1 :.' "11 ; e , , i l I ',' , I ';'l , ' , " , ' 1 1 1.'"1. , r . , ,
, IE-
..• a x ...111.
the Souttlar„ people ea a plan of Iteetfleetton ~,, 0 , , ~-,,,,,,,„, ~ ,,,,l, be e t tst . the ' /am •0, •11
feetl,' lops '' l ' ,• f to : ... " I ' tI . 4":1.'
• •". :.. :
.1 , 11141r4,0114ati55i1,..11,n, The whole LIIIng In worse 1 b ., . -„:„.,,„, ~,,,,,, ~r h
pp „ pp :, , ; ..
i II tI. ar , • ,II rs or , 4 A 111 bee l.,lit
than a leirleeone. It might he :it) lea n farce, 1 ant, - , , lei ~,, ~,,, i1 1.,:,, i ,,,,,,, it "; ,`,'
,', ''' h . r. .: n.. 10 r " . ..aa 11 pt , .1 .3 fto / anon...OM 4-.• into
~, , a u. ,, ,
n , , , in Ilse
o(!t Very metin e. 1.., ,
. 0, •..
~ r e ri hi. nt 1 . 1, -.4.1111.1.111. 111111,• 11,1. 1 , 1 , 1:411111 1 g 1i,,,..• Trs , sistu s as,
-.otlUties arilDll4. ILA proper deettrnatiOli trOuld I Lit . , Reg _'','!, , •,,',,
r, 5 ... '•; ,.., .
~ ,
~, , , . 1 0,1,- 10 , levote Ito hotol porpo : e- rt.. the leer. , , .
I•f ' 11 1:10I, te lon ''ld"lnif " i ' : the 01'1",- thLe"thlthltutho'nt'irre"ller ta c t/114r ' . 2 . ../4 . 1t,", 1..... ' t;1.1 : - :,%.,.- ' On-,,,' n': 1 " :1 "I • I P. ' . hinter'',
. :I)"'.l."'" l ' . l'"lr' ' ' I ,F ! ' - ', 1 :" ..... ''..:: ' : l
If -,
lon ~, the o eutl. (lon. ',tinge/tem by condll lent , ~,,,,,,,,,',_ ,i,,, 1 .,,, , •,„..„, , ~, 11 , , ' , lll Th,,
~,•,,, f•
~,,,;', t , ', If EXI '.O ..) s 1 a
. t. , 3 fel I . I/ 01, 0 , .• I. . '.. 4 // . .. •In .•
to whit I. Lir bow Ilan' pen le
never will soh- um .
fl , ~,,,,
p... , ~. 1.
,hp, ,
, ; ,,,,., t , z„.„,,,•,,„,,..11141,,,tt,t,,,...,,,:!
~, , , , n , sl , t or . ,
I I , I , E;t 1 : „
, 1 , , , , , .... , , 1 ,i ; , ..1 . .. 3 1 , ,, 1 „, e , , ,,
1,,,.,„., .... ,;
. 11, ,. u . ,,,a40
~, . rho
ourra „, or th,h eano Mr BleMlllan In! ....,,t ,1 a petit...4n Iresfl, lII , ' pill, nlar,lser •,n , I Is 11,,,littni 1,, i w••,,, 3 .f•n s , 1, L ‘,. , hi /It, !,1•1•1 I.
"nlllOlO4 has,. 1e.., Inere apparent had It el" '"" .. "I the ' ',. 1 " " 1 .u.","l' ' , "‘ ! """ . th g "".; '` ll. ll' ` and
. 11 1e.r. ~ ,,,,. ..h I. 1i. , ,• ,- ...“ . - ,:..• .
~ ., . .1111,1ori I. Ile l onoolttee "on infallible . C"1" ., a , , '„" "/ "n , „T, 17.'"•:.r,.„:::, ~`,;,`,,j.:l`„L ! l•g ,".!,',',. `:' ,l ‘;'-,'''."'“r.' , t , .. 1 1 I ~ ','... , - -, ,, i , i ,,,, t, , t !., ••,' n ~,
pl.m In, prOVIP/11.111i; illi :small from voting In I ',.1, f. ', -4 . ', u4 / i ';
. ",i',,l e ,
il ~,,,,,,,,,„,, ~, . ~,•,•,, ie.,.
~ Ik silli.fll, 01 . sin11, sit,.l I. ..sprlrn•hed ',.. 0. , -
p ‘...' '
... .. .• 1,,, t. Pivaideof 1.41 elentloll " tit ir1111.19/21.- I
(~','. L'i, r:,.. w . „,:',, ,, :,.,, , :,.: , L .
I L , : . r ''' ... ., , V ) 7,
~ 1 .
~,. 14 ! 01 ,1... 1 Ile !Istr/Slls 4 , ' 1 1111 s „ heir , it I. ,sts. /t,,,.. ,
...1,.. 1
in. Ir 1414 tent ili.d .. tulle entirely 111 It 9 i 1,1",,":,•, -I " ' ''' '"' '' " 4 • , ",',I-Io ult rl) i nte- , ' 4 .. I en. , n• ....1 .Ater, . oI. , .:1 , ..... •• ~' .. t. -• . '
" I° '' „leer °III "' lor l ' "U ' rlf l ' II ' re*" ' n ' n ' ' 11., , .I ,Linn Hem .Inns 4 Ileaet.ln . eon. l'''" .
I dining l..l.tT . ""/
l' . :“ . '' •••'' - '\
I : .'
• I l ' . :. r " , . . 1 ~
” .el. " . ”' 01. 11 ,, --oit , It-of. I , i , ‘ not -, I--- ~:„,,,;•ra,-(,.- , ~,,,., an L
prier ' from Coontl. for , „n% o','„, ,' ~ I, ."',' ' I' • ri", '."'' "•'" '`,..'' "p p t"l r '' r I -1 ..
' 1 ' I , •'•- ... '•
' ':
' • '
rot pr. pordt.ol., it 1...10t ofTered with e peel... ,
• ~,,, „; or ~,,,,,,,,„,„., 1,, „ 1, 1; „ ,),,,,,,,,,, •,.„... ~,,,' 411 1114
~..•;, In 'n
, 4 1.11 , 4 , .. 1 1 . ‘„ , 1 1 , ./ . . , , , /ntn r e „ tl , La d ' ., f , 1 , 1 1
n ,. 5 1
5t . 1 . 1:1 • 1nt5::,..1.1,/,'
, 1 7 0 . 1'1 , 1... .i ' il ' :::t , L ' , L ,rs,;;• i s ! i l , . ,',', : 1 '..‘, ' s, '' l . 'l , ••' . sSt,, • s • •
••1,L1.••• 11, In , Is, r.,• ...
.1,...1411, It abut! I,t• rejected
Ihp 7,,,,, e ,,,,,
~,,,s ,. , no , ~,u r ~,,,,n , „, (1.4 , I null° T r ...roottint - 1 , re;1 ,. . , , e•Ert If, alt errobt 4 ... .114- -et • krl•I 1.:14.. tl, k ~.• ,
~ it, , k , t . ,. 1:1 •. . . . ...
..I t lie 111•Ist, ...sulll4g In/ ootlattlion end dl.. !.. l 'f l ! “ . l°. ! lf ''' 1, 1f , 110 (I fI . a•"•.'" .. " "" Lr, •" I°l. ". Th.;-• -•, -1 , -,.. ~ ,,n , , -0, ~,. ",,,, -F. - , . -
,„,..loililt. (11 5, •u+siolt. 61I1Olig 1.114. 1114•1111,4•/. ,:s inn '",e o, , 0 .
I Is , ••, a pet/tfon from properit nu
'e, pr.l)- ' eo .rnnlr'd Id o • for ' ..1 e- weoln. / 0 • 111 , • ' S•s • • •ss .•
11 , 401.1[We, il 1•• sse/lPres,l hint the plan . 111
„,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,
~,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, „, „,,,„ ion Int, for Iha pet log and grading of l'ennax Iva. •to reniao, ~ ••• No a,, lost.- 5,.....t 4 lillts IF .• - 1..1.1. st.. ni NI- ~ •• . •s•
all• 1 tllO,ll r 1,,,, far no !Trill R.llollg Ihs• "I ' "".""" I" the ''' d ''',','''.V
. U. ' i. "''' ..r "a l I n:ln2. o. ren t : h ,.... ~, 1.-, .. r ~,,, 1,11, •I • •:‘,..e.. '. . L. •!. I • s, .
, ~,,,,. ~,,,,,,, , u „,., ii,,,,,.,,
~ ~,,,,,,, In - .101,1
, 1 .. t013.1111 U1f..., 11 . 41.11 1111 , 11 . 11e1.1011s• in 1 . 1.- 1
, t ts . ..y,,,sis
.I.n 41.17114..)1 . , , ,,, , ..... ,1 k . i.y..., t ,
~ h,, , ~. 1 ,,
."" '''."."' "'"' "‘"' Ida" I.'" "."'"l '" ' the I".NIC-"' %;.... ,' t ' r. ‘ 1 , ..,...ented a emon...„lotttlo„ i ..r . ... t .:? " ...„.. " 0.. 1 1,...t 0 :.; h „., h ~. - . 7 “,.r". ,..." r : :; : ' ,','" s i H. '
' ' .".
. '
Vl' ^. " ..111 it " .'' l.l .' ''' '"'n n. , '" I 1 .j." :( t r ,,,,, 11„, 111, ..,•r,,,‘,,ai, thl. corm, of a 101 on s Th. ...4,011.1 011 , 1 11,4,1 11,.., •». L/.., MIS•. ‘ , '"' ' ' ' '''
" ' •
P . . . ... '''
I t.. t he .l:
,ir,.","g„';",.'",..."1".;'.""' T . , ' , , , ' ,', L i"„",',";, " ;‘,.5:" 1 ,,T,T,' , I 'I. ...r fier , Pent• „be Tat lor xtreeth In the . pen/ P, I.IIII•I.I II,: 111111111. , I.:, I. 011 . 1111 1111.111 I . '''... :".' ...)".‘ " ".. '•" k.. ',.. . ~..,. '•'. 0 11 k ,
" ' .... ''',..' ...'. ‘. .'. .. '" '. . .... ~. . . . ..a. .1 ~,,,... , io• I he ' prlVilege ~f . ik t o,', . LI, .lii...t . iill ..h . i..... 1.1 Prot 111. el t‘ ,t I t.' II t . .i . , ",‘ ":'.. •t ' " ! ' ' . -t
• t ‘ ' - .. " ' .°
N t-''''' "r 41. ° fa... l'ort'• II I . '" l f f. '• ``,/'• • \ 1• 1 e. 1:'1 ... 411 . ) , '• 1, „ ' „,,..,e0 , .. lad blankttn lilt alio:. I rnenh•rt. • el, er......,•- 1 Ht. 11.'1 t'l t- 10r,r ,, •.” ' ''
E . • ',''';•' ' 1 11 ' ' • t .
• I ''
, I-I'T [hg 1,,,.,,el 1ti1e„,h,„,e:',.„1,1,17,,,(,,,,1i1e' , 1 , 1 , r , ' ?, °' ; ' ,1 ' , 1 ,::, n , , , , 1 , 1 , ° , I:,•fnt red 1 ,, '. 4 .".1.1.1, len .... 1 1' , /oden 11.11, , Ina., I /.,,- •he ..11 , 10/ 1 / 4 1 , :o• II s ...In, 1.411 r., /,1 • 1,?,, 1 ',".!!'.".,'„','''' ',' '. ' , r ' l n ....'. ' t r ",°, t . ' ,f o r ".
11.• ~•111.•, / n DI tit' , nooo.urn The 1de,..• halo MI 111 I. ".'''''' •' I I° 'frl'....f. ~In I,' : ". 1. 110 . 11 11 . ' 'to.' 'MY "leo , / pe, .11 1 : r
/ - • -' • ' th. •1, u II be no
•••••••••:, ~. • ;ea,. it,•..1141g elnefl./tls• 11,1110 I 'rm. s, als• skill, ant, fe. pa/te...„4.-r- pot.. 1., ... ~ ... ,
'4,,,1).„„1,.,.1,,,°Zri.,11,,,,1,:)")1)11,111,'„,;,'..).',',,„';',"):',:;',,',"',,., ' • 1 nut! , .• , .. , d, ,,, . , 1 111 5 , ..1, 1t . . , , ate , 0 , f.l I: 1.).;,14,2./ I
) trato• a 411 he nom ll...Marko rue; 111,s 1,-I•srrl ..,,,,,,,„., ;.",;,' , 1 ...' \;,, ',
j,'r, ":',U:n‘l,,ien;
oil! ,f,•••,1 I. oil ~,,,,t,, If , ~,,, ~.,,,i, tijf,,,,i , . '''... r ' n .l" .'" ° I. , 1 .• ' "I' nvf , 1 . .... end \ ...ehnt e•Lt'ann• , 0 ....•••1 el tee •' P- 111 •,,,,,,,,,• ~ , ~,,,
.„ .1
I 1 i "•• en tan. , 11 , 1.1 [5q....0
L.lsit sot 1111/.1.1"1“1 aniendolerd 'II ‘II e I all .., .. ‘,
....„ ,
.. , , ,
~ „ , , „
._ , ‘'. e rt ''' 1.. ‘" r.. " ' ill ' ' ' '. l ' '''.. 1..•', 1:. S r•,s • Os.' . 1. .. ss , nl, , -.T.C , P ,,,,
~, ifs,. .1,44• .sill 1,,, 1i,501,,,1 1,, • ~ ,,,,,,,s . M r . 4- s . '"'''. I'. ' "''•.. ' " "'L ." / " v.. Ile , e - d-ae•ael• 'orate.' '0 tan baSe.i...., of ,0,p., s , , E , , o t ,„ „.„ ..e,' ~, I s,nLh i,,, ,Nll s , b,,,
',Per I.4.trodet el , 4.. -o .. 4 ''''', or. ''' I° ' 4.lfll. ' n '''''
"I"'"'"'" ""
I I"'""""
° ' ' ' t
I" " I ' ''" ' " " I '• If ' ,• " "-I ' II f ' s l' .l '''... , of perm:ll. •• .. • .., 14k .-; ...I. /...,, • E ea,. ~..c.e.,1
ht 1 ,, val Latex, that at ottulat•na eon, .r• 1,1 ".°Mg°^ '""''''' ' I '"' ..I" ' ."'' ‘ 1,1 ‘ , ...g ; 11 , Islit , l. .11 "1:1 Issl dn.!. 1, 4 4, 1 , 11 , 111. N 5i,,,,, L.,,. , ~ ~ ~ , 111 . 1 ~ , i ~,,,,,, ( bi t
,‘ ~,,,,
~ the ~,,,,,. ~,,,,,, ~,
„ he ~,,,, t.I ii..• 11 , 1•1 ..• •• . - ...nth .4 apt, tog••• her ' ,at...m.oE4d I/N 11,••••,. a lil , 01,11 ito Inoerge In ~,,,,,,,
„p„ , r . o ~,, ..,,,,,,, o 0,,,,, • .0., opted al. 1 1 rannenl meld- ~ .e.0., ...I hoer Ile., ',eat. ~,,,,,,, „
~ Te , , i„
(*nolo'. Ab aglolf The ri.h,”ll q ....,.. n : '";Yr r .".L',1..,,, „,....,,„ -, . ~,,-, , „„..,,, E.., .2',..,',`..." 1 '," .-11,1e.:,.,,',',-','„ll, 1 5 , " , ' , ' , ''' ,, . : `!! ,d .,,:`,',,, n ,T.,, b ,!',':. , --- ••,- . 1. k " , n " . ".' '' " l ..." Pee ' .
Alf-Aroarlenn IrPltCll,llph.
~, ~,,, t,., I , j,.• I:e l ., er, I , E - ....r. at.p.ented to , der tl,. - , 1 ,, • , 1.41,1•11 the tetra., ~ 0me,• • •... et./ It ef , o•
~/,''.• •,.. be,' •-,-/• . 1 . ..1.: 0 f •',.'
t ff rt. ,
N. • 1 ../IK, Apt II 341 -Tli.• • to. e.. .. pod a•oono. 1 1.-.1n111.11,,- t., .1..• ...‘ ............ 4 ... t ....' 1 a... at. I .." 1 . 1 .' . ............. ............. ' ' ........".... c . ,,.1,V... ‘ ... r I r ,, ..,,, I .
n• , t • • I '' ' ' ; . 5;! ' ...• • :.1 ;tt l r .:. Un a trenr
41tett lug ttt the h./ er ~, ,,,,,t..., No E..... ht in ,•., I- .0 ,t• a.. I ..., loop ...led pr.„.11., dlr. tno ;el , ••- .41 Ihe , ,r,
In .. 1.41:44ti plaer, ',to eddiTiona/ nett, oe'• •• - '•,/ a. mond:lon ,•. ;:• is., 4. •• • .101 , 1 all.l sp. Th e ),),;•,),,,,, ~. „,,,, di, •,,,,,,,„„, •.; ..,,,,,,,, ':',,,•••
~ ,
ed ..n boatel the hro;•111.1 *hip. rote.. Int 1., pros ed
and ... fel,E - , ,p• .. , ..I w dt, go-, ...der and „II f°' ' • ,es .n.- ' '
lent, anEl MI hoard are ret/ot led to r..• ~. ... Sir :11 , 10111un pre-ehted the tu•pnt I „ t : Irv. t h h u..
~te r. , ~,,,,,,,, .
~ 1,„r„,,,,,,,,,,,„ , m , , i..- , ,-,• ~, • , -•- .
lair A a) a ll
I,s ON ers
r- on 1,.. ..........ent df .1,..,,,,,,, (0, - 111 , lt ••• prov,,le•l Nast SI al • 1., ~tor, •ol .111/1111 'Nal.. :‘,' ' ' 1 ' ' ,.', 1 ",' •,",' ~
T 11.• .111ILtler 1 .141,4)111,•, 1r5.311/ lia/ rs.• al, I ,r 21,11,1„.• ~,,,1 pas..sq: •s, ls• at In,: . Wet lE. ill,. er, p e • 1.,. r.,,,,, ... ....taeLge, ado „I I lee,' . • I '' ' I '•" : '' ''' ' ' •• •I '
Irtno. I tilt. arr., ed //alitrElav togh• 'et enti , a sr , nalrna a. , eat"! ~.,,, ..e a er- ert.••••••• t, ..n.r...1 in • ile opp4.r room. 1 , , •
The it , rottfr • - it., tal .44 , - TIE,. f Inntonx- . tn.dexthed
4/ ord. al. Ihe at r.te.tertned., ~r.. ....bpi, ..• , ,
;t:',"'l"lreLir..g."hlt,"..',','l ttnex"...‘tic't r ' it 'l" t ' l .,' : .' r ' n ' tT:l l , -' e t n o tit t l ' l ' , - I b lt .tr ' wh ' .t.. t •l i''', ll ' at". " !/ " .71. ' " l l ll, . ! . ' x ' a! ' . ' ,:tpl ' , t I I ' l ' ll l u l . t/ i a i 7.;.2.,..',;',!P,',i1.e',1.:„".1„:,'•',.‘nt,."1„,1tura7....;',"•: ''
A ~,E.••,, w.11304 , r, •
1.••,nal Iluirre. 11 11' •littsrrn.. 1 l'mspart‘, 1 , rig 1./ s•s,l, • 1,,, 11,,. per„.,l 4;•• • X 1 ). „pat •tnt. to 1.1- nonneet lot. :red ,•.
ne per-on. th/..0 a , ' , Wenn. In he , I ..r. 5.., 11. e tea,. btli ... , 4••• , ...... J., r. pa.. th e •••,..1 .si, si.aliage.ll.l, of •lo hot, lln ... e h Ipa, , ... ...
%moo,. water- pool. peeell'l.
lilta forl. th , .•'En •• I''.• n• • "n'leo.l '43 a 1 the hand. ~r Ire r 1
• lEbtx h, 1.-... .. -LI pnr,o. l'•••1'
t .....g ter pry0.,.....5, , ,,,,, lehts 1,11 •HL11,.• 1 xi. ~.., 1, 0.11 , uttren- 'I: .•'1,.., I , • -4 , 1, , s1s•1 . 41 , 0 I,lnTs 1.1,1.1 Thorn,: Grattan. i'...• , „.. t•,,.;, 111n.11 1s•
'" % . 1 'l.4:'"lrtl.)l7l':, ' a. " ! "‘ S t s,„ ‘' ;'ca '' ll s•ll ' ,. ' „ " g 4t:. ' ," - ,.,,,!...1 1 ' , ,.,.,.,.. „'' ~`: ..r.', ',..,,,',.::'''',!.... ;',„ ,1 .'.,„'... t .":.,',, ~,,, ~„:,,,,,',„. ~„.",','.','.',' :',,, •;',,..,',.
; ...1. , ..,••• 1,,,••• I f Ihe I:Ivo/Ian Govern/an... : if,' toatt /Ind ..• • n It. op „ . ., , •.1 .• ~ • u„I 1, .... „,b r i • u k,,,, n ., 1,,,, 4 , 1,,,,, ~ ~,,,.1 . ji,. „,,,,, Candle..., on t I).
eII h 14ts gsl - ssat 1, 1:1 Is, st h h 1.- v . '. to. for., .to the 1'0n , p0 , .., et n/ • ..,..../..../ do' , ••••• rhe tbtlr..iit, o. •he h•o• I ~- 111•... • II- ', 1 55. 1 . 11 I. .• ,
• •ss11•1" .111 . .j . the I. ei .1 one,
prop ,-“,1 , r ,11 . ,,,, ••• •••• ~,f ,- 'he ' ,onlaotY Cfrook../..• 141.0 e Teo, /11, /s 1 IV,II/.1111•1,..11 1•-"'•'"
r ro . ~,..„ ,
.., ~ 1 ," • .., ~,....,,..,..-..., ~ ,, , I , t IN. 'I to. faet • hat „e too. e. 1, -4•14..•••••• '
Jeff Dalin' 41-4mcm eq -- tonaluits•lourir of ~ i f 1 , 0,1,./. .•••• a., ~ • ..,. • 0. , 'n. 100 l ohe loot • the ititetor. or to e pe , ,,,_ ~,,,,,,, t„,,,„
A, crlecalturp--I.lwrlehl of felon Iholtlforn "'• •••",• ••••,• "' In. • • '''•'• t r •l'rr -, 1 In • 11 , • I otnp.e. to .1 111/• . 111211,•1 ~, •sl I, •
-Cablgseq anal 11141•••.“%trorilon- o. ln•ter , e , " 111 ',"'' :••"` '•"•••• ' •••'" • ' .. . ,03 .3.. , 4 , 011.4111 .1 :s :4,1143.... . ~ 1 1/•,•,,, ,•• I
Oot order.
.'....,.g ' k.. . ....• P..... .... . '.. .. 1...".... ..1.. ..:. H 0,11, :V- 1•11 1 s I,; th „non.
51 w Troia, \ prll „ _The 71.„..• ..,,,., ~, ..„.,..,'',.';','" :,
, 1 , ...` ,, ' "f '.' ' I "' '' '"I '''' Ifo•
, lti . ~ .rul.h..
.1 , 1 , ,. , , , ,- , e,,,, h .“. •
'''')'" leer, :
4 "" " -ails In " l " ."."..'"" """ 0: 0 f1 n .. ' ,. ,' .o. „ . ... .. ... ...him., : '.'• ::1 t :. : , -. . '. .1: :: - '7 , 'l ".
1 "H
eouroh., ha, bate. esollatie.l lo defnutl Itavi.
The, I. reason to In /Inv, tt,et the Pr.-leen. ,
h rf. '"
0 1" ' ' "I"
' '"lx''"'
" ''°
' "MIIII••••"' ' ''r
' ., t° ,: I n '; ; ; ; . ". 1 ' 1,4 4 1 ''... 0 lIto•,, • ... , ...,ent... P. )110 ie.: A 4.i5,!1.,•5s Il1 , •1 has• Ins , •••• • 1,,,,,,, '. 1., .1 iv, • 1 ..,•11... ' ~,, ~ ~, so „/ 011, whorl
" 1 " t1 " : "." '" '"'l r " nl. " I" ..."."." "‘'' "'"' ...... .r in ss 51- • , a 11, .1,,,.. ~ .....4.41,. ....110,/ , d 'outnhha et/tett.. ..o. It .. oor I 1•N 111.•11 irc,... ~ • hah ! .•• '••
sr leteio.l. Fier
• °out,
lin ~ t••••totate. 4...... al 11... e......• •0bru..1•,.. 11'''' ), 1 , ' , 1 ,, 111 „, 1 , ' ,..,,, 1 ,, 1n e : ,,;, ° ,, 1 , 1 , 1 ,, f , , ,, • I ,
~.,,,.„ . ,
. ~.,,, ..•• ovs:i.o; : , , ,, r, t,‘,1., , 1 . 1.1arl ~/
pe , ~,,, „. I ,•.• 5t,,,t.,..,.., 1. ,. .. 1. 1./••••.•••; .' 41, l.:•- ‘'leth,j,,i'.'..'.."",‘,;')•)", ' ,,,, ". ., 1 , l ;,1! ) ::: • .",
'l')::,•!;',rtg‘t'l, ''''..,"''.' t I" P ,
.. ..
'. 1 . f . ...1 . .':.. I .
' ......''.
" ...t. .' . "' S . ";.r.'gr'' 4 P 1 ' .41.. .1f ...If ' 111 If ' fli "l'' ~,•• ~,,,, on her ...e. rt a et, rno•I ~. 1 114 1, •.- .. , meet I 4 r,•I ' tE ' t ebt %it 111.. 11. f ii •.1 - 't he . ) ,,e ;he ),,,..., ••
. •• • • •1 t ' ' ...... t ii... ; , • ....n• . ~.' ./ ro t' ;
f/llt I 1 , / , Pratatf If ""'' "f f In: " " lie ''' . :III " tine ~..1 .... •e/ . • Intl. i the . eler
"aaallaalo '^y . U, • -
Catellho. He sia- 111.11/1 11.1 • 4. 4 eh.- E„, ...,, ..., ... ,• tit,' n4', , 1., ' r.. a
The ~,,,a aa n a a ~,,,,,u, I. k ma 5,,,,,. „,, t Alt al'All/,an rl lattt. , " 1 ..=, , . 0 , , !1 ,,,,, . , ..- ~,, I At. , - ~ ..g.ucd ...., ,144: Sort eta.r.: ... ill,: L ett it., T.. • ~,, ,, s sit,•: .•1 • 1.,t, .i,
. , 1.1 , . 111 , 1.-14,440, 0 tr br I -00, D , ~101, .‘ , " o ° , •• I tag
I'ss4,4-41.,n4- t-lotoP.l'v of :lot clay, fott re- arltral rn th, ',tr had 'el . -trot a th.hor.t_ps.-
1iI• 4 11 ..4.1 a,, 1 " .. 1 .. ' . •. 1 •,...'" . r . , 11 "' ' ' „ad 11.4. .1 -pi-1,. ..1 .•••,..,, ~,,, I N •••- ...good the 1 , ...itt0n he Ito ;n0..., of s5l-Lllll. .I,4,l,atets ‘ , ll ••• . .•11, ss's, ,I 'e. • ,•• .IS on.truet I , .. report
0 l'" l'•"..0 1 :` •oon' R . l.' ..., I. Ing the •• 'lt :,.. , •I I.:- ore.. Id „ noon - 1in0...1 1:.• ~.. ",... ~,,,,
Ali Otani4s,, t,, "dont, . •1,1 1 Ir','.:',-.:,::;;•,'",),i, •-••,., , E,,,,,...„.••••••
•• ~,•ry si.,l ,11a,.Ills•I Igor 1.1 I ••• pis-111.11 • ,,,.1 . ' ' .
.•, u 111 '.h. 1 , -.1•01 .....,,,
Ntr I ~, •..1 ,, ,..1 • re•••„11.t. a. .... t,.•• ..•••• - w . 1.....1...1.1 .uak 4, ••,, ~• a• d eop..i E. i ~,,,,,,, , ,i.„‘„,,,,,
. -•••••-- • .on of a 4...... ono on r'... or T...., •••••• othoer 11 eh IL , . pl , 11. '.. t• 1,1 and one. get „," ''
, -.-
like* trwirel.. h Ire 11l Ars. Sisal rn • 1.0.... t{ elifte, -tree, e •.” 11 .n. 1et..., ges.ll, In, „ISt• . 11 / a :!,,,, -ss s rils, •N- '' . •••," '
Over .200,0e0
Oil. )1' Mlitur, u .t...ttutton nail...lir In p,,,,.- ~,,,-, ~. ..„, ~„. „,, rt„,„„ ii„, : p , „ p „, : - . . ..-,,,, .:: •
t. , .. ..I , 1 th ut,,t, 11..'
•., e the • /.... , 1 e„; Its'
n I .4 ~,,, • , x P,.•[l.'
Nee ik, et, I ass Aunt O - Soo
Weiner. 111-, rum rs lag, mit , of the be tidings •: 4 , ~ ; °: ra ..„ • • • ~ . .. : I .1 - ot
the Nen Ilam - n t MeL I „ mi.., A4O • , 1 4, “ 4 . 1i11t '
era] to lie on ,It,, Ihe Aare. spread 11. kyle saute t• Im..
to the effort- e,I !Ile 111, depot truant, until ft fate,
110• hu MI i lig, os the compotty 'even 111 li ro. co, / . .......1
. ..., ',tot lit), a :arg, I,ltl'a : r•: 'll/. 'lll'ol
- 1 Mg', rundunir•l Eleven dee/nog „monk. The ',poet to 1„ um .„ tile t arson-r i ec,
In the vtedirti ware /040 ' , ulna , Ft oth neol o tenet Is a• 14(10 11 ',I.:100 ~(1...] r,,,„ ~, 10, sOl 1 Ill' 1• 1(10011 lt 11/11,Ill', L. te.ii) Held to aal 1.- 1(
all floor enntent•
"or me r ",o",'
a e ttf• a t.. taco kopr„, stilton of Ill(' 4••1 rlt e , ~: In ',try lice id tbe P co ,m I
Tema, toroth...are outstared Inoue. leo-, and :mot imam , 1 , 11 thel: part Fle•-e.. Mot non oil ~,,,,,, „;;;;;,,,,„ i ; ; ;
;;,„ ,
~ ,
„, , .;
~ t a •on 10, Lr to., , -,, ..,„
ro „ hntened mot knit, thrown out of .lo- Iteromitt: r o , 1 .•• , aoult, in , m • , nrnln. I /11.1()Int . 1 I
4 ' ,.10
~,,,,,.. h .,,,)
.0,1,0 00, 1 , ''' 111 . {2.
11,11 1 Tilt, twu, lo.• t• content"' at vAtitsre oat,
The ' om PortY / lad on , o r oromv . ot tekkoro .ot, 31: Flot ter • Jr. r.. 1 tl I t , I , IIIL ii'll 1.11•41.II'l., It rue) tom .., /131 01 pro., ...r .1.. to rut , :hat tor W" Ile
... ler' I Ir e ',,, r oo M•
the: o mann nolo, . the rl•ko hein i s held in th• oar oNum•riottrog N.. il s amtart I nut. O. . ;;;,,
„, s t
~,,,,„; „ , hill
t. ~,,,,
~..,. V. I, d etk Inv hoot , •• ' 1
orth . ..I lastet aII e r . motto, t kgenix to recto,' the t -to tuner to tron•l, r ...too nom ;„;„;.,,,,,,,,„', „ „,',
;',•;::',,,,. .o.'l Flulll.o h
I 1 4• II 4 'lt tl IA 1011 •,• I 1.101. 1 • It, 411 104 It I 1.1 . I 01, ggi ll' 1 . L.,' A 1,10 l'pr,l 1,. N•. IL
, tannin, e, gentleman.) .toto ..I.l:gerg tonic, fo•
roe / `‘"'"".. ..
I: AN , . tiol, Olt I„jt 1. %i /14.1,11) ~..‘ . A.'""""'
. . ""'"'
' ' r "."'"
' r9'.'
irett. Argo OrleAn• mind gtallgragou. ''' I L I ' Cnn ' t
tom t ht• AAt ut moittt tt n,•.“ ~C Ir._ .nnn,r, ";' s i ~..." L '' ' '-'
0011 4 100000. .11, 11/4.1 1011 . 11310 II 011 'IA' pro- „;,„ „;;;.;,;,.;,;,,„ ,1„1„, ,„„,, ~, '''''''' s r" ' 0 •:, e rrr , int. oit :a fr , Poli o r eione
N " ''"''", A l"," - 9 ' - A- e" l''''' pr. , . rn ' ,0 “"I'" ,, -' I. ' l o' " ' 'l3 ''' ''" '"'
"1' . • - I L Ilr I I l l y It ' rII CI ~,.- 'n .''.
. ~n nL”,,• dou: ,„. . tk, , ilt sir es tsitentesition
morn from al. the elven The o holt ,;;;;;„ t
.0; ;;,,
t ., 3 ,.
L. ;;;,. t ;,,,, , ,,r.
~,,,,, ~ rt. t.• r ti an . ottt ,0 t o r. o' -11 11 not., .7 It,' 141V'k• I • , Ili.. H o aa,, s
of otettl,ne•tk•roi laoto,dona or ~, etflonot s , ~,, 1,1,,,,,,1, . entirot. ~ ''"W"' ' ' ' "'" ''''
'",, '''
'' ,, d, " ' el '''-' '"" t", • ' , '' , ' token to 10. In iro ihe roam • or.l. a O wl;
No 1 „,,,,„ .. ~,,„„,„ ,„,„„ ~ ~,,o , h „ . . s
1 . ,,,..,h.,,,
5t,. ,, ,.,
~ Li
m,. ,.. ,n,„: „
}„. .stut.. Ili, •
1),.;.t1,. ~ ein tii oil rhe receptior o , ;,,. ~,,,,.„, , 0; It;
i of reap., ontl estet :to
' O3 ''''''''• Th'' I''''''",
w"," "3 .w" '''''"l''" ''' ' . elute, moved to olietrol oF 'at r 07.,,, ~,., 0,, '" -°"'"'"""' ' — k"
Th. follou trig Ir the letter m I ri. Mum,. o di,
' F"l""""ww. '' "" "-''''''''', ""' "W " ' "3 thr I till. et trot ret wren! l•olcrt1 bole . Comm ittef otter Appoint
'mina:cm 4, , , , re n ' ele ., et ',gob.- property. Adopted
Pt, 10•14, 40,1 '_(l,. t( 4 O, ed -In Ole loot - Late. Ii c oft tours,
....slit,e eti
\ resolul ion I", „frees.] oat :au! ot, the 1.1, •n 40, 'lt itA ' - Deur sir The 1111114,- (4 . 1(1/4 1 . . (1 11.11,1, N 11.1,11.110•:, armor:on:Cl anneo.
"I'MFF ro I " a" I'o ' F ''' '"' I ''' ' "" '''"'• 3"• Me wither:ern. the •
5m.,•,,,1 „,,,,•, ci the ~ , nesi, sonot of ) out fromds moons; the rtmm. II t :„ae. 1 o ot Itiett; laml, froseldelauna
halo hl- rm., • :,.....i.,..,,, 1 .
Second Irlstelt Ito non,, the onleen , of the here , or the l ' iltsburch 1411 r, present you the ' ' ' ," " ' F F • •r• I ..". ' - tort . t or... -..,30,11. for
Tie ros. ,• -, tocel" P • '"'' I e P ". " O '' r" Teton) IF o.olft Insure., l 010 puny (II 1.11.10, vo atch and ehson acres analog ails note as W " I ''''''''
go., TM 'Ai/01104 gernro/l, noel; well
rill op or or alto a cello, on Palmed st : cet
an evidence of their 11111:11 1 , 10001 tor 1,111 am o
M y M `"'" . 0 F °' ` ' '' ' ''' l 'F" "F'n''''"''•/"'""' gentleman, art a friend. 10 li prompt: correct Firs,- Th . r , , ~f IW ,, , ] 11 , V o te r', shoot
I 0fv•a",,,,,. .. 1 , .... 4 .'hiton 4 a f..... , ME "fr.', n"wk . tale. B""W ". A 1t. 31,'" r, killful and faithful uftlem In the discharge of 'l'''' ' I or k, o or Ir: .'
Nro 1 oar [pill PI -.Tio ~,,,,,,.„„1., Q,,,.a,,„ i le F. 1,,,,,„;,..,;„,, „,..,1 a if eot to per, roue Oath, whirrt. In the •herafT• rale, nor "F"FIFF al"' ''':','' 3 '' "••
It ...cutout, p„,, „,,,. I ; „; „;.,,,,,, , 1,,,, ;„.,;;;„ io
,; „siiro,,,;,; „1;,,,,, hr' moommattelo year- post, anti or their II pPrl,llll iOll '4 Ibe 'll/1 the ere Wll/ t'lll 1 llo.' :
ti t ,. igt-0t.1.1,4„, „.1„,„, the „ t ilt, t o tt, „.,. churl porn the toot „I liher, r dreet 111 the totots. 0t.0t,„,„„. th e , t‘t . t . to o k,. t o t „„ t',. r . rEng •
1 1111101 g g f,
11/15i4 I convention to stale the issues Imo I '""f , "f ''''''‘ 'F' ' ''' • 1," ""k"'" ' " Wo ' '`'''' •"" tooling It /0 004,400 to 1,011"00.1 101,10,1•
tend ohm Lot, 11100upriutiou. have already Il .'lttni Itireber /kaki tree (1111,1 1001 104-.A(.41 't 00 ...
The Arerostteng L 1.4. JlB as Sterrett,
eet, 00, nal ot a otipposal I.) • 011 1,1 - 4 1 4.• 10 ail, .'"'M'''.....° tn."..e. . ,tine I ' ' ' .°l l tn.' tt I' 1101 •• Ihe leneor to ' oe reel s lower ,. friend- Ilerlnti ontl `41.00 . 1., "1 t ~,, Cum.”, Pemm ere
the sr, aling otr„ , pet roll .1 tlt 11. .1 feet old
arm the V maim. Cononitter
it ty ,F i • fu; .1,4, ~ ~..i, i F ~,,,, , .„.„, nom engaged 111 the 114•10 . 1•..• g I 1,1_,t, of (a.
01 4 . 1
1 11“.. 11 alai-„",. ..n - no , o la , . • Ire
A ioellnoto for report., to the Rebel Logi, , ,
„,,,... ; „ 0
lan woo. 1 1 11,1 1 111.011 0,1 eer „ reed to I „ omen- ihm, it ; „r,„,,,.,„ 7„,„.,
tee on cu) Proper,
A M 1 1 1'11 , 11 . 1. II to o. r .....
1 01 motion 10.p/orlon'
•llt 31 ...on. , 1.1.11'31,1,0, ~,M
1„ o Atornon r coma/ or e'en I . 111 ,- , , ,• lhot k. ' l ' , ' ; ' , 1 , 1 4, 1 ; ' , " '' ," ''' 1 „ 1 . . ; 'l'''' '''' '' in " N ' l ' l '"" 'I
Ito nolo, Dickson. f ont, dare. hr lien. la) flg ' t„, I t , ~,,., „ ~,,,,,,,,, , ~,,t.,„, Carpenter Jobbing ttlhop
31 outline, . on. Niel. ttett, .1 Cl ,Ma I 0 lam, iota , Met iorrht goo , F. nut....,, Having returned after an absent. Cl tame
1 ears In the army, I hose teraffe nal my tine
crison, Ait . 31,A Selland. Metro, on t o gders. It • Sto mom, tl :mott o I.ltm X !Ito. ..t. ,
Pat cht,ll. lirlooo/1, 1(01Iii, ot o thert, o impoott It It Foot,. Ft A 1101.1,:n A I a.,...r %1 I. l'a• t.• 11
Tomlinson, keener. II elm, II right, tool 1' no+, , F . • •.•.
i. , ,„„,,, 1, „ , 1 . „., „,, c,„ for all sorts of 'olden: Ito the corpecter line
I ao, .• Foot: -FgII• P to i• :heti
.1 oeitt steel
it the old stand. Tirrna tiler, bet weer, Ithiftti-
F.,. N. IF It „.„ An.*
~„. , 1,„„,r,
' r,,,,i,ra' F,F,',;"4,:,1,1.',„":„';''' I''''' ''''''
'''''''''''''' ''''''' Ii - f ., arno coo, A rtia rfk Rohl, :1' and „ M.. Cold street and I:1,1,y Alley .1r,,,,0t seolontked
'rills( 0111 1 1• .1,10 . 11 . cot nolo mint oes„ion lop
. 1 01Eall,', 1 14,, tt. \ad promptly amemirro • tt
l ' orr•ernon, A torn it , Iva: o
W ohrAkko 7 • I•rto se .
I,,b,',;,','.‘,'ll';',"ll'l'll l'l:',•":::l!‘t7,lTe',--I";:•'rg:Mrtftro(L;:i?,' 1 'c 1 .,: . . 1 .":•..... , '• 1 " .11 . L ' "llier, l i mrnallon \ ' Kiri:pot.
E F. Pratt, do. .... a...,
k il .01, :no Hampton. „oroon, .forehottl Lind OM, . iiii...4 learrner-
Th,. 0tt.,,,.••.iii Ire . pont .....aut, 1111,110/ 10,1 • 4 ' l Il ' .' ''l'• ' l ' l4 ° I l ' .lls
1 I,ol'o (01.11,'Itg, rl II( 1,...4 I' .4 queetten
conelluled, 11. ' , eh, I - titan retied eti to there r ''''''''" t ' S ' .:. -A I I ' ' ''...' '. l "r".. Pl T'''. 1001
Ilse. In Reclining the beton dui Frateh and "" sigh''" F0.0.16, '"F' " o. m oo . d
titre i einturber
31r. Alta/twin. tirboal o I...mutton provid. , ',l" '3 l .M r ."3. '"g )cur OllLLerli nr , 000 , I l i no . arrio . 1, I •l''' 'I: 111 1' ' 0 ' •1- 1 1.•I'r( PE o f
Mit for lal• 10 I I ( . 1./0/1 01 II Nan, 11111 g 011 I'lolo ' ""' e".l+lFl g l tatao foe s ore m . Fire g r atitude orf torY tier. :to et. sr..; opposite tire P,o•tt•fllce.
.;;.,,,,„; inn weep si„ ; o„., ..,„., ;,,,, ;,,i, „ I hero.. 1 shoal rherton and praterve roar gilt
' toy, ellen wits real oat referted to the Clllll- I --. ?l i n to tot ' o f P rlecle r'• I. "' o s , a mentor'.
.1 M Ectrtur
al of your goodntnot to me Cro having endear.
o nrittee on Water.
01 . 011 10 discharke the duties wollon the sphere
mt mor,toutl to o.eit WO a eommun motion
from Mr .1 nt U A 1 esglo ton tomeral Agent H(.' of MY —lllnt-• For this, mild the Leant Mater
„...„._ . , . , ;
the Ponta) IF mem Itallrotol Loin pan) . rept,- ""4.'"'" '' "M ""d ''' ' W the .."• ''''
th''' til ' .;tl. • ' a
n' i. !'ll's ‘ .4• - •F i ' l ''' •
1 st r utter; that the •rotolv of u at, at the mom '' '', F • P iet. ' . ' ... 1 ° MY """'"'"' ""wk
' depot of the rood i- wholl) In adequat. and ' "w • li ert " e.e tir Y OOT c mo,-.1. Te'Pretlo//V.
...tett, u I.,•1 1,
4.0(1/14 04.
pr.y.log (1,1 . 0o). ono 1001411 4 101 OVenanning
• 1.10 . diflletrilv ho , adopted by Amounts 11.a.1
180011 Notfees.
and referred to t tom mitt., on Water.
11111,0 t s -.4J. nuntlay. Ay,. • to. „err. ELIZA
• • , Ntr. Killen pre...liter! . 1101 11001 11 . 0111 Il0" I ' ' t .ll, llo 1 1 . 1/ A history of the MI legion of ISE rII !UMW s el!, of ,Icet, net.,
om r it, 1 omponv, I/01 1 . 111,4 1 111 111C11• 10 I mango comity, Pa fly Rev.S.J. 31 Laren T,, ,. n,,, ,,,, ,
~ .
. iti okt. p.O .: fr, n, !lc• rt ',aeries or
r pole their II house. ft. al and refer rat Phliodelpha .I. I' , kelly ,t,. Lo. ••
to ( ourntillee nee t II el to l e oli. `' sll 11 P oo '' , re 3ll. Eaton . puator tof tile Preoloytervo, I' , ' , '''' i"cl''''
'''''''''' '''
""F ' '''''' L'''FF'''• -F•r'''''
i herelt at Franklin, 11.1111 II.11:IK 1.(01/ .111 roun- '''''""" '''' WFl' '' L f i , ' OrrY ', lr 1 ' t o oIOOFF
31r. Moreland pre r sen ta I a pet rtokill Intro ono- 1 ell by the M(1 1 1(010011 of the 011 region, hos en. '''''''''''••• •• • • •••••=efasesr...„„„,....',......LF.v
eis of l orn PeTt3 00 D eo elde r street. on the tared into the work of describing them with
, venth ward , praying for 11 mown...lon of no • 1 pecellaf ZrNt. His fscultie• for ago ulrlng
_ ...--- .--_-______..
, thee
In the mean, of growing anti pin . - , hoe° eantrolly Mom of tt •upertor kind f VOIII
I lug raid otreet !tend and growing
to I on, I his being con•tantly on the ground, 01111 to, he 1 i 'LEDA LIE ( 'EIIETEOI(.--A ro
-1 miller , on Street..
,IN a gentleman of ability and 11 gOOO writer, v -rel nal meat nOtate.cir [,,a, If slemultnes; kit
, Mr./anion, PreloeFF"'“'"lumwneoLl'ol oF M L I e d , Ito amok In rootlet than any hook OW hat vet .''.'..'' ""'"kol''''''L'''''''''''':',l'''".-"'''''''''"?
Iby fifteen soldier, of the late oat, praying omit - lorad on this subject. It Is not a mere t 0'',.....,•?..1 t r ih tt ' elarl7o ' . ' ; '' o:: " lf. k r . !: it :hr ;a: that I eunclls Intuld pass an to o a t , grant- c ompilmtion of statastrca ond details. hut the tor's „ Mee, at toe e eat,. r. Tice Itteeo. Perfulta
log them each par In taunts ,;,t, oecertlntree ' author enters Into his subject with,
interest, oat all toot t hoarse< or, tor aiters.,ol to et tar/Jr-2i
with the provielott sof tin . 1101 et ....set:ably In tont every reader ot lia book . pleosed 44. ft tt Wortomose of tr. mode. 1,1,11 .. -1 1 C( 1 ';',4,21
the premixes. The emu.] untold 11111 woo read bola metier and style soot iteontos tr , ..... .k..5.•vrt7
4, ..0. el. if Filit. f
and referred to a sclera t' o lllag 1 11.00 appointed For by tty John p 11,10; , t i n , ~,n , .,„„,,,
fuer e ‘.. , 1 11•/ Tr/4014re,
1 at the provlo. I.olllAlllgg emislsting of Mess:no. Ilall, Elfin •treet. o
Ertot o and Phllllpti, Of 5.C.., rand 31,r esrs 'Em- teat 3 1 kotit 'atm and other Poen '''''."-.2':'
, Hy .loin( linson, Wright and Crib:Melt pon d I
tiodfrey ..70.14. floolon Tteknor A Flelll,
NI. I'. Flare preatented a commun.:noon from Otto.
Air. Thomas Elliott, .tgrun ui 111.• Fire Alarm
' Telegraph 1 mummy, making that IL 00 1111111 Heel Mr. Sake 1/ 0, 1 4 1,031.01 u large •1 1h1 . 1 . of m ot. , ---- PIC-Nl(' AN 1) PLEASURE
Igo appointed by Counella to tomb, with Min ';`,::";,;',,•riV4F;1tu1iri,,,,,,,,...
!,,(1•/1., tit:Hyatt. sl.fttl'ristl . i i'
JE....41-111.7C'IDM /9.
In regard to Ibe ereetion of sr fire :tarn. mile
„;;„; ;;;;,,, ~,,;;;‘,;;„
, tii., ; ' ,. ' ; ;' , "'Y rlr r ' Wi g Ir T ll o r.
graph on ll ie city Tile COtaralAtialolllo Ivan
;,„ „),„.„,„ ' ' W
'" r""'WIF' d'''""" r 111 Alt s h.o FERMI' I I'HVA Nl' /.1 prepares to
read and otecepl 00, Kn.! Mess, Wore :aid 1 Ig. ' F I
t - ~ eit to. sod ele•are Pstta• to tat point on
' 'llOl 140110111 1011 /11111 1 41 1 111101 1 1 1.1. 011 the port of '''''
b '
' h " r • " " F " ' t k" thr Iva • frdloon me laid, of bee: F r cunt?
I 1 . -. c contoured and appoint., Mt
Fn.-. I
, i, v tit if.. 11l ar Mee font.:( True sorra to
' 111101 11.
Eletnnft Waghlnigtou Nominations.- Elie ro, ''. I ' vr i DA o lir fort"! s icla yep . t
Mr. Yl l Ol 0 11 ' 01 , 0 30 01.0111,111.1., ittnentllng ' new b orough of Mount Waslogglon recently ...................__ eataa.,,,,,...,
.e.ctott flve, ehoptm um,.;„ , „f th e th,. , 11.1111/Orattul by oet of A .. .mob!) oak the
, Cot., te. adding I lot runoff mos "Provided, Pi - ellnintarY steps 011 Satllrthly 11011. for eetting
; ihal tile Street a oninottee mat redo', or re- "FF3 ''''F'P""o mneton l e r , o 0 ole , c. " I ' F "'" 1- ( )pEitA, Hot SF"
1 .it .ki 1... on ..i(0.,,, 1,L.,....10” , tern In , that hooting the follow - IN: elliret, tteket. u Well
i ore not graded or plc I'll.. Th.• .u . olentn, ...., n•ill be voted for Mn Sot u taint next.
rend time times and paaord.
' .1 turtle° of the ['cure and P.n .• - Edward "'"0. """ I F e • Fo llb , the fa. 'manor - Tre
Mn. 1 ) 100.011 ofTe.retl a resolution ( Erecting ,
1, /-,
the Cent roll, r to verllfy it warrant . on th e , .1 tilll iCe of the l ' ea ,• • • -tome,. Mtn! tut_
Treasure, In favor of Jam, Met•offltL
t ' ~n, ,
orn, i llornagh Connen—w m . Do n orth, II tn. HUI- Ito 1 glu,,.ni., leonotort
months sttlary as Messenger to Connell , sehrer ; j pin, John L. Slimier. or.. Joh.. Burford. Fred
! mos read and adopted.
I erlek Kauf.
Alr Moreland collet! up the, potnion of I L w11.""34*--311°1'wt "1"IF' . ...
Messrs. Lippincott ft flak vault, oalrlng nee. ' Judge of Elertion-Joseph I cooks°,
mission tu erect tau Iron-clod building on (kr, ' 1 nopeotor. of Elartion-Jectol. Wilbert Koeh
n itld le sl reel, Iro the Seventh ward, to lot used nor of ebbs
an a rolling 01111 arid hemmer Yhop,oo,l otoe,„ ' Ax•esoor-Ell Init fortl
that Om Oen.n of the Select Connell, tn reit,- _•'''.."4,0"11 Filoeororo-Fnalerick haul, .I oral, ; ~„ ~,,,
ring It to the ComMltteepn Wooden 8111111 111,,at O"°"•
011 11 . 11000( (0 NM, IMO 011fleurred in.
,td,,,,,„1 Auditors-I quite Wlt it I ler, 3 year•, Jtoeph 1 ' ^
Alr. Wright offered his reslgnnt 1011 lag it Meal- ' " .k. ..• ' Years, Donal 'roma, Sr.. 1 rear .
neat]ben of the Sonliary C ommittee, .'bleb eras or- Fanned Illreetors-Thormot . 1 . high..., u. ,
. 101 d Mr. 3lawhlnney appointed Dr hie Moll valne. Itam Cloven., Mt !meow Domino., I.II:ANTED E.NII 'FIFER. _it 1.000
Isaac Whittler: Lewis liellern.
lIP ~,, ..... h, i. ,se half ioteree ht t, Omentoolar.
Mr. Ogden, from the Markel Couitultfee. In
' Mono „ea r n - oro• I I oto to• S.. Cairn, olto
cOmpllance 101111 a resolution paasal at lord Colsollahle l'hartgett with A. agouti And .” r. ,: n. ' •"" '''''''''• '''' ' 'M01r4""....
nototittg; reported I hot the neat, (torrnerly used Hat flattery. - Dept ty Ilarflr 'Ollllll 1 i - A11 • 01/11) - '..''' '''''''
ggIT 1.41. I
- . - -- --
/0 the City Ilail had been othl toy the Slarket had Inffore him ea..' of eault oho outcry.
ConlLtee of last careery IWO a' ttleh amount preferred by the Ltabond of f Ai arguret Kneel. NA .- A N'l'ED—.4 It cum ra. I DII„Da,. (I
wee In the hand, of Mr. Shun, the late super- and. of the ELM ward , against . constable , 1,',.t1""';'„',1,'';,"„11.'F"..,N..",..„,.'•"'i,"nik;3,..Ti`J.;.,.,''f,t
l ent. The retpOrt was accepted, and a named Matthew Keep. The grievance ooan• %";;;:re.',,',l,:stS,,. '),,.',';',..",,,,•1,—' ~,•„ •.: ~"'-
resolution attrecttng Mr. elms to hand the plalned of enaalated In "Iv eflb,table tils P ol.- 6, osE-tiatr 1 1,15;i in ttie . ;lii - 0e ... tf0 - alliele,
"non to the Marlrt Committee, to be used al seeslotollat lady at the instance of Per land - which Maud, •L . , t• r!),.. tet of the ono ;reproved
rnlnrdlabbig City_ Roll, was adopted.
' lord. The defendant waived a hearing, and , holt Machin, no. to use can be bought for fta, gO.
Ortagottott of Mr Wright , Capt. S. 111. Cooper I care ball for his Ippearatice at Court. A.dthusta P.. Itgetrz‘ Ugric. -- ''
11111 A ppro• rd.
J. I pril Jo. —Tlae President In
poroyed ct 0.1.111 appriprintingsll%,ol,olo
y • I ..fico-nr.) In i 11.• iippropriallon for if
idly prlulle g Ito Inn ynar ending wall .11111
avVion MI r.and p.luu f.P" Ps. h,
Police Ihnlarle• Inc eeeee 41.
April 30 —Tho Gt, ern, 1, 4
, 1.1 Ii Ino - ro.lng tho .tbiry Ihe foonl her
110 Nh , lzopollton Volk, !h•pnri nirn,
Plltaborkh Temperance i.eairue
rhe twia',
tm...t.n g :lint evening, in the Gnntriii Presto:,
terinti oh urell, ntn tthgrl,l street, Irr %. Iv Mni
vntitlletin In I lie elotir. In the Onion,' of th,
Menrotary, ti. 11. Atelniavter, Wan chose,
Ser :
ridary pr. b on.
The oti3net the merit lag .0+ to lienr h.
reht,rt nt him t ointnlttrie •a , ppoint. ill ”.eoliorg, am! also, to lathe 'Nip. to prnvell I
he VIM 01 liceninik to per,ioi /II the
tonally not nut Iliad to I t • eeiVl• I ni h, Ttn•
tine, rtspiirtad Itfol.trnait t.
and W , . CO.-
Mr..l•h❑ I. Itall4, II ITi•nril the lOtlnq lop re.
111 inns
That the t e tniairttlivii oiefi of e
ant, horialich and
om a; tt
°nem much (met., 10 the ' , art as will
( the grant log of livellite to thane o ilt
Ji l . ollle fully up In the require...ran of lb,.
That the rotatable, or all 11,
ward. In the t3' he regalia' to Teturn
the retail druggi.ts wl,i, An' know si to 'ell
I I I ;t7t i
r V t :llitivrttly approve unit 1.1.1
I ioil RpO., to the regular "Inc,. of Hoserve
township lit returning Ital.,' It. thin! 11 1.411 E,
who 111.'0 VIVIM2PII the Sunday llgunr htn
The restolutlota were 1 1 1 111311iIIMI•li o.lli,
14,1 .
inotinn, !ilic•mtm. W. W. Dickman, Dr. itoim
t %Yr., ittni In A. 1,, 31'Candiett ~ rt. p
,11,10,111 1.0113 0111.1.1.1, to imopure a plan (or
tal organization to riimimt the granting nf
tan taiga to 11... nal ingitily criiiii rmt Di receive
II ha, Mg Mein reporicil that Inv Allegheny
Limp., had Mein
c [Mute , of ten to
'all n county convin t loo n the iiiiiijert 1 1111:
tlfgeuqll,l and 1111.11,, milli the next
The 1,30111131,1 /111.1001r.,1 !noel at Ilse
note plane, on Monday evening nu,- Us•
-1110. Cl/111111111,. 14•11, lrintructeil 11 ,
et.. %mingling tor the orinnelon. me-
Mits.finfi of Clti 1 onto-13•
PI, - 31.
31, 11.
11=ESIN 3I•
..z.• ..z n A4.ltlf•
,‘llOl, n 1
it I il4r)., ak t.
'tool 11•.• 10 a
;; :1 1 i; ;;;
.. 1 , : . 1 1 1 . 1.1 „ N: , o;: ; .;1 1 7; I ; ;
im , :pu/••lriunt
or L. 4.1, , t rt.t t t •
1 , 1114 . 1ng Inn city 111 a ovn! Mitt.'
14, tAk• • l up.
. 11 ,41.pli•gt
r•l,lCr .tun •.1
:in.: fr , ”: ••^
:01 1,11 , 1.•‘ .•I NI.-
to ,11/111,114 • It
I t won l'":
rip d I
wm] il it r;ro
• 4r, r
-I Itohet,
. .
/ the Int, hiew....ngr.r:., I
• , •4
r i• • or i1it..71,110.‘,..tit.:,,,1:nr.1.111.1.,,n
t ! 'I It I 4., '' l;; , ,
• •
A it I I.
OA 45,7)..VE.5L 4 .1D .5 Al UJWAF.
t•i, Y
Rt. •• I , t • , • • . t'
I Amato- Su perintentl.ney- The Con
on lion To- do, .
U 1
^n 7
I.ant tippectr•
...,tisace was
1.1.. , 5ri of the
, t,11111•A or the
-00r.1,. the
I test of the
11:11V I/I N••rl. 2011
Self• - •I• I
A 1t
I I•
1 I rz r
, t •r
1.11 I
”i A i
• A•ti
Is lorwarde4l.rti let will r....eb'tbe
.., :ht. ~s 3
k• • 4 ,, ••ny county
• • •tftertlnon,
" :•k , rposta
•.1 •
ln ,
“. 3r. :, • nun
1 . 101,1 U.. ~r ,1". oNco.
Tb.•r•C: :01: •‘:
f. 111, ht.
lAA U . ,
Io• Unrly and
-N ngernout
I,ated RS ft
t u - s p
110 tr.:l,oly :ICI*
t o t. gtve It
a5.l n oxcel
.• ,11 ,
• q, Iwn Ws
r!.. ~ his
as lea,
. • w
11.. very
were tit,
' • 'me a great
' t I I to mers
Lt the
•.1 me ei
nt. In
•••.• t:lht the
•• • ••.:' the
. .
z Lizod
•cl h
it` 11
bl r I' Ja
i. •La LW,
a.:II wlth a
• / I
•or —reet aud Et.e.
from vajr.a,”
•,. .0t our a ti*
SI 9tl
I 11