r Zhe (4a-ette. u:sZ .0'1(11. .10, 1,,t6 ROBINSON, McCLEAN & CO., Rankers and Brokrrs, r I h Mons Pork, etre also high, e es, dement Ao, 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, ~, Dea,en to So 1152, of p0 , ,,r101v011 001.1 reported failure of the tiros, 102 ergot. lhauc sad &Monr. I'm - accent 144 'a d Liumestic rue. sonny , lnnrle r. 00.1.111'1 IV r , t4,1“1”.•.1 that an . Dopeasttsrece,td , e-t 'urrenry. e In- ' the not et 4 .111.•Ienlly 0 , 1100, ed gamin allowed-0, inns 1..` ,ells. oliertlon• rtmrl.• , net n ‘tu i In all port. of the 1.01,02 r •4. 'oil With rt. , ecer.pt‘or. or the arti, tC7O.. r , ferred 10, :hori• 1., P . .1,W,, Itnicrs saasa , cd trl", ''`''' r Y il ", in worthy of speeml the baslness at the booton. sens York, Philadelphia, tIN.- Wla•at In (Inn and hul 11.• ••1••1 and Pittsburgh Brokers' aparm strictly on commis. 00, a "ties 0:: :::: Eon. Ursa , on H LEW" , Sew Vora. , a,s,k F. tied WAriler may he •,notial at 12.,..Mr2,v, & It. no Ira, and to, ,mull KIN 2. iotr from ..tor. Corn in dearee ano sale of I ear shelled at nss-te, arrive 1:arlol i. in. better .lentand 11.110 in .upplN , ale of I en, , rime Penni, eal PI -Hiss again nnuii•whit s. ited dat, mid snot her advance tins been entsidi n h. ed .note nl 10 ,, ,(210 1 ., for Spring NV heal 01 41,1111 for halt ~ring and halt Mijlller topl 0..( W 411 for What, heat. Sol Ot•s•• - Pord's. - and ronnett nat • star 11111 - and “snon Flake" at 1,11 , and - .Mad Itlver - -at fancy brand—,at pip of IGl , t\n_ltae,n Is firm and higher - boulders may he quoted nt 131, 011 P LHasbi sides, MOW... Plain sugar Cured Hants, 244 21 , ...,1111 I ansassed ,In at 2 2 1 ,422. Lard Is , higher—print, kettle renderod being held at 210(.21 , - Stens Pork i quoted arm at In - led Heat, 24. Pt ITATo ES—The demand In again improv ing, and While the market Ir wore active and 011111,, have undergone tin gnotahle • inang,•. We now quote In a regular way (ton, ntore at b 1,1041,15 per bush for prime Panel, Pdows, and 6.1 , ,H53,2.1, pet 1,1,1. TTER—Is not very active, but the t , •• t•elpts contint.e light, Prices :tn. prptly toll snstalned—good to pri me )2.011 selling at bust'. . with , t - supply largely ID 1,1 ••• of the Ontlllillti—May he fairly quoted 11l 17., l• per dozen. t II EESS:—Is dull but nuclutogml aY I •,‘ 2 ' . to , eatern Itetserve. and 24(t2..', tot teed.... NULL FEEIS--Is hooter and in he: 1, r 11.101,1, sales of 10 tons short , at P,'• I eat, and a tOnslll.l,lling• at 84,4:. DRIED 11 , 1141T-1s rim, it nil AM., 111. -,lr ply in this market tieing ILITI/iu, bale. of Apples at 1161 a. and Pissetten ot tor quarters and 11111,,, I)II.—NO. I lard t•l.ltrher. In op; ! pnOlt,l nt IN 441 to ga11.,11 •1•.-.! ....•11olg In .01511 lot I lo topl At 4- 1 Ituoth ' y beed o, I , •11 to , 1' lIt• or none in market FINANCE AND-TRADE vpr.l : The rhte. thr gold hns.. been nt-ual;% ~ .teady 1,1 rougth.ht the nh.l the Ui.trl.rl Clog!, firm ot • :luta. n It 11 1,1 tendeliev It nt..vetnunit In N., y n;1...tn.1 Ike of int••re.l f.. 1 toe full tinonnt it the Tw. ,it 'We N.tay nr, b. ~ Irs. the Thr. ,o 1,11.1 t 0h... I=t . , ... It after n(.1; u.:l ..rt., 11. r• ut the r.tif, net Inter, w hlelleit:'hardly have 111 , 1,11 011,1 on tile ateuiline,- 114 )41 fell 111 threat ket It itanerteil al,u tLat iif the Teen,— latent not, one thitiedlitillely,,,aia r t av a new loan at It, per reel, and lii I hi , will ant urn the Cl..' or there Ih.,u t • Anon,. r ,lunw• for the low rat.. which hay , e% :Wed Cm oroe li, o Inn, he ennwinous ex prt, Tim 1a..4 !WU • Indicate soil 111! tPVl',,rlPlii, 1, 11.011 the EniOrli kee. that ar. 1,. 1111, Country will heaterially checked Mr some titue to come A 1... I'l, w Twenty 11071 d, 41 . 0110 W ro!ollcel i. "111 11,11, In. km than in Lurop, we tie export:limn UI hremlrturrA “min I n meet taw «enl Ani•nrt New Ylnk ,ntn;:ou, telegrunt k. 1,! :,:k04 4 ; la itc,l I. 10, twenty Rout InV, Ten Fortio,, t C..... rotml rilt,:turgh Nltt) t t.ttitttth. e T.chty Itt_tn.ls. 1,5,1 t•:. I ttt T4lrt )r Wl', ht• latter I!. uutruttt, antic. nt. 11 .1 tI , /0/%. Ihc f.trulet, ca rig agar.. ~)tight at Ir. a Iva $.":,1 • than Inv, 0111,, v1:1•21, bu: t it Jeglls M =II EE MEE The lalt ,o• ME= Yrrar f t•• r 11, rzr.nr ;I: nr .131 an ,1 I rur ~ . , ~. ~~a.<- , tare in% eii,t eserti:age oe tile entire roa.l from ~e g to Oil City, und , ./!.i III( I: I tie 14I.• , o 1 IP tercet they bent roe , r . a.4e h 1 lot So thief, of b., o, tIItICpn. fthfl cockeke 1 ,L.1 I ,ely onunn the mutt: ei azi 11,1 lb in hares are '1,3, Hni.l,.• a.nd.• 1 , , aluc Tb% n • :ate: n'e ,r 1• • • e cr. Did, ;37aarrV 51 A .1 x,1,1 NO.l.lonh: '.l v.: mar ; Peoples Yati,ll.f. 109 . -j ar..l:U• f:_te,r,v, .1.. Fitt Nat,n,u, t, nen_ CM •LOci:t iurlng ;he rck mlsalng shares zt. lame tls ir.g IL,:: They 1 x talen ii . e I= —TLe N. TOIL Th. E,u - npelto or %V, has effect tock, unto, or-hilt. ar, I the. inwtr 1.1.10•tOodut,” c . .emi•or,antl IG4 eminent too. or= %J.,. 1114. ”en: cont.nut• 11.01, oho/of. 1,0 1110.1:14 our , urloooy .1/Oo Cvt per cent 1: ,, 1 , 5r0:ti,. ham for long t Utwo I 4 11. 1 , 1.L....1141 1 /1••41 mOVCRI.O Ili; lIII.IPe •tIOIS ,:p t. IYtilt:]io, /lc t.uor brouthl tl,.tr o , :o.11011110 1111111..0 ;ro ,t;p:oo I. and M., •I :.l.••• ~,t. rated Mali, tn.l per Pew rtlrs,' 0r... 1.,/ von tnerct.. tont, nom. Ile • cn15r141 , . .g.M a • are vont, l.v farmer • •,.1 eloati trade,, ee:s pay lora, eat/ 'meat. for rapral. The nonillion or , 151 er . i..rOmlse-, al an..arit to /vent.. .11 It. 5 , • , 1.1 -. . man., for • - •riatal an great :,.Ina •hien alarke4 the cro s ,h, ,„. Nort .•1 I ,•• ore Ile 5 aro, eka s.lJord 10 tont— M. to ode mte,—.t Malley:and If elperl. 54.4 a.NI Oar 5 , teacher It., In Ike ruin , e, m. peel 51511 t.roverninent art to . . II g rtlntiev iox pot 0,1. 1e the plot vernmr LSO, 1.111111.1, It 'lll.'l, 'I 11 .11,11., 1 , 11111 , 1 It, dent, make le -mt the nog• ket. lied g: re I il,ll 11). I.( r0m.r..... ed .0 1 cxtzttiii: 1.U1.17. Sil cent VS en 1.1 11550.tt0 Imeceanfol fordma, :ut{ brnoli. be offered to en.rorl, the eltort eurreacy debtnave het Ipo It: :y, The dealt eto oty ion li,. , 11. \MN, la molt ernatnemlabli . but the brat thing It Mao. le IC get itvillere 45 the short chligallous 1-, tdontyMple) trill not mature End call tor an es,l/81 amount of sepal tendert, 0I:111 Co Indefinitely postpone Xpe , ol: paytnet.i. To those elm desire to 10-40r..'ea:7. and the loan Of lag/ n eford (elite on 12111.11 as t hey will r lulrcl.44oTY 30 or 10 year bond will urn. tate the l'rnaim r) ll.,l.l ,11 an 4,1,1- 'lOll Oil 61.000,01,11,W1, .1, a 1.101114 , D'. 0.111 coin r afterrrartl. —The avt.ilable -"pill,. .4 gor. romp, gold-Imarlog block a on the merkel 1,115 Ile libtladelpmx al whinny i.e;;;; I. • •11,3:1/ 10 It \fly narme• long rrt•••,. liviivy pun:hate, oar, moat!) . oven made Is' irI , O*I.IILV.t lit patty, who alit he sl,O t• part at tb them unless nr, mon. prUnl/thie 1. 111p10 , 1•11ent for mon.— suddenly opened ‘i 14 the e repot lon 01 tin Seven Thirties. which were .O1liet• 1,,e rear yesterday..l...4'l+ll oU - or the ;el MI , etorko con tinned o ath ante Ade ire. be tin. City Of Boston represent the London an.. Frankfort markets (or :11,4 n en ttrn Ise tut, Inc been cleprtaeed, In pall, by ipeorliatlvo solo, add lug that the eloslrs4 lad ;cations Were of an eats) . and decided rally. Ti;,' home demand, however. Is not much effector:l by the fornlgh news. Enormous amounts of money are ae. Caltatilating here, seeking secure and I...ru t/am employcsent, in n temporary form, pet d anklycontrolloble by the owners. Marl/ ra Chip Idler - atilt/a being invested In the pub! rocks, 'islets are steadily ttpprealattlg on Its, fret execnt ion of order- trout private NOUree. The tra-to antic,;,..; ,, greuttively the lee ri , t 1 Of ali the gold-bearing monde, are beuentt More and mete, earn tueresel loo ve day, bl progrees Of the atvettment more - 1. A., Witatimgt.ol SR:, • n prominent memher tit the ( Finance COMLLItte.I expres..ea toe et/nen-tint. that s,,,..tarb, allCtl'h ItliSlre tund li , national debt into 0,10 uniform long toe., ai suc per cent, Is rnllrely leosiblP, e ~nd a. 111 processful. New - 'fork flmotteltil .91w11., 0 New loan, dpril eiestel firm et with many borrowers, but It Is thou g h, higneas point 11112 been reacne.l to-j ei . &fitments . .ere.n shale lighter Th. ao„,„, returned from Europe Is veer small Money even, was easier The cletnand :ncalarote. The rate , are &t(5 pet cent The rhargest fot i'legh•n ;e I. ,fair[ I tann an turrnO.oll, but prime Minket, bills were firm nt 11.19 , j4alOdkv. The Stock Morn", was stronger after tine ...a, O'clock board, and titer, VV., Partial gr,overe In prices front the 'mint Reacting tree the feature,awl to ISYO The following were the ulo , ng pi toe •ut ..th r 0 New risk Central, 921 v If: te, If Road Mtilitgait Southern, St' s , I...entral, 122, Pitts burgh, block sin , :, 29I>et :fort Wn9tern pri , fnrrtm PI ttetturgb, Pert Wayne d. Uttleago, I )ItODUCE CONSIGNMENTS. 11 , 0 WA. pnna Peach Bias Potatoes. 441 t... 11 u.shannuct. Ao i• te, s • • 1 •••4114 , 11 rttt,s, It nee NI ally nu -ur r , ~.. l ees., orattlae. • Potatoe. In Detroit , •.', .i. :d..on,..l,anges I I•E I LOUT, A Aril 27 -The In irket throa,i, th, VARIETIES AND TOYS. .. ~,, I.ernutet. a. ntli• Sorghum. ...tilt has !teen very dull Hates al II ft . . ----„...- - I, .1 P ‘1..1 itr Cl ee Baltimore Cattle Market. , r at rt 4 t 1 ICtl not thee have ', lett/Md . ' 1101 eddy •1.,,1 1.11 1 TOIM NOTIONS, • 3 t0..z4 e Ital.tltt. BALTINOttL• Aprll 26.-Beef Cattle -The off waro• There have been hut feu sold upon the ~ i . she, muse IJI It it Al ya,... erlags during the past week wets: elk/ bald street from team,, but the shipment., hy i all o, a,. .. r md y, Ittleti Pewee. , . agatust 593 head previous week Of the Of- tree the country has, been large. 'rh o ,i, ' Puy a , Baskots, ..'t pkgs. Apple Metter, . 1 1,...,1- ,cril stet rimeth, ~.r • .1. terings iltlO head wore bionalst from 01110, awl 'nand is eery light and the supply very lora,. i,ii, I 111Itt FN,.. • tan, toCeiren by 150 from Illinois, over the Baltimore and Ohio As a. C(.lllKequenct prices aro eiteeedingly low 't/ A • At -1..F.1 . Z . iia/E/, alb C.) A.... 1" , lliarr I REITER, • •, Railroad; 100 from Pennsylvani a , and 125 ft •cu To-day the market Is weak at Sec per tut to, No 215 Wert, street. Illinois, °Ter the Nor( 11 ern Len t ral itallrOad , , pearlildoir . tire note a sule r,r 1 ear of tuttn. J. G. 1...11 , 1E. lI'S 140 from Permsylvar:.. nr.l ~...-. tram Alarylen , l, 'boo tor 4. , There were probably froth te-, t• i 'O' . fl' 01.' FRUIT AND on Blot, - with ?J./ head left arm from lust week : 'Astern thousand wee burned Mat night it, n:• fl, ' . ‘,.• I, /nt h , . t, Su tic flack, •tr• et Th e r.r f set thm week ite, , leelltlet eOnt4blet- , the Lotion and Milwaukee Depol.-retbun r . ,• ;a 1 , 4, I -1,.. si,. 0,4 manse s prim,. ably; WO make the deelinet sde gross, and in 'I he Pots, of the , lama date says ."'"'''''..."•••••••••ww.s , -..........,,......_ , -....--w , Leoln - -, -It , iut.eu tilers. some eases '7sc. Prices ht-day range d ux fol. 1 , There Is rather more illapiteltlon to Guy it INSURANCE ACIE NTS. .. . llatelierii do tours . healairagS and old cows kg tit comnion the late large decline There ate purenitact , se hut a • prated ',ado aa soggy; fear 17,80, good to prime cs.cf , ,iiii, nna s• •of nemehrlown and other choler kinds at sl,ro i GAIIIIINEII ( int 1., /!,,, al ra beeves at 18,75 per lbs lime market ! (rf per I.ld, or slia , Me per ho.a The price ta kI . rh o g r ,,,,i„ , - -•-••• .. Ake ti 1 1%; f a, tene. nre Peaches. cloned vpry dull. I inetalialt toeony Is Sd,onCss. A. freight and ' ' ''' '';' ':''' ' .;;', n s;; l . o ;.' ;,• ;.• '''"• '' ''" L. '`'"' this seek Ita e not bet 1, t OnanterlOirs amount to ito,ii. will be seer, that Third •treen, l‘" ''''''' ' '''' ''''"'-' "' " ' l ' °•''' '" . ''''''' "'"" '''''''''.. btleop-The supply • " 901113'ga, bat prices bettatlit nhata the ~,sti.. ILele le on/y a cry small marght at present Sales were Made at 5 , i65 - 7‘e jut , lh gross 101 y w •, bt tlnm i hrro, not tittotte 'tern, • tO eny nothing of the ph.,,,,., VIV 1,. JONEs. A grill for fI, r No, iii capped-no wOOl sheep In market of a lulling market. • A rs.rlex, taut. el i • ,e• .„. ~,., ~.., .. ~,,, 11.01j..-Tr..., market tot cry honey, and prlees , . ford late ranee I t i tan the - , la Ali idi -, ilt r r ' . ' .• • " ~.,.' UN DRIE:S - ouch/suited halm , were , made at 2 12 4 13 7 , er Pk, litnitlLlSOrt Miarkel. WM. A. SIIEPAI/Li, s ecret/till - Ililf .. 7 • 14,ia prime uglon. the net. BALL ri yang, April I+3.- Flour tialeL IVltent '' t '''' C " l '''''' ' 1"1""" C ";) . '" , • '''',' . •.. •• ' Pickles Hit k'r 111 , w .... [is mrriikirr . steady. ('oat , really; White n'tanaet lellob ' " 1. • l'ichlei. m slut. ilaltinaore Colter Plarltel. ...Le, Meer Apt, heavy` Mats firm, al Mix. f'ruy I. ._.... . • choice ::are Best• heirs - Ilona, tp/ il 27.-Our market lit. I iIIC.I • ~,,,,,,,,,y ., ,, ~,,,i dr., ~.g, ~,,,,is ~.c, PAINTERS. .., . Nes Itried resette... jun the rust week, iint , orler , " no, heir(; d. dull Una drot•Dllig Whiuk . , dull mutt quiet. - .... _._ 1 'I ,. 'lli &Lel •rt unu•eu. intued to meet the, View. nt :utter, The ;eAle. , e ,.. , , t.r . , , $.4,2„ ' WILLIAM IL HILOTEN, L., Me t Lea,. all and,.. here hear confined 10 moan hu t , I rota a et to r y t y .. We .tern, , „.,,.., a d But .ale low le the trade by bands at 1e.i.....c limo, ens - goes ore gagged ware ell itS 1' 1101,41.1tY BtlLlbert i St. 1.. sat Itarkat. 0 I, ./r the aria o' B tb•Wu 2. MobilOW lit. /01(1716C, Blatl, lit bind. !itoek in drat j --- ~ t.„., We torn notice Lhoarrira/ . :II LOVIN, April es .- Flour loon wheat, tine ( )IL -40 bbla.No2l Lard oil; hanus , littUen SDI[, shalt PaiNTElt. ~,,,, cargo , 26,00 - bags Lsimayrn, but tio sales ; and UIICIIUt i SC o d iL t.T. and oats steadt Y . Pork 2 do do ire • , ears Buck Cork IMb. I'd, have yet been made; quote /1iir e 1.... ,, gold. la , advanced ~...., ae on higher with hoary sorsa Mist ...runt A ILL . 0 smut Mane, Witting. in start •...il for *Lie ow 'mid Jura is citicidd ki' , o:s27eestm, gOltl i duty 1 transactions , bhoulders ji.oi Clear sides 17 J .1.118. e' i Lard BWVAXit •linktf= l . - li Lasky dull et 2,10, , ..ja. „, _ _ paid. =. ..• .11 rivr , t,../r, F.,: IN AN \ .t.• n 11, I:• PITTSBIJRGII el - ;Tict , i.i,A,M Ith LI. A Irrit r 1‘ 11 • n u, th 11 ,t Tu•-• AN 1 F • C.l I , l.—Thert• sku,,tgaln ylttc Hr. art ~art.l tot Cvn.t.• 4.1 err arrival, ‘ , 4•v< large, I h•• mark, t tlr . • r.u6,.t I t u MMSUCIUMIN =MN ~ I.l,tiritt,. 1 . .. t I, I , ;Ili ' ,lied, fr. ..4•1 . •• I , • :11,-1,, 3•It1 /1111“11-1,111•1/11,11.1101-.0... t•• , • , 11,..1 ton- of I. tr.ol. to • lill.l a,,r{ hrtsl demand 0r.11,‘ i.tetathe Z Z , • 1•„ 1 II..• ,:..n.•:31 1111, =EI lIIM=I I=lll IMMIE nal tor oil And dr•lis w,. ~, ‘ ••,11", t•rr rvi pot 1.-.? 7 ,140. I, 441.,. • ,•:) 11,113.10111.1 a. 0 11;i , 40' ~„ „ ,„,‘„, 0rf,,1 a" 1 al”1 a: , evt•ll 4: u orr01.••.1 r•i„ .r.„ =NM on I hi. .1 , 1“ , ry In Philadelphia, tlyer,,lptlon,ar :0111-or tuttuSt. SUMP "W., at O. and Friant, evettlagfor •I at,. at Ift. `rev ft- here Froth the alarta• otter.. an:l ,t of la: at...xt that 311 atlyaftee of Isl 115 , P11...•,1 , carton ha. ef•tahlatteft, atol :t tha, aot fak slit of plat , I ....tale that thar, a-r tva -atit•r- even Si the Pl•irlia,• Fit , t:i :• =MI •itl: nnohnitet..l r .quit ..1 Iho lIIIM=IIIIII UMI .A 1 Iti-f I I t - .trickier. t.ii II li,eillotte.ll 1 c./..n1 • - —Lv . li. • .41 . (Iryl, , t;;.tse•l I 4. , ;40.1t: retlll.,lon 14 i in “,1 IV ..r4. 1. n:, i I I. 011:, ;•II • ; .1- at, Nft .; ^l;z it,v; vtl.l N.. orl DU. raii SII I , 1 1 1 . 1/11Z 1' .1, AlearlN, val.. 31 fr;;11; • R Ilk ss:ll4,- , prlit;z 1. III; i 1,11: -11.1•••• .114•44 •••It ;•!;;•••-,1 .;Ill:, P;r N., 111 1 1 q 1 11,1 I ••/1 .1.1)1'6,...,1, .1.1 .o 11; —,;•• ‘.•,;1 211 1114,31 111, II: I la 1144.00 r; N.; ~t. 1:.•;;;•,•tva TI • 1 - 111114.1 IME urn un•lcrulHr "CI 11 ark, .t 1H•111 )1 • •14,11H3 pran. , R,• :1 , 41, ~. ' ~z. nd and oal ia :7 • . iLliet I rtll ti ( - It; I bor N lit 11..rfey in !air riN4u.••••l 111,thvri4..— ar.• !....o-1 :IT,/ • • • 4,11 5i,114 sare l t. ut u „.; ;4, 6.50 &1e.., Po.ffick 1•• • *•,• •Attlo, of I 100 hill1 , ••4 11 f • .'7:•••it •• •- ••• '• Iti, • :S . prl••••• P.• 111: I Ire goo.l retim•st taiga linn and Anontn.nin t, Iln p 1• ,• ;I:tlit• ut•-• • ul,l I,•••• 1••••• ..;1.1 11. II:. ..xtr •• •t •.1 !. • ai fT.e. 1 , 0.44 . 17 •Irmia NIA ugla.erod Hug • ttuttigh rtttlet,t at t• illtiti at 14fir1t . .;. 1..,t .1 1. , Itt,nt .ttto :It :‘,4.4211 Dry filly,.lt.: 3lark et. N . A ) ••ILK. .11.1 . 11 S., 14it, -Thy 1.: . ....O, . 11.., kr: , not ro unsettled. 11 , :dead) . nll, n lair automats( Intel nens , It , lng for 1112 t. 41,1114.11. , 1 .., 1.,. ~,, I •,1.1. SL)I,O. of I,4lAtigll noods are spiting I•etter .5 ,„ .5. ,_ ~„ 1 N otio )l et niel h anco 1.00.1- al , ' .../ , / 1 , 1, ”1 (.. „.,.,:.,,, „ . „„,..„.., ipi ice., not side. nre eel 111,1 / . 11114 , - J. ; - ..., ~ ~ ~'", :, .1.1111, 1., Alteeketag, 1:,, A in...., 15 I ~,,,,,,.. • '.• ." ~ .1 '" •ic.,iner, ...a , I 3r; Iltu - tieil'A. IT: Erltpl re, II; lE're..notri. 15: ~ 01. Nl 2 , 2., 4,,,.„ 2 .„: ~ 2 ......, , • . 2 .. ~,, It. ~.. 14 ; Ilanirton, lc, L0a.1,,n Mouroo,v. , ,i,. ,• Ti s . '' •' '. ' • •' '" '•'!" "• 11 . ,1 1 , 16, I..tot3teler, 10; N 14.1 r.inc, El, 140 . 4 . 1.1 , , 1 . 5. , dfle, lin Kiclunorel, 1, 1 le l Oci. 15• W.l ' mu. ' - '• wet ..1 ee, lon, :0 ,, ,,,de .or ti. 0 0- , i 12` .,, , heetltig and 0111rtien -Brown Arno•itlian s ,, s , s , s „ , l ~ 1, t'' , V,, do IS 3 , ,, .:-.....,,, A pnlelon A J., 52; .le. I , Th . ~,..,..,..,,,,, ~, i 3.. 1i . ..10 I. V, 1: Atlantie 1 Z.1...10 I/ 19 '. . 10 I. n ~s ‘1,,,210.,.„ .„ .„.; ! 3, 21, do o 4., .40. 17... do II . ..3 , -. do I. I'2; .1 ,, V 11. ri,. . , ~,,,„. ~.r ..: , I. 0; Auuntit 30, 29; do ~ 91, lied!. .1 ..ou, 1:... " „,,, 522 ,,,, , , s ss, ' , , , „ „ s l• s ,s 1..311.91, l - : do ll .4, .21, do:, Pb, Unreel st ny i 52 . 2 „u s „,..,„, s ,, ~ , , , . P., ..2., l/n . 1401. IP. 11 , . Great rall-, A 1,30, 73 do . „,,, ' • .- 31. A; aoward A, .0, ..!..l; Indian need ~...tli do , 9 , . 19 . . Indian or Cliarlt.o 11 33, .33; do L. 57,22; do , ~ ' , -.. 11 ~, . 1 .: .- . .... . I. It, 0, 10.0. SI, 19; Lamont:. II 3... 2 , ., l.nretrk T'l'.• 1 .• .,, Ill , •' - .•.,' . r.. , .., t ... li. , ~'....; I. ,Ii 3 , ,,./. 01111 110 TT nr..l 01teelIng. . !.'n , , i.V. ' l .O 5,0 , l '. 1... N , n.. ~ ...,.. ..•, -,•,,,. , ~,s s . , ,„•;:5,' , 2t1 5,, , t r 1 . . 5 . ,, ‘ T , v:;::. , rv ., 4 , :::: ,. b1 tonerlor to any inan. caele..l- Aino.kesig I:n 17.„1.1runcognin ..,- ~, . t .../.: 1 ... .., '' .., - .' .i. ,1 ~ R./... 1 ,, t.,„,...,,,„ .0 in, „,„,,%. ,T,',V 2 . 2 2;V s wal ' A °l - ,..4 . ,,...d; •... p.„..,„ ...„,, ...,::„ ~ 1; 22 ,,,,A,,,, , ,, 3 2 , , ,„„, 1i,,,,,, liiIIII rI. 1 , 0. !de .... w,,.• ; 1 ... 4 W. , . :0 0, T.T.T. attentled L., Partletnir atteuTdo l lt petkrill ~ , n , IT 22 :2,2. 11 , 2. 3 . T,2222,, 3,,, .17 2 ii,„.k, 'I, !ill, ..., h. ri i . 1.0,n• , I :0 f:: . . .10 .. 0:‘,.. n,...110,. anB:l7 2 „,,,,, , , , , , c 5 , ,,,,„, ~ II; , „2„.2„„ A 3,2 , , 2 , s, ' re , , , ..11 , 1,..... de. i..... /de., ihe , n , 3: , ... 'I I. f•algat :ri, - ..m1 lorreat bal, 3 , , 3i. Karel.. No. I .-1 a.et it.: ... 2 ,... ~ , ‘,. ~ ~,:,..,.,., 5 ,,,,,, _ ~, , ~„ . 1..,„, 1111. ;VEltANCE, No. OS WATER , :e., 5... 1101 Sem !clew 30, 34, lion u 4.5, 3.5 T do 0.., 0 ne.oll. ,T• o'l KENT. I . ltrnura,, tnanu facturer of BOIL/111 hl 1 NIT - A. r 1 a Kt, .., OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA, ;4, Hoy, 45, 35; do 2, s i 30; 41,,,,, ;A. ;M : J....,,,,, ~,. T!.,. i.,,,,,......,. ~ ~ ,. , . , . "1, ,,, .d ' ~ 1 .1 . ..y ~... , F.. , T ., ,, , , ,, , V . p , 11 , 1..: 1.11 , 1! I`llli ICS, culrOnoll 1...Tr0i5 . ..al . ..,,, L0n,,,,,,36; 14,.., 22 ,„221,. 36 , ~7, N 22 w be, ~ , It. . 1, 1... :ll , ' t•,,Atl / ... ~.,). J. , nc , I. •, rarre'obtr ,i red 0,...1,a1ani :Via,. •nd Rivet., Tan, i .r ' e r n r g 4 th ith ell a :h a :P a re: a te ' aallauana wal7ileali'aal.Va7-aafa..'l7..,' Toor, Xi, 23; New York MILK 3ti, if 1,. Blue 4,,,,,, 111 c, /envie:, at IT. Itl euall, net.. to ureer at tliort notice. A geed aa. acute dbreaata. , Tieckm,--Cedar &knee 30; Ilnymakor 39; Fl 331.1.1.- 1 rhe , .1. , I. .t. , ~ .•.I ~, -, Ir..- ~ I 1, , ..t.....nsfaultl, on hand. i , 0 LLINS a, witiunT. n 0.... ft _i .,.., -- t h lt t ar e t h hat ia Inaraltalolg"timal. be " erni e uc W h a n ' ecle n g. i ' aa ' i a L F . : , CiEtt o.""' 3" 3:k3"6T.l'L'et "t.. NWT , tlelr of mtonaach Kitten, which, If taken In propey nia IN Kennebec .7 , ..5; Lenarle 19; Park 31111.1 'S.: , ..... 1 . td , . l I!.. Ai,T. , .... , 0,, 11 . .....• .INY : re tg r. .I..LLA S ribraii LW 1 gu n att , l , tle o s r and at the proper rime, are a sure pro , j 40: star Mine 1:3; w eau. ..!7; Whittendon 2 , ...., 2 for Plllebtirg:, The 1 . .... ~....,.. n .t.. a L I rer Worklngrtlerl AL De.IIIMS--.:11 - kwrigill, brow 3.1 U." , to lea , ' ~ .....1. 1 , .. 1°,1, ... , 2:1. to , P 4,, 22 , 2 2 , s B E 1 1 li .m ; do brne, .31, A meeker, .52 , 0,; Boston brown 1 . 1 ` 1, T1 1 r. 1 .1 T l,, 1, .. ,, 1.. • 1...1.0 , 11 `' , ~,n , ' ~,,.., I alt.e'lnr an'tll,'n' er iV lP l / 3 ;ir ' n r e k rZ ra s:ril al alli d llte ". rer, 'a t. . . L; do Ilatinfactoring Colsopalsy, 30; linvtaak- . ~. thl , . , 11 , AI, i..s of 1 1 rIttaills used by that.. Itanuttetilnary •r, In. , r.b. ro promptly illlctl. No. L 99 HECUKI) STITILE _ 1•11,10 toil 1....... orc7d. FARM IMPLEMENTS. sow York Norket. , Nun' Yuan, April Wt.—Cotton firmer and veil : .pitirmi . 1 / 4 si.A ", , quiet al trrinintle for middling . Flour less art- I r t I VO.lll closed henry at $7.9.50},50 tor Extra I -afar, uno tif.ntp.r.3."r for lintra Ft. 11. 0 , Anil tri..tta lyre on hood o Lars, •naort moot Cl a 112.10 for trod° bnorrin. Whisky quirt nt : rt . :CV/V...13i for Wootern. W Imat opened • derolt , but cloned num' drill. at 24/,Jtc lower.) M '' M "" ML cal., at $1.4.5 foiNprlme old So. I illiwrorkee. rittim nt.ltodicttstr for Ndw Winter !red, t'- 5 V.'" Mr old dO., 111111 1 , 2.70frg2 HO for White Michigan corn rnther more wetly,', without decided • • hung.. In price; sale. at SIO/orte for unnounti, (nil 0:t0f , , , ,,...r for 000nd mixed Western in nut, and del i etTll, I. Onto dull and unchanged; Cits 1 1 1 e for II.• a Wtotern, .5702, ft, old ho., and tit rk,n. for cant , In. l'lll,llllllll .1.11.11:M (0 r ~ te en. 2$ nod soiki le for renned in bond Turk ope te n, i I wt-................ t 'cool 4. m 1111, 'tot closed Ilene, at nt; +7, i.,:•.t..,.te. 1100.2".1101111/( 01 V: K !., 101.11 h ; fr.,,,:p Itlnfr ion old .10 . and 1r+3.71t4e14 lot ro Mott also 1750 I Id , new Mere, for Mny, June And July„ I,IIESII EISII: IA and "utters' opt)on, at tr?.7.75(M5• VI. n nerd stt•utl) , Imo so for new plain mete 4=14 ' 1,11.1' altitit , i ; td WI :r' rut nen r sti a 111.11. Mira Mon. scores I an't t""' ' e"....:'434 ‘ 6 ` e" mast. m " mim.m t''''' LAKE I\H EASTERN FISII, ..,,k4,11,,,,. for siroutcluro, out' 15 , ,417L t e for I 1,10011 il 000 tool rim: 14t,nt 1 tyt for so,'” lb I.lslittttli n.itlirT I 111 - tiCir,ii r. umiterinoti eta, and Itnitmt, fo r y b„, ,i,. L. o r t o t t 00..., .r tit. i .I.tir...nd rt-torort lied Lard firmer at l' A. 07.1(.. hotter totter nt .' tltt ot It , IC '". • 4 , .••• .. ;• . , 'S'.' .' '" '''''' .. tirttettrot 11. Ohio, and rniC for onto. t 111,,0. .11111 i (.11 t', ' , -. ,,::: : ., j ,L. 6 , h ,?..'::: 1",, ,',1,... ,7: ;0.,' IlV!.:,!1.11.11::.1 at 1t,41,^2e 11 /•_!Sintll ' O rr ft ' l ' L I • ll Poo YI I'SBURGLI HARI( ETI, =Ell .1 . V, twat, :11 1110121111111 Vrnie or 'MR PITTSRI,OII AZYTTU / , n - rvat.•l, A 1,111.25. UMI ME illt le , tAI. .1 null 11 11. Fi.ltrt A ITT F.01.1,•1 S ir:ir. I= I,4loylir,'y "I• , ~ =e=t=lfie =1 ESSE .t i.l .4, 111 , ..ier• ' i tot t. fr ••11 n %r•l Orient.. Anrlrl• • \ liit.t/1.0 • •‘,. 17t ~•. I•bilittlelitizin Markel. I•tt rtt w I fill, pr.! ... :I ,rlo %%ta e t ytwt, ttl at $ .2 ,1•442,,,t, tt.! %% littt• tz ti I t ttt I. Ilitu at , It .Itrt 4.4• , ,t• 1 11/1111, &III:. Ili 3,1 S - 2.27 it, lib Toledo Mart., \ pi II Xi:I'll/W.41i I. lil iii tourNii I NI: tt•il i out- I. , I R1141 , 1t ry 111 It 1I I tr •HI•1,0,. 'I: ka.•111,, , '.1 , , : %, %pi ;171‘.., pi., ..,•.(1 A It. 'll,l . “1“•:. A nom. •so A M. ist %.1.:5•55 I 'ar.a A A I 11 II al , , Eill cd. ,t1s•hol MEI IRE= I VIPORI HI Elt lIIIM RIVER NEWS P "• r.,1 /ft, ME =EI ME , VI !NO M fiMtHit. =1 =MEE n.,, IA .0.3 30 "Ios. FISH NI _eat TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ( MEDICAL. , trrit al and Departure of Trains, - Peonnylissuit loaf rat Italltrooff. GREEN ISACKS Airtrts. 410,14,. r 1 4., 1/•y r t0r4., 4 . XI •01 ....... s m , 14141 0 ,ntr /114.0 a Werotn•o .0 a m haat .e m , :tnelneati Re • p •01 1 1 ;1 i,AWC! Abb...b. eun ..m•t. I±l, m P-" ...... . • I ..0.1 p m wel M o 4 . ' ll,l 1., tvt •.1 a,44 w 1,111.4 1.2 E. p 1 ., 111. 11 , AT. tat VI all wc, .44u 1 4 '1,p1, 41) hap '4 pm • , •4 'LI., .1 • • .• 11 a4O 1.1 Wall 1440 . .1n tu 1 • 4 p m 11111 , " Express pin 4,, p •• A, S-. •ft p S Kultgi Trwn.. 10/14 P M _ -4 -1,,: The ehn ,,, t train all.' 04.10 0 4.4.• 1..44 It: .„„ .. .314(.1_11. at rotorotng. 10avra I . l4,ourgh ry '"" r ), ' r n . ‘e n t ; l s :4.l '. .targ tt, Columbus.. laud . lb. ill!. lime', Arritaa. 44., ?,a to Pa.t 1.10 w...... •o• al • : 1 111 Vlall p 10% p/. ... tO, ,seam 110 444 , 411.. 0 , 1110 Ae n,• t m rololl, , ulatlon 0, 1 M t 11.1 m rKtl, f t. flaunt anti ettletwo. r loos. • . • 40 I.:sly - 401e n t•-• - , 0 4141.404. e ...... . 14 Irm : )4.41. 4.lprk ..... p m II a ... /.1 ut 0 pr s p an Si Itriatnot• A 01000011110 n lel\ A'1,11,10 n n.la 1p p l m ,11 j i 1r , liat 1110. 1 , in, .bo rirh. Clovetsfml Mad Whot.llntf. 41,rie4.4• 11 ii t El Plit.burgil /ma Connellxsille. b , pesr.. Nl.ll :u , a a Mall RV - kJ p .I't.lpm t ..... • hi .t. Et 14 l• U. . N.•• I.in A. 'lt “ 11. h, p0ri..11.0 a tzt .t.,3l,Kreaport.. fiAl aln u 4 Ism 1,..1.1uck 's Ar'n p • .• isti I 1.. h 1 rain. . .00 atu Alleirl.eny Walley Railroad. R. 15n IFi Mara. 11.004. m 11 . • . • .. k ,•. .. 1 . 1 14•P•11,,,11. I p Aia'ltlnmulatlllp 6:40 .111., co " ,,, hburgh and Erin Railroad, to Olt l'lty And Eremkllo. 1 t r ME =EMI • r • i , •• 7 pm I` r a:apt - vela.. 1133 at Fart •ayue aud Chicago, aml 1.0,1110 I[o .lll - -441 - not and Water Si,,. Depons. a• ... I. in I-. IN a m ..... liar ....... y atatre, St- Clair Mt. /Japans. all) It. 11l antler .• riteste.....ao. a al c. (lair litreet d Dtparts. • 6 , g Waftlattaaton Ntatre--• are'lt Hotel arr.caa. I ME 11l S .1 1/IENN XCELSIOR OMNIBUS & LIVERY STABLE, 110 I'KN I,TH2.ItT. BLOOD PILLS "I U(h "e =I ME ~' I~tili 'l l .l , l , iirdi, Brim and Genri - E"."..1' CI 4U '"Wr =BEE ME =EI 1~1~ ~ ~ ~ Froglit. flefruird at all flour, • Yltte 66 hu re r. Ncrofitla, Syphiil3, hkiti Ittbtttv,r, uia Fort t iNt tv , ttk f I tAiD li z aiii t gores, Sail Rheum, 93-Epipsltt I 4 . )11 4:% 11.1 ( - 1 11, , 1 NI ..cv • t •Liv,r Complaint • , "11.• • 1 , 11,- 1:011 111:11 PIUS i ni:tv =III 1; I, .1: it gddiZat". 1 1 1 OIL ES. t, ‘, 1 , , •t. F.TT '• 7A I I 1. , Fr. rt. - lamer Cllll A 4 As, It I. *lll lea, for th,- v.v., • rry 71 D KAAT Z•ta,”ll7• rrri MAN UFACTITRERS N ur...r{{{A L WORKS. • „ow,. pi it tit •• RI riY iIt:NTICIt HUCH M BOLE & CO . s .,I " N F. 111 11.1/FILA.,10:11. 11.1. A lit ]IA- FEMALE CORII'LAINTS, LEI oft. Olti .1 r N I \\k 1.1. 1,,,,,,,/k1711: ,"/”.“. nll . 1 .1...(1.:,11.1 rtnd M•rlnr ES- WM” • Nll•nn.gor, ANII, 1.• ralm 11l GR EENBACKS Al ‘l.. 1.. 'IMOD.' • fur lair t . ./vipcnsa• ilf S_ .n•I t.. 1.• : n • I• .L 1 . All lad. of !1ir., 11 l.l tr. 1..,. 11..plai,Ittyt15.1perJ •.k; 1.11.1. , • W 1 . ./Ifit • at !lark. 11l 1.14,0 A l l,ll. IP4O A RSENAL I:LAM WOURS. MODES, RTRIE R. CO., - voo.rx.eg ..:::. ota, , ,an ,4 ••• - M., ..taroo.. , rn of RI ACK and , Mar ,,,,, ", “" CRUDE AND REFINED OIL : or .• I . t1...x1. ' t ttt , -,, -.---- '-'••^.... ,It Is soltnicted by one n ost I.oarot. phyohlan• 11. n t y t 7,,,.,..t;:.„ ! ~1,,,,,,R7,ti i i1e , ,, . ..i4- • DR. Iig , R•CK `g BITTERS .ml 4. Ito, Oroto,rt.lo: . ~ ,•.. .'• ' ''''' L '' .. ' l .o ' l '''..' '''''.• Pit ...re , 1 11 VlTY,a'allnAt=h7:lr.othoWn NaTs - r b o ' r ' l:l ".""' . "".' "I''''''' ""4""*"" W*Y. I" t Co" """ 1 . , t• -bur y , •, 'i.ut Nl,t I I ) 1;;TIROLIA MACHINE 'WORK*, Mont o ' LI i'II"VICIP Ml,tor,ol.S, HAND rrxTuits 'h IY.I, IN OINKING DIE. ANDMALTIELLIII. I••rDru li lar ottrolloo Invlled lan ratentod r."7'“l"/I2ojYl'..7;ond ; I r . ... "' l t lf . nt n n i n n t.d f 212:4%, " 0 ' n oo tool porta ordero4 by oe b 0 r " ... t 0 ,' P . . it 1 Umrn. . 0110 they 41.1171, not wool:due Mor h l . l , prom tli zit...olio' ICI • to olio, 11131.11. f Pot... mono Irourovressootooo rm.:, . 1t en acd r ,l " rttri*F.li. nlhCh & 34,1 I.Strerty Weal PI r r 8 8 Gll . . E pr..ss 1.5.3 Ara 011.111o,Litili iterhrut el JAMEY Wits st SON. Proprtotor. ASP( ARM At.V.e,rl,rt,lo,,,,tfor A to I arrtA,.., for N 1.... a , t.ort Ai,•l t t at t , ta t, a si I , A ASO\ lit /I STEAMBOATS IN I. AIIII4NIEMENT MONONGAHELA RIVER UNION LINE, Biood Pills, •-rf." Milt= ••• r.• BE — ""'s BLOOD Pußnim thc Ir• I% Thy, wth • , kl , .t.i ,ett; prurn4l, . ",."" BORING TOOLS: It. 31M. X_•MICIX."Ir r I Nn. 32 01.10 ,411.,04,1.leirkkeiff. =MEE SUN DRIES MEM ;EA pILICH MACHINE .-TILE NA. ST -TIIIIII.IIASTBEET, Tit tNAL BUICK UM , HINE ninkttn, with only • ' I two-bona° Dow r, 772.400 ttplentlltl Bricks Ater I Ct'itln'tlrta"neol'lle;fnnt'tda'l"X ItlMorlitriti:%l": Da.LZI.I4. • matt reit., 1 tic 131101111 . . Addr,“ TVA I ( IPA, eon. rat .a.‘ttin, 7,80 Bra_ yhtihn , hia4 70 Wht..r Arcat a ta.t. New To r t. ' °nail:Zinced 1 ARE GOOD. ARE BETTER, Roback's Stomach Bitters:L,",l.l,", After years or expertenee nun trtni. e r, he the best remedy extant for an complaint. w here n ionic and stimulant are re.iutred ne, er fat. to strengthen the weak. Impart rtaor to atrond and In all respects restore shattered and hr.o.ell. down mustttuttons. Noretned ltar urns. reoeln with as much favor ROBACK 'd iTi.St At 'H nuts. MEI ROBACK'S ciEr]ft.m is6t; SICK IRA BA CIIE 4 OIL WORKS. wooLDßibi.k:Ol < 7 o~rtivrn~~,r, .11eld .111 lidseases of the liewele DR. ROBACK'S •I . 6f 1 S BO Itil. I Blood Hills, 1113 ARE UNEQUALED =OEM ladtgestiou !.44.1.1t lle•adatAie-,, Rheurnatisal„.„,. St. Anthony's Fire, ARE GOOD, BUT ROBACK'S IMlons Fever, :Fever and Ague, i Forwvr.inke.nd ..... n..vn•vi ...1 tit •It 1.1 • • II•f Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, 1 tittle l't•troleutu • .It, Itsnd llttr /tale nt the I.rwt-At tt.ntort trt I ttnalinltntr.“ sod order, Itttlirtte.l ,t7.41:n Ivi digientiontJaandice,Kid- ney Compht[nls, vandal] Diffeafes of a aim- Llas nature, and Ave) 13 et-tc3r. thenpventive fur bilious derangement, !clot. , tog esystem. end gloing tone to the Metall, or Igent, than any other knoWn remedy. i butt% .• Now that the war Is oner, *Nth will be thousands Iseeking booms In the South. Ida person who slue, , his life abotlifigro there whit.; haring constant!" •t r. o-I t• U. "e h' t: 4 tho ur I 11. 11.4, so I sefeguard against epidein N end rualulles engentletend by minima end polut• aster. ' Trench," to and all residents of, the auk UN LogI"JUN IS bottoms of the west and eolith, and the valley' hileals•ll and Its tributaries, should pronldet selves w ith the NtL n ii • .ut,ittiv.,.. nverrturgi BITTERS. t Y.... °1 3 . , 1 2t . i n, :i1 t,, iy0 ,n r• ,.. .. and ~,r laar• A 'AA. AIKEN, PRINCE, WILTON & CO., %Kamm la Di. C. W. Kabul, HORTICULTURA.L. NumElity AND OMLAND GAqusEs. PA H.. &A. Qt.. N u attention tots , Iffgn‘l*s .. t;tl , 2 • &Melt attention eir extensive •mselt inl ! zt r an.: ornAtuanhal trees, ergreens, Ent.. Tina , audßreu• bongo plan la. I Pittsburgh Nos, 56, 58, 60 and 62 SOLE PROPRIETORS To wbotrisUortlen ilboula be lidAreese4 OM CILIUM 10AI' NEPHEIIS PITTSBURGH BUT BITTERQI.) ~H EAVY, 0111)NAN , CE, REI'A vt PATI t• 6111. N N.l ALL VALLI:Is urn r mcl "11'1\11%1,r I.llrrrt) tit A 4 'TN.4I NTOI E U OHK. MAr,f, ~ ., . ...ro• sio elr ..f COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES FI:AN Ind 11. , 1 1.14 1.11 .1 , ..t1 /NTS. .le. . lyn NS. • " 111,, fiNt.ISE •• l'ul • 114,, : : • Cl 0 "52-, OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA TioithN IA f' 1 11 . 1:14.4".1 I:111.1.1P °Myr, No. 2 Doque.iir It a) fl •1.. II 1 , P. I I' 1 4 1 i I .N NN AItIN to N. Ii I ....l.tiiti.lh,♦ trr ec I ituLEUM ANU its PritaUtlitlri t -- 1.1:1,”1.ft52A HONitEli tREIIO/ SE uk rtaNtx viAkEtlotAiNo GOMPANT rialticand ilarrlaan dares itruaki r r N or fie ✓lard "Lk, ....I h. ~ 1 11•-• iy 1 .. .! a cwt as as JIA 411...13,-"ar ork e sod 1111111 c, t "IllUm low a•tkle SE G>SL 701%7 C. I. ZS MEI WWI EITHER A COl9lO OR TUBULAR. ROM PURE WHITE BURNING OIL J AME:M HILh I'M, 44 - np«. - tal all. LI, 111. 11 to t.ale *ad ship uO.Ol 01 l'et,ll am awl 11.1,...1w-cp. Uounlgument rw,retfully noltelLed. ro.t.tare HO/ mh9:ll .414th Iswis NI ES I It IV IN No. I Wr. 1..11H Vitt.burgll UNDERTAKING R . T. it CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, uoome 211esalecse ter LI scry ISsabit, (Awn, 01 Bbeft ola 1010 I• t•rtle:s ,area,ts Its ar•! uit Inge. furatebt“ ( !Of r INS I COFFINS •M➢i+bflL tind.-11865 Li Da X).F.2ri1tV421,-,ELau- no Idi k north etrret, llttehurgli. ta. COYFltiel of •13 ..3. de, ( - }l.,spEl . u 1.:: 3 , - Eb e:,../ evere descrlpfloo ct Pau era: Fumeolnee .00a, mrulatiert. Booths opend • 3 ...:31 alebt, .leaner wed t•rrlegoerholehe4 lik rens:ft is nee. Ile, is litre,MD., no e. Id VI. In c , ..tioe, U. If., Thoceaa It‘elhe Keg., . 1 •cob kl el :liar, 1.L.1. NI/V4 BRICK MACHINES. PO ;. 1 N FORT rirr kuurthty N Y 411TVt ALLEN, M'KEE & CO, A. BRADLEY & CO TrE oundr 111111MTION I\ TOE MIRE. H. •VP 1 - ex t m .x.-1,.. MEE Brand--•"Luwler 14p In •110 11 /.lr.i har I EXP,PI I tt ft t .I.lrts .1 I=ll h! •y~L..l~6Tfl~b CLARK a. SUMNER p'• 1.- :1 4, "I =MEM •••11 , ..155. Pa on. MARKET 11A1'...51 et .1. 11. PI AIN If Eft • 4 I . JDPSYPIIGH Pe MIZE MEDI IZIESIII =II= I=l “111,4-, !.. tOURTII 61 HETI akiamt rneengar Can rax to is /Moan wiz... • PROSPECI ITS 1866 ('itre .1 - 11-(i ill. hi ei GAZETTE! ctjßEs coms, GREATLY ENLARGED .a_L - v ---) Otherwise Tronroved. lr XXIIN IHIIRMMI G4ZTTE, Will ea furnislied lo (an - Up; ai UR RE, E,,r, ItLAI.I9 GREATLYRODua PRICES arA 611 . I 1..., • Ft toLd tLe t j t kttzl In, LS -• ..e_..D.T - • rl t.a Yt 4 • 'T .10useriners Delhereil I FIFTEEII CENTS PER TEEL DISPATCHES r sZOa~Y Measeng., Fnb.- 1 mo mle• roub, I. , eliciingl\Tews Centres , „ tiLUABLE MA_RKE? REPORT.S, • I. 1 r to lieyeern. on 'A ...1 +5..1,• 1 , I.ott.e hie Cough Pecturo.l, mug I r ...; . ~•tb. cr.,. must he de,perbte I 61- • e • ~ e rttre I. of the colloqui one hi ar, .5, , periods 01 the jeAr. • .0. ire., .0•50.. rine:ht. cheerfully concur In the,. e. [lon sa &tore, for we has e 550 .t . •1•5.05 0 al,' 10 • Incret etubhurn .•see ,11...httr. Nue, bt two weel, ago we weut bbt• '., 0101... Mat the most dirt ressing, ..00, u.1111:1.. ght , exprt. o, eer • Tit npora GAZETTE. this mundane ophere. egbrel .b. 10.1,1 a, I tgriously for 1 .111 , ` Wh.ar yr, l. t- , 00111. out, but It was 00 lb •• • rather lc iffsee itupro,ll ',merle, 413411 arqUit cii of IL . potency bibt obe,o, IWO. In • Mit btageof , le ut. ea ...... r r1.04 our •••e) ' to tieyeer's, Nu. 14 0 street, b , ...nred • MI. pent bottle of the ••rectoral, • • ‘OOl. It x•- , orrline le directions, tad to (Or V-0,111 boa" Ft./4'101,15,H I of the held, the et 0.01) hal in, 00 , y fur. rendered, art, but;al.°nth, t 05th to I COrfuldable 1,1 adve, •..l I. Ye‘ f . 00045 mull' rectors,. -11/.11,14-• CO re ...11, r.er lie.. it. in, MIMED HIPEMI PUB 1111 News, M.l LL.&NY, OR. ItElhEß'h PECIOE L SHIP frith Foreign anti Dossiwatie LiR. GEORGE ht akYstai. CORRESPONDENCE, ~~ ~ 113 rriOJECLA_LS Gu<cning me iesitag topic. of :be ds;• — yrmtet Ca CLEAR PAPER, NU IND ELEGANT TYR. TILE GAZE 'TM bOR C1.a.016 I 0 B 1 The Cheapest and Best NEW SP APER in Fresh srn Penney amnia. Ad;vertjj ing, IT niseNini ?Bier . DR, GEORGE H. KEYStP., 111 /4.6 Weed cheat, i a 17=4,1iiry P MEDICAL. 1866. 1.0 1 * ikkAs'Eß'S Pectoral Sip ltREs tONSt 11P110 C..." LA.I" F. 3 a 42/.0•11...1..A0LV ( '1 1 - i 1,.:4 All 1.110,-.,,s A Cg•r f - hen , PYt T•qIAL Itrr NHS.", ‘•tr, su4 otalettlty •kl „‘. 4 - 41ler si..l vlanll ta I v red 11,11 Wear.' 1,1 tsql wou ~i~ , .~ ...... , ..: 11, ;1.1 111 I .laughtrr %tn. t••• ..• t • .1. 'I A't • Feel.ral ..[ltlrel, I I ; Itl n o.f•NT k I . ! tbe ; ! ; a fl. i II I •t 112151111 A 1{. 0 :1,151.1L 11.111111., llarV Ilenrd I , ,L.Ur r ! t. t. 1 x xkr b 1 ILr MAO. 1. , 1,. ", . ; grets.toie ation • v.. tot ; ht, .r • ••• ! :he •eecrtFt c.. 1,1.1 ;1,1 t. . \ I.l.lyea 017 throat wutii.l. , c;;?l4.- . I n..r cc lax m• u• : t 1 , / ". 1 1 p..., %Y r . r. " 111S T'h l7l ', " • 7-1,0111 K. . • PRA I I I • A 1 n 1 ICI P. - Ka, . .am ailmow,rdaln, , Alnugh 1 . ” I Aoonvr I 111, II :1141325t It I- all )1.1.1 .ay II LA. It 0.1 of Inv entseh. and ale .1.. ed sett!. I have not .I+,l wo r, bottle, and lean an, do wi•l, thnt ed wouldpls• It •,n :Air Ir. , A I 11 they he I rob., t...an. o t would n,,t Futter onaiderstion, io (ratite more Iree:A 1.,. I acknowledge a deld , t excelleut a rem. ily i name Lu 1111, regard 1, , t I ' " 4 I \ rro- I • ANLTH.Ett NEW t 1.1,1 rr dEit, PEcror..o ;:; a - Ith cou,ro : that 1 evul, t. t • criptlone. Ron elty, vrh6tr, I •-• prouured a twit, • cured me entl,ty. lnignedis N. 2461.1. January 9tll. 19k• Is 1,160, &itl • I.! cl No. 140 *vow, sc•-=. MI Great Nervous Reified), Dr. Keyser'6 Nervous Araidoe Will relle , e, without tan. or,n cure W Nprrou, Init. unity Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote iirsten Mr, Keyser's Ncrqous Antidote Wit Curt 711,1,1124 Sera Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote • %s ~.r9ou .L iteVite.o Dr. Keyser's, !serious Antidote W 11l Cure ren, C rasztp of Dr, Key ser's Nerieus Antidote w - I Curt Ncttr.air.,‘ • Dr. iLeyser's ftittious Antidotr W 111 Yetualgln of the F. Dr. Geyser's Nervous Antidote Wl]] Cure Ncuralgls. 'Jf Lte ator..ac/ Dr, ileysr's Nallrus Wlii Cure Neu/Iktgla or car Hen: ! Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote ene Cu. Neurulglu of U I. Ire: arid /(:glib. Sri Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WII. urr. Aeoralgl, kiet4,l4l Dr. Keyser's Nervous etutidotv wm Cur. .nor, of tn. near Dr. Keyser's Nervous Amish:lle ~f 111 fore, I - 41u Cut,e4 and Weakuese of ~lovtact Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Stopp.wv or Flu:. rlos, of Itke heat. Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cu,., Treu, tr , frotu Urns ic Dr. Keyser's hoovous Antidote W m Cur. kirpochoi.drisAl• !Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will Care Lorruese riepared .11.1 10111 by ME RE !1`:'~:, ~ %, I I It. 11 ail t.t• at 1v .r, vn.n ! I I 111k:i z !!! " DA IN Eini ,r > / iI t lit st 1 / I.I• / I / I. N. 1., 1 1 1 I I =CM =MEE =LEM IMITZI . EaHi • , , I I • lb r Uslr I • I e 41 •• lb • 1.1 I 4 WO 0 t. 11l 1 EMI 1 11 F 1 e lef e el 1 • Ml= .1 •I rtIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers