I 11 1 ' 11 , ..,111i , mi. iSINC. RAI L AGVEH I I of l'uNbiir,:h =WI =RI moan= MEM 111111 10,1,1 Ih. t hr , . gr., udd.-.1 to pro iiiii Ir rt all had at livuri, and Unr i i t 1.11 Wri• ‘ neutral ground .41 s% nanivly that I,f pitil.log) and CM IME —A clergyman a rite, I tar Ind.pen/e' , • complaining that there are ov e r Aeveut3 vacant pulpit , 11l 0 , 1111.'1 wut alone, the reason being that the.. is at great it de. cline 01 relieiour intent that congrega Lions cannot le itelneed h. 4 ...irritant. enough tor Ilor ,111.1.011 lonnt", "k" • —The e. Nui...md Lout:. I ( X Rt " - " k BA "11158 Ronisn Cat fit"hrois: t the United States will he op-tied Balilmore ils sEwiNG nom the first Sundkv ••1 (Icti,tier present seveti ercir,issui at 144,11111'V,, Ylis Haat ar..lk ••••rdrd caw 1 , 111.8 T FKLMILItan at IL follumlna , ralra ear !be TaarJlKs bracing fort) eight dim - vises. —Rev H M liatfielti. , one tti the ,i,eetsl nt contributors it, the Independent, take , the , ground that the Fenian movement it direct- .„ ed against Protest Sot ism and in the interest.. of the Papal church —Prom the inns of the iislttit4 latpet, the union proposed between the Baptist, and Disciples ie oppteattl by the great ma jority of the Baptists —The Missionary ship John Wesley hit, become a total wreck in the Bay of Tongs Several missionaries and their wives were on board at the time. —The Swiss guveruuieut has decided that throughout the whole fed: ration the Tree exercise of their religion shall be granted to all Christian bodies oraiFizweivi FUNiATITVRE OLNE AND WOOD CHAIRS, kialonfortured.ond for Orli, Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWIE ILL, I=2 Opposite R. FAcoutidsoti • Co.•s, out 4 7 /0111111111•31.141 MUNI MIT V.ll. JOSEPH MEW' & flO,lll Mann rtfreNratil,wrzrzie.3,ll,ll". ..thsVgrop tan e a Hulce Aesorlanint of TALNUY Atat.1 . 1.4.12r FUNNITURE, Watent atm/ feaberdul. Of Maritsa - taaantactaneonut way. ranted equal an quality and Atli& to any mannfacun • er the atty. and wt: wt. ILI reasonable prices. MAGNESIA. TOE BEST EFFERVESCING CITRATE; jaGrasra,' s_o'4 wasexavgAttl,° 1 2,1 1 4,11 .*k 1 ,. arms szotHEEts, c:bilmigt,mr. SODA Af3EL SODA se e; CHOICE. BRANDS, in PL➢(liMa to Nlt PtVitglift. z: Pit.t4R,t7 4:641,1i664 ispfrawd cr`F,l:tAl. 1i 1.11 • VII 1 • •I( L l 5 f 11'S. 11.1 I 1 1 111 =I I''." ; AND SNIfiI , NG Nidwltl =I BBD. S. CO ENE tI. r.• ... cl °II tt orl.ir Cl=l WASHINGTON WORKS, 44444 V% A I t V11..1.011,1. =I ht.!, 1.91‘ , • 1.. r• t.l it lout.. .i...1.•,n.tr+10, . .•..st tL. L.) , ITS 111. tart , I} ol,rwlug. I. al I. AND EXAMINV AT THE WHEELER Sc. WILSON SALESROOM. No. 21 Fifth. Street VI IL SUNINER dic 4 0 rtret rn-s.slurn ftrt brat Ma.rllll, wort at Penn• Late Fat, IJITIITI NEEM=i=l= Viral prantlumfor bestaaarinfacturing Machina blo litatiultair. Piret premium for brat Manufacturing , Mactilo• 11. plaza State Fair. I.rat Prrmluto for beat Manufacturing tractitne 'israineln Stair Via, . . First Prrnalum fr o beat blausaartnring wrrociel , nsoly P•lr, P.. • , First Premium for beat Machine fur gear. ai put fret at I.a.rrrocr County lair, First Premium for Nest Fatuity Machias at Bites cnnnty Yale, Pa. First Premium for brat Mannfacturtstg Machin. Bucks County Var . , Pa. First Premium ihr be* Itanufacturitag and lamb Machine** Springfield "Mr, Ohio. Fired Premium Tor beat Manufacturing and Limn kianblua at Palmyra Fair. N. Y. Viral Premium for best klartufartarlog and Family Machine at Suffolk ecnitty _Stair, N. First Premium for beat Matanntcturlog and Tamils Machine at Schuyler Cly_ a i r , N. 1. First Premium for beat Machine for purpose', at Allegheny County Var . , Pa. First premium fur best Nino ofacturlog Machine, Allegheny County Fait, Pa. lint Premium for bent Machine w rk at A Itrancr. Count, Fair, Fa. I And arbereter airniblten. A. F. CHATONEY, .04tbut N.:18 TIM slreet, Plttmqvgl.l SHAW & CLAHAVN X3!&M.I=I.4I:OIiTHIXJ SEWitit I iWACONES. 40 111EtAalanaes SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are matinfactored Wltintl434.ean.PMeM" 2 "a" ex it , Lent therefore are bet liable to get d ontof spe lt „/ remit; C:rlVilnil d 'Attl ed I roe 'V W ” "TS 0. Or ag. edo not S. f itsainnes with cbeap machines, as we have taken of Patentee prin.. Trier HEM, FELL. frITTC.. , BIND, EMBROIL , - Eli, QUILT. Licensed r How Wbeeler & Wil son (Hover & Bar, r Banheldet• Ail of oar Mac hin.. are warranted live ream AO EDITH WA NT CCU. 14 &ter ir g ; f' e trittiri. A. no10:TromK1 $25 BARTLETT S*2s s~iet al LitetisiSd itiadvr pilaf ttielie. I;Vbeeirl: w ll sou, (ironer & Baker, SO &Inger Co.'s, and the only Cheap Machine In the idled States, having the right to use the Wheeler & Willem or !bar motion Coder-Teed. We. want Agents to ion. theto.....l=L valor .20perflurn114 , avalldri . Were 40 Will tend Yachters, to Do pall for when sold. For CI, colors, fut ra m = andrldrrso . At eltberAtpoi 0111 em Rh sdoliftds, Ps., Toledo, Milo, of Vt. I.ollbrigr , Sows with double.* JY to alfelld.—Srthar D jf ' l 4 l , Death Con-- )I'l.lll Hilt •) 11.1 J . C ti 1('T.1._"1.. I 11) I 1 1 111 1 I 11111 1 r. 1.1 It 115.,11 1 , 11 I%lti 1C4.11 I 111 L NA rs..: ...A. I_, 1%1 ROBBE:Rc OF ",.OHEIVIiA I=l 1=E1:11!1 =EMI I 1 ( tv A f-: Sit.ko.l.l \I « i 11..1.. tIC I IMi nI.N4 PROF. COVVPER'S 1'04,1011014r 1)414141444/ .1411.144.411 /W I ILViroeva, 410(3., AUCTION EMPORIUM i It t t• e e t., Phi jail,, bnl AIN. ti F NE 114 . GOOLE. A SPLENDID STOCK Ladlee, Gent'n, rnlisftes% and (Jill- ROOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, I= J t_f NWT C;111=.11EIN EL) -01.7 C. J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, BOOTS AND SHOES arALTICUIEIIai ROBS. ./r0.1.19 Market Street, near Mb I= Second large purchase 01 Nis 'TN AND 81108. thin Spring. We keep on hand, full assortment of every variety of Boots cod Shoes. ..elected w Ilk Ike utmost care fur this market. We Melte special at tention to our stock, as ler beln to II to be the be•t In the eft], which we will tell el the lowest prier, Please cal/ at Nu. en Merkel street. flaring but over thirty year* experience lu the tinelbess, you cannot fall to be stilted. Remember t h e place, No. SD Market Street. 1 spin) JAMES ROBB. NEW SPRING GOODS. J. W. CARNAHAN & CO., No. ea zitrinurlizAet JEttee.e.t. Hl.* how OD hand an ritenglve assortment of LA - MIEN'. A11390.9', SOY'S nod CHILDREN - 0 Boots, Shoes, Goiters, Balmoral's, htah they can and do sell as cheep as any other house ID tte oft*. Cali and examlua at No. El Elutes woo.. - yet 89 , 00 WOO CAN 89 , 00 . 33.8L491.2" TZEINS., For FIFO WEEKS ONLY, I am selling • (100 D FRENCH CALFSKIN NUOT tut the mat: sum of KINK DOLLARS, at No. 38 Market str.. DANIEL A; Js. 141i:GHTMs ovnat Vo. Awnia"- 1-‘14.4=, AS at 611.4 Thar 4.1,i. Kt' MIS- aiffttaraiisz A M r,SF'M EMS I' , CD) r I ' `l"' fi MEEZI 0.1 MEE • 1.111 A% . 4 . X. "ROI PE. lir Ilall 12101 Gaiters, 11. x, iIcCLELLA:vD'v N 55 and Arena' 411 Market .Street 17jai:le):40i1J01 !MEM = P)lk Nrl IMEI 1111101111:113 =1 Mill MEE.= t.%; / 1,1 =I 11111 COM MEM MEI 1.~ I ' I'l 11.1. MZEIIE=OIII ME ME • I- 1; 1• , tt 11.1 4B1.1: 11.11.011 t. 01' 1111 • I 111 \ ‘1.1,- • 111.$1 , 5.1. it.z. .tAllal.le t,i1,1111, • Itnll~li . l lfrvnl... Apply NI. 1. 1/4l\ U.l A 111.11.: 1ir.411111 AND VAN lit. 1111. 1111.1 i r 06 rrs line rine 11. limn , . ,101 , r Maid , lnn,,onni n 11:111n onnidrl. nfp W nlai a n of InntinK bo a n, I. ,A rd • dm,le,. T. na.nt uno• with I .011 and Ore, aJtitated Clan 1..% • 11.110, fintn Sin 111.1) %14 - 1.1.1 S a 1 Nn I= I. uurtli •t r., FOR SALE--A large and.well nu ,,••• is4l4 • t MIMI •I l 1111 , Ela a S. 01, 11 Markrt ntrret OWLLIANG HOUSE ON WYEAE A , STREET PIIK :ALE.—That large and well nu. Inhed throw. *tory Frick Dwelling oil Wylie street .14,1 PI(111. modern style, l'o 1111.11111, I root., itebrzp. raage, bath roost, hot sod cold w s ter au.l gm tllYougliout the Ouildlng. This is II most destrable properties for dwelling 01 list, *n purpose.. now snored for sale. resection Ap le l Tern, reasonable. Apply to f ii. rl. & i/., Im tee WI street. ;•;.,,. Ai/ ki WILL 14111 CH ANL A rt-rt RP ICS I/W HODS/Vol Par -1,4 dIIIIIIV rwm k lichen. lont chat/them bath 1 - 00111 velar, 3, fret trout on Knoll street. , deep to a street. 'bode and troll trees, grape • lue•, •••I`.. pleasantly 51111010 in the Third Ward. ; A Oral:to, sp2.l 'I.,TIt It hitT @ tuiNS, St Market at. 31% S'fRECT RESIDENCE FOR I.E A ,hi.-,D ELL ‘ .tor, BRICK WING. •—• 1 Fri,. street, containing It roes,. with all i:e.ollelern app.. ixneee for coovrulenee mud eon,- v.v... • ••••!. pl, .rut.. r in husks!t;itillt. 1 311 e. ST Fourth btreet, Burke, AI:CABLE CITY PIIOPEIII . I' volt al. E, rvo,alnll4g uf a 1.01 of Ground hat. toe Dont VII :31.4' sim street of So rem And e hack Vol feet, on which are erected two mute Its riling.. which now rent for 5401 per year. 11,,. I, • sate in •estrneut of le per went. .04 '4lc I. AIN CD., 1 2 Fourth street. 11 Olt SALE--155 acres of Coal, A i tuxtr In Smith township, Washington county, retina., near the line of the Steubenville Railroad, ad Mlelw•y Ration, about it miles from the sit y' For further portion/ars, enquire of U. It. TOWSIt, heal Kate. Agent, Nu. lbilrourth *teen, or to Wit. I.AM I'. CAMPBELL, nu the premleea. j Uf pont SALE—A two—mlory Brick h- Dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, and vastlbule,Ahrer years MAD, with lot 42 by Ina rest, situate on ntrAlt Street, La*renceville, all In complete order. For further Information, tonna, , i rply at Ar s tt:al tf Eetate and losurancy Ebse or .N. BA.I. mhiUntie+ eteeet, merenceirll IIIR&P BUILDING LOT FOR , -/BACE in the Seventh Ward, having s front on Mow Iddle street of 180. feet, and extends back along M line of Reed street 100 feet; well Mutate./ bar a large snatturacturing site. Wl.ll sell at A t i telett—easy terms. It.Di ply to eL CU. 41 LARGE DWELLING TO RENT, with 12 rumps, situated fen , sooSeUlotit to • loe.; would make 4 Arsheliss thlmrdiNg Hone. The furniture will hr sold et Will:CC Apply to spb4 H. 3 1 11 .L 11 1$ ok C1.,1= roartlL•traeL, L'OR SALE-500 acres of heavy it Timber Lend In Burlier township, Jeffersuil county. which we offer at the tow price of 11 per B. kieL ALB I CU., IT: Fourth &treat. EASTERN MANITAOTURES .. ATCHMAN'S 111 qt DETECT- Oft, for corporations and manufacturing Con cerns—capable of controlling Willi Tillt USPOBT SC calltaCT the motions of a watchman or patrolman. Ilantlfactured by .), E. BUMS. 44 Consoles et., Boston. Bend for Circular. mk2Bltaweled MACHINERY, at,c.—ll. LITTLE ... FIELD 3 CO., Erwrbary4ort, Maas., 17inu faoto cora of Patant.Autonstfo - Mop 11401.1044 for Steno , Eugloetfratent Lorded MOD6os for It=a: Yateal Eights I C lNt l e . & T r o o p Pl i t ' l r e c lrtt . fo7rl a nd T " mh2ol2aw4wd • SHOULDEKLURAMIES A - SUSPENDw KM, .t.c.—UPTON k BLAILKY.... Manufacturers of Upton's Patent Bhoulder /traces and %%lc mu. panders, John street, Lowell. Maas. era so licited. • , iort., MON. nittelltbirrawd E.U. - BOSTON CORSET SKIRT CO" Manufacturers pied sole proprietors of the Pat ent Corset PAM, which comtitues economy, comfort and lielilln.ATlKOM atreet.Spetetl.:, - 140p4trta of eveo sipa=n Parlay, tlersetkandlare. Pors °coattail - I dupperter.. inhili=weard DEEDS AND D e !lIIDASEII.-J. s A. -11""Vgifinn'mmi NI It}-'1 \•\ ,!!!‘ 1! !I 11:u AZ I • I LEAD PIPE, BATH 'H,;B.; s 11 N I Mill i MIMI =EN Il 111 I =MEM 11111\6 fthiCi 2,A , 1ri,. FOR f N.;IN IRn:; Fijl EMS t MUNI.. 4. t. 4. \I. GAS MATURES. SINKS BATH i I 011.11 0.. %ticcessorA 1;i. 111 11'41 PI.UNIBING AND SIEAM FITTING ffr= rortithie anti 4 IL;a1" I= STEAMSHIPS. icl) II ti STEAMSHIP COMPANY ILEX, BIRO{ SO Ns, Agra., ...aft:Lac' to rug lIIE rEatue, FOR NEW ORLEANS DI RECT IV4,hl:ls(trei ill.; I he• 1 milled Slate•.. Mail. 'l'llll. 1111.4.D111'11t, NE-11V I= .uhl.plfll REM At •,“ it.e.l•l•ynx, , nn., tro•lrT. ••/ 1111..1 11. •" 1.11 •• 1 F.1.1..4 1 . 1 Asett„ 16 '4,AR N 11 Ny. 1.4 , 114 g 1,1.111.0, 1.1 Inr t••.n.1.• ny nllll ,n, for !.n.• t.. ES STOVES, GRATES, &c To HOUSE BUILDERS 1101 SE KEEPEUS STOVES, GRATES AND RANEE'.. M. we r , etl,ll, inelto anent lon ca lo ..ttlle ITr K KE Iron e. 0., ser, of to/KIN.. Cik,fi 1 Nil It k 1:. A. 11.1,1, re, euliy lavlllll. e 1,, 11,/11 UN, tur.., the at. 0,.. 311.1 grel,l% our +Lyle. of YICON mot Illtrodoev.l 0111,0 ELANditS to 10. had to Ito. co...wally, s/./.. /1 need of any tl.ng ou. 11110 ur lauds". to gut Ins tall. 137-1976333212.aia del ocs., No. 238 LtitERTl sTEKET. st.n.r.m.Laer.yr I'elebeaterl'l . lllll.lll . ll and BLAU, STiIVEb. MEDICAL. i VIITT YEARS PRACTICE 1111..XUAL DISEASES Woes me a knowledge seldom acqutred by Physi rt... lily long residence in this city, and tile =OOOl of patient, treated annually by me, are mettleul p roof of my success. SPEIII4A rkill/ttiCEA, or Sretial Weskucalt, And all dilmalies ariMpg tbereErum, are cured in • much shortur time than beretoture by m y NEW VEU ABLE ItEMEDIES. Medici's. nt to any part nt the Union. All letters must contain a stump to pay rotors postage. Cyirrespouden. held sacred. ilf iice, as SALITIIIYIk.I.D bear DI.:00041 Aildrgyg J. W. IMANSTIMIP, 111. U. 1,1?"Y_ Moo WM. Pittsburgh. Pa. .• . pRIVATE DISEASES. OFFICE Sly/ PENN svAnT, neia baud For the rare of all diseases of • private nature, In Rum two to four days, I, an entirety new and tale treatment. Also, Seminal Weakness, and all other diseases of the genital organs and thelr prevention Cure warranted or money refunded. °Mee noura-7 to M A. 0. to 1, an.lll,to:s C. Lddrou letters W.. 25.1t0 PIMA attest auto MIMES. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT SIAMFACTIIIIING WitIPANI WILL BUY PYRITES, 0/1,, Slaph ttret of Iron Penasylvanta Co.• Oates. Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne Ilia E ~?.F:~~,:~ S. S. BMUS, Broker in Stocks, a-Is RONDE AND REAL TWATE, 37 VORRTII STREIT (3arl i s , Bultdiszmuys EN v i d u rdt . on SlT'A'l l .l*nirribenthalin, and I.IOVERNILLEkt MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD AND oaIma.IIQ_NPPA Order...Dec*o bk i teleifraph at th e NEW YORK and PHILADKLP MYRICK NOAR th DS at e reg ular comonleskina mixed la Mut 'cities: Orders omeerited for sale and purchase of Deal Estate. ape ("10 :41:11%1; POMBA AND • BOARDI1 7 101u,r. 1.1104,1604 agollaWababia, - .111l rorjteA jftansi.Vlxhlqe Mewn Int I a' or - the rici a drs7ing If. MO N- ort ANTS I 1111. H SHINE 2_ ' S ME =ESE EINE= =III MIZE lIIMEII =Min =I =EINE I= 411, 1 i. i 1 LE(1111 . 1111 /I E ME I , ZI. 114 1, I . \ i I SI II •‘! \ I I ~ / VIII ' , HIP! ON I I {AI 1111 ht.% AI 0-111tolt.,t Ir \\, 11,11.1 NS PIANOS, ORGANS, &c 0 n (CIA NI. 11E1 EIS Ell, CH ILK ER I NG PIANOb, SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS t su•l 1,,, r atulla.l.loU, •n•I lue ka 101,a, 11,11,11, 411 •101 CHARLES C. PAELLOR. schomacker 111 11'0., Philadelphia, IV CP 3E3 . The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. ,fluowir.l,4 hy t ht. two mutat,' tkleut lu th. tat, ttt.tt, to htt,upt.th.r to to all °then tu power, t, atta tone. and thorough work p t: lotto Tl..,,,i.struta..t.lehAve lug y,ttrx Ake. the elet pr.thiums u‘sr 4, all • ,, utpriltort, at lite %art.. oultly Fain priet, 14. t a e hovel All .1%5r.i..1 fur die Tears. Nu. 12 St, Clair Strret. Pittsburgh. Pa I 1,1 I= hi 111,1111111 r 04 I hecat pub 1. , for past ao har, upon 11..tt ellettc 41tmc. mttailird All UN I•IIItCHASb tut f'l , You 1,3 II A lt I.IITIE ItLIIIIIC, V1111..re..1. hirCEL WORKS. pITTSHIURGEI STEEL WORKS A NDERSON, (041 K & I=l Manufacturers of to brat reflood tlaat Bteit, Square, Flat and Oetaaon. of all Wes, Haw Plaine, !foe, ?orb and Sheet Cast Steel, OM ?Steel Ow REAPING AND MOWING 111ACHINE13, STEET PLO CWO W WINOS. PIPHILNUIL /MUM UVLAILIL • Uhet and Common. Ptougb and Miming Steel, ilfrke.—Corner or First art 4 Rolutstreeta, t.o blostip glove the 11.110111rithel% !louse. • .17 d 7 BLACK DIAMOND lISTNIZMN ViTCIIkFtWXIII.,` luarr QUALITY Rummy tun tiTXXL. &gnarls, Wilt and Octagon, of all alma. *undated equal to any Imported or manufactured In ULU coml., qirOelec and trazehonM4 No. Ile and lit il;saan' ' and 11128er.ond arum. Plustrarib• W. D. mum' a. r. soi.tdruat LA BELLE STEEL WORMS. itzwiricEs a, fico. Entfkll22 1 1% i t l lt c l io ° 97 IiANS, Ots. gar ()film N0..90 WATILIVEMIMILT dal. Pittsburgh. P. iY2I J. m• I:m(1m J. M'NAOOUB A. hr ?mown's. Animus, 1100.50 N, IffeNAUGIIIECt 64 CO., • STONE AND BRICEPAN.EES, Will attend promptly to Furniehhigand Laying Stone and OricK Pavement., Aud Repairing t 4 same: Curti itOnliS Yltetasisest end Set. Also. Orhsling andtellarDigilnicilon!raz shortest 'sotton. Parties dsalltog ortian g fn.our unilraha their orders Man to by . thirewiiour , kig . A. l llll7F • e.ci eslllag at Nine misyst say. AMol Vl f +" rittia.t 00. =I MEE =9 EMI= ISM ii; I'lltlP Iff=l EMIT MEMO IM3II men= =III COMM =MEM OMITIZZE I=l I= r:1,1 ..rlLir • 11 t it Ai I'l,ll\ ()S. PITTISBUItUIt, PC. PARK, lIROTIIIRR & C0.,.t1,1 Manufacturer. of PAVER& ANI) 1; it \ ii,ol N, HOLMES & SONS Bzi.lK.er 11111kf:T STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES 10111 onitiliSsiOn iimiztit and ..i `l.:\ s t I{l I i FED k 0,1 I IL • i =1 ME= MU )I'LES NATIONAL BANK , L).r U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES INSURANCE IN•I lit 1411 It VIII IN VIII I 1111M:it OM 1,111; l‘%l If I\f (ii =I ME .1, H.... 1 ro-o- t . Yltt.L.tr;;U 11111tTE111 1.„:.)(1 . 1'1.1(1'1'1'1 II IDE= FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY lIMINIZIOM I= HAMA.", S. `, hEIt, Vrtcbc.lenc c cc kLi JA N 1.1.1,,T1•11: v .1 i i.t ic Ay.,.. , c•rner Nrr FlitlE AND lIIARINE INhUItANCF, (0, OF NORTH A 111131 It A, =I C2ll=l Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, =I St l'ruteetton can be lICCIJ red In the •hove flamed and rehatar I .4i:opal:ilea. I=l &VA, •4 Wares street, t nit aaaaaa .) 1:811' ERN INSURANCE CO., OF VIIVSBURGH, ALitliAltlDEttl Preatder. WM. r. lIKUSERT, aecretara. CAM'. GEORGE NhatLnoiearrai Agent. Otßee, 'n Water Street. [lowa P.Co. W ar. Huos.i 00 atairs, Will tbsere against all thole of Fire sad Marine disks. home Institution managed by Directors who are watt known to the co. unity, and who are determined by prompt:PM an. liberality, to main tain the character which they have assumed, MI of. tering the hest protection to those who desire to be adored ==l MN= rh;:aa James McAuley. • Rees J, Thelma, Nathaniel Holmes, . Chas. J. Clarke, Alexander tipeer, John R. McCune, Camplxll R. lierron, James P. Hama. C. W. Rh:Jenson, snlllo Vrat. P. HERBERT, Seelharr. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COREA ••••• NY OF rITTSBUIteII.-012tre, corner Market and Water streets,7ndrioor. M. BANA.LEY, rresideut. WM, A. SITEPA ,Ilecnetary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. lusuresagainat loss and damaKe In the oavigatton Br the Steattern and Western Mit^ Lake., sod ayous, mod the navigation or the Seas. Insures against loss and damage by ere. S. M. Kier. John Shiptan, ?i=rtturt 434T. J. Caldwea, Jr., Johns. Dilworth, .Wro. A. Dodgem 4•10:y damu Wm. Bags s ley, cl Re Jas. Park, Jr., W. U. Johnson, B. F. Jones,. Joshua Rhods, Barr -ley Preston, George Bingham. tiCorwiirvi OPTIVE, N.E. CORIMIL WOOD AND VITTHSTI3. NCE CO. r„„, w Jots N. !die, Capt. Jobs L.iltboada. ! Samuel P. Bbriver. • ! ybarleirAziatielle, Capt. Jos. Miller, le i s PeKirkpat u. rien. Into. Vati r 8. lite Hardison ye. .."." '"se WM. Prestdna JOHN WATT, Vice President w. °A" C 2i n i t ' StrrEB t4 TJHHON, Heal Ans. pul ALLEfIIMENT ILIVEMBANCE CO: OF PLTTABIIROH.--Olkas, No. 10 Mb am% Bank a Block. , . Inantedkirtnat kinds eorin and Marina Moist '`J O O Ifllea& s t e- Vad.„, GO. notorri.kplsernart. WM, Dm, General Agent. • Jan DaLewd. .110az t T. 1 oskinsoh, • nn. Jr. • - 'Dtraw. L ur simAm . slow Loma lurm twice went. r s lsau Ma- SATURDAY, EVERY NirEDUDAY, ciumner6.ll;e.iuns.. TI eee iaa to. Rat 11013::inuic snesad. lane 44ernmay and MK& • • A p the COetert) . ll (Mama_ JOHNI4 „DOA . s heaf, NOV. =oust. - tt 401.1111:111. POITOXILISTREETVPHOLWEEIRY •& t al Ti r.ss :youirclutrire.toax:lrote.—Tb• i ttr V• 013 110 ill•tptioa • Aide g lOUs sows 11;12R11%. rt I I I ' Ell THE CREAT Sdr:P.l ;.1 IN=EM:I 1)13 7, 4 p 3PriUg .10 11 :. •_I,Y~ISY A 11.1.1.A.INENV EL t V Lau 4411140 mg eIIANGE. 1-" E 4. E. •11.1 alt., Tit If Mail.to And N Kl24llndndi.. .1.. Pl,l Holton .1.. Varnas Second Hullo. .1.. Sunday Churrh Tr%ln. 1•. sun from S4oll W up.%onno A XI 11. Ill.Ai lc, 1 I E, Moot 51,750,000 ll= MEDICAL. H U NIPHFLE Y•S HOMDEPATHIC SPECIFICS. ftlava on Rom the most and osrtence an en tire anonesa, simple, et:lnlet:l and rel tato s 'I I.et a: a We medtelliten perfectly adapted to pnottiat mt simple that mistakes rallikot he chs34 Intl.: it them; au harmless as to ha ire, from dano, kn.? a., as to toe allears Cse NO, I cares FkVER.r., Veageerass, Istescetaa. ,s Non • WORAIIs, Worm 1. 0 .a.g. sone.i e • ILYINU COLIC, of Teething us Cu • • IClANltlfltAof children of adults. 61, s • OYSENTRIII, Griplng .4 Hilton. Coil . .. • •• _Kg& 140111tlar, Nausea.. .4 " OS/UOILS, °MR. Bronchitis .. I • • 14 ache Tooth.be, ewe. ache I • • SI6ADA(/11N. Siva nesulache... .. .f. • •• DYI3I . IOMA, II `• SUYI.U.S.NhNis, scanty and p dotal CI periods. . • 0 • • • LE lICOIL,II/NY.A..sr . •• CNY, MIMI. cough—. . . • it is " hALT .• Keystpeisa, op. Oohs 15 •• IIIiNUMATISM, ail rtu tonathi pains fa ttl ••AND AC.I.I•N, abd rover I 7 " ~ ./LYA:cernai or es is " 1•TI LI4Y, sort., infhato.,2 eye. .0 " 'AY IL, acisto or throttle, hand. , C 11.4111, agasmodiC " ci •• eon eased , 4, 63 a Y 2 •• rAIL D1t1CV.A4E.4,14 . 110031.41 amkr ••• • 24 • l ', lal. 'u ,-P l f r lff.4/I'fr I 0110FISS Wad Scanty ikearationr...., 211 fiRA 81411Cliree, 4q,0q42144914".. Shcag~ a. V •• Y7~IAItY 1' •• prat= yOl 731 0:012E 1101N. v or MVe , •• g .. 4. 00 11 '° al .• ...................... XPITAPSYMDzorI• Vn a.. D"';, $ll ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . CuesOf N 11.161, inotOccoca6o6old book cam- .610 03 Case of aim. vials; foloOfootolind book. ..... 000 Cue of Mlafto WM+, plata tub and book 6 46. Cue ofio (so. X 4 4 0 4* ....... ;64 . 6 *Sterner of Pourtboad Migket now . U. ] , r I n x.V11r=11211 . 704, Sty ; jampia, ,Markozgrbet, ooraor of the thatbood LVOV," itzlitraVitzTAKroir—ve Duman. snort Moe*, 6 - titrus na..gorgICILLANIPS DieIIIMIO;ZA Vartigi c aartegtg! :"..' r , - ' - Z .:- - m0i. e . id 2r1 1. 2.1.=:, ta , , . Nit — a n o.f - 10 u ...3.t. , Chronic. Coega...? swap., .. -,.., .7. _ I I , . I tten,'Broseaude 4 cm .., = L.. k x --. 1, ITirte= tm° ° MOTt.E. I elan d e . and en e Or all 011$ Or- 4 a UMW. and Pnala sloe - 1.7 Urn s. everywtter ' R. E•inSLLICH,n A CO.. _ II:17d • . IWnoundaix AUJalen —.,-- t r •TIU. STRIC ' 111. PILE anti; WIC bar 13 thou. .- - tregf :MM. a t-- 4 6 , ' tY,W . - e' i: rit....._ ki lTes - Lti l '. \ -,' '' - '''''' tenet. ma egbatt: alpersta, ~".-,.'-...-. - ....' . I :.' . sett Cuni. - ,lt•.turtatly:,_, v. ,' F 0 - t7t!' , • • It Is Itansam to curt." , ' •.. - .. t - Torsitebtrtal Dn irl its ili Ipl L . 4 s , -: to oetwt.pethottle. • ' I. .11)7014 s' canoes , ' tisteap_repatrationot Jloota • • th: au •irli. te h a bads .atol astudzittivir to . .tretxtitorkpe ~ tomaatk sad: saw , tlyarA t .! , ` , .4.l . lrottplar uesl6 "-Arltai, I *riot 1- a; We 11:=1 6 11.az i at R Abottle.. WI &IRA La otlaarl ,: , _mo t ,. '~7.c'~r•.k. Me= lii=2=l MEIE EMI DMA.. it:6k wuoutaux *oak ft2s