lyhtlittslimiolv4autti. 1866 rob ObilVEHlt OR MAJ. CENOON W. QEARY, o ancernisiitiouvrr. lODUCE TO ADVFAMIIVIte NOWA it ttIITCW.IO74II, hirillattZ,ZU TRAM sincrr savektscliintire;ititist thu otllta taltb, talt CtIT ellen banded la. =cot in the ease of yearly e4TalWrikisi,ll9.lfli: i!111 be renderea anerterty, es natal. Aleutians erill pious mute le note of tab, se the rale of cash Payment' for it - .verdetntatrof wtil bi Idea. Ible enforce: . The price of oar pope rls alia66 CENTS at tin Counter or from tirIFIDOTS. Berred LT atTleril at FITTEAN CENTS per week. FRANCE.AND THE UNITED STATES. There are reports by way of London that . the Emperor of the French is highly dis. *sallied with the eonduct of MIT 110Verll ment on the MexleAu question., Nothing IF More probable. An ortlintiry man natu rally feels annoyed when: his favorite plans are interfered with, and, especially, when there is probabilitythat.they will mis carry becauksi of interference; mach more an EMlterOr, who feels he is the moat pow erful potentate in the world, and loss had bin worst tendencies exacerbated by the compliances of other rulers and peoples. • ~Eamitsou has assumed to be., and really has been the arbiter of the destiny of Eu rope. Trite, he has not been troubled by literferenres from without in the Affairs that continent. The United States is the only non -Europtain power that has possess ed the ability to iutermetidle; and it hes carefully refrained, as much from incline. thirt:aa from iiderest. Hut Narou:ow has allowed no Fitropean nation to make • movement beyond regulating its own do mestic economy without incurring Ins in tervention in one form or another. He has exercised over his neighbors a supervision more rigid than the United States, under the Monroe Doctrine, would exercise over outside nations who should seek to concern themse Ives with matter. , pertaining to this continent With the Monroe Doctrine, as popularly expoutolc.l, we have never profe , sed any ,Imptithy We have not felt it wi.e or prudent for our oveniment to make war ugaiitu any and every European 'tuition who happeneil to . ticouire possi.-ssions on lhi continent. Mr SIONIIOE, though not possessed of fatal cis, abilities, was a man of clear melesqtanding and of cautious temperament He was incapabte of in venting a system of political knight-errant ry. What lie declared was that, as circum stances stood, the United States could not fail to hold as a manifestation of unfrieub. Races to itself the intrusion of any Euro. Bean nation into any one of the States of this continent. That was a most sensible view of the case . The invasion of Mexico by France, con sidering the pretexts on which it was on. dertaken, and the perilous condition of thiv country at the time, was properly t iewed by our Government as an act of unftlend• liners. Remonstrance was accordingly made against it, and the Empire of Mtzt Atttazi hat not been acknowledged. Latteriy.sNa.roliton has endeavored to placate the .tidminismltion at. Washington by promising to withdraw his troops. Be has had the assurance to professtonversion to the Monroe Doctrine. He deceived neither the President nor the Secretary of State, for it WEIS r. ell known he had arran ged for substituting Austrian troops for French. The consequence was that while Mr. Secretary SEWARD, with diplomati: politeness, expressed to the Minister of M.asustmas the satisfaction felt by our Government at the French withdrawal he addressed a stern r e monstrance to the Aus trian Emperor against his sending over regiment• to replace in Mexico those going away. 'This may have nettled NAPOLEor; it there is any truth whatever in this London report. But it :Terns str.ruge that so warm a convert to the Monroe Doctrine as helms . .professed to be, should backslide an soon. We place no reliance on the rumor. TICE CAMPAIGN The Union men of 13cdfOrd county NVio meet In Mass Convention in the borough of Bedford,on the firrt day of May. "Ail those who are in favor of maintaining . tint laws and perpetuating the 'Union IM Stater!, she Union saved by „the blood of loyal men, and wrenched from the control of Insur gent,traitors, all who are In favor of stand ing by our representatives in Congress, all who are opposed to the demagoguery of the magistrate who does not hesitate to de mand that traitors whose hands are yet reeking with the blood 'if treason, shall he reelotheil with more than their former pow ers, all who are in favor of standing by the tOhliefa who itaTO achieved our gLITIOUA victories; and all who desire the election of that. Vied and true hero, Major General dome W. GARY, are earnestly invited to attend. 6 Thellon. ,louN Cessna. Col. Pita:acts JORDAN, anti Gen. w. 11. Hoorerz,, are an nounced to.apvik. Let that ball roll on. Boat Donny-ails have. been made 'by the conservative was on the lack of unity of idea and action on the part of the radical I majority in the two Houses. We do not see that kreater harmony prevails among the frienda of the President in the develop mena of his schemes. -The conservative organs, here and elsewhere, are loudly pro toning against the means used by the Pres ident to accomplish his ends. When, three months ago, we predicted the very tactics which are now being used, we were held to be visionary or suspicious, or Goth. We saw then what the end would be. Every man, with thcmap or the political history of Alai country before him, who did not see miliftker affairs were drifting was:amity unfitted, for the function ;0f journalism. Did the conservatives, who applauded the President's Policy, and urged him to pur sue it, foresee what means would be nece,s sary to.impart efficiency thereto' Or, did they conjecture tbe Republican masses would be more ductile and complying thati they ere to-day found to he? TILE T.AIiLT PART of the eesston Con gresi hesitated an to the admission of the Territory of Colorado as a State of the Union. The rapid augmentation of pope• lotion in the Territory has induced a more favorable view of the case, and the Senate Say passed the bill for creating the new State. The acme will probably concur. The democratic journals are invoking a veto on the ground that this Senators elect are Itepidilicans not of the Presicienttal type. They have forgotten, so quick, their favorite doctrine of no re presentation of K.lllOOll -- SO FAA :.00,011 the Pennsylvania Coal Company hate forwarded no coal to market at New York, either by the Erie Railway or the Delower , and Hudson Canal. A con. tention about rater of toll has reused an entire suspenaion of buainess by the former company. If this shall continue through the summer, the supply will be diminished s million of tons. TRIAL OF MIL DAVI& I POLITICAL. c NOTICES. W ANVIL). _ . . I ,DV-.1300D5 , CH Ever staler the arrest of _Jyryvataa? D. i y ou Cleveland Herald tell, the smry ..r1 . : • 1 ;:7 .: 4 -. 11i1ON REPUBLICAN COUN- NOTICE. -All persons interested I W.ANTELL-COKE - BURaiigt --.., 171111 . A 4,-, 4 V i military law has.l6eefi'upiwrnlint in Et young' wan, who vvas Mtn Ilea. .Ilill'i nblintol that the underagne.l View. The landierldgned went• Wor 10 ...iferiet/0 l Pi -.-' t u k ra suiliknii . ill inners rkrlre'Ateti=v772;: I r ' e nt l l Ly : w het ers. appototeo t o vow and 555.••• dmnatre• for the CORE BURNERS lette c dtately• Oprdy to c'. r y ' Virginia Quite' recentlf theProchintation on Friday * last, add who lingered In great ,„„ tt „ . „,„„ t ~,,,,, ror tt ,,,,, 1 „,„„"„ n „, „,,,. o , o t e g o f It A 11b.5 LI 5.1, Ist the h e cond Ward. ARAISTILONG: Ninth 11 ard, Pit 1 antrgh 5 ,1 0 5. 5 .,' ! MA.TS, BOIBIIi EVA, er in . .t.. en. u 1 0.1 rownslttn. ~,, SATUR. Alirghluy. Ho It Welt.te I 5115 et to Faa on' Lane. --- - ----- • - 1 Y iq €3 • I , t f Peace has been c!..ia?unded not to nwan , t. Onto until on Sundar, when to an of utear. DA I', 'SI).Y :1121•Ini. 'an'tl elect two tlM'ertate• fron ' wilt meet on the pre.", - o n FRU, 5 y st A y ttsh; WANTED--Cood Agents to Sell - " J A- li r Cli° tte subordination of the military to the each election tlitt met, to A I oho:. Po n t ~,,,,,,, MM. et 2 Gar TY. n•• in ~ , , ,, , , v,..1,11 Az i n , ,ldn. , , F MIERTIAN AND 11/5 cutratost URA-ST , I SIIA.ILERS I anees, hp died. lie had but reeenili heen be held o n 'I t' t.5.11A I*, ; II A I %tern. at it. 0 tlock •PPOWwla• • AND HIS CA Ill•Alo NS, ltue latter just costa ' A IiTII r R HOBbON. Ct - II law In the States Involycol in the re••..x.. for t‘btst,port.e sit n o mr . l:a Val' , :t . 1: , 0111:t TlCk - ~, . . 3 TiON.AS lIALL. .111teisi;?•11'841WTIIAIITAIIIIMIN iftrehlill=r4Thl4C. _____. . married to a handsoint lads amt hl ri tuay be ; lIIS-5.- ,r _. RIBBONS, or ouY i wife, when pre l airot : ions : l'n,r tite ' t-Un ' e u r ug t 1 ' P li. "l7A ::7irnniic b:r“i''''. re all neer Books and Engravibirs, and agents east 1 . .. I bt lion.- If a case ever rose it-00ns, _a_ i,. V.,„ oh ti t sau ro tor. of that portion or Alleglie- NoTicc.-The holder. of coo- ,do better with them than with any outer utlentd to i Limits , Ribb e d R el i ed Hese; . FLOUTERS, 'l.' .15.'n'st , as , ' Mr +ale Wholesale .lid Retail, at othlr country, which would justify the were being math., 1115i:tied that it should be s w Y et. all IT Itts m T, il,ire "tali I ',TN': •• , !;:9 , l ; !ti ,1 .; D:1' . 2, , Wii ,; , - -5 pot, houtls !salted by the Fourth Ward /kite. ' lltg i nn i l i oj Ilko r a i r , lg i tlant, apt/ to or address 1 Itill! of an liffunder by a Military CORllitt.. ' V . Ml'Digie‘r until Tue , 'la y tin Monday , ss i t u s‘.';•rat i a . ; l • 1 , s';••••. " • ,' .• 11 "'s• 't , '.•••'• II , C.II" fl ' c' e s% tv'ultliZehglaßre'VelierlVtbol'lr e'd'ttl t tli r trt ' n -, , ..,,atairZbear - et, I Ittsberin, Pa mi sses , do d 6 '. de giou, - it is•the enem of Mr. Davis. AL good night, t tl i r ai w t itf_ e being alone In the room, do. 1 Isr.; ,„, . ~,,,1y,11.!..,,,,,,,,ii,.,..‘gb;.7,;,...,,,,,,,Te 1., , T. r 5! , , ,,, A . 1 , ..., , , I . , „ Avvr e ift! , pre l e t ratgo e n toall,r,Jruartrit.rt, k it ., . ---- i Ladies' awl Bliises" Plaiseattaailose; I, William SI " 4'l " 1-Ile ' s' he body moved. Her friends nchnlnatg torn . :stads. tor t'ottyl. Viltt ,aotaistrlct• 1 1 ,,d,;,,,,,., ' ~,,‘,.;.,.ti ~,1. , , ,7,,,",",,. 0 , f. '". „, ft . :ft:, proceeded to investigate, and after a time FOE SALE s, La es' wad Geat's Gloves, ID ~, The K." , i etc.-Ile. , In be temnslaPt "ICI Slay alt. 1565. LL . B. FRANCIS, ' ,___ _ -_—_---__-_____.._____•__ .- --- .- . ' msse , . , e - - - ~:.: ._ . 180 and 1%2 Fede I street, many comparatively small offenders have _ rrs.....!°_''''' only _....!r.L._ uog s mo—FLotrß, /AND PRO- I been brought before that sort of t r ibunal another movement was discerned. A. phm- I tal'itt.b'rtile°:°LaTutga"gaue"rt...tradt`gn..'ar"'.Nrlt'a. 1 '4"'w'l 1 sician was sent for, and when 'he arrived ' yd. .ei5.,....„0.,,,.teedi.....m.1r,',,r0,5.ura5,5.'',,z.5.,005,r. NOTICE. -1 have this day dis., r m r ..„.' T 5 C BUSINESS, or over ten years standing ALLEY/HES Ytl TI • Dm, Market in different parts of the Union, tried, con- a location In the city A toe 0 rionontiji ' great rartetYi gip"" lie found the overjoyed young wife insen 't•• I" p 'tti .. 54.11h; or lo bailey posed of rtly Dare eorner of Federal and Ls- ta or ocoo to soy person lets/alas to engs P g• Its the ' ii ____. Bible in a fainting fit h .. ." ' it"; , •ast -•, l',' c mr''''''' ,L soel , tor.sts• AlleltherlY curt In • produce Rusin ;sit. All nom unf,stleas strictly A templets llae of Hid moves, at Re- \ N EW GOODS! aided had "punished:: Cues, late th e as ... • anon of President LENCOLN, Which ethusband alive and the friends bewildered and cnfused, eir .Nt A tinvns' Pt. 1 - 5 . ,:.;:: g y ". ,.T. 'E C"'""' MESSRS. M'CLELLAND di CO., 00,0,1.,:5ti11. A'eldrese P. O. 110, Pittsburgh. Ito t22af I /Viirav - (214:::.(zasmEsa 1 And would cheerfully recommend my suceessors to dated tliceS; could appropriately have been sent to a cling about them. The wife was too re ''' m " ' 1 in;in.".. my runner pa . t_rtye Aud the public g enerally. Mr. A ern tarter stock of IA NI I Aso ST ABLE Cibli jurisdiction ; have, against urgent re. vived, and the man is represented a... , feCttN • ic,__w - cositaituss, 22d DISTRICT. ..hseri-7,,t,'„`larETl:.f":4l' n..71.Py.L.r01ik:4,-, 1 Ladles' Mitt Maris; I buslDSsa In all Its :let:11;1,11d Tn.' ICY'. ITRUIT le monstiance - been sent to courts martial. eying rapidly from the effects of hi- death New Style Nitliiiital.Sklrfs, IITIAL: C411)40 lIS, like trance. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD also .1 practical druggist. I therefore take pleasnre Twice, certainly, and possibly three „mosre la rerommetallng i thent am havlng 5 t horough Snow!. UR T ON SON (2,01 F kit 11 s.: i' - 1 Hat me pieced Mtnself al the disposal of 1115 friendth !ig*. of am Drug tattiness la all ID hran.ntea, fully times, Chief Justice CHASE has been Senator Door ittle, 0, wiscon . dn. wit.: the in r er ni ,;"' in,,r i ni ir i nn m ili r g ii pa ii o ii , ii 'A li ,'" ii ii i h ii n,..; .-. ';:-..!'rg..1'..,t;v„.r-N,l:17.v,;,'',1`:t7,'"i i•iii,"- pressed by the President to bring on the Conservative Senator to whom at coi n tats ;To'. 1 . :f;',...?.‘:. ,' ," . . t r."; the T 2 '' iiVO . l l ;lt i liii! . /e m d ' ' n "Irt"Etatt t o CITY A p r iI. "EU W E A. r E ' IX trial of lie . DtAVIS before the United Stites made yesterday as Ms contonpi t l i,',"„`"'i .i itt i itt ate untotiareithi k sit u'ionii 1'...,r r " ' • lo t i ' District Court. Mr; CRASH has steadily t i ' s creel the parties who etoild Dente( rtt.e ,I 1 _,,.. . . ,_____ refused, bemuse he foresaw theta trial in a Joke as he :Imposed it to he, of r p r __ ( 0N,.......,. .. turning thatlks for the appoint in. n t It! Wlllit. , that manner;under existing circumstances, Hampton as Pmantasier at Pittsburgh , . OrERAL MS. S. NEOLEY 'would be a farm, inevitably' resulting in The confusion at Ihe Department otos , I A t A •Ioll) AT IC IN THE BID DIS'IRICT. an acquittal. It would clearly be a nice used by ignorance Di . the fan that dodos l l „,„ „„„ were three N 't ‘ a, ihmt „„ t „, i n Ih , ~„„„ 1 ,., , point made In the carrying lint of "My , • t - - CONtiIIESS. -The -friends of the rebel llenenil, the Pittsburgh new 1 ost - Policy" by the President, to base the master, and an old employ- in the Nett' -HON. JOHN P. PENNEY credit of bringing on the trial, Si a time ' Orietin - /kilt' "fli'''. "ii" o ' ''`l'le"i'' ""' 1, o 0 ,, i „,,,,;.„, 1 , 1 name 1 „ yh .„„,,,,atua a r the and place, anti before A Court presider' over diserwered by Ueiteral Butler 111 , 011 dn , \ , Yi.. party, roe , outinalion a r ' untlitlate for th e amination or the cash books of that come lit ' aces. to the 'Lot Dl...tract. tulta Med by such a magistrate, with a result vindim• I in a charge of $2 ntr "whipping N\ :tde. 'ij L . ..,irlron SIIERIFF, tory of the accused. The latter 'Wade was found to legitimately ' , 'Nor should it elude observation that pre• , belong to the colored wing of the Ilatott , SAMUEL B. CLULEY, eigely Co the degree in which the President I." l'l l i a u ml l i iill - a ' r V rii . i l l,...ret r l ' l l , 6" t ' lt r e C o mmittee „ tt l ',. ' ir" i t' i :t . o ' rl.'= „. ... ''''' ''' it " , Un ''' Re gttx l. n 1'.....,. - Is pertinacious to have the trial more 00, the District of Columbia, changing the en , Vi"FUR SDIFITIFF, the rebels express confidence that the E dit- tire numielpalitv, will undoubtedly pass ''' never be tried, or, if tried, will both Houses. it will probably get rid of , CHARLES BARNES, whol -stem 01 s tiling bore, Whit ii L et , 1 ,u OOO l w t•t h b i t p a . il ea , gr itti e r ? ' eed IMIEI be cleared. This confideoce has its inspi ration, in wltatt, Does it proceed from a knowledge of what the President intends? Tlic 'ex-rebels and the Northern sympa -thizers are now' oftener in confidential im tercourse with the President.thaethe men who stood by the Government through the four dark year‘, of the war. Or does this certainty nr acquittal spring from an :insurance that In any district where the ease may be brought to issue before a civil tribunal, it will be impossible either to em panel a jury, or having gotthe jury, by any amount of evidence, toobtaiu a verdict of guilty? Be this as it may, the public will do well not to put much reliance on the reports from Washington that the great State Prisoner is about to lx• arraigned. De is much more likely to be enlarged, and to re-appear at Washington with a cer tificide of election to the Senate, and to take his seat opposite Mt. SoatrzEn, when "toy. Policy" shall be fully inaugurated. There, doubtless, are men in authority at the national capital who think the trial ought earnestly In be proceeded with; but they do not enjoy the confidence of the Et.- I=DIZ A REMARKABLE RECORD. That consolation which political perwo• ages sometimes flatter themselves as de riving from the consistency of their (=eel as Public servants, would strike one, we should think, as supremely fanciful when it has for its foundation such a marvel of homogeneity, as is exhibited by Rte follow ing political RECORD. •'I shall continue in the same line of pa icy whit h I have pursued from the core• mencement of the rebellion to the present p,rod."—Andrew Jolineon to John B Ballwin and other Virginia traitors, Feb. I.oth. le6G. "1 cannel turn round now, and give the direct lie to all I profess to have done in the last five yaw. I can do no such thing. (Oh no, not he !)"—To the Washington mob, Feb. 22d, 1866. MLA? 110 "PEOPEZBED" '6OIIP.TIIdT. AGO, IAND WITHIN THE LAST FIVE TEAR “I will indeed be your Moses, (Oh Mo sea!) and lead you through the red sea of war and bondage to future of liberty and peace. 1 speak now as one who feels the world his country, and all who lore equal rights his friends. I speak as a citizen of Tenneosse. Loyal Men, whether white or black, shall atone control her datinies, and when this strife in which tee are all engaged is past, I trust, I know, we shall have a better state of things, and shall re nice that honest labor reaps the fruit of its own industry, and that EVERT RAN HAS A FAIR CHANCE IN THE RACE OF LIVE. --4'n ten thousond colored men at Nershrille, October 24th, 1864, while he was Provisional Gorernor, and tier Union condi date for rice President of United States. "If you could Mend thent.ecviv). FRAN• enter to all 'tetras of color echo can react the Constitution of the . United States in Eng and 'mite their clauses, apt/ to all per lone of color 1/1140 own ?Tat eclair to the osuount of V..EO and pay taw (heron, you would completely disarm the adversary, and set an example the other States will follow. This you can AO with perfect safety, and you thus place the Southern States in reference to free persons of color upon the same barb with the free States."—To Gee. Sharkey, of ifississippii , August 15, 1865. WHAT HE. PROVECIOI I NOW AT TITE CLOSE Of THE FIVE YEARS. '.• •'I do not want to adopt a policy that will end in a rattiest of the rates, which, if per sisted in, will result in the extermination of one or the other." To the co DELEGarton, which culled upon him . February 7th, 1666, re• minding him of past pledges and praying a renewal of Ids sympathy, and his inter cession in securing the `'euchre franchise" to their unhappy race that .had crowded the battlefield that the Union might be preserved, and barne a share or -taxation. , with other burdens of State: "I say that If I have not given evidence that I am a friend of humanity, and aped; tztly a friend of the colored man, there is nothing that I can do nom that would." (Toolvtie.)--;TV'fkif..ootoredibilsgsition. 'I am gratified the toial sentiment of the country:manifyating itself ju , these eipressions.' . 'I look upon it as being; fundamental, that politicalpatier'shotild:lM exorcised by loydl navi, (the colored man excepted.) —To the Vtitancu. Dat,rovriorr John B. Baldwin and others, wham .ree ( tai of their loyal deeds stirred ,him kr ! this sympathetic response. "That fundamental principl , 'Neo tasa• tion without represc' Illation,' wax one of the principles which carried us through the Revolution,) but It doesn't apply to those colored men who lent a hand In 'carrying us through' Tuts war 1 ."-7'o the Virginia traitors. When it is remembered that President Johnson, while alluding in his annual mes sage to the condition of the Southern States not represented in Congress, took occasion to reiterate with seeming acquiescence the constitutional doctrine that that body had the sole power of determining the qualitl cationsof the Senators and Representatives of such States whenever they . Should apply for admission, and that he has on_ several occasions since vilified that hotly fur Its ac ti,mhp accordance with . that very singer tiori, the peculiar beauties of this "record" would seem to defy exaggeration. he I Tun Union Congressional-Delegation of New York held a Caucus on Thursday night, which was:attended by all the mem bers except two *three. /mere - On- F•rally unanimity in the.t*ia expressed as to the course that shotild be pursued by Congress, and'as to the work that should be done in order to preserve , the Republi can party and insure its success . ,in the ture. The members were de4ded in the, ‘ g ' ir i' : W i n hem tba so t some si n e-.end enaffirmag,c,C7pontye' 3s ,. u m g which the party can go to the people, and that universal suffrage must be Ignored by Congresfi and left for the State§ 'to deter, ' mine. The meeting was unanimous in favor of the admission the Tennessee I delegation in Congretts. - - - EARLY Witter.—The editor of the East: l OD (Md.) St./rims been ahowristalka taken' from the lot of Mx. A. A. Pascault, near Easton, which measure R 9 inches in height,. and so far matured 'that 'the head; course of development. It is a variety Of early white, smooth-,legt, :intowtt , a3 the- Dell Vast. - GENERAL NEWS the Whole ev sto, ~, ii - 7. • • ii - I -I tr l- T! T 'l. i • always been a farce, and substitute a • „ k r:1 i. „ , ,r n it,_. , ,,c„.”,:,, , ..„! •• teo!!‘-rt m the,...0.-- - hasu . a0,.....e5ev commission, consisting of at least five per I FOR SHERIFF. sons, to be a pp ointed by the eolith:, its tali : 11.-1!D tided in the Constitution-which collilltiS , JOSEPH ROSS, sioners shall hove charge of all the great interests of the people awl the Government 1 ,11 - tetr tl'i!;:itrws.:,`3;.4orti,uerfellit..7,l,l.lllliil: gait Prominent property holth•rs has ,• t.everal to g atareaaeoool, t!ea,,,,toin lohts?.. times called upon the fit:lli - man of the rim : - iir'll , Olt SREIDirr. • committees of the „Senate and House tog lug the passage of this bill. No one side , CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, . can., particularly complain "I' i t except the ' ' i ate colonel rental Pea soli oils I ',lire. people who have Mitene.l it i toll i lie ,•i i „,azi ~,, patronage. . ICOR Sur:sure. Tint Legislature of New York iris ail journed without arting on any at' the COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, schemes Which were before it tor under of sic heesport, itale of the 910 Pa. Reserves, i will ground or aerial railways in heir York tie a candidate for isherlll, Annie. to !Le decialoo city. But a counniiisii in ;if. six persons, "t tin ei ,,, lllit !o'in! , "!!` • n!!... ii!!". , 1c consisting of the Mayor at' that ,'its, the :_..e!•• VOIR ASSEIMILY. • State Engineer, the Engineer of the Cr , . ton Board, and Senator Andrews, Lou and THOMAS A. ROWLEY, Cornell, was appointed to iiscertaiu idol f.! Widi tie nitrocandidae. to. A till. sithievt to t he • V V i • ti port to the next Legislature the most tir t apt!. 0 , 11, .' u•at !•ot town 00 ." go• vantageous anti proper route or route: , 4rw-r ..., „., I; , Lt . i 1..,..,,.." - IrOR A SSERIBLV. - a railway or railways suited to the I transpertation of passengers from tliouppia ! SAMUEL CHADWICK, Ito the lower portion of the rite ei New ' i York. hi ..Ise „ i-s tat o sin be 3 rA4 oi di.ifiita for Ass , to hi I . An u t eri to the action of the limos 11.i!plinitc•ti A Poseit -Colonel Julie li Taggart, o . t "nosy coticellli''' , I mused front the Philadelphia Collectorship, ; r.....? - "FOli ASSEirliwt, after learning of his oftieitii d e , a pitation, , ; made bold to call upon the President and ; MAJ. OEN. J. B. KIDDOO, I respectfully inquired the reason.; of hi: re; Fortner!, of the 6.1.41 WO 11:m Pa Vols., and cte and moral: the President refused tit assign any , i r. , , , t,.,,iii,nnovaiir:,; .....i . r i oavit ; everely in , TelllSlglii fOl Ws 0(11410, upon Wliii•h Colonel I tilrie:fore t h e n Tt"e;Lbil ‘ c i an'Count r ; i l. sitye:t r lott" ' Taggiirt courteously remarked that he fail tett 7 tt elf to see in his removal an adherence to :Art - Ott ASSENIVILI. his (the President's) late circular hi refer t stir VNIENTis !!1' once to the appointtn , at to office of ex-soh . diem and sailors lii this the President ! HON. GEORGE WILSON, deigned no reply, stet Colonel Taggart lett ! , ,A I it, lowtothio. wilt .ent hie o•tne a• • ••atti as wise as he came date for Aasoionti . before the neat Union Reptant, Aecesoceo A MOUNTAIN.-- TLC limo par !` - '4 1 ,....4 111, "‘,"" eerr !row indite. ty to 'reach the summit of ?daunt Mans went„ T .,. - 1 Oa XT)'D COBUSSIONEEL - field, in Vermont, this tear, Thunelay, 12th thatihe road op the SAMUEL NEELY, SR., mountain Mt . three mils.. a ;i: , tilled with snow from three to five feet deep, and iieto ';!„!l'V‘ . '",!,, , ,M,,,`=:;', t r., 0 , , , 1e1k,„111,i,,......r . ,:k the summit it was ti n feet deep ; to, t to the decision of the tra - on lee pistilleau einstill t otiretaLloti mitiTtle Two Weilltell WllO came over the sitxpen C the o , her dan , r .., 011.i11,TV CODIIIISSIONIR E, sion bridge from Canada, were searched by the custom ofibleia. Con, GEORGE HAMILTON, sealed under the skirts of one is ere one hundred fine taus, and under the slats of u ll f Pitt,oriin, subject w the action of the Union itepooear, l ots u,' ' ^o•eLtloo .1 4 , ' the other ten pounds of plug tobacco Lommu .__ COI.INTI us TONER. (3.1141.1.015AT1 has pest put tutu operation a , system of removing garbage from streets CHARLES PUGH, and dwellings. Eighty carts and a sutfi ! ~, . ~ ( - hat force 01 Lawn toe emplioed id remove ;.\::,.:,`::%....'.7,:,;4,".1:',.;.:i:,t.4,1%,,,,1-L.L..lije,x :At:: honer eat -Loge in the forenoon ali ! street EnLiii -ii il• isoiistiti.•ll _ =lir dl wee _ sweepings al the afternoon 1111111 CLERK OF THE. OR ' iil As- .IA lil 11it11 , 5 FRANC I. I:1A .N Nil-TER, ~f. Newton. ; Burks county, a young lady of 2::. years, HORACE S. SNOWDEN, was killed on the lath inst , It ! ) being ! „,„,,,,„,,,,. ~,,,,,,,., ~,, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, „„,„,,,, caught in the machinery of Joseph Hemp I Ftepoblican County Convention fine itr_ ton's mill, which she was visiting in tom i R"CLERK OF THE COURTS. pony with some fnends JOHN G. BROWN, ,s, OEN MCCLELLAN iS now le Xierniany ! If Austria Is wise she will offer him a liirge ! iif itatopton Ton-nal:lp. late Prliate. 10 . sl, urra bonus to join the Prn-sian army It would ' Ree:'''.. • v°,.. white be to to -trikiuw that institution it -1- 10111 MERIT OF COURTS. by lightning i JOSEPH BROWNE, .1005 111 siS. of Mamie!. ier, \ a., !met and instantly of a negro on Sunday ',%lril•irtiri..7l•=; , I si !.' 'ix ; morning, who nas breaking into Ilie 11100 ris i ions;is County Contention nah.ll lo ne I ey drawer of his store. 3- FOR CLERK Or COURTS, Romantic Eilopement Return aria Mani- DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, age of the Pamirs, 4'r V el s,l4l nal, Township. robie-Odarter Sunday last an elopement oi eur toil is Licit, I L'Olt REGISTER, for its romantic attainments and the Or .ir munstunces surrounding the parties, lets a ' JOHN SMALL, scarce' a parallel in our city. The girl, a ~, i .,,,,,,,,,,..„, . 0 050.110 the .'ton o f the Vnton handsome tuol amanoplislied young lady 1411 llepxmtc a n Touts ty i o n vitittun. 1 fifteen years of age, though the leritiemte t . .irrOß ICEGISTER. child of a highly respectable hither, who has for some years been dead, is the dough JOSEPH H. GRAY, her mother having abandoned the piths of viionasa ;ont disabled at do tattle or Valet/111,A virtue since the death of her husband ;.°,,T„'',., ~ c abled at lb• "Inn k•Pitbuc.t. WWI true motherly feelings however .., though she hail fallen, she had detenitinett ti. to, i.e....nes. "--.- FOR REGISTER, apinite _. I ter of ti now noted prostitute of this city- Or Clam rasiolite. nate of (to. r. maul ea Rea, that her daughter should never follow her R. 0. HUMES, i example in leading the life of shame.- t 1 ,1,„.„/ ;„ „ n „ „ f , IV/aro/two It o rongli, s ubject to the ilet p aion or Hence the daughter was resviiiitleso County C o nvention. tune our firm academies* of learning, and receivisi Fu g ;} , er ll RECR ODER. every attention. She grew up to the age ;if tr r ,-. • !diem; young, Intent:feel, mad actoomplished , HENRY SNIDELY, Recently she attracted the attention of a l young man, litled eighteen years, the non I ,it.teqi'Vensillte:%,'ln'ellielel":.l3.elthaiiiiist seittlnc:re of one of our first citizens. ecquaint. 1 times litipublb-att County eunEenalon, lakiLliiie am followed; then a warm attachment , L.... k :: - -- ,- -on nEcortuEn. which ripened Into love ardent end mutual 1 between the young couple. ABDIEL M'CLURE, Next an elopement was planned, and on : ~,, mint ,. ~...„,,,p, win tie xCandidate roe 11, last Sunday the two went to Cincinnati on I costive...oo , cl 1. 10a artier of the Eltiltin 11.7 , 001- the mail boat, with a view to marriage. ' ( ....e..nlY c..”!!".. _ aticarie They reached the Queen City and stopped , rirrOlt RECORDER. at the Galt House, corner of Sixth and 1 Main streets, Meantime, their elopement i J. B. COPELAND, being discovered, officer Sinkhorn, of this 1 co c a utsbetlitrpeuahte, will i lin I 61113014114 e Wit.. city, was despatched by rail to Cincinnati ! 14::,g,ntlealo,411.,,,tlaute tne inal p r i tir ' to arrest the parties and bring them hack I to the city. Reaching Cincinnati on Mon day, officer Sinktorn, with officer Wtu. Marshal, of that city, succeeded in finding the parties at the Oalt House before they Were married. The couple were mum& Oily brought bank to city, where they Were met by the father of the young man, Who, with all of a father's vehemence, tried to. persuade his son from inking the step. All his arguments were in vain; the young man avowed histletermination to marry the lady, who was equally inexorable. Be coming impatient at last, the old gentleman left the parties to their choice,. and they were yesterday joined in the holy ltond of wedlock.,and made nian and wiLouis 6/14+ Journal. Rtt - ibitius 1,7.171.11119 r CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 4t1.11.1.011ENT CITT, cunt/ kliplero snd Latock street. , Pat Wt, JO -11."" Tr& trivfritti`EVAV r„„F e g id, 1 / 4, CW" •_......:... - -L----_____ "rRELIGIOUS SERVICES ... r Prekchlo4 lb the FIRST BAPTIST _CM/UCH hy the rattor.Jlc.o. J.PiEbb, DICIC.EOII, every LORDII DAY et MS o'clock, a. pi, end 7 t r. W. btreager• and the Oldie eye co rdlelly My tad to attend. Beat s tree. ------------------- a . Ind far IMPORTANT. RELIGIOUS Disc"l4l9tXMUlLTtti: z ,11 46 i e :.h.u„zt... b r v. ~.,.,.L,. t= 1-:mrtlf tvlggr f . i,ehgAvsg kingdom of oor Lord al the doors. ap.brlttl 11):till:TV14 5 / THEHEN FEANKLIN INNER- Alt 'f: CLOttraNT Or .111/4 COW ALLR. WIEN T.—ltta eotamisslabers •120 , 4 iD n. A.tor .Auwtoto.l.lnco? , oting ..Tbe. Sea treat DDee t 31:fignif o f n "? . 11 MT eP ft' NulT.ll l tref Ntf.lll7l. , L 0:43.V It trek, the t oT A A.C . .11•OCUrt 011trOrtt/Alr ' . ti..l.l.lth . da n y , u.. to oranottte at W Onto saittatee nopt.virlil be oponed to 7ucelee 51302010- 'llOttatO the tapitat s t ock or solo r lutiorance psn LOWCINits--G.totr. uhwic, Stephen n. (Wart', RIM r. 15%•rti. Jmue. W. Hell. btateman tiOn, J. .01.uckdaph Joseph Uerwig, j.on n wortry,,Wll.o7 Itg ,i tow, Wittlana Sciti• l i g . ft ir`jrnir t ' l lorsiban :iipgsolipa3salb4ocy.-, g it; 2: ger 11 _____l~ - . ill, G. WRIGIrri IjAZPVACII.III./ 1 or _ VE 14 t l'A 1131.11WDS. N.. 58 Federal Si, Allcighslay .11SESSJ_ 111.431D5 DOVE ST ZQUS.T..-IV2Cric: yekss. • --- LEGAL NOT — ICES. - COIrnT SALV, Or REAL EST AT F..—Estate of the lain eltAnt.rx FREW, Deceased. • coup 1 an order they Orphans' Court or epeeheneunty, daed e 31.1 day of leerca. A. 1.., fOAI, will b' e xpos...) I poblle sale on the prem iers. the 19th day of May nett, at 2 o'clock A A II that certain Wore of lend rentitiplug 01.001.01 X altente Intl, township of Onion. conntY or Allegheny, and Mate of Ponusytranla, (twiny the Property attic bite Charlet. Frew,. opt Om Weaning ton templet. [pad, about four Mlles froth ritle hotel.. bounded t3y lands of the heirs of John nato• soy. decd. by lauda of the helm of Jarnall Catlet t dettemed. and by landa Isteis ovrned by the beteg et {leery llargemor, doe'd. The IMprevemputa Me one Brick Manatee 110 use. trip Fresno Tenant Bowie*, a Bleckslnltli Sher.. Orchard, pie. Ttalts or SaLt—One-third ussla; tho halsture In tun.nqUs.l annual pornonts, ,sensed Iri Mited Mid '"4ll34flWetr Pr . '"d' O ' A r RE W. Trust°, 44:14 - :)0:41 CIO-PAIITNEIIBIIIr NOTICE.— A', ppItANCE we AND TEA nOn}RE&'t. rt l ''l t ie 4n ord th at e itti t tni ITAIM t d PLY! , !: Ofr e r :Vegat; L o;snitatt for the new arm a continuance ex the patiently heretofore to Ileerally.teratotred upon royelf. Wbt. ht.lttillOOTi CITY, April 211, 1046.-110.1.12210.. fIO.I•ARTNERSHIP Alf/TIM- Me tW,I2 = :g1e17,14 11,1'11W:42g ree.43117 tit Nelson 1 o !tn. ots. house 1. 4 ....15nn of Th.. city. ritrastmOu, Atall Ist, ledd.--liplWrarl j'INANOI AL: ST.Npvi COMPOUND INTEREST ROTES Vaught at Highest 7tah , 3, by SEMPLE & JONES. Hankers, Wood and Third SO. •poawd t)l3l;itlitital A DIES, RAVE YOVII !DONEE. If) hsit.g you, OW Table . Ware cmay ;: 76 l: o 4: 6 : at ED WITH awi lifiLlnt7 com wag ' '..",*•.*.ilvaionliii;wi 80. lawatitives ` ' = VOR SALE—A Valuable CouatTV A- Residence at Edgewoml Station reon tants Railroad, one and a half nines f rom WlLklifiburgt _ .—.. . Eleven acres iild pc schen of Land; • doe new Dwell .. kASI.. .. O. 31 . CLO.LLA , I) NAK•I. it. our,. , ing containing lei rooms and cellar underneath; iIIeCLIII.LAND CSC CO., i Fruit sod other convenience. on the prenilsee. Per further Inormalon, call at No. oFlftb Street. (SVC(' ESSoItS TO tiEciltUE A;t i K ELI. l',l i Pl afgi gh, or a° the Pr'''''''' J. 8. RING,. Wholesale and Retail Druggist.. De era in r.lot, Oils, Varnhites, Drugs, Dye-stuffs, Carbon OIL Ac. • All Standard Patent Medicine. constantly on hand, I FOR KO Mils. White I.itue; t o t '. I 'alelned pluater; corner Federal and Lactult streets. Allegheny City. -, lco • • Laud Piaster; N. It. -Prescriptlons acettratelt co mpottuded al 1 100 • • Hydraulic CeuWott oil hours of theutay or night. ap . .., :Ix ; 100 • • Rosenthal.. l'enaent, - - NOTICE. 1 At 310 Liberty Greet. sptivilwd W. W. W ALL ACP.. --- , ~,.,,- BALE , - a a, OAKLAND The oladeralgoed, l'ommlasloners named in the 1 14 , 1/11141 AN mameseaw 1 DENCE-Oto- of the most delightfnl epots In Art of A euenthly. entitled •• A n Act to Incorporate I Allegheny Mil liy, with a LARUE BUICK D WELL INti. hal log a the modern improvements and raF. PITTSBURG& GAS SAIINGS GORPANI," .b.”1...n. or gronnd. wllliereti variety or irota, sheds and ornamental trees And snrobbery. Approved the 12th Mar of April, A. D., Inns, will JU/IN D. BAILEY, opeu Books and receive aottacribllonu to the Capital I Stock and Beal Estate Broker, pi!. No. 102 Fourth street. .Stock of said Company at One "Mee of the CASH t VOR SALE — THE PRAAVTIO&IL INSIIRANUF. CONIPAN Y. No. 57 lonrili Greet. i A- ENGINEER., by John Wallace; second edition: Pittsburgh. , enlarged and Inioroved. Afoot one-half of this mil oyi THE 4101 DA l iii MAY. A. ll_ titan. , tion has already been Sold. Every Eugineer ur man At tO o'clock A. M. t who owns or runs a Steam Engine should hive oopy. it only needs to Ile read to be appreelated. , WILLIA3I I . IIII,LITS. 1 All osiers directed to the subscriber, st 319 LIS- A Ahtflt O'CNNOIL I FALTY VII.Z.F.T, Pittsburg, ra. will be Dromptly J NO. W CHALFANT.' •ttened to. ?Dee per co ty , 5 00. IT BIDIiVE ROBEIIT , l ' '''"""*"""r". ; ap6:4wd 1 VT. E. WALLACE. W. K. IN MICK 1 Ttitial AS tiaIITIL , L'OR SALE ON THE BIG BANDY •07.1:Ired .1 RI V Ell. - I offer for sale the MINERAL WORT, oF NIN et HUNDRED ACRES, sltuateg In and on l ol' STY Tinu , t , ltKil • l. Orrthe., 1 . the land. tine mile above Pettett orthud Works. Pirrenuttuit, April Zd, ta/. 1 Th.. COA L is In abundance. Ind of nos unality. I N PURSUANCE of the 21st See - , Tn.. ~....... IMO. YOU it 10 SKVEN YEETTISK. A lion of en Art relating to Allegheny County. tip. , Persons wishing to nerchsee Will Mil at the Ken • proved th e Mt day of May, bbl. and of the Amend- I tura, How., Ashland, Ky. Terms cheap and res ent to sold settion, rippeo‘ed the 00th day of . amiable. Address THOMAS IllidaELL, Ashland, March, DWI, I. DAT 11/ AI KASE, Jr., Tte.nrer of • Kentucky . . mhititirod OV:ll..'"74";:st;%tlgllll7r'ru'et itUt't'iNiiiTll'alil"":7l ; VOR. SALE — A - PorDouble \ be open, and I wilt be prepared to metier the Until, A- t Itt.CULAK SAW MILL . , without Engine and ty, tAtate. roor and Vl orkeliouse lave. for 1506. OIL Boller, made by Lane and !Ridley. olf CIOCIAnati; os i slier iu r yilfoT It A y 61F MA N . 1061 i. sobs tower Saw .4 I aches diameter; tipper YAW 00 ladle., Tears can be rah' rat the Treasurer , Unice until the with Urosownt Sew, lablatltig =dell coMPlete ;VW FIRST DAY oF AUGUST with a dvdnetion or meet Z 7 It Barrel gawa, SW entHng staves, made FIVE l'Elt CENT. DISCOUNT for prompt psy• ,by Whitney. of hirl:tester, Rasa. 'the above /A nima le any person paying the whole ...oat or. eitinery nes been la tao in the lumber region tin a their taxes. 1 here oat be no decluellou allowed oo , short Owe, and It In perfect' order. Addl . !). the lase , paid Miring Ole month of August. There will ! Pk.NN A. SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY . , be TICS l'Elt CENT. ADD F.O to all taxes remain- I Natrona, Pa spit:tweed tog unpaid on ltol first of September. etpd.a.lid VOR SALE, ' NOTICE—The undersigned.Coni -a .i. , naLsionere usteetlin the Act of Assembly, roll- ASHLAND HOUSE. tied ••A II Act to Ineorporeth the ENTERPRI/E INSURANCE COMPANY Altt:l-1 r S , TI( r . E ET. I . III , I.ADELPIII A . The F oral- I .burr , at..,, . o, , 11 1 , and Pone years Lem of Or PITTSBUIIIIII. - thr snore welt -knolro Hone.... Parties wishing to Approved the 11th day of March, A. D.• nos. will , I purchase. will rail op or addrew one n 'Books and receive se hac ti rl the 'a pit al BARKER A FARLEY, i atoek of said company, on the 191 h Day or May, A. D., 1866, i OpiN.lf 1 - Ashland lion.. Phihuleiptila. At in o•clOOk A. n.. at the FOURTH NAT lON A I i I,'OR SALE. KA is li. lu the City of Pittsburgh, Penns . JAIVER O'CON NOR , 1.11..a.X1.431 - 3EI LIICIOr. WILI.IAM PIYILLIPS, WILLIAM RAG ALKII , • . , t otouttrwonert I the Fleet Reformed Presbyterian Congregation of C W. ItiCE.F.TSON, J C. HERDS! A N Pr, ittsburgh, (Dr. DovOLAS, Pasto' offer for *ale R. RIDDLE Roll gill's, 'their property totaled on the COCOON . Of MOD and . -..- -- 1 ('harry alleys, and but 93 feet from Liberty stint. AT OTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAIN/ I The Jut is 120 feet by 14.5 feet, on which are the 3 A HACKS, •r. -Notice is hereby given to al I Church Bulldlng, and a Tenant Hons. of 4 ream. osmium of Drays, Carts, Carriage.. 1 1 .160. , *L c , 1 laouttt..s may be mode of, r whether reahlent or uon-realdent In the l' - ity fit • 0 CommniDealgene ad mabosss, so , ay their L a roo „ cute T s „ s ,, dressed to THOS. SIIITU, at the Fourth giatlimal office of the Cily of Pittsburgh, FORTFIW I Ell, to Built, or to R. C. MILLER, .35 Third meet. accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved apll3l Starch in, thiNh end an ordinance of tho Councils of -—.. • • - - - the CID of Ilttsinirgb, parted April to, 1030. and al , .1.,0R S ALE. persons who neglect or refune to take oat Licensee i will Or sublem to a penalty, to be recoverml M.N.. the Mayor, double the r e v amout of tbe License. The old t he plates of . yearn must he re- I A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE. tOrned at the time Licenses axe taken out, or pay ' Scents therefor. . The .obAtant ill frame C °Dag.- Mauston on tooth , Curb it., X.f. , . e , , , ,, r e ...! , 0,-. ." , , ,g. ... ~7 . 1 avenue, near School street, In Allegheny city, with • Two Horse Vehicle. . . ' t .,. so 1 elintOtert. parlor, dining room, Bondi .a • sped- Each Four Ilbree Vehiele.. . ... .... In tU ons hall on drat door: there tight and well vet:Milt- Each 'lwo Horse liuk . . 13 06 ,_, Groullonte• and Timla r Wheels drawn by two 1 '" GIG' ritaidibrta, and kitchen and bath ream In 'soros,. 550 as For ro ,o e idssi st ool I re ," ns e ot I hack building. The view from the front ls ex-ten ni sny . .4 the shore yetdeles, oa. ' .ive at"! beautiful. commanding the three rivers W. " C " Aill ' '''''' Tr'''''''''''' I nod the city . Tile surroutultng s are pleasant. the Plrraisciut. February to it City . . I, nOlgbbortng house. 'wing a like general style and Trt513.2.10 . 1 N•11....L1.. Bithn I PlTTlingarill, Horeb With, Dditi. i , character, and all haying spacious grounds, hand- TIIE NOTES OF OE en_ WFO i i ___ __A. _ _ _RD ,' 'tamely ornamented with alien h tryes, shrubbery and A COUNTY BANK. III• villettilL CITY RANK. I flowery. it CHI,: VLNA.NI34I RANK, Franklin. and et:- 1 The hors. ~..,„, to the rr., of ,u. property Irrtr4,a,U4lllj, 111 , 1 ills, wth .-, ---- , makes the eommurdeation with the huelneas centre mitMitif UFA, T. SAN DOREN. Cashier. rosy. moo roos sa ss a so a ss , oarosaoo,,,o at 0 ray oss a, --"......."'""''... • '. the comforts of a eutiotrY lobe. Toe lot Is about 10et2:4 feet, extending to Rebecca -_ , ttrect, it well eultl , sled, and rowelns soma supe rior trait. App/5 ... PROPOSALS. 'FO CONTRAUTORS.--Seated Pro- —' -- ."e•' -5 .., BRYAN, a poseie so) solicits.) Lid NI, F DNESDAY Hay 7d Renter In stocks .ad Meal Estate, for tee erection of a bonding for lb. N allot,. hank so, ) I 17 Fours), +meet Burke Buddies), or Boars r County at New Brighton4P... OCOTAttO, to pia. and *WI. T11[44100. COO ready for ...Lana Lion . .1)0 odic« of RARE a invention. Areht.cts i Dia a sk i t Br MOO.. Pittsbdrit. wpm 3.1 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, 1 TO LET, TAKE NOTICE. that until the tors OF RAT, , -A Iran Reeled Proposals el)) be r«elsesi by the .- ta Three-Story Brick Warehouse, dersigoed ronrmillse, at OtfIOSIORP, 10f the pur• , pp lqe or REULIILLONti RolliNnOtOts HUN , curium, al/wit one mite south of N0b1e..., ditud No. by Water street, corner Redoubt Inert Allegheny county. near the Pittsburgh and bleu- ' to t ,o riole 8"h to rint ..r. Is 0 . t 1 ...151.X tnenvilie it.iroad. Al o f will be glom for the one ing_Mien cereplesl far • number at leen by efte's of the ...tract.. the old brick ch.., which is 75 IRA IN 'Le a Rope Warehouse. Inenlre of EWE lofeet arol ti inch wail. containing ea pews of TETTEN & sorts. at Nos. PO and GO Water ;flea bostartal. Draft asol speelfleations eau be strews. apll,lf ...° V " 4 ' 1 1 " Ib* P. ' " °M "' ''' N ' bi li "' I VOR RENT—The Lot on the ear- An) Clothe , to annotdon ran be had be ealssalf .. , p.. ... tbs. Rev. J. 4.341E14 aear Noblestown. Address to , oar of Gutter .11 Allegheny streets‘ alma Noblestown. Allegheny county, 1... I Ward, together with the old Erica Depot ROSIGIng WM. G. MORI:MAD, . thereon. The lot helot feet front by 100 feet deep pßolad.l err Peuretat7 of Committee. to en alley. Wi DARLING T ON, rat years. _Rp its y to Wel. NO. RI Flnh pnoPusaLs Foil WATEIT.PIPIT. bl.rOOt , second floor. Inthaftf ee CournotarsPit OJYICO, emems CITY or AhhitilinnT. April 11, into. ) SEALED PROPIasALS will be melted at this Mee, until MONDAY EViNINII, Aprli alth,_ield, i t \NE HUNDRED for e.OOO FEET of VDU NCII and GOO FELT or I_ TRUNK 'NON WATER P PIC, it. pipet obe at , - petite of standing a pees.. or 1)0 peon. ta the BEAUTIFUL LOTS square inch.) The right is ,inroad to take obit 1 M U rn a ltll lirXreVattild Vorio=i r ale te l'the ION SHADY LANE, IN EAST LIBERTY, ba..,„, to be delltered at such time and pls.. the ' uperinten4ent of the Water Warts may In ' .a.m. .axrcoricm. B m ids will be received P all or atty po rt ion of the above. It. IL FRANCIS, on TUESDAY AFTLILINOON. 1111.1.. z. at II aiGidalth Ctty Pontroller. ' o'clock , will be sold.) the prenatal/ion Lane 1, sal C'' )l l lo L ta M be r tn Y e ' * drvided th'e ln i tt a' th ditd ree d ll iffe " reti din t Linea. ColefilOuhrdOn Ur riCR, . I OTT or Aahrentaief. April 'Rd. Dm , via; 21x1M. Zeal= and ene.IZI, with wide Street*. 4,EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE 1 This le without 4.. en the moat destrably.locatela weeived at title peace until TUESDAY irxr-N- propertl now la the market, easy of ace.a 'naiad Mil. GAY fat, fur (trading and Paring the follow- 1 Sri the atty. and bat Ilse mianfts' wallafrr , the lIIVYO4I,Ia, from Darla alley In Denton alley; ' ' Alan ' •211=l0telTItt O i r h P y . " l P ll l artilioE. VENTRE NTHEET, from Peery 4trett to city 1 being therty formerwned by . Jetta MECO. line) ' dpecial wain wild leave... . WS. Waal. at Dn. SHEFFIELD STREET. from Allegheny avenue I taking ladles ao.d gentlemen to and front the 'side to Bidwell street; 1 feet °robot.. Ferrite. ot above eon SIAM AM PERRY STREET, front Chestnut st. to I.un 1.4.: sl ap= lion., It and a Flfth strert. Teetotal, male. IRWIN A TEN UK, from Ridge street to NI VIOTII ! T. A. IIIeCLEELAND.JUICOI. avenue UNIO : II AVENUE, from Strawberry illltT to '4:ll.rimAulTkul2. from Palo Alto steel to Web- stove streets ?MI: EMIZE:ET, from Fast lane to Church a lley. I, Also for Re.gredlog and He-paving I.EA cos•K STREET for SO feet more or less, welt from VlTlVAl`lartksiEKT. from Allegheny avenue to " Tro lft il l a: l r Om Om, eau be seen at ths othee of W G. hl Ii o EN Dit 1 , Emi t . Recording Regulator op:lad It. U. FRANCIS; (1117 vontrou.. . . BOORS. tfrAnornutY, ar.o. mAGAzweff F OIL Tot ode Dy'4l.lln/rtltril & "IV "4"45 1 , ur ask hy JOll5 P. HUNT A CO. - ULANK "bvyloraer."utfk, A CU. STATIONER : ,r )1e..11.1.. KINDS Toe a. le hi JOHN 1.. HUNT .1 CO. ""1 " q l Or I ne l atPt: T lOntt P. HUNT A SO. POCK ET NO Foe s l ab 4.E lb by J.Tizr i!nriyNT A to. rticrirvvint.ti..ll.ll4oNL ipla.rel,tto:N3l;.; prices GOL D PEd, NS laawLe. -Petry Pln Nencyln t g Cards, at greatly orre •114 Jells P. Hun ret & e duced pri . tem. • PLAIN AND ORNAMENTALdi ti °ltalester - 1.1 the heat manner, n way and it the lowest rates. JOHN P HUNT & CO., :19 Filth SL.. Masonic Hall. spy SMTWIf •AMERICAN INK, itlM"g l it,Tt ß tl4%":Wh n v n r. d .v'grled u l! . ; " a4 1 , 8b""I "" rintni),7llV::Ntr inn*. FSI O. 233110-Calli, Would announce to ihnpunne that she wflt op*a ou GATIMIDAY, the A Ivra tnst.. 0 haudoomostock of SUMMER 01.)0Dt, consisting of PATTERN BON ?Man and HATS, RIBBONS, TLOWAII9. ,o. Also, ♦eri handsome itylna of SIMIZIet Basques sod B.4:Luca,' 0% 1514 ?edam' Intel, 'Anathema , is. alatnetd OPENING .40 A NSW it;453 ELEGANT 3100 S 01 FASRIONiBLE MILLINERY GOODS, The Late et "pi *lt S!Ile• or the No. 190 Pederli4. City. MRS• M.KITCHIN. ~~DICII~IIr7 AND'~BU3iQTRY: 1-rero4.'.l`. Le Proir.n.:*: I.93ISTANT nORUEON OF THE OTH RIO PA REBHHATH COAT% and 'tatted,' . OFIHOF9N of 01610111.10 . . Fl• - CAV4LI4F . ; WO4lscifne •aarO . iiffraWalikaitiForto .1114.1 mint. FOR SALE---t0W.41 LAND--$ZO_O O —A BOUT FOUR ItUNMIRD AND ~ 0 ACRES OF LAND, attested atar Hampton ~,onts. (oa the tier of tha tie Railroad.) la °Bared for lode for Terri TROCIBAND Addrear u*zsrrs Fries. ap.ll)el FOR RENT rrizu - 4.6)ty-N A ROSEWOOD AND 111A1006ANIF CARP. PIA R02.--On Iit.I2DAY AVTIMNUON, April Mb. at 2 ii , cloet, will be aold at COntnielnlitl Rides Ilooras. 101182altheeld street, the filltwelug oorlor Rosewood and Mahogany Plitnes..Ml of parlor are of Rod Sono and new OMAR ' Our octave Rosewood case, carved mouldings, rz trs carved teat/. Van Rink, One Toemenilraiill Plano, Rosewood cam' Two 7 octave Rosetroool case, octagon legs: one 7 INll\lO - 110.11,00d O.IP, c•rreel legs; Oar a octave Roamaul One miser Idaho any case; chic El octave Oc ti Plano. io 'r e b :rlhre, " l:r 113: Mottling of ale. - aptA. McILWRUSt: 416 WIGS NAILS AND-SPIKEB4 , FATTITZDAY ISORNING April 5:111II:••1:10 . eloet, will be Loki at Varocaasela Wharf, foot of mooot StrOCt, •111 accent of whom mat toradl 411 1). IsCak ass Nall. and Mikes, of Janes 110. LaVghl In Itionufacture..ll rases, Which Rkte mink, In rleszvater ut3 the &tett:ter all Yet Clouil 14 fee , 101. Aare/ Tennant sole rash. • tti A. 11c.11,WAINEWAllet• LOTS 1311 FOQI trAIIIE AttCrION. —Sale on theorem Ise a, on MONDA, April hOth at 2 hlebm*,.,_ lot 'rents on Liberty Moot 20 tett; 02,t, ',tont dint. Too tots front on eserr street' Sr 71:ZOlet deep' The ground mlit be sticotts Omni) tottlatint s itenntocrli Hastsurant., opposim the Umtb. olio ohoreh on Liberty . vest , near 'WWI% t . 10131 Lnftiilß U DG On ITIVAD CE & A AOTEONOON, VAT lot, Ist 0 •cl.2,[rtil be . 01 St 01.01110 11.11 Auction haute, Mond 07 FUM street, 50 014.01 01011510.11 . 111101011110) CatElpoo7l loot' FIEW IN PRES t."' ti CIiIIRCIt.—ANATCTVISDAY ArrElictiOUtit, of utelux* will be suld ',Lakonia Ilan: uan a'na ytnn stromlbe etlglld. 1 -""`"' 0 stsetrourlet rithsband . 47 ab""hft watacraaust..,'Oalt - , tat .1 .tairvi • ~~'~t51:~~:I:~,`4~ EN. GRANT AND PETTlCriiiMilEvlacsco NEW SPRING STYLES is 47 St Clair Street GRAY LAIGAN EMMY . 61i. HAILE. . 1 .1'.4.;. 1 : . : ; ', NOlNfiliff, anal•or nu et =mod( .. 1 4T:04 1 4eao' DOSiiie Nitro th1,1441'6 . 140i:tidal itiji . igliLtrartg6l4l=ll.. .tr ilf -P ti tai i y 4 47 0 4; ed :rum the r aMaene usavrato MI. i t ,t• • Fine t Woolen: Goods • • , - • • 0 , Ulllll4, 10.1711 1 7-aser rirtstrsvglii A BEAUTIFUL ABSOBTILEBT OF line Paraiels, Suss UMbralast sun liiiadea, Cosiseo Buttons, JUST RECEIVED. F. H. EATON, 117 Fifth street. Monday, April th, -1866. TRIM, DIMON & CO., 54 Wood Street, NOW OFFEININC A VERY LARGE ABD &19 RAC leTClkenar. os DRY GOODS AND rq• rr 41 Loy Pliers, for Cash, WHOLESALE. BITTERS FROM WESTERN IENN'A, EASTERN OHIO, and WEST VISAINIA ARE INVITED TO CALL. L. B. WELROT ...ILL DICKSON .J. T. SHANE NEW 600D8 NOW OPENINO AT BATES & BELL'S, 21 111* Week REVD IPEREZIPUESS THIS DAY. Vine Silk Sun ilmbrellas, BREW NUS. Fine Bilk Parasols, HAMBVRQ Esdiriss, Real Point Lace Collars, • Willinti'Miloo, Be;Mtgs./kid Moundres•KA Gloves, BM HOSIERY MID GLOVES, Morriscsa's Star Shirts, C4OartI43PIVIRS, Duplex Elliptio Hoop Skirts, MEAD -.VETS, Wholesale assflftlall Dealers tuppilea at Leff "Won, at Nos. 78 and 80119rket Street. name!, GLIDE CO. NEW GOODS I New 41a14podas!! SAINDID 'ASEOMUINT. All the-Noveltlea. FRENCII:GiOUW I 4 4 Z I GLERGMA 1 LT. w i .......,,,,._.,.•,, ..,,_ „. •It . 7 , 4I W. . :.,.._, 1 1 iLI" l'1 : 1:, 1 41 1 , t 1 ' 1! ''ff:'.4.ft'ittrt ^1.1a ; , . , I§.• . - AILI R . ` B.t. l vesiaac.t., 1 , T . IND V. , 'ft i o •.. ' ' OLOVZIIi a1" - 17 I% 731.: A. .. ' 4:rt 0 . 0 . 01)!,_ 2 D OTI Nig Sisals us sus _ ariouldes and mem 'strta Dam berme olst . Alsilabblulth. ijirlyttW e il l ii i:!.. • . e It ellSi .... • . .... . Matt dittilik, - ~,;,,a..4:l l, e rvi —1000106160 151 " 2 " 111U11810151 kt: 043111 " 12114 5MO Ird4 - "112 gall : Y GOODS,TRINNEINt II3, acc j 4. ST OPENED Just opened, and to which the attention of Whale sale and Retail Buy., la rrspectfulls ,usitea, at W ill inin rc'uiple's, • iso and 1%2 Federal Street, Above the Dismotakt. Alleitheuy City •p25.1t4 N ER )ress Groods JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE BW WHITE, ORR & CO.. lab! E.iftkt iStre.e.t. NEW SPRING GOODS W. W. fiIOOIpIRAD'EI, No. SI Market Street. RlO , l EMBROIDERIES; MIN VALENCIA LACE TRIMMED SEIB; PAI 1 , AND VALENCIA LACE HMIS'S , CLUNET A rCE COLLARS; PLAIN D EMBROID . D SHIRT Y norms NEW lio LEVARD HOOP SNIRIPU; CORSETS—PIaItt, Satin and Embroidered, at 81 Market Street. WALL': RAZKELS, THOMAS PALMER CIOLISAII AND DITAII DEAL! D 11 WAILAL TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND 9e , as. 13 3EI dC. CI) 'o' liEi "lEL Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, Berond door bolo.. !diamond A-Her. feltdotold PITTSI3OI4.I3III,I;L_L , PAPER HANGINGS FOR ISi ♦ crest collection of alaserican WWI/ Papers. For the first time to dye years .41P fr ENGLISH P'.4 PER A choice .election of th. Newest French Papers Yor .ale bY FINE GOLD PAPERS, 3PC)I=II. Of tbe NEWEST DESIGNS, at WALL PAPERS OP ALL QUALITIE , AT No. 107 ItsIIZET bTILEST. NEJLIt yirrn thatPElrs, orL ,CLOTHS, &0 MCCALLUNI BROTHERS, No. St ZOURTIEI STREET. We gave uu Land a vvi sope.lor stock of CI.4I43FIL.WF3r2ISX Car %rEfArlrl,P4ll:4a eas ri o tr,t:in ne ' e " 4 l 24feet adds. PIANO AND TABLE cuV22.2 -. Avery kind to ose. lowest lIIIARTH pr BUGS-2 rout the due. quality the ized. CANTON MAT ft: , o. Atilt MAitLI A I&A.TTIN6E. &c WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carts, of our own im portation just received---very lutnditoute--never offered in thie country before--and at R ricos based on the present rate of Gold IfeTABLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2tl floor, Next building to U. S. Custom House and Poe take OWN BOOTS AND kistiks: SECOND 'LARGE A lIRITAI SPRING AND SUMMER MICOCA/S, gell3.ooegi, GAITERS A D BALMORALS, At Lower Prices than last Month. Cal early Id-day and procure bargain,. at the old stand of J, H. it W. C. BORLAND No. 98 Market Street, nd door from fifth. &gal 942 FEDERAL STREET, Sant' 13 , AND SUMNER GOODS. 'Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. aafaaa.autag the best BOOTS,. Ala/ tiArralald for Ladles, dents. attsmer Ildyl and Fintirtt'of4trAT. III'47I?InAIitoZIFIMIPM Dealers are asked tar ca llsnd e+. arrant. lay StACk. W. K. IiIeCLINTOCK, a • Vidaat Street, Allegheny City. NEW' BOOT AND SHOE STIERE, Xo. 24 SI. Clair Street. A Ism And well selected stock. of LADllif.a., GACia atid OftfLultENS` ISALVOlt wtileta will be sold At the 1, , A NF (apaitk!eody... 401 IN 5.111.11) OWMINENTS. ARTHUR& & RIDDELL, Act:64Both Street, Pittsburgh, Pt. ALL OISGHARGED VETERANS • Who WA not HAMMLVIO . Local Bounty. Can..hsrs the same collected thrush us. •PP lf MgDAgO .cerls2aasll. . apPreiolStiedir... 11 1 01rn4111 . Discharged Solo '' um Meg ie sz . s . tioni ot. Dammed Botftelitt, WWI “rerrilfirllll - 5343 , 2* , a71.1b0 tad am Moreau. derotiarme trommt[6 , 6o l., WiWaqi refetring *els Moverntom CBI antlers, are *emoted to Tor modibelrer &Me . T. ALTIEIaDTt. , :.. , Me. a grarictr", t e tfi eVntioirti:lll4'!, MEE 1866. .02 141 K1D & CCO,4 1S1?OOD STREVT, W%ib to WI grata attention Soilketr lue Ii /Whit 4' tOir.fikrinse tourfusnakir, ......,,..,...,..,1001..„F0rir,. , ..., „, ; , . „, ::_.i ;...-..,.. , 4 . +,4 .„....;_ • 1 7.4 0 , e1. 04. 0 4 qj VAIL 1r416, 7 7 __W A lt V .- - * , "•07,-!‘, -. I : ~3 - 0 41 : 101, r , Meter" tilwatition. imlll .I.lfilltitidlet,S,:,,,.: EM ~4 11 W ALTER P. MA itiIIALL, 82 W, , 041 Street S. R. 14 IYG FITS & BRO. JOS. R. lIUGFIES S 51W Mel • LI.Um H HOI Ii C.Hz. YoHau.rty W. u. s H..ll,Caill.Hr line6hellil City AGENTS. OR THEIR HEIRS, M:J= i 8 6. BPBING - L&TS. • N