The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 28, 1866, Image 1

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    THE prrTsBuRGH Gaztairr,
F. B. pENNIMRR. 1 Editor..
r UHL ISZeIID 711,1' TB 4.46.1. m TION
46 Rertit 6T 41.4 1. IhTT!bc Hop
PLR wzalc. SrlIV 1. I ' ,84, °°
-R.. 15
he Tiftsbittfilt 6auttr.
IRE &nate, Titur,day, rvitisod to .ta
quitr a lion la., , i nn nln inns
Attmayaos.. ( ~ n rr Th , 12,1eddwnn
Uonnty Converd,nn n 11l h, 11 , 1 , 1
day of next .Innt
LA NV , 1' NT 1. Tile' Rein)
00n1ITC1 Ws( of I I/1- . 011Z1I c Nrifl mvet 'Ni ft y
Bth; to 8x t t 111 1 ,• 1 ., Pr 1,“4 , 150g tite , nomi
ElebiT.l ( . 4 4 TII: 13,1,11,11f1i Pti \
Convention wil! M„ , v
didate I b.• 11 , d r, r ,Cottgre.,,
A eAerribly ode .1 cid:2,r,, Pr. , (ll.aldiikrl
COLI/Ml.ssltrili r :m•I A:1011dr.
Tat. Srrrrixr h., RI
last done whal he sh have done 111:031"
months Ayr- order., 11141 'J.. m rte letp,
rary depnsits dr.winv to rt.c1.1%
et i b y the A,ktant Frefdlre, 11 I, h..
has let the itiati,l !tin
serest Ontioroc rti)) used- unac,ouitta
612. Bat, lb..tter 1:.t04n 1.11.V,T
AVIcTiC47I, !tie Is.trunr cny,
saysiliC Hilt famine , • Homiic
Blue•Fitig," "Wear the firm :.n,I talk of
the 'stern stat, , stnan • •i'reingir,./ Da
' and prate of their rights under Hi,
Constitution and clic old dog Of cour , e,
none but radicals insist such people are no!
yet inn frame of mind to par - In - ion.
control of tar GrO Vc Weill
Ferry end Awns Entingalished,
startyi W intermittent lever, a word with
osi The for your suffering
rests upon yourselves. Just as aurely as you
shake tCsdayror willahakirtchmorrolv,Hostet
ters celebrated Stomach Bitters wilt extln
s gnish the slipcase under which you labor. Hail
Übe Jolinsoucl'aivat, Programme. you taken thi, genial turtle as a preventive;
Er's roxi ,
- Will you allow ow J you would have no need of It m a cure, for It
the system
as small Space in your columns to emnilitt render „, itoporyto " to
t 0...
T al e r evel . e , • 3 10 , 8. 1 0 ,
matte to your reader- 41111.. lest, 4.ollUreled prOoStl4o;l4 ijdiYoO3ilieh'" w ithOlit4 , l l l4l Of
with the progratem•• of Presidrot John tile a:insole/tit ny :resorting tothereliddtirelias
Me remedy. break the chills with Hostetter's
son and Senator its relation to
no mote. hitter,, and they will return m. This
the coming campaign' The true inen the experience of thomands, and a will be
thrt.nzhout the commy al , begin n i ng to our.. quinine Pei 1 , 1115 W means of relief; It in
ntn,(4oel to the last degree; It is more dan
gerous than the malady itself:„ut num, 11-0R 6 66
0 ,4 sevi. mu' • 1 .. i riots- I , in coninnitill),the'effnei,
as liter, aof
ppcsi Is aI; w others - lying the bitters. Their curative action Is rapid ;
II round lessee e are . n . a .1 3 - W slimy Lt „ they aro agreeable to the palate they are not
fu,t Is ~,,• 1 - s.. sI ss v for net entirely harmlesstint, tend Ineritably to
au oifi.••• et, t„-,1, t I .1 ri•-. iii 4 Ny'dicing life i
circulated about I hey ',rev lwrve Jailed, and It is confidently as.
littrristitirg (i.stise no dont., title and /disc,ilm' lacy ""''''An° in any case of
et er and Ague, however inveterate In It..
take,') nod yet there lute, hat tw o , e
• thararter. To ha wlthOnt MestetywisBMters
'games in Which it Is, Lad - sign s barged
so any real& littened nit alit • t or
that tnen were willing to s.•Il themseli es on
Remittent Peter fkIM - p`dY'fiireeifea safely and
i,sne to ihe my...he part t - , and ”a
in bolls inUances tie tepitt••.l purchasable
Hostetter'a DU ****
Creatures were tailed llenisscrals As I' sad wholeaala d retail at very low ,area
laidCoppiddic . A nioa gm all the ehur.ges it •ieudin t 's Drug and Patent iledleineMepOt,
io d ic theta. has never No 41 Market" atieet:tiartiar Diamond
been sin insinuation that 1111,0 1l 001,
me an ana . 0,1 Clark -et, near Fourth atreet.
55,,, , , is, .e!) himsell mil to the Cop
liut Is-en left tor D m H at • •
• etiator Oscan Pft .101111,04112 tO. 1 . 11,- nest clam Hat and Cap house of William
hciin IL , ...A ' l ' in 1 ') "t nem WitOdkirect.A.lkilionew styles
r talc/ :LI • fent, :Um fklk
pllidwan• -• Us; me sadist, offices al Hats. Alen's, bops anti childien's straw goods.'
Audi ac.: appear. die . , lu n y al Lathe,' asset tt
,aatA, grid en.
,t isle hails- trtraued. :nth, honed has t - t
fo rtm
r=many years.
enough In •••iliotal and who
matotalnet an enviable reputation for the'
have Silo wed the • Imoidted etf stalely and excellence of its giwittts ar. well as
le 11. ,
for the extreineb• tow prietuilat -.Which they
Thiel Theli 'sod hi' isms- :sways been sold We recommend all in
cOlll.l, 1101- - ,“ want of anything In the bat or cap Hoe W. 1 .,
a enne ils;
entrals• al! Stip on foW :I s aiffrici, and 1 , 01
e olllw the goods at lid boo, before
boo before
di ill.' hops , that c5...0 •te - 111,0'111- 0:111
be rarr , c , l It:. Liss... Republican
party to .e, e qui .11ot, It 1., i , •ttially surprising bow soon our p,4.
tv r,
pis• have learned to prize Clint lorainulde at 1
an d t.',,te arid 1.111114 SC- tidy known Cue's Dyapepala Cure. It cells
cur e IL. I. lb, ',est, r. "scan to the iaittly art.+ like inagle : Tor srilleeni the rerii.l
I toted .'ate Iles., Editor., I
••141) - apepata, and enable ' the pi- I
iinve what I -isy ',is., I -sal,- that Mr .(tent, wee Is
lived for years on Crassa4
I' owan sus, 11, erhs ars_ tell) bread and the plainest feed, to eat rinythl
workinc mg, it,••. ru• Is a- lie ehorwes wltbout fear of distress. It taco*
IND; CS ISIS 511.-Tnisili-1.,\1,, the most vititiabie medicine-known mi t t
SET, 13EDI ohs, .Nll Phis it Y slit , • all disessareitfl.the'-iitciiiich T 1341
Frtastil.lN ,id Nis Licsala • sole agent itir!eiti L igutrill, wtgletide and ree
'ZIG AND Arenas, to , it as :hro diottgirts ' k Joseph Fleming, Druggist. NO. s 4 Star
en PC lish!p!o.l i podr d e hided j
creatures appear to thin that there isVed
eral pritronne, enough 31.0111 Piatblirgb ; Spring snit Slimmer Goods.
The well-known store of Mr, John Wale
and Alleghtts rcct. , ❑ Johitsonand
Cowan party strong enough to carry- a I iderchant Tailor, No. lias Federal street, All
COWL.. ticket in .litemituy • •.unty.
I an; inforww-1 upon good authority that • liocteient et ., sailatatActand,:auxontlinillioadla Th
Mr Cots-no 'IISV- aerancal it s s ., to conceo ituea has been well selected, and embraces
trate the entire FsJrral tesfro ¢u gn of the i the numberlessarticles needed for gent)
shelf's garmenec- A large aback of ready-mad
county, Is- 1.1111 bled a ft.publfcan [lints, mats, reliLso3e.loll,elitolire found
in Oreenstutt s , dikten:'rstenitute Of prin I In "'. l * , tabutanitealtZ• ItilitliOcks - Of furnish'.
ciple to accept the Collectorship in place of ' cannot he surpassed. Pertains deairlis
James M Thompson. Esq., of Uniontown to purchase a good snit of clothes would
The pr lent incumbent, Mr Thompson, Is • i1r9.1 ... 1 t , 3' giving Mr.
the equal, in point of business capseityand
acceptability, to any man in the three Thunman W. Flurry ee cess
pv. .. cts.pattibit, tupormuomesa.2..... ,
Col.ll,oiefl, and in point of character ; ao,far CPO Slate of various colors. °Moe et ale-S
-superiot to any Iteptibiii.m. in the district,
.ter Laughlln's near the Water Worke Pins.
who would- aca pt the position, with the i innirn, Pa. Residence , NO , 7S Pike street. or.
conditions annexed, that it would bean un
pardonable Fin to make the comparison. :,,i len 4ai r pr° 3 l4.l.Y r 4epom , 4 4 4Wdeci I°, : 11 4 14 ° • r A k b .rarran o . ob t
`Notwithstanding the character and epriape
ncruce. No Charge for reports, provided tha
tency of the man, Mr Coirmi thinks ' it I. not a b ased arts: It hi put nu
won't pay to keep the Collector in. Fermi, o
county, as he sure. of the Copperhead carpal. r Joiihfiag op
vote rd that 'minty, and he thinks a pres. Raving returned after en or three
sure of patronage in Westmoreland countyreenlist:kWh) spnyittiavotrasoplimaduiny athop
will unable kiln 10 1 - 1.11:112 party in his own ; for 'ail aorta or toon mg l e the carpenter
count; strong enough, when united' to the at the old nand, /pram Anerroetoeuen Smith.
Copperhead tote, to carry three members field exreetadtlieniAllei-i,4Asitissolleited
of - the Legislature Thr editor of !flit ' and promptly attended to.
Greensburg &raid is the Assessor in the Wmixast forinney,
Twepty.fird Ditrict and htiA imide a Most A
efficient oth,.er, but lie hart hero compelled j wdt
) 7, tst•it 0010
cheap t7t700ntr0774rgit0,707.7...:
to send for th through Lt, paper an uncer • ~,,,,,,,t rar,tholttio4levixfavindiwhi e r..
Min sound for .ome time bark in seder to
save his head, and non thing- are 'dials I
.fogs, Se., ing themselAis that he will navel° ignore ;
his better Ju•icmrnt, sill advocate, wit bon' prelim, tr., Just o plplain
pened at No. 74 and 76 Me
let or hindrance, the Cowan and Johnson k .,
t •
poli c y, sir els' milts the loadings of his ' .•
conscience and sutler decapitation. Which ; Cholera
he will do, time alont• will tell : Th is frieude ' comooot physicians gyve at as their opinion
still think he will follow the dictates of his . that Mil 46161, .wilttyeeph;l i tiltteity.-4 At lel/
conscience. In the event Alt the editor of &rents every precaution shailld be tali& to
the , Greem.burg :gentling' brills keep clean, the ‘ alleyaonsta, tire
wily' and lefusine • . taltbe think!. sat , oi IRS
, Gold
Cowan "bit and bridle," then thereon a pens, wallets. Re., Le., to go to Plttock.
Haan in Indiana who is holding himself
ready to grab at the price of trench. - •
TAW. Lliwltss.• !
Blesehed, half Watched' end - unbleached, at
cry to the party These are times to try .
men's principles. very low prices, on the northeast center
Messrs. Editor s , th e re i s no intention MI riefrit , and Marketetteetat
the part of C'owau tud Johnson 10 bestow C. Hannon Lova & Ban.
any ollice, at present, upon any old coP- • .t,r4.
pertfend. That would reveal the cloven
1.0,10 anti da rk ,, .-. $9101114 id, lIAIDO/IjdnejnhAtl
toot and frustrate tit° oiled ttimettat—lbe•
popular Niece, on t h e northeast corner of
diSintegration of the Lnion Republican
party. The Copperheads understand the Fourth and Market street..
pinraquno perfectly, and they hove agreed ,
to'wafh'BJitil the destruction of the Repub• ._
:. .
lican Piirty - ,.beforc they are to share the
spoils their apparent diseontent,as man
ifested ore: atonally, because the President
don't appoint POOP' of them to ofce, 15 part
and parcel .4 a well .Itild sclietne to deceive
cretinism,- Republicans, nod make them be•
tie, • that t'owan and Johrigon ate Bt ino!
haring to the Caton reorganize-not. and
are not Its confederation with .urn :nen as
But the pe 1111 hosts of
those who n lew ngn thought 4nth
paper a. the "Gs ••:,1 rata,' in your city,
were dill true • prnicsph, ..r the
Ultieu pasty, now know tins: they are
"chock by lowl'• wttls the men who inher
ed to destroy We tioTerninent; and, al
though some tel US thought that the (larelle',
Forney's Pose, and ',ltch papers were
little too I.:client, we now are you onapre
nctided the situation better than we... 131
assured the honest eountry . people are
sound tel the sore iu sustaining Congress
and the party that sustained the GoTern s
mem against Copperheads and SOotlionl
118110, WEST NEWTon.
Ncw Yoac, April t7—The Poses special says
• bill prohibiting the landing of passengers
from eralgraut ships Which Miry 0 there styquit
loaded is to be introduced Into therllonse.
Otheers cf the General tioverament have
commenced the removal from; the l.Plagtery
oarracks of thousands of muskets stored
there, which were taken a yearagofrom Lee%
and other armies. The work will consume a
meta,. ThePeer.d*r Beath 'wll4 ante; apt
the prertiLes as soon as heasible.
The Cornmeretai.s special aye .kft. Smythe.s
noistinallOis t 9 the culleCtOUthlPAPiAletezee
tarred to fior...l4orgau, mbo 1t1e,49i yet . re,
ported .to the Ceallitlge 9 Ceeeelteees
Wit not Imo the.
fclit 2,lnredsy, •
• del ettaufrom New YOSSILWITSO..
ton tearr OWant IO 4OAXV.
wiltuiresclarsirt `selfeli
rendare titerunt *dries*, _, ,
• 0- •
• • .
Graduated &COW!" ailltifiaidriniv coder.,
W. A. Itirthard,lrsirrati, Ofilo.
Barkley Cooper St. Clairarnle, Ohio.
.16h n L. Patti, TltualiGt‘Pa:,
J. N. ldebnofilT Gammondsville, Ohio.
W to. J. MedEotil,dlleabaar City,
Wm. Caltiii Caraßridge:Ohlo.
Robt A
J. .
IVilson, atatnargh.
.1.. T. Linable, Tallyeavoy, P.
W. A. Gilleland, Bakerstown, Pa.
beo. 1... Reis, New Castle; Pa.'
I. W. Wallace,_ Poland, Oblo.
W. B. Serbyrsmt...Vhotnair; Pa.
Geo. M. 1)
Knox, 111.
• Con9PY. Cotbocump Ohio
freer"- C. inatthews, Pittaborgb.
I, It. Mclntire Allegheny Co., Pa
J. B. Zaltin, Ebensburg, PS. , •
John Waldron, Parkersburg, West Va.
Al 'P. Pa.
t r‘ l Al,.. Tr a m , Bir r m t Pll
11. S iiirkpatr_ ,lek 111.0414i110.1
Mr! 25. Rebo o t,
Mark. P.
A. S Bnboul, Hark, Pa
1-rartn, California, P..
Myers,- Philltetbn re, Pa
li A. Warne, Monongahela City, Pa.
W .1 Barclay, Potaeroy, Ohlo
A. Dlentit, Girard, Ohio •
W Payne Bartlett, Ohio
1% 11.-^Stewak, Fairdlpip, lows.
' Fred. Tlanalne„ Birmingham, Pa .
J.. Bradley, Mooroeville,-Pa.
Bob* 11.110m.y. Coh,..Bdattle Pa. •
t Loblogler, Brdllinek'S F i eld,,, Pa.
Teo. , e 1 f, Racine, Ohio.
ort, Pa./. .11
7.94 , l o. p.ii*.ilvap,,rs,,,aik v ,
111 .1' tthOut paatall•Aber...,uarial sea.rehlag.
zarnlrintions,iif. 'rthe'bidleie4.l4l4lPilet4lti
and 11 he will no albutit hereafter. dtatingutah
res by an honorable prorlelonnY in bfla
mea.. awswdr4_tirt,ea -
Slim inglomalditiptollege, aa a *federal:kJ or
taitir,iftile44%f , Ist i r . B r idueti . y;'atid , oeßei ex
ale plan- .leporl went during lila mum° of
„a 5.
Dress Goods.
A gOOll hiie„Xlipires on the
nertheaat • araei' tiimitti;• Nina- harks{
qtreete C. FLissos Loved Co.
Good and henry, ab leas than • market. rates
at either4boisate oDretail, Otatti , tiiithetant
terrier Fourth and Market streets.
C. Hstraos Lave & Bite.
~`111 1, 41 , 17 1 91 " 4 1 ..._ ,Z 1
I:flare:imam Bs atua Vary cheap at Shollaby a
Barclay's before buying , your muallns . Call
suit see the prices at Op original
.Be Aloe
st..a. anal 6 ./iitanetitriPt- ' •
ttotts.,,lo,ll4 .CogsWels JO 44itt.6.t.
and liontaittiii;Vhotiiiiiitillt, ail
(to to littollaby - Ik Barclay's
Yor extra beerrylndela), l s l. !,4,3fr,Mtk!P:4
They hove
t • ~.0 „ 0 , 6-
l'ittock expacwookattilic&igttolgaura
bY 11"t'"Ii*
1.11 Yard wl,le fpleAtitig,#,B:lloThAy'o3w
- . .
O'illattopy, and Killian Pho
toCklll4,i t '9 l T ni P be at Pit "
'AI PittetAktliiti.;4 ;nrii:R
Iftqvii , Atttkilkireeku t •
At -
ftt plitockefe. a,Y),
- .
A $ 1117 4 44-44 i 1 .0 1.04 . :; , ' : ' ;"*16nt `sr:
f't r 7.
1 36
- -
A New - Dental Firm.
Drs. t,. SDI and if. E. Gillespie have formed
Aparthershinkt Dr. REP+ While Roust,. to
Penn street. These two geotlemen armlets.
nounced highly skiltjul in their an, they both
having practiced In this city Romp eight years,
and are well and ably known. For over three
years these gentlemen have working o
gether for the beefy:nodes of ma been
king and giv
ing the Laughing ildhs, and for other scientitie
developments in their businese. by the as.
IlOolation-their numerous patrons will he bet
ter served, which, we understand, Is the or,
Jeet Ye the .astiOelation:
Whet 23 Cents WEB Da
be °
Den next week.
Will be open next witek.
Onginal metho.t
• Of welling Goods.
Or of gh trig them away; not tleeuted which
Ste hanJ-DIIIF,
See hand-1411u,
htett w I he
Left at every house.
Lludiarotilloort Nearener.
hereby ehalliingo any pergon to question
my right to tutturitnosure the above, and - offer
the same for . fuLle nt my nee Stores, l6i Smith
.44ollliWobt;,Orld Opp&lte the Post.Mee.
J. 111. rin.TON.
The Heat 12 1-2 Cent Unbleached Moulin
la the tity - 19:,at Shellaby Ba'clay's; also 4-4
ITnptAheOheCtings very cheap, at 74 and 76
Vierket street_
_. .
First-A eonsiltutlontil amendment basing
represents tutu 00 Imputation, amt moviding
that whenever any State denies suffrage to
any elm.. of citizens of the United States for
any reason, except for participation in the re
bellion, sue), disfranchised elms or portion
shall Is' dedieu ed from the basis of represen
Second-A eoustitutional amendment pro.
Wilting the payment of the rebel debt, and
providing that there shall never be compliant.
Lion for emancipated slaves.
Third-As apart of the plan of restoration,
It is proposed that whenner these amend
ments be ratified by a sul4elent number of
States to make them a part of the Catmint.
[ion, then each of the rebetlionit States shall
be entitled to the admission of Its representas ;
trees, on their taking the required oath of
Fourth-The following classes of
be forever debarred from holding °Mee under
the V til tedlitates Govern went i The President
end Ice President, heads•of Depa r tments , rangto
members of Congreee and Jude. of the Su
preme Ceart of the Confederate States, their
representatives at. foreign Courts, and all 'tee!
sons who left offielal poeitions under the Uri.
ted States Government to aid in the rebellion:
.. .
Waenatioroe,April :7. 1 all who served in the-reel army above the.
rank of Colonel, or in the navy above the rank
of Mhster; and all .hersoas guilty of treating
til'hbe.,h,Llioleo.estitawhtli..s‘hit,,,tellesgmenzlialemicotm.nhintorL- i our prisoners contrary to the riles of 'war.
This proposition was not lormally adopted,
taken up,
. 5.. t r 0 ,,,,a ,.. :61, , : , rr , , ,, e.rrn„...1,, , ,, , i,v,,,, y 0 „.. 71,311% „ ,::...7 • itoTh'lt'ew'Reco'''gr'enstrdn'eltrniritnii ' C l o ' m U m id it b li imm as n trat
which a mild be generally acceptable to the
. New York delegatloit. The question of a us.
Ced 7 , aro suffrage condition, either immediate or
Mr. Wilson offered a reeolution acanthi. the . remote, wits received with very little favor !
mo . o r ( l ie s ou ., cb omoo „ o i ga. ,,,,,, E.. I N , The question 01' tile d immediate militiamen of
time, to gii,r e sdi, g , on Th 0 j., 3 ,1„., eve . te , Tenneasee wits not disellamed, but such meal-
next, in atil of the fund for the establishment . 1 ,....,rw, in.', -.. t irnsw ` al , th „ alas t r e . h L es , a o , t l„it o ,",t„"; ' l " f ' I
ore Soldiers' and Sellers , Orphan Asylum. ''''`") 4 ' ' avar a' H. •"" - ---5,.....-- that
Mr. Riddle objected to the present consider- three of the mass prominent Intlinoure of the
utionof the resolution, and it wont over.
The special order of the day, the bill for the 1 Miconstreetlon lonnitittec will urge this !
propusttion. viz i Senator Harris and Repre
relief of certain naval contractors, wart taken keuniatives Conkling and Boutwell.
.up. The pending question was on the motion 1 The .711.bune's special says: The statement
of Mr. Henderson to postpone the bill till the I Is whispered about this evening that the Sea.
first ilioneayin December , ate toe ley, in executive session, ditienstied
-.Ma Hendricks and Nye spoke in favor tomsother matters titan military continua.
of the hill. and Steams. Clarke and Riddle Dons, which were passed ilium without oppo. I
against It. The tilscumiton occupied three Bitten. If rumor Ls to be credited, the major'.
hourn. i tv of the Senate very distinctly anuounced ,
On the motion to postpone the bill tint 11 De- ' that no nomination ehould be confirmed when
camber, the roll was millml and the vote stood ; modem all a place Made vacant by the re
17against against'} nays. 1 moVal, for opinions Balmer any competent eta.
igrigrftteeeortthentoo,iloWieemit the I err who supported the election of Andrew
hill and Innentlinent to the Committee „„ i Johnson in the 1.4 Preeldential eativass. The
Naval Aftaire. I senate 1.. hound to sustain the Presideet's
Air. Connems hoped it would be rooter...slued 1 earnent and best friends and supporters. Sen. f
the Committee on Claim. ator Morgan being on .the Committee on Com- ,
Mr. Davie ruggeeted that the manatultive he 1 suave when the ewe of Mr. Snitithe came up 1
•bisteucted to report separately upon each ea s e. ;
..for t • b e e t4on n , a i t t o e , :as tro r m ei x er . r:d y t o o r G k r
i r ,, n ew or M to rniz r i; 1
s: The Senate refneed to recommit the bill liY e
enteof43 yeas, against MI nays. The bill was I iv report hack cows after one weekkedeley,
.then passed. , mull LI report of the case May fro expected by
.Mr. Wilson offered &Joint resolution for the phe committee t0.1.y. hid-, no th ing woe md. o hr i
- ft/towing amendment to the Constitution t '
, enator Morgan, aim no there to no ineettng of
wile payment shall ever he Made by the UM- , the Committee until next Thursday, no action
tell States or any state for or on account of I will be boa oil the ease durthil the interim. It
the emancipation of y slave or slavoi, or is soliMste'd no Oilketiene of moment wilt
for or on seeolant of any debt contracted or I ifs male ''''.Dim his 'ain.rinathm
ti -
incurred In aid of the insurrection against the ! ' r hos nes.. , spec ial sais : Cameral Grant's
o Staten. Representatives shall he ' ',di to Riehinon'l wto o'drked with moue
portiood rono, the o .renal .renal gt„, which
h pt./AN/11g ambient,. end mattfYing results.
may he incluticei within ens Uliton according i"rolds narked to see hi. In large numbers,
whole their respective e umber. routHing the ! from curiosity ate doubt but tluring his stay
unutherof persons in each Sate; but, hr escalled s upon, riallekftthy by such per
whenever in any State the elective Fran-' won' as Robert thild , eit'rebet nominissioner
ebb. shall be denied to any or Its in-Air exerethial of erispugetbiteal-
.4-es. Anders.,
hahltante, being male citizens of the United I
of the Tretlegnr b W
on orks, Mayor Mara
Staten, above tee age of twenty-me year.. Generals Wickham mei -Monett:gem., Joilgo.
for any Mamie except insurrection Sr re. i Lyons, Meredith, Hilt, Carter, Watts, Marti
hellion against the United States the basis of I son and many other indoential citizens. The
copc ,, o ,„ utot i ou to c „ c u , s tout awl be reducedi billies also walled upon Sirs. Grant freely, and
dt Abe proportion that the number of mate ! every one who called manifested becoming
enieene so excluded shall be an to the whole feelings mud sentiment:, The Flatboat] Lblit. !
number of male sit items over t went i .one I
puny placed a special car at his disposal, and i
yelirs of age. The second clause of the crate the Seottewreal /louse assigned him a Mae
battle provides that whenever any of the suite of rooms. The Millard Rouse eentribu
sot", l atole ~, „ht. 4110,,, shall , al', thei tad to his comfort and pleasure. He dined
fOregoing article, the Senators and Represen- , once with General Turner, temporarily Coln.
taUves from such State or States, shall tig mi. ! minding; visited Fort Uarrlson and Other !
tatted into Ceueress... I poste of interest, and returned well pleased I
The resolution was ordered to be printed. • eILIIIIIO visit.
The Senate at 5171 adjourned. to meet on The TWIG,' special says: The would-be lieu-
Monday.. I
atorn front Colorado were upon the itoorof the
House today, urging the ease of that Terri
:ige, washmone, from use com m i ttee ~,, I vary anionic the members, but the prospect Is
Conifuerce, reported a' bill for the relief of I not as goad es its friends coeld wish. Many
Charlet( 'Premens A CO., for ;Mt..passage on , Repoblleans express a determinatkin to Op
b-ittlie Rawallan barkßaMehateha, On the ' s umme r some for the same reaso that Mr.
M . 'S - 4
4, Of two destitute seamen of o ut Ameri. ! die. and others becauve Is i n certain,-tJamiittenandosh, from I to provoke another veto, which will still fur.
! Aseenaltm bland to R=oluin.. - 2 , ther alienate the President and Congress,. and
! The morning bout lifteing arreiad, the %nil I still others; tor the very excellent reason that
went over ell next Yriday. Ito give Colorado, with - twenty-Mrs thousand
Mr. Morrill gave natlea"tliat the bill tolnhabitants, the satriss repreeentation In the
emend the Internal Revenue set would not he I Senate as the great State of .Sew York, le Mere
called uphill Jiloadnyareek..' • -- t.'l 1 treacly unjust and milmitleable on any rem
The Howie then reninneif the ConnideraLlon : sonelde stromids whatover ,
l of. thoiforthoco!rocto, Railroad Bide, exe i the I (denim Evart, Clifford and itoweau, have,
cl oc it toto a cubccituto offered by m e. 5t 0 ,,,,,,, , Mien retained by the Government for the trial,
as modified byk i ln-. The modificationconsists Of Jeff. Davis.Theywere here Tester:447 ern;
of the folloselagr Strike our Welton att and in• ranging the ease. Unless something °Cent* ,
!tart In addition to section W,as follows: "Soil whit. is not now anticipated by therAdtablin.
upen the failure On the pert of tee company trim:ion, the determination of the time and
fOritheriOd.Of ninety days to pay Interest on place of the teal of Jeff. Davis a - ill not be
eald stocks aft 'the same may mature and he- made until Attorney General Speed retains
COMM due, the treasurer of the United Staten from the West, whither he has gone to recruit
may have p o wer to c ol so m uc h of the cum veer:mit:tine applicatem to business. 1 hie health, somewhat Impaired by close and
bads so reserved as aforesaid, at public sale, I
, ite,Will reimburse the Government for the pay. I The Secretary of the Treasury believing that
' Meet of • said interest; jirOvided, that add the MOP bus same when the Government
Made. shall not be soldier less than .WlO per should no longer be in the position of a nor-
Qrs.!! 'Add to the proviso at the enit of the rower of money, today ordered the Assistant
biatlaeffilloteing: 'Provided further, that at United !States Treasurer to diseentinne the re
least thremfourths of the hoitni of duectorser2l inn of deposits for temporary bane.
shatisiways be, citizens - or the United States. , The Senate will take, up the Universal Suf.
ProVidell further, that the Government shahl (rage hill for the District of Coltimbia seat
notthe coital upon to pay the interest oe th e week. se say several itepublirans_
ehalofeethatruction of more than fifty miles
o_r gald rood for the drat year, nor for more DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT DETROIT,
Quin. ettletinindted miles additional
seemel year, nor for mere than two
miles addit ional for the third year nor for
more Vista two hundred miles additional for
the fourth year, and after that time on no
' more than three, hundred additional tidies
per year tin such roadie completed.
• Mr. Bingham addressed the Hansa in sup.
port of the bill. He mild that the substitute
just read removed and allenced the objection
:Urged by the gentlemen who had spoken
against the aelotition of the measure. The
billwauld receive the vote of every member
:of thiS'llOnse. It was the duty of stateiminp
'shltiVidetelope PM -the resources -Of the no.
Mon and-to emabie the nation to lay , ititi band
-an the commerce of the great mint by beccitu
' turtle) carrier of that Intense- trade by the
Sherbert Missibloroefe.
Rogers next made an argument in sup-
I port of the MIL ife declared that there was
! me fratid,Or taint of fraud upon the tell, and
Riegel should bono lethnistien on the charm.-
teeof thergentlectionwhotrere here urging Its
i MYSifggs next addressed the Hone in sup.
port of the bill. 'lle regarded the matter es a
national Shark of great importance, and one
Which members from all sentient. of the roan
tlralii...thrimhotild 7:l 3 l t l l ltawed on the The
immense, grant of land to be owned by the
Company was not worth more than so much •
lniconslithe or elixir sky, not worth a penny
en kerb without arenas to it by railroad. No
man was rich enough to own and pay taxes on
rwithout access to ft. Although the Central
wide Railroad peened hie door, be was will.
gale have &Northern Ikea also constructed
could b
befit. ' ny Otherßailrorids to the Pacific, as
hr.Broomall. Midms we found the taxes too
heavy to equalize eoldierls bounties, they
were too heavy fOr this, grain of money.
Yr. Harding wassinwthing tO add a national
the debt except. ter, works -ot great
importalice,` which , : thie was not, • °Owe. no
Man anything. and "go ant enermity for oth
ergr'. 73t e genx sa good
id theqti urn m estio i n Ongln, to be
disetussed with gravity.. This Wag a national
work, and ought to be put through. He
readAllet :of thedirectoral names, and called
On Mr. Banks to vouch for them. The coun
try through which the-road was projected tens
richer in minerals than any other, Re was
informedsirrangements were oily beitta made
to bring emtgrantit firotothe• north of Europe
this summer to plant along the line.
Mr. Banks occupied a few moments of Mr.
Stovers' time.
M.f.:Elloll nerve primacies questa:lm ;.:', -
Mr:Spaulding moved Reit the bill and pritiic
lux amendment be laid on the table,
Mr. Spaulding insisted' on his motion, and
called tor the yeas and eaye on it. The quo
Ron was When on theniceicei tOhly Mrthe ta
ble, intense interest being manifested as It be.
illattifeeleit thatthemotion was to summed,
andtthe'reardted In 7 1 1!"yeasi against Mtn
Mr. Wright moved to reconsider the rots,
and to lay the motion" to riirennsider on the
Mr. Dardraroelth a view to prevent, the vote
being made doss.•roOred 'an adlourement.
TheHense refused to adjourn:-peas M, says
41 0.. . L. ,,,,, ~ We
Mt ' AV - 7 . lo7llci r ieattoCill el awy ° pn ya lig
the par ofthe friends of the bill to 111 1 .1 buster.
'The yeas and ~aye were takes and the Ronne
agatu whiled to acliceirn.
A-133.0t10,210.recentdder was then laid On, the
tabletWatitelilt A deal/don; _ ,
I. of Mettlen of Mr. eteveneit war; ordered that
'the emiskiniamoorrow his•oonflned • tO debate
on the PresidenVs annual message.. ' • • .
Om. motion of Mr. Elliott, a committee of '
Confereoge:was"rierml , , cm; thss Wag Aladla
Ttileeptithbvbilll' 4 - - ' v- ` -- ' ' - •
Mr, Boca askodiestyp.tegal s tmottea to
reorderthewpsoduttratting. stem=
.06 , , 'he demarcated as
ttz:Vant eonai n t r earearalMdendla in the
butheipeo Otskidelf lthOldd- be
thavabe ohtr&Waa aggrqutorm4 ~
••...terialedit:Ootdd , gWeaallearsii ,
_ . .. _ _.. - •
• • -•-•• -
Tice Chespinte
Tani whin Unbleached Sheeting," An !Jo, !hi y
Shollaby S Bin.lava.
Ali Fourth otrect-
At 32 Fourth street. 11" a"
'.F 1 ...~,....,; ~;e'~L
--- 1 , ..F.;, , ,....
.. . . .
1M'.;.',;:1';i...i::, ~...`.,:•6.,,,:,.
Heads of the Rebel Government De
barred from Holding Office.
Counsel Retained for Jeff. Davis
Nothing , like It
Nothing like It
Nsw April :7 —The nines , special
says The meeting and action of the New
York I. ongressional delegation last evening,
with reference to reconstruction, has been the
subleet of much Comment today, and has
created considerable surprise among the ex
treme men, who counted 6n the waJoeitj of
that delegation assure to faror forced negro
suffrage in any event. The tallowing Is the
substance of the proposition, which was re•
ceived with the greatest raver by the meet
RailrOad Depots and Ferry Burned
.—The ilessenger and
Freight depots of the Detroit and Milwaukee,
and Michigan Southern Railroads, and ferry
steamer Windsor, were destroyed by are last
night. The ions to the. Detroit and kilwarikee
liallniaLl will reach top hundred - thousand
dollars;nnd the Michigan Southern prObably
twenty thousand. The tire was occasioned by
a barrel of benzine leaking Its content,., and
wittalions ignited from a lamp. The flames
instantly spread In all directions, and in a
few seconds the buildings an I ferry Windsor
were wrapped in Raines.
A lamentable loss of life occurred on the
boat.. The Tribune gives the names of twenty
eight deck hands, fireman andiporters, sup
posed to be burned or drowned. The boat wee
Lowed to the Canada shore, where sbo burned
to the water's edge. Tim passenger trains on
both roads were uninterrupted, temporary
premises having been provided, and no aletew
Don will occur to the transmission of freight.
Mossaehnset IA 'Soldiers' Bounty BIM
liosvos, April Si.—ln the House of Repre
sentatives this afternoon, the bill to equalise
the bounties of soldiers was ordered to a
third reading by a vote of 11l you to el nays.
The amendments which wore prop osed
__ to the
bill, except one, wore rejected. The bill pro
vides for the payment of nine dollars per
month for every month's service In the army
to those men who received no bounty, Until
the sum 0f4351n reanhed, this being the max
imum sum paid by the State, and whatever
bounty any man may have reettivol is to be
deducted from the monthly oOmpensation
provided In the bill. A Committee otthe
°entire counsel are to examine the claims,
and If the amount required to pay them ex
ceeds 44,1X0,000, the matter. Li to boreforred to
the next.LegiAltituro.
NAsavitte, April 27.—1 n the court-martial
case of Lamm Henderson, CoL Coyle for the
defense, requested an adjournment till to.
morrow, because the ehdrges presented dif
fered from those previously made. Ur re
quest was granted.
A Commission of stzteen influential citizen
have been appeinted by the City Councils to
confer with the satudelpal authorities and
citizens of Cincinnati regarding a direct rail
way communication between Cincinnati and
Naaphviiie. It is et
i ta u djo i fed the movement will
The Llyte Fenian
Poursnorrn, N. H. April 27.—WLillam H.
Grace. a Fenian imitatorand a Captain in the
late Eastport expedition, has arrived here
from Portland on hie way home. He says the
expedition would hay° been a success, had
General Killian been mists:Wed. He °mildews
Villaboney andlubectle and n.frand ion the
mid says the`{_ itti= hope Of idloPolvi
now b in supporting - Ho and Sweeney. He
lias told the drain to send no more money to
Union Square, ,
The Atrray at crlitteaden '
CrXOIIINAT4 April 27..—James Robloscin wee .
kWe4 La the *Pay. at Crittendetr; Ben
sky" aareported yeStardaY;blit dangeroualy.
wounded. John , Atexander. RobbniOn; and'
John Robinson were also severely hurt. The
attacking party numbered tvolnity-Ave men,
formerly guerrillas. No arreele hate been
SW Ithell....LOLLlXlatildliy bin
7 -..„.-----„ Clark, resldg .near Johnotowria'/Ati rime,!
iitior Ag oo s ti o ilies , o4 - .. e . -- ..- - &rat Amy mstrAtit , roe shot by
,enterber the fithe
itvort.ubeliertseibrniet%thr,eneXitialottleelett,eimah,sto.itorbribre7t, iw i et h aeat il letlietH, l 7l 4 % ' fe w. 'e a r t eteller t lir t e Z re rta t
o r b/a lp: 11 ;i
Action of Ara York Delegation.
From Iliashville
1 MORE DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE. ' E. "" a.o " Ja ck Co. for the liar ,
i i der of John enhaugh.
! Jagl: Cooper. who murdered John Ithoden.
I The TrYthdratecti •
of the French : h "o:rh•or Fr ank/ 1 n t e wri. hiPiPurtiiklw omurY.
Porte* from Mt-rico. ' onto. 01:1 the night of the 24th of October hii.t.
--•- •
s.l a 7 t t i;li rd4Y hai a l ft r e e_ rn sired n' i a n t " Fra . n " rlin
Nair Took. Atoll .27.—The ndtlit lomat ‘14,10. over thirteen ) oars, and teas well know In
matte correspondence between the Cotten - Portage mod nte m. It
ittiofFra tre n a c t„, France t
d the
e u
el : :i n ted s St t a in t: . s, fs pay ~urtu meet lie Was dRy - a$ yearn of age,
iub i
immeduitely preceded and led to the resolve der he Wan i ens null ndo
ll conlpany On
ith COOper and a
in of the loin
of Lilo-Ft Government to make an official man named Beery, at the village of Kent,
announcement of the prospeetive withdrawal drift tong and playing billiards. Be parted
of the French from Mexico. France desired with theta at seven welork In the evening, and
in the first place to have her right to make left for bone. Iluv leg Prneeeded two-titirtiri
war on Mexico reeoctilmed by the Government of the distance, Itione lit an open wagon, he
of the United Stet en. Tilts was readily {panted;was ass - tutted and dealt a fatal blow noon the
but the point to which France iturtlone.l a heed (causing instant death) with a heavy
much greater importance Wan the r , ,ogni- club, ton near the 41.011 e of the murder. Ilia
lion of the .Mextean Empire by the United Person was robbed of a Watell and the money
Staten, I tie had with hint, supposed to he near Sate
According to a dispatch from lii lironyn The murder Wan I.ll.4roVorell shortly after by a
Del: Rays to the French Minister l N ash- resident of the neighborhood, and suspicion
Itlngton, Mr. Bigelow, at an 1 IlterVieW asked at ranee attaellPd to Jack Cooper nint Joel
(bemire lie I,' Hays) whether or 1101, in Bee, an the perpetrators of the awful crime.
opinion, tile reeognition of the Mean... I They
arrested near Ravenna, and at
NM: by the United , state_s might facilitate onet,:n
e n n, th i t n . reamnooitv to fir. Urea - n Ito I' the
m it t he, drel
hung. to ee o
ititylt.Nards the mat mem as not accord- Beery wan convicted of murder in the second
mice witn what be in I ered on that occasion- delree•
Whitt he really 411.1 Ray wit.: eTtle logic of the ' I 'lie day - of the ..zeoullon of Cooper was Bret
al nation required the ind , •p.•”, tenor of litexi- timed for the nth of April. but he was reprieved
he est:dashed hi- the withdrawal of ail and it tile flat , to nl lOW a slater to visit him
f Igo poidtem., tenforn our Gove rnment. from a distant part of the Country. In the
r ally recognize a Government accused of meantime he made several desperate but nu
otg its ex - Banner to their presenm, successful attempts to break Jai l .
. Drouyn Be - L'Huys, In reply, thinks At one o'clock yesterday afternoon he as
that there IR no real (Inference bet acme the netiveYed to the Jail yard and mounted the
Deepatelethents; and In again summing up the netiffold with a cigar in his mouth, endeavor
multi. 'Meet , of the conversatiol t , quotes Mr. leg to look careless and defiant. He made a
, Bigelow ON having said that the United Stales rambling sPeeell, in which he admitted to the
' being le formed of the intention of the Govern- drilling of Itedenbaugh, but seismal More nom
ment of therEmpertir, might show more demo. loos Wallow how brave and reorients he was,
sition to entertain the idea of recognition. - than to confess Ins crime.
It seems to follow, from those dispatches, Alter he got through talking. the Sheriff
that the French Minister of Foreign Affairs told him to step forward, and the Rev. J. G.
understood the \meriean Minister in Purls to Hall asked him the following questions: Do
Intimate that after the withdrawal of the you believe In .leans Christi I do. Are you
Francis troops frnm Mexico, the United States sorry for your mime? I sin. Do you want to
would be found willing to recognize the Em- the like a peuitentt /110. Ile then kneeeled
elre, but he acknowledges that thin wan only down with the prisoner and offered a fervent
an opinion of the Amer - icon Minister, without prayer for his salvation. When they arose
pledging his Government to any positive Cooper waspale and weeping He then re
poiuev moved a military cape which had hitherto
been on kin shoulders, and his arms and logo
wore pinioned from behind. While this wa g s
being done he said with& horrible attempt to
mile: "What did !tell you! DitPnt I tell you
I'd dolt." Tbe Sheriff was amid to adjust the
rope When he took It from him and rotiltested
' , Moleskin to adjust It himself. It was grant
ed. anetlifting hisansuiseleti hands be placed
the otiose over his head and gave directions
as 16-the position of the.k not. Ile then bade
farewell to his friends, mill the !sheriff said,
'Jock Cooper, are you ready to meet. your
Gmic' (Amour replied, "Mr. Jennings, I'm
ready to die. Knock It." The trap fell 111.
stantuneowdy at twepty-three minutes before
Iwo o'clock, anti u desperate man WOB launch
ed Into eternity. Ilia neck was Mslocated by
the fall, and not a struggle or even a quiver
was visible.
Jack Cooper 0110 a native of Erie °entity, Pa..
and was twenty-nlue yearn of age on the Std of
October last, Ills parents were persons of
fair character, poor and ignorant, and both
died when he was cutout eLa of ago.
COOper was only one of m curs n which be
hail assumed during a eat of crime. Ills
name was ' , quintet Witham, and Ids father's
name was Allem.. Wittint. While running
tda Lid career, Cl,ollor had hemi twice mar
ried. Ills drat wife is dead. The second wife,
with Whom he lived lint to few months, is
resident of Wes( I .reearliitl, Pa.
- .
Mips In Lonietnne.
OaLesas, Apr T.;.—The Ouchlta coun
try 18 doodad and the mound to cold. Corn
will not germinate, and all the cotton wed is
rattan. The Baton Rouge crevasse has been
atudloned. The 6 MASI` railroad Is flooded,
and the people have been driven from their
The 1' or) lievcrentl licrl Ingham, from
Cluitioaton„l.B. *eliciting old for the horned
Cxtbolie inglitutiond.
Bhrervort, Apra ±.l.—No cotton In coot Inn In.
Tim yrang to tali! high.
3latinous Fentses.
PORTLAND, Mo., April Y.—The hteatnlionnt
New Jfrunewtok arrived from Eastport this
morning selth two hundred Fenian. aboard .
On leaving Boston several wino had gone
ashore Were left behind. At the entree., to
the harbor tine Fenian,., wino were spoiling for
II fight, motioned, drew their revolve. on the
°Moors, and otaigell the boat to pot back.
Some of the ringleaders were pot ashore and
•cot oa I , V rail. The boat nrocceoe,l at nine
n'elovti •
Dentfinnan In Alabama
•• " •
New Vona, Aprll V.—Montgomery, Alaba
ma, paprrs, jut received, CUM Lain accounts of
suffering and destitution In varl4.llB counties
of the /Mate. As tunny as fire II undrod 'OlOOO
have been seen 'around the Court House on
days .when rations wore expected, having
waliced from fifteen to twenty miles; and
within forty mites of Montgomery seven hun
dred destitute famtlimt ere In actnal want nt
food to sustain life,
The Philadelphia !larder Trial of
Probst. '
tritanntrutA teenierAril 27.—1 n case of Prob,d,
on al for thee of the Deering fond
ly, the prosecution was closed ibis afternoon.
The oeunsel for tho defense stated that they
had tin witeca..,es and were allowed two boors
LO-morrow to speak in Ms behalf, when the caw"
will itO the Jury The case eosin nos to exclte
meek Interest, the streets Doing CrOWdOti oil
Lor=e Pinto of Woof
• .
!Soares, April . .l7.—ldesars. Lliarles Lame .
CO.. arch] out their entire rtock of wool, about
210,000 pounds, this afternoon. The auctioneer
WAS J. B. Osgood. The attendance was large
and the bidding spirited. The wool was sold
St prices ranging from is to Ste reel• er
pound, in lots ranging Irons S,COu 20 p ,00u
pounds. The .wool was mstnly 01 the first
quality, Ohio fleeer. and brought the highest
i; 4 ltinmerclid Midterm nt Trinidad.
NEw Tont, April 17 —Arrouno from Trio,-
dot] to the Oil Inst. brought by thr Brita.b
7,1:, ` - ro'l°4 4°,
mow it, iteirtiotil, all enacts inport ore taken
it tp ter"olil/0 New .
and ill ' A
ileelf per I gallons.
Illfilwokukte tl larltet.
AlitArarala, April Z.—Flour arm Wheat
iloothatag toudonoy, at ale for NO 1 Wlnt-or.
Corn atiailly, at 4tic, vats. 31 , ,ie. Ite+^ntpta—
riou,',7;l4o', bbl.; Wheat, apou bash; Oat... - .LOCO
Flour, 6,030 W hnnt , 97,0n0
/User nod Mewl/ler et7lLotilscllle.
LOULSVILLY, April C:- River ruing *lowly
with 13 feat 13 inches Water In the esinal. Th.
Coo u tv Expeosr•
We nal* aLtent.ton to the follonlng coin in mil
nation from the County Controller, retest lye to
increased county expeniee, for which no pro
vision has been, or can legally lie wailr. The
stineweina of the controller are dinierrlng of
careful intention, f all whil ore interested
In moot y eirfairg
GONTIIIOI.I.F.II Atte/am:sr CU. , Pi., /
Prrot an mot, April . 31, IM,7t ,
Statement of Increased expenses of All
Oieny comity, ereatad by legislation Ln
'm, ./A, an rontalned in Art. of Assenitil
Increasing the pay of Jurors and W llnc.Me
Increasing the par of Aoccosor. and Co,
tnentaoing the fem. of Aldermen and Jo
Jenson( the POW,
tome/ming the pay of the Mayor of All
uheny City.
lnermoilmf the rely aunty'or C
l;nmml.•4v 10
nrs and Clerk.
- • - - • •
Ineeehaing the pay of Comity Cuetruher nn
Increniting the pay of County Solicitor.
Coder the above passed itt sesalans of leaf,
0 65, the advanced coo of departments WAS as
Court of Quarter Stk.:talons, annual ten, 6 6,000 CD
Court of Common Plena, 700 00
nattier, Court, 1,100 00
Assessment or TP.A.OS, • 'AR* 00
Election Expensee, lat 00
Constables, 10) 00
Aldermen and Justiree
of the Peace, •
Mayor of Allegheny City;
Commbssionors ,
Controller's OMM,
Solicitor's Office,
10,7= 00
Estimated Increase for kW—Percen S tage or
advance calangstest•on expenditures of isn.—
tts contained In acts of Assembly, viz
Increasing the pay of Jawora, end foes to
sheriff (Or serving summons On same, In Alle
gheny cOnoty.
Inereasteg fees of physicians and suteons,
for poet =nerd examinations, In Allegheny
'accessing the pay - of road viewer* In elle
shorty county.
Increasing the pay of Interpreter for Courts
In Allegheny county.
Increasing the pay of assistant warden of
county prison.
Jurors' payanittlalincreaso
Interpreter's pay
srtsutryge ornar.
Summoning - pato .t.4-annual increase.. l,Poo o 0
• .
• cotiONswe twines.
rota mortem exatolluitions—au , l Inc. t oo
Vlowera. pny,-tinnia:ft::ieuse
Alunatant warden's pay—an'l Inc
An actlias also been passed compulsory n
the county to pay iglXl bounty to each ve te r an
volunteer credited to her, who has sot receiv
ed local bounty : from his district. The amount
that maybe required tor that purpose cannot
be estimated.
The acteth
uerizing a Workhouse end Ine
briate Asylum provides a epeeist tax of one
mill on present. Valuation for their establish
meat. The expense or sustaining these Insti
tutions mustrome from 'the county treasury.
Under existing laws the ordinary expenses
of the county will reach $lBO.OOO, exclusive of
Workhouse, &0.. The - ralke in valuatiorrat the
triennial. assess ment of Mk obviated the no
,cessity of ndliancing the rate or taxation in
1865—.4:4; from present data an inerease of two
mills wilibe , required "In ISM ilereafter the
enhanced cost :or neck department, and the
reasons the 'rortiri be noticed in the annual
report of the idialre of the county.
EX= LAXaSlrr, Controller.
. . •
The First
e - P.;Chtirbli, Allegheny.
we noticed_;, come tim age, the purchase of
a. lot by the rant linitolfPreabytorlan oonF
:gatlon of Allegheny., w
upon which, they des
`to emelt' anitibln hone, of wcaship: ...The et.
la located on the west side of the East Com
coon..north ot Ohio street. and • le admirably
.suftedlerchurch purposes.' At a recent meet.
tug or tho TrolteeN iyo lest[' that .11. fund of
about ten thollg ana flollare MAR xaised for the,
rale=forl?l=saltir'nV" LT,
con, and proteed with the brick work neat
opting. The congregation Ali t Ar i ge. prosper
out an 4 wealthy , the eh .Wince will
be one of the meet einlimoglioteCatOl -elegant
the two eities. The - oongnegation - helfneen
ibr many yearn anekorthapaatorateara of the
enerable 73r. John T. Presaly, pow one of the
ablest ministers in the two ,hies..
The eapslKlnti of tbo Porosto—Body Be
'thehod y of Thomas Collins engineer of the
propeller Parana, who was drowned In the
lidonongsdielu river, opposite Bruddock's Belo,
on Wednesday, by the capsizing of the boat,
was recovered near the scene of the accident
on Thursday evening. Coroner Clawson held
nn inquest on the body yesterday, awl after a
frill la vesthmtion the Jury returned a verdict
of accidental death. The body of the deceased
was brought to this city after the Inquest,and
Is now being embalmed at the establishment
of Alt. Devote, on Grant street, preparatory
to being sent to Chillicothe, Ohio, where hts
family now reside. The unfortunate Man had
been employed on the propeller for near!!
two years. !Lc leaves a wife and one .
Search Is being nmde for the body of Airs.
Sarah Wilson, who was drowned at the same
The mime of Lim captain Ls II • K. Macy, and
not Mistimes stated yesterday. The boat was
the property of Messrs. Laughlin A CO., iron
Manufacturers, of this city. The lose is but
slight, as the omit coo be raised.
1 —Since the above was In type, we learned
that the body of Mrs. Wilson was toned and
conveyed to tide city, for the purpose of cub
hnl m ag, previous to its retnorsi bur friends.
Before Alderman Ntrain.
George Borkhardt, yesterday made informa
tion before this magistrate against Daniel
Barkliart for surety of the peace,for threaen
lag b -I Ifs with* revolver. - The parties Lire In
the Ninth ward. A warrant was MUNI.
Mary (limes accuses Jane Grinies and anoth
er female, name unknown, with larceny. The
parties are all servants in T 1 house at Oakland,
und the prosecutor states that she was roboeil
a night or two since of a pocketbook contain. '
log ale In greenbacks, and she strongly male
peels these parties. A warrant was issued for
their arrest.
Fred. Werymuth Wan arrested on a charge of
assault and battery, preferred Icy John Carl,
trio alleges the .lefendant knocked him down.
The parties live di the Eighth ward. Fred was
held to ball to answer.
Henry Miner was arrested on u salt of sure
ty preferred by Henry Auffey, and 05 a hear
ing held to hall The parties belong to the
Fourth ward.
• •
"Toe Get, Bates.' By Miss Ann S. Stephens,
Philadelphia q• B. Peterson t Bro's.
This is a new work by Miss Stephens, whose
well-deserved popularity will ensure for it a
general perusal. Miss Stephens is one of the
fen American a omenho have attained to
distinction as writers of fiction;
fiction; and although
her rank is not that or the highest In that de
partment, she holds an established position
which every work of hers renders the more
secure. "The Gold Brick" it a rather eielt
mg romance, involving gold Jewels, mas
saeres, prisons, and numerous startling la
olden ta; hat all are strung together with Skill,
and the interest of the reader never flags.
For sale try 11. Miner, No. 71 Fifth street.
City Mortality.
The following Is a hat of the deaths hl Utle
city from April 15th to •Mth
Mantis.: Consumption, 4; Bletritis, 1; In-
Itamatlou of Bowels, 1; Congestion of Lungs
1; Laryngitis, 1; Typhoid Pneumonia, 2; Is:-
lutustion of Brain, 1; Serophula, Typhoid
rover, 1; !looping Cough, 1; accident, If Con
sumption, I; Lonstltuuonal Debility, I.
Of the shore there were, under 1 year, 2;
from 1 toe I; from 2 to A, .2; from 15 to 20, 2;
front 33 to SO, 0; from 90 to 40, 1; from 40 to 50,2
from 50 to GO, 1. Males, 7; remains, 10; White, ;
17; Total, 17.
The Fiiyeste County itomlehle.—Thate.
well, the principal Ia the Housman murder;
has confessed that he she,. the dhceased
through the head, while he lay asleep in hie
Lea, and that Mrs. Housman was present with
a tub in which to catch his blood t Mrs. Haus
man , ln her "confession,” allege& that Hous
man tint shot at Thairwell, and that the till
ing was in sotf-defense. Thalrwell's state
ment is probably true. He alleges that Mrs.
Housman pertilstently urged him to commit
the net until he consented to do no.
1150 (10
1.180 00
700 0(1
MO 00
Death elan Alleged altarderor,—A young
negro by the name of Frank lliae was amts ed
in Connetisville aeverat months ago for the
murder of Mr. Faiebrist, of that place, and
lodged lb jail for trial at the nexteOurt. While
he was io Jail , however, ho was attacked by
consumption, and died on last Friday. flawing
boons soldier in the late war, his corpse was
taken out of jail by MOM° Or hie eolo red friends.
and on Sunday was buried with the titan:aro of
General Synod of the Reformed Pres•
by terlan Church,—We learn through &note
received from the Ituy. Jolut McLeod, D. D.
the Stated Clerk, tIMt the General Spiral of
the Reformed Presbyterian Church In North
&mama will meet In the Reformed Presbyte
rian Chuch In Xenia, Ohio, on the third Wed
nesday, (lath day) of May, ISOG, at 2 °Week r.
a., to be opened with a Bernloll by the retiring
Moderator, Rev. David Herron.
sia,ooo oo
Seduction Case settled.—The salt Alder-duothin, which was Instituted before man Strain a day or two since by Eliza Ann
11111 against Lewis Moon, of McKeesport, was
amicably settled yesterxiay. The defendant,
upon being arrested-and brought before the
Alderman, agreed to settle the matter by mar
rying Eliza, and the twain were at. mmennited
In wedlock by Alderman Strain, and went on
their way rejoicing. .
AO 00
200 00
A Batt Alastr.—On Sunday morning , laSt,
.4, Mu Sarah Ironer, retelling with her
mother m Bradford township, Clearfield vo.,
.ehut herseltwith enroll/or while in her room
—the bail taking elfeet in the forehead. From
- all the eireatnStalleas connected with thll sad
occurrence, there 1$ little .doubt that the fatal
shot wall accidental; whilst darelessly hand.
ling the resolver: - •
'The 'stood a mistier J er
re retorting
the emend Fulton vs. Sellers & Co.. weetated
that the defendants had a written contract
with Dr; Lindsey to make his F 11044. Bestehen
and that the time Mr, Fultortts ctantract had
expiresi, S. Fultonjhowever, contends that
Dr. - Lindsay had no authority or right to eon.
tract with any one for the manufacture of the
charged.-largratta Workanie J .F. Work,charge/1w Benpidn Work, the bus- no b
father of tho respective defendants,
kuk destroying a deed, appeared balers Ray.
or McCarthy yesterday for a hearing, bat tbp
prosecutor not. Wag preseati the ease was
dismissed, andlle-datendants tuectuntod:
Masada, Tentwort traltes emy.widg e ,
eburelttrant will :hereafter hey
run OM the dllegbeniryalley Ita between
the liodaliVorkze and thin oity — arrivturtiort, at
ten °Walk, and. 'aiming. at one ()Viet*: The
patrontor the rood will no doubt, dub' inPro•
elate thesecommodlitillut. •
. .
111 Or lAilaor Hamar .—Patirlolz
ta ym be Irst - ward, was sesterdar fin.ed OS by,
. or Wealthy, for eelling liquor on Sunday.
E. %Sennett, Ideas of the First Imre, Was
fined in the same suns for a anntler offense.'
The /1144.11178113.31410. 7.
Broke tits tem—lfestordororrealog. shoot
half out six o'clock; at the latellsedtlati of
Morality Street' with rana,a Man, drtyltla
team, wokjolte4 from the Macao mmt toi •
Pirroattatwasid brake tits
1441 . 4'
thaikuorilnatteitioN ex.
a ttierepttrtetttAtiliverittitekeeliteettlV
eta by the Ate on the Story Perin yeetentim.
Pittsburgh Gas Savings Company.
We annonnced a few days ago, the ernyee; of
this nottipany, and that BS anbscription book.
would be opened by the Commitistotters ap
pointed for the purpose, (ander its charter
from the Legit,tutored on May alst, Ib6B, at 10
A. Si. al (he Clash instrrance Comparty, M Fburfa
at., Pittsburgh. Since then we have“latiretinallY
examined the operation of the "Gas - Saver,” at
the oface of William Phillips, Earl, No. S. Gi
rard House, Smithfield street, and . are Calla
Impressed With Its great ingennityand practi
cal value.
The "Gas Saver" is a case made or galvanized
Iron, which is placed adjoining the gas metre.
Before the gas passes into the metre, and reg
isters. itself, It It. to pass through the "G.
Savor." The "G. Saver" is Stied with a hydro
carbon fluid, through which the gas passes.
The 'Y./. Saver" Is so mechanleally arranged
In Its interior, that Up capillary attraction the
au 11l fa drawn up constantly to the proper
level for the gas to receive from it its carbon.
Carton as every one knows Is the illuminating
Property of the gas.
The gas Mang thus fully carbonized as it
pass. the "Gas Saver," double. ile ill vent euatl no
487 , er , trace one-half Mc sveme• Quantity of One
or r, r en..
. the rlntinie Light.
There can be no error in this, as it Is founded
on scientific/net s as well known as that two
and two make four In arithmetic. The "Gas ,
Save: •• has been thoroughly tested I:. New ,
Tore, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Loub, tile, ,
Chicago, St. Louts, and here In Pittsburgh, with I
entire success,
It has been examined here by our most coin-
instent gas engineer., chemists and scientific
men, and meets their unanimous approval
It is now on exhibition at the office of Wm. 1
Phillips, Esq., at the Pittsburgh Theatre; at
Kennedy's Itestauritnt, Smithfield street, and
will be, on Monday n milt, Apr/IMM, at the now !
Acadelny of Music., Liberty street.
Pittsburgh consumed eighty million cable
feet-of gas hum fiscal year, as per printed re
port ot the Pittsburgh Gas Company. This'
private consumption of loss is exclusive of that.
supplied " 'Cs eydanrr the .o'l' rins . peaP, 'wniti I be. o
of .able feet. All experience shows that In 18n/,
leXift, 186 a and every succeeding year the eon- I
sumption of gas will rapidly and surely in
To meet this wOuld require a very large out
lay of Pittsburgh Gas Company to extend
their works, aai even should they do this,
any invention or company that will econo.
mize to our °Mums the amonnt of gas of consumed is certainly deserving of and
should receive the thanks and aid of the pub
The Patsbur gh Gas Savings Company Is
ty thousand dollars capital being limitcd,to
six thousand that. at $1 each.
tinder energetic and competent manae
ment, it dm believed it will prove the large g st
dividend paying mummy In our city..
Public attention and the closest enquirof ,
our citizens is codied to Its merits,. te more
It. is booked into the greater value will be
fnund. ,
A matter of so great Importance to our en- I
Urn city, and as saving consumers one-half of
their gas idea, and furnishing the same '
amount of light, is well worthy of attention. '
We append one certifleate, from amongst
many others, showing itsairuatical results in ,
Rt. Louis. and will again refer to this matter .
LINDELL HOTEL—ST. Loom Feb. Feb. 19th, MS '
Ur. Boynton's Gaslight Multiplier has been
on trial at the Billiard room of the "Lindell i Also, a complete na.nruneal Si
Hotel" for the past week, and we, the propel- j
etors, hereby desert the practicability and I Cloakings, Black• Silks,
economy of the invention. During every
ovening, with the "Multiplier" the cOnstunp-
lion 01 gas wits materially dimiished. The
result or the expel intent for the last m CROCHET SETS FOh CLOAKS, ar days '
is n.. follows
Wednesday, With Um Melt ila tor for G. 'Cloak Tilatt.-t>litm,
38.5 feet,
Thursday without It :
The beat •"moninent In tar laity.
Friday, with Multiplier 50 "
On each of tau abase evenlaga thirty-two!
Basques, Cossack', and Sarques,
burners were use I, without turning do wn, for ,
sax and one-bulf Ileum
Saturday the burners were turtiml up or I limb_ to ordr r and a PERFECT .IT WARRANTED
down, as they are ordinarily, and with the
Multiplier connected the ittuonnt of consume.' A complett n alsort i merZ
i f P I EL . II i .URE, the beat
Hon of gas was .40 feet. The average raiment '"""." i "'' ' T ''' '
of gun burned in the room Is 800 feet per night '
The quality of the light produced by the CSC 1 NI V vii ItigiAlv
of the alultipllcr was decidedly superior tr. 11l 14 TV TI/ErlFfin 111011) E,
that supplied by ordinary coal tm.
In our judgment, formed from a careful ob
servation of the Multiplier, for the punt week, No. 49 Filltit street,
we can cheerfully recommend Ilea wOriiiy 0 i '
the confidence and patronage of the comma-, I
, Opposite the Old Theatre.
"'We am utistied es far as we could Judge by .
e.xperinumt here, that 14 threc-foot burner with I
Multiplier will give as much light as tin I _ _ _______ _ ___.
nix-loot burner without the Multiplier.
/Signed.; 11 sten, WEAVER, PELT & Co., - LE'TTER 'JUST.
.. _ _...
Proprietors Lindell Hotel. _
eining In rhe Peen Offic. al A ileghens . I."
plesienut Iteunion.—The proprietor of the Pa., SATURDAY, 'l , l 1 11a, larel
11l Dorado Hotel . Mr. jR . thokey, ante rt Min- obtain . y air thee letter,. lb,. applleant Mast
MI & Climber of his friends' last etnnelin r tea ailcrnr .. Adceeff tea Lettel.c • • 8,188 the date of this
splendid supper on the omanion of tile open- Ind and pay ONE 1,1.14 T ler •d vett king.
Ing Of Ills hang., illeent #9l. dining-room Irma called for within neeenenth [h
Among the guests present we noticed It, G. is the Lena Let. r imbue. they sill he sent
Childs,A McElwain Joseph Beets, Jon, Case, FR= DELIVEITI lettere by reserler p a, , at the root-
Aldertum Butler and i Strain, James Black- : d 12 , -4:10702g 1 .- he .EUMMO : . Mert:inif the
more, Jared M. Brush, Wa.rden White and oth- I.., * .Dinkcz tenet, plainly to the street and number,
sun. . B oriechee,-recitytosta, songs and - send, ,ss Neel ea i eftlec end State.
merit were the orderW the evening, and at a , .2. itaAo Setterwith the writer's Port Office GM
proper hour the party adjourned with three I Stair "Trea sm , .....thrr : qiftn them eislui3 with
cheers ter theirgimerons host. We should no; I name, and request that .11111,reri be aireetod seem I.
omit to mention that the supper was proper- , in ti,„ tr .. , tr. 1 ' strata t
ed under the auspices of "Jim iv iggins " who . ,„., „rig 41.,..„"0ggr,,j.rd=07,,,.,',,.,0,,,,,°,,,,'
is, and has been for some time, employed m I should be marked on /he loweelert rand corner, with
the El Dorado now.
; the word • •Transiest. '
4. PLACE the postage stum, on the upper right
hand corner, and teace.wpoew between the oniMP sad
rITIVetIOIII for and without interfering with
the writing.
st. II —A REQUVRT forth. nETVIIN or a letter to the
writer, If unelalince within inzi DAYS or leas,
'witten or yirisr.--,-'3,11t.C. nmose, Post Of.
•Ic, and lilac, aerate left-hand and of the envel
ope, on the face side, will be eonlpllrli with at the
ter.. e rgsti r d Alt es
tro item, w erl•2 l , B. t 0 ,,,0 pa
'''T" Fitlds FW t' .MeGarie Marl'
Addison Alf Farmer Cl 3 McCalley N 8
Allison Sawn El (3 Moore H' T
Adams Jen , Id Mix! Bateman Malone 0 C
Arnold Thu Graham Wl' Miller W T
"Aiwa° 1 Thus .Gerwig Fred 'McKnight Wm
Ams Maggie Ceorge S A Miller Mollie J
Allison Wen Grant Jan MeAnanoryrif
B ,Cilereiti Jar, Ili McCready If
Barr Johnson Gray Jane Maurer It 4
13ectter Adana George Marg'i Morgan Y.ess
Bingham CM .. .ll:Gelb:gar Mr I.3leGetticEi
lßeuiwick Alai Graham Illarth,MoAvoy Jital
i ti ttgk B lian'h 'Graham Nath McC ormick J/1
kely Hes'r Genesee it 0 Mcheivey S J
Bradley Henry Green Wm MeElvoy Jos
Brick Ed Glenn WP l hictiainDenni.
Barr Ellen Gorky Mebbec N
Belt Eli. (.. Li Nelson Tho.
Brown Emma 'Hampton Ella Eavery 11
Boyd Ida lanes E 'Norman Jas
Boreland Sac E Hamilton E 0
licmham Sam'l Herman Cent ,Ogilt n Edgar E
Baiderder Jno Thunliton Day loden E R
Brown Jennie Hoffman Ha :'pat Lotris C
Brindley J C llowardl.lulse lOtteraon Alex
Barnes Jos Haas Hannah 1.
naldlnger Jac 'Herbison Jane !Porter Eli. bah Bell) 0 Hulett Jno iPellam Geo
Blythe Jas Hansen John, Peartson fl
Barron Jl' 'Hooch John Post Henry
Burkett J C Herolds duo J, Pegg Sarah
Brirtner Jew Reek Jos 'Parry .1 C
BtirchfleidJo'e Hough Jennie, Popnerine J
Baldy Jacob F Hanky J ooo l o ,
Babies Jas C Henderson T iGidnu titre .17
Becker L . , liall Thos n
Barley Marina [Hutchinson Thlitendeti W d. co
Buten Marl" M eetings Dr li e,ll.ceit Alex
1 1]It ' lg 31
,Ifo urd tnery Mary Rlt c h arts d
. H ' Kiel
Harekly Wm N,Henderson Ki N Pdtowrarred
healer Wm. Hartman A Riley Jan it
Black Win .7 iliandlett Julia
Barr Bobechs. Jacobs I' i
,Reue T II
Bowers P James E Annie illeddlek Ha
Bartolut A S Jenkins Geo 5 ire
C !Johnson C 'Math Again
Carter Chas W ;Jones Ida 'Sanders Anna
Claridge Cvroa Truths.= L A , Stokes Chas G
Chalfant E . Jackson a l ;Smith 0
Commer Edw li I Shackelford C
Ctaig E Mrs I •Kerr Jno Sand C H
Chase Frank
,Kuight Z .fittrlver Ch
Carson Geo !Kulp M Salsbury G C
Cunningham KlEarkoatelek Itifitrlekland IP D
Colley bamb E,King Cathrinc Spengler Geo
Carson Jaa "Kingon Robert' Snowdon 11
Chamory J it L 'Smith Sadie
Caldwell Jaa T'Lain Ahnet Sturgeon Jim]
Maltz Jetta imubla HarPy !Stephenson J
Cowan Mary J ,Logan S C Snyder Jots
Crotber /Jetta iLandli &Quo Snmtriiin .1 Id
Callahan 2,1 Lentz Jacob Sbedden Jas
Crawford M. E LowatetterJ en Stales John
, Campbell Wm timpooek 1, territt T
1 Chialeau Win /LadertyLbnlsal:im nßy TJ
Coehrtne Bobt,Ley Letitia Ste rrett l Lizzie
Camel L ebeccu'LlghtzerLout Stine Mary CW
CaulCulbertson It :Lord Lizzie ;Snyder &Co C
Thai ;Lowry-Nary iStwoo !dilly
1 Chadwlz Ja J ;Lutz Mode iSyxrdmiton Nit
D Bwati Wm
Dic Denton Car A IlictieeThos Scott Robert
kson raebty Tilos J T
Dillon gate C McGertyThos 1 Tanehill Af A
lleitaline C MeGeary A I Thompson A W
Darlington E Miller Agustos Thom Jal
Davis B memo Amelia ThompsonJD
Doleman Geo IMOGroale Anse Todd dna 8
Dodel SarahyA McKean Rehm:, Tetuan Thos
DaWsoll 9 110111ure TI ITT Taggart Ban
Dreman J6B Morrison Dir t : r iTitzall Henry
Duncan Lizzie dteekeiDemn I 7
Deed( Mary EilifeCielleed E U nderwood A
Daly Matilde E Marian E E
Donelson Mon AfiunneyJanno r tinhorn F
Homan Win Miller two . W
Boh r :0mo Wti Meintire Geo (Walters V
Baas, 'NM AcKinzle H ) Wadsworth At
Dia,-,,,,, to , . Murphy it 11 , Crldge
Daily Rust It Slitter llai - tiesf y i r Veirrick 11.
Dworth It 'Matthews S right John
E Marsh Israel WellerJno W
Edwards Eliza Aleßeth Belles ,Ward John
Erdedine 8 AloberJOhn It 'Wletem J R
Ede Martha MayesSaa Wright JT F
{ Elliott M , , Moore Tali W Wright Jon I
Ealdn Mary r Maroon Lt .1 td WutorJß ' -
-F i Marts Jaa Williams II
Blocker A - AleDenotigh J Wilmarth L
Fill man Anth Molten Jos Wright W 0
Flennrtin WA IMeCarrOl no Wll Win .
Franca" MORI MantireJJohn W i itidan ey ft Iv .
Slither Emeryl Itccirani jI. Wright Wan
Prederlek E.,- MllterJane f 1'
Miller 11.. G Ilittheethgett, 'Yana Dante/ -
Frallirey4no Mann Lewis }Tent Bent
Pam John • Malts's" , Maly LT TT 2
'Plnke Wm
#,..agtifttun'atet sifter' Bret Ot Api.LL - th aired
,_co 010 ke nicked ,At, VA a.m.. awl 42=14, _%. P
WA. In.—halfen hour later then thr..__alflaaan,
muter. , '... SAMUEL. ItlDDLE.Foinamuwe,.„;,,.l._.
L l l4l.lErBtlililalt—PE 1110
Ilager.inew ramie ckes, 'pe_ ,. ....
in boxes from 6to beet.... I'Or E MIL L a. save.;
-Nos- Dalian rit Woodside..
In. r 7 from Powder. —Richard Jones, of
Cambria county, mkt seriously nd a
leg broken, and was otherwise in a few dtys ago, by the prematrtro dis
charge of a blast. The accident was caused
by hammering a needle Into the priming hole.
Unfortunste.--George K. Plittwho recent-
ly removed' tram Johnstown to kansas City,
lost two tramatuul dollars - worth of household
goods at St. Louis, by the burning of the boat
on which they had been reshipped. He bad
no Insurance.
iedlestlnn.—The 3letticaltsts of Ylilll.lpe.
burg, Beaver counts., Itai . 'e erected a new
church, which will be dedicated on Sunday,
May tithe. Rev. J. J. Mansur will preach In the
forenoon, and Rev, J. Rortelfr In the afternoon.
OOttliftOt to ft 80y.—A young 104 mune.]
thinnlughanh.reeelvell a severe injury on the
head yesterday from a (all on East lane, Alle
gheny. It Is supposed the concussion produc
ed a fracture of the slcull,
IIEAZELTOId-11AtIVES-. -In Philadelphia. km
Theraday, April =lb, 1906; br the lte, , datbuel
DAVIII---On Friday', April 114 ilkll. JOHN WAL
LACE, infant non ot Alr. and Idr,. Hobert .1. Law 1,
aged lv months and Ildays. -
The funeral will take place from the residence of
his parents, No. 01.1forytan street, Allegheny, TRIP
AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock.
Alta 1 how changed that lovely flower.
Which bloOmed and eheerea my heart:
Fair, fleeting comfort of an hour,
How soOn2eelre called to P. 11•
_ •
arid m tydeturesqueplace or Pepulture.
crate on the liuids, immediatelyporth orAllegherLY
City, ou the glow Brighton Road. • Perilous - whhing
to seleut Brutal Lots. will apply at the Buperlutend
em °elm, at the Cemetery. Title Deed., Permits
end all other business. wiltbPattended to at the lire
Wareheasa of the endear ed, corner of reilelo
cud Ilwatack streets, AB epy
thertiarr 6134 Tres. tor.
p . l 4EOl'lOll NOTICE--The,Aniqu
-.--, al Election fur Directors of the
will be heel it the Oleo Of the COOIDanY. on MON
'MAE %IN between tee.hours or two and OMIT
o'cloca 3s. By order -
ap2l:lotd b. ItOUflF bUN . deeretere.
Fat FOR SA LE—Rnown as the
St. Clair Firm. containing 470 sicres, about
100 or ' , kid, are cleared:Atonic in MILO= County,
4 mile. from the County Seat - -Toot ingromsmentri
FloogltrlLeint.okr'i',"aonSittlgrOgn 111)*IbTlfriti.72.Heurr
Idlif neat. Te sus eas_
1.11.1111 y. inquire or
J. Y. 310 .1L1N . d CO..
_gga Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
Ur of WILSALELS, In tbe ImM:hod
. _
. . .. .
PARR FOR SALF—Coutalning
Fn in acres.. OR In hi, Clair rowed:4p; 'Street.
rooreland comity, two whines from ./Sew Florence.
The improvernonteconsestal a .FLIARE DW.CLI,
LIOl/ Htlll/dE of IS stories, a:.f...•et - front; by 20deep,
containing nee rooms 'sad a good cellar. Also, a
good Frame Barrt and a younatirchard containing
,S choice sr eel. inottito ot -- •
•• . NO. lititit ' At . tl. l Na, Ett,g4l, •
Or of A. MATT/12741Th, ter
thepretnisea' ~ - -'
ap2Stlind . ~
OIL 01.0111 i 0/V-CLOTIM-AFOr
eAtti Onlh patteruk
und al =tir. Also
Clouts. ftal
_eiato all rtruent . of Window
r,..4AA., or sale, o
And Inint. Crair street: a m t No 3t
and Munt BcWag; aNildum. Paoklnr, Sue Ca.
acts. da„ for raleat reduced priced; Lace Leather
and. Sttrataidwayion. handadid for ralc:aonaleadtr
and retail,. of Nos. pp andprd pagokta3l.,:.
MEItEIAL: CLOTILES 11110.1141.
be ben !him withebilly - Wringer with
CAU - Arat_et' ond 'and be. satisfied
0r41.11 it b n?..4"2-1111,Wirtirp8,
'apol-; ~ , Bole AgesrLS fut thla,Coulny.
8111111 P ; I' l I 0X.14)
olr itat s tramx..Glngr and Va
tiAPNPmv. 4 3g^2f i icZ:?tedqualityt uk E t t r t r -SitltenlA JnitVo94t • l, splt io.lZltudUtl •
lb tomb, Pc:l4l lilow Potattle; Carrels;.. .
600 bash Prkicro .do
ap.54 . • • 1, 411.•!010t , & . vq
INDIA i. • RrIUMMIPLIII&I - The befit
t al i a m erat r o t t e luttz=i'Sriapßeani at
app . - Aro& id mid SS
.0.41rk . 0112. Judea tc-cesa
r°ll Zlll'nittiiix A 60.
.ismAir.4B-=4 10 buritbies. itrare.
.441brial4 by 13/1175...
- wood street,
:111111G1rAIIED • • 4 ) st-tairAstrit
i Atir aid selans tow tarawite.sivi;....
~.?Ti~t' ~iC~t..
ffigtvo4 0:4 r afzi
J k L R: : PxtlILLlP9>
Tom' WriSLY
VIWO =moss 188PED,
OR WM:WERRA J r ARD 8.:42 #7111,1Y.
The edltioh Wearwillvrtileh will rheallethe -
ierlherg 'wheel as tbq 'mill' m
SIMILE COPIES. y EAR. ........ --n em
CLM 07 118
11011“ HT pßom Tliv
Great Sheriff's Sales,
NoWSELLINti AT tiv,ur
Lasting Heel Gaiters for $l,
I•ellIng In Mr lily evrr•Wlllirt
Ho at once So the Peophorf ""M‘SCO
No. 60 Fifth S+- ,t..
CLOAKS. igre
Trgrattk o rear.- m - 44 :,!,
n a l of Martel, 11,47ilniiit,
Qoll6,iiintl-740 - Siularina:
1.3 Kotaises ,
Corner Markt*, an 311.3; strerif,
LOWS 134.14,4ALEV-150.;114A410,
I.Atxsp Frourlturalaba*tdre ye/
Wins =met szt artglesty..
CRUCIBLES—of varlintsidlzeiy fi eV.
Wour.dtri..t . E.N.ICr B. CoLLISS.