She ..siwiligir=o7)autte. 1866 Tort comforpn: MAJ. CE14,.:41314;t4 W. CEARY, COUNTY NOTICE TO ADTERIITSERS Notice inhere:: Weer that bereeftem -01 ?}art. sairr adetrrtisenteatergerired at this °Mee mettle re% for whin banded le, exempt to the ease; of yearly Wirt/Mrs. vbaaims'i bill be rendered aarterly, seismal, Advertisers will please make a s ets of Moly as the rule of mutt payments for led vertisemMitioi the eharietll'istatellvmlli be frale'" (bre enforee4. The vitriol' ortrpeperle TEITIT.E (Wen at the earthier or re= newalthy. Sere.% by 11.1r27141 CENTS per week. -GENILTILNE RECONSTRUCTION That war is barbarism was demonstrated in Imbue ways during the rebellion; In S:45*T4 qouzpicuously than in the destine thin of railroads. The armies of both sec tions aided in the work of demolition; end ear efiliduallyaras' it mosoented- that .w hen, the contest ceased nearly all the main lines of Southern railroad ' , communication wore either destroyed or greatly impaired. Upon the cessation of : -hostilities the la . bor of renewing these roadswas:promptly commenced: In stime bistanceatite Nation al Government contributed to this end, by. the detailing •of -whole regiments to this, particular strait's. A large amount of pti veto Northern capital has been furnished; 'and many lines have'been put In fair run ning order. New railroad schemes have been brought forwaid; The Italtsvy WRVS notices thise. One is for building a road from-Cincinnati, Ohio, to Knoryiile,.Tenn. The Chamber of -Contmerce of the former city agreed to furnish $1,000,000, condition ed that Tennessee would find the remainder. The load is to be finished in two years. Another road is projected from lientuelrY., through Memphis, tail communication-with the Gulf roads,• and -another between Mont gomery and Nashville. The road from St. Joseph, Mo., to Galveston, six. hundred miles long, is likely to be begun 'before long. Another.railway is building between Little Hock and Memphis, in which Gen eral Sheruitto wishes to employ the force of negro regiments of Arkansas. A road has been begun between AJezandria and Fredericksburg, Va., fifty miles long, run ning near to Mt Vernon. The Baltimore and Ohio Company prOpose building ftom Lynchburg to Danville, Va. - :Another road will anon Ls built from Harperia Ferry to Salem, Where it joins the Virginia and Tennessee roads. The Manassas Road Coma . "pang is beginning to rebuild its bridges, and the Leesburg Road is getting ready to rcn , -road: will noon bezlinLshed from traslikkilm to Point _Lookout- The North" Carolina Roads are being renewed, and traini will soon run. irons Richmond, to Memphis. Charleston is to be connected with the Dhio river .by the south= Carolina Road, and the Atlantic and Gulf road is being pushed by shipments received at Sa vannah. The road from Savannah to Au gostalia Millensfiedone now, bus that from javannah to Macon awaits awhile. The Mississippi Central progresses. ''Fbe Edge field and'ilentucky, the Virginia and Ten nessee, Mississippi Central -and Memphis and Charleston, had $1,0"14,000 approprir tell to them at the last session of the Ten nesse& Legislature.' ' The Iron -Mountain • Road of Missouri is being repaired, and • the Vicksburg and Shreveport will soon be • ruining again. The Memphis and Ohio ' Road is now running over the ...Pletcher river to Brownsville, in the first time for come years. The New Chitlins, Jackson and Great Northern and the 'Mobile roads ate both being push ed forward idt:Omple tion. Another matter of gratification is the fact that not one 'of the Southern Stites his shown any disposition to repudiate its old debts.' Most of them have commenced devising ineatts for Paying off their old debts, or at least ofliquidating the interest that accrued during the war • Georgia has. antiorizedthe issue of new bonds• in can cellation of back_ interest. Florida has gone so ; fir as to' insert in, her new Coned talon a provision that-all the individual indebtedness of hat citizens prior to the re bellion shall be held as valid claims; that is, ' the statute of Limitation shall not wipe them out. Many Northern men have, since the ces sation of hostfilties, established themselves in business in -vanras parts of the South. In Many instances, and In particular local ities, disappointments have resulted. But in other cases admirable success has been achieved. In Missouri and Arkansas the Infusion of northern population is doing much to obliterate the ravages .of the war. In.portions of other States northern set tlers are welcomed; and having a fair chanento aid in deeelopitig the latent re- These are all healthy, indications, .point ie a iieelhstrtiction of the uzitoiL on the ash) of Mtitual , helpfulness between the section,and of reciprocal ; tuteittitages. A elitiatiatitin ° Which l amina -in .this man ner.thnst hefinrable and beneficial.. Let it rapidly the better- bowir is reported to have Admitted, conretaittion at . - Wrishiiigtod, t ribat; purpose was so to debauch the. Republican partyin Penntylvani'aaa'-to stouttite de= feat. of General „Ilkartv. It did- not need bit oat:Marion to convince observant men that such.was biz purpose. In the distribution of :Federal patronage in this State, Mr. Cowab is furtber.repint ed to ho torerwcinted with Buccuirw. does not. reOutre special telegems from the National, Capital to convince people 'O4 are' acting in : concert , .. Ever since Mr. Bnewailtv took - hit place In the. Senate be I and' Ur... CoWAYI have VOted together on the eanaltsida alvielon. If Iti;;Tittcs. 0 70 1Terlii 74 1 7 4 cao not:ouitiOilleutior:C!ovrAi7 can escape the - lassie imputattoit -3414-bereme may la.wellsay, that a few days sigo;. ccaverdagl with, a' personal frica.d, whola as coppery sts - asty man We knowilie boasted his ability to ' defeat a' certabkreptiblicau, then applying for an important position. Ile did defeat- htm, and in eViiirto make it clearly.inanifest na that te - T4etteaids have web more to say in the matter oflideral appointments than A.Fivitie' letter from an intelligent. thalOn man in Westmorehmd county bathe. Water .of: rho Chambersbnig Ikpositery, elates that arrangements have been made by',...11r. 'COWatr :to remove • Mr. 4. IL Ttmaits - Ort s .ilie ., Collector or. that aistiiti,: and 0V0:414444 Wl7 , Tf.23rAiLkiol onii-lirt‘.6,4olOgr.v..(editor of 'the Herald;)` tii4.isitlisorf mist either 7continne '4lO. violence {o his own. Ctirtricti. ons and the • 'prine3plis of the part3r or lorie *a -position. In rasa Mr. Briaitear shoirld conclude to. stand with:the Union party , the of thelniiiin# • likOttir, if he Will dispoei Irla . • The isame-writer also gives ..,.*-CioWirCirrelete for the Acfeat of ztiplatv ineiatoOfor_l*legisigtire;v!ge:lo'sel",to, sears tire:e**.-Of deMOritti in& anti and Weoinioreland;.-Irioming, Union • lirat Alinstrongt.ittnia Huntingdon; &lama, Perry and Franklin: Blair; Venango and. Wirlintrand Philadelphiadistriets. ; - Nor is this all. Mr. COWAN is'Waled on excelfent autboriii;lo tin-now 'daily I correspondence and consultation with lead Log .cOPPeriteada, and.-,partionlarly. with nietdbirs 01 . the coPpertinad state Commit tee, its to how the Interests of the Democ racy can bestbesonred in different lama tka by the appointing power. This is what the President means by fighting in side the party. Tan President could not do• a more un wise thing than - Myembve a'competent and faitidtd officer of the Department of Inter nal Devenne, and fat ' the position with a man-who ts tnewpaiented and without es- Peelaill'' VW Atudifications. This, he hag; done in the renuovat of - . 11 - B. W. Tairton, Esq., (Xillector-otildetrUtiTovenne for the Second District of Obi (Western. District, of . Cineinnati,) and the- appointment of Gen. 8. F. Caw; and:the atne.has this at gtavation; that Mt. 'Tairllin is ;not, a poll tleitiii--but- A man At buluesiViThile- kb'. CAXriSnO t ti IntSbASEt man, but a'politithut of thematorical sort.' The whole viten of clatenli2edend OfdeeriNfithent gtxerand filament cause—such as dishonesty or in. corn envy In the , wrong andttrions.—Cut Deinmereial. , . When •the Presddent cotatneueed his system of-TemairalsJin the: - Alltigbenp pis tritt;flutteMiteniFor#l'Said' some :.things that were - not true 4 nude Which it ought to be heanilarnsittoned. ,We venture. tdthinh it is ashamekhrthis time. •At all events, it has ascdtaLued- the President is bent on turning out competent and deserving men, and putting in those who are not. • k Irma:ono& tome Washington appeared in our Columns . yesterday to the effect that I , Mr. YON BONNVOIRST was removed. from the office of Postmaster of this city-because he lutd spoken with great disrespect of the President. It isquitc possible'sucli lisAtite ment may have reached the ears of Mr. . Jowssols. The men who made have the criticisms' upon' his ,yolicy Which - have appeared in these columns were writ [ ten by Mr. WRITE, late Collector in the 21. d district, are eatable of any atitount._of lying. But the feet is .14r. Ton Bonn- UOBST has treated the. President.Wlth.the utmost deference and aeration. A democrat stated the truth .yesterday when he said Me.,TOR BONIVIORST was removed bemuse he kept his tneuth as tightly closed. Ete has minded hisofficial duties, and taken no part - whatever in the controiersy ;be tween the President and Congress. A. DAT OR TWO £OO we made the state ment that the revenues of the Government were so much in excess of its necessities that $100,000,000 of taxes could be remit ted without impairing the natibital Credit The synop,sispf the new Itevenue.bll l published yesterday is intended `t¢.` reduce the income of the Treasury aboutso),ooo,- 000. the Committte, doubtless,: thought it heat to' proceed cautiously In antleipatiou of po-ssible-firdslons in - Commerelal affairs. This reduction, hoWever, shows, Ma strik.: ing light, the ••resources of the petrple: It has _never before: ' happened that a nation within a year after conelndibir a gm-M* l r , has found it practicable to enter upori so large a diminution of - the public bunlerte. TILE New York Tribune mentions ti re- I port that the President has instructed Idr. Mortars, • oar Minister at Vientus,* to'tie mand his passports and come home, irtesse Austria persists ,la allowing ,gLeatoiniau to rase' recruits TOr his armies in his do ls. . minim' This is fair and legitimate pro ceeding, which,vrill be received with favor by all true A.merican citizens. - =2= A. poen white woman of Richmond, who was burned, ont_at itodustt. a...dsta , or two stnei,doSittgall her clot and mad'aplierdion to linige - Critteliffeldiwito has charge of the city poor limd;louttiWits refused sia useof her baring soompfoot the .ffortk, the eity:Stulds,loeing used only to alleviate the atomsr or poor Southern ers The woman was :f quarters and rations for herself and child by the Government nt Camp's- ' WHAT ONE Sala =AT --DAYBREAK YR SIONTAfra..—A recent issue of theltiontana Post - has. Alm folioiving :;•-.Y. - I!On ' Monday morning the •aiiins of the rising sun fell upon:the _stiffened corpse of Tonimy Ceche, a thief, swinging in the morning .breere, with the fatal tokenof the Vengesutiof the Vigalantes.twormd -his iteci andheatinghn a label the Jimple legend, .`Pickpocket.' " CASES Of hydrophobia anumg . horses are not frequent, - "lint one occurred onßator day tan-near - Cineinnati. ,A. rabld'sdog named ratite nose of a horse shoot'. Ste we ek, ago indicting st slight, stratch:- ,, Xhi Satitiday the horie beimuse violently:item ted, tore everitb).l% within: reiaVil ived its own legs to the bone , and mils grant agony.. . ~ . BruoLantr.s Al' CABLISIX—We learn that the. houseof klezt:._libidle, , at,Carilele. was 'entered onlifortdayr - bight by btfrgTars, and silver plate to the -value of fire -hun dred dollars stolen, and ;that: the reside:bee of another geddemadi ramie namewe Imre dot heard, was entered the name ,nightand also tubbed of. 'Crilluttde plate.% • - • , TRACES of Christianity have just cOme to light In Abe excavations being made at Pompeii. ~ Inlite house' of Prwitte Witte street - 0Y TortiM it intOPturetteross, on- 1 tluished,...hai.beettdiScbecr4 eneeredzwith 1 ineni g n innerildienie" tin4;oloolltruis riai- euliug ilOOl O OOl l . of a.crufl e liq ki kf' , .A:ll.Air oielii:extrpnr..-,-;„tmeltuator co the Nashville (Tenn') Disi - m(iiaiseMinthat that he knew persanallrarnimiWThi re den bYnallne.,WhnnegieW.wiorsliten feet two inches--Mrinehen.itigherkbangiMe r t the - Kentucky' gian't'._wmg. flit - *as a fraction over a thclusond.vmndx ..,, , _ Art Aware l4oo,l3 , —A - 4eilorfmmile . lena,--laiintaii, irtiliffliVitiliiralbrOatet• MIN' sap thatiiiinaleleeragitittltl eitihg them - ire - wyy,;,4itte 1601 W altillbreecibiantH month,- brkeeping4 gottdlireli.alight• room, the -initsbitonto -- were 101 e .10 Iteok - inkr4 l3 l , ,W erni ;* :•' •- .• -•- • •• _ •-• :.•.• i ..-.,•,,. TweislieleteineWein eieltilnetViliiirAi o i. uniti'lliehlgsn, - ..rvently,'Whictly n yytel ltw, be those or DAUM), •nebeldieVbed 'n', . buried with their feet tollie•eatt;. 0 0,111 1 4 abafe their Madly there.svere ..toirsitrefrim and -deer horns, placed across each other.. ,i Bloastatt - " HuHuffier " - M lidneonc .The widow of Joseplketnith is still alive at RAUTOO, in:, and is - segmented - as stub bornly tacit= and a devout believer in the Iformon- faith- , 13105 nOly-xistY4WP Ye ars et eke, and histeerCie-miiiied , AN cODD ClsusTrolmwit , -AwEioltan d l a PaPee -relewis MO-the -other dayw Woe , . eldent imPPined•*ent ShOolai:,',/sit welt.. phant was rubbing itself againsterwanjt ndelrinieha it down, gansing4llo - Oath of two out of three menWhoweregwypillgent the other side at It. - - • •..,- ,•- esctr.r.rnisi - 2rstlditisseitilisisiis.lcaio - Imes.--A bill ia beftwe theittesiMlithettit i Legislature; which providesittrille Amnia: meat - , of-an• inspector of mtunefieWries, whose 'Amy - WIWI bi to secure to illAchil dren,ernphoyed its operatives thO OA extent. of the - fitote liws: ••-' • ; . .. . Csrr.lnoskthe bliMdiXiiiiiiipPi goer: rills, who *Mad in thejiefghbbrbood of Gren#M,:dtwiriethoWiti, -Odiltilicli „Thos. - Keen at '1 'hilt - irit Blank kseliunmei, has been caputredauser-vint to Vietsborg. He will be , tried by a ntilharyponuniselon. Jots . Clam, while cutting uPpork at ble - estitblialtaient loliclithißoma few OKYS ilne4sceidesttly - stlittilWring4. tMfe,cutting Alin uuthi:itterylibli „ nrro, anaxaisinghluittryced• to d e athin it few' minutes.• 71m,Niteltex_Poorier.sayi• that PlaCe is - eopidiY. inlinuninS :I:Moat attire Southern. l'elues have "picked , up"- woniderhilly with: , lin .the last or•sts eight months. -- ' - . 1 •• lt- Snee'l , , l'e•--Theiteirs °Utile Ravens xliMary-Clenetallicsmittsko bitvitlkts' t a suit (bi- sixhtuidiedierciii,f - land *hutted - IMO Nolte Sulphur Slitifigkothilo. -- - - ' •• '' ReAlus 1A41,0 Flaermite xarerthe only trocipx notyleft:it" 1 44enenInP 0- Otent i the I.Welli - rmMotiviAxiwit; leeenoo6l*3l4oo4l4n;,': •:',,' - , -• fSQ trpiplatamcrJordvarnelutd ne long cater , tallejvV-llllligNiurliorllllllol ' id*w ottlTritilli everting withAe editor of the Colorei . :l - Teltagre r eitik — a 1:104 aPer:9o l- the sow oteest forllo Wu. say- lAB (tatted in • tim'!interestsnf the freedm* ofDsx. latthUritan,Pol=3M, Ii - litrativille--.lclr heprofbaced - the'mes eta cleettouldistrtet. to_ a A. County Camwoutton. to earnest friendship for the liberated met , r going so far as to subicribe twenty-five dol- et, end translating sock,ortrr tru7latss as asay :flaps in aid of the mission of his visitor, pm ... iffy:lf:l r c r, r i r„gc tor, I n „i tt i.. 'and giving him letters to the Johnson men ay county , lying hie= in different Northern cities. The Copper - FT-Ake`lettZ' each trlstrier, to tarot to Con „hcads are gettingg veryt mach out of temper mentionLtsr catT it s r . ..maja . hr i , o otTurtansu with the Plesldent. , • .. They say that he 19 l eg i gtt g r igArsto toy Cola to AssrinenfirMitcs. ab .r uLa on • 'both aides--professing to be crpried to., 'Tae primsrthentonsf fear anditz ' o' aekt and' Ale • radietak' and' - yet - appointing tirtirels.anixAaitpetireatttho boatsotroor 1:3113:to office. Is littleguri- • Ts seven 0‘01ca 4 1 . 6., y . 7 0 2; t d . TAT,d: u .ntt i t lt: oun that -While. lie :'.glres.4olt .ermtident int 1 1 ,7„:1,7=1,,s r bygptl neentimees.tO the .. colored men, he is. busily "r ord”" t e . ell4 t itißE. Chstrotatt. Eillgalged" in. persecuting the men who are w et . automate. tp,e ue k.., reaLyPt* ”.I?Pst'rciOLdg." R. yf Wrornitrilt rights law is.dtily going into -effoCilithe'Scith; notwithstanding the ad- NicOAtintillity At, so ~ f reely given to Presi ,dent,tlohntont- Messrs. it. 11. Shannon, :.Clll . lSlCiLSll4lbotile r . and . 11. G. ]ter, co - -..irtiaMorterinntleithis law, took the oath f Office oni Monday, April 10, before t Judge: of .00:hilted States Court, in 116 torloirti....;;Xodciubt the commissioners f r 'lbtrOtherltStateslvill 090 be promptly a - ~plidt- : ;tied Vibe respective Judges. Snorrom is THE SoISTU. —The -vontre `ll*Xlilass.) index complains that recently in that State '."several freedwomen, dressed in the latest faahion, drew up In their car - stages betbre Some of ' our. .principle stores, anti called the cleave to bring out certain goods Ibr their inspection 0194.0414 e papers pralse&lir, Stephens, of Georgia - for his' eclectic statesmanahip." On reeding this, &filth asked Jones, "What 'Sian tieleettel" JOnes replied, "An eclec- Met isa: person . who -practices every system and nnderetatids none." . lisre.eaidrthat in Manchester, England, and helm - bulbs, there are now over 60,000 ehildMit Who receive no instruction what ever. POIXTICAT .A Nrivr Yost letter says "For the sat iditetiClD Oraloso Syho wish special infer: niation concerning . young :Ketchum, we ..state that hats 'serving as-o: book-keeperin the' Shoo:Shop at Sing 'Sing State prison; that hiibehavior has trim the. good will of alluround him; that he breakfasts in his cell; but is allowed to eat dinner and sup per In the work room with the foreman and outside helpers, who bring their din neri.witirtlrorn, at which meals he has the heist of fare; that his parents and wife come often:tome him; that he receives and an tWera ..nnuay letterii; and that the prospect is thathe will come out better fitted in bus ness than ever, and then have his reveng e on Wall street.. ; lints net confined to the of silence generally - nudntained in the-prison.,biil LB , filloyted every . possible privilege, being looked onto the victim of dreugtancws, rather than as a studied thilefictor. Bra-Boston merchant!' have coaributed 115,000naeli uovaid ;the. new hall of Hex tard.c,ollege; to be erected in memory of tbA 010.1tAteawholell In the late war. er-. l4 :it ) r.l9Kteiht(sizizl rff*" IS - 1:111011LEN to HARNESS •14L,Ltifiri0"—A Mallet:WM of rase llterat7 ability says id answer: • — .Nobody ever 41d talk as Addison emits-.. . The siords of apiece: are of-all ftemeind colors: thestOrdsOf lb* Pcm Ire c.b" . " tionallyeapixWed be, , nroperiy only of certain overfed forms arid colors. sot why ahoubilMbele ' fie write'is.thaj: 'Mat tf they eenta . certainly • whieh is forum mostjars dialogue, should .130411 near speech as possible, loothold be as full of the ftesb, at asp reselons of the thee as 'Mammon. talk would be. WI stow-a-days use eons doused words: we describe things by a rabid etch- WM sot by elaborate Wall; we caret welt to be elegant—to 010100 percher the betr7 1144 11401 0 - the %hales of 1 . Ibizz4eed' years ago: but accoutred mere are, we daalf Whitt the erarres train relit: more ladivtdued rase 1314 ourpOsit, not ciliate se couch MUTT oar geszdfathena by the tlow, ponderosa methods °Met,. day. Now In this book men and women telt and art no men and women .n wily do, sad there I• n o more •statig' In their speech. or .raSt.lll3 . tn.thear acts. than there it in this Itrlng world. No, not nesoly so mach:, forno book OLD perfectly photograph so ciety. .Wo think It a spirited delineatton oan flltb d manners,-not, pertopoilli Mrs..nannati More se seemly and dlsin2WaaW. but as a living low netts& .....r."lllPlwitarldl lit Modena London... - illifitie Talrd Edition ts for sate this morning In Plataboret.' . _ '111:011ING, Ptt - Wisher, Boston. NO'I'ZCE. Noai E .— An Pettens interested are hereto notalted.o.o tbetinderaioned . Vied e ere. appointed to view ant mama dimmer , . for th opening of DAM ,Irrthe /Second . Ward. diteSit soy, from Webster Street:lW_ Pastore .Lime, Will meet on the premixes cos,P.B.WAY, MAI tub. MI, ecloel I. la., to Padden! , ditties t i l e retr appointment. 4AVRatit HOBSON MLLE.. = N4YEICE.--The holders of C0 0 .../peacisonds .../peacisonds ja,aqi by the Fourth gljt a l L AlM gig il i ngte h r I srli d eiegf gilirz t v., L ih rt nrci be redeemed on preseutation to the Tremur7r. D. illiNllitill. lied.; at the beetuld Maims' Bank or Allegheny. will not be gold on them After Kay 41h. I=o- - • R. 11. FRAN eft, aplirdad . Pinddeur orate NOXICE---IthaVer-Illas day dig -90144,0f sof stoic, corker of Federal and La coat att1u1b.k.411904.7-kaltYstirs • • C O., _,ISESSIM..,:ttCLEIUNO a. L C And would cheerfully nn4lalriateeeeaora to My-format a•altatit ant=tal Ito generally air. JAMES 31. licin,fiLLANlTSair bean Woo.lWro tamitifor our forig'reare, and his had u 0 easiness us all its detalls, and- Ur. ii.T.ii, RUM is also a practical druggist: 1 the:biota take pica.... co racmaaamaulia taaaa I. boring a ittorougo linogi edge at Alas lams business /13 Mills, braneues, fully competent and reliable. All account; ringsbanql: be settled at nly •store, No. 31 Wlioil itreel Pitts burgh. li FAIIIAI Y.. A. KisLi.v. ALLEGED:Ira OTT. April 0..110L m„ J. K1LW1.4.11. /AVIA:OWN° L U. Deem MCCLELLAND & CO. • (SIICOMORS 404livk KELLY.) all olalWap.trit ll Olt ulv:o. V:llLr.r...erpuoW= Nrg,nIILLTTLi all hOU J O of ,klinaly or alight, T agC.s,lw . . . Cininshelonero named in the Antof hanientblr, - enttlied ••Ao Act to incorporate GIP ikilletAltiff," . iliPromi 'be 12th dee of Aprfl, A th,l9vl, vtit open Books nod recilve aged ptimm to the Capital atOCk of said CompinTe alien of tbe CA2OI CoxreNr, Iv,. 51 Fowls street, 11eziltoknir, . • • lIISTDAY CI MKT, A. 11., lead, 10Oehint fact itriLlra 61.6134, . . ~ . ... . evra.wymiwA7,..:} rr - ruusvANcsortw , mst:ssc , . tion am Act ralsti_oirLiAlVV,Voiterf:l4'. . 141 241, 144) , 4b llo lll'‘ D ' ir t 7 /M a. V* 4 0 - ft d i ' L itlA rier ' 4 v a t AIM eoputl. MOOT itlYemotAxisholtibo DIM. 'notes of the immoral warus...OWitt!ind TO wam lull • be Oraiind I V47 ,. 1 4 ; 4 -,Aftrocottlltto AM' I :fit r No on olt-use Taxes for cm sod : l'-' Um V D V igil fiz , . . A Mallo_POkflos_ottlit Wirth.. 41 mm tbil, Mat ilit ASIEPAII:6I34f -7.2:#1..qii :gra V:. g o Awl Vtig i ? ift w i tri craig . W. paataalltiMgraolUi ..:, mem. 11=antot 1:4 Malta, 2, ',wield' igancatofindersigned, Cora - adixonia iiszbe‘fin=of Ap1i,.112b1y..011- • Sild neA(0.4493 1 :45 11100 ' EPEOPOUEINSVIANCE'COMPANY c:,.-or: .INLIFPIWasiII." 4ffP..°lllViltAggitiZtitool i tli 6%0 1 I:—lnkAriti'Aili 1866 kaTiqoalf * '9-: - 1404C4_ TIM --IAAA.'on be trio ' ttioutp..laorm. Al. 4 , Itiba, L. ALE , ' leomoalsgottert 4}.lrie r l 4' 'N„, ...BAT . .11.013.11T5.. splf.bail OF itaAlik wonIV ETO AC I MI O4 . !iaI. . 4 :se V yViet P o n' t, t o to i t . 3 1 4-r4 4. lati • t rit rag y kr i: 0 a,„ o rti 6- 11 M-talzt:= 2 l ta p lg.,' =Alga thwlr "iag&ti: t. 0. che 0ir.Z,171,W6 p,,er.° "in e t&L a tr. tv,.R . ..4!".r „..../lyßilthruble_.,_ 1iey , .0"..1' ~r , d 'be n! , - . .7 T im he a foetal P.. me ." 'iii6,l* - W4. taken aot. or Pa, rfri vicr11t....,,.;4 4 ro .viim.A: t._. f .::;....... :. . .... • . c 4 ., wr,ra ~n 1 ayi..i, , ,;i;Ai;i0, : !, 4 9 nfill a nd ._. v"FtFlaV"llr. u"? ~a , _ Olty Trairr! . ru . an 7o - - , i t h l rr, , 44 . 131 .., ..,-:. iimarr:licooniva u lr . y r ., ~ A. nous* ton:rimcmu tcA UV At . ..+11. by:rlie '1 4M... ail wil l= 4llvVinm " gtViLlat P pirr;,' 4 “,.. 6 4, not eitp#6l4n. 6 l en s. .than. 10.Z.11011 1 . 03 1M:-. . ' rt mow,tiz tot* yrcipeading s Va: wi d 4 , 4 teZ i, slop, q 44414 411,k, ILEeteretaryi.. tkrrilttiide "-* 11:mtit Dzi-AL Is•A•rt .• - • •c• a . ' •liffart:'l . !ilucb•wi k . 3 ft v atita`r4 • ..0;00. • IIgrCONGRESS, 22d,DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD • flaying tamed himself at the disposal of his Mends. to respolon to their .11 made as hinai•ltioloahe Is now Decimated 01 . theta Os► eaddlditteliatztal , Hon far Comeau for the 22d Illatrleg,, Sub set to tin aetlan ofttle Union Repnblleati COalit7 that. • apritte iRrCONGREEpt 1 GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY itstIIIieDIDATIS IN THE 9SID DIBTRICT. ; WCONGIIO3B.---The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY "oh P r Xtti'rt=l"3stl:Tk t e a c e Zarg i allbr . gees. th the -hi DLtr►ct. to6llhlt!rl__l FOR SHERIFF, SA*3EI. CIVLEY, Subplot to Um action of the Union Itcrbil:ciactAgirn ty 14ontention. igf - FOR SHERIF CHARLES BARNES, • Late Colonel Meth I. P. Heavy Artillery 'slid lirey, Brig. Bea, U. B. A.. subject to tbs. Actioh of. the Union COUtettliOrt. littaltdiWr °'FOB BgERIFF' JOSEPH ROSS, VC the First Ward, Pittsburgh, will be a rarigl , .. date for libertlf,anbject to. the action of the Tinton B.• DWI= Quitttil Vout cation. ruble: _ to IWFOIt SHERIFF. CEN. L B.' M. YOUNG, Late Orel Fourth Pennsylvania Cava mh2llry fir'FOß SHERIFF. COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, Of McKeesport, Otte of the elb Pst. Iteserreso oth • tothethatothe for Itherlft, thbiect to the derision ofihe throlittsty throtentlon. ittla27hte 'EBB ASSEMBLY. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, I n u aroma n tzttgi the larroit ASSEMBLY. SAMUEL CHADWICK . • • Of Oothth Towitthip. wUt be • esedlAsta for £u Mr. eothect to au action of the Union Itipsolfean County Canthauoo. eptUte farFOB ASSEMBLY, MAJ. OEN. 3. B. KNOIOO, formerly of the AM Ind ma es- voio., sort &thud Z 1 cotoret hme.ldtt:nri....4 ATV . lo Vy 'h eetrA i i.he Iteptablleantlo= d4 gentlou. apt7tte /Garr I S ASSEMBLY. • YEFENDS OF HON. GEORGE WILSON, Of PlO Township, will amens his usinaas scans 1. data - for Assembly, beton atm rant Union Sepnbil , eau Comity Coasention. ..apMtn PITT TOWNSHIP. a'COUNTY CORIMISSIOXEn. SAMUEL - NEELY, SR. Of Blanchester, (formerly of Beeriekley township./ wlll be • candidste ‘ for Comity Comsehtsibuer, .este loot to-she decision of the Union Reptoll.ll to Cormestion. IigirCOUNTY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE HAMILTON, V.f.1t`t°1%Q,;..7,4 1 %,!: ) ..giPX"" " . thVit° "COUNT■ CHARLES PUSH, Of Maaebeater, will be s eseilidate for f:Ohnsyteba gol.tocer.subject. to Ole Anton of ile , Oeton Re pettOesn o i nty Couveetilen. IbliSlOdayrie atiroToicluelow or THE — OR.. PEI ang• corirr, HORACE L SNOWDEN, . 1 Utrttt.butib, MitiMet to ths deaidoa *rite %lamb Itepobllcan Oman Coavorallos. ; aplnte IiarCLERK OF TAILEFOLTUTS. JOHN O. BROWN, grrilerV77:"'" me Private VrFOR CLERILOF COVEITS. JOSEPH BROWNE, Late of tivl V?lnisteankastkilth Pltip sylvsais ex:Autry.. ,putderl. ,T 4 tpe , dectstoa O( the Xspublicsa county vonTruums... mu= te, tirreItACLIERIE or coinirrs. - OR. WILLIAM 1. CIRAIORE, M. Clair Township. mlOl /1 ETEM Fon unoisTnn, JOHNIMALL, to the agt.lon.or the. Cahn Mo, Convention. ap3s:te- Or rat:biro. Republican am IiPFOII UEGIsTEI JOSEPH H. An, • Of Plum ToooshiPsl Pito of CO: E. IMO PC 8.5..) fig SO dedidon of the uoton.lialmbileOP • .1, ConveattOn. . IarFORREGISTER, O. HOES, %/M ah a l, j patoeet,te the &stelae of "4 cm:Mutton. spuhya 11 1 4, Ilgr' kil I a , I X111:1 ti,Vl HENRY - SNIVELY 01'0.1Weddle Wide, rittsbnegb, ;KW be.s - eatidt• tate. tor Abe-moors aftw,lntlieettb the anion of the trelou e • oblicanCaust/Poneentlon. • • de EBriouluxollDEß ABDIEL-1111.1114, c't run ziwisi.4.:iint i.randtdate for Er cot 001 - abject U.1..118 4ctlon or )Ito ilutou .liosta oux - Coth,tr esiefferistOn. ' A U: lIECORDIRIEL. J. B. COPELAND' Of Llifiabotn TkireettfpOttlibt:icsiggati Ogg ' Ve r gthZl it eau t itrl=on• r 217 r7:=`o74 F i I4ECTICOCHIMOO 4,I I - 41zuctipmiNcotooms... - 410 , BiflllkaitA o tt.ttak . COMPANY„ , tt . ota D o A 'NAV tetwesu Sue tpursortwop sad pr. a921:10td...- D. 110BIttlapti. VetretAiv. (*PIING. , • C11... , 133130 4 ' WackipmaaanaftotheplibithiliskibtiiiliAtur n, bATUBDAY, an Ism.. itoek or BUMMER tiOoixS, causilitegPCPWrtgaNßON MCP,iingHA:l%-itilliiONSaliaPrißaitp.. Abe, vsi7 hamdiathe ietyliiirattimmerlhisOle Fad. Bugles, -*V 124 Irate* .treiG PlPOeni OWNING 8 340( FA6 NEU ' GOODS; Biyies"oisheti.eikon. at A. no , viiallria:ti 9tifs,oier. MitC,I44:SITPHIN.- ---- - 94/ E' ' 1 E 1 . 4 4 1, IVFEWiFT , Allegheny 'elev.'. SPRING AND gßani: - "Otii) l * ''ltivelsiLskittlfandtlaitei*: '. ' .. 1,26111, ara t, ;n u-mug :i t i t t l t_olti 4 " ms, .a... : cddtdran,jdtgi.a!stir ,Viriptit.,ll7.4:, in ggri dressl4:d su esti "xanthfl i r,stoelt D . '' WVjettIIATOCK, ist:—A. ..) -!,elldeld Blirest:AndaldlET 4 S It7iy: Ntr111001r4.1201; 4 0 4 0 14 1 W lii4:i 'itiilili;iiii:."-' -•:-,1 ot2;-*ltntifillinifactit,:ll DIM' . 4 ,, J rib eh w sa dat t tl. 194(3it1. (a Awitad)-...41. 1 871-a23 o istilt --- --- • ARC C J:l**VP4l4O4O.• • -h t 1 WI - 1:1 4P513 ard ',14 traW • Ige_nlcis to ell D 11 1 BRENNAN ANI2. CAXPAIGN GRANT gßN s AtiriTAlMi ( rEss ,4 " Se _ rjris"! tars4snenNlLatlogggi yjAgNENts.uge tri - einew Boort= arnpnlatik au sioN 3. " - do - beter with them thsh sett arty other °trued to thopublic.. For fullpartieulars. apply to oraddress Lgultit-N1,1,14. 75 ['bird street. Pittsburgh, Pa. , _ `VrAditri.- 1 100013 1 ltotie 1 VLI otritayrywrigrasonewborwiso 0 riLk.. CBOT" , three Ite.rhtuda, under and upper _TA; werranted eve yearn -Above eelerrtl i rra= gen peld,'- - The - 01:1.thtzehhieect au u i for ics,,,thaa&g i l i deb. ave./1611p thtenre winV i lr. Whitldr —ti ._ Grew & pater, P unt , * o••• dad wumetuw , . •A L other anew Madan* , we ut ixilcmnerts. Circulars free, .leidress ornodl up on BEAM' A CLAltE,'lltUdetord, Milne. _ '• ' - ' , • - Aes:deedudtwe. „FOR SALE ' , ~NALD--VLOED AND PRO- DUDE 111.181211039, of o'er ten year* atindlng. tee good location An the city. ..A. 'fine opportunity Offered to any person utshlng to engsirrth. the Produoe linstoess. .411 cammuniotions strictlY "edrlndentlal. Address P. O. 780, Plttannrgh.. Anna:o FOR SALE=IOWA lAND-"IPV 0 .-u-ABOBT,YOUIVTIUNDUED-Aba) TY ACRES OW LANYValtuated.near'Webster CM, 'kilmi nc ' n Munk' labb. ( rill USW of the Pie Railroad.) is o tied for We for TWO TacmtAND ooss.uts. twat., Address ""T" _avatar FOR•I6IWr"AI .430, 11 14 1 11 otenhallinitethes ofldndi • lineneW Due • Ins conint. taus rooms and ostler underneath; . Yrult and other conveniences on thearonises. Wther ..informallon, at No. Mtn Went, rittatters oronvie ravml.e.• 3. B . limo. SAVE ) • "ZO bbls.:l77hlte'Llinel 100 " Calcined Masten IE O " Land Plaster; lin " llydrsulto Cement; lig •• -Hasendsle Cetnent. ,11.310LIbesty street. • ___ . LLAcio. spinfird... • . . . W. W Iva VOREALIO, AN OPAWOLAPID : IldblY(llr.—(lneost the montgsellglittnl spots In Allegheny county' s %nth aLAltlidg, lILISOLDWILL t. MO. Suring atl.the Modern Itogroveznenth and &seat andres offset:mad, with every mien' or aull. shade ornamental trees and Shrubbery._ JOHN ItAllars. Steels and and Instate Broker, • No. or. Yousuu et. Feu SALE—THE PRACTICAL MNGLISICEB, brttatot W . l Ltaii aecond edttlun; eulurgad and 1t0L7 . 71 1 . About nue-Italia Mit 'WI- Itolt tasalready sow. Every Entitlorm% who owns or.rnan Meow Usghto ou d kayo aulyttoodo ro too-Ituo• to br app_ _ 'All onto,. the tutbturabor, at alti EltrritTAKET, rlttobutsty tout ao prom; atteattta tO, rtke Par coPTtreiNvimi,Acs. OR SALE ON THE BIG . SANDY • MV.B.-.ldtbrr for Wei Shall WiEttAL 1311411 T ()V =V VOLII/billitldll.AC.VVV, sltutted in and on the lands be mile above . Peach Ordure Works. Tim COAL Is In abundance. nog of od The vela. are from 110132 t to liktrrEN PE _ vI ET WAWA. Versos. wishing to plash/Oa) will call at the -Yen • lotto, Houle, Asblaurt, Ky. Terms cheap mitt yea *Quayle, /Waren THOMAS IttlbsELL. ,/arbland, :Ventneky. 1 1 1;_pe a Cu SA I L f - iiy, A E LL le w t etTi. l ? " l l . l : l by ulm't of se lactiesOlawelen upper lisifXl , lneto, Itti uroltd- eat POP Ithaflitte awl !Amiga., ; al hreeT2 la t a y h !Ine i ,lllazg r r i ateltr lalnerTtLANiestilirro lumberZton DT. 0e ade r_ I T 11187relulniia cutill?tY' maims, R. aptlehreod 1' $ - ASHLAND HOUSE. ARCH STREET, PITELADELPHIA. The Yarn lure, Fixtures, Rood Will. and Your "ears Leans of the above well-imown Ronan. Puttee whetting to purchase, will call on or address RARER%R PARLEY. Ashland Rowe, Philadelphia. NIL SALE. mmrs 4...ATa.chan sacoir. The First Beflarmed Preabytertast Consregatton of ?Manuel, (Dr., Pastor.) offer for seta their property located on the earner or Plum nod Cherry alleys, and but ID feet from L i berty street. Tha lot le LT.: feet by lit feet. on erldel /a* dm choir]: Douala& oro • Tensed. Ilentsa of • rooms. tintutries moy be made or, or comenntestlens ad. dressed toTtIOEL SMITH, at the fourth If•Ilonal Bank, or to R. C. MILLER, 135 Third street. apitrtf FOE SALE, A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE. The substantial frame Cottage Ilansion on Youth avenue. near School street, In Mleshoa7 eitY, with dumber. parlor, diningrootn, llbtary and • ntusel out hall °stirs). door; times light and irelleentliat• od attic chamber.. and kitchen and bath room in bath building. The view trOm the tront is Maeo. sire and beentiful, comumuding Ma three _racers mad the ow. Tito surroundings ant pleasmauthe neighboring tieuses being of like-general , ortyle and character, and all having sparious grounds, band ' sourely enumerated with shrub trees, shrubbery mad Covers. The horse railway ler the rear of the property makes the commutalcatios with the business centre easy,. that combining the advantages of a city with the anatetta Of a mmutrYtuume. Tile lot la abauttenT74 feet, extending to Rebecca street, traroll Cultivated, and contains some mane dor trait. Apply to Broker Its Stoeto sad Bbal F4tat eidtrif KrFatrilt strett.lFSures 21414111) TO LET, .. 1 —. A Three-Mori Brick Wareho use, stuatoi NO.. 4tiratn street, annex. Redoubt otr.. " 4 " nni ol lr xrrg ta r i j niicl t Zegr a t:MWE ' i VgiN t g 4 ,ll. 6 Vte& {Vatetatate. 11995ra -at 4 05 - i SEIM= I SNITII . at taaa: 59 . atat '99 . '• , ii artat at , 14 ,.. 00 „ ORENT--nielAt,olok , thetto ) r say of mites sad Allestasyqd .4- 4_Adinth IYard,Sosethey spec old miss ading . thereon. • s lot 'Offset host by CO Tsai lass . tyalatilaW4r PDlVltlarint/MitAt; nnet..aeaoaAlooe. __ i trr i : or . CV ° tion of s buled i litor the 21 3 X1411,17anit ? rilesT". .l, ituAatatt iirapsrVat Ito irXll X tutu, DArarca BIRLIIIII O RIM • fIARHPESTERIV ANDIIIIIIILDIaIt, Ad TAXI tiOTlCflt, that antittbi OT MAY Ugh treated •• isloWl3ll , l;ienelnitibT the ma "nign..e the BETA ir Lamm rite% alma* one tto_tOotit NoUtastoint, bt a% ofheoor utoth.trn tKtmUr:holo brlcke which 117 e o, (bet *INS 46- tOCIV-11111,',t 0 M 11 36 ,11 14 4143.6 , 611: of excelltat toosarlau. • Mart tad ippelfiosticras oar be setnitry entlinkat s .tite Zest Uinco Notgestown. Any (metier In rinailosi 6.6.4 bl Wang 611 sent . Aubiiktpyinu.; AylPress to "°b1""";. "ru"Y Oceroterl Of Coto:antes. = • • otnettthttawsk.ii • ativisiaassmottrs_Aotiw ust • SEALETIrISOPOSSiE II WELL BE .irecelttatt Me oft* unIU TUESDAY 'EVEN ING JaAN I. for GradillEMO g*Tlng_lbe follow tWkialtirtrt.'.._trmatitittit;Ttostuto sauir iit'ezroltTEFF.F. 071 r. R!tty amt. to etti jtEriikiiirtgi*krr. - from rtlitgr , imr •Tealio taiolollint . IBM AVENUE, rrOni Mast •itfiipoWeitent Palo iitO•steust WO- Xtk r iali t t . t nitri tt :Nrltitß i tE star 10t... v ,. - pet, •spre t o. t(JiGNTUAIrBTtUEET. - 1000 ALaghen, joints to liee,n;nt the ogee or Ap : e.rdipi ONY;Antrolle., pROPORAIN FOR WATEII PIPE. OO owner. on 'irb r April in, mat. , EtltaLED.PßOVOtthlas 'teeettho at t le 7. l WiliVFlionige l P , t. "4ll)gra t T"lt Zitiktivivel o %%Vials' tareeeedrtarilehl9' hattottletaboreveitu 1ty..2 taco teet ore' to ' and, tco feet of IttiettLlE wowed Tor Immootatetheet the " _pat 'u tt rules i n oraeV, a m tg h 4 l trartgVidieh t ir. B' nldle will be recelvou for , oil.ur.aajfortion of the , I t v oteletWlL ,“:".r;;;,A QM BgAir7 ° ol.lL LOTS ON IHADY 4110 N 'IAI4IIIiIiTY, 4 9 -" x" 4 437 cri P * l ; ol %T. on 'TUILSD t A.102%12128022,` at 2. a'alinkeallk be sold on tba_preatutulat ylbaae, NittegefrtrAWLititnelecoluve. ff laortiejt v i rkt Stil-Jk i ." ai • Zuiaokkta Irta l iftresta: 11 rug 22221.22 2222 pm moat aedrably Aocued glra:AW,l2l:naftrdeNtill= 3 : • .mmll, ThbabamkrlNlUAtt thir primertr ,TObti fluent fugtplata bad.oat brve 4) MetllClC ' ”i ina ctrtgraV ra ' a n ve le t r Zt Ireattenuat -to an. nk Um ati i Oar abarim. YOrplatia UCITO h eat thet UOSI UMW. avid a Yillti Ittteat i j A ranas at mita: 1 . 11111 - IN - `*II II URTIE; Vir T: -.-4,/49WWRicirge,• , 4saiennuatitprees.; Q . nt,-2 4Lnit one tjt 2. ) o lM:it 21 reist, i Two Sots Von% on Ammr7 In teen' Otpi.,33ollnunannirtn 09 - 11nrorn an st. (Indian at Menialltas4AMlUQQo4nt*,cMg6 Ugh annetikiwilltbrily, ntreng,noteatiiertaileto nen attnateal. , _MR) ,LX,QUATIV., Aunt. 800 m •", --, 11S' ' 4 ti fr'n) r *lumina rs, REY GOODS, TRTM3YEINGS. ISLIWICIN AL WATERS. 47. - INAL TiATlEttm. . Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Rose; Misses' do do ;•..:-do Ladies' and Misses' Plain Cotton Hose; Misselettadiesl and Gent's-Aloves, In great variety; completilitte eViiidtiteveseinte- aced Prices; Ladies , !killed Silvis; New Style Balmoral Skirts, rine P.ardSolB, ItECEMED. F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth -Street. p~s~esus~~, litinday, Aptil 16;1866. lO'FIROY, DICKSON & CO., A VERT LARGE ARD ATTRACTIVE DRY GOODS S. B. HILTAN FOR RENT._ PMMELML "Irrr *°''WDIPID; ~i►:YD i'A.'i'p:l.2‘ . .":o•:, - , EMI A BEAUTIFeL AnSOliTillitVF OF Sun Umbrellas, sun Shades, Osage° Buttorsa, 54 Wood Street, NOW OFFERING IEiTC/10.13. orr AND QTY~ho'f es, At Low Prices, for'eash, WEEOLI3SA.LE , BUYERS FRO NI WESTERN PENN'A, FABI'ERN OHIO, and 'WEST VIRGINIA ARE INVITED TO DAM L. S. M'ELBOT. ALS. DICKSON. 3. T. SHANE apl7amd NEW GOODS NOW OPENI!W AT BAT & mum 2f fifth Street, EM REVD PED UMW DAY. Um Wk. Sun timbre,llas, BMW NM - Fillet Silk Pai:asols, fIAIIBIIH6'. EDfiAi66, Rad Point. Lace Conant • BajoaPsiud Alessi&Vs :Hid Glom' 110811 Y 'MIUM Morrieon'sltar ~hirts, csoi@uo'Ts, Duplex } , l,lliptia Hpop Zrirte ingatio:vrews. , Wholesale andAtitan Sub - ilkit at LOW iPACOO; at Nos. 711 And teitirket ttoplat, & 130. NEW 4;SIMMRI N`ecoclieitl Not 'wmpiD - WORTgin. All the Novelties. IRE UH;GE@MLN &ENGLI I iOp11B:, • iiirla N il m iatifrO r a ili. : W TIES BVACIre„C, }EAL MALT . ME ,p.tolNTAr t u ti tt.m, ruZifi • w!" ,CITLING LALIADit ,Ms 9. llllgt : g Y. ': feipryW~s ~ indCMt4: 4: 0t0,223r, , , M; - milMia j nigiSat - eiisid ONr tole. neTei beCOKe Q,_, ..; Merekssits finindOit Entire nue% r v a MAC IO , - • irOV Va., I 6 °44 . WO - :71 7a ra . 1 . 4:1 5K. 7,4 q iard if r•2-'-- CONGRESS, SELTZER, KISSII4CEN, SARATOGA STAR, Esc, 81. c., '.154C-1 Par late In mach yoMlllles as may be desired, by JOHNSTON, CoisertUnttidield and Fourth Sts. ifirThe 'Waters from the Congress hprlng"1that btowstneb ewMpl.tnt tr. mode last sea iresild to bo ell right asst., The FAVORITE WATER at present yr Ith the pot,- 110..tu54 the Inedlcal,protesgon. seems to be the Bitti.To(l4. STAIZ tiPIIING, but r ecentlY Intro duced. Its composition. es analyzed 07 Professor CIIANDLSIS, shows an ..aural quantity of valuable Pr.41040.41,1ter44,r11,; AP7 13001a3. STATIONERY; &c. VitITISO ANil IIL4IVILLA IPBX"'rtS l . Stationery °revery descriptlonr Portfolios; irttilintitoOkFettaid ves ; Foley's GOld . Peng;-Wiltintod; Blank Books on hand and made to order; . Bast San's Fasteners; cheap okhvisq 9 Books, Dray. Books kdatiagnpressiteielid Books; Pass Oaks and Memorandums. • MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., aghlt NU. HSI fIfTH STILE T• mmimammtur"... co. NEW Boo %or We by JOHN P. HUNT S. CO. Iii"t141( B6C er 1-irlioatij73. agYrian't,* CO ST.A.TIO FIERY OV ALL RINDS Vox sale by JOHN P..IiONT e. CO idArs' FOr.fatg4t.loriN P. HUNT & CO. POCKET BOOHBI POCH.= BONS!! Forsake by JOHN P. HUNT k CO Dzfc PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM-4 1 elzeso4l l ..l. and 4"" ' IM t"" ra b ANT. lIIINT B Co. 013 . /1 and John r. Bunt e(ad'lroV.ll:;l47l4 Cards, *A greAtlY • ductd FLAni filar ORSAMENTAL itINVMO exceo 112 Owest mnner, espeAllaousty and a tigalaireat rates. 'JOHN '. - RUNT & -CO., 50. lifth St.. Masonic Ital. 0213 SMITH'S AMERICAN . INK, Exzedv AHNOLDI3,irLIGT.L_ said afiout third ovieper. Give • Gish It In endpreea someof the tint soFeentaiite lq_the mhell J. L. Mew. 70 Fourth etre et. NIVRCILINT TAILORS. 'REMOVAL._• T. & J. T.IIII'NEL meretrant Tatters livid Clothiers Bave• 'Removed to therhiew Building, Mr. -198 • Liberty Street. Owtoß-toUle liteuescot.ibetr purchases for the 81 e 1IG.TRIaDS (the setdor . partner beto ploy, in EsstiibeT:Are prepareglo exhibit good. tonic C1313T011 TEED'S at the VIM' g.olvwfr QUOTA.- TIONS that goods have get reached. . . TheY tukve. and, de.•1•• to taeP. • NUPE -04 0 N 701t1SALE, THNlit OWN ILLNUFACTIIIIN,seId SQUALin all respect .to ONNPOM WORN. uktkiNkmdkaitT -NEW EYEING STYLES lEK:xVlavEitrxwiZi 47 St CildrStreet• - -LOMA* %WWI., RESAT G. HAVE. MIIEtaLMT TALII•OB, OMB? ;SUMO St GAIL vrrisstrAtia. ra," Duinw.samank tbaataW AktiouviaDa t rutitia , I= l Versus. VaresriAstra Z LIVis MONA= maitela Wltth 11Fetatiktrall rine" 11V00/enaCiOdS, • erxll•64olo&Ga iiatiaditS `-qTA:Taft ;IBEEVINEKM. Davos — •:3; 'ffut,o4 iiimioa/WIEI/1/6141;'41ill 411 40 . 01 114 . /CA.COMB. • , 1041A1',8/"P.• , , LU.T sib , No."u l sl9'.li!::4ltl-:Auesbrar. - - t0it104.1 , 474. iiSOIALED SW)EM'AKEIC&-Ligial 'SIA2SIMM; Acordikamo.onsorlNOTES Bos - 40 , 44*fiiW* 440;:!iii . . . 0 , 1=1E14 s.AO7F-rro-Riwker... • cLirromm. E Q " itnit aix 11;- - 7, e. "; , :''-i -,.,.qt1i",15tiL1..:4, ~ , 1 . i,,,,; :eic.... iiiindiVia# ,'''' " 'z , - - ~ _,... :7: . •::, :,': , .. -- .7 ''....iottf i r;; . :4.4 : ' . i n': l' :: ', .;i. - ; --:, '. lii . lOVVin , ti p ,''' , l; i.i4i4.-Aablik.ifoiiii: ,: -.::•;initlifillFalL. -tOt i Za. th' illtk ' Psi i , " Orti V.144.-ors,gak„..44,lva-Aow...c.zr.:Sse the Ands: :- .averittr ' "‘. ;ATOrr 1 . B U .TOVELISOrgiNta;; S :: - ..,1,T ' ' . '" '''. - , -:'.., ::::Viitg"ifililititi,;:: - ..a.Yi, NarAhstanilletlibilsqolicl., „ALF 11, ,t. ) 4, .-..71.,,r, ~-.4t-J,,-; i :-.,,,,, ..,.......;;,:-.,:.• .Vadet7 sad Ittare,No. s4l7l.ix2it'stnitt, . .. ~,,V•; , - ,d ,51!i1. . ,i;,4 1 ,, - ,:'il_stf., ' ..'4,- „ t il''-i..‘f);14,1: ,- .i.--?..*. :::..:,5 , . , . - :::, - 1"•. , ..- - ;.: - .. -- . , .- 11 . - . ,, 'Zi ,,, ii ' '''.,,,,,,,,,,P. , 1:4, ~V.+,q,,,,, , i., , -.':',:),,AS::-:of-,.•,,, , ,,Y',Z..- R .j.y., ' I..; ' ''S 3 4 : 4',,e4g'SPV 4 tsAtr'44P"g ' 6? '- 'n .---'; '; ,.- Z 5iif t :2.14,6., ''' 4 : ‘,:',, t&V, oi 4 it i i:* '4 .`'AVls .l "YA 32 ,3oi". s. 4 s' RF'9 , W. l ' ' '' ''''''' ' ' - ' ' ' ''7 . 'fv , •'''ef ,f .Zi .- - r-.l6'L.'-' •. • 'A: I Z 2 rIIOA.AB PA LOMB TuotaSALI LID 111%11 MU a la . WALLA:A 1P..4_10 101 t. . 1 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND 9L" 3C.-"JEI 00 17 sa areisiige. 9t Wodd Street, ,eon.l door below Plamon4 tatl6l.l PITTJIBUIIeak VIPER MIANGINGS FOR nioo. OCintOtWO Of American TraU Papers. Ifur.taaarst Oa a la five Tens W" EXGIA.S.H.PEIPER A choice- celeetton of the. Ilicivept. Muck l'apers , 1711EZEI F INE GOXI) rAPJEUS, • ic.i=t.'zza.4l6.xtrAlCil , tiei, th. Ntw . f;T bEsioNs..t 107 Mwket WALL PAPERS. or ALL QUAL/TEES, AT No. 107 UAW= STREET, NEAR mm rNitr43JoizilltOilpir, 4 l l 4:( AIc6AILIMICABILOTIIEIRSt Fou ll W DlltErtT. We bare on and a Teti superior Wen of , C:l2l:l4•X! ' in X*, •Pr Of ereit dedeftptleni , nd Oen" Rinds id quality. taits,.extzt - welt anasoneCl, from feet to _f feet 1. HD1 . .1,1321t COVILItt-ldfory kind In 11EAirffi fitifit.Hfrom the Anest : quality wlue icnCrraind.TTl&Of COCO& ANDS wain.' A 1"1711"19 ' AC. I tacCALLIiII BEClnfiinti • 4 Fottnefli NV, D. ;IL lictiallinni WE OFFER THE . LARGEST Stock in the . West of every thing rrin the line of , Carpets, Oil Cloths, Dimaiik, Reps and Lace. VindOw% Ciirtains. Gold Bordered , _• and, Piain :Viindow Shades, Table and Piano 'cov ers, of our Own impOrtatkaii;at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own Im portation just received _ . very handsome—never offered* this country ..before--and: at prices based on thepreses rate of Gold McPLBIAND & COLLINS, 71 & _73 Fifth Street, 2d floor, Next VullOtkig to V.s. Cu.ugn House sad rostotilce -- -- pITT6BI.IIIG II ~_ _ s BANK FOR .SAIIINo,, , Formerly the DIME iIAVINOS PISTTIMTIOSI, 6/ •Fatirlig , Street., .a; : Nearly Ckpportte t i le Vete. or Pktu,..406)., OPEN D $O4 from It to 4i E VE N IN GS on Inl_P- NESDAT and BATUTEDAT EVENINGS from Nal tst to No ist, 7 to 9 o'clock, and ikerri:Nor, lot to May 1s sto 8 o!elock. .". ~ , • Boots of By-Lawe. Re., flimielled .1 the ales , .... ... • g This Institution especially Mire L lir *owe. wbosii fr,=. 4 l:sa` t le;d•L'lle, t eirerniarvil e li e rrlrlna . resonicawherg , n ' paiou . and,tmailti. interest All. stead of remaluirlylinpraduntive. RON - OIfrIIAI I I I LIFTEREt , . . L N • - Chailc.,Ni.Gpad..: •11413=11.191-3C. 9.1 i. ILARTMAN, -,...JA1N1E5:1".43314ar SECRETARY AND TILE 25 ttoP'' . 4 4 F 'b • C A . . 11. 1 1Iite r‘ • .1 , 1: Migt,iii . " t3o.l42 , 2datit i i . i. lezust_c;r' r P" 11. U. SlR.MlALlrtiiiio, urgGkillyiamigtrz, Boummut-D. vi. , ,t A. tt.'ava.i.. '19111%.11 4 95 .5_ CLAIAL AGENTS. ARTHIMSWRIDDELL , N0.13S Potirth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ALL DISAHARGED VETERANS • who Ac_iieive a ..poes.l4lounty, Ali tl icoloMl9l l . Can-lareitbe,utlie tollestbd tarouith tia.olana pzsreaddu.,,,y EMI iihn tarming - .s o ma% Wit. 1.1 dIoT or - th e Mfrs of Decease d =4 es;a6..,l4estxit4t e caXrc.wjcr.,triizsi 14 ram . , .1866. - 141:vaSir. ISfeCla Wish to call speissLastentisoSio their lame aid - - Nusts,ac:,for Witsi:aitd.,Suiel .. ~.s.azithkidalekessiocrasietse: otarirCFNTAlDe t Arfnit ZElMpratn, 1',4..;". 11 ..8:,- 76 `!?c T . ,, ! , ., • S - traw Grocritio °fey:m.4.4oo.e. .04.41 tufts. tio.r.A.inaimussir , pir h ocrii. 4 ., , Z7.l l "Alkr -4 3 VrtrultrltteV . 4nir .jkAyTEA , ..B ES% la , th e - Ind atind,_ (Witt IP MAL 5 ;under the style at wurLums &tier:alit) 55.5"woult.leopettthlty, KOOS tor Ihenav , ;,¢ns .s,toutianas, 4 4 C.P. Ate• pairodlige here:Wore too 5141#17-p....5. , :ctiv .. na y. •. Aistionstri stir, ustiisi:ssia.-‘4l4l:swd: - ARDIPARTNEUSIUPNOTICE:A'. e : :7=2 Itgiwttrataijeez.aa.. nestOnarblebm'CirelCv• 4c1;;i1,.....,,t.„. r....1NT,...17,11-4.3„.„ a, .31e150n.,... a tbli "':4---;;•,',-•; ' S: , ~,t , : ,;, IleuliWif i.ritTe, ‘!.)tiOstithidil,;6o4o,.**•;!o/1t.1.4,; I,r ',-, ECM 'MBA". BY = wm:rxicr. 1311Vood Btre6 JOS. U. 1117011 E S 8110. JOS. B. ITOOKES R law EMI ifINGS BANK - a Tina MIMS, EATEIi , -CiMli - &a. sPRING ui Ts. -486-6. WOOD kiTIREEZ ;0-',63;7:10.okrai: 1 : 4 : 1 • 1 41 • • • • s D DB W. W. MOCOPIPaPag rii•:lltlltim!iet Street. ~ . ,F aragt,WATl.474ldireflCD 'r. i;F:if,",' . . .a...rsaiW.A t1k...4DE7134 -.. ta d,e, t lioNg i L - , 6 2r D' il inin' S Karl P ‘ Nl3- 0.) SITB-11, Brun 441 - fx - Exatrroiatie4, tit Aliellittrkel.Street; 1z pio•JLEAD. , . 1 06271/11 - _ - B. 4 . . f/►HNESTOCK'S : SGN 6CO starme: craetlirli44,l4.TiMefiryl. THE CITRATE OFtjLeillgAA, s. bbtfiei,lsiAbb' tom of VOIVIACIt:- tit" soda I • by Wholesal•4ltallsk4s. twpayed by I '"';'.7.11 -1(,"2:1111, - C 2416 ` 4 41(.,X. SODA'4I3EL -$01141.-.4,813: , . ,-, • - " -7 - CIiOI,CE,'BRAIiDS - p k ,; l iiii,iitiii,.i ? ma pureumis, or isii bl '-ii;j i i,i;;, l i - '''' " I'" i iii;fidlit z " 1, ~ 'i. . BELQ4lM.'..'''.: lil II