The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 27, 1866, Image 1

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    TB* piTTEßmill GAZETPZ. 1
panitalNAN A
nussELL ERnrqT.'
, $ '
POiildilf 440 b irits.o.a.zsrirs 4150014 wax.
N 00,6 /1111,!1111Xt?:.
, .
nith, wimuywhin* between Smithfield and
Weed. Next week,- NOthlng Wee it.
neary - sheettosy.
Under insiket:. tie Dale, piece, or
Yard, on.tho northeast corner of Fburtli and
Mirket etreeta. ". alarsOn Lova d Bao.
lloatioOettite ptize far sale at Talton's
Drag Store, No. 108 Btaltheel.l arrest, •hree
doors shove Plfth Street.
iiolored ♦lpieo.,
At greatly minced pilots, new and handsome
shades of color, on the northeast corner of
Fourth and Market streets.
Ct. naxsox Love & Bun.
Dre'ss Goods.
A welt assortodstoelr, nett and fresh impor.
Wien just opened on the northeast corner of
Icnirth sad dartert .
Haan ow lona Rao
ell the -0410 *mi nul&elS; a "full line atthe
very lowest possible prima, at either whole
sale or retail, On the corner Of POtirtb and Mat.
ketatnniti. Lays
INtrJ. 1 04 24 . ewsimos_; '
.1;04 lairtripil In;thti.worid,leanuisieturediroin
liellf:nekitad:*eas 'the sea eciast. This
. oath thainviarlied 1 4: 11 . 44 eopme'lizol panty
. j+eaullet to It alone. Ito iiO4/itloi is papist
• Mitt It tates the lead 'of 'Other. nits;:incl is
-imirersally prescribed by.'
member to sea Ter Hazard & Caswell% Cod
Liter Oil. •
Casirsit 'MACE d Co.. New YOrk,
Solo manufacturers.
For sale at wholesale in Pittsburgh by R. E.
Sellers & Co. At retail Dr aD Draggists
oilits:ratwooi '
. .
..41ftta, somelYlleale;i3mrtmienlctuleld and
Wood. Nest I:rogling like
• .
.Holuzsettoldl pzhno.
Coe'a earth Eter.Lam . and Coe , s Dyspepsia
Cure-they Should Mirada be in the house
ready for Immediate use.. They are the most
reliable 'remedies Irtiourn. The one, always
hand); and Speedy In' elides of sadden attacks
croeparldnonnit the children, on-for curing
the ziont:etttbborti catcalls and colds ; is excel
' lent'fek sori - ,thioat and Chung dlmcnitfes ;
the "othir-COeva Dive's:4li `Dtire-is ' Certain
to tore . dit*pitits, dd, inatter of bow lAng
*tending, indigestion, , and all demises that
' Originate in # dbordencestate of the stomach
", -and leediele... 51oldliiPIttahurieh 'Wholesale arol
retall.aft So PeArkrirculirid'lPT#ll. Ater., lin. et
11 111h;9binewleir . botioon and
4:4sad t itexi week. liaiidne lire
ireT: ll S l4l iftme: shed.
ltntt ,
aiMtertnittent.l'evar, a word with
you The resrpolisibilifi 411 r your mitering
rests noliyoittitebreab i..4tUte,aa swab , as Ye**
*hate tb;day; Or willtitialtittqw, Hostet
ter's Celebrated" 6toteach , llltters will extin
guish the Iliteti'me under widchicia labor. Had
• Yob titkii a - preventive
yon-would have no need of It as II core, for it
4stid4s, the'sysiem linperritMe 'to all tufa*.
Matte; fevers. Dut sineer , Y6D - neglected th
Drecainlon, rtS'yourrietrot •iiittssit delay of
the emordatut msdrting to the only retie with noststtees
Bitters, and they .rut return. no more. This
Is the experiencnef ibousaMis, and it will be
piano.. gelatin:24i ti 2 1 4 :mincer's of relief ; it is
• enflecdts te_tisO teat; tiek - reei - it - Wiwi* dan
gerous ttraMtheinaindar itself; la many eases
It li tterlyfislit.. - ..Hoti r different to the effect of
the .bitters. • I'heir - cuittrlve . actiim Is rapid
they aro agreeable to the palate; they are not
only entliely harmless, but tend Inevitably to
etrengthen the constitution and prolong life ;
they nerer have fatted, and St In conddently
sumed that they never can fail in nay ease of
revnr end ague, however inveterate In rte
operacter. Tute without tleeteitere Bitter.
Ist any region Infested with Intermittent or
, Remittent 'Fart, Is simply to reject safety and •
coitt tsease.
.Hwsrtterrs Meters
t iI , nolii irilOratil a and retail at very low rotas
.tirmituivarina• and ratentELedicdneDepot,
NOI Si Market street, corner of .the Diamond
- and lifarkitt.imarANDlrtil street.
'Sprites. suit iitmeaser'clowds:- -
-The sfell.known store of Mr. John %Valor.
Kezohnnt Tin*, N 0.333 reftein"if street, Alto
-abeitYs fnini)l4ll lately fitted up with a new es•
statmeneof spring and summer goods. The
eMeltbasheenwell selected, and embraces all
the - 'nuniberleast articles needed for Irentle•
nien'S getmeats. * Marge stock Of ready-made
genie; Coats, Testa; will 'able be found_ in
;in his cat tAtun eta, His mock of furnishing
goOds cannot be stuwassid. Persons desiring
tagotaninuM a geed..smi at . clottitut would ao
ir,e 4l ?7, 1; 6- * wew -eall-
Moroi nW. *Van'lr
ppßeciava tzesteiftoraman4 peelers in 4111014-
: 44 / 1 :811ite Cabnll;" 'entice an Alernoti.
nerlittaktayl.llllen .the Wilte? Worki
batik. VA. 241011Plegy10. '2B Pike street. or.
ktoraprkunptty attorehatte, All work wittnnt
' eft water proof. Beikatting done at ttko snort.
est fkleneo. - ..KR %aro narropatra,provldeltbo
reef *ll not abased an,: it Isnot on.
~0 4, iponser4eibabsii
Ifaasalt -rata*Kladter r itu abode* 'at ?alibi
—MO la the armya re:bpecuid Firgr 'bop
tormivetrucortabbeag ..ta.thweipeatir Mae
at Wind ataa4 Vlrgm Anar: intim= Smith.
teem orestanaCtiartyAney, °zits':sued: 6 e
find Primatti arteadad LO: • -
• _ toMer.”—ldr... Von Bonnborst,
President littcoln's appointee:as postman.
tar atllttanirgb, luta - beim -maenad, and
-Wade:Raispton,' relative.orthe rebel Gen_
mai of ^thae- name, is , appointed 'to Ids
, -'„Editea: t. , lir- Ton B. fa one of the most ef-
Limen and„mldar • officers in the whole
4etofece or=atlon, and was endorsed
the r repub party of his district, as
welluthe s Peansylvenia Rouse delegates
to.,`„Ronreite; and his, removal cameo gen
-441,41'40A and indignation. This removal
V. 4 Van B. was made over the head and
,without the knowledge of the Postmaster
I . Bentral.‘ The, first he and his assistant
kne*of it was the reception, yesterday, of
' tkiird.of thanks from some_of the copper
_aht littaborgh to the:President and
v-I-wolonapio General foi the appointment Of
I • Yr. g r ade Hampton, They at tirst,regard
ed t "sell, ' arid a certain very cooler
ntive lowa Senator was quite indi nt at
theVglletzldiena thereof.—Washington Dia.
Pat 4 n'te lae S Neti roe: _Treune.
• ene New Orleans.
zoo 0 • 'AP* thousand dot.
lave 'Wee by theMeMaligten Artilter7
• ball iaSt eight , fordleabled members.
The New 'lark 'gem:sada Company Maim
112000 damages ferrite reMarat of levee viola.
antaa . .- - .The ear employed Maior Clinton. or
Ortseraltanty's past to datenri Mama.
• -The notion - 'weds are: =homily defenCre
:Jteekra Of a getteted or ergeW.: MOrtollasa
levee ire enter:Waft Pante* rrerp sent to
Omit; Itaynard crevasse. •
Dia lltue sugar clan be planted. In
equity for owes of seed.
New . .3c. 1 -Ths Odd fellow*
oelsbrsred their 57th so otrersary day. A re,
galls4takeitooa sad sadism. •
The OPeksulas Rallrosd Company are pro
Pero: LW Indld their road to New Inerta. The
Litelegraph thee to Ifonetonis PriMresslig Tap
lo &tibia of Bannon y Ceara/we oost
thgeomeit maws, ZiO Jsitaqqa will made to
close tho anywise .abcrre.• ttrorts Sr. making
to save flionint Vend fares. , Th e water,*
ruins ItrEed oti sad Junissippl rivers.
Tbe -- Methodist Conference eluded Mot new
11 1shOps—Weightalso, .of Oportl it a: Mettlsyne,
of Lontalanat Legate of YuSll3 Sad hisrria,
of Xissourt,sll 'warned reen,nn the elidee
The nottott rtedit leitAterttitiitei . the fah
labburire, was a million do In
gailedt:. lll c..stetunee.flatielmonti for
_ .
Meitteet—itusagemagat Set:mower.
the brig tanotas,reporte
In latitude 37Veg. - -alitilPuguame 43 tleg,,_ he
was ehasetthy a schooner. =MN, the
' rag
nth gag, -which overhauling ratt - uug ar
Ws ittorniend ascertained his name. The Cigi,
min, of Ina auticimusr-,then 'gaoled down Ms
flag, Oto being asked' ttla Martinatan, he ba
gnat after some hesitailop, Now Torkt though
the comae of. hie Vessel was ottitlaild for that.
rTito mow tattle schooner Was unusual..
sArge tar a..niaretima refuel, and a targaik"
a - antidstapa tzoyereil something like tiMut
• alavue, A l faC** 4 l...:lllln
curarwari, April vi—About etrlat o'clock
as ' Light sertedOtaight soft dillbilatt ad-
Otittanait into John jgres curcu s „atchu;
,r*l ga l w =r n are rot4 PpVidircoa.
T 4t 4 q4l en;
r' • , ' • itot
• •
~ S ~~
n r;U
BY naggilai.
Debate on the Reform Ritl
The Austro4ennan
Powrisso, 111 s., April ht.—The steamer Nava
Scotia, from Liverpool dn the 12th riel.dadon
derzy on the 19th, arrived her on the Mth. lier
dates are one day later.
The German gee:4RM remains without
change. The panic in rheas and cotton con
The debate on the Reform Bill commenced
In the Rouse of Commons last night.. Mr.
Gbisibitone moved he • bill to second reeding..
Earl Grosvenor moved his amendment tote
bill and for arxestponement of its orrablera
tion...L6rd Stanley seconded theineendmeta,
when ttn.dineete was adjourned. • -
LivaltPool., Priday Eveningednruth
toS3n oo n—Sales of the week, &LOW bales; eluding
. to s,peculatora, and 1900 to e 0
The market Is downward, thdth a 'dtal=r2ll
per:potted. Antericansales to-day, 7,000 bales,
excluding I,oooto speculators 'and exporters, '
market dosing dull and downward, with a
tendency to decline on all qualities. Author
toed quotations are as follows: Orleans air,
Ilkitthiddlings, ltd. Mobile fair, lade mid
drs lehile antenna fair, 1410; middlings,
stock een ham, 011),000 Ades Including
es American. Manchester market
do landominah
There was it little more beislneis in the cotton
market yesterday, but the decline since last
Friday Ms been - equal to two pence per
potmd. The last price of cotton shows a de
clin of y pence.
- Tbe Thom city article says: The panic in the
Stoat Exchange became more general yester
day. and nearly all descriptions of foreign
speculative securities closed at a further dile
&stroll, fall Three failures have already op
curred in the Stock Exchange, In conneetteln
with the apps terns half monthlyeettlement .
The reporthredin Ithelleris bonnie are. that ,
creditorsof the Rol:Mier Company have regain I
been large sellers of all the principal snarl
ties. On this hettOthit the apprehensions of a
war have greatly remarked.
The extent to which the sharea of
v s teat
g u i lj tl a u r nu?t r icrirof weak c i7c% holders evl"lcadry
much greater th marketcd and it now
*Pram as if thcould not settle into
a healthy Gandhian tenth a general change in
this respect shall hard been effected. .fetter
business horns there was it - great renewal of
heaviness." The discoent demand at the bank
remains moderate, the supply of money In
the open market being ample.
The Binon a majority of this ty
In favor of the Rotor= bllL The Owl Rays that
Mr. Gladstone., budget will contain several
small but progressive changes, sweeping away
certain minor custom duties, and dea li ng with
the duties on timber, bottled wines, de.
It is mated that the government has sent On
den to Mr. Reitman:4 the Governor of the Be
bamas, to assume the Governorship of Jamai
ca on the return of Sir Henry Storks.
SatterthemitMCirenter of the evening of the
11th inst. says: The polltickl than:titles to
Germany etanlol2o to exercise as adverse in.
Seam on .Aratterican - lecurdiesinnd the quo
tations, both of government and railroad se
etnitin,- are - .relatively ; , oonsiderably lower
than New York prices, owing to sales on the
Continental account. Five-twenties have been
largely taken for shipment to New York, and,
on the week,show Only a fractional decline,
being best quemoint - 71%072,111in0is and Erie
were at one time in request s and were taken as
high as MPG% _TtiaPeSbfVelY. tan Rom these
prices there hat been hilly a Miler decline,
deillintelscloshigateeilgidif, arid Erick statiog. ,
Paescs.—The Semite upon the petition for
theitiolidcatioe - of the. Constitnt..relative
to the right of petition, has 'adopted thereto.
vines question.
livato.—it was stated that Gee. &issued' sad
been tiouthlated Captain General of Cuba, vice
Gen. DPW, resigned.
Ttragor.—Ccmstaretheople ' Mimes say that
an army ot 00000 men were watchingthe Chris
tian provinces et.TterkeY, and would oiterthe
P2=iiics ehoul
.—Thera was a contra.
and bustnes ° e ' rn funds. Consols slightly
chew], and le many Other aocaritica, especi
ally foreign stocks, almost a pattle prove] led.
The nears of the Llth lid city artlelu says
the only fact before the public la that all pro-
ceedings between Austria and Prussia are
from day to day, identical with them which
-have usually preceded every modern war bet
tween powedul nations.
The Pres. , of the litb publishes a telegram
stating that the Prussian reply to the last
Austrian note gives a decisive refusal to the
Austrian demand that Prussia should with
draw its order for the- mobilization of its
troops, this order having . been Issued only
as a defensive measure. The Prue
sign note further declared ; that ;"warned
by the fact of the Austrian government hav
ing Cabinetarklike preparations, the Prus
sian is bound to consider th ne prepa
rations as destined-for aggression-against
The Vienna -Warning Asir says: The German
governments have unanimously determined
at therm= sitting or the Pederal.Dleti to re-
Jeot the Prussian Won for 'the' reform
of the Diet At the same time a motion is to
ho brought forward requesting the Diet td
Summon Prnagus o di continue lis arms.
The - BerlM - prOlidenehe "ecirreipondenee
says that Prosslshas a Well-founded hope that
the general government and people will so
Pert the pro_posltion for the Con. *
ablution of
Ns)! Toss, April M—Qtute an interesting
,statement ;we. made` to - the4lOsird•offieedth
yesterday, tending to show that. cholera Is In
dimmom and not necessarily contagions. It
-appears from the reasons of the State most.
Bent *spiral that between the kid November
and the With of December, 1805, there were
.thirty-one caste of cholera. on. Ward's Mind,
twenty-eaven of which Were fatal. These pa
tients had no communication with the rumen
acre by the allanta;yetthey contracted the
disease, and - those who died had all themoet
marked symptoms of cholera.
The Boston •JournalM4ves the following ac- .;
co otthe.seizate of ermesad • eepdpments
'at EfasiMorteLtihrtiesicei being paesedhy
lector Tong.of,the dualet, that - the Eppray
had - sailed • from :land:w .Ith ' l- munitions of
war, intended for the Pentanalm reetveed
instructions from Wathinglimto detain them
and consult with United States District At
tonugaLtalts4 of Portland, asto Men Mammal.
- Collector
to Sena the awe[ 14
eilagie Laden the =ma
were to be sept to a forei gn port.' The vessel
and cargo, lying under. guns of the gun
boat offeecent, were then 'held' In charge by
ber until the following night, during winch
seven eases were 'obtained • . and carried
off in a surrepttogs, manner by parties sup.
to be Pentane, who have remained thus
nosed to
Next morning the remaining
one hundred and twenty-two cams were re.
moved •to .Port Sullivan where they were
Mated in enema_ Voloaid Ransom, of• the Ad
tinned States Artillho la commander of
• the post. Teat nigh t-guard was doubled,
Colonel Ransom • patiently awaiting his visit-
ors, but none came.ZN.nct modit ng , on -User
, rival of Deter General Meade, tett °Meer ay
'proved of the, dealdispatch Of the- chooners
cargo, which still rema I n thelort.
Each one ot t mhos have been openednrui
It le found that th e w hole contain about Allem
1 - hundred Springfield and Enfield =meta and
carbines, all of watch • bear indications of
having seen service. ' Quite it number It seem
, ed by theinsemptions attached to them-were
contributions totherenlan mum by. - private
• citizens of Witeldtigton, Philaticiphin
1 a There m were also • IWOO bell cartridges, to
ber wi a lot of imapeacke - and 'canteens.
Twenty-fou th r
hours after tile seizure Of these
war munitimui wee tuade;lir. Kerrigan called
on lien. Meade and demanded his property
persisting in avowing' that he Was a incr•
chant of Mow Ana,. and was__.
for: ke *V the :arms:. , Ger4k - agesdros
reply was that it was certainly a Orange
coMeidence, that be *Doubt Just at, this ..time
when them, was atiell an influx o f strangers; be
here to dispose of snob kind ofMoperty; that
thellnitedlitates Government sen neutrality
for ape ptirpose of seeing 'that the
lawevrettanir brOhnn, and that. be could 'not
sive the arm, up; bat should also seize ell
°thee axmai - jmisinder the,aliamoirentustan
ma It „was, mmilaidy. the re
m oss that atoll' [lll.lalt to Witalthigton, where
the matter Will be dedinttelyldocided. - In the
meatithimitimeahtiOnerheebeen relented, and
has gone to Pembroke where she Is owned.
neduOtOmi-oflinpoll 01141 M,
Wassuserok, , ,sioa eus„preeldek_t... hie
proolatased the torment:Yon between thOPlntott
Rated; and the XattreAt Japan far the sodas.
lion of Import du es. moo/Mowing articles
toed In the preparation am:teach:4 of teal'
shall be hes of mar: Sheet lead, colder , pans
.and baskets:. The following , anklet; ani to
be admitled .1; , the - roltukaL" dtar of • ." ve
an ds3 ? i .i dottahlek.'akil Outdoes% .arogs
evMhe fkohtbittoo of the tatior
muse .-inlitun g- to : the r arum's..
treaty, sinannut:lnWuntyrna in plait ar
bale, sheet iron And free litrigatliya
angariln losses- or 'crash lass and '
wize.cionkn,wstanes anti ebahle,.
; -
.niats.-ronso State* favor ast.of
thecrao.tx,vip,msratt ieetead.
ed tor their Own life •
The President:lab r pi m a . n foilr4
as "flee Consol,of .Xlehniark. for the Emus of
/Matt;ten, -316;.:IC L .
: r te..+ -!. ~... -..,..._2~5?' ' i • ...,.;~~;4'
Rebel Newspaper Publisher Pardoned
Confirmations by the Senate
New Yong, April h3.—The 210eu 4's irptenal
from Washington says: The Treasury Depart.
meat est - lit:atm that the national income for
the present year Will reach ere hundred-mil
lion dollars. The balances at present at the
command of the Secretary from ail sources are
believed to be hilly one hundred anti sixty
million dollars.
Colonel Nixon, who today received his par
, dent /3 ,tlablishar of the New Orleans Cresceni,.'
the paper edited by General Simon Bolivar
Reamer, who deserted from tbe Union ar
after two :Months' service, - In 1861, the m ost ,
I atrocious rebel sheet published anywhere hi
the Beet/xis - est, which, In April, 18/(8, while,
under the management of Nixon, invilicalth
terrors of the yellotr fever against Gen- Bute
ler's army, tnen besieging Fort St. Phillip.
• " There appease lei be a general allsorider
itandiag as to the result arrived at by the
Supreme Court in the ease of Malllgithand
the Golden Ureic conspirators. The line of ar
aument on the Constitutional questions pet
I forth by General Butler was not objected to
seriously, bet the name went off.:ln the. habeas
corpus act 0f1863. Tee Court stood five for the
discharge of the petitioners and four ag. Mem,
"aria it is well understood that no two Judges
agree on any fine of reasoning, but each will
deliver an opinion of his own.
A petition is in
Congress to enact a civilcirculation here praying-
code and general '
torporation law, and allow thetiletrint *dela
• gate in Congress,
A canvass of the different departments of
the government is at present being made to
ascertain the number of etuployeee Who hon
orably *weed in the Cntoti armies, with a
view to the discharge of incompetent clerks
and the appointment of ex -soldiers.
An important decision, Materially affecting
broker's maids, will shortly be issued by the
Commissi thef Inter R
nal evenue.
In view of immense amount of mutilated
end redeemed paper money' daily destroyed at
the Treasury Department, the Secretary has
determined to adopt the suggestion of the Sta.
perin teedent of Pasant , mute two years ago,
re commending, instead' of bteMing, the con
version or all such currency into pulp, for the
manufacture of stationery for the Depart
essay General Spinner estimates that thee°.
art Department can by this maces* be inp-
PliediWith envelopetithereby saving the Gov
mamma an expensexif from eight to twelve
thOushnildellara per year.
The Senate In Lsecutive Session confirmed
the following Collectore of internal Revenue:
Jefferson R. Western, Nebraska; S. T. Gage,
Nevada; James Wheeling: Nathanie l
B. Camel:lrd, Montana; Agent of the Wachita
Indians, Henry Minaklln, of Kansas. Asses-
son of Internal Revenge; Iter. Albert G.
LaQtard t of iParkersblirc. John Connell, of
lowa.' Deputy Postmaste rs: Caleb lamb, ate
Newton, lowa; Mrs. Elisabeth Brown, at 1.0-
gansprirt, Indiana; A. 11, Halloweil, at Kansas
city, Missouri; G. A. Benedict, at Cleveland,
Ohio: Register. of,.Lund rang Street,
of Mee. , Culteil states Marshal tar the Dis-
Diet of Minnesota, Chas. Easton.
The Senate also confirmed a large number
of military appointments, among them Briga
General John B. Thayer, of the United
States Volunteer*, for gallant and meritorious
services during the war' to belllajerGenend
o y . hroret-""Aind Braille. General' Wager
Swaine, to be Major Ge neral of Volunteers,
The following liadier Generals are bre,
lied M
ajor Generals f o r
distinguished, gal.
lent, faithful or meritorious services: Joseph
It. West, Thomas J. Milleatt, Byron it . Pierce,
Fits Henry Warren, Cyrus Hamlin, James D. I
Fessonden, - Thomas,. Kfiby Smith, John 11.
Ketchum, S. A. Blun6an, Hem." It. Banning,
John 11. Martindale, John MO, lel, Mason D.
Brayman and ir. It. Woods.
Also, the following Colonels to be Brigadier
Generals by - brevet T. H. Bennett, Frank J.
White, Darius 11. Warner, Lewis G. Brown,
George W. Monroe, W. W. Markle, W. it. Shaf
fer, John Pattie, Thouhe If.. BrOwn. W. J. '
Landlnan, Thomas Sherman, Jr., and Joseph
J. Smith.
The Senate eatertuedlireyet Colonels Ely J.
Parker,Liem.,Col. te be SecOnd 'Lieutenant in
the Second Regiment of Cavalry. Brevet Col.
Adam Boileau, Second Lieutenant, Fourth
Regiment ef Infantry. Major George K. Lest,
Assistane,Adjetane theserM - Volunteers, to be
Assistailt• Quartermaster With the rank of
Captain in the Regnlar army. The Senate also
confirmed a large number of other appoint
Arrival of the Steamship Africa
The German Crier Ls Continua
Accident at the Cheiton Races
liaLizaa., April 55.—The steamship Alden
Arrived here et
./1 o'clock this attention. She
brings Liv'exPOOl deceiver the lath isrof gueetti
town of the lath Inst., alth two days later
Lire...l.ool,4prd lc —The funds to-day remain
ed dull, but closed rather. firmer, all tending
to a panic on the. Itonae„ .
The Paris correspondent of the London
21mes says that one of the disquieting rumors
was that the relations between the French and
United States Governments were such as to
'Justify the very worst- fears; all, of course...on
account of Mexico.
The same writer sari that the hopes of
peace in.Gennaireaterapility volindicing, and
he Intimates that the semblance of inintraitty •
by Prance, few believe to be sincere.
!Warlike rumors continue to circulate in
Vienna and Berlin, and armaments continue.
A Vienna dispatch says that the Prussian re ,
ply to the hist Austrian ante was .. .receive:Lou
theiffh.inst, It deelined, br laconic terinii,
to *mode to the demand of Austria for the
mobilization of the Prussian' forms.
London Money Iforker.--mmuly In good de
mand, the discount rate' remaining at G per
cent, on stock exchange 9. Excemive Bathes.
prevailed and stooks, including American.
were Meer. Coultas.- Method 'lower than
since Crimean wee, but afterwards slightly
rallied and closek!at
Latest via Qvieredenm—Lendon_ 1.9,-Tbe Par
is boinse was dram, rentals clitreditrtril OW.
The German crisis continues.
The news from Vienna is still warlike The
Independence Beige has reason to septiose
that the question of armaments wilt-be antis
factonly settled by mutual and simultaneous
disarmament. It is Inferred that confidential
overturee have been madeto An.
tria to that erect. , - • '
Liverposi..—Breacistuffs—lllchardsco, sperm,
& Co., and Wakefield, Beap k Co. report
Flour firm :: Wheat firm for 'American White;
caber descriptions doll, with a decline of WG
iii per centaii Winter Bed, IflsMis ed. Corn
arm and toilets demand Ittlisarsticet
Io the Howe of COMmons, on the 12th inst.,
in the presence of a crowded House, Mr. Glad.
stone, In an- earnest agpeenb, morel a second
reading pf .1 1 1e , GOirernizient Aoki= bill. • Ila
replied - to various objections raised by the
opponentl Of the bill, Ile Said the tine had
come for 4ostlaranal vprlbrianitkawftlit t
Mouse ellgonly islie brit wide brit:me.
Earl Grosvenor moved its amendment of
which he had previously Orel; notice,
of the postponement of the . question
of reel-m..oloms tbe entirwitcheme , eonlem.
plated by tbo Government was laid before
Parliament. Lord Stanley seconded tits
asseadment. Neltawr of, them dirstioned the
esnediency of reform, but cOntended that the
extension of the franchise should not be few.
'rated from the question of the milistslini.
tiOwof theraeate.':llpeechee were , inside Ld le.
vor of the bile by the Marquis of ISa
th ari =
and oenbllfittlaketli. urfialtmatr
others, whim newt!! WAN /141011111fillt
There was no undue exidtentautafiltar is or
ontaide of the 1 tuulsto • top.onn wan,
erer of thaatiob i tlpll ieblah same
membens attireffkrftrant c pat*.
On the !iii the debate wet resumed. AttiOui
the siva._ knee were MIX 14. Milner 1411wa
Mr. I.ladal against" atul SeWlitt,' midi a
Baxter In favor.
The debate was again adjourned in the
Unties of Com pl mons on titei lath: Inst. tl ,
oar. won in re to MOW:, Mid es
ton of protectin y g
the an
interesti of Of Inman
on the North American coasts OA thetermtria•
tion of the lteelproetty•TreatS Were tinder
consideration. By law the offer of the Crean,
Mr. Maguire, gave notice that be would at
an early day call attention to the serious kir
cOratiltssin In /Mend front the tooatrtneen
!mumble of the powers gleOtl 'hit the unman
sioliet the habeas corpus.
A terrible accident took puce at the ChM.
'ton horse men. 4 stand gave wa . burying
three hundred persons. In theirn
were sayerely hurt, but, none are
The Paris correspondent of the London
Times says: if the lent cif the if PUI Centre,
Storetteiitt IWO= aria was' to aUrnot if
f -
ei) ti otie• tonitta persod, has proved a
• ; orittiii cpntraCbction bus been girlie at per
jl/1 to the assertion that the Prussian Orrery ?
risen& Would take rorisals On gement or gip
expulsion of Co u nt , VableVieli m 4l Ule 4tis ,
Irian territory. . . . '
, It. is reported that the Preneh Ambassador
at Perim bas been instrnotmrto att t
_Prance considers a Radial Morene
Confederation not ea a eneatiOn - or Gamin
home policy, but one which_would admit Me
interrentaost or the n dignitaries of the Vienna
The Paris correspondent gain that ltkisteser
1 tittle hoPetnerowastbat peace would ue Main.
Miaadeeeral to'be rapidly yanishing.
paysma.—The ' Princes.. gave birth to a
daughter on the /21.1 t loot. .
- ' - Plmptrifitlistp Ch .R
I Nip, T OM, AMU itt , Thetlitratr health offt.
cers revertants, nieraing; attoWiT that:there
4 11.
have been tw ee -three new . cams of cholera
lf z C i to the 4 1 0 1 1kitilP and two deaths
ih.aggg o 4 VI.
1 A, ' Zilea tn;fin A S o rtrUll, ha
elliteer. - Pt the solizet,lit:llBl4 , ',Anita/.
genitor* aralkiellirenlininv —PAO
mim ii, zioraTAsalseimallalst-'
bey egmthisdqftg.asi. a. MI -ships war
°ca5 ," 416,.1 P , --,. 411C". °
-.,,i i54.".M.;.W1.' ,: '" L- , ;'‘ , ;•,' '','.:- s'
• .
Mr. Sumner presented a petition for the ax.
ptdslon of Garret Davis, Senator 'ltem' Kea
tlickg, for eating said. that should the Glyn
Rights bill become a law ho mould fool him
self oomPelled to regard biTGISCir ss an mums,
of tho Government. ' '
Mr. Davit said - Ultimo attributed to
him was °enact, b att t
tottare been
with the Amato= otherwise was a garbled
Themmi p
ttee.e, titian was referred to the Judielary
the billto regulate commerchd, military and
postal communications between the States
„sir. Morrill t at roli e 'e al l er c against the hill.
The anlendments were agreed to, and the
bill, as ainende4, was Dansed.
Messrs. McDougall, Johnson and Doolittle
Savored it.
Mr. Clark Introduced a bill to provide for the
apaymn uebsntis to
tence loyal Mittens for Quartermaster
ds .stores turnishodthe army. -7
• Referred to Cokatuttee en the Ttolhalary. -
MX Sherman mtrodueed a Joint resolution '
• yid.% was' passed, fteDtoPriatinif 1111.1NOM to
psy the expenses of collecting the rimed=
from customit •
&message from the Rouse announced the
passage or the bill to encoursse telegraphic
communication with Cuba, with amendments.
The bill was laid aside.
.After executive sesaion the Senate adlourn•
The Senate Salto refried certabs duties paid
I on produce started fora port of the United
States prior to the exptrution of the Recipro
city treaty but detained by, lee,. was, passed;
,aise, a Senate bid to nictitate* the appropria
tiMr Elithon of a Treamirer's aeconn ot, from the Committee ot.
n Commerce,
reported back With amendments, the Senate
bill to encourage telegraphic communication
bet wean the United States and the Island of
Culls and the other West India islands and
the Bahamas. The drat amendment was to
strike out of the section the words "intim° of
wen" so that It will read - "at all times: ,
The second amendment was to insert alter
the words“Constilar
p agents,” the words
"and the id comany shall keep an
ite lines open s t a o
the public for the tranamis
siOnot daily publications of market and com
mercial intelligence, and all necessary dis
patches and tommunkatkots shall be for
warded in the order in which they shall be
received, and the said company shall not
10, - permitted to charge or collect for messages
tresismitted through any of Its submarine ca
bles, more than ut the rate of ISA for a mes
sage of ten words...
Mr. Schenck, from the Committee on Mill
terT:Affairs, reported a substitute for the bill
for the relief of paymasters of the army. • The
substitute directs the miscounting osnoe , to
put to the credit of paytensteets Or nthlitienutl
paymasters iK an sum of money paidbythent to
, idlers or emplorms connected with
the military service of the United States; pro.
vidod such payments shall be shown to nave
been actually made In good hush, without
fraudulent practice or intent, end where the
erroneous payment was not theresult of gross
negligence or carelessness. The etibettotte
was. agreed tos and the bill, as amended, was
On motion of Mr. Schenck, theCommittee en Military Affaire was discharged from the
further consideration of the .esinate bill au
thorizing the Beeretam of War to settle the
claims of the Slateer Banana for the aervice
of the Militia called out on the requisition of
Maj. Urn. Cara*, and It ens referred to the
Committee on War Debts.
Mr. Ingersoll, from the Committee for the
District of Columbia, reported a hill placing
nerat the service of the Comeasthruer of
e Bnildings,ror the purpose of cleaning
and purifying the city. in view of • the danger
from cholera, end other mpellencies, and
asked to havelt put upon its
Mr. Wasbburne, of Illinois, Objected to the
blll, but suggested .its reference to the War
trattee of the Whole on the State Mike Damn.
lie wou ld make no objections to have It taken
U tl i t. n frartgiglex a cio gg ft. f. tod an amendment look
ing to makinglbe halls of the Mouse healthy
•raniconifortable. Ile had wee-nlati perished
*thee liedme here for want of Daub air. It re
minded mof rep Black Mole of was
Mr. Ingersoll lied that there was a Com
mittee on the ventilating of the Capitol.
The bill w et . read twice and referred to the
Committee of the Whole. • •
Mr. Ancona, from the Coin natter , on Milludy
Affairs, reported back the bill to a -aloud the
jurisithition of the Court of slut,a sub.
whole , for - the - first section. The substitute
provides that the Court of Claims shall have
' Julio:Bethel to bear and dote - mum the claims
of any Paymaster, Quarterma.sur, C0M1114.11,
ry of subsistence and other disbursing officer
of the United Suttee, or or hi, administrators
executors, (or relief from reaoonellality on
account of lose by capture or otherwise, while
in the line of duty, of lievernmeta funds,
vouchers, records and papers, and rtir uh I. h
sneb officer was and la bold reepensible.
On the stiggeatiOn'of Mr. Wastititilme, ofelll
nols, a proviso wiut added that an appeal may
be taken to the Supreme Court as 1,, other
cares. The amendments were agreed to and
the bill passel.
Mr. Delano introduced a bill declaring
tain oblispatons of the Maned States and me
Derail bank currency, subject to taxation - tin:
tier the Mate ruthority. It wartreadtwiee
and referred to the Committee on Banks.
Ur. Dulling offered a resolution which was
adopted, instructing the Committee on Com
merce to inquire Into and report ripen the ex
pediency or establishing DabalPs fog trum
pet at dandy nook and the port of New York.
The louse renamed the malidshed biudness
of yesterday, being the Northern Pacifloarith
road bill.
Mr. Kelly spoke In favor,ot the bill, and Mr.
Farneserorth opposed it.
Mr. Stevens offered a vubstitute for theibel.
A debate followed, after which a movement
towards adjournment tookplace. .•
A. message from the President was received,
Melo:dug the report from We Secretary of the
Interior, In reference to the Eastern Division
of the Pacific Railroad.
lir. Washburn gave notice that the Com
mittee on Commerce had Prepszeutaireryitn
, portent bill In regard to the overloading of
Frpassenger ships, and as It wimeonneeted with
uestion Or Cholera, he 'Would ask the
mean to' conmder it tomorrow, after dispe
-1 Singer the Yorthern Pacific Railroad bill.
On Mellon of Mr.lthewis, tea Senate Joint
I resoltaien making an approprlatinn• for the
airromees of solleeting the revenue from etua
tonmorastakonfrom the seeakereitable.rtind
twice end• referred to the Committee on Ate
P Z. Ward presented a retookstralthe Of
.• ant members of the bar of Cbentnng
leek, agalnirt the Federal Jteli.
rdary bill.
• Mr. Ladle presented a petition for the Dens.
for otthesehooner Mary, from a Chnedian to
an American bottom.
:Mr-Mk:badge presented tuemortais from the
lekestitteth Leeislatureen the equaliga Mon of
riOldieriPtiMntlissi in reference to a ship
meal through Mil 'Mateo( moonsin, connect.
Dig Lake, Michigan with th e Mississippi river
soil ulf-of Maxwell Mr the Improvement Of
the harbor of•Superlor city, Wiseonsim and a
joint resolution declaring It to be the Allay Of
SOtettOr Dainties to resign. The latter was re.
ferred to the Lettimpo o'clock Ithootistrnotion.
The flame at rive actiortrued.
CompLofton or Pancouveris Is
land Telegraph.
Now roan, April SC—A ...
nougat from Part.
port to the nlboor lam; the Yenlan* Sete all
iMII , III, by boat Mr Portland. Orltlab war
meals !eft yesterday. The Yenhut MOW%WM
thislend morning. Oft .yhopl tr ao3 on Warier ror Yi arm
te Ilototi
Too followl 4 fl o o l ok woo pooolvoif from
Thosoove r s 4 toii#Ori.- .
10 thi_,Preti nod Mertfork - af Aim of SY
ifsitotakidenrix stretweteete yeti tot MA titlin.
pletkm or thetelsartiph line paessethet Sat
censer* /stand with Lilo OilltitAl Ohlirlri 0 •
t00t04 0, 7 Atoorlthlisl olitorptirOA pid My att '..
Mee he e that 11. may ',POPP aft se earelttleh
Wit llr i lte u lit it tlis V . V.:I: nl r villa'sl6 :g l ,ll
Ohruolla . h i ft tilltiklitly‘
floyornOr of Yonoonver , o MI MI,
,71/s.rressdorat sent Shafethariter ItiVeptae '•
deivstesWelieeTAS Merl Aptl y, ( Mn, Ihifino9o , 4.R Iran
n i t
Wo j.touik rint i v ii ):or t Ati ft trOo t tii tto r
troi=ocr on moon* s t Tlittit : 4 14 .
ogoirp w 4 w be simAlli 7 101111 la ll'
" M l Z:FlOtt i Vd th. t gla t rlit e ran' j trft*
CO Jrnov iirivitoraoimono.
WN. f i le moort4t r yor Stoic,
TN, NOlNtiwei-v
skasns, AOrli art•••TffrfaiVitintra MOW
mbliehmi a.idadement 'Oar
fall there On eliarlfoop hill h Whiehlhe
MOM/ to have halm very Ste - With WO,
dutudngliant am i t hot thuto fr, and InoW
about the Jiro poted Murder, of Doctor
Daniell la' Nola *treat' isweraV seats ago.
Us mays, anlmovother things, that atm. Cun• :
Pola:M=s , ligtr
fhe woold lh: hy Whoa°
death Arra: lltinitto wotim get fooofloi.
Ito swftwod the job
CookA.uttnit tO ZOO
thestre, reitirlied_wlthlte a street and
slept lathe honse tbip..night,-Jmowing Wore
tio Went to tied that t e tourelar naa t ttfo
efififess On ludloisenes at,,tod
. .."9 •
Pia . .ILioa
nqs . ewe ew•Nortberss
• maUsliad ' •••.I eallia. or alealitor
Maw Te s t April fie—The anuntirrCiaV spa,
0ht1 4 7 ,4 ore vac a eholora panic arnongUe'
don In Wash/norm this morning,
ea . .by two andden deaths, hatinwestigaw
id f eas/lows that She eialpe was eating fool/mob
The same 'despisteti lays there is not Mach
clutneofoothe.paSeage or the Northern Peel
dee Nallroad
no Pal , * nodal says Senator reaseodeit%
• hea/th is better, and Mr. llubbard__, of Connect
lout. has renamed hie seat in the homes.
KY 61 441110.-
scungruti6slig. ia—Ai the emit a r afit4Ml
lbe mow o Lthafa thaaloason, .1L =We:
Juries 44 tyco t ir z areered as matuferefaVer
comma by a of 'General - Ttulame.
Mr. Coyle o emeek to le fa, embec of the qv
famaMa el tumble format% so; ordatfee , ,a4as,
totheMmUseit,—Mot Wfb&-Iak.TATIV:
,Lanee. Conn beMeest, Mit.tboaorro
Geo, Jima :601111104nelMINSVP40,01C5M.
1° ''
, 11" ).03 -vort.*ATPk l u!.
t r:+411,,,44
dlaothetrHond Robbery—Troopm Home
ward Haund—Meettag of Rena Payer..
New Yoitti, April 53.—Another bond robbery
WAS Conmated to tilts etty yesterday to the
&Mount ar $19,030. Payment of the bonds has
been A reward of ;IMO is offered for
ent er Of the property.
The indatico York volunteers is en route
hildue by Ar of Savannah, and Is expected at
'Hart's Mk on the 11th Instant, to be paid
off and ranged.
/Meth meeting of rent payers was held
IdenMit SaSHouston Arcot, and an aasocia-
Hon Harnett° resist extortion by landlords
and n!Mleagenta.
Weentworos, April 93,11396..
,- e Prom Havana.
'How YOU April 20.—The Arcrotar Harems
ilitteraape Span menr-war which lately
arrived It 1111 had again p utte heir
deetlnatlen; unknovrn. General Dulce had
received mptory orders to have the am.
once who been seized. by prtvate individu
als as allsek delivered up and removed to
Fernando Po.
eiiid Weather at Louisville.
'Louts ruts, April 26—Even ing.-11Iver rising
rapidly with .it feet a !none, water In the Canal.
Tnelrottleir It clear and pleasant.
NYW YOtht, April 53.—Lam .r.r.k . board, Nom
York Ceediral 9%; Erie 73: BAN/P3113.g 104%; Mich
411118oritketri t,eair,ill.2otr.
list Christian toinsthisslota.
We are indebted to Mr. W. P. Weimaan for a
copy of the fourth and last annual report of
the operations of that noble and philanthropic
institution, - the Rafted States Christian iem
misalen. The following Is the report of the
Pilisping's Army Committee, as submitted by
tliefehairikum, Rev. Herrick Johnson
In makingeur anal report, as a brunch of the
United States Christian Commission, We
desire, exit, all, to give thanks to God for
the Inereampg favor he has given our cause In
the heart/tot tha people Includal In the field
under eat Immediate supervision. Their
Interest In the beneficent work of the Commis ,
elan has not lagged, but, on the contrary, has
deepened and widened to a dance unparallel
edan thell l / 1 .0(3 of any orminization that has
ever appalawd- to the sympathies and activi
ties and plillen of this community. The record
of the last IlWar of our • stark is, by far, the
proudest reeerd In our nistoiy. No worfisean
so elequently bear testimony to this fact, as
the-figure* in the followingtable of receipts.
wo* and distributlen for 1803.
IffitorDeleattea commissioned IS
'Of Dino/of Hospital Stores done-
Lod W'd distributed
Cash Deflations
Value of hospital Stores donated.— 41.1„751.10
TOtal 466,497.ul
These (Our hundred and sixty-six thousand
I,._ ileliaraln cash anti comforts show that the :m
-i- behalf of our sick and wounded
6 - nT , v7s,:nek with a heartier response, and a
nobler and more princely generesity, the
fourth year of the war, than the first. They
missionat- lent days of
bestristian Com
were its best days; ln the confi
dence of the loyal North; best In the sympa
thies and attractions of the people's hearts: best
In the available resources for pmseenting the
Comnsisskrals grtst sanitary- and evangelistic
work. The. allow the unswerving constancy
and the intense loyalty of the people of Wes
tern Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio and Wes
tern virginia, to the greatinterests of the
country and of God, that- were imperilled by
the rebellion.
In this wanoceticm, I demm it proper, as chair
man of therittsbrirgb Committee, to place on
permarienktecord the ,great debt of obliga
tion whinh;the Committee, and Chu Coninds-
Mon at large, owe to two of iLs members, Jo
seph Allfregand W. P. Weyntan. It IS mainly
through thalr indefatigable loud untiring as
sidulty, through their self -sumrnielng and ar
duous endeavor, that the Army Committee of
WesturnPenusylvunla has been able to make
so mobleat record. They, in connection with
others, fanning the Pittsburgh Subsistence
Committee, and mainly composed of ladles;
have not-only achieved glorious results for the
solellemlu field and hospital, bat have, mean.
while, teat:bore than live hundred thousand
soldiettPtltheir Way through this eitY to and
(1 . 0t1.1 flicraeld of strife.
-• •
from Aceiclent—Comner'. to
quebt. •
- •
On Monday last we noticed an accident to a
child of Mr. Hobert Wray, residing on Wylie
street, , near Trufbel--the child having been
run 'over by a =Won the Mtnensvllle Paasenger
Hallway. At first it saw thought that the ID-
Juries woNd het reimit fatally, but on Thurs.
day marking at nine o'clock the child died
from gangrene. Coroner Clawson was railed
npon to old an inquest, when the following•
facts wore elicited The child, Ida Illanebo,
aged twenty months, had left the presence of
Ito mother but A.lisinute. or two before the an.
relent, Ofikattinkry last, and had auencipted to
cross over 4110 street , an I. supposed,
after all " older sister. A car was
coming down the isteep grade et
, the time, the driver having the brakes on, and
moving sl
badoW towards a ow Itch which woo
In rather c ondition afew rods below. Tho
child had evidently-been startled by the near
approach of the - ear, and had stopped ou the
re_ .11 It was aeon by Mr. George Glass, baker,
when within two or three feet of h rail, anti
vralking,tolnruht the track. The car •:xs then
within tan' Or twelve feet or the child.
Cried out loudly, hut the driver did not
appear to see 'the child, or understand what
was wrong. ' Ills attention appeared to be fixed
on something further ahead, The oar came
on. and • the child was struck by the steps,
knocked down on its lace, and run over—one
wheel pulling over as wheel he reached it, hopped before the other reached the
body, and if Glass seized the child and car
ried It into his store. Dr. George 1.. McCook
was called and examined the child, but was
InwPtitled tO HMI that the bone had not boon
fractured. On the following day he called to
see U, but was informed that w homomathte
phySledan bad-been
eagegc and he did not
we it afterwardA Ile exiholned the body end
found that death halt resulted from mortal.
cation, or gangrene. There were several other
witnesses examined as to the manner of the
secident, but Mr. Glass was the only one who
saw the child before it was hurt. The driver
of the ear was noketa.lnined, but all the wit-
neues expresded the Opinion that he was not
told/ me. The jury found a verdict of acci
dental death. The deceased was a sprightly
and interesting child, and Its melancholydeath falls with crashing weight upon the pa
re2I,IIWIIOEI Tltt*Tlti.—The Spoonlas young
alder gdwin Adams takes n benefit to-night,
and for the oneasion will appear in a now role
as "Don Censor De Dann,and Sir Domani
liarllgh In the fine comey-entitled "Dreams
of Delusion " Between the two pieces the or
chestra will perform the Edwin Polka, com
posed for anti dedicated to Air Adams. By re.
quest 14r, Adams will recite the - liduOus war
lyric "Sheridan's Ride." A Only attraetiro
bill is presented and we douldnot a foil house
Will greet the Wittsbnrgb favorite.
onnea lioess.-11Y.Tlilion played to an over
flowing house last night. on the occasion of his
farewell benefit, andbts personati entirely
lock" gave evidence that he is at.
home In the rendition of:_ahakcapearel lead
ing ehornton.. Mr. Dillon is an actor or. are
remota° talent, and we trust that he may
Irani visit our alty. Tkonlightlitr. W. 11 Look,
\ :egg t t i i a. . s fre k a e
tr u Ptiitt ta ita
krltNtatn l,y himself, entitled " Th e °Woof
Allegheny or the Day Maya of Pittsburgh,
The ffierfOrmaitile Onitelitde.with "Tin, PI.
fates boanny.. We ontiolonto little for Mr.
Leak? rrodua o ldilj far MN eantlen is not seri
Ointlt; ki fitit
. A rivico6 ceaft terstord—tv. Lt.v.
; iii,oromq 1 444.04444thare0en. the
IFt I 011ift
_. 1th.417 4 theddotere
, 0 th let the 4101140011 .4 r rot, Wiul ehte
.11 0 ittil f :l;4 it he r e te WM • Mum lOW% pre.
' , ail du ct illik iiltlC . Thl l te . ytthrtithroo ow.
.00.0ii r
$4 ,, t„,,, ov,„. 0 r Intl 'WA ti Ur, Wil.
poki, h .yr 'rept the eligAtteet, I tutees Vol.
111001.00 110 Ole With ht the. 444 -41041.1 . 4 e,
i til
ohe oi , jlet tl, 111 htlee4, ti holt then
' WO W i triti i tr titt !. 1 y:inw. timr.q.
~,,tot „ 0 fif,* 0 il pfe 1 : : t,t+ were
Ohs% ell 40 Off luta obi: iou, mut 1,116
titforiAtts. lil Itit4 vro, titra rtt -thpiti t 10:
[ 1 itil 'mem t t to ~!tovot Pilt 4 101 l 410 it tne
4, l o,Titi k hromtklitrzz:Ndo
4,,w0t .
VI II I 6" 1111 ii 4.- i,l T . „.....,„.
_ it.:41...i, 6 _606 , 1,,,„0, t ,,,,,,i0.
I g ' irtrittelltlit s i: Arrirtty=
# .., . ..nno*il tt It i 43 Iby the
Ohl ellygrettv t.,,hitted 10 IT lli. qie
Yuen , tin itteshhtt - t4 it to ute
etiehte 141 trttlititt thitelonstett .er ett.ptop.
ettli mi ttfet ...Jima Chime te thh ettx, end
hun tigito the rotate, dhevolt te the nut • • •
etat , pht tt Ott A WAVY Matt And WO lt t •
dehelotewel A entrant met WIWI.
....... __ .
me o (AleOrak filtl i eetYti..terffity fore
nobs. about ton colook, pro efit• tuaritivered on
tlfOrorifortatellow i 111 1 / 4 1iliaii CO'.. ono:lane
?NI Vat' . ?vtl , l6Tbiletli;',ltsrV:
caught on the roof frollleoino:esuaenaltociwn,
and the roof Wll3 burntiPe i and ala nom.
ber of valtutblo pattern* dantaigeff.. e bawl
not /10111Y1 an eattniate of tlie loos, bn ft will
bo faulaidafilbiai
to_jebiill.;-Joietitiny.eneer, ptoprlotor
of th ili
e l Initi ftoftg.atreet, waa yes
terdaY nab" to - by Mayor McCarthy In the
anal of CM to anrwor. et . court a charge, of
koefilMillartrderly ltoore,profmed bypblef
Of rollee amyl grew out .of the
litte 11=4,111etwoon.two•
on Saturday night.' Bpi:au:aria lliorwlee under
beaVy hallos a chino of, abetting too affray.
The I'Veile VolTras*ilouriter e -Mrs. Mary
Housman, obazaildAn cenneetkin .erita the
-mar of Lor hnahau6 gat '
eohleseed that Thai:lntl shot flousmia, tad
:alleges that it *is done in If ftks4 interlines.
man Ita4 shot at ate. The hod., "wall taken to
'the river by the amused and task by atlas a
ta • a rare, and tieing the rope eroood
rheum*: • -
I • • Firpos.:-''liirectottidar"Mez
p dear , and we learn d os Banton,
CMews. frzieN.F4l% ot t an, eighth
brirlilayal I t :tante dite t rti l la
100147 . 01!,11:441,At
- D) 014 04 : 4 11 4-4! . 40
vot41&;. ,2470,116Aliiii7in
1 The Boyd's Hill Trageelly—A Curious
t Cfreautustaeme. -........--.....---.
The recollection of the terrible tragedy on THE COUBT OF COMMON
I.3oyd's Hill was revived yesterday by the find PLEAD of Allegheny County, No. 11l October
. or A• W. 1564. Libel In Arc o t
from the Bnd.
In of a butcher knife embedded in thp earth or kareeoey. wittlam Arcot/din ea. Susan Be
-1 within a few feet of where the body of the nn- Colin.
fortunate Focriner WU found. Two little bop. To bug At SIeCASUS'. the tome named rexrtld:
were engaged In flaying " shinny" on the b w 1 few Yoe are hereby notified to
.bn and !tog o %7A.
j when ono named Hansel, struck at what ho ! the pi l t e i s b l ',..,e r h. ° J o lt', VigilrAlLly t or j,„6,
, supposed to ho a stick ptotruiling about an : t
.a. D• • * lt ' itlall:en and there to answer th e omplalni
Inch shove the ground He ( o ne —. the stick of the libelant, WAltam T. McColl', and show
almost Immovable , and on 100MIMISIE the t canoe, if any YOtt hose. why hls petition for a di
ground around It he pulled out a butcher knife, t memo e rteeei o mermemett ,imeid not be granted
which bad been considerably worn by use, and 1 JOHN 11. nTLWA kr, Shertff.
I rusted by contact with the earth. He took i ' April nut. A. M. idea — sca n
the knife to the home of his father,
Hansel, corner of Pennsylvania nu I
At ' , " 1 ALLE G HENY COUNTY sti.— ln the
and gteitenson streets, where It has Court of Common Piens, In the matter of ee
since become an object of much curt- I e plpft b liee , d e , r i t ee .. B te r le4l,..7.n i t i r r ,..,„.11": - tli ee
, °sky. The blade had been slightly 1 0 A iil, '" ilete.. r iette. And no. to wit: April' .
' turned at the point, but whether this roan Red . 19fie . i . ctItion Men and the Court direct notice then -
from violence In the use of it, Or from being 1 or to IT published In one newspaper printed in the
driven into the ground, no one can tell. It will city or Pittsburgh and county of A/It:ghost. for at
be recollected that klurachall, In his oonfes- , teem three weeks, setting forth thiamin application
sionottated that the knife, with which the , h. b.... 0 made to the Court fort . he o phrpose o fd
o a i n!.
murder was committed, bad been thrown into 1 L'g r .2"l i c le b t l' r t,i' o e f eig&' m A j o gell: ,l 7 u r.,ci i i i ,- .
the Allegheny river. it is • a metier ei very ' sant, will be granted at the next term oft e Court
little consequence now whetherthis was really mite. exceptions hereto shell be tiled le proper
the dread instrument of death or not, but the rune.
fact of its being found, In the 'pwaliar post From the Record: JACtilt H. WALTER, Pro,
lion described, within a few. feet of the spot . AA Mime.. interested will please take nonce of
whore the - murdered man lay, is certainly ~, 1 the armee orderof Court.
canons circumstance.-
Fall of a Bralldbar . liarrow Escape from
ith. .
On Thursday forenoon, as a nntaberOf Work
, men were engaged in remo stree t s , three story
brick building, No. 10 Wylie ear
the front wallgave way, and the front rooms
In each story fell with a crash into the cellar.
Mr. Corcoran, the proprietor of the building.
happened to be present at the time, and see
ing the plastering begin to crack he sounded
atralarm and the workmen were thus enabled
to escape' before the wall fell. There was a
man in the cellar at the time, with a horse and
cart, and he too escaped Just. in time to save
his limbs and his horse. There were fire or
Rix carpenters in .thexipper rooms, and the
consequences might have been serious had It
not been for the vigilance of Mr. Corcoran.
Before Alderman Butler.—A hearing be
fore Alderman Butler yesterday oiXa charge
of keeplug a disorderly house, preferred
against William McAdams, on oath IV John
Owens, resulted In holding the defendant to
bail to answer. The parties reside in the Sev
enth ward, in adjoining houses, and the pros
ecutor alleged that the neighbors were touch
annoyed, ovi lag to the disorderly characters
congregating at that house.
Information was made by Charles Magee
against Thomas Jordan, fok asimult. The de
fendant Is charged with acting In a very dis
orderly manner and drawing a loaded revol
ver upon the prosecutor. The case was post
poned till to-day, owing to the defendant's
DAY . .BAIN—At Etta Shads. on Tuesdayin
ng,_ April 24. b. by Roy. L. L. Conrad. IN.ANIC A.
DAY. of Bayard, Ohio. and EMMA H., danghter of
James /Chain. Esq.. of McClure township. Ps.
No cards.
1 •
s t rrtri ld ::.!!•11tVi
we. 47, being 6th tram the (ilia; In right dual
left tide lapTii T. A. IiceLALLAND, Atm.
Sisifonle Hall A exlion ' il caw "
IA shafts Bostins . l;
ta'l.ornure Compans
10 p, •• Allvhet mo
s Srttrtslun Jirldge:
A. kDreCLELLASID, Attetionetr.
mszniaTme s .
- --
vate en th
ea e
nd picturesque edam of Sepulture, afl
uplas, latmedlatelynor . th of Allegheny
FltlAgt Zit 711.1 1 111°, lygr
win " . 1 "1" motto
11 ' ' VI dolt er ' t=r e rle :dead ed e t e o DreA
+rehouse of the underatAned. corner of Iredcias
and Leaned; itreeta, Altexaeny
Secretary dud Treasurer.
wxcLum U.
(Late of the arm of Blwa`a a MORROW.
Norio East turner of Ttard and Market Streets,
CED PRICES. —A. large stock of fr. eh goods
bought at the lowast cash jet-Ices.
Loverine• Segued Sugars slid Syrup; choice Got.-
°roc.= Java, naticatho, Laguyra and Rio-Coffer,
at the lowest ead, prices, wholesale and retail, at
"Tpg"'''" Stucco[
c Libertyi
15 bbis. roams Cranberries:
110 boxes litesidu
alartno s °mixes:
59 •• Pdo
aro • • Lamm':
45 barrels Turnips; •
12, ' 1 tfCj
ao •. lier 4 etrINST Boekeve Potatoes
I au. load Potatoes,
too bushels Onions;
In store .0 tor sale by
hp, In Third Stre-Le
MO boxes Orange.;
MO •• Lemons;
ZOLII bushels resell Blow Potatoes:
30 barrels pore eld.r Vinegar;
borgbuto Molasses:
M boxes Goshen Cheese;
Hamburg Cheese.
Received anti for wee at No. MO Liberty street.
apt 7 POTTER, RUMS & ullaTalt
Nk w
COLORS are Clay, Smoke, Orange, and
Licew:so, Louis XV,
roldored, alumna and .
ECIAL WENTION made of low priced
ilirSlore o p e n ".."7 "I!irk. MARSHALL,
9 Wood alreel.
spis 09 and 70 Water aireet.
vi.ovut moue!!
barrels • liffile World" Flour;
ICO •• • %tar 3111:1s.• do •
700 .• "I:fortunes' o •
li 11
e •• .ront's`. St. Lou liFloor.
name broods dellsvred lo paper sacks, If dralred.
For Webs. es. KNOX. a F 4121,
ap7 7S Diamond, Alleatemr.
Q.l I RUPS--1,000 doz. Centel], Pine
u k i , l ,Arle, l. Ras . pdtz7, Stra7r a berg y r, CiZrzf r and 'Va
luate Cm belt qualAr ornibeil ing ' r, no* otre e rn
tbr male_by BEdIR i 11itt......
opal Nos. 128 and= Wood atreet.
A. II ear
d loads Prod. Blow Potatoes, to barrels;
a o o
tau Ma. Buckeyed do
do to bap,
eOO bosh. Pelt= Albert Jo
tip 74 L. a. MOT a et.l.
NEW t i D nr.U.M ch oice
Oe:Jost r .e . :Lnp. !t. tint% halm 1.,68; in small'
tr .- ~, . rremuincigirraut ritticosle
•trit Cartier of Liberty and Him* Mesta
ZO l XT l O.V 3,t :rit t nitig e tofti t r "" .
JuRN eNagW,
egl (Joiner or Liberty au4 Unn . 4 street,
••• 7 taako Comma Boas 44,n;
Jou evealirod aAwa ae9 it" be , • •
• - 010. D. , ea irucLo.
hiN) prelliertiwit Albel:IP•Uoto
.314, 451.11*11 MOW 'de
4tllll, 041111 . 04 sa4.lsr. lige.
- 7 .Tice. D. casirteLti
to bcrgar“:3V.Lre.Lltt,O*lngwlocitY4
MY igoa, lattAit - oectvict:
.; • Ati.i:tirsaiak:'
one% and PI
and Perr i r d _lMMlla^l Vt i laMd
Jsos. iscaLtrorwsod isreet.
ST - TELTtMM ----- CUEEBE--2etZriu6c.boixe
"9._•. a e gr i glgrraMblr bj p.
_ atu....4,6 tan-Lump.
SAtof rok ApiOnt lmAYLTaAt L ko D dintoby • •k B,mts
F EER -2 : 0 111 11 110Collds;
Far sale by m' ZNO7C&
•p 7 79.thamood,
[or alpt,syrup, %V. D u i rea --.0-CO
C9iIitreU .ZOISTI M a"
and 71111$ Meow
iurrEa.--0 hap bblak choice
801 l Butte/lust reeolYrd and Ib i r , e by
FTZILII 4A /Ofiti,
Corner of Lartbi an d. tats eta.; :.
pLoneum—lo .bauser g rnm
Corner /*Zoe ainiriLffireina.
Mop Floor
Corner Muter
to aramon
TiAsteimer Canaella,,A4 wa n
iN nithes to 'arace
V4015`1"• "vr,46.2sZirwtallialitt:'
athrifirAg-XeSUIV _
"• WO/4MM
attanser = • -z ldi eogexio sac
'SAW zurnorialid..
sil l a. • 4
4 . Bo 6 l ballei now. Tenn tr.ona:
,Mstanairilaasencer - -
MW. .11' - nundbln4anw
s' - ft !! instrugirximAbSn'.l-fi
br ~ ..
ap=.lawased Attorney for the Associati..e.
Court of Common Piens, in the matter of he
application of the Mechanics Building and Lom
Association of Allegheny city fora Charterer in,
No. 144, June. lard. And now to wit: April M.
Inal,'Petition Bled and the Court direct notice there
of to be_published In one newspaper printed In the
city of Pittsburgh. for at least three week.. setting
forth that an application has been made to the Court
for the purpose of granting the Building and Loan
AMmelatlon of Allegoony cltya Charter a: incorpo
ration. and that the same will be granted at the
next tennof the Court of Common Pleas unless ex
ceptions hereto will be filed in jpro_por time.
rrom the Record: JCOB R. WALTER. Pr.
All Demons inten:sted A will please take pollee of
the shore order of Court. A. WIRDSIANN,
atrMtlawawd Attorney for the Association.
• ...
Orphans' Court held at tho City of l'lttehu rah,
In and for laid county. in the manor of the emate
of Letitia C. Molmea et. al., no. UN Decesubm
Term, DES. htarctrrth, MGR, WM. 0. LIAWK Ms,
JR.. Tag., annotated Auditor toaudit the camp
Prom the Record.
WM. A. FIERIIOii, Clerk.
The Auditor above named will meet the parties
&create_ ,d for the purpose of his .appollttment. al. kis
oglee, O. l is Grant 'tenet. Ytttsbnrah, on the
Ikea./ LAY GP APP.II., A, D., 1868, at 2 o'clock.
P. L. Ik. (1. tl riVKINS, JO., Auditor.
- , -.Let [ere of Administration on the estate ofJOILN
BOLTON, late of Allegheny City, I lece.sed, haring
Mon granted, to the undom4rued. all persona know
ing thenmelres indebted to mid estate will please
make Immediate payment. and these having claims
wilt present them. properly authenticated, for set
tlement. to either of us, or to B. A. & W. b. Purrl.
time, one attorney., at No. 116 fifth street, Pito.
burgh. nA2d'L BULTON.
LancasterTp, Butler Co., Pa..
Harmony, Butler Co., Pa.,
apiP,Mwd6w ofJohn Bolton, decd.
-AA matter of the account of David Chess et al, Ex-
Mutors of Mart Marling, deceased. At No. 01
arsh Term, A. D.. 11366.. And now, to wit: April
7th A. D., tall on motiOn the Court appointed W.
G. AWKINS. Jr, Auditor to audit the . 6cconet
and Make distribudon. BY THE COUnT.
Prom the Record. W. A. ItnnnON, Clerk.
The Auditor :Muse named will meet the parties In
rterested, for th&pur t pose of isle„earls:rent, at A hp
117.1.A'1.0.1111r. Lth s . n A.l.rn t ird. A 2 o ' clo ck, S u.
apf/awlastuf W. G. IeAWKINB, Jr., Anditor.
Test:me:llan on the eetato or JACOB BAYS,
late of DIUDIn Township, Abel; hen y counts. dece.-
ed, having been granted t indebteduensgne, all
persona knowing airman s en to said estate
wIU plcme make immeolete payment, and those
haring claims wlll present them. properly
ror aettleacent, to the undersigned. at Pros
pect, Hotter county, or to S. A. aw. 6. urlane,
Attorneys at Lew, No. 116 Fifth stree t Pittsburgh.
EUWAILIS W. HAYS, E.'cn tar,
arm:Leander Prospect, Butler Co., Pa.
DERSON. DECEASED.—In the caphans• Court
of Allegheny County. Bo. Starch Term. MM.
t43, a jr, itli ' mlit t ;atit r Oe rift mhos Anderson °Ten
ceased, confirmed absolwoly, and o motion of
Hamilton a . aene‘on. Attorneys for tie Amami.-
trator, the Court appointJACttli F. SLAULE, Ese.,
Auditor to MUNN. le the balance to the bends of
the Accountant. UV TINE COURT,
Attest: W. A. iliatuats. Clerk.
wAll ll perautis itrested ors htty notated
putt I
I,7meet them l b r, of
ILITE IrthLabA.i4s3..l...potot;
1111 . 11ZL ' el ' . on l . t.trUltl/AY, MA" VAIL " PM ° ,
o'clock. P. ta. 4. Y. SLAGLE. Auditor.
. _ .
L in
Fayette Tussruhip, Allegh A.
eny rounty, . latt
hart Leen duly granted to the undersigned. All
persons Indebted to sold estate irIU mate payment.
n 4 thoac• chime
'POT tattriirtlll.:&A4.:
EittsboLab, or to
mti3o:2VlSterE. JALIE4'S !LEVEY, Executor.
Pt r 2' MR u a.
Letters Testamentary on the Estate of JOHN H.
LEFEVER, late ofluthanaTp MlPXltruy Co., de
ceased. halm been granted to •the undersigned. All
persons knowing themselves Indebted to B.ld es
tate will pleasertake Immediate payment, and those
harlAg elallns alit present them, properly authen
ticated, for settlement.
apLELandttly WM. V. EVANS. Exe
NEW -8111116108 1866.
lannfaeftired tub:sib* by the sole mere of Patent.
ettainbers, and IS rt 81 Reade Si..,
Each Hoop is composed of TWO finely tempered
to braided tightly and army tof ether
at 117. 1 .rg ' so r r ma de. They Th%).4lirno:OcaTT.
break Uke the einglesprings, but wilt ever preset to
their gracefulnees of shape whore three or four 0.1 -
dinary sklrte will hare been throwaway' as useless.
In' ma, for the promenade or the housq the
church, theater or car, they are superior to all site.
THE silAr. which has nude
of the fashionable world.
berakcATAUU3bArlYeing 117;1=7.':4`,11;
stones In this city, Inquire foe
Bradley's Duplex Elllptle elan.
ROOPRed.he the dozen at lowest Me,.
.11141 Cit Mt It GatIiILISIJE,
namanimar Wirth latir...reNcyt.
11!LMTh'm .
110 nu Y. linit-..aaMka XlMSOle...iniresta oPP.
IcitlE.; BOLE & CO..
rayrraz% , l 2 ,... Nom*. , BUILDERS
i on ? .
WILLC 412373731C0311,T1 EH-
'for sCoal'Works, all kinds of Land and Marine EN
41133Micthada to-order.
Front the veil earned eresm:rot the anager.
Mr.4AMISS s it e trope to aecore /1 liberal
*hereof patronage from Steamboat halides" and
others wanting.good machinery. Our aim will be to
;dealt wattliathe beet manner fora compensa
,Mon,and tette it la the time we my. AU kinds et
XiAlrriletßitnecia to order. Repairing Machinery
pretstmly attended lei' We smn titna as Shah WI feet
aemg,Aked Imre or tarns Palley. Mt tees diameter.
.mermhop. .on Ihnineette Way. near the Point.
goandryon Third street. near Market, Flambe rgh ,
• spio&isio
111101P L A . .WRIE 4 CO.,
idaautraturak. of BLAME . lu4 OILLE4
wm9a, ip tiLAda.
Mat% IniltYrr"l":.
=tit ald aud maxim% Plttabutaa
id' baktilerlor I.;:itay man.
to...nrbr . daf- aliVraDubtuAl'"" " "".
muldt l g a rd to. Partenlar
samen.anrcr.,. No.` 58WAEill
4-7.araVitifaWnVilleflitgin i f TOM
or oval deoiazir4loll.
Portlootat aLto4 order'.tlpitoo and Bator. torn
. 4 %.attoz i :Er t oj , ,spro r t notion. pod as
Tum. P. COLLIN& ..
Or 4r L'imli7t;cl " Tirotkeis, arfttaal l at a
garsveailirt and Lardoll , lkumara. NO an differ/4
ones OE tittaala iLtiay,l Was* ,
4"l ; 7 = U . N°"3" ! • BTZ
)30=VG. TOOL&
peraouteationma - WORK S.
U. Man C/33,1r,
• Now tnita igsreoe,Alititifs,
Atm) u zoltilf • wtms.. • • •111,R,
UMW LMMILIEiaOI/..-ILNlET_lzrzLitt.-
Particular attenttph InYlt.7 k9L Ids _ranted
jailevzst4 IttLitturiutitall
ABaer-W. lo •para-calilre ordered:by'Vg%)
tel s owaymiactud =Lew Wes. •
% I=z b at ... ..z.lai. z , erl....,,rtifinttai
t atr i ortv...,,turans Ireenies 41tkil l turigtt i
47411' 4r Buz
~; POSK: Aga
4 1, 141 4=
tekralre" 4
t barith,
. e—Ptl
Professor JOSEPII HENRY. Secretary of My
Smithsonian Itmtßule, iseknewletleed ono of the
most scientific men of tills age, says no damage can
ennui. •bnllding protected by a Rood lightning
rod, however many discharges may fall upon It. A.
good rod, by its powerful Induction, diminishes the
intestelty of the lower part of a cloud, and therefore
lease. the number of explosive discharge.; but If a
discharge tease place from the elood, due from ray
canoe whatever, it will le• attracted from agiven
distance around the rod, and transmuted inuo.U.
Gusty to the earth.
Wecall Special attention to • •3ltinson•r Copper
Tutular Lightning Rod, with spiral Flanges." This
rod Imo received the First Premium at the State
ratra of New York, l'entasylvaitta, lows,
Indiana, Ohio .d Connecticut, and at national
Fair, 'Maryland Institute. t.mericati Institute of
New York, Mechanics' Institute of Citielnnati, and
at very many County and Dist ;/ct Fairs 'ln all sec
tions of the conntry. It has been successful in every
contest and has been extensively used by the Moat
Intelligent people wherever In tien.loced.
It le a well .tablished scientific fact that copper
possesses eight times the Conducting power of Iron,
and all profemore of lemming hold that only this any
time of a conductor is used by electricity. Then,
Munson'. rod, possessing a snrfaed t Ivo-And-it hall
times greater than the iron rod, It that it la
equal to twenty Iron rods when In their beer condi
tion. Iron soon rum, and then by Imes its useltd.
neer, while copper wilt not rust, and always retains
Its power Or eon t uctien . The tubular, spiral shape
of Munson •• rod gives the greatest strength at the
smallest p sielble cost, and makes It auperior to a
solid copper rod - three inches incircuniference. The
manner of coral:meting the Mints le suCh that perfect
continuity is formed from one end to the other, and
this rod n 11l remain a good protecilon against the
disasters by lightning ds lone an the bonding en
dure. upon which It Is crested.
To show the estimate In which title rod is held by
such liclentifle persons • and othert who have —•••••••-,
amined it, we append a few of the many isotonic
mints It b. received.
From Dr. B. .D. Beekman, f ea/gigue:kr Canute(,',,
PM/ode/y/4kt —••Nothtne emu be hasartfen in Raying
that Monson's lathe beet rod before the public.
From Pref. Brum., late 4...tat0 Geologist.
••l do not hesitate to commend Reason s rod to ml
who wish a belle, prate:qtea from accidents by
From the late col. Andrews, ?reed.: of Kosuen •
Cellege.—“l do got know how a rod could he made
to combine more of the requisites ISt protection
against lightning. It will certainly go into general
(OR DOITRILE) Prrtf. Young. Way occupying Oat Chan. cif
Natural Seleacqe.N. ll'. Christian Untrersity.—..l
regard It tot superior to other mull and recommend
it to the penile. • •
From Rulesof Sardinian Pine /utterance When
the building Is protected by 3lnutott's Copper Limn.
nine Rod. Itivo per cent. will be deducted from 'the
premium note. NO reduction for Rost rOds...'
Floe, Wm. sfisnrirrson, Noy,: President /ndfcrast
',QUO /nettrunce la a rule ut this cun/VIMY
to elm. ao fees premium on bttlidlnge protected by
the Fl uttson Rod. I would not consider the Liars of
den my ce.
family eat, trithoot ope - ef the refit on my rest
/Vont the Nero Tork Tranne.—"Very morel.
dently cheap, and no ribald Judge a eery elnelent
" StWA r taTl;t4mf
fe( Tertn,s Affsreonidn.—"R. fa
umseructed upon the most ays d road scientific prtil. ;
n?S'edeAg; boost should -
' `Being non peed since the partial -gest:action of
the high itch.' building by I tent ning, Om& tbe iron
rod attached thereon are inauttleient. our Board
h. directed that 3lhnson 'a Copper Rod be *OA up
Wholesale dealers supplied with Iron or Copper
Rodent lame•e nice. um- Copper Rods arc Very
popular among the people, and easily rill runt
them toneentertlly earrlost and easily' pot op. Our
Iron Rods are of the most approved kind.
Orders Mr the erection or rods on buildings In this
vi c inity may be sent throwersthe mall, orieft at MU
Duquesne Way. 'AI dour belua• !lewd Street Brides,
ap I 4:bisleochtllw .6" • PLTITDIDROD. PA.
FOR siax . •
PARR FOR SALFt—linovi sts the
-• St, Clair loam. coninlting IPg unser alum
rTlll7glT:=l. l4 %! " V ju9bW' ' egWaY ;
cousin% or,a-LARUS'LOG • D B E ,
.o Rank Born Spring •Ilonne, Mitre %* a
?nlirptteleti.n gut:tont on , the farm: • els% San •
J.s Inquire co.
Or 91 ,
323 Liberty street, iStranurits, •
WM. 81111LI t im, in't no sidnlgi. a P 7441..
Falai - Ant iti , V-z-Cimiallotiatg
v .... otiodte in bi, , Cititir township, .'w ane.
+nor slulletorni y, tyro Lb :rifts tram :rim yioretice. sipret en:nests corisisit or ',FRANZ .I.>„)
..ou Norsk. or avrtorior.-orroorreoor ; by deep,
O outy?lnlyilyo room siad - ..5. iroyielletisr.. Also, s
t v woo-Run snit a 7 , 101 e Mtn , rd Cootottlas
"". I t 'ti l l : l 3i.liatiram 4 CD.,
No. 423 Liberty street, f i lttsliosab;
Or Of A- sro.proje.wo, oo roo premise.
I )
DOCTOR V. !..,k4llOThiE4
ASSISTANT xitiltDEON , Or tancrliPG
at the JODI K. it. PA. DAVALItT., ! , 7
' ' ker.:opened an. aloe as" isra. gs4zevi-rirtizisitar2,44-
ir or the practice 4180AG88T AND ISED/0/4D, •
The eilltlith hi torn arded which wilt r,sen'tbe svt
scribers soonest az the mall run.
SINGLE COFfi.:3, rlilt 17..A1l
110UtilIT Fltosl Trq.
Great SheritT.'s Sales,
NOW SELLLNU n 7 wiii.rt
Lasting„-Reel Gaiters for $l,
Sethug bn Mr City for $ 2 , 7 2, everywhere.
Go al once to the People: - Fso , ±t Lace
u'N0. ,. 6.0 Fifth St-
Also. a rompli.., assortme., of
Cloakings, Black Silks,
01°1 - Lk
13 xi t t .j la,
The tacit ea isortment to the Olcy
Basques. Cossacks and Sacques,
A complete eseurtment of CASS/4E2IE, the hest
Imeortment In fhr eft y to Ire ht,lSt the
No. 49 Filth :street,
Opposite the Old Theatre
Manufacturer,. Loth t'epper 41.1 Iron
i tit g ad ,
Below Band Si, Bridge, Pittsburgh
PIVA 4 1 iorAl
. 195
. 15