• - . ..• . - • *, • • - - • •• , ,„ „, -•-„, •• • • • • • • • ghtilitto VEDNEOLY, Ant, 25, 1846 MK I NgteMitt4r,' 111111111QU bribe Pres of Fittiburgli STANDING MATTER. - 1) " 15=1131=1"1/2 "1 rar1241,41 5 • 114.11111 we e k • • • T 511 2-.• •;, • • •''' ._ I Thar: I week I Week . 1' 1, 555 Una Ilene . . ...... .......: • .76 .r..to limes ....i. ' .-1 26 rbreetlirms— • 425 . Fear 01151116.. i: .......... ...•..: 120 .••,. . Flys Moose -e.‘11•: • .. - •• - .4. , '•--, 2an ' ' ell time* one ........... $ 111 200 • 150 1 oa pell %/VIVI . 140 ht llama 1 75 Sae times • - 110 Ten time., ... :: ... -:,... __46o I'...elvel2mes.l7nerli '7 0 3 0 — lll 250 176 Three weeks 0 600 360 260 , 12¢41 swath 100 000 450 aOa rate month..., 1600 10 GO 760 600 Three mouths 1100 1200 900 600 /Rsmouths 07 00 300 16 $0 11 CO One year36..640) 00 170) ..1600 • CE1.4.14 . G'25.117.E 057016 A WEISE. One month..... ........ 11 CO 700 660 1 II 00 T 444 mouths 17 CO 11 60 1 WI. 676 Three mouth. 24 0 0 1500 42001 600 111 months—. ...... .. :42 , 01 1100 1.1 00 14 00 Om) rear 72 00 QM teal 24 GO GENERAL NEWS. • . • Cart:FErtl..ktinitt Ptitawar, with Com pany E, Ffteenth Wisconsin Volunteers, forty-eight strong, arrived at Madison very unexpectedly on Thursday evening, direct from. Fort SuEy,,Dakotafgerritory, —They,. left Fort Sully klatch 20th,'ind'atter a tire some march of SOO miles, with extreme cold weather and a snow from six inches to two feet deep,, therreached-Sloux City April Sth. stencr.muster4)ut at that point :they; againliesuined their Journey, and march of :200 miles. reached Boormbfircy loW4; Where they tbok the cars for Chicago, and theiree-Atimitewerd tee muster-out,-under orders reOlved , M. SUM, City': entire trip - was made - Without accident' of any character. ' . A asb }lx. stninge anatomi cal phetionietiOn hi recorded in a continen tal paper. , 'A_ young non-commissioned of ficer of the French army recently died In a hospitaVhis - diseate -being; typhus fever; For some eatistkbr - oilier her the eurgeona made , a post mortent examination of the body; whicliAlsideSed the fact that the wholein terruil aitingenient, of the man was re versed-OAS-heart being on the right side liver. , ver. ou' the &c.The young man had. alwayseijoyeil excellent health up to the time of taking the fever - of 'which be died: Tew.-Eochester,UttfottSeM' .”There Are. millions of . busliele .of rotten ;wheat now lyineinViesateichoukes otChicago,7, - te..he shipped.:Whin navigation opens. - grain,, iii allsiages,:of -decomposition, Will be put into vessels; Sent to Bulfalo;put Into elevators; thence taken in canal 'boats to nt] pointawheretheso craft go, chiefly to New York„.-ahtktheiice it will be sent, to New Englaitti.!'-Thiswheat is whollymalittti be eaten ; shit Will bite cholera wherever it is allowed to go." - „.. EimatitM7' or - )Vmarr.—The ignited ---- Suttee.. ector, at oseph,- on Mon. day %,sefied about _twenty-fire barrels of whisky,: for..toe-payment of Internal Revenue tax- .-.The -whisky . was from the disailamtif.Tt .11. 7 1 Duty ,, in , Elnckantui county, and wee' leaded, Up ready'to' start snow dbl. plains. • The, distillery :!from; whence this Whisky Came'. has been Under, suspiCion for some time orraceount , of ure to- report the 'a watint:Watinfaettired. There will probably lie some "confiscation. —St. Louis Dis. THE lia,:Patil Pass describes ns eternally grand the...breaking of the - immense ice gorge about the Fails of St. Anthony, last' • week. Twelve boon;.. piers between-the .: suspenidon.lirldek and the - fallie,Were de stroyed, causing* loss of about 0.000. A lumber sin' ice bn the ifinnesot&side of . the. river was also carried away;:: involving, a loss of $4,000x, A. portion of .Ithi tipper bridge was also 'broltetif dont:. About $700,000.- worth of logs were fleeted off. The suspension bridge was Uninjured. Tus growth of the. British metropolis 'Constitutes one of the great marvels of the nineteenth century. At the- time of out first war of• independence London contain ed% pepolatton bf only 900,000. At the present time it comprises three millions awl a halrliiinetropolitan districts alone, beside 'half a million. in the new suburban regiona, making aYotal. of four millions; Tax At/Jett fee the formation, of a new . State out Of. -East.,Tennessee seems- to-be - gaining 'dimension& T. The: dress edr •a - convention upon .the subject; called to 'Meer at= Knoxville on 'the' 3d of May, is-Influentially !Igned by persons, in. almost every county in Out proposed new - Sta t e. Tbosllsitrille rrAk.n . approves the project and dont not se e m tomeer-with any spec* oppridtion from the press.. NEI!, galleon ,on _Lure Scranton.— Congrese, has passed 'alit act , granting 100,- 000 acreli:W the -- trublie .domainf to aid in digging tahitichannel from take . StiPeritir to •Liaelti•Belle'.' The object is to make a new harbor on take Superior, which will be, it is eald,Ahe hest. harbor aboye•rof , tage Lake:" "The'totel length of channel to. be cut is only feet; - - Paovtruqtorisjgitating,the(tittestiOu how tw:itipply,iWaleWitttimie water: -The' PawttitAl BlicUteite:Tedialle or,'Wook,' asquaticiref:vivais are --proposed.JOf-iise , source frinit'whick draw— Ths'esaltna-. ted cost varies according-to the rivers, he , inghigheit,,tvienty-five hundred on sand, suidat.lowestsighteerr hundredtifin. , sand dollar& • . ". A sentat - tneln_todh ' - nlsee filtinoddw, few 4;isine.since.whkeh exeltint a great deal of talk : isitting" the fair darnel; ..of. that:, city. to seemsthat a wellAttolettNitgiata lady joilteMlierself :1101y, ateatopk,to oencer tha' . , totted 'States may; and has thereby brought down'Upon' her the 'Wrath' of the reconstructed chivalrY. Starter; murderers, live of them under sentence pe/tie l thi.are at: Pre'clit;i'n# ll o-' inahe Tontbs prison, New Vert. THERE are fourteen lawyers, five clergy men and three physicians among the legis lators, elect of Connecticut. NutErtrtst deaths have rewired from the explosien of nitro;tlyeeritie iteAtit , clam. 11 v"auf 44. WOOD PUMPS; rEtC)7( Sheet Lea 4, Sheet, Zxic tiiEAV4f*E„ i ' , . ' : ! : ; . q .- ..,:i. ,,- :, - :...i ,r, OATH TUBS WATER CLOUTS WASH' EASlNtl;""Atirkiiibil fly 'ai'4i.:'44.o7:-***.Pl4.s • _ Brass Writ. ingletpslD.39lMi sad Ztampo, .aaa 4;:ichoustiotibukrporaad Irtztorerala avalptelisistarnataurozOcia4 •• • • Addy; . Willluum•LSartlafa •_ - cosusica arrrauLiny D sic • —t rITT8111131161111; 7 1tilt' 1 ' - ''. - k BwiromErr . liottatemat ., . . IkIT • - • • • LvMlllof i ag i W3 g,'1fti.gt= . 3 .4,441 1 . an e ual g . - an' fiXTURES,'SINKI BATH TUBS. • 14 11411 No s; NZNlSAMOngittiookft,,: • .. ,, , „ _; , , , LFA - d.zn . i - Oi', - .;:g=.,•, - -4 , :._ , tr. , 3F''L‘ . . , •Ws"-g-',' , .L'-'- . . :,';'.'::.:';:.' , ' ,. z , 4 , .:! , :1, , may , ' , :1-•:',:;!•,'i.''1,.. 1 . , -'''' - '''' - '''''' ''' ' 7. ' l : 2 6PlLLS—Areyou: tow. ape anaplatightig? Are you Out - • en • • with ma gyetentderangsr and year facile .Itehrei These Nymph:oils are otten *pp • e. tO serious Cinema.. Home St of. sickness tangent/et yon, and should be averted try a Lim • rinse Wine Tient, remedy. Take Ayers Pills, an. cleanse out the disordered Minton—purity th • tdeod i , and let the fluids move on anabouodted Pral tt ' tr:e 4 soinentWittrelf7heriten ItteMiekainnits: llinactions. '1 'hese. it not relieved, •react aim • themreivea and the surrounding Green , . Predating general aggravation suffering and erangement. While in this condit ion, tate Ayers d rills, endue how directly they restore the natural senon.otthe swim. and wi th It the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and se apparent In this trivial deepcommon compleitl; Si., true In many or tested and , Unge s distempers. The same hornet - Ire effect expels them. Canoed by 'aim Obefrectione and deran i tnens of the natural fon, lions -otAtte c boiltge .Itre ritiffniff 'Ad "% a c , tbentenre r_ure _neme conana... Noun o know sue auntie o se puts EPA:melees to employ, thenr when ritiffedng [rota t he dlawderasthet came. such as Headache oulgtamach„ , Dinenteryi , Bil, lens Oomplande c tudipertion, Derangement of the costlventos, Constipation. Heartburn. Itheronatista, Dropsy, Worms and guppresalon. when taken Larne dosea. 'I hey ere Sugar Coated, so that the Most senaltive eau take them easily. and they are rarely the Pest Pergative medicine vet discovered. AVER'S AGUE CURIE, tot the speedy cur. or intsratiftest Prow, or Show 4.44e5s Itrwittrat Prete Mitt Fevre, Wroodo e, Hertoetteat //04adur or „Hiltons Madge a ti tans or OW. eldpred rl4a=drai.harialtlido 21AW' TWA remedy hos rarely toiled to cure the severest eases of Chills and Fever. and It has Wm great ad- Yardage over other Are modielneo, thot It subdues the complaint or lulury tos, the patient. It contains no quinine or other deleterious sob/stance, 'tgotg:r! " :loll7iNg=i r otite "juri rrntl ff 4g West, try It and you will eadoppktlieer seaerilons. Prepared py J. C. A YETI. CO, well. Rua, and sold by B. teakINIMITOCKIIBON CO., and by all Druggists. mhlll.lntardwP IarItETROIETVET'S TURKISH JdNDOLENIAN %MLR TONIC. - THE DRE.*ING AND RESSTOUEIt OF THE AOC I TURKISH BANDOLENIAN. fikrtiOinfigiCa'lnnitisti IlaNDoxtilitiadt.• be more acceptable than anything that will beautify ? Vel w th i lli " nAi r riVatitt a d Its T ullutrlVlOL At to grow a idarla sod beauty, assist In putting mmaki in ng Hap accong to the i=tr a e=fa i rla t fr u t do ar t i r d . keep It larder*? This .sion Nair Tunic will do, and for proof we refer you 1.44 any person who has tried H. It 1. acknowledged be the beautifier of the age, the only Hair Toole ,erel Reatorer worthy of the name. In Turkey, to France. la Engler In arnerine..FeetnYwhenewhe. - the "Bsudolenlimr kikiwirrts telneolotinted the .at. plea ntira of Mar 'Ppralions. ReMember, it Lerma from all metallic us that are contained ,tr ill i i sost Rah Color. and remings. It Ia the extract o any flower• and herbs, beartiltilly put op. en meat to the toilet. For tale by all Druggists and Perfumers, wholesale, B. E. SELLERS E. CO, • B. L. PAHNICSTOOK s CO.. Petnetpi teV .. t=tnic i arlu, - 14.141.11.a6a6 'deloahneojiwei , t4 y- LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS PARK, IticCUBSIT & CO. 'Slasulaerdrera of SHEATIILNO BRAZIERS' AND nom COPPER, PRESSED dorms BOTTOMS, 'RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SP EC TER I.OLDER. AlsNicrters and dealers In SIETIJA TEN TLA SHEET IRON. WIRE. An. CerolarillYna Sind, T HERS , ZIACUINEN and TOOLS. Ware- W ee, Ng. 144 Figisr ang r Eam, pattern. _ mrEnlyddrrT Vr - PITTSH I SHG II SAW WORM', r , *taxt t.4-rmt.ni rATENTicabitenolo - 1425„ - i` le.r.uwa Cestergra. sioxt, rte'rel7 dosed. lion. ARIL Maley, Onoaa-Cat, Gang, and all other varletles. . -All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made frank .sbeet Cast-Steel ; Extra Benned REAPER AND IRWIN° KNIVES, au. —as- Warehouse and Works, earner WATZIL and Strong Sirsix.gra, Pittsburg. Partienlarattennon paid to re.tdoilittnr, vramtas land Straightening Circular Sawa: also, repairs of an kinds. Pandas and Drilling done at reasonable rates. ap15:17 WM. ssaigan.i & CO.. Mailer Makers klkeek Wok Werke* g0i1.441;712, sa L iisidCes RAVIIK secured abuse yard, and ftuldshe4 Ito% . ttus most approved machinery. sr.cw mantilletare every deseriptaon otBOIIWthe zrquwaivATAlßE2Cll:3lßE the STE PEPES. LOC OTLVF..I2OmEBS, CON DENS MALT P TANKS- OIL STILL'S, AOITATO SETTLES PANS, BOILER IRON. - BRIM! sMIS OAR PAN_ and sole tunnel:unarm ,BARNRILLV3 PATENT BOILERS. Repairing :done on the shortest notice. deL9.l: aritolloBoll, REA a. CO" (Sue. li .110 KENDE, WADI AAT.t.IrJH , i WIV I KV "bander.ander•M PAPA its, ltillicuvh. Mannlactorers of BOAT AND STAMM PIT STEAM ENGIN ES _BLAST ENOLNES, MILL -31A ,CHINERY, OEARLNO, _SHAPTIND,_ _ _CASTINGS of descriptiqAtt TANKS and ST ILLS, BOILER 'AND 17 a.ET Agellft(oo TARDni PATENT INJECTOR, or feedlot 80p... tar - JOHN COCHRAN b. BRO., Alannfeeturers of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOOILS,_LSON NAILING, WINDOW SHUTTERS. WIN D OW. GUARDS, ac., No.. 93 SECOND And - at TIIIUIS STRESS: between Wood flnd Monet., have on bend aValletrof now pattern.; en 1 . 11 . 8 . 1t10, =tattle fee all vortexes. emtlon paid to eneloslue Greve Lote. Jobbing done et enort notteo. and tar TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, , or BOTH EMS. —A. reverend gentians. walls been restored to health !nitre, dim ate nadergoing the utostrontine sod irregulsr expensive 'diode of treettoprOttettloothottedess;coOtthees It his _ L ucked diti b tocoannentente - to . ll/ow. , 1 , - of on tu rld d env e means :fops, Hon e ; te ' l I ' . .1' co the in of the prescription used. : Direct to Lir. JOHN hL HAHN f. 1.1., Isa that= street. F. Y. mtillardimT SENT FREE"KAI- pblet . or immense Imboetszerto the old and Varerryfl:LaguidAgraf:otb sexes, will be - Agents, A. 88211.111.16 k CO., LITI, Post Offft.. lstrXelydt• Or THE BRIDAL CHAMBER; AN MAY OP FAEN - ale AND ZN BTEUOTION.POS YOIDIG•arEN.: Also. se7 aad Tellable tre.rmearOrtha tiriharraed Sexual Addrese Dr. J. SKILLMN HOIDDITON, hapadation. Philadelphia. Pa. aiday " SEWING MACHINES 0 1 " )11 . I PA ALEIM Tan tear ;o in bre. ...wed_ ruisr.p9wunts at Alt Tars or r year remit *a *bit Premium for beat Ifoebtae work at Parma te air. • . th tlelpreetom for best Meas. Haws. work at Haw Tor : Tirotgestom for best Family it whine at OD Aisne fair. 'CP*. I ,l llt= l"iii t g oett ildur itiaafeattirtail reaeblet . Wats Tale. •;_,Vireit Premium for bast lionnfaetarlng ataohlo. Wlscosslo Mate 11UL— ...IPtratPremlom for D ort ltaatifsetarteg Yacht's. ~Ttrat e‘ Pln.n 'e 3illitrf r or Cieit ' Wachlos for moo& par ,ouwea. Lawreaea County kV; Pa. • I Tint Premium pekes& Fossil, miseblo. asee : "Igarita l ilato ' fbr best Han ofactartag Machina Boas eVionaty Fah., Va. not rreauaza for best lloaoLselarlog lad ikamb MaelOna aprteraeld Irat Okla. tint knout= Ite best ifaanfootarloa and /awn Jim-bine at Pslmm late . • Tint IreadWatWebarril i treeteVes Watlistotata lk for t .Cc'n ol l aanalalb i Moe/atoll, klacklas at Itehtrfter Costatrirratr, r. first Preintuat for best aehlao for all purpose., at Allegheny Mout? lair, Pint premien for best alsotalactarlog Mulatto, LUesbeny County Tatra.. fled Preset= rot tiaatliferkSbe w rk at Allastom er Cotitttrikir. '• • = : • ino wbarerr exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY, 69flx.E 1 paL. A011217r ',Lt. moos or = ;:~a= MWM ME =M SEWING. MACHINES __9E 27 1." 4 LOCK44TITCII SEWING MACIIIIVES, For niftni..) 1 ,IP4I 1NP11,~101017. .eb l ite n ge t taligrltris s itie li vr.itraava for every vietlilty of wing. tAtt, AIM =Akar AT " THE WHEELER & Ivitsom 'AtAritoolts No. 27 fifth Street, WI?L SIIMNEIII Alk. CO. HAW i. CLMIUMS AWING .- WOK 40 ace‘oblacusei SOLD ULM .4.0* 4 6er of iind Minion an iietl f ro , to ,t 4 ll t rim .1 4 4. • k Mgrial% i, Wil dn inn dill . . .. du., ...v. . 9. ..42 ..: 'fit 11 , .. t". ' tiirCLiiiirri ..L.t at.lirr i ie . .. '. a . A,Litruss4. .inyi .... . I. ois;p k gni r' sg=tt if* 7,0 1 , 11 ! . ;:,t , . , ,P . :,.,:5. 1. . i t t ii P le a lariii;64 . :i Bital!MTT 'SE* , 4 1. th4sredspalMeso ow 9, k Vll idt.tarorsr tflfter s lant r attrig.4. , "..„2 611, 7 74!. W ll*4 7 ° !*:"6 lh !c9x__ or tear Motklll 11103 0 Mr iv i i laet. :_pelliaMto palsy tor when sold. ror Er trAoruvliejiztrams. trinttiiP l u s . FL, Toledo, s - ;.. wasa. doVaa or .".11 ~l..+i++v tu~4 i..4~a'. .: fa:~tWSr , - FOR BALE FOR 'Mora ; .. ..... 13rrrs RORER THEATRE. VOA SALEw, 7••' 7" "."."',' 7i:' .7,7';.7 77. ~ • "":1 VOERTEILIST of APPLICATIONS - rzur .,..... x . 441 , 4....wm.inprimiam. i_ ..., .: r• •, 4 ..Cf.....1 :, 1.,_.,..._ , ,f..1 ...- frDeillfitglihitiOrt.. filed In the Clerk'. Deice up 7f.' . .,..TZ - ;. — '.... 80 . , ,,,.....„.„ el at ld . ~....,, A. ...,., ‘, . ..., I township, Alleg OW eddy Ea5..5.4.M.1 rofrour the . hank. ILIND. P.c. • MAD, t age- , city, on the , prownst 11l e road., The jimprovetneuts • loco. Davin, Tavern, Id Ward, l•lttsbur •11 1 are a large twodfOry•Frame liOnse, with 10 rootrig, I John Dietrich, do do ,In ''' • list t, ALIDALThajEg. I a0.bi,,.....1 or. ,tldil hill running through the house: Jahn Tuber. .h, d o do water /o/ r ot tho door; I Bauls Mar MO he M feet 1 P ttlel•MeeaflerlT do Who Wlll appear its ENOCH ARDEN. a. drematlr- ~1 „ td , 00 ,,,,{{d{ d ., ...ed.... o l., ‘ „p eo . , 0 11; I' out. Weigh. 'do do do do do nit for tam by Julie De Margneretes. ,a_. • - •... - - . •/ • - containing one lialf ere, leaded sv th all lands Or and Nicholson. do do do THlS7(Wediailldayl II:VENINH; will be preside& faltverf fruit and vines; trait of every kiwi; about 700 c .. ratielb Masher, do du to the beintlfni pley.'entltlerl' ' '- ' or 900 tree. of best 117 . 1a1t '.of grafted fruit. The soil Henry Morels, do do do -•-mio 4 :3"oxr. A L ira z,inr i a. ; a f th e whole farm is e • Ylieve6zbest of feocingr Thomas Thornton, du do do beautiful Lawn lit tont. Planted with alarubberya Sampson Kerr, d o do d o On., UNDER THE PALM.d o I and tree*. Fora cannily roshltmee. Ids not sur- Cath. 11....... t, gdftd. House. do Enoch Arden Edwin Adams. 1 mrs , r o l, ,,, r , siad for wprollta,We. investmeto. thirsts?", , ;INA jerarren. do do do so conclude with du do I Also, the beat - Farm le Kll.Abeth townshilh Min- 'Frederick Evert, other goods. do do 3ECCATTGI 1:1 1 0 - AIL 201.15 C.. d e ic i n g about DO nem.. lying on the Mutfongathcbt Az truckenlrelyner a Bros., do do do THURSDAY; CLIANIIE Or GIL L. river,lmmcdtamly bell. Luck No. a, on which le Joseph Spencer. Tavern , ila do do erected &large two-storr Brick Dwelling Brame. One John Mulherron. do .lo du logilind one Frame Bank Barn, conscrtb, Wagon Charts, Hartman, dr, do do abed. brick spring house, granary, work shet. dc. 'Henry Render, do do do About VD senor of the shrive IS hrst imality deer het--Owen Corcoran , do do do tom. the balance being- Iltriolkine land, and Under- Wank Lute, Eating House , do do laid aOh twat, and , ADmit `2o'arve. of limeetone. T. D. Davis, do do do 'There al e I ....orchards of apple tree In goodness. Francis McLaughlin. 'f &sera, da do do lug condition; peach. {mar, plum trees and grape JOlnto. Neil, Tavel o, 41.• do vine, P.. The land is well adapted for gardening 'Petrick Gallagher. do do do purpose., being a short Aldan.. (Mtn the thriving Bola. Love k..llng pewee, do do borough of Elizabeth, creating It market at home for Denzil. Holden, other good., do do di the pr./dome. Toll property will be told cheap A. H. itleranyer, du do do and on good terms. . - - J. & J. Kelly, d o do an Also, . Farm to 117 arms, encode in'Fallowileld Peck AlcCune, Tavern, Otit do do township, Washington county, Ps., about 2 mllea ito. Maurer, do do do from the town of Boutleysvllle. ,The Improvninents .10.. ItelnLuirdt, to du do are, first, a two story frame herald with eve rooms: - linger Sweeney, do a„ do second, a two-and-a-half story hewed log house: J. N. Anderson a Km. 'raven, do do third. a, No. I trove bent. GO by 0 feet: a good spring' J. Rlehilne , Eating 11 . 0 ,,„„ . d, do house, three large orchards of different troll, apple, ', L. Purcell, bluer goods, do do peach, pear • dorm 1id0..., chesty. ae. r 50 to , Dictate' Welnis. do do d„ cleared: the he In good Mintier. fire land , ... Helibroner , do do do level and of the very heat quality, and will nomad ht. M•Collough a t.,,, d„ do 110 at • reduced prier, Linen A Decidedo do du Alm, s ramm of about VEracret z .ln Fairfield lowa- • Michael Rafter, Tavern, DM do do zdap, Westmoreland 1 . ... Pm The Improvements IJ. 11. Merkel., do do do are • hewed log house. w i th kitchen attached, a log 1 Loul.l3nchter. at , to do barn and a tenant honser I goudepple.ombanL W. J. Mor-an, do do do peaches and cherilea. about Warred eleared, the re- , N Mbar. Wirier, Eating House. do do malnder In the ter)' best. ,w Item oak timber.. The , it U. Settee. do do do laird I. good. The !oration Is very healthy. This I Henry Freyberg, ,h, du do poperty I will sell eery cheap. rOS•c•.100 IEOO, I. Charles Wenger, do do do di r ately. . • - '-Chin. liangsrinh , . do do do Also, at gold prices. a Farm of about 1.3 acres In 'Peter Helehalletnier, other gouds,,k, do rallowflo•ti towitsblp . W.ltington Co.: Y o., oboe/ Schmidt A Pride, , do Ido do one mile weal of Lock N 0.., on the Moraringabela F. X. Kende, do do do 1 . 11 , 1•1. The Improvements are a two-story log and Peter Kaltenborn, Tavern, eta do do frame hon., a frame barn. wagon. shed and Other Harwood ISehlEhoger, do do do ou I amildlngs . fencing generally good; a Irani or- i Edward Duncan, Eating House. do do errant of a110t... and other fruit trees; Ito acre. of 1 Wm. Wulf other mods, do do coal of file Nat, quality, and a mired the best iltrw.,, Wm. McKee. Oo du do one: coovenient to churches, schools, nails. &C. , Ann ,licCillly. do 7th do do This propert) I 0.10 auttiorlaed to sell very cheap. ! Henry Kohlteer , Tavern, stn do do Also, a farm of Shoot ED does. latuateel In 'Wed , James Sewell. do do do Wheatfield Township, balled county, Penns. The . Geo. Mlle, .1.. do du Improvements are a good, ernalbrtable, two-story John poorer, to ado do Yoe Bonne, with 6 nx,mi4„it large frame barn. ear- I Este Richey, do do .do Mee house, good corn crlnt Wash iron.. Dace oven Chas. Iluilstetter, Eating lido. .l do and a two...tory sten...print berrise7 about MO acres . Christina Nettroth, tie do do cleared and lb tlnoatry and clover; a rood orchard °CI Jos. It. Dickey, Tavern, Mtn do do apple nir °°k, Pe Ve ° l l ll::re ,!;d r t.ti r ' rn ` h e it `Coro MIR% do do do ra ° ne o l lifinesione. Xl ' text's - pitort %tetiMe ' crm -, i.hienobity.e'r. Ratin g Gone, do do do do coal. Thlo pmperty will be gold %pry cheap. „ . 1 John Meyer. du do do Also, • Vann dabolittilaereslimottangutealkde. / groderiek s e homd{, do do du The Improvements are a large two story Log lions? I Christian Moue, do do do and a large Warne barni.liti set. Cleaned Mid held. John Kessler , do do do a good state of cultivation: a entail apple orchard: • / Geo. Illumeachehl do do do Lowe two.story milk-house. These two farms united i Christi. tiotthulti. do do do would make a fi rst-rate Stock Fargh or will On.sold Emanuel .31,41, do du do sepanately. Xavier WalE do do do ...so. the best thrin to Fairnekt torn:Ml.lp: -Weld- , J.. Ludwig. lio do do 'nominee coml. L., contalnikr, rAe ecwoa; about . Geom. 5g d ,,,,, 00 .,... do II ode* month 0 the Pe. Itallram. The Improve- Jacob Kotler. do to do ments are two large hewed log houses: one of the &lichee] Either. Tavern. l o rn th tt e ' r arel '° . 94 A n i . leg o beny. largest and best frame barn In the township: two Adolph Berner. Eating More, do ample orchard. The whole farm Is under align sbahl. a p azd h d , do do do Mate of cultivation. The fencing Is all No. 1. The g o o d gi d zo„. ' do do do land la of thOrery beat limestone: about iMt acres H o gr c o n d o., 0 u,,.. 0 ,,,i. d„ .10 cleared, the balance In ewe- timber. Posseaslbil On Ad d . ii,,i, T • . 24 d „ >A ern. ~, the lint day of April, IDOL en property will be Peter F ord. Jo do do sold st *great bargain. The owner Wlebe• Le engage c roorge %o d a,, do do • du in other budgies.. limiry Illsi. Eating House, do dt. Also, a Yarn or ltd gores, *Mute In McCandied Ane Isherwood. urn. r Soda., Jo do townsidp, Allegheny County. P.. shoed Smiles Mon H enr y ii.,.. m .„ . • rd , 0 ..„ . . 4 d„ 40 the elty. The Improvements ere: a Log Clouse, a 'Anthony i kr „,,,,,,.. do du do good barn, a young archer.' 'of apple, pearl and ,im o , g ~.u , ,,,,,i. do do do pear. twill sell tia. velnehl. Properly reit chap Henry Wmdcoet. Ealing Ho. J o do end on easy terms. Charier. Stela., ' • .lo ... du du For further peetteulars, Inquire of Jacob G. H. TONS ilt. Mal Estate Agents Ers e .I ° bhd er te d l. ' - do o. do do do Na Mt Fourth street. •cr, r h t i„ h I , „,..,. do do Abraham Tenter, do do do • Apollua Moll, T 5..., Oh do .1. J. Cowling. do do Jon E. Buettner, .1u do In John Frabenbuld, do du do James Jon., do do do John Mc esse lntyre, ot, do .1, C. Gnschinidt, Eating llouse,do do Stephen Butner, it,, do Gottlieb You)" r• du du do Lewis Cesar. do do du Anna Frocllnk .1. .10 4. Jacob Laug, do do do William Sodden. other good., do do Henry Hew° helde, do do II fleholas honster, Tavern, Hutu. o Birmingham John N. Schafer , du do do Frederick Albreel, Fantle floes, du do Patrlel Kiernen, a. du do Pater Schlegel, caber griuds, do do Oro. tastier. Tavern. do lam du John Grier, do do do do Joseph Sealer!, do do do 0.1 (MOHO , Fisher. do Duquesne borough. Charles Craniel, do do do Sebastian Held, Eating Hon., do do John r mitt., Tavern, Lawrenc/r are Itor., John baser, ao do do allrhael Berger, du do .lo Janie. Ural. .I.r do do George Halo, Peons 11........., do do Jaeoh Diet e, other goods. do do Daze Frank, do do do Metttlas Meter. fro rob. Me heespoo Jo J. i'. Wolfe, a.. du do Jamb ate Veld, do Sharpen...a ' do W Miran Valet. other ,ends, S. Pitts.egli do John the., 'I ...et .., West d„ .1.. Thome. i .. root., do do do Jo George Hol Del, do lentnerinre vlllO €l,. Dual. McAfee, do do do Jaw. Handley, Eating House. do .lo Chas. I'. Stein. do d„ A. Lightner, 001., ZOO , ll. Ilaidtritt Township. John Shreada s Kane. Hoot, t-rescant do Madan Gardner. Tyra,. t•hartlem do Jame. McAllister do Co h an do Henry Strolludf, do du Hobert Stanford J E Deer do Sohn Casson, o Elizabeth to John Hudspeth. do du do Joseph Wright. do South ravel, do rhootsi lin/Inge, do ludians do ....orig.. llothuan. do (Dili* du Pete. epelloautt. do d.. A tabete v Schott+. do d. do Thor.. I., nen, do d.. do Winton, l ' bad w 1.. i , do Jo du Jacob h. n. do do Juno McLrr se, do Jo d., lieorge W. Warren, do Harahan do Thomas Paisley. doiihlo .L. Devitt John.. do PIO do Jos. Leiria., do do John H. Mueller du do do John ateCartlit , • do do do in.. 11..Elhan. Doane House, do do Edward Davie, do do d• 11. atom / do do do Christian Jag., do ke.crve do Michael pageant...ter, Tavern, 110 do Dames Luta. . 'Tavern, do 4.. Peter Itesehner. Eatlag lionae, do do Ow. Werra y. Tavern . Rubins.. do James Ors•an, do do do James Dictirogau, do do do Christ. Freettek, do Ross 1.10 Jacob BOR. J 0 all do Elizabeth Hanna. do Shales - do Philip Tun& do do do Mary Itelminvorer, du L. St. Clair do John Scout. L , zto to do Jabob 4 H. do d,. Thoth Met hockey, do do t. Frederlak lissom.. .10 .11. do John Allen, do .1., - do Andrew , Hoover. do do ch... itergehlky. Eating Morse, do t ' John Aare, do Jo do Mariana eanabury, Teveru Colon .10 Matthew Hernia..... .1.. do do Thomas Lawrence, do Versatile. do Fronded Tscheiver, do do do Andrew Baker. do WIlklu• do John Dunn. do do do rionrad Spied', do du do Dabriel Yry. Entine House, do Jo The Cud& will slt ou WSW:Latta V. Meta day of May. lir., at 10 o'cluek, 1. a.. fur hearing Slur above applicatlons. Applicants will file their hoods lu my oiler ow or before the day of bearing. Remonstrance/ must be 1110.1 on or before the day of hearing. Certificates or Ilrense. granted mull be taken out after the and a [thin fifteen days after having been granted. or they. will be rovaltotd *wording to la. etriaMt W. A. lIERRON. Cler k. fWEILA HOUSE. .42rD,M•Ausszarss mous Ealcaut - ;',slnukd Complitneritary Testimonial to • MR. J. z,LiTTL4, _Tendered bY the eltlsend of Pittabortil, iya whieb otanal4nkbeeeletkratedlragedknb, CUM' 7:l3lratsCWATi Hu kindly . kolunteered.,kad- none. In the _ great character of ICINIALHAIL. W 1 , 77-4 DA Inn be prtainted [be areal. 5 art Tragedy of 33.220713- 2aIII.IIOFL. llllllcSavketi. .Misr I.olllexZWlVell.. ~.S. G. Merritt. Legit and positively ilia appeßr Song Dance ' - Comic Song .. .. THURSDAY, , ric6 of Dr. DILLQ THE CHAMPIONS ARE COMING! COTTON & MURPHY'S California Minstrels, Brass - Baud & Burlesque Opera Troupe This talented Company, prohonueed be the Peet. and Public to be- THZ CHAMPION TROLITZ ttY AMERICA.. will oDen AT MASONIC NALL, roromt. WEEK ONLY,coulmkiacing MONDAY EVENING. APRIL AdmhisloO, SS cents; 'Reserved State, to rent.. Doors open.ar.7; commence at 7% o'r tor k. Matinee Saturday, afterooota at 2 o'ri,k; adatta aloe 36 ceofi te, all part. of the haute. • IL E. P....MELEE, A - O. UNDERWOOD. =1 ACADEMY OF music leita.-coet. MAN MIERKBB.. Mks. 6TTII RI Int.HL.N Thla elegant estaldlahntent wlll open for the Opera C=MI Monday Evening. April 30th, LEONARD GROVER'S OPERA 'TROUPE. The followlni celebrated Artle.ts hete• the 1.0111 or to nppenr:t ' acid. JOttnnneliotter, Franz Hemmer. Alße_td. Bee that Johansen,Thodore flee helm., ^ , lollte. 'Bweietth Berman, tAt'lle Sophie prtuba, Joteeple Wettelleh. Mad. Beyer, Otto Itetttnnn, Bed. Plcinlzr.l. Toteph Zlhbettn, Leonorr, : John Armand, SCOsalke, Wilhelm Barnes. .• Mlle Fun Erultelm, tieln•h Stelneeku, Albert Heiger, . &united bt s'e3FIONUti OF 30 PGRSONWend an • ORCHESTRA. OF 33,making the moat romplett 'Operates Troupe ever . k nown . The Wardrobe, Properties, &e., bbelleseTtrom the Aesderny f tie Ta it: the new and magoldeent Scene ry. by Mr, Jac, Lamb and assistants: Maga annum.- tenenees. ler. N. C. Garland; alaeldnery, Cbm. Crosby. During the semen the following Operas wilt be tlre'; • Fan s , Robert LeDiablo Era Diarolu. William Tell. Night In Grenada Stradelln Lex Huguenots, Dec FnLisebum, Don (novenas, Dame Illanebe, Merry WI% rE, • • Marie Flute, I= MIME= •Secured teats is racquet, and Dream Uncle-. .Si an Admission to Parquette and Etre,. Circle. . 'Eatotly Circle . 75 ry an A settarate boo for colored person. will Dc actin tbe (Tallery. "EntranOe Partmette, on Lilt arty street to Dress and Earntlf Clerk, corner of Liberty street apd tttrawlarlTY 'nor: rblraber to Gallery, on Stratrberri Seats ran be secured at C. C. MILLIA)1115 Music Store. or II: &LEPER A BE S, Woat+dreet. OBA.ND MATINEE SATIIIIDA V ATTERNouti. ap.2CUI NEW CLASSES ARE FOICIIIING AT PROF: 'COWPER'S Faskionable Dancing *acad./sag, WILKINS HALL, Fourth street. Dap Of Tuition, :TUESDAY, THURSDAY 3.13.1 .•± RDA Y. La dles, Matters and Hisses, tbsso (si u.•, Leone mars class, eight (5) lu the es..nioa gl . llliing Hall to rent• ben disengage:l by tiasgeg. Apply to PROF_ cowrpt, at the Hall, s salaWitif FOR RENT FOR RENT, BILL "rla large enough: abg bortno large by twice egarial leellalob. blidn.larrbtatbPrlbra WILKINS LIALL, Vourth street _near fladtttheld. ts best adalWnt - thr "roneerts, Lectures, Balls, tr., and de rect P lithe will and that the door neatly . waxed, and th e Mes O and cleanest dancing door In the Terms thasionable. Antoth to 'PROP. COWPER, at the Hall. aged( . ijobTfi e SHOES, Ste LADEES', , GE.NTS' OM 03EILII-43ZIFILIKIN.191 Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, p.,4a,moß_A_LS, 1611 Normals, McCLELLANWS AUCTION EMPORIUM Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth lytreet, PECIYATE NALts DAY AND SYR NIND,:AVD NEV . f.64I9DS. A SPLENDID STOCK Ladles', Gent , p, 11111ases , , and OW- drensf BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Olf ♦LL nix LATtST bTYLES, CiebT C1aM102%1311112 ELT I. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, 61 - Market Street, SECOIVD LARGE ARRIVAL !PRIM AND SUMMER 33CRCIrEM, 6IUCK3EII, thirlilitB AND BALMORALS, At 14WOF Prita than larl Month. Atllll 041I# trod in hatpins, at the ola th W. C, IJORELAND, • tta Market street, 10. , 4 , 14ffitotti •on ii °9t4 4*.t i **Nsehn 'mai* OM IiERE #eirgi,W .0110taa,4titktiillAra: Poilift*****Evaiitdifk. iiiit Asiosuginvot avety melt, ettielagke‘giiaiihielikitted littiesee utemerl Him mrt ibis*RElE '1C1; an Etwitlark.k. 03 HON .SO Off Ilf6Eit: Is Wattle bed _,n ills fief, *NE* *E *lO AF sPe pitors • WI if lide,MtgliVit , aptate,:alkthsgb , p 4 ,n , tr thfoly IWit 0g94141:40tAk. aidinol all s it, be 00406 BeliaMbitt lb* pile, Vo:, ISO btatiMstroil.., XEW SMOG 00 011 1 1 . t- J. W. _CARNIIIIWIL 410., ' • Iva. eaVitleetA l o l4 lAroot; _ • • /Inventor on nand sin,SAUDOSO a11an 1 41,10.10 tDIZ8:1 11 MOK P 07 ,4 OVlCtional!tr- Soot's 1. 4 0,4 4 41110 1!‘/WiloicalliP 44 4 . • - 2 - Z.; Ra 0 1 1 1 innitsualtkisni i l lZg7: 4 7 l lpAP Mtisi="iiite.lll2Kiniat gioe,l FOR SALE, Sin Acres of Woodland ZN ISLIge3II3IXIL I CrE7 Pro. L 0 TS O.4riC.E.VTRII .1 VIE.TUE, Soho St. and lima. Avenue. !NAIR' RE Or ItIcaIASTER, GAZZAIII & CO" arils Attorneys at Lae, 1311 U rant street... A HANDSOME COUNTRY HOME Pali SALE. Situato mites from the city, and within ten nannies` tratk. 23e of the Pittsburgh and Col:Men...llle hmtroad• ronntuanding a beautiful view attire city, river and stirrouunitag country. It comprise* about • eor ground, litifsly cultiva ted and laid - out la the acm moat approved style of mod ern landscape gardening: 1. studded wills Unruh beep. and a areal variety of the rboicerre traits and fines in toll hearing. Them 11 abot on It a never• alling spring of water, and abont tineltere its wocel. The Improvement. eonalst in put of a near Beton i•otta,v with 7 rooma and wash-boum. stare. and bandarimvly built S r lahlr, an out Vomit for team, de.: • fine large clatern and amended pump are within a few met of the kitchen door, and ail la ander*. eel lent tone.. For.particuhr, prl.-r, .1 . 92.. Ar., ro quire t 4 (fe=) 11. Mel. AI N A r t --•— • FOR SALE. =MI IS= A Delightful Residence in 111 , cinre Tp. Th.. Lot II 1131:m highest state or Culllvatlo4. Two sood bpLlog, no the preml,es. =I JAIVIEs T. SAMPLE. Itom Inure Itrottr end loonranco , Agent , No. O. V. , tr rat tmort, Anogmott VIIIAL AND LIME PROPERTY 10It 11/.1.13.—t1n the Steube•tllla Railroad, Inten mile. from the city. GOAT/AXING ONE HUNDRED AN Li RltillTY• SIX ACRES. Steam and Water flouring sad Saw Ma, tad other One unproveznents. Also. about Kiatity Acre* of COAL, arlibont the narrate ahJoining the above. Also, Iwo Salina at litorart•a Station, on Central Railroad, containing 140 arises and IS acres- Yortharther parttcularte enquire of WILLIAM WARD. HOTEL PROPERTY- Fon .IFiaLE AND tau ACIllOt OP LAND.-This nearly new two-stori Brick Hotel Balldlug„eontattling It. at 1110 NTON STAMM * on -the Boma. K. U., at thejonetton wilt. the Plttablosh • ton- It. It willed from the rill. - There , oe about OD acrro of lend muneetad with, the Hotel. of which 70 acre. are tillable nod SO items timber. 'there Is a goo i Fumy, oretterd Of *Opts, peach and plot tlne..•. two Fly • er-htllng, soft water• borings sulltielent clevatinu to carry the water to • height ° of lOU feet. rho properly Is emollient nib-41115100 11310100 for country resithrootw• s ylAV A , Broker in Stocks and Beet Mote, othil ti, Vou oh street. (Bunke', Buildine.l 1411111 SALE. I= Or sold T1. , -DAY at redUCNI price.. TI,Is trait Is situate La Went/acreland county, Yam*, on MI Airrtb-Weetern Penney Iventa Railroad. anotit miles cut id' Apollo LA., !Lad contain, two very largo veins of Cteres. VIAIAIN.I.and - WIRE CLAY and very complete 4' ATMS POWYLI L Fur inflame parstrutare loquln aL the lsatr. San Claim (MCC of W. J. A HALL PATTILUSON. dell No. 144 Vonrth t— Fittsburgh, • VALFABLX RLOCIA - .OF" LOTS •PUN T SALE IN UE NINTH WAltD—Dottnde td nod denerthed ne fallow Itesltllefatdhe (wener of Lumber sad Liberty strtere: thence along 'Liber ty street so feet to the earner of ('*troll street: , thoue aloe,' etreet lad fret le Soling alley. utr pestle lb. Outer Depot iVorl.•. The sheet, Is well .llrd le erect ir e manufacturing entildlehruent et 10 oddxlivide Into tultable bulidlog tote, harlo• the ml, outset of four front*. Apply to . ' sitS) IneLAINI CO.,S EII Fourth el. ALUARLF.. FARM AZCD SAW 1111.1; VOlt eAl.lt—Coutaloe2os *tree. tilo of irldeh arr ander cultivation; Macre, fine bine Thu, Orr; F stance White thdt: • large Mansion:good Saw Mtn rotuptete order, capable of turning.oll 6400 ,fteLser with llous:;%;ilar t t, ICI:4010r. IMoo 4.,e1144 lald 1:11, Indians C ? oun n t.7-. SST. fronl i n i l Elab Mallon Offered choir . t i lt e lltihrl a iT tennis. lo NO. 123 north 11?ent rOli . BALE—Onetot, feet front on rearm. Aronuehy 110 feet to WatiOn 'street: two-Sort Brien Dwelling on rear Of 101. Also, one lot m feet front on Bummer tartlet, Pitt township. by I.O.leep, on which Is erected • two. story Frame Dwelling. Also. eleven lots adlolning the above. 2111 tO ICO feet. JOHN D. DAILIW, Stock end Deal Ellett) Broker, • • No. 10 Fourth Street. OR SALE—A lan t ce and Well flu ' abated /Wales Hunan elb a hall. Ulan ceiling., ell of water. cletetn. " kelt trees, situate near l's. Avenue, this . olden Non overlookin shor t ,lueongallels.tiker. rat aralden can be had at notice. Will he add on essr ten., br n. CUTHBERT A SQPIII, ap! el Market street. DPull .) tl A f.flT if t i rti f. • lulled three sun, Brick Dwelling on Wylie atteet Dear Fifth, lobbed modern style. Containing root., kitehrn, range, bath room. hot and void ter,and gaa thnughrnit the building.. Thin la ant q me m oat desirable properties for dwelling ar aat nest purpoasa now Offered Ike sale. rosestion lapel "I.IItriN A kIT I VIO3 rolarthltrealt iitiRLIBLE crry. rzeOPEitTlir TWO YALE, consitting ore Lqt of timid bas tes a front en Mc Teuton Areal or. a. feet, •and en. tends back =feet, op which are erected two Frame Dwellings, I , od/thrum rent tot Eel per year. Ilan. saiah) Inveiltment of tOper cent. apt 8.111c1.A.1N ••HO.. 1 SPOurth street. -- • -- scree coax, A- attests In Smith township, .Waithlngtoree=s, Per a., near ;be Übe at tho Btenbentrllle/ral , at Midway litatlon, about 21 tulles (rototha etror fartherlartlaularwola; h oot t g.t o Tl34 5. CAltl f ltit.r on tlCpremlses, • stt lt 1 ,- O SALE—A two-14tory Rrlc Dwelling ot 7 room., ball, wastlbule, three yawn 10111, witli lot V , b 7120 feet. alttiate on Ewalt street, Latereoesirtile. all In complete ordhr , ., For, Miller Information, terms, lGal Estate and ""r"d tti l i'ller stdleet,.Latirenceigre%:. VOll SALE—Four 2-Story FramO Uwe/Ilnes, uu Teyetle street, Wa Also, bwoß.ols un.islin SUMi. -2D Win (,alto ' forde• street. awn , : D. DAII,F,X, . Mock sea /teal Netato Water, apE . ; Ng. sareuro atreet. sl,3oo,lom"w — tiiiiirchase , a . ....„-,,,..„Lrimgrrni" . "mm'"A• :be 174 a vet deen on 4.e.e1i0 11"t"-4"'".' dplee h t , "!" 0 1,v 44 ""ir l a'" ikke poaseeddon... A pply IA • , " 4. .311,,,^ • •• bad/. . ar et etreet. gale. ILAre - 10014- . Dtnwlddle st s lZ=.ltel! ri le A te i r e e ' Zi et 64.6' Ilbe Heed duett.loo,lfr nee o. ted '"". -I•o4,mlAnildtAtftliqdia.., (Lien aCCo l lgs "' A...14*r ••: NOLAIA•A et , Y : 7 k 7- 17110111iaINer,;t41 7- ImArr." wuu ett.l i ka ,Vilt i litiistiolv4p.".tuffinleic to Ou tfaces: wou141„ te O,f4sea OffesUng Bout, ralarrtaetifilltlN=4 l l=l l Kg= 'FOR ; 'Miaow Ewald Leusitsblbofftitectoff conoty,, Which - Are-44er aL Lbalow colon or Dec .Pre. , 4 5 04 1 .41-bifit CASA' bte Faucet. seicsi., ARCHITECT. - jArr.s , ' ' • V.IPAVINGS-1110. 1 814UROW 8? .. 11411 , 6 V Oi stash aymar.dry. mDn lOpsNUe then hed r ) t STKAVAMit. BALTinODE AND HAVANA ALEX. BROWN tQ SONS, Gen'l Agents. TOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. Carrying the United States Hail. The Iflill-(Moil Ste...hips of thl. line will oaf no folloWs: "CUItA”-1,100-tona, iltn.ltolltno, Command, on MMTIIRDAIL, April ilth. ` , 1,1111:11TV . 1,7 . 01m, Milford, Command __ 417; Tram IitIOrsHniIVIIARY, FELL II POINT, st... precisely. on the day. announced. For frelfni or parasite, liarlng arum...and ar "mMiIr.T.IWPINVISPIELD .100 Y. • • 10 lirnan.'n ' ‘fflrits. N. 11 . No Dill. orkdlnii thosnor the Comp.- " prz,:e t pit i rgi. 0mr...... los N.ArAttilnunO` ,01110 totling signed on day of • np0111;". EiTOVEINA3RATEI,3 . . ,/k9 AND STOVID4, GRATES AND RANGES. rprteryyji mll , lvme r va w al k thathrtawip, l'i{AblettraditlNti Ra.Nu- Erhpt. q Itirroped ohr hOlllllO. for man 7 ulatA2M.,p ) iiip MVPltii * o. tu is I lad to tnred it! ponapjlity, i i iigirtur gin IMO Orla e1,C1 0 .1 N "V i r , i g t -Twiat r Arsi vravvr,reat 7 a•llat ~iaa _ . FOHIITIV YEARS rACILICE .. . _ rINSUAL attir..Bl:llL tligesipe r e,' Inuertedge ee Qom acquired liy Physl- Oldie. y tong reeldenet in thteeilty, gag thenteount of pat out. treated daintily by me, are melded PWitaWrillifilititiL, or Sexual Weskiels, and att„dlieasee arising therefrom, am cured to-a mud, .horfer time ut heretofore by my NEW VINIE . r. 'AMA imam URN. Ilettlelnea sent to any part et rgr u t i i i r Ion. 1 A ll tett u talliultair t N t , %%T to tt i l . 117 ,6 11 ,4 1 01 0 411 . Y1 IC 1.13 gI'ItEET, near Dimond J. W. BILANSTRUP, Jit,l3. .9, Nos tal. Pittsburgh. P. ,t3PIVATE DISEASES: .a. . . . . ovricrompi raxii STHXICT., near Band. Voi the esre of all diseases of a prima. nature, in from two to Mr days, by as entlrely now and ears treatment. Also, demlnal Weakneas, and all otter diseases of the genital urginui and then' PreeMliloll , Cure warranted or money refunded. ooura4 b tO A..M.aLlf, b; mid 6.10: 1 1:4 mum. pittets 11Y...124 roan etrsea 1. w. C. D. Wiltrit.../. X s , W1L1....47Z0. ANDSIISOI , waLtutiti) noTEL, . • • Opposite the Court .House, MiliSTlitE, lieNAUGlittt & CO.. STONE AND. BRICK PAVERS, 97111 attend pratuldiT 10 Furls tithing and LaPing stone and Brick Pavements, lA_stairtnit the tame: ciAtk Ste_ves Tar_ntshed d L. JONES, Agent &Tribe NoWa 2,74,7; .2 9 a ''"'"°g*'. veu" ...Win ..rie" if r'. Jamaica, mate -or Pelsmits_4l4 , and Hatt • Partles - dalans entrtiand t.,___n ne lltte... 9 , 1/I;tia99 1614 isantante Lottiltentele, 9 sWATOtt eITEEST ' nett orders attended. to At? eana.l99 no throno litilL A. Ametkup, 'secretary oi ZegtVlNA . ,"l4e n tra r" " `" ' " ' ' , a 4tshmwi ri onmatiuti. commit ga=p l r i pt i kMizkviamt.. „.„.„ - 7,..,- - ;:,.7.E7q : ;0;772-TA - -;', - .; - --,W, - .Z0:',.. - -;nt - ".. 4 .7 ,- -._,...g. , -7 -. .g , v.; 7 : 7 ...: 1 ::::..:' - ;i ..::,-- •,--'• , --- .- , _ : J. GARDINER COFIFTIIi. 'Agent r ,•• • ihg Ir:ronelln, Philadelphia an bantmarre sArzeo•taranten, Nortn.eset corner WOOD sac ,‘v STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ROUSE KEEPERS. MEDICIAk HOTEL 2.110:17i.Eft, .04 completed, newly liltedind intstvid. . • • mrs {CI LL A.llO Z tO:Orcttrleldre. .0 cv 4:1 r. ..... MOWER ()WENS, KENNEDY •-• PI/DUCE COMMISSION MEROMAN'N, anti N'bulr ate Dealer. In FORERUN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, SALT. FLOUR. RUTTER, INIGS. PO TATOES, •e.. and In Provision. and Produce gen erally, Nu. 70 FEDERAL STREET. opixialle the Railroad Depot, ALLltridas7. PA. Agent. for the 'aleof P. Y. MD's, Donnell Eilman•. laid J. Earn•ii Salt. aplatlyd vir J. STEEL 8c BRO late Flem , • Vio & ST tut, PRODU C E E COILMISSION MERAMAIi TS, receive and sell Flour Corn Moot Oats and Cum Beans, Bacou,Lard. Bolter., Cheese. E~ Port Green and Ur7 ' Po tatoes. Limn Salt. do., .hr. Particular attention _paid to the note ofForeign and Domestlc Fruits, No. 138 Third street. Pittsburgh. Pa. feMand 12111 ABLES C. 11.41.8LEY, Produce INJ and Cantunission Merehant, Wayetionso No. MI LINN:ETV tITItF.RT , Pittsburgn, Ps. Wholeask dealer 10 Butter, Cheese, Lacil.l.gg.N Pork, 8.... Ileum. Tallow. Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Nom ley. Dried Fruits. Green Fralts, Onions, Flour, Grain, Clover Seeds, Tlutotity Seeds, Flax need.. Game and Poultry. Particular attention given to Produce Conshictouruts, anl6 ALEX. J. B. MUER WR&NE &. AN,/ER, COMMISSION HERCIIANT/3 and dealers In FLOM, GRAIN I Smi t hfield,U Second street, berrreilb Wcad and Pigrsenrgh. Tito, rorrme JOBra smart S. S. artlergartia • 130T1'Elt, AIKEN St, SHEPARD -L Commissi Merchants, But t er usters in Foreige and Domestic F ruit., Floor, , Cheese, Pr rotators and produce genera l ly. No. SIM LIRE kiTHEET, opposite Passenger Depot, Pittsburg w. CULT. . OTIS SIITPASOI I CULP h. SHEPAIID_, Commission Merch.te and dealers in Flo., OraMond Pro ; duce, No. SC LlbertE street, Pittsburgh. Choice 'wands of Flour for Hokum and fondly use coustently on hand. Particular attention paid to Oiling order efor Merchandise generally. ocMly LITTLE, BALM, & PATI'ON, WholesaleGrocers_ , Commission Merchunte,,and dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese. Fleh, Carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Nails, Gloss, Cotton YlrXdi'ittsbu~Lres generally W • M. P. BECK & CO., No. 1.56 Libertystreet, Pittubargh, Pa., Wholesale Grocers. Commission blerchan and dealers in Conn- Re P ese7 ' 7l7"th l v . Tt "b' rrZrd B nt on linen auu l t.ateuP rint ttc.,.tlalt and Ltme. syld PECKER & BROS., (Successors to Reymer 1 Anderson, ) Wholesale Dealers In For eign Fruits, Nuts and Spices, Confectionery, Began, Fireworks, to., Nos. I% an d MI Wood Str4M, above Fifth Pittsburgb. 1•12)1. • - • • p • KNOX & SON, Commission MERCH.A.NTA andiDeale. in FLOUR. GRAIN, DMILL EED and PROeneralty. No. iamond, opposite City HaII,DUCE Allegheny C.itY• 79 Al7:lyn, ORN B. CANFIELD, Commission 'e;trn " lV%l l ." ege d 7 l In con,trL. t= Butter. Park, Ba Flour, Ptah, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Solent. Linseed and Lard Ulla, Dried Fruit, cod ProdueZ generally. Nos. 141 cud 144 Froot .treat_ Pluaburga U •• ••• _RA.FF 'REITER, pßoDiucE, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, and kzutiewi u tg agents for alt Pittsburgh titanursctures. he e, No. '213 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa.. lolls I. 1101.IRY• • ••Ir.DWARD 001:16.11.. J OLIN 1. HOUSE & BROS. Sucees suns to JoUn 1. Horan se. Co., faol eale Oro 'P t mis :g nMl i h t t.con'erofS &l h- Naer sets,iltarih. 0 I AMER 11ALZELL &. SON, Mann (acturere of Lard 011, arid Commission bferehants for the pureltaee and W ate r Crude and Helped Pe troleum, hos. fa and 70 street, Pittsburgh. Advances made on Conligninenta. I.4CHODIALUER &LANG,Wholesale dealers In Groceries, Flour, Orsln, eroduce, Pro visions, Fish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon OIL Non. 1711 nod 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Tittabergh, Pa. setaily 1 It 01.0 0, 1.1000 610/1.61r. HEAD a. DETZGAR, Grocers and Commission Merchants, and dealers in all kind. or Country Produce and Plttatuargh Manufactures, ! No. ?A9 Liberty ithrash, optiositeband of Wood Wort. Pittsburgh. ' ap3:l7 'F ETZER & ARMSTRONG, For . wardingand Commission blerehantss forte .. O of Flour. (twain, li.con, Lard, nutter, ne, Dried Fruits, and Produce generallt, No. Id blutet ntreet., corner of Flnst, Pitt...bomb, P. feMtly RIDDLE No. 1143 Liberty St., Plttepti, 1 a., Commission Merchant., and % - bolrsalo Liner In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh msnufsethres. C•sh y. un Con signmentn, and paid for Produce generally. lath - 110131r.RT DALZCLL • . F. 4.1..Z.E.L.L.. AMERICA that now mattes and pays an Annual CASH IDVIDEVII on the grst and ettch sunsenin nt payment of premium. Its t'ASII CAPIT sn se em:notation of sl,3eo,Lam, is securely inve.ied pt nowtk and mortgag or business,A VSTATE. Is in Ile lath year of and tat paid to the wir.owEr AND otirlIANC of its inemlwra the sum oi I •1•4 it MILLION DOLLARS. To 11,1, dale not a •til • pit. Cane of litigation has occurred, an evl.l..ner that liberality and fair dealing Is a specialty with this Comp ant. The policies of this Company are not forfeited hy reason or non-payment of premium after the second year. No payments required after ten years, but policies continue good through life. orriCICHA. .1. C. N . ALKLY. President. 506:11 PI TTBBII atiEl, PA. ! N. S. PALMER, The President. -•- S. ii. WHITE Scretary. ;OUR wste JO¢x wit-SON• ! branch Ottlec for Western Pennsylvania. where ATT & WILSON, 'holesale Cnl leears and hinlin &PPM...lona will Se P.Orished. W 11l t....era Commission Merchant, and dealers In 3d liVonal •tree t, PI t t ram rah. Prodnec and Pittsburgh Manufactures, So. its Lite Agents wanted throughout the stat Me. Apply to erty street. Pitolurgh. pp 2.5 • twNI: v V. V 1.04.1,1.1.1.. ale a,olit nal al' LADD., .I,EN AIDDTDN D ALLAca In Alarm/1,,,,,,)(1 I, AA/BERT, SHIPTON b. C 0. .• Wholesale Downs and Prodsee liealets • ninth Pittsburgh .talt FRANKLIN SAIA II DICKEYAt CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants. and dealers In Produce. No. SO Water street and is Front etre... ! Pittsburgh. tiIIUDS• L. VDIUI2I., LVOIGIIT Is Co., (Successors • to O. Drab,) Produce and Contmlealon /Dante. De Libel ty Street, Pittsburgh. WILKINS t LINILUNT, ((Star/canoe l tr l ;jealer in Zur MI VOt Produce nod Merchant. No. LIDERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, fel:ty • - I POUT. DALZEILL & CO., Whole ! sale Greeters, C 01.001.4011 .nd FOITrIMMIS chants and dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh Mau i ursetures, Nu. l i dt Liberty street, Pittsburgh. IMMO I=l PIANOS, ORGANS, &o KOW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STOCK Or CHICKERING PIANOb, Selected penuically by the subscriber, during • reel visit to the Ssetory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS ". —7.lrl='ll.:TV,Lo;.Fardlrtua;.!'" Lao WARRANTED TOR FIVE TRAUB CHARLES C. MELLOR. si wowsiweL THE BRADISEIIN, NEW YORK, fichomacker & Co., Phfladelphia, PIAI c gEs The Est,e'y & Co.'aZottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. United by the or 132.1.1 Went hu toe United Staley to be Imperil,' th to all others to power, ppoetry and quality of tone, and thorough wort r w ry Thews Uutrntuents bat" for years alma the Brat pnentlutua ver all aU eoutpethora, it the carton. Mate end bo unty Palm. lu pricey they are lower than any others. All warranted for Ave year.. WAMEIANIC 86 BARR, Na 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa iru wm. &NAM & Co.nii I=l YIANOB. Theo,, instrument* haring herd berr4C puh lir for th e pan 00 yearbW i h t im.. ei ar 4 , 14 CIiABLOTTr , BLMLIE. 40 Firth Wert. STEEL WORKS . pl TTSBILMIGH STEEL WORK S KNOEMSON, COOK k CO" 181:10061189811 TO JONES, BOY 00.,) lfannhetaren of HI Imre% relined Out Elton Non., Vila and Octagon, otaiWP co, Saw Pl.. Fl oe, Tod 11u Bbut Cott Steel. OW 61..1 for REAPING MID MOWING MACHINES, STEM' PLOWNCIA SPHENGS,AXLES. Cast and Common Plena and Spring Steel, "1"-- V•Weilflatt=triTAIW w0bk". 0e2707 BLACK DIAMOND lIITIEIMEIIa Ii7VCOWLXCIIe, errmßuseg, PA PtltK, BROTHER .1$ Co., kLaallfacturers at BEAT QUALITY REFINED CAST STEEL, Mom*. not and Octagon, of all axes. Withal:n*4 wow] to .1 tmpooted . otanorzetOrad tf t.ttlN tool. t ree and tratek • • No. le and • 1; all P.1:711 >012411:01:, 111.113XTISEIEL 40(:). VV ITS AccesnikaMt &kV ri a z a rr , 4 o. b WAT/1. 9 (pp .tao, PAYERS. J. IVINTTIAL... AND BANKERS. BANKING HOU SE. N. HOLMES & SONS 334%1113..erm. N 0.57 MARKET STREET, PRisburgt,, DepOSI(11 llTtiMed In Par rands and Currency. Collections made on all lbc principal polum of the United State. and Canada+, STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. Yartleulat atteution paid to toe porebaite and sale of UNffEll STATES SECURITIES. United Bute. Btae. of mu: Do. do Pb. fires of 10-10 g Do. 1/even-nitrites; Do. Certificates of Indebtatnaess. Orders and Voucltera bought or collected. Joni:lf DOLLAR SAVINGS RANK. No. 6. FOURTH STICKET. . . . . IN 18/1/1. Open daily from to 2 o'clock, also on Wednesday anil Saturday evenings, from May ist to November lat, from 7to 0•0100 k, and from Noveruher Ist to May Ist, from 6 io t o'clock. Depoalto reetlted °Call sumo or not 1,6 than 011 t Dollar, and a dividend of the pronto deelareil {voice •year, tu Ju l. ILII•1 December. Interest hni. 11.M1.11 declared senntsusll Juno and I ieremPer miter the Bank was organite.l, at the rate of alt per cent. * gteree If not draort, out. lo placed to the credit of the depositor as principal. and bear, the anme in terest from the arm. day. of Jose anal Itecesaluo, compoutling year without troubling Do de- MrPgs ' i late y w 11l ' 4 t t,`Zrr,ft."4l" . ta P r " . r l' i AL . Boots eontaluing thr * L'harter, it t •-totw w s ' , l n.u ' l zr lations, furnished gratis, on " applicatlon ' at the Tubs. Plinainharir-0 EOltt)6 A.I.6RKE. PIGS PASSIDZIITP: John D. ihickofen, Robert Kohl, Ben). L. Patine/stock, , John 11. Shoontrerice, Jamas Hardman. James Statile, James hicAulry. A leAaniler 4perr, James B. D. Needs. Christian lens,. Isaac 111. Pennock. A. hi. Pollock, 11. C., TATISTLIES, IV lA. J. Anderson. James D. Kelly, UllVtl3 Adams, Henry J. Lynch, Jobs C. Bindle), Peter A. Madeira, tleorge Black, John Marshall, Hill Burgirlti, Walter P. Mar - Shall, A' OAIOI.A. Carrier, John H. McFadden, Charles A. Colton, I Jahn Orr, NV m. Douglas, Henry I. Bing alt. Jobs Evans, Wm. E. :Schmidt, John J. Gillespie, A leiander TIA4.IIe, William S. Haven, William Vanklrk, Peter H. Hunker. Wm. P. Weyman. Richard Hays,. I Isaac Whittler. TAILASGEMAI—CIiA ISLES A. COLTON. SitclorresT—JAS. B. U. NEEDS. pal:da.l , THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANE, G:K I..lttliel=cluur&-.12.. E=== ===11;t:1 B=MIEMMIM • • This Bonk, organized under the National Banking Oysters, Is now prepared to transact business at Ile Banking House,corner of Wood and Viral streets. Collections made on all socessible points on the most favorable torsos. Special Agents for JAY CMYEE for the sale of the U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. SAMUEL UFA, President. r. M. GORDON c.hter. • • suglaid J. C. S.InPiIICIL9ON. Teller INSURANCE _ . INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. Conn =1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY =I •pltal A errurd Prrmi lams Invret«.l Premiums Unsetlied Claims - - use for 1864. .ases Paid 404,1... === oix Li.TOll. Chas. N. Hanciter, • Isaac Lee l 'rob*. Wagner, Edward Pale. browsed lirard., Geords Yale, Jacob R. "Smith. Allred Elder, George W. Richards, . It'. Lewis, M.Il CHARLES N. BAHL:KIER, Preside.. . . EDWARD t', Prrattlestt. J. W. I.ICA WASTER. Srr•y pro tem. .1. COPY/it, Apeut. Corm, H't..l and 'Third etre,. IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A lIIERICA. I= Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, $1,6J16•000. =1 /Er Vrotectiou rest he secured In the above named mud reliable Cutup:mitre. NM:I7 al Water West. MD stairs .) DIFCBANCE CO., OF PITTSBURGH ALEXANDRE N MICK, President. W hi. P. HERBERT, Se c retary. CAPT. HICOROE NERLD, General Agent. Office, Water street, Shang Sethi. 'II Ware Bouvet up glair, Pittsburgh. Will to agelnat all kinds of Vire Mario< Kiska. A home Institution insnaged by D irector• who are well known to the commonity, and who are determined by promptuem and liberality, to main taln the character which they hare assumed, as of fertng the beet protection to those who deal,e to be mitred. Alex. N R. 11.111er, Jr, James bleAuley, .'athanlel Alexander Speer, Campbell B. Iterron, C. NI. Bleketaan mrkU Wm. r. Imnseirr, nrrizustiv INSILMANCE COREPA .Y.ALGZ.a2B.,VRARti«r*''""'" mark" ildts.a.L.EY. Preatdent. Wit, A. surrARD, Seeretary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures manna lons And damage In tbr soy 'dation of the Southern and Western Riles; Late., and Bayou., and the navigation of the Sean Insures against 101 l And dnmageny I J X:o3lte r y. Joshutrotes. B•relay Yreaton, George - Hingham, f PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. OF/ICE. N. Z. CORN= WOOD. AND YITTLIHTS. W orn ie . I , Capt. John L..libouls. BURMA P. btuieer, John . Parke, ; Charles Arbuckle, Capt. Jas. , John V. Kirkpatrick, I Prank S. Bissell. JOHN me m., vice Prestatot W. F. OARDNER, Secretary., • Juti ;Le , Capt. BU (N lienYl Aro. t LLEGUENT INSIIIIA.NCE CO. OF PITTSBURIi H. —Wilke, No, 37 FIOb street Bank Block. Ineuregagainstall kinds of Vire and Karina ittsliel JOHN IitIVIN,Ja., Prealsitnt. JOHN M.:lite:OßD, Vice Paelident. C. G. IDtONNELL, Seeretarr. Capt. Wll. DEAN, Central Agent• . Jones '' .Vna ' y Chile, T. ',Hoskin - um, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Ythaestoel" STEAM TO AM) FROM WEIL POOL All D It UZINSTOWN (IkikkarD) twit* s. week. Tto. 2Dtll yINS, saNaj. •.• • EVERY ~SAT. EVER! M . & NESDAY, coutritio Vla/am. . TI ets kola to sad Roar Ireland, Rerikal4; Ncob laud Oen:okay awl Yll=o/, ••,. • • AO the Camy's uMatis,: JOHN 6.-1 BrOOdWay;N.T. M`X•trtill (ICaLiXI3 W. 000UTO. T. noinsinn IpIJRTHBT J. No. tis MUM BT/*IS44 anus . WOOD.-lbe . nboenhanl 414 P vii:ntn 10>r! n0 "- 11Ve ;02 ,I•rken*Zr7irst not AU *nag be nlabralmi r*AT, ;Lod. All lauds at . ra t rroarr. intros la givelk to !II erd n gatts iiioiratjakvarts,A, 1866. RING ,figle A RUA NU ti:SIEN . ENNtIYLVANI A ( F.NTRAL R. - Tiila 6. DAILY TILA =I Ex= T., OW.OOI I'HILADELPII IA • 400 Po Vrt ton. 111213 901,1k10 8 000 ugAl 1111= •1,750.000 =I DISYCTOIIB Andress Ackley, David M. Long, Roos .1, Thomas, Chas. J. Clarice; J ohn R. licenuo, ams. P. Hanna. =III B. M. Kier. 4055 &axolotl 4111 r... CoOper, 5. JOllll S. Dilworth. Wm. A. Rodgers. stel0;), QOM= . . John D. Dora. =ml i tr . Capt. ./'7 .1 -It+ l, l lien. D. McGrew, Roll&rf.il. DAM.. ~AffiSHFP~S. 17PROWTEItY. RAILROADS On end Alloy' 1 , 1":41)AY. Aprll tat traltu , It lb.. Union o n , VjtTIZ; 5„.1 . 0 • Y. ..11. rty St A a•• i.nt t 11x, a: .• Ilarr.rl at.,11 I. r Ml= • • .. lov; It, 1.. I. % I.l,lskA • l, ,1 aro ~H at Hr . ., r. Y. 1 1 , 1 1 ,N ri t t •II r.•, kltHoi • T at r s•HI .11 . 1,1 IC Al I • lttlattrlpllta at 1 - 111 1. Hy tit, II r•••1,1,elf mre traw.trrr..l,ridiadelpt.t.l, 11r....t1y Ev.Hre,oMl tralta for New I. r l / 4 , r. there at 1.,.3.1 A. Y. . . Pill I.A K1.1 . 111/1 ft 4:10 0. ntoppLng mkt,. xi it. Arrive , . 4t ,flat Ali Harrisburg. 2 A lA.: roslt •.T1 ' Nit Vora. VIA Pt...101i bas.,lo r a 11.110.1 Jo : . 0. v.. snil . a. 3lta IJA Can run ihroulin On into vain le 'iv tirburalit o tioitimore and Viilladrlptim, n;ot ‘i• Yotlt sib AllentOwn. • FAST LIN F-1 •av • iaore,t 12,10 r. 'New v..' . a r. : C. nn..l ...~ ; Philadelphia, at .V.C2 . a. • Breakrt/Ali. IDlwrser. %Daily WI /Yaw , •;tk" • JOHNSTOWN ACC. /111111111Ildit at ATIoN .0 Surnslaya) at r. arom re. Hal batarcenrillatairmin and (lineal - 111w, at Nlairovlltt. laleraectlon wit° trail , 1`,111,, • Braineli and Weal 1 . .700 , 11 7 . an Is Italic... 4. A.I.TOON A Al I,lllXli iHATION duridaya)3l7: 7,l l•. atonal •t 1,.....1•4 ALM • ben werin 111.1• Allcanina. andiiolop .o a iwanevliuit 01111 trams on I !Admits inetuill, 11e rennaylvai4l3 Hallruu,l, Fnen,,ruira .t I•,-cou •••• mad. 30.1 11 , .111,1a,alsura Stanch. Walt', .kevionliniodatlon, No. I. .101,1 ..r , ept 7, II - davit% at A. M. ttrad.ll...k•a Ave...ant ~,,, St.. 1, daily lei t Sundays) at fi17 , 41 A. ACClll3ll:l4iiAtiOti N.., L. J ay.) .1 11,F0 A. N. dradthae.l. •• AceumanOtl,ll , ll S Sunday an at 3,411 r. nu. Watr• 5. , . tall d "Jar., •: 1.!.o r. m. 111La4, .101) le da.),9 t , 1:65 , 1• ' N. Accutrannuclati.g. ,• S. .1• 1 telt. ept din all ern rj la, A . ald The .1. la.. •44.1 arrive, it, I•ttlatonli din AU 111 A. la. Ike. II l'lttalmigh at 11 51.1 P. la , and arrives at W. all . , Math,. II Z,.1 , 0 ti 111=1:211111 Itxturnlog TrAisl,l arils 1,1 lolluerst Mall. ......... . V' • It Fast I.lne. ......... A tl . First Wall, A.,,11.131.1011141.104. 4 .. O.= A b. Bill,ton Arconatio , laniol No. 1.. . 7.50 A le- Seronol WALP•Slatiro, Aernmmi.l .11.11.. . AM A. /a. Julluslowu A1..171.1141111.4,E1V11 . . vla Bradtlaric•n Accommotial an . . 1:10 N. 111ti1111101.4 44/ I . 4. r i d.. . ..... I. Third Wal's Station 20 I Braddock 6 A coommodraloti hiao P. Li • Witll . • Acconnmoiatiou. No. I. ..... 7 titl I . Y. Altoona A enionroodat lon awl Vim emu: 10:50 1. Y. Baltimore Exprihis will aril, with rill aileA !Capra', at ~ on l+ti oda). - . An th • • Agent of the F.sciihiliir WE,: I iiiipmay d pas 4 through each train hero, rilimitilor the Lake up chrolos, nod r ail, oat 1. I the city. Onire N0..110 rouu ,o,ret — .f • day +hi alight—wham all triers I,r in gm and barrage will T . , cid,. prooopt NOTitir.. — Bp dam. or lot, tht , I 00out: . /1 rhaimost ,r6 . oll•lllattic oi , and for an .1005111 not B Flit WITH, et At the Van.) Valda COO iral Railroad - i.lOll. on Liberty am! IV 4,lll:lrian alrliet.. 13rrrsnuttGli, WAYNE A I'HICAoO RAILW Al', ANO 1' L>. F . LA NI. +.Y. RAILROAD. 11365. Winter Arrunfmr , z44- On and nit, Novetut., Oil, CM Rant. if; . vie> LtaINN 9.n Fp.r Jo/ iltor6arg h. Mit:rap, Expre. 2.ti) A. 41 Expres Ex prr. 111.11 . 1:4 , t L. - 2:4 . 1 l'. x. OAS r. 7:W 4. 1-4 C.. a N. EVA.. UllW=22ll • • ILITIVt• a Pitlnbllt*,lt. P.. Vt. IA ..t C. 11. IV. r. M. 9M P. 31. C. & P. It. It --II:15 A . M=WEI inii==Z2lMZE In•ave Allegheny for %t•• Balowt6H—, , n •. ‘s II:in a. at.. tan, and 5:40 IMMW=TI =WW2= mmslimari MMM==l H•i: It ;;Ii!c k.. ;•;;IT . ;:;; . 1 . A:5:..1.!..t1,...:,,, ESIZEZIOU t 1 EOM: ith Union Y. -...n ut mat.loy,k, . A , ..-Kttetty Utti uo V. It. At I /tit. t.t 'II Tick. Accent. N HAMRA/Alt, THE GREAT SHOW UNE.ROIIII I=l I=l 15= I= 11111 SAVI•11 lAPTIt tl Slid '".. lV;g f i !'' .Vi:i ‘,"L7 ..l . kiN .11‘1.•1 WON Y. Sf 111.4,1 1 , 21.11, 1466, Tr...i1l 'vary 130 ,rflo II Ws' II NI utr( as f0i1... p,"+5.. Sr r now. 1..0 A. 14 9 A` es. Mast 1.1 ue 11.0 .. rill. A re.11,13,.,..1 a .1:1.5 • • I. .I. Y. C.. P. rICI.II 1., Heal 'l'l M. Agent, ravunr.,lll4., M. D. N.THe.ltr.`l' 7011 ‘. Agvnt, I , nlon . )ITTlosuittau ANl)Q4gagr i gia cOKNR.I.I- 4 V11.1.1.. It It. Spring A rrangement lon and arter T111111,11)01, SIAM , • • • Tto. at will learn ctn. Inenoot, rotootor • How and Water atreetto. as Cortex, Pltftboro(l. 1 •Itto . ot,l Mall to and trout U0100t..0u.. ;.w A. Al Exproot, r 34. 11,00 A. M. yyes :F9yllou OeyorunootAttion t.:l , f, Al. ,(2 ♦. U. FlPPElll4,lft.sport A CI . OHI • n .11:01 A u. Sreoud •• 1031 a P. w. ~~ o ' 7. * C. 'A 1,. hTtal 1, 2111p1. A LLEG Vir A. VALLEY RAILEIJAP CIIANGE OF TIME. after MONDAY. Nor. Anti, Pt...monist oat"s will b. arravigrlt to run se follow,: MAIL. TlLAlN—Leares i'lltsburgb at 6.is as.. arriving at Klttanniug at SAS A. b. 'Lvares Alttan ;sins at MIS P. IL:arrlV , b Pittsburgh al a.lO I. TitAlN—Lnart's KAUAl:ming a. 7;to r. Y.•rriving at Pittsburgb at 11:50 A. IL Leaves Pittsburgh at Astor.arriving at Itituottsing at 1:101'. se. . . . . . AIIeOIIaIODATION THAL!. -Leaves 'soda Watlia L6:3u A. It.. arrirlag rittabargh a 3. 1, A. IC Leas . . Plurburgb at I:10 r. N.. arriving at Klatl ttlPAptaa at a:5.1 P. K. = MEDICAL. HUMPOREY'S HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Hoye yroyed, IYont the L o tt sunplo perbince an on - tim.b o o o ut, Ample, eltleltott nevi reliable. .1 boy C, the only mull Leine! ptrtnctly atlatnycl to popoln. I —no •Ituplc that ion:tato:a enn tog by wad.. Itt otlog them: no bamboo. nt to LK' free In. donne,, nnt to el:11010UL at to be al tt.l .• (WM f!. No. I cures Kt:VENN, Coy,. fuhatrzoa '• WOICINN, WormNc. •• COLIC. or To-rthlog .111. fsizta • DIAItItHY.A of CULPIreN or 000110., 75 tirifilnA awl Bingo. . Coil .6 a Chttl r.I6A 21011110.0, Nooss. .. 22 7 •• COu GUS, Colit., Brooch/do 94 8 •• NEU 1tA1.131.A., Toothache, Pore. ache 75 9 •• HEADAINIE, Sick. 17 0 •• DESPILPIRA, 1311110 u Stonotell 24 it •• SUPPItElitthD, scanty no,l tyll Mut • •• I.lNinitllllET. or . Whit ....... 12 •• CROUP 11006,« sough Ta R It •• SALT UEUM, Eryttoelo, op tions . 10 RIII4I.73IATISM, allrhetnoBooo.l6lB 76 it •• FEVER AND AGUE. Chills and Fever . 17 ••Internal or exterual m to •• uPTNAL.IIIY, mars, inflamed . sles.. la 12 •• CATARRH, acute or chronic, Urdu. M ••:! ea • •• WH CU OOPINO COUG Li, onostmalhe 08 21 •• ASTIVA, opproont.l ..... . . 12 •. EAR DISCHARUES,Impaired • •• 13111,1•SY lured elands 24 • ocuratL eu xurn.A.Tri, weakuUs 2 •• DROPSY and Scanty Scortittorm..... 26 •• 8 E.O SWENESS. Meknes! from :7 •• KrVIIR'Ir DISEASE, . is •• NERVOUS DERILITO7 . 111 ; 21 euttrolonsanvolont-ur dlochaflUd • .• SORE MOUTH.. or Conker..•" ... 80 lu '• VILLE ART INCONTLNEI4OI2 11 •• PAINFpurasUL with S CO 112 •• FITEItINGS at Chang. of Late.... 00 23 •• EFILEPSY.Spums, St. Vit.' DIA Ills - II •• DIPTHEHLA, ulcerated sore Roo/RIO) YAlliflLT dugs. Cues 0130 m m0re45.00.1111 0 and bdolteurn. plete ..... ... .... ...... ....... quo 0(92 Mtge etas, In moroecoand Cue of 9) large vrido, ololn cave and toot Dr Case of 10boxes (No.I tot%) and hook ' 803 A.. TORRESCIL, Corot, of roars', and Market strolls. .twnotesole Arent.Pittattartih, tor sale. by •E. DUNEll,32euiltlrecld otrentit JOS, FLEMINI,bI ?lark. street; corner of the Diamond 1 ,,,,, 0ur .b. anti I. J. EAST Nn, 13.1 Federal street, Aikityrtry; Mot:LAMA N A 314,5E:7N AN, eor enrol •Dtamond Ind Market otreet,, Plttonorgh. irArt. STRICKLAND'S itlellilluo. a w jj-- ., CtigToll. lett4ntriiil IFy 0 :5 "• t . 5 . ..1 ° : ar n h.;L'....37. .. : _„, s if • Whooping Cougli, r7.,„_- --• t•,...- C - rat. - ITde Cougtw. Comm. , - . 5...:•., , ,;,-‘,., . lA., itrouctltts nu) ttrou. - ... 6 ,..„ —,:t i , etengprepart4 now Honey . sad lierbs,ll, Is healing. .art- T , m a i • ..zp.......,..„ . wAreolluly-sultahle fur ,all , ----e-• lantleux•ot• the. 'Throat .4 Lange ft, tan 14. Drugging ever/inert. .... . 'lt. - 14.nleXIXIC4 r cri.; I . I P. IV ItoLacgal.a Amgen lilt. fiITRIERLAIMIttILIVE ULM' • • EDI/ h,r,setilliEl) ttio,a- , - 1,;- : "'' ' ';,, i , ,: 7471 . sawn of the w ont . cites of -- - - - t ..,i, •-• ill.lND'Atin AlLttk.DUili ,- e.': , Ls. . ~ tsi r..e TILE& 11. gives 4..qtedhi... i;,. , p 4 ..-. .--4, , , 1 ,Aiief. And ......... It 4 ,..„ f „...„., t , . . , . .4.,.„wav m viAhint enne ltatii..-it otl! r it .8 , . K.- . 16.1.0 , 14'444 , 4tf. . • . 1 WltypEniA , ..... Dr. le it . I:ierig ,lll6 l 4l lr t r. .. " f ''n-i ' tfe ittesuchsrld ~ , . - - •- . .rteten. lititnr' N17,-0,0;74 li nt Djr.911 , " . ‘....) ..fit I , fdfreth,T za:.'f, . .i • - . - ... ... Ylkitzr Sue 'artratth. k er4i- EP°l3l24Wqggis,g . tt , 14 0 4 ,- .. -- 1 , :, - ,. 7- _te.t..„,„,....,a 4 5.r,..,,,,,k,- ... 0 t , , ~,,,, ~.,. 1 - - „,;;,-.; , 5. ,..,,-- 7 ,- 4 ~.m.1 . 1%,..- --,..,....... .. ttrJttr .Ft!we—rirktt. L e _ -..„----,......„...„,.......„_,.._....,......,—.-....,„....,....,,.„, ~.., ._ . , iii =I =ZrE