The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 25, 1866, Image 2
'the Vittobtrigt4iiittit. WEDNESDAY 'AVRIL 25,.1866. MAJ:CEN..JOHN W.:CEARY, OP Cl3lOB RLA D. MINT Y NOTICE TO.ADVEIIITISERA Hanka to km4ol elven that homelier all Tttan- S admrilsemeat•sleoleitt at Ms °thee must Da paid our when handed L tia imb3M)i to the we of 'emir wiremisers. whom DIM mill be ren4ere4 quarterly. Mr usuel. advertisers sail Meant make e Oct.. of Wm, ILI the rule of roe t futrinenrip for firl• rart.tocznante of the character !stated, trillbe lndea- IDIv enforced. The price of our paper li • TEOLIMOZNTB si the toaster or from newsboys. Served by carrion at CEFITS Per (reek. MR. CLYMER'S INCIIVISM Mr. CLYMER filled a seat in theSeante of this Commonwealth throughout the whole period, of the rebellion.. He .Was - chief of the Democratic leaders in 'that hody. lie had advantages, personal and acquired, which gave him special Ipfittenca over, such of his . colleagues as belonged to his party. He was-both their mentor and champion. We do no injustice to Mr. CLYMER in as serting that from the beginning of the war to the end of it his sympathies were strong ly enlisted on the side ofythe rebels. Had he been under the' immediate direction of Mr. Jzir te DAVIS — tutO he would have put sued substantially the course he marked oat for himself. Whatever obstacles he could put in the way of rendering-efficient aid to the national authorities in the prose cution of the war he was sure to bring for ward. Not an important measure was proposed for arming the State, for putting volunteers into the Held, and for repelling actual invasion, that he did not oppose. In some instances, to be sure, he did not re sort to a hold and defiant - method Ile was fruitful of specious amendments, Intended to emasculate vigorous measures, to retard action, and frustrate desirable results. When he had fought a bill in this way, with parliamentary ambuscades and strata gems, and was likely to fail, be Would of ten assign the rejection of his modifications as the reason for voting in the negative on the final passage. But, in these cases, ev erybody saw and felt—everybody now sees and feels when reading the official record —that at bottom he was just ns much against the national cause as the rebels themselves , and that, in the sphere in which his lot was cast, be was laboring as earnestly as they were to destroy the gov ernment. Scarcely Vir.tasolonsm him self has a worse record. Ought such a man to be elected Governor of Pennsylvania. Is he a tit successor to GovernorCunrul, whose hands he sought to tie, whose plans le endeavored to thwart, all through those eventful years? It seems to us that the bones of PennsYl vania's dead patriots, fallen in the great contest, would shake in their 'maitre,' graves, at such a'disgram. This is not a question of ordinary diver sities of polities' opinion: It is vain to speak of the excellence_ of Mr. Cbrsueet's personal deportment; of the amenity of his manners; of the compass of his intelli gence; of the breadth of his understanding. All these considerations weigh lighter than air against his undeniable incivism. Who doubts but many of the rebel leaders pos• sensed all the social virtues and graces in as high a degree as he does? Who doubts that some of thew surpassed , him in intel lectual culture, in force of reason, and in the charm of oratory? It matters not what accomplishments a man may show, if he has pursued such a course as to justly rank him with the enemies of the country. Ica mauls not thoroughly loyal—if in the time of trial he has been found wanting— pre-eminent natural gifts and acquirements only make his conduct the more offensive. If Pennsylvania had followed lir. CLI ME-les lead; if she had adopted the line of policy he mapped out and pertinaciously recommended; not only wo d her terri tory been overrun, her fields laid waste, her towns given to the flames, and her rail. roads torn up, but the government would have been so paralyzed that the tnion would have been lost. It is absolutely monstrous to talk of electing such a man to the Chief Magistracy of the State. There ought to be such a sentiment among - the masses of tliNmeople as would make his &spirituous hopeless, as would consign him to private walks forthe remainder of his titiya.. That there is such a sentiment among Republicans we feel and know. The DentocMis talk of serious divisions and - 'R wholesale epostacies among as. lot a half dbzen grains of fact can be sifted out of whole loads of this chaff. A few -men, inspired either by greed or un rest, may lie willing to rdpudiate or adopt any principle, if by so doing they can ob tain the .hozors and emoluments of office; but the influence of these men begits and.. ends uith themselves. It is a conscious ness of this that leads to suggestions - of -a third candidate to help Mr.- CLiaura' .chances. All such erpedients are power less. The people havahS choose between a gallant soldier, who freely periled every thing for -the cause, and a politician - who did .all he could to serve the rebel leaders. On that issue the stragglers from the . R epublican rinks will be too insignificant - hi numbers to afford a count. ' tRT. JOHNSON ORGAN Of Yesterday 'att. notmeed that Col.. Seatuut.McKgrxar has been appointed U. S. Marshal for the West ern District of Pa. Tliis is the Col.'s re ward for presiding at the tiny Johnson meeting that was - held iti the mud on liar ket Street a few weeks since. - The present Marshal, Mr. lionnocn, h . cs been a faitlifttl, obliging, courtemis and la every way excellent officer ; and v, closely has.he confined himself to the duties of Lis office without meddirug in - polities that w e do not know how or where ho blinds on the issue between the President cad Con gress. Thel removal-.of sucliiiician is not only an act of the grossest injustice butime, of supreme folly, on the, part of the Presi dent. Mr. kirrisailr-is fl Mall Of wide in-, fluence. Ile•has %t , lilt hick the. political power of'the county in he-lives, „to say nothing-of what he has outside s !JIMA Mr.MeXcLvx has not enough to the ward in which he votes., Toexehange the one for the other; therefore; inubt prove "e( losing game to . the Presidmw.. . 4 , The same thing may be: mid of. all the other removal.s mpdf? . -orlllTtyt.4 be made in due State in every casei, taking. the cur rent reportsrpf ,the the probable a ppolutgen..tne <Akers gentle men of Ultimo:emir; are potential in politics 0r04,7 1 0e., tireto take their places..ati, men Who have either exhaustedwit!ttiMiluce_ilhey; had, Oiltive :none to beieittut z . - ThePreshhoiigaina , nothing, ,puiting7them'in; and has everythiitg to lose , by' turning the others out. ' - had 110 difficulty lit flaing men to _accept office from him;. but he' had to look: for them ih the class without political pirw .ei,'.just as Joarisow, is. now: doing. :The parallel bettieen them in treanheryle there fore holding in the , eonsequeifftey and will condi:Mk until i ibtartibtr, like nrag,, at the'end tie. into; the: obscurit, , begoitin of11:111Te9s 1 contempt: ; . RIGHTS OF LABOkt,.. ~. ... ' 'be substitution of machint„ foil:Lai:id: milft, in all departments of it:M46, has` u regarded with Mall:v(101y a centaidet . e eti po to rt u iz :l o n f orm th s e W la er b e ori ti n nt g Fi s t, ' P t r " 0 1" il t U i l" " :11 . fu roite,',Matty,'Weavers were greatly in: .4. ~„ not a few power-looms were . I deMOlished by theta „under the supposition AUL they were titidtrtildices - for- reducing wcirk people to la COndition• • of 'absolute at , pehdence on their employers. It was a long time before thiS 'eltia.Celin In regard with complacency any applications of steam; twTtliel Prorelsicm T 4 .• : 1 4acitY: - -Stige•drivers and teamsters, In this roue trY, very commonly, in the early perbid of deieloprnent, looked with an unfri endly eyc on the building of railroads. They I did , pot comprehend tii ,wAtaf, tithes uses they and their horses could be put to. This reeling, the natural s offspriiicof ig norance, has not yet altogether died out. Recently it has peen manifested with spr 0+314 itiength;lu the tril g diStiketirifiiii State. Sonic enterprising - houses conceiv ed the plan of rtutning- the Titodhcht of their well* in pipes to the place of ship ment. -The• Aectalitn 'Ol this phut [(Rik . from a considerable .number.ofteamsters the employment to which they Wire accus tomed. In revenge they tired . certain re ceiving tanks, destroying the works. Oth er acts of incendiarism are threatened from the same cause. Upon analysis It fotind that this scheme for retaining a particular form of employment, in a definite locality, does not differ in essential elements from the common method resorted to in case of strikes of preventing persons who are wil ling to go on rrom &manning at work The incendiatism is only an exaggeration of the forcible restraint. In all these in stances laborers become offenders against individual and public rights, end in the long run, subject themselves to serious losses. As A Sanitary measure the Legislature of the State of New York has given the Hoard of Health of New York city exclu sive power to regulate the sale of liquors. Licences must eliminate :frointhe • Slier& of Health, who must be very ,circumspect as to they"personal responsibility and respect. ability" of the. person to Whom' a license is granted. All, low, rowdyish and irre sponsibile characters are to be denied licen ces and their "places" closed. Thus it is expectettbnplacea check upon the. evils of Elie present loose anti villainous liquor-sell ing system, and bring 'it under complete and restraining control. The police have already commenced putting the new excise ir.w into force, and the effect among the keepers of low dolls 'and groggeries can readily be imagined. Tots leading democratic journals are not satisfied with the. President's interprets• tints of the Peace Proclamation. They supposed, naturally enough, that pence meant the subonlination of the military to the civil power; but find it does not. Searching fully they will find the Prods. motion meant two things: 1. To determine when the Freedmen's Bureau shall h' closed; it having a year to run from the lee • ]oration of Peace. 2. To bring down the pay of airily officers to the Peace basis. Beyond these points the Proclamation, as explained by the Executive Department, has no effect. While asserting Peace to be restored, it leaves all the other mnititions of a state of war. TlTEHarrigburg Patriot ad trwioL, the organ of the democratic party, says a call has been made for a Republican JOIENSON State Convention; to be held in this city, in July, to nominate a candidate for Gov ernor, and that the object is to defeat Gen eral GEARY. We are not at all alarmed, by this announcement, for the General. But we should be glad to see what name; of living men, are appended to the call- Pray, put them in print Tar: Puismc understand that General PalmEn has had a warm time in Ken tucky. Upon his retirement, the Louis ville Jaurnal takes leave of him in this pleasant fashion : - - "General Palmer returns to civil life, shortly. We bid good-by to him without any feelings of personal ill-will. Be has made mistakes; .and who does not? But we think ho has tried to do his duty to the best of his judgment, and many men would succeed in a less degree:- PrimurrrEßlAN......tin the 11th of May, the General Assemblies of both the Old and New. School General Asiemblies will meet In 81. Danis—the Old Mille-Second Presbyterian Chtrnh , (ltev. Dr. Ntenou.'s) —the , New in the ,First. Presbyterian Church (Rev. Dr; .2inmson'a.) The er peetation of measuiealooking to re.huitin Imparts speellil Interest to these onvona lions. Tat IMPORTATIONS at Ne w York during the first elghrmonths of the current fiscal year reached the. value of 114203,533`,754,..a little less thin double the amount for the oculresponding peilodolthepreeeding year,' How does that emnportwitit the demoeratfo deClaration that the duties are' so high 'ea to preclude importation? Ttia ittilowsi. income from direct taxes reaches stioo,oomoo a year. The Govern. stmt does not need 010,001),iX10. After providing, a Merit .Gliadng - rund for the 'ultimate paykentloritheAmiiifeldeht,loso,.. 000,000 of taxes' be remitted. - Wilt Cong Tess atV.9 II tYPIr 4,efgilY _ Ptitatnirtth pesetas. ..fitarty up youritienthint..zifivo,aannot send alitadicat send a Copparhead.t , -- d.BOP/terts (uym'(is,vrnor_o(2lew.lcrrey.- • . - • .- And so silyl:ny &at Mr . Editor; for:of ali'men to be shunned and fesred itAs °ne er your ... Poutidiratives- , ,your and water, nun--s adze.- They are not to. bO. trusted, f0r'20411,..40ti:, think thatu.,Yotti friends, you may be stabbed to the Heart;'A. 'Johnston; 'of lennessee;: Ex.-Goventor: Johnston, of Pennsylrania;•Lane;'or.lian: sae; Doolittle, -AV:grim:Main; J.krtintiF...:Pf Petuntylvania, anakittstlyoroncheighbor of the flonstaerciak are -nil -or this • stripe,- ' Thug mitts the Scrifdiresa- . .."They dud , are, not . with' me are against ' the-' Vie: are either for Our country or siring. it. ~The, cstainerciat, to .sanctioning the Pretddent in "my policy" of admitting 'red handedielatinhtto Cou ieae sluown 14' _sysitpathy with, rebeitu.; , it favored the; nemistdon ' of Beath:Ma 'rinwesentatisca" sometiine'' away off-into tlie , fhture, ,, when ,they gase'positivi, ,aridence Of re'prottancep th* would ali be right,-. 1 -but to abuse as it does, daily; the-most patriotic:. Gong:mine etiontry'eser bad; because itdoest not ' for. Eolith as Icamediately lbw Port Pillow, Andersonvilly -,. and ~felle..lsfs ssaassi ns Keay Huai' a Mi i sheet. lain 11011 Sympathy With rebels. . if not In sytnpathy, reasonableAutatc to haitp. : rettels, back lute; CongreleY • . say : ll. is in isonitiLlist,, 44'1etwit iiy 4%;r141 , 44. the honesty nid amitty,,-of our Congress- hy; ,sUchatticies . the Ousti taws: hodesty,patriotturtgd . tidelit'nf our Ca Ire" 4 1 1 f - 'lige MiattypktelnlysictwALto VttlMAAC,Pnint 'oo4.l42tlstrata before the.great )oyal•lorth to bet doubted,' and alt,the contemptuOus tlingliortbefforw ' Inetciest *Vltava no :More-latlnence-with. theloyal North -than -thh jOilyr?"drildmit' speeches of ita l ..ntatteri"`...irtiose &Mir It :who ' has.:4lolA-'intla hte [high pOsltiOnthan -Wdents we ItaTewter bad, nut excepting Pierce di Bitputtian.; lii2.l' - - - • • ' t} ax 'swim kis tiei - }twins ar,theritemanoti l t qwl POLITICAL. Jr•ta.n,Dniionxiof ,ihe Snprotne Coiirt of state of Miti.oitrf s :* jai twrilthednilgrs of like.obitoxion.anteccdenti.;....Wsuroustial. by Governor Fletcher, under the author ity of the rocatinv orilionim, adopted by lieSillte t'onvent ion . Believing the act ion of the Governor to be unconstitutional, Dryden brought folk, claiming $30,000 damages. Before the elite had proceeded far, the chat:feeof recovering damages was diseoterea' to be worth nothing, and was not pressed.- earte Congress elOuld attempt. the im peachment of President Johnson, and. he should reitiSi; the - Affthriftfirpftrtt is of the higitlon that . 6, revOltition is a pots'ible eventuality-of the next few months, with a crash in htfutparisonlo which' the giltts of Sumter irere as nothing.. "lx.,would not be %continues that paper, ....into ti t e cru sa d e of 1881, When distant battle - fields were to he tried, bait would hi:tires - We anarchy --- local conflict-,-.the 'shattering of social life at home." AT .THE 1312i011 illaga meeting at Jackson. ville, - I.llinois,.'on the 2lst, 5,000 peord , Gbv.Cglestry made a speech, denouncing President Johnson and advoca ting-universal suffrage. Resolutions were adopted sustaining the position on the re- Onstruetion question of the Union major ity ita•• Congress; approving the passage of .the Rights Rift orer the veto, de claring that Congress should remain in ses sion until the present threatening aspect of national affairs is past; and tende nng thanks to the Union Senators and Representatives from Illinois. THE dispute as to Confederation in the Province of Nova Scotia has developed a spirit not altogether favorable to its future retention by the British crown. Jae mem her of Pat!lament is charged with treason, and "threats of disloyalty," sal a 'rhe to ronto Leader, "are bandied backward and forward in a way that is not at all edify ing" A CORRESPONDENT challenges the goon taste of parading .the portrait of General Rohm E. Lee in thr show window of Broadway book-stores. Why not'? The hook-callers oiler for sale what customers are likely to buy; and they With to let:their Democratic friends have portraits as well as Republican. ltnennT 'lath it Witt the Feninne in Un iou square are about dissolving partnership and going into liquidation. The Roberts Fenlans, however, seem to be in a nourish- ing state, and it is to that organization that the lAA lord: fora solution of the problem which luta so long vexed them. CHE TAnnessee Attorney General at Memphis has publicly declared that he will "neither obey nor respect the infamous Civil_Bights law." Why is he not a good subject upon. whom to 'test the 'qualm' effect of the penalties of that new enact• went? \rum the law conferring autTrage upon ,the colored male adults or the Diariet of Columbia goes to the Presidem fur hi aignature he can make good his statement in his latest speech that he is their best Irm.r does not seem to enjoy as pOpular a government as we have been led to sup pose, for during a few wgeks wist the mili tary have made 90,000 arrests for political offenses. PERSONAL MRS. MA UT SA N GIFT NZ died in Baton Rouge, 'Lnatrislarra, on the Ilth Inst., at the advanced age of 110. She seas at fialves ton, in East Baton• Rouge, on the 16th of August, 17.11 i, and, with a few ex.ceptions, has never in the eourse of her long and Peaceful life hren beyond the parish lines. During her life she witnessed the elevation of the Spanish, French, English, Ameri can and Confederate flags over the - fort and city of Baton Bongo_ Tug late Daniel S. Dickinson left two brothers and two datiglaers. His bro. t hers are John R. Dickinson, E-9 4 ., of Chicago, and Erastus Dickinson, of Ellicontifie, New York. 818 daughters are Mrs. Samuel G. Court ney, of New York, and Mrs. John Tracy Mygtitt, of Binghamton. By a son, now deceased, Mr. Dickinson had two grand sons, who have for mahy years been mem bers of his household. Their ages are re spectively fourteen and sixteen. Mr. Dick inson had an Insurance of $?5,000 on his life. TUE firm of Andre Krechlin, of -Muthan , Germany, lately gave a dinner to three hundred and fifty workmen and a gratuity of fire francs each to as many more, on the occasion of the completion of their thou sandth locomotive. GEN. Cass, who is now 84 years old, though in rather feeble health, has lately been stronger and more comfortable. He is no longer seen In public, butstill receives his personal friends at his home in Detroit. Wri.a.rast KELLOGG, a murderer, and Joseph Barry, a burglar, broke jail at New lon,..lowa, a few-nights since. Front tools left behind, it is evident that they had help from outside. E: P. Dcureurr, captor of the assassin Booth, .has been commissioned Second Lieutenant of cavalry in the regular army. ltlaJort SHIELDS has addressed a meeting in Missouri in support of the President. SZEATOR DIXON has recovered his health. 'and will resume his seat. NOTICES NOWICE.—A.II persons Interested areberaby notated tn. Um undersigned-View ers, appointed to clew cod Assess dunnage for the nailing of ,HATlbm.a.ex. Hattie. Second-Wird, Allegh •ny, from Wilmer Stieet to Paatore Lane wilt ewe* anthe premises on HAIDAIf, kik it ISM. at 2 o'clock V. it, to Hilda to dettes of their npiroinkment. JOSEPH FLEMING. ' ARTHUR 'HUDSON. HOMAS HALL. EJ NOTICE:-Mite holders of Cou .,&• poet Donde (smiled by the •Fonttik . Wanl, - Atte IlheltY .eity, gelniol Board, for the payment of boon .ties tovolunteera. are hereby notified tbatthey Mn be redeemed On preeentatton to the Trenioner, D. HENDRIE, Eq., at the nerved National Bank of Allegheny. Interest Win not be paid on them after May ertt.-1118S, • ap:l ilard B. B. •Pil.A.Nelf. President of the Board. NOTICE. The undersigned, llontenlaelonere aimed In the Ant of Asselnbly..enlitled • 'An Actiolntorporate PITEBIJ46II.CAS SAVINGS CO PAM, Approved the elh rlsy of April,. A. D.. 18611, will open Books and receive enbserlptloos to th. 'moiled Stock of mid Company at tike tare or :toe CASH ' . 77IBITRANCIT 'UI7PANY, No. 57 F.ourto %tree,. Li=22! ON THE 11si.DAV Of .NAV, AL 1ad...W.4 - A. IC • '• WILLIAM PHILLIPS ' 1 JAMEIPCOINNID% • JNO. W. CHALFANT U. BIDDLE uogtirrs: ' "'''"'" l °"''' fa=llll4':ii . , -'- . ' - Conwry Tnalarracti.e or Celt, PirTsunnOti. , Apill IS , S. PLIBBILTANGII.OI. - tbe -21st Sec ...,*.thros of au Act relating to Allegheny County, op ,proreillinslat day.or Ma* Villotad of the Amend taint to said Ctectloo,' roved the alth day of hiareb, INSI;;Ii' DAVID. E/Ehl,i:dr. Trealuterof said county..hereby give native/hat t . he Duplicates' 'efihefwvaral Wards, Illoroughs.and Townshipowth. be n, and 1 ollt be prepaEed to receive the Coun ty State, Poor and Work-House Taxes for IMA on and after the VILEST DAY OP MAY, Hee. held Taxes eau kield at theTreasuroris Unice 'milli!. 'YIEDIT DA-y-1W a t with • deduction of 'NYE PElt CENT. DISCOUNT for _prompt pay , Anent to any person paying the whole amount of their taxes. .Thers will ho no deduction allowed on taxes pald dating the month of t Austad_ There will Ire TEN PEI/ ChNT. ADDED o all taxes re...M -lAS unpaid on the drat of Septem ber. apt:And NlYr I C E—T e undersigned. Com miotoncrx......l In the Aet of Assembly, eon .tied •'AtrAct to Ineurporete the ENTERPRUEINSURANCE COMPANY . . ,'' i.,.....,„,......,,,,„,.......„.. • '. . r..k ..."144.27 . tbtday7oldie4,4, A D... 1869. , Ida ." IBootandttablvblataciponsu tleintA • . ornald•Jompany, on ?he ~, . . i • 191 b Day of Ma y; II) !SW,' At ID o'clock A . 11.... al lb! YOIIRTII NATIO.NAI. .11AN14, in theCitroi.Plttnburgli, Penh. ..JAT : E.O . AC FB O I IIIII. v . 4,,, t.......i.,;.;,..., c. w. iticit.mioli, . '... JASIMi tualogda,, , ,, i. • • . It. HIDDLIG uorszlab., ,NOTIOE TO OWNERS OE DlLArliv , HM.1118; "lke . ..drOtieft . Ye - baellij lii ten 'to all 1111 c fr. t ?f r=relt Vr,- ti c ant = t2r . Vd=t ° • Pe i ff t e S t I tjtif •Plttaburgh, to pay thelr Licenses tic toe Treaawreleil , Once of the City of Pittsburgh, PORTEIWITIf, in . •Atusord... srltb au Act of Aosembly, approved March X, isgi, and an Wdlnatuctini , ths,Counells sr , she Citv of Plttabtlegh, ,, paned Aprilla, latlit; lod MI it ,- nom who neglect or refuse to take out Ltrenaes 4 besubir4.4** .P..uly, to be reeovered before , ayor' • Obteletne amonot Of the License. ie old inetatplates 04, previoue years moat be re iirned itAblilline Gleattseekre taken out, or pay '" MU , I ,4Ofdfdr. ,, Eh Otte Horan Veh „ac icle 4 7 60 '..liittehl'aro Boner Vhlcie • 1 4 .' 99., ocb•Foar =,•—• • • Is co r.ctiThO of •••:•iv,=;•-a' r ;;;;;, '' g.„ Yor oOdupatttionsucarso our/. viant 01 6 411515.,,cf0r Trworcr. ''PaisoitY6tukebrasruia4.lM3, , ledeadmid • , r ; , ~ 7 : . .t . ..•:Trzirr e lO r tp t Lys'it ut lnn % • i . lLlVO'neff - n taillietßaW h kenkC CO metZ, IL ifetd:vinicoll; CLITTBOION.- BAN itasnlttpluoliqk gati..elylituut. ....• not lercatys Wood ionorlble ot , • =WV OE . T. T.A.N DOZEN, Csablei. • POLAI . . • ~.. l ION . • REltuntscAic cotai4 . ! TT-'C vENTlON.—TbatintaltTpublic.a votuca ttrektlegneny County. MIS Mini:Sten ha ',heel_ at thonanal places for Width& etartd.R., La Ole real Wards, Borough, and T 011111,4111,.. on SATLII -IIAY, 11IAY 1e.6T11, and elect two delecatra•from etch eteetton altorno, to a tout.) , Convention_ In tie held on lit F-YRA Y. IIAY 09T1.1. at In o'clock L., far the boron's, of nominating a Cannot Tith ed. mud transaetlog sorb oats, husine,e, a, magna ' properly brought before It. The Repabllean enters of that portion of Allecia, : "Y honnt ling in the "nd COngres.lonal District, willoit thee mane title Anil ptse_es..clect two delo , gate. from tack Lit tant . taz i ttlk , l e trtt MAT to at at PI o'clock . e . 6' ia r ?or the purpose oF II The a candidate for Congress tii said district. • 'The 'primary elections in the townships will be held beta ern tio. hours of four and sta o'clock. and Lathe sale. tad home/ha between the boon of roar and serennvloek r. Y. in the antes and Wrong!. the election. .112111 Le by I.tllal. and la the town , tie marking or by ballot. Re order of the Committee. W. J. ttiLitiJitt, Chalrlasn. WM. ANI/11.11SOlt. R. W. 'ruom..E.. W .- CONGRESS, 22d DISTRICT HON. J. K. MOORHEAD Hat tug placed blutaelf at the dlopotal of hla ftlendat In reaponie to their rsU made on him, tUe nat. It now pretented by them tap candidate for nowise• lion for Congress fee the 53d Utatelct, milldeet to the 11. of die Union Republican County Coot en_ Lion Matte W'COIII GRESS. GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY L CANDIDATE /N 'TILE 211 D DISTRICT 'APO:ImA , OrCONGEIESS.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY WII present his name to the Convention of the Unlion party, foi nomthation as a candidate for Con gress In the ani Distract. mhl3:6srd 114 r FOR SHERIFF, SAMUEL B. CLULEY, Subject to the artlon of the U mon liepubllean Coun ty Convention. totel3:tetlkwF Iff - FOll SHERIFF, CHARLES BARNES, • Late Culotte] tiLath Ilea. Pa. !leery Arittlet7 and That. Brig. Gen. U. S. A... Neel to theaction of the Cruion iooventlau. lIR - FOR SHERIFF. JOSEPH ROSS, Of the First Weird, Pittaboveh, will be a candi date for nberiti, aubjecs to the .rt too of the Union Republican County Convention. gar FOR SIIEBIEF. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, I.trAin t iriel Fourth Pennsylvania Caralry. FOR SHERIFF. COL. JAMES M'K. SNOOORASS, ut MuKereport. (late of the nth Pa. lte.rrves,ll will Adaieniret to 11,0 deetslou r entitling County Convention. "'FOR ASSEMBLY. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, Will boa cartidal., for Aotoonbly. subloot to the WWII a Urn Itepobllean Colon Coo tootle.. Opttioto w"FOtt ASSEIIifIBLV. SAMUEL CHADWICK, Of Collis. Tow nobly, will ire • can di• I ate for /Las to bly. sublool to the oction of the Union RepoOlicau Connty Convoto ton. apMto ike'FOß ASSEMBLY, MAJ. OEN. J. B. KIOOOO, Poi - merit of the 81.1 and MO Pa. V 01... 'and idti and 22d tr S. emoted troops, snd wounded severely in Roo or Richmond. will be a candidata for Assem bly twfurc the Republican County Vonvent apt. tte 4. 4-rost =9 HON. GEORGE WILSON, Ylll TOWlligtlll, Will present his u•rue n• • ennel Jute tor Ansenany, behwe the next Union ttepubll es ti County Convention. • nplYtte PITT TOWNSHIP. c".:, - a,COUNTT COMMISSIONE% . SAMUEL NEELY, SR., Of Blanch ester, if of Inorlealey tournahlpo on be s candidate for County Commissioner, ant,. Jeet to the decision of the Union Ltepoollean County Contention. ayellae e ' COUNTY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE HAMILTON, Of Pittsburgh., subject to the action of the Union Itepoolican County ConYentiou. apeme W — COUNT I COMMISSIONER. CHARLES PUiiH, In Manchester, VIII be• candidate for Counts Com auturct to the action of the Union Be.. puotican County Convention. tuhM•JY•tc r4rELEICH OF THE COLTR'I`B. JOHN Q. BROWN, ut Ramptoo Tovroshlp, tate Private Co. H l 1141 Hert Peott`a Vets afi;te 10 — F Oh CLERIC OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, Late on VA Cenobylvonth Volunteers athl 6th Penn ypl.ublxanCothrty. Convention .the teeel o m u a o l:tthe IY6FOR CLERK OF COURTS, OR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, Of Upper Pt- Clair Towne], mhat-d&yrreP jpon REGISTER, • JOHN SMALL, Of (Imbue - alb aubJent tobe action of the Unfelt Republican County CI:navel:1000, • .^ :le tgr'FOß REGISTER, JOSEPH H. GRAY, O( Plum Ton - nada,/ late of Co. E 105th P. Steit.,) auhtect to the b u tton of the Union ftepoblicau County Convention. ■• 19 lc I;gsf - FOR IREGISTER, R. 0. HUMES, Or Tartan: Borough. .objet to the declaims of the fteimbllcan County Conveution. nolOsto RECORDER. i L ABOIEL M'CLURE, Of 11111110 township, wIR ha scandidate if or Re corder, subject tattle action of the Voiced ltepubil n County Convention. gFOR RECORDER. J. B. COPELAND, Of Elizabeth Township, win be • c•cditd•le for corder, subiect to the deoision of the neat Jtdon itepublicau County Convention. splint MEETINGS. NOTICE IS lIEBEBT, GIVEN that . me.tiog_ of the Coutriratore of the kt.Y : lt. CHANTS' NATIONAL TICLEUILAVII COMPANI, incOrportted by Act Aseembly , approved the helb day Aprll. A. D., UM, will be held at the ballad of Trade noon., is the City of Pittsburgh, on MuNDA Y. the 7111 day el' ' , toy, M 6 ,AllO o'clock, a. h., fur the purpose of choosing a rresident and ef: Utreetore for cold Cuthpany. WM. VONA% It. 'W. DUBS 6. JAKE: MILL. QM= .„ ELECTION NOTICE.—The Amu.. .1 Election for Mercier. of the • • r BIRMINGHAM tat-COMPANY • W 11l he he'd et the °Moe of the C4mitaity, ueY I MA Y KelQp r. I. :ll k . y b: n t , t7en rho hour. et two and Eder :101.1 • r ti.'ROBI Ilecretary. ' 11211aXISTIIIIY. 0 MEM O. 3330,121C311131, Wouid announce to the publie that she *lit open ph SATETISAY, the %STU inst., a handsome rtoek . hr !SUMMER GOMM, eolmisting . of PA,TTltithi Buy- NETS and HAW, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &e. Also, vary handsome stsles'of Summer Basques and 41liennen, at •124 Federal weer,' 'Alice:ear City, Ps. sFM;t7sl OPENING - EMI 34&W ANI) +.:LECIANT FASHIONABLE AIILLINERY GOODS, The Latest iu4lleo•69 , ing of Scluou, at . No. IRO Vaderai fl!ltreat, .Allegliesay City. . , MR'S . ,. M. , KITCHEN. rpZ:l Ko3ql;iliktati 3 O:ll4 V.O.*ARTNEMIIIP NOTICE= 1l" "8, lhle Vittlg.7l.9l4maral. A ' NES ' itA Blleinstal, •at the old s r % d, No. 5 • ftEDEItiM STREET , sander thearyieoflNlLLlA • FRANCE dt SON, and Would respectfully solicit for the urn Prat a Cao tlneenee Of the patronage beretofere so klberuSr YeetoWed 'A rip ALLE6BENT City, April 21.171516.--apriand XARTNEICSILIPPOTICE ie aare.allis day am:misted With u. al pariaer 7 ' gra et 11011 31•Aatti of the toaadri.dnd Muhlae buel • ; Up., 111ml:ilea we are Boar eagaired, .11Anfa' garaaerfy of Itre *eij- cuMil km' J et.. Co ~• ta,(l . !llirlchotat ~1 1_,elnib;'14 64 . City. • pui. , 4i;. .. ioa avn, t, 1 i zo. - PERSONAU ERSONAlL,,Thelady.,who took A. the kIAnKET-oontstnlng-o•ro_rt%7ltlunt tome nice Dolt is bunny /11r.0 NTO n CK' trlthat; Vetlentlatreet, Ants ion the rush on 54012430 orating, tuntut. • try' la to tent.; urn) do well to return live slone,toltin- Store and Itay.trOliblP.4l.lh# tfliCwsop - suy . ipsfai • W cowNTOOK, 11514Pederil BO' . C • Wirati r iv. Zity trdiloVti=n. lint = l i n tiar ti rf: i trig re Y Vapi e g li g , ll , t, elm! land ed eeem - dtdettab entwine 7 4 3 . aria cdrAd..dreesettaleCtetuddi‘Ea e 51444 lATAtMiD. WA„„f i rrE ' —....d.jAmba waifs et att - gla experienced , littElE BUR!. IttintsitLately. Apply AIII=RO C'StlnttsWassl, rittsentryth. WOW' WANTED.—Sis. good Straw Mil t LfaltitS Wanted Immediately to Sew Straw. Appliras Altai, heay Straw Worke, 100 Ohio street.W ll .l3 l LenT- aprAtftd VIVANTED—Good Agents to Sell SHERAtA/f ANL IILS CANIFAION, GRANT AND Mg CAMPAttiNS,' (the tatter Just ont() CHILD'S PRAYER, FIRST I.InSON, (match Tile tures.l and THE 1 DE RICAN INVE NT O RS . These are all new oooks and F.ngrartnga, and 'agents eon better watt the. Elton with any other olieredge .WANTED.—tI4OO PER TEAR —We want A 'EATS evert-where to sell our IbilltIOVED TWENTY-DOLLAR SEWLNU MA colleßS, three new Muds, under and upper feed; warranted dve years. Apace salary or large commis- Mon paid. The ONLY Mactnee sold to Ratted States far less than nn), which are fatty licensed by Howe, Wheeler & W tron Grover d BakfT, Stayer • Ca., aa4 liatAeltkr. 411- other cheap btachines are VP relPOlDlaara. Oireularafree. Address or eall up -0o anew it MARX, Biddeford, Maine. deettlecrltl•wif FOB SALT. VOR SALE—FLOUR AND PRO DUCE BUSINESS, of orer tea yam standing, in a good location in the atty. A lase apportsallty ts-ofrered to any person lashing to Isgoge to the produce Staines... All commeotcatlons trictly oonlidentl.ll. Address P. 0. ISO, PI burg h. mh=rtf VOR SALE—IOWA LAND—S2OOO —ABOUT FUOB HUNDRED AND THTUTI ACRES (OFF LANDLAND situated near Webster My, Hamilton m inty,l owa, (on the ' line of the Pacific 'Railroad, i• is offered foe sale for rtvo THOUSAND nott.arta, casn. Address ••OWNSit,.. Quires owes spaktf poll SALE--A Valuable Country llealllence ►t Ndgewood Station, Penneyleant* Railroad, one and a half tulles from Wilklnaburs; Pleven fares ISO perches of Land; a fine new Dwon - Mg containing to rooms and cellar underneath; 'Fruit and other thin, on the premium. Yoe further Information, call al No. 1M Fifth Orem., pittsborgh, or on the premises. no7:01" J. B. KING. FOR SALE, 200 Obis. White Lime; 100 •• Calcined Piaster; 100 • Laud Plaster; 100 •• Hydraulic Cement; 100 •• Hemet:Wale Cement, 41. t 3W Liberty street. oP 6l4 ted W. W, WALLAOk. R 1 90 SALE—THE PRACTICAL • NONEEII, by John Wallace: second edition; enlarged and improved. About 0.-half of this edi tion bas already been sold. Every Engineer or man Who owns or runs a Steam Engine should have a copy. It only needs to be read to be appreciated. All orders directed to the subscriber, at 319 LIB- Erry STIOLIET, Pittsburgh, Pa. will be promptly attended to. Price per copy,ll3. 00. apu+twd W. W. WALLACE. VOR. SALE ON THE BIG SANDY • EITEII.-1 offer for sale the MINERAL MOUT OF NlNif 119249E6D ACHES, situated In and on the lands one mile above Peach Orchard -Works. The COAL is In abundance and of good quality. The veins are trots FUCK tviditTEN PEET 211103. Persons Wishing to porthole will call at the Ken - tucky House, Ashland, Ky. Ten. cheap and rea so entnab u le. Address THOWAS ittlffsELL, Ashland, Kcky. 14 -1 01 l SALE—A Portable Double Clit43l - SL.WIt SAW KILL, without Engine and Boller made by Lane and Bodley, Saw incinti lower Saw ba Inches diameter; Upper 16 inches, with Cross-out Saw, Shafting and all ebtaplete; also three Inch Barrel Saws, for mitring stares, made by Whitney. of Willebeilter, Mann. The above et a dith - er] , has been In one In the lumber region short time, and Is In _perfect order. Address the SA_LT MANITFACI'D/1.1.1i1i COMPANY, Natrona, Pa. aplitilweod FOR SALE, ASHLAND HOUSE. ARCH ITTREKT, PHILADELPHIA- The Furni ture. Fixture, tined Will. and Four years Leave of the above yell-known House. Parties wlptapi to purchase. will rail on or oddree% BARKER A PARLEY. AnMAIM Bongo. Phßsdelpbta =Ol _FOR SALE 1a..111.1 , 1.413,1811 LOT. The fleet Reformed Prestryteri on Congregation of Pitt.burgh, (f)r. Ditcal.... Putor.) offer fur sale their property located on the corner of Plum mid Cherry &Reid, and but 20 fret from Liberty ',tree, The lot la IYO feet by 140 feet, on which are the Church Building, and a Tenant Route of 4 room.. Inquiries may be made of, or communication. ad devased to TIIO.. SMITH, at the Fourth National Bank, or to ft. C. MILLER, 135 Third street. aplittf Fon BALL, A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE. The substantial frame Cottage llanalon on Waugh avenue., ear School .treat. In Allegheny city, with chamber, n parleir, dining room. library and a spaci ous hall on drat door; three light and well ventilat ed stile etiarnhers. and kitchen and bath room In back building. The view from the front is eaten nine and beautiful. commanding the three liver, and [lse city. The surroundings are pleasant, the neighboring houses being or like general style and character, and all having spacious grounds, band moody ornamented still shrub trees, +blubbery and Bower,. The home ratline, In 1134. rear of the property mitten the communication with the liminess centre ea., thus combining the advantage, of a city with the eamforts of a country home, The fot Is about ;Ow 774 feet, eateodlug to Rebecca emset, Is well cultivated, tod tontalru some supe rior fruit. Apply to I=l Broker to Bieck. end Real Smite, apnitt 57 Fotirtb street, (Burke'• Builtllkg) FOR RENT TO LET—A large and pleasant SLEEPING ROOM. in a private tlling, in a good location, maybe bad b 7 addrevcing with Cal name. and re lerenee, Oassrra a7C4:3td TO LET, A Three-Story Brtck Warehouse, Situated No. 67Wateretreet, corner Redoubt alley, and running through to First street, the same hat ing been necomed for • number of Tenn by JOHN /RWINos • Hope Warebonse. Lanuire of HOS TETTER It SMITH, At Nos. 59 and 60 Water 1:13211 ItENT—The Lot on the cor er n [r er Of Butler and Allegheny streetai Ninth Ward, together with the old Nrkel epot Building thereon. She lot bag Id feet front by 100 feet deep to an aNey. WM 1..0 it for doe or ten years. Ap pty to W jut. DAELINUTPS, at Ng. 37 Flllh street, second boor. mhattf PROPOSALS. CONTnOLLSIVIS ornce, CITY oe AisatliteNT, Aprll bd. t REALER PROPOSALS WILL BE r•-•recelved at this office cold TUESDAY EVEN LNG, atAY Ist, for Oredlni and Paring the follow toe Streets, els: VETO ST_REE ,T from Deets alley to Beason alley: CENTRE STREET, from Perry street to city doe: • SIiEFTIELD STREET, from Allegheny avenue to Bidwell street; . . , , PERRY STREE.T,„from ebeatnot et. to Long lane; IRWIN AVEN Ur., from Ridge atreet to R eatern " Mit& Alrithalti, from Strawberry alley to ". C.MrI7I 7 ATI n ET, from Palo Alta street to Wen filer street: from Root lute to Church alley. Meo for'.lte , gradlng and ite-parlog LEneuen. nTILICET for '4O feet, more or leas, nest from Votantly ettoett • (:) , INTHAL ISTRYIET, from allegheny avenue to beta SVCIIIIO. . . Profiler of the above can be seen at the omen of WV. WIIENDRY, Esq., Iteeording itegulator. ap243.1 IL It. IfILANCIS, City Controller, pROPOSALS FOR WATER PIPE. CONTROLLER% OrriClL Curl' Or ALLZediSET, April IS, Me. NULLED PROPOSALS vllll be received at this %rear ' sk..K. saws 154.1:31 PIPS, {the pipe to be ca pable or atauillag PresfUre of =I porindeto the square liccho right l s reserved to take coslv hallo? the 'boor quantity. I,EXI feet 'of+ tech Rod to) feet of hods •Is learned for Immediate Rod the baton. to hr delleic t Lecl e i tt suct ater kpaßaedidate d r the 00 rlotendoot or * i r i4 • =foo n o r above. It. B. FRAorvlO, ap=l4loth • CityCoutrolter. \u " : 1: it i.. 1 BTUM.E.—Tbe Pennsylvania tialt Msmataatuv tug Company win recebte propooas lorshit supply of 20,000 Toiris Of Of nol.lsts d eli INETYI2 PEA:CONT. li . :1 1 1/Lored i r e ni c gign.the . .A.4lolbeny jar th Vall ljUi/CLlO:Cklar road .wittc th a r Weian n iC M. 12.42 Xlsklnclueicc river. Car. to be ficr. reac t Lt y at t. 3% , %A cot 122 , 1 1 1thma 00 nor more sarciples of the *tone. 2 0 014 1 ' 4 , 2 . 221 be km mimed br rreem, Merzt .••2 eons. Batt 22.2c0. hauling Ctn. Natrona, AlteooOr Co.. V. ;_; ~ gQe~zo~ sezis.~. SVPrilable.llo.ESElTOLW..lrtito Nrfunr. ON BOUTII.AYNNII4 Al.Y.tOifidY CITY, AI AllCTlON.—The_llonsehold Fur niture at the reealenceof T..I,..bIeCIALLAND, on Booth Avenue, river Wit; About Nevada below the VDU Wear 66e1i00l House,, void on W.Y.D NY.isDAY, April, 36th, at /0 o'clock. • ,Tbere are .licovvela, .Threel6lWograin And atalr • C4WOLE Mir nliOr, Won_ Pay Ana sad mock ing cc di, akNarbie Top_TaßleN and CoolOvett saklitatidt llat Neck irith mirror, tine •Diattogaa y. ardrone, wen' boa 3fAvbidTop_Nabog. N I L " I=nrlZitteid, n Iglis Fa_1 1 337i=, Oil Clot f tnkr tirug,TeCiiikv a nl: . . he., Le.. able e urnitnre a n excellen condition, inid - Wortny the xpeclat 440t/on oUnrcliatert. ... p ,,, ..,4 l• • . • A. 141.tHIATII, Auct, • REASONED LUMBER AT AVC ,,, • ?lON. On THURSDAY HORNING, Anvil .260, Commission.!pad fue . secount. of not dierslßanitur at the Western Ye sylvanintlospllal: Ninth ward, Sire 'tame No.l-13`fFet lonF, it feet Fide. 17 feet hi g h. .No. No. 3- b 0 " " 15 " " •• " " " •• No. 6- •• 55 " Tema Cash-United States currency. Purehmets will be t cenuestati letentomi the bniletng. to amen. IdayS to:utlet., ~.T. A. IdtIII.ELLAND. - • , *atm:amen. . Plll7AlL} r,B2l,:t e n ar ".4oth. L r ili ..te.. A ni. l .l.o.n e°lL t. n . zarg ur Int. salet.lof ibontt beautifully , lin:late& 'Ulf dent Lota. L inb-dlottled% frool a ttte be C e :lll . nt . I , L ts!ti .. ' , vat v Coatll Eiti Z it ipous Aper a . `"in ski 0 1 4 742V 3 2" tiN *RAIN win kite the 'Pentn epbt • • o!clont, for tho tonityante of tad dentlOnita tO sun Mute. ,11MIts—und-ttdrd tun; Willow In on and two wrt. i nt a tt b lne d e . l - st=ol i toiL=dond • • TIMISISANIE. : WHIM' 1161411/%443/10fir. ' rwltltAbotv,ffn. LiZar" r fe .hg 4/*. 1 4 "Mr' t r , 4 ' • 7e. 7 2 7CP:x29 13, TR-Thilani GS. M - gb c ?u. 171-"A-111 ' 34113 Sul " WATIPS. W. AL ir' CD .I\7" 15 .'-v-• Ladles' Ribbed Cotton Hose; Misses' do do do Ladies' and Mi s ses' Plain Cotton Hose; Misses', Ladies' and Gent's Gloves, in great variety; A complete line of Kid Gloves, at Re duced Prices; Ladles' Frilled Skirts; New Style Balmoral Skirts; IM=l JF'ine Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Sun Shades, Cameo Radians, JEST RECEIVED. F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth Street. iliiil:litarl:4 Monday; April 16, 1866. TELROY, DICKSON & CO., 54 Wood Street, NOW OFFERING A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE eipcs• CIMIC OF DRY GOODS Mil IV' 4C) "PION Et , At Low Prices, for Cash, (6) FP :T•tin dt BUYERS FROM WESTERN PENN'A, EASTERN OHIO, and WEST VIRGINIA ARE INVITED TO CALL I= tpl7 lmd NEW GOODS NOW OPENING LI BATES & BELL'S, 21 Fifth Street. i 7 REVD PER EXPRESS THIS DAY Fine Silk Sun Umbrellas, ORECIELN COILS, Fine Silk Parasols. HAMBURG EDGINGS, Real Point Lace Collars, HAMBURII PLOUNONOS, Bajou's and.klexandre's Kid Moves, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Morrison's Star Shirts, CoFt,SlE7lrffill, Duplex Elliptic Hoop Skirts, HEAD .VETS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers supplied at Low Pricea,at Nos. 78 and 80 Market Week MACRUM, GLYDE its CO. NEW GOODS! New GI-oods!! SPLENDID 46SDETIDER. All the Novelties. FURS, GERMAN & ENGLISH GOOD& • IR IMAGE: REAL MALT ;AN I M PcINT COLLARS: LACE VEILS' ND EAT. REM.. AI4IIIMITAT ON CLUNG - LACD6; BLACK GUIPURE LAOIIB-new Ryles: NEW STYLES BUTTONS. tor Drains and 'O4 Mg. TIER A. ND . RCARTH - sms.sl7/011 • o:lGLrela l lrl i ND 1.-istE OLOVRBI , OMER - BRUITS; coIISETS; • 13E01 RIURS,._BIIII3OII3, and ' •••PARtly (WOGS AND NUTIONs. ThelleAlkia 'SW/ Mild) ficwy.anWits sad piny er before Opellta In PG/Anna. • Merchants Supplied atEasterntrices. MACRIIM .& CARLISLE, 19 • Filth Street ; gym • AIIMPPPPI s !' 'CABS metANDiaeso is CO., i p "" )1' 114 07: claw c 0.,) ,„ e. -1,1 ly , rkaiataiWe ee pozaserio , 01 , Zr, , t PlUalteihr CONGRESS, SELTZER, KISSINGER, SARATOGA STAR, . , . arac,_ 'Ar.c4 For boos quenstities al may be dealiad. by SIMON JOHNSTON, Corner Smithfield and Fourth Sts. all The Watt. from the l onaress yprtg shout which So much complaint was made last .11- .0 U. are raid to he all right agala The FAVORITE WATER. preneuE 41tt, the pub. Ile, And the medical profession., seem, In he the SARATAGA STAR SPRING. but rreehtiv Intro duced. It. rumpotltloo, a ttualyt.l br I • rufeasnr CHANDLER, show. an uuutual quaolltl of Valuable thedlhlual agents BOOKS STATIONERY, &o. MAGAz!-"ar sat. fv°,! l ,.!li .,4 ltNT A CO. NEW BOOK, Yor fate ku . JOHN P. HUNT A CO. BL Alni B OOKS —ell ' t,i l ' lol ' l ' 7 l , V. ' ht ; , . ' T .8 CO. B.TA 7 lONERY OF ALL KIN f. For sale by J 1,117, P. HI. N 3 A CO. KA"' M For M sa P l:l '' .ll. , El N NT .8 00. POCK ET BOOK b Po, HET BOWL, — for vale by JOHN P. HUNT A CO. PHOTOGRAPH ALHIJAth —al I a 1.,. styles, and cinatinon, "..a l rb .LOAN' P. HUNT A CO. GOLD PENb—f 7:c.f.. , and John P. 11.11 Co. brawl., P., lug Cards, at ' , an , ' e. - .luced PLAIN AND OFINA.IIENTAL PAIN TIN II exec.- tell is the boot Manure, eaprdllloualy sad at the lowest eaten. JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 Fifth St., Masonic *tall. /fp") SMITH'S AMERICAN INK, El% dy n l I k a .,r A alt to nlfdoottrt..adutf,r7y some a c t* aceutaktanta In t. 7 cuunt.y. alas L. READ, 78 Fourth street. ,• RIENIOVAL T. & J. T. MUNE, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Hive Removed to the Xi, Building. No. 196 Liberty Street. the lateness of their purchase* for the liPRING TRADE (the senior partner being now in the East) they are prepared to exhibit goods for the CUSTOS! TRADE at the VERT LOWEST ODOTA poNu that good* hate yet reached. They have, and design to keep, a RUPEE/OR STOCK VP CLOTHING FOS SALE, OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, and EQUAL tu all respect to CUSTOM WORK. mlsECtordlturr GEN. GRANT MD 13..ra X 4011M11.1.X3C04CM5.331.1:11. NEW SPRING STYLES 1,11 , 11210,2 - lE3' IETIWIfiII • 47 SC Clair Street. GRAY & LOGAN HENRY G. HALE. • bLERDELEINT TAILOR,. BOOBOitt COMB BY PUN t Bt GUS S?IU*!8 PITTSBURGH, PA., Desires to return thanks to bin friends and the pub lie tenerally for au& liberal patronage and t r". r eT ' ATlVE!ga r :4, ' . gfttel..":,t h rt 1,11,•;: alected stock of Fine Woolen Goods, I m p all ,,,,Apto to GENTLEMEN'S SPRING lz1:1100 NEW SHIRT FOR 1866. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) SPRINGSIUR Iludidired eselasivelrly the sole omen of Neg. VESTS, BRADLEY & Ent Ell = 97 Chambers, and 79 At Bl Bea de Stc, YORE. Bath Hoop Is composed of TWO finely tediennt ;trim Wedded tlghtty end firmly. s tn mint ed eto edge., nerenlng the ,STRONOThYr an moot BLE. Hoop made. They will not beud tor break Wm the , angle aprings, - ,but will ever preiketee Ittetegnteefutneasuf shapestinute three or nmrot , - dietary atria will hate been throartt away astseletu, In fast, for the promenade or , the• tunas, •the church, theater or ear, - they.sre superior to all nth• err, combining commuter, ntowiturcand pooh.) , art, grab that Thidingen Gr • MAIM whkiihas Made the DUPLEX XLLIPTIO.THE STANDARD SKIRT ofthn fashlonible worll4. Utrehantswlll mpraled to above...l byPllla• burgh Jobben 114 lea in all the girst-clus retail nom. in 0314 tits, Inquire for Bradley's Duple*, Elliptic Skirl. 61Alroeodia ALT. STILES or TUX CEIXIMATICD DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT • AT LOIS' UR' ILSTAIL Pruett+. nuErm.s.szaa*iaLtaxasizus ettyptted,Ar tile Amen awlowiest rate& Ar4014-17t V4.1/14SZE, 11) Wllll2,iatreet.. Is: A 1r cisuotztlick the gal srlea ofereish Masters: • • bad. 1. Pall ordained timAitsgibytkitSitisgand' Common•Councits Of Ike qt'Airinrir, *audit Whereby enastoi a of the • yams, Thu. the salary bUthe Weigh hiutur . of the Dimond Scales sIIMI Mr Eight limidredDollars peronnum... Ilse. 9. The. salary of the Welkh Master stttle' Eleeond Ward ticales be '4 hie - Hundred Dollars per %WHIM the Ordalned and engulfed baton be.. this, hellittidsy or Aprll, Ann* Domisit r one thousand, eiglit, hun dred and sixty-alk. Presidentof the fieeet Cannon. Attest: D. htuarimoicar - - Clerk of. tbs. boleti -.• CHAD T'UW..ibliCilakP, President of the Common Council. Mugu licofrr Diuwormil,_ • Clerk of the Comnsbn Connell. nyklistd MI HATI HAW .11LALVI nut CAlig EMLED TIMOTHY HAY, von sALz SHOEPSAKER-1106ANi' 122 - d 2 - 11 W ..D 61/11C81. FII~T INGIAL. , - comroilmknriggiri.NOTP,` ,, Bowed 118 ' • r • ifia SENIPLA 4 01411 , - • nazar:triiikin d-Thiill saw ;PIMP oiiiii oll.`: ' junac;:kluirritiva ANIXIMMIRMSII;!,.: - *AltxtvprkwinE9_,34. ws iVa.ity a nt#46.4l.l4.'plitia itrst tvgroairmii.rn. 4 ziriFirtt , ma t, 4 0 4 , awl rtiall,efitatinfrelyins,pl.4. , gm u, •'e :a: :~~:IcT TrionadrirMtwit WROLISALI In MIL KALI& LI TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. AND 2k. 33 3r_. zu co cs 31E1 R. MI warehouse, 91 WoOd Street, Second door ‘ below I:;:lwmow p d i A vr lle reu 13,11 PER HAS GUMS FOll2l - 6643 - . A vent collection of .itsserican Watt Papers 'For the arei tipli In fire yean .rEW• EX° LISH Oa PER A etkolre eieleiqlon Newest French Papers For nAla try WALTER P. MA WEIRAL 1.. robl4 R 7 Wr.l Street. EGOLD - PAPER El, 3b , c=ilFt. PARLOR'S. Ut NE W EST DESIGNS, at 103 Market ewes. JOS. IL lIIIOIIES & SRO WALL PAPERS OF ALL QUALITIE9, AT No. 1O 11 IBSET BTILEET. - NEAR FIFTH = .4.1' .• I : • ' • 0 M cCALLITH BROTHER% No. SI FOURTH. STREET. W haat.. hand a vet r superior stock of O.49aariLIe3EIWX.TIT,Gi• ofevery deserlption and every &made of Quality. OIL CLCYIIIII, extra well soxXoned, from fleet in .14 feet wide. PIANO AND . TABLE COVILIIS—Zwery kind in . . ELEAIITEI RUGS—From the finest 40allty toast lovrest priced. CANTON MATTINti, COCOA AND me_saa et x 7111014, .te. tacCALLUSI BBL/TILERS, Yormerur W. U. & H. Mee'Marta E OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and. Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain • Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the vier. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---Very handueme---never offered inn tins countiy before—and at 'vrices based on the present rate of Gold McFARLAND & 71 & 78 Fillth•Mrecii,:* floor, Next belldlng to Q. S. CastelsoNottse andPostoOlee DIX:4 LEGAL. A LLEGBEAIit' ' COVRTY, - se.--In • the Hour; of OttarterSenslous of the Peace 'ln ap4 for. the C,ourity of Allegheny. 1 . 49. 7, !R.?* SCUliona, 1.96 e. 'Miscellaneous' Docket. • ,` • an perlon of dlrue Inhabitants 9f-BogslowilakOp, praying' the Court to change the pram, of tiokllng `• elections In said tovenatilp, both.gedend=d Iptm, from itspreseut locattunto thelioneeknenin Alur the Five Mlle House, the - Cotirt - inaue the forl ptrlgg order tosrlt: And now , lef. the u:lfitln' petttlnti pid , • seated In open Court, and it appearlncto 0;0 Rout?. that one-Hard of itia said . tion, rinern O tion, f i rgd_ CruCoi totelistillp UV." gre u cT‘ i on i g h do aeltdl3 eldetions In said tonishlp, due tioucd thereof being given, on the FIFTH DA t Ur MAY, IB6S_, fur the purpose therein speellied. Br.= COURT.! From the Record. W. A. liZhllLia, Clerk.: —•. , . . In porsuance of the abort eider of Conn, ned443 le hereby glren to the rlllalltled electors reeding 4.1. 4 Rhin the bounds of entld townsktp, , thaksald P3e tido Will he behirat the house. of the late G. I.I.MITCAP, to said torrnaktp, on the dal . d In the above order, bet* een. the 'hours of S eel A. st., and 7 o'clock r.,sl.- -: -.. , - 7 ' - • •,- • • JAMES RolitiEt, , ConstatdoOf Ross l'Ownalirp, IMEIMEM A lIIIINISTRATOWS NOTICE.--7 AA- Whereas Letters of , Arlealensinatlon 012 the Oa late of nAItA SUrYltl3, late of Shales Townalllp, County of Allegheny. deCented; hnte- oNtrograUM tot ttatourt t.tuttoz, treading let said , tour/W.IA .*ll persons oaring italics or demands against the sit ta le or the said decedent are requested^ In Make the saute Known. and all persons indebted to aald estate art requested to mate payment to the mud Samuel eater without delay. .„ nrASIIIEL t3UTTICH, rip2s:6l.wi ' Adtalphiteatrif.' frAir,,,tqwkiiil AGIENTA • ARTHUR'S & RIDDELL" N 0.135 Fourth Stroet,Pittshurgfi s Pi. ALL DISOHARGEO VETERANS wk. did not .Receive a Local Sisiaat.W. OR THEIR HEIRS, •• • Can hay* the Inman collected throllab ApPly personally, orn7 coed. •oplsrenddrtunr I.4OUNTJJE. , -Allt .twimAiargea &ere, or r.Le Hells of pecessed Bottlers, enlisted bz the Orel . , • •••-• , . . . -. • . lil litektasso • IStakz-Voter .„ Acta soldiers who were discharged to an Otnat aereleh withoot nkelotrig their tiorershoes or Lc. eat Bounties, are requested to call or send theiglid• Oneaa to . 'C. WALTER _Ma,' t • hotlelior for Bounties t Echelons ani3 Pair, 1i0.103 PITTR OTRICE.T.. third door litiost t. 11 ., CA* Melt's/. . CAM o SPRING HATS 4 1806. 1866. IIieCOJEU:IO . 131. .14 4 0,01) 11211/EET, utt.b to call-ryealal itteralou lo; *belle latips -, po l ondl4 .o•or* of • ••. .• • bats, !C. l tar. Spring and Sinn•,,,, • titer Wear. • NTearicorsrp-- LADIES , DICRBTS, YAVIITB, BEASIDE& Ete.l.-;; s .sa 11011 , 4,6,W-14-WAS ••HOW BIOUHTONE, uttnarEaVmowroxikat 'D :UMW, rzToe.,. 7 ' ti L trEVINT - ' CA 4 COCHISIVS Or eeeif Ziesiriptfon-to' salt in , . DREKX)' Ds-V.lzdiaNexago. NiCV I7III / 01 NW, 4 ;1 )0 DA ~ ~,.,A1:;.,., W. w:Ooluar;art • • . Ne?.. 041 3 4 1111 k4i5 tr 0A . : 1, - , Breit EASHEOIDEIIibk '•,=:et.,l• l, r/ , : . .4 .,, ,--. '. grUfT V .WM/I.oBlA T at i inci l:- ' '. - U UNEY LACE W% . . r_LAIN AND 8188 WOBTICTINOWES; NEW BOUT:EVAN OOP B CORSETS-Xlsin.l3ol4Andig,6l _, ".. ~. . • Alk:-81.,Elyideettlitreet,,, .107::rii"; 7 1 7 7 :0, DoProA .14-3XOINE • . . . -Af.srkci,inriii/WT't4,i•tkir se r ii , ul2. ti : . ir ry t .-r i ,,,tthaarti , , „ ..0t0 ,„ ...: , ..' 1 .„..„.., z. ,-,. cfAvAtay, - ~ i- Vrek:o4ll,2PcnocriLla, ie‘rilipneksmimsinaza '11.411^0416ti--,.: PIG - i• pIG LEAD.:" 13ICI SZFr 1 1:4Prtr Rinen -708 SALE BY L A F • ataklant , Colmar akaataaat rut Strait.' XAGNERIA. Tim Frerrif CITRATE $ 'MAGNESIA, ::•.-- - OP 4 oi:bottles, is 414 t0p11441 - .POWDRIY, for Ws bilWUbblb l444 l4rbbb• - . , XYYPIawd by. ' Arinrib ROGIc, I P,*? 2 ,,iOr! :'.FfQD9 ..,..4...-7. ~ ,6''"' • ..o. t , :.1. SOOK,"=`'' , `"-it ' .• --;,.,,i.` •,',,. _ „. - ValltAram ":".:.: r . t. :11,..ce-'z.'' ' ''''' l6. '- 1 1 ,,-, ).."kivlttn.,,,,„ : .... ~., :. a • tikird 1 : • 1533• a _4 7,. .'• • 4i— • ' . t ro g Tiol ilimk .lmw•1 . t. i i , : lAt si-s. tl Vl• .i.,tOV.,y' - A ,.. t . e .: .., ... k i , : , .. ... • • ' ,S!•ritaAirtsZt. ,- -- ' ''' ' ' =EI ME P:aa ~i~irt ill; tJ