The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 24, 1866, Image 1

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pruaiiiiabltrrirs GAzig22B diAltoel I A TAM
No. Bs Itrrn Srorrxr. Flrniuraon.
• 2 7
Pr 3
'9Every. 14tordaY"
4.14 th g m? !Wow 'fork Weekly Magazine," both
atiCaMaiitiniblicailions, can be bad at Pitteen'i,
°dine; tiririnii ask Smltlitleleitreeta.
ittliek and it the lowest prices
the, ettt Oh the north-cast coiner of Faun
kkiikei litraka. •
. . . .
Few' Weds have been solo:lied with great cure
A fait anyply of the (outing noveltleo In the
Dry Goods Ilne be found, tu their nod, at
the very Intiaat
Shairisend 9enele•,
White lama Ir e, Hot an.las end INOln, Black
Lea, 11a.atles, Silk and Cloth Cloaks of the
latest design.,; spring Shawls u 0 great variety,
at Estee 4t seu 3, gn. st , Fifth atraat.
site t., an, April 27 -The Tribune. special
its the following: The amount of frartionas
n mole% Issued last week wan in....5C,0n0 The
dshersoments and transfer of the Treasury
hums tomtit daring last week amounted to
ile,:tift,o77 07 The (rioted States Treasurer at
prevent holds In L Must States bonds In trust
. seestrity for the eirentiem of National
emits, $3 . ..e,274,550, and as (or temerity for de
inutile In designated Government depiosito
ries. 0/.3 1 1p14,500; $1,52,1 open National bank mites
wes e homed by the Treasury Department for
the week Ceding April 31st, The following
oitteusets I exhibits the amount orfunds
the vaults of the Treasury arthe close of the
went. tooling April task United Staten legal
lenders, 4.2,4M,0ut1i National Bank notes, WA
-270; tract tOlllll currency of all deuOmlnations,
sneluding mutliated and untletteied, $1,49;400,
MSSIII 4 1i - silver, Imam 40; cents, 00;
Racer, - n Fund, tempo Mani .106.140•00 el
serve Fund, special, $7,000,000; Reserve IV,
surplus Issue of United States notes , s37,
4%; Itnterth. Rend, ettrplea tastiß Oompetund In
termit notes, $4 ,MO , .
bennbound interest
notes In redemption, $4,900,060. During teat
week tertifibittee . Of Indebtedness atm./tilting
t fitlyailnelhotraand dollars wore Issued, by
he Treasury Department. Fractional our
reney to the atnOtMt of ..sisjrilk Wee redeerned
by the Treasury` DePariment teat-Week. Who
disbursements of the Treasury last week on
account of War. Navy. and, Interior Dental
meets were as
IY, s,oojto;a
sirew I na e onal batiks
Were chartered last
Week Toe total toms number of these institu
tions now doing blialnelar throughout thecoun
try In hell Tee total amount of their notes
In circulation Is $ 2 08,078,910. •
Treasurer Spinner bad In his cash vaults
yofitordaY ilearaltender notes, fractional
eurreney gold. silver, and other cash amount-
Ink; t04..45,918X1.
The receipts of internal Revenue on eater
-lay were slll.lls 115 and for the week ending
that day ClAnt,l:4
The Tribune's special nays: The sentemene
telegraphed to Now Turk on Saturday even
ing, that the Reconstruction Committee heti
prepared various propositions for report IbCorrect_ There There was a meeting of the Comealt
tee held yesterday and more fully attended
than timed, and It ts understood t eatsarus
conetitutional amendments an nerate
measures of legislation were proposed and de
bated, but that no ooteprebevalve or complete
propositions were illacuased and certainly
nothing definitely concluded upon to report
to the Holum. The Committee will meet
en, at ten o'clock to.morrotr when the self
e propositionssubmitted by different
snembers may be embodied In form, prepara
tory to a report. The Chairman will aoon pre
scut the final report of the Cormultton sum
mlne rip the resells arrired at In investr.
ton, and recommending some general po y
of restoration. it Is possible also that this
port will be accompanied by a lull or joint
resolutton relating to the qualifications and
statues winch shall embody the idea of prohib
iting the political power of that section from
ever being controlled by thaw who wore be
tree In the rebellion.
Waaetatoros, April M. The 4eartormaster
General says ne has reports of the Interment
of nearly one hundred thousand of the dead,
a large portion of whom It he
necessary to remove to cemetifics. One mil
lrace.. and .44thae Faits necessary
lion dollars will be required to protect. them
/length to intermittent Fever, U. 11.1 Rh from desecratiou, and It is recommended that
yon: Vpit "respOnSibility for your suites stig adopt ed .
people Gen. Thomas
min upon youreelVes. Just as surelynntoo neat a nPd
gainst plowi w ooi n g
ng under a
ehake todltcon•WaL erro
ahaketema.. liostet- graves of Om dead at Atlanta. disturbing t6O
tee. celebrated semnach Bitters wall '
The senate in the F:xecntive tendon lostlay
confirmed the fellow b e nomLnattons. Doane
10k cubit! the diamise reader hich you labor . Had tf Cooler, of lowa, to be Commissioner of ta
lon takee.tithi ...genygliteg i i e es a presume-c. diem Affairs..l. 11 Rogers, of Missouri to be
['oiled :tutu Mural:ad for rho Eastern duoriet
you wonldhaventmeed of as a cure, Ms It Mirof -
emi, Leopold It Roeder, of trlsconsiu,
renders the eyStem impervioue all eta- to he umlaut at mutts,
Matte fevers. Ihrt' since you negleeted the I W Ass's° los March In -The repert of H .
gusgemon, rto.
~r • 111111. re 111 1 , 1.1011 co tie I.l.lollitleAcion
t he °G°l,Pißtar. .."°r".4 'fi°°"'` .111
ble remedy. Brea , the, ht/ tie ilostetter•a v I of the leading pan milertango anl tea let n rule of
Fede ell
Bitters, and th.. 3 w ill retain no more TUs heroes., took in ts eason and rebellion,
11, old reeosurnen dal that the rule be adhered to,
that hereafter places of trust, penal., or honor,
Qulninele a stole mains of relief; It stioeld be in the bands of levet men only
nauseous to the last degree.; in more dan- rho loortuago or Ftentelont Johnson, clipe
iddita , F . Governor is rooted in defence of the
ReDiais theft the niallitly itself ; m many cease I n „Jan is a nnnn h on
it trtiakifails flo - v dr:nu - rot M the effete Of . Miner Ihe Pidentncer the
nth the bitters. Their curative action Is rapid , of the Tre.ury !ma any right to dispense
, the law :melt a precedent Is dangerous and
theyaill agreeable - to the palate; they are not
n d to he Inlerat 4. 1 Tee duty of rebels le to
cogy. antirely,harnideas, but tend Inevitably to elmy the laws
idtangthee. the constitution and prolong life , Rogers preacuted a mmority report coa
as- dnrying ti. action of the President and see- hatic4offed, and tt. la confidently
tit t 'ROF"rwr eon Put m an y ca." Yous., April 41- Post'. special aye:
Sallir as however inveterate in ban-
Ways and Menne Committee expect to
charaeter. TO he. without Ilostet tar ' s Bitters report the tar 1 1 111 to-morrow Thetas' on cot-
In' any nurioninfested with in termlitmst or 1 C 4" r''"""" at 5 cent
al c'n ell
also remains at two dollars per gallon
Rerentent raver Is simply to reject safety and
court *Liam. The Judiciery Committee of the House has
reported against any moditicatiou of the test
IlOalettes'• Bitter., oath.
eih01e4.414 and retell at rely low rates I TATAt'irrt,rprire°,,,,f,,t,b,,,e,itr"rgtsrl'he °O7Z:i
•at .,, this week
eiNtorkOt lathed., corner of the Itienmee The f_tannvemPa special that the 11.-
stint fdarket near roan!. etreet. construction Committee took - no action this
morning, and has adjourned till Wednesday
I next.
The Ind leat lon '1 are that the loyal Tonnes.
members will be admitted to their are
lonA ens soon
The Lame .4011CLIOZI Sale
Of lioofit, - Shond and Gaiters. nt d. Leggatc,,
Italredend street, Allegheny, tide morning at
o.lloeici at:113011 to - continued In the .n...r-
ZlOOT.Clltafitlfitki.finTern will [lnd tt to the,
,r - Arrelt.t9 attend tiles° nale,..
, . ,
* .' East Lliberil Lots at Condos , Park.
.Tida satailit very desirable half-nere lote bag
. Jotheti'zicrtitgoned tuktti nert Thursday aft sr •
1 . 1.. NoOtt,Un account oj,tho unto% orabl.• weatlo•r
• ,riP.-42•frpo thOinslon train n /II leuvo the Pruned.
i1 . ..t ..jsaat Dili/fl at 2 o'clock on Thursday.
..Vl.- . -:' -. 7V, . . '----.--. --."-- -- -- '
~t.,..... ; '„ , i, t•tt . okcepern
... , D.W.111 find it itatun nod Belps, No. 21 Fifth
:,,,,,: . 11treq, a complete assortment. of now goods
, ,1 1 1 .ti.'intabralttered and Nottingham Curtains,
~gat—Co*lces, Vestibule Useos, Piano and .
..... - - AMA Covers, Napkins, Doylie, Cloths, Pew-
17tialio,' AI the loivest orient of the IntS •
Atiood 2 . l-
• •
3.llankoensrTwee4.frish Linen; Table Linen,
tq ~117 wiry fall and at less prices
thlcO,Col - ean ihem elsewhere. Hameln
.. now a nti
,the north-east molter o f
'berth and Market st.wierta
ilia•sos Lees & Be.)
^• ' '
ifiroti-;Pholgptioni +4-caii says
litle "%Yee Soflr.known tool(71, skill fully cool
nitklood In an amber-colored eor
• 1141 :ttell. 1 4.0 1 :aleMiultiperent to the ego, plea,-
inn tathill *he end icce I/tablet.° LSO nUrCulach.
in C814Wi1e,146,04, Ferro-Phovohoratod
.IClLictrOf • Callqiyff
reach pfift oontounsione ounce of Itoyal
Bark, and tee...spoontul eonualne one
:freitiA of iron. bittples furnished froe to the
44•. Solo Stanulacturere, i. 1.
.1* oit inh..M:Ttllettot
. • • - *erro r +VareseinO.
rtf.949-tontltOrtens and medicine makery,
prFjp,!ln.g tiarnioniry medletne_s, nee Ingredl-
. eltiati*liektittiet; be 'prescribed .not oftner
.. thall3kree Orient times per tiny; the proper
thciktMeni biatith ;eases is to employ a medi
cine that fitnike to use erery fitain minutes—
teiaditheelitfercOnglianedie:tnee should he
"little and ;often.. It •is the, throat, not the
sfinsuibtr, iiiitrequiros . treatment—this u, the
seeret ot•tee ate:mem of.. Cee , a Cotigb Balsam.
Take it; "/it le and often.. In a very short
time ilalat(beetiche Immensely popular.
Solo aitpii:Mr Pittabirrgh, wholesale and re.
taikle.JiiiiiiiiiirloMfrg, druggist, No, 84, mar
ket straw-.
Sprint and Sun/suer Goods.
• The Yell-known store of Mr. John Weler,
blerelinne Tailor, :co. lb; Federal street, all,
lisa been lately fitted un with a new
"ieitmetlt of spring and summer goods. The
-stook bat.s been well selected. and embraces all
thefittliaberless articles needed for gee tic.
learn gal-meats. Margo stock of read younde
paste, COMA, rears, do, will also be found In
In hle Ilatilbllabrberit. fin ,wet ..f furnishing
goods Mabel be surpassea. Person. a...Mang
tOr9SC4I Lig) a good null of cadlson would
a'ellby'gldllig Ett. Weilor a evl.
' • irticikiitY• %A' Parr 7 vo-,
PF 10 4 10111 . .. and 1.)1.11. h Almon-
CatiSlitnOtvialons Colors. °Men L AloAao
dar-Lantettliwo near the Water Works l'ittn
bnlgh.P/,—/Io3lllB‘tee, No. Ts Ptkn street. Or
ders promptly attended to. All work warrant.
Ild,tritetWoOt. Repairing done et the short
en tit4e. No charge for reparra, provided the
toot to not, abased ate. It to put, on,
Carpenter Jobbing. Shop
•Having eels:trued alter an absence of three
years In the army, I time reopened my shop
reran *arts of lobbing In the carpenter tine
at . site obi num. limn Alley. between Smith.
Oeld street and Cherry Alley. °Wens solloited
kat promptly akoodo4 to.
1 111umphore7 .
:, il.ol:net/ihithlt 'Medicine3l, for sole at Yultoo , ,.
bey& Store, No. 103 Srulthdol,l xtreet, three
doors above Fifth street.
'Maw Orleans and Mexicali Ad,.lees.
Nam Oaur.axg,.;Aprili 13.—The pariabea or
Baton Rouge, -
.Martine and Pointe Cones°
were overtbsied. It is reported that the grand
levee at Morgan inla broken.
Bicteninde advices to the iiith state that
688 returned te•Matamoras, leaving
',portion at „ hisaorceswlUl General Jeanie-
Crasorko la charged .with operations agalidn
sun Mlberata: On 'his 'return, 'AfeJia fell into
att a mbnacade.during the night, oommaded by
Couolesaufl,amtuas, 'blob he penetrated, ion.
'ln z nz killed and grounded. The Li sera!
108 s Is I:Mkt:lake'. Melia brought in Itatamerao
:two linnitted'. wagons. eootatulnr; - . 503 " 10
eotn.....l3crore arrive], it was repor ed,
COttittas came 'within three mlloa of Slstamo-.
me and hung two conductors of the train.
• -ate Ullan
roeorteo that the 'Abend' bad KO
muisd,Aliteen 'pontoons anor• were eroaging
their err from the American to the Mex
ican ilOst ,This statement- bas Prayed f.lse-
Switscarawr, April lg.—Cotton Quill foreign
buyers have left. Stock, 1,488. Receinte EMISD
Total solputente Mace the war, lte,Odo balm.
04.5.YEATOA, April 2L—Tho Trinity River
souk' bas been lessened by cutting a railroad
Geneeral d r
ew isse egory, d
ape' f
: ordered to Wash-
IngtOn '
, - -
alakof ilospleata Authortaeo,
Wassinceros aprll,23.—The President has
approved thelild ounnorlslng the SecrettuT of
abio Treasury to lease or soli at public auction
4isith Marius hospital building* and lauds op
pertaining theme as he may deem allvisable,
provUtad &be hoartalsat,Cleveland, Ohio, and
rartland. /table, stall not be sold or leased,
Where tin o ) 2l Mindtsiblo or aulbcient hospls al
accommodations can be procured upon teas
enable terms for the um:wort and convenience
of the parents..
Sew York critters.
lexw s j , .eas....ipril2l..—Lt is now rumored Quit
there b iLprospect of reconstruction between
the two wistp . nerti of the Fenlam Brotherhood.
Th e D.a.„4, eeelsres there is no Asiatic cho.
bra lb ottrLhOdgtillt bad been brought
bear by etecgrria3 skips, and is very likely
to slit us this serebter. -
The ezolneht physiaoln, Joseph M Hmith.
Alen here asteraaY. RS9d 7mrs.
joiyipf.lon - operi e n spume.
Streser.O. 211 —liarigation lino opened
tiara. T. brig Paragon Balled this Oreaoull
SO!. schooner C. V. Johnson
kat , *Leered. , iina:_with the bark Northwest,
will sail ivOon. - The weather iv rainy and whet
narth-vvast: .: 21 reraPave miles &Wl° hero
shore le no water lo aleht from the south shore
The anal *perm May lit.
'Pl VA le A daiM mis ece ot i t elas bui
irliCirg2eWknit i z t i4 bl7ll !rg!
flat d' Deli'.
Affairs at Salt Lake Citv
New Ye re, April M.—Nettling tater has been
heard from the cholera ship Virginia. The
maim passenger,. of the Virginia are mill sn
board that teasel. They made an urgent re
quest to the Health Officer to be allowed tore.
main, and no danger Whatever being anticipa
ted from the ship, which has - been thoroughly
ventilated, their wishes wore granted. The
Acmes en boar. 'thc steam ship England,
when the disease reached its highest point of
Mortalltv, are meld to have been of it terrible
nature. Yew on board could be found Courage
eels enough to bury the dead, and despite the
entreatien of the Captain they were allowed io
remain for some time in the steerage after de
composition had set In. The frequency of tile
deaths prevented any list of the departed from
be gAr k trit t io min making to secure the receiv
ing ship North Carolina, now at the Brooklyn
Nary I aril, for service as a quarantine vessel.
The Proddent of the Board 'of Health IS to
confer with Mr. Gera., the Quarantine Com
missioner, with a view of having an amount
et the progress of the chemise and a list of the
sick and dead furninhed daily to the public.
Contemplai I ig The appearance of cholera in
this couutry, the Commissioners of Emigra
tion caused the Castle Garden to be thorough
ly cleaned and vent liated.
The committee appointed by the Mayor has
commenced Its Bernie,, to insure Increased vl
- against the spread of dilemma
Health °Meat; Bissell reports from oa board
the hospital ship Fatima last evening that
aloes his last report ten deaths occurred On
board that 'ship from cholera. Twenty new
cuses were received on beard from the Vir
ginia. Two deaths ommrred on board the
England, but not. fro cholera. There
evemty-Three easel+ or m
cholera on board e
hospital ship.
Gen. 01. P. O'Conner, who lately commanded
In bait lake City, in an interview with Con- „'
grmsmen in Washington, stated that Brigham —."
Young had ten thousand men In Utah, ceruible
of bearing anima,
ant! was desiro o driving
the United States soldier. Oat. it is f
ed that Congress will augment the farm there
anti change the laws so that "Malang it, the
territory may vote.
WlLLtear Toinzur
- --
Verdict of the Cormier , . Jury
Ostr r 0,1101.0. April ti —The Chamber of
Cidpmerce have adopted and telegraphed the
California Delegation In Congress resolutions
requesting, under a suSpcialtro of the rules,
the passage of a law making It a felony to ship
or trausportultro-glycetirto within the Coned
States on American vessels.
Cidifornia, Oregon and Mexican gteam.
ship Co, will Inaugura teatine of steamer*
between San Francisco and the month of the
Colorado river on the Ifoth of May.
The coroner's jury on dial-in:Peet /mid on the
ixxlier, of Samuel Knight and ten othersdrllled
by the late xplosion, found that their deaths
were Calmed by the explosion of riltro-glycer.
me contained in a wooden box which arrived
on rho Saorameato, on the 13th addressed
10 W. 11. rdl l / B ,'LOs Ongolos, and that no mars
indicated as character. The jury express the
opinion that the shipper of lilt guilt For man
olaughtea, and should be prosecuted. They
131tth Pacifle Mall Steamship Company
Wells,Forgo it Co., of all blame.
From nen Orteaws—Feartril Crow/sopa
OpewedWhole Left Bawl' Threatened
—P Judge. In Jell- " •
Paw Oairtase, dpril
nee opened twelat m ines below; 8
?t—.& :tearlai crevasse
piantatron, an and a half wide. The
whole left bank_ below la threatened With in
undation; the district te planted with cane.
Tbe whole•Terre-J3oenf country le threatened.
Gen. Banks' Provost Judge is agents harg
ed with Xany cotton have
bbeen arrested, anti are apptyln& for a wilt of
atwaseorpos which is refuseC
. CkWrite at Xllllrder ,
BOSTON April 23.—Tbe cbarges impllcattnff.
pc e :lr s aliss &mob Grave). ache murder oT
t. 4. ch.Udren Ro_X some slot
Ig attwlng ."" th b reb iri ew t aa nalpa ncentair im tIIr Oe
The Reemultruction Coirmittee
Senate Confirmations
Important lustructiorim to
Our Foreign 'Minister',
.can al 1...,,, ~,.. 1,,, , iir " ii „ ,,,, , ,.i.„..i.i,ii,,,,
.- ' Wesantorom'Aprit M.
, 3E ho Ng a E .i .
- , The bill tore gulate commerce and,. pastel
_ _ communications between the severid States.
iiiiAiri , owiiii April
,heoe. I was called up by Mr. Chandler, and on motion
made the special order for ea.:U.o7lday. ,
mentor sent to the House relatifilr to Mexlcvhn
e, one from
eeeteht,„ p „ iyiirri , Mon - The bill to provide for the better organ's&
he h,
rort e' eneg
ft ''', ,,,, Z ° h " ., 1 lion of the Pay Department of the navy Watt
tholon, February
` taken tip and passed. - •
profession% of Drouyn Do L'Huys.
. Mr. Wade intrOOticed a bill to repeal the act
.t former dispatch has the voodoo of the
l on of t t o , prom.n „odi otot i n m e . iriii At. , to etule the county of Alexandria, Distriet Of
leging that monarchy tr. the choice of the ' ColuMbia, to the SUM of Virginia. , - Referred
Mexican Motile. mid not the dictate or the i to the Comnlitteenti the District of Caltunbut.
ce":',oPt7ar° Drove De Llfluys. "a end I ad ilfr ople' e r, inanst offered
ructing the e rea Clti lu mi ti° ttee n' wi*k on tdoin w" .
to Mexico to exercise the right ot tag *bleb , retiree to buniir, into the en,din to y of pn.
15 exercised b " b " Unite° Intervention,
and 1 ruling against the importation. Ramparts-
not, in virtue of any purpose 'of inteetention. tion,sale or manurepture of nitromlyeemne in
concerning which she agrees with the Milted' the Malted Stith.:
States. France went there, not to proselyte The Appropriation bill was oonsidered mu d• to obtain reparation and gnat enters. tieing out action.
there, she sustains the Government which la After mremnive cession, genet, adjourned.
founded on the consent of the people. She
now wishes to recall What rem eine Of tile army ROUSE. -
at the moment when she will be able to do so The drat business in enter waa the call of
with agilely to French citizens and due respect Committees' Ear reports to goi upoulhe cal
m herself!'
ender. No report was made under thin - Mil.
Mr. Seward replies "Whatever lie motives The next business in order being the call of .
Of the Invasion the meat" taken tot subverting MAW'S far rest). in_tiolni_ , the r eSolothini MTh,
republican t Mat I t tit ions are "'genital hy the last Monday,DY mr. ingersoll came tip, direct-
United State.. Ittiautitoriz e u and emu ragy to ism the Committee for the District Of -Colum
the will tit the people. .Tee militaryil 0 tenet of hia to empaire into the extiedieney of erne , .
sattsfaction seems to beet. tweed° subortlinz Halting by law the eight hour system in tlie ,
ate to a political revolnt ion, ror which Fcchce Diatriet. The resolution was adopted.
Is responsible. The United Stet. have been' 1 Mr. Rai well from the Cet entl. ttee On
whichoffered was 1
pie have accepted the so-called Emperor, and aeopted, providing for an evening scesion to. '
the wi th drawal of the French in deemed tie- morrow, for the purpose of hearum reports
foreetisary to determine that ttestiOna„ It there.. • from that Committee.
e recognize. the ancient Republic utol can ; The FarllamentarT motto. to ol l o W ir ectlOO 1
o cone consent to, involve itself Mr...sly or I lay on the
tabietio ea toalerim the . , ht1y,....-
Indirectly with Prince Maximilline. Obi , ing been made by Mr. Pnee, . '",lo•eis ': -,
niaintenence by European armies with I MPS- ; me. Washintrtfe, of I .lllnOlai . ..• ..,..,,, sr' . '
riot attributer against tier wilt is regarded jest of having a session teen. . ~... •, i. •
with upprehension by the Amer - lean Repot, I Mr. Price responded that the
- ten.
/ the Pacific Railroad had not heed 't , ' F.
Mr. SeWa.rd then reeers tO this dispatch on , two menthe, and to all appetainneses... , t
the Inn of December, urging the adjiistment Ibe walkidlortiao Months I,Onger., ' , '''Y l !•;
of the question endangering the harmony and ImPorstmSpret p irergillad' VP, 4 .. -
frieudship between the Luiteil States ant auggesteff - -meererte--With'illor
Prance. 'An United States does not dictate in other latishiesii Z ~ - tr„, .
what. way these claims shall be adjusted, hut Mr. WealllnettetepubtAmanittle giving
hopes that France may find some way out of an undue ,, preferenee AO th,U iCoMxtd_ Elea , over
it consistent with her nonor, and without in- the other C ommitteellii:t2lle t tEsemilttee on
jurions delay.
LOmme had also veßlOnportent Wile ra re-
To this 11 rouyn lie L'llitys replica that ninth port, sere hillthe Cotntnitteeeheitto take hire
depends upon the Federal government to fa. regular turn: Belida Lille -, .
Minato the withdrawal, and also raises the vast appromllitiona nettle MIRO" be rep . ed
nuaktionne to the compatibility ' of "mean:buil from the Flank R alittlatiVenbMittile Wore t
Institutions on this continent, as witnessed In to be diapersed Of US an evenlng seseitiii 'He ,
Brazil, which lei declines to oliseess, but rn-a-,. demanded the yeas and nays on them o to
ecru the, desire for the withdrawal of the lay It on the table. The vote hieringbite .
French trOops ,
en, resumed yeas 61, nays 40. So the untie to
Mr. Seward nays where a nation has estate reeerieldefe was laid oft the Palle: loafing the
halted republican and domestic. institution. resat:Won adopted.
tote once, no form ti t n a tt on eon rt,A, tinily Rigby offered a resolution biat
terfere by force to subvert them. Ile then ne the Gorunillitueou EXpentliturestO iti
views the intestine wars or Realm, nod say.: certain alleged Maeda lit the retalltte
t`We cannot approve the inthetion of punish- ton and New York, the investigatkra to tke
,vent upon them by , strangers for their pond. I place during the recess. Laid otter LW Mon
cal errors. Nations are not authorized to olarhext.
correct each other's errors, or impose Obeli.. ; A reaolut ion tr. adapted to inquireinto the
line, being themsel res judges; of the occasion 1 subject of the storage and transportation or
and the time. All sovereign and international I inuthutilible and explosive materiala, abd to
idnlty would lie tilleerLinii and Cilia, line," report what measures were tomeistary to se
-31. De L'lthyammeln.l. from i easoning that
better proteetion to life and property;
the character 01 Matimilitori oroverntuent also Instructing the Agricultural Committee
cannot ho contested On the ground or employ. to ascertain the money value of the needs and
log foreign troops. He points to the benlll- plants distributed by the • Agricultural Do.
cent sway of the new Empire and ausllreen the partment, and whether a larger amount could
United slates we are Ihe most likely to profit not he procured for the same money from gar.
by restoration of tranquility. To which ... ilenera and nursery men of this country by
ward replies that no such results Conlil over. Contrata n and what steps tire necessary to In
balance the injury they must suffer from tan crease, the elnelency of the AgrieulteMl De
overthrow of their institutions. Drouyn De partment.
L l lltrye mime op that the United states ne. 1 Mr. Inthem introduced the following reso
knoWledges the tight to make war In Mexico 'talon:
while we admit /Ilse the principle of non - a. Whereas, The Committee on amend:ruction
tervention. We have.not crossed the ocean , feint ed that the people of Tennessee are
merely to show our power or Ina Mt 0110.Stlimi I nto he In a coindltiontro exerchiethe func
meet—we hope that the legitimate object ' time; of a State within the Unioni and
our erred able will soon be reach. I es, Ity the informal/en received through the
net, and MC arc 10,1, in 10 Make Willi 1 laM_WdgaLiann Of . the said Comulittee and
the Elliperor Maximilian arrangements I through other channels, It to the sense of this I
which by aatiafyisig our interests and our hen- I H-once that the people of the Mild State are
or will permit us to conehier at an end the I entitled to reprenentation herein; therefore,
service of the army upon Mexican soil. The I Resolved, By the House of Representatlvm,
Emperor has ;Oren an order to write In tom the &estate, conenrring, aint. the Committee on
sena., to our Minister at Mexico Wo. fall hack RecOnstruction be. and the eame to hereby,
at that moment on the principle of tiondeter- relieved from the furthereemoderation of all
volition, and from that moment ons.ept it as matters pertaining to the
the rule of Our condi/et. We expect frOM the 1 1 Ito State of Tennessee In rata Mouse.
rul e
„i w,,,,h,egt oh, the .tut „Om
that , Reseltod. That the credentials of
.tim re pre
~,,,g ri c ae, p oo p', ill i1ie,,,,,.., ~,,arona sentativeS elect from said State be and the
to the law whit+ they make; by obserVing in I came
are, hereby referred to the omtnlttee
regard to Mexico strict neutrality. 1 carne Ein leave on report at any time,
Mr. Seward pruceeols to say that thr Sniper 1 anti wi t h t i ro lo ethalis te report. int °tan alt
Ur knows the form and titian...ter of our bisti. , practicable, neon the election returns and
tutt oon. Th e ..,atio n, ho bound only by i qualiticatio. of eiodi of said representatives,
treaties which hove the concurrence or the I elect
President and ts tetit I rd. 01 the Satiate A for- The point having been raised, whether i lie
mai treaty Would he °woo, , onalo as Uulloser, resolution most not go to the Committee on
:nary, except as a disavowal el bad faith on oar I itectootrooticut without debate, the Speaker
part to disarm stiapicion In reztird In a matt er I decided the first resolution wee in order, but
which cad ha, Vr g. .., yr. ran, for the neeolol was 110 t in order.
our loyalty, or else such a i reat) u mild lie re- i Mr Lai ham thereupon withdrew the ge
fused on the ground that the at , •iicitt ion to, it ' Coed r.ol ell",
by the Emperor of France witii n nhappil s a Omitting raised n ot pnt of order that
sturgest ion of .ion • cloister or unit !entity ici. 1 the fleet remedial., was nin order, inasmuch
ervution or purpose On his pa rt tin withdraw- lus the. uestion Of LIM chulindOn Of Tannesume
lag from itex leo T ol , r , onts tic a5......res I was not now befor tier iteconatruction C0m
„,,,,„ by the pee.,,,h.,,,, 1., 1.„.,„,;/,,, ~,,. ~,,,,,,,, mit tee, it having reported Ii to the Mouse
expectations on his part ilia • tne person a l ad. ; Mr Price mooted whther the 'object had
uthostration, even Changing in min formity to , irli heen recommitted in the Reconstructlon
' the national will, dot a not misunderstand the ; Committee.
the toe” Gel prineiples and Do/ley of the people. 1 Tim Speaker replied that it bad been, b ut
rWith this explanation Mr. sea ard . that there
¢ w as a motion to recohaidereentl
iiti t z fre i aiV r On in
i 1 ,, 1f the r
i i r mide t ut,
nnA..The i
srawtpituittvAluAintasimitt& Tipx,„i
~,,,,„„.,1 withdy aaa r o f the military 70,...,7, conistructiou, therefore the resolutions Were
0121 Mexico and putting nOn-intoryantiOn not In ord ., .
into full and complete practice In recant , The rail of States being completed, th e next
to Mexico, through any apprebnalliOns that I business 10, order war the consideration of a
the United States will prose nnfaithfill to the resolution offered by Mr. Julian on the ritli of
principles and pollen., and in that respect January, which then went Overt:Miler the rule,
which on then behalf, It b. been my duty declaring that it Is the deliberate Judgmen t. of
t o e„il a tm e i n tut, now leagibeeed eorr es . , this Douai. that the speedy trial Of Jefferson
pondence. The practice of till, Government ' Danis, by . civil or military tribUltal, for the
from tts beginnin. is a guarantee to all ne. crime of treason or the other crimes of which
[ions of the respcsd ot the American people he stands charged, and his prompt execution
[ for the tree soy oremidy of the people In every if Mond guilty', are imperatively demanded
other state. We received the Inairtietkrna fe.,,, by the people At the United States, In order
Washington; we applied it sternly- in our early that Tromso. may' be adequately branded hy
, intercourse with France. The earn. print,- ; the nation, traitors rued. Infamous, and the
pie and practise have been uniformly inculc.a 1 "'petition of their crimes as far RA possible
[ ted by all our own antennae., interpreted by ' he prevented.
all our juridt, maintained by all our Con- I Mr. Julian moved the previous it - Inanition on
greases, and acquiesced In, without poi ohm) I he resolution.
dissent, on all mention.; be the American per, I Mr. IYUson, of lowa, appealed to Mr. .1 ullicu
pie. It is in reality theebief foreign In tercourae I to ivt the resolution be referred CO the Judlcl
In our histoiy, looking snooty towards the 1 erY Latt emittee,which now tied the unitise on.
I point to which our attention has heen Icon tined der consideration.
' the relief or the Mexican eintterraseme Ms, Mr. Johan declined to do so, and the House
without olisturtnng our real ton. with Franc.. demanded the previous question and Ordered
We shall be gratified when the Emperor shallthe main question to be put.
, give to us definite information of the time I
Mr. Chanter moved to lay the resolution on
when the French military operations may be [ the bible.
expected to cease. I oteerve that the Enloe- lir. Eldridge asked Mr. Julian to Modify his
ror consider, the Imelda tu every country Che resolution by striking ont the word. "or mill •
' rightful sonrceof ant horny. I wrote Ms Day tory tribunal," but Mr. Julian declined to dot
ton at the inception of the rebellion. The go.
President neither expects nor de sire. , Mr. Bingham appealed to kir. Chanter to
any Intervention m- even any tarot 1 rota the I withdraw Ma motion to Ley an the table, so he
government of Fiance Whatero.l el, he I might move to consider the vale orderlim the
may conand to do lie will err, involve lie , main queatton and then move
even admit foreign interference in thia or any resolutions to the Judiciary to refer the
Comittee. r.
other controversy this Govwrnment may be Chanter assented to that and w it hdrew
engaged in, or any of her portion of the Amer- motion.
icon people... At another time I wrote to lila), The House then, on motion Of Mr./Muldoon
"Nothing is wanting to ianuee intermix e Keep,., reconsidered the vote Ordering the main q net
that forelgrenatlons shalt Itieve us, as Is one : gen.
right, to manage our own affairs oi our I The morning hour having th en expired, th e
own way an well as we know how. resolution then went over until Monday.
They wills only affer by the intervent lon i ii tile. Wilson, from the Judiciary Committee,
Again, In declining the offer of the French made an adverse report on the portion of the
mediation of the nth of June, 1;01, I wrote; President to modify the test oath, and the
“This is an AmerleMt nation, and Its internal Committee wits discharged
affair) must not only be condneted with refer. alderation. The report was laid on the table from further coo
once to Ito peculiar continental ponitlon, but and ordered Lo be printed.
by and through American agencies alone.. A report - 1n favor of the reonnmendations of
On the net of June 11165, Mr. Dayton wan au. the President and Secretary of the Treasury
toorired te my; "France has n right to Make and Postmaster General war against Mexico, and to determine herself priet"i• woo ordered to he
thecae/se. We hare a right to insist that she Mr. Wilson. from the Committee on COM
shall not improve the war she makes to raise nieree,reported aJOInt resolution authorising
np an anti-republican government, or to the President to carry into effect Rah orders
maintain such am one there." I and regulation,. as limy be deemed necemary
and proper in aid of the State or municipal
Nsyr lona, April ill.—The Po.r• spews! say.
I nuthorities to guard against the Introduetim
Mr. Seward hats sent Important Instructions to , of cholera into ports of the United States;
Mr. Motley, our Minister at ienna, In refel also to empower the military and naval corn-,
same to the project of sending Austrian troop s minders Import, and plasm; In States watch
to [bead Of Meaduitlian, and a strong prtitelit. ~,,,, n o . or orr , ot
ti to f
insurree on, en oree
against Inch nations Will he made
; such quarantine regulation* as maybe noses.
el ary for the purpose of guarding auinst the
. introduction of Umtata or yellow ef ver, and
. to provide for the proper care lUtittrtattoeut
of patients, and apprOpriating far thou ow ,
, pose' such amount. as may be nutessagr.
an T d h;ja p hy ., resolution was read three thew
Mt.. Washburn, al Illinoni, netted that a re.
port on the subject Of nitroglycerine would be
made from the Committee-On Conuneree very
The lion. then proceeded to the oonsidertie
Lion of the ball to reorguLte and utablish the
army of the United States, Iho fp , sstion being
an amendment *tiered tl.• e. - Thiptre to the
10th section in reference se e Qurtermakter's
Tide gave Ilse to maimidtmsble debate, parte
Omitted In prinarpally by/Messrs. Schenck aed
Tnayer. The debate finally cloned by the pre
v loos imeetunt anther, ..semon,end the pend
ing tunendmeitt loth° anteltdrite was adopted,
when the substitute was rejected, and the 16th
section as
_well as the two folloWilig were al.
lowed toe tand aa reported-
The section relating to the Stibalidence Doe.
pertinent mg up, Mr. Woodbridge moved to
stdistitnto the oorresponding section of the
Senate bill. Mr. Woodbridge made some re
marks In defense of th e West Point Academy.
Mr. Schenck disclaimed that thatitntion.
Alter further debate and no action, the bill
was laid *aide.
an kf:. c r i ..l lott o gc, A , l l. o lA , e .t i n e d w i c l igg o i r no b vs l f e o n r
Monday next.
A message war received from thew Preeldentof,
a report ram Bet
War respecting the colltectionthe
of the n
of our officers and soldiers killed and buried
on the battle fields about Athlete. Referred
to Military ComMittee, .
A message was also repeived transmitting
the diploneselle, Correspondence with reference
to the proposed evacuation of Mexico by the
French formes Referred to the Military Corn.
Mr. Miller Introduced a bill to allow United
states Revenue 4.3olllnOrti tom:motet lletitstipi.
Mr. Hitchooct It introduced a hill for the relief
of persons for damages sustained by reason of
depredations and Injuries by certain bands of
!mimes. Read thrice and referred to the Com
m Mee an Indian Affairs.
fiir. Durielgh, of Duman Territory, offered
a reaoltition, whleh sou adopted, reaticating
the Secretary of. sta t es m enor to fumish the
Home with a full t of all tne monies
on hand on the 10th of July Deb, applicable to
the support of the bands of Indian tribes, and.
rireille..otilleeerkejuiseis connected with the in
tiAr.illtirrifoilWalontionilialciejrd abretto:olts-
tatteee on Meant /as to Inquire the
prOPriety s of a hill to pay the regiment of COL
orado Mounted Militia mustered Sato the ser.
vice in tne winter of h,ol by order of Col.
Thomas Moonlight.
The Henn et tale. a. adjourned.
Another Expedition on the Tapis.
Nate YOILE, April Ys.—Arrived the United
Statsji,steamer Augusta Washingon.
Are nwego xpeclAl Iv the -Ames elate,. that
one neared and forty :Nringneld rifles des.
tin for the use of the !'en lane Wore eel zed
last night. It has been entertained that nine
undt v.I have been sent here, hut only three
1.34 have been secured. Two htuulred guns
ere distributed among the litirolans last nlgll t.
Is said the arms were destMed to be used In
us Fenian expedition tip the Bay or Quincy
In sailing craft and steam tugs, baring for Its
object the capture of Photon and Bellevale
nod raining of the green flag all a situation
almost impregnable against assaults by land
and water.
The (Sailor° Leland, in Lake Ontario, in
hablted e and le elated to have been pitchnein
updh an a place of rendezvous and base of cup
The expedition were to more simultancou
ly from other places on the frontier.
Theme rumors are given (or what they are
CALAIN. Statue, April 23.—Two supluses Fe
niane while erommang the bridge to lit. Stephens
this afternoon were turned bark anti refused
passage. One of them drew a revolver and
tired one shot but without effect Both were
arrested by the guard at the Cabals end Ut the
bridge and afterwards handed over to the
civil authorities. The affair has caused con
siderable eretteument un both sides of the
The Gold in Georgia.
W LORIMOTON, April 23.—it will he r 4.111019-
tared that after the surrendor of heneral Lee,
the military in Georgia captured *lOO,OOO In
gold, which wan claimed by the Farmers', the
mon d. Rec
Exchange, and the liank of rgin la, at Rich
ent in yestigatiOne• Or the facts,
however, show that a few weeks before the
evacuation of Richmond, the Legislature of
Virginia passed a law authorizing said banks
to loan the Confederate Government, on the
faith of the State,*R4l,ooo in gold to purchase
an army for Leos army. This cum was
placed by the respective bank, to
the credit of the seocalled Confederate
Government gild Mote the Frei:Mar of Lee
*6OOO was_paid, leaving *J4O helOtlging
the rebel Governmentorith t banks at the
time of the evacuation. - The. Government
therefore claims not only 016000,0 W captured
in Georgia, bat also the Illso,ooo additiona/ In
the custody of the banks. This is the present
condition of the question; the note, of these
banks have been bought up with tbe expecta
tion that Government would relinquish Its
title to the 1h40,000 in gold.
Freni Nashville.
NASZT/LLE, nprll 23.—The Court Martha
Motto-QV te'UtTeatigate the ease or Lamm
webdarson.- The'' ed was not present.
The court adjourned ji/.1 to-morrow Qrdera
Theo beau sent to the morrow
of the
port I:Wrestler/11e tO love brinight,
iNl ja
Plate of Reeesnia Cotters Author Lime.
WASELINGITOI, April 23.—The Seem= of the
Treasury Is authorlrattO sell -et o suc
tion seta of the. menus cutters salter shall
%pit 1 / 111 4 11 1,t0d/0 the avowal of the-7
iti e traealagftit irotr,
of Qui swim
- - ~ti~.~ , ~ --
The health of the City-The Cholera—
IW Mile to Improve oar Sanitary conoi.
O *. •
it la admitted on all hands that our city is
110t*proper sanitary condition, and, whsle
therechtle been considerable cleaning up here
and there, yet as a-whole the oily may heitist
ly eMiracterlzed tiefifehy. Ike fare and Cando
may be teethed, but Its body in sadly in need
,of a troth. The talk of the cholera Me set ev
orybOdy to thinking, but notone In a thouean u
has Yet acted. Our past experience warns ea
= t hr P il on ene some
is a dopted, the great mass of the
general Min energetic plan
peOPllle will emain perfectly passive until
they itiV startled ! bythe announcement that
the tiara has actually broken out in their
Wide , Then they will become panic-stricken
and dither flee from the City or resort to vain
attempts to guard against the destroyer. We
all remember the huge Ares that were
bmniad In the ittreets during the terrible
sontirge of tell , the amount of brandy that
was Consumed, the cholera mittures I hat were
retailed, ye, The city bad not, neon purified,
and the people felt doable danger when the
diseilith appeared. Such will be the ease hero
, after, should the eholere. visit ns, unless some
systentatie plan of purification In adopted and
carried into effect. A few private individ eels
haveyriiiely attended to their cellars end back
yards, but only a few, and these n - 11l be very
I Littlepeneeted while those on every side of
thealWbollenegleettheir premises. The great
umegef the people BOOM to be waiting (or the
nap 'learnt or the Sanitary Conicalseion
to e them from the trouble and expense
illWrltaning up. This Is the sheerest folly. The
Health twee do all In its power, mad
ore, and yet - the city would - not be In
cropeaf Saiptary conilltion. (Or 01
opinion z months to
ortiti .f We are decidedly or the that
litheelty Is to be purified at ail, and kept
litieWlintli the frosts of autumn, it must be
ilonliby systematic exertion on behalf of the
;,yieoppie thetteselres.
•!JOlls hemthe reader may naturally Inquire
aa tatiquikblan -we Would adopt, and In ans.
Make a suggestion of two which
.. . nk will Meei. the case. In the first
pi . . Alt elrould monument! the holding of a
, Meeting to devise ways and means. At
" cermet meeting' a Sanitary Committee
• be appointed, with power to appoint
„ IT
•t mmltteea for every block or square in
t , whose duty it would he to organize
, g parties, visit and Inspect every back
i . . Cellar, shop, etc., in their respective
and see that all filth, of every kind,
le ' wed, and that disinfectant agents
at -applied . whereVer • needed. By smite
t s.
Be elfort as this, the city could be thorough
ly e ' din e few daya, We all remember
w iii accomplished in the way of building
lorti, digging rule pits, etc., when the
O ily
~ was te
threatened with rebel variOn.
110...hkir, yea one tenth the amount
labor directed to the cleansing of the city
wotildacecimplLth the work, and with vastly .
lege kgpertett. With .moper organization of
the working parties, tile city would be freed
ImM/ink In two days' time. Is It not as un
pOrtelettOguard against the cholera now, as
it waste guard against rebel invasion In the
mumtuer of lielit The invaders Old not cone,
to be sore, bid who can say that tee cholera
will:net e e been forewarnml —let um
also be forearmed to the building of Ille for
tificetious, no good
PI us except tile
feellttOf security and the repel from dreaded
I danger. klbould the city be purified, we shall
, not only realize a sense or security (which,
awarding to the theory of many eminent
phyalelans goes a great way tmvards averting
choiora4 but we should he greatly
even!though the dread scourge should spare
us altostther. There arc other dlemisee
' side:the cholera which ariae from Milt and the
generation of noxious case., end mane .as.
as Pt disease and death migh t be averted der
_ _ inge summer mantle t hough there should
be .no cholera. Out labor could in
no tepee lid knit, loot would prove eminently
beneficial In a thonsand ways. The work of
partite:aloe might be accomplished by de
green. rtutulug through nay one month 's time,
or it'ditilglit he done in one day by u galena
aUSpensionot basin... We would niece prefer
Oils - tatter plan, although It would be for the
gocki 'Sense of the meeting to arrenge the de
tails. We simply make these suggeetione In
Metope_ that something may hr dune. Let
tinge man be adapted, and when tolopied let
it be promptly and vigorously ' , levied aut.
When, threatened evil ,
all ttia; we Van 111 aVert
elle threatened evil, we can rea-onably hope
ilea, should the disease appear, it will not as
asfte methat. malignant type which it otherwise
would. On the other hand, If we orientally
uthelect those wise sanitary measures which
are so essential o nor Imfety, and the ourge
dada us in our A lt oar
Its anevOrs Will be doubly
ineereakini by the very eicaolOnoires of that
Oil Mat tare,
The Beaver Falls Nets Rea, of the . 21,,t in-L,
, says: "Strikes have , veil, attd are of daily oc
: enrrenee hero. The Bradfield turd Thonit.on 01114 to be I'olltitl 111 MC /keel
! well, the Glasgow oil Company's well No.
thread Eablbltloo,
' the Kirk well, the
,a n d 011 Copliny•s eel, frox...ezDamr. esopeopiqual,
ELll7ollllliArrrTlll—The E'scolsibr Society. of I So. I, the Dunn well and the Burr Oak wen,
enervate. township, gave an exhibition ttt all on Beaver ernes; Springfield teen, on TNT 1. - , • i •,.1
School Nu. .t., on Friday everting, March 30t1i. whet, is called the Island, on the 1 1 ,41 e xile of U. 49 —'.1..." Li, Street,
Long botore the hour, pewt-Maly annouce, ; the creek, the Danube° evil, the Whale Olt
the opening of the eercies, ihe bowie w. I ompany's well and tire Trade4men 011 Com- Opposite i'lltsborgli l'heatre.
filled to overflowing with youth, beetuty, mid- : pany's well, on Island Han, have all struc k , a P.M
die mid old age. At 7r. n. the meeting wan • and are alt flowing, producing severally Rom t 3 a , al z , v
called to order, mid itavid the ,
Esq., chosen I ten to twenty barrels per day. Severs, other ~ h, ' i f ,
1 '-'
- ''
President, with Wirt Wilson, Jr., and David i wells ere down and tubing. - A. large number l, „1" i ‘ , V. , . r,k - ' 1- ' ', . 14 '' rit' ' l4 2; 2 r
Waiker, Esq. Vice Prdsidents, and J. It. Miller more will get down within the next ten days" ens ass ateis es ' ewe en. as was we,
and W. L. Simpson, Secretaries. The enter- The Titusville Hernid says. The tun ic ht " ... wwwwwswease.---•
tenement eonsisted of select and original ern - hillier Farin Mew ging to air eyekel and ti
Lions, compositions, dialogues, and vocal and tanks of Sherman & Picket, ut Titusvile, it .
, iiihe ,_ taw .... eill Well— Lions,
, instrumental music. The performances were I elleged, are both marked for deatraetloll.
I all of the highest order, and were uerformed
The .ealltur of the Lawrence Journot has in a manner highly creditable to the. eon- . -....- ---,-
Illegal I.lqoorNelllnglnformetlon was
bestial the capacit) , of tile Law 1 - 1•11‘ . 11 Weil al n ected with the societ.
, made before Alderman Taylor yeaterday, by
Virghtla Hunter, eh ...ging Mary Leonard un
Aiken ,. „ flung. eh sii ppers ,..„,
~,,, Ito The comic analogue, orations arm songs,
selling liquor withoet licenee, contrary to the
.talled forth loud bursts or applause from the ,
vajit: ..ITe remained on the ground for tire ' ~ t ullence, Willie those of a more serious nature ' '
or ale hours, anal then with Othern, tested by 1 ~,,,,.„ ~,,,,,,,a ~, ~,.,,J„,,,,r k .,,A
rid e& she alleged that on the list lust., Mary
attention, The , art or Asmembly In such eases made and pro
&Mind time anal nie e.t.a./nerd the torment tiht,,LTr, C o i n no th at:c u om ei t o, inn i 4e n d
l t i, ea li l. L. M h e t t e , a 1i,i1,,,,,,,, del vend anal sell Rldri
liquors on her
s N t in o t f h th ' e a a nd el El 4 ,
produced. .1 pan full of pure oil would penis ,
A prr , n ur d r. se:, , o j,,..,,Pei,ll.l.,:itria..ertiii:,i,
through the tam, can the Mobs le ' levet, of music- with lGtr o s n 7e p t o n r - i t o ra r. ins , .l , t , ,
twelve metr e pall tall of MI and water nal wend,' seem Invidious In us, where all were '
It Mime trona the wall passed Into the bucket 1 rmaxi, to particularize any
eu r; I' . . t'. hillier, keper of a saloon on Grant, 090(S,
in /an Seeollda—the 011 and water Was then left
rested esterday, an o n oath lot Andrew Fut
ile a few minim., when the Iraler 11,1:1 `Pet
q i 17: p n 14 n • : I 1 ~,t r t p , a , j r a t,, , o 174 1 , ~r O . r a '. 1 ?„-- r ,„,„i:t, ,, , ,, , , ,r e ,n st;,, , ,, : char g e d n lie similar offense, Wll. l l ar
rt OS and Use all in tne heck to. ' '
'ti- -two of - the
over one t‘eii i thrbaire. arlitllske"'erlaa-Mhaindrilmed'ki7n'; top iLkand hrmi ' hl ' beflw e' Alderlaati Stratit, 8.A.1.N1.0 It ALS,
...Das which was a trifle over Roe gallon . ner, and bore the Impress Of deep thought and, ! w ,,,.. ° he ° Ith il i ° l " . "I ft . a liearl rill nth' morn
; John /1 trilln of the Third ward, was tined
I t l l ,e nte; i„, •-o d : to ad d
4 tlt e ln; .. e n tfect .„. „ it w. rend in a clear itud '"-.
le3o yesterday, uy :Meyer McCarthy. for spill rig
wee one gallon In that t at tit , " rate i lie J r, t , i , e ,g o b r n d t, e t r ;In g:tottprareentln tte ece en .. terfa m in , :u b lt i t , t s li quor ..„ s t , h ,,, s. fi„ ph i,' 1 ,, ti r t ~ , L n , ~,,, , Si I liznaera, eibeir3
prwunt. of the well would be
_lte gall°. per •
^ l/
uour, making SABO gallons In twenty-four : hour the meeting adjournml arni we all left j discharged'
beers — . little over a'fii borroh , We iiet leed , for our home', well satisfied with an evening
• -
the workings of the well for some time, and . ~,,,„,,,,,,I • e. „,, prehieb , y epeht, , No 011.—Aftlerman Strain yesterday had n
wore Inclined to the opinion that the amount 1 •
spier.. ron. hearing Inn case of obtaining money under
of ell produced was on the Increase. Mr. Law- i
, false pretenses, Instituted by ad s Abel, ot
rtes had tankage nti to hold two thounund
The !Sabbath. this city, againstßingham, of Llizabeth
barrels, end in a few days will have tankage I
borough. The prosecutor allege that Ike de
"the very excellmit and accomplished gentle- by getting him to Invest In an oil refinery mt.
The refer tag Dielatch finds fault with t fendant swindled hlm out of a cool thousand
for fourteen hundred barrels in addition. If i
men .ho make op phyrdelatt's prescriptions," totted in Elleabmh, by representing that he
the amount of oil now produced contintses, 1
the profits of this well will compare u ith any I
Free of enterpriee which one might think - mg forty-eight barrels of oil then at he t i
well, ax the oil let of superior quality for 1 h eeeese [ buy "do not elwarm exhibit that de- : should have one-third of the refineryhwould naturally accrue to their own benefit' ' lishment. Bingham represented also to Abe/
wrril'eobltrlll°:::h;ll'e:i'eEr'ieri:ele;:lltih'Tehhdehhe'h'T''tliaat:'heh:ihpeml'rers:„'n,,,hire:. 1 by not having soda foantains, or having them , (het the net Profits to be denved Rom tae
portion . steeee Minted." ll,7RlsetriL,mt ni.vhtehnenti.hoenwtet
weather i x
d o tty, o an o
. d . I enterprise would amount to two hondr.l dol.
i a hors and that he (BM Muni was eole 01 rner al
' Ingle warm, and the streets are crowded with . the time all of whiA repnwentations were
1 Aeoseenmetsta.
, people, there must. be a number of thirsty I false, and as deponent belies . . made for the
Murk has been said lathe newspapers re- • sou sto whom a clear emu draught of soda i purpe of defruudlng blin. Binathum wee
speottng the postpouentent for a period of two WOUla be au meat Diable boon." I am really held In the mum of $1,500 hell for a tarther hear
months of the time to make annual toeless. extonished at the Diratch in attempting tole- log.
merits on licenses, income., carriage% wtc tl trance the druggist. in Illerettelng the I
billiard tables, silver ware, ie. This rumor ' meat. Or breakitig the Sabath' d . There
ham produced general mlaapprehenalon which i can be 110 apology ifor H. Soda water Is not a
Ind, 1 1 0 1311 1 301111, cause nonce annoyanee by pre- medicine to be used as the Dispatch would have
venting One preparation on the pert of tax It, and 11 Male man will argue that it can ever
payers. It Omni" (rote the consideration that , take he e l lace of water; that Gral In hie Provi
Cumin". wapiti Mitimpli Materially modify ex- dance did not see what was best for "thirste
ng laws on the eubject befo the annual souls," am' should have brought forth from
liet could be trop ;Acted and collection.% given. the rock Made tuetead of water.. Perhaps the
An effort was made In tonere to efltict such Dispatch .1 tl pert Malin on the doggeriee open postponement by joint resolution, but failed. mg up the whisky bottle on next sabbatb for
There le lip rOliallalion n bitterer for mrppom- thirsty whieky sends. no, °o; this won't do.
lug that Ina wheal assessments are to be The druggist has no more right to Sell Soda
dlay...don the eupposition that Cougress rnay water on Sunday than I have to go out on the
possibly make some charism, oa the law. All mtreet to attend my daily Deafness. It Is
persons are, therefore, advised to be prepared aalnst the laws both of God and man, and
to render their lists promptly in accordance should be serverely punished, and our pollee
with the Vegalremetite of the law, Whtell will should Holt atter those "few places where
be more rigidly enforced titan In any Preview, those Innumerable glasses of soda were sold
year. It is Made the duty of Assistant Asses- I yeaterday... Air (Mailmen.
eons thoroughly to Cattellite liner dietneta and
band their Ilm. to the Aeseasor by the 30th of
May, and they will be Jiilnilled 111 aleleasing
the penalties prescribed by law. In default Of 1
tax bonny promptly rendering their returns
of i and making applications for 11.
_Aplicants should
soe careful to de
scribe their business fully, iti that way Only
can the proper Women Lwe granted, Lleenses
obtained upon a mtitatatement of facts or mm
repreanntation Is fraud of law, and will be no
protection (rote the scalene Ones Imposed in
tick caries.
Important Patent Case Decided.
An Important decision touching a very val
uable patent his Just been rendered by the
Ornomftsloner of Patriots, and determining
the priority of Invention of what is known as
an Improvement In the manufacture of car
trWeigorgirieaSi'ilirlitnc'nr. ° L e e t:i?i2. thet
the well known firm of Lewis. Oliver &
lipa and •patent bid been dulrawarded him
in the sprout of ISM An alleged retorter-
Mee was chi/tried by Waters &J. Gribben)
emit* determine the Matter, testitumay of a
A. voltizalhous character was taken - before
A. Nicholson, Esti., en Commissioner, the
taking of which ran portion
all of last sum-
Mer, and dialog a portion of the winter.
Thistestimony, with the Written arguments
of the nonuser, woo aubnurted to the Patent
ContMlestOtteY, who, after a thorough exami
nation ofthe °engirding chilies, has rend
Ws decision In favor of Mr. I-owis, and thus
stibstantiatiog Ins fights as an Incentor, and
the more solid bantam resulting front so val.
liable an invention. Messrs. Kirkpatrick and
Mellon conducted the proceeding. on behalf
of Mr. Lewis, and Wm. Bakewell, Esq., on be
half or Messrs.
Petraleum Pottlnlng In Cleveland—Bnot.
Rees of the Tear UNA
There are new some thirty established re•
ensiles of crude petroleum, with an aggregat e
capital of over $1,600,00; employing some three
hundred workmen, health,. a large numbhr
who and employment Inciiimitol to the heal.
ness. The segregate capacity of all these re.
fineries may de stated at from 1,000 to ;we 1 m ,..
rola per dayor twenty:foot hoot.. dot the ac
truN aq i i m oitnt Prochir slitgott4Tlis
EsVor barrels or ythiiod"pll7gtrebtutegtifiteture'd
during the year. Ver 210,000 barrel. of erode
p o t i .,ti, ea , were manufactured during the
.97 , r . r ., 7Zn Il ti; p rr e Ve of crrydc Pe t l' ohm
ehtbmy to ii extern
mark° fte manuthOture of lubricating
oils has now become a distinct business. Theme
Otte are oompounded of petroleum and animal
olla, and are of different qualities for different
purposes. About 275,000 gallons wore Napo
factored during ther, yre of We
sum about 112150,001. to P
o va of etro.
lefern 00 541 tera 0 1$1410t rois t 000,coo:
Counterfeit ••Nliover " Committed.—
Mathew Kirkpatrick, whose arrest on Satur
day by Chief of Police Hogue, tor circulating
anaemia pOstal currency, we noticed yester
day, was brought up fur a hoarliact brfore
S. Commissioner SprouL He plead fora poet,
ponement of the bearin g untl4 41) c,outd pro.
far& wq =U. Jl.llB,:natlllaft ermrtgeMni
for a hearing on some future day, and held
the amount ot haft at three thouaand dollars,
in ease Kirkpatrick. should waive a further
hearing, for his appearance at court
Ateasidesusiers . snob Boon appeared he
ron, Alderman Tayloryesterday, and lodged
an Information against 'William Moore, charg
tug him with deserting his wire. lioch
es triat,William deserted his wife sometime
dime, and refused to support her. A warrant
was issued, and onloer Bell succeeded in ar
resting him. lie was released on giving ball
his simarane. for trial at Court.
ghalg—Pollee Mare have been exceedingly
doll la Allegheny for a reek oft ten dare Pest
1 . 47 ttt ra d d h lrrigeiisre,altafin
utmlog wtaine Up: C sentic get
lop,s aro zvw auegtuar
Dietetic' Csust.
Ltbrner Left."'
Mo xes 1 „tern 87.—Before Judge Hampton. Mi. Anna E. Dickinson delivered the cies.
Ttlf, are ofJames Giles vs. Benjamin Trim- , ins lecture of the smison, under the auspices
hie, being an action far m alielonsproaeoution, , of the 1 ming Men's Library A ft a eintion. in
and which acemiled the- attention of the DM- ' City Dalt last e - oning. 'The fair Lecturer was
trier Court all of Friday and a give Cr tom of , intowteren by W. B. gdwarila Ea t' in his win
g tied st r. Edwanls
Saturday, was cone/tided this morning b y '
the ttlioicrace . th o l lo ' n ' t l tirin ' o i tmee tyr e. clos of the ee
len, rendering a verdict for the defendant. i tare season, and to express in a few well rho-
The facts are familiar with the readers of the seen words the thanks of the AstmelatiOn to our
Ourekr fed tee noel not therefore repeat
1 eitixens for their liberal patronage. The Pea- I
son wait one of unusual seeress i and far ex-
Mem. Thi. plaintiff in action, Giles, together ,
with a companion by the mune of Mannino . needed tics most 'ring."'" 'gine atkMs
were charged. by Mr. Trimble„,,,,,-” , Aasoclation.
with one Wile t . °resod fise itii T iniPi ..,, -- f, Miss handled was, "My Polley,"
--"iin to 4 ----- -- "—' —— I which shein excellent sty - le. Preto
price of a o ,som a Vele. They were arrest
ed tipcni information of Mr. Trimble, and In 1 beginning to entity It wits full of biting, with- ;
default of ball T
wee to Jail, where they re- en,eauge'ine.7ninnetete`eir of nth-ne'l,a„.o"reisetlgerneyl odfemPreens--
=tined some fox ks. Upon trial In the ;
lien, Johnson's course, bet also of his present ,
Quarter Sokoto., there not. being sufficient '
„.,;e„, offered to „„ tele the e h aege, ~,,,,e I policy. The adherenceave abundant evident,
(plaintiff in this action) wan meg itted ,of their firm adhnc to, and support of the
anti a tiogi pros. entered as to Manning, l"?Iley olCongress by the deafening applause
The,y then Instituted n idyll action for damages ! at th Which the
e b-ii- , i.0. --.-- 30 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR
a s i st Trimble for false arrest. The rase ot n a nio s or um .m Lloyd Garrison. Charles
Sumner, Ile endell Phillips and Thaddeus Ste- I
Gil l es ' , who tear acquitted, was tried first, with
the numb already indicated, a verdict for the , " mi .
defendant Trlmbie, the Jury finding, aa the law Notwithstanding the inelemency of the
requirml, that he had "probnole cause" for evening there was a good audience. We would
doing as he did. The case was
very e i c ,,,,, dy i again congratulate the Cm - emitter and the
contested by M. Swans welder, Esq., for plain- AssoMation on the success of the router.
tiff, and litisrpatriek and Mellon for the 110- ,
, Amusement*.
The nest ease taken tip was that of J. AL ! Covroti A Atrarny's Nftrraranta.—Not with-
Fulton vs. It. E. Sellers .1 Co. The parties to standing the Inclemency of the weather, this
this snit are druggists, and this was an action ! company had a crowded house, last night at
to recover damageS for ti4o loaa of boldness oo- i Masonic H olt. We cannot particularlze-2the
motioned, as alleged, by publications and state- whole performance Oaq exeollent, every
piece elicited rouralk of applause ovaireo
meats made by defendants, anions
the r ight
Ot pIeb:MIEN to manufacture Dr. .M. Lindsay 's centricitles were not the worn out; - s" and
Improved Blood Scarcner and for alleging "gags" that have charuelerize t i on my of the
that the article of this men n anufactured by minstrel troupes. E. ,. erything b. a ndnorigin
plaindliti w. not genuine. The plaintiff al- tinge—a mfgent wit, Imd att Irresistible risible
logedihat he made great - profits by the sale of power. They perform to-night with an entire
this popular inedleine until the publications change of programme, anti a e peed that
by defendant, when his trade fell off,and hence standing room will he at a prenill.n. Go ettrif
this suit, i n widen damages were claimed to and secure heats. ,
the amount of 110,000. The defendants allege
' • YirTartuarts Tassras.—Alr. Adams was more
that plaintiff had only a limited right to man
ufacture than llimaeff Mat night . "Royer "In "Wild
this medicine, and that Wts right ex- Oats e se mi ° t h e eth er ~ „ ee ', Oll
pired in November, !SU; that at that time the bee
. p i le the rain storm the house W. fall
defendants purchased from Dr. Lindsay the owing no doubt to the popnlarity of both lei:
absolute, exclusive and perpetual right. to the Adams and 460 play In the "Rough Dia
trittniffactilre of thls con . pond, and to use his
monde' Mr. Hotter and Al I. Ada Mon k •') es trade mark. The case was a very interesting more than throwid themselves away." They
one, Involving some novel qestions. Alter were both very happy in their respective roles.
the plaintiff 's evidence was closed, James H • "Wild Oate" will Ns . repeated tom iglu and
ilophine, Esq., counsel for the defendants ~. j,, -, •
Lousin oe will be the concluding Meer'.
moved the Court to enter a compulsory non
unit, and In support of the motion, he argued Gorses Hooss.—Last evening Mr. Dillon
that the defendants had failed to prove appeared as " Macbeth," a deviation we be
that he had any right to manufacture the hove from his accustomed role, but neverthe-
Blood Searcher at the time of the publications less It was erfored by htm with marked
by defendants; Al. That the defendant a bility. The m house waa not an full . the mer
had failed to prove that he eon. Its of Mr. Dillon wapiti Justify, owing, In a
Mined any damage by reason of de- great measure, to the Inclement weather and
fondant's puhlicatlcam; that his trade height the performance of the minstrel troupe. To
have fallen off from other reasons, such as night Mr. Dillon will give lib great original
that Sellers tt Co. Made a superior article or personation of " Beiplicgor." The touted; of
' A Day After the Wedding " will conclude the
sold it at a lower price; and 3d that to entitle
him to recover plaintiff must prove express entertainment
undiee on the part of t iff d u o he — - -
not done. H. Burgwin, Esq., counsel forlie-fendant replied, arguing that It was not no
eesse ry to show malice ; end that he had prov
en a loss In business b' plaintiff after these
publications, and It could be Itiferrtst that this
was the muse. After argnment Judge Ramp.
ton decided in favor of Mr. /tepid., and
granted a compulsory non,ult. As the case
was terminated In this way, of course the de
fendants offered no evidence. But wo under
stand that, had It been necessary, they burl Dr.
J. M. Lindsay's deposition to prove that lie
merely sold Patton the privilege for one year,
which time expired in November, 1564 ; that he
then sold to It. E. Sellers ,t Co. the perpetual
right to use Ills trade mark, the
infields for his bottles, stereotyped plates for
labels, advertisements, etc. The counsel em
ployed In the ease tried were 11111 Burgwin,
Esq.:for plaintiff, and Hopkins anti Lasear for
Borough of tdanelieeier vs. Wm. Robinson,
Jr. Action to rotover it large amount alleged
to he due for grading and paying a eartway
and sidewalks through defoutlanca property
lit Manchester. The defendant alleges want
of notice and other legal essentia/s. The case
will occupy all of to-day , unless brought to a
standstill by some technicality. Messrs. Kirk
patrick .1 Mellon for plaintiffs; Hamilton ig
Acheson for defendant.
Book No ßees
- ' •
"The south since the War." By Sidney An•
drews. Boston: Tielrnor & Fields. Isk
tn tr
This Is a narrative of foorteen wooks spent
travel in North Carolina, South Carolina
and Georgia, as the correspondent of the Bos
ton Aden - trace and Chicago Tribune. It Is well
written, graphic In delineation, full and par
ticular in details, and alms to depict the con
dition of those States and their Inhabitants as
they existed after the storm of war passed
over. Most of the points of spacial Interest
undo , . the present aspect of public again. are
brought out as they really - are. Perhaps there
to the usual amount of ocdortng, bi mins.- 1
has Intr i nsic
the bias of the author, hut the book
. has Intrinsic rooms for all who seek the facts
of the case.
For sale by John P. Hunt a Co.
..The Naval Lieutenant.'` A Novel. By F. C.
Armstrong. New York: The American
News Co.
A reprint of a popular English novel, In pa
ts 6 cents. The author has al
pnblL:tted several suceessfhl nautical
nova, and Is fast. rising to distinction as the
smeessor of Maryatt. The well written naval
novel Is always sure of success, and we think
all novel readers will like thin,
For ludo by John P. Hunt a Cu. Masonic
Hall,.Fifth street.
Solo of Seats as She Academy of Masts,
The Magi awe of the interior of the Acade
my of Music having been completed, the sale,
of seam will commence this morning at am
o'clock, al the muele stores of Charles H. Mel
& Oh, and H. Bieber A Bro. The diagrant
for the right aide Of the building can ho benn4
with the Messrs. Metter, while that of the hilt
In at Mr. Mollors store. That Wie/M seats will
be in Immense demand we have no doubt, and
for this ration IL will. be. bettor for those of
our friends who contemplate purchasing sews
to be on hand at either place early this ni."o ,
Lug. In regard to the entrance to the hug*.
ing, the patrons of the Opera will Observe
that the upper entranee On I-lberty street
leads to the resiltlette, while the entrance on
the earner if the alley leads to the Dress Cir.
ele. The listp,f ',Mockler the Denver season
have illteady been pghlleAatl and the lovers
of Operatic music can see that the weleettoun
have beep made with great care. We bail
ple of the
with delig> tile dedication of this new 'p ain _
lay he borne In mind that the select seats
to- and to-morrow will he exclusively pan
fined to the purchasers of season tickets. Af
ter to-morrow, nest-, for Ma& nights ean bre
A Ira•blousble Mo.—There is nothing
becomes a man as to have his head-piece or so
mented with a handsome hat. Let hla other
garments be of over so eoarse material, .14 his
head be well covered (as fly porestas bath It)
he looks dressed. We are happy to Interns onr
tenders that our old tim peered friend
Charle W. Moon, aps riten hatter, (than
whom a hO. CJ' lVineurWhat Is. really stylish
is 11444ui rind ' ) has associated himself with
Mr. A. Aronson, at NO. 74 Fifth street, oppo
alt., the Postotlice, when on Saturday nail., be
win mien a xnagnillcmut assortment of buratto
summer wear, whicti he intends to sell et
gold, corresponding with the fan in the price
Meautbra Month]ly for May: Contents:
Itatnotent Of Eherman's Army, (tllustrate,)
The Dead Letter, TheThonareg, Abel Alison , '
Secret, Atentsalnsand their Wori, Wang, Do
ra Dean% Trial, To lbulge, Charge of the Fast
Cavalry Dlylsion at W 1 nchester, 11.nlfe•Eaters,
Under a Shadow, My Luck lu a TUI2IIIOi, tic
man Life, My Every Day Paths, Current Notch
on !den, Boobs, ac.
For sale by floury Miner,
XX% t u trAnr - 14 rio\VIY the nbinya
Vie Ohio river, near freedom. The dammed
Was PPMeutlY
quittedaf years of age, had
on a mean dress hoar, and low shoes.
There we no - marke or violence oh the per.
aon. The re bOdflildltitintrod at frelahon.
ll[atoll' Nailed.
Jimmy Hamill galled on lost Saturday for
England, having deter ruined to arrange mat.
tern upon hie arrival there for a satlnfamery
settlement of the points of obJectiOn between
hlineelf and hie competitor in the forthcou,
Int( contest. It Is understood that he will non
cede all pointo of 'lmpute to Kelly, nave that
of emooth water--upon this lie wIIT Mittel. The
match will come off within one month after I
liamill'e arrival. The shell built by alega "'MAI 2VE
\ lAP"' h'"•
wan selected alt the one to be ivied in the rare, ' l imened one of the anent and most aesimeie - frock of
as, upon tr
Isleti proved to be all that could be i'Li/AKe, 01A STI 1.1. A, 1.1. 1 1 . alit NW, WoOL
deeired. thirty-three feet long and , ENS for Men A 4, 4: 111 A , li.-11..ii, TRIMMTWri.
weighs twenty-eight pound. Previous to I se., se., eiar eNhlttlied 1,, Pirt.lturith. which will
Illantull'et , ItTarttire u complimentary anpszr t . • -
iv .
given ti
in in 14 .,,,, , ynk and on Fri y he yeld at eitou.shlegli Lion,
I INA Ed.. Our liar
ti. area( th. 1.011i07 itliedir NS, train
night a benefit at nt Men ml Theat re la
Phlllldelphlg. alewan also made the recitti;ent FRENCH A NIA AMF !MCA Nlt A N RYA( PURE.
of a pitmen( one hundred dollar,. In gold, pro- 1 We shall Mao mai, to "tam, 1. 1011.11 a and Mantilla>
rented by Prunk Queen, ni the Cityper, is a of ILI' S rry rote. et} le, and wilt warrant a perfect
mark 01 appreciation. The ` he
I , f t lie ' C 1.,....,,,,;,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,
emit I wan accompanied to the StOHITICT , al 1 1.11 , 1 1., (IF.01TTINI; ~,J
ritivstiN,l It AIt.MIENT, isilAt 1 lit: I.AliiiT
Immense crowd, who to Ifeideil their en till .
Bloom by cheering and waving of hats •and STY LES.
A Family Suit.—Patrick Hawkins W.
orought before his honor, Mayor McCarthy,
yasterday, to answer a charge of aa.ault". and
battery vomndtted on the er Eliza
beth Graham. He plead in ext enuation that
the said glizabeth had taken a certain utensil
of household economy belonging to hint and
Nou g ht
It to her own use, (
heldhic he
thought to chastise her. Ile W. to bail to
answer. Sarah Hawkins, Patrick's better
half, then Instituted an action of surety against
John George 'brother or Elizabeth Graham,
for threaten* to kill the aforesaal . Patrick,
as a mollitioa on tor the "hating" Mirabelli
had received at his hands. His honor, tame,
t hi
er, restrained John George from doing ear.
ng SO rash and sanguinary.
tl boy slam four year. of age, named Wil
e, whose mother resides In the Sixth
ward, saas engaged In building mud dams
acmes a gutter which was mining full oh
water. In his eagerness to accomplish his
darling object, the little fellow lost his bal
ance, and was precipitated head-foremost snto
the boilingaurrent, by which he was rapidly
moo forcibly dashed over the boulders for
some eltstanos, The driver of a coal wagon
happened to observe the child, and Jumping
Lo the ground, ran and extricated Win from
illsout perilous situation. lic was tom% bruised
water. body sad Wiriest strangled with
FOIMIS DrOWoged-011 Saturday'
of an unknown woman wan found floatin g in
the Ohio dyer, near Freedom, R o ar e r noun ty
The deceased appeared to be a bierman, and
had on a quilted hood, low shoes, flue stock
ings and black dress Coronet 11 , Coy, or
Beaver county, held an inquest, when the Jury
mane to the cone/Union that 1010 WWI drowned,
tollas there were no marks of violence on her
person. oho had on her person a one dollar
. twentysrlye dente in scrip, and three cop.
pers. She was burled In the pnhhe burring
lialteten• u
l cerdliter. —Win. Mc Bride yes
, tezday brought motion dman
! Strain tar malicious intschtef against George
shatierfeldt, The allegation charges the lat
ter with throwing dirt and earth ina gutter
oe prOpertv, thereby caus
ing his prunilaen to overflow with water. A war
rant was issued for the arrest of the defendant.
Came.—thmel Byre ytuterday insti
tuted a suit of Lrover and eourersiou before
Aldertuati Strain against Jacob Cashbal , to re
cover a canine valued at tiny dollars, the prop
erty-of the oroseeuter, and which Cashbal re
tuaea render up to his Waster. The defend
ant Was heldfor a hearing this afternoon,
Nttlaustee--Conrad Shutt had a hearing he
fore Mayor McCarthy mud was admitted to ball,
on a uharge of malntalnlnga unlsance; or rath
er number of nuisances, In the orm of
slaughter house, pig pen, de., ln a doplorble
ocuefittou. Lie resides on Pennsylvania Ave
nue, lu the Bth ward.
Leirceny.Patrlok Lally was yesterday
committed to latl, by Juation Barker, of Mon
ongahela boroligh, to answer a 'charge or Um
con preferred by to
Donahue. 'rho arti
clew alleged to have boon stolen were twenty
dolhua in money, bUileb of key,,, noel It
Wooden Building oh n W
moire w tt,
yesterday brought botorn Mayor alcc.thy on
c harlit , or violating the city ordinance,
tbOeyeetlon era wooden helloing In the Ninth
sue• Me WA& held to ball to' answer at
Frank Leslie's; Ladles; Maws:Sae los
May, with full array of illustrated fashions,
besides th e usual excellent literary selections,
be had of W. S. Glldenronny, bro. SS, Pleat
St., near Wood.
iftr,rb•Urlfg• to Zgliff'mugr,7rAr:ll:T.
awl within Iffteim minute.. wL
The romoMm..
A stock IltrulMmd room destrotdo. Itrforvoces
ler ru, If required. Adders. stating term., M. It.
IlAmm-Te Orrvlcs.opMat
- -
oncEs. •
,ForpciAtors of the t liTt t
por r. •_r g e o by Act. of is,eihhtUC"UP'NY'
ki% a d g r ekitCl3, A. D., ma, w at t :T e rr i ed the
ti g.o,c. d ,. In the eltx.9f Pltallac
t i :Ai x tgAs t rare c of 1.12 a , • 1 4.rt0 o•etoe.•
X • eeldent. en
I V .V. Rai&
4=l4 A.
The ealltion io forwarded which will reach the at !
•en he r. enoneet . thr nail i-un.
11 1, 1'1:1IT 1 0 N.Im rtie
Great Sheriff's Sales,
NUW SEL LIN t. .AI A lilltJT
Lasting Heel Gaiters for $l,
` , clung la the City for 1,1,72, everywhere.
Go at once to the People's Patai
No. 60 Fifth Street
Alvroan't fall la (tau*. bait
ilooTs ANDSH
I ,ADIES'. - (4 lENTS
.E3C. X 1:.11:3 271 L .1\7'.1.2.5
Nos. 55 and 57
koit'th P4malreet.,
Patent Lead Pipe.
Hoye constnntly on hand •nd nande to order
Warehouse, No, 167 Smithfield Street.
jusT lureEzvED IIY 1 XXIIESS
Ap voortm,..t
N•Ci X-8.496.1FLX)
thenadinee, Shawls,
2113 irtb elitrctoot
z:stv9cil. ciespantionct Inelmr,,eiliVler,
cLot., subdicl e stesi nn C% i trit• Park It:4.
the itirS,b`',Z`plftr'STirdbt".l/1
"*.V°;llO. TRAIN will Imre Um
Penna. Tiepin nt 2 o'clock, for the concerns., or
ladle" bud gentlemen to .04 from the tole.
nosh; Isnlanee In one and two
yearn, with Interent, secured by bond Ong mortucgt.
to be ribill nu ecels lot when
ap24 A. Mc11.14 AI Auet
wAI.E. consisng Lot ot of terentstl hav
ing• front on bib crumb ntreet• of 1,0 lent, ann •
tends bark "MI feet, on which Orr e reeted two k came
irseetliogn. which now rent for trien per year. if: re
It a safe inventmeut of in pes
Opel klel,Al4 4. CU.. 1 2 Fortellietruet.
_ •
rra LET—A large P,70 awl pleasant
good location, MAY be [tad addrecclog • ' A, •' ai
I th
tai name, and
ap24 . 3tri
ri LA
12, 1 d 11111dcootna,rea veVy con,..tat
arat-clat. E
tornituro cold at-a turiticevatei ng
. App
apzi 11.1teLAINCL ,12•2 Poona att '
Li and Moot plet orumuo f , lsco of Slpzatorc,
coattreon.tpue:Vtufil, tiait.4l....atelyooriluLA.llctrg;
tOilwect Zcasi t till amay at tut Cuptltinixtio
&Ws °Moo, al the E'en:mien,. Deethei:Yrnallta
mod all other boxlnesb al Ittolol to or Out
W./thous, of sbe undo/signed-. corner of "40,1 1 1 a
and Leadepek struts, dlreitimay
USU. A. id. 14.7, fur
Secretary and Treimil NV.;
cads Peac d Moor Pomroek e , do r loa u
bblo. Buckeye to bags,
604 boob. Priuce Albert do •
L. EL VOIGt t Gu
no , F.ZI track. (await.: n ea 7
• Peach
L. H. NOWT Co,
- -
DiIitiMOVEACHEIS. tir arrive trima 3
ocorgia.-23 Or/apt Calves;•
O. .lo wasoters, •
lor sale by (sop), L. H. Vutcer-# Op,
-41 eV ,
1 15
U. ap3