ir INttoburgh 6agttc. MONDAY, Allll.l. 23, 1860. .. rola ouvER3Oll: MAJ. CEN: JOHN W. GEARY, 0? CI3I4IIIIILASD 001TliTT IN A BAD WAY • For some months past attempts have been made in various States to organize a party devoted to the support of President JONSSON and his peculiar. Policy. In no instance has much success attended these efforts. In 'Kentucky, for a brief season, a fairer prospect of doing something hand some was held out than anywhere else: het I blight },2.* fallen on the !eaderq the movement. Adler a good deal of preliminary :rumen vering the Jolla:iontans I.alled a State Convention to meet at Idouisvtlle on the 7th Of May At that tine• and ithtee a grand campaign was to be started, tor the defi nite 111:1Ini o f the President and the doctrines of 10_ veto, messages and public address.- -uhter fuire- were Id lowed. Candidat- were to be put in nuts. inattou to represent thou,• ideas and plans, and uothina This enterprise Luis been abandoned. Not many men conhi be found who would march under that haulier. 'lsl e • sail for the Convention has been withdrawn The scheme has hopelessly Instead, a new call has been issued for u State Convention to meet on the llnth of May At this convocation are invited to be present "all men, North, South, East ' and West, who, in the language of the gifted Sr runt.: , . in It tercet :Mares: be Min the Legisiature of Georeta, are ready to banish the pa suon. , and preiudiees en. gendered by the late unhappy struggle, and unite in for rv-inratien et a constitutional Union, freed 01 t he en—We 10(11 have grown out ot a state of war " "All u:eu '• 1 - i i hrol.ll.lo,e anti might h e int,o preled to tutlo•v but 1.0 knowledge of the fata that ,n all an- I part I , + t . Olll 1110 qty pnt iur t h . ,V In lllu>t raa da tht• \ VIII — 1 the St.,te Ir 11 h .P• 1 II It.n lk , ll lo "1,6'1 ityp.rahun Iht• L.llll` ft 3 , ,11N51.! , Th -f t:.r I,,iu 4Lareilroitit A ul a fir , r-rate chance for Mr fly met h. Mee the comic lie was just where he ~cold make up a re. ord that should 1.u% hie views and purpos... hi-paol all ....Mr.. I vr,y. lie had a deep neitoull interest prevenung the passage of certain railroad hills. Re did hie beta to prevent them go ing through He might have helped, or at least he might have shown a disposition to help a General Railroad Law. He did mit do that. He made his bow and left the Did democratic usage require the eaht buion of tito nuarh diffidence Mr. Wood ward did not resign its seat on the Supreme Betuit when he was the democrat, oit Leh late for Governor The Jack, authority in matters of derml - tit it el 1 , 4 :1t . tic Is Mr Clymer a modester matt ltittli MI Woodward ° That if , a till - Moth point to solve 41itle holding them to he real gen tiemen. we never suspee :I either of them of an exec. , . of modesty Ni,. no Mr Clymer did not want to make it record The Cloven Foot. SIESSRS EDITORS —Under the ',lin,. , I" . lhe President t" the Sobiters and Sail th e Commerrial of Friday, has as isual a null: and water article on the Pct.,' eut • last speech, starting off by saying, in he -elittnuidacent style of the ( . .wei ',ter ial, that the speech — rontaioef a Hear n .nutionlkabl , eonerscsion to Congre, • , f si ft ht to deform°, , f ire intaitiers " COneesSiOn indeed And whoever de vied what Andrew JOhnnOn so grarimislv once l-' No one The Cono;herria , , true to its instincts to carry Is./as shoulders, thinks the tone of the President's 104 speech is, in some respects, better than some of his former ones. On this point there may be a difference of opinion tween the Comm.-, rid and its allies, who adhere strictly to the twenty Seel/10.4 Feb. mars' letter Kut nlllong the true Int, of the c-,xion party there is but one Opilllon .1110111 the Speeches in question. They are both condemned I. uncalled for and tar la• neath the dignity of a President of the United States, and a illsgra, to the man who oade them. But as the Commerrial is said to till the bidding of a leading Johnson man, who name was on the list of Vire Presidents at the Johnson meeting held in this city. it is lair to presume that II will lit the organ of the Johnson party now forming under the name of the "Johnson club," and tinder the sperMl auspices of N. P. Sawyfr. FOr n W Ann The Cholera Hole to Prepare far ita 4p pruach -The Cause! , and Itouptom. at 41- tack --A Count.. of Treatment Prexeribed - rite Experience and l'unitillatalla of an Ea...tern 111.4unar). lir Hamlin, hit many year, at Ito . Atnericati Board at Constantinople, ha- furnished ;I, the r'ariAi.i. Mirr, an •11 - his very miere..ful trealmenl iit la that chi. His practio tine • , sfi•teled through three ~r this dreaded dtaen.e, in lti-Pt, 1e.55 find 1.01 The suggestions are no simple that we else them the benefit of u prominent place in our columns, in the be.ief that they will there more generally attract attention, and lie the Means, perhaps, of saving life durini! ' the approaching cholera season Dena Sin The cholera, which has Just left us, after committing fearful ravages, is making its way into Europe., and a ill mot. ably cross the Atlantic before another sum met has parsed. Having been provides tinily compelled to bare a good degree of practical acquaintance with it, and to see it iu all its forms and stages during each of its invasions of Con-dantioople, I wish to make some of my friends in Maine some suggestions which may relieve anxiety or be at practical use. 1 On the approavii of eliolere, every family should he prepared to treat it With tout waiting for a pity,ician It doe. work so expeditiously' that while you are waiting for the doctor it is done. 2. 11 you prepare tot it, it will not come 1 think there is no disease which may be avoided so easily as the cholera. Butprier • ,dential circumstances, or the thoughtless indiscretions of some member of a house hold, may invite the attack, and the chal lenge will net er be refused It will prob ably be auntie in the night, your physician has been called in another direction, and you must ti eat the ease yourself, or it will be fatal ❑or to TI10; teleit Atilt iiirlitrt,itte Cittnne Of Attack. —I have personally in Yeatigated at least a hundred Canes, and not less than three fourths could oy tr aced di rectly to improper diet, 01 to intoxicating drinks, or to both united. Of the remain. der, suppressed perspiration would comprise a lure number. A strong, healthy, tern. perste laboring man had a severe attack of cholera, and atter the danger bad passed I was curious to ascertain the cause. Ile had been cautions and prudent in his diet. Ile used nothing intoxicating. His residence was in a good locality. But alter some hours of hard labor and very profuse per spiration, he had lain down to take hiscus tornary nap, right against an open window, through which a very refreshing breeze was blotting. Another cause Is drinking large ly of cold water, when hot and thirsty. 'Monday Evening, April ea. brent fatigue, great anxiety, fright, fear, all figure among inciting causes. If one cant, nu DJ ECT— • BITUA 1 it,h • IlYniti all these, be is Le 'safe from the cho. poors open al i ircit;ck7 Leinr, roan, net. It lora as from being swept away by a oomct. o'elocia. l. 9lnpe 4. Symptoms of an elttark.—While ae aerated a tart ' - cholera is prevalent inn place, almost eve- I es " rs thi ial u ttl.isT'ut te A l r eer t ; ry one experiences more or less disturbance illostas as.4IELL, JEL , of digestion. It is doubtless partimagi- , YY. Eat , tag j r, miry: Every one Dotted the sligMest LL, nation of feeling, and thie . gfvesi stimpor- 1.4. c w C. ALit EE. tame to mere trifles. There is ofteme aple Lecture Committee. ESE= LECTURE. MERCANTILE LIBRARY 3iLa .Wa 113 . 7iEs EA MISS ANNIE E. DICKINSON IMMIMME C 1 rIvIL 7 1-1 .A.l. , NOTICES lmd POLITLIAL. GENERAL JAS. S. MEDLEY 1 A • \MOAT V. IN TIM 4* illbllll. Into , ...I 1 ... .de .- CONGnESM. -The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY wmil tarot-hi ntn naute to tho ronrentlort ul ttor parlr, for noroloollon . nt•lttlitlate for Cow vt the frittrot-t inhirAwd . Wron SHERIFF, SAMUEL B. CLULEY, thuuJrtt Its the .anon E/I tn.. I . 11101:1II.ittthlIcataUII IT tub= lcd&wr CHARLES BARNES, I.ftle.olour! titxth 11. s. ' , fillet)" tivo S A , .uhject to th e actwn of the linion I,t , ovention. mlltlulit yr V air FOR SHERIFF. JOSEPH ROSS, (Ith, Pleat .rd, ['Malmo - ex will he • rand!. datr ft.( NherllT. subject to the actlou of the Valet Itolmhtlean , ottoty Convention.tattle:lc L_Tron cruer. GEN. S. S. M. YOUNO, late (:olonel Fourth Pennsyleanig Cavalry. "Fot MUERIFF. COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, Of Mr Keesilort, (late of the 9th Pa . fieserswg, I will tic ean(ll(latc for 11.(4 . 1t1, euttext to she den lob orate ensuing C.winly Convention. rad°. r . CO CAME COMMISSIONER, GEORGE HAMILTON, Pittsburgh, eubJect to the .1100 of the Union Itepubliraul:ounly Convention! '"COUNT coittaussuina. CHARLES PUGH, Of Atancla oior. .111 her candidate for County Coto rtilsolonor . „ subject to the action of the Union Ito puvilcun Cotintr Convention. lahristi&Wle CI EUR OF TUE COURTS. JOHN O. BROWN, U. Hampton Township• lists Private Co. LI, Will I_lsl . ll2!Lisiis Vol. W"FOR CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, 'Atte or• 103 d Pennsylvania Volunteer. and Pent, stlcsnl• Artillery. SuoJect to the deelsion thr ifepublieau County Convention. tuhrt:te iggrFOß CLERK OF COURTS. DR. WILLIAM 1, lIILARORE, of Upper Pt. Clair Township. ruhrle-davrtelt artillififooltmEn, JOSEPH H. DRAY, Of Plum Towitehlp) late of Co. F. 105th Na. Rea.,J , t ,b ) ", to the decision of the Union Republican County Conlentil..apth:ac Egrroit REGISTER, R. D. HUMES, of Went= Borough, tubleet to the &cloaca, of the flepublhan County Convention. a 11322 . 15_ ar - FOR RECORDER. J. H.,COPEUND, VA R Lt ii.epubucaa County Coaveut spli:to WANTED WANTED.--SI.:RH.) PER YEAR I —We went AGENTS rywhere to eel! our IMPROVED TWENTY-DOL eve LAR SEWLNII tda. CHINES, three new kinds, under and upper feed; emanated Eve years. Above salary or large commis ion paid. The ONLY Machine sold In United States or len than h4O, which are fully lieeoecd bp Rome Wheeler A (ironer & Baker Ringer • Co:, and Bacheider. 411 other cheap liset,twee are fa- L'l TVrrA gelaer or Ball up ltrltLAPlldgrd,dodeods&WF FOB SALE. VOR SALE--FLOUR AND PRO- , .11 DUCE SLIMNESS, of over ten years standing. In a_good location in the city A fine OppOrtanity Is offered to any person wishing to engage In the ; Produce Business. All communications strictly o onlidential. Address P. 0. IEIO, Pitteburgh. inh72:tf `OR SALE—IOWA LAND--$2,000 —ABOUT FOUR lIENLYRED AND MUFTI' ACRFA OF LAND situated near Webster City, I Hamilton county, l owa, (on the linear the Paelhe Railroad.) Is onared the ante for TWO THOUSAND DOLLANS. co h. Address --OWNEIt,” Oar:errs Weems. fealttf 1 4 `011 SALE--A Valuable Country Reaidenco at Edgewood Station, PaillidytYallta Rallrond, one .d a - half miles from Wilieleaintrg; Eleven acres 110 perches of Landt• One new Dwell ! tug pantalithor len rooms and cellar underneath; ' Fruit and other e u nvertlences on the premises. for Hata, latorluation, rail at No. 10d Fifth street, ; Pittsburgh, or on the premises. noTtda J. S. KING FOlt SALE, 2W bbin. White Lime; '• Calcined Plaster; '• Land Plaster; 10;) • • Hydraulic Cement; Ito " Rosentiale Cement . At 310 Liberty street. apg:Swd W. W. WALLACE. F`OR SALE—THE PRACTICAL ENGINEER, by John Wallach; second edition; enlarged and Improved. Aboutone-half this edi tion lout already been sold. Every Engineer or man who owns or runs • Steam Englue shottld have • co ord to py. It only needs to he read to be appreciated. All ter. directed the ruhscrlber, at 311) LI It • EATS SPILL/41', Pittsburgh, Pa. will be prompt!, attended to. Price per en1G,41 . 3e. petew WALLAC E t 1 ' V PR - S Tri A OR SALE ON THE BIG SANDY WESTERN ......._ RIVER. —I otter for sale the MINERAL RIGHT OE NINE HI/NI/IMO ACRES, situated In and ~ 0 the heads ent. retie &hove Peach Orchard Work, 'rite COAL it In almutlancr, and of good quality. 'rt.. velem arc tram YoUlt to :OMEN FEET TGIL Proton. wishing to purchese will call at the hen tacky Honer, A•Itli11 , 1, Ky. Terms cheep and rea• soneltle. Add rote THOMAS IttirteELL, Ashland. Kentucky.tultle • told 1 4 I t .I I L.A R A - 11 .?1L MILL , w Po rta ble thoa E D ng ( l ir n u e b al e d Roller, mettle hy Lane end Bodley, of Cincinnati. lower Saw Mint/h. diameter• upper Saw in Inches, , j roth Crass-eat Saw, nhafliniand all complete: also I three 27 inch Barrel Saws, (or marital staves, made 1.71n,V11:, 1t e n " ln i n it r e; es t ner g lumber h reg ' l b o ° n y' bYt . e . et ' to ' rt time, and le In perfect order. Address the I PENNA. ea I.T MANG VAf - ruittuti COMPANY. Natrona, Pa apilr'ortud pont SALE, ASHLAND HOUSE. AR..,isTREET, PHILADELPHIA. The Furni ture, Flaturec Good Wat, and Four)ear. Lease of t p L u e r, alv , e t , will call no ut .t d u d ae r,, r a zties artahlu, In BARKER a It AIICEY Route, Philadelphia. FOR SALE. EOM X-a-A-IRL 43-3EI ILA C:101" flo t tr+l Reformed Presnyt , ritto Cot:titre/W. l d° or lbltatturtrit, Or l'a•tor oller ror salt Writ property located on the cornet of Plum sod berry alleys, and but ad feet from Lt betty safest. The • lot Is Lao feet by 145 rest. on which are the t hutch Building. and a 'Tenant Hausa of 4 root. Inqulrtes may be made of, or unleations ad dryseed to Tuus SMITH . at the comm Fouftb N•tionsi Haat, or to R. (~ MILLER, 1.35 1 nip] street. aftli:ll FOB SALE, A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE l lke ant”dantlat trains Cottage Mansion ou a.olue. hear Schoni etre., In Allegheny ettY. .tth .•hanabet. parlor. Mules rautp. tlbrerr and a •pacl- WI. on flnt Arms . . three Ilgtst and Weil • entltat ed attic , hatnbere, and kitchen wad bath room In bark balding The , tese (runs tn• (Tent t‘ eaten ! s/St Old beanttrut. , nretnanding tut three tivers and be .3i! . flte •ke pteaaant. the neighbot tut( hone.l.”log 0.1 trent•ret etyis end •barartel. and all ha, in, .parlous eronnth hand : .ornrir arn - intented shrub tree. •hrunnery Ist doer" The relt the r.o{ , nl - ,•ommun,,,.. Ith bu.tue•• ...••• tbs. eututquing tho , xdrunt•e• • ,ItT .1,11 the um ton -•( • , etan I/ r home The s'.lls %bout .27‘ t.. is •heel. 1• well •ulll, ated •00 root • Ottc, up • aiii_ - NINO rt., e tie,,. 111“1.on. eivern. ivt t:ita 1 . :m1m, , John Dietrich. do John tuhez. do .. . do ltmiel Met affair, do yo Thom. Wrist,. .1 0 d • Nencl Nicholson, do do Gottlell, Mashed, do do Henry,i, ,i 0 du Thoma Thornton. do it du . Sampson Rem, au do do . Cath. tloasect. Eating ll,'''', do do , Jno. A. Tohrsok 40 do do ' John Roth. 4„ do do Frederick Evert.other goods, do du t. Guckenheimer A Rm.. ,do do do J use ph Spence,. Torero ' 2,1 do John Mulherrou. do do do Char), Hartman. do d o do Gene) Bender, 4„ do do 1 Owen Corcoran. or. do do . Prank Lott.. Eating Bon,. .1. do , Tr D. Inti Is, do d „ d o . Francie McLaughlin, Tavern . do do John V. Sell. 1 am.,do Patrick Gallagher. do do do Robt. Love Ealing 1.100. e. ,10 iii, i tennis Donlon, other goods, d o do A. H. Itiestni er. do d. „ J. A I. ROO, do coo. McCune, Eavern. ot, •d•, Boos Maurer, do do do Jos Reinhardt. do Roger Sweeney. do J. N. Anderson A Bra., T•m mi. du do J. Lochltut. Eat log House. do do L. Purceli, over goods. 110 do Nicker A OM, Jo do do . Iledbruner, do .10 do M. M`Collougli &Co dod do 1,11 tell & 'Beating, 04 to do Michincl Rafter, Tavern, eth do do J. It. Dierker, do do do Look Balite, do do do W. J. Morn.. do 0 do Biondi. Elston, Eating it 00 se. do do Jacob G. Rafted, do do Henry Freyberg, do do a do Charles Wenger, dodo do Chas. Ilandwieli. ,lo do do I Peter leolchelicluter , otto goods, ,10 Schmidt & Friday. .10 do F. X. Retitle, to do do Peter Kaltamborn , Tavern, tith du do Raymond Sehillhoner, do do do Edward Daman Bating House, do do Wm. Wolf other goods, do do Wm. McKee, to do do Atin McCully. do o th do do Henry }Whit., Tavern, th do do Jamea Sewell, do do do do do do Geo. Nett e. Rte R ,11. Oh , do do Kate Richey, du do do Christiantter, Eating House. do do Scam b, Clo do do Jos. It. Dickey. Tavern. 10th do do John Meyer, du do do Chrtet. Klein, Meting 1100.0, do do J. M. Karam, do do de John Meyer, do do do Frederick Schmidt, do . do do Christian House, dr, do do John Keettler. do do do Geo. Riumenscheld. do do do Chrlatian Gotthold, do d., do Emanuel !Medi, do do do Xavier Walk do to do Jos. Ludwig, do do do George Spec, do • do do Jacob Keller. do other goods. Michael Fishes. Tavern. let Ward, Adlegheny, Adolph Berner, Eating Houle. do do Mathias Patched do du do John Fletcher, do to do thigh Callahan. other good., do do Adam Heil. tavern, 24d0 do Peter Ford, . do .10 do George Walter, do 40 do Henry RIO, Eating Hun., du do Ann leherwood, other 1.45, do do Henry Herman, Torero, 114 do do Anthony Reminder. 410 do do James tompriett, do do do Henry Woodcock, Eating Hosamado do Charles Has., do do do 4o do do Jacob Hasicy. Frederick Lang. do do do Cbriitlan lecke/. do do do Abraham Trout, do do do Apollo+. dial. Tavern, 4th do do J. J. Cowling, do do do Jain E. Buettne do do do John Fratienbohl r. do do do James J ones, do do do John die layre, do do 40 C. Geosensehmldt. Eeting lionskdo do Stephen Butner,do do do do do Gottlieb munkrr. do Lewd. Cesar. do do do Anna Froelick do do Ja cob Land, do do do WenrymSe o dde n e tdo, the d g o o ods, ddo doo Nichols- Ko m alm. Tevero. Boro. of Birmingham. John N. Scliafer do do do Frederick Albrect, Rain, House, do do Patrick Kiernan. do do do Peter Schlegel, alter goods. do do Leo. Disti, r T•vern, do East do John ellen, do do do do Joseph Schell. do do do do Gottlieb Fisher. do Duµdesne Borough. Charles Cramer. do do do Sebastian bald. Eating House, do do John •imlth. Tavern. Lawrenceville Sao John Baser. do do du lifetime! Berger. do do .10 James Bray. do do do (Mord° Banat, Eating House, do do Jacob Diem. other goods. do do Lam Frank., do do do Mathias Meter. fa vern. Me Kees purt do J. F. Wolfe. do do do Jacob Scheid do eharpsburg do Willie= Vag, oilier goods. S. Pittsburgh do John Clams, Tlkern. West do do Thomas ~orroon. 'do do do do (large Holool. do Tembebacteeville do Hugh McAfee. do do do au Handley. Earned House. do . do Chad. P. Meth. ' To do do A. Lightner. ot her dant.. 8•142%. Township. John :inroads. Eating House. Creams I do Malal•tierditer, TaVern. Chanters do /i James Manto. , do (01110. do Henry /Braila/. do do •10 ICOOCrt Stanford do Elam Deer do John Casson do Fit/meth .Iy. I John Hudeb•th. do do Joseph IV rot,. do i•outh Far cite d.r I 2110111• S liutlngs. do loam. do George Huffman, do 11111110 do Pete; Spam/ion. do do du Anthony Schulte. do to do Thomas LT aid do do do William Chadwick, du do do Jacob Kell. do do do John Melee., do do do George W Wstrcu. do Marshall do Thom. Paisley. 00 Ohl. do Day Id John,, do Pltt do Jos. Larkum d o do John M. Mueller du do do John McCarthy. .111 do do Jos. MeElhany. Est.nd House, do do Edward Der.. do do de H. Storm, do do do I 1 briatian legato, do Reserve do Michael Wagounauser, Tavern. do du Dam. Lazo T••ern, do du Peter Reschner. Eating house, do do tiro. Worn y. Tavern. Robioson do Jamm Itrvau, do do du Jana. Mei/rodeo do do do Christ. Freeing., do Ross du Jacob Born, do ao do Elimbeth Hama, do Midler do 16114 Pond. do do do diary Beltzhoover, do 1.. St. Clair do John Steak, do do do Jakob Ott, do do do Thos. Met loskey. do do do Frederick Hampe. do do do John Allen, do do do Andrew Hoover, do do do Ch.. Bergahlky, Eating Ha , . do du John Aare, do do do Margaret 0 ansbory. Taran linion do atatMew Harbison, do do do Thomas Lawrence. do Versatile. du Frandott Tachegna, do do do Andrew Baker. do Wit.. do John Dunn. do do do Conrad Spledir, do to do Galrtiel Fry. Eating Hon., do do The Court 0111 sit on WEDNESDAY, the Id day of May, ,PIG. at to o'clock. •. am. for hearing the above applicetions. Applicant. will Ole their bonds to my orate on or before the day of hearing. Remotion...mem must be Sled MI ur before the day of hearing. Certifteam of licensee grantedont be taken out lifter flee and within fifteen days after having been granted, or they wtilbm• revoked accordlnd to law. a143:11 ,--W. A. 11 0111106. Clerk. NEW GOODS 001111 S T AND AIIRIST DEAFNESS, E - YE, m..fa.x:L, CATARRH. DR. GARDNER, OCULIST AND AURIST, EYE AN - 13 abnolottally Informs the citiz ens or Pittsburgh that he will again .1.11 the city ou Tuesday, April 17th, AND REMAIN uNrn. 41-.37113`14,-Ta.46lir, After thAt timevisit ll b MONTHLYven., of which due notice wie gi Office at Monongahela House, And can be consulted on Iletitaess. Noise In the Head. Catarrh. Discharges Inoue the E., Scales In the Ear, Obstructions or the Eustachian Tubs, and all Acute or Chronic Diseases of the Ear and Ale Passages. Artificial Eyes Inserted Without Pain, and perfectly resembling the Natural Eye. Operations for Cataract, Strabirmui or Cross Eye, ArtLticial Pupil, etc., skillfully performed, and all Diseases of the EYE _AND EA_lt. r"‘"a. "Wc`gr7rl=VrO'rt:Sts'ud °Vb".' DR. GARDNER. For rurt i n f er r pang.grrs, references, testnnonlele, "ttireMr. FRObf TO wiwa Wrico, Vag WEST VOILTIC O •T C HritII NEWT ÜBE. CATARRH! CATIRRII 11 •• DR. GARDMXII. treats Catarrh by the mese. or Warm Medicated inhalation. Dr, Uerdecr can re fer tn stereber 01 citizens of Pittsburgb who tin been o cured b citizens of AN onirmANcE Fixing the Sal esrx fri of Weigh Mainers. MAN 1. He if ordained dodeurteted by the Med and Cornetou Councils of the City of Allegheny. audit enacted tq, author ill, of tho saw, That the silevy or the Weigh ?teeter of the Diamond yle§ ehall he be salary Eight Hufn the Weigh Mester dred Dollars per M. gr. To ta the second Wuraneale. shall be Niue Hundred Dollar, per 10112.0. SSC.O. That so touch of soy ordinance as may got,. Met with, or be supplied by the foregoing, biMud The enure d la hereby reptmled. Ordained anti enacted Into •a low this, he Mb day of April, Mato Omani, one thousand eight hoo tired and, tinty-eizi AMES ifeltEIER, Premdent of the Selett Connell. ~ ttsK 4'4 re ctttljElitoil....Wll.. asmunr, E Mlldent of th e Common Connell. Attest: 1r Dumont's, ClAtk (dike Common ConnelL ap23:11.4 1111oLK8ALI L D 161.11 L DWI It W ',L. - Fp Aii" 1311 t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES fr 3EI 33:1 010 17 3EI Si B Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, Second door below, ( 1 14rnottd Alley, fe7.4 grad _PITTSBVIII.OI., Nv ALL PAPEELB, In Xing, Designs. rLeiN •N U BRAUTIVUL BRUM I' OOL PAPER HANGLINIS FOR nee. FINE GOLD PATED 9 FOR Of the NEWEST I)E*lG:itt, u 107 Market street. IM3= 01 New York, I=l -- oaDm4NcEa I= IV c. azr Et 4,4z.c.1.-crl rya =I 107 Market Street, near Fifth 105. S. FlllOlll2l it pH A Areal collection of dintrican Iran Papers. For the first time in Ore years .WE Ir E.VGL,I3III P4PER ♦ choice selection of the ewmt French Papers ?or sale by WALTER r. MA RSRALI,. whit @I W 4.1 Street = WALL PAPERS' I=l No 101 MARE ET STREET, NEAR FIVTit =I ivrkRCHANT TAILORS. GEN. GRANT EEC] 3EC2iT XCJ Mr.:=Soei CJA-T-iuk.M:USL. NEW SPRING STYLES .13C) - SZ",Ei',IEITJITIS 47 St. Clair Street. GRAY ea LOGAN HENU' 'YALE, biERCHANT TAILOR, hOldifiliri COM & at QM SEIM lITTEIBUREM, FA.. Desire* to return thanes to his friends and the pub lic generalli for then liberal patronage, and would respectfullf inform them that he has Just return- Mom tae Eastern market. vrith a large and,wen eelected stock of Fine Woolen Goods, Pec D uli sU arl stetift WE AR. y adapted GENT LEMEN EffELND AN CLOTHING SPECIAL NOTICE JOHN B. MYERS & CO., PHIL4DEI.P ELLS, WILL HOLD Oti Wednesday, April 25th, 1866, AT THRILL II Alar.. 9 ROOMS Nos. 232 and 2.34 Market street, A SPECIAL SALE OF ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, "mP s ' t - i t it t a n nle t ic?rlte " Eln i .PlTMVAN 4 l:l 9bs. Irr RE i A IL TRA Ott, including Full unite In LOTUS and VA:Sul:11E11ES; Fancy IA,OI.HFIIE SACKs, SACKTEES; • • • • MORN OW COATS; • • FRENCH SACKS; • • • • SKEI#ETON sAVISto • •• Sulfa in PANTSd YESX§: Plans Cone) LasstmereSPlLlNti OVE an R-CULTS, Blau, Cloth FROCKS; • • Doeskin PANTSend VESTS; W ASIII , UTON MILLS am) other mak us tot BLUE FLANNEL; Black nod Colored Alone& nod Drsii DAIS SACKS and SACKTEES; Black and Colored A losca acid Drap II • Ete PANTS and VESTS; A Law Line or Linen and Durk DUSTERS; SACKS . • •. PANTS & VESTS Satinet and .•ottormdc SACKS and SAC ETEES, •• PANT., and VESTS; Black sad FSIICT V ESTI NM , . &e. The goods compriaing this sale have all been made expressly for THIS 9PKIN ti ana SUB blEll TRADE, and are of the Latest Styles, of y.. 7 superior manu facture, In French, English and AR - m.IIMM Cloths and Cassimerea, of tbe chole,t ,eltction. The Sults have been careful . ; sited. I. I cry Mt will con nate selected ammo - ten- ut or - We feel mond dent that a slmiLtr t ip e 01 11l hae seldom been, it ever. ttere dug h Ile am:sten Boom, and that this -ale will present superior inducements to buyer. Sale to commence al le mo r e preelaely. Cata logues ready early on tile morning of the sale. .101 IN It.l Elld CO., A nettonee re, Thiladelphia. =I LEGAL NOTICES. A LLEGHEN 3: COUNTY es.—ln the Court of Common In the matter of the ayplication Of the lioilding and Loan ilstmxistlon " NPo‘V774,h,j,?, to `W;i!`arienrjofsol.""Zorit'Z't B, retitton 111vr1 and the Court direct notice - igen, of to be ytubilehed inone oextepaper printed in the city of rittehurgh sad county of nalegitelay (or at reset three week,, setting forth that ad aryplicetion has been made to the Court forthe purpose of rmen log the Building and Loan Aasocastlen pUritta burgh a Charter of locorporaCon; and thllt.tbo eal3ile Win he granted at the next term of the Coen unleas exceptious hereto ,hall be tied In prltper time. From the Record. JACOB H. WALTER, E . V., Al percent interested will please take notice of the abore orderer of curt w. LEDDIA4S toreey for the Aesoelation. !=l9 A `1 1.. "1 L ' COUNTY ex.—ln the tLir . l,.loZ' i ou Picas, In the utter of the application of the Mechanics Building and Loan Association of Allegheny city fora Charm...silt:icor poration. No. lit, June. Pi 66. And now to wit. April IS, MSS, Petition filed and the Court direct notice Were cortnt.oontbg.uhrVt.hiboNt'l'iten's;PttPrre .1g31,-d•lttgi'; forth that an application has been mute to We Court for the purpose of grunting the Building and Loan Association of •Ch.r o . , or Bidorßo - and that the sane Wth he_gmatsd at wit nett term of the Court of d; I nman Pleas anletts ex ceptions hereto ccltt be tiled In proper time. • ' A l l om the Record; JACOB El W•LTICB, Pro. l persons Interested milt please take pottee of the above order of Court. A. ITTEDIGAWN. sp.Bilstutted Attotney for We Aitsouintion. I'xEcuirows NOTlCE .— Notice is hereby given that Letter ' • Testamentai7 upon the estate or RE NJ AMLN d. ULLVEY, late of Forth Payette Townehip, Allegheny eourrtY. nee•met have been doly granhval to the onderaignad. Person. Indebted to sold estate will make paymesrt, eod those having 0120110 will present them to AL peItNDEVI MILLER. No. p 3 Diamond street. tehternh or to mn.3o:aellsiwP• JAMES hIEVEY., radelltOt._ PROPOSALS pi:soros/Ims FOR WATER PIPE CONTROLLXII . 6 Orr l o l , ern or ALuvairslrr, April 1.1., 1269. SEALED PRDPOSALS .111 be received at as oflice, until 110 N DAY EVENING, April for 9 r ooo VEST of YOUR INCH and 500ELZ: of THHEE INGE WATER. PIPE, vibe pipe lobe ca pable of mending a preeaure of TOO poundi 1.0 ,usee inch.) The right is reserved to take only ball of the above quantity. Lauo feet, cad, inch ...a too Cost of 3 inch le wanted roe Itomedlate tun; the balance to be delivered at such time and place as the SupertaterAent of lthe Water Works may tudicata• tilts .111 he received for ailem the above. o lt r . T y EL M of LE C 19, ap2l:taXh City COntroller. NOTICE TO OWNERS OE LINE— STONE. —The Petnnylystkla %IS M6ztursctur -114 Oompaay wul receive proposals for IP* inappirof 20,000 Tons of Limestone, lik t 010ot ten than NINETY-FOUR PER CE PU RITY, to be delivered to ears upon the *AI Palley Railroad. upg9alte the Company , * Wor or Lt the Junction of acid road with the Western a. IL R. at the Iftelatelnet. river. LW to lon thr ashed by the contractor. tint less than 10 nor to than 100 to. to he dellvered parr &ay. Mausolea of the atone, and otwocals can he,.. for warded by Express, marked Pt. >. dip MUM facturlng Co., r• ?intr.*, Allegheny Ilt , . tt othltClusd - _ CO-PARTNERSHIP . RTNElifilllP NOTICE He•lng title day lisatietated with meeny a on _ ‘ W. J. YHA NCE., we will coutlue the lIIVOYCEITT Atilt TEA 13E'ellNICSS, at the old elati l ha t P.DERA L STREET, under the style of 141111 FRANCE* SatN. and would respeetni ly sollatt tor the new firm a continuance of the patronage heretofore 110 liberally bestowed ` pen in WM. PRA NV E. ALLentinti ter, Apell td, CO.P ARTNERSHIP NOTIC S IE.— -We have this day Woclated with ea u artg and General Manager of the roundly ond Iliettneinnal egg, in which we are now enraged. Mr. JAMES NELSON, formative( the well-known arnt of J. Nelson t 00.. and Stsektionae & Nelloan, of this city. MOOR V. BOL E . HUNTER OMB. rreggandaks, April —apletlnt THE BEST EFFERVIESCINC CITRATE' OF MAGNESIA, ir itithotonm of PVITIIII34 tno nt lry AU WholoosnolMlSlMON 44.319nnica, nylnineniVa ROSIMS. Ohozotrtosl. T. II