THE PITTSBITEGH GAZETTE. V. B. PENNIIIII.N. RURRE.T.I). ERR , ) Eaton. poia.m„,,,Dbrrnh f, . Trig Ammo: A ?lON Mo. NS Fain Prrretisuzun. tint YEAR, BY , • PER WEEK, SElt VED B '' ...;yl2 Wittsbprgh 6a-ettc. MONDAY, APRIL 2-T, — As FOR the 'third party' idea. tt ex Sacs, save in the minds of I opperheadn, know it not, and a, for .uiportink , iierwral Geary, if any cum. - tar. that the hu.t may to 'iosit in to max him up with ma t ter 31/ things which the SW,. I 1 0(1,111R , I1 lit RI OOM fluted lino though; it Ipekt to axoitl, Willie we may tienidefil‘ ..hject to that kind of support, we shall ant think it our par tirniar hus:ne.. to tlea! in enonclationk on that account General 1;1.n. c e think, ik strong enough to stand • sea that imps n " Now let es see hint - r.ur ~nt,mporar3 will .goad.mrs~uu,t by nit own rule The little Convention, Fn menus of its Platform, condemned the Preodem.. Polley, and re fused to malt, or script an i I,SIII. retails,. 1,, Tmlrosch. nn 1,0111 these matters the rt.rti mer,,l and hackers purposely put tilt It l e gs neer Ihe traces, and lentil in litielene them then• Under sue), vireurn.tatme.. . . what avail are 11.4 eXhflrhlr..ll, pure and simple, to the in,inin laid dorm by the State Convention, A certain divine vi . tts con,tto Ili)le, for thr austerity of h 6 set mon , and the 14 , 11) of his life. One of his parishioner , . took hits sharply to task for the glaring dlserepaney In vittpl on pay me fifteen hun dred dollar, a year lot Idettehing-1 not practi, t e what I preach for double the money " The Cerameeei.if has fallen into the same eategory Tar. Reading Gazette, in coninientini the passage of the Civil Right< bill over the President's veto, closes it, ' , math, with the following paragi atilt "There are timid', .1. .1 0 , 111,114A1., of good ond, iu the Notli,•ell ,latt“. nvbo are hoprful that President John , iin will declare such 'legislation' revolutionary nod so pernicious as to warrant him in completely ignoriog it. Not only ',this their hope, hut it is their prayer, and they will suantin htrrt in such a eriarm with , h,,t. a if need be Mt CLYMER, id common with all ,ain serratives, holds extreme VIEW., though not in the direction of true progress and amelioration Whetne. he is prepared to sanction ill,- !,inxiiinaiy oink , . of home organ, ,houl,l be clad to have hin say TEE President ha, reity.ri i 11, P,...111,q , - ter at Pittsburgh, who iS . 1:11! editor of the Gazette and who has been in the habit of saying hard things cf him. Persons who charge the Executive with being a traitor, rebel sympathizer and copperhead cannot complain If they meet with his displeasure —Chicago fearnal. No Irian on the staff of the Gazette was ever Postmaster of Pittsburgh or of any other place More tue Postmaster M Pittsburgh hat not been 'moved. GE::. Wm. H. KOONTZ is announced a , a candidate for re -nomination for t:ongre, in the Somerset Herald We are triad to the General in the field apain, and hope not a single obstacle will be thrown in h.- WEIV SrECIel. DIE , PATCIi to the Pittlath /0113 Telegraph protease, to i„,nniinee, on vets high anthorit3 - , that Jell Dart , will be released on parole, iin the atfl ierni aceorclecl to Cletovnt Chic ZiOLDIEII, %Uhl, bare ma.le for nppointrneut, uudor i hr Pn—i,leco'. , cent virrithir, tinkl tlavre ,ar, t, plat. 4 4,1 them Gov. CUELTIN has not yet apprt,vll iL bill disfranchising tier- from the Imt t CITY IT EMS ll= The miasma which generates riptdeinti• n• Vera Is now rising in clouds under the lila IlLg beam! Of the aogalay son. Every Irving boil} - !! weir as ref nue unload and vegetable matter emits unwholesome vapors, end lu crowded elites and the dens, assemblages a Web fleas ana pleasure call together, the elements Of also:rue ore evolve.l. The prefigure upon every vital organ as net Cr no great aw In the second and :lard months of summer, sod common sense leaches us that thew. organs require to be reinforced to meet it We hold our lives, so to speak. on a repot lag lease, sod this Li the mason when the pro rates of dilapidation Is most rapid and repairs are most required. Therefore build up, prop and sustain the powers of nature with that nighty vegetable recuperant, ❑ostetter's Me ters. Ile who takes it may be said to clothe Wished, m sanitary mall , against which epi dertdc diocese will burl Its poisoned shells in vain. Thts in no grututtoas assertion, but . gnat nerhati /act. ktteeted by twelve years' .e.nperienum is every cliniate of the habitable globe. EXtreMts of temperature always dls snrb the functions or the stomach, the bowels, the lever and the Mem. It Is through those ghat the moat dangerous maladies assail us Tome themi"in advance. with Hostetter's Bit ten, and defy heat and malaria Mostatiter's Bitter. are gold WhOletta/ and retell at vary low ratea at laming% Drag and Patent Medicine Depot, Vb. IliMartat ei root, corner of the Diamond at.' Market, near l'ourth three . Spring alga Summer Goode. The well-known store of Mr. John Wafer, )1[ rCblnt Tailor, No. TSi Federal street, Alle gheny, his been lately fitted up with a new ae 11Cirtillitant Of spring and SUMillur goods. The eta* has been well selmeten, and embraces all the numberless articles needed for gentle. MAWS garmente. A large noch Of ready-made petite, coats, vests, ac , will also be found in blatartablislinieni. ilis.steek of furnishing gObtla cannot be surpassed. Terabits desiring tOptrrebame a good 'tilt of clothes would an weliby giving Mr. Welor a cell. Dry tiood• New and dealrable styles of Dry (Mods, as wall as all kinds of domestic and staple Dry Gooda to which we call the particular atten elan of purchasers at either whole ale or re tail- Many of our good, were purchased at much leis than Importers or manufacturers yttees andw ll be sold at a rory small advance for "Ah. Call and Poo our stock on toe north east corner Of FORTO3 and Market streets. C. HAssoli Lori All. Bno Uszpoutor Jobirtog Shop Hating returned alter an absence of three Stan 1n the army, I have re-opened my shop to? all coma or lobbmg to — 6 carDelater live at the old stand. Virg= Alley, bevireen Smite debt street. and Cherry Allay. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. W[1.1.1•111 Foaaa.t An Ent= larg - e Auction Rate, Of a retail stock of Boots, Shoes anlp3aite4, srill be dined as auction on Tuesday morning. at A. Leggate's Auction House, ItO Federal outset, Allegheny. The special attention of Doyen in invited to thin large peremptory aaba Hall Acre Lots at Colllas• Park ♦ special train sill leave the Penney] van la depot this afternoon, at 6 o'clock precisely, for free conveyance of all to ttils2sale of lots In East Liberty, returning at 8 o'clock. -- —.....------- The Superior Furniture At the house of T. L. Mei-1014nd, EN., South avenue, Allegheny, win be , eold by A. Leggett., Wellineeley,`at 10 o'clock. nee auetton c=o2l Good heavy brands at loss than market ratan onshonartteast. corner of Fourth and Market *trona. .C. ihogeoa Lora a lin, Otosbasos. I A lull stock at lotr prima on the northeaxt eltOrnar of iyurtb and Market at.reeta. U. HAlff BON Lot. t Elmo. /Humphrey's Bomeopathic IdetheLnes, for sale at Fulton'. Pro; Dune, Ito. IOS Saaitkineld Crest, three 11R0ZSAtbove Filth street. 1'()I,U111E "AAA. THE LATEST NEWS CONGRFASIONAL PROCEEDISbS, THE BEI ONSTRUCTION AMENDMENT BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON Florida and Georgia Freed men'a4 Bureaus. NEGRO PRISONERS SENT SOUTH. I''r(•itrli Relati(ms 51111IihAll - IL 01 Till VIIENcIIFOIifIS FROV Ulll.O outtuued Neutrality Toward Mexico. dbo.. clbo. els o . , WA`Mt •“1, April l'he Samiatant UOlll- , 1.1”.14•11. the reedit...Ws Bureau, in the il `Late l Florida, ha, transmitted his report to I bl• flu r ti Ile 4lale , that hr has lalinred In .+r. it n ar far as possible, he. wool, 7 he Iit:HMI \ and elv II authorities of the stale lle mile., it.- at 7.7,71 lon of Governor to the pr.oistorts of SeetlOn 21 of an art vein to am • - ,cribing additional pun ;sliments rot the commission of offenses against the -tate, and for other purposes," hrov for ditaimtleg the freedmen of the. private arms. lie argued to 4;0501'11M that It a It.‘ ittwonrt both its legaids the tong states told state Constite t ton, desired 10 hate the deciamn of Coin tru•nt hutheritr 117 the case The Governor hesitated. until tAVlteral Foster informed him I at the disarming of negroes must CC..., either through rich or military action. The opinion of the Attorney General ionsn ry,llell for, who derided that the proviof the Section were unconstitutional. Brig GI,. Davis Tillaon, Assistant. Commis menet Of 1130 FlVtstimt•n'tt Bureau, In the State of 61 . 0fatli, ban sent to each agent of the Itur,au list nt quohaloun which they are di. reeted It. 11.118 wet, .neluditig the folion•ing,tl. W het hot' the civil author Ines endeavor to ar. eat and punish those who wrong or abuse the Freetimeo and If so, whether they general/3 - suereed to punishing the guilty; whether the nervier. ol an agent of the Freedmen's Bomatt •• - . ei necary to ',tire justice to the freed peorle, ess alai if tie bureau was remove,) whether the me it 1111(11011i Lug would protect their rights. Also, whether, in their opinion, the tone and temp., of the a bites t> Improving Itexartia the (re—, people, and It they think the time In sporoacmog wheu the control of the freed people 1,51 ne -afely entrusted to them. lesterd a y evening forty-eight colored pets :mere at the tad. mml and woman, boys and aids, enntrahands ail l natives, were with theit own content placed en route for Loulsl - it Ilaor chare of an attic... of the Freed men's Buenas Thrr were all charged watt pet) Int - cent.— The Instrlct Attorney has ..nte..-.1 a salt, pr in harts of the Cases 00 onnit 1,11 that thein Imenors ii0l1)11 go South, stol the t oart will sue I/11 order fat their re- erc of stolen goods, to he handed over to he owners he the Property Clerk. About one tuudre..l nn , ttwenty-ti Ve other colored per ohs, heard 01l nt them freedmen, loft at the am. , Unit , tor the :south, where they all are gond . Extensive. prepe rat too, aro heing made for a fair in this cup io aid of the National 001- Mers and o Sallors' i lrpllltans Home for the friend -19..4 orphans of soldiers and attunes •In every 6 ate and territory of the Union. Sin. Lieut. Gen brunt no President, and Airsollaj. Gen. W. Sherman is N ice President. All contrib. , t One tin thin hem, olent olnect should be ad• dressed to the National Soldier, and Sailors' Home, Washington, D C Weentsoros. April,—The French minis ter hail an interview with the .Secretary of State yesterday. It is said that he presented the formal adhesion M the French Govern ment to the American plinetple of non-inter vention, as explained by the Secretary of State. the Emperor 'kindly and cordially replies to the C nand States, nod agrees to withdraw his troop- from Mexico In three detachments. one of them nest No, esuiser, and the others hr Slay and November 14 1667 The full and Seal .rre , pototeriee bet reeen be wm tiervernment, Mel! led to ;111 , lu - Ipol - tant result will, it is tpeeted. he to the dons, of Represents ,e- I ilk 14,0. /II oa.nen IO 05.11 recenth .1.1.• I /11 the Department of , ttite on million SD Sieben, of ent ors s N rtr I our.. Ato —The Per, eorrt,pon •• of the " orty.• The Frime has i . ...11 , ./11410.1 It• re.mi log Meru, to Sir Higt•l.... Slialatet at P.ris. and ann . a are, Sin orea,.l 1 1 , Impertal •ertluteal a =II e, .11gpritch, If tch he tete forth the f leo et the Worthington Cab inet tourhing the Ilex man Empire The Wastilogion fief orement wttneefes wit 1. sat isfam e out tin ait hilrawat 01 t tuf aof a great E.iiropean prover from American rmy ...I Tile t fitted Mate. tiovernment to 131 , Intsn ion in ilepurtilie Irtnn neetrality toward. Sleet , 111 e when the French are withdrawn frill it In tins way modify It. poltry towards the newly eiitabluthed Empire. The United it file. alll not acknowledge the Empire of lath, ILI 17 hail the tact, 1I ttet tt,lrt 11.,1 /Is 10. 7 ,41 4 44,4, antothl hart• tv•I•ul • t ••• . .• ttf the Asti) a Ititch tut ..• : • I • :01.1 lor.ll Of 111.. 1.4.1 -1.A.••.1 true ht :hr rap,. su I..tttt •t ll.'!who've.' that the •••titett• a tof r..• tt , •• vt ♦nee, int. I v.,. Iw t.. ',•• • I war of r..1..e11101. :•• • • • I ll.U• IN Ent h I • . thoy eh t,, H. r.-.1.•ve.) that 11.4. 1,1.1 tua.l.. ti.hd and. hr fotte.t. fugal .....txkt. the 10.11,1 ttninlst, mann., n hh•:, 1,•• ! gt nnted par.lnn, It wn.. 11, 01` , ...1 0,0 u,l-h,l Tk l rt 14' I -I,ctitcr.. heean..... they rellpolirry I , • the- .101, place pon•-r Jah.i Ilse r.munt 11.401,- I he. v. • . . rebellion, the l i r.aulelit • - Ono •1•1,, wore to t 4,1,011 th.peetiiii and , t.or. ireroii., than tilt ...I 41.11.M/it'd air pole pendent Lonfrileruoi "us «rumen( 'Ol,ll aol,P If the Prtonilerit i o I. Out II would nin 1101) put the el. ven:vied elate. lit the httiolti of the relads, but the time would not he lone atoms the rebel. would have complete control of the ieit era main In all 11, Depart.e eta II as. t...• won, every rebel from Jeff Deo down 1a tubed tern, including Id.hai hoe ker.. ern and guerrilla.. ' au* an eurne.t and devoted atlatirer 01 the Praahlertr polwy. It w 1 net the pal ley for theln,taienti.e II a a, t ho 0111, one they could Ilre bl i atail the. ate they profe•-• through their papers to lr read, to .11, hi Mr. -mith wan the nest to the 'louse /leprnposit,l he said I o ; hr. present ...uncial°n of the .tale. and tie eidoi , txy, end the propixdtlnum of the l i le•liler , 41.1 Congreas. lie 1,11 that tla• tunics. ware troll end r obi, Fool that • arts by I ongrewn Th., urn r acne !Meted Ott the ground tha. 1). , . . States were not out of the rn 10,1. .s.l .•,) .1 not get out of the rniott It did Ica ra cause the rebel State, were edit: t 1...1 right of repreeettati vet. that tn. chould 1... allowed to take !WM' , in either Hon,. 1 - hat haul never tiers a...teal Icy the Preenl..... Ot nay other loyal man. What could e , n Entry to abet had been done I Ti,- y inaugUrated by the late Prealient had been carried out br Prealdent ....t.r. von, and under It the Southern ztatem had forin...l their organization... flow an, that irolley to hr .'hanged, or what change al, there. to made In to Mr. BchOlield lasted lilt made any 4111T..F. whether a man alio hod been engaged in lb. I eledllon aae arlrnlit• 1 Int ref. - oxen.° man who had not peen ettgu.geti it, t, hellion, but who would 'ate eruct!) Me the el rebel snout retro Mr smith replled that its• dui out set hoe that clittleulty could hescolded. He then re (erred to the question of the etsndict between the President and Congress lie e.kati why, If the President had no power to tin what he bad done, Congress bad not Undone It and dons aornetbing that would be better What no Congers" going to do in it. Ware , Tl,, Outte goregontent" 011 1r Int , and I here mutt De the same 'ort ofnnseidot,3 1.. • titent on But It w stud the soothe; it 'tote, .1.1.1 repudiate the as rebel debt That had tu en dune It was said that the, trea•t ratify the onst I talie/nal amendment at./011ahlng slur .7, Toni had be• al"o Then it was , old they tfl . 1,1 loyal men to COrtgrr's. t,ou gr. • - snow It had not been dune In every Itt• -t ~ . cat Who had tried that •yuestlon • Th e ...amities. on Elections a hid was the propel authority on that "übject, had said nothing ° Tr j Lbutteld a"ked shy Mr It II Otel out Introduced such a measure Are aut "aid he would du so It those° wt., ware so fond of blood did not. Mr. Schodel ached why he lead oat /Vete It sometime daring the lost live month, Mr I,ldridge Inquired If Mr "truth •uppoh. tut Congress had power to par, lo w a by wltich hone mon could be tried and conttern nett, t,I whethst tuey Moat out he tried under the laws exiating at the time the crime Wife , 001 n. milted. Mr firnitli 01,11.41 that to, n 1:1101 14, r.( 1.1341 MUM be tried owl.•r the InW eti.l.ll, bt the time the crime w. 1111 greescould fix the mean" hy which ther 'Ol4 be brougliciu Justice ltther Ftpestliers (4.llowe t l nthd 1.11.• 1it.... e.l our ned Mow York Dialler. sIN 1 °Ka, April 11. The Stkato.h ]I lIIInIYr appeare to hat, vont - 011,-d •tutipil. attall,l LllO atoamor La Or lento', and ultimo...l arr onlor from Wonlangton Lo detain her for oratotha lion, hot too Into. \ oloolv .11.11", ' hor. and tilt., to 1111 1.101/1.1 l• I/i r. gllttoato hotOnotot. . . . Tile Board of Health !MVP determined Mare the cellar population of New Vomit ,111.1 Brooklyn to more healthy abodes, alit Itch temporary hospitals in various part • of too two cities for use in case of neeentnty Mayor 110frtnan has Ordered nil ultro-it ly - OM - ICM vessels to henOM! in vessels flileil with water. A raid was made on the tah or ilth a tn,o tg th, heaviest lottery policy dealers in the city, et the instance of the suit of a victim who hi le gee that he ioat over $42,000 by their fraudulent and illegal transactions. They wear arrent. , ,l and held to ball, _ - - Prof. Albert Nobel, of fierumny, the 11111011• lecturer and inventor of nitro-glycerine. is in this city. He regrets profoundly the accidents which have resulted from its transportation, but still instate that it Is Impossible for Oil to Ignite under a temperature of 320 degrees. lie says the authorities of Hamburg enter mitten the *MIMI object Inns against Its use originally but after scientific experiments now consider It safer and more convenient than gun powder. lie proposes to give, In a few days, experiments to show Its effective noes and harnideseneas 33:1 transit. lie calls at. mutton to thefact that the explosion at Aspin wall was preceded by • fire. PITTSBURGH. NIONDAY„PRII, 23, 1866 %NV. Aprll •!:ir .k• w.• • 11., tirrnm hivints .of 111,1,0 A h./ V ~t 1 hrother Dovor. ck,unty. Negro buttrage Teu Years Hence. r. - .-ts•ing Isle - IT Tv TT TRI liregliet were playing. killtsrg on, of • .t.tvoll =II w. BASIS OF REPRESENTATION Acting Sei reta r) to the President do o 1 tl "_ It II .late.l that the cholera cieitiong Imthe titeaultillio girth. al a tegrful rate. Aura new epAPS having • , rell r evil The hit-Taal ship at quar antine t• eapahic iit holding only iteetint.3 , 4ll, ,e•rgoosnail 1 o moo r. 4 1aly-sPreit non on i it. accommoilatiOn. have %et hero pr. % 1,1 Or A 1.1.1 m, 11'111m1...0n, of I'o/1.0t.i11, I M Rat licit. of MiAlintirt, 11 WI I, lit id Canton, lieorge % .11c. hn iit ticity. and I...lllniirt E. l% all I hurt., % M igan. have peen nopoloti, I xutuooto; -olrgeot, of lite PrAI9IOO 1,11,• L Ito II Is , 40.1 Meat.. iomit/titer had a Mug on., the licectine lull iii-dayjnitil ompli-lii .1 .1 it t drat of rive it. The eh, I 11111$14 thel II Milt 1 • I'Vh1- .10111 • - t 1.l vl3 IieCOM,. ‘l, nll r ittl , l , l4•puiii,:t.i, 1..? the It•yreil and :l,t•ARN 600111 y I 1.. Lilt. 110 , 10011 I, ill .11., %11... la, I •10. 111111 on. Nat.lit nt tient,' Bruner •l...o.petoslon Holden Completed. • April —Thr r le reel nit trot.- •!1 hell V rain fell .111 la, 11111 i n• k Hetet, 111 w,. ‘ , e•1tn , ..1 ar W Sick toot to 11...1 him 1,41 molly II 11,111 11,4 It.rAttlreNt.wyOrt.l having llr 0 f•kt 111 th 011• ,111.1 ill/ Lir •I Id not otvl J. IV it• Ili.. heal It it het,. t•attetl h,. ottt rut, Air,' !loge a ~. .tekupiti 111. rect. tv tog on hrthtthn I noun rt. froth %Ir Ilentietttort The tt It tsar told Itt 114,, that he, ell., 1/11l 1 , 1,01 A 11 , 1 At a. 111, 1111..11A TII e ,Alll.. ttrlera %AY 14 ill. 1111.11 e, 11.01 11, Infm thud Wu, Ile hall, ha tttt•ett lion! I.a, ht 114 . 11.11,,1Att 1.1 thitt tt 111 4, 1..141 lite ' , vitae to 1.11,11 ti,. 1.11.4/1.14 . 1 li.n k m. 0..) h Ist. utl ltpird, wt.- 1,1 ylt . 1. ,•slo• et itte..tte gt•t••• that the +n IIIR •tt It ttlirttltt • ottelitt tt an. oak ..,•n to lhe no t 1,t , ..1 part, Ili• Brun, rt,.. /11 •tht ?d0t.... 111, Anil, AwkleC.olr It, 01.- • it "tot •ithitot t tt. • I'. Co. report.. t Itthtt llt 1... it n ill 1, t not It tat t A ..A t nil.. , b ;,, • , Ni , rl4 Allo , n A I nn.• ...I t.oto sic uttu. p oen Mrovt t • p 1,1,1 311.1 • f•. 1.155 °Our, iuo two, -. 04 the I.r It 1,. gg txu{.. 0.111, 42{f/I rt.. 1.-a*. fill it ID.troog won Site no, of tizel , mt Allt,it Ilaluwarutt to Ow hot hout Thu, , The rut.< ten. I, 1,1114, Ule thin evenibri nn't •toutnee 1141 no put nu motet and be The Ematern M 'Mary urarrror ff ‘llrtimr,.lhe; nl tap Israd , - ‘1"1111‘1 te,o, . - teiNnT• ott pr, • • ,, 1111.1 I 11, r• Ire-e. of StotatoF Ti,.. ,v.,rk the elFtfit hnnr •V`t• 131 If , i,1 , • 1 , 1 p ,“ I 4.n.1 ulet I.ntler rr•rm t ollev , tor Xmltte—Vaalll far N 1"... 1 outt, .Iprii :I.—The 11rthr Wantan, ton , Inl I tar Smith has replied a le p tter adaren.eal to him by a 1.0.11.. g C.. 11. ator 111 regard certain alletisitom• that he y.a,A mbnel, to inirtleA In Wn-Illng-ton. nent them :L ;nun arta. has ref aunt t•i• ',MI.,' In Ws letter Smith etaphat- CAI: a• n tr, that Ise ha. el er wail a cent to a hnlnal, being for e Cl,, othre Ile .1..”01.1 , 14.1, the w bele ntatea,,nt a. a na.e aunt ,nul t lon Wltt.lslittttait dinputri. -14)% , t 14.41 h.( the ~If v.( the tVtothlttgltlitl emeter), lott.ntled re , eptlnn flu , Union .Ichot who tell the hmtir-twi.i. or Vlrglnlh, h.` th - ' 44 . wl. I, the guttrt.ertilittstar lietterttl, mud the Chic( tltlnfterttlotater of the Dopurtment 111;i• rrl t tof proptetitlel for its wonatrhotion lin IN 0•*1.0.4 eastallnisl4lol.lli to Oar Wester. Yonlt, Aitrit . .tl.—Mr. rant Amused, outtnoottottetr of the Itunatan Gravarnynent to the Western Vnirtts Telegram)] Company. la rl% lit the Grier delivering his .11s itatelre, to a ituraslan Hints/ea at Washing. row, and riMsllng a tow flays at the telegraph company... headquarters In llnehesler, he will irarereett to San Pranelserr by the hiesmers nt Arty 111 .n.l the extradlllnn ander I muncl Balkh,. able)] la prspartng In .tart lut In.. iturortan pusaestoonn with the male , rat told ott.ttiltot I...totted to Complete the lute the Wool hrd the Anion, Ti,,- It 1.410.11 liOr• nui,nl ontlittoo to ntalltillotel the muratt/ ) el) Iptet ell In 1116 groat talef:ra.phir allterprleo, What Itt extending In 11 all needed vacuum.- Mont and facilities. Fatal Acclaims* to Tlaree• Soya. Ihion. , a April •rt --Tito wail of 14 btlad)Uli In priori e..n of Arm:damn oir (ham,* lane, roll i•••• 1 0101, Get y herufibtoli ail killing throe lane hone 11/14,1i itool,ll Wll cln•..or,ir OfK ) l. 4114 Robs,; 51 . Clair, all het o rico end i wall „ year , nf Inge. Main Floher, eitittaeri, hal troth of lair log. 1 - 1•1 • 41 i \ vii nth., Illjstrie. 'rhe tht• rent* of the children hoe pilot pooplo, In the ',amity or tlio icon* rif lhr .1 braider. Troop. Iron. to the Wreniier Nara lona, Apra 111,--The present garrison at Fort biatolltun, vonalating of the Twolftb to (entry, and ti portion of the First Artillery (regulars) are under Order', to procra4.l to East, Pori, 111abtn. The Flral Artillery wax ender command of Mawr A(.1.41011 at Ifort6tuu ter, and it,, Initni St Fort Hamilton ever since the rapture of fort Sumter by the r e bels 1 bey will to' I.onyoyed to their deatitiation a transport. SI eedua of Maoler tlerbau!ro Sew Voss, Apr Maxtor Ildrellantre• t , stotelattnn, or Brooklyn, held n toasting last Ist. Add! trere uwdr In which It wits tasted (list not tvt l / 1 1ditoil loft the strike of tile jam neytnen, the oldest 00,1 nest hands still taboret: aline 0111 rates. l.soltnltsts, who had horetotorr lovestrol Ilugnly to hullillok pM owls. host pot Udell esilltal lid new channels, tool It tvatt prohnOlC 11100i11111, .00.1 tan% t• I 11t1t . to , In Ouring the 40011110, t4wirieral !boot 1.. Illebanonal • • Ili , /AM. , . n I 111 ,) April 21.-- LlellLolll4lll uml rul I a rittat, alt.l`liMpallti•di by totonel Baden. ,tel Ma. It 11. hall, and (:rani'. lather, t - rivetl alert , t Itltt miler:anon tatt II tam, v to Pt.»! alantate r " harp and faMill), Mr.. ()runt'. at. The prnprinfore or the bleat...wood Hot,' 44111 I.—morrow give a cOaaaplirm•nttat tm,. a tiet lel liar diktittazailtilied n.ri.ion a. to nove.sur Pitasnisa. 1t..,111, Apr -The Supreme Coon! or Hannanltstotta, In a oast, hold beam. the foil Item h on denturrern, ban doeldnd an follows; revnnttu +(pulp h+ no hart oft ho notn, RM./ not be °opted, nor In the hilly of the note offeetod by the Want of a .damp, onletot It 1. frandolently ottilttod. aw lona, April 21 —Hod A tils, the princi pal In Lb, griiat land bond robbery. hits li•en rearrested In Al martial, mappeura by a private illapitch to Marshal Murray. 'file Legislature of New York has ' , assail blip prohibit MI: the lava,' or tree passe. itpnn rn II mini.. t HILAUG.ratw, A ,rll 21h--A dre lost evening destroyed James Watcon.s • flax factory on Ninth street shove Columbia avunuo. Thu building and waohltiory warn totally destroy ed. Loss an mactaineo _0 5 . 0 1 1 X 41 , and on the stook 120,000. Inantance, WO* cil .o ~ IMEI IgiE tt , tntt lter I r7tt•6 r ..... • r tatAttLatug toeanti. kV' , tte• ot tttrotl ..! 1416 • o• r ft., ttrt.ltrat .I.lltittrr crptt ttl , ll, t,, • s“ Salle I t . =I l t01..c. De4cl C===M Had Annl. Illanarrest.l nes rectory Destroyed. I= „ ;=.. • "1 ,, .1 Ito ' , srno,. net, e tartly) . .. - forth. 1 „„ is i•is, so lin In. 5•11e1 • , t thel.e. re pit.- _ -• ~, ,- se ..nod or 1 e,...1., propelled in whole oar! 1,, , leton. to regulate the Eight-lisal oor Bill Wpferstrol. a:10.... •lenti,lsont tnspectors, and for rot, ilorros, Ipril 21 -The Ina Cr brunch of i to . l o irle.e. Th. !nil .an important one bran „ Massaelinsett. dg.!, roc low 'elected Inc "1 ” . '''' Inle t e.t.a, 111 1 Ile 11110100511111 Or (1111 ll '. right-hoar Minn hill 1,, it v..ti. of 0110 111111111" A 11.11 ' 1 ' 1 . 1. I . e, - .i,, e c pleiivut livloe nil nii. lon ; and nine to Ilftyd a o s 1 tact arra . x mans, ton ) , 1 Ils provisions. The hill ha- i.een iv:o :eu e, and rf . ..until! tell re , -....- !hi , otntil II ler. on 1 niitio•l.•e• Th.. a hi, a , he Ultur AI ILAVlllllBellle 1.,,n,l”ll. ale 11 I 1 /I NIoII on the Lortsvrxxx, Apt 11 'ills-Tile river Is lalloix -10. feet , ati, , tddr , •. , Ion) at o ~„1„,,,,,,,,, ',lowly, with mg ht rent ander In the channel. : l'he halo, ing . 5 plart.oll , ll of the sea - oal tVetather clear. • pro, bins, in the ' , Si , l A.. pl. Ilallil by ijye ...e. Per , 1,1 .14 Da l . . 1 " , , `b ant' s, irt., and .ttl.- nilitud to 1 111 , 01111111 f 1. - 1 1 01111 I n nllleeln. 11011ne of Representatives. It . + O l.lll am.! clear that tie prom,. it etllll v.., i • lil'io.l ifig n contillete - -- - i , t Of the iiill, nAt.l ith v a phin tl ion of I lie Pihoo I Ins' Affray on lb.. Mr...0.31,1%hr In , n ,: ' ,.. ' e ' r... sought to he accono , ll.ll.l . Bridge--A Minn Serlotwly Wound... n e.,11/1 , I. Tlll5 section I. to prei ell, Nil, iin 'into:a., es .oiing utioni neVen 0 . ,10,1, 4 ' , matron, of pilot. and ougineer. sti Ihe ll .-ell - ~,yr , ~,.„ er a ,' a t the South pill s ., , r , ,, ru ,, rt , ,.) , , , , , r , f , r0nti tratn„,,v,,,,,ntit„i t . i . e „ Tillirl . i..l , c , . , .11 burgh end of the Monongtlitela I/1 . 1111,e, 1,1.1111- 1...”:1" , ',- ; lx . '. lY " 4: ' ,,, ' • th,n, 1,, 1 . 1- " , 1 , ‘ ' 1, ‘ ;::,L 1 , 1 . ; lug In the , lang , •rous wounding of a 1111111 from, the bol ernnleilt. named John ,hype. lo !tooting named John 1,, , ,.. if, , ,, ,, ,, , , , , , ,: i ., ,11 0 i,, ,,,,: , , , , , , , ,0 ,,, , ,, „, ,.,,, , ,,, ,, , , ,, ,,.. ,,, h ,, i , , , h ,, ,,,hi, ,, , j ap , , ,, i, , ,, ,... : - Mitchell. The rlrcumataneer , 1.1 Ilse offal, r -CO dhow that the n 1111111,1 111/111 14 -le la 111111- ! 11111 l en, 1' '. 3 ,.1 ' rt ." are 1101 111e.berq "f the P, " • nil that filth-hen N's . ml ..11. °wont., 11,11- I.n.' %.....toeliit Inn, or where apprentices fi-re enl, although „if, eira,l, r at an th e ey e , ~, It. pm on howl 4101,1nerii by the owners ifileiiill aw. ' the rivt•r in the south. luat they combine it app;.„,„ um, ib,,, re , a h„ Is ~,,,,,,,,,,,,. ~, ' against pilots who AerVeil on government gun the isliffo I,H or-hid!, hail been drink tog I boats or tran.porls during The war, to their l i ther 11,4 , 11 deign!, the afternoon, tail l,l. n about I 111 1 11011 from I ' o lllllll I rad. On tile South -WO o ' clock reto rned,nll or a brief abeenee In estern water, Th., also, by means of this 1 , his city, to hi+ board big house In MOrlougalie. ex, 111.1ve par liege, et : mantle for the purpose a borough, where 10 , met Mitchell, who hoard- of extorting exorbitant wages. Engineers ad ~,i the ~,,,,, house, sein e ~,,,,,,,,,,„„,i I„.. frears.ntly associate ill the same ',manor and tweon them, when blltchell naked Doyle •• ,eri. " ...DU I.' f llir l De", `• she had killed for a real ?" This interrogilliOn arr. 2 The provhdon in (Ills section for a tirisod the Ire of for In, and be attempted to large , retint oiuitteetton bet were hollers set lu 1 str ike Mitchell . , but was prevented by the In- ' Ite!". or l ' al terins. to fit rnlirti means by terferenee of I.r. MeLue, the proprietor of the ' " 10, h the :truth ~,elierated shall readily hOttrilillg hoese, who mtereeded in separating , e q u a l iz e i n P r es. ."' In t he s ev eral h ollers, no . them They both then ten the Immo. and rep- 1 that ... lei ' ''."‘"". " 1 P reDalt, '" may exist in a rated. lioylo going toward the bridge. Some ! Amy one holler .4 l hi - huller) . on a mild expel time ttrtt'r , they rho again n s hort distance , the water rein. nlll4l hinter through Ihe water- , '.from thin 011110 f the bridge, when the ottarrel i b t amn a rt big 11111• t i ll" the other . , and thus lay „„ 0 „ ra „..,,,,,, , m i ., a .fight ~,,,m,. I bare 1111• linen of 111111 ' , oder to the iletion 01 Mitchell freed tomato( fro. the; the are unprotected by water The emergelle • grasp qt. Doyle, toil lied to lii,'all ....a tile , 111 "11 141,141 hollers.w loch ' • brnige:eloSelY followed by thelatter, who held clan, 111 h. 11111 e 4.4 t, when With „,,,,,,,,,, 1.4 „,, , ,,i, 1 0 , 1 ,4 . ~,„, „th„,_, 1, 1 „ ;,„„, ,„,,,,. IMO! tit•itting .urlnce.reoders them extremely , nor for 11Mteholl to stop or he ' , mild kill lion , Dalai , 1,, flu. result Th. 11 nettratron In the On renriliflii the...lilt. ot the gent spar, lea Ili of the ~, , ,ter IS taint Intrally oh-iervahle In Mitchelliiii a,..p. and wheeling around, en ' the ' , Demi inn of These hoihir. , „, ill ~,,„, cinitiled: "Do not clone ii step 11l Aber 111 111 111 a rranged .11 . 1111' wester. a atm, anti regnireii shoot VDU. ” Without heeding the ',tithing,'thr ininil mill:, nut ii aleillilinese. of the engt. Doyle .1111 contiene,l 1,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, a h„,,,,„.„, n -Ire, to keep Ilion, operatlng safel). Tlie ex- m 1 .10 1 ,0 1, ~,„,„ „ ,„.,,,,, a , 1 1 ,„ 1 , 1 , f„„ a „, paex,., 1 1 1., of p rite rer,ire hi hoiivr oi er the 011ie, I 0 ,„ 1 ,,, ,„; ~,...,„„,„,„ The 11 , 01 , h ,,, ) „,„,,.. 1 „ v „. I is, in general, the resell of greaft,r evapora the heed of b .. boy le, but the .wood entered the lion, ; nosed li) . the toe molei that boiler hal. right bri,...t. „,.., „ob., 1 110 l+ iPPlr. ,• no•- , 11,.. a , log tot Ill,' lime I ,frenter 11 dt . ..i11 . ; and the „„„ g „, , ,,„ . „,,, ii „. ~,,,,,„,„, not „ ~,,,,,,, : dlgeren t till pi - v.-Tiro e Weil neat Iteellrtllliati , Mooed Ti,, Ill'lnv sill iirte.l a number or pa.-- ' °l" ' 1.11 "... e, ~.. of -Wain generated, I cr. 1 , ), aho : Lulled to Ihe aol sf the mule,, ~•, I , through the Iteam-e,m,,,,,,,,,,,, Or ~,,,,,,;;,,a g I nuns, mho bail fallen, unol pre..zna lit. 11'111.1.1 0 1 1 1, 1,, 1 1 '. 1 11 till! 1111 1 1......11.1,111. Sal, alas' to th e .1" 01111E1,1, ion , •• I'm shot 11 11,1,11 ha. ..O n keo .4 - 11 din . ..rel., .it I r , r, rr )1, ourprrt dime It." Mitchell mere. while v. liked /1,14.., ' or P. '-•••."' °^ , Y • I '''.ol: -, . , h<1 , 0 , to ' , torture th e ',t ee t„ nil. ~,,t . , ~,,t,l ti„. ..„ti . ,.,,, ~,,,, 1 the di:eel Ithrilllciest steam Immediately ear : Heti to the Mace of pr in 5,,, ,, . aces 41 twl e CI, tile 1 .1111 .1 11 1111, !wen one In iVest Pittsburgh, who,,, eonf 11111 . 111111 141111 fill:tint 1.111111,4 Vann.. 11( the ex :hidden of DT Roberts, proceeded 10 remove the hall. ' 1""Ibla... " II "' " c s b • rh rt, et., and the alai. which hail bulged It , I lic hack, neat the ',lona! iohof I him pr,i ~• .11 pi ort.l.r, the moot haft' vOillnin is .4.00 us the ball had been ext ra , 1- , l'a ta- u ,11• eat, hew,. removed ~ills ~,„,,,11,,g ;pia,. 1 . 1,.. ' The vt.., :-. In 1111. ne• t ton 'nhat the lonit excatenient in Ile net 01,1, , ,, Inset ars. tut. •••.e " 1 1, orl d n a , D le- 'it , ail.. e , l shll not ...refs' I but. the reeling aan In fa, or 1/I Ille 0 , „.„„,.. ..11/- 1,44.1, tl :in, III 1) t 1:.“, Irrrrlnr,,, ..11.0I ho tip to the pre.ent unto, trinrow steal tins,had " ia .1 b ` a '''',' • 1: " l ' u,"li a ' lo r high'', pie.-nt be t etiolation of beings sober 1111.1 peal,l, ,r iii i .l l ., ll ,i ll .1 1 h , ~ ‘,.1., rt,•ll , ..,,,,,,,, ~n. ill.posed man der the stile catal.l. , lieo Ili i ongtess, to be of It a staled that Doyle 0., least or the c .i i , '•• t • e a , i 11, n't , ..... that. to ' th e e , ' e, ,t is , but a µ l4 celi, hiring commn free AOooto, o, i.., , foul. 111 e ill ii., e 1111, 00.1 the ral lion ; ,„,,,,, In. „,,„ , „ 0 „ 1, 1 11 ,„ . ~,,, h e o r „,,.. of 11,- Sp a oh, , d 1,0, lit, I. Iona: mine, haring beim of albedo., Ile I , a -loon the des lower". or a loch ...dims:, , ~,,. , heavy man, illiparelitt) alliiilt th,t, Ir., .4 ' " lII ' , ... .I I i ' lll I l 11, 1' In 1, 1/0111'1 01 p,,,,0rt age, and i iillee ills 01 - 1 - 11 . 111 tic li., oi Mr .•1 / .1... 111 11 '...... ".. ' ~ I . 1,, r 0., -on ,el, a l. . 14,1,4 g,,,,,,,,,,,„,,, ,„,,,,„,„., a re, ~, ~ ,„. 1,,. 1.10..11 greater pre--,,,.. Ihs i, eweroe lomat .1 1 ealhe In enntal . l 41 - 1111 141111 e 1,1 i. 1 e1 1111 1r144. : ii l nl tin s imnod.. !mt., 1 11,.• ,r“ re pro, w e d a, sure o , ~,,,,,,,,,. , ~,, liar „ rl.rl.e„, )„.,., ~,,,,,,, 111 , ar stetibiant a. 1 of I•tat tioa , tan , .., 1 here,. „,,,..3, f reet it e ,h. e dth e h,,,,,,, „„ th, , „..i„ I „t to , twee ia m 0,0,11,05 it If tls boiler .held Mh iteell was iiiiiployed at the I Itrooll •„,, ' I s” "del t.° • of , h 1 ,10• - oboes . Work, 1. The torts 01111, 1',,.. 1 ' g,.t0 pro., that VD.' Pros oo”. oi , - , Io , ho• ,00 1 lon for the 1 , strong drink 4 1. 11 M the prime tore,. 111 I hl.-1,11. 1 1 Ig.'llig of b o iler' , ~ it It 0 0,1'. al One hundred is te nearly all oasts ot a .fir lat eta rueire I' 1 1. 0 , to - mm . lot to e. .n. tea)! of •I ttv degree, . unitustrat ion In 0 , 1.111/1M 10 111”.... 5 ,th ' ,. .i . ii , provided I,v the net of pcd, I. ~,,,ra. whtela the press Ilally deem, anit o rind,at , ..1 ide or , aaansil id the ex salng strong 'irefu l.. vointrion oceersence to oe, Il.lolt 1 ,1 11111. -11er 01111111 g 1114111 1 • Eig14•4,4 g,1111.1 ~,,,og i,lllllllllOl n1 1 11.4/10 1111., .I , llolllg 11,1111' a 11/It. to hollers The .erairti .. It tester! o'lll, . 414, at .me Mol -1 Droixarlerfell "Alb taxer” A rre.....1 • I b.. d , 1 , .' l 'k W r.'", I bl"- , , ll ' P . ? I l ab `nu.. arid . Illy Flood.. d will. wirt.rloo a p..... 1 '' '' r '''' . .; . " 1.‘....e.. '''' ../. • Tile 1,1,,,,0r, s rho, .......flon tor a l ' urrrnry. attn... ~ .1.- . • lo t,.. mt.., 0 ' 1..,11\' fromille ran, A Irian mound Ma 11... 3,111.0111. 1.. a ~... a - ~,A ~, 1 „.„,,,, ~,,,„.,,,,,,,,,, I}„. „„.„,,,,,. ! ~asted si Clio" of l'. do, Daum'. • 0, ', fluid") -him ri to sat . 10..../1111. Ileeennlll, an a pee1;111- lalternolai, for patoang ~orlon Imytml .r+ soy trent rgal:tones, .T Inn nt/lying 11. all ,Al fUr dor...WM. •., tnen.rn , r r m.! ii (011 fb... 1 , .... , ... n.,,,,, 1 h '''' 1....-l. . ' 1 " .. r or., of 1111, to for allloyial metals rar-mg pretty trerla 111 14.. etty ,Int in, , 11l e , ...„.,, „, ~,, „,„„. „,„„ p„, „ ,L...., „.„,i, ~er In .in3 • DDil ' - 'l •e•aDll a .1 I II"' tirlir‘e , . led ' II" -are, than ,• , other duclee of I hi. tint lire met ti, male, al, co e . tirolion wt. I, i. led ro •,.;, ~,, ~,„,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,e n, ,, , m., ~,,,i "..• ~.... . 4 k hl q . ' r“ .. ' •''.‘'l '''.""..•l 4,01111.1 ar , 1.11,11.. 1111, f ti 44 -.., at, il 1.1 ' 1 ' .1.11el • all 1 1 11 n l l .' " II " . .. l ' lll ' ll ' llll Ill " II ' l " llIl "I ' tal ta, en 11,1 !la,. (ad. ' s: titter,' I ILIC OM !WI .11 MAlll‘l.l 0.11•1 I+otl •lreol. 1. , 11, , „.,.„,.,„,,,.,,,,,,, „,....,, 5r,, ,, , , ~, I, ~.., ,„,,, ~,_ a,tttt oot .Iw, ,et)-tit's -lIVI I . ollln, and -livreil :lit vi. „..„„, ~„,,,.., ~,,. ~,, ~,.,,.. „.,..,,,,, t,, ..piti i ~,, - ...e,; . 111)..Ili c .eof I.ote• ul pis iti• , L 1 ,„, „. „,,..,, , , L.... ,.., ~ ...,, ~, ~,,,,,, ~, 111 ma, 0.. , of alens -he 1,1,1 ~ , ,,ell 1 , -, a r h„ „,, L,„ , , ~, , ~, .„,, „. ~„ „Nil .1111..• 114.11111 n-, MA IlyglA. 11'...a. • - \ll., n 1.1111. ft ~..„„„. ~,,,,:. !,, . x ...„.,.. „t ......„.. 1... Iti.t. 410 1. it Pl. .1010 1411, II:1lb .1 •.11.• .1, , , „,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,. ~,,,„ ;;„ ,„,1 , „,„,„,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, ' Ito bull) tout' told' .': '" ~" 1 " Ibe ," ..u ", " •"-• r. , at a teutmrat are belns, r.,,,,,, rolitelt for , ,4 4,1 • 11, ...d 10 1, I , • li.rg•• • •! T•' l. Ir.' •••• • 4 " .. otr'rrervr. do u,..rarlerees „„.retie,,, and ix. therefor, fltrisen he returned ft ilrNek 41;445,..1,11 that tin ~,,,, „ . ,„ 1 ,,,,1 ,„ „„,,, ~,,, ut„„ „f b.„, ,.. ,, , hangs ,-,..1...t...1 ~r tau toff. , Anil 1 . .0.p.. ,•,,, , „ ~,,,,,, ~,,,,, „,,..,, , I t o, l2l , juart.nt, .poling Ina Nam . 1.0. im1a1.,.,..m. p,,. . ,... , 1 , , , ~ ~ ~....,..,. .: I " ,.. '" , •tu'" t u o l . t. , • ra , vidence. the 1 hilt i,l "nee •I“. 14•11 to 11. , ~,,, ~,•,,,,,, ~,,,, 0 . 1, 10.1 , 0, .. , 1,111 1 , e an ' .!,:. -bod sr 1011. ~....., •','" ..., ' I. ' o ,ln - 1111..111 .1 ftlel 1:11... 1 , I.J. 1,1j,-,,, xx , ) no 1114 ivl . ..1n ., •, ~,,. - ''.• '", ~,g..1 ot tra. a ae, 111 tlle n(11.141 holler., it tote trit ouer . ....Lob, I he a' i e.., ' be torsi cans. . a plitoted mole, .ection twa or 6011, pu.A.I ht. 11./.1 in 11,, el krt nllOl . ll- ~..., ~...„..)„ ~...„‘ ,1,... a I,mt, ~, ~,. ...,..r.,1 i P. throe . -p” , . , •- ~,,A., ~ . ....f ,t,..,,,,, ;,,,,,,, 1.,. ~,,, . ‘1,.. retoml. h , •t thy "1. , ..• t..“ .”" ' h '"• ...1,-, I ...111.11 rt ..iler • t l/. a bleb rhe hear 1. a • ...„1 .art 11 fro,. Lim. 111.- P ti • . 5 . . ..... p11•'•1 4, 1 1... oulni.l. ~I Mc .1,11. mud ix 01 r ' e ....oat,: huff,. th.• I '1.)1•••1 , tat it- I ~...,,,,.. ~,. ~.., ~,,,, ~..,,,.,.. .... „ „ ~. ~. ~., ),.,.: ' li/..' tuorumg fo, .. lo ut leg, n 1.1. 1. , .11 ~, .. L. ~,r , ‘, L,, y . . I . 11 .1011 , 11,4 T 11 1 ,111 111 1 11, • moms west of rl, ~,„ L„,..... ~,,„ ~,,,, ~ ',...,,1 1. , " ~ ~ , : , : i '‘' .ii. ! pri.tioirr 101 trt., • • ,roi, . r CITY AND SIIHITILBAN litrkputi o•k it 00l otlerolei 111 lot tr, tr,,t .1..1.11.11 rirth tit 1, Willi 11 aa. notortot, g,/oo: rote Mel at m, Mat. ifol-b, Stel•hon 10. and who!, of hint tlk, allh ahin. , Lenter,: , oto a partitelahlp to oltrulat., the- port., nonavy they uoutolut•tutr-1 Ahoot .•Ightern 111011 till. since he a arre.tod try Map.- torpaaslnt, postal hull .lollto • a Lt. II at that Iltora ere to freq. tit, %dation , n., ...tat to tVaaltisagton ov a loot•vrtloieht t tort is . 111 woo, moan- .1 •.t her he eat - upv. utol •tove !hal till., .4i,, Hague ha , l 1. , •It, ~‘ r. I, a I! IN PrO4l , ie 1 2 / 1 0. Olt , AIM! OM. eitnutuled ow hatiirtiti) op to, nowount rho hozoirawl 'rho Itn:i $1 itlfl I • 1,11 In /AA( 111111 V lothlr to •lort.i, to. who do not oxmotto- alle change 1,, , 3 WOO/ nary poorly a nnculeO ae togw,.i• pat, It is of n gr , •“, wpponiwora, an.! tony , re r/wwtly dat Cr I 1111. 41.1,!n. APIPIdOIOI to 111 Child—War nistkr to Pro .%. child ol Mr Hobart I% ra), oil inervisaat utatlt Lao yea ra o: age, mei a ark 4111 AI VW., on Salttrilay afivra.a.ti, a liicls intwitt I.nk I f.. •Lilt raid/11) low rtkAtrck,ar u,nr CI [l* 1,1”111. aown anti Iva. 11,/ I. OppOltile tile .1 I+ tll I ray. tint •lnut above I new,. Lhn chilri a Liu 1111. , tsy ttin cur isSiont mlarl4+l to walk art tio istrwet, is, hap. a ill the t/11,1Ing it. Ow eat'. t , ul four feel It the :rack a, lre. 1:1•• .Irlt'er could tt.w • •top the oat on the down grade In time to to, en% nue Of the wheel• front pamklng ,over the chtl,l The driver s lien he .as the uo-eoleuut tainted hal he had pray ttttt sly stopped the car, and the child was dragged from under It, and taken Into the buns., to, Innately no 11...nes wore broken, although the fle,, 1111 leg er eonsiderably lacono ed, the a heel ha, tog prueed diagentalty sero.s the Ilcntu through the fleshy part. Dr. t. I. Si,', out, the 0,1.1. clan 11, attendant ,•Int everything in roe pots r to relieve th.• tu , otifeter, and It I• n o ww ollag well. This scoblent should VG' a•uu c, w•rnlng to cut. OF 'hit.' V11i1.11,11 onder Owlet's-a pal re. lly the near culpable nog!, sense. of the parl, ha, hug tit!. eh ILl eharg". II has h 14 nod will, Nei Imt, oljney. sivl ;um fo, •pecial oroeldenrs, pet Intie. it nu is hl ha, e with a fen,l,ll death Body of a Drown.' neg. U.11.4 . 1).'.real The dead body of it man wan IDUlltl Iln.btag on the eurfttee of the water, on Sat urday oder -110011 xtwnt five O'r lock, close by the wheel of the steamer I,rmlnville, lying Ireton the St. ( • la/r etrcel erbige, at the wharf of the Alll,- 00111 , river Coroner newer.l was nottned of the tilt and contemned a Punt of 11140.1., when the following furl], were nerertaboel The Teeeneed mote a rleerman, and pronoun Ut his klinith wfu engager] &deck hand on the 'Telmer PPtrolla. The mute of that moron ...letitifled him, giving Ids name In. Jutorenn llorlea ellease.] name tu dent!) on Trolay, March Ile lord been ton lire on that evening, the burning of the Weetto n firming Min, tut Martinry tartlet, awl returned to the pout In an alutuxzented vevottlillun, lay down On thn dark, and II Is etipposed rolled off Into (lie water Ito wee lortio•rly from ljuliatia county, Let lind resided In thin city quite n euinber ofvrare, having at Otte time been employed on the Penneelonnis Ca nal He woe ct married nton, and about Ili irt y eight yearn Of aye. The wherenbeete of We fnentin being unknown, the nod) Iva. der-roily inferred at the ,aunty expenice Dead ilonlykoran Inllin4 Found. - , ittir aay niornlng, addle noun, tittle boys wet. , play. og - In en old burying , ' ground above Penney!. ramie avenue,Seventh ward, they discovered the remaine( a maly n infant, whirl, bail berm burled ie n raisin Dais. It 1. 4.pponed that the body hail bean interred on Friday night, but it had evidently. been dead for M.M.lln time, iso it was lunch denomposoil. The body wee ',Tappe been wbOoll onelh, and appeared to haVekept for tittle In a collar or other damp piano Cornier Clawaon hail street, here r ttttt °rod to Devotees, on Ulan! street, where It nas ernmined by Dr. U. 1.. McCook The phynie Inn .tetrad that the Mehl wan horn alive, but ow leg to the ativalieed stage Of de. eomeoaillon war 111111iWO todeterminr whether tenth re.eilted riot Violent, et it el mai A Rampant INowdy.- Ito Sal today night the Filth ward wax the went , of the maul :PIM mon rowdylem. bridal oharaetor named Janie. Winn wax lording It on the pave, WI.- ruling With everybody he cattle Penn.. During his rn Ihe threw a brink at an unotrendlng Garman, which 'truck Idol an the bead, in hinting a movers, wound. Ile was limply rap tured and taken to them aths, where he will remain Mil to-day, us several InfOrmatlons err it coding agaltud Prowned..—An the ~elanboat was endeavoring I.' street ding Si the l'ltts hurgh wharf last night, n desk hand named James Ward toll overtstard, and although strunuOlis efforts wore 11111.110 to rtlBl.llo Ulm, lie was drirwned. Ward was standing on the guards when the hum ...Aidedslightly with anothur boat., and the Jar ett.Ml hint to 10101 halite, Ho Man (*rt. -livens !Inv )ear• of ag, snd It supposed that Ills relatives resided In Butler enmity. Attempted Reseue—Ambrose Whalen tr. held to ball yesterday on an Information pre ferred by John Coyle, with of South Pitts. burgh, °barging him with attempting the res. oue of a prisoner named Pat Lally. Important to Sleombon'men- AJIII. Ilona! I.egielollon tor the Safety of Po•oengere eat hiek Ink v and •,a , •ti. I,:i 1•0 it iliere 1.• de. , lin tin, tallier, the ismer i•sititg •.• 101.1,,/ front the .urine.. loch t lit tii 5. I.i :with., It. (staling in- I. not It anion :11,4 !rill., plate.oil We hale the ••• Wen, Ulm 111 the uul the... , t the coil iif that olana i.f 11,4,11 lin tit eistet the., 4104, not a Oaf re.pari.llng Of miength.anili all thelt 101 l these u ate.. nets. inaite hailthirli nos. exceeding that crib. .cotton. 10 tlmlthug the lbw tiee+ Of tron be etnitioyed, the eAtithlt+lted its otigve,o In the act of t. uow lee +l,angtl,llo pottotln preatoire •tn Ittelt holler made td ,112tb.. tme-tourt h of an 0101 l In thlekne:—. be allowed, 00101 that or.mortiott tm to three-tenth, 01 an Molt 111 thlekneas, but II a higher 'treasure .110010 lie tie.lrmi, the boiler , tuald have to be made a 111110 •111/4110t diameter. +0 that In ,vase trdi the tenalle el min to Which the 110t1 of the boiler h. subjected by the working pres.tire albm exceed that now allowed by iffillin The .p., Med in in tut 9111 spare to be left he t • en the nue le to provide Lae ileceoonry oots for water and for cleaning the bollers, and will etfeet non „ ent the haildlo g o r lamlers for oar on the water.,, named, the employment of loch has already re - resulted melt feat - int calatnit, The pros t.lon that steamers hereafter la 11l have the water connection lad amen the .llv hbol, to pre, eto. the o orr, (tom Tann tug from the uppei to the lower Milers /if the tan when the vorl i. careened from any eau. , hatever, winch would c. 0. ", ,leth moo of • met In the nailer boner, •attain. p„ pr I.lono fin he preven t cm of flee, it Inch experience Ims.itown to e at, d kto lit ohdol out;. and When stoorn rategtured ln oi ide life -oat tag u• tor putorrrer., front ta1.111,: paw.enauf lute geo In Lou t• t 101 hundred, of ••• MI., and etitltit on cm hoard. on howl 'no thorn all thedatmer, I •ii• n 111 l Ilia. titt. withal( making ...liable ',Tor talon loi thor, 'slot::i l ittit• Or accident Ma, I to Include freight boat 1,, Ihe ,atae cateoot •II li tug, terry eel canal !Loot, no provided in the eel line To pi TN VII 1,11 r pi .011 111 the t' hire 111,pectoi •of titeatithoute, 01 Ina, the 11.. r. torimmee of their duller. Ore o lion all l.lle ea ter/. ot the i, nitwit States shell be sithjee Ito the navigation it,., provided by act, I.l' t on. gt ens and that *tempters shall lie further nut, hog to the room foritasnlng eiMiblialied pur suant to law try the hoard of superrtirig lli• top.13(101,1 It Is unit/tittered necessary and prop et !flat all venstelo otiall to• made to conform to general regulatlnn• eitturdinheil for t lir satiety of nay igation on all waters used as noturimil highways of commerce sin 10 Frov Ides ilinengegin a apparat its for life-boats, so that they may be cleared from the teasel with great... facility after being I - mortal Otto the water, to prevent then henna dashed to piece. again. !lie cooel Or ,wanir, oil alongside nor 11. To proltde monaldialits for certain marine, 01 steamers, better whipted to rivers and other waters titan any plan of boa lights oppitealile rigged lot earn ing sail, as the euarse oi a rapidly ain't - snail, log stratum may tie more readily and curtaittly Mitertulned thereby Before the paaatngeof the net of Apt II the plan at bow-lights provided In the am Witt. 11,10t1 oat nes-going simmer. e y, am! wan lit fact the only plan aullahir far rentals tarred tor carrying which wan the reason ha- Ito being no ar ranged, Inn for river navigation It In entirely n nutted, en F1( . 17011lIt ..f l he con t n natty ehgog. Ing counies mid position. assomeil In follow erimked e11f1.111.14, not being Inilleated with nufllelent accuracy for the purpose of close not mutton. For thirty year. at Maid prior to the passage of the net of Aftull 2.4, 1834, the opo, termof signal,. propotind in thin bill luta been timploycal In .lillll. of Mir Inland water, and tee 141L111,41 111/Li an enfOreettnent of tits prenittit Ili our riven+ and other Inland eaters will work the mutohtef, tante,' rotiderlng the nut tgailott more watt as con templated. tin Important. 11l Ulla matter to the safety of Our Interunl 111,/g61.1011 that oWttero of Coolant - . cannot be imineed to conform to the. ',resent rodulrettienn. of law, but prefer to pia3 any penalty that of no unposed rather than hazard mvfety or t 1101 r vnwiehl. cis in nod 13 relate In the compen oor i m , or 'not tor,. The ire*. Hugh Mel:tram. —The rental. et toe latV numb Mrtiraw were followed to their twat renting place In St. Iltary'a (Catholic) Cemetery by a large number of relatives anti Irtents of the •Inceruted, the funeral cortege reaching Iron, Market to bran!. aloud Sixth etrout. The religious rites peculiar to the Church were performed In St. Paul's Calla, Aral by Mahon Dominec In permon, who, In uNuston availed himself of the oce.lon tm deliver a altort hut Imprematve toldrena, Metal eating upon him hearer. the beautlem of holl ow., the benollt of Irving It truly religious Ilfe here, and their great anti sure rewartle heel , after. Disorderly UOTlltr.—nenjamin Timmon, his wire, and Sarah Innis, were on Saturday arrested (or keeping a thsorilerly house on Bind' street, In the Eighth ward, and commit ted by Mayor McCarthy to anstrer at court. The information was made by handled Mason, who lives in the neighborhood. The house where these partles earrlel on their orgies has been an intolerable nuisance to the whole uelghbottood, and they have taken this moans to lid it of Its shameless oecupants. PET I ,E THREE CENTS 91., Diclichskon•N 11..einre NINA Anna F. . Dickinson will dcl, tare to Clty Hall. lids i Monday , on , let tlo•t he 1 OM, \l en• t Met. ton and Hot hana,' In.ttlitte The tide rif Mita: Diet, Itatont4 !,,. tore 'a II! no -1., , ItfTereat !tofu that tin nottnetal In t 011 he still ertntennatt. We uthlor -land that the gable, will • - 111 r tVre .tro• not ailt 1••••,/ 11.4 (A. •% ii•O•1• part IC LI y, refurettet. in 1,1 t , , made. hitt e has e tinrnetith.pti:lort. nail .• liar. no onn i to toil to Atlas Itlclitanah . . loit,•!. It a he I I ttte , l excellehl.s3l.,. This trill he the ['unsung 11.^11,.. of tho which In the A... Mat lon has been nn - ot t pea.- perlalt , ono.. Nit prey ton,. •Lattittot tee hits 114, ra t oa a d li t Wo r k 1,1 ter than the n wilo•te lalnirt. are twv. awsing a close ile F.verl thing aWI ar . rangeil Rant toltntrably, in tatelt n'at' as to la• on, \ Intl antagi the politic, tottonlan at 1,4,11.1111 T tlellellt A.l,ol'o{lloll Ti.. - I.4a•lure ,• nnlllll, tee ant in our iiihninn. en t 1(1,1 In the Thank. of both. • IMII=IIIIIII Mitt' I.i.Ccu 1-1 , 1 II 1 , / 111. 11,.! .it i 4, County Iliosporlntentlency l rso.ns. 1.1.,..utt• eolnunume In he %tulle, lilt] agitated at prenent von. Meting of:011nm. en 1., the 45, , 101v , nperintru• deney of nub., ..eiloolv Maui' Well irstortnn.l cltleet, of the , oull iv aee r.;vigls oirfae....l to the Ye- 0 1141101i of th.. nolnent. enlist. of the proof.. , Ineh they think he lin. given of local nn, and Went io "di lal Mir noes. While other, profess not have Af , ll these proofs. Non' such Is the nature of 11131 onl, o. Thal the Incumbent should meet is Ith the cencio , approval of the f :len Is of te h lneatton Irough out the county. The cause ,f th e schools requires that their pi esblinc "in, should have the , enllffent , of , 14,th a , 1,. fairness and literary ability. [fence, woolit if not be well for the Directs.. the isiming election, to have that considerate regrd ro the public a wants here hinted al. cool lay all partisan feelings tralde, eseu of the nomel 4 , 1 tilt' Community. html. a Coarse w oniti 01 1 ellll. nently proper, so. It would free the ea: vas• from personal anlmositlea, and mire bore unite the people upon a standard bearer, C ., .11• .'erring ing who there are no divisions. A on tlnuance of had feeling for three more 3, is not desirable, and the Inrectorc eau rest, , peace, good will and eontirtice, by electing eandidute who.,: untrue its V, not bet publicly obleettnuahle to anent the friends it! eduent lon In the county A F - 1111,11...c PK ki•V n..n 11 1,1" ILI . 1 11 - •1 1 1 • 1111111.11/111101 141111 annolln et well meritent reeeptnint on -nit 1111.1 n) M4lll. nt the "pm. /11/11/40 'rine ontinngement in making up the Inn/ MI ' , tau ony moil}, e think. ilial not Intend That the conclindon .hould he npiree, yet -11011 .1 w The •ntin iproonn- w, • lint w, ,IninnietuilV "rut - amt no Imperfectly p,nenl nvet 11./1 11 1 flake it a .11.grAc1• to the entittnipnlmnent play Is one at thong. perullerinnens that renittlre working tip, wfll, appropriateneenery unit own] nituninetrp.r nool when these ure wanting even vt hong 111 1110111 It 1.. W 21111.1111, MI aPPeur" to-night n nth Miss Eberle "Lady Mnehoth " Ito Wenl,lol-• day eventing Mr Little, formerly of the l'lt burgh iThentrr, renew, elimplonte ntar) benefit aL TM. inlace Nlllll Mt ln Inilinu a %mi litate., Mr Litt e l,ut "any !mend, and ne benipeak fon hen n ennui house. - hone 1.e.,' 11111 .111101.111C, 1 11 tla 10..11..g i • li 1 ^II, 1111,1'1, - To-lt kghl A 111111 , .. nnp,tr. u hp. unapprrntelmbl, t - Itrirnr• ter of Rover, In - IVIILI h/utti.•• Wenia) .1111 :1 lure. - holw In Ittet tlnrlng tits enyniteint,l•r% avallattle vont lin. !won tnken nip ••, u - 111 1-e the ~ 1 11. 1 11.1111 g (liver Victimized Iry .2 Confidence Man -lo• flenford, it farmer re.bling near W ilk lost•org, w:to lately .o mill,',) tail of Iwentyt o dollars by n sharper who, n hilt• lollog In the a In itenforol , . wagon, informed 11l to that he wool•I like to make some purvltanen in the nilllut ..n.l of town, Icorer) hot hail nothing eheek tor .eventy•fuor dollar , , al in, Ltbret, tollire Tht• lartner took the eneek n uvetity, and gave the .harper all the money lie had t wen. ty-t wo dollars.) Mt roiling nt the Enitre,,dttlre he found that the eherk w•M'. utterly worth),... The fellow gave Ida name mll)ddle, MI Renford mat aa tt eI ll all lino Diddle DI f :r 4k,eor "Imre. —A b. .LI ago, ti.young .n„ of George Mel noG of Madl• san Glaeson enunt), aged six year, left 111. Ikolll,, In enpany With Is,, 4 , 1 het lots W To:IF .1. , evenin nl g the lan little feline • returne.l x Ithout 11r Ale Cool•• , ene and when Interrogated ,:...Oral 1; to. , a• In I 111 , 111 is..lllg 01110, OW, finally replied that he Ila , l 511 11.• a, In the'Arlon 1,, el and au, do ne ned Tn.• parent. and nt ruaol, alingen, +ea.-10ml xll I,r din vat,,. Th.. r ontraitall Notw log I hat a brilliant moon .hone I tion . Ike laint night, the-AltaoPlony guar lamp.) were all lit up. iii lark °when the moon ha, pone oul tee 'm00t.... the ti Man cannot .. / 1 / it/ tint! LIM lamp, Ilene.. man) ; of them remain Itiliigllll,l 14 NitintiOillinl. tat' otirpin , of trig the tlilr4 r lot4 12 , / , - IV II ll+ 11911/illy - i1t,44 / /12/ ti/./111. flelteloon 31 Istehlef.- A tenlalt. named At, - ells war. ,tiny on salartlay Ilar .4 Mgt littratt, and lornaght tutfni - t• rano., Mayor Ale( on n clkA:gt• tnallt•ltat. ut - , 111,-1 Mar, :1111,4t, that \u„ "tine tato st .Inotra ,t 1 apt, and I , lt•lat. th/an, and liar,. till ow the ' , lancet)! tht.rn v Into n tut.. :tht• wnn held In 1,11 to 11,1- •trer for her atnitoettl..ol. rowilponernewit.-4 lig re an noriapee, a ,: •Islay in completing the .11agritio of the aew rieibleins ol Mllsig• the rule 1.1 reason Lictets lot the coming opera w ill riot VOLLIMPtiec until utornizr Thor,. Intending to secure Lleketri should bear th tri In mind, thereby sac. mg trouble to thornier Vet. owl Metors Mellor and Etcher, w hieie rim t n•gets ars obtained Wool Grower.' Metreilogi at Pilleasben meet lii of the Cool growers of Weetern Penn syhianla, Kiettern Uhl° unit Wert Virginia. will be held at Steubenville, on Wednesday, the _sth I an. itemizes- of tut nor tante will lie brought before the meeting , Ererllng n i 04.10111 130111dIssi..—MartIn uchnoblo was arn•.eted and taken before Mayor McCarthy charged with a violation at city or dinance In erecting a woolen building onl'ay lor street, Ninth ward. A hearing was had nn Saturday, and Schnoble admitted In ball. A Brute.—Sarah Lewis, out, of the female, charged with keeping a disorderly hon.., dur ing the bearing in that ease, made oath that a man named Philip Delis had struck her on thot bead with a luatled a hip, almost potting her eye out. Oche gave IMO to att.w on Arieftlert*.—Robert tileCrwaity, I IC , Ixth ward, had both feet ronsitlerithlt in. latch], at thia outer depot of the I . ollllsy II an la italic/awl on Fi toy a car wheel ove 1 humwhihh he wits In the act iil cottpling Notary Public. -WiliuLut Janev, , • ` , I • Law ranesvllle, has received the :Lppoint meta at notary ttubllr To J / I.lvrt r, Esti - Dror St. Regret ling 11.1,11 that 1 - 011 ilgtVe PataolVed \OM V 411111,•••• 1011 with t Sr Put 'burgh Theatre. nod arc shoot to leave cuir ray, where for the hint eight months the public bare wit nes.wal con , true and powerful delineations of the maw a rtluCtus characters aneigned to you, w. con sitior II but a Illght compliment to our private worth anti to your profew4lonal Lai ity, to tend, you a totien of our eat -em and friendship You have alwats, wllion out acquatntance a tin you, endeavored to render the stage what it nitoold ever he—an adjunct In morali ty Wild refinement, find a school witondit 41.'14 represented an telloon, and virtue the truest happtoest. You have never pandered to low end vulgar tante.. hot, on the contrary. hear t,er endeavored to exhibit the parte, stand ard of hint cotton. aid of ettllghtenekl et de ehon outtnending volt for what you hove entleavormi to do, anti tot what we feel lire Your ambition leads you to, WOresp cell Lilly tender to jott a parting benefit, ut sui.kl u time anti place as may be agreeable to you. We are, dear air, sincerely your (dentin, Y. C. Bhannon, Char, 8.1111/, A C. Slleen... N. liellarren, Th... Clark, W. H. Alechling, H. %Yeller, W Al. Wllll%, Al. Elsner, .1 H. Lurk, D. AI. Bonn, Wm. Alnr.ntler, J DleLron, .1. T Kirm. Ur. H. C. Chrletr, .1 Bowman, J. Hannuch, end many ether.. Ilectri. Ird/1.1.1r,A !Own non, Met-Nino, (An UM tinsvtamits —Vont kind favor ol yesterday :Ills me with gratitude, 'mingled with a deep shade of sorrow—sorrow that I :1111 obliged to part with those generous friend. Pittehurglt who hit Vl' rendered my soiolum nere an pleasant and solacing. I cannot re frain It accepting your fraternal compll- Went. I shall he pleased to Meet you and till my frlemis at the Opera House on Wednesday evening, April Vith, 11017011 g Shakespeare's sulk lime piny of King Lour es the entertainment In which piece Mr. Charles Dillon, the Justly distinguished Ertglitili tragedian, has genor. nasty volunteered his great 5Cry1.213,4. I nm, gentlemen, With great rewind, your, truly, Jou!, Z. I.dr.m.x. Phonies W. Perry dt Co., Practical Slate Roofers. and Dealers in Alfieri can Slate of various color.. Office at Alexan der Laughlin's near the Water Works Pitts. burgh, Pa. Raddenee, No. 78 Pike street. Or ders promptly attended to. All work warrant ed water proof. Repairing done at the short est nouee. No charge fermi:sun, provided the Idol Is not almaed alto- it Limit on. We Wave Deed Dr.Dugerta Dry Ulnae of Ittagaeg. xna Ana it the Pat mwe. L=11! CITY ITEMB l'urre•pundeoee rrmnu icon, April ni, 1,1;t THE WEEKLY OAZETT TWO EDITIONS ISSUED, ON IV EDN ESDA 3 .3 S 6.AT CADA rt.• rau ion leforwArdesl w bleb grill recch . stss scribers the scut; run . 1 . E.R111 , ,A , YIES. PER YEAR... CLUB , Of; cLUBS OF I RN AND Unir %NO& Fir.• Horning,- Al,ollt two .1 k 11$• IL,' Mug n ! , roko• .$,/1 1..0 - i • - end .10 111111 1 , 1,.1.1mg. 'iwn :,•• • roe , the ertglues arr!, It ..1 or. pro‘entett from ..ti It, .41 ri BOOTS Alit) SHOES sir %It Tritovl I ‘DEIC Till. FIEI.III ck nips Great Sheila Sales, I=l 30 CENTS ON IHE 'DQUAR Lasting, Heel Gaiters for $1 INTLIKEs 1 Ist).% %111 E. R Fir I, Go at otier to th. , Peoples Prz4ac4 IV:t (CS CONCERT HILL SHOE STUB N 0. ti() cut OPERA HOUSE blioF. ;.31'0EE CLOAKS, &c Ime - v 1.: k ( ;RAMC) OPCNO.4: FIFTH ST. 11.401 h 1.• kIS 1 N. NI • r' 1 , %, I 1% I I F r lkk'~• 11 .I• ~tl r.i• i I ! 131:11111=1!111•1 J t II • • ty • Lt•••t • !It ili I i.,4; sad 1101111,.. iIIIF .; I I, • TIIF LATEST -.111 F• as - [auo•a fnll In Ise. Moan L 0.4 ELS o rx Oul3 to he foakkol at tilt. Ace Ls' ULGAI~ 151 i.•C'y lZi jr.', IBM -1I I'itll Sleet, OloPo'ite E:1; ; bran t. eami 4to k;ib ev. .A . .016 '.2d, LA LIGHTNING RODS. rimilsommar LIGHTAING ROD LOCKHART & CO., ocit4, ut tut i.s . s E at Heidi, Hand st. Bridge, Pittsburgh I= AAA, ,lent.l, I hi, ••• ts • • I.• • ?mildlug lei • ••of ilgt,tniny how., !... A PA.! rod rful .ndoLllon .11rolnIshes 01, "" - " r "" nJ them / • ,1 pl . It • to, 1:•• 111 41, from Noy It 1... tr it, I from a glee,. • .o tr.utulthrtl int.° si• .11,214,” as, 444.1 t•. sh. .• \\r ,3/1 n Tt,l, Monson t- Copper Futolar I.l,l.tnitte Itod. etltlt 'tor, Ftnnge, This t.ot ha. reertiett th. Flret Pr.:moan tt the elate air`of Neu 1011. 1 . . no, It 4 11:3Int0a, llLltiols, Ilullatl a, 1 , 111„ and 1 oeol,lll. 011.1 at battottel Fate. Nt.trelatt•l I ntt tot Inltittlte of Nutt Ytok. Merll.lolt, I ottltot. tt t tut:lt:nett, end at cry 111001 COOOl, 1.t.1 '..-1 in Sec 1101110 f tto ..011111: 11 , 01011 , 1 i • 010051101 In every eeet..l aid haft to. ulu,o.n , y by tee moat lutelti,eul prop:, v. lwr II t. wrll ‘6ll-i0..1 lnet that .ppe, kr ..... . ,ght t how- the • - ••nductlng power of Iron, nil all Mat <•n11 the I4r Mun , ..h.•. rod. p......,Et0g • • Ith ha![ :hues gnat., Ihnol rh. Ir..n 1..1. It ',i11., a that It la ...o,xi [wet., hl their condi oll I•N•t •• - 011 . lu..s Its Ushful. while o I.:t rt. t ‘nd reULlns oower..uf coo . u., tool 110 1t , ,01z 4plrel shape 1 g rod rt. k tho , birth .t the oxite.,l p .eolde oo ant 3.k,• , I operlor to • ropioo rod thn. an,tiva 51...4,11Le.r0C100. The atiAlltll, vf • otznao log tto 4 o.t i hat perfect • -, 00 leo It o [ono. l tr.•in to no-other, [ad in:. rod v, retoao.n • 5.. r. ,rahost the 141,,11ie • . "Idll.l‘ en- r I.oltlo, :. hadorse- trot°, It. tr. Front Or X II It . • S. 1.u., •t. !,t o In .Itylo, •Ilat 3lunsto. nom !to punt!, P,•,1 Prot ix. I or, ;/rulaptst.- do pot [malt., I. , couttnen.l rod to e. oho iv., I • tt, Is by lightning Front flt. • :Ito. 1 .- • nt t lieftyr. J. 11.1 Allyn itnt m•de too ',on. toot 05.., !tot tooolto • - f protectlon t tor :1 o flnli ,tr. into genera. MEE Me Malr of —••1 rvg^rd Ire. vapert., recontosond It I" the public. H,/.r ht.l, . A Fl , . Whew the nollthng pr , terte4 Or Copper Light. ulna hod. Wee per re pt •• t,e deduct., nom the Premluto note No recht - 1$ A. (Jr Ir., mdt. ' • Prosn Esp.. Pr:omit. ht.tftan,t poi" , * - 41 ,, c1", ruletots COlapafir eta• ft /4,11 pe , eintunA .11 1,31.1U1DE, p. , 9l4Ciael 11 the Munlott Itt,t. I •," r..,;jt3 l, 11,3 f 1111 laurtly nate 11101.0 $ $ •oti. is my rtn- 1 ey .I'. ~t '.(<. 11'rr . Prs.n the Nag fort rmatioi - .. l err navel, 11,- avnttt elstap, and ie., - s. ciaclent t,t/. la eonsteneted upon u th toosiapp, •ved selentifie Brin es •od . • ou, • hare one upon it ,• Siordire., o, Mt Boned Educe:L . lon. • • , Ituttig cm" in he part. de•tructron of tin high aehoel ha lightning, that the leou rod ettaCOCLL lliarcou nit 1...L011...1c/It, our Board dlrtolod that Ifitt,aat • tloppt, Hid be I et up Fort!, Ma Wldrea. o,llr, •nt.pslorl ith Iron or Copper Hotta at lowa, ale.. Liu, Copper Bode are yen' poppme simm, tho and peddlers tout and then. e o o , eoletitiy careltal and easily put tip. vat Iron nods her of the most approeed IMO orders for the seectl.oi of rode on buildluas in this Monti) toot tot through the mar. or left at our LOCKUART & CO., Way. , 41 door Ilmtd Street ISrld,re, spll.6idtoihtllwc PI/ TS PA. MEETINGS ELJE('TION NOTICE.--The Annu at ElectiOu for blrnrtoru of ti.el BIRMINGHAM OAS COMPANY Rill tm1.,.4 at ,i„. ugh, of tP. r .Laiyauv. ue MO”. • DAY, MAN :IL tte.rwre.n iP. Pots,. of tin, aud four ''luck P. a 111 order •p=:ud = teMi'ilM12111110f:1 1.411,1,DALE CEMETERV.--A and Moat picttlroaque pLote 0/ :/ , s/Ltili.lre, .11.• nal/. on Inn upland, ImMe/Illiely I'm:// Atinsbeny Clay. on the Inw firlAbion Road. to wanati filarial Lola will apply al ant's nffier, at 'no Cemetery. Title Land: Penait. A all other busiona will ana tanalrd to 11 the Urn g g arelfonte of the und'amagned corn, ni Fethfiu nod Low.* streets, Alleitacify ULU. A. JaZI-L.T. Secretary and Trenont, PROTECTION AGAEVST MOTU?. ;1 1. - t ;!; Ceder4l::ll4. ase=lhizeietklza.rrrlaveevo.r El It 2 elu it 3 =ES IMMTBI w 1 trn