were In lt , rord and how imperativ,!y ..on ertle ..chttsbitt sia , rttts ittsbattt 1,1 rctlttirt .1 htni SAT A.1.1{11. El - FOR ti.' , .VERSOR NIA J. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, 11,— . 11 lie ha- am. , 11I• Of CUMBERLA COUNTT. I , ak, they , uu, up him in the NOTICE 10 ADVERTISERS. litin a , a , •I tit • Netlhe u Laren alien that eereafter all TIL.II- TII , illlllllOll i hat 11r cnn sarcrtlsem.“ received at tilts offllce mast bt p. 14 Cor oten banded la, except to the ,•••• of M I 1.1 , •t Id I 1., I Callf.f..“, '"' ,ellO.l limn 111, ;:, •, Yearly adverbleers, whose Edlla .111 be rendered ,) 02,10:17. S. 11.134. AATtrU•CrII will please make nPto Oils. os the role of Cash payments • ertt+rtxexts hr the character stated. 1.111 be Lear,- IMMIESI ]'Gs price of our leakpea le I He ILL cI,NT. al the COCalt.f o, fro. tiv , ,boTa. tervtrd : or cattle', at FIFI FAN CANTS set weft I'ION AT O. th” _1911; ia,i to-:• =I entire? 4,rit)do,i in inno of tie Exernt. - - Nfio,ion. st o i It t .re 4.1 dreFbed t Slat Tr. mitt "LT n t :C. , ; !Nat idat k .lAIIIO, wrn nu ant the thi• n 111.11 , 111 I war ft Illdrpf.ll,l4.llt t•6lu,k 1111.11 -t•T\ 1-.1 in I Olt l.a nitli in the gerund wat v. ith tyreut Britain Ha. is r: . 4.ment... r.• , q4,111/.•.1, and -.vrt with mach• efh 11,,}q (In, A JAcaz.soN Ism oval I hallg.• 4,31111: ON et , lir t , 141, ind r‘t “ii, lov,r pnrit 4.01 ;1004 IllYy 10,1 pi eN 4.44.4.,1y 04 , 4 :1,04 41 1 ....•,• t,10..1111.1 N, ~..ti ircti for them. tiu•c sin. 4•zclu.led toms Cl.llin. ht 111{ , %, nmh r th ago ri.w I ~1d,•n•.1 1!!!1111 Uth , :f!T cirrunr Hauer• Warralltill H lon they trite 14 , 0kILIV, oreer OEM W./W.l !11N h••• i/ BM lippeb, 111 11, .PI iii. hi P . • 1 ., ' ,t equaliy rcir.r ,, i c r 031 I=}3il IMIIIMIIIIIIII•1111 have aci i ircssed a company of white ice indeed. we Lis a Liiress. in p ,iat stylo and temp on his recent i;en , s TL ere i= r IMI:El The Pi eihieni rtfei s.i ;it-, an I,,,uest p: uic tr acme of his eventful t.a veer proof of tile de•uc roar hinch uesple, ;is suit ac White, slii)vihi eu• icy sue blessing, ;if tres.•irim He mild ti:au ell: viell.4liga:::r ^t ii.e )prletilli• either et hie vfticte.P,ip?,,,w, C11.3:0E1 rind Lf ,Je4se,' , . Le .'JUi.I ere hear ~.,1 grani the 'clack mca of Tuines..e, y. bethcir Mcsee. itzil lee] ziie full enjornii =1 t.tit.7eh.'utp lacked. it his rerasiari unu hang ed. he:, a.is huzir.ce -.7r.ste'l. tripoti,i 1117!1=1 letvis to ear 11151 the Pt e. spdteci. s mare ft.l Nvirsi =I F±eft , rt z i.e top: eaemnt nIIu R . 1..1 never i ,Ji,periv2Bl .) whe had e - rir.' e i n., i.ll,li3pe - te:l tr. wafi::. ter ,114rwtiloi, pa - Ill= =9 .tvnut ie hope- ia•ited I.y the set.. of lief Free,in.tl Rarer RIU 41).1 the 4 iVII Rights RIII h. !III:kill erAtntilt• I t.• this tt( a . a w , r . 1 was “Ittllttate I IM111111111111111111!1!111111!11111111111111111M11 IMENEII :hal the vetoed tome idil, an, inrui their friend itinn in, nien p 21,01 iLein throupli the House-' , iill 1 ffisiury ,••• •~ , :r :1. MEI .Lett th.• a-unl I..rulne the f'onetituthu, and .1,3 ernOnimitly th, ,nlHiniont they letkr.• l Tn.w 1, - hi .1.),•• ()Ca REHM. , Ili A 11,211 ny Hiwav, .11,1 Wit • p,/ho• very t,rtniy 3,1 • •11'.. night., On un uw :11 t C . Olll.Cln, of :1,, Po.: [lost, I LI, Al.. ,:t.r n t•.l tor:: TIO•t•• Ftl, lA. DO 01111.0:e az It thP 111111 , 4 , 11A1 .1.••11. , I .1 TLt n. . •11 , h.• 11• tht n• 11,111 ~olati. "farin pun, ;ph .S 0 it—, tto nttn be more enatil:rehun,lN an.l flue than thin Ex-Ch:r .IoHNSTON, when he ter; ottirt. Governor it. 1 , : - 11 71r."0 . .1 nt tit, t. ; of the heap.:.= a proares , i rr, in the V btu party; hut he hist that pnaitiot. altogether by his the V S t e Nyttouttt caution in la iit,„ in framing and pie , .ing to adoption the pro•sla very platform. w halt wtoi tmaii pro-blavery as it Clime loin. tic Minds than it was it Lien ntiopted, anal TV Ilk I. prriv,..i Om Math of that jiarty Hi next gravitated mi.. ti. i in... Noll. int . pany. w Mesita. hell., to liresk up, IC , 11111. :n ir. ganizat:or,, but tic could even theu. withiwiti his 1.01 disorganization tot aiihough Lc soppotte,i FREMONT, he insisted upon running :in the the same ticket 7:jai him as n candidate for Vice President. nun got a miserable hand ful of poi.ticiet, to put Lim iu nomination for that place Nothing cam: of hie •listir • ganiztng movement, because the man wan now tog. -teak to work much mischief, but he persisted in considering himself candi date let inc 'Vice Presidency up to the night of tile e;eczion. The records of the Electoral Colleges however, do not show Met he received Ray votes for that office. In 1664 he was so thorough a Radical that he could no: conscientiously support .11r LINCC,I.N or fir Jonnsoat, both of whom seers too ConservatiTe for Lim He accordingly aided in getting up the Cleve land Convention which nominated FRE MONT and CHCHRANE as candidates in op position to the Republican nominees. We believe our neighbor of the Cststscec.,/ was somewhat inclined •u: the same direr Lion: but its heart was so thoroughly sick ened by the feet that that Convention . passed by Gov. JonziwroN in selecting tin candidate for the Vice Presidency, that it was eared from lapsing into absolute liere sy: but the ex-Governor continued to hold on to the MCI-6411a nominees as long us their flag fluttered. at least he never openly withdrew his fellou-aliip from them. Ep to within a short time of the present Governor -lorrits - ror: La. been dessert as an opponent of the,l'resident's pulley It was only wisp the President disceined the eminent fitness which* has slumbered with out recognition alueo 11352 that he discov ered bow thoroughly he and the President = f',. ,10 •Ai nilt••1 n• and • 11" pm 4.41 t c ntt MEM ME I= i a I.,:;1,1 azioano., aicd Itzpr-,r [ll,lll , o 1 zIDI.6IDIII^, r A ISMM::11 =1 ,tely ha' Ida , k nn•ti in nI = EZI MEI but Ili •. 1 %, tale i of ,n,.t.t " , t • •ica.l4 lhl.. slier IL:1N it4g ina.l, i Mr CONN! telniti his -4,1 11114,6 hp4,1.,g1/111 l Lai 11111 , SiCall110, al. I, at Witsltingion than thrr ”11,111 JI• 101 of g,tlc, w,,1 of .•criy ralicr an, a ,liJ iimitlet to 1 iiuntry. That Aut.. 1111 tit Itcr- nt the Executive Ciorerument an.l nl drink inore than is for into' 10, ,pllBl .nod, anti '1,111 4 h , piilit• 11, IrTIVAIe lilt An niii.r.•ll,lswil Ili I pu!,h, inch air 1L14,1, 1,1 1,• H =I 1) ~1 Its , 'l'l., ot,1:4:. The glint ntimHril) 10. I ILb 1.1.11tic6l s.thlion , 41 , II t 1.1.1 I=l Bllt pIII ill 111,11 t:111!, ~ 14 tmrv. r al .4,42 i 111 , v I,uvi• art uuted..tl,l kl 111 l',lllt. di the few ;of. uniu.dm ddy 11,111 II 10.. if r I$l.Zll !Tfltt 1.101 xl...•!:11112 nun' 11,1111, be .1- lital 111 1.4 livid -41 liit• , hall 1., tho E•.n.h.lato. , NV lotructpat A.,,m1 , 1y. A II II I II . =MEM ME= I==lllll=ll ireihiaii hi ~:troleman I .1( 01, 11i5.1.6,i“11 01 ,:le , iolas as "SqUal 1 e 111.1.U , Iun:e .11.1 ,•011,t , /rm.. ihni I,c :1,0111,1 15 stigmati7e Any OI =I PIa..aLDENT Th, Wasiougi on of a vapor contains the followin; "A few evenings ago, in ooirsc co and easy COLIVCES+II.IOII • •4$ ;;cal 'conservative ,ornpao, lent said the Repunlyan pa w l hug idol John Tyler :Is:. 2, 111,1 .lell-1110 11,6 hint or hetracing his parts tic a,, two I, scat not true that lie Wit , 101 l •,;hg toots:epts of Tylei. in 011 C 1 - e•peel cl When Tyler b . r0 . 1, - .1• with his poi t inenceJ turning Whig: , out or orb, e ;tn.: niiing the leo:metes I\lll, 1 - 1,11,0, 1 131 , I is uus that in a -hurt to list en en all hi, atltees n wity amt host tit lie he,i only as many friend- a- Le ha., liz, to Lustow The Wine. ejek•teo ul•ry eve, t> :r bluer and ail,s, vut•noe,. • lought hint to death •1,001, up tn.,. o %Aid I ctici Krt., 111.0.1 w t ht. M. 4 1.01. • :wan: II 7. :.T• hi.pitcalAt A h•P • r. ~thril my !Wilt y And -Wd . ./1 11,1. n7l up In the Ls u , ilr 1. ,. V•ni I cndily 1 'lntl I alit put,lilin:- , •••11, , 111 , ;I , flier.. Kr , A .oli,krit , ..tlicf• .11,1 111, thi• in,.‘llll veil ••,•pn,l,/n 1.. Luny roil in ILI, •llnii!,l turn 111111 Ike \ ine mid 1 Illtt t Air • ill luNiuNtic •frlrinl• , • nntv !.. ing Litre elutul , . imlrnmig , • wnald n Is, r.•tlu 1111)110•111 11../1.! .11 • I '1”..,(1), • {ki t ,...... , Ili 1,0 I. llirr, Ini Lt,1114. id.v 1311. i. I It I lit!111:111 and tli. ~1,111 home Tni. 84, —„,, rJ il. it ‘•, TH. h.ww w cit lit. r.!.. 11 . 14 I ik.,j)4 ••1 the t o exlh. , l Cu o; ' , null. %to, ILi ereft tra , h ILni • 011;t1 Aitttleti tli t tt. ,onutnunß, nl It• EMMET it ~:n „ • )1:1y 1, . I 1 ii/ 1I 1 i .1.1• A u•ii.•“ I,;,et, \ ut/ott..r., -1.1,1' Ell= 0,11,11 .41 Thad .h.I 111 'oury rep., 'ion •oiled that if the President did 11 0 1 wino ltutuit begin to appoint DettiocruLi to dr, U- could not retain the niltierenie of a mirk. De•ntn , tat three neck: lottud . T u .,„‘„As 1...“11). .1 the Retinh coniditneurt that elected him and went ‘ll,l . in the I)CllloCratt, 1.a.11111.10 , 11W,1 6tm ,elf as nn Independent ennolidnie in the Third sligsoitri Dirtrict. il.:11E of tr., Republican benators and Congressmen talk of a perpetual session s (imam. of checking the alleged injudicious appointment, and policy which the Preei• .:cm mad ice tit to adopt when Congrest , iiollol, Is order to make every possible preparn• 11 , -II 10 meet the expected visit of the awl ,rg during the corning hummer, Dr. Caleb tt , Berner,. chief tutolt , it; officer of the Bu :eau of Refugees, Fm-edilien, Sc., ha di ,eettal the chief surgeotts of liitti icts to ex heute at once a careful inspection of all re lief establishments and quarters occupied ds, dependent refugees and freedmen under their jutloui , lloB, and TO perfect such sn ni tart' regulations as may be deemed nece‘st, ry to guard, as far 88 pOSSible, agrlttlsl the tsolirrencc 01 cholera or other epidemic die-cases ; and to meet any extraordinary manda winch map arise therefrom. he Lan directed the medical department of the bateau to to' at all grime in - - Ilia corner -stone of the 1110EIUTI/elll to he ereotetl uver the grave of Stephen A. Doug las will be laid some time .lut tug tie. , month , f May or June, and the trustees having the matter in charge have invited wi lt , 11 Seward, Secretary of State, to be Ithe orator of the occasion. In reply, bee I retary Seward writes. "I may inform you that I should consider 0 an agreeable duty td accept this invitation, which does not exaggerate the regard in which I hold the memory of Stephen A. Douglas. The tam of his days in 'Washington were employ in consultation with President Lincoln and myself in organizing the resistance to dis Al Memphis, recently, several negroes Lave been prosecuted in the Criminal Court for keeping tippling and billiard saloons, in violation of the State laws, and their attor ne).. plead the Civil Rights bill in abate- I Judge Hunter has sinc e tendered los decision in these cases. He holds that the Civil Hight! , bill L, the supreme law of the land, all State lutes to the contrary not with:-tending, and gave judgment accord ingly In tutor of the defendants. The At torney General has signified his intention ot cat tying the macs to the higher courts TILE prospects for a fruit crop in this vicinity this season are said to be InVOTable. The backwardness of Bprins hagr the buds in a cpudition`wit tiestraited.bytht. changiueweittliei—Zibinon—,Courkr. )'J'-( '.l i1.1.»- =III =Ern II 1 MEE =ME u. I- it I 'I .3, 114 Ow '2l:mll . lk. 111.1 ME IL, I= =MEE 16.,••••• t. • ~n ., 1 , , 11 11 ,. . li.• 111 ; 1 1..11, IMEI 1:111MMIIIIIIIM1 =NEES 1111111 MEM! ~, =MIME lIMIE IMMEIIIIIIII MEM =I =MEE 11111 =II Le Pre= en I =I r~~„~,. '. ~~, ~.r I=l MIME BIE I R i ) ,I ,~~ .., i ., , ..~ =I TM ME =IEEE 11 1 os : r •: • .111.1 11j. 1.. I.i • 1 - 111 IT PIC 'II. I I • ••• I•• 1.... I A I , TII.• 511, ,- o 11 , 1 kilt] w -tun. or.- Is I tin I are plun.l-. winter 0, Ire , 1 1, 1,01 tier• Nun , ar. .•s 11,1. .1; r•Foirt tauERIFF . Ity Lear y .now /f - r t'in, null, In. CEN. S, B. M. YOUNG, beet, laud list -It s eia*r andlit first hide (010,1 F,urtlt Perin.ylekoln t 4,1E111 of lot, trasli the 1T..111 Many the (.3. - ..1ert.m1.1 and . ' SH ERIFF ,ta sop. and will br ~.- . n1,11.1 Ins ,i - ottuges, I :;(.11' COL. JAMES MI. SNODGRASS, an DLit., 1 . :4111/141.tly ~1 The PrrTauirtni a .55 t i N u. orihnoi iI /1 .• y t , Tas• 11Va l o ' t r / .I ' ll I'tt. "„e oeal.lon pend martial I.lk. ur dready before U0 , 110166101F - ER, military ...in , . THE ..verland Ina.. •uri,•l. wlilll, tall% MI GEORGE HAMILTON, al Al. - 1.1-. , n• Eon”- We'the'da evet' „r Put.tur i,. eayrct so Oa actionshr f • tins ing, [nought Twasengen. Its • Ittp:,ll,on roi.fty Cans syk:lC A' 31 .^ COUNTk commissibitno. way - xcettle - f* 'J11) Twe reyer s lie..f OA. eTitablibitett 1800,001 . 1.000 Thr..rt. CHARLES PUGH, are tw. - nty 11.•.11,and ~ lergymen 4t :4•11,1, :tor. wlil t,e • c.and Idol, for , :ounl, luto- RE ! ENE C'nlumlma makes he ' l , ! 7 li r c . k n r, population 311 POI CLEAR OF T t 0 6. RELIGIOUS. JOHN U. BROWN, IRRIsTLIN lit Of Hampton rf . uwnslalp, 1616 Frlc•le 1,,J. 15. &Mk ALEY:I,IIk::. ,II 1 EN, 51,0105) HALL, Rely, renr. , e Vole zlrplir Kr, „,, „ „ 1 - , CLEfili OF COURTEL l'rky., Met tin, ut. 1.:4,6A1' /NC k/ 7;1.. otp•41:11 JOSEPH BROWNE, FLEE/ GIOUS SERVICES • Preaching In the 1111.61' i; AF fIkT CHURCH ! ••bands Amlllcry kuoje,) to she lot.lkton of the by the rak4or, 11, JAM CCDiCK ee,Lry ! litpublican County 1-on ventlon. waits It: 11,1t1/ , bny ai l o t ^ clock, a. tn. and Th p. m. — r- -law• ut! the pou,l, Invgtdto ! ' FOR COURTS. •Itend . _ _ LECTURE, m EAU ANTILE LIBRARY JED O i 1.11 :Pt Xi 8 MISS ANNIE E. DICKINSON 11 Ll.l. K wi ILA Monday Li K. April tt3 MEM= Dour. open at 7 1.r..t roatlnt.l,-., at 7A, a•rlock. Slagle Cletele. tae. ,41.1 extra. taLats 1.47 01 !ex, red al Lily Mt.: , - DAY. rosnlacacinx lao•clock., A. •Aa this win be I Ilk: LAAT LECTU /4 I.yr the Caen, ALL tickets will be ratan rip at the data. BANEWELL. Jar., JA Elf J. au.L. t 5: Ati3RPE Z , LL. apt. Lecture Cosaalttee. \llllll I *" 11E121111111111=11 Mr! MEMO r.:A I orr.l ‘lllll. 11.1.13 yr xl rrn k: 1 , 11 , 111,11 it t E ?II A S : vy tr A l l , l l .l 'i.' s - 1,1 .' , ... 155 :,. 1 .,,`,. 1 .1 5 r1:1 1 : 1 t 1 i'1L:1 . Tr!: ‘ t S r r 541 ..Mor r trr.• r 1) •ri r•riA 11, Llll trig 1: Ca TV' Ei ; WHOLESALE Zl=l =EIS WESTERN PENN'A, 13E i M III!! I= MEE I r , . I al NEST GCGDS pnl I %VI 1,1 1 If F. 1 t• II .Ir. N•• lit !IPA 11A111 ~Al, I=l Notions & Fancy Goods '4l'l'l LEI , 1i ...VI HA IES RE( PER EA PRESS TEM DAY Fine Silh Sn►► Umbrellas, Bajou's and Alexandrios Kid Gloves Alvrriz..un's Star Shirts, supplied at L:. - Av Prices, at Nos: 78 and 80 Market Street. NEM' GOODS! FRENtH, GERMAN & ENGLISH GOODS. DitEsti f RIMMINGS: hll%l lIAIII NETS AND CuiLt: Iv it I 1E 8 HIRT, EAU • D BLACK: REAL MALTESE AND POINT COLLAR 6: LACIS MAI AND VEIL MATERIAL: REAL AND cLuxu LAcEzi, E LACE OLRPURE LAMl—saw styles; ENV BTYLFS ITTTTO'NR for prease• and Costa: TIES AND SCARPS—new etTles A rull astortment or RID ULON T ES. SILK AND I.IBLE GLOVES: 1-IQOE.RI, 81(AR:re, cOILI t ET3; EMBROIDERAICh, RlElpg 8. and rrNCY 00 , ./1 , 6 AND DO /align InellM. Y•lIl And many fancymalta and nay, atYlet serer before opened in Dittslaangh. Merchants Supplied at Eastern Prices, I=2 No. 3$ Wooa.veo i. 19 Fifth Street. alai New sodas! WRITE, 01111 LW" CID Monday. %Nil 111, I nn ;7)-L \V i St ree NOW OFFERING I=l OM At Lori Prices, for Cash lit lERS FROM EASTERN OHIO, and WEST VIRGINIA ARE INViTEE TD CALL EliMial NEW COODS NOW OPENING BATES & BELL'S. 21 Fifti► htreel NEVI GOODS: IC) D'aT ' . 01 . 1 I I I. 1 .% I A. I I= =CM EA_TON, 17 Filth Street GRECIAN COILS, Fine `bills. Parasols. llA)ibt.R6 ElltaNGS, Real Point Lace Collars HA.DIBIIIIO FLUNBINDS, HOSIERY AND GI: ES, et..) T? Duplos Elliptic Hoop Skirts, UE4D .VETS. Wholesale and Detail Dealers MAGRITM, GLUE & 00 cw -ood.sr. A SPLENDID ASSORTRENIL All the Novelties MACRUM CARLISLE, 2 Peak Street. MEDICINAL WATERS fic Mt IA I, 11% CUNCRESS, SELTZER, KISSINCEN, SARATOGA STAR, he.. he., he SIMON JOHNSTON, tomer ‘oniiitheltl and Fourth S 6 I=llllllllll ' O . • • ',1.,. `pring KIM DRY GOODS, 'mix MIN GS,Ble NER GOO (Pi 11 lir(' E, ORR S. 10. •2:. Fifth Street NEl*- iv fil - viT Q OaD8:1 I= i )11_ "i (-4 (.) C.)1.) , N' 4 # 7 Mitt !§etnple''.4. PIO and 182 Federal tareet, I= Just ()peiied. KATI, § - MA ACES'!, HaRBONS, FLOUT. R§, JL.st nad :ut u...e.eart and ivrtatl et William '%'exixple'.s, ISO and IS2 Federal Street, t et,,,e Market - Fi GOODS! WHITE, ORES (0., 2J Firth .street = fiIPRING GOODS W. W. MOOR HEAD'S No. SI Market Street. H FINE VnI.C.NCIA LA , h. TRINI.IICo I , INT AND YALE: (lALAI E 111,1,1 , 1, 0-UNEYI.«.DE (aLAM. rLAIN ANti tHIRT Vio,N la FAV Wirr.i VAR', I A t , ktin arHI Si Nittrket Street NEAT GOODS,! u Hat:. OUR & 24 rairlh Street CARR Mcif ANDLESS do (0., =II r) } , .1-IEIA,S ASO ”LIME.,./ Wo)J 11,1•1114 EL MEM BOOBS, STATIONERY, &c .N1.416.4Z1N1EN IFOlt 'PHIL, ilr`sl l/ =MEM I= BL J. .11 ash .L.Nla Co AV., Al.l . - Mal , For ti. 1 , 01 \ I• HI • I •I) Rt. I 13‘,1,.• BEF ror ...FIN lIVN r S c”. I 111 .NI,-all,lsea. all s. 531.1 qu3llrl,, f, rile by fil'Nl' A Co. PEN, N...1 ,, tt • a1t , .1 John Hut" 1 C., totand.. I . l,•tug Card.. at grrativ 1c.,•1 Al' NI/ , PRNANII• N I %I. rill:. I INI/ eleen ter lo • ted In the Itrstcot aspedlliduslT and al the JOHN P. RUNT & CO., N 9 Fifth !rt.. Masonic Hall ~,,lIITU'S AMERICAN INK, ia,4 ,11. e ShN , l.D'zi FLUID And about che•prr 101, It a trial. It I= endorsed hy • .ntv of the Of bt i.elntants In the cvnot. ..1 mom ILF.AI). 75 Front atre,t. OCULIST AND AURIST I)EA.Fiii£ SS, =1 3M - W - J, [AA.PL, ==l - - -.-- -: DR. GARDNER, 01 'New York, OCULIST AND AURIST, I=l JEVAE', Tuesday, April 17th, =I iEi ..0.57 2 T-7 FiLia 1211. mt A :ter that t!ale stt MONTHLY. of which due r.otice , 111 be strew. Office at Monongahela House, Andsn cinuited on asalnelis. Not, in the Head. ca Catarrh. Discharges trom the Ear, Scales the Ear. Oltstru , tione of the Eustachian fut., and all Acute or Chronic Disc.es of the Ear and Ate neesaffes. Artificial E 3 Cl Intened SAlthout Pain, and perfectly resembling the Natural Eye. Operations for Cataract, Strablrmus or .Cross Eye, Artificial Pupil, etc., skillfully perMrined, and all DLTertees of the EYE AND EAR tnarcd. and Beery operation in /tura! and Optattal y m e,ere performed be DR. GARDNER. Fur further V•nlculsre. references, tvaLmonials 't : . ai d e f MAVl r iVlV . )M A. It To G_P_, r r in,t,d (No,e. 17N W F.O 1 YOOTY-TI3IOD ST. ! NEW ILO/11.1. CATARRH! CATARRH!! RDR. is ARON Ed l'atarrh DI the meaos Of ent Merlleated lottAlaUon. Dt. Uardner Cats fer to a number of ettizeos of Pittsburgh who have 1 twee cured br biro. ,r,bmtirr, HOTEL, _ - - w. C. 0. WWI'S .J. N. W ILLARD. Gill. ANDrIFIF,ON lATILJLAELD HOTEL, Onnume the Court !tout. LOT:MEM JuSVPll9)¢ted,Aewly-Sttsd aturtarettetted. 4,3 111P5. wit:LARD A '6. A rtiort el a r 4. WALL PAPJERS, pion tuniut HDOI)y Lt kNO RRTAIL DEAL!g NV _AI I , A_IP tf.,l t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES ..AL. 121 1.-1 C) 0 NU" IEI .701. 13 V. arehouse, 91 Wood Street, 1,4 41”,.1 Nv Al.l. PA PEKE. 11.1,H t t . &, In -Vete. Designs ?LAIN A!,1 , 11FA1 . 111 , l . 1 it It lei tli ~VI liT ow Heoal- =1 101 Market St reel, near Fifth t. o", ult MM.( 1) 'PLR Ili AM: JAW. FOR I ;146. america ea •fall Pupere in. l'E E.ri./ LES if P. 4 PER i.‘%l French Papers =ME i' FLA IV4-1,1 tstr, mra4 FINE 1.01.1) PIPERS, 1•o 1,40. 3FL Ei , MIIIMETI lII= ll= W. 411. PAPER, lIM=II I -1 - 11F1- I YU' I H MERCHANT TAII.ORS --- C` EN. GRANT ....1 , ,,T1C3.1 - 16.Z0.... ,, C) .MC.II3FIt., NEW SPRING STYLES 313CYV - SEi' 47 SC Clair Street. GRAY & LOGAN. REMIT G. HALE. iliE.ReliA 'TAILOR, 161a1ST OMB lit FIN' > Ei GLEE MUM Cl= • ,• urn t banns td frionds nod tb• pub- L !< Ub.,64 pc,nsa.ow and woold ho has Just rotttru 7'.—.—.' ma rk,:, aria wall ..rom tilt: ..za.t . s.. ma. . st"^: of Fine Woolen Goods, Puliarly y :apt, T.> SPRINGI AN ec L/ l'il:S1:11ER WEAR CLOTHING NOTIf E. JOHN B. IVIYERS & CO., PHILADELPHI.I, Wednesday, April 25th, 1866, No,. 232 and 23.1 Market Street, A SPECIAL SALE OF C -4 ,11.. 7L" 11 ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, ug 'AV k tot the. 1•91; STI:1 AND REST IcE All. TKADK. tarluding ,Its In ( acpl , anr, • t. 1111 RI O rlt • • %114115 co.ST! , . Flt}' , K • 1.1."1 , , Al- KJ. .11 1., t• .110 SEAT • r • Flt-r IJATs. I,NT- t It A,111 , ..1.PN NII I 311 , 1 ..tn. rut xS.. 111 BLUE YLANNEL. Ifi.l. 1.. and I •11. r, •I xa.lllrayU Itte SACEB , A. Is T I{l/1, .111,1 , .0.1,1 1401 , 311,1 ItrxyD Ety ANTE aud %IST, A Largr I. i. ~1L.111• II .111,11. a, la :it ERS: ` , Ar'ICH; .• • I•A VESTS ,1111, ••I(..tha•le I, and SAC KTEEtIn lIMEMIEME=M Ihegood. rolujolniug t oak. have all been made 1 - 11 4, 1 . 1: I NU .4.1 , 1 Z ., 13.11.11F.. It TRADE, anti Sr,. of the I.rlo, Styles, or re, ellperlor mane. farlare. In M frneh. English end Allturl•mai Clothe .113 , 1Can,Int-rr, of the rbOlerSt ,e lrctloo. The Culla hal car. fully Ferry lot will COO• mist a /. W , feel cond. •leut that a •411111, in •• I • ~1 • • 11.> ae.:Jom rl,l that !11l 011: 1., Inducement. Inoru lop! of th"ale. ~: 1 N 1:. ,L\}} CU.. =ll3 CLAIM AGENT, cLAIm AGENTS. ARTHURS & RIDDELL, No, 135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ALL DISOHARCIED VETERANS Who lila ant Rect., a Local Bolantr. oR THEIR UEIRs, h,r, ”1, bAl4it tt.r ..At. U. Apply pergurtally, or el, - matt.ap2.t . .l6lnroa , lOUNTIJES.- -All Discharged Sol die., or rha Heirs of Deceased tialdlen. "Ate enllstrd to the lira B Yacart93 645.1 - 10 - 1,0 16.1.1 soldiers who were discharged fromnay °slot service without receiving their Government Or Lo cal Bounties, are regnesiqd tosa i l or eoull,tbolT ad dress to T WALTER Solicitor for Bounties, Pensions and P. No. FIFTH STICEET third door le.low the Ca Marina. Isis HATS, CAPS, &c 1866. SPRING HATS. 1866. Air, 131 WOOD STREET, With to t.s.lt opootal attontlot to their largo ata tplataa stock of Baia, Ac., for Wing and Sum mer If 111 - zzialgo maw "V'Etz - leoty., GE AD TESan D d RSYS, T C NAT SES S:DEB, , Ets... NT'S s• (HAT'S •' BRltitiToss, SUII sERS, 110R15/NB. DERBYS., PETOS. d . c. Ertl * 31-(2)1.COC:1151 ct er7 deacrlpttont to 4lttt 411 04,4 t, • HAY. -RAY? HAY?! THREE CARS BALED TIMOTHY HAY - , ‘ , ll "ALI 111 SHOEMAKER & LANC, 1;2 rItEET. SUNDRIES. SZEGAR AIVID cOFFEE AT RE kibbc EL PRICE', —A lar se stork of fresh goods bought at the lowest cash poets, lust received: Lovering Relined kitgars And ky re p - rhOlte Gov ernment Jura. Maricalno, Larruyra cod Itto Coffee, at the lowest 0 , 1, pr Ire, wholesale And retail, at the tiroc,ry Store of JOHN A. lib NOMA W, •p2l Corner of Liberty end Hand tomer!, MEW 41:110P FlGS—Very choice nc el g , In lore% bags; also, In ansa/1 r . a v par boo,. fur refs I 110,,,..gc 4 1 . , , , , ..e1a, Nr d f 5.4 sale apst Cooler of LlitertY and Hand etre:eta- TMPEIULAI. PRIUNES--Shrty to the pound, Just received and for sale be the can or tingle lumina. at the Fatally t: rarer? Store of JOHN A. ItliNktiAtiV, aprl Corner of Liberty and ll•nd .treat_ MAPLE SYRUP-60 gals. choice Ma le ""P• 1144Vir.irt Althrreird,"4 for sale y apt] Comer Market and Fir. streelo. B UTTER -5 hall Obis. oho ire n-r Rotl flutter Jost enrols...l'mnd for sale' by 61GTZJAI' t 6 MiIIe , TRONG, apZI COrnerOf Market and rind atrteld. Glonditirta-10 bbls. Sorghum tA' Molasses In store, and for sate by FIKTZEH a muormoNti. apa Corner llarket and Pleat- tartan.. , LOUR BARRELS-130 Rolind n. Hoop Flour narrate In store and for WO n't irrair.u.a A sots'nomu, .p 23 Corner - Market and near street*. C)O8IN-12 bldg. N. C. ROslll Just iweived murky R. nota.nnt. Y. TOPf4-204(d ITENTlrvt..cm,yaft Y lUBBITIATIND OIL.— Superior -a- , natural. OW) =MUT it. OOLLIM,