THEE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. P. B. PENIIIISIII N. 1 nuamELL ERR ETT, Editors. ÜBLISHILD B 7 rim . GAZETTE ANZIOULA TIOA NA 1911 TltruSnerr. Prrrestrauti. EIM:I3 PEE TEAR, RD BY eknfuiit 8 Iti) Niftsbutoh 6a,zrtte. SATURDAY, APRIT A PoßTiox of thr 11/ Luzern. county Sr,. on a wtrik, iOBEHIS sap; Sc to made his In. speech, whieid being tate. pieted. mexns his wing of the FPn:an h0..1 hss retired from tAISIBPs • Tl 3 E President appended to Judge Stant, bun s nomination an intimation that his curifirmatiou yrs., desirable as a means of bringing Jed: Davis to immediate trial at Nashville A RErOlt r res. t,es u= through private sources that the Erie Railway is likely to pass into the lids of th., Atlantic and Great Western people. We do not vouch for its accuracy dill ONG the incidents indicating an eller. tual restoration of the Union may be taken the fraternization progressing among the Free Matins, the Odd Fellows, and the Methodist Baptist, and Pre,hyteriati char IN consideration of the existence of the cholera in the lower hay et New York. an organization has heen formed in that city looking to ft diffusion of the disease, and the gratuitous dispensation of medicine , tll such at may he unable to provide tor Thom !wives. Itir. A H STEPHENS derlaitti , eartietly et what lie hold, to Is. t h e oppression 01 excluding whit, rt.hels from pnlh Hal power Ye( In dos , Ent see any I, plFte,9lorl ill the exclusion, by 111/11. el! aa,l frieuds, milliorri if 1i.r.0 black people iron is It:t• cal right,. Dona he understand the rule of Common , that they who demand equity must do equillis 9 . THE Wilkc,bsrrr 7', . . riithribl Mae 1, twine •Itrveyeii (rent tluit litiLijyagh uyrr u, 1111 W y theren fleet wrth lit brativii Eri.• Railway at Lackawai.cri c to tic a coal road, the r . nr , al; ins Newburg branch at (;Lester From Nvwbure a road will be built tip to Alban) A bridge is now constructing at itic lath, polar, num.:lun g facilities for running coal Inuit the eastern States, CITY ITEMS. Cbll4llrea's Friend "igrafre Treble , La all of Iltiabea Pianos. Atlanta.% and VOLUM" Anil. For May. at Plttockyn. l‘orley and Lodi•. Frloud For May, at PlttocL•'.•. Ilaryer our or May, at L'lttock • "Bgrlatie Treble narlotio BlOrne, Solo .A.g out "Inaba's Square Grand Ptanas For sale cagy by Charlotte Blume. «i F:Nu I=l Elam'll. Hong, /Con:swell, Mon Sisters, Dixon, A UZI.* Broughuni croi !ler, photo. at Pitreek's. J. :X. Ft:lton%, Drou Sto,e, gamove..l to 10 , "intithnold Jot, tt,t. ur.r Fifth street. rkppoAlto Automatic t>rtian• 1. rosevrool, walnut an❑ oak eases, made ny Prince for sale obi:: by Charlotte Blume =I And Llhen thirt F runt.. a I.ev. Just , Jpene , l on the northeast otwner of Fourth 40,1 Mar ket streeta. I 'vet Brt, Not* ripritig,D - ry Now opening on the north enstcorner of Fourth and 3larket atreets. HANSON, LOVE S DEO Prince d Co.'s Impros - e1 Patent Prize Aiedai AUSOMISLIC Or gan, and I. , itiodeonr. Splendid new stock at Blume't , Music Store, 13 Fifti. street. Immense Stock At Wm. lieming.s first class hat u“.l esy Luuse, No. IS9 Wood street, .holesalo and reiatt, as low as anyjobbing house in the count-: The Half Acre Lots a: Collins Park, To be sold on the pre:rases n•zt Monday after noon, are Among the most desk - ark la Zast Liberty Their situation is nnsarpassed On ly a few ere remaining uasoid Colored .9.lpacas Every• •nade of color, at len than the u•url wholesale price, on. the northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. IrLascrs, Lovz t Bro. I. L.,A. L I. Refrigerator', Ice Chests, wlth stone water cooler and btu ter crocks complete, a new supply Just re °elven at Hubley.s liOnse-furelshing Slurs, No. di Federal street, Allegheny. Wm 'Limbo & Co.,' Plano Fortes 'Silage instruments are superior to all Othelnt In regard to tone, touch, durability and work manship line.e's tquaro Plantid bare their new improved Grand Scale and "Aealre Treble latorgsebtle Dry ekUecis Frnin the !urge .tale.', and will Le suld lower than Spey ran bought et.oelwre. ne n:lumber we are 110 w thenorthebat curate of lecr.u - th end Market street' C 11.4.5,b0n, Loye & Wbat 1 Draw. I draw Lbe coolest glass of Soda Ws:, I draw the shorpost. mare the Lest Syrups. do all thin for live cents a glace, at 34 led era' street, Allegheny_ 3te Just opened. At tha Drat class bat house of mg,'.l4-0 . • 119 Wood street, it large a toco of men sad boys. straw goods, gents. flue )tench felt bats, of the latest styles and In all oolors—also ladies' and tnlw n beta , trimmed and un trimmed; all of *bleb ells be ,old wholesale or retail at the loaeSt Not Lone Hine. a Lady entered a ear I the PCIIII ailera road, .0 erenaded that no a erupt wan wade to give her a seat, wall p ently a gentlemen tieing to Lear,. Ilse ears ffered her ttle plat, to, lend PaCEIDIed. tontead, however, of Wklue the else turned lanaly and said ••I wu, oDltgetj d arn going to ritiouW'n ta nen nut Al oomv, Gold Poen. 'Wad/eta, at." Spring and annunar Good• The iron-known store of Mr. John Wier, merchant Tenor, N'o.l2ilF'eileral street, gheny, has boon lately fitted up with anew 1.4 sOrtracnt Of spring and summer gocsla. The stock has been yell selected, and embraces all the, numberless articles needed for gentle. men's garment,. Alergo stock of ready •11.118 pants, COWS, tests, Bc. , will asso be found in In Ins establishment. Lite stock of furnishing goods cannot be surpassed. hereon,. destring to purchase a good suit of cloth , s would on troll by giving Mr. %Voter a call. Thomas W. Parry a Co., Sraatital Slate Hoofers, and Dealers lo Ameri can State of •arlona colors. Office at Alexan der Lauyitlio'a near the .Water 'Works Pitts burgh, Pa.. Residence, No. 78 Pike street. o r , den promptly attended tO. •ll work warrant. ed waterproof. liepalrhur (tone at Um start. est notice. Yio charge iliaTepiarll, provided the roof to not abused afte. it input on. AClStpeialter Jobbing MAIIIP !laving returned after an etbeftee of three Tears in the arm/.I hare reopened toy ehop .tor at parts at jobbing in the.carpenter Lino at the pld Azad. Virlicui.6.ll6Y, between gnat& dold 51 ;M tliti4C 4F / Y- 411 0 7, -9rder wad tgroapitr. Siten4e4 tox • 'wpm. FICK VOLUME I.X X X CITY ITEMS Don't Wont Jr, tr. to an) other place,- -.aid a little cit . ., ••I tour ream, to her mother the other . • lit 'III divot latter 'lay, anti on weer tt• 10 , in litto the mother went with her html in the Doctor, SP. Penn street, where four ten-, oat teeth a ere extracted el unout the slightest papa, anal both mother and child felt nighty nieinghted The Doctor has made hie eatab- Itehment very attractive, And is icing a large hashes., owing to the portly of the gr. he Owes and the great patisfactinn renlerati in everything Inc doe, The people can till him at the white hmtwe, 2W Penn street. 1 1i An Error Corrected. Men practitioners and medicine makers, in epaang pulmonary medicine*, age mgr.', unto which must be pi novrilted not ottnr, I,.tn three or font times per day: - toe treatment In 50105 cases ~ to employ a 1.11,11- cline that is sate to US4 every Sheen Minutes , - the directions for cough medicines should be "little and often:• it to the throat, not the stomach, that requite* treatment—this 19 thr secret of the success of Coe* Cough Balsam . Take It, "little and often " In a - e. y snort time It hat. become Immenoetv popolar . agent for Pittsburgh. tri.olelale ant r Mil, Is loseph Firmiog,ltt. No, get ,t 1 Take Time by the Forelurk 111,1,11•14 a hich generates ridden..., te net. I.lloa rioting in eloouois 1111...11g name of the nog-day Sun. Evert' elvtfog at a-t:o 5. re !kite annum.ond rnon• tina I , ll,inme vapor.. and ..t n.., d,,, anal the attetotteioge, hle n lot/rl neat. and plea.; ale call town...en, the en...intent, of .limease are etole . eol. The pres,non the cetera° It never at great a tin the seennd .40.1 thud alum s nod common sprite teaches us that these org un :eon', to be leinforceol to me...! II We hold our heees, so te. speak. on ed.. 4r, 2..1011, im 9...1n It hell 11000 i•ooet of dilapidation M moat ratdd arid rennin, dn. n—, 1 en, tort,l her.•loore. and , 1.1.11 out I Ine• movers of liatlll, i: • t might) vt.ofetotole rot.teeterant, liteali t tleCt Bli i 4 41, Be a too take- ol ono) he seed 11/11.1”..11 on monolog) . mall, against which olo• demo,' .(to=nne a 10 hurl it. p0t...100t • ho lim Ito vain m no gratuitous AN . .., to in• WI a ,rt cal .a.'.l. .'..1 fuel. at t est eti Ite tall ..• experience In et - ••llmate the imlnnot.le 0111.1 ers kempttrttl..- main .11.- I t torlo 'Ow Inno • troon- .of 110...t00e,0,•!.. the Iniet and the skm It I. Thrnitch tool the most olungeooou. Ton, 'Leon 01 ad vane . , all It /lo o tto o llet'm 101 lora, and •lety heat null malaria Rawl otter's littler. nnlnnnlo and retail .it 0 .1 11 Drag and rettollt o -I Martial.i g , rrnelt of (O. I 1 1,4,1.0 , !war Folrlti Si: out. l'oftlivenr.... liablittal 11/111 • 11••1' 'I In ,tll , e o.tto, ~1 iti. qll log% of./ 2'l ‘V, 11,,r .1311 y, prot.le Ilk /WI .leiPlitt . • t tie e can tn. traced to Limit foo the eon , of thl•. I ronl•le The, it :1111 AVe reeeinuiend lit gar I tidied l'ilk lb.. tieat .• of. ey ,111 fain no uierenry. otnei am. 1.,1 voimosi tool ael like a ennrin on nlll. 111 • tntoStlllet.. them It trial THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. icctdent la. l 4,•ement, %tato of Maine Full Particular.. N API-11 . ..51—The ohl oil,. tam Brnwn, u - hn•h let t P'rt ta.t .. al nnae n (110:1:, nrrlved hen, IT I o clock this morning, Itilvinu usual number of pflinellifers also ono hrindred and oft - 3 t • from the steamer State Of M In Long Istatiii ii.orrtit, off Bart: 'i . • The futloo ink fact , were obtained • io fun tiothen, ;if the C.c.:, at Maine. tiler rt• In 800, , cle rk .if the -te , am. on M Vur C ric h r, conillrtCrOl 01 the New London ant Wort - este, line From tile statement of ems n bm.len. it ainicars that rai the trip iroin lien Vio 01. t Nevi lanrolon, oil Thuo-lai wni , wilt; In three uthee of New LOT. AOll the •traii, Fite. , of Maine ran on the ratite at Lantern PottA, going on. however su edoly, Ilisit even the panaenger , on board knew n 11/1 otlll. nf tht, rite, notil after chi , I here flea/ all too, Time rock at the pow.. here Ole -frock Is , 00le clothing, and apparentft n 0,,.,: riamau wee teeeli,,d After lay thg thr a tor about two under , the steam ferry boat pi :nu across the river from Nen - London, putted the steamer o.r, /toil she lauded bet east a ardr, bound eit , trodero at New London. On exacta:union, Cap , Borden found , he steamer was leaking slightly, from the turd that tier forefoot was split about three feet Delo. ti ... nice tine C unrest: was ed Over the leak outward., and utile, measures taken toprevent any further leakage while laying at h e : dock durng the day In Ft,. day, the leak was hardly pereQptlbie, 50 til,o,t did It appear that Captain Borden did not think ft necessary to take any further steps id repairing until after he einould have al rived at N. w York on the arrival of thr 13oettm tram at New LOndOrl, the passengers ' , rot on hoard, and the State of Maine left at about for New York. After being out !rout New It as on hour found that the steamer was making water fast. and the steam pumps were put to work. Some eighteen inches of wuter was then in her - hold. After an exatis;- but ion, Litpieta Borden deemed it boat to stop and await the passage of some One of the . stonnct oasts to whom to transfer his passem gen The steamer aid Colony ut the yew s,rre line, soon after am signalled by iozkets, and hauled along side, at the request of Borden. Captain Brown, of the Ohl utiloco had everything In readiness,and very ',venni- j ly took every measure prompted by the ant.- ipatiOn of what might prove to lei matter. On hoard Of the State of Maine there were one hundred and fifty passengers on lei Jerk's hat, Including some thirty ladies and Slane ten or twelve Infanta and children At ' the time of parting with the State of Maine there was but tour Inen,i of water in her, Find it wen found that while laying tali; the leak was Lanny pertleptada Captain Bor•leu de cided to follow On In this rity under aa4) Mean] late Washing - lota !Vela.. Naw Idea, dprd 2.o.—Tbe 2rlGulor., It :1,11 thgtml Ipectal , ay:: The ...ate Loudan,e. , ou CvMliiON-Mt toNtay agreed In report In t3V:•r k, trete - X - 9S 1, or,l • —T: e firm rare 1,, , 01 E T Parker, no thirreyor of the port ut -:%,,, ;,,,, t,... -,„_ ~,,•!„ ,„' 1 ; „, 1 , ~,,,,,, of Nue ft:leant, and to retaet Ell - flora a- ui,, 1 1:l. ant 1 , .., . 110 0 , .0,1 trice fon corrector 01 h e tur secorriat of 100 pot. tetle lrenrs, 00 , .00 l r . Soil . . ..., r riclpltt 1013 11l the/I:U[lth°. tittle, 1 - N , ..5,., and I 'Att.,. All payment. or naval plies ate, ~, „,, ~,,t,, The Mel hod imi I Wele) ell l• ...I Argil Irha A I • UPS. h mums bare yet been paid, bare ,I, me' 't •Ylthlal.'ril.". !thee been suspended for the present, until et, tssn l or'""lltrr ,1 " 1 . Ito' anthem ' , lol l '''. " lll l' t tiles for their payment Shall be detern.lead eft` , e lsilor , ol than ow. upon try the iteelnioll of the fLelp[fger utrirg , 11 I- asllsnotat that out, three I 100,atto before which several prime Case Mare norr pond. , bale, of . ot (On [ell/Hie upTrim I) r, er,Ter as. A in ' The crup esrly cleared out Th.. soft., 'F 01.1 0. ti be coneurringtemtitOOny of theeustO to r.fTh in Tata, mod Loolalatia ot uttaitlattetl by rain deb scat..,l on the hanada frontlet-, rhos, and toot sod look+ a al! that not a- it hal andlne the predictions. many, 1 h.. ras sc-r- In 1t,,,,,, 1i....i. .. smuggling operations have decreased attire l ' h - ~,,...,-, l o ok • like sn 'tee the tormlnation Of the Reciprocity treaty. l Tin' Pr. , — ,. t"rt - .a , '" a•al ~ he l ' i • The World's special say. Ti,,' Ways and tol - arroncr- Means Commit lee have IL - tally Overeoute tit a iObstacles winch presented themselves relative ' tt 1 11. Appires fig by the Peen. to 1 uttooging a l.: nr five per Cent on cotton . 11 .OroNA pt II . - 0. 'l'b. President hen , The blll was agreed upon today and ell! he .0 k, I I lie trill anthortzlon lIIn to transfer repOrtAd as moon as It can he arrest/meal. The : I , , , „,,, ,„ the ,„,,,,.,.„„„.„, o f ,1„, u„,,,,,,,,, dintenlty had been In regard to eolleetting the . I , harla, AI. rah ~ in I/1\ V for the vessel tan. •ntt thl• in the molds of tlie (:(frond, te.. ....o, Me loin! I,ohgtelt ototextdtg against it., been obviated I.reloom, by foreign goverment:eta, of peraous The treuertal Tux 11111 ellt. all lea regUeLlol. .It, eitleg i:t tut,,,,,,,, er, ttte .„” e ',M t n of and mo(1111eatIons, will not be ready to report . t list, eel 4,1 . 111 We 11, the I o at .: Ratan. States Mae, before the first of next week. It Is ti very ; the 101 l to 1 elloburse the Slat.: of ..lituaruri en elahOrare lull, and h. mad the Committee 11 teWle . \ et,,,111,4 We the I . eit, [ tt Staten Ift en. vast deal of tit. and trouble, and It 19 fall.l. i,,ii j „, , ..,,,,„„, „„,1 ~,,,, ~„„,„,, ,1„. „,,,. as near purge , WI Yeah a measure eon be i tie tutees or RIO lu stropreven a ilia rebellion ' The .1,111 •:, t , ..,., 1... I- tpr.ropriat,l rot the /Sulfide of as Army Officer. , 1".:::'""."! N 1.4" Yon:, April 20.:--I'pa Amen' %V anlitog-- ,3” s p txfal says: Yesterday morning an °ni cer, apparently of the staff the Vetertin Re serve Corp., entered a get shop on Penresy rant. avemne r fear Twelfth street, and asked to see a pistol, gayta,g that he wan test to par chase one. The youth attending the shoji showed hint a large revolver, which a-a, load ed, and lintleadhlm that it was loaded. The ullieer took It front the counter, and plaeing his thumb on the trigger, and. the ninrtle al his month, aced and tell dead -tinitantly. The body has been Identified by several geni Lenten as tent ot Louts Ahrens, Veteran Reserve Corps of the Freedmen's herein, and attached al It ott art's Mad. tie was a. native of Hungary. and It Is stated that tie wan of , no bie family. He was ruefully On duly - in North Carolina, and leaves it wife lit 311ehlgan. No one In able to assign any reason for the act bat lilt friendssay that InT several tlava hr bas threatened suicide. Balled' forDos'ltute Allthaml sex. CMCVS2I•TI, April W.—An appeal was made during 'Change to-day by the Prisadent In be half of the suffering people in sad Georgia. The Chamber of Conm...reo appro priated thirteen hundred doliar4 ~,t of its rands, and abOut seven hundred aVI tional was arthscribed In a few nimdLes wards. Provisions will be purchased at onto, and forwarded free to the sufferers. 1: a er peeted that eight or ton thoenand dollars will be collie:Jed within the next forty-eight hours. A telegram from MaJor General rhonias, coin. mending at Nashville, lolly corroborates the report given of the sugeringe In Northern Georgia and Alabama. From British West ladies. New YORK.. April From the British 'West ladle* we have advice* from Antigestr, 3iaret 4itn Ltd from liamiltoo, Bermuda, April to. The vessels of the English North Anieldcae ced otion Was:4= Et t, a alL m teedps.are - expected - from AirieHHad with moneys and Mir Bindle& • THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. . . OIL FIRE IT SIIIFFER PI CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEI)INGS. 11' , " , ; - :.',4T,, f 1.`,':',:r",„`,",'..',.',"'n,',.1..:::;.','., - „,`,.`;;',..';"'r" THE CAL LOirit IN fiIiBRIA CnI.NTY, 1 • ___... sin motto.. of Mr. Donning. the :Ltd'', I es.minittee was sitopharased from the cot,. F M. ' `h acs:s. AP. pail iM, Biesf , atom of a mi. he • 141 in reteretwo ts. it, is s. i • , valion at roi 1 i'.•'‘' and it was Il•fer:.•i t.. "..' "hall it f Daniel Busier and Illie iliouNliti(l Bart .1 f (111 sEN..;rI.- i ,„ the I .011 ,11 i•••• •.1.1 1•01.:If 1.011.1-. JOilil it. ?lottser for the 'Murder ~' l'i'iii '1 , 'hut and ( aerie Milli (11)11 Seit.i . al Cars utent. .i i s o _ AI. Wilno.. „al- . " '''' ..." '''''' ...i ''''' tin mutton •of Mt NI. ...rhowl. tat . fi. 111 0 , 1,0 , 01 10g 1 1131 ths Pres. ft. at of the Putted ~I ta m, ~, , ,„',,e , ...,,,. „( itti a ,„, .t o top., , ' PLateo tie re.suested to pro-ore three Luilnahle hack the •;..1101r. 1.10 .... pat T 11.011114 1.. Ni 11-sw. 't j i • gold metal, a tth sin ttuide devices, one to he late United state- s it-ul st Boleti, ilia:AL TfIF Ikl ENIIIAIiIt, i , i , i'lllfii ED TEAksia, presented to Captain leeight 111. of the Alp rife''o",„”tt:thj'alji",:;',l„..!"!',":::.„:.." !, ' : il „ j t e "r „, ' „ s i l , ' „ ' , ,! . , r , - . 7 •'S '- • • it's , - c'sine. test . tth the tool rhree Belie, 1.1 ll 13..11;OR 011 n In Captain Low. goverment, a hot, .a- t ,dared and .iL. I .I.ti".' P wil and to i s..tit t a ato r s o I:a s , of toe hare. Filly, of Boston, arid one to Capt. philned„. , M. . , • . ..t. le iii... t- ot mind They '' ,') Ihe 11 . tchni• Stouffer, Of the ship Antarctic, with neremes- s rj • .i .thig. Pi ' , omit' , ....... '"d Ir. ' . T •' our readers Mi.., Pr .s• ;s o I • d an anti Re- Male of national gratittide for their gallant Wisseonain Begs our, tot grant of lan Ito ••• in a none cute in Jodie the Fiii, conduct in resmillig about five hundred A_suer_ old In the POnsti mulf. 01 -10 of the Wm- t o t . 00 00.00 Lotti.. in . ion ... t•ov, pni,i, i , , n n i i i , Inapt, now the wreck of the ateutnahlp Ann osibagoien.laupe t ',sr ralltowl an ex.tensis Loin s (minty. and altlinn,'. n,., i i ,,,1 nii iii ,,i sl y r ,,,, stro, a „,, that the cost ~, the „ athe h e Doty , Island to Itievon's. Point Roterred to aa .. ei „ elite y ,..,,,, -„.. 5 .t , _„ s t. a , t L , e a o paw out of any money in the TrllllAury non the Co nititti ten on Pols'. /awls i Mr. Ri m ht m a ,„ e, „,k e ,, h 0,,, o ff, ~ 11111 5A . Intl.. nod i.l r:i ug.ll tonlo..- tlit.iutth 1 i.c ~,,,,,,, , l ,tats ~, Doti r t, in.` appropriated AL 3 0 1,,,, • ,,,,„ . ~, Maryland, ~,,,,,,,,,,, ah re,lutitin 01.1 1 .o . llng 1110 4', oral on lop i . life, linl 1. , the Inn., !lout sloe 000 porno.: ,} amenstmesit opoLuiruitinii 35u,sinu to he .llss ; M o u ldhil and I 'tete., to twi tithe men the e x - ' nisi sol ., , Il 111 ..1 01..10 y ~t th tt itnitntl snug liar offing:ors and nrew of the I B ed iert. of Pros kit., hl 1.. liti the tainver . ea.,. The aton•nollontit Was agrtind to s and ' '''.. . ' tate Looks now organized into na. 11 the of the tont dor, wloch ....l•tle r. oat . 4- rrn. is the renol id fOti %., 100'1,Pd 1101.0.1.nnks, • or. of holoof n the 1,1 of •Itirtil at 1 tn., her oat, eom s „,s sat wan 1.a.00n Miln,ini The tell io, i elation to the liabew. corpus 0,14 .e.' I 0,0•.; .1.1 . 1.•.1 1•.•11 vent., this ihinghtet of o. , ~,.„ „ 1 , Ti„. ,„.,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, n • Mr. Itusss ',tee.- i 1,..: tools al I 'it. Ihe 11..,1.-." 11 11 111!..1. 1-1 1 L'.4•11 ‘,e the es - male. who we. w e t , amendment of NI. Cilmtind, to exempt from j adjourn Ott 111, ',l'll for the pia r obot .et a 11,1 - 11001 1 Intionantfleolosti unlawful acts ommitted by I . 41.0%, Tls. ,r 'soros], ratan wt... rutin eol 10, ariny Offinel aln ' , l.e.+ w hore that habeas' eor_ ; Fran. A spla.s.4•ll-I)lNn.tee oil .h.. Fur. , r , 1 V.... 1.:. lb. , , I 0 and tuli of Ju1..., :the pus was not suspended. The amendment'was P .... . — iFirly P..r...0...4 it 1114.41- souther.. ....i n , ni ti, thitril, will proleilily never I. lost hy yeas, tel l 'kayo, ls. i .oast •O‘lni... kn0...1., lino they were matt la utally 11/11 Mr Isin.aid iesbed that the Committee On Sew Yorm. %lied iii -This stiwai. ixtl.,, i ~ ~ '.., eit i.nil Ihi hot. , rifled TheY w er e h , s''' 1 110 (tacitly Railroad he diseliarged from the , from Aspinwall . has . i rs,,-. olt It *,,....K0 in to no oi, Ihr.o 0111/1g oF the :sib. and their ileac forther consideration Or a MIS to aid in the i ni6•o4e, od . ere lotin.l oil the :qt. The mortlet con,l runt.n of the southern branch of the i A sitittiater opens - re.; st A-011., ..II 0/1 1.l 01.4 .teat., !e'en,. orsotement, and two mer Pantile it allrood, on the ground that the Com- j There was t, fosii 1,1 l VA - 1.10.1 .1, .5 0 orsoi .1 1 04. , 01 , 0 , 1 11.10i° .11` , Re.ol. "ere aree , teLl an. miller are of the opinion that 110 further pe- steamship Enropoo it des, ro, to e It, s l ap ~,,,I trteu lo t t I t o et . me, mit rte After thi . - atilsty alitteist ions ots6lit to he 0.0.11 1101 by i four hurdle. t.•.., •4 , ; . hart ru t ,. ~,s t ...,of arre-I .•1 the at•on o• tialua..l pan In rma• tho oovoinineul 1,0 inl.l .0 the ...hint, nett.n of her explOsioi. 1.- -iii -ost to he i t e m am, tow will 1...•01ved than Ile lAarden it! the I . rth. 1.,,,,,,h..- .4 th.• I"1. i'l i•ll.•irle Battened . glyeenitie tilt twist st .thout -fly per...a. were Poo, en il, too Ili , elteet Ihnt it 1 , 0, - 101 111101. Th.. i..stimit lee wt., .lawhatged 1,1 requeslen.l. killed, ittintho.; I hen, t lio. n.tiotain noel collin.., ••I ••'.l Ii .0 M't.reat.V.i.thlet iintilen..e from iLitati tio Mr listatioil, from the same rioniMlttee, to the ship. i 10!11111 10110 1. . 1001 0,..1 10,1.1 IN o other con i led a loin! ren.olitt Inn In eetenil the time' The new, from tho •-iiii t hero eilast sti ..• Ii . i 0f.... lionner n ...I 1!......i plait the murder ei t i f ' oTt he wirnotetnio or the Bent t wentr nilles of little ho s. si a i ,ett teasett,;..l the Poo tl. st hilts 11l pr,..t, ya,., h a ,' f,,,,.,, of p otty p,,,, T! , '''l v 0 , Inc IVestern rotate Railroad to IS. n r .., t o r s lasi-1.1. It • 1.1 11111 ' 11l .I I het l 11l 1I I 1 itt in her vmmlttsal It 1 aii 1,1, 101,, WII 1011 was paased. ." - ittross IL bring made to lotto, ot 110 t o , i,,,,, . tin Mat i at! ..1 the State .11,1 Ter./veil 'otitis, h "Hie Itahea i. Corp.„ Intl into paiinnol, 5 ea, 10, noir. - !o• I ...../0 t .0,1 attei Ilion i‘tit Ili:lir 'Sheet,. 1 1 11/IN, Theo: is soon, tails id ti..... stet,. 'i.l 1 p'-, ono, 'I lies I 1•1,1`...1 into. In 111" . and the Rio, 1... Nil l hit k he., e.I that h hen Ilia "1111/1*• nol- hot ~. 1i:trolly like], ... 2,01,...,1 nail:, 10 lit , 11/111/Nilln /00/1 111 ....11 - 11 I 1 he 10 1111,1 .01 Nlllll.lOl \ - 0 01 16.( 0 p1 1 0 ,.... 1•.•.,, ~,,,,.,.. ~, / it ,. ~,,,,, .1., ii,,, ...1.•“; ~ . .....1..,, it t o -tee t sgth of the aj. ti. Ito then ~ _lout nest al , :know to take rte...t......0p of Ili, t loon low ...nation. oneln 1.1 Nlei Ira I% , un.l were con- It• I 11 I/1 SU.. lain' YORK, April Oi rho orb., ..ot the Paii- . tilts} mood) sin hi- test lawny, the Plenum e„ li 0 ans 801 l t old Loinputis iii toe ed . . -Los. the Lowe. Lorroti 'ng the •n. stron , gl norro i Fs l l I .l o s. , n . ts t . i ' ll ' o ' n ' a...l ' l ' of 'Llse"l''iiut Jet,t Itt7o-destYfet';‘rueg ' ii.S.irset'alltb.°l7l"':,Pa: e ' f' 'lll.l,ll l t l ' ' ' la ' l ' jll r i ' l -k e " :t ".' 11 1 . .. ' 0 ' ., 1 •5 1 : . .1 - ;. n . p. " "i o ' n " ..?: k i; 1...1: " ... n ' n t ii l rr‘"rc.rf'"::.'74. nao‘iii'ia."l:lnionili.i..3i:l4..oeonit'l:t ~, i 1,,, p„l,. ot ii pi tvot.• nature lion., The cormoel, s *stun.. . tin -bit ited oi, fail to• 'ant:lnt Alt War.t. from the Couitnit tee on Claim., i i ,,,,,,,1 t i,,, ki,,,,,,,,„ i x . ~.,,,„ A , ~(- ',,,, .., , p,,,., , .., 1,,, ~,, , , , L , ... ~, , .1.. 0 1 ..1 - 1 111. I eported ts tall gtriiii( to Ishmael Davits, of . h am . j ,- 0,,,,,, s roll hie j . t nn, ~, d„,„.‘„, sittoast,• touough, st.n.Las 11 11. ' 11:1 1 1011n lA' 00010 M. '" .. r e ''''' ..t Y. M. •an annuity . ' , F II, 5 ‘ . . canned toy the r a in..-.l.ti 1- .: lit/111n., at ii t . .. 11-. eat 100 Ile liras ler, ...1 lot noine I hoe an a f, it ressign it ion of his herolsra In defending . is.a. dollars,. borough 1 . 011/414.110. .001 , 1 rlll - 1.4. Bultoup the .. " .. al " 'rm. Gilmo rts . .t.h.t , raid.... TlOl I . l‘llollol hsi i row! , ..tat i s'- t Ls sit I Ito lA - 11 .4 11,1 Irleol bill had n .li delle nla a j tt the litth of i oh. Past' , and tor hio los. sit t ,,.1,;, h tt ,„„. „...,' 1 j jj , ~; ,': j r, ' ,., ..r5 . „.,:. ,'., „ j . h a , o t„.,,, slit.. , 0 ;,.../.0,;,,j 0 i I i ' .. ' '',,',1.. tar ii. open ty ou that , 4•110•1011. AlN`Orellllg to the• anareely app :toll., to ' the loion• roolatnannol Slleglon, v :ionic loth non n oad her .114.1 . 1`. ...-..• " h ".' " .r "." M' ".". h . point.. Ens, el TI kr of tiw Pe onitat Unlit - owl .111.1 Ilil/ - ' . 1.. 11l l'. 10 , 0 .11ki , ...” BaSer •'.0 . 11 1I 0 - .0 - 01 110 104,101, -.We, Iy-11111 1 Vl.Olll 111 . 0/o‘.ollo lo ,.„ „,,,„,.,.,, .I;1 1.:m,. .„. „ ,' ! ' - ' - '" ' 1 , 10.0 1 ..11inoren t alder.. attempted to :nd -1... ri the nal !Olin: hag aver his slsselltitg, . ito shot one , s 1 theta , lend runt pint the tills, to :Ugh, The 1,1 11.1.,110110.• 5 stintll ', lA, •1 1.1 1 10,0.1 , 0 - A large party oil rebels. xi' ' Warol Poole 1...m0nd to the. flop, in napport of the bill Mr rp.sio wanted L. know noon a hat 'orlon •11,1,.. of lan the ..111,,ilit be -.ordained M s sward 1,1410.1 011. it in on the Ireu pt inctplo. that a 6: 41000111 . , to', 11111 11 W 101 all, ~.... 1`:1• ?11,, ill 10 0 1 0/1, hen - prat tonolihnt he1...1-141010.1 ''g.04.1 . No., ...... righi•ol 11. linlif it... hatrinni i of 110 1 I osj as , is s o ,. ~, .• I tli.• too -rails 11, -01.1 till: rule fr.i.h ...„ lall 1 ,„011... h- !co ~,,,, oh s Lsoiso en tram st.roo • ',.. roan o t te• tip.. 01 M .11 1111 r : li,o, sia... a, . lo, f 10. th at:t o mho int 00l n., el ,„ t ~, 11,..10.11 11.1 .10110 1..• 011 1 1 iJ , ....r31 Intl te• inIII i , ~,0 1.1.1.. not long to not. priinato• lion fo 111., 0,..... -1111 the ciroition.lativent•ni e Nu 111 l i 11 11/1 I, the net v... 10.1.10 11,11 1 111. 1 ontitiltln 0 ,..,.,..1 1., .n , mil In 11.- 1 1011., MC .lum.lion o i i n ,. t • It,l loan fot t i,.• few rethattilto n.r'it lifi , in Ho. Nasal 01 st ',fen lie exi i ii, , i i i t- high degree ol Fallantry an.l pat elm email penoton oi tour hundred dollars • si s .L • 1.10 111 , 101 1 110 1 1011,. :night r, Heloy rr.B , Aprki trot.. I II•ta tit n..•nl ll.rer .l n,.. 1,, ,1/1 In" , Li.. . r f rank. , pre ;nee,' 1-4 "J:wit,: range on ewnn, were er"e , th the platiorrn. an I -wegr• 1%1,1 I 'nail., partly ...11. ,•I, • -11)out 1111(: Lb:l./. hntne..l .1n .411rnw,.. . .... • ...1. 4 , 1 how la • ,11 . • 11 1 / 1 •ttt 1.1 toki t • Tlii• latt .I the er iug, • 1 anholl for %It'd, flrlug rapidly wltli rerolroir4 The a atehmitri flr !, nun, tit :id: ITN 111. appllii.l he Witte/I tint 1,1 !wail , ilrfi nng sttli 111, 11l NI t pni out t1.11,1i •• •.. .tk.t %tile .1. • • ,n shunt ed ~,,gerker,lll- tll, pk .111, nin Itkai 11, 1...1. ~. ••I I,,Jr Nt•if 1... I.• r I ,‘• kI ;h. prop•rl, Thr• unt Try ••1 t.R114.1 N Ili 11111111,1 T., lung., nl n ' L ' O ' r * :. I. In n,, I,.T.:;hl7TinT. r Kt Its pinperl, Rill rep ht. .• ~• nrkini, TTrTIT.T T —T . TT, T.. , ••• t•,•rt.-•1 (I /4 •4.1•1 , b( llr In` , .4 vi rik111.14,1 MEE BOUNTY JUMPING FRAUDS SESSION ON 1111: REVENUE LAW Prill4oligittic)ll ( CIItHGEN itAINNT Dills IND I 111 .01 . Nit Ulp the Proinbi Led MEM ER4M2=III =I! =I -I.‘ll. o 0,1.1 10 , know that. the yuraron a too c • ooles 'rood and therefor a . hr • . .cplatrt het I 5... , ana 1111 1 n taken on the naa,‘„re .f 1124 . 1.,11 1, h .e.olted !, , Ilea-. n at • ... th •11e hill IA 1. 11 thood .It.: 0 14,11,, are g tI go one Nil 1 1 ela.••. • Ir,l IIII• orlaunt,ev .I 1 ,11 1 11 .11.11. 010 leso. t. eporte.l s. hont (,1111:1011 1111111 nr1.Ing 1 Ile 1 , 7)1.-1. 1 12 1.• 3,1111 • Its a ,011, of /1.01111101.., 1., 1,. • •,., ~„ 11,1 .1( ..41 tlit• 11. na11) in: su red h) t tg.ll ing IPe has gr. e '; -'r .I,•n Da In and 111 , . h. , 11'.1-,11.1 'MI.'" I" ' I MP') " 1 Tot.lay, ol couiphotty • In the awsweasinstion thaor contract of the of to•tosser,ls-1, for r: ise. lasers no oons tri en seat ton u , -dal'l,,. r..pass log Ili...Lona. IIN Of .11ban ,as Mat teem I".: tts I •teon....p l sr, lw . 011,1, 1 , 1 Ihr o to"' fosse f the 'vert, the all tel.., IN ...1 at tit.. sort op 1114,111 y 111 .411.1.1, //15 LllO re. neolis) eyenl , ,g from I.N pool, tth choler t par of 0tt..11 sten , oo amon g sho Eo. I lb Todo,h ~4 . fact k hop, TI ha he 1, “ i «.1n, ic-olh• sea 1 vll a tilers'W sh tilers' (flare .• It. Iseiane iron, the Joint ons not lee,r. "t . tod I sari. ssesiale authorszlog the eta s tit the treat,. N 1..1,0 Tlle..dero. •4 . ..1• r 1 • 01 I'lo, leave, 11 at• 111 0 .111- ..., doll.. • os :I',, 1, ,I a o .01 1 L• . 1 1 11111.. '•• 1 104.1 r: old int.lli port tall, .1 ha toe al i s oho. reo les...ants p00t,•.1 n the Treason a , s h , eas gs . No. 11: ass ooneplcrod soul pasohl ••• s t•r r. sti at r .oherne ottes..l are solo .su the y It hes t nee. the, wb was adopted, directing the socre• •. sanzlne at a place he, to . , of W. to cummouleate to the flow, the •-s. • nu 4 , I pir.strat 1 /.1 Th.' Inlartl ioard of, ngsneers os o s p:ope r s , po us , or . s ., . ni. rs, t toe:, , , oessoisnier h smote., ~ os• oh r , Pt 1,•• ••I Masora a hoe , ohard Is ass ssierrOs s. Its 10 , 1 and • k 1... T. pu p: ..f Woo Ileaus ....Id sr, 101' .41 ,•. It t LI, 'a, ro ot•eruht.l•:- PR ESi.D.ENTIAL PARDON S. L eon: ;a. • the 1:eu•••• teen, • n .0 ot -se,. es, IS 44 11 i flit, 4 4 1/ 4111 s 0. , . • : • 11. th ..10/ 1•P ••• .1 0., rport o.t cst, ley app oprht,.. s.: tor dee le- In pos. ~ ps 10,10 1 • 111 a/ 10 pas An.; Y 11.11• '.lsltg :I, so: emitter -'' 1.1, 1 I ' l, ll •nt ,nn Latt lets"hscsent,sl Iheb• , 111.• arned , rrninals IL rhe llonsa thrn proceeded th tae 'tints 01 he 11111, 1,4 PI a.La r and eat-0.1161s the arm) of the 1 ntted "tato, the penning "a es. • I sil - h,gan ot than TLar ro ••• amendment to the l'• t it" • tenth aeriton relating ta, tha Adottaut tien t:gal, Depart :net, .111 - ior 11: it's,:f 11a. a • inst sic of s„. h . , an„ .I , ssser , rp o s er . ~ .nresoo, con. o_ted f - , 1.1 , 1113g l• ..1.1,n, TIP IT 4:44 Wit 4 44. ing pruyso, ", tram IN' I 1 " 11 ' 1 :1' / 1 .1.P. , •‘• ( 01t ol I -1 .1445t. t hat not hose IT/ thl• sorts,. shah ...hien., to re, , fine •.: $1.u,, , an I ::„. 1 , to -, • I,ll ' Mice. nos. tl lsststant A It. nets, sit :1 1 ., . . 5 01 5. h. h.. I t. ..„ s „ „ s I,lllr. the title :„ '•'"'' "I" ""tilth 1,54 ' ." 11.1011:1 • sr the .sf 'nn oss ono reek ono Is el. laegat his Ills I pollen:an t 01 ,1 1,1 01 3114)01, alt lon, affect. ',the lamer. uansa,, 1, of • s,,,,,etts sag , anyi sesiN their relative positions fir the oh` t"lod If aii,nintiri: 111,51 "1 •1t... 'root tetua:h they takt• Noch rank c 4 the i t l,Ol, Mar sh-...- - dlee• 11, 11,1 r, spoki against the or4oot son ..1 011.1 .k /10 an arvAiltaik eel to three years fluorite s s,. /erne, ' .1 - slatant Adjutant llerscral to Ari -1 . I,l * h' " "'Oa , lawns, arguing (hal g.aul lesson for take the • as. ' • I •1 11 • ' 1, . she Alatlnot lon that had (too st op lie de l/ea-no la/. • soloed Ilse other I- of the Adjutant , sorer!', r ' 'l. ' • ''' * "I I " ,ll Jcparteront Who had remained sr. 11 wallow:ton anY I '""'"" 'r. .1. .ng 1110 AT. Afi) tint tnont of thorn tts,l-rt "i i sn ' had a again and again its be sow to ar• I, set et, e and had loess refused Nig Ir., is elan 111.0114,1 oil tikl, I NI. hallen , •l. este, dirt reflecting on tall v i l In toe Adjutant raeneral Department t, achenck challenged 111141 10 point to nas, phrase tit sentence so ill,. remark, re deetin.s, on the officers of an)'departun•nt ' Slr Illitlkolited that he had seetised oeu., of shirking the iesponallolity ~Z acts, e during the WA; . ...demo): denied that he had ivied ally • 11.,a Sit), that Ihp grentat of the,- mere- 1//1,, yll 111 ITashingloss would hare pre . tersest to have hems on arils. , duty in the field, I,e tudieved there leers , other. here because they prefer: ed to hag ,• pines, in the depart mnt rother I Ilan t• ••••1,141. In the field Mr Darla retorted sly saying that smote 04154 I . le 01 the 1 clerks iteaarve I 'ors,, (or which It s ~isetsch showed so much ankiet, , were 111. , 1 wh” got Into that corps When they , coak! has e gone to the front. Ile knea wheel sin the a iso lo wash Ith •Ilstrnat ,ss. any peraoss. .11 ,, had colored that tarps Ntr. Schenck , . amendment aes upsets! to .mother amendment, °tiered by MI k, ,1111,ing out the stools "after the fit at appoint -111 silent% 11.11, 111111,1.110 pral norms of till. see I Sra.... agreed to. Nis -le, sot, egerderi the question as on, 1.1111,1 loth, Whether a Mon should bucolical .solo! Jack, or 'imply Jerk , whether an mile, thou! oe atedsdant adjutant genet al, fir -lospl, adjutant German Barons could show title., but he did not nee why the title adjutant wan not as good a. that of assistant adjutant general. The debate a as cloeull ov the pr./aims quo. 1111. and the Ilauae en , brought, to a vote torn ',ken s ea., and nays, and etc , as none, en, .1 11 . slays, :kr so th e -,hunt lair w Ka adopted The 13th section an itt us anteatal. Scad as nolloas "Ansi 1.0 , further unau n tcsi, Thal " the I , lpst-ant General's Deartmet shall here after conalst of the office p rs I.llW n alithortred by law. anti their rank shall be as follows, names Iv One Adjutant General, with the rank, pay and einoltunents of a Brigadier General, (Old A.s.istant Adjutant Generals, with the rank, pas an.] emoments of Colo.els Cavlry e , flee Ammilitant lu Ad.intant 00n r m - oh, of with a t he I tan, ay Au of Lieutenant Colonels, and ten issist Adjutant Generals, with the oink, pay and emoluments of Majors of Cavalry. The Meuse thou proceeded to the considera tion of the fourteenth meetinn in regard to the Inspect or General. No amendment was offered to the fourteenth section,wit telt Is as follows: see. 14.-And be It further marled, that. there 'ball be Mee I aspeetor Generals of the army, u cavalry, heank, pay and unloillmorst Of COP:Mello of and four Assistant inspector Gen eralsi with 1110 rank, pay and emOltunenta of Majors of nsvalry. The HONCO prolleeded tO NO consideration of the fifteenth section, relating to the Bureau of 511111arY J. 111.0. Some amendments were offered but re jeeted. The section, las amended and passed, made: "Benton IS. And belt further enacted, That the of of Military Justice lutreaftor corialst of one Judge Advocate General, with the rank, pay and emoluments of Brigadier General, and one Assibtant Judge Advocate General, with the rank', pay and emothinents of a Colonel of Gov.:li v. and the maid Judge AdrOesite a:amend-shall receive, revise and bays recorded, the tirrieeettings of all court.. marital and tom,s of inquiry and Military such other commissions. and shall perfertil The trench Imogene Si alinentien. I duties„e have heretofore been performed by Neu Yoko, A ortr :V. - Passengers who left the Judge Advocate of the army, and by the , Judge Advocates now in omen. There may be San Francisco on the 30th ult.., give further particulars of the collision between the Libor- retained a number not exceeding ten, to he :Os and the French troops who marched out of selected by the Secretary of War, whp shall pyrform their duties tinder the direction of the eiat to else the Liberals Dottie. The light- Ing A., 1."1 . 1 ) neVele, no prisoners being taken the Judge Advocate Genernl until Otherwise either ski.. The officer in command of the ordered ,by law, or until the Secretary of {Vat French was allied. The last adrices from the 1 shalldecade lent that Senlees may be di.- seat of war state that reinforcements art en 1 p .m. ' . 0,011 . route for the French at Mazatlan. The lious., passed 011 to the consisioraLlOn Of the loth section relative to the Quartermus. The military ed teat ion at Acapulco remained unchanged. The United States gunboat Sam. i ter . . Department. nu was lying In the harbor en the rah. Mr. Davis moved a etthatttete for the suction, • providing for one quartermaster general, four assistant quartermaster generals, eight depu coal Trade iedepended. ty quartermaster gemeralsg'sixteest quarter pie thenotrine, April Ak-The coal trade at masters and fortyssight asakstant qliartertuas- Filehtnotid, fa., suspended In consequence tete. of the detertninatiOn of the laborers to [saint • Pending the consideration of the section, any reduction of wages No disturbanCe hag inervanarmt was Made towards adjourning. Yet occurred. On motion' of Sir Steventi, it was ordered that the session to-Marrow be • COnflued tea generel,debate On the Preside/We auntie' Mea -1 ulfri• Hardin no. • o f ols. from the Commit tee on =lli ME ~,. _ . . Foltslt • i1ch4.40 orsteet.E.l Cctee =I SOUTH AMERICAN ADVICES AniPricao steamer Reported hetied N ,It - /rl,cu M.•,•••Lae Ta t , I La ..• iht.ot erg.. 1ke.,30 (h., fn 1. alE“tt 4110, NI: I .11,, ,v51:41.Lit, nod 1 / 1 131.1n) alliOn6cio., tht 11x1r,1,11 .leXum I ;ult. I • tli• 10111:, , 0/.1.11 . 011 111,.. ratbo • roue No. Orlrip,"• Th.- Ravi, I utlo Pronprel• • Ti., louuir,l I lootird Tlm l i rti,.l,ll rottowt ea an b,unniititiit tar t 'mom Aldettlittrg, at 118:,,, ktitt, atilt tot V It, I'ol,lll qrt Hayti ria, at it it t II i TA.• Bruner rrnild Trial • • oIVILiC, April ax --The trial of IL Bruner ferroprly superintendent the Government cort ids, le 'dill proereeeinr at rilartnel On conepi racy with ether partite., p hvllln. Hr rincipally cont:s4 bee, In defrauding tile bovernment Ls) causing rube: sub-5m.:110,, in be boned lather'', upon which the said con tractor, were enabled IS get per fur wales which tnry hO , ••••t .1.. h yrred The principle nnnrnt h it hl 'tiny Hoge, who acknowledges istluing the (glue vonehors, and Si,,, ba t been released to testify aghthill h r•l part areth..l charge that Hose to Lestify.ns faleely, in under to ‘;‘,,,, jut. tha nod sure Itneelf from pundshoient., ate, hes t /1,/ attempted extortion and failed. . Car Drivers , &Wise AS En ERd , ~ • NEW Toms, April .They strike •of sie two drivers Ls ended. aro to metre two dollars for tea bouraservioa. Wei) ,1•0. ,11 Lott oo o: MEM= I=llll3 ,I. i f ! , I 0 EMI MOM T., n 141., w IME tit t I 111 rt i• ME =l= PITTsBURGH, SATURDAY, -VPRII, 21, 1866 M. \ ,iti , tr ~n 1 111 Wl' ~i ~ r‘tal, ..f 1.:1•• thitl 11,.• hll 1,1 .1,4111 411.1111•111' ii.. Of .. 111 ~I.t 4 , 5. ti . ititt/1,:a:11, , ..t r.• 101111 11 011 1/111 I I •I/11111. IIII• 111111 111 I/1 ll..• 11l iI.IIII I/0.1., 11111 II 1 I 1 11 .•II.//.1. 1 , 3. , 111111 , 1I• 111 ~ ..PonY 1 y' - 11,zglI 1,, Ii ,1 11,11.. 1:11,ti ,t • ... 1. 1 11t,11,, sk a- det.,ll d 1, t , M, .•, Nhhoi% y+.llll I. 111...1 I 1.. 11, ~-.• .., :. 4• ... 0.0,11 nrii I 11,•1,•1111, IS hll.. 1,111,, 1.4 t 1.1 ,,, 1,1ng , 11.. , 1 ,, t1,- ....- 11, ..1.1...• r , l 1...,‘ ~.I',lll, ,1 ”Ilio st fr.,. 111 I hILI rue reuu.., .tdlntsre a IlIkb1)1... ~,, II( 11.111.3 I 111 I . 111. , 151.114., prim 10 ~ c.t..r 11. WI., • •IIII3•11 /IV 1111,/ 11111111111.1 \ t.,‘ YORK, Ap1 . 11' , ) , 1 - Th.. Tr ,,,,,,, L. , -ip" ,, ..! —l.l, t,e NI,. Thlrd ~ ..irtl, %11.• '11 , ,, e"41"'" Th. ',.. '" "" '"'"'" "' 1 .111,11 " , ' ' 1 I (1 , 1 II 111 II 111., I /1., Nell' Inplit;lted k in ail. .ll.lbeen non... N.. tlgct ./11 , ,, ,, , ,1 I al, ..., "Ili ~. ~., i , , „ „ ~1, ), „, ~..„„",.„,:,„.,,,..,, t„ th•• Feitta,.., ..111/11//, .111`. I /lII'I , II I . I, / . / . . P ..“ •'•, ". .• - . • •,••• .. • •, . •• ThPre 1+ rti. f..,,,,,,,, ,„ ,1 . , ~ i„ „,„,' ;... 1. ~. ",,..,:. t. ' " 1, ...1..11 ,, r I 11l I 1111 /31111W:11, /111 pl /.... /.. .1, 1 11.11 I- .., 1 .., 1 „ „, . •" .h . '"..."' . ••• I "'lf ” •`. l 1 •1 11 '. 111 ‘,... in ,Intiti -I,ollZitlg ctreir-. c . ,,1q.',..! 111111 Ihi 111/11'111. 11,1 , t .": P ''. :I"l,l''''.'l' "r""I ''"'" ' "" the 1" SIT hit .v0.3.1,11..31,1 I tip Nrii, 1 iit Hip, tit :is, it: hu cam; \l,ow! 11, a; .15 t. 11.1 IiESSEI prtAnalors .11:11040. A 1.11 , .-1 111 ?pi 1,,t Vin, t,°,,,,,t.t.: ~.I . ." t t t'tt ..‘ '. ....t, .• e .... •• 0.• f... ...... crrorn 0,.. .111., ) nller q"'" -si. ' " ' •Itt., 1111.1 ..... ott t•ie . A A !I . alail,.: 1.... 1 . c , e1..1 d ''" L '''' I ''... ' ' ''' '''.". '• ie *II, ,: . ",.., , 1..i.t...1 ,I r , ..., ~ fleltl.. I, lBNnlt- ~, I. ~, -I.- ' • .11. ~ .1...., :,. :•.,.. i 31.11 t. !not III,!! • partA '''''''' d' '' "" ' ''" '"' ' "' • "L "" '"' . : ...• ri, , ,. ~. -.1..C,1...s . .....,... .1 IN l.• 11111111. or , ~ Mnilitt, +.1•!... ilaut 4, ... , 141 N1t.3.1e .•,- ~ „ ~..„ , , •,, ~,,. I,• ~ , „ lo tht. t r"l"'preftp.t., 3 aletCrrilint.(l. , l. 1,, :II"- 11.. .-.,...• , rt, ' , ' ~ ~.,. ~..,. , ni ,, r ,„ " "" 4 " 1 '"'"' " ' es ' ''.." '" I '' s ' " I . 1,.r. ;It,. ttl ••etti.lll H.,. t ...•• ~.•:. •••.tet.t the I ri1tit.1111.11...0 htel Th.... et., ~r I', il Ltet,tl 1 ~..-tp...,. . tisi- ' 1,11... =SIZE ti ten ,• ..... n 4 .. I r. 1 •1 1 ,./ Ilia ni• 1.. el I 1•.% n p .11,41.‘ 1., Aid of ,1.,. /'n„,.,..,,,, ~,, vt 1'1.,,..:!.1,1,4, ml.l 1., tho• I: 111 , 113 ti,ll elr Ft 1,1. i II at 1.q...0.5mn 1t...1 I r..a•al . huisr Tn.. , 111,.5... If ~ irr v , ,,.. of r ),, - ,, no t h e ~,,,,,, ~„, 5 ~,,, . 5 ,,,, . 5 , 5 ~,,,. ~,,..,.,,, ~.... • ..t . .1. - and un. on, -. , rry 1131 w. u.r. riot I tinid al 01.. Mrii . l, I.: x , i , p..1.,....4 11::11, . '" ?, "‘"."I' "r ” ".. . ”‘",.. ` i - ' '',,,,... 1 , k tot 111. pur,..”..,0f ren.l., tit.: 4...1 1, Ai, i I ...) 0 1 .1. 0,010 ''‘. ' '". .''''• 4 ' II I`, 01 ... t. •‘ ~ t In, 1, , ..1,tair., Th, iventtle t " r 111 t It(' non I ...I I hAt,,,,,..., 10, •:r.... •-, ;. , a Z. • :,,,, , f1 y .. .... ~,,.„„., ,„,..„,,,,-„,,-,.., oloq".1 1..11at. ‘ , 11. , ...u ,,, ct it...) . .. , eitil th ugly,eciger t.. • tillik. In 0111 n I 1101111',' • i 1 4 Ilik. ; SIII . 11,11.11,1" Ii I. ;Li", Earention In itichntund I.• Jam- =llllllll I 1 ~ otli IS.•+ too ihe h. , 1el we pi,...,..1 (1/.. , n ,, r , 1 , 1:,..t, 15., , , nn.l llou.or xrte conllno-4----1-f "•' q In con)i,ris ~.t , ip"....,1 ..tat n : 11,1 I- .11 1,1111 Nle, u ? ,.... —,..._....._......... .dell ,enl,l al U., t r.lll 41", 'yi. 'II% 1 W.% SLA , ...I u I .u d , d•I• n” I n hal !lad CITY AND SUButitsAN. c.,:.1 .!. ~.1..t.,—,.:.147V 11 11,1 1 ,1 11 •1•1 1 o. •••tr. _ _ uh. p rc,LA I 1 4 ' 1111' 1.1 , 1 11,•/111011 =MI Vali., A,1•11 a. Rl • i”rn I I VOn et, Lb.' 10.. w,. , =MI =1 " ; lot '4 1 0 1.... . p::. n.. 1...1.. Ni„ k ritsver, 1. , 1 1 , 13 , , ••1 In . , un.. roOtilk 1,, un,. 111t1 ,/,01,11 tn,nt Inn. I I 1 orier.• • , ..•14 ! . r fie I. Si I t rum,. , lirpn•wri ..1 1.• en. Ire -.e t y. ! err rev., hank r•n ll••-• left tin. 31,•I 11. d. M 03 r. 1311/e, J.,11111, 1..114,n 111410. Of Ito, w. 1: I , lr , And arluslnlnd.ll.l „In ou . r. rut 11i nr. , l 1 Sir 1,1 Trl,. l•. 1 Ire•••% Iv 1111 ,11. w. 'ln 1 N1 , 11 , 1 .. 111,.. wer•• port? • .1.1.r.t. ntp11 414.1, 1110/?, lot con•ipli,li, , lelrnint 1,111, :‘, .I Irvin In vel lull OW .t• non when' "Iv,. 1, 01.110,11, , • w-tn. w ere ‘.311,1.. re. er • I in.n, that i•I 1 . 11 1 , w0w nn T. pi n intlff'a•••• Lit, In „ • • • r! • •••• Wit,. 31 IL, 1!.. 'l4w, tl. 111/11 Inr:. in. 1,. lk um. rtm•tr.•.,, lle• yr ine ry ed. w. !red ner , 1 r. I I. I ,t 1..., '. ;l\ W,1,10 . 1, It” rre',lll 1 I.• bsi.l 1 VC. ••••••rni of 11,0 •,`, St ilk.. 4,101, leaving the - Itl, 111K111111 z ,4 111.. 11,1111 w api.erir , lot Itr• Klrkpali frill 1.111 It, ,ir Tlie err,. ,11 • UlOl.ll. s Plea•burgli t:as Saving Compeer, The late Legt.lo I tir• dot at leg., I !ling for Pittsburgh II 1.,1,5t , i art Ns I Lt... 4,1 rornttng the 1•Itt.loo eh laah Ity retell-nee to •.11, rOttllll 11,1tIe will'4. In --- , go,' 113 Ili.- Nic• I Willie-In Phillips, lame 1 "'Connor W t Itelfeitt rhgrne e nrllb and IL 1114,11,' lintetrts. Lt. coe tt ni— t og or., will Opt, thr ItoOtt , for seiner - 1w ron to rhe , 'tin lab meek of the ( mope., oil May :lst, A 1 . ) tsar', at in a at I In,. a.ll Insnt Alec I .eirproiC. , ounce, :•-tt . e. I'lltsitergh Tithe testi set totepany hitt, the right I.ot-solo-sleety ti •• Ilovetrel, relent, In giving the sane- 3 , 11011 II 1 tit tight, .area to he consumer otre half 11, gas hill Itetore originating the Company. the l'orinuls / stoners named abe examined lit , . rert M n t - eat,. from New Yo or rk. also Philmlel phia and other Gas Light companies. certifyin g to the raring of gas, and also had it frilly tested :at the Pittsburgh Gas Works with perfect ntle eons. to nen - on exhibition at with Plusher Theatre. and has been tried with uniform su4 cosn in the private residences of sonic of our , first Citizens. The French Invented an Inst., ment to measure light., called the Photometer, which measures tight with anruneh certainty 45,0 Verner ran measure a tumbril of wheat or corn. Thin lest cannot fail, 1111,1 11 ttttt on straten Lim in - urn:nee yid no of the Boynton In vention. It Ina great pottile smith in Lager Imes far any company to be organized to 811V0 the public money, especially on so neveLastry an article as gr.. The capitol stuck has 'teen 1150,1 st thtt Men titan ofCity thousand dol. tars, which, taking into view the importance of the matter, h. a merely nominal sum. It in ho placed tut the gentlemen organizing lt wish tor benefit, rale citizens of Pittahorgli, and they are ell men Of large wealth. Mr Robert Christy is the Genensl Agent of the Coogan y, tind will he pleased to the t , rnrt Intl workings of the bias barer to pante, who mar call on hint at the MIMI) of WM. 0.c, 1 ., tstrard - liOnse, Smithfield street.. Amusement*. • Oren* lloonc.—Mr. erect :rent❑ lust night In his master piano"Bulphegor • and was greeted with rounds of applause. To speak - of Mr. Dillon In this part lie his retire. seittallon of it deserves, we feel our pm, mad. equate. Ile utast be seen to be appreciated. Tito cumu,n, Of fillmOttle pUltnry hos herunie .141 prerninnt, that to speak or a truly great ar tiste like Mr. In the usual slang, 0 sold be an insult to the dignity of an actor, toollir paused, at least on the American stage. "Rol phoguro will be roprotecl to-eight and the per formance will ormolude with the "Octoroon." PrrrnilVlloll TlittArnlt.—Thu .11e•rrIle'• oe prOOliend at the old Theater. hod night t o very select audience. The piny Peel! lute 1,145 very little of merit, and this wise tuurrrtl by the Imperfect Manner ht which 1t lvo., put upon the stage 11l the first place lie. Adams, who Is unquestionably an artiste lu his line. In laboring with an affection of the throat, which preveeta him from doing Justice to himself or his enviable reputation, while the other characters Of the play ore eo lame and sickly as U. enervate the power of the ablest performer. Mr. CoggsWell and Mr. Wentworth made all the , possibly conld out of the mate rial they atom Lo work on. "Blac eypad e Susan" concluded perfOrMance, an k d ssed Off much better. The "DrUilkard,ll with Mr. itd- Smon an Edward Middleton and "Black Eyod usan, in which lie will sustain the charac ter of wllllam , will be the plays this . evening. On Monday Mr. Adams will appear In his great pernOnntltni of - Wild Oats." city atortftltir. The following 15 a het of the death., In tine city from .hpril 6th to 15th Irlat.liaes—Decline of life, l; old age, 1; pueu mbnia, 21 hernia, 1; pbthlele, .1; eryalpelea, 1 ; etll born, 4; premature birth, ; eangeetlon. qf ,i; hydrocepbalus, 1. ' ee, )11,temales, 9; white, li. Total, 14. (*the above tbire•were, tuader i rear. 7* from 1 to 9.11 M 6 to 10, I; 40 to'oo, I; 60 to 70, 1; 76 to M. 34 80 tog). 9. bro t. 41 :-..1:1111•, 111 1114 . II 11• • 1,, • 1 %et, ie.. br !". = =WM renalolue Trouble. f ty .111 1111%111 11 ' : 1."/ 1 1 :1 "'..' 1; ' . " 1 . Ill .'' 11 " •11l 11.44 11 rni- lie,. -t iiith • /.11.11, 11.1., 1111 . 1 . 1.10•11Ing tn toki• n. ; 1 / 1 1 , ...11..1 1.1 no, I, 11r ,t owir) Clint .1..„ , • . a 01. 111111.,•• Pd. • (..1.• 1 N oat •r ror 1.1k.11,1. 1 (11.17,11M11. 1111,1 Oblbr ll .likf 11,11 . 11 • 11•/, /I.:entire Tlior.ol,y Bilirbro Wes, or. /or ttiri,toulnir 1,1,0 mod I. al hi, of lit, ant at the -.arm. I .u.o. rorriblT op r.• .l l ler, Into...uposi , Iron/ the hou•e •ol v ern itto•Oaod tot lit- ..rintille tioto.• in I 11111 ad, sot Kato t• our :• ...I 1 4,011 th e becrinio. partinll..•rtirt.l n th I. i ts, A: 1•••• l• I- A. 10 .'h u, fh 1 4 ere MO. tally's nnoy.. the. wilt, 11..1 •. !1' .11' Moo oOff•SIO arratil I , h. rg i " 4 11 :a.. • Nit, k t rialdler• I.ear‘oe. - .‘tt tot , tit.. ..1 the ' , Maier. Leagu e as. lie. 1 Iy-t •et alto, at the rootti. of the ttett - virset in the 1 h I X toll all, rolar. e 'at.' "` itienthels wila pie. ent old Lotto' a rot •ti .sents al • tatallra aut Itonotithl, tioteha $ ; rod aold wet ato ..potte•: rtit io• inarisitag. I The Ytttillhlll. e 1.1. 1 4.ll.lllttit .V.A.dc to. he durlnv Ile' --- r ,„{e, todeled to hex, proited Ito. too. ttl I: e' e tett. altiv t esolutlon was unanlinousl, adooted, I, it tit that , s "t tf `';'l".., Indicating the charnels, of Itottort W ;. „ Hata" . say, a crippled soldier, and /1 cand !dale for . „ e „,.. ;h;e, „,„." rhe office of Register ; (tom the .i, r tons i tits vented and circhlshetl iron. of Ilia ele/11.1.11 t. tot I In fall view t s ; Bou jet. ••1 t ~ ,. .111,4 non, his cell in- A `Me "i thanks ma. arded to P ot •te • t•t. ri d the hideous pieee of 'daas (or efforts iti haying hill pass the .. t•tiltta s Two up. Pa nt , " , iyanta hegtaiuttire. stint:ling hrlneal :feet ,j;;;,., hound . , to veteratta who failed to re nos tt the .Ix .t • th to feet whit., • ; .; ; „;;;,,, T he in noel:tit adjourned :1,4 : • t It .ort I'll- ground The . - o'eett t I the plat !arm with at rap ; I amb Carried all by an Engle --tat FE, tr.xt - 11 day last some farmers engaged In plowing on • I, a weteht it the tun her end of the farm It *Sqllll ,' attention. itt Fallowfleld the tt igger toarthed. the ; township, IVashlngton county, witnessed a 0. holt 111 the trott thews the ain forward, seene soniewhnt strange to that neck of wood. I too "tutor. ut , t,' of Ito , (lap I Ile 1., no 21.1 tote lag 001,1 some ewes and lambs Skeet. quietly gra - flog, and hrte the attention Illy rtier. 1. a tor tonn a , JAI toed en- of the plOwniatt was directed to them hp lot the uar pos. tr. viow rope- ; marks of aoine one in the eroaql, a large Aim,. oh: eat alt. t Nino. I il , •••1 •a . r•.‘ntop. Iran eagle was seen to swoop dow lel, Ileeloolk - 1 , 1111:. I : hex L1i..,,t t,on,t., one half w with a loin! scr e ame flew hy'h Isl lo.•k nee,. and t•hoel, .01 en fri a r above the tree topahearing the ble,lng , lamb In Its talons. This sudden rote In Lunt ton so stoulabed the fanners that for a while •ir Unt 1111* 'U.. Ihey maintained a silence not hernixed with 111, the. apait nal lll advoris In t a heir t , but recovering ttotru s ei re „ , set' • • Ito fet". , a' tt•ss"nsl , f‘va"led tot shout and Italian aloch seemingly fright- oat I ff' , 'la Of "r"“"'their co n - , enc./ the proud bird, Inc it let go Its hold, and •Itot tra. all that could he expecte I of Men the .11.1111. lull to the grOtill..l I.ltll tort tot:11 andt t the 1X Ot aad that td“ . runner,' it to a state In. ulutl.l.l. ehl,p, and it'd•s $1 , kilt In a very nhorrapace of lane ue -v.— FL ovo Aunaug Itaintsers.-- A 1.011, eis 1 0 / tfi, ii i- h vi e n • 01, ..1 11, n hot 0 i tot vi mg that litivet v /11 , hllll,ll fil the 'Fiftb ward yenterday Mu a - eot. 11t in., a : vi lot the purpiive I wolfiVll named Ili • rutan Mann, hack an I He: , •'' 10 oteni In,' the Ifillo4,ot, 01 lloti v es, lust ii nv usan idelehmats. the funnel a runner Mr It, ,li___,,,,bei (eon, set dome, 11. I,in .pith ant nil- har , . Hotel, on rehn street, mot the latters i t-er • II nu pro•leuttalreuvonn. I Linnet for Adam ' Xminant on Liberty struct TUE /1,1, , UNIV.' rh. , KV. unto nut at shams:loony remarks ti Iln.stitlnigern Indulged In 10 each ',incoming \1 ten mood. — Mod La u" ," flaa r, l Ilse aveummodations of the rove, :lye him., 00 ' 1 11—Il `m wer, ''''ll'hal "a ' . the. ' a. " 01 entertainment, and after it good deal or le thy tempo,. t tall vnr•l get I hristy w. , angry dincussiOn, Stelelanau it upon Bastin °. 11,. ' 'ght old ll' s "ll ' , ' al '''", le" The back and gave him a beating, damaging hen ..."i'.. "'....1i.. ." -.n ," I.,ilap: h i le" ...'h head to a fearful extent. The lane, appeared ."''• li. '''''''''''''' la,- , .... al' : a aa , a M". :at Alderman Taylor's and made Informatton , I , L i b". g a ' ... a l'''' lama' ' . "a ... I against Ills heal fur asmult and battery, k '.veled- the aalia PPY m'''' cart, l ', "M ' a il '. ; and al the rams Hine Stelehrnats prefetred s i kelt Itatolv a s'rin'i h., a P o ll a M en lla'Y g ate. I stilt of surety 6t,getrut flaumbaek and anothet Intently, iv total the fatal cord that wan so soon ! putty named Henry Snyder, who brie.harg. ''' alrarl 'a le 'Ma. ''a' 'M.' '''''."' 'MM. throatened to kill - him whenerprith, ~11,u1.1 11.,,1n nee hi at the dopot. I, 11,, I - •PF If!, !,V ,111.11 • L oa, e, Rev, s.l) and toles In eonatant Anemia nee of the doomed wen during the tight, never once leaving their vela. Hotaior, 'shortly after It e , 10.14 down and slept Calmly anti! morning. Baser 4.,1 the cant city, mss retitle., and feeerlah, and about 1 • a uterus,' frnto hi,. best and reluesten Bev Christy In iota Mut L. prayer. which he did. tspplieatlan to the throne of grace eontlnutal fit about One hour and a half, a hen Imaanning exhauxted, at the he:ligation of his aplritua3 isera, he WM lad laced to return to his cot, upon which he seen red a tea moments of fitful 1,1)0, rue Wok.. or Hl< 1, .0,0., clor the close of tile usual atirVlC. pur -1 formed by Catholic Priests oil suemn occasions the unfortunate tutu, arose l front their kneeling positions and bidding their spiritual advisors an affe6LlOnate farewell, at the same time kissing them. 'the Sheriff jaro eeeded to place the fatal noose around their e ncks. The Sheriff, after having adjusted the ropes, niaced the cap first over Buser's face, and when almal. planing ItoV . & Lloaser's the lat ter rOlitiClMlll permlieshui to speak. to D r Bunn, which was granted. The elf lasted bOt a omet, the the Ur. himf W. unable to in m terpr n et e tio. port of tile message. lie same requested to speak to Mr. Finnigan, one of the County Com missioners, which was also granted, but he, Loo, failed to understand what wan said. All being in readiness, the prisoner. having but a ft, 410111011LN between time and eternity, noesll.ll more than ever to realize their awful condition. .1.. n Instant before the Sheriff's foot touched the fatal drop, Buser exclaimed In a I low, earnest tons of voice, ''God be merciful to me, u shiner," while Houser, with equal ear nestness, said: ...I emu., Star). and Joseph assist rtlic URAU r•Li . At pi cc isely Leh minutes after twelve Sheriff \tyur, touched the spring and the drop fell. The engine of death worked admirably, and the two convicted murderers were executed in the manner and form the law directs. De ter struggled for a few momenta, while Mil ner died almost instantly The bodleS remain ed suspended the usual time, w nen Drs. Bunn anal LenunOn pronounced life extinct, after which they were cut down and plac coffins and removed to the Catholic ce m etery, where, after the usual ecrernonies, the bodies were interred. MIZEZEIE nheritt Myere admitted but few to u lEuess the execution. A portion of the jury who con victed then., a goodly repreaentation of the Pittsburgh, Johnstown. t:l , ,enshurr and ElK•usburg prece. XL :fltertEr of West non eland, J . A FatINC, h, tot Clearfield, Crl - - .ilerill's Ja,. Funk, or Watt', and Buck of Cam bria, John F. Barns, or Johnatown Prosecut ing Attorney, and It number or ot h e r prorni. sent citizen., m ere present. Everything panned Off in cite utmost order and decortim, nod grcal credit Ls due tO iiitoritT Myrna fur the manner in which he per formed the trylvg duties deyOlving upon .• • aniacrtlie MOIDZIrr Na . wers I.formcd upon reliable autho rity niren, wife of the Sheriff, had a PRICE THREE CENTs part i ng inirr nea With ••, previt.ii, to their heinz 1,1 fo:ii {Aare ofi•aPrlition It s• • ~ hn WI I :1. or being meet any, In:. .l canned nain rein reed many shank. in 1,1 t.a tt kin.? attelillon t nein their mono month. of iniprliiionmeni Wt. tint, tiles 14,1 i• te.lllllk.ll uniform K 111.111.44 rev'`e,l limn lb,, linii.l• the •01000 ri..t1•011(till•to ti r , p4,rt with tell 1,11 M.. !Mention ht,t,ln 1..1 t., of (. lark IV of the dn./ hedit.a... 11.4 ' of the II • LI/Ott •• • t!•t• I . In, avellter,4la.l,:Contrulsatotioca .ork, lita.alt I r. ralltlGoll, , 11 tiog , ,and otil , l , r toI I lie gont !eaten :Tot .1•••1111 ever, fat WIN for W." , " , ad • galittng informal ton In Ottl.tloll to atir r.t.tttl 1.0 .1 " ol the day, and andeavored to lank, to. l'ar ~ tot •••,,, 0. ' a cornfortikble conerally To Fat f• het ,otttltrttot •0 .• t „_ art. toolot -Darla! ttltl.gatlOL, ray ittt,Urt, • ,all 4 , 1411 . 10t1, c00n... -woe 1 1 , 11 informed me non In Ehenahura are ntroin, in the belief tlmt tail a few :n: tel a fo • ii A f . pr.”""e" helot,. the fie', °vet whelniine Prliiener./.rle,rn are gl/I innocehee will he ' , fought to light "" r lr,wrl""" thll'llee ' t." hr the , :t•••• liut it i= ill enure toe hoe 11,ei Ate et whine Hou=er ha= paid . the liiw, . anti e he Pl l / 1 0 the i of frien.l or toe quip. II I ef=oti n.l I nu-4 li•ot, hair oren oast.. a, •• O a 4 et it i oeeatlitti • ael t l l t fla t 10ze Ilt tltn et I 33lullult, the Jail., whn 1 11 1 tti: ogettra lnv l nrt ,t• ~/ ,Inaul tint; an, , ne, lie !flan tenet tt .111 ml ei itettl. Nlite He ' Ilered ,11.1/ig p wiTh .I,gPi.ll• , ;‘ ; 104'1 111‘01en, pear,. t Ittet t ~,,• ~.,:tls,t the , man ft.: tita t.ltn, —. ial rt-elv lt, i tttt turn., ttt 11,1“11,.e. ••3 • t.,t the I.titt. tt!:trtg 7,1171 " fr.t., 1:1. - h tie IN. 111•• 1 / l eklit•on'.. 11 tnv Aitom luchttp..ppp I tore In City Hall. pin Mn.o, pp. , Undo, the sum, es pit In, 1 puppis \letr. \le enntlle I.llpriiiy 1,..101•1,1I find M• .tu t tu,— Institut,. TI,. !tile of Nip•P , IL, klusi•rr- •• (lire will soupy', hat pligeterpt Put, p• ut, Phut pp, In the nil, I..llg:einem Wr un.Pri slat,' that Elie stphus u •l . pp; Jp . p We nee not fith • l.epl its to s hose ame * Miss iliegluson .. ... hand.. it Pi ill 1,,. reste.l excellTllient -ttywilt In• le. 1/10 't ate 01 lb, srss. rah wh hic tip tile A 44001111101/ hi. been /11.11% ~t Kl'rrlll"Y'tiolnt.R'N-,)\.11: Prr1:1.‘1:•'1"""1/1.a'n""1"1'1I,:,,r;(11'.".14'ai' /WK., al e 11041 Irlg ti, or,it thing wnn srrnipgrpl grim irn!Plv, apppl 41101 Igo it 1 / 1 Itn to he ont onP , u ra P t v ant.g^llp, I - % Iho 1,11.01 • the putplle. Ina shop in ipeuitipiary Is•Ppriltl II „ Bill .Issorlstion Th.'l.erturs I, llllllllte, VI,- „ ••111 ITI . IIO/1, o•Ii11111,1 li/ the I 11;11i L. „ MI/111/11V ul 111 Ullorgletr, n 1 firow..arsille to% ••1 Friday toortilog ol In, week tt ono and t ~ .elock, 11 Illg gift, 1 itttititliittitri In 141-I.lgtfito..ri. 1.. , 1. I 111, Ml NVIIIItiot N 1 t.t ttti, ;it 11 .ttl , .tt Mr or rh. ,o, prim to 1 /IC I/I I r IIn., it,t4 /II lilt' ./,i,•..1 111, ',IP, .. . • •//ly .ll' pt UN 11,11- to tltt , rttt•ltt.l Y. 11,1 1,, I !• lit ttht , ;Ito It:. tx t•tt IMe rb, 11101 .1 1, 111111tt, ttl , 0111 e 11.10•11.111. tr•el,mr. awart...l till I:L-1_ Ittut Illortt.:`,. had ttet, .10ptt.tioll tit tlo u 14.1 re,:colN 1 1, 11131., alt t.tforl tot tt ,t,,,nt••• "„,,„„"„, ittu. 011,1 .1.1111014,ti1 1 itt Lut l l l tttl 1 h2l •"r uitr 1, " Nit. 1. 3 In ttrt.ak mt. tttlt. ikutr..ll I 1 t pOrlo, I tless , re der, :Intl t.bok herepft.ll, nI h can 11/ t hr nal,el,ll, 111 , ante and t . tt. -t..rt- ht..l Thre.• trlen ~ •en ett,out the 1, I • 111 , ,,, 10 51 In, /1 , • , ., 'he ,01;; lint (buy 11./,' 11. :1,1,1 111 II I t t: I-, Merelmtsf.. Nall I l ' elegrfsf.lf 011.- elnti ler hi, pani • foi The ~f hetween gh flit. reglOm• • •. 1 , •I. .•...,•.. proceed :it t. P. tip. .•1 1011 oor the work, to I, ut lip •.'. 1' AL ii.• eat priteließble rianmenl It will le- pm up 11. •1 , .1 II the posrible 111111111..1 with tll l lll.lolllle W 11,.. Ti,, affair I.eing lb, hall , . I,: "Mir Yoonu 11'..11" I. i the - Atli number of out 111. t energetic 4 4. 1k1V1S r,e ' !Intl •I Ft.geml" dn.! the amount of timpies, Mme ! , mi.! . ha nag tt It A 1 i .ildepferon . \ 1 ifth - .Are,. no ..nre gop,riymeo of It pitying largely. .L.l op.. 5•1 port tinily 10 . .tale•elltn. lo tile 'to. I: 11l I glee!, In u feu Then .'Oll/pall, N.• :I; 11,, connect lons Pll[tebur,ll with 11.•• new cortrin. of eonst runt ion I.v the NIOI.O/1,,,11121 alley nod Banker-. Broke:4 o 141, ing there faciltt I, - en lit,: me cip.t ward mid we-tultr.l ailtairaster Acwident.—emu Thorsdas tact - aeon n singular accident 4 , purred on First street, immediately In the re- riot t 1.44 First ward school house, by whleh a Intle datight4d of Mr. James Bees Was very serinualy, if net fatally Injured. It au tears that . some Inaa were engaged riolairing or de s m o ving largo ch mould whi rested aga i nst t it s lof NON. let's foundry. The child was harming at the time, when hie casting fell from Its position and rolled against the little glrl, severely bruising, and, it is feared breaking her limbs. few Inches nearer and she N, oul,l have litres struck on the head, and Instantly killed. ller parents were immediately Out the spot, mot I lie little sufferer was carried to her Rubbery to 11111111ak Aolurnablip.- 7 -on rvu day night last. a hired mgb, framed 1C jjll tam Todd employed in the tab:illy. '.fifm.Wllson, residing In hfiffin townships.'oppviltelifeliee port, in the absence of Afmtlsonerabbed the house of four hundred della ill Sadhey, on e gold and two sliver watches hid., Cff her arti• a les. Pr. Wilson had recently romovod from Wilmington, Delaware, to a farm which be had purchased In the township above named, and brought Todd with Mtn simply because lie was poor and unable to find employment. The good tune's kindness had been basely abused -- - Th. tieafekhz.—We have rectevd from the publishers No. 1 , Vol, I, of the .. thitazy," a new magazine,published fortnightly at No. Park Row, New York. it is beautifully lllnstratod, and Ite typographical appearance In vory handsome. The contents of the present num ber are as follows: -The Clavorlngra than' ; Dwarfs and Fairies , Childs Harold, A tamp:. a fnU n N° Nfl Life; rir..llol. LO oil; Spring, 1,0, A Vi'inter with American Pnrlpaletle,; - land's Wife, and Metairie Tho taute-ca pa lon price la SIX dollars a yont of twenty-lour Members. Ityaterlotaa lataappearanea,---.) at. House man, of Cookatossm, Fayette county, dtsap- Pear.] mysteriously., Wednesday, llth and at lust account had not beta seen or beard Of. na me arrests were made on suspicion or ton I play In the cane, but nothing was adduced to implicate the parties in any way whalever. The general Impression prevails that us he bad some lint boats In charge, and as be was subject to Ms, he fell intothe 'leer. The river was dragged, but nothing found to give any clue tote MraterY• Noidcten Deatb.—hlr. John Ayres, of Sut ler, died very suddenly a tow days ago . lie left his shop in the evening, feeling rather unwell, and on reaching home informed his wife of his illness. She prepared a tan] Mi nim, but after lying down he leaf worse. lie thou sat in a chair a few nannies, but his situ ation becoming more critical he was helped Into bed, where be expired in about b a le an hour. He was fifty-five years of age, sad leaves a large circle Of friende, lie died of heart dis *men A:bastes a Hoy.--James Vahan made com plaint - berme Aidermah Strain yesterday char: Hiehaeltlear Irttlrkiciring and mal treat DOD. Clear works at the Fort Pitt Held for Fotmdry, and (fearing. boy le under his employ. THE WEEKLY GAZ TN Il VI)ITION, Ivvl'}• E ; ME r- I • I. I 1,1 . Sit/.” t _ unnur If ocs.til3 • ! \:., • n I•A‘ • IS tile: ,Mg• D.t - tnr IrThn- I, l,:tgcs fro • N..t. Bon k r/4 1 , ..n1an IC It. I At h, 1 N MZSI:=II I) 1 ~~lrl1!•!11 -I\i~ ~..~Ii•.~f~ . MEE tt•l •.•n.11,, ltn,t ,14.3 k 111` .k Larceny Is Watch holm o Alder-111A II •• •, II face. for,' , ~I CEIMIENEINE tau.;ega th a n., 11.1 rl ,t I Pastor 10, 11,..,r.. John 14 P,L h . • =I ~,.~ . .m .l.nn¢ .1..~p~ lIIMIE , 11.1.tfai I illy /I t trt lit, .1. K. K err It I tie)! t %.1:4,1 tt aI rt: 11 ..' ~1 ~1 i,. ' . In' ~ tl'll I= M 0 MIIII R , I I ,1 , II CE . E . I.'II::; ffILLDALE ru ..ral D nal moil plelltr,quee of nit I a tele. hurt+. LotA :‘l:4 .Iki • 0i51,:e. at ti.e em,tery le 1 , , • tad all other 1. • t . .1 he ierelgne , l r , F. 4 e, • 1,1 •trects. lolly Salt. A. .2.: LI 800 . 18 AND STIVES THE "iAREIT SHERIFFS' SALES BOOTS a FiHOES the East La,. neap.? special bispetisaliiiik tar (Li!, (aN , CM vi tilk3 tics Goads Selling at Loan Pi ices than Before the War /63,30 G "P 9' Lift ;.i.2.:! The only dealer in tta city that was on hand with the mont , 7 to '`gob bib up" these slegalt Spring Boars AND :::,,HOESI UEL.II7 ARE 1ma110Es: OPERA ROUE NODE STORE, No. (110%Tifth Street UNDER THE OPEIIA t4OUSI: CLOAKS. &c "t• 47. , 44 t (;12.4 OPENING FIFTII T. DB HOUSE. 1,11 MoN GA 1 EVENING A yen 1 4 th. Velti evened one ei the &nest and must destre.ble Stock of LoAti,, MANTILLAS, ki WOOL ENS for Men, wear, Ti 'IV it LES, 7T,IMMINGII, Or . , ar exhibited in Pliteteirrn, ^nleit sill I. void at amomslnnrly l istYtilt ErGar ment. area th e VER LAI Lsl tooth IrIIENCFI AND We titan Ohio tll.‘kl,lo And Mmatilvas of the very latest etvi,s. and wG. , v.rran: a perfect 00. Partieulm. sttentlon irvi It^ XLTiTTf\I.: and TRIMMING GARMENT', INT. TOTE LATEST icer 113 OW I, Intl to see thaoc n,c. Kin too CLOAIRS FOF Only to be found a: the No. 49 Fifth Street, Tutsburgh Theatre. GGOLDWA; r. t owgrent, for CI. • - . • .I ` F ILII IFAK MEMO MEM =ET I .•rotit. F. !. 01 ,; ; tnttnrnt 1-1, I Lkln MEI , 1 r % f Cn =I It,', 1 11 ilir MEM 1111012 I • 1 • • t •au =EI =ME MOM =ME =SE MESE EN =IM