- ftuMekrokl;iotte: '26, 18E5, Ifj ADVESTISINC RATES UWIII4IOII o . ,the P, Sef burgh oas :T1N:6.01476AM liaro :#l49 1 1t VTao c0g=,166 • 1 . 1 C ,1,.- • -• •- ~ •I Da P 7 :3ll;ifliteldlee . el 1aw5.........;:,. -7. ' •76 - •—,' I Fro tlickei...... ........ 125 reel thus ill rßlots 2 22 Ho Games 2 83 Gam, one week... 200 ICC IFe IOD ea Onus, 2 C fa LV: A i r Twelve timely 2 week,. : 2 11! I W * " Itive: weeks 07 aoolbo 1 so mouth of Am 120 O CO G NUMBS ' ~ Ai le•CO 7co 7 , 07 -,.- 'numth• - 18 12 - 20 OEN , 03 mouths 23 co zi NJ if 60 li OD 'liar 131 03 10 00 27 03 ID 00 CHANGEABLE ONCE A WEEN. 11031 703 660 30 01 111 a .8 60 24'00 "1600 1200 OCO 0100 21 00 720 480 003 rZ iantb alt OM TWAT ==l SCANDAL IN ALBANY, NEW YORK.. —A.I - is again exalted over , a divorce about tO be 'lnstituted in. "higli4ifei" The wife of a well-known flour dealer proposes to dissolve partnership with her faithless spouse on the ground of alleged matrimo. nial infidelity. She had some time sus. petted the same., and one day last week satisfied her mind in the following manner: Her husband bad occasion to be called to New York ou business, as he avowed. Ills wife deemed the occasion an auspicious one to learn something. Site proceededto New Y.ork"aled,-bat :unknown.to-the husband. -She sought him out at the hotel where he Wee 'stopping, and- discovered him in com pany with another woman. On examining the register and making certain inquiries she learned that'he was recorded tinder an Assumed name "and lady." They had then spent one night at the hotel. This was enough to satisfy her of the unfaithfulness of her liege lord. At last she had become convinced of the truth of her suspftions;i and at once took steps to secure a divorce lie. is a man worth $50,000. The lady is 'most respectably connected.— Troy .( N. Y. ) Time*. Tim Indianapolis Herald says that about eleven years since a young girl was induced to leave n! parents ha this city, and was taken to' California under the protection of a married man, who formerly kept riitotel She haa lived in. Califon& ever idnee.witliAlie'familrof the uititt who-took harlswity, passing in society as- his daugh ter. Last week she returned and over wbelined her parents with Joy et tier resto ration. 'Whatever may have been her fol lies for the past eleven years, she is still the daughter and they received her with open arms. There is material for a romance in the. stet', which we have thus briefly aketcbeu, but our readers may work it out for-theanielyes. CA9B OF SCAN. MAO.—There is in to:Elie excitement in the,fashionable,circles litiltitnere, growing out of a series of scandalous : anonymous letters, numbering a hinidreil, written during the past three years, 'as alleged, by the wife .of s promi neat -of that city. These letters were sent, to her most intimate friends,, charging both •the husband-and wife with infidelity, and infamous climes.. Thendlum of these letters first fell upon a young and fashionable city beau, who now, to defend hii honor, charges the whole affair upon the lady referred to. lcloortcgr.writer says. ,"Like the Di vorecCOurt, the bankruptcy Court is occa sionally ited by Alstinguishecr and aris tocratic personages. Lord , . Townsend, Lord Gordon, karl Buchan, and others have late'ly- taken the benefit of the act,' and nowiwe have the blood royal going through the whitewashing process. A dis charge was lately granted to Lady Georgl *mat; usta Frederica Henrietta Cavendish Bentinck, a grand daughter of George IV., striti Mrs. Elliott, known in the world of let ters as 'Grace Dalrymple.' " 4. YOUNG LADY of fifteen, who had been reading novels and studying fashion-plates till her hes.t was crammed full of "semi man," ran away from Decatur, Illinois, on thes.9th instant, in Search of—Heaven only knows what. By the merest chance in the world she fell into the company of a sinu ous man, who took her to St. Lciuis and °U nlined for her o situation as clerk in a dry Agoods store. Her father reclaimed her two days later. That girl will he ruined next time she /eaves home. Tat Augusta, (Georgia) papers ao notrice the advent in that city of Miss Ann Eliza Leak, who was born in that State without arms. She is represented as exceedingly attractive in her personal app pearinoe, and as exhibiting the most won derftd dexterity in the use of her-feet. She writes with her toes muchbetter than most people'do with their hands, besides knit ties, sewing, embroidering, crocheting, and doing ail kinds of needlework, with astonishing ease and rapidity. PROSTITUTION is so rife in Nashville that the Common Council have found it necessary to pass an ordinance making it unlawful for any'ruale person Of the,age of seventeen ok over, ezeept officers in the diaeharge orlkelr duty, to Walk or ride through any street of this city, with any public 'prostitute, under a penalty of not less than $lO or more than $l3O for each of fense. Timm never was so much crime in Ver mont as now, and officers say that four-fifths of it Ls to be attributed to liquor. One county pas fifteen ctiminals, who will be se* to, Butte Prison. Tab Boston Commercial says that since clocked stockings for ladies are in fashion, young men will be looking oftener than ever to see what time it is. • 9 EY, FARRELL & CO., HANUFACTORILIId OP P'atentLiesid Pipe. Hove corucanstr on hand end made to order, LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LED OF ALL DESCHIPTIONa. Warehouse, No.-167 Soilthlield Street. _inker p r Pittriu—dirG, - GAB AND _CrE4el TiTrIMIL Lli ALL ITS BIIANCEMIS, _ AJSMI_ tatof GUI IX 111 0;10 1 0 , a TH TAW szovTi n l.4l74 . ATER CLOSZT3,• Constantly otitijigh WITS, • • ti'4o44N mill LE, N. 491 gkilfETA,Wii... ro "FROI%.ALtIi. 0 RN LIME. „Nz,—erpe•Ptze i silm a l a G alt Mama t 114 CcriP lrr Olir r ei rsll 9 l - Vit.2 ; llZ" 20 ; 0 0016PS orJrAntealone, .: I gffro u ti b agros il atirs9 l ,,io " l - Mih l 2 7 ; irat i trlordpalnalrlri ul it t ira r trq! t tOt ngtur4.ve “l,,Arf.,......d.th4ros I NTL. w°9 plea of the Brol ? 4 =asla can ,tat for: C ra=aal b4" l7 ll F 6 M t ~ milt OWY l '4 , M, , F REI T E AT I M II DAILY ARRIVALS OF LANE AND EASTERN , FISH, AY 210.748DLUDDID SILLIDELT. virrdiragon. miltar,in tur . wzrsca."ArPinuivii..ctsci. Atanzart — ii HOTEL, tme.elatelirkiitei.4..a2k ausied44•o4. nusislis. ~~trA~lß.4tAb►tfo~►er¢ ..1-r,*,..' ilj fe_,? .1, !,; Are you Sick, . 4 " - "Trent " er irrin4Kge ..swe to serious Illotes. " %oe f Is ereeplag upon yon, and sboold he averted brptim:. ty ofthe right remedy. TMe__ , ye'e n nta y , a th l cleans out Me 41001 . 1.1 , .. 0 70. , blood, and le o unobstructed so the n ' id " ' 1 ":".. the function e of th e health again. ney alum tar 7, purify tile systsun from te ' ro=ll * rw . lLen lake dmmer. A cold set tles somewhere in the body, and deranges Its onto,- al Junctions. Timm , if not , renewed, reset upon dnesseebree end tbersurientedipg neMM nrodueng. Dergaidrak i P r ktrerl r lit g r e ld e g ho the b y rest ore the na rat action of the the buoyant feelini of health tenaty n r i e nt eZd.eo_nppervint in his Meal sad common Teufferasnrs ‘t;.r.4l%."Pire'atitt p.wative erect expels them. Caused by Minn:- ; oberneloos and derangement of the natural tune ! Woo of the hod) t he are rapidly and coolly of. them sorely cored the smite mese,. None toy t the, irtue of em Pills will neglect they prythem froil4tAtry:A2.37f,„ gente — aY tEe rer • os • 'leen/Z De .400, Heartburn, - 1/ n r i;. iro=ye Suppiession, o Eluelof*ten, siting Themontlenattiva can to a th em easily. and they are threly tbe beet porgatlye medicine yet discovered. AYER'S AGUE CURE, For the speedy cure of intermitrent Freer or Fear nedAgue Bsrattrent Ayer ChM Aver. DionbAoste Pertoateot Hauloche or Barone Iliecul.olut, and Bill ions avers, indeed/or the whole else of diatom er- Mupts binary derangement, canted by th e Ille usiousatio countries. This remedy boo rarely felled to mare the severest ;tamp tegm.r....l,7lUpireTgi tutu to itt patient. it eontalas no quinine or other eleterions sobstance, nor does It produce quinine or any Info effect whatever. libation brothers of the army and 'the wee. try It and you will endorse these as Prepared hy J. C. AYER CO., and sold B. A. f saIIirLSTOCK 1150 N C 0,., and by all Druggists. mbialtothinWP I rgirRETROUVEIVS TURKISH J - ANDI)LENIAN tiAIR TONIC. - THE DR ..LNG AND REWORKS OF THE ARE! TURKIIMI RANDOLENIAN. Bignoireres lowan BANDOLganarr. What can be more acceptable than anything that will beautify? that will restore nature.. a decay by stopping the hair from falling. dna Melo rth =Dual itl t O i r. melting .41111 '""A k Iwzi""' ersoadi,..graul It up scat Mg to the present sty e m keep It place This Regrows: 0o Turkish Banthals ulna Hair route , will do, and for proof we refer you to 00 / Person who has tried IL It is acknowledged to be the beautifier of the age, the onlyßair Tonle and Restorer worthy of the nem. In Turkey In France, in England, In America—everywhere where the 'llandolenian.' Is known—lt Is pronounced the us ns nitro of Fleir Preparations. Remember, It Ls free from all metallic poisons that are contained In moat Rao Colors and dressing.. It Is the extract of map lowers-and herb", beeyilfully put up, an ornament to thettdiet: - For este by all Drusslateend Perfumers wholesale. R. E. SELLERS d 6u. B. L. FAHNISiTtICE & CO. Principe Depot for United State, and Camsdas, JAY= PALMER & CO., No. 0/ Merket street, delettneodawT Philadelphia. 'prom s mon. COPPER mill AND SMELTING WORKS PITTISBUI/011. PARK. IikCIIRDY CO. m eo p m n a f tw E rzsMr ic y MRS ' AND RAISED STITE BOTTOMS, SPELTER B MER. p Ale j o, a lantnea . deAr u s t, hif . TALS, u TIN hand, MAIIINES and . TOM. %Art ' hon., N 0.140 FIRETItqd Malcolm FITHILIifi, SpeaLM Ordain,' COpper rat to any Sadma patter,. myzeardiewT IarPITTSBLIFLGII SAW WORKS, HUBBARD. BRO. b. CO. ItAXIMACTUALRI Or • PATENT GROUND . CIAICIILABB. ,vanfinted fittan`WW of imeryllsserip .°°°' hlii4 41 ?0..Ari , 1 titiAg-; aista, all oilier ~Ttriettes4 k AA AMIN Of,AAILVAA Li n ed frost Sheet - CasttSteel • Extra Reined REAPER AND MOWING KNIVES, in. sir Waretionar and Works, corner Wants and ntlOnt Stnirrs, Pittsburgh. Parttrular attention tO re-toothing, sntuadng utd straightening Dirtular Saws: also, repairs of all kinds. Puncelng and Drilling done at reasonable rates. apZ:ly 13.48N81LL & co.. Boller Makers & Sheet Iron Workers. Noe. SO. 4f. fall and BO Penn street. 'Hay= secnntd a largo rard, and thrashed It with tha.meal souraree-jaadderorriNe sta . ktenarad to coanary. OinadoETELBRACHINC6FRE BEDS, t i a T EWß l 9 lP a S tr i lyinn Olrkr l e a MIITATOBS t _ BETS% PAN'S, nOLLEII IRON, BRIDOES_„B BARI. .8. wad sole manurnetorers ot BARNELILLY/d,PAIBENT BOILERS. RezNqpir done on the ahotteettatthe. IarBOBINnetF ; & & I CO., (Sue- WAINABMWO§U. si "" as ' ...efl, w.‘outkatta t it Wm li Atatakfact - ECLAT Al*. JITAVtAk HIM? 3 MILAWILZ E. .. a. . niF:g . 2 i 41 1 d rra i n ,t) L Tiler and ElTra T nuriEN or sit i V r at o . ff e r r E . 3 . 14 5 1.111) , Ei PATENT I N d ECTuR, IarJOAN OBICRILAN & BRO., IdAnufuttlieen of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORn , lo RAILING. WINDOW SHUTTERS, WC. DO (MAROS, so., Nos. Ol SECOND and be THI STREET, between Wood and Market, hare on hand a variety of new patterns, fartcyl . n=n, stglabl i egor all p paW t rzeen. ii:4 er.,.. Lots. Jobldor dtine VabortutotteU. ... 002 lar TO 'NEIIVOIIS BIIFFERERS, OF BOTH SEXES. —S. reverend gentleman taring been restored to health in a few day., Altai undergo.' Men.. routine antl Irregular expo:Wire mode of treatment without succen, considers It Ms sacred do to communicate to his ettllcted creatures the mean. of cure. H.., on the receipt of an addrtesed enyelope, he via tend, Jr.., a copy of the PreialltittiOu Used. Dlr act,cea Dr. , JOHN It, DAGNA.I.I., UM Fulton eireet. . mhiltlydfrwT ar SENT FREE.- - A Pamphlet of Immense Importance to the old end To , married and *lngle, of both tent,, still be .nt by add mming t _with stamp enclosed, the Agent*, A=II9„RICIX a CO., Box 73, Roston Poet ORD. saMMlydaw ar TSHEN BRIDALBRIDALCHAMBER; , OF WARNING AND IN STRUCTION FOR YOUNG HEN. Al.. new and reliable treatment of the Urinary and Sexual lys o teto .address Dr. MILLEN HOUGHTON, Hw. Association. Phlladelphla..ra. aptly . . _ SEWING MACHINES Lock-sTITcf ! SEWING MACHINES, For Famines and Manufacturers After twelve 'wive trial, It has been d. nitrated that the LOCK.-STITCH le the only nit& tbu eultable Ibt every varlet, of Sewing. I= THE. WHEELER & WILSON SALESROOM. No. 27 Fifth Street. WIN:SUMNER &. CO GROVER & DARER'S SEIVINWILICHINES ite. Have been awarded tie VIEST PIIIIIIOIIIII et to following Fairs for the year MS ESMN;=MG=;I NE;101 Plat premium for beat manufacturing ambles Ohio State Fab. " fruit for best Wautgagturtng Marais. mrlf •biiiipi n ua t ai n g mum.. WI flat tun for twat Manattetarlog Machine Uttermost/aunty Fair, lint Pa, Pretawa for beaklathln• fur gun" al pus ptet t agt i wrene l e m o b u e Ati o All i fitetAi. at Bud, o lrli= g f%gia Bocaa' Muhl. linttiogi Riff anonkincuing and Wesel Mrtegal="bl r. ert and ra.ti "111" ,,; Wra r t i lutfittrie r WOO, and ?wally miehlogat County First Premium for beat ManulacCuring and fatally Machine Bcbuyler Courargalr, N. PIM Go a nr heft teaehlns tbr .1 1purposes, Allegherry y Talr,_Pa. A prst premium foibeat r i f i rstVgrolorWttatlthia w CO at &Mahan o A ugg , A. F. cauvrozrzy , sieg N. IS Mb street. Plt .•¢ k CLAMPS SEW 11G I,IIACMUI FS. 449 Metes ess SOLD IN -TWO DAYS, Ara tossatactored wlthOtt any complicated mettle try and there! re are cot liable to getnegesir. atgrtatilor Mr) , de on of Y. t -. We Ithaca *y nes th e ip.p - ,as we have taken of atetturv i t m ora. z laeall _ , NELL. SITTC.- , Ittle_p., Ettpligitt e• - Liceued y HOW!, Iv neeie alt u sof.,.terprer 4.. t aker, I - d Pith e I der, _ alii n g w ir s icn i a, 1,141 warranted ere years. • 11. U.LONG, Aiwa, UV Gnat West, Sear ring antademod _ . PITTISNITION. 1.. a. $26 1 '' BARTLETT' --' -. 525 . . . SEW/MG wn. Llem upder yeleny sou, Cinema Salcrtfln uthas the r motion -underraid. We want Agouti, to sell Mem. Will pay $5O or XIDSRe_r ,outb, or allow lazes Coossoisaloos. Wlll sere/LlMlliesiti:pald for libels sold. For C ealars,rateio euggewmaggeg At ideat, At? Oo i s, ri I.La otly hl Pa., Toledo, Sews with doable or stagle thread. —tielearfile abletriCO2. rabTalissarowt 1 3 / 1 131 MERGITELE. -. •-• LIZZIOI - LIMILIX/wntlL : 11S1fbr.2.501g. Renelli of the Toting American Traiimilui. 343;100571:57 eitii-i:/.43.211M9 t • ka - 1411 snot* 4.'the Mgt etril &CU W IL LI Aid THIS (Priday) EVENING, will be presented the Historical play. wrlttouexpressly for EDWIN FORREST, and purelinsed from Min by EDWIN ADAMS. whoa.. wile property it non is. entitled THE HIGGUENOT; or, THE HERETIC. JStlia,ll4. T ...,... ..... j1014•11i:#1.01,m, Ta 6thiclnde with the Nautical Drama of 161L.4CK EYED 817&4.4 . .. Erlylo Adam. MATINEE "s ATURI , AY AETERN oON. COWL! HOUSE. LIAM& AND M a yati maw ...... AlFmj EBIRLIL Beat and last night of the great Tragedian CMICALMLiaiIaI 3=ll-ICa/LaiCOIV, in:. will tiear in his unapproachable character of SELPIGOR. as played by him for Upward. , of 503 nights. rEII3 (Friday) EVENING, will be presented the treat play, translated and adapted by Charlet Webb, entitled BELPHEBOH, THE MOUNTEBANK. To conclude telth • FAVORITE FAROE, In which Sefton and Mille Sackett will appear. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTAROON. THE CHAMPIONS Aur. COMING! COTTON & MURPHY'S California Minstrels, Brass Band & Burlesque Opera Troupe Thls tslehted Company, prosounoed by the frees and Publle to De THE. CHAMPION TROTII•L Or; AMERICA, will open AT MASONIC HALL, For° NE WEEK l O N N G L . p egmu t v MOD NAY Admiestuu, E. cents: lieserred Seats, 50 cents. Doors opeoLat 7; commence St 7$ o'clock . . Matinee Setentey afternoon at P. o'clock: admie slob 35 cents to nil parts of the house. R. E. PARMELEE, apt :std 0. 1.1141./ERWOI)D, GRAND ENTERTAINMENT OF THE GOOD INTENT DRAM_4.TIC ABROCIATION OF PITTSBURGH, At klAtIONle HALL. en FRIDAY EVENING, the Bib inst., on which occasion will tot presented the betntltui two cm Drama, entitled RAPHAEL, THE REPROBATE OF PARR , .and also the splendid English Comedy called THE FACTORY GIRL, on, ALL THAT (“Arrzas IS NOT WILD. these plays base been gotten up in excellent style. and we hope will prove to the entire satisfaction of all who witness them. This Association is now one of the oldest and best to the city, who have by careful sod Industrtmis study, met with decided snows, and we ten. their endeavors merit. 0.13.1110 S spore clatioe. Tickets 50 cents, to be baQat all Hie prim cipal Book and klusic Stores. Doors open at 7 o'clock; the entertainment to commence at quarter to 8, A Brass and hiring Band will be to att..- once. spatted PROF. cowrEws GRAND FANCY DRESS SOIREE, Friday Evening, April 20th, '66, AT WILKINS HALL, FOURTH STREET. • Near nmlthileld. NOTICE.—ORAND OPENING PULINILO by the JUVENILE CLASS, at d r. R. precisely. Thls ,clatos will continue dancing until l 0 r. at., when they will resign the floor to the Senior Class and other in cited guests, who can enjoy dancing fur the Masora of the evening. Tickets for Reserved Seats may be obtatnea at C. O. SiELLOR'eI, Music Store, It Wood vtee•t. where a diagram of the hall may be seen. 5p17:41,1 NEW CLASSES ARE FORMING AT PROF. COWPER'S Fasktonable Danang.fcadesty, WILKINS 'HALL, Fourth street. Days of Tulttpo. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. La = re i lit=gerrriltu th e r ZA. r. Atilt Vat to rent hen d sengsged by classes. Apply to PROP. COWPER, st the Hall. naltattr FOR RENT, 'lb large enough, and not too large hy ol - Is central In location, and moderate In pricfe... WILKINS HALL. Fourth meet, near amlth Is best adapted for Concert., Lectnre, Balls, Ac. . and lieleet 'strtles wlll dud that the floor Is neatly :ad, and It the best and cleanest d.clng floor in the city. Terms reasonable. Apply to PROF. COWPER, at the Hall. &pleat WOOD PUMPS; tOIN JPILTIvILP'S, Sheet Lead s Sheet Zinc, BAIN TUBS SINKS, WATER_ CLOSETS WAN nAbliik WASH SD-NM, draulio Vita m Brass Wortn,..of an Masts; Black Tin Prix, A A Joao pantalets; kinds of Ogm and Leather How Hood kl. Pd. C 44 .ldirtilai Has Pipe nandAU cares, eta duestpuws kept constanUs an at Addy, MlBios dr. Bartley's iNJEN AB ISIITH ♦ND S\IITEIYIALD IY/A BEAVER STREET, MA IRIELLIT ER N. 1 4. - 1 - e A r::?:41= ` ,12.5;117.=V:. '• 1110dtga, T. T. SWIMS. ........ ..... i.TLONTDOIV . pLvntnima, GAS AND 6r31:11m .wrirwrzyc.ar, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. SHEET LEAD. ziNe ~ EALPI M/5, BL INtl, IVATER CLOSETM AND WARISTANDBi Ir.EX9 I CO., I=l3l Iyllllteo4 No. 165W00d0t., Pittstiosei t rii. NWNNIS 11. I.OiiiiNDLN STEAM FITTING, Plumbing and Gas Filling. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORK, Butooasor to 44d0 • 110.41.1 =rM= Erira GAB FITTING, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. awromui BELLS, Portable and Cigar Lighters, E 'VEX'S I CO., Mecemsort to Addy rvretiso 14111**0 No. la Wood 6t.. rittsbtalb. GOVIZIMIIENT •11/LLEEL GOYEIINNENT SALE Drugs, Chemicals, Hospital Stores, India' Rubber Gooft, Drug gists' Sundries, &c. Will be sold .1 Auction at tea WeellcalFurroy oVe Warehouse, Pohl: Ogunre,_NAhMrlLL,E, Toon., on WEDWESDA WISBNUIO, April sub, at to o'clock. a /Argo kitsch of the foregoing Ottldoo, enighadracksuers conaletinir to pert of Atoil Oulph. kth . er. ,14,001v00. Adhas. Fluter . g i lts i t%t SW • • Cantb.Plitter, Zen "* hlite 1, , • • • carto. Amitto4,l AO0) • • Farina, '1". " Lit onc e, . , 74,0/0 " wooshed. fah " WdOttil SOO .• 011 re 011, I too W. W. Mortars, 211,010 oz. Mph. Cluchol alAPres. Ocalito. Ala, kinO/Utatulas, 6,030 " Tannin 6m it.. Caahlotu, NCO/ hnt• Estrada. t 0,000 Ilerattele 1 nt - gosiarlassia. CCaatt akopf47lllll;lN-;:•-• • • '.lriag;'l442ay i t i rs., • • . „ 0, FOR RENT of - ILK.Ers HILL PLEMBENG, &o I=l a= ate. ~ o~~l'i~. LEAD PLPE, PITTSBIIREM, PA I=l I= O 7 ALL DU1R7A17710711 MI 4013 CICIP., led Wood 11%. a TOR = • —FOR RENT. ; BOOTS, SHOES, &c =il tilts 1.1. I ABM of 20 urea taunt/. township, Allegheny county. 1 . .. t.:4 tours from the cite: sm therßroantallte road. The Itneroretnents are slargelsre-atntY Wrlnatelnnate, lettb to rooms , datibietarldr• alde kali roaming through the hak': Iratertitst at the:Anal - SS Sank Barn, be 10 feel. so other then a Lydell of excellent lOU, eontalnlng enehalf sere, pronted 'nth all Hods of d smell - sit and areas: milted' every kind.; shoot 700 or ttal trees of boat quatl.. of grafted Val. The toll of the whole farin Is good. Theyen beet of feuelnr. o beaciatul lawn' ta front. planted- tetrashrobber7 and trees. For a et:entry :Incidence, I: Is not sot paseed, and for • Profitable investment.. there Is nn . Question. . . .. . Al.. the best Farm In Elisabeth townahlo. con ratable about 90 acres. lying on the Monoritmlnia river,lm medlately below Lock No. 1, nn. which Is erectedirlarg*two...gtorTßrick goWellingkiOnse, one log and one Fenn! liana Ram. cozy-crib, wagon Abell; brick liming hone, granary, work shop, Se. Abell; niatre• or the abovels Snit quality river hot , tom; the balance being limestone land, =dander -1 I st . with coal, and about ID Mires of ilroactone. There are two orchards of apple Uses. in good bear ing condition; peach, pett, plain trees sod grape vines, de. Theland is well adapted for gardening purposes, being is short distance from ties thriving borough of Sllmbeth, creating a mmket at home for all the products . Thls property will be sold cheap and on good terms. Alo. a Fans of 117 acres, eltuate In Fallowtield township, Washington county, Pa.., shout 2 miles from the town of Dentleyerille. The ImprOvemerite se e , firm, ..a two story time Image with Dye. room.; second, a"two-and-s-half story Hewed tor house; third, • No. I new barn. o)lfirial feet; a gala spring house, three large orchard. Of dlifeirentfrOlt, apple, peach, pear, ohm quince., Cherry. de. ;• 10 acres cleared; the remainder In good timber. the land Is level and of trickery best quality, and will be .1d at ft reduced price. Almo r _. kV.= of about linacres,_th Fairfield town ship, Westmoreland Co. Pa. Tbe Improves... are a hewed log bongo. with kitchen attached, a log barn and a tenant hon.:• good apple orcharai, peaches and cherriesa about 80 acre. cleared, the re mainder In the Very nest white oak timber. The land la goal. The location Ii yen healthy. This r . perry 1.111. sell very cheap. 'Possession imme stely. Al., at gold pricer. a Parzn'of about lc acre. In alloweeld townshlP, Witahlegton Co., Pa., about • e mile neat of Lock No. 4, on the Monongahela t ver. e linFo L venients are • two inory log and sn , b le, a me barn, wagon shed and other t.bnii ingot encing generally send:, a yrinng or chard o apples arid o th er fruit trees; 110 acres of coal of t e best quality and s vein of the beat that stone; Co venlent toekirohee, schools, slits. se. This property 1 ins ari mired tb Bell Very cheap Also. farm of about 1211 acres. Mooted in West Wheal .dTownshiparidlana.couritg..p. nns . Th. imp.. ments are a good • esinfortable, two-story ' Frame House with S rooms,. large frame barn, car- . car and hpuse, kood corn crligl,Wifill house, base Oven and • ternory .one •logrkilude; about ISO acres cleared and In almotbi an d i elver; a R i nd or of grem,- - b..-71%,1: JAI tf:i. gz,,, ktlft ° , d . ts iv d nee or limestone. and bet a snort alstace ' fr% c: iii., T a b ka nara l lUe94o b =7lll nit _IL a bo v e Th. improvements are alargo.two story. .4 Nouse and a large frame barn I 179 acres cleared and under w• frOOgi meta of enttlratlon: 'Stoma apMe ortharuf a ar tw.storyintik.nonse.' Tpse - twer terms imimd I wpdld make Blink-rte Stock arm, orwill be.sold I separately. pes o, the best farm in no township, Weal- 1 morelang county, Pa., inntalning IV acres; about I ensiles sou t h of the Pa. Railroad. The improve. • menu are two large hewed log bona; one orthe largest and best irmine barna In. the' Normality: two apple orchard. The whole farm to ander a Ingo state of cultivation. The Caning it all No. I. The land is of the 'Very best Ilmeetotte: about 200 acres ' cleared, the balance 1iri04 . 13 timber. Posaesslon on the first day of April, Milt prpperty will be told at a great bargain , owner tel.aa to engage in other linaluen. Also, L a Fenn or ISO scree. situate in MoOandles• l ' M t". 4‘VelaCiTe t rTes P l i t al 't:rorillecf ham s , e e .. us., Ayoting orchard of apple, peach ' and pear. 1 tell sell Mite valuable property very cheap and on eary term.. For Puller partieulare, Inquire of U. IL TOW La, Real &mate Agent, apll No- 104 Your. street. _ _ FOB SALE, Six Acres of Woodland IN Et-MINESIII.I7IIII LOTS air CEXTRE NEXUE, Soho St. and Penna. Avenue. ENQUIRE UT 111011AOTER, GAMIN m. CO., split Attorneys at Law, IBUreat street. A HANDSOME COUNTRY HOME AA. FOR SALE, aitnate i); miles from the city, and within ten minutes' walk or the , Pittsburgh nod Couraellsvills Railroad, conamaneling a beautiful clew of the city, river and surrounnlng country. It comprises about It acres or ground, highly mtltiva ted and laid out in the WWI approved s tyle of mod ern landscape gardening: Is Mudded with shrub bery, and a wrest varietyf iturchoteont irolta and vines In full bearing. T hee is also on it a never felling spring of water, andahont one acre la woyd. The Improvements consist in part of a tlO.lO. Brick Cottage with 7 room. and wash-houee, a large and handsomely built Stable, an out Soon for man, to.; geolaterzi and sylended pomp are. within a fee eit. el t air the kitchen door, nod rdi Ir ender excel lent fence. For partlettlins, prier, terms, de., en quire of ( few) R . 31eLAIN it C.. FOR SALE. =I A Delightful Residence in M'ClureTp. The Lot I. to the wettest state of oaltirotion Two rood Spt Lop on the premises. For tartar, enquire of JAMES T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker and inlvdrallea Ewen"- mh2l No. W. Federal street, wliegneny. 1 0AL AND LIME PROPERTII •-• FOR BALE.-On the StenLenville Railroad, seven T :n[les from the el CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY. , Rum and Water FI SIX.ACRES ooring and blaw Hilt, and other Inc 1121proVellhents. Also, about Eight Acres of COAL, without the Bunko, two ] the above. Also, Iwo rants at Stewart's Station, on Central Railroad, containing 140 acre. and 1.78 acres. Forlfurther particular*, eoqu Ire or W ARD. •• • . (Opposite the eathedral,) fen No. LW Grant stn./. A. A- crrEc PROPERTY FOR SALE AND WO ACRES UP LAND.—That nearly new two-story Stick Hotel lialltUng, containing to rooms, at BRINTuN'S eiTATION, on the Penna. R. it, at the juntuou wi th the Pittsboggll IS Con nell/rifle R. R., 11 miles from the dig. There are about 193 acree of land consented with the Hotel, of which 70 acresre tWablo sad W acres timber, There is a goo yo a ung yrchard of apple , each and pear trees; two never-Mlles ten waterrings of molest elevation to carry the Water to nheight OI 100 feet. Tbeproperty4 capable Of ettb‘eltsision Into lots for country residenres. B. Aey to BRYL.N, Broker in Stocks and Rearlisrate, mGtr S: Fourth street. (Hoske's Betiding.) IeOR SALE. I= Will be gold TV-DAY at redneed prices. This trio Is situate In Westmoreland cow ,t 7 Penn., cm tlm North-Western Papua)lvanla Railroad, about ten ogles out of Apollo ra,, and witting. too sere Wan seine of, etSL LLT ON&andd VMS CLAY and ye. 7 Complete ATIOtt POW E.H. Per further paratetuars Inquire at the Lam and Claim OBlee of W.. 1. Is HALL PATTEWSON, aeu No. 144 Fourth at.. Pittslinsgh, VALUABLE BLOCK OF Lars TOR SALE IN TUE NINTH. WARD—Bound ed and described sa follow. Rosining at the corner of Lisnaber and Liberty streets; thence Along Liber ty street MO feet to the ac r e of Carroll street; thence along sald street lOU (rot to Spring alley, op poetta the Ostler Depot Works. The above le well culled to erect • large usannfaeluting establishment or to subdivide into suitable lots. having the ad•entsge of four fronts. Apply to apni B. IdcLAIN Cll., lL.° Yonelh st. VALUABLE FABSI ABB SAW MILL FOR SALlC—Cootalne 9:6 urea, MO of wls len are node r urea toe Plne Tim ber; talsou, White Oak; a e atanalon; good bow 21111 to eolete order , ca of muting 0ff154937 feet per dor'; taro Tenaot Houses; Barrk good Or c bud; un erlald with Coal atid_Ore: Mooted to Noe Toiroanip, Indiana County, WM* from erela illation Offered cheap and on easy terms. Apply to H. BIeLAIN al CO., spit No. 123 'earth ilreet. POR SALE—One Lot 20 feet front on Penes. Ave:mob, 110 feet to Watson •treet; two-story Brick Dwelling 00 rear of let. A 1.., me lot Whet &oat oat:miner street. l'ltt town:tip, br too 01, whleh Ii erected • two story Fra Dwelling tot (rot. Also. el me even lots &Melilla, the 0150•0, Why In to JOHN D. BAILEY. tl tack and Beal E.staßsßrokar. No. IM Polutll irtrvet. DRIELLIN4I FOR RENT.—A three story Brick House of modern build, mad con beniently arranged, ono/sluing nine room s mud ath room • centrally and and pleasantly located ho mes's the St. Malr otreet and baud Street Bridges, In Allegheny City. and. RUYAN, Broker in Stocks Real Restate, anti 67 Vourtn street, Berke'. Bundles. TIWELLING HOUSE ON 17'll'LlE ••••• STREET YOB EILLI. , -That tome nwll.*ell tolood tante otOMMlelea Shierilna-nn- Wrin , ntowet toot 7S,llltsb r o 4 lirotr oi r r zt oo . n zo tal . nntl r. = too e - rolgoi the OD* o nes' inmates now OrColgrotri. T e orriniaal In. Tonna reuocublo. apply . .1•10;tf 11. McLAIN a Co., Ma Muth ninon. FOR SALE- 185 acres or Coal, eltuate In Smith townsklpb eactusi, rifilt4Tiatr i g!ttga t il e miless-ror tenhea Me egr i Inrthee naniuulars, enquire OH. H. Tirint. Heel Estate Agelit,Ho. 161Yourth street , or to WI j C. CAMPBELL, an the premises. ROB SALE---. 4. two-story Brick Dmi11447 ooms, hail, Sttd. intsUbnien , GENT,i COW.W/_.D3EUEMT'IIaI BOOTS, SHOES, ENTERS, BA_I,MORA_LS, 1311 - rovereit. dicta., I^El T. A. MTLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 and 57 p.i.rtiL gS treat, Private Sales Day and Evening. mhlo NEW GOODS A SPLENDID STOCK Ladies', Gent's, Misses', and Chill- drenn• BOOTS, SHOES AM) GAITERS, OP ALL THE LATEST tiTYLES a•Tssirr cz.zr.zavmemo J;k.,r J.• A, ROBINSON & CO.'S, 411 Market Street apt.. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR PRICES OF .Vi.cl)4c,tis, kk. GAITERS AND BALMORALS, Which are the Cheapest In the City, .1 , J. H. az W. C. BOREL AND'S, No. 98 Market Street, Second door from Fifth. apif BOOTS AND SHOES. T.A.ACCIUD .1.1.013M1. Ala. 89 Market Street, near 5/8 beeond largo porch... of hOOTS AND SHOES rata Spring. We keep on hand a full assortment Of every veriety of hoots and Shoes, eeleeted with the utmost rate for tub mukut. We invite special at tention to ourskock. se we believe It to be the best In the city, ;stitch we will sell at the lowest Please call at No. e 9 Market •treet Hating had over thirty sears experience in the Mutineer, you Cannot fail to be suited. Remember the pine, No. to iterket street. (apt,/ JAMES ROHR. 1,0 WHO CANB9,OO WIETTIEN. Tor TWO WEEKS ONLY, I • selling a GOOD FRENCR CALF SHIN BOOT for the mall auto of SIN* DOLLARS. at No. SR Market /area, =DM =I J . R. CARNAILUIT 6r. CO., Ladies , BLamorals and Polish Boots. J . W. CARNAIL&N & CO., C= =2MM! Ladies' Gaiters me; No. e 3 blarlatwai. W. & c 0„ J. Gent's Pine Cali Hoots I=! CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &o mecALLum BnoTnEns, No. NZ 44 + FOURTH STREET. We hare on baud a rut y superior 'took of CA.A..IEILIPINMIX‘r4:3- °t orinViiit l , P =7:ll7.7,.. g .,l. ° Pro o g 24 feet wide. PIANO AND TABLA r i tiVlßM—llwery li~pd In uae. LLEASTII BILIGB—Prom the aueat quality to 1110 loreet fi MATTINIIB,ATTINO. COCOA AND NAND.' • McC ALL UM BROTHERS, formerly W. U. & H. Her&Hum. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---vei y handsome---never offered in this country before---and at prices based on the present rate of Gold McPARLAND & COLLINS, Ita 731Fiftb Street, 2d floor, Nat ru biadiag.tor V. B. Cute.= Roue and Postal. hivkqlokiir:4:l CANE AND WOOD GRAM, litarothictured:and for sal*, Wholesale or Retail. JARIESW. WOODWE LL , NOB. 87 & Be TIMM ISTBSZT, Opposite IL Edsoundsoo & Co.'., ood =M=== 1011117111111X1121.,.... . ''' .. • AST/I.3rf MILTZ), jOalKela DIE T ER DIE T ER SON.Manii riaMrd,NraisaarlilWUn""'". Ia . PENN ET. irlagat ra2 rtiatTlL UE Vi m mut 11.11 04. 54, own wouxulacterg a and war leeuf rant jantl rtynt taanT ntanutw.tur. 9 99; 9,1 mu. at rea•agl.shirn gnaw MEDICAL. FonTv READS PRACTICE Dr UK:MAL DIgYABLIS Ohne me • knowledge fedora acquired by Pbyel chum. Idngrenklendetn ullgi sildthe &meant or initientwereateil aneduilty by me, ere radicianl P BPIDWAeiIk, or Benu el I Weakness, and dlusete rtberegrom. are iiiire_d_iii_Analsok . ii - 7 7 41ontain artajpay ittars pokeiwo n lorrempog7e bald hained.. - 1 r t Mlual , L VTR = t ag , tho . 11 lanste ,, ' • 911:Ptuaburab.14,- pRIVATE DISEASES. • WWI= Ali FLA - 17 STEXILT ‘ dear Band. for the core of ad demisted of a titivate manna, la from two to roar days. by ananttraly new wadi . . t ea treatmant. ,also. Bants! Weaning& and sll diseases of tha sandal mans add their prevent Ourevrarrantedr Witt/ rotgdyled• date dalera-4 e AOC. tle I. and Otos A. addnmettlettafs, o ,lersetanstrast. none M:~.t_~~vu~v:~:~ WELLWICX — ErtiOWN; CLats at Os Ana of BROWN C 11011 MOW, ROM' 4A73 FlitS PAINTX4I, argr4t onnel of "alri out *mast Illtrap,s, nzranta EMI 1•106 19 sni:0):1,10,1 4 :1 r. corzcs. ... ... Voisgrevr.........:..,:leizArarr... COVENS. KENNEDY &-HARPEB, rum) trtr r comleitagoll SfERCHAN'th, sad holeaalc Dealer. InEORSIUN /LND DORFEnTIC FRU ITO. RALF. FLOUR. BETTER, 3666.1.. O. TATOU. A c.. and In Prorlalons and Produce gen • No. 76 FEDERAL STREET., opposite the Railroad Depcd., A.I.J.ZrattST PA. EVa n A Zd let s eZs a lart. sr. 1'M.... ITAVIda 111. T. STEEL. iv J. STEEL As BRO" late Fleet.. • MG Brat.. and CORIMISSION tdERCELAISTS, receive and all Flour, Corn Meal, ads and Cam, Beans, Haase, Lard , Butter. Cheese. Ega . Pork Green and Da Yalta, Potatoes, Fla LndGras geed, Fathers., Barrels, Hoop Poles, ame, Balt, de. Re. Particular attention Amid to the sale of Foreign ad Demen t s rafts, No. 13.11 Third area Pittaaralt. Pa. te3dEn4 CHARLES C. RALSLET, Produce 001113/11161 Merchant, Warehoule No. BM LIBERTY STREE . T, PltraWr&, P. Wholegal< dealer la Butter, Cher., Lard. PON Park, 04 . 43 .• Beane, Tallow, Paatkers, Broom., Potatoes, D Hom iny, rled Prulta, Green Pratt., [ Mona, Plasm, Grata, Clover Booth, Timothy Beads Flax &oda, Game and Poultry. Partandar atter:lloN 101 , .. n to Prodam t'ouaiamaeot a . and A1a71.... J. A W 1 RjSAIVE Aliam, come W nesioN MERCHANTS land dealers In FLOM. GRAIN and PRODUCE, Second street, between Woad mid Smithfield, Pillitabmgh. TOOS. POTTER JOKY ALCM I. A. SIMPraIID EH, AIKEN & SHEP told ARD P t em7isnisaion !dere/tants, and Cheese in Foreign D., e , 4 w ?raj's, Flour Butter, ,Eggii, Potatoes and produce gene rates. EGLIDPUTTV STREET. oplaisite radwenge! Depot. PEW:ranch. 01 91315.111.PARD PULP' &SHEPARD, C0X12.111111111011 Merchants and dealers In Flour, Grain and Pro. dace, No. IC Liberty street, Plttaburgh. Melee brands of Tlour for Bakers snd Family nse constantly Oa tund. Particular attention paid to tilling order aro, /derchandlee generally. oce:iy LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocara, Commission Merchants, and dealers In Produce, Flour, Bar-on, Cheese. Flab, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nall., Ohonl , Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh manufactures generally 13 and 114 Second street, Pittibargh. P. 1151.2. TOOB. ILISCIEULLL WM. P. BECK & CO No. ISS Liberty 'Ube , ~ Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and dealers In Coun try Produce, Provisions, Macon, Lam, Sutter, Eggs, Cheese Fish, de, Produce, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Greenand Dried Praha. die., Nail and Lime. Jyle r. NiTrun J B. EZTKX.X Wm. D. HILYILLIL. - pEimEn & BROS., (Successors to Reyaner k Anderson J Wholesale Dealers in For eign Frulm, N uts and COUreenOneer, Freerorka, Ec., Nos. and 128 Wood Street., above Fifth Pittsburgh. tvXhir ROM'. , KNOX ANDRILW KNOX. p KNOX & SON, Commission blEßCElANTSandlDealers in FLOUR. GRAIN, KILL FEED and PRODUCE generally No. 79 Diamond, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. J OHN CANFIELD, Commission and Worwardlng Merchant stml wholesale dealer In Western Reserve Cheese. Butter. Lard. Pork, Haa; Flour, Irish, Pot and Pearl Ashes, ' Mammas. Linseed and Lard Oils, Doled Fruit, and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 144 Front street. Plttiburdd o. RYITIR • • PHODECEf Com:d i :slo 4' n and PITEIt, wv a tt . ,,tx .,, ,,1 ,„.. 17wri, and . Li berty = streel r A'lttsbarigh, Pa.. JOHN I. 1101,18‘• • • • =MAUD 1.101.11t...W11. 11. 00082. JOHN I. HOUSE & DUOS Succes song TO Jotrs 1. Roost & Co., Wholesale (aro ern and Commission MOrchlmus, corner of Smith field and Water streets. Pittsburgh. 44110 I AI!IfEEI DALZELL A, SON, Dann ," facture chased Oil, and Commission Merchants Dann for the pund sale of Crude and Refined Pc trolcurn, Nos. 93 and 70 Water street. Pittsburgh. Advances made on Consignments. QCHONLAAJER &LANG,Wholesale dealers In Urocerles, Flour, Grain, Produce, Pro rndons, Flan, Cheese, halt, Carbon 011, Nos. 172 and 171 Wood Street. near Liberty Street, Pittaburah, sett:fy OWU n, ULD undue' arcrziissi. HEAD & BIETZGAII, Grocers and Commission Merchants and dealers in all kinds gr. C . Mtge rtTn ' t ' re e e ro:tarill= b cd * N7 4" % t r• Pittsburgh. ap3,lyt. I.4"ETZER & .4111USTRONG_, wardlpir and Commlaston lier Chants, for the eels or Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Sceda, Drted Frulta, and Produce generally, No. PS Pdarket Street, corner of First, Pitts - burgh, Pa. (0.26:17 14 RIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pn, Commission Merchant, and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Wormles and Pittsburgh manufactures. Cash advanced on Con signments, and paid for Produce generally. an2l L , IJ pour. DALZELL & CO., Whole wt. Grocery, Gotambuiton sad Poru - srding Me, chant. and 4ealers In Produce sad PictsburgVldan ulbetures, No. 261 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. R. H. JACK., 1 and 2 DIAMOND = PITTSBURGIII, PA. .1011311 Wirt Joint WILBO/1. WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Verdu:its, and &glen in Produce snd Pittsburgh Idantifactures, No. fig Lib erty street, Pittsburgh. lnTd LIMAS LAMBERT-2011N 1111111014. C. W.Iii.LACZ LAMBERT, stimpiroN fit CO., Wholesale Grocers and Prod.. Dealers No. 3, Sloth street_ l'lttsburittt.. ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Connulmalou Merchant*. and !imbue 111 Produce. No. sO Wjger .trust and 60 Front Street, Pltdanurg A. DAN= MOPS L. TOMB', H. VOIGHT & Co. , (Successors L G•mlTOProducaand Commlaainn Mer•• chants. 911 Liberty street, ruttsneyn. u LINHART, Dealer in I+ S to=l.74Gltz `° _,l rrOdu Rp A kl . AComintAal tk Mere/ant. Na. 351 L.LBEITY STZLET, Pittsburg ° l4 Ya.teirry FQIzip);(1: 1 1011:1 1 4 NOW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT WTOCN OF CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected pereoxp , a , r:. th rrlber : annuli • SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS "p ta Ira road [o[ I=4l 4112 " WARRANTED rOll FM MIMI, CHARLES C. MELLOR. pit BRADBURY, Nign YORK, Itch°mocker II Co., Philadelphia, 3E:' I .41. N C.) 151. The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. Acknowledged by the best musical talent In the United State. to be superior to to 411 others In power . wi n ry dp and quality Unlit, sod thorough work . Inait Theseltistruments bare foryear, &ken the Inn premium,, over all all eoutpetltors, at the various State and County Pairs. In prices they are lower than any others. All warranted (or ire years. WAMELINIC At BAII.II Plo. 151 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa WM. KNABE & CO.'S n=lei PIANOS. Them Instrument{ haelag beau befureHaesoeb rogl2lt="4"t4MMT4ll4o6ln! leNvz. for sale 001e . by apl4 CHARLOTTE BLAME, 43 Flfthstreet, STEEL WOESS. pITTSBUIR&FiII STEEL WOllllB ANDEMAOA, COOK • CO., (BUOOZEMOBII TO JONTB, BOYD s "00.0 . SFESEIf.WII7I2."I-ti-rd SHAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, erigvie ?LOW NIMIACIIkframIid,ALICLBS, CIALIm.sx" dz. Cant anatCominon Plough and Spring Steel, cdadd—porn.: biotite rLACH DIAMOND 63-7.3NCELILa ramstrass, PA. PALEY, BROTH* dIF Kumar/KU:on Of MOT go.eurr =rump c?isr anni. • . &awe, net and Octaoa, Of ra r= t ittr equal to any ImportO Oman try. *fireflies and areaceay, Zito. He and Wirt, au and 1321100nd Onacitic Vittairuitt6 Wirt,/ Ls B11.?I4.10 . . .I , II.II3I=WORL elto Viiirargat i f el sMaaPt* o l ag Pinata, se WAR 15P/MT lap nano), Pt. PAVERS. ABM= HOPSON. eIIifTWEE, MeNAVGREB & CO., STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, attend promptly to Fnratehingand Laying Stonennd Brick Pavements, • elled Bewaring the same: own Ste_nes Yurrdstued and Bet. eroding and Cellar Dlutosi done al d rA * 4rdng I.l7tlsqln In our line will _ban Eileirma d rel l o/I ' ll%,llrD i ree t iltralit MVig o • ama it'altlMK I.lrlaiMita:l3o: o:y.tot - fxtmtel BAhlhR Heuer.. N. HOLMES & SONS Banle ries, N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. Derstle received In P. hind. and Garreney. Co enlace made on all the prinelpal point. or ate United State...o Canada.. STOCKS; BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought sad Sold on Coiatulsslon. Partieclat attentlon paid to the parents. and .le of UNITED STAT SECURITIES. INCLUDING Gull ed M do S.Mlates Blue or MM s . Do. , fives of DAM; Do. Seven-Thirties; Do. CertLicatenot Orders and VorMherebonghtor collected. Jalll /7 DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Y°UR V I /Wr i aiso sa.ums. en`rattl i gti t raittMlllis;Vr t aT:= tat, from 7to o'eloa t and from November Ist to Doll., and n 0 of 41 u : 6 :w o o f er declared tr sla than ite Yo„.. In Jane and December. Interest Ita. been .larrul oembannually M June end of smce the Bank wee ornerdsod, at the rate of six per cent. • year. • f Inters., II tot drawn out, Is placed to the crodit o Um de •• principal, and hears the mane en tenet from the Mat day. of June and Demme., oompe;Mdlon twice • year without troubling the de. MtUfatral'oll.te arg;„rg,t ,r.Trttvin t b";.• At Books Mintalnlng the Chart " ny-Laa,Vies =Mimes, furnished gra.`-....7em application at the Panstomm—GEOßOß A LBRES. 'Mein Patellealme• John G. Bactolen, Robert Robb. enj.ne B L. erdman Yahneatock. John H. Bhoenbersor, JoAn, Donee McAuley, , Alexander Speer. J... H. D. /teed., ; canal. Yeager. 1118 AC PittillOCk , I A. M. Pollock, It. G., • • ..., Win. J. Anderson. Jam. D. Kelly, Calvin Aflame, Benny J. Lynch, John C. Bradley. Peter A. Madeira, 43. e Black, John Marshait, Mil Burgwin. Walter P. Marshall, A.onsolA. Carrier, John B. McFadden, Charles A. Colton. J Ev ahn Orr, NV or. Douglas, . Bin wait. Henry : j ai ' : J. triteaple; Alexarmer ladle. William 13..Baven. William ilankirk, Peter H. Booker, Wm. P. Weyman, Richard HAY... Isaac Whittler. 2112A111711a11--CRARIL,CE A. COLTON. SZCIUTAIIT—.I4,I4. B. D. BMW& lail :dale, r im PEOPLES' NATIONAL RA_NK, Of Pittsburgh. vArrrAi PAID 111 1,110140 DU. wrra PAMLICO'. or 1.,003,0c0. kt asaaa bowie MINER VTll.Bl' AND WOOD - sank, organised under the National Beating System, is now prepared to transact business at its Banking House, for aof WOod and First streets. Cotten - Lions mide en all socessible points on the most favorable terms. Special Agents for JAY COOKE for the ula of the U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. dANUEL REA.,Prlsltlent. F. K.MDON Cashier. ..1)29:17d J. C. IetePRICESLIN. Teller INSURANCE INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. C,onn. THE ONLY LIFE LNSITHANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that owakes and pays an Annual CASH DIVIDEPD on the nut and each subsequent payment of premium. Its CASH e CAPITAL, se ac cumelation of $1.630401, Is securely Inverted in rtocks and mortgagee of REAL ESTATE. It Is now In tra latitzear of beanies', and has rid to the MILLION E HOWA g. " TTI Llt e d r :te h n e orallh ' ! gle cue of litigation has occurred, an evidence that liberality sod fair dealing l• • •pecialty with this Company. The pollclea of Uhl Company are not forfeited by reason often-payment of pretrtinm after the second year. No Payment* rutifted after ton years, but policies continue gout through life, OPTICEJui. J, C. W ALH.LT. President. N. S. PALMER, Vice Prealdent. S. H. WI4gITE, Secretary. Branch Mace filr Western Pennsylvania, where Circular' sad blank Application." will be furnished. 38 Wood . street, Pittanurffh. =lc y * wanted thee, li=tiharttattiwAzrpellt_to CHARTER 1829. PERPETUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Vmete on Jan. I, 1844, Capital • MOCO Accru ed ested E p a ntims 971,1 M Invnna 404283. Unsettle MMus 8, cl. Income NY Mt Laura Paid BincelM . 6,. tO3. , . CO3. Perptual and Temporary Policies on liberal term. . . . Chas. N. BUlCker, Luc Lee, Tobias Wagner, ' Edward C. lisle, Samuel Grant i Fieorge Jacob R. Stalin,Allred Fitter. , George W. Richards, rak`e•W. Lewle ni.D CHARLES N. HAMMER, President. EDWARD C. CALLS, Vice President. JAB. W. MCALLISTER, &WY _Poi le= J. G. COIELN, Agent. Corner Wood and Third streets. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A MERICA. PHILADELPHIA =! Hartford Fire Insurance..Compaay, AtelllitiS, 41101. ProtecUon Oan be .6eUrod La the above riMed um reliable Companies. ft.9:ly lll4 Water stnict. (WI stain, .1 WErrEfeN DiSIIRANCE CO., OF 17r8 =1 1 140118 NaucK, Preahhaut. WU. P. HERBERT. Secretary. C.A.M.IOI4O4OE,NIEELD Uetkeral Arent. Ottlee. n Witefstreel,lSpaux bo. Ware 190.0 up eters, Plitathrtgh. WIII lutito tiltalatt all kind. of Vire wid Maxine /W M. -A.,tome Institution managed ta n g Deetore Who are well Imown tbneommunl_ ,ty who are determined by vromitnesa an 4 liberality, to main tain the tharaefer which' they have anon:led, at of. kill:Lithe beat proinatial to :those who Muhl. to he wowed. • Jianear oAnfey, 4,lltetim i t Nalthlatelliolmee, I Chu: - ai t tgle, Alexaseller , Vpeer, Jobn e, azosbelLll.,Alas3lerroa, • Jams P.• sub.. 1 - "" * IL P. 118BalCHT, Bawer CITIZEN fI?"EITSIMANCE satiValr i aa rt Wrece , comer Market '• • • -•;",•!. . t , lttakrtrY, - Yreatdant. .A. filliiAll3),Searstarty. . li .rter xst karattaltlattett ir k ka tt raria m ea mtin I=e's &trainer kter and damage-by fire. utaiC~ cede: pfir i ai• famsll 6 3., rark, r. • W. *l - 7 .slounston. 111Trin n. Jortra,l Akardillatira, Akyi= War. Radom 4 1 1,0 e-ampatem•co. ornos, B. B. ocausini wool, £3D rirrrans, P RiL OaptTSS.=, FOM'N' W, r. OA.Bating.:'.... A LLIEI43.- USE CE CO. Ban o l li n Tplgragt—olacs, No. 27 Mb street Ituauteettiethet. aD kited, °Mee and Martha Masi 18B1746: ieer:lrna A eut. „ 6 .,n4 e g W el t Sotut D: MCOotd. a u - ota, rgety;•.. an:M . B. L. istutestock. it, a teiilx: STEAD" nro=l2ll . rfittra wiz°. %maim wirgrazin) EVERY SATURDAY 1. EVERY WEDEESDAY , caituyThw U. A b1A11.9. ' TI eu sold to ofd from holm% Zuglatte. Out land Orrotany end Treace. Ao the equptutra JOU (L,.DAE, Agent, itiarftdwit • , F. Y'RdQOHYE ko):4:(00:y103A SiONAILD W. RODZIWITI.' ' S. X 0.11910-011 FOVELTILISTREET UPHOLSTERY L N :ri t bits "Clit gettae rrac afh mw ee% °mato: w. ti da arm a n zliga . alr , 1411 3, 11.:AcI r ceLlgi . Ro ot "At .Z7*° " 2 47 . L CO-amommis gA l i o ß nizinea 'INL IN THE GREAT SKIM LIKE ROUTE TO COLIUMBUV, Ana .11 In7FEini4.4l.4plau, ii ic Chk an 4 after MONDAY, S& )a IS IM lA, Trains will leave ana arrrr •t the II:410N DIU% W as foliose a FRANKLIN PrPTSISIEFFIGIIdiAIIa t iums CONNELLIMLLE R. 6. Spring Arrangement. 11151,457.19411 ea On and titer THITHHD AY, Main 'll 1513. 1806 The trains wilt larva the Depot, oor 7 ner ot , Roes and Water streets, as follows • Pitteertiron. Pla-M'Po MAC lo and from Uniontown 7:CO A. M. 6:03 P. C. . SA 111 M P. M. 11,00 A. Vert Newton Accommodation 6;16 P. X. A. W. Virrt McKeesport Arcom'n 11:00 A. 11. 6:50A. af, and. 10:00 P. M. 2:06 P. Braddock.. .`• VIO P.Y. 6:411 P. re Sunday CriorelL Train to nod from WertNewton. ... 1310 P. 11,00 A. at For Tickets apply to R. C. BNALI.Eti 15 , fRu GIIEN INNOWW VALLEY RAII L 1 .ROA CHANGE OF TINE. On and alter MONDAY, Nov. Nth, Passenger train. TRAlN—L e av ers be arranged to run aa follows. HAIL TRAlN—Leaves Pittsburgh at 6.16 arriving at Kittanning at 0:46 A. at Leaves Kittsn sing at D:10 r. noires at Plitaburgh at 0:10 r. r EXPRESS TRAIN —tearer Kittanning at 7:6a 0, 0., arriving at Pittsburgh ar at 1.1,00 a. at. Leave: Pittsburgh at 1:10 a., riving al littumeeing at r, w. 111,760,01 M. . . . ACCOMMODATION TRAlN — Lustre. Suds Work.. at 13:3) A. M.,rriving at Pittsburgh at gPO a. K. Leaves Pittsb u rgh at 1:10 r. arriving at minetas at 3:6 F. m.. 111.1588,000. HUMPHREY'S W. L. JUNES. Agent, HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have proved, from the most ample experience, an en tire snout's, simple, efficient and reliable. '1 hey at o the only medicines perfectly adapted to Repast t to --sr. simple th at mistake.esnuot be mania In stsalg them; so harmless en to be free from dander, end sa efticleut as to be always reliable. MN; h. No. I mires FEVERS. Cougestious, Inflamma tion ........... ..... ... /I • • WORMS,. Worm . 'Aver, colic 2 •• CRYLNU COLIC, of Teertklug of In- 2 II I • Lii i ;Alit ' ILEA of children or adults.. El I • U ISENTICRY, Griping and Bilious Coll .7 0 CHOI ERA MORBUS, Nausea. ES 1 •• COUGHS, Colds Brouctiltis 70 0 •• NEURALGIA, 'Toothache. race .be a • - HEADACHE, Sick Headache 2/ 0 .• DYSPEPSIA 11111002 Stomach TA H ~ SUPPRESSED. apply and pnlidul V (g 2 •• L CORRII rip& I EA, or Whlies.... .... 3 In • • C UP hoarse cough A '• 14 SALT RHEUM. Erysipelas, itk op tions ie lik REIEUHATIIIII. all rheumatio path* it It " FEVER AND AGUE, Chills and Fever 17 .• PILES , 1014,201 or 4 xternsi..„ .. kp to •• upTGALnIY. sore, nelamod eyes.. to Iv •• CATARRH, scot. or chronic, 11:1011- =IT! =CZ! 15'31a - ei°P.l3M", " bulk.* Atintokla, ota, F. Hlrkponalak, rank b. B Loy nwelL A. • Ylet President 'ZTUTM TOL STRICKLAND'S aieninno. 5 1 , COUGH BALSAM la warranted to he the only pre" antlol known co corn U. Cold/, liaarsattetl, C 1 . 1 Whooptait Congb,. NO - 1 3 .grifte l g P le e t, healing , g a , RE ;air' .IthMigtilthAiltii •• • atlons' of the Threat and Lungs .Per tale 1 1 Inuarlata everywhere. a. misiELLKas a vu., 12:17d 1W1101.15A3.1 Aaiun. IiAILROADS. ma g ja79,111 4 .5 . i . ; 1701111R,VA i likst siENTHAr. B. B. - THIBTE oif On and after SUNDAY, April lar. ISSN tralitall . ..l leave the Union Passenger DPot., iw to too and LlDertTT streets w !n e r •• •• •• 140 mopping at principal stations. Arrives at AU,' at . lc,' Tyrone. Sat.. , as. • CfSelletstam, All 2 a. at.; Look Haven, CI le 0. 30. ;1 HarTiabat 110 P. al. , Baltimore 1:31 0.1 New Yolk, 010 . 614:1- town, 10:St. ; Philadelphia,* 540 r sr.; and aw York, via Philaeleilda, at 10:22 r. it. CINCINNATI EXPHESH—Leaves Pittston Pia at 9:50 stoppirm at neatly all Maths.; Alloot 0,1 Pt MC P. 0.; Harriabmg, 9:70 r. 11.; stets I as as hiladelphia at 1:10 By this 11116 ' , mamma% 30 Nl S eM ' l r o er L ed ine; I ss th infn U tork. ,- 4 there al 3:30 PHILADELPHIA manual, -•,••••••••••1 erph at 4:10 P. stopping only at prlnfirlsr etalO,AS. Arrives at [.situ bsS tar Y. .: AllOOOO, 03 11 r• .• Elarrlsbars, 2.35 a. N. Italtitut,ro 7,01 • wlaw Yon/ . e t. PifinaileiplaM„ MO tie eO ukoct at., and rialls,l,lphla, 71t4. 0. Bleet Lig C.ll rut through on this; trs.lo [mai '1 t o Baltimore and Pidladelphm. arid to now Tor TI • Allentown. PAST LlNE — Leaves rittsbargli at IOIV r. W•. Vomiting only at principal stations. Al rives at Al toona St ItlClik. a.; Ilarytanura.• 0.16 A. Sl more,/ Ilin) P. Way Now York. eta Aliesnow I. a - 4G rbitadelpel2,,o 1.10 r, si.. and New You ti via Pt adelphin, t at 442 A. KW ady . *Breakfas /Halter. igaippar• all oilier troll.. Nrsonina • apart .1. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION - Dative zi apt Sundays) at 2:10 P. Y., stopping at roanlar static - Ps betweenPittanurab and Conmatangh. and totrnert it I at Blairsville Intersection wino trams ott tits lu Its oa Branch and Weal Pennsylevila Railroad. ALLTINONA ACCOIDIODATION—DitiIy (•s, e, bandwys) at 7,50 A. 1111.,,stopputj at all ru took s between Pittsbutirb and Aitoona. and lna e connection with truing on the Indians Oranch, Psunsylvaula Italltoad. Etninshin kr i't,-sou It •I ) - rout, mil Bolltdayabork Branch. - Wail's Accommodation, SO. I. dall.l kept olt - tit_TS) at 61.10 A. u. Braddock's Accommodation Nu i. 00111 ier •ei t Sunday') at 10.X1 A. is. Wall'. Accommodation co 2, dad) 1000001 d ltrialo l .4 l itt 4 .1....:au1tuudA1.1..0 0. 0. 'AA' Sundays) at 3:11) P. It. liV airs Accommodation N..daitr (except d S • I tot, xcent d days) at 0116 2. la. A.ccoototodation 0. dolt (es , opt d a' We C t D l M a e s t T rai n leave. Wall eaaliVti 011 1 11 in day at 9:15 A. IC, and artier! lu Pitbibutah atl :It A. IC kk•turatng, I • Pittsburgh at 11 . 50 P. it . and arrives at Widlt• litsaJon at 2:00 P. it. Returning Trains arrive to Pittaborth as follows: Ith . A. at. Put Line . heel • S. First Wall'. Station Aerousmotthilou 6.20 a. 0. Ilrloton Accommodation No. 1. . . ....... 7:60 a 0. Seventh Walla Station Accommodation.... 6:00 A. R. Johnstown Accommodation ........... . . 9:69 a. U. Braddock's Acoommod at Lou No. I. idlo P. Ptthnore E•press .............. .......... 1,110 E. 0 .. illailAlphla Express 2.05 r. Third WelPt Station Aceoutottelation P) I . 0. Braddock's Aecommodatlou no 7.. . r. Y. Wall.* Accommodation. No. 5.... ......... I 02 1 . laitennth Accommodation and Emigrant.. 10:50 r. Y. Balttroore Expreas willrive with Phitadoli (10 broth., at 2:0k210.. on Su ar ndays. An Agent of the Excelsior Omnibus Chnpay st 1 , 1 Deer :trough each d train before reachins the 10.1 the eltpy. deliver n eireel—oi•eo lay J fight—where all orders for teem ovenopit or ratans gee, and barge will receive prompt attention. NOTIC— o ease of Inca, the Company will WI.) themselves lesponsible for terminal baggage 0,17, and for an amount not exceedlog gith W. H. BECHWIrti, Agent. At the pentorld rants Pen tral Ration/2 Paseo et ger ci t• - 1100, on Liberty and W•ahlottan streets. PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY AND CLEVELAND 6 PllTsib — b - Hk 'umlaut. 1S IM. - Winter Airrangematit. oda. en and after November 19th, 131 ft, amine tl‘ t•et follosra, •ls: barou Fbr Tor Pfttatturp•. Campo. ' Ofeseread. 19Assitag Express 1460 A. a. 2:20 Sr. Sr. &sprees . 1:413 e. x. 2:2,3 1. Sr. 2.3/ 1. ranreaa I 3 ( 10 5 o . '. c ct P For Newcastle ana s Erle..7 . . . . . - ... . 0, .. ' tad ' s. at, Returning, arrive at PlttetSargb: P., Ft. it . 1 C. R. W.-1 tea A. 0., 2•I0 P. at., P. at., 9:00 P. u. C. •P. IL R.-11:16.1. u. .I.= P. , 9:10 Leave Allegheny or f N'sw BRIOUTON-9:00 A. a., L 1.53 A. X.. 4:201 and 6:40P. a. R. •Mitents--d:O6 e. a. 21XX CIAIII . I.X-350 P. 0, ECONOXT-111,10 P. Sr. WILLSVILLX - 11,60 P. Sr. 3etoenlag arrive at Altegbenr .a. 2taoe. a. , 1:69 P. IC and 12 A. & P. R. R—ROO A. 11. GEORUE PARKIN, Oulz.a4P. rrl,cre:;010.0,1: c. 07 1. R. MYER, General Ticket. Scent- =2l! Gra I= INDIA NAPIILI3, @T. LOOl tl rut Line. ..... ...• - L. . 9,00 k. .... •• Ex s p abray. U. e Leomm,ol•o 10 ) P. • 10:10.. 0. B. F. 51'U IL, kien•l Tlet.ol Af(t, fitiMbe . l,.l 0. M. D. MO bIl TLIENSI',. ' It, Ordon Depot, Pll.l.lfarwl. EMI =MIZE .27 lv P. WRIGHT. Saperlutemdeatt. KEDICAL. eu •• WHGOPING COUGH, spurn, vile al •• anon.Ligd r• dear- m le weakness s •• DROPSYand Bann Secretion. •• BEA BICIDIESB, or slekness Rom ridlna •• KDANEY DLBE ~A.E, Gravel ... LS •• NERVOUS DEBILITY, se — m — lo al rodssions.lnvoluntary dlscl.ssen •• BORE MOUTH. or Conker. ... SO •• UL FIRMITIV EevNe6nk.W.liti FE it '• puma GO la • • 81:1 3 PrERENGB at Cbange or LI to.— CA EPILEPSYAmoduOR.VmeDarI- Se GIIA/LISRid„ ulcerated sore Utica* ig Cues of SO ylals, to motneroeue and book eon, plots . ... . . . up ot Cou of A:gorge viAje, In moroeroand Wok 8 LI) Cu, of 20 large Uala ;dant cue utd book. .... II Al Cua of lObozeo (No. Ito lit and book. . . 100 TOlLitEitlei., Corner of Fourth and Market streets. Wboleule Anent, Ytttsborah, Yoe sale by E. kfISIER,M dmlthneld etrekl.q ant. FL/DUNI:I,Be Market street, corner of the Litantond Tlttabargh, and J. . EAST, No. 184 Federal al reel. 1212OroNnlailirtl i k t ri l re a tt li , gratu N r:l - 7. '"" STHICILLANI3 3 BPII.E UT.DY his CODED thou. nails Of We worst bugle of ' w. • BLIND L AND sizzial 11 , ; nase. Woe Imutedlet 4 • relief, and effects e_perstlet -• bent cure. Tl 7 it arl.°T . r OAR It II WlLTSilted t r Q ewe. • . 444 , , 4 f Pot See b 1 Dr.ggi.to , " ._ r L .S -63 cent' per bottle. U. Z. 4 / Waota.nALF.IAoIIIII 8. CEO DYSPEPSIA. --- Dr. stilautandts TUNIC .1 a =Vast rtateda=t4lr . o . t r ." - ; 7 - 11'., i. , .. Vil d ds sad earmlrottly? t - ,E• C.. 2% . 1 --..(47 \ area/the tee . tomac sad ~._ ..,J - # nerrous system It Ls sett , •-,. . c:: ) ,. .Atra 'rit7is l 4.ll. , 7 ...=.... c) ~u,. ~ >-'' nassass‘cy aod. debi li ty. it 4 0‘. . . . 1 " S p.nt ia a s Isr a : a t taaor= . Imo .xo.7l:frigt ... .77w. 111 ewe/bottle. calklyd H. I:4lgld.ea Lg.. S i 7.,