The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 20, 1866, Image 1

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    PICNNIXWC, ; )
wEsser,roatalierr f Eatux.
gathilliOarria v.esErizmusoituriom,
NO. lie TINT= &mar, Pirreatnuan.
IPRIDittOk_IIRIL 20, 1886
dixmlmati,i , people are sorely puzzled
td telliffiiethe PescriProelamstion meant.
Itadusbleitiseertained it does not mean
the restoration .of the writ of habeas corpus;
~, a or the . disuse of trials, by ~/tilitary Com
mission. 'lt does not mean the subordina
titit of the military to the civil power.
Whit is its meaning
'I'KE 94TH Diarntcr.—The Washington
Examiner and /Priem and the Waynes.
Mug ilfewnger, - favor the nomination of
Mr. Was. MosToommtr as the Democratic
motif/We' ror pon g ipgs fn the . 24ill district.
Two EXECUTION TO-DAT. —Botrazu anti
Hotistn 'will he hung to-day to Ebensburg,
Pie the murder of two women. Last week
the former attempted susicide, by openink .
an Artery with tilikof tin.
th to expki , ed that Senator lieDougall's
reoant drunken speech may lead to his es:
pulaion. The only marvel is the Senate
has for so long a time submitted to be (116
gracedby hia prosenee.
Opera Henze.
Go to Charles Dillon% benefit to night.
Bates dit Bell.
Cloaka and maiWilab 3n* to order.
Bates et belt.
loop skirts, wraith!, Vitztte, mathltua ging
eases, at the lowest prices of the day.
Dress. IMoode,
For Spring and Summer, on the north-salt
corner Of Fourth and Market ittreihs.
C. ILassox Lora & Sao.
. Titres Good Draught Horses,
Three wagon. and Itarnesa, at anctita, this
morning at tea ()Week, At.,...Legsate.s
tlcatlioasi, 159 redatil street; Alleitheni-, See
auction sale. •
416kalk4er e Lora!at cpiLlmay P•ra
Your attention Wearied to trio sale of Bait
Aare - Ali
LOLlAtCOpingo,2fit. - 921onday attar
`non : A Ova eie.trilini train 'lda' %Mit the
Pannayleanla depot at s dolma tO =way
Ladles end eentleinen to and frem the sale.
Bale' & Bel!, Al ; Tighe Stream,
are''opeihrifir au elegant' essortment of ne
groofte. Lace curtains, vestibule bunt, silks,
shawls; Moe
' stilt Ann cloth mantles; linen
goads of all kinds; . illarsenlee Lancaster and
Dlmity weadit; boys' wear; cashmeres. mu
stier "flannels, and flue musltns, which tbay
sear at thstaloastvidees tha day.
Oa .
Dvaryoody sho d r ase Desnneworiar Chides
DtU n.
PoWeiti'axid tlbeesess' ''
iletiLlswr oa In the world, mantietetehed from
fresh selected nears an the yes coast. This
griii r ebeatacterizad by a neatness and putty
Wit akihe: .Re putation 13 RC' Vogt
that 'lf tikes the Iva o Gaiter ails, ,and Is
tuttearseliy preikerlbed phis:claim. he
mambas to ask for k • Caswell., Cod
layer 011. ,
-:.l:sa 'watt Macs 6 041 fits. Fork,
nolo numnfactortra.
For sale by and all ttrugglidk...
elopers ffirase.
„Charles /killrai in hls nnapproaenshie char
trier of Itelphrignr.
'Take - TiitcOiky the Forelock
.. The miasma .which generates epidemic le-
Tars Is now rising in clouds ender the bluing
kagunsofibeeogslayann. Every living body
siva/les refute:animal and vegetable matter
stglite.altirhOlesoMe vapors, and in crowded
clues and the dense assemblages which bus,
fleas and pleasure call together, the elements
of disease are evolved. The pressure upon
every vital organ is never so great as In the
.11C011d and third months of summer, and
— common sense teaches us that these organs
require to be reinforced to meet It.
We hold our lives, en to speak, on reprer
phir Jesse, and this Is the season when the piSt-
Oen of. dilapidation Is most rapid and repairs
are most required. Therefore built up, prop
and sustain the powers of nature with that
Mighty Vegetable recoperant, Hostetter.s Bit
ters.. He who takes ft may be said to clothe
*Meek( In sanitary Mail, against which epi
demic disease will hurl its poisoned shafts in
vain. This m no gratuitous assertion, but a
gteat medhsal fact attested by twelve years'
corpulence in every climate of the habitable
globe. Extremes of temperature always 41s.
.1116 the functions of the stomach, the bowels,
-the liver and the attn. It II through these
that the Moat dangerous maladies assail us
, Tlirie them 'ln advance with Hostetter's Bit
• Wig; atutdefi heat and malaria_
gestetUtes Hitters
♦ is sold wholesale and retail at very low rates
at • koalas." Drag and Patent Medi eln a Depot,
ellinthit "stleat, °corner of the Dlamood
&Oa Market; near fourth street
Opera Houma
Charles Dillon tho greatest actor on the
asnerlcanastage, to-rught.
.Apieing and iisnizta T r Goodi
. ' The well-known store of Mr. John Weler,
MarebaritTallor, No. ISS Federal street, elle-
EMMY," has teen lately dtted up with a new WS
sortmant of aprlng and summer goods. The
Stook ties been well selected, and embraces all
the numberless articles needed for gentle
men', garments. A large stock of ready-made
pants, colds, Tests, /M., will also be found in
labia establishment Ills stock of tarnishing
goods cannot be surpassed. Persons desiring
to purchases good suit of clothes would no
well, by giving Mr. Water a mill.
Opera NOUN,.
Charles Dillon .to•viglit. No extra charge
for Veltetelld:l4lltts4.
'MOWS* W. Marry s CO..
Yrs Faisa l Slate Roofers, and Dealcr. la Ameri
cas' nate ertarioas oblexa.. Mee 'at A.lesalv
der Lastillita'S near the Water Works Pitts
hargir, .;tealdenee, Km 78 Pike street. Or.
dem Prearptty &UMW to. wash =arrant
al water prOa. Repairing den* at the short.
est noidea Ro charge farm:ear., provided the
roof b not abased site: It b pat on. -
. White -
Esau :it iiven.ft: dresses, on the
abripbasc gx4l2* of rourtti satl.Maitket
O. HAarsort Lovz Hato
,1)11.1 1•1111.tiag Moro
1411111s.114=1:2114.11.11er sa lbsenes 01 Stave
inn the r e bay* ze-oyezed my ah°P
tar all oi kttculyi to the carDiartar line
thitligaltand. Tin= A 1 1.17, bergelin Ranh.
Oat/ atainAad CteniAUS3'. Oziers 4011Catel
. C_OCV"`"O /7 " tucide4 t° •
- . " .Wizt.taie Venally.
Cob:Well 11Inix.
r am emus: plianOinigured an Antiqu:
oaths nortkoinat =mar of Fourth and Mar
-kin.traidia C. Itanao - s Lars & Ban.
'ist I Drew.
1, _
4z loo lllseAoVAlrleell ol- BOAS Water,-
eherl?fee. .
dm tat gyriape.
go all tbliZirave owns s gloss; el $4 rea
ern/ elAgel, Allegheny. Btaw aul
Whltsitalts sagas, s full line st /ow prices,
ittiot corsair - ot Fourth aim Mar
tart starlas,' C.'H/X/lON Lars it taro.
:.11:1111Anansier Drug m om
B•aicired PACT. Szottidel4.street, three.door.
5t" 611 d , "4 91195Utthe Pastotace.
irairelblarTiVelrelltrik6- . .A.5111111111t otilliew
Drivera-Cer Blown up W u Feepedo?.
Nttw Tosc r apill 19,A zokis Meeting of lbe
drivers WM heldiwthe rark. hut
When* eerie* of SeeOlotionswasedold
": aspaseidsksr a determblatMobot to reran.
• . work until the advlutee they asked for woo
Speeches werer•deUyeted by Mesas.
• • McMaster,
e Tas lla i
ke F. Cozens sod
' other*, dtldosUlmomelrere
usealvisl ibtlaerd 2 PatinWaStriellda.
Thifty sltooodnetmamereelbehargea from
the flovanth -Airenutr;Uaa.psydday. tot re.
Dian Po VIA* drive*
-Tstoaasadlta on thenew armors were made.
one of them being slightly wteht4o4 - sts t h e
seg. One •of the sulkers was 11.17eitea
flee . Con
siderable riOting
_waned. on the of the
Third Avenue maddest evetibtrllne driver
le in 1;1',03. to have beeeldlled.,
,s t Ye s plaedViratatradratli late
NMI* We') WeV• O4 /4 4 RF a all:
pusgegraillt Ku-Thee& mis?
1uaP a 1 1 ! .. 1 8 1;9 1 05 1 ,37 - kr,
as•Yz.:s ‘
Waanterrron, April lo.—The celebration of
the emancipation of slavery In the District of
Columbia took place to day. Two regiment.
of colored troops and various colored civic
associations, with teeny of her colorr , l'eltlren.
assembled in front of the Executive mans) on •
making u dense mass of colored faces. reliev
ed here anu there by It teewhite ones. .titer
tae firing of cannon, and the playing of sere
nil martial airs, three cheers were glee. for
the President of the Called States, who
leg been escorted to a prominent position by
United States eLarahal tiardrung and his pri
vate secretary, Col Wm. G, Moore, addressee
the assemblage ail hallows: •
Mr Coteau, eatesres:-1 have nothing more
to say to you on this occasion than to thank
you for this compliment you have paid In pre.
panting yourselves before me on this your
day' of celebration. I come forward . fOr the
pru - pbse of indicating my approbation, and
manifesting my appreciation of the respect
thus offered orconfinved. I thank you for the
compliment, and I mean what I say; antl I
remark in this' connection that teatime
will come. And thal;loo, before a great White,
when the colored population of the Coned
States will find out wlhave selected them as
a hobby and a pretest' by which they can be
successful tu °M al gand maintaining
power, and, wto., hare , been their truest
trlends and wanted them to participate
and enjoy the blessings ofEreedom. The Uwe
will come when It will be made known who
contributed as muCh as any Other man,d
who, without.
_being considered cgotirtia an l, I
May say, connibut.ed mole in procoring the
great national guarantee of the abolition of
alavery in all the States by the ratification of
the amendment to the Constitution at the-Uni
ted States,giving(' natlanal Oat tin tee that
slavery snap' no [Muter be perm. too to s tug
or be re-established within the pir,..tlierbio of
the United States. I know bow es,, t Is to ea
ter to prejudice and how easy; it is to excite
feellegl of.juajedice and tuakindneas. I care
not for•that. I have been engaged in this work
In which my all has been pertlied. I was not
engaged in It as bobby nor did deride col
ored men for the take of gaining power. What
I dui was teethe purpose of establishing the
principle of freedom, and, thank God, I feed •
and know it tO De so, that tny °Carts have con
tributed as much, if not more, In accomplish-
big this great natlmial guaranttx, than,Mcsie
of any Other hong mitre la the United States.
(Enthusiastic applause.)
It hal beeh a. principle with mu, and thank .
God .the great principle has been established,
that whenever any individual, in the language
of a - distingtrished orator, treads American ;
soil, his soul swells wittihtimn to appreciation '
of the
. great truth that he stands forth re
d regenerated and distoithralled by
the genius of universal emancipauon, (Ap- .
please.) Then let ma thank you with sinceri
ty for the compltment von have paid me by 1
passing through here today, anti paying your
respects to me. I repeat, again, the time will
come when . you will know who have been
your best friends, and who have been your
friends' from marcettaty Considerations.
Foarazis licasoz, April le—Thii riotous
demonstrations attending the negro proces
sion yesterday, In Noriolk., to celebrate the
passage of the,Ctivil Bights bill, proves to have
been a mOreletriOns effair than at Ant report
ed. Tile dlidlithence originated TIM , at n um
ber,of the rowdy element jeering at the pro
mtMem, and a few negroes =widened and In
flamed with liquor. Fire arms were frequent
ly discharged, and, as is usual in such cases,
innocent spectators were the greatest surfer
erit.nded. 011 e Man vas killed and seVeral persons
The folloWing are the nataas of those killed
and wounded:. Robert Whithuret, killed, and
his step-mother mortally wounded; John
Whitehnrat emended; Wliiisw Mosely, a city
watchinan, was badly beaten and his son CO
dangerously Injured that his life is despaired
oL 14earrenoe.A. Thompson, a colored' luau,
whetwas gerlouely wounded try a bwyonet, in
the hands of one of the negroes. The blame
of the whole ;diem is. divided • between the
munelpell and military anthotitlecror allow
ing the /levees tofire arMs and other
deadly Wenrons saitliTlem m the procession.
Major Stanhope, commanding a company
-of the hnittynited Mines Infantry, appeared
upon the acme in the height of the melee, and
suocceeled, with the aid of Ids forces, in sub
duing the excitedpaikeleltiV.,oi 4. 1 0•
During last night 'fears Were rosette=
another disturbance, and is telegram wassent
to General Mlles for additional troops, but
these were not needed, As the events of the
night proVed; and every thing passed Orr in
quiet. Considerable uneasiness was. felt In
Norfolk to-day by many of the citizens over
Gin events of yest e rday, and a general Ont.
break' wits deemed not Impossible. In the
meantime. as • preenutitmery Measure:y.oe°.
Miles , sent.' over to theolty,...thla aftm noon. a.
detachment of the sth Unfti , d States .441.111erf
and 12th United States infantry teCtueet any
events that may possibly transpire.
Asiatic Cbederis on Beard the Vlrigintia.
New Yeas,- Aprll - daseese',..on the
steamer Virg inia Is pronounced marked Asi
atic cholera by the health officer, she re
mained at the Upper 9 4 4santine till ele v en o'clock ' 4)417, When she wont to the lower
bay, No _communication Is allowed between
her and tae *bore. Arrabssesehta are being
made CO remove all the passenrs fr om the
ship to-morrow . There is Bahl to te no danger
or the.disease reaching tbo city trots the We
_,,Tske cholera appeared when the vessel
wake stgbb days esti awl fronielle Idandredsb
two ptddbas trernettacked, od toll=
tbkly •, atedfrorearpote - Or twenty two
are nolo alp. Oar/ :Ltc„rfbout. are " doubtful
easesrillearl 411111 b , Inw Men a re re
VOLUME LX X X. ---NO. 93
French Evacuation of Mexico
'The German Question
db c...
SANDY Rook, April ln—The Cunard tailaua
ihijs Perstatiirived off tilts point [hi , an.,
noon, with three days Inter new,
Tis „A l astroatmiallizi reditipas were, much
miund. Prio n atg, is Wit's reported, continued
In an uncompromising attitude. The Eniper.
or of litinala lied' sent two note-. to the sov
ereigns, it was reported, temderin_ g mediation .
Z•iwpeel, Aprik7.,The Paris-MOSttettr ran
,the,apit=antiAttit XBllron Saitmi's
misitien to Mexico was 811CCCIIMILI, and that ar ,
rangereenta for the return of the French
troops in three divisions, the drat In Novem
ber, the next in March: and the lent In Novara
her, 1867. have been made. It Is hoped that
this arrangement will Wig' the Washington
The Wenn agitation conun He'd in I.: °glen d
the events of the week. There had been de
monstrations at Liverpool in 1.,•n0r of Glad
stone, a grand banquet ono day and macs re
fbrm meetings the next. The enthusiasm ran
high, both for the Minister and reform meas
ure. Gladstone made two brilliant speeche.,
eltsPhqtidslipWßWhE tltat theißmaitunent
would sten or fall UPOU the question. • lie
warmly enlognied America, and pamted to the
exertions there in the late war as probfof the
benefits resultbsg from trust in the people, end
contenderi that England should learn a lesbon
from It. Mr. Gladstone severally denounted
the Fenian designs against Innocent Mt
Lab colonies, and said If they carried 'out
the diabolical threats, the whole power of
England would assist the colonies In their de
Cyrus SV..Field returns - home iy thaPersta.
Re was accompanied to the steamer by .:.tones
Bright, who like Gladstone had been making
addresses at Rochdale in support of the re
The political excitement on the kiernsan
question it is said runs high in Paris, and ft is
„positively reasSerted.that Prance ;is Viotti'
- getting an army of observation together and
=ening the garrisons. The minor Get
tea ware armieg. Bismarick is
Wel toblivedealcred the 'pacific' declaration
of Count ilartgatt on behalf of &nerds as In
attfliaienr.,and.?AftshaNdli eentinuOher arma-
Liverpool.—lt islhapectia that the govern
meat majority oo the reform bill will ex
ceed 30.
Tbe Paris bourse closed quiet, routes, 67
The Paris correspondent of the Observer says
Fran Intends occupying Fera Cruz,
moo and other principal oOrts as a guar-
Lafatae for the engem:a of the ecrpedltion and
security for French commercial interest.
The Teeltehte relay tO the Austrian note cre
ated a eery unfarorableiMPtiniehm is eieees.
According to another litetteguffit he had
briegy replied to Harolgilisubte,juettfying the
ee" r eehelete of Plemeete by'those of Alistrie,
Mitt repudiating any idearrtsttacking Austria-
Bright addreese4 a Urge reform meet
ing at Beckdale, on the iittt He advocated
the reform bill and strongly denounced the
tory party.
No YOBX, Apnt le.—Toe etonmer Persia
has arrived here.
lavestroot, Friday, April 6.—Cotton. sales
of the week, 41,001 bales. The market has been
dull and American declined Milat,l4tkof the
above 3.5,000 bales ware taken by speculators,
and 15,003 bales by exporter,, sale, to-day,
(Friday.) 7,000 bales, the market elosuig dun
and treas. Stock in port, 664,000 bales, of which
307,000 are American. The indication, from
Ilanceirster are unfavorable. The market wen
flat and prices tend downward
hreadstufra--klarket firmer. nom firm and
quiet. Wheat firmer, and the lower quailt le ,
have improved. Corn quiet at Ms adir43.9,1
for mixed.
Provisions—The market tends downward
Pork Inactive, Bacon quiet. Lard dull an•l
declined, but closed steady Sugar very dui
anti deMinedraildfle. Comae quiet and
Petroleum quiet at t.
egro Celebration Mortelyi—Riot and
Blockade Rangier Conii.voted
I ,011.3-
I our, Anril 19.—The assing
ton special says The Rouse Judiciary Com
mittee yesterday had under consideration the
question recently submitted to tiler; of in
, tirrhg ;ate the expediency ot•rdplating the
, test oath. , The ..riVotifient n feu derange sent
; a special message to t ougress - upon the Ruh
, MM., transmitting letter. from the secretary
of the Treasury and the Posthaste, (out eral,
urging Refine legislation upon the
ssillect, and giving the reasons therefor. The
Committee, after a short discussion, directed
the Chairman - to report against nay nftwatleas
I tint. Of the -hehatecee. , -,The Chairman
will present en elaborate report upon It, going
into the whole question, and attempt to vied*-
, rate the action of the Committee by quota
from the President's spelled. tdr. Rogers
will present h minority _reverent" -favor of its
repeal advised - by the Secretary of the Treat.-
"ry and the Postmaster General.
The Herald', Waaliingten special says. Act.
log upon Information supposed to he sudi
el eat, the Treasury Department a few weeks
eincopeizeti as Conlederateproparty, the Iron
.— llnantbrntalgoefesde.runherVodtlette, then
lying at BaltiMore " Tile vettgel it alleged to
have been built In hem land, under a contract.'
with Mallory, for the Confederate States navy,
but Is now Manned as private property The
Department luta finally decided to held the
vessel as confiscated property, and proceed
against her aceording to law. She is valued at
anout 61E0,000.
The Herald', FredericktOwn correspondent
states that the diseoutentment of the people
of New Brammtc.k, at the legi slation now
big forced upon them, and t adoption Of the
Quebec confederation scheme by the previa
: vial parliament, in spite of the large popular
vote polled against it in leaft, Is Increasing.
I The minority in the Upper Rorie hare prepa
red and presented a proteth against the adop
tion of the Quebec scheme, and the address of
the Queen, to witch the dtilloultieu and griev
aneestinder which the people labor, are set,
down with great force. From St. Stephens ‘ve
have the intelligence that the confederation
achewn Inusbeen.pushed through the Perlis- ,
nunit Of ,thet.Previnee
Tie l'eitifine's Washington speeliii says
1101 Wynitroop, special Indian Agent, stet toned
at Fort Laramie, Kansas, repOrte to the Com
missioner of the Indian Bureau that stall
traveling across the plains without no escort
19 now attended with no danger, the Indiana
aloud the ,141 loon outes Isdne peaceably diet
potted. The agent states that in his opiniole If
the Government will only titian its pledges,
the Indians hitherto hostile will comply with
the provisions Of recent treaties
Wadling - ton ditnatell says Walter 0
i•eate., fort:eerie appointed A 4131144104 General
to tien John l4CLit4l - 11411,1,Attla heel appoint -
4 olle,tor ot the'port of I llirafto, vice Luth
er Haven •ieeert•ed
Brevet itujoi ttoneral ~ .n I lharlt hitthean
stsSigunti to the nothguand tho Itop.,titent
of gtmtunh t"t.t , .I,tha if 1 . ..1the,,
hits teutterln hte rthnenuttnn
Arnie ?..91.3u - ttett from the Cap
(tired Schooner.
601E11 Rik ftbi tU 41 NEW EEL ARRA
\lure rl'ruopt6 Orc
La Tuna, April IM Ina Hen., hf
dated Latop.trt, He , says The Fenian school,
trit.T.3. lll . ugaltft milted by the aothoritt..
last night a quantity of arms wetn ,ro Iri E.
ed auay from het by the Fentans, under Et,
guns of the American wax Chip Wlancetlci. A
pietist boat dtaenvel ed. the parties ailtio it ore
Igneed In the '4,111,. tilt, WA? , altd muffled
oars. The pie Let boat but the Fe
nian oat. Yetapostfarot mysierlotoly it 1,
-upposol that they lnado several trlp., stare
they Writ: and •t.u.. n a. a largr
.111anl it) tit arms. ' , troops:l lea a •-rearro-i ed
mallet ta . hoot., but aut....1 , 3.'0E1y relaanfttl
MR)." •••Mlsll Al., le sill% rd Lill. 1 .1r13....111
dad Itafillava to ...fors, the
ia. , ltA far 4, lay within ht. power
'Troop. rat.. aritti hint front Porrlnstr/
ter, Ittlllan- left rawitlenly an the &anon
boat.klutainstittallon Ix cant to her walk - oaten
evon prontlonat leader, here.
A •peetal An the ritreatrt, dated et. Atnirevre,
N I , k,r‘i M. Stye flee Ittaj rtty'. frigate
Dane,n artivvAl al Pre kicklek yrOterttay att. ,
Inothei medal to the Heroic, dated (..%/ate,
Me hell ih. eat , . On account of the antral
of tilted 'Mateo trimue here % no part of the
HnuaL regiment on Tier flajeett•ii frigate
Demuth were landed at et etephen• The en
tire t eginnent will lie at at toned at et andrewn.
the Red Mate.. rorcm bring deem.] total
men t to prrvelil 41tatitrl,nor,. In thle quarter.
roe,. AN April —lt Iv etattel that i•en
Mande lin+ telegraphed for more troops t.n
eeet ii_aetport. that all the trieifis thle vi•
mit,. ere to he forwarded and other. are et.
lie, tr.] err
The Destrucilon or Levee Enclosures.
Expected Advance in Cotton
. ~ , db 0 .. CA3 0
New tinteAsis, April Is —The New York Mall
Coro;any applied for an Injunction
against the demolition of the knee enclosure.
after they were destroyed Not the vestige of
nny enclosure remains, and the levee is clear.
General Canby did not know it till tl.e work
was done, when lie turned It over to the Cir
cuit Court. During the argument of the In
junction the steamship Comas propose to
rebuild the enclosures, but the Mayor has ap
plied for a preventive injunction.
The press demand the release of Senator
i.wyri from Fort Jackson.
The cotton Is stilthal and most:of the land
must bereplanted. Ail holders are ordered to
hold their old stock. It is still expected to
advance to fifty cente.
Fears of an tnnthlation continue and the
levee commissioners have done nothing
They report the (Aths crevasse six thousand
feet wide; and Increasing ninety feel daily.
The whole country In flooded Much feeling
Is displayed against the commissioners.
Messrs. Hoyt, and Baldwin, late In the South
ern Empress' entice, at. Brownsville, have been
arrested on suspicion of compheity In the late
robbery. Persona In the military service are
strongly auspeoted,
An altercattoLoccurred at the (arem house
between lien. Burbridge and a cotton planter
from Shreveport, regarding tome cotton trans
action,. Burbridge tired three aloes No
Wood was abed.
- - - .
lien. Mclntosh reports the Indian territories
desolated by war, and that it rill take years
to recover theta, the people being destitute.
The jUdgifinent or the Annual Meth°dist
Conferemm, in the ease of I).F. Doggeti ex
pelled (coin the church for improper conduct,
was affirmed by the General Conference.
From Toronto—Fenton Rotd• Po Longer
Feared—touted erosion Remolntlem,
Tollor"co, (C. it ,1 April 19.—The volunteers
which were sent to the tower Canada fron
tier, have been recalled, Fenian raids being no
longer feared. The examination of the Fenian
prisoners at Cornwell continues with closed
doors, /t understood that the egatlatnaUon
will 1116 concluded to-day, when - the - Dr/toners
will be remanded for a few days to await the
arrival of inapoitant witneasee, and it is gen
erally thought that the erisoners will be com
mitted for trial 'at the fall assizes, unless
Special commissioners are appointed by the
Government for their trial at an early day.
Resolutions In favor of the confederation of
the British North American provinces have
13.,44(1 the Nova Scotia Assembly by a vote of
31 to 19.
A resolution is it'll pending to the Parlia
ment of New Brunswick U rejected the
House will probably be cilasolved and a new
election he/d. Involving a delayer scane weeks
before the dual retftilt
coal attnera' gtrtk e.
BALTIMORI., April 19 —Tha Cumber Into' t otf-
Can Cafe the strike among the opal miners still
contlottes.•. The companies first proposed re
ducing the prier of mining frons7s to 50 cents
per too. The miners refused to accept of this
price. Blzty coon* was then offered, welch
was also refused. It we/Inn:pored a few days
lance that 0. compronaffe• had been effected,
and that work would gp on of 65 cents. The
result of Lilts state 03 affairs Is nu entire nag
natton In the foal trade. Hundreds of boats
are lying tile DI the -Wharves, and the boat
men are getting disconragod and are seeking
other pursuits.
WAB ILVOTON, April 19.—Tho President hen
approved the navy appropriation bill. The
a u firj rr ogate :L o rn e o t u a r i i : 9 2,l i e o; the Boston vy c t l a n i v Yard
000. Including moar for the }toggle/ property; -
for the Philadelphia Yard. W 14001); for the
Porternouth Yard. $209,090, and for the poi
chase of CsyLs blend, /1106
,911 a.
lexteasiv!PAW ir.anilif*tion,
Mewl - oar, April 19.—The Tribune sayer Dur
ing the past yearla emnuthig transactkm by
the leading wine merchanta of Boston wee
settled by the-yayment •of b1e.5,000. It after
wards became known that the drms paid 11157,-
000 to settle the altar, and the Government to
uaiskinirke I leg nbridlingal investi=n to see who re
co red th
by Gov. Fenton
N int Toluc a April 19.—Govemor
Ut Pert ou toa
th tuti o.
vetoed e,bIILIO oped.tho
Mr. MeDol.lgall rose to apologize Cos .1311,3
remarks made a few days ago, In refertmee to
his colleague. He regretted having made
these remarks and ho begged the pardon of
the Sennl . as he had already begged the par
don of the gentleman.
Mr. Anthony, from the Committee on print
ing, reported a resOlotion to print Mx thou
sand copies orthe eulogies on Senator Foot.
which was adopted.
Mr. Sherman offered a resolution, which was
adopted, calling upon the President for what
ever additionarintortnation he may have re
ceived, since his last report relative to the
Southern States. ,„
The bill for the admission of Colorado was
taken up and discussed, until the expiration
of the morning hour, and then postponed un
til Monday next.
The bill in relation to the habeas coenuti was
taken up without action.
Adjou rued.
Mr. Morris, from the judiciary tlommictea,
reported back the bill to regulate the terms of
the United States' Courts In the Eastern Ott.
trict of Sew York, and for other purposes,
which was considered and prised.
MP Reyes offered a resolution to print for
the use of the members of the Montle Cdr dhs
• tritertion 141,000 copies of the testimony of.
Aleaandar ii. Stephens before the Committee
On RetOnstrilatiOn.
. .
Mr. ldogers moved to make the comber 750u0.
The resolution was referred to the Committee
on Printing.
Mr. Lynch introttueed ajoint resolution me
dicmixing the appointment' or examiner,' to
examine a site for a fresh water basin (or iron
clad vessels of the United States nary, which
was read twice and referred to the Committee
on Naval Affairs. •
. .-..•
Mr. Lynch also introdpeed a bill to provide
for military instruettcm In the agricultuial
colleges established under the act of duly Sd,
tegi, which was read twice and referred to the
Committee on Military
Mr. Whaley rose to make another explana
tion in reference to his Latin friend Mr. MAI.
anti had read a earCestie letter trots Mr.
Boynton, the correspondent of the Cincinnati
Oasette, denying the authorship of the,objec
tionable paragraph.
Mr Stevens, from the Committee on trppro
priations, reported a hill making an appropri
ation to supply the deficiency In the appropri
ation for the Peelle Printing, for the year
°mom ; June Seth, ISM, ' , high was read twice
and retort - et' to the Committee of the Whole on
the state of the Onion, and. made the special
order for to-morrow. The bill appropriates
ono hundred and fifteen tholseand dollars to
supply the deficiency In the appropriation for
printing, four hundred anti fifty' thousand
dollars fur paper, and ninety-five thousand
dollars for binding.
Mr. Washburn°, of Illinois, inquired of Mr.
Stevens, now many of the ordinary appropria
tion hills of the sesame had passed.
Mr Stevens replied that with the exception
.t the deficiency bill and of the mincelianeout
hill, necessarily kept back till about the close
,d the session, and the inotan appropriation
bill, kept hack In reference roseate De. tres
tles, Jill the appropriation hills were passed
The regular order of tontines* In the morn
ing Muir being the call of Committees for re
port*, the lull which was reported ten days
since from the Committee 013 Invalid PettMotta
increasing the salary of the Comminstoner of
Pensions to si,ooo, and that of the chief clerk
of the Pension Unice to $5,501, came up.
The House voted yestordayto reject the bill.
and it had reconsiderml that rilte,and - now
the question was againon the passage of the
Alter come discussion In the UMle rein to
that crtneh took place On the hill reSterday,
the House came to • rOte upon it, and the hill
was M pagsed by a rote of 60 to 61.
r. Van Flory, of New 'for► front the Com
=Mee on Road., and Canals, report if h
eirnatruct a shin canal around thenalls of
N lagers
Mt Paine oficre4 a nutratata for the tall
Mr. Vent Lien - p, of Nev addreued the
Howie in support of the MIL He was sorts , to
nay that the Chief opposition to the pro)«i•
came from Ott own State Mat he hail nO sym
pathy with finch oppadamt. He hollered the
meatnire to be one of great public Importance
and utility. and On hr ww. aettne a• a legisla
tor tor the whole eonntry, he was notdispowd
to ttoow Onntnete• in Its though it
might interfete to • small eitent with the in
terests of hi. st•te.
al TaVor Ina , iarD4 that normal Mi. Iran
perollt Ore woo 141 De To Amertgri mourner.,
40 long a. tn. von trol 9110051. .awroneo
$.O wlth Ibe En¢lisb tho ornlownt.
Wr. Pan 'Torn replied that it would Corta 131-
1r b. , of the gait./ I , enetlt u. anletlrao
mem. as the Wolland Canal Dow wax.
Mr Taylor tocialrod of what oat that a..
thow Inv /throgal /on or Int llorapror )
M r lloto tloat La 1.A41 er
P.A." , tot.~ll doe
t arta, Innewrectrtho of which wain ittnott
oon port,, lead not ..lotrtt the St. Lawrence. lie
would Tao.. itel4 flfteen natant... of hie time to
the gentlemen from Mr. Moulton
Mott.lton epoke feyor of the bill tu
common with the
e yh. -of ht. ifaatteailited
the great west lie tell 11 greet thtareet IS the
Further rental Its wore cut alien ny the ter
mination of the mornlog hour, when the hill
tau laid over till resat Tuesday.
The House then proceeded to the considera
tion of the bill to re-organise and reeetalansh
the army of the totted States. The fifth and
Ninth seetione sere read and passed over. A
motion was made to inerea. , the strength of
earn rompatol from fifty to one MatMarell into,
which can rejected Ity a rote of 43 to GI. 'The
sornntlr antl eighth sections tram then read.
and pawned The ninth section sees amended
try el.rMotit Um prorlelop ote band to
each regiment, and enthorleins instead the
retaining or enlisting of seventeen hands.
The section tots read and passed over.
Mr. Garfield snored to Inereatte the term of
enlistment from three to Ore years. The
amendment nes rejected, by a rote of SO
Itlainat 61.
No ItMendmenta sere offered to the rite or
The LSO. section being up, Mr. Thayer moved
to substitute the corresponding section of the
Satiate bill providing that the Adjutant Gen
eral., Department of the army 'WI hereafter
consist of the officer, new authorized DI law.
Mr. Thayer mold the effect of this Neaten Of
Ike Howie bill was to legislate onto[ the army
no less than meventerm of Ito regular officers
ty destroying the rank of Ambits:a Adjutant
bilizeraL The same principle would also be
carried out In the tinaztormaster's, Subals
tence and Pay Departments, and no about°
more Medlar amendments to the sections re
ferring lo these Departments.
Mr. MAO explained that the change of title
was made on recommendation of the Quarter
master General, and age applied in the same
view to other departments,
Without a disposition of Obi section, a
movement was made toward adjournment,
when Mr. Price, of the Committee on the Pa
cific Railroad, reported heck with iimenilMent
the Senate bill granting aid to the railroad
and telegraph from Folsom to Placerville.
Ordered in be printed, and recommitted.
Tim Senate bill to remit end reread certain
duties was roan twice and referred to the
Committee on Ways and Sloane.
The Senate bill to issne American register@
to certain remote, and amendments to the
House amendments, wore concurred in.
Sir. Smith Introduced a bill to provide for
the national defence by establishing a uniform
tellitha and organizing a eivilbol jilt* force
throughout the rnited States. Head twice
and referred to the Committee on
Mr. Garfield presented a petition of 1,47, elti•
tans of Trumbull county, Ohio, asking Rothe
Increased protection Of Attlerlean Wool. Re
ran-cid to the Conittlittee on Ways and Means.
Mr. Conkllng presented the petition of el. A.
Hance and others, praying for enactments reg
ulating State instuancei also a portion of the
citizens of Cayuga county, New York, asking
that Canada lumber tie relieved from duty.
Same referent.°
. .
Mr. Doolittle presenten petitions (ropy tbn
citizen of Mlrtneaota, on the aukkeith of
American wool and inter-state insurance.
On motion of . Atr. 3tevects, the Senate Joint
resolution, making an appropriation tostiable
the Preeident to negotiate treaties with cer
tain Indian tribes, was taken from the Speak
er's table and read twice. Referred to the
Committee on Applications.
.ibe House at 4:alp. to. adjourned.
The French Defeated at Mazatlan.
Indian Raids on Sonora.
ilea Yr...Nemo, April 18.—Dlepstaties dated
Afkreb Old, received here to-day from ILlizat
lan, state that the Preach army, eleven bun
‘ired strong, reinforced from Tattle, attacked
denerals Corona and Rubi, three miles from
Mazatlan, and after a very severe battlil, the
Preach were entirely defeated, with the loss
of 400 killed and wounded, 860 scattered, and
the remainder returned to Mazatlan. All the
streets In Mazatlan were barricaded, and there
was but little doubt that the Itepublicane
would soon occupy the place.
New Tcdrn, April M.—The Herald's !menial
City of afezico correspondence, dated April
Al, says The disagreement between Ortega
and Juarez has become alarming and the PO ,
orals toe to way of adjusting tii
Ortega claims the Presidency, anddenounces
The Indians were still making raids upon
Sonora and committing great ontratple.
MeeStrug of theitoborts-tiwoen, Pentane.
~v Yoox, April 19. ast evening a large
mooting of the Robert. Sweeny Fenian, toot
piece at the Cooper Institute, Addresses
were made by Mr. Cal „ Mr. Roberts, 'anti
Mr. A. L. Morrison, Of/Mlsamml. Mr. Roberta
muted that tills was/the /aat pliblie Meeting
that woliht be-401dy Ms' par t befOrP'tbis
dual blow Tor Cherry was Arita.
Nsw Your, April le—The Secretary of War
has placed the United States steamer Illinois
at the disposal of the Quarantine Commission
for the accommodation of the passengers of
the steamship Virginia not affected. The
Medical Purveyor Use been instructed to Air•
oish.tlis necessary bedding and hospital sup
plias for the use of the sufferers.
Patsasso, atstil 19.—Preatchritt 'Durant and a
party ordn'949lett this city arentagi
in the elte l 4 l oDat catterVinstia. examlne
1.4! camploted softrame of tharfteldirilitaitiOll.
WASHINGTON, Sprit 19, 1996.
1101.725 h
The Inteeted icteenner.
Mit to °Mehl&
tinted liattftentleclestiss h. /Me
ghelly-,The neat ,of the Compodavi
--Speeches, Resold s. etc. ,
t very large and highlyieSpectable meeting
of the, eitizene .vas hqlo, in the D‘amond
Square, AlleglienT. last AT0...1.g, In response
to &call issued for the sittrpo.oo or ratifyinu
the nomination of Gen.-lf,John IV, Geary for
Governor. The meeting 4ints called in order
by Hon. John MOrrison,sLifiyor of the oily, who
announced the Rl : new - Mg hilticers:
President—Gcn. Wm. RtibUison.
Vice Yewitteuta—lLon. Jahn hiorrium, J um e,
Park, Jr., R. I'. - Sevin, WM. Al Hersh, and Col
George Gerrit. !!)
! secretaries—The Roporteni of the Press.
Committee on Resolttions--J. F. Jennings,
I Josiah Copley, Sr., R. P;.lievus, Simon Omni,
and George R. Riddle.
Gen. Robinson, on taking' y the Chair, rim
I flounced the meeting as re for business.
Stance or tabs. y, Y e WM - ALL , esp.
Thomas Al. Marshall, Earl., was , the first.„, • Toe rtitSOLUTIONS.
I speaker culled. After a Tow preliminary nintitas. In the present crisis in the pout
marks; he alluded to hisitur re- w vartg attended t cal affairs of the nation, it Is the duty of all
State Convention, find astasted in the nom Ina- 'Loral; citizens to ! rally/ once more to the
fense of the great principles for which they
than of General Geary. He believed the sot. de
dime of the State Had a righgto Indicate their fought in the war of the Great Rebellion, and
tor the vindication of which,feany thousands
choice, and he rejoiced In Ike nOtaination of
t , ,, i n p t piga tallart .e.) t cat er en solatr, General d Gear y their lives; therefore,
friends in the Convent:l:ml= was evi t il ' e u nt r , keepie of 'tale r;oinnitnunict;,l'ialcgemoftlythase
that the general current of opinion desir e to see a complete restoration of the
N.. for Geary„ beennair he Mid so Linton, it would
r te perilous to restore the late
rebel states, wit I their unequal lake, and In
nobly fougoh..nt
Allegheny county
e u o n en . tp c i ;
the face of that mullsgtused hostility to the
find old All
a majority glr him no nimbi make that out. f ta 'rhalehb.te..... their former . taros in the Un.,
-on and to taeir power lathe Governmera us. copperhead Clymer Wish he had never' been.
born. [Applause.] !He bad - 'Met Mr. Cipher 11l they hayegieen such guarantees aslMall
secure, as tare& tanned ferecast can do so, the
In Harrisburg, and knew him personally. He
believed he seas a gentleman, and had nothing suture of. the nation, and to the milli..
to Bay against him personally, but before the just emancipated from bOnclag3 immunity
campaign wee over he would have a gOOdtleal from oppLeelpon and wrong, whether from un
just laws or Social outrage
t th h e "a s t . se t h st' ge ut ,,,, hi ni na l l r h a t ' ” . h n e `i n ' g , / ,:, r ,r,,t n i r t 2 Resolved, That It Is our earnest desire and
hope that Congress will, am speedily ea ?sleuth
without platform: It Well true, there was
something which ; they culled is platform Ole, mature a plan for the final restoration of
which declared in faVor of the war, in favor oi the Union, et once Just and generous to all,
Andy Johnson lac., hut the man they hadand such as all )cry al men will be able cordial
placed upon 'theta used Strati , effort, wink in ly to approve and ehdorso--a settlement
taewhich, while it shall hirmillate and degrade
oo State S
n.en e t n i te iil to n t,lrlarn„t ww
no „ Lass, will leave no
cf.,s destitute
and had characterised Andrew Johnson as a protection of Just and equal laws.
supple tool, unfit to set hie fool in the Senate Resolved, That we cordially approve the no-
Chamber of the State I hen. lioary had toed hie stand taken by both Houses of Congress in
all the powers which God gave him in defense defense of the cardinal principles of our Gov
of hie country, and had La record as good E. I ertWnent, eapaelithy in the pa.age of the
that of any nolilier In the Cnlted States I Ch . .. MIMI-. IftetieVing as we do that to that
Some one in the crowd o.9iLeal the speaker if rote they truly represented the Vast majority
he had voted for .lohnsteir-4110 replied 111..1 he of that portion Si the American people who
a„,i, uie wilacast for Limb, w ,,,, stood up unflinchingly, all through the dark
otmo.,tsiott ;au , Joe „, and trying k , ttarti of he rebeltimi„ tor the
the chosen teeive Apoatlett Was a trail., I' niun, for I. reedoin, and for the nights of
1104,,a0f, Raid there were•Ltreitore still in t Mao
world. t Applause.) lie was not there •to licaollvd, 'Phut it Is a matter tor profound
abuse President, Johnsbaugir to shed tear.. gratulation that so fen Itcpubllcanshave been
over Ute Tenioval Of billeti-tiOillem. het iev- h'"n't bane mho. ' h tl hihre their PrihelPies,
ed that the Presidentluidniamthedh,h and ••rrook the pregnant hinges of the knee"
! sod Was no longer with the "'WEL% Dolled 10 power o.lld patronage. " that thrift might
dared Mollie would •Uxuattectreason ' 101 .".
etc., and ft was because pabeglisved thee., pro. reetigo ht.; in the present
[fission! , that In-voted for kiln. Ae menthes I ',ingress the trite representet lees of the peti
'. of the Committee on Resolution.. In pie, the hattipions 0: the principles upon
h e ho d yew& Igninsl .-ant, t , ti b e m in t out Imginally found.
resol di e t telerring to Andrew Johnnot e.l, mad wl, telt e ere elot musty exemplified
lafacllLifae be believed its hadejimuried the fence- sad, vindiested t o the late war,
and wee no longer with the party that elected anu who, in this try lag hour are, to the tree
him, lie aan but one .narif i hoNvet*. , and Pres.- and loyal heart, of the Country, what our kol
, Went by a providence of Bon- . hat if Andrew dirt" , ...Teti , the war the )tope of the nation'.
Johnson penusted in standing 10 ti,, way o f thereioto tar pledge °unwires to stand by
our° them anti to an Age them In trlttiladirirlla
cite • God in h e aven he erofild be rr tooted i.e. pt
neath its wheels. t‘fiplitilite!) IA - ftso•ltni, 'I hat se cordially endorse the
yea, perry,,, or laets • I . Geary, our tedi
o tio i f: l t t r i t o a t h o tor., hr tn ,„ torts late for tiovernor ail Pennsylvania, and
wo a d his tower ,l ere pt„, th e r anee " . ideige to armten united and zealous support;
order to get a •collectonlop post- and ILIA, the plsuorin ol .prociples adopted
° du,, ti,aug bier.) As for here he la , ' lieloddiran slate ...01a, ..1/IlOn has
alto no olinee 11l the gtft of the tufo °or entire and lien Fir conenrrence
pie of the illstrlet w bleb lie tothi R . feel t,nre
hare, seen it paid three times the snot now =l'l' anm 111 COnlinue by larger anti larger
nom. tr.. felt offended a t, wept - Hies to stand op for the prlnexples
had recently waited upon hint in refry ence to the if eptthlicem party, which are those of trite
a Congressional nombantiOn, for the c aul
while We rejoice that she la
that their actloa seemed to Indiente n wool "I St.h.hlY and In the Pepe
belief in his oft-repeated d . pclaratkni. to pub_ Mr branch of the National Legialatnre.
Ile that MS fellOgr-eithrella bad no oiliest welch grleretl ans/ ltunilllatted that She 1 0 so
Ile would or could afford to somata.. Ile Jell grossly tulttrepreutsited In the other branch,
strong enough yet to live Wlthord an office, esiteetillif by towel, who, elms ins
bug It he should become weak Ire the back, he nominal reimble.ttem elves hint some mew
some support the „h ot ,. Of , has !Ong sitter proved recreant to the
amen f Laughter./ ! principles Of the pal ty Welt ',Metal him 11l
lien IstrZre recently called tit the ante i that position
the speaker, and he had au opportunt ty to ask ResoLied, Thai the threatened removal of
Ids opinion on the great question of Ifunirm ; 11. is White. Esq , the Collector of the Twen
flights. Ills reply was, - , )t are you r ead Th a d . ! ty.third on,ssioutd district, a faithful and
The raker answered, ..1 efficient oOleer, against whom, a limiter as a
i;i n e y s n s . , !! d
iteary. ,, t
ao one every word amt man or tot officer, calumny It dared not
tsefttioff.of that oerwts ,t,,,, t h e 1,, utter even a wit umer, and the appOintlrtelit of
ints.'." Me. Marshall than „.phar, miff, a mienof 'mother district of more facile
the last slaves seal, t in reference to (lb le( Jo.. {'tine, par.. It. 11/Iplinee, AVM s e• the begi n .
tier l'eney•N deeidlOn In the Deed Scott ease, uthlrol a tn'lltMsla ivitich the s ena , w i ll do
and utformel henry that his reftletii to endorse well to slop at oiler., If it mild move the enem
of fhf, speech seas „ aor ,, matte, fit t (I,ln financial troll hie, and time 111, r•Ora
taste, but as he could say ° Amen" to all tle• nod dad , avaint, I atrluella, .1 patronage
real. Tom Marshall was ready to take him hi sod Power .
the Inked as a uhrotilet Itmlloll.- Rststatssi, Ito , •It al of huitturi
1„_ Esti Postnmster oi this city, bilthtittl,
ront,sigmil,isrivws;,T , etnclent and °bilging officer, and the °emote-
Johnson tar vetonig the Preetimustfe Bureau 10511 by the President of a Democrat for the
Mil. ...tying ineignificantly, Whet did I tell . r..atit.., Unintended eomplimeoi to th e
you about that damned riumalr'
•beersopuidicans of tunetty In the case of the worthies Wore blatant m Ills praise, and totecessor is tottaine,i "sm., w an.
n. . emb ers fora out the district. in that of the Postmaster,
son tiat,-tentsopteros.„ 1O ‘ „ nyroi „ from without the party.
few paltry otters Resorte.L. That the t o
mer.. of our represent.-
The speaker next dlettowed the question of tires Izi (dm,/ Ilem of
Williams and
the sdruiraion of the roothern States, and lion- J Meorilead. meets "ur entire aPPro
card tits elcollOn of aintianoto II .ttepliefts hat inn, Roth hive ... 1 5 and faiLl.f.dir
and lietsehell V. Johnston an senators fromsilted a lathe conetitueney
the Stale of Georgia. These distinguished The report of the Committee on Resolutions
lrwWrs accord ea to Johnson'' , was then Called for, when Mr. Jenningq read
the o ry have only to hold up their right hands the report as follow!,
and u•k.• the oath and they have a right 10 The report was U111111!zIlOtiad) s.l , llalatal, miter
assist in making fawn for the orphan children ah•• h lb.. meeting !adjourned
whose lathe's they Murdered or starved doe.
mg the the war. To make laws for euldiars who
for four !Ong yearn had Owed their murderous retire.
I.ocls was the President's policy - t o
April „,1
winch the speaker cheramerirod agistn.ta.n ste pn.
h.vtner Daniel Wlesbetg and
w n, n w o r to d gl w o o tr o e f hasghosouy who, ” 0 „ namuel Mellasters. .tction on a judgment
even Jeff .
but he
would -ke el ,
on oath note for gni On the sth of Februery,l,sb.s, the
defendants leased from plaintiff a blacksmith
tw o r f
.. unti h i m, t e h s e t y
to yield and wagon maker shop, and s. lot of ground in
ohod7seo to We
.„.,,, ertotteo , • the borough of Lawrenceville, for nee years,
hits : . Fr i : was
not an ath,oetitto of acute I for which thr, d . gr. him a judgment note for
suffrage, make loyalty t bis of n.
suffrue. but would
asked what he as ago
t hundredha the " paro'' They have since miceperty did not belong ,
`4tryisf suffrage,e and replied: "I would give, 4 , antitr, and wouid not pay the amount. John
the right of ballot to Um man who voted be- ' M0..0 was railed, end testified to leasing
cease be stalooraly desired the perpetuation of P.' PenimrtY to Plaintiff about two y e ars ago,
the „ratted states — the o t that It was only
paid ell the rent that only from month to month.
man wheats heart went with the old Stars and fr o h
stated that
Stripes Whether he waa white, red or Meek was one up to February Ist, 188.1, and said that
he would not pay for it any longe that he did
Applaaaal • r;
not want IL The defense claimed that the
In conetts io n, retool ke I that If Andrew note , wao
fraud and misrepresen-
Johnson ought lie was st tong In his pre, I- batten. lrajor A. M. Brown appears for the
Otte declarations he should have etnits nut .-
r atntm, and Thomas Ewing and WilllAM Oar
like a man and Said that he bad chenged his'
, are counsel for the defendants. The
principles, and not attempt to make the pert
pie believe that he was stW with them. Lot C f :" " all/ on trial at the sdiournthent of
old Allegheny county stand by die right. rt. , . .-"r'
gardleas of consequent...a, autl yore for tee
great prinetplea of Human Liberty At..
. .
lima Thomas./ thgliam was next intro,' i.e.
ed. Ile had not beard of We call for the-caset
tes until he use it In the papers of that morn
ing, but he did not truth to be mbiuudonstood
either m regard to elate or National politics,
and would endeavor to say something. lie
atheied to his long acquaintance with General
neary, having gone to school to Ids father, In
an old log schoolhouse In Westmoreland comi
ty, when the General was only ten years of
Re bad known him from childhood, and
VMS therefore enabled to speak as to his Myso
re and character. The gentleman than
sketeheil the public career of the Cluboreato
fiallteirldidate,-and cordially endorsed has at
ems Vta - the position It was resented by a vest
majority of the heats Convention, as
doe to the soldiery: of DenneYlVania to place
a loyal soldier in nomination, and the °hole°
4s 4 fallen upon a man whose record wan b, u i,
and honorable. His opponent, although an
excellent gentleman. had been on 'old lino
Whig, bat left the party becanso of his pro
•lavery views. lie never gave. sew in this,
State Satiate that was not coat on the Copper
head side, and always stood among the most
ultra of his party. Its bad heard him utter
sentiments In - the Senate Chamber which, It
uttered in Allegkeuy county, would ensure a
majority eflit,OM vote. against him. He had
told Clymer that such would be the effect if
he dared to utter such sentiments in thelear.
leg of the peOple of this ociunty.
As to Andrew Johnson, he hoped be 1V11.9 as
lizysTas be professed to be; but, ho bad kept
devilish bad company of bap I- {Laughter.)
If he wouldaboir wOrlurtneet for -repentance
and give a Cordial support-to the Civil Rights
bill, thorn might be some hopes for him - yet;
bat it was not safe to trust any man, who was
612 the. slavery OttmLon. As to the
Southern States, they had no right to come
back and tumid in ruling the people, until
they had Sent obtained the GCS:Mental the loyal
AMMO. through their immediate re resenta
tttreShotCongress. Even his 'friend Tom Wil
liams; who had deltvmed the ablest speech of
the !Weston, should be satisfied radical as lie
le, before Southern representatives should be
admitted. (Applause.) tit would never let
one of them In mini they had repented—be
that Ave, tees or fifty years hence. !Ap
in reference to the removals from°Met , le
the UM District, Mr. Bigham remarked that he
would not object to tale friend Gov. Johnston
getting an race salted to his executive abili
ties, but he did not want to see him made Col
lector, because he was not as good a man for
the place as Mr. White, and aside from this it
was not right to foist a man upon the people
without their consent..
lie concluded by expressing the hope that
the Republicans of the county would nomi
nate a good ticket for the October election,
and roll up a majority of at least MUM against
all the in fl uences which Copperheadtsm could
put forth.
111 MM or 8111.1.11 a ORAUAII.
Ron. James L. Graham was neat called upon(
and remarked that about one year ago be
stood bet ore his fellow eittamis of Allegheny,
fl u nye lutipp linos, to mingle his congratnia-
Monti with theirs on the fall of Richmond and
the surrender of Lee's rebel army. Tee din
of battle had mussed away, he • booed
forever, and they were upon
El , to rejoice over victories won In ;MR;
held, but to' arm for a contest equal In !taper
lance to that decided by the sword—
the great and momentous battle for principle.
(Applause.] Din time penult, he might RA.'
miss the respective merits of the tiro can '-
dates for Governor, and ask the question,
which will q l choose—the war-worn vete
ran, who led battalignethrough a hundred
hard-fought aides ' • find nobly stood up
amidst the elfish of fame{ or the man who
staid at home, voting against every measure
calculated to sustain thqgovernment. and on
courage our soldlersM Re would say nothing
against the personal character of Mr. Clymer,
as he was a genttelnan in manner and mines
tion,but no man in the Butte had a more damn
ing political . record, us his public- speeches
and votes - ablinoantly proved. General
Geary had been schooled in Democracy, but
like many other patriotic men of his party,
he had learned on the hattle•fleld who were
the friend* and who were the enemies of the
mu:wr}y, lie knew who were defending Via
darwtth him, and who were keepltizisp that
"Pre, the MVP Orwhleh wateard-sawiieli
ornfkist the ware. :trader suck exparlen 'as
these be biome a convert to Repub n
pfinciples, sad under such circumstances he
t w h i e rs . a p pllrt oaehlag tind trustworthy n, standard-bearer In
He alluded to the al tempt to get up a eon
troversy on the railroad question, to prove
that Goo. Geary was not as sound on this ques
tion as Hr. Clymer. The Pennsylvania Rail
road Company was not the only corporation of
the kind in She State whic , r had been charac
terized as a monopoly. The Reading Railroad
Company, In the east, was regarded as quite
as serious a monopoly as the Pennsylvania In
the west, and Meister . ' Clymer amm-renorted to
be Interested in the former company to the
extent of sole $.40,000. Rut it was abeam' to
attempt to raise ,treh an issue, as Gen. Geary
had never been In a position to favor eltherof
these companies. lie deprecated, as much as
any man, the rminenee wielded by _the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, at Harrisburg
and elsewhere, but what had General Geary
to do with this? Nothing at ail; and any at
tempt to snake capital against him in this re
gard would signally tall. The gentleman con
cluded by :laying that he Mud talked longer
Limn he Intended. -It was growing late, tee
Committee on Resolutions had not yet report
ed, and he would draw ills remarks to a close,
promising to give his views more fully at a
future time. '
Ex...mfr. Fire at 'Meadville
Tucaday night last an extensive fire oc
curred In the borough of Meadville, totally
destroying the shoe factory of Mr. It. E. WID.
sor, and Involving a loos of 1110,000. The fire
occurred shortly atter midnight, and the build
ing (being of wood) was completely enveloped
before any effort could be. made to save lt.
The are as undoubely incendiary in its orl•
gin as it broke out at both ends of the factory
simultaneously, where no fire had been kept
Willie the fire was burning, the safe was dis.
covered to be open, and Rio books missing.
The key of the safe had been missed a day or
two before, hut as the proprietor thought the
forenide had It, lie gave himselfno further
tt °nide about Thin seems to need some nb
;donation The loss is put down at from .40,000
to .44,000, and the amount of Insurance was
$3,5,000 Soma thirty men and women k its m ployed in the factory. They lost their of
tools, varying In value tram ra to 00 each,
which wtn be a dead loss to their owners.
Dead Body Found.
Intoner eta wson yesterday held an inquest
en the body of a man found, drowned In the
[Monongahela river, near the Smithfield street
bridge. The employees of the steamer Glas
gow, lying at the 1110nougabola wharf, discov •
ered the body floating in the ever, and imme
diately secured it. The body was recognized
to be that of Archibald Boggs, formerly em
ployed as a hand on the river. There were no
papers about his person, and nothing except a
lltie eborigr in hie pants pockets- The de
ceased was apparently thirty-two years of
age. and dressed in a black coat, pants, and an
Mil pair of boobs. From the appearance of the
body, it meet have lain in the water for some
time. The bury rendered a verdict of aCeitien
tal drowning. The body was interval In Mt.
Union Cemetery, by Mr. Devon,.
Serious Aecittatit—A serio on accident oc
curred yesterday afternoon, on First street,
Immethatcly In the rear of the First ward
chool bowie, by which the little daughter of
J Mims 'Reese, Vert., was Very severely Injured.
Some into were repairlOg or moving a huge
mould which rested against the wall of Fow
lers, foundry, and lust mi the child was pass
ing the whole frame tottered and fell toward
the street, broiling, and M, Ls' feared , ' breaking
her limbs, a few inches nearer and oho would.
have been strack On the head and inevitably
killed. The father was almost instant
ly on the spot, land after a temporary re
lief by the kind =cm of the wife of Mr. John
Fitzsimmons, the Utile sufferer was carried
to her home. ,
tinek Again.—Anotonous character named
Catharine Unmade yesterday entered a board.
Ina house In the First ward . and cpmmenced
acting inn very disorderly manner, when a
gentleman ejected her from the heath- Km
then repaired to the klayor's Math to Wulf., an
information for assault and battery against
the party, when the Mayor hearing her
very property tined her twenty-o.lre dollars fo
her uneptalt behavior, and In default commit
ted her In Mil for thirty days. Catharine has
only been released from the jail a day or two,
haying finished u term given her by Mayor
Morrison tor disorderly conduct in Allegheny.
Street Sweeping e learn
that there tea movement on foot to proenre
two sweeping machines, Bluth as are naafi to
New York, to keep the streets clean during
the summer season. Street COMUILISIOSOZ
FUSS has written to a flrm in New Tork toss.
certain the cost Of the machines. It is claim.
ed that one machine will do the work of six
teen men, and should they be ptirebaSed they
will be equal to thirty-two rompers. ILr.Fllnu
is to report to Cannon is soon as possible the
result of his Inquiries,
A Stir Anionic Tallorr.--A horse attach.
ed to , a light spring wagon took fright yester,
day about noon, in the vicinity of Jackman's
livery stable, and rushing up the alley man
the stable, went crashing through tailorind
in the rear of Wm. Ladley & Co.'s shop,
St. Clair street, where a number of mon were
at work. The only damage done was the
smashing of the window anifthe frightening of
the tailors.
Malletour Mae lad nomad An
drew Patterseon who with earring other boys
immured thOmseliree by stoning. the hOtlee of •
egiored,worean named 'Leah MeDonald, tn the
Seventh'wetd you shredded end brought' be
fore Mayor ha•Clirthy end fitted ell another
of b the tarty tee been identthed, end will have
rilne to-day.
Derarnetive Fire he ILserreneevlllie
Burning , of the Pittsburgh Acid Work.
—Four Hundred and JPIO4 Barrel"' or
WI Destroyed, and Hach Other Darn
alre—lose, th 50.000.
Between two and three o'clock yesterday af
ternoon a most destruadve fire broke out to
the Pittsburgh Acid Works Lawrenceville,
owned by a Boston company under the firm
of Farrah A Co., The works are situated on
the Allegheny Valley Railroad, between AI id
Lathrop streets, and are used Ibrtlie res
toration of vitriol after It has been employed
by oil refiners. .The Lire originated from an
evaporating pan filled with. seidowhich It is
supposed boiled over and communicated with
the furnace. The name increased to a large
volume by a draft created by the ventilator
used for carrying oft noxious gOnnng, and soon
the entire works became enveloped and were
entirely eturfrumed.
The fire then spread right and left. The
storage sheds of Huckott, McKee it Co.'s oil I
refinery, which were above and lntmediateiy
adjoining the Vitrol Works, became a prey to
the devouring element. Five hundred barrels
of refined oil were corinralled, together with
the store house end barrel shed; but through
the exertions of the employees seven hundred
new barrels were saved.
Brewer, Burke R Co.'s storage yard fortheir
refinery, situated below and upon the corner
of /Cif street and the railroad, were swept by
the dames. They lost live empty oil tanks,
their storage sheds and a large stable, but
saved two thousand new barrels. They were
fully insured.
A storage shed and small tank, belomng to
Thomas Donnelly were also burnt. I s
was about 1.00; no insurance. The office and
stable of Alex. McClintock wore also on tire, I
but the flames were extinguished before mate
'real damage wak done. The buildings were in
sured. A. five store brick house on the oppo
site corner of Mill street, the residence of A.
D. Anderson was' In imminent danger, and
the roof hadcaught, but the fire was subdued
by the application of saturates! carpet.
Farrah It Co.'s loss Is $50,090, on which they
have an insurance of $lO,OOO In Eastern compa
nies. Hackett, McKee & Co.'s loss will amount
to 2,000. They are fully moored.
The burnt district slomprlees an area of
about five acres, extending from the railroad
to the river, end from Mill to Lathrop street.
The dames encircled the storage yard of the
Eagle Oil works, in which there were three
tanks of oil, owned by Wlghtman and Ander
son, bet singular, Indeed, none of them were
touched. The entire loss of property by the
fire is estimated at $50,000.
There werp no engines on the — ground.
When the alarm was given the majority of the
steamers went to Allegheny the firemen sup
posing the fire was in the d irection of Butch
er's true. There was a number of oil refineries
In the vicinity of the fire, but fortnnately, it
had spent its fury before reaching any of
ues to draw large houses. TO-night be appears
as Adrian De Teligney, In the “Hoguenot,” a
play written (or Edwin Forrest, but which Mr.
Adam, has purchased as Ills sole property. de
will also take the character of William in the
nautical drama of .. Elark-16yed Simian."
Urea. lionsa.--kir. Charles Dillon appeared
last night as "Fielphegor, the Mountebank.'
In this character he Is nuapproachable. He
has appeared In carious, place. In It for an ag
greg,ate of flee hundred nights. No one should
fail to see him in this great rendition. II will
be repeated to-night. An afterplece will also
be played
Arlrealif4l.-(,ourge Brownian, charged with
assault ats3 battery with Intent to kill a man
in Bayonne, Ohio, last winter, was arrested in
a glass house in Birmingham, on Wednesday,
and taken ft, Ravenna yesterday, on a requisi
tion from the isovernor of Ohlo.
Another Oil Strike.- nix hundred bar
rel well has horn struck on the "Foster Farm,"
six miles below Franklin, Penn. It is assert
ed that this territory' will 13 , 1113.1 tne best on
rill and Plthole Creeks.
Hour. at Home. A popular monthly, de
voted to Religious lad useful Literature.
Editcd by .1 R. Sherwood. May, lace. New
York Chart.. Scribner &Co For sale fly
J W. Pittock.
kisaeys Lady'es Hook for Hey, leas. For
,Ale by W ■
A Glldentromoy, 45 Fifth street.
zw a d t 7 . .p= n 7 k l,...k 10r May, Imi• For
- --•••• •
Pistol Ducal /u Mictsmeasal
itietlioen, Vw.Aprill9.—Ree. r. U Maddox
tied Wm. Vernon exchangedpistol snots on
Broad street, near Slain, this afternoon. Both
were illiglitty Wounned, Dr. Maddox In the leg,
nail Vernon In the loft head. They were er
Convalescent Cholera Patients.
a., April i9.—Tbe steramatap Erkglam(
41.141 I.f eVerting With the convalescent pate
mangers fur New )(irk. She hoe had no new
CtiwE. of cholera.
r aro Oral-rate morning neerePatter l'outouritt.r.
han hblalti permanent work In this orrice , at the
ighest wage., by making Imoterttate application In
the Parent XI,
alellifaL/V--tla Wednesday. lath Inst.. at ltd
n'elnek e. a., BARNEY aged years.
The funeral will take place from hls late real
dente on l'eun street, Moth Ward, on FnIU•I
nottx,ti. loot., at 10 o•elock. The friends of
the family are respectfully Incited to attend.
• • .
Wednesday. Apra lath. I. aged M
Hls funeral will take place from hls late ...cadence
hartuDAT. 4110 o'clock a. it. dt
rat .4 most planer/sineplace of Sepulture, .lt.
to on the uplands, immediately north of Allegheny
City, oil the New Brighton Road. Persons wfahlrip
to *elect Burial you will alipit at the Superintend
•n office, st the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Perlts
sod all other butaness will be ettended to .t the Drug
garehouse of the undersigned. corner of Federal
d Lesaook streets, Allegheny
1,1110. AJELLT.
Secretary and Treaeu ter,
apV) 177. at"! ❑. WOOD t.tRISET.
bbl.. palmt. prairamsmer.
50 boxes Messina Dihteiges,
50 Palermo do
30 Lemons;
25 barrels Turnips;
;a • Eggs;
110 • • Llme3
Seed Jersey Buckeye Potatoes
1 unload Potatoes.
;100 Isobel. Unions;
to "INV and for sale by
W J. n'ELL dev.
Na 18Y Tbird Strait.
2.50 boxes Granges;
•• Lemons . l
2,000 bushels Peach Blow Potato.' ...
30 barrels pure Cider {IIIleg.;
" Sorghum Molasses:
25 boxes Goshen Ch.M.;
20 •• Ilanstrurg Cheese,
Received and for sale at No. 300 Liberty street.
spa POTTER. AIKEN S ancraso.
111 NEW COLORS are Clay, Smoke, Orangei .0
Em NEW o d PA d. M R s W li S en i d e tLka Stncn,
Lout's Xi%
ESPECIAL DIRPITION is made of low priced
Alirßtore open ever! evening. •
W. P. 181.4LBULA_LL,
magi 87 Wood sirens.
( 1 111010 E FA3IILY FLOUR.
Wld t e.Z?:ld, In3t and ea d c o ks;
IW .• A...a01d , 0, do do on
100 •• do do
do 100 411731119 1 m Si. Loulo, do do do
too •• Kooplra. d.o do do do
KO Hondo , do dodo do
For male by R.ANUS otlN,
opl7 79 West olde of Diamond, Allefasg.._
69 hull % Water wart
p1.411111 - 11.01MEU
MO barrel. • • 191da•Worla. , Floor;
WO • • ' 'Star
wO •. •
.`liarblues , • • /a
WO • "1.2tant , ... 51, Louie Flour.
&ma broods delltered Iq paver .041... d••,,.1.
ror ttitn, it. Vous.* butt,
able? 11 Dlasuond. Aliaabewl,
So:01),f ASIL
100 o.).loemou sod. Ash;
to do I ;Mined do
Just received and lb; sale byy
•pI2 JNO. 11. uANYIELD.
BEANS-20 Mai. prime White
Deans In stores ll for sale by
PSG Marne& sod lint streets •
Q 11 .41 , 140E5-250 bee. prime New
. Cron Residua Oranger, B re w - OgnnV for
s1 :117 Nu. 'nand ift Wood street.
OYSTERS-1,000 eases, 1 and 1
nod m. ., 4 , 0 13 b1 eed and Core f fmal , astarell
awe Nos. Mend MS Wood street.
PEANUTS-800 bus. prhue large
Tennessee Peanuts, to anise and for sale by
sput Nos. IX and MS WOW street,
Allll-20 kegs prime Lard just
-• reeelied and foF Webs -
opl7 Corner Market and Viral streets,
IIUTTER-8 hail Olds. chats*
Rall lia""j"1
' M71111 ' 4 4 kliiii i 4 l ll ' 6Nl/,
mai Coronas( klastet and rat sta. sta,
DRIED' A APPLES-40 bbla:briiiii -
D° "I°' VisWed,PlZTBVieusu.
apt? Cosner treat end Pittestrorta.
fresh. (eV EfINSILY IL
H mix BVIVEII.--10 halt
Obis. past received by L. H. VOIOT • CO.
She edition is forwarded sehloh will resets the sst -
scribers soonest so the mall roe.
TlPat/k. .
TICE litsklCr
In the East h. pcat 11 rut i..•a Y.nutac:ur.ra
hot rt
Special Dispensation for the Working
Classes of this City.
Goods Selling at Lower Prices
than Before the War !
$3,50 CI 1 ►'E.A' FOR $l,
The only dealer in the city that was
on hand with the money to "gob
ble up" these elegant Spring
No. 60 Fifth Street,
a 0
Wit 7 qWi"9iwi
Iln MON DA I EVENI ie. April lath, MGe. will be
opened one of the finest antisuableßock of
ENS for Men s wear, BLACK 911.,K7. TR rmmm - Gs,
&c., &0., evar extin,Hctl In Pitt at.orgit, which will
be sold at sottord•bloplr I. II W NOCE, • tor Gar
man. areof the VERB I.ATEd I DEBII,NB, both
We 0.11 tn. mak, orirr, ( take and Slant-Ilia.
of the aerf lateen 11101, an 1 w warrant a perft,t
at. Vat - vular Illalllloll Vail t di o
OirDon't tall to see Thule alto, genteel
CLOAKS FOR $45,00,
Only to be found at the New
No. 49 Fifth Street,
Opposite Pittsburgh Theatre.
Ntattutaettarer. oi ..pper an..l iron
Lightiiii,(le Fit tscls,
Below Baud St. Bridge, Pittsburgh
Professor JOOEPII HENRY. !ferrets, of the
Smithsonleo Institute. set u••vsledged on, of the
most selentlil, men of thin ag., sA a n.• damage can
ensue to a buildlog prote:ted by a good lightning
rod. however many diaehargee rimy fall upon IL A
good rod. by Its powerful indtletlon diminishes the
Intensity of the lower part y oil& and therefore
lessens the number of ex plosl re dlsetrargea; but if a
discharge takes place from the cloud, due from er/
cause erhaterer, It will o.e attracted from a given
distance around the rod, and transmitted tnnozi
ously to the earth.
We call special attention o • •Munaon'• Copper
Tutular Lightnins Rod, with .plral Flanges. • • This
rod has received the First Premiere at the Mute
Vatr. of New Turk, Pennsylvania, lows,
Indiana, Ohio and Connecticut • and at A atonal
Fair, Maryland Institute. American Institute at
New York. Mechanic•• institute of Cincinnati, and
at very many County and Dist , let Fairs In all sec
tion. of the country. It has been successfal In every
contest. and has been extensively used by the most
intelligent people wherever Introduced.
It is a well estabilahed so lei:able fact that copper
possesse• eight times the conducting power or iron,
and all professors of/earning hold that only the cur
face of a conductor Is used by electricity. Then,
Munson', rod, possessing a surface two-and-a-halt
times greaterthan the Iron rod, It follow: that It is
equal to twenty iron rods when In their best condi
tion. Iron coon ru•te, and the - elir lost, Its mteftd
noes, while copper will not rust, and always retains
Its Dower of eon s union. The tubular, apical shape
of Munson trod Wes the greatest strength at the
mustiest p mantle cost, and niskes It a
wild copper rod three Inclies In circumference. the
manner of connecting the Scants Is such that perfect
continuity Is formed from one end to the other, add
this rod will remain a good proter•lon against the
disaster• by lighluing as long to the building en
dures upon which It is erected.
To Show the caUrnaic in which this rod Is held try
ouch ecientific peleonl, Lod others, who hare ar
&mined It, tee append a few of the mazy indorio.
merits it has recta Ts 4:
Prom Dr. H. D. Bookman, P rcv crlor Chests:lv,
Paihutelyhfa.—••Nothlog can be hrnardeu In saying
that Nmuonra lathe beat cad before the public.
Prom Prof. Brown, torn fatirron Suaa qeo log Let—
. I do not hesitate to cornmeal 3lunann•a rod to all
who wish a perfect protectlon from w•etelants by
&nm the tote Cot. Andrei., eresnlevit Kenyon
Cottepe.—•'l do not *noir how s rc•l,u/d be mode
to combine more or the requisite, ier giratirciloa
against lightning. It will .rtatair iv me. general
Prom Pro/. loano, istrie :Ike,
Paturol ..41,V619214
regard It as atapttlor to otect ts,lt ataa tr , wtaaatta
It to the pObtlo. "
Front auks y tadwaa - "WWI
the building la prvt<o.lo'y
Was Ho& pee 1‘ , 3,1:104 Rom the
premium dots. Na to , ittollon tue ttue rod,"
• •
Frout M tlfaant.
Ce rrina M mt hadtana
, / welltil4 t ... no "U Is s company
10441 premium 04 44 1 / 1 1141$ 9 ,01 . 0 ied by
the Atuuson 1204. I uould noi *oolloollb. Llvt,
7.7. 1 A,A17 oak without Otto thr TOOllOO my 0011 i.
• SVo•
nattst New .I`art CmSans —.Very novel, act
'letit,ll., crimp, asd on sisould indite a very efficient
(Ppm., Jefferromda. —"it In
ennettitelnd hpon the nowt ap t sollentifir stria
op, and eves, houee should have one alma IL"
dwretury of Keokuk Board tic Ed.:mat:se -
" trl no % rlx i c a i r ca b th i e =1 (:estrouana
allegerthereolf g are Y ltoreto, ois t e l =
l i r i t m l i teeled that lifunson•s Copper Rat he Ti; tr.
Wholtaile dealers supplied with 1, 4 ,
Rod, at lowest lutes. (Jur Carver Irate tm,
[popular among the people, an 4 me , tntier. o a t
000 Ro
ds earned and ...Mr tql oet
O r Rods an of she most appro.w.i.
Order, for the erection of tad, heedeilist‘oi mrs
dignity mar he sent through ilia matl, osi oas
LW:KUM KT a. co,,
WILy, :14 door 114.14 ...%Tee4 , 120.1444k
.pliltdeuda t• F 1Yrr54.4:11%1. r
_ .
piEcurcoltS , NottEr_ - vrewtimui
LOB V. 13
MEL t ' ot tatsw>ntar. *.yon V. t.,r.T N., bat, otits A
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harlot` claim, mitt tstvathkii . ..... jw".4 4 . 11 ."4 " .
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`att ß e neisa N w pWA . R e li nt. W p. . I ,, , L, lAY n tl . , t t. e a r t t c ro ut , or, rs.
Adnalnirtratlon on the natal.. of Jul t N
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