he WittAntrgit (gazette. TRURSDA.Y, APRIL 10, 180 G. _ . BQBINSON, McCLEAN & CO., *sinkers and Broken, D El No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Dcaltrs y 3 .11: kljele of Oovetrioun{ Seoultlen, Gold and Bilynx, Uneurrent Bank NoMes, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, etc., etc., etc. Dormslts remixed to Cm FOLlfill and Currency. In ternet allowed on time deposlia. Collections made in all porta of the United States on most faxgrable terms. . . . . . _ Orders executedwith ispatch for exemthinx to the business at the Boston. New-York, Philadelphia. anA Pittsburgh Brokers' Boards strictly on commis sion. Dr . aw on H. CLEWS & CO., New York, J. COOKE CO., Poiladelpttlo; Megan. 0. D. / H. PIE KENS, Bosteoo. FINANCE AND TRADE. The Chicago Evening Journal, of Tuesday, contains the following paragraph rebating to the sodden disappearance of a grain specula tor of that cat). "The nodal& damppearance of John T Les ter, of the firm of Denison a Lcater , grain dealer, end commission merchants, with all the available funds of the concern, was the chief topic of conversation on 'Change to-day The facts in regard wit are as follows: Messrs Denison a Lester hare been epeculating In grain, and here lost considerably within the past month. Yesterday the firm was "snort" on wheat, which Sir Denison bought In, and on going to draw checks for the difference It. the afternoon, made the discovery that Lester had betrayed Mtn by drawing-out of the bank all the avialable funds of the Am, and leaving him incontinently to the lurch. Mr. Lester liar had the reputation of being trlckey, bat otherwise has Rameys stood well in commer cial circles, and his sudden departure was no greater a surprise to the members of the Board of Trade than to his partner. The lia bilities of the firm are not large,and the fonds with shish Lester disappeared were more than SUIIICICUt to pay all. We are sorry that the course tai Lester should operate unfavor ably on his partner, Mr. Denison, who as an hOllOllO/0 high-minded gentleman, and who still retains the confidence and aympathy of all of the leading members of the Board of Trade qt. is the intention of Mr. Denison to eon Wale the business In his own name es hereto fore, telseuipgsnedint'll74"l,4l"ettler daps, . —The following comparative statement shows the a very •e coat:Litton of the leading items of the Philadelphia Banks for the peat and precious week : Last Week. This week. 410,612,150 410,612,160 Loans... .. 46,029,616 49,U4,091 Dec. 1013,447 . a 14342 949,016 Inc. 2,734 Legal-Vnd'rs 16,M223 IS„Ta,T.ie 1nc.1,701,25, Deposits ..... .22,762,2414 34,640,864 Inc./XB./2e! Circulation 8,720,870 8,743,392 Inc. 23,126 The averages the past week, show a very general ...crease. The increase of deposits I. e1,g78,382; of legal-tenders, 41,701,ft1i, the cir culation, an,121, and the specie, a 3,73.1. The loans decreased aa13,94:. so large n doerrinic of loans, with so heavy an increase of deposits and legal-tenders, indicates inactivity in business and a large capacity for acconlaNia -I.toini at hank —The Philadelphia L.liger, of April 17, says the reared dist urban, between the German towers, which at tlrst harried to this eroust ry, a is rat inhaled. it million of our Five Twenty bond, with the effort of a decline of a per cent in their prier, Is fast dying out. Less Minot lance in attached to the n reuten lug attitude first inisumoil, and, 11 is now said that the mail by the Boston steamer brought a much smaller sum of Putted States Five Twenties of ISO 2 than 11.1 been sold in advance. At New York, on Saturday on a knowledge of tide fact, the prire advanced to latitlo4ki., and the bonds were borrowed fur delivery on - short- contracts at a nominal rate of interest. Nearly all the Other Govern ment securities were strongly upward- Some sales of Seven Thirties ware made as high as tot per cent and Interest. In oar own market yesterday there was a still further advance— the Five Twenties selling freely, over the counters of the brokers, ct tottepito4%. Com pound interest notes also were in demand at a decided advance. The banks are. said to le, active bnyets, by way of adding to their letral tender basis. and at the low rate that money rules on the street the operation ran but prove an advantageous one for the banks. It not only adds to their interest-bearmg assets, but puts them In an ear.; position In ea. that distrust any exellinir cause shoadd provoke popular —The New York rribtine, of April IT, sat, it io untler , tooil that the Treasury Depart ment 111, a funding -.theme under consider:, lion, and all! soon cotutnence operations. It is to be hopt,l that the Secretory will not re beat the mistakes of his predecessor and reak dos n by offering lon low a rate of In terest and too short bonds. Six per cent is not a high rate to pay, and the Seeretury ahould not fail of funding hi, temporary loans, eertatleates St inaeldedne,s, 110,1 1 . 01111)011tItt note., by remit, lag the option of paying otr six pet cent bonds after flee, ten, or twenty years even The secretary will do his duty if he auceventn, during his term of office, In tnnil tng am dell Into loug sin per cent, and retiree enough debt to comply with the law, exist linking a sinking fund reasonably toes sod Trude In Neu York WM{ ISt /LAD MONK, Stn Y oar, April le.—gold closed uotl, e at 127 1 4. los cern mout stork. have nth - towed throughout. Ten-Forties 9.2 , t; Seven-I'lo riles lON - , The Railway share market. Le quite steady at the eieeol:l4 regular and last open boat da, with the Northwest shares us the only prombw.nt feature. The ease of mosey and the rations cliques In the market prevent any downward turn in prl , es. Then, is more to-- tit-11.y In the quartz 11th and Consolidated Gregory gold shares, bet otherwise, the rnar ket wt. vety dull. Pet roleum rmer, cales of Central at 2,10; Pithole, 2,95, United , tetto, 9,25. At 4 o'clock open toot d, the follow - lag were the principal sprnceGi Mariposa, preferred, 23%, Sew York Central, 9 Erie, 4 , 4; Hudson, 1G; Healing. lOS%; Michigan •Southern, Ti,X; Cleveland and Putaburgh, ei!„, Cleveland and 'lOl , lot; Chicago nod North western, 27 , i, do preferred, SPi; Fort Wayne and Chicago 123 . The business at the office of the Assistant Treasurer today was as follows: Total re ceipts A9a1483 01; of which f 1550,000 were for customs, and an account of loan arifsl,ooo; Gold notes $1137,030; payments, al,set,ati *X; balance prApl iol 33, Xining stooks hid In Boston to:dis Falls, la; Franklin,' 42%1 ilancock„ Water Power, 11%; Junior, 12;i;Minnesota .yr; Quin cy, 45; - Bay State, IL The following are tharuottaions at the bry Goods Exchange, Jobbed prices. The market is steady. At theunctiona, goods brought fair P There are not my buyers in the city. Prints--Herrimack, W %lc; Merrimack, D, 21c. American, 18tie; Cocheco, He; Garner d Co., its; Warnsutta, 14 40. Brown Sheeti nits —Amoskesg, B, 25c; Augusta, Plc; Bedford, .16c; Boot, H Ilc; Boot, 0,21 c; Boot, W, Bleached Shirtings—New York Hills, 59.4 c; &Mon et you, Mc, halloo d Son, 33 11301, James, Inch, 30c; James 33 inch, 26e; James, 31 inch, .'.23.40; Anthony Manufacturing Com pany, 28e; Palmer, prime, 25e. Blue Checks— Cedar Grove, 30e; Haymaker, 3ue, Hibernian, 45c; Lanark, No. 7O), 20c; Park 70, 40,. Star Mills, SOO, 25c Spool Cotton--Clark'e Slr Cord, e 1.03, Chark , s Enameled, 95c, J. d I' Coats', 10,05, Stafford Bros. 75c, N'llbmoe tic, 93e Etifeago Lumber Starker. I.atcano, April lb.—There Is mots dole. In cargoes, and the market was steady Joist, and acantling are to good demar..l, an.l sell readily at from wets. Common Km, meted boards and strips are doll at $l4/11.3 Shingles are in mood demand, Sales to-day Include the following Cargo schooner Live Oak, from Manistee, 12.) m feet Joist and scantling at $l5. Cargo schooner Buena Vista, from Manistee, 120 m feet Joist and scantling, at 41.5 Cargo ,cooner Active, from l'entwater, se m feet coarse.commen at $l4. • Cargo schooner Challenge, from ldnakegon. So to feet good scantling and Joist, at $14,75. Caro. schooner Island City, in ni -sawed shingle. at $5 Cargo schooner }. G. Orey,from Grand Myer 904 m feet rafted, at $l2, CargiO SCllooner Carrie Woodforn.troan I railli River tom feet rafts 1. at 1114„ !Poston Flak Market. Bon TON April 14.-Sales of tirand Bank and Bar Fumy atelea per cal for medium and bilge. Including English and Froneh; small, 1 4 2,Wa3 per g tl. Now t..eorgea are in lair sup. , ply. with salsa at f 51,250640 for lots, and 4,5,661u1e 423 for whole fares. Hake are quiet at 42.200 8,00. Pollock are doll at evilloo loose, end $ 1 per qt.i. packed. Mackerel are very firm, with itimiulaloal re. ceiptd from the Provinces, and stocks are bo- ales log steadily reduced. nt kirskol7,2o for No. I Nova Scotia awl Bay; 42102.1 for shore; 416,20016 for No. 2. and 414 for No. 3. Alewives are scarce end firm At 49 per bbl. Pickled i herring are dull nt 4304,20 per bid for common and Labrador. Smoked herring are eelling at I rolillroc per box fur No. 1 and sealed. salmon are nominal bat h Id higher at 621022 per 1,.. I -Bullohn. Chicago Witte ..- trll -. et. ! - SURDRIEES.— - - . - CHICAGO, April 17 -The roceipta of beef cab : CONSIGNMENTS. us to-clay are En ears. The market in doll, I bones ; with but few buyer, present. The ward elec.. Le •` Lemon. , , -,ot, b b a a:rr l :: ll. p r o ' r/ b (. : l H d i e ' r ' N' l ln ' e " t r e rr . ' Lions are considered of morn Importance than rivaling in matte. Entered sales, 39 , 9 head, at priers ranging from 41,0005,37% for cam. sorghum Iloleees: mon steer., 41,22/02,K1 for medium packing 23 boa. rioshen Cheese; . they . , „„ ,",,,, g,to my g ood to bed gra•rie.• 1iceeiv;1:..7.:',.'7,,:y2.T.1.r'1ir.,.by.4,.:;.,,rt.}.7,,,Lkt,,,AvrAii,,, Thspquallty of the cattle received this 9009 - sag: log Is very fair. Prices have receded from .--- 20025 e per 100 lbw from bast week's quotations, triust.,E FAMILY FLoun. nOtWithstaiirling the favorable accounts Iron; MO t,hls. Wide World, la s 0 ,,,. b , „., the New York markets. lan • • Iferbine• N a., 1 ''' ' ' ao lan • • A, nold.s. do de ,;„ kw • • St•r, o 0 M. ..., Cleveland Market. mu • • Smut . . In rami., ,to ~,, ~„ Etsvatasti, April 17 --W litrat --Market firmer ',„ ° L , rit. 2 ,.t• :1,., 1. do I,`• and 7030 i better Sales tide afternoon 6 ears p„ . 0 . by u. ' . - 1 ig ..;) , ~ ,o.ou s. No. I liaaulres spring at 41,62. 2 cars good Apr 79 Weal lint Of Diamond, ~ Beebe ' , N0.,2 red Winter at 11,52 ; tal e a h,,,,,,, ono • bush NO. 1 Milwaukee s ue. sa t 41,62 Corn • I AIRD-20 kegs prime Lard just Fi r m and in grd retinue. sales 2 care No. I ` a•-• received end for sale by s h e ll e d at eic; t ears do at Be. Oats-!n good reTzse & AUMSTRoNit. demand, firm and better. hales 3 pare No lat .1 ,1, , Corner Market mad Fire erre, . . 32e; / ear do at Mit c; 320 be.; do t bagg ed , d° s; I BUTTER -8 h • hall bb. clso it e 420. Bye-Rollnod 1 .° 13 . 1 0n • rieV - - No Pell twits-sleet received end for sale by sales. 21PZE11.4 toNti, .I`l2 • Corner of Market aL A l t Pis t 4 sin eta. Cincinnati iron Market. s' TIBIED APPLES -- 110 bbls. bright Curczart•ri, April 17.-The market, for pig 4,r Dried Apples la store and for see by iron is dull and drooping, though no decline , PEI 7.. a & AIISISTRONti, has been eStabllshed. We quote No l hot- ea rl , Corner ... :et anal Vie,t so-eels. bleat $ 11 31365, and 14 °. 2 02000. Cold-bleat is t i -..---- - .... • - held at Oa to 470, resealing to guality,,and , B EAN S -2 0 bills. prime White the demand is grate light. Bar iron is quiet , Berms in sore and far 0 .1. b y TETZILit & ARMSTILONCi, at 6`,402c iOl common and charcoal. nor.- „„ . Conker Market sad First streets. 'Does are dull, but Without change to prices. .v" . We quote Shoenbergees extra 8018%C. Mule I,(III..ANGIEB---250 his: prime New shoes are quoted 9(gittic per lb. ',...:, Cr.r,lfSille• Oranges new arrPrins and for stlie . sale by 'ILEYMER a linos., lipid Nos. 126 sad 129 Wood street. Baltimore Seed Market. in tst ry irw o o r at t re pr r li fo r -There is some little i OWSTEEB--1,000 cases, - 1 and 2 p fo o r o :a d l , s ß b p y teed and Cove r 7 4hipatent, Nit *uprises . ad ;t k e t r i tt i, let received b - ero u rt 014 VOWS of holders; t' 1 2 1 5 , sad Sew' war / a Se Not. rte and 'VI Wood strie:t. offered for several hundred bsiwe quoteat ; c%476, and retail prises l6per Duet Tim- 1 "r" 41 r continues scarce, wi wome little qtdry; would bring $1.50 per bath. Flax is quo- fed at $2,60 for best otrerbar• • There IA still s fair degree of activity man, ; mete[ In the produce markets, mid Flour /14 .1111 considerably excited And higher. other articles, there in a 'fair business 110111 V, mainly of a Jobbing character, but prier., gen erally, have endergoise no onotable cling e. RAlN—Wheat 10 drat and In around, sale of i car Milwaukee Clot) at $1,00; and 725 bush Red Winter at SIX. Oats steady with a good local demand; sale of I car No, 1 Chicago, to ar rive, alt 49; nine, small sales from store nt ' Enid ey is scarce and in demand. Corn Is red ingad 7. to 75, from s i t i o r %irl very thrift ' kat igprolt,q I tot!. the arrival , ' having been large for some days pact, and prices have declined Collaidera big. Bale of I Curls bulk, at 0,12 , 4;2 do do at 61,15, also, regular aisles from store at $1,200 1,05 per bush, and 53,40403,50 per bbl. PIAJUIt —The market continues limo and conaideraidy excited, and prices bare still further advanced We now quote n4.11'04914 1 for Spring Wheat; SIOIEIIW tot half Spring lung Half I% inter;And $llll% for all Winter. Sale of 1M tibia, on track, hal/Spring and bolt Win ter, at plO. •raolasioNs—B.,con ie quiet but steady, with a fair,lobbing demand at 13 for Shoulders; 1 15 for Ribbed Sides, and 200204 for sugar Cured Rams. Lard is steady at for prime 'kettel rendered; sale of 9 kegs prime country fatl - 44, Demand far Mess Pork:very d with a —Receipts continue h,ght,an with a fair demand, prices are well sustained. Sale in lots of al tons baled, on wharf,. at MD per ton.- Sales from scales at 123025. . 1 MILL FEED—Dermand rather • better. Sale of 10 tons light Middlings at 11,15. ' and 6 tens heavy do at 51,40. ' Seconds maybe 61.10 or lota .' from store Quoted at llCT.TEE—Demarid opesresto be fallin,g off, 1 and the market to dull. and- heavy,. with it droOrdnaeadency. Sales of prime to choice REGGS—DuII —mastly at 45047. but unchanged at 2.16Y25. Re ceipts increasing. C:„E,SP,—.Is cituet but steady, with regular sales at 231 be Hamburg, and 25 for Goshen. FIEEDS-41imtseed Is in demand at C l Clovorseed is •dull, with small sales at SAL- I Timothy Seed is scarce and In demand at }it:, 1534‘4_ WISONVADAT. April I. 11166 SORGHUM—Is dull but unchanged, ,mull sales ni Wire. L'E.AO,Sales at 9%olo—Mock light. OIL—No..I Lard I, still held at $ ONIONS—SaIes of prime at $1 per bun. HOMINY—SaIes at 3023!.4--dull. PITTSBURGU rETtlt miuLl hi MARKET RUDE—There was more activity man'- , tested In the Cnide market to-day, and while there was apparently a little firmer feeling on be Dart of holdertairices have undergone but little change, ranglng - from 13 to 13 ii, bbis re , turned, to laelSiAbbla included. according to gravity. Sale of 700 bids, In hulk, at 13; 1000 I 1100, In bulk, at net:7lo, bbLs returned at 13,1 V.: ••Horsecreek tat" at tibia In ' eluded; and 336 hbls, in lots, at Is. A. be awn lee the ahem% the transactions In the ag pTegate were considerably larger than yester day, and in one or two Instances, a slight ad s was obtained. l reiegraius , from till t It v lar,lav report Crude steady at sl‘,.. ner bbl . ' REPINED—Tutee was more nativity In Ism ' ded oil to-day thou yesterday, without, how ever. any traprovement In prices: Sale of hao , bids for June alai, free on board ears here; hunter same delivery at 35, net; 500 for August delivery In Philadelphia, at 44; 601, Satan de- Ovary at 45; and 500, same delivery on private terms. Generally speaking, our refiners are -pretty well sold up, and In many eases tor thirty ta and oven sty days ahead, and there is Rot, apparently, the name Weill - m(1ml to con. , tract for future dell eery, that there ivy. , a few • days since. Free 011 Is dull and utatrely men. NAPTII.I AND RES1141."1:11—For Naptha there seems to be no demand whatever, as we e not 1,94 fi tale reported for a eoit,idern e length of time. Residuum lo still toted ut.t par bl.t.. ARRIT .91 - S—The redelpi...l of oil are ll,* ip mpg to falloff The arrival, reported 01.. day o ere :Al for slit. Wilkins; 14.0 for libber .9 Bro.:and be for Win. W.Y2. NEW YOt: W.. pr 11 la,--(lotton heavyat re for Middling. Flour much excited and C.fiaS:he better, 'with a large demand, chiefly for specu lation, at a1 . ,756.3,40 for Extra.. lisitueflim. fur Extra It 11 (t, and ip,45Q)13,01, for Thule Brenda; Market clueing firm out. with lens excitement. Whitaky quiet at 41,911 a 1da1,27 for State a nd Wmiterri, and X9l 9:l' fiat Refilled. Wheat —Market excited and a@i'M hotter, at alr for Old Chicago Spring, al,nital,as for Inferior good Milwaukee Club, fd,Sitail,k 4 for No. I Mil waukee, and eig,..50 for Old Amber Michigan, and al,as for Inferior New do market closing with less excitement. lire flrmer ut Miff:So. Barley Malt dull. Barley Quiet. Corn better and quiet atsli4a.le for unbound, and for pound Mixed !Centel - min store and dela, ea ad. outs lc better at t3esle for Naa Neat. ea n, and CiSkakie for Old do. Saga` at 11' .o.llas,c for Baran. Petroleum dui; at Ittr Crude, and 374(Iktiie for Refloat! to Road. Pork d rill y at V.5,90C15,0N for N Moos. eloking at tx,oo.caith, re5p.6....,25 for anal do and kli,liole , Ao3 for Old Prime; aLso tibia New Mesa for Apt - al, May and dune, lel,' option, at f1ia,75419"32. Beef steady at previous preen Bean' Itotnr , nneng..l stet. 'at ]bats taunt Ito at In' an 411 y . Irdr , nnotrittr,, and 15 , 441tenNt• ib.t Banda Lard - 1 111e1 h1:111 nrnt at Butter dultd at t;:btt 13d for Unto, and tOttdor. lon atatar 11:40... dull at laflf?...se t.• s • Apr it -Flow 141.1-4 :.,.1 h tort is advance was as much ss atn• Wdaln eti There at, ',lot a d e quote littP , r l ßle 47 r :se:dd.:At extra at as.* ttet7o, family at 0. and fancy st 41 u,vgL Wheal le In moderate demand (rein thr and the high grades have advaheed Se; low grades are unchanged No 2 red 41,x5 G1, No I do, V,338.L4u. and choice, Corn and Rye unchanged. Oats lc higher, at 4, C02c.. for No I lc lit•ky in better demand, at Mess Pork Is held morn flimly, at kdd s ;.7, 4.ti, et lib small sales. Lard us 101 l at ltltt,r for city, with a demand at 18 1 4. Bulk tritest. and it/Won MlChangell very little doing in either ocoteries Steady; eggs file, butter? 7040 c ttold •tc•GO, Aprll Pl.—Flour Arm. Wheat exci ted, and opened at an A.ivanev at 4;f3c., vultt.t quently doellned 30k4c, and elofted quiet, at 61,31 , 401,..17,?. ‘ for SO./., and trtfp,c tot . N.. rn quiet, at 16e for No. 1. 42 , 61.1 r tor So. 2 Data II ,u, at an advance of lc. krov - latonv LArd:lBc. Freights quiet. accept'. Nor ools. dour; ..f,uon bust, wheat; 1 , 5,1.09 boats of corn; 11,114 flush. of outs edit IlL1)4111,--4;;UG 1:1,000 barrel! , of flour, 7,500 bomb 0; wheat .4500 boat, of corn; btavh of unit. S w Oat.s.ss, April bettc, quid. Wes stiffer:and lower grades unchanged. low in ' ' du A. • • • •Harblne.. • • do nal • •••orant•a" it Lout> flour. 154104. brand. delivered In paper parka if deaire.l. for sale by K. KNOX *SUN. %yr 'fa Diamond. Alltabet4 OLD COI•PER AND BRASS. hi* !. box os and 3 pieces Coppe,r; t and 1 loos Brun, Now landin• from oteasner rootoonar, for sale by *pa !bah\ 11 DICKEY a ANILLA DEANI4—Just regelved a fresh t u t or Choice new Vanill• Hewn, for ds- Ynring, for nal.. by the pound or .111g010 Hon , at th e h 114411, 141•004.0) :Wye of JNII. A. RENSHAW, Corner of Liberty and Hang streets. ...ALAI) OIL—We have In store a supply of Ihr fineat Italian and liordestis Uller 11 In pinta and iiisarla, or fresh mipurtallon. fur Jair__Py Die dozen ur tingle bottle, R al tits FattOlT 1111 l 4 lore of JOHN A. ENON Is VV. . apt_ Corner i.l Liberty and Hand 'areal., pOTATOES. W a. prime Prince Albert Potstoes J.l aril. In do d •nd for lialc I. Poach Blois do apl2 JNI I. B. CANFIELD ASH. L , ...) Casks Common Soda Ash: GO do Refined do Just recelyed Sod for •11.1 spa NO. B. CAN FIELD. BAKER'S CHOCOLATE--100 tots. Baker's Masa. No. I, Norfolk No.l. Premim, Double and !Treble Vanilla I hi:molar., now In Mole for sale by ILEYIIER A .111100„ mhD h us. 128 and 130 Wood atreel. MILL FEED-2 cars Seconds; car Shone, For sale by _ IE:Z9% A 8011 7v Diamond. Allegheny. SNE-2TILT() AIEL i, ric • • 4 bits. choice - small Stilton Cheese, put pexpressly for fam ily oar, Just received and for sale by apl2 JNti. K. CANFIELD. VNGLISII PAPER • HANGIAIRS A. assortment of 11Eli PAPERS, wt.!, ntd without bold, to arrive nest week. 01.21 W. P. IdAlOl/1111.1., 07 Wood et re.-t. I-11UTTER -20 half barrels prime 'toll; 10 box t• dO ho For sale by 10,11211 J. H CANYIEED. GqIE(HEN CHEESE-100 btu. first elims liostien Cheese In store and for mile by Clf AB. BALSL) 1, IDI Liberty oDuoi. DEAIIIB-26 bbh. choice SI bile jp Deane sseissd sod ( "irs l irA ' gr ANJ otbl2 No. 111 Second sire., liAll CORN-1000 bus. for sale by McIIA NE & ANdlat, _ . . inbil No. 12a Second street. A FINE LOT OF AnAntswiruiii, CANDLER mcelrod and In store at mhO JIM H. BCOTTIL 011 Liberty et. 1 1111 , 1NEIV TOPS-200 assorted (.0) 117.2i11Y 11. COLLIS'S. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. This article Is expressly deafened to purify and restore the likaoil to a healthy condition, tiy which SCROFULA and all fines/lea of the Shin are eifecl wally removed Rom the gy.item. Sold In bottle. at SO rents and Cl each. by IT! Corner Smithfield nod Fourth Street.. PUH STANDARDPRE PAILAFIUNS.--COCAINE- A Compound of Co e oiaii . l .r o H d a r ellg e htfol r Ferfnme for the Hand kerchief. KAL/ASTON —A Cosmetic for removing Freckles Tau, Sunburn. de. ORIENTAL MOTH- WADI —Au Ellkir for Pre serving and Beautifying the Teeth and Gums. BURNETT'S COLOGNE WATER—Uri-GT.lre. Ilichnesa and Delicacy of Perfnme. JONAS WIIIITCC/31B'S REMEDY—For Asthma -Rose COld, Hap Fever, de. BURNETT'S 8 rANDARD FLAVORING R.V.• TR Any of the ACTS—For Coo ve kl nameabo r i P t ° 4lc s ies ran always be procured at the CeutraJ Drug and Prescription Store, corner of Ohio and Federal streets, In the Market Rouse. Allegheny. mhr; GEORGE A. KELLY, Drags, Chemicals, Palen( Medicines, PAIN OILS, V &RN IB El ICS, Di' KiBTUF PB, aC The Retell lousiness will he continued Re usual at No. 63 Federal street, and corner of 01110 and Feder• al Monte, Allegheny. Isny2Nolyd J. SCHOONELIKEIR & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WILITI LEAD, MUCH M. BOLE & CO.. rocnvmum, ENGINE BUILDERS AND '3IA• GRINISTS; Manufacturers of STE Altloo AT EN GINES. OIL WELL ENGINES, LOCOMoTIVEs for Coal Worka, all kinds of Land and Marla. EN - GlNEb,Made to order. From the well earned reputation of the Manager. ktr. JAMES NELSON, we hope to secure • Ohm. *hereof palts.nage frost/ Steamboat builders •std -- • others w thug good 11.18irillnery. Our alms will be Oil. WORECB. .10 all work t the be. manner fora fair comoonsa . _ Cost and to do It In the time we soy. Ail kinds of CASTINGS made tO order. Repalting Macht.er3 OOLDRIDG E OIL REFINING promptly attended to. We cart turn • Shaft W. feet long, ad horn or torn • Pulley tei Met diameter. arirNop L. /1.0.1••41, Way, near the POW OE. d r y Third 4treet. near Market. Pitt...mall, apiuktrol ARSENAL G LASS WORKS. MODES, RYRIE & CO., Manufacturers of BLAt'll and GREEN ut. Ass. st y*,ARE, Orttegtsta• Ware, Bottle,, LhmulJohns, car. so Warehome—No. 144 44 ATER. STREE between dmitlatield had Grant streets, Pitothurg• T Penna. We warrant our Wares to he superior to nay man. ufactured we. of the Mountains. Always on hand, tilasnewne of tbe above descrlption. All m tiers promptly attended to. Particular attention pald tst private WWI Id, Nal SEVERANCE, No. IH4 WATER L. STREET, Pittsburgh, TIMMY rawturer LRD v w taillT SPIKES. common and ratirt.iaa of every deacrlption. Partimilar sired or shaped Spikes and Rivets, large or att.ll. Made to order at abort. notice. A good as. mrtment constantly on hand. • 111 .115 Ci11..1.1r5 0111.16 wntoer Lou'WRIGHT, Brittanta sa gnu* and I.N-et Metal Worker., Brlttaula Co. Lots. Carlos and Lard kW Burners. %JO dltlerra et•ler of Brittablaoard by 01•44 blanatleturyry orylara pryreabtly tilled. No. ININNCOND :MIEN I.ltrobory7,.l.yana. oc: .1Y deco fi.sop Is ~ 13.pac.1 Tt, 11o•iy temper "eel sprite', Irrsfde4l tteatty s ugeth.r 'll;. il r' lt ''' . 7 ,; " ; ', lt./e "" t r t. R • t v ' •Arl ' r r ,,,.. t;..n7 C.r•alt It. • Ihr •tile, eprl t • 111 re pe•••4 . • •. • f , L.es. ••f %hap. • I“.e. thr•• II eberrh, th or ear, lb. . ars eur...rlor tr. atl ot. era. eotal ul ner I oltrel.i. bi•u• anti att. mill. Mat F.L.X.....hC1a sets*, veltlch hat ma-le the 1112.1 . LEX ELLIPTIC THY STANDARD SKIRT of Lb. faablonable wt Id. brarabanta rlll be euppilea .re ab,rre and by ell re In t tores burgh Job hie tilt. Indult+ bers and Ladles In fors the dre:-.la” real s =OM LLL PT 117.5 E LEN tin it DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT V klak,ti•ll lII=I H . c. WI A CKILELI, Bounties fur Wound.4l &Adler* orrii.tna In tra *tram street, Pittsburgh, L. with ularbarre sod two rritneasen. an McBIASTER, RAZZ & ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 4 i=.l rem w:iax.s.h.,.. Po.. 11 inkenik aIURTU to AUIFIItRI.'UTIUN C Titles examined and Collections Made to Penusyl &Uhl, Chlo sod Went Virginia. felg MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, IJUTIEK, BACK PAY, and a/Clary Claims af army desetiptlon, collected hy Me subscriber, at We following rams, vls Pns, PIO; all other claims, gnat. C. C. . TAILOR, Attorney at Lao, Diamond street, opposite tne Court House. N. H.—No charges a t dande lf the claim does not ortwed, nod all Information gttwo gratis. 5,4:1, L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t,VVIIE, 11$ DIA.IIONII STRICICT, • Du.. It • tour {Boobs Pittabnri., P. °-1-.2•.11L&T TILE PiENNSYLVAIiii L SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANV Sulplturet, of iron renn.ylvaula Salt lisnohcturin, tv. omm Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne Wa menctr .p•-!.. BORING TOOLS. pETROLIA NV - i6HINE WORN& R. Mr.. xancax-sr, Mminfacturer of LIIIPROVED BORING TOOLS. ANTI PLETUNt USED IN SINKING OIL AND BALT WELLS. Particular attention Invited to his Patented provemente Lowars and Joints. mad, of Juniatte, U. I. and Moor inio, in stAndard mime, •uu numbered, so that parte can be ordered by mall or 1117aclor;‘'Irrnodp.%°T, g°3"...&,.., I. dome Who may wish it. — littl;nes and machine ' , null made to order. Orders by mall proudly attended I .a.prepared3b grant Sams,* to other InAtkUlvet II ULM for the. IMDlVVelment• On liberal terms. Ito. It. H. LIGJET. FARM LMFLExENTS. • DRUM a SLACK, Have on baud • Largo asoortosong 01 MOWING ILLOILINLO NOIME. MANNA *THAW OITI`PERe, terT9ILB &NG. Hal BLUM No. 11.0 and 30 ORB Mt ., Aneepei., jasiumitai corrix, Agent r • the Praatile, Philadelphia an.d Baltimore immure Companies, North-east earner WWI) 4:1•1 Third streets. W L. JONES, Agent for the North 4,1 i'„alfittrUZlL,7`.'V'''AT`n.EHT'ul *TT" • .41.. SUE ' AHD, S - • 0 CltDe . n 5. I ".,;;; 5=7. Cerfr.etot SpREVG 0£ 1866. ELEMAPANKA, (BLOOD CURE.) SIMON JOHNSTON, H - HOLE-SALk DRUGG is I Ab. 87 Wood Street, OPPOSITE THB n. CHARLES HOTZL C 223313 BLUE LEAD °BOUND IN UIL FOR PAINTIN • OIL BARRELS, •%%To. 438 T/Cfackci. Mitre et. IND lISTRIAI. WORKS. 111'01111, HOC X .J/4.1i6.5 nfLnCH .“1,47111 ORR SKIRTS. NEW MUFF FOR 1566. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ;on mtbunLE) SPRING SKIRTS, lathe Wed exelatteely If the tele men of Peat STS, BILIDLBY & CRY, V 7 Chambers. and 70 & Ni &Leads 6a• 3c - Tacr - v - cs.vtiEt_. Bradley's Ouplel allptlt Skirt. AT LAtil EST RI TAII. Plitt E, Sawalatib, tbe down al lowest rates. .714 ell UM" tr CAIR-LIS.L.E, ATTORNETS. ATTORNEY AT LAW U. S. Liceomed lialm WILL BUY 3P-SrPLITMEii, Nu. 119 Ohio Street, Allegheny I a ozhilLiTill FOUNDRIES. IRE FORT Pirr FO UNDRY, CHARLES kiAP NEPHENVS IthilVY OUNINCE, •ND ALL EINDe Vi HEAVY CASTINGS. Special attention _paid to HOLLI.N6 MILL W0R.3.1 BLAST MACHINERY and RETORTS. REPAIRS attended to promptly. As heretofore, the tv.at materla/a s - 111 AIRS'S'. • oiled at thH Foundry. • • .•• • . Attention Is cared to our NEW fLY WHBPI PATTERN and increased facilities for tittlag up th 6111Ine, nolliyd WX. /MIN ALLEN JAtl. L. w.rxx. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, NI'KEE & CO., Otitse ithd Worths:me 301 Liberty Street opposite Smithfield, tdannfactures n great rartetr of COOK., Pali.LOR sad HEATING STOVES, &along whit:t Sre the cel ebrated Allegheny said Monitor Cosh Cooking Stores. ale, the /sower. and Sentinel . for coal or wood, and the unrtralled St ar of the Empire, for wood; Mao, arches, Orates. lenders, Sugar Kettles, Log trona and Hollow War generally. lONA gITOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO, Manufacture every varlely of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES talon i ubich ar t & the o eVerr .. d .. ri p lgrA, ZEKI r C,_ KVA N and IRON (Coal ( Wood Cook atoo es ) ALA manufewture _ _ • - GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, Unice and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second street. pEnN Machine 'Perks aqui illoundry 8• 1 / 1 714.1xItznasbax, ENOINE RUILDE.R AND MACH/NIRT, Lacruca elret.t betwetot Federal and Sandusky, Alleghern PORTABLEy anufacturer of Wight-man', PATE OSCELLATING STEAM ETZGIERIV Muffing, PRlleys, da aufutlring of all kiwi, att./data 141,11 OMPB 1 4 01?" OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA JOHN IVATT I'mddent. HILNHY N. LONG, lit.,•T and Tn.., WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE Office, No, 2 Duquesne Way, Ch*.ar Suspension Bridge.) n.`l 12 VACTUREIL7 or PURE WHITE u Itrsa N 40 11.. Brand—" Lucifer." TNs 1)11 cacao be excelled for burning proper - 1110S, Color or hoe test. and la putap la well seasoned bar rels, suitable for 114/ba: USE, •r EXPORT. 10B ' DEES toll. !CITED. , 1/tna,rons—John Watt, Robert Lea, Geo. Black. B. Herron, C. L. Caldwell, H. H. Collins, J. W. Porter Rob, Waller, D. W. C. Carroll. J•lToicu.: it. ... or/aut./IflarßY a. M.G. ARING 84 KING, l4)MblLaftioN InERCHANT3, HE-kl4Ekitllh PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS !'fit AV 4 101. , VrEV.NY WAY IP'i r r . )oBs33lll:rl.l.(2l-3EIL , I.'B. or:1 i) .1 BONDED MI AILEHOILTSE OA. PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, U... or Baltic auk 4 Illarrtsora Streets, ersoklYa, N. T.. Starrage for Refined Petroleum; lu Tau‘s Ilarrele Per C lr^u far. Aldr N[.\ STILICE I. oleo [.al ST .tlll KO II lb CLARK & SUMNER. Works and O r. CoiLo. roiraidalp' I= I Welt Works have toe Lstrgeat up 117ila the con. The brand stand: t he highest In this coroati ant to Eumpe. nualltr and art test. sad the oU Is p.t In well tta.....ne4 Darrel,. prepared especially to: export Manure. tures., of BOILERS. STILLS, TAlrk.l3 umproved Boring Too,, ror tell Weil,. dilOdy kiISPERIOR OIL ENGINES, N e , 1710tIL[1.11, £44 4 - 1/ IlteeD 00 11104 Jeri , .1 y le id t2lll. 101.X57424-3LIV-iiati Bite CITRIK A C.OlllO OA TUBUAI 1011,14 We Invite toi.fliet needir4 en.nres fray tiara Int to cell arp.l Ole., comer 4 and IP BTRE ETS tm clry Water V. orke. ar KINToSH IiEttPHLLL & pJ ~ 0 321111:11CIAJ_. OIL WORE ... PURE WHITE BURNING OIL k....matantly on nand and far I.E. wr ails LOWEST HARSLET ISA TES & a. u. BALWYJEW., =1 jAkM.EBiii eye, =ECM CRUDE AND RUINED OILS. Mit'• Mock, Dog Way.PlStaborgh Blal attention 4 t.-en to the tale and atop 9