Che WittoburgirtWitt APRIL 19, 1866 THUTSDA ADiekßTitiO4olol/6g' Eitabnaked by the Press et Pittsburgh STANDING MATTER, sv i aresul'szen i epir 1 :01 D:rda to EEO I Daily. I ' wee: 'Lee: I Le.a: Vu. .......... Two time.. ........ Tarte times ouoltems... five thrice Ift.l time., one week.. Neves times, .. lac light Vthaceim... E • • ..... Tea ttmeL.. Pet ' tg ` att , . : three time., ;.et; Q weer...... Quo mouth... I'wo months. Three m0uth....... . Mx month. Woe Tear • ITI I 2 SO 1 ITS 500 760 2SO 400 T5O 800 10 00 760 600 1200 TOO TOO r. to 111 SO 11 00 SO 122 Fr 00 LI 00 WEMM OMB T. umts nun..... Thre. trio u Ticla v rensedy has rarely failed to cure the severest cues. of Chills and Fever. and It has thla great ad vantag , e over other Ague medicine that It subdue. the complaint without Inlury to the patient. It --....---. contains no quinine or other deleted°. substance, i.'' , iitl. W 5.t.i...u.- Was lately 'logy,. Ow ,-,,. nor does It grain., vinlstn or sat I:Orionis effect milt of V. M.Thionson's niallagenlent 4 . the :!?:::7,71, „,, h t i a,,.7=7.P . e ' : AL r ' l 'a n s ' . he A , II Corti ponies, in Whell we stated that it ' Prepared by J. C A rtill AL CO., Lowell, Mass., 1111 ,V l 4/.. , of the Ttiompson and Coninterend and sold by 11. A. f AHNESTOCK . H . SON it. Co.. and trihnl.Musidwr bad been ilmoonstratisl beyond il doubt b' " 13'"ggi"... that the tumorit vof the abandoned wells in IW'RETBOTTVET'S TURKISH legitimate oil produeein territory were _IE DR INO AND RF?ies'ORER OF THE ARE. for want of a proper knowledge ' 'l,t' I WI n' tglie l lti N N l Zet: Wls al cab he , d'operatl rig them:and not besiause it bail ever I ur n i ." .. 4 , ,'' . been proven lieu oil ,s.%kKi AO o.S.hil ill their 17isTTili 'c re7t P ore b ri k ati t i ' r:' •de P ' y ' stp7l l 4 ° L n h ° elnat; locality. Thin theory bine longer a Ityptith- !rum falling oat, restoring its natural color, tusking elliß, RA all are willing to admit who have , x to grow in luxuriance and beauty. us.; in putting . It up according to the resunt style and Lashio° and seen the operation of the principle as up- , keep it in pl 7 This Bdrossecy• Turkish Boadols plied to the Woodlitrfl, the Phillips, and alma Hole route will do, and for ?reef we refer you the Jaynes wells, on the Tarr farm. By a . I . °, ' tie " Ne n tat7t h uie h r . Or i lli ` .Nse, i. iiss l' ea ' lt Tarr d e joint arrangement four wells of these oom- and Restorer worthy of the nune. Its Turkey. In minims ate pump. nt the same time, two i ii,T.'F i ll h u ife ent t• g. d zir h l t,„.., °4° T,Tr' 7 7„ h „T c ,Ti n t `b r : of them yielding but little oil while the s. ph. u ro of end, Preparations. Remember. It Other two produce nearly one thousand , t: :, tls o s . fr i o i tz n o l i a . :i . all . i. , sago. that Ire contained barrels daily - . When but two are pumolng, o t f many flowers and issMT, ` l.,°•::iir:il; ` :i ' ili t' t;; ` ,T, no matter which or the t too are selected. no ornament to the toilet. Oil La speak or is obtained. It will he Neon • Y. ' . Y. ' . by all ih- liq . .. ri l i ra l gra,T h°,.. ce• then, that the wells must be relieved of a i 6.1.. Pena ggivca. A. co. certain amount of water lwfore the oil tan I PrieeiP• Depot ? I . l l A j t rl,lroiCt x trial, be procured, and in this es.e the wells cos- I go. Gl9 Mattet street, municata with each other In such manner . dets.anodaser that the oil producing wells sun be relieved I igir LAKE SUPERIOR of water by pumping those which yield but little water. If those of the number which COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' Yield but Little water were plugged up or seed-hogged, in such manner as to prevent PITTTSBURO R. communication with other wells, to prevent the maser water of these wells from run PARII,--McCURDY de CO. fling Into the other, as has been the plan ti i )tistkpw,inars of SREATRIN(i, BRAZIERS' AND generally adopted, the Object would be en. afsEii () ,,Ta D i ng , m, L',4I.II.IIR%iTNIT: direly defeated as it ] ms hoestibind:impc- Also. nacorters .d deslers In METZLS, TIN bible to make use of a . pump of sufficient ill''TkMit.:_f, IRONI WT.t . T,'.;°i'!.4.".l',..m Y "Ca F aLeity Ri or one Well la clear an oil .pro - house, No lad Finer and LioSacoun t o raw duclag well or water and at the same tune , hts . rg e h. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired procttre the oil. Reline the principle of ' P " rb" nayM.lysidveT pumping a number of wells jointly and ' igg "PITTSBUR G H SAW WORK*, !simultaneously is the only method yet dis covered by ,which au old producing well Hilißilit BOIL st co. can be resuscitated and brought back to Its 1 , VANT.MEcttrallatilier original yield. I PATENT CROUNRCIRCTILAIRS. warranted egg Maley, STEEL SAWS, °revery dourly- The pliin is Dow so well uuderstood sod appreciated that the proprietors of the Eg- , ~rtstist. ' ' "" 4 on, Rase. nod n° "5"- bort Farm have resolved to adopt It.„___and i an 'dads of KNIVES and SPRINOS. made MIN 1 le , ei , : , m3t i lm i,, eil .is Ka i tz , a Relined . REAPtilt AND have contrected for Liddell,Selden dr. 'Bliss' pumpingrigs to do the work, as we were I— Wareholise AAA Works, earner W ATill sod informed a few' clays ago by theSuperinten - ,'"..? srs.sys• V . iiisboslghs dent of the farm. Thiegentlemanls so well I g . s ,d „, Pgri ==l...m.;.,r i t 4:,117T,thi 0 . ',4l‘ .. g . „T i m satisfied with the principle that although , kinds. Paschal /I and Drilling done St reasonable he lastimates the Egbert tarui loss by fire at 1 r " ?.. . _. _ . .I;m:it over fileo,ooo, he concludes the improved ar"TIFTI. BARNHILL & CO.. method or operating which can now be easily introduced, wilt make the farm worth BOlcrilltifigNik.ialleet.ifell !if i t i4 rkers. twice its forme4estimated value Erie Pis- ittio:Mi'lle.'ll4 it'd' te IPesnir • t. patch, , Raving secured s Large yard, and furnished it w itts • • the n most approved machinery, Cr are preparad to A SOUTHERN - ER . 6 OPINION OP BEECHER . matilla-tore every dexription of IioLLERS, In the —A letter-writer from Alabama, in the New I b' o: t ai " . ' Z i fint "i t:27 - 7111t d El. 9 =cirtruTiV I York Watchman (Southern) has a neighbor I ErA s -.--l us l'lPX o Mb li ar i K i s i o l i it ~.., i s . t .::s - , whphas been on a visit recently to the great I at.:l - rwrolts, skrri_sd PANS, its%ILER IRON, I , Raittiopolis,and thinks well of 'Rev. B. W. I , I, , , al t &Q.,„%lEee'et p r j et r iek4,llV i ti,t4.= . lit“ , :;:r I T. I Seecher. He says :. i ..1011A on the shorteat notice. dela a "I went half an hour before the time, , T''''IIOIIIENSON, REA & CO, (Slat-' , Sad barely was in time for a seat. Beecher 1 11 *-'' - tapWari to BOURBON. ifflitlß I tht.C'twa. will do. Beecher has religion. The pen , • wAvilliarol Woßit?.. , WILEIIsS lid U. L. YOurtis sti,, near At... tt. A b. . la best adegicsi fed t ••ns•erta, le:sure, Bs. A . pie 'lug like a g enuine Methodist ea " ' I •11 1 4rI n ac nd gt of BO i rr n ° A i lts P ST J7T lO n ifi l i 1 Lbil b. I' esrue• on , b" bleat as* boor . iiii.i meeting. xon feel when you come (MeV, I STEAM that!: i.s, BLAST ENGINES. M 114.. • . Vaned anl;l7 no th . rtse . s . t o tn , d , closndat dancing non ss. that, God helping, you will be abetter man. I Sn e N „, , Eu Z ( I,,I, E , iL A-I "''' T ( lo,l7,. A N , fl yi L S A , T i F;tt s 4 u ' ' ' "" It " ' ''' A PP' ' ' Your heart is moved, and your eyes moist - I AND SHEET IRYJN WORK. PROF. COWPER, at the Rail, sued. 'No nigger, no politics--real gospel, , or sr4t i a . e . a=o . ter antes PATENT IN l t('l' . dt, heart searching, practical religion. I went I IarJOHN COCHRAIV & BRO., again, and is was the same thing We dls- i Ildarsufuturersof IRON VAULTS AND cussed Beecher, and concluded he would' VAULT DOORS IRON IIAILINti WINDoW Wesllo_3Y_ MUARDS„ do, Nos. VI WOOD PrlYirg ; do, and made up our minds to invite aim I ,S SIS I ONET:II Ilk T Mao' svitswr, between' wood down to the capital of Alabama to preach " ,rid , llttal i et t re . oLlai:tt i v . lt p ect , of i;i . e . e patterns, .A. LOVE AFFAIR.—TiIe New Albany ' /141" rart i cular attention paid to cue/wing Grave Ledger says that a man named Price was I L"`-`• Jobbing d"" at "`" notice. aul engaged to he married to an heiress named Firir TO or . NEF ,, L:OIII I fi SUFFERERS, Love, not a liondred miles from that town „„„,„, ..ern °,.,raredliti,..,„;`,l, - ;',77fed:5:477,„, The preparations were all made, the bridal sa ,„ :ssicr ode vils , g the vs . n r l i rgtir . ard Lrect=irt i rt: party assembled, and the divine ready to assured duty to coollultnicaly tfi c rts . afflicted fellow- tie the knot, square and strong on the arri iy:rt' ,. .1 , ,,, ,, `:' , ,,,71 , 2%? ' „;',.. r 1;. w H i ej.:' , , ,:? . °,,1 r t:',..',. • 2: sal of the groom. The gallant Price. o t the preserip r tlon used. however, hearing that his intended was „ nizt i., te r it . JOHN M. DARN Al.k i‘, M ,,, P;ss . li t ou not the heiress he supposed she was, male ' W" SENT FREE.--A Pamphlet consideration, changed his mind. He nev of !swam.r importance to the oldad er appeared The wretch! The spirit of the ' youtsg, married and stogie, or both se., will to bride said come, and, as if fulfilling the . 7...,..n.Er„ Z . , rei t Arratk`T h e : . l . .... LLI I IVILr o : Scriptures, though more likely filling full Poe ' t tithe°. surgielvdetar themselves, those assembled partook freely .W” THE BRIDAL CHAMBER; of the wedding luxurie , without money AN INSAT OF WARNING AND (N- I STILUOTAGN FOR OUG KEN, Also, nest and and without price. ":litble.'tirti.-7.°l4lll.VntzdAT,.k!' Turf, A tarts, modestly attired, was on her La. ' i n ation r .. Philadelphia. Pa. malsly way to—New York, ' on board one of the - Hudson river night boats. She sit quietly reading in the ladies' cabin, when a flash- 1 . ily dressed dame. mistaking her fora ser vant , rather rudely accosted her with, "Do you know this cabin is for ladies ?" "Cer Ipc K-STITCH tainly I do," was the answer, "and have - bee"w"mierin2l Sir 'mie time why"" SEWING MACHINES, were hem." CE3=E37I! "JAKE., did you carry that umbrella home that I borrowed yesterday?" asked a father For Families and Manufacturer.. of his son. "No, father, you have often told me to lay up something for a rainy ! day; and as I thought it would rain soon, I ! fart m< laid upthe umbrella." ! far rver7 rarlaty of Savlaa• A LADY visiting a girl's school, asked CALL AND EXAMINE Ai one of the children, "What are you mak ing my little mistress, is ita chemise?" "No THE WHEELER & WILSON mem," replied the girl bashfully, "it's u he-miss" SALESROOM. No. 27 Fifth Street. WM. SUMNER it CO. "A. PAIR of pretty eyes," said Coxcomb "are the best trurrors to shave by." "Yes,' replied old Ilunx, the bachelor, "and I bar known many a man shaved by them " GROVEIRI & BAKER'S pITTEIBURGIN LEAD PIPE Ail) SEWING MACHINES PLIINEEBB, &c SHEET LEAD WORK& Yoko to order and keep on hand all .ties. Itength; nod [tacitness. of LEAD PIPE & SHEET LEAD At Lowest Market Rates. =I Plumbers , Material, Brass and Iron Coekv, Steam Gauges, Steam PUMPS . , Plain and Galvanized lion Pipe, se., •itc., BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., 190. 167 tholthlleld St u 'Pittsburgh, Pa. LIMILBING; GAS 'AND STE DI P IrITIINSL lli ALL ITS IIIiANOENS. ..".I.' il L":l==.74Z7,l*"" "' OAIFIXTURES,IIINKS, BATH TUBS. SHOWS BATHS, 'WATCH CLOSETS, HYT/ SAS Da. Constantly on hand and nand* to order. TATE Ai SEVILLE, 3". __ VElj ratinfrafftMlittl• burs 0 1 ;4 " TMfl. NVATCHINLIN 7 B TIME DETECT OFidtlrtOrraratiCar•Vhd co-- cores—capsble or coatrolltng WITH nilf. VTlolObt AC CITRACT the motions of a watchman or patrolman. Yanufacrtnne4 by .1. X. BVYSK..4V Conirreas.s., Roam.' sent rbr Cirentcr. .reth.atzawo.4l An manufactured without any complicated machiu err, and therefore are not liable to get oat of repalL, i nd are perfectly adapted for every dewmptlou Famil y y sewing and Tailoring. We do not e m u. our Machines with cheap machines, ea we tare taken at Patentee Priem TO! REM, TELL. STITi ii, 11l ki, v l,l i,, E4Ellyl l ,:: HOITLIDEII IBILICES, SUSPEIii'D- 12;;;.'5'i. 1 :1 7 ,... I fl a gr, '4. d ' ltach w eraer. A , nl2l. :12.C.--1.71 . 11)2i st. BLARE. lignufaatirers All Of our itilschlto • are warranted rive years. ot 1:Iplon l e Patent laiduldef Braces and Eagle sot. ! *RIGHTS WARTA'S. axe, ik.folus street, Lowell, tiLnt? i ... t i nrdi s aO- ! E. EL 1.0120, * gent, 112 (Rant street, dear Pill, inhAntlirwewS", . „ • E. 0. !MARY- • witrarmeod Prrrnsaniln. A. BOSTON CORSET skim , co., k 25 BALITLEVIr $25 llannfactnars and tole prittlrie... or n'e rt. - '''.., ent cvoqiet than, whir* coMblneri economy. amtfort ' Alielli m /Ariii - JUratellti.lrE. and ne.Mlll;llo4ourt street, Poston. Hoop Skirts a ewer, style a Variety. Also, Comets, and Mr.. Llcensett under patent. of Howe, Whorlet IW II 707 . 5 Corset hart Supporta. mhattawaso son. I. eon ..t. I Raker and Sloger l'o.•e, and lb.. only I 'neap Machin.. In t 1 , _e United noise. bar Ins 11... 11104 , - ;r1I 8 'AIM HAHNEtiiiiro.-7--J. A. right to use the Whler A Wilson or four nsod.ton WIDET 2 PAJN, Reed and listriese Manure , . , Coder-Feed. ~ swag, Providence, it. 1. nt e p e reetoreet• ~,,p0,,, 1 We want Agents to sell Atteln. !Will pay /pa or constAlla) Onhalld, • g ' b"4"i'd i rtl ' Al r aThrn i et, ?,`, bo on 1' 5T:T. " 171 ' . " ; . . , ff .' ' ' . - - - . stamp, and address noTE.T. ,, -- rim °Avila,. - UZNIBALAGINTS. . Al either Of mut/I:Bees _Ph ladelphia, Pa.. Toledo. ...---------------• -- -- Ohio or St. Lout, Mo. .... , c , IL WE/PS...L. •S. WtotartP tir.O. •tawattOn. ; ~.. 'Ant), .. , Awhi. , Ag e_ g b ig , f v... d. _,,,,,,,,,, r lICLIIIMIIOTEL, ' Avderfeetiv. -- ' v th . 29 ,,,,,,,,,,0 - . Llppoelte the Conn Rouse, .I;gOI:I7ZIWCPMICArain. s -MEV ' , ' ' ' ' . -..- ' ' !... 'A • Con. aomusule • l'' , ' 7 ' / Ir .- ' 1 r ..1!1 , ' out ~..fillilia • M..l . l / 4 • l lF e Jl a a • .--. ' . .. ••.if . ••1 , •:)-= e..,••. ''THc• RIP AND CA 1. IP 1100 T, ht y and Euiler” make.. 'WOMEN •N MISSES' AND PIOLDREN•N GOAT LD AND MOROCCO PEGGED AND NE 1E • ED BOOTS t,F EVERY VARIETY Thi• Min I 0 Ululargea ,air uuot.oll.lShoer rye, held In Philadelphia. and all claim.• of buffs of Boot,. and Shoes will do well to attend., art all the goods In the Catalogue will hr peremptorily sold. The sale will Lake !Awe ou the, ,N 0. UPI NORTH THIRD hTILIET. Ti... 14 Or HALE—AII sutna iteder rAE, over 'ud"ra.'d note, Interest added. S. B.—rataloguen reul, on Wet...entity morning no the premises, or at the Store of the A nettonrere 306 Ilarhot. street. PHILIP FORD & CO., Auct'rM, 300 NARK KT IST . PHIL A D A •1,13-.M11,1 LiblES', GENT'S QS 3MILD R. MI N' kb BOOTS, SHOES, GUMS, 13A.LMOR_A_LS, Ell_lrolpoerst. ckso., IMI T. A. M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, ofd. 55 and 57 m - sirtb. Btreat, Private gales Day and Evening mitt° NEW GOODS A SPLENDID STOCK Ladies', Gent's, Thisaien', and t drens , BOOTS, SHOES AND HALTERS, I=l 6."1" C 21.1k 2 .1011.1 ...A.. J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, SI Market Street CALL AND EXAMINE: OUR PRICES OF Ft. 0 0 tis, am' °ALTERS AND BALMORALS, J. H. BOREIAND'S, Gaiters, Balmorals, 'second large purchae. of ROOT, AND ~111ICS t to , prlng. We keep on hand a full assortment of every ••etety of Roots cad Shoes. selected with the utmost rare for this market. Wr Invite special ten lion to our stock, aA we believe tt to be the hest th the °lap. which we will KIl at the lowest peters. Please call at No. se Market etre,' Mating had over thirty year. experience In the business, yen cahoot fall to he salted Remember the Mu,. So ' 09 Market street. lapis) J AM ROB It• _ - WOO WHO CAN $9,00 333a.a...r . r33Cieitt }•or TWO NEF.EAS ONLY, I am twilit., a ket.htl , VILF.NCII CALF SHIN BOOT for the Amal I ttti tr. 4 , 1 NINE DOLLANN, at No 30 Marttrt .trees. aplEtltted DANIEL 1111}w, JR _ J . W. CARNAHAN hi. CO., Lattice 8/mo°ra/a atsd Polish Boots. No, 1111 klorket street • W. - CAIINALL&III & co., IN • Ladies' Gaiters toh7 No. 53 Muter_ thirl : j 14 1 . - CAAI . h C 0.7 tienre Fine Cott Boots Fil9 : _ 41111Z4:11 F'URN'ITURE, OANE AND WOOD ORALItta, lianuf.tored.tud for We, Wholesale .or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWIELL, =ll=ll office—Cornet or runt and Rolm etreeta, two bloat" oboe* the Ifonfmgahela Howe, tuna No. of FOURTH tiTlitt ICY _ ;intern wayan. rTy• Cto, e B LACIK 1 - 7WINII OND Talk. JOSEPH 64 SON,. Ala nu ,AlTLlX;Nrerlii,-V0.1111E1N7,T1., oboe. the Canal, haskop nano* a layfp fotaortsstent and AND PLAIN FOUNITONN, to Walnut and Mahogany, of their own manufacture, and war. routed equal tt qualitr and style to any stuntofaetur- Ato Mao city. and ar II lad' at ramonabla prima. Uppo•lte K. Rdtoundson 6 - 60.•., and MEDICAL IjORTIt TEAM PRACTICE IN MMUS L DIOEAOO Gives me a knowledgemldom acquired by Physi cians. My long remdence In this city, and the amount of patients treated annuAlly by me, an sullicieut prop origiWinaucke. or &meal Weaknese and all disease, arising theregreM, are cured In a much shorter Unto than heretofore by rayNSW VXtiVr- ABLE Urshit.Dl6B. Medicines met to nny Pen el the Union. All letter. must contain a stamp to 1.7 return postane. klurresnoridente bold altered. ur age s In ISIIITUPIMLELBTRMIPP. near Diamond Address, J. W. BRANSTRUP, Id. 0. pular So: flab. Pittsburgh. P.. pitIVATE DISEASES. OFFICE 122,4 PENN STREET. near H.d. Tor the core of all diseases of a private nature. in hum two to foit , deft, h., an entirely new and safe treatment. Alan. /Seminal Weakness, and all other diseases of the genital organ. and their prevention CulN warranted or gooney refunded. Moe houra-7 to /0 A. Y. to 7. and e to l e. 10114 rims lattarslir..2lll34 lison street now VIA mkt WILLWI B. BROWN, Matz of the flO of BROWN • MOSSOW 1101757. AND BIOS PLINTEJL. North lan earner of Tblrd aad Martst Iltrut•, • 0 ~ . rIVENh. ciENiXDI . HA.REPEn. p 1 nr , y altoi V. 1,1...1. I , .1. •• In YORE,I4Is A NI , 110MIP.6'11C VIII ITN SALT EGG , . CO. TA 1. ,, Eb. a t' And I, 1 . 1..1i.•us aril Produ..e ,ren• No. 10 I'EDFRAI. ~ T HEET. oppn,lt.• the ilrt•ad All [1:111N r. P. •,. 1.. r thr Nair of I'. Y V1.1211..ii ..;.1 .1. Ran a N:.11. 11,14:11.1 • J. STEEL h. BRO., late Flew'. • Lan PRODUCE COHNIISBION VII RI lIA 1eT..3. receive and sett Floor. Corn Meal, is and torn. Bean, Bacon, Lard, Butter, elle., Egg , Pork, Green and II TT Fruit, Potato., Flax awl Gr Sall. ',ed. Feather, (111 Barrels. Hoop Poles, Lhne. all. Or.. .4c. Fartleular attention paid to the .sle 01 ForeLdu and Hulneatl, Fruit.. ho. 1.3111 Third street. l'ataburrh. I's. feS:Zrod CHARLES BALSLEY, Produce Merchant, Warehouse No. 3ul LIBER'FY WritEr.r. Pittsburgh. P. Wholesale dealer lu ittater, cheese, Lard, Eggs, Pork, Bacon, BPI.. Tallow, Feather., Broom. Potatoes, nom. Dried Fruit.. tireen Fruits. Onions, Flour. tirali. Clover ,ee4s. Timothy Seeds, Flax Semis, Hanle and, Poultry. Particular attention given 1.0 Produce Con.lgu use ut snit 11 . 11,46.. M'MA_NE & ANJER, COMMISSION /UAW/1M TB and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN Smithfield. PRODUCR. Setand area, between It nod and Smithfield, Plifia burgh. aptltly YOTIRII JONN AMIN 8 s.. suerrann -A- ',OTTER, AMEN & SHEPARD Comm Liston Merchant., and dealer . ..ln 'Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Flour, Butter, Cbeeee, Kies Potatoes and produce generally. No. MO I.IIIERTI‘ STREET, opposite Passenger Depot. Pittsburgh, Cull: OTIE SEWARD PULP && gREPARDJ Commission ••-, Merchants and dealers In Flour, Grain and Pro duce. No. ter Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choler brands of Flour for Rakers and Family nee constantly' OP hand. Partienlar attention paid to tilling order sfor itercbandlae generally. octitly BAIRD N. PAICION, Wholesale Grocers, Commission blerehanta,aod dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Chew.. Fish, srbon and Lnrd VII. Iron, Nails, Illass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh manufactures Renoralf7 •od becond street. Pittsburgh. Y. nun 11[08. niTtiltCLL WM. P. BECK & CO., O. ISS Liberty wee), ritti.lourgb, Pa., WI:tole.). lit rog r z i. C;om i m I sAo i n o B acons d deV a er t. ni r n Co E n - e , de., PrOduce,i'llr, green and Dried Fruits. de., Salt and Lime. Jylt ItlEl,olll J . S. 88011.81, WY. D. anTlOnt. xSi. BROS., (Successors to -Lk Renner a An dere., )Wholoside Dealers in For eign YruLts, Not+ nod Sate. Confectionery, dug., rirenarke, de.. Nos. ITS tad MS Wood Street, &DOT» Fifth Pittsburgh. 1122)1, ROOT. 1.02 J.K1162W ENO'S. K.NOX & NON, Commission A... MERCHANTS andllisalers In FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED and PRODUCE generally. No. 79 Diamond, opposite tiltyldell, Allegheny City. • • • - - jalltlya OM B. CANFLEI.II, Commission and Forwardlug Merchant and wholesale dealer to Western Iteserre Chen., Butter. Lard. Pork, Bacon, Flour, nth, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Ba.leratna, Llnteed and Lard Oils, Dried Fruit. and Prod.. generally. Nos. 144 and 14e Front streeL_Pltiabutine. • .RAFF hr. BETTER, PRODUCA and Forwarding Merchants, and purchasing agents for Ma Pittaburgh Manufactures. Warehouse. Nu. t.a. Ltherty street, ritiaburgti,Pa. /011:1 I. LDWAILD 110 C... Wit. It DOUBT.. I OM I. HOUSE & BROS., Sueces o suns TO JOIIN I. Boost & CO., Wholesale GM awl Commlsnlun Merchants, corner of Spuith ftettl and Water streets. Pittsburgh. tfelo JAMES DALZELL & SON, Menu ti rrro of Lard till, and Commission Merchants for the purchase and sale of Crude and Refined Pe troleum, Nos. at and TO Water street. Pittsburgh. l'ounlyttulvtil... CIO/ & LA.Nli,Wholesale denier. to ticxertes, n ll om, ureic, Produ, Pro tsiont, rich, t hr.", Sa, I sr.. let. ce No.. 172 and • IN Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, P. tritely • 1.1., EAD & InETZGAR, Grocers and • uollIttil"1...1 Merchants, and dealers in all kinds .if Coutary Produce sad Pituditirgh Mannficturca, No 049 litter[ v Street opieisltr of Wood street, Pittsburgh. anailY I. 4 'ETZIE/i h AilldSlßONifi, For -lal flour. Ural n, I4.r•m. Lard, Butter (red., Dried Si sits. stet I•rieluee generally. No If slartet Street, t•r ••i Y int. Pittsburgh, Pa. feisn:ly I adiEHICA that no* makes and pays an Animal I 'DIDDLE, No. lad liberty Mt CASH DIVIDEPD nu the drat and each subsequent • • Pitis , inif P•. • "vrettant• and j payment of premium. Its CASH CAPITAL an ar csale Denier lu 'one l•roduce, roentgen and .tagt.ik. ctf $1,500,000, Ls securely Invested In pun vinery it t e a lola. ca•li advanced on Von- lk stock. and mortg a ges of REAL ESTATE. lt signnivota sod Paid tot Pi oditry R.? , r`ilY • 0. ,3 I now In its 16th year of ic es,Nuanc and has paid to the DA,' JILL .• , WIDOWS ARV OnreASs of be the elan of gVtnLAy (~ N E DOLLARS. To this d{te not a lan - 1.1°811.. LIALZEL/.. rk WhOa. - gleeS. or utir.son 11.1 occurred. •ri evidence saw.. to, sr s at, For warding Ider• I that liberality and fair dealing la a specialty with chants and 4. • in Pi.. be , and Pittsburgh Mau- i this Comp..., ufacturvs o 1.11. i rat .t reel. Pi tabu rgh. -- • The policies of this Company are not forfeited reason of non-payment of premium after the second R . H. year. No payments required after ten years, bat policies routlnne good through life. i'i••••••••^-. OPTICAIitI. J. C. WALKLY, President. • addle PITTSBURGH. Pe. N. N. PALM.EIC, Vice President. IVIIN 111 - , I • • -- • • S. IL WOITT... nacre tar) . .ruses tlsJn .. • Branch 01Ice thr %cetera Pennayt•ania, where WATT is WILSON, Wholesale ; Circulars and bleak AppileatiOrts will be furnished, trroeer• t•on11111 , et Id endante. and dealer, In . WI Wood street, Pittsburgh r,,j,,, ...1 Iqt,nburgh Sl•nufseturee, No. IMI Lib- A ,tents wanted ltroviltotst the State. Apply to r,ly +lre, Vittsnarth luda oedde;lv e E. OesIVELL. Slate Age. , kit l ICI 1.4,1411.1117 .1..,11 , 1 5.111131 l t . W•1.1...1, 1 g ' , KA RT ER 182,9. pc IR - OF.T u AL I .4 N1131:11T, SIIIPTON /a 1'0.., l , ... v. Lortesh• rse...ert and Produce Dealers No. 1, Math street. Vittslmrsh. lam . --- - - FRANKLIN (SAL4FI DICKEY li. cO., Wholesale , 1 linaers, Coma...lon Merchants. anti dealers In FIRE INSURANCE - 1'; , .10,.... No NI Mater street sod CI Front street, rdteherat. . =2 f H. I' 014: HT Iv. Co., (Sticceseiors I t, ratio 1,...1urr and Cumuli...lon bier. Litwrly W I 1.14.1 NS LINIIART, I.inhari) Capital • MA, UM 4...1«r In I lour and I . rucliver and Cominlaelon A ccrue do7l,sll. ,c. 3,1 LI kItTY STPIKET. I,„.ce„d 1.00,UL / 7 ' I.ltimrtllrd Clatnas. . 13,434. I.oesee P Pahl mod a, erptual d Trinpor•ry 1.011,1 e. ot, term.. PIANOS, ORGANS, &o. Now BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELFA:ANT STOCK OW CH ICKE.RING PIANOS, .4ra:tr.] wrso c ttl:T o b . r t Warm., • SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS ‘Ii t AIMANTIED FOR FIVE TEARS. CHARLES C. MELLOR, Woecutitiet THE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, Schoinacker t'o., Phdistdelphist, P i I C=o IS The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. imititowledged by the hestrrinaleal talent to it. [Jolted Mates to be superior to to all others to power, purity and quality of tune, and thorough work smash'' , These I ostrumeuts hare for years aeon the drat graTlVejlenrtnlrlscir tl i t t 4 h :re r a l t o ' s= than any others. kit warranted for bye years. AMELINIK h BARR, si6. is St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa J 724 WM. KNABE & CO.'S =I ri,„ e tnettuntente hating been betu i cV for the peel 40 tents, hate , upon the ellence alone, uttatned an UN VURCRA9II It Eiti• h EN(' F. rot late only try Apt* CHARLOTTE BLUME, 41 hifth street. 13 1 1%Lea, WORKS. pITTSBURGII STEEL WORKS =1 AKDEMMON, COOK . CO, INUCelibtOill TO JON DUIU a 00. , / prlit , %er. of I-. best ihrlatki Sten ikvan, uk . :l Stet crreT.:4 4 °' P" HEAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, WIEST PLO CIIICVV WINOS SPRIBOS ' AXLES. 111.Ailb, &a. Cast sad Common Plough and Spring Steel, B'3'lolOL WG)NRI.S3.I3I, 505 T gel MATT 111.1FINKI , CAlfr eaILILL. nquarr, Flat nod OctaaOn, of all alara. Wuraptan aqoal nny haportad or unanortranrad In Ulla cool. 1.17. Air°tam and warenottaar, No. 142 ined Ina Float, an and I.lllBacond ntrrata. PittaboraDrair W. D. SYSLXII HOLLMAII LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. WILEIMEMI els Cl4OO. r.lraviE ; r aft At Wilt Mir BARS. &c. gral - Oilles, Nu. NS WATS@ STREIT isp stalts). Pittsburgh. 1•... • 8 le NBOl/11 - Ul McINTYRE, McNAUGlawrA lz . STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, Will attend peanIPUY to Furnishing and Laying Stone and Brick PalieThelliti, And Repairing the same: Curb Stones Purritabed and Set. Also. Grading and Cell. Digging Jour at I shortest notice. 1 Parties desiring anything In one line will Data their orders attended toy addressing tia tbrongh the Allegheny Post Mut, or by calling at So, SOO elaneusky street, Allegheny. ilitikth.. , ..•l P.V.vag4l l .{s , L'eNatstst... ~._. Roma° Hors': STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES PIANOS. 11=1! PARK, BMYrklEll S Co., idooolootortre 0$ PAVERS. BANKS AND BANKERS N. HOLMES & SONS 13 No, 57 MARKET STREET, PlltAburgh. Deposits received In l'ar Fuhde and L•rreney. Collections made all the principal points of Dm Milted States and Canadm. Bought and Sold on Commission. ['articular sttoution paid to the pure... cud sole of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. ESE= Un!Ltd dtates Sixes or ISSI; do 6-93., 110. Fives of ID-CV DO . . de rtSe-Tlairtlei ; Do. Certificates of lodobtorisess. Orders and Voughers boughtor collected. J•ts:ly DOLLAR SAVINGS BANG, No. 63 FOURTH STREET. FI/IlardlED IN 1106. Open dally (rein 9 to no'clock., also on and Saturday evenings, from May into N ovembrr Ist, from 7 to 9 ohyloCk. and from November Mt to 111s.1 Ist, frou r qo 1 o'clayla Deposits Ted of all the pram Dollar. sad a midend of the a year. In June and December. declared aemi-Lanualty in June ant the Bank was organised, at the rat a . .I:te ' reet, If not drawnout, I. placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bean the same in terest from the first days of Jour and December, compoubding twice • year without troubling the de i•ltor to call. or even to present his pass book. At fbi. rote money will double In lea* than twelve year , Books Oontaluing the Charter, By-L•ws. Rules and R¢, tarnished gratis. on appllcatam at the not less than One dte declared twice lust h Der : een id December nes to of stz per rent. -• PRitirDeart-4.:P.ORG '6 A LBBEIC. VICY John M. Backoten, Robert Robb. Be meg H Hardman. Johnn s Sj. L. Fahnestock, Bhoenbercer J &ame H. htdle, Jame. MeAntej, I Alexander Speer, June* B. M. Mopeds, Ohrlstihn Yeag Isaac M. Pennock. I A. M. Pollock. M.D., THUSTMLS, W m.. 1. Anderson. , James D. Kelly. 1:111,InInts, Henry J. Lensch, John C. Kindler. . Peter A. Madeira, George Meek. John Marshall, HIO Burg - rde, Walter P. Marshall, A`oosoLt. Curlier, I John B. McFadden, Obeli. A. Colton, Jahn Orr, m. Doves.. . Inn aft, John Evans, I E RPrr iictr i gt, t atts; ram. Vl ' lln 'th ir f anll a l i t ' ', Pater IL Monger, Wm. P. Wermatt, Richard Hays,. Isaac Whlttler. Tagagomest— JAS. A. COLTON. tiscurrmur —JAS. B. D. NEEDS. jaTl:d&wls THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of amkrta-ralx. C•rIIAL PAID ter WITH PHITILZOIL Or 8000 Banking house CORNER PYRIST AND WOOD STREETS.' This Bank, organised under the National Planking njwam, ip now prepared to transact tautness at Its Banking Roo., ;ormsr of Wood and Pint streets. Caliendo. mane on all accessible pointa on the moot tan.. Bfwsulal Agents for JAY COOKE for the sale of the U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES SAMUEL REA., President. . b. GORDON Cashier. ap29;lyd J. C. McPRERIION, Teller INSURANCE INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. Conn I=l =I =I DI It SCTI:I2I.B. Chas. N. gamete, Isaac Lee Tobias Wagner, Ed.srd C l . Dale Samuel Grant. • George Vale. , Jacob It. Smith, All Fitler , • George W. Rict.uos, F..a's W. ',cwt., M.L, CHARLES N. BENCIcr.R, Preeldent. COWARD C. PALE.'r ;t de 'AiTI" ye J. U. y yro i:C)en Corner Wood andrd re; tt FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A MERICA. PHILADELPHIA 133=1 Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, $1,683.000. =I a - Yroteettou can be menred In the above named and reliable Combinelea. I=l re= 94 Water !Kiwi. Pau stair. .) WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF rtrrssuiu AL ER NIMICIi. Prealdeut r WM. P. ESERBEST,_' eretar_y. CAM'. GEOJIGIC 14XELP,Gerieral Ateot. • office. 92Wattr Arta. 91)94999 ,,, • . 9 W." "." 1 up flair., Pittsburgh. Will Insure signet all kinds of aire and Marine Risks. A home Institution managed by Directors dho are well known to the community, and who are etermined by promptnees sod liberality, to main tain the character which they hare seemed, ae of fering the beat protection to those who duieo to be neared. CM= Alex, N mace, R. Miller, Jr, , Andrew Antley, David M. Loa/. McAuley, theca J. TMbum, hielbanlel iloluira, , Chm. J. Clarke, AleLltider hipeer. John B. McCune, Campbell B et . lierron, ' James P. Hamm. e. W. HiCkson, meal WM. Y. HERBE.RT, Secretary I l fl' EralTaiNCE COMPA, corder Mdrket Ittlid-LET rreddenl. WU, A.j/11 - £.l9ollls.beeretax7. Insures Ibto93l:loatilind Cargoes. Insuros s ydriL6tiatuddld ID. a tloo or th e Sou rn and Westryttn $O6 16660065106 of e 16616;66•666a1nat1a5•4041110.m!bige by axe. eel s WM. Hasalay, ' S: hi. Kier. Samuel Rea, J o hn ehtptou., Jae. Park, Jr., James Y. Cooper, W. U. Johnson, 1 - . tfc4:ll h , • J . tOstid . flr o . .lee, JUttel S . Dlitro' • , R►relay Frenton, Wm. A. Radian. • Wargo. Bingham, MVO prormvs INSItitASCE Carnet, N. IL COWNIR WOOD LBO I.I.ITHSTS. Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L.liltionds. John W Mt*, 1 llamncl P. Stutter, John E. Parke, . Charles Actonokir Capt. J.. Miller, John P. Kirkpatrick, Wm. V.n Kirk, James D. Verner I V. R V i s rin., s : , ; ' e L , MA i re:4s l. lreTrttot W F. CI AliDNlLlL,litittttlitT. pill;i7 Capt. fikinK lil/K.0014, lien .1 we__ A LLEGUENY INSURANCE CO. .... OF PirrEtilintilli.-0111cr, So. 17 PLUS we,. Bank BLOC .k insurkqingainsl all kinds of It, •cl Kkrtne kirks% JOHN INWIN, JR., Pre•Went. JOHN D. 'MCCORD, Vie. " C • O. LION N ELL, neeretare. capt WM. DEAN. General Agent DIRECTORe aae Jones, O. Hussey, Jahn D. McCord, (hearse b. Head, HHHHarvay Charle• H•ya, T. Jilloatinaon. , Capt. Win. Dean. John lrrrtn, J r • (Fro. D. Iletirelf, B. L. re..u.t. Bebe. H. 0.'1.. q,TEAM TO AWD FROM ER. EMU SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CAREYIII6 u. B. MAIL& TI en mold to and from Ire Lind, England, !Scot laud oeetelany and Yrande. _ La the Contpanratelnees, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, I Broadway. N. Y. • Fr: nlT'Z'a agoia.uusowa r a i i;; lurp - - — i. - iiTimoga 6 r i l beght4"..."2,72Lakj1 12147.-nalf katslis evegtele la Witt 112( vg( ''''=" (it'l l= G• •• 1 •• Ccuartit r..enramo. otos A _ moraigvirarair zr , pc at all wain to, of w. . .1( • RAILROADS . . N 66 %mum: • kitRA , ,KM , N I ... -2. ... NNSY IA LES 1551. I DAILY Tki.AlNt. 1121 and after . I \I , A 1 .1 Irsus• le•• e r 1 .t „,, at 00 o I Cherry 6 .110..• '"6`A n \ 1'11ES:1 l'lttsbur• Ai :1111 4'" !.) ' Y '"4 .l. il>lloll !Z It. , 11atr,st..a. • r. ag r. YI sl• A ItAsa• nn. tuto r . 1.11111.1..1;:h1,1 , 5111 •11.1 !•• a • ut 111.1,4.12111 Y, r t IS, IN N.ITI F.X ay., I ;,..• 01 .t..lsplust at uvarly IoA •as 33‘, v. 11. .111,1l v at 1'11111.4..1011n II I 10 A Y. Its 1111. II n. are 1:11;o Voliaelpida, to Kipre.a tr•ln for n0......15ag there Ala.. PIULA EXl . l3r-icel eiLlutt.el ut• • t .1.10 r. 11...1.1p11.1 •1111 V VI V.ll 1.10. ArrlVr 1.011 ,, , I V a . • , 1. T or t, 0:11 A. W.. /11411Y1111 , 1, : 0 , Set Tort, 0;3 t . h.l.l..iptsl 13,, sa II:* AlleSslowl., lola a. 5 Au.l 1.111,1 -i;.1110. A.. Cart run through on Ohio train Boni I.labit.r.L o Baltimore and Vlsllatlelphi, astal 1... N ell York v: a Alleutoern. BAST Lit:Y.—l.e. - es Illtelinsgh idro a stopping only at principal Plallott, A ~AI moms at 81101 a. B.; Harel...ttntsit.• 11. V. A 1,. 11,1.1 om , iy:yu K. K.; Neer York. 01. All. 0 10 . I v. 1•.; Plulladelphit,i „ 1;10 Y. 5.. yo, Pb111,,!0.11/1,L1-r.." .11;i•sus.,.. t.....;1 1 1/ Oil Wad. •ert JOHNSTOW N ACCOAlttoll.crj l7. l Sundays Lat 2:80 r. n., woninne raa., , I ta,, , ,,darttuburah pad (unutsauae.aa.l,,t at Utsin vtlle Inter - walla a WILD It a I n n ~ 0 1 p Branch and West PenAttlir an i 3 Kan AJJTOONA ACCOMMODATION - 1W re Inn, e, t Sundays) at 7.40 a. w., stopping et An u mall*,a between Bitten:awn and Altoona, no,' u, slog , 10 Cooaratioa With trains on thy luals., , Pennsylvania Railroad, Etten,ino µ A t 1,4 read, and lioUldaysbatir Br-aids Accotnmodstfaa. No a - days) at a:3O a. a. Braddock •e Accommodation , Sunday./ at 10 ,50 .- Wall'. Aeoommwlatl~~o N "ltlt • ••agei nod .•• N 1,11) I Sundays) at 3.40 r. 5. Acconttnodation S. sceri days) at 4:5/1r... Wall'. Accommodation N. , . 4. nal, rdided,t II day's) at Sad P. M. Wail's o. • rill .1 days) at 10:50 r. The church Train lead , 'll all Slativu cli I Y // day .19:15 A. M.. and arrived In l'lttebutah alt. . A. a. Hein to loaves ?to db,irgh dt 12 F. and arrire• at Wall'S Station It ?..d3 r. Returning Trattts •rrlvr In I'll tenurgli Se r.JllOwil ....................... . 1.50 ♦. littEil=tlt=M= 132EMSESIIIMM . . . . Second Wall's Station Aeronaut,.!viola t 01 A 1.1. Johnstown Acoommodatlon... ...... . a. Y. Braddock'. Accommodat)on Sc i.o4r italtimorr Enure. . .. I 111 Philmtel_phta p oa ........... 4.15 r. • Third Wall•• Station Arr.oortmolallos . 25 r hinadchmk's Accommodation no ~. P id Wall . . Accommodation. No. 4.. .. . 7 nn 1. Y. Altoona Accommo•latl•m Klnla rant 10 bra r. Baltimore Express .401 4.4r14.• milk I 'ldtadmi Ia 7. Espresa, at ,05r. Sunday.. An Agent of the I. t.. t pas. through each tre,n tlst, tit, • 1, take op checks, an•l 1.. ant Pa , 4,4 the city. (lace, No. m. 1 . . on •irtLei--..,..1 day r... 1 night — where all ord.., i 11I.P' LW. 1. Oi r. as gen and barge a . 1.1 r.c. iv.. pronaßt att,ntion themseircs reapon,Me tor t. 4 tmual •• and fOr au amount not g~ilw 05 . 11. Itp,tlt 1 4 4 l I ti, At the Ponnaylvaniai entral Ifnliroart 1 . ....5en4e1 nu tion, on Libert 4 . and Waahlngtou au, I'. YITTSBURG VT.' WAYNE/. Cli/l.AtiO RAILWAY AND Pll s RAILIWAI;. 1865. WI utter A ',antral:W{lkt. Itt6o ltu LOU t.fter tit.row,b, 19th, tail (nun. ut rra follows, viz: Leaves F'..r 11.Ve eve Pittsbure4. 4 v 01.., 10' unita Kiprefie ...... 2:50A. hi. : we. N Itlpress ..... V. LI. X IP 1S 0.10 P. r-,2l"°' ~ A % P.lO :AU P. 0 M. 6 CO for Nevrevutle &ad Ert, . 4.10 A.. 11, , P. U. 9:00 r. N. C. A C. H. it 15 A. lor ACCUMSIt , DATION TRAINti. Leave Alleglicoy NIW 8k1144419`014 -11.411) A Ad.. /A.., A . , 4 /DP and 5:10 P. M. ECONOMY - 10,1r. WiLLAVII.I.6. Y. mt. Krturatiarb s7rrivr el . tc,li .o P.. rl Et. n 7 itt • • . • . , t..nan C. & I' R.,Am A it. 111 , ,01011 , rAlth,, II••tel A.Aent.. Union Pervert. i'a A CA,01 , 1.131001.1 Twket Agent. • - • AlirAl.••AV 1‘"..” H 111 F.H.ortirrAi Aga.. pirrrssimmi it, (0-a t immis LLTNI.HDH AND t , NATI RAILROAD. THE GREAT SHORI UNt HOWE VIA 5T ZVB =I I=l qua .11 tio and •fter noniDAT, 12th. LIJ.. 11 61'1 I za follow, == MCI = Ap,”l, n,s, I: Nt, , rtikr.i,i .t 1;, 'l'it'terullil/1/ pITTS RC; 11 AN IlWaiwifißg i CONNP.LI,VII.I.I( R. H. Spring ArrangomAnit On tad after 11A1: , be trains alit temv.. the vrtlr rul No. •‘.13 Water stn.., I= • Express, .• West Newton Ac , ustrutelstl.. R.IS V. M A ki First McKeesport ACCI/In II al A. tt. s. Braddock's NI a., V. a. Sunday Chord, Train to and, from Vests New tou 1: I Lat r. A. /or Tickets apply no H. C. Nil AL LEN RBIHI LH, sAent. W N. blot t , num EMI LLELMENT VA LLS:fILAII.FtpA CHANGE OF TIME. On sArl after MONDAY, Nor. 'Sala. Paseen,“ trains ..111 Sr arranged to run as MAIL TRAlN—Leaves Pitt .burgh SA, A SZTI VI DtEaaxgY P ./ . i t t o gi.ll.L.!3.inal,nr/vavt. al r 4 ,1 .:s . s l e4l : ts o t r t REM TRAlN—Leaves Hittaunbig .1 7:10 .Yh P. s., arriving at Pluaburgb at 1110tl • Pittsburgh at 6:10 r. tl., arriving at htilail.llll, •I AlOr. ACCOMMODATIIISTRAIN—Lsesves Sod. 01 La at ISM A. 55., arriving at Pittsburgh at Stve •.S Leaves Pittsburgh at 1:40 P. M., arriving at Kisti minetas Si Lib F. It. .111.750,000 HUMPHREY•S HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have yroted, from the most ample.' herienee an en tire success, Bluiple, elncient and reliable. I bet . u the onlymedicine. perfectly adapted to 'wool. —a simple that mlrtalte. eann, he made In opt Fa them: • barmier. as to he free Irina tag. r, not so efficient a. to he elan), reliable. _ . No, I enree FEVERS, C0n,,,,00n, Inet•knam- . Don , 15 •• WORMS, Worn, ~11, •• CRYINU COLIC, 01 of In . . . I • DIARRHEA o f eh 1 111111 l edtia.Al It I • DYSENTERY. Wiping and 13111006 CHOLERA MORBI'S, N3neel, 17 7 COUGHS, Culde, Bronchilie •• NEURALGIA. Toolnattlln, Face -0 •• HEAUACH}., 0 DYSPEPSIA, tialloo. St•an•en 11 •• SUPPRESSED. .seaut) .nd palnlnl . • 2 I....ZUCORRH . LKA, or IV - htt,,,, .• ho•r, conoo. l. SALT RHEUM, ErT•lpeta.a, Kt op- • '•RHE.ITNLA . ul r t***km..l. pkin. ltl FEV*IR. ANT , A.l._ E., .'hilla and Fr 17 • • PI L.X.h, ter., eo la •• I WTHAARIR.MH. inua rOmrf Ir •• CAT tou ,it, 11M ro to(..' oft, 5p....41c STIC.• A AUIE lah K I kiAl(ii9 IMpArr..l tm.r- L weakness S D R R A OP SI N-KS, .4,rstor* •• CK 26 or sirkn,•• from • rltHng Z? •• ISLUNR VIP oirav, 'I., • • NERVOUS IrF.EII LIT .111.16i.15.110 ~i 11131.411 -1 dlbr 11111,11 br Zit •• SURF. NtIII7TH pr , Career. c 1 3 1 ` • V I AlOl7 VIC 7),1 ' eT* , ..rl K .I*l. 12 • • 13UVER12;triiit Chang...l Llta.. •• FIBILEPSY,Spantra, St. Vito, ro 14 • Alf f - Itir..t;tre . s s s.te.l *ore matterrata, 44. Cases of NI vials. in ro cane •nd .r.dn plate C CC " ra (ft 10 hose. tr : l ,o l; r P rill.t m o d' R A: R . • 0 EII : trt hotenv.e Agent. Pittetnir4h, In. irmr g. MI NE fl.Tr,mithne.l,l smitglilNG.S. Market street, coruer t tLe Mann. 1 litrgrertfh: d t.1.1.t.N t S S T FV:TA "l N s ! ' „l ' ‘ ‘ . r .. ' ; '' ) DiarnonriYand Market strell, Pittsburgh STRICKLA_ND'S Dti ellillo. .Dia . COUGH BA I.IIAM to ------- - warranted to be the only pte • Qaratiou ano 7n I "t" s_e pa ~ ,s,g{=, "beeping ,ougtt, •• Chronic Coughs, Consump t• lion, Bronchitis and Cronp. Being prepared drum Etuuer and arba, it la healing, soft ening itnd expectorating, and - OIL U N • priril.tarly suitable for all aftetions of the Throat and Lungs rat eau , t•I Druggists everywhere, fi 11?t;;I:L.Ls'::.2aSAli'vtW7 ijORSTIUCKLAND'S PILE fuoi iD-Y hart CURED thou- • lands flrd .° l ' 3ltll ' l2.l;N ' :f FILE& It given It.nua...linte „ rotted, and elfeols • perm. - ue Ire cure. Try it dlrre.UY• It Is warranted lO Curt. For sale b erybot •ii t1e.Dr . ....' 'piLc& fd . .-• oet3:lYd H. K. b , 17, Ni:i . W woLIKAL.6 A.. 11. 1 5 liVe5P, 5 .1 141...7 n D r. S ell claa ti dri Hated preparation of Hoot. and Herb with al:al ert& and carminative to ill strengthen the stomach and nervous system. It le a cer tain relind) for Inpepla, or todigeation, N Cr 11,11.... UCIIS, LOSS of Appetite, AniditY of the ., Flatulency and debility. It la itot alcholiollci therefore, r k on. Vd " d l ylle ib li7i . r. ' *- r,...;::,..vtrr .717,4-„boui.. - ~EiN....N f cv. BIDEIMU =MIME 13=1 I= MEESE CM= 7,, A. Y. J3 F I I= MEDICAL. Fl ==ii