ght Wiftskagit Codtt. SATIm" , APRIL 14, mat 90131.801 t .111CCLEAR CO., BaUkery artt Broker*, -Feurik-sireet. Pittsburgh, In all Rinds ofliorentment !Sodalities, (Sold • - sod Weer, Unenrrent Bank Notes, Foreign . . . 74 ITh roe g erre tl d e Ln ir. ;arFunda:n te rf ba e rr te aleg e". . In tAralgwed on ttmo delimits. Collections made In int parts of tits United elndee on toot Csvotnble " gre:, ni 'visaged With, Linstob everytithin in Intsinnts at the Boston. NM York,Plillscletplas, amt Fitteburgli limners' meads strtetty on ecnintils- Vim wig. CLEWS & CO.. Now ' York,&. COORS lUD.;tbiladeipnos tti*; Mesas. O. D. aT. H. PLR nt*O. FINANCE• AND TRADE. - Gold wu a shade lower In Wow York toda y, . being quoted at 12 against 127,4 yesterday- Glorsrnment bonds Without , decided change-. MI% /1,4 i; 5"/Ase,loe6; 10.464, ing; MO% iCO.4. Cleveland & Pittsburgh Iludroad stook, Seto Pittabargb, Fort Wayne & Chicago, —The Buffalo Cburier of the lath Mat thus Wades to the failure of the Bank of Exchange in that 011)1 or.. 8. Rich's Bank of Eachanins. closed los doors at half-past eleven o'clock yes lordly forenoon; and thepropriator of the this Marginal bank has been compelled to sus pend payment, In coosornence of embarrass ments eenesioned by large investmerits In uutunfacturing enterprises—whichbare failed to prove remnnerative. The Duets of the park are hilly Adair nate tomeet the liabill tier, and aU, the depositors will be paid as soon as the formality of appointing a Receiver can be gone through with, and theneeemry conver sion of PrOperly made. The notes orthe bank are, of secured, and will be redeemed either In th city or in Albany. The whole liabllltiee of the bank do not exceed ochoo. The private fortune of Mr. Rich would be am ple to pay this amount at once, were it not for the fact that halals met with heavy losses In his business as broker In New York, In conse quence Of the depreciation -Of securities upon which admurceshad been truule. Mr. Rich has never been a speculator in stocks to any con siderable extent; and his etubarrammert and temporary suspension are owing to no reck lessness on 'Us own part." —Rumors are again In circulation that the Government it selling gold at nresent, and elan; that the Secretary-of the Treasury will ant:Meat, the payment of the interest upon the May coupons. In quartets likely to know, these reports are discredited, and we have reasseffor believing that t h e Secretary — does not contemplate placing any gold upon the Market previous to the payment of the May coupons, Mel probably not for some time thereafter. Indeed, it wonld appear that, In view of thdimpeudlng of funding the currency Interest teen tics into six per cents, any Material farther faille the premium on gold would be an embarrassment to the oper *Gone of 'the Treasury. When the price of gold touches rlig, the value of . the interest on semen thirties end on ate twenties will be equal; and any decline of premium below that point would ranee an appreciation of seven thirties, which would render their conversion into live I twenties, at pat, Unpractical. The treasury has, therefore, the afternaleve ot sel ling gold at an early day, and thereby realiz ing for It a higher price than would perhaps be possible at a later date, but with the em barrassing circumstances of seriously • Inter rupting the funding of the short date securi ties, or °ambling its coin, and thereby aiding to sustain the price of gold at a point which would possibly admit of the conversion of seven thirties. We apprehend that Mr. Me- Cullough vary decidedly prefers the latter course. The only doubt that arises,ln commo tion with-this choice, is whether the treasury can keep gold at over 121% by boarding itz re ceipts,nty. and this, perhaps, Is a really grave un certai • Finance and Trade in New York. OOLD AED ITOCIrs. Nsw Toss, April 1.1.-lioney easy and quiet at 560 per cent. for call loans. Si erling dull at 1073‘43 , 111% r niower, opening at 1117, de clining to 1 , and closing as IMI. Govern ment stocks V.B.Frelightato Liverpool dull. Stocks strong; U 641, 1 41 , i . 1 cor i golui, 1043/4 U. 8.45, 014 coupona•M Notes, 7.Als, second series, I 1 Tennessee (A, 90X; Ohio and allsalamppl cate2; Canton 32; Western • Union Telegraph, - i New York Central, Al; Erie,2l; r...k ,1111.14; it/en ing. 104; Michigan SouthertiClUdinnis Cen tral; 114,%; Flostuargb, A/ lUorth Western,. s lige Clevh n t n it e n . d s Zoledo, ; Fort Wayne, Al the last open board there was considera ble discussion on changing the order of the call of stocks, and It was late before business was commenced. Erie and New York Central among the railways were lower. The miacel bliaMius shares were active and firm. Quick- Miter was strong, sellbui c at 50.14. Mariposa preferred rose t 0 .2.14 and rucelaill coal was freely dealt in at 0400 1 1 he following were the closing prices at 41: *LI: Spruce Mill, ea; Ohio - Certificates, ; Canton, 520 Ctbbelitud, UAW ; ulokallver, 50% -- DRY GOODS KARIM?. The market to-day la more unsettled and ungteady, with ad very particular change in prices. Some domestic goods are a shade lower than yesterday's, quotations. Holders and rmyers good still In regard to the curare. FOreign dull, with the exception of abide.- French drees goods for too and city re tail t rude Saab goats are scarce and bring Tay good price. Also choice millinery goods ate KArte. and Mei, sad • command their fail . V6lllO. Prints—Allen, 18; Amorlean AMO9krag, 17; Arnold, IS; Cocheoo,ll%'; , cell. 16; liamlirop,, 12; Lendon Mourning, Merrimacir, 81; Merrimack W, 32; Pacike, Hkhdtond n; 8 Freebie, 7.4 Victom Wanstertta,l4s% , r Co., 97%, Quilts —Lancaster ; do. Md. Jacquard Drs. - per—Lord's Elk /M 14,, cams unbleached, I"; do. bleached ,132; cold dainaglr, 50. aricitd Cot to r n - Clarke Bigoord, VW; Coates', 129 ; . Staf ford, fOrd, 73; William:lute°, 93; Brooks; Me; Green A Dante% 75. Brown Sheetlrss—Arnoskene A.; 98; do. /3, 33; Appleton A, 23; do. C, 1; do. I), Atlantio-A. 95; do. 22; do. E, 2 3; o. G,19; do. V, 21,• Augnsta, 27, Boat. Si, 17; d 0, raz Great Fake 33, 91; Howard A, V.; In Head, Z; Indian Orchard B 13, 31%;aimark M; Lau rel C, / n; Nashua Extra, 221 liandik A,21%; . New Market A,59. Bleached tiurtingmos.. kea t;u 7 t al7 ; .droissoirgin, 7!%; Ball A Son, I.s, 31; Ilateo, 404 B/Hes /3, Bay 33; Blackstone, 37%; Canoe, IS; Voltam lila, 214 Hide/L.14 Forrestdale, 34; Grier Ban uMettirleg-.C0..,_231,5„; Harrtt No. 1, Si; RAW, FiediretltleTo,,p. • - ' . - Petrolanth Shams. uiet• liamkehoir, IL00; theeirott, ' 1.70; trotted Stateic 9.251 Pithol' I 00; Vousolidated Gregory - Gold, 18-00; Kipp i & Shell, 210; Smith & ?smile% 9.90. stew :fork Market. Mearroar.„ Apilll3..,COttoll haul"' et *gime ..tor middling; also by endive to-day, a,lse bales Mobile cotton for government account at SW,(prfc for ordinary' to middling_. fair. Flour. SQlOc-better at. s7,9DighM; extraMtate 411,115 extra It It 0 48,63.11,0 N, trade brands firm.Wbbiley market unchanged at -4 2 4 6 146.• 1427. Wheat re - shade firmer; fair—liNtut9 at ter Chicago awing,. SLIM for - MilWankee dub, 111,St for- obVamber lowa, MX far nett amber Milwaukee, MAW for old aniber , Mndit= wan. Nye quiet and arm at 700 for western. Corn opened firmer but closed dull atuldroon, hut at .13.800 for unsound, and - 00 Mrsoand western, in adorn and dellvm • Oats firm and quiet at 40eCo for new western; and .11'fk ado for old do. Coffee quiet. Buie dull at lei M a ftit y :tor or Clks i ; 10101=ms i 8 2 . 1 1h0, and lean. 1,10; Mena for Cuba n atitscovado, and forPorto Rico. Petroleum dull; Vs - for crime, and nese for refined in bond. Fork opened Am, but closed beery and ..irrn , :z; ate. IS for *. new, mess, mooing • at. cig=15045,00 for _old do, and. S2I,,ZEA for primes_ also d,.158 barrels new tor s! Mary and June,Asellere option, at Beef =changed at ',Lwo for Jusw. plain mess, and MOWS for .new esta Mem.. Beef hams Mead/ et 11141139."Cnt meats quiet at lei F 1130,.. for shOuldera, and 100180 for, hams, Oen quiet at lai rm ietrd Griner at Melee. utter Valet at for Ohl°, anC4Veds for. State. Omens dal 1015017 e- ' ' Tbs Whirl to the titles* vale": Mr. J.V . ..Turner ,thi that:between this city and Union, to Randolph township, the whew& erupt:se proved an. Almos t -entire Whorl Many farmers Ire plosrin wheat and sowing flasseedlasteedi are breaking up the wheat fields, sow oats, or , plant- corn in Intendin g ,:thetn- North of 'Paton, he says. the wheat/looks better, and , will turn ant pretty well. , The greatest in jury to the wheat hie been done within the past three or four weeks, the weather haring .en vary unpropitious: KC have pretty nearly the saute account of the crop front other notions of the Want Valley. , Itis not likely that the orop his entlrelYiened, bet it will not, we feel , sure, make trierethan war crop, and we will be dependent upon other ',for our fall sitiowatioe.,-/kndoe, Journal . . aseetpts efUreatitock anrinitinnio . Tit. following Ls 'the - ooniplatti, lister tits number of Cattisktiogs And Snoop remised at tins Union Stock ratan since tbsre,__ess °posed fox buslistiss on DeCember WO, -1053. to Mirth teat: ISM: • • ' 119Llibeep r No/thweiteen Div l , l l oll t- 26,111 ° :21 . °°5 4731 131. , Lotits DivitdOn "11,152 r ' VAR' 74aa 0. & ll&Uney , 5 10-11. 01 01 Illinois Central Division:— &111• 1 , 01 5 Rock Island.Dlvislon Ans .toi • 0 , 101 Utah. eautheraltalleaid.. .114 2,C8 1,02 D Mich. CenWal 2,111141; Pitts. & Pt. Wale 143 ••. • eer Driven taut the lards...::: 1,820 461 Total Flour awl Grails In Morel alqieeipe: The .following- t.he amount of !Wei soCl. grain store', Saturday, .1\ inn 7,l(l66,eout oaredarlto.the oomemoonoJteg datoleat year, repOrtett. 'by the sear!s4r.rof the•Bnan 2 o f Tr e: • 11)3i!. , • 98e411 ,soist ;froott,'- •• 690,497 SUMO: : :215,900 /09,540 ..3 , 01,12.11 • -116,e70 /lour Corn Oats Eye Barley.. IlewOrleesse 'Siarket. _ Zi'CW 0111.014”, APlll.l3,glllPreSbNis SUICP 1,200 Low litiddlyna,lWW; sales • for the week, MAO btdes; rtftipts or the week; ISM) bales, against 1.8,000Wr theism; time -,-lost reek; week's *II,XO _bales; 'lock on hand, 1e11,0064. CO., r to . cbolce, lieyfer rA.g., saprocluil oopingt le , fatr • tour, baper, line, 047;547M; 00217, "and Yellow,tz MoLta.6:64 , POrk. PS; NadOn—;4: iners, 3814, M0%13> TobitoCO,_fair, 146 M Sterling Etscbange4sW WM. P I L New Mork deeerflitilksit. NC . W Tows, April 11.—Cloebr Is itt awaerate eb,weud at about previous '4:sleet ealee eaXilloo ,nagent, ed;Mo Mester* , and State; More- , eefpla .g.Tlntothr - are lig*, and, with: ll2l7. , decd STACY. &AO mat hn few nands; prices' have been rapidly run- same 300 114190 hags have changed bands at stn , pier le very • Vast; the sondes' price 440,60 pkrtnish. calentta Linen:4 is dep ands iIEIZE PIITIVIBURABH ZIAII.KESIS 077102 07 nee Prrvarionan Gazn - rr, 1 ' FRIDAY, April la, Inc. The prod.:toe markets continue moderately active, but as the demand is mostay of a loca l oharieter, we have but few : round lot open,- Moos to record. In prime, however, there _Rave been no remarkable thanes. GRAlN—Wheat UN= but unchanged—sup ply Oala firm and looking up; sale of wt prime, In elevator, at 414% nod 7th bush, In lota, from store, at 19(660. Barley 10 in de. Dowd, and, held._ at an advance .- No trans, lions In 'Eye. Corn is selling in small tots ,from store at 69 to M. FLOUR—Is arm, and holders generally we asking an advance. We now quote to choke Spring Wheat brands at MI 4 , and Winter Mhtost, do at $100,76. re Marts selling in small lots at 5% per bill, PROVISIONS—Bacon ' quiet but steady at IS for Shen/dera;lsol.%for , Ribbed Sides, and Mal - for - Sugar Limed Rama. Lard is held pretty firmly at 18618;4. Mesa Pork is quoted no as WIR i UTTER.La ngood demand and scarce; common to Woke . Roll is selling at from 45 tom. EGGS-1n better sup i y and u ebade easier; may be quoted at . QSDIEESE—S, ales o Limburg at e#, atid Go shen at4s. " • ,SEEDS— Sales of US bosh Flaxseed at IVIA. • Clover is dull with small sales at 115‘,.. Timo thy is scarce and bald at an advance. POTATOES—Are beginning to come in freely, but as yet the demand seems equal to the supply, and .prices are pretty well sus tained; regular sales at 61,3001,40 per bushel; and ismo4 per.bbi. GREEN APPLES—In light supply; sales of MO bids at 04 and 40 bbLs Aussetti at IS. DRIED FEETT—Prime halve Peaches are hula at an advanoe, being quoted at 424-23, in a small way. Sale oral bags,-to the trade, at el' itAypples aro selling at from•I? to 15, as to qual 'l'LL FEED—gale of I ear Shorts at SS eta. Middlings and Seconds remain about as last quoted. Fraway April A Mc. BEXM.4---Sale 61'14 bbls White Beaus at $1,75 per bushel. SAT—Ls selling from scales at $2O to IPS Per to llo . ffig i t.—Sales to the trade at 3e, and In snitill lots at WM173,4% PTITSBITREII rwncus.tcust MARKET Omni of eta PM'SIltriGH 04551T1 ritlll&T, April 13, Ma CRUDE—The market for Crude was compar atively quiet today, the reported sales falling considerably Short of those on Thursday, be prices have undergone no quotable change, ran &ig from 12% to 1314, mostly, however, at 13. The demand was apparently restricted somewhat, most of the orders hatlng been dtled yesterday ' and,besides. buyers generally held off in older tf possible to weaken the Market. a little. Pales of 3ff) bbis, to lots, at 1314; MO, to bolt, at 13,450 (44 gravity) at Pil6 . ; and 3000 bbls, to be delivered in Blaynxid June on private terms; and Suo hblibto be delivered within the next twenty lave ' in Plillinlelphia, at ti, packages included. 'relegauta:from OR City to-day per report Credo dull at that point at 44 to MX bbl. REPPRED—There Ls still considerable ln 3uiry for bonded oil, but refiners do not seem an tl in ' o ea nseq%e c n o :r, ;e t. rev ' t h • I.Ml i com re p ” a n ra a rlve! 1 ly few transactiorm to record. Sale,of 300 lints in two different lots, to be delivered in Phila delphia in April, May, Zane and July, seller's option, all at 41,4 i. There lx also some inqutry for oil delivered on the care, here, but in the present excited said unsettled condition of the market, It is simply impomible to glee sleets- Rona, in the absence of sales. Free cal con tinues dull and neglected, being restricted al most wholly to supplying the immediate wants of the local trade. ARRIVAL—Tye arrivals of oil by the Allegheny river,slnee our ISM report, were to. tollotre: Fisher d. Bro 2078 ID. H. Edgerton SEM J as. TR W. P. Logan 1.17 Brewer d Barite.. 691 EL MeKetTy 168 EMI Caacsoo, April La.—Flour, closed active, at a 7 a 8,50 for Spring. Extra. Wheat, dull, at al,e , W, for No. 1, and 860870 for No. 2. •Corn, teady, at_41374647M e for No. 1.- Oata, quiet, at • for No. 1. and 941MeSeie for No. a. High vines, active ott MI. Provisions, firm; Mess Pork, k'N'ls Lardel7M. Nooeipta, 4,406 bbla. Floral AOOO busb.• Wheat . ; MAO bush. Corn; 1_,566 bash. .40 ; 411tre= i etn o ) . bbts. Flour; Sit. Louts Karkat, Br. Loma s Aped 13.—Flonr and - Wheat tat. rhanged. Corn buoyant and active. at Oats unchanged. Pork stead C le a ry llo= li&17012 quint, at 111r4o for City &des, and 2 for bugs? eared Hama lard and WbtS y untluinged. • Pirrsammou, roar W aria d Cinesao. It It. April 13.-2 care barrel bealing,J J Balya; I do nuts, Grain Elevator; cars wheat, .1 Liggett a co; lle sks barley Spencer &McKay; Ed do dit Culp & Shepard; 2 Muds tobacco, M Martian& 9 sks flaxseed 5 do cloverseed, Kirkpatr co; Herron; 10 bra oast , B L Pahnestock a co; I do dO, u C Harding; 10 pkgs; dab,.l B Sneathen 2. tab' eggs, T CJaaikinis 1 WA lard, 3 og. beans Limb= It Thollitam P. cars metal, Nimick & t 045 bit; Meese, It Dalian a co; 100 bbl flour, chomak - er & Lams; Rd bides, Hadley, Phillips a Co; 20 bblatoolatoft, W J Meek; 21) bus soap..l P.Dilworth.& co; 320 bb Is potatoes,ll Rea) r; 100 do do, J B Canffeld; 123 do do, W Bingham; lee bbladour, SB Floyd; KO do do, Knox It McKee; KO do do, D Wallace; 1011 do do. Sbomaker tang:2 cars potatoes, Hitchcock, ;McCreary a 100 bbis dour, Newcomer, 47m, It co: I car mill teed , B Floyd; ldhblapotatoes, L H Volgt a co; 36 bbls reined oil, J K Barbour a co. Currittaxo Pertsamea 'Ram Roan.— Apell 13.-5 bd.; tobacco, .1 11 Mabel; 6 do do n nalmyer; 3 do do, E Fontenri car metal, Pain ter It Son, 14 sacks onions, W J Steel Bee; M 1611 a chairs, Dottier, Close & co; 30 do do, Joe Meyer It Son; 13 boxes 'cheese, Volgt a no, 136 aks.potatoee, Graff & Helier; Ili do do, lObbla It Woods; 118 dna do, L 11 Volgt & co; Id do do, T C Jenkins; 167 aka 110, LW bbls do, EZeszleton 120 do do, B Carol eld; 223 ;tack, 410, Potter, Aiken It Shepard; 1 h 1241 bacon, Lts er se & e . S g turgeon a Bro; 1 car bay, Bho- Ptro CoLtrICMO• AM, CINCIWICATI B. B. April Ll.-=1 car corn, Stewart It Latagenbehn; 8 bbls cage. Cook, 800 a co 4 do do, al W Rankin; II do do, Campbell * Brown; 30 pkge Ash, A G Cabbage; 1 bbl fluid, Myers, Schoyer a or; 1 car ;Maven, .0 C Smith; 1 car corn, Campbell & Brown. AZLZO2Liar STATIC'S, Aprll 13.-20 10 Omen brooms,Stqlden; bbia dour, B. Knox a Sem; 2 bbls eggs; B. & A Clifton; I pkgs butter saga, F 13Mkert4. 4:l4ltge onions, Eihott Lyons; 1 bbl molasses Obhfseggs, /Mule, Son a cO;5 cars wheat, Gilmore. anippeauta co _g, do do,ltexmody &Bro; 1 ear WM, Knor a Son; dl l bblsgetatoce, Owens & a Kennedy; do do, LIST OF UNCIAIMED iIETTERS ..-e r remalninginthe'Peet Ofilee at Allegheny City. SATIMMAY 2 AriaL Is. line- To obtain any of these lettere, the applicant must dell Ate • Adrertiord Lettere giving We date of this If not e l laga=g r oli i =frttey will be sel;f to the Mad Letter Office. retXtllziartaT letters by carrier*, at th e resi dences of ownera. maybe SWIM= by observing the following ricLza Dimeeeletters plainly to the street and number, as well en the Post Vince and State. 2. Unto letters with the writer's PogrOffice and LW; dud endotimber ; elan them ptalutywith name; and request that answera be directed accord t letters totrangera or transient visitors In town OreltY, wttoeeepoCialssidresemayhe unknown, shohld be parted on (bp loweriett hand corner, with the word ll‘ranslent.•;, - ' • '4. PiicZ tbd postage atam - p on tite.sppo• right . hand corner. and tonnemsof betweeitthit stalup and ' , needle. for Volt , starking wlthont iliterterlag with x.B —A maidi r icili the IttiOnhtela letter to the writer. It l ine within 011ra or lat. written orprinted with the writers now, Poet Of fez. and SOU, across the left-bdend of the mew l .. ope, on the face aide, tan gs Do with at the, noted proodd rate of peite, 'payable when the les re le delivered to the writer. idee.Ml. Law of r 11111:4 A • IGesbarnJ k illtekrnough - 11. Ankine Graham oat M c C lurg Jr' • Andrews J Joshua McClurg John B Gloater Jl' McGowan J a n, Bower Annie IGlomerMag:gue McCollum Jn Berlolet A ,Grasscup 2. IfeCollister Boyd A ;Gifford Win IttuFn B iGlNett Webidix l':faely it Co . _ WWwWEA Babaloon Burroughs tl Bradshaw 8 A . , Bowden Sadie MUMS Bond Bainuel.l Blythe Jamear , Baker John . Brown J II Black James . ,r Bantam:Wolin Barker J A Barkley J 80107 Jain Brower J Brown Martin Brunson Mark Barber Marg't Black It J Mink Brooks Wm •-• Baer Robt Bell Bobt uriet l i r s oF Clifford CU, col* Clew mans Cully Hannati .Cranson I Carne 13 L C U Co Jams Crawford .1 Camay &Imp ClnisUan U A Campbell SY' Culbertson' Cook Wm , •CrottWM' 278,180 43,11143 ikkestra Amin. curSanßrorrk 'Davis Clark Dlneettavid E. V . Dr Davis re o Douglas, B DTWe Samuel Dowd Harp. A Duncan Wm Dawson Wm`: ; Duusan Elili `.A • . Baler James : 'Evens Jaw . *Want- Thus Ppo*Adam raster Chas Fox Jacob M -- Insley lene Gall en A l; A. Giviberce aockt.Adalson :Giant Label-Ix Gimpy -Joan .. ratudcatateso , Oillas. win br • 64x6).4-Ill*43Sit s=.l 4.lilleago Iltarket. 1111IPOIIITIS BY RAILROAD. #13+loy:4131111:%10 fitir Gpudy'lka?t- S _ 0 HerbeitliO_ph ti allsotto MIL, EMinew VA* Hoe,*Aildreir Hagnest MUM 021c1eyWai PitinerP Pentllirton4l•ll PliterliosrE - POlXlolartiet, 'things dron,.., ninon 'Ado Haines Caulk Marrow OK, MB Mignon ilsornat-Dook Halbtott BAC Mil Fll , Horn Geo Hearloba J ; 11 Rodman - J::,: Rack John Ellso Atm( Hodge" Annie' r r-Tiers ibun 7f Powell ton Platt Susan - • . u J D , - PO Cron L D Pitnlyllfarla'A. Puglia Nary' Paulin Tilly Powell DelakTla. I Price Wl' - Elobey Albert /leder Pecir Upiptuat Ilsky . rirrZy 1 1% , 1 RaoLai= NI: HuSitttenon I,l_ 11.11tOn Goo BIM Henry " 1L9.11.9/qs• I Due iv= D Haskins P Henderson JP Herd R lZ444;' oed 7 Joit in Roney Molly Inlet% Nelson 1/7!?./d1 ary Johnston A. Justice S*m CI oneaahmn - R .Ky K 6 ; 71 , 2: 41 ary: A " : 70 .6. -' : • 1 4 , 45-Henry Lamaater Landis Sol Lieber L , • Lamond Wm Martin It H Monter A'J Meyere.ll , 11 41; i Ralston Win Smith Alfred l i Mcr n Mes wa z BmatTlezeklah Sherridan Semen JAY '1 MGT John • Mires Dr. J,W Smith Jmelo Smith John G Smiley James Seserist L 1 141 14. w a l ir Sobs Tait Elisabeth Tiernan Emily Turner airs Torten . s.p 0 E ffiiiiiii a - ii I. : Alsallo-COUs— Martin Ono •--._. Hauebefiter-a'' '-.. M oO nt geti l liti'l Minoan dasl IdfllerJobn , ' , lifornr_Tbos ',..'; Moore Lowil , . Malberry.ll. - ;, , , Manna on - 'Wm Mooney W•Ak• • IlleConar.l-A. , • 1 Mclntosh /kJ - i mabfartere/14 .1011.14 re Munn MONell - Luoi blefilynny.ek.„ -- -" kroGibbonalit. niolitcholll4; 1/LoCune.W /I .1 Linen' 11.retioil • ••• ed 4 sence. 4 L.P.VT laWr tag, Worthingt.n.A. Whtup Anna bt Watou Amile Walsh - Irate - WADO.p.ban D SintftenegtE Wald 1E P Wood Suimif WtmelellEcord. 4071: 6 J j 0hl Willitms J P 'Welsh T hi Welsh Tn , W risbtakier , . W 11.4 Martha WI/ 411.121113 t. WaHcet Vaci Wood.a. token ArastAugh:Wrti • A o p n r i il a •adoge oSit thraingsW Ent Tyre tjoos, s G AND CeNTLEMULES 10R:fato,E, Will be O.I3PSEAS.D44. :RV ;about 241021 QM. L ,A.X:444,11 _ " , ,,1t, , 4- . 3,:•;f4 , :,:-.i.,;•"7 , :. - .4.. ~.,..z. . ..i . ., , ,,tr., c , .. -....' - c,l: - . 29 ...e. '', - :::1: , f; , .5!'<;' , 7.-:.:.i' • • 0 ..Parkereburg. ..St. Lonla. .011C1tr. Grey Eagle.... Gordon Kato Putnam .Clarke. Echo Gordon LIZPAIMID ILEA. ..liatla 11l on ... X'arkeriburg. .. Saint .... ....Oil City. ...Kerr Portsmouth RIVER, WILATIEIR, YTC. Lou' Leoti Urilda Ml= The river continues to recede steadily at this point, with seven feet in the channel by the Allegheny marks lase. evening. The weather continues clear and warm, though we will doubtless have rain before many days elapse. The Kate Putnam, from St. Louis, Is the only transient arrival we have to record. The Julie, from Zanesville, got on-Thursday night, and the Grey Eagle from Parkers burg, was due here last night The Nora, from Cincinnati, may be • expected hereabout Monday. The Revenue left tor Portsmouth last even ing, anti the Leal Leoti, for Parin3raburg, cleared on time. The Echo arrived from 011 City. and the Utildaleß for Emlenten. The Finaneier disaster created a feeling of glooffi to eteamboat 'circled yesternay. The boat and cargo are reported a total lose, and quite a number of precious lives were lost. Partienhua will be found in our local columns. The Allegheny' river is getting very shallow and Steamboating between here and Oil City may be considered at an end until we have more water. The packets are lying up as fast asthey arrive. The Urldlla left for Kmienton last evening, while the Peerless and Echo have Mid up. The Ida Roes So. I. Belle and ',eclairs, may be expected in today or to.. night. The importer. Capt Noss, Is filling up steadily for St. Lords, as is also the Kate Rob inson, Capt. Hold.' Roboason for the Missouri River. -Both of these flee !prison ger steamers will soon he ready to take their departures. • The Delaware, Cnpt. R. W. Harlon, Is next on the Met for the Upper Misaissimil. and will be ready to take her departure early next week. She has excellent accommodations for 111:agora. 3 Pine Grove, Capt: - A.nawall, will leave early this forenoon for CincinnaH. She will be followed by the Hlnagow, Capt. Geo. tr. Johnston, leaving at an early day next week. The Shamrock was advertised tt3 leave St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Thursday. The Re pub/icon of the same date says : • The new steamer Miner, Capt. J. H. Porter. arrived Piet evening from Pittsburgh, making the trip in alx days. Her cargo consists of 1187 bars railroad lrom with 93 tons connee. tine bands, for the Union Pacific Railroad. The Miner will load forthwith for the Upper Missouri, for which trade she was expressly built. The St. Louis Dirprath, of Wedisesday, com plains of dullness ns follows . All the branches of commerce are exceed ingly dull. Thodectine in gold yesterday, and a exceed ingly advance in corn and other products, had a depressing influence on business gener ally- The attendance on 'Change are quite large, but business scouts to have no anima tion. The Missouri river tragic, which, up to the present time, hm been the only active branch in our riverrommeroe Is beginning to show the henna' riling on the wall, and'Cike the business in other directions, is entirely let clown. Several of our first Missouri river packets have been "banked" within the past two days, the prospects of a prolltabte trip be. Mg very slim. Notorithstaoding it is time for the commencement of the sprtug trade, wile the weather all that could be desired, It is very evident that there is going to be no busi ness to speak of this season. Fly times, which usually set In about Julh, will be on hand this year by the first of May. The dullness is not congned to St. Louis, but is generally at all points on the western waters. TRAVELERS , GUIDE. trrival and Departure of Trains. Ventral lialleoftd. D Or t. ' ! Day Eapelle• 2:20 • en !Hall 1:60 • m &Urania Aneozi`n 7:50 • m l Vast Line.........2:40 • en Litneleinstl l:60 • m i 1•1 Will Aecom•ii B:N3 • to Ilan . • mlrenn Aein No L. 7:50 • in nal , * ... 4.10 pni 711 Wall Acteoni... 8,50 • m Johnstown Ae'n. 7:50 7: m)Jobnat'n Ammo. 9150 • to Tut Line lo:N1 p mrPlltitErle p m tat WWI Aooom.. 6r.Xi• o. Baltimore Expio 1:40 p m .• •: 11:50 • mlid Wall Aecom... 2:Nlp m 24 •• •• CIO p m YOIIY Expeces.. 1:07:p m lib Wall's Ae•n. egn p m Lea Noe 7:::n pm renn A.e`o Not. 10:517p m 4.1470Nt Aeeom._ . & Kra apt Prai—Mg& p Stns enure& train tear. Wang' Math. ...gen Sunday al Mil • m.; mtartaint. leaves Pittsburgh ug reggsbeargb, Volhambas and anclianatil . &warm. Arrival. fait L. 2:60 • m Fut Ltu. II:0u a m . 1:260pm 6:10• na iou•r. mai • •••••—" '''' 2aop expreu iteaberr.lll. itaubenvllle . . sommod_ ,stion SUS pre conammtstion le • m rist.sarics, rt. Mayne and Chicago. Departs. Aeries, express • m txprem XXI • m Express ..-...... :Rep m Exert.. ..... 9:U p m ffir ... .... ll Wheeling lexps.• San p New Brighton m mmm metes Ante:W.9 Repot at 9 a.M., 11:60 4.) p.m., 554 s:Wp.m., Rochester, Z:l5 p. hew Castle, 1:51) p. AniKW.con tmy. Ma D. Si., Wellsville. 110 b. 03,_ PittaLnetrel, Cleveland and If bedda.g. Arrives. express .... • re E x press 11:55 p 15x.oreas . ..... I:50 p m Express lags m &Trost. 9:19p m tem • al eltenbensllle Aeoommodation leaves Allegheny al • p. et. Pittsburgh sad Comellsvillo. Departs. /Me a. Slsil 7,0 u • miltall 100 p su At prest ...... .... 3116 p 111 Es rtes MAO It In W. - Newton Ac`n 6.16 p vs, W. _l\ ewros eels 5:30 am it licKetsport..ll.l , o a m • lit McKeesport.. 5:60 it lit .4 t " ...0.41.. m :4 ilreadock•• AVn 41,10 pm' 8ra4 . 1 , 1 , ,,k's Ac'n 11,5 p m 4,lserch Trate.— 1.1:0 p In L March 1 rata— 10 tt • In eiliiditao - aai'llakitti - Writesad . et. Dtparvo. I Amor., dau *AO • m Expram .. ...1.1:Mo. in axon.* CIO p Man._ . .. . cla to a atommodatiou. IdO p m Amommadation :0 s ssi Olt - taboret and Ere Ital.krood, to Olt . .. . . City anti Franklin.. Afirral.. s Sag/ Express.. lig! p SPIN°. 27 p.. and ' , A. Fittabnlik "art sync B CDsago, Beaver Valles. Irownsvllle Boat—tirant and Water its. Arrives. Deports. is. 4520 p m I 6021 a to. UMpm Harmony Stage. At. Clair St. Amiss. 234 p. 0.. 1 e...rar, nutter illtssiree—lllo. 3 St. Clair street. ' Arriviis. I Drlvests. IN aill4tets Stage.--liarto: " leatel p i n.. Arr la I 4 .9 21 'I'. la EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS & LIVERY STABLE, I= JAM UW & SOS, Proprietor& OUNINUSSEIS AND CARRlAtiliattienirned for all nada. Also. Carriages for ForamlN, Weddings and Parties, at abort notice oral mum:9We rata.. ISA 9PNN DAY AND NIGHT. nediird EASTERN MANUFACTURES WATCIIMILIINIS TIDE DETECT -011,..f0r torporatloos and mannfacturing con cerns—ea-gable arca:amino, wiTU TUE telleutm AG CULaCT the motions ot• watchman or patrolman. Manufacturedby J. rt. areux. 47 Congress al., Roston. bend for Clectim. mhZbeawited MACHINERY, &c.—II. • FIELD it Newburyport, Masa, Mona faetneere of Patent Automatic Stop lifollona for Steam Engines; Palm' Let-off Ifottooe for 1....50t; Potent Carriage Top Props. State and Territorial Righta In the above I'Llento for tole. coh29:Lloweted a QROULIER BRACES. SUSPEND- Mtn, &C.--UPTON & BLAKE. alsonfactorers of Upton.. Patera Moulder Braces sod Eagle n us ritedra, Jobs street. Lowell, j atasa... V i lrdera N so.. sab9=w4wd E. O. BLAKE. . B OSTON • CORSET SKIRT CO.. ,kanufactorers and sole proprietors of Use Pat ent Corset Palm which combines economy, comfort 'and health, 1711 Court street, Boston. troop Skirts ,o farts,. style and variety. Mao, Corat l 42 . 1 ., d4r , ... 7144 Corset tik:rt StioDot ter. REEDS AND lIARNESSES.,-J. A. 4.IOWDEVik WIC; need bad Horsens Kan ohm iurers, Providence, R. L 'itazlarSo.-an . "PPR.' constantly on hood. ••• • mhZinlaw4w.l BORING - VOOL - §. pETROLIA MACHINE MOHR@ R. S. EaMICJEVIr. Au. E 9 Ohio Atreet. 111'leeway, ltanatheturer or IMPEUVILD 843111101 0 T00L11. AND %VHS AritsigEr' 7%2 aitittr roVILAT Patented ". reynntents laden. and '..oltda, made denlail a, litrao%V. I;7l,d th r.,:it i rL 14TAr& "VT tektr: l th i rdlonna a pe t anet fit at all times. de.. le 4121 r. too l, Id I I 1 1 :: roh°.:47. 1?) , f=rtiotin c umnileMo. 'felt prepared Le grant ueenees to other nianontele taretator thee* tandoveinentson liberal terms. 11.4 it. H. LgOKT BARIN INIVEDIENTEL DILVM & SLACK, Hite on band n Lin* Assortment el IAcIWINO itAOHInZA HOBAZ maze. ITILtR ourtriss, =3IM Ma 48 MO 30 Mb St.. Alleorbes, lii I:~,~L11kK•ks5~ Rim YOUR NOTIONS, - Toys, *slots, liir+aaelLllollrl2llM. C.r JILT Jr. Q. I.4IIIEWS luut Store. No. 1011.1datkot atreeL $ firnsi AMA . Ir uut , 6) ..ait r43 .D t ixe n, E r e hil v d o to rij a zs s Agent &.; ::tier`VNUIT.Z L. JONES; Ag ent tor the North -!-,TIF w. Azierlcal %tau, Pe tylknla., and Hart rpm ;Durance uomputues, .wAT.tra sTLIZET top t r l zealk, secretary of onuo 4 4.6 afgru.Y. con.. ui a ~t < MULES i: s • I. 1866. SPRING A RRANGEEMNT. MONONGAHELA RIVER ; Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, UNION LINE, .I.'.A.C/32G311r1. c3c:orsmi=.^ir, Will rein three daily side-wbeel steamers between Plitsburgib alonongnhela City, Brovrtisvlllw, pica's Landing; Greensboro, Genera and th e nankeen 1311 Regions. This line is composed lof the following Atbarners .11164 .CAP7,B. C. SPEE _CA PT. U. BIICIHER. A TEL F~:U♦1.11 LEMSONI IND Etat%llll.3l MUMS eae , packet.. will leave Pittsburgh daily at 8. In., and p. oXcept Sunday, when the departure will be st s oclock, a. ru. The through paeicet for the OillitegiOna Will 'care ?Matra rgh dally at g p. m.. • idrownsvale daily It I a. In. Brien,: rrn—Leave• Brownsville for Pittsburgh daily Si T a. in, uid 5 p. Leaves Greeneboro and Geneva at 12 o'clock: Blee's Landing at 2 p. m. Loaves Monon co gahela City at 5 o'clock. The line Is mposed of first-clau side-wheel steamers. bunt expressly for the trade. They will be commande4 by otticrrs of long experience, who Will Pay Particular attention to the wants and com fort ofpaswrage rhe boa. will [core promptly at the hour NiVer ra. tlacti Freights Received at all Roars. For further particulars, enquire of WILLIAM YieF.LKOT, Agent, At the Wharf-Float, foot of it ran t et., Pittsburgh L. COLVIN, Agora, fenliamd Ittotettaillie, Pa TiDIR CAM° AND ST.A fi gT a t LOU - M.-71. splendid Mesmer IMPORTER Capt. Jottg Will leave toe the above apt all Intermediate porta CM SATURDAY, Aprilpasag Dth, p at 4 P. at. ?or freight or se IMO boa. or to oplo FLACK A COI- WOOD, Agents. I`OR KEOKUK, GALE ... NA_,DUBLIQCE ST. PAUL, and ALI. WAY LANDINtiti. —The tine passenger treamer OILAWARF Capt. It. W. Halmos. Will ielloe as above on THURSDAY, at 4P. 0. For freight or passa)te amply on hoard, or to apto FLACK .4 cO LLINOWOOD, Agents. REGULAR MESSOURIg M . ig YER PACKET.—The new d Mp e t di Val a . d' il w A h ar.WTlTi r I N eae g" for tit. Edi na, Council Mud. Omaha CIO. old the Intermetitate ports. on TUESDAY. the 17th April. For Delight or passage apply on board or to mh27 FLACK COLLINOWOOD, Agents._ IEGULAR missousi z ar ilia g RIVER PACKET—For M. Loeb.Counell RION, Omatm City and Inter- medotte ports, the line passenger steamer KATE RORINSON, Capt. Rom NAOS. will leave above On THIS DAY, at p. tn. For freight or passage apply On hoard or to mhYD FLACK Z CULLLNUTVUOD, Agents. Tit EGULAIit PACKET s i dWit FUR WHICELLSO, IiARIETTA AND ANFAVILLIL—The line steamer ERMA (MAHAR, l'apt. C. R. STOLL, will leave for the above •01l all Intern:m..ll4de ports every TUIDIDAYI at 4 p. Returning, leaves Zantsvillo every FRI DAY. at 7 am. d. D. COLLINDWOOD. SEWING MACHINES LOCK -STITCH SEWING MACHINES, For Families and Manufacturers. that the TlVrtekno I t tk b e e tt b ar;VlTlrstrarll far ever, variety of 8,91A`. CALL ANT) fLXAIIIINE AT THE WHEELER & WILSON SALESROOM, No. 27 Fifth Street. W.:MS . II%III\ER & CO. • 4INIO KER & BAKER'S • SEWING MACHINES Have been awarded the PTIIST PRILSIIIUIIB at to folloartha rain for the year MSS: Pint Premium for best Marbles wart at. falba* Elate Fair. First premium for bast Macrae. work at New I' toe State Fair. neat Premium for best Family llaettlas at 05 State Pair. Pleat premium for bast nuttafactonna Machin 1)010 State Fair. Pint premium for haat Sleatafactortna 11.6011. nteoltraa State Val, ).rat far Statorfacsortna ataehlter Wis,olletu ante Pan. Vint Prattiorn for ben atantlanorlog Machma L.alnehre County rale, Pa. rent Premium to best liaehlua for gun sal par poses, at lan ranee Count y rale. pa. /lest Premiere for beat ramify Machina at Haag cralfg2:ll for brat ineutmturteg llatelee Beets Coital, lamb.. PL. Pint Premiere for haul blatterantarter mid %mil lafttehtne at 14prInfLOalt) rale, Veto. Viral PlTElittl. RITINaIt hfaminlentring mid Paean Machine at Palmyra Pair. N. Y. Viral Premium rue beat llanufseturing and Runny Machine at Suffolk Cottati _Nair, N. Y. Vint Premium-ler best Xansettieing and family Machine at Schuyler County Fe ur lt N. Y. rant Premium for. beat Machine We all perpoelea, at Allegheny County rad+, Pa. Tint lastelten lot beat llanentinartng Magnin*, Allegheny County /alt. Pa. Pint Pre:Wm ft. boat Machias w 'et at Alleghith °minty Par, PIL 1 And whereeet eairtinteel. A. F. CHATCINEY, OWN CR .1.1....&43/.0 T. taetr:•ona. N.. la Tin. street. Plttsbuyth. SHAW & CLARK'S 1114[1.111.0 1 1735EC1 • SEWING nom • 40 2111.istahliaekes SOLD IN . TWO :DATB. • Are mannhetur.d wlttuot any compliested maehin en, and therefore :e5 not liable to getout of repair, and est perfectly anted far every description of Fatally !sewing and alluring. We do not eta. oar Allaelsinee with cheap machloes, as we have latest of olter, price*. P rissy HEAL FELL. STFEt: , BIND, Ellf1111011S; Eli, QUILT u tter ed v Howe, Wheeler it Ult .!, & Pater, Bachelder. All of uarlll.llto , • are warranted dye pars. &HINTS WA SI I D. H. H. LON% Agent, 111 firma street, near /lit& -noldameoci rtrrallebelit. S26 SEIVE.rG AGIC B ARTLETT 11111Jr.E. 525 !declined under patents of Howe, Wheeler & Wil son, Grover & baker, and Singer Co.',. and the only Cheap Machine in the United States, having the right to use-the Wheeler L WIIMI-Or OUT meldeti We wool salt than. WM• Or sls3oger montli, or allow lar Comeieloys. Will sen&gfeehines. to be paid ( or when sold. Fur Cir eaten, terms, Sc., enclom stamp, and address PAVE HHOTILEItS, (AMARAL AULSTS, At either of our OfilefePialladelphia, Pa., Toledo. Ohio, or lit. Loral!, Mo. dews with double or tingle thread.—Ecterdtec Amanita', mh23:lmdtmw? CARPET OIT, &o. mccALLust 'unornEits, No. N VOllitTH STREET. W. hare on hand • nri 7 superior mock of • , • , C 7 A1LV1L.V 0 3111.7.11174311r Of every eleacelptloh and avory . fire&tof . LLnNtly OIL CLOTIIIi, extra well eeeee - e d feet to 24 feet wide. rIA.Nu . S:ND rf ABLE CQVXIIIi—,IIyery Wad Is ass. aktligl y .l.loß—From the fluent quality futile low CraPol . l:2ll . .ATTlfto; COCOA AND MLNII.I • BLATM MeCALLWIII I'w - flip, • ape Formerly W. D. A H. atcemmin. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in 'the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Rope and Lace Window Curtains, 'Geld Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Coy ere,-of our own importation, at the Lowest prices reached since, the war. A:line' of' *ketch In= grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received-:-vei y handsome—never offered in thiS country before--and at 'price"' based on the present rate of Gold McPAILLAND & COLLINS, 71 - & 73 Fifth Street, 241 floor, Next building to U. al. Can.:milli:rune sod Postale, I:lasvinino LADIES, BAYS TOUR 1110311131% By bWring yam Old Table Wan , ttfLZ:ne.ATEA.WITII 4 ,VI444 Amivert m aka r kVb s lr o Ont CU all be italat .t poz4i/ei;wwErzv:4amittTifEl SPRINHOF 1866. HEMAPANKA, • (BLOOD CURE.) This article Is expressly designed to purify sod restore the blood to a healthy condlOon. by which SCROFULA and all Diseases of the Waste effect aally removed DOM the system. Sold In bottle, •t 50 cents and $1 each, by SIMON JOHNSTON. a: Corner Smithfield and Fforrth Streets. • 14113RNET1' 7 8 STANDARD PARATIONS.--COCAINE— A Compound of Co coanut Oil, dm. for the Hair. PLORIMIEL 2 A delightful Perfnme fur the Hand. lereblef. iLtLISTONiA Cosmetic for removing Freckles T rallaAt TIiGTIL IV ASH—An Elixir for Pre. ' gltttlaT i rtgrZ/VITI T WZTEriln . v all e o In Richness and Delicacy of Perfume. JONAS WHITCOMB'S REMIWY—For Asthma 11.0 Cold Da Fece_ GLIIINN"rr' I3 titANDARD FLAVORING EX TRACTS—for Cooking purposes. API% g, : , , & n a anted o n A t g lele ntd c• f always he gt.Te. r corrier of Ohio and Federal Greets, I. tre thicket House, Allegheny. mhl7 GEORGE A. BELLY, MUXtil I= 81 Wood Street, OPPOSITE THE ST. OHARLES emu., DEAL= IFt Drags, Chemicals, P tent Medicines, PECFL7PII:I' PAU:Ts, OILS, VARNISHES, DYEISTUFFs, de The F ed e ral s will be conued as usual at No. SS street, and comer ofOhio and Peder , .I.trnets, Allegheny. iturßl•lrd f SCHOONSLILIiJER & SON, J • Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE W lira TY A 1), BLUE LEAD ovr y ta i a POE P 1124.4124 M.o. CM "101743,c0et Oillitretee. MC, NANUFACTIIItERS. INDUSTRIAL WORRS. HUGH M. HOLE ..AUGUR P.LAOS ORE HUGH M. BOLE & CO., 'POUNDERS, ENGINE BUILDERS AND MA CHINISTS: ManulLetoreepof TEAkIBOAT No- I:INES, OIL WELL ENG INES, LOCOM(YrIVES for Coal Wo ade rk. o , 11 kind. or Land and Marine EN a GINES,rn to rder. Drum the welt earned reputation of the Manager. Mr. JAMES NELSON, we hope tosecure • liberal share of patronage from Steamboa t builders and others wanting good machinery. Slur aim wIU be to do all work to the best manner fora hit compensa tlon„_ _mut to do It in the time wa say. All kinds of CASTLNIGI made to order. Repelling hfachlner7 promptly attended to. We can two a Shaft S 3 feet long, and bare or tura a Pulley °.d feet diameter. Kir 'Shop on Duquesne Way, near the Point. r ountlry on Third Greet, near Mulct, Pittsburgh, Pa. aplol6md Vasa 'IIAL GLASS WOMB. MODES, RTRIE & C 0.,. Manufacturers of BLACK and GREEN ML/Len- WAKE. Druggists' Ware, Bottles, DendJohns, Car. ouys, he. Warebonso--No. 144 WATEII EITRLET between hmilbaeld and Grant streets, Pittsburgh Penna. We warrant our Wires to be superior to any man , tifactured weal of the Mountains. Always oo band, Glassware of the above dmorlptlon. A.ll orders promptly Wended to, 141111.111/ attention paid te private auS:ly NEVEILINCE, No. OS WATER STREET, Pittsburgh, _manufacturer of 801 LEV ttl VICTS, WHOUtilif SPUME, common rod railroad of every description. ParGenlar abed or elisried Spites and Rivets, large manna, made to order at short notice. A good as. sort:neat remittently o 0 he m& TIM. P. COLLINS OM= Witloll7 COLLINS & WRIGHT, Brittania Brass and Sheet Mall Workers, Brlttanla Cas tors, Carbon and Lard Oil Earners, and &nannies styles of Britannia sad by Wass nianansetmery orders prOnadttz lilted. No. IT BECOND STB6S/ Pll taboret. Penns on) tly STS. NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC cos Doonue.) SPRING SKIRTS, finfichrell adnioely hy the IA sum of Peat, WESTS, BRIM & EEL 11741assabers, sad 711 & SI Meade Sta.. ATEVIXT IrCara.Mlr... Zech Hoop la compomt of TWO flatly tempered *teal springs, brnlded tlghtty and arudy together e r dea t s eer. forming the STROM:DOM and own Hoop They will not bung or break like the Ought sprbags, but .rill me preset ye their graeLqUiness of shape there three or filer .o dlnarT Octets will hot,. beet, thrown awe] , osleee• In fart, for the {l've:weft:le ur the booze the enuree. theater or ear, tbey are thPertet to. a ll oil, era, conobltilns t r , ONruier. UtraattlLlTT and SCCOeu. KT, Silk that Itherien or soars Which has no.le the DUPLEX weTic THE STANDARD SKIRT. or the fas chan hio ts be nable wor su ld. Merpplied as above and by Pitts burgh res Jobbers Alta la ladle ln all the grit-elms retail stoin this city.. Inouire for Bradley's Duplex Elllptle !Air% teittsneodat Al 4. STYLES OTTQS OILISBHATZD DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT AT LiAMST RETAIL PRICEY ILIEMAILTICA 7:1 tba dozen at lowest Met. JNIACJIte UAW s Gdf.ffit LISLE. With Eitreert. rVid ILO :4 , 1 341 R . c. STACILRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. V. IS. Lleensed Soldiers' liana Belinda* for Wounded Botdlers collected In Ito ten to tWanti deft.- Alireittoe,_No. lie Orme street. Pittsburgh. Call with Discharge end tiro eltnessec su Mr OILISTER,GAZZAM & CO., ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Maw. eana m cr Arg e tzthiktiCrUTlON DP •221s. ". 0tralegfagg. ne —4.i.-P-mr m-mrrAuty, mum, .PENSIONS , IX.. DO D.NTLICS, Im eet oic. eted rey N:o1 =D lser ay bie MUN at etat.i. we • • m r „Luk, s , Diamond •creet, „ Vtel i t i e . Chart N. D.—No charges an .1C • data does mot cceeed, and NU inform Omit watts: sew, L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ogrcigh4TifiltrZi3rh".2. uvpwW tn. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTERING.COMPANT 'l=ww•i:t.xwmais, • Suiphuret of Iron Nawirivenis Ball Nanatseiunng OoNsOece, Corner PM - Wait and D i queine Wa HATS, CAPS. Sco. 1866. HATS, CAPS ARM 1866. girtraW CA-Coir:itims AT WHOLESALE.. 3itaCCOTtrB lit, Co., 181 wittizr STREET, Aak pirticulsr •attentlon of • COUNTRY' 111:11, GHOSTS to their 4412.1i8E.ATOUIC,Of RATE, ete.;'ithhiik 4ELL .41,1311LEAT LY fiItDIICIED PftIOICH.; kco. 777 , HOTEL. A. C. D. arlurs...,. N. WIL.I.ATUE .ClllO. /1...1113NR50N WILLAIID How, Opposite the Court Haase. 1.14: 01 : 1 7 1011 ? X;c47-A* l / .ages -=suat sOmplete4,DesslySled and funtiShed. 0711Pli. s. ap3...1w.1 DRAUGHTING. GFAIIILAL MIAIIGHTIIIO OFFICE . 41-vics !rbamr.i•ixt ALsibmicy, NIL Met Ina boo 44sou 31taii1Z , 4.1, 1. , tAglitialui:M4)l•li*Aiw-i.:. .1 - 08DIPD ADAMS, Demi 1. f•P. • • - 68, 0 CuU p StVl"- • WEI !=i1=1!1 BM CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS AND ALL KINDS Of /DUTY CASTING& Special attentlon_pald to ROLLING DILL WORE; BLAST MACHINERY nod RETORTS. . EFAIRN, attended to promptly. As heretofore, the best materials will almlyn used at this Foundry. Attention Is called toour NEW PLY WHIM S PATTERN and Increased [unities for littlng np no:blyd_ VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., O. and Wareham. 301 Liberty t opposite linlitladeld, Nannfactures a great variety of COOK. PAHLAIR and HEATING STOVES, among whlch are the cel ebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Stoves; also. the Autocrat and Sentinel, for coal or wood, and the unrivalled SI ar of the Empire, for wood; also. Arches, WAS., fenders, Sugar Kettle., Dog Irons Imo Hollow War generally. mita A. BSADIST... ...W. VARYIHJI J. B. BIIADLET /ETNA STOVE WORKS. COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Amongwhich are the celebrated EUREKA TROPIC .4 TA L ISMAN (Coal Stores;) rommyA, VET ERAN .d IEWJNSIDSS (Wood Cook stoves.) Ale* manufacture GRATES, GRATE PROFITS, &C. Office and Warehouse, corner of Second sad Woo etreets, Pittsburgh. on Second street. PENN -Machine Works and. Fosieuirs. S. 17171/513.triaLaa4 ENULNE BUILDER AND MACHININT,_ Lacork street P. between Federal and Sandusky. Allefitn) Clty. Manufacturer of Wlghttnan's PA NT PORTABLE OSCILLATINO STEAM ENO IF Shafting, Pulley. &e, RepalrLo of all kinds attended to fel WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT Fen. HENRY Id. LONG, !key snd Dream% WORKS IN TENIPEItANCEVTLIS. °Wee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Neat Suspension Bridge.) ILANIIPACTITRESSI Or MIN WHITS EULTELNEN43I- COLL.. This 011 cane° be excelled for burning properties, color or dre test and t• pot op In well seasoned bar 'Co, salient. for HOME USE, er EXPORT. PR DEES bOLICITED. DIRWTOUS—John Watt, Robert Lea, Geo. Rhea, C. B. IferronC. L. Caldwell. H. IL Collins, J. W. Porter Rob, 'Wallace. IL W. C. Carroll. Jallehnd 8,..W/JUNta EIMT IL. ELAM, ssinQe & REIG, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS OWFICIL No.. DUVUESI4.4 WAY, PIVT/111133117XILIGMIL. °e11.17 BONDED WABEEIOIISE OF PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Wool et Maine sad Hurl/rod Stzoodih Dreskird, N. T.. Storage for Relined Petroleums, 111 Taal and Barrel.. See Clzont , Sir OZ., No. SLAVIN. OTRZILT, Mew Toot. ocrly STANDARD Petroloum lElerixaiirinir. CLARK a SUMNER. Works and Ogden, Collin' Tournaldp O►nca in PITIIIIKIROPI—INI WOOD ISTRIDIT The. worts hare the largest espadty In the wan try. The brand stands the highest In this country L in Europ, (or quality andllre test, end the on ls put to well seasoned barrel., prep...p...lF for export. ltattaaetnrers of BOILEI6B,I3MLB, TANIS Improved Boring Tools for Oft Wells. aulaay SUPERIOR OIL ENGLNES. We ere cooetractles. and lell keep en nand, pellet .kyle of 0 =La lIICAT4IZT3EIMI Diets 1 MO OS mow - tom V W. Invite puttee weeding c v 7lptctor tats arpot 149 r GaTif, Le Uism, Teti • IMIEPHILL a CO. COINMERCLtL OIL WORlf PURE WHITE BURNING OIL AT TUE LOWEST MARKET SATES V I, I )Rlik4 e,l CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, NW'. Meek. Dugateitsie WILY. Piiti,urigb , ',peel.' attention Meek to the isle and ship went of Patrolman and Ito peo_dactjii. _ • tairintettnily sailelled. IVOLS=Ce Bos la• nougzs - JAMES IRWIN & CO., • MANtrIACTUREILS OIL OF VITRIOfIitIAQUA AMMONIA: commakscilim — .• an" a nrrrasersos. PI. J . BENN, . No. I ST. CLAIR ST., I . NB4lnrsiz, Forwarding and Commis"lon MareStant • And dealer In 00.. lltun:denting, Lubrleanne, Crude Petroleum OM, S o ., constantltonhand end for cote et the lorkenaperket prleelt COOSlttlineentr end orders solicited. -- WNW. I= R . T. WHITE UNDERTAKERS AND'EMBAINERS, • . - Wan che.tnr, WnoWn Run And ylclalt7. Codas. litoonsw Mandester Liners Otabln, Uorncm Studdidd ond audios. it ' Home and Crddiasce nannebed. noldayd core INS I COFFINS I =TM .UNDERTMMOI • I".r2ilbsitTelri6 BOHIST WILILLIAJEN Illaaertaken Moe- No. lIN POURTH 3TP.EXT. . . I.Yltro= to . o etntl ligitiO L "ni24 thev,opa i l ic hlll/r Ol om f promptly' attiNtooll Sri ' • at rWo*ehlr terms,- u "" 101 . 14 11fr ALEX. AMEN, • trzrzaimerAaranst: -•- • ab. Aa Worth street, ru m b. a . Pa. •1307/LitlS of an kin ds, HAYIth, 011.11.) avers desorption of Tau end Surnianiais etts MOM , upends %n Iflears.andCarriageeinrulsbed iticriumress—kev. David Ken,' iYaiti Bev. eerk b er L'.l)" 11 . 2 T— zm " itariau pIICTERVIIGJEINVIISE4Y _ „ AND pw i ttip:musEs. SITIMAY -AND 'Milan' *Moth= totbelr azumalve steel at itaaa Maleonuissenza4 tram evervesAl.ll7Mis wines and Emu . photo. : . ricummo 4 sklaati Pas=n{ CNA Nut .2.Amucsickm SIBIU& PLACID :NE TIONAVIMUCK NACJICPUtaspW, rt, 1 , 11 , 040 .se fiOwer. MOW splendid' arum' per O. *lt it lirdlimednedente, saq matonnicustac, Irmo msadus data tot:perforombst wie claw for IL we %ink. it Melt Mad rfasett the amonoi,.,,A4aresii emasmaipitts.- - Am „maria. MIME FOUN DRIES FORT PITT FOUNDRY auxtnrAcronine or HEAVY ORDNANCE, A. BB.ADLEY & CO. Mannastnre every variety of OIL WORKS. 41:3 conx:Eo.a.zwir , Brand—" Lucifer." COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oonatantly on hand and for gala a 3. H. SAWYER. 4 .101311 AND DLIII.XIi Ilt 11:=11:XXI UNDERTAKING. =1 L =I =lral 17NDIETAE,Di II? I:os:Pocepffifiqui:TAlNN IMRE p v:/01;)Q:%4213:1 1865. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GREATLY ENLARGED Otherwise Improved. Ve sza 11,_-_V DIMINUTION IN THE PRICE. ley:i:1 ~' :fl;l' I1VA(I1tI Will be Funbiked to Carriers at wonotreminuisixe;i3Mx Delivered to Subscribers OM I r it! r r I DISPATCHES .NSI , IL , CAZIEK Leading News Centres :~~i1~:~:lAs~,~~:~~#;~5~i~;~s~iq:~k: FUMED EIPIIST 101 fill GAZETTE! Local INTe*s, M.ISOELL..46_.INTIr, Sriih Poreiges and Dormitic CORMPONDENCE, EII3ITC)MLAJLffiI DrKey . slie.i),PO'rons,Antidete • WUI Coto 07010' Dr. keyolOs-itenious - .Antidote • ' •Wiu CD" Twitc4f, giatAbe . marre. , Dr. KeyiejJA Nervens - Aol,l4ote-: , r. : Wi 4 Pare Nerriug 0,14e4 Kfysers Nervous Ainidole - -'", 64° , 14 1x1".nq Cramp of .1 Dr,.1113-68es lerious Antidote. 7 .., , Cur. Ifeuriiida• ' Dr. 14yser's Nervous. Antidote. • Will Cure ticuratila th;ii Dr..lieyseesliervous, Antidote . ‘ litaaWitaatts*,lllmi4wli'' " Dr. Heyser's Nervous-Antidote .' -Dr..lioysees Nervosa Antidote ~ w4cure- L ine *al ti,..*i=6,1,011.4. j. Dri'KeP4ersTliettotiii'Antidate;:, will Cure l'atyliuilo, of lbs 115 w Dr; Heyser ' s Nervous Antidote L .c De.. C..stii.l4, or 71u s terW1 of.tteters• pr,,Koyseett'Netfolia*loo*-7-iip:::l, , WiltC T..Praluaa tN..ltie.uti4l:s eiccaiii Der Bar's Wee_r#2, 74 Cur • Ji7poWunef Dr. keyser ' ss Nervous Awe a- yc ` upClore i towni*ClOsilduirrv,-. IT '• I • ~11111WRit., I :1411#___01411 Algoopti.ltitlakunlC-1141' • - • Tg nacuipaig the isatllng topics at the darmeintedas CLEAR PAPER, I= MN IND BLEGIM' TYR. TUE Gi V.METTE Now iitaaND roes The Cheopea arc Best NEWSPArER =M== • . , • - , iTzt' " 17 X•4'1411,..4 EMI MEDICAL FplL r' 1866. Pectoral Syl:l2P CUM CONSUMPTION Cures Bronchitis CURES COLDS, Csu.irea.4U3tlari2a CURES All Diseases of , the Lungs . tTenr"' need by Os. "ISlPdrjett4YeP errinstrann, January U. 1800. BAXimni—gly wife has been emitted with bad cough and difficulty of breathing for Ave or etx lears, which, for several years hut, had gradually ncreaecil In violence. The complaint has been her editury and she had been treated by several ph) , Clint without any relief. In this state of her meet procured some of your PECTORAL COUGH SYRUP.. I Delight, the Prat time, a an/ cent bottle, which le tieredher very much; I then exiled and got a dolls. oqttle; which cured her entirely. and she button as tract-nt the former disease. except wessnese. wined also state that! used the medicine myself law gold and cough. The medicine cured me by Admix one dose. I express my entire satisfaction with Ih mcdt , tne, Ana you are at berty to sublish this you mitre WM. YILSCI, Alderman. lifth WaNrd taken re AprlbU.lefiL. READ TRH TR U T H.-Du.Krtltfinut.-1 ha daughter who has en several medicines for • beell. cough without benefit, arum= them Ayers (Metre , Pectorel. I purchased from you a bottle of yang Pectoral Byrum:MlA before she had used hale a Amt. tle she waeritHeved. The seco nd. bottle clued hut entirely of het cough, JOHN DAHLN, ! Robinson street, Allegheny. : • • ____pyrTlibulinart, December IL 1961. A 0/MAT 01111.MBTDR. ILILYSTIPS PECTOE A 4 SPIEUP.—I Hu IA 'Peebles township. Allegben • county. I hrn a cough and spitting. which cos.. meuced about the Oh of Pebruaty last. sad cousin ited eight months. I employed the best physlemus In the country, sod my cough eolith:Mee! combat' 1 until early to October. At that time 1 was adeler to tryyour Pectoral CoUltb ftrou. which I dbl. aa after I bad taken one bottle Iwas entirely tree (tor the coughing mid spitting ' , bad despaired of Kett:lug well, andtblnk it should oe Dawn 11n thle valuable remedy wllido for others what It ha done In my case. JOHN C. LITTLE, Witutes: B. M. Sins. Peebles totrmOdy. P.MVOINI Lowy/slur, April la DCA. A WONDERFUL OUR-IL —Oome time ago an 01 whf"ch every co uplwted to Deneempt on. relatives told me that he had taxon every rame, they heard of without benefit; his brother cams AM! him die, and all were con Armed In the ballet t he could out live. I had about the third Ws bottle of your Peetoral wroth which f gave him, and It en.' lirely cured him, to the astontahntent of OIL What makes the case more remarkable. Is the =mane ens of the men, he being *boat alphryiears old. I WWI no doubt the Pectosal tared Ida tile. DR. KETBEIPSPECTORALBYRUP - 1.21 TLT.l.6.—Pleue send me anotherthoray of yourNaU cable Pectoral limp. Almost everyb ody around ea bee the cold, and are enquirlog for “Dr. Xeyeera, Pectoral Cl=op." We locver,th.elateen bottle' thil ant week. Ma b ee . now enMely out, ldr. t e al 'and Ilr. P. bo th or tow mu WV:leleg:" be Vklas athe e their ter4 'r & • A mire, aespe,trale. J. s. wsyszasors *lse. January 30. uss• • • • Pirreitratin.-ZiovemberlE , lan, , • Da. Ezentlin—AlthoughnotanadvocateorPatcpg himuclnes. In general, It • agovds me pleasure Indio scribable to recommend your' PEDMIKAL, WEEDY,: A...m.11am. It Is well worthy the attention of any • person , colds m ma a d y h l o n a r y n e m ss a nnny hke nith4w ' weeper qualiestions for raroovind thlrt dlm. gremble sensation attending a severe cold.- •• I have been, more or less la my Ilintsfected v. ha the severest of colds and boarsenem. tinmaloy • throat .ieco w tz closed as to prevent,. sop Labove• a li nnd bYiedann few doses :f e ttle a we Syrup wo 'relieve mesa:lndy. In'recommending this medlchm;"l mnatinihralter tingly say that It Is the best remedy I ever. foucol,, p orporting to care the above ' should any famtlyi be without tale remedy for Idlseases so prevalent. Toon, most respectlella lo EI)W .1. JONEb D , • eshler eltliens• oat Bout. !, . avromabrvu.kle, Colito,lgarri U, ise, I have rued Keyser's Cough 'EYrnp fora lad oonah of' several years standing. and eon ebeerl alb; sayli is the - hat nuallelnafor thef same that. I knit ever taken. J. W. PRICK. COL. PRATT'AND PB. KETSERNPECTORAII: Exesaii-tleernlm Klaus the delay army acknowledging the excellence o [your McCort Vic992lr U greyt . BS l l i ttlt g ritllZlttrtl th )l7 . 4.s omen:lay .cough, amdthe versional was vr4ander.• ad with. I have not used more than ono-haßOtt bottle, and I can and do wish that all who areaMk t. ed would glee It as air • trial as 1 have done, an, theywillbe proud tosay, "Itlanoqtrackniedlelnes would not sorer Soother loch an attack Site an onalderntion, or at any cost. sin eonedent can Teethe more freely than I ewer did.. / shall kip ere - acknowledge • debt of grailtade , Itsr 'lnvenin eo excellent • remedy. You area.. liberty to hoe eo, name In the regard aagon OttnkKorrit Idemenger Common Connell, Pittabers N. 8.-lam no sommerlousyfeilow,cOlnee atm-. • all wbc entertain doable C an conceit me penotuillf. ANOTHER NEW CILETIPIOA.TX.-.IOLI NAV` " SEWS PECTORAL NYIIIIP,,I had been tkopbtad with a cough and cold toe severm - weese-so YW w t j t that I could not sleep. I bad the advice and eta. . criptliain from three:of the beak thvalelansur LW , city, whom I could name, but do inlit do so.. I /121. • ' pm:towed a bottle.ol - Tour Pertoral wh. cured me en tirely. , (Maned)• .1. Cl'. 14111‘ , /.21/Ni- Liberty airaa L (An yanuuTeln. • • - • - • MITOPTI3AIVOUtiIIING...Iiosi can , rof:d=a w anAolt ' Af:ttoV Tl"yrUl_i lle mg ease mat% desperate indeed. , Tbla Is a snecto,nna • , of the ea nynne hears every day lit cold-caletux periods of year. „And we can, ho m actual ex] rtment.. cheerfttly concur In the advisent ton es above, for we bare tried titer..!•Pecto tt ot Moat •stubborn ciao, with entire seaters. Ao two:west, ago we went. to Intistmli. 'with the•Mitet dblifevilut cOntrary, mulls mutubdeelt might ere O'er experienced minor advent npom this inundaue sphere. We coughed steadily an.l belittles/1' for %tombola Weer, in-ho pes oft Wring It ano tell was no go. In fact • It seemed rather to have improvettaty,pmetbiei,and to hole wanlreti ' etrength, potency and distressibillty by the t. opera, ton o r g ra r,w e r w eeop aga tir m cent bo tt le of the , Pectoral,% , tah - rt amon4jr direction., and In farty-elght boars we were mortar • of the geld; the enemy having nueonditionally see. rendered, after wbelef. but culegnal corolla= formidable ad edverrary as Keyserts hunons raciorai. —artaisseeflis (nipper pas 1 , DR, KEYSIEIt'S PECINIE L 8111.1 JP. p.. P. • - P. odd sold toy i. DR. GEORGE H. KEYSER, No. 140 WOOD EThFM,, Wittaikauslai. Great Nenous lksu*. =I Dr. Keyser'' , Piervoto Antidote = 1 ' Ntu reite:e, withotit alaa , aften "rota 41.M:rya:La =I E=!