1 WittOurolt 6azette Orrice OP Tilt PITTEBITXOB lan-lETTE, I TFICVA.,DAT, April 1.2, hoe There is a little more life and activity MIlli• _ __- lintand in the produce markets, bet as the de _ mead Is wholly of a local charaiter, the t ran.- ROBINSON AteCLEAN & CO., , , f , actions generally, ere of an unimportant ehar meter. Bankers and Brokers, Aggylg-There Iva continued good demand for Pearls, and we min relent. sales of 15 tons No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, lat 12 nOdE Aah Is unchanged at Beta for com fiest., le all kinds of oovernutent seetinties, Gold ~ m O .l and 7 for R e fin ed. and Sever, sue Bank Rotes, eettignn 1 GROCERIEB-engara are steady with rege anti Domestic Exchange, etc., etc., etc. lac sales at 12(2124 for Cuba; 13014 for Porto Depodts received In PuPunds and Correecy. In- ' Rico; 17 for Crushed; 15y, for "B" Coffee; and 1G knee allowed on dine dela:mita. Collections made i csict, for "AO ditto. Stfolaases dull but en te all para. of the United States on most favorable ' itican ' ged at 75 to S 3 for prime to choice Porto term. Rico and $l,lO for New °Tisane. Coffee is finer Orders executed with hpatch for everything in t the basioeu at the Boston, New Tort, Philadelphia , ted at to 28 for Common to choice Rio. Rice anti Pittsburgh Urokersi nosed" stricuy ou c0,,,,.tt Is itelltng at 10 , 5 for Rangoon, and IN for Car sten. • o f Ina. thaw on B. lit EWS A CO., Res York, J. COOKE ORAIN-Wheat le In i Metter demand, but lut a 00.. Philadelphia; Messrs. C. D. 0 T. B , PER- F. DM. Beaton.ehenged. There le an mproved demand for _ Barley, and prime samples are held at an ad . ' ranee. Solent Scare Toledo Orda at titi; 1 car Penne ditto at 461 , and small sales from store at 48E50. Nom dvetnt in Rye; Illi PLO-la quiet but steady , nd prices are - inttEXDAT. April t; ISOG. %ell sustained. Prime to choice /little Wheat brand. maybe quoted at 110,50411•141, ml Win- Tim new loan bill, which bun passed both ter wheat brand e are held at alklieel 075 per Mouses end only awaits the Presideutis sig. em it, g1,:,,,t. -B ... mai at a. , ,,.. nitrite to become a law, Is of so notch interest PROVISIONS -Bacot. is quiet at 13 for Shout _ man ra;154t15,4 for Ribbed &des; and 2002 . 1 for that we reproduce it eoh a prominence due tinsr Cured Slams. Small sides of Lard at 180 to Its importance I 8 and Metes Pork at Pi An act to amend an act entitled an act to -RBIs-Clover Seed Is Senn/ in Small lots provide ways and means to support the Gov- It 11.544@fir5.. Flaxseed els wanted at nA , Tlm ernreent, approved March 3, 1865. °thy la scarce and may be quoted at $ 4. Be it sculled be the Senate and Howe of Hey re- 131 :TTER-Pritne Roil is scarce and In de sentalturs of Me (Mates:States of Amerleo,in Cho- mend, and we have sales repotted et Mem, gr , assembted. That the act entitled an act to the latter figure for chalet in stoat packages provide ways and means to support the Gov- EGGS-Very scarce, and prices hare still ne.a,,,,,t, approved March 3, 1 shall be ex- further advanced, sales being reported Lo-day tended and conetreed to autho en the Seer, at 29. tart of the Treasury, at his discretion, to re- Clih'Bilh-Geshen to (inlet hot firm at 25fgai ems., any treasury notes or other obligations I PiPPATOES-Continue to meet with a sternly Minted under any act of Congress, Whether demand, and we can report regular miles from bearing interest or not, to exchange for any store at 111,3301,40 per bushel, and 1t3).464 pet description of bonds authorized by the act to bl3l. Sale oil cars illluols Peach Blows at 51,25 which tine le an amendment, and also to dee In bulk; and Idode at $l,B O . pose of any deecriptlon of bonds authorized MILL. FEED-The demand is rgther Letter, by %aid act, either in the United forams 01 else- I *tie of 13 lona Middlings at 01,30 per cwt , where, to such en amount, in such manner, I SecOude mar be quoted at SlOl,lO and at such mesa. he may think advisable, PIG LEAD-ale of WV pigs at 10 ets for lawful money of the tatted states, or for llstr-la ace ..,s-artg-in demand , loose Ls sell any treasury notes, tiorttneates of indebted , log from scales at PRIM per ton. new, or certificates of deposit, or other repro- DRIED FRUIT-00e+ toile be quoted sentatives of value which have been or may be steady at 13615 eta per lb. Sales of timeliest 'lssued under any act of Congress, the proecetie at MeV-, thereof to be issued only for retiring treasury for quarters and halve.. notes, or other obligations issued under any act Of Congresa. But nothing herein eontaima I PPITSBURGII PET .k.O DI MARKET, shalt be construed to authorize any increase of the public debt, provided, that of United Orem, op TEX PFTTEEIVILHE 0 AZITTI I .itates notes not more than ten million of dol- - TOOnsoar, April 12, 1864. L tare may be,retlred mid cancelled within six CRI43E-Tht market for Crude was nmilso months from the passage of this act thereat- ally briek today, the repotted sales in the ter not more than tour muttons of dollars in one month. And provided, further, that the aggregate exceeding eleven thousand barrels, net to which this Is an amendment shall con- mostly for future aelivery, while prices have tines in force In all Its provisions except as modified by this act. undergone no quotable change, tales of la* Sly X And be a further enacted, That the obis (40 to 45 gravity; on the spot, at 12i4; 1000 Eettnetnry of the Treasury Shall report to Con to dorat 13„ WO ditto, at 124; MO ditto, at 12; gees, at the commencement of the next sea . A (38 to il gravity tet lii.,, 55e sloe the emount of exchange made or Leone) 110 ditto, at li ' 15 borrowed under this act, and of whom, and 1 do, at 13; 174 ditto, at 13;6000, for May delivery, on v. hat terms, and alto the torment and chat- at 18; and lest , to e delivered In Pld.lailelphin mite: of Indebtedness retired antler this ,r, bet we en the 15th and 30th of Sls, .at 24h, puck and the hetes, e bleb this Is an amendment, ages included, Asa. matter of ',inn'''. the. " lam, a tl,q.e,„ti ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of the e.,teh //e et !erg.. sate. unpartite a little more tune to the Making em h 10-ins and exchange l market, but, as yet, prices are not quotably higher. Teiegragis from Oil Coy to-day, re -Tee Cincinnati COEnnt-Telat, of Wedneeduf , port Crude doll at that point, at Id to SP, per COMltte-itA on the loan bill 11.9 follows et ...el es , Mt , al loot t.naased the Loan bill , barrel. REFIXED-There woo also more Inquiry tor There is -ed reel 1 a amen of its recel firm the „ t , 1 , f.,.,..,,,,i de ,,, ,u„, practical ~,,,,, Refined, and while the traustactlons u ere larger than during an reeeding day this a,: of kin ...cretin,' of the Trouser), , , ~,,,,,, , i r „, s. , ~,, „,,„,, n , Ir , „ rest vet I , week, prices, to. ) et, have * undergone no toot , .• i t .11 •..• "Minted that t h e ehr i.; - , h. able ehauge Sole of `3Ol bide light stn.. , to , r „,,,, t „ r ,„ . „„,,,„ many " v ,,, *ldle, deity.," in Philadelphia any time the, mouth, at the Nolan of the Svnt.,, at SS , AO/ •I 1/i 1/1 eoleltnill, have no re med.. ~ 5 .,, r , ~,„ eh's prime standard * bite, to be delivered in ' '"* .“ 'h . " It" . no' nun, sin c e - -- j," - Phlledelphia between the lei 1131.1 I.sta or Flay. t, ~ •4 l't p/aced An the way or a rapt. re , . t i 4,,t 1 , ate .ii .1 Dom.tn er legal tender notes The objections , "inyrr" oli mit el . 1 em - o Telling the secretery a tottered discre- "`""'ny m ere " Istb "f J""" ' " m4r ‘ , t ~,,,,„, power, the absence of which. we o mit 11110M1 Itus tee tianget of setting bad precedents a ere , . • Flee 011 la dull and entirely nominal rightly taken, and ought to have bad some A Alit 1 ALS-The arrivals of 011 fly river are heel in the way of a better substitute As the he ening to fall oft' considerably The 111- matter .44E1E9, however we doubt a liothet g l there IA the Mast occasion for fear that the T riv inVreVe7l .t°-""),7,7,,"-; folly. .. heeretary will, even If he can, lentugurete rad- . Kai disturbing changes Le the financial slims- . 7) Bnanngll lme,Jaa Wilkie. _ non . J Gallagher... FINANCE AND TRADE. —The f show * . the erporta ( sive cif Ppecle) ollowin frog exclu m New York to foreign port, for We week ending April 10, and mince Jan uary I : MU, 1863. 18fiti. prervt.hae.po.ttek 13 2. 141 5 ,1 Z 141 3 A4 tag) ['Mee Jan. r s4 , Namsol $513,001,1337 1180,091,9'il 49 128 —The New York Tribune, of April sa, The passage of the loan bill should make all debtors cautious, and stimulate them to every passible effort in tne way of liquidation. The cretary, under the iinanclui hills now in force, h. mord° Power to contract the cur rency, and place the Government finances in order. lie can sell new bonds, or exchange short currency dent for long ones, and make terms which will attract to his see the lOaliabie Capital of the commercial world. lie is not allowed, to be sure, to cancel the legal tenders, but be Is not prohibited from withholding them from circulation, a process as dangerous to expanded banks and extended bankers an their acidructiort would be. The Secretary means specie payment as soon as they emit hi. ronsonably brought about., and this fact can. not be too often brought to the notice of ps r tit. desirous of running into debt upon n de based enrrency, cure to be speedily improved at the cost of deotors. The abundance et mainly seeking employment on call at low rates, Is the surevidence of stagnation hi the iiiislness not t he country. It show, tin rile urauealthy activity pnxtuced by the Heil..!- , lion and the consequent tonne of hundred, millions of irredeemable paper money, I. being superseded by the moderate MOretnents such as mark the era of pence. g o tmSeem.ries of the Anny and Navy have rid of he it only machery of War In their imparents, T tied in remains for tne Secretary ofthe rem• Bury td do Ins duty. The flood of paper-money widen maintained the army and navy has per formed Its task, and the sooner every dollar of it not redeemable In gold is put out of teen - mission, along with the tromciads, the better. —Y. --- Finance end Trade In Neer Terk• assets •1113 mossy. New boat, April 12.—The market has a alight reaction from the extreme netted) except yraterilgy, but without any change, except upon the illscellaneousllat, which al. /y lower. On the Railroad list the cliques are generally quiescent.. The bears are timid and do not venture to put any shorts against the sitting combinations for high prices. Gold closed at /27%. Exchange lower at aleuey easy at d tier cent. • At tour,..o.ciock call the following _were the p_rinclple sales: Canton yompatir, -New YOrkeentraljt/2%; Erie, •11!4;ilindson , , Idend, 110%1, Heading, 43 houthern, 131:9,1; tlevetand and Plttsbitrgh, EWA; Cleveland and Toledo, 111%; Chicago and Rock lsinno, Ex-Dlvidonti, Mx, Gold 127%. The businesa at the Mike of the Alialittant Treasurer today -wait as renews, Total re ceipts, 1745,M1 G 9; of wbleh 45A,0190 were for cue =cud Onaccouut of loan$10,030; Geld notes A 0! payments, .445,017 43; balance, S 0i,,;49,,. The increased activity fir the coal trade is egeztt i lt i gt favaotflaobly l aal irlutleb;irdouresoLcoutla entering the porta haa materially Karmen te.l the demand for coat from the Earniarrianri fields, and some composites have orders In ed. vance Of the current supply. The virtual sus-, pension frotn Nova Scotia, the abrogatleu of the RthlDrn.ltY treaty, coal from the Pr. In ces being now subject to a duty of. SLED per um. has aided materially to the demand at our own mine hig her for a moment enable pro ducer. to get prices for their products than they otherwise could. The trunnion ti tian of coal on the Delaware, Lackawarum and Western Railroad for the expired portion of the year fa Stalin toils against Me.,6130 tons for the same period of last year, an increase of Ni per cent. . In the 'Lehigh • Valley Company, the coal traffic for the same_ pe I riod amounts to t0,`,11 tens, egainst ' , Haps tons last year. This m proMlid 'condition of foraffairs ha. produced an Increased demand the therm of coal com panies represented In this Market, with a con sequent advents In prices. Cumbertanci Coal has been active during the peek, bet Is dull thls morning, closing at 41. - use GOODS AXD CAXPITS. The following 10 the report from the New 'lek Dry Dome Exchange, Jobbers.,,prices, Ths market to-rlay Mail, looks aeshough It might go mach lower. Drown theetings, sod shirting's, and prints are weak, tied rdeliched gouda are also losing their strength, end many Misers think they will go lower. " Imported goods aro quiet and hoiderg are doing for offers for them. Dock silks Sr., • weaker, than they have been during the wrote season. be—sso Carpesay ts be much higher than they should buyers. Hoop Skirts, notWns tirtfamily goods must came down, It what large wrouilueut buyersaay Is correct. It loess .F.Tntsz.nait wisleha th eir - minds to con. AL LDS9 cannot get goods at, ten s.-taro k the right gattlea-i.7i.151111ear.. ;Drown -top, A fis etain•Ssil,...' - ---"."111111 14 • goclr/Irit:t't Z•llleltdia--.. Peppere .11 O ' Wer'Pepnerell, 11 tie; d0.1(%21c; do 40 Inch; Me; Porter Strit We; SaltoCet Falls, A 24c.d0, U 14c; Stark. o. • do. Ai Ile; Swift River, Doi .Wachuset., do. 20-Ineh, SO. Bleached Shirt/nes— W en t. ta, 45.toch, 68.3 Lonsclale, Me; James, SOc; Ho 90C; Home, - 55e, Harries No. 1, 30ei_No. f, Grebll.l ManntacturlniCoulPang,nrwros dale, ,Ski; Womble:4=e; _Canoe; . Com A e - brite—Porthuid, 12344 Victol7,,lset 17e; Washington, lile,, 'Paper !lambda—Eng lish, B'e. to 20e; Warren, We., Brown Stark 11. - M; Winthrop.. Mi. Worsted Braille— Common colors, sat High 'oolong; ill Prults— Allen, IVA; Amerkatil,... l / 1 Asnoakeag,' le;Gf Arnold. 16(Coeheco,,:# tainal, 1734; Prof rere,- 1I' ; iletrulton; 4,8 • London ourning, termite', /P 4; M tnackW,;434 ; do. I), 'SO Pacific, /8;44 Richmond, .184'; Sprague., r. Victory, 15%; Waininltti4,l43 Gautier Co. The Wheat Crop. _ The following, from. the ohm "turne the dark • Md.] of the picture. We suggr, in est thet ; Judgment be intspen 004 until thernmehineand mitts - have bed au o portunity to test their rope* of --ree_ttp , -en , the Coot of the wheat plant. The • lttrinternws: ' Everywhere' throngh • the Stalst—from the tide at the north, - within which the eonnd of the lashing waters of the ' lake it heard, to thel sunnier o gelds and fatter soils of tiro runes which pens' OM 'awn the ' Ol llO--tre beer a yam egh,l, by the farmer for the fate of tilawheat gold. Scarce a shade of green 18 to >be tbs./ 1 0Th .throthttiout the State ; all are as crisp iutd gray as a clay meadow after • the scorching heat and drought of a burning dry intatiter-.-no kindly omating af - snow has eared tne WM; from tfte•rfgor of the frost. j We And few without _fear:Oat .the eztreme cold and exposure hare virovggiAtai Louiemidi Uniting the plant past reengarattOn. Iradbutt.lphla !lard Rorke*. Pammmtamtrq-Aprit 11.-I.rhue Clbrarre .... ..,-, --- ' gvitirmrl.l l 4l4=l4l.°` tugr 7 ° (211elle- ......T."... ' - bushels acid to . Lots all -OP per bUsbel •I' I cc dirn r Fiord attire arm and eamtaa,Mul ara,kliff kat good tr; priam. T.l ad t. TI IC C A6 ,z - siutni of No. I, at kiftklielrini otrwarala bl_lattak kola's's:tam 4 , 17., on agrxii.2atia "NH" vont Ile aye analldrpect, platra? at a.,,,,,aire pat bathe', a-Y tVil'er°ibrl'4llll:ottlid,,,„....few. -.3.o y e i t oo " ;akvostii _. at. z.ni.. for ,a. 2. bs'''''l°"• In ,at - 442.1 oineraVi - 4.•liatne9l ht.. made awards on) ruzn. pr 0,,,,,, dun ) mats pork 11. .., ~ , bid, oebt)d 4 On WoUceklay, or WO LW, Alai, 34ra at 1.%4/7340. Fivccipta"..emvad pnrk:,,,,,,.acicar Obi j lar.ooo lbs BaCou, clear 41900Pbill• SA* WI wheat, C7OO ba corn._ 23 „ 4r . t a d a ,^,i1446-p - er lb; 1 , 0 0 1 2 barbel kraus, kt 82 I , ebtikken" bbilikmr' 4AMI ° bestmLADemarrar, Ibil. i Par ThauAomot42Vitl. - 4 . . FRIDAY, 13, 1866. I=l ' Naar 'York Market. . 2 iiir : VoitAkili2.:-dotkiri firmer at Mc for Middling,' rawly :4 r better for ammo, with fair eunallry; in ,115 for Patin State, {knife B ~.io for etblanion'. , trat it. II: 4.. the market closing erns ,With an -upward_ tendency for tOttnd grades,: , Wiusky steady at r.,26 for Itaa. filled and Sit,2l,l9slami fbr•Strite and Western: also MO ebbs old Wbiaky . at gi t in. Wheat quite arm, with a moderate demand; Iid,OSEVAS for No. i Chlcago apribg t 1i1,70 for No I Mcwoo kee, 1210.,111 - for New Anther Milwaukee, WI; for shinny White Canada. and WW for choice White Miolditan. it ttrinem Western 67fasec. /barley, dull. Corn Wo better, with a fair &t -rent:3 froodstope tre'fiertdi v 7der rn a for store drarbittvereZ new sound . eatern .Yellow Ate " ; *old do lo better; 4001ao for '„ Nw Western. and =67ffeki 'Mr:okt 420.1 0011111 e dull s ! Ilio bry,tgler. Sugar dull /0%0 . for Cuba, 1011. 13X for Porto Aka% llainana,Uo. r Molaakes clo . 1 aaira by auo ,ttoo or un hbda Porto Rico at OhooB3o, Petro. doll t 244124.3 r for Crude, nod allfj4oe for - t. ork firmer and more as 4z , N , r, sew s ]tees e closin g $ 3,75 \‘ - d. do. end r pi gmforl,, new Mem; Or Apl4ltte llecsetil\(rdes;lol4lo lbs .1. "0/3!.. Long o nabbed, Mc •, tor Ste ort • t; is w . 1 1 , 1 t , l l i l f o i for ',quiets 2 5 e 150 Ibeeso dtkil at tivek Fert" 4 7 763\ f 7r o ar_krl Jane, see& e : a q ..iiirm rri thinome at w ap , Clear rt ItiebeS sh"ideCut Meat; ,a • ida zi l - wua nem '. rur r 'an 4l 4oooQ t ar sta .. v, Cincinnati Mir C I.' . apc.a.. nrirx iacditme.A.a.arnidiste, 41l espriuuurdid--0,8.1"1, eourtnrailtloosT:c: Iraucy, at aloii Wheat In, gtixl 11l exams of 1.114;122.y, and prices a . 0,1 Wo• ii. End, ; NO.lold Ited, !and Extra„.2.4utpt, no Wblte °dared. steady and la [ale demand, at hp, for In the elevator, and PIA in the Ctocka. dull, at 13.10.f0rN0. I, bat Cholee belnr II tad thdetillinaf .Ikoisi-tallierei sold sf.:^ the ClemilatillorAtip Atm. Le not largo 4 ha oreri-IniC - Ilatra rizoaede ha hupli narielehliati.Will a kir - didlikand pr . nonalmartin gitai-• ProvisicoAanner abideritut. otl tysisapr urulo1;--a lOr 9Q 1 3):4118 , Pot I ,11$ tor Co iti. Balk - i i„,,, ,. . , nal hi II Skean( ; and Ilidea.l2l4el; tSri -- i gid add r arid - Clear &la 4 , 4 Wig. - UPI 4.9 1 ( 1 st , I o tor Prime (At tinc w generally, held' it INC. Seed steady i Chaver at rozrTieniathy.itymet...'Cltergiu vet% idull, at Ile icy. OW:Won; .iao. and dull. Pala /27011/5(.. .. . _ - • PITTSBURGH siAR 85,5c..P. Iggss;l EMI CENTRAL LIVE-STOCK MARKET Orrice or rat Pirrimunon ti salters, T 11132.919.44. April 12, letki ( CATTLE—There was an improved demand tor Cattle this week, and with n short supply and light arrival., the market ruled firm, and prices may be quoted &shade higher, as com pared with last week. The attendance or buyers was considecahly larger than for sev eral weeks past, including quite a number from Philadelphia, but the extreme. views or 1 holders had a tendency to, retard operation, ! Prime fat Cattle sold at from Pi to 7n4, and extra would doobtieca have sold readily at s. The demand for stockers is very light, and the offlias of this particular grate of Cattle ha a Malted for some time, as farmers and . rovers, both appear to have discovered that light CORY tied steers will scarcely bring enough to pay feed 1,1115 and transportation. 1115 the influence of. increased 1 arrivals and Vnthrorable advice,. In Phil.- I delph its, the market for Sheep, although fairly 1 active, way not as brisk as last week, and % 1 Arisen are from kowsi of is cent per pouml I lower. An will he aeon by referen., to the j tales, prices ranged from 4% to nt, route pot pound gross. for shorn and a °Med, according to quality and condition. HOGS—Demand lair and market .teady. 51- I though prices are a shade lower, a, tomparod with last week em . We now quote lair no ; Kroos nootag at 9(19%, gr... The errrlonls continua light, and the great proportion of those,. being Shipped t o , market now are Very tight, ranging Crow onto hundred tend fifty to two hundred pounds. nItTOTro 5... or neon, Wier. Buyer. No. Weight 55,, Huff to Hedges 146 1w 5 ..,., Huff to liedgc, :It Ito 5 '.5 Wa/ker to Liuditiodse 1.2.... 111 ~ ..0 Crawford to Hems, WO SNI ,0 ho o d Orr to Hewer gal he, 5 50 Huffman to Heater . 454 5 bat head Cunningham to Hesser..... 190 425 !omtt Irwin to Hamm 185 6W I html WWII/11MM 4/0 tioaSer 102 sat Lead Johnson to Dosser lit isi sto Campbell tkillesser SW sae f , bead Munn to Homer 444 645 ig bead Orr to Deltrich DO 06 5 CO Orr to.Deltrlch ItO so 512 , Williamson to Loy.. .... no ct, a .10 ! KlOr to 10 93 5W ! Willlameoli to Loyd to 95 lO Hooker to Deitrich On in sOO Fleming to Detrich.... •41 SO SOD . Williamson to Devil - kn._ 199 9.1 545 Smith to Warner 00 103 6LS Heskead ho Deltrlch 197 • 105 11 55 MeNwerns to Doris 156 • 90 sse Evans to Doyle Vti 95 3in nironiED •4.1.111 Or COO 4. Seller. Buyer. No. Are. Enos W Dickerson to Hedges & Co 1 .1 00 Gilebriat to Hedge, 19 1,0 9OD Sherwood to Hedges 20 930 s5O Seymour to Gflehrist .65 210 950 Root to Gchrist 84 . .8.0 500 Hook & Coo. to Gilchrist 201 220 950 Del bto Homes,_ lot 216 sso EllirKB392ll or STOCK. ntranta me Wen( [Mown 4 1 '411 10 04575. Cattte. Hop Sheep. IA 1.1.5, 157 3010 185 *I Philadelphia. New York... Baltimore.... War Pointe.. QM 727 gin vim • sufrowszo casts on crrci. Elder to liaintiouse, 21 Intact of a Prime Penna. Steers, arentging 123011 m, at 9W; retailed name sold Lafferty d. Glom, is hmd or York,teer., mid to C. E. Woodruff, of New twin atm% to nat 7 54; cou i rtney to lilmezt. , a. at 7;C; treen e u 4 awaff ood l EaTten"VrrYoodrnftf,l44l Ls ' prime Collie, at 11112 per head; Quick to Witsgimity. 33 head good lowa teer*. us IWO at 734,• Quick to Have, 111 head we e r i gnl 17,533 at 41.10 i Courtney, to Smith A Co, 32 head weighing 37,6 W, at 7144 Reales. of the Fear reek tiroectir Market Wr - in, nrs .r. r1ia.P.11...i.5.0. 1866. 1 k _sPfuNG or 1866. (From the Commercial List, April 11 ) -__________ ' -_-___-___-- Coffee-The market continues quiet for all 186 6. escrlptlone, prints and choice qualities only being in much request„but }mina rcity of the. precludes Madness , of an nitude. SPRING ARRAbioriormr, 1 ELEMA.PAIVICJi The sales are, 532 bags Rio, per steamer North 7 America, at 14• Xe, in Imnal; 302 do, to arrive, ,- , (BLOOD CURE.) , per I'ller, 15, in bond; 695 do, per Haydn, in , ! This article Is expo/v.ov designed to purify and loth, Al, duty paid; 500 do, In Ilaltlmore, bal. 1 , restore the blood to a health, condition, ley ebb/it anee per Pr inulfreil, 14, In lmml; 400 Maracaibo I and IN) do Perk, Rico, on terms not made pub- MONONGAHELA RIVER ; ,s, ROFU LA and all bite.... of the S4llll am effect. Ile. The stock of Rio In the country Is P 0,3161 1 "ali3 - removed from the system. sold In bottle,. at bags here, 11,000 in New Orleans, MOO in Slt, 30 ren t a and $1 each. hy T,HARLES KiNAP bile, loin In SaVantutli, 500 in Baltimore-to. Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, SIMON JOHNSTON. i bi l e, loin bags. i Sugar-There Ana only been a moderate bu . 1.7 _ _Darner Smithfield and Fourth Streets. Canna ....-, _ sinews In raw since our hint, and, with the break hl gOld,prlees hare fallen 011. one-eighth UNION LINE, II aIURICET'S STANDARD PRE of a cent per lb, the market closing tamely at -...' PAHAT IONS. -- COCAINE- A Compound of Co . the rednetion Refined is inactive, but prices e*i'alti l ' l l l ' Ett..A ta irett e h l ift r Perfnme r.„ ihe 1i . . ) , hare not varied. The sales of raw are 17M Is.-Al-101K-MIT • C4=1,25.4r-Prlirs kerkhl f g '' 1 Ithd4 Cuba at 104,124 cents; 166 do low grade, 7 [treble(. • .. , NA , L ..b.... .. - ..,,,, A ( °smells. for remortny Fr,...Li.., I • loatatrain, Monongahela Llty, Brownavllle, Rh,'" ''Onlit&l.llTAL TOOTH- II ASH-An Elia, tor li 094.• 1814 do Clarified, 13. 401.7%;317., 1,301 lin, n. wu , run three daily ode• wheel steamers between ea, lbx@ll , i; and 150 hdlg idela , lo, T. 14 4 Itp ,, `''• Landing, Liree.horo, trenera and the Dunkard tat r. ASO ALL KINDS Ine 11E4 VI L ASIVICVS. The snook yesterday w 1 0 . fi-moi %, 5 e5 hod., 50 : hi.,u.. Thin line 1./ compote/I uf the fonowing g BURR P! '. ri - BK bx5,10,4„a17 bags Sugar, and fr4s I, lid- NI c la.]. atmonern ' ' C." ' . " l . WATER Tar" Omi lisi..As I NIA( KIN F.HY and RETORTS. " ...Ti n " L eat,ir In g thr r".-,o .o , •• "m ,• ...clat attention Id to ROLLING MII.S. WURILI ln Richness and Delaraey ut Pr than. Molasses-There has eontinaml a ateaply tail I . t 30NAS WHITI:t/MR's. ItEMEI/Y tan Av t 1...... It. ,1"L'A,.,!,.ir0,'„i;,:.ni,-1,,,,., L....,';',/,'"i.V.llals will u+Ar. . detnUnd for home nse, the market remnot dig ~egjt.. Rose ( old, _Hap }et cr. gr. steady at premien, pnees. The .les include , PAYE.TTP . .4 C . ,Eu„, iII:ENETT•s W. ANDARD CI. 4 \'l NI. EX a cal - go of 415 blade and late., c•a h. ma.,ornon, TKLE,,,,.6.1, . . 1.,%7•-i,...-ArunEk: TRACTS -For c.•01/.. tg pl.,•••••.• . used Id Ills Fwund i p .14 . 4.11 .. t i t0 ) , ; . it and I to our ~ ..1., . .V. I Fl T sitingW,!Flh for redoing , at 44 emms ; B, hh,h,. hi hide and ERA IV SIAN . CAPT. 7. Wi CA 1111Ati I A") . " r the ahoy.' wammi aril., " n "at v io. same - . ' r'"" '." i lt '' '' L? d Y 186 hf. do. common 38(4.42., ;VP 1.11.1 t, medium GA LLATI % •.. ( APT I S. CAIILILE. . /' , ,F" . .... r d . she (. .""ir. D r " , ."', 1,•,,,,1.,,. . ..,_ ,, or rke :wv , urLd• 1 , /1/ . 1., And Federal 5r.,.,,t. In the is a•at or a .. , ,IN i.I t • JAI, L. WEER. ta gOrxi, 44650; SO do prime, 3.. , ; It; th.,.1.1 clop, These pa. Lets will Kam Pittburg), daily at ant. ' Mi r ; OM Porto Rico, otfi,s, 4 11104 , µncl J . " but, sa. +nil ht. in. except Sunday. when tbe departuie . M i'.'" • n " ..ctes• nail; ` e A I.LEV STONE WORKS. New Orleans, 971:k, cash. By um:Lion, loa blots i " Vbe b" ti n tr ' u . ;lVPVil. ror the 011yllegi us will leave } G . , EORI:E A. KE.I.LI, new crop New Orleans .1,1 at :...mi,.s. , conta ; Pittaboryi. Jally a rep, m. lirowny ' ville daily at and 75 birds and 45 bbl 4 Porto Ilt. o, &gem. , ~.. ~,. WHOLESALE 11111itrULoT, Mali. The adonis yeshervinm was Ma ot Sal 1.11.?.. ItarraN I Nn-Lear,. Itrowneville for Pittsburgh „forth Mk*, 40•0 do (2111211., A 141.., find NMI icliiii Nei, !sally at 7a. tzL and 6p. nt. .7b. 87 Irood Street, Orleans. Leaves Ureenaboro and Oener• at n oiel.S; OPPOSITE THE KT. CHARLES HOTEL, t Slo on admit C t • at ao• lock Hiee-There is a better) demand, and the Ri 7'` I.. ndinti st 2 P. m• market Is firmer. We noTe fudthel salsa,,. Lens e . ^ g / 3 c . M composed of drat-elms silt-wheel Stautlfacture a • a teat i Ariel) al Ctenh. PAKLOB 'MOO bag, Rang... In Lot. ,M. pr ter.' ;' s teat:nen., built elpreasly for the trade. They will Drdnoll IN and Ine do, in loth, g5,73‘61,1 si, etoet he commanded by odleer• of long eats:Ocoee, who and HEA TIN II s rn,‘• Es, among which are the eaf , will pay partied'. attention to the w MILO .cl emu- Drugs, themicals, Patent Medicines, t.,.. le d A.le g h t.ll 5 ats .1 11....1 tor . int I Cooklvt Sea Het manta market. I fort of pm.ngers. fn.. boat, will leave proMPLI Stores. abr.. the All tocrst and Sentinel. retreats at the hour ...reertiard I=P EXI.M .- Grikaizil.t - ir, wood, and the norlealled Star Of the Empire, fgt. D0g ; ,...1 lso, Arches, Oradea. !ender, Sugar Kettle., Freights Received at all Hours. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, I/ Y EISTC EFS, AL oas and Hulls. IT•r generally. mog • Fur further particul•rn, e inutreuf The Retail butinea4 will he coltinued as equal at IF a. , TNA SiTOTE WORKS. WILLIAM ' McF.LROY, Agent, So. 63 Federal street, and earner ...ruin...and V. der- At the Wharf-Boat, toot of Grain t sL, Pittsburgh. al streets, Allegheny. intraihlyd a. eaanbiF 1.. COLVIN, Arent fettlistud Brown...llT, Pa. J . SCHOONMAKER & SON, I,`OR IrAIRO AND ST. 1.0 Lls. -I h. .pleadid 'temper Loarisig Pittsburgh White Lead Works, IMPORTER. .... l'apt, rt. littlas, PURE WELITE J.P , A T), Will leave fu, the abw, a too all luterm late eta on SATURDAY. April lith. at, P. M. _ ur apyly_an . board or to . a A ot .L LIM, V011L). Agi.l2 ta ._ I,DIt KEOKUK, GALE -a. NAL DUBUQUE ST. PAUL., and AL WAY LANDINtia -The not Uri ' WAIVE: " ' r Capt. It. W. Haltom Will Isa , r i ,' , as anon/ on THURSDAY% at 4 P st. a F p o t r O fr g 1 / I,' A P Clrretre.c !?:L I V 2 bn;:e ~ ~. I? EGULAR MISSOURI 4. L RIVER PACK.ET.-The neer se sendid aide.wheel aleamer BILE, Capt WY. HagLkir,wlll 1.1, for St. Louis. Council Bluff. Annaba City, mad the tntermediatr ports on TUESDAY. the 17t1. Aprll. For ll7'''''qraPtalrngZ..,lPl.llTtitittiLr! l o g eh t 4. ti VII. : 1 1 l 'I K ET- M rr I ° . 1 11- a l LealtriTat ...motel! Bluffs, Omaha City and inter• r .l ' Uli ' SEt a ?f , " Ca t i h n e . IV% rt, ' :,7c . , " :71 . 1 7,!:r.. 1 K,,,A,,,T4 on THIS liA Y, ale p. n.. For freight or puanage apply on board or to For KLACK A CoLLINoWoOLL Agent,. It Foil PACKET s i gW e t WHEELINti, .11ARtrrrA. AND zANESVII.I.I4.--The nut stem. ESIMA I.III.AHADI, Capt. C. It. STULL, will leave Sro tl e above and all intermediate ports evert TUESI,AI ' rt A. ‘ i P .. aui.7 akul'."."‘P.ls.l V ( lairtlV . V i t i lLlZ,A7te ' n ' E l . • N Ka OuLe•M;, April 12.--Cotton active, and Ic higher ; sales, ti. .14 , baler; receipts, 1,00 bales; Loa Middling, 34@3ik, Corn, stlfr, at fsc. Flour, Superilne, $7,37 Osto, 50(333e. Hay, $23. Perk, *2O. lineal—Shoulders, EV, Sides, Tobacco, fair, at 141(16. hegnr, fully fslr, at lAA. Molasses, nomutal. -I2ti,. Sterling Exchange 34. New York Checks. 1s discount. Freights to Now York, Freights to LiverpoJl, ti-Ititrt... Freight. to Havre, 1,4@1),,. FL Loaf• Market. Sr. Loma April 12.—Cotton advanced lft2c. Flour and IF L heat flat (or low grades, and arm and unchanged for qualities. Corn higher, at 69601.7. Pats firmer at 41632 c. irrovisions qui nt and unchanged. Whisky Itmet. at 41,,17'40 2,19. impowrsit RATILit OAD. P1TT611131102, Ft)ili W 441414 & 4:111,4140. IL R. April 12.-9 cars lum, L Lang h barrels refined 011, Barbo ur ber & co; 145 oil bbls .lazu;sl Wilkins 2 cars hay, R Campbell; 2 cars potatoes, L Volgt &co cars metal, Nimick & co; 2 care wheat, J S Liggett & co; 103 bbis doer 1 car wheat, D Wallace . , i car posts, W Richardson carrstaves, J J Rallya; 10c bbls Itour,T Jen kins; ,Yi ice barns, E H Myers & co; lee bbis po latoea, W C Green; 24 bbil .04,1149 43 410 pota toes, 1.111 . 1111:01, L fi Volta ,t co, at do pota toes, W J Mesa; 11,1,1 whisky, A ppie imam a Traursials. 1 C s LxVIttAtIO A PlTTatio aria Rs.. Rosh.-- Aprel I'¢.-1W t•t &our, /1 I.os e 1,,,. . /.. T(' r sh . klustilo hhdstlrdmerto, W aft Rinehart; I box sundries, Muir S. Du vlson,• Pei sks potatoes, 1 . !11.1.1.. 110, I. H Voigt a .o. &Oh feet In miser, .1 Many; 111 hills potatoes. r A Bridle a co; lei carbma, .1 Ira Ill: 120 bids potato., E Hence]. ton; 10 hair MM. herring, ti hleDev Mt; 10 halt Bet, J S pllsrOrth & eo; 8 110 Is, Hanoi th a co; 2 LANs 111,321, 2 bids lard, 0 do eggs, LH Volgt It . oo; 1 ear Iron ore, .lone., .0 Langhlin, n 2 bagsbarley, barley, Z Wainwright; 1 keg lard, It Peet; 17 ; sks rags, Met tillogli, Malt li A co;2 nom er, 2 its., 1 half til Mat u er. Ido maple syrup. I to eggs, Potter, Aiken a Shepard FARM IIIPLEMENTS. l'll - ,laCr Raft. COl. va to, AND, .1111, Iv Ns, It. It i April 19. —I ear vora, Cant Odell a Liman, to , I )i i ti ' fli & SLACK, bhlaeloverseed, I C Maisie, 6 curs staves, C C Smith; 1 Cur 711111 feed. EMI a R Rehm rt, 1 VII/ whoa,,,; ,LI ggol I. it co, 1101 tibia Bow. e. II Hays on hand a Large &Imam:twat 01 Meyers a Co; 1 pkgs bacon, W P Heck ,t to, PM pk es 11.1,, 'lllml - oil, & Lang, Ii 1.11 ,, 001- lars, Muir ,t bar Ithon; 'll p & g ,1110 L .,0 ) . • 1-1 ' Ike 1 1 co. to do do, .1 II Sotathen; 40 do .1.., Watt a Wilson; SS 00 do. LI It!,, 11:111,1 ,t Patton; In , do do, W C000.o; ;14 do Ito, I ooper A et., ALL6na6N y RT oTt ON April 12 —Ai hides, 1 till tut, E Merritt:tan; 1 est . lumber, IV Ito).1, I I.nr nillireed. A Taylor. RIVER NEWS. . - '"A nnivatei SU/STI)REES. Bayard...... M00re.... . .Par.kerslkurg. l'rilitai saint..._.. ciii City. Ik'RESH ARRIVAL GROCERIE. Julia No 2. . coulson... .Zanestile. • sebnis. No i Shore !la.-keret: Peerlex,. Ru5.e11.... 1111 lit Mathal yes du do du ner•airrtiee. . PO year, do do do Financier Darragh New Or Piens sm, tite do do do 50 trlsta. Nu 2 do do Argonaut No 1 Rlehmond.. Cln•lrindal. :Skates. do de do Iln3-ar.i Moore Parkersburg. to bills. No. 3 largo du Leclalre Kelly .011 Lite Whaler. do do do aural; . a... Mira, ire. . so u bids. do medium do Seim, e• No. I Lake Herrin : The rtt er continues 11l recede -tssoiily 131 ' so .10 do White Floh. e Itilg liolnt, though, a. let, there IN plenty of i, , • :::tly s. l ir p.ep o to r l;o f f i ee c. i su .r. Water for steltualmatlng. The wrath., roil- Sy du fair to prim. Cuba tfuglir Unties clear and pleasant, and err> favorable tall Lida. fleeced tiusrrs, to for business, which. we regret to sa3. la not 3,, do N. It Marital:on SI 01....., very active 76 do Porto like do ha .1,. I'ool do Trier, has nut been a single transient arrt val, 00140 •frote the regular packets. The Ise, .1'• broads Nora, from Cincinnati, 'mil the hate planar, slob ig„, g,,, I g,,, , - Iron, 0t.1.,0nt,k, sire among the first. due The 11 iti, ,, co s ~,,,,,,et.e nt „i , a ll ~,pe r i ,„„,i, ~,,,,, Jolla, from Zitneaville, 411/1 the I.en 1 1....1. I no. 11,, osh. 10. hy from Parkersburg, u or. due Inht. ntglit, ..nil .I,llliN I. liollar I ilHoTilElts. will klonbt less he fouod in port thm nmening. 1,. . , Comer water sod torkithrleld sts . _ ' The Argonaut, for Ot. I.ook, and the Finite -1-MltilliNtlil'E CO‘iffilitfiNlNElPT tier, for New Orleans, left last eveing. The I ~,,,, ~, " , ~ ~,,, 5,,„,, ~,,„1,..,8 ' latter hunt had a I ery good hind, ha, In,: tilled Igo ..,,':,., P g r ,... " j,'„,, :' ,"„ z i --- - -- ,r,., -- -. yesterda) and the di n t Ih•for•• 0 Itlt timeinna, eat nolie• (lode o chi......• freight. The d l elitil al.. had on 0 leen., I :. do ries Maple 5..,.., be .1,, limped Pea, he. t rip ;t :o A e i l , u ,. ..l i i i , i , g ., • , 1. , , , r , 5.:•; ii ,, iiT i. 7.,,,,•,•?, 1:,.,-..,...;-;•trte,,,r..,,. . .1.. d.• ...m.0.., no d., Iles-ma •Irattgea Nov and Univ.. v. r• 11." e. I JIM six.n. nti-itlliers a. , 1,. Lemons. 0 lIIM. compelled to tie lip snort ly. Telegram. a, ht.. horgln,,•••. from 11,1 tin. ris-rlai report i.til I hirly.t.o I . d.. Stir rielor. I 31 that poli,l Lo.d fail it., 'fbc I. tilde to hoses cabins: and Peerltera arrived, an 4 the LerilittTo olti• Sii bins, prime Dr/e4 •pade., partni. 44 du Sr and ,l 4 Dried l'eaches Tile Importer. (.apt N 0.0., IA 1111111 i; up i ap- 22 pkgs. Applh Hotter, lally foi ••••t I.oilla, and ii 111 dill/M1...A.10v seieli i ,„.., ii,d laciii lhuuth7 Sr" d: Hotter and Egg, dolly recto ea by to lake her depart Ore t.ll Saturila3. ..‘ eillng (shall , i kicirta, She boa excellent acentilm , sta i ton- for No. so Liberty .... 1. revisers . - ~..- ... • - --- The 13clus are, Cant It N. Marton, is o*os SilliNlUUslEas on the lot for the I ' pis, Iltine.inulitipl. itri.l .1 11 . XX. Grow prime Goshen Cheese; tie reads- to take her departure on at Ord !, • moms New tort 1/rted Appirst sti 4 3... t. Lord Peaches, quarters: The Kate Robin .nt, linpr. IEOI.. Robinson, ,d uck. do do haled; ~, Oiling lip .liiii' l ). rill Nll,olll'l HI ier She 6•.. tan,. New Tort White (teas will be followed by the Nile, Captain W. B ..5...: bola. 174 , z472, ,..,„, ; ~,,.. The Slicer take 0. , I, Of iiilleisaLli 11.11 d ihtll • W. jika jo sod a ash, /line, arriverl Al et 1 , 1u1.. !torn Pit t %burgh :1' hilts. Mang.tiMail On Tuesday last. i 04 do Wilde Links The I.oulsyllie I na,ser of Tuesday. con- I 1 '2,r1,.,F . a,: i ", : , ~...-, , ~.: „ ' tains the 10110wIng Item., i 7, '1,7 - - iwica,"ii:°g' The tow-limit, Alps atd Mary T both as- , 0, ..... N o .. , er a,, a1a,0,..,,, tended the tali, yesterday morning, en route 01 half tibia. N 0.2 do for Pitt•burith Each had a fiert of empty ! WI bbls Poteloya, barges itt tow, which were warped up through oltihre And for sahib,' the INITIAL The Argosy arrived from New Ctr- , ...s leans yesterday 0 Itti a cargo of Turk's island raft, tome It SOP bags, for this Market. That, welielleve, is the first recelut of foreign salt from that quarter allme the war In former tittles the bulk of our Liverpool - and Turk's Is land salt came in via New Orleans The tow-boat Wild Cat came In from Putts burgh yesterday with a moderate tow of coal, and the Sam Roberts was over doe The Reindeer laden trona Pittabergb with a heavy tow of coal tiliti started In company with the Wild Cat, the pair having 174,01 e hush of coal. 710• Calton (says the Linconnetk Oa:rite, 01 Wednesday,) arrived from Pittsborgh,yester day niunking with a full trip for the Missisoippl, whither she alerted In the eve ning without receiving or discharging any freight here Tft A VF;LE-14S , GUIDE 1 irrl rat and Departure of Trains. retina, 'Valuta Central Railroad, Deg.orre. Ars-teas. Day teprea...... 2.07 •in Innil .... • .. 1 . 60 are alterona Aeouni•n 7,30 am rani Line .. .... 2 . 40 • to V i llillelti Exp.. 2 , fin • M./ . t Wall /Leman 's, 1..... M• nu 1110 a rnPerin A r•st Inn 1,. 7:to a ta ntli'l. MiPttan... 4 . '0061;2d 'Wall Ancona .. 6ln a in Johutttearn Ae`n. RR) p in , JOhnirt`n Anew. 9:65, • ns krkdri .... ...12t tglt , ,Atgol: 1 1 "::ift: p°: .2.1 • • • • n. • m , IKI Wall Aemst p ... 2:W pm 34 • • • • 4:60p 504P411 Ns Express.. 2:05p so Mb Wel'. doll. 11:02 pax' Lc an's Aen Na. '.' .00 p na Peon we'. No I. 10:50p M[ Altoona Accom. The nbaret: rrala I la Etnigt Tea1n...10:60 p :11 Walla . ' Mallon every tlunday at D:l4 a at.: returning. le. Pittsburgh at Wilelinth Columbus and Cincinnati Pepart•. Scrims. fast L.lnr .. . 2:60 • a: put Liao doll 6793 a la Rad C0pree..,..•,.. 2:211 go la Lipreaa.•.... . itoubentille •04, deabrnelde 'ire .o.n:oda:ten , 4:14 pen corondetralon ..16:10 • in Pilllhbllntli. rt. Wayne and Chicago. gene.. a a preaa-44"1 alnl2 p . ..... .... 2do It in Capra. ...... .... do pns L;pr r e ' rl: . ..... .... II:13 pln tior4s6 . .. lt.o pet Cap....—. .... 3:21 pen , 7 :13a n: Mall ..... .... ... . 4:13 p a: Wheeling iiiPv. I.:111 6. na Near kididoten AeColninchlatlon teat,. Allegheny l i egt.at e r a i l vo li: ! . 14 . :ri; : 2 = 1, 1 „,4114 . 5.4 . 0 t tn i,;: tar, 105110.0.'in.t.. Rillsvllle. 3120 p. in. P. ' ' Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Wheeling. Departs• geriere. lIrrIl: ''''' ITO; l'il:fa:: 3.nlp as 9:13 p ta Nall 6:23 • In E.x press MU a ns IStatitnntMlle Accommodation leave. Allegheny at ' P . t Pitimburalt And (Mame. Marne. Depart.. armor.. Ma 112. 0 a so Mall 8;00 p ta S,i pre.. ...... .... Mn* p ni F. lore., 10:00 a to W. Newton Aell LW p in; W. Newton ae•ri e:ao a m it McKee?pon.. BIOS • m•lat licKeemport.. tan • m 2. ' —lO4O a mlil .. TAIInm Braddock's Neu 4flo p ni!Braddock's Ac • o 11i4,8p m Marcia Train.... IMOp ml Church Train... imso a m Allegheny' Valley Railroad. DwPorWs sum 11:45 a m r i gpa rrasMlles, 11 :CO a m Gapresa SOO BAL Man 8:10 to accommodation. lilt pin dopommadation Loam : ritteinirgiti and" E e Railroad. to Oil Qty 4W Fneeddln. Myer. I Departs VI: 1 . 119r411 . 1 1 Z14 . 11" 4°. V E rlr ".. "" ayno an bleago. and Beaver Water. areorsimalllo Ro s t-Alrant suilVater Stn. ''..tirteas. . I Depart, m Itainetinjtraye i , M Hl.l. Z arr N 1. 6 'M P m 1 1 . 4 .Cer. t . . natter litakea..fie. 3 Rt. Elan. agreed. Angara. P. tr allifiZientatatiLliai!t i i *m r" otel Amiga,. • I Depart,. • ' M.A., a. I • . (3.00 a. to --• 5 XCEtSIOR OMNIBUS*, LIVERY STABLE, _ . LLIIV In 7 0 7 . 2 :5 V 9.; , ,75, tier vo PENN STREET JAMIEII DAIS & SON, Proprietors. i !,t tiat:aILIJKSFX AND emunA4ll4.ll9pOstied for all lalna. at (iltavlates 11.1Fouara161 AVotkliaa,l4V. ' , trlD/47.1114.1f1A rildlTT. '""' ' rate.. STA.• . . _ nderalgned T u ..t door bdo. bur - street,'" IbrigerpeiCe. A:M. : BROWN, =l=l ATTORSE r.A.? LAW L ) VA-.-11 ESIOL.. /11161L111. , hAyo remored their 41V,p to No, lASI Frail t, opposite Wliklns Hall 3/1-- Mogi:NU al ACHINAs HORSE HALE ciTR• W t.,IJII9'E Mo. inid 30 Ohio ItL. Al!eaten, V lb bbsy pique •L rabbarrlos. 60 brill Mortar. Uraorytty. 60 •• Pathway° do SO • ' Levunts; dl barrels Tandy.; 711:j . ; di• oed eray Buelmyrt-Potaloost 1 , ar load PotabScs. :100 buybyta trolooy la awry and for yale by eu ,Imek2tr• Pickles. to tali; cholas Navy 8e.,,.; 34 • N•w led rr.e.t.ko, Cut sod Dry Toone:it, 100,000 Clears. allirades. In store and fur rale low to the brute by nini3 iiii&S. I friLtiLitY, Oil Linen; i i6 : II OOWPIENTS. blessena Urap 43 du do Lemons, nto boa ran. Fresh Peaches, du do do • Tuniots, noel. Dried Peaches -oil to., 0 bbia. lowa Unions; 610 do prin.. Green &pylon; 00 Cane kilning roles To armee end .or Isle at MI/Liberty tttttt . rtrrTzu, half Obis. ifew rott,3llfle.rig., 1100 tiairtfitinliio. ror le 4 * do ( (Pi? ". UL—ao bbla. - No. I Lard Oil; •. " I do du lbix ra k Crook Lob 00, iNstore and fur sale by ' bi1itip..3343.11. & milt; d& tl god 10•Wntr r .lrcet. OLD COPPER niplitAnS. his., I boxes and pipets Copper; 3 001 4. and I box Bracer , Now landing from steamer Potomac, for salabr _ lAA TILB-40 trails new Dateiri received and fur sale by & No.. Mond lb) Wood au . 9.03• al 6 . P .1 1:10 a En mhe SOAPS-200 Infs. ColgatePi Patin.. Hooey. Uproar/tie, Hotel mod I a iltl Nova, faeel Vora and for sakUyinit A litiLESl:iiii*LEBll RECEII THIS DAY. --I elloltee - York at lineett Apples. now Stare and for Bale by mda 1.. 11. VW. el. • 11/ halt barrels prime Roll; • ID bole* do do r . Tor Gala by (mhZll) J. B. CANYIEED. u UTTER--la half Able. dusk e D Holt Ilutlerfusi received And tol . sale by FETZER a Altblerrißoriti, Corner of , laaraertaatt /Irst sine, rrtu iebehlEgitsjusl re , calved and for pato by tab rznin deAIeMBTROML 95 Corner Market and nut streets. (1081 IEI. CEIEESE-100 liza. Sirs! uothoo os.catifitirrs!ronttritt . 24ablberty at Trot • AATUITIIif LI3IE-100 Kula. Man nanntlle Lime in itogrlaireA, No. 1.24 Second II ...L. SARDINES --bp 9nes I.li and. sa oases hr [ads liartlines.ht vrivaL, 'no* . ?le rt , l bittlaS atePLIVAla:i cittrieTe pbile Beans rectlVaillaul formai, tor . . - , , -liettAßM AtiAii/Sll, mists no. Lit Second street. SEED- •' AMP-a= :-POTATOES -23 Obis. note Jersey Sweet Potatoes terse, d, now In store and toe rale be mpg, volat. • am dth- W TZFR C j.EEEEL 7, bes etre lbs. gxrA CM*, Smetxrtireltls3N tor' dionMit4 R A , P l,ll%;nitit:7l, --- cyfkrioe on npv _ i0.44.111441_,#f0 tAATEn EGGS-7b bbisht fresh VolciT VThE OLIVE 0114724 icantOkAinarit ra , Mid pint Mille de Anit Often a wart choke article, roc fate by REY/11.61t , kicapr-- , 20 - hism. Hams, slat OUGHUM-100 °red to wire Cud ibr fut• bY L. U. V 013,. i BLUE LEAD GROUND IEOI4 VIAL PAISTIN OIL BARRELS, 147.0. 08 larcac;cl Elitzreet. KAN UFACItRERS IIbTRIT4 WOR IK S. TIGGII H. ROLE .. 1.L.,1 I, NELSON lITLI - LE7I OPR, ! HUGH M. BOLE & CO., EbililNg. BEILLEH AND IMACHINIST, Laeona 1 POUNDERS. EN4LNE BUILDER, AND MA , CRINISTS; Manufacturers of t•TEAMBOA I F.. 0. alreet between Federal and Sandusky Alleateol BINEs, iiIL WELL ENCilti LOOO3IU YIN 1., et, 't... .I,our not O„, „ r t,,- 0 1 ,... 0 1. perENI for C oal Works , all kind., Land and Marin! . i'. , • POWYABLE OSCILLATINti .4TEASI BRUIN IC ll NES. made to order. Shafting Pulley., 1, FL,. the well earned repufutluo of the Manager Hoo.trin. of .11 .100..tt. .[le a ded to • frl . l, Mr. JAMES hi ELSUN. we hope to neeure a liberal ahare of patrol:mg t • from nleamboat builder... li.l '''''!''',.............. others naming good niseliturry. tiu• /11111 WM tl," OIL WORKS.' • do all 1,11 1 to the be," lim.itrr for. talr cowrie... , tit..aunt° do It In 111.. time we Any. All klnd• 14 t.An11N1..... 4 made 10 order. lirLml/ Inn Alschlurry 'WOOLDRIDGE OIL RLFINING pruniptly attended to. to ran turn a Shaft 3. - . feet lung, aini bore or torn a Pullev 20 teet illamoter. 41.-.-lion on 11.1.• opine Wa y hear the Point "...try 1 111 tided Arett. near Market, Pltaiborali• Pa. sy!“titd ARSENAL GLASS WORKS, MODES, RYRIE & CO., -- -• WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILI.E Ilanitracture n or 111,ACK mid UHEEN li I. Arts I 'ioVY'n, . 9. c! " ttlr i :ll:2l V e-"k is ili lri I PIT. I l i u t i iTil n k.Vl r ' : ()Mee, ,io. 2 Duquesne Wav • 9 , beLW CVIS Smithfield sad drool ••lrects. Plashur a li Penna. - ! We warrsot our Waresto be superio r to any num- ; (boar Suspensio n Bridge., ii i ractur e d west of the llountaina. A i way. on band. liztrt laameare of th e above descripti n . All in dere . MA NW , cc TUREIts or p[tRE W RITE iztiltr . i i tded to, Particular attention paid ta , n"'lr ' I3 U.II.INIINC4- ()IL. SZ SEVERANCE, No. bS WATER I • ~ .t• STBEET, Pittabur,h, maxitifeetur er of RUILSIi ! Brand—"Lunifer." Iv WETS, W RUUO UT SPIKES, common and rottroaa : every desorlptlim. .Icular eased Or shaped Spikes and Rivet s , 1, ' Thls Oil corm° he excelled for burning properties, or •Bioll, Mode to order at •ho r t cotta:. A good as . !Millie or E re test. and ta put up In well seasoned bor eal-Intent constlittly on bond. reit!, imitable for 11091 E USE, or EXTORT. Km— ! UKII3I sOLICITEIt. ill NI. I. COI.LI Xs 0 ... W.ao ar , lal ttecrmes —John IV4O. Robert Lea, Ueo. ack, i !OLLINS & WRIGHT, Brittaikin C. B. Herro, C. L. Csid;rell .B. C01n... J. W. V Brass and Sliest &fetal Worker., Brlttanla Cm i orter. Wan. Wllce, W:C Carroll. tors, Carbon and Lord CU Burner., arid all dtrtere • 5'. 2 : 6 ..' . styles of Brittortia need by Ohms id•ilittaettinery ! 0 . a. wa i r ico Orders promptly filled. No. 139 SECUN D STILES w, AitiN ti & HIN D , - '-'"" "' - ' 7". psi I alm rgis. Vele... =1 HAT !LAKE'S, 5=7.8. COMMIssioN MERCEIANTaI, NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. AT D AND. IN BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC PETROLEUM ITS PRODUCTS (OR DottiLei F ' t ' 11t. N,r. S.I.,,ryI'ENNENVia, SPRING x"-A-- 1 ,,„, t „ tm4 eici „ ; „ 4 4 the ,„.„ ,„„,r, Patent, BONDED II A REHOUSE OF' WESTS, BRIDLEY CAR PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Chomberii,niol 79 tto r.'" of IMIEr° and Bsrrlyon Mak"". WM:MP -32-C1irt...113... Each Hoop Is composed of TWO attoly temper ml l , ;4/k.l.oef oOrtaaa, braided tlghtty and Aral" toroth., ''. Tent. and U ."... ~..., etrfular , t rt,10,,, Jorto p Igjlkfir B.,T h itiSNtiEr . a,,.] t,....., ! !intro, No. tal ft ICA VIM STAILET , New T.. . M 1 111.. tii, •;11•• eprl;zes 1.74 :;11 1 ;:::: ) ' ;:,-T, ' • '''. L ti.. v.. their grille...ft...a. yr illig, "tm,. th/re .1 -' l', oar ' ' t . . C'N . ...... 4 n ID - dinst7 ilitr;• vrill ha,. h.ro throsep away. as 1M0h , ...•. - la fact, for ttre promenado or the /ow., 11.0 church, theater or ear thoy are artim•lot to all ot, 1m5.,..77a o,mo I sm.. a ore, that roatroar, wItaILITY 1..1 MAINO• - - --' ---- ......-13C1 I'ILC.3I- p. Mr, with that E.Larsaft... td. M.,. ve Men has toa.le i the DLTPLICX ELLIPTIC THE STANDARD SKIRT CLARK & SUMNER. Works !and Wilco, Collins Township or thr fashionable wierld. Merchants wilt be supplied . above and by ill te r h , t ,„. „ y ha , , thy „ v ., y sph y ity i h t hy hhh „. burgp theta and ladle* 1➢ all the prat-rises relall 1 L,.). The brand stands tbe highest In this countr) our,. in this Mts. Inquire thy and In Europe, !or quality •nd lire tr.. and Mt!. ~ 1 ., • i, put to well seaweed barrel., prepared espeetau Bradlej's Datoict Elliptic t , tin. ; r 0,..,.. I Manufacture. of BOILERS, STILLS, TANkI.3 rea.tntee4Z Imprneed Dosing 'Trade for 011 M elle. delOtly kSUPERIOR Oil. ENGIMES. ALL STYLMS or TUN CELtlikAl EU DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT AT L(, EbT RETAIL Hit E,. EiL.IOT.A.=,,A3ZPZIt.Ito kluppllod . by the doweb .1 love.[ AMC R Vat taIitLISLE, 3.0 .1/11.1744 ta- ("cc. frltsodioull J. B. CANFIELD, lfl and JD FBA: ittrea Aria - SALT MMVIIFACITRING CON P 4 5 V WILL HOT MaYII.III9ELEI, If J. STEEL a SRO" S , a lit Third Sarolt 9 ulNLurei• of trot, Psansirl v.l. Sall Mara. het l .lll2ll Co, Ortice Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne 11' a 186 6. HATS, CAPS AND 1866. Ertiretw ,GrCoc:ociis AT WHOLESALE. AIctetIRII iehr..CiD • 1.111 wool, STREET, Ask paals.ulsr aftsfuton of vt) UNTI4 V At SR- OilA ETIS . to them ItisfERSE-S,TocE s rfti N 0 /LAPS. SS,. shish thor WITA,RELL AT aRE 1T- IrEDEtEIi Mrt . 14eD cf..f. J. B: bins. SMAR.TICSELIF: (Yr SCHOOL, No. 12 Isabe ll a Street. Allegheny.. near St. ( . I.ple n etr i reet dge. Toe and). Increasing patronage bestowed on this velathilainnent the rrlnetp,a en,aesa herftgahoolltoOm to doable he size and a. it note glittlifttrlV:lf'47Vllrt.thrtcr,""? "".'"""' It Is Tont,/ Ladle§ tec.urthl far Inatractlon In all the 1. brabell•Woat nound and pall te education. Thn rn Is THPIWI.IIIII, I Nile ItENTI tl and 11/511'134M TY-Irate—A little more that half of those usually of 0 lentil Neplierrork. • ..141.64401:7:10:12:14:111 Dp4soLuTioiv. • • ifli Ilan of of TrEllflitii'M GETTY is dissolve/ nY mutual consent. to slate from AprilirlamapiN A.N. - - - H.. P. tiILTTY. ,The hod - hese of the /Inn will he tett et! al the old stand, 05 Ohio etreat, Allegheny City. To retiring hoot the above thin I respectfully. so licit n continuance of the patronage so ittN4l-!!" " °, !ttrah l gt. I D - 51 ;TVG"; HOTEL 0...,108..J. N. WILLARD ..1/kO, A a nanaldi. LILLARD HOTEL, opooate the Court M.O. .T..crtrxtero l a lll . 33.. "X , ~ Jae; aaladdattd:llealr tilted and farnialied. aplawWain.; WAELATIDI CO.P ld roprler _ RFrELA__ teikinpfrs!..prio,Voll3ll NONE V. By baring your Old Table W.. 0 W [TB BUN KR. WAITYRB, YUltlirl ICS 4 P4 T. 41 9 , !!!Lbterigr r ea l o si toa A i ND w EAR 'V! Isit.WAVICLI'' Or DZI.VGEt F.. DRAVIITIN OPFICA L. JOBTILS; Aireßstirtkrtho-Nortg- A 4k 4- .rxhabseiriiit Amertesdaneor veinniv i lew m o w ei di. thiar s ford Insuranoo ropantto, o • WAT Lim- • ° 141 in At siittan secretary ot ki• r. lintide•Zallint itutotor tbe'VArlirlirririvaPWs colugia! Olio II lie. Min amt. it" 9 13 u HATS, CAPS. &o EDUCATIONAL, Dis*xurrioiis Hai FORT PITT FOUNDRY IiANUT4CTORKR9 OT HEAVY ORDNANCE, ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Ott Ice nd\ p " o p rj . tar , ta oo s e , 1 1 1.11 r t y 41.00.11 A. BRADLEY & ci) Illanufactore every varlAy of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATINO STOVES Aluoug whirl( are the celebrated EUREKA, TROPIC and TALISMAN (Coal Storm) PUMAN A. VET ERAN and I RONSW ( Wood Cook stoves.) Alas manufactur e GRATIN, GRATE PIIONTS, Ate. lica, am( Warehouse, comer of Second nod Woo ((trout., Pittanurah. Rntrance ou Second ttrea. 44:1ya0 IJENN Alachtne Works and Foundry VlP r iglat3OciLeasok, o niax= 6 .aralr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. irialvs'irj:r,:7:ll.!,•;"..d Storage for Refined Petroleum, ornc. IN rirmautioe—z4 wooD STREXT lie perlor et •reele unntrnoUng, and le keep en bnad, of QTT• 3111.1Vila-MICSMIB Win EMI A CPIIO O UMW! BOIJAI II :07.1:1°4 •Tin= 42 : 1 1.;Tilikt241.i n m. CO ivont PURE WNITE BURNING 011. (ionstantty on band and (ox sale AT TILE LOWEST WARRANT RA TES a t GAZETTE! ft J. H. PI•WYEIst AIREs vv.-mu 4r "°D !nuts r. BtiORLIN ♦ND D.ALZII IN CRUDE AND REFINED 0118, 4tivo mock, Daquemue Way, Plitaburigh MISCELIAA.Ny. De of lroir epeelL l atteratu eum d u , liven to the ale end }kzire:46, 6 v'"=l: not.m. A InEm ERWIN & CO, MANUFACTUREIL4 UP with Foreign and Donsaitto OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. • Con lel Ildstalbc.ert J ENN f:re.77 , 1#13/10/1. . ' No. I T. CLAIR ST., Pittsburgh, I forwaNlni Roth COMMISMIIOIIII nerelbant And Araler Illurutsattlm% Ltibrlenthm cruse Petroleum Oil., &e., eon/multi) , on hand me ror sale At the loment market priers. Constirnmeni And Ordure eolletted. 007 Ale LEGAL. ... _ __ 1 . ____________ _______ . A LLEG lIEN V COUNTY. ss.—ln the -..... /natter of the semtant of David Chess et al, Ira. : cotton? of Mart Stirling. deeemted. A; No. 1: - . 3l•reh Term, A. D., MM. And now, to wit: Amu lilt, , D. Int., on mutton the Coon appointed W . 4 U. It AW6.I tin, Jr., Auditor tit .111.1 it th e ace..., . Ulacovaing the Imam: topic:. of the day --plintadOil and inatto dl66lnitton. DT VIA COtlu'r. fro:nine Iteeuro. W. A. iii.anom. Clerk. • The Mitt tor,abov e named .wllLment the barite. In terentee . , flar DT purpose °this appointneni. at ht ace, 60. 56 tomtit otteet, Clitsburan, or: tiA , I • DUDA Y, Nay 11th, A.D._, INS. at a o'clock, r. m. apalawliwit W. U. DAWKINS, Jr.,Andltor. AI.I.EG HEATS' COUNlir — o ,as.—iii ilie matter of the foal acetnnalpf .1 UN lleCAßlitt. one of the adrolnletratOr. of WILLIAM BELL de- 1 e.uoa.ln to " :4: '4l;er ) : itl b Arirtil EPA Lli E I JI . : it: . °I". izitc r ial a t=l:ll , l l % Art audit d the aerount nod mak, "In"' on tl'Y 'l7firliArr?‘ W. A. HERRON, Clerk. From the Itcon.l. RrThe s i n d eglAngi:l4l,4l.,rl a s p: : 14 h"iiTitis Plttabtlrgh on T e dRIBA Y. Balch 27th, MC, at 2u • l och, P. 22., ' when and where all parties Interested may attend. mbiltlantwil SAMUELP,AI.III6I27AudIto2. AA Ix]EtuntgkrY COultiTy s' Court held at the Cit ; sa Pitioh .—At au to oI a nd C. ttalmus et, rl. No. yf December TW.'.'il,llll!!..aPligfftlelitiVtidllor indit the exec)/ Bons. BY TUB COIIIIT. prom the nerord. 'WIC A. BERRoN, Clerk. (crested The kiwillor store awned will meet this honk.. of.airslitiesgpiosh orbit ,apholuttlieht, at his 218111 HAT Uk. Artfoletizot i Pittaburgti, on the li..llAWfahir. at 1a°,10,72' P. N. W. tuti.lailawawi/ _ VILVADIUTO WS - NOTICIE.= , --firftiiice id Pe e gi b ibriViLettli- l ' Aiioubr zitritlinVar r i, i.v t 'ol r dereignett. All persons having claims ;Titian said t_tita to AL - EXAND H. M " " Tilt 1171111 ml4E4.= Executor, Mouse, I t s. 1.00 , 1019: . _ . I G ARDWAIIECOPPIII, Agent r ‘• • ;he Ir maklLlA'ApAlelthis an 4 Baitimera W. OO O la. FEI '1866 NEPHEWS GAZETT GREATLY EINL4RG Otherwise Improved DIMINUTION IN THE PRICE. MORNINGIAZETTE Will be Furnished to farriers at thEATIY REDUCED PRICES YlTTAnnitOn. November IS, Mt Dn. ICATnini—Although not au itd•actiteuf ral4nt kleniCinea, in general, It affords roe ple.tire hide seribable to recommend Tour PEI:IA/DAL MYR'. P. AA • medicine, it is Well Worthy the sttenUon of any Lien.. awho It )) In any manner he adllcted It cougte, colds and hoarseness of any kind,aud for um peen tar qualifications for removing all that dies grecable senution attending a severe cold. I have been, more or less In my Ilfrkinfrect e d • tin I the revered of colds and hoarseness. Al times throas *wag olcowniatzcalonssdb aa i t i o n ore4trit my . oc7h k e i tto n vei;;rup IL veould relitTve me ffitirely ' .. " In recommending Ulla medicine, I must ouliesli a , tingly say that It Is the best remedy ever ats li, ra I o n& t i t c , ti r r , n . t , h4 i at r in ,r va. ,li t e o .. • Soar ' most JON , I Cashier Citizenal Depo e. sit R k atli. tFIFTEEN CENTS PER WERE. I 1 ha•e seri '4 ,lVi '. . U T:Te ' v r ; la ci ' u h g h l: el i v * r r i ' l ' is ' L . ; evert I'a ever taken. .1. CV PitiCa. DISPATCHES Delivered to Subscribers Leading News Centres RELIABLE MARKET REPORTS, PRIMED MIAMI roe ill Newe, UZ=l CORRESPONDENCE, ita_lrrokti .A_l-_.St CLEAR PAPER, NEW IND Min TYPE. EMI= irrEE GAZETTE NOW OLAMI TO BL 'l l l:lo.Qheapest and Best , NriIiVSPAPER 4161.: .14f, , irerittayttanics. -.- , • 1 A l '•• " • IT 1111SONABLE IWO& PITTSBUR C AND Lea s t a-w 4 . 4 y Ifo*oin-i ; BZ.Z3ZI 1^;31 WZIL4O l llilt .EL.N3ZI Wit/ Cute Dreier/ Or. Keyser's Nerqous Antidote win Cure Twitching °rine Nerve Dr. Keyser's Nenous Antidote WM Cate blerequi lieedeaL Dr. Keyser's Remus Antidote Will Cure Hemel Crump at the Bo Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgia. Di iioisees xervous Anildoie ivin cur. Neural/riser the Vac.. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will elite lieorejiin or tko Keyser's Ner vous Antidote - Wlll Cure Neonates of the Heart Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote 'Willenie,euralglait the Liver end Volt :Ude Dr. Keyser's Nirvous Antidote Clere Nextralite ileactAebe Dr. Keyser's. NOVVfiliS Antidote 1- 7 1 .* U* Rfrit Th/sr" 1 LT,. liejseir-,#-Neqpq. Antidote' • WiD ektre Pair:lrian an/ pf I Dr. Keyseiti Nerioaa 'AMMO* Win orrestfopair OrVillt.rtnvatth.limi• Draeyseit NerretaugdotiL _,..-74)190ura T r eurae .4 l YrtntiZzeemilte Drink. Dr. Keys,er'Alifievlins Anqotp • ' Cu,.- Hypoebotivirtute. Dr; Keysers • rtissitolia «itit DR. GEORGE R. REIMER, lEavood soma, ptittablerigh..ai.... CM =IEEE MEDICAL. 8 66. DAL ikEvskiims Pectoral Syrtp CURLS CONSUMPTION tiront•hiti o a- CURES COLDS, Cure ea .Asrtli XXI a CURES All Diseases of the Lungs StltTreeVllZl"l-71 " Ult. Lit PIY-r.mt, u•ry II A.A.. • pia Jaa.yean•—al, lt.. h been.lblesed .. lib .• bad cough and dllbculty of breathing for flee or *la years, which, for serer. ye.. back. had gradually In in el./rove. The comerlaini haa been her , editary, and she had been treated by .veral phy sl p°racglr'elh.Tm",.*,'.'/Tr,V.PE4 4!oVinNiuociiiVijtjtV 1 besight, ihe drat time • Orly re bottle. lale' 'treed her eery much; ' I then called and got • dolla. °tittle. which cured her entirelyone has noel U 9 trace or the former disease. excei.l ...nets. I would also state that I used the medicine myself I ..1 a cold and cough. The medicine Mired ine byte* nom one du.. I el.press my entire inakfaction With li. medicine, Ana v 0 , 1 , 1. are at her ti 4,... bush this. you deadre Alderman. Fifth Ward — T "7::t" ~ ItkAD 1 11 E TRUTH .-I\re daughter who has taken several medicines fora ii.A. cough Without benefit, among them A rer's Chefre Pectoral. I purchased Alan you • f wt... of your Pectoral Syrup. and before .Ie bad used half a hol.• de she al. relieved. The Aecouil bottle cured bet entirely el her ..0110 h . .1011 Y: DARIN, Robinson sireet, Allegheny. A IitIMATCUItE DPrrntlsCß.i KEYsI tOII, netClc s ,lots, 31, ISM. Ilae . in u Peeldes ~,,, Alleahen Ze l. " it ' f l l . l and eight tooths. I employed It, best physleistia In the count,. and Iny C. g unahaled Stall early In thlothr. At that lluiv I was advise to try )onr ih,toral I '4.1, I/ 01 1 dish n. after I hod ink.. ,npll htih. ••s entirely free nu! t lb e e t toucan lu, this valuable remedy will do fur others what it h. 5% dine my r /Lat . . JOHN C. 1..117L/S, !tuts+ . 11. K. Kahn. Peebles township. PsTrot: Tows/antep ril 14, Ph, A IV tiNlittit lIL CI: Utoi neighbor of Mille was se,y 11l whit r coast ry ( which ere one supposed to be curiae iuptittu. 111 relatlve,s told me that he liml taiteu every reinc.ll they hedrd of without benefit: his brother came le lihn die, and all were confirmed lu the belle, that he could not Ilse. 1 bad a t the third of • hot Ile. of your Pectoral syrup, which Kate suit It en tirely cured him , to the astonlsinne lit of all. Wbat makes the case more remarkable. Is tae e tremn ng a of the man, lie tieing about eighty years old. 1 have of doubt the Pectosal saved hit I h. Jt 11c13114 • . lift. K ingit tt PECTORAL...SYRUP IN II AI an. V Li-E.—Plea... to toe another supply or yourt al uable Pectoral by rep. Almost everybody around ea hao the cold, .0 ,1 arc enquiring for Koyaer's Pectoral Syrup. — We harejsßild alzteen botUe. Ilia ast week. and are now entlrrilv oat. Mr. A. Altar and Mr. I'. Maher. both of Blairsville, Pa., told s they would net be without it la their to t a it fart, all who use it once want It again. 'tours, Jespectfully . , J. S. arraxaoN a SON'. January 30, 100. COL. PILAIT ais tt pit. I'EI . TOII CI A L SYRUP.--Iln. Kay slall—L , ..ar sir: Eimer the dr lay of acknowledging We excellence of your l i eet,ra Saoliroru.sal lake grant pleasµre to rwy oul of toy cough, and the worst one I wax ed ever •wlet ed with. II hare not Owed more than une_n g if og bottle, and I can and do wish that. all who are allele, ed would give it as fair a trial as I have done. a it they will he proud to say, lilt la nu gonna wediein medicine. wuld not suffer another such an attack for •ti onside-ration, or at any coot. I ant CUPtldent I ea t 1 reathe more freely than ever did. I Shall Ala aye acknowledge n dead of gratitude for inventing so excellent a retried). Pun are al liberty to use Ipy name in this regard as oo Clint PEr.Oloutr. PRATT. 51.erslyor I onomon , PtliSarati, I a. N. EL—I am no stranger hoops((owy f ellnkr . citixelle, sun all who entertain ileubts can finnan. rue lieneattallY• E.P. I AIIitYKLIE.II NEW CERT/PICATX.—Dn. BEN'S PECTORAL brill:PP.-1 had beam troubled with a cough and cold for !revers! went—ao had a • t that I could not sleep. I had the Bil Vice and pie. trip tlons from three of the be" Pla • kl• I .n• in Iha city, whom could won,. bat Yr. n0r.,., !,. I lir procured a bottle of I net.n•al eared me entirely. (311"".d4 0._2.11.1berty January em, TRATCOUGHINIi."—••Iiow can I dolt," Go to Iteyr`s, on Wood street, and get a bottle of hi. Cough Pectoral, sndt don't care you, ;rift case must be desperate 'l ndeed '' Plata is • specimen of the colloquy one bears every day in cold-catoung periods of the year. And we can. Trom actual to rimetat, cheerfully concur tr i ede adviser'. admoni tion al above, for we have the "Pectoral," is • most stubborn cue, with entire success. freer two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the most distressing, contrary multat, urumbduabl• coughs we ever experienced since our advent upon this mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and Is. borionsly for one whole wren, In hopes 04 thing hi out. but It was no go. In fact, it seemed rather to bare Improved by practice, and to hive quited strength, potency and distresslbUlty by th eopeta- Goo. lit Ude stage of the siege. wee...eked our say to sir's, No. 140 Woof street, procured a dill cent bottle of the "Pectoral," took It a.ocording directions, and In forty-eight boon we were master of the field, the enemy having unconditionally 4111 , rendered, after • brief, bul, el 00114044 VMS* formidable ad adversary as Keysel"s (moue Cough Peetbrai, -49,.....,(//e (Nipper, Dee, if, lila. DR. ISEYSEIPS PECTOR L SYRUP t• Mew and sold C., DR. GEORGE H. KEYSER. No.. 840 WOOD 9TREE-1 .lE a ctaaLva , a... 021 Great Nervous Randy. Dr. Keyser'' Nervous Antidote Will relieve, without utter. pertnaneotlf cure all Nervous Irrt...oilfq. Di.keisers Nervous. Antidote