10 : 1 : 1464 t1: 11 /:=r7.1•4: 1 1ww lik H. resAnimAig 1 RWISEI.I. ERRE *, i ibtlitlXlM FDILLIT.uviDBYTIIk: ciA2E722I 44610 ate was *o. frJure &rarer. Prminimum. • 11.11.4 PIE akli. 1 B=f4h - kr,r;ltZliuka 68,v. the rfttsburoit Oaufte. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1860 Tit United States District Judge at Mem phit has decided that since the Peace Proc lamation a Rebel cannot plead his parole, given on the final surrender of the Rebel troops, as a bar to a suit for treason, on the ground that as peace has been formally pro. claimed by the President of the United States, courts of law can no longer take any cognizance of parolee, carteli,.fmnini d er ., orders, and other military documents, or proceedings, but is remanded and con fined to the strict letter of the civil law, upon which the unhappy prisoner must stand his trial, and in which he mist find his only defense. That Peace Proclamation may therefore accomplish more than was intended by its author. - - _ Tux Reconstruction Committee will bring forward in the course of a few days au amendment,to tha.Constittition in regard to representation, which is to be the basis of the settlement of the whole question of the admission of representatives of rebel States, which will receive the sanction of two thirds of both Houses of Congress. SECRETARt litcCuLtoms has deCided to destroy all compound interesttes to wired for redemption or otherwise, as the first step towards his policy of contraction. Ti! Pau does not want CLYMER inter tOglited upon the Railroad question. That Is One of the very best reasons why he shtiuld be interrogated. CITY ITEMS 'Humor cso omit. Oyagers in every style. Beef, ham, tongue real, mutton, chickens, /Lc. Dinner to-day front twelve 0111 three o'clock, at . Trinity Cbuntli Eitmday _Sequel room, Sixth street . linshutsgi menace requested to call. Proceeds, for thebenefit - of Gewti Church, atomic Wash ington. Dialeria * Everywivere. Ragely tuti there been a lemon as fruitful as this of millarious diseases. Not only on the praries and in the valleys of the West; not Merely in all the old Atlanta of Fever and Ague and Billious Remittent Fever have these prostrating diseases been unusually virulent; but they,have extended to towns and alike never. Wino infested with them, and have elan "asNwilled tbo mountains and attacked ..talusands of people Repeated to Dave been Placed by the laws of Nature above their reach. Maas we are Compelled to admit that a fatal elemeet pervades the Mammal Mr thts sea_ eon, and MOM at once 119110Zt to the only ap_ geared priventative ot its consequences, nos- Cotters Stotnacb tonic so potent, an eadi•eeptio so perfot, an alterative Co irresis table, and a stimulant so pure, that it enables she himan system to resist and bailie all 'the eredlaposing causes of dissabe. With the one /Mena that one clothed in Ineombristible gar ments might move among blazing buildings, the man who arms himself against malaria with this powerful. derenere medicine may walk Afeverecourifed district fearless of its insalobrknis ittnospbere. The Intermittents and sonata:4s -ai. present so gereral in alt parts of the country may helm the fOrergn ners of a deadlier scourge now on Its way westward from the Mr East. Penni= the lye. lam-with Hastetter's Bitters for a stmeassfni battle with the mephiticemmes of egt epfdere. Sm. Be wise In time. Sold everywhere—New "Dr* World, Nov. 6, NO, - • • • Atceremeers Enters Wholesale atidettall atvery lowrates , ' flOWlmalsesoi Drug makitabent Itedldthallkeprn, 'l7.oleallitergag' itiroe4"lttrkicASitka-Mtsattond vul•breiumb streit. mistrial, en* Mummer Vocals. Tim spore of Dir. John Weier, Xerchant Tailor, No. 126 Federal street, Ails ghtuly, has been lately fitted no with a new RS .ortmept of spring and summer goods. The stock has been well selected, and embraces all the numberless singol t es needed for gentle men'. garments. Margo stock of mady-raide Rants, coats, vests, dm., skill ItIAD be found In in his establishment. His stook of furnishing good. cannot be surpassed. Persons desiring purchase a good sattiot oluttpts would'no well by giving Mr. Wafer a nalL Purest nod itweete■t Cud Liver Oil in the world, manufactured (road fresh selected livers on the sea coast. This oil is characterized br a sweetness and purity petaillir to it alone. Ha reputation aogreat Shit it takes the Mad Of other oli, and is universally preeerlbed by phyinclans. member to ask for .Hazard d Caswell*, Cod 7 Liver OIL CASWELL Kama Co., New York, • m For sale by mod all druggisSalats.anufacturers mbattlPdatram Aar Friends, Robinson & co., fiavalasprecerived a yeti , tine assortment of LadieF,Gents.;Boys', mines and Children's boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorels,!lippers, Which they are selling at the very lowest prices. We adVise oar readers to give this Aim a trial, as the goods sold by them are per fectly reliable. Remember their bummer last Market street, next door to Barker'. pry Goods store. • Brain i'arraifuge Costal!lts." Thla valuable combination bra been liminess; &ilk Friel bypbyetcians, and bound to be sate sad acre in eradicating norms, so hurtful to children:- Be rare to obtain the recsaftuic Obey Chien bigh been hied with good sumoe,. Bold by Druggists and Beaters to Medicines at 96 cents a bor. bole agent for Pittsburgh, Joileph Fleming, Brugglat, Market street,. . 11b11014111 irart77t4thl, Pr outtkonk Mato itoolont, and Dealers in Amer. tan riiitiol of virloni Wort. Ofilco at Masan; , .Art1[44 4 0141% near ttia Wiser Warns Pitur tilitith. Pa. agniOnFO. XO4I Pine street. Or. din promptly Wooded to. Allirort weiTspt- Ottarstir proof. Itopitirinir doziest the ohm. artuadoo. No oharretorr,pictilited the toot is not abused arm It Input on. C*tarrh. Dr. Gardner, who has been meeting with grind sneoses in the treatment of Citarrh, stain visit thli, City, On . reesdey; April remalnhareuntilthetlid: *Strati& arterrh by the use of warm medicated inhale' AIMS. ...101116.- Monongahela *Stela.' Read his aidvertiseinent. ~-, , 2 •l4thitt IWO staring AVM ; "...I atteranabeenoei ot 4 bree st. shop n the ,ibalTV IS4Ntati Fl 7 OP . tor i torts or tow*, 0. the : oirrOote a r m ilt 4+. um pia stspa, Om. betweenn tea atm street *sachem alley; 20 sasirmou54 PA trisinPuY, &Wade!,.4 • • ' • tail irAlters. Catipeti, D18644h. At auction on nattuthttnicon4 t oat ti„ at nine deinetr, at the Auction fitoreareyenend etrintt: nlinittlealr• • 1.1 • • two , , dnetioneee. . , What D e a n: "" 1.- I drowlhooobliolidian ot' Sabi *stet: - I Grew the thanipat... .I mate thB'heit Dyrttya,_ ~ • do it this toidTit coate's slam, at 34 Fod:' 44 T1 1 .' s ! av etv.14b 5 4. rbPPY. ; ; sulir.:4ol • . nooks, Mom • sad eases . , ~.41411:80 &Catkin, sale ot-stmencic,goods on (" 3 4 41 49 dattent'allt 118 Soo o'clock, st asindiirid street, Saftiglittay , .. e praaawkAtii, To,stecop Into Joe -Sabina:kW, and examine hta ',print Stash' ift.lttets and 13hoes, the cheapest run c „Boots, at- marka rarest. ' —" 72'4.1roitirsolf ESE Drug firkok ItjoiikTht.t.O . :lol4*.lsmaus -, strei4„.bppostte Atik*:-Possonsa-'11.1: , ,4 , tar /4/4ilike. 4040 , Z. A. -Robtailana - iltntot- - rivte •s • 6 ,, c; • •=252,07. CI r, *alai ‘CtitMes Sods =MI THE LATEST NEWS ! THE PRE BY TELEGRAPIL PENNSYLVANIA LEGLSLATURE. ANOTHER VIM( DISCOVERED. BOTH HOUSES ADJOURNED. i The Murderer Still at Large. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. ilsztgissoao, April 12, 1:1413. / DESCRIPTION OF HIS APPEARANCE. thrgsm—lion. Loots E. Hail, of Blair, ono r elected. Speaker. _ ThermentiOn Of both House and Senate was PHILADELPHIA. April 12.—Full reports of the °Oen , led In voting resolutions of thanks, andl Deering family murder show It to have been In the preaentatiOn gold watches, canes, dc., . one of the most lion - Dili+ butcheries of the to Speakers and officers. I age. The Press reporter says that the body of Adjourned tine die ' the mother, and those of her four children i were found in ono corner of the barn, near a ' small out-house which communicated together by a hole, through which the remains of tke murdered victims were brought to view. It seems as though the bodlea were thrown into one neap, pelf reed, and then covered over with dirt and hay. The unfortifitates were most terribly Olan. gled about their heads. A new, sheep, 1,11,1 bloody axe was toiled in the rear of the dwell ing, which had been need to lln the bloody work. All of the victims seem to nave been struck on the left side of the forehead, Jest above the eye, with the heel of the axe, and then with the blade of the murderous weapon the demon finished his horrible work by cut ting the throats of all. The throat of one of the little boys was no horribly cut that bin head dropped off when his body was lifted up. The other boy when discovered had his 1 right arm crooked and partly ruined, us though attempt fug to ward off the bow tha sent hint into eternity. The mother teas d, , fending her baby from the attack of the de- mon when she wan mercilessly struck down. The babe had received an. awful blow on the upper pan of the breast, near theshoulder, I almost severing one or tic arms, and also an- other sharp cut on the aide of the head. I Probably, the most correct of the surmises expressed is, that all this horrible work was done on Saturday morning, during the absence of Mr. Deering. His body and that of Mins Keating, his cousin, were found alongside of the the b otherst far distant from the spot where , were discovered The bodies of Mr. Deering and Miss heating were covered over with hay, with rale of his feet partly sticking out. A little boy, need fourteen years, who lived with the family, and worked upon the farm, is missing. it Is believed that he was abut murdered, and his body thrown into a deep well, or one of the many ditches that abound in that section of the country. The well on the premises was partly search ed last night, but no bottom could be reached, and the ditches in the vicinity of the house were Ms° examined, without discovering the body of the missing boy. The search is being resumed this morning with renewed vigor. , Tbe inett in Ledger says: The more this murder is ex- 1 ainto, the more astounding it appears. A mother and her four children are butchered. it is nuPPr.od singly, alter being en ticed from home, and without leaving any marks of the reified deed behind, and then, upon the ar rival of the husband and niece, for them to have been dealt with in the saute manner, and etill no spot of blood found In the house; It I le Indeed surprising. The eery rational theory that we have heard his n is that upon th that e arrivof Mr. Deering and 1 iece. he discovered lllll family were r not in the ho use, started after them and after I leaving the house was nun by the murderer, and alai°. The niece then, it in thought, fol. 1 lowed her uncle, and was in turn killed In the same manner.rUntortunattly, It appears that I the name of the supposed murderer In not , known by any of the neighbors, nor can any description of him be given. It Is only known at present that he wage German Isno t-cr. The excitement in regard to thin horri ble murder in the lower section of the ci ty is intense. ~.., LArate—An additional ietim in the horri ble tragedy down the Neck was discot cred this morning. The body of the missing boy, COrcielins wary, was found under a hay stack with his head smashed in with a hammer and his throat cut. The elothes of the supposed murderer have been rolll.llt. They are stained all over with blood. The Bulletin gives the folios-lag de,criotion of the supposed armament: A German named Anthony, or An Larne, aged between' , . and 30 years, height five feet eleven Inches, vet, muscular, mustache and groat pimples ten the face, round shouldered, walks slowly, talking long strides, and !monks impertect English. The police are making every effort to arrest the murderer. The following is the most accurate descrip tion we have been able to learn of the um posed murderer of tne Deering (amity: Ms name is Antone; Ida last name ts unknown. He Is believed to bare been in the army. He was formerly from Brooklyn. He is 1 feet 11 inches high, 25 or 28 3 - ear. of age; round shoul ders; no sine whisikers; a light scar; is short thin light mustache, inclined to curl at t l 4e ends. lie has a downcast 700 rind weighs ..intehurtd.redandascre ore lgintulin. Ate_ 41in htitiselrtuade sin it mg glitt.i 'Me NIB= thumb on right. band. He ipealrs broken English . The property Mb kiT, mug consists of : two rend era, one large and twee small otte, Lanaskeit, shot gun , black frock coat, black satin vest black pants, brown overcoat, and a pair of bang outside boots, two pee compound Interest notes, one WM Jo., two gold rings, one Oct with a purple stone, one gold chain with long links, and achased ring with four ten cent pieces on the end. PRISIDISTI PROCLIVIOX ktil) HABEAS CURS. The Official Army Register BILL TO PREVENT SMUGGLING Important nuts to be Takata Up ROBERTS ON THE FENIAN SITUATION. I.llreutrality on the Border New York, April 12.--The Herald's Washing ton speelal says: In the Witted States Dlstriet Court at Alexandria, Va., Judge Underwood presiding, en important decision was render ed yesterday. Thomas Garvin was imprison ed Mune time agObythe Provost Court ander theViCeditionls Bureau law, and his counsel sued opt an application for a writ of habeas - earptta,thider the supposition that the Presi dent,* proclamation restored that writ. An Order has been Leaned by the Wardepart ment. to all the Assistant Commissioners of freedmen in the Southern States, Instructing them to inform the people that the recent proclamation of the President did not release them from the operations and government of the military law. It Is cautiously worded, and while not declaring martial law in force throughout the late insurrectionary States, is calculated and intended to create the popular impression that such is the fact. The order is kept close and not allowed to be given out for publication. The Tribeneta Washington species Co lonel Thomas having been relieved fro f romthe Superintanaency of Freedmen's Affairs in Mississippi, General T. J. hoods, command ing theDcpartment, has been lemporanly ase signed to theiluties of Assistant Commission er of the Bureau In that State. The first volume of the Official Army Regis ter, published in compliance with an act of Congress. him just made Its appearan It was intended to embrace the names of allyol unteer officers of the New England States, to gether with a brief statement of the history of the different regiments, promdtions, dis charges, dismissals, tramsfers, and a large amount of other ce da of intents's to former offi rs of the volunte ta er force. The mistakes and omissions in this edition will probably lead to Its suppression by order of Congress. The next volunie, now being printed, will soon be Issued, and is to embrace thasaine facts rela tive to New York and New Jersey regiments. The series will consist of eight volumeS, which will, be issued from time to time from the government printing °Moe, and will be I forwarded to all applicanta on the receipt of one dollar per volume, the actual cost of the publication- No copies are printed for mem bers of Congress-. A Washington dispatch save the Senate Committee on Commerce Is proposhig to re port a bill for the prevention of smuggling at the seaports, and on the Canadian frontier. Wssinearoft, xprli 12 :—Phe bill axing the peace establishMent of the army; as roceired from the Senate, will loon be taken up for consideration in the House. Among other important measures, an amendatory internal revenue and a tariff bill will probably be re ported In the House next week. President Roberts, lid The .Y. ll .lAn Brother hood is In'Washingtoo. lidis open in his oar damnation of the movement on the North eastern frontier, as, according to his views, it will not aid the cause of Irlaltindependence. Wile President hoe aprporad and [signed the bill. Orders were loniV i ago received fur th e Pres' ervetiOn of nentra th e Northern bor ders, le view of the Pentan agitations. THE 1 • ,OV Excitement Along the Border MOM OF A FENIAN SOHOORER Falb'lles Moving from CampQ New Yoax, April 11—The Rero ld's Eastport. ICalae r special Jaya: Since our last dispatch another English war Ship --making In all three—and a revenue muter, have arrived. Mitring the last twelye hours several hundred Ferdsai have qaartered themselves at Calais and Other places. To-aay a Fenian schooner escaped from a neighboring cove with s re ..lsehnient of Fontana. The LTilited. States .Marsßand the British Consul arrived the spot )4 time) to be too late. There has beet , a mysterious dleappearanee of several cannon broligtit , beta -3.4.llaracibbb" Fartiee- Cartridges are tieing tnrea here, There le tremendous , eltemenz at St. An drews, and volunteers aredeserting, while nu merous i_nyeterlons dhappearanem of num bers of Irishmen In tits Agent:ler towns are rumored. , They are suppeillid are have joined the Pentane. Whole families are Illtiag rr the border. from Carats, Me., April W.—There was much ex citement yesterday and lastnight at St. Steph ens, Raw Bromwich, opposite this ally. The lean of a Fenian raid somewhere on the fem. tier have been etrengtheming for several days past, but the precise point of attack is not yet known. Reports from Eastport, yesterday, Indicate that the Feniane: were leaving there insquads. it IS supposed they are bound for Calais, but up to this hour have not shown ; themselves here.. About - fifteen supposed Fe. Islam - arrived hero last' night from Bangor, and left this mornieg, by land, for Eastport. They could have gpne by water at half the eXruttise and time. From tpq to three bun , dred men were under arms at St. Stephens all last night, end all the approaebee lo tilt town are strontariguardedi and every. vreparation made to receive the Santana. An attack was expected last night, but everything passed off sweaty. The force at St. &spoons will be in. ereeee4 Madly 'to about dye hundred men. large numbers of Iranians are mitered Co be -moving, but no delinite information can bet., gathered.' Hillerroar, Mx., April IL—There is great PS' clement et Campo Bello Island. Families are' awing Over here and taking shelter in barns mild MiLlippees. There was a greats Fenian meeting here. WA 'night, at which speeches were bade by W Down plow and ifs or Linn New Yolk, April sorts of Fenian ru es are circula ting _ this morning. It Is be lieved by jroine Mat Stephen!' tuns arrived in vas oonntr,l4 is somewhere on the north various rumors ern frontier. It Weald lte , absurd to report the TonoZero,ApriLl2.—TheCabinet Meats da botthe proceedings are kept front the public. The report that mugs of arms had arrived at Ottawitand myeterltruslYdisaPPes, The, *hole ihreti of - volunteers at Montreal Is ea/104 out twice& week. IlilllnneerS are arriving at Corn ual tion with the wall in antkl arrest of yetion pf retli the trouble in comm.- 4ns. The repOrt .Frdest tiohnsOli tti blame a gokng proclamation in reference rh Fenian movement, is received with bcldebt alatiefilatien. , . Riiiterritles in key Jersey—Strike Ammar Blew YOfft Car Drivers-Ira Ar rested..-glpeuallab PeelNe Ss= u. New Yong,. April 12.—Tbe execution of Wm. prady, for the murder of Fergus Collins, took tiwr,s,: yestai tadam da t i em at lan d e . thl at li l a t idi otrtna m those who witn hts execution a strong foaling Of sympathy. The divers on the Third and Birth awns Fp . atm& kw Wiper wages, •Andr portion or the day an oWide r zike entire d trace e /atter, rhapreee of wages t r gra li sittertogryfienuind dftycente imatra- ~711e1. A B, i 1AXI 9 11 . the ° t hat limp are de to' follow the pie of these on Ore lra"d _.rallroads abate mentioned. wiTitn= mysuall GA It nek Railroad or Ms a l ma!, 01 1" : "I'll*I iM i l.....- 1 4). II , .. but_as. the larger . orafiandle elle but Innierfectlyzesurned.-ireeth,P4MTors were badly basaint WU'. strum. ramsun b ean eene ars and vas ./ta b ureatali SMUT _43 , pi_ the ftt,e and twencfruirith 'Preen" "1.1, 1 :' =Met tom ` ramintlOrosalo that t toadonansra.,.,Tlor al baq onored by ma arca !nth P7°4" delskand... She . ,us -rapt 9 bocOnting *Mts'Qur MI thorough:arm Spanish nianKtf-war lutib4. Nome o flora ui tor the Pacido cramadadnd it Lwow known, goes oath: her to take command of the spanish Viver and eopp.r to tie " ' nine Of at hun dred P thousan co w d an ilais bars Wm viptnrodsa the aolla d /Ended Sn Spain. - ' Albas,7'o4ll - . Atfiliaglagben& Asivaliframp_'ifilitaulFe• betirr lirevit!=ral tn aZ ot ii.Mustgl , put 4.deitorAU be limuipliaabiltke Anus % um . °Wu. ,U • atone 0,, • • Vtir..4 l .--Akt! ~ , . emPic7 . 7 s ''''''lll 'il t ''''ll. 4 " ) ' .4atitt/Ilni• 1..._ __ffle , SlZErgaii in b 'lla d j s a ll iitheruitu.r.usft...7,m. T . tbittr try tirb4in lEEE 11 ' .Pe. J --ei THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXX.-- 7 NO. 87. ape New 4/Teethe Troubles — Advance In • • 'lake/Iris. - , ' estr_lastszoOK-O, 1ai1.31,-z.galekatiner advanced 10a a pound Inconsequence &Elia tronblas stgler/Almadinr. lilx of the, rioters theta/min !kr - mates!, gad thereat will be The nronrlitons cif the NeW wines MY & a n/tent ellstarbanaa grew oat of the, tact se,elity , onee entatttars not, in the. eta ' thi°, 7 4df :Pg.= r,P4 4 ,4 0 .:4aeLY.;_p1. , ;sr am, =Ore elsewhere.. The Kliatterii drove the miners from work. Xtm Mikados ware mtinsto.74nnil, warrants had , lieu., !tetrad for Alierfreors, The workzat the/nines was still D Toe ' 11°Iet.' were on trial today .n , Taistivente further abipizimit citssoVo9, not prtilsQNmoriginiolden.:MeOntiL WM which sailed. re f aj ou exit I joctet from, Barlika, with. tilik/In v irallakYJc aLOPl:Balkiiir. 11111 1.40 , 6 ,04 11 1 0 . Alt.,aikalTSl Aarnelf l 4. irmatert - stalvity In all usaloo Mies tO ksossmt Ilecoutionsty ond notary thou. ussesxs Wog taken - antr4plitkot of Its soa "MOM. - • - - Particulars of the Terrible Tragedy. CONGDMIONAL PROCEEDINGS. irasatzfolox, Apr i l Is, 1166. SENATE. The Senate concerted In the House SW to reimburse Missouri for war expenses The bill to provide that soldier,' Ind ividaal memorials shall be carried through the malls at the rate of printed matter, was passed. The bill to authorize the Secretary of the 1 Treasury to refund the duties collected on produce being shipped front - one part of the United States to another• Aria Gazed., before , the expiration of the iteciprogity Treaty, was 1 P rrlte wart presented a joint resolution pro• poatng an amendment tt. the Conetttution of the:United States, prohibiting dhalaCtiO of color, and providing that when any one these eleven seceded States shall comply with i condition., It shall be admitted to represent*, lion, and a general amnesty shall ex St In re- gard Mall persons in such State who were in 1 any way connected wish the armed opposition 1 to the Government. It was referred to the Committee of Fifteen. I The remainder of the uselon to day was de voted to eulogies on the late Senator Foote. Messrs. Poland, Johnsen, Fessenden, SUM gel, BrOirn, and McDougall all made appro. priate eulogies andiremarka The Senate thee lo respect to the memory of the dr.cesseri Senator, taljourust. MIMI • Mr. Washburn°, of Indiana, offered a resolu tion, whih was adopted, calling n the the G c eneral to furnish tine Boo o ne with tine names of paymasters in the army against • whom stoppages are standing, with the na ture and cause of the same. On motion of Mr. Farnsworth, Ihe vote on theggeption of the reso . lotio n van reconsid ered alter bonsiderabic debate on the resole: Lion Warring on the trail pending in the jjouse for the relief of paymasters. The resolution was referred to the commit tee on Military Affairs. The next business in order during Om morn ing hour KID b e bill for the relief of paymas ters of the army. Mr. (Melding moved a substitute for the bill; ti4t the bill anilvyndins amen d ments be A tetionamltted . (ff Ike 40411011. e on Military raks. - • The Committee on Foreign Affairs reported beak the Senate bill to authorlie the President of the United States to transfer a gunboat to the government of the . republit. of Liberia, Which 7ig.p considered soil passed. Mr. PattMison, jr.4) the same Committee, reported back the 'MB' for services relief of' James G. Clarke for his services as Acting Charge cl , Affalro at Berlin in lEtt7-58. The bill, ou objection of Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, wag referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Ortil; VOW the same Committee, report ed back the &meta )(gra reeetetirie protest t o g a ainst the pardon by roroign govern mutate of persons convicted of Infamous of fenses OR condlthau of etulgratpan to the Mated Mabee, which was considered and pt 1411.4. WI,- and the House adjourned. Prom New Orleans oed MOZICO • ' • 25ew Oakessa, 4sprit 12.—The race ibr a DYre— di uoo, bents, - far two year olds, TIII CrWOn by LeWls Weal - 40M straight beats pine, 2110 and 2.04%. The race for apurseof Ale, two-wile heatras won by Beacon ih wo itrafglit . heat.s. hne, fAIK lutdll:46. The snit of the hri iab bougholdersjalust the 'sebum Railroad is areatihg gr $' azr citement. Their pressure is La y coUr damned. Tbb report of tho railroad Is pub. lashed, and is aatistactory. The city is eat. playing counsel for the defense.. Mayor Monroe, nowinuipaudeo, Intends go ing to Washington to get a pardon. ARID° papers have vigorous leaders on the rOsmi situation. afarning.—The Mexican news via .Barre states ihgt Palma kraelgtog Mazat lan. lie has sago possession . 4; 'qt. - 8 4Ilicla mines, and is coining money on nu own 0 °Mint- The iber L wals, hole coast was In itio heads of the The. Zmperar bag iven the grand cross a the enter of Leopold" and MAI Of Isabel the Abiumteortus Ls the ruling spirit Of the Empire. The Havana views to unimportant. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY , .APRIL 13, - 1866 - - 'HU MASSACRE. BOLD BANK ROBBERY Army Mortality Dining the War Naw You, April 19.—A very bold robbery occurred in the Sub - Treasury building-yester day. hlr. Conduit, the =manger of the battik of America, collected a gold certificate for five] thousand dollars, and about four thousand dollars in currency, at the cashier's desk. Re then went to another pan of thetbuilding i to I see one of the clerk's but not finding proceeded to the Poste ce to put eons letters in the mall, and on way back to the bank stepped at the Sub-T ryagatn. On enter ing the Pine street door, a strange man rushed part him and lammed the door violently in 4 ... Condell's face, which knocked him senseless and threw hint into a fit. Thistesa then rifled' his pockets of the money, and when a crowd had calcined, the same party said he was try ing to find something to identify the fallen man. in the ctonfnsion, the robber made his escape and the Messenger was taken to the hospital where he now Ilea immutable. Statistics, mercantile and marine, snow a gratifying increase6ln American ilhiPPlng. There are in the foreign trade trom this port alone nine of hundred and rnia • Mx American vessels sive California and Ha vane steamers, with an aggregate tonnage of The Provost Marshal General has completed a careful compilation from the master rolls of all the deaths in battle, from wounds, and from disease, in every regiment and company of every loyal State from the beginning to the close of the war. From it, It appears that 200.7.17 officers and men have lost their lives In the sere ice. Of this number, 1420 commoned officers, iind .90,stki enlisted men have been killed In action or died of wounds while 2,121 commissional offiems and I enlisted men have died of disease, or in s i lt eases from accident. Speech of Gov. Hamilton, of Texas.. Hew Oar-Luta, April 12.—Atov. IlandltOn, of Texan, made a speech at Austin recently, In which he opposed some ordinances passed by the convention as ad being republican or I meeting the demand open theirflirtittition , ;silty. They had pass but one ordinance which accorded fuLl ed y with the Presi dent's policy, and that was declaring toe war debt null and void. - Lie appealed from The action Of the Convention to the people. the Convention bad passed an ordinance ex empting all persona who under authority of the elfil ,or military power had InSicted injury upon persona during the war, from being held tuvountable; such ordinance would not and shoula not shield them. Ile called upon the loyal people of the State to work together. lie believed provision -should be made to admit the negro to vote If he be came elevated and came up to a certain stand ard. The Convention had refused to give blacks any quota of the school fund, or make any provision for their education. They had, however, been taxed to assist the wintes in sanding their children to school. Ile intended to announce to the people those who hail worked against the intetast of the State. Tennessee LeuislOtnivr—Framehtse HUI Passed the flonos - -Aftutger Out of Troops. NASLIVILI-8, April the house a quo. rem was finally obtained by the receptloll of the report of the CoMmittee on Credentials, soli the consequent admission of members. The Franchise law was passed by an over whelming majority. The Fifteenth United Slates Cavalry was mustered out today Its band sold the it in steuments for $5OO, and devoted the proceeds to the Lincoln Monument fund. All volunteer troops, white and colored, .in this division will be mustered out by May 4t.h. The Central States Dental Association ad journed after cleating W. 1 1.1iforgan, of North ville, President. The Ranateas Femes. New Yost, April 11—The Eraerow cOrres perndence of the London Past save: Ac cording to the Intelligence received I from Voihyrna, sixty battalions of Rus sian infantry, twenty-sis squadrons of caval ry, and thirty-sin Peropies Of artillery are placed lu Echelon. Volhatecidak to Novosflitze, It to three days march. From the Austrhm frontier to the Moldavian frontler,_ starting from Novosilltse, there are not, It la stated, more than fifteen men, but on the oth er hand, forty-dve bation, tweny uad- rons, and one hundred p ta ieces of artillery aro stationed In the districts, not more than two days march from Balt°. These might reach Tereerpol In a few hours, and thence cross the Moldavian frontier, If necessary, larerolllog for the Keg' lar Army. NEW' VOIM, April I2—The steamer Eagle from Havana on the 7111 hi s arrived. No 11111"r9. Gen. Wm. IL Penrose, well known Ott a gat. laritodicer die army of the Potonise, has boon selectee by Gen.l Butterfield as superin tendent of - recruiting, for the State of New York. 4 Is Intended to at once flit op all l ettlatralataihr - rratlar aruirtn the tem tenni number. Release of Rod Louts. BOSTON, April LL—Hod Aunts, the party ro. unitly arrested for the great Lordrobbery In New York, h. been released by Judge Chap man, of the Supreme Court, on a writ of ha beas cornea Annie has been under the charge of Chief of Pollee Koontz, but without any legal documena holding him. It Is assert ed that only (an,ooo or the stolen property had been recovered. From California. 1 , 1 w Yalta, April 12.—Toe eteemer Santiago de from Greptown, with California Om sengela, arrived thie giertipoti. New Yong, April 12.- , The ship Invincible, from San FrancMco, arrivedtm the lith. Aiming stocks erm; Crown Folnt,l4oo,ophir, 763; /3ollver, 377; Empire MUM, me; Yellow Jacket, PM; Chollar Potoll , 381:1; Savage, 1035. Mariam" Damage by Fire. BOSTOTI, April 12 —The New England Gas Works in East Cambridge, were damaged to a considerable amount, probably forty thou sand to seventy thorisand dollars MU aftor noon, by lire caused by the explosion Of an oil tank. Cascade Railroad BID Approved. W•SHINGTOI; A p iii i4.—in e President b. j.proved the grill to ant the right of way to Caacade Rithrmd Compaey though a mil itary reserve Washington Terrirtory.. Wlnroissin Logislip . sro Adjostrueal. tu ne roljour nAdr iil ne die it W e is vennsin Logisis o'clock this morning. CITY AND 131713M4N Tableau: .r Rte Rebellion. • City Gall was crowded to overflowing last evening by a highly appreciative audience to witness the Grand Natloom Allegory and Tableaux, for the presentation of which Mr. J. M. Gager, In co-operation with the pupils of the Western University, Pittsburgh Female College and other leading schoola, has been actively misused km some weeks. The the Widows , which is Wen the henefit. of the "Widows , Home,” was a grand success. It would be impossible for us to give* any Memo( the grandeur and sublimity of the rep resentation within the limits allotted to us; and it iS doubtful if we could within any given space. To he appreciated it must be seen. The audience last night testified their apprecia tion and delight by the moat enthusiastic layyqq Tile whole rebellion from its inception to the return of the "bronzed heroes" who crashed M. out la very beautifully rendered In the allegory. Tire principal character' are, Goddess of Liberty ; Truth, (Justice, Linit !dates represented by thirty-six young ladies dressed In white , with sashes of different col ors; Ilunggrmn, Italian ; Irish Lan, Negro boy, Sherman's buniniercand Army of the Pots mae. The scenes are, return the erring slaters to endeavorSece tossion, Garry the Border States out of the Union, and their exit; War, foreign intervention, *nine and pestlience. Therecsgergesgre tionaglieland tinropriate, and the yonag ladles Cul ed their respective parte admiral, y, A. Heger presides at the plium with great dig: ea s y and performs splendidly. e have no delobt that the Tableaux will be sustained for four or five nights. The object is good and the exhibition- meritorious. The "grand Tableaux 'of Peace"' with which the outertainment closes is one of the most gor geous binge we have ever witnessed. It can be studie4 but not a=bed. - - - Slobbery at• Beal* Elleuse —A rob beqtrinvitanonintitted about nodnyesterday by is Mini' linknowit . tbe , Wners , Horne, on t nOna in% nteborPie Eagan, one of u boa e ra was rel iev ed of a watch valued at e arty-live deflate, a bat and elso.dve dollars in money. ‘Tbe trunk in his room was broken open and the articles and e M a o p n e e c y t eda ra d t e e ff d o r th ts e will b m e . ma T d he t ot m aitre his arrest. It is believed that he belongs to a gang who have lately made this city the base for their nefoulone operations. SD a Irts..-14 ;pp yes' terdia : li4hr appeared before Alderman ylor, of the r ward, and preferred a charge of amazolt and battery against John linkup, Alter a hearing -and the caseload been disposedef, Jiihn to re venge himself informed against gichtel for sailing IlquoL on Sunday, and akoo for keeping a disolderlyhouse The Latter was held itir a further hearing. Evidently. John is cour ahaad, and Michael has got - hit:itself into an ugly fix. Acotdonoi.—Mr.leolona swans, on woones. whilEl /A ril /AU:WM:I O hoYe who were car; ry ng off some *tuff In the'rear of Ida establishment, stumbled and - .1 . 41, brrMMns i lea. h: lad naw-44.1414rah,. .loyed in a Wet ar d rnditium hard .et. Ws HEM hand mutilated, em the ;tine dil's Wit. being Reid entally caught lan crushing matinne. Both pelves are doing well. . . _ o r . / 4 7711. ,f 3 'l4.tety qt Waahington, Pa; And term br Nub tant surgeon or tile atA Penntylirania it,aserinte, nail_ opened °Mob -an41,11.1- devote ' W mhimself in , thiserity.. - Prom a Wag prwnsk Acquaintance leitti,„ , kner - Pocterrire• take nlinistare cow. P , l alunigl 4 ° , t0.P.4410 . Hamm andi-N•Tw ,lIPPOINNWL—We Windt nflentiOn",tol2x6 Inventhimentof the Nati.- 'xiicoij; - tant, etesanslifp Ahnnpany •nnother.'noltinin";''.X..l44Blol3li nr ineanunbsprilitese , • I 411asesi Tema vir ocentrtnitpas Mthe Senate On t" that of C 9L 4.* H. BReitter, . 7 717: • _ illesaillng of Allegheny Connell.. A stated meeting of Allegheny Councils inax held lad k evening, at their rooms in City Bulidlnii.Diamond +Square. Theres Were pees. eat, Meagre. Drum, Ball, Eturikenstein, Irwin, Myter, iltieterson, J. D. Smith, C.C. Smith. A. D. Smitlr;;Mm. Smith and President MOBrier. wereTheMbildes of the previous tan meetings refetand approved. Mr. A. Smitlf presented the quarterly re i,port of t City Controller. It covered a nurn bar oCb • against the City. It appears from :the i ri L et t that the claim of Nicholas Voeght -17, . the corporation for missing bonds, had es paid, amounting to V 2,624.891. The AmOlint imported as in the Treasury, on the Ist alt.,'lrea $9,V16.551 warrants outstanding, 4407.98. The report was accepted, and the Con trollerionthortzed to certify u carious for the PaYMelit of the bills as reported. • Mr. Thymus rend a report from the Coninlittee. It contained a resolution aut Street hor izing the Superintendent of the Water Works to thertOghly cleanse all the streets, lanes aand alleyeof thee a ty, and to use the city water ie thptti="oP.ll Teeo l I C a m :, t e t b S e ta lp ed po t i h al t . meat Orgiewers to assess damages alleged to have been sustained sy them In grading It attest Wan not granted,' as therm to no id taw pr e 'rig for sompensation tertlamagas sustain by grading streets. ihniolutions also aim mganled the report.for the opening of Sib avenue to Bidwell street.; one in- struoting the City Solicitor to eriterand main- tato for the vacation of on much Of Divine alley aial is nut taken up by the Drowsed extention of NOM avenue. in relation to the oelittMet of James Il eaettOlo3, the ...FPl...it-I tee offer* a resolution Instructing them to enter lailnalseg contract for the grading of d stfeet , t7 lleastings, at thirtpdveeents Ri dg e *yard Or that part, of the worn' now done, had fift.3 , 4lx. cents per cubic yard for that yosityet to be done. The report also cod , ered Or4lhancles for the grading and paving of Pirt.upt,Vtito street, Colon avenue Ir win's a . ,Cerstre street and Grisham alley. The it was read and accepted, and the nm'A oltrtiona and ordinances sdopts3d eatunruntration was read from . Solicitor Woodtraild, relative to the certificates or ust- . es to beeetered up for Judgment. Read and referredlo the Committee on Finance. A. bitty' 8. Mcknight, for ail 10, for services in the Illidson Island case, was read and order redifoAo4c,l...Alos%tebreilj of i James . kfellellien, th-°c4r.agirtuoefftr;el;l.arerelo,olu,„ Itorinptruicntitnhge COlMlllita Engine Company's house. Read and Vr..—11a....e0 i. , m presented a report from the Water Catnes DL ithae, Mt whist was adopted. _Wi/ offered a resolution providing for the dellatlon of one or more common M ande Or the deposit of dart and ashes; al., authorising the Street Commissioner to pro vide Leith° drainage and leveling of the com mon grenade. The resolution was adopted. NonslOnearred In by C. C , resolution adhered to and COMmittee on Conference appointed. Mr. Drum presented a bill from W. B..Eyster for IlliSin for e ails, and loffered a resolution or derMgil to b paid. Carried. Mr.Alyler offered a resolution authorising the Street 'Committee to lave graded Mary . street, ROM Ohio to Avery street. Reuel mid referred' to ho Committee on Streets, with power to act. Mr. A.,1). Smith presented a petition for the rel:d liug arat u r d efr a r v el g too f tt l o ie tte.7.;l,l`..?":.' . Street', who are inatructed to report an ordi nance upon the suTert. Mr. Drum offered the following resolution t Rewired, That a Inducting committee of live be appointed and instructed tmmedlately to PrePareemue plan or system by which the city may be put In proper sanitary condition, and report to Councils as soon as Possible. I Read and adopted. Cemaiderablit discussion ensued upon the I railroad resolution lining the grade of the Weettern Pennerylvanta Railroad, reported front Select Council. The debate was cut dhora br adjournment, without any action ' having been taken upon the resolution. Chirwitota Clounett.—loresent: Messrs. Brown, Cunningham, Ingham, Hanna, lathauber, Mil- ler, Metiraw, Sencipaid, McNeil, Reed, kiddie, Walter and President Benner. The minutes of the two preceding meetings were read and approved. lair..blaiDonild presented a petition from the citizens et the Second ward, praying that Da ols aller, , between Taylor avenue and Jackson street, beg opened and paved. The petition skits read and referred to the Committee on Streets, Also, a petition from the residents of the Fourth; Ward, praying for the grading rind pagot Avery otreet, which wan ead and referregAn the Commhtee on Streets. r Mr. MONeiti offered a series of resolutions provirile,* for the appointment of a m i l t iteeof oats member frum each ward, wo persona') from each ward not members of Count:lol6 to be selected by the , Committee of Dona to advise a plan for cleansing the city :removing whatever hoe a tendency to' l a disease, and report the same to , Couacll at a epochal meeting to be held on iit Thum evening,l9th inst. The resolutions Mao a e the Street Commissioner to hare al a serrate end alleys In the city un made 'cleansed, and Sept in good sanitary , we caste, EClUt'gtraPktsfliarnirrfarTircresr appointed on the 003311.111tter from C C. S. t non -concurred. Mr. Fianna presented the report of the Com mittee on Markets, together with the follow ing report. of the Weighmaster and Clerk of Markets John S. Edgar, Dia gond Scales Fill IS W. F. Anderson, Second Ward Scales... Zs 99 Duncan Dallas, Clerk of Markets 752 IO Total reoelpts 1,21 n The Committee also presented an ordinance fixing the salary of the Weighmaster of the salary of th e Weighmairtor of the Second and 6calos at pun per annum. The ordi nance was read three times and finally passed. Mr. Ideirraw presented a report from Mr. Geo. Hatchlnatut, Wharf Master, which was accepted and ordered to be filed. Mr. Reed, from the Committee on Engines, presented the monthly report. The Committee recommended the payment of a bill, amounting to 000, for repairs to the Gen. Grant engine house. Mr. Hanna opposed the payment of the and stated that as the members of the com pany had contracted the debt without authori ty from Councils, they should be foteed y It.to Pa The report, Bo far as related to the payment of the bid, was then laid on the table S. C. i non-concurred, and a resolution refunding the money received by the city from the steamer Gen. tyrant, for pumping out cellars was adopted, with the understanding that they huiduse settle the bill for repair. to the engine hs u ,o C. C. receded aud concurred with Mr. McNeal, from the spec tat committee au pointed by Councils to comer with the solici tor of the We-stern Pennsylvania Itallruad Company In reference to the grade of the streeta crossed by their track, reported that the company Would change the grade of said road to stilt Councils, but Vault' oat agree to pay damages for ns' Injury resulting to ad joining property. The committee recommend ed that the grade lined and propoeed by the City Regulator for East larie land Chestnut street, between Liberty and Slain streets, and for Sycamore street, between Main and Ohio streets, be the grade offered to the company for their adoption. The report was accepted and the recommendations of the oommittee adopted. Mr. Riddle offered a resolution directing the Colttee on Gas to hay!, tile oilmen O. he come of thernestprotelnent streets, which was Mt and adopted. tnghartt offered a resolution instructing the Superintendent of Water Works to hove a tire plug on Meheoca street, opposite Staten. alloy, removed to the curbstone. Referred to Committee on Water. On motion adjourned. 2 estlinony of IFies4mcs. .S.t a meeting ' s the ifoird of Director. of the people., Line o Steamer% lowingrowns. hue on the 10th t., the fol resolu- I time) of respect to t tl memory of tae late President of the Com y were admited: Resolved, That by the death of William ii. Clarke the Company hay oat one of its moat . efficient and honorable embers, and the community an enterprising oblettnd gener ous hearted man, but we with humble the will of HI wholloeth all Mrps atiod to well. • • Resolved, That the berenyed fa ly have our I condolence Mid sympat for their irrepttratbi loss, We teat 111 hope hut their Hiss was Ids eternal gain. Resolved, Mgt these proceedings b placed upon our minutes p and be publi !D shed in the Brownsville and Pittsburgh paers, in testi eny for our high regard for the character of the deceased. 11. T. Aamtah, Secretary. Amusements. Pyrrenunon TeJekren--Alr. Brougham this imaging takes a benefit, appearing in WTI or hie Meet Plyn4p4i . ebnraerern—ln" comedy sag lame. - he will ' perennate Cant. Muiphy ),LegUIVO, In the "BeriOna Family," and also takna Dart inn • lanabsible piece written by PU 6 1 1 ' 1911 0 1 154 "I,ovo /deny wilt doubtless be anxious to see him in the former character, in width he is said to nave no superior. Orza.i.liouen.—Bilen Mary Provost will re eelve a benefit [his evening, and makes tier appearance In th e "Female Gambler." The .ftrseentellnitcbmari" betheafterpieee. The fair beneficiary should VeCelVo - a crowded home teuight, and-we trust she may. EMI! CMlrt: is the easeof I .eartrv&l.he School Dl fora of =SIM county, reported yesterday, the Jury Mond a verdiet of $310.60 for the plaintiff, subject, however, to the opinion of the COtirt upon questions of law: reserved. The nest can. etlled up was that of Errs. Ilaryitlifran vs. Railer, Smith & Co., action to recover amass for trespass. it is alleged Wet the defendant/kin the easelie trespass ed upon plaintiff's coal lands, dug a eon /bier/Mb quantity °fetd the m. The de. readmits have lands of their own which ad joins t4t of the platutll; and It Is d In stated minina' they blukorossed.the tin " nateoved His Ogioe.—iggor n. 0.11.. oarwe tang rr; 1 :4 % l it e r r , ,Z~ e y we inapped In ',Nutmeg afterriben and found ^the Wor'e newliMulquarters fitted up in very elegant ettyle. In addition to - we superior nentemis and oaten th e present °Mee t le in:l ' 4ll l Z V uua lof I=U ra itUaUed an enviable repntatiteine 4 Meyer. Teeple 40 more Medico= or. sues' Me. maa rate at the pitteburgh bar. Hie aveninge are spent almost uniformly in Ws private Binary at bla 0.111 bongo.. OM ever =diem dart =BlM heads front neglect. .:.. *eatgiants Imi•litartuallook,-,The Namara' ... r /.404tatar Radian:a attataaprour.irop3, • towya a. taw, efecleat aaritguard thtm; -4, _ wrm, it ' are Illeammulta learn that Loo kart it Co. CoMMebeell 1L8.312/IMII - 14'14 Thlf llrra supti /4/ 1 11. 1 41 'r.a!°! eithap p..Or Iron, , a • rtant A . The reader m will po remember that during the recent term of the Criminal Court, a altered i man named R. D. Turley, proprietor of a bar. ber chop in the Ninth ward, was Convicted On a charge of receiving stolen moods, and that ! Wm. Topper, subsequently convicted on a charge of burglary, te_stided on the trial that he y had entered into an arrangement with T !aft r O eto receive the goods stolen. ImmediatWy hls conviction, Ttu - ley, who wila.Olitbla i ball, obtained permission to visit his hoote,ltilic tore being sentenced. A ball piece for his gr rest was lit -iced a few hours etterwacds and placed in the hands of officer Hoffman who on had reachfin lownT, g urlmand's house, found the bird the line of retreat monied unknown tor some thee. Several days since. °Meer Hoffman Obtained in formation which led him to connect that the fugitive was in Harrisburg, and be according ly visited that city. A thorough search was made but Turley was not to be found. The officer then visited Somerset, and his ipuerge verance WILS rewarded by discovering r ley quietly at work in a barber shot,. The officer took him in custody and arrived in this Citt. on Weanesdny night with his prim, charge, who is now in Mil awaiting s of the Court. - The Canal Somer.—The Street Committee of Allegheny have Just completed the con structioreof a sewer or drain in the old canal bed. The bridge on Robison street was taken down, and the stones from the abutments, which wou have served admirably In t off and of th e drain, were carried off and sold, while the timbers, which were none too sound, were need in building the sewer. To make matters worse, the drain wes only made twenty inches In width, while its whole. extent In length is, one hundred teet. new long this lesubstarrtial structure will last, or how long before It will he choked up with rend, it will require hut little mental arith metic! to determine. • itlisintadt Twolek.—a. young lady meld lug to Bron natilla who arrived In this city yesterday on the steamer James keen, appear ed at the Mayor's office and stated that her trunk, containing, a quantity of valuable clothing, besides four hundred dollars In money; - bad been stolen. Inquiry was made of the clerk on the boat, when It was ascertained that the misaing trunk . had been pot eahore during the night at a landing some diatance above the city, a passenger having claimed it. hali he y oung lady placed the matter to the de Ls now In arrattorney, and search for the trunk progress. Agszault.—Henry Langkamp yesterday morning made an assault upon Louis Cella, saloon keeper on Fifth street, la the Market, by kicking him and throwing a lafge stone at him. The cause of the disturbance was an 011 grudge sr kick the assailant entertained against him. For indulging In this recreation, langliamp was arrested, brought. liefore the Mayor, and held to bail for his appearance at Court. Fire 011 dram Slreet.—About 1 o'clock yesterday morning a fire broke out in the dwelling occupied by 0.1. Von tionnhort, Esq., corner of brunt and Fourth streets, but the flames were extinguished before any mu:aerial damage was done to the building. The lire occurred in the bath-room, but how it origina ted cannot be ascertaiaed. Some carpets were bunted and three valuable birds suffocated. Sewn Buirond.—The barn of Mr. Jacob Nape, of 411 e homy township, Cambria coun ty, shin entirely consumed by are on Theadtly, the 9.1 inst. rive hundred bushels of oats, a large quantity of hay, two cults, two calves, wagons, sleds, harness, Sc., was also consum ed. 140ss about g 2,500. Mr. Nagle had his barn burned about. two years ago. No insurance. It was the work of an incendiary. The Titusville Herald says that the First National and Titusville has opened its loons again rammed business with the full coutideace of Its patrons. It adds, how ever, that considerable • depression exists among the depositors of the Petroleum Bank. After waiting ten days they can get no Indica tion of what they have to expect. Eye, E►r and Catarrh.— We refer our readers to the advertisement of Dr. Gardner, who will again visit this city on Tuesday, April 17th, and remain until the list. Office at the Monongahela House. Those who are suffering front deafnelis, disease of the eye, or catarrh should avail themselves of the oppor tunity of consulting him. NOTICES. OF/CE iPI rrinritott, Ft . WAY WAY VP: E & C THE utcono It. It. Co. EiTiononott. March 24, Iffs4. NINTH DIVIDEND.—The Hoard of Directors of this Company bare declared I the regular dividend of TWO AND ONE HAL/ PEI[ CENT. tut the Capital most. for the quarter ending March al. ult., payable free of Government L 2.2, on and atter April 14 pron., at tne harbklog, bent. Si' Winslow, Looter & Co., New York, to the share - isoldedAsallskAubtd-luolhatAilky—and-by4he Teeinin err to those registered a, Pittsburgh. The transfer books sill close on March SI, at 24, o'clock, P. n.. and will re-open April ID, thereafter... By order of the Board, Y. M. lIETCHINSON, Secretary'. NOTiCEs I have this day disposed at tar interestto the Ght Factory, situate in the Eighth Ward, unties th style of E. PRESSER & CO. KREHAN ITSBUVOII, PA., April 11168. -splll:3L.l BLANK BOOKS, PAi"KR, &o HAMILTON'S FA 9 TENERS, fHA CHEAPIISI AND HEST IN 111 E Manilla and Wrapping Papers WRITIM PLUIDS AM COPIINB INKS, COPTILNG HOOKS AND PRESSES, Blank Books and Stationery, Pole) N Celebrated Bank Pen Warranted. WRECK Bookb UN ALL THE BANKS, I) ta 11" s .13 la. n s MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., •p14:11 No. av FIFTH STREIT. B4minonr. AND HA VANA STEAMSHIP COMPANY: ALEX. BROWN & SONS, Gen't Agents SOR 313CALliT.es..rg^ AND ckn - 5.#11.416.ma - Es. Carrying the Culled Staten Mail. 'llk. First-Class litestaships of this :Inc will sail as follows: %TUBA "-I,IIX , tons. Wm.fßolllas. Cummaod.. oa SATIINDAI, Aprll 21t1. "LIEN/ITV-1.20 tons, W. ./. tatford, Command• From BItaeIt3ITIPARRFA, Y'kLL'S POINT, At 4 o'clock P. 1 1.. PrtelsolY. on Oa days atmonoccd. Yor !coign/ or passage. caving oasurpassed so cmodattous, apply to HENRY It. WM/YIELD R Cq., A cot 4. N. oMs of Ladlor Ott those:brig/Wimps-, or ljrAeggigis Ottal6irioorgiftietricigirefann!: „,,,, laausg slancd on day of sahlog. apttly : . s•l l l=l*rawkiliz.):sl4es - 1191178E-FERNIBIIIIIIO GoODS Curtain Damask, • • Gilt Cornices WHITE. ORR de CO., Eta ssrtt, Elltreart. CEKETERIEFL EfILWALV - - CEIMW nil and tenet platgroskat" ofBTER n: oats on the Imtniaget w ive , 7=r b 44 the czet,opiti 6 Sg P er tita b l mutant other hestni...ufa An, - Permits Warehouse - of the nutterenia.7. - b' "144 Dry and Leaned/ streeta'auft,u u y Or redaili USU. A. ILILLI.T., ' 'Secretary 4,11 d Tremont,. TWO 4340 D SIZED, YOUNG AND GENTLE MULES POE' BALE. WI/1 hoer SPORAD-SABLE, Lib;; ertrotr•et, xbent Noun 0- Vim. • . APlOnlPtbicalcua . . ' r7:9;s7,wnwTT•:l-1 "I "xl i k- b , !RI!: PRICE THREE CENTs LIGHTNING RODS. pITI'BIIISIIGH maim ROD WORKS LOCKHART & CO., Manufacturers both of °opt:mi." Iron Lightning Rods, DUQUESNE WAY, Below Band St. Bridge, Pittsburgh Professor JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary .of the Smltlitonban Institute, acknhwiedged one of the most sclentlile Men Of .thta age, says no damage can ensue to a building prritected by a good Lightning rod, however mane discharges may WI uponlt. A, good rod, by its powerfullnductlon. r am al she. the. Id of the lower put of • cloud, and therefore lessens the number of exPloil re discharges; bilt11.•:, discharge takes plitet from the cloud, doe horn nit,. Cause whatever, It will be attracted from a given distance around the rod, and transmitted 100021,- onsly to the earth. We rail special attantiOn to "bilinseir. CollPL' Tutelar Lightning Rod, with spiral Fl sakes." 11.1 t, rod has received, the Pleat Premien, at the Mite fairs of Yew York, P onooDir.ols, too", 1 11 1 4103,, 'lndiana, Ohio and .Connecticut, and at Alt:tonal ^ lath, Maryland Institute, American IttatitiMi-,bf. 'New York,Mechanielr Institute of Cinetnnatli7and at very i nar.*lstinsit i itld....Liliti let Pairs in all sec tions of the country. It hat been successful In eye!, contest. and has been erxenslvely Used by the mos intelligent people wlmreker Introduced. It Is a well established se lentil:le (act that coppe possesses eight times the ecnductlng power of Ivor, and all professors of learning hold that only the nee face of a conductor Is used by electricity. The,. Munson', rod, peabesSing a surface two-and-a hal &Antes greater than the Iron rod, It follow, thall It equal to twenty iron rod, when In their best condi Clot.. Iron soon rusts, and thereby Hiles its useful. new, while copper will not ntet, sod always retain, its Dower of con . action. The tubular, spiral shape of bianson•s rod gives the greatest strength al tht smallest p salble cost, and makes It superior to s sand copper roil three bitches In cireunlfareliee. The manner of connecting the mints is such that perfect cOntlpially le formed from one end to the other, and this rod s ill remal• a good protecilou soli:lst the dimstem by lightning as long as the buildinien dares upon which Il Is erected. To show tile estimate in which this rod Is held by such scientidc persons. and others, who have ex amined it, we append a few of the many indorse ments it has received: From Dr. B. D. Borkooda, Professor Of Chenzialry, Philadelphia.—••Siothin g can be batarden In saying that Hanson's le the best rod before the public. Prom Prof. Bnoen. late Indiana State Orologod. •• I do not hesitate to commend Munson's rod to all who with a perfect protection from accident:. 117 ' Prom the lair Col. A tones. Medldeol of li , noun —•'l do not boon how E. rod could he made to combine more of the requisites of protection gainst lightning. it wnl certainly go Into general er In tenon Prom Prqr. loon, lul.ly 3or-upyrny r VOW.. or Saturn] Heirneje-V. 11. Christian y. -- ••I regard It a* superior to other rods and recommend It to the public. • • iron. RUM/ qf badtanu Pare Ineurance o..—••Witeo the butidlug is protected by Munson's Copper Light flog Rod, lire per cent. will be deducted hum the premium note. No rcaluctibn for iron rods." From Wm. Renderson, Prtaident int/Moo poll* . arorooee Co.—"it Is a rule of this company to charge less premium on building. pnatecteti by the &Manson Rod. I would not consider the lives of my family safe without one of' the rod, on my real deuce." Prom the Neva Pork Tribune.—" Very novel, co dently ch ffi eap, and we should Judge • very efficient liftnthgerge.r.ketrtlle df.v..i..•—",, constructed upon the must a p p , pis i - ed scientific p i stil- Is V. e , s ,;, aid ever? , °Litt% a t ould o., i d i v ‘f :gia n t ;11'8e'ill'ALWZ`gilltf;t1;1;,1=1:,' d Shot Si. it of rod attached thereon are iumaiticient. oar Board have directed that kfurison•s Crept., Rod be put up forthwith." Wholesale dealers anpplied with iron or Copper Rod. al lowa. rates. lipr Copper Rods a 11 seri' popular among the people, and ,peddlers re And them conveniently carried and easily put up. Iron 1212043 are of the most approved kind. ...ur Orders for the erection of rods on buildings in t lila vicinity may be sent through the mall, or left at sir LOCKHART & CO., Duque.. Way, 24 door below Baud Street Bridge apleWtdeodalteir PITTSBURGH. PA.- SUNDRIES CpToStftlracptENTS-10rF TRVITL ALP /00 boxes Messina oranges, 100 bezziona, do Goshen Cheeso; 25 litanahurg do 102 dozen Canned Teaches; 50 •• do rill 31110.; to g,IIV. tar,r,:gz 40 • • bush. Peach Blow Potatoes X:1 •• •• Received and tor sale by do 'ln sacks, VOTTER, AlKeig • BHEPAItD, am Liberty streti. WALL PAPESIS FO AP NEW COLORS are Clay, Smoke, Orange, an Wlne. d EmNIE. W PATERIISn- .4L m Etruscan, Louis XV, GOLDPAPESPLI_IALRS. INENTION Is 211.416 of low priced Rif - Store open every evening,W. P. kIARSEALL, 87 Wood street. priouni FLOUR!! adz barrel. ..Wide World , 'Pl • •• • 'Star Hills', 'oar' ICO • 'Harbin.' • 4. `Jame brands d;n .a.'""" St. L"L' For .weby , Med to pager Bask*, daalr* kt. &SIV E a t”. Diamond. All • SAJL&D SAUCE--Crotse • & well's Prince of Wales Salad Bence and S Ora Cream. anxcellent dressing for lettuce. de. In ;lint and ha l f bottles; also Once Oil for table law in the finest quality, for sale ao.ttn4e. altrattAlley,,klivro.oory store of ml te9 Corner Mem and Han an .tree... WLM EERRN'S enEREsn hgeY gtpwk Pi:r(VmNV= roao4HlackwPeifilant and Mu Catnap, for ash, gafraite.i.folutallpivr, Corner of Liberty and Hand Its ree t. ptipouTEM, ,WINE viNEGAR, Bollinen`s Imperial Triple Vinegar Or clipertor decor and etrengthuneurpaesejin qtty. table or for pickling, for erle lo the go nor , ens, by 4.l P B"W is Corner tcy and laud . VATiiii7A 111 — e:, ---- t lig 8 — .l --- C' ---- U s received pzga fteldi tut of ,106 sew VILAIIIIL MW. for its lit , 43 =ne o p r outtel or stogie Haan. at the ..11.10. 'A. ventsaew, - Corner of LI berlgr and nand streets. _.________________ sa. AD 0 11.--4Ve'have In , store.a ....." supply of the Oneat Italian anA ordeanx.ollye IL %Pith: Tolegugts.°slo=teirtg°F4,2; tirocery Store of i MCA. E mit 'adl a Pl. P 7 Con*, elatism: aua. and sdreel!, PLAILEIPS elleCOLAil&-iilii-ins. -Ai! Barer's Naas. No. a, Nortol% Hia. I. eraMlnln. forand Triple Vanilla Oboadatia;.now In alma for sale by - NNICILERAS ' mb29 Nos. 126 and 12s wood street- I PUP I tITA ES PrIint. Allkrt latioes j Tirr i?:l4l::d r° 7 41 7/1(0. CA iirliClA) iraS , _ nmm • 8010 Aatt• W JUL e nned da __ l rr4Y.d And far I so. B. rR!•ER APPLES-gip bpi, choice York State Green apolea, joie reortirdarkl for 4P?: ' litraireZV'Di.. _ _ _ griThirellitiNttorfellFASlseese. Pill i txlo2.l'llipti336-",4411141: Ily Jun rewired roul tor sale try ' 111 ANG111W4 - w i t h A c t ast mtr o ir m oraz) , ;retful, *he w.d indsi Vt. P. lifeltaliALL. la Wood sin.A. GOLD -WALL' 117---------APEDS,Atilinv prices, far rarters ana thambeni;lorialttnr mh24 ' • W. P: J4AREILLI stealiner HOWlttatt tO arrive and for sale . , Apia ISAIAH LOOKItY,A CO. EAB CORN 10011 bulk for sale b 3. iscsawa a azivan, • • No. 12.1841CotittOrtot. A FIRE LoT. 1 9 Cm.,131,1retr.4. wklin •storem • scow, osuwity st. pLATFQ Ptatrpnu 4`141-4nitet 4TOES-500 EMIL Pfried mMrt and each Blow litptaUtesl toruile ' o.4.ltrizuu. Din APPLES—AO bbild and 90 rsh - son""nralks axesErkcm paucow bavrebg * ate: widthgito. t!easuar Vrtantro x br 0 ap11.•• lll 11 C . RAPE ram 4011.--3 40 0 bbAr. hovitriplid = . 4. " l trar:ll,l,l7lllTc CU" PEACIIEW-01 r tif Pr' rar igitintittlf Mir utrlrTF,ll-720 boxeso3l4ll.ollalt Ali.J yriald fresr goll7lotta rotas!. CANP LEV _ • .Ili. D IaINGLE9-116000 iyo, 1. Shirt. ;1 " store d far • " • Assam Jana , 124 Beyond bait; eltaii .r2:_ins4'tiVPZ6•ii6,'iz '42 - 61' ttr al — VrartaiVr TT ..:4 'ear W Wbeg.1 11 0.011311.174 ' 1 . 11, `MO` M-71,2111BitigliAN BiCale Lei eillWalV-i o~~zr ~~~' °.rfttCitri R ..._ . I. I Arillir&--200 assorted on HENRY R. COLLIStiI. ==Z2=il TFI WEFrirt,Y : - GAteEtTt . . TKO El; ISSUED, OH WRDNR,sp,ry _IND SA TURDA P, The ed/tion to forwarded 'which mash scribers sootiest as the mall run 8114(11.E ?Sams: ,`11 . .g11,1 3t:4•IIVAND di.Wwl7.DB. ME= BOOTS Cc SHOES la the East have aeaaa I . :dee:l .111 e Ilaeufastevara, Special Di§pensation for the Working - Classes of Ibis City; • Boods Se nf at Lower Prices than- Be fore the War! 103,50 IP -Vol* FOR $1,261 The only deiler in the city that was on hand, wah themoneFto "gob ble te these elegantSprho, BOOTS - *ND SHOES! OPEN NESE MB STRIA, UNDER THE OPERA HOUSE. LARGE TRADE SALE BOOTS 4- SHOES. JAMES B. HARMER- WILL .1.1. T. 1210 1;4B PHILIP FORD AUCTIONEERS, t 3;000 CASES .13C14131%99 ALINTIC/ 1 1 980ZI8 Wr will .41, WITHOUT RESERV — on Thursday Morning, 19111 instant, Thu large.t and muuet desirable Mock of Boots nekd lino-ex In the city, follsprlslng MEN 'N Boys', ANI) YOUTH,' RIP AND UAL► BOOTS; (Welty and ►astern wake. • liitSES• AND CIIILDREN•9 tiOAT, KID AND MOO rEGGED AND SE 47- ED ROOTp oF EVERY VAEIEtY. Thli will be the {arced sale of Boots and Shoes ever held In 'Philadelphia, and all classes of buyers of Boots and Shoes whl do well to attend, as all the goods on the CalsJoglie wilt be peremptorily sold, The ”le will take phice on the premises, No. 1601 NORTH TY1161) OTNEET. .. • Trade olt Sand.A.ll aims uoder 1600, cash; over $5O). o credit of Moly days for approved endorsed notes. Interest added. • N. H. — Catalogues ready on Wetineliday morning, on tbsprendses. or ill the Store of the ouetioneem 506 Market street. PHILIP FORD & CO. , AUCerX, apl3:3ld SOO MARKET aT., PEILLADISLTTILL. NEW GOODS: A SPLENIAD" STOCE Ladies", Gentle, Missed, and OUP. Minns, BOOTS. SHOES. AND GAITERS, OF ALL THE LATEST. STYLEft, a-icrwr cownoreani:ii J. A. ROBINSON ,dc CO.'S, spla 61 Martiet Street,. uo(Nrl.4:) CONGRESS, - SELTZER, .KISSINCEN, SARATOCA STAR, &c.,Beery {key Fur we In such quantlines us mai be dastred. by SIMON JOHNSTOp, . Corner Smithfield and Fourth tits. . air The , Waters atie Catititess Bprtag .boat 'Oath aa hutch cOmplatat try made Mat tea, son, ate .tie to be all tight agetn. TIIe , P'S.VORITE*Atint it present with thelmo xjc, and. tbe luudleat proretalod,' aeima lo be the SARATOGA STAG , SPHARG. but rem:Gil tram- Ahmed. its composlttuo. as analysed by ,Profeasar CIIATIILSM, ahem. an annanat quantity or valuable ~• • : • - • •p 7 '''..AirraItULTURELL • leox.,cia~r ; • AGRICULTURAL WORKS No.. die Stad . sl Seri,y . fiercer. cod 70 Cod 78LIberty,Elt. Pititalburigh, pa. SMITH. &• TI MAN,:; PRIMUS Late Pltlittitirgb Aigricultairak.W4o. h l We "WO.Ve to dealers and tafip.R, flat ife and prepared iolll6[lonitthre Mowers 'tad Beakers. rit l"mln nlssiti.. Lever and itallwar.-liorse,Powers. Thrashers; ‘niasters and" tileanersz Ilay,eltraw and:fodder .Cutters; Cane. lOUs. • Chic". miLl. and Premien !Miami Panel's. Tee ri tree, Contaturllers, Ac . t lin., Particular stunt - kin tutillt i dleriNgair '146 21 1 4 1 P I rall' T 1111 1 "* 1 1bi ~• ...."•; • • SEIVICHLET MEM 'ova MCI Or Fruit Tree% drape Vines, STRAWBEIRRI P L AN TS , „ &mim ;Shrubbery, Shiabbery, Roses, ORNANENTAL TREEs, &c., thlarira 10,1 tune tar this vefuoa. }llea Lief anal to SHIELDS &re:110d! CO. ,prprourim. FOR EiALE--POR RENT, bll.''fiALE—A COAL.-AASIAL.:IIII, Aiwalei Welt lelltiebuiwNr folleixorth'of Nobles:, town, ffOtnthe Pit/snot sh•Awd Otennenviile Raticosai • contalnl4% %beef lUT acres: SO acres clem'd* b.la "'a ,l're nif, := P tii9.4l t iti;binr ' 4 4l M ite' in r %* ( X .l atom bnanete. - 766 re nfit VS acre, of excellent Coal ow! Seem thermlema instwerS ouY or mt.. Is well adapted ttimttnx and growler (ha. would these wlslttug to -mtge Ix t I/6137 mut and "nen' nnelocee lot the Flue burgh merket, The tll THURSDAY above Is offered at prlf•to on MA HaX:l44th., Hee , . Roo Haat eola bort /I, sae. For thrther 4117.,4 .c an dor:VA4 . eco4 , ll. RUTTER, At' A r ademll.nt. Pa•iff - aodanlgned, AllelLtft the I atteFt '.2,lratarredirr to IlltowY) • • Towlia.c.,v,e , -01L ,, :wELL INTER.. tft"ttTa r if i g& l ,Mrta ....teko4f,Ttke frotia- art _wow, down oacciagg nk rwltti owl ihoWoroll; itteregta will 128 hold ht gag ussigualir.Tinger,l kikrtlelativ'evagg y P. ]• • alOA113; psi oaaaa liVay,lat door belaw .tlangg aa, 1 ita laio r al l alilicir o 4;'OßlCligg, • .FORSALE± A it il- A.Ararin con- VS.VrMitrjr cht .... l `‘mr...sto_an lrAtm 44 ark!! t heefike 34 ' - ' l7 .'liri,,Tirtert !talrwai - W " .‘ 1,470 et. '. a:u 4 '~ :- .. JijLV~~iLiYVi~ .. ~'J, . ". bint.ll4 Jgat5)444011 ; 1', ,,17, - -;: , :f.:;•V; 4 , t (vl , 4.l7Vand IJPE , • === :y,_ '~+ BOOTS AND SHO SHERIFFS' SALES DEL Alt,- ARE DAPIGEHOUSI No. 60 Fifth Street, ADELPHIA lIMI 11 II 11 0 161 El ...I U. ::: i 'Pc.: 6 .11