he iugh Gazette. PITTSBIJRCH A .I•IIDFRI3DA . ,• , , 12, 1866. dull, notwithstanding -there is a fair business . , , doing bag retail , WlLY. [Emile few articles are ROBINSON, McCLEAN 8c CO., in delnandAndOitetnisennenee oft Mut supply prices have advanced, but, generally, the len- Bankers,:and Brokers, coney is tensard Miner rate.. : R ed. -Wheat is in ' better demand but un -. riOe' 75 }bank West , Pittsburgh , eh Red. Clubittl.,#;,9 at .., , ~ j ,an , salon of Una bne . :healed '. ell or Government esteritins. wmn , , litte at II sin and 1 car prime w inter at eln kinds Beak 'Botta. roniatt 11,a5. Barley le in bette demand and mer. - aae Demeatis agelmnep -ete.,Lete..i. cla.,_ . i ales of 'MO bush Oats at 43. Corn Is but teWli=rtil:trreizsweeti--1.2. In --I—.:ll':ll2,fgr attire at t . in,erl Pert .a. th e ,th a , es *l l. l th' st . fs ."7 3)le 1 31:11..L 1.E.81e.-Alore active huLtinchn,tred ' Isetiaeated with te/tch gtg - -emnining 1, ~Salet:tof,L- e ar Seconds at %SIM,' &idol earldid. the Potato at the Borten. 'R w.Y ticilloirsdetrapr 1 altAtillA 41.40. ..4pitteserga scoters isoaraestriettron comm!.. i Yi,uUM.--ls quiet. t oady,, but, atid prlems aro ow, .- - .i. -‘ Tort J . (m i x 1 pretat well sustained. ' sAV choke , Drswas H. CLBWII a 0a... ewe_ .... ..,...-,_ brands at $2.60(0801) for Spring Wheat; 1e,45D1V a 00i.ranalelptilat MAWS. 9. D.aw........-- ionyohalf Spring. and half rCnter; and WM Dlig..-Bmus o I - 101:Atiall Winter. Rye Flour is selling in atsi 1 zlioYlBlollr-Bacon Is ,qulet , and.;l4 t i rai I.loWer,imardllelles at later Shoulders;'-I SI Dams.es, and MGM for Sugar Co i'rlmekettle reeftree turd is quoted atl@ 4, a X rmici_Lt . : 7 1 4 P ERt i ls in demand,' 'and with BI light smiy good to prime 801 l sells very readily at " GD 13--ii..:eiree and in deMandi fresh packed tell readily at 24, ;BBPIIiS-identeiee , e, dig:dull 'with lnitalititica from store at ASIA per 'bath. Timothy seed la quotedat 34. "Malneed is-in. demand, I at let&L-ii; : ti;ll* Mid .4 i;Ottfolli - ,tgeielisitiel: i from store et 112,130@2,05 per, bl., CIIZE6k-tioalionis firm with- sales' at 24 and seine some holders are l =ZWA• rareToirs.:mo;Juiria fair, market steady and arewell liristainod, ranging frOln 111 beeper bush, and 93.7.104 per hbl.. _ Dlt, BD l'ltliTesicluia MILOS supply and a shadelligher, and we> now quote at 17 to 2.2 I DU qnaltemand-lialera, - Apple% .range from 1.14 to 12, sate quality- , - ~,...„ , HALY*Thereds -'but Very Anne' coming in k r fr it O t tli e ttQopuityl v tt• ;Art: . at, l e ft ,, co a rtegn i e i nee are a shade higher._ We now. quote at tee to Itla per ton, the ,latter figure only for prime T B Kitt unchanged; small sales from storeat4l,26ol per bush. Ifitkillrie4.l: selling in a email way at Pt, `kNANcs • : "Witinissikr. April 11, Mt ' , GAS Ina asimiloidgher fn NOW TOrk to-flay, dpi. quoted a ;fraction above IX. Is thought by themknowing once. that while the I.P.P ami tktn MAY IAdraDOA tomporarthr, at Inter• . vals, that It must,rd necessity,,go lower. , 'Tbe payment of twenty-tineof,gold on is thet efillay. most of which - wi ll ions, remain in thecountry, Will prOduce inch a redundant suPPlythat the 'prentitrat may be expected to - fedi to about The amountthus paid out, tsar; the New York Omantereirda. will be seam to about a three' stionthW supply Inc customs • duties, while it Is' as likely.that gold maycome from. Europetsi that itinsv.be lent there. On the Ist it Is estimated that the Tnen. gory will hiive *on hind 610,eakood of golds ex abode° [tithe +=cruet on deposit ; end settle suteleenent receipts for customs steadily aug ; meet the ,stock In the Treasury, - the public wilt refusn tpl.belleve that the Treasury- will not .11 at li a early: day. The sante paper says_ "This expectation will constantly deiness the-premiunt, and will be quite - likely toltech it, on an average, below the point at which the feasible. ersion of tieven-thirties . It wconvould thus appear that the becretary is iii sly to OW:911IIVIV, 11..Vefty stubborn .dilliculty In the . :way of the 'conversion of lIRMAXOXIO 01 the short, obligatiOns.. . , , . , . , ThelCian hill passed by the -Senate on 1110n_ Asti. in• the forma In which it came from the - .Hoene . , arithoriting the funding Into . Mang lemma other Government securities but te alitating the redatiptiortertitirreney, - t0..510,.. aiipinitoe the Piss six . Montlia and $4,030,000 for each. mouth theleafter. 'Whatever lower of -Immetilate effeetthis bill might have ima been measurably . m anticipated, yet the further de cline Its etissage. Its policy, at /east, is in the direction ,of contraction, and that is unroll. The drift Ia towards resumption, and the Sec retary Wilt :make all that tie possiblycan of his pireoxistlegia well as the power confer red by thla bi/l. - There can be further expan. slant that the errantry realises, and hi:sneeze will proceed accordingly. —The customs demand for gold at New York last week was $3,000,000, while the Treasury office paid out only $13,140 for gold Interest on the public debt. The specie shipments for the week were 00,030, which includes $191,010 to -diver bars. . —Tile total receipts from internal revenue for the week ending 7th instant wan $7,1711,03+ The total receipts-since the 50th Of June, 1355, the beginning of the present fiscal fear, foot up IG51,000.6311.711: Of this amount $ 75 .Ne0.3 14 , 11, ' has been received since January let, Ism —The payment elf the direct tax by South. ern States uederVrits act of Anginal 5, UM, for the first quarter o 1916, ending March 31, were rurfollowic Virgluia, $ . 34740.17; North Vandins 937,310; South Carolina, $lO $17,45; Tennessee, 040,000; and Arkansas, $1 total, $1V1,107,e3, —The Treasury of theitlaitel States holds " the following securities,.gives Dy National banks: As security forcirenlation, $318,G53.8.0: as security for government . deposits in banks designated as deem:Stories, $113,670,500—t0ta1, 112 . 15 . 41 -The Gain ptrolter ot tne Currency last week issued $l,lU,Sta in National bank notes. Thu total amount issued since the National bank:- Ink actwent - into operation la $303,373,500. —The iinniher of government depositories has not been increased doting the week end- Inn April 7. The only national bank authori zed during the cams period was the First Nd tional Bank of Helena, Montana Territory. The total number of ridtioroti banks 111 est-t -eem is 1,643 National currency issued for the week ending April 7. 01,135,300; previodsly rued, *X4,517,170; total to nate, iM55,313.,550. --.llr....Fessenden, tin tile Senate, on Friday. introduced a Mil to amend Section 11l of tile National Currency act, which was referred to the Finance Committee. After repealing tue provision that the amount of circulating notes delivered to each bank aball not exceed ninety per seem of theamountof the bonds delimit rsi as seem try tor the 'redemption of the Flame, it limits to each association whose capital ex ceeds poopoo, but does not exceed lIIMORtk, eighty per cent- of such capital; to each awn. Mallow whose capital exceeds 1000,000, but does not exceed $1,000,000, seventy-live per ce.ntuin of Such capital 1 to such association whose capital exceeds $1,000,000, and does not-exceed r2,0e03, n oea, sixty per oentnm of such capital to each. .mlellitiOn whose melte] exceeds $2,t00,. oat but does not exceed- $3,000,000, fifty per 'rennin of such capital; to such associat ton whose capital' exceeds $3,053000, forty per ' centnm of bath capital; and It shall be tile duty.of the ..t/omptroller of the Currency to retire and withdraw from circulation all worn or mutilated notes -returned by any associa tion wheat, circulating ,notes 'are In meets of the herein escribedi'untik the Oren's*. tug notes of each association shall be within the ratio prescribed for Its capital. Provision Is also made for converting State to National banks - .llmitlng their aggregate circulation to ten millions. •Banks in States and Terntortes enjoying the least ratable proportion. of na tional currency, may have the amount in creased up to fifteen millions until the let of October, 1850, after which period any portion of the ten and the fifteen millions remaining uot allotted shall be need for tile organitio ton of new batilts.s This bill, thour, aiming to farther correct the evils the national bank. ing system takes safe towards ;preventing mid Leurtaillng excess! currency Issues - in peOpOrtintr to - .the . capital of the issuers, and therefore within its own limited scope it com mends itself to'pubiic approraL Finance and Trade in New York. GOLD A:SD iTOOICS. - •Nin Tong, Aprii'll.—MeneY continues easy at 60 percent !Marilee ESChtutgeactiveand firmer, at 1074'oldnirmer, opening advancing to , and closing at..l Gov itinnintStocks, ult. Freights to verpooi, quiet and heavy. The following were the principal sales of Stocks 'at the four o'clock open-Ward: ,gulcksilver,l7l Western Uninr Telegraph, .56; New:-Tort central, 90%; Erie, 7FX nikson, 10E04 Iteadlng.lll*(; Cleveland Cittabergh, fa; Chicago &FUCA iiiisind,ll9;%; Yittalmrgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, OP -.. ntocks, strong: U. S.6's of 41, registered, MX; C. S. 1.40 Coupons , 0t , 09, 10W; 'Treasury Now, 7-41Fs, first series,,lolo%; do. soiond series. list Missouri 6.45, OFA,• Tennessee 6's, 90; Ohio .t Misthisippi Certificates, 2434; Mariptina. pre ferred, Atlantic Steam slap Company , US; Michigan Southern, 814: Minblgsin -Central, MO" North Western, oaii; North Western,preferred, 50% The Hallway list Is steady; Missouri Sixes, NW, Tennessee Sixes. 90; Ohio Missls.dpid Certificates, California Sevens, lON Marl- P0ra.%1%; Militate Mail, 12S; Pacific Mail, 190. oat GOODS. znerket to-day lit quiet and dull, a Itb n lowirrard tendency'-and anders say tt wtlt go much lower. 'Wooten a Tor _the paid few days have been some what firmer, but to day they are walk. Prints are oleo weak to. day, Matzo change In prices so far, Blenched goods are more !needy than anything in the market. Brown goods plenty, and holders want offers for them. Nothms and fancy g 00.16 have fallen off omudderably. Foreign goods. with the exception of linens and staple.., urn hard to eel!. Auction houses are still offering large amounts of goods, and selling about one lot In dre. Bodp Srirts—Bradloy't Doptce en,4105; do Emprese trail' 125,• 11snufactstring Company KO. 200 trail 15 to 03, do =trail 50 to 70; kteyeros IX.L.Wide tapes GS to 1124 do narrow tapes 48 to .73; Osborn A Choosemen, Eugene 50; do Paris trail tz; do comufftation 70 to BO; Union Skirt and corset CorttpenVilto. le tapes 40 to 50; do broad 11 to 60. Belmont' Skirts—Branner 33; Isabella No. I 45• do 14°242;401X 40i 0.0 LLXlo;_do litisses boougenie 00; O. It. Colbert& Co. 30; Brettle ro Si; Chelsea .13; - Wonderment 13; Adriatic 33; ington Si. Corset Jeans—lilac. 174 t Nanmkeng 'tan do Satten. m e 13; Shift 1000.—EIC1 Sowper Mem 35,- Home 13; Hope ffl; Jam e s alit ..Loostbile BrOttro Shoo-tom,— AmOskeatA 51; Appleton A 15; Atlanta A 0% Augusta . 2:2; Stark A 75; ahauutkel A 18; Pa rdee A 26; Park 20; Plttstlel A IE4 Indian liend '4; OrestPulls 11 23; Lanar k 00; Nash extra 22; Negmarkq A 4. . • J. Cross ley d Sons, beat velvets, 3,50; In. A - 1, 3310; dO. patent, 8,00; do. Roxbury; 3,0 n do. Tapestry Brussels, 1,75; Bode Bnissels u0rbu ir;15,4W7141411Za.14.14-go!ineedAW,3o: artford Cal pet Company, p1y,i'2,35; do. an -s,ril. 2,07%; do. aul.erftne,l,Ts, In ad turn super,. 08; modicum :b.sr ingrains, 8.4345,.. Ilempo— lain, 83 Ineb t 3fi 57141., do. 38 inch, 4u 0701 do. Tv. Bled, 30 Inch. 58.66 n COttou drug. gall; 8.4, 115(080; Coln Battings, 100(81,10, PETItOLZDV LIII.OOLD SNARLS. Petroleum and Gold Shares getierall,r quiet with an improvement..ln COnsOlidatedi;lngerY and Gunnell gold. The flotnotractr. enemas tint; has followral In the wake of Stitule River and exploded. There was considerable stock. sold out under the rule at 15635 cents for the account of J. 14. BRIM d CO, and E. southwied. The Mock sold yesterday at 4.14 .'ileltnellOtr, 10.90; 011 Creek, 75; United Statei, 8.59; AtUtu ,thr, 3.150; Smith Pumice, Sea. e• MINING STOCKS. i The following aro tbe Prkiei :of Mining titoeka bid in Boston to-day: Copper Fails, 44}4; Franklin, 411 i; Baneock, Water Pow er. 3:1;47, Isle Royal, Minnesota Ray State t. 1%. s•anwAxii. The Hardware trade la driller. Nunn are selling at. ge,50@6,02%. Scythes and haying cools aro 111 demand. English Mo. have an vaneedHl per copt. °Tang to the . Claugmnalif Irole Market. , Cilfonol ami,April9.—Thera Is a good mar. tot in pig Iron though . holders. display no anXletrto se ll , mid are still contending. , for full rates. :Hot blast la hold at $ll6OO Penton. fur No.l, and elayris for Ho. - 1. ‘old blast In quoted MI7O per 1.011 sword/my' to. Bar Iron fa steady at dl4f/70. Yor common and good charcoal. Home shoes are dull at 808'.4. for Stmenberger'a extra, and mule: aim:mall larsikat.: B.tr'FaasozacoiAprila—Uong Wong' detest are received' JO Ornery' AUJI, , They,repott the leading 'staples, of Import and export, • auk, being without material change. native wheat having appeartat,there is little demand for . Brew:Wane-4110e watt Flans aro. away. Atoaka are stronger; ~•! 0117011 Or Tax Prez/mynas Etaxil9s ss, Wrovisrfxr,' April a. The general market Iran aulor and rather PITIIO3IOIWII rZTROL.N.I.7OI MARKET ORLI:MOW Tan rITTesIIVIOR Deanna Wenssansv, April 11,190.5, CRIME—The demand for Crude wasagain light, to-day, and with bat comparatively few transactronireperted, the market Is,Tnit and weak,altliOngh *rites remain 13, bbla rettitned;:and hi, bids lneliided, .Pates of leo bbls atl33l6rat IS, and 900 at 13.. Buyers and sellers areat.lll apart in their views the former still Instating for concessions, to which the latter seem unwilling to sabnalt, and until the market becomes more settled, it is altb- Tether likely that tram!actlons will. be very much restricted anabuldneas retarded.' REFINED—There is no improvement to note to the demaibi for.bondett oil, and what Is worse still, plices are steadily receding. For immediate delivery in Philadelphia, '49 cents V i be regarded as a fair. onel:station, and 39 0 for May. It in said that there wag a sale o one thousand barrels for May ,at 310 f. ForJtmeanthluly deliveries;there seems to be little or,llo.l4sltUrgi and in , the Mumma of sales, we otnit.quotations. rree ou la dull, and prices are entirely nominal. ARRIVALS—The following is u pa rtial rc pOrt. of the arrivals to-day—we a:cre. unable to et au that came In.' - Fisher 11 ..... Jag. Wilkins...-.... 11761111.111er it Co INS; Barter Edwardsr.,TO W.P. Logan 6so D. Bushnell nsli Total New IC4irk Mar ret. Naw YORE,Aprli IL—Canonic better at 37,2 Sac for Middling. Flour more active and clos es with considerable firmness; for medium to good grades 4{7,1007,,r4; for State f 0,1151 0,41 h for WM. 4N 4 1 6 ; and $ll-for trade brands. kv steady; for State anti Western 199.,81i43,37. Wheat quiet and dric.,White Canada, at $2,60, and 100 Amber Stateat ff.% 43, 'find - 41,70 refused for choice new No. 1 Milwaukee. Rye more active and a little firmer; Western 0.4915 c, In store and delivered. Barley dull. Barley Malt Quiet. COrn 2c bettor and more active at 79effic for unfionS(l, and 194 , 52.3 for sound mix ed. WeSterliditOtb in 'store and. delivered. Oats more active and is fetter, at.404)4510.f0r new Westerst;:s6Qs7c t- for old do.• Coffee steady; St. Thnilingol3s{, gold;_ Rio 15e. Sugar steady; Porto Nice tohuisK; Havana, fres h at Mc. Mo lassesdull at 660 for Cuba, 75c far Porto Rico and 420 for Barbadoes. etrolecon dull at tic for Crude, and .1449 c for Refined in bond.. Pork beery, unsettled and lower, at ei15,24 , Z,60 for New Mess; closing at for regtitr; $21,75 for old; also, 3,750 barrels New Mess for April, May and June, seller's option, at ir..5.,•250 , 2V2%..': Beef 'unchanged at 111.5.69 ff 19,50 for new platirSless; and W1R , ..4 for New Extra ideas.. Beef Rams steady. at 037,50(M50. Bacon decliningat 14,6 a for Cumberland , CCM; 14 1415 for I.eng Blbbed, antllso for Short 'Ribbed. Out Bleats dull at'aiiill9l 9 9 for Shoulders, and iSelSe for Manor. Lardhcavy • and nominal at 104:919Xu.. Sutter quiet at 9 5 t3A 5 c for Onto, and CVO for mac. Cheese 16Otic. Rt. Croix limber Bwsluess A Stillwater eorrespondont learns front gen tlemen thoroughly omnpetstut to determine, thatrthe amonnt of lOgs- cut during the pot' winter in the various cmaps is estimated at about 50,000,000 feet There Isnot the remotest doubt in regard to a sufficient stage of water this spring for *driving" purposes, to that this amount can easily be got daw n. Add to this the ',ooo,Wgt fleet of old logs which have been left in the venoms streams during sea sons of low water, but which can now be brought down, and it foots up: 5,1X0,01:0 teetof logs for the coming season. The same corms.. pendent says that there will be a mush larger amount of lumber manufactured than In pro lions - years —O - t. Paid (Minn.) Press. Chicago Lumber Market eincsoo, April il.—There to a good demand for shingles adoixt, and .the market is firm. Bales include &cargo from Manitowoc, at 111,75 for shavod and sawed together, and el for cedarslgnglea. • Also, MO fn. oedar shingles, ex schooner - Challenge, from Sheboygan, at PM; ACCOsplit cedar posts at leci and 4SO m. sawed and. Mussed shingles at e 4 ,7 1, ex on/umber Webber, front Manitowoc. Aleo, t 3.000 cedar potqa, ex propeller Beelrue; at Se each. Wo hare no sales of lumber to report by the cargo, but there, is • a good demand. Common boanie, - fencing., Joists, and 'scantling are a little lower in the yards. Upper qualities are steady. tAlcaso Market. . „ Cluctoo, Appril 11.—Flour neut. Wheat steady, at 01,.' .I,2Sti for No. 1. Corn steady, at 44:4640 for FNo. 1. Oats Arm, at - R*7OW for Fresh No,. And Ri34 24e for N 0.21 Provntions dulitidess Poch at - tdc: Lard at 1754 c. Receipts aro 5,000 bbl, . flour; 10,000 bush. wheat; 11,wu bush. ccms;9,3oolnush. oats. Shipments: 3,000 'bbis. dour; 11,600 bush. wheat; 4,00 D bush. corn; 4,700 bubh. oats. llereland Market. Cm:ratan°, April 10.—Wheat--Demand more notice and market firm for high grades. onies 3 earn N 0.2 Shelby red winter at 01,75; 5 rare No. Xilwankie Spring on private terms. Corn —hLarket firm.. and , unchanged. Sales 2 care No.l Shelled at Ble Oatilore' native and' drm. Salta 5000 bush at See. Bye—Doll and. nominaL Barley—No Wen. IMPOSTS In ItILIILSOAIN PORT WATIIII A CB/0.100. B. R. Aprllll.-193 bbls molasses, I.llFolgt & co ; 300 beds flour, Shomaker, & )'tang; 1 car blooms, Pork Bro & co; 802 plis. load, 'J 8 Candela 100 bbls dour, Knox A McKee ; 275 plat lead, Bake well, Pears A Do; 1 - car ;potatoes, Hitchcock, McCreary & co; 2 cars brick, Kier, Glover &co; 59 kegs nails, Basset, Pearson A Morrow ; 54 bolts iron, K 'D Dlandge; 1 cox omit, J Rhodes; pkgs produee, T Jenkins Atwelle bromes, Robt B Townsend; 8 kgs lard, , Lee & co; I car bay. it Campbell; 2 cars metal, John Moorhead; .127 ski potatoes, E R Cleveland; car boners, , Allegheny Fertilizer Co ; • I car staves, J 0 1 0allahapt, I car stares, J galys; I hermits, H.Rea,jr: Aszoatunit fPritioa, April 11.-10 has cheese, C C Bohan 1 ear WS. It Knox A Solli 7 bbls butter, , Coblital; 3D bge - flaxseed, Eker A Hamilton; I car millfeed,l2Knox A Bon; 2 bbls toolasseelz,,Son'49 ,`o; 1 car lumber, C C Boyir..; 3 care Wbeat, , Kennedy A Boo; 5 dozen tubs, A Kirk A co; 7 balms yarn ,r Germig A co; 10 bblo dour, Seem a B1'0;311101 rip, lames • - . PITTSIIIMOII, COLUMBO nap CDrOISZATL B. H. April 11.-50 bble lard oil, J field Jr & co: lot old metal, Hill & Speer; t bbl, Head Neu gar; 1 ear milifee4l - elrs ilour,Stevrart Langenbelmt RbteggeT2 pkgs lard, Lll Volt & co; 10 pes bacon, 'Cooper & co;2 pkgs Kirkpatrick & Boa. Ccarcri.sais a Prpresesaa BAIL BANAD.— April IL-193 Ors potatoes, 'l` C Jenkins; Icor lumber, Phillips & co; 240 bgs barley; Z Volt. wrigta & se sks glue, A. Itoocehrri 2 care oate,l. do wheat, A.. Taylor. • • CARPETS. AT Dit:CALLUIIPS, No. 78 Fourth Street, THE LATEST PATTERNS OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain 44 6.416. — PL3PMUC15. Embroidered and Fine Printed ' ro.T.A.TMCW aCiNTIMPLIS. Rugs, Canton Illattings, &c., iffrad.,Pragt="irmr,==. of ° t" a .tiergrio VAIL-14. I W. D. & 11.11oCALLUM. EE HOUSE-FIJRNISHING GOODS nirtain Deiniapki /4ee . Curtains, WHITE: CHUI'IIt:CCI., • I:lll!Eak.taii:ii%tre•eot. •IVPAPEIU4IA I IIII4III4OI. wurigat, - !:_mr-REg i pAppolv - ..w5 . 0 , * gir l "Vil l eVtlf " silvtiod etttei. RIVER NEWS AILMSVAI.A. tednidas tox ...... ....St: faonla. • • I Grey Gordon- .Parkersburg. 4) ,1 . 1 2t -Kelley OIL City. MBNEEMI!! EMM BOATS LEAVIWO TO-DAY. }lnaneler......Darragh New Chicane. ==! The river continues to recede steadily at this polnt,with scant rune feet in the alum . net by the Allegheny marks last eyening. The Weatliereonttanea clear and plettaant, and all that could possibly be desired for the trans actions of out door business. The'Grey,Eagle" arrived and departed for ket•Sinirtj,ltnd the Bayard,' from Parker's -•g, may be ex - fleeted at the wharf this morn 9ite Leonidas, in command of CapL M. A. Cox, arrived from SL /tints on Tuesday even iinngg tatif g attd:r nt 'l2l l l 4, B w h l e tich i d s 13.:CV tairilytatritging in these days of dull- SIOSS and OM. • The Want la got Off for St. Louis vesterdeY fOrenoOlvielth an excellent trip . Including a •lergenlitnitarMt inantengers, the majority of whom areendgrating to the west. The Finarieler,•CtipL Darragh, had not got Olffer'NeWOrletuas when we Fen the wharf. If "aliedld getlnflast night, she will leave to-day Without faaL _PrileEtselaire arrived from Oil City since our 'iaStrllipertis and the Bale cleared for that ,point yesterday afternoon. Business (tonne- Mee rather dull on the Allegheny, and besides, :the water is getting low. The Kato Putnam and Nora were advertised to leave Cinetnnut. for Pittsburgh on Tuesday end the-Naebville and Waunnitu loading at St—Louis for this city. The hate Robinson,Capt. Robin , with J. Wherry In the ollies,t filling up s ilk for the Missouri River, and will soon b re to take her departure. She will be fo town by the Nile, Capt. W It, Hazlett. The Louisville Democrat, of Sunday, says: At a meeting of the pilots, yesterday, 'the association resolved to let every pilot belong ing-to the association set his own price es to wages. This is a good move, as pilots hereto fore have been charging high primly fOr steer ing.. Business got so dut steamboatmen couldn't afford „to pay Isom of them their prices. it is stated that ono of the female passengers on the W. R. Carter was delivered of a child while the steamer was sinking, and that wheal the boat, went down she wan seen holding it Above her head, as If striving, with trneimaternal linalnet, that though she must die, her babe should die the last. The Armattille. left at, Louis foe Missouri River on Monday; the Wauardta left the same day for Pittsburgh, end the silver Lake was Pxpeded to .arrive there on Tuesday from ittsburgh; - • • The Importer, CapL Noss, will at once cow menee.loading for St. Louth, and she will be ready tO leave on Saturdsy. -s The DelsWare, Capt. IL W. Barton, is next on the list for the Upper Mississippi, and will . he -ready to lake her departure about the tatter part of the week. The 264. Louis Republican, of Tuesday, says ”We. hear it atated that the flre on Saturday morning was caused by the cook of the Nevada attempting to light his tire in the crook-house by the aid of coal oil. This cannot be, as the cook-house was situated on the boiler-deck astaAlle fire originated in the engineroom. But we would say to all steamboat men "throw away your coal oil lamps." Tubular boilers wens far more safe. We know of three or fourof our oldest end most experienced steam boat Captains who have discarded the use, en tirely, of coal oll." , - We clip the folk/eat% from the Louisville Courier of Monday ; On the fells there were five foot eight inche., water In the pass, down the Indlau chute, and over five feet water up round the turn for as cending boats. The famous towboat Alps, , from itemdids, tried that chute successfully bound for Pittsburgh, end the Mary T., once a famous mast packet, built to ply to Now Orleans, Donaldsonville, and Bayou Plaque mine, having Assert converted Into a towboat, was trying to ascend the chide-last evening, bound for Pittsburgh. Ow w Loso Tair.—A little boat calico the Miner came in from Pittsburgh yesterday, en route for St. Loins, Fort lienton and the far off Itockytalortntains. After traversing the en ire length of the Ohio, from its source to the month, set toilet, she theu has to ascend the Father of Waters to St. Louts, let miles; thence to the wild Missouri, up to its farther. most navigable limits to Fort Benton, same 3,000 miles. Then the vast perils ano hard ships of the trip begin. The final destination Is tee Point of Rocks, MO miles beyond Tort Benton. She Is laden with railroad Iron and miners' materials , . • TRAVELERS GUIDE. irrival and Departure. of Trains, Posszasylsemin Central lialirol.4. &parts. Anima. DAV C5.m . 410 t:2O • m 1:15.1• &Mon. Ateom . b 544 m Pan Line 2,10 • m L.Nbellanatt.Esp . • PRO m,lat Wall ACCOM.II 0:93 am llall 11:41‘ m.Peon Aert ti o 1,. 7:150 am Pbll . • Expres.... M prok2d Wnu Accom... e:6o►ro /ohustown Len. 2:50 p M Vohnet'n Ammo. 9:311a rut Line 10.43 p m,P111.1-Erle Atall../ 2.35 P wt Wall Aceom.. 644 • co • Wallow,* Exp`s 1130 pm 24 •• • • 11,ti, • m *IW all Amna1....1,91p a . _ . •• • • 4:50 pln :Phil•• Express- 2:05 p m 415 Wall•S• e •11 . VMS p sa Wall's An' n NO4 7 ..C.) p m e Penn Au Nu 1. 10:50p ro Altoota Accom. a t Tratu...10:1 , 09 us The chure.b train leaves W a ils' Station every Sunday at 9:151 m•: returning. leaves Pittsburgh at larap• m. pistabargh, Colunabto and Cincinnati. DspartS. Arrima. fast 1.31• 2:53 a m tut Line......... 9:03 a on %all 6:20M. In gall. ..... ..--.. U5O p m 1 Express 2:3.i pin Lz.preeti 1:10 1 In turnben•llle An- Steubenville An sommedatlon .. 4:2% p m evmmndation ..16:10 s m Pit t.burgb, rt. Wayne and Chleago. Departs. Arrives. Lapse's a m Express ...... .... 252 a no itzprem -•• • • .... :6. , p m Express 9:13 p m Wres' , r . ' - 13a tnU l. ..... .......... 6:111 pm Wheeling Expr's tale p m New Brighton Accommodation mares Aileglieny lepot at 9 a.m., Ilda a. la., 4:20 p. in., and 5:40 p.m., itochester. 2:15 p. tn.; New Castle, 3:50 9. m.: Econ ''y 10:33 0. m.: Wellsville. 1:50 n. tn. ' Pitlatittratt, Cleveland and Wheeling. Departs. Arrives. brpre . as •.... ..... :AZ • m'Exprem 1:55p m Entrees . 330 p m Express 9:13 p an Ha 11..... . s . .-. 6= • to Express 2.:Z • m dtenherallic faccoMModation leaves Allegheny at 2 p. di. rilltaltitargh /111211 Connelleville. Diverts. Arrives. Mall I:00a m Mall 6:42put Ks press ....„.... 3:00p in, Express 'IONA • ns W. N ewton Ae'n 8.15 p m: W. Newton Ar'n 8:30 •0 t it Mattacaport..ilet • nt . lst 11clies•port.. o•m a En 2 , •• ...10:00 a 0 24 • • ... 21 , r.t. II Braddock ',I AC's, 4:10 to in , Braddock ',Mo . ° 5:45 p in Church 2111111.. gneuy.. 1:00p V alley In:Churc Railh Train road. -10:W a to Alle Departs:. I Arrives. I stall.. -... ........ 6:45 a mEtimesa ..... ....11:93 a m express ' tallip Alta..-- .. . ... 41:11) m kenommodation. 1:40 p m AoComvaitibitlOn KO Ano el &Canaria% and Ere Railroad. to Oil 'City and - Tratalillha. telt.. Depart. Express.. mlNo. 17 Expresa.. 6:53a m ' Via! ' Elltabtirgh, Fon I nd and Chleatio, and Hear ValleT arowitevidle Honeftilraniand Water ate. Arrtsta.p m Taparta. a: m IS:03 • m COO Made Harmony , Si. Clair Mt. Arritai. I IX P. tc. Buller Stage.-Ho. 3 St. Clair Street. /e : 64 I che,. . Departs. w en.Et p. In. Waahinglain liteige...llare'a Hotel Arrant. I ra.rint' Mi V. e, lt . EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS&. LIVERY STABLE, JAMES DAIS SOS, Proprietor.. UHNIBUSSES AND CAERtAtIY-4 fnrol•bed for all .rains. Also, Caning. for Funeral• Wedding. and Parties, atsbera al. and re.onable rates. arn• 81.IC OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. no7;ivil 10 bbl.. yellow Sorghum; •• `• Pickle*, SD " Picklex In suit; •• choice Navy Beane; •• New Dried Pe-aches; 40 • • • • •• Apples: Pi • • Cot said Dry Tobacco; 100.000 Cigars. all grades, In store and for ogle low to the trade by midi CHAP. C. IIALSI.P.Y. WI Liberty al. WALL PAPERS FOR APRIL, , 66, NSW COLORS are Clay, Smoke, Orange. and W tne. NEW PATTERNS-Greek Etruscan, Louts XV, Embroidered, Muslin and Live. ESPECIAL MENTION la made of low priced HOLD PAPS.IIS. Sit - Store opeo every craning. mll3l W. P. 17 Wood sireet. `LOUR! 'mounts 300 0.17511 • .Wlae World` , Flour; 10:1 -• • Sitar Hilly • do IN) '• ``llarbluea` ` do lob • ` • 'Urant`a" St. Louis Flour. Seine brands delivered in pars.. sacks, If dealrm I. For gale by ki 01116 nt , ll. apt TV Diamond. Allegboay ----- SALAD SAUCE — Crosse & Black- Prince of Wales Salad Sauce tad e ~..t ream. an excellent dreasing tor lettuce. our plot and half bottles; Usti Oiler , till for table Ol Hie finest quality, for saleet the Family Oroci•ry Store of /NO. A.-RENSHAW , mIiZS Corner Liberty and Hand atrrets. TILPORTED WINE VINEGAR.— . Ballwin . . liapetial Triple Vinegar, of superior SlaSlaver and etreurikunacirnaesed In quality, for table " for pig i for "I ;Pr. th .k. g IV3PSHAVL Corner Liberty and Hand idree,.., BEANli—Just received V.trt.hig,t of choice new Vanilla Beane, for Es *bring, Dotal* by the pound or *lngle Been. st , the Fondly Grocery Store of 3NO. A. RENSHAW, sp7 Cornarof Ltoeszy and nand *tweets. SALAD OIL—We ,have In some a otai'ritrfgl°,l=',lrft'zlLVodreirg. ° .'"c sale by tbe dar n or stogie bottia - at *be Yarnlly timeery ittore of ' JOHN A.ELNeHAW, ap7 Corner of Liberty and Hand Waite. . -_-_____ WORCESTEIISHIIIE SAUCE.— . LEA A PERNINT gennine, to pints and hilt pint.; alto, Harvey, Primo. of Waive and' Cond.?, - laud mum; crone A Bleoalrell'e Walnut and Mush. room Catnap, for doh game, ate., for eel. by JOHN.A. _mhi Corner of Liberty and Ilsod Oreet. • - SIUNDIIIICB-1 ; fumes Curled Hair 4 do Moss: ' 4 , .do cotton I barrel Ikeswax: do Dry Pendret. .17mv loading from creamer Nora for axle by DOM 19AIA IT I DICKEY I CO. MEG. 100hult I,bls. New White rtel‘: 230 do do Lake Iturrlng 25 do Salm 55 butt do do Trouto,n tror We by (to) ()IL—bobble. No. 1 Lard Oil, -- 2 s • • • 2 do do •• Pure Dock Creek Lo. Olt, DI store and Inrdal_ejlote:::Xliltxratt .2-! . .:41it Cornices, QM nI,D COPPER AND4WASii; •-•i bs., 5 boNeloWs ;deco Copper; Th. Obis. andl box' Bram • Now lauding from otertmer Yotoms, tbr wile of . DIUNEY - a as. ME -11ASEAN 7- C.IIOOOLATir,--100.bvi.. litskeentligsik.-No. r' NorfaltrNo : l. - Yre > atiitli~i lroabte add Tft ple ebocolates, noVnaitUt sor m ar by 11.E:YMEE.41-8 Maud ENWOod76. 1 866. Oordon.— Lonxbroy .Parkersburg. CM City. Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, Will run three daily !Ile-wheel steamer. better. PitMitargb Mononganelal Icy, Brownsville, Mee'. Landing, brvehrborm Geneva an the Denkardoll Bretons. This lint Is composed ,d lite following Wan:Lem. At•li YUANKLIN.. These packets will leave Pittsburgh daily ett s. M•• Sad 6 7.. m, except Sunday, when the departure will be at 8 o'clock.. to. The through packet fit the Oltilteglous will leave Plttsbargh daily at 6 p. tn. • BrOswitsettle daily at a.m. lirrtrilirpin—Leaves Brownsville for Pittlibrirgli daily at 7a. m. and 5 p. en. Leaves Greensboro and Geneva at 12 o'clock: Rine'. Landing at Y p. In. Leaves Monongahela City St 5 o'clock. The line is composed of arat-ClaaS side-wheel Steamers, built expressly for the trado. They will he commanded by officers of long eXpertellee, who will pay Particular attentioll to tlie wants and com fort of ar stingers. rue boats will leave promPtlT at the hour rdeeellsed 110 1.6N01 STRISET SUNDRIES. ME=M f4Pit ENG ARRANGEMENT MONONGAHMA ravm; UNION LINE, 1..840W GICITIEM"."Iir. -.CAPT. S. C. PE By. . CAPT. D. BIIGIIER. ZA.V,-C41111%. Freights Received at all noun. For further P.rriLTUVIt'IIIIOY4 Ag-4b. A.t. the Wharf-float. toot o f t ? . rzrg i V ib i Brotettsrlije,!e, feud ----- VOU CAIRO AIM ST. LOUIS.—Tee splendid steamer IMPORTER OKA. Jonx Nose •• Will leave for Ow above and all Intermediate porta on nATOII.I/ AY. Apr 1114th. at a r. 11, For freight or 'mange . apply on beard or to Afettl, FOl iEOIUi, fALE. ag at.IiAPI4I; A * AY ' ACV:at m" Capt. R. AV. Malmo+. Will leave aa aboVe TIIIIRSDAY,. at 4.P. x. passage reeled. or passage apply on board, or to. apt° MACK accur.LiNuwooD, Astons. I.4bR ST. LOUIS.-Ther a dr o g ape and cononodlone pamenger teadier, ARGONAUT No.. Copt. R. C. InCIIRO,RD, Will leave for the spore and ail Intermediate peat • oa TU PaDAY, A.prll-10, at 4 a. no. For freight o.r..yrtilAtge.ttpBloisbcoiteotorto44o.. }te,;'Ar.",, EGULAIt MISSOUlt n l d ar i t NiVEAeA CK ad ET. ea T , n NILE p!e tun.vrr. , alll 'Mara Mr St. Louie. Council Bluff. Omaha Clty. and the intermediate puAla r . u u n i n I tTUnDA,T. the Mb AE11 ,; ,. turiV g 1 - t r a P CIS 'Ci.kINtWOOD,r L3ralda. REGULAR !MISSORI RIVEIt PACKET—Fur St. Louts,/ Connell 0100., *matte cltY toot inter . medtato ports, the One patentor steamer KATE .tOISINSON, Capt. ItOnixsog, trill trate as abort , Tllls HAY, eta p. m. For freight or ',mange apply on hard or to mhlu ?LACK A COLI.IIittWOUL). Agents. 1.4`0R - MEM PIUS Al. NEWA i dar ca t7 01(1.}1A NS—The glendtki steamer I=l Wavy a.o , Abort. got 'MIS DA Y, al 4 p. m 1.4"01{ KEOKUK, GALE . ff o . 51=3 , 11 NA, DUBUDUE, ST. PAUL ANDY ALL WAY LANDINUS. —The nue passongar steamer COI-UM RDA, Capt. R.. 1. Pont tn. Is now loadloj and Witt leave with dispatch. Per freight or pitMlege apply on board or to toll FLACIC.I COLLINIi WOOD, Agent, REGULAR PACKET s i gr om e FOR WHEELING. MARIETTA AND EANVIVILLE. — The One steamer EMMA VILA LLCM, Capt. C. ft.. STULL, mill leave Air tw above nod ail p. a. lnterm t ed M iate polls ever c e TeDeESD TART DAI. at t , memnan COLLINGVO D r A 7 ent. FARM IMPLEMENTS. ll11(111t BL&CS, liaise an baud a Lame disortaainat 01 =I I= rf=l 12=1231E1 No. ail 4 and 30 11100 Kt.. Micahero SUNDRIES 14 — `RES111 — ARRIVAL GROC 13/013bla. No. I Share Mackerel; toolltalteg do do do ICO cloare du do do 0115 4o do du au bbla. No. 2 du do 73 halves do do do 50 bbls. No. 3 large do 80 halves do do do bbla. do toedluto Jo 150 hal• CA N.. I Lake Herring: AO .10 do Vilillo Flkb; 150 bags prime ltio Coffee; 10 libda. do pr im eo 13agar su do fair to Cuba Sonar; 10.) Idds. Banned Boarrs, assorted; Ge do N. Si. Plantattou liolaffera. 75 do= Porto Ciao do Hi do Cul... do LW do Syrup& assorted brands; 31. V dozen Corn Brooms; 500 bbl.. No. 1 Batt, With a oak' good assortment Of all other goods out tor,l row N 1. HOUSE & unwriums. Corner Water and Smithfield eta. PRODUCE CONSIGNMENTS. IMO b 07.. prime Peach Blow Potatoes; 400 busk. Neshannock do 50 boxm bloshen Cheese; 75 do new Staple Sego"; 50 do Canned Peaches; 50 do do 'Tomatoes; Su do Illesvinn Oran geS 40 do Lemons; al If bls. Sorghum. 13 du Salt Pickles; 70 hoses 0119100 55 bbls, DOM! Dried Apples: 40 do 4( and h Dried Peaches: pkgs. Apple 0014.1111 CloOor Seed and Timothy Se. d : Butter sad Eggs dally received, by UHAFF REITEIt, 1:15 Liberty street. tniM K. , mu boxes prime Oast.. Cheese, 50 bbbs. brim. New York Dried Apples 25 do Mrled Peaches. quarters; 60 sacks do do halve.: 60 bbis. New York Wblse Beans; M bbls. Sorghum Syrup: 11M casks I'rarl Ash; 50 do Soda Ash; bbls. Manganese: mt do White Lime; i. 5.4 pigs ()slops Lead; atO Im r bbl.. Lake Herring; 50 do White Fish. 50 kitts Nos. i and: kluterel; 90 half bbis. No. S du bbls. ?Malts., nstory sad for .01e by J. 11. tyANFI mlnhr. CONSIGNMENTS. IS Obis. patine Cranberries.; 60 boles Messina Orange.; SU •• Palanno do 30 • ' Lemons: 2.1 barrels Turnips; 1 3 ' 0 •••• J F are ' 6U • Seed ersey UtteitefB Potatoes: 1 car load Potatoes. 'lOO bushels Unloto; In store and for sale by W J. STEEL & HWY.. attain! No. 139 7311 rd Siteet . CONSIGNMENTS. 60 boxes Simmons Oranges, ZS do do Lemons; MO boo. cans Fresh Peaches; SO do do do Tomatcosai TS bush. Dried Peaches—halkel; 7f bale. lowa Onions; AO de prime tireen Apples; 5 , .0 Cane Fistilag rotes, TO arrive aod'sor sale at 1160 'Ahem straet. iels POTTER. AIX-XN A 21XXI.A.Xis 11ATE8-50 'rails new Date; f. rectlybcl and for tale by ItErIEER mb6 'Won, 1.Z5 and VA Wood Stllul `OAPs-200 bis. Colgatels Pahu U. Toilet, Hooey, Glycerine, Hotel ma Fancy Soap., recetted wad Mt gale REIMER a BIM, APPLES! APPLES!! RECEI THIS ear loads elaolce York /I 11 t Ocean Apples, now in more and fur sale tir non L. IL . I . intuvrEtt.- 2.0 ball barrels prime Roll; • 10 boxes do do For sale by Onll2ol 4.11.,..0.0107110EU RUTTER-1A half bbls. clouts Roll &intern., received and for sale by lETZNIt R AttaballtuNtl, 0b23 COrnor br Marnet andirlrat rtt. NGS-10bbls. iiestr Eggs jusi etiTee and fora al e by FETZEll'it -AR)rßTlttl , ll, =WM Corner Market and Rind str:ri 1. 01111 CHEESE-100 Ms'. rut s-a elute tioeben &been to &tors and far axle by CH As. M. 8A1.51..). 1. rah= MI Liberty atteel . 'WHITE LIME--100 cansettls Um, In store and roe saintly IlonAN K N AN JP mhke No. 114 tiecondal tee s. ~itifiDINFES-50 cases 11-4; amid 40 res. N raw Sardines, nevr arrival, how .• it 1,1 by 'WYMAN A Noe. =nod lit 9 Wood errs i REANS-26 bbls. choice While A" Deans received and for ante by AtetieJiE A ANJ NH, . No. 191 Second id rect._ En SWEET POTATOES—? ...J'abbte. pure Jersey sweet Pot3tolui , fer now In pore end for isle by rebM L. A. VOIOT ( XpLILIPEED-2 cars Seconds„ s. • • Forl csr Wb ort Bile by IL KNOX it SON. 1,P7 Dlamotut.leghsuy SWISITLEA . CHEESE .4,000 , lbs. Ixtra ChoteeNwaltier Oboist In stbre awl for We by OItAN. ILILLSLIGY, 1131 Liberty Meet. mna RAPE 01L-20' Able. to arrive on otesmorGykorcor, for sal§ In_ ape IKAIALI DICKEY CO VASTER EGGIS. , -7b::, fresh t 3, Bl , igs We day for mila by L. u j . voKiT* CO, FINE int OLIVE OILL--20 anis, quart and p Mille de An' s - 011ee 011,_ev_Yell_abo tOr male RZYMEttBII.W. PACON-20 obls..•lllanior Side mid Shoulders, received and for rile b nit= ,•SORGIIIMIZ-400 . bbh. light col • imed toorrlre wad abriAil• thr , L.. 0 VO d.. I'WILCINED PLASTER-100 .bbh iar ash .tiablo tizlntlrm Gsr,racusams 1866. ARE GOOD. • . lIBINTORDNIkIiCE •Birrosl AND AI. KINDS OF LICANIK Dil l erp r iAN - 9 BWIVIrALTAPIVOII4 h i t i t'ga n °ll 51 Ulh'Aeg=TednsirtfsaTils • Asrd LSD Foundr, AMMON , ts called to our NEW FLY 'WREN! PATTERN sad Increased Nantes far ottlitg up qk mum, uWaYa_ WII. 111•X5Z........ 1 011 , 1 ALLEN JAS. ADKEIL VALLEY STOVE WORKS. . (ARE BETTER. Manufactory a great variety of COOK. PARLOR and HEATING STUN - Ed, among which are . the eel- R o b ot ic s Stomach Bitt ers ebrated Allegheny soil Monitor Coil CaolUng Stoves: alga. the Anttocrkt and Sentinel, tortoni or wood, and the unrivalled Star of the Etuplre.,'fbr wood: also, Arches, Grates, f coder. Sugar Kettles. Dog Irons and Hollow War gcnerany. tahlt After years of estbettence and trial, have proven to be the best relltefir ektaut. for MI econ_plaints where • • A. BRADLEY & CO. tonic and stiMulant are required. TheTuover 1,01 to strengthen Use weak, impart vigor to the strong Manufacture overt' variety of and instil relpecta mature shattered and broken down COuttitutlons. ho remedT has been received with lia Much favor as ROBACK lil STOMACH BIT , • COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES MRS. 0 AZIOUg which are we celebrated MOE. a, TROPIC. and TALISMAN (Coal Stoveat) POMA-NAs VAT! MAN and IRONSIDFA &Wood Cook stovea.) Also manufacture GVATES, GB ;VIP. PRONTS, Ace• Office sad Warelkuuee, corner of Second and Woo Streets, Pittsbooth. klotrance du Second irtreet. isklyN ROBACK'S PENN Jilachisu 1 1FIroa;ka and Foundry BLOOD PILLS - • &BRIBE BUiLuER AND MACEUSIST All Lseoch T i e,"'irlttg.TaTta'n a ., rl d w a ino=le PAM CiI:IIELM euteTABLE usCILLATLEG STEAM &ROMP lerAfin r ¢lfitiktitl. attendo4 SICK HEADACHE! Costiveness, JOUN WATT President. HENRY id. LbNG. Seel , sod Treaa•t. • jad 48 Diseases of the Bowels WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE Office, No, 2 Duquesne Way, I= DR. ROBACK'S MANUFACTURERS OF PURR WHITE Eti3I4,NILFING - on. Brand—"Luoifer." Mood Pills, BLOOD PURIFIER ARE UNEQUALED =I Serofida, Syphilis, Skin Disease, OW . - ffix" Seres,Sall Rheum, Dyspepsia IFlezt,tifiehe. Liver Complaint. FEVER BD ME, St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. GR EENBAC KS ARE GOOD, uguraki.g.irmly....--. leveed phtrilth". that It: grg:gtOrrac%l:lll3 ffi o•t d :fo itiVa =gr. . RO:-; °I t" HlTTgan should be used by hich convalescents to strengthen the prostration w ninny. follows acute diseaees. In the bilious districts of the West end Booth there has, for • long time, been much needed. an at ticdsof gtornach 'Mfrs, which, If taken in proper quantities and at the pro Per time... • sere Pre VentiVe of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indlgestlan,Jaundice,Kid- ney Complaints, and nil Diseases of a sim ilar nature, and Ara 3130%-ter •preventive for bilious denser/mem, triplet ,Ing the system, end siring tone to the digestive or /Ikea, than anyother known remedy. Now thet the eel over, them will he llso.asl. peeking . homes In the Booth. No penion who velum hie life elmuld so there withoot having constantly at bend the arrrrats... • safeguard against eeldem and enkindles ensendered tty lidunia and n 010... Water. I Travelers to end ell malt:lento of, the rant bottoms of the west and south, and the valley" hilselselppt entitle should Providethell selves with the • IBITTERS. PRINCH, 111/CON & CO., SOLE PROIItIETORIC, To whom all orders stioopl bo OddrelloO4. Nos. 56, 58, ;60 and 62 EAST:TIIIII) . 9NTIIEET. mitursia - Ata• I M I FORT FITE FOUNDRY. CHARLES iiNkP NEPHEWS EMI ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Officcand IVagkatlej i taldrzty S BILADLAT... W. YANXIRE J B. BRAM= ETNA STOVE WORKS. Blood Pills, 11=1 or Indigestion, Rheumatism, BUT Swann to D. C. W. Doh:A, ILANTITACTUIIISLIS 07 OIL WORSE. W - 0 - 0 - LDIUDGE OIL REFINING a 4Z) I%I.I.•JfILN"'Ii", OF PITTSBURCH. PENNA. (I% , tar duspension BrMgt.) Title canno be excelled for burning propane., color or Ore test, and Ls pot up in well seasoned bae. 'els, soluble for HOME USE. Or EXPORT. PR. DEM of LICITEIL Di nu:eons—John Watt, Robert Lea, Geo. Buck, C. B. Herron e. L. Caldwell, H. H. Lo J. W. Porter, Robt. Wallace. D. W. 0. COMM. , 012,anid .HX7eRT U. ZUG. WARING & KING, " COMMISSION MENCILIMM, AND BROX &6il IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS "FFICE, NO. 4 DUQUESNE WAY, y , ' , .T•rl3Ml - 0 - F1. 4 G , -11Ei, X..A. BONDED WAREHOUSE OF PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, root of Balm and Harrison Street*. Brooklyn, W. lf.„ Storage for Befitted Petroleum to Tank. and Banal.. Bee Clrcolars. XI. (Mee, No. SS NEVINS STREET. New Bort. oda • ty STANDARD Pastri=arrision X.1.01:132.4)X . 3r. . CLARK & SUMNER. Work. end Whew, Collins Township °Firma IN Pirrainmoia-24 WOOL STREET , These works hare the largest capacitYlalbecoun try. The brand stands the highest ln this country and In Europe, for quality and fl test, and Anson 13 put In well seasoned burets, prepared for export. Manufacturers of BOILERS, BTELLS, TAYIII2I Improved Boring Tools for Oil Wells. dellkly . SUPERIOR OIL ENOINES.',, . We ere constreetana , and nil keep on band perlor style of clam. zrzacivicetrimei 11TH EITM k 001103 Ott TIMM souse We Invite parties needing engine. tar Mt . 011 , c , ' to call and see them. corner ei,f PIES sad O'HARA STREETS, near CUT Water it orks. atecxitcrosti- HE.DI LILL.a CO. COMMERCIAL OIL WOIRI, PURE WHITE BURNINC 011. Constantly on band and for we Al' TUE WWEMT DIAMLET BATEIs F No. 17 WOOD BTIOLEY JAMES WILKINS, !MONNE •ND DZJItIM IN CRUDE AND REFINED , OILS, stirs Block, Duquesne Way. PWIADDIAb meTtMol="strlgvatir th e "1' " a 2. ..11 respectfully .olicited. Poo At= 142. MY. eloucts AMES ERWIN N. CO., ISANUFIXTUREILS Or OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA C 1145143011.151 PITTZWEIROH. J . BEAN, so. sTA:ciaut :ST., Pittsburgh, Forwarding . mad Commission MorsMaui And dealt In on.. • l'iltnalnattne,•:Lnntinatt' Crude rUirOleoM 014, conatantly on band for sale at the lowest market Drina , . Cdnatltutdedu and orders aellettrd. • .mirono IMM A LLEGitiENY COIATIL sa.--In the A. 'ratter of the aceehas of Dark% Choi et ...Itilore of Meek Meeting, deeeased." 'No, f Sterol, Term. A. D.. lef.e. And now. to wit: Alatt 7th, A. 1160, un motion the cohtlePPoi , lled W• HAWKINS, - .le.,7Audttor lb audit too' iteeetita d Make dtmertbultou. ' " BY Tift VOUIIT. ream the ReCOrth W. A. HysttiOle, Clerk. The Avatar shorn named will meet. the panto in teneeteo. to: ttee r rphlie Othle.appolntert4 M A W. tag% No . It2l.l.lr:batE VI:TAW P. H. , ve. - 11..a&AVJCANS, AP" Aildltor. A LLEGKEENY ourrnmit the -CX Mltter alba 110411403niStorAti 800. one of tha administrate. of WILL I, ,I. de• eee.a. And now, rebrusex Mb, " :ilird. on motion in open court. RAIIURVYALIIIEU,,Ittg.. it appointed Andltot to audit the Account and mato diatributton of the balaneetlue a. per Raid account • , : ..7.. '• urritz COURT. Front the Itdeord. ' • . W. li • lIIIIIRON, Clerk. The anderslitait will attend to . the datieser , lsll ENntatentk i t: atTe milt s .p i liztrlt h e s eg u k,w WA, at P. o'hoe.k. P. Y.. :hen and where all ;Innis; tutertsted.may attend. ,mhlldaitStrd SAMUEL V.KLIIII.IR-Auditer.:: ENT COVNTY,ss,e—At an ALLE r to ason t' s. ' 4l . 4l ( Wohtt., old a " ,L b e e ggigr i l t bri u s t a l ia of Letitia C. tiolate e et. al.; Mo._.M - ,. Deco hot MM. MareErlth, UM, WY. G. HAINKINN. JO.. Elm, sphanted Auditor to Audit the creep 11000. . BY TILE COURT. From thr Record. • EXIIIION. Clerk Tex !Ma it or shove named will meet the parties terestml. for the purpose °ChM Appolutment, et his race, No. Grant-street , ktitsMlllo4 OS the %IBMs DAY Or APRIL. A. 111.,1800. at a o'clock. W. O.4tAWIC/DB. an.. Auditor. • • mhantlastard, EXEISVIWRIS. , NOTICE.. — ArtoiIee is herebyren that Letters testamentary upon the eststeo . WIL.LIAht. hILYLVELTRES.• lair ; ot, b be eeu a dY t ' gram lkrts Die .derslaned. AU persona dents Nastukt sMO ae estate. Will present them 141.1. NPEkitt. ADL LSD. W i l l No. o.plincfinriv a l . - mit.loatd StkeollMr• alcaolD,ra, NEIIIII.A.NOWA.GIN NTS. GAIIIIINER COFFINIAgent U U. the Yreakilia.Tlllledetialls. lad AlLitthioVe lumnee -CAMlTll4l4loXeciZt•exet opraer.,WOOD sod W L. JONEldiAgentibrthelforth V • rea • IV • anti Ark 1 ~ 4 11:•-NIUCIPARDi.flieinteltilrref 4 : l& t elatas.2 l ...erga. - iuMen ********* 1866. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! Gam EIVLOGED EMI Otherwise Improve 4 (S&.X:UI:U39e DimioN.jkl i .pk.? Rip, OM lx 'a MMINOinETTE. Will be Furnished to Caitlin at GREATLY REDUCED PRIM Delimed to Subseribets PIIIERNIEM'S PER URN. DISPATCHES N•ssoaa Leading News Centres RELIABLE MARKL julteers,' BUBB lIIPUSTIB TB G 4,„jk.,E.:r1..E! I..icreadi Newel, ~, MISCELLANY, ==3l "rub Pomp% mu; , liosse# CORRESPONWpf, E7,ITORI:A~I.Si Iltataursing Alio Lanni:l4PM , Or tn. titriinDlVl cr . . rduicr,tiza; NilW 'AND ELKEIN TYII 'TEE GAZETTE -,c•;. : .o . ;:i.i'Ai'i' . :i ~';.4. . 4 .', .:,;';.i,3:ii.:.i.'2;::'4--.:':,,:if!-':, ~...,1i. .4 4.6€154(tin iiiiiiit.;:=l--, The Chealwg MWM NEWSPAPER ` ln FrefklWir,ello,lo4loga. -.Axt*ek-f • *Atilt NAM-MOW = DR. KEYSEII..*S. - Pectoral SyruP CUM CONNIPTION Cures larconohlillo CURES COLDS, MESE l ' OiBat!Uira:M/14 All Dise;aSeg of - thC4ngs A mime oiAve year*. itandin dtad•wbßL . BY6•a PECTORAL SYRIJk. embalmer, dankly 31,100. Litillittio-My wife has been ailliMed with bad comb and MillicollY et breathing for laser all resat, Which, few several ,years back., hadgrainally Ineramed in violence. The eorapislet imitate her. edltary, and ehe Wad beeistreated by seated phyla Mans without relief. In this NOM of p er rase " A r tt, te n traditTge rEC A,,,e. 13i r l' ae ti ° l l l 4 4.val l sk t t a l e k . Levee her very much: L then got a atolls- cadtle, which cured Der entleeir. and aneNsa now a. trace Of the former , diatom, campy weeklies*. I woad ahol Mate that,' eased the medleineorfselfl4 cold and cough.. The Medicine - amid Me by taking ' °nerd Me. eYpres* my entire mtlafatelele.With lb: medicine, sae sou. al* at! , bertmit , publidetkis DM desire o. ••. • ' "ilAld er w n c k f ift ll 4 1 3 w 9.11 a .4 d rentigUnOlt. APrILDeIDADeT3II TR 10Mblek-1 bier who has taken mveral. teedicinee MIA con ti wit hout benent,:anionit OCheery wns Ater's Ghet_ Pee poreteLed trod o 0 a Mama Of gout • Pectoral Pimp, and before Mensal used Imalf a leta , tie she was relieved. The second battle meted . entirely of tamoougto , • _ JOHN, DALIN,. • • Lonthematteet, ;egheny. - Piimaltradn. Deems - IPOLEATOLDICIITDE: KETSPIPO Lite ime..M. Peebles'. township, A eme county. I bra a cough, and spltling. witileh,aelai. =laced about tenth of Pebruaty, In 4 Sad 0011011 oed eight mouths. 1 employed the *hire PhlsleMins in the country,. and my tough euntinuai lanabeled until early in Umber. At that than 1 wag advise to try lour Pectoral Cough hyrax which I 414. en after ilad taken one bottle 1 was entirely rree the coughrf node ?Itt le thin f., I and despaired of ma this e remedy wall Io for others hat at ha -quintity: D. it. Menu. j ' t" Ve l elreiti l gett... A WONDPlSErfilMirti."'.-e=. rtegia4"4l“l4iLittl neighbor of mine Was .a i y: A./Ith lad, Engle every one thee° to be toesuroption. 411. relatives told me tbelim. =en. every-Mends they heard of without beneAV Isrothereamaste. scellmdle, lid: Were co Lathe emienhat homed note. Ikea ,hbOUP Wird 01 a, tattle grUy w erfr e e c arta.rittLl=l " 4 "6 ste 411% =tam the ease-more rewardable. Mine extreme ire of thentan,Neldingaboot ellibrges lll 0141 . have SID doubt the Pectosalasved e. • • DR. PZEIIITIPI3 PEXTOII4.I. mum IN 331.,A1M8., MLLE 1 7eaee aenalme :nosier aupple of yourial aim. pectoral Lyme: Almost everybo4yareuild ea • • has the cold, end are enppleig et for Keyser.% pectoral tlyrop.. , \re hav e l sixteen beetles the am week, and are now ea Tout. lfi L ,A . ,Allet and Mr. P. Maher. both of Blalnvillei Pa.itoldins • they would not be without is to their famines. LP fad,. all who um It . cA.Smou '°.P .7lt il iATTT.lll3ol* ilia/MeV" Jinegi 11. .080, . . • , Pitmen:non, litereardper*ltem. Da. .11Le0iket--althonebnotan advocated/West latincinee. 1a general, It Affords me pleadosaltee e. , . scribahloto recommend your gutrrutuu.bYitt.L.: g medmine;lciswellworthy the attenttim of ant personvb. amy. In amp manner aelletedialt condi, colds end he:arsenals of any kind, and roe ttia peccalsr qualifications for remising all greeshie sentation ettesm ullef a ama cold. M bare been, more IMS n nay Ittapaffected tiasseviereu of colds ,and heerseneseJ At times imp, throl i vrog o d. ascour a t: i etagri bi r i ax , Dre r wejl erthe stove Zi• l y= It would relieve matittolys a a "." In recommending thin medicine. I must unbolt's. - tingly say that It.** the best romealy.,l Mu lewd, perverting to care the above, nor ehondany be without - this remedy Dr hammer so ;Wt.alien. Toon: laMit r"PrDttiVidij: ::: 1 •„ Mashies tiltisene EMI...DM/sou LygusittrYELlX,OMM Mardi Stileitl. I have need atm --LelfaetWOOnith Orruplot a Sal I cough of several years standlugoand eau ebeeel ally lethebeat medlelue for thedem%that ihive COI.. PDATT AND DR. XNIIIEIP4II • ECITOL 131(11UP.-Da. Kresem-Denr Sir: Fisclue the delay army acknowledspoi th e eacellenceofyourreethre fail; rt; sty . itit . 6 l e tt r tt l e a ttl,:i out of say eough, i and the leer. OM I was ever eoeet ed with. I have not used mom _Misname-half ostlas bottle, and I caned In with ULM all shame eatkte ed wouldstive lt ea fair la trial, es I hays done. ela.4 theywill be proud tong. ...It isno guide medicine. • • would not eager another swell an attaak.lbr an , onslderstio or at cost. ant loAedianikkestim . teethe mere thorn Met 414: ” theasioaya "acknowidgemd ase gratitude Mar Mune* am excellett a remedy. -You are ist•ilbettpte AMC name in this regard es yen think enema- , t. 16 rakrx , i Memenger Comnaon Council. Pitteburgh; N . straneer temp feilow•eittmem, and, all who entextellSalonbtheatt condo - me personalty. 1 .• AN HER Nr.w..csarnricATE.-Dir i d i t* 35.1111 M. IMMORAL DICRUP.-I lent beets with a cough and cod ter several wail:la-so bad v t that could noi sleep., 1 had thn edviee wadi. e. criptleas from three of the hest illi,Striatt city, whom I could panac.Mat 4lt hot do e t Maser pramred- aVie youe PetteraLol rum "vasch earedUtigncal SIMONTON No. Ds Liberty strait, Pittsburgh, "STOP THAT Utilini(3.••-"ltokr can 1401l' Clo et, Herer's.' an Wood street & and get bottle OP, case tas e m e'S ust be ree d Wld eapens "M tein irl de b ett " " T W IN s c rs a " stiauTS, tat the Colloquy ono beaks every day to cOld.celrinag paled. errata year. And wo cam MD:tactual ex Pe. cenent, eueerfully , eased In the advisers ild(tioul. tion i 0 above. Ibm we have Died the i.Tectorei..l , a 11 , ....5t etubborn cage, with entire amen.. Kew twoeasing° we went to Pittaberebi..With one of coug hs os Ctheresaing: contrary, mouth, easeddelaimg coug we ever experienced sinee'ene advent wpm; this mundane sphere. We coughed swedny and la. borionsly for One whole weer, in hOpell attttethil(lll flTA b rl4:474l 4° lo l rl:;te l ll47ll:/ u trgal e eZTA.l. t u ltetttZta:tlB l l=tell. b itgle.Plai to Leper% Mu. 140 Wood street, procured* al eons bottle of the “Pectoral,” took ail ccoMlag oralsoom and cortivught bout* vi to. Were master Aoki, the enemy =dog - Ithomantionant eirre red, after brier, bus lammed coaled. w n ! .. ai .. g. formidable ad adversary ma Nem... famous Pectoral.-Prestmeetlle Off9lef, Dee, at, um. • , EMI ME Great-Piervous - Ilemdp Atf..Wri . . Keyser'i.Ntr!o*.Antidote Dr:. - Ikeyser's Nervous Naiades: pun Dr.'limSerrs lierqoui win trm Tiltatis6rittorssmi Dr. lieyser% Nemo- intldete; cias r77.3.mmlii'd. Dr. Keyser's trivia . Antidote =I Dr. Ikeysees, Nervous An!ldote,: wilf9=rezinog!..ic Dr; Keyser% Netlota Will Cure Itiurralitio "fraud% Drasyseiss Nervosa Antidote' • = 4 4. . Ctiritibritlajla QV* ogre ; Dr, IteraiefiliervouLdatidotit - ..- Will Cum ti,ulculthCot*rireifAr -RIO 810. Dr. KeYseesikirioils • Dr. Ite.):!.erl , Ainous Anti X„ _ 1481 ';'Mt 81kn. pro 'eines bagote; _ ii...64.4‘604;.46. 4 Dr ilieMr's 'WYNN UWE* Will Curs fiteppsitu or lirluuurug•at t!ell!gort , Or. ;1 .1—.1,, 'Nat C. smmoli trona Dr,,lie*ri,B ;et** WQote Dr. Kersel 4 s norilfiA 444•1*, via Cisuoiruait C- Ea • MEIER i, • traPluldt.t iM4,2*.••• H.. ~f taii iior swim.. -14141-,1,- - 11 CUnES _c~a3~ MEE oa. nyasmamo!t Preto & aoa:iota :t," DR. GEORGE It. KEYSER; No. 140 WOOD STREET lE"wirLio.om. WW2 =ENE • will PP* Ne "" a.l34 " ° P l4l ") lo ` Dr. Keysees Norio* Antidote •win Otte NeinVitit; ME