0 B tote Wittoburolt &mate. WEDIOESDA I , :1111. 11, 1866. ROBINSON SIcCIXAN dc CO., , Bankers , and Brokers, . , • Ns. 75...,F0urth street. Pittsburgh, _ Dealers in allkidds et Goverittasat liaceritlesiold 1 •• :MA Ulcer, Vacallreht Bank. Notes. Yoreirn - • Sher - Dellsettle Itectuinge, c etc. eta., cpa,• Dolmens react/Cod la Par Pawls and ._An . Vie.' allowed entice/ depositi. • Col Wee Mae —,.., le sli parte at the United Mates ost moat - tavoralMt • -ehaers-aerated with hpatelli ter irrerything to the tautness st the Deitch. New York, riiihidelPhis,' art ppaiturgh Brehm , &earls strictly otitotalsie sw. • . ...... .._' • - prim ea Eh CUM'S& G11...N ew xi.ilitjt. Oleilli in Philadelphia; Utters. O. D. : -& - r. H. FEB, FINANCE AND TRADE. • • •Tersaisr, April Ift 1666. Our local stook market is ec.tirely devoid of life or interest, and many or our stock bre' kers have turned their attention almost wholly to buymg and selling real estate. le is true there m no material falling off in the demand for Dank Shares, but the extreme views of holders, who 'appear indifferent:l about realising, has a tendency to retard op erations. The torrent disastrous steamboat conflagrations aro depressing Insurance Stocks considerably, and many, 'we have no doubt, 'would be glad to get. off with a "whole skim , ' Aa forciii Shares, the less said about them the 'better. It Is true, doubtless,' tt a few of * thosewho operated to any.extent in a ths class of stocks made handsomely, but It is equally true, that at least nineetenths Of those who Invest teat, and lost heavily. The great pro. portion of these 011 oompanies were oritated for the purpose afswindling, and the pro. jeetors cannot properly be called anything but swindlers, and as arleb. deserve to be sent in the penitentiary. Government bonds are in fair darned, principally for investment. - of Stoctis and Bonds, on Tuesday even. i l d t - • Y. .13batudaPs Insurance Co Yfi 00 The bank panic .in Rochester is enosiding. Adespatchp sent ns on baturflay,saya: A..rnes . doing,. large business depointo, suspended to-flay for want of currency. A run wu made all day upon Powers' bunking office, hub made no impression. Another dispatch-says: The American Express 'Company brought from 010 w York over 51,500,000 in cureeney, of which . $l,OOOOOO was for the banking bonen of I). W. Powers.. is now thought that the batik parallels nearl over here. This rim upon the private bankers of chis iter Is dout ess he resu f an rßtn • Inaarm Bbtltlietsymptom of nevertheless { an unhealthy. one; and fairly indicates the aliallownesa of eonfidence e xi sting under the prevailing artificial condition of affairs. It is not tinprebable that the payment °Clued 5 per cent: Interest upon deposits may have driven some bankers to employ their funds an enter- MOS unduly risky. Nor is impossible that loans bare been made upon collaterals, the value of which has angered aheavy shrinkage during the fall in gold. Is it not the part of urudenee to keep on hand an ample reserve of funds instantly avallable.—Phila. Ledger. —The Import entries for the past week in Now York, Including the D Goods return. amount to 17,53050, against y the total entries. of 1/3. 'wt,575 same week last yew. The Export elosianoes of domestic produce amount to 4 4C 3 =t in o s f t i arceo lo ain u o t an ew j e ro la gli T e:Ore . . against .100,743 same week last year. rxhe Customsferr the week are 10,053,010.. The re celpta of Cotton, coastwise and bi a allroad, are 19,942ba1e5. The number of em tit pas sengers arrived during the . —An excitement about coal Alas arisen in Spencer county, Indiana. - Batik of Grand law; the hills are reported full of coal, wipe. rier in quality to any west ot Pittsburgh. The Lafayette. Journal says : "A company has been fernied In Cincinnati, with a capital et 1300,000, Which nroposes to dp these mines to their fullest extent, as soo evelon as the machinery , can be purchlused and put In oper ation. The vein of coal the company 'proposes' working Is about Ave feet think , and the wool of an excellent qualitt. The company alPe. contemplates tile immediate cortstractien of a railroad from Grand View to the mines, for the purpose of delivering coalin any cituiLtitt that it may be desired on the river bank." • Finance and Trade In New York. GOLD AND IrrOOMA. _ . New Toes, A f iril 10.—Stocks dull; U. S. 6'. 'Bl coupons 101 ; do 'Bl registered; 104 X; coupons, 111171 4 us%; do IGS Treasury Nines, T.:11 k code , l4o' ; Tennessee State es, SOX; Mit soortikt, TV/V Ohl° and Mississippi Certificate bonas.lo,2.ltki• North Carolina bonds, 30, 9VA.; Erie, 74; Hu s'on, 105 h; 'Beading, 107%; - Michi gan "Southern, NCH; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, MO.:It/cage and North Westere..SX; do preferred, MIA; Chica go 'and Rock Wand, 111; - Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne scut Chicago,oog. al ow Toes, April 10.—Tho market for Star ting Exchange Is decidedly tamer this after. n oan. Salm of prime bankers , bills were made at the ~lose at 107. Th.th rise is tine to the fact that between one and two way s back , al • beads ore known to be on the way back from Weather side, and exchange has-been bought agadist• them. Gold closed up at IS30 1 %!: Share market was dull et .secendregidar and last open boards, but theft. was no material change in, prices. Petroien In stacks were doll this afternoon, but generally steady. flannelled; ILE; Buchman, 3 3 ; bole,1103; Web/4er, 40; Bates Su; Consolidated Grey, 1450; Kcpp Bue ll , 17 b. DRY 000Ds. There is no particular change to-day in ;al but the market is unsettled,, vaused by. tho.WI in gold and cotton. There is a fair amount of basinessdolng, s. bayers must have goods to, keep up their stocks, though they take [hernia an:millets. The demand for/tome styles of domestio goods is very fair, such att BleaehedShirtingstuld Sheotlngsmianygradef, of Which aresearce. Prints ^ofteco,M;Dne. nail; 16; Freeman,lo flatmates:o o ; Lancaster, 15' Merrimack. W, 4a• - London Mourning, Glngbauis—thinton, V; Glasgow, 40 t Lanett. ter. Mr. Fail :Steer, - 2155(. Brown Sheetlngs..L Anieskeag:A,9s4:Amaskesig 11,31; Appleton A, Mt do. C, M. &F.D. - Mt no. 1.,113; Atlantic .A, 20; Auguste, St i ; 800t,..1.7;, Laconia Laurel C: SI; do. , . /Spool Cotton—Clarke% ex cord,. Ed, .Brown. Sheetlngs—Lallea 1 3 ; Nsahna Eatrilw . M . -NautokellE A, `ln ea Marker_ ,A 13,25, Pitted A, 16; Porter MU M. Bleached Stiirlangs-:-.lautres cOgkroi 28 ons ac Son,.SI; Bartlett's, .31;. Janie/S. pO.. DelaMS—MAZlCheStOr. SPA; Massa almsetts, VS; New T0rk,40. - -Cottonsdes — Far. sclera Meehan .1ft,52; Now Turk 1111111,65; Mat , mond, 63t Elk BEMs, extra bleached, 5.1.1 do. no. • bleached:. 60; do. colored darna5k...60,.... 1 10 0 p Skirtis—L-T.-.6 A. T. Myers; lio‘ Oehler, '6) to 40 hoops. 430; 3 Inch dd.. WPM. - -, New Torii cattle •• • • New Tosrx, Aprlllo.•Theourrent prices for the week at all tbenutrkets arm. Beef Cattle, first quality per head, alifl18; fair to fed, $l6 ql7;. common; Stigillt,sol anterior, 24211,50. Lowe and Calves, or-troller head, la d 100; first onality,ooll9o;ordinarff,ssS27ls; common, sw coo; interior, Veal Calves, first quail- ' ty per pound Max; ordinary,. 1154012.cy coin. mon, leMpilliet inferior, 9010Xc. und Lem-di:extras per head, Pl . Sle; . prime quality, , Vee; ordinary axiality, ea Se; common- 113. 65,5% Inferior quality, • 5500.450, Sw on-113 . heavy; corn fed per pound eleXci light and, medium,loy.ol... There as been another radical el:tango in the mariun for-beef cattle. The. impply was !mall. the demand active, and prices are Wain yAkrge per pound ',Love the last week , * wtotations.. 'Cattle mere ordi nary anCrtbe advance was . manly:the result Of the !Winged' in reselpts. Vests la steady and far demandi at *bons previous prices. Sharp and Lambs in demand at . the revised quoin !lone above. • Bogs ling and lower. The tl re ceipts at, all *Loeb) a t all the yards for this week. were as hallows 3,941 Beeves; VS Cows; 1 tee Veal Calves; I°,9&YSncep and Lambs; . . . - . *Detest Slab Market: Boaroxi, pril T..-;Sales of Grand' Hank and : Bay Fund at lialiPa p per _qua' far 'medium and. large; u p o n a g i l i eitueorg " " e ll e=l . a nmi aai l y: Orwith skies at 10,MWS - fOr lots, nod o,seig: elbr whom fares. mom erected/WM $2,,5303. P 0 Ault at ittialt,6?lOase,and ip per ntl. ed. , Macke l are aria. with dterdnislied receipts 1 from the Prortneel, and reduced stocks et all deserilOna. Tne demand+ la moderate, but the anp p will evidently be sold close up bee tore tbonew.eatedi la available. Wei at tile,ai Q 17.50 for Nara neotta and No. 1 'San IpltlM ‘ f ll r eir frO VD ellitl C... L . ge dL g " tr t a 7,l % l !Mktg! meeting are dull et.exiseyso par barrel, roe common and Labrador. smokes - Herring ere &Quips . at 150Gedeper box for No. land Staled. Salmon nre nornlpal but held draily at ICS= _. ___ per ttoro. E!7::: - ta= • • BALTIZOILIN April-1.....-At the opening Of week the cargo of the Wlcdfred (MOS bags /ISO) was sold, to unto, kt. 14-,v.,e..g01d, to bond, and. we note, In addltlori,eales of. OM bags Itio, Amazon, *UM gold, In- bend; DOO Rio on private terthej,ke.trags good de, at IngtrlSlie, gold; WO begs pritoe,to &lola, do. at2.14,.,e, -111=Inglit 1:1470:1144147Z1250000 .rangeo; In price • from Nemo gold, cotu. mon to oboloo, and WO quote LOgOILVW tn% CM, gold;•antr JAVA at 'l,{„c, gold. The, [imports tble week are SOO. per barque Amazon. 9000 do, per barque Winifred: and , ilkebais ?er barque Wavelet, all from Cialettravv, Apni bi—riour quiet and 11/Oderilte toed demand for the higher grade#, and are unobalited.. isbmtsteady; 1 • 01,Asi t $1,4501,ce. Corn d ull, at WO_ ale a the elevator, Ana 0461 e LI now gunnies.. Ostadull ana.unthanged. 'Mashy dull; mall /0„f1= PCOVIThIOns droopinin Riles Of less „Pork. arer, Balk Meats sold LDU etWe:lor. shouldere, Ades end ham s n um; nothing doing. lard - dull at ).Sc Butter Ir earl roll 1 311 .arabit 48 c: chOleeireeli it retailing In the market* aL 76c. Eggs We and gold 1%94. letwokt! Ptunstau,rsils,.4wll9,7Prho tattle market la tnoderatettsetlso Ints week at- about kw.. user fatnapleullead - arrived and sold at frost -16016,he-fOr ektrs, 1461530 for liar to good, and latllSMa per iv for common, as to quality. bbepp-rrlora are betterl:lopd Lend arrived luta sollt*t Irina 7, , ,,468% opts per gmaa l / 2 as . 'dull Yba ratti er otrort sold a 4 Om different yards 4 t ft 0 R 1 ., ; 131 #,M 1 , 13 . ibkik e P ' • • A''; atarAes• Se" I/ bildat d m .43jover . r . ' ma gales w' tao . Cnun ' t" ;lune"' , t i rders aile d r 73 I "7 aann I.,Apielg M/I°4 %I " " d 4;ffering at Dist a but thirra., l 4 er V ar B ud ith v itu i rs mo s o n y 1tt.4%73- - ut b46° r 113,4 I b t e w 4 " , " r up_ c 7/04..111 /az 18 f:1: - ntodg* , . I °4 - ,toidy,st PITTSBURGH i Clines es rue Prrnsarnies Guerra. i Teranay, April 10, 1886. t The produce markets were dull and ...g -loated to-daS, and as the demand for most of the leading articles is- restricted almost. en- tirely ti, supplying the Immediate wants of I the retail imade, we have but few round lot operstioni to report. In prices, however, there hafts been no changes worthy of special notice. ASNES—Pearls Arm and in demand, and prices - are well sustained. Sales of 'Stotts Pearls Banned 10 trms COmm on Soda at . 6; and 5 tons Banned do at 7. GR&lN—Wheat is quiet and unchanged. Oats firm with small sales of prime Penna. at. 46047; Corn dull but unchanged; small males from store at 65070. Barley Is quoted limn at .7= - 90 • Bye—last sales at .MOB 5. . FLOUR—Is quiet but steady with a fair lo cid demand at 1M08,60 for Spring Wheat; siii4 09% Mr half flpg and half Winter; mad MCA 00115 fora 4. ll Winter. Small sales of Rye Flour ONYA , FL S ‘ I 'A rgo v totONS—Bacon is quiet but steady at 1301334 for Shoulders; 1540316 for Bibbe d Sides; and 21 for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard is dull but firm at 18011%. Mena Pork quoted a POTATOES--Firm with' a good demand, and we can report regular sales at 1 61,8001,40 per bushel, anti 43%04 per bbl. Buckeye Seedlings are quoted at .40iy,, and New .7erstry Sweets at Ip.oo. ~ w edsEiins—risz is in demand at eidA, and the offerings are very light.. Timothy Seed is [ selling In a small way at $11%4M, 81111C10 , (er 1 Seed is dull &tin' 044. \ SALT—Yeryilull but unchanged; Misquoted nominally at_ 2,85 per bbl by the Mir-load. .BUTTES—Is steady- with a good - demand, and prices are well sustained. 'Sales of N 9 ke, e d ,, a t :', 51 4 1 i rgrig i ß a' ?p i ters and the supply light. CHEESE—dales of IS boxes Goshen reported at 23. COTTON—Messrs. Isaiah Dickey & Co. re- port sales in lots •of 7221,:ba1es Tennessee and. tieorgth. Cotton at MOM eta per lb. DhIED. PRlllT—llemand rather better, bat prices unchanged.. Sales of &poles at 14(00, as to quality, and Peaches at 15gm, for quar ters and haikes. POITLTUT—SaIeII of 32 pairs dressed Chick , client $1 per war; ' emsntritcai VAMtULiaIUM MARKET Ors= or rya :MT Prrrestr A I aost GAZITI)I TIMM. pril 10, 1866. tdiUDE—The business In Crude was again , light to-day, comparatively speaking, the transaction!" being below the usual average, • and the market is dull and weak, with a sup ply considerably in excess of the demand. and .. prices are still tending downward. For 40 to 43 gravity, 13 cents, bills returned, and 14, Obis included; may be regarded as the ruling quo tatione, while lighter gravities cannot be quo ted abcve II to 125.4. Sales or 350 bble at 13; 712:1 at 13; 353, 2000 and - 000, part to arrive, all on private terms. The demand for shipment has Salon and.aby withba the past few" days, refiners are buying rather spar '(ugly, as they are laboring under the impres sion that prices will go stlil lower. Telegrams from Oil City report Crude dull at $4 to 81,50 at the wells, end $5 to 55,23 per barrel, at the mouth. REFINED—The market for bonded oil seems to be getting • worse and worse, not so much that demand le falling off, but prices are steadily receding. 'For Immediate delivery to Philadelphia, 30 cents was the best offer to dav against tiau a few days since ", while BSA 1.540 were the best ligures named for Bay, against 4214043 last week. For July, we are cognizant of an offer of 44 cents for one thou sand barrels having been withdrawn to-day, the broker in Philadelphia telegraphing that lie was unable to realize that figure at present. Free Oil Is dull and nommal--amell wiles of standard brands at 5303% cents. aIIIIIV ALS—There tit•no falling off in the arrivals of oil by the• ziyer, ea thorecelpts for ,everal days past haYe•sweragetibetwecn ten apd twelve tnonsand.barrele. , The arrivals reported to-day were as foll Owe t ' - • Li. M. Edgerton 1140 W. P. Logan 5000 ti. Rosenbach 000;W. Beldame= 451/. Fisher &Bre , • MO,Jari. Wilkins . : .... ..100: Woolridge Ref. Co.. 433111. hicKelvy 2;54 Jas Gallagher 1351 Brewer &Burke_ . los John Benn • iil W.'3l.e.eireown ea Jeckson'it 800 1001 EMU ALLEGHENY ekITLE MARKET. Orme or Tam Pm-roam= GAzerrs, i , Texonar, Aprlllo, 1608. i CATTLE—The market for cattle was active and firm this week, and with a light supply and good demand, both for home consump tion and shipment, prices, as compared with last week, may be quoted a shade nigher. The number of cattle on aale may be set down le round numbers at WO head, of which one hun dred and seventy-three werirbought for ship ment, and the balance, five hundred. and twenty-seven head, were taken by butcher*. The quality of the cattle on sale this woof ens much better than usual, and this almost makes up for thatdvance in price, together 1 with the fact drovers had to psymorafor them in the West. Prime to extra fat cattle, such as our first class butchers are accustomed to buying, sold at from 7300 0, gross, whits common to medium` es brought from ti to 7 cents. SHEEP—Demand . falr and market steady, and with a rather limited* supply, prices were pretty well sustained, ranging from 9to 7 cis gross, aceorqing to quality. lafferty a Bro., retailed lai head of fairish Illinois sheep for Logan, at 5 to SU; also, he head for Merrick. Mood, at 5417. the latter figure tor prime fat Mutton sheep. The supply, apparently, was about equal to the demand, and we are not aware of any being left overt:m.B°ld. DOLTS—There Is next to nothing doing In this class of stock. The G0M0.124 at these yaktbs still appears to be confined entirely to suppUe wants of the retail trade, and we Aro 9 lO , ass ' ler fair to an newuges. °n ruling quotations 11111PYIESTS or CATTLE. ".Myers & Bro., 87 head, Baltimore. Marks & Traurulan, 84 head, Baltlnuare. Greenwald a Kahn, bead. New York. TAAN6ACTIO76•II( OATTLE--1/7102.5e•he. gels & Co. sold al bead of primalows, Steen avealginglaki lbs., to Greenwald & ;Kahn, at 7 7 1 . 1 sumo to samo -18 bead,' averaging =Oat 7 Martin to Marks & Trantrum, 19 head of p me Cattle, at BC; Merrick &Baud to Needy a Co., &limed ot extra. Cattle,overag lbs,at ; nothschllds & Eckert tollarks & Traurmap, 18 head averaging 11DO,at ; Emlll to Itpthschilds.4P Ackert, head averaging 1100, at 'PA; England to Needy, 17 head of,prium Cattle averaging =Bat , ThANBACTLOVI tar l 'Bets & Co. retailed souoad 01,0734; Kerala & Carr,l9thetul atiffjty, Shamberg, 14 head at ,„• Greenwald & Kahn 87 head at 914:08 ; tW i ls% &Mum, , i7t.i t ri at 64th Marks & Tra r man, 72 head at .- Myertl_a Bro. 58 ho:.di Both a / a nds .It . Ea , '4O bm,d at Oft -Mer rick & noon , 50 head at °MUM ;Em 1, head at• '1 i - m; . New York Market. New 'Vona, Aril 1.0.--Ootton doll. heavy and fellY IV* low p er' at 360870' for Flour 0011- Ln:toes heavy for common gradeadde7;4 o for ex i tra State, all,l-64A40 for extrall. la 0, and 88,46 for trade brads. 111arket - closing quiet. en;. Whisky quiet at ir.„MWSUrfor litate and west. iVheat ratrierinore &Wye, arid -common grades tend down Ward; Moo I Chicago epilog and good Milwaukee club, for old amber 111.7 k igan,taideit,.% tor • white ;Macon- JIM Bye heavy; western .60@6801n store and delivered. Barlep a,dl SS State We- -Cora with. out deeded change at 750770 for onto and; and. 7 d a2 l 7:: r fa so o t: a nax e ed ai tri= l , l n r , u sto ew ro w rg cru, and 868857 e for oltl 4367747rcactim doll at 213‘82.70 for ernde,.and 8088480 Tar , rained le bond; relined in bond for June; btrgras option 43Xe. Coffee quiet; Java at Sugar sdeadi at ihipl%.6 for Cuba, MOM tor rano Moo, an 10140 Ho for Havana. MolluiseS quiet at 440 for Cuba, and 870750 for rorto Ulna York heavy and lower at $23,116.186,040r mess, elos• 13Fs.t1116,80,regulari V 4,75 for old do, and 76 for prime; also 2,60 barrel:, new moue 0r 07.A.pri.4 May and June, sellers ,Optlon, at 4173,M0rAP. Beef atcady at about previous prices. Beef hams dna. Bacon dull at 1046 rltter Cumberland out, 15fAtir41-I,lBl2rtr shoulders, and 16.18cf'fOr na a m t il. .I..ar i ci 4 nea; :I.l= autteruutet,.stsvoc- for tiew; for. build. ; Chemieduit at 16022 c., Philladalplitee ,lll dhatet. • PHILADILLTHLI, April 10,+- • trade ID • yery. did' under the downward•snotement In• gOld. Petrolcalm-deollaed• One nentr Crude . at NW Mc; Banned. in bond,lll4lloo,llelinedi (Mei fr Flour quiet sou the market lv generally tidebanged. Wheat gnu thlommon to Choloc Rod, at $2,000360. Curngrmi sales °I 'Sago „or at 77107.90. llogoe4avde4 sale* of RIO, at WU ttl)le in gold. Sugar steady; Cuba, at In gold. Provisions dull. Whisky unchanged. ClitiairO.M.ncke& Cuicso Aprlt - 10—Flour - firmer. Wheat dull and o declined liMist Wel at-the cW , M.P.4 a4l/14401,24Kftm No. 1. and closed at 121,r0g for. No. and Mc for, N 0.2 .• Coro quiet. an decttroca Valet; sales at Stets for 1, and 4140 for No 2. Oats quiet at clor froth No. 1, and 20 o;. for- No. 2. rovis• ions quiet; mere pork Lard 16411840 for kettle rendered and ado, for *team.. Wessott bogs . istedirrii - BY 11.11.11.ww.w. . . _ . . . retirement/a, Pone -Wares lt, CsioLoo. B. R. a urn 10.-250 pigs lead* 4 .11.CaalIeldt 5 eons po tatoes, 101 gt & no;Iglo tio,'" Potter, Olsen a ,Shenardyloo {ibis dwir„lt H. Myers a co; 100 do do, Showalter & Lanm tO bbl.. Idgliwf iter,La.m. bert.,fdapton A op; a eaninmetal,, 3 Hoorbeau; I oar potatoes, E .11esiceltorn9 phi butter L. do qtes,llLenziM boa chuseeyE H Myers tc- co; 1 car billets won; Porlr,lßreid cot 3 ears pots 'toes, J/1 Cangehly 50 bss , Graff ~a ROl - sdo do, C C Belaley,..ti Cl Try, do. Seibert a Mormon 58 bble botatota_,l;ll. ,Voliry co , 25 bee It aralitligW o gr. Moe /emu 1 ear 00 bble, J -Willtlint; 10 dos washboards, Jld Dilworth a ea; 15 do tubs, E Hessoltom 10 bre cheese, LI Riddle; 10 bdisi eradlenh Logan A Gregg; 3 kes lard, Kirkpotrkilt A 'WO; I ear Kamm, .1 J -,l•ctstrictiiii - _, e r/T2.571111101 111.0. ROAD.— April lit-10001s Your, James Gardiner; 0 aka rao, Godfrey - d. Clark: elpkgs ale, Wm Britton; ni: 'W , Product; C.C`Balilletil99.logs Moluses, T. mar,: Aiken & Shephann ,8 - do /110„ _James notion ICC tuns nrakee,llldmore Valle a t 44 IS bze thea4re,titionater a /any; onions, i -.IV-41 Steel a:Bro. IS do -broterut,-- Caldwell: a - Bro; 1 ear lumber, Jam brimicret 9 earalron ore, 'Jones a Isugbittiy 1.. - dci do; :Tenter' a Son; - 0) bbls . potatoes. -T, C. Jenkins; ' 119" skit petso toes, rOtter.. Aiken . a. filberd; , I caiir ditto, Graf[ a Reiter; tdo. do, L Jfit Vogt& CO. '. T15T0R571517. COLMIZIIIS A.SIDPISCSSIISI 1L.15. 1 April 10.-0 tibia dry vmehes, - Isaiah Dickey; 185 obis potatoes; Groffa Better; 111 MSS dour, llfelkiner a . Auger; 9 tibia - eggs, IC W Rankin; a hoses' tobacco,4 39 ;Taylor p 7 bells hoops, John ,kinglosid; 103 inspdaddern, J Hut:; a tibia : strap steel, - Brows a cC,; 1® bbl{llouri U. rt .A.O Duncan; ye dodo, Dan, 111 --?. '- 14bico t . '.AitXami.lll . Bi.A.Tios. Arra 10 , AV .I , z brooms X Isdnotti 9 do do, CI Myerm3ntdings/ramos ow, J Lloyd; l car tall ter.d•li. moron s =slo : Waves, C Lust; 1: bbl.'molesavr, '. Wilt, „13 . 011,;/.,,c9; 100. bblzillOur;11 goon a'. 'tun ; .-,. n , „..,., ~,,., :4 ri :0 - 4 3%1 z q • - -0 - -- . 1.1111.1141.11. • 11866. . -1866: Grey Eagle.,.Elortlext. Parkersburg. t __.- lea Bees O. ?Mena Oil City. tilasgest Jebtiston Cincinnati. ; SPRING A KaANGERIEivr. Belle Lotichrey.....OU City. kobt Moore—Maratta Cincinnati Emma Geti.m.Stull Echo Gordon Oil City. BOATS L 111. 1 ,1210 Et. Paul. Financier • Dart-Ili& New Orleans. I Pittsburgh, Brownsville and .Genevai Rivra, wisiernaa. arc. The rivera areagainreeedlng, with ten and a half feet In tlii(etunniel by the Allegheny marks list evening. The weather continues clear, and pleasant, and veryfavOrable to taper. I moc . ,,DErms 400AILEE" , "frc a rht7ata t eraZ, ar gm : Cincinnati, is the only a very lair freignt WO- • The Grey Angle, from transient 'arrival we have to record. She hal ' pu i t s ber a go, Monongahela City, Brownsville. Rice's : Wi I re three daily side.w beet steamers between Parkersburg, was _ istd. night, and will 1 ta. Lav o i n ot G r e l los h t . ro ,, , Il , e . n m el . a . : d nd o th r e tu D e n f o o kare tiowi ts . n g r dreibtleas be feitind la due, prt thiamoming. The , 11i."... , 'Emma:Graham Cleated Tor Zanesville on time i f iki withal arge weather of . passengers, and the , 40111 y. Lent Leon left for ParkersbmV. about neon. I EATg.....E._ C tr : T. l' b c . itu.ttzl At:the Allegheny wharf Mildness seems to I ',........Ar1i be picking up a little, though there Is FMB, In i FRAIShLvi all conscience, an abundance of room for Ira- • CAI'T. R. W. CARNAL ,. GALLATIN .. . . _ CAPP A S. CARLILE. prielilent.'' • These packets will leave Flttaburgh daily at Ba. . m• end (I n. m except Stindly , when the departure The Ida Reall and Belle arrived from Oli City , ' , t i t b e et ;.. e k ek . e . in. SLIM OUT leSt:repOrt, and the Rohn cleared ! The through packet for the OMBegions will leave for that paint last night with a fair trip, in- Pittsburgh daily at 6p. In. 8r0W113,1110 dO.ll/ at chiding quite a number of passengers. 16 a. m. The Dmnidas, from St . Lonis,ia doe to-night , d a l i t i rrtil y ~ 4C . 1 . N . 6— . Lenodsvalrewnsville lot Pittsburgh Or twinorrbic. The Relit. Moore bad not got oft co Cfnein- . Lee ''' . 'h . ''' est.''' . end Geneva at I t ... lock ' R lee's Landing a t 2 p. m• nett when we left the wharf, but she would I Leaves Mortonallele City at 6 o'clock. - doubtlees get out during the evening. She The line is cemposed ot first-elms side-wheel weinld hive about all the freight she could 1 steamers, bulit expressly for the trade. They wili take. he commanded 11 officers of long experience, who The Colombia, Capt. IL J. Porter, did not got 7 o l ,, n o pt p y .p a .rt+e u rlaz at r t ne en b tl . on . to w te it e li w e r .. ts p a r n.d m e r o t m,; Mr for the Upper Mississippi, as expected last ~ ~,, boso 0 ~.„tued evening, but she will positively leave this '' '" forenoon. The clerk, Me J. W. Clarke, will . see that passengers receive every proper at- Freights Received at all Hours. tontine. The D01.11 , 411.re, It. W. Horton, is next ou the For further particulars main:Lire of list, and will commence business at once. WiLtlilit. celLßOY,..afentl a. The Financier, Capt. Darragh; Mr. J. W. At the Wharf-Boat. toot of E ,rant...l.-, 4 A - :strfgi Russell, clerk, leaves this afternoon for Nov ~,,,,,,,,,, • .‘1 3 %',6,,,,N . ei, Orleans, and passengers and shippers should - ---- bear this fact In mind. H. 1., 5 0R KEOKUK, GAlLE.l d ga i t , The Argonaut No. 2 Capt. .C. Richmond, a: NA, DUB UQUE, U ST. PAL, and is tilling up rapidly for St. Louis, and will be ALI. WAY LANDINGS.—The nue ready to take her departure this evening or passenger steamer to-morrow ? She will be followed by the lm- ONLAWARF Capt. R. W. RAWSON. porter, Capt. Noss. Will leave as above ou THURSDAY, at 4 P. st• The Kate [Robinson, Capt. Rob'. Robinson. For freight or puns ge apply on board, t?r to will he first boat out for linseed River, and apt _ FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agents. she will be followed by the Nile, Capt. W. IL Haelett. The Kate Putnam and Nora were adver tised to leave •Chicintuati for Pltbiburgh on Monday, and the Phil. Sheridan arrived there on Sunday. The New York irpress, of the :11th ult., says " "The rates of fought are now sown to a point at which railroads can not smoke any money, and still the steamboats keep under bidding. The railways offer to take floor from St. Louis to New York at *Lie per barrel, and they cannot make it pay at this rate. Bur steamboats take It down the Mississippi River, and Send it to New York, via Now Or leans, at the name price, and find It profitable. A large bustnese will be done between this city and the Southwest and Went by this route, which must result very disadvantage ously to the railway interest.' The New Orleans Thews of the 4th says : The Julia came In from St. Louis with a good trip, and departs again this evening. Among the passengers who Came by the .I Min, yester day, cress our friend Mr. S. D. Young;'the clerk of the -Maggie Hays. Mr. Young leaves In charge of the otilee of the Maggie Hays, which leaves this evening for Cincinnati. Captain IL L. Hendrickson hes command of the Hays. TRAVELERS , GUIDE. tram! and Departure of Trains. Pennsylvania Central Italleoad. Departs. - guises.. Day Express— 2:93 • M hall " MEosm anomie Lettozen 7= a Mrlat Line Pg‘ • m Cincinnati Etre 0:60 a m ust Wall Accom•st ett3 • m Bell ..,..—. ..... 11:40 • m , reon /ten No 1,. 7:60a nt Phll•• ispre.... 4:10 put pi Wall Accom... 6:50 a no /ohnotostm s.o'n. 2:50 p to ,Jottrutt•n Ammo. Oa° • m Past Lino 10 , 03 p non teg.Eric /4•11-17:16 put tit Wall Arcola,. 6:03 • to • Balthimre Extra 1:60 pm 74 •• , •• 11.50 •m Al Wall Apcom... 2t2llpM 94 •• •• 4:60 pm .PhB•• Exp.... 2:05 pm 4111 Wall's Aen. 6:05p mi Wall's Ar a No 4 7.00 p m Penis Ao`n No 1. 10:50P m, Altoona accont. Id Emtgl Train ..tM6O p m The chorett train leaves Wallis' Station ere. banday at 9:15 a tn.; returning, bear. Pittsburgh at 11:50 it. on. rumbas-Lb, Columbus and 3.3neleinall . Deports. Arrtar.S. /•.t Lin 2 , 60 • m Mast Line— ...... MOO • m 115.1.1 ..•.... ........ MMant Ball 3:10 p m Expressl.l:losm 1 Iteuldnrille .6.1. ''''' P ' L ' l '7teu r tocn'"rille Ac commodation.. 4:11 sto commodation -10,10 • m Plegebnyula, rL. Wayne and Chicago. Paparts. • Amon. Lipton • m Express .113 • m Exp:, .:39 p ea exprou 9:l3pM gn i.'" • - • .. • • iiit it : liwr.::::::::: riPi ' , ift Wheeling Expel 6:19 p m New Brighton AocomModation tear. Allegheny moot sips.... II:59. m., 4:3lp.m.,enci 1:40p.m., Rochester, x:l3 p. 1:0.:_ Ness Vutle, WO p. te, ; Keen y, 10:60 • Wellsrill 3030 u ''lPllleb=.4.lleVeltald agi.dmillteelltag. Departs. Arrives. • lopresa .......... 2.:Z • m' E . xpress .......... 1:500, a ro &cona . ..... .... x:10 p en }...tpreas 0:12p et %sit-- . .. ... CZ • m,Exprem 2M. sin st.benrilie Accommoda ti on leave. Allegheny at 3 P. nt. Plltst,nruti and Conndlle. Dtp:lll4. deri ve.. Silal 7403,95.114.11 9 9: 0 P m .11een .... ..... . NM 3, na' Express torte a en W. Newton Anli 0:15 p col W. Newton Ac`n 3:39 a m ,at YeKeeeport..MCO a m' let llelleenern. M6O a M t •• —MOP oln Sd Brulducra Ar•tt 4:10 p in, ltraddout•• Son 145 p to Church Train.... 13.0 p m.Chureh Trsio.. .10,, , X). us Allearbeny Walley lindlirman. Departx. I An-freo. sun 501,1 9..xpr...n lin) a es express 5:10 p m Mall 8:10 04 accommodation. MID pto Accommodation :10 •to ellgsburgli and Er e Ilallroad, to Oil Clly and Franklla. Anise*. IMpart • 40. It ltxpress.. 7:43 pMI NP. r. ET-preen. 6 .53 ern Via. Pittsburgh, Yon 'syne and Chicago. and Danner VolleY. eirunmintlle Bored..-Otani and Water Ms. dregs.. Drone.. in 3.30 pm I 999,:e. COO p m Harmony Stage. PM. Clair M. Arena, 3% D. M. I I=. antler Stace--310. 3 M. Clair Marcel. Ami.t. i .1:k9.1.. GS a. m. W atlirZilin Stair.t.- .11 .re• nOtel Arriet,S. 1 rjr ' EI . ni P. wi. EIS ICELSIOR OMNIBUS &LIVERY STABLE, 4W PENN STREET /AIMS DAIN & MON, Proprietors. VIINIEMS9r9 AND CARRUttiESforntshed for al .ralas. Also. CUrrtages for Proterals, Weddlitirs and email.. at short notice. and reasonable rates, STA OWL OPEN. DAY A.ND NIGHT. nOrlyd SUNDRIES._ _ (lONSIGNIIIENTS. •—•• 15 bids. panne Granberrlea sn boxes Illesanta On 50 ralarmo do 20Lemons: 25 buyelsTarnlps; s 0 nne; 03 .1 Seed ieney Sockeye PCITitOCI -1 ear toad Potatoes, 1 100 bushels Onions; to store add for Web,. "_ mtrattf . • PONSIGIVICEENTS OF FRUIT ANU vritoDuck..' boea Betlitia Jr pr d iat . e; `• Goatee c heese; `• Hamburg do Rai dozen Canned Teach.; •• do Tomatoea; 10 brigs Dry Poaches: 10 bible. Crasiberrte4: 40 •. reach Blow Potatoes; ROO bean. •• do in meta, Received and for omio by POTTER, AIKEN &1111EPARD, mhti - ' MI Liberty street. SIINDIVIES-- • a- 0 40 DDs.. plum, Bore:Into: ' 40 •• • Pickle.; Pickle tn malt: 40 •• choice Sexy Beans: L .• New Dried Peaehes; 41.1 •. •• Apples: •• Cut and Dry Tns..., 100,c00 Cigar*. all grade., In store and for tale low to the trade by • nada 0111,0. c. nAvet.r., 9:1 I'Llbert7 .1 WALL PAPERS FOR APRLL,4I6, NEW COLOISS are Clay, !Smoke, Orange, Ind Wine. NEW PATTElVeg—Greek, Eirnsesn , 1. 01 . XV, 'Embroidered. Sluelin end Lees. ons E n J eitt l i gNTlON Is made of low priced • Si Store open every evening, • W. P. SULTISIIALL. ml2l IT Wood street. FLOUR! mounts 300 Olarr!ls ••Wldo noun WO • • %lax Mills , do - /00 • • ..11arblzies• • • do 100. •` ''Orant.'s•• Lools.floor. Barn. brood. do/Peered In paper mackb, If doolrod :Tor mileby KNOX. I OVA. • , sp7 70 Diamond. Al _VALI. SALAD SAUCE--crosse & Diktat .. Men; Prlnce of Wales Salad Suite. rod Vail -Cream. an aseettent dreuipd goo tenure, Ae. 'lO plat and half bottles: also Olive 013,_for Utile um 01 Me fluertduallty, for rate at the Fatuity Urotore store of JNO. A. IEtENICHAV, mhZt Comer Liberty sod }fond arrests IMPORTED WINE VINE6IAR.- 110111211.11'S Imperial Triple Vinegar, of superior Savor and etre ogilinnsurpasand In use or far plokllaE, for inna . thts i llac s y tk ir Corner I,therilr and mod meek.' Ql3 VANILLA BEANS—Just received fresh later the now 81,1101, for de rortstig, FOT.IO br the pound or single Bean, at the "14 . " ("err "'" or JIM. A. eassai. ,*. ip7 Corner of Liberty and Hand areas& • SALAD 011.---We have La stoke.a cnerraggraVtiatistill, rfr A cill i it l ay e tffool l a We by the doseu or• saiste_ _bottle; et the ta-ur °mem !Here of JOHN A. heanH•w: , .7 Corner of LibertyAue lland street,. LT.A L PERllll4lfrv.mvtp"a Cnminrr• rgreOgt; tlackweal , . VAX Dell 11.1! 7 ronm Catsup, for Lvh, game de. . t r cEnlttU...„ mui ' Corner of Lolbert7 optl'Hstl • SUNDItIES--/ i balati Curled ' 1 no 14011: : 4 'do Cotton I turret tioelmsX; IS do 111,7 ratone44. Now' tinning from steamer Nora - Mr sine bi- -, • tot= • in All_l.l Dioxzy a Co. F~e»- Ido haf bus. New wiAtorisi;l SD do do usaa lterrtur 36..t10 -Halt PAT' iv; (f. 6) mom" No. Lard • .`4, - ;" 2 do . do .102 'Oro Do ek Oredk Lab. Off 11katore and &Page - 1.. •:' ..."..,ddtdi s OALZICLU:a CO. nuam, - z "-• and 70 Waterstivet., otaxl" -- ..tt,APl~~it ailFA s B. ~ :, 11~ ~nd7 Eoz Ed~ I ~ C O Oe w~m C t O e D , ~ M to~ryt ~ :xC'm.~ana!rtf=Ww~c sto~~tl~Ln UI(7IcEY s{.'tti~ Mii IRAlLlnvivOnocoLiiTE: , -.1100 JAW , lllewd liakent er am Vs). I, , firfolk livonuno to.y,.. q uuntr y on t r ts Noc - 1 . 9 LUVFOIATIII:t6.III .IdONONGABZUL - RIVER ; UNION LINE, VOll CINCINNATI ANDlar i e LOCISTILLE.—The splendid per —. Capt. D. W. ninnaiann. Will leave for the above and all Intermediate Arts T VAT, at 1 p.m. For freight or pzir i ff ka . on board or to 0.p9 J. D. COLLLAWOOD. } A g ent' - FOR ST. LOUIS.-Thesda s t duo and commodious passenger st.cstMe. ARGONAUT No. ^ Capt. C. RICIIIIWED, Will leave for the above and all of porui uTUESDAY, April le. att. m. For freight ollrAtlet.VVETlll ard &D U' , Alias apB REGULAR MS9oll3lllta r gr ua t RIVED, PACKET. — The new anti endld stdel i w A ti z eLel at , casi wi e n r ' lent( for Bt. ( - . ' ollta? V ikosr. (maim City. and (be Intermediate porta. on *ATI:TRULY. the 1 , 4tigt o rt . l. rd rig.:7°.°II"o'geCtIPLINCIWOOD.' h.ts. FLAT;![A ~„ REGULAR MISSOURI RIVER PACICET— For St. Louts , Council Illutbs, Omaha City and Late. mediate porta the tine pasteligar steamer SATE 110 B11460:4, Lap:. nontlasen, will learn at above cm THIS DAY, at 4 p. m. gArghl,TATVElltriVA4Z.u. von nourms & NEWaga i t 1 - ORLEANS—Mc oleudhl steamer I=l Wlll leave as above on TIILS DAY, 014 D• 1""ighl ar tirr Idl a t7G b fkllali,lgenta. lonia FL C C VOR KEORIURf-GALE-adr ise t ta k Ali r r iniQu iea r ds l :±Vt. A g paseenger oteamer COLCURL, Capt. U. J. roar ma. Innoa , loading and will leave with dlp u ltna. or REGULAR PACKET s i ggr im g FOR WHEELING. MARIETTA AND ZANEAVILLE,_—Tbe Ane steamier EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. C. H. 1371SLIft arRI leave for the above and all Intermediate p DAY . Otu . mDIeOOrLIANGWOOD p Arent: - t 6 . E tfr of the v tre . & s e ..<2 itVgo C OUN TY, 1 A u nd ir uno 4 711—w, to wlt: ApNI ttAb.T4iir74."*. Artorthet.Cluz.i.lgrocio.l74.ol 0. .•AW. dAtributhal. Clenr. team the R. A. Hlttuoo. n,„ard. The And Hot above awedwill meet the parties In. cereal..., for the pampa. of hie nopolstkpreati ORM rt11.2,147-14=1..117. Utidirettk.c7.ler . apeantanu W. 0. nAWILtht Jr.. Auditor. • AILLEGILEN V COEN - ni l 1111.--1111 the - matter of th/ foal seeount of .1 lIN IdeCAIRIO, nne of the adminlatratorf et.WILLLUI BELL; de. named. And now, Febramyinn, „A. L., It, on motion In open tong , fiAll=l. PALMER, Esq., la appointed Auditor to audit the account and make dlatritatlon of. the balance doe ri gr ti stlt ut megnt From the Record. W. A. HERRON, Clerk. • She andreslaned ttlN .rend to the de tie* or Olt mgr oet:t i i . r i g the st r tho b r . c o m . 111 1 =4 . 7 . NOS, at :o'clock, P. se.. warn and where all parties Intcrestcd may attend. 3331.6:latrand SAMUEL Andltar. . t kLlLEfairailf COViiTY, an hi an=t !‘ :3l:3l C COVl t at b . eld 43 4 11. 1 7m " s i gard t ar :t rgh. Verm, L l2. C iagh* " J .. oppotuteol Audtter 30 0o HE the excep (fans. BY THE O.IURT. teem the seeorl. VOL AL BERRA/Et Clett. The Auditor above named Intl meat tbettartlea wean!, (or thepurpose of WO .14Pottat...t. at ~ _ !' no doubt the Feetosal saved hi. life. JOIIN,MeO/11.1111 . .1 DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL trintut . lN 1MA.11... 1111.1.E.--Plesse send zee another Sapp* of wag liable pectoral *rm. Almost every bmy around as - bag the cold, and arc, enqulrAlfor Egyser,* Pectoral:Symp.' , We have sixteen bottle/ Us. Mr A Aitii* gaifimet„..l:ll.l7. now of . they would not be without It R i alFevlU la thelPfstlei. Met, all who use It once want it agal.n, '''Pe J e . t ri'ATT MON , Mit . ; Prrrarnanna, November twat,- DO.ltrrgga:-Altbooeh sot an ► scribable to recommend your PlitrivitAhlfral'ir. As • Medicine, it ts well worthy the attention I pence...who may In any manner. tut soloed vat coughs,colds aim hoorsenedsof kinds andfor um mealier qualifications for reanomng au tbst greeshlessniestion Wending a *MN cold. , 'have been,•more °rims *my lifeJelfeeted is lig the severest of colds and hoarseness. At times cs s y,. Ft2sh . 4o:l l, ll4e s er4e n z erg it i s i i ss , a l l o w h l r re nt . nl=,, , e the above Byrnp it h lould e r a l i Wo x nu . N.s . r . r4l. l tingly say that t i ffs the beat rcritnly .eYer }hold, toe'rattliouni to cote ledrilP4al=l:ientrafat'.". , m"tt"P l e / C lMrittO J. 42 . ' Cashier Clams< Deposi t . Ohio, 2i tit Br are 14. that* Med air. Nemeth< cough hyrup for a lad COUgh of several - years standing, and can shee nlip lay it hi the best income tor, unetestee t 1 hive- COL. PRATT Sill/ Du. tumors's FELIX/RAI. SYRUP.—IM. REetialt.—Dear ti les Excuse the delay army acknowtediNg the emeelleuee o!your l'eetolw C 14%°.'1 7 ,1 ° E. 131. tats T.71171,1:41.; out of lay cough, awl the worst cote 1 woe emx shack rut with. I have not used more than me-balf ot this bottle, and 1 can and do wish that all who an altavt• ad would give Nu Mir a trlaPius hove dene, they wlllbe proud tossy, lannemackmedislom.. - L, would not suffer another such aa Attila for au onsiderstion, or at summit. lam confident "C *cum more meele.than 1 trey did. I shall AN a/iL acknowledge a de - bt of grstitud l i be r ty ventud ' „a/cells:ate remedy. You &restto nus none In this MC3.' 4. " foes think pronns lifeseengel : Common Connell, htisinV _lg. B.—lsms no bummer to no slit all who °Mgr** doubts tall contort me WM:MAUI. V AIgOTSIIIH. NEW, CERTINICATE....Dit 13.ERTI PECTORAL STRUP.-1 bad been Montag with a cough and cold for Weele—lODatt t that 1 meld motsleep. hs4 the *drift' MN P.