viliFfil6ll4l4ateitr a WIDZERSDA Y. APRIL 11: 1868 . ADVERTISING RATEb 41 P. 1 IAOSIlltriAlinkt' . - • STANDING RATTER. on. aquiline *Mot Limes, get Word. en the Lino. or a.a limb Spare. rum. 4.111 - 11 - 414/1 - revammo ........ 25 Three time. 175 Tent limes = y o riVe U Uwe 1411 lna. one Week... I: rat p a rt l o..l. ....... .3 40 A 73 tilue Owen 4 10 7151 Uinta 4 50 Eleven Uwe. 4 Twelve Eines, 2 week. 5 0) Three weeks 1121 Ono .. 9 09 Two amnia— • ' . uso Three month. 13 CO ale nunalla 33 m One year 54 O MMM=M die moult torte month* SIX moath. lie rear... .......... WARtOIJA ITEIIII Goa. Lan A Won AT Wererna.—To the admirers of General Robert J. Lee, who Wereitkairto hold him up to us ass model for the Christian gentleman, we. commend ' the statement of Wesley NOrtle, one of the slaves on the Aching? n estatKlwhose free doto Was provided for in the will of Mr. custin, but who was retained in bondage by Lee, the heir of the testator. Norris, In eompahy whir his sister and n cousin, ran sway in ice 9, but weresub.sequently revap turod. ; cur ds,-who is nen' in the employ:or the GOYerrithent, 'Says: "We wow immedintely token before Gen. Leo, 3 1 1 1 0 . ,lleinanded tho reason why tap away; we frankly told hlm that • we consid ered eirraelterr freer' he then told mho would leach utt lestain which wo never would Slept; he ordered us to the barn, where, M Ed. preisettot., we were lied dm ly to posts by a Mr. McGliin, our overseer, who was ordered by,Gen. Lee to . strip 1111 to the wets! and gimp. ns fifty lashes each, excepting. my sister, who received but twenty; we were neeordingly, ,stripped to the skin by the evereecr, . who, however bad Rudiment humanity to decline - whipping us; esoord ingly Dick Waldemar, a country conatoble, era/walled in, who gave UP the , number • of lashes ordered; Gen. Lee, in the Ineantliiie, stood by; and frequently enjoined William. to "lay it on well," an Injunction which he did not ail mimed: notsatislied lacerating our naked flesh, Clen.‘b.s. then - toe overseer ur , thoroughly, our backs with,.britte,,ivilleh.,:was done; after.thls; ...hay cousin endmyself were' ent to ILintreor;Courr , }louse j ail: my aist4L. beirg Sent, to an agent tO be. A woniarliwkdpper a Christian gentientanl MILD WINTERs. —The Gazette du Midi, a Frauchiournal,publishoseeme facts respect - lug winters remarkable for their mildness. In 1112,1289,1421, and 1527, the trees in January" were already in leaf; and the bird-a . had begun to build theirnestain the branch es. In ..1138 the gardens were filed with dotveriL" On the drat of February, and hi Paris awimming parties were organized; The winter of 17d3 was very rigorous throughout ..France, but this remarkable fact was. observed, that at the . town of Sabies . a . Dionne (Vendee), and six 'leagues • aroundi - .the Months of December,. 1752, end January,' .1143, were exempt . from • cold, while elsewhere the weather *as - very severe, and the;mouth of the .Loire frozen:: That occurrence wmirerharked by thelearn ed Le Condamine, wbo was then at Sable .I . olenne; be called the attention of men of science to the feet, but the reasons could never be ascertained, The mild winters of astr,-.lBt4and 135;1 no pernicious effect upon the crops,. ■ ROYAL Saii7DAL•••-,A curious old scandal has inroad up oneo more in the British Court of Probate. Princo'frenry rredk , riolt, Duke of Cumberland, fourth brother of oeorge lii,, was .privinely, met - riot:before the royal =cringe netvto Olive Wilmot - , daughter of the rector 'ot-Ertiterbon-thP- Heikth, in Warwickshire. Her granddaitgitZ . ter,Mrs. ityvas, now claims under the tit eiaration of legithaste3. aet, to be declared n [number of the royal family. If she van prove the nutrriuge, she is one , _ and on, moreover in the actuallineofthesaanossion, raaking:Jurt aver the Kingofilanover, and this is the real issue on which the 'caw, wilt turn. It seems certain that the marring, was at tlictime belies - 0 in, nod the object ofclenving it traa to conceal a bigamy.' LW Pr inaelikeatniediateendllntortheEleetreas, having marital Nfts. fforton while Olive Wlttnot was still alive, OFFICIAL TNPLUF2iIIE LAI FRAXOPer—M• Hastrom, a banker at Poitiers, and es. mayor ofttrat town, lately absconded to es. cars. from his creditors. He manned' co get off veyy cleverly. Ile was at Paris when he found that he must tly, and the paoketfOr !twit, w•ithar be had resolved to gooonled.the same day. He went to the Minister of Commeree, introduced Ininaelf as mayor of Poitiers, and stated that be wished to sena a eletir. to Brazil on a very import:Mc wannalmaiem Ai his request the. minister telegraphed to Bordcauxto :detain the packet. This gave M.. Hastronr time to get oa Ward, and 1w it, now In Brazil. TO KEEP &Jos.—TM) reason eggs ciocay is that the atmosphere penetrates the poriss of the shell, evaporates the watery portion* Inside,. and , dirty begins. 41: remedy, to annerwe tho.tituattCbeiling water for -few' seconds, it Ls easily:Acme, fee a hundred eggs In, a bsiskote can beolippe4 Afensuinte a tub et bailing-water. They ails to beheld lu the water long enough to eatui btwatty' at a tastrate. Thehentafthe Watetenrigedisi the-Barret*, or the albuitiert initnetilately ander thee gksbelt; . thitel forming an alt,tight eosilsikr, which ) prevente evaporation Anil decay. . . , . - CoNlictlirCiturerm paper atm % that two ttoiNtiOrttta irt"laskluglOtokliatfonarjoi Syria,./.lavedlimoVered. a - Jewish habltation entire, UM tiottatrnetion Of Which. 'clatOutWo centuries PrPrlotta , ta.the Chriatian et*. ita . rooms Awe furnished after thevEoptian - style, and th'osegent&nlenfoundinf ein the tive books of Moses, the Psalms of David, and anotherbook containing Hebrew poetry, entirely unknown. REERCRART TAILORS, REMOVAL. T.,ki1....„T. WM,: Merchant Tailors and Clothiers Have •fienteied to theirs., nelloilor. ' No. 196 Liberty Street. Owing init(tlodeninint tbdir' pbreitsses• for the SPRIEG TIL&DE (the senior hardier being now In the East) they are prepared to exhibit goods for the CUSTOXTBADE st the 'MET LOWEST QUOTAS TiONdi that goods hare yet reached. • Th o 7 httlt. ,cP , I deArts to keep. • , SUP7, I / 1 011, s TOCX . 93 Mien 3 ,21/o,7o**4ll.llDlitnattilt, OWN MAIMPACTUBIAnd IQUAL In all respects to CUSTOII WORIC. schleamdtmrT "'•Q: T • ~~~~~~OC7S~i=t, NEW SPltipt‘a - • -,747LE8 3301e•15 igintitTqa; 47 St. ibitir" Street: int Air ENRT MERCHANT • TAICOII,- NeirninN aim it Iveret.-airattutt: • .; . pirresuitail, v 4,4 qwa to Wet= Mk*. "4 .o, geb M R Y fif i n e e edum"A g=rggria meg =l[ * lor$111", .d.wei FineVirStileiieGr - 6(sdi, "; Willaliarritietrivmal 4 . nue Ct=S3 1866. ' ffA 7 s, 'C- APS 'AND AN I.4::oapeis AT W/EQLESALE: DieCCOM ji.* HEM 131 WOOD '2711117/12` • *lk partlealu camas le tbalfillJakioX2l •W.ICQ AVitatolliaral UT =DUO= • •' kreCOAD Mc, , -•..3 , • • RrA " 1:3 Weir, Are you'- I wrseewea tee, eystap e lVg all war and fear iajertabier use symptoms ere often 104 0 to aerie. Maas. Some fit of sielcurs• creeping open you, end should be av er te d trephine ! IZUse *Me right reedy. Take Ayer s and earths out take disordered hantons—portty th e blood, end let the Colds more on unobstructed in health again. They stimulate the functions of the body into rigor*. activity, Wulf? the system from the obstructions which wane disease. A cold set ties somewhere so thepody, and deranges Its tut0r ,111,214,211111,1. g. ne 00. tate Ayer . Pillaginlleftee bow directly they restore tbe natural action of the system, and with It the bnoyant feeling of health mall. whet is true and so apparent in Ode [Metal commo complaint is also tree In mull or the deep seated and dangerous distempers. The same raga t gl b enestVt=ite U ntTs% of the bY .b" lti thou. or no. body, they are rapidly sad Many or 112'114 Ilk":44ll7:lbtrer D'll4l44l(r._ a nt'"LeetN;:bein;lbo [him Wtea top e such ill .111141 . 1 t. 1014, COFEII . ln stio tirtnt n i; Liter, °ski rims, Smilpat.l:ll,ls.lleartbarn, Rheum& when taken In they are Sager Re (*tad, io that the most sensitive eau take Ilea easily. and they are surely the hest purgatiVe medicine yet discoecred. For the AYER'S AGEE ODRA 'needy d cure of tetermttand Fever, or Aver owd.ese Resetttest flaw Mil Aver, DurnbAyne. fbriOeheal thetdeterhe Or Elliosse /Isadore. trod EU tone Mere, Indeed for the whole etas* eidErsorse - felnottap tie td.Uorge=sonsts 'muted., du La. Urea of estermettto Thie mato imussangg totioa to dare the severest M Ca l a uta.kfltevere , hat thle greet ad remain betT er Atm, tba pa ti en t. bdues the complaint without Warr to Me lt anthem no quintb or other deleterious substance, nor does it produce quinine or any iniorlous effect whatever. Shaking brother. of the army end the west. try It and you will endorse these astaertione. Prepared by J. C. A YEli A CO., Lowell, Maui., and sold by B. A. PARA - ESTOCIL'S Owl CO.. and by all Dinette*. mbiedenst&ver BEI IBM m 1 n N II I I.a! MEE $ A Of 10 CO II 03 "a 00 al CO as 5' TEO4 152 5 5 V 00 I 111 AO 11 =CO II I ,IJZirg'il IA 74 00 10 CO I 2 00 0 COO 2S 00 21 00 l4 ;700 4900 10 00 74 ---------- - - arISETROUVEVS TURKISH JANDOLENIAN PAIR TONIC. THE DRESSING AND RESTORER OF THE AGE TURKISH BANDOL EN lAN. Riarnonerns Imam EtannoLgins.s. What can be more acceptable than anything that will beautify/ ufr':,`,ll=7=agfitiaZtedillulat: to groW Sliiluice mid beauty, assist Inputting It up according to the present style and fashion and keep It to placel This Betrosesys Turkish Ho t and Hair Tatter will do, and for the we refer you to any person who has tried IL It onlynoledged to be the beautifier of the age, the Flair Tonle and Restorer worthy of the name. In Turkey, In France, In England, In Saueries—everywhere where the “Ilandolenlan" Is known—lt is pronounced the ite plea ultra of [Lairl'Opradjkaia. I tomember, It .1, fr ee from all meta ll ic us. ere contalued In most Hair COlereAnd reds therextraet of nun) Sowers arid f fiesta, eT - Pot en... ornament to the tolleL For sale by all Druifists aud Ferftimers, wholesale. L. SELLERS CO. B. L. FAILNESTOCH a Co. Principe Depot 1 3rMtett3 N =ntiCasd , as, deliktaietstaser; t . tv - PrrirsetraGn SAW weak*, HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. statarracrtrazas or PATENT GROPED CIRCULARS. {Varna_ Beit OAST STEEL YAWS, of every descrip tion. HUI, Mnley , Crou-Cot, Gang, sad all oilier varieties. 411 g( ENITE9 and ReSned SPR I NG S, f . Vt . AND tr t 1104I?it sat- Warehouse aultlea,.l . xtraer Warne and Snows Brusfra, Fittabn • Pent: Mutton pal to rettrothing, ansmatee atni etre taping Circular Saws; also, repairs of all kinds. netting and Drilling done at reasonable . ratea. g• LAKE SUPERIOR apnloly COPPARMILA AND SAIE4.TINO WORKS' rsCitPC . Oi•Pinif, PRESS . ED 8 1 6,1"Elt 1 R1VE1 1 1.4, ) ILALSE I D STILL ItIYTTO and Yl3, /WELTER SOLDEIL rillsr4ltgra• 71c.MtltstitzlItg hand, Till/NEW HAOLLINRS and TOOLS. Ware ham, No. la Flower and IRISZCOnr. Braun, Pitts burgh. Special orders of Copper, out any &aired pattern. r;r" 'IFNI. DARIIIIIU.L & CO. Boiler Makers & Sheel 'Ton Workers. so.. go, 22, . 21 .Rna 25 Penn street._ lbtiVi =girantreg l jart n ierwerag rmanufactuts ever! dcacliTent _ r sr= it'U'oot=lll7B iEfaitt n i • lN ' lPE ' Dtl, 1 . PLPES WV-MOTIVE BOILERS, L CON- Li E ffrati A r lfi l rreat ThrlinatE ERIIH n i I OAR PATWOURIaIe manufacturers of BARN LW:it Pair T 11011.1a13, Repairing Mute on the stioncti notice. treirtr IatrIROBINSON, REA & CO, (Inc. certort to ROurasos. Mono & Muatato, WASMADIAS 11613921b0 n t:?'44- 'BOAT AND STATION Si STEAM ENGINES. BLAST ENGINES, MILL MA CHINERY, °EARLY°, _WHAFTIN(L_CASTINSIS or detoriptlona n g TANKS and &TELLS, BOILER AND SHEET WORK. Jar Agents Corti &YARD'S YATENT INJEETOR, or ferdlott boilers. JOAAi coicumAri A. HBO., Ilitutfaciarese of .1 % VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS. ILIbO. WIN IX.rtV SHUTTERS, WI N D OW 0 DS, e., Nos. el SECOND mad MI TN lIT T, between Wood and Starke have w oalnd a variety of new patterns. It.d. n, ead lAM all pato:wee. . Don itaid,to.eaclosing [Nave Lots.' Jo lag done at short natJed. .12 TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, OP BOTH SEXIDEL—A reretend gentleman Oaring Wen teetered to health to slew days, aftej. undergoing Mammal routine and trregulvespenelee 'mode of tresOneat without ancems, considers It Ole 'sacred d°ttr to communicate to Ids &Minted fellow. creatures. the ineanaoteura. Hence, WIPP merlin of an addressed enfelope, he will meaty', 0 eon/ of the preseription need. Direct to Dr. JOHN D. DAGNALL, LW Fulton street. N. T. mbiltirdAwT lair THE BRIDAL CRAMMER; A.N ISSAT OP WARNING AND IN STRUCTION FON YOUNG -Kral. Also,new and liable treatment oftne M ary and Sexual Syn. 'tellable Dr. .1. SKILL.EN uoupwro4. liouor Association. Philadelphia. Pa. opDir lar SENT FREE..-A Pamphlet of Lortnenee Importance to the old and irat . 4l , 7l4 4 dr , gitt s ;:a f .ll2o.M.:2,",kl Agets, A. RIORDNIum Co. , 71, Boston Posit/Zee. anat. trd.t• WOOD PIINFJPIS;. IRON FitTNEPS, .13Clir11) Sheet. Lead, Sheet Zing, LEAD iiil4sl; BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH - STANDK Hydraulic R 4 4 , Bran. Wait toritztVrattif ‘15,36 F u pnatalz ••1 kindle of algal sad r .o olizig.; Gas Pty. lad plc tares, of in desertpuote loot COLlatantt, on !toad at t-13artley's CORNZII 1311TH AND IiIIITUYIZLD PITT( igi 2V BEAVER STREEY, tAHOMPI .STER Rua TO POST OPYLOO. B.—All kinds ofzmne t s;toz . , rtirdv , 4.llorden bY =an lalmoduttakeewitin T. T. orig. LONGDON 'pLUDBING, GAS A ND • , arixerizezoirior, HYDRANT*: IRON PUMPS. kOZICT tl 6T (46" . . sionNs, WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS lartP, REP.. irtleealorl 'iddy)dririti.7; =!!1 tr. NWXNB ICAMr FITTING, lUa. FORCE POEM FOR ENOINEERL SOB PIPE, BRASS WORE, Or AI& nnsoininoss. • 311111VInizer. awsio;: . 7-.1" pc." 165 wow St.. , PLUMPING AND STEAM FITTING. AT/IXAME RAMLITAL Portable aid CigarLiglitere. Earr.ra If Co., , . to fl oe ao. csuoimani isiwooa Platien 1 4 ps 4 5UNDRAIr WNW g 12111 4,;i0 Weft- I=l &iMIEMI r" , '"JTI SZ3M:I3I .- --` '~. ;s'^t ~, z . ~z, , _ ids ; ; ~. ~. , the foll named Gentlemen will constitute a Com mitt. e to receive the Funds, Ake ; P. H. .ICE. JAN. 4AIiAL. LO. u;th L ! jaumm il .uro. : 00 THE GREAT REBELLION! A GRAND NATIONAL ALLEGORY AND TAU. LEGE. written expressly for J.„11.-NAGNAPS GRAND ENTERTAINDIT.NTS, Deng, n_hy 31)0 IDLING LADIES AND GEN TLEMEN, Poplin of the Pittsburgh Female Coltege. .the Western Univertity Others: Pl g f it ittli BRee Ul7 opreatlay Ity ad y A CC L aaft li t t .rit : Vat t ROY, RoLULesII. AND LADY, WAR. PEATIIILITA- R TORERO' TN, EEVENT ROL Fa MINE, a EriE, faillgi . oll , A mmar TRAiNe...., Ac.. . 1 111 , the Characters tell appear in Pull Costume. 1118.8 F. A. HAGER, pupil of 8. B. Mills. PLAN PST. The splendid Steinway Convert Grand Plano nerd R. 1151110tC/Jiao 11 Iroll2 the PWIO WIIIWOOMIS KLEBER BROS.. !to. W ood street. Tickets, 5O cults. Reserved stets, 74:1 cents. Sale otTlekete ano Reserved Beats Mr cacti Per formence commeece at the Music etyma or B. ELEBeved BlCO*. 00 MONDAY. April O. Each Ticket-holder will receive et the door with out extra energe, a nook ol 32_ pages, containing the entire vines. Declarations, Dialogues, do.. wench Will add IrcatlY to the epprechuton end enjoyment .of the Entermilment. Door. open at eft. To commence at NEW CLASSESARE " .. .1 t 7OIIEILESIIii . * 14.4 At PROF. COWPER'6 .2 Falkidrlisb Datteing4Catieriri WILKINS lILLL. Fourth street. Days of Taltlon. TUESDAY, THITRWAY and dATUILUA Y. La dles, blasters ‘pd Allsses, three (11)1...,_1..y. men'a clam cot 16)1n evkninß. willin• HMI tgita'''.te(747Ell:l7gtfritirl classes. Apply 7 to FOR RE3rr FOR RENT, MILL . 4. • I eTci's 17?."viir,dall'ai too tontl is ar r a i le e IV P t :V*7 WII,KIIIB UAL!. C once rt street, Den/ Smithfield, Is Des: adapted the Ledthres, Balls, de., and helmet - Parties *lll had that the Aeon Is neatly waxed, lad Is the best and eleahest dsnettrg Ooorin the city. Tents reasotlable: Apply to PROF. COWPER. at the Hall. mb7::Z•rd BOOTS, SHOES, &o THE CHEAPEST BOOT ABB SHOE STORE lY TPIE Oar. Pfarertfh l i a l" p r g:Zlggy ied elgt:Pre RLt t ro! pen.. a e. In our RetellDepartmentwe bate marked down the price of goods he as to nun all who may favor as with a calk Rentenaber, the place la at • . J. R. & W. C. BORLAND'S, sp: No. 96 itazimtarett, VI door from sth M. A ruLL.issoinwENT OF Ladies', Misses', Gent's and Boy's BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 113almomtls, Ace„ CLOSING OUT AT GREAT BARGAINS, J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, • 43.1 L nidsiarls.em Illirtreacrt Ebb= AD lES', GENT'S 4 03M,WiZIU1M - M9 BOOTS, SOK BAITAS, B.A.IatORALS, gEtllppeils. 416•X'. .T. A. WOLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM; Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street, . h irrate Sales Day and Evening. GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE AT 92 FEDERAL .STREET, ALLEGUiexx czTr. $lO,OOO WORTH OF HOOTS, MOEN Biamorals, Polish Boots and . !pains, . To be Sold titubdObelni vattkilbetward to COST. to mate InTr annantttieiZt g e= d-'l 7' i t ier WTOCaf itt Federal Street, AnegbedY J.w.CAIMILIEWIr 11, via Ladies' Bloosorale mull Pollak► Boots. Mg:M!!!M W. CARNAHAN & CO., rE3 Ladies' Gaiters. No. m /Market ►treet. J . W. CASNA!WFAr. CO., Goats rilne Calf Boole. Rae: , ;2 . : ., §MaNSd war lim , Mato albs ezm at IzOi7ir,4ll *miaow 110033 , Kona nit "03-"r4cri,i4 DUN .I.ltEte r Y:-- , -- . • • •-•A -yaw lUi4 :zT- POE : : o • : 1 )7:l74fMt I= SEVERAL OFFICES FOE RENT. KNQuiRk or McMASTEM, GAZZAM & Attorneys at Law. Se Grant street A __—minsomE commix nom FOR BALE, sltnate Ed miles from the cit t end, withinCOaae,' tintaltststerPeatA o,lr3lief. vlew.ot 'committee alimuti EOM of prounidi- YP•f: Led and laid ant UditnostAppramme ern landsesdie adning: la stadidadadt ben, an [all reat 'valet, of tele choicest untie and vines in bearing. There In also on It a never falling spring of water, and abont one acre In wood. The improvements consist In part of a neat Back Cottage with 7 rooms and wash-house, a large and handsomely built Stable, an out room for .ke.: a tine large cistern and splinted pomp are wt a few sect of the kitchen door, and all is ander excel lent fence. Foe pantmime. Wide. 'r fia, quire of . B.,* FOR SALE. I . OBBESSION UIVF:N APRIL IT A Delightild Residence in M'Clure Tp. The Lot Is U the blithest state of cultivation. Two good Spite,. on the premise.. For terms, enquire of JA1116:5 - % SAMPLE Real Estate Broker and Insurance Agent. mall No . 85 Yederal street. Allegneni FOR BALE, Ei2:3 A TWO-STORY BRICE DWELLING No. 44 Palo Alto street. Allegheny. Contains rrva 11.00114t1., heedce a kitchen and, Onlabed auk. GM thronahorit. and water op and downstage.. The house ls needy neve and, tha.l desirable. oen atr , 4desullY, end Possesalon . • Broker In Stonhelnd.aeldmta•• Wag la Farrah street. Burgos. Buyidygg, CIAL ice ABE LIME PROPEIVET BALE.-01, the Steubenville Rsßreed. seven miles from the city H U. CONTAINING ONE NDRED AND EIGHTY. BLEACHES, Steam and Water Flooring and Saw Kill, and othei tine Improvements, Also, about 2 lghtrAcriterif. COAL ,- Without the Seethes, atdoltdug the above. Also. two Farms at Stewart's Station, on Central Maimed, containing 140 acres and 111 acres. Wortforther partlcalars, enonire of WILLIAM WARD. WPD9fdte theikathedral.l dip Ukanbe • IdeStv ., " row HOTEL' .PROPERTIFIFOir SALE re AND 160BAORES IF E LAND.—Thr. near% gow=l e. 112,14:11.14 titTATtlVOnwthenrnfa. s 0 llre bfro.thseelle%lVbrbaarii°4. about 180 acre, of land connected with the Hotel, of which 70 acres are Unable and ati acres timber. There I. a soot young maimed of apple, peach and pear trees; two never felling soft waterhprlnglef - ronfirdenleirl74ollbirearrg watar to a heights:if iol e t:tt e r tiM '''`'**Ver"r1 64 °Mr ausete..Ecatepliwthz , • j told: al B a r :A r b I A tell? an Seal Yrta• FOR SALE. VALLIAJIILX COAL LARD. WLII be sold 'PO-DAY at reduced priers. thltyla Is situate In Westmoreland,enna., North-Western re t m l qqa , lin ntemtbre• mlleetwetwt/Ooilw IwititeAtZ7eotrtatmecm Lar , nveles of wk.- Li POWER.. m t`or e M Ple % P. ogrs Inquire at the Law and Claim Mdlee of W.. 1. HALL PATTERSON. •urtOtlL. Pli No. 14170 HOLES AND L/OTEI 'FOB ILIUM Two two-story Brick Houses, contaleing four rooms each, situate on Wash , ngton street, Menthe ham. One large Lot fronting on Carson steed; Kest Birmingham, SO by lin feet , 'Whercen le creel , ed terse Frame Houses. As • Duane. stasitithis to oneseelled to the two borooghs. Poseewloe given immediately. For further In.Mrinetion, terms, a, call an IRther of the undersigned,' at No. 118 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. A. H. BROWN siNti. LAIABLE, aplztf Attorneys at Law. FOR tisi.r.--one Lot 4O feet trout on Peons. Avenue by 110 feet to Wtt.lo3l street; two-story Brick Dwelling on rear of lot. Al., one lot 20 feet trait Ontituateer street, Pitt township, by 10Odeep, on which Is erected a two story Frame Dwelling. Also. eteren lota adjoining the above, MI by BO to ICO feet. BIWA adri ape all. Po rAnatirrou ErAirmx:Nit; contains lan acres, la Dem torritlp, West- S:" = " iiirl a r r hgrUfe l re n r i rt ' P'Arigistildiltra=r, West moreland county;well Improved; goOd one of the beat barns in tbe county; well rtatm; prat-clans grain or stock farm; =need at the low price of inner acre. Applyto oth2l R. YcLAIN A CO. nwELIANG SOUSE ON wrung MEET FOR HALE.—That large and wril flu near bibed three slim Itrich Leiftelltint Oa Wylla.atreek Fifth, anlafied mode itYle. containing / moms. latch range nntli room. hot and cold.W. ter and go. tbe.ballingg e .13da ts Min o 1320•1 dealrab propertles for awrlllng or linsl tiess purposes now whited fbr sale. Poseaslon Aprl TerOIIIMIMI, • MO: . Actilitr to 3. 1 .101tf H. Maas I= CV., 103 Fourth street. RIIIITTUFEELD STREET PROI.: of Ell EIITT 10kSALE, 38 feet front near the cornertb street, 1= Iketdeene, .;:dato, El fleet Oust 0n Market ktreek near Tklid Meta, SY H k feet eep, with aide alley to Third street. On t qbster treet, • neat well to t Brick House of Rye roost., Well papered and painted, dalsbed at and cellar. Imatedlatelpo•seasion.. . api S. CLITHM. , a SOUR, 6 Market-it. EL4CE—.IO4I acres of Coal, situate Intlatlth townshraahington county, Penna., neariltaldtteurralle taubenrille Railroad, at midwartftlitorc alma 21 eel:ram the for 21 4.V.fiennInearao. r a.n - I rM E APAII O. Crthla - cgta.a., on the pre t. Jalnstr Forbe s i 11. ea r*iiorrrraip 0 Ali‘ 1 4 601 44:41, 21 - 100 cett tg Wilkins Hall, fourth atroct. p t ...tans Rid, . pOlt SALE—A tviro-story Brick ... Dwelling of '7 rooms, hall, and ♦vestibule, three can twat, wititint is bp DO All:t7e os DwAlt street, Lawrenceville All tilt IlAlreirdsr. Crier fanner lallinsatict, team ' ir at tbe Deal &nate and insurance USW of D. BATDI4. mh2 . Butler larva. Lawrenceville. I•IIMITEVSTRPIIT lA, O. :11liwtr u iVO4 - "V i ; ar h4 " 4 Kit! i „net ....1 g • i neat netti Klee ea =4 4 Also, a Hones and Lot on A tt giont B. OUTUBERT AtiOnia. tI Mar n at ter . CLIW LOl' — , I3ALE to the BUILDING bs ntoselgerluis ibe Unisteie . silrr ' te=e.smthe Ole. Will sell al 1111ww—w7 to b, MeLAlet IS _ TOWELLING & LOT OF GRIMM Zeirial r e s ire l =,l4: mation at 3 m trftmOUC rah= es. TilltEßT • KW% Ulf arket it. F OB SALE--600 acres of heavy Timber Land In Ilnyfferitiesashtp, Jefferson county, wince ire offer at de loirDrice of aloe' sere. B. kteLAIN a CO., 2el Fourth stres 3 20 ACRES OF LAND In Sol I PTAM'Irri.. I3 I: - • Li I;ittil,T,l:3 pITTSIINROD , I.DADDIPPE AND SHEET LEAD WORKS. Mats to ardor nami keep on hann an gins, it sithp, toil thicbuiser of is 4 . LEAD rum it - 43/EKET' LEAD` At Lowest Market Rates. situ keep+pn. !"°°, I l lumberd !Material s , Braes azt t il Iron "Cataluq-1 stesimq4itittger, Steam Pumps Plain and maiwanlsewlron Pipe, &a., Ate. BAIL',PAinziA c 0, ,. • 04 . , ,-. No. 167 Smithfield Si., Pittsilerfh l ra. '93 pLUMBIND GAS AND STE AIN PITTIB6, U ? ALL ITS STIANCHIM likretnlly workmen. San.ser era o OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. secraiiamis. WATER CU:MST% win , Constantly.= hod nod mid. **order:7 - 7 TATE' At 5E111.14, Vill]: 11 44 1 1011:4:1 OANE AND WOOD 011 AIRS, Nanofactured.a44 for We. Wholesale :or :Retatr t# :l - ..f c. • JAMES W. woODINELL, .:ra NOS. 97 19 TNIND Opposite st,.. NO. 111 MOUTH STRINT. = Jo11121131:117X11. - ........... .4.4.4Lifficrty .-., tskel m. JOSEP/II scar . SON - ; ixtiuggnuarizarantittlin Mr. girWrith 1121 Pr'ami'MVAMll gnu Kalov% ol taalr own sosnitaketszei and war- TiMigy. ailits7o4l:l=ieltirlosa. u : =EI 1 liAlleil itil /ULM, - # 1 1/441.41EA I.I4IIMOIKM'•'‘.7"' ret 7 n - liurr riaminitniim; en_ unii 10.1118 ter an kthilitot Sulbila sat aurora. ise int , Boblasce , r'.. .1-- .;-:- .MtZezra,',;•t:fao:-..1e,T-D.-ZYlkf.;.4.6,tig.t#&,g , !9L7ELER & New Improved Family INNIUMB, Simple, Noiseless, Perfect. • Makes a Stitch Alike on BOth Sides. /a nosh:Verna& a CBILD can learn to use tbent t7ltigraWee ' ri e s fr w r a 's to gt.°4l`." `"`"`""" .VERY MACHINE WALTLIELAINaIEI3O . Hemming, Braidui Cording, Felling, Stitching , done oa th ese Machines—done to Rars , cazoN. They are the Best in the World. We ask au exiurduatton of our Maebturf oefor you maskeyour puMkase. SVAINER co., mbl7 , NO. 27 PIP7II 8T.;.£12`7221:121311 14BOVM ar,BAKEws SEMI MACHINES Have beeLltrartted the sump PRIIIIIIktEI at th tollaertnit Fairs for the year Mee: Flral Prefab= for beat Machine work at Fen= State 7113.= for ban Machine work at New Yor Sta te F for beat yawn klauldne bk Ohio State . , Pint P alr nal&all for best manufacturing ?Seal= • mio klrpreraiuniZ beat Xanufacturng3tactilas ninatendera far:best Kama:maturing Machine Wiacmmin nate Fair: ! !Flnd.Prigma for beVianufauttutagidschlne H i ll= Primal,. uniV i n I rtralideckine Mr faunal pur 171elroCcalitWmlli rltekille at Buck CZY-4:c.? !I - Pi:beat klsanfaetcring Machina B M V PIWuni fair beat Dianufactaling and banal n r i v. ,,,i, ma i l x 0 , I f at s Q alanalturing and FamU Ilnehine atPalmyralrair. N. Y. First I'Ve=if t o &kr =Valli= and Tually Firat.Premium for beat t iatugt . url_g . ri and Family Illaahlneat &buy= County Fair. TT, numb= far ben Machina lbr ail purposes, at Allagheny County Fair, Pe. Pint premlum fori, w hept bisaufacturing il i e lr g itrAc e =nu! Nat Marline w rk at Alleghen °aunty /Lir, Pa. And wherwrer candied. itiborgb. fyi„ A. F. OHLTONEY, oc:l7:eodiut No. la Ft SILMAT,LARIRfi 1CN1ZE . .11.017.1E17 SEWEW MACHINES. 40 MEIC1111.1:LOS SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Ar.illanullectuiect wittiont any complicated mandato err, and therefore are not liable to getout of repair, and &rep/utterly adapted for every Aeseriptlon of Vamlly.newnie and Tailoring. We dn riot club one Machines withebeap machines, as we hare johns on ratentewrieee. • in • Di D Brion, i r ilrin& YE" d tcr & NVII: "kUsurer & Baker, " 11 ot oar. klaclatofare.warranted are years. ! AtIY.NTS WAlEvat). • • 11. H. LON% Asten noillternood US Omelet:reel, near Pitt s. ..ProottorraOn. a. af „ : . .: BARTLETT 825 SE AraCH.LME. Licensed under patents or Howe : Wheeler & Wil son. ( =elver, end Singer Go. A and theonlY [lbap- Uptet States. basing the 14:1341 , 4 1 . Inwe VF sionOr four motion We want. Agente. to nett them. Will pay &SO or S2ooper month, or ellow Commiss i ons. Will Selltll Machine. to be paid for when sold. For ''lr "la", to DTI blo/VEVMsIVIII74, At either of our Oakes, delphin, Ohlo, or. St. Louls„Mo. Sews with double or single thread. —setentOte sttruw. - mhZSazadtvewF ITIMERTAIatiG. R . T, VI HITE & CO., UNDERARM AND EiNBAEMERD I mao cp•mir, wows R.n awl baalnnocnxin Illninenister Liven? en !WAWA end Okartiers stmt.. Cot r ai d a rt: Deinari anzrakuct KAMM/ANTI IaTILLLIt IifiIiOGAIIT I ON DZYTA.FJDIOI _ ONDKETWI(gt . s • vxD33lThEilit.l 1101161117 t WILLIAMS, illudartalger, Moe. No. 123 YOURTE EITEEKT. Aro= taaoa 4141 hi tp brooebto. liNthitorrio Fr intlr. AZT= "stra7 5_1.1 . 1 , 114. Jane WI 1.:.1 . 1. 4 4 1 slim . yr, deLI =IIQO mg - koanistrriairarmt. 0911711111 of ffik trilSTAD4RAMiteroelicioriptlou of Poo • Abloom, - fors:tem - Rooms clonal Tut 01101, indeallagooforol y.abod Itarsumcse—Roy -Rom -IED., W. Jo ooDoo..D.D.eholoso ._ocob rt. •.• +`:.trr ATTORNEYM E . e" Duc: : ATTORNEY AT UW. £RD C. s. Licensed nelsiteise Calm ilieng Bo t raegt orarentuf ad Boldlilleeted to fro I :tS C ab li Att aqe Ul. et 't. r..ifzie f i th. G. an to :MCNIASTPI6GAZZABI 84.1004 'ATTORNEYS ANDCOUNSELLORSAT LAW .wittegri6l.,:ript * , • itMarallareMdels r MIA* extualned and Collections mai rtlitio7i. etude. Ohl° sad West Viroleas. • - . reds MILITARY CLAIRIL'AUINSION, Bousrues, smut paxiiaa mutat matt. gN i learzlption, connoted therisertbek"et the At ng tegeg, t Pee v i -ali•otb ' er elet ♦tiring at, N. 11.—N O. o eXour . gni ere Ittbitt=Weetipte. o coml. and sal Intermettlen sienna:rule, emu, L. P. STONE, • ATTORNEY 'AYEAW • orrloz. 11$ DiA4IO3ID aTRICiT. kesita 'um UourtHens• klltisbugsb. . . &Imam -. NEEDICAIu VORTp TEARS PRACTICE MTN/ me - a tiXtr_*piazAsza 01442# 111,1 L n ettl " .7111n tttria rh ialt inimß r l r LL t• fracte .... a:Smumpy , try me, alb nametem selsbelk W n l4 va m , aae W es' "4 .Zc i ntgra . imaxs,arAtmore pram , MM. Vgar l e! the Unloa. A/IIMMrs,1111.1" U..nYtan'el rataPi Mtaaw,Callarame 113 .44" rgi t ; 49 7 , 000 n 4 ET, ticar"prismml4*tP J. W. PBANBTRUY,' Waste , mot Pittelbarsh. Ps. pRIVATE insEAsEs.: , • • mown - rag Mai STBIKET, neet.Hieri for the eisse,etill,4lseasei4fibieriveteeatare, In from two to, taltreli a lr aa *surely now nod we troatzneat. ..:Wasianwand all ethos abeam of am gaol oral= -end 041 F proyenuon , Caro war:anima or monexretanaetli Wa b i fzi tokon 4 f•tor• nolx Em P .rrr.gPvirP ii..iiiiii4 7 l . / 41111 " 11 :ivan .. wa usts. ,,, , Andthalrrei l° CAStigradittOttlellarfigit TI MIN 4 - ° g " .... " t Vtli Eirjr. , , ~.. wild ...,. PaTtaaa a zi d men . ft u arF aem "'" VARIETIES iAND :._._± TOYS; . swhone - 10 dbali;Wr'' - ~P~+M~! W ~Y~,ilotiYGii{ tiMi~"n s : ~ r,~ - lONAMEECTIANTS. Xi,. T. ISTIML. W .Izem . STEEL £ SRO" late Flem u7Rs.e.trat,lrUlD, 1:0111:1USM/C Gat. and Cont„ Deans, LartlNTAtur, (temau. 'LEffearorik,autin.tagigrarial te; ime, w ealt, , De. PnAleular st:Atiot7patnet T h in ge r*Flat,:lb.DPi”" CHARLES C. Ildilasr, Produce !B_valet 111.73,/tter,__Cheppe,ilLard. c.ggNp`Potk, e WAot cee. eau j:37. ra th er., Breams, otetere, Hem- Gr.IN eLeernSee'deth.rllt Witt 7Wara Game aatroultry. 'Particular attention Sheen to co.lalirmneuta. wD e.t.ri. .. . .. WHAIIE 6c ALN.IEU, COMAISSION. and PIIAJDititge,IIAIUTS d UCE. Se nd nni" In PL°l:l smithaela, Pinalaur7h. mt." ' b'twe'n n6ntlnj4 aput t'O o ALULEN & SHEPAItD. Commission Merchants. and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Frolts, Flour. Dotter, Cheese. Jrli rotathe and produce generally. No. 103 MBE sTREET, opposite Passenger trepot. Plttstraret_ Cor. LIMP— • • •.. ... my.s.nn ULP . 6111111/iBdoll lderebants and dealers to pious, Grata awl Pro duce, No. MT Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Bakers sad Puna, use constantly, on hand.• Particular at 4 to filling order 'for JlLeretaandlse generally. LITTLE, _BAIIIII & PA.TTON, WbuteralsOrocem . ConsmisslusX arcbseua. and dealers 111 Produce. near, Dawn, Cheeae. PN Carhop and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Obus. Cot; n Yarns and 'all Tittaborgh ZAZIBINCtUrea generally IS and /14 Second . rtreet, Pltubunth. Irk. P. BEM 'rEfos. 1132111EIXLI. " WM P: BECK. 'B4. CO4 ./114). 185 TY Liberty itree r yittabnigh, Pri ez . Wbcdeaale Pryr=rteCrrro, Becorratl:t r ter. Ens. cheese, - .Pieb. itc., Produee, P/crarOdrain:Befi. amen and Dried Pune. da Salt and Lime. r. luranclut J. Ir. ncriant. 9 / 4 - , - 1 4: 1 1q 7 elfin 4 TIMMER & BROS 4 (SUCCESSOALLOfermer ft Andasou,)lllalele=7l2llF7l 4jN WEPl=Su4"47l&O IMd #qCet44rm.rrisselurh. F~re OWL axon iIirKEVILML& EON, Aun rrifiD ratila"2 6RAIII • Jan a °m u ft e . c it ., jun, Au g o arej to b . lo. •7i jot& a. cA.Nrumo, uoininiaio n and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer In- Western Reserve Cheek: lIMMr.' Larft.2 POP" Beentghror. Flab Pot and. Pearl dihet aduarstaa angjoird blbg, ried. Fran, ck.Tenow4! gene T. Noll. 144 and lee Front street. Pllnaharan D. AZ17301 •Te A. WWII. (2RILEE & REITER, MODEM, CommWl= and FOMADlitift Ateritagta, 11013 wrgts.ingwr.s(l==,nxl4,tab=,.7ri: .101 IN S . LIOUSZ...WW. ff. MOM% JOHN L 1101USL'&: Buoy Spcces sOlell m 103=1. lloras Wholesale Um. JAMES SOS, Mann. for the of,„.. txolo=o4Parehise NOO. 00 And 70 VaterVeir.PlßeggitaPt Advszees made on Conatiramenta. szcuorwiEn & LANG ,Wholesale dealers St °racerles, Pions, 0 flan. Produm Pro visions, /lab. alt, Carbon' 011, Nos. US and 174 Wood Street, ne o n Liberty Street. ?Maur. Pa. y . 101 talc a, MUD Angono2 , lictrifkAN. .HE., 4 ' Al) slob 31: 17 ft i s. arose in all a mend o! aZo sbMe)ret C=Pitugh. o VETZER.....i' ARMSTRONG, F or ardloqand Commission Slerthglats for tLe sale .Fruuag,ront NDrrs 1 / I .IIDLE, No. 183 Liberty St" v h ... ze rittsAmrgla,' Pa., Commission glerchant, and sale Dealer In Country Pro:mince. lirocerles and gletaburgb manufacture.. Cash advanced on Co slgrunents, and pad for Produce generally. nun' aottaat warszu. A. P. DALS/LL. - POWs HAMMEL & Whole .. sale Otomts, Commission and Forwarding 2der chants tutd As:tiers In Froth., sad Pittsburgh Map. No. =LI Liberty street. Pittsburgh. GPNERAL lait NT m==! R . H. LICK, GROCER, Nos. i •od 2 DIAMOND, = JOlllf WATT.... WILAOIt. WATT Sr. WILSON, Wholesale Prodm G e o sad . Pitt m s om u i rg s h M es an etre sn N dn=Li n erty street, PlitsburgE. o I.IXXIST LANDICII.?..JOHN siuurox..e. o. ~vetaeca LAMBERT, SHIPTON & • CO., talglestle pi t=g t a.n . Prodace Dealen 110-1, yeALuir inch.Ey& co., mioiesate Grocers, Cotumloslon Sierchsats. and deers in Produce, o. SO Water street and SS Front s tir eet, Pittsburgh. DANIEL 811UVE VOIMIT. VOIGHT & Co., (Successors to U. Urge.) Produce and Commission Mer e/buns. 2,17 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. WILEIIS/8 LEVH.44— (Successor to Mackcotru & Llubant Dealer In Ylour and Grain Producean d U r t u a b Merchanta No. 011 .111E1 17C STT,lttsurh, PL&NO NOV/ DEEM 'RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STOCK OW CHIC:KERING PIANOS, ttdetted "`AVY,.Z "n" n. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS an hcirp:MAindu=tf,b4.nrallaat d aee atond tot WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEAR& CHARLES C. MELLOR. Id Wood:Street. TEL BRADBURY. NEW YORE, AND SchQW/f.kor I Co.; Philadelphia, The Eetsy de Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. Acknowledged by the beat ma _talent In ths United States to be .yerier to to others W purity and qua li ty of bona. an th orough — work sianardb. Theselnatruntanta hare tor years aken the Dm crxt b ga,th,g,..xtr % I: . a the earlona than any otbera. warrani P cd for an y yeani. km " WAMELINK dt BARR, No. 12 St, C/alr Stmt, Pltigargh, Pa. 12 sEcoND.RAND PI.ANOS At $B5, $4B, $6O. $7B, $lOO, $l2O, $l4O and upwards. mb42 olleittOTTX BLOM. a /Mk ■dwt.. pITTSIBURGEI trirEr4 , WORM ANDERSON, COOK é CO, (SUCCESSORS to JoNza, num t 00..( and 1,1194eX noe [tool. tirtl r bri4"i tit fo l ira t tfilni Bl rt l= 41 r REAPING. AND nionin minurp,, isTEET PEON weieN.spkuwes;Airsisi, CIRVIILA.R2II., (be, . Cut mul Common .Plough sad Spring gteel, Mee—Corner ot MutEon 'trysts, two bloit. abolf the sotto gsbela House. BLACK - - DIAMOND lIIMENCr-• WC , - 1:113 Ma, raMniwyßorl. PA. cuts, BROCKERAt Co., kiiitatugor BEET littAZ,Ery IMMO OANT Mari. Swann Irlataad Ca;lagont Of all area Warranted sqbal U'lDpd rt aQ,m in "! °4 " i eC4.I. Ime.miTha ann .mne 4 4,ad , • mama. rtasoursh armed A 3113,V 'MLNICIDZEEW irmiutiiiior wax anal. )) spatEre.--ymm and BLarims STICJIL; BP.RlMps,Allap, 4:78 : 0W NAM". STREET Carr slim"). , !Wyman 'Sertatuazinn a. K.NAIIGInaI: laArinntriOntinar. IffeINTIVitE",. itteNAIJORIp6r.4- - fiTONE AND BRICK P um& Fpraliditat and LaAnIF Stolle and . .• !Brick APirirsiviesi , And Repairing the amain Curb glades D'utntabeii" and Set. Also. Wading and ?Ina Digirlus done at Sa OstUddee, or by callus at Po. 31.. ntbs aneky staled,. Alleabeßli. ' • _PIPOPRZINIEZ:MAtL _CLAIM AGENTEi. , I virrirs.4=AU - Diso- - . Ail; I wattiallt 114 / 11 's 4 t"("F 440 1 - - f 1 1.4r UlliNsearat Me 00 ~--• . WA - Wawa I -, ' 00i t'a'l4•l ta r , - • : -.• i - , , ,, ,,, , •-•-- Tcrf .1 ..-,:: 1 Vatitielatit . '' -:' • 4:35:, , 7 . 7 ,-tc.ip...1 '7; 2,D , 7,7..: 4 :Z 1 ';':;: 15 -: . :* 1- ''''. -', , ,-0 , : ia :^, ME E PITTSBURGH ORGANS, hn43l Di MVO) :4 Al PAVER D N t Bainwsp trovaz. N. Itteg. SONS Etistrumersei, No. D 7 MARKET STREET; Pittsburgh, "X grlr It'rrnt the United State and Oneida,. 9"l' . I. or • STOCKS, BONDS AND OTNENSECURRI ES Bought and Sold On Cossission, w i t e ar o tlealat attenUon paid to the pat tune and UNITED STAT sulannEs. LIITDINti Muted States tilsea NC oLf Inn: Do. do tenat, Do. flees of 10-Icet Do. Beren,flalstlm; DMen a me nd Poo nbe Cer ra bought o tltestes of Indebtornest. r sonnets& intatif I fitiLialt SAVINGS Na 6,5 o-, IrOURTII STREET: ' ' 2.2 HASTEELEI2 VW I. , L ,1r....bu1y rrom. to 2 o'clock also an Weduesdaf ba. 4 ` ,111 2 .' rlllbits, Bum gay rot to Noyernber MAY Ist., thz.., 4 a s t t k r i frolo.Nonsunner In to rAT.„...Pouts, _molted or all.inung of not MU Lot I One 4115 0 4,,Irldel j or tog profits declares* twice d", ui1i..1.1:11.-ollatrusrmullArit .r , . tt¢t't.FaullDeeter"anst berh",autb"e: rate °gait per Cent. lim e ( ar. oitgreaca _l93....nt...t. plseeo to the . credit umw Av. 0.. nniT:.4tal.rujag.bear.dtbe samtrlo. otlrodleg Wee •lear ijAtbout talabßVM de- ETAL,',,,M,74171.474M it,D1w413.4t.„,,. ft eg „,„Booksazt uvt „ W:l. B raztuTiltitltt rassroranr-iiEtattat ALBI/EZ. TWIL PIUtaIDXXIS: Sohn G. lackotnn, kb. Benj. I ... 7 anntutock, Jo Ink aoenbargar, Jame. Headman, -James etrldle, Jaatealfcriule.r, Alizzander Elmer. lames 1.4.1. zneedz, Obrlstlan-rnsani. Inane Y. PeOnOCk. A. kt. Pollml, kI.D., . .Thogyar4,. Wm. J. Andaman. Lusa D. Ken,. Valvla Aaatels, Henry 4. Am*, Jobrie. Mornay, Fetet-A...l2adetra.' George Black, John 11,tinnzal. IGO B A, .'92.o7"2Cohter. Ylll.-kleirdt: c 0.,.... A. Callao, Jana Orr, Wm. Doglas, ffmrEL. Maw+ alt. .l_otu) BMA Wzru ZiSebarldt,• John L I m , j, raple, ..,AlexuntaraViwurjr4Tlndle, trz.,l;irtortl; TBXASUB2B-011ABL . 1 1._COLTON: '. dicarroak—JAl3..B. D. amEEDEL lalltddwlr Tam PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, or Mett-tasbrureli, CAPITAL PAin 41.0t0,000. WITH ratviazzin or UO3 .000._ 8 4,,,trai house, CORNER MIST AND; WOOD tThus Bank, organized under the Nothing- Ben c e i tel !Wlltftlfrr propooed ING=FlglSlSnereetig.l Colleellons n tade on all socesslblo Indote on the most favorable terms. Istional Agent* . MT JAY COOKE for the solo of tho - • U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY. NOTES. • • , sAai Prt. Y. kl. GORDON Cashier,- aphitlyd • C.J4ontifarsox. Teller BURN IPcl:1 ij i lld CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. Conn. THE ONLY LIN% INS-I:TRANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that now makes and pays an Annual CASH DIVIDEFD on the first and each sublietioent payment of. premium. Its CASH CAPITAL, ar cumulation of 41,400,006, L seekuelyimislAnn ai Ile stocks and mortgaaes RE•I, now in Its lath year ophils nets, sad has paid to the WiDowe AND ournaws o Its members the sum of I ONE EILLION DOLLARS. Twilit. date not sin le case of litigation has occurred. ati that liberality:and fair dealing hia specialty with thL Company. The poucles of this Company nee not forfeited by reason of ntelvayineat of premium after the second year. No paymeuts reonired after tea years, bat Pelicies cOnite good through,jlfe. d. • Ornciare. Id. C.. pAtELN;resilreenti.d.r.,. S. IT. WWlTEl,flieeireAsry. Branch Mem for Western Permsrlyartia. where Circulars and blank , Appileatlons will be furnished, as Wood street. Pittsburgh. 117ir want" t'll.l4ll%tbskr,l State Agent. CHARTER 18 29. PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Lamella oa Jam I, MI. Ctal II MOOD Aapiccrued Premiums •: 971 mu. Invested ?retain= IJusettled Claims., i,u814283. 8,C6. • Income for IBM Lomas raid d 6 ucal= MI MI. 4.M30. Perptnal and Temporary 03 roliclea on liberal terms. Zas. N. Baneter Dn'jler°2B. i1aW146%..erl ' ' E L IV. k i t . Dell. I Jamb It Beam ' . eturge ales; • a "'ree W. Melilla ~,..AVa rau...• • CHARIASA. mitlNk 1 1 / 4 , ,awm. M.D JAR. W . imiag tr - • p d a..z,7(o, i.r.vs=l: A _Pro teigy. FIB je b 23 AND uO - raes. j- W 0 0 "71 /Va r d PrN TIIIr . d A Seens . . BLUME INSURANCE M. OF NORTH A MERICA. PHILADELPHIA: =! Bamford Fire Insurance. Company, Assets, Protentkrti can be warm In the above aimed and reliable Cqmppales. 4r• gm's& 91 ‘ W . ateritromisin stairs .) IarESTERSANSITRANOR.OO., OF 8111.BNIVZ. ftre_oll7- eD C ara i tf rte r:t Hul a plcubs iab • t O X Vatel , • . Wlll tneure aifeinee . atlll:ids of Ilre atariae Blake. :a.-hone iasutatton mamaged by Directors Im o are welt tooinutotbvcomaval . ,ty and am a in deeeeematal brprowegnese sad librailty.tala tam caseacw ertue.b the? .e aSlivatedvas Qr- Vara beat torneektoe eo. ose who eastre to be DLIZCSDPOL. 11. k...rg : . - 1 favildt....-.-.• , -„:„ - e , Juni McAuley, ' Reew.,/,-Thotbaa. ' Alesuder , I3pper, i Chu: .7 7 auk, gprimp , be , A o. , : tterzr, . , John D, DI ~ e 9_ a. s r . •Tg '''! !!"!?!ivx....=-1.410141,t"E1p....i.,, ultruiris ,,- DoiliktiNcE - compAl ~ .-0, . or prrrfo 3 l7BHlL. , -0111ce, korai+ Market -and waLunresta;seoon!l door/ mead.. Met . 5 t a e l irb cear* ' Lir. Inintesst tour c a seen p e i e L, L l3 , , e,s. see .of , the .110,,,kk .Al otthOr. are. in "'." 1 . 1 4, 1 "44 41 , m+dro , • . Dt!*,CTI.4 .i. gita`CT, --iota:: Esau. • ju s ri Vaii44' M li &i rif er ' • zna lt suts pEpr .art .iNspttfamE omas 4,oaindi WO. .irirra DIANOTOZB iy i Ziy,,..- - - multtiahro.. .. Capt. Jae. Y 1144, , &ast i r tlivirpAa. raja Mr :, . =MVI: - 0 swr , ,,Pri=- w. r. 011agnilat, Juiltli 0 4 4 . , Etana ti l 6 stboiiiii,;14 ' , —INSIORANCE CO., AljruFAlEET7.s,7l:itti ,z,nr_.,,,i,zrit,,,,,iarrit!rsii,n. 1 -t.1: 1 4, .al All kiada of/1 . 7 , . . ~;_ ~, • .ronstaptkrapt, ra.,3elknik •": ,7Do 0%,,G, re5A414t.`.,-... ::',' ..r..01'11417". ~.t. a tit. .. it, ii it ic t.r ont : '; : ::- .; -, V. U. supdyy, , ' . ~ , cbagreillaY,t... ~, • HarTa P,M2i. OSPLDW '''car...7;* • , 'I . . a& tiO4lllllM. , GM ~.11.,,,15: - - . - . JOllO itirtnar4i. ' ", -ICM7I^ r - - - 1 ' a. X4.1.111106180M STEifilltro.-.4an,FRomrER POOL mis , kli week. m.{}.IBMAN ta ' ERVIATIADAt r poa ~1 ! '; cAßartigiV. s. mum, • TLvets .614 to sod ItoilstreliiC _Mrsilskal, Stat. JOWI T G.:I4I:4Agent, ' . 14.06oxidsvar ,N. D ----'-- TaPEP.SLIL.,Dr:' Striada Ig i r d jig . VlAlglat'-. , t. AW '' P ',..-2 Aoki, sad --- ' - ailve to , 4 .01 . • . . rtionsthes a sod ~ ' ..‘ . 17PHOLSTERIn ....".'. " " . ' l7.'•^" ' H7)..4: gleasSPW. - 20sErns:, .d: • - - -' ...r so uc7dds"..' fn ithac44.- ..• ' fennilfgnirkiliKekSTEß • l l : o .' Is l = l 4 o , VP: P t CZ! ' .1 7X O ‘ 4I tIOURTHICrarXr XMAS oo .--1. "n ,.4 " : " er ' A .L.Pr'.II"..FI • . MsOrIistOVIIIISSOSIXS and :Sm. COMitirly— ii `"" l.7. et the ' rn - -,' .111SYSff SICOAO agg "'" d de'' I" ' ' t .• 4 1L ' 14 Y 14 thilrill"64•Vdrut" tedst n 41. &WOOS Set SIAN for*: - ... ' 4 e , _ - *I7SAW leffakMk'Tbtirr&l rt'riligill'affellt'4;:' iirollrioe fi t ly! .: in St:grtie;S WittirtOOUSF • ., ,' ; ig4 7, : f ". ~... ,_.. , . iLLZAI ii-00j, 14,1v., , ,:..W.7. - ,1 4 1-:!41:::::: , :;: : - ., - _ , ,c;, , , ,, ,, , , , ,q , , , , ,- , , ,::- . . - . d . z .:A.:,Wf.. , •.';•/;,,,,.., , y,_,41,.. , -1 7 .'...:. ,,,,,,,- • - fuLuatoAll9 l, '''' , ' •••' •..- 186 b. PENNSYLVANIA l:s'.t AI U.. , ,lt s :litrHlS: HALLE -TRAI.NS, On arid after SUNDAY, Aprll /at lag. tralts . wal leave the Union PaAventarDZWVRT-?!, - I rim aiorMlMlLirrs, ves • Pittsbant t:l 13. alopplng at prtnclpal dation.. Arrivos at • iltv_./nt. at 7:4 A. - jt,.• Tyrone. 11:33 x._/ tHeildartO,l2rll N. t - Lock raven; 72:19!. IL II Bartslaßl tr. , r. totßaltimore, 4:31 at.,l hew Toils. via *NM. , 10:1131", it. r t and. NOW YZINagbAU VVI I I -d- fiires ., tltirestisett at N., • big at nearly all straiten , : Alidsva, at 3:00-P. Y.; I. 8:50 - si.B sooiti ar It Philadelplita at WO A. N. By this Hue p*Ml44.Nna are transferred et Union Depot, West dDectly to Express train for New tort. lINNN.IOI, there at 5:110 A. sa. PHILADELPHIA Kxp - LenvesPittsi rota !ttigLr:Lxi.l4 rt r OM)l l ; Y a..: t ig=o,ter. Harrisburg, 2:33 n.: Baltimore, 7:41 a,. N. • Sew York; via Plilladelpbia, MCA r. M. via Cara 1.611R44,. !,`,°IAIA-1`411; !`,..1111, 1 11 • Baltimore sad Pl.Uadomin.,, nod t.• ge• Two sin Allentown. PAST LINE-Leaves Plltabargh a 4 10.4"0 noppiny. only at plinolpal station.. As rh ea as A looms at it 10. s. N. s_ llarrlabarg,• as= a. N.; 1 , .14 1. more.? 1240 P. x.: N ow look. via Altera.. 4. 3 a P. P. Dr.. Pailadelptdat 1:10 P. so, and New Vol •is vaiadaptii. al 1 1 , 43' •Brealtrast. tDinosior. ISaruse. IDulrguil Wog. &dine. Sanstura arty/1,W.. tOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION- Bally (rat *IA Sandy's) 2:30 P. andnidnir at molar ...Wei I betwesu Pitts tuirgb Conemansti. and mulct g nt Mainline InterisectlOn with tnanaen the Inasrvi Branch and West Pennsylvania Rallrosl. A.LTOLINA ACCOMMODATION -Italie (es: et t Sandays) at 7:501. so.; stopping at ell resulu stalt.3. s between 'Pittsburgh and Altoona, and noignor Do • connection with trains on tbeindiana Orson*. Pennsylvania Ballroad,'Ebensbarg .1 Cresson 17•11. K and Hollidaysburg Enna,. IV all', Acconnoodation,No. I, dally (except S u days)" at 0:30.. x. B raddoCV.Accommodation No. 1. daily (ert.7Bl Sundays) at 10:30 A. Y. Wait . . Accommodation No. 2, daily (except 31 U. • -. day.) at 1110 A. x. /haddock's Accommodation No. 2, tally ( eR7.11 Sundays) at 1:40 P. ta. Accommodation No. 3. daily (except 8 a • ° W 2ll t? ', ... " ;Ltk.uonNti. 4. * daily ( MOIR - 4112111adteePoitatodsHon (daer4 at 10s6o sa., . d The (Bowen Traixi leaves Wall Station enty ii. day at:l5A. x.: and arrives in- Pittsbuith sal 113 s. rt.Batunslay, lesems 11./ Pittsburgh at 13. autama at `A sliNotitation at Doer. si. '• • Returning , rraltu Delve In Pittsburgh as follogat rut Lll - tog A: No 3:40 A. Ns First Wall'a Statloa Accommodation.-- 7UOO SIA: Its • Brinton dlecommodation No. 1 A. 111. _Stroud Wail , . Station AcoommodaUon 8.11.1 A. Ite Joblinow nAcoommodation. .• . Bradd0Ck••1.4111;.110d11U011..No:i •_ ' .• r Irld:7txEldd' ' go s. :dlailas L O S b t. N. Third II StPs Sta Iva Accommodation N. mr.ddeeko. A CCOlnnuatatlOn s.cs 8:30 P. IL WW Accoturoodatiou, No. t 7001.0 s Altoona A ccommodation and Eintarant. 10:50 T.ll. %Baltimore Express will arrive with illitoidels his %174: of the i E xcelsior Omnibus Company p kl. and mot:stag Ulu Ott .1 the city. Dace, lgo. 4101114nbUre g r4ril 41 11 1 1 ng.ll-cwberealt orderirfor the 1 :10.4910.11t t llama gem. NOTIZINI'L9r. geVenl4)lll %. l . l Lettilkra " :l ' 4tts sot 4 theniselvei leapOnalble. for ',mumst onv 7 gase noir. and for an amount not exceediummit via Ationttila PenturytelnisCeutralltand Passenger Sta• . on'Llbenv and Washington streets.' pnrwsn arr. wAyxt 011IZAGO HALLWAY. AND CLEVELAND th PLl.Pairlil t RAILROAD. isen. winter Arredgeigneat. MY% on and after November 18th, LIRA trains will niu follows. vitt Leaves Ex Pittsburgh. (Wiengo. OleutlaseL ID Atelfto p ress - Rawest WO a. Y. I t:t4o a. IL 28 45 88. 2:80 P. Y. 2:80 1. xuma! Mail . ! ams r. 1.! 7:00, 0:00 A. IL 0:01.:•...4 For Newcastle end Erie. 6.40• sturnihg. arrive at aihurgi: ******** P., Pt. W. it C. R. W.-110 A. Y.. 1 : 10 P P. if., 9:03P. 11 * is C. a , P. R. E. —l1:10 A. a., arm vtor • ACICOMMUDATiIIIi TwAAPIEL Leave tr Allegheny few 8111fMTUN-9:00 11.. a.m., 11:2.a. anda:4oP.Y. socazarcn—¢:co IL Nsw 0•817.1 . -1:50 P. at. Epogottp-10:80 Warissivrtaxlloo p. W. Returning, 6[11•15 at Allegheny P.. Ft. W. C. It. W.-7:80 A. a. Y. 2:80 P. ar.., 4:30 P. is. and it 81.. • . C. & P. R. it-10:00 A. Y. Union o PUsi l lg . r ata!: Pat' Av E A. Q. CannELBEHRt Ylekeenasient,a. P. R. PIPER" Veneta! Tie% Agt? piTTssunGff .=.nromom...tL •arte- THE GREAT SHORI LINE ROUE VIA tiTztrinurvu,r.x. To CoLuinsus, CINCINNAIt "a "Wr.VN'intiUTElWrsT PZl=l • RIM DAT, MARVEL 18th. Thine stu to ve Ind arriv at the UNION oux T aa follows: • Departs. 4 , r160 Mall B . alastLbie • 11504. al.. altlek:ht, M .. 30Ur. p Expreaa...) • ...t.lor.x. DW A. al.. filumbeiteLtle Ac00mm0d15....4.14 .• le:le A. r. . 8. IT. 80111-L, Uen'l Ticket At esp it gab i e .. :ll4v, fri. D. kr Ticket igent, Unica Depot, PPLliorglb , Spring Arrangement. On and atter .THIntbDAY,t Qll tbra , liaa, Water streets, so [Wool: Tbe trains will Ware ba Depot, corner of Boas abEt 92.467,840 en Lama Arnow ptßrOuroa. 11LC16.01. ibun to and foe Uniontown— 7:CO A. X. MOS lr. qt. li g irit=o . A id " = " lii ii° ... l . ! i l l 1: ./.. iT Y : . 1 6 2 101. i ' lam ' r. il. ...";IS Pak% BaocrAd . . . . Braddock's' ' 8. ......, 440 P. V. 6:16 r• Mil. 17 47' tO mrCh - Arlin to and from West Newton 1:03 P. So Uri 46114 i For Ticalts I.p . jr_ so ISHILLENBEBBBB, elan. - •, or-27-11,- W B. irloUrylinpi. ALLEIGM-, -, Mominsman- 1 7ALL:Er anitaosr sormasegsammsom caaivez ELELE... • On tad after .140:1DAY, hue. 'M. nitwits' VaiLigligr-t=obr,thrbf'.),'lni arrnaaaBlttabalag , Leases a“tsa." Matutiitr V i ad ll4,ll # l l,ll=l4 l4 l s tll4 sa, amines at Pittsburgh at Iluta at. • Lesai mutat:et at biter: Is, arriving at. Xlttaniiing a A00010:1(ODATIO'br THAll"—Leaves Soda Hotta etthlo.A. st:. aril to Pittinntrgb at BIM ~4.• Lewes Plttarourgit t ) :40 P. at arrlrlutlit Sine tolastas ail:4Z IS , • F. wirier/v. thipertntsndint. $1,750,0u0, MEDICAL. • Humplittiers • , HOMOEPATIOC.!SPECItiCS. Have nosed, trout the toh JianffiblenPernince melts fire aneceas, alintda, efficient and rallatati.:.l bey at. • Ma only nielUclaea parl.City WaDtad.toyoPalat Vie —so staple - snot 'mmtnea eannot ffiadctlnnaidi them; so hamlets - as to be free con amps. and so afficletit as to be always reliable,- •,• - . No. I silvan TR% Cidageffidotta, - Inflames- • •• " W .• OH M (1 7, 9 4 1M'0tT tam ... - " , T 1441° 4 • ptmunfiz'r a • • ulialtliTZltY, - ffiritilag and Bittocia'• moult' •• CO OES, 8 •• NffitßalkslA. 44: - • i 9 .• erlc.r rieutielm: faitp r ia%n u l74.lVritil. , .- 71 2 •• 84. ,; 1:4 1 172, yai11NAL1714,625 0 ,141,e, 2 i Fever • " ...... .... . . •• EgriAtzp,",..°4lf=474:: oA.Tu.n,,satite or enfants. Indus . .4131211 •'` ' witoopure .cp.tr4l4* . . •• Kl l D y . t dl e . alredagar .. .JAY• u• Dae • .• . • Lit Larry, DllOlBB ......... • • • 20 •• 8 64.810*.liffinffi.• 0 410:12444 1t022 1211Ung_ _ • 87 ittulrEr rawEAnA_onvei ..... . ... .7 23 . " 11ZWVOUB...A.W5iiaiTY, settling' soWilM.Vrl.l7 w ! 4 '!'"g" l vtanie ' Zii:G:. " . : :42 arthsraY.tibasba, - DIY •• PttP BB Quint ist:lO via* _ns. por tuxo tico° caseand.boonctrins..., • _ • Casept Milano vtil* In inorooooso book ego C. ; I F 111 7 474 1 .1 = 14 . ", 5d 1 91: ~,...,? o *ll; l lv r OrrOo NMXt h al a Market it r iX, .Tor by . Z. JettriEfficitiVialaill=_ &Vt. 6, 54 ,Itakettroonter tri9, egro, sad 11:.A. a.a . wr ate. 184 i t ederidatreet.% r tietbralln"irt ZrO a ti ' lq i tifi l;W N," 'C'erner.te DU IPS • ThaliaAiwa. a - IiGH 411)AL8AN rt•-• wir . on C t l 4 %Pi the tirl.7,, (;) • 0 .' 4 gram Whll, mum,. g, , . 4:nrrou3,°Zati and Croup.- • • sm4 ,,, eNteig l io Lm eve grert 4 . , 0 3 MO! I '7 ar,;_maqtatii 11.1A4 W LIXFAUL ,A4RXX "U° gnu 40, Apr ems enntraktu 11:. • ••• , priaa rW,t Pat wom tales i, ,, :tufocare. Irrftaerr:4"-* litsararruitedlea tire L W41..4.20.14 A 1.131114 MTI MMIEIII 1 01.118VILJLIE IN DI ANA 1,111.115, ST. lAJEII MEI ISE