~~~~ TEE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE EirraWilln 4 niu:A 3 rT• , r, 1 iroin.r. PORIdILEINDZIT reia; GAZA; TT' assocuarion No. 1.1 IN rill STAII-S. 151221 MM3MM he gittsburoit Oiurtte. 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL il, 1R66 Wit do Mr. Otratiot Gil Justice to iaj that during his long period of service m the Senate he has commonly been lit ere in supporting railroad projects. But lie lives in Berks county; and there is no more ntreamom opponent of a General Railroad Law in this Commonwealth than the Reading Railroad Company. How much legs Mr. Cilkam is likely to be swayed by local influences than other net. we do nbt care to speculate. But, it is a good time to put him on the record. Noi that we think he has a chance of being electml Governor; but he now (midi, a post Lion which forbids lits keeping silence or equivocating on that subject, if interns. gatod. Will the catechists do their duty in the premises' Tim final passage of the Civil Rights Bill give'. great satisfaction to loyal men throughout the country. This satisfaction proceeds front seveMl causes.• Some per sons are glad because Congress has wan a a triumph over the President. Not that they feel complacency In the humbling of the Excentivei but they believe a sharp assertion of the authority of `Congree• needful to vindicate and preserve the prin ciple of representative government. Other persona rejoice because they think n meas. are of this sort essential to secure justice to the emancipated slaves, if not to prevent, In some of the States, a species of servi tude akin to Slavery. is private coinversation, of late, the President his, frequently said In was re serving fire hundred rebel leaders for trial and pnuiShmitut We hinvr not invested much faith in these aSSUITIIIect:; partly be cause we have toll desired the drruna of the war It, dose nut with e hundred e‘ecu, thins: and partly because we have felt ithr tain the President did not mean to vindi• sate the authority of the lams by trying and punishing any rebel. The rumored release on parole of JEFFERtiON Darts and CLEMENT r CLAY. tends in confirm OUT distrust. le any man believes the defeat of the Cleveland and Mahoning Railroad bill was inspired exclusively or mainly from Phila delphim he is decidedly mistaken. The original and controling influence proceed, ed front Pittsburgh. Let us be just ; nod not lay on the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany more than it ought to bear. TnE COnsemitives in England are likely tiXobtain a triumph in defeating the Suf frage Extension Bill trver th e r e o aes eve atism does not want poor whites to COW. Here it stops at seeking to prevent the blacks, rich and poor, from voting Tat, CIIOLERA is coning. Pestilence w ill glean this season where the i4iytlie of war harvecteil liarLtr years. CITY ITEMS interesting to the Ladies Those who have lad the reports of the dry goods market for the last tea .la) are aware I hat A great many Lind. of dry gomls, and en. peolally those on lornign niauutsel ore, as stika and other drawl goods, have been Offered and sold at r, reed sales in the uttrilnii rOOlll, anti that An a rouneBT ileuee the knowing one. among the messliants her,, received some moat nominal bargains, and It in our illetinant duty to Inform our lady readers that i'itl.•- burgh is to have a large mimic in these tar gain, flow desirable tile goods are, bon cheap, they may Immr by calling at the estab- I ishment of the Messrs. Barker Lt Co., re , Mar ket street. By their unequalled arrangements for purchasing, !wing al way, fully t epronuatett Id the market by the most experienced buy ers, they have roemved n very large quantity of silks anti dress goods, which they propose offering at bargains, which will be be: t under %toed when we say that In name grades of silks the reduction i• one dollar and a half per yard, bringing down prices to rates ruling before the war. tin Intro Inuit no Ileatinticy in reCOnlinending nor Mattel, to buy and to buy freely, on there In no danger of further de u line. brilyiVery probability of a slight ad. , smi nue 111 MOM, Malaria Evedrwhere Merely has there been a season as fruitful as this of mutations diseases. Not only on the proxies and in the valleys of the Went; not merely in all the old haunts of Yever and Ague and Milieus Remitlctiarever have these pneetrating diseases been unusually virulent; nu they have extended to towns awl cities never before inftatedt with them, and have even ascended the Mountain., and ettached ..housaride of people supposed to have 'been placed by the laws of Nature above their reach. /featoe we are compelled to admit that ottani element pervadee the I:Meet - eat Air this sea son, and should at once resort to the only Sp proved preventative ot its consequences, Uwe setter's Stomach ilitters—a tonic so potent, an antl-septie so pellet, an alterative so Irreels table, mid n athrtillent so pure, that it enables the human system to resist and baffle all the predisposing causes of disease. With the con fidence that one , clothed In Incombustible gar mould, might move among blazing buildings, t h e gum who arum himself against malaria ,itt Oaa powerful de/cruise medicine may walls a fever ecourged district fearlmo of its inealubrlnus atmosphere. Toe Intern:intents and remittents ut present so general in all parts of the country may be but the forerun ners of a deadlier scourge now on its way westward from the far tast_ Prepare the sys tem with Elostettor's littLars for a ruccensful battle with the mephitic causes of all evident, me Be wise in time. Bold everywhere —Yew York- World, Nov. 6, 1863. .• no pee Miters ♦ re bad wholasnl•and retail at very low rates • t thrash:WS Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, no. 6t Market street, earner of the Diamond • e.t.Nottrth street. Ifireir baying Worms . . Require immediate attention,.as neglect Of the trouble often causes prolonged sickness. Brown's "Vermituge Comfits" are a simple remedy, and will destroy worms without in- Inri to the child. Said at 25 eta a box. Sole agent for ?du. ourgh, Joseph Fleming, Druggist, No Si Mar ' iset street. . _ Wholesale Country Merchants Will fled It to their advantage to examine the extensive stock of goodS at the Hat establish ment Of Wm. Fleming, No. In Wood street, there may be seen a wen selected stock of Men's and Boys' fur, wool, braid, leghorn and palm leaf bats; Men and Boyri' - naps; ladles and misses' hats, trimmed and untrimmed, at •ery low prices, _ I=i[l3=l Ladles wishing hats should call al Wm. Yletolng , s, No. Inn Wood street, where yon will find a complete assortment, trammed and un trimmed; or If desirable you can hare them trimmed to order. We bane Cleo a good 60- 14bet.1012 of children's fancy goods. All wlll be sold At reasonable prices. =::! Or. Gardner, who ha» boon meeting with groat *somas In the treatment of Catarrh, will again visit Has city, on Tuesday, April MO, and remain bore nntLl the 21st- Ho treats catarrh by.tho use of warm medicated hattaba 1100, tam Monongahela Home , . Head his serrerttoomont. We !Vonld Call Special attention to Mr. W. T. Ifoore's WiTer daemant of Grape since, also of the great A - rictitturist Strawberry the mite berry of America. .1. as. Pullen•. Drag More. Itemosed to 108 Smithfield street, opposite the PestoMee. illreietenno lUsuive ..... . The next term will commence April inn Hateeletor Institute Vor Wirt and Cinle dee tevertenstant VOLU ME LX_XX .---NO. 85 THE LA TEST NEWVONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS, BY TELEGRAPH. Gm M r. -no knn ry pre4entrnl a :I. .Intion rnni I)ENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATM. „ L nnrpo-.4. Ilan to re-t,tablnill Special Instuttch to (tie Pittsburgh Gasette No n v. ah the lora, ot the .41 4 oeb n-O dong Preshient Johnson for APr" Id• rind efforts to restore pence :inni lutrnany oti that SENATE. hen.. The following Mils were passed Minn) , nnn , ' , 71 , 1‘41 , 1 to the present eonsinl general sppropriut ion hill, an net to tneoriee's,;, l , t 7;.4,l?,ll l , ' , ' ,;,;: "'' :X! 4 %',t‘a rule the Homo Insurance, Trust and sae In, call alt tn.' tleau'lal ion ntgalll on Frid t but ay nest. 114331 t Company of Pittsburgh: au net to eon- • rllintlAirse the State of Pminnyl power the Trustees of lb e •reslty nee lan ran:rein „ of Titrentnui. Allegheny County, Inn le. n ~ or to o! in eons:reeling a ship can piddle al foto: lake sell a certain lot of zrounni; sopplement /J: Belle. lin the eCtle MI-h. the uet relating to the assessing, levy log, not 'l47 l'' ' ....o ' l7nOt . : ' .nu ' nt ' e d l naps:, or yeast survey collect log taxes in the borough nut ion- Ste:eel on Iseen were ordered to lie nmartl. guest:, a supplement tnn the ha ough of south A , esolutloo 3Oopted that the Secretary Pittsburgh; an net to Inerorpunrat th. N% „1,., hla hill, noel , • , t• nn.3nY 0 . no 313 o•I oh3l vote 4n: both house. /-41WrOM•OVIllo, 311 Art in JEn.orpornt. Pitt.- T1,..C , tuts ll tee on Pc..t h reported the burgh and Campbell's Run ono I:silt - 4.3dt onto 1 ,', 1 ‘ 1 . puny; a supplement to Line not relating to the o tennis mall matter; n letter I one nn. tes, from inlet or s, to tn.lunist t.11 , -3 i gincling and paving of streets iti the bannungh title tor ti l e s e a... all of Duquesne; an net re Mt lug to Ihe eel of the costs and expenses of gentling tat pa, ingot' the strict, In AlloghnnY• Tlio• niter MED ntt.Le r ASNED. One nutherOinn St. .InICA I.ne renceville, 1 , . Inc rear their ve•; rt ; oar to In eornorate the Sing's Fire and Marine loan ranee company o avf Plahhnrgh; one to Moor. porute the Widows' Home Awsomat ton. an am to change the venire in the ease of John Len nox—pLoi%ed ton third reading; an not lu rein lion to it ipeelal tan (or grading In AleV.•,, port; an net authorizing the I t itt,diiirgh Conanliarille Railroad to change n pidt ion of THE FENIAN MOVEMENT. The Campo Bello ExTedition COMMUNICA rams CUT OFF The Inhabitant,. Skedaddling FENIAN CONVENTION IN SESSION, ii+ll7 P 01,, Jlc , April 10 —TIo British atr ship 1•10104130, 0,1,01 hero e-iter,lo 004 went to St. Anglrowa. The British Consul and the l'llll,/ 'du ten Marshal, are filaylitaos Motel, also iron, in rent Fenians. Conintuttication betitlen St. John's and the Western towns on the British side, WM, den troyed loot night by the Fen t. The garri• soli at Campo Mello Itas been it reared tdirth works were tieing thrown up all day yenter day. The Fenian • Convention in sitting The lune. and hoarding house:, are crammed wlll, Fends., who arrived from Ne it York . The inhabitants are skedaddling from the tam- Ller and coming here. The tiring ofstuall arm, and rockets it:continually °crawl ing, and 14 a perfept panic. There inn had feeling on either Si,)., of the Bay. Two more Engi,a war ships are reported summing to the north eastern headland of Campo Bello. A YVllian vessel with howitzer. and other arms, wan not allowed to go out of the harbor at twelve o'clocl. last night, by order of the officer of canton.. The renters are confident and an,: Matters are in slate qua, await lug Roth, - of • der, Fred,leArion, N. 8., April 10.—Inforumtion regarding the Fenlane I. of .ncli a nature IS.. to warrant the authorities here in placing the frontier in a more effectual slate of defence Lnat night some men, ninety in numter, en deavored to .hlp sixty CLL.,' of rifle. and thir ty cam, of small arms from Portland for F.a•l -port,.nhtohlsoopo+lte(mutto Bello. The agent of the 'teenier refused to receive the arm-. let tire men crime into Baia port Troop. end a gunboat have Men oolervai from rt. John. to cop° Bello line company 01 volunteer. left Wo ni ottalfgq. tort Ulght, and another his evvning fr mn thin place lii.l •nt th,ll .•, • CANADIAN PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT '111111,.• 1111,1 ‘I,/1 I I I/11,14. 0111/114 hal l'he wanGOV,llfritnit wltuit r.. 1 1 ht. 11.11 c ., of the. Intel'', et it.l4.n. 1,. a Preparation of Goierunueut rang •• H: .s even- Ow alien N 1.... I= PAILTIZAIi WAREIRL Inenniettros, N. ii., lit,—The House met Ihls afternoon for a few Inmates The Attorney t.eneral announced thus i cpi • ernrnent odlcers had tentiereo their resigna tion and were aaalt tog a reply. The ern-. Is expected to send In his ansr cr to-stignt I the meantime he has chosen 3l r. Whinot, of the Opposition, to form a new ttoverntnent The excitement is still very irreat.•ra personal encounters have taken plat, i tl.•• streets between the partizans of either sloe .4 the question. Innir of the ninst de,peri, ..f these, loot evenhig, blood was (reel> shed The gunboat Pleiades, of the roast Fria:Wow has been ordered from et. Johns to Us ulpo Ice.- 10, to watch the Fenians, A Toronto spcMal states that the at rest .1 Murphy ,muses some excitement, The secre tary of the 'llan society sots also arres,• ed. A general search :a waking for t ews on able papers Orion. ElEtitt men wee sel armed have been arrested at. Corn wall The excitement Is increasing. Inter from Europe Ponitssp, Its., April 10.—The steamer Bel gian, Capt. grown, from Liverpool an the af ternoon of the 'Ali, via Londonderry on Its, 301.11, arrived here at 6,0 a. ss. today. Tne London Timer, of the 3tlth, flays There la too much reason to fear that the peace of Europe is about to be broken by one of the least Just and least necessary wars of modern times. TbeTtmes heartily trusts that England -max hold aloof. half a dozen was veasele were preparing (or OHM at Plymouth. and it was reported wcre to go to the St. Lawrence. The language of the Prussian pots, by en . I dent direction of the Government, Ix warlike, Wall great military preparasiona are icing made tfir.ottghent the kingdom: The Austrian government le elan taking measures In anticipation of theecemingstrug gle. Austria le said to have determined to pot un end to the provisional state of affairs in the Duebiei, and, If necessary, will propose the the question be referred to the European Con gress.. The Independence Brigs, of the 'titk,has neon h that the King of Prussia as given hittconsent to certain arrangements,4lllo4 though only preliminary, indicate war almost. Inevitable. The rate of ittsoottot on the Bank of Lugjan.l remain. at 6 coots, 1 . 1 II! apprehension at trouble in tiermanv and the Fenian agitation in America, eon tinned to depress the fouts; and it was re• marked that consols, on the NXh, Vow:Alla lower point th an been kin.wn since t commercial eriels of 1E67. Paelials.—German journals continue to di. ems, with keen interest, the probability of a war between Alumna and Prussia. Nothing bas as yet transpired to thrall , any light upon the eventual issue Of the qtrarrel. The Past thinks that Count Bestriarck is not likely to fail w ben the chances of accomplish ing his object are In his raver. Prussia has forwarded a circular dispatch to the minor German states, laying stress upon the inefficiency of the appeal to the federal district to settle the present conflict. The dispatch further points out the necessity or the yarrow states taking up a definite posi tiOn ort ono aide or the other In the struggle w h!ch the ultii.emggto of AnatrialteeM to resi der mdra and more iffinitnent The Berlin :nttrnals represent that toe Aus trian preparations are very extenerve, and some of them admit that in view of the Aus trian preparantme, orders May have been given by Prussia to make such military prepa rations 63 maybe indispensable. Vienna advice', assert that Ituat.rin nes de termined to put an rod to the Broviaional S sary will tate Of pro in the Doubles and if neces pose that the question be referred to a European Congress. .I.33I•ICA.—The Royal thnimlasioners were bringing the investigation to a close, and ex pected soon to leave for England. The most Important evidence obtained during the last the extent of fortnight had Itaumx,tlen ing the eoealled re rasedhow far Governor Evre v - as jastilled in the IsSertlon that the conspiracy was general. Jett DowTrie Canadian Contederew Mon Scheme—Head Centre Stephenn Expeete6l-11r. PeabodPi Nnw Yoke, Aprlllo.—The Karala's Fortress Monroe special titspatch Says: A rumor at Ferrite's Monroe whispers that Jett Davie is to be removed to illchm ond on a writ of hab eas porous. lenin areentertained thathe can not live through the coming summer If not re /Watt: Is growing worse. The ficruid's Frederinkton, New Brimewick, special says: In the . flipper House ypitterday morning, the antLeonfeeleratitin minority Pin seated a prpteet against the resolution of Friday on the adel MS to the Queen. rho Lower Hones od3OUrned until three O'clock to-day, when the moinhers otaketriovernklent, who have been In coast:Oration all day, will, It la reported, send In their retagnatioos. The excitement IS still vary great. There was hutch excitement at Upton square Headquarters yesterday. The Fenian 4ignitaries were busily engaged hi making preparations to greet Head Centre ,tepliens, who la to atTive on the Havre stennienfp, due porttoid.ky. James Stephens' visit to this co ta,...tr7 WM be of short duration, de pending entir e ly on absolute and predeter mined arraligeinedta• The real Gauss or Li. Malt will be withheld unti! cre of hill , 10- parture. Mr. George Peal:oily writes by, the last steam er that he Intends to take passage for New York In the steamer Scotia, which leaves Liv erpool on the lath • MI. Tennessee Legislature. Nassvuxs, april 'O.—Legislature—No quo. .rpm being present, the Legislature adjourned THE PITTSBUR MMIM )It . o: ].•u 10,6, 4tati. , l that 11 nut lit.•n n t ) vsterany, thc vot 1411. r. Lake,: oil tli.• il Right. h:11, 7,alV',• VOtell 111 like blgallvv. Mr. Ilriggs, of httelitgan, state.l that he had beeti onlhal out h , onavoi.lalho enlay. and was aln—alt 1,111 t ontr-srven tnhl Itlns; who, lie raise back the 1,11 was passe4l. nv oae N knew hum knew that Ileal /11141 h., hat e.lnilgoel the If ho 1,a.l l,ee, , "alit have vote.l nye NI r. lint I. ,t 1111iNntlell itnel Ls. etter.,l ea, Int,ta nhurll alOlOO , O, 'hoe, Lug the Oa:e -1 tear) el' tVar . farat , h tht II ou.e soh It, al the t ..,11111,,,, la the 1 , 1 the „r u,„, t 1, an d Harrold Mr 111. hot, !rem the, utlul the 1. ore wh Aim in:. report hnek two Joint re,olul the -eihtle authorizing Adthl rel I' Lill , llh4 and ,mhttioilore 1fn..110,1 to eept donations trnrit tint King , if Italy In eerogntrion nl tto Net, leer rentlerrfl to the frigate Retail, it 1555 It were eonsltlet et! unil Aar Ita tnon.l olatt.loal loot nonalon to mate rooort (Non tin t talt al II 1,',."i Fre 1,,11 t.tl lie stat that ~4/1/11, day. , .111 , 0 a re.o - tan fee 1 . 011,,ti It, I tell Cola al Ili re, culling o.1;1 6 . ,verot art of the Nat',"end armed vtaoarla to the flatteries tntj: .... nt to the British Pro, men, Ile Wfte Inalruntral to Illake a pre- I ittonary report. It might he of et.one ntere, to 11,, , Ilottae Cu alai,: the eiretoti,a, es, .1.101 and nunlt, the Itra+enl attention to aut.fert nottlCr ttol'ea.it) gtoll Mealyof I lin Itto•atsttatal ot the Itetopr, It, ..['lealy 01 1 , 7"4. The original right of ti, Attletlelttl , 1, Partake in the !kiwi ie. 011 the 11( NOWIOI/11klill1141 1110 been en), cottotton with the other ,olonist, prey lona to their nolepend na.l 11.01 twee I eel,: .11Zeti ett.ling right ity the treat, of aa. not a eniteoatoon. hut a right. .Tlllllll,l. ate! te,oglet,al is it t tght tooter that he %love - wail, nn.,4 ., 11111.11”• , 1 1,, II %It 1111isr." h,eld. !ht. 11 , :lt, 4 , 1 41, el.. provlSiOil- a 11 rth . lie 41,013 enStrtle't 4,1 loy 1,111 . 11 . Goverslttieril it.tt 111 , r.p1,1 r,l 1-1...!•1,1, 1,. ~,• Int•• .11 31 ail The 1211 e, had w 1 ..... n, I he. , tore, left .1 Lad been hero, 1.1i1;Inr ; hi. re;llN . L,r 17:3, u.l• 11111104 het, Ighl la, 0.. h, llnt .8.1....0 re,' het a . ..eq. 11.. mai t1e10..111..... 'Hell 1.1 1.. the r.mveutton of 1.41.., 1,41141111 n11,1101..11 aet Ing on The part ti the 1 nit,: "late, ..ot that eottren• lion the Aint.l-Iyyall. • re nc;t1114 ,, 1 Ind rt . , 3V ,. .1 the rttthl Ititi within three miles at !Ile ItrlLlshpreylllla.e. That I.)'Re114111. nor a iv...lrk:lllhr ~C qt, 1011 ;If 1111 . N prtv.lege: It aa. the te . 18111)11 all' 1 tp. l'nll-.1 Sin , ,'' , Of the Itt.oltile I.ghl to partlelpate In Otte... 11...hertes n.ch Tnite.l 1....1 enj..).•.1 Ir.pn tho 14.- ~...ntng, nll.l a 11101, Iwo heel. [- ..bgni tell I.re% 1.. the I rely',..l The I alle•I had renotinee.l the Ugh• ..t t1..1.11,... alt Illn ene ilia 11,e kl iel.•t• C 1 , 1 e..11.•411 , ..nntln tle.l 1.. a hen , he Prvetn, la! l.r;verT1111t;t11 01011.1., rightin wlinit , American lislirritieri 1, , i•itcnt than tririro utllen trot. imitispx nimit Iltnl Malintin ...Olio!, Ali, pi rialto, naiurli,, that r Iltie I , i v II I irirre wrie I o ii., .it KA I r.( ail 111.• .o: r l lll , l riii ..! ail , . 111, 10nu. t Lt. 1,.4,141 LI , L• :LLlvist LLtn .pt BrtILL, •••.•••,1•111••11[ A Mg, LruILILLIII,I Itxt mon e let! ...ten took 1.• ...e• • Inents of the Loudon iillloll that Itr vsel d in lob.l keen pluee E Iltt pro ., t e• .•h right, itnr •11 , t ilt• +VIM, Ile Old out untiellette ... ~ 1.111 111 Itl tt t rltSt, to those fislierle- were ect Ink ut ulI lotsarfis 1-111 offered s rbeotiot questing the Prtsoueol loforio the iilll,l whit( steps tutee heel, takes, tool to bee u list Ittly further lettiblat.on It. Iteee-.4,6 t. .-Iv that evil nl the resolut adoloe.l. The apcnker pr anted a noreeace It.. President tronontti lug n eommunlent lon from the .t.emetary of 5 , ar, nlt tl 11.1,0311 y ng pa per,. In relation tit grant.ot iritele itete c eis u..e ongr., pd In 1 thr 'laces of 1111..1...1pp1. hi Florida and Lon e.lana. to ahl In ilte cottatrne. t lon Met:Main radii wok. The... grrntn x..nld aspire by limitation on the liti, el .I,th.turt, 1.i., leaving the road. Pic whit.e t.eni 111 the!, a ere conferred, in an nofinimtool ewe/item. mil the Preettlent rtiC i thln ill I within which they mutt rompleted shall ile extended for a pernal of l.se )'car., a it hol referred to the Committee on Pohl h. 141111 i, Mr. Fat,tillas uttered lot.. •1: Jeil wait adopted requesting the C0...Lt. , on !Winos . Affair. , Ir, lotti litre into t expodion. et,. of authorizing tit- Quazieruita ,, nir'+ ihiPart ment to stollt and pay the lull shot.. , . r., I o tLI olLirenx fur horses,rlit al, and other pert. thul properly Seitediomi appropriated by Ilia b. Nionitut, l in Indiana and 1 , ,. July, Mr. Doming, limo tiro Coutruittaa Mr“, r, Annus, reported bank, alai nraelt•lttott,,, a trill revi, grad,. of titquoal the l'olutt,l States oral) It aA. 141.1.• the.,f . fla; tordCl . for 71,..t01t1y Mr Anion., Iron. 1h•• i °tuants,. °it Mill terry d ff.' r., reported Int , k, wan fl ..1 1 . , it We. lie Joint rekole.tlon ..xpressive of thy thank. of con a 1 eon to linlor General 07)nhein Ii Hat cock tot his meritorious and ~nepletiolis /malty With. Winnebago Tribe. Abair In the greatmoirl decisive clelory dt fie- 1 ~,,,i irg. The Haiti n i t , te „„ ngi . e ,„l i„ . an d NV•Yitisovoa, April 10.-The President Lae I proclaimed that a treaty has been made I.*s. the resOlut ion liaised - tween the L' eel States and the Winnebago Mr Ancona . , from the -lino i'oinmittoy, also. . reported a bjl 1., uxidinil the jerroellel ion of ; /whams. Tills t Woo convey to the Government the inert of elalnia 0: sic' tic II jur•ettlction all thiar raiet, ills and 'fltere"t In their Pre .- I ent re.ervdtlon In the Terraory of Daeotah, to bear and determine all Maim. ..:1 1'f,.1.12....- . . ~,,. , , , ,a _ a,the ... . _ code tc' ' ''mun''"a" ' '“""i'lk"d i'n't other . 31' i 1„„d t„ ' t;.emln 17 ear .L.,1`°.7, - .T." riv• horsing officers of tne IThlted mates, for re- , s t them for ono year in their now home, and Ilef from rc'P°°""'llits On account of loaner „; . fu " rnisit them with saw mut grist mill., agrlcol of public fund ° or t ottcliers• by eti , ' , ” " t tared implements, guns, borne., end whatever °the., .si. au ring tun mi., wet I may be neeeesary fur their domestic comfort. tin :Lotion of ,Jr Conk ling, the h.ti a„ .. iti comoilLted and Ordered to be printed After a nottiber.of report', from the t .nom It • Elections In New Jersey. tee on lillitury [fair.. the Bankrupt 11111 T•snros, 'N. J., April 10.-Franklin Mills, ease , up 01 ' the d'o' "'" '" r".4"4,4"1. the rota Liamoorat, for Mayor, an the whole Denne hy which it wa selected ejected a week...glace. 'Vb. ogEtie beset, .8.4 elected yesterday by an vote In favor of recount met to., wad I'a to . a. average majority of three hundred. Mr. Stevens milled for 1.1 t ,• y. ay and navy, T . 1 Nswass.. WJ„ April -In the township. which were ordered Thu vote en. token awl , „ t E....... county a , 104 held elections 7 . 4wr. resulted yetis SS, nay , 11,. 40 the rote re;ectin a - I day the result Is the sumo WI last Spring, wa ttle Mil was reeintyinoreil. ""pt In Milburn, where the Democrats gain The final vote on the pa.sase .. the Bonk.. lin,, freeholder. The new Board trill stand, .."'"' BM r ,'"'''''' n ' s I. " 1 . 1 "' ' 'f r '' ..."' ''''' ''' i I wenty-two Republicans to twelve Ihinaocosid. Su the Loh we. rejeeteee A resolntlOtt way adorned elifileg ea the Secretary ofWV' for it statement of all th° sr-i I Release of the Indiana Venapiratoni. titlelai limb- banal° for e./1.11..r5, from ale an, L °Lenore, to., April Is.-Wm. D. Bowles, fur whom, , end at 'what cos,. I Lombdon, P. 311111gan alai Stephen Horsey. Mr. Schenck reported a hill adoe tog IC. pa.:'.. the Indiana conspirators, who were convict uisisten in the rebellion one-fourth of one per I oil by military commission, sentenced to ho cent. on all sums .11%1,41,4.1..4 eltra corn pen- hung, and commuted by President Lincoln to nation for their labors, provided tee sum is lan itrloonment for life, were to-stay released not to exceed one thousand 110liare lOr a year from the Ohio Penitentiary by order of tho Of ~.ervleeP. President. Milligan}. the .pctruscratio candl- The following business was anorwaros tau , ! date in Indiana for ratted States Senator, and en up. The Senate Joint resolution respecting I .yin. released on habeas earpus before the or the burial of soldiers who died in the militai v 1 ,ter for hte diacharge arrived. service of the United States during the rebel alms. Considered and passed. latest from Raw Orleans. The Senate joint resolution respecting boui,. NEW ORIAAII! , April la-The steamers tits,. tie, to colored soldiers, and P , nsi." b o'ini''''s I Cromwell and Merrimac have arrived. and allowances to their heirs, was reit. tu,..... . tr..f.a. ,.. i w i th .1,4 g oho ~,,, . 1 , t 1 .1 0 ,1 “ 3 , mad referred to the Committee on -Military ' ; he les. aro of frequent °COTO - Ml.oe. 1.111344.1e4 Arnim. also roam around the streets: arta neither the I'.e inmate bill I" Prnvide l or Ihr rr , ''''''' I life nor the property of the attire. Is safe billed ',,,,, ta ,? . "' 3 "' " f , i th , e , sU "'," e ", " 1. ',';'' Very little cotton has been rectitn-ed from the Cl i n e 'L'l m - o ' i a ili e ',„' : i n ', „y i r ;i'l e ''i n "v r ;": '''' ''''''''' `" I interior, though thedemand is good and prices ad 7ati..ed The Senate Mil granting certain lands to the state of Michigan, to aid In the construe- Pelee Report Hon of a ship canal I° connect the waters of I Lake Superior with the lake known I,A 1,, L i , Naw 1 ose. APO , 10 . - A rein'rt wan mauls hi' n it i n aid sl a te w it ,. r ,„,,i i „oiee newi. „ e . , Coroner Dover, yesterday, to the Board of e e, h ferred 10 the Committee on Public Londe , Ifeulth that the 'semen who died In Delaney Air. gas... :sported a 1,111 ,t ti „ L b ° i ,„_, Street died from cholera. A post Menem ex- Hue ~t a pvo nen, ..oin' ' eirpree and nickel I amination prortel the above rotten' false. I , ,, es ed. ,„•. Thoi mien Congrem eat to-day with closed ' Mr, Doropelly introduce , / a toil to eetstalil. 1 d'. -wirs . a hlorthit client Land lbstrltt • AdjournoN , tielleletecy Appropriation ino. . IV ASaltiOTol. April la-The President has approved and signed the doneleneV apprOprt -41.100 bill. Among the Item., are the follow ing. To enable the Lighthouse Board to ro-cw. 1 tabllsh lights end other aisle to navigation ' Albany i Welton, discontinued by the enemy ,en the Southern At anal, N V., April 10.-At the cbartereleo coast, one hundred thousand dollars; for re- I lion Ice lay, G. IL Thatcher was elected Mayor furnishing and repairing the I'resident'sl by seven hundred majority. The Republicans house, forty sir thousand dollars, In adult 10/1 have seven of ten Aldermen, and the Demo te eighty thousand dollars for repairing itorals sir of ten Supervisors. lasidc and out; for defraying 1t,., Lti zpones lll dont to the funeral and burin) of A ' , renal. Tobacco Sale. Lincoln thirty thousand dollars; for the per-. .11.1e4X0rro, VA., Aprll 10.-AL Haney & Wil ohaae of PQM'. Theatre, the scene of the hia I hither' warehouse to.duy a large assortment of 44481110. lon, One hundred thousand dollars. fancy yellow leaf tobacco sold et MI to sda The act gives the Secretoryof the Treasury I nor hundred, the highest prices obtained sites authority to sell the Pennsylvania Bank build.l [b e 0( . 0 „r the war. of provided It shall not be for a sum lees ! . _...... 0 ._ _ - _. . than one hundred and ton thousand dollars. Radical Mele - tenoste. -sow- Fenian Ar . Lterßairee. Etta, April ID. 'Cine hundred i of were tired to-day in hOnOr Ot Cho passage TORONTO, C. Ar.i_APrii 10 . - M. 1 . 1 .1. 1 Murphy , . of the Clvil Rights bill over the President's President of the Hibernian Society, and. flve ! ~.,.. Others, were -arrested at Cornwall, on their , ---weerse way to 'Portland, on ...m.Pirion Of Oribil rote Organization of the Oratorio Soelety. nested with the Fenian 11107etnenta. Arms -At a recent business meeting of the Oratorio and .aremnition ‘171.11T fOlithi. They Wen. Society, the lopowing gentlemen were Meet brought before the magtatrate to4lay, ed permanent officers, to serve during the C. IV., April to.--Fursher arreste i ensuing year ; Ueorge B. Bryan. President ; ar T i o . itoa kth fo g , hereof Parties suspected of being? Joseph Abel, Vice President ; William B. Ed. implicated in theFeniansnovements. Searchea I Wll.lo4,Bearetam_gottn B. MoCleUand,_ _Libre. are being Made, and the authorities are act- clan ; Joseph McPherson, Treftarer ;Miners. MB wail It 9 utmoil•PrediPuorte Lord, Breed, Curt, and Chalmers, Directors. , PITTSBURGH. WEDNESD THE NEW YORK COLLECTORSHIP. Nt r,. Ipnl l. .SENATE. Fenian Congress Proceedings Caw Yalta, April 10.—A rumor on Wall street this evening has It that Mr. Depew Is appoint ed Collector of t he Port. The, Fenian Senate has been convene° In het city by Preallent Roberts. The maitre. hr has Issued Is mainly devoted to the con demnation of the Othialloney faction. A pro nose of hivitilitles is given In the statement that General Sweeney has been doing good work as a speaker, hut he must new give in, the rostrum for the !felt,. The Irish National bonds, ordered by the Fenian Congres-. are to by ready next week. After requesting the Senators to make an vestigatnon of the affairs of the organize ion, President Roberts tinos speaks of the tivtilltty r taking the gold: IWe sire using every effort to take the geld raipidly, and we 1111. t he supplied with the 11l ens to enable no to make good our prom mud wills a renewed snort on the part Of the Brotherhood all will he well. Since the llti Miura!! Conference we have done wonders. I.verything considered, more has been slouchy us In the way of neenurulation of war materi al i and organizing oar army in six weeks titan woo accomplished Inn tile Yonitin Brotherhood 111 Mix years previonsiy.'• lie adds: am pledged to action bettor., a certain time or 10 wlirrrntli4r mr °Mee, and I appeal to your hon orable body to enable me to keep my pledge, and save our honor. some of you also are deeply coon prothised for action." MEM Sanitary Measures In NOW York—Rob beries. sw loaf:. April le,—The Hoard of Health Is proeeeding with vigor In the prtritleation or lb.' city. About four thousand nuisances have Keen ordered removed since its formation. Too hundred have been removed at the cost of the owners. The markets, slaughter houses, lione boiling houses, lint e ilns and piggeries, are till t moved OUt Of the City. It is now preparing to make a thorough. Investigation from house to home, us Melt will inform it of the condition of every house, the owner's / name, ke., and enable the health officers to es.i.:e the removal of every nuisance danger ro health This house to house visitation will ie completed before the hot weather of summer come, The DI/ions sigualizet. to . I`ot h noniversary by appearing to n now anti much enlarged form. lis.proprletore have Invited a large number enitorit an friends to an elegant t•ntertionment at Delmonieoie thin evening The [oiled States bonded warehomie iireenwich street in reported robbed on Satur day night of silks to the vain , : of ten thousand belonging to :k. T. Stewart. - One of the clerks of the bank of America was robbed to.day at the entrance of the sub t rea.ury of over live thonsaiii dollars In gold ce rt I (irate.. Three unknown ruffians attempted to rel. lin. bookkeeper of Enoch 3 eo. last night ht II tvlngton street of twelve hundred dollars. The Poet') special any, The Waya and Mean. I °mut lit:, hu. Maine trouble in agreeing upon rill' details of the new tax bill, and bruin*. his lin tumble to report It tinfoie tine end of tons week From New Orfemme—The 3farket•—.llleid odbt Conference. N Iletawns April IS—CoLtee ale p , osae,i the receipts to-day we OEM babales;rem:Apia 1,,, tour days ;Is*,ofai hal er es. againstlir i oal for the oi responding poini eriod last n - lk export, 10,800 tiri, Dales. r Letter de mand at If Molasses note al. Flour flda Cora IWO\ nt ilata 504 Me. Mess k Bacon gide.. Isis, Shoulders 1:1I4e. I olateen In In lr demand at SHOO. Sterling tie- Hine.) to to 5 Nan York Cheeks Itc, discount. Freight,. to New York 1.., Llver ,•ool •IHai - re II i 014;. The Methoiltst Contereueu divet”vied the Fues-oistl vino, The mernhera of Lim Balti more Lonterence ....minis/Muted to extend ,141.1011.1 Wall Nen ',Heat., were re et.e.l a till favor. Fedoinl polities hi ignored. preparations are lieltig made for the I ouirtinna rue, to-morrow The track is dry ,: t z rough Ton .1 k nOll.l 1 , frivortotte, 011.1 Is 0t.p0,e..1 to the 1 Bratt , h bond ett.. The t itreolton ftul l rood he t , Itettlsreettirl .k rwon have phrehloterl new e:tr for the .Inultle tz net; (111011 pit...lg nit. 011.1 th, erot 14,Sir ,s• 01.111 - 1 g C101•Cli. P/6 4 ,111.11.11.• COlllO y lEEE SS ♦pyllest lan ofor rortlon—Ovorlood ]lx ll April la I t 111111 brion reliably tionn-rtaiiii.l that utiiillentlinia ha-, tioen mean nnil loonOtng for pardon lig eighty...la tioouhor. OW rol. i ongrto., one band tail ion! 1.11.i . t)-tno eriliialen of Wi,O Point, !in; n In, -orvod reliol army ltIll• died allil tunnt• robot in cluding Rrogg, loingi•dreet, Itenutogai if, and .veral of the Leo's, also thirty-La Li Druml in.. rebel Or/lee-no lout ono buttartra and ',s tern Stales °Moor, hit held In till . ratio! aro we Ti , Postufftee Department ham matte a eon tat •t t. , run tototlittr overland (rota the t,. I II term tII l/ th the Lantern and tt( the Pot CI li. 1y war of Smolt% n il.. t t , tl fteut et t it v, aott them, to I. alliorma. 11;1- µlett. tp . .tatt, line. to I_ altforulta The -erect e 1., othhtnentted on toe 15th tut, I;i ,,r . I RI = TO, -soots, to-day, Is: rcessutivu pienm iun, I' :so . mo o s e the sollssuslng I Situld W. ILLllorul, of ()',gull, to Iso Govurstor of I:lnts, so pitons of Calols loons, and Pritcti orsl If rCormlrks, so A noon., to bu Cs:sou s...in of Ilits Ten - o,ov of rlxonst; iNfou Nul lutt, Chief .1001 (00, Cr Juts It. flallowoy, to tse. Mar,tial, and Vfllssk Hall to In: SUOrotary of olorsolos, J0.0ac.4 Curt., of Tntrnossea to •-• eurutary of Arizona. lull Incremsing Payme - -Controll Decll.lno-- A 111en...31mm to .r■a - y UM ,a YORK, April 11/.—tho Telbuftr's venial sat. The Senate Naval Cousmittee will rn. ipt,n back to the Senate the lime. bill to to e:Mine the corps of Peymnat ere In the regular Savy, with a clause requiring the appoint.. silents to be taken from the Acting Assistant Payfun.tera With this amendment three 19 or. tiou/ot at its passage. The sevond Controller yesterday decided that whenever the account of a discharged ottleer of soldier Its, been settled, and his travel pay adjusted, under the 15th section of the act of Jaunary ISIS, or the Silt section of the net at July Vd, MI, it is not legal nor i•sunpetent for any disbursing or accounting odic• r to reopen accounts for the purpose or taking additional allowance tor collstrUctive :.ery lee or conatructire travel. A month's sea pay is allowed to ovary officer to the Navy, by a law which ha. Jost passell nligress, for clothing lost during the war of 1-al. App'leatiOnft Phonl , l Ira made to the Fourth Auditor, Including affidavits that ALICII el°thing wits not lost by the negligence or fault iif the claimant, also a scandal° of the art Ides lost rubll.2 Ltjr }co itr. 6r001145. Naat I' Gila, prillo.-41.:a Manhattan Cl., or OA , 'ProPioaa.tp. vo Hon. Jpa.,Br a public mner uolt oriday. Hon. . titoetzton and Hon. W. Voorhees are expected to 1., pre it....hee .0 110 tell it 1011 In the ea. esp....l...tuna nnexeltemehtl. Contract- Nominations Confirmed. Al - ..GAZETTE. , APRIL 11, 1866 - t.a...fr AND SUBURBAN The Central Board of Education met Tees day evening, April 1eth,1066. Present, Messrs. The Shtagee flabess Carpus came again In CO gt—A Conclusion Concluding ; I Serthilit and Brush, President. Nothing. 1 , Crawford, Gott ,v Lowe Marshall, McCOok, The e , Mr: MeCook was appointed President pro alie, Pt The Commonwealth er. rel. Dtin 7 i fem. bar vs. Apiary C. Shaeffer was again up, by ad-' and approved. The 'ninnies of the last meeting were read journmefil. before. udge Mellon yesterday af ternam 11.1. :I o'clock.A proposition from Messrs. Barnes d. Co., for tiro Introduction of Sfontetth's Physical Geog raphy. was road and "eferred to the Commit ter. on Text Brake and Grades. Tho roliktOr atinearedliv his counsel, 'Messrs. : Davie a Shafer, and the respondent appear- , The monthly reports of . the Principal of the ed 'eon tonally" (for the mere purpose of . arguing to the .. a m e t„„, nt . th e „t ee „r /1101 . 001100/, P1111(1101/41 01 th e Colored School the a^rit thy his connect Jelin M. Kirkpatrick 4 7 . , Lino s ere rutty. a ere read and ordered to be ro und S. 11. yea, Esqs. If yr. contended by sewed and .fti . n . d . • othor , ~,,, o pay meat of too these gotplernen, At considerable length, that ~,.‘,Yar , r a a t; ,k''e, ' t t , the copy I the writ served wan not, an constr.. ..“" nw ' a g " l " , 371 75 bias-' t; T. Selinchmait .t iV 4 Lithographing touch as e year of hearing (PAC) was not cur- . Warrant and Receipt Boots - 30 ye ed by law "a true and attested voily ,•• Melton Brothers, ..on.. . reedy se forth in the copy nerved. That in the orlgitl it read "h old," while In the copy i i The following named gen th,mein were eleet served It read 'lade—. They .dlinied to Yuri- TI.I Collectors of School Tax rot the enston rtlleward Jos hl' 4 ous autheritles in suppo of their imsition, , peal: ]Si ms - -.' -, Sec o n d • n t : ' when theßiherlff asked leave to amend Ills re. win, P i th w ar,d.,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,0,t t ., turn in migtordance with the fiats, which put ' 'in motion a',,,,."`.-!.. tom, - ' --- '- meet an end tOklenate upon that petit, the Court . on the tut h 11311. 4 w, liOlding*: the return as amerded was suffi cient. tor•s counsel then asked for an at- , Cultivation of Vocal Musk,, taehmen which was opposed by defendant'a through counsel, the ground that the defendant had ' out the conntry for the cultivation of vocal neer lie notified of the continnance of the ! music. The "concord of sweet sounds" has a There seems to be a growing taste hearing heir appearance being simply , dr ' ~,,,, , 0 0,,,,., y n ,„ l ~,,,,, effect ~,,,,,,,, nil who Lone era' a the lawyers il"ve lt,) and 'eon- come ender their Influence In furtherance dittonal" lily for the pimento of arguing the or this shied a series of musical conventions stifficien+f the service of the writ, and not were hell In adjoining counties, commencing an "atm nee" for the defendant generall i y ; to the 1111 of December. 1 , 45, and closing on and that I fore any attachment could peSalb y OM• fah of Starch. 1466. T hese conventions were I ssue, tem:defendant personally should have , held In the following places In Armstrong otice, 4 ause otherwise non ennstat lie coun ty. Middlesex, 4'llll Week, which re.ris would ha e appeared and answered. . another on the' elth and continued In SeSlllOll The Cutlet thought the position well taken, another seek; Bradrs Bend, January 15th, and that ore en atteeitment matid ISSne, the two weeks; Worthington, January 'aim, one defondan should have received personal no- week; MeV Ille, February sth. two weeks; lice of the adjourned hearing, Inasmuch , u the Brady ' s Bond, Februnr. loth, two weeks; Salt aPPearande'rit Sicasrs. Kirkpatrick and Geyer , Lick, Starch 501,. two weeks, and la Lessore ,.r w. "conditional" only, and for a specific , stile, Butler county, two weeks, cloning on the purpose; :that unless the Court w.eattelled • lath of March. These conventions' were all that theerniant had personal notice of the well attended, and three sessions A day were i continua e of the bearing„ they would IBM , held the Oral 111 , 01,4110 -. Elementary eke, allow an a fachment asp rayed Inc by relator', rises," a second to •• Voice training and Prat counsel; apd the most they could do would be deal music reading" and the third to "Glee df to grant igrule upon the defendant to show and Chorus Practice... varied to suit tile gen cause wht an attachment should not ISBIII. cral capacity and taste ;of the audience. At which rule,they would order should be served : one of these conventions, fourteen Allegheny personallf-0n the defendant. As he Is not in ' river pilots attended daily, lit another, a cler the city, a a Personal service or the role is ' gyunto of the C. I' Chat ca, , Iri feet, six tnehea prn,tleall . - impossible, of course an attach- In ileiglit, took an active interest., whilst at ment is a oceedlng very decidedly and in- , anot her a mut, sit,, and nine children were definitely the future. Parties and counsel , d a ily attend an t,. w e may mid that nil th e se teen left t e court room, prior to which de- 1 emiventfons were presided over and conduct fondant's unsel asked leave to withdraw their apiS nCein every respecitts his behalf, i„„ ' ed by Prof. Edwin Sharratt i of this city. which wita)illowed by the Lonrt. The Court I then rose , Thekila to Thome!. Bak ewel Y. 1 - I .' S.ii. , itaY last, at the drat meeting of the Beard of;rectors of the Board of Friel, held after e death of Tlioulta Bakewell, the follow Mg 3 , petiol tit ions wore idgininintlaly adopted. P. 1‘ Reamt.V'Thomas Bake well, the first per manent P Went of the Pitt burgh Board of Trade, h ,in 'the ripeness of yearn passed from lite I fiVtie are forcibly- i einintled 111,51 411 althoughlt reason of Hirer-gill our allotted days may 1 . . ,prolong.l, vet the hoot cutely cometh arinen man 110140 141114414 115411111114 Inlet.; and althnitgli we rriil ire all.l, renewed straurth Out those whose counsels, energy and iit , eratty we are neenst tuned 10 lean upon Cannot retaath u Itli n 4 alt ays, yet in Ili in knowiedgrit and Inc the faith that Mai 14 inn tine is wisdom, we csnrabt but deplore t hut , liberal a hand, and so genorrei' ~ heart Its: been taken rrom u.... 'heretc,re .._ _._ ...... . .. . • Begot verl,T hatwhile in the cleat hof any here le to some time a pang o , .arrow, yol ""con after n longtitfe hired wl it usefulneem, with good wilt trltnen 1.1,1 with charity, with earn est endeavOre to arevtale the dictreeees of mankind, And to promote the Interests 01 ll', fellow eltigeXie, a mom who, life ham eo patemd tier, at orruiginnity surrowe, and more than ot ,linary ewtrasious of put t i e regret becomin g . ly Orion, an It lifwof red, rhal an Thoula, ltakeo,ll, rO. emmlie 911 n man, 00,1 .0 pm that by I n , 11. th the community of Patel °. eh has 10141 frlmol, wilt* heart uae ever ~10, 0 I 0 the o/ v 01 di.treas,llPlase haml oas islo ruin' to a , '" l . la eferr good work, whose twudttle ,, probity anignern was as example for Our Yll , Mg men: .1 en ilfe so full of k oldne,e. amt etaritnreplete w ith pribl le spirit and pa trbCient, and allOrneosomol virt lie. , is OrtilY the emulation of all. . . flint In piecing upon Luta ate , I hia record tfjf the death of one who th , "T. heCattile the Prat rcomin ant F . . 0:1- dent or thelloard or Trade. and :or nit— o claire y 2,114.410. more toratifull action, 4 •• do so,feel lug that in Ida h0,1ne.6 career Iff a. no gOl nubeennaing the 211211 stanilaril - 110 pmt, turiancsa horror. end poracioni mita, ray, It. win 11111.1tito o. the chief utile, of a Board or!' rade to not up hw 1 rie guidance and Imitation or Its roe:ober+ ltros'to , /, That u kilo uto tiesplarat, 1.114 , la.. t h I_l4 of Pittsburgh has sot.talutsal. wr alas, n fork, t Iho keener sorr.san of that intilllat tqt, rtrrto of ruhtt s tra , of whom lostos s stn. (Mhos The riper. sat Isl. prls - nto Itto uts lusty not re. rating,l9ll. was lit, Isn't; lost hi t.ttt. to ttt t hr}tt tots , stosa t f es - t. otstur. alter tat tharast• f:ront soar leeks, taken , a6ltattear! vrrefrn#l: an endeared sa nett/a aro, nu , to:eller.t sa tut pat h as , t r , r, t a t.", teat. ; Vs or the stout. ot the noara I unsttt,.teouture sit It- tao pre...tarsi t. • tno einttr. Thereur Ku 14110 OA. •t\ 114,111 - o 41,i to the pupae, of Ito , ort cataue II reaWatto• W it N'a it., 'lts-rot„ re A l'lre Alnrna Teleunaph .iihject of it e it. A rarer Telegraph, ado ims agitamil di Ibis 4ltv, ni rm. or less. tor Ili, pellet I eer tee - ee• ecar s, I c! to b.. hi os i dit hetore Cl ota I ;I,l' nest meeting .1 1. Elliott, , h.. ivp...i•eum the Anac.lran Etre Alarm Telegraph , mu mmy, Is now in tlim city, for the perthtt.t , or presenting the olalrns of the Mt Att•III now In min by the company named, and for the mal. features 1 , 1 Which patent.. have been obtained. It is perils pa enough to say. in favor of th.s system ! t hat it has been adopted in Noe Yid!, Ihmion. riddadelpida, liaddmore, Provuleidm, St. Louis, f.lncinnalt and hew Orleans, And that ni cotintions are pending for Its int tis duct to. into other prominent cities The ob ject of Mr. Eldlott's visit at present is to make known t he ailvantogea of his system, and have therm properly presented to Counella 11 , . I. now lei oosul lotion with leading mambo, the Fri. I ivpartrnent and tile C 01140112, 111 , 1 after los tics examined the 'day - of the coy thorough!), he imn give close estimates itt. Lo the rein, a Moll will perhaps form the princi pal barrier to the Introduction of this pr v Other system. Thu information obtained from Mr. Elliott will be commonicated to Councils at their mint session, when the prolctt Can lie disclosed sufficiently to test the feeling of the NAT, and if further actiuu I. ileetniiii oil riaable the subject can a, referred to a speci al committee, or disposed of 16 such manner as may seem beat We have no hem tattoo in saying that a Firs Alarm Telegraph would prove benelleini to the Mt y, hot whether It a °aid bo prudent to incur the expense at [Ma URIC la a matter for the Finance 1. otutnit determine. tre mention the subject merely to advise our readers as to w hat I. going On. ash o give then, a chance to dtattl, the Measure. The United Presby terlan 'rbeniug 1..01 itensinary A electing of the Mende or this InntAtilt lon wan recently held lie the Seminary. In Alle gheny, for the purpose, of counldering a project for the erection of ft Students' Lodge—a -use able bulg,ling 111 which the !indent. eltl, tie hoarded at a coat greatly below what thee a. , ow compelled to pay. The venerable Dr. J. T. Pressly presided, semi Rev. C. A. Dickey satiates Secretary. Those prement, with great unanimity, agreed In the opinion that the continued pro-Verity of the Seminary, and the clicumstruaces of the students, demanded the erection of the Solid- Leg prop:Wed. A plan was satillidtted. site Rattan trot postponed. Dr. Kerr 211:ele the very encouraging statement that toyr .7,000 had already been slthscrlbe.l, 'lnc! ifitierable alumna. partially promised. Dr. Kerr was instructed, with the co.opera lion of pastors and friends, to proceed to so. Bait further contributions with which to ..11Th. picnic-at the largo amount already promised; and insure the Speedy erection or the building. All contribUtions should be skint to " Rey. D. ft. Kerr, D. D., Pittsburgh, Pa.' . Another meeting will by held on the trill inst., when It In expected that s. plan will be adopted and the building put under coniruct. New Hosomp4ttatoWept:l4l. A meeting of the contributors of the •• Ho. mcepathic Medical and Sur (cal 4ctsultql and iiioPmiri e ry of rittAbUrgb, was: . bell the. ospital bnillmg. On Second street, on Mon day, the ith (natant, for the purpose of elect ing twenty-four trust... Hon. Wilson McCandless was called to the chair, and W.. W. Mall chosen Secreta„ y. In n few remarks the chairman stated tb.• object of the meeting. He then read the act of In corporation, and on motion, it was agreed in proceed to the election of Trustees, whirl: re ulted in the following named persons being elected : idrr LArss yearsj-Hon. Wilson ?arra.- diem, Maj. Wm, row. Zall. B. Morray, Wm. MOtcaif. Edwin les, 4.101. Wallingford, li. W, Oliver, Jr, an J. 0, Burgher, M. D. A r hop yeers--Georgellingliam, W.W.Major Wm. T. Shannon, H. Hofmann, M.D., Thos. 8. Blair, It. W. Burke, Wm. A. Herron and James A. lititolunaon. Pbr one year—H. Holdahlo, Caldwell, John Shepherd, lithrd. Dltßriuge, M. Cote, Si. D D. if. French, W. - A. Gllrlen fenny and A. McFarland. court of Common, Pies. court tun tit nine O'clock. An effort wau made ny ,judgo ktotion (but to no purpose to dispose of a lotof open asses, but 00 on u an swering either In the shape of coo noel, parties, or witnesses, MI bad to soon give It up ; a qtlCitli'aurSlo7tTlitrbael'utdnbtfohnarf:g the Jsry ndJourn ed Until Saturday morning at ten o'doca. Tho retnanots on the list will no corned very to She May list, which promises to ben very gtuVred '" a ' n d AflTrui, it numbers about ‘ etleco number tlfty or sl y ily ea tidro by the time the listla made up. Two venires for Jurors w ill, wolentn, ho leaned, nod two sonrts 1w held forthenurpose c speedy and thorough d ooeedlon oaths list, and other open and un finished Caere, osier to the setting in or the. Eweather. •Suiltors certainly cannot cote of "the law's deity" In this Court at lield for Trtni—Some time since we no. tided a didicuity which occurred at the beer ball of C. Kline, Liberty street, during which the windows of the room worn smashed, and other damage done. Two of the particinents, Buttes Seine and Stephen Beach wore arrest ed at the time, but having recently answered the warrants they were yesterday brought be fore Mayor McCarthy for a hearing and held to bail to answer a charge of malicious mis chief, NallloWs lleastetly lissomlite to May is .thus early lu the Old. It can be had of Oil deatenay, No. 45 Fifth street. Central Board of Education Ausentllnent to hebool Law The following oommimmation has Woo re CeiVeli from the State Superintendent touch rig the amendment to the ochnol Law : RTYENT.OF CIIM MON SCHOMA, rrienurg April 3. ha, By nu net approved Ma reh AI, 1 , 00, the time tor the ttrgattigation of the Srbool martin of tint several dial rieb. 11l the ...only of Aliegites or, exeept in the M11e... of Pittsburgh and Al legheny, to fixed 1111(171 the first Itlrmtlay of .hole nI eaeh Nuar 'flit. Boards, therefore, that hay,. not organized, will not meet for that purpose till !list nay. 7.1, , C7lOO/ Laws an.l fleets mot," Page see. :cgs., The out poing flit . ..elm. a 111 rental members of the Board until Illy urgaulatat.on , and sill he en title/1 to vote for I numb superintendent on tile Ilreot Tuerelay In Nlto The new rnembera of the 11.mt.hs wLleo s ere organtzed betore the appro . . ai of tn.. :let ter, rt. •I to, will also legal voter, at ti.l ..leet um. l.nAlk. R. t •.hint ==! 1it1U41..-111 . viii gaging actress, Mina Mary Provo, /tato. /tope:area 'ant night an Nell tiwynne, anti atrot recatlyt‘l with toneh favor It la oroluthly her leading character; at all PVCIIIA Nile .4,1111. well 4,imlllied to play the volatile Intaut . and to fan hfully delineate the .I,tep untiereut rent or 111.• heal t to which the frivolity of the roan 'tenni y ell tally Aa mink.Provt.t. appear , tilts evening the Itenottflo French I rannlat ton entitlen ••LISCIV, the Ver , eoutell." A rarer will to t he ..,111/Igt. PlaVrtlillrlll.lll 1 . 1 . 1,3317 Run T111.A111., The versatile actor eaccesst ilelhivistor of eccentric eliar.i ai tete, all/ appear tins even. rtin on n adapt at too ol Dichon'a popular i tat ~o ry • i lieninev Soh, - as Captain U ut tic. 1 1114 play unto much Intrtnsi merit in I ice; I.ale, NI; aug oouils to a ,•1 , , , •1r Flo hill be . .11/1/01 toil 1 , , rSCulle. it ntr.di: ii% The - Laeiriliag llt mt - ain arm he per. ...11.11e%• g u uttOthutottnu t !nee!. : r n of field at - Odd Fel u,. • 01, !huh ee-pol Nlonduv night, for the Pu-•• • •of ocutuoJtJug n .• League. Mr. How .1 wn In toe lino, and Sly 11r.i. ,uoreturyl %nu.,ertO u 4..t.ied upon nu , l toldreuved the . . , ~,, •...,..:. -1.111.11,, th• ItLl,l 4L Mot "pant:s- Cot: ais.• i 'la mum., ... fomula it lio ss es SAVINGS BANK. f0110w... us Ma. tom Softies, tit otiotra. 3a -IEIII, 1 , 10.1 D -.4 n ere Im:spotted, nod the. PII'TSREIII:H ale., f 11.• u•prot rued so tueot totm Mon lay .. elgnt. Talt, League art Is. one of the strong- BANK FOR SAVINCS, cat tit the comity, end will tally buirdser ~,..,,. ~,,,,,....„.., _,, , ,, , , , ,,,,,,,.„.. i . m .,..„., 1 I. ormerly the IsiMi•S SA VINO* I'AIVITTTIT'ttg!C, . In Maiselmai cc. 1. ost Liberty, Bru.lrloclriFlold, 67 Fourth Street, Ise i sharp...ore nom seek. Tllll organlrm Nearly Opposite the Bank of shun;!. , too. ts mit to pool .cit, ottriumeg, lett fo Is . ot CliAttrango iv MY. b r ,„„,„., ..„,,,,,„ 000,1 f ,. • , a k o . Ou ,-,.. 07 then la_ lII.EN DAILY from 9[o 1-n•vicsk, And ot. WEI, oa • tot oi pita.- of those u bo fell. NEsitAY and eATURDA V EVFNI.Nris from Mat —ma- tat to November lat. 7 to g o'clock. suit, from ••••ut F , Ist to Mar Ist. 6to a csek. c c orger, - --- t 1 I' 1 e l :r , Y. ,,0 .'h0y A'r".'"e“ Room of Ily•Laws, etc.. fuenl•ited at the 1 , m,..a Charge .1I toreery, helot, 31avor melarliiy, gratis. agisitiai Ort lit Et Levis. The defendant, on Oat' Ibis instliolion espeolsily Ire to Eno... sws.. order night. en term? the brimooutotes cloth- earning are Molted, the , ;momently to 6,11,11.da1t . ins. tor,. co: net,- . t 0...! an.l sixth striseta, by small deposit , vastlY amed. a SUM whicti wii , ue and flout., peter eat, iti t 1... amount of Sift, pre- : ~,,,,,T , ,7 . ,,,,,r ‘ ....,..1.'",• a1 . . 1 , e , e - n - lag la l vre ' lii sent ot gtn pnyinent a .dierk iin the Allegheny. t 4 l'a)Titi.rfrrA,:',A-Gims. •lav Inge Rank tor 9 - :.5. met most...vial 1 wooly dol. vicEsil,KNT. In. g :11 ch.t.sge It alt. ,Cori _a .. majaißLirt-sr . that Ito 01... k ...- A ,Olgt•IV L., 12. as ar• VICE iii.,i DESM. ,4.'0. and on the nearlng It tranapired that S. 11. lIARTIVI !S. JAMES PARK, Jr be 'a , ! written Inc body of the cheek, the gig- SECRETARY AND TREASURER, I v has mg tumn , ate tined lw another par- xx, xi. macam_tivx.3E-42- . tr H. was bel.l to hall to Ikllt.W or at court A. iTRADLEY, j W3I K. SIMI , - is . —....- _ . A. S. B E I F. IfAHM, it 0111.., Itellei or a Destitute Ateek..—Ws ac - ii?Uta i gY:f r". 1 MM U St'O4I. ' tem. ledge the receipt. of the fo"iou Mg aunts, IL H. GILAHAM. IR. C. SI:Ft - MERTZ, for the relict of a destitute clerk, n - hose "tale CliffpfTol ITER ZUG. of .sulnetee. um published on Monday Sour:irons—lL Ng. lA. S. SELL. mid dyne — Res Puollett" ' . . • • • 0 0 mo • I 00 • . . „ ..,. The, .f Ins have ( , urn hatutesi to the isentavo- • SCHOOL DEFLECTORS. . . „.,..„......... lent lady who e'rnee‘e"le"e'l tlthe [le ts of th e ..... TO THE scnooL DIRECTORS mute to us, us othe 11 r 511, .I D/ 1., AS soon as received 04' ALLEIIIIENY CD - UNTY i litscla.astya i In pursuance of the forty-110mi sec 13, "" th ea the Pa ' a....e. "• — ' n P . '' , ~ ~., lion of the Act of 00th M.y. :ALL you are herabt ito. ' third to meet In Pouventto. at CITY HAL.. oi raftatitmt, who am , ' l'loe l,ll 'ilair tee 3 11,011 . 1 eat Pittsburgh, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN MAY. In front of the licsi I ton flute: yeatesala, were A. D. 1,,,,z, 1,,,,,g ‘l,, p,..,, day,„, the moot!,. at ' ~..1,,,,1 off by a ptil , olllltll,Ullll Ono oyf Wein ' o'clock in the afternoon. auti select. Inca roc, by s ' , wifely told thou Ituight of U. Macs: ha go to . nisaJonly of the whole number of the directors pres• 'lade, For Iris mstusal hn was escorted heforo en!. one person of literary and scientific acquire his hotc.r Ninyot Ale Cart hy,and Cued IA which.. f-e:,.,,,,..a„...,5, ;WI ; IV 5 twria,....,..,..k.'4,%,he 5 ... r err ,• ^l. be Paid a- li h v. -Y good g....., remark!. g- that I;Z `' ii,Tx ..e - dril . g IVILI , S, 11 . C.7.; .... 'll . l; . rh - i - ;ult . oe r t ho supposed The epleee WA' a e atTae.se,..„"d . of compensation for the same: and certify the to. .t volts worrn lire dollars to kriOw the , nw• felt t., the State Superintendeut at Harrlsbutg. as --- required by the ihirtysnlnth and'rertieth send ~.„,..,..y a . lu s ik,..,,_ 1, 0 1,1,,, , o f •II "Id act. The time for holding the met:lton was Lantmater, made Information yeaterditybefOre Ch "a " ' the a r '" ° ' be- 1:'.1.:'‘,A1, 1 . - , ,, ,fg 1 .T . "' Alderman attain, agattiol Charles (ilenn, of rintentient 07 Allegheny Co. Allegheny, for larceny ass tattles, Glenn wt. Aram Vrrar, t 1.14. e" spit:Mole entreated as the a . ent et Lel] v with the stale _ of a e natal tyo f eigara valued at line. lie cold them, not retained tile :hooey, wlth the excep tion of V.lO, which ho remitted m a draft. The defendant entered hail fur a heal - IPR (hit 111.1r0 lUR • I. 0. 010. F'.—Tltls week elections for tirand Lodge officers and Deputy Grand Masters are being held In the various Lodges, commons on Monday evening Iwo and continuing through the wee]: The candidates ler D. 0 M In thin dietrtet are AI. gush, of 540; C. L. Wucellenbovg, of .S3O, and Rankin, of 431. Tee officers of the various Lodges of the County sere ulatllllotiNltlrlng last week. CITY ITEMS elprlt9; and hummer Good• The sell-lutes a store of Mc. John Wenn , gerchant Tatter, No IX Federal street., Alle gheny, has been lately fitted uto with s now as sortment of spring and summer goods. The stock has been well , elected, and embraces all the numberless articles needed for gentle. men's garments. .1 large stork of ready-made met, Coats, rests, Sc.., will also be found in In his establishment. Ilim.dock of furnishing goods cannot be surpossmi. Persons desiring to purchase n good suit of clothes wnuln do well by giving Mr. Water A call • Thomas W. Paten/ ek to., Practical Slate Roofers, and Dealers.to Ameri can Slate of various colors. ()Mee at Aloz.•W .ler Laughlin's near the Water IV,otks Pns bomb, Ps. Retrideotee, 110.78 Pike street. tor. dere promptly attended to. All work warrant ed water proof. Repairing done at the short- eat nodes. No charm) for repairs, provided the root is not abused arte. it Is pat on. Curpouter Jetibialir chop iletyltut returned after an absence of three rearm the army, I have re-opened my shop for all sOrta of totdang In the carpenter lute at the VI stand. Virgin Alley, bet', eon Smith. dole sridiet and Cherry Alloy. Orctere wallet led and promptly attended to. • I= EM2 GUTHRIE On Sowlay, Aprit HP. et •4parner or ten erekrel r. a., lira. RATE GUTHRIE, wire of K B Go thele.r n d daughter of Alexander Mcßee, or Hel(re•s Rota.. In the Eth year of her age. The funeral will take place from the realdaw , or her husband, Robinson township. Allegheny coun t, . on Wrangsr,e, thelith lust.. at 100`InOek, A. N. 'nue friends or the (wally are resptrtfoi, Invlted to snood. wamiailiAmai*l . - UjILLDALE CEMETERY.--A ru. . n d most pimarextue plate, of eg emature , the upland lututedlstely b ent 'torth - orAll SItT au the - New Brighton Rosa. Perilous wishing to Hertel Lute win apply_ et the Superintend' tut'. ninee, at the Ceuteten.. Title Zeds ermlts mid all other butanes. will be etteltd to co boo s Mtrehoute of the utulerslgttell- turner er ?Metal rod Learnt streets, Allegheny • • A. AALLI, llegreturT luttk Trelsu rer. boo tx.lo nItICK NA TIONAL BRICK MACUINEwakes, with my tww.borse power, 3%000 eplandloßrlck. per day, with well defined edges and uniform leaves. If the machine does not perform what we claim for it we wHI taken bank and ranee the money. Aildrera ABBAM TrEquA, General Agent, 130 Broadway, New York. mhtlarn end SWEITZEH CHEESE-1,000)bs. t Ritra Choice Swett:or Cheese thi_ on , toe as VILA& 0 B libort7 nie44 PRICE THREE CENTS :}aviio(e),JlAsj:6l4o4:l LOCK -STITCH SEWING MACHINES, For Families and Manufacturers,. After twelve year. trial. Ithas been demonstrated that the LUCK-STITCH Is the onlr stitch stalt‘ble for e'en. r stlety of Sewing. =I THE WHEELER & WILSON SALESROOM. No. 27 Fifth Street W:11. NER 4k CO EASTERN PIL9NTJFAVTURES lATATCHIPLALIVS TIME DETEC'r— . V OR, for rorporatton and manufacturing con earns—capable Ofeonlrolltng WITH TITS L - tall/ST AC.- CCILACT the :notione of a watchinall or patrolman. Manufactured Hy .1. E. BCE ILK. 47 COngreas et.. Boston. Send for Circular. _ . MACHINERY, LITTLE- F LELD & Neveburyport, feeturers of Patent Autootatfu Stop AOl.lOl Steam Engines: Patent Le -off Motions for 15 r . Went Carriage Top Props. State and Te rrttorls I }tights In the above Petente for sale. mh2thiserlied ‘IIIOII7LDER BRACE S ) SUSPEND ERS, A BLAKE, Manufacturer. of Upton '• Paton! !Moulder Bracco and Eagle On.- penders, 5 John street, Mass. Order, Itched. A. 9' LIPTON. tott29:2aw4wd E. O. BLAKE_ BOSTON CORSET SKIRT CO., Manufacturer. and sole proprietors of tile Pat• ens Corset Skirt • h telt combines econorn . y, comfort sod taunts. 179 Court street, Poston. Hoop Skirt Vtlerv.: variety. A lso, Corsets, and p BEDS AND RARINESSES.-.1. A. -A. 00779E7 * 005, heed and Harness Menu fsc• surer, Providence, B. I. Manufacturors•empplles constantly on band. mit2s:23lvltv•l CLOAKS. &c. r.:l z - I r..., e:= ' 't `. 1 .; - ...I ... ;a E 4 G. ....= " n 5 ,-:: Q. ::,,, $4.1 ... 'API = w :IC <= td ; --.. w 4 ...' i.„. .. i t 3,4 ..-.. 7 0 ..4 "--' m • . . = .- :, ..`.. M.; (12 =WA . 2' :,.. . 4 0 .' ,w P 4 ..nomo ;,' z iwu ...-.,. 6 i '".-- ,--Z A ; -'' ei g . : ;i (.., - ',.&- i.- z ...... -- p 2 •••••-• 1-1 .;' i t ..., ,-, ‘ , l --. , e. e. ;1:1101;I:.'''' CI ...., p, 4 -...:-.. t % 1 . e Cgt FA -- i. a- : ,.. A o a ---- 0 .._ . 2... w E. '• - ''- -.........^ zc..... : - .• QUILTS, 1310..7'E r-CO.B B QUiLTY, L.; Arf.'4lS TI:11 =I WHITE, ORR & CO., No. 2 8 3W . 11t711. :spa ~~snA~i,`~ +.~~ OPENING Ou Thursday, April sth, AI.L THE \' Elil NEWEST STILE,fi SPRING &SOMMER MILLINERY GOODS, AT MRS. ILITCHEAS, h". 100 FEDE It AI. ST., d.L..,E0H11 N VITY a DRAUGHTING. GENERAL---- DBAUGHTIAG OFFICE Bad Peat•corat A!Lillel.loocry• Po. If 13t Bt. Clair St., ow thaapestsion Entlge li. P. eir.I443CIII3HP. 01./0 Itngln•st deli. V. 14 tlav smelt REAL ESTATE VALUABLE FARM AND SAW r MILL FOB littLE--alontahas dlff scroso too of which arc ender Otero dne goo Tinto: her; Calaiico White Ott; • larg•Maneinn; good !law Mitt In complete order, Capable of kernlall elf &Old toot por day. two Tenant LIOU•ea. darn, good Or chard,. underlaid with Coal and Ore:. situated In Pine TowoshiP. Indiana Colinty,.lannaa-grout hrtno : even y !nation. Offered cheap atiolct AU eller i