aVittribittgli 4gauttr. 4 T,U4BDAY, arRIL 10, 1804. POP. GIOVERN011: MAJ. CEN. JONA W. GEARY OF CUMENNLAATI. COUNTY NOTICE TO ADVERTIMERO. auce to hereby elves that hereafter all mas s lalrr athartiseatenits received at thls °Mee mast be pate for when headed fti, excelyt lb the cue of early adTirthiers, whose bills will be rendered aartarly. aa AdverUsers will blasee meta a bate of pia, a the rate of cash DaTrecate for ". srtheaisnia of the character stated, will be Irak.- Ml= lit , ' Priem of oar psfker Is THREE CIGNIV at the counter or from oewebors. Served Sr carrier/ at rarTzEN OMNI% Der week. TIRE PRESIDENT AWI) CONGRESS' Every thoughtful person comprehendt , that whenever harmony between the rn ordinate branches of government in n free commonwealth cue be attained without a surrender of fundamental principles, it moat earnestly to be desired. Superficial thinkers, indeed, indulge the notion that periods of tierce debate and mortal strife are of higher value to the progress of civ ilization than those times when the current of events glides on In a smooth and peace ful flow Nothing can be farther front the truth Storms and earthquakes are cer tainly a part of the economy of the mute rial world; but the quiet ongoings of na ture are greatly to be preferred to the wild and fearful conflict of the elements. But the harmony of which we speak is not always obtainable. When years of gradual development have reached a crisis; when new ideas and purposes, slowly en. grafted into the life of a nation, have be cotne so powerful as to challenge general recognition; and when revolution or at. tempted revolution has caused the stream of society to overflow its hanks and broken up the old order of affairs; the same coin is of interest, of opinion, and of senti ment which perplex and divide the private members of the community find their ;ray necessarily into official circles, and not tin frequently impart, fora season, incoherence to their councils and plans. This is the condition of i Ile prstple anti zo. . :.• w the United States at this Muir. Alter the elusion of the war I.: the sot render of the rebel armies, tlo President 1111.1 two courses open before lrim. Either be could convoke Congress in extra session, :Old concert with it the measures essent to permanent pacification, or he could ig nore Congress anti assume sole authority dictate and enforce terms of settlement lie those the latter; and thereby excited diet rust. Haring taken the whole matter into his own hands, he propolunded conditions on hirh the Union should be restored. In doing this he treateti the Southern State. :detolutely as conquered provinces. Ile demandeei five guarantees for the future Loyal men everywhere approved the con• dii 0n.., though most of them thought he had no warrant for making his word the measures of obligation for eleven States With one of those conditions all the rebel Statesboro complied. The other four. some hare compiled with, but most have refused. Soon a change crime over the President. lie discovered that he was transcending ins powers, and Ito tangled to the conclu sion that what he had no right to do there wan no competent authority'for in the ea- Ile is liable to the suspicion, more. , . . err, that the new light he acquired did tett vontr through his intellect but through his passions. It suited his ambition to shift his position atidllold that States Could not, by the crime of treason, Incur forfeit-. ores. If this is late then thcPresident de serve, impeachment and deposition for the bigh.handed tyranny he exercised over the Southern States all last summer —nay, fit, the tyranny he still continues to exercise ,Ivry then.. If what he now affirms is col re,-t, what i•xelise has he to offer, to his own cif ~ or to posterity, for superreding the :ate governments by government, of his • it ,reation? At the Opening of ('ongress he went MI far as to maintain, in his message, that the whole work of restoration was accomplish ed, that all emigress had to do was to look over the 'credeutials of persons from the South claiming seats in the House, just as so the case of Northern claimants, and if found in the ordinary form, to let them in. Congress was naturally indignant. It felt as the President did four months pre viously, that the nation not only had the right to exact conditions, but ,was bound to insist on such conditions as would guard against future trouble. The new light that influenced the passions of the Executive Gad not visited the minds of the majority in the Chambers. The President was asked what steps he had taken with the Southern States. He kept silent. He wits asked again; but remained dumb. He was asked a third time, and then he reluctantly answered. Meanwhile, a fair but seareli ing scrutiny had been instituted to ascrn tam what the actual tone of Southern feel ing and conduct was. Some measures were determined upon as part of the Con gressional scheme of reconstruction. The bills were exhibited to the Presidetif with the offer to modify them to meet lie expressed his satisfaction' 3, they were. They were passcvl, eountered vetoes of such sweeping charm'. ter as to preclude acemornodation. Now the President sits in hit CaLiusit and isigedres of all republican visitors, Why does not Congress act?" and winds up with the statement that, if Congress would only act, probably there wiMhl i.e found little trouble in harmonizing." Such protestations ought to deceive no one. The President's policy denies to Congress the tight of any action whatever in the premises. The two vetoes are evidence that so far as he ain avail he means to .frustrate all congressional action.-... All he wants of Congress lc one of two things; either to admit the rebel chiefs, elected front the insurgent States, or to ad journ and leave Wm to manage matters in his own sync. In one particular Congress has performed it• duty nobly. It has resisted Executive - - • ear mach menu with a courage and dignity never surpassed in the history of delibera tive assemblies. This is not small.praise. Wherein it has failed is In not perceiving the necessity for a formal and distinct enunciation of all the conditions indispen sable to the complete restoration. of the Union. Every week it delays gives some advantage to the presidential party. Ev ery fair measure it passes and the President efuset; to alga weakens the amen of lan upporterm. The loyal people of the nailed States -ith feu- exceptions, want the UnionNte °red as soon as practicable, and on terms easy as tle.suggitstions of prutignca allow. They do not seek vengeitice, but security for the Government, and for all citizens, black and White, North and South. Besides, the InhablUuita of the Southern States who were Involved In the rebellion, 'Ott 10 be told what le expected of them. tiny are necessarily Bt doubt and nacer. inty. The President's Popery concedes to them everything. They have apprelien THE Wo.bitigl..... . ... , -...... ~ .ni Mons of severity on th e mi , 0 f.t . 1 00r .,,, r. / R,t teo t er De e ,,, , t arnishea int Irdlow- ' ------ - a.se :ir Mt istiqu. narre n s , i ., ' -, A full disclosure by the Batista sycnilit be log intelligent, AT A MELTOG THE noAirip beneficial. It. ought to be made. congress "The real counsellor, of the President I wietia l trat r er.`n r crat thir t B s ur atc'el!..etea ..-td i t- t ,...a .d i a j r ; st a :, - will strengthen its position in an sections, :in- not now St the 'head of . the helots ile. I 3, 4 . , 1 1,141 / EuT i• '4 1 .f;T n N e 11 i ng...V . 117 , : ,./,/,,,0 affluent , . His tvoinditntial legal advisor i. and among all elem.. , id . inhabitant` ' 1 ' . a, [MI Attorney General Siersl, but ,the or iII AP., Ili i, ~i Arlo\ At. HANK ect--, al A till. tarot 231 h, pm. I speedy action. , die aoatgante, II ( ' !-•ta n bury. a ...0 I leran - THE NOTES° F THE:CRAWFORD ' nuatcel. Bell Ereret 1, a /lito polit jt•loti t 01 lite .- (14.1U - NTI'.IIA NH nradellle.oll.elTl" DANK. GEN. GEARY AND TIIE RAILROAD oil{ ItT. VESA hit. [la, E. Frankli n ..0.1 "I'V forciloh. ['nettle styli., a lan runs largely up- laut.e.cit Kant, 1 it.t.i,o.. aiii i,,,, b e ,,,,., QV Orilf-”il. .nn deportnient, rot whi. la he i. a master. b `• '''''''''."-'' " ".,' "!"... nin=ll otto. i. t A \ I Knit:, tamter. Smite weeks ago several business firm s .at The Valois believed to have been written - ' , him. lift .e, ii TI Tll.Lantillkie pi Ore,. a .,i, i this city addrettsed a toiler lo Den. GEARY, /by tuna. Its excessive minuteness- in re gar- of April .1. 1V.,. 1 t i l ift ed m h ii l ii th o c i e t e h h e in po %l7 tTic a e s a i certain roof. It P n , II! ,. R . 111 ,, 111/ „ .11 , N , . I . ' E n o n f m t , e h 0 e ,.. ;2 st Se c - - the Republican candidate for Governor, asking his views upon the railroad question ; ; , , eekitheo oy the expeett:tio s n a Ci t i e lrla a n n ' d s l ' i - i r t 7 ilo 'b- t ' iM r lii ( ... g . r. P "' 4..rl i al 1-I; a : a l \ r".nl f , place. He won't get it. however. Judge 1111'7h;1'1' r' e ' ' ' '. ' e AP n'it' - 'ito' rr "i Tr ""' r. r ''' ' -US to whether he was ill favor of a free Railroad law and opposed to the Pennsyl- ! Itlnghes of Indiana, an able lawyer and ex- eel" sysa'r'st Zreisf i ltortO . titits neat ; triune Copperhead, Ward 11. Lemon, one i7 . . ' ilist l .ilo d s i r's l oVVA. l .Ma i iitt" is c s ` t i ...T 4 is ( t't . s' u n' t : yenta Railroad monopoly. A copy of the ,or the m eanest lneumberanees ever fasten- .i .f .ndalto r ban VI 11 l! i t lI , Y SIA r: aim, gab, letter was sent to only one leper for publi- ed upon Mr. Lincoln's good nature Es rlitsrA -P Vi j etir-r u TIT ''''`` Until the ' - Gov. Denver of California and KiarieSS. cation, anal an it was not sent to us we de. rIVE PER I;4:NT.' It IOt.SOUN'I I roe 1r010 0 "', , 31. 7 - .. dined to Publish it at second hand. The who resigned a Brigadiersbip in our arms' i'l.gr i. il'..' ae a. ' n lre r. orwinli ' sesla w et o k a :1;',.,"°; 01 I rather than sustain the emancipation lot 1 ,.." . .,;,,g'V E d i 1 t "', 1 2 1 1 . e11i." Tit'llle'"rj"" There will answer of General GRAM, addressed to ha . cd , '; Thomas it B. Florence, editor of the lug unpaid on the first of September. t"'W.rtoln- I some one of the signers of the letter, na ial Union; CoYle , of the inte'lli• VOTICF, TO OWNE.RS OF DRAYS, also been furnished to only one patter, and 1 * enter- Aiken, one of Mrs. Surratt's tone. t -la Hacas - • . itt...-Nntiee i hereby air. to all we consequently feel tinder no obligations sel, who said, it few weeks nner Mt. John- , ""`"" . "7°' c'" . " C ` rri r"' n 'llflk. a -.. whellior real cut or hon-reab anti in , e t i t v C ot to publish if. We, however, publish the son's accession to office- "The President ces..l; o l . rsti to i psy their Lict.nses at the Tr....neer, substance of it, below, notwithstanding the is all right; the South has got its best friend j ~,m...,,,..v.y t i..i t,or .n lit,t , ih n urttli„ ,. ritlCTllW lT n, In nonity approved in the White Hos , " Mr Bm-liallall'S AI- ' tined; V. I.' mid an ,1 1 - .lll,Lne •of tl • discourtesy- of withholding itfrom us in the) torney General, lilat'ic, ' and snore other in.. the en ` et.tiltriirga. plainid Aprill6, glitVaVal petanue who !owlet, or refuse to take out Licenses first instance. dividuals of the sans.- grade, :it, the confi .I" be thnsocs. to. Liontlsr. to be reeorered b e f ore I We regarded the interrogatories address- 1 dentin! intimates "" th`' Presiden t.S " °. , t 1' h .f. " 1. 1 '', r i& 2 r. " l ' lances ''"?' ' 1 , 7 e n I? ,r tls th Y ' e i L l 's ' lTZ:l be no I let ; Cot anti Dan 1. oorbeen, both of n honi izr , : r e:Lat .h :l ,. .. ,. . f t ( : ,m. e Llcenses are taken out, ur pa) 1 ed to Gen. HEART as unfair for two reas ons; first, they were addressed to General I, safe t „ say ere attested here, have the entree. It i•-. , Each One Horse N.ehlele $ 7 SO that the' President pays More re : '!"°' rj''' '''' 12 nto GEADA only, and not jointly to him a nd j g ar d 0, th e i r , o ,l r j oe limn 10 lite more mod- aLc Eac ii:,f,"7:i'r i lio r r,eVV.i?-1 . .. ...... .... is co Mr. CLYMER; and second, they were signed 1 orate then ` is Co SUCII ILO DOOliille, Morgan. Nor- 1 Each Two NI heels leas t ton, et of They art...riot tlouts and sinkers , ii , . , , r4t , . 3 9, 0 1ini , 00 earl, For eoa .d , ini...l,orT.s.re`sl by several persons who had no intention, • / „.,.. n .,,:::,::::;,%7 - , .. ' / Kl .jr re y 'l l lll:l . l.l 4 lL,..(24T mr.etglrer . I of this combination. in any event, of voting for hint. The nu- , -- ---....-wise- . fairness of addressing such queries to one Tut: Ikvansis: In W It•CoNtilN_- A tele- ,w 3i 11 , ‘..... candidate, only, out of two, and that by I gram front Madison to the Chieago Tom., t I/CART-a, 1.Z.50 7 g1, t, D .,1! t 0 t 0 1 4:.,. " ,,,, ' ,', 1 ,, G re t :1 ,, 5 .,. ..,, ~,,,,, , says "Damages to . railroads in this State I s;-„%s= oei j,,A,ltAttaprE,z,,,,ro,rreLedquwir,e,jdot.e,cisnl,lx men belonging to another party, For each and everrlPs:.!l'S t " ,..'rt t ',',fe an r" by the great [total lan not less than .81 moans«. on or bef '• of the signers de, is apparent. Neverthe : ebo The Milwaukee it Prairie du Chien leas, Gen. Gesanv has answered the queries I railroad Cilia...s $500,000 by damage . The i !lo af. g o i- , o r Carrlsge. s. d ra a 11 h ) one h 111,11., the .. , , frankly; and so far as any desire mass have i railroad bridge near Spring Green is re Fv,air . t i a .. ,:•=a4 . 1 ., r 7t , ava , , ,, ,1 .0 . , a : ~t,,, ...„: ,'" ported gone, also the bridge nearßoscobell For earn and es ery ome sr ta';','„..;',. s t l e '' r ea ' '''' been Involved to make party capital out of I Eight miles of tree: of the west line is t ‘""s 6 -• dm'''. br Cour horse, the sum of 10'10 the movement, it has been decisively gone, principally near Boscobell and Ma Fo , ;;:to l tav every M ack draw n by two none., L, . checked by the open committal of our eau- zoinanie, and the tosser taut is well water- ' P ',,',..',.`, 1 ,,' ,`"' ,",," ""thilai. .."..-i .. 'flintier 1 dilate to it free Railroad law lien. GEARS , ed. ain the Northwestern roatithree bridge , For each 's.V , itila ' oZi ' re;vs " : r al'i'av t a " s'ti'r; s ' s ; ei '' '''' ,I are reported gone between here aud Beloit. .I ., he..atoore named Veltlcto.s. the sum Or I riti says: , K . , l4.. ,;, S . . L. lt s s a ir i ll ni t :; t a i n t.. Jas .!. ~ , , r c r . ll r,, Lo a, v , er j ”t able I The damage is immense along all rivers Pennsylvauht possesses immense tress- ' and large streams Every hrid eon the I T " '"' -r "- w i th in r ""lc dal. aver the ..'sit'itVo", urea of mineral wealth, and most Barbot, river ls gone l.el'a body think of I ' rly " Vife dl isi n all e 'OPit:j' a i al v l Z Vr j r n e ': er tn °` l 'i. manufactories. To develop these, to tol e I 'ha Ottlnlwr at Vehicles of ever.r) or'elerlprtlon!Unwenell a liri.l.nr ant where lad he van 3 -liafely eat' atal used Ity thew to their litialtlean, and the Kind ter everything which Leads to their deyel- I • - f t 1 tar.. 't , i fourth 'i ' • it is gou t ot ; th tra , and lakes thereof, and the same eel., snail be smite Under opment, and to cherish and promote equal- j here broke their banks anal all low grounds j `v. l '' .. ly the tights and interests of all her chi- 1 hoot Madison are eon ' nt 0„,..,1 i nto I k w , „,7, - ; „ it', , ,,i,-Y,.‘,"7,,,.'"L';',Vi' s e r 'll e ", r kee. re ss ~,,,sjun-. pr .. a lens, I ffrlnlY believe to be the high"- duty ' ' l l'ne A works are almost ;tuhtnerge':l, i r lit y r s lc an n . o . t . la;ss . t . ht f. l . o E , lre i .r . t ir, for eter ) thin) eke I : cut, Ileense s as aforeastd, s ' ltalrbrsubje a ot t tt n et it'e r ii" of her statesmen. i regard every kind or , [lire : e'! l i ticlie, more Water will restore Milton ' . 11';‘, 4 of each year. Alf 1.14ry M ahler Kee te't 1 1; t r11%'- ` public improvement as conducive to this 1,.,„„1t e ,,.- I ns to matte the return required In the alb Let lon of end, and I am, therefore, in favor of the j- -...........--. _ _ t hlstortilnance, shall, In addition to the foregoing. most complete and elaborates ystem of In- I THE t• ',TV' F PLA‘II . F AL o .„..'lM's.` -.l'llo. ~ o e, :o; . bieo,. to spi.nsiti or not exceedin g en y dollar.. tented Works, together with a proper ays j Lomita; Deity New.. says "I he la,t ret nth aLi; or l O a r'o h n t i . .'c'tl'l'it'e Itfe i rs'n'e to r 'XIIIrcI cl ay, 1 7621 1 :3! tem of Protection to Home Industry, as a I issued by the' veterinary department tat the Jl l ',"„ r lr e l l e .",o*".,'l, l4 ll "1"n are ' l . toi l or thr means of converting our cost mineral re- . privy count il gives .olliqfartory eviolenue , eil to oonordy 'ol . s'l:a r tirV :Tr TiTtrviofto"n h e r 'o l ftl i j,. 6 :: :purees, agricultural products and mane- I that throughout' the country generally rind ',1„1,.",,,nt,c,%`"„"„J:r,..-,TV"'",.'"'„'''',nslet,ll.Tece""rn,esnet tat turgid articles into values... Whatever' erp es t is gradual] v totbsitling The attack- rani la eoen o.iv. to ' l ' ie h oi n oteil ' ai l id'oo l llZeted :, pa - rl shall so improve our commercial inter- I which in the week ending Pehrnary 17 had'. "it ;=.:0.. 1 ,',";;!.,;`..1 t ",,‘,..'. 1 ,°",11 s ' s c r'',"' , . 1 ,MlrSe. enable our manufacturers to send t risen to a maXimunt of 1:1,000 eases, ,1,- j iisro, nos to start e 1.% breed doer t " he th an'o h v'e doVe l . D. .11Arr eltlttt‘t, City Treasurer. the pmeeeds of their industry to market, i clin.l• in the following weeks to 10,000, a' :'w'l :Ind so !dace our State at the head of the i 7,300 and 6,500 in the last week. This last i S. maitufacitaring and producing States of the 1 retorts, it is true, is hardly comparable withi PROPOSAL'S. _. __ . . u u ion, shall have my cordial aasistanceth e others, as it is to noun- extent disturbed a s„, , EA LED PROPOSALS, for the and cheerful approbation. !by the slalightering which is earried nut t:rand, and Parin g of Latoral Ailey. from 1.0- I regunl our railroad system its the r s eet Censtula,do ner , or the den brat under the recent act. me the r t stre e ts alb he reeelved by ISA 5 c ultade of commercial and social intercom- t weeks are unaffected I lieri4ty, for as the dis- I signed. •t the °Wee of Phelps. Park & Co.. Man chester. ninth APRIL taro. lota. munication. In addition to the great I ease always/ remains dormant tiering the l . KIRK. main lines, the State is enveloped in a net- 1 inenhatise .. • •e, which may be t nine or ten ; arad Colton in oto btreets work of Miner railroads, which pour an in- , day.. it is 9 . I. clear that its natural pro- i SEALED IPROPOSALIi k for th , i` , , ,. 1 . 5.m . Adams "reels. will be received b, creasing stream of mai, iron, ore, lumber, 1 grew would ii unchecked for about a tart . , tirodlit of NllO, l So reel and Ailey between' 44. i,, lire stock, agricultural products, and the I tight tiller tic act illole into operatitm " %Ai sTk.55 AHT, tatreet Commissioner, or the handiwork of skilled labor, to the distribu I .-...............-- t iiiiilrrt.lanial, al the other 1 .„ Melt, Parke s (M.. ting points Within, and beyond, our bort FRUIT NOT KILLED is Miss.; ni - WI. Manett,ster, until APRIL 1 ii, a . W. N. KIRK. dors. t have noticed numerous complaint: in our ~/, oad Committee on Streets A LLEGIIENT COUNTY WORK While these corporations continue to act 1 exchanges of the widespread destruction r their part as public servants, they should tof fruit by the '"'verilY .f the . not NE aNDIN Ed MATE &SY IX IL -Prot.- frosts the pen Is • - • be earefully protected. They should not ; winter, and are gratifie,l of being ilble to ..1 . :' , ,7 , !t tr=l , , ,. e i l , tl :a t , il APlt i lllol.ll, ht the stste be permitted to overstep their legitimate I Math Lim% "a general thin/Z. the Col ebb rd' 74 5 1. stet. note l , comas, l'l'l l t i )"'t'sert7ii t i 4 " lt'st i a[e'u r oZ I s= ftltletiolls. As creatures of the law, they .of Missouri have escaped, and a fair aver- th i 'l r ",,l. l. ,„,:'l l ' . ,!:;;":4t.'cild should obey, and be, in every respeet, sots ! age crop J./ . ~it the di li a r rear varieties of tin.. anantler. quality and FrlrT. ' a rra rrt.."' a '''' - seryient. to the Saw. . fruit may be expected. Mr. Ilarell, of the -t; k:1.110F. 'lt. AV lIT. President. , 1111E.E,Secretary. I answer to the first interrogators-, that ' St e Louis Park of Fruits, xhibited t are .d . GE, A 1 oi, t•Orniir rc.rtta Ana Wooo sets. while I believe it to he improper to bring 'Change, yesterday morning, a variety o f mersnentie. Atirtldd, MOE -aptirlawilatrid n, itToNE.-Th e Penneylvant a Salt maser..., the influence of the Executive Departm e nt 'branches of peach, plum,siwar, cherry and j NOT 1 C E TO OWNERS OF Lint_ to bear upon the Legislature, in anticipa- : apricot trees, in full bud, and is quite eon I ornpitny will ret,lse propos a l s . Willa Illipply of tion of its action, except ill the way ofj fident that the members of this flourishing recommendation, I tun heartily' opposed to ; enterprise will he served with their full a 20,000 Tons of Limestone, tar not taus. than NI 'tt YTY-rtttlit I' Ell CFNT Ml lite creation of any monopoly in the mil_ amount and variety of fruit Me tainting Sad, road systimi of the State, or giving any ar- i son. This is very gratifying, and we hope RCM. to to- delivered In ,a_rt upon tite . / ( 114 t our thicial body created by the law. powers ' Mr. Haven may fully tealize his eXpell.• ' V 'n" n'nr"". "1"P". 1 . , b^ '-otalitoir , Work,r . lit te , j . ttne , t i t , t , tn i nst i tlx .7 .l tetth the Western Pa. which would place it above and beyond the I tions-N Lout. I),ntorror as 'lett Cars to be fur -........a.- I hplied by Me contractor. Not less than 60 nor more reach of the Legislature. To the second interrogatory, I ease , that l...wi.e.shNESS IN K ENT, . al. -C'ermin 9..Z.,Tr0l- to ' or , s' i t'o l lr"en i tt' . ; r l r ; p la .._, J y. spp p, fp, while a general railroad system woul best I P" m "'"a " r K "'"' k 3 ," 1 '1"'" th n '' " . . I thilY rs'e r ;',:`,l i s e b•-• or;!!:'Till.',„"'„11 1 `," -1 '" 1 1. ''''t` ' l ' l ' - 11E41.5-4r Co.. t •a.. comport withe sound public policy, it must giv e n up to a +hoe of in wne-omeas A few luau:Mt originate with the Legislature, mid until it du Y" '' ln ''' tarl'''''Pir of P ' rj '' thr " l ' l Y t "" k shall be established by law, grants of power, from the jail It negro w.itting trial, .ind EDUCATIONAL. m a y h o property ma d e to railroads to con. bong biro Li/ a ntoilit.or mg tree N.. on. serve, branches w h en t h ey are des i re ,. l by I al.trenlf.. 1,/ hale been arrested tor too of Ina m E y o. s & FAIR liT's sELECT SCHOOL, the people who are immediately intereated .'yne /I t toreet, Atieghen r . near Ss. ; fence A t Millersburg, recently. II . 1,000 t Isar Nov..; Istldg , man was being tried for ad:reach of the ' Toe.staboly Increasing " at ran, Itettowed on this in the matter, and would promote the de. ! p eace. when h e sprang pp in court, drew a - ite.t.'i,iiiibriortt'ont Vtol"itsqiisuit'sltiLudi,P:ldass"'itiltrisgs... velopmeut of their property, and afford I them avenues to tnarket. Such grants boil 1 revol Sr er and ileelareil that "any person i ..i1 k ,:t.th r .. 1 44 ,- ,illi i iits a Nntr i tl , ., i2 - rir ni rho holm It ts so restricted us not. to violate indiVidua ' who .41 he tired his pistol the night before 1 oun g Ladle. rerei, sloe.] 'for In;trurtlon lot all the ! /old a lie ' Ile further ass,- net' that he ‘...vb. , .. 1 a .."." 8.8 roillth eitiisnilon• rights or public interests. 1 lan vuor. la flittltol.;4ol, INTBltEtert \t: and ; Wolliti kill any one attempting to lay bands ctimet.erx. In reply to your third question, which to It - Len the Marshal adtaneed at, re-...* , unto ete"' th. , tote or tits.- ...to , my mind includes both the others , 1 sac, I "n Lim. ~ . charged ;doso be oll.wtharged Lis 1 , 1 4 1 ,, 1 l, lOC, kill 111 g N. El. -A II kiwi. of ornamental Neallea ork. again, that I believe a general Mw regulai one F. E. Waters, forme, ly Auditor .if tit.. ap.S-,12-1 4 Is inc the construction of railroads and grants 1 of power for that purpose to be most con ;State sistent with public policy and the interests of the Commonwealth; and entertaining these views, I would certainly use the le . , g ‘ ititnato and constitutional power of lite isecutire to secure snch a detirable re suit. The spirit of monopoly in this and other matters, should be discouraged in a repair Bean government, and I have no sympathy with any policy which may be designed for its enexiurtgement. I am, gentlemen, with high respect, your obedient servant, 'Joust W. GEARY. PtIT TIMIS AND TEAT TOGE7IIIDt. They are just now holding what is called the "Southern Fair," in Baltimore, for the relief of destitute rebels In the South. It is a pet project of the Rebels of Baltimore. The Amerie' an of that city says of it. "We do not find among the list of man agers of the Fair the name of a single loyal lady, nor among its gentleman managers and promoters any of tl out who 1001 i an active part in furnishing (finds fol the San itary Commission, which dispensed its blessings alike to the sick and wounded of the Union as well as the Rebel army. •On the contrary, we find that the great mass of those who have taken part in it have been, and still arc, active, and persistent in the sentiment of disloyalty. Previous to the opening of the Fair a number of lecture. and muttons were given in its aid, and In various parts of the city tableaux were pre sented to raise funds for It. At all, or nearly all of these, words were uttered, scenes presented and songs given that would have ..li , feked any one having a particle of loyalty. At *lecture, the name of Stonewall Jack son was greeted with immense applatele; Moseby, the guerrilla, was surrounded and complimented; a song of "Wearing the Gray" was enthusiastically encored; the American flag hissed, and the "Stars and Bars" applauded to the echo. Tableaux have„ also been presented insulting to the Government and the loyal people." Now add to this the following, which we clip from an account of the Pair, got up and carried.on under such auspices, given by the Baltimore Sun: DONATION PROM Mrts. PRERIDENT JOHN• RON.—a beautiful tribute, denoting grace ful approval of the Fair tuid sympathy with its- beneficent objects, was received from Mrs. President JohnsOrt yesterday morn ing. Through Mrs. Col. Wright. Rives, Mrs. Samuel P. Williams, Mrs. •Fmnk Rives, Miss Julia Rives, and Miss Tannic Main of Washington, r dispatched to 1 the Fair a magnificent and fragrant basket and limpet of natural flowers_,_ freshly cut from the conservatory at the White House. The embossed card attached to it bears the inscription: "Mts. Andrew Johnson to the Ladles of the SOUthern Relief Fair." This exquisite collection of exotics has been placed in the "Floral Temple," Under charge of Mrs. Wm. Kimmel!, and was an object of much interest to visitors. Nxw converts arc always the most zeal ous. Hear the Montgomery (Ala.) Ledger: "If Black Republicanism wishes to find out whether the South Is loyal, there is now a beautiful opportunity for tihding out. If they wish to prove their false as sertion, let them now attempt any seditious move, and they will find every blast from Johnson's 'bugle.horn worth a thousand men; and before the notes shall die away in the valleys of the South, a soldier of the South will wave the old banner of the Stars and Stripes on the Northern hills, and though we do not desire-them - to do this, we defy them to do so." Evidently the only danger to the country now is this excessive loyalty of the South. Judas displayed a loyalty,lo Ma/Waster af. ter the same sort. Tau suspension of James a Clap(' & co,, bankers, In Boston, Is announced. They had 'dipped too deep Into petroleum. 1 1 ''-'i, . .. GRAPE VINE'S 1 righ , to pa „ . ,,, a f„gitj,.,. s h", : 6 it t„ P ! : VIN E:S AT TUE I'OE- W HEN da very war to h e proteetial, it was perfectly 1•144'. 40 establii t all r•C 1e11,i,, i IV SYSIII 01 , ' .. . ' " """ ' , 1 11.1a,4 are 41 ...o per .1.• C. 11411,1 Slates 0111.1ak 1 . ,' 11, enPirvetnent, sa 7 • and to provide ti it. maintenance by Lunt , '!;:: jj, ' , " ;,:r, 4 „; ~, ~'..;:, '," tnry power, whenever it should lie itt•t•es , sa• i lona • ~ 13: 8, do earl; All this Andrew iltilin.m voted Sro '''"' ' 2 '''''. i "".• 2 ."' e..th • t TWA W BEIM I Es. slid advocated. • . kgrien 0 aral . $1.410 ~,,r l , 50,, . But now t 17114 freedom 04 to be protected, -orarrt tell at 741 ga i ' . per do: the same procedure and the saute legal ma -U' tw• ...masa ta. ' .'" A l7 %stiiiirr," woods 40 01',481108, F. Ft. W. & C. .h. h. chinery are unconstitutional, impolitic, and or i t Poo 01114. r. A Ilreleti y, Pa . intolerable. This is also proclttimed by 25 , •-tot Andrew Johnson. It is strange that what. - _ ___ ___ was right when applied to keeping human DISSOLUTIONS. beings in !windage, should he so very wmng ' . .._ -.- when applied to preserving their liberty ._ DISSOLUTION Nicap Rtp. POLITICAL . ... !, , ,7,,S rz n 0 . 1 .. T ,.. 1 , o /1i. 1 . t;•( 6. .C. 0 1: F i I v 'T Yis4 i s calve ,I Or "V.l am 1 1 101.AIAN. IL V IiKTT Y. r - r - FOlt REGISTER. ' Tl,e nuslnecs of the nrrnalll Ito curt ed el the old ffi Alla, 55 Oh. nir,c. Allegheny l'ltT, R. D. HUMES, In reltring from the above Ortn I recpeettolly so n! "f nrentum Borough, so bjc“ Io the decision oi ' 1 2, ci w t . 1 ..1 .1 1 D1.°" , . 0 PIIII-. 0 .6 0 lIIIIIIIcoIi rl the itcpuhllegn l'nuoty Colleen lion. 30°-1 " • IiBTTI ." "" late arm, In '7 ; ?' . "l fittlfi r ll A ' N. ' . --- - ' • garCONGRESS. 22d DISTRICT. . - --- - - HON. J. K. MOORHEAD B.ROKEIt. .. :S . S. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, Haying placed Mt...H. , .h . ,r H AIII",•I 'lr h , • : r.... ; . % AJ• DOS It` , AND REAL ESTATE. 57 FOURTH rln ~,,, m ,,..,. , 0,11.4,-. , .,—,,„...,e n .03,1 1 T ; .1.zi,^,„.:„„,: STREET, t Iturle't linildlng, I buys and sells on theme itgi-Vo-i4res; Union'he ZMI DittelM-. SO kloct to t (.111.31551011 BASIC RAILROAD, INsHILANI-7., tion ono t he Rep htt C so e eons• h 'I- -1. .. - 1.1--, - --• -.--- OIL A\l.l tsTHER rtl 1 )(ICS. and lOW ERNMEhIT, Dun. a7r MU h lel PA L, RAILROAD AND °TIM/FRONDS. farCOSIBUESS.—Tise friends of ' Order, expected by telegraph at the 14E11' TORII HON. JOHN P. PENNED and PHIL A DELPHIA STol K HOARDS at the reg. ulcer commissions chanted IM those title*. Orders Will present hi. name to the I onsention t.l . the , • ‘ n e i ryted for sale and imn•bAse of Real E Union party. u for nomination a oto nllidate for t ca- ai d state, gren!lnllje 21A Distract. to hlatOwd gW"CONBBEis, ' . IEV. DAVID JONES, Who hag re- . vocal r returned trona a tour In Euro will do i Ili er a Lecture In the Etat Dem won Methodist Pro ; ifiV i iit t l i (:it, reit, Allegheny City,. on j TM URSLIA 1 ,IS ACA N DID ATI I 0 THE Nigh DISTRICT. ' . , lAi N . 10% '' Tr,Vsletsirt.en ' t.l "b trO l e — n '"1""n IN lotalhed nt the toldiiinid Rook Store of A. it Engllsla & C0.,00d at. • also .._ . IrgrFoll SHERIFF, ! 7;llll%tir4gij',l4mli'Ll;:liteB,,,T:in,;''',l',.=".l""t* j The proceeds of int lecture ore to Ix, t i plleil LO lit SAMUEL L CLULEY, YlEZZ i n'A r pt'," , -;;l l rlt'u n rnletr r T. rirrt ifi iZ . Subject to thy action of the Union Republican Colin. ,at Or: lecture to eunitnenee at l'hj airlock. ordi,td " ty Coyeentlon, , _ mll2ll•Led,tier : . .—.—...--_____ . -.... lar — FOß SHERIFF, ; HOTEL _....._. ._ i CHARLES BARNES, , .. ,•. D. WH1M...1. N. WILL•1111...o. ANUMINON• VVILLARD HOTEL, Lata.Colonel Sixth Reg, Pa. Maury Artillery and . T Y • • /tree. Brig. Gen. U. h. A., subject to Die action of Opooslte the Court H0n...., the Union tionrentlon. Inh22.:,LiwP 1 . , . IgirrOlß SH E RIFF. 1 LClrCritil Xi IT& -.31E1, ir."&".. , J tint oottipleLe ly .1, naw Mari' and rurnisli t;i, JOSEPH ROSS, WITH'S. WILL Alit) & Of the First Ward, gl i tttaburgii, will Or a rand:- ' apitt2w.l C U.ProhrieSara. date for Sheriff, sultieet ho the action or the Union Republlean County Convention. iv'. lime .___ ... rgErFOR SHERIFF. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, Late Colonel Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, mh2l_ Ica GENERAL JAS. S. NEOLEY r - g - 1 .-- i's - 1 - 1 EItIFTF COL JAMES M'K..SNOOGRASS, OrMelfeespOrt, (late or the with Pa. Reserves.) will he a candidate for intern!, sobleet to the decision of the mettles Coonty Convention. tottßi:te C 0 CATTY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE HAMILTON, , Of Pittsburgh, subject to the acilon of the Union Repeollean Coo uty e013•0111.I011. apOitc _. . - Bar -COUNTS COMMISSIONER. CHARLES PUSH , Of Minebesier. will bell condlasSe for County Corn tols•loner, subject to the action of the Union Re publican County Cnovsntloo• tahniddtwin rarCLERIt OF THE COURTS. JOHN 0. BROWN, Of Hampton Township, late Prevate'Co. if. 1(01 Revt Vooo's Vol.. IarFOR'CLERR OF COURTS. JosEpH.,BR,OWNE, Lau or tend reuerflnitilloitaiicer. Alid 515 Venn ayl,"l. Amity!". lhotlieti to the decision or the brepubllceet 9oelli9 , VatlYentiol3. IarFOR CLERH OF COURTA. OR: of Upper St. Clair Teiresily. ralilfe4M;fl4l7 NOTICES LECTURES CO-PARTNEREiguTh. CO-PARTNIERSHIP NOTICE.---We haye Mtn day us as partner We t tronerat Manager of the Pound ry ond Machina basi -1 Rem, In which rre are now engaged, Mr. JAMES NELSON.. formerly of the well-known firm of .1. Nelson Vo.. and Starkloglgas A Nelson, of Ml* • city. HUGH M. BOLE. MINER Stoll. PlTYRlttmon. April Int, 1 / 1 641. —spilt: Had PERSONAL, o THE PUBLIC.-1 hereby no. k nowledge that the Information, wade by me on the 7th Intl., before Alderman 'Strain. tult EIIII3TRIN for larceny and for ag obtain/di i money under hole pretenoes, Were addle throuth Z,":rko"e g 'gr y `trnlT AV.ertiVe h tTir ' dl,ll:2l. l". I. P OILOWN. eryanenna, Aprillth, leed.—aplOttl4 MIMEt3. - - - TWO GOOD SIZED, YOUNG AND GENTLE MULES FOR nAL E. NV IR bent SPREAD-EMILE, on 11.11. orty 50.4, about NOON ON APRIL ILITn. aploo/17thilawitT ROVitSANi) DODDS AND DOMIL.-1173Vrur- LL he bad. tvlllt Board, by /14...J2%. _! e man and 'rip, In _Allegheny, 011 the Ilne or the "" or. ants. its ranee :has aed. lorpmf rEmoVALs. PEMOVAL.-111. IOcLALIi &CO. have rcrooved their ce to Ito. 121 Fourth -91/IVIAW offi - apt Giri JO 110 Cooking VT and jiltberal honaevrart. Ap.ro at - L^. "- ZaTTS 0. VI:If -- - Itr &NINE D—AtiE NTS-11123e and Y 631 ALF:. ,Il 11. , 1.1..k A ,Tlinott, Tin ns) LIVE lIF Li t] Chi V. coi Abill PAYER., '.l kof tr...it and hamar., SAM AIA -1't.1.1. F., Li It A V INo. - 1.14 , 31 K. riftAA v arta!, V •• (a pktn re that .hould be lan trT te•nis app), L , 11.1r,,, stamp. EHT W. WE,. 3:inl I.• her ty tteborgh. Pa. r/11)16,...11 1• WANTED—Good Agents - to Sell v Sll ERII AN AND Hid I'AFIVAtIvS, kind NT ANIt 1113 l ANIVAIts.SS, Icily latter Just uut.l elill.lvo VIIAIEtt. . (watch pie , tures, tw' THE AMERICAN IN VENT. ttf.S. These small new Books Engravings, and agents can do better with them than with any .tune offered to thyblic. For full particulars. apply Inor arid rran ASFIE pu lt ELI.IB. Sit Third street, Pittsburg', Va. tnilltilyddLasr :Mow WANTED. --$1.500 PER YEAR —We want AGENTh everywhere to sell our 1.111 . 10 1 VE1l TW TT-1/01.1.AH nEWINIi MA CHINE& three new kinds, under and upper (scot; warranted nee year, Above salary or large cum tn Mon pal d. The I/NIX Machine FOl.l In Vallee Ntates for les. than on. which are fatly 11llA LI .7 Iv.od r,mairiTigUl!'m MEM