iic 2itts - 13141t (6a-rtte. :‘IONDAI. REM ROBINSON, McCLEAN & CO ., Bankerm and Itrokerii, No. 75 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh,. Llsalees In all kinds or Gorernment beturltlea, (told and tillver. 1.1ocu•reol Rank Note., rot elan and flontealle Enelnang, r . Or. I lepealla receteed In Val . Fonda and eueeeney. In reat allowed on time de l rrra r. I ..:1. IoU • ma, on all par, nr the Unlladl Males onfa, or.lole :1111.1. I )Non eireoled with ispalch R.r •initiate the tmslugss at the Huntun. 1•• ii Adroplkii mild Pittsburgh Ltroters • itharilip • "I. 't • IFV:1 • 1 1 raw ..n it. ci.tnys a co., N.. l ork, . 1 . & M .1 . T. tl. PER KINS. Romkon. rT7 ' rr ' PrlW7l"l =MEI= —From the e. ideal ~ n'thee , el I 1..1111'• w. ene the following additional 'le regard 1 01 he late faller,. In that cut The Nem of It. II Badger, the .let al if. 01' ehpuhli.lied yenterday. cent lime. ealtentlon of financial /envie.; flit tosla) !ht. .1 Isrenst.... .0010 1 10 hinge more on eon e, e', . !Wig, it I O. hod s till the I ex...action, than with the performance.. 0 1 /A H. Badger. The question tome. up—tme n a dgn, 0. any right to keep in their 0 ,, 5 1 1 „,e......,1imw0 0 Melt B. 11. Badger Procured nom the 0+.K.011.1 and till' Merchant!. Na I. 1011111 Itwik., ender false represen tat lolinf Had Mr. 11. Badger, instead of doing what he dirt garrote4-m1 expels.. or !milk monsenver anti -Mien from him CLAM. In money, and after wards deposited said money In the bank of .t. Badger S Co., 1001.1 the latter lute° retain ed the .talen money, even though B. 11. Itad r.i the bank of A. C. Badger 3 to. that 11 111111 1 bet it may he said that the cases cite are 1101 parallel. Ho far as B. Bad ge, eoneerne, the) ale not; PM how I. it uit A I . Badger 3 CO. l They have received front It. 11. Badger .1.2.5,61,45) winch clearly he lungs to the serum, and the Merebaut's Ne- Ilonnl Banket. and It makes no different., in moral law, to 'tether B. 11. Badger garroted et develved these bunkers in order to ohtfun trl them the money--1. long its it Wan Ob tained wrongfully. We said )enter toy' that It wan not necessary to heifer° that A C. Bad , yen A Co. were accomplice. with li. 11. Badgoi playing the "nice little mune," lust If thee red use• It. give up the money 10 It, law flit 11010, after they have fully 11.,,r1.11.ined the alto In the ease, then they become ":10.00110- rte. after the act."' At any rate 10101 Me the ttlents freely expressed on the .t reet, and nl. Whother A. C. Itadget A foe elm live down the public feelingsobjeet. nnles they refend the mom.) to threw .1.0 _glearly own It. Sleet. writing the *hot wear.. i form eel tied B. 11. Badger Ilion Lieen arrested on it criminal ..barge, at the inostalle.. or the yank le. of tilt. Illerehatits Nut mual Bank. t Itedger and .1 Phil' C. II Men became Ills I.olol.lnen, to the SlOlll of SI2.M. It is else 111M01,41 Ilia, .nu.w ill be le - might ml the elell agaln.l A. iintiger A CO. --Till. C 111,11111.1 I rhos,. b, n m r , terrohout Mr Mel tilloch's to ntingentent of the public debt. During the tn. tut h i he ret I reit ft 1,5554100 of the S pet rent tn~ )11.1., 1001 1.1,000..10t the ( . 011111013nd in t t•re-tt not I'S, nand inereartett the :1-.211 „ bleb Insnr si es per smut gold In tr l em s 0 , 912.550. nsl the ternssornry Ivan V 1,111,08 By thin nr s.usgs•usont ths . interest Ilan bveli Itterraahl s onsosleralsly Ti.! public hunt. no 4.lloo.iriigi . 41i hots rsn. ass to huh the trush•ter , n ere nand,. sot nt hat rule. Ths,o• PHs stts• :01.1 lnysterl opet allot. o are brgilltang t tot . t r th r t the Ends ktst fist Ilse I.roles.' Th. I Reprthirean ot y Nty l'he stoppers of grain in tins rlt y hare been set -' rd at ill. a nottee that they must pay to the A I , r•Or Of Internal Revenue 0111. dollar 00 1.1 y 0111. ihotmand dollars In aloe of grain slopped Easuittring the year Ioi Thin notice reaptul a good dotal of excitement on 'Clunno• nr•lentlily among stoppers, anal resulted In a all n 1 the shipper, of grain ut the lloaro of 'V rade rooms to take into entannleratuan th.• 't matter The Ans....or of interns, Rey en nu eOnnt rues the Ina to this effect s in. 1 1 , 1 ,1 the r to pay 0111-tenth, land the 14roker one-4410th ot one per I nut. on all gales nhipper here in the death:: suitor this e.na •trutatatait, and the connlapiee at Buffalo or Neu forte as the laroker Shippers here have a:. ready 1.01.1 the one-et:olth of 011.• fair Celli tla t heir +ales at IMMO., or Neu lock. and ltdr wensor now ...ill. MOM Then: for the me ten tt,. or one dnllur et ery lane 1 henna., doilarn of the, nloptnent , —it e are clad to learn, nay, the N.,' lml that MI Chiral' the l'ortatatrosi, of ti .• otrener, tn. i.liegal lon made e•in•• • .lay tfi.. pap.. f-. hal ill' had r - ten a letter 01 I •3.1,1 enlC Iluntlr. I url1114•: to Th , the 1401.111 I ink, Finance and Trade in \ es% Inel April; clo, t I. Ad. Xlolll* Ma; ,t , . MarA. I=l = t.t ..t 4,, t t , •pet t. thr ..ttt•n boat , : 1h• I ~t 1 ,rt er tu . , e t .' :1 ( tr . /.10111 V/it •.lul rh r0t..0 hut( 1 , 1 cut, ; .-• 1011 4 e, u /du.: t • • • .1 i••••I Woo , ' flume r after ra . ut . tr.g - tlt sourbeen, K 2. Ht . tolutt.t. It• /I iesuittutt A Pit t !burgh, . Artrit t.—,totr.tng . .t . . ...tit, ',I , 104 reline. ..I, on, l• 011 'I-rlt•r 1,00 . • 9“1 ,. .k . .1/N • / "U • :tt Prefertutt uo; 10110.1, I 1119;3I ' lettigutt Southern, t.ltut ti,',..North , cutit.cru preferrutt,S s, .. •.r •.• = rong "11 t pet-e lal p• .1. I.,the “11/1114•111. centres chletl) upon l.rie, :..• liortui-si apparently listing to ein tier the shei rt •,etlntl st , ..ls, Oman!! whom the nroletpat 0r,,• 'apposed to too tlae letollng ',tremor, r b..- recently suffered ut Mld.. of the his. h. .irto ‘lsnit here ello tat A similar LtanutnetH opts nth. 10 Itettoling. and Cleveland ato. rittsluirgli. Ti,', mending up of the !dieing:to soot her, torn or without anyoil loos corse t...tures to ttries nets us it relief of the app.- ustitip entertal lied a feu 41nyot ago, and tend -1.. oisuir.tge speculation in tither stocks. TM , i - isilhoieous list Is dell und weak. nod slot-k -at lower. Governments are told ex odsle a decided weaknea, The price opened a; krz;, and fell steadily to bri, at p. m. Large amount% Were offered, both on time are: i.atn. There In a perceptliiie °iglus:Won to discount, the effect of the payment of the Mu, ,ant, One. whirl, its connection tlll the ,r) ;OM priee of exchange, is steadily ilown the Kennett,. Money it In HMI twit pip notwithstanding the to itharnok al of lie postis by eimutry liankere, unit the rote reeler nt .per per tient. The • lliange, hm , ever. perh.ips [Waling beyond the usual Sgtl,l - Itage. MM.,/ art. MOderiLlely heti, t ut ;rye per tient. for prime paper, %Mu pee ent. for foreign exchange on murelv ninnotai ,truer hunkers. Sterling ti UOtell at 'Ar , O It Irut an usual on Saturday there are no ransact lons. Tile market to quiet It le n quo:41ot; whether tile lute advance ;am he stir , ;mood. Foreign goods lure • ul I and someu ;at InN ot than last week. Every one fn the !ramie is wishing for a steady market 'Fite following ma. the4juolutions at the Nen 1 ark Dry ;mods Exchange, )obbers prima: ltrown rillecting,—.l.ll:4nta A V 1; Nashua. extrat Pepperell E 22: Pepperell IL V; Pepperell . eh; rtingn—Mtmonville .17, An thony Alannfactoring Company m; MELIA • ; Palmer Elver 24, Pnlermn 19, Prints-rr, ;neck W II; Merrimack It 11, American ra, A Jen IS; tmrner d Co. :71. Strltier—Amotkeag :t;;4; American 12; Everett .17'A; Whittentivn A :It; Whittemlen C Denlina—Amosteag floston Manufacturing Company X. Manchester 37ti; Year' Itiver 70; Wide 411;414 ilnop SklrlN—Fair fle;nand. There has been no improvement In the a holt+ sole market during the week. Most article. ore Ann, with the exception of cotton. The market for trait. Flour ban been quite active and price. advanced; common grades are dull and ratan have gru.inally declosed with gold. Perk has been active with vat table prietst, and the market cloned dull ono un changed. There hu been a moderate demand for Prime Mews, and prices are firm. In in oinnideratile req aunt, but prima arc without change. Cot bleat. have been active and are offered more fro-ly at fall prices. Card has declined and cloned heavy Tr, demand tor corr.. ban In-en moderate: poorer grade. , are lower, and prime quantan are nem. There has been a fair Inquiry for t Ottliti from stii p porn, 1.1 owing to the liberal arrival, and nn. favorable neW PI from Europe, prices bun c 'ln- CiiilCfl, cloning at inettine for M iddling Tiivre ban been a slight Ovalle. in Petroleins and the market eit.a.l heal y. Whisky item ni Total Importations dm log the seek dry goods, s4,tird,tta ==l Petroleum tout Gold Nllathe ,14111: BOIOE, 4U; Ivanhoe, 2.,en. /•ttnnle, ton.. Greg, t 8,00; Downie, - • :untleii, I , M tilt /'armlet, 9,25 Review of the New York Grocery n.rk., !From the Commercial Lint, April Coffee—The market for all description,' re main! very quiet, and prices, except tot prime and choice qualities, may still be said to favor Lowers. The sales are &MO hags Rio, per Ilardn, at 15 cents In biniti nod 2(.1 1 , , ,, gold duty paid, mostlyat the former prier; 50 do per , teanier North Arnerien, 14 gold In bond; 3111 i tatiane r per Wayfarer, .141 per Breinerin. On lint air tOOO In Philadelphart, balance per Anna Wellington. 15; and WOO In Raltimore, per Amnion, 15{11.45.", both gold, in bond We notice besides 500 taiga prime in Mtn fnom second hands, ditc,42l reels gold; and 1302 91 Domingo, for export, part, if not all, 12 1 4' gold, In bond Molasses —liner° Ima been a pretty ochre demand fro Ifbme neaninee oilf 1.4, the market remaining (Inn et previous rates, especially forte good and aettnr qualities, whl4 l lll are moat in roque , t. Tim transactions, Including acme re-enieli, are 1.01; MOB. and 4 its. /Jcovndo. moeLlY in lots, (but loeJudio,g cargo of Val libds. anti 30 tea Sktua,l at SniluSt cents; lihde old crop , 37; 540 Barbadoes, 12, 752 Porto Rico, 4 24;75, mostly good to me ;a 7.14 - 75: and 352 1111.1.. anti Si, Ceoll. on private terms, a . llll re-eales at 11:1 C.ITS, 4 MOW The !L., k abOtit 5001111dg. Port. Rico, 4.:20CL .. 1 hbls. New Urinate 11,. inlet! Nun Orletini .101 , 1 set Man 6.1114, er- Sagnr—Thort• Steady modem; •• „ In raw, the demand being about op/alit ,Irrl - between the trade and refiner., trim on,. lOr their intinedia.o wants Only. Pelee. , however, have v.:alums! re, tinilorto far borne tune past., and our 4111044itlina. era 1104 the market. cloning dimly yesterday p a r 1,,,,1011111 notations. Ito-lined la In mod" • crate 'c.w.o. at about previous ratesonty hard It cents, Soil whites, and yellow 13 , ,,.404% gaol, The sales of raw are P.O. Mo.; Cuba at*, , VlV.l4CialtlPorto ItiNigda4.4; . St. CrolzotdditiiMo ,"; 31 M. 10 a 1 *‘: nod Win hairs hattosome I , own Pernambuco', afloat per mpet aelor, usual ridded: BY ' 'llOll, it , 113. 9 / 1 11. 41 hOla AL . 1034. TLI stock yv-ei, sbnn I= OF7IOI or Till PITTSFErIitOF GAZZTTIL, ATI•onAT, April 7, The ',Mince market, have been tie, ottl life or aninottion au rine Ow .1,14 .1//1 . 11 Just ciosod, and with it tiennitol rrntrtrtt•,l ni intwit entirely to .innlyintt the w anti. of the 104.51 troll.• r. n, lot Operations lire of ye, cttrrrnec. The nroiet [lett eitnilitlon O. financial mat tot's at prsent, and thesneer tainty rottitril lu the future, hate a len ileitc) to ret ant litclinesa, and the .perulittn mania which was sb common 11 )01, nr two hit+ almost completely ahlialitell KHlEs—snears tire steady withsales al 12 to 13 tor Cut.: 13/01 I for Porto Rico, CO I'. tor soft refined: atol Pry,iftl: for nerd 111,,,.. !odd protty firmly at :Si 11, for common to strictly prime Rio. Sales of tin s..., al 7111. lor Porto Rico, anti 31,1 n lur t root e4l at in for Ilaa a'.nt, and 12 1 -, for t..aroi Ina 1 .. RA I 7: —Sales or 300 bosh prime Winter Red Wheat to 41,95 Barley Is to detnand and sells ,eadlly on arrival at 75 for sortng and in for f all. Oats firm with small sales from store at 1 , 015. sale of car vile] ]cal Cr,,,0 in elevator, . 1 of ',:. Rye to quoted 10....14i.5, FLOUR—Is steady, with a fait local demand, :it3 for Spring Wheat 6 w- itr °, l for half spring ana half Wolter, afol I.lo , 'oloti for all tti inter. Rye Flour quoted at 4:10. 4 pvr WO. PROVISIONS--Bar•on Is quiet Inn unchanged. sale. at 13@13i.r, for Shoultlem for Iribb. l .l sides • and r-21,3 , ...n4 for Sugar Cured Ilsnm. Lard Is 'tooted at 18418;4 in heroes and MO. Pork at 3 ' BUTTER—Is less active bat unchanged : can report some few small sales of strictly Prime Roll at 50, :Intl common to good at 40430 POTATOES—Demand active and prises are well sustained. bales at 41,30@1,35 per and 0,7504 per WA. EGGS—In better demand and a liact ion higher—sales reported at 7t.n hEEDS--Clover Seed is dull and unchanged, small sales of Timothy at I. in demand at I/111ED FRUIT—DaiI but unchanged Small .ale, from store al Bel:. for Apple, and 154 , .2,1 for Peurbes I:II.EESL%—Iis quiet am! unchanged. :It f 1.21 for Hamburg, and NO* fur liccdten PIG Li:Alt—Sales reported ut lu LIME —Sales rtt.1.2.5 per I , bl M—Salus of prin.a at oz,fp. VITTSBURCII VETIMPILI,U,II H tBKET. Urrlcx or Tax Prrmetryton GAZETTE SATCISDAT, April 7, 1601, HI 141—The Crude market continues dull and unsettled. and with buyers and sellers apart In their view. and feeling. We trier list vomparat :rely fen transactions to record. Buyers, generally. are holding mr under the .mpression flint prices wit: still further oc !dote, while holders, although anxious to real- , 411,1 not seem disposed to make any tur- ! !her vonvessienn. ,ale of 1,04 nhls 10 to 47 4rat dy I al El; 1445 414 , dt, , heavy gravity) at nd 120 at 14 lin the ',mot, good gravities are held at 14 vents. r. It it 13 odured, while light 01l 14 uttered ut from 12.`-i to LI. The wales during the week have been quite large In the aggre gate. but as compared wlth the early part of: the week, priers show a decline of toileonv , vent per gallon, and even at the decline, the oentand is restricted, as buyers event It, thin iv that too bottom has not yet been touched. —Sin, writing the above, we hr. en a sub of I'XIO Molt reported at t 1 et, REFINED—The transaction, in bonded on ! were rather larger to-shay than usual, but me mrtunotely the: e inn.; sinptm enrol priers - In fact, as compared with the early part ot the /1 eel:, priers 'boa a decline of fully 0111! cent er galten, lan alremly stated, the sale, erg/ IA! per 14,1 av I Ilan during either Thur, ! lay or Yi Ida) 4 .4'n van enpurl libls. fur Ilit tnedmtedellvery in Philadelphtli, at 40',; :44 , tar.: tote, sellers 0311 13: amt In private Tenn!!. In the early part of the' j A1W . ..0M/le/11/011W hire been Made at 45 for 14,11; 43 for Mutt 11 for Jun, I:. for .1 My. Free dull and nonacid /It 14.14 for prime eft v mand, A1:121, arrltak of ell I. rho: at In fte large. (ttzo•llLog Ise., ern 30.0011 :LAI iflottlbblt during Friday and Saturday Ihe Arivals as report.' ff.lay Keri• as (0110 A,, ',let 'tart A Frew lt,ffee I A Itrff I,no+e Flatlet' it . 725' Willttna It . Vatelerarlft A off f.soe P Logan j I= = Nuw YORK, April 7.- t Luton iti :vy :tal ....hanged, at fur In Vioie 'hill and heavy for once moo gratle, for ro SlAte: Extra It. 11, to I itt l t lEuto, (or TriNe Brand, market eltedng dull `VII,- -itate and %I eetorn, ni $2,2640,2"; Wheat doll, and commie, grips., heat 41,65 for Ohl Amber Milwaukee, SI., or Nt• N.c. Ido I,orti a shade Pvt., hut riot . • votive, at 7:k 7, , for f t,:otool; 7 '44 d' olnd n..terad .1,1 .1, - Over:wt. 8010 lewr nel IA t. 1.11.1 :It 1,1 17:. for New Wc , tero, and i:d ' , ld :1.. coffee:lull and nominal. , iska: toict, at 10, 7111' .r (or :Luba klowcovado; 11. ::, Porto P. Havana al ll,' Malwww, nt LS:. for 1 . 01M.5.. and 71k. for 1,110 EU'- Petrol: - 1 doll, at for tr:::1:d Itotito,l W. Pork very dali ao:1 bent - }, dt •or New klld, el:141/T al. 1::-g War • 11.2 5 ,2:.: tor :old do_ and tor Pt :La.., 1:1:Is tot AEo: Nlav and -ollorm:Optdon, :a , •dra:ly nod onettangett. Loot Hato, Urn:, at 2.4.Vri.. I of 114 , 01. 4U:4l4y:sale, of pot: pack.k.d:-. al 11 44 10 : Inr ,hon:ders, and for /tau.: Ilwro 1V.... IV,: tor I I/: ,:hnt ms.t lit 1 , 441. , , , Itllll., 1“r N.vy.. 1., •In t.• I= ',Testi... Apr 7.—Flour t• 101 l ut.lellrluuC. r, hol Inn t. .1• ;3 noluntqw awl te: I nu. it: not:c6 ht,tl.l , la. 11 null annut II• pet 1.1.11 My; iei . NE. I .1:1 . 11.x ut Iro.l e , /.,,;([ I N: o a at the Insole 11e5,,. o : otr tsAli ott: al arange of trout +:.g... , at1011. theta 1//01, 11116, 11.1311 CI. htkher, with sales ol No. I al . .. , J4.(1 , 17.. r/./1 111 , 1. and `di a• for a Inter receipts at No I. No.' _ t are ..elfing at from . 23 1 stP.11c for fr.-+ll r e.-,1 , s Rye Is very firstly hold. and sellmg at "It , tot No I, anti aldklattc fir fresh ot In .1..1 • Barley Is In fah - reline/4 for local tonsti :opt hot Intl the market rules Ttutothy I. tn active retinest, and firmer, w till bales of good to eaten choice at from }t,-nut. 1. ho Is moderately active at from /PAM. Provisions arn dull and w Ithronl essentrd nh3ng. Blitall sales to-dav ure report e.l at j. 2.1.1 . 2t, for /(ere Pork; Ilrf .75 for ett nt.o .- Reef; 11a41160..ic for ow vet pickled o at 1.5 e for the same loose all weighde rfut Lard IP notntnal at for choice all) .11,M It = Th. ~. Irwthg ore the umbirclo. mode T.. 1 Homes, r•operviming un.let tlpt hirls opened on . Jno J , LW 1 ,1 4-.IIIOW. pork, 0r..;. - 0 Henry Amok , p.l) 1161...Lue5. pork, WUtak, & :••0:11‘, 100 WO:. Int:, pork $...!••.:01 Itop 8t 0 W lb, door 'ldea , ,r _ . • Henry Ames & 5(1,000 lbe clenexidee . , I I , 4'lllltp.ker 1 h 01 1 ,4, 50,0.0 ibe clear aide, 14; 6elehern/4,r.r llenning Co. Innoe 11 , -ertn.hed 4' i r t;h l e 7' " ' : . Sugar 14, 4J,FRO if,. w 4.v„ Siljrar, delchere Sugar llethalng I.len 5011 , .11.1 R 111•1011 eTrUp, Sheldon 1,100 1.0. it 1/1.4.. 411,1. 1.01114 Sear, 4,..W gallon. V i newt r, 101 10 , 1-47 , M. rnreter,l,&lo eullons vinen,nr, 011 1,1). • Call:mune,' a rdimer, 1,51119 inega 1. half bins 17 Baltimore Call/. Market If. tot YORK, April 11.—Beet I_Attle-11/,. ow, t inge daring the pact aeek were head, against .125 tendpreTlMlA 'leek Ile leg to a wireevi but !Britten .apply prier, entranced lilts week 3t,e per lb the average ranged high, . owing to the fact that Very few iminirion Cattle were offereil. We make the average Cl the mrket Prleee to-day rarotml ae (anew. Inf a erior ; common if7,fitaiiee, aoil woral amf.401 0 5 per ILO lint groan t h e onlos 4itt head ware and Washington bate erna en by the Government agent, I 2 left over anwticl, and the balance were taken by Baltimore lintel:ern .apply this week woe. eyaai JO the dement% shAl inaile at iiliffitA4 CCM.. for el Ippeil. Ana Ttitelvti nen l a per lb grow, far woof !sheep finga—The itapply rn.r:erat, ti,i• week, tort fully fig./1 v. the dertaioral were made as 1122;nm t al per lU , Ibq liei I= 13ALTIltolte, April n —From kin, i e.l lakt weekly nernmary Ineinde nark. A ran and Winifred The eargo ..44X1 nag., had been prey itnrady tAco-n rn, ,w fork amount al 14-N, eern in , gfAlc), In ,t r. fl the cargo of the latter, Carr bag', jla4 'once been .01,1 at LS ten La, gold, lodhond 614 . .. has. Alen In tat,Llre sale, of 7ton Eck, In lot. (mu. second !Landsat prthrt e rungl fr I. . 4g, Z 1 eenta„ gold,. to Tartilt) ,it 111 lIA •llhd. Incleh limited and ma-ket Ilan Rolllmore Need Markeit. Ils/TlllOlll., .spril 5 --Larly In the seek Clover sun In denim] for shipment, vitt; roles of 50 hush erimmon at 1.5,75; 500 no fair nt $64 and Johhttig Anti. to viten! Of Inn to Au bush at 10,2506.50, hut Mr the pant tabor three days there MIA been no Inquiry, null the mar • bet Meer.] list rind nominal Timothy Is Bearer, with Ktlitti of ILO hush ut 13,n7ii44,06 Flax Alas ruled steady, tit VAS per bush I=t! Loms, Aprll I.—Cotton, Mar end Wheat are heavy anti unchanged. Corn loner l'alfg, !C.c. Oat. heavy at IN, - *lr U. l'orlr. tumor, lard and Whisky are dull and unchanged. IMPORT% BY RAILROAD. • Plr - reaotow, FoUT W• 25,6 CHICIAIIO. It. It 1 car April bi J ns ranal.w, W "teal A Oro, 1 wheat, Liggett d. co;. cars metal, Jon Moorhead; I car potatoes, .1 AlcPbersotti 2 do, T liarriwin; VA bloom:. Iron, Park tiro Ao co; 31X1 bins door, /4.'2n:taker & Lang; tan do do Wa11a0.";134 ske rums, lloCollougO, "loll;, Co; ra) WA , . potatoes, .111 snesabtol ; .4 : flour, W Llohart; 1 tall. broom twel/Is, L 11 Matticics: l 0.. tt , ttt.<; It adaell A on; 1 car potatoes, L 11 t mitt A eo; I ear Intober I. lAA., gliantyl dO do, li R Proctor, 3o) olA). ietol, I Is Cantent. • CLaVISLAND A Prrrasosoo Mast Ite•o April pkgo tobacco, kl A Joliet lon., pearl barley, 13 Saba Ing A ro; t bl,t Itiol2-essC, POLIO; Aiken it Shepard ; 2 bbls eggs, T Jeokloa; 40 bbl. hour, lue t,go null-rood. le ;, Patterson; 2 ton wheat, II [tailors.; 2 tf,,u• Oult, 1. 1.11 1 olgt pot lat tlati pOtriLtlttm, Jenkins; MI Mils col, U illy ; 1/ ek* illtsereod, P Leek A ts 2; 11 sks rags, Alaikle A. co; 1 cask cheese, 1 obl onions. t C Holiday; 1 pkgt bacon, Atwell, Lee A co PITTSBURGH, CoLcynoll Altio ClTic9O it•TI Aprll 7—l Cr 4norti. It litsox at Soo; 100 bbft rigor, W Of Gortnlqy; la do On, Jameortlardi• nor; lads potatoes, Ursa A Itottor tr , halt barrel. Itch, It nObillSoll A CO; 15 do do, W II Alrkpatrlck A. col io do In, W Cooper; 00 do do I, Newootnot. Goo it ;Do do do,liorkpottrltdi tiro; 'X) do do, C C 140tt010.3 ; do do .John Floyd A co. ALl.r.rlur.NT Sv•l tow, April 7.-1 1111.1.1.411- , der/414e Stan).., it until pit, barley, /11 lirekelitousti 71 , 11,0 tlic”.e..n, Evror A WWI I tobl toolanne4, ntinln non A lal , , iffivnOn . I ..... • I . 01...p1. .1 Ta, 1.., 4111• RIVER NEWS Sayan, ..... Mona• 'U . :nen '.l I . / :met, Ille. DEV AI, ULM I A.., If ar , • N. , , The •N I , riming steadily t t 1••- 'maul laat ryes ang. w ten :41141 half feet 10 h.. channel la the Alleghen, tom 5.• The Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, „ rather C 11 1111.'14, etaint, 11.1141 1111 , 4 , 11;‘,1, and the snow 1115., alrooit entirely diaappear t•• 1 Tie ••••I3 t ran:d a ent rrivni y. 4. h,,e, re ard a the .5 run,' In, fan. New • The F.nonalirall an, (rant Zanesville, Ipal tad rivt..l up to. ve p in., Let stabl ••••ald less gei , mein, the night Ti n . Pal% ard c'conocx:•• - •17". V. 411,.• P., (ram P e arLrallarg with a fa, r•p • ,„„., , , •`ll The Citizen elenr•••1 ter Si 1,0111- 01l day afternoon. with one Of the t.4.st Trips ••I I ,ndlag. br• ,:e•hard. tie rile nsv a •••.. it,,skard the seaman. Beahles tiring leaded •I•.ats te the it, ',was lag gat s ribi • tale had o barges in a., ataers among Miter Items of freight. sli.•• nun o' or iiVri two thatnino•l barrels 01 Cr 0.1.• pr1r0.,;4,11. hleb ad. shipped It, lams a flu, FA Yrri . E. •s. SP Mr. W..r. Logan, af thin , 11) TEI.F.;I:AI . H • APT it. at.T. 111,1 - 'rho Julia eleltred for Zane, 111 , . as die a•se. FRAM h.1.1N . PA PT. W. PA , the Grey Engle, for Parlierahnig • MIA.I br . 1 . •• •• • •• Pl . •t. another tllanatroui .001., trill Iltllollg 0 11Ler.-.111.' ••• a . ' Th.. Ihroa,d. pa,k. • far th, ollig.,•••••••• win lel". goinpletelv •11..5t raved ilo• Nevada ala it, ' 'lan, et a d.oly wl command of apt M' a •., an..and .••• ex tahl sa. u.. we belie, e I , y Cap, I. 114, haunt r and Ack- a .s sh -- Leaves nroan,i, for dall) al M. 111. and 5 1.. •••. ley tio. !ter, ootiltN••• h, • ••' , a n ad la.nei 3t 1: 0•c10..b.: or, s•aturdity, and ill,. I Okla. Leas a• •It i ty „•,.•,,,, rIS 4,1 NMI t t'azilt• point ...I'd,: 11,1. •Inle ••1 The nor to romposeil or 111 - •1-chs+ 4 011r.1.1rsj10t1; iteniner... built expressly rad,. Thr[ ,rill . , . tinhr Rol.; tept Inn )I:trnala. , conintntled toy onl..er. wh, rnpi,:ly for I w,ll ply nstrtirttlar to Ow and vont and II ill fort ot panst.p . rx. troxi prompt , y tuorro,4 I xi LI, hour r4l,yrtlx,•.l Th.. kr,....nit .2. ni•l II 11. Kuhl/o , cl, l• next on Ihe WA( 1..1., and -lie tint Freights Received at all Hours. tlttnlttleA. I.t treaty to let", 10-111Orrou IlltXl .. . do". ' For ftirther partleular,enyilre of The, alutaida. Lni.t. if .1 Dm IT T , ITT Mit,: WILLIA 11 31,1 , 1.1t(tY. Agent, 0,, r„, ,idly Err.,,,,. i ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,„„,,,1 , ,. „,,,I ,he Al the Wharf•float. foot of Graht 1.. 1 , 1,t IN. Ag ,. nt. ao .1 “: 1:Mt..0 , wIN be reaLly I. lea, eOn TIIITS.Iay Pas... hgei- , ~.„., 3,,‘, ttrotern•vllie , l'e. Ll ',hipper , . ~I tmild Lean thin tart In nith , l The I . lllllllleler. 1 (WI Darragh. I, iiIIIIIT: ' , P Fo n ciNiciNNATI AND F*S I.4I, , .teatilly lot Net. I trleati, a.,... n. at., , 0 the hate , ~, ~,,,.,,,,,._.,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~,.... nohinimn, 1 apt 1t,.1d 1(1,111111. 1411 Nit, ,,, ,oiri 1 sig ' ,” ntrainer ''' ' 1 Ifleer. 1 RL MEI: f N1, , R1 - L'apt. It. ~. NI ‘tnrt leo take 11, r 4,110,,,, fro. ,1,, -t In.". , M it. 1,/,• for Ile•ai,o, :,I,I•1! int,rtnedlette pmts Demo r.retl 01 SlTlLirtla . I'lll. I , \P. ni 4 p. io. Armadill,/, tronl Pitt +l,Lirgh, 1. ',I nu ill, a Flo, 1,1,111 wr 114-,llg, 1,,r1, on TTT,III or to great load site Mmig 11l also '2.,,i pa,metiger , ..0 JL,W: FI,At R. I. D. L LtI.I.INLIW,IOI). I Ar"t" for Mi, , notirl, and then are farmer..ll.l their I families Them. pem;le are (loin „ hp.. Penn- j I.'oo. s'E. Loris. -Tiie z aMt ~.3 1 VKILiti., Virginia and Indiana rile Anna- 1 line and ~...mistudinus p,.., nger .1111 Li , Ines not renhip here. hat a ill re-unte 10- t 'Lay her trip to I.mineii Bluff- 11.11T1 I ITTOThTT I A Itt,L , NAUT N.,.. ... .l'api. 11. L Ith TIM•INIT, -- . Will 1.,,,. for Inesbor. , and all tarmvd , te port n 'IT !:>D,l'. Apt it ill. SA , For freight or pannage apply on hoard or to 3 1 ,0 1 , 1.A1'1, & cm I.IN/.WOOI , 1,,. trrlval and Departure of Trains.' I.EGULAII MISS011:111,7.,-4.,:r, 1 ...0 Enel.lt l'A cli FT. — Tile Lie', and ' ' -...— rourotylvant• ('entroi itotirond. ;sp ..tlor nlde , .., In - el steam,- VII,!:. D,,,„,.....„ .1,1,P. 1 I apt. it M. HA/Lir, It 111 lea,. tor -I. 1. , ..,- D., 1,1 , ,,,,.... 2.M • m Mall 1.54, ain ' “111/Lll Itlitlf. trinnha L' ity, mid tin. iiiiL - rtne , lia, Al Lions Accom'a 7,So•ty g.,6, i,t„, . .......,/, a ~, i iMPIt TTTI ',Tun DA Y. thv I nth April. ..itle.lll u.v.l Es p'e ~. .5., aen tat \ll/1. n... ,. ,ast'n 6 ..,, •in , I , .d . freglit . ,pr p•r.age . apy,:y on n,..rd or t , , ....'.l 11:to• nu Penn Ar'n N, 1,. 7, , x in mil- ..., l' I , Uha l 01.1.1Ni•,1 L ' , qt. At., to, I=l • • l'llll'a E't prese.. l•lo pm ~ I Wall 1...rtan..• - .1. • lo lm I..pown A Cti.. ~... p m ~ 0 11... .N. , ~ M • •.,. a m , :011 EVA NsVII.I.E. CAI - L,.......... ra.t I.lm. lo tn , p lz, 1 . 11.1.\ Krlr MAll..•' .l , Pl ., ! it" AN I/ ,T. I.IIrIS. Th. I f . •.fr . ' tat Wall Areown.. ~ a u. Italllmor , k • p•:. I .. p In ..,„, ~,,,, ~...,„.•,. 2.1 •• ' II ...a ti. 1.1 , Vall A. 01,1... 2, I, li. i ,11 l/4:':..... ...XVII , ' Ji,lo. Mlf ...f.. 1. , ' ' '' f,I. m l'llll , 1 , •Ilr , —• • , ul , I. m . ,Il lean ... ror 'lit alkovc 11.1141 11, rtm•.llai. port, ..tf Pl. nu \ \ l , ',. a. 'ti .. •,, p tl. 1% all t A. , it N.. 4 l ..,. plu T H f,.. I, y . ~,, 4p. . 1 ,. F .•I 1re.1,1,. or p a..agg. apply on boapl, or P. 1 E'nkg' 1'..‘.•• ll'. . . Vl' A' . ll ' A e111.1.15.1.W0f ..o. / . the , fiurt - 11 I:11n Iva,. Al a“:.' Platl.." ~e., : ~.,.,1 ~ A 114':• ( . 0L1. ,,.... Ag. ot.• , umfay at v . . 13 a In. , , lurulug, lea, es I'll,Purgl. at • -.. --.................-. flttnb u MI., eotom hitt gs and CI orl unnl I. It I I : it il hil li .I: ET In P l 4•r 11. 1 1 ,•lu irt 1.2 1 , 1 . g 47 .4,14,4. I mine, iiiiift, 1 imalpi i lir anti Inter net' /xi, 4 I liii. 14 m rut L 1044 44 4444 • 44, , m•-• 11.4.114 p.” la 1 4 ,4• Hoc pa.44.41 4 r, siramt, KA TE •• • •• • 4 S. P ' 44 , 4; 4 111i4,4 t\.4 apl. 144•44 i,••• hill ISIS. , /3.• 31.. r, preen . V; 1 4 M i•allr• 4444 •••• • ..... 4 4 444 . 14 , i, IPAY. at 4 p. mt. ' 4ttioti..nvillr A, ilynlmus We Ae- F - 1•5 irt 1011 or piti..aiii. app, rin ...ant La I. roil 11i31./1111 .• 1.. .. 1 4 . as 4. ..m 444 ' 44 ° 4 s ' 4 ' 4. s . 11111311 Yi• kl h,t 04 /I.l.iNii 41 4 i 4,14. kgimlit. Vil t.ba rich, Et. Wnyne mid Il'ltlengo. lan.sr.. ...,a•.._ ,., . 1. 4 '0 „ I . ! , / k I N E , :IX H I , S , A \F: W rwr . , A.. , 4%, _ .1. !! !!! !ri 4.\ 4 4 41441 i . - . la p m 41 ,l 4 ham - ••• (Ann .8 An in s r, -. Iry pr... .. .'1 5.• rni F Ipr•—• tali .. - II II II . A tn.r.in,K Kapr, 7., p In S.. Brigot, , i, A 1nn , tnn0 , .1..t1,, ~.,,.. A. art, , n) , , ' ,;, ' , ' ,; "' ' '' ii r ,R;i1 v , , , i 1 . .y . ,, , :, ! ,,; , , , ,., , , , ,7 . , , , ,;,,,,,,,,, lepol al ',A.m.. II . x a.• A . ..1 , k • .. ~.•1 .. , p n,.. I; 4 , . kr . , m .. p. 0 .. ~....,• ,7. 0 .. 1' , .. 7 .- VOR li F:Ok Eli. G A I,E-., ....__...,sol"`::::_ '4 otny. In:30 11. M.: M ..''..l-1:1....1. , A. . \A, DI l‘l'ql 1...,T. 1 . 71'1. 7,..1./...i.Th Pitt.tll.rial.Cl4.4 eland mad Wheell rag. ~ I 1 sN k y i /, A ill A 1... - Th. an. ,in 'kJ,. . 4, rity. PA , -I - Inerr .1...,,,,, • 1 , 1. i 31 RI A, 1 :q.t. 11... 1 ., , , t- Lapr........ . . : 2. 1 a . 111 1... ,n• + +-+l' . klt. 1... now londlng - ,./1 I. I:, 7..al r . our,! 1., ` ,` I' 7 . Fur freight or pa... 1,, appi, ~t, I , nard or to -' ^"' int , I - I NI K A , ~1 .1.1N.W1.1). Ag.-nt•. I s ) EG I: LA W II PA ( 'IA El' &dr on e L 1..11 11FE1.1517, MAItiErTA AND PANF,rII.7.IL.—TI,.. nu. n;..sin..r 1.31 MA 51^.19 1.11 711.111, I apt I . It. Nl', 1., r. 1,1 7... Tr 1 , 0 11, 10 al n, 5t.,,, a., 411.W/1 . 11,11n. p.,t.• v,r, TI;KnIIA1 - . • '• , It •, 4i, In etnr/11,,e, ',...5.r., ZA,•‘lll.. •,.., till.i ~1 a ut 11.11 at 7 an; .1 D. . ~I .LINI.W. n.ll. A.... =EI PI Iftbnrgl. 111.111 l oottiel I ENEBiI Valley It.ltr. tatt. LEGAL. Pep ur, I.I.EGtiENW NTIC.Kg. In the e. otall a t, te, I A ~, r,l Ail, A, Ptioct,orgli wsatt to ?" I Ity 4.,,r1 1 rttnl.4ll, 11A WI, ''" ,loam:•"1:•':1';:r"1" : , itt ti • • t tt 41 . 11,11 . 111eri I if` P. 41.1--461,1•1111 nn.l Wntrr Mt% 11,1 tttttt y 141,tge, St. t Itnir Fit = SCM::111 /111, ' CID h 14. 4 .0--• /*aro . .. o M. tol 7,,r• QCELSIIS Onirileus a LIVERY STABLE, 1111 . il•it =I ~ 1 1!•111(, , ,,., A ', l 4t.F:t.I . EN I, A NI , ,lii 111 CLOAKS. &c E-4 0 o ;.4 in • g j- e o •s • 6T4 Ire I ce, mz, P z-. = 0 ; 4 " E-4 • A ;4' 31 " 1, pq FA ': _ {. ~ rr- . ; c , .!: IF. I." Z ~...---- n _ c ••• z I- 0 •—.... v ... - _ I ;I; ..,... Z , 1 7r. c--7-.. 0 E.-. I ,c 4 ZE— - L ., I i.. SAVINGS BANK pITT4ISI111: BANK FOR SAVINGS, rortn , I • iL.. 1,1111, VI N., I n 191'1 I•.h 67 Fourth Mtrett, Y••rl e. oy. 1,••••! , %• , l , 11.::! . .4 , ..111 , 2 , 1 PI Il• r Is / fire IJA IL( frown• S{ VII. Ylt lel 44.1 May I.t. t 1.. . 114.4 •r.f If • I —sm., a vat, •••••Ilig .r.. ilia, .1 ILA. pit, 1 ,•II t ••• ;1•-• ••10•01 ;air. , • .mbl• .1.-g.•••••• • ••••;;; y ...• •• • ••••••• •••.1. I; ;A, , FARM Ifil PI.E ME N Tti, . t• a•I of ,14411. • 14 ••••prt•••••• I • • • ~, zit 4 ll.' 4 "' NW. IV O. N I ' 1 DIIIIIM & MI.AI k, GI- zsc.aa - A ~ 3,,M, "., ?9,113 rt rt - sr . S. H. fIAJCT3.I4%, elltibiEWPAllit, Jr nyfrt4ti .r n iiil ii ntristut ....... A . 1 31 . A I , ./ . 1 ',, 01 eitt,if.- I A •1 11Y.1./. I f 4//of .44•11 N, 1,11,W ,,, t , ~ • ; • P iPA 0.1.' , 1 , Pc. 1.. V , .i.1.A M.tif I- I . 1 Pa. ?.. ci , • II If I.lt Alf A A-1 ~ f t .:•• if 41 klf I'A 111/1 , 14 , 1 ilk ft /fps tun..., 1... 1, V•/ .1 A c ht . LI ...i. I yo• CA_II.I I I4TH AT mict.ALLEtvg, REAL ESTATE. No, 7N Fourth titreel, t,,:nirritirlEll.lll PoTIIIKET rttcry runNA r 11 ' 1111 . 114, THE LATEST PATTERNS OF 11. AI, %Ili) aleir y 'l'llll4 •1rn.41 (111 Il' d. , Velvet, Itrussels and Ingrain nril C.J.A...Etr:"3:3 1 P151. volt NAME 4116 etIPN or MICK% •11, L.nd I, 107.1.,1 16.6114 p • Jrf Embroidered 11114 i litor wr. low.rrk , Areal.., X ..ifk-MJ C> .0 CA lIET i zxttl. Riigs, Canton Mailings, Sc., RAPE OIL -20 Mils. to a rris is on r"' 17.:1111 DICKEY & VASTER *MGM- 75 bids. fresh thlm rlaT for main by Hype 1.. 11. VOIIIT A CO, I l l ' NE OLI A E -20 eases, gnarl n ri pt./ t 111031 r rte Autolrr. Tory •Alto! , r art Iclr. 1"r only by A 11120 S. I AVON-20 bbls. Rams, hide ~ +boulder.. rer,elve4l and fur .air err YETZEIt 8. SitAISTRONIi. SIIINGLEN —714000 No. 1 Shin vi I .; in no" FT A Y :4J 124 Set I.L. L./ .Y!'.l %'P: It ti I 111. 4EEI) BARLEY—/O0 bus. clean "n1" ;C17. 1 .i . P.1 A NJE/1, 11 , 1?!..c0nd WHITE WHEAT-1 car While 1 , 4,1 In .lore Awl far fir by Mr 01N IC At A SJEIt, I2i Aer,on tat d r :OLD HALL PAPERS—AI low 1.• """ • ."" ~,, 1 111 2,0 11,), I. h. i tly by a- al wo loa rat •tl.l p0r.,a,+.1 ..1.4n00k tar , ao at r,..11, Auetiaeli at ',et, I:11•En W. is. & H. McCALLIIM QUILTS. m Art MAILLIES QIII.TM, EIMVE r-1 , 11.1/ n QUILTS, WHITE, ORR & CO., IsTc>. 3113 Elul, itsts - oo I ME 1.1.111 Ly. Znnt,,ll.•. Parker.liorg MONONGAHELA RIVER t ass . Piss...oral. ‘•,•••te., r , r m Auslat, , —I ! artsl "rr , liall• s.nra al •••, •• NTV.. %N. .41 nit a, lor .11d s•ssurss,. Its 11, el.asts, ssi sr • ....Sal • I• s cs. I•st . sll,lla7tls I•us, Cs. it .1 , alsstuasts,l A5..11 Sur iss :mall acl.s. 1 , 1 111 I. I 1111(T, MI INF -4 , t M *"." Ell ,: , 4. a Z MI LEAD PIPE & SHEET LEAD , - , g 0 No. 167 Smithfield ,t., Pith.burgli, l'a. Carrfn Via &Mandan In by r.pnrlancen and rr net le r.r "[tale. A Ana ...or Una!). 01 OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS 111 ,, IVElt BATHS, I= f.to Web ol 1.. 1011,. • .lll V V iIN, :rr I II rT r,bltiwdlyEl i 110W1111, 1111 , 111 N rn. F. , lt -41.1 , In STEAMBOATS spitiNG UNION LINE, = Apr: , appoirat, NN anal, 4,•rpitut it) 'Hi e: rt r Hero , . N., 1 . 11, r name, •4ei'l !, part,. tr. 111 - •11 S I OA 1. )I n: A I , roo,, • inla% , l •• 1141 , 4 Ji A I.LE14111.:71 V 1 . 01 In the nnzi s,cedsta, 1.41 3.lnoz,l••rtorc .•I I I 21.1,“1”1..1 , t.l.lltor t mill 11 , and mpße. 1,1anc..114.• p.. , 1 . .1 I 111 ~1111 r MAT, itCl'. .. ill", wtrltt • 1111 I=l A ii.ii•••r iiiii••••nait.7.l t the i• ill 4: ont••• . eiti•iiitirgli. on •:.st 11' A1 . 1(11.. A. at ikiVrk 11A1% Andlior •. ECIUTOIIO4 N 01'll'E.— Not lire I , r• %• t 1 that Lett,. le...tam...tar) upon •Intr 1%11.1.1 AI Alll, F 11,. v ,, unt). Ilan gr•nAral to N stbAnl. I 11,•lusre and th, un .1. r•lgne•l A. I.A. lug elAtrtir Airmo•t .41.1 •••tAle th-tm A 1.1. - X A ADEN 1111.. I Kit . IC) Mamma., str..t.t, Plitolocit I. lIERIAII MA1.i0141.4 31 , 1 Our. 1,1E4 spent°, hiercur:lia. PLUMBERS, ,Sz.c. rITTSBUID4II LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD WORKS. =I =IIMIIII "I Lowest Market Hales, =1 Plumber,' Material, BIWA and Iron l'ockg. Steam Gnu filch, %team Pumps, Plain and 4:alsanizeil iron Pipe, BAILEY, FARRELL & 111,11MIIIN1:, II:AN AND WEE a tea YI rri NO. IN ALI. I'll.l DNA NCH WS. E= TATE & NE VI L I,E, Have ~n hand a lard. •••,.......*, "I 1:12:11131111 I=2 I=l anzuza No. 2 " ♦u4 31) Ohio VI, Allegliri,l SUNDRIES SIIND pRODUCE CONSIGNMENTS t”, on. su loos, 4inshen irhue., •, new tmunr.ll . ..sch,•, •,•• , .5. 1, do 1,11 1 . 1i.1,1,• 7r 1,, Rel%ln•• prime 11-1,1 A 1,1•1 , ,: 40 •, and y 1,1,1 2f 1~1 A pplr I•efd nnd 1 1 .111, - and • EK•I, rE Ft, • No. •1 1.11. 1.11,1.11,111 strert. SIE;NDICIES. 1 •0-1... 1 .. 1, " Su 1,1, York pried A pi. 111 , 1.. Sew Y.3 - I.Beal, 1.1 , I.llls. r. ask,l l r.arl A •11. , to oda 2.51 ,1 .16. Nleugan... .10 Whit. I.lln. :.1.11, pig- lialrna r l l4, .1. Wltl . t. and 2 . So. rou hlorr and for s.i. 1: . ANYIII.I. 111/1= ,1,1 11. 1 . 1,0 ir.,l 'ONSI44NMENTS. IG bn.e. paltur • rattlwrtle• . 54 boxes Nexeluat 11,11,r n 50 • 1 . .1 mat .1" Gtl • ' Ittu itt•ln nt ttttt • Ss rt•ls 'ru Ipn: It/ • :Iv • • I.ltltt.. itt I t•tv - Ittnel . nuu tou.hels In , 10ro• and for nalr cntal if e?i4IGN7IIIEVI'S OF I'lll . ll' .11N P,".•• • IZS • • I I :tni Ilurg •lo Punch, .1./ Toplat 111.,w - 11.01"11,11, AI .t 36.1 N II IA SUN l UEr- N~ "r " "'" •,ft •• rlckine. ill l nall. .r holce Nay 30 •• New Dried Pearlf • I ff 101 I , fl 1343 'III In .14., 3101 for ,111! lafv. 1.. 110 It f . 11, 1 .011 Ifef•v ( 1503.- Slf•—•ene fe3lforf • li. . 10 .10 fin do Tem,. 7, 10..1. 1111,1 reach.. -11 Vt; rf .1 3nal ..tlf 0 ,, lel. I f f el' I 1.111 w A I.L i PAPERS l 011 .: 4 PRIL.'66; hm 51u.ilit I,I . ECIA I. M, i„1131 I'LOUR! FL01:11:1 WI , alrrl- ^q plc W.8r1.1 • F ••••r• I. • • • - -tar 1111 i.. •• • I.rant 1 • 181 .••••• Sala, brand- .11'118 errt/ p tp• • .1814... if •1.-81,- r I 8.. h , 88A s 8,8 781 1••aa A• pvltet V 4.,;ALAD .AI CII.; " 111 , 1• ,t M , Ikto •t ropow tab,. .11 1!...1 :1.111 tiro. • s ItKNSHAV,, Corner nn.l I :II POItTE It 1.1 k: •INiEG .4 It. ft.,lll,lan'• 1 . 111...•.: ugil,1111,11tp.1 , ••• 101 . 4 11:1111). lot 111.1. JN4 , A HFS,IIANA. r 1.11. r knot lin:1,1 V ALSILLA BEANS Jost recelt ed I I.lliir .?1 , • , ..rs •.. .IN4, A Cot., of I..l(mrty 1L.•1 ..„;ALAI) 011. We have in ~lore a nut, 1111..(1. 1,1 a.kl ill plots :an( oar( fro,. .1 . .1 , .11 S .0 .1 S 1 * (0 rin aul llnu r. VVOIRCESI'EItSIIIIII.: 1111:41' E..— I.! N• •••• • :11. I • p.lll. a•••• . %, ,nI urni, 1. 1•1.4 r••••••,.. A m.. 1 • 1, aln, . 1..11, . N A. VENstfl.W. nil.l "ra' I.s4..rLy 1.1 11 bales Curled flair • mhz: ir•A, ‘ti I kl , h x:1.11- )11.-40 OWN. No. I Lard Oil; lINI • I/11, I .1,011.:` , It A I't, lon Arid 7t, Ne. r •tr• 01.1111'OPPElt ANDIIII.iNS. Hrs., frott, •lealfler • lAAIAII 1,1, It /-1" .11 I I I . BAKER'S ( 11000 LATE- 100 b‘,. Italo, 11e , .Nu. I, N.,,,01A S., I 11 •••• 1. 1,,,un1 A 441 Trt,l, 1,•••. 11, • •• • for stur 1,. I, ym LB A 111(t., No.. I:s%ad lA, N,K,d•lrr . l. k.OWEITZEH I'IIEESE -1,000 Ibn. %Ira I Ittalyr ntor, I )lA,'S r . mhr, REAPS-15 bats. choice lihile rrCtlved sod for salt by kleliANE AN.I I I: mhl3 1,0. IN Seron4 et DA.T ES J, so ,. frails new Dates j t 1 b it.F.l"slF.lt . „,„ s.ns. I.T.r. nod Ll+ \ • t, PPI.E.B! APPLES!! nuciEll • 'Fill:, 1,1 4 01 1.33114 411,1 c.. 1.11. I r;o:t and ft,-al. , mid 1.. II Vtn4 . I I.UTTEI/-- F . II iI t.arr,l. prim. R. Vor ...I. 1.) J It I . k VLF El , RUTTIER-- 15 hall bhls. (11 oit e .fl non lmnn Jtoni lIIM FF:TZEAL A 1111,2$ Corti, of Market mu.l PG(I.4 .-10bblx. fresh Eggs jusi ii rel, etf awl for salt._ . l l . El LER A ARM,.T mkt, Corner MArkel. awl YII-4 •r: • (:osinEN (1110ESE-100 Ims. 171,1 Clays Uoalscu Ilarthe In ...rt. w l for .1r 1, 1 I'. CllAh. 021.1+1.5 1. All • IS r u rrE LIME-1.00 bbIR. 1m- Lible in store And for .nir. 1, 1 11211.12 E 25.141;, Nu. 124 :-.1,111,1 SAItHINES —KO case) /1-1, null 411 one. eausNardlite.,Mkt. ik .4 1.7 No.. 1:114..11,LN 00.1 •t,, • t SOAPS -200 lixs.('olwitte'n Paint, olict.. Hoerr, 1•171.111, 111.4,1 And 1 , .,111,1171.1 for •olr ItEl 711,11 A 11111,. n POI'ATIWN -1-'l4 1.4 1 11152 .121.1. 1 1., 5 no„ n, otort 1717,1 go, rule 1,, I. II .1 • Mll.l FEED 2 1 . 41114 Seconds; I vs, 131,•4a I 00•11, 11 711 . /iNIIX A b 4 ,1. Innonnnl. . 44 m A t n a..somallo rArElt I. I,I•AK Nti n l NI.S k.I "I 7 "111,11101n11,r,' 7 . 1 k kll h I AlAl4t4 1 W•nl „ li j 'A It 1111 11010 m r II , lor Nulr by .11;4 114 nonond •tr, vl. .A 7112 NE 11 I.. 1. 7 01' , 01 •.l : 14 ,11 , 11 , 4 , 1114N't'1N I: 10114 ill.' 1.1 N. 1 " I1ni„ •i I )1 •Al2'1IIIIII Si •41. r I Phil forin 13"*" • ' Mr.t Y. ' l " • I: I A 41•11"11 . 0111 I Nilo.. Dot% lit ," ..... slOlllOOl I . ...... 0/0 110 4410 01 InAIAII 1 , 1(14Y1 A I . lp qtiil:4) PIKAI ID 41411417 011 11 111111 EN 304 t• Irn Intim Dry 411.1. b, •Inr. log ...In Ili plot INAIAII I/ICKI,T A „I =I 1 . )0T AT OIEN 500 bb 's. Prince Al -4.141 11111, I 11. i AN rid.Ll , I I'llllll'4'elNli I ) I i 1' APPLES 10 Milk. and 20 11,1131 InAI A II KVA co •- A RONI,N---,, 1 by lIRSIn ,4011,11„,1,11•1 rcn s. C 11 1 ,1 1 ,1% TO C p.I ALCINED PLASTER -200 lib's. I.rq HENRI 11. 11.1.1 S. 'AND PLANTER ~,5 1, ,t i , l I I , IITRICATINI: OIL. - Superior in,p7 111.Nuy 11. C , II,LIN, .2 , 0 . bo m r .:s nr A l , 00 1, , ~b 1•„ 14'11ESII ROLL BETTER-10 half bbl.. 111.1 rocelvetl 11, 1.. 11. cull r A rO. IIOSINDALE EEIREIT-100 1•01 s lust rvcolvoil nr HENRI' 11. I AND PLANTED-50 0011,, 11 Total lINVItI 11. 1.:01.1.1 ÜBIIILA'PENG OIL— 50 bbl.. Nu • • tuna 071. Inthll HICNIIY 11. 0.0 1.1.1 CLOVER SEND for noir 10 Melt/41,g A. A/4.11. t. its issossioi o. • • IPTTON—WI bole ■ idort , and •-• tsAtAii DICKLI to FORT PITT FOUNDRY CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS HEAVY ORDNANCE, ANL. ALL KIND-. tty ityAV) t ts,lls4 l l,' W 1 ,431,1.1, littLLlNtt t,tt, tti.A.,T MA) liINF.ttY •Ittl 1. F.I'A IIIA attt,tl,ltn pr.nn A- hert•tufttrt-. 11.- In., matt-ria.> Itlwttro I 11,6 I at tIll• Fo , unt ktlt.ntl.tn le rt‘t,..,l to our \F %V FLY WIIEF.I ku.llltett•mt,olfarl;lt.l., (nt littlatt I.(t ottmr. lytl STOI W Olt ALLEN, M'KEE & CO, Office and strelt.m.e 301 Liberty Street optm•lle Smithfield. ♦n•l II F, I IN ,Ihrt st ••1" Iltr Ftzwirc. rot Dog 1r,,11. anal Hol:"w %Var . ,ner,, J No. 1.'11111,1151,0t A. LLAIADI.I“... .W. VAW111%... .J S. UilA4Lt• STOVE WORKS. COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES whlch Eh A. Tuovit •14i 1A1.1,N1,‘ 'NIA NA. Viii. KHAN atl.l 111.11%,11q,‘% tnanufarturo Gl{ ATEA.. (;It tTE 11 , 11ON1'S. , 11 , e and War. I-outu, ,urnrr nveott.i and street,. ritta:m ra Yn i race. . •.II ,it orout. YEN. Machine Works and Foundry KNDINV 11111.1D+.1t AND MAI r•.t . ovloo redcral and ,ndoakv, Aloe Len) 11, Nlannrai tutor of lllglama n .• I'ATILN7 1 . I.tTA 141. H goo STICA.II ILN la K. nbarting, Pitheys. dc. Repairing of all klrolp attended to C.l 11 OIL WORKS. wool.mtinGE 011, ILEFUNINI. =I OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA lIIORKS TEMPIERANCEVII.I.4 Officio, No. 2 Duquesne Way, MANI F At Pt. HITCL 1 - 317 ()li. Tl.n .tll T•ntto to. r. or pr ilperth-s, ..Jim . nr..,•1. anA In Lo. neaKoed I , ar• •”Itnld• r..r I El ',it n oft. I , Jo 1 1 111 n, 1../1n TS all. 11...bert 1.... Uru. Black. I'. It a . I. ‘,1....11, li. 11. olline. J. W. l'.ortt r. li. W. l• \VA RING 14: K 6.44, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS i-x-r-r IS Mr. URGH, BONDED R AREIIOI St: of PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Foot of Baltic end Morrison Streets Brooklyn, N. Y., Storage for Refined Petroleum, Tst.l.- Ir. u Jur. 94 NF.A V FAL I.II(F.KT. New r.r.b• I v STANDARD CLARK & SUMNER. or 4• mod ('olllu• I= t:re iararrt caparlty .e. the. conu tn. Th. I.rand otande the high...a LI thi. country •tl.l l . t (for qualitY 4,41 test. 4 " " t. , .t I, us fi , e1....11rii ha rri. r 4 P 4, c.% %11,111,. Y 1 II A4.21.`1 at If I 4..10 ly St PERIOR OIL ENGINES We arr • onntrortlng,n.l wh lrrp 011 haul OIL MN C.,- IN MI 51T11 EMIR A COULON OB TUBULAR Bolin. VV , pnrllen 11..i.dIng engin., for llAlspurpo. thctn. ct•rtarr of VII, F. Ind. I.FI A ILA . City Wel.o M . ,trk“. 1,4 H ACK I NTUSH 11 F.NI PHI.I. 1.1. CONN ERCIAL Oil. WORI PURE WHITE BURNING OIL AT Tlll•: 1.4 ,V 1 L..ST 31,% ft . E't KATE!. JAMES WILKINS, CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, Ulll'• Blurb, Duipassur Way, I•lltsbury4 air ett.lal atleol.ll. gl, to tho Sale a 'ad .4.1, ol re 1.1,1011.11 nll4l Ile 0 , 4.'1 , .4 - 41cti..1. Kol IC. ... AWLS J AMEN N. CO., MANI VA, It Ant , ••,- OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA 0 213 00 , 1.13 WIC r. lc. az, t , J . !W V% No. I sT. I I.A 111 S 1. , rorm annuli . Rua l'ousuali.lou 111.rohnut .It al., In 011 e. Croat. I . t.trolounl %Mt, ros.teollt ott 11au41‘.,•1 Mr *ale nt lowest Inuit.;l'onolruenrnl, mtn.lortlrt, tollt,ted. tqp7.ent SKIRTS. N SkiltT EOB 1566 (Olt DOUBLE) SPRING SKIRTS, Ifisogartered earlosively bl the sole °worn of Neel, WESTS, BILIDLEV & UM, I 7 l'hambor9, and 79 Q %I Ronde tilet r*ch 11,..p Is eutnis•se.l ar . 1 . 1% . 1111,,e1p I,rahletl llghtl ystl , l r .. 1 1 ,) togethe: ;1611‘,11.;,T.'11tr,L" truot'V.„',7".°., hresk Ilk, the single st.rlitgs, h e wilt eNer preset theli Kravelhlnens 01 Bllppg. whew.. three or n.or ••• • illuary s/Irts h., heel, Ilstowu•lsa ssusele•- tu fart for the 1,1 - tuut-nrole t.r the p house, th , ehorell, theater Or ear, the) . mr• , uperlor to all of h rr • . liT n t; " l r. C ' l" I / .' Ll ' .11 • 1 , 11 VHF, STANDARD SKIRT of "'''lthgreh work!.o rk!. n: w''' l ' 7.2 ;: '.' :l '' !A:7 l ! l; liur ee . lireilill7hod i t Irst 0 lt l sh,r Mile II i. [, h Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Skin. fe.toinlrodm ALL STY LAN OF THK CF.I.KIINATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT izrn.aman .uppll.-4! tile 414111, at luvrrat Talcs. Jtlla Cllll.ll INSURANCE AGENTS - • JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent fee • the Franklin. Philadelphia and fiallUnorn • v b r i a r y:4....vesnies, North-ea,. corner WOOD WL. JONES, Agent for the Not lll • Ann - Ilea• oi l',•n.ylvanla. and HIM font I, nrewton OuLninale, n • W 1 . 1 • K ic ~T ie ' Wm. SIIIEPARD, Secretary o f elltsen•• lubutaa.,o Volnpa.ny, corneiul alAh.ll./01 Ala) WgTlll ST&SZTII. FOUNDRIES .111r.h Sr. thr C.,: I ,olittl A. BRADLEY & CO S. Wig”bctxta.49623., ..,11% XV Al T. Pr.•HAe u.. !IX , : If M `44.. and rreae, I=l Brand--" Lucifer." I=l =1 =I 4* J. 111. hAWYEIL, =1 =II BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC N7E7nAT ir CD.R.13.. 19 B`l 4th. 19t2 eweaot. PROSPECTII 1866 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GREATLY EM,stRGED AN 30 Otherwise Improved 1:6-1Ft_.".A. 1 7L' MEI DIMINUTION IN THE PRICE. loy ** al Morning Edition Will be Furnished to farriers at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IMMIM Delivered to Subscribers E3Zg FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEER. DISPATCHES FRO HQ Leading News Centres RELIABLE MARKET REPORTS, PREPittfl lIPRIBBII FOR THE GA Z ETTE! I4oeitl News, MIS( E LL.ANILT, 101 th Foreign and Domestic CORRESPONDENCE, ELNIJ undruti - ,rnAl,s Insettestae the leading topics of the dee — Prthi.d " CLEAR PAPER, UM NEW AND ELEGINT TYPE. TIIE GAZETTE =I The Cheapest and Best NEWSP APER In Ilrekterin Penney/ran/a dv rtisings AT REASONABLE PRICES. MEDICAL I)R. KEYSER'S 1866 Pectoral Syrtp CURES (lINSUMPTION C7'itret.4 1 iront•liit CURES COLDS, ti re is m. 491 (' li I-t 1-1.-4 Ml•Aseases of the Lungs ,- , 1“ .. : , , i 1 , 141 , •:1 lb ore , ' tor I , P PI l'lrt•tat hut., asetuary 11, IN, h al, • q't. het, attltela ,I iti, • bad , "ugh to . t.albir, tor nt IIn• hie!, tot to • f.ll )• ar. tt, it. .00l .tt taloa:lT nce . ..tool t ~,t ot,:atatt taa. lo , ob her edi•ry, a nd Ole 1,••1 too s, tra , ale4 oral phi a, lan , ithout tat, ,ott, t I o -tate livrett,l (y.0.r1.• I It alt.% 1.• r , l I•. I neuyitl,ll., 1 1 / 1 1, a nil. 1..11, ro Isle, ed tier.ett I• llteta•alled an.% gol • dolls Attle, oure,l her entirely, •nd :the has nom u• trace or the former tit ••at.t-, etc,. oe•anans I wou l d alao .11.11 r 1•••11..I.e nlyrielf l• • cold and conatt, The bte , llel ne enred toe by Ink ID, one I ea tar.,t. , nt.re sati•ra,lon WWI lb Medicine, AI. ,•••1 IL, al tartly naibllth tbl, y o u drat R.ll PPI - 18u Aprll24, Ith.A I. Itl I lit IL -DP.e rolli, sae- 1 h.. daughter .11., Itun taken ret eral for at , ar rough .Ilhoul I..netit, amour/ theta Ayers Cher., Pectoral. 1 porehaeed trom you a ht7ttle of r..e. Pectoral and before the had uotc.l halt • 1 , ..• Ile Rile swan rel.-tett. The eeeowl bottle cured he eutlrely .I her ~.ugh. .14 , 11 N DARIN, Itublevoul otreet, Allegheny, A liKP.AT HE Hl' DR- PEt"rt.if H i reelplrs Inurnnlitp. Anti/nun vomit ui ~ I iazi • eoligh null ftyllting. Lnlrnve•l Ow. the fin .If Yebronty Inn. .1. nekl eight month,. I elnpinyril 111.• In,f physlrt, the rouns ry, and 1 • ..11,01 rlllllllll.ll un•balt, ,111111..ri T • ,otnor. A. tin.. I nat. whin. try ynur rrrn.rnl I OD, I did. in Otter I hwl inkun „,_ roaghlng ~pittArtg. I Itnn Flo.npared of ,L netting et:. a:ad I 11.1nli It mitt tn. nnorrn 11111 Annan, nlll .1.• vtllnfA 11 hat I. 1. /. ip , .l l l}lN 1 1.1 rll.l. Ni B. h ctsu reebled lox .1•1,.. P TUW.II/IP. A prills.. A W41%04_10 , I I. t UK.F..—hoine tin a,. an height...," min, was ve.y w had cougt which e,er, one •upposed to be rom.ntri, lion. relatlN es told mr that Ile had tacen evert rem.. I they heard without tunellt, him brotht;r came t see him dlr. andall were confirmed In the belief it,. he could not oral. I hail abbot the third of a 1)..111 of your Pectoral syrup, which I gave him. sod It ei. tinily cured him. to the aatoulahturn, all. 1%t. , make, the rase mon rt mat - table. is lcu.extretn.., of the man. he bring about ...at uld. I to.r uo doubt the rectoaal raved I t' l l i 51ct41hia Le. DR. KKYSKIt'S Ti•RA,I. SI sopply/WV MLA 111 - ts• anollier ut your n unble 1 . 0,••••al sl rns. hnoFt •••••ryb•sly around • ban 1./11. cAII, nr, risollA e for ••llr. sTrup.• A. haves. Mitrt•iL 1.01111, II A I wa•••I•.. no•I nr,. nos en/ Tou I. Mr. A. Ai: •11•1 Mr. V. Mal•yr. IA•111••1' Blalrm - 111•. 1••',1 ,Se)' s•••• 11 1••• r lISOUI II In their rlmlts... Carl, Ali v. tio 1151. it MICA. 55 511111 twalu. Your., J.,156 Kuily J. S. WATTEILSON Q SI,Ns I= rirld•nild, November Is IN, 1/11. NETalrly ab noi.an ad ,, eatr,,f rot sIeUII lure. In grurral, II adord. wra ,, ,lrl. In. verlbable to .,. rallnuirrl row PE,..,,,k,a,,rirt A.• • .11,1'..l II Iv x• !I n,•rtlry Ilir attrnlldr rt pervou It., m In auy in•norr be. Milliard a coughs, void,. nod hoar welle/l Of any Itlll , l,sirl r • peeullar cinallllealions for reinorlo4 101 that o, greeable .v 031.11.10 attending a ....erre vid. I have bra 0, more or lot. ill nip Ik . e•lallveltd Ole arrere•t olde rind boar - ernes.. 110,, • , taro would deronar. id• etoged •41 lit npeallng ab.ovr a whdaorr, nod by Laklng" .. • of the alvorr yl rup li would relleVe lure ntl rrlt In re, 01111111.1.11 Jg thh, mr , llrlas, I moat 1.01, tlugle say that II I. the beer remedy I eer. I.•• should ant t U r f , : -‘ l . lll ' cl g r : Tours, aro, respertllllll, El/W AHD .1..15,1. • 1 avlder illreue . Dem,. 11., I March 14. 1,. I have used ,Dr. IC eyeei s, rep for s t !ough of - serer:Ll p-ar• andlue. and catt.etwert. ay It Is the beot tw.tll, for t 1.4 -awe that I 11l .ter lakes. Pllll.l I'LLAVF AN I/ I,' SYRUP.—Dit. of my neknowledglu, thr ..> LI. Cough yrtip ...one, I take gr. tt lug that It all 3 ott Any It I, It I, nor ite out of my' rough. and the worAt ..Ae I A.,A r .1 .• with. Ih, r them a bottle, and I eau 0,1,1.1. wIAII 0,1 all A ho arm AM ed would /it,. It ati lair a trlttl an I 1.4,e don, they will be proud bear. "It le taoquActt.. would not Autler :mother 0.11 Lii Attack to,t • onelderation, or at any c. 0.. I atn CLlntdClll stile more freely than I ever dol. I .hall at, leknowledre a.lrbl gratltude ior In, en., excel. rernr•ly. You are at Itherty to 1.-A name In till. regard a, .A• thln'a proper. h.. V. PRKI llrenvnNvr ler: n Courial, l'ltteburgh. I N. U.—la u all wbu .riaLertala oloubtn cau CO.ll I eue pr”..lls A.NoTHN:IC NklY C ERTIFI t• • T N.-. DO. SEEPS PECTORAL SYRCP.—I had been trot. with • cough and cold tor seven. W 1. 1 .1.. - nx , l tthst I could not sleep. bed;k.i • H. trip Lions trout titre.. of „1" , city, whom I yould n,••• , • pr, red a t•ottlr ••• •.... t • run,' can etior.•ll. ‘Nlgnedi .1 . Nu. MU ntrrt.t, January ERN, I.4GU. titiTOPTHATCOUtilliNti."—••Liow can tlo to Keyser's, on Wood etroet, and get a WI Ida Cough Pectoral, aufLlf that don't rare •0 , 1 rase 111.1. be desperate indeed" This l• • al. , • of the colloquy owe hears err, .lst In cold-cat • periods of the y ear. And as setus: • cheerlully concur in the ad, ker's adt thin as , above, for we have tried the • tifecturs , a most stobboru ease, with entire success. two wks sgo we went to Pittsburgh, with , the meet distressing, contrary mulish, ousels, thiswe eve experienced *lnce our adrent this mundane sphere. We coughed ....stilly a. tforloaaly for le wee., In bwors fnll eat, hut It was uo go. In fact. lt. sestntal have Int/fro:wed by practice, and to have strength, putency distressltilllty tty the thin. /u this stage of the slese. ceughed et, 1 to Keymtria, No. Wood street, procured rent bottle lathe l•Pectural,” took it accorfil directions, sod In forty-eight hours se were u of the field, the enemy In cendertd, after • brier, but unequal conflict w I formidable ad adversary so Fseyser's famous Pectoral. - fle.deust , otis clipper, Pte. It, Ibri. DR. KEISER% PE(1'011 ►. Sit 111=1 DR. GEORGE H. KEYS} No. 110 WOOD STREEI 2 3 11. t Sao bus'6b•P©o ar Illili Great Nervous Hewed Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote w 1" l'""' i Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will i•un. Hr Ur. Keyser's Nerquus Antidote %VIII c ure "I cell blue of lice Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote IVIII t rare Dr. Geyser's Nervous Antidote Will Core UEIII 1 ranq.,.l L., II Dr. Neyser's heryous Antidote Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote VIII f So fa rsig 1-1 •ft Ilf• Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote p Mr 111 Curt Neuralgia of Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote ..nr,l g la of Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WM Cure NeuralVA or the 1.1 , r11,41 We, Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote w.i, Dr. Keyser's Keno' OEM Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Core ' , millilitre. at.l lie„ of ,1 Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will con 3404)p3br, or 1 , 1014,,1ng of Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote VOL Cur, Tremor from Exceasi, Dr, KeyserN Neevous Antidite %111 Cure tlypoelvm Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will Cane Luvrur" of Pry:Darn! and sold b 7 DR. GEORGE H. KEYS LSO WOod Weill, PIMA. .ud.•r~„~i. rinti daa I=lCllll ral ir W.. !dole
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