The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 07, 1866, Image 1

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    TILE I' 311 Ultaa GAZETTE.
MESS:am &Mors.
GNA. ilLumger
vo. vittatrargb.
Owe Year, by mall .88,00
ilerved by Carriers, per week..... 15
ithe Wittsburgit faz-rtte.
Congress has acted twice, during the
present session, on matters of vital conse
quenee to a proper readjustment of the
Union. it, each case its action was calm
and deliberate. In both instances great
etlbrts were made to act in harmony with
the President was consulted. The
measures were to framed an tti meet his
approval. Further mOditlet . stions .would
cheerfully have been made to secure his
cooperation. He gave aesuran . ces that
he was ratisded. Yet, as soon as those
bills were passed, he applied the veto
to them. With what greet. can the ju , -
titers or apologists of the Presidaut insist
that Congress shall take prompt fiction on
other matters? The President, by his acts,
has placed himself in such a position that
neither Congress nor the people 'can take
his word. Of what avail is it for Congress
to adopt measures to suit the declared put.
poses of the Executive, so long as his habit
is to say what ho does not mean
On the 4th inst: an immense meeting was
held at Harrisburg, In the Court HCIISr, to
express gratification at the result of the
Connecticut election (Joy Cuart: , , pre
sided Hon. LEWIS W HALL, Hon. T .l•
Al B. LOWRY-111 members of the Senate
—made speeches' The resolutions, four in
number, hare the right tone. The first
sends cheer to the men of Connecticut.
The second pledges Pennsylvania to elect
Gen. Gesny Governnr. The third charge , .
that President .lottx , m:, "ha; forfeicted the
confidence of thom , %vie , tech him." The
fourth gives Congress a pledge to stand hr
it "at all hazards, and in defiance of 1111.11:11 ,
illations and threats from all quarter, '
That will do,
Tux National fhleVig....cer foreshadom
an attempt tooverla,ar Conure,
nets. After, indicarine—this 'Oro pn•tty
clearly-, it concludes •
"The israele, we-think, ui mn,a,
lug. A criaistatial4Emoseme- i. the nu , "
destroyed, or it Cawress rernleitionized
Time, a short time, must show "
Even the New York Timex vaguely lout,
that unless the contest between the PreU
ident and Congre - ms shop he comproraked,
the most serious eorviequenees are likric to
. .
Tut Titusville Herald lut, j 11.41 made 1110
tii.e.,Very that the Hon. C. V. Cr i s % en was
absorbed in his private enterprises to an
extent Which proven ltd his giving an) at
lentil/II 1., hi- pllllll, ..11111r, .1. 3 15011115 rot
the Hon.,. Representativi sat Washing
ton. It insists he Might 1., resign ; ,11(1 lel
the important Petroleum interest ol the
district find a represensaiiNe %1", 11.
111,401131 nrtendnm•e ni lite C3lllllll
IN Madison. Wisrion , in. at the'lam
I lon, the Democrats being left without a
candidate iv the wit lidra teal of Gen Mlt LS.
voted for Mr. W .1 N,.1.AN11. n well
known colored man. The next lit in it
card. hr'n•lmdotte,l the compliment Ile,
compat3y with thirty other men of Lis
ram all voted the Union ticket.
Juntas Tnt %Int t.t. , by common eon
sent, a mu c h abler juri,t time President
JOHNSON. in hie review of the V, to of
the Civil Rights Hill. he entirely dens lie
ed the President', argument aguimi the
eonstitutionality of the 111C11511r1.
Tex President appealed to the people
against Congress. The first response V. a.
from Connecticut; the second i'roul Rhode
Island The loyal stand lly Con
g res ;.
TnE Connecticut Republican elected
their Shet if& in all the countie. of the State
hut one, and most of the county officer,
Disbursements of the Treasury Deport
ment—Troops Ordered to the Platte—
Modification of the Test Cloth—Army
New Yoga, April ll.—The Tribune's Washing
ton special says: The disbursements of the
Treasury Department on account of the War
and Navy Departments, for It:he quarter end
ing bEarell Met, were es follows: Woe Depart
ment, for January, .3,51,936; for February,
11153 0 1,9 3,5 ; foisdlarth, Navy Depart
ment, for January, g 5,517 956; fur February, 0,-
dr..,045; for March, 101,553,011. T,be one million
increase In the navy expenses for March was
occasioned by large remittances abroad for
the use of russets on foreign stations.
The couimanding °Meer* of the Tenth and
Thirteenth infantry, and the second battalion
of the Eighteenth i nfantry, hare been ordered
to report to Brigadier General Cooke, com
manding the Department of the Platte, head
quarters at Omaha. In 1,110.0 of the pursuit of
mlachcriona Indiana or whites luf.ting the
border line, the troops will act without regard
to the Department line, simply reporting their
*Wien through their own commanding officers
to the commanding Gl:foetal of the Department
The Tes, Washington special says it is u n
derstood that the President will in dey or
Lad send to Congress a message, In which he
win @largest a modification of the test oath, in
Order Loanable the government to fill the rev
enue Offices, ire, of the dOutn, In aocOrdarice
With the proposition of the heads of depart
The Tone.' Washlngtou special varier Brevet
Colonel James LL Taylor, late Anatetant Gen
eral on General Auartra staff, has been ap.
nosnted Adjutant General on Lbw:lL-General
Lemont egad In place of the late General Seth
Freshet at Bialltson—Greet.Dansage to
ILantson, Wis., April B.—The g. eat Meader-
Mona and freshet of duaday and Monday has
Interrupted all communication by mail and
telegraph. It has been impossible to send
ariying tin to-night.
gi svertil bridges • are g i ro on Pr d
i i r itite . d h u
nee± r bilv " :duntae,Tt e r:Stac er ol:sir mid the track
badly damaged eiverwhere. No train
Anis city, and_probably will not before or
Slane deka Bent of here a bridge is gone be ,
tween Sock river and Edgerton, and consider
able track washed away between Watertown
Juncibin and 'Milwaukee. No train has moved
either way sinee yesterday afternoon. There
Will probably been to-morrow on the Beloit
branch of the Chicago and Northwestern road.
The track has been cubed away at. Oregon,
Evanswale and liantiver. The marsh north of,
Oil, place is overflowed by the elves of water
trout Fourth Lake. •
At Lodi, twenty miles northwest of here,
five dams have been washed away, and all the
bridges between-there and Wisconsin river
are also swept off. The damage in estimated
k) V % . .Vtar , R
But not altogether G.. I extract teeth I,y
laughing tiae, though I do not fill teeth by ite
use; the short duration prevents. And here
le► me say 1 have DOL given up th 1., part of the
business, for we are preparing to give more
attention to filling teeth than heretofore, it
biing my honest conviction that the natural
teeth should be preserved SO long as passible.
they being better than the production of art.
Artillelal,teeth for ten dollars. 0. Sill, den
tist, MB Penn street.
Thomas W. Parry at. Co.,
Practical Slate Roofers; and Dealers In Ameri
can Slate olvariOns oolOrs. Ogles at. Alexan
der Laughlion near the Water Works Pitts
burgh. Pa. Residence, No. 7t Pike street.. Or.
San promptly snouted to. All work warrant.
ed. waterproof. Bepeittag done at the short.
en natio& go charge for repairs, provided the
soot Is not abused alto. it is put go.
Carpenter Jobbing Mbop
returned after an absence of throe
tears In the army, I have re.openeri my shop
for all sorts of lobbing In the carpenter line
at the old Nand. Virg= Alley, between Smith.
field street road Cherry Alley. Orders solicited
arid promptly attended to.
gauntry merchant.
win dad at Marker & Ca , ti , m. Market street,
tall than of Pilate, dheetings, J3hlltings and
eabar Waldo and Fancy goods at the kmest .
!fishy . prloas.
rittocl4t it
M.l Almanarai, wt Plitock's
Excelsior Instigate
Ent Born and Girls. Bee adcortvonnant,
You Can Bny
A good cheek for tXtio at illellaby t Barclay
Opera 1i0n"...
Oreate.t bill of the Reason to-night rhr.
wrest Dramas.
You Cam Huy
A ga muelln and cru•li t
& Barclay..
Bayard - Tat tors,
it.nd dd. new Books, thl.• week, KI
( 0.0 le us you pose
Opera }louse
Go see the ['entree. Of the 511551451p1, St
aaternoon. Only 25 cent.. hdrulahloh
.1 A. Fulton'. Drug ?Derr,
Removed to 109 Smithaeld street, oppu,..
I be•Po+toffico.
Brno& halo
tad [lll.l 11111E11e ]took Ptiaim, nn.l 0,1 10k ,
..and otherqat
Opera Rouse
Fifteen Years of a Drurikaril . ii Llln k'
male liorno-satcaler, and Fatly Tliiotr, , t
Opera noose
Annie Lilerle, Leak, Pike, Graces, and
entire company this afternoon. Only 2., cents
You Cua Buy
A g00..1 delatne, gingham, ticking, tweary rut. ,•
Sc., tor . 4c at Shellaby Lt. Harelo4's, 7 4 and
TS Market street.
Hey Gouda.
Fat the largest I. the grealust rarlet3
mid the lowest prtet.s, go to
BARKER 52 Markt.. et.t
A Largo Lot
Of fast colored yr - MIR reducett from
lull and f , es. [brat at sheltato h Barri/Ws
ortginsi Hs, 111 ye stand, 71 so.l 76 Markel
Nprloa. Balmoral POLlrt.
At t 2.50, the cheapest stock opened tol
nt litiellaby a Barclays. Don't nu s sk tl
°Bill you hate seen this stock
8r0.1111 . 11 Vermtruirre 1'om11t•
Ire fast taking the place of all worm remedies
Wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh
.losepti Fieming's llrug Store, No SA Markel
Dr. s surdas- r, who ha- 'let, 11, :11/
great loco.. In the treatment
will again visit thlss ell), on Tosesslw). Aso::
:7th, and remain bore until the . 11,15 eat.
catarrh be the Ilse of warm zrivillenti , l
I Iron. trMer hlostortgahela Ifoul. I:casl
a.I Vl' rt 1•1•Int1111..
!try ....00th. are advancing In the :astern 111/l1 . •
kOl, shellaby ilarela3 are...dill selling at re
•l tired prices their stock of dornest le doo.l-.
nett as to - Ints, glnghams, blenched and IJ
Ner14•111 , 1 to u.l itir, ebeckn, I irking., detainee,
.Cr.l all curly and seeure some !non:tuts at
the eld live !live state% :I and 7 , , Marletst tees,
het u‘•en Foul lii street and the Diamond
There Keeton to De rintrlmoratel
Irt FFilter pat:, AFf tLe wor 1.1 aFt, •
in ttuera aFFFIlrin.l--a Ft ntran ••FF :Ft
lit dontestir one.--arising 111, - ettrFatt 1
ro.erntly Left'', Ihe 1.."1.1,•t, I
,fe eynience il,ut Ile I: n• hand in. I her
nn omnibus, Qapou • . p.- w Oil , 1,4 hort,
to thriner," and that hr had not I etUrnyti.
MIS remind. [IA that rittoek, °tweed., ti*
POS:Orner, lure revel end 214., ...]irl
Penn. Pocket Book, fie.
!Spring nod Mummer Goods.
The elbisnown store 'of Mr .101 in
Nierehant Tailor, No. Federal Orem. .tile
ghenyi Inao been lately fitted 111, W !111 arw.“--
aortment of spring and eloinMer gorkl,
stock has been well aeleete.l, and milli tort all
the numberless articles needed for gentle
tnen's garments. A large -Itall of readymuele
punts, coats, r etas, ke., wlll also lie found in
in his establishment. Ills stock of t ornisio rig
goods cannot he surpassed. Persons de-! slag
to purchase a good cult of clothes is wild iso
ring Mr. Weler u call
The Ship Ann Schmidt
WIIIOII was dest rayed by the v Alnilinia oft the
coast of South America, bad a u it.-
tityty of Ayer's Cherry Pectoris! for Ctillforelii
Dr. Ayer A Co. now appeal for redre,..
to the British tiovernment, as toe responsible
party in this wicked business, and base their
claim for payment and protect ion Ott the
ground of humanity, as their coinmodoties
ore wholly for the sick. Their point he well
taken, and will doubtless be p nisei tie I with the
pluck and persistency which rharacterti, the
operations of these celobrated chemists —Rat
The Cholera.
Dr lidgelow, n noted phyrlrdon Boston
"From our pael ob.rvatrobs I On 'tot belots e
that ettolers, should It appear In tilt. emantry,
will be so likely, to trouble New England as tt
is to visit the utalarloua regions of the South
Wad Word."
Among all the many different remedies ad
vertised there are none that act so completely
as an antidote to thin nurforrour polVOn r llll.l
which give rigor and strength. them Da. Ito.
BAcEr's 610156C1i BITTERN 1111•1 BLOon PILL,
The Blood . Prilr net directly on the liver, CIIIIS
- it to throw off the deleterious matter, and
the Bitters restore the appetite and Invigorate
the whole system, thoroughly .eoplug off thb
terrible scourge, cholera.
latl Laughing Goa You Raul T
Dr C. King, 47 Smithfield street, administer,
Nitrate Oxide, or Laughing Gus, In expitoting
teeth, Our gas le as pure and painless as Clint
given by any other Dentist, and quite as Dill
of dream romance, travel, and machine poetry;
as to the merits of the gas, that has been thor
oughly exhausted by Pittatnitgl, Dentists It
is a very pleasant anesthetic, simple in man
ufacture and administration. Mice othor an.
esthetics, In many cases Its success is grat.
Using boll, to the patient and operator, and in
others not so much ao. Nitrate Uzide Is being
used by many successful Dentists, while ninny
prominent men ID the profession dtHeard u.
altogether. As to the beauty, iinmtallty and
adaptation Of our artiflelal teeth, we defy
COMIleLltlOll, while our surgical operainins
are brought to the highest standard.
Irresponalble Onnotterfe/ term,
One of the most Corlol3B annoyances whirls
the proprietors of no article In unuxnal
mend have to encounter Is the plratlentl Imi
tation of It by parties equally unscrupulous
and irresponsible. if an individual or a arm
w Ipl means engages In 01110 110(61101ln OUR Innam,
the damages awarded by a wart of Justneo for
the ollense are collectable, and It Is some Ha
lafactiOn to the party wronged that the wrong
doer in made to suffer; Inn in in n Ca.., the jo
;Nitar are mrn of draw, who cannot respond In
dollars iodine law's award.
- -
llostetter's Stomach Bitters being a .ttondoril '
lonic, marketable everywhere, anti represent
ing toe value attired to It as aceeretelY as a ,
National Bank bill represents the amori•t no•
in cased on Its face L luishieen extensively coun
ferreted and sidlifilted. The proprietors have {
spent many thousand dollars in hunArg up
and hunting down irresponsible individuals
anti firms who have given their minds to this
dirty work. Three parties—eoMe of them, at
least—have a way of changing their base,
though they never change their bonnets.
11, hen an injunct ion is laid upon them In one
p Irt of the country they sometimes 'win- ,
oose" to another, and try the trick again. in
.Ml 3 cases it lo necessary to kW them two or
in three times over. Perhaps the beet thing
that can be done Under these cimurnstmices
is to Noy on Infuncelen" upon all who use tb
Bitters to buy oldie( dealers whom they can
ant. In every city, town and village in'the I
United States and British Ametlea this fa.-
moos tonic, altos ative and protective meth
ohm may be procured of reliable men of basis
• Hoeletterte Bitters
6 tv cold w baleen' nand ratan at very low riles
et nicaingviDrng and Patent Mechanic Depot,
no. et Market Want, corner of the Diamond
Litt Yount' street.
NO. 82
Over the President's Veto.
1 .perIAI I.lAplllch hr Pit tettourgh Ciucette
Plo following hill+ Iwtspowl
a 0( Ille!WIN - Male the rlttaborgh and
t . olora t lo Gehl NI Inhig Company. An am to Brooks Declared Not Entitled to a
•to thet Ize t and Couneliectllc Seat in the House.
10 change a portion °IMO.'
ruat.l. An act tin Incorporate the NatiOnal
. . .
Trost Lon, patty of Pit I ttratrgln Alt net td In-'
t , ritorate thi ttroteery and Proctutte
A , smout mit ot .1 degleolv net to , hit. Morgan presented the petition of the
meorportiti• :h, Cot Pd. I n , arance Co. hew' York savings Ranks, asking for such a
or Pitt -tta rgt: tot ut hortslng I the MlLiietildOit of the Revenue laws eta Ann ex.
st sit h reel... 4 , 1 the n Fourth ward dintit the tins imp of the poor from taxation.
Pittsbnigh, tine thebalsa,• of the , The petition was referred to the Committee
lion n tiro- hands rot !leading onFinan,
Severe)petition.. or equal and just laws lo
purposes An not a 1 1!!/. 1 0,inc school direct- j regulate State Insurance were presented and
ors of an, ward, borough Or township in Shy. referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Shen} comity assess the amount neressary ton (Lortlooradlimanizis,;...,7rt
States lately In
' p isititity laxe• Au net I,lopelling rebellion to representation In Sta Con n aress, on
ot her ...,/ Iwo:atm./. t.. pay coon- I COl.l it lon or their repudiating the rebel debt,
set ter. of ninth I It. to re t thin cases,
endorsing the federal debt, annulling all ordi-
Mr. Ingham called up ad act incorpora minces of secession, and granting the right of
suffrage to such colored people as can read or
! the borougl, of Washington Passed . write and pay tax on r 3O 00 worth of property.
flnall) Mr. Lane spoke of t e necessity for immedi
rea ate action on the subject of reconstruction to
Mr. ...radar. din place at, act incorporat- save the Republican party from crumbling to ,
lug the 51...reheats' National Telegraph Con-' Piece ,
Passel. The resolution was ordei ed to Ile upon the i
In a 1 to
table for the present.
Mo.toogol.rla V , Mr. Van Winkle, of Western Viinia, re- :
1... t Radioed {l . ll, HI. hi \ . ported, with amendments, the Wtl supple-
The cen„,,,‘,„
the mentary to the several acts relating to pen
truth of In. nnt tete will , o appeared In the' skins Mr.iessenden introduced a bill to amend
tau a tepirt asking lens' cto tie eon- the net to provide a national currency by a
ht. re- pledge of of United States bonds, which was
p referred to the Committee on Finance.
.1 but Patsod At one o'clock the message of the President
final, by s vote .1 fifty' to twenty, nil the Al-, vetoing the Civil Rflhts Bal was taken up.
ee, ,ruing lethe 4 ,ii rmm i ve , Mr. Lane spoke at ength In defence of the
Mr Quay road President and In support of his policy.
it, sce an set out luirlsing Mr. Wade co./caudal against the policy of
railroad companies To elect persons not cab the President.
tens ot state rne I •• 14 . 1 j Mr. Lane responded to some personal re-.
m o llymarks of Mr. Wade.
dlv Mr Doolittle wished th at the Civil Rights
bBl could be placed in cha,rge of the Judiciary
orumittee to frame uurilleetionable to the
members of Congress. He was In favor of pre
serving amicable relations between Congress
and the Executive. Although he hail received
instructions from the Legisluture of his State
to vole for the bill. he should not do so.
Mr. Dawes disapproved the bat and favortal
the veto. Ie said that if thblll became ann
he should fe l el compelled to u
rd himself L a.
enemy of the iloverrimei.t and to work for its
Mr. isaulsburi soul that lie should °Mulder
the pintaage of the hill as inaugurating a Terri
lotion whirl, would lead to bloodshed, war
end duatnion.
Nr "Yet,!.s urged the members to march tor.
or,l In the performance of their duty, and to
dolt nos and hereafter.
Th.. vote was then taken—Shea the hIU pass,
the President's Veto 10 the contrary not o ith
standing I
You—Mess,. Anthony. Brown, Chandler,
I lark. Connta,s, Cotten. Cresswell,,
I , m:sondem Foster, girtmat. Harris, Hender
son, Howard, Howe, Kerwoo.l, Lane, of India
na. Morgan, Morrill, Nye, Poland, Pomerto,.
itamse) , Sherman, sprsiiree. Stewart, Soother,
Trumbull, Wade. Willey, Williams. Wilson
and Yates-4.11
11 e,,rv. Burk idea , t Aswan, Doris, Doo
little, littiarle, Hendricks, Jolmson, Lane, of
Kansas, McDougal,, Nesmith, Lorton, Riddle.
sithishury. Van Winkle. Wright Absent,
M. Dixon.
Nitei, Mr. Morgan re-considered his vote
u,. rittirinativs,, the sallaries
)+lauded tonal), and the Chair announced
a a great opplamie, that the bill having
revel ved a too-third volt had became a. last,
i•Ilt 14:11”.0.111Itt•IIMS tart eeted, the vote bad pass
ed the Senate.
in 111011011 Mr. TrlMllUlffl, the secretary of
hr Senate wow faltered to comni tot Irate to the
House a copy of Ihe veto measure, tratether
with the result of lie cote above given.
The Senate adJourneti at C.:X/ r, a.. to to r,l
Monday nest.
Modification tit' the Test Oath.
Internal RC emir ►latter*
Civil Right. Bill l'aNsed the senate.
tt 111. alttlt of ttr teal oath hts.aoal iii
The ~ ..Lre
II to-dtk,.
tnemutg• 1 . 1. .4.14.in6 1.1. :I
....Tatar Wright. of \t•v, ittirket ,
ail took hi , t Senate
iiaiaatar at
nail not arrived
••••reretnf Nlef tntl rostranf-ter •••••n
-ern! I)ennt...••ef Ifni e ••efil t . ”111T/InIllt•A L
the :v . ...ea.-1,14, tor n 101 t fir the
tc, oftf It tot .. 1 11..•-l•olden. t-eyernl
fro,t Irofil places Ito cannot Lake the onl
thore•fort• ff•• sftf•trt•••• are nl.l
The Tre..sff I f ,••f•
, • , tee, ••••1 n
.11.ifftleff Ir••in :Iff I .f :fed t on-1.1
:••tfellit•I•1 .1. f‘e t•• tow andoq erst•f•fe•lntt
a • UM° tea 1.,1311.,13 1ff...,•1 on set fnt int afff hair-
Ity, -mowing lii lArga • amount of ow,lerre
al nnituai ffe retf.f•fl,l n`mol•tlei)
Tref II If •••••••• foe. esti... sti:ll. of •11.•••1,1••:
Mr robot of WiSCOnSILI, presented a resole
! toe, odoposl by Ito* ('homier of Cznutueree
of 3111watikeet in regard ti the Bankrupt Law,
itint.ten e. utzteh woo
) referred to lite Select Committee
oecignot on 11m , eet.
The lotion rt.-tattoo *.t c • :rain- Toe : I nlanderre of lmtag tjle eel/
;akin trios, oti . n.t . put. of '! for reports oft private Doittre,
,-Izent to the Io • o Mi• hies-r s Pet halo Harding, .1.1 . ,* Taylor
`antev ,
).:(;; ,•, .In II sawyer. Lawrence •*1 Penon.,* Stillwell and
luii• leo •• o.“ the ioid. Vats Annan. from the C 11111 l nittm• rut Invalid
month- ironi .I*/1o• I ievettitier, Is,. -taut, g l'ensizzoo, made it large number of teports,
from tile az hni iii Ant ortolan, (114,- loot* • which were octal upon an cessomtnenaleri br
plot* , out- hundred and went) don ezige,ns these Mlle to grant te pension of .10%,,Itieen
men, l'kei i 5...-. io•dol
:elicit anti Alea ~t her• ,r month to the widow of Col. John
uoire ei leiet t.i nee In w litch lieii ei riekeil, 14 the lith Nan York Volizoteers; Pr o
k 3,1 ; oundeil in eat rolcd, That in ease ontite death or uiarriage
eiw hi ch,- ntlniltet 0, 4 4 1•1,4” f 1, .21 in 4.f VI Mow, tire ;
o f should revert to the
h 1.•!.7* *meet, red tat 0,64 001 in le,l o• minor tidbit en of Lot. Bickel!. Tills being a
vs winded 3,1 k I llr , i This iu Ile new principle In pension I,llL,(rare Tbie to
tient nt, mown". Tie.; e Ma, an Kim zip* of some debate.
tingiwettientii ,ier month, t.:ie to Mr 'Washburn, of 11111101,1110.41 to antenbt
the t t a e motitli- 111111 11 1,:c• 1.4,11 In" •I Ilk tog out elmt provision. The Bowie, ,
nearlt one dat , w tilt the difference tlt it the however. obteeted tat the amendment, and the ,
nem., t lot. Lilt, 1111111411 :‘ , ..rztg. of erns pressed The other !dila reported and ;
eicht to live, t tigagenienit. k ere 110111 ?If- iiasentil contained a - .l.milarprovision,
tee, to set i•nt• en i1,01:1, Itl cot- At termination Of the morning hour. the '
her the:. 11:111,.;,4t.I, Ic:1, 10 , 1 House resumed the consideration of the eats-
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, too tested election case or Bodge /guinea Brooks, ;
der the ; direction of no• secret*. y *-1 the of the Eighth Congresnlonal District of New
'treason - , It, the i•••••-nlnetit or the normal York.
revenue tax, ll* ion Femur, eet tarn., •t he Mr. Brooks resumed los argument, an ad
return er the val oe of their fart. prod hrts ditional hour being grouted hint, and pleaded
eoesred by 11**in k
-ees 1:411111/, , Tile at lea it for his seat.
lestruct lons to tie A •sessors will expressly Mr. Ban en obtained the floor, and replied to
got liorize this App, teled to this letter,.( the /41. /11111.91C11 11114.1 r, be Mr. Brooks to the amount
nef retary of Ihe it* ll,111 . ) are the !tizzies of of the contestant's Income, which he charac
torty-n tee rieriou+ 4.1.eq,a11 , ••- terlied as Inv Mucus and made for the object
Collectors in Ili , : n ,,, ;tlu;rn states who hove not of prejudicing the Hous,,.
taken the path of • *fil* .• without Mr. Dawes systained the report Of the Coro
it 1. added that t In, ale undonliiistly others mitt.... The latter Interrupted several
11,11 I• ,111, ieen read It :lppl'al.• tone. In Mr. Mansholt and Mr. Brooks, the'
from a ICI ter el I hit t ointitimiloner of t ostoms latter being called to order by the Speaker In ,
that the lollowing nor •+1 per.IJIIN are the only One illgtallee. 'fee amendments were voted
Custom officers who ha, 0 taken the oath In e down, and Mr. Brooks declared not entitled to
modified form. .lalD., 3!. Matthews, Collector, sont lira vote of $4 to L.l, and Mr. Dodge de-
Itappattanna,k, trkinte; hint. tn. Croft, trod_ . entitled ton seat by a rota of 71 to Ci
lector, Georeeto ,, n, ..(.tab Carolina: titr-ten The. °nth eau administered to Mr. Dodge, and
Forbes, Surveyor, 1 - ergot)°, trginta; William he took his seat
Lintel,, norye)or, Charleston. ,youth Carolina, A resolution to reconsider. the vote reject-
Itolosno, special azologr of Diego, end tog the honkropt hill was dzed for eOnsfder-
Edgal . Al. Insares and .1. 1. %Y ter, A pprainee, talon on Monday.
Chariesto,n, South arblion. A message Irons the President, reeemmend-
Chu Postmaster Genera', his com opt * as appronriat ion to battery the claims of
t %1 , 0 ,..e n
the*er tr , ! ;. ; r,l
lean, t restoring a In!
,1 n i
1*13,•11;1, i m k: e o r inar a s . :?f re t r i o le rre ß British ship Magic-Irene, !
In the rmestahltsliment el their conbtituttona! A Message from the President, covering
relations with the goes rumen(, it deem- communteutions from the beeretary of the
el important by the rr,kient an,r Cal.mot TIVILSIIry 1.11 Postmaster (immoral suggesting
that the mall. , could Ire mit mi ticett Will post mOdilleatmos In the oath pyescribeit by thee
offices In, t isop••iie-1 Ir. those `ll,nitii• an rapidly ant at July 6th,.lesrl, expresaing hin full eon
nx 1,. Whlell end the energies currunee In the recommendation and earnest
d the Department were promptle, and le commending the sdhleet to congress was
have les. e n (settl moist v directed . arsons
eomen have *Jagless *initrlbuted to the fall, TO-intorrew 111 Set apart for debates.
are In accomplishing ail that was hoped for- Allionrned•
Ind that resulting from the oath preserthed by •
the eels of July fief. Poll., arid )!stele id, icon,tins '
sot been the lotted, while It nay !Men the one ' LATE FitDllidH ADVICE*
to which my Ott en lion ha, 1,41111113091 frequent-'
Gillet. c hine, he is Inclined to believe, leas'
not been ing escluslyelf to i lode not (.ring ,
loyal persOns who emu id take the ont.h. Imt to' Seech of Emeror Napoleon
the limited compensation ol hoot mthe oftl-
p p p
con ollevlug Insurtlment Ind UrOtilient s ur
person's to act RI postmasters and td rib a 3., GA3O,
the unsilituguess of many who might.,
otherwise act, to On MO on aecount Of died
and coo, proinkri of their pool-
f.lOOB, which thee - fear eouln resit't n not
-Iqg the oath, when the majority ol their •
neighbors consist of those, *11 , 11,1d, In -stun,
forwarded the rebellion. To obviate their
difilculties ' to port, recourse had been kind ,
the appointment of e omen as povtinfsire..,,,
which has proved to he of doubt tit utilliy
the service, and rerently has enmpelleil the ;
appointment of verJ many ignorant pmions, .
Inciempetant to discharge the detlos orthelr
nOloes. As a remedy lot the future, the Post-
master General suggest a tondilleation of the
oath, by inserting the tenni uveliin l erne, - tn.
mediately pp seeding the word e•ought, s o
that .the 0,11 , 1 read have'
neither voluntarily sought not aeeepted
attempted exercise the tunctionei of any j
officeel ender any authority or pre-
tended authority m hob( , lit)' to the rotted
After enumerating the advantage:l to he de
rived front the proposed alltentlment, he etty , t
It may he it to know, that of 2, - ;:o
mall Mutes lu Operation In the tihooytti nittrn
at the breaking out Of Ulll. re/1441104, the net
vice of 767 only Mot been restored, and I hal of
0.9111 poatnllletut fin thonn Staten, °spy 2,042 ap.
pOintmenta of postmuatore have loom
Of whom 1,177 only wore iftnee,
7C of t hent I.ring tittilen foul Pat females.
Itch Arnutr hes woofed the einil right. Mil
over the Preffi.lentii veto, tty a vote yen,
to In guy.
Southern Niel hod ist Conte re net
1111. I Rol ITIJ: , 11.1T , I \•T111- or Tli.
New t.ILLY A N.. \ pr;l 6 . I'11.• celcow 0 . 011.
LO increc,c. Thcro• .1 !tent iu
country. The %.`lltilel IA , cl.l Ott Otborcre Krt.
utra - 1111nte to cork.
The italtlintire delegation to the Mel limlist •
Goagerence was warmly welcomed. Eloquent ,
spectenellow ere Mad r.+ll Writ 11 hit ill g the Con
ference on its units and efficiency. to.
of the New York ilhickeute, said the t touch
Was more vigorous atm - Mound than ever before
Or since the war ordeal. The Italtinowe Con
ferenee replied sym pat het lenity, An is ulseite
pal address of the same purport Titd.
ir:=l:ieleigy were present and were
,1; kmnel
The reporter of the Agricultural Depart
ment says that the people of tile Carolinas,
Georgia, Alabama and Allwissippi at n petting
in all the cotton passible, lint labs, in .corce. '
The freedmen are emigrating to the West.
ore and wheat are promising. The people
are confident and exhutierent, Inviting labor
from the North and West..
, The cotton mop is estimated at a million i
Matamoros, Marc 31.—The roast, are closed.
Baldness dull. Tho Liberals are preparing for
another attack.
Luxus. Receipts or Curren. •
Atassx, April 6.—A dispatch from Roches.
ter say 6 that the American Express Company ,
brought here this morning from New York
over.a million and half dollars In ..nrr b e , nz of;
which about one million was for the
bo,m6 of D. W. Powers. The run upon Mr.
Powers is subsiding, and his deposits are equal
theWha Is drawn oat. It Is now tbotighTthat
bank panto is neatly over here. •
- _
Ilmantsnuito. April
New iota, Mar. G.--The Petrie correspondent
(4(112 Jouraul of thnsmerve writes, March 2.3 d as
folios. There are reports that the Doe De
Perstany Is attempting to force himself again
Into office ss Minister of the Interior, in order
to introduee reactionary measures.
The . Emperor was very badly received few
evenings ago at the Odeon Theater as well as
by the crowds In the sfteets, who uttered
many offensive shoots.
Mutton look uncomfortable, troth et home
and abroad, and altogether there to more pub
lic nnettainres than has for a long time been
the ewe.
The following are the eonCillalfig nelllal he
of flu. EIT 13,0 r (0 the deputation who pro.
anted the reply to the speech from the House:
could I have borne the weight of the Golarn
inent for the last eighteen years, with its In
cessant an ancrheavy responsibility be
fore trod and before the nation, 111 had not
felt within me that strength which is afforded
by a sense of duty and by the conscionsriess of
having a useful mission to carry out! France
equally with ourselves desires P rogress, sta.
',City and liberty, bite liberty which shall de
velop Intelllkenoe, generous Ins 'lets and the
noble exertions of fairer—nbt if liberty border;
Ing mem license, whir h would excite evil pas.
clone, destroy all belief, rekindle hatred and
give Ilse to disorder. We require a
liberty which shall enlighten, control and
discuss the actions of the Government, but
not become an arm to undermine and over
throw it. Fifteen rears ago, when I was Chief
, the State, without effeative power and
without suptmrt in the chamber, but strong
in my ecfnacienre and tile suffmges which had
circled nie. I ventured to declare that France
would oat perish In my hands. I have kept
my a Ord for fifteen years; France bas devel
oped and Increased, end her high destiny will
he accomplished after us; our sons will con
tinue our work. My guarantee for this, is tlfe
assistance of the great bodies of the State, the
level ion of the army, patriotism of all good
citizen., and lastly, that divine protection
wh ich In, never failed our country.
The Failure of Beatty Bros.
N c 1,, April a—lt appears upon fur
!her Information, that the firm of Beatty
tea merchants, whose failure was an
nounced yestertftty, wore defrauded, not by a
-1114.1111,e r of the firm but by a relative to whom
they had made advances upon instalments
wh leh proved to have been forged. The forg
ed document. represent almut nix hundred
thousand dollars, and the advances made upon
them were the cause of the tenure of the ann.
The liabilities will amount to about two hun•
red thousand
Now Tette, April 6.—Advices from Buenos
Ayres state that an Italian vowel, on which an
embargo hall been laid by the Federal Court
at that port, had peen taken ont of theharbor
under the protection of tne guns of the- Mil
ian war steamer VeloCo. which stestaed.into
th• inner roads for this purposp. The action
taken by the local anthontles In the matter
VMS not eacernfilbed prior to the departure of
the South American mail steamer.
hooduesa at the Aoststant Treasurer's
°Mee, Moir Turk.
IN al. Yoz2. Apprrtl B.—Oold today 'has been
quoted ittlTs,.‘ /27% and 127%, (dosing at the
latter. The aldness at the oboe or the as
alstant Treasurer toilat was as follows Total
receipts4tk,l3B,449, -- 'oT *Moll $61,000 wade for
castooOt awl. Ott account of, cost
cattlltcates, 0019,820; paymentl,hleeMehli bal.
14.11C0 3 $83,911,111a1d.
A , III.IIOTarI CITY, April 6.
From Boeno■ Ayr...
.. _
',Flees In New Tork- Se v oral Ftrea.Al I e gl ma y County Te'aeher•' lontltate. T o tt u e ,oo A oo 2 : 7l l.edK lDo e rru biz t hg tif
ugo n q a tu t a r ru a lt.. rel gr n o b r, .. B M Cio i l '
i:..,,g,,,,.,,,,i,,,,,:•t.,y,r.,.,),p3,01,,,1,,,11,•;,:ei sf ri d c e .
c. r ,ie. t,‘,..1-,:rton77,
z a s e h„ . l - t r :: : ,,, e . L „ ly har p ure i , ,,..k .: s t .
i • suralne at Once-The. Clnrendon Bo-
Crum'. egtaxsintros:
tat thestroyeet-Ilenvy LOaft'Of ' s imper-
Sy, The AssoeintiOn asiumbled at nine o'clock, . ;.,.,... ' er Bolster of the A.l
- Yong, April G.-The , laroincni I ilot,l. Nl',.lrt'ilan't""end with
' ThE;e7i - m . inittoe aspolnte,l by the llonsc of , lug In a very .ii.irderlv inatine, Henry i
' 00 Fulton street, rondinied by .1
F<MS alines} destroyed by tire Ulla 1 1 1:: , r i n '' f ' ir 't : tl,nc . , ' Uti A ,, " l l , r ,W,.l - ' ' n f r u l i t r,V, ' •. ' .,l b u 'r jo ' n g- t l t l t re w Z t i t C h e a P r7tes en o " f t co h- r7u . prion in =co M u a re ' e ti e pro i n ie nag g' l. l . 1 ii'-'i'Dink"nlYi%ngirt lit r i i s' i u de n i k n . eirtnii ' i ' irl t : II ";:-7e L'l,l
it t g e r ,ve r. ro im g o h f tl : l 3 ; ,l s T .,. .
~igT bZi M b h 3 ? , ; :. 4, , ,T Joh. . "English Graintun s r - .' • In opening the gentle- of the now 11 4
i • A fire also broke out 00 the corner of Broad. and a pp,„,,,„, 0 , _
• 'Way, No. MI, and BarCluy street, oea troy lug tin . tun. made ar e n remarks on li e InapOrtanea hurgion Wednesday. The witnesses subpanard ' wit, hold to amass: . s el...rge of surety ot the
grammar, am ts.On la OW
I. . pi - , front thin city were oall present excepting i peace, and In addition fined three dollars anti
rat the enhiect in detail, giving illustrations of Messrs. 1). O'N'eltl and It. H. fiery.
bid e ' tinfitting formerly known as Itisby's his re,,, „t ,„,„,..,j,„ t t t , t h e eeeeielee e of the ' S. D. Bailey and Thomas Steel were before ,
Building No. tom, ores opted by H. .I. Barry 1 in..... •.• •.
gentlemen.. remark,, a very animated and ' the Committee, hut none of b
nor license laW, MCI in Harris- I ans . ot her person who emn, In Its ... 3 . a .
~,lIS for ‘11.,,,r.414.r,v ..,.1.1110.1
le. I 'The Com --...- _
[base g011..e1l _ i4 7 ..._ . ,,, ,ige m.,,
ii ", . -•,..• ~. 4 , : I; ist'usalori eiDuted on the ntgoct I knew anything about the raising rit' money ,c,gug 0,1 in holding a Court ol t rimixen, pin g
@. hotel and restaurant was nhoi deetroyeo. I ririer,,,L,,,k,.3.,,,,,,,,n.i,,,,a3ti0._,,,t.,,,,ii„..,.. 31,,,„„„ . ' nbrt,C, ; for tho ptirpones stem!, except from tuner or ye'tterilay. Lill the,. were nt minor IMP.,"
LOU. 4 6 0,000; insured for $lO,OOO. It wai ownei"
lay Mr. W. Gregor, and veined nt $40,000• Illanr ' hearsay.
. - ea.-
After a recess of fifteen minutes the Ass Oc- I Tim entire Allegheny county delegation np- 1 U"'"'
:pd. The total loss by this fire is 4r.X10,101. Tie t nrget, sus again caned in eeder, and mu; wi. I peered berore the Committee, and expressed 1
el 4 Sllppayed to hay, nriginsted from Inn. nn Ackley read it well written enemy entitled ' a desire for the most sett china and thorough
Ade u e .. l n the liasorp,sn t . .
• "F:ducatlongssential to happiness " MARRIED.
' investigation. There seemed to be no .doubt A 1 Is 1l.> „ N'- , I if , ilft , 'N -is, the :y V, an urea
... , i ' d illae No , MO it
Ali Brientiway to e also I S. P. Hate., L. 1.. D., Deputy sate Sunerin- ! that money had been relSed by the hquor deal- j 1,0 ~.., t ilei = , 4..1116 ,i5 ti) , ;,....0. ‘,,, tt mr g , , g _
f' .otda mtt'lt , d by tire . ! titt '• 2°2 Itt t thtt.“ , ten- I tendent. was then introduced, and delivered f ers. for the PitrPotto of e ff ecting leirlslntloh in 1 i . „"7.',! . .,,,, r •,,,, ~,
1311. ~,.
rirtelye te s e. l - , ro le yzl ir.„,,
ar,. L. IL wolf,. lub . 1 it brief address. In opening, the gentleman their interest, aml the dle-matte° courted the , ... . .
...,... ' read a section of th e school Ina% hi reference invest baation that they Might DC relieved Of .
'won": Monne'', & tn .. $7 . 000 ; ono, en & Co., ! to the ,b e to Ix possessed by teneh- ' the Intoutation of bibers%
&Mount unastortained, and J A. Hamilton, , ee s lb ,be pubim seoois. De then referred to • Mr. T. P. Houston was ;worn and submitted
Owner. 7 50 . 000 . An inllY Insurer) in city V tom- the lapinlon held Ily name that the require- two letters written by
plove.l in the prititare grail, Of the city calls neon the Committee appointed by the I
eO. Richmond, tn., and shoe dealt r, 0 0 .1sCar; I scli r ool, and argued thdt stich ac
the should , I..eggi ro forwent the monep or the bill Would j
Ensured; W. .1. sharp. billiard table make., have as thotough know ledge
the iiiiii- likely ' be defeated
/P,OOO, partially insured; Jam., Eustace, Jr.,
Olotitier, Winne, Insured: Win. 11, Griffith 11l- I
,' Mental braaell.... /1... those engaged in the kit Ili , rit Leine -v. ot IL :dated that the let-1 - - .It re
~.....,,,i t.,, tn, If., 1. M. 1..../o.lh, on the tith Mat.,
.144aga•.. of F - ie I. hestite. F.,, . of Indiana Tn.,
SAM t.I. if F\k 1 . F 5,,. . . ~.. iii... HATTIE A.
• • !Owner grades The Speaker then proceeded ; tern prod Meal we, w rill., by Winton Kett •:i^ - ' ALI I. ~111. s.l t ify EN,. FLSIOR HALL,
ll ' a4 Tht * loners by the Fulton street 11, were Meat, of the law should apply to teachers cm. President of the Licuor League, in which Kerr 1
neseparties weepiest sionts Noa 1111, Hs and
/lard table eland '' , 1.25,0 'X' , arts B' e urod :to vouseler primary ell ocarina fla a svaLem. The witness stated His': . l i H e . i K es e lP t 'r o re Mll. o: l l. or lrf . : l .., ‘ ,r ri' i t , : r . e : li t 1 i... " .. . :1 :r .1 S ., 1II --,1 ,. r if ,',n •iAlort ' o •M r. IU :O• . .
He , untold.. clan. while the printery 'teeeli- ' the Liquor tanbciat lon. Kerr hail opened a ' OA -
II KING. s , .it Ire- et le - , . m oild e's ti m•
Fulton street, The building No 20.2 Bmgd- erA should ',munition, they 'Would not lets, e,,,,,,,,,end,•;,,, with him and bail revel veil ' Prsi, r Fleeting ..n 51 VI'S I- 'lie t F.A'EN IND at ebr,
RheinWay was also destroyed, occupied by Knapp X. • merely , (or p rontra Inn , MIL In order that the two pnytnents of alee earl] ,0 the hinds 0 r the s•••irei. rintn..el -04-you ra. , ...•..44 Mg. Baptism.
. elOthlem Sherman, Corsets, awl nill- . gr..aie, p0.,,,1,0. go.] annals im secompii.,h. As-es-Milo:, ~=the aM. llVltaltnenr of $ 6 ,0 0 . to ' ' ln ' ' ''''' '. ''''. -'
"I. '''''.." '''
Or, Tie Clarenden Betel, on Fulton street,
ds before stated, ran destroye I. Tht• ,•,1. The nest is] must,' I man In the ,and, he at- ~,". paid ,„ n un. g ni n u gn ,, In have mnu„., the I baps ..n? 1.4. admieb.mosi. api:ltd
ordinance of
Wen al 000,000. "'"I , g edd, Oh , not. know toe tenet, to neengaged in I passage din bid , different, ll.w e ve r ,(rain that , c.:;st"l'HE PITTS RC lIG H CON.
! primary InStruellom, and Ile favored ins plan w 11.011 has misses] the senate, When the pres- • ts. ' ~ UV , . CI I , S 'if.' II il a it.F.YORMEU FRES-
The loan by the Barclay street Orr is rail- • ot axing the sai s ,es W laaaae, in ,111, ,le. eel mall passed the ' , Mal, It copy e..eui to : iti rt. NAN (lir hr 'FI boring rented the CITY
Mated at 1300,0h0, and nifty ex. e e e d it Haineld, ' paltineut 111 lic.l, rates a, would sceure the Mr Horn hy Mr. Kerr: el.n, a tmegraphic di-- It ALI . 01118 ..ay be rot:art. , ' TVEL , Y OAR
tailor, loses Woos, supposed te be insured. 'old
of thori.en lily educated instructor-. pt
nano acing Its passage. The 1,1e 0 ,. I BATH: -.roe,- rontinentling at Ma' A. M., and at
A woman Is missing, ~,,,,„eed to one, loat a ,lel tea In,. rII 'Bruno', Em., wit- read oxen's Association titimburs al..ut three hen- 2 '• o>l Awl, ..auti, nerteeoua seats and free to
her life. An old lase named stelebeek was to the .1,,,001at h.. reemninermlng to the fa- • tired members. The In fee is WLS, hot ' • 111.
!Mind in one Imildlng, almost dead, and re- , curable eenshboatiou of the mumioery, " Hit- ....q.t.... i.rg.r .. r. is paid b Y persons .' t...t• - • !RELIGIOUS SERVICES. ..
moved to the ilospitol. ' gars Tntileaux of the Great Rebrll ion. who feel disposed to do no The treasurer • a -i ,
Pr - earning in tar FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH
Other fire, Occur:re - I further up Lou it this , The Convent ion then nitiourned null 1.- y bud now in his possession probably se,,na).
, The lon ASON II H4_11... I Fifth street. next LORD'S
MtOrning, but were 01 no particular runs,- ' metems
I bill Kerr was to present never was
sad In : Ita V, hr Prof. C. 1.. LI , O, of IletbanYCollete, W.
.I,I,MICOON syia.lion either Reuse; it resembled In sonar , few par- ! Va., at los ~ sr . and 7-i r n The pahlle net re ,
-we- • :
' Tinnier. the bill passed by the senate. The . •ire , trlli mi oei. ityCiltd
_ .
Sitnetlon Between the Blncourl et Pn-
witness stated that Kerr wan 10 ? sent 'rd. It. THE PEI:ROUTH CONGRE•
title and Union Pacific Railroad,. Con,
bill shish WIFLA prepared by hinine f upon con.
t•A !lon AI. ' II il hi IL lIAND STREET. -
anion that the League pay Ilan $1.300 In "" rte. Pa.., 1t4.,.. it EN It V 0 310 , E. will preach
Fr. Lot; Is. April
Kansas City, kibtsouri, and Wyai,Aotte, Kansan, positive that the bill would pass, ae, to no,. ~ i.. .....,,,,,,,, it ,. ~ ~..,,,,,. Ipl-ltd
.Joining the Missouri Parlay and l'nlon Parlde own language, It •"would carry both water del ,
i- - .
Railroad., w its laid on Monday last hy the whisky." The witness sorter) that le thought '
the°Meer. of each road. On TuesdnY Herr never claimed credit for having had am,- BOOTS AN U SHOES.
tlll3 new hoard of DirectorA of the Union Pu- thing to do with the mmage of the I snore MI,. .
attic and a number of the friends of the road Ne correspondence Vra.9 ever held With any of j q:,1,38• NlO TO RE GI TEN FOR
tank a tour of inspection to Crone Creek, the the Senators or members of the House 11 r ! e.. 7 'Alm
Relent terminus of the road. ninety miles lotion to the bill now pending, nor was there ,
Weet of Wyandotte. The road will he ready ever any person authorised to confer with
fOl . tgalik to Fort Riley early in June, giving any member of either Honse regartling ft. . •
Mt =lles of direct rail went of Si. Louis. Par. Horn presented six totters, written to
him from Harrisburg, by Mr. Kerr, which were ,
i ...._
Steamer• collided taken charge of by the Committee.
A sworn statement wait received from Mt.
SIN,' Teak, April d.-The +team, ate ot
Kerr, stating that be alone had received
ROW London arrived here Ili, morning Mom
money for the preparation of a bill to snit the
NOW fondue, haying 1 , ,•11 In a eolimion.
Liquor League. Fie also deposed that Isis
Capt. - Smith reports that this morning at ten
health woold not ellow him to ohey the sun.
&dock. When Mr Eaton's Neck, he waigrun in
pants of this lions, • 19.1811-•_T-o-TXVC3fr F0R 81.1.. 243.
lolly the steamer Monitor, wli fell lee herr
Thus the investigation ended Mr the present.
)Oat night for Derby. The New Imidon was
tint ft is understomi that the Cam mi Mee will 1 - --
etitirk about ten trel aft lin , stern, and Cut 41-
meta In Lille city, for the par - pose of pursuing
most completely through the hull, and below
the water line; having a tight Intik-head, she their Investigations further.
. V
make-. Iltlle water The Monitor was also
Meets,or the Liquor I,ague, a Horn, }'rank and
n i d Merirs. teel
e erheller app s eal -
badly stove and was run ashore In the harbor : il f
Haile . ), McCandless and Prof. Wilson rcpt
her passeurprs n ere tirought here by the Nee
vented the Temperance Interests.
London. Nobody was Diluted.
Fast Day Appallo44l by the Governor 01
Dlrrinirr, Ain II 40 1 .4;41V1ril Or 111110 tPy
PrOeLarIULL/011, ippow et} the !inn ,/f
o day fur fasting, humiliation unA prove;
A. 11.44 allUillug to the defeat of the , armed re.
lire antagonism lath-firm ttin ruling
110Ort, at tVawh Inv no, and twin - 011,041°ns
for the Moiety of the iniver merit the
erbor Bay,: hilt its. FO-1-k to reenlist/ iint
the republic upon the Mond m
Wlst, humanity, trial ore' and eternal. Ire lit,
en till men, rrtioneet Or of /awe
atoll tie tinned itl t lie eyes of the law .
V.,1111,40,..N. April ii.—ornat or Lune.
of Enna., about aboute doulde hair ex-
toted ar to Ilia Coil MI the I. till Right. 11111,
Tamale a opeoch to tie ornate to-day Nopport
itm the veto Cl the Preiddent, and nig
him from the charge,. made again. 4 bum by
Senator w.te, of
Lre!sclaery Therr were. 111W.1 tll O llll,l, of liar
BMW! Of lieprifitelltADVt, to the door of ilia
naltaite, and I heir, a lt il I Itt.,v ttlio All the g
!tries, wen:apparently lid ergot ed In
this proceeding..
The Basch Bank Pante.
At.n sNI API II ti.--Tito bank pool, et Itooloo.
tar continues. o Dr - Ivan. hank. r 0.
that ettr, who a ISA 1 111/11K 1 , 1-11•011.•• 111 , i.1p“,1•
saspeotiett tastay lot want of earreney
friends are eon/bleat that be wilt re,-uult,
A inn has helm Troule all -lay upolt the tot. I.
pen of the tot eking ebrwern. but I.a. 1,n.l o
th,pros.otrot. -Inek, 111 , 1rwy .110 n 111
keep open until alto. 001oet, to-olgittll.:
IMMO ac SIS to-Inns etc t n.ntl.rt. r art`i•ple.
Good with I.lto It
day.. Ilse ovine In a.%111y on, I.y.
illerthes los-tit
tasteerteed tortrietary affairs
Mime Meeting of 14 orkingmen. •
Sr's . loss. April —A mass lltselt,ing ol
orklustmat-tt of Noo York antelit tapir tyn,
held last evening at Union - -lours. for the put.
pone of agitatlug otght boar labor nowt.-
loon! Four otantlo t 0r 00 r..4 o t fun
English sn one. lor ocrtuan sprAcers. I lo•
procession 0 - no beedell by halbl. of moo, no,
13, rec. , of torches.
Trio! of os Ylooltot
M0rn..... .tprll I —1 he Ilan.. lnl
Monitor M lantanorn lnh , n Inh the n
otexiner Iry onto , 00000 y, •:ttirtml thla mot,.
logon rrolso of tor .lam. toward', the Mo.
mum hands on a trial trim to 1,1
li the, -wMl othg k.
h oll tlek of the monitor, a w
after hi , h
eßsel, w ill prOcced to New York
SCW York Legtolorurr—lmporThot Bills
ILZA\I, A orll 4.—The hill to lneorpot ale
the ra Ship Canal Cowpony , panned 1 , 1 it
rote of ti yew., to 31 t.
Tt.o New York Central Railroad fare mil
pa trod by n Vote Of 73 peat to tr nay 4
Ntv \oho, April 6—The Tow.' Itichmon I
oorrespnrplent telegraph+ that after consulta
tion, It has been agreed by the friends of
Paris to 1t00.911011 tits movement fOr a Writ , d
habeas corpus for the present, because of the
embarrassment it would be to President Joh n -
'goaded Wargtoune at Cairo
CAIRO, April O.—A movement In on toot
favoring the establishment of n bonded n
house at this city. The Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury has directed the Surveyor itt
Customs to ascertain if a suitable place can I.e
New tone., April ti.—Five servant gels. ho
wero employed in ti restaurant destroyed ny
Ore this morning, frere taken by the pour•
end placed in eastaiv. Thee are drialinett by
loaned of the Fire Nl4r.,lufl
Exportation of !filter
Nso loot, April steamer Bremor
to-tnorrow,will tot I. to Europe al.out
In rllvur heir,
ti 4 tiled": k i IiZINI:i Si Z :ir: k I
Thespian Esbibi t i —The A...11ene.. ..1
n *right
The "6:relator Thespian Club, - or
Fayette township, gave an exhibition at 1110.-
oly, Washington county, on Thursday Turn
Ing, Vth, giving the comedy of ttureen
Mountain hop," the domestic drama of "The
To6dles," and the farce of "Stage Street,
Yankee." The "youth and beauty" of tt
ory and vicinity were out in their might, and
the exhibition was a complete success. The
exlttlittion was given for the benefit of .•rtil
families who are In destitute 0tre1117.11131,e4,
anti the price of admission wan fined at fifty
cents—a high figure for a country exhibition
—yet regardless of this the people Atoned
their liberality and benevolence by t tinting
out remorse and pitching in their df q sent
shinplasters with a lib rat band. The men,
hen of the Thespian Club will no doubt hold
the people Of the village in I.ting rettiem•
brance Tor their universal courtesy and /Ge
witty whilst they sojourned in the vlll.tge.
Only one little accident occurred to met the
enjoyment of the evening. Just :is the
fOrmaneett were about to (301211:11.11., the clot e.
In the hall was knocked over and for it I Hilo
all was Col!fuslon. The cry of e ini
Inetliately raised, unit the Indies became s,•tne.
what startled, some of them rushing let the
door. Messrs. G. W. Baldwin and rt. W. Nlll
ler, Members of the Club, with great prompt
ness and presence of whit, rushed trout be
hind the scenes and extltittitikhott the tire be
fore it had made any considerahle :i)
Warm Weather Conking.
The dellghtfel spring season 1 , upon Skis;
balmy May is fast approaching. bringing with
it all the delights of nature—the rouging of
birds, the fragrance of the budding now
mak Mg out-door exorcise attractive. Thela
dies, looking careworn anti tired of iii-door
staying during the mill winter months, van lor
seen will smiling countenances to promeniele
our thoronghfaMs. The first thought, how
ever, will be Lo them that Nv Inl er clothing is
tee heavy, and spring goods would be inure
suitable to the weather, and then the di .u.ll/N
-siOn arises among the fair once whore to
and make a goon selection. If they would Ifs
ten to our advice, and we are sure they will,
we would say to ..hem go to Messrs. Thompson
Groetzlnger, corner of Federal and At aloe
streets, Allegheny. We can speak by the
Look. We have seen their assortment of atim
mer garments, anti we wore amazed to 401 k
snob a large display of taste and variety. The
goods are pfirehasod under the direction of
ono of thls members of the arm, and their as
sortment every fortnight renewed, thus giv
ing them facilities to have on hand always t he
Lif.est styles. Their assortment of summer
goods, light silks, lawns, bareges and halm,
lines cannot be murpassed by any house in the
city. Their prices are also so reasonable, that
we are sure no lady can enter their store with
out making a purchase. Take our advice, and
give them a call.
- -
Blew neatkodial. Episcopal Church Or.
raniaatloo —On Sunday afternoon la.t. a
meeting was held tu the M. E. Mission Sobool
House, on Bidwell attest, Allegheny, for
purpose of organizing a now church enter.
prise. Thu 'Presiding Elder of the distriet,
Hey. J. Williams, opened the meeting by read
tog a Scripture lessen, singing and 'prayer.
George it Kiddie, Eno., wee appointed See
terry. Thirty-seven church members catered tirgardeation, and one probationer
was received. When thegie names were re- •
corded by the Seeretarya(Ed reed to the meet-'
ilta is libOr t =trelOrtZ i lt: n e.:: o rritAe e tecl a by
tb317,, _hkerealter to be It - flown at
thlrge of
i tal= i enue Church n allkheny
The Institute convened at two o'clock, and
leas opened n ilk prayer 11l E. of Al
, leg (t li e ny.
puty Superintendent Bates then delivered
arety evil arranged address, on the necessity
tit the teachers tieing well acquainted with
the laws of the human mind, in crier that he
may tie successful In cultivating the minds of
others. The question which engages the at
tentlon of educators and philosophers more
perhaps than ail others Is, whether those
studies which have tor their °Meet alone th 6
Imparting of knowledge should be given to
students, or whether those which aim at the
cultlvation and discipline of the mental !sc
uttle.: rat heir than the mere acquisition of so
much national knowledge should be pursued.
alter u recoils of ten minces, the question of
hether Prises and Merit tickets should he
awarded-6itin, public schools as Incentives to
atuly, eras taken up, and very ably discussed.
by Mr.. 1..) Snodgrass In the affirmative, and
by Mr. J. P. Andrews in the negative. 'the
general dine...lon Wm. partuquated In by
Messrs Hurt!. Wakeliam. iiourley and Curry.
There aptient, to be. n t or; great diversity or :
°pluton upon tile i,uctilion, hat the weight 01
hi/tuber. at lest -1 ....timed to Metathe +Me
favors the gli lug of prires.
During the ntierimiril. quite a little
Iw hose. 'tattle we (Klieg to learn, I apparently
not over ~I couple
1h n manner. The
hey y ": Maio, a n" have beenenlivening
the meetings "f the Institute with charming
ninale...ang -nine V, r. e‘vellent .sings during I
the It 114•11100.
I,koll the .—.:••••••..n.'ollog of th. 111...t•tuln,
1 . rot••••••••• un-- • alle.l upon a l , Ipolce
(6, ',MI.' ..i.on z or anti
.e•A na•11•••en .11....nn.a...1 .111 ring urn
,Ilernoon neonn.n A (1.4.1 . to. coltrIm•lon of
1/1, re•ni a: lca
lhurn,ll tee app•lnte.l on
1 1 "•••1,••••••Iti) , 1 1 0111,1 t 1.,. 101/C.lllllg t/1111,,,
who wnreall I - 1 0, 0 , 11.5' an•laniatl•n•
I . l . e.••l•lnnt—A 'l' Dont lo•t1, • ;
Ni. .I„h., r. N erinr ;
ILI I' tntr• t. ter,on:
ni. \../••lin.on; hcarnt Iva. • 'ornnil tiro
T. • 10001,(1 .-ofp•-•••; 4.;e0rt.,.•ky. .1.
Alt-I 1ynn0..1.-. , •
I. I., , urte
Th.• 1 1,111111, lee on Ii•••Inlullon• I,ln
, 101.1 the
101Iou jag, wiltnh ern n• 10111 4 ,1
iV•1,1.1..,, %V 0 Lwollove 11.11 I rm. Utterly It
Ingitirm.te off.prlng of Intelligence and
moral Integrity. ar , .lntntr . D.hetl only i.e
lhelz •; 1.1111
\Turns te: These ciertve their sr,: el:nth ailli
IL,I It 111111111) . ir••::: 11. e cenituon
unit: Tenelit 1, ha Iho ;molding of
Lin ho u r ill :al Ull . " NI ore
rifler , and el:Leen+, und Lucia, hn, r to a Ureill
Otietlt the forming Iill• Iran re pone,' nod
.1.•+: enr WI% iklOreinre
../•• 11.1 t loynity doe
tb•• “111(1.• ,., lea:mei, nod thnt no one
.• ,11:1• S 1•• 1 % 11 1 1 landed lth rdiepli•
pee: :en! le-.:re
, tilt' i,111.1i1 , 1..1.1 0,11 ~ • CrOmpnt.i.r
tin . pro-
..1 to-1 1 1...
ratkp Li of etl ,, rt nri• recittislle to
MVEVOI.,IIII.II, Anti nothing ‘,lll tvugltoo,
,rtniftly it, .0,•111u IIIN••••, or r
ore e,
.l 'no, to th, 1111)1111V1,11,11 Clr teuelieno
fool ll.' tti” .1 1110 1, ole , sion than lii•
...ouduel4,l th. I. one,
prop., ,o ,llLT,r,itt
• 1 hal where females s leachers
I et form the saute Lahti, [lnn would toe re
. 01 4 .4,1 of nutlet. In .Intlittr situation-,
o they
.hunt et,nal I enumeration Amusement*.
•I, !he deep-reit gratii tide ot this Plrl,arn , ot Tat - All overtlow tug house
Rs-octal but Is tco.t tat, dt„:I ) te t ,,l e ,ed l a the greeted Mr. Itroneltum lust night on the gaes-
Executive t Vapf•elally to Prof soon Of Ins benefit. In response to rail. I rom
1. t re, eltatrntatt, for the stoic and eilicleni the Unilever, Mr Itriemenin appeared before
mann, :0 0 11.••11 Ile. gtllllllo 44:114,“ :tr. tile curtain and oolitic fueetious up doge rot
run god alai V ary , •.l I/111 %runt of endnu m..nt as a speeehinaker,
0 I' our thanks and complimented the audience anti the press
fat. aid le• uhe a etoccil cur meeting tilt tar the patronage and kindness bestowed hint
teit std-sr arut g tomtit% to the Reverend gen. Tudolgin the same bill will he repeated, tour
il e a," anti ether: who have eneon raged tot • opinion of Mr. 1.4r040.14M aeon aetar Is compr by e
t het r il,sefice and their iiloya,at address. hernial In these amain—Go uriti see
ea, seel to Ml., Jennie suit n Met rlo ai 4 matinee will he gluon this afternoon, whet ,
tft,opt" who so huntorottstt ,ett,thet; our "Trott Nights itt a liar Room" will be given.
tinny proceedings tletas HOUNC.—At the matinee this 411. el
Resolciiii, 'floc our thanks are ten- ' noen the drama of the Huntress of the !tined..
tico )-1 to , 8....), 1.1, f ) . , for Ini, veer nnlje slppi will to, produced. The I'Velliag per
elorpent and instructive lectures formation bo "Fifteen Years. of a Drunk
net/acts, The State Supermtentent reports i ard'a Life,. "The Female Illorao-Stealers." and
that A. T. l) , Lto t het t has, during the past three , the ..Forty Thieves.. Quite a annotation:Ll hill,
years, In his official duties, examined over we ahoold think, and sullicieni tin attract a
0 teachers, made Dear 1,500 VisitS to schools, large audience or sock as appreciate the moral
and traveled over likuoo miles. therefore drama.
Rrad, Thu we recognize in Mr. Douthett
an earnest and rfliclent laborm In the cause or
c o n f i de n ce and that we hereby express our i
confidence 11l Ins nullity, and that owing to I
the Increase in price of all the necessaries of I
life, we consider Do, present salary of the
CoUnty Superintendent inadequate, and we
respectfully Soggest to our Director. the pre ,
prlety tot Increasing Me name according to
The folios toe 44110,410 n on, then taken np.
'should children required to attend' oar
public schools regniarlyt" The affirmative
was maintained by Mr John A. Snodgrass,
and the negative by li I. Gourley. This is
.01.0.10 n of VILNL 11141011 to the people,
and we greatly regret., Owing to the very great
press upon our eoloimis, and our already
lengthy report, that we are' unable to give
even a synopsis of the remarks made by the
gentlemen. The .tuestion WI. very ably ar
gued on both sides.
The Allegheny Market House
This elegant strut., tlte, recognized us one Of
the 1111.4 of the kind In the country, bus been
t her ougkly repainted w hiteerashed, and oth r
e ire renovated and improved. The contract
tar painting sus alloted to Meas.. tallieland
and Orr, who pare performed their work In a
highly %aitixfarterymanner. The ceiling and
Iw adornments are ',minted in a beautiful style,
the color being n -water blue.' The Work Was
executed by a rum potent corps of workmen,
under the supervision of Mr. John 11. Holmes,
gentlemen thoroughly versed in all that par
iah, to his artistic veiling. The work on the
Interior of the building I. utsont completed,
Until I, In expected that tile exterior will be
tlnirhed by Tuesday or Wednesday next, In a
etc le that e prove at once gratir) leg to the
committee of Councils, the contractors, and
tile energetic and lfable Superintendent of
th e niarket,jdr. Dallas, to whom the public
are already much Indebted for the cleanliness
of the proMisca ender lila charge. When the
work Is completed, the market willpresent an
aApex rance second to nothtlier building of the
kind In the Utilted States.
City 31lortallty
The following IN a lat of the deaths to t hot
ear from 21th 4prJl let
I'm. typhus fever% old age 1; injury of bpi
nal marrow 1; ounsomptlnn 3; heart disease 3;
ontere poritoultus 1; ti Mond lover 1; delirium
tremens I; laryngitue l; chronic bronchitis 1;
hemieran in 1; erysipelas I; etlllboru 2, croup
c; pneumonia 1: ronvulaione 1; spotted fever 1;
pneumonia typholties 1; cholera In fantum I
011FILiplit1011 1.
ter above there wore I: males and 11 fe
males, all white.
Di mtric Court
Fer esr, April S.—Before Judge
'the ease of Krent a vs. the heirs of Jane
Ormsby, tleeeaseti—acLiou of eject.ept for a
tract or coal land—was resumed tool vontln
lied until eleven o'clock, when the ttlalnittf
was non-suited.
As the above case terminated rather sud
denly, there w no other cause ready for trial
1.0 the (sour( adjourned.
tttttttt sm. Contracts.—Messn.. Wm. 130 yd
a Sou, who have Just completed the erection
of the building for the Pittsburgh Fruit Asso
ciation, have contracted for the erection of an
eightBLOry building for Messrs . Joshua
Rhodes 5: Co., to ho used as a brewery. This
imntaln nearly one million of
brick, and about two hundred thousand foot
of lumber. They are also about to erect a
building (or the Pittsburgh Forge and Iron
Company, and have under contract a tine
chapel for the First Baptist Church, corner of
Itml.s and Fourth streets. This will be one of
the neatest church .1111Ces in the city, and
will cost about 44000i1. The Messrs. Boyd are
certainly doing a flourishing /thanes&
Kongo Entered.—A few days since Coe
dwelling of Mr. A. Levi, on Isabella street,
Allegheny. was entered by thieves daring the
absence of the family, sad a sliver watch, sev
eral dollars In money, and a considerable •
tinantity of candles carried off. Aa mat anee
M. effected by opening a window In the rear
of the house. The robbery wan committed by
a gang Ist boys styling themselves "Forty
Thieven,"-who have been operating for snore
moOfbn pant, alldtglaVe Ml:notated nauttlero,l,
thefts. Two of theMarttes hate been arrested ,
by the Allegheny pollee, and the +stolen watch
Arvinds.—The Meadville Rerabli,dt Hapi:
lion. C. N. Culver, and Meeere. L 11. Culver'
end John B. Penn, the firm of Culver, Penn it
Co., are In town to attend the ineetlng_of their
creditors to In held to-morrow. Mr. Wm.
Brunet, one of the assignees, is also here, and
Maim Wilson, Superintendent of the Reno I
Oil Creek ft rile. It . R. A large number of
Pminent gen emen conneoted with the
financial affairs In ads region and elsewhere
are expected here toalight,
Meeting of the Soldiers' Ixasiue. Customers gel 'all the benefit, and I
A meeting of Pthe Soldiers' League w. mid et the profil,.by *being ready
J ,,,,i eveunig at their root. in City 11.1, lien
J. R. Swelt.r to tne Mai, at the great Sheriff's
After the tramact ion of some Important
private Itualness, a 111001. Was merle to 1 . 1.- Sales with Money.
' , Cilia the reeolutlitus ;,10:141,/ at a previous
no , iing vnitoreinif Gens. Geary and Negri'}. Shoes al grits *3.40, %wholesale, I
after an animated dismission the motion a.
bought for i41.:50.-and swill
laid On the table by pt decisive vote.
The following resolution woe then adoptvi, sell the in for i;1,76.
Reschwf, That certain resolutions pasecpi
at the lard stated moot log of this League, op
(.._,() N 1 1- , '
reference to t.ena. Geary and Never bpi,-
not intended pis an emlor,ement of the imi pi Ipp
eat, principles of any party or parties. tilt
that we do endorse them For in a few dal N .{e u ill be able to
as soldier. in pretm
cum- to civilians to dispose of these goods at
er,•vioos to lidjounamml a reeolutton ii ie
adopted giving the enpport of the !engin to prices we ask for them,
Robert Ramsey, of the eta Penna. Reser, vs,
diaableil by wounds, now before thepeople is
a candidate for the alive of tplunty Register
The meeting was well attended, and the ph
cessions quite spirited
The ttebellluo Tableaux
Mr. Huger la rapidly completingiusturtingQ
menta for the exhibition elide grand national e
allegory and tehlealtx of the Greet Rebellion, oneert
for the lament o IVf the 'de TT' Home ITT
first exhlletlon will he ,oven on TlTur.elar
et ng next , at City lint!. The pre—, m r
.•ttlee eni lit. ak In the lihrliTT-1 .
m term. of thlm T- CO-PARTNERSEIIP
lalnment, and the folio u from the T Teel -
is a %ample
NoTiuu 'see' that the
It It.r.r, It 0001.110 N —Tt.t. 100 , 110 . 110 n
0, till, Allegory Tool TalTlTTair, ha- createder.
lbr greatest exeltennent to elreleTT of sm•i-
00 , 1 ve ,„ thi
nty ttlr elty. l'eninette, dreae elrele atol nirslerlA nI.ATT-T. TT*l nnd other
gallery . mere all crox deft to ever - flowing at 011 liitteswltre 0000 the 1 . 00001,‘ rtt
nrlp hnur 1•Velltil lg. The Allegor) BEN.' AMLN rAls Itt,ltict Ili tio , Ijit) 01 Phut
krettl ratiteri to the thoeft, co fulnrinthly well I . en, httrgh . 041, O .IS o°,o, l T‘ 811 1 ST. DUFF
contalna kto Much lint Inltstc, 011 , 1 0 at. ttto SO- ,o ^ltlett In the 1 , 10,0 and Is •
cnitently rendered that the Muhl once WOO kept lu In the thot-t -."a ehthh ' rt..m the erst t •- tarta ' r. - rt.ii . .tkf .4 - 1171n4 0,0 and
ck lt7 the
I,llff of the It, t tic magnificent clef
mg Tableaux.'
l 0 n k sum t ..f
The aale et ticket , 0601 hal 1r enntrthated
, 0 , 1 item, ten thractentt dollars.
commence at Kletterin renew store Ott 'Monday Tb.• Wirt ttel , hte Iw ctt thf - th
next. NI
11 . AII lttsd slut tu pale on the lrl
ut Jul, A. . 1.71 I . AtoK
•Alfl/1- FP.
• 111.7.ttl 'IA ZELL/ Ito
Grand Concert—it was our good fortune
to be present at a grand vocal and Instrumen
tal concert given in St. Joseph's church niter
W. A. Nolan) Sharpsburg, on Thursday even
ing, under the allreetloll Or MRS M. J A oplelvee,
organist of the church. The proceeds of the
concert, which was a grand success pecunia
rily, will be applied towards the erection of s
residence for Bev. Nolan. The rich tones
of the new organ recently purchased to Balti
more, added materially to the interest and
pleasure of the evening. The programme em
braced gems from Meyerbeer, Mozart, Its yden
and others, and the performers all acquitted
themselves in a highly creditable manner.
We cannot refrain from mentioning the solo
'Then You'll Remember Mc," as sung by sfr .
Wm. Whitehead, of this city, which drew forth
the plaudits of all present. The concert elan
in all respects n grand success, being attended
by the citizens generally, regardless of their
religious predelectiona. Rev. Nolan, wino Is in
ri o ne u t, y his man guirrianitr lino 'uniforrnricatracTlTei'l
ehristian walk and conversation, won the re
spect of is who know him. We should add
that the Etna Cornet Band was present and
,liscr rsed sweet music during the evening
timed to 11.—A wedding took plate at tilt.
Occidental the other day, the parties being tt
widower who was about to perpetrate matri
mony the third time, arida widow who had In
vested her affections for the second time
When the prospective Imshand walked int o
the parlor with the "qqntl. ' the widow waq
seated reading &novel. eh: got up, joined
hands, and transferred her devoted heart nod
hand to husband So t, and he promised to he
a faithful "loryer. to wits No. 3. When the
ceremony was over the wife sat down, nicked
up the novel anti remarked "Now, I'll go on
with my story,. and gave no farther attention
to husband, magistrate or spectator, Mend
title Rep.
Election of County . Superintendent.--
The act regulatitig the terms of office of school
Directors hi this county having unwed the
Legislature, the Department has notified ,e.
.Touthett, Esq., that the terms of the Direc
tors will expire on the first day of June each
year, instead of the 17th of /larch es formerly
'rho present Directors wW therefore bold of.
flee until June, and will meet in convention
on the drat day of Hay next, to elect it Cout,ty
Superintendent, the term for which the pres
nut incumbent was elected expiring at that
time. The Convention will probably he held
la City Hall, an arrangement. are now brine
made to secure it for that purpose.
Being Henovisted.—The Polk:el...elUtile
have in hand the work of renovating the vit.
Hoes rooms of the Mayor's office, which when
completed will effect quite a radical change
in their appearance. it Is intended to give
the suite of rooms a thorough whitewashing
and tootherwise refit them. The audience
room will be removed to the front of the build
ing. The room now being need for that pur
pose Will he suitably furnished anti carpeted
as a reception room; for private audience and
in which the Pollee Committee will hold their
meet Inge.
ierlona Assinedt.—Moses Hiekenhothain,
a oolored man, who drives a coal team, made
informatlon before Mayor Morrison. of Alte
gheny, yesterday, Charging Jame,s Snodgrass.
an employee 15n Lee's I. erry', With assault
lng and beating him in ao outrageoOS
manner. It appears that a tlifileUlty arose be
tween the parting from some trivial cause,
when the defendant st mink the prosecutor
with adnub, inflicting severe wounds on his
head and face. Micsittrius was arrested by ()M
-eets Beatt and Campbell, and held for n hear
ing before the Mayor to-any.
total Passenger Qaalneso of the Posin•
sylvanilis Itallread.—On a single day; during
the; present week, no less than two Moamar,
powlengerw were carried on the local trains of
thCfpeansylvanta Railroad, departing fratt
and arriving - at this city. This a - 111 sire thii
public, a fair Idea of the extent of travel be
tween this city and the suburban villages on
the line of the roail.
North British Review for Mareb, I.llel.
Consents; 1. -Pssigrave's Central Arabia. 2. A
Jacobite Family.• 3. donde, 4. } Oust{ a rita,
matte Poem by GOethe. 5. , Ecoe flown" and
Modern ficepticism. 0. The Poems end Fables
or itobilrt Hen eon. 7. The Ecclesiastical
Commission. e, Reform and Political Parties.
For sale by W. A. Glldenfonney, 42 Fifth street.
Fresh Flab--Mr. B. Pulpreas, No. tt
mond utarket, keeps on hand a Large and
choice stock of Lake and Eastern fah, whleh
he sells at the lowest market rates. House
keepers should glee him s call.
of contributors to this institution Is 'directed
to to advertisement announcing a meeting on
Monday next for the eleatton of trustees.
y irEn J:sr. i r .4\D ea 701104.1.
. .
I: trn.tat.l,l•rilich remOb tttsel.t.
tlac an.
Sigt.• Cone.
In n Clubs y
of Pim,. ••r .
In of ten and a awards.
$3,314 to Mattufltel tire
No Regard to Cost or Value.
0 .71 T 1 011 •` SO -V DC 11,”
erll lba• • No Much."
IP' V. 1-I;<,T.
Hall Shoe Store.
onutry hiprcltsut,
, 1; l ork : kV .
l'htladelphit! •• k a
verake. and Stun,.
In onr ILIv'I r:
asaV favor kaa
J. U. & W, C. BURL IND'S,
sib: No. :an !lark, al re... NI door from 616 .1
FOR SALE-- Thin day, al Ben.
TRIMBLE'S bTd 111. E. A 11)11“1,bal BRED
1 Al:Al/IAN MARE: work sltielo or double,
nn,l pleatynt rider; paces tool. r the saddle and
t rots In harness: Is perfectly gentle. ohels of extra
atout, and will be sold at a bargain, merely for want
of Ott.. If not solo to dlay, will be at tees Stable
Moudar apt :IM
EItTY Als 1.. Al feet fro al the corner
of Fifth street, Of I.ofeet deep. Alto, a: lent front.
on Market steers. neer Tbl,l ,r, -et, 7y 112 feet
doep.wlth o, Thirdseet Ito Webster
etreet, a eat 0.. M tr oo, of ball. tee
rooms, well pap, red and painted. tinl shed stile and
cellar. I mnooflnteus tl.i1)(1
np4 to. CUTHBERT-3, SI Market st.
l'Oft SALE-- ; '0 aero-
aoo acres of heavy
- 'number Land In Snyder rownnlnp. deffee•on
county. which_ we offer at the low price of piper
acre. B. McLAIN ourth otreet.
FIRES H .1111 I
A I No. 45 D1A31 , /N I /. T. PI I Tetßritilli
We ttle . lte u,r at,talou of to. l , uollc . arl.l
then, ‘t. ne a call near. pre pa , to 'all nil
Linda u.! rk.l4 Yl,ll low an Cu , too (raw>
Whol,,alr a n.l rriall • u t,. erg ,rt•tuptiv eupialle.d
ap1.2‘ , 1 tiEsinsliN pt,LvitEss.
Sleeting of tile Coot rtbators to tl is Institution
will be. held at al. Bosultal B omit ng, (40 Mr,
land street, above nmltilneld. no lttl\OAT, Lu. 9th
nst.. al ;o'clock. e Y., to elect twenty-tour Trua
teen, to cotup.l•nce nitb loarte•. All con trioutora
are ' , guested to attend. B, or of
ap7:2to 113 E I'l9l...rEEt. pro tem.
Enpi —
. yin T.
ProOtablr. EtnyloymenL uerultked .1 .P 917
I.g UR Asr ILILLI ;141/.1(1..0r, o.k raam
fora few daps
'NON IN lliitNl NMI PrtnA UoLAY
AFTERNOuN. Aprll7th. nt a o ..1..c&, vet I Yu• la
on th• premise.. on IA tw, ty.nd houie ab4re
the corner of Wanbtoglon , el.. n erY coruforta
hlc Two-biory Brick 1,...111ng Itou., nod Lut. TI•
tie ludlsputaule. ,tl.l t.. Khon In tea
daye from al oral,
ape T. A. 31c, I I:1-1 AND. Auct
D 0031 9 AND BOARD.—Enfur
ttlslor.l Roams tan aellnd. a ttn Hoard,
by ggen-
Inman.nnalWin.. In All.,men). an Ine llne orthe
rannenger liallssay. by andrea.ine
Itsfe,nran e xe 11311g...1. Int•I•lf
1, r A....11 „ 1. , L ut At oi leelLlirl--Just received
CND. A . Ith.NAtiAW:
did Corner Or idDerty and ti.LOO 91,012(4.
SALAD REL- - We hal ein store a
ftipply of the Oneellatallan dna Bordeaux Olive
OH, Iv Mate and quart, 01 (refit tsuporl.4l4pm for
wale I, the dozen or elnme notttc. at the etamtlf
tinwery :More of M)ti.S A. f:r. *.W.
144 Corner of tiler,, 11,..1 otreete.
NEW Uol,,lte ere c.i.f. otooke. orange. and
• .
NEW I'ATT EIl Ntry-direrdt. Etruzred. LouLI .1;v,
Erabruillered, at nalln and Lace.
EYLPF.CIAL 01ENTRIN U w &dr ,1 ( priced
II.)1.11 Piz P.K.lts.
Sal - Store open every rznnldr •
rota! Wfddi
Intr.ion tafi X
1 bd. end I hoz LI"
I,..dipy from stead. r l'ntanner. for szle by
alto hl
ir , firrrox- -3 bales now lauding
saorb ' , learner rO k toutar lot en
I.I.ICSIED PEACHES-10 cases on
oonslaument, of c5tr,,,,01 quality. !or coic
11110ES--304 extra large Dry
• in._ fn store for .we by
sy 3 AlAll DICKEY & COI
SI Su .
1 SS