the Vittibutolt 6iv.,ette. FRTDAY, .APICIL it, 18416 FOR GO WERNOR MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. GEARY, ( • W. . Lii••••••. F:-•, • H Plant., Esq., .1 I) 11.. m•••, . .1 I Esq „I•din . I Esq , .1. F . Spalding, E,q., A. E. P••rry. The above , list ••••inpri.,i, Iwo otter a hereby oven that hereafter aft TRIM =9 NOTICE TO A DVERTIN EltM Wan' ml.ntanmetita iva.1••11 at lids QM. must tyt paid for vb. banded M. except. In the rase of (earl) advert/la., whoa. bills will be reodere4 =I lona of lido, u tha r+Lla , of uub parmentn for ad ♦.Maemtmt. of the oltaraeter rtnted. otil be Metz I= The pram of our paper as I HAIEN c•YT:I'B as the I= lITTEI (TEN yrret EGIIIMME! There was slime in Norway when piracy 5.1 an established institution No body, except, possibly a few fanatics, thought ill of It Men were brought up to it from in lancy. Ships were built for it with the same openness as bir proper commerce Religion lent its sanctions to the business When a captain was ready for a voyage, he repaired with hitt crew, to tile church in which he customarily worshiped, devout ly implored the Divine protection and guide ance, received the benediction of the priest, and Limn began his voyage. When he re turned he again sought the church, render ed humble thanks for his success, laid a tythe of the spoil on the altar, and went away In the community She seas held in honor If he grew in tiches, he neither concealed his gains not the source from which they were derived. He was ostenta tioua of success, and recounted his exploit• with as self satisfied an elation as a pat +whiter feels in detailing his pl - OWCisA ill tcnre of the Illiertie, of hi: country Finedly, hell 1.01. r ,piril ~,n i•eived and when an agitation against thi eastern of rapine and violence was iu. h oat ad, the agitator was first held in disain, tind. afterwards, a- prite.rett= was made, a ile+turlier of mieiety. I'oneervtlit , broke 1111 111111 all Ilse Worlp..lw of all 11111ple and V..llPlllelll. I.illiugcgat.• rind's mini i.r• toined their formal denuatiations It. 1 lin 111 1 11 S, ~1 slit• p0r11604. rpirc frrkrn s ,le,rend 1...0 'no, :,illi q uoy But al 1,4, 111.,u. io , • 111%1 It 2,1, :I .11 . 111,1. rim...lilt the idea , I t s nilioriiy td the itettplt 1 pr.ltll,ll by INVi iwanitne.l Bgthe ,. dueatl.nolm.nioioiu ni"mlity and ..1 prod. I,s r it dualry, and by an illll4r4 , lrimalt .IT• pr,,pl4, iu nautical skill, it It mall. them 111 defend theinselvc, %oil to mat, Ilt.• ul,l lukint ‘‘..111.1 hrt.:ll, altiong thecur ~ r % at It •••• Th.. ha rai,•r hem ,‘ .lip ~t 1 inn I,i , Tile mil, °tit-min:llr, H tillacr id 1/, Tice , Of Ihcw• 1n)1.1 ,1111• e r. H. ert• t %, 111 Ott, t, ii;lctittn Ins% tlwit ..:111111g. I. hal I plan II 11,1 eat litkt aul vitl.lll.l OW slit, hearing By 311.11. v, the tli•letire !•• ,ijx.lovy Th., urzed it WII , 11111,1. , t1,1011 . 1.1 1.. 1.8,• • .11tti conatio I 1 , . a jai; itunii 81 1‘ to h iuctiicated tLnl otlieri.B/I,lt I ill NOIIII.IIII uvr.• Tlivy iDnunwrahl rneusure,, under ale plea of tnti ,ntt tit old lerueion, •pirtt, be rnu, •ton' hilt/ tridUlgl`llo,... !ha , gave it o•Xet and I.nrit<•umtetl life A. ILr• neii ,n'rea.r•d In nuinla•r< per , i,tent t:mw•rratiee , were• t0r.,1 in rnak,• mon tiller conces,,ou until the reform ‘4 , 1111.&•1•• but 4011 filet( nmmnne.. nut I the oli! titni••. and the 1$ them 31,6 .IgLing, k.% el tt.• iut•t•til.•t radicalism 6e•l 1.1. , •111.1 .1 In the I:,ltteif i•ott vq, &tines A, long tithe do lighted iu iduvery They It the highest homir, tvhene, et they Is . oppurtunnt. 111 the Ex - 0,A1,, Mn;.. /•i in the Cahin,iii, no the Senate, in the Hi, of Rept eseohkii vet. and to the :-ulirct C , lirt They lailloweil it with t I aot rchginn quoted in f l supped: the ancred er proite ai•l ap"atle The tail, ni the pn•fii• rived imp htailt temple: dud altars, -i slotted pretedier , , Ji•iributed al tract,. rant utiseionarie- It. ditdant Idn I and ministered to the wants of the dept nn and itflictekl Great was Slavery' It= d• filled 13,, dnif the republd .11. bratiei.e% • ..rltha Yeti we•l fifteei. . Ml= ..}loo. iw.ghty inn bits lopple.i Slivrerr over I. ~ 1 1.5c1, 1 111VP.: fir 1 it ptii.ltmo Tit. Demorrliti, lei =MEE non of Pennsylvania, representing e ~. stAueney as pliant and trui kling, for tkir veal's. RS Slavery rye?' niiml , ere4lalll4.V lie keys, take: tit. leave of the instil an • with vim. , lingering tendernevi., to be foi the aake of preaerrine a hollow • i• tedeney in the act of desertion, hut it. orange 1P final Ten year, hence a Deno (raw Convention of Petinsvlvan, ii - •Unli enlaro0at101:0. shall 1:101 1 , 00151er Inr an initiated and disused—will an , 0011 thin ' 01 endorsing Piracy as Slavery, and mere ban half disposed In evade the ree ords of the doings of it.. predeveanor+ ehargine the forg . ery rat them up.o the radirals unAophistietard people, in v.• vr of fnrtr, murv..l Illedomorrats, in ilkeir f'Lrt limn. tolernt.• ntry r , nuntot o. Ihel 1.1 ut I LrrrirMt T.. tit.. 1,1 8 1-1,, gentierr.l LS Kinvely, nnd t tarvi sing it. Ii oomed , 00n t. , I.•rkf2 S u ch p r ople tun, not aclet t uttlek ••••21,-tkle t ril either the nnturr or trllderlt y c 4,11 kcryntist.l. Like olaurue hint, it lit, ttl carrion WhaleveT is effete, decalttg , trni, it olings to and finds 111111riSill11,111 in S., lin , it ever linen; at Will it niwa) , I,e 11311=1=113=1 N(1110111i1 JOH N4l (111 b, !)4V BLAIR, chairman, AS 1111/111lithed 11) the Natb.ri t a bote/ri9rneer and Mar. i- 60. President -Hot). !Montgomery Blair, 01 Maryland, Vice Prmiiilent•• -Maini• on. Bion Bradbury; Nen. Hampshire, Lem,. li W. Clarke, Ei..9 Vermont. A .1 Willard, Ilaasachu,eita, .1. S Whitney Fgli Rhode Island, W B L., wr • ewe. , Connecticut, Hon W D. Nea -1 ark, Dean Richmond, Ewe New .leri.ey, Hon. J. P. Stockton, Pennsylvania, Asa Packer; Delaware. Dna. W bury; Maryland, t'. .1 M. swim, liso ' • Virginia. Hon A H D Stuart, West Vir girlie, Hon. P. G. Van Winkle, North Car olina, Ron. W A. Graham, South Caroli na; Hon. J. L. Orr; Georgia, Hon Jame. Johnson; Tennessev, Hon. W. R. t!ntme bell; Alabama, Hon. G. S. Houston; Mis sissippi, Hon. J L. Alcorn; Louisiana, Hon. Randall Hunt; Indiana, .1 E. Mc Donald, Esq.; Illinois, Hon. S S. Mar. shall, Ohio, Ex-Gor. Tod; Kentucky, Hon. James Guthrie; Wisconsin, -- Shores, Esq.; lowa, Hon. H. C. Dodge; Minnesota, Hon. D. S. Norton; Missouri, ! C M. Elliard. Esq.; linnaas, M. J. Parrott, ; EN.; Nevada, Puett, Esq.; California, Hon. J. W. Denver; Oregon, Hon. J W. j Nesmith; Itlieldgan, Hon. R. McCrellar4d; ; Florida, Judge' Ifarrin; District of Colum bia, P. R. Fendall, Esq. Recording Sec-; reut r .1 It K. F, Pap Esc E,4 Corry, i yto dty_ ro Tars' -- ( 41, 'DIN "1 - rCII ,•, .t ~t,.„1 . . tile N 111.1,131 nillik ~1 111$ 1 . 4 1...‘..:. 11 - uutive Contutittett-11.tu .1 IlttLtit. - [tn.! ; ('huts. li nap, Ekt.q...l. (I. I(.•nrrt, E-., ; t W. Botteler, Eger. %V. B Ma t ., h.:, r F.-,.. an-. all l.h , n i .tfl• lbp perheads, including the dntnken Sru.l4, Fert ,111:RY, Ili till ii lint there are not OVer II hall Boren name.: 4if men arho sustained the I hs,erointfut urine the War Senator V ' WINCII-.. Of ‘Vest declined the leont, of having ?I's name on it A>v Pkt of %111- ,I , llleSted the liiovw rior -"11 lirighlin 1 null, k , rll,Jily that a••• .tt Ion 1: la. t nomination ninth K lbt• Deck, I ,, okplA up Nitindr, ;,1•1 , ,t 1 131- iiend •onvent ion. Tito mole nntsi r hi , I, hr inertneadisli thr.,ughout with the itite•rn , -1 whin la L.I 1., Ihifll lice p•al • THEItt 11.1, t r.ll . 0,11 ~1114 1,, c,' 111 n ollrlrr Liam. n nhout 1. , ,nr.on • send tL, rtu-Inl.•ut nu i't omit of It, ••1 Linn. It n ill 1,-I,M, [.. Tkii ,i.l tott•tnal rcn,•nun- t..t 11.4 rnne t-mlnug Mnrcin Wert' [1,1014 F 11.• Leurit rul r, 1 , I al. , Wukild .141.1 In.' THE FUTURE That the President desired the detect, of Geu Haw LET in Connecticut, and labored to accomplish it, does not admit of tea , on able doubt. His course, in this particular. naturally begets inquiry as to what line of conduct he will be likely to adopt S to lip . important elections which will ~ . cur ne,t Rllllllllll TL.• New York Tires 111E1Si' that thl al , pointinent soon to b.• made of a Collt,toi for the port of that , ity rea souable Republican, that the Pre,ident still mints hitnfself an is , l, , neing to their party, and that srluitet er It. lin , will be settled iu:ode it , pale. On the other hand, i; w II informed circle. that the President aria make a persistent etlort d,r,at ;:eno.,l* GE RI in l'enusylrania To this is Qtated, the dispensation of patronave in C. , llllllol,VelAll II 11:1 , lot•,11 o•Illrll , led 0, Sella Or COW AN deinimtli7e the !trio, 1111.1111 , imJ 1,44 111111, lwr• The , e , Internenk r n , Ii n• nEtri) .lilfi•rt•Ell wnli.l. 111=1 4trong .11•picion of their cot - I,cl 11. • 11.1,1 31111,1101 ,ion; bni N Hill is luitt.v. r the Prv,ideiti 311.1 1., :1.1,1, un,y inten.l, is 11:1%.• 1,11- :1. !WV,'" 11, ill•,11111 111 iht• br false Itcr 311.1 !•. Imr ti. 0.11 11111.1 i ,, 11 I , .1 1... r 'tired atuhito.ii. may riiii • LLrir 11..11 i❑ i is punuil “1 plat, CIEMME=I9II lEEE 1:=11 NORTH at 'LI ts. •-.- \\ 11111.11. th 11,- 1110111L11g ',atilt - Ili Slalellleal 1 , , H' 11. la \V. \V holden. lately the Pros i.iorta'. ernor , of 'North ( aroluut, ulwm Itlt . Mid itta atfisir, iu that State I;o1 11 111 tell- the truth ,omew - lint reln. tautly, 1., tree, Umlrrs plainly North Carolina , to dn~ , much in the 'mud, ..r rebel- al: -..i. , 111 , t , a, it Wa. IS lira V nun Wa , I - ernor and .leil t. Alen Wilt , take Ila , alh of Dili. are uftice loecau...l• the all tals, ti“ .at L. and tho,e whor.annot t.h. all .tat h. a P.: not It they mold, r " plot , . of trust :Ind I.ntitit under the rec., ptruete.l 4 0 ,1•111111 , 11 t. 4;ov make. an earnest, bill we fear a hoiwles-. to the l're,dent. tt rentert 1...t0ng.; , and “ppro.,ivel'rawl. Chi: 4:p, .k.\\ S•yiliour, I La: CI) , I heir anNwt-t, and it 1 , I ,tlll, unswt, w Illch thrir, w , Olll - . 11 t.oli A ( ri....4,14.1 in N.,(' 14.11 13'4 Nit elain, The pe , ,ple a,ll u,d hav al riny prier Tli3 may heslavei tla ideu6 t ifs lint 114,11,itiat, hly.i I Mill. 11..1 1.1 - .lt•N, th, i „, matter; the i1t.01./e renietiihet our.. during the war. their regl,4l 6,1 tia• tladt readier:., to give up th, L.nimi, huwbh• tuir and -Lubiaii 1 ,, al N,atY.•rG Pot THE Naaliville Pn.x ,a)• that /11.‘ 1/31111 , / Harp, the head ia•radoea. ha, notified tilt I:111011 uam ..1 Sumner gotiniy that, an Lb,. tr...p , are 6. In. he withdrawn, they gt. with theis. Ile aiy- that the county not large emaigh 14, contain linu..aelf and and sin.. the Union men arid agent .1 i.e Freedmen Bureau Harper warned all the Union inell 1301 it, remain. 614 pefli ‘,I theft lives. He openly defies Liu civil and military Itllol-Iti, TnE Preitilent last week pardoned olic ,muggier anti two counterfeiter- lir ha iin t doned other counterfeiters ICe Gear that Le has exercised uu unwi-i n lean in t TLt re are very few um, In which a co tin tell - Idler 0 entitled to any relaxation or the demand, or the lan. lie cannot be tarried into n a> a murderer may be hurried to im crime, In hot blond The interest- of wty require that the iounicrfeitid ,nand Le hena vi v plthlol,l lia• again b 1,4110" a ' •, 1, ea, lulled (pan the lieueril 01 h late Pre-Rivet ial prucitimatvie, which nu riouure• the reatorutiou of pea., in ali u I parts 01 rehel,lolo Perhaps this exceptmn p. ma d e in deferehre to the Judgment of the general whoa« opiuitiu of our south wertern Frontier was summed up in the remark that If tie owned the infernal regions and Teta,, be would lease the latter and tioie into the former Tut liriush l uuaul it l'snailts, Brand reiNifis that the shipment o f ,nttm. I r.. 11, that port during the past year was 41,tteed hags, or almost 4,167 tons, the crop Leiur• probably double that quantity. A consid entitle quantity was shipped from Pernli Ili buco and adjacent ports. The culti vat ion of oottoll Rae steadily increasing. Tiler.. were many applications for exotit , ced. with a view to improve the quality. On Friday last fourhundred people were &stumbled on the second floor of a publo school at Makwanago, Wisconsin, to wit LICKS an caibitlou given by the pupil, when the floor suddenly fell through, pre cipitatinc half the audience to the first Hoof, tool again down into the cellar. No lives were lost, though a great untidier of per uniii were badly bruised. OSionoEllol.ll and several Episiti pal clergymen, a committee appointed for the purpose by the Episcopal Convention 01 Sown Carolina, reCelltly vi>iled the col oreil si Mails in Charleston, reporting then, St, well pleased with w but ~he saw This affair is remarkable, being the tirut visit eTer made to these schools by a south ern white vommittee. Nm.:ltons V OTT No.—,U the recent Mil uieiptTl election in Milwuukce, the uegroes Noted side by side with tile whites, the Su wen., court of Wisconsin buying do, I. that they are by law entitled to vote No dinturiTanms occurred, and the white 1111.11 snbmittrd to it without gniinhling PARRNOLoWi UN ITb Tau I. —l)tie of tie applivants for the post or deputy Mute c.,1 lector in Hampshire county. exitihils Fowler & Well ehurt .•r hi s ,•,-;,” iological ticvelopuient- U. !wove hip fitnr for Tart. Tile peat fridge IletoTo the Irthio river is said to be nearly eou n n; pitted. It IS two thousand feet lon g. 1/i11• of the spans, measuring nearly eleven hundred feel, said to hi the long,,t world CoLottAno.— It is said that the Setlftle. will *)0111 reCOTlNitler its action on t h e kid ol Colorado, and rote• for the Ini mediate admission of her Senators and Rep rescutatives in l'ougres.s. Immigration at New York, this year, to March 81, is 31,1123, against 13,956 to ` , 41.111P date last year--more limn double . About 211,1100 came from Great Britain and 11.000 from Germany. Tan CUSTOMS IN'TLES received :is New York in March were $10,153,054, and in, all the ports about fifteen millions, being an hid:ease of 100 per cent. Deer the same month last year. TIIe Frgnch Empress Eugenie propo , es to build, r tlixee Winched model lodging bblises for working people, in one of the suburbs of Paris, • • , AI i . u.r. ~. t i n ~:,,,, ti u .„ A ,,.., ig ISLOTIVES. I WANTED. OCULIST \\i D AITRIST _, -,..., ti..,"!.e Pr. • •.t , ...::.; di -col., ..f -..... - - - I ... . -........-- -- _.- .. I ~,,gr,. 1, : . ,-rf . :1 _ the Inetril• , r•• •ind - Nr. 4 OTIC. E.—Xj.Stoekl . lo.l.ders, meet. iIV . I NTED--..i. Girl to do CA . )11iA i lig 1 )I:At Ni , ',S, h.,1. ,, n,_ ~,,, 1 1 . i•• . ~ I pin, e r) v• um. ih,. iii r , ‘ 1;? , ,,,, , , , .. ' I I,. ~f : ,4 1, ~,, ~ F Ep q r rart I . 1.,.51.• AI : , A31 .4 . ,;!7en . i,oe, •4 , .. A• • -. al 1-, .1,. , •.• 1 • , ..I.i .1:P"• II ,‘ I , ' 111 , IP• Pill iII , IPI '',%,,•• ' ? , b . 41 1,..•nd S.:p ~ ~ 0 I lIII , AI ES VI - ~,,., . 4,.. , i,mi,.. ~, ~..„,,,...,, . 1,,,,ii,i ‘,. Ni , .:•:: i.. , , , k1,, T t cm, NT ;••, • •,..,,• 1 ').. ,,,,,,,, r IVA V'I'ED.-- SUFI .41'10N.- ill • 1111 pl FA 11, VIIII A l•-•‘. In ~ . h Is I- I 111 A: AI. • , the lAtt ~ 1 1. I , 1111 1 ~ 1.., • 01. P lit. lirliiii,r ~ i i null,. i 4. , \ ,:r A MEFTINI: OF THE 110ARD : W,::;'..,:',`;',,,!,', 1 ,:;`„:'.,! . ,''',„“A ' ^'' ' •,, ''‘ t ' T ." P 1 "."-- '''' ' In ' ,. . r. , ni- '\vtiPi.i,..'"s",;',`-.,.",‘,.,'',.,'`,,4,"";.,."':,'',";..;,,,,,.,..,r, ‘I, '4 N Tri) id I - yr♦ . 11.1 e 0 n.l •,' pu• ,i,.. , ~ ,111,- Li me1..1, t ill. ,11,... 111 HI - I . MA! Hl' u . 1 ..T A A.,,ip I , i„. ~ . • ''' 1\ . • . ..* . S 11 , 111 11.• Br lll .ll Fry. "Flude piiilt...oplir ..I ''' '''' .1,11• IS II AI 11 . V.1,11 . .... ..1..1,1 0n ,, 1 , 1 N:...., 1 ;•,,'„,'.. r i . t, l ,T, l i 1- .. A '. ' ,..;., a,i;l •. }, Al ' A . 1, 111 - 11IP 111 lhi. ii , ,,, -I pH , . t I murk.! • - I . N trrit.E-- .I.l ! ere " "" v• I ) iii.g '' t 5.., ‘ ,..... ' , " ,; " , 1 . '1 , - ‘ ,... i' ' , ~t, '.'-,", ", ,, C ' In-pus ,,, kn. i , n ~,, 10,, :„..,,, r . ,,, wl,„ Lm , 1. , / , , i . ..4 . t..... , 1 , ..9. „ 1,1 , 1 , .. A. „ . . , , 11 . ,.,, Y , L ,. A1 1. ., ,, .. „ . , , ~, ~ , ~, i ,,, , , i , i • I : • • li.l-1111p 1.. 015 .0, It la 1,1, 111911 1... I. 5 ..0.. ..I. II , • •II.• 1.. , A.11 , , •••,. p• p., 1,. 1•A ''' . .l ‘," ,'.'‘. '-'_'...','..!'...' )11i, 11 1,11.11/,11 1./tl. , 111 01 N. w '.a, • hIl.l 111 till iu l% Illt 1, •• , 01,k1.1.•,1 oil hanl, of lwr ,s.! IL. L.. ,vu rib ~ .1, 0 1 1 1/11 , Choi I, Helm, . a ,v.• 11 yrr a 1,0 lii Aid nine n.\ 1 , ri,c, .31 I ',pa:lt:will, marl ILI lnadn, T. lIIMIEMI IME=IIMaII !wiled ti , lillll li w.ll,ll,birF, (1.112.. 113,1 Nit,!l•l/t, ill 1 :U1.111• . ,:: 1.111.11„I1 NIA I'Vp I s ,tll.l 2. .1 , 1111 10,‘ ap, Ii 111.11`111. , 1 Ili,' It vl 1,111 up 111. .ti •.l: - LP - 9 , .11 .1 - pa..T o 11,111. 1..11ar- C,.• .11 \ • SS 11. 11,1 N% ak.l MIME POLITICAL c S _ 4 ?:• 4 01.4:1111F:ss. The rtlelllliM 01 HON. JOHN P. PENNEY OE 41:141.1tE•s GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY E It I I' SAMUEL B. CLULEY, r„..e - l'Olt SllEl{ll4 CHARLES BARNES, MEM SIIEltl JOSEPH ROSS, 0111 EM E. ,. .4i1" FOB tillEllll I CEP/. S. B. M. YOUNG, FOR %IIERII't COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, :4;,• NTI O.IIttIINNIOAEIt, GEORGE HAMILTON, •. t i ~,, • 1. r 1 rr Z;* 4 01 VEI 4 011111M.,10NEIR CHARLES PUGH, in:t..l.t • t r,,,,,?r - CILEIth. E I OUHTS. JOHN C. BROWN, .". 117 - 1 . 01 1 LEltti OF COURTi JOSEPH BROWNE, I,l l ' 1,1 WI, it ‘1,14 I•ri I ,el,• Art 11.. rl StLt,J., • 1 . . .1, •I, .14 11 , 1/11 1 1/11,1. 1 ..1/1111 1 oo,ut:t VORFLF.IIIii OF ('Ot'RT4, OR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, ,If , 1 • 111• dau.• PROPOSALS lIROPOSAI.9 K lll by rc\Ylcrd 111 ILE , 11-•• II II NI CMS _ . 11,11 , ,EG II ENI COUNTY :grro o(i e I n.l'out Inn t.k..1, ,•I • of Law n- !. not r, rrOltin (111, I.n than nx uttlo tl.• .II Propos.a., emi-t • 1.. to fun 1.4 f, r,I tt. .th 1.. tion ,ottit). 111.1 pct.. Add", E.,110).. It Will T I PI. .1.10-ni f !tr, UF:.. ALIIIIF F. orerf.tar, F..urfl; awl I'I(T•kl kill. A pi kl ,pin. 114 NOTICE. TO CONTRAIi'TOIOL R. 4JIILINti Itxra To oil I/Vrl4, 1 . 1T,131 . 11011 Matelt rhtb. Intro. Propnua, for thu e..n.truction of a llntate to , ter In tirittit ' , tree. It otn Diamond of to the Mono. enttelu I•ereceived al the °M.'. of In. on der . tsignetl 11.• Martul 111111.11ng, until Alt ttA , 141:16. be elects . . • . ICE 1( FISPF A RR. .1b27 - dt•litrgulstnr. ! IVOTICE TO OWNEIVI OF LIME— ~TI~.~I. ht. 1 , . al-11A salt Ntauufactur "mi.." , .11 , rucelcr proponale. for the auppli 20,000 Tans of Limestone, Or not It.* than NJ. L.:Tv-rout, I:eNT. rt). . lu be .leltrerefl 1n , ara upon the Allegheny alit . ) Railroad. opinfelle the t nninany Work or al the )11(11 . i1011 of •alfl road 1111 LIM entern At. It., al the If Islfttnln. - ta. fllerl'ag to. flu olght .,l by the runtr,•to,. hot s.• ban r nor ..... ,hag 1u lot” to be 'le 11v5.r...1 per.!..). flamplen of the .lonr. and prlo,if o .1! eats ha for Wanted 117 g.gpien, nia/ked . 1h•llg. Salt Man.• A ilrgbenr • l'•• LECTURES LECTURE, RV MISS SIiSANNAII EVANS, rl HALL. NIONIrVi Aprit 24,11-tio - t - - N)1.1 , 1E1,3 EMPTY' !ILE'S VE,• I. r•its«.t. Ft , lt TIIK 111,N EVIT ”F"f lIE 1111 lit Ickets 56, liestrvedto I. had at il.• dot,. !fart rvnt.r, «A• MI. SDA 1. , 12 a. X.. awl I 1.1 T . . .1. 1.ar0r1...p..ti at 7. 7. ag4l.4tel MILLINER Y OPENIAG On Thursday, %pill 5111, k 1.1. THE I,* F:111 NEW I.:, I -T 1./o. SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS, AT MUM. KITCHENS, Pdddd 1041 k 1.144 1,1 ST A 1.1.F.14 Id.Nl d II I al,' 414 DISSOLUTIONS msoLuTiov, I lbw firn, ••I I !Alt. t,/ v L. t...1.t. Ai.; II 1.1. 1N.14 I'biE TTIIt . I n r..wing from tl.~ nrn, I ~ Bill) I . licit conitinunn... 1.• 11 , ,m11) ISt, Ili If I', (irorrl. -TIV.NN A ARCHITECT JArnes Al. BALLPII, sa..3E't sac x*r •x• , Prep...vs EXPLICIT WINIab and ISPEU If I. • 1 - 1 ,, /, for al: la.d• and aopealt, and. lc "4,...,4.. t e n or . DER, 31 rcY et, net wean Lack •.11 Itobtnaon atrefft, Y CITY. Intuil I/1 r if 1 - :4.11. ',tit, CIE NOTEs OF Tilt: I 'ILI IV FORD i,.l'\ilvs ,h • . 4 ' , 1 VI V 111 N It 7,11 it% . 1 . ./, • h. Frvitl.ll, li-O.IJ INI 11 \h I it. . wri. “.•1 r• 1,11 A ...1.1 1.... IN Pt HSI ANUF: or Ilie See tl.•/1,4 .114 ley! pr... 4 , 1 Itv• 1.l 114, 1.e...t.d. N. 1 \ LI, A .I. le,mr, al l of 4•...•,igh. 1.1 u, r.r. 1. ..I 1., rr• r rho r'orin 11 la 1 . .1.1 r 1 1 ,r Flll , l' 1. 1140 "41.1 Tx to- eno tro pi, 41 I to- rva-..rer . • tmtil Ito YlltAl 11, V ~Y Al Ito t.. 11 rry K l'Elt 1 1 irl for pron.,. ,r 4 r- 1 ~, 0'1'1( E TO OFTNEIts OF' DOA F‘, lir, 0tt..1 I•• ' .• • • .* 1.! ' .1 I : rittattnt €l.. t.. Itto Ir 1.1. - eit-t.• Me trtt,ttrer .•ther t .. l• It. Aer.tort: tore will. rtt Art Al A•.eu.ltly, blAr. a A isrk. tltltal.l4. • r I yti lily I'lltr , .urith, Apt, Id, list4t,l tittizttle 111, mtn•.ttto,.llllr. I Irrogt. MIMI rh. ~!•! metal pilly• pr• rt,r, 0.1,1 r. turn4.4l 7,1 Ills. I Ink., or pit, r~....~e i... u... II Fr. IP r. I'll7-U;, - W 1)Itt OIL'S 51 At ALE / 'IN, I. %111 - ..111,1 I 111 -t-r • , tix• ~..,.13tt h 1.41. AKITII,If II A 1 11 11 llh I. ,t. JI R. Sll4 0 . 1" s sti:l4:l•T S( 11001 tit =I =I MEM II 1 VI. 1 .111 S ri..r =MEI El.s101( AN ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL I=l Ur;. (.;12.4 V. Princi pal. .I.ASSIC 41. 41.1) 41HIENI ,II -1 IS NI Si\ 111 ,%1 A.. • . ` N L-)lilt 41,1'014tY• I r • 11l SI . ,IAI . I. 1:I•1 4. ,11 • I •po 'SI 1.1,, I ARGI: t t.•IG .“ I f 11 I•F 111,1., 111 I • AI . I! IN, It 1.L.. r 1 1 , 1..‘ rI sk, r 5111$ 1111..1..P. vatl 4 , I MIMI= „,*rl IT H'S S t.ail 1iNt. , 1.10, LI Li. n •11. , ....t I tiexp• t k]tirt it • ll a 1, 1 ...dor. I t • ili• .1 tlo •t a•roUlitntit6 Ith :•••ii.l titreJ I. lIF Al. 7.1 F n,re. MERCHANT TAILORS RUIVIOI Al.. Iflerchant Tailors and 4 lothier, :11 . 1t1N.. lit %Oh 111 11a. 11‘. • •tv 1,. i l wi, •11-1.11111.1 g0...1p I, 7H ‘lO , ItHl I.IIIA Efll Ih. 11.,. ImA 1. I. I. veil, • St 1'F1t1 ,, 12 "F 1 , .1111,40 +A IM 11,4111 W,SEANIF At 11' •1,1 hlyt'A Liu •II re,,, 4., I:11,41 , 01 Wtrltli /11111,2,1 13n, EN. GRANT A1.F.C... I<7 Vila - El. -IE3 OOgI7R, BOY !SUIT S, 47 b4l. ('lair Street. GRAY de LOGAN. Wig HENRY MERCHANT TAILOR, SORTUVWST COMER OP PENN 0 ST, CLAIR STBKITS, Ile In• to to turn iltaras to Iti• Ida, and Ow 1..1.- 1 ' l n , ' :sfo . ;:; . ; . ll ' l ' 1.0 in•ni 111.- Easter° MAI lel 1, l 11. Inr, an.l j seleeled 'lock xt V....41111,1y ad.spv,l to 4., vri.r.mvs, SUNNIER WI , It. ml,l 11. L 4RD HOTEL, circr HIE"., NV HIV, lIIAPI, A r I I - tow 30,70/..1 1866. HATS, CAPS ANH 1866. fat - raw Gc>c)ciral N1(4_1(4E11) Ar (J(1,.. i.attleolnr sit,ntlon tlm ::Tit Y !MN cti A 1"5 to lilt, ST.K•K Okt 15riti A I'•• • t •hich they WILL SELL AT UREA?. I, Mel :ORD A CV. G icstutaL MIMI GIITING OFFICE Aad 3Pdavte•Aat AL6eza.c37 o. Bs est. 01.11 Bt., nu: evipanslou Mtge N. P. 6tlltiliM}l.ll.f. Olrll Tawlawn eel, to DO. 14 KILT stmt. lIMII I= EDUCATIONAL n•I 1 . 1 \ll~♦-1111 Mill I= I=l =I =I BOOKS. STATIONERY, &c , Or OI ID I. ]72V ea JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, 59 Manoule Hall AMERICAN INK, T. & J. T. 11114 E, No. 196 Liberty Street NEW SPRING STYLES GC= Fine Woolen Goods, HOTEL I= 11111= HATS, CAPS. &c AT WHOLESALE 131 WOOD STREET, DRAUGHTING good tgratt. to %it.ll -11FIINI4N SIN , . .••.,11•\ It., I,i; • HIM , I•II I h lIF ,N ' A ': lll l ll ' ir. ' ~ .1 , PILII 1 1...4111 IFII'll•, I. I. rw E . s 11 1., I 1.1 l t•filN r • • .1-. \ I.lstl . oii kSk .k I I.Alth, FOR SALE. 1;011 s 1.1.1.: .4 flood l he giA/ETTI' k; Iri i.r Office at 110a4itv,altila Itotise. (:Olt P 1 flu. t Faro,. I oil 1 . 1 , 1 Furl ll .' r,. • r 11.• ,ppl, • , 1.11 I;UR S FLUE ft 1) 1U- In I .11 lit ~,,, iillllll • J ; bR MILL. Ell FOR SAI.k: Mt\ , V.V I Y. 11 •‘: al I 11• , I 1•••-•-• L'Oli S.( LE 1041 .1 I. AN I) $l,OOO 11,1 I ‘l,l , I. 't mi. I ME Olt ♦ALE A three-.tor{ 11th-h • • 1:1 i ,1 ‘ 11 ,,, 5 , .4 . 1 : !;- , - , 4 1111131 C i1...01111(11. 4 , 111.,111, r 111,r - 1111,0 1,••••or 614 FOR SALE -THE PR 4,11 - 1111 . tI ()It N.t11.: ON TIIE iNII6 • ut it. I tt..l %I! \FI:SI 1:1“111 I SINK. 111 NIIRH. %. ME = 1:011 ' ILI:. 4 alllitille ,~,,~ .~ MIEIE FOIL Ir; gli OEM FOR RENT 1:011 Lodging 'Lomat% 10 LI NI %I - I It ‘1.1,1 FOIL ItENT ♦ 1 OURlir, %cal. t nal! , m A FOR RENT --Th, Lot 01. thV ivot W.! 11 1.,1.11‘..1.,,, • Ell AUCTION SALES. 1111011'SE "e I) I.IIT 41T At •) 111kM1,411 I Art April I.• r• Y ,r 4 I .. .4 . 12 , 1.t. „ A ; t 1;10 , .. 11 2% , - A NI. 1.11-i.11.•1 t.t."l,- VI:11 , 41 NII , I:SIN.. •. 11 I 1,1 , 1,111C•rr. lii I~:nv et K t t It 1 . , In ni nel , l "no „ 3.1 ( j( lt s t , ll;ii i.,i 4 , !' AR N 11.4, 't A 1.,.: k. .H.(1111 li ii DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. . iit r i A t it .•%l , l2.7 .., T:S NT! : FLtritINIF I. .10,, 11, II ....; I 1 I ..-111. !“. rt Iv • ,unburto. oltlf.Nl A I 11 1 0111. 11 A,lf Au Kll,O h lug and 11v:twirlIle l'erth 4,1 111 , 11 N Erl", 1 ,1 1.\K 11 AT VIC In Itlelinnsa and 11,11.2,, .1 l'er Nth, .I.o•A`t N1111'11,340 F... A •tititt 1t0... 4,111. litsp HVILNE •, VI 1\ rl'st Fvt Aut . 11,t• nlttt, li:imp,' Artll.l. • t •trtt.turt•tl Mo. Ftutr. ltrup tot•I 1 . 5. (515 ‘• • n 11'1 llarket 4.11,11enr (3 E0111.;E A. hELI.V. ~! Foi; rth !erne 13 0 r El., at k of Plll nbta. 4 la.) 14 J xrl. l I • IN, II II!. FF I /1.0.1. , 111,1 , 1,1 1...1 , , Ala. 31 II * COOII S 11 . 11 E 115 yr 1., DAAL,II. I, " 1n " • I In Drugs, Chemicals, Palen( • 1111.1 RD 1 , 1 , NASA Gr. 12.4: EN I. C-4 - 3EIC—OFLG - 3131 A. 1 33EF1L1 = 132". N' LI it. ii.tirrui.‘N. J.\ :111 , A PARK..I r I .11,. IC EV 11/.9' . t:ET A \ Tit i,..‘,1:1(.10Z. lwi.liww‘ will lwnwillswwwl lintill z, wlwer (II I F. 04 SUIION JOIINSITON FLTZT 404 Gr 1 Jes turner of Fourth and tithingßid t llltl.t.M, rllr. T . F.ltr: , mt Icy lIUA V. , I !tutu Lond,a, Varls und J POPHOONDIAIKEIIi Ai. SOS, Pittsburgh White Lead Work., PURE WHITE LEAD, HI,L K LILA lk IN VII, FOIL I N'l OIL 11A ItliF.I.S, No. ea - vizroocii. Fitz-c.cpt EASTERN MANUFACTURES TIME DETECT- 1 ilt. B,orpormilon, an.l in anti Neturluc ai.,11.1.• of .onlrolllng tlll VILE • lin. olsit 4,010 ssl 'ogre..Al I.A lii i t ri I NI anti fact ri .1 hy . 7I !roman. Send lur Irrular. }:„ . 1, w Lacillrr., of Patent stoats - suit. kl..ik.nk 1- Menot NI lot Patent l: tag" To, ['rot., Ste, ~111 I 1,1 r Itlgilln in Vile Alio, s . In1120:11"1 , 1 , r , 1 s.;HOITI.DEII lIR VES. StiSPE'ID trIPS. Si I , Ps. A ul Se F.. Alt.,. of Pas at s . And frAr . A . i r' , IN 111..5 BOSTON COIL SEl' SKIRT kinuttlazlort - r, and pr0pr1.1.r..,,1 thr. en t Corset skirt, , 1114 , 1. corn avononly, coin Ss., I and livalth. 179 vii eat. Iloati.n. Hoop Skirt, Vr every style and vaned.l'orict.s. and .11,. oy's CorsatVklrt 'Su(,port vr. 1n1tt9,2a1,1,...1 I REEDS AND II AIRS A. • atm a)F.v a 730 N. Raid and Ilarliefiel Marini, • turerv, Providence. K. I. linntifaciirron , constauLl on hand. nili9li7sa ROOMS AND BOARD ROOMS AND BO n r iipanna 'gnome cxn ha bad 'with 11.11-11, :a pet, .114natiivorwlf,-1 - Allerhatry, on Ilne t F.' .ru'A'sr- :Ejw R, CAI' Ili. DR. GARDNER, 111 i \4 • iz Z 0116. Ott HST :..ilk At HIST. I' =I , Api il 17th, =I I=l ...~ Y , Ig 1411 , 11iiv. I ht. NAllll . 3i i.• ll=l I.:A IZ DR. GARDNER. r I. r ••I I K. iT1111111! ( IRRII!! CAIIPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c ty .; ;J ; i : Z .. ll , ~: N v. 011 . 1:It TII 1: I. 4 k:AT Stock in the West of every thing ill the line or Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, Of out ()Wit iliiportation, the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received—very handsome—uevei offered in this country before—and at prices based on the present rate of Gold MCFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 S. 73 Fifth street, Id Door. Mill El IF, VS ICOR BRADLEY'S DUPLE% ELLIPTIC 4.1( 1101 444. t. . y Lou6rta , .l.irk .11,1) 01, olum 011'strel, (1111, I==l =I t ' ; I EH 1•1./ 111 . 11. 1111 STANDARD SKIRT Ell r.,1d..,1..i,!. % ..;.i liradlel'. Duplex Elliptic. shirt. Al.l. • 111.1 11,.• PI.KhltA I Pl. DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT k‘l-• I 1.1 t I n rat, (' it .71 .% ...II It 1. I S 1... .W `1.11.1a. Ja.rx-eot. I 1 11"I'%11111. lilJ II BANK FOR SAVINGS, D. M. LEY k 10:11 , 1J 1, M NIMI( , • I* I I , F. 11111 \t•.1.111 k II II II kNI I 1 1111, i F l li ITU CANE AND Wool) OH Allt;i, J 11 a.:<. wOODWE I M 161 s. I ONIEPII NIL:1E11 tat, r• r- awl t 41,2.14. and ICetaNCl.e.t. , ,ln t Vs, I pES, ,r. a 1.,. the rallnt, It,. .41. larg, ul • , f EA NC) A NO I•LA FCHNITVICE, Walnut nod iilnhognuy, of hell ow n toanuroxture, md •,un,ty 30.1 PI, Iv Lonny tonnu u fn,.l.., I.t Lltr nn I 1 rvananstole 1 1 111.11 , h , kL., .• N., Ilt •111 \ Add .40110 11, .4 DENTISTRY EVERY 'SATURDAY, 1 OSEPH ADAMS, Den - list, con.. i EVERY WEDNESDAY, V, peity`e eulidilly, corn., of DIAMIND tad 1 ( ARHY'llOrl D. S. MAILO. too . . 1.r.... 1e, Pllt.truritn. (Citron...x(9lo 1(1. A. i . U Voll•ol Dr. Ilallook (r00r,,,," ~,,,,,,,,.. 8.....1 , 'II .141 .lil,A, 00.1 from Irrioud, it.nglatl, 'ie.., . ...« ; load Dermas.' and Franc, ....------ 1 ... 0 DI, Cosopany'i (Moto. 1 JOHN G. DALE, Agenl, lh Broadwa q, N. Y. -1.)01til' SAW MILL.—The unde ,Ign..lltave ,TUt t.!' f,MISt.Ii ON HAND, an.l are. lQ 1.1: hi 11. far litidgr, Boat ; WHITE wttEAT—I car Whiter • Wheat to &tore nod for sate by t ttnnantotr. etc. R EMOV AL.--U. Lv*r "Is Heti... NE ASJEF, ttt uottuu to. . It In 'lf EY . FIN h FIN y. :A L.-- Lt. tritCLAILN 61. CO. I m h2 ' ranter Curry street anid Allegheny Maar, have removed their to - a no Yo. 194 Fourth SZOMfrailinti - 100 cut. tuba litlard .tu e ,h en y GA,. street, oppostte Wilkins Hall. oced to arrive and for sal. by L. Id. VO/Ala'es r 12131 4 . N.. t lilCliti =I I=l STI. 1 RTS ivEw "Sr <3, t.•., C - ti• •••• F • I •1, I Fot I t I,en tLI SAVINGS BANK YU RN ITURE Wholesale or Retail =I I=l BRICK MACHINES SAW MILL. DRY; GOODS. TRIMMINGS. WALL PAPERS . c E - G NW OOP.: NEVe Gv. OOn! ALMLE PR. .IE A_ rr' 0 NT ' SI . Beautiful Lair. Lollar.: lueni Lace---all widths: Black and bile Lace Veils: Jaronet Edging• and Inserting's: Hamburg do do do Vacuum and Hamburg Flouncing': Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs: hildrens' do do Human Butions---mniething nee for Tiresses and sarque,: ALL 'NIL LA7 tar NOVELTIES or, Neil Tie.; Ladies' Eailo Ties; Embroidered I aps; do do Robes; do do 11 a Isis Curled Nel3 --all colors Hair oil , do • -I', • I MlillEt I k 1,, F. H. EITON, 19 Fifth street PRIN I. 4.00-D% W. W. MOORHEAD'S, =Li VISF VALYS , 'IA I Al I.IftI3ISIEIP,EI, I k• , .p V 'II, II I'K FA I I .F 1 All' F i ~ 1.1 ..11 P. NI 1t1Z.111,1, SIIIN I 1 , 111 , , Si"l I VAR] , H.R.i• -t I'w.i.•• 1 , ,1 ttihr •1 rt Market htreet EN 4:0011s ,;( oc)th.i!! A SPLE11111) ASSORTIIENT All the Novelties FRENIIi, 6EIIM & 4.1.15 H Goo DS .:F NI - 11 114111 NI. I , N . 41... I, 1111 F. 5111 I/ I HI., Is I. I I 51 11 I 4 1 Is. I. I ...II 511 , I. 4 . ..0 I I NI 1 11 - NISI I'l • 11111,11 I I %. ..1..11- -II h I I-I hlil. i • 1:11t11, Merchant.: Supplied at Easteru Prices, MACKUM 6. IKLISLE, ID l ilYh Streei iiOOP shiirrs! 110111' ShIRTY! lil hi I ..4.111, MAKE- =1 «0111 IN ITION , THE 111 1'1.E% ELLIPTII Y.7II'IIES.S"TII.IIL, `,`"" Pari% Trail Pride of the t ID JEI Ail. X. , LA PFJT IT D, „ 11 14 I i AIF 111 1F It, -up 2 . NIA .\l' F A. I, “} 1 II(ItI11,4.1,1'Ut:SSlu No. 78 aud 80 11-121 i 1tE127 GREAT REDUCTIONS! IR I CIE:PS At LOWEST OF THE DAY, wI BATES & BELL'S, I MIPCH tl T HEST. eArtli, MirI'ANDLESS ll=l holreal• ot.nlers 11. FM; Elli N A.O DOM K,T I , llr /1,. N., 10.1 .tr.,, third boaeealw.rr Dial.stad alter PI ...altar', lav SARATOGA WATER SARATOGA STAR SPRING WATER In pot', oi Ttttipt.rittr ton‘lll t• of {him .ntt, 3 4 1 1.1114,,, AP.I, 4,1,1 V, 11A It. 111 11t,,,,, t let-rt. yt t --ti litire4l4.l4 :114,902 I fiVaitifiL 9,220 10,110.1..1.1 .•.ti„ni 965 • 1,,,10.• „r..,,1 - nt,. of I ~11,,. ...11.004) • • ^t111.1., 5,100 124,451. 111.,11...111 , 4.1 NIA,. m .1a 61,912 • • f I , ••n 1,213 ' Phoar,l,st, • in”. ;n♦g 615,005 ,ran,. 107.1;5 etII.Ir I 1.0, In 2 gni SIMON JOIINSTUti, I►ruggist, I= RE-PLATING. A DIES, S 4 VIP YOUR MONEY =IEEE I= All , Nl r : A „ 1 ., ;1 ., X P A 11 , 1 , 7, IC X Ars I 'au ssl I i re-plAtt.lhod made Lu LAAJA. AND W !CAB AQUA I. Ti) NAV! AT A XHALi, COST. JOHN M. CORN W NA. Int.,lllal. STEA M.BIIIPS. . _ STEAM TO AND FROM LIVER AND IitIKENSTVWN' (Ihm..AND) twfre • v....A. The INLAY LANK. .11lug - REMOVAL . iND RETAIL PIWE 11 1V AI , , t TRANSPARENT WINDOW (SHADES, Tli :11 1. E 1 0 0 1:7" MI IA al arebotihe, 91 {; ood S reel, I . lT•l . %ttl'_lWit. k'4 wAL LI. P.% PERS In -Veir De4lgne ll=l XV - c) , -, av 14. e 43 ..a. i N 7 -1 as =I =I = I )APCR RAMANG% FOR IMO; I=l American Wall Popery F.n Or.t filar In 11, 111" E.rGLxsn P.IP Exe eivemt French Paper!. %V A 1.1 I,H 1• nA l< l 4l 1 1, 1.7 1% dtrmal PLUMBING, &c w 4J01) rt NIP-S; IMYN IVUNIF`S, 'EX - v I—b Et PS •I• Ode , Sheet. Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS AsH ItAsitis, it ASH sl AMIN, I 1 vtirla "Alit. Etran NI p.. 1 Iti•.•\ Till .un t., 1411t , 1. .pi I•uin Le atiirt H.•at \ tH Adth, WOniams liartleN's MEE 11T ftt P't BEAVER ETREEI', MA NCEILBTER 41 , - 4,11. 1)1'1"1'461 Itl.H 1.1-..41) PIPE NHEI:'I' LEAD 111,R10,, I= LEAD PIPE & SHEET LEAD it Loll 31arhet kalry Plumber,' Material. Bran, and Iron 1 OCit S.. Calll Mean. i'11411111,. Plain and Gall assize(' Iron Pip:. BAILEV, FIR , No. 167 mnitlihrlil rithour4ll, l'a I)LUNIBING, 4. ASIND 1E97/..FAAIVIt IE , 1. X• 1 HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. -11 F ill -}ll r WATER t LOSET AM; $1 ASfitil ANDS, E 'E.r J ( =I pc.1 , 1710. :••• STEAM I I% 4., Plumbing and Gas tYlllisq FORCE PUMPS. FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE ,t BRASS WORK, 3EINT7MNIEIi rb <7 <Jo.. = 141111, N,nM yt., l'lttnburgh, Yx G FITI'IIIII., ',PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING 5.,7/ co BE/.LA, Portable and l Isar E ff it 0., I= 111.1.1.‘110, PLUMBING, GAS AND STE4 TI PITTINB, 1:4 Al.l. IT • BR A MR- Cairfully •1.1.1 ro,tlc.l nprkm.u. A 11. neh.rtawnt ••1 GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. IikWIAKIK HA I NV A I EH TATE & ,t3EVILLE, N o . 41 yrov_itAl.sTie.l. dn. $1,1.C. And r FILE. El I`lo..eutet. “11,11:tawtl11 SUNDRIES. N. • IL D 4.. P • :tit r PO • 1 . 7•12.rtat• Lew barrels Tu:utp vr • • V.girg • • I. In.: • 6,..•1 ••••• 1 car 1•••1111 0 1 1 0 . 411o.. sildoo, Its .I err rt c ~ t 01. 41114.. snb=.lf NO. 1.0 11.1 rd niter 1. %,;,ADDINES -40 cagier 1-1, and 'Dr cane- s r•••• 14.,, art now oil, 4 , 1 by IYEYMEIf RR . , 005.• Nos. lal and VI) IVood Auto - I•ZEED SWEET POTATOES-15, Wm.. prr .1n u r•e)No t l'otatora for No , l, non - In eau., and • for I II A I . . _ UNDHIES- 7 Copper, i• ',pp,. Ab4lu It raa,., I boa •Id . ITId. R..nao •a, baba and 1 bale l'ot 100, on • ...arm, 61 1•100 .0 dr, l, for ea ISAIAH DICK F.l A co, RUTTER- 15 hair obi.. choice Roll 8,...., .In,t to..eised And fdr sale 5) infibt I ET7.014 I ARM:Yr RON.). corn, of Nlart.o and rind al I, Pt,. Eltait; N i 0 tils. fresh Eggs just re and for •.‘l. nv - t:'l' 7. FR ARMSTRONG. 0,112•1 oro,l t and F1r•1 ad.reei ' NLIS PAPER S Au - tdG ti sAf.ortso. Ili of NED VA PULS. with ood. without Itrrlye 011,14 W. ItNIIA I 1 Wood .Iroo 1. OLD COPPER AND BEESWAX s note. ecopper, I and I t•ox Now 110.1100 Irmo et••••0er Nora for axle by natal In AI 111 1•1••1( Kt A CI I. pEAIVS -15 bbLg. choice Nthillo Keaua race) rad and f0rz1 . 41 ,.. n•LIS No. 171 Necond I.l[oll- . _ _ OSIDEN 4:IIETF.SE - TOO Ors. first •-• 01. a• 4oa h.n t }n store and Inr Bale lt' 91 1-merty street. WHITE LIME— lOC/ b bls. Dan raw, 11.• Lime 11. „o ; t r i ;... , ta , r , So 121 Sromd flteel. lATEB- 50 trallg new Dates J u t ren•lT , l for as,. by I'ILLIt .1 .11 , 1 NVoo.l st, eat .A PPLES! APPLES!: RECEIVIM A THIS DAY •I c•r load. ellolce Tort 1314t4 14 rect. Apples, sow lu elorr awl for vsla. lda iii e. cAbANa MEM =l=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers