The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 06, 1866, Image 1
THE PITTSBURGH GAZErit, gdi sor .. Tn. CAISTAJII %fa rtyls 1 ta ems Manager r fi LIMN RD HT • • .fa ALBSOWATIOI No. 61 rlrrn STMILPT, Plusburgt. Dial =MiEl!!!!IIMM ircVittslittrOt 6,l%rtte. FRIDAY. APRILA. I•Ai NiIi_HIGAN. --Tim local lit*" week. slam lbw tht• iv Republican :tail ilei Mill , al THE Clev,,lnrot 1.11•11 liF. ILI I pith cd ui uh nnvorrifortAhlt ST %TV SENATE lily /I+l, M > kt Al .1t1 , ;. 1 K ki El I 1, - thi• '4...lke') of EonDertion 1it.1,E1.11 I - RU tiOliiillalioil lt , r SPnator, e W. 11hose II 111. 111 err evpire , with the pri—ent Huom.: Isi As U ELE, Ii; acne's 4.lertion l-Ovrillor ,11 laud is nut only highly arAttlylliv in it -4.1l .Ut i 0 Olt r it. U 111.41111 0, 11‘t.11.1inv. little opposition wa- to him 1111111 o curtain froin t hr ,rotthl X. that 11.40,r t.a i timer:it, no he Republi...n - hi• Preahlen t enturfai 14, ..•ho to:ra-1 a,aul PRESIDENI i f l I i Its'' \I -11,111 . the MU vags 'ln (hi i.torniri, 1.01. • mei.ling, w Will‘ Ii I Jo1111 , ..:1 v 6 .1' ender-(111.1 ion (4 ilies are strotic(l% • ht .4( lwrt own town , 11•••11• 'Engli41111:l1111:1111 .- Illy ! t;nt h,,LI nn: pert,: Iny .n•' I Hawley 410., .to• lir not my fni, n I • N% ,T 1 111e111 .1 lie .11 no 1. • Ibe 1 rin. ,11.1 : , .11 DeMerrlll 'V 1! .•x 10 Is as toll.m I. Joromii.l, WM.., ~t. •. to H R 1:. I. Mnntgonn•rt', 11. ~ 10101 10 1)0,01 FO.lOlO, 1 n0.0. , ,, 1 : 1 , 10 I; . i r i l; ‘, l7 , 1,1 - :0 Geo. \ 1.1 11 3 . 1, 001 le,. I•• • John ,11 In ...I AC IV rn 11.,10;1;.•• 10.111 11.: •e. ...1 THE ri I 'ALI'', u.-11.1stau4irtv th. ~,•. "r \ - In:iota. 11.,21 RIME Ihr A 111, 1,,,, I, • I ta,cl gar, U. 1...1t I! . ULU that Then to, ertottk .cell ..hht tilty the ',err, undertnke eiehnti lon k•Opobltti sod It ti tte‘ f lIMIIIIIIIIM Huge 111., SEM CITY ITEMS I=l rnr ho• nl,l -4 , alt e I tallon ., Drug more 1211111= Removed is b" the Po, test =CM • i . • ...nix, Merril.," Wlll Ein.l k o I‘ll.l line• of Print =MI t I.IIP ,CI i olikbt r , {• ICI L . . a 111 agn,ll Ire/ dial. Otos., /1 tacign,. 5,0, 10 , 1 5; . 5 , t i......t0m iO/1 odo patr,••• • ..I aier.' ice .... i -•,./, aal • 5.01.50, The 011150/5.15.,. w, : •.e ..ctipatiu t /t 0. in fell ...clone 1 tie extol/Mott prom ba , . j , ~ a ~,,j „ ., .„„,.; „„,, l a ~I 1 It I. 1101,1, interesteng and Ina i urges, •LtolLima.• nt alsvoraltle pet 1,../ ....1 ..on,loomie 110. , 111, ,, v1.. °bleat lc I a sne ar. 0..1, .0 /Tat e,. f.c .0., .1 .10/111.1 re,. 50 n Ilie•ral patrocn_. .. 19, 11,1 n, a 5 et y la: ,„. ~,5 . „ „„,, c ; ,,,,,,,,,,,, r „ .„,„ , .. •• r't rbe' , i 'A' • ' , a/Fit oner / 111 . , / , ' , Snot., fachnei ceiebratlon.--1 - Ins ...Ter , kt, ~ .. ',II n, tu 01 41 ".... 4 1,..• . 11 1. , • - , , i 1 1. 1 ." - 0 , 0 1 ..1 ..... , ...1 0 Ina! , lak Th.' , 000.1 the en 'ld ont .4 time ma enth %. arm! sun ,.., .•• . olio. 0.0.15/ an argument ;'.,-* ' hir ' hr. ' • r ' ' • i'. S. Us' '' . ' ...0: ;bite ' t. ' l :::r; I ett/7:5-.."'";.',""ljj's.'„'„"lh. •;;;; ,:,V, II . j r . . „ 5 - j •ot h ' , Ora jn i l; W il l t if ,.; / 1 n t a i n , gt r i ; ru ;i, n g e ,, 1 , 1. ,, 1 ., ...0r ,; , , .. , .. , 1 „, ft , • , ; 1 , 1 5 ,. . ,. .1 ii. pra. /.1 the 01.5111. rit the ennt,laul la, ~ I\ 11.911 .4/0 owns. Mr ,lueu all ...teed 8 1/111 to a. in Ine _..._ '../ 1 'Jour ri , I•a , ‘erir rlirsi or"' 1.5.1•01.5.1 of which atm. a, pupils. The ..nett' at... of II 1nt1... 411.1 telegraph Imme i .re nit nedissov 111, frohle . m .. , the i•at.mna,,h atal ../....e.l.- nor aOf Ia• held In the ......nth %% l ard non& , " 1 ' ....:m n .1 ... t: ' l ' . 0 I " .5 ' 11: . 1 ‘ r .' e ' i v e r ' r ',. .i l Tr . / ; r ' i ' r l." .. r il: I n ': ;4 0 ‘ t i r/ s i o . ' ,, i ' , ' .. T j r . ..i . ru , U l ,, r j r ... j t , :;;; - ?• . / ; 1 ; •r j fr. e j; icr ... /t ' iLi :r I t p :: ; ; ; ;:i t n ; 1-....... .. ; . 1 , / , ..!/ : i ; . : . ; • ' ; ' . l,: ''' ; , /fU!: : ; • ‘ : ; : ; , ::..' ' ;;;;;U,tr'f'it:•:'.:::51,...,11i,,''.:',:,,..:.:,.:',,::,.-:kl: i i ; ‘ , l. /I , :' ' : ‘ , -- ;\ •' ; ' ; * :: l ,y r i t ' t i d r , t l:l l , , l :,: . : : , :‘,:l '' , , ' , ll , , r '' . ..... , ''' ;. 1 .5 L • , , i :.:1:: 1 . : : ,,!,i t .. i t. 1 ' ,:::E 1 i ;- :,:;,: ' „: ' ; ' ; //, tt, 0.. l••///lur Ten,. 1.. ' / tte cue rboir-arbl J . . riorg aryl a gr.. , -uppott• and there eau be no doubt it a 11l Ihe . e,:ll ,earl of r//0/Ine.ra lace, The ear. , e a ,. , ~,,,,.,,,,, L c ..., ix t ion 01 / olunott.-505 fe, report.. V01111111.41,1g With --.440.41.4- I"•'' ."" .`' '' "'`'. ''"''''''''' '''''' '''"h -4 ' 9 ''''". ' prove It taint:lnt and grmollyitig success. tiim. co: rotor tea on SI altar] Affairs, Mr .. L.., T a 'IT •, ',crab,. wit .. on, 911111- 4,./.11 li ii.. 11/ 111/81.1..1111111U, i1•141iI1..1 1411.1. CITY AND SUBURBAN. ," " ..s rh ' h,- . -hh" ' '"" " l ' ..h ''' - ' 1 Ih.h " Nitrite:l Horse Recovered. - tin Moeda, - - --''..-- 111.1.11141 tenting In , Th N4lllllll{l 1,11,1 .. ,11. !..1 1,..• 14.1.-014: -III" rebrot. . MI 8i...1. he `Tale or New) ork as atter - led I.y h. roirlll last, a valuable hay horse atm stolen . II at t•sts t• mobilmo„.. in Rm.,. (0,., em... and referred it , the, milt Nl.tetinz of the (entity Executire stun- 0 1 ,1 ' :1', ,l '.- 1 " et...•• .1111,e mit i 5..,,,, , 5 „.•,,-; trim/ a slab It Mochas' In Gulf,' tavern, 011 T!,.• 'Dettloff& t i Minnesota n •e-Titne 0-1„„..1 LI, L ~,,,,,,, e,,d ~. ~,, t .,. ~.„ ... ,„ , ~,.„,y; 15 ,.. ‘ „,,„ , smut d ,et, Third ward, Allegheny. Damn - •..srent . e to te establishment .....11 , ...&...... 1 1ke.......1.1.... , ~... •„,„ t ~ in .„ ,, ,..„.. m ., „...„, ...„, ~.,,, ~ ~ It am wl. [WWI, 1.11.11101 linKain and Lunt'. -1,011.1 asking reantrursoment to A „,, t th d m ~..., grp „, , .. lth , . k ~, 1 1 1,. _ ~,,,.,.,,, t.,, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,, ~,, , ~ , ,L.. „ ,... ~, 1;4 iN , lien, Mild tile) . nt ticked the animal to the d 1!. , thorn:. taken ft mon them lv the ~,,,m . ..„.,,,,,... „..,. . ,..1. , „„ Tr„,....i.5. „„...., ~,,, ,',-,,,„... i ,„,,,.,,,,,, r 1 .,,,,„.,,, , „„„,,,,,.. ;,', tar ol aMt Teal., near Perryville, on Wed .- ma the Id• um The I "melt/Tee ..11 . , . _I ,,, I, •k,,, 1,. . ~•,,, „,,,, ~ I. , , 1,,,,, , ,,,, , 1 ~.;., ~, amelay. tool s.treeeedeil In rt.-ma:en:lg it They .1.. I,Bli t/ 4 , , IL. luta& r - onslceration . 11, or rh.".. , ot T0.. 3 " 51 liar - rhaii• E' , „,„ „ , „,. returned the lor-e to the owner. Air. Evan. \ .e.... memo: .1 !or • cum...trot. for damn- tor Inc purpoie ot 0 arng the lane 1.0 ,101.1. -err 100,01 lily 01010.1 at .5 hay/Bark on hie farm, • I `'''' r" " ir..... " a''' . h T Ih'' Pula. .1514 In the conuetalta, 01 min/mate ....ate i.• and willingly mu-rendered Ii to the Miners Ned \ Ireton. Taal nn the Table Also a sort'- , ' - I h.. I , n .i.llnc bout; eon/Were/1. tt ait -been/- fio ell. are to the thief, though It m dear that : ' • . - loturrt.a, Legtsmat ore :ado ill me ;mum mm. referenee to apprOprlatione , j;syeber, ,; j „.. ; , ;;; j .,,, , , „,,,,,,,,,,, bh „ oil nor to hue'. is t" mai n cpeti tug. to ,a/m. 11.0 horse ton, ./rolen. . cut poce the um k of disinterring athl stun „„...,,,i es „,. . 1 ~ ,„ „„,,,,, John .. mouton. , time .L. ma II sas acme - dingle ar- - - . 11 . - cal he/ me ado national tmtit:tortes the bottler sth ,: mmr ,. 15 „„.,,, „., „,.. g „...„, • it ' ~,,,,.,,,,I ranged to 111481. 11 , . 111 411101 the 1 . 11,11- Supposed to hal,. been Drowned.- A man / a Fed. a: ...die, who died In the war, re- doh ,. s. 1 . . m t.,,,„ w „ . g ... str .,„ . hallo, A ,,,,, hers of the At-soclatlon. the Midler, COI - 111,1e- moue. Boyle, employed on the Allegheny ,hn ted to the t 111111111 n, on Approprltttiontor, mo: of Intel vetml me the 4 ork. nould ltelle, ply mg between this port 1111tl Olt City, 91811. A r th ur H , tmeem. {leer} 'II I tol, -.emu. ' , 1/0/. 11.0 -en ate lcil tr. grant the right of way u„ rm „,„ . 19m .,„... tr y Th omtm „,, ..,,,,,,„ 6,,,,,, meet as& Indulge 1,1 that mutual congratula , disappeared during tile homeward trip of the 1„ the ,„, ~ I . g 5 .),,,,,,i , ~,,,"„, t h roug h mi ti .. ,m , t1,,h, ,, , , ,,.„. ;;;;„ 5; „,• ;; , y ~,;.,,,. , 1,,11., 4 01,1,0 0. 0,11,48 upon the eon:month, bout a day or two reaq /af oci in Wash tug tbn Torritory, with Si m ~o m. , 1 me m „,.., , g ~„. . t h ..„.„, ..„,,„ t.. ,, m .„ t 1..1. of agi and and .toportant en terprne The Lave been mirouned. It is reportml that Boyle maeldbaera • in T.,- -thane of a proviso that the Ed w ,„.,. „ pm ~ „ , ..„,,, g - th „.. - „,,,,,,,, A ., ... men:hers of the 1.11.98. together u ith other had a difficulty with some of the hands on the -18 811 411 , ../1.1 apt in 14..1.111u0,i 49 giving tile A „.„ ‘ „„ . t0 ,..,....a . m „.„ tm.. te ... g,, m t d tt r '., 011•8 . 4 or'' 11,110.1 to mopes' the building, boat, during which In fell overboard. lie ha. l r -1. 1 .01 ' rhb r rl . l 1....1. 1 r ... re 11 . 111 " 1 5 llarrhom .1011111 411;11.11. II , i.llll. 9 N11:14r ~,,,1 ••„„,‘•• at tne tapper Between se v... 1 .5 a Ile and fatnnly residing here, and great r ee t o m .. tith rt, the bee oft he rood at au) ~,..„ ..t . ~,,,t h. ~.......1 ....„.„. ~. , ~.., . ~,m1 taint n'elock lax: evetong the ps.. - 1,.... se.. ottxlety hf 101 l in I 0118141111. 1 / 1 .4. Of the .118411. 1...1111 4 11.• r .. the soave bet ween the river and tomtry m „,„..... for the ~,d „ ,„m mt, „„ ~.„„„m tmuL , .etutdmi at the I , t nit Rouyn. al after the pentane.. '-• 'thtl. s oa et e.t .a ' af 'la W.:do l t , a the etta- mounts . the .Minrs 1.0 held on - Satura.t. , May Ott: ' h. ' . halt "-°‘° ll. ' affiTa f the,- a-I't--° - -9.111.- 9111,1. , .f another parallel railroad, turn- mthd 0 - . .,,, ,„.,.,„,„„„ .„, em „„ ..,.„,,.„ .. , • nom:acted to the It ell known esta &shalom of 1 tie Hurricane that ~ ..r. so tem 0.14 111 tit dike romi,.•arnal mmr other wattle work. Th.. ,„„ 0 , „.,. . mr J It Ilublev, Fottfrh -levet, where s /Tien_ Johnxtown, last 00t cote/ , 1140 .11V81.1. A till 11111e11111111•111 • 4 . 49 agreed t.., and the hill, tm After /owe d.„.„„, mdmm. .,„. mt , u mm , u s.. x m • m . la , 'thin'. ".. all"" torrlble force thnmel, New Der,. and Fair . a t mended, wt. passed. A.m., ~....,p, m , the meeting organized be .., i ll. del/ town.itup, Weattuoreland county, miemol. &mouldy carried. k I ~.4,111t lon e.t.a offered matt - noting the J u - mg D teVetil, 1....„. or the bispafet, to the relong In 11, 001/1 ae a large number of de el- It was revolved that the prima, &et 100'.,. 11 Mciary I ounati tee to monfre and report .„ , h „ „,,„„..„ ...,„ m „,,„ ~,, h „.,. „ - etwe , m . ~,,, /hail, and atom/' ttma m apt 1-Int. Stumm:tar, ling.. baths anti idables, uprommg trees, .00 • whether t e g l.lation wan t a" .l.aatfr f - to h r la g hours of four - awl -Iv o'clock, and In the mt..-- NI, „'Nell, a quae,. to .......,,,,,It ; de sa i t . 0.. •io ter a• we have learned, on liven wet'. Mat, al. ler!. Da., in trial. Cideetud to. ..,.,, b0r0u ,,,,, ~,,,,..,,,. , i ., 1i , , ,„._, ~, ft ., . ~, poll anee ot tbe enter art M.llll 10 1 110 fact 'di. one old gentleman, named Wilt, 488 in. 1,1 111. Brooks addresred tine Itrume, emleevot. ...m i .... 3 15e., i n the ettte. ,, . m.t .., „ . ~., . , . ..„,,A tr .,. tont the building 4 , 118 8 eil4lll In Ibe skill and throd hy the Imi of a 81411111 11.1 a hien he a le. lug to ahoe that the testi:non] favoring his s hips tali h e ~- ha .,„, ; 0.0 ,1 ,„ ,b e " ~, , Mate of nor tothatmen and arttrans. lie at the time. .rdestant Woo unworthy of credit. Ile will sh i ps by ~,,,j oj , ~;.. by 1 ,,,,, Aas not prep. , It, .... 1 anything, however . a. . mut, I tele his I emu tkr tmelnotrow on mutton of Mr Morrow, the hour fm th., otntion was hoed at mut In i efere.nce , in for put pm..., 01 118.8 ‘ll ,111. Heavy Robbery .-At York Pam, on Mom ....ern! aennle Itllla were referred to the n .,,,,,,,, n , of 1 ,,,, eon, far Information •in tl, 1- rev, Mr James N. 1.88.1181.18 1 ., art dopewell town , Ime.ary I. oath literhead 'hip, Itas rott`ted of 0,000 In the York Count) o'clock it. a. It. , building. an 1 rolled r I i eaoluttort instructing the uommittee to There , ~,,,,g . , 1 ,,,,,,,, ‘,,,,,,,,,„, , ~, Mr. tioehring,. the Preablent 1/1 11.0 .18110.111, ' National Bank. It seems that he was reente r., j , j, ;;I j ;;; ;;; ;;;; . ;,; , 5; ~,j ; , , ,„._, ,nine, - % , t , rAll .. T io o r r: f gfectAlly it t i o tee P', l j s- 2 ' the Limo for holding the convention for th• tfou, alluded 1., lety to Lae object., Ands& to Tattlk e tu x. fllt . ad , ,la r L , i . 404,17:r (m one -...-,,,,,;,. - . ~,, ~., ~,,--, ... ••..-, .:-..,..-",..,.!`. ...,rent ' ...7n W nal hin Loh wrifToffe ' rel ' l ' , "g e ' L. I Congressional •..omluatlon irt the 22t1 District, he ataine, and spoke farcicality of the Intl., : , t 4.311 tight Wlnle 80 dolng atone thief rllpped Mr. I amen wortt wished to Inform the whole but attars a 1""' t""rr't"."" ''''''''''' ''''''' unanimously agreed that he primary one:- prospects of the dasocintlon UT. Barr, the architect, was next ,•••ited II:- • hum hood around - f O . It caught np the Whet taostry that those claim agents in Washing. ! In • should be held on Saturda, August nth, on, and detailed at. Seine length the mmhod ta- ' SACCO escaping without detection.- Y.,k. tn ton acre a set of infernal rascals and cheats • an d that the delegates Mould Meet m convon• which the fruit was preserved . else 855 al other members made St not Dorm 0 „ m ea d., Aug „,, iw t.mtt 1 „ d • a u mm , ~ Short address. were made b. MOSS, A ..., -Tao x„...j, . 0,.. . complimentary to claim agenta. and the Tema- t. The primary meeting. ahall be held at t ht. fihreles "bleb the Boyd, .Everett, and ethers. ' Inalard . VI! , 4 - 0,.,,...,.., 1 . . u, ' ,.. 01, ; :. -- 1 ~.: , .1 . 1 . . lution WWI unanimOUSly adOpted name hours, and In the same manner im pit art. ', ' 'thrttha",'"lterard, The an- I . ' ' '"4 "' -I" " ‘g " I • t t. The ienatets naval appropriation hill was urt...neat wor :seceding, eretotable to .05 :ode heft quarre.t.. about their sus e' 111, scribal fur the Loucounts: convention. I Ludo& 1111 • to an npeti lan In the rear of sal'. 1 t' are ' On motion or mr. Rehm., a w. re.ols <1 .nnnn"wd. S " d " 10 ''''''' n ( re ,, lnkt Prevailed • rt g hta . An atnetellitetil that tbe chairs and turn'- throughout mews. As a consequeuce, of the center,- that. the primary meetly] nt for the elentnot of tare be of .1.11. dean Minufacture was con• a ele "i e , i e , ~,,,,,,,,,„ 5 .; . am ipl a te fo r c, 0 . ; , ...„ -.'" Ing parttes made oatti again!. the other tor , nrre.l lit rho D , ... Near Mouth Mountain. d isorderly conduct The Mayor lined the dm gran In the airl Dieu I_, ...mid he held o t. Moh r a pp r° P riath4 °°"' 1h* " .1511.6. " .51-11 ' Saturday, May •Mt h, ~. meet . cOnvent ion on The terualue of 'John N. Copley, hate eoft he t ",,t a m t , " , t ,t,"7,t i ms h ,, al „,,,, * , a m th ' -"t-arti " - ayt."lttg P Mr it levee at Atrnotmt City, fixing the Pep Tuesday ' May _via , 111 CIIV hall , Allegheny p,,,bu g ., g,g,... Sin'', g eg ,,,,,, it.,.,,,,,, , and ' L ' a - "-.---°-- , f the clerk° of tin yard and of the attt°-° ' I The primary meeting:, /111 be helm] 011 th. with illl3 County convention, bum Iva l pons C.iinterielter• -in.- - • keeper at Portsmouth and Philadelphia at , same day • In harerves, Oho Itll at the battle of Srattf. vase' )' of the Penve.- ''bets Conway yea- One of the most serious annoyances w hien _ ....... LATE FROM CALIFORNIA. fifteen hundred dollars, appropriating seven aenanata Axle ~,,,dt „ 1 r .„„,,,, In , ~,,,„ Mountain, ts• &mitt.' lath, 1ta . 5 . 2. have It, It terclay complained of Levi Wolf, fo . r taking thousand dollars to test petroleum % fuel Mr , Ti . ~.,,,,,„ ‘ ,. 01 „,„.., ,„ ~,,,,, 0 ,,,, k ;,, transferred Irma the 001.11ers Cerneter, ,at away lumber on ; ru lot, Or a hien Lotraa:, le L z,,,, proprietors of au artlele 111 UTIMOUSI de- ; Fot t oro . to /sew T or y a nd Koeb,,,ter. /I. ww, 110,01 , 0 , 1 that ag r a n.l I"1111,11 ran' and d . a°a e t n ''' ''•'l'k'"" " " , m" . '" the mend have to coconu t Cr Is the piratical Im l- I New 1 Ulla, A ptin 5 --The ar ,, .....0 • __ ._ 1.1.m5, Inca, concurring In th e amendment In ..-tore to Ses.vey's Island, Portsmouth, In.. should be held on the nhtlit of the Count v ( o/ • 1.."" • L ' ""*".' " heal 'h" ' It ' tattoo of It by partms equally ousel upoious , that th.. flrro ,f Beatty BIOS A La. tea me, Mi./rung the Secretor) of the Stan'. In ca. , , vention at City flail, and MessGreumlmodr:,...“tmtimi, Mr. Cople]'s fat het. while at Si Lmidleina n. and Wolf having threatened to still lust bar I: ar. indual or a Rho . chents,'lmve altspetnled The. I,oallt,es ars 4114 Itl AL MEXICAN 41ii it JCS. the officers of that Island refuse to sell at the , xt oren ,', m a , Mc, Am g es , , procured a copy of a ellarm of that . ernotot -,- continue his trespass, a sedt for surety was In• and trrespeastbl e WI Wl' The refs not stinted lob member . with mm engages lh this nefu• loll! 1,141.101/.., , 0 , ,fi,; g,,,, having lee,„, me te th e ee,,,,. ~, 1 ., ore named, to discontinue the plat.' flee Of ; btu wart were appointed a i °pimp t eo „I , n ,. Contain fag the harnos of all the sold tem, 11111 I slit ute.l to compel tu d tm r tO i relinquman hli "Mum al mincument• TI • lei , , :' / I.lgt nail 'boron blare lc/ruling from the thngedtegum. mmuld ne made Ota le the .unmn d: T./..m. ~,, : and T. w - arrant mthe or how arrest. the damages awardtel la a .ut I t d In a tier. tor 4 ,5,0, ~,„ Liberals Dr fta 440 111 'l . ll 0 .1 flit/11 , , 19,..•... 11/ the Nava YlLid:also, tor the porch.. ! In, mot inn odonn .„,„, the (rod and perishing metunrlals -el al the -- -••••-- -- - nl part'' , I. ....10,Ing the offense are rolleet.o.l.: and I. Is .101111 411'• . ''',l•Tmother ummnber of the Petroleum and 11. •. n. I, Iterse end art•und at A ntinPOILY, a .01 hends ot the grave , Among the nu meti•c• Les laz.jureill.-Jaines SiVeeny, -while waik• %faction to the party wrmutitlea that the 1n....., „, „,,„ , p,,,,...1 111, Id 1. , ••••11.1.3, I- . e 1..., •I _ 4, ..11C01 . 1.41 !II . unate, ne and the follow ing Penns. 1. - ann.., Ing up I•rant 4:lteet, night before 1.1. wai Soldiers' League T., c annon repenllng the act authnlizing I - 11"M %V IleuX, Co. b. If/ h regitnet.• 4t.uek on the leg above the ankle, with a I lig la made to nude.. last la mon., cast , the), gi . , 1 a ,,,,,,.. 141,81 i nr..,dti Ihe , LI tart . Eon 11, p,, -., 8 I 11A ~• ~. 1,. ! '' ' '•'''‘ I ' '''',' . '.' 11.1.. , r‘ii""" ..4 ! eery iisee‘ , 4 , 8 .1118i1I-I• litille n I....avant! otitnuniunt to meet ini, of 1 1., Peter Wells, CO, K, MIl 81.0118, and severely inJur.l Ile was taken to do, 101 . and Crated ft ales pet r. ...tun, It ..•4 , e ."..., • h,.. vennttl eta In . • tr.... t"ttneal..... ~ • , ...elt , tttt.• tt" . '' 'l' e ' ed 1,1 proldititing the allowance to naval orb- ' soldiers Id eh/o.oth township was field um 1 IT. Brown, ltsult Ihe Mansion House where Dr. .l M. Christ:: ~.,.,,,‘,, ~ me men m . a' )•• al , " ' I I. '• I ''''''''''‘ •s be :Inn- a 'JO /rorr •r /Li l". r . "• . . I '' '' ~ for the rent of mi naeten, and also a set - . the Presbytei lan 1. hureh of n Viet,. tart t ea& ktmtin. itm h, all, ' dressed the NV01.11141. It le xuppoied the stone '0 the lawre award. I '''' '''''' " ' lt ' r 1 .. AC Brother, In this Litt . ~ 11, •..,.., , ~,....; ..,lii• . • tutert dctll.r " ' ...a ' • r. bete a yt.“ i. ,• hon e. ' " f " ' tion that eaaminations for attallanloll In the ' evening Cant tire...rad, al h Buenall /8111111.11. - '''''''''''. r''''''''Y''''''''' R•' ; ' ! " ..! ''' Ps tae thrown by some careless boys- In Met ht..... B. ° ' ' g ' -° t a ; pearled tract a run a throe dal" Th ' l 111-a 111 1,1 g . I "ck - 0, cL , nt" ,, a . ''' ' Ol "t . " . . Naval Aentleult la. held at slated times, KUM- (lien. l.teary'S Old reglatent,) WWI ealled tel th e lA, le Wove:, rlll, Mb boys mare notorter for this practice on tirant Hostel te. ed . 4%/"l ' t-ttl'l ya-hth-e• ' ad '''P re ' t ' nt. " . deism., to the amount of about one Mahn .„ .a. , , ge . ........, ... ..., ~, ,h. ~,. s , . , , , 11110n1L the .41lee of Assistant tti the Bureau of l'llnalr, and Wm. Reed, Eso . appointed seen • it J FamidemPennsylvania ° L street. 'of ortinanee, that no vacancy in the Profes- they. Capt. Hobert Pollock, C 1141 1 .1,181111 i• 11 .101111 1 . 1' , "1..,' O• B. 4 5 th regiment la '' '. mac . ho. it e mmul to a s. neettrattly a. n t thousand dollars. They eXPre"" the belief itnth,ln, mi 1,, Le,e; - 1,..,,, I , -,,, Ing H. v. ''' . .. • a „,,eaent s the atom,. t , r . ' that they cun t In lhe end, p a., "I , tif , !.'.. ,. Impez la. I. t tt.t." I tt , .. ,. . • be- 't em Lti ' , Oh' '' I sorthtis of Matboinatfer be tilltM. orate...thy:l of Noldiers' Leagues, w ta. . diet Fremierick Mellott. Nth Penn's. It m nil.. A landlord In Trouble.-Jame ,, M. rii- The nous. held too much real estate it id othe rnew no.. r,0, , ,, , ,0, l• • Ice, to Murk 101.11 . 1 t,,,,„ 1,,,,„ refused to conc ur . 0 the amend- upon and atated the oldeets proposed Ile ed. , Aug. Folgel , Co. .P, Ott, - '• " say WWI nested yesterday for renting a tem- National Bank tali ,'• as been alt.:naively 1.111111• y 1,111411) not IClaledlately availahio There , „ .. tot s' 1100 at I cy'.';. a ; I t e " he.° t° e ' , untra apt/thirtieth% Ohe hundred and thirty- Ilreesod the meeting at some length, mia t I David Sinn., Co. B, nth • •" meat in Pitt tovrnahlp, to parties 111 01 repute, messed on its face, h. rh e pr opr,,tor, h a ve 6 considerable 0xen...n.. 1 it'' , e nano, bin " 1 : Gat. w. dcr c ut c " I ' , l "` . ` o •P'' ..l. ' . ' n '' I five thOusand nollars lot the nurehato of `Mk- 1 waepair nrged tin formation of Letetues r. Ihor f Markling, 19, ~ 1 , 0 k, 1 .L. - : knowing them to be sueh. The informat let. terfeted and annulated. ~ hr. , h ,„, , h wilt probably subside Ttt , other honk- Hurl vie..., eoh a 1//.... 0( 51 I ' Y-11,..e. kull/-1 I 111411 A. Kid rl,lgero wharf at l haVIOnt011; alto, ' the pus one or renewing the bonda of ff ien,lls , ....., N. Elocren. CO. E., Milt Pu Reset ~.. , 418.4 made l/y D. Daffy. I: pen a heat 01,4 ;,,,, . 1 ..., ..,,,,,,, t i,,,,,y,,,nd a, ----4 , :n -1 ; : id , u41. % , ~,, ken, are cOnehlered sound Porter,. Inn.. I lo' LI •. , " 1 ' , ..'"rk , • "I''' . I ,f,,,01 to concur In an appropriation of two aympatny between the voter:therm! the t , , t r n n, Thomas Inn, I t ho eau.... fore Mayor Met. arth 3 . , the defendant ea. held -am- b• - ...1y ot 1 roper lai ' mumps alder col k,•,-. al. at 1 h.Ol 11 red thou:tuna dollars foe a quay wall, the men who constrlbuted to our national de. • 'rhe 1r nui/1". thote , leeeeed eohtler. ,an a-- to ball to anawer for ills offense ' slid ""ang a'"'" '";,'„-'l,,'"::,',„r Minds To lilt, ' Episcopal Conference- Homicide. • i lan. t.. , ' , f , t` ic • a n ' l th. ' ''‘' I.l ''''''''' a "" i nen tonehtne ".../ 1.01101 . -Itonee at the New I (Once; and aleotn extend charitable a...stale .• eertithi then exact ineatton by Calling upon !I ed 1,11.1111• I• 1111001 mud fr ,,,,, ./.. " v° it' --- e ‘ .4 ibe,m, at New loan. Apr. -Ala the +d the or the toga „I ~..,.. I,,,thr ;‘,.,;;.! ‘;;;. ; ~.;; ; , ' yot 0 yard, nob., rettreed To concur . the alb . I to dlaabloll aohtlers and to w n m i d .se t „„d „... Ha Ile ploy, 7e B s iver , avenue . 111° hen ', . 1 . Fire.-Thureday alternOon the de - eh:ha No. O 4111. 7 work. Thane part.lo a-,,0m . ~ an f,a„,. • New YOrk eßnerti Lonferenee of the Meth.. The flew , ha. much "' r '' r ` " ',pried lon of ninety/one thousand tor a ship- , plums art decessell 111109 UOOll v Br. trot el, of Idditntown who ' 034 blarhury street, caught fire an the rotmf an elocUment. addre. h. 1 , lg tat Th. from a spark from the stack uf Slack S.. :stoles. joiners : shod at Norfolk. Non-erMenrred in an I He was followed In I mode th ' e chart , and retains tho or I, . . leas a Sr) of ellanging 11... ; ine,ant- of the apprtmrtation for the Penance- ' Um. Nuglaty, men. Peercom Men. Barnes, Pr - , matter on the Ittntl - ' wan t . are now R1219.1 . "y 4 11 planing Will, ant Sus fortunately extinguish. . , ..,.,,,,,-; ~ t, n l s o t p e ptscope.l Chinch to-dai t, , , a o res ... 0 ,,, 1;1 i t „ T: , : , f , ts ,, r t 7 a.... 1i t ,. 1 sI L ,A,,c,,r1„1,r..„.„, n.,.,, ,,.. ~..„.,,.. ~... t.„,i ~zpreelalv a of bro .. ... r,n, 1 od before soy 81.1110119 damage was dm.- Tine though they neve! .I.ntsge 'hats )(... , 111nt...1 met. 'ln yr" . .. , ale.. 1 1111-eorreurreil . n reduction of vale John Brown, and other, m dim...aide lottotte, M e lt and R ol I Vs hen an luJuneln.ri la laid upon Client in ~..'Un Ito the church South, easeethied In New , ; /ore towards the members of th Conl. ~, ....- I the approprlutlito tor 111'101 Ing the Nati( teal .k Committee of Sire was then appointml In I -......- building is mxuathiod se a boarding house I.) 1 ., , r t o f the •en. 111 ”. the}, Mt...time . L've• ' lea., end recointneudlog Sea dn Y ...... are . Neu ler.e , Trirl'il"ftir . ' - ‘ii Joint 'fleet - aim:...!" draft a t.:0111.1.11 rale n and tly . .4.iture and rein „ I ! , t i i9 !toper:ant tear.- Tap ca., of ii,,, , Ist ra Jeokaon log 't 1/11(1111.111, 1 nlllllll{ll'l. 11 . 48 8.111/011Ited On at the next eeting, Wirl/ a tll be held at tbe tut t... -ow u erne ° to another, and try the trick Hanle In 11 ,..4T 01 mutual purer ant; exprl,,,lhetittiotl.„,....,, . 1 , tts ros, •J . i prti I : . itt.11.01,1111 n a dinagreemente *ante place in two weeks aralon nania"emm, u Melt was • I hal In th e • Drowned.--/iorOner Clawoon, on Toe,h, u some fumes It /4 never/ear) to kill 'boar tau or I , are lan ...1 roue that Ila nil be to HI& Mr. Schenck expiate. .1 time tmlueet of the bill, . A delegation was preactit . ~ j . . 1, . i j . ; _ . ; / .., i5 „ 155 ,.,,,,,, imoirlet (.lort a " few , lota ngn st, e Irtattll, 1188 hi an Inquest on the body of ti girl. Arlo H . I tun death Of u scam rl , l "' ha. ' •I•- • I r t 'ett.lor •. • o•tl The rep,. and the d e b a te upon it We,. plfirtlelpsted ln by ' and were gutatta of I 01. t opt/laud durthe their at/I+Ln Irr 1,, tdr. tit fondant s ceminsel, fink- Campbell, miatighter of Robert Ca/, et 1.1-.l"dt.lit't:lV'thin tonPoorning 1.111 LI charge of •.. three times over. Pertain+ the he. thlog T h . h e " o % . l %moo e . , , mett I.g .511. . / tog him off the )' ar il art' I o ho. lntr o, to go 10,0 010 , selieht t to-In. fatted by Men Beason end Farnsworth. The latter Stay. patritli awl Mellon , to the t-mpreme court, • tretupcmtnceville, who was drowned 141 lit,- a'a t C. " b ' d°"" under 11"'".. 'i"u"'"'''''' P T e'i hp ..... "4 la • I t I assail.' 1,- " m '''''' v.e . 18 114111.11. ?It 1110111 lb. .;111 rexolttt lon I, ven.arked, In tae oontemplation of common . This case Inv.nvea some very MID mats poln, • day evening, by falling /rows small tiat mon, , „ m A Hood sa le to ' , Wynn Injunction° upon all who use Ili,. a,1,1,..-..,,,c,tIrTAT-4,.rtpf.,1,01: r Ix t.• : „„ jourmm „t„ m m ,.., m m du ~ it ,g,a,„.n, ~, sense, the war ended with the pesSation 0 , all - : l i - t o r t l:;;%l4: l , l .o .u n t g tl m n , , t ,o rl h a e l , , .. , a , l i tl i tit. „ .l . ....) .,,, t . lll.l l 42 , ls n u t h ils. l.• ~, ,,,a 1,, ,,1 ur a /stenniliOnt. Net Cu, 'weal en u ear, of Bittern to buy Only of dsmale, whom the. t a eoncnrred In The &mantes at. m o,oo,tratl, Imy . organized hostility to the rutted :dates, but' cent law, nfllcere Tnornburg and barber tut, t . . Arrest of Government Se, finale,. ,•i,,,,,”0•91111 1110 toperatnr. It: tnt. ~.111.10/1111. 'AI e t1n110 , 41 , 10 gentlemen who then resigned . heels append/al by the Court to patrol let- ; I ''''''• Ulna In erery nits , 1.,..... a/..1 • 5 illage tr. Ihe were rut otT by the War Department from the Min streets-rlfth street and Market aniotng IL - -NI.- - - The eillsemi of Easton, Pa. had 10,..e. 111, -.1 8 9- Coiled Rates and ill di-I, mum Ica 111 , I 9 41.8811,11. Le, April li. -Davld Reuderreat. or and WI- on ”I , "... roe I e-I three months pay which wee given to thelft7.3 . ! the number-with a view of prevent Ing . (Ili Sulks " - A dispatch was mt.:moved Ii om hundred thoesand dollars In oil stook, your drone. who lim/ around and would not re , crowds °Assembling In front of business houses At Martin Lowry yesterday annomming Inn'. a ON, plle ut Meney. It would hard teem. bet- Shlmo Son '' ' ' ' ho ''' ''' tad . "'"".l".' ; Ing ..plicattr.d in boat) . ?row,. against tn.. u „.,,,. this city haw been 1111,811141 1,111.it11.4 mist b..- Terrible l nimitropbe. ~ign until the-ty were mesterod out. to the alanr , yeace of pedestrian.. Therm 1411- the 51/111 Ward Company yestmerda) morn mug ter for the 1,01. th , better for the laboring eine may la: pre/ U 1 ,../ Of rellfs b4I m". *'' '.h"- tiovernment, ooeurring In the nmnagfrment id 0 .. Mtt.wwt see r a Pril I - This mor , log tbe dam bir_. Cooke called a thantion to the fact that . cars rind chair duties somewhat, aatie‘t, but Made n s t a ke at then' a ell on Egbert Farm citutstei, and better for all hande, It that neat. nor - too" fattt b ° ,, ° ,l tr i r t r i l he a ,lt t a `l c hi i .. h p. t . m T ; mo. I' s " . m a men - , Linn cit... on the aillaank,ee I, et .. ore Om President's recent proclemetion of Pg., Was far they have avelded malfliug arreeta ' Petroleum Center TO tine. , ..,rni.ute , s after amount had been invest...l in manufecturie , The swell Is situated gob „ 11-" 'Ll y kinetenter•• Billere Eternal gave . Alt] not inebide Texan. However, forbearance so/nett/nes ceases to be starting to puinp, on tic as to now. In 51.051 g , e fti e ra a , ,i s way In n moment the water raised nvel e gilt Lou , „ o ld w hndeeale and retail at Ver'T low t•trr , Ph ll ",l" ;j l. . " ,r d h S , ' , " Vi„. ‘ e i r, os " he -- 1,171,,,, wan t o f 1..1. feet, • 5 mi. off dOct. , boats a. ,1,1 000, 1 00 . some member suggested Duda also omitted ~ a virtue, and lf, after repeat.] warnings, peo.. len hour It was purnping at the rate of teenty , d arr. , : e , the Two hilligYl. vrerc +went aeay and lo o others the District of Columbia. (Laughter.) I pie will continue to °batten]. the police the, ' barrels and gamlnlf• et . hurting 's Drug and Patent Medicine het , -. O t t itoitrd of Inspectien int estigat lug ..- . Fre . d . or i th ck e M . lll o er , , sauna'ler ed ecotin Jones. odna.te, Laughlin A Co., died at his realdenCe In East fie in Itikrket el rest, '-` nrn. 01 Sh " ".sh ' ''' '' ' 'natter b" rece'tlYdt"'''d t ' hat Lb. 611.1" 17.d1,...cla.inuage.d_. P . te . rs are damaged,' ticulot ' Kr. otevetua remarked thhi r eillte understood I °nal:dares, they most not complain If arrest- I about one hundred yards from the famous on the Government. will reach two millions Ise. be . I,as,..Se • the proclamation, the war had only ceased led and . mulct lii a tllne and coats. I Coquette . Birmingham, on Monday. He leaves • handy. ext. , I, t "rt., I= t..brpenter J4R141111,11.1, lien ilig rot lulu.. ~enrs to tl.r nruly. I 1.0 •: • • tor nil :,ort n ta the old et.....“ 1. _\i•i') fluid etroel uud lherr). .41.11 mod prowptlyled to. WILL AM You I=ll to ti,...,..dvert,ehtel.t • Iti \ ,l-e, another col elen of !hi. , til==l On eo in Ilion mertt 1,-1 who [lnv,. r..•.+1.4 , , 11,111 . 11 eft.,t., tog lo.t .11 I'ilDt• ,14}. No .1 SI, Thant , . W. 11 - arry a t PraCtical elate 11.0ti•tt, and la An: can Slate of variun. .101 Laughlin's near Um Walt, IteAlcienet, au. Pthi . i..t. •lers promptly at: OD led to. At. it art water proof. ftcp..lx.itic done at IL.. eat not Mo. do charge for repatr., roof le not atimictl arta_ .t la put on. 1=31:11 Uod U.:yr tile a ol.•, trash aelacted • •Nl la Chara( ler: POCUllal its It 11/JI, - ,11:1 that It Inks- the lea.l 0: 4/th tIIIIVOrSMI IS I womb. , to 1-Irer 0 h A N'" \.'k Yor gale oy .4..3 .11 ug, , t hZ• Fda w.itn - • -.- A Elr•I ( laaa Hal atore. "..._ oca. %I:cot. , loot . - aptarr.l area. “' ' ' , , 01a1:1 Of the finest lint nonce., 1, 11., •••untt y t tie P.... -I, r.,,,,- tool rife, t mii a ;11, 1 I , k, 1. the 1,013, of Win. lionn.tor, Ito W,,,,1 ....are, rttt Go,. Nlota.l.litlo. ler, awls vent , r.t r . '.. '' te.,a , A . Tlt . I T0...r... len 1,.1 Paco on Silt Lch 4 :..i tt... • ” • , ..• ~. t-• .ict I I All the new styles of to . n i s • floe too lit, ~y ~, , L . 1,„0 . 1 . ,,, , a, ~„.h pi,,,,, they e ' n . ~ th., t • ... t i 0..1 . opt , . ol a 1 .. .• . • :,..... hulk Hata.. IVINiff.L., Hal, r. a 1.,. fool f. _no. to .ra ot.e . , ~ n thettot , ., a oen Pt - cattle. Yt . oir• . • W e " at ' ' Oll ' ''''' ,'.'" '' ' 3'7. I nto "I'''‘.l:.'l.l'u'lVl',',';.•..l,hia.„gr'i‘fu'lt"lr.ll.n."-'n'tt,'"l'"„;'n" - i “tti -. . 11. " ' ' c l t tYL 1t . ',. ." ' t .' c ' . 2 ,‘ i i i' : ,''.‘ ' . ... :. " 4tt".t.::ettY La totioisiO anal i."lt t a , " '- L ' t I.rtn' ' .- I' ' ' ' r tty of a gentlemen of the liigheat r ' esporio;t:t. " . '"ot" ,,, ' , t . ' t o'• t ' ll ' , ° a` ,.°. • ti t ti " ri " We linv• laterite 1 Lio. aerco --, of an cap -- ii, 11, tat nontirunit for. ent! walla -11.- . I stlft too . tr" ~r e' it , t . `triti oa°/ to tttn ,i rlensaid unlilnei ,(011. riolwlotploa. as 'oil of tti" a i s"nii" ”r it”,..1,1,h Head t.entre Itrfol,ot 1 •lorT:-... (loan bra 1111. IF II.• a• t . Pr,. A.Nr r.l. _NL-DEAR SIR 1 ‘Crlt 1., ...,,,. •4..1.....1,..,...1 front art cet fool ton ay•to a Lady castOraer. mar rely LipOn haying 11.,... ~,,,,, ro „, v , ~,„,„,,,„„ „, ~,,.,,,„„. „ ~ ~ 1 roste.l . .,ntesa op., ordcra (tom I hla off!, Hato got up lit clan bes t man.. and to Ota L Ifoita iell , ), the ;fret mato-tote acorn,. or I ain, Co. in...,' tenic , tfitt Y I,lm Clot- Ole °so.. trout a.i tie eniOn/ so , latest style f onn try roc, lawriCS .e frit licit ' fro. ~., ,,r i w,,, in ~ : .,T,,, ,, .. , ., ,,h . . , . . y,,,,, weld - cot se, vaof 1a . . c..,'y (1 , 1'..1 al to CWII/ ILO A eXlim ille our /11..C.U, 1. 'we tiff, pt's'" idler being 010. a.317..2 I, . ' A ' I)II 11.'• ~,^,.". hr...1,,..••utf1a 1,,,a”,1n1il 011,41 r pared to e.dl nt 1.10, figures am ani tosolog Reliant, where fir war del.t.illF. , l hy .1.,,,, "1 the a .1,111: ..0111, n..neL, .1,,,,,,,.1 ,‘,.• la bonne in New York nr lietholclplila . wentbei twenty or thirty nay:, Fru. Nelfast tin t l of t i t Yn atini Joiti ta " , f t° ' ' ''' titit.. ' t C .'",t ' ;Oh phi.ll , o t, ,Iriali.l, then, by put oc., enterel ;alto nu the Z7tlt ult. l'i . n,boucrtile -.....--___ . soya.. to Docer. anti no to Paris, where 1. tilt. toineral Trilln.,loo to itowhargel t. arrived on aatolay, tile lath of March :be a , I , •51. whit., a an ve.,,,,11..g1y fSign”.l; .1 It VOLUME LXXX.---NU. SI. THE LATESTNEW •. s STILL !VIER FROM EUROPE. CONGRLSSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. BY TELEGRAPH. PIAUI IA AMA LEGISLARRE pa , l, lc. 1t,.. 1'111,1,11,0tt 1.4.1 I A itli.P.Pl - Itki, A Frli t.N ATP: IMBMI ^. - rtoln . 1 -t" , t• DEATH OF THE EX-QUEEN OF FRANCE, Mr Hittlt:tut—All :161 100011 1 60,1 0 1116• '6.66 • ;d 6,611 Ilf M 6111161 W 6,11100.01 1 •61 .‘11,01 6 11‘ 6 0161111 W6ll . Rll/I.lorl' :tt Berlin 411,1 V ienn,l Sr r. net to ttworiturxt , tll. Mt,. I ,rtton I:0211, Iron tltttl t 0111101•6' Mt. Lattat titt'l itict•ti.,ll,ll• I:iiilrund I '.,llll,:ins Mr I y ••••• 111,0 , 1 ho• in, I Yirl.ll Ih.• if wild rallronol lu 1•I;l.lntluir t Itv 1110.. lIPIN r•4l The hill 'tow 11l tit.- Ilan I. .J El= b . Ita 11131 EM= • ...II .tut ettrnt,ll) Illghasil. 1..., I • .1,15 11311. t All,l =I OM tat). :7, \ attraett 10. Nlr lait, 0 (fermi a 30101 rtt.olati.::: 111 I 1•• :" 1-.1111-ttaent Itoontle,tuo I,•tit,y:, at.. tiro. Pit Al awl -pi lug I=lll =ME 'Oh Itallrx..ll oliaptiny •• ~,•..It• • to- T rt:erg t r.•ltlttno ; • ''• 1.•••elmn•I n:1 , 1 N 13.• , •.+nt 6 ( .1:11‘g ••.,•• pril 4•. 1t1:0•1 ,•lat IN OSO I I • 1,, rh. -1,4•14 • t :.• k...t Tegl..t,b S.: : r. 1.,.t NEW ORISIANS ADVICES. 1% It 'I , I The IYlothoiiAConierenee Organi7, DANGEROUS CREAVSSE NEAR THE CITY Yo.,itiun of Affair., in Illesicti. MEI EOM= 11=1 Metnori, , renen ,11.4.1,4: . I %/I.lreU • Inn,i.ll‘,. t. I Ili-arm, -t, onllnnt.n. of one trimsl:l , h ,4 • • 1.(111n.,` , 1 01 , ,R . vmer. (1:11111 Cl' fr,night. on. - I re • ••,i,nu,: fo,ntln r frnnt 131-h.q. Ow num , . "..1.1,1• etttirl,/ SEM =EI • CLil I ATI il,lll, 11,114 i ri All t,101111•I' 1.0,1'1, for I,lllu, t , e rt v .•• .Plet • 1,1 ,, /1/ , 1 •• • Ill') •'. hor.. 11, Pr.,1.1.. a:er, . t inr , • 'mil that rtn I e•. li . I nol-srpi talr. ME er..• 1.1 4,1 41.. oantil,ll,. TT . arln 1 ItolgAlt I/VON Men', AJI.I 111..1.,1.. 11 1• o` . . Ov - zflrtfot , of 11... Io.JI • dC116,011,1.1 •.,L 1 t 711”, 1..16 !MEE NII O IIEIO FFNI \ PEDITItiNs l'ernicial iu Fe•uian =ME \Mr \ )••Ith. ' EEO n !. agn•n, at.: • .1`,.• to ft t/111 1. it 1 I. u no ..• Arre , " t oderbun 'eV{ Irmo IlAtter•--Tbt . 11-",entre Ilend C... Nlerlseno. li,kjmnitt tr. n 31molit 111...14:10111,I\ .7. ./v wlli4 sPAIrItIn, 11.1 ,,, le•I In It.: y .1., =II , 110 . .. •• lb. 1,, I 71. , ,“ , Aseturne.,l 11110 1,11 tl 1 , ‘T Ingt 1. Ill ! by Ihr 1,1 a orb 10.•,11 T I ' m GAZETTE. A +lntrolettoott to tto act rt-Ot =111:11 I= IBMISI ME haN 311 , cpl,-, =ES =NOE =ZI !ME r". Iff.f.lf,a•f , of If f•efft,nl go rre.i frffoe • n. pot . Von snnnt I. en . .., • 1115,v11.1.1, ~~ ~ „ . ;' ~~ :11 , i; k!. I..ut nng - illE Conditional Release of Arrested Feniaus. ANUEO - AMERICAN TELEGRAPH Napoleon and the 14)rp. Ipi \ IMIIMMMt= 11=11 =ENE I=l ItA 11.-4 e 'try, eg w lb.. ;.I ll= OE it. r.lig 1, I, “i I lII` 11 ri I r1:1 lA \ 1,- 11h The \ort h ry 3‘1, , oil mi., 1 I t I i t 111 .1 'I:! u la:,- an I MEM i i,~ i~ ~~;~ _. =lliliMil r. In 10.11kat tout% ",,,,,.,,..n. 1.1 t n.o t .11. 11,• :•• t 4111 ill 1r .- t 4 , I,tlt the 1JlIV. , 1•11- pro. , ‘1:11 tho Rofomil El rh, v it- v0n111,L5 , ..3 1., ~ An . l nln , kr• In l• uLat, 1, 1!.. er1.111.• , , 1 - I.A) be.. "at., KU !a IL. , t • , t 1 i . t It•.. \ I 1. k. IMIIIII=IM VA. 11 • . • . I la! OM. 111 Vt.!, er,l•l MIMI r Ins nil ltrtrs prephrlstl,l3-. S. _lst E.lttlan . st an I Frau, A: , 4.; tx1,!1101. , It i• MI ANP THE f LSI AN; Q arts Iron► John O'llat =MT 1111 1 ,''' ' i IMIUMMI og .n-Lztt.tly =1 MIMI s Ap:ll2 II 1111 .ti to • U 11.14 =II ..1..... ,~ ~.1 l: \ PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1866 Mr Edward, the Senator appOtott..l !rum erololll 111 till the vacancy occaaloned hy Mr. FtMote'e, In. lie tel Joint re , OintAnn to relation to laaint lee to motored -soldiers, sr., lILLAA,I. that 1,1'01110 , 00h Oil the muster rolls .if the wools tie, on or before April 10th, litia, shall not de tins any tired solder of the bounty to which h la entitled, and which is now or limy it lilt-lb lit reason of such out issloo, pro s bled (hitt nothing therein shall be no rota si rne.l as to entitle soldiers who were not free t he date herein vezthed, to receive bounty. At one ti, its k the niessage of President Johnson. vetoing the t icil Right, 11111, was turn Revertlj .loin stu took the floor and spoke at length in oppositton to the vetoed bill. 11 1 , .1 ohnson orauttatted the remark of Mr. Trumbull that the President had no power to PIO (1 bill passed by a two-thirds majority of ttl, ll oust-. %),,, his use of the else pa,sed upon by Chief Justice Marshall, alleging trial he deelidon was inapelleuhle to the arrument. Ile said there Nas not a word In the o:met lu tioo givlng Itoo er to any department of thr Colreruntent to declare who shall be citizens. bir..lollo,inn thin cited from the opinions 111 the 'red 'eon case, to show that 10 eons, •pience of the 1,14.1.1 that was sumsasert to run in his i!ricoi rs, s 111 , descent from .ifrsean ancestor,. and his haring 'tine to the Crnted "Lates a slave, he rionirl not heroine a citizen of in , I 11 iii,! 4ligeu,sedl, at length, She gl sand- , 'f the Ore Lien, that the Consti tution has not etnpox '.red ( °ogre. to °reale 111,v1Iegc11 1•13, 4 1, ill, In the I...Lates a 510 aloes• •har, priviloge ol citizenship. lie ttoad 1 f osNed him-el( to the section of II„!Mt mincing the punishment or "tate Judge. Ile "AM the hill erme upon the theory I he• het e 11115' I ,, urt. blurrier, robbery immr other offence. u no one ever re.. ros a Sirs mg In stay hat Ntate 1 out are ie. It 1 . , t l'itited States l.wirts. Alruiling to the ad zal,,lott of, he Soathei 11 , tatea, he said. The 'immense loburt has I-smog :11ml these "rites as !wing In the Talon, and fogy eckb !wen trying Cases (rani th•rn. II 1- :tpt,,115.15111 , 1 5511,5 tn , chief will result It ii• y I' .s.lllllit'll hero Mischief of what hold Mel or a patty ChuraMer. That Is 111- rll) ,Chief that tam au are Cl that earl ~all. 11:..Ittl1nenn then branehrhl off Into a ttelense of I:te who he natal grounded hit. et., nulleul the bill and it he hail not t n he w °hitt hare been lake to Itett rtlgh tent faith. Ito referred to bla the l'reeelent'st rant ;milt ittal course ir. Kr.- r, to at elrwilLemiu ta ataloyn.lty. n Mr tte—W 11 1 the -tenator elle to a.\ llllll a queetionl Mr. Inhneoh-4.ertuthly. Mr. Nye- Did he not tulle . .ame t Into admit the right nl *eeeseloht Mr John...ll—c ertalnly not; quite the re -1.1-41• tw..l It othment. public man whn telv , wated It was the late lamented Pregldent It' it •1nvh4 . 1.11 . 11 NU ~llti thatWl let 11111 -Lavery' auttnel MIMI . 111ertaine.1 t lie °pit - 110111 the! fl . 1111,1 %%Orr ent Merl to the sl.‘ the right , . pr 11.. K.•• ti- 111 0111 e ,-utter... of the IMII.I - late. The - .maim from Man - lend had of. term! ail HT11.1 , 11110111 I, Ihe Fieedmon's llu wall '.lll. 0 ;11111 revogo.e,l 1110 poet 111 . 11 its I he correct one. MMI===IZEI Atigetnettt eththl he thatle. propotentl sa) A It a word. lie Ittoke.l tittott the questlAn purely legml One Thtm hill t. uyen thaniter,tl4 one. I little no other wurtl fur ti titan tat rttt•ll) I. antl mit bo 11011.100 FEII atl , l +.lmgpittl T,iilnhun 4n14 it 1.1.1 I .... +lt ptiiv0.....1 T.. ako• vO , hyr o'clock after.trop 111 kilt brie•a itsl , l Impor,blv ge! ..1•• ••••031.,, atl.l nnkel furthri 1.-,,Poruent t '.:,.'.',.g,,1,1.:- .. ..,.1'r.:„„" g '.....,,'",',.','' ,‘.,'" fir,h,..,,;‘,:',',.,.; t Dou,tt;', rn to rvr.i Lr Mule'. the. 110 1 , , a.1) , ,,,ng N 11,b1101k 10 1µ1..1,,,/.. 101 u onIIe• tviest Intl or pas.ln6 the 1.1:1 r. 1 It.r. Vet,. 1. tietllll.,llo . /11 Wl,l op t pt., pones ht 411.1 other. =IMO 1,1 oh. ,o - t "twolts M.l.tat; .%• lll‘}l.lrlMl/16 itl/10. 011 tn..; 1,1 hat ,th;;;Illee .1, 1 .;.c0.1 01. ;ttelt;•lttlg lite 11, gtvlng Ihnee 11 tin. pay proper, wll./wreol ;41e unto , "ale., ;silo .b.,11.1 ..onlln•te tile :lose Of the Ott. 10,1,11 olliver. n .sligned at were touNtoreT on; At ;hell ;, atter the 131,1; of Aprll,l., I wn l/eparl;nent hra ~ ,r 1 In I nett tint. no, ,lever, 1113,11 . If 1,1..11 h•an het • on it, Itenctencr Bill, ant,' ..111v ,a;nl to, I.f 1•111,11, 101,•r0....• 1.1,0 eno n• In., , upetlillen , l,l;l , ;( cu; e 1, 1 ,1 I , llil , five ..•nt vuitetlo3 1:1.- outut;lner ,Ireo.l upon tnefoilow otg prorlart „ l'r , hied That no port raft or If genes: tin) ern ~r;;„• ',net en gm, e.l he „. '"‘ urll 1144.14r1/trtiatg. at the 61g-tante. t."0..t.. ~/ net1;11101 111 p4 , 0;41 rit•ren , -1 of the I tilted 4. 1 . 1.11,tr01A, ; %I; whethur Tn.n. t MEM :W1,1,1 lilt, 01,113- I ~taIL .XI 1.1,11 t' VII 1y ..ter.tnk.l ,A ..ttson narned t, , Foia I Ali , 11. ~f Intrchl tic,' In 1.111 101 11, . :••3, ~ olurll4kloi tilling. Unllod ), .1.11 , wleo, nn ref, .111.1,11 . 1,111 xsni Mtn.. 1 , “•11 , ' ,, . .1•Irtv11. , ” "I In 1g...'11 t NI =I 11 =EMI ‘ 1( , 1 ten-eleventh...llM nn.-e1.•% ent !!! Tlla . eal re mafried. Mr Farnes‘vorth hougn , ! h!fl ren! , it t w ere lee ogler, -hould get ten-eleventh of their three mantis mly. The h ilt w * 0.... eirie,l !!‘ •:riking on! te - wort. a. , en 11.4,1 nont ..mnii.ulon. offteers. hit 16,41 to o year-. tori leave.' mat.- Ing it rend - alwo t hose 111 Of 7.1,11 , 11,1453. - The in then Mr. rehenek aim reportml nee! re,: alh.. ring emmtruction to the lea remt've bontie• playabl, to -.M,P,er• wvt..l.. II pro•hle, 11.. the mw 1.• eonalr‘m4 to toln3, 4'111,0 Thin other pernon entnleel to 1,. 1 ..,1' 'been ot mny .11- , e!ot! , WASHINI•TON, April 1:+66. nEN ATI. tvolirei rreelveu while art tail.• , , ul l l l iOrY Order., not :It the Ilan. laugh er leaven( al.r.ener e•i.genrd exilaw flu; orenatitherlztel art T.•;,.”,, wits Ilea 1.4 :eyyrted n lull coe-tt 4.01 tile Artily Appreprintfon 1141 i of Mart , laa s .a , Cf. entitle 1., C o te tn. , 0,1.1;1. PaY Preeifkal for them nil volunteer, below the rank of CI 14t5 , 1i,, : erni who Were In. 1• 1, ice rout :f.t.n,.1). a, ellii4l.ollC.lllllll-•101,0 at lean a t two yers' the leth , 31 whose re.ilgnation. 111 , 10 0 111,4 an't eept.l, or who were fu.e.tere.l ant ill requeml. or °thorn I , e li , ged from the servlne after 11111 .1.0.• From :Want" ill, tutx. April he :its, I,t fet oh the ,thottls itml fall lag. There 1.. 0011810,able ..vcilPtlicul In In. en, 11111.11 111.• o n t +et! persons formerly In III.• ..5111141v ~ 0 11, , puo ve te:- :nester. , Ilupertnienl, rin,lrr I rrl Churl,- 11, Trtrr Sir 11. gr,:ter, formerly -up,': mfewiefil of `fp` the mule co: I al, Iff Ithertiy to hale a t:fal to, alleged frauds. mad 111111100 , 1 w II for- ..f•' • merly In till, a 0111 111.intrtIlle'll.1”.' 111. •11., 0 . 111. i arrival, trios Ltritisv Ille r ii to-ility. Mr. 05 111, 1,, sill, ismi.retril 011 i Intl° •...• .I,lh , 1,1,11 /11, (Marlins whip are limn,- in:. Cainil Hie nlhOFtt. n, nf I in . Irvin. liar, A M.... I. ari :11:1 31, Albert Payne, hone .lepart the t.e Europe caused some comment, it reported in dieted by the grand Jury, anti -vnt Ham. iii his to appear here. These case. nulle, e.l TM' -'", ,ulna astounding tact. relative to the tn., agetnent et the Quarternmster. liepat titient far --tot h.• In dais otty. third An attempt an, made ("slay, i 1 phol , kttr I,l,lollol.4—Menrr, , TIo• inh a di h odicr in I were held for want It 1,0- hy It I'll ti , t'e••• vo h oi hoht • ,nuance..orpn, hat the etrott us ,1440,44.•.. L: 15144111. , 11e 41, Fruitotal-. hr r -Is I • t- ha-aetnont, mom which there Ilesttran.e.W ran,. to the ',lit row,- Now YORE, —The—Then lint a a In Ihe e:t tat.•rh, II the correspondent it rltee that there I. ait eat a`, ~, is , .15. deal 1,/ mystery Ottemltng the repotted nett, „ rr volts on several plantations In t alto, th. - stittetnebts rekpertine the atf•or 'wing Th. , hoichn., of t root radictory, ,I feel[• and uLhrl There have been In y tn .•, 'l-11t I , to parts of t is.antl, and it thought that of to . . dorm l'hr et lemons tilt' .1.1 , 1, are the atlthws l. 0t,4/131, Or 111,11. as",i4•• hert:el. Lind all An An.l-slave Tad rt . .+Nta ha- k h.i• •••• 1 , 11 (•1144...1 in I heir organ:Zed 11l 113,t,1a t 4. iiii:vent the In , Om of .\ frican help , . • hdo the t•luthl Anew tom :pall!-h tii ,- rt 10 0.1,h-shed hetmcru kin' .tsplc.-- nail, Nitta-1,401 a I,i ./alltalva It I- reported the tnttat :II ,-he quarter less than meet l : Revenue speculations 111 , . A 441 Ihr Itew tariff Is sat.l to he n f The Petroleum exellement Ims eitehe.l t K:11- Inland, and thelaMahilant are holing. fez In -011ie cases, sure. ..krill Ind, st ro..nt if I ,•:..ti cal iron. Nl•tr •1,5•-y loat,ll-111ng MEM Letter Irt,n3 Hr. Pirortl -Ile I)euleft the Letter from the Ptreldent. reih•hehrtilw, April —1 he riveh.l.,. : Bnt;J lug •thiri hithwities the fell.ix thir April ••• • • 5.t..• th• a:, I tuate.ft.ingly Afc.. t.“, I 111 .! Vit II tette, tient 1' ret.hleht , lie eltere.l lc, i..• • Telev• oph 1..1.1• I IC , wit. wleue Nit had re , el , e.l SUCHr lette !:eu, luta ure wllltng te• H IIIM! PhAte Itt tooKrer• ,rtial"r MIMI=3 . . . •• t Y. c i tint .. r i 1,,,,,. 1...., ~. C in.. e povl t , ..1, the v.•1..L......1,. MiIIZIEM twel• .tt 04,1ruer (Ile at,. In l Insrle•lon. M. ,~.,.,:. u ..~.,.~ r." 4, 1.111 t•I ,AIAIII3I ME ME I= EN The Pilt.borgh Froll Hoff.. -(n 'moor. tan! Inggfitotion—Dekeription of the liffilding---Foround Opening. hopper. rp k .%.1T • 'l' .• Are t 134:. !,, 1111 MEM I 'r 11, fr..: , 2 -11 -r t Ak•.l (1 . 11 ti Trutt .111 1.,,•m.•111. , f Tr, forl 01 . 11 , qt. ..01 r t. 1 , 1 11, rtn. nn.l ta-tt• tt:, - ,e.." •• nt , t vet .t , 11,1111/11, !..•I h, .1.1,1 ,To lIT, -11 ch a, A 1,1, (1-I,t I I"' TI.. I ME .1111.1. W .% or t he,l.lil• ill• =0 %1 I 0104111t,c, i 11.• illtt, /ere n. IV.' 1 hr. ,11111111/11:, 11 Jll.lll pr,:tist prtp^t, , , 01 pr 11111 nT. 1,1,101, .!.• i• . "; • ,ny i1!..1 11 •• linin l, l T 1) u 111 1,. 1,1u~.-. LI • I, 11l ri!. rr li• ~ I" . A ~.. rsottul uirt , I. x •.ItnyPU • I Ing th 4. 101.1 I ...loon-11,11U,', .11 01111,, ~ n clt 1,111. f•ki Atuml mm • t...r ."I••Ii rt, N • li.eb ot ~,, ••1— Si . i•••• 11••••• stiptem. rr ~ ~i IFY I “111.1,1.115, vet , letertunied pollct or, Li, mi , •1 11, SI tt , •kl 011.1 order ought ..tti k , l ,m 1 r,owtiyi. , lll, and luring the) eat ue 11..10 the Attlee ,O e prove , l himself nn able It Mb.) that the I),Attor m 11r. , 1,11.111.. N'lth 1.1.2 her of the •..I ,t mu tt O the rite, and It IP „ hoped that Mr. Arbuthnot, nill „ nathr,,ter atrnu. Tlllll ity reitutt rrl"ltile 1,t0n.: '..,1 , :••11 itt 11r-1 Itro , I , tiE mg 1; ho•Av,',”:,, PRICE THREE CENTs 4 0110 ty Temetiere I=l 1 Irr-C.rote conrrne..l lll,morning . lir the hair of tiro rfurrth Ward P•rt, !I+ 011,flett alt prayer ‘Vakeharn. of the ttleghent Is. ••, or luar its 'retart try Ml 4. May, of Alter:lr. ..01•1 ilia4/TILSAiV,1 rho .tr • rtat rim.) ira.4 ...1.-re-ring of MI the eorturroo -.q.t..' -4.11.1 ie. -hr.wn In pe.wpon proper - ..1 • v.' ..... 111. ,'.•• PI , N 11tug1.att.....• , e.% whiny put.- .. .1 , . rt...., tpl• • .•int 1.11 of 111.. I.•netter • to elvil non tai r t l,i 11:1, , ,el.l 11,1 tlt • i•xper o. ;.!. , ....I .100 It eauio.r Ir. \ l li s:. 1,14 1'1,1:y. mut that wal It. 1 . tr'll.l. 3;1,1114 , 1, 11, that t grral 1,111 Upon 11le for l l n,. pt cparat 1 . 1" e '..• 11.1114 Iwl'oll,lN I. A-4 r 1,414 ',ate 1, , Art,. (ht. 111 . ‘71118i11011 01 .1 r.I • 1 . .1. [1:1.1 113(tels tli: !.....,1.11,, ‘ll , ll lit., to nhtalrltrg . 1;„.- 1'1..111 prt.... And lilt . 1 , ..V1t1,11 .4 1.'111111 , 1111v , Idea. , ,1 11..111.11 , %sr.. railed Nl , ..1 .t Ilegheil v. Ttilt Aubjevl, ti 101 v a,k I. 111 , .•11 - e , 1)1 tll , ' I.y 10,1,Cher.: 4,1.1.0 1%, WI, 1110 , 4 • NA: Fmt ESE ot tins- Kora. , oict tre, 111. ~I 1..' W i Ni A; hAls. ~f frier'. NI F it orch. procis•de , l to 4,oteet. n.eri' nal.' 0111, no to, INAitiooi ot lee 303 Mo.i,irtl cow , " NV, rgret that 3 a Ant of sow -, tot 1 cor trig ' vie, the 111,141 , dr the th, Rev , reel iccitti , r tt icha forcildr met c, 11 , ink ttig A aunt to prove h.• in , oar:non, , o rli,l rains a al, tics . ll3l, 1 poo thc ~,issvia, ,l tog of the Ini,titute the 'Met noon, tin T 1V31:1 , 11,111, , an, ottitromptti o , lniresh upon 114$• id I ti tote Ttlk kino,dlolll , alai and Lille dIYVIII/Sed On It attn.- , ist arAl 4,11 , t , • an interest on the lost oote in,l among the people, anti Ni t W 4 l,titon's t, mks to the allirmatit oOt purr. apropos, Loot ire, , I 11, %111, I 11 lIIN Ilr I F.:1•1 room 11. t EEE ree )- sell 'reeireti .Ste r•seir elpene 1,.:c. rlment 'rev, the:. rend Os MI , - litho,, Iterlsreek, of Alleghen3, AOl/10 Involving the eorporcal puolsh oleo!, reward tqc uper zneur art -.,urlng good go, er th, •alt.! :1,11,11,11, f t tettl.lll t I t•tt.l tit Rt . ,. NITtlUi. It It t•Ilt tt k pet ti t ehlt What Vitae. i hat h x alai st hat It I, %ft.•l • )11— - I). ,zas • noel wlltelt 1,1,11 /y f4 . l{l•it.oll 11111,1e . r. pr . ..t.reil,tl to add)... the InQtit”, • )5 . 5 ) 11,11,111 nrr of St... too , plr,-lint fee.turrA of awls, nn o Int.-tone fettsl w loch furninho.l A'll • Itot 01 .oiler} of young 1..11, ler. IV Iles,. Mol.ut.ohron, 011111,. t. Po, lor, he )I:>4w Neolv,lotttlg tst• 1 Tho lair Itts,t• toffivenett Ito. Itto luststilte be ..rive of me too-t 71t:.1.11 nil pornleo air of the dus t en trot.') 111 A Inannt. , 1.1,11ty oroolutble to thetriselvo-, Atol ming the rtotturk. often tntsl;e, thttt itstutuers 1..!41 all the benefit, and I art the profit. It) bring ready We Itt our 1nt.1.0 not , nut lye Itt•t%lt sl t stow porlutp,lnt. is to be tonna in any othor at the areat sheriff's It, of the ••4111• • .1 the country. IV, log fir Air A. l' bout nett to Sales with :Ilene), I , A.A.AgI • or the 1,111 oxtemllng to \ the provision., of the gilt. tont, AL, ratioss in the 111... wh• Itlreotor. tpsy :Ake their -eat- T:..• •, •• : otio, „tthorotnre ot•1 to , oo ot till Jnue Ist, pi.., ME I t.•. 1 The {l'ilklnwbhrg . Riot— 1 lierix i \ n t .: th ‘r ts aIPI )0.1.1 Elder, runt tit the par.. The nilatizr,tl on I hi• I Ith • •I lion' h nl 3 -singln, no W;11,1‘.111,,, • .po....1.1,•;••111Ing ,1,1 , ,r , au,r, to.• 1 gl, •. t lie E 1 0 ,141 11,1. ii i••11••r- nl,l 11EK11.31, r....ulted It a1 ,4.111111g ,4.111111g Innit -1E31141 f 1 ,01: I Ile e that Fr.o.k lor w,, 111'141 11.14.1, 111 I, 11,. 111 - ihr• •I, 11l And ...It- r ant,th, • r Itt,t ti I.'ll 111114. nt hat - • il.• Pa!, 11113 V 1-1011r0111.11(it,i ThrGri•mt Rebell ..... tt.”- ,tettittig 11.•g0r3 att.% ratbleaux, 11.• t rtOtt‘llit , it t nutgive. 11411. ttu t I:I h. I tl h. llt It told 1:411, 011 .311 , t t h.. Ity I hr.,- 1,1t1,1t t•d i,.•lt.•lttet, it tsttout It.- THE W EER TWO EDITIONS ANE PRINTFI I, ‘) WA . ): A .ND SA 777 RDA . The vJninu t. lor w'n nled hictl will mush Cho so I .n the mall run. TERM of Flame..._. • • • • In VI tint of ten uad u pururds =9 F l, 11,1,1 ytmn( orator 1,11, ‘1 [ln, been stt)ournlng Ira thl ltrtt•- II t•NN: heist. It• Nail..., Tempera. , •• hies, was tha t' . style ut P rne , ll ,, r y alk lug ' ra, and th. pe t ...t art rnse the malt' I , IMI And teattdrwt • I. , n , .tt 115= Ihe l'ttle , :e ii•• • d -41 , • rhe eeiteoLor haa vek ha , het e•••:, re, ••tie-tirt , ,d the taxea thahhrh ea, and Ile ,• 1 a no, ,•••,-;••••••1 that a large amount of the`- IS 1. , altogether, by harm... le., •••ht , and •••••11•11hoottif of their etre, t•• o•••: t• 4 .1 the edileetor iJ lal hate;•• at • 'I yore i 4 t dtaguthfrog the t.t• t t the hat.) here , t n t ,, o r l, t, t r ov o.inrkg marker, o) in 1110(14 , Mattel, ur to The c•t thy fe ;1 .•kg Inlproted 5cm,11.4, NteetalsNes.—The nut pre, ed ',At., ftlng•—• Clark are, II , 0•1,1,11,'101Le pop tnnar, it Ar. nn , nn4 tre ready sale h 11,V • %Lc,. perfectly adapted l.q ~ t•r ,tI •nerring Anel e. I.cpc. I. -mein. lintel, ern- Ikrend, mid ~nl-I,e, read enuy tuaeldne ,In cp , "I, , marrannte‘l fun lice ear- e . h II 1 ,ig., I 112 1. rAnt „cruel. , IN the Age,. -nee 1,,, (icuernl Jo. golpe 11.. en .ppoill Led I'o9l nuttaer qt Hal Who relt,ovrd .t • and (,olvan Al tile e1e,11.. 0u the , It..r le.:ted by it.: • 1,..1 -1,,,Ar 111.0 , rit y BOOTS AND SHOES. TO IR: GIB Eli FOR 91413,C)4C0C). GOODS THAT ACTUALLY COST *3,40 In Tht nII fact it Ir. FE/ e /V M" , 1C014. 1111,1214:3 No Regard to 4 or ialue BO 1 F 0 S .711 . U," Bell fin- • .E4i) Mitch." Sinn , $3,141, nliole.alle, honalst lot $1.50. and Is 111 II thin. for $1.15. \'l k)NCE:, COM I For in a lett da). tie Bill be able to to diNpo , e of 0,4 , Itmo at price , tie a , k for theta. ILI. 'V E‘t , \IIE FREsil GOODS, u•"ice Coneeri Hall Shoe Store, AMUSEMENTS curl tilt I . Naturday an I Monday Evenings, 11111= Wi(l4,Ns I i 1 H. ItHI •"1 ./ .1— 1 . F.1,111! , ... I' 1• ,imic 1,1;) 1.1 ‘l,ll lil It.f I • • 1 I, )1 PA' II.EN 1.1. 1, THE GREAT REBELLION: Ii••• I ~..qll lA/. v `, :00 1 • i • TI. 11.1 i I •,I I. ATI 1,1 r , IJI 1•11'.I ,i , l \HUI` FcINFII.N I\ \I I In IIS)N Nt 'II lit .11/0 ,111•IRM Ss. cc. 111 ‘l , c VII- F•cc-cic I ..1c• Nc. c Icacca•ler. wli an.," Icc tc:c I F 4 HAc•lc.k. ccccc.c. cc I. =I MEM=I t ,41 It r•nnalt, 1,111.”10 .1 1. K I.EIS • R A :.o utir tra .1.1 t... .4 lb. = CLOAKS. &c • i• 1 El t,: 0 I * J .71 =1...3 fa - Pi M p. 4 z - Er- z F-4 ) 71 ;.D . . i.. .."." ile, =.:- - " ,s. 'Jr- 0 ....... V E. ;hi ..i 0 E.— 4: Z. ....... QUILTS lARSAILLES QVILTS, 110.VE r•Q UILTB, LA.VI-ISTEM QQI7ILT+, WRITE, ORR & CO„ No. 88 SlEStremot. MULES FOR SALE CELEA.p! FOUR COOO MULES, Entotr. .t No. 348 I.ttterty Stmt.: Brash to Notiott BA la EIVS Cll 0101. A TE-- 100 b • S Baker • Mass. No. a Norlala N ~ MOHO 60/1 TROolf CROW • ..110C41.11e, ti,./ 11 .l . for sale 0% ILE I'lla..1: a If );,; ' .l . . '"' Na• 12.6 and Oa NN ......, ...tee, - (.I)PPIEIR AND BItASS. ent...nri ', : ' : , > " ; ll,24`..' t . nding rroa , ',team!, Potomao.. tot late bi apd laal If 11 . 11 J.t t.Y 14 LITT ER — M half barrelpronto boll. 10 hos. do do Fan axle by lohlt2a, J. IL CAF VILEL) _ . _ C?rTTON--a bales now ? landing ape em steamer PotornagyrAitialfrimir CO. 0 .-4111 -. 1 VS 11 her Ina .1- FIon~(- NN , ; • root. ml• 7$ ,rnts. • r• It r< t r of II It 1. 1 IEI 1: . L = Effl •-• i-4 Mil MI ME • 'S a O . ; ti T lii '5 5 1 1~ 'riI ,)IFSOF