WittOurlit tan*. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1866. ROBINSON, IficCIXAN & CO., Bankers and Brokers, No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Dealer to all kin& of Hovernspent tleertrialeel HOU , Wirer. Uneurrein Hank Notea, Foreign PAW 1)01.1•Itte EICIATIKV, etc., MX. Deposits received in Par posits. Fonda and Current) , in' tercet allowed on time de CollecUons made In ell parts or the United - States on moat favorable terana• Orden exceeded with lepatch for everything to the badness at the Horton. New tort. and Plttaburgb Broken . Hoarm strictly on comnia . aloe, Drava on 10. - CIEITH t CO., New York, J. COrlit Cl)..lgbiladelphla; (deem, C. , D. a. T. H. rER lilla. Hollteon. T . = IFIT n I TIIIIRUAT, April S. IC,Sies The only sale of storks all BirClelland'n Aut.- tion Booms thin afternoOn was a lot hl 1 Old) shares of Boatmen's laseranea at la 2 1 , above 11l par value. Other stookrtniir.e Did on, tint below the limit. For a small lot of Allegheny Suspension Bridge Company" tOCIZ, b.. a share was hid, and the National Bank of orumeree was held at $ll5, and the holder re tuned All offer for It close up to the limit. The loan bill, it Is believed, will be reported io the Finance Coluntittee of tile Senate this ~e k, but the measure. for the present., at_ ii art,. but hills attention. It IS runiortsl that the publicity clause will be catouded so tin GI 14/ ul re all itoverninent transactions in gold .11.1 Loads to In. Imtvlished beforehtuid by der odic., As it now stands, the 1,111 Is consider aid; altered froin Its shelve as originally re port,' to the 11oure The opposition to the t•n,lgh elapse was very decided. It was re tarded that we had suoutaided in bearlrfif the eri,ensos of tho war 0-0111 our own resource , and that, now the crisis had 1 -,..,Lea swat 1110.1 . 0 was no notaelerd reio , on for resorting t, 1,211 to weer the rolnparat I role :nigh ohligattons for which we are liable. It shout , be noted, however. that the act of March. La. which the t00p0 ,,,,, 1 hill is as amen , went, authorises tile XlO rvtary t 0 ne.: ol Int for money at his discretion, to redeem I nlereat-tioartng temporar) Mitigation, of Ilia tiovernment, elatia here than in the 111 Stall,. lint Oita authority ituota the Seer, laity to the nerit lation of I. ednrui hotnia, - able principal awl intereal In Federal money-- it vet t different notitanre to that contemplate.' to lite original 01531101 hostile tort-inn 15.41. 4-IoUre. 14 Islet her In-en exptrngeil lo Ilue House. and u loch wins nearrelV .11111.01 , 41 In reßneetable majority tilt! the ;ell I stlifl auniel •nut aide lb it, 0pr...11.1 nt. inter-d. give the acerriary all the power allotted in the original lOU. too it leave,. hint enough for sill practical put The lull inor rirtnally the crrri.nl - dation of the tootle viiititne out ul.let.le.l nn- , in. Inn (lye nor s-vol. 1,10-be , an: • BE= 101 lillOthrt. •o, t. term- If. 111, • hewgreed ottott bet treen Ihe ~n .et nuteht the hondhoider, hr by the Itttt,htte hottelt-e of the bonds at the market ortee —Stale of ntoelca ted Bond., on l'it,etna log, April 2,1, at the t,A Room,. lair lit +1 Mn!l. auctloneet M d M , Niktlolkal llAuk Boatmen' , In•oirant , i o -It comae to be •Itilicult It, km•p the pre . i. gold down ea' York. There tin 01.• , interest outstanding, and sellers me bot roe trig from day to Mai to elnetakl of coveting an attempt were made toy goI•1 to coy, • the contracts, which re said to amount s the 00,0.0,1q0, the price, of course, %mild ad, an, • hirgely. Therefore sellers are borrow lne 1•. stead of buying, and bottlers ol gold are mak tug large profits by lending This lathe clink. of the upward movement. Akble from It thei • teems to he little in•lncetrient to encourar • speculation for a rase On the Ord or Mai. • not sooner, the tiovernment sill •Itstourso: 300.01•0 In parment of the fo-tBlentwon , -The import entries at Sew - York fat it. past week, including the dry gomls ,elm , amount to $5.1373,M3, against the total entr, o: 13,1111,073 name week last yeat The rap , clearances Ot domestic produce amount • 46.137,298,agatu5t 12,301.72: same week lasi •••• . The export of specie amounts to kblut , atm. $01.3(" same week tact rest rn.l.qn.. the week are te,451,7.5. The receipt.s ot cott• • coast ...I , e and l , v rallrOad, are 11,130 hales 1 nundmisof emigrant pass:mg.:is aril: e.l 4 • tog the week, 0,110. -tilts..., Penn 8 CO.'s tabu re is attract , : less attention nt New Tork, as It 1 4 stated II all Inv .1., to Owing there are amply proter• • by collstet el -remit ies. notes of the t . "mini Minks which are Inrottedostli of eon , he paid We the Treasury at Washtligton,sll.- the I.nke he waned up -Holder:: of notes upon - .token' Main , hanki should not eell them at a discount, , they are better than many notes upon the - vent hanka, being redeemable in legal ten., Lino auy such :toss 1 lion lass failed to redeem any of Ms eirmilsto 1101e0, as specified in the nest creeeding tion, the Comptroller of the III:TOM , • • within thirty s aftet he 1, • nrollev of such !allure, •lechtre 11 Umted States bonds aid awn tilies pledersi • sock tiseUelulion forfelle•l to the United - dui • and the mute thereupon he torlette.l , and thereupon the hompir• • ahall Immediately eiye nertive in ,neh as the .secretary 01 11.0 Tren-In: r il roles or otherwise, dire, t. t•. the hetde • th n e ea / . ..hlott nitle•rrx . 4 • “eli , ft4c..mbent top , ' re,eient ..1 10, T,./oket, t, I the Ves ..a the same .hall I . ' 1.1,1 ecnte:l ALI.EGHENII CATTLE ,11AllitE'T Orrtee or parrell , r• Rots IiALMT - rt, TITIMVAV. April 1, 1,50, 1 A TTLE— The market for Cattle was .4.10 h.,•llve sad firm thic week, and notwittistaie log the arrivals were larger than for se, •.1 weeks past, the demand was .411118 lere-k. vii the Cattle on sale changed hands TI whole iormber on sale reached about eonl ionidred head, m o stly fttmt Chicago, some fel. ,mall straggling deoves from tool Indiana, and. as already stated, the .1 mend trim more active than usual, I•eit hutehers and shippers bnying pretty freel too, at an advance, ascompared with I rates current last week. TM ) quality el II Cattle was amo better than usual, which. enema, had a tendency tomake Icy for II advance In price, and drovers allege that Ito mist lathe west WI. greater than for sem• weeks previous. We quote as follows . to ktire retailing Cattle, 7 1 .40) gros ined PIM to good, 10.407. ' and contemn. all EEP—Marker steady attic a tale retail ‘1 msliel, and with light arrivals, pricel4 art. it , stmushical, though ant quotably higher. bile tat mutton Sheep may he dinoteil at t ell . gross. In retail aim Merrick I) I lie head averaging st tbs, to I. 11 enTner, anal there Were MM . .. valevt, the int:l,, lore se 11 lelt as were itnnlas I. gel. 110(,,S—gillet 1,111. vlsaly, Itil a fair 3.1 ,leta,and, while prices remain about : eek, selling at from s., to Pei, for fair to verlagerk. 1.1,1111ie, sold 11 head i e , 1. .4 t o. itt sl l .l l i. en). as roaveti 111 1 ~v. , • • retailed 71 head at 5 , (177`..; Curl itels SW; IF:tnerlele a, Co 11 Ile •,1 yle -11.pr.C1.1Terl c d (.114.10 , mud 17 head 01 1.11 to Barney Grey at retailed 11 tie Mr Logan alt M,61 , . !derrick 44. 1,0.1 head of extra Western steers, averaging is 1100 Iles, to Barney Grey. at Is els; rein'' , .1 head at be.,/b714. l:reenwidd .t Kuhn retail... head at 41, to b--Ithe members of thin Ile great admirers of ChM rattle, and they 11,,,t hare the hest In market.) Myer, Bro laded 102 bead at 5 1 .,471..; Marks d Trawl tee 5110,.1 at 6 1 407 , ,, .111eitchileis CI, - Barney tirey ltl head prime cattle. at V,. James Martin sold Lb head of goat eat; II same buyer at 7 Crows. a ilitas ruts, 35 head at 111.0117,4. Scarcity of Wheat la Illbcol.. , , 1 hme 14 Ina little, if any, old w limit left I, A tilt:. part of i le. conetry, nud our mlllurs are , J AMEN DARN & NON, Proprietors.. ... 00a. w.. are Informed, shipping wisest from . II:m.o. soppl> the holm: amused for Sony , oIINIDUSSEIS AND CA Rill AO W.a. ferutsbed Tor 101 .01 I mderday we were told be one of our re:mints- ' !V11"... Alan, Can't . age: ror, r...r.1n , P ,. ...1 ... d . it . 4,1,.. A . 1 •,,. •fl Int-reboots I Mat Air Robert Cox, at K. 1.n.c4141: 1 17 , 1t y vri ,.. 4 ,„. 41 . 4 .... m todird ammo-, has found a lot of valualsle wheat it • 4. ho-hoell, In 11,10 State, and that be secured a ' „; I plant itv of it amd corded ti to liewanee no SUNDRIES. , .h.,,lbution among thu f•armers of that 11; 1 Don. Mt I . lay„ 1.1141 I.a tallieng purpose. tt s,'„AitIDINEM---50 cases 1-4, and 10 •.- 1 Is worth Orly moils more per bushel ulna or e , I ' cam- •••„ cans Saone., nes- arrival, now on, t... 1 • .unary wheat- If these facts are so, and the by REl' HER 1 BROS.. ml ; silent tuns:, mit to be nilluayrov...l Tersely, 1011. No*. I'M sad Ms 0 ;pd streak .1 I our farmers will do vroll to get some for 9../..1 ~.:LED s „ T e r roTATo c s 2: , • and plant lt--Peorm 7Vareserfpi. 025 Imln. pare Jeraey Sweet Fatah,. for Seed,. oos la scare and far rale nit Chleaga ilarket , „,h, 1.. H. .11. T & Co. - . l Hi. tOO. April 3.-Flonr steady. wheat 14,ENDIMICH - 7 bibs Copper 5 bxN. Neer York Cattle Nark el. , 0^.. 1 ), at 1 ,1 .-A1. ,4 ,..r.r." . ,, 1,." ''''' f"- Na, I. I coop. r 3 bids Brass, I bus de. NM. ' beeswax, N .... y o ., Arwii Y--The follow fags „. t b.. !=. torn MT.. COI , a, fur No, 1...1d 31'e for ^ bass and Hale I . oltou, on .;.,seer laagovr to sr- ISAIAH HICKEY A CO. oeotationa at all the ys.r,is Beet Caul. , tit, I No = Ito. 11111 At 'MI lA: for No. 1. filitharitra - ,.ire. for nal.. by ..,,, 'lnch muted Prairialona entirely nominal. Be Nu. , Ili'. Per hodd.ldN•il ., falr tor en! ' 1•••dd` . 1 •• s . break wheat, is as) HUTTEII- 15 halt ibis . choice 210417, comm., quallti , Aaiid..,:s.; mm r ,,,, • cespts- ,40u hula -our, /- L. rece re •11 or eel. by gm ,i tty. $ 1,,6 . 13,:,,, 12,,,, , s ,„t I ,„, ~,r . ,, hush corn, 7,000 bush mita. .bblplalento-8:000 ...-, Roll Butter) t I d d f PF.TZER & ARRISTRUNO, 1 .,,,y $ 4,06.1q, 11,, ~,,iit y . e .,,i i .„„,,, ,„,„ 'bbl. Haut, 10,500 bosh wheat, h,OOO hush earn, robin to.. of Martel and First streets. 14 Wu hush oats nary quality, ASSIEOS; rommnr, qoallty,4.od.. •• ' _nl._ t i fil4ol4 --ID bbls. I resh Eggs 11101 l re" • inferior quality, Skl , f3' so . rest Lab's , IL d quality. per pou n d, 144 it , ,,, ordinary quo, ils , IMPOUTN BY RAILROAD. ~te ed„ and for sae ny FETZER A AItAISTRONti, 12 ®®®®lnc; common quallty. lula,(1/11 , -,c, lufmn.: , 1 Prcraisuatos, Fuer PAM. & CHICIAHO. H.. 11.. _ .1.2 ,,. , 1 10!.. r e. Sheep and Laml e, prime tin 91 it, . Aprll J: -tit bids potatoes, .1 if Correll; lee labl. '. $ Owner 111.110. t and Plod atreets. 0 , ordmary EA ',..3140,50, common, ....4:.,:i, Maur, 11, clowsk, McCrecry & co, 103 do do, Il ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS to HrWw, .4.7543. Swine heavy ; ear n -T, ,i t ae , w a li a• o., leo do .10, shomaaer a Lang, ne do 0611 •saortment of lan/ PAPERS, with •aa pound, 11yA11 , ,.„ light and Medium, 11611'„ do, Ix. ie 3. McClelland; 71 half bbl limier, J without bold. to •rrire Twit week. 34111-fed, toy.;. It Canfield, YI tout pig iron, Nitulok a co, UM raha W. I'. Mantilla LL, 0 Wood atreet. There was a libel al increase in toe r. celptc I Mal. flour, Elms It McKee, I bbl butter, II Rea I OLD 'opeEit AND BEESWAX. • of Beef Cattle, which has brought 09 usual Jr; G bbls meal, ti A artin; 2 sow in martini/le result, and we have to report a marked .I, W Stinito, a. •co, Ito labls flour, degionyer d el bo es Copper; 1 mut sod th. Be.wal Cline In Rile., though the advance enta1.10.114,1, I o.ketap. 70 sire brim, II Wile floor, 1V Bing- N .,.. din ., ~,,.... N oes ~ i last week was not lost; brio. fell from Ito 1 , ,,' Ilion. 4 ale libbt, Spencer & McKay; 1 lit copper n,eel steamer ?illfg e E b i A la 1, moving on the lower grade. Prime ess, tl , • J Dunlap d co; 1 bid butter, 1 bbl eggs, 2 kegs were rather scarce and brought full prieee lard, Kell A Riehard; I bbl ecrap Iron, Jones d BEANS - 25 bbls. choice While the range was from 1261e1i, with occasional Laughlin.. 10 .10 110, Anderaon, Conk d co. Beans r.eiTed end fee h r:ls g . AN. ,,, sales. 12c, but the average prices were about I p oll a Pirrlblia HOB BAIL 1110a0.- m my No. 124 Second street. 1r lower on the different grades 901.1 al the April 3 -SI aka barn., II lloovIer; lot house. ps Ices AWN, Milch Cow. were in limited tie. hold goods I. B Ryan; 13 ale bah, D Fawcett 1:08111EN CHEESE-100 ass. drat d from men at fm 4408100 V i oahl steady , With II aOO , 13 ars Oloversev,), Kirkpatrick d Bro,• `-e , cams Goebert Cheese In store and for sale by tali demand at t0t514. 1 41 Sheep and Lam 2 bbla produce, I hot, Llslupliell d, Brown ;ot alias e. 0 A LeLET, were in fate demand, at full prices. Tote, re- doe rakea, s k nitnentock , I 1302 books, Ilea J s ' lot Liberty ate., celpte for the week; 6,087 beeves, 115 OnWa, k:” , Travilla, 42 lulls chairs, hammer d. Dallier ; attain. 17.373 sheep and lambs, 4,4ite swine i le do do, Lemon d Weise; :1 do do, Dealer, Close i A 00; 4 bib, rags, Godfrey & Clarke; I eh ware, Putlatlelottla Cattle Market. 1 1.t..1 du, .1 31 Pricker; I Cl, do, Grunt tr. Folly; mnfie 4ak wool, Sturgeon & Bro; 3 bide ogam. 1 b.,. -- - P1111..•1 3 LLPHIA, April 2. - Bent (=talk UM In 1 ,„,,„ fr FIATES-50 trails new Dales' .l 1 At we e , Lee & cli , 1 car Ore beta , file demand thus week at a further u.11 , 10. , ' .9. -- 911 - n r a . P A H+ 10 . aks Tags C. P Markle- 1 flu n k , 4.--' received and for sale b/ HE I,SOU head arrived and told at the Ave- , - ,,,,,1 ;S i n ",.. - L- m a nn .3 r ; ,,',, t,,,,.. , w m kytilm:...m.., REEMER A BROS., sue Drove Yard, at 1601 i cents for edits the • --' -- -• Nos. TM sad 12/1 wood Wee, IM carboys, Person Salt hbusuf Co, 144 wk. pt . h 0 latter rate for choice , 14613'4 rents for tall' In f t cap., Graff & Reiter; 211 has cheese , 3 B Can- A ppLESI APPLES!! RECEIVED I gnat ; and LOWS cents per o . common as to field; 1 anvil, Whitmore, Wolff 6 00 ;12 able d a Tills DA r. -4 car loads choice Pork Slate quality 1 onions, I box,! Id f bids butter, Lll T Mgt d co; preen A poles, now m store .d for t .l by Are to fair demand at former rates SheeEl- . , 10 caddies toacco, E Megrim i 1 bbl whisky, ind 3 11. NOIO 1. 830 head arrived and non at from 7aot rents . T A & co GOLD WALL PAPERS—At Lori per lb gross as to quality.n, n Hogs-Prices are without change , about Iwm PIT TA.0.1.014. Coto meta •KV CinClkwaet n• R . prices, for Parlors urn elated/cm for sale ha heed sold as the different yards at from. 213b1f, April 3.-00 bbls Soar, .1 liardirier; 90 do do, W mti24 W. P. MARSHALL. • - 110 Ilya net. , Looper d l co,l tell boards, J T Wade; 3 barrels 1,4 - flour, lek do, It Smith; mils egg s , Cook Bro 4AB COCLIV -1.000 bilis. for sale by , s co, lot household goals , P 3 urphy; i sirs m hl3 M'BANlt"'"J'ita. No. 124 Second street. rags. It Dal tell. Sew Orleans. Market. New OaLitatrti, April 3.--Cotton heavy and drooptug. Sales of two thousand bales of lA,. !diddling itt,31036e. Sales for three days lots, Receipts for four days 12,000 against '.hits fur the corresponding period of hod wyr..k. ItL eelpts to-lay 140. Exports for three days ta ttle :stock 173,00. Sugar and Molasses nowt al and uuclaanged. tjohl Sterling New York Bank cheeks Mount. Fre re ights to New York !4; Liverpool 9.6; Hav to Cincinnati Seed Market. duds matt April :—The market for clover is comer, and prime samples are alftleult to buy at lees than $545, though this on ts fine above the r sleds of buyers, who generally c thei offen to a 5,1405,16. Timothy te scarce and arm at F 3,4001,50 tor OriMe. Flax commantls hemp is steady at A 740,00. parasuruia MUIKETS - -- • .....w Orgies of THE PrTraIsMUSH Gelarre, / Hon TotaDET Apt - R. 1 0 ,6 a I..mi Leoti Ham na ilton ....Pat hereloirg. MI City. iparaltirt awl. wThithe.t.pdrodintgleettimar„mkaetutsiercenut...inu.emd:lll,,,n,,Out; PEent,ro.lni,,r.h.,::l:ii Zanesville. pl ant, and is all that amid possibly be 41, id Innesota .11111 ofout door buslness . Lent Lent I.... Hamilton .... Parkersburg. sired lute the trtheactt", 141 a Ittom Ntl. '.! Rees .. !till Pant.. GROCERIES—The Genes market Is, ugh there . no Ewan, wys . ruse, rev. porteda shade steadier. th 4: . Aux is sun. , 1 e . material change In prices. Cuba it; h river rose several Melte , at this point it; c yl h n e lk . 1 anr,,,g Monday night and yesterday, init last 1:17,/,e11174;“" and °B o Coffee .ugars, y g o a c i o l tr 2 : l l. t b P ol c n: R :: la: t°4 . l u. „ common to evening it was apparently at a stand, with Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, ror f to oleo May be II Inc feel in the •ehanuel b, the Allegheny prin.. Molasses dull, anil Itiee remains nu - nut rt.. The weather yeatt , rday was warm (olled nominal at 15 to fii• • arid Stir/n i g-like, and all that could possibly be Changed at 1015 far t Han t tl ' A ' tal ,unelionged. , dosired for transuoting business on the wharf. UNION LINE, GRAIN— o'i+ sale , front store at 15 'There has net town a single traneient . ar- Oar ... st ea t , o d r ,‘. :7, l l ' k 'h :7nitra r eir, at VI. Be ing Is in : rival since our last report, and the &relent. ' .v...5.cimr.13. - r cicviaecx..-it... .... s; sale demand and prime Spring and from Now Orleans, and the Emma No. 3, from -- - - at "5 for the former, and 90 , St. Louis, are among the first boats title. Fill sells rea di l y i Will ran three dall4 Ids-wheel steamers between latter. Sale of 100 sits prime Ear Corn , The M nine:Ude had not left early In the of- Pittsburgh Monongahela , .ir Broten4 1111. Mee . / for tb . ..%' " ,,64. mall "taloa (TOW M 0,440 .46 5 41 0. , Vern..., but she a mild doubtless get otf thole., Lamht.g, Pittsburgh , 4i a no, ; Ind too. iouni„ar.i ..ii mt i r 4 l . 4`,,,_i n ainagr, with a fair local demand, I the evening. As a matter of course she "2 ft< gion.. This line t k0mp....4 'or the lollowing bat unchnged.- for half store, nand 5•13% i good rp, ful l °f,1 pl and all the next I ' . a.afga,m4 for half spring half ~ she could esti). he Phil Sheridan Is next t . , 3.. , 61: :, r r t . " ,t4 a10t4010% for ail Whiter. Rye lon the list for St. Paul. Ft...1u., it The The Financier, Capt.. Darragh.la still loading FAYE7TE . 4 ArT. N. (4g.1 PLOW ISIO/11S—Rticon is in a little more ae- for New Orleans ; ClUxen Capt. Hare, tor St. Trii:V.,. , k,s,l'll . , CAPT• • BRUNER. ttA 1.. t. ; , , +.gl . . . VA `'T. 7., \t ', t . . A P.MAC tire demand but unchanged. Soles at 1:P.: for • Louts ; Leonora, Capt. Darin, for Nashville . 4 ,tPT A. , ARIALF. Shoulders; 15% For 111br ' ed ' 4l ' l ' 3 ' '!' a./ 214.T.21'n j Columbia, Copt. It. .1 Porter, foci thelUPPer These paeketa will lan e Bltiatiiircli Asllv at 4 • for Sugar Cured liams.rd is nitol4.ol al ISQ ; Misaiociippi , end theY are all neat and eemmo.. at, sod 4 , ~, ~ e .,, ~ . roes ~ ~,. a ' PUG. and bless Pork at •• t. Mous menteuger steamers. ...in b,• et i 0 eliiel ' iTtn. '" " • '' """' Ja s Seca selling In asmall way o k We take the following from the +t. !Otis. The through haslet for the Itillitegion4 will lease ~ of., mid Thnothy at e... Flames ' d - is I Democrat, of NiOntifty : Pittsburgh thailv at si p. tn. Brorriovillti ilaili si ~,,,oted at 52 1 4, and tha t arrivals cOnt !tine ery' I DEPARTED FOR THE MOONTAIns.—The Pet r 1 Ralan has '2.9e tens for the g old regions, and •31 ' ,,,,j i14' n i Ti N . ”. ... - 1 - t d sre s Rrewtortile far Pittaburgh 11 ht demand seems to be falling 114 . i. for Connell Bluffs and points bulOw • I. avea itre . enslio 6 rt at] I,eneva at 12 o•eloe - h. my somewhat, Mid the tendency Is toward .:.'!f...... CAM IRUis ileninger, has 130 tot w in ILL ;; , • , 1 , ..1nat Ip. ni. lower prics. WO now giltshe at ICI to 54, for treight 4.141301.ns stores. ". 1 . , * . is d ra win g M onon gahe la (Ili at 5 u'elora. common to prime Roll. mehes of water. to Hoe t. compel...l of lint-class aids-wheel ~, ,u. nn t„ t ,. eteamers, both espre,siy fur the trade. They will EGGS—Supply somewhat in excess of the de- k Thu Ditntgville, lain We. Jee r '' , be commanded by otticsrs of Long iper nee who mendi sales at :Mtn ill per dot. I 2f. inches, but will draw three fret e , '..."" - wilt p ay particular attention to the ' wutt l eind ' emn- CHEESE—is quoted at '''O)l l4 for Homburg, I worth, as she lateen 50 loon there of privrqe fort o f pas•engers. Nit. boats will lease promptly and 2.5 for Goshen. freight. at the hour NM ertued MILL FEED—DuII; sales from Mere at 90 4 0 Favorite, t ap. Alw Hutchinson, drox log .01 for Shorts;sl,ollfgl.,l o for Seconds, and 41,48 lour feet ; has . ..25 tons and so passengers Will Freights Received at all Hours. fur Middlings. I have aeres.sinna by the time she reaches and POTATOES—There is gulls on active 41e- leave. st. Joseph. mend and the um, ket ts arm at 04,25 per both I .4..10hn5. Capt. tt tu. Conley, drawing. ai, For further particulers. empoire of and 475 per bid. I met, It. 1:.o tons, amt Is nearly full of en- WILLIAM MELOY, Agent, um . " - At the Wharf-Boat, foot of °rant sl., Pittsburgh. HAI —May be quOted et from 115 to Eye nor , gars. L. COLVIN, Agent, cOMMOn 10 medium, and CIA to VA ter gnus' 10 These bnuts have all lair pansenger trips. Dog:Enid . Brownsville, a. prime TimOthy. Moro or lens, and marrya good supply of eines, - - bAl•T—la very dull but not putt ably lower . I shot guns snot platoli. During their trip of T. PAUL PAC KET—Forldat it I. still held 02,414}2.65, by the oar lead. WOO mile , up and down, officers n ine pas Sells 1, -IWINDN A AND ST. PAr I. DI geru.lll no doubt have rare sport chasing RECT.-The new and splendid able _ - --...• . the halide, the antelope, de, wheel paa•enger xtenturr w ' fllo4l. li. II 1 1.1, CRW.. 1 . . Cannott. Clerk, win I lease as aborr, on TI'ESO AY. 3.1 of A pill, and go I I I through direct. The Mintseaota is entirely new and Is suppited with double flood bonen, stole of beat Pittsburgh Iron. .04 I. Mud and furhishell In anti very superior manner Iler. °Mears Rlee•refni slot Ant, exp. riel.esd. and her avvorntroulattl, fur paseen :ohm 1 te n are tinearpassed hi any boat afloat. For frelnlti or passage apply on hoarder to AteutxJ. D. COLLINOW001), 1 Alston 1 JOHN FLACK. Aeents; il CHI. :r.rOn ... to R. , GRAY. H. 11.A1114 i REG"' LAIR. MlSSOUlllgaa i t alit,(((..• ItIVF.II PACK Er. -The new 1.1111 1 spendid side-wheel steamer NILE. nith's r.• , , apt. Ws, flamer, will leavo for St- Louis. limy Vail. 1 outwit Bluff. Omaha I'D,. and the Intermediate ,galtel a 1101 I {tor., on sATURDAY, the tub April. I For freight or passage apply nn boom or to aohimfoot., 1 oder VLAtili & 1:111.1.1N1, WOOll. AtIVIIIII, 9.114.11. • ,,, I• I ,\ oll A A SBA . ILl.l.E.•••••Ther_A=.pi 1. floe passenger steamsr i t.BtoS‘iltA, No. ti.. 4 'apt. Davis, W ill Icare for the shove snO all Intermediate ports • ou It April Oh. at 4 , N Fur freight or pammge• appl) on panel ur ta W :m hat FLACK & Col.l.lNti Woo 1, Allem Veil EVANSVILLE, l'Al-seig i e so AND hT hi WM -The new i and elegant •Leatuer (11'N . . .. ... I_ aptain 5014 SI AI. liana. A 111 hate for the shore and Intermediate ports µI RONDA\ , at 4 p 111 i For freight or passage •piny on leiard. or JO /1 .Al h & , ,I.lo,lVit natl., ( ~,,,,,,,,.. 011.11 ./ Aal FiS I'xll.l.l``'4. il litk i T y l...l l .f, A ll y, .. r ItIINSO , IS I .. lllilligE wi t '0u.1.11 Bluffs, Outab• (Fur lan l ' ote ' rl ! !IB d IIN',ISI I , I rap l!.! 4,"..:,, t v.° : Tir, T:....,T.c1,...f'„,:E. I on THU itsDApr 1 tall. mar frvight or pea, age &poly ou board or to Vhlo Litt h & i 01 I.lNlsit tx.ils.. Agent, - --. 1.,‘011 MEMPHIS •6: NEWr a ziS i t ••a• oaLr ANS The st.landld • paean., FINAN4 till • • • I. apt. Itkanaott, Will test, as scoot on Tills DAY, at I p. m. Y aris n.'" W. ti ' Vl ' i s firk I ° l.:ttl - r4l l l r i '4.... VOR KEOK IK, GA LE-gagO i t A NA, LICItiqUE.ST TALI. AND A Lt. NV A \ LA NDI Stih the Sae as. ,t 5 . 00,0 0I I ILI.' 311314. Capt. R. J. Pon T ali: o to.. 10.41ng and will bat e with ttiapatun, nil ' , n '''''' ST.Zii " l e, lttili ` :TkeTt . TV ,ll : 'A g ents. R EG 11,..A1R PACKET WM& Yk/11 W HEEL'''. O. MARIETTA AND ZA NES V 11.1.1.-The doe steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. C 14. Srutt.. will leave for the alniva and all Intermediate ports every TIDEBDAT 4 at 4p. so Iteturhtng, teseSs Zancerilis teary FRI DAY. at 7 40a. 3.13. OOLLiWWWOOD. Al.t. PITTSBURGH pk.:Tsua..Bufil MAISKET OPTICS OP TEI TexauAT, April 3. Icata. transaations in Crude were onto large to-day, larger than f ur " . "' "l days past, and as the market was 40/11VW lust i•Atiltisl, holders ex lairleneed no Milli-ally In al,, ltag the ud tuo,:, • 1./0 :1411% ..Slll l, l 1A11.41 011 Nioniinv. Sales of I lua Aids, on t in. ,pot, itt pankagen ineintleili 1000.11) do, at till; Rai ill at . 20. too Tattarticalt NW at. 1:;.': lattli I boats at If, 707 Inds at in: :01 at IS: lat at I); and IMA) far Slav delivery. celler's option, at 17. Wein the stove transaction) ) It it ill be seen that ~natal long may ha fairly given at. 17. Md. ret 'it tied. and included. inclatitsl in the sales wore nes end thou/dial liarreln for ct Louis ttenaert . It}. FIN F. Li—'t here tia again ijuitcsan act iv e iiitiatad for bonded oil to-,11,)', and I hat, tOO, at the ad raneetitaa44 jg uur htet report, bid re dile,. aro still holding og ant itIII thal -till latalstir /111V1t10 , , We wow ' ' prh l,ll , lt 4. at 1 . 2 for llt Lt I, , t' !day ; for •T tine; and ta tor .1,11)'. e in. u Pot inte sale reported, 5001 , 111 s for Sin)', al ct . F ro „, t hi Li didi and entirely nolo InalLtie.• ntani restricted eat Irc'y lo cappli nig the w aits of the I etall trade A 1.0 -The seen • still eoNtmar light, lint as the river is again rising it nt likely 11.01 the receipts will lin larger a ithin the lie I,\l ten days The (011014111 g are trpatted ,ataia• teptirt I lsn,lr .t fit„.. • :to 110101 ....... • 1 . 1 LI ell MOM Finance and Trade In Nen Tory en 1 oak, Aprti 3 —Money more scary at pet nt on rail towns. blelti rlg, F.arhattgr tins better InHalry, at Cis? ..11derltn ( decided change, opening at lag 1 . 27%, and Arsons at itovernment blocks 11rMer. No s toolil closed al 12z • irk boards this On the sl reel Central u quoted it t ill : or,. Erie Hrt.;,dio, He t ,. st,, M t: u - toso -southern, Pittsbut gli, Iltibollo; Viet It syn.. • so, (P. I Ire tool , ' market closed idea ;di at I,: s sall si , Conioilerable buslursii was 1100 e 111 stock-, Michigan :southern WU, t ine leature and robe to sti t ,ldfitSW,,,• the balance of the market si.s eak and towel, especially on KrIO, burgh, Rock Island and Fort Wayne. The mat het for Petroleum and Attila sharer was met, and very little change in prices. The :shad , River speculation W. Up hoc Moms llon again. and wholesale charges of fraud r Iterated. A eominit tor was appointed wr to llllVel.affate the matter and there will nu i trittla be some rich dereloptnents fl has n ;ot i osely hinted that thls stork had been limbed to such an extent tits) the stumps ; npon Ilse errtOirate s ha". neconp, gale end ranhardly be recognized. Sales Centtio, , 1111 Creek, 4r; Pithole, lid; ',bade Rivet , The lollne ing are the gnotatiOus at the Dry I ..1., Exchamgel Market quite strong sat Act Is , Int some styles of Jotnrktle gnOds, with : A fall trade doing. Bayer, how, er : cannot , he tutored to 0011•111.a0 It. largejota, the lithe , yrny a hat they want foriltumediate use. The 1 large atietron sales of Foreign good, keel, the whole market unsettled. Dmakahle Free..h fer:i..,,,.e5e1,`;,.-ifin,"„,7,`,T .1 in.1',7,T,"1"..1".` 1 .'".. - I , are In tall .leman , l 1'e1.,1 , --Allen, 10', Arne, - 1•• an, IT A 111.051.7. ,, ng, tTe.; trlo.ol. 0... r, 1-,0•0 •••‘..:10 II0010•11. Int, HOIOIIIOn. I• 10. haueaAter • I"'. 31, rileaci:, :re, Pkcaelc. 0•0. Ii 0-111000.1 I• 0• -,00000., I .13t, , .....1. • W yin-, tn. II -1 . . II: • r 0 il sheeting , Aturr,Lems, A 3:Ic: spplelon, A 1I c. .!.. Allan: iy, A . :tSs.. NT:wt.:a, I,n I , 11.,1,1, .5, •• ~ t, rest Vail, 11.. t.:: I:t eat calla, ..1 . Howard: A, f 2, Laeohla. I:, _zl ; w ...r.. ,ur..... Extra, - 3 I Oregon, 1 , , 1.1. I'n , -1110, A.'_: , . 1 ~ ,,,eten F . ..1... Bleach,: , esals - Ballo. A I e , .. •. Bart telt, 11, Bate, :7 .. I ~... •.. ti 11, I, h, :11.. 1.. As. to:nutria, A, .!.l. t•recu Mann , 1...1 01'11k l tnapany, All 1 111l's ,•0111perldwn, I'S ', Hope. .., , .1 roue, 11.1. Polol[oo. 0, SIA.I.IIi 111, I ./.' , 1100110,— A rliArrighl It 80 , , a.;Ain. : a , ,ph'. 111 0, :LI; Arnoakeng. , 2t , .. Burl.. Ito: r, • 3 ,, . Ds, mairer, t 2:.. Mane:male, , 37', Sea 1 ork. 4,1, Pearl itleer, 70; Warren, Brown. 15 Finny ski, is—, T. A A. T. :Meyers, I t 1. 1 1 , , inel, tapes, with :a/ to V , bur , po, I. In 73; :1 Ineh tapes, to to 10 01 , 031., 101 to 61.1•2. at v.v... a to Itspnia• 4turea. an p sia as press . '' 'rr" T: i .a. Htt ' l r"' ....... *heling Laps re a ia put ( . 41111/1111,4141.014 IttEIICHANTI4, Nen Brighton Accommodation ivaves &Beaton) I , trh ' ette 9 r 4 lieg!. l : ,4Nme..; tat& 1.1.17 1 cu i 4 teTse Asia Itioilagga IN nay, 10 Ilv. as_ .. Wellsvllla MO r. in. ' Plftsburtli.Clovetand and Whoollairt PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS Dearts Arrears . Nev 1 ark liarsel. I i it. ' af .." . • ;Tit: Elfr: :41 t : ,I . nil e Su 4 tet tdikedt A WAS, 'a xi. lone . ldarvh I'. --Cotton hex, \ tiAl f •••••• •• - ' : 111133117 - 11.43-8, PAIL. 1.. , * , .t 14+0, for middlmg Floor with , .. , ttenhenvills Areonittadalloa leaves Allegheny at p e2,7 4/4 decided enntige and common grades doll and . t p, a, 7 declining, 47,1547,55 for Mira State, 14,2341p1,60 i 11.14latiargla sad Counellsvilio. forlining, common extra round hoop Ohio and h'5....., Departs Arils. all for trade brands, the market clos i ng. i gi . let i Mail 7.1.0 • to Hall atm P m INV histiy %inlet: email sale. , of western at :,.:. I 10101 Al VT . XIAOI A 0 61 P :r. Vete% on Ae ii PP) ain PHENIX WAREHOUSINO COMPANY, tik2,Z7 at heat doll, lima[ on UTAI/AW tit.e ine4l, I ~ ;,_,,,,„.,_ .., . 11 ..t.'_,.... „ ... ..., 11 p.m ,. . No I hill watikee, sl,ta. Rye quiet and droop- i, ~,' '''' ..P''''''' . ...ppl o - p ;Z:274''''' •••"- ...:atom rOOll of Hallam ton Harrison Streets. Mg Barley firm and in Mir demand. Corn I p r ,,,,,,,k , A , p sA p i , m ,p eA dd p .„.A.. ACA Fl 4 p., Itraoklyn, N. W., lent a. tit e hut priceswithout decided change clinr,l. Train.... tal I pDa Church Train 10:m alO At 71f1.70. for cirtoound nod MOTs, I for would allealterky Valley Itaiirsaa. , mixed western in Store unit dellirerno, and Dspaets. drrtrus. l'aii7lo for Jersey yellow. gnats lc better at Nall aOll ta Expreu 11 4 10 . To 3j6 , 4ae Po. new neistern i, ll , l ., n e t i ter price an ex- C=7 ..d.t . tlt o , m ro Mn!! ....d . d .. :. 1 . I I 'LIT' :.:,' f l'Or"l c . 1 ‘;::s ISlnseova:fo ll , Wat i ffna 4 at , rm 1 :'•ltt..botirb and ° natt remt . to OH ' I 1.0. 1 .8.11 ,, .. klolaiPnes stad) at 11. c for Barbi, i City and Franklin. Depart. ' lntl sna l'iSiaa r k‘ for i'orto it , e lo Pv l .m I en al. Ittn """ reu.: 7.4lprn 20,17 Xxnress .II Ala us .1 . rode at at.e, we gents rafted In bond at I Via. CitCaburrh. Intl 'syn. and L'llleasu, mai I01(41... pork steady hot not very Atli,,, id BeA•el alle ) . 01 . 2-a .v .. • .( . 4,5. ,t 6 for new mars, closing at gh.caull •elearusinltles Boob--Otani and Water Sta. v 24,7542.5 for old do., and 8i1.X4i1 . / .. 2 for prime ArAtooo. ithWAWA. 1 tilp.o, 1,4.01301 A new Meal. for April, tau) and rn ..... ...4:fo gas I Sall am C. CO pin 1 , J un., sellers' option, at ili'lligell ~.0 Itm f so- Iliarniony Stage. Nt. Clair elisoef d is .141491 for new plain AM. and lit terface. I . d.t, for nen extra moats. Beef tiaras higher at 1 ...41 1 ka k k e...3 ,.. as ,. via , ol :-.. 5i r....... „... 1 104 .0034,7, fill meal. steuniy al 11...4111.,u Arras,. Departs. . foi ahoolders, co.! 17‘61e0de for AAA, WACO. ' ~,,, . ~,, 1 Si a. is , into 11,1. at I 44!.1a lbc or Cumberland rut, I Vltte lansifirorton Pitago.--Harres Hotel Iv r for long ribbed and 15).a11.. for r....rt Arrfees. ' 1 r i 1,1... i Lard ~ . sloe at 14. , ..415Xe, small sal,. , IN r• a• 1 171:. A; •, 0 1 Ps Mater .ittlet at : l u ll tor Mine, amt 1.. 1 kt r.ri for .itale i licesedull at Ind: '' -t. _..._ EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS & LIVERY STABLE, 410 PICNIS lITIIXICT. • A 1.1.1[011.101r STATION, April 3.--4 cars oats, i A To) lot. Ll !mica tow, AB CloIdo; 173 bags totts,lithoore, Simpson &co; eldY thtsaectl, s:act A Hamilton, 1 car Wheat, Noble a Angel; 1.5 'k. attic, Stewart A to; 15 doe. brooms, Shultz, son 4. co; 15 pkgo lades, I' ague. EASTER EGGS-1.6 bbls. fresh W ALL X,l l .'u l int B e! )l st A „ kr. . Eggs this day tarsal° br 7 . 4.1. 9 . 6 1 wean. L. H. VOIOT 6 CO, {V lee NEW PATlEltrie--ile t i ;e, Etrerese , Louis NV, ; EwbroL d, NV:4I;A Made or to rr priced GoLli ra.PEftz• I.IACON-20 bbhs. lirams t, Si de bun.s every mAnsyymx. aA4l3ldialdatri,Tectived and fur sale y Wood atraet. FETZER AILMSTEIONO. PALCINED PLASTEIRIOO Abb. tar solo by tmlia) 'WOW H. COL/Xi& RIVER NEWS THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE AGENTS. ALLeso Now Castle, Va. Me. RILES. Penns. Railroad. Mi,. Pltrgh, COlntiltniAt 4•lnelnnstt R. K. K. (41.E.NVICSNINEJ,. Stet/bens' Ills, 01110. V. P Sr. t. WollsburglE, Wegt. V.. Trlti as. Oil Cl!?. is. Jou. Lis osSnitlnyt. It.totorstor. P... & Wousolit, oho, (4guitottevana. Smith's Fort,. l'a. W. sail' Lits. Allegheny Vali., It•nroad. W. NV Ant, Monongahela lion., Plllsburgb. R. llnscitsllN. Waohloglnn. Pa. T. 1......01tt0.,44 D. 0. HlnTgo, ii. 141a1WRRAS. Hottort‘lla. R. J. PllenC3 4 . Msr,r 4 . .Itlls Oreri.stni.g. Ps Vid•grldAiggnn. Ea.! J. Siloor, rreernorl. Ps. JAS. T. Saari. Allo.ghen, I 111. It. IL Al.!!'!,. Sharon, Ps. l'a Snows!, & NtWI4NroN• Brown. , ill , Pa .1. 11. ic, Pa. C. P. P lI 1 • Ra.iroal. . Cl.-velaud* PHishuralt Tg., List. Vito I alto , Ps .1. is Aiwous, 'I el..- '44.sr*. Job:I/down, Vs. If Rastbs.v. Sharystonrg, l's. M. A. s St, I, l Htlghlon. Pa. "noon-Till, Pa. len luau. Vs. ,0 , r1,11 Rlalr•elite Pot. 1 Irn 1.t•lloit. In. ~111 .1( If Its l'arentatn. t0 . 1.1e3. Pa. FNV. I alitorula, 1' 111 T. ritsos. Kittanning. Pa. IV I. LI, ts tlanrsol.l Pa Has 41 11 ALL. Psilana. Pa. A I% I"..rsta, Port Perry. Pa .1 .. Wgr.NAnn. Verner Station. I's. A Y. nawrotin Llarlington. Ps. Cap! .I.llls 11, llayssllle. Ps. 1.4. I..arltust Station, K. 41 It Ott.: siirt. Baggage t 1 . 1 . 4. Pt. R. R. LaWrintreTille. Pa. H. Ml' art,. ttag. M a,t. Wells oilla Aceam'a. is.. T. WiLsOs. Torrence Station. Pa. J. K. sricara.a, Jacob* Creek. Pa. .1. AI. Katy, Lackporl. I a. RA.U•at. koon Valley, Ps. MP4s - Ittrt.L. IV idte Ash. Pa. cilicbeiccx.....m_ar - sr. ' OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. irriVal and Departure of Trains. ! iii i iillftt.i.ba r re i tit..4 Tr..,, roomayliania Contra' Railroad. Departs. Arr . "... Day Empress ~ 31• us MAP ap .. • m WORKs Lli TEMPERANCEVILLE •Itwou• d.coosu u - 60 a On Fait 1-los 2 10 a In Oln,tount.i Tap • • .91 • m la. Wall AnconPo . 1 . 1...,1 40 • Office, No, 2 buquegUe Was, Ylllll 10 • m Penn An'n No L J . _SE. • m 11111, 1 1 _ a pr..... 4 10 pm 101 NO all Sacrum— 0.20 •tu Johnstown As a. 2 la. pat Jutatat`u Annum. 0:50110 (Naar Puspenalon Hrtdpw..) I sat LAus .. 10 4.4 pm,1 1 11•11EsIn PLIII-12.111.p tu tat Nall Annum. 6.M .1.1.1B•11L.0 1,1 K.P.4 1: N P . bIA24I.II 4 .I.CTLIKEISII UP Ptlit WHITE lid • •• li 4.0 am 3d Walt Aeolus .. 1..'33 pin j ',. ~' ~„ " „ : ,"? p r. m 1 7 . . 1 :1 ‘ . !J P :V . o . . Ttr,:t. 13 u j- - -t 7 , 4 1 -1 - N (4 4 -- )1i.,. 1..... ••, n A ... 1 10.50 p r' at Altoona Assam. . ,9 Emig. Train —lO4O p m lus (Mosso train lia.. Scit.ll..• Sea et erl ,apal, 21 I) IL • 93 . rsturutug. I Pittsburgh •1. 11:501, at ....t•borita. Colombo* and elorismaill Depart. Atria. rust tott. , 2 5. • au rut lan. .... ti .0 . 6'90 • ot Can if.t vs,. 2 10 p m Capra. .... .... 1049 usu. Ills ....0 Stuuttensllle A.r e..coodatiou I'll pm commudallon . 14,10 • a Plitsokburgh. rt. Wayoto and Chirairo. !masa. ... . ? : H AL 114.1...E.11W ILIV. 100 bbil6 Dan "N c. L Li tm e l l a or i ea o n k o ,,x,... fi t o li c a a ll n kr a 5 76. a.. roe AFINE . LOTOF ADAMANT INE CANDLES received end lb store at ibbe JllO. H. SCOTT'S. 00 Liberty et. l llLA' qtlitw S . ortr,ituarttillertleallow by _CIiAI3. SALAILZY, 3O Liberty a..., PINE OLIVEOISG-20 cases, quart aad ptet Hanle de Ar.Olvel rrica aticle. Jar nit by limait LIZIRICATRiG 91L-ttirczo.lattr- 1866 SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1866 MONONGAHELA RIVER ; 011. WORM. WooLmunGE OIL REFINING Brand—"Luoiler." Thl.l U ewrktro I.e ar 1t.4 ror Irorninspropertlea, olor w an, twrt. and laput up 111 well oe•wwora Oar , reit, rultatWe has USG, ILIPUIPT, lOW DEW , Pvt. DIKE< w.an—John Willa, Robert Lel, Oeo. Blatt. C .U. tau C. L. Cahlwell, U Callus, J. W Porter, Rob,e -r D. W. C. Carroll. jall-dm4 V GP • ID 1:60 p inns ID ARING & KIN(J, ONDED WAREHOUSE Ot Storage ftoir Relined Petroleum', In Tull. a.l bowtOln. Son Clren 4N - 001ex, No. f DIA VIIIet To ,n oclnty gi'kN CIA no Pas tincslamaixs. Flostkoaerry. CLARK & SUMNER. Work• sad °afro, Collla• Towe•h/ I== These wo hsve the largest egVacity this try. The brand stands the highest In this ecnisstry •il.l in Enrupe, ern. quality and fire lent, sod the, , ! I r s o p e t Z , .refli seasoned nal - rel., prepared esperisil. idanufsclurers of ItiiILKHI4, 81 - 11.1.8, TAN RN knpnwed hoeing Tools for 011 Wells. .1.10:le SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We • reteWanct lug. end oil keep On heed. 'wrier l• comm. ErraiorxiviEtis WITB lITHII A COlllOl 01 TUBULAR 101L11 We bn Its parties nsetiling engines fur this pata sati soti ...a thm, corner tV PIKS. and AP L L AMA STLEn. near L ity Water Minks. Met MACKINTOSH CO. ‘OI,IIOLOCIAL OIL WOOD PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Constantly an band sad for raa AT THE SA)WEXT HABILET j AMEN WILKINtI, 11'.,,. CRUDE AND REFINED 0112, - 81111's Moak, Iluque•u• Wayi ! k itsburyt sgr Special siteutton igtren to Oki Intlif.pd obit ' Al a pe t o thrlfgrl= d 1141= c tir.lrr 'ent 112:1• WM. 110 LIME. J .41 PIES IRWIN & CO, H Sl4 UV ACT OREM UT OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 01111.4:34a, 1.13 J N No. 1 %T. LAIR ST., Pittsburgh, Forwarding and Commission Morainal AM dealer m Ws. illumin.u.g, Lubrication Crude Petroleum Otis, Ac., runner:4ly cm baud aW (or Ode at the lowest market prices. Ornisignmnita and orders solicited. ap7driii zsilhotia:):lll;i4 `TEAM. TO AND FROM LIVER. POOL AND KITEICNSToWN %wk. • we.k. The LNALIIN LINE. salting EVERY SATURDAY ,' EVERY WEDNESDAY, CANKTING O. 8. SAILS. TI ete weld toend from Ireland, England, Scot land tlermasy and France, hp tl` JOHN DALE, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, ib Broadway,lll. T. s4HINGLES -75 , 000 No. 1 Skin. Mo"A'S for itar SEED t:.r BAILLII- - 400 bus. clean Need mb29 leY 6L o cil l . AN ANC— .OBGBITAS-;-'lOO Udil 'to ' orad to artiTO and tar Ws of t.. VOLGT REMOVAL T. & J. T. MUNCH, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. flare Removed t., the Sew Butltileett No. 196 Liberty Street. Owing to the latenens of their pa rehaseo for the FlritiNG TRADE (the senior pat - timer twlng now In the Ewa) [her are prepared to ex hi hit goods fur the ltrrftllll TR A lIE 00 llt VERY IA OW VAT QUO t'T a- Tltt NS that good , hone yet retched. l'hey have, anA de.lgn to k..f.p, n SI I'Eltloll SI'OCR. UV CLOTHING Fon OAL.fi, ,ti' TII FAR 4,\V\ N VFACTU lilt, o f 1: , 41' At. to all ro.nprrtg to t'UtTOM GEN. ORANT 32C.N2CrEC.131 . L1 3 CO C) EC3aIMI.. NEW 'SPRING STYLES OP 33c0 - srm , Tarns, 47 St. Clair Street. GRAY & LOGAN-. H ENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NOINIFISI COUR OF PIM I ST. CLAIR REM Deattee to return t Mulls to hiu (rim& and the pan tie gunarslty for thah liberal patronage. and o,ld reapeetfully inform them that he hat Just return ed hum the rut. , tuarketa ulth a large and well elected etock of Fine Woolen Goods, AND ra.eull Sl' arly llM adaptWEA ed to GENTLEbIEN•S F.R R. em FORT PITT FOUNDRY CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS HEAVY ORDNANCE, I Will tottire against .It litn.ie of fire nod Slartne AND ALL HIND. or WAVY IZlAdlititie. Hitt.. A h In Itltullon MAtiaoo.l by Director. , orb. at, well kni,rn I 1/1.. corm inn oily, and wbo are BrAeScVNlA"rtiTN'eHyd to °Rkkaprho.----- : detera,inv.l o) prompt.... and liberality to main- REPALIU3 attended to promptly. In the character whfro they hare ',stmt.& as of- Aa heretofore, th e nest material. will alway. a I terlow d Int brat Pr+lr , II •0 to Iltost , 2,0 dosire to be used at this Foundr y . flan rr. Attention to called to oar I: ANY FLY IF HEE. PATTERN and W0re...4 facilities for Ilttlaa up IL tame. 110?. 1(0 ww. Wicita. . . ;01114 ALLY:, .I• 5 L. braza VALLEY STOVE WORKS. Alex. Simms. Andrew Ackley, R. 111 r, Jr, Derld H. L.'s, ( A 1i:2 . 1 .. 1, - 10107, Rees .1, Thomas, , ” rr , i has. J. (last, ( asupimil r li ' li . errun. Jilt] lc. McCune, ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., ~ w to-ke..., Jab. C. Hanna. I DIVA/ NS St I' HERBERT. Secretary. ogre sad %I Are hone. 301 Ellrev l l N ttttt i , ITlZE.lleti' INMULIANCE CONIPA.. oppomite Smithfield, : N- 4 Z.'s r.l YET Ts ii Cli(iH. —i itilce, corner Market Manufactures a great rarlety of COOK, VAN Is it . nd W. ' . ' ^fr , -. .i - ',:',, , ,1d, 1iz , :i .A. ,.. y. i. .. _..., . sad 'MAIL:iII STOVES, among whlel. are 111,..,1 W5l, A SIIEPA RH. Secretary. r"..." ettraled Allegheny end Monitor Coal Cooling I I::.j`'' 'N' a 1 ,, N1:7:41 1t. . 1 , , ,:, •r g 0vt. htores, also, the Autocrat and Sentinel. tor "nal or ,. i s t h e r iZ, L A,,rs ' and µ 1 ,,,,,...,,, m 1fp,T r 1 .. b ylv e irt,r a ll ...d. and the unrivalled War of toe Empire. f or I Bayou.. and th.- nltrl,alinn of thv . .3.-aa wood, also, Amen., Orates, :ender., Sugar liettlea. I Insure. •i( Huss loss sad damage by ere. Hog trots tad Hollow . War 0.2.11 Y. OAS DITILVToes A. 1611,AISLET. ...11.7iA10 , 41111 d. 6. littalit.il I Win. Bagaley, 1 5 Id. Elm, /gnu iTOVE WORKS. I nasal:lel lies, Jas. Vara, J. . . John SDI pion, 4 LtrICS M. Cooper, W. li. Joholvon. 15. Harnaugh„ B. F. .ita,eat J. Caldwell, Jr.. A. BRADLEY 4 CO. , Joel.. II hvdea, John S. Dilworth, . liauniviara every varl.l7 of I Barclay Creetoo. i 14vorge Bingham. IVI in. A. Rodger.. 0110:7 '. P EOPLE ' S. DCSIFIFIANCE CO. I COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES i ..0. VICE, N. E. CORNER Wlniis AND pirrayTa. ..--. Anon widen are the etlebni.ted SORES A , ERliVil uid TALLEIIAN 4C0.4 Stores., Ptill.A.N•, PET m nacrOun. . IRANI and IIiHNSII/123 (Wood Cook 0t....., AU, i ___ . raaituracture GRATES, (111ATC ERONTPS, Ar. i p" In. l'lnillpe, CAM. ./olna 1.. .ghouls. ifreic• 604 WA...dr/use. rfiN I TI aof S.E./iad a/4.1 AN ,v.v, . Julut S site. ',u. iI. Mrlrtr, streets, Pittsruzgll. Kutrauce oullacau4 incest I Jam L. l'•r !Le.. 'hart... AstnlcAle, selyel Cep, Jive. ADM, 1 Jolen r. Kirkpatrick, - - , WI" Ven li Iry . rraok !, Meson. n. ! IMP. 1 , Vt. acr, IM IMCL Han d s , oP r Lo el ve a v 1 .101 IN WATT. VI,. E'roshlora • Vl' y ..stlttSy.. ~• . Machine IFlrorka vend Found r y ' ' - 4 ' ''' ''`,' ),,,, ~ . /opt ,II r. , I•411CIII,S, Gen.! Ain. S. VCrliplataxuaam.. A LLEGIIEN I' IN SUR AN CE CO. i ..I I'l TTSICURt.kt . 4 /Mee. No. 17 VlStb street ILMJINIE St/ILI/EH AND MACWAIMT, ',each ' tisnk lii... lk. et. 111., Letserie Vrticra.l A4d SAlMuely, An.ihrs4 , illst , ' , 4 6 itlusl al , t ie.! , ul F' , en' , llarlne kl•rsl cur. .. It...finurer OV WlEMovals e PATIO" ; PORTS/ULF: tr1c...1i..L/sTINts tirli.a.l4 If..Ntilll t ' Rhafting, Pulley", le. , Itepatrink of all kiwis altaude4 to =lE= SUNDRIES. t3oore prima iiieliroldmem. beiVortio• New Tort third LopMr IS do lirted Praetor., quartet*, .10 wicks do do halves; SO IS SW**.. S N etg * h Y om n y W ruht.. Dean.' 1013 cool. Pearl A... 17: up ,to Soda A*o: to 0010. Slooliaiteset Su In Whits Lline. 101.0 pigs Oalrna bead: an hat Mild. Lake liertinc id du Wllitr 1 7 101. SO lOU* Nos. 1 anil 7 Illarkeed: NO Mall bid.. No. 7 J. 101 bbl.. POSSIOOO. la wire and tarsal.. by .1, B. CANrir.l.l* mba 141 mod all Vlrtl sitool 1 C,IO4O4,IMTIPIt-INTS OF FRUIT AN soo bon. Mosatos Ib Imroe ag dui. o, prim.L. " ••• J. • • lieahro Chre.. .• burg du Jamb i auCed reschrel 10 • do 'roomier*: lo ONO - Dry rearbre; $0 Mb s. Cc•pbox•t4c•.,_ - to •• remota Blow l'oLaloes; WOO bush. •• • • In nols. Itrerived mot for *air 01 PUTTY-H. AIKEN • tlllErAlll , . totali 1017 Llb*rt7. aaaa 1_ q,uNDIUES-- 40 bbla. prime.Nrscbtua 40 •• .• nal s; • • Plata. la salt: 40 •• choice Navy Bess.: • •• New Dried Peactieto, SU " •• •• Appleo; ns • • Cut Mut Ury Tobacco: ton t]. Clint's. all grade*, In Woe and for *ale lo w to the trade by utnl.l CHAS. BALSLBY, 201 I.insrly st. tsltrtli 'HUES-. 9 b boalesa, Curled Hair; 2 do 2 bitten and 2 bog. Covets& I 6 I=loo Cotton; bbl. Boeswaa: do and I beg Pealed Preens, mblo ato " l "g wif,117.3r4117,ny ALAI! SAUCE -Crosse 1 -"vrelt's return of Wales Salad Sallee and V ca.t I an essellent dressing .o lettuce, .t. t plot and half botUe•; tAls, in' for tat.. i the Onset noallty, (or sal at toe (atoll, Uroret, , e Store of • A. lIENSTIA • W:„ whin thiruer L.lbtune nod Hand wirer.. - - • - -- • OACESTERSUIIIIE ESAUCE. - TT LEA I PERII.IN gettuine, lit pinta and b• , ls pinta: alas, Icy, Prince of \t ales and eurni..• laud natozet Weaned Black well's Walnut and Mo.- room Catsup, for 1141, game, be., for anle by JO/IN A. REN:111 mbl Corner of I.lberLy and Baud t. bibles Curled Hair 4 do' .Ilossi • '•-•' • • 4 otton: 1 barrel Beemak; itn Ao Ury Yeaeliet, Now l'"'" 14,40 ''" l r S2llll ' lrivrg b, i 101122 a fat. AHEIt'S CHOCOLATE - 100 bag. 1 Baker'. A 1.... No. I, Norfolk No. I. ere..., Double and Trestle Vanilla Chocolates, now In stogie fo ra •.le by ILETM Eft & [MOS., b.? N. 1"& land IZS Wood aLlhet. - czo,tirs-u Ho oo Coll&. y leSi Paled. Toilet, ney s Illyeerine, tiolol 014 V•tow Soaps, received and for sale by It - RYMER &EMUS" in4l7 yn..lßlatad 2.% Wood .creel. • a J. H. SAWTZB, T 7 WOOD nTlt EMT 0 IL-40 bbh. No. 1 Lard Oil; . • • ' • .2 do do. • t 0 075 •• Cure D uck Creek Lub. OIL In store and (or vale by JAWCO - 1/ALZSLL - & 1 CC... , °LOD ®and TO Water street , . . RUTTER— %,, belf barrels prime Roil; ILO boxes ,do do For sale by (mb2.6) . J. B. CIANYIYISD =1=:13:1=1 Dint APPLIM-10 Wait., awl 7.19 11Wl 11111 ° 17 11 DICKEY& 00. PEALED bb PEACHES-10 bags m 5 lm. mtore and formale by • InAIAH D1013131' • co. ' Qolfiblitfiti-15 bbitunoW stoxe and will tle sold low to clone consignment: . mn.lll ISAIAH DIEMEN' • CO; =I POTATOES -- 6 00 Prince Al la and Peach Morn Poisto. for naleb 4. B. °Amain. CIOTTON-5 bales now ;analog s-icrom IMMO , 1,001 etbiOnle ""' vita% ILSATAH DICKEY & VO. ---..-- TirinTEWHEAT-1 car White- , TY Wbe In ga" A VI ( raa ni litiond at. .149 uuTTEII-120 boies and 1 Wm ',ale. prime trosh Rellitott,artZtiut.D. Esu "Lou. BUTTER-10 fiat bblig. Wit weaved by • L. N. VOTOT & CO. RO2l-IFr but received by HENRY H. COLLINS. .4 lebl3 HENRY% COLLINS. ÜBBICAntIi P . " g. 4 a. 1.4 west Oil. • (01113 • /110•1RT11.11OLLINti. COTTON—TO -11 m lea ha store tor rslo W ., - • •; - 'MAIM! D ICKEY co.T CIRITCIBILIES—Asso ligrted" sizek. mla 1217215= ROSIN— !Ill!?1,, N. C. Bolan. iota CLOVElissuktor aluebyz- , 31c3.1.1511 k /arms, /24 Eloconcl ==l INSURANCE • I I - psilin Tom LIFE IN THE 1866. CHARTER OAR LIFE INSURANCE CO., =II CM =1 FOU IV DRIES I= ISM SUNDRIES of Hartford, Conn. =EI AMERICA that .wmikes and payn an Annual CA.SII VIDEFIi on the trot and eaett otonse.pirnt payrortat of premien/. Its CASII °ANTAL. an ac cumulation of A 1,501000, In securely Invested In poi, Ile itoeloo land mortgages of ItEAL ESTATE. It id noir In Its 16th year of business, and has pal , ' to the wtnowo airo intenaNe of Its mmbers the sum of ONE MILL L lON DOLL. A IL. e . To this date not a sin gle ease of Iltigati. has occurred, an erhignee Lb , and Mir dealing is opeelaitY with this I omnany. Thk poncho, a 11111 are not farfelleil by I ! Cures 113rcuic• hi tie rearm, of uou-payme etor premintn after the korona year. NO payment. ..haired Eitel too Vcaro, but policies continue so.id thrErtlgil Ilfr. tieriC Min. L. . ALF I.Y. Preside.. N. S. rni.m I , It, Vier President. n. IL WILITE, secretary. T T E Branch °Mee fbrWestern Pennsylvania.. shed. Circulars and blank A millektlons will he furnished. 3S Wood Street. l'lttsbOrlit.• Agents wanted liirtrUghtall the State. Apple to on'Ai. I r F.. tii a it. F. LI., State Agent. CHARTER i s 29. PERPETUAL FRINK LIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA A on Jan. I. 19114, • • 92,457,919 95 Capital $ 400,000 Accrued Premiums ...... .. ..... ...... fril„Wri. invested Premiums 1,001,%.1. • Unsettled Claim+ . . . „ E..416. Inenmy air Ifni. Lose.. laid eln., 1,51 Perptual and 'Temporal y l'..llrins on llltrral term.. Dlitlar - rous. Clan*. N. liativlt..r, laaar 1.e., Tobla. Wagner, Edar•rd . Dale, tlanitlel Grant. lionrge Fah, Jacob It. Snlllll. Altred fitter lieurgir W. RlcLards, Fra'a W. CHA ms N. lIANCILER, Pmet•teut. F.nN'A 111 I. DALE, VI., htmlreeln. JAS. W. 11, A 1.1.1,1 llt i• pro t t,•n N FI. Arlan , t 01.241 n, • W ...1 ~,•1T1,11. , 1 1411 M A A INStIRANI'E CO. OF NORTH A AIERICA. PHILADELPHIA ITI:=1 Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, AASOIS, • • - 51,086.000. 1111 - erotreetlon elm be secured to el. above named •11 d reliable , on) pan 1... I=l felr IT 1..1 atur street. (uo alalr• -- • - WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF ell l-111'10.11. ALE. \ NI, ' , IMO h. Proolaeo %%]I. I' /I LUIS tit I. • I'l • . .1t• .1. •• y I 1 , , "tour, Agyol. Y. Nu, ni'yule 4l u. • W•ro Housel Olt L. 1.111, Ira . up •tal Jolf`, Prentileut. JOHN 1i..110:0H.U. Vice Pbelliddtil t. Secretors. .um uh 1), MCord, ti,orge S. Head. tmrTee Hers, Capt. Wm. Dm., I).lireve, Itabert U. D.M. J irw.. Jr., a.. I. t.. r.n0,,..A.Ka, • _ DRUGS AND CEEEKIDALS. itunNurrii STANDARD PRE ! rA ri‘,Nl4. AI N A Contßuttuti oa im cuut Sc.. fur the rutm rt.- A tielltrtfll4l foetuses. fdr toe Itand• kerchief AL1.151 , ,y - A t mruc nd rent. tug Freckles, Tan. funburn. Se. Tan r TirttTil-ON AOII An SIIIir cur Bre er. lug and Beautifying be Teeth and Rams. !IBMS /1,6 NE WATER—Unrivalled In Melt:y-I.s nod U.. 11ary 01 l'orntatte. JON As WIIITCY.IIII, RICIIEDY-Vor Asthma, ' Rdee Cold, lisp Fuser, /Le. BURNETT , Si ShiSAittt FLAVORINti FA- I TRACTS- For CY•tking norpo..•-•. A nn Id the ahovy tlattietl articles esn Alwars rroenryel •t the Rentrel Until Presesiptlon Store, corner of 0100 all federal street.. in the Market Honed, Atitielieny. , 11011161; A. KELI.T. W 110 f AI". 87 D'ood Street, OP VonITK 111 HOTEL, Drugs, I hernicals, Patent Medicines, 1.'3E1X1.31.1731.22rMi11r, I . A INV., VARNI”IIICS, DYKIATUFM ac. „The Retell Weald...lll be cootie...l Sot:meal at No. GS Federal oreet, .11,1 corm, allele, and Feder al error!, Alleg4.ol. SIMON JOHNSTON, 3a1.1.1:7451r 4 13 ZEIT, Comer of Fourth and Smithfield 86, e..ooported directfrom London, r arts nod Conn., J sCHOONMAKEIR & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE W HITE I,EAU, BLUE LE•U UNOUNI. IN OIL PUB BAINTIN OIL nsitarl.3. No. Wood JO; Treat. melt: V NAVY BURGEONS. N ACT lill'antrarkaT. Vettellingion, 5. • Mit2lslol. I N Mlt Tli NAvv .thainTANTlll.lll - of Medical (haters will Convene et the Naval Hospital. thellea, Maas.; Navel Hospital, Brooklyn, N. V. sod Naval Anylum , Philadelphia Pa., no ?di/NI/AY, March 12th. ISM, for the Exami nation of Cniallilate* for admission loto tiro Medical Corp. of appearing - before Pith.. Board, must make application to the Honorable Beer/dere of the Navy, or to the undersigned, stat log re slionce, data Rod photo of Meth, Mad before which hoard they desire to present them/mires. Ap• plielltlons to be accompanied by responsible tesG MODlsis of moral character. Candidate* most not he terse than twenty-one I.r mote time to rosy-Gs years of age. No expellee Is anoxia* by the Government to e•il didates et lending the sreGons of the Board, a* a successful emunloatlon is a Itiral prerequistle for for appolnimenliyla c w T c r . IT hLetrif Bureau. fe7l.4wd FITRNITITRE. - FiaMt . ITUIRE, I=l OANF, AND WOOD OHLIRB, I= Wholeßale or Retail. JAMES W. *oiiikuTELL, NUB. Y 7. • 0? TER4pyratzw. Oppontta K. Kdinandaon a Co, , s, and = .li:arn Antrim 1• • • ~,,. .19780UT ,j . OSEPIII MEYER fi-SON A Blannw Paeturen awl Wholqa and Ratak Deanery In VITEN 'TUNE l'Ng Ili, No. 434 PENN BT. above the Canal, have o phe ady a Mum *apartment D of FANCY AN PLAIN 'POUNITURE, n "Natant and Mahogany, of their own manufactory, and was- TrearlArantt?l,a.:ll.::7=tuninoraeter- DiWUC3-14. GENERAL DR AEGHTING OF ICE Alace.tt .lE.ariekrat Aieaoy 50; powrift ' maim iA.AtititAiinis PITTSBURGH GREATLY ENLARGED Otherwise Improved. I:2iI.•M'UZULSI II DIMINUTION IN THE PRICE. 81,730,040 Morning Edition Will be Furnished to Carriers at GREATLY REDUCED PRIG Delivered to Subscribers FIFTEEN CHM PER WEEK. DISPATCHES Leading News Centres RELIABLE hi A lIKET REPORTS, PROAKID 11PRISSIT 1O MI GAZETTE! Local News, MISCELL_A_N - Y, Witt► rotreign and Datnostik CORRESPONDENCE, fMTUM• ziTNVM Ploothistne the lead lag topic* of the day—prtntati NEW AND ELKIN TYPE. THE GAZETTE: The Cheapest and Best NEWS P APER In Western Pennsylvania. IT WINNABLE MK Dial)VIA . MEDICAL. 1866. • DR. KE"EWS- Pectoral Syrup CURES CONSUMPTION Clia.re SI .A..Saianan 4lLDzapo 1 . 11 - I,netl6ll..i•huary li, Ds. FigTAMP—lily wife has been atßicted with a bad cough and difficulty of breathing for live orsla years, whirl]. for severs! fears bacii. had gradually Increased in violence. The complaint has boon her , edltary and she had betel treated by sevffiffiPbTat olona with.l any relief. in thliatail of her c.c.! PR`. p ' Colughl, the Aral time, Arty cent bottle, which en liened tier eery ranch: I Diets calledsod goi viol,. oqUie. which Cured her etitlrelS• and she has how n• crate of the (neuter dlieasr, eieeitt •vetatnes, arettlitl atom elate that I tt...tl the mettletne tar eel( tO cold and ettatglt. The inetlltlne enred inn by letKinit one tlOae. I ern,. my native, astisiontlou with th titedielne, Lott coo arE at he'llit; publish this vuu desire W If. - WILSON, alderman, rifib Ward beldiv4:ll o- 1 org Iir3ELCiPTUC CLEAR PAPER, GEM NOW CLAIMS TO BI A.d v ertieing, CURES COLDS, CURES MI Diseases of the Lungs A come of five jorood. ortof by DO. IL ft If 13611 . b rEt"I t.ILA a o e l St aPirrsiseurat, April VI A 1657. READ THE THL TH Bat rati.-1 have daughter who has tken rotors! medicines for • hoe. cough without bene • fit. muong them Ayer, Cherry Pectoral. I wirehaired from you a bottie of our Pectoral hire and before the bad need half • bot tle she was relieved. The second bottle cured bar entirely or her eougb. .101115 DARIN, Roble.. street, Allegheny. rnmu boa, December 31, 1853. A HEAT CURE BY DII. KEYSER'S PECTORAL. SYRIIP.-1 Ow In Peehlea tuomahlp. Alleghen county. I LIU a elgh and aplttlng. whldh mene u ed motto the the 4th of Fehrnaly Istat. and 00011 n and eight months. I emploYed ter" , PbTOintan• In the rountry, and my rough mimeued unabated until saris 1n...50t5,. Al that I .as advise to try your Pectoral Cotton orrun. Web I did, art ft aer I had taken ttne holt.. I era. ettoreM Ore frot the roughing and eptt Our I had tletpalred of em trettltm ell, sod I think It .1 Io n. known the tht. enluahle ',med . ,' at.. be, a hat It ha done In toy are, .11.11 N t'. LITTLE, H 11. Ka., Preade• too nahlp. Parros Tow uhuir, April It, IMO. A WONDERFUL CURE. -come time ago an of neighbor of mine was V. 111 with a had cour t ! which every °net ',opposed to be consumption. relatives told me that lie haul ivory remedi they heard of without Wheat: hta brother cane if me Dim die, and all were confirmed in the belief that two could cod lire. I hadbout the third of a bottle of your Pectoral syrup. widen I gore lam, and It en tirely cured bin, to the astontellitnetil of ail. What makes the cane 1110, rtmartAble. in Lye r rune Lee thesalbout eighty years old. I have no doubt the Pecto soled Ili. life. JOH:. alrtetra LAC KI ).SER•S PECTORAL ',TILL , I' IN it LAI Rh se...l we &wither attlkhl, of 'our ral uable Factor . .. Syrup. Almost ever) body aroundua h. the cold, mud are enquiring for • Ur. Keyaer'e Pectoral Syrup." We have ....id ~lateen bottles the sat 'reek. and are uow entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and r. P not both of Blahs. Lilo, 1.h., an us they woid,l not be without tt their ratnln.. an fart, all who use It ono , wain It ag.ttn. Tours, arspertht II J. S. Vt ICIthON d HONE. January IC, ISO. Curreur uoil, nor erubet Ili, 1858. E.ltTanni —Althouch not au ad% oeate of Patent Medicines, hi general. It affords rye pleasure lade *ennoble to recommend your PP.I• ALAI.. :SYRUP. A.* blrdb . lbc. IL Is .41 worthy the attention offs y person hobo onn In any inauner atelleted w cough, molds and bonnet:loss of guy kind. and for tne peculiar 01.11dt...snow. for rernOVilig all that disr greeable sensation attending sevem cold. I have been, more or less In nay lifo.lafrisetest IYlnt the severest of voids and hoarseness. At timer my throat would neemirttt. so nosed as to use c a my speaking abtere .111111. bee, bud by lab Ingya w seise rof the above Syrup It wouldrelieve me entirety. In recommending thls medicine. I nest untie:Ma -1 tingly say Clint It Is die bent remedy I ever found, ` t . b l'i."lle.m` the t, o r y l 'n s ‘ % r s ' e h s " s ' o l lir o tWitleTit il . Yours. most cespr i t t .latiz o, jos.. Cushier Citizens' Deposit STLUISZEMLL.S., Ohio, March ii, Ifias I have used ,Dr. Keyser 's Cough Syrup rot a bad eoue , of several years stand avg. and OM eheerAttlY cot,t le the best media.. fur 111Cretl311t. / have mean. J. 'W. PRIOIL. COL. PRATT AND CIL KF.YSER•S PECTOItAL SYRUP.- -On. tiny Allt—Dear Mr: Latrunno the delay ut My acknowledging the cant 'leiter of your rectors Cough Sirup ntuther. I take groat pleasure In say- Int that It It ail you •av It tn. II kisort tot the 110I•6 cough, Ss e 'nut, our was el. r swift :::ingtb.7 th 'n I have not lint, mote than nun-half of Om bottle, and I can and do wish that all who Stu alltint. ed would give It aiair trial an I hat r dune, an Marvin Le proud to city, "It i t ou t ruant medicine. would not antler another %deli n attack for an onslderation, or at any cool. a szn eoulldent Can re the more (reel , than I ever dirt I shall always acknowledge a tat •.1 grattlude for invelaing In excellent a rem...lit Y Ort. at liberty [o-use m 7 tonna In this regard au you ou think prot..e. Ness , bger Uoruutuu Plusburwb, S. 8.-1 am n o et nun,., frilow-eittueet, auci all wbu eutertain doubt. .au consult and persoally E. n . P. , AiitYPRER NEW CERTlFlCfrit.—p9. KEY SER.% PECTORAL bYII.IIP. - 1 had boen troubled with a cough and cold tor seterm w eras -ro bad wa t that I could not sleep. 1 bad tWe sdvlre and pre- C.rlptlons from three of lb.. b.., oh, the clty,.whom I could nmne. boi .1.. 001 •in .0. 1 Duall prialinsd a bottle ot Ivral Syrup, wbi cored me entirely. (Slimed .1. µ, MONTON, No. 016 Liberty direct. Pittsburgh, ra., January 9th. 1960. •43TOP THATCOI3O Ula U. " - • lion can I do Ur • do to Key•ser . .., on Wood street, sod get a bottle of his Comb Pectoral. and,i Br ed don't cure spe cimen )our case must be desperate 11• • Thls Is a specimen of the ...liege! one .rare every der In cold-catching periods of the year. Andlse can. from actual nape-. riment, cheerfully concur In the adviser's admonl lion as abOve, for we have tried the "Pectoral ` , • most stubborn cane, with entire success. lieu two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the most dlatresslng, contrary nal:Man, umubduable coughs we ever experienced since our advent open this mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and la. borloosly for one whole wren. In bonen Ott tiring It out, but It was no go. In fact it seemed rather to . have Unproved by practice, an•l to bare acquired strength, potericy and distreeelbillty by the opera,- Lion. In this stage of the stein. we coughed linr sway to Keyser's, No. teo Wood street, procured a Mr cent bottle of the •'Pectoral,•• took It according to directions, and in forty-eight hours we were toaster of the field, the enemy having unconditionally Mir. rendered, after a.brf, but unequal conflict with ea formidable alt adversa w i ry as KeySe eq r a a (anions Cough Pectoral, -73.0t005, , t5. Ingots, pre, is, 1569, DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP in prewar •nd .old Ly DR. GEORGE EL KEYSER, No. 140 WOOD STUEET X.l.titosl:par.z.re,kL, Pemaao.vs.. Egil Great Nervous Remedy. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote wul ;.I:7I.V.AhCAIiZIAVAItr."'" Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote ore Hysteria. ur. keysees Nergons Antidote IVIII Cure Twitching of the Nerves Dr.linyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Nerrour Headaehe Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WM Cure Nervous Cramp of the do Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgia of the Irsce Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgia of tbOlitainach Dr. Keyser's Nervous Algid°lei, w 11l Cure Neuralgia of lb. ljeat Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote • Will Cure Neuralgia of the Liver .ad Right tad* -Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote • Will Curs Neuralgic headache Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Curers!Walton of the. Heart. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote , Will Cure VaWine** and Weakness oflitomSeh. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Curh eiePPcgo or Flutterlog of the Heart. • Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Carr Treanor* from Recessive Drink. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure hypocliondrinals. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cote Lowness of Spirit.• [spared inatt sold VI DR. GEORGE H. ICEYEIM, 140 Wood Iltrect, Pai zatikla.7l, m t ., , .• =I 1