~ _ ,__________ .. Clte 1. l ittsbilrqh 6itzttit. • ----R'EcIAL lir°T/Cg9 * 7.-..., EA TER'S PILLS—Are you Sick, reehlgi and complaining? Ste. tau ..t , . . 1 titl order with tli , f• alr . Sl2 deralager and rout ft.:1;111X - ---- l ' ode ' l.o f' serto.i Illn . e.s . . "' sV:rlin? .r....... I. creeping upon you. and should be Ay er I, same- ADVERTISING RATES ly oar or the right remedy. Take Ayer a Pills, and dean. out tile disordered bonnors- purity the gstablished by the Press of Pittsburgh blood. *not let u , nom. more oit unobstructed Itt health %gall, They stimulate the ro net lots. of the —••—• STANDING !NATTER, broil Into rigorous ...Hy, purls the .1 stem from the ostruction% which malte oil A cold act ties ~,run.. here 111 the booty. and i olerange s Its pato r. t...• ?Us canoe Orion Lines, Eight Worsts to al itstarthma. These. a .. '.. le.red• n. 4141. oplo,l the Line. or &A Inch elpstee. tild•Mteltra Wad Um torrooodlng °lgo., itroluelos general aggfelstion, - offering and dPr agelnent. TIME. lt ally. I' L ,I' IT t• .. 1I 1 ' Whilo In this /.ondltlon. tale A ypr•r l'llls, arid tier we .ena wre , how ollr. el I i they restore the natural action or the _ taro I Imr •••• • ....... 1 Tri - 11 1 -1 - ~00.11 J, and with II non buoyant fe.eling or health 06 1 , M hat t• true and so apparent In this MI lal tunes .. . I ~, an ...woo complaint Is also true to ninny or the rLre I ~,,t , seated and olattat.rnun distemper.. The same Y. .17. 1 Imes . . I Int Pura att••• effect cap. I. thcan. lanced by edrollar r,„ ~„,.., Si t time, one wreck I ,% 7 0, I , 0, I , ~ ....tenet... •nol derangement of the natural rune. ele•• o times. 1 ilon. ..t the !holt . they are rapidly and many of no, , 111., 1 '', t . ' !On. times •:---, . • 111 . 1 . I I then • surely by the same ,r a. No.. is h. It DOW the elm.. of these 1111. will neglect to emit!, Tin lime. s , . them when •isilering_rrron the ottaped erg th ey „,„.„. olleh so Headache, Toni Ktornael, Dysentery, Bit. ,T ~,,.„,„ , ~..... ~ .„.. 1 . .„ , 7 ~, I, - n•u• . outplaint.• India-rail°, Derange... of the gie,..1..... .. :.1 I . t• • . oiathettesa Vonalloat lon. Heartburn, '' l ir " i e I IL' ... I. h , t...".., ar.lrm , . Worm. con. go •n• uoinii, TWrb 111i,11tha . . I . :1 1 011 11l IT I 7an e' h . 0 ! I '" L.ltoo - 1 1. l.rged.aea. . PP"'"l°". ~„ i loi •r• sugar t 'dated. so that the in.. xenslllee Thro • ilicollta • :V, :I t: ' Yr it 1•• ran 1•1••• then, ,11.111. •1111 lA., are ...rely the first el% •••••io i , .., Ic, ne .7 ii" I. it. Puritan , Thine rot dtseot• rod true •Iv • r AVER'S AGI'E ('PILE, . II A i•lo•F A 111.6 11, I A VI o Eh. For the speedy cure.' Interntitteral Fever, or Fem. it . I .' '. I 't . sod Ages. Remittent 640., ',MI Pre, Leer., g 1.• no/ tt ~ • ',. I •• • : Periodieul 11.4tar1.• .r Whine Her irdse, .1 . 4 le "' Nln IP . IT . 1 II I'' lone FITVFA n indent for 11. who!, el.s.L ' ,lolLorsVee •!1- i- - , If:, T: ' ‘‘ , o I 4 ,, ii IT, I 4...: ~,,", te r r• v .t . t ...., . 6,14 a .ry, , ~,,,,,, , n i t i:73.,. at. Paused tv the Nei -1 rm. , Illegi 7 h. rarely railed to Mire Mr Percent ato. 01 i %Ills and , Frret. Unlit has this greet ad 1'i*..."",?..r,;:r707"..,,,,1`m^i'n,-„ iThr,*. t ha p " i t;e o .T. lo" ....tall,. not ittol nine , or other r oe leter " I l o ' l . ll. :”1,,,..,,1. 1 .11.1111.. E. A L.I. , Y.I arr. I. '27 1,41 A '...Ve'tl::::r" 14:171%e,Vri::iirnrq.4."'2"ri'"7or'"' ,1, , , r. poi.. ,riryl, L fraZe 116 Th.. i,, I, v we , st. tr, It Cod voot .111 1-11iloror th,... 7..ertoo i tt! he ~ the moat Ir. 0. I ing 111 y in It ppeltrll II tI. I I attd r Z. ' o ' ll r. l . :l l 7 ' A . . f'A l'N'Pillil4(',4l,llt'!:7l.a.lll,l'..ti"ti.d i, all Itruggist. thltlß.2ttiu Asr V It Ito lel 11.14 , 1 in the :• - •tttlth Tito stro.l.l. '? . ..,,, ~ ~, 7,, ,, , ii,, ,,i ~„ ~,,„, „ h... „ oh h,,,,,, L.W.".RETROKIVEY'S TURKISH , JANItitI.IiNIAN 4Alll 1 4 / 5 11•. TII V. lIItg.s.IN. AND littS ,l tolt/rlt "V THE Al/E. 111111 ...11n.lr• tree. tiliill/0 11 .11 lIICIr 1•111111. II 111:111, IIII• 1 0 ••• 11 ,, ` hIl•I ShrIIIIIn rr blliti• j i11i.1,1,1 VNT.ISIIIR111.1(111V1:YN"I.::;1}1VIAAZI'. Le VO4I. ran ' , woo otntoutltO titan ant Mtn, that sill tot l.l ant WI V hilt nth •inl in the tr , titontni ttrrny ..f f.. 1 . 11,04 *I II ~ .1...'5• .......,,... d ,- ..LY I'l st o Pning the Star 1,:•,-,,olixr,a,l,l,.,sn,guor4,‘. re , :t0 ,,, r1:1 , t ,,, 1t 0 s nat.?. einOr, melting it "I. n o oottUg I'.: t he p ret.r.:ltTl ' ; re: o.sl4s,ll te l rtit o n ll l, o A to" p It In place? 'rt... Heirorovey'e DurktaA Etuadole galas, rtes T... h. 1.111 do, and ror proof Cr refer rou to mit ic.rson .1,., has tried It. It Is aelnoisiledgeol to he ll,e heantl her .1 the age. Ily 11• Ir 'lonic , and lL"nor, worth, tor Ow name. 111 Tarte), In at., 111 England. Iti uterlea everywhere where ' i;::.,;;IoI."•€;'•;;.':.•".?"lialIt!' ki.4,4.•fral.l.lll:a.PM.l:l"“'d I. b ll . Is free front all metallic pole.. anal sre "' t b .Si r rottl In toot Hair Palest.. and drew:tugs. It Is the ertrot ci mane 11....... and lierh, beevtlfully out tot. an otont to the toilet. Fur Sale b, all I truicirla ,, l i s 44 . 1 Perfuntr a rit e l a; holt-sale, II 1.. F , ' A l 1 1 1 N i t. 7 1 .1. • ' K . 0 I A I rrinciha In pot Itir I nit .1 State. and I Isnad ti AM Eltr V A I.SI Itllt .0 to., '".. deli , Sneed& wT No..= Ily i tet rt.: e t t i a. I tar- PiTTSBURGIII RAW wowiyuk , HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. I UANCrat - Mlnots or 1 PATENT (:HOU Ilil) CIRCULARS, VI arras tea t 'AST ST F.FI. SAWN, of every descrip. , 17 , hint. Mule,. i tc... I at, (lax. and all other ; I •11... I All k 11.11. Sheet l ... l. .civesof t5l Film , alL•I si•ltlNli l•s. t.ll• m?ade ASCU 4 ' - It 1W M. arch..., and Wtrill.. corner IS Aron and 0111,IIT NTIIIi..-1,.. Inttslittrgh. Particular at tenth.n paid' to re-t ent It Int, gun.:nt og and to W., also night, ..Ins i Ireular SA repairs or all Lin rae*.d.. Vouching and 1 1 0111Ing ;lon. '. reasonable cp-,:ly j LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4,:1866 Th mo,. ui. 11 tu , nth 1./. • LETTER FROM MOBILE • ttg. g i•• 1, • .tree t. Innl 111 3 yr! \ M appeariini, The r. c,•Lientlly .41,i .11,tanue from hr allowing simile,. for .113,1 r tree. nil •lirulibery., and ..urr , mundeil lin 311 ,nn•- , y I“.rcht, and Vl•raMla, of t•Vrry nu aide 1 1••••••ripl in!, A dayrdlinc hour /,••••• 110 t !Mel,' it, in 1,1111,11.1 r here Milt,. Vid I I zr,o, ided with Vriltll.llo , :111.1 aurround .1 di shade trees and arbor and rimier, In i•%lctil whiirh ci rr. Li many ul tlii• lii , dling , . an arc:titian I thrive 1,,"t I rummy 31•11, ihr lint OW I /iy ilil• 11•11.1 .ruird -11,11 ~ 1,, of the sumr)th•••4 1/.1 1••••.1 road, 111 I lie 11 .fl,l. It I. • aand "Windy free front 11-. The 111:11 Wm . NIV , hard ill, of Ow tin,,t and ,t,1•.1 al. 11/ 31 tin. 1.. nrr c 1.0,1••- 1 •••• irty her,. 1.111 lad ii'. and genil,inien, I•.t, partial to iiii• of Eta 1.. and I,,,,ehark riding ii had a 111.• m 1, 1 - Fun. Gam e , mid ory.lll, an Wr rattle 1111 the }lay, with tin. art and Strip,. flying gaily •iaer them, iif iit Admiral Farrarlit., . I -and N . ,. tarp Many of 11, 111 11.11, I.l:turil in Ilk 4 11311114 . 1 I.!, 1114 .. 1., 1 'rrtrnl tl, i• 1111111. •of our 11 / •,.1 art• and I 311111, 11,1 .•!111:11 .I , lor or 11,, I ads 1110•, he re in the 13a c, ling in rim,. 3 little 11111 . 1.1 .10 Ira r 1,11.! ~11 they .11.1 cI Il mi. a 1,. I.• 11111,4 , 110 j •1.0 I hat,' -it. t 1 alit.- I/I rt ant n.c ter, Mr Ile Fret le tt :ft lite. Harr .lepni 116- ily tor With right zi.,4isimit trnrirrr,, and crr eight hundred pupil: in attend and i. tattler Ihe omtrol ot the We:4 F'reednien'. Aid l'onunissi,lu lie in I, ~. , •r, slits! the l'lttllllniSgittit L. turutt•lt any Tarts!). h.r r. and t hitt let alit) 1... le t •Iti 'lett lett eXcilltt, el) lice ttlttreti pettitle ttl the liar,', paella ht Inila , n, Laid It) the pupil., and lards ethi I,llt. n 0.41 h‘ ud~mne•d me 1112 d nint.ll..l tI. preju which at , ,,tust these .horned i. gr‘dually dyine Mlll.l 111,11 thin- p..rtion 14 . the :11.• tio Ink kit,lll) 111.• .• rif.rl to educate the tine t,f tire city ha.• 1 , littir , • , lll , 1,111 I him ,111,1 si-n 1:, ....I : and ha- -u, i pre:., lit-. 1 4,1,11 tit ;ring tip.,n thew th, ..f anu¢ fin Hll.l tAIRIIIi/11:. I.' r and .ie 11.1, 11 lid I, II .•1 tlu . ill .. , a1 I 1.11,1.11 T, it b••,,,, r. k.. hrin9 'I-r1 , among Ito , ympatllize. With 11 , 4 , 1111• Ill ti in Will I xlll 11, to 4,1,,pr0 • I twit •lantilll 1.1" Ullll rt , iaa . t:ll,ility in t, ICI 1,,k la, : i l l y "1,411 pall in to•Liail 11...1, .1 li,. 1.4.11, ul .....I.Lll.•rn party 31, niraiu 11111111 l•, .11 111,1 It i••• 1•••1 1 , 11••,1, t•I man will {c hull .11v9-.•.1 11191 111.- 1., 1 .t. , 1...11 1111 99,1 dr" ••11 fin- ti nui i ii-e !In wlthclntw 11 to re is a rLt,. .0 people here who eery 14, Northern men coming ~,1 engaging in I ,, istlie, lam told by from the North, who have rented or 'hared plantations, 31141 commenced the Inc of eottion in cliqri,p , n - hert• there Lltoted•`4l a t, troop., !bat the only 111/illl %I 111111 1114-e ore ' , erudite.] to , that titre , hall not take any part in in, s ~r undertake to atlVineate 3113 14,1 , nt unpalatable to the Soutitern people .ay, however, [lost ahem tlie)- i'ront taking any part in public affair., -lay at Mune and attend ex.l uai r ely to plantation-, they or, trlll3/.1'311y. if tent men, left unitelle.led he Southern planter. in till. State, with in I have 1 . 0111/•ryed, say there will he a h larger top of cotton ultivated this than wa. 31 11,4 X le.eted, They ,tyy all hands. "nigger:. anti all," are now at the) can he putting in the crop, Thai tlo "nigger. — are working better they did tail ye a r, and halter, Ilivy tloto they ever Imagined fret' nit: ohi !tt- ninthe to work. Negroe., evcr, do not reveive the same wages li,r .anic kind and amount of work thin l.it.orel- receive In the interior of bib. the planters are paying colored .e r. (root .1, to right dollar, per th, while they prey white Men flllll e 1 ,, tineen dollar.. The hest of the .tgatio:l the black, ritto.l of field Inhor and other w•trk a - les. wage, than are 13111t1 111 13 1 / 4 ,re,, ref 1 . 11, , 1er and le.- ohjerillni 1,111,1.1,1 1214 , 0' Alloorther, however, workintt favorably. If art not withdrawn, and the em ~,h lllllll. 1., ice/ 11131 the v, 111 eonivel then, 1 . 11 dons least partial e L. 11,. Idst k., a here 014 IN ill 1101 1 ,, 111111.11! I 11101 1111• Mark, are a. , 1111,1101 the Freedmen's Bureau, it they work they shall be paid, and 1. , lair play in their dealing , , and Lion to their persons and propert , in rt time the free labor 4ysteni will he thoroughly established and able to . are of itself. Add to I his a thorough Of the educational movement • Is•th the whites and blacks of the and guarantee the right of suffrage !darks upon the mute terms that it Is m y by an whites, and the day will come when the troops may lie with• and there will be real as well as ap iwace throughout the country. But raw the troopti now, admit the se hack into the Union without the ballot to the negro, allow the ex o , lom• the colored schools and drive teactie, a, well as all northern men to eternise the' freeman's right o ty speak ing and voting as he pleases, the slestimen of these States at Once w hands of the men who fomented rried oat the rebellion, and you will sway half the fruits of the great vie whin h our soldiers achieved in the Instead of encouraging the prave • I ust ry and thriftwhich are now g over the south, it would be throw , south back again into anarchy and w It would discourage and demur .- blacks, and render the lake enemies . government as powerful, arrogant ngerous as ever. es my intention logo from this city the State of Georgia to Savannah, iicc north by way of Charleston and n.l. but I have received such din ng accounts of the condition of the is and the miserable manner In he hotels are kept on that route that ioncluded to return to New Orleans u a party of friends who are about ig Id New York by sea, which will ird an opportunity or stopping a day t Havana as we return. truly yours, N. H. oohs nizehbutit thus poetizes In Adam's fall We sinned all: In J °Wino!) 's rise We did likewise, I'ITTTSIIIIRU li PARK, AIcCITIRDY & CO. Mann tar to errs of Nll EA TH INIi, RILAZ I KliS• A N 110L1' ..I'l' KIL (`ItICSSICtt cOPI . KIt BtrrTome, rTILL I