Vittsintr4h Bette.oU WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1866 FOR Govir4taipa:._ MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, 01 CUMBNILLAAD COUNTY. !NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS I= I= pall On when handed ht. except to the ease of yearly advertiser., whose bids will be matted q Matted], u UMW. AG•ertlsen .in pleue make oote of thte. he the rate or cult for ad tartlaeutents of the character stated, wtll be haler EMll2:=3 TS , . Prim of oar paper Is Taxis CIICNTI at the counter or from neersboye. betted by tarsiers St TIrTEIEN CENTS per week I=l The British Parliament and People, as well as the Congress and People of the United States, are agitated at the present time by propositions to extend the right of suffrage. In Great Britain the question Is not fomplicated by prejudices of color. The people whom it is proposed to enfran hise are of as fair complexions as the (10111 i• nant , lasses. But prejudices of caste and onditirin are as unreasonable and dogged there, as prejudices of race and actor are On this side the Atlantic. Most of the members of the aristoratic families feel as powerful a repugnance to allowing poor white man the right of voting, as white democrats—anobs or loafers—in this couu try do toadmittlng the blacks to participa tion in the elective franchise. Not au argu ment, nor an appeal to passion or antipa thy, except the single one of color, is used by democrats here against manhood fluff rage, but in as freely used by the British aristocracy against universal suffrage . This only illustrates how under the ino,t diverse'party designations, the same Ideas and feelings are manifested. The British aristocracy is essentially con. aen - ative, as all aristocacies are wont to be. It has been the habit, ever since Partin' meats existed in England, for members of the House of Commons to sit with their hats on during the sessions. Mr. ions STEwIRT 241... t., recently elected for the first time, has the audacity to contemn thc venerable usage, by leaving his hat at the Considerable excitement has been created by this innocent anti comfortable innovation. Conservatives are perplexed to diseover the mot Yves of the singularity. and in determining what dire results are likely to proceed from it. It is so flagrant a manifestation o f the radicalism for which the eminent gentleman ie noted that it not to be patiently borne. What adds to its portentousness Is the fact that it make, its appear:ol.e slinkiltalleOUSly with the new Reform Bill. Some occult connection it siippot.ett to exist between the two. This Reform Bill is an adulterated ar ile It is a half-measure—n compromise. It •uitp 110bOdy ; but is accepted by the radt ul• an the hest adjustment that eon be pre scatty had, and is conceded by many of the conservatives through fear that if they re fuse, a broader measure will ultimately lie extorted. It applies neither to Scotland uor lrelatittl but is restricted to Englund and Wolfs. It is estimated,that its passage would add four hundred thousand to the untidier of voters, by reducing the annual value of the freehold or leaseholdiwerequi site to the exercise of the right of suffrage. The qualification iu the rural districts is reduced to Lit In towns, It is a:rental of 1:7 Beyond this. it is proposed to let turn vote who can show that, In the span• of two years, they have laid np in n Savings Rank them= of .C5O. This addition to the voting population of tireat Britain would be nearly half as great as the addition to the electors of this coun try by permitting the blacks to vote on the the snow conditions as tie whites. of course the aristocracy rely, in ease the bill shall become a law, upon various cause , to give them such, substantial control over the new voters as shall perpetuate their ascen daney in the empire. Foremost among these influences is that sense of fealty, or subordinate loyalty, which vassals feel for the beads of houses upon which they and their progenitors have been dependent for many generations. To people born in this country and educated by its institutions, this sentiment is inexplicable. It is, neverthe. Ica., one of vast power In all countries w here monarchies have existed from time immemo rial. How far aristocratic hopes or expecta tions, predicated on the potency of this sen timent, will be realized, cannot readily be fbretold. The progress of opinion in Great Britain has not been small. A succession of radicals have been agitating the public mind, for a long period, upon the univer sality and inalienability of human rights. The masses are slowly coming to comPre- Lend that they were not created for the special convenience and interest of the upper classes; that governments do not ex ist for the emolument and exaltation of rulers; and that they have, by nature, rights which Kings and nobles are bound to respect. Besides, as intimated above, the radicals do not support this bill is a fintdity, but as a coigns of vantage by means of which fresh demands may be made and enforced. They do not mean to rest satisfied until all men upon whose shoulders burdens are laid for the maintenance of goTernment are ad mitted to just and equal participation in the elections. L=l The struggle between the President and Congress has had a serious effect on the nervous systems of some of the incumbents of comfortable offices in this Commun• wealth. As a consequence, a few of flied are making themselves more ridiculous than they really suspect. The radicals are making no exactions of them; do not want them to mix in the quarrel; desire-them to attend faithfolly to their official duties, and stay where they are as long as they can, and preserve their honors. The most of them are good men, and no disposition is felt by those who sustain Congress to force them to take sides in this matter, llas the President demanded of them conduct incon sistent with, their allegiance to the princi ples on which the Republican party is foun ded! We have no evidence of such a de mand. If it shall be made, their self-re spect and their devotion to sound doctrines will prompt them to the right course. Till then they will do well to subdue their anx iety. and leave the event to Providence. THE 1.30241:1 ROBBEILT.—The man who • was arrested fof robbing Mr. Lout), of New York, of $1,500,000 of government bonds and other securities, tried to make a bar gain with the detectives. He propos - NI to divide with.them the $1200,000 offered for the recovery of the priperty. They „as sented, and then arrested him. . Tlibi resents as a breach of contract, and. Say/ they may do what they will with Itinf,aild . he will not - disclose where the bonds all concealed until sure of halflhe rewnriand: his personal freedom besides. Beaceounte his enterprise a fair business transaction. , and to teititie7truth, - IS is as honorshintia man y transaction* recognized as legitima t e in Wall street. TUE CONNECTICUT ELECTION; Ep to within a few days of the Connecti cut Election, President Jonnsoir 7, :t! English" glibly, but the indicatioiiiii-Vbel lug most unmistakable, towrla . thelasi, that HAWLEY would be elected:lle Presi dent and his toadies gradually veered round, so as to be able to claim a victory, whether Havri.p.r was elected hr defeated. The rountryman who shot at a calf, sup posing it to be a deer, and missed it, ex ' plained his failure afterward by saying that he was not sure whether it was a calf or a deer, and in this uncertainty he aimed his shot so as to miss it if it was a calf and to hit it if it was a deer. In order, however, that there may he no excuse for claiming the electiOn of HAW LEY 55 50 administration victory we put the following fact on record: "A Johnson English meeting was heldin Hartford last Tuesday evening, at which a telegram was read from Manton Marble, editor of the New York Wod, 'enclosing the following dispatch from Mr. Johnson: "In reference to the elections, in Con , neeticut or elsewhere, I am for the candi date who is for the general policy and the specific measures promulgated in my annual message; veto message; speech of 2241 Fe bruary; and the veto message sent in to day! "There can be no mistakeia this. "I presume it is known, or bun be ascer tained, what candidates favor ;mese my policy or measures, as promul to the country. - ANDREW JOHNSON." 'We presume so, too; and in order to show that Gov. HAWLEY did not approve the points named above, we append the annexed extract: "While Mr. Hawley, the Union candidate for Governor In Connecticut, was making a speech, an opponent put the following questions to him, and received the answers attached : t,tuestion.—Do you approve the Presi dent's veto of the Freedmen's Bureau bill, and the message ? Answer.—No; if I bad been a Senator, I should have voted with those who voted to pass the bill over the veto. Q. —Do you approve the sentiments of President Johnson's speech delivered on the 22d of February A.—No Q.—Do you favor Negro Suffrage t r A —I am In favor of giving the right of suffrage to the negroes who served In the army, and who can read. Q.—Are you an Andrew Johnson man? A —I am nobody's man but my wife's, and I stand by the flag. It is plain from this, the President him self being judge, that the administration was not in favor of HAWLEY, and the elec tion of the latter is therefore a Radical vic tory. Mn. FOWLER, one of the applying Sen ators from Tennessee, and Mn. HORACE )inrx one of the applying members of the House from the mate State, did excel lent service in Connecticut in behalf of Gen. . Governor P6IIIPOINT, of Virginia , bas addressed a strong letter to Senators VAr• WINKLE and WILLev, of West Virginia, earnestly and ardently supporting the course of the radicals in Congress. There is not an earnest Unionist left in the Southern States who is not against the President's Policy. Senator STEW ART, of Nevada, who sup ported the President at first, is now voting with his old friends, the Republicans. Governor Cox, of Ohio, addresssed very clear and forcible letter to President Johnson, while the latter had the civil rights bill under consideration, urging him to sign the same. The Governor's course in this matter has given great satisfaction to the Union members of Congress. The Union menof the nation are under obligations to the President for so much violence on his part as has served to sharp ly define the issue and point out the in tended result. ONE WARD It .I..kuoN, who was noto rious as the United States Marshal of the District of Columbia during Mr. Luccot.N's term, has published a letter in which he pretends to give Mr. Ltitcolles latest Ideas of the majority of the Republican party. "lie knew," says LAMON, "the base de signs of the Radicals to keep up the strife for their own advantage, and he was de termined to thwart them." Mr. LAMON may think hecrin sow blacken Mr. LlN cous's reputation with impunity, but for tunately we have Mr.- Lticcomv's own words for it, in his letter to Gall. WADS' , WORTH, that he did not see how be could extend universal amnesty to the South ex cept upon the - basis of universal suffrage; and there is. not a radical in 'the land who would not gladly accept that solution of the difficulty. Mr. LINCOLN probably knew his own sentiments as well as Mr. LAMON did. THE PROCLAMATION OP PEACE, published yesterday, contains several assumptions, devised to ;give color to the President's present position, which reflects the severest censure ou his past conduct. He says that States cannot be constitutionally held "as territories, dependencies, provinces or pro tectorates;" and that the States "are made equals and placed on a like footing as to political rights." If this be so, we do not see but the conclusion Is inevitable that Mr. Jour:sots, when serving as Provisional Governor of Tennessee, waspreelseTY what Mr. CLYMER called him, an usurper and despot. Mn. WM. Gomm, President of the Democratic State Oonvention, has publish ed a card stating that no committee or sub comthittee of that body was appointed to wait on PiesidiMt Yon:Rao:xi; that no such committee or inb-committee ladled on the President; thathe and Senator BRAIIIMZE, being in Washington the latter part of the week the Cowventiotrttla 'held, saW - tbe President and talked with him concerning the resolutions' tthited; . init that neither said a word about the candidate for Gov ernor. No doubt Mr. HOPKINS tells the truth. Tan Rome PRESMILITT,—The Saint Paul Pres. says : "If Congreesis n rump, did it never occur to these.,interesting Jacobins that the President is also a Rump. Con gress was elected by the votes of the people of twenty-five, BMWS, and he was elected President of the United States not by the Totes of tifenty•llVe States, nor even of one State, hut by a single assessin's Booth was his sole constituency. If we have a Rump Congress, therefore, it strikes, us that we have a decided4.ltumpish Pres. Went, and if you areas) WI names it might be well to bearthese facts In mind." VIC.EnoTALTT :Mr CUBA. —Lieutenant, General Ducle, Martinis de Casteilftorite and Senator or:Spain, having resigned the °thee of C In-dentalapla of. Cuba, -will . . ,probably be succeeded by General Director of InftuitryovllutleJtineV will be given to General CordeVat It is affirmed tbat General Olano is d strong opponent-of slavery- and the slave trade, and, as Vice roy of Cuba, wilt not only ,discountenance hut severely punish such tam:dons of the cotinnolt law of humanity and justice.— • Taltonli,o4l, genniiii;ainbere and earn, eat party*Abe; nctiinqindvr„..te, the -grand °cr iti c aer Pa7jlC°P44lerrl. VI001.11101e14: lillapa Satan had •a. irditii4ratintling with the angelic htisAa twat atarted, but liess on bla..p . trtalnnt, Ue proclaimed the inlet*arigivaLunadul- Urged angelic ev”: 'He succeeded_ in 114frtlingging Eve, Inkltlntriel-abewed him his own trice -- AtAimere , with the Semtholetobas been not:Cathie& --Thatribe cedes-18,000 scree or thele]reseentiOn Earths tumor eleilizedin I=lllEll vif-siAojnizAcy cr7 bbr, Lamp was acccp tiording- to_ the statement; -'of tones,thetiblef, who, Intte. been- limited, siSfle Mr,taltrd was in' his--office: Jones had four accomplices. At first he aril one other called on Mr. Lord on business, and while Jones talked to him about the price of hops the accomplice took an impression of the safe key in wax. The key made from this impression, however, .did not work well, and that plan was abandoned ; but afterwards Jones and the four amora -1 pikes called on Mr. Lord to talk the hop business over, and while Jones engaged Lord in conversation, the latter's back be- Ingturned to the safe, the otherfour quick ly robbed the safe of two tin boxes and two pocket hooks, which contained the treasure. The Tout then took their leave, pleading busi ness eb3ew here, lea vin g Jones to talk away to their victim until they were safely beyond pursuit. When they came to look at the great value of what they had stolen they were amazed, and surprised beyond expres sion. The five thievesbad three "pals," and the stolen funds were divided among the eight -4'07,000 to each, and then every one took ihe route from New York that stilted him best. Jones is the only ono ar• misted. POSTMASTER Cleveland, of Hartford, who has just been converted to Democracy with the President's indorsement, is an orator of high inebriety, as the following report of a speech delivered by him April 7, 1t359, and reported in the Hartford Times will show: (Enter Cleveland, advances to front. In a loud voice , toquitur;) " Yes, fellow-eiti setts, the ander, the proud bird of the Con deer the—the—th--the ander, (emphatic) the proud_bird of the Carideo (still more emphatic) —the proud bird of the Condees." (A voice—" What kind of a bird is that?" Another voice- "A Kansas screech-owl.") Cleveland appears to be slightly flustrated —but proceeds: "But, fellow-citizens, the freagk, the bird of edam, soars aloft and never lights, but with unflinching eye ga zes on the blazing sun." Cleveland col lapses with stew-pendous emotion, amid thunders of applause. Tur.doorts TILTON writes of a recent visit to Washington: "One of the leaders of the Democratic side of the Lower House said to me frankly, 'I have never witnessed so much ability and integrity in any party of any Congress as on the present Repub lican side.' I happened to say to Chief Justice Chase, 'No Congresv every more signal ly received the approval of the people.' To which he instantly replied, 'And none ever more signally deserved it.' " THE Memphis Avalanche contains an ar ticle glorifying the late Confederate nrmy as no hireling soldiery, but "raised by the free, unconstrained, unpurchasable assent of noble men." This is followed by an ar ticle lauding President Johnson and de nouncing Congress as a-body of fools. To praise the Confederacy and Andrew John son in the same breath would have sounded much more oddly a year ago than it does now. NFAV EIPREt.F• COMPANY.—There is a new company forming, to be called the "Merchants Express Company," the stock of which is offered to the merchants of the country at large. The stock is $11,000,000, in shares of $lOO each, and no one is al lowed to subscribe more than 100 shares. The Company expect to have cars on all the principal eastern and western routes by midsummer. A Cinema° dispatch states that the fact is pretty certainly established that the man Herman, who claimed to ha% c been robbed some week or ten days since on u Michigan Central sleeping car, of twenty-two thous and dollars, was never robbed at all. He has since failed in business in New York, and the pretended robbery was simply a dodge to blind the eyes of his creditors. "Wiling every Democratic editor," says one Burr, the live copperhead C. Chauncey and not the dead copperhead Aaron, "will speak out his real thought, and say boldly and defiantly that he believes men hke (ten. Robert E. Lee to be patriots, and men like Seward and Stanton to be traitors, there will he more honest men in the land than there are now." A LETTEn from Washington says: "All loyal Wen roust rejoice at the renewal of cordial relations between Gen. Grant and Gen. Butler. That such relations are be- ing reestablished I ran arsure you on thy. betd. authority. Gen. Butler will, without doubt, withhold from publication his vin• diention already prepared for the prei,s.' A PROMINENT Southern rebel remarked in surprise, after reading the President's recent messages and speeches, that if this policy had been observed before the war there would have been no rebellion. The amount of this is that if the South is al. ways allowed to rule and have its ow n way, it will not rebel. THE RENEWED MARCH OF TUE COOL EBA.—The cholera is said to have made its appearance in several districts in Germany —a warning to us we ean hardly hope to escape the scourge. The large tide of emi• gratton front German ports alone presents a source of danger which warns us to Le vigilant. A RESPECTABLY dressed, good-looking woman, was arrested on Tuesday In Mil waukee. She was very drunk, and had gathered a crowd around her, whom she was haranguing in denunciation of the abolitionists. She says she Is a Southerner by birth, and seems highly educated. A TENNESSEEAN, formerly a wealthy slave and land-ower,. now a resident of Arkansas, has notified Gen. Fiske of his Intention to build school-houses on his large plantations for the colored people, and requests to be supplied with teachers by the Freedmen's Bureau. A NEW HAMPSHIRE man has gone to England to represent the interest of twelve New Hampshire persons claiming to be heirs of the estate of Robert Wilson, who died at London SO years ago, leaving prop erty worth $60,000,000. DUKE G WlS.—The National Intelligence/. of Saturday, contains a feeler for the release of the infamous Pr. Gwin, who is still con fined at Fort Jackson, near New Orleans. The next thing we will hear of will be the release of Gwin. AT Urbana, 111., a rich landlord, William H. Lock, has been mulcted in 46,750, for uttering slanderous words concerning Mrs. Nancy W. Brower, a poor woman who was his tenant, and with whom he had some difficulty. Is Georgia, where Sherman's army made a sweep of all the carriages, the ladles now go. isiting in carts. They call them cartes de visite, and console themselves with the thought that they are in the height of fash ion., Darns. S., President of the Stroudsburg Bank, Pennsylvania, has failed in a large amount; some say $60,- 000. He was indebted in the sum of 05,- 000 to the bank, which is secured. PAPT. E. B. WARD, of Detroit, proposes to erect a rolling mill in Milwaukee, pro vided a suitable site can be obtained and the citizens of that city will contribute $lOO,OOO to aid the enterprise. A unwrom of clergymen in England has made the discovery that the cattle plague L. , owing to the government grant to - the Catholic Collegeof Maynooth, and the en couragement of popery generally. TRY. Swiss journals complain of the rage for emigrntionvetich is jnstnow manifested in the majority of the cantons of the con federation. Many are preparing their de parture for America. AT the breaking out of the rebellion, the EPisebpal Chords of 'South Carolina con tained 2,678 slave cemmunicants, and 2,071) whites. Thus one half the Church owned the other half. GAMBLING is said to.prevail to a fright ful extent among the members of the Leg islature, A. member from Now. York City is said to have lost 440,000 in a single month. Wx. LLOYD GARRISON writes to the /it dependent that if he werea member of Con ' gross, he should feel it his duty to vote for the impeachinent of Andrew Johnson. . Cr= of the lady graduates from Oberlin "itis yearwas born a slave In Washington, wed her time, bought her freedom, and prepared - for collee. g:yleT young lady, on being shown a tobacco ; plant, at Chatsworth-' asked it it was - the getiealOgipal tree:- qt A figures haii . been. introduced imParia tk at A t has been christened T.rigoncttnetry. A inn4in wring . composed of thirty dianionda,atoong some rep shawl's plektog. • . POLITICAL tgiy-ruE unorneriram (lAN tractrryvE c spur= Or ALM. Es ," ! .:1V 4111 b 1taP 1 ,.. 0 "7 istp., It ID o'clock, a. Id. 'renewal attutibiAce tr n Au_pted-• .1. GILMOII.S. Chain:wiz " ; ViV. A M:TZ' • nii.2l:lwerkwt4F TgErlir - OTINT IFOREMBE9IIO3IEne CHARLES PUGH, • Of Manchester, will be a eandidute for County en.- misaioner. subject to the action of the Union no un elite& County Convention. ath312.1& vete ar ' FOR CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, bate of lred Pennsylvania Volunteer, and ash Penn aylvaula Artillery. Subject to the ilechaon or the Republican County Convention. tnbtl:te • ' --- IIar . CONGRESS.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will present lila name to the Convention of the Union party, for nomination noa candidate for Con gress in the 441 Distract.. mina:Sari' rarCONGIMESS. _ GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY IS A CANDIDATE IN THE 220 DISTRICT. sahe:lnni `FOR SHERIFF', SAMUEL B. CLULEY, SobJeet to the action of the Union Republican Coon t7 Convention. nihMtickigair tar Fort tin CHARLES BARNES, Late Colonel si nth R.R. Pa. Heavy Artillery and Bray. Brig. Hen. U. S. A., aubJect to the action Of like Union Convention. mi,•22.kdiarP WrFOR SHERIFF. JOSEPH ROSS, Of the First Ward, Pittsburgh. will be .dl date for Sheriff, setneet to the action of the Union Republican County Convention. toblittic arFOR SHERIFF. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, Lath Colonel Fourth Cenusylvanth Cavalry. 4 . 1121121:1r 'FOR SHERIFF. COL. JAMES WK. SNODGRASS, Of McKeesport, (late of thelth Pa. Reserreso will be a candidate for Sheriff, subteet to the decision of the ensuing County gnneention. soideite 10"`"FOR CLERK OF COURTS. DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, or Upper St. Clair Township. mh.M-ditssteP NOTICES. NOTICE.—A Stockholders , Meet- Ins od the DU NOAH!) CREEK PETROLEUM COMPAN V will be held at K. A. JOHNSON"; Law Ofilee, No. 81 Diamond street, on FRIDAY EVE NING, April dth, at 7ls o'clock. By order of apt d CUE HOARD. Nana or Piz - rear RON, March alit, 0106. 1.1. A T A MEETING OF THE BOARD of Girecters of this Rank, held Ills dmr, Mr, WILLIAM KIMEBORti was elected Caahler, and Mr. NOISENT M. OUST Amdatant Cashier. ma3:lotd JOHN H AltPEß.Vresid.t. NOTICE.—There is now lying at tbe Allegheny Wharf, an OIL FLAT, 75 reel lone, m feet I lechers wide. a feet deep. The owner Is requested to come forward, prove property, PuT char ea and Sake her away or she will he •Old ar cording to law. h9:l sot It. D. DAVIS, Wharf blaster. - - TII,LOSNMEN NATIOIY•L RAN G tt March =at, 11a11. THE NOTES OF THE CRAWFORD COUNTI t RANK. Mead, Ille;tIILCITY BANK, lii City'. TEN A Ntlo HANK, Franklin, and PE- I THOLE(' M HANK. Titusville, will not hereafter be redeemed by On. Rank. tahNntf tJE.O. T. VAN DOR EN, llashier. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, Ac. —Notice to hereby given to all ° ?r_reti " ler or rt p •s r l . l o nt ( tt K r ", t;ol ( ll o re rr a l l,lrit ' t . lu ire hire of Nn R6ies dc., . of r to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer"a oflice of the City of Pittsburgh, FORTHWITH, In accordance with an Art of Assembly, approved Mareh 30, ma; sot an Ordlnance of the Councils qf tine City of Plltaburst, passed April la 1(10, and all itersons who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will be sorted to a ,penalty. be recovered before Ole Mayor, double the amount of the Lionise. The old metal plate's of previous years must be re turned at the time Licenses are Liken out, or pay ES frail OICOSCor. HAS Or LICIMIZ: Each one Horse Vehicle 7 60 Each Two Horse Vehicle Each Pour Horse Vehicle I dt Earl, sro Horse Elect 15 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses, VA 00 each. For sock additional ;loran used In any of the above vehicles, 111 0. W. EICHBAUM, City Tr r. - Prrrancactit, Feltrnarr 5014 1483.—feSanarld LECTURES. NEW FRAMES FOR X.I.C7ILTETPLISS. MISS SUSANNAH EVAN,S,! . The young and Oiled Orator.wbo dellv•red two lee. turet In Allegheny thlta /111,4.011 tocrowded Amite, PPS, will dellTer ONE 1.1.111: RE, cu titled a. shre, In EXCELSIOR HALL, ALLEGHENY. •ON THUN,ItA T EVEN INO, rtru INST.. Ootroneuelog at :Lb o'closl. Doors epos at: •'ctuc4. Tlclet• tOeents, for bale at the Hook sod Drug Starve sod at toe door. No reserved seals. 5p33.1 DISSOLUTIONS. iyissoLuTioN. Th.. firm 01 Ti ERNA It YTTY 1.. ssotvrtl Ip tantnal roust., to date front April tat tato. Y. fIY.ItNAN. It. I'. tacrTy. The hoodoo of the non .1111 he art at the rid Hood. 05 Ohio street. AILS ben y In rettriog from the 0h0... firm I respectfully .- 11011 a continuance or toe patronage 01theredir twc. tutor I. l l t a , p4rr.i lo"" • 1118841iLIUTION OF FO-rAirinire ....,.llll..-w ILIA A.NI SMIT and EDWIN MILES retired from our Aim Jaunt. PII ..7 H lst, Inttn. •K. BROTHER a Co. CD PARTNERSHIP —•ANTIERIVIV D. 111 ITU. RICHARD I•. DRAY CHARLES LDWI9I.I and DA VID M, hAI IT 11 were admitted as members of our non, January lot, ISIS. PARE BROTHER & CO. Pri - rancEau. !BArch 79:11, MIA tothiNattl nifilitiLUTlON OF CO- PAUFFIIi En -13 II IP. —The co- portnerablp berelohnne eAlst Big under tbnotyle of SMITH. P•RE & soot We calved by motnal consent.n Joint? Isl., Inst. The affairs of the late An m .11 1 be settled by WI lw LIAM SII ITtl, eho wllleottlione the butane.. WILLIAM SMITH. JAMES PARS, JIL DAVID E. PARE. PITTellOnOll, March:COL MIL nth:Tata :4:114 (00151:VOLM NEW BOOK BULLETIN. The latest New Book. reeetved at HUNTS. THE ORA HASIE'S, a novel, by lire. Trafford Whitehead. HRS. Woof - I'M N1,14' NOVEL, Sr...MARTIN'S EVE. AGASSIK'S NTW BOOK, GEC/LOCH''. SKETCH ER. sr. MARTIN SUMMER, by Anne H. M. Bre aut. HRH.NE SEE SOUTHWOHTH•n NEW NOVEL, FOII - TUR, WHITTIER'S NEW POEM. SNOW BOUND. ..11•112 LA SIERM A N Icn YORTU NE TELLER. L'APRICANNE. The 111.1 d of Hadsguear. NEW YOKE AP• I•EN DARK; Hewitt'. Illumina ted mules, THE CRUISER Of THE BAT. Latest number AuteriCair Talcs. THE.CREtiNESISTER. Last number Dime Novelt. tICYROS, THE CORSAIR. Last number Ten Cent Novelette. THE SCARLET WARRIOR. Last number Teti Cent Novels. NEW SONO BOoKs, Tony Pastor•a Waterfall Songeter, Billy Holmes' Comic Lyrics. No. 17 Besulia's Lime Sous Book. DAY% MITEUTCAW READY BECKBNER. KA it T 1 11 •S SENSIBLE LETTER WRITER, ABS numerous others, together with MI the popular. Magazines sod other new Publications &Peat, ran be • JOHN P. innirr acco. , s, N 9 Fifth St., Masonic Hall.' mittn) SMITH'S AMERICAN INK, Exactly like ARNOLD'S. FLUID, and shoot one third cheaper. Give It a triad. It Is endorsed by some of the Arid secottotAuts In the Snout. y. mhYd .1. L. HEAD. Id Fourth street. ~~~tK>yM~•~~r=~I ILASSICAIL. AND DATHEINATI. 11011001.1— WM. H. WAKEIIAM, (whose health le coenflesely restored,) will resume Ills pro lusions' duties, at the old School - Room, East mous, Allegheny, sod will receive pupils for the haltuoloh, on MONDAY, April nth. 1116. The at tention ol Oughts and guardians is re.pectrulty sited. mix27llwil VxceLsion INSTII'II.II%. AN ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL tuft DONS AND GIRLS. THIRTEENTH QUARTERLY tigasioN witl commence MONDAY, Aptll 9th. ' Tor terml, elf 9t INSTITUTE ROOMS, NE VILLE HAI,L; corner of Liberty and fourth ma.. or Address, for Circular, -Rev. W. 8. GRAY, Principal. sip-opee hojrw &My. from zlllll sad from t W. tahitsltr4 MM_M3 JAMES M. RALPH, Ak..IFICIZEri r ACKM Preps.. ILLICPLICIT DHAWINCIR 14d sprawI .(JA.TIDNOIn, Cor kinds of itoildings ek. v ter4o their ereattowvispoosble LAM rirle rup = erinli L.. • :10 ".: NA= MA 0 1 11 4...n.t.•,1 , 14...17 bir,tol-rp eadlir*lCka pa Jay, ,11.11 well tf,einedr , Ortiaaelkotfortnleusllfit: Irthe maahloe 4aes not peatilill WWII , We claim Writ we Will talce sup trftpd•Ltle•Owney, t d ddrille taittr.4l". b"ustAient, .1304L.alita W.AlfIrEtD 06,4", ‘,' • tv-AwitEDALmiTifk r io N. 4 Bi e, A TAII2LSPB4I G WATER, vv-piesT-efatS BOlytt-ete.e.PE7l, %rho glitter stands his business thoroughly, and will furnish the In proof of the superior quaint of this nsil.toxrr roost saUsfaeWW reference, Address W. J. IL Box 2326, Bu alo• N. T. s u l . l HAN 111.F.H, at WASTED—Hckitie Einploymgit• I:ollexe, Is beer Rlrrn TT A noon MAX WAN T 111) ill eVcry Tonn and r h.ot" , ofs wlnm.---- " • coualy in the United States, to engage fa an honor- • Citiorstie of Potassium. able basineer. Yirst-rate par showed. The only B rom id e of So4l up, r "4l , * Zttral r gp• l'4 l . 7g rOTU t tr, a'4l . I I.ll° ' or lodine. MAN. N 0.19 iirand street, Jersey . City. N.J. thilPhnte 0rr0t. 02 .•- ratan:SW.lw Bicarbonate of .... _ • WANTED--AGENTS--Male and . Illoarboom , •• or stogoo , 00• • 11 YEMALEr. to .11 I/OLLAND . a ,Tt.otq Tlt- Bichrihthhtn of 00410 •••• ..... - comb) LIVE Or LINCoLn, ••PETIIULEUAI V. Bicarbonate of barn ..... NAufly PAPERS." Utimok of true nit andhotpor j silica IiAIITAIN • 6_NBWISTEXL ENGILAVINU, •••litlM I "" FlCulf - ANDER LIC SONVIL.— Is picture that should Phosphate oi I,lmc, a trace. be is. retry h ouse.O'er or ndlirea , SA... contents In a ga110m.........615,085 grains. gaeosing stamp, •Al ENT t HOU LIS, 359 Li Dery 407.95 rod.. lor hri l'srhoulc Acid line 10 a gal. ty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. t1.1.5.61at5w ion. WANTED—Good Agents to Sell iitIERMAN AND HIS l; Adir Alu s, ANT AND MS 31PititiNS, (the latter Just MIL;) CHILD'S PRAYER, 81Rtli LESSON, (match plc tures," aI . T,M AbLE INC AN INVENT, i RS. T hese dosalt bettor with them aor,-174 - rt: the publlc. For rat particulars, apply to or :duress ANHUI ELLIS. 75 Third street, - Pittsburgh, Pa. oshillilyitataartszyw WARTED. --$1,000 PER TEAR —We "11111 k AtiENTS eeerywhere to rell oar IMPROVED TWENTY-DOLLAR HEWING MA CHINES, three new kinds, under and upper lined; warranted ere jean. fere seiner or lame commie .lol3 paid. The ONLY nubble sold In United Slut, for le, 1111.011.10, Lbe hare "De licensed by Bowe, IVAreler a IFlLevn iirover Rake*, Wee , and Baerterd,. All o th er cheap are 10- lIWIErT/3. Oleculare free. Addresa or call up on SHAW t CLARK, Biddeford, hba,. FOR SALE. LOU SALE—A Good Route on the A ZETTN. Apply fa TRIP OFrice. ap33f 1. 4 `01F1 SA LE— FAR .—A Farm con • taining 110 acres, near Sewickley Station.on rittfiburgh, Fort Wayne and Chico Railroa d. Railroa. ✓ o e terms. apply at ttte office of Was. DILWORTH, J corner of at and Seven th streets. m=iorAthr VOIR SA L LE—IN BLANCHESTER— ., kory &UAL SMALL HOUnES, near the Passen ger Railway. One of therm a good Baldness Stand. Reasonable tg Inca, and iturned - Lator posseelon e he given, or they will be exehange• fo un i mprov ed lots in or nearthe Borough. Enquire of WILLIAM BLACK, near the Savinge Bank. no: Rol - VOlll SALE-11.011R AND PRO- A. DUCE RUBIN EliS, of over ten years standing, a_good lunation In the ell). A tine opportunity le offered to any person wishing toengage In We Produce Business. All communications strictly Canfidential. Address P. D. 180, pi,m,.„0,„ tobV.(tf VOR HALE-10WA EANIi-112,000 —ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES OF LAND, .hooted near Webster City, Hamilton county, lona, (on the line of the PaclAc Railroad,) Is offered for sale for Two rllOUt,tNo DOLLARS, cash. Address — OWNER," G•zerrit Wines. fetßtf 1. - 4"011 SALE—A three-story Brick DW ELLING NUIInE, eoutalii lag eleven rooms. with gas and water, situate 011 Rive; Ajerme, !Nee, 1%1177 near th 4l l tlei h n?ltr a ta n t ' ile ' . j l i e dg* ; triLoil t - erste. rosaeredon given immediately. For further particulars, apply to J. S. FERGUSON. No. 1D! Fourth atseet, mbt inwii LOUSALE--A Valuable Country 11 Residence atKdgewood Station. Pennayiymila Hallroad, one and 1, half miles from Willinsburg; Eleven acres 1M perches of Land; a line new Dwell ing containing to rooms and cellar underneath; Fruit and other conveniences on the premises. For farther IldOrraliloll, 11611 at No. 10G Fifth street, Pittsburgh, or on the premises. no 7 idtr J. S. ILINU. _Vali SALE ON THE BIG SANDY RIVER.-1 offer for sate the MINERAL Ltititrr OF N INC HUNDRED ACHES. *Rusted in and oil the lends one mile above Peach orchard Work.. The 1 . 051.1 s ta abundance, •od of cod oall , ) • The veins are from Yollit to SKY EN FEET T Ie h. Pere°na wishing to purchase will call at the lien tacky House. Ashland, Ay. Terno cheap and ren• KSable. Address THOMAS ItlirlaELL. Ashland, entucky. lob LOU SALEA valuable Store, Waroborim sod Dwelling. In a commanding lo cality, at New Texas. Plum township. Allegheny County, with stable, m dious OULAAlliding, &o, This proper,' I. situated c on true-half acre of (pod land, with excellent water and other facill- Herb For terms and information apply to WM. 11. MOFFETT,, Nu ub tirant street. Pittsburgh, Pa. tubSEMsdAwT 14'OR SALE—$i valuable Farm of 313 ACHES, I n nn township, Weattnoreland county, about three nine. from the Pa. 11. IL. of whieh there are 'l3 Sere* cleared and In grant stare of cultivation; balance well timbered; a good apple orchard bearing emit of nest quality. The Improve ments sty a good house, a good well of water at the door; frame stable, glance),eon, crib and sheep house. The whole farm well watered. Splendid proaciecu for MI one mile from the ? farm; also at Murrayreltie, about three miles awa. For further particulars, enquire at the office of WM. It. H APS. XII Liberty street. up Maim. mire:lmm FOR RENT libß. ILElVT—Lodging Rooms to RENT AFTER FIRST OF APRO.--;To twenty (03) respectable young men. In a central location. at low rates. Refeyencea required. Address ••LtIUUIN(a,•• tia7LITK °rules. nih?A:lwd talog 15 litres Of filth WI; large two-story Mick Usrelliog, Vara, !liable. Orchard, gyring hod Spring House. situated '2 miles from the bridge. opposite S. Huoi,s Fruit Hanle.. Apply to Mblr .11cLAlhi CO. ‘tioifilotENi—'irtie Lot' on the cor nr of Butler and Allegheny spoH treets, Ninth Ward.e together situsitu the 01.1 Brick De t all.lllla thereon. The lot haat.. feet front by leo feet der p Ira au alley. Will lease It for bee or ten years. Ap ply to t% tl. M. DARLINUTUN, at No. 37 Fifth street. second door. tahattr ~~Y•~ HOUSE, LOT AND TANNERY AT AUCTLOS.—EaIs on WEDNESDAY, April 4th, at 3 o'clock r. 311.—The large Frame Roue, Tannery and Stable, with large Lot, on which they are situated, In WoodUlle, rte erne township, half mile front Allegheny City line. fronting on lie Woodville Plank Raul Mr Iket., and running boek PO feet 4.1.•• Ureet. will be sold on the Brunt... on NV KIJN /MBA; Apr/I ith, o'clock r. 31. The boo.. eoutain. • MOO. and hall. To the Tuurtry Is water and all sultable eousenlemices for the Lunt.. 101.1nesa. About three-fourth. of the ground 1s or bl.o lea with fruit trees; whole Pretill•W s y lusted. Adjoin. the 'demise. of Renege W. Frans. The specials/As-nil.. of buyers I. Invited to this sale. (ap3) A. LEGUATIL Auct. LARGE SALE OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, Ae. AT AUCTION.--Ou WED. N !WRAY lIORS MU, at kis Weida prectuly, will be sold a large and ea ten.ire eaglet)) of Parlor. Dining Room Chamber and Kitchen Purolture 10 Mahogany and wa11... Also KNOW.) Blllworii, to. krill.. Mall nod titalr Carpets, Mirror., Cook Storrs,Beattie.. Blind. and /fancy Shades, This being a Ilerrry 10gs, rale, we lire cohtpolled to 9urrimetior ear than tonal. T 141.1. a rue opportunity for par len II oing to housekeepin. sp.4 T. A. g 110CLELLAN D. Alni. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE 1500 ENTIRE PACKAGES leiriketed directly by na at present low rata of Gold, and puretaaed of blannfaztorere and at recent .0400 sales, at greatly REDUCED PRICES. W. D. & H. McCALLUM. DOIIIESTK AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, .1,20 IN PHILADELPHIA JOHN B. DYERS d CO. Auctioneers , Philadel ..tit rail on Wednesday, April 4, 1866, 1,000 PACKAGES DOMESTIC COSOUS, for Cash; 1100 CASES FOREIGN GOODs, on a credit uf four months, exclusively whole pkgs. The attention of Jobber, from sll section. le in vited, as every packageoffered will be positively sold, and the sale will embrace a large and varied assortment of the hest Philadelphia and Eastern afantifactures. m taiddd CARPETS. McCALLUBI BROTHERS, No. ST POURTU KTREET. WS have on baud • very superior stock of CIALWILVIEPTICEITGof evv~ dewrlptlou end V *.trzutzd ri:.utiiL St feel wide.— PIANO ' AND TABLE COVERS—Every klud to FiZARTU RUUN—Yrona the ducat qualny to the MATTISON te 0, COCOA AN U MANILLA , . lice A LLCM BROTELEWS. formerly W. D. I H. /IclJallorn IMEMIECKIIII 1866. HATS, CAPS AND 1866. sEitiret-vcr ca.c•cociies AT WHOLESALE "fIIoCCIORAI 8t CO., 1311 . WOOD STREET, Ask partlentet attention of COUNTRY MER CHANTS to their IMMENSE STOGIE OF SYRIAC HATS,.ett.; Which they WILL MI. AT URRAT LY MeCORD A CO. REMIOVALS. REMOVAL R. C. HOWARD etirfelingirgitErnAM: Pg. ' : above Sm avid. mum swum AND BULL ON clowns- SION. intotrOvr HOWARD SDR Proprietors. . HOTEL. T • C. D, wmrs lc- venuato;.ozo. AvuStnaos WILLV4AMOT.F I , .opli6ialki.hccetyclioiteer, •'Cri.ol7 - XXXX.ait, inn completed, newly fitted and funtlened. wittyn, WILL ADD 41.6 . 0.110Rrletors. op3:1w•I - --- ROOMS AND ;BOARD, Rooms Arm' - 80ARD...F.41 .betgo...ith /est= and win:. ^llryfbiray, on Abe atze. of We riasen igteigraraxttiuratitrz 111 P 44 -DENMEMIY j.ltr i rft wau. t 4ll 4grit i giall, Mil . Eir2 tams. SARATOG Bold In Pittsburgh by SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist, mew Corner Smithflrld .41 rourtb Stfret• OCULIST AND AURIST DEAFNESS, =I EYE, 3ELIL.PI-, ==l CATARRH. DR. GARDNER, 01 New York, OCULIST AND AURIST, I= EYE A_Nrl)lllA_l-1, Rearreal.loll, Worms the Ott:A.lla of Pitt Liburtth that he lath again visit the city on Tuesday, April 17th, I=l miAvrrrsoDALlr, midst. After that time will Malt 110NTHI.T, of which due Office at Monongahela House, And can be consulted On Deafness. Noise In ate Head, Catarrh. Discharge. from the Ear. Scales In the, Otwtructlnna of the Eustachian Tub., and all Acute or I 'bronle Ittseaser of the Ear and Ale Taiwan... Artificial Eyes Inserted Without Pain, and perfectly resembling the Natural Eye. Operations for Cataract, Strabtrmus ur Crum Eye, Artificial Pupil, etc.. performed, and all Diseases of the FY E AND EAR Treated, and every operation In Aural and Ophthal tole surgery. performed by DR. GARDNER. For farther partleulara, reirretlces, tebtanonkals, " 14 Ark% ru ' iratr;M A. TO 6Y. a. Principal kaara. 19a WEST FORTY-THIRD ST, NEW YORK. CATIRRIE CITIRRII!! DR. ttARDNI.P. treats Catarrh by the meta. or Warm Medicated luitalatloo. Or. Gardner eau re fer tom number or etti/4•101 of Pittsburgh who have taco curet' by him. nth: Mod CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &cc. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. Aline of 'Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---very handsome---never offered in this country before---and at prices based on the present rate of Gold McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d flour, !dent budding to U. S. Custom House and POstottlen GIP-1 A T IOcCALLUIR'S, No. 78 Fourth Street, THE LATEST PATTERNS OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Embroidered and Fine Printed PT .11.2\1 - 40 , 040017193F1L181. Rugs, Canton Mattings, &c.. NEW SKIRT :FOB 11466. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) SPRING SKIRTS, lutfutsred eieltsirely by the sele sum or Nat ITEM, BRADLEY & CARY, tY2 Chambers. sad 79 at RI [Made NM, NITWIT -17-claßtax. Each Hoop In cpmposed of TWO nnely tempered steel springs, braided tightly and Artily togetbes edge to edge, Corning STIIONGEN' and - MOIY.I. FLEXIBLE. Hoop made. They erill not bend sir break like the single •prings. hotwill ever preserve the. gracefulness of allapt. threo qo Year •or. dlnary sktrts wlll kat. neen thrown sway .tisehr In Not, for the p1 . 111...40 or the bona Ilia Church, theater or car, they are aupetkor to ail, nth. ers, comhiniug coutro ' isT,' DUILAIIII.ITT and Ift , ollo- MT, with that ¢l.sOAnett,r SPAM which by made tbeDUPLEX ICLLIPTIC THE STANDARD SKJRT of the fashionable world. blerelianta will be any lied 1111 ilbov a and 6 7 ',Ru t:m.lh Jobbers and ladlei In all the Arai-class retell stores la this city. Inquire for Bradley's Duplex Skirl. fhlameodat ALL STYLES Or THE.CELICBILLTED DUPLEX EI II I r ..I"PTIC SKIRT Alt LOW ICZTAIL riairrettaita 7o3n4Lximmusi noppl e by t e Armen as Wisest rates. JILSCRVAI ar GoIRLISLE, 1.9 Mier oat. her.omm. SAVT 49z.*7_a-1 prersinrituu BANK FOR SAVINGS, formerly tho DIME sAYINGS LNSTITUTION, 67 Fourth Street, N eancl Oppittlttrank or pattsburgtO OrICN DAILY iTom v 4 corinckoknd on WED. LiNFEDAY and SATURDAY EVENIARIS frons May tt to November Ist, 7 Id 9 o'clotk, and from Nov. tst o f Va. Lo Boomiof Ilyws, an., furnished at the oaks, I" g l ijihnstitution _especially otre to those whose earning Are limited, the opportunity to arousuulate, DT small doposits,.easliFsAred. to which will be :=4 o, 74 vr itt .oo.4 :4 lo,ll,,, wir n clivt arlu s linteraid. in- CiirEK:ollt lcmaxgrlir. 11. HARTMAN, ' 4AMEMPAMC., Jr . SECRETARY AND TR.EASUIDUt, . 31 51111 3 .kr Bal lifdL ' &MINS. DHAVORTIEI, JOSHUA ERODES, : O. FOLLANSBEE, AMIN SCOT'C H. R. GRAHAM. R C. SCEtIIIEkTZ, comm., :um zuo.• •—D. 'iv..., inhillrosi 'LADIES, SAVE TOIUR MONEY. Br bovlne your 0141 Table Ware' =I LIASTMLE TEA MET% PrAiTrm. Eon 8., IDA . PITIMEAS. iiikrlTY2l. JITI.IONB. Jilt - --- ItAtiltßTH. *a. .. . . cals/j....4e..rk t pl_sti4d 4 2 41t A,.. 1 . A.10. Wei .tti.D WALK A '""!. 'Y ' -ffioxii. WATER. NEW 004)6, 316,964 g , ' , / , 1 0,•420 • • 565 • • . 20,000 • • 5,400 " 124.&.9 " • . 61,011 " 12,6153 •• 1.113 " . 1,163 " SKIRTS. FZ~~~~►-~+M~~ t~~ I) :44ers:0 I I I ikleplimmur NEW GOODBII MI AL -11 1" 0 IV ' g 3 . Heautiftd Lace Collars; . Clugny Lace—all widths; Black and White Lace Veils; Jacque* Eilgitigs and Inset : l4N Hamburg do do do Jacouet and Hamburg Flouncings; Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs; Childrens' do do Romagi.Buttorts--something new for Dresses and Sacques; ALL THE LATEST NOTELTT - pg, Gent's Neck Ties; Ladies' Fancy Ties; Infant's Embroidered Caps; do do Robes; do do Waists; Curled Nets—all colors; Hair Coils do A splendid Assortment of PARASOLS, SUN AH Al/FS, SON PUBRELLAS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. F. 11. EATON, 19 Fifth Street. NEW SPRING GOODS AT W. W. MOORKRADI3, No. 81 Market Street. RICH Ell HROIDERIEN; PINE VALENCIA LAI E TIAININIED NETS; POINT AND VALENCIA LACE 111/Kri. CLUNKS LACE COLL/LIM PLAIN AND EURRDID'D SHIRT PIIoNTs NEW BORT:EVAN(' 11001 . (N.FLNINTN--PIAlu. Malin sod Euthroldlere.l, •t St Market Street NEW GOODS! NPw !! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. All the Novelties FRENCH, GERMAN & ENGLISH GOODS. DllEsS AND SHIRT TKIMMINOS; NEW HAIR NE'N AND cons: W HITE MRIRTS EMICD IN BLACK; REAL MALTESE. AND , POINT CULL A Us: LACE VEILS AND VEIL MATERIAL: REAL AN I) IMITATION CLUNG LACK,. BLACK DU LES—sew , N KM' STYLESICI/U B RE To N T AC S, to) Oreo tyh em and Coal. TIES AND SCAMPS—sew style, - Afuliasiortrueat or KID I.:LOVES. SILK AND LISLE DLO VES: HOSIERS SKIRTS. CORSETS; Efk gel l gZ S A 01> 3 1,7°C;Raintid. The ladles will Sod many fanny articles and new sty , es never before opened to Mt...burgh. Merchants Supplied at Eastern Prices MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street HOOP SKIRTS! 11001.; HOOP SKIRTS!! W.Ol . We have lo and (or gall SKIRTS 'all the VELEEIRATED MARES, 11001 . 'I7I"4IM:"N'I2I3'fLAIT:F.;"' BOSTON COMBINATION. „out. BEI •THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT,. CM EMPRESS TIL4LL ME Paris Trail, ! SKIRTS /2=ll Pride of the WorId,IBKIIITS = I= CIES Xind.X OM x=.3lrrx•r - zi, s ,„, CM ItoLESALE EU F_: pl led at. NI A N All'T (7 E r RI SR I ELTS IME2 We also offer for sale a lot of dif ferentakes slightly gulled, at HOOP. HALF m MACREIIIL GL Y DE & iSt Co.; tlouP' Nos. 78 and 80 ..W.IRALE7 STREET. '6II"T REDUCTIONBI .IPXI..ICS AT THE LOWEST OF THE DAY, AT BATES & BELL'S, 91 FIFTH STREET. IticcANDLEis & COy I=l Wholesale dealers to FOREIGN AND GORIEST'S Dar u04;108, No. IN Wood street, third boossabose Otamond idles PletsAarah. lari bur t wut PITTSBURGH LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD WORKS, Make to order and keep on band an else,; length. and Olean... or LEAD PIPE & SHEET LEAD At Lowest Market Rates. Al.o keep us hand Pitratlbers' Material, Brass and. Iron Coate;'gleam •:,Dougell Steam Punnet; - Plain and GalVanized Iron Pipe, de.. BAILEY, FARRELL dt No, 167 Smithfield M., Pittsburgh, Pa. spa T. T. SWIM WO. LONGDON pLutiniNG, GAS AND .IPX7VTXIDTC* , HYDRANTSORONI.IPPL tiH6ICT 1.1 AO. ZINS.. FAD PIP 1/16p4a, WASHSTANDS WATER CLOSETS''''" Enrovexs $ co., Hoceeeiors toAddl 6 E , y e ILISWoo4st., Plttaburi ME= T. T. &WONT &OWN- InnTIN STEAM FIrrYING, Pinadiing and • Gas . .FORCE- MPS, fOR ENOINEERO., IRON PIER . 41 _BRASS-WORK, OP ALL, OCIOSTMOLL Wel CO., Nueonfor /Oaf Li 10~4 165 Wood Bt.. Pittsbargt. Pa.. QIIVEITZEIA:EjEIIAI4I4* chemie vzl'lrAl ,pt i v ps. C: 13 TROBLIS PALMER, TROLTALI MIL HIM IX WALL PAPF.H TRANSPARENT WINDOW .SHADES, T . -AL 3Ei 7-m El mZ, Gm "ICT El FL 113 Warehouse. 91 Wood Street, Second door below Dlssnond Miry, fr.24:61w1 PITTS OulAtill. PA. WALL PAPERS, • In .Arew Designs. PLAIN AN D BEAUTIFUL. BRIGHT CUL M.a - CsN7Ge =1 107 Market Street, near Fifth I=l= PAPER HANGINGS FOR 1566 A great rollectlt. of American Wait Papers. = .I'E IN EA - GLIM P4PERS. A choler selection or the Newest I•`reuc6 Papers For sale by W ALTER P. MARSHALL, All $7 Wised Street. BANK STATEME N TS ItrARTERLY . REPORT OF THE sx. I,X('FIANGF. NATIONAL BANK OF rirrli- BURGH, I. Note , and billet I , lecountrol. 91. MSC' 19 C. N. Bonds drposltell (eciln• t U. S. Bonds &posited to accurs p uelts U. S. Ronde nu hand Aber United States Securitlea ...... Specie and other Las NI Money. . Circulating Nolen "(National Banlil do 110 State Rank, . Remittances and other l'aah Dur by Ranks .. Real Estate Taxed and Rapen-05... ........... , I AWL,' Stork Lioual 'lreulallon.... State individual Dopositu.... Unqu.l Slates Deposits 1)Ir ld.•nda Unpaid thin to Rani, Earning. . I certify that the shore is a true ab s tract of the tatemeut made to the Comptrnner of Currency. 11. AI ~1111.11tRA Y, Castile,. • )11;AMTEMET STATEMENT or TIIK MERCHANTS' AND AIANIIVACTUK.. KHz' N ATIoNA I. DANK or prrrsKWEGK. NIOS BAY MOMXINti, April 'AI, lAAA LIA 1111. IT. ES. . . ... 1,0.41 ,tnel. $ 1513,142.0 CO M. a 51. Ilk 1 'l,nlatlon. (State 113.1 641,5100 as...nal Bank Circulation 450,101 1.0 0.., Depositor., 10.1.. Mir r Danl.... ..... .... ...... .. . .10.1t6 01614611114 Unpaid . 4.446 56 1.r...111, and Earning , — .. . . . 1,4.7, .1 /11 , 8 F. I b. Not., 1.114 i Illlle I,lseoun,cd. Banking liens.. U. N. Government riecurlttee.... Speete and Legal Tender Notes Notem of oUser Rank. Utir by nth, Bank. 'raxe , anal lixen.ex Inter... 11. p . b. bevel-11.4,0 ag.a113,677 I certify that the shore it a correct ahnlrael from Quarterly Report to Comptroller of Currency. spa-21d ./011N SCOTT, Ju,. Cashier. CIEARTERLY STATEMENT OF 'MG THE UNION NATIONAL DANK or Frrrs- BURGH, on the morning of DON DA) , the Jay of April, fined. Loons and Discounts United Staten Roods. . Other United Staten Seem - Bien. (Trersirrfts . Taxed. and Expense , . line from Banks and Henkel Reittance. and other Canal Item, Soles of National Banks Von, Bank Noten• Cheek, Ac oin Legal Tender I ISHIRT. Capital Surplus Fund Cirenlat iOll .......... Dividends Unpaid Due id Deositors line In P t p ks and 41an kers Earnings 1:= 01,1 , 91,(9 - 2 90 I certify that the shore Statement I 9 correet to best of my itnnwiellife 11111 nellef. apit-itttl It S. SMITH e.l.ler. • NINTH QUARTERLY REPORT OF TOR ar.COND NATIONAL BANK OF rt.rniuunne I'll - 1,1.12011. April 24, Ltgb, NICHOL: ttC Notes and Bills Discounted.... Tames, Interest and Ex pensea. Use by Banks and Bankers United Staten draurl Cash (Legal Tenders. Sr..). =1 ,'appal Nivea Due itenoaitora ........... Circulation Unpaid Dividends Cuntlngotil Fund and rrotita RI RT$ . EdXl The .alo)re In corr ato.l.roet from the Report b he Comptroller of Curreonv. spllvH.l C. H. HICHIS, Cashier._ 41( lIIT , i QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE A I.I.KUIIKNY NATIONAL RA NK UP MTN. RG Avrll feu, S,ETS. Notes and Bills D Iseounted. (lulled States floods Deposited so Se cure Circulation 100,003 00 Specie and other Lawful Money... 211067 36 Circulating Notes of National Banks 27,36 k CO Circulating Notes of surs Banks... . 0,210 00 Ramittanees and other cash Items. 3 5,7211 70 Dne by B 41 nks 1x.7,160 00 Real ksta e ,2ns 21 Tares an dExpesies MEM! , 81CIRTS. I= Capital Stioek National Ctrrolati ..... State Cirquiation Individual Depitalta Dividendl . Due togapks Earning. land Surplus Fund 81,06 A, 050 60 I eertity4hat. the above Is a true abatractof the statement ade to the Comptroller of Curretmy• a .I:St R. W. MACKEY. Cashier. 'PLUMBING. Bce WOOD PUMPS; LL RINDS Or MON P'IUNCE)I4, 8 - IZ - I:l3Fit-A.X‘T . X9ES,, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS WO* VIATERICLOSEM WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, Ry di-Italie Rama. Brass Work ;IA all ktn&• Block Tin Pt+ 1 . 1 . 4 * Foontalos• *.I kind,. of tium and Loa er•Elosoi Hose Pipe, CLooplinga; (Ina Ptpe and Minna. anal deseziptlone trot oonstantLv newt at • Addy, W CORNICE METH-AND NEITUrIELD elTd PITTSHJJIIGH, PA BEAVER STREET, MANCIHES'rER Kerr To POwr orvioz N. B.—All kind. of repolrlng done protoptli. All orden by mall tminodlately attended to. jafteodtalemovibb WM. c. PDX 4, PLUMBING AND, STEAM FITTINI. GAB rirrriar6; SMOK.E BELLS, t Portable and Cigar Lighters, EinrEXS ir CO, (Successors la Addy Eereas,) habGeod No. 163 Wood st., Plitsborgb+ Pa PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM WITTING, IN. ALL Illi GRAMMY/6, Oareltilly attended to Ur experlermal and Drrittlaii wort men, A due uaortmeat of 7131231 GAS FIXTURES, SHIKS A BATH TUBB. MOWERBATanct, CLUB HYDRiIa TS. Constantly on hood and toads tootles- I SEVILLE Pertiti r iv-e'.. l '- 16 .-... ' , 6 • 13,M • ..ESTAtE. • surruriEtio . STIEtEiST PROP.- k, =TY YOB abLE, 36 fact front near the corner of Fifth street, by 120 feet deep. Also. O. feet Croat gal Market street, near; T deed et, by feet deep, with ado alley tainted t; Oa Webnce street, a meat:tall_ unut Brick Aortae of ball, Sc e rocas, welrcurgared an pslntel t ATlbliM stplotill‘ Intraccaate saysloa. ._ Apt 15. CInaLSX4T S 13020, s.l.Mackel Olt .01,01000 10,00000 =.,040 00 =l,lll 00 es 105 00 1,41' 00 =OM 14 ar,Gsn 00 IA WO CO 14.472 W mm:Ei .10,500,030 . SOO, 500 427 ADD DO 610,N9 72 109 74 2.311 OD 2.9,4 u SD 1 323,mn es I 1 V- 16 - 7- CEMMI I . 17 HO I MS. c a 10 61..1 , CO 9,nti 51 'J6 99 &DJ Ige .11.agl '92,000 00 - ^0 el 1.569 91 6497 69 114 1:69 91 11 19 6,560 00 % 9 90 9 90 14.710 10 =MCI $ .41,11' 000 31 31 891 6r .19,000 00 855 09 G 88,138 4 41,6 Y QI a lONA 33 • 4=l 58 <42 ID :AK' 54 AA 00 146.317 68 1=1:33 $ 30.400 OD 354.Z.1 01 . 2431,90) CO . 100 00 ==l taXkca) a) 3.41, 345 00 472,101 00 +19,033 3? 301 30 1 234 30 139.940 34