El ,TUEBDAY, APRIL 3, 1866 ROBINSON; McOMAN & CO., .; Ranker" and Brokers, No. 75 Fourth Street. Mira, Dealers In all Wes of Government see Ltes, Gold .172d9I ' lestri en uLttm ak fin Denoslts received In Par runes end umeTne;. Weal Wowed on Moe detains. Collections made in- In sit parte of the United 'antes on most favorable I =lll eseentod lennich tor eywmlne , In gil e r 4u r =vat ! .8 1aW z - 011 liostb~nDhla: Ia, CL I LWIS ; York, Pen. FINANCE AND TRADE. hfottxteir, April 2. / 8 6 8 . Then 1s etlll a very uncertain feeling in Mercantile quarters as to the future course of Fria, and trade . shows no Improvement In any department. Thera I. but little hope that Priesa.wlU again take an upward more, and She deollne Is generally =toted as an tnet , *table thing—ii malt of the changed and im -PrOved condition of the country. Had goods, heir in loon beau sold at the expected prices Atiddlatributed by the usual process among oosuouners, other stocks would have been ac cumulated, and eventually the same decline wanald hare commenced, leading an all the conseonenots now witnessed, and expected. As Inevitable, It most ;be submitted to by dealers with as much gracefulness as they can command, and with prddenee It may be ren dered so gradual that no embarrassments or lames shall ensue. Audit', (says the Idea Prres,) that prudence extended up to the Importers, limiting their operations with for. elgn nuunthicturers, the inconvenience and danger now existing may be brought to an end, and a wholesome activity of trade at vetoes fair to ail parties may be restored. But It is too much to calculate on the universal prevalence of Inch precedent limitations In trade with foreign countries, while the inter. o e ur extensive c o d u r r wairteh f u h rt i h r e mr e b h y n 'M dl i s ng The Interposition, therefore, of wise legisla. tire cheek is generally urged_ass neeeeitary. This is thapoint where legislation can effectu ally guard against the overstocking of our markets with .foreign goods, and secure our traders and on people from those sudden and extreme ehaugiiii , of price which must occur oicasionally, while the supply oomes partly from paid and partly front half-paid tuber, in a close competition with each other. —The New York Tribune. of March 31, says: "The ofmtinned ease In money is turning fresh attention to Government, as affording the highest rate of Interest, united to superior security and readiness of reconversion to money again. European aid - mile la now is much in favor of the United States that it would not ben difficult task for the Treasury to resume specie payments. The Government him practically nothihg to redeem In gold but thepfedn greenboeke, and. three are so highly valned-hy the people, that were they made payable In gold, they would not be presented for redemption - to any great extent, but keep the field at the expense of the National Bank currency which would soon be sent home for redemption In plain legal tenders representinp geld. The Government Is fast getting into u position where it can resum specie paynts and the National Bank shoulds not lose m s e ight of tho fact, but shorten sail and get back to safer waters than they are now navigating. The rebellion is over, but the beaks as a rule are as extended as when the war seemed end less, andresnmption a thing only dimly seen In the remote future. Some of the National Banks Imre already gone by the board in Peunaylvehm, and more are sure to follow, ender the fall in gold, and the sure collapse of the numerous "enterprises" in which trio dealers of."wild banks" are connected. To those who are not blinded by their engage ments in 'maculation., and whose success de pends upon liquidation of obligations, made upon desed paper In this kind of 'currency, the air le full of signs o ft a coming financial storm. An excess of money on call at low In terest, with a superabundance of commercial paper at enormous discount, a rapid decline In farm products, gold, end commodities gen. aridly, are not shoo of commercial prosper ity, Reeking aniffshould be be da dul bty needed by all in debt or toors." litudaee and Trade in New York GTOCICS ♦AD MONET, - • New You. April 2.—Money nattier at 5('6 per cent on call loans. sterling - dull and nomi nal, at sll6~olooi. Gold irregular and un settled, openlpg at 12.8%, advancing 1 2 3, clining to .‘I27M, and closing 127 X. Govern manta without decided change. Freighta In Liverpool dull. Foreign exchange dull. There • tslittlainquiry for bankers bile, and the ratts - are nominal, at 1061361DRi for sixty day. , sterling, and 63046)031 for long franca. Tie Increased detonn4 for money experienced on Saturday, afternoon, is apparent this morning. The Block market. at the Second Board was decidedly firmer, and a marked rise on Eric, Michigan Southern and Pittsburgh. After the caltEria rose to 76}4, and the market wan very much excited- Tne content going on at. prry set between the bulls and bears is a Sartre one, and the amount of capital and talent co both aides is very large. At the closing s, , den of dt:i board, Mr. Parks moved that the board adjourn to-morrow till after one trek., call, in 'respect toehe memory of the late .11.0. Ward, of the Stook Exchange. The moths • WustaikOnded and carried tintuiimously. Ti,,,. balance in the Sub-Treasury Is $81,109,759. At the afternoon Re 1131031 the Petroleum mar ket Was generally dull, out the sales ;bowed en improvement. Entice of Bantietioff at 12..15, Gentttd,2,4s; United States 9,00; Pacidc, tS, Plthole, 60:5; Oil Creek, 1,00: Cr GOODS. The Market to-day is a little stronger; owsls atoll:1n at the quotations. Foreign goods are weak for many styles, and Millman to sell hy Jobbers and retallera. The auction sales as novarioed for the week are quite as large u the past few weeks, v blob continua to depress the trade in imported fabrics. Brown. Shrat ings—Amoskeag, A, 75; Appleton, A, SR Atlan tic, A, Di Augusta, 2.l;lndlan Baud, 26; Yi m keag, A., XIX. Bleached Shirtings—Banow Bi;6 sins Bartlett., 31; Balties, 5:,1i Blackstone 30, James 30; Lonsdale Prints --Allen 17.4; Ameridan /dX; Arnold 161.0 Lon • I donmoorning 161,61 Lancaster 17;4 Itterrlnue WB; Merrimac D 21; Sprague tit Fancy ho I Wan ial:ate 106. Detainee—An:auras ZN; How gtort 9211;. linualton Manufacturing COMpariy Td, Blue Cliecks—Gedar Grove 30; Hwy. malur 36; Whittendep DI; Workingman SO. Denima —Roston brown 30; Ilaymakereii; Pearl river • Vr; Wide World 36; York 603 Cottenades—lar• mars. and Meohatdcs , 63; hew Fork Milts Plow, Loom and Anvil 60, Richmond 55. Hoop Sklrts—lindlers Duplex Elliptic 20 to to , hoops ani to 1,O6;-Empress Trail 1,93. WBEIELL VANN STATEMENT. Loans, .237456,140. Increase _AsSOALaspe at=gleacgasarrT‘p",l7.°,l4l.l.l4- incresee, 31,666,30. TAgal tender sit,- 156,090; increase, r.„662,064. strata° wrocu. Atlantic, 4,00; Grey, 41,00; Grinnell, I,M; guar..", kWh arnlth and Parmelee, IO,Mr. Tbe prices for mlinng stocks bld in Bonen today, telegraphed to J....E._ Gay & Co„ were as Yellows : Minnesota 10,4; .Quiney BO; Bay State IS; Boston Water Power Mi Copper Fail, 40%; Haneock 20 , 43. I. L 14%. New Y. Market • • Now Tons, April `J.-Cotton doll and a amide lower; 40040340 for Middling. Flour dull end heavy without - gleaned change; for Extra State, and MA019,60 and e5,6501.1,0u for Trade Brand•-market closing quiet. Whisky quiet at ......„113346 0 4M-tpr Western. Wheat quiet; holders flrmunullers insist upon materially easier prices; No.lMllwaukee Eye quiet and heavy; State MM. Barley sold sepo higher; which has checked trammetions,. Earley malt doll. Coat quiet, Arm and' in fair demand; 'MGM for' Unsound, 760750 for Sound Mired Western; In stens and delivered, 760 for White Western, and eO3O for Sound - Yellow. Ofil.• a envie Antler; 0013 Mo for New Western, and Ski Nie for Old 446 Coffee dull; Elollle. Sugar eteady; Muscovado 101.330 c and 3 8 5 Doses Mamma at lie. 31.0m-31.0m- d oll. Petroleum - nedy; tagisalm for Crude, and 40011030 for ire- need 11l bond. Pork unsettled and lower; $23,- MMAZ,lfytr New Mona-closing at WOOD reit to oar,. MfilM„to for Old do, and 311,Zr. POO forP Me; Mao, t,tlo banals of New Mena for Ag i riOly and Juno, sellers' option, at 104800, t b id ur sto w c ; k4f nu lld V I hew, April 100,MS retrials; same datepast yearnkir , I;a tt r i : rels. Meer market dull at prerritrui prices; stook et Beef Ap ri l Ist, , 21,351 packages; same date Mat month, 0,107 packageSi same due jest. year, MASS packages. Beerliams intalerate demand; at *Meat Bacon quiet et 10‘01.Se for Cumberland Cut, 1184 e fur /..oug !fibbed, sailLto i r short Ribbed; c u t, Kew utet, 115(41 c for Shoulders, and le.' 12110441 tor heavy at /16 , „0110., Satter quiet at, ." for 01110 awl tegtoc for , filate. , :tilieese it at leffritte. Foreign Markets. (Per st er City of Parte./ Loaner Mosier Marmar-A gloomy sealing ...prenralleilat the Stock Exchange on the Onli, • the principal ClbC>. • GOODS THAT ACTUALLY OM MONONGAHELA RIVER ; 53,/so to Manufacture, aI3ELT-LX-171:1VC3- 3E,N0.1=1. $43.213 No Regard to Cyst or Value. BOUGHT FOR "so .V UCH," V.OO m 3.60 p m 1.10 m Sep for - So Ifluch.” Customers get all the benefit, and I get the profit, by being ready at the great Sheriff's Sales with Money. Shoes worth 108,60, wholesale, I bought for BESO, and will sell them for $1,76. COME AT ONCE, For in a few days we will be able to to dispose of these goods at prices we ask for them. ALL NEW, NICE FRESH GOODS, 11 F'liC rr. . Concert Hail Shoe Store. BANK STATEN ENTS QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL HANK OF PITTS- H Ultt4 H, April Ist IMO. Notes and Hills Disemintml... I'. S. Bonds deposited to secure l'ir ulat.lon e p U. Bonds deposited to secure De- U. Sosits. Bond. on hand Other United States Securities Specie and other Lawful Money Cireniating Notes of National Bants do do !State Ranks iterulitanees aml other 'ash items Due Br Hanka Heal Rott ale Times and Expenses I'apital Stock National Circulation... Individual Deposits.... Un , ted Sital es Deposit. Dividends Unpaid Due to Hanks tarn in p. I certify that the above I. a true abatract - of the Statement made to the Comptroiles of Currency. stOi3tdlL M. MURRAY, Cashier. Q UARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE aIEKCHANTS' AND MANUFACTUR ERIP NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURG 11. alososT Monsiso, April 2d, tea. LI AIJILITtES. • . capllal Stork. .... • 603. MO 00 31. •M. li•k Circulation. (State 8 . k.) 41.573 oo r• mlonal Bank C I reulat luo .. ....... .. 330,013/ 00 Due Depoattors..... .............. .... . .1113,70 SO Due other iiallkl. 30,115 12 Ittridends Unpaid 4,40, 50 Profit. and Earnings 134,70 1D ASSE sole. and Bill. Di5C01311 , 4•4 TD I.. Denting Montle 11. S. Government eittrurttl,...' • eltecle and Letal Tender Nntas Notes anther gaitk• . D . u x e e tt . v other Bank,. . mrev n t ' e urttles... .... 45 I certify that the abort. Is a correct SC abstl6.llll'ract from guarterly Report to Comptroller of Currency. ap3-2011 JOIN SCOTT. Jn.,. Cashler. IUARTERLY STATEMENT OF 'IX; THE FIRST NATIONAL PANE OP PITTS [JUROR, Aprl424, 1110. Loans and D Discou ntsßES OURCE:I. United States Ronda Temporary Loan with Assist. Treaa ore, New 'fork Due from Banks and Hankers . Specie and Legal Tender Notes... National Currency Notes of idoluent titate Hanks. . Cash Items and Remittances Real lirstate axpensr . • Capital to.* • • • • ••• • 19 991 . 0 0 0 00 Due Individual Deposttors .... hf1a7,391 79 D. Banks and Bankers— . . . DI.DI 4 true Treasurer Of the Dotted Otates 41.34 circulation .• 380,0 00 r • outingeot rund arLO Proms ..,„ 106,015 01 11..070,Ns eg I I,ereby certify taut the f ier of tp t ,?, RePrjo'lL i es . t r ap3:14:1 JOKY U . th'ULLT. iIUARTEULT STATEMENT OF `ofd THE UNION NATIONAL BANE OF PITTIi. BURGH. on the morning of MONDAY, the al day or April, UM Loons and Discounts. ......g Sal BB $9 United Efate. Bonds . . ac..oto Other United States Becnrities., (rennin:tn. . ... 1,559 91 Tnnes and O.BF .59 Due from Bank* and Bantus . 114 4 ,E44el Renallances and other Cash 11EMS 7.112 19 Notes of National 8ank5......5,500 on tither Bank Notes' Cheeks, le lan B. Coln. .•.. 219 90 Legal Tender 1112,710 10 r.4,11/0 Our - plot rood .. MOP. et, elnotatton . .... 1 1 .10.000 00 Do l c d en D d o pUatptot . . 155 al Doe to Ranks and Bookers .. • 6105 6 .E•rolng,, 11,411 SO 111.=1,CCI SO I certify that the above Statement Is correct to the beat orally knowledge and belief. ap34td B S. SMITH, Cashier. NIENTUI QUARTERLY REPORT OP THE Q UARTERLY NATIONAL BANK OF Pm - num - Ran, April NI, Ireitt. /LESOSIUCES. Nett nod bilk DI/tenanted 6 f:ti..123 nt Tszes. Interest and tipenses &Gr. I. Due by Hank. nod Bankers AIM potted Stitt es droll . ..... . aort, Ole fat Caleb 114 gal Truders, . . . 139,317 l SSCA, LOCI I!! LIABILITIXN. Capital Stork • 300,001 Co D. Depoct/urs r 44.2.11 01 el....ninth. • 234 .0) IP U II paid 111vIdrods .... . . ... . . .. .. .... lm OD Contingent Icnnd .d Profila..... ..... 311,6 C: LS SRO 1106 The above iv a ea rrr . abvtrart from the Report Cu the Comptroller of I:orreuev. ap2:21.1 C. IL HIGGS. enabler. QEMITS:ULF STATEMENT OF THE IRON .CITY NATIONAL BANK. PmfatilMOrt, April :4, MCC Loans and Ulecounts . G 13,008 88 Ranking Houee and Lot 31000 CO Expenses and U. IS. Taxes LI,M6 OS Doe from Ranks sad Re kkkkk T.. 1.918 CO U. H. necurities .ElB.BOB CO Lerma Tenders and pow . Wil,lllis Ile Notes of other Ranks ea,LO9 Ou Remittances and other Cash Item... 10,27 a Mi LIABILITIES. 41.h31,054 atork $ 40),C03 CO Uircufallou t National pant VAMP fat do hate no, ne CO Dlvidorld• Unpaid 2.C.15 00 ladivl mai Depositors.— ........... 109,040 44 Doe to bank@ and Bankers 0,138 Ut Prodts and iCarulnge 21t1 t 523 01 I= .. . . CFVAIFFEILLY REPORT OF TELE CITIZENS' BAKE . OP PITTBBUBOII. hionnar 111014nino, April 2. lbek Notes and Bills Disoonnted ' stalama 48 U. R. Bonds deposited to seeere Cir culation DC0.,070 CO U. 13. Bonds on band 14, 000 IA Other United buttes Beet:rill. ..... .... AIXO CO peen, and other Lawful Money 217,331 It ' C ' gronlating Notes of National Banks and nue Banks 16.067 00 Resnittanees and other nub items... . 1.1.,ti1f fi e loosbares stock Third National Ban k Doe by N. Banks 10.400 OD Real Estate 184b41 a 736,841 47 Taxes and Expenses 1t',043 vi Capital Block National Circulation Mats Circulation. .. , Individual Denospis Dividends unpaid.— Due to flanks !Earnings ........ 11E;aill 0.,0ce,10/7 91 certify that the stove le a tree abetract Cr the thatemetit toad* to the Collo troller of Correocy. J. E. 81/ADY. 7A. r Cutler. QQUARTERLY RE.POWF OF THE ALLIGHENT NATIONAL BANK OF PITTS BORON; Apell Rd, ASS ET. Notes and Bills DiscountedS 11162,1M1 14 United States Bonds Deposited to Sc. core CirmilaMon 3a2,060 trfl e trg e tt e t r u l triNtMitriiiiiW. 32:873 ffi Circulat es Notes of State Banks 1,210 00 Remittances and other cub Items f,723 16 n 07 Banks 1 5 2,60 CO T t ate Wa d s xpenses........... --..„. 2 ,23 11 DE! LIABILITIES. 131,965,1E0 30 Capital Stock 13301,000 00 s ational Circulation State Circulation 333,363 CO ludlrlelual Lieposite 472,101 03 Dirideuds unpaid , 418.01 37 E 331.30 Due to Banta . . ... . ... ...... Earnings and S u rp l us Fun d.— —.* ... • ~,,t ,t M 61.961,610 eo I versify that the abpe true abstraccof the " rli "1"" to ta°,'rell):ll7tregaZl. FV7till37l REMOVAL. R. C. HOWARD IWriltrAirTALlllEZiat 'Meg! Moore &Metaled. HORSES LIODONT AND BOLD ON 0050118- MOS. mlalltlet HOWARD & RON Proprisiors. SAW MILL. poINT SAW MILL.—The . wider """Ogror Tntw.jc !pi and are prenuad to SU outs par Bridge, Bost or liouu Lumber, ritmArea r eirr it conlor Cora Wen am!, ~ ~ , H~u~ .::'mat - i - +:~%r_'.`r.""• ~tx .~*.:-~:a s:s>;. JO, CO) 00 20.000 00 10.000 00 =Wu 00 =Oat! IXI 0.10.5 011 2.417 ix. 21. E 10 =0%13 10 56401100 14.470 20 L2lll ST 303 CCO os soo 500 00 637.43 33 610,513 72 34,309 - 4 LBlll3 .438 sl .1=3,3C 4 • MZEIE t 57.7nc :4717 90 I • I Ct, ISO IV 616, 9 X7 00 9.614 SI 111..116 29 ,695 99 & SI. Mi. 'AI 01 550,000 00 3110, 000 00 411.501 sc 7-13,712 41,.5.14 00 14M4 00 5T.,31 0 1 r,uo 00 1101:7 C 13.070.55 a so LIABILITIEs. CE3=l BONDED WAREHOUSE ur PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Foot of Baltic mut Harrloom Strome Brooklyn, N. Y., Storage tar Refined Petroleum In Tanks and Barrels. See Circulars. Asir Waco, No. PS BEA VEY 6711XICT. New York 7 STANDARD Pbeltrcblesiaxn liotLiticury . CLARK & SUMNER. Workm °Mee. Collins Township These works here the largest capacity ie the mann try. In The brand stands the highest to this country for export. and ,for &mope uality and - gre test, and the al Is pat in seasoned barrel( prepared especial], Mantifacturen of BOILERS. STILLS, TA-21A! Improred Boring Tools for Oil Wells. SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. WO .re 00 . 3 . 1 . ru e -tint. Ind evil keep on hand. Valor Style of ZEDWAGFMATIMEII BITM A COlllOl OR MIMI 1011,68, to w .:lP"'A' •00 them, "15.811NRIV fiViruiLL & c.. JOHN IdAtiOFYlr=j! COMMERCIAL OIL WORD PURE WHITE BURNING OIL AT TUE LOWEST MAREET RATLs 861Dl JAMES WILHINN, 00003233, 432,600 00 600,443 76 2,815 00 =,606 71 CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, sUl'm Mork Duq qPlttnbnrgh Special attention even to las . sal. sad slap mentOr Petroleum sod Its products. Cousignment _,a.spestftilly soLleitad. Pintails* iktu l 6 attilY HOLICILS JAMES ERWE CO., & CO .1•1011 /111.111 MANIIIPACTIMERS OP OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. Omoo,lB IliMaxisert ra 121.7.781117A0.11 . PA. J . HENN, Forwarding and Vosasabislois Merebsess And dealer In Oils. Illuminating, Lubricating, Chide Petroleum Oils, he., constantly on band and for sale at the lowest market paten. Consignments and orders &Welted. aottem SMA IO TO AND FROM LIVERS west. hit in tita C t7Et i rstifiniP aLA ' n) "" l " EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY .CARRYING U. s. MAILS. T 1 Os sold to sett from ;retaisd, Engin* Deo.. WWI isersesepy and Yrance. Ap compliant Offices, JOHN '4ll.- DUE, - Agent, 16 Illitesittwayolt. Y. QIUNGLEII--13,000 No. i Shin liedm'd et. _ . . SEED BMILE 116 ": 4- WIMI6 viean Tris° a- ! l 7llll2grairiiriouse.,,,, d , (011611111111.-4Wbblk; titbit col ,'" aid arFft PA 10 1 1 , 101 VQ/OT. '+~~JriV;'.~ye~+:t ~S'i.=lFYa=2'.~c''iv''i~i:4~ iJ~h~:i`fiE~':~:' z rrEll,:s:fali Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, UNION LINE, X . . 49 .02 - 3.31pr will ron three daily aide-wheel steamer° between Monongaliela City, Brownsville. Rice s Landing, Cireenstioro, Genera and the Eiunksed tril statem e Region n s. This l s cionepoied; of the following t AEA TEL " 1017LIPH APT. C SPEERS. U CAPT. it. ' BUGGER. FRANKLIN— CAPT. 2. W. C A AMA(' GALLATIN .... ....... : .... CAPT. A.S. CARLII.F.. These packets will leave Pittsburgh daily in. , and 6p. tn, except Sunday when the departure will be at 8 o'clock, a. 0, ,?;17,1, h r r g ° h . La d b a gOk . I.L , for m. llg o ll w ett= fr wil s l lean 5 a. m. lilly et cro ßNlNG — Lcavee Brownsville for Plttatturg daily at 7a. tn. and 5 p. is SloeaLeve Landi . s Gre ro ensbo and (lettere at 12 o•clor t ng at 2 p. u. Learee 510tiongabelat Car at it ' 6hi ' k • The line Is composed of drat-clans eide•w her! •teamers, bent expresely for the trade. They will be commanded by officers of tong experience, hr. PIT Perticillar attention to the wants and 0011i f.noefr.:exerA.,...td'he boats will leave promptly Freights Received at all Hours. For IBrtber particulars, enquire of WILLIAM cF.IIOI. Agent, At the Wharf -Boat, loot of Grant at. Pittsburgh. L. CO L VIN. Agen n . Brownsville, a. re 19.17.2 T. PA UL PACKET—For ^-, WINONA AM) ST. PAUL DI Rh CT.—The new and splendid old, sidle . • - V.717,17,,i'L1ir.g (t i d'A .N .Eff,"(:.l;t l , o : l lll leave as above, oh TT/100A a, 3(11 of April. and go through direct . The Minnesota is entirely new ant Is supplied with double fined bollegs, made of best Pittsburgh iron, and Is. titled and furnished lo a very superior manner. Her officers are careful and experienced, and heraccommodatious for passel,- gore are unsurpmined by any boat afloat. For freight or Tr . fe ) tg l e . apply o board .r to (JILIN n II (NM. JOHN FLACK. mh3o or t o It. C. GRAY . 'FOR NASAVILLE.--Theta fine pal , seriger steamer LEoNORA, No. 2.. ...... ... .•........Capt. 11,1 n. W 111 leave for the nbc;re and all In termed - 11s te ports on WICONE.SDAY. Aprll 4th. at 1 P. 0. For freight or pans moldy on hoard or to nib.% FLACK & COLTANG D Woo, Agent-.1.,`0R EVANSVILLE, CAI RV AND ST. Lol.llS.—Thr new '" C II IVI : IPP te''n'r g i g o t Wilt leave for the abort 'La InteAnt i .:112e L p i ( i-t t i s t . r Utt MONDAY, atop, m. For r"ltt a a r o gi!VV.44Tr b° ll3 l*- `" ntblt .1 AMES COLLINS. IS ' • 'Agents. pEGULAII MISSOURILAat,„ • 4. RIVER PACKET—For St. Louln. Council Bluffs, Omaha ('lty and Inter n:lt/dieto porta, the tine passes gee steamer K ATE .LOBINSON, Capt, ILGOISNON will i2l/.. a. alms, on THL'ItSDAY, April 6th. For freight or passage appl)ou board or to m/130 FLACK & COL - LING WOOD. Agents. _REGULAR MISSOURI RIVER PACKET.—The new and splendid side-wheel steamer NILE, Capt. WY. 1 1121.STT.will leave for it. Louis. , Council Bluff. Omaha City, and the intermediate i Nits. on THURSDAY. the 6th AVI. nariPl°l"ErArreMPli.ll4.l"OWNOlZr 'Aleuts. pan MEMPHIS & NEWr a tim i t ORLEANS—The aglendld steamer FINANCIER Capt. DAHRAGIL, Will leave to above on THIS DAY, at 4 p. m. For freight or passage ply board or to inhl9 FLACK & CO ap LLl on N/OMR - IG, Agents. POR ELEOICUR, GALE-FITS: NA„Di • BI - QUE, ST. 1 1 AUL AND ALL WAY LANGINGS.—The One Passenger steamer COLUMBIA. Capt. R. J. Pon, an. Is now loading and wilt leave with dispatch. lit r e rre'gh l•t r A P tr..l e cli t tiTAbatlZ.`,4e.“. REGULAR PACKETiIdWat FOR WHEELING, MARIETTA AND EANESTILLE.—The tinesteamer ENLAIA GRAHAM, Capt. C. R. STULL, will leave for the above and all intermediate porta every TUESDAY, ' t!VZereieFlZ at TULtatl Agent. OIL WORSE I VI tri. Bagainy Samuel Rea, • Jan Park Jr WOOLDRIDGE On. HEiiNiNG . %V . li. Joitst;,m, 7;.E;17711., C7C0Z1GLi..92,0-32'. ' Barelay reeton. (icurge Bingham, , OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. ; pEOPLEN DISIERANCE CO. Join; WATT progigggg. I OFFICE, 71. E. CORNIER WOOD AND E/PTkIBTIL Elmira M. LbNG, nee y and Emma', . WORKSIN TEMPEUANCEVILLE Offite, No. 2 Duquesne Way, JohnVll',T.'• . Capt.. Jobs L. Rhoads. Samuel P. Shrirer, John t.. Parke, Charles A.rbatalt Capt. J.. hillier, John P. Kirkpatrick. (Near Suspension Bridge.) IVto Van Kirk, . Prank S. Bissell. , Jain). U. Verner, . 1 C. Hanson Lore, IIinNILIFACTURERS OF PURR WHITE W 1 . PHILLIPS, President Presidou 3 Eguistigk - LN 4 c 4 cjoia,. s% r 4. w tut N El i Vrel V ary . ' ''' j.kl, 1 y Capt. SAIS ES ~ ../aDIiN, Don't A.. Brand—" Lucifer." A LLEGLIENT INSURANCE CO. OF PI Tltilli: Rt: LI. --SABre, No. 37 Fifth street an Block. Thin DU canna be excelled lbw barnlng properties, ! " Ins k ureCagaln 41 all blade or Eire and Marine Fllsksi lcolor or Ore l test, e and o li d p p l ,ta t l T Un well seasia t tr bar. . e ArblrillirEl). cc Ex:PO • 1011. JOHN IRWIN, Jn., President. JOHN D. MCCORD, Vice Psealdent. Dlsliecona—John Wane, Robert Lan Deo. Black. : i 0. DONNELL, Secretary. C. B. Herron C. L. Caldwell, H. H. Collin., J. W. , DCRICTOII.3I Porter, NobL ' Wallace D. W. C. C:wtt.D. JSLbrad rec Jones, . John D. McCord, ' . Cr. Hussey Ueorno h. Head, . Chicle. Han, 5. C. 3,..213.0 IflatfliT li EJAIG sr. (l aid's, WARLNG & HMG, . r. alHosklason, Job pp Irwin, Jr., Cant. WM. Dean. , (Leo. D.. Dad , 11. L. Pr:hue:work. , Robert H. Davin COMMISSION DIERCHA NTS, AND Bltl/VISRS IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS OFFICE. NO. 1 DUQTJEIiNC WAY, suzartnEeca-xx, O►Rcs ix rriThfuliall—Vl WOOD STIDUCT.. Conotantly on turd and for rate dk J. H. 'SAWYER, No. .47 R . 1 . X./D IiTRZILT DIOXIN AI DILLIAII 11l No. 11 ST. CLAIR ST., Pittsburgh, INSURANCE pisuar, TOUR LINT IN THE 1866. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE. CO., of Hartford. Conn THE ONLY LIVE ISSURANCY. COMPANY IN AAIERICA that now makes and pays an Annual : CASH DIVIDEED uu the drat and each subsequent payment or premium. Its CASH CAPITAL an ac- I cemulation of $1,6 stole, Is securely Invested n pub :He stocks and mortgages of REAL ESTATE. It Is now In its lath year 01' buslnets. and las pal , ' to the WIDOWS AND 0/IPILANS of its members the sum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS. To this date not a sto gie case of litigation lum occurred, an evidence that liberality al.! fair dealing 1.4 a specialty with this Com im.y. The policlee of this Company Sr.. not rorrr.,,a by reason of nun-payment of preolltun after the second I year. No payments required after ten nears, but rontlone p.nol through life orr I. le Al. h LT. P icc reeldnnt N. S. PALMER, Vice President. s WIIaTE. Secretary. Branch once the Nieetnen Pennsylvania, where ; Clernlars and blank Applications will be lbenletted, ad Wood strees, Plttgbargh. Agents wonted throughout the State. Apply to onbitly F. E. (iota/ELL. State Agent. C HA RTER 1829. PERPETUAL F'RANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Plll LA I,ELPHIA And.Cr on J.o. I, Ifia-I, . . 912,437,949 96 ttal Acelined Premien.. "." Invested Premium. '''''''' • Unsettled CM . • Income fur 19i4. 8,116. Losses Pnld alneelir2n Perptual and Temporary Policies on Il Lor . l terms. 1t.,011, Chas. N. Banc/Ler, Isaac hee, Tobias Wegner, Edward (' Dale, nstnuel Grant. George Fales, N. N. Smith, Ahred Fltler lirorKr PGA IMES Nlenards'N. NCKEIL Preidnt. El) W A LW C. I/ALE, VI President. JAN. W. Idt. A I .I.lsT ER, Sec•y ro te p tem. .1. C'OFFIN, Agent. tult Corner Wood and Third streets. lalti; AND MARINI; INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A MERICA, PH LA DELPH IA I=E3 Hartford Fire Insurance, f'ompany, 1:=132 !J• Protection ran be set-need In the above named 'and tellable I 1111/1111Nit.O. fr 27.17 04 Water street. lUD stain . I '- - - WESTEILIi INSITRAN('E CO., OF f•lTTroit: nu ii, 1 " AI,EX A NDEIt NISI/CH, Pres/deo WM. I'. lIHIIIIEHT, Secretary. t APT. 1: Et , ltl; S.: NEF:I.II, lienoral At ant. °Mr, 72 Mater ',reel. , pang S.Co.'s Karr House, up stairs, l'lttsburgh. • Will insure against all kds or fle and Marine Risks. A home institution in managed by Directors who are well known To the community, and who are determined by prompt nem and liberality, to main tain the character whirl, they have assumed, ns as of fering the best prutert lon to those who desire to be ured. I:I=SZE Alex. Ntualck, Andres Ackley, IC. Miller, Jr. Darld M. Lend, James McAuley, Rees 4, Thomas, Alexander Speur„ John A Clark, Campbell B. Herron, , John R. McCune, I'. M. Rlckemon James P. Hanna. r3O tYkl. P. HERBERT, Secretary. IIT&E114' INSURANCE COBIPA avd. V...:1;•..1;171":3:1t..17,0R.Gd11i-Ztlice, corner Margot MM. BASIALEV, Presldent. Mid. A. SREPARD, Secretary. !mum, Steamboat. and Cargoes. I neu e 7 3o B . l6 , api n allose an e d s damat the nailimlou Lakes, sad Hs>o h ns. and tile n:ehill rc r, 2the 'r slZ !enures loss and dsmage by Me. plaza - I'ORA: h. M. Hier. John Shlpton, Junta M. Cooper w. Hvbaugh, J. Caldwe ll Jr. JOhn Wm. A. Rodger,. delo-1 ql"A.)1•):* $ OAK 14,ILT.RNETT'S STANDARD PRE. FARATIONN. — COCA/NE— A Compound of Co ' coanut OIL Re. for the Hair. FLORIDEL— . A 4ellghafili Perfume for the Hand gercb let. 1 K A LLISTON —A l oamet le for removing Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Sc. R OD:NTAL TOOTHiWA.SU—An EilSle the Pre "IiI1111,1141TL!r",IICP.L11 the T VA h 7,I/—. d O ir:rTell led in Illelincsis and Delicacy of Perfume. JONah WHITCOMEM REMEDY—For Asthma, Paver lili t htla FLA WOKING FIt_TRACTS—For Cooking purposes. Any of the mimeo named articles can slwa•i bu ; gt7r7. r :ilr„ a er t o7 " C&l ' l s o nt aTd Fedora) itrie'crisnritt: Market House, Allegheny. :DIG; I GEORGE A. KELLT, - W1101.FS8A1.11: D}II.II.IIIIST Ab. 37 iflood Street, UPPIYSITS TUyT. CHAltl.t U Oil( I CaMEEMEI Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, I P3aptipmrzha2lit-L". PAINTS, ull4, VARNISHES, UTEISTU EFS, de. „The Federaleakless will corner tnued andal at No. 63 street. and or Ohio Ft der- Jalleeta, Allegheny. Iraal..l • SIMON JOHNSTON, 3=rmucr4arco xtsp, Corner of Fourth and thallbtleld Sts, DRUG CILEALICALB, DMZ PERFOMICRY, SOAPS, , BRUSHES, BELASDIIOI, IVINEff, ite,,troported dtral from London, Pads and Comm. 1.0 J SaitIibICKABER & Pillsbargh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD, 11LUELEAJJ UllaNy k i n i 21 . 1 A, FOIL PA I NTIN No. et! 'Woad !Street. seer• NAVY SURGEONS. BIJR.1“1.101/ Mkriterans AND BMacsti: NAVY DirWIetMENT. Waahington MEDICAL. BOARDS FOR . T HE •ii-a• EXAMINATION oF CNDIDTE/3 FOR AD- MinUION INTO THE NAVY A AP ASS A ISTANTSUR -0 EONS.--Bosnia of Medical tinkers will , ...raz e a t the Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Masai Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y , and Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, Pa. on MONDA . a Y, March 12th , IRO, for the unties Ramat ' ms of Candi idea for admission Into theldedlcal Corps of the Navy. Genilmnen desirous ofappearing before either cHoard, moot snake applimsllon to the HOnorable n crerary of the Navy, or to the underaigned, Stat ing residece, date and place or Idrth, and before ablen Board they desire to present themselves. An plicatimut to be accompanied by responsible teen menials of moral character. CaUdidate• must not be been than tsrent more than twenty-all years of age. y-one OCT No expense to allowed by the Government to can didates attending lite sessions of the Board, as • successful exaluipatiOn is • legal prerequisite for for appointment in the Nary fa3l.4wii . P. J. HORWITZ, Older of iiitireaa. FURNITURE FURNITURE, AND DANE AND WOOD GUAM, Mapatactlaracl.and for Ws, Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWELL, NOS. 111 L VI THIRD STAILIT, Wyo.lte K. FAlmumlaink a C 0.% sad nth! +IQ. 111 FOURTH STRZY.T. swim .a2truoigrr JOSEPH ME7rEli & SON Muni facturer• and Wholaaal• and Satalteaiers PI7II.NITITRS FND iitlAitiS, -No. 434 NN HT. iiPI 7 2IITI 9 / 1 11 rczclf `A"*Wll=l and lliddids47, at melt ow u manadieture, and war. nintiid Mond in qnsilly dud atria t ay aurdintantiqt d inanity. andmil 683.aa reas o n s oable muss. - i~,t~a GENERAL DRAUGHTINE OFFICE AilLsa ct Pat emit ALagiinacryr No. If tit tlt. Mtn. tit., near *Lig* ersuums, lath Align}tfut GAZETTE! DIMINUTION IN THE PRICE. 91,750,000 $1,5b5 000 W. L. JONIM Agent. Morning Edition GREATLY REDUCED PRICER Delivered to Subscribers PIFTNIN CENTS PER WEEK. Leading News Centres REIJAALE M UtKET REPORTS, GILZETTE! MISCELLANY, With Foreign and Donn:die CORRESPONDENCE, IEdDrIPCOJEt]L4%_]LIfiI Dlsoustos the leaping topic. of Um day—imam, Oa NEW AND IBM TUB. THE GAZETTE The Cheapest and 13m4 NEWSP APER In Western Pninnevantst. Akdvertteling. IT KISONABLE PRICK PITTSBURGH GREATLY ENLARGED Otherwise Improved Lcr zi n-1111110 ~~=~~ Will be Furnished to Carrion at Al-1'•77Z1 OM DISPATCHES IP3SLIZbati MUD lIPUSIZT ►OB til - Loofa News, CLEAR PAPER, I= NOW CLAIM) TO 13Z 1866 - DR• KEYSER'S Pectoral Syrup CUMES CONSUMPTION Ciures .Etronehltiet CURES COLDS, C/ 1 . 1 .re , 13.111J5t1:131X1 4 1% CURES All Diseases of the Lungs " tat rprrauesoll. , situary IWO. Da. KtYogic—sly wife has been al:Meted with • ' had eoogh and difficulty of breathing for five or a l l years, which, for several years back, had gradually increased in violence. The complaint hp been her , editary, told she had been treated by several ph's! Wane without MU to this state of her Peel frocu red some of your FPI TOKAL COUCH !SYRUP. bought, the first time, • fifty cent whi re Herod her eery much; 1 then called and got ••deli. oqttle. hich eared her entirely. sod she has now as trace o r the former disease, except.(tleSS. would also state that I need the medicine W myself to a coldaod rough. The medicine cured me by taking one dose. I express my entire satlaraction with th medicine, .4 you are al, berry toAllah ibis you desire WL LHON, Alderman. le h Ward eithallo/1, ll %MT. HILAII TICS TitU4ll.— rrr Dn. Ite.YA Ape Slc-1 ve daughter who has taken several medicines fora bat cough without benefit , among them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I purchased Groan you a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, and before she had used half a hot tle she was coffered. The second bottle cured her entirely of her cough. JuliN DARIN, Robinson street, Allegheny. • rirribunun, December Jl 1657. A tIEKATCURE HYDE. KETSER . B PECTORAL 5111111 P.-1 Ilse in Peebles township, Aileghen county. I hra a cough and spltung, which nos e menced about the 4th of Februaly last. anti contln ued eight mouths. I employed the best physiman• In the country, and my cough continues: unabated until early In October. Al that time Io dvise. to try your Pectoral Cough n. Syrup. which I ,an otter 1 had taken one bottle l was entirely tree fro: the coughing and eplitlng. had despaired of ev• getting welt, anti I think It should op anown tn. this valuable remedy will do for others what It ha dune In try cane. JOHN C. LITTLE Witness: B. ht. Emus. reenies township. farrow Townsittr, April 14, 184 e. A WONDELEPUL time ago an ol neighbor of mine was re p with a bad cougl • which every one supposed to be consumption. Hi' relatives told me that he had mace every reined) they heard of without benefit; his brother came tc see him die, and all Were confirmed In the belief that he could not lire. I bed about the third of • bottle or your Pectoral syp. Which gave him, and It en tirely cured Mtn. to ru the astottlahment of all. What makes the ease more remarkable. Is the extreme so. of the man, he being about eightyyears old. I h no doubt the Pectoral saved hi. life. ark .10111: aletnNhile. DK. KEYSERIti PECTORAL SYRUP IN IILAIII3. VlLLE.—Please send me another supply of your val cable Pectoral tivrup. Almost et er7botly around ea thcir th e cold, and are onquirine for .. Dr. Neysar's Pectoral byrup." We have sold sixteen bottles the •at week, and arenow entirely out. Arr. A. Altai and Mr. P. Maher. both of Blairsville, Pa., told as they would not be without It la their nmiue.. la art, all irho use It once want It again. .00r0, 'e6PV.ll'.ll*/ITTEIRSON SONtt, dannar9 VW. Prrrenunsui, Revert:the+ at, . ki l i t a n b En i... r . a g t—gt e l m th . n ff o o t r a d u . a . res pl. tea ro pitt, scrihable to recommend your FED /ORAL ISTRUP. As • medicine, it Is well worthy the attention or any person awho may In any manner be inlicted with cottem, colds and hoarseness of any kind, and for the peculiar qua/Ideationa for removing all that dtm greeable sensation attending a Severe cold, I have been, more °ries. In my Ithalaffeted t ime sith the severest of colds and boarsenese. Atmy sTeitti w g o ilt i ve!V•U rn r, C a l ri IqTagtra ° Ter . o:s1 a th e Wove sy.9 It would relieve me entirety. In recommending this medicine, trout unhesita tingly estythat It Is the best remedy I ever found, p.nins to cora the abrore, nor should any Omit, he without tide remedy for Idlee.re. sa prevalent. Yours, most respectfull, EDWARD J. JONEh, Cashier Oltlitene. Deposit Baal. • • fiTitrEIERIFILLY, Ohio, March 11, ices. I have rued ,Dr. Reiser , . Cones syrup for • had cough of several years standing, and can eneorinn i , say It Is the lent medicine lb, theisame that I have ever taken. J. W. PRICE. COL. PRATT AND DE. RE!OM'S PREVPQRAL 1311111P.--Da. Kirrszo—llenr Mr: Excuse the delay of my atknoteledging the e xcellence of your Pee-lora v irg i al P oegrita e th m2 " 44 - 1 out of my ,mogah. you the worst one I was ever arum ed with. I have not used more than one.balf of the bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are Minim. ed would glee It es fair a trial as I have done, an they will be proed to say, ••It Is noquacl wurdielne. would not suffer another such no attack for an onsideratlon, or at any cost. lam confident t can reathe more freelv than I ever dld. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing to exzeneat a remedy. You are at liberty CO nor my name thts regard as you think proper. PI V. PRAW. gessenger Common Council, Pittsburgh. Pa. N. n.—/ em no stronger to toy fellow-citizens, Inn all who entertain doubts can consett me perroaaily. E.F. P. ANOTHER NEW CERTIPIOATIL—Dis. BEE'S PSCIVRAL SYRUP.-1 had bean trontdad with a cough and cold tor several tweets-14 lad ws t that I could sot tieep. I bad the advice iinapre criptlons from th ree of the bent obestrlausnialba wh o ,,, I Could oat,, ao,I tokia procured • bottle oi roar Pectoral Struts which cured me entirely. 41'41" 110.140 Liberty seirY,.llll4ttiTrfe,k January Sib, Ina. .11TUP —" Row can doll?. Go to Keyiwre, on Wont street, and get a bogie of his Cough Peetoral, mot If that don't core you, your roust be one Indeed" Thin is a imenmen of the collar) one hearedegriondairlo rold-caretung period. c A.„Vjg . con c lat In the'sui=en ties as chore, for we hare tried the ”Pectoral,„." In a moat stubborn case, with entire amens. neer two weeke ago we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the man distreeslisli. eOntrary, me our coughs we ever experienced since our advent npOn thin mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and It. botiOesly for one whole week, in hopes 0 41111n/11 out, but at wae no go. In font, It seeintdrather have Improved by practice, and to have acquired etnengM, potency and distressibillty by the open. In Staleof the dens. erecting - bed corny te ° n l t i rti r le .. liftre W P:st=l,t re tr e m t k rt- r - 9 =r d drl g ar t i e directions, and in fortrelght houn we were tender of the gel,,the enemy having uncondltionallyenr rendered, fte a brief, but minimal contllct With fa formidable ad adversary as Keyser'. fainoturoo.lll Pectoral. —Nrusounrrie ('tipper, Dar , we. DR, KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP I. Prow. and .old b DR. GEORGE H. KEYSEE, No. 140 WOOD STHEE'I Plititirlbouralta, I"eaa•w. ma Great Nervous Remedy. Jr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote s • WM reliant, without tali, and often panzanemitty Cur* ill Nervy. Irritability, Dr, geyser's Nervous Antidote wm Cure,Ryittels. Dr. Keyser's Nerqous intidott - t Will Core Twltchlng Otiielternts. Dr. geyser's Nervous Antidote Will Care Ferrous Headache Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Care BeTTOUI cramD Of the BO Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgia, Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WIU Cure Neuralgia or the Pate, Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote ricr.isia of the Sloonct. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Wlll Cure Neuralgia of the Heart Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote' Will • Crue Naurulglaof the Liversnil Night Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Carr. Neuralgic iileadacho ' Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote t Will Care Paipitatton of the lifaieg.:- Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote' • win One 'Filthiness and Weakum of fitomseh. • Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Wilt - CureSloppage or illuttailrig of thug:kart s Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote . Will Cure Treluota from Exceolve DM /4 Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote • winourorlyp.hondri.". Dr.-Keysees Nervous Antidote • = 'Wm Outs Low Vest of Bzotrtta. arr's4',..P44 "go - DILIiEDRGE: KEYBDiA,:,;, . - 240 nr aiiiil rAgaiiiio