gittpwr - lww. CI El TITEBISAN, APIUL 8, 1866 ` trait eovisaos 3 MAJ. CHEifJOHPI' W. CEA RY iriPYliGB i'D ADYI TI EIA see eembiTebEe7ro pcit'besteller all Thu. esebelebeate Teeeteed stelae aloe essse be beaded Weise% bt the ease ol :ildeeitteess. mbar will be resuseree Paattier,•al lawn. atreellstrivoill plain 'mat • , 1 19 1 0*.aiiii. umi .liteaak iasminta , Rata of Os tharaeter hated. will be tuZaZ. --t; • Arleptlieever eurpaper le 11t1=1 (=NTS ee the 0 1 4 0,4 r0l ties bowsboys. Served by carders et NINE CIVIL RIGUTM RILL. Congress, in the course of the present ' Week,' .dodlitteas 'decide the fate of this tolls , r•Tbe imprestiOrt has been general .Abet ift.the Senate the result was douhtfnl; ' _btitthe intent • act dats represent that the -; . ;requisite majority Of two-thirds is pretty inthe House-of Represen tatives ho trouble exists. •• Among loyal people in all parts of the coun try, a strong feeling prevails hsfavor of the - • bill: 'Multitudes who sustained the Veto of • , theirreedmen's Bureau' Bill, insist' upon the-passage or this bill over the•veto. This • - " motto& principally from - a consideration orwitat is actually intended to be aware . .;• Plbdied by the enactment of the law. in part, also, It proceeds from a recognitionof what the hill carefully avoids meddling with. • The bill does not confer any rights upon 'Allahlacks. - It does not make them voters. It•doest not seek, ever ebreinotely, to endow 041W:to:with -social" equality, either among ;,thettelelves Or With their , white •aeighbors. • ••••••• nOttleeMosyrdiry. Charity does not • Cotie withlit its purview. It neither dig tribtffea,.ahas; nor found hospitals, nor •thilds schools, nor maintains churches. 1 - 7 - Its sole end Is to render the blacks secure ' 'in their persons and property; to protect • . thirmin the lair-and full enjoyment of the ;Fights conferred on them by the Constitu '-' Banal ..limendment abolishing slavery. It simply alms to fulfill the pledge of the Na, lion that emancipation should be complete and permanent. In all Other particulars it throws the/flacks entirely upon their own • resources, leaving them to work out their -own destiny as best they may. ...Nothing is ~ accorded to them but what is freely mace 7,'„ded lancet° blacks and whites by the regu `,lttr,rmeration of th e laws in the most in - 4te'tnsely aristimratic nations of Europe, ' ~-.The provisions of the bill do not discrim ' ••::,ttuderbetween States. They apply as abso lutely in Pennsylvania as in Virginia. Nor do- they interfere with State laws except' „where those laws are made to interfere with the spirit andintenturthe Federal Consti tution. If a State provides for the fair ad - ministration of justice to the blacks this bill, if it shall become a law, will al ; Most of necessity be of no effect wltbin its borders. If a State will persist itin taming one measure of justice for white ,',riatople and 'a very different one for the !nicks, doubtless this bill would be felt la aruiive and grievous. But this dorm not militate against the right and obligation of the, general government to secure perfect equality before the laws for high and low, 'rich and poor, black and white. Bnt, it urged that the machinery of the -bill -is unusual and in derogation of the reserved rights of the States. We admit the methods of the bill are not those ordi narily in operation. The methods ~re those of ; , the Fugitive Slave Law.' • What was ordained for wrong, has, in the orderings of Providence, become helpild --of:righL The case itself Ls not a common one Four Millions of people are in an •= anomalous condition, and the methods for Jitarprotection, in order to be adapted to that condition, necessarily partake of its • •exieptional character. But these method& ,are' hot in contravention of the reserved rights of the States. The National Con-`, stitution, as it now stands, gives Congress . : thelllOSt ample authority over the viltolti.. subject ; and it is the duty- of each to bring' its local laws &Ad Wages at once into ,liar rimy with the new powers con 'raved 'on Congress. So long as: -the, bhicke remain peculiarly circum atitietid; so long -as special and invidious - ;odietitcle6 are thrown across their pursuit of r„jiiiiiiie ; uncommon -remedies ought to be i r placed *Shirt their reach.. -This is in exact, • "eatelitenerwith the fundamental maxim of. : , ,thaeouution•Law-that every wrong - 1.1 1 .1 - 4etnedy. Whin ordinary - means of redressare nugatory or inadequate, extra-• „,opdhlary means become „not only tolerable' •-,,1r ,nt - 114ntlistieamable - necessity. blacks have a claim beyond this, , ';uport,the loyal people of , the nation. Ills :tnotalmply their Mute and patient endu .Mlles of .wrong for a century and a half, - thatattitanleada them to sympathy. When this nation was in its 'great agony, not a 7 t rehelyaa found. among them. With no , II eurpitaaed devotion they' stood by the So'v. RrtfrpEhL Faith. never was presented in a Inbar attitride. , 'Whatever they could do for the national:cense, .they did ' With , an, • :.411ellfietning •: fidelity •and , noble heroism. ircende4.•they are exposed to the vindictive : , unapt Southern - rebels and the contempt, cif -northern deMocrata. - Their emanclpa 'lion Oen offense to both these powerful •ciamea, , partly because they Mai . ' univers al. ltherlyiend partly beramo - this special de- , , liveranceimme as &raillery to the malnte.! =mid the Union. There ought to be no defection, when t h e; r u t shall come,-upqn•the part of Republi-; canmainbers of Congress. The Republi mukixtehtber who falters now, will, show a' 1 daptirof Aebseement for which condone- Meat Isimposaible. MI 'lEitrAmts . CARL —All whiter a tierce con trcrrerby has been going on in Philadelphia relative-to the running of street care, on tadday. The debate was carried up to llarrisburg by the introduction of a bill into the' Houses to repeal .so much of exist ing laws ailorbid the -mutant of the cars on that: . day. - Remonlgraneket were' matte agidearthemissage of the bill. Finally a ProPeettleawu — Offered tosubmit thi.decis. lon of the qtiestion tcia vote of the people; 'buS-thisiltiled. At this point the Postmas ter3Pletteial has interposed, and declared the Union biti Pasaenger Railwayof aliost-road. This is held to settle the matter, and obviate the necessity of legisla tion.. • • • • . .119i'ileUtthis have established a newspa per at Balt Lac City, that fairly; b ear d s Bluer '' . .r*Yotriiit,ln his den on the queik. tion ofolygamy, lkio wonder the Elder With of emigrating to, seine island of the South Sena: -7, - ,The, waves of popp l ation, rtllling. across ttie,Ociritinelit, hive tirokeir, the !bastion in wtilch Mormonism'repoaed• for security. - It must retreiiiini, perish. Whither shal t it go!. . : . . `~ 1! host.-4P : the C ono4§l-61MVA 4,thixsy4ixth dtiiinithe first r on ANDREW - '• .Ing deiblbl°n ft lithe—argument °f. i : icomserystiao ow , t h is .1 'if and d2o9nlsiii iie prement form , w he t er ‘ ll „A t b et igut Or 'wrong." Yak =1 ~~ or aitHLItIAAD oomrry lteter - noW We — are Ma. We have lost our identity. We do not know whether we arc ortnxltret orbtUir people.- The muse of our perplaicity isthi:.: The. Scranton Register, thalleiged byrthe Brad ford Repo ter toiiatrien Republican journal in Pennsylvania that sustains the Pre:4- dent's Policy as erpoanded in his Veto Messages,: deslinates' the •Pittsbargh Go tette.: It speaks, with a glow of animation of-the. manner in which we have "given BUMREII, Erravmcs d+ Co. particular Jesse." It tellichow "much it has admired the pluck of the Gazette for some months past—it has been so outspoken against the folly and wickedness of that fanatical crew," and more toi the same effect. Are we there, or are we tiOmewhere else ? Ate we ourselves, or are we other individuals ? These are the questions that bother us. "BrsdE President Johnson's second veto, the RepUblican party are beginning to re alize that no communion is possible on leading questions between him and them. They have come slowly and reluctantly to this conviction, for it Is a bitter: mortifiCs7 lion to find that a President Whom they elected repudiates their vlews."—New York. World. This justly describes the Situation. There is no longer any communion or sym pathy between the republican party and the President. And this, not because that party has chosen to quarrel with the Presi dent, but• because the President has seen lit to "repudiate the views of the party by which he was elected." The word may at least be taken as an umpirc whose learning is not hostile to the Presi dent. Tws RESPONSIBLE editor of the New York Times, in hit place in Congress, made a speech strongly approving of the ofijects of the Civil Rights Bill, though mildly dis senting from sortie of itsmachinery. When a motion was made to lay the bill on the table, which would have ensured its defeat, be voted against the proposition, which was clearly a vote in favor of the bill. When the final vote came he found It con venient to be absent. When the veto mes sage came, be held its reasonings to be con clusive. TUE VETO of the Civil Rights Bill im parted to many republicans juster ideas than they had before of the irrepressible na ture of the conflict between the President and Congress. They now see that the difference does not relate so much to meth ods and instrumentalities as to the ends to be reached. There is no possible reconcile ment between the ideas now held by the President and the hulk of the republican party. Emancipation Completed In Russia A St. Petersburg letter says that an im perial ukase, just issued, completes the work of emancipation - decreed llve years ago by the regulation of'Febrnary 19, 1861, and applies it to all the peasants of the State domains. That class, personally emancipated in 1881, had remained pro visionally under the administration of the crown, !but the Government has entered resolutely on the task of throwing many of its works Into the hands of private persons. Seven factories and forges have already been given up. The numerous abuses com mitted in the local management, which could not have been prevented by any pre caution, had diminished, but still existed. Official documents show the inconveni ences of the old system. In the villages there were always two public houses for one church. The administration had cre ated several 'schools - of pthetical agricul ture, which scarcely, on an average, count ed more than two scholarshaeli. The new ukase prescribes to the Ministers of the In terior and of the Domains The task of agree: ing together for putting all the prescrip tions into execution in the course of lux months. Chi the 19th of August next there will be in Russia but one and the.garne elass of peasant proprietors organized in com munes. A wEsr ago the Cincinnati papers con tained highly colotibd accounts of an out rage on a white woman by a negro, in that city, the woman beluga young widow who, it was claimed, was belated at the railroad depot and outraged while endeavoring to reach a hotel. The miss has been. tried be fore a Cincinnati court and the negro dis charged on the ground of bishaving proved an alibi. In disposing of the case, the Judge said: "If the outrage was commit ted,,the act was not committed by the de fendant. The proof is conclusive that lie us not at the 1. A: C. Railroad Depot on the night stated, and the testimony of the * plaintiff is, therefore, not to - be relied upon. There - Ls no faith to be placed in the state ment of the woman, and there is not a shadow of stSpicion against the prisoner.". TEE CATTLE PLAGUE AND ITS CURE. The United States Consul at Liverpool writes to the State Department that two remedies nem in ash are said to be very ef fective in curing the cattle disease. One of the remedies is thus made : . One ounce of Peruvian bark, 1 ounce of gentian, 1 ounce of pound ginger, 2 drachms-of aulphrate of iron, 4 tablespoon Oils of treskie i and one glass of brandy or whisky. Dose once a day. The other pre scription is thus compounded : One pound of onions, small and strong; 1 pound of gar. pound of ground - ginger, r pound assafcetida, to be covered with water and stirred on the fire till in a milky pulp, then put over the other articles; add of rice wa r 2 pints for - every iwo of the mixture. Dose for a cow, one pint a day. A NORM P6:1101.01A paper ; coalman that many ta,the attenutl revenue laws, particu larly these relating to excise duties, are openly. emit, almost unto ersally evaded in Ht,t State: Several well informed 'vanes ' ;fieft bare also testified before the Committee ft:a, ,filtehnstractlim that there hen very gen- Anne dispoeittan friths/South to obstruct the +collection latexes, and ff possible to avoid making contiibutitainto thepayment of the 'itatiOnal debt.' lc ;Would suit the rebel+ south - butter,ne &obi s to: have rereppresenta iio`n without taxatiati, than taxation with oqi now sine, their Ammon hasentailedtbeavybtlydens uponmSrLeoun tri---battiemething ii Abe tollutcouvenl - Om* 'and illttireact:Pfl the ; Mail on s lOW 00 1 4611144011 1 11eil bore theluittortat banner amogb a. , tong+ -and T ut missionaries,of , :the.Pres byterisn Mid Dutch. Reformed:Churches have been in . .lapan ever since the country was , open ed for the .admisidon of fofelgnera. But ttiey have been chiefly occupied in acqui ring the , language andtranslating the Scrip tures,•sad other . preparatoryialxmt. Ilempburn, the wife otputof there writes, however,. that they hriveliadthe satisfaction of •hiptizing -one - convert He f an 'old man, formerly ephyslolan, but for several Years irt the employ. of the mission. A rower. Washington letter sayi : " A speculator, welt known in this city as Imv. log made large purchases af arms, mans. tions, &c., sold, among other articles, to the P*los leader,' General Sweeny, a week ago WerlecsdrcY, twenty thousand army re volvers .and seventeen thortaand•forage etw It s. It known that a very large pro portion of Military material sold by the War Department since the rebellion closed haVheerrtazrehasod by one or the other or the Fenian executives." THE citizens of San Francisco are startled by a project to construct new Water front tolbeir citF the propo sition befog to make an; appropriation o five or six thousand acres of water to -be built ttp and filled up and filled .in by the opemtors: The Xia says If this IS done many present. owners of valuable water fronts their lots far; inland, caindng a Ida ormilliOns &Ilan. to the best business portion of the city. it..NUXISES - 4 drafts, drawn during • the: war' on Pradet. Trenikeltres Cd,,br enic43-..hy Goo::A.;-TienhOlin ; rebel , Secre:- tory the and and , which , werewki.,- . tuna by'onr tbreerVitile MITA/milt to Ztt , rope, and brour-thwennnent presented for paymentiAnive - been leftimid Tree- , ; purr' protcid.4kL'lle.`gaage." - •eidgried 4 dii.. .111,4 , ,nottpaynnent:.iii .that ~the Confnderat fand•ia.eibtiusted. ,, •"' Tits dielslow otTelo, Jae: two Btattei je igifettAitpat.pAlei -will be meucies an zest end .Ireet • - • :,:'.l, F'4 m'l.. Y a =113=1! THE donaticitOr 000.099 recently Marie to La Fayette College, EaSton, Pa., by,A. Panlee, one of the successful coal ope - ato6 of the Lehigh _region; Another eVidEltt;e of creditable and judicious liberality, which is honorable to the donor, and will, we hope, with the other late contributions to that institution, advance to it a front rank . among the colleges of the country. Punts. Bonnotorts, who absconded- to 'Y Europe from New ork, some twenty years ago, with $5OOOOO trust money, died recently in Italy, He was attorney for the Hensmlaera in New York, and mild a part of their property, for them, to A. T. Stew art, for *500,000, and bolted to Europe with the money, where he has been living, unmolested ever alum_ Tut Independent says that the story that the Cabinent is a unit in support of the President's policy is a' bet'n. The Presi dent himself is not a unit. he is part Haw ley and part English; one hing to one vis it itor, and another to anoth r. But as soon as the President • shall be !all o e way, he titill'probably want a Cabinet all one way. TOBACCO CULTURE IN S VIM MIA AND NORTH CAROLINA.--Froth all quarters of the tobacco region of Virginia and North Carolina there are assurances that great efforts will be nutde to plant a crop of tobac co. The want of agricultural labor will be exhibited less in the production of tobacco than in any other agricultural product. A ii•EW member of the nglish Huse of Commons, who had the habit of speaking very slowly, recently undertook to lebate the cattle plague bill, .and astoniabed the House by saying, "I'Vbltad the rinderpest" —after the burst of laughter which followed, the member was permitted to continue, and added—"on my farm." A. DECISION has been rendered by the Kentucky Court of Appeals which virtual ly prevents either a Confederate or Union soldier from being prosecuted for acts com mined under orders of superior officers. The decision was rendered in the case of the Commonwealth against Holland, from Christian county. STEPHEN COLWELL, Esq., of Philadel. phia, nue of the Commissioners recently engaged In the examination and revision of the Revenue laws, has prepared a new Tariff bill, which will have a hearing In Congress at an early day. It cannot be passed a moment to soon for the welfare of the country. LOUISVILLE is overrun with counterfeit Money. On yesterday ten Italian apple venders were arrested, and several thous and of spurious bills found la their posses. sion. The accused parties have retailed truitsimply as a cloak :o conceal more ef fectually the business of passing counter left money. To TUE assertion of a Washington dis patch that the President is quite merry at times over the flurry caused by his 92d of February speech, the Sandusky Register replied : "This is u conservative and highly reprehensible method of calling our Chief Magistrate a merry Andrew. TIPAIAS MIMR, who murdered James Walters in Cipcinnati in 1862, and was convicted in 18418, hut who succeeded in tying his ease up by an appeal to the Su preme Court, has at last had his case de cided, and is sentenced to be hung on the 25th of May neat. Mits. MartaFtran, who stabbed and killed tier husband, Jacob Mansfield, in Madison county, Mo., last month, has been tried and acquitted. The deceased was 70 years of age, but was in the habit of cruelly beating his wife while he was under the influence of liquor. IT is stated ou good authority that a Philadelphian, who, a few years ago, had a revenue of $20,000 per annum, and cut a large splurge among the Lon Gm of the city, is now an attendant in an eating saloon in New York, on a salary of a few dollars per week. TIIE census of Boston has Just been com pleted, and it shows that while from 1850 to 1855 the city increased 22,611, the ,Fain from 1855 to 1860 was only 16,4711. Phc present entire population is 192,264. JOSEPHINE was passionately fond of musk, though Napoleon strongly objected, and her dressing room at Malmaison is still redolent with its odor, spite of years, scrubbing, paint and aquafortis. OVER-CROWDED OMNIBUSRM are not al lowed in France. At soon as the seats are all occupied, the conductor sticks out a lit tle flag, and as long as the flag remains out no one is allowed to get in. A CORRESPONDENT of the New York Times says that the Canadian authorities have made arrangements to destroy the Ni agara Suspension Bridge in the event of a Fenian mid. COL. SEATON, of Washington, PO long connected with the National Inielligenter, lies at the point of death, being a ffl icted with a mincer on the fare. Tint latest Paris sensation is a rumor that Prince Napoleon Bonaparte intends to transfer his allegiance to the United Staten. 'Pas Davenport Brother. have abandoned the title of mediums, and now call them selves merely jugglers, Tn - a Chicago Portsays that Johnson suc ceeded Lincoln, but never succeeded after wards. OCR Western cities are overrun with la boring men inesearch of employment. POLITICAL "THE UNION REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE 00111ITITTEE OP ALLE GHENY COUNTY, yetll meet at the OFFICE OF T. M. MAIPSHALL, Eag_„. THUILEDAY, April &A, at ID o'clock, •. ronetual attendance Le re guar..). W. J. 011.MORE,Rum, 1 4 . M, A, A 4111: 8 1 . 4 , }Secretaries. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. CHARLES PUGH, ont.b.a.r,win b. eandldale for County Com uktailonetl outpect. to the action of the Colon Be goubtlenn younty Conrention. =WC Aittrie Ilar"FOR CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, Lain of lOW tennaylvanta Volunteers and sth Nun• sy/raola Artillery. llobject•to the decision of the lit /labile= County Convention. intatme IarCOIVGRIE6IB.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY WUJ present his Mine to the Conventlon of the Union party, for nomination at •camildate for Cob - UGH in the 2/4 Dietnet. farCONGRESS. IENERAL *S. 8. HOLEY IS A CANDIDATE IN THE RAD DISTRICT P15.94/md arFOll 811ERIFF, • .SAMUEL B. CLULEY, t t ilt i g o ig!Uli c i ni ;Jr[l4,o of the Union Iteratnfao irEon,,snitnner, • CHARLES BARNES, Late Colonel Sixth Reg. Pa: Mery ArtMery end Brew. Brig. Gen. U. ti. A., subject to the action or the linton Convention. mhlSidter, 10'`I'OR SHERIFF. JOSEPH ROSS, Of the First 'Ward, Pittsburgh, trill be.s caud dote forSheritf, subject; to the *ethyl. of the Ualo Hebb);Haag County Concession. catalpas, off-ron'IIIIIIERIFF. • CEN.'II. B. M. YOUNG, Late Colonel Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry rarFOR SHERIFF. COL 1 jAMES lA% 4NODORASS, tlAteir...i'Ml, {tete Of. the nth Kasen Vl ' ) Min of i tertittr i &Ligrthr,4l2l:2 ,the decision nthhnte • . 31: o i• •. DR. WILLIAM .I.'OllllOBE, or Upper St. Chair Tqwnshlp. ntb224l.lmtElf COMMA •..VIO.I973EILEGIN. MISS SUSANNAH-EVANS Tiie 'tint and Witted Orig.:wont° dellvered two tee to/011w klbotty to 'brtuffled ces„.. -cell[ dottrel. ON ImeTURN, lentiNeCi sp . EXCELSIOR HALL, ALLRGEIENT, I I: immixtvOtilrtar. ciireeteliiritits , „cl: mot. obis 407•04.00..' 23000100 hlltdrfoi e•at'lla 'Nook - add Nnut NOcires antattee door. , o rpierreOwsp.o. I 7 77 .7TIOnenSGIE:. - ::. ,Vo2;4 4 c*;A:Sler AiNeleloF.: I AT; Y ,Ohr IPA. „mini te•lie Id ;iptlicot foe:pr. tur •4. tit itAN, : aw.otoarspic 9, !TAM . 17 • ' 411,11f. A T A tt 4w ui r or Mat - l yst uto • AL Gin' re this Rank. d this 0, Mr. WILLIAM 3Elitiltii sras el d Daidar, and Mr. ROBERT M. =NT AssistanSeashier. ap 3 : IO td.JOIDURARPER4p, - - NOTICE.—There is now lying at A.l the Alinsheny Wharf. an OIL FLAT, Di feet to long. 13 feet lechers [onward, reheated to pros* ;Property, 043 . Churl and take het away or she be sold ae eo.ll.,f,Lodlaw. I , D A Vizi, Wharf Muter. rust/sums NATIONAL Manx / Prrtestranti. Karel MN, Ins. TigrNOTES OF THE CRAWFOIIii tINTY,BA NH. Meadville:OlL CITY' BANK. 0110 n; VIENANUO BANK, Franklin, nod PE TROLEUM BANK. Titusville, will not hereaner be redeemed by this Bank. mhZetf GEO. T. VA-N DOREN. Cashier. _ • .._ Curl' Soucrron'a Orrice, Prriguniurir, March gth, ISA. I NOTICE IS HEREON GIVEN TO all persona Interested, that the report of Ap praisers appointed to appry Ise the damages caused by the change of grade of Penn street, svitb the fi l l ed ...sweet and plot thereof. bas been Titus DAT filed is my once. If the msesamenla are not paid within thirty days' from this date. Ilona will be bird there for against the properties amessed, with int e r es t costa and fees, according to law. J. F. SLAULE, NE... Bo ut l b ir s l t t re or e , ,. tobrailvd NOTICE TO OR NERS OF DRAYS as kr—Notice is hereby ghrn to ai °levers of Dray.. Carts, Carrimges, Buggies, he., whether resident or nonvrezident In the City of Plttsborgh, to pay their License. at the Treasurer's orate of the (My of Pittsburgh, FORTHWITH. in accordance with an Ant of Assembly, approved March Bp and an Onllomme of the C M, of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April la, OM, nod MI persona who neglect or refuse to take out Liceoses will be se blect to a gamnalty. to be rerAvered before the Mayor, double the amount of the License. The Pill stetal plates of previous years must be re torned at the time LlCenkee are takes out, or Day Cents thernfOr. RTIA Or Each One Horse A Vehicle LICZNNE, Each Two Horse Vehicle.. ILourAtorse.yrhicle. TV.; IL - We finek to 00 Ocrosibuses 'and Timbst Wheels drawn by two. horses, .18 00 each. For eoch additiOual horse used In any orate above vehicles, alt. W. EICHBA, CALF Treasurer. PrITSBEMON. February' 6th L66.s.—lbt.autvld BOOKS. STATIONERY, &co. NEW BOOK BULLETIN. The latest New Hooka reeelvea at Hiincr•s THE GRAHAME'S, s novel. by Mrs. Trapord MRS. D. WOO NEW NOVEL, ST. L SIA MIMI! EVE. AGARSIVB NEW BOOK, O EOLOG IC" L SKETCH— ES. Sr. MARTIN'S BOWLER, by AM!, H. EL Brews ter. MRS.ROUTE:MIITH N JEW NOVEL, nil.: FOR TUNE BEE t/ K-ER. WHITTIER'S NEW TOE:M, SNOW BOUND. Erldlt.LA MENIAND'a YO WE E TELLER. N L EV7 4 IOBII A FTVR e VA d ltl; Up Rai des Illumina ted Series. THE CRUISER OP THE RAF. Latest number American Toles. TILE CRIN.LE ENTER. Last number Dime Novels. IiCTROS, THE CORSAIR. Lut number Ten 'out Novelette. THE SCARLET WARRIOR. Last number Tea Vent Novels. NEW SONG BOOKS. Tony Pantor's Wttercal) Songnter. Billy jiolznes . Comic 14clee. - No. 17 Btaule't Dime Song Book. DAY'S AMERICAN READY RECKON ER. MARTIN . 6 BERM a LE LETTER. WHITER, And numerous °there, together with all the popular Magtrieell and other or w Publwationa alway eta be badl JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'s, Fifth fit„ Masonic Mall. ulna° AMERICAN INK, Essetly Ilke ARNOLD'S FLUID, mot about one third of Mee It s trial. It Is endorsed by some of the not accountants In the count , y. mhTL J. L. RIAD, VI Fourth etreet. EDUCATIONAL. CLASSICAL AND DATRENIATI CAL SCHOOL—WM, H, WAKEIIAM, (whose health is completely ventured,) will resume tile pro faasional duties, at the old School Roosts, East Com mon. Allegheny, and will recePre pupils for the half session. on 1114 ND AY, April tith. MR. The at tention 01 parents and guardians I. respectfully W etted. ruhV:lwd EXCELSIOR INSTITUTE. AN ENGLISH AND CUSSICAL SCHOOL FOR HOTS AND GIRLS. THIRTEENTH dUARTVILLY SESSIoN will commence SION DAY, April vtb. For terms, call at INSTITUTE ROOMS, NE VILLE HALL. corner of Liberty and fourth sta., or address. for Circular, Rev. W. S. GRAY, Principal. SiFOOlce hours, ditty, from 101411 /2 A. P., and tnini 2 111/ 6 P. 01. nitifftlwd NOTICiss--UMVIng taken out Letters Teammentary Co the estate of CIIHISTOPUFX 'MAMMON. deceamd. late of Sheler largo:111p, Allegheny county; all Demons knowing themselves Indebted to the mine will make inuncthate payment. and all Fermine having elating againat the said eatste, wfil mama them, ditty au thenticated, for settlement, o JOHN 11 MICRON. HaegotOr, eta:net T alticier township. AA LLEGMENT COITIVTIGas.—In the ,ustter of the final account ofJOELNIteCATtIitI, one or the admtnlstratom of WILLIAM BEL ,L de ceased. And now, Februa 17th A. 11., loin, u 7p o vici " rbta to i3 ITl ' irr rt, r SAMUEL.e P A ctu M n i r . o custrioution . of the ti,:l . . o er due artier sald ."' acco m ake itnt BY THE °OUR'''. From the Record. The undersignesl will attend to the duties of Me appointment to the entire on TUESDAYMee. No. Fifth Weed, Pittsburgh, on. March:nil, leen, sat: oelock, when and where all parties Interted may attend. mbellawiimi SAMUEL PALMF.R. Auditor. A LLEGIIERY COUNTY, ex.—At an fo raOrpm• county. d at the City of Pittsburgh, In and r said In the matter of me eltat, of Letitia C. Iloiloes et. al., 100. December Teem llO5. Ilmet VOL OM, WM. CI. HAWKINR, the.,., appointed Auditor toaudit the cocci, lions. BY THE COURT. From the Record. WII. A. HEREON, Clerk. The Auditor shore named will meet the parties tee "or iris ig " i f , " VrP ..t r , lgSrlrtel ettrot e MIMI DAY Of at e o'clock. W. O H . AWEINS, JW., Auditor. roh2o:tawawd V.XECILITOWS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby slveo that Letters lestsmenLary upon the estate of IHTCHELTHEX, late of A.llegbeny City, Alleilieny eottoty, accesses. have duly putted to Nathaniel Holmes sod the ea desslitned. All pa rams baring_ _lhitasagainat said estate ill PCCISCIII MOM AN_BEN Lt.' lath. LEE, Le., NO. 03 Meowed streekrittsburzh. BENIAH MMIOFYIN. Sorelvins Executer, ht•raer.l.a. PLUMB mb2l:l•lntwtd F piTTSBIURGII LEAD PIPEAND SHEET LEAD WORKS. llske Weeder and keep on ha. .11 leogehs kepi tblekesesses or CA LEAD PIPE & SHEET LEAD At Lowest Market Rates. Al.o keep. hand Pitunbers , Material, Brass and Iron Cocks, Steam Gauges, gleam Pumps Plain and Galvanizedlron Pipe, Co., C,. BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No, 187 Smithfield SL, Pittsburgh, Pa. .p 3 E°) tzli'M ofik y (a);t1 DISSOLUTION OE CO•PAHTNIEW. riRIC. UAU/1111TH and /COWIN MUM retired Rom our DM Ittor iarat a CD. CO•PARTNICASHIP.--ANDItICW IT.-.8111111, frICITAltrl C. (111. Ali. CLIABLICIS . and DAVID AD. SMITH were admitted at weathers of our arm, January tat,lard. • YlTrenosobl, lterah dlitri/e. BRor , p r itA. oo.- sseourrioivoFF BIT IP.—The colkettnerehlp heretofore*: let I ex mods: she style of SMITH, Pn K . . . wee 'l et:- 1'1 1 ;11r:17e eTt rot f.:74.l.l; d l'7o l ejet rlt 7 4 " H rt: LIAM nairrn; :rho will coo nee the buelOsea rirreaohnn. itareb te6A. leue. leh2:7::t4 *in) JAMES M. iiALPH, .ses—rtaiirifrlCK:/rr trams rB l,lll,lOlT DRAWINGS an 4 pPLCIPI aII kinds id SulWham and snperla. tends %bele erection. on reasonable term,. Older on A NDERSON STURWE between Lanes* ana ktobloson steer!, AI.. , LEGIIEJSY CUTE.. . pai •L_V - 4 (tii 40 ytoiaf;l .tncti • V GiIANN, WEST hia.scUSATDA. arch Ist ( N e ap. Apr ELECTION tOUVREsibENT AA- AND kil i f t leNDr9Dti at tb.v. 114.14 (MUTED i ttliDD; nuWA the a i t tnelid i ttßktni tZn e s ' ig:gocirs of 1 amilio.el:o. 91. mh2;ta 'MOH ts.. DeDINN. °Wm. ICE - MA , TIONA MUCK ItACMNE teskeii4wlth 'anti MUCK. .111ACINTNE;;—THE NA* 0,000-sph4l4,Hrlak lor da =i::::X.rq.lT WTftg upe=;M:Z r fir = Nowto laAZYy!t Frr.nmlfi PHING:*IIIEAVIrOIeBEIeIf; iart, A emdl loins,-tery. xA el WII scAv r m ilrEß N C. r ..„ A u,p, rdiro p . , thelleoll94. - Jiur aowlfii ilitcf4arnOg i ei=ll2:llihirrir e 'f" tr°s *' as th e NIT* , lethmitsei °Pe Y it oo ltiii , 'ANDL"lloAiltar , Lllhitilt ;lOW ItoiltoioaF.l 111104 f if l = . l7 N ooar i no egri. .miZtjf . L legetiil AUtings test : - a 413 "fa ro t DIANONp r Od -Mcnametzw,si NOTICES $ " 50 00 . Ib 00 LEd, I=M=l73 - Wednesday; April 4, 18116, • 1,000 PACK A.GE.4 nwtK TIC iIIX)DP, for Cash; )100 UAtlStl. YOBEION WOW, on a credit of fuer months. exphalvely Jo. whole pkgs. The attention of Jobber. from allseelloo% le In vited, as every pitekage offered will be positively Wild the sale Will etilbrace • tarp be varied illsortalelit of the heal, Philadelphia wed ',l:a...Jena 1866. HATS, 'APS AND 1866 i Silt:raw 4:awl:acids AT :.WHOLESALE. IiteCORAL) CJO., ~, _lBlrat Woos siner . ' 1 , .. ... , Asa particular attention of tiOttNTItY NEB; CHAtiTffe c ti their thunt.Nsz tmtnt Tr !WRING .ttalll'afc.:,l l thieb 007 Z 0 E E r. " .AtrnitAt• ;Lir *iCtIVOIC El 1740P4 ~ ;-.lAggietwo Ap, • - WARD WANTED -• • - 1 1 A0-41,4.0 . to WO • rAkiiklng; SAiLiTOGA E.. ' raf hotraework. , :iipply ot the 6 ...- ' , ._. liAt . . IkrAT , OD. -- SrIeUAITON.—Bt if STAR' SPRING WATER. Frirgri-1k5..4. AoCkK -KEr.PE lf., who .r d er "ands his butlers. thoroughly. cod will furnish the In proof of the •uia. ri•, quail!) . ,of thlt a:l.r ~,, Boa sallaraetou references. Address W. J. 1/.. ether , t , ~,,,,,, o f I`,“. .It A Nili. } It. <.1802 8326. Buffalo. N. Y. - Union College, is here g. IKTANTED--Dertne TT A nrodb MAN WANTED In every Tows, and "I"ridc " County In the United States, to engage lo an honor- - (Womb' of Pot ass.lnui . able business. First-rate par allowed. The only Brambleor boAlum gtsalliteatlOns requlrtut are tact and IndUstry. Ad. I dress , with stamp. for particulars. Dr. ts. ELps lodide of Sodium, or lodine. BROWN. No. 111 Gratsil street. Jersey City. N.J. Sulphate orYotassa. inh.3o.3l.dawF Bicarbonate of Llme .. . _ WANTED — AGENTS—MaIe and or Mutrhe'l. T T FEMALE, to sell HOLLAND'S iTLtooti_9• Tit- I B" . rb°...f Soda comb)) LIFE Or LINCul.n, "PETROLEUM V.' Bicarbonate of Inm NASD , PAPEEN. - • fa book of true wit sod humor.) . li SA.RTAINDS NEW STEEL ENGRAVING, ••Htial ..."`•"• •• • • ••• •• ri4llll ANDERSW: VI LLE." (a picture that should Phosphate of I.line, s trorr, • be to every house.) For tel.s pply or address, Solid .•nnt,•lllt In 3 s 013,085 grains. enclosing stamp, LMERY 110Whn i;„ dull LI ber ty street, !Ms burgh, F., 401,65 rook inches carbohle Arid :at lnc glib likaditataw , WANTEll—Good Agents to Sell 5 . TT SHE ...ILAN AND 1118 CAXPAIGN, GRANT CHILDI CAAIRADINII,. (the latter Just out:1 S HAYEK, 171118 T I.EiHON, (rnatrh ph: turet, Gut TH IS A/TEM(' AN IN VENT( Giti. 'rbete aro all new Rook. and Engravings, and agents can do better with theta than with any other offered to the pablle. Par full iparticulars, apply to or addretA ASHER ELLIa. 75 Third street. Phleburen, Pa. mhatlydetser:AUrW WANTED.--$1 f 4100 PER YEAR Ifil PROVfr apt tNh-POWATbAriYIN'I7";IIr- CHINES, three new kinds, under and opper feed; warranted lave years. &Bort salary or large conical, Oen patd. The ONLY Machine sold In Uulteu Staten for lon than .40, which are folly tierrue.l by Ilmos, Wherfer & .1VII•ort, Grows et. Hater, amp, dt and Bario(der. Ali other cheap Machine, are is- VEINCIPAITOITS. CirCUllnt free. Adder.. ur call up- Oil SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Motor. deSdleodat&wlf FOR SALE 1' OR SALE—A Good Route on the 0A Z ETTE. Apply at TIRO OFFICE. apfi:tf SALE -- FARNI.—A Farm eon . Mining Po r tres, near hewlekley Stallom on Plttatinegh,Wayne and Chicago rD i llroad. For terms, appty at the office of Wan DIM% J act t and Seventh Meets. won SALE ,-- FLOUR AND PRO— DUOS BUSES gag., of over ten years standing, In a good location lu the city. A fine opportunity Is offend to any person whililog toengagn In the Produce Business. All COMIIIIIIII.IIOIIB itt rill I y confidential. Address P. 0. 700, Pittsburgh. othRIMI OR SALE—IOWA LAND—S:2,OOO —ABOUT FOUR HUMMD E AND THIRTY E4ANLI sitated near Webster Pity, Hamilton counly, fools, lon the line of the Pimitle Relined, is offered for sale for TWO THOUsARD DOLLARS, cub. AddreNs “OWNEIt," USZerrc Orrica. For JR SALE—A three-story Brick DWELLING HOUSE. containing eleven rooms. with gu anti seater. situate on River Avenue, Alle gheny City, near the Mechanic Strut Bridge. Lot 24 feet by feet. Title indisputable. Term. mod erate. Possession given Immediately. For further particulars, apply to J. S. FERGUSON No. 104 Fourth attest. mitE fired $44.1E.,..a Valuable Country itialdenee 41 Edgewood Station, Pennsylrula Railroad, one and • half miles from Wilkinsburg; Eleven acres lad perches of Land; a flue stew Dwell ing containing test romps and°Mier underneath; Fruit and other opureniences on the premises. For Blether information, callt No. 101 Filth street., Pittsburgh, or on the premises. tto7:dtf - 4. B. HMO. VOIR SALE ON THE 01(4, SANDY uffor fur sale the MINERAL Rill HT OF NINE ITUNDRED ACRES, situated in and on the holds one mile above Peach Orchard Work. The COAL is In abundance. and of good quality. The rel. are from FOUR to WIVES, FEET 1 Olen. Pemon• wishing to purchase will call at the Ken tacky House. Ashland. Ky. Terms cheap and rea- Knable. Address THOMAS RUSsELL, Ashland. entucky. tabu:Bud SALE.—A valuable Store, N. Warehouse and Dwelling. In a commanding lo cality, at New Texas, Fluid towhshlp. Allegheny rty, with stable, commodious ont.bulldings, Sr.e This property iP situated on one-half acre of good lend, with excellent water and other facili ties. Fur terms and information sillily to WM. MOFFETT, Attorney-qt No 3.1 (Maul street, Pittsbught nthlatZwiliwT FOR SALE-4 valuable Farm of 113 ACHES,. In nn township, Westmoreland county, about three miles from the Pm IL it., of which there are 38 acres cleared and in good state of cultivati.t, balance well timbered; a good apple orchard Leering frail °Carat quality. The improve ment. are a good house, a good well of water at the door; fame stable,grnaerr, cora cell , and abeeP house. The whole T orn well Watered. Splendid prospects for oil he mile hem the tare; also at Murray - Brills, about three mile. away. For further particulars. enquire at the °face of WM. H. BAYS, 331 Liberty street,. orlatitira. mitailmw FOR RENT. FOIL ItENT —1.44/ging Itoomos to MINT AFTER FIRST OF 'RIL.—To twenty 13)) reapertablo 'mans men, In a central location, at low rate. Referenore required. Achim. ••LUDUING,'• tiArarrrs orrice. tub24:Mrd -., ollCountry Seat, con . taing 16 ernes of Rich WI; large two-story Brice Dwelling, Barn, Stable, Orchardodpring and Spring House sltisatial 2 miles Rom the Bridge, opposite Kn o w, Fruit Clargens. Apply to mhl3 B. ideLAIN d - von RENT—The Lot ou the cor . nee of Butler nod Alleghenystreets,. Ninth Ward. together wills the old 14rlek Depot Building Otencou. 19th lot pws 144 feet front by IVO feet deep au an allay. Will lease it for Ore or tun years. Ap. pay to NN K. 111. DARLINGTON. at Nu. :11 I lil street, seeood poor. int,33f MERCHANT TAILORS. REMOVAL, T. & J. T. M Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. Hare Removed to the New Building, No. 196 Liberty Street Owing to the lateness of [bele purchase. far the SPRING TRADE (the senior partner being now in the Euti they are prepared to aelithlt goods fur the CUSTOM, TRADE at the VERY LOWEST QUOTA TIONS that goods hare yet reached. They bare, aud design to seep. a SUPERIOR STOCK UP CLOTHING POR SALE, UP THEIR OWN WANUFACTURE,wid EQUAL in all respect. to CUSTOM WORK. GEM GRANT BIM 33C/OCIILICIPL, THY. NEW 'SPRING STYLES 38C:10Y153' JERI IUITIEI, 47 St, Clair Street. GAILY LOGAN. toh3l HENRY G. HALE, • MERCHANT TAILOR, . AMAIN CORM 01 PENN tit CLIIR RUM, PITTSBURGH, PA,, Dears, W return thanks to has Meads and the pub lic generally for then liberal patronage and would reapectcolly Inform them that be has Jost return celd ected stoc Rom tbe &W et ere. market, with a large nail well sk • Fine Woolen Goods, Peculiarly_ adapted - to tIENTLEdIEI4.9 AND BUMMER '1,16/ mhl . 7AUCTION' 13EILIMMO AtICTION.—SaIe en TUESDAY , April NI, at it oieleek.—The two .atot7.l3tielt 111111dIng oti Ifaststreet.,. between rec ount and Thlrd attests. Third IVand. -A a. .Ittlowivita dusts , [tracery, still be peremPt.miwid for OW., oh thaptemises, en Tni Way, April ad, et o•Clocit. ''gne building contains %spacious More Roomoils dwelling apartments, twn garrets end two eellats. - snlb gastbtougbont. There Is a stable .F. - pr. d ago tl h n eroenr,,.,:e7re. grxl,irntj. 11 , 11 2 1.0 , t by lid.. Possess l !fa i. e_n_tbe day of salt. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE ISOO ENTIRE PACKAGES DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS. IN PMLADELPWA. JOHN U. SLYEBS S UM. Anettoneers, Phila.:of . phlh, will sell on zuTs;?cAPTECID - 6: — `'4P'g~e;~; SARANOGA WATERTh , I=l SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist, mI, 'Corner Saolttalel.l sod Froorth Street. OCULIST AND AURIST DEAFNEss, I= M'VM, MZL.R., emrn CATARRH. DR. GARDNER, Of New York, OCULIST AND AURIST, dPIPERA TOR 'FH _IE AJNJ) Respeotrully Informs the vitt,. orl'lttshttetth that he will again chit the city 011 Tuesday, April 17th, =II = 351 1 .Emx r cri s tri_Acir, Aftrr that Utile will vita MONTHLY, of rhirh doe notice will hr Office at Monongahela House, And rn i.e trstilled on Dearuess, Noise In lbe head a Catarrh.. :ln •lllacharges auto the Ear, Scales In the Ear, Obstructions nr the Eustachian TOW, and all Acute or Chronic , lac/lees of the Far and Air Passages. Artificial Eyes Inserted Without Pain, and perfectly resembling the Natural Eye. Operations for Cataract. Strabirmos or Eros. Eye„\ rtlncial Pupil, etc.. skillfully performed, and all Diseases of the EYE AND EAR Treated, and Peery operation In Anral and Ophthal mlr burgery, perfumed by DR. GARDNER For further part lett lurs. refrrenceA, tentlrunrilula, ere., send for a eirculur. I , prlc R - HOURS FRCOaI 9 A. SI. m 6 T. tr. Prinuipaltinire. 17. WEST FORTY-THIRD ST., NEW YORK. LITARRII! CATARRII" Oft. OARDN ER treats Catarrh lky the means of Warm Medicated inhalation. Or. Gardner can re f to a number of citizens of Pittsburgh who here be eu cured by him. mhZ/Und CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---very handsome---never offered in this country before---and at prices based on the present rate of. Gold McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d floor, seat bulidlug to U. S. Custom Home and PoutotHee ethtt AT RicCALLIIIM,i, No. 78 Fourth Street, TEE LATEST PATTERNS OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain CIBPLim , 3IEI9PB. Embroidered and Fine Printed max_ara . c. clo^crElmual. Rugs, Canton Mailings, &c.. Imported directly by us at present low sales of °old, and purchased of Manufasturers, and at reeelit uction sales greatly ItILaDUCIED , . W. D. & H. McCALLIIM SKIRTS NEW SKIRT FOR 1566. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR swum) SPRERTGRECIRTS, shairactared extlatirely by the sole even ellatent, WESTS BRIDLRY & CARY. ChaTbfra, laud 78 & 81 Read. 8t.., wan - 1m YORE. Kech Hoop Is composed of TWO finely tempera) Gee! eprifigth braided tightly and firmly together eJ ge to e/ , e, forming the STRONGEST and must ELEXHIL Sloop made. They istii not bend or breag t altutle P4lllllO, but trill veer presets., their graeettilnesi of PilaPP where three or tour or dinary skirts will Ili', Welt [bruin. array as Lode.. In DA, for the promenade o superiorse, lila Achutshf theater or car, they are to all Mb era, MigablalligerisirOirr, putissillaTY and %SOONG mir, with that Klatt Aiwa GS SUM% Which has made the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC THE STANDARD SKIRT of the rashioneble world. Merchants will be supplied as above end by Mt. burgh jobbers Mil the deft-class retail stores In this city:- Inquire for Bradley's Duplex Elliptic bklrt. feaameody ALL STYLES (.1 M 2 OILED RATSD DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT A 7 LOWEST' NITAIL :,T311196Xm11111.19 ,yr atrite a i , ar &raz e, 19 X . _ l• llrit4.l9lllCrattert. __. ._., SAVINGS BANK. iiiiiiiiitritiiii --- - ----- - B A RIK FOR SAYINGS, rormerly the MILK SA VINUS INSTITUTION, GI Iburth Street, Pearly OppottaalaLeA korPlltabu rs i 4 2 P r P i i l Y TIuM4 1861 N sAlnIAi tl^SVVlMtikt:lVre lit to November Ist.) to II o'clock, and mom Noy. let to N.y tut, a to a o'clock. Books of By-laws, Sc., feralsbnl at the orate, gratlf. Thlalnstltutlan t es t ne o clally ode to those whose 797X3iTlartlIZ". f:aslPargri:lstirniosvilircrign4 &mamma when nee ded, and bearing Interest In. Read of moOlnin on roductlve. 1 . . i t i ffiNkUIERIII • • 441*""r ktValetriia la ttZt'ir. S. 111. HAGTIVIMN; ''-7,JAIR&I'PAG.G;Jr 3 SECRETARY - AN:I4IMS RP. . . 4.Eallasc, riCC P . • j: .K. P.,. .• • A. It. BELL; , • - • - • , - - r; tkint," •• JOHN a. Di.L.WoRTII, JoSHIJA ILHODES,.. ... it. re !AVM E' StUTT' • - twtiitrioo-pt:iv:.,.., 4:I . : 1414%a< :goldroa.i mejF4 [:ifflql24A • LAUIE Wilf* T rgliOntlnerirEL • orh.thr roar Old T&ble Wan, ar-iwereD Wpm ; A !: i nnhittikt i a 4 OX i ttW i * vairar d rawe .alihlW=l/44 -~. .'.~'-'e.S'de..l ~.u~. nxwu_.. _ Y GOOD KJIMMI De'nine*, Ginghams, I= EDEMI 1,11111 141.4%9 .11.01• 11.404: • 1.111 1.441 1..., a,- . Si. , JP,T 01 . V.N1q3, AT Williaiii &t>luple'_., ISO and 142 Federal Street. A Ito, t hr Inamoud. AllegbezT City OPENED TO-DAY IIE tra, 11 ibbollS, William Semple's, ISO and VW Federal Street, Above the Diamond, Allegheny City I::IMI.a,A.INMS3. ONE CASE ALL WOOL DELAINES, Double I;q7leltla, AT SEVENTY CENTS PER YARD, Just Opened at William Semple7s. ISO and 182 Federal Street, A I,I.F.GHENY CITY, above Markel NEW GOODS! New 4S}- °cods: V. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. All the Novelties. FRENCH, GERMAN & ENGLISH GOODS. DRESS AND SKIRT TRI3IMINOS: NEW HAllt NETS AND COILS; WHITE SKIRTS Ehllt•D IN BLACK: REAL ALALTESE AND POINT COLLARS; LACE VE1t...4 AND VEIL MATERIAL: REAL AND IMITATION 'LUNG LACES: BLACK GUIPURE LACES—new styles: NENV STYLES BUTTONS, for Dreams and /oats; TIEB AND BOARDS—new styles. A full assortment of KID IiLOVF.S. SILK AND LISLE GLOVES: HOSIERI, SKIRTS. CORSETS; EM.BROIDERLES, RIBBONS, said Tire GOODS AND NOTIONS. The ladles , slll fi nd many fancy articles and new styles never Stor e oprile.l In Pittsburgh. Merchants Supplied at Eastern Pri ces, MACRO CARLISLE, IHOOP S r MEII HOOP SKIRTS! OUP r We ha•e to STUCK and for male All the CELEBRATED ALUMS, M b tF b h " the P i ngALYAr ' BOSTON COMBINATION, HOOP ALSO, lIOUP!THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC; tx ii‘"P!ELTILPRE,S,9 H °"P. Paris. Trail, Ho , wyride of the IYorld,l =IEEE El= DIM= DM 3E6 WHOLHINALE MANUFACTURE-1W vi 4.71 .v,11ME.4t.0 MANUFACTURE-1W ECM OM We also offer for We a lot of dird (areal makes slightly solledi, at RAI.? PRICE. ECM IMACRUM.GLYDE && Co. Nos. 78 and 80 I=3l MaIRKE7 STRENT. GREAT REDUCTRIzEiI PRICES • AT THE LOWEST OF THE DAY, i AT BATES & 21 PIPIT/ STREET. mhZi AT EATON'S. mrgur , dooDs. , •-i Juit Aitivett by Esprks LADIES' AND MISSES' KID °LOPES • colons; • NEW HAIR I4OILS; BRAIDED 'BAIR COILS: FRENCH TWIST HAIR COILS: 11PC RI f 2:O U WLW.KiAIXKLTS e . • ' iFT R VEVirsttaq i, • titi 94 orr"WITEVATVAVIAT-. BRAlsiary-ILY-."Du r ixx =a.m.= esykre, All otylno pod N. II:4 TOLL; LINK 01/ Gent's,lrirnishing EQNSTANTLY ON HAND. . . • . • ^ • • .H. EATON,. W, MOORHEAD p W. rievs4lo,ll l * t .'" Hall VOUS"- , 1, '484641411•1 Niir g i 9 l :V an °o,ll l 4 lB ;/ , ::tAt. - 1 , " At r Allik; StreetA ,- . -1 _ _ •, ; . .GTZTj' ..: 1 . 1 D v m Wood Mow, .. - 44,/ 5 TRTXMINGS.- PAPERS. &c TIIOMAS PALMER, 1110LIALE AID MAIL HIM LI Tiekiugs, Table Diapers, Caggim ereg, Flovi 4F. r 14. 19 Fifth Street. lEEE! MII2I 1= 1= la3E81! sr= MO= OEM I=! ECM! 1= LE= = MIMI 2.197173111:=03 CICP.. Erouiur " to. #1.149 +YCW'd ZWILNIS • Inc 'LONUDON. TIATAIDING, DAM AND . • • BIiZIT _LRAM BURST ZINO • • f. ' 1 ") 'Nati; iusua k , 'WATER CLOSETS ANDIWASESTANDS * EsrE.irs; t tack,' • ASUceosiors to Addy A &web., 'GALS FITTING, wm. LAISGDOX ;PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. Portable and Cigar Lighten, E WEAN I CO., 0, ,,,,* 10F , fp Addy &Eweak) _Wit2.lo4 1110LWEIBING; -OAS AND__".IVVEARIL ,siTTEN%-nl-414; 811/I.Nougat.'" tty - eiperlentedi/WpractiSW, twarkaaomp,. - .;; - . - -- I*s.llifiallts;toll(l.'OttliTUßL' • CLOSETS, • '7lo. 00 HZ AA - .uddldis a1+.4417-OgOZ3X-EL-cii'a= T"A.PIEJU.I TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES, ANL, JR. 3EI X-. 311 0 0 'V" XEI FL RI Warehouse. 91 Wood Street, `S and door below Dlacnood Ailey, fe114:6,4 piTTsauwoi.. 'WALL PAPERS, In Xean Designs PLAIN •AU BEA UTIFUL H MOH I' COI Novo =9 107 Market Street, near Firth = PAPER HANGINGS FOR 1566 I= elaneeican TJ^ail Papers =I JrE IF" EirGErsir PaPERS A choice selection of the Newest French Paperm 1 , or Sale h IC ALTER P. atAßyliAl. L. 1.1 Wood Street FOUNDRIES. BM FORT PITT FOUNDRY CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND ALL KINDS H KAY Y CANEINHE. BLASTT eistMACHIN auto:alma ENV sod H paid to ROLELIMNG . ET MILL WORE I :1 • _ . . REPAIRS utteudedto . protoptly. As heretofore, the nest materials will always • navel at thhe Foundry. Attention is railed to our NEW PLY WtI&EI PATTERN and Increased faclLltira for fitting up LE V. K.E. W JOIN ALLEN !AN. L. WILLS. ALLEY STOVE WORK.S. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Office and Warehouse 301 Liberty Street opposite Smithfield, Manufactures a great variety of PARLOR and HEATING STOVES, among which are the cel brated Allegheny and Monitor Coal (looking Stoves; also, the Autocrat and Sentinel. for coal or wood, and the unrivalled St ar of the Empire, for wood; also, Arches, Orates, genders, Sugar Kettles, Dog Irons and Hollow War generally. tuba N i TNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO ilanufsetere every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES AmorurnOlch are the celebrated EUREKA TROPIC! and TALISMAN (Coal Utovea.) POMANA. VET ERAN and IlloNhillES (Wood Cool: stoves.) Ales manufactory GRATES. GRATE FRONTS, &e. Office sod Wsrehoupe, corner of 5c43013.3 tea Woo streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second street. sCITE PENN Machine It'orks and Foundry H. 1017.1a7itaaa.csai, ENGINE. HyfII.UFH AND MACHINIST, I.acotk Ciecit'pr, Iglakrt= Ti a lEd ` ;.l,l l .l l -11iciN PQN.rAnLE OSCILLATINki STEAM KNOINg. Shafting, Pialeys, lianatrinrof all kind. sttenda4l to (INA PLUMBING. &c WOOD PUMPS; =1 IRON IPI33I=PS, ^srx:pirca.zyncaii, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATERICLOSETSI WASH BASINS,.WASH STANDS, Hydraulic Ramie. Elms Work -Of sit 1 1,1:, 11, 11u Votintattis: sul 01.1.1...1 , itim sad 1. tber• istZ Hose Pipe, ro , orolus.; us. thp *sof 11.7 deo.iPttoPe' kept ettostantly cip e tiatoi St e"." ' 04011 Addy, Willliams & Bartley's CORNER tatTEI AND SIDTILFILLD STIS PITTSBURGH, PA =I BEAVER STREET, MANOZESTER NEXT TO POST OTIPICIC H. S.—A.llll one of repairing done prompUy £ll orders by mail Immediately attentioo.lA4 Jadmodnote momrilm AILEY, FARRELL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Siete.; H. Just recrirell n lame s4aortine—nt2pf . GAS FIXTURES, =3 AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. T.. syrrnl STEAM Frs-rEvicl., Plsoasbirig and Was hlttitsg. ' „FoRcF pumps, FOR ENGINEERS. nrcejr'ylPE & BRASS WORK, 'or ALL Ducairriors le,s wood st" Pittabur. Pa HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. ,113:17te.0d No. HZ Wood mt., rlt.tabor SAIrOIiCJE BELLS, Wood au, talowth,'Pe 11121=1:3 CM 11l 317!