The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 02, 1866, Image 1

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    IP . •
Tax PklTSßUittiFf
Ail NA . imosessar.
PraLiaßlDirrilii &LibAlllOOLilrios.
No. se sisuorsur. satteure,
per week,
glirgittobittgit (auto.
11101,11)ALY,.•:APRIL 2, 1888
'card places "hid If he stands to
what he wipi—snif we think that he fi that
sort of man--i
.-sound Republican will to•
morrow be elected to the Senate.
Tut: Nzir Jestszv SENATOBIINIP.—The
New Jersey. Senate,: 10 to 9, refused to go
into joint ballot for ; the elcctian of a Sena
tor in place of Rrocirron. A majority
of the whole, body, pr... rule formerly
adopted, is requidte to carry the resolution.
Mr. Scovtu., the Republican Speaker, voted
with the Democres to establish this rule,
and he noir *otedWitti Democrats.
Both Henan! ortbe. Legislature gland ad
jammed till today: ALEXANDER G. CAT
TxLt. - is 'the "pinininent_ - Bepubilean candi
date, and JOHN 'P.l444:Kiiieni the Demo
cratic candidate.
Tut President has forbidden the colored
people of Itichitiond to'cilebinte the "anni
versary of the surrender of Lan. Does he
believe the war over? Does he hold, prac
ticallY,Y4ginill to be in. the Union in the
same abiOintei Schwas Pennsylvania? How,
then, doe* excuse this interposition?
Either the President does not believe what
he has affirmed as to the rightful constitu
tional status of the rebel States, or this act
of his in gamut 'ilidation of his professed
TRECKii[ILL ON . T Wm.—To-day Sen
ator Titomputa. will make an exhaustive
review of the President's argument against
the Civil Itights'Bill. His large intellecF .
nal powers, his extensive legal attainments,
and his judicial temperament will attract
general attention and give weight to hisex•
position. r - -
. ,
Tuft Albany, Evening Jourazil,..Nrhich bas
evinced a disposition` to go very far lit sup•
port of the President, recoils In view _of
the last a three column leadei,:eif
marked ability, it' shows why republicans
cannot follow the lead of the President.
Ma. - WiaxecEilChairman of the Demo
mile State Committee, liar issued an ad
dree lim to tbeopeningof.tilecan
amass. Col. Jlettproi, the Republicim Chair
man, should lo\:ktad i lls bugle for the gath
ering or tbe
Tuts is perfectly apparent Those jour
nals and individuals who propose standing
by the President roe): as well go over, to'
the democrats first as last.
Mu. Ct.tescnn has resigned his sent in
the Senate. He Catnip) he is sufficiently on
record now, foithitrovre good. We concur
in that judgment. -44. 4
Tie Fenian panic is .snbsiding in Can
ada: BO far stbe-Fetibsna seem to be great
to talk and small in the performance.
• Pirratinaan, March Si Ma.
Oentionen. , -A few days since I ri calved your
call urging rue to permit my name to be used
se a candidate for re-election to Congress:
Masan 16,1955.
To .io
n . J. K. Efoonsiso-Denr
undensiged, in canvassing:around can
didate for Congress, feel that your present ex.
great usefulness in
that body. eminently lit you for the pmitlon,
• and we also ATMAIder that 'kepis= fa ;Junto
• you for . your valuable service's, your -demo
tion CO' the and your earnest and
efficient, adingsacy .of this American trump,
fa whiogs_yourown'Diatind ts eo Vitally inter
sted. lYe. therefore tuwe and earn youruameestly re
titled that von will pert unto use
ss our candidate for Con mi gress, for the 251 d Dina
trict, at the next Republican Uniou County
The very Battering terms used in regard to
my serkloet Si year rePrementattre; the barge
and high character of the Persons
it; reprAsantukg, as they do, all the
various interests of thirldstrict-agrietiltere;
manufactures, mechanics, mining,
r,llo4lthelimrised professions. have cans
, ell tee to Insatiate about eturidek ., !int • the long
cherlahed purpose of feting m Congress
at the end of mro present Venn.
The earnest and overwhelming manner. In
which We 'call has been presented; the steady
eupport; and hearty approval of my Metal
conduct,. extending over A period of seven
consecutive years, has placed me under ohlb
serious that, cannot be forgotten nor over.
looked. 2, therefore, recOgnite your claims
upon me•-,yoar riphttnoommand any
mice that I may have aequirediandmy e ntlt a i
to ugelt so far as I. amcapabe of doing so, as
yon have • Intimated in your call. In
devotien to the llblloß.axid Barna& ended
:dent advocacy Of the Astsascsit STATIN.”
My name Is, therefore;at your disposal, to be
used before the next Republican Convention
for nominatiori sta.* candidate. (or
for the Twenty-SecondCongressional District
Respectfully yours, J. R,MOMParran.
. To Masers. Martin,Oliver & Mitchell, Graff,
Bennett Co., Joes &Laughlin., Bakewell,
• Pears & Co., A. & /a; Chambers, Singer,
Nimick 1. Ca John. Y. Dzavo, Benjamin
Conrstn,l3.'M.:Kler, : Aldzander Gordon, and
A Plea for asnattery Itisassores.
Salters Pietberge Ckiseste...—Will you be kind
enoogh to can the attention of the proper ow
ner of you know who he is), to the horrid am
ditson of the Allegheny maul at the Point., In
addition to unmentionable , lrindset altit - do.
waited there at all howl orAttet day - and night,
there has' been, lot - over a Week, -ly r inj .f li n
and dry, reeking In the lift th e dead ors
none, the stenclierising W= "which is tot ,
eranie„ and we feel posltivelY ashamed to ask a
stranger to visit our shops near the Point on
account of Its , illthp 11:.! The Wharf
Master's attention has been to this mat
ter,. hut claims that old boll are a radiance
over which be has Juritd n, but demi hor
ses do not come within the otitis duties.
Stool,' we will sot be oom to Meter this
summer, as we did last. abesith and com
fort of all:this oirls.en; derroiuid • oleablineemat
tougg, , musli ware In view Otshat dreadful
scourge iexpocted this summer. Can you aid
saaselng us who are oompeiled to work all
dity, and e an atatollghere so lout and,
disgusting as thief If 'so, - 'de It through the
_columns of your-welcome 'paper, and secure
to yonree leel gar lasting'-gratitude. Citizens
Ward, of the Bean M. Bout Co.
- Jr Watson,
• J ere HAWN &Co.,
T. . EVANS,. ,
• .JA"..Tuour, Capt.
D. Y. Lass.
Pittsburgh, *fiat M..*
Frain. hew ~Orkinsa :..Tbe • Albton4 llllsl Pl4
...11601411,4tseressed r•Pd
river is 'ensiling to in alarming extent. Pilot*
report .P&St a Loutro far better than the South
Weal Pass: , The steamship SlOntorey Puisod
yesterday /without , •
beWye tan en big
The aseanishin Finnigan Ogee evening
for-idverns , Plo4W l ! o PM o l l 4-blies ,°i.
?desT.3.4rtria=refir ke b d e Proit e on the
steamer of the •
thttGttorral aftPincTinithetnr'r"rta
Immenso 'oettle•solpstunts Wit eoetinxie. - •
The 'Kamer tlaiolutai Irons .I..ivorpoOl; bas
The cotton' Market 12 41131611, sales of 1.1(0
pales; to-feltrocelpin, 1;100 Los
gum G010,•9W.i Ster ling, II3 N New
Tarn ban chesits, who duccyanl,... „
ran Pi a Cismi ,ll lLnaSiai Saw-inveity
. 'Wafter, •• ,
ihor lona . March 3L—la tMs - Ce-eft in
t h e eeite of the Meteor, the tint priest„
witar dby, letter from Aar • owner 1111.11 ro.
ncedbaseannza.terformsdabteoharacter. She
info t- aralldstf' after - British plistes
a nd tdookielarannem was veep fast lad Mar
cell for heavy - . •
The Presoak Advertiser state* that Senator
Wright Is still *maned toms b owi e; thi w id
i n tended solo% to: WasltfoitOnAoyote, - tat the
BtOclae CALM and had a ostmage at the Alcor
motblm to the depot, Mt hp* hol th would
permit the Mornay. It Is doubtful If he
aver rearniews bissost In the Besot*. , ,
Tote ler Civil 1116thie• PlM—Lean Bill.
Saw Tont, - ''lititheh- theinnereies
mealiington special saps d. meeting tailed
Letnight tor the propose. or argent:tap s:
Johnson club in this eity resulted in no sotion,
the seethelontstss_themse ateL un theists
rains mornlves.--
It Is easertea now:Met - Sensor. Momput will
vote for the civil -rights hill when It. next
conies up Mao Betator Lane, of Misses:
The Senate Finance Committee Ims.ovreed
to report the, loan hill without : itheiliainteikt.
as it MP*fij-linlbe /Wee;
~ ' •
- A. 111.. J92.01.P. IL_PleAse" 4-7 _— an; ' 1
lireaxoavi.Wl/, . Mai: Alexander H. 1
arri .1a ttdscltr, umaglit, enrutiV
- 44 1 I V I sni sah 1 sk s
Tbe tc. I 6 -- ,• coire ;iiiiista i .
lacrimal 4:—.7Thi* ear GWA.O I O!,
11•1114 - 10 , 41MitterAWSIZO 0rt914,4:-, ,
7. 4, - - -.., - ..r.frt ~; , 4,' 73. i.. ,_ • .. ‘ 4,,,,, a, •-•-•
~ .
I Danis Mercantile College, Pittsburgh:
George IL Brown, Monroeville, Pv.
B. N.Limitb,_Pittsburgh.
J. A. Gant, IdalKeesport, Pa.
Sand. G. Dale, F= . /Pa . ..
John Y. Morris, Harr Ho, Ohio.
Isaac T. Morris, BM, Ohio.
Joseph Gorsuch, West anesville, Ohio
Janina Mc(kmvill_
. „e Ste villa, Ohio.
Frank L. Itise, Ohlo.
Andrew B. Huffman, Gill Hall, Pa.
John W. Sidle, Licking Valley, Ohio.
W. H. Midgley, South West, Pa.
William Prlggle, East Liberty, Pa.
Foretuan,West Liberty, {Vest Vs.
George B.Caven, McKeesport, Pa.
Jamas F: Welch West Middletown, Pa.
Charles W. Nickenton, Pittsburgh.
Wm. M. Mundorer, Pittsburgh.
Daniel*: Shrutp, Greensburg, Pa.
d. B. Burgher; Hastings & L,llb.
Daniel stewart, Mariana h, Pa_
Is4 a o nuemii, Linder Pa.
T.ll. Forrest, Plitt rove; Pa.
Datild R. Philips, Pittsburgh.
John M. Frtdabiten,THlahurilb•
R.W. Lyost, , Alleikeny . Cfty.
BONI Adams, ir, Ohlo.
Alfred W. Crowther, Now Castle, Pa.
Daniel H. Silk, Woodville, Pa.
W. E. Hough, Fairmont, W . Vs.
G. H. Sharon, Mt. Pleasant, 0.
James P. Wooden, &Honors, Pa.
Samuel Bryson Kittaning, Pa.
Wm. J. Mchillia'n, Wheeling, West a.
John McKinney. Pittsburgh, Pa.
A. Leere, ChulorVille, Pa.
Charles F . Dean, Pittsburgh.
Goers° H. Tsai, Freedom, Pa.
W. B. glean, Mansfield, Ohio.
Cyrus W. Cook, Mansfield,,,
I. ms,
, Philipbrg Pa.
John I. Willi so ams, Pa.
A. A. Stewart, Gallipoli", Ohio.
Salltuel Taylor, McKeesport, Pa.
'8.7 B. McFarland. Sunbury, Ohio.
Samuel Greening, Allegheny City.
TM/male. Hail, Allegheny City.
WM. B. Reed, Allegheny City.
Walter 1.. Shaw, Elam, Pe.
W. O. Henry, sewickiey, Pa.
An of whom passed the usual marching ex
amlnations3. the College satisfactorily, and
wbO will, no doubt, hereafter distinguish
themselves by an honorable proficiency in
business. Each graduate wee awarded the
beautiful Diploma of the College, u a creden
tial Of hie proficdencY, of Ids Industry, and of
his exemplary deportment during his course
of study.
The Breaking up of Winter
Under the hard leaf of winter the filth of
our cities, the pestiferous soil of our marshes
and swamps, the mud and eUme that form the
'alluvial of our great rivers, have been for ,
nearlythree months comparatively harmless.
! sfilikriew the early spring sun is thawing them,
and the elements of disease that were torpid
: Ander the frost ire fermenting, effervescing,
raptitilding. The atmosphere is heavy with
! !malaria and miasma. Every cubic - Mot of air
we breathe is tainted more or leas with the I
t mephitic vapor which returning warmth ex-
hales from thennwholesome material of every
This, then, is the season when the system
needs protection, and the expenence of four
teen years has proved that Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters, by invigorating the stomach.
toning the liver, regulating the bowels, and
bracing the nerves, Watt° whole organise.
Won In a • condition of defense against the
subtle poison which generates Agues, Remit
tent levers, Bilious attacks, Indigestion end
Nervous diseases....
Now is thalami for prevention. The bane is
already on the wing; is it not the wildest im
providence to neglect theanadstri A few bolt.
nee Of Hostetter's Bitters In every house in a
new Settlement., or e dirty city, ore marshy
Metric.; w ill" secure the whole population
against all the ordinary spring epidemics, if
Uwe preparation is universally and faithfully
taken according to the directions. It Is from
laclt of resistant Fewer to theirsystems that
men end women are prostrated by disease.
I'lnvigorate, regulate and purify the body and
cheer the mind with the great Tonic, Altera
tive and - Detergont, and at/ will be teen.
/ Hootattees Bitters
If sold le Melanie and retail at very low mina
tt Dididinef Drng and Patent Medicine Depot,
84 Market &Mast, corner of the Diamond
tad /mirth street-
PaiL anti Winter Ibloods.
It Is with great pleasure we call the atten•
con Of our leaden to the sularth suck of Pall
and Whiter Goode lust red red by Mr. John
Mater. Merchant Tailor, Na. Derecteral street,
a ilagheny. Hts melt embraces some of the
onal beautiful Moths. Cssauneres, Overcoat
logs andTestunts ever brought to the western
Market. Ms assortment of Tarnishing Goods,
sonaprlaing Starts, Drawers, Collars Neck
&c. cannot be surpassed east
k wait. ♦ ergs stock of ready mad Pants
Coats, Pests and Overcoats, will also be bend
In his establish Went. Persona In want of any
thing in the e thing Me should not fall to
%give Ur. Weiss a call.
Bask of Lawrence Coast,.
` , We are authorized to state thaS the notes of
the Bank of Lawrence County continue to be
redeemed as heretofore at use by the Trader
:Wien'aNational Bank of Pittsburgh.
The circulation of the Bank of Lawrence
Comity and of the Battens] Bank of Lawrence
County taken ;igather, moOnnt b .130,000, for
Which the bank bits depoisted in the Treasury
fif the United States elS),000, sal and Iggl gold
bearing bonds.
Procrastimatten Is the Thief
Of Time." By delaying and forgetting to have
a supply of Coehi Dyspepsia Core in the house,
ready for immediate nee, you may have to suf
fer, for many hours, pain and distress in the
stomach, which would be Immediately cured
If you already had it on hand, result , for Mune
diate nse. YL it immediate to Oa getter', and
Curet; permanently dyspepsia and all its km
itred troubles. bold at the lowest rate..
wholeitaleaud retail, at Flemings Drug inure.
No. et Market street,
The Fair u 4 Festival
Tor the benefit of Grace Church, Mount Wash
ington, Will be held on Wednesday azid.Thnts
dtty, Ilth and 14th lost., instead of 6th Inst., it.
previously 'announced.
This postporietient has become necessary in
consequence of their lnablllly. to secure the
Sunday School ron= for this nurtures on
Thuredo.9 of this week.
rnsetscia Mete Roofers, and nesters hi Amer-.
ran Slate of esslons colors. °Moe at Alamo.
der Istagbllres near the Water Works Pitts.
builib. Pa. Residence, No. 7$ Pike street. Or
ders promptly attended to. All work WL1110.114
MI water proof. Repairing done at the abort.
alt notice. Ito charge forrepaun, provided the
roof is not slowed site. it le put on. •
asepeaties..tobbtair shop
Baying returned otter an absence 01 three
teem In the army.l. have reopened my *bop
for all sorts of jobbing In the carpenter tine
at the old stand. Virgin AIWA between Smith.
AGM street anal:Merry Alley. Orderssoletited
led promptly attended to. ,
Mame Volume.
Dr. Gardner, who has been sleeting with
great success in the treatment of Catarrh,
will city, on Tuesday, April
17th, and remain here untilthe 41st. Retreats
catarrh by the use of warm medicated bahalia.
tics. Office Monongahela Donee. Bead his
• . The £p. and kar.
We refer our readers to the advertisement of
PrAlardner, Of New York, who will again visit
thin city on Tnei l sy,4prp 17th, and. remain
until the.
Sy*, Earinatiaiiipt L erli.
Dr. Gardner, -Deenlist gad /wrist of New
Tort, win ,be prepared., to receive patient*
611411/ on Baturdll9. April 114 4 4 2 lue I&
Veitteement. -
954BroVilidis o •
First SP imandice America of Me young
and beautiful Nellie fl:De fee, to-night.
Opirs fouls,
Sante De Lee as and Children of the
Wo6d, to-night. ;
• Opera Heise.
The beeutitul ftsl.lle Di Lee • Mlethi, to
eight. . .
Brl of ItsAt
r 7 -om
/ 14 01rorS' tbs boDa
gee Trauma°, March 111,—Sx-gior. debit Mc-
Thedied yesterday orupoplexy. • -
The McCarthy luvestlget. Committee re
yrort that Da niele.McCarthrs chargeefbrib
ary was witutou, , ntallelous,. false, delawatorr
and bath , to - the deriatsi and Co the
people of the atatez g ,resented in the senate.
Wits today. bra Sete ittolL leased' the'
Poilaoraregte. Mara e. PhirCii, tor
tirestl rein a eplAor of the
. North .
..diseerfeet.„ --" for
imply • inirciont arta.. city • ud.. gar i,
lag,.ll• 4 o etL :.2=-7 44 "?';'; ' 01541 k• AL
• cha•V is ; maw temantions - of I
• • I,zl;L:tia.
..~-:mss:: ..,_. ~. --
I CICIXIIIIII.I-1111111 Maci.on.raltettact.
Condition of the Freedmen
Government Supplies to Cease
Arkansas Refugees and Freedmen.
W asildrOTON, March 71.--The President has
deemed it• advisable that clandius Edward
liabicet, L'OnoUl for sweden and Norway, at
New York, and S. ht. Somme. Consul for the
same Government at New Orleans, should no
longer be permitted to continuo In the exer
cise of their offices, sail thereto, has wholly
revoked their 0 toetteLlOra, declaring them
Brigadier General Bowan', Asaistant I 'OM
MINIMUM' of the Freedmen's Bureau for the
District of Columbia, has promulgated a circa.
lar stating that by the sue...still operation of
employment offices In this city told in Alexan
dria, and branch offices amounted by beneve
lent asaociations in Baltimore, Philadelphia,
and other uorthern cities. employment, at
good erni t Teo, has Men found ,sulkiest for all
able bodied (teed people who are ar Milord
work, and for all who are wot king for wages
inadequate to the support 01 their families.
By this and similar means, the Assistant Com- ' ItrTLAA ID, Vt.. April 1.-The remains of the
oils. Monet is Weltered to Preside for ell the late Senator Foot reached here yesterday ,
colored orphans and children. The aged nett
infirm and threw dittablol, will be. furnished evening. In charge of the Senate Committee:
with comfortable houses at the f reedmen's vit. and a ere transferred to the local committee,
la e, Arlington, and at the soldiers' rest, in Mr . Doolittle made some touching and ap-
Y ' lola. There being no longer any need of proprtate remarks, extolling the virtues and
tanning government supplies to the heist pot. earlier el the tleccoaal Senator. As his friend
pie of this district by this bureau, all such le. and intimate, ho had learned to honor and re
sues will cease on the lath of April next. yore him . the father of the Senate. Ilia last
Thereafter government relief to the frost pos e momems are thus disanribed by Senator Doo
- wilt he afforded only in -the moaner abov little: "Clasping my hand, he add, 'Dear
indicated. The soup bons. will lie cleared, brother, you have always been kind to me, a
and the distnbution of wool and clothing dear,graid brother. I can never reward pm,
will be discontinued. It is believed that i los but von know where your reward lies.' I
measure, which may seem harsh or nnitind, could not speak, but he .centlnued in a clear
and may even result In some setrerlng Ina and distinct. voice, 'The mercy of God hie
limited number of canes will he of great. and been very great to me In this sickness.
permanent benent to all the colored people of I have so many kind friends, ao many angelic'
the district. ministers all around me, It seem. as though a
Three criminals were partiontsi by the Ea- company of angels were all about me to bear
email," te-day,-.1. B. slimes convicted on three ,up in) tanking spirit. ' Then after a pause, ha
indictments for smuggling in the United ' sal& .1 bare been trying to recall It there Is
States District, of the state of Michigan, and any human being on earth whom I have Innen
isenteneed to pay a fine of {beau on rash Ind Ict- tionally wronged or injured. I do not remem
ment, and to be imprison.' until NA kit fund her any. but ifthere bootie I pray that God will
Mould bepaid. On conllnotuont sine. June. forgive cue.' I will not attempt to tell you all
lei'); and Albert. T. Gilmore and Charles Gil- lie said. before I left the room, however, be
more, tam viated in the Veiled States Dietriet said In the same clear voice, to another: 'The
Court oalifsasachusetts, on the charge of pass- Lord reigns. Let the earth rejoice. It la well
Ing counterfeit fractional currency, and sea- 1 that he does reig and the people have reason
tensed each to three years ittairlimament and , to rejoice that he n,
does reign. When I leave
to pay a One of el. They have teen confined ; this ebamber,'J be said, '1 wish no parade, no
since March, 1965. ostentatious demonstrations, to be made
'the officersreport for February, received only the ordinary proceedings which modem
from Arkansas, by the Bureau of itufngees , and propriety Impose. I desire to be borne
and Freeamen, nays that rations were leaned - to to my friends and home in Rutland, Per
to 4,501 refugees llt February, against 2,111 , to I moot.'"
the preceding month, and that rations were ,
Issued to 587 freedmen against 547 In February. ; pulse Pireleases.-Huaatirell mot & tad
The number of destitute refugees who have -Ilacalstlng Hell Beelliett up.
been supplied from the Government stores,
has increased as anticipated nearly one bun- , , New Teak, April 1.-Gros C. M. Slumlord
Bred per cent. since the month of January. It 1 ''' '''' .°l6 44° ' °° ' , chi VO l°ll merchants NC '
158 Pearl street., were arrested yesterda y Ort s .
Is anticipated that the issues for Match
e es pi referred by Masora.
.. ' charge of
srill be fully Be great fie t.1)0143 In February but t ... .. / E k i l P r ,r" , . . •
tir ,
that they will be somewhat redeem! In April , Teiik•otPler one i l 6, cOmmermen Mereelle
and May and discontinued in June, except i ..";:.,.1 9 t = e i r n •t i r ) ee , t i: a r •P l P ••ed
50) worth
perhaps to a a few who ire entirely unable to .
ork. No trines are new betas made to o "1:7!...:.1 ‘•-••••• L it-euvr;rd by the sst _
to «Lib,
, freedmen except such as are wholly unable to 1 Pt•tre\h", , h lO oere . 4,• h e°°7,, :i e i r...7,1 rjoji,,,,va
Labor, and who have no one to depend upon to
c„,. i LI. j e ll ' AiW e a re nZer firm sad oleo disposed of
1 °,2rogeg wants . 2 tLitt stated 1,=,-- i ,-, the goods.fOr • Ilko *monist to the fin:awaking
county to make an attempt to provide for 1 th e complaint. Canner [droved that he Was ,
their own poor, whether white or black, have • *se. , in'EteroPe at ihe•tiree of these trsosee
I utterly failed. Some assert their inability to 1 tlona stud be was discharged nom custody.
, Mumford was, however, required to find ball
do to at present, and others snorer to be in
, to answer the charge.
A It ashington dispatch says The person ar
i th f ,fi rrm a las t t i Cw on th :l:s na g n i ' ve r' n by the Tr
it .
d a week or own &goon...spiel., of being
°Mee to re-work mouldy, funky nett other- ,
-' g n e t g e nerrills. tjuantrall of Missouri and Kan
wise damaged tobacco, ~i about the pavninnt
of the enrrent rates of dory. In n circular dn. ' !••• •• , • 11 •C v i tir•v• . l'itt i .- 10 . 0 • diw trui
e •Vr•- nd
tad February 1., lain, the Secretary directs that 1 i' ii" . " ,•• • • 041 •••
o f m or d, 1 8 6 ,,, , o n I furnished transponation to Nen To r rfc by or.
on and - alter the 'Wet day der of the War Department.
privilege* granted by former regulationr, ,o
meet the general provisions at the lan, obeli 1 --• descent,_ •••• -...,.. m1d ., • r•c . •• ,95,29. • • • gam
meet precinct
he and are evoked. They are no longer no- , ',hog h ell It"..ero•o,W•l' or tot*
i polle., Irhen twenty are persoas ..r . rrein
cessary, and liable to aim.
pro d n i n „,,d l i y ,., tr ,.,,,,. ' d. The complaint w. made by a gentleman
had lest four theesand dollars at the
The - President has
made with the head men and chief of the 1 w ho - - - ---
game of taro while in the premises. The pro.
Blackleet band of the Sioux Indians. Ills stai- .
primers, Mlle, Ranieri and James Illinnim,
. liar to the treaties recently made with two
other Banda of Gies.. Indians, G 3 .1.11101 they were Mild 10 ball la Na sum of dre hundred
pledge themselves not only to preserve peace I "Us.' to tirt•wer.
I Cowart. the Vniteti States, hot to withdraw
from the overland routes. lh consideration j
of these stipulations they are to receive eleven
thouaand dollars per annum for twenty veers. i
Report of the Revenue Commission.
Scheme of Maximilian's Agents
New eons, &Mob 31.—The yvtbene this
morning, publiebet two farther diepatches
Rom Mr. Seward to fir. Adams. In the first
the Secretary of state refers to the nutlet pa
tion on the part of European governments
of retaliatory men:ores. Ile aguin reviews
the grieyericeo of the Untied States age lest
Great 'Britain 34 well caleulated to trreslece
an expectation of retalltory measures, but
deprecates any inten Gott on the part oi the
United States to go to sr on account 01 the.,
More important Is another dispatch of March
let, communicatlng to Mr. Adams a ropy of a
dispatch in cypher. from a rebel emissary in
Canada to Jefferson Davie. It gives an ac
count of the endeavors. of the rebel agents in
London and Faris to and out on what terms
assistance or recognition could on obtained.
It seems oa-though these agents were theta-tact
ed to intimate that an armistice might to eon
chided between the two belligerent parties in
North America for the purpoee of undertak
ing conjointly a forehru war—tor instance the
expulsion of the French from Mexico. The
hint was treated In England with the usual
unsatisfactory, nonoommilt al manner, but
Prance It at once mat with the declaim/on
that no such alliance could he permitted, and
that the Emperor would punish any attempt
to enforce the Monroe doctrine, and that if It
could be sure that the Federal Government
was pursuing such a course, France would
promptly recognize Southern independeuee. I
The report of the Commies - lon on the selt
jeot of excessive Importations Is published.
/t gives statistics showing live times as many .
Vim ie tt a tir the seat Amt. Ooods w e
e w re eet m erif ! 11166,rted lani:4leNteire
same period of last year. Thelmport...sof Jun
nary and February, were oven thirty-two and
&half millions. To prevent a penile the Com
minion recommend the passage by Congress, I
of a resolution inererusisg the duties ml Im
ports fifty per cent.. for ninety days, with the
single exception of printing paper, unsized,
used for boons and newspapers exclusively.
A special to the Tribune says that cotters
have boon issued mustering out by the drat of
May, every colored soldier in the SeTTICO.
Gen. Rancookei board is now engaged in the
examination of patents for- breech-loading
firearms. They will continue in session n
couple of weeks, Over thirty patents here
been Issued.
siti Herald's WaMiLugten special
gen say& A
proposition has been made by the ats of
Maximilian to prominent politicians to give
them a contract to collect the revenue in Mex
ico for tne term of Ave years, upon condition
that they would prevent the Government
from doing auyting in behalf of Juarez and
the Republic during that period. . The per
thentage which they offer - toeye on the
amermt collected furnishes a slide margin for
a lobby fund to nee upon - Congress to prevent
In the case of the - recent distillery frauds on
the Internal Revenge Department in this
nit some very - heavy assessments, one or two
as gh as $1541,00(1, hive been make , but the
• de faulting parties confess an Inability to meet
the demands or the Government The Com.
miesion ts still at the Astor House, engaged in '
Matters connected with the frauds. Compro
mises will probably he made In some of - the
eases. but It Is stated that none of the civil
suits pendingat present will be relinquished. ,
Commissioner Betts delivered bin opinion this
punning relative to the Charges of bribery
dominated with the matter.
Watillees cortegTondent sa y s: The,
speech recim Made 111 Frellati dellate ,
Jules PlYre, v rtnsl leader of th opposition,
to have beetrOcily teron d In interest ,
lin9ll ea llortance to the meMorable address of I
H. sum, He mamma Napoleon's -declared
Cleb actutti deeds, and denounced
iUi ld merantyot Trench socitry tind r
the Diaper o reign. Tile address o p
tumultuousbilthe Senate.' •
The Tribunes Toronto correspondent write!,
from New Brunswick; from which We learn I
the geivernment of that province does not in
tea to submit to Parliament any scheme of
aroration with Canaan and the other
tier provinces.
An. English paper sayt Sir Morton Patois'
, Unable. W attend than FeritaMantary duties,
or cur severity, hy reason of an
Meet of fs
somewhjels detail:tibias in
the country.
advocate the.
for a grand mass meeting, to
- advocate the eight tour • labor movement,
were made hat night at the Workingmen's
• 1 . 1 say" Aisle WI ilaUfnuc. •
i piarch 11.—e. boors , toutherly
ellbc,.. 41134 c., dbc..
eMe, dbc., ale.
NEW Y °arc, April 1.--Olticial reports of the
late naval nettle off the island of Chiloe,abOlif
the loss of the allies of Chili and Porn to have
been three persons killed on the corvette
Unin, which two bad her steam cheek pier.
ned, while the America was hulled tour lintel( '
and the Apariunto three. There is no reliable
aiwount of the loss to the Spaniards, that:4oli
the Valparaiso papers say 11, most have teen -
great, as the Spanish ships were knocked tO
pieces and dead bodies were seen 110attng
about afterwards. This Is probably an extrlVw;
Maar fancy.
ureat rejoicings were had at LIMA over this
victory. The formaticm of the alliance be.:
tureen Ecuador, Chill, itolivia and Para, iXua
the success thus far attending their cause had
tilled the people with enthneLam. The Span.
ish commander still Insists upon t
thilLau coal in neutral vessels as contr r lti t A
of war.
The United Staten monitor Monadnock, had
arrived at Valparaiso, Chili, together with the
steamers Vanderbilt, Tuscarora and Powbat
tan. The monitor had behaved very well in
sounding the horn. A letter written by Capt.,
Stanley, of the Tuscarora, states that In the
heaviest weather anti gales that they °tumult
tered, when he had list as much he could do
to attend to the safety of his own ship, with.
out attending to the vessel Intrusted to Ma
care, the Monadnock behaved Ina splendid
manner, making better weather than any v*
tel or convoy; and that there was no time do.
ring the fiercest part of the gale that the
Moitadmick could not have timed her guilt
against any ship. In fact it would be perfect'
madness to attempt to engage a vessel under
such disadvantages, for a gale is an advantage
to the Monadnock In a fi g t. The Tuscarora
will remain to water the tenor of affairs in
Remarks by Senator poolittle.
Palt.,Deldrnia, March 31.—Mr Sererll, Pleat
/ dent of the New Jersey State Senate, hem writ.
ten a letter to the Be Kenn, of this city, to
which he sap.: requested that the mittens
should name the man upon which I agreed
' to go Into Joint meeting. My motives have
been doubted. lam right within the doors of
my own coneeience; and 11110 dared to lay that
' I will not go Into Joint meeting for Field, Van
Dyke or Gregory? Iles any opportunity been
uttered met 'I say that I will, if the depnbll
- ,not mucus will unite on any of those already
Ramat. ores lion. A. K. flay. of Camden, or
Judge lieu. T. Woodhull, of WO Supremo
Court_ 1 triage into Joint meeting at. Ittotelock
in that morning, or at any other hoar, on Tome
day Next. I want to wend a live man and a
etsuntnum to Washington, and I am ready to
make nty words good by aetnnt. tfOlf, let My
.nemles answer That. Let a candled ) world
; dge between me and them. The tyranny
•w u hirl, drove me [rem the party hi AS Odious U.
me as anpther, when It dentanda that 1
mlt to Insolence and InJWILICO etmblned."
From A.pinwall sad Mouth Asikertes
Nno Voss, March 31.—The steamer Henry
Chauncey arrived from asp)noall enthe
and brings lefft,. OW In treasure.
II is rumored In Panama that another revo
lution in favor of the Mosquora party was
likely soon to occur.
The reports from the Barbacoos mines are
favorable, except that the lateen are sickly
from bad and insufficient provflions.
Thera is no late neon from Centiationeries.
Ads-ices from South America state that the
Peruvian iron-clad Loa, aground in Callao
guy, was succeasfully taken off the reef by an
American engineer.
The United - States gunboats Blshongo, NY
arks!, Callas Cyarte, and liateree ate ut Pan-
Republican Sleeting in 'Moir . Jersey-
Seowilra Course Condeuntell.
twom.viuw, April L- A meeting of the
Republican citizens of Camden, New- Jersey,
was held at the Court Houle, to Camden, on
Saturday evening. The meeting . Was
Resolutions condemning the course of r.
and urging the election of Hon. A. G.
Catcall were passed unanimonilv. The meet
ing was not presided crver,nor were any attics
°Meer. politudans. Later in toe evening Mr.
&civil was serenaded, at his rendenees ht the
Democrats, who were subsequently entertalB•
ed ny bins. No speeches were made, but
masers were given for President Johnson, Ed
gar Cowan and ex-Senator StOoktoa.
Whicoario Legiristure—genstore Ir
ringleted to Vote for the Cull Nigher
fors COPW•1111011.
• •
Manumit, Wm., March 31.—The y Wisconsin
Assembly to-day, after a protracted. etritgitia,
by the vote of every Britten Man bUbsiele, vo
tett to instruct their Senators to vote for the
Civil itiahts Bill over the President's • veto.
The Senate had adjourned before the resole-
Mon reached it, mit would have Meal there
with equal unanimity.
A ressalutlon sutenitting to the people a
question calling (Ora 0011Ventthil totilnell4 the
Constitution pealed - PC.O goasee. ,
PHILADILTIIZA,." April I.A great flist-Of.
April hoax Waniespistrated UViledrv.-&-JUOril
ing paper published' the cOrreapondence be
tween President Johnson and, a - Opposition
president of a Johnson association here, in
which the former prettliSatr. , o4ll3l4 this.
city and make a public ad dress to-day. Ao
conlingly, many people visited the hotel
where the President was aupposed Ixthe, and.
the church which it was announced he would
attend. It was also announced that Secretary
Seward - and Senator Cowan wOUlooOptillArri
the President.
Convocation of Catholic Hisletego.
Haw lt nal, March 31.—The . Cot* .ifirrtfr,
et Baltimore, says tl eat he, 14 ihstrerend,
'Archbishop Spalding, delegate ApOefOlidi
has leaned his letters of convocation a4dresiten
to all the Archbishops and. )31.1hOpeeln
United States, convening thina' he Melia he
Matropontan Church of Baltimore on the first
• Sunday of next October, to tnatignrate the
eecona Plenary Connell. In oxneeptiemo• of
the great, distance at. which the
siding on the Paelilc live from Baltimore, It
was deemed necessary to give them eizinotane
• fe
Uen. Ferrate% it HOWIEIsIe•
ldsityins, April lette Stioicrver
counV,lsstaslnpi, Baia 4 neertieni=d ik e.
Gen. Forrest , s plantation, while
tan (the negrool) sickly - 11e yeaterday,linis - Tir
nionstrated with by Forrest The neva drew
irate, attempted to./cUI Forrest, wito,alter *round to tne hand, seized an sae
ain:l killed the neve.orreit irare_ Matsett,
np to the pherit tbepliffair
tion Justify the ktiiies,
•-• • ' • . \rj
Prom Celiforals--1 1 pelSoll,
Sae Fetereseco, Shireh;:3l:+l.lovestiOr LOW
vetoed the btu ovinff State lad to the Wes
tern Pacific Itaaroad., 'Pm AssapP l 7- 01 P0t4r
ed the veto by a vote - oral to EC
I t inth Vi t nia ar. I ncl* matlr e -cu iv ,
mgpoiniag4tilb%"vab.. 11 -
cher, $.3,35; enders-IV,
1 . 11111 4 .
rrom magnate:77 ;. 'numb* Itaratsnn.illi.,Alitlittga was twom,
NaouviLLl4 Idorob 3 r..411W. 4 Iruh i=y A ile a rlib= t odes" by.
motaber of too Losislotur‘ foreo - fladoY. - '1,11!It „ha. bijune io .anctaini , no.
rie.' s .lm2 oel ~._/ " * .t h, Enow e m t ,l 4.
C......nt , .~ C.~ _.... V. + { n5y...c1 .. ... .., a~4 rtS: ~.,-~ .... ~.u. ..'{.y. r~ 4~.t..✓-.v~..~..t. ,_~
Prow filawansab
New bong, April I.—The steamer flambeau,
from Savannah, has arrived.
The Savannah Heruhl states that a hoard of
Health has been organised In that city. to
take the Initiatory steps to prevent cholera.
The trial of James W. Duncan, for murder,
rObbery and maltreatment of times prison
ers at Andersonvllie , emumenred on the tt,
at Savannah.
- -
Dodge vs. Brooks Contested Election
• WAPIIINGTOSI, April I.—thring to the Inter
ruption of Congressional proceeding.. by the
death of Senator Foot, Representative Davis
Mold not callup toe oontc.ted eleetlon C 0.40
of Dodge on Brodk. on Friday, as be designed,
but ho intends to do .0 us-morrow.
Prom Teas.— to Beal Estate.
Naw boas, March 31..-Oalveston papers
Ray that rem estate has greatly advanced in
that city. Tenements and lots are selling for
More than three Limos what they cost ten
years ago. Meanwhile trade is good, and the
grain market is rapidly filling up by Import*.
MOM; of corn 1/y thousands a' beshels from
New Orleans.
Flee at Daavllle, Irirsluta.
BALTIMORK, April I.—A Fortress Monroe let
ter 'apt A are occurred at Danville, Va., on
the . Nta t welch destroyed planing mill and
Woolen factory. Loss ,one hundred and arty
• thousand dollars; Insurance seventy,tive thou
sand dollars.
Blew Jerney Nenatonthip
. Haw YORN, March 31.—a apeelal to the Cilia
"aerate, sayer Binaries,' has telegraphed to a
.Republican Senator here that all will be right
on Wednesday next, and that it successor to
lilt'. Stockton will ho duly appointed.
Descent on • Gambling . House.
Boirros, March 31.—A posse of state consta
bles, under Major Tonesmade a descent last
night on the gambling 'house No. 15 Brettle
street, and arrested thirty-five mon, and seized
tho implements of the concern.
Si WWI INzlg :IrAl
The liepabltean Exeacatlve Committee
—lmportant Recline.
The County Republican Executive Commit
tee will meet, pursuant to published call, on
Thursday morning next, the Ith inst., at ten
O'clock. at the Oftice of Thomas M. Marshall,
Ntitltnunder od Ihut A%l omm l; et this meetl4, llx the l orhoit
O primary meetings to elect delegates to the
Onntr• Convention to nominate candidates
:for Congress, and to eelect. the
a tcouny ticket
inc the ensuing election. There is diversity
of opinion as to whether there should be one
or tiro conventions held, and an this matter
1011 probably be determined by the Commit-
We, at the meeting on Thursday, it is impor
t kit that every member should be In attend.
One. Some of the gentlemen composing the
Qouinnlttee • have never yet meld with theta,
telt 1110 hoped that there will be a full at tend
&nee on Thursday. The Committee Is•compos
ed of the following named gentlemen •
Dr. W. J, Gilmore, of Upper St. Clair Tp.
C.ll. M. Smith, of Lower St. Clair Tp.
Dx. A. ti. Met:endless, of Pittsbdrgh.
Jabal!. Stewart, of Collins to
Daniel O'NeRI, of Pittsburgh.wnship.
Hilbert W. Mackey, of Pittsburgh.
John& Lainble, of Birmingham borough
Benjamin Connitti, of Elizabeth township.
Wm. 8. Negloy, of Liberty township
William Anderson, of Allegheny city.
Edward Sprung, of West Mrtsbargh
Luke B. Davidson, of Wiliam tbwnahip.
Arthur Hobson, of Allegheny city.
Henry IL Lyon, of Dnquesne Dorougu.
Aligns% Ammon, of East Birxrangnam.
Setnuel Morrow, of Pittsburgh, •
RObert W. Thomas, of Collins township
J .pli Dilworth, of Peebles township.
W .J. Richardson, of Temperancoville
J l fah tiny, Jr., of Findlay township.
W R. Ford of ,Pittsburgh.
W. Harrison, al Pitt township.
John Chislett, Jr., of Lawrenceville.
Jellies Millet. Manchester.
ilizotimeaa at the 6elUtee•t Ogle,
Through the oonrteers of W. J. Richardsoa,
=het to co t e tn r Xe d tl i trgli d oVin7; el
naveis o b ora:
.aamitted to probate, and lepers of adminis
tration granted during the month or Meech,
Tie value of the estate represented in the list
of. Wills probated aggregate M 372,700:
3 •
Occedent. Fact...3m Val, Pante
Ste licer3 •• • • •Ilcars , roc.. • !Ms o
,C arias Itoure .4.. I moor,. .1 L Entag 3,000
mho . Mcrarthyklary McCarthy. ..... . InO.COO
Tyra F. Holman Conrad \Fairly . . ... . 7,CaM
Daata D. Ramses f W . .T . timble andC.Co m • 1.600
WR. Soil., Or. John !.oboe, U. iiii;on 0-.0. VI,
4:Meant Simplon R. C (I. nproull.. .... wow
• Soltb IL latennart Mary Brewart atm
)J. D. Nehooler M. It.
D4 .. , 0 Ku 11.... i and John Meastres 4 '"
I Wilt .tehettrec N. Itultnc.. R. Magorah . .an
Walsh ay f
-- t.... AJAir .
ey Duni Wm. K. Jrietpon
. A. Ine'eT James
Marten A. Ilartert
..... TOotexa
I Jobto
Hair •
. ... .. .
.1 ar J ... Clara Jester..... .
Letitia Delapaslou Jan. Haas and 1..
Jotiu Campbell H. Wallaee & J. Campbell
John Holten . . S. Bolton and S. Beam lks,Piii
Mtehnel Borle. .... F.llen Boyle 2:4
John Felt.— ..... —.John Bram:ine... ILO
John B. Thom. . ..lennle M. Thum MU
Miry Shedden.. . ...Peter listes Stai
Wm. Hamilton, sr :Samuel Hamilton... hll
Hobert Dieksou.... .John Illekson... ,J 0
Jacob Beet I . .tharine Beek . .... 1.10
. selerldi Arenabiarigliargrella Arenstinrys Ai
Mhz, Hunter T. A. Rowley. ..... ..... 100
Frank Wilt Gustavus Rimier WO
Arch. Sn y der._.... James N. Mel.ees. Du
I..e.eris Snyder... .. ileorge thisinati.
Jr ... .... Ikka
A • m. 'gritted., sr W. Britton, jr. .I..Mu
Andeme NV al /I r erel K reasend W aide oiml • Mkal
John Thompson Usild Merriman likOlki
Samu el / .H. S. eminphell . .... 1.00 0
Samuel 11. Allen... .Ctherine J. A11en.... NV
kfarraret l'rawford James Celestite,' ..... ..
John Si I Its, rt rh
John S. &inhale ..... ... :is
. 1k
The Culver Failure.
Base sr aaaaa Tex.—The Verona. Bank Oil
City Bank, and Petroleum Bank, Sr we l l I
the Bank of Crowfoot (Ninety, have closed
their doors In consequence of the auspenslon
of Messrs, Culver, Penn 4. Co. Whether any :
or all of t hem be able so resume opera- I
lions is not yet known, but In the event that
they are obliged to close up their business we
are inclined to believe that depositors and bill I
holders will not suffer merlons lose.—lfeadville
-of the suspension of Meant Culver, Penn &
"Co,, occasioned great excitement at Franklin,
and for the past two days, we are informed,
has absorbWilte attention of the whole coin-
munity. Business was practically suspended
In the town excepting at the drinking saloons,
Where the people met to drink and discuss the
news. The - indivtdeal loom there,- according
te aN accounts, are more serious than here.—
Titnivuxa, BArch ra, lfe&—The bank panic
or failures continues to create intense excite-
Mont here. Thtsmornitig the ,feeling Is more I
despondent than ever, as last evening a
WSW hleekted from ins cashier of the
First National Bent now to New York that
the bonds of this bank deposited as securities
'with Culver, Penn & CAW been eFFeoßeille
WI and usedby thelm, and at is meeting br the
directors a suspension was concluded upon by
the board.
The general cipinkin here is that the First
NatiOnal will soon resume_ operations and the
muqwrislon. be but temporary. Time will tie
oaten the smote and liabilities, It Ls under.
stood here that the Carry National and the
M etier hanksere not affected by the late fail.
The paralyzing of so extended% currency ie
even now stunning ecton trade, and we
have received blow. Not only_ the
currency useless at present, but In addition,
in the banks now closed, must be, on a rough
11300,000 of depositors' money
which is tied tip for the time, .19 , 11 M should
there be no lois to depositors, and should Our
tradesmen be pushed for their debts .many
features must necessarily occur.—Erie
PearisylvaaingtaaleShid-43bange ofTtbse.
i Wl ll be seen from an advertisement
another column that the Spring schedule : on
the Pennsylvania Railroad went into-opera
tion yesterday, and that - additional fooemmo
dation %rand have been put ' on. Union se than
thirteen daily Mains leave the Depot
oirthis Important thoroughfare every • day.
from early morn until late at night travelers
will a trairtabeutevery hour. - ,There.sre
nine acconimodatlon trains, in addition tO the
through trains thatetopltt all the principal
stations and make Connections with the dif
ferent. brand/me &Rung. the line. Two new
trains have been put on which run as far as
Braddock's, and one warn train to Walls.
With their banal liberal
irous manage ment,
cUlt re ln m t a hed d r e power oa all od wthee who
through choMe, or inuieseity, arising from
'Mgh meta au& tbe scarcity of houses, have
moved Out along the line, to, reacts the city,
return to th eir homes. Stich twill ,
!Venal a.* now , gtven will. Induce many of
those whoare reeling in the city to seek for
a..local kahltatiott7_ fataide Its bum' and
Our chfeens are nuflerrnanyaredbmtluir obi/-
. gatlons to Robert Pitealra,lced.,l3uperinterid
ent of the Western Ilivision. and .1, lice.
.Creighton;.mai,Alidstant dumnanteridemtand
for excel_ ordeal in
2= l g A foe. heir benefit and convenience,
inch extensive railroad facilities and scam
modiste:ma .
• 711316 tables furnished by Conductors for the
*pedal socommodation , of the patrons ofthe
road. Time front Pittsburgh to Rot Liberty,
T 5 minutes; to BraridoCk's, minutes. Com-
MlltetiOn &Mitsui (54 trio); School ticketa (54
trips); Family Idekeler , •trifeih"..sobt to
tween all point:shy- ticket agent at tbe
and -
Union Passenger DOM. Thew tickets are
WAWA' great reduct ion over singlo triptink
. .
Thenieldere.—The' Troy Pres. learns that
the president of the National Iron Molders ,
.Union • has issued, imnrnetions to ad .subordt
! • hatti_assoetatione 40-adopt the.follow lug plan
t or eMionf The membeta of . altllntous,.except-
InfOholle Or Troy and Albany; lee . to go to
work and accede to the demon da of their Mu,
IployOra . in Troy and Alhaarthaetzlire IS to ,
ponnAlle until the objectionable no=steil
1 - upfila the foundries la reedindial. ,, , aim •
employers in Troy and Albany have yielded
to the iletallinda . Otthair , workmen, that the
l• molders here will , resume work i .and'ibose of
other cities. will in turn Strike, By triea r teteif
thtstrotati%VrtiOnsWhoetattlinte - work
, 'fiadat... Wlth Ite4h. *Stara unttlthe.
The Disfranchisement of Deserters from
the Army.
The folios log hill htw bees passed by both
hionw, of the Pen nay I van la ',anent 11 re
A farther re.opiesierli to the Election Jaws of this
cbeintennwith •
ity the art of the Congress Of the ,
I' tilted States, entitled, ...kit act to amend toe
several acts heretofore passed to provide for '
the enrolling and calling out the national for- .
Ces and for other purposes," and approved
March third, one thousand eight hundred and
sixty.five, all persons who have deserted the
military or naval service of the United States,
and who have not been discharged or relieved
from the penalty or disability therein provi
ded, are deemed and taken to have voluntari. :
ly relinquished and forfeited their rights of .
aitizenahip and their rights to become citizens,
and are deprived of exercising any rights of
Citizens thereof; and
W URALS, Persons not entrees of turn t tilted
States are not, under the constitution anti laws
of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of thin cont..
mSze on w alt Be
I.Be It enacted by the Senate sod
Rouse of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Penusylvanta, in General Assembly
met, and It is hereby enacted by the author, v
of the same, that in all electiosialhereafter to Mi
held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlaw
ful for the judge or Inspectors of any such elec
tion to receive any ballot or ballots from any
person or persons embraced In the provisions
and subject to the disability imposed by said
act of Congress, approved March third, one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and it
shall be unlawful for any such person to offer
to vote any ballot or ballots.
Site. S. That if any aueh Judge and in
:Er' o f oien
or" , oneofthem relve or consent to receive anysud
unlawful ballot or ballots from any such dis
qualified pens., he or they no offending shall
be guilty of a inlstiemeanor and upon convio
two thereof in any Court or Quarter Sessions
of this commonwealth, be shall, for each of
fense, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an
imprimument in the Jail of the proper contay
for not less than sixty days.
See. 3. That it any person deprived of citi
zenship he disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at
any election hereafter to be hold in this com
monwealth, vote, or tender to the officersthereof,
thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots,
any person as offending shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof
In any Court of tjunrter Sessions of this com
monwealth shall for each offense be punished
• in like manner ns provided In the preceding
section of this net In the case of office. a
election receiving such unlawful ballot or bal.
. 4. That If any person shall hereafter
persuade or advise any person or persons, de
prived of citlzenship aria disqualified as afore
said, to offer any ballot or ballots to the officers
of any election hereafter to be held In this
commonwealth, such person so offending shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon contd..
tion thereof in any Court of Quarter Sessions
of this commonwealth, shall be punished In
like manner as Is provided in the second sec-
Hon of thin act in the ease of officers of such
election receivingsuch unlawful ballot or teal-
lots. Goode Revel ered.—We have already no-
Sem I. That It shall be Inc duty of the Ad- heed the larceny of about kale worth of goods
jutant I:eneral of this Commonwealth to pro Irma the dw ell lug of Mr. Daniel Barr, in the
cure from the prover officers of the United Eighth ward, by a girl named Mary Dough
•dutes, certitiml copies of all rolls and records arty, en. bed been in his employ as a
containing °Metal Ca Went.° of the fact of the tic. The goods were all i
y o vexed, and the
desertion ot all persons who were citizens of girl, on a hearing before Mayor McCarthy, was
this lommonwealth, and who were deprived , committed to jail to answer. The girl, it air
of citizenship and disqualified by the said act pears, has heretofore sustained a good Graeae
of Congress of March third. one thousand ter, and If Mr. Barr could have withdrawn the
eight hundred and sixty-five, and to cause to prosecution legally, he would have eine so
' be recorded and presers ed in the books to be'Phis, however, eonla not be dens, mid berme.
provided and kept, for that purpose in his of- will have to go beiore the Court.
lice, full and cent plete e tent pl Itlcat lon s of nosh
rolls and records, and to cause true copies to Held to Answer,--CharleS Waters, alias
bo made thereof and furnisned to the clerks 11l sic , the hotel thief, arrested at the St.
of the several Courts of Quarter lesions of 1 lair House, charged on oath of We, Buck,
this tommon wealth, accurate ilizplicates or ..tons Been and Richard Lane, with the larceny
exemplifications rat such rolls and records of clothing, hail a hearing before Mayor Mc
, embracing the Dealt, of all such diequalified tartiii on naturally. On the charges preferred
I persons as had their residence within the 11m. bY Ross and Lane he was acquitted, for Maul-
I its of said counties respectively at the time of nelencv of evidence, but on the charge basil
, their being marked or designated as desert- tilted I,y Bell, the proof was so clear that the
era, and it shall be the duty of the clerks o fprisoner admitted his guilt. In default of
the several Court" of Quarter Sessions of this
lull!, his Honor committed him to Jail to an-
Commonwealth to preserve in books to be seer
kept tor that purpose— all such copies and ea
amplifications of such rolls and records so New Buildings. —Quite a number of new
Ifurnished, and to allow access thereto, and frame residences and manufactories are in
furnish certified copies therefrom on request,
in the c
in like manner as cone of other records course of construction In our sister city, the
largest of vrhick is an extensive one on tho
Of such courts
corner of Lacoca and Isabella Court streets, in
the First ward. It is being constricted by
nat . 6 That a candied mitir or extract of
1 any such record from the clerk of a Court of 1 Meseta Sharib McDonald it Co., for a planing
Quarter Sessions of this commonwealth, shall mill, and will be In operation to ationt ten days
be prima facia evidence before any election hence.
' board of the fact of desertion and consequent
I disability and disqualification as an elector, I Wins Susanna Evans. —Tell gifted young
Provided, that if any person shall wliful,ll use , speaker will deliver a leeture under the auspi
orany fa l se, h e d e l,,,,, f ork , cry of the Allegheny Temperance League, next
I per purporting to be a certified copy or ex . Thursday evening, in the Rev. De Preetly'll
tract as liforearda, lie shall be deemed church, Diamond. The high reputation of the
of a mladenteanor, and on conviction thereof lecturer cannot tall toj secure an intelligent
shall be punished as nii-demeanons are now audience soda full house
by law punishable And provided, however,
tha if by the protection of a certificate of his A nos ere Tornado prevailed In the neigh
honorable discharge it shall appear that such Lao hood of Derry, Westmoreland county, on
person 40 offering to vote was in the military -Muria,' rening, tearing down the line of the
service of the t.sslted slates before and nt the e
t nion Telegraph Company and committing
time of his being tirsrted lobo such service, other freaks, but we were unable-to learn the
and thereupou falling to report, or in case of damage inflicted
the tact of desertion appearing by certified
copy of hie compeer: roll, if it shall simmer The fen York Weekly alsiyasine, No 9
that he vela afterwards acquitted thereof. and ' to 13. O. H. Bailey a. Co., New York.
honorably alaciaarged, such proof shall be re-This In a new claimant for opular favor,
retv rid as evidence to disprove his said ols- ,
and caters for the nubile taste in p an excellent
qualification. And provided, further, That if l
any person liable to be objected to as dismal- FOr male by all the news dealers,
filed, as aforesaid, shall produce before any
board of Merin. °Meer, any false or frauds- Deatirned.—fdr. David Elkin, who has filled
lent paper, purporting or pretended to he his ; the position of Chief of the Allegheny police
Inalterable clischarge Gam the I tilted States fur over a year past, has resigned. He proved
service, he shall be ileeivol amity-of forgery, a most excellent and exemplary officer, and
and on conviction thereof shall be ',entailed en leaves the poeltion be has so well filled for a
persons ore now by law puniehable for for- more lucrative employment
Sze 7. That It shall be the duty of the )sages Notlee.—The attention of those interested,
nod Inspectors of elections hereafter to be in Invited to the notice of a meeting of the
held In this commonwealth, whenever the Sterrett 011 Company, In another column
name of any person offering to them a ballot I
or ballots shall be found upon a certified copy I
or extract furnisher! from Said rolls or records DIED.
by a clerk of a Court of Quarter Sessions, -on elands,. morning, Int inst. , Wit.
Marked s deserter, or whenever any tenon Stealth , . lu the 5,011 year of his a .
shall be objected to as disqualified as afore- j The Atneral sill take place hot:mills late residence
said at any election by any qualified voter, at , u Liberty street, Ninth Ward, on Bonnet Ar
the request or suggestion of any such person van 40011, tit t o'clock. The friends of the family
rarer ing a ballet, to examine such pareoll On
oath or affirmation as to the fact appearing " " in attend.
from such certificate or alleged against him
I by the elector SO objecting, and If he deny It, CEMETIEFUES.
as to hie reasons therefor; provided, how- -
ever, that it any of his answers under suchky ILLDAL.E CEMETERY .-- A T 111.•
examination are fable, such persos shall be r., and must plctnresque lame or Bnpmtmre
deemed guilty of the crime of perjury, and sate ou th e -;
upon conviction thereof be shall be punished City, oil the New Brlghtee Lad. ” Persons gehua
as persons are now punishable by law for per- 1 in select Burial Lots will apply at the Superintend
jury orrice, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits
Sze 8. That It shall be the duty of the sher- sad all other heathen eill be attended to at the Drug
Iffs In the several counties of title common- I W „r e , .„„ ben „,....S . „.,, the ,„ ein f o i e eel a.,,, or
wealth to Insert, In their proclamations of
elections hereafter to be hold, the first four iserstary 471 . .1v...0re,
section! , of this act, with the preamble thereof.
Sec. 9. That in the trial of all cass arising
under this act, It shall be the dory of the ,
determine the same. to inquire Into and
any question of fact as tO alleged
desertion involved therein, upon proofs fur
nished by exermplifidations, extracts from I
such rolls and records duly certified by the
proper clerk of a Court of Anarter Sessions,
which are hereby made evidence thereof, arid
also from such proofs bytparole as may be given
in evidence by either party.
Valk.. col
Oil Items.
The Erie Dispatch says that the Jefferson Oil
Company, In their well on the Dunkard Maple
farm, have made a splendid strike. They
pumped twenty-tire barrels of oil on the 2ith
Well No. 6, Ilyner farm, down 7M feet, was .
tested some days since, and is now pumping •
about forty-five barre ls of good oil and is in
creasing daily; her owners mom confident
that they will yet have a flowing well.
More oil is pow produced in the Macknburg
region, Washington county, Ohio, than ever
before. On COw Run there are now six wells
producing oil—about forty barrels per day.
These are the facts of the ease, says the Mart
e ThiMtusVille Herald say, A new well,
called the Legal Tender well, was struck on
Friday last, on lease 79, on the Green farm,
West Hickory, near the mouth of that creek.
It Is yielding forty barrels first quality light
oil,first quality forty-three gravity. US
depth is MI feet., bottom of second rock. It is
on the property of the Great Hickory Oil Min-
Company. • There are seven producing
Wells on the property of thin company. On
the net inst., another well was struck on
another of their leases, No. 112,Inbricating oil,
thirty-five gravity. It is yielding thiqty bar
rels aday, Sixty morn leases are taken on
this property for putting down wells.
Ptriesonoa Tuasrea.—The author and actor
John Brougham, Opens an engagement at this
theater to-night, introducing one or his own
.noPttlar comedies, entitled **Playing With
lire," in which he personates Dr. Savage.
The general reputation of Mr. Brougham, and
the high opinion in which he is regardel in
thibehmmunity especially, will doubtless se
cur eto him overflowing houses during his
stay among , us.
olt* in a Fix," concludes
the ent
Oran& HOOssa—The attraction at the Opera
House this week will be a Miss Nellie A. Do
Lee, who comes as a stranger among us and
should receive a hospitable reception a, the
handirof the patrons of this popular dramatic
homier She makes her debut this evening in
the romance of "Miami; or the Hunters of the
Illasilaippl," in which abe will sustain a
double character. A dance by Miss Sylvester.
The performance to conclude with the domes
tic drama, "Children in too Wocxl.l
liestwratao Gloom—We learn that Mr. Hagar
daughter, font New York, are in the
city making arrangements to produce his eel
sheeted Allegory and Tableaux illustrative of
the "Great Rebellion." Ur. Hagar has been
giving his entertainments in the principal
cities, for nearly four years, with immense
emcees. Loot out. Inc something grand.
Murderer Coawieted.—The Grand Rapids
(Mich.) Eagle s m
she confession of Ho-
WeaDurres, convicted of the nsurder Of a
woman named Harriet Ramsdell. These par
ties first met at Beaver, Pa. The woman was
a prOstitute, and bad • child. She married a
man named Hiram L. Belden, _though Durbin
was criminally intimate with her. The day
after the marriage Belden was taken suddedly
iii and died. Harlem and.the woman went off
together, and brought up in Michigan. Here
-Durfeestrangied her to death with a cord,
anu left her child exposed In the highway.
H e says he killed her tO get rid of her. The
esumption is that he poisoned Belden in or
r to , conthtue,..lMS.. intisnardr. with her, and
as afraid she IWOUId, expose him if he left
201grat • Beisrjiiiti.-013.8aturday night,
.three rdenttansed Aka/4rd fennessey, Daniel •
fidtr. , --atrogn; nuked a disturbance
"attain, beer, halt et. a. G. Batting, on Penn
Istreet,ln the Sa lti ng brok en, melee, the
,',windaw or Mr. and Dris.
lean and Brown were arrested by the pollee.
-On Bundayanoraing„-Pennessey by
I ' l l4lttldAttlyoesofillento see bow his com rades
; 1 0 111 4WISstting al , and bail* recognized as
040,017 the t?arty. he was brought up tor a
• ..-bearing. ',Hawes fined lOW, • p a id and
'11rOlent , 110,•• which they paid end ware die.
' • .
The Oompemeallon of Jurors—An 1.0
portant Act.
An act b. Just passed the Senate incrlastna
the compensation of Jurors from $t .50 10 12.:d1
per day, and requiring the Sheriff to nerve ju
rors with notice the same as in summons cases,
for which service he shill be entitled to a fee
of one dollar. The present method of serving
Jurors is very Inefficient, and the county is
frequently put to the necessity of calling
talesmen; while, if there was proper provis
ion made for serving Jurors with notice, they
could be brought in on attachments and Com
pelled to serve. Every citizen of the county
has long been impressed with the necessity
for increasing the per diem pay ofJurors,
as the amount now allowed by law is
no compensation at all, ne It requires
all they receive to pay boarding and other
necessary expenses while attending court. It
In unJnitt to compel men to leave their fartn,.
or business occuations, and serve for two or
three weeks at the rate now fixed by law, and
no nee we apprehend will withhhold his sanc
tion from this bill. All the Judges of the
warts (nave one, who was lint called upon)
have signed a 'v0.111071 for the pas3age of the
hill, and the leading members of the bar have
done likewise. The bill will probably be call
ed op in the Rouse this week, and one mem
bers will no doubt pm it through before the
close of the session. Every voter in the coun
ty is liable at any time to be ratted as a Juror;
and when the par Is made to corresimnd In
some degree with theservice roistered, the
court will see that all who are orantliOned
are in attendance, and the reality will thus be
saved the expense of calling extra Jurors.
We are glad to see that Mr. w. B. Beck with,
the very accommodating and imperturbable
Ticket Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at
the Union Depot In this city, has returned to
his post, after an absence of about two weeks
In the East. Mr. Bock with is quite a young,
but a very energetic and industrious gentle
man. The discharge of the onerous duties of
his °Mee bad somewhat affected his health.
and a short furlough was considered bulb,
pentable to its restoration. it affords us much
matisfactlon to know teat his trip has been
beneficial, and that he has returned to his du,
ties with renbwed and invigorated health. in
his absence, the business of the office suffered
no detriment, as it was well and faithfully ex
ecuted by our excellent young friend, Mr.
George Beckwith, the Assistant Ticket Agent
at thin point.
In our perambulations through the Depot,
we saw sir. B. Motherspaugh plying . with his
beet energies the latereste of the P. O. It. C. B.
It., and leaving nothing undone that could
further them. On the other side of the house
we were much gratified to recognize the fa.
miller face of Mr. 0. It. Coe, who after an ab
sence of some months In Chicago has returned
to the ticket agency of the C. ,P. It. R. Mr.
Cue is as pleasant, cheerful and communica
tive as ever. It afforded us great pleasure al
so to catch a glance of the sharp, keen eye, and
behold the intellectual countenance of that
patriarch of ticket agents, Mr. George Parkin,
who is as constant as the clock and as true as
Saturday Morning. March 31st,
At 10 o'clock, at the HORDE MARKET, on IRWIN
Ten Good Draught Horses,
In soon condition. Any pcniona tin need of such
will And It to their Interest to Attend this Ws.
1000 bills. prime Peach Blow Fotatoes;
400 boab, sleshannock do
30 boxes Boohoo Cheese;
75 donew Maple Sugar;
m do Canned - Peaches;
50 do do Tomato.;
50 do Messina Oranges;
10 Qo Lemons; •
30 bbl.. Sorghum:
15 do gallYlekles:
70 base. Boletus:
53 bble. prime Dried AP 4O "•
40 do 14 sod 14 Dried eac es:
23 pkgs. Apple Butter;
Clore, Seed and Timothy Seed;
Butter and Eggs daily reeetr
11.A.Ff ed,
1.4 & ILEITES.
No. 200 Litcrt• street.
WALL PAPERS Fon Alm!, ve.
NEW coLorts are Clay, Smote,'Oranire. and
NEW PATTERNS—Oreek, Errnornin, LonbaVr
Embroidered, Muslin and Lace.
Store open everynventne w.
r. jaisma.t..
el Wood street
DoWm.'. koperLal ega,ty
davor.d strenithun•nryamorn UAL
4 1111011 or less. Or
"" for Pick"*g. fort "1 .1q71. t g ItENSKAW,_
'plea Corner LIIMIAT and Rand Won. -
a,ASE OHO CorrATE-200 bYx.
Balter'e Kass. No. t Norfolk No. 1. ' , read
1,00010 and Trepla Vanlila inMeir a lli c %! , l 9 lo
0111.21. Oland 120 Wood Ergot...
SOAPS-2 00 bx 2. Colgate , . PALM.
'MUM, Honey, GOCEXIIIe, Hotel and Falter
BOW, recelved Vt for sale D LL t
mhl7 'Maud= Waal street.
SIARDINEEI-00Cases 1..4, and 10
tau* % c,a. Samitnee t wi t o hor litu otred
Noe. Wel and is Wood street
Extra Choice deraltserCßA C. Chem In-BALM IL Once and Y Yon
ule b7 B. ,
201 lAbertr areet.
Goshen Cheese litStaelf ShatheSajejor
WWTE LIMZ-100 bbli Dun
, ciamille Lime In 'torn 'and for sale
DUMAN& & &Nig%
mbD No. nil Second strut.
uss bb's. pure Jersey Oweet t.totl. :fur aced,
now to store and for rale by
SHINGLES-75,000 Now '.l. 11610.; ,
W V , sioreAttiv r _vr o. -
, : • I'l
A r , &toad Alt
1 Vtr - ALPPLES--I0 • and; `2I
bags In *lore and Mr tale by
nib3l ISALAJAIDItIILIgrgten.
6 Wm. to store and foltalf.4,viodEifi. CO:
and be sold tow to elate eonaiMbellb:
nth= -. DIt.MMNI 'Ott
n .nd Pest.h Biaittguart.6.4. a r.
8, ANY LD:
M2EgMlrO l nrri
S°..Wlll. l zP2P.,Tas!L l ! l ,t h loitie
LIIBIIIiCATING 014:—Superlotaw
Cal* (tag) HILIMY - U.. COLLIN%
( I )IEICESE—WhO Nam prime 410.
N••• %to cue.. apt ow wcastriss4/. •
W ED sEsh A Y 4.IVD n4TVILD4/.
1 he rtlllispe. is lA/mantled witlak•4ll mob toe rtt
-Mtm rs sootiest se the molt roe.
Single Copia,
In Clatha at Five. .............. 4141 1"
1 .
In Clubs of ten anal, petraegn.....::: 1 16
; ,3:*.; . ou t ) TO HIE GIVEN FOR
$3,50 to Manufacture,
es2',CM.LXlV • dair N•4copL. dm„sB,
No Regard to Cost or Value.
Sell for ltbleil.n
Customers get all the benefit, and I
get the profit, by being ready
at the great Sheriff's
Sales with Money.
!Mora svortli $3.403. wholesale, I
bought for SI.SU, nod will
.ell them for 81,78.
For hi a few days we will be able to
to dispose of these goods at ~
prices we ask for them.
Concert Hall Shoe Store.
1806. SPRING ~lr~~
On sad after SUNDAY, April tat tar, trains wilt
leave the Union Passenger "Wpm. ner at Is&
lawman and Liberty lanais, Ls Billows -
DAY EXPRES—Leaves Pittatmralt IL
stopping at principal stations. Arrtve. at .0 110.43/1 .
at 7:Sa A. M.; Tyrone. lUD A. 111. j Dietteloate. 10• D
, Look Haven, P. as.,•] liartating.l
at.; galtimore, 5:30 r. M.: New Yolk, 01. Allot. •
town. 10:15 P. it • Philadelphia.; 5:501'. Y.: mad laant
Yntoll4l,lgoii'gkeilL'E—PPeta. Plitslintall IS
lb 50 a. stopping at nearly all statlelmV Alti
at 3.00 ra Ilarriabarg. 5:50 I'. M.: striving ID
Philadelphia at LW .1. Y. By Ibis passznemi
are transferred at Union lipat, Wool Polladrlghts,
directly to Krum. train hoe New 1 ert, resealng
there at • . n.
?DLL A DA' lA EX Miami{ - high
at 4:10 r. al., stOpplug only at principal ItaliOnA,
Astires at Latrobe: 1100 s:sah
Harrisburg Zint a. is.; Baltimore. 7: it A. ai,• pies.
York, via Ploladeiphis, 12:06 P. K., via Allentown,
lank a- AL, and 11111. A. M. SliMpin4
Cars run wrong it an tins uslq Man t 4111 n
Baltimore and Philadelphia , atal ni SP* MTN' ,
FAST 1.10 K—Leaves Pittsburgh tat (0 r•
stopping only at rat:lanai stationa. Anltes at A
Loon. at 3.14 a. sr. • Harrisburg,. eat L. 41.1
inons, i 12:50 it.; ' New York, Da Atlantan t. 1.110
r. M. • Philadelphia,' 1:10 F. 114.1 mid heir Yolk; Ma
Pligiallelphis, at A. B.
{Dally nil gam. train, gandayssrlilarorr..
Sandals) at 2:50 P. M.. stoppling at monist nal itril
between Pula banal andi;onetnatan. and coolorl pa
at Blairsville Intersection arlin trains •'u Mal 0.135.1*
Branch and West Pennsylvania Beim% 1.
Sunday.) at 7:50A. IL, MoppLuji stall Multi Still Xlllll
between;b and Altoona, and to skint Noss
connemlon with trains on the Indiana sir undo. WWI
Pentorylvanla Railroad, Kirensborg & Crovion
and Hollidaysburg Branch-
Wait's Accommodation, No. 1, dally (eXeiMit BOB'
daym at 1.:9
Braddock'. Accommodation NO. 1, deity (Kann
Stmdays) at 10:5o A. Y.
t'WaAccommodation No. 2, 46111 (11XMinit Ball•
Braddock'. Accommodation No. t, 4ally (511.50
Sundays) at MOP. u.
Wairs Accommodation No. A daily (except Anna
day 7.) at 1:00 Y.
Ne. 4. dal/ Mx(:S% Boa"
dsio) at 0.05 P. U.
Wall's Accomodation No 1. .I.llYalky waren{ Ban•
days at 10:50
The )
Church Train Mares Wall btatioo Onto, Mona
day at 9:15 A. at. l ea arrives in Chubut sh loils
A. sa. Betorolan, res Plthiborgh at 1140. p. N..
1 sod arrives at Wallis Station at
Returning Trldnit arrive In Pittsburgh ..101 1 ... ,
I:Sr A. 1.1
Y.t Line LW A tf.
VinttWall . .titation Accommorlation... 6.1 D •. Y.
Stint. Accommodation No. I. 7:10 A .
Recond Wall's Station Accommodation.— DAB A. Y.
Johnstown Accommodation.— ....... . 1:5 A. V.
Braddeek's Accommodation No. 1... . is X 0 a. LL.
Baltimore Exprese t.
Philadelphia Expre.s 3.03 f. r.
Third Wa1.P.8132100 Accommodatina 2 Id
Braddock , . Accommodation o 2.... . 430 P. ae
Wain:Accommodation. No. t 1:30 1. It.
Altoona Accommodation and Emigrant 101..11.
Baltimore Express will arrive with Phitadelphia
F.xpreech, RI 2:06 I'. n., VP :Sundays.
An Agent of the,Elocielerr rininibta l'onipiny wN
oho. through each train before reaching 1.140 at e
take up checks, and &Byer baggage in any 0.1 tot
the city. Otntt., NO. 410 P.m airoeP-.opeo dap and
aight--where all oilien for the movement 01 3'aaeoo
gem and baggage will receive prompt attention.
NoTtex.—ln case of Pas, tbe Comp.) will bold
thcre.lves reeponsible onla,
mid for amount not exceedrup InCe,
W . H. IttItCI4WITH, Agent.
asthe Pennsylvania Central Railroad Palsenget Ma
nor, on Liberty and Washihsgtent streets.
5.../LC.4slr,i AND MAN /10181.1. A Nt.116 EISKILLZ.
pi ty: 4 0 3 1 . i , t of the vouus. beautiful s accoms
Her tint appearaoce In America.
MONDAY EVENING, April 2d, will be firesanted
Gm beautiful and romantic Drama,of
The Huntress of the Mitaisailipl. '
M•damo at. A übect. ..... H . .
Favorite Dance. Louisa
To conclude b the Domestic Drionnos t -
Children in the Wood.
BUCIATION.—A meetint e or the
Gymnastic Association will held lat WILHIN
HALL, m IdONDAY EVENING, April 24,1100. at ••
o'clock. All members are earnestiy requested '
strand, as business otimportance win be trsumseteci.
JulIN hICOLARHN, PrmildatiL
T.. 1. Drraemi, Jr., Secretas7. • istagll4.-
I here removed my residence at! Unenttoin 2911 •
Penn *tenet, to 116 DIAMOND sraitBt:s4pooslte
NOTICE.—.AL Meetingef the MOE- -
VETT OIL OOMPAOr will be bold
meet, on TUESDAY SVEEIEtI, Aokll At 7 • •
o'clock. By order.
ap2 , 21 • WM. M. AIOVIETT,
. . „ 'mem,
lioß sEs „ow e , 4 ".. - BOLD ON COMMIS',
StoN. .
gut.2. - Lis fIuI.V.SAD &SON Proprietors.
FI f: ity arrAcTai
. GAILDEVEU corns, Agent fer
I V the Ins:Akan, Phltadelptda INUtliwre • a.
swim Uompattlea. North...La ,conlerWWD-W
W L. JONES. Agent lorthe. North
I I M. A. SHEPARD, secretarsr.or'!,.;
tne Miscue , Insariece Ws.o7 4 ;cani f o:Ft...
an ... I 4I4 II 2I . IIOIMT)I I ITHArk-ISMAX__WOOD...ThI ,
Ana ceep couslautly Os_
bindle evati article_ IA their /UM Cep, Ont..
nameA, gortalit-eoo Coulon% Tomer ftuat ,
Mat now , . of all land.: Waoilne eAlebrate , 3 rims
SprtaLk4 , l. All nada Elbands. /51ladirsnit dtlit.f?
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