The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 30, 1866, Image 1

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    prrkspritan GAZEI'TF.
Pl/14111412:aDY TAB 041a71.1141800./ATIOI.
_,,,sei#lhrrn STAMMT. Pittatarat..
pc Oct.
FRIDEtY,.MARCH 30, 1866.
A friend 'asks this question. We take I
the answer - from Mr. T 1101169 it ?LOU
.ENCII7POTOPIII/OT at Washington, which
enjoys the confidence and patronage of the
"We' do not tq . .see the second ad
vent of Cromweililri>filitgland, or Napo
-loon, of Frvice, ctietd upon the radical
destructionists this Coogress; but what
has been, may bs„ and will be-sapid; if
President'YolinSollasis thWarted In Ilb good
intentions. The President must be AW-
L/tined." 4/-
This is not a solitary intimation. Jour
nalik both risihrth and 'South, favorable to
the President's Policy, 1111 Vi spoken in
equally plat!' terms. The Senate has heard
the same menace from one'of its members.
The President could scarcely have intended
any thing leSs when he publicly denounced
the Republican leaders of the chambers
and declared his . purpose to put them down.
1 . 1 - has been stated 'in, reputable westere
irinrtuds that the chiefs of the army have
been sounded on tills point; and no denial
has 'been made.
We desire to call attention to a sin
point to the dispatch, published two or
three days ago, from Secretary SEWARD
to Minister Loans, detailing' the Hampton
Roada conference between President Lis,-
COLN and the Rebel Commissioners :
"It was nuttier declared by the Presi
dent that the complete restoration of the
national authority was an indispensable
condition of any assent on our part lc
'lshatever form ot pew, might be proposed.
The President nasured the other party that.
While we must adhere to these positions,
he would be-prepared, so far as the power
lodged with the Executive, to exercise lib
erality. His power is limited by the Con
stitution, and when peace should be made,
Congress must necessarily net in regard to
appropriations of money, and to the admis
sion of Representatives from the Insurrec.
!Actuary States."
, It is'evident President LtNcots regard.
ed his authority in the wc4 , -of Iteconstrne
tirn as "limited" or subordinate, and that 1
of Congress as superior and indispensable
:The point is of consequence only itecamse
the adulaUms- of President Joussoz: en
deavor to • shelter him behind the' great.
name and example of his immediate pre
SOME leading manufacturers, In the same
breath, ask continued inflation of the paper
currency and increased duties on imported
goods. It seems to us the likeliest way -to
get increased Protection is to put down the
price of gold by reducing the volume of it
redeemable paper promises. Gold stands,
say at 26 per cent. premium.— ten may he
taken-as the par of exchange. if gold
should go to .100, sixteen per cent. ad val
orem would practically be added to the int
post duties. -"flint is much mors. than Con
gress is likely to grant by any supplemental
bill. Indeed, that is a rate full as high as
any of
_the manufacturers would think of
asking. Why, then, go in for all inflation
Of the currency which neutralizes all the
advantages Which wield be derived from
the tariff'
Time Igreatang, up of 'Winter. I
'ander the bard seal of winter the filth of
oleir cities, the pestiferous soil of our marshes
gad irwataps, the nand and slime that form the
alluvial..of oar "great el/Tr., have been for
nearly three months cornpuratively harmless.
get rtow Use earl/tap/lug sun tstbawingthent,
and the elements of-disease that were torpid
tinder the-frost are ,fermentiug, ellervescing,
evaporating. The atmosphere 19 heavy with
rialarte and miasma. leverietasie foot of air
we breathe is tainted •ntere nr less with the
saeiphltie vapor which returning warmth ex
hales iron/ the unwholesome material or every
Thls, then, is the sensorr when the system I
seed/ protection, and the expenenee of four
teen years has proved that Ilostetter , s Stom
ach Bitters, by Invigorating the stomach,
toning the liver, regulating the bowels, and
/tracing the nerves, puts the whole organisa
tion in a condition of defense against the
nubtle poison which generates Agnes, Remit
tent Fevers, Unions at-ticks, Indigestion and
Nervous diseases.
Now is the time for prevention. The bane is
already on the wing; is tt not the wildest Im
providence to neglect 0/ego - Waste? A few bot
tles Of Hostetter's Bitters in every house In
new settlement, or a dirty city, or a =retie
edstrizt„ will secure the whole population
against all the ordinary spring epidemics, if
the preparation Is universally and faithfully
ulken according to the dinrections. fthat
lack of resistant power i their sys It
tem is s
men and women are prostrated by disesse.
invigorate, regulate Rad purify the body mod
cheer the mind with the great Tonic, Alters.
Live and Detergent, and all will be well.
Hostotteem Bittern
Pao sold whOlesele and retail et very low Wes
et irletattlit'S Drug end Patent meateine Depot,
64 Idertet street, ocruer of the Diamond
Sind rOcKSII street.
• glitt and Wisner Goods. -
St 11 with great Pleasure we call Dm atteth
two of our readers to tbd subberb stock of Vail
and Winter Goode Jun received by Mr. John
Wafer, Marathon go. CIS Yederal street,
Allegheny. HD stock embraces some of tbe
oust beautiful Monts, Cassimeres, Overcoat.
Unn gad Yestings ever brought to the sweetens
Merkel. His assortment of Furnishing Uoods,
softiprialng eMrts. Drawers, Collars Nees Ties,
Etandkerchins, da., cannot be suiVasnal east
Or imp. A ergs etock of ready mad Pants
Coate,to 7tlß . • ------ _
aitablialtment. Feregnia In want of any
Wag In the e thing to e should of
fall to
give Yr. Wader a cull.
Thomas W. Parry de Co.,
Practical Slate Roofers, and DualerS In Jkalerl•
own Slate of various colors. Office at Alexan.
der Laughilnls Wear the Water Works Pltte.
hargti, Pa. liestdance, No. hi Pike street. Or
ders promptly attended to, All work Warrant
ed water proof. Repairing -done st. the short
en 00,./CO. Ho thArfra for repairs, provided the
roof Is not abused ate.. it Is put au.
Swing Styles. •
oun i t... cv 111 find the largemt eneortmeut
of hate and CmpA, Wuxi Flemhsite, Ho. Leo
Wood et reot, to be found In the city. Cousint,
mg in pert of lam". Derby, harntogs, Dexter,
Reeorte, bolt Per, Cenehnere told nun Hato.
goy'' 011 ,ud
Mell'm wad Rope Ca ps F
of the latest htyle.
Remember the place, No. LTA Wood street.
4:stepsister Jobbing 'Shop
Loving returned after an sameness of three
vedire in the army, 1 have re-opened my shop
lOT all sorts of jobbutg in the carpenter nag
at the old stand, Virgin Alley. between smith-
Sold street and (berry Alley. Orders solicited
god promptly Weeded to:'
WuxiAlt roans,
A Sp Stewla
ralleY Casein-WM t.'swanots and Jeans for
boys , weer, btraghtsloe the lake d,
alines sad will be sold very ehstp at Sheßaby
a liar:lll,ra Rear to maul, von can sttve
moneyparshaaing your Cloths, Casstineres
cooluetur,apd Jeans at the olAl original Bee
Hive etand, 74 a nd 76 Market street.
illoChliess store of. Auction. _
The:Mona. of clothing and piece geode at the
etore of li...lllteholl,lLerehaat Teller, lee..
oral et., Allegheny, wilt beaold by A. toggete,
Auettoneer, thla rrldtty Morning et tee
Dates At Bett's
New Gado—Chintzes, Lawns, White' Goals,
Btr iped kerdanzes, Domestic and_ ForeW I
at the lowest ptioest
Once Tried Never Denied,
For Sawyer's Barbera Soap la the ea plus Wiro
efatiirtas comp: Mode •
The Burkhardt Case- An Armistice
Agreed Ms.
'I he ease of teuorge Burkhardt Vs. Elizabeth
Burs, hardi, of winch we gave a brief report
co Tuesday. etone up for tinal adjitstment ho
lm, Alderman Taylor yesterday. The snit
aas for assault and battery, preferred ISV
cenr , ge against hi). het tor4mit, who he alleges
a t ., :It
i sl i nea• rettiarsl to •prepare his supper,
-csos. el i i in with a Fresh kettle, threw a hasin
, ot Isle bead, had o.lttipipt the climax b,y turning
ilingielotim and Slaw imillass.
Min out of the house, sonata afte hi - I
I New 1 dita, March go • The liar obi , Pill IM my of wrathful expletives to g k p r 1 im m a o ‘ m ° -
The Body Transmitted to Vermont. 1!„ 1 . 1 ,'" h .:" i b i,, r.t. " t ' Ut 4 °A,'"ti""uv""Ditirlh' i r Y li A"'i t'rb""""l f In ' ' A 's, ' A10:;.. " ' M r .,: en 1 . ;
I sot .dipti...., foul s•lst , an II Joi, Pone." , 0 , - el roc .3.•• limmori lins tund. -de is a g:ood-oc * .
• . _. I the city Of SlOaltos oft 11.171 li 01 m. 141 e.t.a ell woman, init unfortenately high strung, aml
lost, II N iog the pity tiod rood" , ‘e IP' 1 , 1 f .°1 "," Wllll IJI 10 take the rein. of the family - • rn.
0' asittso - ros, Mande/IC-The timmte pliii`rY i agents Li Hes lot, Me toth. l.l 11 ' h °M e ' e giant 10 her town Mind.. Alr. II la of itg°coAlllicil
was aienselv erOnnimi to-daY to a itne. the I ntt Ile large. ht , 11, e tours foon 1 lin :Mot o dote. latory elsposillon, Ind Is I.ot altogether will.
veromonie. consequotit noon the death ol set. fsq, to realgn lila ettprettmey Bajcsonsehold lat
s.:tow Foote. II intdreals of perisona were un- I IV ant of a Ma" , aa."" l ""r"r6v fiiii.•, Ife la It bard-working tang end saving.
a bl e t o ohtaw a ded.,,,1,,,, i g oh, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, 00 ,.,,, 0 , L l' 11t1 I.rtii.s. tt it ir l i ;LI, ( o il( 1.1 I 110 1101 pm, Tio , tallareol Is li metier l ir mOneT. Jlirs It `a
' ern 11 hor Bret 1111aband, ¢ yeas* man of
~,, ~,,. ~,,,,,,,,,, „„,, ~ r „ 1 11. oturolorer rtt 5 isa Anna Ift 1•. , e1w 1,44. 141 1
gregA tta Ot spec' Mors. , ~,, „ s „,,,,,,,,, ~,, , ~,, ~,,,,, ~, Ai „ il n „„ ~,,,,,,, 1 amity, 11(0 , 117 1 1 lap cam trig , frod , i t2i r. arrn , y
The Itenalore inssupied seats on the left site i deod le hin call 111. /0 0111111 R 1113 ',oath 0 t ,i l i i i, l , M i li m iv ,i lt
h i ii„ , , , , , ,,77
~i w W. OO F ' ,,,, r , 1, ,, w ,: h m0 th5 , „„ , ,, ,
nt tbe •-h.onbor. At tmi.lis. Melts. Lieutenant , ".mmili , • l to eltPoPh• •II , t ~,,, 1 I 11111 aria then, WWI k, but was .11.
i oimeral tyrant entered in entopotiv with VOA- 1 -.11111. 11101 I will In rt. fow weeks, again obtain-
Wl•ettinkirk I,eitladat lies
etsi othet military Kent me I lie vem, n log ploymentjthestat rosoCliking,the
phs in citizen's dross - . T n im I' . ' ll ' isl i.i.s . ii - 1 G i be ' , M " 1 1. -,.. '•• ,.. W.'• • Ms rrh I' , Tlie 1 oats.' .1 iO, oath r Ifl Inc. of the young Inas, Inefftional hitt
mailed the Ipso , utic , . bill ef 1..1 .11.111 f. to Men. H., ithd Irdll her be Intended
Supremo Court a ere to ..... uneed. and took a 1 ',;`, m , n ,,‘:ng''' • -
" • "lel' e•mil , elled ridetge ....°0100". Itenpin an fielsoultst of the young tnan's wage..
position on the est rents right. ,i , 1 d 1
rh o 1.,,,,,,hb0t of the united 5,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,„,, 1i• 1111 l pant , . Jo fake a ...obit. manna , id • .. 'Plo. el e, who laid hitherto atton ca to re
panted or 101 the members of 1110 Cabinet, ex- , m"''''''' '''''''.' Ihm"I. pairing her sou's Waive and managing the tie.
1 ei.ptlng "Attorney General Speed, next mono i ~,,se.swse...,•••ssessassies•wwwws /moots, grew Indignant sat what alio considered
• I in, mai °monied one of the front ro. of smds ! Aft Infrllldefilioll Of liter prerOlfall Ike. 11.11 d It,
all Ls • 0100 11111 Illfls ' ' FOI 10Rine, these, came the motithers of the , CITY AN DSU DUNDA N . soiled het iroalmool with the tntrat violent
llonoe of Representatives, preceded by their , . ~ b.,. .s Hoch of authority woe Die rtsitlit.
°divers. Those having beim seated thocorli... , Hell the (sod bscurne tinAtlller and MOVA ailAd•
• -• I 'int of P.lnsit het h 11•Ittlin r..« ;ohm.- I 1,, ...tit or ..t.1,..t.......1.1.. lion %Gault above
was brought lato the thatither, accouipan tat ' lethe I motif lootol Yin. 11 Is imam partiality for tier
by the committee of arroligernenl.-natnely _ , , ~,_ . ~., . •. - i .... , ,a, no
sand°, Doolittle, Ant hony • llownot, non- '",• r "• " ". ""' '"" • ''''' • '"" m"•• ....."lonei god nil tho nittsii so. ort st ..
•1 ricks, sherman and lioektiew -and by the 1 M" m m h 'l i ' Itmr"r" ''''lti m. ''l ml rei It 0 " ,, 1 ,,,, la Mined rot ne. 1 . 0 . 1 . 1,11 . look t,be r"rrO m r ~ e
an el. In 11. w al sant.. ber ritinbann, *no
pall-lomoors,„ronsist log o!lieintors Fesseiblen„ "•,'...','„,,,..."1,,10,1re,.,'",„ „.,,
„ ,, ,,,,,,,,,i, ~,,,,, i
~ 1 . 19 .0,,,i
i,n , y
~,, , , ,,,,,.",,i ,
11.1,4. I Burnt , . John on, Caution , I le and Sumner, 1 .., 1 ."" "P.: l "h ",'.,'''' . ' I S'I t lii ty i ' ,no I 1 1 I II t emteal with ainsolobas •I:aro.
„, lof (. 1, w .,,,,,, , r hit, ~,„,,ef.,, Tn e „win, ,t lo t int 1111 l nii ono, ia , 4 1,11 If, 1 r non, . a, oy tor, of
. was i•inced Mimed lately in front of the Seorts , °mfg . .' "Ith ht"f t l t e • he. 11 e 11 ,.. 1 el , All t ft" I sPeel 11011 ift•Sli by 144 ,, wai.
; i
, Tio. uelionlaiit low yeti , . gill, horn of hum- Mrs It. nonentei• i 110.1.111/ LOU I.llf isi ral part , ,
. tow's desk. It aas covered With Mark cloth
elaistrutelY anti testefttllY othatnented. The , mc no t,i;napnealtsk‘lolie parto n d , se who redact tit the and asserfa I hid , alic i, waa sti g d owo ,cr iat beykite . l :kf i tt ,.. t.
tat was albums! with I lie enoleest linWers, and ! r!'r!',:::',
,', mr , ~ ...,, y "„ 1 CleirY ".."" t Y% in t L 1 1 ".; . bl o q.::', l t . h ." ,?', . . ~,,,, , 1 1 1 4,, U L1,„.. e ,„„
bore a plate, ivith the Inscription of the name to , •o in " 1 ". iI I-I , lii 104 V• . . Intlie 1 ,, , I. - MO , ,WO,I a ef , , ~ ,
of the deceased •lelkator mod the chile of 11 114 Moti• Milli that on the loth or , 1111 e, Met Mc iiasmitil, 1/114/011101/, 10 •bitiii Mr 1.00 anti It 0
birth mid death. defendant, being delivored of a mole boat art; hp. his Medic oul, aft the moms. war tel .1.-
The limo...hole relations and bonny frienda eliiid, did "klilillid flimsier" the child hy 111.11 im 1 lling Om mistier AIM AOlll4OOl itt:f inhertioti,
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, 0 ,,, 0 ploO ~o nt. on tho , , ft. nu , I ing it int , . a privy , . th, n Mowing lot foro . Lir on the ittiorl i fir itf ,,, the ‘ eit n es, en le . ave . liLin 4 . 144 .
di the locality of the cont. T 111,131 Were pr.- , M"V"r• lee Kir,' sthted that 'dm had bad lOU o not permit iin *re ti 4 1 / 1 tit to . , a
b.• , 0n0.... ~,,,, ~,„,„,,,,,, ~,,,..„„ „,,,.,,,,,. ,„,„,,,,,,„,,,,,, ,1„, intercom. , with n young mai. 111/ 11 1 1111 Italliet bolt Al 0111. Into many •toreoty tauten Ms c•trettY
1/4311151 Rol n 0,„,,,,,, of l i t ,. 1m0 1„,,,,,, g , i . or p o . o ni opro „C 11 11 1 I that. OD OM birth of the 0111 , 1. It Mail been ,10 her Mr limit 1..11 I 101011/01 I 0010V1411.014
1,1 ii, m, As iii 1 the Army and N:r i
.1 3; I 10 , Mayor of Washing- 1 l th hts ii i, , , , , , • , l i i ,i l, , titi a Pris r. a lime II .s. subae , inent - 1 ~,tr0,1.1;mait.1”,.1„..!!:;,1...1..1,er.,,,Lfetri,,,,T,al
n 4 at • laso i L ”.. • :::':.., th ,:; ~ ; : ,',1 . ,° 1, ..:„' 0, 0 11,L;;;`,",`,1.11`,",.„,..",',',7:."'"' """ ; int, pt.t.lollol 14 ots hottight to I r lan Init. I sas inn onside.
~ i I .., s ,I, ~..,,,,""fi,i,, i.,...,,,,,,,„, ~,.„ ~,,,,,,„„„f It , wr .„„,„ , Mr n RV, AR. 11. 1 1111 l II 1311111111 11 1 for OR.. len • AM...took Tani.. sp.. to t.i/M ',parties set,•
Foster, presided. Res Or. Gray, Clientele ot . M.,,,,,e,t,rhiiisboi,litt,i,b,l,,„htionilleiliT•ef Miviii if beef , rend ' motto y, tot:I oda:lee.' !horn 10 sink their gi tes
ti., senate teleened t ale exervises by reading ••• ~ ' 1ii...4.4 and come loam her a ndeithip, wit him.
~ appropriate passage, ot .i•rlpture, .1141 he e A. 51. 11
s egtelt otol ti.':..Lid.. kr.•,,, P..i.•• a r - R sk as . a routtlil MI, and SOU/WA MI I y made
. FE Aii 1;6, I 111•11, l'r of ,1,,0 , ....omits la which he feel. Peer for the .1•1 fume, and Joh. it I, ik 1. pal klc s . her moro at ithlsorn Mr IT alio bad goue out,
!ugly diluted to the 411:41.1ngulalted ehisno•ter eX-Itistrlet Attoiney, for the proo.oo ow .0 on oot I. Interrupt the cillibirrnee between
~1 the deved.sed, and the Cnristion virtues The follow mg Illrr WRY Wliiilllllll 11101 lisl rt the Alderman Mil 1 I Wu. It. won after eatato
a hitch adorned his 11(0. awl imploring the , DI- V.: eosi.i rushing In tool developed Witte an original
Win Loa ••, . peace balite teltiell lii. highly fertile nuaginto
‘Me lolescong on the Presideut and Ma advt. mrmn Tendon.
l ''''' ' I "Vs • 11• i I r Look Moller, . t lon had meted durlog 11 14 short stay out.
sets, -.0 that t hes ma) ,el , e .s, OM rim
. A.thif . hh . .,th t ,tt.Y.
Jesse Espy, • In 1 ht. eohl. 11.1 proolaininti for exiistlitg
a 1.., .•. till. better ill distharge the highest re- ••eo , IP i ark.,
- i. le ,I .11 le. I ....t Mg upon them James Shipman, .loineo notenellY, tronblem, tool as los eartient of future Otte.
EmmilminEli Si. 1(1 1. 111 N.ll )111 10.10MIWII 11. It fOrint, tllll.Plaill 0 1 ',ILI‘`''t TPI".„"'• ROI 111 1.1 Thompson, dil'llee, i 1110 Ile WOll 111 'loin church-the Pro.
..t Ili , ,nikkii 4 , , theo took for his text the Psalm e' A ir, "s oe,,V. Thos. P. Rowley. bytertun cloirch - liaptiat - Lutheran -. any
. kabinet , sho held the Inquest vi, 0 reli;" but II ra It. rissitssuo thla ontbunit of
' ''''''''''''' m g '''''''' ' en A fat l ' rr ° tie"' r e h e mo e , ri l ' ls e e r l ' sn 'A l n y I rT l t Iff. deassonsi plilloi, I eat Meol t o t rd. , olerotion With Incrodithillw disdain, af
t'. " Ull " I '' ‘L',ll'tirkk-1'''..1.:::,1."1.11','.7, ''L1',':,:.',‘, 11 4 4 11, I'l
7 t .„ , „ , .., , , r t,„. i .,-,.„ l ' he find liti of the, :tad other mailers Orating Mot she had Iln emilidence In WM.
i , ,, ,,, ~., ~,,,, „.,, ~, ~,,,,,,,,,,, In the ' , rm . ~,„„„ , connect nO wit d i he Inquest
~ . ,
~,.. td r. 11. on . lholing that all attejunts to o ni0 . 11,11):
• " I G " he AA ` n hm 1.1 neml and p astor °"he de n - i lie'in'es"ltrel"l',;:ismi.;.'lT'n'tri,„'l s ' r ' i ' l ' .. ~.'tf:.','l,l l , , I dt".. ' l `,Vt.''.,''r'.l' ."d'''..?,ll;er dir,..plll.''`g:,llrLirt pr3r
',6E SEAS- '1.,',.,`,,71",i,,`°.rer,".:‘,h17,,11`,0`.'5',1,",i0"0'ri-14,ette,',‘,Tte,'„"t,',11 , thou e Nt a g ,•,l . 1,, e 1,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,,, 1 ,, 1, , , to tl, - .• ~,„,t , ,,, in ~„,,,„g to n y e „. 10 la m am i a. ,,,,,,,,1
the sonple story of Ills ....Mug ont from 1110011 ff I
„ I I I . I . ; 1 .1,1at,.1 L 1, 1 i n 5 1 1 11 ,11. r in aa r
r,,, l i r i l i, lg
,5ii.105;•••4;...5„7.111.;„.1 II':
l i l k! ' r: r t
45 " e ' 4W I tT l ' i " e " r• t t o ht t " e t t o lit ' ll i tA4l. l. C h ola " rre ' n= r rir;
lc, lin 1 front l he commencement. of Ilk last ill- 1 ••••!...•,••••• "'a.' •
4 nes , tO it • clik-ik in death, show ;the oondit lon ' V!it , ,, , , .• , i, , ; good nat. by linfiging her before a 'SqUire,
I. 1 . 'WI , . 101 1 i mile WOll lil 11il, 0 remained edlent on the
a Recall". ,•( ~, "-."1" , ' , "a"". , "L' r" 110 ^"' I ""''' '"'' ut,`,.7.' '.:tott-'1: " S 111 .'illit 11" u 1 t e 1 11 :1 '1101111A.1.11;il:101lei t•on, 1 biol. f her wro gik hut bent tl un de s
hore ,oul pro.pecis in a fathre life. The min. , •
i4io , ~,,,,, g,h , , ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,, „io n ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,„ 10;re testlmotty of a Corroltorath o character ' .l ' ell . .he o would tell n eve ' rything. g • ' gr
Of all the medicines 'NI a long. Sior , II ,- I Ite ~olciols . •,,,..c...1 te, vies, .he laid had with him. Dr ,• Waken'. mminnmed - Ale a tinted... Flintily, Alderman Taylor persuaded i the
1111 I he 27th of last June ',nil,' ea I wianiall to take' her husband back,
That enor came under our notice, there is none in los est :Cattle t Ike A fe,e,l kk I : k s 1., if t e a.'. it ele h t,L , •••• :orb; It% il , y u ll , t
r„. b l e b ii ,; At i l. g. . hi t• : l , - I IthYT lTlant° lII'. ; 5 '5
f•Z-Mu)or Lou, welt° nik onli•e the request ' i n . govt.,/ plottosed to I. entirely dere
that Is so oak ersally successful 111 II1SILIIII) 100 . I•• 11". . 0 1.1i1 1000 i 11 1.......01 111401, % MslMl tit', r?;:,' . 7..‘:,', 1 , p , , i 'L p r .' i T„,,, ' ,, ‘ ,, ' ,l, ' ,.; ‘ , i „,,,.. ,;,,,,,,,,,, ~,, that ',IMMO ~. ai ....t ...,.. its...• I milled. and tat to her; and the at lubt Conaerded to
relievlng Dyspepsia as Coe's HYsPepsia C. , a ha.•ll a Itt• mill II•i la 5-tif l• , ' l O I•' TI; ; • • ••••••• . n • • a litk•n it -.of , aad °I 51; Ma° lla
.4 °l°l , a° 'IT; ; 1 ,1, ' -‘ ' k l e e e 'l ZlA " te e rrl, !` '..1.'1111 1. vMf!17 ' l ' i r c. l • ' ; ' , ‘ lt ' t ! i t i.i. h ror e r - i! -- ' ,.,cei ll' e ' ll ' l ' ilr r i n ' ea r i e s, tri e r ,U ' al ' i V. . ''' f. t a h r “ l i llgr .I[;`:‘`;.`U
It nerer fails Sole agent, for Pitistni , gh, 1111' 0111/3 i 3... - .4ts• .ii i Ife • 4,11 lel 11 ti.II kel,ils - '' , •L1:2 i 1 „ ; , • ,; • ,'
, 5 r.. ° ;, ; . • „ • ;.1.::::.1,..1:11.1,11,r,,:';,'„7',1,1.-TT,"„'31.1.1",-,1,',•,7 ; t•ao•tatit lug whether she a ILI 111 AL 13011111 RM Of , shoo hi not. walk home side by nide With her, Freming, No st,l Market -I r.... 1 silent „ re l h e health 10W removed to the Mayor's Mlles. .. for the !amide would toty, 'There cement that
-.sr_ ~ v 0...,,,, „ ,it ~,,, ~,, n,.,,,,,,,, 1 ,„, . ~, , „ ~.. tom up, his eyes wet e lilreildy don.
We Have Reduced ~,,„„,, ..,1„„, L l„. „,,,,,,k, „,
~,,,,I. 11 ,„1 i., t i,,, .1.111. los Ir no 10, Mlle.. The words ot . It e I yksMedi he' "tether . "' lions , ' and rotted the old svotinolrel book Frith her again Po
wr i l .- Or': Itott l a rot , to". 1 boo %MI lA, regarding Mr. Itorklianit affirms that he had another
means 4 oPt ' I /hot/ . 111 t ." . .ovv the ~ I ' . l" " .1 " " " " I.l ' .1.11 " 11. "" 11 ) a T ".1 ,.' " :," r" 0 I, ,'„'„ her uhvdcal emidition. lint not know that object la bringing the salt than to bring her
Ail oat stock ot Domestics, .oli as Prod , tom. he h.- 11,1 !,,-.. .....,. , 1 ,,, 1 , 1i. , the pra . .I, o•rtsl I o oto , • a 110 NW . 1. , ,1• . 1 ;• ,,, , , rta ,.,.
r t ,..,11,,,, , ~,,. m a yar had prey Mud 3 13111, 111,131 with her; lo a retdiaing 'tenants( her onor, its.] iodation
Gingham., Cheeks, Tiekings, Raabe, Sc ent year. 11. friends a Ito a ist: to a 1/111111al .. •:ort , t` liv ..., Iv"' h 1 " . ". 1 ' 11 ‘ " '•: il i rvalttesidd her 1,. moke IL stlit,oitent a het her ot st , ,p. ,„1, e ,. th at L i n , In ,, an. , on no „nu, ho d
• •kk• • s Arne, ask ine •aan this be dello as I
Please sire us a MIT SbeliabY a h"r e h‘r. - .. r c.c A r U s . , s p ,' sftehatie'g".'!„,‘„Ve'..,';',,-IV ',..‘17...i.,....i.::.''Lt..2'5''',.,..,..,.., ',‘,,,',,. „,r,.„,,, ... The ,. ii, , , , , ,,,, g
~,,,,, ~,, n t k she lid liCell piI.g.IIIIIII Pill liet Wiill li , that II gam. him the pri v 11,,ge or managing Ids
1 about what Wab 110110 ait li the c 1,11,1; .11.1 not o wn 1, 0 ,,,,d,,,iii a g a in,.
and 76 Market •treet. We are still in Om Ports, street. I. ' " " - ” el 1.. " 1 "" ". "' "" 11 ""'"'"" "" "in h""‘ "ex l• lit tO her that the MaYm had seikt int: lo 1V hail. he made titi. quite elm. to the
The ofiScere al the sol.-Ti essay y at.' tha s• 1 .v . .h 1 ..! -.... " . I ..." the " 1""' "Id" "I"." ' , her. ' aid ...TA caution her not to s:w nny thing, 111 01.1 rif Mrs. IL, . ,minevrhat. CiOndy. At all
nal Bee fine stead. have no instruction. to pas the M•ty Otte, t Remit if til Beautiful "' and
. g thett without a
on 1.5.1 s hem, 11 Is due, as alleged to al, s se. pone he iiiiiinettJtels capir,sl. 1 the pollee Officer. I preset... reniulited to take ' events, the treaty effected with her k only In
TlWOlve and a filaif Ceuta TIo• mint-ter tototiented th.. lers.nn dud I elainT l• arlokrat i l a; t It.' h'fl• Tit , . h . .. o" 1.. : the itat ore of on armistice, anti tt would not
mgt. teleg rant. be surprising if the injured Mrs. B. %Mudd
„11, 1 1, 0 1 morning of the 2.1 it of .1 tole, Isas. Never -.a.
For prints, Muslin., mash , le TheittY -S, e A tw. 1. , . a -1 , ..,• h. , ' 1., ,, ‘ pol ~., ~, ,h,i., aruee . ttio•loattfa , to all; it ~. , the gt a b0r,,,,, think that 1, the girl, the pris- Rollin. ere long, •ipeit het battery epon him.
I , iiitmlse it h memorials the m.. 1 lastlng ot uti I
cents for gingham., tictilig, Jew..., .tr., rot.le lam. v to I enezliela,•l,l,i,n,a at • ••• loonan es. Hence on earth. lie risked. iii one , She 'doted alm. l s sce , k [nevi... t t liol We trust not., Ikon veer. Meant:tine, her fond
IgX„C rot good cheek ... a li h a I till I ine of di* , g..t,,,,,,,'"1:,,1:::g"rta.„:;,,.:•.,1Z-::.:,.",,,1'L',,t;;;!:...„.":,„,,,,,
,„ „ ,„, i „..„,„ . „ I„, , 0 ,0,1 ~,,, e yeim,„ in the 1 a 1 ...., IJV tn:l u l , ` , l , r o t r l 2 , o , n ,
I :' , li i ii i. l .. :t i l d.i t t tr o t , t ,
i T s . , , , t t . , ..t. r. I .3p , p Et el n r i L tt ‘c ih%b l y , , , , , l
c. lpie Lr lires: i ttr . ed .iih, er
a fr l
mesties, Olean at Sholfaity a. Bare.) s. ' 1,000 persona 14• I t lrelatel 5a i lug I lie h.-al we. L. Ism:nage of 011 e Of 1.11,1, -Let Ine die tlr ,, , i l , e i V l i t , ,"' ,"
k . 11.101. She said Him its. eiold crust seyerel bitttery. The , ase will pr ' o ' ingly lie settled be.
___ _.....- - -... of the Pieselit. il , ""th• g'n ,, g 't" the I ""'''' ','' th .. ri ' l ' ''''' ' ' AA° i't mY
' Gems , in tell ei nfteett minutes otter the birth fore the day for trial arrives. If not, nnil tt
Gomm slid Tannery et Auction. ,tutes Ik) s a.) ..t tpkeenstown. II is entimat• .1 1- . 0 , 0 ,., , s i o . so id sate timew it down the privy ; she .l'i goes to t hal, we doubt not the court will give
r , ' that t a ...thirds of the numb. a ere el tI •• 1:. e. lit. Thornton, the llmplato 1
, 1" ' " ? 3 ; ..."‘""." __, l ‘," n .." 'd ,r l".. ' , R""" ... SI ithllt. and farming - class At the r 314, ~1 Ilou.e, made the ettnelotal log prayer, in . bleb •
„"„r,.' n . ,„.,. T:t.I.,1,011:1;s1,;.-sh,:;,1 h,e,....1ftithe5Z.,.111,1,:-
td o o n o t he
townsmp. Lot mai oy stn. tiOuse Ok here. ooe th eoe et„t n e , h om i, e ,l i5y ,,,,,,,, p,, IS. sisill LIIMI senator Foot was mere then it I ` . ..:::.`, 0 " . r . g.
MOMS. See A. Leggate's advert Isenhott In week are nom man mg iii Queen... ato go .t i lt esoi,,Lii,:tt!,),...ll,lllegt WIWI , i f lll WW I It %Til l . 1 "'Lu r . s. ,. ..,„.,,,, pi00 ,1_411,, p p i le„ / i l, O m ititi, KILO It
aa ov by stemma, 1 ' " 1 ' ‘ "‘""."."" " W " ''‘". . " owe months infand that site dot not expect it Moving Day.
Auction sales on third page. A Havre letter stii s The nuittliet ot e n, o. m.ll 141 Si I I 11• gm, e. Ile then prononneesl the ,
to be bOrd so soon, as she had intended to go We 1.11,0 MI our al reelef that the moving ex
. grunts from tSerinuoy mr ts log al Illtere to tut,. benediction ~ , an ay the next week. Asked her if the Child kutelneill ha. already fairly began. The pack- ,
Furniture. A k tp for Anierieu has ho.• I, toersosed In au like general ..ers tee; Itettig concluded. I. , before 3111' thre. It away. If the e d „,,,,, „, „„,, n i,,, L id o , „ r , to t„, „ eon ,
Pianos, Bedding, ite., at olit•tion, on s..Onrday. a• al remain:try 111103' , A /NV I, Journal dates • l CEREETEILIMS.
, ;`„IT,„'; - ,?, - ,,,„'"',';'",'',„,„",.= . ,I,°„!l'L',',"„t',„g.,`,"l.di:c.„', ! nrbiellrricahlgeorti w. titO tied tine 61nd:inlaid ..,,,,, , h o , e, a „,, a ~,,,,,, ~,,‘„), nne „,,,, ,i,„„,_ 1
March 11, at 9 o'clock, at the Auction Roo., that theth ark. itot re... it,. , th...... 1 1 ,, 1. 111- ~. ._----_
I tl • Ohs sichin .1. , 11 , 1101thA the usiceosed; the 1 ..' the ifht " 1e1.1.1h. q• "" 1 r?'""" .. "' . e h '," Ilea, a Ith the first of April appreaehing, : b re . '
s , ,ra a ,l T a " ; 1; °ld a I"a ;" ;";; 5 ," ;; , ;;; ; ; ;; ;: t ' n , ; • r . a " ; " 4 • 4 tg f • I net Pall bear- OM , llT • C' eaa l l 1 ; la .; 1 11. • " r " °I; I ' d a " " ea. °O.leICI"`• in' , , e 1 he...t.R -I .. ere° . hr . ' . 'LI ILLDALE CEMETEILYtee.II. tu•
t 59 street, Allegheny. 11.- 1 -ral and tnest let...coque Irate of gepullo Ht.
A. hand.. a, Anet ioneei. 'l.' " um' ”""'"g ' .-...".' ." ' ."'" "".." '""
'''"'" ' ' ' ' " . " . A'
rA I ‘ F . - 1" ; " t
1 f
11 c aleecaae , l; •itd oat io•i• he l ho w ' - he Mt , the mli" d '" wherein to go. The lew fortunt.l.o 1111.,
A 1 Ire "''" 1.." ''' ' US ' ' "" g " "' " " ' ‘‘""' .'' ""
} """I ' " I "' "' 01 " I ' ti:lirt` ' M film. the i the prav3; -he ii. ,,, 11 snid that sim h ,, d havenot to move, can be seen at all times 1 ~,,, on ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,4,,f,,:.,,,,,,, ni.„g1,,,,,,
th ' m ' " ' '' “"''' ".'"""'.."^ ''''''''' "'"'". . '',”.•'''''"e"r-roV::.t ' . l . e arZ n niniers; citizens 1 ,1 Ihr "".. n ,.'. " ' ''"" A Ih " Pr ' ' ' ' M T ''''''' I "' With happy, smiling races, looking ot tite boon - , ciiy. oo the New Brigiatea itos,l. Pena.. 'sables
Too sViii Find 1 WU , Ip to mot ot Lai ten 1 hotiaawi ts• k-• a • k••• "I k•- •%:r - , '
.. m ..„...„ ~,,,0 , , o f she ust not :test :a• het mother to hear I iful varieties of Ilea in the windOw aofl to Aidect darns! 5014 will apply IL the Superintend
noes hni c"lread.3 eni-li•dmi Lt . ' le"' '' .* h • IM ''''' - , '''' - -lul'' °I
V . (n u t:A.4 I ' : 1 1he niernisecs ; her alike tail:kit, to g , e , „h e „ a „ then , oar dry goods storm. Amongst tite most t ant's et.ale, atlas Ocutiliery. Title Deeds, Permits
Shahid:ly and Mutiny in the obi lire II ire stand • tgong ~,,I n r „men. l'ho °Migrant , are in.:nay the seimte of the n 1 ... es, „ , Wareboaae of sae anderatantins comer or realer.,
'with a hall line of domestics and house foto- all Norther..., ;out p k 01,....tant, of the senate, preeeded 1,3 the I resident
. 4 •, 1 " "PC"rm rdr. R 6°- Ilmhith ; we"' the re taste - forty arranged find bertutifullyss.orted, 1 .. , O3 WARM.' boAtnass.willue allow:In:Ito ILL 1.110 PIRA .
trmn , ~ ,n.
d....! ~, ...1., , .. ~,
..‘ , ~,,,. ~,,, ~,, ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ....,„„,,,, y) . of ~.„„
~.„,-',....,‘. • under lite tfumpresslatit that she had lasot ac f i the window show of Slettura. Themp. ad beareek streets, Allegimer
• the sul•jeet of 1 0.1'th - eat she told her story son .4. Oros:Miner Zio.ilu Federal etreet, Alio
lAbin go°a' At
the I°*.e-st "'ark° ritu..-L • England, report Ono Misses i. men..., Ile 1,,, bergenntszt-arms id the itonse:f
i tt e s..r. ,,,.
‘,.._,, ,ihioh ,
i,,,i ,
065 T. A. ILELLT.
theaSe give us a rail. stn•h /.1 extent to th... 1,111.-..• se ts..-• -Mat ik "•""IIIIh•-•P°;••••••td ; ,•5 1 ,1! • • • , 1 TT.,... ar i l:: : he ; ', asi,isi her If Imo toot her 100 l minuet terml any ~,,„„ gentlemen, -...• entered the store and secretary .111 1r..: rcr,
- to ,ottlanga•r the comme..• lloag : 1. ••• ta fs t•••• rt....feta el the 0- Is la r• , • ,
1 told to prOeurt• all attar( ion t she sold, no; I learned I hat Sic Groetainger had Host retain
ot Jefetri nom.; the Diplomat le t orpo an , ,
.. .
Idnalin. Prints and tillentkants. threatened 1,1 A -triiiiit (00, iii 1 i I.cia ten. officer. of the I "inked i. iif the ehibi 'vied. "iie , aid• F . ''''l led from the East with it nupply of goods, pun. i WANTt3.
,„. The itelgitii , . a ere end. , orom to ojgot e t ;FL". "I I L''' ‘ I'"' .l .." • II . . • asked ber if the mhild ' , led I, '" , i m •Mlit m " h m " Chantal at very redueml prices,,ondathich they I----. -- --- ~._.._ . _
A full line, at very low prices, oil th.• nort
e,h,ii,,,,,,i.,,Li i
4 e..• o. s r Depts. I 111 4,1, 011 I,', 41 1 if. alley
1 „ „A„,, fore she Oita. it ihnk in the privy, she said, me 11, rea.ty to sell, for cash, as lOW aka ing E., rrsi - 1 AVAINTED.-BITUATION.—BIi A
east corner of Forirth and Market street:, ' I e, the M., of of II ashine .. .• ,
„a that 1.,. liktrlteg, t o/verklflr Ili I lo• Ilittli - Ii •••• •••; •_' • • - • did not ask her it the ehll.l was deml . neo era house. The assortment Islitnoe verY 'T t FIRST-CLASs BOOK-KEEPKIL 5. under-
C. il•rirfer lw , c A km , I oloin ok V ,ctoi h.. in-11 11 11, lit, het, sever,- J 0
.• st . mtg.: , s• , , ~.,,, ~, ~,„. Co , L ,,,.,. -he titre. IL Ilittl the pt Iv, k to) obleet iti ask- twatefllll , kallet.tho, alirt the most fi.thtious , ~,,,,,,, in, heal... th eso o k hey, ”,n w in r,,,,,,,,,, t h e
1, ~,,,u, ..,; and ......ped Th. t olony 1...• I t'• P' , -sh '" 1." ''''''' ' mg her if the mond law ...,, .1 a.- i ied .s- t.• ,„„ara tad to be measeo. The stiks, too. de- . most satisfaetery ..ferenve.. Address W. J. 1.-
4 stal toto a here the eot tow I
Sear Dry Good• been ler - num' lime 1...1 d'nirmled ;') .• i ..- i ''''' ' ' l ' m "" r "' • ' • :a...petal. ir tee ,etl.t tent tee: pt.-petty este.'
!at , •i tn s otg 11 111 11 1 111111iiittO It'll/301 111- . Iskoles, elont Ae-4, calicoes, and a variety of Bea /321 C Ituffalo. N. I • I.3o:Stal
• lent st niggle upon thoto , lui . / 114•3111.11/.. 111, 'l' P tor Mit, imtic olio, ortieles link isic num. totally unk.nown , .
Opening evory day, on the II ort itseust cOrri e 1 ,
link ift nor tia•l I itheu pa, f in th, -.1 rile against - s ln• l• •I 45 le"ili
-Wes • Toe tenni... , 10, the t 01011100 R Ottltl, 111'11' ,„ ,„ b „, „„,.., of „,,M„ g ~, , I , e , y e , 1. ,,,, I , ~,
of Fourth and Market street.. , Ills onto Al mist, • . ink, lk.nt s• noted% lowet .•.I etoced. At itilloUsi y eat erekl t holt . as.wirtment of crir-
C. Hamm. 1.-tWa a. Itho Ihe chitisoior ot in,. ken ef annuli. hews- Ili • X XXI Ilth I'ONGIM,S—FIRST SESSION A, zki 1in0... F -.., .pi ocskasks Ito t•pen the pets a Itich is One of the MOM. pronationt fee. - - - -
recall ca me I". ' l ' m •I'''''''''''' I ''' ehm"'''' , 1 "L M was i ores of the es. obitshment, . all that any I PUBLIC SALE OF 11ORSES.
-.... . ..
Nen Dress Goods. ' litil" , '" iine th Prov e '' b. t . th."P ired . l''"' "". itottackeeper eau desire. We would therefore , ..-
iniA• 'T
OF IP II'IEEAII li I Ni(...-. ', Or ' , . , ...r. , "• M. , " ~•-. ' eight of the e1i11.1 ,, birth The whola case ol _av to ono readers to give Mecesrs. Thompson , WILL BE alll.ll bT.
Bales A Rell offer New alike, /gain D., - g-siwitis . the Common. , •=ai i. •Ivieocled 'tie , 'h . ' eh" - a liroetclitger tt rail. and oto word for it they . satueday Morning, March 31st,
riooda, Shawls, Cloaks, every killd of Lisitne • PMr s :Inner " h. " . " feee " .l. 11 " mek ' ll e . " 1 " ih.- "'"e" .. • a 111 feel mai:Meal thud they van purehese goat
iti , s G. , ...line of the Memiii , • , , , she relied nee° the Mel that the ehild sk as „ 44 ., , 1,4,, Al. ill „. ',kerb., at the 1101101, MARKET, on IRWIN
ttc IloCals al the lowest prices. • '''-' •''''' ' e h ' ' if "t . 1. 1""""• le. "' the ' l li " . dead before she threa it In toe eess-p.d If P• -..-- , STREET.
Ma a infra'. DI oti ri re- T ere I 4.1 it N. ...,.. „ , ~, .„ ~ ,„,. „.,,,,„. „,. ~,,,,,.„.,, ,„ „„,„,,„.
she haat been so toad as to commit u erime I Ten Good Draught Darius.
Dress. Gioods, 1,1. st ,, p, Ihe too ek to, .41 Nee. Jet...e a eopv „ loch would pot her life In jeop traly. she .1. 'Various Female.
Selling atgrestly reduced ode., on the north- .., ;.....-...1 , 01.. 1, ot the senate in retmenve le ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ,„„ n ~,,,.4 ~„,,,,g i , .... retain t id. A young woman, tolerably well Clad, pa-sited i L'llf`t;'.ll=`'AlN,"'t„rr7,6tTun:rje',l,T,lY.W. ."'h
, tic -cat ..i . M i st OCR 1.5.11. Pit. 1 1100011 Wll 1- g ,,, i , . 4 0 ,,,, ,10, ,,,,,,
~,, h ,, , ,
~,,,, .10 , a Fifth street, afield noon, yesterday, so , ~,,,,,,,,,,,
rust corner of Fourth and Market. streets. UOLLECTOR KING'S SEUURITif ,-). ~ , :, ,- , - , 1 1" , „, , Aderman 11Pittilasen sus let ailed to prose drunk that she t•oniti not walk straight. In • . , , , .
C./lA:Tetra LOY lc A BA.. M ' P '"," ;L ." ! r '7l . r •-• ,-,-. . r. , - ;",^rt,-„„.,,r,, - the Villtriti.ter o the prl 50 ael . Ile dated that ..neoling o'Cur Sra airfield street she ran against : i 'OM LARGL ROOM
m•""'""' ',''' "cm''' '" '''"'''"" ... g" , .":'; .• •.--...:'; she had ikeen L. hin erupt.) it. a domestic ...r. an , M 1 lady who eitrried seine bell 1
dles n her 1 A
Double Width Detainee. • ...., le te I s 1:1111. hod elopsed oitice tete It' . e ' Vallt l Nit or three yea. Ile regarded her a arm. The shock was too nikkc',l (or the eqUi
, Advance-fur at of !Vital. 0 4 . k • l'et I• -ol toe .o, e tit r•••I, t lila 110 bud nOt . had ttme to
very good ittrl, lett thought sloe mts iat her liboute ov the drongen female, anti She fell ln
.: ANII •
At a great bargain, elk the north-cent eorkket prep . . , .:., a ppropt-tate address, im.l Ike would
. 0..1.,, ,ge „ma. On retmvering ha feet, tinw . :, - ,,,, •
of Fourth and Market strmtn. _ _. mi. 11., oodolgo nee cf tlo• acital , lo •le l h. f qbe court liere oaljourned. sth.• selted the old 1E41% hht ^ . l ",,,, e 'N e t. „,,d g e _ ,
loic lie once:at st
C. HANS°. Lora A. lino. :,, non , ooLo, ~,l onno
.n.. ,
..., „,. . 1 ~,,„„, .., w o ,„. , one ou 111011 , fill. o mama , ,
„ i,i I '''''''''' ' .. .. - .... - .snit tearing her clothing. She I SEVERAL OFFICES FOR RENT.
, ; .....,,,,,,.,,.„ ...Mel, was adapted, that Ole s c - -....'-
in gi on spec.' suk •• I °ITIIIII II" ; ; • • ` I ; eIII ••• Me At I eiol th.• fain...ill At elle o'clock, and lino Court of Manrter .5e....-„,„:.,..,...- rtinted het dress ot ,
ten from the neck to tbe ,
Unica& BelF• dof inourioug 'rue, . m... o aid, tore tlie skirt don ii a consideralele due I •
the sto the postone.. Isonasi a toel to °Pt of , -.oat ot - , eon 111 , ttstoti h..7 . 1! 1 : . . Oat • ..,r,q, ..91.-lb.fore .1 keige.. stoa.• ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,I „„ a id yogg, hare dinrobed the old I ENQUIRE UV
Shirt Fronts, iirakt.t.3's .I , e4t Hoop skit t-. Idm lug ilia t•onaintier of IheAs a It, • a. ° nrowit
nk er ifdlit,Udi treat mail -ere' we 111 it 10, 3 Ilt , ty altogether had not a crowd collected
French Corsets (now store t, 'roue., Napk in.. ~,,,,,,,,,,. itoUSE. The jot.) an Lite 13 \ 341 Of Noah., Kelly, Mur- . about her onol Interfered. 'rhe obi lady's pack-
Embroidered Curtail.. I" r e l' l Y 1 " " I '''''' l " I ll ' m I ''''''' th , l °I N ' " \tl. , i lo• I, mime of 1 lie journal Ihe Secre• I. i . I . •
•Ily arid others Wattled lad riot on oath et • ages fell in thP mud, but alio gathered theca 1
11ork,itakl'ili.'•etile, bm'h" . "" a '''' r A '`.' m ,'" . " ' tat • vt tic . - .coat , appeared and to ,elited ' ''''' ' "' d e" , 'LI th m "nth' . Peli me • wm , , tip again, covered her rent garments as well
o f :oath k.)11.1 A 101 111 , 1 ,, 11. , 3,1' , 11 31 1.. 1 ' . • (, ~. • 1 •,, ~ th ; hod. ~, ,m,..11,4 I.ltor the • k:hut sed by JIII4II. 1 , 311). VOO 1.111. r 1 1 1 ""I"U ''.. LS she t•eitlil a ith her shawl, and Went on her ,
~„1 „ , ' port, the SOOl 1 1..1 I ) •
• 4 tile TreLlii 11 1) 1111 M gil 1111 ", ' '''''' ' . " '. . , ‘ a . k h e i eo.rt. mid idler .. oie.ibee oi . fe w n th ' Ute. ' Wt.,. The woman who committed this ont- I n ,,,,,, Attorneys at Loos. Oti ti rant street.
pernosslou boo it0.,1 entrl , If after . ar• ful ~.-
~, _,„..,,,. k, ...., ,..
'''' . ..t•h" t ltd"P."' "" "' t'-'' .. '" 1 '" . theY retooled u rootlet of no totilty, but that no - . lk I down Fifth as i --, -- __.r. --- -- -- "- - - •
geous assault, wa ea on
npe..l.lon It 1.. k 11.110-rL1,11.1 1 hot they LIMO .t roe. . the . defend:mt. imy the vost„. ned in- VALIJABLE FARM FOR SALE--
r,.• to-Motion 11.. nig been read, ldr Mer. ...lolly as If notiong had happened, tur
Dom . 'ern . " "d m-nen ' "" h the ...Wm l' h Or,'''' iOl - ~, I 1 t Molt i hat i lie senusorn are not I eter Nits oy mi. tried en 101 1 111 104.10011 1 101 . i ii WOOil Street an illitappeared• Several per; , CoutaiMe moor., :flooded in Oakland town.'
+hi , Butler colaty, Mree miles North of the Bor.
Treaty With Puttee thissel of %Imo.. The Irk 'too's Waddikalmi somilil sari' •' '" lead N 11,-•1.1.) 10 .111111 ft their rrniaths in rela- • ;1131111 /11 li ing a nuisance, ille proseention being ~,,, ~,,,de inquiries of the police, hut MOO° ° _
f mot% of Butler, and three miles from the North
"'aft . M 1 C 1 '" 1 " . " .. " .11-t )..... " 1 " 4.., """ ' .''. Imo to the Character And life or the eminent ' est 1,13 It'd 11y MI 1.001. Commissioner Flinn. The them appeared in time tO apprehend tee o •
1 Westeru Railroad. The above foto h. a Ness
Wastitriero7s March .6,-A treat&of peace mo. 1,i , ,,,, ,
w,. „ , ,
~. , s . , . deleinhort Was the owner Of 'let ertil dwelling ~,,„,,,,,,,, p ,,,,
i II . trot . S ••rnion I a hose deeease litlA Frame 1-10113 e With eight rooms; also a double Log
with the Chief sod he"d Ime r " Lf e '''' A A' ILI A JO. The .11011111 01 1 3/111 'too:tool os lle ' " • •, ii ' ~, htinses on Weieder d met, isliMh aere de-
Puttee band, of the Dakotab or Sioux Imilens, „„„,,„,1,.„,,,,. I ''''' hm "'" m° " 1 "" r " "M- " I th Ii " mem ' e sirm ed by tire soule lea weeks dare The ~ , ii•ru. lirsuarl ocd other out Imitating. Atatui
. (Melte are desirhns of renchter tonne this , iso wres of the land is cleared. Ow balance well
hrm just been pfficially promnigated. These 7-,. ‘ ",:: 7 ,,,, , , ,.
~ ,
~ .
,u ,
.„, , I
~ , defendant . ir...shat In repair the hundines. Rook Notice*. ' timbered. Then. are to sens , la gra., aud two good
Indians bind themaelves not only to elose all ~ • o '' . ' . A '''''' '''' the ' eh "' the r "" ere e'.."'"""''' 1 1 ink!, 4it a a till kr lil 1 t ies;i-wde 5 aT - • 5/ 0•01101 tor • orchards, ,everal nek 4.r-falling epilog , There La
, gentlemen who MI 11,241101 FOI 111.1. fOr 111 1. , r .,,,,, A 1.• .1..1,•,...1 I nigh also to -tate that ""‘ " ' . ' ''' .--'' '' ' e ' •' " '''''' "'" ..
k - " T "''' ''.. -.--- '''''.' '
bOstnit.leS against Dm Persons oud ProPertr r ° t a t, p e ,,,,,,, g h i p 1, 0 ,0 ii i ii i mil ili . 1 13111.1 11/ ~• ,
~', „ „„ „ , ,, 0 ,„.... w ,„ „ ow obwo „,. I la. pro'llbi Ong the memo,. ot wooden build- March, coataing, ArtiCle I. Galileo an
f. 0,,..
d his D.- 1 s•,o s COSi Pit up. on ttis Ogee. 'llie farm la all
the whiten, Oat M. use their leitinetice. and
, it i
0,,,,r,, ,.. 0 ,
ri ~,,,, ~,, ,h„, ,,,h ~, ~,, ~,,,,,,,„„, ' li 1 h,i , ,, , i,,i ,
i, ,
„,,,,i„ 1 „,,„,. ~ ~,, 0pp0r ,,, 0 “, n‘it , The Jeri foetid a verdict of not gliiitY, riples, .2. Australia, Its Pr,tgreas mid Iles . attuy; t
0 I " For Antler roarticulears, enquire of
noceSsary, usi , plilmleal fore ,. tO prereet nth' r imin th , •lr braids Th- I , ~,,1 - ',. ` ,l ”, R 11 1 '3 oltoraleol to : Mon th . e usual enlogy on . " .1 , di' t , led the I•rosevittor to pay the e09 , - , 1 International Courtc:ty-liir. Bancroft it re- . TlitiSt AB. BARTLEY. on the premises,
bands of the Dacotali or Sioux, or other tulle-
Collect. , of the Port " 1 Se m ' I ''' ' ''' " r " 'l' ' 1. 1 ... 'I fklaik• " ale ', ices nf the deccesen k 11 .15 . Walla.. " (111 1•11hrIg" ' ith ereetialk " 110., 4. :thine) . Smith 1101 i his •ASSOCiatest 5. Or, 'SHOWN A ditaki Ail,
cent tribes from milking hostile demonstrik.
~,,,,,, 0,, , 1 , ,
~.,,,,,,,„,,, , ~,
~,, , ,
~,,, :.
~ o„ , , n
i tr 'ne '":l!'hug "" C""r a " " I "' O.""n"L'Y th The Prestdmit•S Veto-itights of Conquered; I 'Mil Lit,...t) street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
tions aglAillad The I 15Wernthent °I ; 1 " "'t ad • he t e t.. o f ...Ink, that oat:oil the telt .., „,,,,,. Th ... ' 4 ' he ih . e , I : e ., he „.., „ , Ie -s‘ . Prov.s.on , of the Mt Attune,. '. he jury re- „ i,,,,,,i,,e aosi hi. Works; 7. Pain and Ames . I t eats:ester .
States or its people. They elfin bind them- . ‘,.. , ,t, i
~,,;., i ' ,,. ~, 1,,,,,
„ , e,, , ~,. f,, ,, ,
~‘„,,,,, , . i,
' • .'
'"".";'"e*"..." " r n ' e- t"rn..d
" ''''."`"...rd7.l• ."", e ' l ' 0 " " ie ' le- ' thetlesi it. Brititilt Rtkl M Ireland; 9.
, Nraleen , _ _
______ .
selves lo one their M demi. to pra.ote peace ~,,,,„„ ine :tom:, the Me- Ito i o 11.. 1 e ,,,1
~ ...`, .1 ..., 0... L ....10n.... 1 ,, ,,,, ,....„ .. ,.,,,,,_ 1 .. emion of ille I 1 11iri Sil 1 1.• um' , titi -, law ie - and Crktl.•lsms. Nes Yolk: Edward ts. Scars. , - _
among all elatitte9 ,an it to yr Ithalraa 11 , ./11 t In. ••••,
~.i..„,‘,„,,..,,,, i , ~. ,
~. 1
... ~ , ,•,,
~,,,,f , , , ,,,. ,
~, ,
..... ,
' '. , ~,,,,i. r.r sole by John P. Haut St Co. DRY GOODS, TRINLMINGS,&c
overh..,l route The Government Is OP pay V I ; ',.:11.X ..',,1,,,`'..,ii.,1.)1,1d
~..., , .i. ." . .., ,
~.1 1. .. , !„. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
""4"' " "I'
''‘I""1""n1 PIIISHNOLOSIII/.11 I. Joen.s at. for April. It eon. ; -- . . -
them six thousand dollars Pearl)" hir tweiiiY n., ,„ r ~,, il,, a 1,,, ,or a dope, k Ti, • it ~ ~,,, ~,,,,,, „ , ~, ~,,. ~,,,„.„,,,,,,, ~,,. ~,,.,,,,,,,,,,,',, 0001 1, LS 111 11 amount Of one hitto.rea. ow
tains antrnig other things line rortraits and ' it
n(111. ski wrs!
yea., atid eonler other benelits upon them 0, ,.., „„,„,,,,,.., „,,„ ~.„,! ,„ 1,,,,,!..,, 11, .1 IWO .11 tio .. ' , woo ; woi woor ii „. 0 , 0 , 10 „,,,,. oi . toil it dollars Irma Mary thote, lik lot., pr,-
analysis of the character of the. ate Rev. lir.
-......- reent or ~ O011133"1 11101.1 nk Ing hik thirty days. . len , . The dofeiolont It au, `IIIOWII 4kld anted
1 4, Noll and ILev Alex. Campbell. Mit lift's.
Lafayette 11811. TM' 1 , " ,,, "I"' . ',." 'us ' 't B J''' ,'"'', ''', k ites. , /, , /, That the proceedlogs el t Ilk Ilotoke %,,l,',.:,:::r,'",rei,lorMele„"i,l,:lri.toll,',,.b„",2::,'„d 1,;, " , r ,,e For sole by John P. Bunt A. Co. HOOP SKIRTS" '
~. ... • as- , t 1 i 1,1 A 0.C."" , 'mo m ''' . '' ' "' l ''' s 1 elation to 111 V death Af the Waterside sea- t as I
EsaTOs , ,, , Pa., March N.-The Trustees ot . I , 31111 that 11.; eS oidd ret aro the loan in a Cea ' Tits Betacric Att./stria for April Is euthel.
, I„, ~,, the stall' of I; i Ant, i • WS- ~.„ i. I 4 : initllrrS.
fa r e"' '''' lielfe M i t t"ftY " d '7 .^i'-.- a for a long 1 toe the °Mee osststuot to •a. lie ' '''''' ll '''"""A"mAimd 1° the I. "‘" th "' days. It scam in Drool that be had no money lished with a likeness of Major General Sir Boor
We have In STOOK and Int sale]
I• • • •I I •1 I ••I •th
PC entitle course. ..r. A. Pardee, of likeletok, , , ~,, , , 1 1., .....,..,. kk, a. k.. .k. whatever deposited In the banking hoe. re. i Healy Itawlinson, with a more than ortilnarl- all the CF.LEBRATED MAKES,I
gave arm hllll,lred thoncand della., and Mr , Monied f "I• ll'''''' •• It" 1 ' '.l"ott,"' t 11 " I'' ' ' /:. ~./. ed 'Find this House will, as ii itedy,ros 1 1• T •Ii Ii• teresting selection of artdeles from the oils which Islay be found the!
' nrl 1 313 11103 of 11 , •• 13/113 • 11. all the le 0 , o • ll' • it •I'l •Ie t it •liff tl 11 fu- te rre , tn, and .no test molly was ot ere ,u,3. in • „.
Wm Ada.o.oll, Of Philadelphia, endowed die . , a I S
,h, r
_ lli.,
„,,,,,,, , ~,,,
‘e „, , ~, Pl , ' •" ; " •-•;,;- ; laa ' • r " " '' n ilefonse the Jury found a verdict of guilty . leading British Res tows. , ' HOOP JUS'I'LY CF,LKBILATILD
the hum Nt I ci•eltieb n P Hunt A Lo.
Chair of Chemistry. Amcmg tne new Prete. - L ',.t ');."-, r ,:,, k 0 , ,‘„ m , in,„ „,.., ..i the ili, Iw.Ml,l,itt 1 Without ' leaving the box. Judge Stowe re- For sale by Joh .
aOrs eleeted were the Rey. George Jenkins, i ot, r a , 111. day. awl ttimil Its return to tle marked that lie redretted the law did not pro- , -...1,,...- I
D.D. late President of Washlogton College, . -..-• [l.Ol that tilt. cm aker declare this Goose ad
' ' vide Imprisonment in the Penttentlary In Huth . Disorderly Conduct of a Longtorci. I ii, ,,, i ,
Rev.'llenry Wood, formerly of Roanoke Vol- . Front Neu Orient.. nod 4: ale e ... t.. 0 ~,,,,
rI0'...:1,11110t1011. wore unanitnously 'Mowed. views, a.... the crime was morally greater than , sirs. Hanna Beagle, a rcsident of the Third I
i c ezeggf.;Tlam , sa p I•Or li te r r, ,,,, of ,iii,,, Fil.„n r k e l ii i i i , i, : i t , ;... l i i , - ,
~,,: i , , , • ; . ,„ ...t, , ,,, ., ,, i , i i,, , 5 i , ,, , ,1e 3 „ ; d ri , , , ,. ,
~, i , , ,,,, ..: , , ii t l . i , , , ,, , ,, es
.' ~.,;‘,. ~ i
~ , i ,
,i , p ,,,,,,,,, y ~,, , ,,,,h , mu ,. c , , , ~,,,,, I ,,, a ,, r;zs , ;. nd ltr. C0 ‘, 1 ,, i rlitntil,ireiz,snentltLntc,ciiilit,l,,,,,:: p . r ,,, 1 , 3 „. 1 . :1; ,
"""l' AlkgrYit'itiriPp(isrearrebetra7.lPrii=roPli't:
the flan l'AiWeletCo College CidifOril hi; Prof M iddillig :17,1:5 - •• ;nit , ' - rat , 1•• Isis,' t t‘t • • " •'• " '," l'"”"'• "d/nur ned h' h e . .Y• " a d i" h "" in the county jall, romitriclng that the defen- ' rison3steriirr ,
st against a man named Ilenry
Charles 11. Iliteliceek, of brohernh College, 4,. Ni„,,,_,.., ...,,,, ...,,,,,„„, „.,, ~, „ ,„ „„..., ~,, NI „, a I,
011111\ 0 X . 1111. 11,13111.3 of ~,,,,, would prolialdy bare 1111 OppOrCIIIIIIV lif i r ' s ,V lm ,„', l „, ) ,„.„ '°°' • t ', - .
den.dant wits arreeted h,y
and Major 0. p. Lee. of the Fourth New York ,i 0,,, ~ ~,.,,,, 1. ,„ ~,,, ,„,„, ~.„, „, , , ,„,,, , ~, ... il 1111/11111uves had itecumulatml, and ft tenth:ring some service P , thi. vomity in . the ' """•—• It '
Artillery. The citizens of Esaton soleteribmt Western pr 0.11143• 1/0 I 1,1. N. 11,141r91, I hat they shotihl hare those tyro r ime a ork-honse, to which he would be trans- I beano hod ni ht. It
Meet , Hess, and had a g , g .
appears from tie evidence that Mettiman hact
the filmis to erect the additional bat lilt age 11/ Imo d,-,..., (g , , 1,.. , ( 1, (... 11, ..1 . . 1.1 l • o.l' '. • I 1 ,? 1 •1 , 1 . t
, I ,, T r rit .tl 'Ant*" ItU.l.e.'' fermi upon Its completion.
be Occupied. temp% are coma...Gs' art-film, 51 ill relliatiketi that the ioljoni•nnient .1 two moms to the lotaland of the prOS-
J, 0. Itobitier was found gully on iiii Indict- :„ .e , u ,, t. e . ia In a house owned by him on East Lane,
A 1,111,1 toft ieltiril the haslet,. of the noulw.
The baulk. a 111 • 111,.• 131 1,041.1 I- r 1,10, molt for selling liquor without license 'rho ' `''"" --
Tide Venints• in New 'York. o , -Illf, 111 (Wed to amen A by Illljontrnlng ' awl netting a tenant alio offerra Ilkin more
. 1 .,,,. ~,,.„,„„1,,,, 5i,•,,, ~ „ . -..11 foi I• • . -• • • . . Court 11011tentssl defendant to pa 3 a nue ot F - 1 I t rrninial to eject them, by annoys
utli -,.,,,r0uy next. , rent, le ( a c
N k w y oat, March 211.-The rumor admit Ye. - , 'roc, , •ii `solri,"> , '
„0 „,„. ~,„,„ , , 0 ,,n, ,„ n . ~,, „„,,,,,,„,„, „,,, 'erotil7 ,... dre et"Ilt" ...I the eost. of Prostaln - , „, p t om, in a mile only to lie ileac
rilied b the
, .. ' ..... '' a'"'deli. •' •
terday to the effect thut Stephens, the Irish The detect is i , 1 . ., • , , 1. ,. . , . 1,1 ,.
~,,i1 , . ,
ii, Lion. , witnesses who appeared against him. Mayor
Fenian Head Centre, had arrived at New York -re
"nhl.ll'''''• . 1""
' - u t
Tt ' • I ton hi - Mr A-1111 s.lif . Olio, moved 11,111,1110 prove° 1- ' Morrison verY Properly de-liled that the de.
and wail at the Oittabony headquarters, wit.. merelikok.ll-e In 11111111 g ..i . to ...
... . ,
.. .
turd,...) , ~.,
~,,,,,,,,, ,„ „ ge „,,,,1 ,1,.. Me Notspenalon of Culver, Penis A Co. ' fendant was acting' In a manner not accord
without Stir tOundation, anti afforded consist. linos is NPI , 11,3.1) . -1...t1/01. , 111.• 11 311 ,,
~,3 , . 111 L 1 /1, 1.41E1 “ tine of live dollars i
The Now 1 ork 0.313.333. ....Irerbser at- lag to law, and 11
erable amusement. Strict rules itre flea ill man, 1 rips all viol I lie if•• A spapLic , .4 „ 1 ,,, • .
.t •thrked Over° • .
r0t...0.10 , °wilting a takindmons eons , . t l riltittes the 9050.111 1/1011 of k_ ill ver, Penn A l'o., ' anti vOstS, which he reluctantly • .
force to prevent the possibility of intro , ' min g Yen ;slug t 11. Ter ,e- .L. 1.1 I , ..i. i i i i 1: , • , 1 ,•, , . I . ; i : I, :
„,,h ,
j,,,,i.a. hankers .if that city, to difficulties t•enneeted awl was check arced.
topics in Fenian speech. having nothing
. t . o
141,1 1 011,11 1 '11 1 1 . 11 1,1' 7. t: s . 1 1 •of t i oot Is o•it• .1: Th.• II , :osa: then tt• versed Its nelion In refer- with the building of a railroad onion:ethic . ALA,
do with We objects of tho FCIILWII Broth I- Wit 1I 11 l 1 1 1 .
, 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 ,
~,,,„„ 1
. 01, .
... .10 1111. , t 11.1111311111311 5, die iteno with Mho. , Ity, and With 111 Voill.lll 011 Irt , Resnowal.;.,The Old and well ustalthelied , x:033126,TX
betel. A large th m e l l9g of th " u PP °rte . " °I ' rit ' 1 " . """ ' "" '' ! , . , .., ~ ~.„ . ~, ..,,,...,, the motonlmento respoetlng it, WM in MI property Motile: aionnected with Oil • n e m o f T. AJ. T. McCaniae, haring rthenty 111/OP SKIRT:,
the Sweeney Fenian movement was Milo last the troop- in SI h...lsstopt tot c , s : nod
..., .
Cc . . , e a:ening to Air. ',Wrens' motion, to Clt3 , und opposed 14l the mix railroad preitht, remo v e d into their splendid new building, AND
evening at Tammany Hall. Towards the :dee , . rond ,,, ' " 1- d '''' '''''' ll . 11 l" '" a ..',., . n 11 11 Mom. , next. The llolltlll /hen . arr. Maill to have eireolided repOrls relloeting ' No. ISti Liberty street, anti having increased
of the evening the hall becarnedensely crowd. ! 111•101011.
eMI, it we. supposed, by man) of the adherents l _.„..._ 1.4.'5 ,f leek , . 1111 0114. •celtwk, tool ot that beoi 11 IV 111 the Credit OI eIIIV r 1., Penn A. Co., a Melt their IMO. and facilities, are now prepared to „,,,,,,' X_...49.1'''Err.DX•33,,,,,,,,,,T,
Damages Agalo. , i Rails...ail t toriunsint es. of t• e a hislk to the s,•itate ,
(Maeda. [tree. eaustsi a roe upon the firm, and necessitated 1 oder superior inducements to purclaasers of "•-•
of JJ'altilioney i. 4 1.,,1,.. -I.e.khes and Clerk, the mem... tis suspension •We totalerstand thin their , clothingorentlemen's furnishing goods, en, WHOLF,ALK BUY KIM sup-,
_...._ 55. 1 o es, Also 411 P•• Toe jar, 1 , , m. 5, .• n., I° I. on the., left arms Subsequent. fai[kk re is certain to Involve that (altar.] or nvo I Tney employ excellent Workmen, and furnish plied at NI ANUFACTUREIte ,
Towritie Tornado. • PRICE. , •
brought. In ae , I. l w , '.l 9;...." . •Mmage . '', ' rn '' ,e ~,•I • r • , • 5e..., the 1101010 101 I OUlllOtl LIU 1 0 01.1 ii.tnktt, including the Croutorti County 1 rlothlog to onier equal in style and finish to . iitioi - i
, ~,, , ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,_ ~t Eugene lb, .•, too ugAittsi I I• 41 1 •ing 1- .. ~..1 .1 1
1,- ,,, Bank and Me Oil City Bank. The Contmereird I the host MIMS. in the city. They deal very
Cisme'. art. 1211 . re ' h ''`"''' - •: • ,,;',,,1 t n',.,,,,, • ,,,,, ,„ ~,,. Railroad 1 0111mtny mol NMI , .I. bell 1,41,...,1 saw- .4.1.,r0wr says ' , We have good rri.on for bi•- ' largely In ready made clothing, and can ite- We al. offer for sale stet of dlf
[moot make* slightly aelled, at'
ring Tueaalay nig ts
-h deS tr- -' , '.„ " the diadem , Ib t iliolot 1 oteik o,k Th , 1,13, 1 Front Calliforutn. lie% ing that no Isilth to arlo In thin eity will eommodato those whO cannot allerd to wait., i Hoop' li ALM' Pltler. ,
amount of !Inv [boomed klo a 1. .,, i
em.,, it..h,„1..,
pn,.,,,,, _
~,,,, al to custom '
The vicinity of bullivuo, Moe r •
. i , t,. k I ire>. be affected by the failure: nor aro any private • with ttrments every Way eqU
, ern .ent 1 ol ito II r .col. a to. ~ a .•,. i i ,,..m1i t 1 ... ''' .'''• ' ' ''' "' M "" h ''''' --I're. ! ' ' '''" ' ' . "' i . iletitptitors here likely to 0111f0T, the aro. ha , - l a ttrk. Their stock of gents' tritnnitugs is very •
Illinois, sun i hate.' by a. terrific torn t a c 1 7
to defendants owl he ought I o soot rot 1 , rh , , "'"' ' .." th " '?"‘, b. "" ' """"! 1 """ , "11 ' ' 1 " ma at present no important Int.inetes coilnee- full a nd their experience in tha butanes" , and i •
the JAI. inst., causing groat clestrrAcnl,ktisii,,c,....
~,,„, i. ,,,,.,..,.
~, , ,
..,,..„ ~,,. ,
,„ ~,,,,„,., :, „, I ..., :....- ..•, t oto , t the 1•11 I ,
, R ,, 1 , ,
, 1, , r , 1 ,
, 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 , 1. 1 . 1111 ,
I.lollr IR llt is en). 'rhe firm ha. ne connection , exe;dlent facilities for purchasing end mane- Home s hli Has.
property. Twenir It e°9°9 'eve injured . ""Al."1" ""'
' I".
' ''
'' - ''''
1;-*'1‘1..."'I'''..';i":7"''''':"111 h.'''. votteen- aII h the Third National hank, 115 apPears lo . fuel kirliag, linable theta Conch as cheap on the , Noe. 78 and BO
mott.hed. Severn pernons were e h:doted Um'. Ibk 1 e , k..... but e.,ist , kb 11. , ki • l'' ...' , ' •" ; ,
,' , t , ~_, ..,',,.‘„ be verc generally supposed. The liabilities of . c heapest. Sec their cried elsewhere.
to them, and I h" , th• Piaiiit'ff w" , b''' 110 '' ''''''' 1 ,, A "" '''''' ' A . '''''''''''' . 1 p p , „. 0i m 111 1` floe are Vern, heavy,lint a fathrahle liqUi- I Tfl.4/1 HE , ST.RIEET
The Fire In eineinnall. 1 re ,, i i , 00 ,„,...,,,, il ls i , / ,,,,,i s Tp,. 1 0 ,,,, 0 , 101 1.11 11 1,1 MI sto e apart and 5.1
I •Itt IMu Is anticipated."
been ' the node point ii. 111, 110 mi• rhe plat/din, pi. Ittand - o.elY en tertositted oi o alone'' , to- , a). A Book Worth linclug.-Mr. George 15 - -
Clittlan ATI, March ti.-Workmen have
1 . , ,
, o . 1,,11 „r ..„„.. ~,,I s lit r ,u,,,, il,, ~, 1,,,, Is, MI Iti kioli-, the 4 Oniltierenti egad for Joie .. tdssinger, formerly of 'the Oki Pennsylvania WAITE, ORR tr, CO.,
bu " lr " 00rk ' duce the O n"' re""‘'"g l 1:: ' d' iYl " ii r " I I 11. it 1 I 101 .1.1.1 . 1 1011 1.1- Me , an• hot v Killed on the Railroad. I is:tonne., Colonel Black, has been appointed . .
0111° '' of the ° P m "' Mrmae ' About On ' Y ' " i
- P f '.
' cl b ..., pelted 1,, my the da. mi -we.- Aii aveldent occurred tat the Outer IFelott 01 agent for Alleghericity, to
, refeive subeerils
sand dollars worth ot the front walls will e• ats rear . 1 , dod
„.,„ ,
I .11 led itenori - F .B reiliftt ExettAncrm Ihe Pennsylvania Central Railroad, on W ed. 1 tioos to Holt. John T. Readly e glistoll of tho • _
saved. Setae tire-proof safea. bekni,Ring
eon' :
• " ral Mu Tint k .15 The Jury lime . \KA 1 11 Siloch 211,-Wl• 10,1. r 00.14011 hilt' nesday, by which a man named Amos I_ zia- I civil war in the Unitssl States."
_nr. nendley ,
the Adains Express Company, have been re- out . tins , . o
the :I s Int I 11 . 1 , 11 99,7 , 1 `,.. Ill.• I. ... 11., 111, I 1, , ;.‘ thei.• is no imoniation for the dorf lost lile life. The 0ece.,..1, it toppoers, lis . ell known as the outlier or "WashingtOn I
Covered front the ruins with their content , . a ,eicitet lor 1 . al "Napoloo/3 and Ilis
alliOntit claimed • • 0,1 IWO Ihe 1,111 sof a prominent ;Moneta! was lu t.llll Olnpley of the Company in the co- i and liis 91.1eir'd•W8.111"
uninjured. Wanda seirerit l did
111111. 'lnt.!, el• Tombs., were rei urneal by the , parity of a brakeman. At the time of the sic. I Mantlials• ' , z, , ... . Y_eP en
From Richmond. 1.1 1111/11 Llama he wan "riding on kt westward hound I first elms illusttutiOna, anti will tie harnistied
Floater )11..113011g Oil Companies,
le a Ilutti•r ith it soak, 1s . alto ett . , „
~ _ y ~,, ~ I , ~„,, F ore not excl.... is doll, tool rote , depress- freight train, and attempted le i Map f ro ., h . •at at.llo,_ 64.00 and Idea,. acionling TO the char
t'att.suntrat a, Mural; St.-There 1 I.” I,lllll' 111011.0 r. (11 misty kitty, sterling to: on eastward train. lie. 110WeVer, missed 1 actor Of the binding. mr. Gissinger lost unarm"
t all- meet 11l was held last Meld al Marko. Om: •
auttOtiPlet the oh e.t.P.:Fiett. ..... -1 ha. -h e ' ~. ~ d i d:, er e d 1,, jdopd T.,,,f ~,.1 1- ~....te.l loottonolis .WV ~ loot t ransact ions los looting, fell between the cars anil roll.' am in the service, and ban dependent. upon UM
[trent the several banks at 011 City, Titusville , Addr. - ,-- . • r 5. 1.• mad, at mi1,,,a1U7. ort a mother and five bre
the track. The train pioned ova In., I for supp there and
and Franklin, where many of Um Philadelphia others . ,
ut . , ,
..., tog tMg off hin right let:above the lin co, smash. sisters. Tide ta his first effort at canvassing,
compan kW have their funds depcssi Cod The colored pa oglt 0 1 1... )Wln i • tog Ilia loft leg, anti otherwise mut 3oting him ; mid as the work Ike has in hand Will ha valuable
their purpose. to s•elehrote t 11,• 3 , 1 of A pril, the MI Refiner,' Mimed.
--...- iti it terrible manner: lie wits carried to an , for future referenco, he ehould be eneouraged
: anniversaa: N 4 , 1 i 1001 ''..."lii• 1..) . I•TOcear• a"; sra N kit, \I , March .29.-The oil rennery
Canada Tiliojni ifillistered Ont. I end speceh.... The) appeal to cero•ral Tel ' , ~I lit, ICI I, 1 )011 R. i 0., on the railroad, In this adinining house, and after suirering great ago- iby libend enbricriPlaren.
ny, IlleO at Mx o'clock in the evening. The '
The ikrohl's Toronto special says , Ord°, an d M a jor sonde. too loss c good ord., to e- ~,‘,. st as, 11,111•1)• aleslroyed by Bre this morn
. deeelmeal was a young map, apparently 0.1)01111. i De Lunatic° luettarettdo.-A Lomat..
have been issued to meeter out the aurplii , served, Inc NI, Leon a its horned te death. /I Is Mai, • ' ,w o w,.
a -.0- years of 1/1/0 Rini ridded near 1 sumer has been appointed, and n Jury empan
volunteers, over ten thousand of which num- , we, ik,k,... from the ruins completely charred.
her will la• kept as a standing tern. of 011140, Fire nt Menu. I.:remain:rig, in West Moreland ookinty. to 1 neted to examine Into the sanity of a well-
Mis. ilr.mieth , ik Panne , 'II', wiin lonilY le/ tired i which lAliee bin remains were yesterday sent I known cltiten,until recently engaged an a
ration on the frontier. L tuxes, N. Y.. Slow b . 21. - The them , Rouse, 1,3 the explosion for interment. 1 hotel keeper. Ide Las lately given exklence Of
and barns, and the Livery ostable ov. ned by -..- • . insanity, and as he is poesesSed Of considera
111111tory Appointments!. ' John ging, were destroyed hy tire tlos morn- I:4one° Salem. . i The Allegedeorrnption at Ilarriaborti. bits meatis Shia prOCceding is deemed neces-
New Yens, lgoreb w.--rielottels E. h. Parker nig There is little 1101 iii 1 1151 ill I' tire aas I Pus I.AVILI.r at A, March 29.-aold at salaam .-A nouiber of gentlemen of this etty have been nary.
101,901W1 V.
Itad Adam Bodeen have been appointed bee- 1 Ile aotl of all : • I•4•re towthy-211 hag,. ofshlo Coffee at . .12%iX•8PA aubpeuited to testify before the luvestimoton
ond Lieutenants In the regular tinny. They • eettts, in clirinneyt 157 bags of Luguyra do, at Committee ktppointed by the twgialatUre to
will be retioned on Lieut. Gen. timer, staff. Mining Starke. .0,,,..5tr01'i,e. t examine the allegation. or eorroption to se
...e. I cure the passage of the new liquor MIL Among
''''''-' ' New TONZ, March git -lila pt lees of 11l ill ILK
Aennon from Europe, stocks hid In Boston t.siay were us lolloa. Death or a ligerebarot. 1 tbon eumfooned are D. O'Neill. Esq.. Editor,
and Mr. T. P. Houston Reporter of the Ma
li:ay Toast, Mara iis..-The steamships City I Franklin, II , Hancock. 19 , 4 , . Losle Royal,
..,, D" ' "W ' 1%1'."h *3'..--11"17 L. Richnr"" l or ' I
patch. The re to a ' oar lief the ;bat.
of Baltimore and Fulton, from Liverpool, have gamey, aro ; Bay state, Sh; Bonton Wa el ~. e Moto( F.,,..i.a.ggftiettertleon it CO,or Wifely, 2.. PP ore
raxtved. News sacticireteEL ' rower, 2*, died hat 8 , .• '.- Mittee On neflneMay next.
Sy Their Toes Shall Yon Know Them. . 1
The British officials In-Ireland pounce upon ' BY TELEGMPH.
a man In square-toed hoots as a panther 1
pounces on a possum. "Wearing of the Green" ,
Is a venial and condonable offence c°'""ed ; PENNSIINANIA LEGISLATURE.
to wearing of the Congress Gaiters with ree- 1
tangular extremities. These latter articles 1
of pedal covering, are regarded as Inc.:alive Special Dispatch to the PlUstatrgh littl.etle.
Tellable evidence of the backless individual
sporting them being a Fenian, fresh froitio
lumblabi hospitable shores. bristling with re- BILLr to rtscx. .
solvers, and einTylng in hie valise bundle. of ; 'Mr. Graham read In niece mike( for the neSa
military commissions and hales of green- ; ter nre..erat inn n r p 0r ,,,,,, in th e h ne „ ne h 0 1
backs. On the other side of the Atlantic, for , hi e ji,an. Al s o. an iii 1,, t n er.,,,,eatet.he pm...
over a year, they have, discarded squarestoes, I hargh and Ainzn„. Inno nn ,„„ In iTy . ~,,,,,
and have beeni making round and pointed an art nut horizlng the cloy' and n lalt; voile,
toesthe Cashion „lien* the easig manner In ' men of pit t.huvgh t a sail tee , ,tattee In making
Which the line lOrAlliSLlnCtiOn is drawn. lye : arrests.
are falling into' the round-toe mode In this' ?dr. I:ralmei tram the Committee on I ice
country again, however, and persons of geed and Immorality, ‘1111tif• a report relative to lite
taste rather like the Change. But weather ~,,,,,„,„,„„1„, ,of „„ or ,„ „,,„„ „ nee , „„„
• people prefer them square, round or 1.111(0, to run eon ', nod:l, in ritiht.telpttlo, tog, her
they cannot get a better made, cheaper, morn with n reFolut 1.111 l lint the las sis regard to
symmetrical and more thimble boot titan is I Sablinth'days should remain unchanged, s lash
made by J. A. Robinson it Co., 61 Market street. wa. nuptial
Their men's -boots are nnapproarhable, !Ina
their ladies' exquisitely modeled little tattoo-1 The folios itIL: 1,111,1 01 . in. voteAttlere.l An
rats are the handsomest la the city. net to ineorpernit. Ihe feeler- l.tot• of Ntenttl
ehi on the M11111 , 11):1411P1,1 I 11,1 . pa...a iIIIIIIIN
' - " • • .....
- -
Plumbing and tin. F l 'As nal to erevt Ili•0 county lie Cur
Now that people ore about to ohmage their tat; the d was , ole 6(41411.
residences and remove Into new houses, man
little changes in water and gas fixtures will
be netessary. Some will want a bath-tut) eon-- 011.1, 1
tdrueted, or o kitchen sink intrcsi need tutu , To make eight do., 's laboretail, I . yeas .
the kitchen, 00 as to save Bridget the labor of oars it. . he, ppletnen Ito an art 'r
carrying all the water for culinary of , Joint
(tenants In
mon, :Ind adjoining ooli
tic purposes, from an outs-de hydrant. Pos- ern eral land- -upplentent 10 7111
n it
sibly the position of gas-burners require some th mg sto ‘oooolle 1101LOti01 11,0,
change or additions, Sr it is deemed allot those nit 101,0111rtw 11,1111M.1111011,. •
you find in your new house ore too old-fosh- A -upplentent to r t to•
toned Inc modern times or good taste. loony tin Aua , l relating - 011 , o,olllst
: Buell ease, we would advise our readers to ,tents, exetaties and a lulml_nnlws. 511 ai I
leave an order at the Plumbing and Gas Fit- to pres ent .1••••••rter. ol .14 al ••11,11 ,1 11:
'Ling establishment of Messrs. Tale at., to, the ~, bt, , 11 , 1 , 1 oi l ot. oonn
.NO. to Federal street. Allegheny, or Dr 1.11,er- ties 11l t 10. 1 1011111. 1 110 t• 0111,
ty street, Pittsburgh. Both these gent lemen
are experienced, practical workmen, who are THE LATE WHISKY: - FRAUDS.
prepared to give 'immediate talent lon to all
work in their line, tout a uorotitete sallsfsellon.
Purest and atereeteat
Cod Liver Ott In the aorta, manufactured from
fresh selected' livers on the sea coast. This
oil to characterized by u sweetneas and purity
peculiar to it MOM'. Ito reputation 1.0 .30 great
that It takes the lead of other °tom, and or Increase of man E
universally prescribed hy phruelans.
member to ask for Hazard a Caswell's Cod
1.1‘ .. er Oil.
CASIV7.I.I. M Arlt it Co., Neu York,
Sole manufacturers.
For sale by It. I.:. Sellersd Co., and all drag- The 44“ernor of Victoria Recalled.
Sue Hub, 6- Barclay
Are silt) In Lhe old ,tan. 1,74 twit
---NO. 75
117.: LIXE 01 0 lERS
Tha Nenistortal
TURSTON, ./., Al.rol 20•--T1ift Itootatorok
quosaloo beglom to to. lloltilltf. Thr 111 , 111.•
pansefl roonfltion to go lot , foolt
snort tn ~ ln log to Inl••••1 11 Mato. 501n1 4 .• on
WlllllllWitty 111,1, 1,111 IWO 11 1 lil/1•• till'
miusto It WlO. tont tly it vote of • In 1,,
nnovnl Yrtl.l to t wyrreortl tto ronolutfon
TUE SENATOR'S LAST MOMENTS. 00011 to knolv Ilse nolo
Imposing Funeral Ceremonies
II A iLrti.nt . no. Nlitrelk ise+'
Aumsementa. BOOTS AND SHOES.
Taawraa—The accomplished actrests, hale - -
Henderson, will receive a tamellt to-night, • pANIIC PANIt' !I PA111111.: 111
this being her last appearance but one. nu.
floe comedy of the Youthful Days of Rich- ,
lien" will tie presented, in whieb alto will as
sume the character of the young Count- "
beautiful Irish drama of "Katy Olibeal,
favorite representation, will coneltde the en
tertainment. songs and danoes Will be Intro
by hgr iv 1161.11 pieces. Ettle merits n j
full house, and she will doubtless receive I
It. M. John Brougham will appear on Mon
irsenA Recs.—Annie . Eberle, the fair Mau-
ageress of the Opera ilouse, takes a benent
this Arening. The German translation
tied ..,s , ven Escapes o.fielaide of Dresden,"
a drama of the sett_ is• school, written ea
(measly f wi ll
oe ss Eberl will he produced in I
which she wll tallre e, lle character of the
bride. The biariesque..f.txtahoutas,” will be
the concluding piece, in which the eccentric
negro cielbleator Johnny Hart has volunteer
ed to appeal., The bill and the occasion most
certainly attract a large
111 fOrr..tiOn WWI made before Aldermen
Strain, Cl the Tenth Ward, by Moses Good,
charging ./ scot, Rothschild with the grave
crime of perjury. The prosecutor alleges that
daring the progress of a suit tried at the De
cember term o the Court of Common Picas,
the defendant testified under oath that be
(ROthschlll.l) was indebted toilful to the anion n I '
tit illfty.ttro dollars. Rothschild ids. Instan
ts:al an action against the same party for the
larceny of A bond for fifty dollars, issued by
tint necond Ward &boot Board of Allegeny,
and Ono severed receipt. In favor of the pr.,
rotor for money e e n• Dotal wee held to Imo
in the sum of 11 n hi:mitred dollars, for a
further hearing on Monday next..
Aerldeul.—Urn Douglas, residing on Soo.
and street, below rem., was severely injured,
yesterday, by 'lipping aitd falling on , the
steps leading to the residence of lrtend On
Third street, whom she had been Visiting,
Her injuries, although severs, are nik reigard
ed Re serious.
Alleged Larceny and ;perjury
Dletrlet Court.
'('human. V. blare!, '29.:.—ltefore Judge Hann ,
to lite epee WM. 11.62!..rib•q , 1e
man J Ofn.clll W Ilotinon, Martin
Shaffer knit Peter Bolstr, and Patrick Fell,
oratoeddnn—lnilng fletroll (Or datinagee duo
hy Wing oulamartly allapOlnied or
.11kulling lonian In Allegheny—the Jury fOund
for lilo Brown; but. an to the
other ilefirtiilanlit they found (or the plaintiff,
and aioontiied the domino* at 117&75.
James tilikey ea. Jabs Waterhonee. Action
/1 tor a I.raet .11g tkrOki WM Youghi
ogheny river, N 1104 On trial.
Plitock.--Our enterPittrielr,prtsing young friend.
Mr. Jon . a, nOir
11111116114h.1yW large nral h
attractive n stookhand n
hooks, inagazines, perurticala. PaPere, and
the varlfql articles v Idyl. go to :unite up a
Drat el.* literary 611 near depot. If "John
sly •. eontialle. to "swell 010' . 10 tile future as
Ise Ism ailon in the pmt, lie a 111 6000 halls to
enlarge his preinlmes. lite numerous friends
do elf theyeau to "keep down his strs , k." by
niurehaelog liberally, but somehow or other
the shelves are always toll, and as attractive
iu ever. PlttoeWidepot "opposite the pont,
office," has become an "institution," ands a
credit to the enterprizing proprietor.
Eellpee..—There will be a total eclimm or
the moon tonight, commencing about nine
o'clock, which, the weather perMitting, will
diethactly visible in this locality. • It will
take about four hours for the earth's shadow
moonss completely . clear of the disc .olothe
and Om eclipse will be total about
eleven o'clock.
- -
False Pretennses.—Daniel McCaffertyyes
terdav lodged complaints against Jane Cotter
nd Margaret 1. otter for obtaining goods on
false prerenses, the former to the amount of
Valli, and the stir 4.31.10. A warrant was Is
sued (or the arrer,
Larceny a. Ballec.—Kate B. Bann made
information before Alderman Strain
day, charging W. F. Roberts with larceny. us
bailee. of two trunks and other artieles, to the
value of $.50. A warrant was issued for the ar
rest of Roberts.
Release...l.—William James, charged with
deserting hie wife tirah, and refusing to sup
port her, wax discharged yesterday on pay
ment of costs. The information was mde by
his father-in-law , and the costs were pa a id tiy
his wife.
-....,1 11 1, 1 ,. 1 ......
OUR(' El.l)—tin Wednesday ea ening, the
inst., at 6 o'clock. BARBARA. wife of A. N. !lurch-
Meld, in the nth year of berAge.
The funeral will take place Tura DAY, (Friday.) at
1 o'clock T. V., from the resldeyee of her husband,
No. 149011.10 street, Allegheny, City, to nroeeen to
Monnt l'nlon Cemetery. The frletnt. of the family
are molted to attend.
114.0 1 ' EXPRESS TR4lL;sKlirrs
t"- , r Paris Trail,
Hour Pride 01 the World,'sNlßT''
ExTu A LA1t..1..
141811 —
WO hat NIS, New NV Mi.. Flat.,
23:i du •do . 1.01, Herrin,
"2 l i tt ' . ‘ 1 1 4 ; ? e. ' iliW. n..
enrol b) . _ _ ite6l J. It. CANNA j.l,it.
, 'gr.. t '.lll; E v es 2 ,, 2 “,
Now landing from NtearocrNoro for sato hi i
rah= ISAIAH soctigy .r. co.
fitAii,E. - ACS CHOCOLATE- - 100 tioxm.
Hater , Malin. No. I. Norfolk Su. I. email.,
i Double and Teeple Vanilla. (*boast
_I ' era now lu ivOra
'1 for
HEY ArElea. IfilitiS.. •
No.. iri and Vs Wurid &trivet._
SZABDINIES-50 casepil.,l, and .ttO
ni . „ nee , in th eir large
. tiieiii
b k i , 0.e,, N cans Santini:a ago arrival. Rim ullercil
. niI:THEW & WHYS.,
WIT./ Non. 105 and 1 . ..0 Wood Morel
_- _-- .. - -
. B EA:Ng—.l46nis. choice lititie
Bozosmetaled and fbr
m aale 1 , a
~, j , ..n .
\ ..nn , . Ni!AlidjSreolid larval.
DATIbi-40.tratts new Dales ,tu t
6 y'
ol and fur aisle hy - . • ..
ETMEI2 it. Biros.,
lion , OS and .I Wood atrert.
....... THIS DOT. —I car loads
Turk Maui
Oruro &Nilo, 'IOW In SLOTS SlAti filli: . 3..loy vow . r.
-61113TICON—.11101 baled now .111XNari l , g
(roll vtrarnor Nora form rdr • .. .....,
• ...wri lATI 1/PLlttolif-NW...
Jro. 25 /lab Street,
..., Plml. AND RUEILNSTOWN (11txt.axD) twin , •
w. , •••• The INICULN LINE. salllng
etsoold to and from tretand,'Engliod, Beot
land Sirromor and Prvtct m.
Joll G. DA.I.E. , ASentr- •
15 Broadway, N.
ecll lieu Is teetrareederblehtelll reseh tbe sub.
•enbers sternest SO the mail rue
NlulLle Cop!
......... ..........
Its fiat.. of tat. maul larny avail
Who Shall Quell It 1)
In Vain we Wait for the Answer,
tEA .111CYCT C.).V11.1.11
endoar . yred to enlm kll
N 333.3 over. 13e r 43111.1 re ,loci 331 3,03.1.,
8 'l' G' 0 151 'X' .
.Men's C 414 t Hoots - .• -
N 60 Street.
tou DouRLE)
Illabbfattared etrinenet) by the enle ewerli of Neat,
97 Clutamber9. sad 79 d• K 1 Read° St , .
Ksch hoop, I , eve-11/oat-a of TWO Wit.l3 tempered
steel aprtogo. tabled tightly and firmly together
edge to edge, Mooing to , -litoNt•Et•T and moss
1 , 14:%11:1.1 . : !loop tmute. rttey wdl not tmod Or
break like all. Angle rious. t whl ever presenm
their arseefulnes. :hap , tt 11, re :toe, or rum or.
dinar): atlr
s will wen throu away as usetess.
in fact. for the prunweade ~r hottw, ~ the
church. or ur ear, they w:3 twrtor to all oth
ers, comblntog cowl - 01,r. 01'0 hi 1.101 SCONtt.
310, with that MI which ims malls
the KLLI F
or the fashionable .
Merchants will he snpinte.. vs above and by Pitts
burgh Jobber.: and !writ, In ail the Orlt-etas. releb
stores In this tit, Inquire Far
Bratsk:Vs Duplex Elliptic ,icirt.
A 11. I Sit Le.
R~TA IL 3Disi-aicm3Ft 9
Supplied lly the amen ut idue.l rate/.
19 t,:
rcin itz C.111.181,11.
Toys, Baskets,
NTALP-i.mri'Dr_miss ,
J. G. LA U.E111'....
V sr I ety and t.,1.0rt,N0. Markt I. ear
. . .
tartioniEit COFFIN, Agent for
tr • the Franklin. Philadelphia anal liallimere
=ranee Convent., liorth-enal earner Win•li non
Thiedatreval. • -
. .
W L. JONES, Agent for the N'orth
• AinerlCA, :Able ot nnoi Mort
ford Insurance Comp•nle , 9 4WtATEit r•TitKET
th. A. SIMPAItIL Secretary of
e eltlzons , 199•Inspc40 cornetur
3/L• KKK', AND W ATVS 931111[ItTli
pirrsuustotat NIVItS Eli I
Ittittss a h. • too Is
beseeessort to Joe. Mortise,. J.
NIII4,KItt . St t elt,sou,s, ra.
Istollett attentiot ss• tie ir reur, t f1..1 4v( trot , wild
ornamental tres.s.• [r
m.r v au , .11.1,rew,
h T : lft sV . $l rir !i t
tirossobotte.. s ttit —'n I..esro=t:
_ .
J I'llOl,llOE.
31:4 norm Me4.1.4a Ura.44 - .• Vr
- 4 • • tioslten l; brrne
• ' flasuDurg
IVY u •nniteLl
SU •• Tutustaw.
to tr,r. IraOnrrrl
Ite,elved and
1'lY1•11 . ..1t, At lili.EP tl
&el rl)eat
15 bbie. paime66 l6 •rriet
50 boxy.. Slybslo6 Or.nge.•
5 .• Peklaryou du
30 • • Lemur.
25 barrels . furplp,
Su • • ne.,l Y•6•tue.
1 ear 1066 Potato,-
In utore nd for 661 Y by
11 I
Nu l
138 Th 6
u 6
A , • • salt
" chote, Navy 'trans
Dried PraelA.,,,
Al • • Cul and Dry'
100,000 t'lgar,. oil gra..les.
lu inure and for sale low liar
013313 CII Al'. t. lot 1 Iln•rty et.
too bbls. 'rd., of for 31 ra
IMF ' • Holden
141 •• Mill, Sprlngflo , l
4 • 11 • • WU.. tollrhlgau Bean.
010 bnah. 30,1 11 - twat
10 tons Ses:oDds:
300 bush. Ear Cora,
Yoe saleby h NON. A 54.1. A.
Ind I,lanoond. Anent...Mr
SUNI)ItIkIS- - 9 truly. fl'itrleta
1 bags do
2 Pairs and 7.1,310 ltowtalls.
.1 bales Cottoul
1 Uhl. Henan.:
• I .do. and 1 keg 1.4.01e.1 l'esebes.
Vn st.easner tilsogo ,, . to arrive for sale by
ntblo ISAI Ali ItlClt.P.3 3,41
ALALD SA C LI- - C rosge 84. Itllacli-•
Prince of \Vales Salad Sauce 000 Sliarl
Cream, All 11Cello•Til , Iresslng lOr lettuce, An.,
pint and half WI tit also I tile'..On for table nse or
the digest ynalitl. for sa,l,. at Inc Fant.hi_lironerf
Store of JAtt. .3. RENSHAW,
nthlS Corner Liberty won Sand fAreet.s.
. . -
SUNDItt ES I I I)ales Curled Hair
I do Nines;
4 (10 • ot.ton,
I.n do Dry Veseh ob ns . .
s ,n u ie>r "llog
LEA A. PERRIN , groolz, In plats And hu
pints; Harney l'rlore of Wal... an,l (ttanhet ,
land Sauce; Cross,. et I's Walnut and AlLob
! room
C't "P. f"
K' T.7;ll -' .. o t r tf 7 .VN ,i ll 7 k
Ibald ('cruse Of Liberty and Ilona street.
bbl. sod: half nbt.. Eon Butter:
bid. Egg,
bags Henna.
1 bag ling',
In store for mite by lOAIAII litckf.`f A CO.
ourrArioge :
outs Peanuts novrisfLlt, SSM P
tows:, for.ale ,arr"l:°'
Hs M
13/..STB. COLL,