414..4tvt1r spEclea. NOTICES. AirEIvEIPILLK—.4 re you 14 ck •bgl mnyla/nlntr Otrder with your systena obtraupr a nA .tt WEDNESI , ‘ItCH 188 a. not eutnfOrtable , st tophoe ar. net, tbs . tore" • ludo to aerlons Illn.”. Ir , lt : . 141 Creeping ponyuon. and 'Ito". t"•' Is nu. of thr rt ht rernroli. Tale At e• . 11 Is, an TM E rrrruist Ku it GAZETTE AGENTS. 0„, httuv t r • -- I.rltY •I t , blond, and lb. fluids tu..re un•thstru.lood lit health aa•lo. Tue. •thnulat. Ihe NT, I , .11, Of 111.. tr, purtfy trn fr ,, to • th bo t d • mak. onsease fret . ••• Iles " au b. turstr he, .3 the booly . and durattat.-- , Its n3lttr• fat Intact:ton, TheAr if not rettrved. ••,., ,„„ thotntsplves and the•at.noutyllna to.gan , ',tot, - I odygravallun. stole., and derngetto,•ut. Whlle 4 l. tbl. t•ontlition. tale Averts I'lll, null so .. boa .11,-..rtls the. 1,, .rtv the natural aellon ,o 1 tht Itr and It the ant leo 1111, of Beath It hat i• and to tay y 3,111 in 11.- Irtt la n.t.•votoo. al al",, nu, in ort, .4 pur.ratti lh . 11.11 i aused to 3 h.ts• 0.1 ol.r.auttotto.. stt . nstural rustle the Into. 11..1 aro. and many 1,11, ..red by 11,. same ut-aun hut, n 11. I!,, these rillo nlll neglect tomesetplo tbetn when suffertur front the disturb," they 11l r" .n... 11 as Headache, ?out Stotnarlt, Dysentery. Int 10114 I cauplatots. Indliges I ton, I...range...tot ~g th, RI 1 .I.l.ltenevo. Heart lours. bropsy. Worn. ad. Suppress., • *hen 'Alec, lefrp• 1140.11., lb, or.. ake liuyar Punted. so that then ost eau t then, ...lir. an. they a, •o,lt the •oet purpath, medicine. set .111,430... red ATER• I / 4 A1:11:E CURE. For the etwetly nor.. Werra trr,,l kV..., I,ero 0.1 Apt.. /Omit,. .3,, Plait, Per le,, lee I lieudarh. dY11,..00s 11,1.1.0rhe. bunt PV.v•vs. . t r lb. oho/. tti4," It tart „ •., tglaortlng tn too/r t den. 7,0000! h. .4,1 a mi.erretta c.. 14 rsl r ' or it Is oo V::: 1 r . to F I ::111 I t '' " .71.1 1 : *. g themt.- other Ato.s. titedlo inv.. that it su the romplalut W 11114.111 111.11 the IF/411,111 I 110 , 11 11111, tor ksl J, nor do." It p."tut, 4/ 1, 11,/1 t. "tat ilk who 1e.... hltaki ~1 tt. .:.•: th west. In and 1,. t, tit to.. v Prepared loy .1. t 11 En A Itl. I iI,"1.11, %11 , • nJ sold by IL A. fAii h A , I. all Itrukalete. I,t, th ,n r&CALiAlloc 11.11:16; roma. 11411 rout. YR. Colurnbna & I E. tiLINDICNNINGI., h teuhenvllln. (lbln Y. P. 131T.1.1.A.111, Wellsborgh, W•At. V•• THOP. It•Trloa ht. (111 City, Pa. Jgaiq pllVAZlP&lll&X..lionbeillet, Pa. tOMt,t • 800. , Weitivnie: Kontat CLARK. lillllllo. Perri.. Pa. W. 3117MIts, Alleklll.l,lY W. WARD, 11.1tonotigshels Hoot, Pittsburgh x. 811•CIIN[T, Wsablnglos. I . s. LISAAR, TRiapOTT, &a. m. (Shin. T. C. Ahlr.n, Volumblana, 1/.11. llcaren, H. Ilaisiral•n. Boller. Pa. U. J. 1.3 ..i 1 C14...140rcer. Pa. JORo AUTICIta. reciashorg. I'.. PoaTalallT&n. Fast Pslnatlnr. lobo. J. 11110 es, Preir-inorl. J.B. T. Saul,. Allrahru, (i:r. K. M. Ahhas. Sharon, Pt. H. Y'WILLI.Yt nnriaatalr, Suow&B. & HIMOVTIIN. Brnorgisi lu.. ra J. If. EVAN, Ws I •. 1.0011110. 1 . . P. .. . • 1. , 01111, Clrrelata.l 'Cato.. 1.1 , ..1.1t/ I'.. J £lllo.na. 'I 1105. T•sra. John.lown. Pa M. Ig•at•itt. aharp,urg. Vs. D. A. ToWN•eati. Near Brighton. PA W. Mum. Pa. HODT. Pa "Dt. tiotrrast. lift. J NO. ATILIN , ON, Irwin Station. Pn. Mite. MAMA. rareolum. b. IIAaTON. ncnickleT. l's. 50Lonoic FRY. California. l'a P. HrTrltimia. Kittanning. Pa. W. D. Illt,ll Au . Manoleld HalittY HALL, Indian, A. W. ItitiNtl. Port Prlr r, Pa. J. C. MTEmAitli. Venn, Stall... Pa. A. H. enA•rrOgn, Darlington, Pa. Capt. Jblln HAY. Day . ..elite. Pa. U. W. MatITIL Larlmer Station, Pa. B. W. BARNlmilet., Baggage Master, Pa. It.. I. RSTNoLms. Lan rem..., Me. Pa. R. Mlealtla, Bag, Hai, Well. Ill,' A reort.'n J T. WILSON. Itirretire Mallon. to. J. Y. STICILLa. JaroiCa beet, Pa. J. H. RECD. Lockport. Pa. B. RAYA(sIII, Knoll Valley. Pa. B. MITCUID.L. While AM. Pa. The Late Sleeting to%o•tnln the I're•t =I Mn,.. EDITORS: The suldoined remark in view of the call to sustain t he acting Pres dent, were prepare.), serf, Its they are. to I read at the meeting on Tuesday evening, be t the anfaVorableness of the a anther and re, - arty in point of numbers Of the assembles seemed to render It rutneeessar.y. It is not. given over to peer columns be a subserinter I the flatarva (or over silly year,, (or the p tit • nem, in Some sort, of placing the elltinal.• I , this man Andrew Jolumon in their tree rolan before the loyal 14,11P.P., of this loyal count. Mr. Chairman, dr . I ants not a ante nut,: noon toslay that a call for a to eeting It. au.— tale Andrew Johnsou had been Issued for tin!. (Tuntarlay) evening: a rub upon the loyal e.! . ZOOS of this con my to Meant,. tine ambient.. Presttlent of the l'olted States-mkt a in: standing the ((,,rave obstacles which his fort,:." tool power have Interposed to defeat ill. great moral remits of the victories nicht. • I by the enduranee, eratrage tinni In or th• noblest armies of ltve iiiii n tine a mid into. etc: wlteemed-notwillastnrol Mg Ids °iterate!. . denial of Execrate! , ennel Ma In the tbority of Unttgrars to pros Inle •n0i,,1, - measures for the 10010. I ion of „1ine.:,...0 Untrillint.9, and the aur-a ore intim mill I. gathered in part by the Ottireurt il mit ruse- .... ~.r• 111 11, II 11/Null . ) . 1.„ 4 , 4 , elnancipatent andJong dowle.teOtittet. notwithstanding his disgraceful speeeh tla . • Boiler MaLers Ik. Sheet Iron It orkers. outpourings of a niebanched and depraved no- : toilmtf, on the tbt of February. prrentitut Mg I Noe. 2:41, tr.?-. 9.4 and ,, l; Igenn street. the time-honored birthday of the Father , 11•• ing ~.. urt•l a tar,. ti furl.," Il.tt i .• oar Country by the exhibition of no th.• up., aphr 0••1 Inftel.lt remit,, /P.. Ir. 1.1. 1,/ •I I.• Depths , ,0 s t i o no si; , li l I eL", T i an n 1n under tlre In= e t 1 .1 . ,, ,,: ~ , , , ...., 7, : :„. .: .::;. . n . n , v .. , ‘ 4 , 1;. , z , tr ,. 1 u i t ~,,, ,;,, I /t . ...1 , 1 f „. h . ...... ~,,,, ~!,... enee of : brutal inninigenee-ramentdra o ed. ' ',...i",,',R,' ,:, 1 ,!.'1, 1 ‘P,',;';, r : i l ,',', l l l ,' V l ;`, , :i , 1 ' 2 t;,. .I", . tog his proelalnli. non of vengeance rigittn , t i, ‘,..,. ~., i 'l, s ~.. ~,. h ..:'•,. , •, ' .. Z., ": : 8000 of the utast enlightened and patriot' ~,,i , , (~,j,.. ...,, n ' ~,, i . i s i . „.', ~ ~ ,y,.`, , • Men of the present Congress, to whose ales, um in i-• "I '• mc i• ISt. tie! ten ~,,,,,,,,, ~,, ability and legislative services we, here it, an kt.k It , (ill I. - 1 Alt NI FP Pit t I,- 0.,....i..t, Allegheny county, look with hopeful cone- I done et, ,i,, .11,e1.-,t te , te..- donee, for the welfare of our laboring prima, tlon and entrap In the efficient protection , tziar - nimsoN. REA. & ii a, (NW - by law of those groat interests ttpon which the I ''"' rector, 1.. Hoxist.,..., ei , ~,,., .... %,, ,to future and pronent wealth of this count- WASHINGTON WORKS. and city mainly depend; and lastly, none. i rounders...a Mairtlialltitn. Pit asbni-a ti. standing the well-known sod long exerem Illanufarl i urrr, of 11.1.‘ r AND ••• IA 11P.,1 . h 1 v i zre o n f d .... ve d ry rev l John tins "" io ' r t h t7e a t l iro n ( Ztfo r '.,".; :* **, Ti t "l'ZVill s .' , ' , ' ,.s .; , . - isT...A.:l;,‘,',':.',',:' ,t,';',;,.N!, Northern industry,to Which:may tie supenet- tV,'," . ','V,!.',!..,•„"K• ~ , . .4 ' "t. s •.. ,-lu. . ' ,",, i dad his more refold demcmstruttons of hostility , - '• ' .." • ' • '-' - " alt - ' to the proposed further protection of mann- , ~r 4 i f.- 4 . 1 f:" . ` : ,f:";:1 " A Rl' ''' VA ' I. ' ' ' s ' I. ' '''''. factures, or finally In the object of this meet- t ' Ing to sanction the arrogant en oilcloth.. of : 2,..,, -, 3:-. TO N1:RI 01 % SI i' I•I' E It I:11 5, 4 the members of Can ess. Voorbeee, ot Ind I- ! no'lenTlf si ‘ i 0 Ar. ul t . .0 .... ana, but the other day entill that President bolo, !era trrlort , i" iir . .•ib ie • ten ..., ...0., Johnson bad struck . manly and honest Mow 1 . 'S"'". ' h.' ".'....""•• • "' . '""s"'""t1" - ". : eels of I I , attaeul wlllatoul t0r....0 ....0..11ra it at the protection 11111..)...1 by the tadlT to , ~,,L , ,.,„,,,,. ~„ „„,,,,„„,..,.„,,, ~ ~,' ~,,,,,.,,,, ~ ,„. Northern Industry. Are moth among the °lnjects for whipl a meet...r se 'Ware..., . et. lo,e, 1.• ... I e .. ,„ 1 r . .... , e , tagisp Wen ced e d Lin S l l4l/1111 Andrew JOnlo- iFi tar hr. usto h ...0 son,and perigee a Ito our loco. Interert9 11. 1.1. ei le lir moil o k. kis itAnn s. II 1.. I, Y:..1 n (Street sad glorious Poem of the Nut len. Co,..'''.‘• S. I 1...11 11•IA-.1 It b t : 1 .10 e possible that we have lost num manhood 1- 1 I N I'o4 'IBA N St. Illtis., since the close of the bloody and ' , netron.- . I tautstarturur• uf 11.. 1 . IAI 1 t o, AN i p warfront which We intVeiniln.tt tiny enterg,,•l 'k A OLT Drams. linos it...11.1‘.., is the most powerful nation on the earth-a we, sous:vs:US, W IS.. .t . I tt'Airt ns, A... ...... In which not a few amongst ourselves het a Cl, .IN,I pg, .a. fill1:11 •• 1 lii ~, ~,,..„ ~ . 1 01,1•AteirillOnS and deln • elniantSUNlnd lam CO. r t n'oi M. , . I. ion , o r". i•roei • ' r'. il , or •p.'• , ' • at I. ea.tly day tmiler the frown ratite mete 1 . ..,„_. ` 111 ., e 1 .,, ,, . - ^"...- ~. A , le" e•••••• accidental power ramie man daring to dictate , „7, . • l',;;.::,":,:s,`„': - V':,;;;,:.;4 ,y,',,l:' ,'"..--'", ' • L: • the measure and fruit of oar M 4 neat eve] Mattend Sustain And w, Johnson, that fort no- 1::):q - THE BRIDAL 111 A MILER; tens Executive whose pardoning parchment,. . A•, rasa 1 I,Y WA ItNINI. A •1. I• scattered broademd to the most eOntrpie. •Titl'I•111, SY. 'it I.'l Si, %It • Alto .... ..,.., tons instigators awl active partlelpants 10 r. ' l ' . " l. ' ''' .. " .... , 4 . 1 ,1 1 ; ,I . ! ,, IP.t 3 and s.s. , k kr: •) orm Stine of the late rebelliom worth) corer nem- :,‘,..='..,, , 1!'• ~;,,.:. 7 . .. ,, , ;4i. ...` ,, II . i . 1 ' i '• no'. •• ...I i. of the South, who even at tills day stearin " "'• " around and are occupy the approaches to the ligir SENT FREE.- - A Punt plat. t presence Mille acting President, to the each,- ~f Intihrhor Intiutrtanre u, I, old h n. I sloe of petrlots and heroes Wale 61181On/14 I ' , wen, married nod Atha, . uf hln sr.., will requires an admittance lathe Executive Mau- ...hi free by atltlauttaltur. tt l op 504.11/ II IHt I. 1.• •i. I .- don. Such is the fact, and every hour you Agents. A. KENTiltirk A 1... n„,. ..... ~,,,, •, may witness the threshold of the Whit-olio.. P". "the' tot, 1... t... packed with returned rebels red with the blood of our children, accompanied and' Muroduced GOVERMYEENT SA I. FS. abed pperhead's of the most poisonous type, P taken e ordlally ly the Ila.lol to the each]. i cr ''' OT EBNMENT SA I.E. nano[ the loyal men 14 - 110 elevated Andrea Johnson to power. Walt this array before to, we are invited to Sustain Andrew Johnson-- mutant film in reining his signstnre for the r Qneensware Cutlery, Hardware, Tin proteCticm of the life and property of the poor colored men who shoulder to shoulder fought ware, MOVES, Ranges, for as throughout the whole war and were trim and falthfin to the United States; on ' Blankets, &c. shall we say It, to gratify the copperheads , antritigat ourselves, and thus encourage thee, -- aptnttions for the acquisition of power at MP eonilng eleetlOns and then by our Own Un- M 111 Ir. 4 61.121 Amnion at Ills. 11 /ultra/ Vlt. - tot - 0r • wise and impelitie ilit give them in some ste- I v Tr,I' I TZT ~1,',71';,; , ; , 5 ','" , ..,•,.• , ~..,,";,. • i • .!, • grp th e privilege if not the means of shoes.. , - , ", , , '••. r . 47 ,'., `', u", "" Strengthen Andrea dolmison m-hts usurpation j , Z r 1,',."."`,..,„7,,,1,"„„.",7!" . 5„,..' ' '''• " . r 's'''' • over I:Alegre., and you intrOdnee disease, If ! ii.Mr,"1•64,.:.. "' '- ear, ;;;,,„ ~,,,. not death, Intotthe byal bent& oAllegheny , 2.50, Ohio , ~,,,, h„,.„ 00Unry. Alt.S...rft Corsi, La„ Porta,. Lulu 1..0,Pu, , , on Itt.tep. It. LOO f hats.lo., 1.001 1.....111, t It, .• :•. Me, tuultrout 511 f• %V ...II inn. 4,11./ r•pilleorit. 'or ' , ono . i• on -- •-•-• ' 1101.11 h Iltlet anal 1.0 is, 1,. II t.trlu tt R . T. WRITE &CO., , 1.700 art rt . , ,tr.. toe Waste-11....itit Vt. 1.40 Ijr.7010•• 2,tral .0,0, 11rorlu UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, ' Tr.? I :„" t ' s i .l: ( e ' li'l: * r . ' itrrm, ii„ g , nn„ Tenn, V I Maw., t lea ~a rse-, t aft.llr . ttl.-1... ‘ t ••, Manchester, Word's ilea and 1 trinity. scruut. Mop, Flrottu„, Iry . hr.,. W.• . I ••••1. / Motu, Rang,. t auldrun, sod ntisrrlikarao, t.. 414.111 a lleoswast Mei Livery Stahl., nlahlutt arl/rleu In mg. Wl' rl.ri • ill- i,. ..... hurguoll ...I H.I. i mom] 1:... k at... (loner el Shellettand Chanters N. mbinatni Carriages Hearsethallest Thlrt • v. , I . 1 sodurnisasni. n010,1y4 A LEX. AIKEN, SA 1.1.: OF GOITERNMENT,PROPERTY, I:IN'DEB7AHING - 1714TX3 , 2E1X11 , 41.33.3E1irt, No 164 Yount. West, I . lllllnrob, Pa. cur ri all kinds, CRA of roperal Yornsatisug locoa, lornteu,.. owl aay FadhlgilL, Ilear..nd 'Arita/mfr. r I HILTERINCEB--firs. b.,. Her.. l l .lc., Her. W..1u....b00; 11.1,.. Ew X., IN Miller. W.I. COFFINS 2 COFFINS I m rr 1.1.14. I=ll MIMI MA ♦. , . , la.•leJ.t Moron. 1, 3 , lo UNDF.RTAAIN4)! ral• I.t.‘ Im of for Ike .•Itio and UN DEW% I%()! operation or i i inro, A moo . lz SLINHTAIII nal: and alp, BOBEIIT 11 , 11.13A5N, Undertaker I= from Iron %Anil... an.l Artnnrl. a In lin. ~...n . a kibs nil nf A lonian,. a 0.11,..n0c1a in tn. ai lanes out. moil forolthlokyttryntlog Slecenary to Pr.3 . 1 3 1 1,. U 14 d .17 I*.ay". • _A 1/(•t i()It. e. -4 st rtnonsble deltlt , Among the artinle.bce, 10. *old, or. i f 2,601111”. 5 0 . 1'0.11 ..... 15. 1t... I 01 . 1'1,11 -bar. in, I 4.1•1.Olt .mo,txxo lb.. I5'111 , 11(iIIT 110 ...-Leo and 5 ..1. Fa , o rib 111 HUN . 7 , A t o ne I'AN /4.unt Ins. I.EAIt tint Iten. II Al Tb ernn.- and a..., "Ito., 1:0•11.1. ner,.., W d mud enan-Ind 11”. I'ONV Dr ~,n. fort -,11111 and bate,,. abanr...l oltea; W. 11 Atllll4 Er -Intik, rianeetn, al 111...t.133 nod Tnejlatornar. ALSO. Roraima, Saddlelb florae Equipments, In ! Canary and Cavalry Accoutrements, weogoto ond Onto Carriage Irons, 41.1 unserviceable annon—iron and brunt*, MO broken (inn Carriages, I.aboratoy Stores mod Materials, Spare Prt• (e for Springfield Aluaketa and Colt's !Le ant. Cr.,, and au asaortntent of ATTOWEYS c. AITORNETU LAW O. n. Licensed Solders' glides *sem Bounties for Wounded M.D.'s', collected In rts tweoydy. rterd/Illits, grantatet. Pittsburgh. or n to With Llttwitarge sotto. witnesses. 00 McMASTFIL,GAZAJO & CO, ATTORNEYS AND COUSELLORS AT LAW Pitttlw ,u b., Ps. dave amireirtegg ewnoto or Tidos examined sad (Jll.lo. mad. In realm i• e.eaL--4111110 and - Weal VI roc t.. 11 .._ asia.rrAttir cialiff, PENSIONS, Ag. BouNTILK, BACK ili, and ligHltsu7 Claim. theare' description, eolleEtA the aubecelber..l tolfolrlng fataa. eta: eraclle: all elbe, elatma, ItalL , • C. TAyLOR, ,Utorney at Law. Diamond W.I. opine the Conn H arare. N. B. — NO dun., .r. glalA U the cAsha ovs u,,, otosed. sad 111 tuftwaiatiolvt. gratis. .e.1:1, L. P.' STONE, AttiliNEILT LAW, ()Film .O=ULLIN court Salm UL,Wra"' REPLAING. . LA.DIES, SAVE IVIt MONET. . roar Table Was. gnil) WEI L aumes. .parrvg i rikap o Wlik 4 M, CII et:an allaraplrMaz i to s al WV ICILY =I "...,W—FLETIZOIVIFI,V•S TURKU:II THE liftESSti AND 111, -uNNOi lUN ES PACKERS MI E AS Yowls. X.54.4313.e.r. _, rM ,~ . ~, .•• I F. ME REM =WIZ siiivroN it O. MEM u , .•ru.er. All trarrAnt...l lot 121,/..1.Ar I. I,a , 4 1 , 1tE1 , th , oti• Rl,psio A 1r itl 'I ry ,11v....ttv It lawat raw, t" eurr. 1 Yor sale by all I,tlivo.l.R, 1,4.11/.• nell:tyd ' I)V 4 rEt . SI4.•••••• D. tu r n IP • a covert, Mated idvparailundi Ituoin snd flttrba, wiar unti -1 Seigle mud enrtninntlyr odrquirthen lb.' A... eh and nerront kielcm. 1116 a er, (sin ',1...1y tor nyNrolda. rl I udlKrAitton, Nercon•- Arl .. Id or ibe .. of AbiannWppetite. , ah Platulunry art.! debility.. it .tet.,/tonet Literature, pnriirularly.ott.dforrwat. nto todt and yspeptic. prr- Yor alt: by 411 d rng sl.+l. ere, rrli,re ri rt . :llll7Ra 11 CM= qiEESEr--200 ►N beb Cboar• for eaLlis b gl Ell=ll n I:. u,rvitir. Ilill . A ,1 illr,eit Boot THE GREAT SI MEE= En= =III Mil V, .1 )ITTNIII 111: t 7 Spring A 41a11 to mod fro. I o:•.nl \ 1:11 (11AN4.1. Ali.l Arlo 1 . f T• 111 tTT ArrAT T T••T T.. M TgAIN--17TaTT rTt,t,as 1.. T• I T: TS I L .• 1 1 1, 1 1 1 ..A l Alt , t,'ll ,, , 1 It A 1 1., arm., at 1111,1,11 11.1 1,1 DIED ll' :11P111111;1'N HOMOEPATH I I I Aro yr , ve.i, tle I= MEI , I II % \ IF I I %I I , . I rr r.n I 1•I 1 =0 I ?I ' Yi \ • =Mint , 11 1%11 , 4E1 1,1, I; I Illk.,1(1 I`, 1,.11.}1 1.1. 11. I:INt., t..1.11.F ~. . • t•r TIP ID/ , 1“1. p:3 = =1