Dr Vittsbitrplt &lute. EDNESDA 1, 31.11:CII 29, 1966 ICY lit' ca )1 • 10! oft MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. GEARY "F I'4 .1114:11.ANI, .vIUNTI NoTic' : TO A DVERTINERN that berta/Let all Ta sdYfrllsenventa reeelv.ll •t thl. olllem milt 14 pal., for .when beaded In, eeeept to the rue a4vertlsors, whoa. bills will be rehdere,l uartrr , r. as u.nal. Advertisers will tole.e mal note-of this, ae the tole of each payments for Litt ehhrsrle r at at ed. will be =MEE prier or •tur paper Is 1 If R►R CY NTS at etym.., or fr.nn ir,vr,hovsi..l earrler• --•- - Nii=lMillEil HUIst II II.II4IN Iry spllll , oll 11.11 all .•14 J) .I•••. I.• 1...yt0,111, 14, ~I 1 1, 141114: 1 •11.11....... inter,-it and her I,lfl I / • p•-#.1.1. , in !hi- coot) try, except Ai., latiir, Th.. great (Vitt cults experienta.,l by !wait.-- 1111.1 i, foi months 'last, and at Ihe time, the 10 - ,ul iar twel - tainty in the lalarkt•l ‘ - alue of rommoilitieN. It is impos,,ilde to euleuhite even forl.rirl'puce alie3,l \I" hat is the reiloaly for till , evil Some wy oontintletl t•Npa/1.44.N l i i., w e think, a titistal., cowl oiled exiatniqiiii MUM., 1:11,11.1" ezi.utg , il - 111111 , la !Ices, 111r/111 length, riled When. during the ' , tog - resit Of the war, it tea, baud necessary to extend the vol note of paper currency, and protract the process of exliansion through several years, husinesi • sii calculated for ita t ilf In other wonls it did not require close Coto lunation to import, manufacture and sell in a constantly risine; market rim The only sei e , trouble was for the Inaly of the. ;were Ph' so p , IllcreaSt• their 1 11( . 0111o, .s to intern "the nei•essarily enlarged Fur 111111 thrill, I, hose incomes were fixed, or rout paraliNely fixed, either in the form 4,1 ,„ t 4, 41i% blend, iluvrt•nt or sularie+, this was found to hr a in•ri.liAin ff tank. Probably a• many nit, iiluals were In this way, and forced to desperate make as it ill kV :11 11i:illy :111:11111n111111,1 11 :I IMO r:11 :1.01 !1, .Ir3ll 11.1•1 1.3. k N. li i• nlnnr:sl nri anal trader 1T in. g• • in..rni,no, florin : , In• lane f.,, “1-exigtin i.. 11, ,Innnt11•1 tro XVIIrk Link inn nn %own,' e r !Mani aiUu nn pr•f,../11:11 /kW 1• %ari..ll. ' , lncline, hare keen nif`V i.e,l him 1311; in, 11l manrnn loan easily; Inn divide Inv sn that ••11101 •1111i . f . 111111 11. AII lio• n • plains gir, i; Tie inn -.lid Ln;letm it •f n•.lt f ,1111"1 L'rativa., , Il.n• A licTlieti :I, h.!' a railroad track, so tll.ll 111/. 101 l shall Is. ./Ily a civvn notolwr t;•••t Tim ihe astute, :Ind the imssion• uit int.lll (I,lli i1n.0..n..11111141 nl.•ratirt•ment. The• ionic fnlir oasis 6r Inninif 311.1 !Ili' ri•l,• ••I ntkin, i! thus svh., 'ho. H•1111,•1•111••rpri•t•,.r thett.t, Irk... tli. .... II I Jr , A ill lIIt lit It ❑l , n. 1.1.• f:11 pr..ni• Sin,2ll; inJici,hctl. rf•turn..l hrrot lotoot :11,1 In, 111111th...1i H1.111..111 'l. ! art 110 1.11‘1,! lIIMM It 1,11 mr ro9ttrtot•tl totty into, Itototo buy rh, • ottorootrotrtot tlotor Ilot tr 1..1., ltor n , -:,r4' Ilorotot loolootlrooti toot t , t., 1 tor r)iil• lo o orotirotti Nitony lotottot 1.1 , 1 100, lit, ow:103 ittooclffirol .not toi lint i oo• loricrtot Iran Is boo I, iltoo,o• oo,tortootrottl nJtit— I.• 5,1 \ •,‘A I.• .1 , Ilsr• 1111.1., 1. 7,1 1 .1 ill .. II pi., • Ili.'l, pi.. pt.. 1 ~r In. J ", ,L,• C.,11110,/ (1.1 rough th , lllllll and r u.. 1110, tllr.l ,111 . 1 114, Litt For nut i 01) th,•ln .•lv IL , ya t. t) II :I 1.), it• 1111iji f 10.. lA"c 11,1% iw,.t L..umi 111 10111... thr 1,.;,,,,,,c 1,41. ‘311.-1(.. 1)••• I lullu'tll "IS r 110 lq.pr•,l I,•egivine eluop pziper'• nriple of al 4,11011114 y nrr pal ker. entitle,/ 10 pull Corr-vet tit the or the f.u l .lkber, ( net in pull at the tanl' Villa it Intinit , rent. Plldnttll' 181.0rer,., at lat ing f..r boa, f..111;t1 corliful Sheller. entitmt lie eNie., , ,: 7 1 U. ry. rile . i.lerult ,, u , apply 1,1111 ryu -• 1 , , Many other elepartment, The 1, vine ilea i• Ilia! they (1 . lel 1.1 , 111.• 3.111 mu. , l le-ar 11u• hunh•n cif tl II these i, ai)y device by n•hir 11 ill It .11.11 Ivo , e.• it; hi Id ii..t !whet, it jip•l it .. illay In. 1ak..11. 1 110 . 11, m . .e•tilo•il dm! II 111J/01)111 Or i/ 1111 / I, oiell, ;in t! le. in.•urr,.d in },l•lliug murk fr.IIII 1111=11MB tri, to prolno-1 lice period "1 .4 L,rrow 11 gnu SEWA TM ' S rhetoric, 111 make n ue noel in n Kraditts)ly falling market, f.. of font' pens Is It 11.01 1,, : 11,1, 1111diSli IIII• still 1 - vim:lining in I.• decli111• in tlirec nnintbs, and land,. eef ire Th. ~• —Time money. s‘iii.•ll it i. pni l u i. r d to it lily air, are of imittettaf. !IMO 4. \ Or 1101, to 1.71'1 Aril q•rion• hlO I.li,iite•• •rile 3i/iny forlorn, were• 11111111. V 1 ill hie, itably 11, 1:11, which load (1” ih.• ug-.• think Ow hy 13 kinv till• 111(1'11 \hhcn gnu. /IP 1.e1t.1111 Alllll hiuuar.•. m+•n will be able In head Willi li.11 • I/LIIII. • i Will be ffropitia in darkno,.. =MI uns prodigiou, their areilmAthith 11, or twial filo• illentititN the prreperity the highest ;wavily:able telvati nil A 111:111 .111111.11 111:11/1.1•11 .1" con I, it boat L:n9 !Iv hi , 11111 0.1 No'll11 , •,.:111 rail• 1111=1111111 441 . 1' 114. But 11 aii4loiklati44li tab 16 , • " , 01i4•1 the ,4 14rnitiftli •d 1 / 1 4. IIII"r as 1.0114.11,11 $1,24 II the exp., and speettlatt, , , au he held w run t" about imr tier All that 1.. 11 4 , 4111 to pr reknit is ror t•onpre.. not to phi Lands of the inflnlionivt t{• gTess, by • mean, let us hark, •is. The loaa by a direct mart t than by a long detour. D.MURISYJENT.-11 is presumed 's) adjournment of the Peunnyl- Auture will take place on April ugh this has not been PositireiS resoluti on to that effect passed lei teas sent into the Senate and itl, hut ordered not to be cent House for the present, and to eta. El Th( Pre in fn.., of conferring ;Alice oul/ upon "loyal - wen. and that he belongs only to the "tnion" party. liis consurvative sliplskrters these Ileclarationg as proving coogh'''' that he is opposed 1m5 , t ,, r11. 1 , I, 1.. I. power, and flat he dill con , nl. 38 3 inellibcr of 1 1, , IL !add an pin, If llu•nith.... and "Uni ,, ll - in Ili, .-1 . 11 , 4 111 - II 11, int , •rprrlali,ni tot hi , hill lic I „ 1.11 11 , Liw .• II 11.1 I' cOnsider, el ory man "1.0y:11 ii ran 131.• lite ~: illl 10 11.,11, ‘11111..111 n•fr,11! . .• NI Ilk 'IA,: (x.iirke .lid lio. II voliimillkr of hi. friend, tele ..;....l'h to Connecticut that the Presider iiit-ider that party .iiiily, whichsimp.irl hi, is.lic) to' be the —/:11i011" pill'lS. To put this nuttier .traight •Iliklt the record, let us go ba.^k a little. tln Wednesday evening of last meek a large Union fleeting teat held in Hartford, C'on necticut;trit which the following dispatch wan read by thi,, chairman, Howland Swift: Watiftintrron, March 2.1,18 Mi 7, Mr kepubliran Meeting: cur interviews with the President and of hers. have been entirely satiatitetory. Ile expresses a strong desire for the StlVvr., "I the Union party% lie says hest/mils firmly ( it., 11 au principles as declared by the lasi ationtil Convention. He nays positilel tat there has heel, no intent . ..l.ln, n hat ever with the mini ass in Coil illl lit•lii hy ally weather of the administration, se tai an he kiIOWS E II lIAVEN. WA/Lk:WAXI /1111SIVIII I. Thin was considered quite Anti.luctory, at first, everybody taking it for granted that when the President exi.res...al a desire her the susses, of the 'Taint, - party, that hue Republican party lAA, untended, ,Il emu ,e BI I Lillother (lkitul, I. mom) ii!!!!,Wed 111,, in these tennis. IrtsurNiroN, March N, 1,66 fh, Peope of (..,ro t: President (qoprove, of the tet toti of Postmaster Cleveland in npliolding iii policy, and returns his resignation. The Hawley delegation inisrepresent.si him in omitting to say that "he considers those his friends who upprove or his and 1114 OppinielliS WllO Opf.Se Ile considers the party that stipp..ri, policy" the Part v. Signed, A. E. Brat C. W. IN“Eitsot.t 'hen the President, .14.;41,, (erring OniCP Only UI.I/• !nee in Ile uu•+rns I itOM• iW hat t y ;t1 luriuc the ‘‘ :tr. :ult. . . al Ina, dune its tor,t-f,l 11)11101t. llle ti* . of words . is to Is. hoodiproted dy Holy )'Nlortd, rule re,pefillg drerllll, .1114-3 'cure g" coutrrtrit-, my dear MH. DE:FENCE r..11..t- VE:111". in the Senate, 'March 11, lan2, Mr t't str.it put his defence or siacrrp h, I,.•r•ioas "I point to the life and whose inisAiou e• em earth, will ("wards men.' 11 , 1r11 :tad r,• .Itigitta, n pIUVILICt• uI ti .1: 1, 111:111 111 ill \c hlrle Kt,ePHlt 1• ExisTi In as Is 1 . ./1 - 111,.311t! IN FrItI4:IIT Ft I. NI r :f titeo• , 111, ri•niaritalile• that in all Ira, hint:, n 0• and the in , titat Fir iudirretlp rough mar, 1.• " IVhy not deunuln e Auld rebuke 1,, it that the chit ivaliunion ggfilig• Itganan aliine hare escaped ills ,1,11 11 II t 1.11 i . r,pri.ol . ? I Ili, un, 4jr * I trill alit hi•lit•vr it. In orgivr la 4,, 1 utast tli Inc Bildt. away. — This egitistrains twg• gg agatit -Ist It is. 1.. indliem- u. 11.. 14 , (Ind uri t 11 1 :111.11.f.11, I, I I %I 11.1 1.14rIll• • 1 111111 , 611 II •11 ilt I. I, 71. r day I Itpi•il 41, A 41 i.. prolillll,l4. 4444 . 1' 144,, )44.14144 14 , V. , :41.411. :I lon,l ti , ,g eared, 1,, ?hot !-.41,1%, a Ili riot. I:t , itt v% 1,.. Julizt-,1 1 , 111,1 to. , up In ill oio•ecii4 ), iI, Nast , Lm k •-• al • .t, I 110r.41 1.1 -4, ill 1411'..,.., `,. ',era' or I Ito Ain ti.. 11,31-, 11•41 111 ..••1 % Ire ill 11,,. :- , ••11111, II Miro! Thal there It ,e, is ...., ret 01 , ..., ninon a the :Siotitio, design..l to a. ~,taph-lt pol,o t cally what the Rebel ion tailed I.• .e. I •Ol• plinli by Mr.., 01 orlll, , The •orgetnization is kuonil 24.1•.1• • • it •% 1 1 I, '• i 1• , 111 1.1• 1 11 1..1 . 1 members a , "The iti,., Plae - or '.l le ' " **-." " I I " l ' . ' "I 'l. 1, '-'" 0 t i 1411. I ""' l " `l' Blue, - anti ha, Cl. initiation ~o, mom, ' " In. " ' ''' 'l , .' Is '";'"' " II" , it, grip., and 1111,41,1.1 ''. r tdrool 0.. el; lii .Ii "l " a 1.11 hlii 1 1 i. n The tinder. line the ontiiieriti. o l men tt, , ''r'.l' his' it.' 'n ILe ( 1111 . ',.. - "."01. , i i,,.. ~..„„1 1 ,. „„,( u .„ ~,„,,, „1„,,,,_ „,„ ~i: ', , .1 I' I, 31 1, it r..,...1 iiilkilic r oh., I „, milled to, 0t,..1,1111,. , 1.1 -oom.' ri, etto, t.. oo . "l"1" , loi. • (nor , ..oi ili' I ...___,__,,,,,._......_......_ the-, le(olers. Thi ix ;'•i-ben„ I- ,111/r••1 'r,i, ~,,,,,,, I,„ r , ~, 1..1 1 .1,,,,,..1 \1... PYRITES. hr i. ~,,,,,I I 0 thew r„ 11. 1,, 1-agaitiso 010 Ithj. , H. , Aso so of I no. roo .1 Pe,enoor ~1 , ~,, )(lookers, their pretend( .1 pride iti lip, od Nen 1 trlr.on-, tot the I; a ...II 1 lo.it 1., 1..,.1 I 11 '' Pl ' : ‘NN ilr 11 . 1 A 'VIA b1,..0,1, and their t e nd(. p, the "no,:gcr disnls,sl rr•/113 hi- 4.11 j,.• •.b • b I• • •• 0 •,... ~1 . stIT IHANIFAITURING inIIPANI E,,, 11 1•111• i , 116,• 1. 0111 L 4-,1 1114l , •1 . 11/1,t1 lt Olt I 111.• 1.1111.1 •• ill,: - 111 1 itr• 4:III I 4 , 1 ~ ./,.1. I !norm,. no work it, compelled 11, merVO 1 liotj ..iltliiiri master , by strict regulations. pr.ohiloiting Ta k ..,,,,,, ..1,,,,,, ~, ( • ,,,,, i fi, 1,,,, \ % ...h” ti,U,l 110111 Changing employers or lot alit) , 'la% n a . lb( to, ...1 ...et, re Int se,irs , I The projectors of this scheme are 'OOll I entire iiiiinttc id Mari I t 11., 1 , 0:4 II 11111,31 h 'lent that the President and the Inajorily iil .1..1 -toy all iic i i 11••• boil lie ;1i a nil cast. In lII.' I 'a/AM.( i.,. Wi th 111cl/1,11,11d that the .' r e s t , 51.140. and Pr..,1111 to. idenCA 22(1 or February liceeli 'lit, put 0111 T ,,,, N h . 7 , ,,,,,,, , , ~,,,,,,,,,,_ Ihn , ii ~,, . a feeler with SriTelary Seward'. In N e i , , , ii ' 5r,,111,. to NI Ibe .-. rt•lal , ••I olio Treasoo t , P....t0 0 , si/la Salt Illaborneturt og i'••• • um, ) . . - 1.: :Soon as it will 1.. politic, the Pre. I will ~r d..r i ' li. , in ,, , , ,i ~,. , I„. , 1,,,, , , i, iihnoi is to dismiss Air Stnton, proclaim i 7 ~,,, i „ ~,, ~ ,i ,l i ,, ~,, i ~ ‘; , , ~,,., v ” , i,,, 1 , Corner PHI Sireet and Duquesne II a, pear,ol 1111.1 Universal:inane:lU, Jeltiirsoll 1)11 I i„, ~...„1 . 1 , .1,, „, 1 7, „ . 1. , n 01.16 if Vt.- is. 1.1 In' libhrlitett 111141 filnkil•leg.ll, reolli i ..,..-- ” ... ..' ' ' .".. We southern Slates ace to hi admitted to 1 I. " , L ' .,,,,, / (I,"rti,""• I " , ' J ' l,l " - ' 1 " At ' ------ Z:--------------AUTION. e interest sol ild Irto•Illtto,, vb.,. , . uongress If the Conk - nog AtfllSeS 10 1.01, i Imola in th t i er .to flare among that rtes., regular reader. I 0 1 ll'ltAill'l'llE HE I 1.1.:IFIN Ali II to the decree it will lie iirriten up by 1 1'40.1..1111/.lln arrest of the Union leaders as traitors, fl „ I and mule:, riliers til Ibe h‘le•ot Id 1.0,n1y . foreshadowed by the President in charging I til ""ud- CY..ilk. T_TT.T..4=I. ZIT: them with treason, and lice Den,,,,t,, , Ise the trial or Maj/.r ut.e, al Ile, 11•11•11• i”n Infortow.l ...1 ait al alll ig , ~. rii member. with 0.10144 • from the South, and I there is the lestinvony trim. several New l•E" la. are ononnx /I. 1 •••• • •••• , .1%,..;k - •, ' •',': 5i"., • ,.. 11. no,. I • 47 SI. Clair Street. ,oelt of the conservative , optea.-1.11., hosoo If A. 11/1 aaeol. n.Ol 1. - 111011 ntembers I York • soliLier. that lo• ordered a Union .01 ft ,. ~„,,,.. "• . "e.” '''')• 1- I ''''''ling Ir`roor , HO Can be carried by the President, will i diet' ti. hr 1111'1i...1 10 the grin r n bile yid :: 1 " 1 '1 , °1". ,, :0.14 1.. y .......5 5i.,,. / hat ...,,, 1 ~,,,, rotoititote the Congreioi. It isns.cried that alive. 01:.i 1. :i:!..'2." ""'-'' - "" 1 ". a " """' '' 0, c' `' • GRAY a LOGAN. lb., .I,,,,iicy of Mr. Seward has been gait, ; fat: Han. Georg...l'll:mobil., an. x pidge „,,`,,!'„"`'' ~d o. o loe / 'eo one, anti to 0.. noo , ; ell low a prolate/. of the next Pre.ideni ,i of lb , SuPreliii. I ' , mil iii Ili, i-oide, ilieil .1 I 1.',...,',...1...) .. 70' . '17. .Vi . t . .. 1 .1'i1:;!•!.•';',..' '.'. ,"."'', '''''" lIENII 1 G. 11,4 I.E. which by the vote of New York and the (1,,,,,,her.,0,,,rn. ~,, ( I„. ?-,,h ~,,, .„, n , er , I. \lr. 1.1 or I'l, l iAh , wl 1./1/ /144/..1 1 41.,:.' '' ' ''' • A 10.1 I'll II , I, 'l. 11114111 ilk(' South, is sure for him. Advanced age rt.ter 21.1 .114 . ono, , dre.l, N. 1..4 i I l F. 111, 10...11 I lit at S . I PAHL Min111• , 411,,. '"'............=••••••.................................. . Tor. Itielln)011d grumitter call. attention i 'II lin hr. I hit I, SEWING MACHINES. - 11 . 4 it TLETT -- - . . I I 11 • CA ItAi A ill Ali i.... 10., In the fact, toi marking the "(pod ( of our i Tut: pro.pc. I lii, 1111i1 Ili lb . i.....11••Ill 1‘ /1 , " NOIMRS? COMM OP WIN A St FLAIR StREE l(, ' T, i 0 • celf abasement," that. on the lr/th of March neve, better. •'' ' 825 $2: " ) ~., i: 1 , 1,.•,,• :,,,,„•,,red in the Itielunond Thllell Ille I .m..••,.......,..................... : NE, 11'1Xli .11.4C111.rE. 1,11-I, lltllloll. l'A . I I.adirtit` Illatssoral Nt Hurl Polish 1 - 011,,t, ing notice- I EDUCATIONAL. i... 4 0...1 4111./e I pi, 1.1.• ••1 /1...., Who. l• s .4 ~ • If 4)4,1 ... ! "larrleil, 411 111•• I•Vellillg Of the Ittill 1 ..,. , . h, ~ 4 f . ,, 1, ; . ;‘ , ..1 1-1 1 ., .. ' ,i t:ro i l . ..1 , •• • ,. I 1 ~ .. „.,1 ,1,„,,,,, 1 ...1.: • 111 I. In. .1 1114.11.• 1.6 1.1-. 1.1....1 • Alto il..- ~.4.- : inst.. by the Het' C. W. Itutherliridge, Jai.. 1 ( !LANSICA I. AND lIATIIEDATI- ~,,, ~..... o.• 6 .: , ...: ' ,, ' "ii ... ' ... " : ,,, ! ' , ‘' ,..i. ' .". ,' : : .i ., :• ',',. .; , r ,‘ :::: . !.::. , L:;. ' ::.. ',","" r " " '..".' "'"'"' ' ...„...,.. „.. ~.. .. „. ....,... „.., ,"...',::. ' ...:.i",:.". ' "'" ; M'ilson and Martha Key. i a-- , cal. SCII. .11.. WM. II %A Ih F /IA ,I. , ono.. 1 .."' ',„ 1 :,::,. 1 ,,,. ~, , „ „ „., “ 1 4 ''' 1.. 1 ' 6 ' 'Harried are / ohirol per. 1 health I. , d l nrde l ol) r1 .11 0 , ..d./ 011 ~ -...10. 1 .1• I.I.• Woo., ~....41;..... '341" ..0 ' 1arg. ' ..r,,,,,‘:,,',",,,t7,', t . t ': '' ''' I . .nis. The license Wll% i.Sitell Ily Ihe Ferret. I I 0.5/01.120 .I.lle, al the 01.1,1, n.. 1. an, 4 ..... , .'....;,r,,t4!:.1,1,1,,,1:,,,.:” IN jowl f or ~,,, ~ .„,,,. ~,, . ' ; .-. • ... _ _ I. Ine vv oolen Goods , welt', court.- WWI, Alleghenr. Ind will r Pol.. I' , 11. 1 ”'• I. A.. V flla.'l'll'l--1-I', .4'...:%•1,'‘"11.;tr.';;'. 1 11 • • 1 halt '4'5,14111. 40,1 hi , ,r, I, A 1 . A 1,14 914. Iwo. .r0.....t • ; , 4 *A.., Id of, , .411 r. • 1,11 oh 1,,/ii ‘ Tess 1 ..1 . ..1 . / Ill• Examiner thinks the niarringeof no , erne. , tillh ieutly revolting, hut il.s en peciod i :',','"'""e P"'""'""i '"'"1""' " ''''' t .. .:o L, .. !:-" . ', ...0/ 1 ,................. ". "‘ "."" th"."' """''' " e " .1 . .2. 41 ..;:; : :::;s " .:' 4 „, : eomplaint is that in the SUMP rolumn ~f I fi, ". EXCEII.SIeat • INSTITP7'I:. ~ same paper, under the 111%11 Of "Marrie(l,-. . ni1144.:11, a untie 01 Hoe marlin., of two 1 REMOVALS. ~, , , % .i i , ,, , i i , j ,„ ) ,, ,7: 1i. , , , , , ; 10:)I'::::,,i t ,. 1 ., , , , ; ,r h , ...•,; ::::: , , ,. - ; . , : , iu.i.i. i AN ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL ; I 1:NIIIIA 1.. , !NM 1141114 AND 01111. M. „. --......- rIiIitTIKKNTII t,/1311C1 I. Itl.l ..1.',11.N w /II ' Tilt , . SI 1.1•OKE11 lIII•ENiwim. -- V ,-,.., - , ronamenre Aloe DA. V. A prll .4.. . I In Many statement s and (1,,,,,, 1 ,,, , ~,,, •t. - got teroll. con , 1 Nollll 1 k It.. .11, ~ it 11. .• 111.,. •I trop, 1...•• rt I, I ....I t•• 114 W 'lllll "I' 11Wit,,, ill regoird DP its points. 11111.1 j ' t, " :,, ' ,,7,: ' : V II.I.P: II 11.1......rner 01 1,14,, ; and ~.,n.44. lop ! 1,4.10'.1.. ' . ,' 4, 1 .1 ' ... ' n!:.1' '' '. " IA " ' "" ' n ''' - ' lloolf , F,' 11 , 0 ~111 ANL, 41,1. I, . ..11,11`. 01 obit, Henry I 4 lnlll.llgy of 1 11,j„ . i, it,, ; p :or a•lalren.., n.., Ir. „tar s ',l*.N ,),,. , tinted author. The !radio:gene., id tiostor i ne,,. D. S. GRA V. Principal. mi., , la m 4aa A . ~, , p r „, , , ~ , day, hy general ai,piwi„„ , i, ~,,, , , ,,,t0.41 , //hl-11)••••• boor, dc.ll), Iron. 101.01 I, A 4. .0,1 wa•wwww0...........,........ '''....•-••-or%. i" ito 1 .0 1 . 4 , 111111.1 N itlh Executive ohlectio, A "." '""' ' " '' -7 '"'l BRICK MACHINES. , similar leader preceded the v,.1„ ." - .°.°."'"...,................... !,,kot r i...4 A NI1,Illook•-, 11E11111S. of 111.. 111,11,1 CK I ' l l4l'lllN I: . -TUFF: N i'. ..',.‘ll;l'"!i'A'Ls..iiiir.'aill::ll:4",vl7r. L u t ; ,t it ''N,„.,ts .' -----' Freedinen'm Bureau Bill, 1111.1 Ow 001 i,,,, •./ 1 DISSOLUTIONS. PAVERS. „ , the Inklligett err are known to enjoy th e , 1 ossoi,t ; Ti p Nor t •o_p A it TN En_ , w.; ...:.-.2...A1!;.`,"4",1.. !". ' 1.'.1' '' '1 . 1 1 ' . ' ... 7 1t.1 . 17. ' 1,..1.. ",'.''' :'''' • Is l I ‘ l .A1.1;?1.1; A A M.Y . rAI' I .4:VIVAIIo'r "4 kiN All ' - . . J. x4:1,1' 1 its .................... . J .11`kArrinclt •,., i In onfidnce. An amusing no t ' .ific W lid./ A%I oAI, ir, ...,, , ~%‘ , ~,, t , ..41. o• II do nned. de., .. 1 .0.0......1. 10 1 . ..... ' ll l t'l'o . . 1 i Imo+ le„ked out in counectimi with ils niter , r"'' ' ' ''''''''" '""' ''"""'""''t ''''. "'"'""' ."-- """"""“" """ ' ' ' t '" " " e. r All the Latest glYies in Great Variel Y 'S+l '''.."‘"a..............-""'"‘" eINTI , 11 cNAEGIIER &CO IC. 1 1 .0 , 111 FM A 4 II "" " ''' "' " "". Iwo". 4".4. $. A4ll/1“.• . Mil '1 ''Y 1 ular stair-went.. It Is known that ii le.ider I . citOA 1 1:1. ‘,ll A. 1•....ral Ag. /11, J,,,p 1 . ,,..., , ,,,,,,,,. I m0am, a wnw 0 ...........„,................................ 1 co VAIVINFIfoII l• A `.."••••`. . . 1 1111 S pin ill Iylll.l lIIC fore part of last week 111.11 A ILI, 4 .. • 1 1 •- • -.. '' U. "I trii • ' '..." ''''' "'''''' -'"'"" MEDICAL. . .... . STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, ~ I fully indorsing the Civil Right.' Lill, and • .../ l' A Nl/ , Al . g', i 1; 1 ., A , 1 , C1 „?:„ ' ,,',.:, A .!."!„ . . % .‘„.';::,.1 . • ."....""."..."...."."..............' I . -------------- ___ _ ... -......._ . Wlll attend loritnnldlT of 4.1), non. Jantomr r lb, 1 a HORTICULTURAL. 1 L'ORTY TEARS PIIACT DEE, •,, proof of this arth.le was dilly sent to the j. A l',, - , . Fitrnisltlngand Laying Stone and 1 White Houße. A change came over the :l'e""'"°• "''''a,..'l;:',"""" 1 ''''. ' pr.-1 , ... , 44z, II ' , if , ' 'lty - - - • 1 1.11!;'..11.1 • • OIL_ - 1 / 1 1'eg tne • knowledge .f.V'gft'• n' il iV;".. : - nrick Pavements " spirit of their dream, and Saturday's leader .1) 114801 . 11 T lON Dr 4 . 0- P. 4 It'Pry E ft- ci .„,,. 11 1 long resident...lu 1•411• ell sod Di:shin:t i ll , Anil Repairing the sarte• C o I tit...'n r a II ten, clearly indicates the fate of Ilie hill.- .. , , , V,Lt . ' , :j.y . i . . 0 . , .i. A ., , , ; 7 , ~,iv h.., .....1,,,, t.t 10, AND OAKLAND GREENHousEs. lon N IC. Q. A. All.llllllllll 0 1 valletlla tremed toinooMY tor nor. are sunicient and Het. Alto, (trading 141 d C r i.;lll. L I Zirl; aro l l”. h. :: oroor or to Borers, ohorleat notice 2Yrcr Incut Tribune. ...Are./ by 111. Il• I 4 oil.. :1 I. :..‘i h .i .:. %:,-' s . j',...'' .. .. CI or* to Jon, /11,it,,,, J , tiPmieliA rout /IKEA, or '4,14,1 Ireal.llrea, and j Parties de hi g by, gn 1 Toe •Italre of the lat.' Orin vv. ~.. ~...',",.,( ~',. ~,,,-,.: ~,, e 2Seltll.lr.N AND gI.I.IIIIKTn. I. lll'.4ugh, Va. ',l!„,trr,'„'',..'r . „ s zt LL-,-, , ,, , .... , ,, - ,area ta • n,o e n I their orders'attni,d:l-1!)".) 2ddr°.":, le " 1 " A. :" LIAM ,111 111...010, . 111, 0n 1 ......- • ft.. 4 , o,114•11., teollun loth. er exienolre aloek 44/roll and - iii - ilidFAI -- --- - ' -°--' ''''' '." "CU"- ' ' h " A" ‘ . ' n ""r r..°" " In ' e ' i " r . '''' "11''',..‘?::'''7.7.-'6h 1 'fat: Department of Stafi , has rec(dred I •I I.LIZ . 11 " : . (1''' ( ((mutat tree*, evergrneoa,grooe ,113.aandgretn. ----- - - EL'HUL lfrdfr.l."' NA... lb • Union. AN tellers oust eollar:::,„nlYg""" 1 ' - kr --- "" '" Y. . 4 alittlelltil• information that the three color- i1 1 . A ., .1 , 1 ., 17, .• Alt 'h 1 . ' ./ 1 1 1 .. '";,', 4',1,,',.".7, ellen,' Pe5..,, 0re .,. r ..,,, e . relent posta g e. Currespothlter t held savittl." l :7 ' Itirtr!f i. "t'" l ,°' trjlr'r "v•lnt,'""" ~,,.i fe. SMITIIVIKI : I4III,E AVta , gt i t,....., ..1 • ne.' M . ) N I'l'll @. AI NA 4111 , 31 a c.". ed children of lima. Elyrea, of New Or. PirraaWlall. httirCh2'dh• '", ' ' i! . l4 '.‘ "h. "...."'...“.... 'Ht..'" "m.."'" ......'.'"..""...."..'.'.""."..'...'".."......... ----'----"""" -P "'"—"'"'—'""'''LEGAL. Aitll7:. ./ . 111 , P. a. b. leans, who a ere taken to Havana without Hos Net rwtatair 0 P ' PIANOS. the concient of their parents, have been iient ELECTION NOTICES .e . tales Consul at --- - ' 31111 (ALEnTALR0AV..4 e I A A -. --, hack to‘lier lot- the Unit d cr the latter city. General Canby gave the . _ ._-._ - EX WXST ilANClfghTt.h. March l ' al, ' lnigl• i ' '. - SR/V ATS DISEASES. ECUTOIt'S 1110TICE.-IWhterea. twalcn 25a ti leliN /ATRIUM, se w HOO 4 , ______-__ ---- 1 Letters I ....went., upon los Itstalsoflll4-i n Inforniation concerning the abduction or A N ELEC TION Felt PRINIDENT i'l AI RT iN ' d. r .. "/" . . d. , l ttlr"d"Cs """"nii'' Al ' roe me° core or" """" °r " ..f rate nalur,,, 10 removai of the children, when the State iatkitt B . llflb, A. VE'cr iliT- s t f .t. " ,tl:. '"- ''"'" p ;; , 1• L ou r•.11"--14rdt:;;I'dpir?'."-`:.;!'1-..."..t I"'L°l° ,.. l i to "t"'' 41 ' 117 4 ' :": 1 7 4...: 11 ".r....:1(wf.' • 12 sEcOND-HAND 1- 'l..A_Nos, Department instituted thg measures which Hob,r, o b - A , ~,,,,,,,,'1 ~,,, ~,,,,,,,, or id. tim . k. b n o! ; ‘,..2,4,,e,,:,,,,::,,,rk,.e.Lt.t4,,,T.it,10.0.,e bar 1ng,51/04/ 411.e•oes __ we d inllal 0rg0n5 ' ,1,..1,..,4_,.4 ,. .h: At 1 0 3 :ti $ 44 , $6O. $74, $lOO, $l2O, " Lito "' ;oi tht b". " ' i n lio l ? ,'• ii i" . It k e . DIKE, Caslyr. 1 lu actiz "." t " iatCq 2". "4 tt l' Hir en ci t . to% ;La i. 7.E.a..°P:a:crtor.L.". *.a.• b'arg7""htio.htlarirs"c"'"l°33l4.l7":%l4:ll4glrm4,7l.l"d • " Lim '1 $l4O and upwatds. led to their recovery, i . nu= CHARLOTTE BbulktE, 41111111 street. WHAT HE E R - AN-8-, nt tuip.that lie L,, i6i. , violl.l lu• =ln =I ME ME 1.1111',/ 11. 'l.• .1. I .t / i.• 1,1 11.1111. di, L , .n• t A III! iL . I): %Li" I.i . Ir. 0•. a \I . 41 11., I:, I ! ,1a... in llr n. n1, 1 .t r.• 3,1) 1 4 .1 . I , 1.1111 1,. in, 1/.0 1 .1211.0 I . 11110 I.il a 1:114• 111. i Alcil I=l POLITICAL. WANTED. sAiiAToGA WATER. _ i''' NION lIEPIUHLICAN 11'4:V1'ED—A first -claitiltlillinett• • . I),•u..•cr•t- ' i r all EN 11111/ lihElit CrIIMIIII : • L''". ; ''" ). ''' • it • th o :•i • of '1"1/1...V.N - . ItO do al-ner 01 • r,„„.i. 'tlr tiii Co‘ . u. ••• 311 1 ,1,4 .. ''• 111 ;;I '4• 1 . 111,,,,1 11. 11 OM. r, The It i. t i en.b, of Male and "'" ••• I i• Ell ALE. 14) ....1111,111.AN .T1t..11., TI, ••I 1I -1•!"110,1 " 11,111.' 1 6 10. o :Is , II II 11 HON. JOHN P. PENNEY F• WI. f 1% . , 11E1.1 , 14 t .111.1 11. Pit,lll,li, • ‘I.I ' , EV; ...rt. NI.E, th:11 1/1 ‘l,l • :Irr• 11111.r10k.... I ''''• ins,.. V . ' , It-- ' ~,..,, ~,. ~. , ~ ~ —,— --..- ." 4 ' '':.' '' „r` ~. i t .'m , ' ,7 1" . . , 17. , T i ;tt.,.-...1,.,.:,: "5t,,,,,,,,,..„ t, .r• . I 11111,....,1.. I'm. ado. ri .1 trt I,ttsislo ~ 1 i lII.' . 11111 i 11111 1,, 1111,111'55111 .rl,l I 1.1.., ..r.• e -- ze• f ()N,,HE:..i.,, .. ,,1 1 .. 1 in N 1 .inliill,l,t, . 1 1 ....'' ItANT ED -1 :oofil Agentg to Still I' '''' M., ' '''' 11 .101 k 4 . A\ lo 111, .‘., A... 5. ~,,,,, 1 . 1 1 ,, ,,tet51t or .C. . '. 1 111,1 1. I. n.. 1.- .. 1 . 1 1..1111. l• 111:11 111, 4.11.01 A• 1 1 II .... . A. I II I A ... v., .„. 1,. 1.. 1..1 ...'I I 1 " 11 ' 1 " 'l3l' “ fl '" 11 • . . ..1 I it, 1 1 1. -iti. lil i - /„.1 ~ . 1 . 1. 1141111 10 11, 1 GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY . ~,, ~ , .•.%)... VI 10: r 1.. - It ,N .....o .i. 1111 P. ' " '. I"' I ' ll \, , 11 . I. l lt , 1. 1' ' .. . 11. ~ 11.. 1/1 III" 1%11 I. lltko I - i'hil /wit'', ! Ir. ,1 r.. II . 1,1 Pi..." ./.,-, ....1 .... ut- ..0 1.11., 1 .1 . 111 1 . ,11 1 10, •. 1 11.1 ' 1 " . , 1 , ~. ~ I ~,, I, ~ , imi me, t 11., rio , A ~, ~,...,,,,,,,,,,, ~ , , in, , r.„ ~,,,,,,, I. .1...,.,.1,.,,,,.,.1,..,.,:i,.,,1,,,.,,,....1,..,..,,..... , .i. , ./. , . „ . , :;ii . ::; , , , . , i 1..: ',ow • , :al,-.11. 111 .. ii 1 1,, 111 - , ,..11 1 .1 , 1 , xl. , 0,. ~:i1,1.,-21:, ,F.i1.t1,1,5,,1; i 0111 tlt ....r....1, 1.111./,11 0 .1/. I•.. ,'"' 7 • 6 . r'''''. 1". hr. ' . r''''''' A CI ."' " ' . Bn. 1.,. ~ nli-ri.,l a tt lad, •Itip 1,.1 ..I r , „. „nit ,1,F3,11 1 . r ., • t , hilt 1,111... r 1r.,111 11,16iiin. 1 1 . .. 1,... , 1 / 4 • 1.: . ,, 1141,111/11, 1.11114. ”rk1,1,-.1 'ow ~.,,, . SAMUEL B. CLULEY, '‘ , V AN TED.---$1,4410 PER YEAR : 1 , ...1 in 1, .........../1. 1 ., ill 1 .. 1 11.1 , .1.1. 11 ha, 1.. en ~, ~....] ii, ,r ~ _„,.. J. ‘. „ , „ ~,„„, „, ~,. I „,‘„ , , „ 1111 1 10 11 ' 11 /' Vt{' ki‘;.W.I:A r T, " r,tr',', `'',;',:': , ~ , , t, , , , , ,, ,L ,, ,; ;:, ; ,, , ~ ,, ,,,,; „., - ,t,, t r..,,.„ AI 1. tto,lt r .... ' 111.1•1.11:1p.rde5,i,i,10.1 14,4 and 1,, it 1 1 , , :." , " ' '"'`:"'''"" - • . :P'.l .. ' . % ••• ` ..,,.. 1.1 I Jll, , 151.1 .....:.• c0,......„,.,..,.. 1 .. ~,,, r...,,, , a ' ' ll ' l ' l 'l'. ‘11:eile•ie,r"illiT:.11:1:-..11‘ : ) . 1''. 11 h ..... 1 ,..t ' / I ' I", tt . 11-4?).-" 1.411"111:1" UV' ' it n :1t`,..,',".",•4.; f a ., r , 4;..47;,,,,,? .i S ',*!.':: ----------"--'.- the pri,,• ..r Atnericari pap. I .11 II II - ..... CHARLES BARNES, ~ .1 11 . ,. 4.i.1.r. A 1 I ...1...r .1..... i. .IIA. 1..... .„. .... ...,...1.1111L.1s l-'l.A' 1t15,"A,;.-1,.„.1.A;!,..:1,.,...:::,,,;, ~.' Iv E DEAA: ,, TelE; I,4IIGEN'I` CA_RPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. . i grad... Another e, tintao . l,..,k, the dill. 1 1"" in 1. " 11 r -I nu. i::ti 14. i-, 1. ,, 1- ~, .. :.,'.'' ii',...."'..:'„'':' ':'", P .! . ....;''.'"' A ''''''' ' 'n : I I . ' i l / 1 4 . 1 1111 411, 111 . 1 11 1i•1. 1 .. 111 11 I .. i 11 .. 1 ,1.... •“..........1 Stock in the West of every- I tairily' denum..1,11..,1 that 1f...1.. 1 . 1.1 1.. 11. i-...„,...-.J.--FOR silEiti rip. FOR SALE. ported al elleapet fat.- th.ln ,:.II 1 , 1 . i i ~ a t ..."-' I,`ollt )4A14;----ELOI It A . • I) Pllll- thing in the line of Carpets, Iter. /11, .1 0 •111'. li. I ..... JOSEPH ROSS, ..,, .- HINZ 1 .. V.. .1 . I . ' , ~,,, ~, „ • , • ~' !'",' ". I• '''' , "1 "' "1 " Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and ci..1.1.‘... 1 ., . “ri -I/ 5 :111 /it 1/ .55 5,.. 1. ~ 111 .1.1 1,11,1•55,5, 5.,,,, 5 „ , . ,„,j, • t. ' ...1 1 .:;.. ' 1 ..... 1p2.,:: ~'1.,-111.....‘1,"....."......r.'...1.:' 7. C. , :it..1.1.11. , g,11. , dim°, 111, I. '.. 11,11, ... 1 .• , ' 1 ....11 ..,, • . I.• 11, at 11,,, ,•i it, 111 It,/ 1 . "..,'• '' 11 .... 1 ... , .. All .............1. Iii• 11.. Irl l ' ....,ace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window tt,.. ,i,III, .1 .11.1 dtl/.ll_ .1 ...11111.11","•, : t: . 1 . 051 Sla Eft/ rr• 11. , , t /Hi, 111.! .1. I, Mt/ ttl I lit I ~t, t I 1111,,111 I 1.011 SAI.E.-A Ilirce-story Oriel. Shades, Table and Piano C0v h.,i...... , I , i 11. s )111r 0 1 111 1. 111,I II, 1,1 CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, , = 1. ,, ,...1.15.. ~..,....,. , ..... „ . „ ,..g......., • ~,---- ~ ~ .....-- ~,,•, Allll.ll 1 . ers, Of our own importation, at i..,1.1.1, 1.. 11,, In 1 .•1, , r, - 11.1 iI,II IN a It, , r t ., , .., ~ ~. „,,, ~, ,•, ..,„ ~, s „,„ , „,„ all , Ittll 11 , 0/ CI ot,t i ll j,IN, I tt l 11, It/It I I ''. "' ''' ' ' "'" ''''''.'"" ''''' ' ' '''' """' the Lowest Prices reached since 1 Tr. a -I, IG, de, ided that'll.) al. ~,., 1,,, c „...!• 1.• oil silEitirE. : -'....`,,',',,',':',`,:, ;"') ". ' ' " k" I '"' '11 . 1'1 :; ~"1" the war. A line of Scotch In h.ll ,1,1.11...1 1 „ th.• ~.,) „„•,,, ~, ,1„•".1,.„ 1 1 lIIIt rtt l'llv LI, 1.1 11,01,11- 111, 1.1,1 - tt/ COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, Ff)t A t u. ..4 4 4 , 1i.i . : 'cola .4 1..(1111- * 2 . 4)4) 4/ grain Carpets, of our own im -1-5...,,..., ~,.... II 1 . 1.... r.... ~, . 1 „ „„....,„ , „.„.,, ~.„ , ~.n „.,.. i,„ . .., ~.. ". ,i.: portation Just receive ---very i ..tlll. hr ~11--...11.111 Thal ..i.u...... 1.111, 1111..111‘ 11..' 111.11. F.. 11111.11/ :. I, 1.. lite . ' '". . "•"'''' ' "'"'" ' • 11.1'''1 11.11 ' ' 1 ..... t ..., ..-b A.l 1 , - ...II N k.ll, t... ....', handsome ---never offered in this le./ II 11.tirt I 111111 11 lII,H, 11.1, hlitittr lt IMI allittlle ll'''l .-1..11 I i•Eilk 4 Hr 4 piIITM• '''''' ' country before---and at prices I th e Att . ,r In sl, , ra I 1., 11,, ,1 1 tlt t t/11,t.1, 1 DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, I,`l)R SALE.- 011. II ELI, INTEII - it, i - ,1,1. ...11, ..i i r .tet,th tat. i,...t, ... „ a.. , based on the present rate of Gold E....6.ii..,...1.:.,,• 1.1, lila. lt• 811.1 aI I I 11.• ........3i. L.orlu. ott Wir or ,be 14,1. t etruir ,Ii NI rt, ~, ~1 , .,,, „.1,, Ti i„ ~,„ t, 1 ,, rt ., ~ t ~,,, I 1 ,,. /tr I i , ...•r St I 1.1, r.......111p 'll''' ' l" ''''' . . 11,.,,1,..11. 11, 1,1-11• 11111 1...• 1111•111 1111, 9111 '1,1• IVIcFARLAND & COLLINS, i.b...0.•, ,1.., I. i., ..-...,,,,..,1 :, • ..,,i„... ~,, ' --------------...-....--_ ''. ~..."' 0 "." 'a"' ".• r"1- """11. ' l ''' ' • . 1111.. i , "zeall Ille rtn.1.11,. -i - Het.'" NOTICES. 71 & 73 Fiftli street, 2d floor, 111, 35 - . 5 ,15) 11 1.. 111 it INI. I oN. ...It It. `.. , 1 •.•1... I- I . , 1 5 , 15 5111 /1 .51'. 55 1.11.. , 11 IlaN 111,11 15111,111 1111.11 ' 511115 1 1 111 I, ,•(,,,.‘ .., . ___ .., , a ... •W ..... -5 ..pi.luc floss will br ' ~,,,, ,‘.""., 1 1 / 4 I' X1.1,11'l I.'ll, 1111 51 , 1.- ~ I 111, li•arful ala'. t.t . t l.) nu. t.. la. 1.. 1 All tt If I-. 111 Ft Al. 1 . ...-I I, 1 .... " ... .. - . . . h u , 1, ~,,,„,,,,„ ~ „,,„.„, ,i„ ~., „I, ,1, As. .. . /.1.1• 4NI . .I •,,,.5, vb . ,. ~.5 ,1 .1 5 .5...51 A 'lr t .51., ~..!1•.-57.„57,:,i.kii 93.1.b111.11.r.:0.1i i , a I t . 7. AT M,., ALIA - Iw ) % t i'" I, ` ' 1 '"" . ~''' ~r,, 11., .. -,w, 1 , "' ,, ' '' I 'i i s I s 7 I.; !,`.:tin'...."r A ii ! t .. ., ..:,.: :'.. u t • ) 1 . 'Y. ' s t:, ' , ', 1. 11, ‘ F, ' ',.': Ir.. 1 C 111 . ! .......1 '. ..! /I '' ol 51 1615 1 15111, I r.. 1;, IT ~, i l''''' ' i'ni ili' '''''' " h" "'h '". '' '1'1" ' '-' i',i,'„?;.„, ~r .1 „ n! -N r " i „I, " . 1" , '1 .i. " d i....i1i,1,,, rn" -" ,....1;:: 5' '"i' V "' "7 r""'s' No. is Fourth Street, the. 1 Pi.,l, aL.i04,;......ai,..„..."."'... jaY.i....., r ,.. ". ;., at. 515111311.41. 5 All nt \o. . pant, 'or.. n }. \ 1.., A, I.1:1 II o.: Ni ~.• . I, ~. alc THE LATEST PATTERNS OF 1 . :' , :% , `..';' ,. .'` , ;T,.1'„''.,...''," - „,-,. I , 1 ' , , r , ,11 :.;1 r, , , ,r 1,, • -, ,”, ... 1i , i , a ,. .. - .. tell a note t,. 1 , . nat , . . - .1. ti t 11,....1 ~ .t.I. i '4 l ill 1 :d h• ittdor,l,,,, TI„. ~, I„ „„. ~,„I „ ,„,,I ,„ ~„. NoTili EIS 11 E1tE111' 141, EN '1'1) ‘ ~....., 1nii,,,,.. 0,,, 1..,,,,,, I, II„ i, • ~ , ~ hi, I, i., :,,,,,,,-:,.,,,..,,,,,,,,. I t t ..‘t,.,;,,, , tt. ,, , , ,, , ,t..,1 , n 1 . , • :, ,, .., : , ,‘.. 1 ... 1 1, , I, Olt .. SA , !.E , Six Lots ill Ilir Hui.- Vell el, Brussels anti iligram our oda, , d ...1.1-11„ ~ 'llalt• 1...1 \n .1n.,., ~, ..1., . .....x. ..,. 1. / .... t ,. ~.. t. ..1 , i, 11.. 1 ,”. ~, ,„, ~..,,",;:,,.:,.,::.:‘,c,,..'.:,1,7.‘'" I 1 , 11, 1 / 4 , that the , 1 5 i511 5.1 111 5 II 1111,1 lit 1 111 5 51 ...555..'1"5.55:1.1t" 1';' , " , ..''':.'.'...'. „ .':' , :,.",',....„'.'.',';..2..,';. ',':,',,,' ';'-.•.;. 11 ;,;,',..:,..„r,:-.7;,-,,,- ,!:,,,, ~' . C 1 _41L3E7,.1 - -.1. "1"..... ~. 1 "H 1 11,, ~ 0 ~. .1 1- 1,,,, ,‘ ''' l ". "'H', L'.',",',',",;:,'.'1';',.'.",,'...','.': ,'".::::.:::'.''...,,,...'." ::,`,"',",,',',.,'','„'.;',,",,',',;. ',:",',,,'.','',;.',',;,"- ,‘,.',:-. --. Illil hi oido•red :i lid I'ilte Printed u, ~ F 1 , •I F . ~, - - ; . . r .... ,., ... ' ..iir,','1." .. . it ' il ' . i". 111111 0,1 `... 11111 , 1 11. lat. I. /5 1 .... 15 . If 111 ~ , 'l.Olll In tla ,1 I. , :t11. r 1...1111 , al : ~..I,t• .., 11...1 t, tll 1.. , e \ 1, 111111:d, , I and Oa ~ ,J,.. II \ 1/1.1. 1: TO i.„ 055 N Efts OE DR A 1 S. 1,'1)11 5.4.41 E, ..: ~... ~. ..., .:,.r.. .., ~, 1 , - , 13,. ...,.. .";.,; ` .. , , s .. ', ,„, '', ,,- ~, ',. I' 1.,. L il• 1 . 1,1 and 111,11 c. /11..:1; ro• Te 1. 4, 11111 i ii) !AIIII h, •iv.• t• 111.,, , 1. IT 111, I =ME IMEIIII I/ i•v ME ME EMI I o . =EI E ROOMS AND BOARD. u 1111 • I\ll ito Ili - FOUND I:01 %IP U11111e• ♦lle•rp 11 NI 1 %I 1 • 111 A PH L FOlt ItE NT Mt . LOI LA PERS on the PA , , t. 4 111. t: 1 / 4 1114 kOl MANILLA PAPERS, LTZi W = _G-... .4.) E-4 ....... "4 0 mg '''' ...e.. r 4 ........L .?, ....1 ••+, F Z IA '''''.: 6. C 0 —^"! iJ ORDINANCES. ‘, N, oltanA 41111 E Itribrallug the !. F4' —... 4 ....."-. z 1,0 ; , ...s. —.-! - -- - = ;:•; , %,:.r • !-' i=i 0 = -7 0: ..i.,-- . •i ..= .', , .... to 4 ;-........ .. ir../ F. , 4 41,i , -. 3E — ' Irt il matreet, • -,._, .;; el , a " . ~,, „..., . ::.- z i: - .0 . - E = n -, ' - - . , kk = - ~:,......, , - 0 , E.-. r- , E-- niat•I'11111 .111.1 4/tiitl,l% MYERS. SCHOYER & CO., 'I lIIMMIEII =MO 1) - 3Z" Ft I rl -1 , MERCHANT TAILORS. Boots, Gailers.Ralmorals, Polish Boots Ipla 'trust, cbt . I roil GEN- 44HANT R. C. HOWARD VIM 1.1 FOR RENT. on iti:vir Loftin g !t00. % to 1 / 4 1 1 1 - 1: 1 .I,l' ..1 1 1•1111 ['Olt III:NT Wstasslr3 Meal, 1 . 011 - = =RIM 1111111=11 MEN I C, ME.IEI FILM' 10. C 3 12C.10 Pt , 20. 2.1 .1"ot- from ,c .2 NEW 'SPRING STYLES ! ''" T SALE. 313CVNYIEr O EitTITIS, ' MERCHANT TAILOR, I Al •.1 . 141, I HATS. CAPS. &c I! 111,41',0! 1 %.1"R1N (4 STYLES.' "" 11144_1( )1i I ) 131 WOOD STREET. .4. I alas:tble F:u•u hi 1111111 IC;il;iinl „ „ • BOOTS .5?4. .a N 1,1:1 •Il CLOAKS. &c El MEM • BOOTS, SHOES, WITEBS, BSI E Slipp eII'AES. 8T _ T. A. M'CLELLAND'S tutIOA EMPORIUM NIL F ; ; LA DIES', GIENI'S,, AMOrT r t 11,11.te e. to 100, sulk vv crner vvIRA aud Wino street ~, STAR. SPRING WATER MEI SIMON JOHNSTON, -Druggist, -Z'2ANO XT ItuflN. 1 anion W. D. & H. McCALLIIM BOOTS, SHOES, &e, J . 4. RORI\•ON 0 of 1.3 1 . RIETI' ri . oui tier FreaviPz!L Hob Nail Brogai MEM 110,1 ()clic ale format "ilippee ~l►lC,'. C R T Is.T • IS IiALMORAL,s otii. 55 rind 57 Private Sale: Day and Evening. BAIMAIINN ROOTS AM) ROM. Haling reed,,l "Jr sI•HISt, sT/.4 . 1% or 1,1111114 . I. tol ••1* nlIS , 1•:`• ANI II 1 1111,111(F%, I • llinl will li• MO' r•-• ••I • nil And amine °lir ,ttoil, J. C. BORLAND, AT 92 FEDERAL STREET, \ 1111 1 $lO,OOO II ORTH OF 8001's, SHOES, Gaiters, 13almerals, 11001% and Comes, W. K. RI cCLI NTOCK, Vetlerttl Street, 1 11. . grr.rl H'. II'AIRNA HA .% & I'll., Ladiere Gaiters Sn. +.l ISrk*i I 'A RNA tu. CO., Cirret's rine ("all %toots Nu. e 3 Ilarkelatterl A NI , CH I 1.1,11K1,1`n Boots, Shoes arid Gaiters, DRY GOODS, TRTMMINGS etEAT REDUCTIONS! 11 11ICF:S ilf LOWEST OF THE DAY, 1 I BATES & p BELL'S, 21 IFIPT STREET. lEEE 5 i 1 iti i I I.• II 1-.161 A T E 4 TON'S NEW GOODS, .I'l l / 4 1 Arrived by Expreom I DIE, A I/ lil.//Vl/'• ill a,/ 11Alit 1 /IF \I II T II l• l' na 111 ..,ii s. ~,,., , , 111. 1. F 1" , Al I. I 111. II AIF i:F A LI. NP. ' A F.tl' •I 1 I I , A. yr. I OIN ANI I"f+ ; nil, ,II•I .I II PIIIES I. Xi/ 4. 1 . t ,F..' ,I,l!l,SagAut;r, •rm•IIII. FA N. 1 111 i.", Hl ~ I'T\''; HI II II .1 ., .1 I Fl , , FT I. VIII( I Fit , . VOTII•E TO 1)1VIVEIIS OE LIME ,.. F. ' , ALA H. IN iSI:KAT V A RIETI . ;/1 ~..i.f ,E. - Tt". I,l,ll.ylvanla Smlt hlmourAtto.r -114 Al.l F '. •. 1.1 VI f',\ 41.1.1 t• ri. .It I !(r,. In 1 Ing . 1•111p111) trill rp c . Av..pr.lpingsle. for ilte supplyor ' 20,000 Tons of Limestone, Gent's Flll'lllSllilig Goods k. ' =MEI F. 11:A_TON, SPRI:II6 The Attu:To-Day- are Hamburg Flouncings, 1:1:1.INGs :I\D INSERTINGS. V‘l •1' II.II A I- A / %11. rIl l/ -/ - , • t• NI/ ll'lx , 1••• I I NI I, , F,l 'lll I- 11/Il h MAUR 11, GLADE & CO., No.:. is and tiu Market Street. NI Al 111 11 A. -t 41111.111. L. 11) 11'11111 S4tl'ePt, V%— / 1 lIA IP 111 Is I It • kNI, 11'1'1,1'1; I Al.ll - I. PAI•I,I:,,"U,AIf, I ‘l , ll-.• I • -111..1.11, 1•M•Elt .'S; Al I , IIH, \ 1..11 STILE: !‘ .rl. B3 =ll43Erlr Duplex Elliptic Skirts I.r•ler, at Matzur.t.turrr, Prloe 1.1,1 =MEE ALL hINDs OF PAPER COLLARS ILL WI NT ER GOODS A II HI 1,1 • Ilerchavil s a lid Bea Wild supplied al lou est prices. Eft SPRINCi STOCK “ -- ) 4 1)11)1 1 4 Wholesale and Retail JOSEPH HORSE it CO. - APRIL, 1866. '''ai"Vi.'l:Vsling.Pol' it i . l" :::24l l :4;it ."'' OUR YOUNG FOLKS. Eli TFILAI:CPI7- ca-icop.mossi ' VII F.° P OUR YOUNG ‘:',.;,*;f__'''i". 4. r .;!::,1%ti1.'' 11=7 1 " waEci-v-E ca•c=o•63=oo3, NIL. vrs7if L'lngc T..7t.., lIILLEVERT GOODS. LTTLE THINNS—DaII Hamlltn•, LACE GOODS , A l NUM ! 61 1 IN LESLIE UDI.DTHWAITIVEI LIFE—A other "relD. Dartney'e Iihlhuod•I• EMBROIDERIES. rArrY 311.)104/F.'n PlELucy Laredln • ' Ml' 1.-FLINGS F:IIIIINI.IS 11/lAIII, . Illy lIISTOHY irF TIV-TtIV-11•rriel Meagher I'AHIS sKIHTINI., ' Flow, :WHIN" HALMoo aim, ; I. V DlA'a 1.. A NI it—Harriet F. W 00.1.. 111 ER 1" As]) 411.0V/Cm. DILLY EA ,1.1 -Mary N. rrseoll ; EM II al/11/1 1 IHEII SR MTN HOMES & WAISTS, ; WORK AND PLAY—V. Warren Newcomb. Jr.: F1...1 iSIiS ASII RANI.K ERCHIEV.I. i FARAIINU E , 111 HoYS—XI — Author "Tea Acre* 1F11.11, i1q1111114 (A 00D.i. ! R1,1117,17;Vli;. EVENING LAND': I'A II rII I , 1.1..\ ItN ‘II I, lii.b. ! D:lf LETEIt HON. 1..1., ETr, II AIIt CI if', . I 'l•ro n , ... 1 ) - 111.1rAte.11, by .1. N. Hde E. Hum / 1 .• , .1• ' , KARTS, Jr_ A. Hoppla, W. 11. .11,..1,,, y N. Y - AND A fiIiVERAI. VARIETY Or T Yr,. $..! port ano 1111.. . 21 . , ..111, b., Copy. IVC:Orrit::),INTSEit, JOHN P. RUNT & CO.. WIII.II ARE I,I, FRITED AT riol'ill-AR PRI , E-. :Neal' Goods Ilecelved Dully. PUBLISH FIILS' AO FINIS. buyer< arc Id. Ited to call at - - Nos. 77 and 79 Markel Street. nllll6 1A.414: CCIITAINS. ..rottliagham Lace, Vestibule Lace, WHITE, ORR & CO., h lk4l - 4=6. 213 .1E.1.1131 Miktrae. t. GREAT 111.41MAINN F3IVEX3R-CS XS: I7 III9IX3EIISII Teß'ir c3,lc.c:sizil9, \ o"• 7S and SO Market Street lIIACHIUII, CLYDE & CO. A T W. W. MOOR3I-EAD'S _, New Style Frizzed Nets, Hair Coils, .-,. Fancy Buttons, c - . . wai. WISER.. ... 7.tOlug ALLAN —... New Empress Hoop Skirts, IrAILLEY STIVWE worciis' A . L L. "'EL E mbroideries, Laces, . Woolen Goods, _ ALLEN, M'KEE & _ I t °Moe and WarehouseL b* C 0.,. opp..icmiltaLt,r ( "'"°` , Mauurarlarre a veal variety at roOK, PARLOR and H RATI NO STOVIOL among which are the col / eLlfahed Allegheny and Monitor Coal Coot/tie Stoves; also. the Autocrat ala‘i_Yeutlrrefr for coal or Whothaal• de•lere In rOliti(i. 4 l AMP Doggimegg,• a of the Ems Ore, for DRY 00111. N. I,ln ...Wood ,trees. th ird bausattarrin i 00 ' 4 " Cad the 0""”Iird '' r r ~., I wood: Mao. ArcLvs, yeti.. Fender.. Putter/it:l7e I. , autood ader r0.{.4..tr0r —.am., I par /YOB. and Hollow Ware geDer•Wy. 1 ~....:ILLY.. ..W. IiciAILIAJC. .. 4. EBADIXT jErhv.4. irovir..wousto. I. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIVEIL e No.Bl Market Street. In h CA RR, Met'ANLILESIiir. (LATI AVILSON, CARP R C 0.,) FARM nfiriAmENTs. wall" MLA ch, Mare ea bang • Large 4 lneartuaebt o 0 A. BRADLEY CO. mrnr tael e tf of COOK, PARLOR AND' HEATING. STOVES i iltA..% "7 ".. 47l4 lolt li itu vt"% c g o YUß caksv ' e A 7 ) 7 6 ai ß s : nianufactera cat ATM. CRATE • FRONTS, dm. lee and Warehouse, - innnerof Second and Woo tun Mahout. , LatinUcei pA tntooad arm.. _ _ luwlvo MACH N t1 , ,P.,E. KA hitti, STRA W ClPrTzlit No. Ir. .sul 3(1 Ohio lat., Al!Artie," 111:t_:taxmiu tY. ii pENN .11 • •ii Jigelsine Works and.Pounaryt, ...... .. ~ Our News pring NHWoe Nevraviallbpigt lit.ta or PArr rY : It's, son- .4: '.11°C.7".ea"24' me ,. ie . eiefe; AI ar ks r ..4llt ~vr e. , i gam Burt,ors AliD4l4lll.CatiMpe two% -V rat ma llandaairtr fa i ,lllm TA L2fAS at ' greCArtamatatrAdffnit=li YedC• BECCI .' • , - -!igemr .h.1:1-114,1 No. 124 Wadealal .at., Allagb P 7 lay. ~ Biratfing P V2ktai at aa0.2041 So may jIIST OPEND- HAND 17 Firlli Street ISO; 111,1,, Avenue to .ittotata F to If 1 'qr. I• 1: `,•,•1•. trout Allorgltruy A r 1...1.1p. St r..et. no. 311, • Ar•.llrnv run, t- 5:5 Ir` .• A • 1,,•11, •1. A ...It,. F.. or. ...bin At' , • FT , VI. r 4 .1:1 1.4 1-•`. 1 , ..13. Al, I. Ali, 1.. ntr....1. Fremont. ~,,, .1.1. 1.x... ~,,, I Al ,•, , r t.. ,k est nt r....A; North Ave .... /., 1 t 1 F 1: /.., 1 1,11 vrtote; North A , li4t , ir ...t3r ',wee F.a..1 I..ue. An, . 1 . -. •1.1•./ 111 ro -I .lluli to the Shoes %, S, . 11 c1IF N• Heeorolug H. H. FHA Nett, nor., I.tid Hy 1 tottroller. I) ft? P ,, OSA LS IV It SA ries AND 0w5....t ior ,n../,oar rn. hr VII. ,Pnr proi.,. ..11 0. lir I t• r Ir.. .t 1 on • 3..1 1.,. to, 1, burglar Proof , Ito• for. ..t ~.!vilesto too at present ; 6i I. roll, pit. ron and hardened 1.. I . 1.. ..tro Ingo. ation at Ibis Ile , .rten• trt Ito rats and lire ['roof ~,frs will he conlitnirt•d I' n 11.. 111,./1 r and }4I al with a ennoble 11. pr .1 . .%. Ho, the plan., and specifications for ill. ri.11.1 1.• .. 1 . 1 .1.11tr.1 by Mr bidder t. , lln pert., t condition 'within a rea•on II 1. I Ito. I rotof dal.. or ord. r oche x 111 1..- tut - united by this Deportment. Pa' 11111.4 13, put to pls.. b) the contractor, and be In puff., t ork nig order Wht n the Safe Is turned over tll.'firop. r udhs r of Ito- Uovernment fhe GI I, ;• r new tth lal foot, measured on the out•ld. sod to t tit rt . all I IlSrge• .14.1.ver, to fouling pointing and door natures, teacel.( coat Of and 11l alto I.r r lr PrZel htZdarre'ornißpri"o'fnt:',V, "Ilf'is°,l, most he sr. ornpaulett 1. the guaranty of two reepunsibir prraons the sum of OS.USO, that li..hillier Will 11.1 1 e tot and prrfonst turttrattqf orded to Filen, the. OCT of 1 hr /recruit] to be ...rtiried to by the lital r.. t Alton.) of tile district eh. li,.- Wad., renldt a '1 'hr lit tarteuent reserves the right to nivel any or Oil bbli.• gran award Ito • onlract for Burglar f rf stiles te 'tarty. and do Burglar and Ince Safes to oother If It be de.•nted ior the Inter .. of I t. 4... foment to . do so, and tat bid will be othodered that it,.,,, not form to the require b). u l. of thls advertisement h/ let I. llth/fit .1 1 . r.)10,16 for Pale. and I .ele nod addr•esed to A. IS It 1,1.1.5 AT, Act tt , Are 11l Ir. n i 1...1 i 1 1;13 8 , 44:.. tobil fawtflono A.• ling hOpers is.. Are Lltret. %I. Si I\l. 111 1 , ,1111 t. 141,“ Mtl RIM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. Gil Corr. fres F,.lt 'ALF. BY DEI AND ALL. KIN Int tty HCAVT CANTLNUIS. npeelal attention pald to ittiLl.LliCi kt ILL WOULI HLANE .11A t NILNY and RILTOIFFeI. lOWA INN attended to promptly. heretofore, the beat materials wm atways • ueed at (Ma Foundry. • Attention to estlevi to our NEW FLY WHICILI VATTERN ant Incr eoe. lll Lclittlim fur fitting LID lb rattle, .1 a nut. y tiCyTinth *ND a• T ItAlt tn.. WALL PAPERS, ace piomAS PALMER, __ WHOLESALE AID RDIAIL HAM IN NV Air, I A-P1 It TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES, 7C. A..lEt X. 1:€1 0017 in irs it a rehouse, 91 Wood Street, Inattiond PI TTAeuRCIIi, PA. MEM W ALL PA PElts, .rent• Designs f . I.A I% FIKAI!IIVI I. kllll,rlrll,‘tl Now Pt.e.c,e.117-13E1.4 IN IA ItrAT VAIZIKTY. AT 101 Market litreet, Dear Fifth 1).4 PER HAINGINC7N FOR 1666 A areal 1 , 011.4,1 k. of • • •'l in er Iran ll^all Papers. tire Orr{ twit, fire yeara 'VT PI • 17...1rGL1N11 P4PER9 A oi the say.l French Papers N' AI. Tglt P. AI Al{3llA 147 W.NA.I biro PROPOSALS. OTI4 E TO CONTRACTORS. Het onIONI. Ita,L 1.4T0n.,4, r, / V fr,lll nun. Mint, lath, ropo•nl , lor o otiitrOolloo of a Public Sewer In 4. ll w`itl ironi I,lamon.l to tOr Manua ! the 1 , 111 .1., or' A pr.. 0 0 0 rldeat ~,,, scar, be loan 11.1. I I,r 1, t ii•Nel than N/NETV-VoUlf. l'Elt ( N . y. pu. 'ft El . 10 he delivered to Cara upon the Allegheny , Vain.) Railroad, .u W partle the Company's Works, or latt' i oortion of soil road with the estern ra. h. It.. at itte Hiatt:duet,' ricer. W OO to te ur nish..l by the oantrart or. Not lees than r more ; than nn tort. to Lc dent erral per day. J Satrapies of the SWOP, and proposals can be for. waraeal lay Enpres, marked • .l'ell Its. Salt Mann ; rseturing t a.," Natrona. Allegheny Co.. Pa. ' in1121:1rod CI," or Al.l,OlltN V. Marrh 111, 1566. 9113 PItOPOSIALS, endorse's' •••I•rop..lals tor Grsdlnv and l'Avlng,•l) rd at flits oshre until NI.AI a pelf .1. hor 4 •ra.lteg nod l'avlrig the iollualng A . MINOTON. I). C.. %lamb 1869. led v 1111... received at ll,e offi ce of I , ,ltsa• A reidlert, 1111eatury Depart...at, I/. 1•, nlllll 12 APltil..ro. o, - 1 . 1 11-1.1 3 / 1 ., the Itaro.hr 1,11,1 a, 3,1 Vire Safi, al • T r , ry op.oro of the BOOKS. STATIONERY, &a lAIR. EDMUND YATES' BROKE - N . TO RARNEss A ntor) of Engll.ll indft, Lite: Is now ready. The Engllvie h•ve onanintously pronounced It ••A 11 ....111,1111 I LI ANT sol EL.. • j 1 Is being tran.lated into rrn. n tur tio• •• IteetiFiles Deux. Mondes, • • whiele great compliment to any no, Mr. Yates hi Ihr editor or — The Temple liar Magazine. •' and knows how to write well attain. • lect matter for the reading public. Vg.LVILABN°P;:tI'.? Altvrh ,l, l Powi.bm in , YII HENRY and NAY a sell It In I,l•Urg b. LORING, Boston, Pub/hber. ml 2 .21.1 S 9 Fifth M., Masonic Hall. in h?.I SMITH'S AMERICAN INK, Exactly Ilk. A It Nttl.ll'S abet about obi , lIIIn/ elle.aper. Give 11 n trial. It la nnilone4 by ''. l7l ' lW - ; ' ""t " r t r• e FOUNDRIES BM FORT PITT FOUNDRY CHARLES KIVAP NEPHEWS) I=l HEAVY ORDNANCt, r. , !1. H.