The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 27, 1866, Image 1

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IFIL - WfAt” vvy ;tautness Ittamager
PUBLISH:ID B I rtl r 1.3 A 5800147101,
11. IN 11. - r - u Plitirbutirty
Chao Tear, ky
by uarrt • es. per weinz • I'.
ihe Wiftdurgh Cuettr.
little time ago the. President noinOnabs'
Ganartil,lonN 51( NEIL :LA SI/rveyor
Port of St 1.,0n;-. Th‘• ontirtni ,
this nomination it .ron transpire , thio
MPNMIL wits not favornidi• to the Frew
demt•s Policy, and uonsequentl) ~ t tni
mission has not issued. it I=
the President is resiiit,•l not lo issusii, t a n
totrest the alitsOntment tlrntih it 11111
ant been made
Idenntinte the Pre , nitint
eral P 81,111 n, Coi'iititor of the Piirt
The two Senntor.
the confirniutt lon of thi- to outwit ion, on
ground of the eontentpt for the titenitte
hthited by the Prioiitit•nt in liii• 1111111,
the other appoint mom'
low the ordinary nil, 11,
her or nirtnhor, from I io. r •-•.• •
if in harmony with the nraj. , rils, k 1 •
BLAIR will frird..,l Th. r.• I
ever, a higher prin. ; : .I.
12 , . whether Ilw ~..„
tittaitritign that t hr. I,A r , tit.t. • - I tit
Lls.3lt i•xclutiviti t tii
President, nini'lLnit n ini ri.. pri.r
but to acquicAne in hi- 14.1,..-1
Tii‘Now York L."l,i, 1.
first demarrrok• p 01111 rd 14. ~ cr .1.1 4:u.,
Ipatiou ,%% ..!,
alive of univer,l
this step up - in oniusuliaiiiiii
the wisest and nu.; I cperitincial
of if party It. il,s i. that if ilia i•\
taunt shall be made, a !,
Laken out of t ha. tholutin .•
1111" that of druoni-I r:dn•n II tit i t IL.
experina•ht the 1.13,1, f a d
prop .-r Ixtsiliou, ILr right of holing will l a
taken front them by common , eu,e • and 3ii
end pal Intli , plitt them If the
demonstrate valateit, i•vr.lyl.4ly 111011
In• satisfied. flight) ~ensible.
ARMS' OFFICERS T 4 'A I , l' Ilk .li.
DAVN --B N. liminisoN, late pril
retary to
home to If liainiz
parole. A NI w I,"
konyer , ied
the quarter, of Mr II :d.
With and that 1111'
that they Anna far hour. ',how .I—t
and, when they can't izet in 111,t0,...1,,-
,wnd In their nonipliinent , anil
of regard and sympathy PA,.
the roar ttith offierrA of Me ,troi.y.
SOLDIERS, ( )IU.AN:II. Tiwte ,d
township in Pennsylvania in whieh art.
to be found eitiz. na who fout:10 with di:
tinguished gallanirA 11011,1 W.. train,-
These men should immeilistel3 form Ilettr
lulis for the purpti , i n in thr
work of ilrganization, nail thu hind iii il
complete triumph which ll
al Union party in October .
THE libusepre:will:oi,-. hat,
measurably decided, by th-it . Item int tln
1.0.1 Bill, that Sliet . i.• Pilyinf•rit%
lit renamed lh,. Senn, ,id .1., in
the premi,e, unci-rtnitt Till- 11111111. lit.
ever, tb.• inns..., of IJu• 0.1.1111. are MIN I. ki:
for a ourreurty in which a doll., •
dollar, aria not a delin•ivi• pronnart iit
lar, no body Luau IN hen
THE Loudon TimrQ h.• •
perch of Feb T 241 but i
by BANCH ,, FT . , spr.. It The 3,.
proves the one it 111,k. 11. :1! , 1.1,i1
I'4l4'lll4AV , in the tkf the
dislikes th.• other 1.4,1111-c II w lull . . it
the tinter of unit ,•t nt thu -
4t.r.011(' 0 1 , 1...iii01‘ of 111.• 'lk. •
1., 11, r:Ctit,
e111110.i . , In il- &ilk :4. 14.0,4 4•,,, -44 4,1
jouninl%, it it not t,..m1.•ri.;l
the popular
it. SL
Chian tio• ••,
held lnet week, in Car . ,
Shippeuelrarg The peorl.• urn
to curry the count . ) for (1, i• :I
oidolier election..
PlliT)4 ASTER A'r I 1 • 1,
indignant at the PostitneAet u. Hattft4l
(Conn ) for giving. ,upp.rt t.. the .1. n,
neratie candidate for ( :n Ili:
State. The Cleveland man had la•tier e i
quiet. He may have t f6lk.a
THE notorious Fernando Wood In, litii
a meeting in N,•a York, wilt, d,divi•r
ed an whin,» in favor of President Join
son's iwlirr
The Breaking up of Winter.
Under the bard seal or winter the 111th of
our cities, the pestiferous .11 of or
and swamps, the mud and slime that torn, this
alluvial of our great rivers, have been toi
nearly three months comparatively hal' in lea,
But now the early spring bun 14 thawing theio,
and the element. of discarc t bat were torpid
under the frost are ferment mg, enervene:/le,
evaporating. The atmosphere ta hew, y w ail,
malaria and InlaaTelti. Every ruble foot of .o 1
we breathe is Minted more or less a'lll, the
mephitic eaVIIr which returning 0 - at Intl( s
hales from the unwholesome material lit ever)
This, then, is the season when the sy.deto
- needs protection, and the experience ol tour.
teen yearn has proved that Hostetter's ntoin
eels Bitters, by invigorating the stnlnuell,
toning the liver, regulating the nOwelm,
bracing the nerves, puts the whole organiza
tion In a condition of dbfense against the
sabtle poison which generates Agues, Remit
tent revers, Bilious attacks, Indigestion mid
Nervous dineates.
• Now to the time for prevent. 1111 l . The horlf...
...t r eacly on the wing; is It not the wittiest t I
promdenee to neglect the antidote A rem
is 1-
ties of Mostetteee Bitters In every hot.. Int.,
new settlement, or a dirty city, or n marshy
district, will secure the whole pupulal
against all the ordinary spring epidemics, it
the preparation is universally end Maitre I )
taken according to Use directions. It is Dein
'lack of resistant pose, in their systems that
men and women are prostrated by ‘ll.9ea,e.
invigorate, regulate and purify Use body , and
cheer the mind with the great Tonic, Altars.
rive and Detergent, and all will be well.
llostetter's Bitters
•ro tiOld wholesale and retail at very low rate,
at Fleming's Drug and Patent Medicine Depot,
erf No. bl Market street, corner of the Diamond
and Fourth street.
Thomas W. Parry .* Co.,
Practical Slate floater., and Dealers In Amer:-
can &late of various colors. Omce at Alexi.-
der Leaghlin's near the Water Work. Pitt.
Mulch, Pa. Realdenee, %o. 78 Pike street- Or
ders promptly attended to. All work warrant
ed water proof. Repairing done at We short ,
ma notice. No charge tor repium, provided the
root le not abused alto. It Is put on.
Carpenter Jobbing ntnop
/laving returned atter an abeenee cd three
Yearn In the army. I have reeopened my ehop
far all sorts of lebbtag In the carpenter•. line
at the old stand. Inn= Allay. between Smith.
held Westland Chewy Alley. Orders solletted '
- 7.44+0 , 0:0 1 17 attended to.
Opera If ouu.
h h•( N 14,5 t,..:11g1/1
1.11 BAll,l* at 6.t1.14
.llkw und
d 11•1
The I /astre e the
hang Out Your iinn2141.1,1
1,11, the Outer walls, the• ery t -tot
far Sawyer's harbors' soap
late t
A n' , L..ce t ( T the vnr4l, all In e'..- ,, ..• . 11...11 r Ntill,o,Ati
Inert earner of F. , tirtU and 11,11
( E 1 Hl, \ll.l , ltLittAL 1.. I,le, Ili.. 1 , 1//lifl.if alit r.,1
,\ •
ash F Innnei.,"lllli I ,
t. 11115 h.!, A I,
`..1 , ••:11 .)1$
1,1.1 ley •• II ....p ••I• Iri •
Itrust 'S 4 outfit.
.111 (10;11,4 It 101,1 I
- •
•,,i1 -. it Lik,
tIo• I J. , put \
1.•11111 1 , 1211iig•• ivug ai.•l 1..1
IN/I1 It it h re.
alt.l I,llm-
11111 I tot: ItL h.. h-•
4,1111 ts 111:tr k.•I rt, 1.. •
• II I• • • A
I Mil,.,11!14•11.. i ••,-. F
10.‘1,1, 'qui, I, I 111,
I r 11TTB\JmnafllT'Tlfl
It IP with groat 00 r 1,.
I on ol ttur 1 vlarlo-rs 1.1 11. e• , 111)1,,, I. ,I
i0...14 Ntr. 1..1..1
!.,,tll • 1,1
enmprialng Shirts, I 1 . 1., • .
fleoplk ervti ten, Sc., can lot
1r tml. A srge 11i 11•3.11 1113.1 1 • 111,i
COnts, Vesta ht.' Over uII I ,••• . • .•.]l,
in Ills eNtabil." , .....nt. t.;
tiling In t lit.
s.zve Mr. Wt., n cut).
Inlereepte Leiter of (lenient I
111. Complicity In the Border
March .••
nil 10/ lel., .4. 11., 1.,-
rltteh hyt lethch! 4 I ,
•lale t!f -t. ,L 14,1 • 'S
Tlw 1 , 1 te! t ••••,1•1:• crt
1154.11 M., t 1 , !!!!!,,Q ,1 114111,i, I, l,ld
Ca.nutln iat.. Ili. rhtle•l It
!l.r.l , •!!fl In th; t It. 14,1 c!••••11...t. !••: I
orge, t !•ib• 11.1 !..!r• I, r).• ••
1..4,4•411111(.1/5 I 1,•:• •t,!• .: II 1 • h
Inni.“ 111'
t tas pt-ttne , Melt .t. 1- n
311 11i.. 1% II: 1
ntl . 1 / ••L
1..1 etitl.ll
er 1,1:e te IU .
Tilt. I. 11 , 3 - • lu.
11111, i.• 1011 111111,11ga 11 , 1.1 I ..
ort•o it b ont,z not 11t. int, tt tit ,
1.11 111, II CO ,11/11. 1 1 , 111,111 . rt., 1t.... •
rel. tet.titztlt•ttt. , t• atr.
111.1 - 111 1111101 u•
ret.,l Ilti•Ir 1,11..1111,1. 'll,-
I.t•tt pr, 1 . 1. t
11.111 1.11.1.•
. ..r.lllt.trtt
Nttrt tttlf.
Wattltinvlttrt, t• a I.
-.11411111 . 1, lint It 111111 ~. 11
11i0•1111:111•11,111111..•1 ulll, 1•1.1
atm trit.t, 31'.• 11111 • , It
p.,11,!•• of 111, %Ityltt- - -t.xot. •
1111, rt•;
Important In-egsinn , n• 1411.1,,
Sil:tret• In Nzttinnill Ranh.. In•nnl,
( ' ,:l
,u1.)..4 1 In h,
tri . ..1111.i 11..1 II ..v
v - ertlt ttl Tltt•ttot
,001 tttlortk ttl Illtt itttttii
t'lttt•f t ..t1 tit. ,
tit., twill, altle It. tt.ttt•
tof IllXltts, tt:11 t•tstt, •tt tt tt
t.! Itttllttoritted. ttt
1 rent, is 111. ninon) enrich. ftniiil
of lln
kola Ind Inns- fir. on Ibe
License Question.
TV "Oil T.11,01Y, NTltreil b; - I•roolattoiloo!
hero 4.i.• ill.. I ITT f..n of the II oot
I wren 1 11,.' ttnitoil it.iclUr... ttiot.
howlot tho Woo, motto bond of rid. op,
Tll.l Ti.,...•
t.J oll+,,ritlnut• for 11,. 101 IP !ill h -
upon t lii• perooon or property of tali,
nto,. 11,1 Atooilii!!! to - I h0t0..00l To. I/.•
lIITTITYTTI, T. PrOT/lIIT. T ill•to .
region ;it-cop.:II or'frootsio,•.l 1!:, hem. rlo
batol- lo 1, 1111,1raii !tout Ili, I !oil , . !!, •
oil 111.1.11T1.1
e4„,1,1,11e.1 1 Ilrough An.l
.i. 1,11 I IfFn .el 11,1. I lir I nt ao.••
pa) then; len Intn.t ,
ten earn, for -1.14:11 Secri
the )toterior o 1 deehlv
11 . 0.1111.-elac Mr. Ifo 11,11'.1,4e1e,
I. to innk.• an :Irgo tnent I , efort. *be Cont.,.
of %I'l4 5, and M.. 11111% io. tut. r or nuLklnte ifc. ~.„•
proleet lon for the -al.. of -1,1r11„1.
...te,„l of perintosiOn, u• 110.1 .1.4,1,1
nupremel our! Of 111 I . llllld 'l., 0
Strength of the Kobel Annie.
r , 1 31/4,1/ Informal t..e.••••,••.1
by the Stale Depart rii.q.l.•ttou s t hail I 11 , ...01t I 1 •
ort the , 11,181../p,i..”/
of Frbt uar{ ,
Ibe Ml4.l..lirpt, p,OIIOIJ. army omr.
1100311 144 t T 1.111111,14.1 1,111p:10,11
In 1 4 ,1J1114,1,0 Nam.. (1,0111111.1., 111 I 1..
rebel , t•ltitt, 1,, 1.1 .111111111 r) 1I 11. I 44:...q11 , 1
1,30 I,lerury had not troop-vuoL,ll 1/11/101 1111
111111-numuter. Ity :trlatillg b.• 11 eg 101,
they might carry no Ihn n n 1 nn , bssng.
The gentiment of the limy as altinint tmam
moan Mr pew . , Ho Nan wllllng In take ant
mltlnn that m 10
ight . a n.-.I nnitt gn
Imamn powrr mould Marl! I Can., The -4.111-
Linn 01 their n pn,nn na. 11 t.
nteiMenn . plan
reulan Meeting In llartfortl.Vonn.
Cuss., Mares I.l.—The Fe:noao.
he:done of lira largeat menu non ever antiene
Weil in title city al Allen tilla evening
ape.. he. were mule It) Iren Sweetie), 1:44
John Waiver], I.:wt. Montariut I tone,
Allynmilmatt, ttlayor of Hart
up...r.10 or one thimaarni rive ittimirett
dollars a ore for OW Fenian rau.... 'rt..
formation of 1 , 14,1 military organization
an entritttatineri
Important Deeixion-
Liable to St:Ato Taxation
l'unottictruir o Mervin thy Mime.,
Court to-clay, Judge Womix unl ‘lO
ilevintuti in the elt. of Maltby v 4 the Itemline
antl 11.n.lirmial Company, 111.11 ltn
road &bide held by nomresnientu, urn 11411
to litate taxation.
From To Monroe. ' for f l e e /Prtrt) COEI Vets lion— Non •
FORT IMES Monatte, Marti]. 'dl.—The *tenni., , t ell tor , st. o d clobb er A rre . nr o .
Peril from Mobile on the Ilth, fur New 1 . .
•ir :Siert tl te, - C lortied Jewett,
In ballast., arrived here to-slaw
Th„eporcobc choleraln hata[te , i4sit, cttl , l
. for a n ew party
Is without, foundation, notthe small pr
prevailed Untie to some extent, prfeeinally ”... for thr purl nee of muting I•r sndnu Dal
among Lite blacks,nominations.
1'44. Sanitary Police Mottoes to make not.-
u resat unsoundmeat. C egthses Of seal, shop
,t Duel Fought.
Le. nl lee, and barrels of PIK, (cot, until for 100 d,
I.c.xls , rros, ICY , March al.— A dual UNA; ..fited on Salm Oily.
place at daylight this morning tear l.t.slng• r A r , LLLLLL mwocil Browning has been [aw]
tow, KT., la•tween James Dffelot Alexander fin rolda,rV of 4161,010 tmnds on Anon
I{llnln - t>ogh. At, the second fire hoirnbrough a V 4,111.. HO IS reeogvilimi as having bee seen
Ws* shot ibtough Oath Itlys. . l ab the box 00 that vicinity.
I =1
/ti~trr . Itrll'.
u' I II
I. t TI,.
,~: .
mt.N tTf
col \
• K.111,.,r,1ng Itit. Pennsylva.o.
t,, I, it.,
MI., ,
'1"110 OPII
tl . .••••i \
\ M lit,nlrt :Lu‘i
I t !IVO',
• I •••• /I" lllf` 11111.1111 g "r the
, 11 , 1itto•I 1,1,1
-'I I"".'.
ho.tne xh” II pa
14, 11, 'ma h.•
1, .111,1 Iladt• 1..1 .111 ell Ise•
• lo•TI, hAt eut h
h.".• itutmodlatt, ,
.crs prorpo,•,.
,•.‘ ;10.11 , , 111,10i...110%S nquK,..l
it, t:t 1111. 0.11/11, /I
iPI 114 . 10.1 ..1 110,411111 e,
1.. I.:L•,,lt•n.t.lherr, wsur.,l
...• t.,
o f
.1,111 r.
1111.. riot
~.• t"
1., Mol
1..• pl 111,1J1‘..1
tet4.lll ~,,, att.
I \
~ t liy, 11,11.--, .1
~1,11 1.1.11 ^,ti t
Vlllll4l .'tL •
.1. ! !!!!11 3 full
•...• Ht.! “•1,,11...3
'1'!••• • 4•11: i• 1.. . !rf 11,3 i!.'• I - I-31 en I
• Lie id 114inAr tvitlittE
• II•.• pr.thlbilt,r) Leo. ~1
lA/ • /Ili, 4.1 11., of 112,•
I 1,va0 , ,, , held a foOr
11,1,011.111 , /.711,nut The repot l
I , 1111 I µ:, in gorier,
al 11,.' rioad. 0,111
Jr:1•I 44,1., 1.. recur.. lir spet . 4,
al r iiheltig order w.het.
.1 t•e Ente , nt al lire
, ..• and I'lllllli., at
, • 11..• 1.,1111.1 "41114•111-
I .1 , alfered
.11g11 •li„r In
111 ,In. .1. 111, r.mol 1.11 It,,
nn. I ht.!
P. 4 i.lgt••ksi 0 n ., i(1 0 311 4 .1.0• sl* 1101 yet ~011 e Illi•
1,11, 'llO , 11 1 ,, 01 .01.1 14,111 ,0 . 11 w.
t.,11., !hal flo , tif 111,.
.11 .0. .1 , forturt
.00110040,0, 1.1104 V
4 01100. fet•tici 10 Nor.
...1 0rt0n....11:
Report 11.1 Ilse Hero. s Contotlll.
tee Malls. op losses. II II ois of Trade
~lons llepnrlor.• sof Ilse Illossions.
sssss Is
1. ,
tv.• tl..•11 1.1..” 1.1.1, rut
••• p Ilti it 1% Ili vn. , m1,1) 1)0 pr..-
%, ♦C..10 , 11•11..• 11,1, I 1.-41 a, „I 11101'r. II-
Itar, ',lc I .Itra, a r ~,,,
rrl the• t,01111,2, 11/gt•ill1•1 . ill 1 Nutio,,l
Ira s„Jr.. ,rf ra.1.•.1 111.,11.
11,1 Ito 11/.• set) - T 1141111.1.
4,11.211. arc • 111, , 1•1111.• 1 . 1.11111111.11-0 on /'
111)11 , 1• V 1 I:I 111.1., , 1 •11 , P1 r Imhtll 6 / 3 ' ~ 11
1.. !hap+
11111111 g 1/1 ,
11.11 , 111ke11l
11, le II 11.-rl• 10-41,
1..11,1.11.) 1.. 11n111. [lei .1..-
1. 41111,1 ' .• 1 . 1 111 1111 . 11 -.1 1 ,1 at.coo 11 1 ol -
Non Dl vi.l.n to be Eatabilk hell In I 1..
'irrn•n ry Department.
Astit 1. , e, llnr. lk - tall
tlte.t .1 to t ht. Ittpoe , tt.eley Ity Mt t3zlnnell,
velal3ll-13 Nl:tan:act nt tog azol 111njttg Di% le
toe In Inl. 1 1 ce.ot.., awl for tl •
genet al •1e.e.;13 Inc itcollt , ll 1t,,, and 1111Tualott
of lafortualeon retell\ e to tnlttittlaeturen, and
to al.! l °agree. 111 It. Ingle/alum It provide,.
for the n! litent ttl /I ..1/11t11..1411i1.1. Wit
„ WI. in-I MI 1,11.0 , tlnty It
Khali let to ..ollect Ithtl :tt nage Intortttultotlllt
regard to 10 flict 111,1, terl . llll.llllllilOnof
at. watt, to -,, e t...,
a..., till the general eoorse
rad will. eount r Its lle {II be 10-
11, • .1 three clerks, hut expenee 1,, to he ln
: curred tinlene approye.l 13y the Secretary of the
r ria..3 C7icril Right as 33111.
The Loan Bill in the Senate.
Official Statements Relathe to the
Cattle Plague,
n Alarch 'hi --ilea Criminal Lcurt
1.-.Lity commencer' the trial of I,neral I.alay-
L• 11, r Halter, tin a charge of robber), prcrer•
i•.l hy Nit Until., k hos, n as a itr•
Intl broker. The specific.' charge indite by
lira. Oath la that 111,111,1.1 ti Halter, white she
was intact . constraeht horn hien. robbed her of
(I thousand tiollars, which she had reeelVed
Irian a man Learned Ilene oe Itowelt for procur
ing him a pardon. 'Phis is the second trial et
11,..,. „ 'u-,.1.11 will lie renonnircred, in con tier-
Li.. 11 a all ibis curse, lee leaving kern in January
recd c 1
1.1 ccreverred tor her lake erupt mon
thert• remains i. he tread tit• charge
.11 thefalse einlit imminent La It. Coln,
'Flee AWC11.41,1 1101./11'14i ILL the linlictruent,
phrit,hug tonne, I'M, It i.. 11 Thia point wew
al goer', arid theied.. 'l. aiteri hr a meld Ore his
, ILLL•ision 44444 ow
There I,li, tI e tad in the Senate galleries
to-,ln 1,1111,.1pat inn 1 , 1 a Yrt,sltit•nt Int veto Of
Ilse 1 !vii It Ighls 1,111. 1.1„
',ointnt IL utal he communicated tu-mor
rox, 1/01 u hap, not 1111 t hl
Itepre.elatis tont:ling a•ell to-morroa rr
talrt than file rtiethni Coma”! tee Ilia
.•i elle., 01 at rill 1,« Lind tet heer,
.1 s. e• I Anal, 11114
I it a letter at Ulf, rum, ('ort.,
Rain till Ila.a.trded
Nln)oi tooletal 1 . 11111., that a ge,1.1. flu u lot, of
111,1".. art• at :as log al the ahoy,• tarts almost
.tatty (item the al 1 0111.1 . ) :Liana, to a -tart log
ml di...1 Milt! 1 . 011 , 11 l till. Tlit, Inn' actually
l a aaal
heel ht the est remit!, of tacit hunger
to eat Ihelr matte , atid Ong., inelmilug their
offal 11,.p0t 1 a alio to
l in that many mealmeal
11 I. their lifla ll n.,
annilar condition.
n, three It innlred halge tart '-ally, here
the vointuatt.ling olliret tolahle 10 telalar
them an , ,,,aaxistanee,ou lug to the ahort.uhil,
.•1 raLlint, Gen, •al). it hel l for
those lothatn, sutler in order . that tiwy rainy
i.,,ennv11.4-, tol
heiple , sheaa and
tia., them to 111111 hi, to the t,
the, only ant 1111,1 protection.
tile l • resnimit revoke, itin
, lerl•.Alig I oi Slasno, al 1.111!
11111, t i
oinateer., aml ine has la-en Togiala,
tyn•let oat tee It a be cent
lorlenu,l that Cul. Ni.l4t, ;:t Chtrk,
It 1..0n.1 u.ll sta. , .1, ~,I,o r tat
111,1“ the 111.1,.. re .. :t31.1 1.'1.1111,11.1 .11
1 1 1111.111,1 111111/11H/re
the144,11[4141,1141y :1 404g/11 !mi
111 n. ~, 4,44,1
41 444,4414. r 0
444 4 14• • •• 4 . 44,111 14444 404104 141441 44
11 11• 11144414 444,444 .4 4,1
..tatiti list te•al,oi. ~) 4 ,1 Ilia
I !111. I. ....lII\ Fricilil litt•
nial.•telt•nl 1.1 till
1, lit• i , l t ,1 13t1..11,411 the
• limn mi.lll. al Ilatulmrg.
oelrul ‘t rile.
11• , $11 Ilatnipurg 1.3.. ' lit cert:fs
l•• "ices ,•I t
Lill' re(ti•
1.1 lli, 110.1411 u ii1111:11-e1,t 1111eult ,o 1
1.1 IN/111...0 Ile t
1 .• , • 1 1 ,1, 111 , 1exerrt....1a1u
i”i.T.-111 Isle int rotluellt.r...l
I Ito .11,1•41. , C. all.I I ill' greal In till, anti
uil 1,1.4 Lan. 1 , 1 llrrt Ant.. r 11 0.r,p1
ittmko• livteo .1.1 1 11 11,1, 111111.,/
Mr Th.‘ola- 11. 1.11.11ey, I'on+ , ll at I
•:', urn the elforl. trtm.lo 3/1
1..1 Ow pr,o-ntiont•l 11/1,
i to
pro, $..1
alnl, oh, tiling, : Lod •tiget•MA
..•11,11ng I n( vonklllitoo to Ettror, on.
nu% erlello•ilt. 1.1.0 rt 11..
.kIIPIA1,1 • 111i.111 hkl nnzel rtl.o
for greater net-tirit
II.• re•lt•n- (owl attempt lonynot hide- 11,3111
1nf.. 4 1,1 . 1:11.1n1r1 1.1.111!".....1?utar3.
la] t, : 4 1,111..10, w /I:Lt bl•
IFre •It ht.! rll e• I
o .•%tre , tte
1111,..1111, it I• cint , e,,tit•tter• to the
linty tlu. S.. 111111111,110 i the
~,,, ollivr 4,111. at nlninnt,
14 Ikll, nnf II,v pllin.; ,• Innt•ln
•Inni•ln‘re.l In. kr. vn 111. ILr
I ...Intr . '', of , lnuntl2nentnnnnl Emily, "End ••
tlann lettnn rtntne rnial nni •nn nirnig.-•1 I ..nn
tinr ann.l 11, the Int,. SI - 41 •In •
n, tnnt thirt • tinn.ntnnyinnl rent llt•
I t nano,. in that nni den, till nnonn
t innounnlintil not lu. Intintnlre.l ati.l •—nn • tinn.ln•
••,...1 114448,1 na the A,,,!, !Inn ‘1.1t,,n1•4
,1••••••• i II nun-I,N :14 , 1 .nll, .A . 11.44.1 - {aPi
1 .
iit . 1• 4 •114111 . 1,, I. 1n.1114 Irnin pet rent..i
itt...kt-.1 In 1nt...., eral I•rnvlnce. rh.•
”inibig-ners rt•, , n't I hat Frnnee, by 1111.11,0
MI I ikn 111.• .1,0'10 ,, law/ .tllllll/I.t.
.1/ 111.,. of 1,1 , it,kll4/ tiller, .4,1
inli•ubut, Jn, 1110 1.4•1 in I/ %••
• ,Inntion. Kis- ann., 1, I 1111 l 11,11,1,
1111 . 1, 41, notobb., ,4,
LILA, tellt, Mitt ieldlIISS 1.1
,alllll 1, ,1 b•l•ti
• n..•••• 111 \ .1,...,111 11•••••tl11...1.
'• LII a
1 \.•w 1 1,43 121i. , vu last t .1t: :
1.7,1,9 Ibe Is-I ‘i It rvi4, at v h ull I it.. he
...I, .1, :1110 1I11114,..1•111•••1 101.
lb. Let I,,rlOneti. lle. 111,111•• 1
NV, At. 111.111 p, et 4141 but 11 11-ies i4•5e144441 445
44, r 4,11 4, 1111.4,4 , 411a4 kr.). ti11t,4144,
41”4•1 ,4.144 ,(1, rl.l 1,1• I I ~1
14,41 441 114414,try 611 1.1/I lII,' 1111., r
), I. 1,11
1.14t44,444141 111 .1.4,114,1 nll4l i 1• \
it , t
I. 1 . .,,1.11 1 , Inutul
,111. 1111111 lb,
~p itited Eligagements Behireu
Liberal!, and French.
N,. "et, %latch .4, • Melnteerve
\ •,thi Ili.. 1.11 , 1111, NII,
weFe ileteuttel 1,,.et, 1.e., The
r.•tehe, ,t- I:II, -tart, nr.l.,
ILLtle 1,,,1 the reeeh, eesrl, tele
heaelr,•4l, melt, ii:11,11 .111 n
1..,11,11 'tea veld tired
ih):llty Ma, Pratrat,
Ith tlft) ut .... hat held lIIIT r•—
? , ,loret.l. [taro° On Ii iar /Moil' ',stay were
I.aa•ally .tittlontal atatatotwati, um! h.
h ath rati-t, grant ahatraing attatng the
!• , avli an that city
I . t•4•Aple,., nl Bra/.0., N., to. 1,1.
.1 .nvt•III) n dfullar ' L•l:.• tveg•rat to 1,1 tit,'
wa, round The 14.61a.f.. art- a.
r -'.4.--T NiILIOIIO
1111 .1 I
•0A I. I'
121101 4 1 1 11 . 111 g 01,
.1 111,. It" 1;1, I • 11101 The Irto I k II he p...
uul 1..1" /I /111.
The New K o% erolneist
Ilnorw..o,d The lio e n
x "rum. 'v... c
n.xe ..lecled Recorder,
i(tqlV) Illli tm the
11(110 ...eizures Ilrr e been 510pi444.1 by mill-
Itsy netters on Itte 1111,, ate) Ilse sutplein
•'ening in again.
:Vert IP ri"irsA, Ma rfli ;
01 2,000 lutierlteeelpin 2,110i11011,1.
,Irreinv, 1,100 hale, Low 111141illing.3003;4•.
1:1411“ . Mobvssen nominal
he.g F.xelinnge.'r.4 New lotk ban k
Frelgitts unltertsi
Marc!. ..n.-111 the Trio-. 4•111. ell
.o .414111111111,1 Inas been tuloirt.e.l nenvl.lllig
tbr llns ttpintlittittent. of u t ornintresionor by the
I•overitor In proceed to %Vanning - ton tinct rep
te-ent .14.11 n itely the envoi Mon of lite Inhabi
tant ,long the .114,14,21 I rootlet' 'rhe leko.-
11001$ Pre purr lentnely vontlllabletl or. VIVI.
oteparstes 111 11
011(1.11 1111'11 nee to be organ
14,1 for pi esent neryte.•
Contract .tts onion.
L. 111,111., H. Hall, of
rILJ, die mown...E. 1.. I . l.llllliVle
ul tilt Solo Moo I . l4ellte ltallruurl
1..1 wt.... Shroveport unit hlumnall, took lug it
oellu „inn aggilootto of fort u,• milt , of
t. N., MO .n—rour wooden
1.0 I ktinto 0,1 the corner of Fourth and Robert..
41 mete, I'l,ll log Of MIMI. and .111,04,11,
horol two. oichi Low, 1169,1,01. 11.0 red.
Myer itt. Ithaneh MIMI 1
1,1 ineltv. In the canal. Weather clear..
l'irq. Dot Itoeheeter—The National 11 0
Work* hated by the Eater lion of. the
Workmen and the Eltteette of the no-
...tartlet - afternoon out city was alarn led
ni lie new, a destroying conflagration tab
log place at itocheater, Beaver county, Pa.
centring to the place the found the town
ht n -ate condition, and the National Ptow
where the are took plane. but alight ly
damaged, the office alone being burned doe n.
The lose of the mike furniture In the on ly
damage sustained to the establiahment, and It
was encored. The whole of It would now be a
prey to the llery element if It werenot for the
exertions of the employees ot the establish
in *Mt and the citizens of the borough who
volunteered to cave the building. The lose
will not amount to more than two hundred
dollars. The only life lost woo a valuable dog.
The poor creature was too Stop' el to get ontiof
the hot temperature.
s 11,1•11.1 ii..•
NI, 1.1t0,' , 11.1,m. It "to lii..
hts, gave,,,, 11. a 1,140 1., ,114,11,•1011, .11
whlch 'l/I.IIIICI r , IIIIIiIIII.
att.! I) ,,, l , artleipated
r. Om Our .4:11t1 theum!, Is log
had Mr. ,toek ton It I Ighl lo sol e. "To
that." , sal,l Nlr. , tootter. "1 touleratais.! ist r
plied 'hal hl, 111//1111. was tsorto. ott 11, , • roll: or
the 'senate, and It,ror.lotglyOealle.l at the
,teak I , s , Ereint,. To !hal I ret,l3 , ailtl
to my It/1 oo r
, 1111e .e 1,,,• ed,
the r ,, 11 of 1111! 5. , 1111.11. l'.. to he al, al'. 111 11i/111 - -
dllllll.lllll to th,. to ow, ..1 al ',mai law and
Yarltattaellt s last, l'ltereforeNot: lt. 111,1
a[nfn In tale •011,11 lon v ill, 1, 1 , 1111) a thol
Mr. , toelsl,,tl a rlghl I. , Mad to• a right
to volt., first, are ,, , , 1111g. In the prolelp , .. of
National lass, n, in other ao:,1, aec01.1,1,,,,t0
the principle,. of on
Mr.,lthaer then 1;r/wee/dell 1./1 /111111 e ITOT,
ancient and racklera alit tn , rltie. iro
preultion, I hal Mr. , thekl On 1 , 111111 11l 341 a .
j1111µ.• anti ppart' ll/ II 1.11,11. .
Mr. Johnson said that in 11l Ott, 1'.1 , 1 TO
Mr. atoekton, herepre.ented 11.11 11111/.1•Ir, 1.111
the State 4 N •ew , 1 ' 11, Ill• pro,.
cry repre..eatedl.l l t
thlo Ilefure the. 1,41/I‘. It/ he e/qe I/ tell 11.
C♦.l,llrrant llelahning t// h.'
of Net. Jer.r, l 111. 11
lb/ /aeeatal Ne.
1 . 1
111 1
pthik a .lllon that ha. . eIIe 1
11.1, sate ha- .11,th , . • reee //r/1e11..111.1 a her
Air , he 1111..1
Alr Trotill , llll - I regre.t exeee/thiely
w1111.e. ' 1 '' 1 1 ; " 1„. ' s:
tion .11 U... rlght .1 . 141 I/t 1 . 11:11111 11 . 1.11
Lad re.qtrth..l It, 101,1 the coin.
11. a- a ttnllvial •,tiv+ll.n Ilc vintiv,,,i . v.l 1..
1.1, ILv !a 0
1111 v
ion 111.. .-vneil er Nvv
v 111.111,1 1,, 'vat "I 'not In 11,
okpinlov, tot Ilse 111 , 111111 v.. liv vitt iLlv.l
rtltil k "t.,1111.1, hal I. ',till
oplzklOn. I 111,11 Ilu 11 I,- .r Is v:,11,1 1.. a
111111 e
^tinolot ,tltl ii.. ti,.•
11015 to , :W.., I“ 1111, i• !..t • Pta
lr .31 n, rigid
lllhl r. •• It.
atleittill 1.1. l
11,• hill, hi. ...ILI. 11 ,
Imtrt V tlllel,l/1,,
.1 :1111'111111 g. ti
third 111.• 1 ile•' •I•ii ti. 1i,,. 1
i 13,111111
Mr. 7:1..1411.11 111 1111111, II..•1
HI m
grol 1.
hull oc hl. slat.'... /IV ....lid
M. 1 1 L• •.. /I itt-.I ti.:‘
rut,' Mr. Tlll 'III'. tic I, N cii c
Ivrize• 111.• I.i MN
Mr. act
\I r hl , Frl.ll. .4
4144.4441.i1ming 111, .1. 4 1,1 , 11 .7.1. 1.. •% 11111,1
)11t.1 rlgl.l 4.4 tell 114.• •,.4.•.4 444.4
A 1 , 1,1, 'UV n , . 4 .1 Mr ..11
111 . i. ‘‘‘t, , I, •1•11,1.1,
WI11( . 11 it .u....11.•agt,••1 till .
~ te •
ItoirkEtia . s ,
I , :tvtrt, Marti-, 114.,11
ot Isatt.m, ‘l.-111111.,
1011, Ite,l , lle, Nattl4l.t., . Trilinfoi!:
rol %V 1111.1 e, 011.1 IVII4, I.
,111111,, ii•,..11 . 11. 114,11 1•11L1,1.1..i. LIIIkt•...
/ 1 101311:, ‘)..
, progite. ',inn, .1-1111 :1,1
Nicol o
:1,1, • t..”. I.ltatlla orni \
our 111 IIII• "11111,: :lIPIII Mr 1:a.,•3 -.1.0.. 11,
,111)..t l 111 111..., t ...I • I
I:1 , 14 111 “ 1 11111,11•11/1.111.1•.
1ei.,1, tlt•l.3lr 11111“ .II
:[1..; 1143,1 h..,
i•ver,q,.ll it/
cot gni Inn 116.•
nnt al lln loninl.olo/1
IMISIt•il , I ill . 1, tn. /pip ni
pa, 11,11 go! l t I Itni lot I , ln
ukAir 111•11, it
111111.1 :I •
I.•pu , I,ILULL! Si!!II
,out n r•• , .‘t ~./ ,In• 1,10, COng r•••
comi I nn t... I n Inral •••,,nrit
tht• 11011114143:1,1/ . I . il I lie n.. 1.:
er• t.litnl
1(.40.7 • re•i,l,l In, It n In• 11. ,
1:111 „ r1 phnltled 51
It•I;1 1,010 %‘l,•
ltt 11.1 , he . .1
..111111.1i 1t.t1. 1 111...1 .1 t I
main/ ur.”“ •11% 1 , 1 , 11 ifl thl
t•lnk tki Ilk, I , r•
.ttilll.l k•p, I ••I
tolk I It. aLol
lo 1114 , otit, it t
t 11.• 1 ,114 1i
111,11, , 14 1111 lA'
mg the 1.1.5,1, 111. ta
1..14.1.111 11,1. 11• l•
7'l, I•• 4,P1/10.A.i
t .1
' , t,r,
11111,11,.1 I.lii [ll,ll
..! ..1 • 1 A 1111411,1 11.,11
utotwrinizil, Poioni:o Igi I tit
til tar Mar) Into!, 14. I he. t•it ~r
1111. - quit. t•I i%•:1711:t.
Air •tek
nion, mum., ..11.1m11;;IL 113.. "111 . 11k1 . 1
11,1 •11111117.•••: 1.), milt, 1 i4llllllll
- 111111 114 . 113.: 111k1.1.111,.1 11111 1 1111 C) " 1 1111.
1111111 1, 1% St 1111 t•lt. 11 ig 1 1/ Ih..
n Nr.,‘
u d cmi 11,111,01 1.1 11:11 ion,
111111 t, 'lll4 .111 1 1n/11 , Jr,. 1111.4. 4-1 ~,,, I,•ti
by the fy% 11.i.11!
1, 111.11.1/11 • 11at1 ev.llll.lly. 111 01.11,1
charge ,alotezn`wr , Mt. Itramlago., :IN /1, tog
!wen 1.111w:111,11,y tt.t. 111..1111. 111/11. 111 . 1-
41mtelit urgutlmltt,
ook -.hat tbut 11,11111 1 41..1111 31,
.tes en+ nu ,t 111,1,11. ....I tot.
111111 Cllr 111/11,. 1111.1 1,011,1 Th,,
tbi I/Iv
0111111 111 et, 0 111. N Ugh I• 1,•• I.llloot I'
Ito lint 111.• aut... 111 III• I -
morn tog would ilot 1111.1,,n, 11111 111.11 111,
1111111 1•4•i1u. I1,.1•111 Alt.
pers,l,ll.ll•l Mai the ii 1111.61 , 1 011t1
1:11111 111,11 11111 , r-o,lllg 111 11 1 111. .111111. , 10/11-
11'y 1/I.IIOLIO/.1,/ i' 41 11 , 11101111,01 iri 11111(11 1111••
h•Kli het% 0.111 W.,liitlgton nitli New
I'.•ll,•\'u Ihe .111,11 I• 11.11,1 the Inc., un I -
011., the linpo.ilion 011.1 the ..... °poly to
which it he., MO long oilifeetell Met
mane Waller kits...Num. the Vole nu* In Lee
Lellerm, Mill the llonue refu,d, 111 a „It. - oil
511 x) ~ 1 •10. 1 1 ti 111/i, .41:1- 111
it 114/‘• 11.• 100 t 1 1 01111 1, 40, 1814.1 lil 01101,
The , p,a1,1 10 0 MIII9IOI-
01'111. Of 'Ales, • %1:411ent nlOOl9l 11
ol I Ill.'', awl
~,,, tt,
i . 911 1
9 01
r 3
frro ,tivet m, 1t14,0l NI Itia
Ita d ad fr \YR-Itinglll toNI,t 10l
t. 'Lod fele, red to t npeciAl I 00l
RIM.' 011 NiollllYr 111191 Italfrou.l,
On Motion of MI even. inetobet
Ilreete.l to by Loblegl I o 11101,,pet .11 witmfr-
sotlistoi flout ly Mr. I , :mei. TllOlll/01 1011 , ,1 110
mutter 0i1,3,061110 mg that t ll,. 1111,1•100• 11. 111,•
COIIIIIIII 1.01. 1.4 11111.1 11r11114 1111 11, 1111 lOr
Mutt-or. already ateeltled by It, It 11ioNI41
rueonsloler the %lA., Ordering 1111. owl oto.t.
.111 t, voottitlerttOltt , 11:1 , 11.11,Ito [1011.... 1,
1 11.111.1 10 1.0411011 d ..,t h ee. to allot, the moll,.
Lll reennlllorl I,lle Etoolv, 111 e vol. 11101111 1.;
The Speaks! I het es shitottneett the
',ointment or Slesists. ash horhe stet 'S
or ill,. n, NS I ill. t. 1.1 , 1 1t hem.'
The Army 11111 has the e special teed,
for Altsoluy t, until disposed or.
Tt.• vole Ity s Melt the 1,111 11011.11.1 Lug Hee
posted laws Was seriph toll Lett to lilt' 1',141 'el
- doe Commit tee, was re...1.1141A. and the Itlll
rrs taken up. The seet lon ufithorirlitkt the
Postmaster General to sell YLILIII pelt ert estop
at the rattle of the stumps NIL.
St rock out
'Elie !mirth sectloh, authorizing lite wall, to
• Its earrlett trtaity foreign putt. to suiting t I`,ll
- WWI stritelit tun. The firth usetioh, which
proposed to repeal the Ms' relst lug to the
p tl
üblleallon or unellverell letters, andto
leave It tilt...test Irthary with the Itte.t Ist:utter
' t.etterul, Was also struck 1,111.
The et ening saaalaa was 111,41/Vll4Pd with.
The testintotty In the eloction cam; at Dodge
lalminnt lirtmks, use repttrted e from the Coal
rn(ttenon Election,. with a resolmittit that
i James Brooks Is not entitled L. a igutr In I I. Is
and that Wm. E. Bodge,
a scat. Antler, will he taken on the case ..n
/ The !louse mimtirsteti.
ftilled.—arthur tdurtiand, a resident of
This elty was killed at rid City, on Saturday
laq., by falling from the plutfOrin of a Car Oil
the Pltnole Railroad. Both legs wore severed,
I and he died soon after. Ilk remains neer
brought down to this city, and were burled
yesterday (rein the boost of a relative an
high street.
Peterson'. Ladles• National Maps Ism
for April, can ho had at Glldenfenneva, No. 45
Fifth street, near Wood.
1311111111 W
.101 r. rnettilt, of II. • night poi.,
nut •tt,, tinier =hoot I Wiei• :kt a
, 1111 .110,11 ‘%4•6•11.1 •.11 . 0.1 till. - the
1 ? 1 ! I .:0 t t7.1 -
rl• 11l Ilia hilg,",.:triol 111,1hIlng h, pfstcil hack
r It, -thou hit, nrn,t 1.. n t 1. 1 ,11, 1/1 1 11N up Um
M Mi • l,lr, ..tandlirg 0pp".11.,
It.i L•kid• and her,
.11, Iron li,' "Ii 1•410, .0101. •. 0 11
a •••• to i 2,1 ti.11t.41 that lie
.ii,l flirt..l•l. 01, 4111, ••• "I" 0/ evert
Jri c.f I hr• teen %% lrrr piirmeol
the I.lvgy -Irv,.
:0 Is 1111111.1:111/.1
'lll'lol, % 1
0,P0%11, vonei.
..r 14'4.
Si 1 i
I i 111
I i i
-t II
Trio!! ni Jo‘eph keener and Andrew
ffn•ha for Ihe ellorder of 1 11 . 1111arn
,0 ~ n ll,l up !.• t n.e of
, ur" , ) , ‘ , o•alt t. 1 ,...,101 Keener 0110
.zolo the mnrder 0(
t haulm , M. N1.333.3.3ta ea, .3 3 Met Itrtl33.
Esqrs appear tar 'teener. n.l F H. Folller
and 1% .Morelaad. . tat Ittetha
trl4't ,het amnion
setallta The pr 3 rteotte r4i,11/nlls. Itr
reigned 111/11 plead it atuih l l'he 1333133.. dig
Jury wed.
nth v.,
Jittoes !gel itii tiin
("pp, ` , l ton intlitti, .1 , 1,,,
i-ireonil ,
Fourth ',Md. tVllltntn (go( ill.
lough, SVA•01“1 l'itt-itint or, ( it(nrgit
gins, Union tow ...hip, 31 lan, 1.0. ,, , , eVenti l
waril, Pit talourgli, John Cox, Eighth tt
/tit t^hurgli, John rnmdc, lint tang teiwnsiiiii,
John It. ( onnolly; c.v.-m.lll i , John
Egzsisitintinnlet. Eir-t word, [tit Intiorgh,
Tha• wit:, then reed to the jor)—
.be.eith heener being ciotricett nitb Ib. kllll,g.
110.1 A nib e Ito being preNeol, !tiding
tool :inviting
tll.ll let I :ortley !tuft then 1/111 . 11101 Ile 'Ivo•
lot the t, , utullnlu ettlth, highly defining the
df htentettle, and reviling the main
ta.'t - in I lie ea... Ile -.rated that Ilte defend
ant, 111 1/. l+ [ll ill Devote het Inal. a ere riding
ill a 1011,V, . lip \ lea , ...I reel. In 1 Int with
al ntel [1,:11 ,e 1 t a, hey i•neutintertal
tt tnd.. int 111011 111i011,1 .{tt'l Fr y, uttlondln
%%11,13 1,.• ht- , 11“1.•.1 ki•••11., MI/Wed min And
I 11111”.• .1,11.1.4. e, 1,111 .11.1 Ma I
11111 .1 , 1.111111 n .hart I Inie
ler, 11, al.ig elo.t .11,4 • 1, IWO 1114-
II ti 11,411 tit I, .1, N 111„
0111.11 lii Si?/ I •111/1.• I/I 0,1111. WII , m 111 .
Nit l ttntilt,-tent,
.y. 111141 h• ”.11,••1•••1111•• •1....1•et•••••,1
I••I•I. N, h.a Ilt st • Alll-.1. :hai I /iv 11:••1 keel%
-•1101, aiht to, lotitl , l ...all /II ;Ile thigh.
4,c I•• fir
i•a•lio•ht 111, 11 , 11,110,1 111 111.1 strocl
lOV 111,1,1011, bill li, "hp, 1111.
n11,.2, !nal 11.• 11./I %lamd
he patti 11.. luta Ilia, the 10111 -
,11,Ig !JO. it la 11,4
c•-•-at 4ly leitticd
it 1.1,. All.l tsll I 111,11.1/.- day xa.. , and
I)Iin in a .lying c.o,lhtmil A la.rg..
co•-... 11,1 lot titi..l oil I ho (high, flotn
111.. death l
. lII.<
' I " , „‘' n ' ir " lt ' a " t ' t ' , h . i l l p ' :-.I
,111111 in t•i T 111•
ralht.r 1 11 - 11i1 2.141
ag.• .11t.111. the 410e
t • 1 alai/ Ilinl tia• • ,mlrl Ilekt liellll,l .
“d.t11,1 Hat r Ilt..
h .li.: 11r.1 a ulllt en-ur
orn a v. orun.l Ina! 11:11 Th.•
a. 11,1 bin-
I l 1...111111.•.11ille .bath,
11,11i1•11 that /1.• kt•lpt
Fli . : rrl 11 I•il,,i1 • 1 . :1111/ ..111 •11 . 1 . 1.1., he
..(1...••1 Itlnll nll4l -011. q.
1 , 1.1 ni 01 /111
1‘,111:1,L (11111
,151 . :11115511 111:11..1,:g) :11 thou klrl,
I tint
{tic 111• I hi, .51: Sl.ft. 1..•
111..., "rt. -11 , 1 ;41 . .•al WOllll.ll
1,11 nto Iter
NILII :1111+,1. 11, it 1.•1 1.• l'll/1 •Inir..
.t.,11116111 1 ., I ••1):11,,s hit 11 , put the pt,
1 ,, 1. , 111. shoot livr.
- Ali h...-v vi int. the
I Ilia, ttio I;.L. ~.1- tee:. It.• Mel It
11.. el etel In ttttt e•ee
1 Init .11.1 not. MM.
itil,ll •1 , 11•1111111114. 1.4 11
lel.l p•-r-eet. 1 lirom
Is, te•s1111.,1 !hat 1.,. vs ft.
tn•te Ilia .I..te•inlAttl... 1,41:4,1
Litn let 1/g• them there xlve
rooni neoao: . 1.11 111.,. 1.. nu—, .I.vo lit•eve,
.-55..1 :el 1.1. e. 11. tll 'llll/111: .....
1,,P111% NllOl, 11, 1 , 1,11 I, ,1. ..0.1 talk. up
..t.• , 1..1 hue, .led In.l 1..110w 111111
NI Nl:try .1. 11, I,‘•
111.11 ler, Ittl-I,nel .114,1 t I,J
1e:1,1 1 tl. kin- ...lot Mean
/ ' l l'l 1 ,, 1 , ... 0. 50 .05.. Nll-
thl V 111 4 .11,41 I -.1100(
11.1.• I liltt Ike I r.1. , 1
k.. 'at III •1111 t. 1111,.• ,cay
,;.1 tho All4l
hal .1 1 ..• 114.11.; II.•• s et . for lit
.4114,, 1111.11 ...II rv , ..rated
%Morn,. 11,111.,
“pe,,..d the
Inv I hal I, 1,1.1 hecti
(~•hvad ith a lamp
-toat I the
11, tl., . .
,11.0 ti
It Ili.. j ' t 1.110 , rnra
1..1 110 0.01,1•1/1,111 1t 1 ,111i.11110 Vlllll,lO-
, 1.11 ,1111rP pal ill lit:lilt 111 the
1. 1, oil k ) 0.10.11 i t,111., lid till
1f ,11• ,61
.1. 0.41411 . 1. ,11 1 0 1 1 ,11 keet
11110 1111•i111., ~,,, 111- -lil/11, 11l !.uggs
hail ~,,, i•y.. /Heil the , Sll-
111,..../11-,0 1 .1 11 11,10 eSuleittli. I ~,,, it intl ii•ta••l
i•t, tot .1. 1.10.1.- 1 1111111 part,
ititettttet tst x ii tor.-t.•.. . thrtt
v-I:tit,' lot tit. pr.-, twit. I.:tmttl t utito•l ttt llt
'I itt• tt, t l twit tad ttott t tie, tint tt
t, OM/11111g.
1., ‘Ac
to4 .u...1a11...1 by alle.g4td
TlIt• lelainti lf. oil 111.. .1 or Ni,voio
i.o, 1 . 1/11 I.:tlg VIII MI
111 I 111,11.. RaH ay. al Lau 1 . 1.111,-
31111 )1.1 11, lateerate4 ttinl the
1,1,1k..11 ." el , le. rt• 11.1 - ampttlal
anoce ihr loirr. .I , •lt.fiLlant, Dr.
ni o and kingre,qalt•nt
1.11y,.1,1,1is 1.1 113• 111/1,1,11, Ul, 131113111 11111/11
1.1 perlt.rukt..l opvi.alo,on in OW 111313(1111,
1.1 In, or Mire oil., +l.llful phy.iician.... all ni
wh033111.111111,31111111111111111, Or I lie operation,
rri.otnied it no dour according to
the tide. of .oirg, In tour, Ilmvo•ver, tho
lbtlll.l Illeersttetl, /OH It portion of the ficrlt
ofT, Cainortg hone to protrude.
'l'n,'l.l3lllllß'.Pacer that the "pent
not 0. it rul I y 1111111/41. that enough
111•,.11 .a. ft"( 1,, I,llllllk. "alio, - and
t lint 1111111 If it .1111 .notch lid 11 019311,1
Tat ton .10,111.1 hare 14,11 13.11'43 . 181131.
I'll 11113 111, 111•111111111111 . 1. ,11 3 , 3 ,1
11131 110 en', 111 11 ,, 1,1 , 31 1 - 11•1311114111111 tor 1t,,,
It.lltrelllo 01 the 11101., had ...thing 10
.1., with the I' Il+ o.oloe+ 411 ulceration,
II tulul„Ii11 n, ..r .01)1 1000 1111 . 11 011glit 101101,
111 11 . 1,11/ ingeool, .101000101 g 00011 1
the patient. his 101101 01 loody
:001 .11 1101 01 rt•11110.1.1.11e1.0. 111 , 11' 0 . 111 , 11 Ills Sot
k. 111.1 liaxellocgmll . ol
The 1004110001 o,r the 11 1 11111 W; .11011 411/ that
o+l.leral.le 100 I 100 01 the hone protrtol...l •
:1100 the InuL healthl 01.0001 4/111, pro-,
ith I 110 01 her 11101.1. it. oa.. In 10,1.1010.0 •
that t 0100'0 t luta 1.4.411 i 1114.11,11.1 y porton°. I
and that it waml.o 100 1.1 the lael that Ihe
10010011 II 11.11111 Intetape mile 1011 , 00
1 11111 the 001111.1 ‘ll4l 11111 /11.1k1 properl) A 1111
41/ 4.llllrient p111'.11.111, 11 el l• 4.11 lht. 01,,1 1 11,
arid 111411 r 11 411.11 pr •It. a+ MpeetatOra. I
Tht. (11.141 WIL. Mit 110!,11...1 01 the hour 0t 911-
Report of the Fire Ittor*ltol--Number of
rare. During 100.1— LOM• Maid lona,
hove, etc.. etc.
N. a . rattan M urp hy, Fool , Fare Mamba!, Illed
lain annual report (or innl, in lite Court of Conn
11 r o
iens, on Monday, whteh Wan rdered to
be Moil, after which Judge sterrett renttp
pointed Mr. Nliarplar to I lie same 'lunation for
the ensiling year. Thr report ba quite inter
est tug, lett too lengthy ior pubileation enta ire.
The uggregaio number of Ilia, wan nis t y-four
- beniden there Bore Iliarll., fnrty
elubl front Conce and titirty,even tabu alrounn.
Tl..ante,, nt ol mount., On property InJured
or destroyed, WALN 1,61012 . the alleged groin
loss, 5i14,10 - f, and the atmonist paid by the un
dera alter+, irrr,ten. Tlnr Maradanl adlanles to
the erlaulnao carelensnes , or many bluntness
Men In filling their cellar anal upper rooms
walla pauper, broken I.llleli, barrels, anal other
• eonabuntliale material.. The carelessness of
imildors, in running their tinaberat too close to
fl nen. in nisi condemned.
The erection of a Fire Alarm Telegraph, Is
urgral OH a measure of primary importance.
Rep,: 1. expriainoil that Councils have as
y H t, btkmu no notion in relation to refulat)n
the storage g
of crude petroleum, end It s feared
that If spine regulation Is not hail, serious con
eg liefa•ed may ensue.
The report concludes with an expression of
thanks to Mayor Lowry, Mayor McCarthy,
tont the Fire Department generally. (or thu
.kindnees and aid extended to him in the die
t-Mu ge pi ail,
Killed on, Use Railroad.-I.`notnas Mr. Rhin, moved that Mr. Patrick O'Brien
ern, a sub-centraelor on the Manheun branch Mt permitted to erect an ironclad building in
of the Reading and Columbia Railroad, Iwo, the Eighth ward.
killed on the rethinyieo,on Railroad , „ en , Sir. O'Neill moved as au amendment to the
Kauffman's Mill, abase four miles from Lan- endment, that Messrs. Peter McCoy and
caster, about noon on Saturday 169 t. It is sup. Mr. W atpte,a
. ttlso have perm tssion to erect
poses that he was struck by the Mount Joy Ac- woolen
eemmoaation train west, while he wileleruaritig A p rolonged tiles ensued, and at
the bridge over the stream at that place. fifteen minutes after eleven o'clock a motion
to postpone the subject for one mouth was.
adopted, when the COlitiell wijourkned.
Forestatling.—Jacob Stringer, a butcher,
was lined eio by Mayor McCarthy, Yesterday, BlatiotatalagAintsances.—Mayor Metlar
for buying a quantity of beef for the purpose • thy, yesterday, tined Michael Cella SW, and
of retailing it again. I Jacob Hays 0, far maintaining nuisance!.
Arttgnlxr 'monthly meeting
Owned, wa.. liehl nu Mnotlay ~von
In Srlea, I. resent • Mesitro. Am. ,
Brown, i L'ouriUn, Gallaher. Met
McLaughlin, McMillan, Morro., Nor
oh I hum, Thiumnoin, SV bolt 011.2 l'residt.”
I ketu:N El: —MO:11111P
t.II, M.-11nn
The min MA* of the preceding ineetliig e.u.•
read and approved
Mr Thompson prestiuti a petition trine
Itowluntrun, asking privilege to el - yid
an Iron-clad building on Mulberry alley, In the
Fifth ward. Referred to Committee on Wood:.
en Ruildlngs, with Imo er to net. In C. C. laid
en the table.
Mr. Git!lnner prevented it pet it ton from prep•
errs-polder. In Pt It tow nth molting (or s, Met
exten+lon on 4trewt. Referred to Water
Mr. 1111000, a petition from Richards S. Hart
ley, 1.1000 Compact, for the grading and pay
ang 11l I.loolot kt reel, Irvin Marlon to emir
t In the Eighth tt ard.
The 1, hairman kithutlt 1401 ft petition front
t II trt nett vlallatLats, for the reward ofTertol lot
toe arrest of Marsehall and Ireeke. The pe
titioner,. , trite that all but one, (De. 111116 141 W.
has e tkgretol 111 take the pro mkt agnlgned
them, and they are lA,. unable In get their
hates until Lawton I`oll.olllo
They 00k that the art lon of eounells, requir
ing aII part ie. to agree lit rem.tintitol.ollll 111,11
I Ito,- MN Is
I, . o,,pi their pr. ro la 01.1111 tut
o.loe to .1. O. Itef , o:.-.1 to the Pollee t:outtult
Pr1.111011..1 1 , I • orter. a..liltig for All
abllLeinetit ;11 1 . 1 1 , 11,•••... lax, A:1••• 1 , 11•Ire.1 t., 1 he
A 1. 0111111111.1...,,
tra., ec.n tttl,
.1..1. v
1,. ,- out,•l tt .11m11
of prullllQ on tliv
.731). In fee. 1,1”. id,..1111.. •
lei xlt sit .
111 lite •.
3!r. (.4011 . 0111011er4,1 The bolloa 1,16. a
romt thrt, lilll4`,
rid, Thal the din l 11 V
tin,. 1110.1110 - 11.00 1.41 ail, i•rt ha. ;IA thi.
thin nl an iiiilolo Oil 111.• 1111
W 5 .1 1,
atrert. In the Sixth ii nil. f lan 11,. I/ wi• 41f
0 .0111/1111y—tillii 1,101001 !mil,. ti,
Mr Alma,w iinoreil aritiolnil ion author I/
lhreiria•l 1011 a gni.
Marital al.rnot and Apple nlltiy.
iillatnittiai nn 1.1,1 Lighting
Sir ISlN,liiitia•kiirrerral lhr lc/1001111,
44 3.114)1,1
ere. Pr. . Tim! Ilii•
Ilit• a ralrin inil nl Ili,. FlO.ll 311.1
r(111. Thir.l 1111 NVAr.I.-, shall I. tlo
.nter 11":‘,ILag ton -Ire., Wa.ll-
igtonn to, I.iherly, Anti thence 37,11 K 1 anal
Areet to the Allegheny dyer
hl r. NI/Illuni, presem't rd the 11,11olt 111 g, WIIIIII
,14 ,11,1"1,1/ t« the reel ( „ 1111
power to net:
/cesotred, That tn:• I•denn , ylvanht Ruth oit.l
Company oe•, an l I hey I . lly hp4t rhet
al tlte•lr „ten e' :.t, to hty n nag -11...,
troth the• el.! of tlo•Ir •runt• wall
i • rty point opto,aitt• the
II I/11,1 . , r. It 1.11...15. ,truel allot thut tlte• u lilt
Itt•l;nlator I, to !Ill.! where thelr property
It NIOMIIIII.II presented an tor
the grading and paving of Beach alley.
t IS rev tltue, ItTlll
IstJ, orllnanee for the grading and pa,-
ing i.l I loth street; .11Iii for the grading of
Dina iddle•trout. Laid of er under the rnl:-.
Mr. lel.nugh!of o hit tel the following
Resolver!, Mat the Controller he autlid.rl/.1,1
ur vertlfy wart - not. on the Treaatirer In favor
of NV Ilium Wilton for cr.', until It: Steven:don
.t I:0., tot 1.1111,.".0, for repair.: to Neptune En
-401:. lions, !toad three L1114 ,. s alit pawned.
The atreot t itintnlttee ...uhnutted the repots
01 I lever. in I lie matt., of the Carson .0 reet
mover keeeptedi and approvell
lit 1.:., Mr. Morelandl dipledfdif.di in the iodeddit
tame of the report.
)Ir. , vNell ru.Vetl I. :mildewl the rule-, in
.•.I la. th 4 ru,r, wore •f1.1.4.1e11.
Mr A14.1ei1111.1 101.1,1•11 UP xn antenlo444, 11.4
inalte•l 1,.• I efern.4 Irr I etnnmater•of thr.,
ft tam !hit I 1111111X1,11 tutu Iwo
Cl/11111'd itl/11.0 0111 Of Orlin(
MI. . r . Si . ll 184, 114•
I lon .4 • I. 111,1. - h V 1,4 i 4.1 ily lif
Mr Met . le. 1 . 1.11. 1 111.11 .1., mote,. for a
yverlul rein mate., a Men wan ligtm...l to, and
"'Nell!, Fllll and \VII.."111 al/1,1/11111'd 1.11
Vll'lllll . I'.
ml.tottrited le th, at Wt.,
11: llunraun
I,,urt.csl Ail:1111/1'1, preaent
Meet., Diehl, Ford, kitten, Laymg,
Maw Money, Aturett...l, J. 11., X. B.
3tmjeete,eae, Patehell,
0•. hurt, Tuley, XV ..1011,
IS 0,41. M'rmltt 111111 1'1,11.11'111 ...eel.
The minute.. of the h... 1 Inert:nit Wel, 1 . 1.11.1
:ill.' pprov..d,
itletjnowan itrented petit tront
111,41, Pre
uell lim ....
l .1 NV. expeneer,ml na.lilt
an atratentent lor the, telmitiess Mx. Itetel 111111
it,11 . 4i 11/ 1411111111114.4. Flntialt•e.
NI I ,g,l.•ti pr.,..1ite•.1 1,- 6 0i1111011
I ei,,,t•tlust t, In tll4l Leru.htli.l.• to.
:111 art the .•LR•cl mai) Inpskoltal
• - • 4, 110,111 111 ii.
1•• t•/1), 11 hi , lll 11
0.•• log o4taln,l
Mr. Ogden preva•utc,/ !now re.
.tents cat I.rant et.t, agalort the.
.•tell.lolk of a4t. ..s . Itrt-et du! Ing Ihr
neamot, a Hetet - n.O 1.” th.• 01un,111.,.
•In ,trevt.,
”ifet edit pr)
for the unt of a pa I , ln. go., 11.1111) 1/Ls
-1III•ole way. 0101 11 . Itron'e alley.
Ms I 1,1111 pr 1.1)11 a( . 1101101.111,111
from Mr. hey..., II ug-1, touphell told Clair
our, B. 1 ialeton, late I/1 the Mitt l'enudylvaala
regiment, .tallish plat they had teen mooter.
ed as uteran , on the let ol January 1,014, and
HI re a•retilleil I. the , al large, 11)1)1,'
itr.lng, the heath, ~
1, - Ix had 11., 1/1,101,41,1
1111)111. They then pray thal an or,l mance
.1,011 he pae..-,1 I.',hieh t to.) ea.
;lob 111111111 y. Mean mid rererrtel to a Select
....oulnlttee, three trona 110 I. 0111111011 MllllOll
Irstu the select t 1/1111e11. Mn,,,,. - TOlllllll5llll,
Valet/ell 011.1 %1 tight wet', appolst,,l
l ctrl of Mr I I 1.V111,1,100 1111.1 01)11111111-
ell Mew., thilltpe and Alel.aughlh,
Mr Lang I wee., 00l petitlon 1 Atinel .1.
ior the prl. liege of Peet - 1(11g ail
Iron-clad hulltllttg Its llir corner of %Vanning:
0111,01101 PIII-10.1,1 SI rerle, to he need to, a Idael:-
4011111 shop. The In•I It too 11110 read and refer.
red to the I Ollttnit lee 011 Woo‘ll.ll Mlllllllllg,
Mr. Tionlln.on pryer:ll,l a pet It lon trout
Mr. Hobert 11 • .011 •-• I -
111), .L:sking thut lOU, 111 the
,11 atl.l rnini the• tillitiula a••-
ael•rd Lill . 111 10i llgrading un.l pa, Ing
"l'a.uttu/1111 nu., rulerr., 1,. thy
illn rulttee ,trert-
Mr illron. '
I rotti the spell/1.1 columltlee ap
pointed to ,0.111 re into I.lle cllllll 111 ‘11 1 .1,,..
./11U11 I .ru) I ,Ith went IA damages arii
lag roll 4 Ike 10.0. 111 1111/11, 11111 ult,on on
Second 'tired reported that the I moutitLee
had extol/oleo Into the matter. wol Neese ot the
“pillohn that the 11,.W113 1.111 1 1, 1 11/Lll/ Ineg li
ge., on the part ol the ehiltuaill'..dri‘er.
eecommetoled that Ili.- Halm 00 not. all. '.l.
1 he report sta. aeeepled and uppruve,l.
'll r..)11.1t eland prereoted a petition frohl reNl
- 111111 oh I, trkpat rick
-11 eet, pills lag IIILLI the ten Ile It water pp.
11.a0 the cow., hirkpald irk street apt
e ayehhe pre.ehr 1.1/111114) 1/4 1
tlll l corner hirkpalrlek 111.1 Webster
-11 etas. liewl god relerre.l t 0110• toulthlt Ire
4 oil NN aler
Etllcu tiraavitted n potildoll limn the
Light!, tV.irt :school iloard, representing that
bon street, on which Ilse school building is lo
cated, is unpaved, and that the scholars and
tc.,chers are great!) !ileum unienctal in wet
tt her thereby. They, therefore, pet i I ion
hat an ordinance he passed providing for
the grading and paving el said street. head
and referred tot onimittee on Streets.
Mr. Robinson putatillted it laitllloll ton the
,tiollng and pat lit g of Frank Ii it ,trot Ile
ter red to tutu Witter on rareliti..
1.. otriired a resol talon prat v ming for
the erect ion of a tire plug in ri out oi the N e
more the Engine Moose. lbeferreti to idiot
a 1,1,-1.,,,, tactlir. K illee offered the follow mg, which wan
/a... Weed, Thai our .Senators and Ilepixsen
t Ives at ilarri...l.ttra lio tirated to oppose
seetloll eighth in the Senate hill Nn, gds, and
section onei.l !house hill No hilt, on account of
thew unjustly affecting the interests 01 tilt
ail) trti.
Mr. Mit...hill:lex" presented a draft of mi net
providing that real estate ,dusted in Liu, eit3 ,
oh lied 0: tiossessed by corporations, shall lie
made subject to taxation tor ell)', relifitil and •
hard purposes the saine us any once real too
Idle In said city, unit that nOtliing In Lilo
la, to authorize the taxation
'r eltilrell, o pirrial grottli.l,. Ittetil three
tint, anti linaratit.
Mr. Porch offered an ere.ttiffg the
tliiire of Measurer of Timber, itud axial; the
onipetisat lon at ti fly cents Per one thoilmnd '
a nine feet. 5. C. amended the ordintonw by
playing !lie le, at thirty cent, per one thole
natal Capt . leek
Mr. I. ord stated that if the amendment
nould adrilited, the ordlostitee Would
horthless, as no competent person coalti Ue
found who would portorui the duties of tin.
i °lnce for so small a compensation. In Do
borough LIM price was axed at sixty
ace cents per one thousand culde feel. Tile
I common kouneil adhered to their former ac
hits, wad k rther ucto ru n r :a%TalTe i n " l ' n ' T. r . °nfer"ne".
o 31;. ' Bitten, front the Police Committee, pre
senteil a countivinication from the claimants
of the reward offered tar the arrest anti con
viction of the IllitraltilrOra, ,Maraelatli and
Frecke, stating Una AS one of their ntimFier
1,111.041 to receipt for ills portion of the Ire
! ward, the others went debarnail from reteiv
. tug tlietr shares, and asking that the proviso
inserted by the Councils be annulled. Read
and referred to the Committee on Police, In
coo) action with the City Solicitor.
Mr. O'Neill offered a resolution instructing
j the Street Committee to designate a proper
dumping ground for the garbage and Illth eel
' keeled, either under the auspices of the Board
of Health or by order of Street Commissioners.
Read three times and pensed.
Mr. Ford proven tett an ordinance relating to
section third chapter twenty-third of the City
Code. This section relates to the license upon
publlcexhlL,MlOns, and fl're.3 the rate or tax at
ace cents on every dollar charged for admis
sion. The oniluanee wan read three times and
finally passed.
Mr. Sees offered a resolution providing for
the erection of a gas lemo on 4he d corner of
6p rhtg
I l e e s y d a a n i retorted ti the Fifth
to the Ward
o m li m a l r t l l ' e e t t •
On Oils.
Mr. Moreland called up the phtitlon of Messrs
Lippincott it Co., for privilege leered [rams
building, in the Seventh ward, which one
laid on the table at the last meeting, and
moved that the action of the Select Council be
cOneUrTral In.
death= of l'ouncii•
Ir.[ 1..1 41 . 11.11,g 1111. l 1,11 Ing
" . 11 , 1.1 •
o' a 11
V. - Bu'
hi Club%
ti r 1.
idle rl.ll
t hurl,
it unnnn.a
1 1 . 3 " 113
Fenn+, I.
.11. It,
our int It
LI. • print!!
1 be requtrA
at tor 1t
I.ltit,r te elat
1...11n111 In
Indy and
In•rt 011
r •ifit r
1144. I ell)
ter I On, I
Iltg thirty
1,111 Itr I 1 r
0111 r l•
kr% Inniv4
Ind In n
tn.Ln 1111. .
Mar and •1
1111 . ert•tt pa ,
t nmelt 1.11.
brink Hr, Int
111 nr 110 I
1:,11pr.! itt I
111 I
znztt Is
, •
I. • t P• •
•• • • 1 •••
I/ it II I
at I xllll, nt;i
I 1/ ,
• phkouli
pro% trace nl
t• Its.
-111 it ntt ,
atIM I t
lIIV lion.. it
.5 Ille
tho 11n3
It I
tluLt lie iL
w'hirh 111 •
lren,le• I. :tr .I
uro Ind 11, •
po., I.
ze-nutut le I
The I env
ILA tore
th of It I
4 thsruee
of Intent
4,13. ,pecin
th. iii I , r 7
rf I
.( 111 q
Z,l .1 I tl
~ e 1 for the
vti , llgale• /I.
illjr , oll,.
rhr e 'large
frltet, :Oleo
o, o!loin
thily. en
Ile 4111, k.
anti largos LI,
pose/. nl.
vague Attain.,
i of attgleie
tight lon. TI
11,01 snoguin,
in the Ile,
the at !title fen
Thl 11,11 LI
tug to I nr. I
r MI li 1, rr % r
It • It ur
•r t
I nil ni F
•h !AI 111, /I
hr na al nu
h hu , l I
lilt,• Mr. l•rit3
Th 11,1 I
111 11/1111 /
UI 1/.1••• c
1111 •• 1 •Il 1
I I til
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Syl pester