TRY, el 0.13 OH GAZETTE fa. PE.1.111T); I.USSELI. 141(1.: _I ; Ed Ito ' . CONT A MAI, I. Ituatuesa 'Manager PUBLIBIIBD Br Th 50.., Fr) : .11 , ' a t rib r". CITY ITEMS Harm 041. t 1 “.• VT, we outer Wa.llk, • • • • fru - Stiwyor's BartAent • Thirty-Five 114.11ssr. A p l / 1 .110 tor 1,g1n0,,, CHa6.LIIST6 /1(.3 L, Dr, C. 1911 t. 246 Penn hine. loutlaren Wring laught6a in an • teeth at ten (Whine. Rates et Bell. Elegor, N.,. frond, for I rorr.llag afol =I To 4 tturrbe• ont.! 1L I I entv,t r:u . 11,•.; =1 =I I=l melt ee.l4 111= :i./1.1 `ev t;ollii% at I=l9 ittclualtitt ital.•l tt. l atria C. Thattp•an hate nt.terttatt.t..lntlitt, A.ltt tad .Statt... "leek W -tern, utl !..0 l r 11, I=l \.• Pitt. 11Ira etv•tti. Gr , m•Prte , ai l 111, I , rim! v ,110 -. ra, A n =METE Second•Unnd Sit'.. POT - OS, 1,65, 44.1, ••Ipwitrhv. al 4:1 Fi,tll Cinghttan. 220.11 e., Al greatly recluertl pri , e, on the \ ~r thea celery F , mrth nn.l \lark, .trrel Itne ME T welt,. n•nt .111101. • went y wt ntielluby X Jinrcleo •- ..• ir to, VOU ,11, =OEM I=l =I == nil Nttittt`,Nt•tt It• itttlt ttt,ltt, ttit t =I =I 81=1 al , the ' , tn., a:t•I A 4 lel Tent po-rhig 1:r14.114 J7.nrlt lnr In t:14• weal t.): tsr ni:l pvn - nntred to 13Z=I!!11!1 A complete stunk purcha-e. 4 111,.. Ill* t • In prices. an 1 IL 5.“..1 an aI er small advance on East, a come, Fourth emit Market stret C. Ilsasva 5 11.1., Great lodoceuattni Its 1,,,• hnbcr opening. uh.l • 0 71 1,11.1 Ct Ft .ik the ..:01thetie! nn Markt I I II ,o Vit UR =I =I 1!III=IIIIII!I taw Ft.smach Brom 4rstroy worm, child =I C.,bl/..iran haring worn, Ie.,UL, 112.111,•11ut attention, us neg.ect of ine trolll..e niter m‘nsel prolongqii i•cked....: 101 51,1'e Ur J.. solion Fleming, D: :•. iio ei ,)Jsrkot .•r. Y 6.• en's i i)Ursda 6 , he/ .1, 1 otat;ige too IN wheel we expect A. zee lull force / :1. f.; tel generally Innke it l4rut, to 00 to Itt;toeli's for .11.;ume, 1),A; ;0... A. on,! Itlway6 cuut+ n ry To All Ma, tycer. dvvlng openel firi , t toot len fitnnik at S . oof the 11,1 Front. Allegheny 11, attention or 1.1. e purc, couni.untc) t• .Jl/I choice Stock Of I.roeer.e, Tea, u h t.•tl e tne .1. 0 nn•l r ma to. ' ca.. 11 s. to. trittl I=l All tUe spring .3! nil, an, tiln% nn , ha., at tn. h. -1 ctn.. hal ai,.! nap lOU-t. cf WL.I. Fleming. .3. 'tree!, it 1. !lea • lite. u NI • .e n I igh t,l I • k Lu•I1l'!' anti untrizoritetl. tn It atautt..l :11 the Ina n. 4•I , ~11, No. 139 Wood 9t . ,•1 =I 13ECIMMONIIII! ti dale 1,7T1 purl U 01 tl lII= I=l 24,,,ar4 lic n —o:entie-frtr., II rt s plenaur.• to a. 1.1 test:mon:al those 01' other, In fOror 01 pwration, wevyrul 1, olf re-131enyy on on 1.10 totakt. Of /4 'Maher, r , v. , 114 i of elm., n!, ration to literary on: k, 11. r Ol 0, thorourbly iinuO,33:l my net, 011. and molertnironl my hehltb, Out 1 iool Werlille II martyr to :13 4- I n peinon arol nervon hmolache, recto - row al ;Mort interval, a 311.1 known yynm. :lit— In Lim Malt's :•13 , 1.1 . 11.. I Ini ettOo• to ,jo. .Xlll'll.loll that nut hut a t,•.;‘) ../,,,u go of I reni:l33nyy nu.: Ito no:, nonid '10t... , nil 11.1 n fT:oonol ra-mntioToo voro"'. , lilt tool- I pro...oral ULn.tlr expen maol. it 1 L L.11,...1 ,•. 4 , 1,111,1 tiler( I !ow In l Io! nt h r . ! • t 00...! r.:naloo- Thoo ro.nef ..oforoleol IL. bas Isom eohiph•tr. lr 1, non I 11..1 ine I I to , tell• r'. gad juat to +l..ty that I have Motel the mei..., 1 lon MI that a main, to ha. It 1„ „ -t."4 1i,.1 Family Cordial ate! even a, a -1111. - lane wo like It betler than aw)thlng Ire nor It in all or rvong, 11111orm, and di Ow easels, from fever 110011 to 1.31110•11 e It wh,al 1 have how ..a.1.1 will Ira 1 any dispeptir or Marro.,. Invalid to a sore remed), I shall nave /lona some good. I rotrudn, gontlemen, re,pectlully you: I=l I=l are acid wkiCuesale and retail at very low rat ra -at flaming%Dt ug and Patent eine Depot. 00. 84 Diarant atveof, corner of the Diarnon• l ',1.% fourth steena. Eaten rt. no i r. N ew Prints, GingLax., Detainee nad I,:n E• 11 Goode. pslC and Winter bloods tt is with great pleasure we call the at ten t ;an of our readers to the subperb stock of fall and 'Winter Goods Just received by Mr. John •Veler, Merchant Tailor, ;So. l2e Seduced s treet, Allegheny. Ills stock embrace, some of the oust bountiful Cloth.. Coasunerea. Overcoat. e.g. and Vesting' ever brought to the western Market. Els assortment of INtru ish tiooth., comprising Shirts, Drawers, Collars Peek Ties elandketelamfa, se., cannot enepe....ed soot Jr west. a stock of ready Pants Coats, Vests and Overcoats, will also ha 0n.... +a his eatablisr , ment. Persons in want of any thing In the c thing the should not fall to Alva Mr. 'Keler Beall. A Good Recono•Hand Plano for one hundred any tlfty dollars, at Blume, mule store, is Fifth street. rhea us W►. Parry elk Co late Rooters, and Dealers in Allier,. sime o f v i a - :_crus colors. Orrice at Metall ler Laughilnis near the Water Work.. pm.. =Mb. Ps. Residence, No. 78 Pike street. Or. lets promptly attended to. AR work warrant ed water-mcLof. B.opairing done at the abort• .vet notice. Be charge ;or repairs, provided the -on! Ls not abused aftß; it is put on. ---......______ WI,. :New Books. fiecroivea Thursday. aad Friday at ?meek, Climpeoler Jobbing ribot. !laving returned after an ahem:foe of thre., rears 1n the army, I have re-opened my shop tor all sorb of jobbing to the carpenter lfne at the Old nand, Virgin Alley, between Malta. dell street. and Cherry Alley. Orden, colleft.,,, and promptly attended to - WILLL•aI PlAnAliavy. 111 . 1 880C14nois itt•ba tg h. VOLUME LXXX DM rhe I sae hlested—lAtughing Cift•. It , are 11, mo-t uln.q-abip dl In. on Ilan vat ,Inatiotia .1 4 ,111t1t 1411,1 rbi ikvi 401,0 • 11,, Alatistlcal r"rr, . • t n•le. oledlea.l and merhanical Uat.ttoto, t.r.r threadbare' toclentlto maxi:non place ..4.pul generalizations; monotonies of trea nont. and queer mo.air, of rioudy allusion .al a l•erOme Matter. dort..fn vltn all -am progreaalre truth-see/iv, in Ue useful Utteau4e they Ittu% e along with the henett lett, ttlng —t •.t.ttnt Mientlof r , Aelattont.. A ~,r n., EZ=NOM _ . . ttc-ce w or l, ll,..oecc.e It Icl co •eptecl Interprettalocc of th.• eere their 01111111011% It th IN • •• ”r.e.ent tippllPM z..rl ot:i4 Dr C nt u" rear.n , klLrlli find •uree%+f1i..1.,111,,1 I, .hUrgh. w.t. the 111-1 “I hi, t.t.r1,,145n 1 , 1 , 13 .outilng pnt, rated It, ,tiot, ”...4,11,1..•.4 Ts. It .loty to huntnil% ' 0 1,, ll=l o.' I.ept heeler But the 1 . 1: t Dhehint A•-oetat lon, or x het, Jr-.: , f.„ I '!e , 011,17 i i.. 11/ althced •. , ....1 ort.t net in aet • • tig the gin., the h‘.. ht. being teal..e.-t h.: Irr. .:et • pra. tee. ahol - het ruethhet e• Oh .',. , 0011111. , a. ~ 1 1.• hilog, ave. , • .ar that he 11,, , ettrt rNt Tata, arr lent.. et 11e ea, 11 , 111 I:le 11 , 10 01 11,” thote mites 11111 t /ulna lad v tca, 111.10 11, •`. it...application at an edict. oh penn 1,1901 he tool: vert gootl car- h. ht to nano 10 -1.1" o office, to: hr anea that not I ' , lncl. vh•en. of at v), Ind had ever nee... et 1.: 111 praeh,etke leg affects to aid,: th h g o . ant ellta ng tube to. not Heath enough he .1.• duntaculate mouth. /lentil - eta of teem, I. , peetahle and Intelligent peoph• don't they ere patiafted filth Dr. • precee, .on• In the Inttlttr. The non,. a 1.1e.3 t :• • 1 , 1 .1 the gal , are known 11, leole goo, a. dot. tienae IteeOntr. •• 1.1 •:11's {:-.:9,14 To•n-, Flo 1,. tI =OE .t Or :,totk-pfi, =WEI a:`, , h le I, 11111= NnrZrole• Report • •I/in alid Chung, =II I= m 1 EMMEN vr•l grt,t; f MEM =MEI 1.. ft.: For nr.•1111, and Pron. IM=ll I 11/.1 A I:a:cia• EMI= 0.14.1 A r:44041 44 104:1: 4 1 lAA 4 4 11 All 4 =EMS, For April ar ‘,....!ey .Atla:ttl.. 1 11:.gurine. hendie , 'b A Plllll Greater R04112..1.105. In Nlta.lsn un..l l'rlnta nt , helhtht S hut! ,at! I 74 use! ;!: Market street, the oritkthit! Hee II: =NM Its } I Ltill nm•l-Hand perfet t IME=Ell!I A kletraralo I , 4el4ten. net m I lb. tll Iktly .s.seet-1i.r,.1 1,;,1 =II lone 12. j font. n Ward .11It, Niti,tllll. WO/ C rt,tit - Mil= 1 , 5 `t1 , 11:1t , \ 1111 , i 1ia,1312,'.. I . l, , t , gra.phs tn . ,. gentleman :tt I . ll4e'r lienetit Il' f,t , oglupho, of him xt Pit t4..1. :Vets York Mlnta - rtzltae% Um papore. at P:tto,lt", El .Inu Stinatfron Fitting On t -tient Itt of senator,. DI son and Foote-II ruble ttle -Sale. of Irt Bond. - dtiorhnlitsez izt Southern Portz-The lett Itf 211111-Senntor Stockton. \ r.. \ - ortN, Marl.ll ll,ra 4-6 ,nembling ‘,l I 1 it.ifax„ltnil alt”thei tr.-u(y lintl to. T•thlng rcrrs. n . Sr. .1. el It, the eu..terl, Slier care ...1./or 1n14•,..n 1,robal)" +l.ll''4 V. 1.4 h 11ff 1.011 that •o•Dar ti I) xi , , ucl t not. are .till Inn prevarldia, ttoe, titongh hull] are reported Q•dea ea, r. ttt r by their medical at I cad ant s. A .peclal order honoralei dirchargliig ti en ,IsaleiCani Quartermasters, five t. unlade. abrle• of Subsistence, one Surgeon, tire Assl.- talit Ail,lutunt rienerals, alit no Aulesele c.iinic ail of the volunteer milluiry force, sere yeAterilay latent by thy War Depart wont. Among tile alien included .11 th, o det Is Col. D. T Van Buren, formerly AtAill -I,,nt Adjutant. General to bencral a 1 , 1 , 11,151, r. no: sopermi,odoot of the Yen lan Iteenee Agency. In Waeletngton, elute, thee e t, e ,t ee , llu neeetote punt ettlen of leeteele of lien I t Itct.u.— tt, hove inten roaeleenenount Mg 1., te.n mouenete.l eleelleen leonelet•re I• only dollar donorfountlon According t. 1,1.11 /1[11c , 0111 ,. ilea .1 quarters of the army,,itlicesu Mill tat, Departments are enteLhl:Anll.t, z • nt W Wes at the different noutueru port., SU ul.le Cease!. for tituarantine enttrilships ate Stallone./ along the coast unit health "Mc,- have been appointed to /01 , 1,Vet ail especially' those from I.he Wetit. Indies Kial i iorernOr Andrea, or li es a strong letter of approval to Nv bat, Stewart ::"^ his amnesty suffrage hr.,, liens, lately IntroCitte.l." th 'a Tee 4 :ommltLre of Ways an, tut lug the Tariff Bill, icliteli a ill Ite motile House b x noun a. the Finance Lill] can tie is potted of. - • . Parties have been sent for to Kansas tor the purpose of Identirt ink a man recently arrest ed It, New York, and supposed to be yuan• troll, the celebrated guerrilla. Senator Stockton, of New Jersey, w huse peat bas been contested, will be masted by a vote of tbo Senate. Ills successor Is weld to ft. a red teal. The Civil Right• Bill Nsn' You, March 2.—The Post's special ; Says The President le still considering Civil Rights bill. It is understood that he has asked counsel of distingrished jurbits in re.. gard to its constitutionaitty. if returned to j the Senate, with u veto, the objection will re late to the second section of the bill, on the around that It declares penalties against State .tdg,s. The President has asserted that he approves of the general principles of the Ifni. The Loan hilt. Has YOl, It. Unroll 23.—The Comes...rd.:WA ape. alai anyn: ( orntnitthe 011 Way, and Means ha• t• . - letorrnin.• 1 to report a loan bill nritn reutricting tee reduction of ar- • ntu. ' nob to tr.A.000,000 - during the arst sLr months, and .49,000,UCai a month afterward. THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTI-1 CITY ITEMS I=l =Eli =I =I in MBE OMER I=l IMMIMEMI =ME= HoolorlareTher4 MEI ISE =1 LC= MIME i IL/ 111 i hlti• - • . 1,-1r I, .1.1.. I: 1 , •/••• rrl "". r'"'"" 11 t . Iln fir• I,guallcm ,thr• *- „ I = = -NO. 70 LATEST THE NEWS THE LOAN BILL. THE FIRE AT CINCINNATI. BY EGRAPH OUR SPECTAL DISPATCH PS. LETTEE FROM SECRETARY M'COLLOCH. FURTHER INTERESTING PARTICULARS PEIISILI A\l% LEGISLATURE. 13 A ~, ~.,.,. Marc. 23 -1... 10, i 0 ..., . g , , L e i n s i t i t r s e s ,3x rt. *1 , it , i , ,. „, .1.:1i 1 7 ,.., 1: . i , * :, . „ - .. i . y ., •e t : i .i , ii l . , i , ti „ hi . Loan Hill its It passed the House to-day si i'..• . Be ii enceied, di ~ That the act entitled '' Al: wall has fallen into Fowl, r e el. end let in provide way,: 01111 Melt. to 111Ipport the rear . and 41.1.• ,1‘1!„ ,:::‘ eld ,• I'. 1 .1 1 / • the (inv.:l,lll.nd," approved Marsh ad, Isst:i, Pace., oilier . Sr It I: ,t .: II - 0 01.0 1 01 -. ... ••. "10, Cr.R entered and I • 01111 lr 11011 111 II 111.111.1,, 1 1 / 1 11.12/ 1 destroyed lid. ti •.• .p.i d.l fol.,- I. .1.• -. Per:Ll:try 01 Itre Tren,:ory, at hi: Lew,- ~.. 1.510.. to cen•lve any Treasury nares or other ''''' steer to , 0 ,. . 0 . 1 . ,,,, - ~,1 .'.-", ' • - ~ ...,,,...,..,, j ,,,, , , ,. „ . :' ,, ,! , , , 1 , r , f r , t0r,:.,,n.%1r5,5,,,,;:ti1nut , n . : , 1 , .. ,, r , tt , l4y u it o C t • t . i 0 ,, 1 , f , .; .‘ 7 1 f . r , e ,.. .. „ , , 1„ , , , , , : . 6, ,.. ....1 1 : , t 1 ... , .,: ;, , , : . 1 . 1. , , , .; , 11 , :r , :...:- . .1 ~.:,,.,,•:.,..:,. ~, . , , • , r,r1,1,•.: an ::: I ,n- zor ”ny de:wimple., of I,olole author rzed 10.. the Iron ~_,,„ . '. _ ' .... , , , :. , f :1 . .. i 0r,,,,, I‘ll.l I..tillly 8 , 1 :0 ~,I rtel: thin 14 an torieudlnenl,ltn,l oleo to 1 r0..1, Sir I ..., - :. •--•- - 111,,1: , .It ~r A . ,„40,..„ , , ..,, , , , ~,, !„1:.„1,11./„..,11 ~,.1,1111;:.,)...,...1,fmr,ripti1n01i.11:.1 t h , T , i t i , l . s ,i n „ ii , t ,t i t ii , : .A t. , i .. i ig nii i b r it t i l , it2ii II; ~.- :,,, ~ .- . , ..0 - , r7 ' 1:.,',.. ..• u ~,, , :,,,,,,,,,.,• or elbewhere, lo such :Joni a znerollnent In ,',..,1";',',‘;:,,1.',',,,,,,.' ~-‘,.i, ;,-,.',,..,',. at•t , nnvoA:, , --• 1-yrd.r...., of lir,it_ trel: rat.: 101 he 1, 1 .11111 pain r. In 11, ofr.,:e 1 h :, •,,,„ --, .. , 1., ~, ~,•,,, ~,, , i ~, ,, u 3 . , ~„ ~,,,,, t t i i i: , i . r j.,1.‘11,:,,,,n1 , I , „ z i t s e l ,. a , l ,r le ; ,,r,, e u, lti r ti ._ lltn r 4iti , t , • 4. l,: u i .A il , i f, , 1 , ,.. , w1: 1 ? , , „ , , ,,,,., ?.., ~,...„, u; sll - 1-1, I e ii in the op ~, i:.:1 ol 11, ,- :Or.- ~ , , , , . .,, , , , , 1 3 1 , e , r i.t.::, of ~, ,tr t: r i eh, t , , : i t , l r i , ,r azo. : to t t o , ,r , e: , , , rt.1 11 , i e r int , r , :: , ~o , ! ' niz s oe ~y a, t i l o ,l .. ~, :I ' s , ' I.- I ..l• ' : ' .. ' '- '! • ' .l 4 ...• 1 4 5, ,I P . ".. a Well 1111,0 111,11 111 .• 11, 11 11 1 / 1 may be houred un- A,,, , i ' ,, t ,... ff ff..,ft 11 i .pt I ...I ..., I. • .... ~,, ~, , ~, ~ . ,, u,,,, ia j „. ,. , , , u , , ,,, .1,1 IIT , \ I art of tOtlgt 1,..1 The proceeds there- , book-,eller. 1 11,...•14.1 A 1V1,• , .:r. of to he 1P , e,1 only for retirlog treasury rode, ,Lip„,„.., , A , p, I, , , ~, ,„„,, ~,,,,,. ~-,.., , ~ it ••••, /It, P IA II , 1 , 1 , 110 % . PIP other ohligulltm. P.,:ered roaLler any net iii . bridge ,0 /. ',II, ~, ,:p:.e, - 111, :,.. , I . Por,, ,, Arr .1 ., 1 : Is • the 15 ilkes- : 0nr.,,,,, hut :old tong hereto con! iined •-dhail ~.u.,,,,-,„ ~. ~,,,1,,,,,, .„,,„,,,,,,,,,,. H . ,. 1.,,, ~, .. „ it ~:. , ..„., , ~„, 1,„'1. f „ 1..• i ..ontrued to authorise en) inerease of the pi,, w 11,,,...,„, : , , p„„, ‘ „ ,, „„,„ p 11, . . , ... ~ , , ~ , , .11 , ~. I I . , I: 1 ,, / 7 , 1 , ..$ I 4 „ 1 . 3 , (; I ,, I ;, p r r . ~ i , 1 , 1 1, 1 . . ., 1 , i , 1 4 1 , : x it , , ,,, , ,,, rf j t . h , 1 , . s t . i r . 1. ,. 0 ,, , 1 u .5 , 1 . T , 1 ,,, e- , 7 !, , is r zti l it.,;;l . i . , ,.. , ...... :, , ,, -; ~,,,,,,,::::.:,•-, •,:,., ~y. , . ..; :• , ~...., „ , id. alt moor!. from the{ a ,, nage of thi, ..,,,j00n,.1 IV• ... • ,1.,,,1 .1.•,,1 , 1 II:, 1.. ~,,, • ,T , • , ••lt , i,t.,t, to•I. :::..1 there a r ts .,-, 11 ,5 1 ~,„r, then 411,11.1ii,orai pi ~,nia rd „ a i,„ s, any or, mold hroYl.leti the bonds The Ilse /or 01 , ,,,,,. - 11 :v.:, 1,::11 ~,, rio, ...1 . - , slll, - 1, Itra. 1. , •1i5p. , ,,1 or elnewhere than lo ' ti,,,,1, , ,„.,.1,•,,,,, ~,, „ ~,,,,,1 1,,, -- ...',1 n 'I: A - I. • 11 11 1 111, the 1'n0. 4, 1 , t,tr,”... rimy be made payable, I.oth h,y, not ~.•.•,, ~,,,, ::,,. p•t•I pp 1,...1 , ;01 1t..., . t ”"."" "1 '''Si'''' '•s,l' L iTi r i !i c " .% l ll ' 2t ' ; ' , " i i i .. WlTi l i:l i t n t the) . are 'a'rie"mririli'T ir.a..7ii.-y i't'x'fiteil'il„iri'it'•:ii.! h""i l'l ' i ' •• ‘ ll7 - i : r "' "' ' 1 ""r ' 1 , ,e, than slinri not hear a rate of Interest ex- that In tiro Intn,:le- niter 11 : 5 e 1' i ' , " ;;. , ....;. ' .1 ' , ''' I.:: • .., ; s-, , ,r, I ling It , i nn pes cent. per toil ; and plc , r,,i , th e ~,, i „,1„ ~,,,,„,. „„„ ,„ i: ~,„ , r An Itl, utr, nor I , ng mu tol.lltAortril Nol:tr Y I 1.1...1, tart her, that the tot co whtch (Ins is Trent ha. son,e,vll,,t. , ianrpen...l 11, .p, 1'..11 , 11,' :in A',..,-,,1,en) :•0.:,:r3 . An yor r,o pre- ton amendment: shall rontintie In, lull force In . tpeepum„,,,, .„.... t•id 1! • ext.., -I• ••• •'I ' I • ••• , e' dn'dir. ile. iti.„l pri,...iislio;:,,,,2l,..lx,t,:et,a,„,a,sotrit.roi!oille.Litt.i.y.rtrl,i.isAtti.,,;l3... , Cisrei**•xi, St are it ~.. - .The A Isms' ' i 4 P. ' 4, 4 4 'PI tIIIII.IIII .au.,• : „ r IA:, t.. p:051.. - ;d , v- =l ' l ‘ l . ;port to x gress, 21. the , coinni ' inini.. ( „ . .;f 0 3 1 3 ::. h3 i i . 1 i 1 .: , , 5 , ,, T! , , , ,, .. ,, i , ....,...-.:,:,“,,..,.: ,„,,,, or the next session, the unsount :of ex- paced for lin sines. 'Flo ... 4•..1 ....I . 'flange! nordc, or money borrowed under thin .„Inert ~, one hi,,,dr,..1 ,iii.l tilt , 10, ll'ill-1: :._..., I' '' I. ' : •••" .o X ' , I I '. iI o lIV" - 7 -, nisised to 71.11,01,:t1taain'irehoit7a4ATir "orthiltee'ritr:lo'.'htettl;.2.:stiiili.: i Z;,. ' ,., ' ,.: -" , i;:.";:f,',....',r. ' ,.; ' ,, ' ;3.,. 3 .. i Y,, 4h ~ , • • 11, I 1:g ,I 1 110 ..11. Ot 10; Ing at all el Cr curved under thin let, and the net to a Islet, 1.„,..,,,,,,,, „ n. ~,.. ~,,. . 3 ' "''' 3h" '- ' ''33'" "‘".""'th ' '" eel 3-"l'r3ng In l'nhe'ntko;'lntle''t.!‘x"pneliTininoieistwiliatlnag 'l s ' u t' ell n l ' O ' ai ' l lo a b n e il i„r,„h,.:;,„1:!,11',".;;` '".7.!; n :,'‘. In ,' • :0 ::::••• :.- ::: tlm : 0rr0n ,, ,, wealth an net re ex ' ,..h,,,,,,,,,, . matter i a rent 31 Iknpl.ll.l. . ‘ 4 4 t 4 I 44,4 4, 4 . 4, 111 11.P. 1 n 1” , ' In Inlnnl.ll."' WAnnixoTON, March a-Tire following . iet - 100 King to Jnlni ii .d ilii - .....• •n „• s.i i. ~,,,,iiit lire powers Of the ' lei wen addressed ti.dat• by the Secret,. r - of eye Hint, 1 01 11 , .11 / 0, ... f ~., ~ f„ ,f ..,..,,,,,„ the 1f,,,,,. • the Treasury to the (...hnirtnath of the l ' ourtult- ' prfA,lxot„lli, g os:irr , , :I. lt , a : ' • A 0 .' , I ' I I ~ ”,, Ir K II e °M O. , i '' ' ' l ' ' rt "L rare ‘‘ '' ll . ; .- ti n :l l , d s klr ' l l' hl n s . e •:, Mars . Is .!.:-.. -Dc , ,, I Si , 5 ... ,' , ; • . ,;.• 1 X ' l ' .? , ,i ' ss r i. i ' ii '. ..ii t . r ::-.. es - ~,,,,,,, tor , tel nor I,oll* 1 ...; In, 01 'it Ilie • 21.1 Instant Is reveived. 0 (,:o , lo.:t th, „ ~,.„,.. , ~,,,,,„,, ~,,,-,, i n tr....10MP,, !:3 me • I he Pa 1.0% in, 11,01,1011, (1414,, , 1 1 , 4 11/ 0 ;:;; , 1•I•1;• P 4 • , ' I I II I I " I • I I . gager„ " ; ..- .. i, , • ~;I I i t ''' ' " •- 4 . I • ..1 II 4 111, own or roe 1 I I,Allry - -.IKI ing ilrat tin I ononlttee Peter. loo: 1 ... 1,,,- 11 , e - is..l. throng], ono or il, me ,Leers, in- ) ear., ' ''' .'' l' ' e , r :: : . ; !- -- j ''‘. ';:': ' 1 . ' A l l ' l ' t 11 1 .. 1 1 ' 1 ISt7 rl" e i g a : r sLi ' r7l;;t r i ' Tu t ;;I::',"..:1'1'r; 1it•.,,1,',...."..'',.',‘: ,•..,. „,• ...,„,• .„„.,., „.„„ pow er, gir l • ennitie in los late iti.nual report, and iii I hilly ~,-..,:,•• o, -0 ...,•,,.; .. I:: P,i,.; In rt.:l it- 10-o 6.. ,, ,,,..- ~ ze, :•1,,, 1., r „ Ire!, Is 1., C , 1 , 1 /I 1,1 111 1001,. I ~,t: e h,-,,, t hat I uoist h." e Poi- nri In- 1 ~. ,- .I t.: MA 11 11 111 1 1 14 It -•,•-nr., lool , ,:do,„1 `A 11,. ..r min ., . ~. ~,,, Ii „ 11"/ 11'.0 . 110 . 01,..., 01 tile 1 0111 11,101 1 11. lk . / . 1. V ~,t....1, F:~t.I.: :: Kip 1. .zr;i.• liw rt.• 23, I , lE. =OE =OE= ME =II NI I NI El MI =II =I F ROM WASHINGTON S , ‘na tors 10411( and Di on L'GLISH CATTLE PLAGUE INCREASING E ALL, 1.1 Splllllrl arid r. II a rkr*, nit aria 1 sialtquenh. I'll 11.1" I L HILL. ENE %N AN IA I,4•AnINILN, • • ;,).••nz t!", r ~r vnnt. .I.lAn ant , ••4 Er tar) tr \1 k \ . 1/, „•,. ~ „ ii s w Yoau, hi •.1: :1- Among the rrlto• i pal ‘,/ ,„,„ . 1 e.liiittN who hu euarrr.te,i iiecirge "um!, in the t•ort..t rue, ot n 14,11 „ 1 % I„glli there upPl,l.l, Inc name of A I tht, .. 0 .‘„„„(„. ,0 r Ito ,„ „„ Rankin, of Si liotsiir, t stoola, Mr the sum litieolll I•I•111111:11111 Ilott kruto '” ' woolil be liuttrO on the 211,1 ~„ „„ is „ ,L „ p„, The fierniet's vot esponilence sat 1: , •r Is ntneh spe,nist ion In I.doolon tool I'iol4 C.111,11110g io ;lute andlence eatendoil I.:'.i Itnxtel , het, .., ththoe, •' "'Me rude , . ,„ hi ss '' ••.- "•• H „„ s .. eo, tor n.• , vrsoputilwi, non nern 01 1111 . .\ "1 Ai All 11 11, 0.:,, ooto , 11.1 not loisliste tleclaro Ins in- lilt Nu' l••"td I•d • •••• u: t.., osrtleol, o• ith the houtit, and wno labored in I 1.1• " * "" i '" the , ilott behalf to the best of his 11.01 illy, hl 111 Si, • I. ' II I. II . P .O I, . 1 t 0 0 . . 11.000010 't" unit open , support's of islet p. , .;•"--• • ~, lee 1101,1110 1119(0011011, in raneu 10111 Me, ' r 1,111, Pli i 511trAton, 31u/ 11,. Inuit i`l l / 1 1, oil, 'to: • ,e / H„,„ . 5i,„,., t,l„, ‘ „„ . h i„„ .. A itrlety of opinion.. lure expresmul aN to Was 10.4, I 1..50 Tie• ... i11...Pt/0 . ,1 01 !tn, lhiei view with Int. • th.. i.e.. it o „ 1 1 0 !lel`, who look upon the twitterlll , ""' torn, `": „ . „„„. t. ',toots Itght. lutugtne tout the Em or per In ;tinny Mr soiekto., entitled . , ills x , 1,105. tam Iloi 11,, tit the posslhilit3 n war w sth the I lit- " its Mr% . 0 , tutus resulting trot, prolonged .I.ty ha , hi' M'''' 111 in , ' ottl in Mexico, sent for i tsoltinel to ask till, 111. suite 'Of' , MP , "PM tilt, se to w hat rolireo• the Couttsern Yoh d• hit k l 'di „ riv „ , ~ ~, would adopt In un event, ittul whother L"'i'' Pi Hwy wolthl rise apt, VI of I tiro . "'" "Y ". slid strike another lilow for ttolepetotohee.o o l on the Ill: Ihe 00. u•o- 11.1.1, 1 Oti• • i rs , the icusinhlislottent of shit ery, the lee 1 . 1‘,1.1,11, • ii „.. fts ' , thenn assert that the into, view is for the . 1 lit . ht N.„ 0, I s . entlment as to the hest /OM "t. ,I i s Ohio, " ilt nolo the I's. , rh• ,•,, , 10 rhii• he , 1:11014 01 1 . 111. (. 1 0S1/10p0 nit 011111. r,„„e„, L'• t. .111 • 111 . 11 110„1 =MI =I , T10 , 01:0. %% v 4 rA ADVICES FROM GA_Li ORNIA Me 14 ar Beni ern Spain and (bill. 1101.14 IA JOINED THE ALLIANCE Mut, v —"rite nt earlier Arizona It do A..1,1,tt1i. rt 11,1. 1.51 It, with Lfillforota to tit , tit tl I t toinut i t of tn., ban arrived t totltlen tl: l i tintiten on the 1001, fot I'll, go, nt Cclatllluem ot (VII the tnt I, •••.[ltilaernet:t uucj watil ..[ 9,o;i112;11 (Agate, 1 .1..1, Litld el heel, t{II iiltach VII ut mouth ill II•1 IL/ lock .1., Illy allied fleet. The .". - rlr lout the blll' 'I trir).r.Artzo- . . Theatm/dards tempted to shell tow Wave ok: to teach at long range the squadron 111. 40 L.• ..11.4 ha10...m..1y returned ny sort. 11,- Blunt, tatconsiderably dant "' returittal to Valparaiso tim ln able ed. 110 potteat has been made etat•... .Mauttut's declaration against the Spun eo. - of roe: being eontranand tt , ear. t. It la rumors at ValparaiSC * . il2“ cr,••"' to otrate amount, granted by the Ort a n t .3 Bana lattodon, a ere .11allonorial ny the, corres pondents or the Bank of Valparaiso. They tt ere. hoary.,immediately taken up he the Notional Bank rd I 11.11 tor the honor of the ltilantal Bunk. has allied herself wit h and Peru for offence and defence. Pet 11 is rule lily preparing to take a toll share In the war. I. fight torpedo , . will ' , Mill Ia• ready for the de l...nee of Callao Tie ailim Government was umpiring colithlenee doily The Columbian lmugress has rejected a iimposition to declare star agalut Spain. The tlaiher Is dry on the fathoms, and the coun try healthy. Death of Jolseph Walker, gay as's' Taxa. March 23.—Joseph Walker, one of our oldest and beet citizen; died yesterday at the age of fiS years. He was widely known 1.1 one of our most honorable and successful merchants, as President of various insurance companion, and for his bounteous charities. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1866 Total Loa. T%%0 The Currency of the Country. IMIE =II .. . glvt• :7 1% 7:: .. 4•: •i: ,1 =EMEI I u,,4 , h..,;•11.4 11.. :aynols at a i•7l • It, , retar) ulitt-•t tlx, • 11. 11.,r A..11,0r 1 mv. • ,“•• !1,1.1111,, I •1 , .,1, it t. 11.1 111=1111 MEI .11.11,1 're h Irr t•-r. r. r r 1 , r'n)trrerr, I Ire -1,1., 1 h rIl 111,.. - 1 Ilie retriltlr.t. r.- r lam rir.ll-1, .1,1 tile 'rude t Ntat......1 rlenrenr.". 111, -.per le F. toent thnt ~.toration omtz r • ..r 10 tlav thro , l1•01 n... 4 if • TT•s 1....x•11,..t.,1t, I tn. ;wily', that 10e ,tirrt,.., 4,1 Na x n,lar,llnn:. In. 1 , 1,2g1, lap ITT II• - IS :Jollt x large tr.:T.(1,1 • of rb, ttial•kma 11 peo,..r In ' 4kr to Inc , enr. , ..ary ICI loin,. 1.1,, - I.llasw t.olort, vri:. r11.,r , 11. , 1:, ...1.- va:lTTut any It ITT,IT 1117,0tTif 1 . 1 1 1 ./11 the I NII llf t• tecrt.ta:3, the V. t) laf r•TI.T•I tar Ill.• tlttulice:. of the t . .Puntr) ‘42., I,..• 4 TT, • ..11•1,1 n 1 , -.luctiutt t:,.• en 1.1,111•. T ITISNaT. ~:“111%/TIT • al :II her as light run tuarket ,11 .14.. • T . . IT, or Ira tr, =ME =le •!est, tuna. The outtlrl/14, tl4. (”1114 t wfit-II the te , olno,.•itt u•i,siot II healthy rlnnh. nr Pi 11, very t , raut. 011 Nit.Crt Lt.% ti. =II U, e Tt.• J..attn Iforrt/i. .nd h. elmw k.. 4,110.1 t. 1:1.1 turit THE (LEI/111/LS OF 1.0111111 111111..111.1. ut Boa k a•nal..fe the Wal inlet, I.k • ,P 1 • 1.'..1 s Ol 111111 rh. r 1 ,at ! . 1 ••, t A B c: a nt. t . :.11 llll 1111 WI 111 t ,It Itl sEVERE E 4RTLIQIAKE +llOl H. 1 ", ' 4 " , • , • Jr list re , •1111.,1 .‘ I.i 1,1,11 i 'ht. MO, i. 41111, .rt Kti /•1•Z vrlt, rt. ;ht. Itn.l 111”1..t1v \ \ • I'imCIBLF u\ r 23 • • • itattroad. tho• I.ll'ol nor report colues to 0.• loom PariS that ur- • „„..; 141ligeth0151• ar, eing mad.. the not of ..1 M. „ euill New lurk regiment at the Expo- Joel reettnditated otton hi, 4a/ Mr. Anh/O, introonee.f re , slut net a 1:1, Adl n. Ices fl 011.1 the t 11.nelfe Islands, February „ 'a) Do' 1 111 1. 1110 d 101, is lII' , 11,11 ' 0 Iii at fat ntsit td 800, a all ll 111.1 . titt lOU of a ~ ,It 1 tom the Venial». t e in 111, 1.0»...-..00n 01 to be alhot/h, A severe mock ..f earthquake NI WI felt on ale seVVllteenth, testi. tlt• Ita le ltoi at :Maumee Ita) end M 411111, River at Accounts from the hew liarbstecias mines, city of Ett motor, any tile previous reports were exei4 . , MI. Otevens, 01 PeTot edu, nns) I van la, .11 t 1 , ..1 tivc•l gerated. al Dot nlans are advised to stay et , 000retary o f tile latmlor to report the e11...u -se. .111. urea made under tilt t-ct Ittn, Or..Jr,” EoVoY from arePhena — Thr t . '"im and Ity wlth the fifth seetthh t ol ;he finite. Ai. ~ the Woolens,. ',sp._ prlntlon bill of Mall 11.1.1,nt1.5. soccif) lan 11, itw vita, March X.3.—A Fenian envoy from • amount of earl, apt. optuatioo exinunicti. .l tan en btepheits hallabony IS seal to have what Indians, and mr but objects dtsbdi set art t vet on Wednesday, He euutratlats tile The House tarn pnes dm report of sit:Wiens' escape, morning hom. to call on the C l.l ll l / 1 110,- tot LOUtIOII firnee Lt.! rettpundent (runt Rona' the reports of 1.011 ate hal Mel . says, The Pope's Holiness entolut Ilepert Dom %thong other 1 , 111. 1 otedf Kit 'cassal a 1.1 thetple be hasonce laid down and made. a Joint fest/Intim, reported by NI: Ili H t. L. years »lin.° the American Bishops, ot Itant, from the Contiatutt t• )1,111.11, a bum there are about thirty-five, wrote tut xtr.,r, providing I.t the r. Itel ett itoine lot nl.od tactful., how to act teamed the officers Of the army The .1..0tt esointioe .1,1 of Fenttot• mdt st Isto t ; into existence. provides that in every 11 1,1, 1 l lt ~ e ans. er, r•tgUt 1... cc been expeited, nalssioueil °Dicer ticlooll entered 01l It. aa .11i eetetl that it rituald he discountenanced. as such ettutoto,,ieneu en). „„,t „ ... wince there are only lour of the Homan hate- (let! by law 10 be tout:term] in an ...nen, 1,13; ohm Ilisaups in the lditted etates, and they are reason Of rapture I.) the enemy, Or Of h. I lu bolt - Men, a flu have openly protested agathst cause beyond the control and without le to. Yen tan..., the Ate11.4.11.110p of St. Louis, the neglect Of Ills Olen W. not !Moat:red a. ,1111. Ltlnliop of Philudetptoa, the Bishop of Chmago. 1,1, to the regulatfons n ithitt a pet 100 of zed end another. 'flie other Bishops, without ex- lean than thirty lay., the pal department taring any sympathy with It, Ilnee permit- Shall isltate to such ofticer lull pay and ..//1” , d• ted the erldemie to spllnol. As to the feeling men to front the date Oil which 'dolt erli••i• I', end itetion Of Ills flulihmos these can be no tUailV entered on cacti lut v, detimitine tat doubt. the amount told or pet actually re. From hour tO, 1104, SLL)P , Pitt/1111 no ll , Oftleer ter pelted, accounts come to authorities repre- Mr. Bhellaberger to gest led tlsst it sentlng the whereabouts of Stephens la /Juls- apply also to officers who it ere kllletl lln or hear that nelighbornuoti. In many in- they were regularly mustered in. TM, ct stance, a hoax Is intended, but there can be resolution was woJ turd uttord 11.• 11. 11th.•otestiva tllal several came from well Nissen. s reco - who tonsider the vote by a Melt Elm meaning e t , recto, informed. ~,,,,,,„,_. - o nstaitionce of this ' constitutional attlerldlnolll was referred 10 11,e to give tintmeestlarl !two to Ille officers ,Itititctar), on the 141.11 of March, was celled or wiMae deal It la to investigate the truth ut and the !louse rernetel to reconcider faiselaxel of such reports. The House then a VOL WWl_ Waal Ine uu the This Morning, a must ell - carnet-anted ae• rennsylvanla reimbursement hill wanting but one element, truth, was in Mr. Diane withdrew his amend mon t. find the circulation through the city, to the effect that bill and the amendment were repotted to tilt' James Stephens had been conveyed by a arty Douse. of Fenian. On beard of an American ship, at The Pennspl cattle reimbursement 1.01 w Drogheda. The C. 19. vessel Canatiagua, hapt. passed by u Vole of o', Or. as StOolbal, was In Belfast harbor, where her The Ways and Means hommittee Imvis re crew had been feasted on board by the corpm ported back the loan hilt (edit amend meets, ratios. one of whlel Pr Ott Wet+ that the Secretary' er saw the s retire 01 / More 'the Arrest of Colvin Pepper . ' that 1110,000 Treasu , ry 01X1 of hall eulte not d States ll4 notes falter within Menthe alter the tinily of thi s net aml 101T1.11. ldownor, March 411.—M.r. Calvin hereafter not more than ,000,00 i In any one repper, who wee arrested here yesterday, . 0. left this morning for Richmond. An invest!. The Reuse then went into n COMmlttee et gatluu le to ../e lmnediately made into Ms col the {Thole on the subject. OntratiOn .theme, by blej. Gen. Terry, at Rich mond. The bill supplementary to the penslou act' giting twenty-gee, twenty and title= dollars liut, t.t . t t lb( 111 i• V 1 a I s. t• l '"'" llllllth I tiN 1 .111•--111t•T sEN•ttioN „ t tt MO =Mr M Salo of R and z . cil llitc c cf, .. .1. Idir.v nKt wmt1:•.)1,...1 Sr.,.! _ I •Ha ero CS .. CZ El 1 , I ttl,llil 114. ii• I:••• t•. = I":. hi ri t • il , !i ii C itl I ' I i Mc lIIM IMIE } " 5... El =MEI IM =II II i 1//I F • I al I.! I. anLI 44,1..hee.1 pa) chlchhct s.t that h., )1.1 ~,,, n thlo% h ft 111, ht VO dorht, .tott vh.t. Thy , .athr allots dr,w. I tlit...i)y It h:#41.1 att. Mt. .10111: to•I tI I L N. t -11 % =EMI otto t tact tainotetti At eft.. lin!! i'ltt: 1ri'....”,,:',,,,,, ~ : ::`, ' , t f . l . ' , : ::- . . „ 1 , ; ', . ..!:`, " , . .i , ;:. ." ,‘ , 5 ,.. .." , :: 5 i . ` ,, t , '';' 1„ 1.. ,7„ :""' Lt ". , " '" 1 f""''' ' '"''''.. r',",',',V,: court. 1111 Pi ,11,1111II'd i. , 1 . 4 •11i6.111`.• i;,,,r,:4,-(::.-.t.'t.,8„.:,‘,:: l'''..."" it " i "..' - .1. 1 1111 , I l•hiPie:,l.ll/111.1t11, tr.tart A .titttl ho •k. 1111 1• ••/1, ,r .....• ,1int),,,,,, 1 : .,. ) , .•pv,Ty -2 , It.: t- ttot•- , t , t:- l't`LY T — tt 'tt Moo colored friend Atithett John it tt, A Irthclot .•• ot.:ttl 0,, Irtt" , i V ti• ' '13.; , . ~ t it '""thnt: scene occht tctl tit] rlitt.: I ii , i I I:11 P.! 1 t11`.1 . .1 I t M.' ril t•P i. gl. 1,i1 . 11t1 . ,•, tclll titlo• a Ti,, prtt.ecutdr. chttcr% lug th at the t d .-czt. , .t ' d ' h 4 .ht, tot.: .1. ht• tt. eht tot, tl tlettervoh.: ttt thlt Itcdttc.., c hotte th:tt cv..ry +t•itl. tn.) I,•• , , . . - -• -- "I aolored 1 a.ople. and ai 1 bout a 11, t hoc tor an . •1 , 1 I , aa feh 1 : -1 •"" 1 '•'• 1,-1 1 - - ll nm l . , " 111 v natl.,. I.l' •-leppe.l 1 a mat 1• ,,, 1., a -"al 1 ••••••• nai e fin 11 1 1 1 1, m 1, “ . I. ' `h l '. n , thc l r APP I-1,- the •lelefaloat I/au - oval-Inc hi- 1 , 11-take. I. ••• ..r 1•1111 1, 1 01,11 cninn . 11 ' 1 1 11-I ' , ,I,, , lertook o• len, . I .a. ~,,,- ~ I the anon ~ n atipposlog Mtn 1 , , 1•,..zi praanies a 1...,„ ~ ~,.., I I. all", I.lta t•• •leleu t ninth 111. 1 / 1 111, r aa- e I , l•trlet 4 our'. I . .laine.l. when For na• r,,,".h.••1 .1111 /1. E 114 1 ,14 IL. llork-il 4.1 -1,4•1 . 414 4, , .11141 gr• 114111111.01 1 . 114,1,4 the. 4 . 1/1111.1.1 1141 1111. 111,141.4.11111,41. In Ille ease at 11l , 11,01 Duet tars of J..t. 1 11 . 11 ,, , ..; , , , L. , 1 , 1 , . ‘ 1 , , . 11 1 . 1 . 4' ,,, .. -- in Ihe 1.111111, 11 ~.,,„, T,,,,,,-i,,,, , rt. ' , VIII L., g..-ata wn 1 ,, ,' .1 ~ .„ , , , „ . ~ ~,, • ~, , 1, .-,a ar alliance ul I! e • 4411111 N I alai alit goal i , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 Ai 1 ~ , , , A , 1 „ • , .,1 . ,1 , - A., .1 . , . ., . - 1. , „ ,, ..n ., , n ;• a ~,,,11 , ,,, I.y I; 111. -1 In. pity tumid a ,e• - ; , n . ' „ , ; 1 . 1 ..,.. 1 . „.„,, : ,.„ 1 1 dirt fur the plain lift. fur 3• •'I 11,./ a ,,,1„,,, , , ~. 5 .. .. i ~ . 1, . . i. .. , a•I tl,i ed for a Ite• 11 1/ . 11./ • It , 41/11 L - ' L ." ' ... ) 1 . '.. ~,,,, %. 14 , .11 . ~,, 4 , ~, 141 041 that 111,- defefolant a - Italia - I,a) ap,u,„ 11 . 1 ,: ,., 111 , , ,, , L. , ‘,1, 1 *-9,1 ,. •• • • , 1 , 1.114 1.11 14. 4, 4 4 ,,,,,,, iil 4 ,1,1 3 ,, f13 111,11 11, 11, 1111,fle). I . lln .1,41.1' , 1 1,, I 'fli i, ' ,rri, p . , n,.. ,. . ~ , , ,,,,,r..,,,,,„1., that la. ha., 01.. 1,,,,, NO re had a veri . /tante aay or ,1,,,,,,, 2 1,,,,,,,.r...,,,...1th0ul lieen,-, nor! N, ..., nitllet lIL te::. ~„..„.,....._,,.f, Hunk elan kn ,i IN.; artailal, . ;11, toletits.ugna al[ ached la, elieia, and une 1 1 i -1.. a a 1,111111111 Jilt,. 44‘.1•11 Oiled ,a 11,11 111 1,1 1 1 1 J. 141 11•11 Mcl..lla 111111 SA,. 111'101! l i , .4+ 11,0 " 11 . charm. fif lana lemma., mai, 1 , 1 ,, .2,.` 1,y,1,1,1„,1.i,1,.,1,..141,“,:,k,,';',,,,',,'" 4.h,',';‘,7,..,",,7,,,".,,",:i„„,.,. a , i i. s eetat o m , ,, , l , the , val Inaur . ota , alla,...• , lia: Inaut- ~.„, „,,,, ~,,,•,,,,,. ~ ~,„ ,„ „ ,•,,,,,,„, ” an la L a roll, aulapans. rh. 1...,.•., , h..,,, • "tr •, , , , ~, ~,,. 1, ~.., , ,calk pa.age an Ilia {Vail'. . 1,- (aattniollatlan , ~.,. ~ 10,-1 oualal o , lank,. Ir. gut.' to • 1:i. t.anple 1••116, and helm; •;m1••• the lafluall, a ••1 laf ta•• •• 4. i .......t adjoul 11,1 sat (I , atur,li, tx.rlit,, 'het ~,,1 .•r1, ,0 k 1,. ,•, ....,, ft ! ii 11 o . . Tl lO C l - 11, 1 1 1cior. Alt. linul 11, a, a pant lel.", , I:, • K .” a ;Jun, 1 vk al • . -1311.1 IN" 114111•4.11.1•, - 11101 141. 1111 (111 L 1.4•. -. ,4 L • 4 ourt of 4 0...0 aaaaa Plea. • "larks - ••Ot al Shady Sole 5ta,,,,,, g irl re.en g . ' 'L. -: A n•- •• Ili. ~,,,,.,, , -it,,,,,,,- Judge nte, r••I • tor ia•tag ep - otadlt.ey !Mew 4t4i/le, i the ant. • ', ).- , 'n ,,'"•, ~. ~,,. ~, a• v. , Kirk, the jary one ar the 4ltale-f pas,lng through a tab ooth s '",,,' ','T . " toutot a set , 1:1 t 1••• the plamtlll la tin, , ini/ • awl ear:1,114011m; the Nolety of the II:a - inept:a,- • ~, on '..' l ' ,.1 : , ul 47 - 111,,1 , 1* Tliv, f.u1 , 1.1 7I , erdiet or gu‘ii,. ii ~,, 1 , ...... ~,,,,,,,„,' „ ,“1 , ,-... • , ater.• 1,1 the -dean, Tug , 40,1 lbe cleferalanli a ei, temaraleo lur ...ea_ I ii ,i, , S 1 ,a , -.1,,,., 1, ,pna) lafaa a- an aellon artougitt to ta eat. ~,,,,,r . 1 a•li, :id e , rano. 1111• , al,. •L, 11 dal load of coal mink In ; .11,1111 Metati i itte,el gtoll 1 to , teallag no 11, ,1- .; ' ...... "-1 1 1 1 ."•••••-a.•••••••••••••••••••--a---"'..-4---- the fainur:f VI. 11, 11101,111.,t,. The bout as, ~,,at rr,,,,, ,T 5 ho, ~,,,I aa- satilexteeti luta., etopl••;, - ,1-1 to t•P, OW fiat bout the Monongua . months In rat'. ! FOR SALE---FOR RENT. 1, , , L .11 , 1.4. 1 ,, 11/I, 1 . 11111( on reaching toe tient y I‘ll4l ~ 1,...,1. 111N . 111-1, a.,./ Mar 2, kr, . . I• 44 1 n 1 111Ving O. ilia stale lit the rive,. ~,,, p,.,,,„, , , ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,, _,:,,,, ~,, ~.‘.,,, ~,,., , 1, , ,,i, lIEVI laottilkitt,, .iii#llll9l ~,,,,ito, ..01:1,1 not. be Illere, al; 14 10100,1, lottli•ry. The Jury In. 11l a W 1 1 .1114 ( ~I 111/1 '' IL ‘.. L Ll 'l. ' L ' '. L ' . ' ; ' " 11,1 11,, il. , WI, valet) . Matfett at Manettetdet uy to ettelt e.....e, and malt red ••,1,,, ~,,,, . I. ~• ~,,. l a ... ~,.,t, a . '. ' • ',' • '• a hero It um ,, 41111 k during the night folios irg anti opa N tile 1.”1-1, ... 'The ittry fotold a '',hale, the plaint iIT for John lieltruttney anti Itatttert Me li, Ar.llllsl' ' ;' l ''' ' ' ' .. alma Vl, The r!wfter-t of the I.lpsey 1.1.4 NI t. , ...r . b. a etc arrtituraa.: tal it °barge u( ago: - ti .1 tat a.- ' / •111-:.11I• RI II CIL\ I. 1..011 . •. na Barnhill, A. Hart upee. 1.4,1 81,11111. 11.411, 2111141 and Itter, on ottilt bf Fred, ta•k K,,,,. : , -.,• I. :., • • ••• f' . • ,', - (1 . and °the!, L : ordy The .ohtault, l 'hielt N. It. a - meths . , 1111 , 1 •L 1 ... L I.IL. ,' . . . , unprovoked, ha. already been futiy not leer, .i, .L . • „ LL::,,;.„,,,,.,11414 II . 11114Ooot or Capt. Prott.-NVe regret to our enlumni. The tiefethiatits pl. 111 a 1111, 1 • .". L . ~,,,. . • learn that our old and highly gait-mama la lasal of guilty of sintplo tt-I - llllrli sihl h htierY, nnd ' 1 1 1{,4,1 1)1i , Capt. Pratt, for many year,. messenger to the ~, , . ,tiiette e d to pa‘y La lin, of 00 , 4 ,1, , ~p 4l t DIE/N• ,. .... , . 5.., ~,, ef11.1111.,i/a ft thm city, is 111 beyond all loape3 of 11l lc x atom ItnprlsnomPla 111 the 4•4 „WI a • ,".'",'.;.‘ ~. „ .., ', . L recovery, and that at dark lasi nigilt. Ito uUN jail Mr It. T, 10annetiv, father 11: Ito al „,‘ ,• •., ~ ...',•, , , ; ,„ , 1:1. ,,, „ ,„' „,.,. ,„, sinking rapidly. The Captain LA flll/klll, 111, ut.iptt plaintill, has a sitr....Ett atiarge ..g:. 1,444, ‘! '„ ..• r : ,v• l's ...i I a der complication of diem..., which loge h. the.e 41e1.,.ti10t... 10 er with his oltl ago-he being about °witty years old, render his recovery impossible. His"rho Looder.-The !culler for - ..,-,a) 1.. a familiar fa, e minced . all!minced from our Count'll , , tin moots: interesting number, t 1 ~ tilled Hall, and there will be mtmy Lb drop a tear to : with news tu t u t.,,,1 tter a ry solectlot, hia l be i biS Memory. ' cal Items, 114414ttng. 411414-hem, 1.01.141%. k 1,. .r.4f .. . •''. 14, 1,1.1 011 rriatt. iI. :. • • , t 4 k 111.444 ti n • • nf tLxi' Nrutz. "'n. t "'" u s. 1 , 1 N1‘1,4 1'4441,440., ~, ".." .1 it Tfp.r4t.4:4:itn.l Pr.,l.lent 51,141 "`;;', 4 1;,,:,..V":' 4 '; '"1 1 cOun, 11 , 44 r.'- ' •-• ..tro- -14.4.ti0n Hie • '1! : , Pf 4,- 1.. „... of 1.15.• 0.. 41 .1., 1.. Tho• • ~, =lll. ~ ,l hall rep-r, t , • N• mom,. ' Agal,".l =I flee Nxial Esixitavnovn oil 1.113 h lltt 1..• lit. :I 111../ I I I tteri 51:1 . , * •.. tan; 1..1111,.. I EMIEIII The nitol Sntremae i „, ~„,. „. •.11.11"11 Ihe %llnish, rot.dr. .11.• I 111 :o•prahng '',.• .I , y that 1,, , Yti0,, t ill. 4 1 1 ,, ,110r hill) 01 , 111,—, lit, I , lnLi.• n l , , ;11. , r.,1 11.0 , 11 11,111., n.” t" Th, 1,,,1 Mit 1111. In n xlv 1,1 In Ow, ❑.,. It, n 1 I MIIII! I "tog rr.w 1./et10r,..1 4,1 I nliforatin • MI" CITY AND SUBURBAN =EI :.• In I - :Mint,. n. 1 ,1 no • .... , iz..• rn: a puri.n., rc,..•“: li.• ‘ , .;1..,rzt v. In 1E1,41 it tn.( %ult. L/11111 1.11.L1 Sit•gr.t,‘ /Hi Mt • and ;.mi•l Noll g,t• thnught into -n.O nf Ctn . 111 , r••: ct •.,- ti t4I .lilt 1: Int 11 •1 . 111.•, , II Iblte,y l ila• • 11 ,, 11 . /.e hand. all ,11 , 1 tt , I 1 111 0 ) 11/1d ' thatln I 011.1 , 1! ,f M I NlcNell repin••' ln . •. Ito Int, r . '.uni I. In rn, I.; Innn 0010 nyntiri,l .1 :.• :111 , 1 pe /1111‘11,•111 unaotinn t 0 Mr 11” . tunllnn . """1 % \ t 1 II NI I, I L I •n, It If 1 Ins;.; ME ; II IL it_ NE IZEIM IMIM I. ‘1",,11. r. rtpiwal -11. t. • DIU.14••• ..1 :tll , l g , • , ••• • /IV ‘a% „ k I -%1 ‘i .11 iri t, t , r. iron t vt , 1.1.:$ • - I r.. .It, l.rahmti gu,its' Ifr ari ..... =I COMI=MISIMISE PRICE THREE CE Ts v (of rrp,•al ton+ tnrmloz, of Mr. 51 ot. Mt It N, In pre•••111.i .1 tF•111••; •!::llt., 1 17,,,f 1::.1Zi• , tro,•• : , I, .4,1 . , I‘.l, In the ..4 r .11111,c, trhrl. ~ I it. 1• I“ =I ME I'.. ~~4.i14 1... H t 1:. I: ~`l ~.1 . i l ~lli.l 1 : ~ Ili. i! 1~~ =TIM =a /t) I to tvip./1.1 or , llll is ~tw lot Y 11.• lIIMIM , f 'l, s In is i. u !i11:11.• tuk. ==IIMMIIM Ell =I El ME ME El .t•L•I -t r.•~.i. 1.. r.i .i t.. tS~~~t.. r r n uri xw I ' Iv-4,1101,i CIK tepoul at w,• thi• 1.11 Inotlon ol Mr. t „ BOOTS Silo 011. Illllloe I /II:I I 1411 &CI 1••• til H.1 , 11.'1.14..1 Wm.,. hilit,,,on I Th.• r..p.n'ti•.l MIST rr XI 3EI, (..:) 'l' 'Se 4 , 1 Ifit. , 1 1111 , •“. Til , I oTt..rt omtilitt,, r - . 1, und ,„ 11% I h , I 4; it %1.,) A. a r. I 5I 4 \ 4',,, .1•1 , 111,1,1 11, GARDINER'S cuun or Qt. THE WEEKLY UAL , 11 ‘ 1 '111 , ..•Pf leo atail ttpuitt,l6 Ih, tr.r.ll••• ~ • ire I.reni 4.11 Ittero..e/ I 0..% •111.1:% ~,, Three .Iwelllng 1011,‘,1 011 )1,1 t, r I • 11111111 . I..AN 11/ga. tt ..110 ' , clock II". =ME .•ri• .14.1 u. It. luoug - h'• Lecture. ill l '•,• ere- use •.f 1 1; ‘,...tg10. otOol 114 0 0, 00 , „it !moil o•tvolotloott 1 oo• 'oo oo 111111 /IV ICI nk !nlll. ..••1••`.. , • ~ ,1 - I :1,1, MEMMMM =E p.teke.l. and lie M al• 11. tr. nv4l C., w 41; I ...t ! . . - ..tvn nit lul , FP4r.t. applatt+e, .1 1 11,1111•. I k, /14 -1141,1, 'l l l l i. • •ente.l ir, n , ttn , te:l tnalttier gplier—lN ••• . :",11, 111011 ,ottg, tit 111.• tn , t.l •Ii 1,111). awl. nz in IV3/1 =NE =NEE Inn` 1b....,ter plan nnuhe IZMIE= N:- .Lin ~f.. •I ,lIIL Jul". ,t• 4•1 go. I) rtt: I :4 NI. , sl . .µtll - • i .~~,d n„; II ME =MI I=l ~ :%•..!• 11 ♦ern lrr oisu ‘l. .Ø t - -1,1. LI 11 r BOOTS AND SHOES fliE Pttr;n.. MEE= n sva, ,11.• tttl F.. A 1 1 /11. 11.17 /1 I FONCEIII' II OE STOII Where are SI ra a tea, I pairs Urt•t. and ( heap*. than uts:, Miter I...lablOita- W TUE t DER•iI.\E:U. 114 t t., tt! .• .••11.11“.: Ir.~i r err •:1 ed 1•• I,e, a El ,~, Kt) EDITIONS ARE PRINT ; , J viVILN d 1 p si • AO. =lllll •le•AZiih, t t 121:./ itli I • •LL.L. rIL. •.• • We were 1r , L ,1 1 , •.1:1, , 1.9-.•.11/4, 1 . t . . , Or U..t44111 ,re J., any HI•11111.1,l, 0:1 ILI.. OCk a rr n. t•• 1.1 t .. NI = it JO ltOni PI MEM = 11..altli Report =I : 15 Ul.turl.nuvr al st h4l lil IMEU MEI r,' NEI • I . I t =I mu, =MO asi r•r,l •••Alr LISA N‘). t;O meat in Inc iiv NOTICES Mil I Fi,l ME I= • 41.1. I'n; ~.'!,:-2,',..; -, , ot, II