13 THE PITTSL L.... L../ GAZETTE F. L. PF:.:I.A. I ELUSI4III.I. h. 7'll. COSTA PCBLISIIND BI T. S :STY'S ASSOCIAI7OB N.. P rtrrn err', T. PiLtlbUrat, Tr.lol, O. V rar, by m.ll. Servrd by Carrieri, p.r weer. 441°5 _ - • CITY ITEMS the r)e anti Ear Dr. unminci. OceullSt tin 4 aurbit, t, aultnil at the Monongahela-nano., for dont , rbot, noise in the 1.1.1, .11ReLargtm from the cwt. obstruction in the euonelditn lulu, mild mil acute iLll4,llrOilie of the vnr I= Dr tennlnet Nev. fork. w, iLs no% jut T l ‘rh, 11, first lloot. nt the NI ohongaliela 4touse, trent. L%U.rin h) Ihe use of warn inhalation The nlTllet.e4l4hount go and consult hint 1=!! Poraom yu frorm g from Olson, co I nom. mo. onto organa nhount a , . am! oons . looM nor, lleouirm and .1 o d. at Ow Moroni gabOta Homo.. Dr. Gardner TI rrnownod ni,.l Ent • ctty at Ihr Donor wlttir li err atliseted I t =TM and all tlimeastaf.,a c,••µte,l 4q..u..11 by Dr. liatalag,, orcu I •kml Aurl,l al WC Alvaintagabtaa !latex A 114,11'• New I•nnt, “loghouls. Delniti”4 an.t I.i i n 4 olio.. Goods tiseltp. Vu tho NortheaNt earner of hmtln anti ).L.l C. fi• SPOT' 11 1,. Yet %WWI New Low, oral t Now opbnetl, on the N0r1.11,1,41 ..ornot Foul U. anee llarket street. C. HANSON In F. A it., Grenadinela New, haattlliul at..l!ln.- op, pl. .vti 11 Northeast corner ~ f l'..tu.th antl Mark ..treet.• C. it t.SAO! Lot, .t 1:=1 LZI rti tititolletl Linen , flit: Bosom, Ir male from pure -Linen of best .; unlit y I=1!1 %Vlll he pre. th. 1 , 1,1,, 1111,4 J tl pe.t, 011 .412ty eveultikt. \latch t`tt. M/h. 11 1,/ eml 1,” burr tv,rtly to Kat•itt ott the iLevatirm for ti the 1011510 stereo 11111 t • • '.e door. I=l instantaneous and cferanion , curer of turns lad Bunione, without immediate or Anent pain. Dr. Remlairs tittr , l Vlllll 10 tim city will positively et - melte - le with Monde , : next Office, No XO, Fifth street I=l Prints, lilaghams, Debrines, lekulgs• \ Dress Goods, .ke , now opened, old will be sold at a rery small ad ranee on New York auction `can. Remember we are now nn the Northea , d corner or Fourth and Market street, Eater ere Heir. }....iegant Nov Dress Goode for Tincellug en.l promenade wear. Purest mod Streete.t Lod Liver Ull In the world, manulactured itoru fresh xelected livorn on the sea coast. Thin 01l I, eftertiden:, , 1 t,r n -treetneen and ptirt:;, peculiar to It Mon, Its tepututdon Is So great that It Laken the !cud of oche, Otto, and In universally iircerribeil I.y 1,0:v.1 , 111,14 he member to ask for Hit/ AO CetswPll'+, Liver Oil. I= Poi IT It 1.. ( IMEI =I I arodid eAli the 61.:‘,/,: tore of t tl.k t he, r motley In ,peetliation, 11, Ih. ! , 466 ell el the eath, th, to , -oloethlng ert6,ll I h6ve under rny I , I/Inn..ut.s horiorxtde ald revd,aele torodneee , , 1.,,t no ge,itlen6,,,,, tr , vide , nfyu •otahltsltv9, and Can ~.• i•Il II large sliddll66e, rn,ll I II 111 g e t hrtt the prlrll . .1111, • I . (11 •I0 Ides. und Wing t., In 6. e Id I , 6riner On agrreanie tern,* 11. :It the Grail, 6to In o'el..ek A Iii.;)I!1•I t,nttt.• Atldr,se", ' it:, Hostetter s Celeu r nt eat P. tomerti Err Messrs lies rkrirks X. Ss it. glvt- are pleasure to add lily tom:intoned lo those of uthors In favor ol your .cell. - pa:attun. Several vial, of redder., uti the banks of a Southern river, and rii cotton in literary v m - k, had so thorodglily ex hausted my nervous . stein, and undernticeo My health, nat. 1 hail become a martyr tii fly.— pupate and nervous headache, recurring at shell Intervals, anal defying ati , known remo. ill., in the Muterm halted. I had crone to the conclusion that nothing but a I. tat rhange 01 resi_lenee and pursuits ;stolid t, torn my health, alien a friend rev - ann ~. dill Hostel tor's Bitters, I procured a bottle .- an experi ment; It required lint one Lott le o;smelt., me that I hail found a, in; lion of remedies. The it idef ~(forded has been complete. It Is now some years since I drat tried Hostetter,. Balers, .and it is but Junt to ,ay that hat e found, the ptepartt -nlttn all Mali( clalmot L.; bu. It Ix n St:. Family Cordial witt, un, and oven at a it. rant we like It better than nnythlng else; P Vre .011111 nil nervotiN, btllnu,o , and dyspep tic eases, from fever down to toothache. II what I have now said will lead any dy,peptic or nerv ,- I.:s Invalid ton sure remedy, I shall have done some good. I remain, gentlemen, re.peettully you la, E D. E. N. SOUTIIWORT Ho►tetter•s Bitter► Me sold w bolesale and retail at very low rat es at Flemings DrnEuttul Patent Medicine Depot, NO, 64 Market street, corner et the Ittamond 11124 i Fourth street. I=ZEIMM Boy. wear. C69Bll2l3ereS, SAtinetts, Twe.lB, Jeans, Cottonades, and Clothe. New I.node at the reduced rates. Fall and Winter dhloods.lP It is with great pleasure we call the etton• Oda of our readers to the sulaperb stock of Fall and Winter Goode Just recetved by Mr. John. Water, Morobaut Tailor, No. 128 Federal street, Allegheny. Ills stock embraces some of the mast beautiful Cloths, Csastmeres, OvercoSt logs and,Vestings ever brought to the western Market. Ills assortmont of Furnishing lioods, comprlitng Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Tles. Handkerchiefs, 3F., cannot be sarpsmieal east er west. A urge stock of ready mad Pants Coate, Feats and Overcoats, will also be mind In his establial wont. Persons ln want of any thing in the a thing lee should not fail to 008 Mr. Water a salt. Thom*.W. Parrj tlk Co., raotiesi slate Roofers, and Dealers In Ameri can Blain of various oolors. Ofeeti at Alexan• der Laughlin's near the Water Works Pitta barge. Pa. gestdenee, Yo. 78 Pike street. Or. dm promptly attended to. All 'fork warrant ed water print• /19Parring done at the short• oat nodes'. SO charge forrepaint, provident the .roof is not abused Me. It is pet en. Carpenter Jabbing Naar Ifartttg returned after an absence of tires prisms la the army, L have re-opened my slioi for aorta Of Jobbing to the carpenter llns , at tho old stax.4, V LEV. Ailey, between Sol ih. field at nsrt and Cherry Alley. Orders solicited sad promptly attends.] to. Damage by ssorm Glltemass - rt, klatch at.—The storm. on In. TueadtW was very severe. The damage to property was great. At Conner', Ille, lad., several buildings were thrown 00‘in, and one of the piers of the Cincinnati and Indianan.. Its Junction Railroad wan destroyed, and a freight train run InfOlhe enn./OLA. The e*gr. neer and fireman Were severely injured. Tne storm true felt at Indianapolis, Louisville, I.:rause - tile, and Aber point, West. Al Ht de Park and Evanston, HI. , hailstormas fell of no nsense size, breaking glass and destroying th.• contents of gram-bosses. Al le of Gold Cod Flood• New lonic, March 2 . l.—Thc Tribune's special correspondent Wain. the authority to state that to all sides of gold and tronds an..l leall purchases made by Sethretary McCulloch, be boa appointed stsaistsui Treasurer Van Dyke to execute these orders, and has on no occa sion designated any firm or firms, or any per. ion to whom Mr. N'en Dyke should entrust the •exoention of his orders. Furthermore be has no rel.:Dons In any firm or firma in New pork .city, where all these transactions have been had. Yeamedlato Ypptan Movement Probable . y o xi,illaruh` Fentaa Cent,. .Chu nal held a me etlng 1 - est...inlay, at the O'hla- L bouoy lieeaquarters. deep). Jnet arrived from Irelamt, preSeaf, and tbo Oellhera uoue axe said io have retereacia Watt lamed]. atelNlyeMelttagainetAilit.Bo.ldahOOVOMllllNC QM! nein ess Ilanagt r THE LATEST NEWS OUR SPECIAL, DISPATCHES. OM= PENASYLVAMA LEGISLATURE, I , Nputell V. i h P.l,l.urgh .• . IN Itig,11).1,:11.1" I 1:1, 111 t ), ni Otronor 1,1 I,i , il•rs of .I.ll,ghtftl3 A," Re.., lt Th.tt r.t. 111 1 oltgres,. i.e 111.1; 11,•14..i, :111.1 I•etental It ex hp re•olt,le.l to oppo,o. he to” 01 :ttly It 11 1 tng vo, le,lhtti. red tot 101 l .It Ito 111 o 0.. , :t tnies ICFfI to - lolrr o rod to the conot I I=l =MEM Ir. IgkllA. An /1 , 4 reyrulni h.. iyy n•llnern, tic. Mr ',VOW the exten.ion .11,,,•• ! t II!. Lowry, an .art to • , !‘..!•1 11 11 , ( Venango. r:ocl! , rd t% Alt !•!! A:. ac•t to Ilia • .c.• „ IChi. 'Cat, N,lll.ctit cicj. c c I 1.1 .;), h a.OOll 01.• itgr..o,l upon bet ss.•.•o I • .10[101...er 11101 sent, or m0:1.1.01 and n, 1.0•, u. thc• final 21,Loomag,. cof 1111 . 1 , 111011.1,, h,c. I II ca 1 . •; .0 the n 111 wits 10.31 Ac.i0111,10,1. jcp . opriallon 1•1;.. :.•• //t .1.: .. at• /le I,:a mrl.l lert e .:11/illt • Th. it II lilt ante/3/11u., c./ /c./' ~t‘e tie, II ...awl Pithrt v 0 tuontp-,•lglu to form .11 the n,,n I amend 11,11 IS the bill =MI GEAERAL ONDFTION of MEXI‘o Locullieutt: Trausithued the• Stilata T' , TE RECENT SENATE CONFIRMATIONS The Suppre.fon of lotion Fraud, OFIRA I GAS if iiENFAk, TNJIAS !:.'AA 11,1 It C ‘l, - .•11 I.n.itty transust 00 , 1 to 11, lino .•-entAtlVe-Snn the genet,: nort,lll a• •likeulnent‘ troth Ihvl,l, I ;Lac Much I/1 II Ica, her..!..1...t put , ll.ll,thl sand the r”usthin.l, few polatg of publle 11 .. I rw 'how,. that the. Moo 'l,ll pertui..lon 111 nu, ru,l:lllrV • In ,) or it. terr:l , , 1 1 1 0:•;... I • ••••••••• I .1 • cpo , 41111:11l1111, 1118 4/.01, • :Cctic. , 1111,r, liumoro..llwrch 1 , 11:, wetary sex 1,1 , 1 ~ 1 II tr. r k..f Fent uar) sk ••I I. • 11. • 1•• 11.11 . 11, Ilc a.l c•-pr••• 11.• ••I I:I, • ci• !Inc an,l rourkvm fr. wn wh.• 11 ht• I, • k ledge c41••1 • 11111•••1111. in Tilt . 1..:11 I=l SI I i jr =I •/e It 11 .11111 /Lit 101 r. 1 I/1,4,.11 I. La- for pi. dol., el , o fool e, lure 114,1.:1 N. 111 -1 ) 1 1 ,, 1 •• 1 • 1 3 NI•/1. 11,•-•1 001, A ril 1, , 1. 11••••••• ‘ll - 1..- ~1 .: '' •• ll' •. / i l.• 1.!...! la' A , , ,• ,„ ~, . ',log. the ~.n att• reluved It, ink , . up --...- .• • • ...it. t ahoh .• • ..... a ...r ito -:11/1, • .-• I ''' . .'" .' ' I.'" ''. ''' . I r' ' 1"' ' ' SII "n "'"`" ..i t" , ` I P 1, "' 1I.4100 11 . 11 lng 1 I Fenian exceting at foutiothttab 1.0 ~.r . ,,,,, „ „,,,„.„ I Ao. to :-. 1, 1.• tm t to' "ron' ti tng 'tr..- ...thorn J.llmal flt.trlet of thobtate of Cal- , D. ",' L ". .....:•; ' . ‘‘ .. " 1 i :11 "1 t ' l l l ' i.. titl.l.ll , c 0,,, ...•it ''' " 1. ' ' - ' I 7 °I I I-• I ' ',II I n'. 1 ' 'III .1 ..a, and Ihe W OANVI .1 . I .llrial VI, rl. tof ••••I•"•' ''' ' '' " • '''' Mil rte. ".-The: ''' ' 1 ...tuna. to i taking of the Amt.. ot 1,..1... nh ' ''"1" " 1..1 ' i'' ' ' ''''''• '' ''''' " • ' '''' 1. ill 'Or 111 Mt two. France-A: o' A ... • -.a to 1...... 1, A Itea ..,,,,d1:11.111., Ipa I. , , . , .. ,, ,,....tol •,( the ,l.ale ~f I ntitortila 1,111, 1..0 . 1 3 ‘,. ' 3 , ' , 3 '. 3, ,,',.... 33 ..4 ' - ' ' '' ' ' ''' 1"...."- ' '' M.‘1.1'h... ' 1 "" '''' '' ... ' - ' l ' . ' ''' C I lIE\T ( . (I, t I PARIII,EI) - --. ,- alit „, " • o ‘ ,- ' it. b llt 1 1 .. , A 1 1. re pulll. .III, hay.utn , .... 1 . ,1.-.1.1• 1.1 .1 ' ' • M. i1r , w......11e.1 tip the hlllito authorize the \ ;'."....• , h ,., lifinn , ''' '• ' . 'cc, The. ,t I. thogh, 111., 4. 1 ht. 1,.. ... - .• .• .1,0,001 01 A 1.101,re arronw, the 1 11 , 41,01 p• 0 ' • r.'" r., ' ' '' • '' LIN, 11 111 NI, 1 1111,1 ',al,. A'0• 1 111.1 I, 11.1- id.„••• 1 ~ at ~t 1.0. ht, pa.aned -...- te. ,ppent, there 14 no 1.. :i. lo ' , p0t... , ,t -r q r 3 - Greene. the Malden niureleror „,...,..„..„ 1 1„. c o w. ; ...,.. , w. ~ .... i. • di /:. .L.,, v 1 h' Hea 1t ~ ;1.11 1 H a im`. .• ~.. to ago cantata,. a corp. - walk, 1111 1•1 1..1t,. Marco . II -I. n, l !St ~•• ,•• 111 olteve.leAto t el l 111,1.eltdo• r, pt,44,,,n, I e ~, a . ~, !LL1. , ..1111 and 1111noln to net. to N1.1.1t n murder,. he. pop...AA to ! , . a r ... N.poleon feels to .. 'L. ast P., • .- ...... ;pa muintaii. a •lAblge . rt., tip. Miss..- a 4+111.• NA lit of I 1 .... 00 , ••• 3 ..... sod gl•e. the Otstrict I. 011 rt II to tho con. . h., i .., uo. , • ... • . 4 ' •h d" "1 hnn" ," llll''' '' t"" , . ~. ~ ...,,, thEil 1./1.1 2OW tl.l I. i 111 101 ••. 1 ,••• .1 Pik .. 1..1 , 1, 1.•011,01 ~I 1 11 NI 3 i .. and the prop.. 1 tong the two. . : „.. .. n On Ilse pren,lee.. --wwa •,. t I,•• F. reneh eicolo,.. awl the. '1'1..1, ..I. 11l led. ociaros the .tructure .d a poet node. and repair...all ven.l. to run trim their , ~, P'1'.:!::,,,,,.:,-,......,..,- .7,., ,,, ! . ....77... , • AN . fOr A. l llll/lOM, 11,•11 1.111,•.1111, . 1, . l t - 1.1 . , „.„ ~,,,,,,,,„1 „ L awr i e , / al New i ork. :1.1 the Ire,. 11 al III) I, 100., .I •“11 '1.1,. • . ''Z'' ‘ .....r , Zilf.l.• !II lb,. .1‘ ,. 1,1ra11.t. of se •lion ww. F • .., 01100. ithipl r p i ld . ,. I n t • . „. M.. to . A .., a .• 3 . Ale tivans, anti that A but the, .1:- .1.• , 1,, inonatelly and lin•oin {tete'' , „ 11., a: Lt I. aamiler Introduced a bill granting cer. I n . nt thane.: e , th p .0.....1 ..., h. ._ ... . land. to the Apo.' of Mich/Zan to al.! In . . 1 . , 11. 11 . 11 .... ,1 4 .. 1 ...1 I -..•••,.. to. ell I ll. ' ' ...' ' h.'" °..'l I°"" Pr'''. " “....- SMUGGLED GOODS SEIZED. n - -0.... ~, 1 .- 1 ., • „ I. ~ 11-,111 - 1. 1111. 1 hi./ AI, 1 11.• 11,1 , 11 t..al it,,,,, ti od 111 mettle/it, In Inters lea . a 111, I. he 1111 1 1 1 ..• A Att., Of Lake neperar aPh tlo . lake ..................._,..._.. t N.... 14 11 A., 1-zo• La till. in •121111 tat It. I It Ph Napoleon A, ,he ie. packet, a Chlef a - talf and .... .re I hip: Al., n .A: lor • r•-- NI w. ••• 1.-- rue on I us- referred to the t mural... on CITY AND SUBURBAN. i , ~, ~, 111/ONC., 1.1 the FlB:lnce Department 1,..• • „ , „,... ~.,„,, ; II; ~ ; , ~,..„. ; „, ~,,„ „„,„„ I . thin lamb. A Woe!. WlLleht Sholld be Incerstrodi. g. uo out, and perhaps they have gone out p• ' Al , A• e, 1., 11l the t otanittee on Nal 111 A t ...11, in accordant, with the+ hie., the ...- h. . ~ ..INI, ^ 1. ,,,. .1. ~. • .1.., the ' ,h. ” , al:. repo. Phi a tell for tho relief of earth. ~, ~ ......... of Lallltrd, for the purk.:l an- rl. h.i ho Jround. a PL... .1. , a mi.. ..1 'ln for' ~• "teach., for the eon...reel urn of a N fee4e: of 1 tea 'la v..., a, r, ~. ~... .„ a , /10.1 steam machine., 111 liit. I, Air. .I