13 THE PITTSL L.... L../ GAZETTE F. L. PF:.:I.A. I ELUSI4III.I. h. 7'll. COSTA PCBLISIIND BI T. S :STY'S ASSOCIAI7OB N.. P rtrrn err', T. PiLtlbUrat, Tr.lol, O. V rar, by m.ll. Servrd by Carrieri, p.r weer. 441°5 _ - • CITY ITEMS the r)e anti Ear Dr. unminci. OceullSt tin 4 aurbit, t, aultnil at the Monongahela-nano., for dont , rbot, noise in the 1.1.1, .11ReLargtm from the cwt. obstruction in the euonelditn lulu, mild mil acute iLll4,llrOilie of the vnr I= Dr tennlnet Nev. fork. w, iLs no% jut T l ‘rh, 11, first lloot. nt the NI ohongaliela 4touse, trent. L%U.rin h) Ihe use of warn inhalation The nlTllet.e4l4hount go and consult hint 1=!! Poraom yu frorm g from Olson, co I nom. mo. onto organa nhount a , . am! oons . looM nor, lleouirm and .1 o d. at Ow Moroni gabOta Homo.. Dr. Gardner TI rrnownod ni,.l Ent • ctty at Ihr Donor wlttir li err atliseted I t =TM and all tlimeastaf.,a c,••µte,l 4q..u..11 by Dr. liatalag,, orcu I •kml Aurl,l al WC Alvaintagabtaa !latex A 114,11'• New I•nnt, “loghouls. Delniti”4 an.t I.i i n 4 olio.. Goods tiseltp. Vu tho NortheaNt earner of hmtln anti ).L.l C. fi• SPOT' 11 1,. Yet %WWI New Low, oral t Now opbnetl, on the N0r1.11,1,41 ..ornot Foul U. anee llarket street. C. HANSON In F. A it., Grenadinela New, haattlliul at..l!ln.- op, pl. .vti 11 Northeast corner ~ f l'..tu.th antl Mark ..treet.• C. it t.SAO! Lot, .t 1:=1 LZI rti tititolletl Linen , flit: Bosom, Ir male from pure -Linen of best .; unlit y I=1!1 %Vlll he pre. th. 1 , 1,1,, 1111,4 J tl pe.t, 011 .412ty eveultikt. \latch t`tt. M/h. 11 1,/ eml 1,” burr tv,rtly to Kat•itt ott the iLevatirm for ti the 1011510 stereo 11111 t • • '.e door. I=l instantaneous and cferanion , curer of turns lad Bunione, without immediate or Anent pain. Dr. Remlairs tittr , l Vlllll 10 tim city will positively et - melte - le with Monde , : next Office, No XO, Fifth street I=l Prints, lilaghams, Debrines, lekulgs• \ Dress Goods, .ke , now opened, old will be sold at a rery small ad ranee on New York auction `can. Remember we are now nn the Northea , d corner or Fourth and Market street, Eater ere Heir. }....iegant Nov Dress Goode for Tincellug en.l promenade wear. Purest mod Streete.t Lod Liver Ull In the world, manulactured itoru fresh xelected livorn on the sea coast. Thin 01l I, eftertiden:, , 1 t,r n -treetneen and ptirt:;, peculiar to It Mon, Its tepututdon Is So great that It Laken the !cud of oche, Otto, and In universally iircerribeil I.y 1,0:v.1 , 111,14 he member to ask for Hit/ AO CetswPll'+, Liver Oil. I= Poi IT It 1.. ( IMEI =I I arodid eAli the 61.:‘,/,: tore of t tl.k t he, r motley In ,peetliation, 11, Ih. ! , 466 ell el the eath, th, to , -oloethlng ert6,ll I h6ve under rny I , I/Inn..ut.s horiorxtde ald revd,aele torodneee , , 1.,,t no ge,itlen6,,,,, tr , vide , nfyu •otahltsltv9, and Can ~.• i•Il II large sliddll66e, rn,ll I II 111 g e t hrtt the prlrll . .1111, • I . (11 •I0 Ides. und Wing t., In 6. e Id I , 6riner On agrreanie tern,* 11. :It the Grail, 6to In o'el..ek A Iii.;)I!1•I t,nttt.• Atldr,se", ' it:, Hostetter s Celeu r nt eat P. tomerti Err Messrs lies rkrirks X. Ss it. glvt- are pleasure to add lily tom:intoned lo those of uthors In favor ol your .cell. - pa:attun. Several vial, of redder., uti the banks of a Southern river, and rii cotton in literary v m - k, had so thorodglily ex hausted my nervous . stein, and undernticeo My health, nat. 1 hail become a martyr tii fly.— pupate and nervous headache, recurring at shell Intervals, anal defying ati , known remo. ill., in the Muterm halted. I had crone to the conclusion that nothing but a I. tat rhange 01 resi_lenee and pursuits ;stolid t, torn my health, alien a friend rev - ann ~. dill Hostel tor's Bitters, I procured a bottle .- an experi ment; It required lint one Lott le o;smelt., me that I hail found a, in; lion of remedies. The it idef ~(forded has been complete. It Is now some years since I drat tried Hostetter,. Balers, .and it is but Junt to ,ay that hat e found, the ptepartt -nlttn all Mali( clalmot L.; bu. It Ix n St:. Family Cordial witt, un, and oven at a it. rant we like It better than nnythlng else; P Vre .011111 nil nervotiN, btllnu,o , and dyspep tic eases, from fever down to toothache. II what I have now said will lead any dy,peptic or nerv ,- I.:s Invalid ton sure remedy, I shall have done some good. I remain, gentlemen, re.peettully you la, E D. E. N. SOUTIIWORT Ho►tetter•s Bitter► Me sold w bolesale and retail at very low rat es at Flemings DrnEuttul Patent Medicine Depot, NO, 64 Market street, corner et the Ittamond 11124 i Fourth street. I=ZEIMM Boy. wear. C69Bll2l3ereS, SAtinetts, Twe.lB, Jeans, Cottonades, and Clothe. New I.node at the reduced rates. Fall and Winter dhloods.lP It is with great pleasure we call the etton• Oda of our readers to the sulaperb stock of Fall and Winter Goode Just recetved by Mr. John. Water, Morobaut Tailor, No. 128 Federal street, Allegheny. Ills stock embraces some of the mast beautiful Cloths, Csastmeres, OvercoSt logs and,Vestings ever brought to the western Market. Ills assortmont of Furnishing lioods, comprlitng Shirts, Drawers, Collars Neck Tles. Handkerchiefs, 3F., cannot be sarpsmieal east er west. A urge stock of ready mad Pants Coate, Feats and Overcoats, will also be mind In his establial wont. Persons ln want of any thing in the a thing lee should not fail to 008 Mr. Water a salt. Thom*.W. Parrj tlk Co., raotiesi slate Roofers, and Dealers In Ameri can Blain of various oolors. Ofeeti at Alexan• der Laughlin's near the Water Works Pitta barge. Pa. gestdenee, Yo. 78 Pike street. Or. dm promptly attended to. All 'fork warrant ed water print• /19Parring done at the short• oat nodes'. SO charge forrepaint, provident the .roof is not abused Me. It is pet en. Carpenter Jabbing Naar Ifartttg returned after an absence of tires prisms la the army, L have re-opened my slioi for aorta Of Jobbing to the carpenter llns , at tho old stax.4, V LEV. Ailey, between Sol ih. field at nsrt and Cherry Alley. Orders solicited sad promptly attends.] to. Damage by ssorm Glltemass - rt, klatch at.—The storm. on In. TueadtW was very severe. The damage to property was great. At Conner', Ille, lad., several buildings were thrown 00‘in, and one of the piers of the Cincinnati and Indianan.. Its Junction Railroad wan destroyed, and a freight train run InfOlhe enn./OLA. The e*gr. neer and fireman Were severely injured. Tne storm true felt at Indianapolis, Louisville, I.:rause - tile, and Aber point, West. Al Ht de Park and Evanston, HI. , hailstormas fell of no nsense size, breaking glass and destroying th.• contents of gram-bosses. Al le of Gold Cod Flood• New lonic, March 2 . l.—Thc Tribune's special correspondent Wain. the authority to state that to all sides of gold and tronds an..l leall purchases made by Sethretary McCulloch, be boa appointed stsaistsui Treasurer Van Dyke to execute these orders, and has on no occa sion designated any firm or firms, or any per. ion to whom Mr. N'en Dyke should entrust the •exoention of his orders. Furthermore be has no rel.:Dons In any firm or firma in New pork .city, where all these transactions have been had. Yeamedlato Ypptan Movement Probable . y o xi,illaruh` Fentaa Cent,. .Chu nal held a me etlng 1 - est...inlay, at the O'hla- L bouoy lieeaquarters. deep). Jnet arrived from Irelamt, preSeaf, and tbo Oellhera uoue axe said io have retereacia Watt lamed]. atelNlyeMelttagainetAilit.Bo.ldahOOVOMllllNC QM! nein ess Ilanagt r THE LATEST NEWS OUR SPECIAL, DISPATCHES. OM= PENASYLVAMA LEGISLATURE, I , Nputell V. i h P.l,l.urgh .• . IN Itig,11).1,:11.1" I 1:1, 111 t ), ni Otronor 1,1 I,i , il•rs of .I.ll,ghtftl3 A," Re.., lt Th.tt r.t. 111 1 oltgres,. i.e 111.1; 11,•14..i, :111.1 I•etental It ex hp re•olt,le.l to oppo,o. he to” 01 :ttly It 11 1 tng vo, le,lhtti. red tot 101 l .It Ito 111 o 0.. , :t tnies ICFfI to - lolrr o rod to the conot I I=l =MEM Ir. IgkllA. An /1 , 4 reyrulni h.. iyy n•llnern, tic. Mr ',VOW the exten.ion .11,,,•• ! t II!. Lowry, an .art to • , !‘..!•1 11 11 , ( Venango. r:ocl! , rd t% Alt !•!! A:. ac•t to Ilia • .c.• „ IChi. 'Cat, N,lll.ctit cicj. c c I 1.1 .;), h a.OOll 01.• itgr..o,l upon bet ss.•.•o I • .10[101...er 11101 sent, or m0:1.1.01 and n, 1.0•, u. thc• final 21,Loomag,. cof 1111 . 1 , 111011.1,, h,c. I II ca 1 . •; .0 the n 111 wits 10.31 Ac.i0111,10,1. jcp . opriallon 1•1;.. :.•• //t .1.: .. at• /le I,:a mrl.l lert e .:11/illt • Th. it II lilt ante/3/11u., c./ /c./' ~t‘e tie, II ...awl Pithrt v 0 tuontp-,•lglu to form .11 the n,,n I amend 11,11 IS the bill =MI GEAERAL ONDFTION of MEXI‘o Locullieutt: Trausithued the• Stilata T' , TE RECENT SENATE CONFIRMATIONS The Suppre.fon of lotion Fraud, OFIRA I GAS if iiENFAk, TNJIAS !:.'AA 11,1 It C ‘l, - .•11 I.n.itty transust 00 , 1 to 11, lino .•-entAtlVe-Snn the genet,: nort,lll a• •likeulnent‘ troth Ihvl,l, I ;Lac Much I/1 II Ica, her..!..1...t put , ll.ll,thl sand the r”usthin.l, few polatg of publle 11 .. I rw 'how,. that the. Moo 'l,ll pertui..lon 111 nu, ru,l:lllrV • In ,) or it. terr:l , , 1 1 1 0:•;... I • ••••••••• I .1 • cpo , 41111:11l1111, 1118 4/.01, • :Cctic. , 1111,r, liumoro..llwrch 1 , 11:, wetary sex 1,1 , 1 ~ 1 II tr. r k..f Fent uar) sk ••I I. • 11. • 1•• 11.11 . 11, Ilc a.l c•-pr••• 11.• ••I I:I, • ci• !Inc an,l rourkvm fr. wn wh.• 11 ht• I, • k ledge c41••1 • 11111•••1111. in Tilt . 1..:11 I=l SI I i jr =I •/e It 11 .11111 /Lit 101 r. 1 I/1,4,.11 I. La- for pi. dol., el , o fool e, lure 114,1.:1 N. 111 -1 ) 1 1 ,, 1 •• 1 • 1 3 NI•/1. 11,•-•1 001, A ril 1, , 1. 11••••••• ‘ll - 1..- ~1 .: '' •• ll' •. / i l.• 1.!...! la' A , , ,• ,„ ~, . ',log. the ~.n att• reluved It, ink , . up --...- .• • • ...it. t ahoh .• • ..... a ...r ito -:11/1, • .-• I ''' . .'" .' ' I.'" ''. ''' . I r' ' 1"' ' ' SII "n "'"`" ..i t" , ` I P 1, "' 1I.4100 11 . 11 lng 1 I Fenian exceting at foutiothttab 1.0 ~.r . ,,,,, „ „,,,„.„ I Ao. to :-. 1, 1.• tm t to' "ron' ti tng 'tr..- ...thorn J.llmal flt.trlet of thobtate of Cal- , D. ",' L ". .....:•; ' . ‘‘ .. " 1 i :11 "1 t ' l l l ' i.. titl.l.ll , c 0,,, ...•it ''' " 1. ' ' - ' I 7 °I I I-• I ' ',II I n'. 1 ' 'III .1 ..a, and Ihe W OANVI .1 . I .llrial VI, rl. tof ••••I•"•' ''' ' '' " • '''' Mil rte. ".-The: ''' ' 1 ...tuna. to i taking of the Amt.. ot 1,..1... nh ' ''"1" " 1..1 ' i'' ' ' ''''''• '' ''''' " • ' '''' 1. ill 'Or 111 Mt two. France-A: o' A ... • -.a to 1...... 1, A Itea ..,,,,d1:11.111., Ipa I. , , . , .. ,, ,,....tol •,( the ,l.ale ~f I ntitortila 1,111, 1..0 . 1 3 ‘,. ' 3 , ' , 3 '. 3, ,,',.... 33 ..4 ' - ' ' '' ' ' ''' 1"...."- ' '' M.‘1.1'h... ' 1 "" '''' '' ... ' - ' l ' . ' ''' C I lIE\T ( . (I, t I PARIII,EI) - --. ,- alit „, " • o ‘ ,- ' it. b llt 1 1 .. , A 1 1. re pulll. .III, hay.utn , .... 1 . ,1.-.1.1• 1.1 .1 ' ' • M. i1r , w......11e.1 tip the hlllito authorize the \ ;'."....• , h ,., lifinn , ''' '• ' . 'cc, The. ,t I. thogh, 111., 4. 1 ht. 1,.. ... - .• .• .1,0,001 01 A 1.101,re arronw, the 1 11 , 41,01 p• 0 ' • r.'" r., ' ' '' • '' LIN, 11 111 NI, 1 1111,1 ',al,. A'0• 1 111.1 I, 11.1- id.„••• 1 ~ at ~t 1.0. ht, pa.aned -...- te. ,ppent, there 14 no 1.. :i. lo ' , p0t... , ,t -r q r 3 - Greene. the Malden niureleror „,...,..„..„ 1 1„. c o w. ; ...,.. , w. ~ .... i. • di /:. .L.,, v 1 h' Hea 1t ~ ;1.11 1 H a im`. .• ~.. to ago cantata,. a corp. - walk, 1111 1•1 1..1t,. Marco . II -I. n, l !St ~•• ,•• 111 olteve.leAto t el l 111,1.eltdo• r, pt,44,,,n, I e ~, a . ~, !LL1. , ..1111 and 1111noln to net. to N1.1.1t n murder,. he. pop...AA to ! , . a r ... N.poleon feels to .. 'L. ast P., • .- ...... ;pa muintaii. a •lAblge . rt., tip. Miss..- a 4+111.• NA lit of I 1 .... 00 , ••• 3 ..... sod gl•e. the Otstrict I. 011 rt II to tho con. . h., i .., uo. , • ... • . 4 ' •h d" "1 hnn" ," llll''' '' t"" , . ~. ~ ...,,, thEil 1./1.1 2OW tl.l I. i 111 101 ••. 1 ,••• .1 Pik .. 1..1 , 1, 1.•011,01 ~I 1 11 NI 3 i .. and the prop.. 1 tong the two. . : „.. .. n On Ilse pren,lee.. --wwa •,. t I,•• F. reneh eicolo,.. awl the. '1'1..1, ..I. 11l led. ociaros the .tructure .d a poet node. and repair...all ven.l. to run trim their , ~, P'1'.:!::,,,,,.:,-,......,..,- .7,., ,,, ! . ....77... , • AN . fOr A. l llll/lOM, 11,•11 1.111,•.1111, . 1, . l t - 1.1 . , „.„ ~,,,,,,,,„1 „ L awr i e , / al New i ork. :1.1 the Ire,. 11 al III) I, 100., .I •“11 '1.1,. • . ''Z'' ‘ .....r , Zilf.l.• !II lb,. .1‘ ,. 1,1ra11.t. of se •lion ww. F • .., 01100. ithipl r p i ld . ,. I n t • . „. M.. to . A .., a .• 3 . Ale tivans, anti that A but the, .1:- .1.• , 1,, inonatelly and lin•oin {tete'' , „ 11., a: Lt I. aamiler Introduced a bill granting cer. I n . nt thane.: e , th p .0.....1 ..., h. ._ ... . land. to the Apo.' of Mich/Zan to al.! In . . 1 . , 11. 11 . 11 .... ,1 4 .. 1 ...1 I -..•••,.. to. ell I ll. ' ' ...' ' h.'" °..'l I°"" Pr'''. " “....- SMUGGLED GOODS SEIZED. n - -0.... ~, 1 .- 1 ., • „ I. ~ 11-,111 - 1. 1111. 1 hi./ AI, 1 11.• 11,1 , 11 t..al it,,,,, ti od 111 mettle/it, In Inters lea . a 111, I. he 1111 1 1 1 ..• A Att., Of Lake neperar aPh tlo . lake ..................._,..._.. t N.... 14 11 A., 1-zo• La till. in •121111 tat It. I It Ph Napoleon A, ,he ie. packet, a Chlef a - talf and .... .re I hip: Al., n .A: lor • r•-- NI w. ••• 1.-- rue on I us- referred to the t mural... on CITY AND SUBURBAN. i , ~, ~, 111/ONC., 1.1 the FlB:lnce Department 1,..• • „ , „,... ~.,„,, ; II; ~ ; , ~,..„. ; „, ~,,„ „„,„„ I . thin lamb. A Woe!. WlLleht Sholld be Incerstrodi. g. uo out, and perhaps they have gone out p• ' Al , A• e, 1., 11l the t otanittee on Nal 111 A t ...11, in accordant, with the+ hie., the ...- h. . ~ ..INI, ^ 1. ,,,. .1. ~. • .1.., the ' ,h. ” , al:. repo. Phi a tell for tho relief of earth. ~, ~ ......... of Lallltrd, for the purk.:l an- rl. h.i ho Jround. a PL... .1. , a mi.. ..1 'ln for' ~• "teach., for the eon...reel urn of a N fee4e: of 1 tea 'la v..., a, r, ~. ~... .„ a , /10.1 steam machine., 111 liit. I, Air. .I <n it Sea ... p. 1.....• ..:1 ,la . .1 .1..1,011 NO writ for them II- - Lated tha tn. Fl ...let. , of thc 11 " Put. ' ••ii1, ' „ n • '' ,„ " , • • • ••., " ,, 1 ,. " , ‘ , • : • ,,,„„,., ~.,,,„,,. „ n o tr . NI. I pou .111 then odlod p up the cu... of . 111e•.10.1 . ,,,,,,,,,„., ~,,, ~ ,„. , ,, .l. ~ ~, ~, ~ ~.0 „ th,„„,„,,,„K , r , ~,,,, ,„,,,-,,,,,, .0 ~ ~,,_ „ I, ~,, ~•,,,, ~,,•,,,,,, s , ~ ~ ~ h .. ~,,. ,„ ~ /on. I. ......k ton. nonuar tee. from New 17 , ... , 1; g. lling pArt.... at pt... ..,•• . du !.c . •• • • 1 .. ••.: to a caknes. It eat.. Hurl pth.-... it ,„ ~,,,,,,, „ „„ .. „,., ~,,,,, „;„,, ,„„,„,,,,,, „,, ~, .., .... L ou, ..,,,,,„ ,0.,•...., p0t..., men,. o 111. Ind. „I rant..iract ~,, I a.. 1 •1. •1, .I. •: 4 " ' ,` • .• .., ~, .., i,,,. Sea Jer,,ev Legt.luture 100ter...1 prroln.., a...a .t ..t..- ef .... L. • ... . . 1 J 1•1 A// 1,1,•ta1.1 l' with 1 , 111 lON Itleeenee, n0c......, , ,;„ ~,;;;,,,,,, , ,;,,,, „. p ,' ~,,,,,.; ~,,,, „ ..„,.. •••• ''''• """ ' ll 'ln". '''' )merit lilt ' I.' " • ...... ,•il a -,-I ou b.... of, ••• • ..... an oft.• 1 ' . rel • .', of Iho 3 .l.ltentty . otottotthe wt.. the financial......... hoe • , per.,,,,,,... in aA oi ~ a „ . „ .. e ,„., Rothe,. to, title an I other Int, t- ,; I s , ~, „„ ~.,,.,, , , ~.,„..., ~, d r „,, hi , ,„ , ~.,./ ..11/ ,t.t,.4.• that the only one... lon th• to .....11.. the eolith ' AA.. -- all I . •.I 1.... ' I Ll.° '•' o- Ll . ° ..•• 1..1 Th , d , i r , ..........---- • , Tl., 3 •• • • • ~, ~,./ ~.,,A ,„, ~,,, ~,,.. 3 e on tou o Peon Pitreet.-1 one 11. thi..........r10t0m so lar,oo , h. 1 . , loth" • j • ,,,,...„„ „.,•• , li b .„ „„,,,„ „, „„ 0 „„. • ..,..! with the dert•lon .4' the ruse I.a hell.- er..O. ....1 1 . thm....... ........, It . ~,, ... , ... }, I.: n, ~,;,,,,, ~.,‘„,„, ~, .L. red I. probably theuiost arm-, thorough- AIYIUSEDIENTS. th ge d the et ',II" 1.1 - 1111.41/11 In:, a ith resat, to g ~, .. ~,,,,, „ „; ~,, , r r.r . r ~;4 4. h. I. 4 ..._ 4 ., 4 .„ . 4•4 r , rrr4 4,, 4 , Irrrrr ~,,,, „, ~,,,, „f ~,,,,. 3111.1,141 1.. leari. Ili.. Le ..... ..- we. 1.h., , , . ;;;;„ , . „, ~,,,..,..... „; ~,; ;;i `p faith In the rat y. and Is to-day without V1C . 0.11- t , ~ . , . . , 51. 3 I .. .•• ..1,1 ,I , "•• ••••,1 .., ~, I ..,,,, I r4atlon,ll, Id. t.. I ., 4 I 1 lb , I.eg t.lnt ore In Joliit. meeting elth ,• do••••• , I•Id•• , . , I. ~•,•! • .• t• • •• . ,1.0., . ~.,,,,, ~,,. r 0,,,,,,, ~, ~.,,,,, ~,,,,,,,.. lien The filthiest. The AWL... of the a I.,alkez !il i Eldi Lk. I 02ItS ERT. --By .pe ,e . not.. ....1.1.• Lot, that lid . . lithe or ' , al ~ „,.,,,,, .„, ~...., „„,. ii ,„ ~, ~,,,,„,..„, „„ , ..-....0.1 in ptir..ianoo of a Pile ...apt.' •to ' , Wm . -. tm . .. ate en , ~,, al, il, 1.,' Vii lei ll' ,•••• .. ii At lola meet 11.. itself, Is inv.1..1. The COO- oy as mg 1 11,1' ',111., e/.. •• .1... • .1„• ,„ I i„. •I I .1. I , I,l'l I - V.1.,. • , •T I ht. MAtlin, ,Iltr. r'' ' ' '''''' "n”. P .°. h. ' r ° '‘ ' ' . " l ''' thln P ., '" "' I , r '•IIIII -.1 111 , • nt. rl.ldae. L. , '" 0.) [fie Pa l: r1d.,•,1 conath..... , .s a the is. oath . ',VI • r , ... ~, 4 ii , „,,,,,,,,,, 444 ~4,.... . 4. , r r „,, r4. 44 , „ 4. , 44 , hr . ~ 4 ~.r. ~t. N.,,,. , )1111.) . Or el , drilog it, leo no, that thete Is a i hit. hi the nook Ward Achnol. ,n .I. well ~.- re ', 4 10 h, 1n..1,-1 tt ir 1101, , 1,1111.0. us the, ~,y. work The Hs. I. a1....d• ,liile I,ti t .r. ~,,,. . fit Heine...et, ... the Regular Apt., .„,..,,, • p.p.. ..y 11 I I.l•ii II goutloulah po.sibithy of lop log settled weather, al` hope .w.III It. on ` I ' l.w " . I ' .. ''" l .n .... ' l '' '. s I ''' . n n••• 1 1 . r.in. i. , ••P Di• . .rt .1 /1 11,T11, Aho died le 1, , .a- not le ppotnted he a ,nain,-,t, o f the • repre.o.nt. ..ver one 1, 1 1,1,, A 1 , 1. roust It. t., 1 4a • ' 1,, pi, ..ent..l .. 4 Atalen aho . • p.l .......g Plc 1.1. ~ ~..,. „,„ ..., ,„,„ „ . o „,„ , , ..,„,. ~, ~,,,, . .k. , .... ~i. , 1. , ..., n,,,,,,,, ..1 the legislature ches of ..Inos- th, po ... ~,,. „ ..„. „.;„„ ~, ~ , 1 .,, g. ,.. _ , ~.„.;;;„ , ~,,,,,,,„,„„,„, ire_ 1,10.pe s k r , ..; ; l n 7r „. . o l ; n , si r . n .ier .111 have It uttenoled A.3TURII It EVE \ INi,. 31,, .44th, p nested to mil attentton ..t . AIAI 1 Ito. /1311, N1 ... 61rd tar,et. . •.' '" ." I '' . ' lehl - 1 " ' ..."1.., '''' ' ' '`. I. .4 .. . - itill. •It t• 0 0 C.. .../ I: n•„ 41 It h A 1•r•0'1.4... Ihe elleaker ,pr •11«• l the report of the teflon of I/O.ILI, ' , AI 4 art •A A Ig,Pl llli i• ~ ...,. , • „,„,.. ,3 , r 44444 4 .4 4, ~ 4r I r . r . r , ~, , ~ 4 ,, 4 • g . 11 t nom at toilds matter by a number of persons aho a ',I .I. MAUI . J. 1,1/1„ Dr. ..1. Prlecip.P. .of colunt.. i ri , of them a. A ..i..- ,„ „... ;„,... ;;;; ,, p , , ..„ „;,„;,,„;, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 , . iN,..a,!,1/,,..r5::1, ..1 „, ..n . .1e/1) ~ , ,1 . 1 , r " . ,, , :e , rtf , ` , 6: ,11her,,,,,,,.:: !? .. , ,,. , , ,,. , ... , ), , 1 „ :.! , . , .. m ...f r, ,..;- , , J. j. .;. , . : .;:. '.. .... ,••• , , 1. , ra 11..n.t. I• , 11, I, 1, We.dern A Ito .111 dully trat erse this sti eel fron, SI. Clair street 1 .... - - •. 1 p tA 1 . , ..!:1 , 1e! , -; :p . - ..../ n o nwom.. - ~ .. a ahy „,,,,......... . t r er, anl. 1 a legal - , pp, , p . , 1, 1 , 1 p; 1 ,np, Lett • ' m ~ o 1 re 1 ~7., : ., , i ,,, , , , ,: :„ :„ ;, , ~, ~:‘,,,, , . I. . 1 111 t •-/1., Ctrl .1111 11, 1 11. char.. of the ..3 ening In to Lawrenceville. ; • of Thom a 13 nth. .... 1 1 p • .1 to • he I hi... niate. . ~• p ., . ..........:. h. I mo_l. ... . ilethro Iha al 1.1••• • , 1/11/1., and dances. -......- FOR SALE. I 1,30,11 f.i.ri. I 1 /1.11•11: .. /1 ill :app,, 1,1, l, oh:Ler:de ..0.111 .• thlt.• ! 1., . ornor. :.,,,, ; ; M. llethburne, f. r o n tn or t i lin ; f r ;rm ; rxrl ; ;; t ; !. ; .:. ; t r l r i .: :;;r;;f ;1 ; . ; !..1 , n aor n k p l , • b , i .. p e... rhe -. i g 11 • •., ,„. 33„,,,,,,,,„3, Iwlll 3 ~,,,,3 .3, ,, 3 , 4 , ~,, 313 , e The thlinborWh Review, for Janbary In°6 - _ .__________ _ p, ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... (Lade la the 101- , ~,,„ „,-.,....e.- a .• oft .. • : P.a... . unn " "..• In. , 1 . . ,!‘ 1 . ' 4 ' 1 .., 11 , . 11 ' "' 1 ''' """. 1 "' '' 1 ' "'" ' ' .. .0i duIII ... 1 t.h .1 ' "Root- 1 c ate....... n hem ant:le.-1. Modern Ire.,m, Path On ' . •,.. , 1 , 01. SALE __4 tilt ittbk. Store. ~4 444 j, , hr , 4 , r 4 44 , rr , 4 ,1, • 44 • ~,, 4 ,„„ „I " I i .0011 101/ Of t p -cal. 01 F ...nary In ! Asti , ' .„. ;; pp; p l • !..t, • led o p t ....... !hat Th. ... . ~,„. , A.._, I, „,,,,.... i„.„,„,,,p .. p,„ , ~,,,..„„1 0, A Tke I - 011f.h of car.iltntl Al turtn, 3 P g l • 'l . • t• NV • .1. ,1 ,eel 1 11 /A eIIIn i., a .onttnnlldlli , lo- I, 1 0: I, , Lton In the ~.other„ - .tate. 1i• ) I. . gem. have been 1 , 110/.../. /o°l the , „ ~1., ,_ p,,,,, ~, y,.,,„, , ... •,. .., ~, 1 0 , .„„. p h. p i ; 11: ; 1 ; 7. 71 , 11 . .. ; :.. „ . ; 0f ; tl p . ;. !le . r . k, i s ; lll , l ,. n ; g e ; ; ll! ; t pp t i l . .;; ! ;,. .t ;p : p ! po tA pp s ; •!. ; A pp l p . p l. ; •!,L;. • ;.• .... p ~,,,;„ „ ,„,, , .. s; . p;;,p, ~,,, ~ 4 ,4 rr, ~ , r I, r r,,, 1rr,, , 4.,,h ‘.O ~,, . (i,illerit, nip Irreopont,lbl'e. Boards . I. ° 1 . 1.:1 ' ca 11..... .: ' A •• •••. T.......• Plea ' f • to.nthlr. Alloetteer a too, no se„.l are/. 01 1101.1,11,101 , 111 - COI 1., 33. ... n'n'''''ll'l ' r"r ,hr P"' "( " '"'" It " . 4 r tt,tte"lloo,:0",1 111 'r e ' prI ' 2,1te bnarn„o. l , of the ahoub i l .nleoulls...„ •it ' •'I b . .. ' ‘„..;4'.:L• - .....7. P . t .. ” . i ' l, •.' I" Ih".' '" •••.‘ W..' "• WI". h '"'•••.. NI r E'l"".''' ''' 14 the r"n1,1nent11 , " .1 n .,1 1...) ,L ''' I ' ° ' '''""'T . """ ''''''' —"'"'"'"-- ''"'""g'l.- rd Ar ....pwrt, a, raptured. a Aandon..:, „,,,. „,,, ~ ~, ..... , , ,„,„; ‘,.„ p,„ ~,,_ „ , ~ ,„ „. , „,..„ appea l pa •.,:ortl.“ a,ter- et• tt (1 , • ..., .L.. "It, prop,t . . .• 'on., I on ••11,•-half acre h. ,1,„.,,, ~,,,..a . wrote,. ...root ions 1.. ea. 11 31 ,, „I 1,1, T,„.. , ...ported ~ ... .1 " •th Ti'' ' "...Ito , na t T le d the rhPnr l 1." " h " 111 "'On" . on- 1d...A1e . tho athl P. „ „.., ;,, 11, •. A.,..„, .. 1L..., Ly....,,.„ ~,...„„„ T ,L„,p,, , ,,, , ,, , „ ~... II- .., 0 , "- , ---. „..,, 1.,„,, ~,,„.,„.„, ..„„ .„.. „,„.., ~.,„,. . , Wan Stmkspeath a Roman t., t ' ' . rota the se, e. al ~,,,,,...., ~.,.., . (roll/ 3 1,,,,,,111,,, 10 .0.11 i• , Me, ~ •,,,,,„ 3 , h, ..1 1 lir 1 010111111.4., lel Attlitary Atratrs . In tiumet- Ilt i 'n e i t .• le o . In 11. t.0..1a of II:. N... MI, 1 1 I••• p 3. :11 , 1 - s, ... II sio .. , Tr,,,,,,, Department. It ... tr e a t . her. , ~,,,,,.„,. p,„. Mn 3 app,,,, - . .1 ~ ,00./ ' 1 , 11 , ~ 11 .1° 111 . 1 . 1, 1 1 Wat 11, 0 , 11,, .11, W 1111 ° . . 11 . . 11 ° f, e 0,,1 1 I , t ,„ , tll-rael.,l 11, at.e,,,,.. ~ „ _ . ~. , .„ , , ! ',.4 110 1M1 ".• tnnilAlnd I .ttlej .. .h. The Eckman.. F A I. pa, ~,,,, ~.p.,...., ...,pl. .. WY. ni. I I worn the ~lerk and members, and tint. in- I n tsn.... il.. ht• - • t . ... • al; .... tu o 0 ,„,,,,,, pp ...;;•:.;••••;•.; L. ,. . 1 . ;; ... ;, - ; : ; i n i.. ;p l, !; . • r ; 1 1 1 p r . ..... p . , Lpvev t; to- ; L ip .4,:trl.:.‘lt ,11, 1.1 , , 10. itlitr3 ruder arid It 311 , i F rr. t!. er tier -..1.-.ow, .S., ref I ,ran h t . tnd. II at 'be eonftelerate government .. has g ~, „.„, Duke t•I sutfolk• II Est...lean a Iran- 1•111 , 1..11 .1 1 . ..1 I. en removed, and loaf of private. pat to, .e. n '' . "'"'""""'"' " I ''''''''''. '" d " . ' ' I ' gu Ni r , ‘ . iV, t :J ' ,l ' , l ,T, t et7J hj o e ra '" .„ ',', l e n' Ze7 ` . " l . .i.e.,. 1,"21r,:;7l . ': h ' e " . " ‘;, " „ ' ,: n e'i " :i',; ' , i " ,; u h i . ,'J,",:2",",;, :"'" a "'' ' ~,,- , .1 tII A 1/ . 1 1,1. 011 11,111 ' .1 11/ L 1.1- leat .' dl . l. ' ;111 : 1;r:e " .. elll.S . e For sale lo W. ' . l . l jibletifenney, V: Alf t h ---- -••-• ''''''''''''''''"'"" "l7—'-: 11 10 1,0. •rt 1 • toted, lb. perpetrating' a double ~ , ~,,,,,, ~,,r , ,,,, p.„ yen rO , ..... 31 ~;,.„ ~,,,...,, thi,i ‘), ~, ~,,,,, Lie bib, b...., .0.v0r., ~I ,‘,,,, 1n,,,,,..,,... .. 111.• 111140.10 1. Ily Ili, a...total trick.. std.. 1.... on this Irovernment, and on Inn. en. „ „L,,,,,, ~ . ; .„. e ..,,,‘„,,,, ~,,, ..,.. ;.3 7, ~,,,,. p ; ; . PIANOS. In ,then etrllgrallon or, I 11, r, pot IA renal, nud he dented the right of -sa- To.. ath ...o. tooth se.. et furl:moo t.. he •,. • -.. i . J 11 .11, anal.. Merlin. Ito.* ni n l'eatis ni. ,I, f• 11 11A aN. A /10•11 ,01 /. 01 11, Intlmt gel, and tieologleisi Nkelehe• :By 1.. Asratonr. 110:- ~) s;ilt USD-HAND rh, Apeaker latd before the floe. the r• p •rt .f Inc operutlons of the Sanottal Acne r-'I ...1.",....,‘,1.?3".7...;.'..1c1a"1.,,1,,11.:4 ' l ,' . ,,,f •TE rl r ln l:eX, ',..l lPl r t . ,;; ; f'.."l3°'...°4:l"l.lll°::'.LL'il."'kw''''.'l;"l:l.l;l".d:l7;'7:?(l'''rltr, ' The 111/toted peopl, of kti,, „,„ „,,. , i',1,,,,,".',1,1,_,1,',1',11; T,.. ,1 1 , 1 , ., 1 :„7, r ,, ! , 1 , 1 , 1 , Y , " , 1 ,, , y - I V•r , ~ ,l II I , r , t , , , , , g , .i .' . 6a. , ” S i . Fiehia These sketchen .1, ~ •,. • I , ietteen durst g the ;amt. year, firm t. , , ;„,.,.,, ~,,,,,, m„ „ h ~,,, ~,,,,,,, „„ ~,,r , ,,,„,. ! that r t1,,,;,.i.,;,t,,,,,,,,nt .1 , ,.,, ,,,, ,,4 1. ,, , • 1 ,41 , , , ,,, , , h , e ..1 i,, 0,3 ) ~,,,.0 1,1111,, 111 A hat 1-1 krnoa na. the Won.: 5..:. 1.4 Irel L,,r, :, h ~n, h. 4,11 .1 (II 11 ' 11 i" t ha In h ' e. ' .l . ",:et neit•l ',' l ‘ llitt rl t ' t t ,t ' l:. ' • .:11.0 " , n a ft r n e ... rn o ° ; ' l t pentad!nether 't 11'0' P I _A_ N C.) -3 , s. ,i,• , It appears that the Commil tee on „ ,„„ ..„„,„,, „,,..„, „,,,,,„. ~,,,, year „ I ~,,,,7 , m • ;; ! ;p u s r s e e l , l i i „ ......, „ .: 1 ;1:•;on holding a 1,,,, al ...Int: .. on ~,„ l'oaldonal teeli 11 ivallt ietl Its tO he protllithl'ejurnti that rep riled ) 4 • till./ sin,. I.A. P . he 1 1 jo i r j ,irri A A V L• o t Id-4.1 Measures and Coinage, ath in fe- ~,,;„„. To, ..lay 1. oil, 1... a •I lilt, .... -.....- Interext mg 111 /111 /1. I +Ol, of ordinary cultlca. At $ 33, *43. SIDI% $ 77), $ lOO, * l2O, , , „r ~ ~r l o hneharaeter norm r... 1 t here d, • a.loptlng n deolmal ...y.tem und -Ample :„... 0.,,,n......... i • ba• .. town by the ...1•1•.- I••• ill/ NI Olt. %traits i NO Went worth stated that he a. rho 111 the Another Corker lo I.itobo. I•di. Ther tt vet ol . ontalli. and their or.- r. le • o metro.' 13121011 Or Inn Kt 1: I, •Hreeted to make .0/4 14 1.111 agalnet the ' hull ' al en that report an.. mud • ... I winl,l S I-10 and upt4 ard.. MA or ..., aural Thorn. has, in a0c0rd..... ,}. 0 . !pop,. 1 0,,,,,0, free V ape tn..- .. '. 1 1 ~ „ • 1...• ~ 1 .1 . ' , ,L' 11 :1" . 7.1.7. , 1 J " J:.' ' ,,",..,",. 1 , :,: " ,"-T„,',';'.',';',, k ,:,,...".' .“. Nu....J., .•,..... t : 11 Mall ...iled at Ihe g n l ... t A p of n . 1 , ...4 .„ - I ~, ,,.1, 0 1 , 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 111.11101 . 1 , 1, and a . ‘,.. , tth the request of /he lute committee nu .111• , • I 1„. • .,,,,,, of u„..:.,,• 1,0, ~1 einigritht. ~ t''''' moved not . nsnt sc l while under the I:, n,„•„,.,• ~, ~,,,„,, ,•,,,,,„, ~ . J,.. nor.. r.I . J1,0 , 1 . ..1,1 1,1: name ~, • ii .1 .. ! , , ,r 1 .. ) ,1 1 ,.. ~ , tl / 1 „1 11 1 1, : , , , , t. .... and ta.rlalnt3. ma= I II.11:1.01TE 111.t.31 F.. it Flfth street. After some furthOr 4114CUMA101 - 1 Al. Wu.- pla , du. log which, .....• of then, i eh..., 1,1.0 )Ira, ip 1.. 1.1 rt Ant, en , Itax • • ntia, 11111.. and ' ~. nd let ol the War. pi co a narrat pI. .0/ A ••3 1.111, llnling 1 1iI• ji • IFAIL . hurne withdrew the report., . „,,, 1 . „r„..„.,,, ~,..,..,.., , , ••:lil 1,1 t” the proprietor ...I he aI. a 1111, • la . I . : i t: e ,V.ri,pr=0,7,,,f.,,,,..tei.,,,,rT?,,.;,,r,r;k;,;(.(ir,:!.,,b.,.:,- ~ .1. ...., ~. h. ,. . - .... 1"1,• "I ''' , lggj'rt • . moth. of Mr. Washbn rho the 1i0.e..• pro. .••?.•,!',.......,-. Dawn „, .., „„„„„; ~,,,„`,', :,"„: • o haul.... need ot Nfld., i , ..- ~ ~ w.. .. 1,, D. It to b. ' , owe ',-, oino li , nt h•• ngn• w. 8r1.h.1. A'........1.......1. on last . hada) . CE&ETERIES. Dater the auspicex of that e..turnlttee 1 , ,, „ ~, i n a ~,,,,, a a., found , %,•”,,,dg,,, 1 1 . .ded tr. 0.,,,,,,,a,r„,,,,, of the 1,,,y1 o ..,,i ton thu . 110 1 1.0,1 t 1 g effeet In the left ..nn. it,:, O.: 6 ,! °"" ''' ... ll '' . ' he ' lnd., 1, ' ,14 11. ehrok in Ike wpre informed that it project was on foot - - -- nAreutice [nukes ,600 fool. cup pith., awl a ...- . ~, .. 0 ! rue, ~.1 rot 111.1.1 e tlt./u.stn , l ,1 " ! "P e . kn r F "Ida ately below the ...owe.. :u r• „Ill n 11101 anis, a. •••• 111 11 l• 101 - the moult to 1 a 1.., this mid of the AlonAngthela to age t.• lII•ED4LE ('EI'IETERY.--.4. ru n" T"""4.p1".." In I • lo' ''' ' '' '" ' " I 1 1... nn•r- . 1i... a a,c of ...,,ars und -Isl., demilohne 1 " 4.13. ._OIIAI , then look up the Solude amend- The con, nan to", ~, ~,, „.,,,,. ~,,,, „,,,,,, ,•111IP•111 Ite ,1•01.,,,,1 n e ~,0 , : n„ .., ~,,,,., ~„,n , „ l i. „ „, , on ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,o , n „,, t „ ~,n o „ o , ft _ __ • . .•, , , ~.., .„,.. ' LI cut to the act to authorlZe the .111 - I ol 1111• 1;,•,•••,, ,'llls „„de.,,,„,,,,,., 33 . 3 . . 33 3 ,, . 333 : •333. :;,,t Al• . 111. I. 1..... hat e artuall moon,: and on° 1.1., Pi °LIE, Pod the 1111V1g(11 1011 Or 11a , 3 n ' 1. ,'',.. 3 U ,n,,' 1": -' , ' ,.. 3 .' 3 '. 1 ‘ . 0 1 . : - 3 ' , ' • , 3 7„;, ' ,n 4 1 e . -.;.,,, man 10,1101 . A 1•1 I. 1 - 1,11/1 1•1: 1 rllilerlirllll.loll ......._ marine Ilimplual asol revenue I . llLterh, nntl, ~,,,,,,,,etteed an ~ , ,,t..,,,,,,,,,,,,. „. ~, ~, „ ~,,•„ . 1 ..1 tom .1.11. k /1 1 1 N thing 1/04° 10 01 ,1 IL.. 111111- ett ' eato might 1 , 01 1 1 1 - Impeded tot her t, .1... a- , ' •1: -" , " . - :, e , ',. „ Lri,h n o . ot Ito‘.l. l'err.one ar,Olttit -,....- „, o n t ooth, ~, Alr. waahhumw, -mem ...1 „ii within the,„ ~,,,... 0 .. p„, „„, , . 1 ” h ' 11..1.1 I /11. 11,1 'IAN ; 1 A hell .1 unearth.' I, boats or mi.' s nit.. Athol. that t tine 110 A ON 01 ! --4 .., - l e ' ,.i !I ' m, ' Lou wli. 4p ,I . i . al the •Auperi ..,,,, DESTRUCTI iE FIRE IN CINCINNATI. Al. fr.... I, ‘..., °rit... - Planting' 1 1,,.,,„ ~,,, um, . nm r , r.,, ti„. 'no.„„. „,,,,,. ' , 7:4':',": , :, 111111 11,,, It to14;1,, i,.. a ,-„,,,.,, ~,„r ~,. ~, ~,,,, h 0 . ,. ~ ”ot. heard anything li, regard to I Ile ‘ a • ui•....11...e. 1. ' 111.1 ( I va,. ter). ' l'lll. D. 1 . ,.. l'e " reas I .otstuluno -, ow. 4 . ! ... I ‘ . P .. D..b"" The °Amalfi ateendiu mts to th • Stll.l appro. .e3 were cut on the buck of 11 •• L f ,i'• • ....led the el., k.O the second A', mailer and A., ...AL 101 ittroratation 11'.• an. ad other bitAlleYa A• 111 1,,1 le at Mel/rug - --- --Cholern .2....r.... , .... -- -"".. Moro-'I 111 1.0011 bills were refe ' rred to the Committee ' ,, 1 d0.t...,,,,,,,p.,,,,,,,1 t..)„. „ r,,,,,,.. " „;: ' ,1,, - ,', I',o,';', 1,:::1:1!1,::1L,1,1,:',.,:,4,..L„,a11,,,,,..1,1,w.1.,,i.„1,,,,..1.t,,,,,,,,......,,icrt,,.. a . ... y I ti n d ;i tt ; k l p fl p . , 3,..l i ciou a nt , 0,1 on, m. 11.11,111( bh.ta Id We • celwase el flue .d 1 . • 1 ''• .. 1., A et, goo, , Lorne, I! e men, a-Teenv Con vesstion. at lolls. act lerueock .dretts, Aliretha. Pike Opera Iloube Des.troy ed. t. 11111,,A,11/, mato, rt -plant ing Is' going ' " T A w l tTl7; P A r e ' nute bills 01 joint resolullOns On !:',.'1;‘:1.1 L '1"0" e " :: , r ,' , M T, ' ,,,!,r„ ' , ' , "1 ,,,r1 .."'1 "I. ' '' • 11 on the ~ ,,,1 1....f 111.,1 ”14,1111dlott I ' le ' r ' eltrt • n• - • _'• II “ : _,...... oho. A- Is Shl.l , fp.. ...LAU keel Treasurer. „ ~,,,,,..•• - I ...• plant Ing 1.. Ladalan. 1 . the Speaker , . table were taken op, read t aloe •dititg .1.4.1" t., ••1t,,,,,,, 1, 4 11, • ."."',..,. ~,,' .. '.. 1... 1i,.... ' .5 ."• ,,,, i.:111,, Intplalent Milo. nnanoltinit no bon eer• - lien)...bin. 7'r 1 l 1 _ The pAr. I. all planted . or.. ir. 1..1 ..K awl thferred to tholr appropriate thomelltees. arty rho s Med.. hare m• , i •./,,, . , t - • . . 1 11.1 1 ° N. I I 1, 1 11 11. I . l ° A 11, -malted to xe,• hle. Ir. atm take. belore Mayor AfeC• et l A '''' _ . is .N 7,11, 2111. - 01 '•L. - !'lee's open. lion 11. • , "„.'..] 11,,, , , //i houlemou and Tex.. The Senate hill to authorise telegraphic •M0rr..... ;enderd . 1 ".' r " ' ' . ' ' ,.` °l 1/.1 ,, . on.. 10 Iltte In the •s VI 01. /Old /Ole •••• 3...ter ' las' eha: •01/ With ha, - 1 . ,OI ' ~.,,‘ ok lire from the expinsiai ~f ggy, .. e 1.., 1 , 11 --' 1 . 1 ' , / ' . ' oistric. ••• Aourte Itre e....y upon debtors ... non newation het wee. the I tilted :Matt:ea:a ',oh roman°. ~fie, "I n ',4 I "K h' "'"""." ' ''' l4 11 41 ° 41111 , "I 1 1, • kph; loot 1 .'a r modr l ed! oille. • aVile I.: . the Iti.char:tf ' fir 1 • 1 L 1 ' .. " .7. 1 it • • DILAUG.HTING. . ...... ~,,,,,,,,,ott.,. A fe, ItoPOrt r a m aL o t; t w.: o „ ..' , l , ILI e Islin.l l of . l i n. und other k llest India probably he be fnll,, ote, , Aii,,,,V,„; t h , ' L,l 4 ::, ' ! l°". " 'Il 1 1' I• 111, • the. ••• 1,1 1 .11 an -, I1Iler•t, . Ito van.. The.. Ing stone. at Inn] ,te The ...se. I* - lit took ENERAL . '101•4 to-ninid At midnight, the. ...to a d b dhling ova In num. Adam. Asa.. office, 1. "-went ions IIN tomAnsre aloe o {C . p 1. ands ant the uhuntan, ALI, ly, eg, (eon, th e -...... •1•01 Il 11 Itet no.l al ph, rel the ohs p • tak.ng plane on the corner of Penn .oial Hand street,. 3;'' I.Lekev A Carrot!. 100k...11e,. Peter. dt Bro . of Pat 1.11.• 1,11,1• war are heing algued In 1111 ~ , O fther'h table and read Pct.. non !turn e , N , 0 1 0 , UO,l, (00111 10 1 hie dark al- the ovidet...e ..erlig oonclave again. Idal, . Moon Tow...hip Fleel.o. URAUGHTING OFFICE 1 -R.,11,,,1 " ,,,,,, ...n0n0nni',,,.1-. ,:-.. ,).. ~.:. :::::; ... - : ,, ' ,,1 -" , ...:' ,L . 1 a1": I I ::•: " .7..31 . ” I I% 1: ' ,. 1' 1' . 1". 1 ‘ .11 '. 11/ 1. 1 ' / ' ; ' ,}: " . ; 1 111 1 ;LII " ::!t ° 11. % 4:rw r le 'l l r) ,T::...; ‘,:051t . .., , i,n,t.:!,—,,',.i.;...;!', c a ; l ; a r d y lll g ege o r b t i l t l d l i l r; e g on w s ,p e r a n I i e .:4 bn I I I t rt t p .. „ l. li i i ; : ; ;; , ,!! ) e -; , 1 . ; - ;; t 1 1 ;, !. 1 1 1; : p . i o.I .nu r l it; p,r,,0 'r bi 1 i i ,i t ip . :.., ... 1 LL „: . ; ... ; • :, . , . ; of ill l; lk tnig l ; ) , r 1 .Ac 0; 0 ; r t l l.: ? p r . ; ;;;; M l r p;;;; lm er b r; ou b rn s i t , l n ile t t t l i; o th p, a n t li h or. e , C:f n m d u n t r i t ;t l ; t i,. .r I'l ..AlOll, and had fully conA.fered it. The lowihkr ...on. tof lA.' late election in 31.,,,,, 11, , 1 ,01, 1 1 1t , .., It , for neat!) 1.., A, k., ,e,- for twenty-11re days. -E3.-XI.CI Peatennat EA-comae:s3r ell Loyll about five hundred rtrooint . I al. e. In 1/1 1 4 , ~,,. 1,,.„,,,,, 1,,,,,,L_ ..... ,„,.,,, ,F,,d 1fr,,,1t1. ~,1 1, t . ,7 , ‘ , . .7, ,1 .30 t rt i7 , e 1g by Llurbisaing.-A 11,.11, i ''''''' a '''''''' Ll'''. 3'.. "."".0'"P'":"1°' n'll'" 1. - -...1ng Ittninell ~.. a , 11411.,01 del er tl 4 e 111/111 ' - -.AAP- -.......- ““. .4:41 I " l ' . ' / ( 1 ' 1 1 11 1 0 4 . " 111 1 1 . rti r l,f h :/ ' I l' a rth•lgor.7?••/I.:ll.eurl, r,•,,nH,"•„,,.i."‘P',„'1n,...',1tg7,1„h".1:::.ndit',',47,.r.'.',:ii•r11i(0:',1111ir.• I t°7/e7seksil.'EAtlfocr Perla. me throe .1 II • .., •11 - 151 loin Bale .d• C..1- ' renin ' n Brig'd." '." . 1 ••• I , 1.1.,v Thlrty "' II e• 1.01 that the government nhould have the' un ' n nt )'our "ni. "'Prc.oi .....1 ttnen •- O • "• - offered to a Hritieh Officer -Earth- •• ,-• re ' , l.e.] II) l• ,1 1 - 1 , wall .to gee. your many reit.. a 1.1 lel Itet )"" . ' "'I. • corner s t or m der/AI and 1V)... H. r •Ollth OSMIUM 01••1 1 arselneer trot. ( 41.1' ~ ..trl....llstral Wort". . stronts, In the r•lith ato, wa. struck 1.3 llght. t ~..... Ve ....titre q 'sake at San Doming...-11eport...1 "•""" ' 11':;•:. ' 7. I'' '' ''''''''' .11r111'4',..'”.:r het. een the peo•de rltY4P.":t'•'...4lUihll'l'i tW•iaelg"Tlit'n'"lrr'll " lnlt i l . "- ; ".117 0 Nil oni tale elet•l lon. a I.lch a... holle ...... , , ” .• ' ....,... 1 11, rote. en.. to 0111 .111,. rtl,illi, I,ollla Nll, 11 1 111 , 11, ddrtng the severe Tuurnitt) morn tube. .. .1 .!.. gws Il• I •1,1, .111 lied Rh. , odd “R.F.,.1. to an Alll,ll/111WO• 10 that 011.01. t. .Grier The coppothead.,., ..• ~,,, I , ~ ~,,„. ;,‘ , l „„ ~..„„ 14.1; A I , ~ ~,,t, ~i 1,, 1 .1, %Ale- ntlf• We note fro.. om .Itmpatchen timt La- N g ,. A „ R ., kbyreb TA-Tamil,' th0u...1 than ~ ....,3... p.a. .he . holorn ...runt.. /I • a .Dist appeal to the .tionse In pot • the bill , . 1 "n" t-nrn i• n ''' 4.01 " . OLL••. I ms. hal 1,1 i Ile „ , 43'..,,, Loan., :and . , ago ii. T,.: 1 .:.. ,:f •.,,,,.. 11111/1 - M Al, ,{enet al, havlng ;Jailed Conner; ' SUNDRIES. of AerartOm ctali "sr. .old g.. ~ - .., . 0 . I o-h , 3. ,II ~ •, e nt, / ,..1 Iron, Wt.... 1 1101/11, Ate anat. .... It. passage. . rontrrd ; of all the tha n5hp...111..A. to. the last /xi..., n W.L.1111, ton .' , ...t. have .tithe.. ' 'W I ' , III • 11 . 1 .1 0)11 ^ ',ln, ~,..1.,,1,e, "' R .1. , : ' The prlet , we , ' I n ." '...,,,,-I, lamp, 1 k . ,?•!!!, , G , '1 . V: ..., 'pp., a nd F ~,, Ida ~,,,? ,/,,,,,, , ,, , ! ; ,, ,, ,, , ) •:, / , ,,.. t. , , 1 , , , , A ,_ 3 ,, ~,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, , ,3 „3 3 , 033 ,,, 3.34 prov 1,11. g ~r the 100t .... ., ,, , , , ‘ , „ 7: .:, , , ,, , ,L,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,hu, ; !I ,1 i ,.., 1 , „.,,„, „, „, „,,,0,, ~,,.. 0 , 40 ,, „1.,,,,,,,,,,mi, ~,,,.„,,,,,,,,,,,, , Loans' ille, 1 . 111.111111.1.1, 1/11.1 many other pl.e. ' i.„MINDRIEILI. , 0., 2 SeIIAL Alr.te.• , ..'n• AIM. 0- ' , "I •"' 1,. ,I. MI 1,0 1 IWe/1 1 , 111,1 • I. Th •• 1 apptotothh • nt 1 3 the Surgeon lieneral rd . a Ale.t t ' ' 111 In N i•t 11/ I. tl NN tllll - ,,1 I.l.rrN 1.11 IMO. 111 I, t ity, a filch the, I tr. the wen. I • ''''' •'‘"‘ • P•• • • •• • • • . "' l " .• '• rt! ' f ' , ' ,,... ' ,,, . ,- 7,1•:,'..,?,7;,,Z,,85,01,efintit, ILIAUSBA,...I ~ , .b.• 1,11 .0, Ilti 1110 . :115.,13 MILIU• IC ,I (....10,111nattni to vi-dt , Conatanlinopli,, to rY .. o . l.n qh'''' B.ltl, slits' no. a. , tn.. 11110,1, /,,,,,,, „..1111,,/, - e,,./ . / •, ,h,• ~,,,,,, •,,, t i e ..,,,,,, • NO 1,1... prlna . ~ , II A Toronto huthr ...Lys tOl Lowry, of Ito r„, Itt ~, , Weal. 11 . , ‘I• Itlon 11, ` 1. ". 1 1, II.. " , 11 quite the best means to "recent tbe 11prechl fallen on last F rnlas, 1111 ICA , 1111111 t•I• /iltl /1 / ' ~fll. ill.out Ito. ks" hy aho Is .1,1, the Grass Tnrd Doman - ad .-..i portlon of tit, 2., do I , rtrg / rat net, ...tar • , 171 b In been been discos ere.. to be • 1/11/- „/ 1 0 1, e 1,,, • r••••A I //IL. pul 111 110/ , 1 , 11 k ll , 1I e ehOleed, .t• reret led In the FOrelgn I “ 1 . ” ... ' e FC''' .l I ) . I ''''' ,l. ' l • I n "tl. I ..b...-1.... ..I : A.11.1,..,.... , 111 lop oaf.. be 1.1,..a. Tho Lutheran hml'ing ground, on Troy Mil, wa.. I I ~,,,, ,„ ,p, f,,,,,,,....,, and it h. a, .... bated .„ 01, The 1 aptah...........tted enwole ( onoulttee. 1 L L 1. ‘„, e ,!,! 1 :,1; 4 , 1 ) . 4,1 0 t ,.: , . p 11 „ .. ..', 1 L ., 1 . ' p 1 i t' . ..%' 1,, .. , ... i d Inks II;; ;; ... , •;.; : p 1. ; ! 1 p p5 .. „ , ; . ; ,, ,, , , , , , ; • ; . g . , 1 , ;,, , , ,,,,, tt e tg h I ~.1.,,,,,,,,‘,,t, , T , , , , 1 ! , ,) , ,. ,,i , , .;,, k 0 , , ,,t y .., , I ;1:41;1;tia;l4;La janlrn,yiythen;Bee;u:p-,yr,i;;La 0 ;;; ( 0 1Led , , , ,,,t. ;. y „ ,j „ . • " ; ' , , t 1, ; ?/' . 1 . N . , ; ,....,71 ; . I .:, • u r n . I ; L I r I aT, I" D'l'''' 7,,','.1,,, buss artooptell the ...111tiltill•I of /1 1.1.1 - „...,.....,,,,, f, tho ,. /. I A The etAton 110.1.”11•11111 The erelong Pktwolloti aaa oppensed with. ads hr. the latter. a.• eloa. 80,- at, 1..,,, Int; with, hoot ...Sou . ' Adjourned. .11.1 their stomat to flunk ue • um behold the !.... 1 , ...,111 ''''' I yet, 3 ap,.0.1,, Improvmeen I. In bodh.s, and carrying down u large amount a .W. ~ ,l a A •Is. AIIN ICO/1 frOW San ladultsgo repo. I the .hook , ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, „,,,, ~,,,,,, •.., ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,, lIPUJII ret Out /Pere5...11.00,0, is .a....., a Idle t 1 ••... MI T• too. Is a praet ,coon! tdodneets 11/110 ',beta to the Peel. is too.. Mangano-, ot an ~..rra.aa.,., which ie,„.„,. ~,,,,vernl ~ .1 the a an... .1. -.dime .Minn ~. rear II MI h , a00 40 1, Or 10.14, presented a inemorg,. 11.1,11. have Iteretorop• alma} • 1,1•1•11,11 11, at 0 al., pi...N.11,1, 11 11101migh knot, Pulse °lt -..- tom.. .... II Id. 04,4,1 Ind. A 1111 !!tits I / •••1•/ o,d 1 11111111, ..1 01 the t.erter..l .Issenthly of 10. n, Mr I,Overn- M U 1., 'th. ‘ ".. Thl. h. ' l ii ntn. .thl In nude the awn... •,,,kieg othgrionit era. toaef, t n e 2 The City. -0 or rite la remarkably ty lOW. at 1•'1,..!;1.'1:1•:..•7..;;...7trrl Th,..ht,nt. report ..Ittles that /41/1111• 13,- 0 , ~, , ..., ~ h., .. ~,,,.„ ..,.,,, ~, I , A.. , ,,n,.. , ,,, t.,. ~,, 1 „. . „ .. ~,. ._. __, .... , ~,w _ , ,r o 1., ways than one. It plainly hire/thud". ti a Int, 1., „„,, .„ ~,,,,,„,„ 1. preient, 11.1.1 with the ex - replant of a few ".• ' ' o h 'AL ...• ri.„. ”' ' , l' : ,! 1 i .. ...,.., " t t1 :t7 r ,, 1 :;, r 10 h. 11 ' ne e I,‘ "' ;, ,'' w T. r "' ta " 4`..:l',.'''':".'."'s ''.' ;,' ~.`,.. 1 . ,.. 1 „.'5.',L5,':;.', ';' , ".' , ' ,. : , ::' , ' , ',. , ..' , ":` , ‘'g'';`,:::',7,1:4:!!: ...' 4, ',.: : ,';"'w"...°T '.;.•';L:r'Co::ll"7,."':',..ii":''',..l.,',T.T.li''t.,!'i:nr'n.ll,.; (' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ; ' l . l' l ra*d i g ' .l" ;I;I'I'MPI:-.',.. ir:lLl,.i.l':',.lnt"l::.l'l'L',:i';,!:, - ,,. ' ,.;.",",; ' ,','i, r . 1 , 1 ..',':' ,;','.:; '' ,...; ' ,::, "' ,„ " ;, ' ,...;„;,",.,..k u '".;!,`,',`.`;,. - ';(r.uvA,,a, 1 ',`,1', : ',„' ; ,1 1 ' T ,` ;, ' , '` ; r 11, r ,„ ( 11,',";.. n ;',.,!:".,''::”. `' :"; .-: :. .T ,: .. N hi. - . ,::.'•_:' - ''''''''' Athte. 1.31. s lially d., I , ontrage. cotnuotte.l by the Intl.. 011 1.1/I• 3 , i , 3 , 3 , 3 , 334 , 33 , 33 . • , 1 . 10 . 111 e Rhin ha .1. Intereourne a 111. I I who. ......,, g , „,„ ....•••• 11101 A t.ll ~,,,,,,,,, 3 ,,,. the result../1 draw ing A 'tr . ,. rep. te the be ft mt, CONSII:IiMENTS. . .1 1N 1, r..s. Alaroll , Thoth 1.1 1111.1° 4 111• A 1. ' /,,, 1,„,„„ „,„„ ,„„,„,„,,,, 3 , 333 ,, , e , ~..h . and ropperheadm, II 1/110w4 that a.• a t -,. ~,,„,. „ ~ ~,,, ~,, .„ , ;',„., ~,,,„,, _. „,,,,,i, ,47,,,, , ',,, ,, i , „•,,,,,,,,,,,g. I ..,..r . t. and tor gale ny .4h.. , 1' 11, 1 .11.1 A tete. S11•11.Ulel I• 1 I •1 ' 11- I-. 1 ..." 1111 1 ./11 - 1111 ere.t In ..., T,., 0 „, ~,,,,, ~,,,,on 1,...1, a port ot tlellvery tit I ottat•ll ISIII/TO, On the WWI hltu. .„,„,,o, the . A Tn.. ~,, ~ P la ,lll‘ ;', t ., , 1 , II. , 11 : e al .n.ottrl rlVer, whlelt wito reed ta lee and re - . li AMI .1. 111 .1 ••• i.• 1... 111.• hest 11. •1 .. MI ....1, fat zner. ~ ' .....- a ,e al Porto lii. .1.1 1... w. s .th .1 ant - .1........1 11111/11 gating stOrseert.-The pupil... Ach....1 No 1. A .. p .ott TOe T oble nt the-"'"-t'ombrin Iron Work.. I ,d• h..., . . of .lc .1... 'Hwy wt.! ~..., . W rd. repeal their cope, .. ~.11.ift,), . . te . i I I. rlo . ''''' red fl.ht het we.: ta o .11..... , .r 1.1 . 11 • ~• :hare.- b. I•.• I ...dd.... •t . ... , r" t'. 1. put to the 1 °notate.. on thentouree, .r ht... pa we. rante•rel• to II 1...0, In doulale. a canard. ' I ,10... offered a 11l "I" .on " . I " P . I 1-11 " " I ' l° "' lir. W Onion/ of MIIIIIIIHOtn, 1 11(1 - 0111101,1/ /1 11111 21 / 1 1NATOWN, Pll , ?lintel, 1 1 10 . ,/1 -LNI,,, ~. le, 1•••1 1 .111/ .11,1' 10, 1.. I t palitog the A.- on .thrday night '.1.-t, will, of Dauer ' to ...op, 31...1u Orange, .........- , r ,,, 110,1,,,, de fob .alai) Id' . " 11,0 for the benefit of Vglrtalu half breeds and mixed rolls tour Matoolent thell. • the • mills ' o ' l IVO: 1 1111. 1.1 -' ''' ...‘ e ' l ' .. ' , /4 - 13: 110 d by h full loop. ... • 1.M11,1110 .It. 1. v.. r.....1CL:e1 ... tho eroa (fir the full tore f o r of the IA lunebago tribe, which art:L.l,nd Call/brill Iron Gnu, patty, al thin place, aro , ~.....,_ .. • • heseene, Flee.. • r, „, 11,.. 1 one 10. a IL, . 11,1 /I.sell 11 , the " e e .- ['sloe and referred to the . onLmlttee 0..1,11- awnsltng, la, anat. or a strike on the part of 'Special Illeettou.. 1 1,. spemal eh:4 Imo .le keatio•a Lode'. •,,,, "g" ... " . . l'l. 2:, barrel . Turnlps. `T Jollaanetto, I'T., liarch t 2- Al half p.... All Affair. the heater., IS a lul o take. The work. ire lo a A ..5te..,,,. In ......, itht a ant All.glie Ap ll Penn dl the °mettles of spring fa 10 " kkirc I. o'clook. last oven:Neu fire our par er- "t• " ''''''' -.1 ''''' ......„._ , ":'fie House proceeded, f. th,, businees of [ a' fl i ng , with the e,,rdir„, „r n a•o,,11 poe r l ' 4::: II the awn,. or choosing u membe r of 1 o n o' s .- ton r s• ' F:/. - . ap t to W .1. Cill.leefonny, tA }DLL . L' " , ;: 1,-'1.1.:4. ...I In the tin shop connected with the pp- . Dem trueti re Fire ... ;rang hour ,: to courtier the Joint resolution 111). Unl/ergoing ,area . 1 11111 11,,,e1 A., 1,,,,1,_ 11/ 1 1,1 ONIIII,O, 10 1111 the vacancy canned by the st.roet me bue.ell (./t'lit.„.','"l. """'"• P'"I'I". 01 .t.Ple Railroad repair shop, in 11110 pat,. p -.ow- TI 0 bre apre.l rhphtly and provod vary de. 1.,,,,,,,, ~, hl, hf are!, 3. - ; ,..--. i l ti,,,, , ,,, 31 ,.. 0, , , ,,1 rat , r1,:t„,;..,„L„..,.....,:, to ,I ~,o, tom i0 „ 1t0 ,, , on ntly , tot, h,, f rott , a card ,11,1111.1 ° Many livid. 11 .11.1 f nal lon ill Air...A... f a „A A . &tiller, renulted the Agrien taal 01. trni'ehp....b,,iinrol,.l,l,l, 1110 4aottal,LoWn pa,,,,,, , la th,. oleetton of 51 1 A. F Ingham, without Ilarper, !los.. I car load P tato., Id. ucti, L., consuming the multblne eitop. ,111- 1 - 1 ''' ' 11.4 ..1 1 ' '''. U. ' r...' I"' 4 4 br ut .,, ' i " I l e . 1,111 of' A l l 2,1 lay (or ." ""' '" "'"- ' " h ....• en gin., house, rail shop. and ..... of 141 0111 1.0 Nl'l . looll - • Nl°. moth/ i ng in , he g i n , 111,1 p . 11 y b • tt J. 1 1 ", create an hepre.slon "I 1... P. ion. Mr. Ingham le a geetieno,,, I , 1..„, , s ,j, ~, ii . A,...ll.lenrenney, 11 . J. ATIAEL A BR3A, LI . wood bonne, Logoner with ~, „ . • ~,,,... ~, m. .1 m . n,„. ~.. ~,,........., hy Ifit g ~,,,, 3 u „ , i mt , e d 40 . 1 i i,,,, t .,,,, lit it „ 41,,,, the ~,dege h„,„,,,,,,,,,, The control . .., .P t, an, pualllied fur the position, and will s --..-- - . nal.2-"t t , ,_ No. ISA Third Street ald part a a third, a Ith all the oistelitner). '' ... m, 't -..'"nr'''' ''''''"' "'I `"""r' d "''.;'Ne' r'.' n d 7 la , 7.l".7:.°l:jd`l4";,7l',"ror°,; g h thh I sT. L ri t iTll7: , '.".:::..". h r,,r7l" g 'n'l l I t"' "..1"..'" 'h" .I..eldless teak, a 1 / 1 11 Will represen WA,. ,s,,,prt.,,,,,,,,i,,bri.ii.it.m.ixtorp.itfiL:f, ... ; te r r4 i. For sale by OLD COPPER AND DigtiWAC. t..11n, stock, de. Neatly all the 1•111 - , N 1 0,1, . 1. r A11,..A i cited in laver of the he 1111.11•11. 111011 " H hh , l, 0 , ,e 7, Lh,,,7,7:',,b,e,r, '7.0'1,-0.,1,,1,',',',,ch:11!1,;. s•••••.I."A'Ir. floor hly, ; --o- n: :rang boor, the joint resolution aum conti- ;who received len arP.,-;•.‘a tt‘Thne"ltnnlZein."!.ltri".r.," Tb • - ---.--. • ,n n ..,:,,,,..:. In .tees sod for sale IoW by x here. Co e • Ho per's New Monthly Magazine for New lauding frm . reamer Be' Z 'X' 1 east and K r• a: etAl. The lose will reanh full 0WL..., .nst.- ille Loan 11111. toll tell to the Committee on Agriculture. . ;; Tb n e n. rea r L ; r e t r t o lf th e Academy of Acionce for 1 T r ill. of t.hoonliatenrs unit unrk, and the man., rpm 4.350W4 The Mail...mg. destroyed W.O•A• inner -.orator sale nv • the property of the f •4 2,1111111e Itatlroad. , row 1 11111 i, MIOI.III - 2./.-Tt . 11.• A' rpr.rgs• elll/01A1 1• 11 1 1 Kr 1,1 01.1 1 -1.111, of Mekeespott, a ••111.101 A .2, Aped, inna h 4.qr sale fit l'ittook's. nth= • --- ISAIAH DICKEY a Cl/ ell The I rootellp....f AA ay. and Aleathee....- 1 .3 The H:oe's em l icTirr r Tirn l IV . sed.te am n I ' flt 1 i f ac 'r e.: t Tto n h ll e lpe t " L' I th" e ... ""0 1 "1 "'""''' u I"g 144 . I"l'''''• "( I"" '•••"'" rs-• 1 ' " -...- ' fed agree upon the Imo toll before teem, an.l . , . ' .( ' , (. heir u, ,•- -s er . . to•eW to Ate announcement of the fart .1,1•Ilr ,11/11111 tht.,,t , iI IRAINGES-.10 1)101X.Ies prime Hr- Ilteeliasea to Intervene. ~,, 1, mad., for 003 . 0 , Iwo. yh o not to the hill to nuthorize the mde of the pu ! 0 that tney ' are standing,. NV la tru, of 1/1 1 plawhi, and Alr Aomerlo took advanthae DIED. t /Urea Ilat, at qua, Saw ! ' oat s March 2. .. 1 . -- Weeretary Sea uni, In '''' r'.l"r'r '. l . • Commit[ .. arc pelt , aotatf- marine hospitab. and recent. cotters The • and when they get tired standing of ti ~ e patriot. BINDLEY-Ou Wednesdal. CHAS. C. ItALSLILY. n )nifty o t d. me amendments to the naval approprla- I down. Their aetion will have 00 oft TILL?! remu ' rk l .L ' . '"lo" 1° In"lge C" '''''' ro ply to a letter from WIL Knoepfel, of lure ', . - : ter mod two r. a., WILLI if, polref John C. and MI Liberty even .I y , death:lea to !Morsel.° with Great Bran., 1 n''''''' tan hl/1 were referred. • Elmira Bindlef • ever on the works. ~..,,,. oral . ( .lOTTON-44.1 bale& now landing in the ca. of lir. Gonzales, u subject of :,..” , Prlntiow Wirer. named. The Senate tunendment to the 101116 MOW street, on ' . ratDa/r ASTlValroo.°;•es't ; P n i''', oloe li k ° , l : V* o pm - t. "" - . '142 A Correesion,-We are topeeed to state ;tut (Usual will take plue from the reethee ce 0 ,. SI I cador, who lost a quantlty of ruerchandt. 1 I lOU fur placing hulks and vessels at tho die- Alb.ent.—kldermun Taylerlis been 'bunt lin.-The office crf thel_4!l.V. pos.tl of the q.mrantlne cotruntalliOnere, Which (ran duty for several days, havlng Sun call. but tills fintullton them other of the young ! Istifatber Penattl•aala 1.• •-• from steamer Nora for .le by Intl A }[ DICKEYLCu. o. hoard the AtneriCan hark, Golden R.l.` Os Lies z, )la.relt limits the opereilnos of the ih.W, WWI 0011- bd to the eastern portion Of the State by the t ‘ ra ol n r... M a u e, ': , d ,7 ' en d t.: h r •,tuirSi In lico 4 n i tt l e ' ll " te eli tl Y to • t t7:l ° e 1 horned by the pirate Alabama. Mr sea al ti , sett .4 3 ! dertr,oYnd bi Z . tht. T l / 1 !!... Pl' .... Lictußl(r.-_ :0 &shin. It - a- CAL LCL'a k.la /V LANTEAL-iOO labia. ... , ii,,...,. I- olterTene 1...X.e. tionsalee a. E t , . ... , potio L torl. , n l a l ty,s,ll 1',.......1 .....F.. . correct In death of Ms brother. kle is especteo boom -„, 1,” of Sous, ur knew anything about • 5 ' ,... " 13, . P a l ter. eletreh. dempeu. at . c•etock. ,,,,, • not all Alltentean tittren, nor located et0...ty,,,,,•1 sta.,. A ..0/1.111.0D[ tplU 3 l W NUY SJ ono ntatre , Tnerelizagzate bills and Joust ritspbuloas dAily, and WK. hie arrival lab. buetue,,,,t . p,,,,„ ~,,,,,,, ~,,ked for until after We lltrei,. The blends %a acquaintance, of the family sr. r.. , ---- OW' Stunk 1 pay lic rfounit4 a. w i tdOn. ) 0 11 0 that) UMW to Mead. i for We by •wlit3) LI.E.NUY H. tv.O.l.Lardh ' I throughout tho rewetiltdl. . . . WILLI• 11 TOILIL27 THE PITTSBURGH G XZETTE. VOIATNIE I , XXX.--NO. 69 BY TELEGRAPH 111111.,11t uo, MAt , , EN T =lll I=l lII=IIMII liV rite . I .1111 , 1111%. lc Orll.logt.oll ht. nut • •perthm of A.,t, and changing I•,a. I,••• 10 pvn......1) fn l•••I tart 1 . 1:. n. follow- ••I•lnat no t , • any party aan may , hip . nt or moat in packat,a. na,nnl. =1:13 11===111 1 1. •-.1 EINE n. I, • i'ii,1,‘„ah,i,51,,•,,M,.,'., , 13 , ' ,. - . 1 ,, ' , " ,„ 1 , b ,r,./...- 1 :.. ~...', '. 5i. ' ,..„ '" ,,,,.„ ~, ie.... ~,,,,,, contains r, 3 lector., heron , ih. Mei,. de 1. a r x s„. ' TEST FOREIGN ADVICE'S. I‘OTFEII I'HFIT 011 FIRF ' • I.n u.• h"^".. ‘" '"h""". ' 11' " It - n '" . ' n:i .f 1! - L,1 I i'l7,! • ".;`, :n h :n ll ... t r. '. , .. , I„ rt ''""c , h" s'e'nd l'''''''" BOOTS AND S HOES A I 1. 1 ' 1 • 41 ---- tott. te;rl t tem-..• 11.01..111. 00 -. -I's , ••• • ' ••' „..... . 1 •P„ Ie• Ili 1 /I'. ['noely Afton in lit Mall last ei erring too. a pit: PRESS. ' 9ot ..• th. g... ot te•...11 s• N1•. t.. . , ~. , , _ able, zumoi , liai . rek OH cons 1 ~,, „,,,,,,,.„ „,,., ~,,,„......... . :,. ....•.. „; i-, ..- .... , - ~,,,,,,,, o f cot- , that there were tree, than flff.rn hnn. ttlother Illanlie l'ele-Taph I„„ .. unit( . i„i; Ibn, „„, F„,,,,,,.. ~, ~.1, . ., , .1' ' L l ' t ' I••'.' . i , ••t' , .Irl'i " ' ,.., 7 , , , , ::', !‘' , 'l ~ Ittrge •Irol t•eron, pre , ent The •ottsieel -Temper. - - _-__ the legit herr., oho tool:. , -i..., 1 . . , I. 111.111 .1'. 1 .11. • 1. , . 514,1 ....11n1,,,,, ~,... !1:I ..,.. fifty .a.,, hattolled with `qf PARLIAPAENTARY OATH BILL „ ~ ” ,, t 0 ,. .: ~,...• ~• horth•Dal ... 3. 1..r.k.1 ~.. /sat. 3.' h. i , 1,. lure ittsrungled ait I. startling furl, ,, ,d lonet" EIGHTEEN ENGINE HOUSES, DERRICKS f., r t ,,, ~,,,.,..... tt, 1,,,.• 1.,.:',.,, , ~,,,,... ~,., ~. ~.., ~ ....1,, , ,,,, „..trt, t 1 1 1 1 ,111.1110,1111. Wt.,- in g ih.hi,„ 11th ~,,a th,„ , a . wi , i „ iii, .1 -mote II riir i es t s i x i t ~, ~i . ,,p h, h ar_ . ANO ENGINES DESTROYED. ~,,,,,,,,,„,„,...,„.,,,,„„,,.,,,,,,,,,,, .1 i.l I.t.g . ar o 3..1: , 3 1 .. 3 1 .' 11 . 1,, 'I L L , " I 3 1 " 1 . 311 .' .11 ,"' t."'".lni t, •h Intniftahi• ...t „. eireited li t , wanne s t tor interrupt e. 3. r,: ea , ..1 h 1.-... Is not.- ha' e 1.1 he. ~ -,,• ex .as ....I .0 .1J11” ...-.t l etnothitratmits of 11.11in10.111. N l' i• • S s I I' l• , • 1 •II h•-.1.: 0 ri, / H , fettled lothe I.'Z '•'•• o. fag .1 he 1.1 1/1 d stool gtowlng ha. ro a N- Gorhsh wlll deliver hls I Ihr, I • 1•4 I, I 1.0. It when rt It 111•10. saint ...11, . 10, : 1.0 . . 01. Ihe Isn-. 0 ... ,re e t ~,,, ii„,,,,,,,,i,,,,.1„t.p.,..knezti.:140,1 . Ditir,e.in „ tin . . same ,niare. this ' t•Voniri7, oh . '"' ''''. ''' l 13 s ''''''. •.. , ;,,Ili /es 1 ~,m . ." Several Per holls Fatally. Itij tired. i r ''''"" """ "". ' -"".' . ' '-'. '""'''"' 1- "' ''''"'" l ''' `),''. 'l".".'.'; '„ ~ . ..,, ~. ~, c ,...,, „,. ~ ~- , 11,.. , o ~ u , - , ,, , , ,,,,,,_ ,- ~,,, - ~,- .--.- - eeelved og • • •.1 om ' m..I•••.1 sot eights led froth I D- .., 3. . 1. 1 , . , ----- thousand hat. hor .0•10 10... In 11101,1'1 I ~.,1, , haye Jll, 10.01. ..,....01 H. .-011, s.: 111.• s•s LON% E*TIM ATE') AT *140,000. " I( '' in ale '''''.,' '' ''. '''''''' '" front, ater lir-i Isso .01.11 1....10t . 1 , . --- ...- Inured otr. goo. . far I. ~..rhrtn. 1 .• ported In omen,' , 1,...- Ih, 1,. F... 11.1•••• hstV.• in , . I'l. I H.. 1,.. 11 ... xxrari, Ps... Ittats•ll ...2.-'ll. resolved to loaf. , nip/ 10 .111.- 1.....-,•„', ~ th,,,,.5V , ",',, , ,,, "..';,',',.,,,.., ,". 2 ‘ ,: „ . ; Slenoslve 1 - 0,-,.....;• i t , tr,-,,,,.h,„.. d (•,,,,,,,,,, A . ~,ia , ,,,,,,.,.„. ~,-.,., Itre ever known In [ultra to, except- , 1 , '1. : , !, 1 1. 1 ‘.1. 1 vesk. 1. -.• 1. , :,.., 11 . 1, ' ' . 1: 1.° , . 1: ,', , ' , , 1 : ,. . r ! , - ,,, , ,. ~, „,„„ ~,,,„„.1 „ „ , „,.. ~„,_ I onset ecitor... aro, ~.• It •.! li t .g . I hat 01, Of MILVII• Shade, Iwo year., ago.. ~ P 4 lte' i f. . sp y .../A1... 11., t ',II -is tssl states IL.. e - '... :t '. .: t 0 ott lr Ol 11 , 11 e. -st. te- of ;,:... to Imo, week. st Stead, i le. by the dn.-over, ' n. cto ' n- Iht- Ileitri n,lollloted Itself leaving. more! excitement ne.11111,01 51,14p1.01.1 . 0.1 11.0.• • - Ile •, /,,, „“1N { ,.,,,. ) , ,1,., .. / ..n , ~. ....‘, 0,.. mrv,..r,ryf,,,,,,,,,,,e,r,1...,a,,,,,.."1ttti....1 hr s. r. johns... 1 rind fearful anion. of rotas The eon tlagra- tITII , gb a tett Issot 1 ot. Om ft...tier Mlll ,r ' Di r , r, , l ,..g 1 , .. , . , y_rrix ,,, r . 1 ~,, ,, S, ..1. , 1 ,, 1 ,,,, 5t r e ,, t, 71 ., I . . „ 1 . 1 , 1 , . , I, ~,.,..th ,1 .,,,„ • ,,,,,,, p ,„ !!,‘,., ~,,,,,,,.;,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, ~,,,,,; :ri. , , z • t 1 ,.., ..,.,„n rat th e t tee,. Itol 1, where Iwo men , ' , l l, i n . ,,,, °' ', r , r , ” 1' ,. ..",:' , ','''," a " ,, r, 1 , ' , .... ,, ' 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 °J 1 . 1 . 1 . .. , 1 , 1 , 1 . ; ' ; ? 1 , 11 , : 1_ . 1 ,.. :- , 1 . 1 1 r 1 ,. .../ ,, 1' , 1 , 1 ,t i t„, , , , , 1 , t , way ' II , „„......,,,,, t h e . smars. (.33 rus fx , tchon, 111.,s10; Sler l : : lla.;:r.r7 .. " 2 '. ix,•ro e h ge g ,..l oi ...k ing ii now rank. .I, 'eh orgabliton I- k , ' III,: i 11.,,, 'l' he ~. a 1,1 011 0 lilt Is 11•11 , 1 , 21.,11:..1. In I 11 1. 1 1 Ire ~ , , r,”, , .; 1 ,..! - . ' . , , ‘ . 1 lll,tak. 11 1,..... .1,, Der le km,. *ism, r,r...t . 1 . 1 . 01l toil.' amount of two hundred Trunk il kill ,- . ~,,,„„,. •.„. m.....„,,,..1 • m ,•,,,I ,1tt,,,•••,1 1.• 11111.1•1101 WI , ..11Y 4 . 1 .4 1 . , .1‘. ~1 , 1 „ 1 , 1 , 1 " ,1 11, R1 3 ..k .s.e.. and e i f ,„ ...,„„,i e ..„ 1 , 1 ,, l'''''''' 11 .I,f ""*"""'“' '''''" g '''''''' UI the oniPlaYxrlits into ..1., asri.• ...I I.- 3.1 al. ;,..• .. ..,-,.. is a 11.1.. ill 1..5. , 110 -1.11/1111.11,1•111.nsynd . ~,,,1 1. ;..11h. 4,, r-,.,,,,,,,„ . , ho ,L,,,,...:„., 1... llorn created a t seem. t broogh whir!, the of t 611111 tot P.I• is te.. ttov ...1 I t F 3... ..., .......,:d.. - ...,,,,h e i- Th e ,- . err In "per/riot . ] ' , .. , ' , 1 a . ~,.,1, ~ , v , , ," , .,i 0 . ., • .f..41, r ,".... j o h,„,„„ „,,,,,,., i ,,_ ut.and running '1..1 1 the run It eum- here to.etar ..1. 1..., ad. 'I ..• ~ 3 ",......• 1., 1I .. " of, i, , • ........ tS . . 111 .... 11 . 1 , he ' l ' l. '3; ,/,,,,,,„• ~,,. ,„.', d i"' `),• "r ' " 1, 011 t011•1114h11, of 1111.1ent t ni with nit o ..wi ni . hini,.. nn i term ,L artrollan . ...is, ........ SS, .iet. „ ,..„ .. ... . ..., o ~.., ,„ ea ,g, •., he Illtv .11;,,Z01".. 1111. : . j:,:n.,:.::::::::„...ti,...ti,1,..{1. ~.1 , ,,,,f e r , 1 :1 1 1 :1 1 : , . .p 1 ii1t : •. ., of. : C.ilight frotu tho tiro In the fur.", rthiret two 1 1 , ........,..1. . : .3., II -m • • •• 1. ont!•.•/ .•11••,' 0.01 In tht VOW , 1 , 0 , 11;:t- e s- ~. .. ,.., , , L ,„ . , 1 , - .. 1, . 0 ~', , I„, ,„,, , , ,tn, ~ .iz. Fro in t hi, point, it roPILILY Ntrett.l 1.. tiro oil liered that Ihe t.t.•••••••t t....i.. si„ .1”I'l •1 1• • • • ,•',,-d,• !, In I • . 1.,•, hot- . 1 al I _•. : .2 , 1 ,, 31 ,. 2 . _ . , !„,,..,,,,, J.. ,,, ,tet , ,. r „,,,,,,, , Lin of the Ocean lin I oinpuit .1 I'll,l ,de [heed I.s• nes 10,1 1.. 1,. 5.110.1 ~, 1 ... • „sr:" ....,..• ..,..• .13i or ...... h.. 11. 1 11 7. r, 1 , ..,) I se s 111 phut. I. l• Aro, le well 1.110 sh •!0, 1 . 111.10,0 1 , & _......__ •0 1 . ••' 1° 1 “ - 1 :• T ' , •• ""'.. " ,1" " r„ ,%,' 111.. a/Winn, 111.01•0 • . ,„k. It 'ugh, • to\ ~t•key. No Is. theme.. down the lion to tittfe ith p (IT ) 1.- '''l'he 1111olt Illstlllat lon lihshoo... lose, ' • .'" r.. '' r ''''' '' rr ' . ' .1 . "I' ." : r ' . '... . '; "...':.; . • 1 "1 " .... . ". , Ir. Inn ' l ' l . , '"''''' .gi l' ' „,••• ••- g' l • • 1 tt i ff i l l .•,,t .01. fire In number, belonging I. iM , II 110., - The I,oall ILIII-N /agora SWF. ; '' '' ' r -. ' I. ' : r'u.' ''''' '''' rte;; tae "'"" "U.' tar ..',.",' 1;”„),L.,.! 1,,,‘, 1„,, ' ,:,„ ' .., ' ,., , .. , , 1 r . ,; ' , : . .; . . , , , S: . ' ilillib Silt, ILV 1.3 I 081 itl .t Sit et, sot Ilreetlen and Tennent (It: ii i . ve er , , . •t. ...rale - Thm e were shtmoul from ''. ' ne 'r . " -11 •L ' l.O .0.. 1.. .. 1 11. that he en,,,,1 hoses „ loci vier. +iron enveloped In one New.) ens, N 1... .1.... The 11, N1 , 1in111101. "I i• • i.,„,,,,, ~/. .1 0 . i ' / ,,,,' l a , 5 .e.„ , ,, , ,,,.,,,,,, nut do thts ...Inn_ . /1• hsend...l ehour o te . hugt. truhrs of names, 1, 1111110 earthly 13101111,4 of , the 'Welt Lottlitti 101 l 1'11 , 11......0111 ...ill •:, .. - ~..,„,. /,, s, ~, ~,, „,,r,/,..',,,,, , dry g 0.,,, ,, week , hefore!he , t, ~ . I , I ,r,• dloovered. 1.0 „ •1; erg this fearful Dale. IL roiled onwar.l ~ , , t h e n on I n n n ,„ e „ , r.,,n,„ ‘ „ nlnnung wit , at alto A•• 1 or II It I. stated 'list m •••• k „ . ,-,,,,, 0,,, „ e i i r ,. ,x, i f „,, , i i,„ p ro p,. ~,, trues 11/1,1 yet re, r, doom% ens] that May load . 3,--, thirty corntrUstilde, and sweeping every ('''''''' 21,,"; . "' r'.' 11..t.,,,,,,,,Tr",,,,...y,2;.:-.,- ~..),., , ~,.,„, „ „ ~,,,, r0a ,..,,, a ebunnei era ,.. ~ ~,,,,,, ..,..,,,,,,,•,,,.• ~.. ,„,,,,, ..,,. ,„,,, : , , , i, „ , , ,..,,rz , r , 1 , r1 H . ,. ... if,: : - .„ , , , , , ... , :x . r , , 1 n e , t , rrii.11 , 1i , i , ,i „, t h l 1 , , , . , 0 ,,, n ; to Ms arrest. „ h„. l , ~.„.,,,i t i . ,, i,„,.„1„,i ma;; i nto uene ,„_ The .PbErs •peett,ti. dat...l Iv ashiti,,t, manor 1. ! , .11 1 ,.. I. it aston "...ie. 1 heretoe, that oar Iblistriet Court. 1.•.11' gun, entritlng in Ito wily three refineries, .2....zy t 1 0 1 v t , , , ,' relieved u t1. , , , t1 :I:,- bean toil: L. , i t: , l ~,,,. ~, ~,,•n.•ttn....;, ,,. ...r 0 in,„rh ail en tton In Inc' Ta t. to net r, March .22.-Beforr Judge !lamp. :IT. , th rr i , , Y r ',':. : ,'" , ' l . :- . 11 I ' l I","din tit '" , tilt , .V , I , l "''', „..".":r°,., ' ","""' ' ''''' ' .''''',.' : '',"'L l ;' " 1 I ,' ''' ' ." ''' - , t ',',`J'''„," s 7;!.. l :',;r',.`„'„ I, °1,.',,,1ti,i,t-ic.,"-',',r,'„r.`,',`:..",!,: Inn. J y l ,t.. ~..,..r .1,,,,„ „,,gh,.„.,... palmed Free and sold I'lleaPer t , ,,, tn n o r tte.. fr 4.,,.. the tft - eak•tsr, '" o '' t . t o t ti a , .-e .L.-e ~ • ' `. • r"., t.•..• ors• 1.. , tar `.. 1.1,11 . 1. X 1 ed. ~ ..r fro,. 01, Iltnesione, iruildlng mote, Freyole-,, , tfixe o f ejeetr,,ent-f ened „ ~.,.,.. /1.0 It 11- emptying Itself Into .1,1 i reek, at , lii l 1 1,14i 5 , m 1113, ° D ., loir ' l . l I ' l 1 1, I' . ''.... 'I , . 3 and sand lots ir only .. 'ell' alt Dieted ma. at- diet for plaintiff . , subject to Ihe ot th e i ' than 10 r, .• Til..tit I, 111 Ihe Mu. Dray preeowi em . i i , th e ;he earnaa",•.to , .l. a , • ,, •I , h• - • u , "." ,,, g t ~,I • •, :au, i ~,,,,,,,,, ,• 1 ,,,, ,,, .i 1.11.1 um n :Lel:- Cohrt on gnme", of lea reserrd. ; I Dill t• 1. EstattliBll - 4 ton - I - R.le rentinhon of block ~ mete until upon reef...ler/rte.. Hi. Mel' . ll ea. hi,- . - 0 - ~,,,i 0m..--. rted ... r sand sup:die- nearly rill school Director. of Jefferson ,Tow...ton v. ritrne nearly a mile in length. , eluded, that he is -.11,0... .111, the r, ,,, ~•,.. tt „. ~ in.. r.,, ~ , t. , 111 1V...t.'1,1 1'.0110 , 2.11 - 1111111. • Henry Large. The defendant wu.stro....llre, meal lit ill (AI . Th'. '''''''' " fil "I ''' '''''' I. 'tarn '''''''' '---Ih"r" l'ing " '''''' I"'"Rht ''' r."'"ver " l'aft"' :I,f 41'." ' 7RADLE--------"-----------YS'SKDIIII:LTEBX.ELLIPTIG The damage. I. estnnute.l HI 5150, ,, .. Vat- i n hI. LI." , - Tl lO . 131 .31.15 s . Idol. he ( ~,,, t, ,'', . 1 .,„. ~,,,,,,- nd Del., -- of the erral 11 , 1.1 110.1 I . o . ernltlng agent for the diet riot, and tid. 1 . 11 IS i ri .„„ e , n ee „. , w ith th , ~„.„ all , „ h ,,,,,„ y .uteri ate I too., e./ r. , 11, hilt clue[ loser,. Twenty ti:otuaund P r . 111; ar's 111. . - ' ll- 1. 1,1 " 11 "I ei Imo:foe-1m.! ~... 1,,0ni t ..,1 ...mare tittles of eoal, or 12. , .10/ liege•l to Ix- due to the to. 11.11 lir Tbe. 41.0 art for,. .. ..,,,,u/n...1 .rt onelool.lre.l.lolln,pern e r e is fl ettott claimed to I n s,. i d ~1 pct ~ Ixtrrels of all wax 4 . 01110.1111041, With Lae tank ge. ... go , eig h teen iii ,,,,,, e i t e e „,, , ,1.. t . ep .,,, ' Mr. Littlel l .l , ll's 101 l o 1 the 1. 1 . 11 . 1 . , '`...." tl, halos e'.4...1 state. There., L'orohl,ushels twenty-seven rt., its, ..le Leo nly gra credit . IN- r .,,,. , . . 11 , e-4. and the whole paraphernalia re, MY to .In(m .mm'at.• , h , N , m ,,, ` I ":' ' "'-'' of coal 11 , 1 1 , .3 , Te. . h 1 , 11 ta ~,,,•• cent pet r ,, , I aentv-llsr.. Ile also claim- ehnipnifaut,,, ti . . . LIII.r FOR 1,.:66. ~ ., ,, k,,,,• wen,. a, destroyed. The ItenneholT COMpqrs tottLorlre s •r , m gentlernea lo i,,,,,,, 1 pront to the oa weer, will rertirxe tir e 1" , ,r ' 1 nr1•14 . 010 1111.1 alleges 'brt ever; dollat l. r.l chi Creek etire...l suei r d ee d ... in ,. /ir e cOnstrtcl. a shin canal oional the 1'. 3 . ,1 ..i N 1" mon .1 +1,3•11. tter aere, el..er Gilt, The COll- • reen11•11 V.ILn hillttfUlly vxpon,l o/ 1,. Th.• t,tl. 11.111.1,01 .1011/1, darnagi. Two men are re- ag.r l, l 1 1 1 I 1 •Is stale, 11, MincurrOg at , .`,".. , Ott: , ~,,,,, ~,,,, of a r .. 1. then urged in these 1 . nix did 11nt show, however, that 1 here 11,re 11.111 WI .1 1•••••1 ...I ourned secerel r, three fatan r, al. one, ...on 1 . 1 11 Point .. . 1 DI. .‘ 111111 . 3 1,1 l''''' l, "'" l ‘ 1 ' II" , , A ••.''''' "A.. .. . a. , to Dohle , ont I r ade l'Onk- In, /11011. 111011 0111101e/1 then the, were ei., , ,iii., , 1 . I ink Sloherne..., 1100 .111141 4110.1,01 Ow NllO.llll- 111.110. 4.11 ter...mating 0 , I. o llll' ~..11' . ' "I I • " •• pint, 1. 3 11110 .r . 1 . 0.11.01.: Aloe,: .... Valley, so , for. Didge I Irtinpl... will, •Llarge Ise: ,Ilry 111, 1 , ...i. lion., Ile rife; the most hoi 1,1 swirl point bele., 111001 11, Sittni. -11 . ..11111 , or Th . ‘ ,,, y ti „. i,,,,, i, „ ~,,,a , ,,,i , ~,. the ~,,,, , „,,,,,,,,,,,.. SPII.I.IiIG SIEIrt.TS. Over sltnessell, behrg nothing but a darken- " 1° ' th or , '" , 1 .. k, ..." m• " 1 . . "‘••“,, m, `., ‘,,•,. eq e - .• .10 e‘,.. 1., th..,,h-1„,,,,,t 5it.,,„,, ~,1 • r & C ARV , „, ~„„,„, ~,,,s . , ~,,,, N ts„„„ „ ~„.„,,,,, le, than le:, re, e -.le ”1. ,, , :e.: -eye . ,, . 0. ) , ~,, n• e .111, ..10 , 11: 11 , v/1111., Of Ihe south- ' Court of quarter Semoritt• tt .tn tto momtring eletnent larth itl • wore ' ''''''''''''' ' ''' '''''''' " ''' '''.....' ' '' .'' ' . P ' ". -.1 no' ... 's 1 h. , 3 111 . 1 . 1 .1 as to tht- work I.X Tar sh/. V, .1111,11 ...-Itoft... .111.1 es 11 11111 ' ilci 'red eldd ' ii m i qh!thi PA , "Ifff if 1'a9.41. lIESTS BnIBLEY •.,.,„..1 ~t ,.lt, was re ore, ~,. „.,.,.. i _ of , Nt i atl,-..,, , , , 1,:,,,•k „ .. ~,, , , , , ,1 ,., , ,, , , ~ , ,,, n ., , , . , ,f .: I ~.:1„.:: • ...., ..f.,r,e ....i pet r,•. t ~. t %yolk of I..illoads, „„,31 ii,„.„. g ' • ' runt r. .... Ate. het rh e a is, repot ti .,x, , ~.,,, i „.. I t e b , , • ~ .i . . , ri ~,,, k o ~.I . . ue .;u .. , ~. i.,., ." ,!1,,,,, kk,,,,,,,, ~, iuli j 1 I roir I x": ,q Peter Legiean wits I reol for , amen' ..t 1 ~. "Os ., 0. dent I' 3 " " 0 1. ;.k• 11 " d 1.1 . 1 ' ) ' ll 1111 '' ' "' '' ''' 1 .." ' . " . " . ' i:',,,,lL•rfY-rTolo"intr.:"1.:11'1'.,1""T.1‘1;.-11'.1 l'l'3';','n'l-i':l.[, '" Prit r r ' ir 'l l ' e d l , lt?l ' l ' fi r s ...' Pi ' t. ' , ' t ' a i l " e....rt r i ' l I} l.' t . i ' i h rt .." . -ge , 'l r, of . s.l 3. "1.1 nor-1. .3 1, 1 1r0 13 . 3 rafrid l Y, imid the. la, e,ri., and arty ....e....1 to two itioldlis in 97 Chhosbo 9 •est.o kl tl ' 79 tt SI Itetnele' St... It .111111 v hp 1.: anothor ,I. rriek 1,, srt o to „ rl ' 11 " Ir t 1 t ""''' " 1 "I' l I ' l '' (I.l",ttVg jlirlae.OhtL,".--....:'4"1-,pre','.:,Ai ~7.7;* , " ; .,!.....„1. . i'i s ; .:1";, „....i'!;'.."',....11i...1::1‘x 11''I'lri:',:,,lattill'I'ule'r'c'14.!i' :: E l ' i lin r . : - . " 11 ' .. ' .. 1. 5. ) 1 - I .l ,f ' (Lt i 1 , , ... , a , s a rra hilted on two el, tn.: es 1.... lie a asotionol sllghtly. -wee.- XIX I IIIII('ONGRESS---FIRST SESSION r w d--- 110 Elnanee HI II p' e' ar l [ . 1:3- I ell- a'. -IA .. ,-,-, v it1...31t :lopending upon , I s tt,,ltilllt•.l itpott one 101.1 It.TENJC7 aloe In 'rein, the •Invertont ‘of wat. • tiavl,4alloll. . '' s-"'''''''' ' Nl' r' . . b 2. .' ' ' I ..." , p , 1 . ,, 5• : .1 , r ; :1 1 1 : 1 1 ,, N ur i' , 1 ' : , g ,„,„, :,a1 , ::::` ,, ' : ,,, e , ' ! : ' : ' ,, f:::: ' ; ,, . ' , 3 ; ,;. 12 , ;1 ,, ' , . 7 ,,,, .:3:: , ' ',: , ' , 1 „ ..... , 1i i k , ; : ": ., : , ,'1 . : , : ' , k ,,. .,: , '," ',.,,.,.,;rT5., ~0..,:,,:.1.,,.;':.:,.,1::::::if:::..,!,..,:.:1,1,:,.1,,1.:4;.,3:1,}:',11;',,'.:'.;ii,i1:::,1'!„111,1',:,f'.1,;1::,','..r:''1.i,;;1:-.' r:cl;..,"'ll‘::,.:lor':'!g:',‘;:,:fll.::::il.;'.lrfa''',la:.,i.l.l'ii.:;,tr,":“.'‘.;S:',::::4' tr :: l; : , l: i : , ‘: : '' : g'l : d; :; : ii :: , l' , ' , i , ' : ::,'",:,','11. :ti:rt:;.1.11;r:I:AN..:::(k::'''...::.''it:Kk.1::::•::°1:[;r.:1:;1:.''1'1;',;.'sIti.::-'1:'1,11:1;!',.,„...;r11:t:'!'.'11:nt:,:‘.1,,sw‘ , : I: : , ': f. '' .. n'r t fl ". : r t: t in . ; ;: •l "Pe : ' : 11. :vo li 51 . "...i AT 1. M ' '""‘"''' 31 ' ....1.°1 "' 1 the 11 " .^.1 " w ID "' dl .t .! rxehss. g ... ....../1•II. Wnlti.h. tussle u• r.... , red ell 1/.ells Of rfs111101•11•21111... ...king .-,..ig offensni 1., r 1". g.., or oho ,t 1 , .: ~,.. :, - .., „;,, , . ':,,' ' ',1,„:, , ',. ~..,, .., ' , 1 ,, t ;1' . .1 .. ,...: , ': . ..r: ':n • lad on *ruff Let t s r . charges ~r ~,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,, ,Ili trl el.tr, , rat ha,. 1...., ,1.r,,,,,,.,an","1..?",.,,;, t 71 grt... togrixrairtmo a Itepitt , lleall form 01 lure 01' 1 . ,.....1.1,,1 1.t , ,, ol, • , u - - . ...---”..- ` " ",'" graal-. Turles ws, eon r feted on iartl, elier, s I . Del, tor the for' :el, tor the 'hi....... ' ' the '• r .meat ... o. ' , tots . reheilht. stat. It en !toward hi Ins' I. / . /0 ,-. - [h i s ~ .'•• I. ,t Ihn •16. k .11 In. 0/ 1. It I, 11 / 1 •11.11 . 1 .•• . • • • 1 ctorr'd 1 .. Do . 1 ' ,lll . l .tee on 1 /. l const ft. , eo L l ' ttlo .. o... to ,-.....,.t5.. • n,,, ...mt.. ..1 t 1.•• "Imre...-. ,-.. • - •, , Z•k. stook 1 ~ .;, • KU , . Ind ,11 of l l .I°u:lh U.... Ile r ' , ' 1 . ,,.. “ , ' , " 4 ' ;,,. t r '' ,...i 1 ier I ;. l . ' ,, " i V i r, j:,:,. ',‘,1,...:„(.:,1.- :;:r.'i.',,',....:i,a,:i!,g,ll.,:r.gr,”hrx:;l.r..tir":',‘,i'..rri'X if . l " i.Tr ' X W a r n,T r ' e !' s " ',.. tie I/ I ,I I Lt.A ELI.I 1 1 TI 1"I'llfe ' if, r tail, present,...l ins petition of the OM- ts " l ' tl:tn...7l7l " "I ''''''''.." '" rhirr."'"l r.". ''.. .1....• . . ' o '..'' :::• ' l . . '" -Yl, l . ' l ' sg " ll ' . ' .• ll I i ' t ‘ l ' ..; '. l ' ., ..t e " ,, s !, ' . ' ,. ' n " U..... m ` .l ' ' ' ' • • ..of the Sets lugr hook,. kfanebetter, N.ov The 1 . 1 ,,„,. , ,„„,„„,,.,.,,, ~.„... ...„ t N I ,. ,„., ~,.. - ~:t.l . ~,,,,-. ~,,.1 ~, het Le, f• that , I Collet tsf Cotomon Pleas. II trpstpro, a•king that deposits In •ald hank re Mill engage.l or -.-.....,., D..• 1. '.l 11 ,. I. ' '..l_ '.' I”"II'. .. 11..11L 1' 1 '.' '.IL ""'.., 1,l lI"..• Tk, ' STANDARD SKIRT IL. exeltipt from [axial... a. Bill, InCl.Olll 1011. 11 1,00,00 of volt. hor f.. s 1.. .•.:1.1 I!.e '1...1-a l . Inf.., ere. that . 0.1.1 i ":,'..".•‘' • 'T'"" I ' -' •• -ile r" 1.11 .I ,11 1See sir'. rett N r Atillioro . . from the Contmittee ~n Print. u, anti:nou s eerie...m ot , s eer o f p , m e , ~,, .. ~. 1 0 .ly ...c... 1 / 1 1 , 1 , -11 t 110 1 1S:11.00. rat 1110 101- n •••“- '....." 1 1. y.. 1 ,- ‘,.• -tnttriet• t,t.st tt, ~ E . ,g . ,portorl a ithont o.rne.l.lMent the reset. ii ,„ l•tri 111001 the 1 0 ,, / ,.... 0. ~, .s.,j, , ~ 1..., . 0 , .I s s ; ... • ..”1 0111101100 ran VlllllO 01 ,k1,."..?:':.'.‘.%/r,Y,..'.V,l'' T: " . l''' ' ''''' ' ''''''' 1 ' '''' '' "l''' ' •illhl • l”:7' ; '..lo."lr l ' l ' ' . ll...l 0.. .11/010. and to l'ltt•- ; 01 h.! pr run flft 1110.4.011./ no 11/.. nt 1110 r 1 111:11 „ mule p.`.. , ,'. '. ' • . ' ..."' ';'''. mete i't e'" " ' Ir'/:. I: : II:I kI k'. II ~...1 I: 511.1.1111 ‘I'l.„„I ""'g" 'F"'''''' '"'"'''''. "n" t'" ''''td.." r." ~ • . .al report o the ' Iteventre I mumlssion. The 1.,,,a,a,,,,.,,i..,,,,,,,,, `..,.. „. k ,.•,,,„ k • . I , I • . I II•I • I AII•• lItI.I I . t .. 1111 lO.IS to slier. . - ' I st.sres . Ibis rev. I a.,ulr, t,,r a I 1 fends lek• keel II the minority rei.,rt ie ri .,,, n „ r ~„. r ,„,,,. ~..„„ ..,•, ~....,,,.. ~. I“, • ~ , •L'irri I - ~ f 11: 1. - 011 ~ il I. 010• Int, 01..1 10.- :•,,' , l- . 1• !', Ve r .. 11 " 0• .• .. 1 ..".',01 rl , ll '1 . :1 . ..zed 3 ,, I. Min the . "'smitten hail been printed. XT. k, through 1.1 Va.. „,.,...,,, i .„. , ~, ~.. .„.„ th e r ..., ..„ a it.....frrealth .11,..1 .„. , Il3 ' I I. ' l° ' I 'S 11 ') . Ill.ll ' . " 1. the d'll'"''' Bradle)'s Duplex Elliptic Skirt. It• , 10,10,th .0,01 It b e d twit Ste Hays,. 41,1411te .0000 1111.11 , 1110 , -. .0.. r• s 0n• t. 1.1.0t1 1111 , 1 'O , O .1 111 10011 ... , 011101•01. .011 'Ol rat..' . wag., 110.1 made H' eport In Inver nflaxttot noel Ise the. sot soot ...t - ..i toe ..••res s. •.1 1 31 . e L 1 . I 111 1•11 - 11•111, ke11.100.11 5.. Tbotorts hear. l',lr3Ml'll.D.l I .1 1.1 .tate. wilt e d'„ - . o •nrilltsa 414 scaling the 1 , ..- T, art- I o h.- p . a , ..-1 ..” • ••-.• Leta, • .•IJ .1,11 , , ott ‘ 0 011t1•11.1, \ ..ollvt I , .r.•hontitt 1.. ._- 1 : a., debt. lteel not been prlnt. „ l i I ni,terenti on r , "„ ig,.,, f .,;,.... ,„ i r , :,,,,,.„, . 111.. State Agrleof torn! Soe let, -Tile r. ,, Th. , .. , .. ,, ~..",.. u,,,,,,,,,,,...- ALI. S': 1 LEtt of VILE , 'El.,.F.llit ATE,. ~.. ser) had report, not it might an well I n In N ew stn ~,,, t ei„..,,, o r ~, . ~,, ~ ,1 , root ale Ilisennt•- litstsortont Aelltos. `', ''• , DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT ~ ~, le. Int It tl.. / 0 , „ wile, Ali /- .I i ,„, i r h • k m. ~,, ~,,In t 1 ..1 I . 1. ..; r . ° 1 1 17: ' re b i;.l.l ' l ' /4 ” r ' ll ' l ' o, '' ... ' l ' . ' ... ' • ' ,Z, ' " ;.','' ''''. "„' V. ?IT ' I.: ~ ,, , , , t ' s : . I .:::: • :.:;,, , I I:t " . . 2 11 ' , , i r,..i:?..i.,,.::.,T,::::,.,,,,i.‘,3i'1,:,..e.`,...,,,,1.:,13;.,,.3,1,,,,-,.,,...i. f0,:,„,:e.,:r::::,:r:tr,:i5it::,1:,,r'.,:‘'',.::,1',:e;e:,.,:,,f, tith:,11.:.,:e.'rfeei11:.1,,i,..:2: ~,Lit.‘,,:,ll.,:ri:e:e!:”., ___! ' ' '''' } ' ' "' A " "' l ' '• 0.- ainereiral to Lin to meted,. Mr. Ilay.. generqty of that Nate I • so all,..res that Hie tolracto rie s not A.R.-ET-A-IX-a Tl.ll2l.9_ra3EDß.l9i , ort arid .4.. then passed ,11 1 tails , ' 1 , 1 the dor,. at lowtst rates. -.0.-- l'k ..-..,, t.' , -, ..' -, •t - ' •••••",,,,,, 1, ”" '1 . " ,, I ”Ilth-11. ~I t . 1;1,‘I. It /Jura., turn the I ourruitisse on the 11- ' Tho 4.th...1-tarot Election sellattor Steo - 1 L . .• 1 -1, - - . I•r'' ' ' . 1..- .. , ' •1 1 ..1 ' o g mr ~ -....L • .11.4C11 U.N.I Zo' c.aßzirszE, .k,,,,,,,,r,..„. relf to transfer the library . ortotot E.1.101......1 by the I•re•ldent ~,,, , t tuau , . a: , :. ,” , lie , .. 1. 31,......., If tlin ntlllthwonlan 111.11Illtt• 1.41, the Ithrary of .f -- 011 the R... 3Lia .F 12113 eiltroot. „„,,,,.„. ~„,, ~,,,,..,, f„,.. i ts ~,,,,dia te ,1„„.. IV Aoiii Ix.. I.•N. Ni.p. /3 el --.1 -boo ~1 to 1.0 I" 0 ' ~.„,. L ,.. 1 , , 1 1 , , I , ~ , „ 4 1 / 1 Ta. sdav .ift. Drools. a 1 non,- Ithill ••• tII I .re, :e.t.a. 11. ,I St the request of' Mr Summer, It r'....16'.."' I ...-• ' I . "' ' l 'l , Th" ' ''''''''' ' ' 1..., ~. .., s 0 '. • 0 .'''' ' rl ml. . ''''• ' 0 • '“ U " ” i I ia11 '"• .1 "" .....• U ' . 1, •‘'..-'-•; .. ‘ ... Istl.l on. lly 10/. r, the pie eat and or- v1e.14 i. , ,-,,,,,,, ~ t..h ttatt..,tl ..11•1 ,• - ~„ ..,.. ~, ' k . .. k •I .'" . " O . '''' I " ." "I."" ' '" „r"...ted In ilee F' 1.. t rr :41 Allexthoni Irr h !cos In no Irlllo.l Itt/ OW rr , •,. r ~,,, , , ~ „., ~, ~ , , ~ „„., , ~,,,,,,,,.„ ~ k ~. neer, I..Liorr stud Hess, Thargod a 111, 110 1 In t and aced a tesoh t tno s In. ' .taol IL. s ... t i••• Itt.p.ml:•ss.. sets.l •.• ,„, ~, , ~, , ,„1 I , I I , • . • ~..,,,- ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, „,,,, ~,,,,. ~,,,,,,,, „ a • 01.• .1,111 I of •,, atifoirdir, the ,131 I , llllllsti.o . •.. art 1. , ... i.f , •;,.., rleet-lott I. let mil IZoN,IIe Aft_ ,-. 11, rerttlit , 1,,.! 1...1 The Rt.1.1.:i ~,..1.,,, ~,., In -,, -.1,1", , '', •, ' ''' ' • ..1. , • ..1 the. rt, til - Int• t., 1001811 n .II 1... ~ 1 , 01 - 1)•11/.•.i. ... 10.1. , 0.. -1 tsl • •11 , •• •.• • , In, 11, wens.. non" 1 entlit .0. hy In. Ts, " 111 I'e Pr'' ,.l .'" l •I '• • •l • - '" • , /inn. was uetopted 11 1 1 1 ,Isor, tale.; up the re...intim, Int real °- .1 •l, Ms 1 ...1.1- r I r ....r., . gra. 1.• .... of tire .-..... i'11 , '../i , - , t. ' 'o. .I 1., Sir. .11, %Vein,. u refuge. f s" t'a►uliuued Feiiian rre.a. ;111011. , NIERNING sIEPIIENs 1 III: ir II IES IV 'ES 7.10.1 of Cieorgt e:‘ , 1 11111Mii=112 •=lllllll EMI I is. t pf.ol CI, :it , ~. .11)113,i Vt•il I.ll.ght .•ra Th.. L , •••• .1-1,, I t;cf.! ••: , t•t^. \on ktt .t• tt•'titto t ittu ttitttit,t A I.kl i•:11 1 urt h. f.t i11. , 1n •.1 1., iht• ttrt•tt: t,. , !1••• .. 7 a. i.••-• 1,11,111114 h., rl.lll, . 1.0, 11 . ..0..pp, •.. 11, %% =ISM ME p 1.•-r- hr. P, •• .• • ‘lnerille• vr.so ' " NM ~. ~; ,~.. tt.•1:1 1.. t. ton lull, t kt• t•-i. i:t • 1.1114 ott Hut 11 .^/a• re-r, \ arl ,1,1 at 7 I y 4.1 I ,Tir•F I. ljtiviriC ri•,l Vt% 1 .L. tttt It.tglitutt it. t • tl tim 11 .‘nre •L:klr vrrs , tntr tl .I Vi n,V. on I.lle l•rol .1 •,.1111..d I lia,ll 141r1 07,1- 11,, •yrin tiaN , • 11 1 , .1,1 - roira, )1,1, , - Th r.,•1 11 1 11•1,1 14 1.1 tu..ow“rtant . Mr als,l •.‘ , r ~, IS I. ta~l r i. I '.,1 , l urrk, • Ih, Z PrI7SBURGII, FRIDAY, —n,.• al 111v1 =MEM •7 1.,•• n I • I I IStif =Mil =I =MI ~:. -~ ... .~: ~, nun , POlllOll/11 , 1 Milt II In , pr.•tluui 101 111 III!. Oar WI• I ,I , rt• 1111111 t\1',11.14) , -I] , ilVAir 11- II ' - i 11:P11.4NS' I'ol . lll' S A 1.E.. -Hy , -., s lett. d ot Iltlari • to t it, i ornian,• Coon ..f Al ti 1 1 ti , tin.h.ri.ignett adi esp.. • - I unite i.le at tle. i i tilt r 11. li•ti - lot the . It, er , Pitt ....rah. on Vitl I 0.,1. Alibl I. lath, leant, .1 no. ... - atto 0 , .. iiiii ii .. I...nein . : ; i'... I.l:7.':‘;'..._it'i';l.l.:lifitr'i..tr't.,ila;-"it'.iiinlf ;1,:,‘".T...::,'",,,','..1Xf": ~ , i. ..., 111 ornto_ lii ton] Ihe 1A...1 de, clitiii i. 'it 1,4.1 tionthered ii.. lit.. ant] IS. tn t 4.. plat ' ai ~, ,i , , , t ,,„„,..,. ~ ';,,,. II alu...ar, ha: Ili , ,1..• n•l.,.ut, a hilt; iltitiTt . 1.,- :ant 4. t toy the lindorslyned. 1, the A nd ~,..,,, „,,,, ~ ~ ~,, ~. , llirea A 1111111.wl 'l 13 , 11, t. 4.1", ng,ll,nl 1.4 , " 1,,, sr nd. ft, ste notoor), Itudolph, and th,d , , „„. !„,,,,•,,, ,„,,,,,, hoh.., of Mei °noel', I .l . .tking in it nuR/1 , 1,, . n ''' !trpliana: . t onrt f anid enmity. In No SS tor I.a intlon, alter a inch he -.cloud iipOn meld de- "i " . . "-r. ".. I '-• e i " i i, ii loin h ' h. ht h '''' ther "'Md. "' ...1d ~ zer1...“1 a. t•o0101 , 11, .11. 11111111 at the corn iiiiiiiii•ii..iu: ~ lite nteptiaii • sl'h, ''' the ' ..rheh 'it' a ai r, ' tvntr , tdlnl' , . tiiniglttpt if It. ',wen and If Int ot atree g • i an ' in try to l 'r ,' i, ~,,. i,, ~,,,,,,, ~,- ~,,,,,,,;,,,.,,, In at McConnell oweit Illio the aunt ol fifty lib Iniiel ; ill,. Ale] the, aii . itl , lll i11,...1 , - '''''' • --",- d. , ithenyi itienne.tmum ° Rel., l ' fit ' re ' et ' M.i t teet r tt A t i tn " ; %... it, no said plan, ately sold to .1. P. Flemlngt them, along . il .iit 'co. Itt. se feet to a tO foot alley: -. .ii h., e luien, tnitile, /11Iii null fao•t• .tio.onlinith intent to lilll.-10,oerdo ) .1”1/rn• .tiong ..3.1 all, ,Co feel to lieitriont atreet, I"' , I 111. .1 perie.nal ',non. ~,,,,,,,,, , ~,, 0 , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nnaruing, a I/1:111 by 11112 flaunt:of Marsh,counnil- th. 'w . ' ith " .l., h.. "' ' it ' .. " ''''''''t to i t . ' c " r. "‘ , " 1 ~. r .., ~,, ~ ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~ 1 .,,,,,, g ~,,,r r, , ~,,, ~, ~,,, Ittiotiirea street. toe Ida., of toeglnnlna. iiit it i • , iie P.- P , " ""hi'• National ilobil on Waster id , t• t 1,1 • wilt il Ur , . 1 . 11 . 1,,, F , 5A1,--1151,,,,h ou day of ittle. son in xi -bid , t the- , Itei.titiO, If, , . • .-C ,i , ', '-' Mnth, rr.ina date of ai ed. and the halm., In . .. ~ . ~.,_ att er Clklne tie, near lotong she be. 11 el* `antsman from dale or deed. li, fere.) payment,. ~ '7 ,, r ,i' ,. , , ~•,,,,,,,•,, ~) ~,,, ~.,•,,,. peara that -Marsh was inn!, the ittliuence nil ter Intereat. and t :Ire ',tared by nond end mart liquoti, and was loud Xlll In the liar-rOton or :age on the pti.ml-iii. ii ii re.... to lb.• Itioald, it ei on, ni , iiitt Salton IT. huroLrit, , I , ~. ~, ii,„ In, ~.-_,,. i . ,„ , , s ~,,, , ~ ~, , the hotel, is hen hit attention was attract.] 10 the boy, and drittetng a pistol troth hl. tinariltan et Mlle, i hit tiren 111 b., Rudolph „. I el:et., .1 i hat the great en ' 0 h.ocket, h, fired, relit h view, .be tape, of t:Lih.Z-"i3twr rvii 0 0. In tit, -.int, • tont the evitlet tie , , .., ~,.,,, ~ „, ~,,, I, ~,,, ~,. ~,.,‘,.. r , ageing It,, clues he could route to hint The '............"------"" ~ ~„ ~ ..,,L ... ~.._. .., ~. .„..,,..,,,.., 4.11 grazed the too) . * bowl Knit riaasetl Into the LI VER '1: .3 IABLES. :,. ~—.. 1 ,: t ~,,.:,.;i %-,...,,,,.„ - a'all, fot I intately doing art (natter ilatnage !ir,ri rsh aas nrteeil anti taken I lore the May- ii 0 WAIILI'S 1.11 Eltl tiT.kIILE. '' ' ''', ' h ,'' I '''''.'!"'''• oii, who, utter lieuring 1110 facL iletall:d tio L, ” hch ' ''''''' hem held Marsh for H. further hearing. ' itnitiedi 'M.' KeLefit.li• • initn ;•o ' " • Ilat Ing i11:pi...1 ‘.l my intoned In the Keyston. 1.1 ery ream. I win nit I :if., 111 111 rtd, nila that I an, • I •it/.1i.• lilo. :ill.l tliaJ“. rrillir, r.ll : , tlll eztal, to .iti elite, i Eye and Ear Dtwecae.-1../r. Gardner ittlll tni i pemanently lerated un fir, ..treet, shone Su ithlitild. near ire Si tinongabetn Hot., , ttnie ditrttit t lie ..a. i ont Inuea to treat those sillicied with thsenscs i design to 111.00.1,31 T aortas ill. stable and !, ul an.. a:...,. • 1... . 'f then, and ear, at his rooms In the Mono, le It the bed is tht in,' for the health and c• a,. ~I, - ~,,,...• ... ~, 4abeln floutie, where he will remain until the :'.', tot the hoeatis Cant. ' , II v111.11,1y 11 w ../nerk ' ..r . ... , 11, , h sh, ..,n r.," :ifth Inst. The doctor ts el,' very sueeessful 5„,..., / t ,t,. 11,,,,,,u,,... it t , g ,„: 11,,,,„., in the treatment of titattrth by Inhalatlon, and et... alit mein t ar,' petastr , sot to make rtnne • tyre,, who are ittnt , ted with 0 . 5 il i i • e nnbahofilii I Ilts I'l I.ASS LIVERY AND BALE ~ T ABLE. cafl and ~, ,,1111 attn. fie operated for entarntit i ,. „ r i, „ n „.„„,.„ ,„ r,,,,,,,,.,,, . n ., , r , t h e i n ,,.. 1 ..._ ,:., ,., ~ ... „ ,.L ,, r„ , „, ~,._: ,nitil ertio.-e:,c, itit.l inie.rts artificial e) tin a t.lb ~,, , , „,,. , ~,,,,,„,.. hasp. to wore a iti tu t , . ~.., ~ `,„ 1 ,.„,,:,..,. ,... :,. ent pedt. All nettle and i hrottle inset... tot . r,,4 'mt., p.,,. ‘,.,. ~.. ',,.. , ~,,,,,, ~,, , ,, „ i , . ill! ..Ar 11. r.• 1r1,1...1 irl The mn,z skillful mad- I al - Iltiese.k.ipt at Litery In the very haat SIISU• , i .,.,,, ,, , ,, , ,. ',..„. ~,,,... ‘,.., R..' 1 /Mee hours iron] nine in the morning in . , ~. ~, , . ~, ~,.. ~,,,,,.,,,. i l until HIN 111 11113 evt:n 1,1., tog. lin a 111 be found in , ' R. C. HOWARD ~,,. ,„„ ~,,,„. .y.rh, ii, iir.,t door ”.-.., 111011 = 11:1==!II t PRICE THREE CENT` i /I /I t 1 atm sbt. . . et nib! shozlbl be heard I g aecurt•.lown ala sem, will i. be 4gobl .tt the Hail I h • oning, al ..4..eieN•k. till iblvba.tl,rme litk • 111.2.g:,'Pa.11 ::• •' „ u a r l ' n • I •"' BOOT'S & SHOES ISM '" !um...11i, larr.,t. and It "" '''''''' 11 , 1/1 l/.• I,ll'l,B'lllA. tr:lFloflip• tot ril,l 111, 1 0i ea- 1/111. Icorls• d p i. L.tot "" • THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDITIONS ARE PRINTED. nF.9 \) 111. iliE °Tin ON Sinn) =I the mall run ngi t e o e o pte • of ten and ' ttitorartia: In .. . ll' N,0.1 1 . 1. .Dk.1.1 RIC 1.111-SaFS ZN TJEEE.1111.0.1.1,-Ii" IN TO HE 1 01 AD AT GARDINER'S N. (i 0 Fitch St.., Wbere Goods are• 'Warranted. Re- LEGAL. •. IS FILI.U. n.11.1,111,1r41,1ree1 111 ,t, I 516 115
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers