The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 22, 1866, Image 4
ght Witt burgh Gazette. - -TEnTREDAA , 22, 1866 3.OBENISON, MoCLEAN & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 49.18 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, ;iiiiilers in ilia. or Government !Sororities, Gold ..,, and' Silver. Uocorrent Bank Notes, Foreign . and Domestic Exelmkgre, etc., ow., efe. . -' ' De ta,r= rrrif = i t lia r g pp, " IV. " c d ircrtr_.7 . .„ 4 '°; Ls all puts of tito Vatted States on ° ' aerator, . kenos._ •,. • Orders onreented with Uinta, for everytklng In ;.'the badness at• Boston. New York, .Pbusdelplita.„ f and Elltaborgh rotors , Mardi strictly on comsol.- ... slonr • • • Arran' CM H. 0 ILVYS A CO., New tort.„ J. Cf .XIXX toPhiladelptax; New*. 0..11. a. T. H. PER -IMlatmw.. . . __ vitANDE AND TRADE. Wanwsseei, March 21, ISM. --In consequence of the finettations In gold, atel the feeling of tmcertainty in reference Ls the national finances, prices of commodities hate Downie !anima wholly nominal and will. necessarily. be unsettled until a steady level is found for the taanclal barometer again. The condition of the foreign exchanges lately has looked favorably fbr an adjustment , of that, level to lower figures than It has lately had, but that will not be regarded as perma nent, though It is not improbable ,that mar gins for foreign shipments may be had tor some of-our Commodities, and these low flue teal:tont In gold be maintained. A reaction,, however,Will he hoped. for by all holders of commodities, and lower ranges of prices for them will be a result of a money pressure, ra ther than a complete surrender of the expec teflon ofa recovery. A buyer of anything is now very generally, found to be gauging his purchases to narrowest limits; even the retail purchases are light.' and, were credits largely or loosely extended, not much further stagna tion would be necessary to force vales and prOduce general disorder In businees. fiold was a shade armor to-day in New York, Ifuninating between Malt% nutria LIN@ It yesterday. The following table will show . the highest and lowest points touched - each month alnee January 11X2.: 11M. 1863. 12151. leV5. 5 t' 7 r Date. . • Jan.. ..... . parte Mt 174 1604 /1 , ;( nlO 14n, 1,4‘.i Feb.. 1 4 47 IS7!s 11l I7D March.— 101 Se 11=1,1 17e 17th IS) V". 149!. 'April' 1111.4 10114 148 lets lid 144 RV • Uhl* 104341 143 1 5 tel 1M 133 1.474 1 , 54 hum MY IRKS 14=1, it'll 00 =1 I=l, 147 h • lady • 1041 I=l* I= l 4 145 = I'll , l 1404 Angld:. I=4 =3 =PI I.LW September. 1104 WI L 143 1.43 b 14.1 'October,— 1= 1.1:1 140941 13041 Ur. le I+l ID =3}i 143 ID • 1434( -`' Deeember. 'MO 134 147 149, 9.1 +lll 14t h —The following are given as 1,11.1 points of a - introduced by Dlr. Hooper lu the House of Representatives : It extends the act of March' 3, 186.5. and em powers the Secretary , of the Treasury to sell any dcteription of the bonds authorized $ that net, at rates not below par, and to re • crime in payment therefor any exhsting notes, bends or certificates. It also requires the Sec retary of the Treasury to retire nn amount Of . existing notes, bonds or eertilleates•equal to the amount of the new bonds sold. It further provides that the public debt shall not be In threated,and after the 1 dep osi tly, on certificates of andte m porary • loans Is not to exceed 4 per amt. —The defeat of the Loan 11111 In Congress, yesterday does not surprise us. Apart from the objections which were urged against tbo bill,as to its conferring too much power on the Secretary of the Treasury, there was a healthy opposition to the forei loan clause Which would of itself have def eated ted themens: nre. The alarm felt in commercial circles - Miring the .past sixty days regarding the COVithe which Mr. McCulloch was likely to pur @nein carrying out his policy of "contraction" 1M as to bring the country back to specie pay- Menta, has evidently been appreciated in Con ' areas: We trust Congress will now speedily pass a bill which will plainly indicate what course is to be pursued in connection with the national finances, so that business men may know definately what to rely upon. The un certainty which has existed in commercial circles for three months past is neither ben eficial to the Government nor the people.— (77deogo Tribune. —From the let to the 10th Of March, instant, thobalances In the United Sates Tressur, star ject to the draft of the United States Tress ,. are; increased according to a statement emu. tounloated by the Scerctry of the House of . Representatives on Saturday, from 8113,010,95 e to $143,=„1383' —beluga ten days 0ff7,404- es. Of thL increase. two millions are in coin and over five millions m currency. These in. creasing oath balances foreshadow an earii reduction of the interest on the outstanding 00,1140,000 or IS0,000,0(10 of 0 per bent certificates o i f „ , e fl oy l. 3 t in curren if not the paying elf the • or 40,000 greenback 6 per cent s certificates held as on instant demand by the New York, ThGadelphts and Boston Clearing-house Associated Banks. This last arrangement was not originated by Mx. Secre tary McCulloch, who, we doubt not, is satisfied that suchfinanciering is wholly one.sieled,and tfor thothivernmentlimProvident- The green* atothhehi in reserve to pay these, instant - mands are of no feasible use to the Treasmy, wl tie the interest paid to the Associated Rinks, for the prlvelege of locking Glom up, is about two millions per annum. Instead of paying Spec cent interest to the bunks for the tffl i c i s e CTgl7 - l gro k la n 7.t r egNiXinnt-ef,ss... th e, td thank the Treasury fur tee trouble and re.- sgousibillty assumed. in substituting certill Cates-on demand. 'New Tort Stotts, Diy Goode and Money MONIGV AND EITOCIII. New Toast, March 2l.—The plethora of money continue* and the supply le very large. The tirokere get accommouated at a per rent. call fn i rioderate sums, and I per cent. for large ants. The gold market closed up Meadirly t .128M(512M4. The Hallway Chart market-was firmer at the second board am! rather higher on some tibiae stocks After call the whine market wan lower with an in crarzed disputation to coil. Vie following wire thu - cloainF prices at 4ao New York Central, littkg Lne BOK; Liethivo/1 River, lON. Realllng, MI K; Michigan Central , MIA - Mich igan •Southern, BLignnis CentrO, 116;: Cleveland and Pitts h_,_ffl - X; North Wm, • tern, 27',..f; prefo , Cleveland and Toledthq.l9; Hock Island, ILMO Fort Wayne, 81!,..C . ' The - miscellaneous list Is quiet an. ateady. State atocks are stronger, especially - Mimpourt•filges, which rose 134. Five-twenties, Inc.M . Tan-forties, 944; Mariposa, 114, Quick . sliver, 40. IIIIIUTP311:111115 AIM rIIO,IBIOIIS. There was notning doing in breadstuff/ for export, but there are some provisions going forward. These hire rumors on 'Change oh natures among the produce men of Buffalo. The provision trade is undergoing 4.3301.11er " r.astnan excitement on a small scale. It tip ! hearilthat a member of a prominent provision Mr= on the lower part and w Broad street ban suddenly disappeared, itif blufeutom, hundred th ousand dollars cash. The affair Is creating considerable Wirth insurance circles about insolvent companies, but nothing den- Hite has yet transpired. It is pretty broadly hinted, however, that there tiresome concerns that will, ere long, pass Into the binds of re ceivers. The forib_sring are the quotations at the Neu York Dry Goods Exchange, Mares oi , phbere , • prices: The Dry Goods Market 111 steady to day, withit tittle better feeling. lironrn Sheot ings—Waehusett,Mc Finch. %le; S. unmet, Sao. Bleached Sbeetings—Bates, ';- 88, Ski Blackstone, 300. .rrhitr.--1 rimer. W, Wei Merrimac, D, Mc; Darr ^ ; Fret. mora t _lget • Delaines—Manclie • .;c; Pu clPe. X 040.. Canibrics—Washin-r. c; rort laae, 811002as—Glintao,30..: • Mc. Canton Flannels—ffamtlton t : lichee., Dr. Ticks—York, M Inch, 6754 c; York, sc bleb, 47!4c- Hoop Skiria—BradlerC Duplex Elliptic and xnpreaa Trail in good demand. =I The ca t trade lanctive. English repeat , ry Brun declined de. .Itmerlean • Ingram In good d d. The Boot and Shoe trade Is good. There are large sales of goods making at auction, and helm , lausialne quite is demand. KAM:MAIM • The Hardware trade la falling off, tiles and cutlery ere higher; there la a decline in shot and lead, aro per pound. MiILIAO STTXI:EI ?be tollOWlEW bo. ara th t urte . c :f ka et°°k. bla utaa% Hancock.Ml Wuwaotn, 344 - 1011 31a2 faey k g:y State, 9!.4; Boston Water power.M. Petroleum stooks unchanged; Shade River 11,15 t Ple Role, dee; United States, 10,50, Gold and Xining !mocks Ateady. ratlhadelphia Cattle Market. • • Parzatiatrat.4 March la.- 7 There was but e -anal attendanct Fisehner Jacoby , . save. e ZUo Tool tid ruing, owing In a mewl ' tire to the Inclement state or the weather and the In reeling existing - between the drovers and the butcher/1;M reference to the changing or mashie day from MOndayto Tti tirades , . The Waage wits Pro Pol: and'strOngiv advocated Vibe former,' they thereby hoplug to be re /loved from business on ligluidaYi betel Vll drat thing iCznet with no ..countenance from thisbutebers, taheytrammeted asserting that. as the bust - woe ..bee on Mcmdae r yearepast bael , he advantages mulct be gain y ed fo bY *amigo at tide late day. The attendance on Mondays and Thursdays, since the change, • - ha* been - es small, and the drorers win consult their. own intermit, they with wisely adopt the old plan. trims are about the wee as last week. The offerings reach ' lOW bead et for extra, LleitlOs, ferrate,§ll for common. pts More fallen our only 8000 bead hating arrived. There lea te rem demand, Iggio per lb, gross, e latter extras t. *heap. Keeelpta at the Maxon Slog Teri, • head, with a incaterate boldness do. 300 lbs, net, CO maul sold at :.,,:lb. &V Slamd at from $l3 t 0.14 per lin lbs, ;gel latter Apra for corn !ed.—lmp/Or. ilt=2=M -,ltura I .. be - receipts ot do t:armee. not leo liberal, but lie- the • Samoa 4 drawl us to'. a °Wee In Increased anxiety lc „ououteeted weed. sod further coneeliliOTlS of ..000 yet bushel. were . bliderbut . wlthOu titled toe to touch btudow, nod : the market elottee : aw.... 1, it?. wro; Thc. *apply Is stta large end ,3)tre , do not tbirdt tooled tales oould be btahe at r ih. ;'uter , A Ooltelderable portlon'of Abe stork Ito Mode Or epeettler, Al Wdeb o , ll ol . aft Vitale VAtt 'te ttf will ; bi t ' hti ire e.:,leV. Iltifi -. , ,pistissi i it'boothy. wee quiet-nib , In law week fit la for oriole ttuttpto% but Woes ' eteady A t eso,tatee ,- /YhYle: shoe tower, etull - An On , Ula.dellite tequeet et WO lOr petite.. ~ . 3- PITTSBURGH 0711/OZ OP mrs PermaireaozileasTra, Vi r tmassoar, March 21, 1888. ..Moore Dl:Meese and stagnation seem to be the ma- geltda saint lug characteriatics of the produce markets, egrAttreitin and what le Warne still, there are no Indira- Forest City. ...Gordon Parkersburg tions at present of any immediate improve- Savanna Jolly . St. Louis. Peer Midi Russell 11 11 City. meat. Belle Lonahrey...o City. GRAIIi-There is no improvement in the de tioArs LaArum TO-Dalr. mend for Wheat, and the market Is dull and prices are entirely nominal. We can 'report n The river, under the Influence of the recent rains, is again rising rapidly, with sale oft oar prime swilled Corn at Wand TO , h eav y btu hels from store at 06. Ilarley tit dull and 1 twelve feet in the channel by the Allegheny Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, unchanged. Oats steady at 40041 on track,and 43945 from store. Nothing doing In Bye. marks last evening-having rig= three feel 1 , LOUR-Is dull hut unchanged. Wes from I during the tWanty-12nr hours ending at that store at staxeopc for spring; SO , ,CIMi3f far half , time. The weather continues Cloudy and nn- Spring and half Winter, anll . 4loMille);,_fOr Winter Wheat brands. Lye Flour is quoted at settled, With indications Of more rain, not- .1....9.. as , Aastr,. withstanding it was somewhat colder than on PROVISIONS-BacOn is dull but unchanged. Tuesday. Will run three daily aide-wheel steamers homey? sal. at i53.101.1.f0r Shoniderm, MA for Bibbed Business continues exeeedtngly dull at the Ilionongaheda wharf,the offerings of freight tor Pluerargh. 'Monongahela City, Brownayiile. Mee .! Sidecr,nnd . M 34 for Sugar Cured llama Lard Landing. Greensboro, Isenev• and the Dunkard Olt is quoted at 18 to 1834. Mess Pork du ll and nil points being Very Malted, notwitbeasnd nominal at ing the rates arms down considerably, and ' SLEDS--C i tot 2 Ter . Seed is dull, with sales at what is wore still, there are no visible .sig le Ma 11514e5. TunOthy 13eed is quoted at *NW. at present. of any immediate improvemen n ... ' , ~...,.....„,.., Flaxseed is -Tl . ..egular, • being quoted at from Them are quite a number of boats In port, I ,igt . S L Z,..i, „ R f e g,, l u l n er % , Th ' • Um' n comimeed; of the following C tr4 B 4feTant watt:lo,lA I WattingfOr their turn to load , and those that . vit A iiKt IN '''' ,;,Crr, 7,. •w: c A SSIAC SOAP -Drill but unchanged. 'Messrs. Sawyer are in tarn, end it very slow work in picking lig Li, Aitsi CAPT. A.. CAILI4.E. D CO. gliede at follOwsi barman and Palm 14; tipi trip. These paskets will leave Pittsburgh 8051 . 7 " . Detersive, leNc per bar; Chemical, $5 per box . There wad not a single transient &rival yes- L tn. erino. In, parent Sunday, 'Dien the departure 1 Castile, 1.5 e per lie Variegated Toilet, /51 Bart LA-- , and we believe there are no boats due. alle at A o'clock. a. m. here,ll3 , , rtiortai; Honey, Ve per doz; Trans.. Tile from tit Louts, Rate Robinson, The h through ;target for the OlLReglo 4 will item: , Parents • . • per 4....; 1( 0 . 1 "Eosin, 8;170.2 from Louisville, and Robt. Moore, from Lin- Pl ' umr gb Y " 6 P . m. Dr.. .. slit° d ' ill ditto", 5. clnnatl, are among the first teats due. ' 6 1 ligimn-'s o-Leav s B . row . naville for Pittsburgh AJ ANDLES-Dettuind light, but Prizes re. The Savanna cleared tor the Upper Blasts- daily at 7a. m. add 4. Inll.s. aloVenuulfeAroiryB s li t : l Ll:Uhl . . and Dipped, s t ip e pi alsi aL wagli r l i h o t w y c er r t i rfi an a s y m t oWn e f ,i 4sn i d n n ke e tta . e i s ,., tr i tc:Nr p ro . r, a , tad Genera at ii o'clock: TALLOW-Don k and a Inictionlever. Ron- the forenoon. The latter boat had an excel- Leave. Monongahela City 551 o'clock. tier Cd /9 SUM quoted at. l 0 cent*, and-Rough ant trip, Including quite a number of parson- _. The bur_ho „ compose i d of ant-clans alir , %mi t gcrs. The Sava n, oleo, had a very fair trip. ! r.f c t s A r r :,;,,7l . ,Wi.;.'g,i7g,, ) ; : : ,VlZ t e T,,:',l„.“. nit° DITTTEIt-Prline 8011 BF 110411435 P Slld lode. It was reporten ymterday that the restrle- will pay 'particlar attention up the wants and'rem Mand, prices have still Itirther advanced. We Jaen Imposed on the sthipment of petroleum on fort of imssengers. The Mats will leave prompt Y not - , quote at 50 te 55 few prime to choice. steamers, llfsB already or 80011 will be removed. •I the hear advertised EG1313.-Steady, with a air demand at 2.50 for This will lai gratifying news to steamboatmen as freights are remarkably scarce, and besides Freights Received at all Hours. Cif W-. is Be with Miles at MOD for there is no mom danger attending the °bin d:M=on 011 i .A for Hamburg and meat of either crude or refined petroleum, „. Or further partienian, enquire of than these is fu shipping whisk - y, lard oil and WILLIAM McF.l.ll.ol', Agent. POTATO 0 to arriVe, at $l.lO some other artlclon we might mention. A: the Wharf4loat, tel of (t rent at, Pittsburgh. bsr . bnsh; able,. tee* frtom Mere at al,m per The Eallalldarg, Capt. Thom Paco , is tilling up 1.. CoI,YIN, Ageat. ush, and. 844 per . bbl... 1 , steadily for Cincinnati and Louisville, and e'9:3md grown. vl 1 is. rl,_ DRIED PittliT--Salearit 13 tto 15 for Apples I will be ready to take her departnre to-day or I -mostly at /talk and.reaehes at 15 to 61, for , to-morrow, and passongeni and skippers 4‘oll ST. JOSEPH AND i saigat quarters anilhalves. I should bear this fact in ruled. , allestilliti RI VER.-The viol OIL-Salesof No. I Lard,citv maker 51,75- . The Financier, Capt. Darragh, Is now load- • Inliltnr i ftf er rs ,,, Cain. 13Nrenn'e. Prime Cincinnati brands are held big maker lug for New Orleans. and alto w ill take her do- '`" BEANS-Dull, with aen illy considerably in 1 tarture an soon as 10401011. Mr. gus,n,ti the Rin ler2.y . e_ror We shove and all inbermedlam ports treess of , the demand; email sales at illialg3 I clerk, will see that shippers and passengers m4i. , ,1 1 . , : i t , t , ',.. , : . •atl.a: m• n h0,n.4 rein per bush. ' I receive every proper attention. ~,),.,, • FL ' Af i r.ei P i P it i ..l ° ,lNti VI (.11,./ Agts. 11031111 Y--Is dull but nu n salm at Sc , The Armadillo, Cap. Sweeney, ang , • _ to the trade, and 31.i.5314., in a retail way. I for the Missoim river, and the le a,cameii Capt. 1 jOl2 MEAT MIN 51. NEW ______.-, ___ I Lytle, Is loading for Nashville. They are both -a ORLEANS-The silendld *Ramer F - 4 ' neat passenger steamers. FINANCIER Capt. DAII/111611. The Lew-beat A. J. Baker left Louisville a n 111 leave as above on sATI - Itlp AY, at 4p. tn. rear days since, with nine barges in tow, con- • For frot h Mining about 140,000 bushels of coal. midi! g t YVVIrr gt i ElVtil g tß i g, Agents, The Yorktown and Lorena let Cincinnati for Plltahurgh on Monday evening last I,D R CINCINNATI AN124 5 10.1 The (.'burgh Cbrinneralat, of Tuesday, -. LOUISVILLE.-The splendid p Lys: s! niter steatuer 8 Capt. Charlie Mulleman yesterday sold his i I.OINIIII-10 Capt. Tinitirsos, new awl splendid Cincinnati and 'Wheeling Willlsave for the ahoy. and all MO 'mediate pods packet Phil. Sheridan to Capt. W. F. Davidson. on_ Lr i p r lini , / AT, 81 4 p M. 1 or ya ,, , Tir F a i litlj t l3:l board or , 10 Of St. Paul for the Lacrosse and Saint Paul ' " O g L ado, for ape. She leaves for Wheeling this , maul J. D. COLLIS...MOOD, 1 A g er" evening. On her returnshe will load for' I ittsburgh, where she will trade a through VOR CAIRO AND ST.z it gag t•ly., for St. Paul direct, leaving incinnati -.- LOUIS.-The splendid deals, r for St. Paul on too 10th of April .' Oar Upper SU.VER LAKE, No. 4 Captain TODD, guiSatealppl river friends may anticipate the VIII Wave for the stove and all Interinedkale ports h ing Pee of the Upper Mississippi In the Phil. on THURSDAY. Be Itutt, at 41 , M. Sheridan. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Lohl7 FLACK A LIti.LINOWOO - D, Agent, - -- -- I.I`OR KEOKUK, DUTI-,.xr s, 1 LIN OTtI.N. SIPSCAi INK. DA-tigal:sectimme• VEN PORT AND DIJIIC4US.-The splendid passenger steamer HAVANT. A. Capt. A. /J. JOU,. Is now many to receive freight ior tho sisrve points , and will lease as aletve about the 1110 alt WstanOur . WWI/ thereat/set as navigation on tue Utif7 lt i opem. _may "g F tA l l.l . 7;;Yersava r .r ... FOR CINCINNATI, LOU-, , inV A ILLE AND NNIIVILRE LOU-, The splendid passenger steamer l'Alli:LlA cant. J Lviis, {VIII leave as above on TATS VAI, at II 1. In. For freight or passage apply on board, or to mai FLACK A COLLINQUOOD. Agents. FOR KEOKI'K GALE- .. ,r,i5, NA, DUBCVUY., ST. , PAUL AND . - ALL WAY LA A DINGS.-The ass passenger steamer COLUMBIA. Capt. it. 0. POOT an. Is now loading and will leave with dispatch. For freight or passage appl7 un laard ore mlll FLACK g COLL' NtsWGIJD, Agents. REGULAR PACKET • l i dr in e Full WIIKF.LLNG, MARIETTA AND ZAN ESVIILLE. -The Sae steamer EgilllA isIIAD AD. ('apt. C. It. 11811_1.., will leave for We abone sod ail intermediate ports every TUESDAY, a; p. m. Returning, leaves Zutuvllle every FRI DAI. at; ant. J. D. POLLINOWDOD. Agrut. MTTSBITRGII YWritotAmMl MARKET OTTIOZ OT THZ PITTSZUZOLI Quarts WrDaItBDAT, March 21 , / 868 . CRUDE—There were no now developements 11 the Crude Oil bush:teas (today worthy of I etekial notice. The market Continues unset Cell and somewhat excited, and buyers and rollers are Still apart in their views. The for r ter are heehating in regard to what course racy ought to pursue, and the same remarks can truthfully - be" applied to "the latter. Re v nett, if they felt certain that the lowest cart had bceit reached, would buy pretty treely, while holders, if they conid convince hemeelves, that prices Would .go still lower, I would eel' pretty freely, so that both buyers Lod sellers are in the same dilemma, In regard t the future prospects of the trade, and at the ;,resent time, neither know which end of , I to horn to take hold of. The transactions to ay ware.very insignificant, tot °need° re v orted, 303 bbls at 17, packages Included. Quo -1 ations may be fairly given at 12% cents, for 40 ro 45 gravity, to arrive; while small lots of ! trom 40 to 43 gravity, would probably bring 13 tents, and perhaps a fraction more, to fill or era for shipment. The sale of 4000 bbbi, noted la fieriest report, to be delivered in Pithead- ' 1.d% was at 04, Instead of 13, ILISINED—Bonded Oil was more active to• nay than yesterday, but qhere le no Improve sent in prices. Bale of 1100 bids for immediate delivery, in Philadelphia, at 37;500 for May, nyere option; at 40v and 4:050 bble, in two lots, 01 1000 each, same delivery, and option, at Arne price. For June and July deliveries, tore Is some inquiry, but refiners seem on ing, as yet, to sell at the figures named, aid consequently, we have no sales to report. 17pue the whole, the market it dull and weak, hot/ for present and future delivery, and the tendency is still downward. For free oil, the ..errand is very ' and restricted ai ciest wholly to supplying the tmmedlate wants of the retail trade. NAPTII.A. AND RESIDUUM—There is no alemend whatever for either Naptha or Resi dent:l, and, in the absence of sales, we omit quotations. ARRIVALS—There is a alight improvement is note in the amount of oil arriving, though I the receipts still fall short of general expec t t talon. The arrivals reported to-day were as • 111 lows 1 tabor & Bro 190) J. T. Stockdale...... Ife.s JUL Hawnholey Wm. Haldeman 1 11. Cochran.....Jas. Wllklns 194 C. Fawcett H 5 Total ism New roux, March 21.—Cotton slightly in furor of buyers, at 596400 for Middling. Flour lore active and prices without decided ens:lnge, at $7_ . 1007,50 for Extm !state: 88.1568,6 5 I w Extra H. IL 0; $13,70(01 for Trade Brands, Ile market closing quiet.. Whisky dull at $2,27 4T1,99 for Western. Wheat firmer; No. I choice 1-pring,41.07.. Rye quiet and drooping. Bar lop in fair request at Ma for State and 111,15® 16 for Canada Western. Corn less active and elinlng, at 70@740 for unsound and 7407 6 0 for sound mused Western. both In store and ' dallrored, and Mc for damaged. Oats dull hod Scooping, at 3.501014 e (Or sound mixed e3 , ..ern and We for Sound. Coffee dull. Su , p ar dull at 1.0%c (Or Port! Rico and Cuba Mos s•-svado; Harium, ny.eity,e. Molasses dull; Porto Biro, 704175 e. Petroleum dull, at 24 `40 2..:c for crude, and 356400 for roamed to -bond. i;orl< henry and lower, at s,astm,r; for Ne !less, closing at Irs,Bo 42 ash; for Ohl do; 42 - 49.4111 for Prime; also, barrels New tees, (Sc April and May, tmller , a option, IZ,ustirM s k7, Beef Measly. at elcaw for Plain less, an ff. 10,60024 for Estrithiess. Beef I arum heavy at 07038,20. Cut meats are steady; ales, of Mnitckages at Ilkalty.c for anon'- . era and 1 ISy ‘ c for lutists. Bacon quiet, at I 3W:be for 'timberland Cut and 133‘0111e for ,sort ribbed. Lard hoary and lower, at 176 ; 1 , ‘4E , small sales at 11%010140. Butter quiet, t*.MO.ISC for Ohio and 40000 e for State. Cheese nil at 166".... Chicago Basket. :peetal Dlpatek to the Plttatturah Board or Trade. CalCano, March 21.--Il l our quiet and ) an t hanged. Wheat. quiet at $1.24 fore \o.l ora dull, at 41 fOr No. 1. Oats, quiet at :14 to ti for No. 1. Whla dull, of 22. It e nom- Lal. Neu Porn k leld at A Y . Lane, tog. fillouldero, packed—no buyers. Petro leum, Rides and Wool unchanged. Cuckoo March U.—Flour dull. Wheat dull at 814 1 tor No. I. Corn active at 41e for No, an Setjje for rejected. °abstract at 24c for No. 1. HUhwines nominal at V.,V02,20. Provisions dull; Mess York S. Lar.l dell and declined %e. Dreased Hogs Unltor at 11c. Wogs 0.3%1V9 at V@9,23. Receipts-4,600 bbla flour, 114000 bu wheat, 4,500 be corn, oats. 3,103 tot oats, cOu wheat, 0,000 Shartments-1 corn, G.,040.b u 900 -Obis floor, 4, 4 51 U be ins _Flour and Orals In !Store The following shows the amount of floor am! grain In store in Chicageopidatarday4deur-h 17, DA compared with the amount in store at the currtsponding time last year, as ovu. tect , bY the socretary of the Basra of ITV . : Flour IZe • E'(luP-- ECM corn OMB.. ENE at. Laugh Market. Cr. Louts, March 21.—Cotton, 310 for Mid tiling. Flour dull; 16,7807 ; 23 for Single Extra, and yl,BO for Double Yalta. Wheat unchanged. Corr_ cans; 6... c for Tallow, and 64066 c tor White. Oath timer, &Wel.% forCounkry. Mess Pork It i r,so 4 Clty - Clear Sides 16%. Lard 17±4019%c. II- 144.0•1. • aIi,,DANI PITTBRINWEI, PORT WATIZ i ClllO/100. R. B. /larch 21.-1 cars wheat, .7 8 Liggett & co; no bale Dour, T C Jenkins; leo do do,Culp & Shep ard; 65 bbls turnips, Coqtallard & Fleming; 10 cot Co 5 bbls beets. J B Declaim; 15 bales tow, li.arshall, Fulton & co; 5 Obis ergs I be butter, L: Biddle; 3 bbls eggs, Graff & Bolter' JD cares I ibacco. J - Floyff.&oo; C care ell bbd's Wilkins; 15 bags feed, 2 tibia beans,lshamalter &long 1 i rbari 4akr ey teliz , . Bb l oe s es tiT 24 , : v b in bis t, co app i.22 l2 l, = l e el el o ekffs Prellece p rod u ce, rap, God- Ley &Mark; b Pour, oduce, W 11 Kirkpat rick & co;100 bbla r, W LLlGnirt; DO barrels L IL Volgt °col 200 pigs lead, Bryce, Walker & co; 1 car reapers, I Dickey 4, co. ALLIDOMIT Strsrion, March 51—reaverbeat, Kennedy re Bra; 4 bbls ens, "John Herbert; Dire =Weed, Gilmore, 'St'Upson it'eo; 100 bbls dour, leer mUlfeed, B. Knox Semi.= luto b ,r, C Ltoylets boxes mustard , ado pepper, 4.bion, Boss it coospltsstobsootylohn ehereri p washboe/s, W 1, Arthur; 1 ear bay, If 11. 1150 bas Issabboell.,:nalm 6 ( eta usitseed, B Buydamll-ears• Emcee_ JAI 11oz:uphill{ pkge hides, I 18 pkirs fat, E Merri man:4o.os rye, G Davis;doe brooms, W Howling) L 5 do do, B Duncan; 2 plrps eggs, 5 do butter, Lersuarda Grocery Co. Cirri:LAX& & Frryssomoz Luz Bosh.— Warch ?.1.-1 ear wheatiTerson & coil do do, W J Meek; 1W half Idols L Voigt d co; &Wm cheese,J 8 'Dilworth & co; 1 car /timber, Au brey, Cromlow & Crion; I do do, John Nana; to pkg. tobnooo.D A Jones. Pprrestmon. Commies Aso C 71011,11•11 E. B. Karol; IL-200 bbl! door, Jas Gardiner, a sacks wool, 8 Harhangh & co; lot hh goods J 1) Suipley; 26 minks barley, lle&hor &Hazier; 47 F 1)216 parer, I . lLtslymigh Paper COll6 sks barley, eld. GAUGES, PU ~s• tite. MARINE, RAILWAY & FACTORY STEAM GAUGES, (ENAPP.I!,E . A.ND BIIDENBAINiEPP PATENT.) • . ' AXD 111 . /. MHO GiU6E 01 fRI Rill DRAWER 'wLao • inowle's Patent - Steam Pump The SEPTA a kAPSETSELIABL B one I nate. W.) bare salt) a line outialior to ITlNNlfictliroriEnd R.Ancts Nero to iv barn. we %11l raft! any pulls* NW- Ilt:enEy Imoresteo to eel. ' . - BAILEY, FARRELL 'di CO., N h 107 Smithfield bb, Pittsbargb„Pa. ITOUCESTERSIIME - ': - SAWCE.— rEitturob getlivnu i riniAsit, I,Vg.t. Crl :iv. ja se= room lime, foe no. wilbsj imeirlagaw, tutu Consvr of LlDerly limmt street ES ...„„.„--...__,....___ Nem Bork • Market Chicago Illearket , oa.l IxPiv ?A;te E 2 250 ,205 1734% RIVER NEWS Parkersburg. .011 City. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Lrrival and Departure of Trains. Pennsylvania Central linlleoncl. • Depart,. /erten. al:o43ms. 2:23 a ml Mall 1:50•m lto)ncom • 011010 Ito loot Line ...... ... 2:40 • to Climb:loan Sap's 9:50 a trt Ilst Wall Actors . . 3:31 a m Mall 11:40•m , Peon Ae•l3 No 1.. 7:33 a m Pell'a Express—. 4:10 pm i3l Wall Amos,. 8:33 a en /Jetketooro ten. 4:33 p to tJohnst , o keeoto.lollo a m Vast Line 1040 p m !Mutile Mall-12:33 p m • eat Wall AAN:ms.. 6:30 am • Baltim at ore exp'. 1:a0 P . , 1 •• .• 11.:45 a m&I Wall Ammo.— 1:30 p m 34 .• •.. I:13 p m Ptill'a Napee4o.. 2:03 p m 410 Wall , . /Leo. 4401 p m WWl', tee No 4 COS p m Peon se'. No I. 10:33 p miAltooaa AMMO. tEmlst Tra10...10:30 p m The church min. eaves Walla' Btatloa every Sunday as o.lSam.: returning, leaves Pittsburgh at /app. m. Pittsburgh, Ogintabus and Cincinnati. Departs. 4 ARUM. tut Lit.... 2:30 a m rent L15e......... 9.03 a m Nall .—... ......... 10.30 am Hall 3:50 p ID trpress. .....—.2 p m tepreet 1:10% m 4tesbenellle So. lteabenv Ma Ao. • • . . . . . . . .mmodatlon •. 4:15 pna cummodatlon ..10:10 •In • Pittsburgh, Ys. Way d (hleagm. isissue. AMC.. express a m Express ••••...... Ise • m eXpresa:sB p m Express ...... .... 2:13 p m fa rm 2:511 p to Express: ...... .• • • ..I.= P D 4 7:13 • m Ke11.......... Sa3 p us Wheeling Exp.'s 6:14 p m Neer 13rIghton nocommodatlon learesAllegheny 'epos at II sm., 11:50 a. m., 4:20)1. tn., ~t! 514 D p. vl., Rochester, &lb p.n5.; New Cast l e . 5:..W p. m,: Leos:- Imp. WM v. tn.: Wellsville. 50 D. ttl. Pittsburgh. Cleveland Ind Wheelies. Departs. Ir,:fuse. express .... . Tnn a to I nspreas ..... ..... 5:56 p 01 C. n: 13as 2450 9 tn, Express: IRIS p m 4 e m Express VI, • m Steubenville Acconsmodatton leaves Allegheny at 1 KV. 66 Pittsburgh and Cannellervtlle. Delfarts. Arrives. 11•11 7:00 a in' Mall IRO O PI 4I express 3:00 On' Express 10:03 a m W.lllewton Aell 0:113 p m W. Newton App 410 • In In lisKeesport..lls7o a m' Ist hleileesport.. 0:50 • m 2 4 •• ...10:00• M 241 1 ` ... :AS 0 m • ... • .• • • Oraddock's Ac'n 4:10 pm. Braddock •• 6:45 p m I. arch Traits—. 140 p, m• Church Train .. 10,c0 • m Allegheny galley ltallroon. • imports. Arrtsas. aall evia ana E•pr er.n al * : mams • 5:10 pto Mall , bAsomarrostailoa. 1.6 p m Ataaammadatlon :a. 1 a nu rittaborgh and Er e Railroad, to Olt City and Franklin. rtless . ' Departs ea. &s A prees- p mtlea. V Express.. 6:33 •to Plttsbarsil. Vertsyme •tal - Miss', and Dreyer VeLey. aro...rule Beat—Grant and Water Ms. /masts. I Departs. :n Dm4 1X) to B:Mgt m Hartnett, Stare, Rt. Clair St. Arrest, IN P... Seller itialre--.2110. a Ell- Clair Street. Depart, WlllifiZitits Stage... Hart% Hotel /news. Departs. Li P. lE. 11:01 a. m KCELSIOR OMNIBUS &LIVERY STABLE, El= JAIILES DAIII &BOR. Proprietors. UIIN [BUSSES AND CARlKlA,lnifurnisbed for all onion, A 1,., Carriages for Funerals, Weddings sod (antes, at abort notice and reanguable rates. STA • at.I6.4)PSN PAX AND NIGH T:" 1207:1vd TEAM TO AND FROM LIVER t JrvOL AND KIJEENSTOWN (Inst•-vw) tyrlce II week. Tile INDIAN LINE, .111nic EVERY SATURDAY., EVERY WEDNESDAY, OAILEYIIIII3I U. E. MAIL& Tickets sold to and from Ireland, England. krot land, flrrmany and Prance. An, the Company's Orllces, AMP G. DALE, Agent, en Broadway, N. V. SUNDRIES. ~(1 1 1EINDRIES. flo burhela Clover Seed: 100 barrels reach Blow Potatoes; 60 •• Med Corn Meal; 40 • • te; Hominy; do ICO " Extra Family Flour; •• •• 40 • R Super ye do 16 " Sorghum Mauna; 160 dozes Corn Broo m s, Is store and for sale by FETZER t A.RISSTRONO . . . . mh9 Corner Market and First streets_ I)RODUCE. 100 Dbl.. Extra Istully Flour; •• 50 ir e ny a e rl Ilosolny ; do .71 •• prime White 11ea..; 10 •• choice ()men Apples; 100 •• Pettebblow rotators; •. Sorghum Molasses; •• Dried Apes; 11) • •• Fetic plhes; Tor eltio by fresh E FETEER t ARMSTRONG, CM Coma. or Market and TOM Oreeto lIERNIETICALLIF SEALED VEG ETABLE! AND 111/lIITM &A damn Fresh Tomatoes, 2 and pounds; 61:0 Peaches. 2 and a poande; W Pine Apple, Rand MS pound.; 100 •. Whortleterstss; 100 •• Blackberries: " • Plums; GO • • " Cherres; GO • Urns Beans; 00 •. Green Peas; 100 ••. .• Corn AU *assented cbolee quality. We also odor a line stock of assorted Jell 1“, Preserves Ketchups, Sauces, Mlle*. to.. Ate llEThiTat £ MUM.. 302 Nos. DS and 120 Wood street. Idr sale at 188 Liber ty Streets DRY PRAIRIES-ID tale. lures Mir.; 1 , IDS RY APPLAS-44 tads. new and o dd: HITE REA-40 tale, no me whl l ol I OMINT-18 tad.. Flint Hominy; tIMS-1,50 tale. While Lime ALT-800 belt. Extra No. I IpMB-40 doses now orn m 11014-15 lads. Bored= e LEIS -I T Ohio =cgip u.. " • CODFISH-20 bundles; BERRINO-4 ROI& Labrador; BARLEY-HO maks Spring, P. P. BOOR s 00., Wholesale Wooers and Produce Union. 'MESH ARRIVAL GROCERIES. 100 WAND. I Shore Mackerel; 41:06.1000 do do do 103 An l gala.. do do do ac. do alp • bbls. No do I do do 74 halves do do do Al bad.. No. large do Ohara do do do AO WA: do nutdlont do 110 Ultra. No. 1 Lab. Herring; 10 ,do do Wlitta VIA; 110 boo plate 1110 CAVE do :Po Moo Nagar; 40 do Mr tO Chia N gabble. Nan langrra. b aasoagar; rUd; 60 do N. o.l.louttattlal. Illoluses; 75 d do o rellollloo do LWoo4fa 0 do liirapa, assorted brand.; 100 do Voyn Brooms; OXI tad.. No. 08610. With • good anortment of all other goods to oar 1000. for we Ivor by JOEIN I. ROUSE t BROTHERS fan Corner Water and limltheald , s. u'IONSIGNIRIENTB. iti hazes Idesmens.Orasteal SS do do Lemons; 201 boa. sans Petah Peaebw • 60 do do do Tomatoes: 76 tmb. Dried l'eatherha/V..1 74 bble. lowa Onions; rO Jll. tri t .truVati'P'*" • To arrive and nor We at ill/ Idberty sward. • mu rurrirat, AIKEN a SHEPARD. pLOUErGRAIN AND PRODUCE .o , loo.bble. titer of the Vireet; 8:1 1 4 1 11.1Z i cZeolue .. 1d! • I.9o ll° ' , .,iiie Bed Witted 10 UM iteoltael.. 200thstb: o°l4' amox sox. V" " lab ; • 11 Itloloond. Allembesl • SPICE S—CLoves; Eisaiussuoo, Not mega, Allspice, Pepper, riaraue tg mhfl Noi.l4lloln4UNL4Arat. Ell ~:yp:~I:~~S~:~iJ:4~ 1866. SPRING ARRANGF.IIIF,I'i'T MONONGAH:ELA RIVER ; UNION LINE, chcancr.rart LEGAL. t LLEGIIENT COUNTY, as.—ln the tmat.r of the Mal .coupt JOHN li(N•, one of the administrators of WILLIAM HELL, de erase.. And now. Fehrn♦rp 17th, A. D„ TIM, on :notion In open court. SAMUEL I'ALAIEIL Esq., is anpoip tett Aunt tor balance t the account and wake distribution of the due as per said account BY SHE COURT. Front the Record. Ti'. A. HERRON. (Teat. The underslighets t h 4 4,2cirsNo,f. I+7 Xfl7;°. P i gaillu ' rg h. e on Tl.l Ea Y Mirth znh. l ute ea t 2 o'clock, r. when arid Where all parties lutereateel may attend. 4AMUEL PALMER, Auditor ==i IUPHANS 3 COURT SALE-URIC & 110UnE AND LOT. lOQItTII WARII, ALLE- L:II CITY.—TTIENDAY EV ENINU, Rah 414. at 7!. O'Cleek, will be sold nn anund Cour n of o.loerCiti tales Ileums. lOS Smilltneld street, NY order of Orphans' Court, the Amirante Ileum we Let In Fourth Ward, Allegheny City, iiilolllC4 feet eutt, of :Moth Canal Street. The In; L. hi fget (runt mn or less. on East Ole of Walnut street, and 44 fee o s In depth, with env Ilene of 4 feet alley way Crow Wnlslut at rnt to rear Cl' lot, being pans of lots MI tad lel to W arnor,• Lure ns It eown . s.ptau sr Int.. hereon la erected s.rli)-41tarY Wien lewelth.g. No. IN wi t rect. tertnok rss.b. tr..ll.lavr A. Nlell.W AIN E. Aurl. • THE MATTEIt OF THE AP . VIA. ATI. IN flr —T 11 F. I,I2EAT EnTF.tiN rn It I/, • ' of I% t stn. rich. for Clzartar of Ineorpot a t, .n. S 3 March Tes, led.. And now. on the Drift day of Febrifary. nalS, the [edition for Charter of Incorporation of 'Thu Great e•Lern Dead,''of Illttsbargh, having been pm ntod to the Coon. and the loon. harts cgaustned the same. And befog of Use opinion that the allid Pc - Con la lawful, do ...der that notice pf the iilies- Uon lor chart., bo yubllalsold In the DADA DAVCITR, of the city of Pll 01.1N111 for three week., and that sold charter will be granted at the ne x t tern, of Shia odrt. If no 51101C1t. ,east's to shown to the eon " Dl' TUE COURT. Art.tat: JACOB IL tirAvrr.p... Prollt•y. N THE DINTItICT COURT, No. Ni In Partition. Margaret Delaney go. CaDwwltso Mellowan and Aso McCloskey. - • • • Ter Ann Plenloaker, one or the defettilanti above n ontul 1 Toe ilretv Portinone Fact/nada In Mt aun, ease or log been retiireeil with the property .xertbcd therein, valued ut the sun or Ilteu 00. to) , Id valuation having been conllnned, you are bere t" notified to come Into Chun on the It3D LAY Or Aft1)11 neat, to arsvt,t or refuse the quid property thee old • alu•tlon , to pursuance or lbe order oat loon. J ACOII Iti•W ALTER, rulblasrdents rrothotiothel• EIFFEOB OF ADOII3I -- irLITRATION Miring been granted to the undersigned on the of .1011 N tlI.l - 13E.. deceased. all persons knowing to indebted to the same will make I mediate payment, and WI persons haring claims rninst We said estates will presenttneta, duly an toenticated, for settlement, to Sine. ANNIE tiI.SDE, AdministraistaJoiiki ULTInt., nt klarrnm s titrda & Coshs, Nos. 76 and SO Slarketairest, Pittsburgh. fenniand.m LETTERS TESTADIJEAVARY on Um eatatnal ItlClaAlit, C. GIXUE, ilneomed, htelng been bailed to the onderelwried, all peraone 140108 claims agailmt mid CSIAIe will proem them. luly authenticated, to ms for gettlentenL 'sad all Immediate knowing thennelvee Indebted will make Immediate payment to me. _ D. 8. MACRUM. Executor of R. C. UnTISS, detenttort. at Itscrum. rilyde 3. Co.'s, rel3:lawdEler Nos. in nod 1.1 Market tartan. SKIRTS. NEW SiUBT Felt IS6-43 BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OIL DOUBLE) SPRINGSKIRTS, Issufattina extlisitely flag sole outn of Meat, USTS, RIDLEY & CARY, fit cttasafiers. anti 79 & 92 Reade fits.. ZaMEIVIT , "TrCO.FILIEL. Euh Hoop l composedof TWO finely tempered steel awing*, braided ttdhtly and drawly together edge to edge, forming the STIIIJECIEST and moat FLEXIBLE Idoop made. They wilts not bond or break like the Angle aprlogs, but er preasr, their gracefulness of allspe who Hine or lint, or. /Unary •ktrts tern ha. been thrown alrapasteteless. Id rut, for the promenade or the' builso, ter church, theater or car, lifey are superior to all ctn. ors. combining COSSFOII2. and =ONO. isit, with that atAGASeIt GP. Inasia which has made the DUPLEX ELLu-rie THE STANDARD SKIRT . of lb. flohlediablo world. • . • Nerd:lmM will be supp Ned m above and 117 bomb Jobbers mid laea la W tbe Aral...dor retail .tore. Ia lhl. alt.r.' Inquire for Eradleyis Duplex Elliptic Skin. Osatameotit • • ALL STYLES 0? TEE CLLEMLATZD DUPLEX.fELLIPTIC .81CIRT Al 'LOU ktT RETAIL rnit.l4.. REIT:EL.7=CA 3DEL4II..XLIZEU3 Oupplied,br the doten al-loriestrate4. MAWR GfILLISX.E. 3.0 on.iroa , Eftrecit:l• lel 44:1 . . H. C. DIACELILIELL. • . ATTORNEY - At LAW; O. N. Licensed Poitiers"' Cahn Rent. Boon/la. for Wayrided Soldiers As riguourgi.- cal wit. ,Jimularge sad swo wire ease.. eenr McMASTEII, GAZZAIII & CO. gToRNEYSANDCOUNSELIORS 'Ay W j itt 1 . 13111 .1034 DM I h ts, Mt aL C °°2 2 ° . )l ' nun examined and Colleollous made ID reattit raula,-Obto aud Vlrg mta. 7 re MILITARY: IL.iIIiEVAPPENBIOIIII,, BoUralia, SACK PAYirtaryClabol ar Amery desosltloa. cadleotad- the sulourlberi al roll= Wes, viit2 other Altasond Mee% Z a Pita t trAilfinti: N. B.—No as tuna Ifibe claim deed dot augured. a . 4 all Mulles tedlgralls. se4:l7 STONE,.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, DiAbtoiD.iTaingiv op' mu.- th. Cousilloguilr latburgh. Ps. lama", . . ~~~~:i~~:#:~~i~~`1 INSURE TOVIIt LIFE I I`EIE 1866 CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. Conn I=l AIfERICA tbat nose males and pays an Annual I WORKS IN TEMPEIRANCEVILLE CASH DIVIDEFD on the first .d each subsequent payment of premium. Its CASH CAPITAL, an se- Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, cumulation of .1.300001. is securely invested in pub- ' tic stocks and mortgages of REA L.,F.BTATE. It Is now in Its lett year of ! buSineital and boo Paid to the WIDOWS AND of its members the sum of I ONE MILLION DOLLARS. To this date not s sins ! . 111ANUFACTURFB8 OF 11311 E WRITE. Ole case of litigation has rzoned, an evidence ust liberality .d fair dealing is • specialty with ! EgUrrialirrrilOG_ ClO - ICIO - IL . this Company. The policies of this Company are not forfeited by saeon of non-payment of premlnm after the second ear. No payments required after ten years, but Brand— Lucifer. testicles continue gOod thrOngh lift. OFFICEIta. This &Alumni, be excelled for burning properties, I J. C. WALKLY, President. N. 8. Nuatesc, Vico President. , color or Ore test. and is pp _u t up In we_il_seas ou on r s . .d:os on. r- 1 B. El. WHITE, Secretary. rein, suitable for Hilla. USE, oar KAI ' IsEtbs pi iLICITLI / Branch 011 ice for Western Pennsylvani, where ~,,,,p „ ..,.,,,,,,,,,,, iv,,,, Robert Lea, Oro. Bleat. Circulars am/ blankApplicatione will be furnished, C. B. Herron C. L. Catdaroll, H. H. Collins, J. W. 38 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Porter Itobt.Wallnce., IL W. C. Carroll. =n anted throughout the State. Apply to I 1.12.4 ed il l y ' ' F. E. GOODELL.. Ensile Agent. - - I. s. Ws iu No ()HARTER 1829. PERPETEAE 1 WARING & JUNG, . FRANKLIN , ' I FIRE : DISIMANVE COMPANY' PHIL&DELPITIA Arneto on Jan. 1, lnal, (; , r e gll i . firal ... , 4 n . z. BONDED WAREHOUSE OF .4.6•1.1 Invested Premiums 1.1186,70. . Unsettled CLOW. B.lle. I Income for 1864 aun,ooo. I PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, 1.0.16011 Paid sineoliCh 6.000, PP. Perptool mad Temporary Pollele6 oo mural , b term.. ' Foot of Baltic end Harrison Slrrelig• Brooklyn, N. Y., DIIII.I . OELS. elms. N. lianeker, Dime Lee, Tobias Wagner, I Edward C. Dale. Samuel Grant, George Vales, Jacob R. Smith, 1 Allred Eisler George W. Richards, , II Fm's W. lewle, 11.11 HR CALES N. ANCICER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. JAB. W. IicALLINTER, Sec's . pro tent. J. G. g Corner Wood and OF T hir d stre n ets. _ F IRE AND BIARDIE , Petrcalcriaris ~X1,134:13a. cisr-sr, R. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A PIERICA. CLARK SUMNER. Works and °thee. Collins Township 1 5 111 L A 1/1 4 :1,11.1 I A. I=l=l These works 119 TO the largest capacity to the conn try. The brand stands the highest In this country sod in Europe, for quality OW lire lest, and the oil TIIIL ill well ses.ned barrels , prepared etheriall • Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, isc. , st ' a x ottil . .trers 01'1:OILERS, 13TILLB, TA/US$ lulprot rd Boring Tools for oil Welts. dellbly 81488,000. SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. Ivv. arc constructing, and wll keep on band, Si - Protection on be secured In the above named I Vcri""rh. of and roilabin Comps... Assets, I=l furrity 94 Water street, tun stairs .1' . I ETU EIIIIER A COXION OB TABULAR DOILY& - WESTERN lIISUBALNCE CO., OF : We tw , "We panto-. nrrding 4 hititirt ft.* WI. Run.... 11/ ,PITTMBURGH, _ te call and see them. corner at PIKE and ti hurt!. ALKILANTritiI 1:13.11CK, Presides . WritEETB, ... City Water Work, WM. P. lii.RITERT, Secretary. 1..7.1 MACIUNTusH IMAIPHILL & CO. CAPT. GEOll.Or. NEEL°, General A rb ~. ' CIII OIIIERCIAL OIL IVOR* °Mee, P. Water street, tipwtg a•Cn.•ti Ware 'etre 1 ' op stairs, Pittsburgb. Will Inman against alt kinds or Vire and Marine Risk.. A hdtne Institution managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality, to maio. tele the character which they hare assumed, as of fering the beat protection to those who desire to ne , utured, Ales.. N Wick: . Andrew Ackley, IL Miller, Jr, , David - If. Long. Jam. McAuley, , Rees 4 Thom., IJ NYIES WILKINS, Merander /Speer, Chas. J. Clark, Canipbell R. Iterron. ; John R. McCune, I C. AV. Riekettion i James P. Llano.. mrlit Wil. P. HERBERT, Secretary. i enmesh mut Imat,ha to CITLZENS' INKiIiCE COSIPAL- 1 v , ./ NT or rITTSEIVIttiH.-oMee, corner N.M.. , , CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, and Water sireets. eenond door. " 1 - aid. A. SWITAIILL Secretary. BA 6 AGEY. W."... I rim.. Block, Duquesne Way, Plitsb orals .. Imams Steamboat. soil Cargoes. , APT Shts! attention Mesh to the sale and ship ln " L " .iadl q" . ' l " . lr t0th ...."",••.3 ee ment I or Petroleum and Its products. Lemshroment or the South ern and Western leers, Lakes, and r.,,,,,,, ..,,,,,,, i. 0. 1 0. „. .. g t ,g,.. ~,,bg,, Bayous, and the tmetigatlon of Mtn Seas. Inseam agato.t loss and'dounage by ere. DIRWTOTO : 8 M. Kir,. John Stanton. Jam.. M. Cooper, 8. Ilartannh, J. Caldwell, Jr., John H. Dilworth, NV tn. A. liotiner, 0e10.7 Wm. Sasaki, Carouel Hex, Jas. ar, Jr., W. U. Joh.ton. y. Jonero fiosi uts. Anode,. aeclat Preston, livorge pEOPLEN INSURA NCE CO =I ern, Phillip*, Capt. John L. Rhoads. Joh.. Watt*, Samuel P. hnticer. John E. Parke, . Lharies Arbuckle, Capt. Jas. ' John V. Klekpatrlek, Wm. Van Kirk, Prank S. Illettell. JIM. Vanes . . IQ. Hanson Lore, WI( Proxideut .1011 . N WAIT, Vice President W. P. UAltliNE.ll, Secretary, tunny Capt. PAWL'S 1300.intN, (ten •I Oat. k EOLI !INN 2.711141.'11ANCE CO. vP PI1T8111.:UW/3.--0171 ea. No. 37 Wit et ro , Itaet !dock. I nantrestalfairket all Mods of FI, and M srlto. 111.101 EMIIMM • JSiISS D,Cilit)RD, Vice Pines Went t'. DO:SNELL, Bveretarr. DIRT TORS i/11130 Junes, U. Hurst,. liarrry CUUds, T. J 11.41nson. JnLP Irwin, Jr., Fahnestock. _ _ _ I, GOVERNMENT SALES. (10VEILYRIENT ' SALE. t Eons II I IQIa St).L.PS Qneensware, Cutlery, Hardware, Tin- RIGA% N'N LHLORODYNE, ware, Stoves, Ranges, lIREC NEI.L•N SKIN SOAI Blankets, Ste, - Dl I'NTAND, 1 COLNIAN'IIO Will be sold at Anellon, at the Medical Purveyor - Warehouse. riddle Square, Naahrtile, Tean., MI 1 . II ESDAY MOUN/X4.1, March 97211, at 0 u•cluel.. ilarge stock of the foregoing article., In Original 'aelkage.4, mutating 10 parr of 20.0.0 Plates,. 500 Ciotti.. 2,4 M !Mahe*, SOO Masers, LOU° Pitchers. NO Counter healer. 2,0:0 Lanterns, 2,003 Illankets, 2,0 M Chambers, , 1,300 Leather Markets. SOO Sathrons. Sin Wash Tuba, 4.030 Spittoons, Mt Sanaa lana, 01,000 Knives and Yorks. 1,000 Hatchet. 14Du Carvers. /1.c... 3.0.0 Wemla-Uasins, .5,000 Spoons. ' Z.= Scrub firmshes, SOO Looking-Olassea, Tea Pots: Tumblers, Bongs, Mugs, Cops, Bath Tuns, Wood Sawa, Cleaver, andleokeks, Cork screws, Mops, Brooms, lee Chests. Water Coolers. Stdves. nausea. Cauldrons, and miscellaneous fur nishing articles. Ittitijcav gLETcumt. .. Surgeon sod /OA. Colonel U. S. Vols., meitS;Std _ Medical Purveyor U. S. A. . . _--_ ALp Or GOVIMINTEENT • PROPEIITY, .Wr..4.47 . 11;11 . ;%,X, Card9l.• Dy dlrertion of the Seeretery . or 'War, 1-11 the Building Materials, Steam En gines, Machinery, T 001,,, Iron, Copper, Lumber, Sores o f Various Kinds, Which were collected at Macon: Ont, by the eiaird erattilloternment, for the erection and perm.ent operation of & largo Armory, Lahore..., and Arse. nal; end also, Fools, Machinery and .Materials, Collected lea= .Iron'lt'orlti. and 41:entories In the Slate. of Alabama and Oeorgia, will be gold at . c Auction. . Ildrnonit the articles to be sold, are. u,soa COPl4.ll—pip - st AMU cuppEtt—luund rods; MN* 'ha. WlTE..ll.—bar; • • , :0.000 lb.: CDP,—btet; 3..0,000 lbs. WRDUGHT IKON—bar Sad DA: 660 tons PIO IRON; The ton. CAST IRON—unsarliesable obeli.. WACO lbs. LEAD—plzg; /3,074 lb.. TlN—block ellebt; 10. 10 00 0 l y b a . rd (D C lA O N l—C ll o be tt o an n, d E c gl e s : h Serge, Olt bnd enameled; =MO lb,. POW Dtti: s,dal feri lirLit3id--irout and leather, &smarted alrea i • JKAOHLZIEB—DrIIIa. -Dance, _Analog, Scradt•eutUita Strum and Trip Hammes: ALSO. Harness, Saddles,Hmie EgitlntnentAi In fantry • and JDravriirp- Accoutrements, Blankets, Wagon and Gun. Carriage Wont, 35 nimerviccable 2 Cannon-eirou and browse, Mt broken unix Carriage., Laboratory? t and Materials, Spar. Parts (new) or Springfield Muskets and Colt's Hmiro v , re,axiaL !LC assortment of I.64sstis ezza.cil ClPilia. 'lke attention of Northern buyers la celled to Ibis sale, which Is a large ono; COO or[ ainable property. Fell printest Catalogues of the property to oe sold. can be °lndeed from the Oiler of Ordnance at Washington. D. C., anti from the Commanciteg of fice/013110 Augusta Arsenal. Georgia. . The mile Will commence on . • 4p - Wednesday, ril . 41b, 1866, an4=lm u cati l dsx . Ve d J v . oparty-otroid .- •OW. Ord 11. . l ien cot.. mtuSiOxilar Com: With k IJ; .0•,e)kall Be or Mimic rat AND, SIMICIIIIV NAVY 3.4.I:.ARTMZEIT. .WAnitinsteni Ca } MEDICAL BOARDS FOR TI [E tinAit a iM A garzA m rattawirStf i lt: GEONo.—Lloardopf 011iter. will ...ene at the liavalliospyal;.Cbalaea;lisaw t Nnval Pr.,°._". 7 l,totmtnaiwtir„.v, extvga, hied;cal (lona ortha., : Bi de e nrods of appearing before either must Inaße application to _the Honorable J(g. %TX 1 11 . _ ' ,I ni atle tptisg AB - • - he icaa than iwectpono nor more thaw twenty-4w ye:treat age. • No expeala tho ulykromont ctouit, didoteacouaDdlnig 4,11 t ea 0 filaraioard INS stifte...lllhareXligla&UOU & prem4llllllte for for appoluti*eut ID 1.1 Non, .....-q:+lllo.llW7lTteektof ofllareig. telexire WOOLDOIDGE OIL REFLVING 1866. to onazE•m. 1 OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA ' JOHN WATT tree Meta. HENRY M. LONG, bee'y *rid Tress, CO3IIIIISSION 114F.RC 11 A NTS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS OFFICE, NO. .I DUQUESNE WAY , X 2 X - "X"rIEi3ECCr.EI.C33, 92.459,999 95 oett:ipl Storage for Refined Petroleum, In Tanks and BarTnle. Pee Circular. Er Office, No. 95 ISKAYFAL MT/OMT. New York orn•ly k_ t.,;9I'ANDAIID MIMMIMMM 81.766.01:0. I..•}A. +IP 1 PURE WHITE BURNING OIL AT TIRE LOW FIST MARKET RATES, J . BENN, Nu. I NT. CLAIR NT., Pittsburgh, Forwarding and Commission Nose ban* Am). deal, to ththrleattug, Peuile Petroleum Ithe, eouthantly Paud for sale at the lowest market prices. • Conalgumeata nod enters sollellkul. up7:6to MA-MI, JAIRES IRWIN & CO., OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA C:01:11.3 , 0„ Iti Xllll.c&ritet SOAPS, EXTRACTS &c 1l PORT EU GOODS. 111= IMEI=TEI I= =I John D. McCord, • penrge N. Head!. I,,hartee Capt. Wm. Dean, ! tiro. D.2,lcitme.., I Robert Davit. I= =I I=l = kEDLN tIfF.MIUAIR SWOT SQUIRES. R' I. 9N NIAOASSAII OIL Cl= =I IZZEM SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist, mlll3 Corner Senithtleld and Fourth Street& SAVINGS BANK. pITTSBURGH BANK FOR SAVINGS, Formerly Om SAVINOS INSTITUTION Nearly Oppositethe Bank orrlttaburgh.) 1.../I•IITEHLD IN 1962 OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock t _and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINUS from May lot to November Ist, 7 to 9 o'clock, and from Nov. 101 to May lot, I to 8 o'clock. Moors of Ily-Lam, de., fluntsbed at the Office, grails. inatitutionpeelaily ode to those whose earning are limited ca , tbe rptesrtimity to accumulate, by small tieposita, enaliy eared,a num which will be a resource wheat needed, and bearing interest in e toad of remaluing unproductive. BOARD OP MANAGERS. Pit (DENT. immic....itiGvia 46- mann N. IL HARTMAN, JAMES PARK, Jr SECRETARY AND TREASURER. -17). - 412 . mm oiracrama ADLIY, xlr. A.HUDLZY. 1 WM. A. NIMICA, A. 6.JOHNBELL , _,, IF. RAUH, R 40N S. DILWORTH, JOSHUA HODES, G. FOLLANSBEE,OI:IIISCOT,. , H. H. OILMAN, R.T. SCHMERTZ, CitRISTUI 'HER £Oll. • SOLICITORS—II. IV: &A. S. HELL. mblayo. IfMMXMI*Ti '1 JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for • the Fruttlin, rhltadelphla and .Baltimore Turauce Companies,. North-out corner wvoii Lau hird streott. 1ff11... JONES, Agent for the North • Discussant be insulin Mats of as DCP - Kunisini on • Americo, Stotv or Pesnav, mna, And HIM ; 1 ford Insurance Companies, A , IVATER STREET i WM. A. SUEPARD, Secretary oil ; . . ti. CitilenV Insurance qdrOnsny, corner,. • iI•IPLIM XNU WATER STREETS. CLEAR PAPER, p'crATclEs: 041:ap.a.wcziilass • jre rrr:l"`flie cßlillea,VeoAAatega, .. . . • . • • • which we offer to tine trade by the car lead, dr" Wall or simile barrel. tillAltg & .11E1ThM, rtiawil 215 Liberty street MICIIIGAN SEEDLING NE 11 vll ma i m vn li . i , itex....A.Tcpitin. ... ..ILIeT illlTlVN'AZlW:argrte...cor Igen :seedling. seised from the Ball. satires can be sees at GRAYS & REIT 11. b, mbserwil 115 Liberty street. SVNDIUES--9 bales 'Curled Dahl 2 bags , do bale. and :bags Cow tails, 1 bales Cotton:" I bbl. Ittestrasi 1 do and 1 keg Pealed Peaches On itgeo lia' " lgn'. in WJVA irlrl i t72. b ir a CO. psa-2o bbh. - No. I.llllackerel; , t 3 :3 . ' do The riDheape§fand Best .251,Tt," :: 2 . do do 103 hbb Id Ml t. L. is. • • 3 - 3 do L 'a e , Z Lat. Maeda Caillab, Tor sale low by Mut. C. Bia.Bl,EY, • .tas MI .Libprtp street. COL -410- bills. No. 1 . Lard 0U I z .• • • 2. do do .. ug.....- per,"HockOrWelclul t . Olt, 1 lomore and for !tale by. ' -- , - - . - JAMES Datztra. a co., woo .• 60,and70 Water street. QOAPS-200 his. ColgalON Palm. 1 Toilet, 11olicy, Otycerloe, Hotel .11 Votcy B°, P•i'j"lik v '°'', u6 "F ,o %ttiii i in 03637 .110...,121 cu r t atrtet. ( DATES --- i—biitriiiia .11e* DiThes taii i •. . n,g9. .A . d . ,.. - iy,e . i7hs ..., ...., received and fprolalelu y ' lce - it 41, mos., • , . - e . .,:1....: ,- 4 : i .' .- .. vabll 4 ,, `.tf'21.38 , A21-aStdTh Wood Hose 1 ,E..._ . . . . • . . . .. . . , _ , ~. , . imAtz .1, - boxes . pritue o r ,' - . . 4 (We l iG naloie 'and far Yalelo* by '-' • .iff ~ .. ..iwAso. N lßui . 1 - 1 „„ a . ..d. • . . 14:.4....1, i.u.4. .. . . MEMO OIL WORKS. (Near Seep,.lon Bridge.) ir=it= EE=I Conarantly on hand and for pale & J. U. SAWYER No. 47 WOOD STREET MAI; UF ACTITIIKES OP = 61 Fourth Street, u :03:1U x►i PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GREATLY ENLARGED ..ALZT33 Otherwise Improved. G.F1.1..,!!1..'T DIMINUTION IN TIE PRICE. y Morning Edition Will be Furnished to Carriers at ~~,;~~rvMr~~~,~~~~~ry~,~~~,~~~,~a Delivered to Subscribers IMI FIFTEEN` CENTS PER WEEK. DISPATCHES FROM Leading News Centres RELI ABLE MA RR 1-2 REPORTS, PREPIRED EIRE&LI Rib 1B GAZETTE! Jocatl 7ews, M.ISCELL_A_NYI, With Foreign and Domenic CORRESPONDENCE, iM 49624711 lEDIE'r4DIEULA_I.S 13E3 THE GAZETTE 1= NIEWSP APER In Western- ,Pieetilagilvanta. de iEiikCAL 1866. ; DR- KEItsER s Pectoral Syrup j CURES CONSUMPTION Cures _ll3roi4chitis CURES COLDS, C - 12.ross-AJstlanaa CURES All Diseases of the Lungs A. vow of livereeve , ermine trio by UM. !LET l'lnTBlll.lldla, January 11, 10(g. Do. Fv.oTuatt:—sly vette has Ingb sfdleted with • bad cough add difficulty of brembing forge» or viz • yeart, which, for Ilevural yeareback, bad gradually Incrcaued In violence. The coWptalett has been her. notary and ebb had beep treated by several papal china without nuy relief. In thlsolateilf her easel procured ...leo( your PECTORAlVol3lllltililltiri 1 bought, I ht, the brat Wan filly cent. bottle, which re tiered bar very mach: tikes. erlani tad got a dulls. °nub., which Cured her entirely, tongue - Ilea ludenti truce he former se, leacept. Intonate. 1 would al s o state that I nerd the Wedteltie panel( tO a cold and cough. The needlclueteDed met/ rating one dose: I express me entire lodliractlon th toedieine, and you are at liken)! to r& th is you desire to 4o so. {Yet. 11.8014 Alder/ban, I' Wirt #Pirreantau, APr3l Kulp. REAL) TUT:. TllDTll.—ths ILlarggar—Fltve daughter who has taken several• medicines fbr INA ; cough without bene fi t, .monk there Ayer', Chair , Pectoral. I purchased frOM .1 . 9 a 6 I .ttlt 011.0 r Pectoral Syrup, and before sle had osed ball • not ' tie she was relieved. The Jugend bottle cored bed ' entirely of her cough. .10/111 hkA/SLN, noblegat street, Allegheny. Firma - Eau, December al, A BRAT CURE lIC DR. ICEVBERIS.PECTORAI. ; Pie In Peeblea township, Alla/hen county. I bra cough and ' , POMO:. ittdch con, manned about the dth of Pet:fusty last. and. Contltl ued eight months. letrolloled the beat Plllattlaal In the country, end my coadh coatlnaca anaaataa wit early to October. At VW. time 1. was &Oise to try your Pectoral Cough 157flicl. ...blab I did. an alter I bad taken one Dontn was entirety hie trot tne coughing and aplltlng. I had deapalred of cat, getting well, and thlukst should oe [nowt, ttor i this valuable remedy %ludo for other *b as t ha' done In my ease. JOHN C. LITE,, Wttneas: B. at. Hann. reelate• toirnahlp. ParroriThwlleltir, Apra 14, iggf, A WONDERFUL CratE.--bome titut:sipo an el neighbor of mine was vey with at had eon 1r which every one suppose d to be consumption. HI relativee told me sheltie had tenon Crary rein/ they beard of wlthous benefit; his brother came e blot die, and all wereconflruieciln the belief that he could not livo. I tad chow{ third of • bottle of your Pectoral syrup, which !gave him, and lea,. Wyly cured him to ale astonishment af ell— What makes the case more remiareade. le the curium U. or the man, he being stout eishtlyeltill Old. I have no doubt the Pectoasi eared W. tire, , L JOkiN .11c(HN DR. KEYER`S YECTURaI SYRUP IN DLLDISS. VlLLE.—Ylease sond me another supply of youryal has Pectora l Syrup. Almost aver7l,ody aroma se has the cold, and are enquiring for • `Dr. Keine. Pectoral Syrup.' web we sold elzteen bottlea the ast week, and are now rutlrelr out: Mr. Athtltat and Mr. P. Maher, bothof Blalrsrllle,_Paq told US tboy would not be walnut In thelr A rstellea. la !set, all who Yourss, ue It once wa ll,nt It watts; • respect:a j, 5. IN'arritaisor a'sonra. • .11“.tari 30, 1800. • limenmnon, Aoemober 11,_1Ma; Da. anyanin—Alainualinotina advOtateOf ratellt MeoiCinea. la amen , . it affords Me .01eStrnnes itellbable to receninktul wo rth y.K(fillltAl,2SßOr. Aa a medicine, It Jarrell theattentlol2 of any person ,„who may do any manner be entletediritla coughs. colds and toarsene.of anylrand,and forms. pacallar gomificatlons for remoVing: all:that din. gettable sensatlua attending a severer told. I have been, store orless in my itteetiiireitetrYilli the severest of mid, and heareenem. At. s ay throal would ?mot so closed to to prevent my a Der, and by takinmafeeed sea trat ' 11§:ve ° 4111;lt would relic. ME entirety? ttl recommencing thin medicine, I most tinhealta. tingly say that It to th e bast remedy 1 ever found, parporting to cure the above, nor tamale , any fanallY be without this remedy for wilmases e 0 prevalent. Yours, moat respect fullAy, • EDWRD J. Cashier Citizens' Deposit Hank. tilioUninClLLS,oolo, Ilareh.l4. 1486. I have used Dr. Keyseria cough 'Syrup lot bad cough of several years otanding, andetan cheerfully say It to the best medicine for ilsepoute &bet / have ever taken. W:'151101L COL. PILATT oral , Dn. ILETBEIMS Irllol`oltAL ay~UP —Da. Sarnia—near Sir; Excusa ilia delay Pactsra c 0.,. Syrup soner, I the tote great ocellenee plemMosan say. IT, that Is o il you say it Is. It knocked We noise out of my cough, and the Worst °nein*. eVer afflict d with. have not need more than one-Mato( the ebottle, nd 1 can and do wish that all er e are aMiet andwould glue ll as fair (a." as I Mere done, an they will he proud to netherlt him qualmedleine. would not suffer a such an act k for an caatderstlon, or ut any cost. I=l CO &total Ca n mottle more froelv thou I ever did. Ithan. always acknowledge n debt of gratitude for inventing tiO 4 excellent a remedy. You aro at liberty to else ray I name In this regard aa two think-311r , • • Messenger Common Plttiburgh, a. 11.-1 tomy fellutr-Cltballitr an 4 all who entertain thrums coo cement me pemonally, IGY. Y. . . ANOTIIICW. EW CP.WEIVICA.TE.—DIL HEI SEe'b rztatmm. SYliUl t .—l had been trimillad, with a cough and cold for ilh.Cl9l weeks—fa hid R. t that 1 could not aleep. I had the &dyke and pru. eriptione from three of the bert physician, ht the city, whom 1 could name, but do not do ad. 1 bosh proonred a bottle of your Pectoral tilt - an,' which cured me entirely. (Signed) J. W. :filiUNTOki, No. 214 Liberty etreet, Pirtaburgh, Pa. January Utli, Ihhh STOr can X dolt,r' Cto to Keyser% on Wood street, end get It bottle Of Ida Cough Pectoral, end if that don't care you, our case mast be desperate Indeed' , This Is spectmen o r 0, 0 c olluy one hears overy day In cold-calratug oq periods of the year. And we can, from actual cape-• fitment, cheerfully concur ti le de advber,a tton &bore, for We here tbe "Peetortil,...” In • a most etuhborn ca.e, withentlre emcees. Bead two weeks ago we went to I'M...burgh, „pith one of the most distrculng. contrary .ratd.lo, .ansabiluable coughs •fie ever, experienced ap ace our advent noon this mundane sphere. We eeughed frteadlly end la borlously for one wholwart, In hopes oft tirlag oat, butlt was ne go. to fact, it seepaed rather to have improved by practice, and to haver sigalred.. strength, potency and distresslblllty - by the evert- LlOll. In thla . stageof the aleae. wecongteg d otsmy . to Keyser's, 140 Woad street, cent. bottle of the "Pectoral," took Mani' I ' directions, And In forty-eight hoar. We were master of the nem, the enemy heeler nueondltionelly snr rendered, a ft er a brief, bat unequal Ormilletarith se formidable ad adversary - ns Kayser's famous Coatis Vectoral.—Brosemsroills Olipper. like. le, 104.1., DR. KEVslat'a PECTORAL SYRUP le ;Kew anti 8014 Ve DR. GEORGE R. XVISER, No. 140 WOOD EiTBEET, Qtttabizrih• I'ors.aaram, Mil Great Nervous Remedy. • ..• _ , Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote win wiry., ',about SIM, sad often - pertaiddidlr .Cary all.Nerron. Dr.Heyier's Nervous Antidoti:, win cardlliateris. Dr. Keyser's Nergous Antidote `::'. wilt can Tvo ticking . or the Ng:. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Cure Nitivintliwisicts. Dr. Keyser Nervous Antidote Will Cnre Nervous Crimp Cl tbemoirti.. Dr. Keysees Nervous Antidote • Wilftusejiearsigta. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidotis • Wl!t Cure Neuralgia of IbIllhoo!•,, Dr. Keyser's 'Nervous Antithile WM Cure Nearalgtsaf 1 1111810111,416 Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote, VIII Curs Ifetriatila of Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidoite' . WUI Cure Ireuralgta of the Liver stal Wahl Side. . Dr. Ke 4 yser's Nervous Antidote Will c° l • 6 ocuvoglit , Pm."! att. , Dr. Ki swm,tNervous Antidote rtiritfotat the urn- Dr, Kelsey's Nitivens Antidote win (ore vututhea uArl weaue,i or srurruutz-% , :- Dr. Keysei's Nervous Antidote Wlll Cure Stoppage or Puttering of tbdErea4 = Dr. Keyser's Nervons Antidote Wilt Curt Tremors from F.sedstee Drlitf= Dr. Keyser's Neevous Antidote Will Caron gwehatarlagilk` Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote' - Will Caro I,:awttess of f rowed sod soh} M" 2 ' DB. GEOBOE 1 H: Coo:Wood iltreet Flimburgh,". •