Bal 11 litsbn Car Alll7Watu,„ ATER'S PILLS-Are you Sick, lIPERA RetrisE. feeble and complaining. Am To o 1 . 10, " L .- , LUSO alrn MLYAGERES6 terrlk EHEMLE. dm with yo , cr tym. , • . to derange, a n ,,, t , , ,, 5 , ,, r helloes •thOoMfOrtabl 1' Tb e aymplorns a It h - • =,---------- lude to sertom lilnevs. Some dr et sickness le . Free ping ego. Y., and . 4°L - 14 .1 . 2 L P .r.. . 4 ... h , L ..._" LLe , I Iq.efeeeth night and Immense suceees of ..ACIYEHTISiNIC RATES , ly use Or the right reme , ly. A v ^1 , 4 s rota spa eleatme out the dt....rtiv red humors -purity he established by the Preis oT Pittsburgh I blood, and let the fluid• mom. on onobsteneted Is. , THE MAGNIFICENT • health again. They ,Inotilatepr r!T:t,o. of the bail Into rigorous ...Iraq. P _ET' to t -tem from , HE STANDING HATTER, 1 the obstructions which mace disease. A cold set- ' . Lim urrnewhere An the it lend deranges Als n LEN WESTERN. Ga. Square of Ten Lines, Eight InFortl• to al runctione. Th.e. ir not relieved. react upon tbel Line, 011 . a... 4 Inch Space. thetuseiree and the .rtounding orahe. produclog gr Tatiou .Inel , ng nod derangement "..s pud night of the aapolar Town' Tr0g.41., ~ 1 - C. tr, .--, i , . fjP.l7 - e •5 141%1- ' coodttion. At et, rills and . ' I TI tfr- I "',• !Leek 1 we..... 0 I boo die. rte. thee red., the natural U . ''''' we. ' ~,,,,.., and wilt I , th, enoyant feehrg Affnat.'.',7, 3:36t1F1L " a% -XL- 131.13121241.13 e ihi., time .. • . 7. .. , .., , ~,nL,,,...t.!,..,,,,rh,,,.. ,111,:h,u,.11.;10.1thi,,,,ti1l y i n! TII I Ralt A 1 X TEN 1 NG. March 22d, will be pre- Cwo times-- ....... 1 1 I I sentv .1 he great Il•e art A merlean Drama ofthe rhree tithes.- .. ... ITh I deep o-aled and dv...A.,..r....• distempers Tire ~,, •L . Four times 1 233 ~iib,••••:.r.rn'tocillA.,ohceffilil ‘l.lcl.'iig.lment of V TI.7 oa lel'rnlfbT*,-r ic.) c t rl , 4(.), It it) 401 , X : week. .I i OTI 2in 1 150 1 M them Surely cured bl fle tlatten'mPtedarti's'rdNonOne".."',.' ri;rll4t a1ma...... : .. ...... .• I 75' I nn„.. the virtue of tow Pills will neglect temple. - Ntna tes.. .l 4 lf. i I them when coffering from the disorders h,' , 0 ,. ETen .t im e.... 4Bo eoeh m ilendaelle Foul Stoach, Dysenter . RC r. v . e2l . %Alan ... , ... 1 .a . _ , . , jo , p 5,. ., , onsAlcirste. ,Ir:sLtilire.lott. DerangeMenjof [ [be Z. The , ..47.,= . ...... L. l ? ;.,,,,,, : ~,, 1 , , 1',..,,,„,"„...-1 , , , , ~ ro.o.tiOntlon, Heartburn Jmot, Mr. lest et o. -- ~...,.. .. I en on 1m ,E . when taken lit largrro • se.s " c•"". "'"•""P"'"I"" I ...r o t al Two months - •• • I 'i s M 1 . m •,• ~..,5 0 ~‘ 12 an d i.r are Segal. I 0at...0. vo that the itioo ....•....0.t... ....a) Drg Benefit of Helen Rest.% i b• tneee Inpatits .. lle 00 i 12 00 ill 00 'ca tali them ea d h • I ' SIX months. ... ei 00 1 , 2 On 1,511 ti th ~,,,.g.,„ ~,,,,f,:e , LL l- 0 1 ltre .. .reit' tit , 1 •••••• dleenvemd, One year ure )6 no 27 CO 1.1 co GILA, I 1 FIE I- E N WESTERN TINES SAT _ __ CillAll l sF-ABLE ONCILAWEEE. AYER'S AGUE CIL'RE. 17 It DA 1 A p"rEILNOON, FRENCH SPY. Athol*. I - Threeto all parts of the House. -- _•Ode mantis__ -a il no 1 700 0 bil i 4CO For the speedy cure of trafFewatttent Fever, or.f.en. . 100 'l`•' '''' _ _ I , . e ~,, 1 e •,,, and , Ague Remittent elver ChM Freer. Lino/Moue. - -- I.7:.°'_°°.;„'.•.. .I • 1:: lit a. 100 1 no Per oa v ica f lieufneAr or litlio. ileaduche. eruct Nil- I tITTSBURGII THEATRE. ~0 7 ;th.."!. ... ...... ,•,, ho , •r, (.., 21 IA 114 ou .5.41 - 4 &Mr/. indeed/or the tedola ears of e1f5er........- .I. Leattot AND 31A_NALIER....WM HENDERSON. ,• ;,, .a, no I mot ; u h . tristating in. &likes d e rangement, emceed hg Um Ma — Otte I ear .-... ria qr mi./Mane enentrics. V.lrd 1 11111 of the distingelshed Tragic Aare.... ......„,..,....- l'his remedy has rarely failed to cure the war,. • • THE PITTIODURGII GAZETTE AG ENTR. This of Chills and Fever, and It ha, this g1..el Ad- slantEadr.,". coxex.x.aumcßL, __ the el er /cher Ague medicines. that d 1.111.4114/ '1 Wby,, 10 appear in her a enderfed Iniperconatiott of it. IL Att.:, New ra.11.. Pa the connalaint witi,out it . ..nry to the patient. I , 14,7.A.C.)011X, VALUABLE contains en gelnltio or other deleterious substance. MIL 1121. M. Penne Railroad. nor does it produce pall:11.110r ant In Imp. Idtert Reeeised last ree l ning with the greatest demonstra- MIL Ilit.gT, Iltrgh. ( - Werra.. & eltionnetti R ti whatever Shallog brother, of the ann. athl tip ions of delight-. Z. HIMNIMYOINC.... Ntoubenvllle, Ohio west, try. It and you will eudorve three aAsertielts THIS t Thursday. EVEN! NG, the great play, ' P rePared 1 2y .1. i . 1 VER A . o . Lowell, Mess., I OIL F. P. ST.CLAIn. Wellsborgh, IN .••t Vk. retitled 0 . , "in , hi E• A. rail:, PIiTOCK 'S. So 14 & 00.. and TIIO/. R MT.. Ali. 11 111'1[y. Pa A., all Drtiggisle. Tomt&trE ' m"'": NAOPAI, THE DESERTED. .1013 . . ii Llitignellting. Roeheitter. Pa 11411010 A Dim . Welles . ille, 111110, r4r - RETuouvk.irs TURKISH . %,‘...1 & ERA WALLER. -LANDOLENIAN .lAIR TONIC. l /ver I arc . . ................. Orchestra. GEORGE Ct•lth. Si:nail's Perry, Pa. T. ' , lnclude with the TICK DRESSING AND RESTORE/1 OF THE AGE W. ENTLaa. Allegite or Valley Railroad TIMED:II BANDOLENIA N. ReTtutPrlttlt Truomll ItaArt....l,AN. What ran DEAD SHOT. kr. Want, Monongahela Rouse, Pittaburgi. he more arceptable than anything that will . ...till / B. HCACUSEY. Wmhington. Pa that will restore nature decay br Dropping he hair I FRIDAY. BENEFIT OF EMMA WALLER. 1.9,40 MEND/TT. baleen, Ohio. ~,.,,,,, w in . ~,,,,_ r .,,,,,,,, K ;,,, natural ~,..„r ~,,,,,,, 11 A'l IN EF nATURDAY AFTERNOON, at two 11 to grow in Inturiance and beauty. tussle .•1 petting nr t . ' o, • E TREETS OP NEW YORE- T. C. ALLEN, Columbiana. Ohio. It up It to tbe re style awl •-• •... ;.. D. G. lilt.Tre, Milan, r Ohio leen it 11. place? Tide S a l i ma•o•• Fterel.• ' .... • , 11,1ta flair Tank will do. and for proof at , 1 , , - • • H. Hatarna.“, Butler, Pa to any person who has tried It. II is ockill. A .eig. R. J. Piztet, Mercer. Pa. i . I. the beautifier of the ago, the only Hair '1.,. /crux Aaltes, Gree.hurg. Pa ....,1 Restorer worths- of Do name. in Turkey, o ; France, in England, lo America-evert WhOrr ” her, Last Four Days or POSTRASTert. Fait Pale.ine. taboo. the • llandolottlan'' is known -it is pronounced tl. I J. Scoot., Freeport, Ps re. pito; nitro of Hair Preitarption•. it, mender. t • tE v ,„,_SAELICALive ak, 333FLEricampos ts free from all tortalllc po vons that ..• ^on telned ' Jag. T. SkateLL. A 11. Athens 1 111. le most Flair Colors and dresslogs. It .. tip s Pact COLOSS.IL GIFT K. M. ALLAN. share, Pa •,f many nevem. and herb... heartifulli put op. et H. lif • Wl-LL Alta, tholes. ale. Pa. eanie:it to the toilet. 1111VTIE1111.T.A.XDFikyameaT . FO r vale I.y all Ilnaggistv mild Perfumers; wh01e.... I SEoTEna Chilaostos. Brown, Me. Pe lie E. SELLERS .4 6.. J• H. EL aßA,bicKeesport Pa. B. L. PAHNESTOCE & Co. ' ASTONISHING SUCCESS. C. LOOR - In, P F. W. & e . Railroad. Principe Depot tor tolled Btates and Clattaclaa, JAIEZE PALMER .t CO., Almoule Hall nightly crowded to repletion. 'Eye , seybody delighted with the ELEGANT PRIDENTR C. LOOMIS. Ckveland & Plttaburgb Railroad. No. CD Market atreet, Philadelphia. I and all am amazed at th e OREAT MARVEL, Tiles. Ll:estate. AN, Latrobe, Pa. de10.30....LtwT ____ .• J. FErrlitattt, Attn.., Pm ir4c-PITTSBURGEI SAW WORSIII, THE SPHYNX. TIOOS. T•eirl„ .ohrtewn. Pa. CHAMBER NETS WORTH FROM $75 TO IWO B. Reavicr, ithirionurg, Pa. HUBBARD. BRO. it CO. NIGHTLY GIVEN AWAY. M. A. Tows/5r..., New Brighton Pa OR AND MATINEE WEDNESDAY and SATIJR MARISPACTI:ItIinit Or W HELP, t Con Ilevllle, I'm. OA 3 A FTERNoONS at 3 o'clock. Admlasialbio PATENT GROUND CIECULARA, Mat 1n.... 2.3 rents to all parts of the ?apse. Ch.l/11111TO Root. SlllPiiis Woeds lien. Ps. It scrap .1 t AST 1 4 rrt 1 , A WS. °revery descrip- ;, • , •• : -"l• r •‘" 'WI' "."I"'' a p"se" " the Mat.g Citta5..30.00. litotes:llJ, Pa. th.n. kill l • Bole), , • .1. Gang, and ail other - ;,,.,,„. e ,. op , n ~,,,,,,,k,„ ~.„,,,,,,,,,,,c e al e ~,,,,„„e s Jit0..01 1 1411.1.., ire In Station, I's. . arlet lea Mee. SAnntili.ite, T•rentittn, Pa. 1 s , :s , II , lII.N7Eii &nil liil2,!,llikitt,..,,tp;de 11,01,c P'4 IIII • TS oN LY = CENTS - Ruerred seaU 50 E. ileerOW, Sevaektey. l'a, MO G ' E. I 47V . E.S. g ar " , ' E L '..' ct uts Nobel( price. inh2lastd SOLoROS Far, California, Pa. gal - Warehouse and Works corner RATE! and .......................- P. IletTCHlalla. Iltlantang. Pa. nu m, QTRnai-Ts Mull r h • • 1 "1 • Particular mimed on pal to re -toot king, gumming W. G. BleillAW, Itansileld, Pa and straightening Chrelar Saw e. also • repaint of nit 111.142 Y HALL, Indent, Fa. Mae. PUnehing mad Drllllng done at reonal.le 1 . HE A. W. YOUNtI, Per Perm. Pa. metes. ap2sdy ; _ J. C. STEnaan, Vetter Stalled., Pa t_4 LASE. SUPERIOR A. M. CSAWIO4D, Larlthgtoll, Pa. Capt. Joint ii..l; Horst - 111e, Pa. COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS D W. SMITH, Larmatr Station, Pa. it. W..BaIt&EAREL. thasage Master, Ea. IL ii PITTTS Mlle. RETCOLho, Lawrenceville. Pa. H. MIC/ItLS, Bag. 111•41. Wellsville Amesna n PARK, BicCU .B RD URIAH. Y & CO. JR°. T. WiLevp, Torreace Station, Pa. • VAtYLRAPEI'ir. I.VAZOTorPliklf iLai.s.r.jis‘k• CHARLES kW NEPHEWS J. E. STUDD-rt, Jacob's Creek, Pa. RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPECTER SOLI/LIG: J. M. REED, Lackpurt, Pa. Also, Importers and dealers In METALS, TIN B. RAMAGE, Erten Valle! Po. I l is! ' n / AI T , IINg E . g . 11 1 0 /AirD ISE•an&do•Tl 21r.';."'ttiTA;e! S. MITCHELL, Matte Ash, Pa. il , Oltir, No, 110 Floe, and ID Sat wen tornESTS, Pitts - -- burgh. Special order. of Copper cut toEETy, arty desired 1151t^011• turn 13....inT TRUMP.? Y RCH Letter tram Goy. Brownies, NasuVILLE, March 8. Eon Wm. D. Kelly, House of .Represenetatt. es DsAn Sun inclocat I send you a (NTT of my Proclamation from winch you toil; learn that a faction of twenty-one die ,r ganlzers here, in tin true spirit ot the lat. iniquitous rebellion, have withdrawn, and reduced our House of liepresenutuves he low a quortun, I nett not add further re marks; the pn.elamat on fully discusses tic ' points-at issue. On Friday last the elwtion of eounty QUI mrs took place throughout the State, each 1 ' as Clerks, Sheriffs, loathes, Wr. Trustees, and Tai Collectors; and In Middle and st IWJOELIi L'OCIFIRAN 14 BRO.; ussersetersr. .;r IRON VAULTS A.Nit Tennee.ssee the rebels have mode a Clean , 0 A eIT Dvotts. 1 iv, RA ii, iN 0, wIN 1„), , w sweep, turning the Union men out and el.- , soul - TEST, wi a, Dow Gus ans. sr.. sos. in tiug their own earolidates, who olooLior, , :E(ll'l.Z.-11:„::'.:,;•:'s p I n " L h 1 1,, 1 • ;I:M. ) 1 ' , T. ,("„';' ••• ,;" :,' ' ' -• : 1 etred for ofliceon the Krona.' that they were owe, sod plain , suitable for all purPose,' ' ' n• ' rebels, and had either served an the rebel ' air- Ptwilsular attention paid to enclosin g Grave , Lots. Jobbin g done at short motto.. .12 army, or in some tither comedy had ;riven . - - their influence to the cause of t; em, o 1 and i WT - ROBINSON, ILEA &. 1 0" (Sue.. traitorA. eesa o r s to Ron! x so, Mo., • ilita.tas, Whim Rlchmood fell and 1.... e sum etler.l. 1 WASIiINOTON WORKS. rebels, and many tt 110 sympathizes! with ! a mahsts, trittsbnre-b F.'"nde " r Bd•T AND li' 0 • ll•'-fm, w ere v . .'S ~.r .., ,1 f al t ,, c n r". wt.. MIVIt 'P.M N IL's, Hl. AST ENt, IN J.V1.1. Mn. --f.rteD OD. jit,, f ail ty eniprsts' thee e% .. t 11l st LH l 4t EA Itl is 11 t.'llAl. TI is o, I A .T.I Na .to dittlL/V IYALred at nal tool 1..1n0t/loa ee 1., 111, 5A',,g1i.;,,..,;113, r. 1, ',T ,. . , 1 1 , , 1. , 115 and STILL/. MULES: Wits all they had tr right Li oditYYl• illit • ad-Agents fort:lEl , Aß', 11 PATENT INJ El 'TOR . since pardona have horn 00 rnulnplled, anal .. r , '"" 4 "2. 4.11 e ". no man le Punished. , hey hat° er.17,,vh,", ' •TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, become impudent 1.11.1 detbutt, uutil in ' been BoTH SEXEs , -A reTerritagentlenta n most isamties Ito Middle and West •Tent, , us, tog been restored to braltb In a few days. kfle. eves(' it Is deo...punt Id .. to hero Inten d l'rti..i. ::'rfi'ttnrf...Tl;.o"rt".:ii'„V.;',.:.l'Td‘r%'.l'..'Vit'it: man, or, as a Sol/thorn Lust. to haves., - ' . ire.!... tut , to sononsior.o to 1,1. acorns rens.. in the Colon army, .end matters are ern- crsaturt.. the loraos of .•urt.. Hsu, , on the rt - eell. , sing worse, the reu.nutructed traitors Opoll- ~ .. , f , z i n ,, asl r d ,.. T , s , seLs .. .n . l-1 4i pt .h. n 11l At. 0.1. frt., a rug, ly cursing toy.' men, and Oureatesning Dios, ts j It. JOHN SI. DAst N A LI.. 1.6 Talton. - :obit .1) dd..T then. With flipsitiog or bonging, boaritiltg .'''''''''• N. 0 that they hose the Prtsylet t t oil their side, t .... T . " . SENT FREE.--A, Pamphlet While we all rot-1 lino 11.- pr„oolo or ,., t „, l or Ifni:m.olle Importan, 1.0 LIP. old and icy is rtlittollo 1.3 Its. ,yon g . married and single, of both sexes, will u 'When I put the President in nomination ;;;;',.%,,,,,.'“"" b?' g.1‘1,1D'1t'i1k",khc.Z.:.."."fi.,,,71,171t4,..'' at Baltimore for the A leo Prumiettcy I felt ' Kist ineT.:2. Titrasirda. _ thin he had so thoroughly committed hint- THE BRIDAL I'IIAMBER; self to the 1.. - li ton value , told hail been so 10'... Is ESSAY OP WARNING A IN. badly treated by We rel.ols, It was 1M p ys. sTRUCTION FAT YoCNO MEN. Al ta, s o. and it for him et- to get andond to them ';,Y'':',',',7,",..47:"Viit'Lli:,;,,j))7,l77lP•rlin24''', 77:„.".,;,! again; ;but I ore' laical tip . hut to the Um- . As.selatlnn. I . llllAdelohlA PA apltiv tint party, and an the iloso it ha is 10 heat! 1 .. ___ .. ... the rebels and liontoriats. Erery robed to I . DRUGS AND CHEDIICALS. all this country. eTt•ri :111-1 'Jell: d id ma n , , and every ex-gtiorrilla elder, an• loud and IlitTutiETTos STANDARD PRE enthusiastic in praise id the President. The ' 1.-fi PARATIONS.-GiesAl N F.- A ( otn pound ere,- men who hilt a low months since Were ear- . '.°P . . ( P. 1 . , -• ' ' [ h e H ' , 's LI l ' lt AI tli:A '"• d r elltthlfu ' l r Per fume for we II a tyl - sing him as au Abolitionist and traitor, lOW ' Lerlef. wisitinghim executed, are note for exocut- . G A LL IST,..N-. , k Cosmetic for removin g Fret-kb, in g all who dare to oppose bis PolicY, 0t l.?ilit'EVrill. s r . even•sll - Au Ell iir for P r ... even ilould its. lo g .... ' t . 'lrrtu tt Ills Teeth sod Gum.. Theres twice ( the attiountgof bitterness ' BURN ETT'b ( "Lott NE. , N r i' f A ,,, TFIL- Unrll All., and Intolerance In Lbw 14.1litit le-tiny towenl , lo,lll)TVlteV.APri..?Vilfi ' itruEtA' e L.Fof Asthma the I7nion, and everything Northern, that Rose Cold fie? Fever, dr. I there was at the litlle of Lee's surrende otToNsTr.s el t ANDA RD FLAVORING T.N• r. Abuse of l'tdon Melt, . - if the Radical CIO . T Vlty C t - 5 tlre' r al ki orn lUnfe.". rap l art:tes ran • wa, .1. Jority in Congress, and self nammed au- er .,, .r. 4 at tar ~ ca.'' , V.,r . utt r attl i , ' , periority tin 11i0 part of the Southern chi- 7,1',:r r j.....M:::: e ! A. ( l • lelt n ntu'i d . 4•• ' ."-•••• • . VILITY, have arisen to such to bight that . . , , 103 - ai wen mutnot travel on a steam- ' Ur EORitiE A. KELLN, boat, or ila a railroad car, without being Manned. As it was ;luring the war, so it is not, all concesskus from tbe North. or front the majority in Congress, are reganleu oI'eUSITIE THE ST. CHARLET 00 - 1. L. rut evidene. of fear. All the old relnd-pa pets of !Sal, and many new ontei, are In lull blast threatening Congress and the North DEALER IN with ultimate vengeance, and boasting or Drugs, Chemkals, Patent Medicines, Southern prowess. The most popular Olen in the largest portion of Tonnes...tie tit-clay ' ..T . axii.n7P - mnamnrs.-sr, are the men most distinguished for their PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, DYEISTI: FEE, A... hostility to the North, and what are ple ased to tell the - Radical Congress," and „Tits Retail business will be c:ntinued as usual err they are the class of men ,seleeted to till ' ;,1 ° ,;4 5 0 4 4,1, 4 V!!..P; ' :;.' a" tor''' '' °"l"° •! ee ar- r. l e y,t - offices, as the late county election. allows , - " il n . .... That same is true of the entire South, SIMON JOHNSTON, only to it greater rrteot" Ina word, they aro : 11.1711a1r e3zsaw, resolved on breaking ill. Lit. I lovertlilleill, I=l and they expect tocarry out their schemes Corner of Fourth and Susithileld 818. 3 throu g h ithe ballot loo.f. And how men - of candor and Intolligenee can represent them DRUGS, CLIEWICALIi, PINE PERFUMERY, as loyal and kindly disposed Is a mystery SOAPS, BRUSHES BRANT/LIDS, WINES, MO to me, even in this age of rebelion anti •T.,useartre direct how London, treachery. Ido not understand them, and ' earl. and costa ._ . my opportunities for learning their temper , J . SCHOONSLARER & 80N, "dultimate purposes are as good as those of inowt-misii. Pittsburgh Pittsb b White Lead Works, Why, air, Many of them are expecting the Presi denttoklisperseCongreas with the bay- pußE•viikirri: TY,An, - °net, as Cromwell dispersed the long Par- , Barnard. The Southern heart ts rapidly , BLUE LEAD 011.8NNE. [MOIL rot PAINTIti being tired to deeds of war, and all this, u. BARRELS, and more, as I beleim, has been mimed by j No. ea .lA7,o,,scts istx.s...t, mistakes of the President His plan of , nags trustingrebelswi ththeirStateoovernmfaits I .........__. has had an effect exactly the oppositeof 1 what be intended. It has ruined the pros. peels, of the 'Union men, and they feel that ' vir ATM HATS!! HATS!! there le no safety ftrr them, unless Congress 1 , ''"'" shall choose to protect them. Even three - ; days ago I /en. Thomas had to send troops I SPRING sayLES, tato 3farshall connty, some sixty miles die - ; taut, to protect loyal men and freedmen, • - - who were fleeing for safety, and coming I to this city . . 31eCCOrtr) .SE CO., So fur as I am individually concerned tlib Intemperate abuse of rebels, the dentin elation and blackguardiam of their .seen. lBl WOOD STREET, atructed Journals, the threats ofpersonal , LADIES' AND MISSES' D E . RBYB. violence from the amnestied patriots, and ' °ENT'S., YOUTHS` AND BOYS' BRHiIiTONs, the anonymous letters of cowards threaten- SA R AV T 9dI R A D L EIT , B nivi DASHm ti fai A l 3 ll log my assassination, all fall harmless at ETC., ICAND emiablzux HATts. my feel No earthly power inn drive me . . from the support of ' the men and party who ail the Latest Styles In Great Variety fought the battles of the late war, and put mom' the rebellion. a • • - - Very respectfully, your ob't sera"(, W. C. BROWN - Low, Governor of Terme.- The Fell In Price'. Prices of goods of all descriptions Kra HE-PLATED WITH SILVER. falling. The decline was great yesterday: though mime ki nits of merchandise were CARTM . TEA 13% XITERA TORRR ICE held by owners with considerable firmimaa. "ELMER gIO c O , NB. CAKE So HanCil to make sales has =rely can e tZ i ez i ptrl z iw c ar r e A to LOOT AND W Ewa been put forth, and the disposition was JOHN N. CORNWELL, 017Wbere manifest to close transactions and was" _ sts. rim CUL' Stn.. to "remliZP." The conoceslon indress goods is large; It extends to prints awl all tine fabrics; on standards anti woolens it is the - - - lightest. GENERAL • The fall in one month, on the basis of some of the prices of goods sold at auction DEMOTING OFFICE yesterday, is reported to be fully one Mire , tired per cent., but this is of course no trite- Aad .ft-;teat .814peoricry rion whatever, of the market. The average No. IS st at. 01 02 - 01., Mar elaspaostan Bridge decline may not eiceed twenty or twenty. ' five per cent. in that llne. 1 i. dlet a..14 r P..ay IMMO.Q/LNUEALHEE. cave Carla.., m There is a very general feeling of Ineocu- , rity in business circles, amounting almost to a panto In some qttahenin and thin adds to the depression; Nobody tittesticaut the policy ofiell.nEn but the public, and par- I tteulartz the &leaf in hazintins.da , not restllly buy.-2 Vii Y. Post. '''':"''''' ~.. . In! 22, 1866 liarWM. BARNEIELL & Boiler Makers & Sheet iron Workers. Nos. 20. 22. 24 and 'NS Penn atpeot. Hartng oecnn,d a large yard, and furnished It with tho mobt approved machinery, we are preporod to manufacture every dexrlption of BOILERS, the iI d NegrtIIVEIKTIY.;(r,'I•PRV. `B . sr EA. PIPES LOCONIOTIVL BOILERs, CON DENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, ILL STILLS, AGITATOILS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON. BRIDGES, SUGAR PINS; and bole mannfacturers PNIEENT BOILERS. Repairing dune on the shortest Itotlee. folS-xf WHOLEBA LE DRUGGIST ,M 87 froeid Street, HATS. CAPS. &c : 4 :JfE 1 0 1 0 kCieg LADIES, SAVE YOUR MONEY $7 im , lnt you" Old Table Wary DRAtrdimfdd: DENTISTRY psErnADABIADezt_ I,tis wiaar ow , . Con y And 4137 22= Dr. A. Bumf Or. Life in Louisiana AT IHASONIC HALL. ly.yo,~~~~;a~.~:, FORT PITT FOUNDRY. . XISIITAITURSIIII OP HEAVY ORDNANCE, 1 , 1./ ALL KINDS 0.1, HEAVY CASTTNOs, ...i.zr,vgarav:lliiiLLLNl4 MILL WORK NEVA INs LO romptly. A. heretofore, the beat material. will always .r 4 at I. Fo.+Ory• — ArT;;;R;; co 0. Ntw FLY wtizzi I' rT ERN ntdlncreased f.Llltles for Mae ep th ricallyd . _ .1. HEY .J 1311,1 ....JAS. IC VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEV, M'KEE & CO., °Mee out/Warehouse 81111421." Y g"." Manurarture• a great variety of COOK, PARLOR end HEATING STOVE., among whieh are the rel .-brat. d Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking n,,rr al-, the Autocrat and !Sentinel, for coal or and ISt nor; called Star of the Empire, for man Arrnr, Grates, Fender., Sugar Kettles. I oe I ron. and Hollow Ware generally. °she A4`TN.I NTOVE A. BRADLEY & CO. SI art tat.uelttre every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES AMIIIII, 1 , 11" . •• , 4 11e celebrate., ElJltlint TROPIC V.I2A A e l .ol IRA ' Cook *Went' . ) Also mactintrture (atATIKS, GRATE FRONTS, &G. • , dlce end Warcbonec, corner of Pecond and Woo eirrk cu. i•hts 'eh. raw.* on Second street. I)EN .Vachine {{ w orks and Foundry XX- Wigkaitmeizi, It 1.; 11.13E4 AND MACHINIST, L.OO. tont, nvt.,ren Frderal and tlanduaky Allesbonyl:'!l. 1-,'W.TlwAba.ltani./PTn;,..leya. :4No tOPi'el:mio ull dn. r , th, or .11 kinds attended to tot :13 UNDERT AXING _ ILEX. AMEN, ma - 7,:iinivramczEr t . Su lin, Fourth stscrt, PIO, Pa , 00111ZsIS C Ali kinds, RAPES, d livery descrAptlus "I Funeral Furnishing furnished. , oisio ii rtnTa. Jwohns, LLD.. 'Thomas Ewing Esp.. :.rob li Sidle, Kw. 1.9 d-rd COFFINS I COFFINS I METALLIC! =ZEE =I KAZUO JUN Y - LIN MGM 4.1111i0 UNDERTAJII2.IO =1 ROBERT WiLLIALINN, ond•rtak•r. 011 Ike, No. lig FOUIITE STREIT (Indertat lag In all Its branch*. Dianterrin lxping j OW and turalshlaff el , rdrif 1611111Gmo o f th irritle n pli r ritarffd 0- at re.ucatabla ten.. daus RICILARD [IOWA 5 .......4143LAND lIIIIITS -1 HOWARD & WHITE, I CFaael.ierirtes3z.owils, Conin /krona a ma Mandennier Livery Bitable. Garner 01 Sherdleld and Chanters streets air Orders tram Allaglaear Pitt and vletaltv promptly attended to. ettnlvd FURNITURE. punarriurue, AND OLNE AND WOOD °HAIRS, 41anoreetured&nd for sehs, Wholesale or Retail.. JAIIES W. WOODWELL, NO& PT & W TIMED STRUT, Opposite Z. Edmondson & And tahl NO. 111 VOMITIi STFIZICT. .1081.1.1111MTILR ASTZIONT gaggla,. JOSEPH MEYER at rjriTirairiwnirAk! In &bore the Canal, have on handaa:iiggl of FANCY AN D MAlNlreniaTu and Mahogany, of their min atanotadt y urg, aid war ranted equal qualgty and Kyle to M numullivtetr ed In Moen,. and lam NM. as mamma Urfnea. XEDICAL. .101tTY YEARS PRACTICE LE tfLIEDAY. DINZA titres ma a knowledge aaldom required by Phy ßEk la. °tan o k My long residence In tide eltyvand the alnOnni proof of my swam. f patient. treated anuualty by me. are ralkelent SPERMATOBEHCEA, or Sexual Weakness. one all disease. arising therefrom, are enredinnurneb toner time than heretofore by my NEW YZMET. ABLE EINILEDIEB. Mediators aent to SAY Part . 1 the Union. All letters mast contllo ...tamp to Mg retara ea ee Tl • rWiV;`:t fP . ':hinfillrer r olArm es., J. W. BRAN.rPltteb D.taly Sox Na tugb. pIiIVATE DISEASES. OFtIOE ISM PENN STICE2T. nth& For the core of all dlassaea of apnrath nature, to from two to (Oar days. LT an tamely new and Ws treatment. Mao, Samba Weakneaa, and another diseases of the genital organ. and then prevention Ogre warranted or money rafanded. Ofleanogra—lto 39 L 11., smog's,. Mid Addras letter* ir..'"ALK Pima Went want i~►:ti:~,~.q DRUM & SLACK, Have on Emumull • Large iligfenims e 1 MOWING BEALCIUNIM, HORSE HAMM, STRAW ocrarzaa. earrase LID RAIL uarse .19. ad SO Woo Su, AnsiOw .. - ~:~~.~o'l.ti;::a.'timcCFw`._;~..~..:;stli3w~.>isr strEmort Flamm:az iv 23 SECOND STILEET _BELOW 7ZEITY.--T DAT brOlDinith, 1120=1, et,iscklueek s ion be sold the &sena o.2:1 Becond - etrect. order of Adrninlitrators. the entire famishment o supt rior double parlor around* carpet, ant YenctLu blinds throughout thd three stories, elegant hair mat airs and rocker, divan, tete-a-tete, adk. mar e top tattle, parlor h en receiver, halt oil cloths. mahogany dining ta ble. cane seat distr. .10,k, air superior Ingrain chamber carpet.. ter m., murk stand. sofaymartite top deeming bureau, des walnut bedsteads, MlCknia4 musk stintd. large mirror, bedsteads, window sb ruhld. SINE, Acct. RTIFIIbiL, ON AND 4aI,OI7NDS D AT.,/.17013031.—0u VIES- ZfdTjt&thX:ll.l=reitterAxt7=l= I be . timitafteld street, that dee treble Dome in the vil-,k o t t 7 u x , ojr- ri s freak the ttlazlthlu alie n / Itstroad, being the property of 8. froth, Esq. The house le Will WIC treyeece Brick, eontalta ainfldre rourensZdeb;bdr amend. doge i rrtloo In Irma. goal lio n bykafeet In depth; he wh ole treel n ! I la ch pro n v a ed d Urge g.durnole.rr4o.f Ihnuooleesfruwelit HELEN WES.T”E‘,BI.... J• erase:client water, with good bake-ove, and large ladenverilentivirstory inane stable and urrisge Oa rear of lot.. TESMIS—Two-thirde caah: balance In one year. runlnterest. PossesstorallistaLofivAtiln. nth JAMES S. EARLE & SONS' ELM GREAT SALE The entire Importation of JAMES 111. EARLE & SONS, selected in the etadlos of - ttin best European Artists, by ?dn. JAMES B. EARLE, to the fall of ints, will be sold at Auction in the Eastern Galleries of PennsYlranla Academy of Pine Arts, •Philadel phia, on TUESDAY, !larch Vth and WEDNES DAY, ?dumb UM. Painting. on Free Exhibition on and after MON DAY, March Mb. entalognes now ,ready and ne.t by ma/1 on appll cation. mAN:eodt4l B. BCOTT, JR., Auctioneer. FINE FURNITURE AFD CAII - AT AUCTIOI/.—On PRIDAYMOHNING, March 2/th, at 10 o'clock precisely, and °potholing at Y o'clock r. m., will be sold at Mannic Hall ditch tun House, 65 and 17 girth street, a large anon , meat of anpenor Household Purnitun. New Gar woodada Oliver Ware, embracing ron carved back parlor chain rocker, any chairs and sofa en suite; walnut and Mahogany marble top dressing bureaus; elegant rosewood what-not and marble top table; oak extension table; One walnut and mahogany bedsteads, enclosed wash stands, dining room and wood chairs and rockers, tote-a. etteeand • t rio,, s. end and hall tables, oak aide-board, l ounge general sanely Of good household furniture; coot stoves, Venetian and bud blinds, sliver plated SpoOnS, clocks, at,; new and second hand carpets, de.e. Also, handsome ch•nde herd, 2 large and?email. d rehM T. A. McOLELLAINTD. Ann% 711) GALLONS FREE DONESTIC ws , WINTA. FARMING UTENSILS. FORM TURE,PIANO, AC.. AT AUCTION.—On, TU/LB , DAY, March 2lth at 1 o'clock. A. H. at the Conn truldcnce and ry Seat Vineyards of Edward Taro% Lf m on i nerly r:lft7: l 4 , ririthe i g;l°, mill be sold irnl'CllueAdVire'ort % t• rli t ltag i orillV ID° .A1,14111.4= a n d o e tt4rast=p . lgto. orate and Mo. Ilto. 1 two- borne wagon, t covered opting wagon, boggy henna garden ltnplementa, hot bed sash, cider inv., wine press, 15 cords of Iscesa , and number O'er - SW. to unbar°. to menthol. Persons wishing te attend the gale will take to East Liberty tree[ cans to Shady Lane, thence up the Squirrel Hall road. Terms at sale. th ro e T. A. hIeCI‘ELLAND, Atact`r. Czkriare A*EATE eE AT AUCTION --tto TUESDAY AFTERNOON, March reth. as Alt o'clock, wtli be sold, at Masonic Hall Auction Room., It and p ?Mb street, the Oltahlo lot. Immediately opposite the car fltatton, fronting Street 10 imam on Centre Atenue, Slid extending back 108 fee Lon which la• modern atilt two-story Brick Dwelling: of loran mama and bath-room, hello In a supertormaattem hot mid .14 water throughout ; gaa p/pes In bovine,. marble man tles in parlors , and boas* In thorough repair. Tema. one-hall tub; balance 10 One year. mhta T. A. lIMMELLAND, Anon,. `Tti~`Pacj_~~`~~~:~:~~Laca: , BANIMG HOUSE. N. KOLMES & SONS No. 51 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. grggrlaW ZSrflZ7l2l:lTot e rlTtril the Culled States and C 11.11414. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission, Pan Ludo: ouent/oo Paid to lb• Pur.b... .ml sale of UNITED STATES swim ..z. INC LUDNU United Scales Sizes of ISS I ; Do. do 6-20 s, Lb. line of 10-10 e; Lb. Seven-Thlrtles; Do. Certificates of Indabtedisese. Orden and Vouchers Doubt or collected. Jamly Dr JOLLAR ILININGS BANAL, No. OD TOIIMTII ISTIOLZT. 4211.AjMair&D ISM Dee s e daily from toSo•elock t steam Wednesday anA — atorday main/Panne Kt? tohlovember Manoel 7 to I 0 '40.14 andl.frOlM Norenther let to May Ira *e i rd WC:lock_ Depoalte di ed of-all mantsof not less than One Dollar, and ao idend of the preen, declared be en year, In June and Deomnber. Interest has been declared semi-annually In June and /keel:cher elhee the Bank was orgualsal, at the rate of ala pm cent. ear. ' lnterest. If not drawn oat, le aaiadtti the Mint of the depositor 10 , 9 PrieelPel.bears the name m tereat froaribil Bret day. of June and December, eampeunding,twhae ayeartrithenat troubling the de- ' potato, to OtW. or even topresent his yam book. At this rate money will double le less than twelve gran. Book. containing the Charter. By-Laara Bole. and . It r i s gulatlons, furnished gratla, on application at the raistOnsci—GEOlLGE ALBREZ. And ras ranalmOths: William J. Andaman.A. E. Po.loth. h4D.• John G. Baskoren, 1 i Robert Robb, Beni. 1.. fahsestoek, Jobs 1164;:grger, James Hanahnask. James a.. James Makeler, Masson Isaac ll.'Pennock. Chritt/an. said. TurrilWalt Calvin Adams, , 1 i i,.. v .,. Gell .iiiwiA Job. C. IMM John S i be rir i salt. • WalterVihan. A. sanaZairler • ' James B. • Maeda. C Aar. A. Cohan. JOhll te ad,... Rximfig, /AM K.% er sth r il ' ivtiazei. Alaaan Th4s, : Peter Menke., Mastosst.Eh ;nlisilt h. Al Jame. a 6 .7,_ Tawnrara—CHAßLZB . COL MrsperrAirr—JAS. D. D. MD lahlthlarl P IE I=l PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANE, CPr 3F4.111111116123.431:Lo CAPITAL PAID IN $1.0:0:00. WITH PHIVIL2OI OP 000.001 alira . hones COUNEII PEWIT ANL) Nowt This Bank, organised ander Nis National Banking 24:0,1 , in now truism: nN bludgeon at Its cou. AMme d o e ra o e; 71 clod an ta TIM s i res. moat favorable lams. Inman! 1 4en i rs ' tor " .l2l COOKB for the gale of the ' - U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. SAMUEL 14,A.Zrulaist. F. kl. BOBDIIN Cashier. 4. 2 9:114 J. O. Rammasos, Teller STEEL WORKS pITTSBURGII STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK do CO., OKICOCSBO.IB TO /WILL BOYD t Nana tatozers th ben nfted iLust Stiaaqu in sf4 HE MD MOWING 111/01111E% STE= PLOW WLOOP. iLPIIIII 4 / 1 16 MMES. Gait and Common Plough and Spring Steal, _omee—conter otaisz i j i mgcmimets. two WOOt wy above the eaII IILACID. DIAMOND 'WITCORita, prrTeittmen, PA PARK, 11110t111111 - ii Co„ Winutactonerist MINT QUALITY ALVIN= OAST STILL, Bauaa% rim imai ()mem, at s/1 sizes. Wartantea equal to say tutporpalsoalasasysetanal liSabilant,- 1611.0 ales sad wankboasik No. le sad Xl2 Isesed amass. Manure's - . 1.0.7a# OW. JU1L1T15.•...:1t Di MILULIL J. P. HOLMIUM L 1 AL BIM •STEEL WOE. IELIDZIMEn. CPCO. CAM irritif.: MIMI, mow Mid Bum+ TyR err rh; arsmul. - A"KT +. CB" •fia- ' irATritfirratzt , top nun). rrni riimun. -- rank - 7 - SALT KINVFACTIOUNG Omit WILL SOT I PIIM : LX*I I 3IM s staPinwe:tctf„.7o;on irsaurnalsailti6 intilskaitnit 00;apteee,‘ Grierf tt Street aid Dotliesse FOREIGN & AMERICAS PAINTINGS. BEAVER STREET, RUCS:ESTER ; Lot in Pitt Township. feSO . Attorneys at L • ~.,—.., .• - i. A RAN /SOME COUNTRY HOME LEMMING GAIS AND ........, FOR SALE, situate Eg tulles from the city, and P Frrrixo, ti ALL rrs MUNCHES, wlthln. ten minutes' walk of the Pittsburgh and • Con nellarille Railroad, _commandHig a 13 ...tkft 1 l ,C4usilftll....LatAtetLed.tAlzizeoleneed and practlesl 1 ,r.legrp:../r4e.fity,i rol,l;elExi:„.l,surrooxiininhigratrt:Thi... tea and laud out In t h e toold. g t r tppros'ed style o ' f mod- GAS FIXTURES, SINKS. BATH TUBS. 1 f.": 7 , 1 landscape Vr 4 re"bd 1 = 4?, 1 ::%ti ' vines In (1111 bearing. There Is al so on Is a never- SHOWIER BATHs. . I falling spring of water, andabont one sere In wood. WATER CLOSETS, The Improvements consist w as ht of a neat Deist: H YDRANTS. 1 Cottage with 7 rooms sod bouse, a large and Constantly on band and made to order. i handsomely bn ll ititable, an out room for man, eels ern and splended pump are within a TATE a SEVILLE, I i'a u fe l the t kl When door, and all fs under ea-cel -1 qienTrerTi. i'm.'Zilsi"`""' prier. terms, riq."- "' m Tagi.liiMPlT'4V6.l.', d i' . Lou - SA Ittsbergb. ; • LE. mh11?....11.1tar T. T. SWILIPB WO, LOTIODIIN 1 STEAM ITTING, POSSESSION 1./ IVS; E APRIL .sr, • F . _ _ A Delightful Residence in N'Clure Tp. Plantain', and Gaa /Pining/9 I The Lot Is II the highest state or eultivallon. ings the Fo premise. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORE, I JAN& T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker and Insurance Agent. OP ALL DisciarruMa. colitl No. 51 Federal stress, Allegheny. COAL AND LIME PDOPEDTN FOR BALE.-05 the !Rent/cavil/a Rall.r(Md, seven tulles from t h e elle. CONTAINING ONE HUNDKED AND EIGHTY. SIX ACR Steam and Water Flouring an d Saw Mill, and other One Improvements. Also, about Eighty Acres of COAL, without the Surface, attloluln: the above. Also, two Farms at Stewart's !Station. on Central R•11/02d, containing ICU acres and lIS acre. Forifumber pulculars, no WARD. (Opposite the Cathedral,) No. 110 (haul street. zrw-xmar i s • to Odd. • •••••.) T. T. ZWIENS —ITI7I. LOS .Dox. ptisumniNG, GAS AND - -• • • Xf • XTWX:DTC3-, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS, SHEET LEAD. "AD "mks. RASINS, WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. liocecuon to Addy A Ewen., I MEM2I U r i g irTiTTeiG, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING, S. I IIOK E BELLS, Portable and Cigar Lighters, E WEAN $ CO., (SocceAttort to Addy Q Enoto.,) 1113.17c0d No. HZ Wood et.. Pillsbury/h. ; Anima% tarxr.s. BOOTS, SHOES, MITERS, gMlril;boris. cfca., AUCTION EMPORIUM, .IPlitlx ISltreei, mh-10Private Sales Day and Evening. SPUnGO 8 jo f t Ig e lg i o!legr . fg y t .f AND str !cm E 000 Ds BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, "'°':V.ITALOI:II.'-vrAd.TA,ltlltgli.'"' oe J. R. & W. C. BORLAND, mhl7 No. NgMarket .treat, 24 door from It,, It. , r W. CALSATILAN & CO., Ladies' Bloniorals and Polish Boots. W. CAitNAILIN & CO., FOB J. W. CARNAHAN & CO., FOB LADIEIP, GENTS', HISSES' AND CHILDREN'S dictate, Shoes and Gait/ire, COYLZI4 anwrl MS and WNIO giretessitS•StHarranybody.... • • • sau prnwerrinAL WORKS. =OH Y. I,OLII. . . HOCH 141 :BOLE & CO., CTlEWit.. E .a n gr.r:`9, ENGINIL 9 ,LOVTIVEB ror:Coal tali, OIL WELL' EN NI and every kind of hinery. roodo-Worder..= - work warranted. CANyINOR of, every dean Mn lowle•to order. Repairing lfseElperyy ai nt e -WiT ALLEY AND BANE OF A.LLEGILENy BMA near the Point; rittabutab. P.. • " fe•Nntaidar AREIENAII, MUMS wawa. MODEL RYRIE i CO., Mattabootoren of BLACK said 0111Mli to Limo WARY. Dropploao' Ware, Bottle& thatijoboaspat. BIT=I - 1 1 traritt WA La 4TALI3 st.reets. PlttabUrial Pomba Ws Panama oar Wane to be mewl= to any elm unmoved meet of tbebtountalne. Always on head. Olesonnaprof thepboow .u. ti uumenytton. •A.ll order* epromptl ot att al y ended tot, abiettuon Delete rlitom tts. ablay R. SEVIMANCE; No; ES WATER ;I'4 /9 1 of orrery asat_.,Mon. tallroW ii = l "..Z or at !piks andltlvelo o Way or to order at abort motto& Som 2 emlonait oomstaatbree band. • iiibit.4. counts . . . ... . .....;=cuiza 1 . 1 . 10 .. 7 C oWril ltratamr;abiatinda .11tsweatt %nal Workare. , 2gi 4 1 : 14 1 wry. croirboa "ad 7Azt OH Bo /mem d - "M a- 4d. 'aduains used br.fitass .7 ltraelS WNW' ailed. Ito. SID extrozroxgarx pin„.. 0.7:17 14,ERIOVE--ThapilieltiOVelignkr. ±2ltrio Mn istilasje,,e=e;:t. rar..arlitrlfgal(itderkpromPtlY ra, firti="airantstl i tn .mhiftir, ka en tik Hareries. r 41. saddles* Fox Bit " * ". - • 8. T. moz • . . 3 . .p....!..k.,_,..,,e.,&,,,, -5 ~s,-,-,--.,..,,w.d.;;;..7.2.t.A,'.1.1,....:2C,1'N1i.:;,i,i..!. ................. c.V. .... 1 3051.11*, - . ric4 , - , .''. 3, . - -,..r ~......, . 5q , ....A. ....4. ~ . 4 ~...,..%, . i ,, , , t - t. ~. . ~.4,......z.,11.4kt•1'1qUi.4.-agtga'A'r t tNl4:- * . 4 . r ' .. . WOOD PUMM3; Fort! earin of 44 in."Ti7h 7-ago co n itr f .%ll .‘" "Q Improve meats area hewed log derelTenf o and frame !Mehra.' bank barn and other oat build geta goad orcherda aPPIe and peach trees, of the best, variety. Thu New to ; uderLaid with coal andlltnestone of the befit quality • dog stone quay of a No. 1 quality. very easy of access to the Monongahela river at i'iggs verr i „,T i lt g li 4 small farm I am authorised to s I rt .aso. • (00w of about MO acres. situated In West WheatSeiti Township, Indiana wanly, Penna. The bnprorments are a good, comthrtable. tw o- story Frame House, with it rooms a huge Dame lefire• ear Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, -r1: 1 ::°- ben., base oven ebarea al'iltalstrtryln'TgoreTli== g apple, peach. rear and quince trees. 'rho fenetng la coal. ,This prwpeetY wit be se e. ant bat i short d d Agg , that ztAl,., a YAM of about Mama mniatdruit . , caber. x Irrovements are • large Org i ttory 5 no.. BATH TUBS SINKS, WATERICLOSETS' rtrZrgorvr:A.Z=.• large two-etorr melt-Louse. The.* N1d4 """'" .1 Stock Farm, or will be.sold WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, 71 . , !Vje . '‘. tr•rm Farme r ! Morelanci county, mutat IngWIZO; WbVi send. south of the I.s. The In; Mentz see two large hewednev7ll7; lay drat:tale largest and best frame barns ) Boast; It n r :l7 The land Is of theles,. best linteeto 1 . 6 T" ' cleared, the balance In good ti ¢e: not r g Brass Work ...of all klnds• Block Tln Pipe, fortfolla the An day of April. lEW• This property will be rownsmps; at t ,„l. of b.. 00 4 11,,,,,ber n o . s . sold at a great bargain. The owner wi aeOt. es to engage Bose Pipe, two .rage HasTipe and Fixtures. {mother de.scripilons' kept constantly on hand at I Also. several Other Farms ranging from 113) to tiara per acre. , Also. a Farm of ISO acres.situate In McCaodl ets Addy, Williams dc Bartley s , of 1.214,":11 pear. I will sell this valuable property very cheap O F4 furthez o easy l t Darticr., Inquire of G. H. TOW, ell, Bead Estate Agent, CORNER SIXTH AND SMITHFIELD NYS, se.. No. ISt Fourth street.. ONE UIINDILED DOLLARS PITI'SBURGIII, PA. ALL fkLI% al UP' r'IUNUF'S. amiii ,- 3:or:cB=.m. LEAD PIPE, DM NEXT TO POST OPTION N. B.—All kinds of done repalrln l spromptly Al! order. by moll bato dlAatt''d'a to. jalloOdmietootrem 166 Wood lg.. Pittsburgh. Pa Ell'EA'S & CO., No 163W00t1 at., Plttata 6. n±._ . I.A.NODOS BOOTS, SHOES W 111 be sold T(TeDAY at reduced prices. Thra teat It eltuate to Westmoreland county, Penna., on the North-Western Penneylvaniaatom% about to rifles eaSt. of r Ap u otte Pa., and contains two very lair veins o .LIZE CLAY ic:aerimazipitircevis '' Yclergr ? tre_ P ft 4 rsieniars Inquire at the Law and Claim (Viejo( LEM BALMOR_A_LS, ioza T. A. NOLELLAND'S Nos. 55 and 57 8 'market so'. Ladles , sabers. No. 83 ILutet.ltroßt Gent's Fine Cilia' Boois, No. 80 Ifszket street lc, cwt. ) 47.xt i vit:l :41.1111 ~:~:BEffiOrY,aL:'~' =I [INQUIRE OF McMASTER, GAMIN & CO.. _ - 1: 4 011 SALE--.A. Farm of about 5S aerea t situate in Elisabeth township, Allegheny county, Pa., about one Ile and a half from the Borough of MelEeesport, ha m lf mile of the Monongs hela river and the same from the Youghiogheny. The improvements are, first, w ell rame Voltage House, with 6 rooms, and a „good of water at the dour; second, a two story Frame House, with four roomet with two ;owl springs of water; third, a Log Nouse, with two ro oms, a frame bank barn, will: the very be/ tetabling,_coni crib, carriage house and other out-buildings. The tun is all underlaid with a vein of ti o. 1 limestone. Thia - stratom of Lirnestom worth all that Is naked for the propene. For fur ther particulars, Inquire oft;. 11, TOW - ER, Real Estate Agent No. lei Fourth WV.. (4:if • _L._ f OTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE AI)N 160 AOlllll LAND.:—Thrtt near/3 new taro-story Prick Hotel ituilding, containing SG H.H. ones, at DitiNTyle'S O'LATION, ❑ tile Pratt.. It.. at the lunette., with the I'IUS/1..0 Con nell...llle It. It., 11milta from the city. There are about 160 acres of l and connected with the Hotel, of w hich 70 acres are tillable and 50 acres Umber. Th•re le a goo young Orchard of apple, peach and pear trees; Oro I:weer-failing soft "oor Springs of .enietetit elevation to carry th e water to a height or hti The reo Is capable Of oth.ltvision ilEl f el t for emtntrpen). y residettrem.Aj . dim to Broker It Blocks sod Iteanit i ts%e. 01.17. 57 Fourth street. (Borke•elltalditm.) I:4`OR SALE. • VALUABLE COAL LAND W. J. a HALL I'ATTEILENAN no. ISI Fourth St.. Fltionargh, CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE—No. I contains lm urea In Derry township, West . mland county, near Derry Station; house, barn and ore co - dined. The whole offered at 02.510. Foal' payments- Apply at once. . : contains Il i arms, In Burrell Ty., West• morel mid county; w Improved: good dwelling , ' one of rho best barns In the county; well watered: first-class grain or stock farm; offered at the low price of P& Apply fe I B. MeLAIN CO. F ?t i nt t s S A LE--At .11 1 'r el r ° n , Allegheny comity._ Fa., on the Monongahela river, one edge from the Borough of Weal Elisabeth. The Improvements aeon two story Brick Moose with Mk Tligrketr e Rouse, erib,:,WwagrietuTaThltd7l%; nether/diem about IS arms of the very bed river bottom. This r i rm , erty to well located for ced ddng I , urposeir, arid Vibe .014 ate very redu price. Call quickly and secure one of the best farms on the Monongahela riser. 4 1. 11. TOWER, Real Ratite Agent. No.lslFourth street. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE AT SE ' WICKLILYPILLE FOR SA.LF.—Plearantly sit uate between Osburn end Sewlelley sta t ions - .14:1 minutes' ride from the 'city; 20 to 10 trains passing daily; three ammo( choice ground. gpodsolk fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.; fronting on s Mimed and I river; in excel/cut nelghberhood; Dwelling Home of ball, romm and cellar, well arranged and In 1004 order, loamssiolas.A6gprrlisiti4olAlrs,and iregn apply 0 , &target street. D WELLING HOUSE ON WYLIE S FOR SALE.—That. large and well On tailed three atom Brick Dwelling on Wylie street near Fifth, flolahed to modern style, containing 1 romus, kitelgEL range, bath room, hot and cold wa ter and gas tlffrOughout tho huLdloßß. Tlds Is one. ghe most desirable properties for dwelling or bud nes. p_nrposm now offered for sale. Poseskon Aprl get. Terme reasonable. Apply to Jalibtf B. DictrAlki./ CO, Ile Fourth atreet. --- VOR SALE—One Lot 20 feet Iront on Penna. Avenue by 110 feet to 'Watson attest; two-story Inlet Dwelling on rear of lot. Ale°, one lot feet fron whi c homer etree Pitt town.nlP. by KO deep. on is erected n two. story Frame Dwelling. Also. ear. late 40)01919g the .above, 93 by fie to too feet. JOHN D. BAILEY. Stock and ReolEttate Broker, Wilkins HAL. Fourth et..ct. FOB SALE-4mmedlate Posaes -, mox.—That desirable property knownas the "Avery hiension," on Washington need, Fourth Wand, Allegheny City, The In is shoes goo rt. e , deep, and One purchasercawhavent, orloo feet from, stair be desired. Also adjolaingtheaboee a number of beantiftd BulldingAiii, 0.. e bf which Is • Prune Cottage °female, • • • JOHN D , ,BAILEY, • Bieck andßeal Estate Broker fent Wilkins lrocirth street. q,EwicKLEY DWELLING FOR AL E. lo the Borough of dewlekleyrille, • double two.story Brick Bowe, with •bank bolldlWt containing 12 rooms and • bath-room, with hand. some mania mantles In parlor and library; • good “.011.11.011 °rump. and well mlected. fruits. Lot' 199 by MO; dro minute.' walk from station. An am ple supply of cistern water, Apply to S. 8.. WITAII, Broker In BtOoks and Real Estat. naafi 87 Fourth street. Burke'aßall4lng. 7 f 4 'oll BALI-160 acres cif lirst4stite Land. situated In 'texas counter. Missouri.' This tract was located. Ju Than, and talented mittsgreat sea for a friend. Will sell the whola tor pfd. Ap. Pl itaTihat neat Country heat, three - urns. of canine fruit,kood bow.. barn. &a; mhestroin the clay. Price COD: •-• MCLAIN - a co., 101 l al Estate Broker, Ma Fourth street. TIONIT PAT,. lIENT t but • call anti urehaan very cheap tot nth, villagroornfount Washlonton, bund,yourvelf a house, become • land lord, uve your money, and Invest tnehoee It m blo lota Which lam maned:en to Gen on very eery term. Yoe ferthergrelentan ettrltre of 312131' Peairktirreat. $4,500. 'LE ated IS minutes' wall from Ferry Thu home le Wm and neatly finished, Landaus. 'withan eaten al re view or the river and railrOad. with IXacrea around, arranged with garclen , and fruit le great abundance, 'rill watereatittlngoodrielatbeahmd: stable and carriage bonito.. - AftradOri Ude!. Fos tiALLEI6S ;.ncres, apeoa.l4 situate In dmlth township,' WalidogtOtkeounty, Penna., DEA r the line of the uteubenvlllirifallroad, at Midway Stators, about Smiles the elg : For further oartlindurs, enuntra oft/ :lb TOWE Reel Foists AfirAiKttao,ylttirrett routstreet, (7U:00 . 1 71.1;d :1 1E rjOH ,Cettalfg!' Mouse. with 8 acres of ground, altented , 234 int ei trout theelty. fronting the river andlvdlrma_jrrear Arthur , ' nate', flood tterden../Trult over Well or U r tY• S C ' S Pet FM SALE—A: Dwelling o[7 room. hall, and-NWndebred yenr . bout, wtitk lot a tvnia leek, eltuatelanitwal; etreat, ,Lnerreuccrllle. all cla:COmplate order., Ye? farther Isformatlen, terms; Ea.. apply nt,the neat .Estate and Insurance utaceot awrikti, . mhz Butler Meat, Lawrentunle. ALL REIGTONOPROPERTt FOIIIIALICeitt,sia SouseOrlth lante Lot o formyd, for wow, .4%am:ftla rooms anti - luxe Lgt, fOr.VOI3. Lot. 9tOrouna on VtriltaltirtreM Viet iltlat 1414111dikelk,Mr_ML Tot We 4 102113 .5.1,M1TE103k. BORIS,' 6L/draket se. 32 0 ACJOES OF. LAND ha Donin =re. Connl. 116 Lomat Is' ofteral II 03 oar 1. 11 Cplal2) B. ma..anr _ CHLAP —"— PROPFJATIf. 111eti get i n l iak At aka t k'AbiZket SILBIBELDINGJLOTSINSIMum. Inatrilit'miatiatnnetlit 1, TWO' Lovs; - corner Bank. Pane Ol 4:4l.ollMar2et. Allegheny City, for 12 cdkoi ::•=1 ON ROKEtagAi kn ' S. I ....... .... Wi ` t. r J. J. STE EL Info .. .. ' ""-L -ate Flew ! 3 TERtitri *. r..74 .- 1317.. 1 ;'? D u"E neon, L+ro cußlilarlON alfuite~rn MITI, E rdr=ftrite and Corn, 3 P .:Vai .` :.7.t r A u ". P° l ..;- , 17 Z= , Lime. halt de., kn. FartleularZit'eVlionuPooP%l7' Thirdu of Forelga tilld Domestic Fruit& No.' street, Pittsburgh. Pa PRABLEFF C. HAMLET, Prodnce and Comintsalon /derehant, Warehome No. an toa LIBERTY nTRIMT, Pittsburgh. In. Whalmalr dealer la Butter,hoese, Lard, Erne Port., Ilocoo, Beaus Talow, eather& Booms, rotatove. iaT. Pried Prite, Greda Fruits, Onion& Flour, Gai, Clover heed& Timothy Seeds, Flax ned& Game and Poultry Partlenlar attention given to Praluce Canahrnmenta. LOIS • .1 U. 1LX.111.11 TVE COMMISSION T ITATIFE& - AITIE /JERI:WANTS and dealentin FLOM., GRAIN and PLIODUCIY:, Second street, between Wood and anithneld, Pittsburgb. aptidy TvoB. ..TONN A. SIISATARD vorrzn, & SHEPARD Commission Mcrehants, - and dealers In Foreign end Domestle Fruits, Fleur. Butter, Cheese Eas e Potatoes and produre generally_ No. ISO 7.48}: I !BEET. opposite Passenger dePot, Pittsbtirgb. W. Mar.' OTIB ISHAPAHD PULP SA SIIMPARD, ComMI5BlOlll Mcrehanta And dealers to Plimr. W.A. , nod ft.' duce. No. all Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Ch 01.2 brands of /lour fur Bakers and Family use sainstantly on_ band. Particular attentlen paid to alltag erder stet merchandise generally. oetely minx; 'wain & PATTON, Wholesale OrneerN Contnitssian kleretiants,and dealers in Produce, flour, Bacon, Cheese. nth, !iarbot, and Lard OH. Iron, Nails, Glas Cotton tnft u t:, and all Pittsburgh manufactures genetaliT u 114 Second street, Pittsburgh- .r. ruck .... •.. ..... O . IRTCRaLt. WIN. P. BEC . O. & No. 186 t .1 Lilasty stret, Pittsburgh; Pa., Wholesale 2=Grocers, Comallaslon Merchants and deslers In C:oon -1.1r.P,To.,4!1°P:rar.,1;re,'1,1:nrr'", Green and Dried r rah, ae., Felt no d Lime: jylB snrmai. KETINER & BROS., (Successors to .a.s. Benner AndereonoWbolemde Dealers In For- Aeigeßah Fruits f l itista. , Nots_anda . 12apIr.,C2mectlod orgrzl . 1= 3 . "" RnOBT. 01100 ainni.iir Knox. K.NOS & SON, Commission -Lyr ßlEßCHANTBandiDealers In FLOUR. GRAIN, _ FILED and PRODUCE general)y. No. Diamo:lnprd. opposlto City Allegben7 CIO. 72 par M=M= JOHN N . CALNFIELD, Commillsefon Westernnrang Merchant and wholesale dealer In Reserre Cheese. Butter. Lard. Pork, Bacon, "lour, Platt, Pot and Pearl detentes, Linseed and Lard 011 s. Dried Fruit, and Prndur o generally.. Nos. Mend 140 Front street Pittsburg. D. grim J. A. Gllin. (;" ( MAXP & REITER, PRODUCE, Commission, and Forwarding Merchants, and parchasing agents for all Paul:2l.Bla Manufactures , Warclunnte, 213 Liberty street, Plttsbergh, Pa. JO/1111. 1101 7211 . • — IDIVATID 110178.1 L ..WM. U. 110DBil. 0 I. HOUSE & DRO,B Succes v tors To Joux I. Il Me r chan ts., Wholesale Gro cers and Commission corner of Smith fled and Water streets. Pittsburgh. reto J _ • . AMES DALzrja, & SON, Mann nurturers et Lard 011, and Cenuntssion Merchants for the purchase iced tale of Crude and Refined Pe troleum, Not. ITS and 70 Water street, Pittsburgh. Ade eat made on Coustanments. ScnomakEn. & LANG, Wholesale dealers In Groceries, Ylonr, Grain, Produce, Pro visions, Fish, Cheese, Balt, Carbon Oil, Nos. 112 end Px.174 W.X4 Street, near Liberty titre t, Pittsburgh.' ZOIIOX:0, =AD 0001460ALLTZGAIL. 'READ & NIEETZGAR, Grocers and Commission Merchants and dealers m all kinds Nf Country Produce and Pittsburgh lifenufecteres, o. 20 Liberty Street, opposite head of Wood sts-ct, Pittsburgh. ent“Y VETZER & ARKSTRONG, wardar and Commission Merchants, for the sale us Flom, Grain. /lacon,'Lard, Butter. Seeds, Dried Frulta. and Pro-dime generally, No. 16 Market Street, corner of Pinot, Yittsburgh s Pa. feDsiy RIDDIJr., No. 183 Liberty rztaborsh, Pa., Commission Merchant, and Wholes e Dea f er to Country Prtaltice, GrocerieCod Pittsburgh manufactures. Cash advanced on ~ algazonnta, and paid no Produce generally. any Rattan? DALZSLI. A. F. DA.L7.11.1.. PORT. DALZELL & CO., Whole- Nae Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Man ufactures. No. 1.51 Liberty etrort. Pittannh• R. 11. JACK, GROCER, Noe. land R DIAMOND cm PI T TSB URGE!. PA. CHARLES L. CALDWELL, (Suc. ceskor T. Jain. Holmes & C 0..) Pork Packer and dealer in Provisions , corr., of Market and Pro. streets, Pittsburgh. JOHN WATT WLIAON. WATT & WILSON, Wholesale (I racers, Commission Merchants, and dealers In Procinee sod Pittsbgrgb Manufactures, No. LSB LlA erty street. Pittsburgh. lush HIM= LANZWIZT—JOHN AHLHTON..A. C. WALLACE ,AIIfIEIFIRT, sHIF , TON & CO, .... , W - holuals Grocers andProduee Dealers do. 3, Sixth street. Plttsbureh. - ISAMU DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Grocerp, Cocamtsaten Merchant, and dealers In Prodece, No. 80 Water Arcot and 0 Front street. Fit-tenure, DANIA/. 8111,76 L VOlOll7. VOIGHT 64, Co., (Successors to G. (Dodo Produce and ComnaGalon Mery chants. SG Liberty Greed, Ilttalauriela. WILKINS LIAMART, Duet:maw. Mackeoern & Llnhart) Dealer lo Limey and Grain, produce Commission Merchants No. 151 LIBERTY STB.M.ET, PlGaboyh, PIANOS ,7ORGT: NOW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STOCK OP CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected g-thrr= aanar SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS — "T:rePeAnit toec=uair• and tar w,uuessztp, rosIIIIVE TEARS. CHARLES C. MELLOR. Ii Wooplitree,r THE BIL‘OBERY, NEW NODE, AND Sehosaacker 4" Co., Philadelphia, 'XA.IVL The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. Aabe,wiedgP d by ale best 1511416.1 talent in the United or a tes to bee super/or to to ail others In power, Duriland quality of tone, and thorough noel x gesetistruments hare for d earn sten the first Fal l, .142;, 1 / 2 ttiny i " LTV= than inky others. Ali warm:men ror - ave years. WADI:MIRK & BARR, 1,14• 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. KNATIE CM'S FIRST 141,EN11731 . 1:11ALIV.0.8 a for thn eft thtrq years. ba noon their excel- These Itistrumenta Aiming been before the public EG PREEMs. e.NOE that pronounces sE them UN e quAtaux. Fur sale by • cu - Anzeirrp. iILtI3IE. mh7 Ila Mtn street, Sole Agent. LOPPIATI I 3.0 ':: -- • B° II NTIES.--AU Dpicharged ealtstal t o Weiet Allirs,',o the lielti.or /lett:eed 13o 1 d1 e.L. we. 43411 4 / 1 11 tetebrlTlA:7o. And mlatera Arlr wbo were dlachamted rrom an 7 oth. semtenwitbMat reCelvlng their Government or Lo dresa .14 cal SOILIILILIS. OXIL leqUeltud LO call Or aeon Melt Ad T. WALTER. DAV, No. rilmiricinfirizZon. Ed•Tovrilotrwa.truldnye.. thedral.. Ism NotaqTi w. a. taim Luta rartmasOlt .a..-toraew allAyr ur .1. &MALL PATTEILSONOI.44 a • PoWITA FOREST, fterseusam, Pe.. At late7.l.ianm:aViagArird; trtarleltrAt! AND ma:MA-VAT' - VADMONS. &M. oTalcxitt- ACOMINTSESTILED AND CJERTIIITGATH:b Ur EIWOIIM*D ;7 7 1 . pentor.La. Imucaurile woftus. ile.zaticrEcir„ Nn. N 1 Ohlo Ntreet,Allenbenat. Mannnteturor s Ora WALT I NTER ' Pmmeglar attention inptell to els Patented oivtbe r " s a p "d ha.t;s Llonw Jars and idtgr Joint s , s ; d a d a of sJtralon2statt a. "'m ind "tti rsr%sVu. " ': we also fiutsi rpeSbolting. mat/ Wont: an.: ft. alum *mazy witar/te ./Crttnor and 'machine win) made tomtit*. prders,ey malt prouply atiouded to. I am prepared to grant . DlOlllßell tO Other MIIIIIItrictU Co niter tbese r: lltmedemmintaon liberal terms. Doi F-thtsaij,9lr,t).. 3ZITHOU:II4Var; T. HOW= F OURTHV STREET UPHOLSTERY ..116 -al TOUBTII-STRICIVT, -W don.-T h e _subscribets sadds • •diang .And ....Until at. I=l4. Mat sa klndal Mak; tno.delebrated Pittar 15pruit Au kinds - of linaltd.. Blind/ and Fix tures Pro l lny l m itivegl o t i oelhgrd to Mrs it RuAlelit . . . ffw7 CLitteOt the . ls49f Ilaatint a stoasoir, 41 9 Thi11AND ! 1 / 6 11 •AF'n. li!rut Buz corner of Third fall Marin tltteets,, , 43 1, . -; -;PZr,r3BOB 08. GBH;=pACBF~B,_ ILIPPINCOT'r :wiz. 3P - ►- 2 ' -3 MaikaitCW, WEViIie 9,2 I% B VA.°IIOO,I„ut.BVIM. 7.1.. w„.b..., wontetrestnnivem=r tura So. It SICV IBM h <'l.!. 't. f~' ;~ -~ S _ aftiLROADS.' 1866 SPRVIG gimplillii • A1111ANGX.111:1.1% gfellr i L&Q..t. CENTRAL It. 1t...5.x. ‘. zvirir On and after MONDAY, Starch 12 beli. Dairm.M !Far.. the Chalon Passenger Depot, garner of Wane n r.e....kwearg_tat ;',; 14' . .1. 0 ,,,,`"" u I,:o A. Y. •thPalng at prtncipal staticoin t Armes at Altana. m r:.15 A. st.• Trrone, 841 A. vt.• (Belleginix, WM A. 2 1 . • Look Haven, 12,12 P. n. 1.) Harriman.", t UM F. t ' ,l Wit' s r ° 7,7'. V s p 'tlAirta?• T `" , ':" 4`r:" ,A'kJit-P.4if1V147.11.**-7"..g w te, - ,• ~..toromis at mutely .4a ILE. Alit. os " . , Philddia',".at:hthneil,t4s , o b .arriving al .ILt...usferred at Ut.oish)opots 4111...;briaderptr. Z . , • `.7"T ur t?j l A . Dre . V I.lllltl for New York, re ac hing __Pell.AD, _Birth!. ESPRESSI-LeaosPitubutall TrritlearattittlLYNnir,",eudon'il'a. ory.ikar..i Harrisburg, 2:25 k. IL: 1 : 1 •1[11[10,6 ' • 7•01: ' 2 ' , 11 • ..1111W &ATV:LlMlV:lro4,Vltittolj%6".phi, ti.47'n Tapi Cyl . run thrungli on tam train nr'reonlitt. . ItZ=at.,z - ''''"'d'lT'l.." and I .. FAST ',I=LLN.E.-Zoaves Pittsbargb at tem w a, arri,,,, - at - 41. more,l Mg) P. at. ; Nown i t r rlr' s ,,: r lt. ..: Bain. P. 1 /.; ridiAdelpikbr,t Ide T. is..• and New "rn Philadelphia, at 1:42P. kt. ' " ork, vla =f Z i. eshar bal i t i 4 4 , dope ares , o2 ' - JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION-Dallyiet newt ItuadaylOat4:2) P. X., Stopping at Mindy. SlAttrna between Pittsburgh and Connmanyiti. andpenance. nia al Blairsville Interact:thin with train. on the Indiana Branret and West Pennsylvania Railroad, ALTOONA ACCOMMODATION - Daffy (eXeept Suntlays)at 11:40A. tr., stopping at all remdarstattms • between Pittsburgh and Altoona. and making Moto connection witittralna on the Indiana !trench, West Pennsylvania Railroad, Ebensburg A Creme Bail. road, and Hollidaysburg Branch. First Accommodation Train for Wall', Station- Leaves daily (except Sundes) eit 6:3) A. 11. &ACOnd Accommodation Than lar Well's Station -1 Leaves daily (except Sundays) r1.10:45 A. st. ruled Accunitlindation Trail for Wall's Station, leavedaily (egret. Simdays) • 1:I5 P. at Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall'. Station... Ll.soos doily Intend Sunday.) at cca rems Accommodation. No. I *Leaves daily (except Sunday.) at Ifean P. )r., Mopping at all atations lA. mean Pittsburgh and Perm Station. The Church Train leaves Wall Stalk* ovary Run* day at ihos A. st., and arriv. in Pittsburgh at MSS A. at Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 P. IS, and arrives at Wall's/Ration at 2:00 P. st. Returning Trains arrive In Pittaburgli as Ibilown Mall Past Line 2,M A. Y. A X First Wall's Station Accommodation ll= A. X. . Penn Accommodation No. 1 74 A,lt Second Well's Mall. Accommodation.... 0,4 0 A. Y. 1011110.01•11A000•003041AtI00,... ......... .• 40110 A. M. Bat litime Karmen • Ilea p. X. Altoona Accommodation and Emigrant...lMM P. X. Third Wel'. Station Accommodation..... zay P. at. phitadelphia &acme . 2:05 P. it. "trlgtecnrOrtil-Ual,' l ' o ° ; . re rear Company p;vilti psa.s . through each train 'before reacit'ing Depot. the .I ' 4. c h l r gc n e; :12. 2,"r..„ thee bmgt'EUf,,V.ll.i7:44 night-where a ll orders for ' m ' e mu ' vernent of passell gea l g o b Agi n t e will recielverrom7t attention. Express, at c a . a., a:., n litrZy7. Lb rbilMdPhia case floes , the Compauy will hold themsebres reeponalble for personal baggae only. and for an amount notq.cliedivicilot A At the Pennsylvania Ventral ItaliroaSPaa.ongeMa- Don, on Liberty and Washinston strenta. jorrrssunc,447, PE -- -... WAYNE it CHICAGO RAILWAY AND CLEVELAND il PI RUBOR RAILROA.D. /MEL Winter Arrangement. mea. On and after November lath, ima. RIM will run follow., via: Lames Re i Dar Pittstntrga. I Oaten.. . . Clawhand- Whesif./1 Express 2:53 A. U. . 2:50 A. X. 1 Etym. ltss P. id. 12:20 P. at. 2AIO P. kr21.,"!..! , , .6 A. g: 1040 A. at.. 22 For DIOII . CIII.IC ... Eric 040 At Y. i i `. l7 V•l n a ce n!TLl:arri.., 3:10 0..., .. W., MO r. m. C. a P. R. IL-11:15 A. L.,1:30 P. at, BAD P ACCOMMODATION TRALNS. Leave Allegheny for Nita Baloterow--41:00 A. at., II :SO A al.. 4 .=P and 5:40r. wt. 71 9011a2ran-2:05 P. ta. Plow Cairrix-3:32r. a. Econony-10:111 P. a. WELLSVII.I.I-3:ZO Returning, arrive atA ll eghenyh P., Ft. W. AC. IL; W.-7: 20 A. .. • A. 11 2.a0 P. IL, 4:M r. U. an d 1:1 A. C. A r. IL 1 1 - 10:03.1. 11. OROE RK et AgCo''GE' l7 PAlN,Tick g benit, s .ZO O .4LITIVRI', Tic ket Anent, F. R. MYER, UcAlcrAl ..11sleke"tettranelt-Ur non) .. . _ pnrrsnonGn, Co. tAi l l u a u lai ) . eI " 1 N - THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE vi a STEUBENVILLE. Ti) COP I):ll.iiiiti, • INCINNAII, - ILIMILSVII. LE INDIANAPOLIS). Arid all theiglnetrial ettlea. T. LOL IS (At and after WEST AND SOUTHWEST. MONDAY. MARCIE 12th. 114416, Trains will leave and arrlv •i the UNION DEIeUT a• r. . Departs. Arrives. Fast Line 2,..50r. sr. 9:00 Jr Mall 6.P.) .• telo r. Express ^ . 20 . Is. WO r. if . Steubenville Acoommod'n P •• lurlP L. S. P. SCULL, lien.' TilitehiodmmoAll j eg t. e. Ticket Aseut. Union Depot, Plustntrati, prrrsstinGn AiDagimm i CONI7ELLf3VILLE Spring Arrangement, On and after TIII7I2BDAY, MARCII Been, DNA The trains will leave the Debut, omner of Boy and l Water streets, as follow,: rums Artists pftssoga, Mall to and from Uniontown... Pefs Mb A. ss. bargh. 1100 P • .N. Express, " •• .. Sue P. It. 14:110 A. W. Weal Newton Accommodation 611.5 P. it. rani .6. sr. First 31cKeesport AccAm •n 11:40 A. N. :1:50 .1.. la. Secondddock's ION() P. 10. LW P. r., Bra • ' 4:10 P. it. 5:46 P. pa n Sunday Church Tr,o,, I. and F" (rola West New t,,,, 1:1:0 P.K. 10,01 a. Na "rta ti 4 . U R AL W L LE A Z. 11, Agent. 0027-1 v w IL STUI.r. A LLEGineav &RAMIS Aa. VALLEY RAILROAD CHANGE OF THILL, - On and after MONDAY, Nov. 40th, Passenger trains will be arranged to rtm as follows., MAIL TUAlN—Lcaves Pittsburgh at II:IS A. ... triiiiti,vor - k t e ,,.'ilf a .^lf . :ll, fi tit :pt irite .i :V i r 7. . N. striving at Plttsbnrgb ‘ la 11.1X1 A. N. - eve; Pittsburgh at 5:10P. it., arrlvlnr et Kittanning as 8:40P. N. ACCOMMODATION TRAlN—Leaves bode Weak/ at 6do A. N., arriving at Pittsburgh- at 9:03 A. st, Loaves Pittsburgh at 1140 P. 11 . , arrivleg et Risk' minetas at 1146 P. is. la3l F. WICIORT, B. •ertntendent. oims)(eMill lltratrimEiii -- ' ------ 110MCEPATIIIC SPECIFICS. Have yroved, from the moat ample experience an en tire maces., simple, efficient and reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted Wooled. use simple chat mistakes cannot he =de in and them; ao hanoleu as to be free from danger, and ao efficient aa to be always reliable. NO. I cures SEVERS, Conkestions, Ingsannia. • Don `: tItYVI (i'Cillt.Ftitlreeallici.c4iii:. fanta 4 ' DIARRHEA of children or adult... 23 DYSENTERY, Griping and Billona Colic 8 " CHOLERA MORBUS. N " .o is. sest.••••• • M 7 • COUGHS, Colds, Bronchit 26 ••• NEURALGIA, Toothache, Pace -25 9 " HEADACHE, Sick Itmdache... ..... o " DYSPEPSIA. Billions Stomach..... 23 11 " SUPPRESSED, and MIAMI 2 " LAVVRIMEA, or 'Whims ..... 13 •• CROUP, hoarse cough 14 •• SALT Erysipelas, Erop •• RHEMATISM, all mounoul Paha M YEVER AND AGUE, Chills end Fever •• PILES, internal or external ao oPTIIAI.SIY, sore, innuned rye... 63 tv '• CATARRH. acute or chronic, Ingo -20 " WIS4 3 )PING COMM, sp.smodie 21 LO " . oppressed •• EAR DISCHAROES,ImpairrAWL: 3 " D1416Y, eel re d gland. 24 ' tIENERIL E2131)1/BITY cakghas . physical ATl"MiNegrOyr Zirirtg.4"iymg rlding c „ h ng •• KIDNY.Y DISEAS .. 60 ts .• NERVOUS DEBILITY. 29 SOlteiNiNATOlr'etVel!s7l!!nie! 10 FfitiTlE a* •• SUFFERINGS tCh Ernaa-at5g.,t'1!'u1,,,,,f1,:,;:. 250 eee M 3 M •• DIPT/lERIA, ulcerated sore throat 103 Case ' s of 20 vial..." tu4olattrlT:2ld book com plete' Case as of of M large vials, 43003 morocco and book 000 NI large vitas, plain case and book Case of 10 boxes (No. 1 to 13) and book 6 re 9 00 A. TORRENCE. "rugtioljeriarelienutAfark.6 Sir by E. 3104ER,C.6mitherld tarretc JOS. PPtttttbborghc P a , 434 MarkeLstreet, corner - of the InamOtul e1n..1. J. EAST No. Federal Federal stir* diit e kl i al"ket strett l , 3 l%ttap4 3l . • e"n" of EMZn 2e41- 1. , ;::* 2 ! 3 Tit ir Frp I .4 ' 0 U rs . °chic; timirse:ss, -V 1.1 , Asthetta, _I% Looping COMO, _ thrlt : 1 \ (-) ron. ;matey and Herbs, It Is heeling, soft , lORE 021 " ettradrgit=Yo2;:11 affect/oas of the Throat'and Leligir' reir eale,73Y Dr3314""22e27221-73. /0.951Y.1. CLL. IWBOLISALP.AO222 nits STRICKLAIMS INILE.IIE/b. •-• =v. nu CORED Mot'. • sands of the worst cases of .Iw-4 BLIND AND BLEEDING fr. ~r?...1 . : A' • PILES. It gives Immedtate.,.^ , relief, end effeetl a aienast.. I cent Cure. Try It coreCUY ' it to Watracited tO cure. rorfaie b bona*. y , Anprundts, 11:, Secants per LES • Fi r zgt, pitt.b.,{h WI =I . _ DWI , EPSLI..-r- Dr: .. , strickland% . 2421510.. • a conceit- . ~. : .. = ta r mr.twr Roots A‘MGI I / 4 ~ .. adds tend 'ealtalatite to --a ,„.:/... , etrengthen the atom:tett lad - ~_ 'tang:maintain. lila seer- .- -e, , tato repedgtbr Dil_lMlle. jCI ~. tr,,,, fr ,u=u:,^iN ryeur,: - - • , •,. , Aetty ot the d meal' 4).. (J./ lanai l atMilatitige r A 4- .. " , 1 6.%, < -;; ........_ parilesdarlysett—forereag. " --.. '''.. - aorraes sod draPaldid Per'- ' - - - - -,,,,'• - seer. , Sot ride Agen drag- . • ''' -..:-••r.:;.,- . .. :z• •. - gtrtgreterYntutra at si esc v l i ti , , it to: .1.,i4. •- - . -.1kn01414. AaINTA: 3 11.EEELE---200 boxes jirtszae NI bat GliOta• tot Oil* br ..~ n f • ~ , ~ ~fi; c' + S~ ~.K . - ne'i,~-.., r , ;11 FE I s=Ml
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