The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 22, 1866, Image 2
r a- • , 4 • T.: . . • r _ _ ____.„_____ ________ heVittointroh 6azette. roa, 0 0 VERFOIL t MAJ. CEN, JOHN W. GEARY, Nuttoe Is hereby WPM that hereafter all Maw stmt selvertimmentireeclved Lt this ogle. most be n. 1.1 for when handed In, except In the earn of yearly advertiaars, whose Mlle will be rendered gaartarly, ale camel. Advertisers will Please make a Rol* or Chic us the rule of caulk payments for .1 rertlsenscakta of that otowseter mated . , will be lbtlei• =MEI The price of our pap., is 'I HARK CHNTtI t the Counter Or from newsboy.. Sorrell by nervier. St FIFTEEN C ISNTS pe r WI,Ok There are persons who have dreamed the United States •was to share none of the great perils which the history of the world —the recorded experience of mankind— attests to have been tile common lot of pop s tiler governments. An ides has possessed them that, although the large majority of "Sr population belong to the race which has been more conspicuous than any other for its lust of domination; whose leaders have, through all the ages, disclosed an iudomita4le purpose to "ride upon the high places of the earth," to monotto• line power, to tyrannize over their fellows; to establish governments on the basis of htrescriptive rights; and to make the multi &le bend their necks in humble submis sinn; that mere transplantation to this con tinent had eradicated evil desires, in this direction at least; and that republican insti tinfoils were'secure beyond the isiksibility of tieing overthrown. The events of the last few years have shaken these unsus. peeling individuals out of their dream 01 security. A. war, beyond .imparison, the most formidable and sanguinary this CVII tury has witnessed, and entered upon for the express purpose of overturning min ha institutions and setting tip a government Ibunded on privilege and caste, has led them to Duster conceptions of the irrepress ible ambition of the Caucasian race They now see that tile same dangers that Is-set political Wien) in Europe ore all lawn' here, mollified and restrained, indeed, h: ilitlerrnec, of situation, lint liable at all thin, to Hash out a ith the intensest fury. It bus often happemsl that an auto race by slow degrees or by GI 14 Wen conrulsior, has been reduced to a constitutional mon art by, under which • while political right nem greatly restricted,' personal I Bert was miasnrably maintained. Such change has rarely fallen to the lot of , u re public. When a nation, accustomed to lib erty, in the large and just sense, breaks from its moorings, it 'eoturnonly rushes to the opposite extreme, and passes tinder the rule of a despot. Powerful reasons exist for this tendency; anti the process by which it is developed, though not invariably the is identical in the majority of imitaa. When anarchy smstrrenes in a rel: there is but one door o f deliverance than front, and that is a dictator. In looking. over the fart., or history it trill be fount that an anarchical condition arises princi pally from two causes. I. From the gene ral decadentrr of physical and snot iI strength. This is not our present case. A a people, wo. have demonstrated, and art demonstrating, the possession of ummitch. eat power, physical and moral. 1 Fret the spirit of faction. 'With 'this spirit feu nations hare been more thoroughly .. int burl titan the people of this country arc to this moment ~,*„FfaGY,ni We are in a revolutionary epoch. W hil We Were exchanging congratulations ovt deliverance (rob/ one great danger another loomed up before Ob. Successfully did it brave the perils of battle. Was It only t, perish ignominiously of faction ? Nothing is plainer than that, In free gor eruments, the , hambers of the represent.. tire bodies are the sanctuaries of freedom Instances can certainly be adduced in which constituent assemblies have arrogated au thority and plunged the State Into the dem.- est miseries; but these are exceptional cases. The whole current of experience is the other way. In the vast majority of in stances dangers have naisen from the en croachments of the Executive on the pm. rogatives of the chambers ; and when the representatives are driven out or suppressed there is always an end to free government. The Elecutive centres al( power in his own hands. He does not stand alone ; for no MAD stands alone in any of the relations of life ; but he stands by the combined Int% ence of powerful and mercenary classes. The nation is under a despotism from which there is no no escape, and not imfrequentl before it suspects peculiar peril. These are ronsiderations which nugget. the NV 18410 m of numlerating rather duo inflaming passions. We are passing thrtingi an ordeal the end of Which no human .1 gacity can foresee. Mr. Sun - Attu ma fancy all is "lovely," but root and tself-lm 'teased men, without political ambitions b gratify, ttnd with no part to play Jn th stately drama of atfitirs, know full well the all the wisdom, calmness., an. courage of the nation arc needed to so set tle the issues that confront us as to rondure to order, peace and liberty. THE STATE OF THE SOUTH. The eonapirators who have been tryinc to force the revolted States Intel: into Hs Union, upon the plea that they are 111,1 c loyal and trusty, are appalled at the testi mony produced before the Reennstnietioc. Committee, which has partially been lair before the public. From this tentimce ny, which tomes front witnesses whose ve. rarity cannot be questioned, it is elent.thre there is no such thing as true loyally in the South—lhat its people submit to what they cannot help, but are still an hostile to the a Government as ever. The substance of the testimony is thqs tersely - stated by the Washington Chtoniele I. That there is throughout the South general hostility toward the Government of the United States, and a manifest indispo sition upon the taut of the tx,..ple, est... cially the pardoned leaders and politician,, to twee pt the results of the rebellion. R. That there is a disposition to pio. scribe Unionists whether found in the South, or rooting front the North, or In other words to make loyalty odious and treason respectable, and that there is an un concealed hatred toward the freedmen, and a general desire to omen them. 111. That so fur us all the elements of good citizenship ore concerned, the negroes arc better prepared for enfranchisement than the poor whites. Theyare more loyal, more industrious: more anxious to obtain an educatiots, and better able tp take care of themselves and those dependent upon them. IV. That there Is a wide-spread desire upon the part of the more wealthy and In. tluential of the late traitors to assume the rebel debt and to tiemazid compensation for their liberated slaves. V. That the genuine loyalists of the South are for obvious reasons against .the admission of the late rebels to power, either in the State Or National Govern meat, VI. That the magnanimous policy of the Government has not been reciprocated, and that the pardoning of the leading rebels has bad tat Injurious effect upon the irttrk of restoration, and has, tended to' - ape -%,-. i ,,,..., " . . ,1. :'! .. Z..;:-.)..5,',-,X•1: . '4!=4rl;;;,r•.-'T:; TEMRSDA 1, .11.11tCH 22, 1866. OP Vt3113 . E.g14,VY:r0171 , 1T Y. NOTICE TO ADTEXTISEIts PERILS OP REpLUBLICA. • ,~'' M ANOTHER RAID ON PENNSYLVANIA. OUR SOUTHERN CORRESPONDENCE. During the last two years the work of , building a line of railroad. fr9m4lbany. N. 1" up to Cooperstown, In Otsito coun ty, and thence down the Susquehanna river, to Binghamton. Wes been vigonmsly Pushed. Recently Li line of railroad has been projected, starting from Utica. N. 11., lip the Sanquoit creek to the summit, thence down the Unaddla to the Susque hanna, and thence across to the Delaware, reaching that stream at or near Hancock, in Delaware county. A heavy subscription to the stock of this company by the city Of Utica - make, its completion curtain A month ago a bill was passed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania authorizing the construction of a railroad, starting on the Susquehanna, in Luzerne county, at or scar Wilkesbarre, thence upthe Lackawan na to the summit in Wayne county, and thence doWn to the Delaware, the intention being. to intersect the Utica road at Han cock. New York capitalists are interested in this project, and the road will be'prekett to complettion with the least possiblei delay. These improvements will open an.outlet for coal front Luzern countY:dikeetly to Albany; also to Utica; and titmice it, Spa. cure, at which latter pobirtemdisfasteuper ceding wood a.s fuel ip the evaitoration of salt. Probably, upon the completion of theselines a' million tons of coal annually will he sent over them to market, to the great profit of Luzerne county. As these lines do not run by way of Philadelphia, is falr to presume the traffic will he held in high judicial- quarters to he unconst ha tionsli and that the Legislature will be protholy importuned to repeal the charter recently granted, before the ink with which the attestation of its passage was signed 'hall he fairly dry. CON N ECT I(' T.--The 'laniard Prw ...i eak. very encouragingly of the prospects in that State. It says: "The canvass is progressing with the most encouraging indications of a larger majori ty for the Cnion ticket than was expected_ Our reports from country towns, where the ou VASS has been completed, show that the Union ranks are not only unbroken, but larger than ever. The fact is that the peo ple, who have carried this war through, ;tate no idea of throwing the State tato the hands of the Copperheads, or of deserting the great Union party which can alone be t rusted to tarn le our national troubles. They know that the party now asking power at• tempted to betray the country in ISM, and to break up the Union for four years there after. :aid they have no confidence in :bets.•, The same paper says that the Postmaster t Hartford is advertised to speak at a Dem- ecratit meeting in that city TOE ATTEMPT to make a "tlelllollStral limi- out of the .Johnson meeting on Tues. day night is simply ridiculous. The meet ing had in it none of the elements of .trength or force. At no time was there a thousand persons present, and the most of 'hose were attracted by "music by the band." At any time during the meeting a fair poll of those present would have , town large majority against the men who got up the meeting, and the most of those who voted for the resolutions were copperheads- Every unprejudiced looker on regarded the whole affair as a laughable burlesque in which none but the few actors were in earnest. CHAIRMAN 01^ THE STATE COMMITTEE. —lion. FRANCIS JORDAN, of Bedford, has been appointed Chairman of the Republi can State Committee. This is an excellent appointment. Col. JORDAN is at present Military State Agent at Washington, In which capacity he bus rendered a huge amount of service to the soldiers of the State. He is a man'of energy, ability and integrity, and will nodoubt utonee inaugu rate an active camp ai EQUALIZATION OP BOWNTIEIL—MS. Ju lian, chairman of the Committee of Public Lands, in the House, has reported against the Equalization of Bounties by grants of public lands to the soldiers, upon the :,:round that it would end in throwing the public lands thus donated into the hands of .peculators, and would consequently oper ate to the detriment of actual settlers. If bounties are equalized at all, it will be in money. Wv. understand that the agent of the As .4ociated Press in this city was asked to tel egraph to the press of the country that the Jonxson meeting on Tuesday night num bered live thousand I He declined to pros titute the telegraph in that way, and the party who asked it to be done sent the de ceptive dis off, with his owirname to It, nddreesed to a paper in Washington that swallows everything in that linethat can be sent it. ENTERPRISING JowlsAzitrin EDITORS GAZETTE: Allow me spore to mak. a comparison of leading editorials in /-,,,./ (lb/sin/Wayjournals: 1. - . 1, loreeman'i .lotrrulPittaberz tbsamsrecal, I,2farrh G. mh. 21 ' v ins eCpLig.4lllo POUIP I u A.l.AXerna nacIAL ern.. nwrio.l.4 OP SOCLIPPr. The marriage , insti- We amp Cli the/G.14 tutiort lir/growing tw in the woritlastonthked popular. The aumber to bear that—in what is deeressin , every It must he by ,iron y hi cit. are called "the M ar. No marriages of 04 j classes" of sooletyjommumanoe, in what I herd has bees a piss la termed"thign , life,'• du/ions falling off have taken limos this marriages. The mar season, nor .-anything vat is, among any claw . thus the usual number cm of society that do among the mlddiaelas. not draw sharp lines ses. There is al esson of non 4 n le revues° In this state of affklrs with this whole worldlimporiant' for us to at Indecent:do/and wllta Ilearn. nil that tqierite themo that so foolish a thing, as marriage is ever dreamed of. .lunOngi moll people at 1 / 1 not, sorPtislog that the nanibez of, Maumee shoilldkEtteed towns her of, A ! man, h vely-7.roweves uMfujo. , living In the countm came, to town. hat week, Audi told thatlusts itiond ofi earl she hadiried; tout a trorset, made/1 1 but was told ft -Mudd 1 not be done under twO weekO Wee eron/en o=4l 1 In M T.P.O /ba l , Men; she vial fid Wets engulfed In makin false colon; for "ladles '. who wear use Ming hoops! • On last itunfiayoralk. log home from Charo. through several bath. lonabto streets, we =WI tined worn;,, wathingli with titling glartellotni, a here they had beenN PrOlunding teeny their • prayer); and, on all the i comers,. and on hotel , [rents, we saw mire 0 i well dressed black , guards, etanding, serving, andfangtung, and commenting on what, mesa, woman ware exhibiting. "tallof itte beau —uumt mnsr la a h t a be " lmondamPiA VlM strer,f7rCou c tlg m. =knit la „that no ptt. rents or guardians are to be admitted. We did not believe the statement Introit was first made in some pf our city Meta. /Mt we haveitnowongood authority, that...lV:7o true,and that,tilgrali , winter, fathWi , Sind mothers have permit tasi their daughters go up to these NUMMI with young Men. In Pop and to , clatica, Oa to come home 111.111 thenitlLl three Op tour &cloak lathe morning. Just put It In plain 10 Nitgliy y .lo Ll* It ti, blot on their char anons to go Irithyoune. men, . cumetompanied by their parentsoo 4 , public tavern, tOfflthtle - . nod eat and drink with • . them. and to torn! . ' home with amen' ~„ wards dayliglttP ~, , _i_ . r ., '.e If the Commereialf a met - hot i. of maonfoo. I turing, oditorfolfi - • lio MAY ilttriboteth ' to 'enterprlikimjtqupslbm," abbots webave of It th e better. . _ copy. , We bo 'one„t feel- I btiPl , of , yo . sod i t Lantern tho Imaintry , ,lrttolastireek platted' New York. otty Meet dm Irk& hilta 4ot a told ade l iaa It , eonlit not 'Db. done Undor.two weeks.; bo• cause- all Honda In , the lupe •., ostatflihments 7 vietted• were'" en -In mafkletfafel ureistAr ' V 'ow. thi . - Tilt. tug ablest!! no* oat!' the 1 111W.AUdt 'btiVe ' been In New York city for some time. The ;thinh avingg Is brought about ' by m With a , sha h rand BAN Curve; et Ilne fOot;triat will; Mt Modena and expose =mew leas of w i uktg i Or nTiong-dres. 1 Ot. ted Only in the . lenurtuatloa:- I . ._ , lOneatittelateatfash. rap laiAlgredtheing a 77.. -A ruie of t e tra %Von. la, that no pa „,t. admitted. c. . .11nrin the Imill a " fi nter eflera , mi d i tt Ltot t a: ar , j . - i le g0..10 sheire *oink, r With Youngina,k,..n . end to dance, end - 1,..'” , coma home with them , othree,and- tour ev k oice4-., In the morning. I rtMVlglihria do nettled O. MO POteir 011.1.- t/i lll 4ollo•Witirtgg 1 11 4a1N6 dr unacoom e bY 1 MadittiOTL l O II,: I rind eat end halm i theinf atter to • oome home with them to- i wards daylight I - i , iarTEIFVET ON lIIEPURLIAiII • • 1 isinE4R y ~.1 11C 431 t1 1r tif OP alff-E- I T. 5i...11/11t1 V1...1.4 . M.,.... on W r E D ST; SD r , l y 1 1, s: ; I F ; New 0 ntaass, March 13th lase, , 11 , at 10 o'clec s.sf. 'Panctual atienfrincolire- Al maks. EDITORS :- Dear Sirs: Having been : qu ested... . T,:.!.,... - ,'.,`,',...!""' ' "Irr.""" recommended to make a trip through the South R. W. T:onss ' .' 5-- - - ""'" - for the benefit of my health, and entertaining ' - a strong desire to see for myself something of ' D...M. what IN being had and done touching political questions tri the Southern States. Igeft Pitts ' DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, burgh on the Mtth of Paha/try for thispi ac,. , way of St. Lotus, and arrived bare cm Ili..gii. lOf Upper at Clair Township. J lnli_...^-das tcF_ of Saturday the 10th inst. . There Is little Of !evident to relate, (pre ...,. CHARLES BARNES, 1011 it BiiIERIFF, dad you ere not blown nyjin a trip from Pitts burgh to New Orleans. Though of course you L. cle d Slo th it a. Pa. Tiesy,. Ar , do notwillingly . min thd ouportnnlty of new Ilmv.ll:. ' Gun . U. S . subject t th th a l c e t r fo . n sa o d f lug yon peas the different , points mail; he Ptlion Convention. S. c ' :uh= e WA ell . memorable by the war. The Brat point which -- m... rag stiEritrr. arrests your attention after leaving Cairo, to ! I. -129 Caltaihtltt, NentUcky,and the town of elmont, which waif fhb plane - of tieneral Grant's first • battle, the former Mace being the point from ' sehießOur-treopicremthaberked on board trans ports after the reverses of the day. Next comes island Ntl. let all the fortifications of which, and half the Island itself have been wasliettannty Mime the war. A few years more anti Mailing Will be left of it, except Its his tory:: 'Then Conies Tieksburgh. Traffortificationa at this place remain pretty much as they were at the close of the war.- The amount of work which the rebels expend. ed , Mathja pleeets almost Incredible Natur ally a very strong - position, they made It a per earlept that of feettlibralter, ifam i mpregnable to every assault, Ins Thettent Itself is a very indifferent tree In appearance. There le scarcely what would he called at the North, e gbod dwelling ho use In the place. • The spot where Pemberton surrendered to Grant-the log upon which they sat and dis cussed the terms.Of surrender, Is the point of Interest, pat excellence, pointed out Co portli er!, visitors by the colored drivers who show you about the place. Natchez is altogether a better looking town. Lorre, 20=u:odious, elegant residences abound, surrounded by One grounds, beautifully ornamented with trees and shrubbery. To be sure there does not appear to bo much business doing-the little negroes are _playing by hundreds In the , streets, 'and the bar keepers seemed to lie the i only active members of society. For t 1.0 rent it seemed like Sunday. The town t• • srs an arietheratle air of repose, as if it we, above work, above business, above every thing ex cept to be waited upon by somebody, and LIS if that - somebody was not at hand to attend to his duties. As it wan late on Saturday night before our boat reached the wharf at the city, we dill not i cgri ., :;:n o tt r i l iOre n until Sunday morning. Sunday nn s I Vhata shock to the feelings and sensibilltien Of a northern man to enter the city on Senday. You can hardly realize that it Is Sunday. it is more like the fourth of July in Is northern city. To be sure the principal whets) sale bonzes areeloael, but the wharf and the streets are fellofbiesmeas. The drinking saloons are all open. Cigar stores, grocery stores, dry all stores, clothing stares, shoe stores, all kinds of stores wide open and turntug an honest penny us they would any other day. The newspapers too are all published on Sunday, and when you look at the Sunday column of amusements e.hy there are not Sundays enough in the year to get rolled them all if you were in clined to visit them. It is the great slay for theaters-they are all in blast Senatey nights, and i am told that Sunday is also the great day for the circus, the managers finding It profitable to give two or three performances during the day. Yesterday (Elonday) was an exciting day.- The people of • New Oricsas elected a Mayor and other city officers. Great apprehensions were entertained of a riot it the polls, but ow. log to the Judicious management and fore sight of General Sheridan, everything passed off quietly. Be issued an order closing all the drinking houses In Moony, and instructed Its subordinate ottk•ere to keep their men well in hand during the day, ready eta momenta no tice to suppress an outbreralt of the roughs which was very numb feared. Tills had the desired effect, and although the feeling was intense no out break occurred. There was however no issue involving any principle between the two opposing candi dates. They wore both so far us I can learn fully identified and committed to what is cull ed southern views, southern ritachilea, and southern ldeaa. Mr. Moore the a...lied union candidate, did not differ c u e entla/ly from his competitor Lire Democratic., an out and mit southern candidate. Bat the more fact of his being called the 1111/011 candidate, was suffi cient to defeat hint. There are a thousand radical union men in the city-man who ap prove the action of congress touching recon struction, who did riot vote at all.. They could have secured the election of Moore, the PO called nnion candidate if they had chosen.- But the tight beteg entirely a family idllsir be tween the ex-rebels, thev lett them to decide between the two candidates for themselves. The people of the city seem determined to pot things book es nearly as possible mto the mine position they were Wore the surrender of New Orleans. Th., Mr. Monroe, the success ful candidate for Mayor yesterday, Is the iden tical gentleman who, In the capacity of Mayor, surrendered the city to General Butler In Int& The rebels now put him back in his old post. Us nas if nothing had happened. Speaking of General Butler, I observe that he has left his impress upon the env In more ways than one. It appears that prior to the rebellion the city authorities carried an equestrian statue of General Jackson, similar to the one which or naments-the capitol ground. at Washington. to be erected on one of the public MILIATC, of the city, also a splendid bronse ertatrio of flou ry Clay to be set up in the moat faahlonn hie part of the city. The ordinance authorizing the pure.• -t. • these statues, Ulm directed that suit,- . scripttons, taken (mai the writhigs ... . as of these statesmen should be I thereon. General Butler observed that thin part of to requirements of anthe or linen. had never Dem compiled witn, d Imunrdhttely directed the , the following inscriptive should he placed thereon. On the Jackson statue bemused the , Jo words," The Union 154451 and snail us press-reed,•• ! B. GOUGHEI to be inscribed in large letters, sod on the hese of the statue of Henry Clay he inscribed the following extract from one of his greatest sPeeches. "If :Could be instrumental in erect...r ung this deepest Wain, slavery, from the chu rac ler of our country / toonfd not exchange zlieproud wairjacHon which /should entoy,for the honor or On the trfumpt . t. ever accrrsd to Me most *oceans- Jul conqueror. it was these palpable hits that made the rebate hate him so genuinely and ui intensely. My letter is already too long to admit of my going Into the subject of Southern politics Tojndge from the tone of a majority of the Southern press,Southern speakers sad South ern converaltin the state of allklrs are soy thing batancooraging. it a Wilk Meeting held in Vlckstrargh the other evening the speakers one yid all grew very happy over the action of the President M vetoing the Preeduem's Bureau tall. They all foreshadow and hint at a certain programme which is to restore them and the Northern democracy to pOwer at one and the same time. One speaker said: “The masses of the Northern people w„. r attlif or the . l.lkitgronV ho no m tg - you f at 2 e . Charleaten and Baltimore Conventions still Bret they peel:amuse. the great mast' of the Southern people as their friends. Cohld -the members offal(' old Demeeratieparty but hear the speeches made here tonight, they would of von heart anti hand, and before the next Pruldentlal election, there would he a i pen.. matte party sufficiently strong, to eon. 1 ..otely overthrow the Radical party. Another speaker I.:iterated the 11G.,10 WWI In the following worts . "There la an element to the North who can VMPLabli.o . wttla an oppressed people cad if Ma-Maple of the South pass imitable reseslu. l len" : nt r 2(1 6 1 4 :1117m l u gr i t ty 1 rf iii! 'ttt."' the next rresuientlal election," p a r ty " There is still another order of Southern sen timent which expresses Itself In a different Manner, and In certain localities Is all power -felt° carry out its threats and purposes when ever entilndered by the military authorities. The following Is a specimen of their Melbas! of procedure as taken from the columns of a Southern paper: .. LETTER FROM MR. E. H. IRISH. 1 1 1•11 , 11/iLL COUNTY, Miss., DR, Waymire, Let:range, Tenn. Str. , --You are hereby "ordered" to leave Latironge and vicinity by the Peth inst. Tote order includes Baird, Allender, Elliott, Banks (meaning Baum), Rawlings, and all other negro.worship , pars in Or about LaGrange. Our motto is peaceable If possible, forcible If neeeslatT. We are determined to et abut of all club character* among rut We are determined I Ik, you an had - bettor leave. You all have fought es fur:lour years, and now think to make your fortunes by selling arms and &munition to our former atom, to murder ourselves, women and Ohildreli. But you will be rolled in your echaines. For the present let It angled that we are ba r, r t a h ix. We have given you till fair 'warning MAIM CITIZEN.. This is the sort of rule which would be m pesed in 'numerous localities at the South ' peso the'Prealdent , s policy bmvall arid the Staten beadmitted at once. lt against such •tt State °regain that the majority-fa Congress are nobly canteridlog, Slay the people Sus. totIJA them.. 'here ere Several Plilsburghors sojourning a w a rm Among othoti areatr. G. T. itatTrzteltri&d, tig,- v h sailcitfor day, before yesierdir. 'General lib is also, bore, having teem y 'Made It kb( bbino. lie oppearo to be doing a • largo and thriving business, Is very popular, andislooketrispon by the Union man of the citrus onotaT their . best and' safest leaden. All Pli.tiburghent who Tint the elty are under 'obligations 10111m:for seta of kindness. Per. mit me to add, feet the benefit Of the friends of Hours. lifoCormlek 'and istughbh, that they are both in excellent health, and appear to be enjoying themielvto thoroughly. / lame to,viint other Important points in the South and will write you frequently. Very respeoillitty and trulyycrur Drum or Dit; li r anirgt.t...--Dr. WU littnt Wham;ll, rho' mathe• nnitlalau and plillonopher,. died in England on, the flth inst,-itt• the age of seventy-two years. He was the soda tijoiner in Lan calter,,Englend, wits educated at the Cid ' royalty of Cambridge, and in ins was chosen Professor of Mineralogy In that in stituthni. In 1834 he was . transferred to the chair of Mond Theology, .in 1841 Ng:nixte Master etTrinity College, and in 1885 VlCO chat/COOP.. Deriding himself to the study ,of .physleal science Dr. Whewell 'became' distinguished for hiserigintil thought,rOwn ful MUMMA and valuable contributions to the store of knowledge. 1114 leading iXorkg are a "Illatory of the reductive • end. the "rhilooophy, of the Induct' v?. mom." LOS'P BOAT: D.-OFF BY ICE.--4 BUM I OIL BOATS yore Wailed off by tt n , Craft moe three *melts sine*. belon "" AVNEY. .CO , be ronmn., ths. , ...... . .. ........ ........ . b Ease .NO. .. . ..... . ra "* l ° t *—"" so Vl' 14 tWavr naigrotisslg:,qt, arn .wa ri n kt r e % reftigraZrZerpta FOR CLERK OF COIURTS. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, Lur ~ :olotiel Fourth Pennsylvania Oaoa lri tuLty.::te V.l6lWl:aBMall I WANTED. --$1,1500 PER YEAR! COL. JAMES M I I(. SNODGRASS i ' ~ EVpho-vvit-Martt(S)UlMwhSn'loNli".lUf Of AlcKei snort, Galan! tbe 9th P. Resets es.) Wll. 1 CHINES, three n e wki Y ds, kinds, under and upper feed beta candidate for Sherif, ambient to the decitilon warranted live years. Aimee salary orlarrecommis of o . taming County COneention. mhable l Mon poll. The ONLY Machine told In United Sinter Q - FOB SMIERIFF. ror lees than VG which are /ally lice.ed by Bow, ar IVA , . fer di Wfinm s Grower A Bran., Singer eh ro , and Ractietner. AU other t ...ill lai im me is- JOS JOSEPH ROSS, rulabitur.s9a. liclrealare free. ALOITPOO or call op -00 SHAiiir it CLARK. Ilidilefonl e Maine Of the First Word, Plitsburgi, will be a canal. ilMbileodn&wle - date fur Sheriff subject to the mition of the If MOO I Vir ANTED—A.G.IbITS—New Book Republican County lanven_tion ___Fin±tiLt_e_ T I -NOW READY. - GET Trig FiEsT-FROII e..4F - IL'ONGRESS — :—The friendn of ( : rA l l^!; l 7,l l }k.uri:l', fr - ..< 27f:Trn't..l Historian J. T. HEADLLY, author or •N‘ ~ ).10. HON. JOHN P. PENNEY ton and hie Generals.' • 'Sacred Alonn tali.. a I COIIPLETE Di ONE VOL liki E. OVER GOO WM present his [MOW 10 the Convention of Um , ,1 . . , !.., with AO F . ITEET, PORTILAJTS J tiAT PLE History of I Union party, for nomination ass , sstalrlate for Coo- . ' .."‘"" a n d ~ A} '• IC" Gift 0 r ontPlete grant and Sherman•s Lain tang., and a full 4F* gee In the 2ril Distrect. Uinta Gird l phy or one most prominent Geo-1,6 Of LIO lftiloil r4-erfONGLIESS. I Army . Tina work Is pnblieheil in both English and I Le•(man. and for cheapness and accuracy, l• super ocarlroist Tr Vit ' elia " t r , 7\ '.' L. frt. l lPO r 'l47lo p ir i lli i i " r r t *, M. JAS. 5. r .tree, Plitfibur, s. P. '01(3 lid 3' IS A ( A F. lilli A f F IN Till , 240 DISTRI( T inha aiad GENERAL JAS. S. NEOLEY . NOTICES. • Orrteff Or 'hi' Bosun nr 1114.ntTli. j March Nth. teas, j THE PHYSICIAN l o ti c the Board will be In attendance, on ..SDA VOF r ACH W at 2 o'elock. P. to.. until the FIRST OF J 1 ,1.1. fo he purpose of Vaccinating Ilie poor of inn ity. II ) order of the Doan!. GEORGE FORTUNE, inh19.71.1 Health Officer. CITY Poi.lerrish.6 OFFICE, rirrahrheati, March COI, INS. NoTicE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO all persons Interesthl, that the d report Ate gyr'slirerclirorpre°l:;Vratle,Porl'lg n"sTretr:lfi; led scastuent and plot thereof, h. been Tills ear died lu ° Ny e . If the 0100.115104.11L/1 ere not paid within thirty days from this date, liens white tied there ! for agionst the properties nssessed, with is I costs and free, according to lan J. F. CLAOLF., City :solicitor, ntim.wd Nos. 106 Firth street. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF BRATS. HACKS, Soften is hereby given to ail owners of I..intyll, Carts, earring., llugglea, ' whether resident or non-resident I n n by City of Pi5507.1115h, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's °Rice of the City of Pittsburgh, FORTHWITH, In the City , or Pittsburgh. pas.a April 16, MM. nod ail ro of the Coanells of persons who neglect or refute to take out Licenses will in 010)55el so a penalty. to he recovered before the Mayor; double the amount. of the License. The oltftnetal pincher proviso. years must be re turned at the time Lleruscs are taken out, or pay cents therefor. Earl, One Home Veh HATS, icle Or LiegNat: Each Two Horse Vehicle • 7 50 17 In Each Four Horse ........... IS Rae., Tyro Horse Hack 03 Omnibuses and Thnin r Wheels drawn hy we: hones. $lO CO each. For coeh additional horse used In any of the above vehicle., in. P W. EICHBAUId, City Trmuurer. rer.106014. February Sth I.lll,—feit.tnavid MEETINGS. IbIiNK.AIRD CREEK PETIIOLEEM COMPANY. —A Meeting of the Stockholders or this Company In he held at TEIU • LAR'd HALL, DADollar Savings Sank, Fourth street, on MOO— Y, March Wth. at te'e net, P to antend Mr By-Laws orthe Col:bratty. A fall attendance la motivated. By order of the Board. • mhttn std Urrics PITTanUmIll AMP BOoTtla PiTionpluin,fMatch MOB. I A N:11111A L MEETINGAn adjourn k• ed Meeting of - the Stockholders of the Pitts. burgh sod Boston Mining Cot:tinny win he held at the °Mee or the Company, On MONDAY, the :Mb tn.t., at 11 o'clock, A. It. sohboAttl THOS. H. BOWE, Sec'T. prrrsetinun, Fr: WAYNE AND CUT - CA(I4 , RAILWAY COMPANY. OrrICI Or TIM SycIIETAIIT, PITIIIIIrIrIIII, Pa— February Mb, DM. The Annual Meeting of the Mock and Bondhold er & road. Company, for the Election or Di reetort 'Pand affh .t otilir o lgif e itre may come before . I c t, i, wl o ll , l . t i ts ' borgh, on the , T gt l fi VlTgitSt OP )(ARCH, A. D. lea, al 10 o'clock, a. M. The Mort and Bond lcanyfer Boots of the Company, la their Mere In the City or Pittsburgh, and at the Transfer Agency, In the City of New Tort, will be Milled on the OM day of Atarcht at 2 o'cloek. P. 0., sad remain cloaed Th ) day of March thereafter. fe . M.l4 F. M. lIUTOIHESON , herretory. OE cAlrrux. iLlituwcw X. 33 C) .T. 1:3 MIL MI E 3 WILL LECTURE IN CITY ItraULAL I , THURSDAY, MARCH 224, Sub Ject — "TEMPERANCE.. , ) FRIDAY, MARCH 2Sd, s u bl ect —"HABIT," open al 7 o'clock. Lecture commences •l 7n, o'clock. Munk. tickets, Sap, Secured Seat, xtra. Scats may Sc reared at City Mall, on O. day of rack Leclunt .I n t o o fognalut i kaock. i. n : u. SD L. L. CALDW &LL L rola; It. C. •LBREE, Lectr, _____ PAVERS. J 4'l 9Tl'lli AI • XMIGItt 11 f IL le NAUGlrtra. •lIT/SOR R 08...". MCINTYRE, IIIeNaIIGINER & CO., STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, Will attend promptly to Furnishingand Laying Slone and Brick Pa veinentx, And Repairing the awn, Corti 010... V 11.11101.../ and Set. Also, 0 ratting and Grit. Digging ttoor or shorty.; notice. Perth.. dealt log anything to our Ilse will have their oretr. •ttended to by add...plug u. through the Allegheny Post (Mee, or by calling at No. idtlo Shtpinaky street, Allegheny. flt: atex':d Iligi Tat -11. '/1V1V12 . C". FOUND VOIMILD—On the North Common, It DMUS& partly Melo. The owner rail bora It by calling at THOMAA RAY 'N. No. =Juror.. .trees, Allegheut City, and milts for this ut ter tltement. mhm.ll4 I.l'OU ND—Small amount of Money .tern Pia•ln i Mill, corner of. Martruir stmt.% sna iis quthetrAlsy, and paging tor this advertises-Amt. 'C I irHML - 1 1 SPRING HEAT 'FOR SEED. Important to Farmers. TA eIRIN6~WIfI : AT~ zzar,ll% snd suitable tor BR6II. As thr season for wiring Sunni, Wheat has nearly arrived, persons desirous i nk t ilir m isould do well to apply soon, Id • CREF.Ity A Co. PROCLAMATION. I MU OULAMATION.---City or Mlle °Vb"ri zlPZigzont,Aerl7l,7"X Clty '' efllle h haeny, at their meeting oaths tool.. Vglrril'Ttio.;llla 4Ceihrfill:kh°l4.VD. held n ;211117.1.cti0t.'14 IXtilgolTOga! efiertkl tf Crimea lloutimlLtmowlide Place made V.A. t TalvegltiVeltoZhaartfailif the City of All( - gbartit4bl"th " J3OriehA Mayor. ~TiT.T j ERY JOST OPENED. Our New Spring 1 1 1111thery, Val 4' 1 " 'Obludiertlitrak_r Pettifl&A"T; Also tlie latest styles of BAblille.s, 1 . 11,11A11, at C. BECCS', mb2l-tml Mt F•deral at., Alleshezry HDFaT IOVITURAIa P ri rr mu t m i r ma lli a.. 6 l 7 l9,usEs... otatanee 10 4 1na. Zw4oku • niritnfierldZat 22111 lelAtltlstn, flu/ba t h pa. I dollen attention to their extensive stock of huh ana rstartrota. linipaolneaandarsan• Walt nano eirosistont • amain enlantaa ELECTION NOT/OES. AxeI. ECTION Egli PIIESIDrataT ma A eauroroasnrett,l-281 . ER . EL& Eta th? Mal flay, 01: 642, a hours of 1 ana 4 o clock. c0n4041 1:410%-14. opouq, .riONBINN~IENT6 OF,FFIVIT AND ricormen. 30p nounitessl n s Oranne S , ptiene r • Lemons, ne, t n °Wan Ca r .- 100 dozen flames . - so - do . rrom s uom: REMIOVAU— , 18 bbb'er` 2 °lcho' . .;:,t aftiteirgl i ZrTrldpirt a .:44l4A .4° • 414 1 1 114 4 11, AVIV—iit itrosrorsi insts " 4 4' WitgAßlAftlitikeztErier r sena iatirty street. laEmorAls ; - .~,..N.~:N_~T`i ~~'.'.':r r~'r~h - : j4yc~..a'. L~X ~.ir_~Ci - `u - '4dI~Ii~.~~M I NXi~7iL~In~ 3 L~~Y~~. a'~?~~.`'i~'s~k,W.a`~ _______ W.ANTS. DRY C h I DS, TRIMM INGS, , DRY GOODS, TRIMMING& W.S,LI _FAF'ERS. SLC. ____ , -- - WMFE i It-A GOoiii CifinlES, on BULLET/. or PRICE S I NEW' GOODS --- ----- I,242A,Wiic IliftighttmitP- U.t.llP4' . - I good Carpets ' Tstut—Constant work gootl wages. Ap. ply 0111.11'ER & Hot/ Ft r. r . [grit,. street. Ippryr . s. Ler. =WEE • w1119:2.1 WANTED — LIENEDIATELt Al T the PetrolLs Marla's... E rWoks. 32 Ohio HAS.seet ON HANIt, itg t• ne but good workmen need apply . mitiStStft IL H. LErwv. WANT ED — AGENTS--Male and PRAIA IX to sell LIOLLANtrti tTlinOthe Til e.") "YE )Y LiNt;ol.n. "PF.TROLEInd V. I , A SDI' Pitrltith'_ta book of true wtt nod humor,, SARTAIN'. N lIWWTEPL, ErNi. GRAVING, .•Htilitt thl AIT ISEItSt thi VI L L f stricture t hat e hoo id he .74.1 t y street, Pittsburgh, rg. mittnalt3taw WAN'rEll-Alood Agents to dell a SHEILIIAN AND HIS CAMPAIGN GRANT AND WS lIAMPAItiNS, Oho latter Just ow CLIILLPS PRATER, FIRST LESSON, (match pk - tun/bland THE AltbAtICA N INVENTORS. Tbrse are ail oew Rooks and Engraringa, and agents eau do better with them than wish any other offered to the_puble. For full parlieulars,•pply to or add rear AS HER ELLIS. 67 Fourth iitreei, Flit-Moran, Pa. mbl7:lydlitasrilrris FOR BA ER, ......._..._ _ . Van SALE--FLOUR .. AND PRO . 011 0 F RUSIN Ebb, of over ten year. standing. Inn gown Motion l n sole rity. A P. op:mm.110 sffrd peron wishing to engage 11l th• Protium,. linSitscno. All rotom do Ira Ho. • rirr confidential. Address I'. 0, ;MO. Pittsburgh. mh=)(l . rNi RS AEE.—The Residence of A. the Inte PH. RAYPII, rorner tlatolunky . treed and North l'oni mon, Allegheny Ciy. If not ...old before the:'.th inst.. It Irl,l be for root. Inquire or. the promise., or at J. H. A Ni'. P. 110 It LA Nil', So. UN Market street, .112.001 . . .... , _ . .. 14'0U SALE-10WA LAND—S2,OOO A - ABOUT Font truNDRICI, AND THIUTY AfTES OF LAND, 11l isolva near Webster City, Hamilton 'county, Oren, I. the Ilne of the Fertile Itallsond, i I, ofierml for +ale for TWO 1 ITOUSA, NI, 1 , 014,118, Cobb. Addrew • •OW NEIL' . liana,. I: UrrICA. fewntl LOR SALE—Three good seconl . hand BOILERS, 40 niches diameter, in feet long, two IS inch noes In each; made of 5-loth ellt.borgla Stamped Iron, Price it5Hl each. Enquire of 11. M. BOLE & CO., at the Industrial Works, corner id Point alley and Duquense Way, POtatiorgh, I - a. ft.l . -'.4w.11t ~ FOR SALE--CItUIIE OIL-3 Crude ' OIL TANEN In _good order, locased lit n AT- ' FIELD, adjoining Lawrenceville, are offer. for sale elle.. 'their rapartty In bout 1200 burr 1.. each. wood landing, a. rrreyfacility off wed for , Into took. from the ere, Inquire of ! rt?riTac'Y' l . ' KM NI KILTZ. No. 1.11.1 First utrtet. rult11:01 - ts`oll SALE—A Brick Dwelling, lT-A:CS. A l with nine TOM. and hall; Lot IM fret by 124. I peasantly altnated on Wylie street, This pro:wet) will he noid (In order to .sins . estate) at a les!. ! Our Sloth is now very full, price than. the pi - carat ("Delo/ m Nlmllar host., i t rfro3 of pal/wont eery, Polises.olcssylrpu Ist Aprll. ! and contains some of tht , Apply al So. 1.53 Liberty street. W. BOOTHE. ! loh2l•tr most desirable and cheaper: ._ • - Von SALE--A Valuable Country ; Residence at Ed Doll Station, Pennsylvania 1 goods on hands ever sold. Railroad. Irtie altd • Talf Land;rom Wilkins burg: Eleven acres Lign pyrite, of a fine new Dwell- lug etristalallig ten rooms and eellar underneath. /fruit Ye) other cpnvenlentes ou the prendses. Yon (Inbar Information. eau at No. Ibi Fifth street. I'Plehoreh, or on the palnes. J. 8. Itrso. HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS, be: :dll VOUSALE—Sharpaburg Property - AT A LiAltliAlN- A Brick !louse! and Half 111/ e. aere of tireiond, In the to w„ of Sharptho Mr. The Our stock is now complete, mak w'''''''' l '" u ""V" . '"" 1 ".° r.." °°^` the log the greatest variety ever land, which beluga It within • few mo sses ride of me city. Terms moderate_ ror lotormation, ap• exhibited in this city. The sir in 1 . . D. HALL, 10 West 39th street. New lon city. or![. R. YIZANCIa, Controller's timer. PARTICULAR attention of Allegheny City. Inlitn•ltd PLR SALES—OIL WELL IN - TER- I Housekeepers is invited to S. - Sixteenth or Eighth Interest. to one or this DEPARTMENT. two wells boring on one of the Nat Fenn. on Wes! Hickory. The wells are now 'loa over All feet. with gent show of 011. Interests will be sold at WI umasnally low price. Partleulars given b) I. I'. I IMPS. Duqrsesne War tat door below II sod at., 01 , Hal... or by li. 0 111nE PI a ifTO3, I 111 I'lly. soh:II4IMA r FT:I_,2!.E-1.7.A. Valuable i t o Fz n f i f J , !: .1.0 seres oflaulk s rlt r b - utrendt ‘ Tizlidthi.. good ,fill, I I 1. II well watered with tomer.. never -falling Spring, Its 2 Al , ben.ltkr, mores 211.1 CIIItrprISIIIK E.T.13. II - wry . y one destrOPS of obtaining one of tue b*,l In arms to Korn eta Obi, will do well tn. attend to It without tielay, as a hargatu will be offered and poy. , scansion given at any time. For !briber partleutar, enquire of MERRICK a 1/000, Allegheny. or th. Maw rt bee, optic prenti... It. ft. VHF IN. 1 0,),:2 ; yr inll2o)4ld - - OM. SALE— valuable Farm of 88r - 113 ACME.. In eon township, Weeltrnorcland Wlrgiltetreltrethfr•Prenrien=l the Pa. It. iv.. ma mn.rtia meour c.c.s, n , T - tr=t,"; ll *Z - Z/V;V,Vati7.d-tar.,7l:7t- n,rst, on. a j•KI.I bo on, a sood well of water., 111, lot it, Ito •‘ t. L, it,. of oo• rt. t)! Ow. I•tas: • toct ..f d; frosts.. stable gotsrs7s. casrn Crib owl •Itev.i. 150 u... The w hole farm well watered. farm: prmipects for mill an tulle from the farm: also a! - Ihterayst - Ille, about three mite. away. Fo ruminer particular, enquire at the office of WM 11. HAYS. 321. Liberty streei up stain. snhOntlest FOR RENT _ --• . „FOR RENT—A Country neat, co_ n WHICH THEY OFFER AT LOW PRICE,. ming IS screw of 111th /3011: large two-stury Beteg . etltr Dnchin. Darn, !noble, Clrthard. Upring tun Sprios • ____ House. situated: Mlles from the beltlige.•opposlt e J. fi130.10 Fruit Gardens. Apply to BOOTS AND SHOES. mitt:. H. HeI.AIN & Cu. - . —_________ ... . _ VON; IBEITT—The Lot on the cot- J AL ROBINSON h. CO., ..... nee of Butler thud Aliegheuy streets, Nlotb . Ward, together with the Id 9 Brick Depot Bli nolo, thereon. The lot has 144 feet front by En fret deeit DEALERS IN ' it ' „y 'Ll'oal'rei. I m artiNWrflo7.°U.ol:il,7l;. r "M; street, second door. athlar pill 11 ElNT—Onice - In - WilkiiiK i BOOTS 41 SHOES Hall. JOHN D. DAILEY, tobl7 Broker 1 Stock and Heal Estate Bker, Wilkins Hall. , . . __. . BOOKS. STATIONKRY, &o Commlll APRIL, 1866. OUR YOUNG FOLKS • Thls popular Youthe Hata:lns, for April, sr/titan., Most Delicate Infant Hipper. TILE FOUR SEASONS, ll—Lucretia F. Hale; KITTY —. Marian Houma, WINCIIIISTEIt-1, W. • LITTLE Ts/INKS—GaII Hamilton; A tU3L1.2.1! IN LESLIE GOLDTH WAITE' No. mia....rqxot peltrecM LIVE—Anil/sr • •Faltn Oariner• Glrlhoodi'' PATtY EtEn — Luay Lareorn; THE lIInTOKY OF TIE - TOY — Harriet beech, Stowe: I.l*l.HA'n LAHR -Harriet F. Wood: DILLY Erii.L I — Mary N, Prearoll: WORK AND PLAI—F. Warren Newcomb, Jr.. FARAllroli Iron BOYS — Xl — Author “Ten Acre., 1104IIT1QIIE EVF.KING LAIR; OUR LETEII BOX Prornaely Illnat_rutell, H. .1.1.1.,N. Hyde, S. Eyl Inge 1". M".•• in, 20 sent, per copy. JOHN P. HUNT & CO:, PUISLbiIIE/IS• AGEI4I 49 Fifth Bt..lllasouic WAIL mhza .. AMERICAN INK Esae , Ily Ilk° AUNULIPIS FLUID, ALA &bola ow, third bliss a trial. It Is endunrit by Wale tor weans accountants In tau Caput. y. J. 1., ItCASS. i`narth strum sU DThiEB. LUBRICATING - OIL-50 tural OIL I mhl3 HENRY It. COLLINS. CALCINED PLASTED-IDO ttThs . tar sale by ( n 10) lENII 11. LOLLIS.B. PEANUTS.--4 40 sacks in store •.• and for rale by - MAYA!! MINKET .I. CO. .. ROSEV AU DAILE CEMENT-100.bbis 5..1, reeelstl or.. • HRIEN B. COLLINS. 1 AND PLASTE R-ilO pHs. _sl mite LIENIVIL N. COLLI NS. WyiirrE-t-ißsie,--tioo Wills. fresh tvalte Limo for stole by 4. LI. CANFIELD. _ .. L,A . FINE LOT OF ADAM A N TI NE . -, , ,, Notais rrnelyed and In store at mho MI/. It. SCUTTni. nO Llbertyst.. . .. - ..- OA:rift: In bus. Pe 0 nnai rL and for kale by Okla ' SWEET SADERJ-10. tibit. Street hO rla/sing Clder for sole bt . ii. voy m ..... VOIGT & CO. ...._ .. _ ..... . _-___ _____ _ 111GILIW1NES--28 barrels, Won .1-1. bound. now ha stOre ally for male by mbli L. IL VOIGit `II. C°l7ON-10 bales nowlandin nom steamer Nora tor sal by g mtm. - ISAIAH DIOILEY& Co. .nLD coprEIN AND SIEJESIWAX. — ..._., 0 boxes Copper: I cask anti I box . flecosaa; Now lauding. from steamer Nora for sale by soh= IliA IA II DICEXT & elk SUNDRIES -41 bales Curled Filar 4 tin ' MOSS: I I,4 gi 0 =74 I,ki Dy.rearbee, Noir lauding Dom steamer Yon for oak, by mblil ISAIAH DICKEYd CO. lIONSIGMIPIENTS. lk We: Blame Crkubeerles: 50 boxes Palerm Messina o Orto do yes; .• • X, • Lemons; - • lb tuqXels iurn!pe; Lfc • Aso 4 Seed Jerseyßuckeye Potatoes; BO bushels Onions; 1 car load Potatoes. • lu Bore and for sale by W. C. &LEM. • mhz.ur US Third duet. FOR THREE DAYS. AT 1z i_ge., 80011 PRINTS, Fast Colors; Bleached Shining "Inslins. Sri' IS 3-4 c!., All the best makes of Prints, Good Undressed Shirting Muslin, DeLanes, the newest styles; a great variety of Dress Goods; this being one half former prices, 25ct., Extra width and quality of Shining and Sheeting Illus. tins. In immense quantity and tariely of Dress Goods. the same as hale been sell ing at 50 and 02 1-2 r. .A 'l' 311--Ic.. One and a half yard wide Heavy Shirting Muslin. A great variety of Dress and other Dry Goods, the price being a reduction of one-halt 59 Market Street. 1117'E, ORR dr. CO., BLACK ALD COLORED 111 .UIS Poi P. 44 1,1-1: OF EVERY VARIETY, From the Heavieert Hob Nail Brogan sec t door to Barter. 'Dry (toot'. htore. GRAND CLOSE VG OUT SALE AT 92 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHE'Sy CITY SlO,OOO WORTH OF TOOTS, SHOES Gaiters, Balmorals, POlit4ll Boots and Gun's, To he sold Imtuedlo eI r. wlhoo( regard to COST. I make room for Spring tiocate. You are cordial ly invited to call and lee the Goods. W. K. McCLIAITOCK, soh= V.: Federal if trret.. AlleghenyClty. I CARPET'S, OILCLOTHS, Br.c. AT ItIeCALLER;S, No. 78 Fourth Street, THE LATEST PATTERNS OF Velvet, Brusbels and Ingrain G.111.1 = 1.1:3UT13. Embroidered and Fine Printed 3F.X92STCZ, C7O,I7.IEIRAW. hula, Patton Mailings, &c., hr Vd a a rrv / v ora.,nmdtfliaTLgr ,::at terottstn p . m itE z4I D W. D. & H. MeCALLIIM. CARPETS, Lace and Damask Curtains. 0.17.7°;,T,T.; v , '=,! ir'satt & P ea g; own, l'alrottN64 g MOS( Oriell *CV: to Z i o °• ”'PAlZ: , !' 4, 7:" l47l ‘n adet h cr i l. "* . ov: 49 ;2 ° ,"• , :e b 4';',!bgn: a. t d o4,l°.b?,°Us; aNSTILES /A THE MARKET A T A REDU CTION ingmT2.OiINcTiortaTITLYIVE CENTS EEC BL3PARLAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth St„ 2d door, tlOUthillrio U. 14. etilieln Hinge att4Post-Clase. Faney Buttons, New EmPress 1100 P Skins, EtOroideriesi,'Liees, •. • Woolen :Boods,• ... S.T.ATE AGIttCULTURAL SOME- urauezti xquinei, AT . p ,, - , rif.—Xt a meeting of die Pennsylvania Mato Li' GEZATLIr r,idultural BodeiY. beid al Harrisburg on [bench , , uspßai7, lag. it was resolved to bOld an Annual No. 81 - Market Stivet. AgVITALWWWZAITZW I F -ws rillA tr laVelT7BV,V=lntir Adiflit ft CiAltlapMteCANDl*o 66 C 0.,. the different pulnu which thairLpropredborni 'TM dul l ..natl. Bald Committee lab motiers.-Aatos Z. u.Ass Wawa, Cuts *too ' - .... J - . ilthumb"l"'l ri Wm. ' ills = l 21 3 2= wb /teem inivirraqx mu Doirserria. altWiii.rarit2. l 2, finrifflaws kt oar.' 11.-- Divi ' M vazo• aiwooastre*t,thirdl°4 4, 1, rillbum*A4 .TN LONciworil, :deer lag, Aorrietonn, lklasnOtulAn-IIT rllLalniVall ,- - ,,, .. -z' -' , ,- - ,.. ... L ._.. . , e. an t 4 th e underslyned, aniarrth - tundini— 1 ....,......., tirbd. tbultadileeSsenwtirbel ; _ liAbligue, ' ( vs/ bales. and - d2.....5. =3"4.l4neitur's co a to wihb pattS ß a D .Z i a& l "Li n v ln n '.1 ...., i r o uthang ,71 1 - ;-.-u-gy•to.--akuun". i"Ddhearrny-&11-ro ' ' El , „,...,,,, W%;;:% , ;71. - - -, Wa, , ,zs3a-,At'.,Ssy:,,'-t . a';:o2o;,r,..t.l,7. , s,y.,ir.,,sce6sr._v..w,:eSznit7r.i..:Fa:tyi ,i, , , . j 'il . . el I .. • . - In r h i t i tt!f attenti on of DE. .ERS, SIEROILA NTS and ER.S. to I: ir assortment of EIIaEE.ELMEr c3riCv4OO.7ZSI ' , OG ,- mciteV332 ca - odors. BIILLEVERY GOODS, LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, FELI NLS. EDGINGS, BRAIDS, PARIS SK LUTING, SPRING RA NDLMORALS, HOSIERY a G LOVES, R. I NTAZTAINPIThinniffi4 I " S . ' EVIINISRLVG GOODS. TAPER COLLARS all kinds, CORSETS HAIR COILS, HOOP AND A ‘MwEitA.l. VAIOETY OF ..INT CI F ri 0 NES. NV lII7H ARE OFTREED AT POPULAR PRICES. • New Goods Received Daily. Huy., .e 00. and rOI Nos. 77 and 79 dlarket Street. loLIG 1866. 1866 SPRING GOODS. NV r are dully n - riving N EST and dealratle GOODS Dig from Um EASTERN CITIES whlcb pre TAIL boo prepared to at to our WIIOLESALE mad RE TAIL customem at SATISFACTORY PRICES. OEM Hamburg Flouncings, EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, FINE LACE COLLARS; HEM-STITCHED NO.LIOE HDKFiL .11.11A111 I•hE"S AND LULLS: NEW STELE IluN NET AND NECK RIBBONS.: BLACK SPuTTEU SILK NE_ NEW STYLE BLACK SILK VEILS; NEW STYLE CORSETS In fancy - colors; FANCY HAIR COMBS • & PORTE MONNAIES. MACIIC 11, GLYDE .& CO., • Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. 1111110 MACRUM & ;CARLISLE. 19 Fifth Street, Are receiving NEW AND DESIRABLE 0001) by ErPress daily fem. New York. NEW STYLES OF HAIR NET. ' .-..- SL HA A 2II4-I MSILVEEK"' OTTED LAOS VEIL:I.; LADIES' ENAMELED FACER. COLLARS:. LADLES. ENAMELED PAPER CUFFS; FANCY COMBS—NEW STYLE; ALEXANDRE'S KID OLOYES_I GENT'S SHIRTS, COLLARS Tom, maptap.r_mrsrEs • Duplex Elliptic Skirts_ To Dealers at Manuracturereq.rica List ALL RINDS OF PAPER COLLARS Al Manufacturers , Price., ALL WINTER GOODS ALT REDUCED PIIIOIO. Merchantsand Dealers supplied at lowest prices. GREAT BARGAINS X7btll3l=l.C:o7:/:111EFIXZ78 Nos. 7S and SO Market Street. MAMA GLYPE & Ell W. W. MOORITRAvs. New'Style Frimted JUST OPENED AT wra. sErffpLEPs. ISO and IS2 ral Street,- I= At FAsT COLOUND PRINT'S. At nc. ovr.. , 11., brat style. of SPRI7 DE LA iN I.s. At . tvo bal., UNBLEACHED MUSLIN'. A t 2N0., one ease 4-4 tine BLEACHED Nreeci NS. ALSO, J/W-CASE BUTTONS, IRISH LINEN, SHIRT' FRONTS, j (JASsISIERES, KENTUCKY .1 - EANS. ILIA rEftS, HOOP SKIRTS. lIALMOttAL BKIRTs. Is , NNETs. HATS. RIBBON'S, FLOWERS. tic.. A FULL sTucii. AT LoW PRICES Tn Arbn.h the atteutlon of Wholeast.. and Beta ' , eater, Is respectfulty lnytted, at SemplW* ISO and I Si 2 Federal Street, ntl/2:211_ Abory lb« Illanland, All«Kh«uf City A T EATON'S NEW GOODS, Just itrri►•ed by Express Aln ES' A\U 11181 , ES. BID ()LOVES in a lIIIAIIIEIt FICFNI•11 TWIST HAIR ['MI,: HALF; I 1,1 NET, WATEISEALI NET, • ENV STYLE NACqUE oRNAMETs: NEW STYLE FANI'Y DRESS BUTTONS; 111.Arli sPOTTED NET, FOR VEILS: LAI`E COLLARS IA UREAT VARIETY; ISRADLEI"S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SHIRTS, I htylvs uu.l Size.. N. 11. —A VULL LINE UE Gent's Furnishing Goods OSSTANTLY ON HAND H. EATON, 17 Fifth Street A NEW STOCK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY. GOODS, SELECTED Y 12031 THE etigt Ncrvel ties To b, found In the New York market, at BATES & BELL'S, I. FIFTH STREET EW SPRING STOCK IN ENV . GOOD Wholesale and Retail JOSEPH 110;i:SE Sc CO. The ArrivalN To-Day are: MACRUM CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. DRY G►OOa6~ i•O 4==. Tilosus pALII/ER; HOLISM AND RIME DIM 11 PALF I F-JEt TRANSPARENT WINDOW OWES, AND XES MAXI C:J CI 17 MO R 9 Warehoutie, 91 Wood Street, sc,ood door beloie Diamond Alley, feel :fiend PITTBITRIELA, A PEUN, -re w Designs. 1 . 1.A1N AN ruL BRIGHT COI Nov irt.0001.•47-12:14. (st.b.AT VAIIII:TT. AT 107 Market Street, near Filth G.lO MS. It. lit7lllMll eH PAPER lIANGLNGS FOR 1966. I= ..interican Wall Papers For the Orel limo In nen years a - 1111^ ENGLISH r4PERS. A ehotre select/on of the Nearest Preach Papers For sale WALTER P. AtARSRALL, SI Wood Strew 10 11 , ( te,'I Etp :e v. 34,11 WHEELER & lIVILSONN New Improved Family SEIIIAIi Simple, Noiseless, Makes a Stitch Alike on Both Sides. Is so etimple that It CHILD can learn to nN thorn (welchp referring to the printed litatrmitiona, are seat with nyzitY atectilni. EVERY MACHINE W Hemming, Tucking, Quiltmg Braiding, Cording, Felling, tit ching, done nn these Stsehtnes—done to MengMON; They are the Best in the World, We ask an examination of our Machines before you make your purchase. Wllt. SIMINEU & CO, WM7t . a — WWlf M4Viow:S:tol:tr):l. Orsiti:l SEWING WHINES • ,-• • Hare been awarded the DIEM P1(10111Wea th following Far. for the pear • - '• First Premium for best Machine work at reuna State Fair. Flnt premium for beet Machine work at NeW.FOr ' State Fair. First Preiblem for beat Family Machine at Oh . Mate Fair. • First pfurium for best manufacturing Machina Ohio State Fair. tint premium for best alannfacturing Machine !lit:algae State Fair. Y.nrt Premiere for best Manufacturing kisellite it'll...Ma Mate. Fair. Firs, Premium fer best Manentetering Machine Las rotor County FaLr. First erernium for best Maablee for gerue"slFlir poses at Lawrence County Fair. Ps First Premium for best Family Machine at Such l County Fair. Pa. Ftrst Prerronn, (or best Manefacturing Machine Vll ' s . t c e 9 =.l2l„ o 'r Twat &tarmac-tering and P 1.113311 !Lachine at lanringdeld Fair, Ohlo. • • First Premien. fol. best Mama facturilig and rantll 11,.1 i ne .r at Palm 7 - a Fair I eml w best Manufacturing slid Family ! bine at Sub . szCounty_Falr, Y'. First Pnaulum for beat Msoufacturing null Ifatullg !moll,. at, Schuyler COunty_Vale. 17, Find. Premium for best Machine ler an purposes, at Allegheny County Fair, Pa. First premium for best Manufacturing Machine, Lilegheity County Fai, Pn. First Premien, for beit alanblee w chat mietben Comfy Fair. Pa. Lad wberevet . exhibited. • A. F. CHATONEY, 0127:C041ai No: IS Firth etreet. Mambatin, SHAW & CLAIM'S SEWING IRACHINES. 40 Metethliaea SOLD IN` TWO DAYS. Are roarkulactured without any econplleatal Machin erg i tnd thlrereAre ! i re to otoator Faxon; tr;r:g Rulgi.g.°ll7,l‘="l4. j Machine., with cheap =whinge, as we hare talism off Patentee prices. We refer to the colloirtzig 'organs! reftroacm Mr. A. AIKEN, No. IN Itoorth area; MY. 9AN• LEE NAILLEN, No. NII Webster street: lltr, J. DOLAN, No. C atreett SOOPLELD. No. 19 &cowl street, Allegheny City, Weblureett• en. that that we can refer to. MI a OarlitaChlasi aro warranted fire yenta. AtENTSWASTED. ei rL ow t ettn t ertinitV4, PITIVUIMIIOI4. PA. 110.10i3M004 Fratte: 01411:1_ I FA) :4:1 HENRY G. lILiILE. BEMICHANT TAIMAA:" 013114187 CUM N. pm & sr. inink P/TTSIIIMGII4q.AL. Desires to return thanks to his ffleszlhl attelthe VP' Ile avnerally for their liberal- paCronagek andw respectfully Inform Mau tbschs• baajual retun ed from the Eastern markets vrit.b 'a Jager and well selected stock of • Fine Woolen 600ds .I[l,,arri GENlT.tpiqi wszcf SPRING . STOCIi BOYS' CLOTHING NOW RECEIVING RV GRAY s LOGANI, 47 St; Clair StireCt pl) nizf,•) nip ,f-I DISSOLUTION OF ' . IPAIrriVEIV• SHlP.—Thylpaquirship heretotoreyntslia& be- rween IL GibmOßE andit .: 4 ucitalrzz;l/adtr the name of D. (IMMURE .& CD, is this day Ada., . ~.., solved by mutual couseut The:business of the Ina will be settled by their successors, at th eir Mee in r " the Mill, on South Conti street, near Chesntitsialie- The undersigned will continue the atillibr Izit.. gilli•SriVrtg.'. name and 4:itt art; Vic4ajt 2 a , • . 'ilea : them are determined to (muttons te nrosll%us article or Flour 600500 to name in the ' snake% therefore most respeettally risque& et .lelolt a .. from all, smaparticularly those hardest CO ph 111 that article or prime necessity, Tour. -- - • D. 1LM0DZ..... ?sant:Ant' 6th, 1688. • 4r , . 3 1 . .. VM.B. ThenderBlgned .wonln..rnsmttnlly toltorm the public t u hat, haring sasotbited himself with D. 432.1.- 110 HE 800 IIIeMASTEIt, under thnillaill and style of OILMOILK. 8Lll&Ei0.161.&. CO., _the 006606„ formerly conducted by 81111.1 . 89.N * - KNOX; Ili 178 16lers1 .rt.reet, A Ilegheny. berenstoned bribe new Ann, Anted it eltatery 1686. : 6is N. • RAILROADS . • pITTSIIIIIRGBI AND' CONNELLS.t. +.l MIX uxituutax. , CHANCE OF tlitfilri 't7; APirta - • . . THUtibitlilAittil- itik 1866,. ~..kjay, : taig'irit lave - Pitt!".o Atlrciaek, 4;...11;. -- •.A.litafir..T_Witli WOK 311 4XISA_Sk0/7 ,ipl#lire Vltuitur ECU ar 2 ,l l eltr i dr.... wrsr --; • .- at iwelock +. Y. Airsl.ll,!.,OßlYorl- ~ ~ , ~.., • -., .atm e r i aa taths ,.....i..,utikt_. • , ' • • ~,... sobltd.w . WK-STWAlhotrisa,„4" Perfect. O . YNEBAL