~rs U. 13011 GAZETTE. Ei MI PENBMILt_N, t East or , pIus!FILLL EHRET . T, TH. OUNTADIAGN A. nuslasis Manaer. ra Assoc-Lir:op. Plitelargb. PURL/ ID dr TI! So. M • ppm Year. by mall 118,00 Served by GekrrLers, per week.-- 15 •00 1 1•10160V,I: The Tye Bail Ear Dr. Gardner, ()mullet and snrhst, can be con sulted at the Monongahela House, for deaf ness, noise In the head, discharges from the oar, obetructlon In the eustachlan tube, and all seats and chronic diseases of the ear al .41 atr palaver!. L • . • . Dr. Gardner, of New York, who to now at Parlor Et, nrat floor. at the Monongahela Howie, troate Catarrh by the too of warm Mealloatert mhalat lon. The alttletwil should go and consult him. I Persons suffering from disease of these deli cate organs should so and 0.1(Mil Dr. Gard ner, °oculist and Aurixi. Office at the MOnon gullets Douse. I= Tlae renowned Eye and Ear Burgeon, Ls in the city at the Monongahela Muse. Let all who are afflicted 'del: the Doctor. Deafness, And all diseases of the Eye, . e treated suc cessfully by Dr. Gardner, (..et ',at and Aurlst, at the Monongahela lions, Great Ineincemer To oath buyorn at 93 Federal tr ot. . _ Detre et Ben .. New PrlLag, Ginghat... DOlatileS and Lineal Cheap Plano., Twelve; seoond hand rnanog for sale by (-her lotto Mimic, 43 Fifth street. Grand l'lnaluz Node Every day thla ire.,k to Di Pot'crag atroot. Bates &Irk Elegant New Dresa Goods for Travel lag and promenade wear. Immense Steck 01 Boot, and Shoes selling leer than en,t nt 59 reaeral street. neon 4 hand pianos, In good order, for sale by Charhats 43 Firth street. I=l=l Son opening, on the northeast corner Fourth and Ntnrket streets. C. Hans°, LOVIC & BRO. large Crowds doing every day to the closing sale of Boots and Shoe, at 93 Federal street. Elates & Extra Stitched Linen Shirt Bosoms, are made from pure Linen of the best quality. 0=1!I Hcl.lWtoak'• Boot.. and aboee al 92 Federal •tre,t—be balling twenty per cent. below I= Bleached and unbleached, nt eentv and or, wards, on the northeast corner Fourth and Market streets. C. Haesox Lore 4t. Eno I=I3MM Boys , wear. Cassitneres, Sattnetts,. 2a eeds, Jeans, Cottoandes, and Clothe. New Goods at the reduced rates. QM! At %Ski Cents and upwards, on the northeast corner s'ourth and .Nlerhet streets. C. lisasos Loos d Bzo. A Grand Soiree Musical leVill be given by the pupils of Miss M. J. ap palbee, at Lafayette Rail on Friday evening, March 23.1. Miss Mooney and Professors Wattlelink and Lawton have kindly consented to .1419 t on the occasion. Tickets for aerie at the music morel and at the door. =1 In price of dry goods In our new stock, now opening, and all our old stock marked down to correspond with the new price list. Toss wit: please remember that we are now on the northeast turner of Fourth and klacket Ste. 1' II Assns . Loc.& am,. 'epmirage comfits We call the attont ton of our readers to the article of Term Mime Cornhts,^'e lvert teed in another 'part ot Our paper, by .loseph Fleming, Druggist, No. St Market le rem. These Com fit...are a specific for worm.. The fact that they are manufactured by Brown, of "Droll chat' Troche - notoriety, is a sugleleut guar antee On they are an article of merit. Reduced Prices. • Tin, popular and extensive house of Fleming, NO. ID Wrwal street, has reduced the prices In acrnrdane' with the times. The stook Ls the most extensive m the city, em br.ming all the new stylus of Ilen's and Boys' hate and Caps. Also, Ladies' and Misses' Bats. As we have secured the .Z . VICCP Of an expo rienceel milliner from the East, our lady ens, Comers may expect that their onion will be executed in the very hest Manner. We have an extensive UDC it of all the new styles of In, Tice' trimmed and untrimmed lists, and those who desire may select their Eats and trim mings and have them trimmed to order. tttttt er.• Celebrated Iltemarb Bltter. ERAS, E. 0. E. B. I , OI7THIrGETIffr LETTER. PeunrseT COLLEGE, GtORGIET D. C., • Al .1 2,1933. !Senors JIOOTZTTISH k :32t1T111— , •emiemen It gives me pleasure to add my testimonial to those of ethers in favor of year excellent pre paration. Beveral Tears of residence on the banks of a Southern river, and of close appli cation to literary work, bad so thoroughly ex hausted my nervous system, and undermined and health, that I had become a martyr to dyi.- pa:l6 4 .a and nervous headache, recurring at short intervals, and defying all known remo dies in the Maters Modica. I had come to the conclusion that nothing but a total change of residence and pursuits would restore my health, when a friend recommended React teris Bitters. I procured abottie as an a:pert inent; it required but one bottle to convince MO that I had found at last the right combina tion of remedies. The relief it afforded me has been complete. It is now some years since 1 that tiled Bostetbiris Bitters, and it ih Out just to say that I have found the prepara tion all that Mt °yams to be. It Is a Standard Family Cordial 11th us, and even m a stimu lant we like It better than anything eige; nut we use it In all nervous,. bilious, and dyspep tic cases, from fever down to toolamehe. If what I have now said will lead any dyspeptic or nervous Invalid to a luxe remedy, I !pail have done some good. I remain, gentlemen, respectfully yours, B. D. B. N. k<MTIMMETII. Moatetter's Bitters are sold w holesale and retail at very low rates st iletning.s Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, lie. Si Market street, corner of Ore Diamond and acnirth street. Pall and Wlntar itilooda. it Is with great pleasure we call the Wan. t ion of our readers to the sobperb stock often and Winter Goods lust received by Mr. John teeter, Merchant Tabor, No. 126 Federal street, Allegheny.. Ills stock embraces some of the most beautiful Cloths, Cassuneree. Overcoat. Inge and Vestings ever brought to the western Market, Hls assortment ofPurnishing ttoOde. comprising Shirts, Drawers, Collars Nook Ties. Handkerchiefs. do., cannot be surpassed east nr west. A dirge stock of ready mad Pants coats, Vests and Overcoats, win also be ound to his establisn meat. Persons to want of any thing in thee thing ins should not fall to give Mr. Water a call. Thomas W. rarry * Co., Pi-mm*oW Slate Rooters, and Dealers in Amer.i can Kate of various colors. Waco at 6lexan. der Laughlin.s near the Water Works Pitts harsh, Pa. 14151d011C0, 110. 78 Pike street. Or. don promptly attended to. All work warrant,. ad water proof. Repairing dope at the short est notice. No charge for repairs, provided the roof is not abased atte- It is put on. carpenter Jobbing Show. - tiering returned after an absence of three years In the array, I have reopened my Crop for all sorts of Jobbing In the otirtoenter et the old stand, Virgin Alter; between Smith neld street and Cherry Alley. Orders eraklited sod promptly attended to Wmitax 70EL1167. American Vessel Belsed end Goionseated. New Yoe; March 21—The , Herald's Sisal (Yucatan) correspondent,. of the ;10th Inst., elves an account of the seizure mid confisca tion in that port e Ide.rwan Imperial au thorities, bf the Am oyth erican schooner Wilson Crawfonl, and the !hung and imprisonment of her master,bectooscsome powder was found on beard .the vessel. The masters sentence was ten yeas penal labor, but he IVY pardoned by the Empress. immediately after regaining his liberty, however, he was once more arrest ed and sentenced to pay a nne of Ilve hundred dollitriewhieb he, avoided llooldati by se cretly leaving the *o=l;7. f ._.J«,>.r„r..~~ ir~„<'CT«:1~~ ~ 'ie ~` .l"titX* a`ek.aW'sA~+~._~v~.+n..~~: .'.5a....~v._..~i 7 .~....~"~ 5 i.2~. au .~> ~`~--.,c~sii~d: ~.~,r ;M,_i:.~l' . ate': ESE VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 68. THE LATEST NEWS sa ri "_ -- - - THE EQU 4LIZATION OF BOUNTIES. , Ill o ttyn rc itab i tta n t , es ta tr h m y so.i nagri referred to the 6 ommittee on Military A • . fairs. BY TELEGRAPH. mar claims. re ''' O regon ill regard to Nomination. , Confirmed by the Senate. I thrunlitj,ed=hrtreacr presented the joint retrOlit ' Me. Ward, of New York, made a etatemuntio 1 dices Ig riod entl: and relatives of deceased MS- C CHIHUAHUA EVACUATED BY THE FRENCH FORCES. 1 thc oi ll i mme m that he•reoelved numerous let 1 the Cemeten- of diflingtan heights as to the title which the GerVermiteet and to the progeny, Fe of the soldiers there Y. aring that the banee or the oroh.trait i %itl d resrisrt to the hll% Order ("once rta it pig Deserters. ; addressed a coda __ municatiOn to the Secretary of War on the THE CHOLERA REPORTED AT MOBILE. 1 re bje n ajfio aluffkuVirwet...pinvelicanimanSportonwereoWtohich'here46 read. The letter from the Secretary of %ter i was read. stating that at sealant lanes far an- I . 1 ,k+1.11 . 111 . 1 , 1, Mr rch 3l .— The bill to equalise ; paid taxes on the 11th of January, Mk, the r 2 I no en I ic-, In t roltunrd by Mr. Julian to day, and , denten estate, Including the itintlitda ref ' to, had been bidden for the United Stat. 1 referred to the Committee on Military Agalre, I exti,Boo, anti afterwards turned or or theml prOVltiefi for the payment to eve ry soldier and ' ltary authorities. The certificat e (' sale W . nailer. who served during the late war, arid 1 in the halt" of the IT' S . TattCentm l a aiener at uho moe neon or mho mry or i ,,, oorrmy dlr .. AleXandrls., but would be soon placed on Me , charged, a bounty of Irs,Xit,' for every month , la the Ont. of ecru lee rendered; provided that in the Cll. Mr. =,, ti)::P=,ls, introdueed a b u r of discharge on account of wound, received I Creatin g lands `e the State of lowa, in alto pal , fur , nate sections to aid in the eOnstreetlon of In action, the Inn bounty shall be lowa Central Railroad, which was read .. n rdial I the term of service for which the enlistment was ma4e. No bounty to to be paid to any eel- and referred to the Committee on dice or sailor who was a prisoner of war at t Land S- --7 T I l l i r , e c t h i s or ge o , f l a h t is bi tu n . 1 ir4t r m r e e n g t.., c o s r t, w n h n o le. h s ad ro b r e t tr , a ' olutiOn of the Legislature of 4tre State tit Mr. Grinnell, of lowa, preaenteda joint rca. lowa, In reference to a Marten Of Huth:dial enrpose of ro-r.nlisttuent or to accept promo- i te i lon, nor to •aay sailor whose prise money Edneatn, which ware refensest`to a Bette; droll eseeed the amount of bounty he would , Committee' , rave helm cell clear°. 1 The House proceeded to the constileran The serrate to-du) confirmed the following ,of the diplomatic appropriation bill reported tentln at l ona ._6g war d 11, McCook, of C oto _ I Yeaterday from the Committee on the Who/0. .ailo, All ',lntl r Resident at H.:ratan ,clued;, The vote on the amentltneat authorizing tlie Coined, II iron) 11. Haw k inn, of Nevada, , appointment of a Solicitor to the State Depart. , o ne it Turoliers : Charles A Leas, at Flnebali An- 1 meat, at a salary of stage was taken by yen! !row J. b., en., of 10w,,, fit Seryrna; Wm. H. ! an d na y s, and manned as tenewa : 'ear , tli ton., ot New York, at Clifton, C. W.; U. ti. mys• 39 . ipvneer. of low,, ll t Denva; samtiel B. Camp- , be other:amendments were also agreed lb .41, at Bayonne: A. Grigg, of Tt rousse, ~ at and the bill passed., !' fineable Jammu,. John C. Walker. of Ten. The House proceeded to the con/admn m , a% , orr, ~ , St Thomas, ~., P. 50 ,,,,,. of New of the art to facilitate commercial, postal lap-- Cork, to he Commiseloner of Immigration, ' military communication among the se,/ er -owls Blodgett, to be Apprittser at the tort or ` totes, which bad peen reciammitted to 1111a4letplite; Wm. H. Barnhart, of Oregon, to J udielary Committee for each amendments' ad c Indian Agent In the Territory of Waslitug; would prevent the land granted to railro on; Isaac Colleen, of Mar) land to be Agent %rich an the Minot. Central from recuivitig or the Choctaw mei I.:deans:tn. ~,,,,m , ,,,; pay from the Government. The bill was pass .l, t her T. Webb, of Wisconsin. to be Agent for edt yeas g.I, nays 49 . he Chippewa, of lake superior, Franklin , A resolution was sported from the Printilll I. Head or rim', to 1,0 se, , int,„,„,:,,„, or, Committee for printing_ the annual report r, mile air., s for the terrltor ' Utah; Th.. the Commissioner of Patent. for I.. ern and durphy, of Noes., to la, S „emir., of Mr. Latham asked leave to introduce a few. , passe 1, providing for the printing of 70,010 on ran ther. t the Central itentleucy; ,i 1 copies for the House, and 9,000 . for the Coiti eor ..o aril B. 'l:9ler, of Nebrask- he Super- I missioner. t e ntendnt of Indian Affairs for the Northern i •uperinteneeney; Jooepl, it. Hansen, of Dow-lotion ln declaring Tennessee In a cenditial tP oh Territory, to ho; ..eat for the V ,per Mis- i our , deer , chm,,,,,cft. Norris, of ~,,ro br. .k a i the Reconstruction Committee from farther 1 consideration of their case, but objections were o be agent for the town Sacs and Foxes of dtoorruri i Iran tel C. Oakes, of California, to bel, went for Grand River; 8. 1 Fairfield, of Call. The House went into Committee Of tepe I made, ornla, to be agent for the Mound Valley badi-1 Whole and took up the bill to reimburse Pada _no; Joalr Houghton. or New Ides t eo, t o i x , oylvanla 10r War eXpernittnrea. tend late Justice of Sew Mexico,. An amendment was agreed to, reducing ie Minister itomore boo received onkel] dates I ...Pant to *0,050,r0m Li Paso, to the Ind or February, confirm. , Air. Blaine moved to substitute e bill retie* o f 1 burning loyal States 95 per cent. of - heir-War fig the report of the evacuation of tee City litho/than, by the Fri _len troops expenses. The total amount embra, din Mr. I.lenr.cierteia I Grunt hue ordered that corn- lilainies bill is one hundred and Mgt, ten 401- nitr ‘ ii In g ofb.‘er., of posts :trt department% lions of dollars. ill , . es `,11131 es erosibleaft. the arrival of Considerable debate ensued, but wit. 7iit the ieserters at i their pests, forward the charges , disposal of the subject. .. o the erne wand Ing officer of the department I 'Hr. Blaine's bill proposes to rolmbure, Leto: which their po-te or department,, May be ty-Ilve per cent. of tae war expenses ,f tbe .Itirated. mho will - rill, as little delay nn lento- States, the amount to he distributed in reality, take nutaeutea to bat c ,lrnerte,o percent. bonds, In proportion to the nine r , d - ought to trial. 1 of soldiers furnished by the States respect e- Advlee. from Montgomery, Alabama, doted i le, fifty-nye dellare for each nun ferulalleil i the km, 1001., ort. received ~_y lie. C. it'. , the bonds not to be negotiated for twetity lorner, chief .medical llfflear of the Freed- I years from date. The total amount embraced keilts Bureau ' informing 111111 that a report 1 in the bill is ore hundrtni and eighteen nit .. in elreulatlon there that the cholera hail lion dollars. His bill would nominally alid r lode no app, aranee at 9101,11 e, Alabama, on really add to the national debt, for the lothil I te etghtlt Thy report l‘ 00 0,,t traced to any 1 tad State debt would be relieved to a proper. t.l • rd.. ,mime 1 i tenets degree, and the local debt was i iiii , iJost oppressive of all, for It called for a i• I rest tax on real and personal property to y I both Interest and principal, and tins dir t i I tax was all the more oppressive on the t ulturat community, from the fact that o I I tree a propo rt ion of personal property I I rought investment In government bon s. 1 . htch were specially exempt from State d ' municipal taxation. The general governMidt t I ad, moreover, abso bed all the Indirect *lad readily available channels of taxation and Lad thus taken from the States nil the easy males of milting revenue. To quote the language 01 Mr. Hamilton, used in regard to Lie revointiorutry debt In 1793: "Justice la net c rmpletely thltilleil until the entire debt of Is State. contracted to support of the war, Is embraced In emu general and comprehers s.ve plan of payment." Adourned. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE Spfulal Dispatch to tbn Plttaburgh Gomel te iIA2II.IItAtIEO. March Evan/so ZWITON.—The House held a special ....lee this evening, to consider the now Phil adelphia and Erie Railroad bill. The bill wi.g opposed, at length, by Messrs. (flags, lie) le. Mann and Thomas. The bill passed finally by a vote of 50 in laver and 40 against ft. The nankin lasted until midnight. March SENATE. The following bills, on the private calendar, passed finally All act In relation to physicians and sor- Voris, in eases of post mortem examinations in Allegheny county. AL., an act to VorpOrate the Home Medical and Surgical Hospital and Dispensary. of Pittsburgh. Alpo, a supplement to an net Moog:winding the PitLPhurgh and senora Gold and Silver Mining Company. Also, an act to Incorporate the Savings Fire tral Marine Insurance Company of Pittsburgh lien, an act to incorporate the Pittsburgh' Allegheny and Spring Garden Passenger Hail sny company. Ale', an act relative to the sharpsburg and : - reneeville Bridge Com 'any Alleghei inty. Also, an net to IVIIIO for the better assessment, of in Allegheny county. Also, an ac' live to the service of summons on Jurors . Allegheny county, and regulating compen qtt.on„tn act abolishing the principal ollice t to Lawrence Railroad company in the city Pittsburgh. Also an act incorporating the : Ito rnony Railroad Company. Also a further ;app . /eine= ter= act to Incorporate the C har iers Valley Railroad company. A.loo an nit tut lorising the School Directors of 711cliees- Allegheny county, to equalise the pay nent of bounties. Also an act to incorporate .he City Deposit It and Trust Company. %Inn an net /0 Inoorporn to the People , s say., g Sark of Franklin. tlso an act to incorporate he Reno Shipping Company . Also nu net to neorporate the People's Trailing company of the Borough of Itirmtnglatm, in the county of Allegheny. A.l,lourned. MEM The following bills were paned To ineoroo rate the Western Savings Bunk of Pittsburgh. To incorporate the Pithole and Tit miville Railroad Company. To incorporate the Pitt.- .iurgh and Campbell Run Coal Railroad Com pany. To empower the Comnilesion ere of Washington county to %deem their bonds. The House considered tile general appro priation bill, read the '_td sectkin, which wa.4 i.tiopted reported by the Committee, with the exception of the section relating to the Normal School INTERESTIING FROM MEXICO THE MURDER OF THE BELGIUM ENVOY Reported Defeat of the Juarists. CHANGES IN THE IMPEXUAL CARL:NET II .4 CAN.., March 17.—The stentuship Barran. arrived yprterdny, three days tram Vera Grine. tihe brings dates from the port or departure Ti the hlt.le, and from the Cite nt Mexico to tlm oth. There is but little liewe of import ance. The papers are filled with account!. of I no murder of the Belgium envoys, General 1 ours- and Capt. D. Buell. The fnueral onsts r. Ales were celebrated In the City of 341 4,14. 4 43 ith great pomp, on the 7tb, Maximilian Wu! 4rIOLIO attending. There Is an account of a defeat of ito• ear l-GS under Perfrice, Dias, Leann, P.eaa, 1.4 3rer 4 rOrelen, anti Legere. Strong, In ..43 3•4 . >3l, and ererythlng Way ut Id 1 . 4 4 44, 4,4 • 1,4 I in helms, Nhe are reported 10 130, - 0 eNun.144,3 u foot, the attacking party being cavalry. The Emperor of dendrite has Just sent by the lent ltombell, the original coat of orate of amented:la, and one of the original fetters of liernan Cortez, of Mexico. They are trine :14 .local Museum Of Vienna. The resignation of Bildern°, Minister to 'ranee, has been accepted, told Gen, Al mete ppelnted 121 bin place. There Imre been several changes Its the en tailed Imperial Cabinet, but they are of little I.ltererst to the,ptiblic generally. Our latent dates from 3latantoras are to the 2.1. Considerable Indignation has been occa sioned here by the publleation - -in the papers t int the cholera was raging. There has not I Cell b. single case of cholera here. The entail I.ox In decreasing in Begin. f.enstors Foot., and Mum—Cone of a Minim° Postmokator—The Teu•Fortf Loan—Freedmen•. Contribution from Clell Right. 11111-liov ernment Coupon Counterfeits—Trans• perfusion of Petroleum. Navy Yoga, March 21.—Senators Dixon am. l'oote are daily growing ROM). There Le San Lope of the recovery of the latter. 1k,,• Cook, of Chicago, who was sued by ti,, odder of the Postonlce for the balance due t w Department from him, es Postmaster at sat city, In has paid up the amount 01 re 'boomed three hundred dollar., and the emu has been dismissed. Controller Clarke states that twenty-seven t dllions of dollars, of the ten-forty Rum, was rot issued; that recently, however, three t tousand seven hundred and eighty-ilve dol- L.ra-have been quietly Issued of thin old loan, and at sir per cent. interest,. Another contribution, amounting to nearly cue thousand dollars In value, from the Bir t gingham, England Freedmen's Associatiory tas pun been rece ived by General Howard, and alit he appropriated to the use of the des t_tuto colored people In the South. General Spinner 'dishes a letter In the s'as'imgton Chron. , in which he maintains Ile correctness of ntroller Clark. state- . . .nta regarding ti, lomat of Government nds on hand. Washington spee..._l aays: it wait current eported last night, that the President h. Wed his determination to Veto the "Civil It to" MIL Herald's Washington special says The .our.terfaiting ag Government coupons has I can carried Winch an extent that the Tres... 17 Department has deckled to engrave vig r ettus of the proper size, to be printed upon all the future issues, and thereby render co g raving as necessary to a counterfeit coupon sLc the note or bond. Portraits of the Prest o ant, McCulloch, Grant, Sherman and others era executed for this purpose. The Thou' special says Several Collectors if Customs have sent communications to the ecretary of the Treasury, asking instructions I a ruguril to the transportation of crude and ton ed patrolman. Tney ask If the penalties c.Obo law of August with, 1862 , shall be en- Cireed agalnet steamboats for transporting crude and refined petroleum without tIV,CIII/ laer.se. In other words does petroleum come I.nder tno Glass of Other explosive burning holds. The Secretary replies that the Depot t • hien; has not decided that crude and refined potrolordn are of that character, and until otherwise ordered, these coo:wilt!es can be carried as, freight without special license, proper car being observed in its storage with reference to the safety from the hazard lire. Mr. McCulloc h has referred the .goes Mon of the expi e quality of petroleum to a special board o chemists and exports, with eirections to report at the earliest moment. The national this board will gable the Seem Cary In making rules hereafter as to the transportation of petroleum. hmaggllng Brig Deteeted—O•Nahonoy bond./n Ireland—Tile Iron 2111onldera . pliNeuity. Nsw Yong, March 21.—The revenue cutter Maine detected the brig Redmond, Captain ,Yrelyle from Cuba, endeavoring [omelet. hew port luirbor with a largo quantity of cigars, tobacco, augur and linen, watch was not on her manifest. A DOblin correspondent of the London Timm says that s number of bonds have androd Ic the city of iraterford, from New York, beauti fully executed in the form of bank notes, and signed by O'llfahoney and two otbens. They are for sums varying from twenty to fifty pounds, bearings per cent. Interest, to be paid when the Irish Republic is established. With this remarkable peculiarity, they are bombs on the Curragetnore estate: The iron moulders of Albany and Troy have ceased to work. They_talk of establishing a cooperative foundry Of their Own. Wartemburg Council Etecognlsed--The Rinderpest. WASI3{IIOTON, March 21.-Tae President ham veretignixod P. A. Stagers ua Consul of Weir tembarg at Galveston, Texas. A. Frazier p or Germany, has addressed a C9611311211106/10171 to the Department of State, +nesting a means of preventing the spread f .ittnderpest. The theory is that the dir e wed cattle tioLson the atmosphere. Hence ley are tO be separated :rum the healthy animals, and the latter lubricated with po t - Minim, and a small quantity of the oil mixed ith their food. The eotemunication has been sent to the House Comnilttee on Agnoulture. Comptroller -Clarke—Deelslon Against Negroes. Naw Yon:, March 20.--Controller Clarke has rent the following mysterious letter to the Now York Onamereica Advertiser: Wssareavos, March Rl.--Gentletneu I am I.4formod you have published a most Infamoull, lauderoue, attack against me. If lain cor a eotly infortuesl_you sou the necessity of mak -1 u proper retraction. Respectfully yours, F. Ctsitics. Judge Thompson , of Philadelphia, has dem ed that colored persons mint not Side In care provided for white men In that city. The case will be appealed. =l:=:= Folmar= Motszos, karoh 2.1.—Th0 U. S. summer Brienvllle a/tUed today for the West Ludlow . • THE PITTSBU _RGH GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH, THU4DAY, MARCH 22, 181 - - XX I II th CONIGRESS--FIRST SESSION- W El TON, Mlt relt 21, ATE. Mr. Rrown introduced is bill to aid in the instruction of the Kan.. and Neosho Valley , ' Mimed, Penn ecting the Great Lake., Inwi.t. r issou and Kansas with to Texas and the Gun I AttNt ri en, and t n n secure the Government t use of the Pattie for military, postal and Slier purposes. Referred to tire Cononittee n Pntrile Land, Mr, Ramsey presented the memorial of the . !,innesota t.egtriature asking no approprln t o Mr the improvement of the harbors on I aks sup, mr, also for the establishment of n trt of eilt ry at the head of Loge Snpertor. I oferred to the t ',,,ntu lace on Commerce. I ; M r. Cowen pi . ..settled two petitions for a prrs toetive tariff, numerously signed, which were ~fer red CA, tire ColDttlltteo on Finance. Mr. «lwan also presnr.ted the petltlon of .tsetant Arse-ann. for MI Ittereage of pay. I. eferre.l to thet otnutlt tee on Finance. l'otne-ey called tip the senate bill to I 1,1,1 •, the State of hunstus to aid in the aid r 1 ict....1 of I It. N,,tilerti Kansas RaDrOgne), Ilk !Jit.,,ei EISSII=I I 'nr° Teri I, provide for the lit .4tru.•nt ,pr cPrtaln utrainpt the set t lilt I. That if any person or persona • .V4 ' i tiltyptlal'eticM rr,f,A3FuTr:,"fft: forged or eounte. felted, or willingly e ll assist in the false making, altering, forging • eennterfeltio, any horn , !, hid, proposal. , tat ante., Aeenrity, official bond, public rye- , it, affidavit., or other writing, for the par ree or del reeding the Ualtrel Stated, Or Shan r Cr.l or Ftt' , ll4ll II • true, or cause to be altered,' pe1111,114 as true,any such false f .rged, e o enteffelted bond, bid, pro f del, us:sinter, Reel] rit y, "Motel letn.l, ptlh I t recor.l. affidavit or other w ritlng, for the irirpow. of dettand he United Stares, 1 , 1,0 h, II,p• I t,• , • 1. , 1 P L.!..0, forged, altered, r eounterOom ed. at I reemlilt to or pro sfa c!, !!! tre in So transmitted ,Or presented At Ihe Onlee of any omeer of 10 United Slates, any such raise, forged, al ( •red or cotiolei felted mind, bid, proposal, aaranlee, keenrlty. onielal hood, public rk. , C Ir.l, affidavit, or oilier a riling, knowing the ant- to be false, forged, altered or counter f itetl for the purpose of defrauding the United States, every fe , llloll shall be deemed and u tjudged gu ilty d of a felony, an being t tereot eln convicted, snail tin sentenced t t lie Imprisoned and kept at hard labor for a r:reel not exceeding ten yearn, or be 11,Wed exceeding one thousand dollars. or both id sold panialiments, at the discretion of toe I 'err. Section 2. Thai If any offense shall be cent r :dell In any place which has been or shell h.:matter be ceded to. and nutter the jurisdic t on of the United Sutter which offense Is not t . - ohiblted, or the punishment thereof is not s .etnally provided for by Iltly las of the United S stes, such offense shall, upon conviction hi oy court of the United States having cogobl z taco therts:of, be :labile to 1,1001,4, the same 1. lashalent as the Lows 01 the State In which nth place is In and may be situated, and now I force, provided for the like offense, when c onontitted within the jurisdiction of such ate: and no subsequent repeal of any such ` - ate law shall affect any prohibition for such reuse in any of the courts of the United s ate, Mr. Harris reported from the Judiciary ~mmittee, the bill concerning writs of error • a id injunctions. I Mr. ~toward reported from the Committee o Judiciary, the bill to provide reel ho reports o. doctrines of the Supremo •urt, with an nendment striking out al) at , be enacting c Anse, and inserting a previa' for extend -1 g the term of six months . •ed for the p thliestme of reports to ten mo s. the expiration of the morn in; hour, the afinished business of yesterday. Lich wits t ,e bill to authorize the eStablishment of tel e ;rouble communication between the Vol tbd ates and the West Indies was taken up, the 'r Aiding question being upon Mr. Shorman's nendment to the last section, authorizing Congress to lix the rate to be charged by the c mummy. Mr. Chandler said the Committee on Com merce-had bestowed more care on the pending Mil than on any bill before It this session. Ile r •garded it as the most important bill before t le Senate. Mr. lessenden said that when the proper inn came he intended to offer an amendment .riking out theprovision giving a sole prim ). go to this company, and Inserting in lieu of 1 a t roc talon that uo company entail be &Whor l:ea to establish telegraphic communication between the roast of the United States and ay foreign country through the waters of the ntted slates without the consent of Congress. The yeas and nays were demanded to Mr. Sharman's amendment, which was Mime prilVed, by yeas 17, nays 19. Mr. Howe moved to amend by requiring We c unpletion of the work in three years instead o flee, as in the bill originally. • Theamend r,ent wan adopted. Mr. Harris isetd Congress had exclusive Ju r siltation over the Marine League, but the T 'mostly would have to get authority elan f am the State of Florida for Jurisdiction over t le territory between high and low waters. I to bill was then react a third time and passed. Mr. Chandler gave notice that he would at a.. early day, call up the tall to 'regulate COl2l. 11.1. rt. between the seemed States. The House 1,111 relating to the habeas eonus v es referred to the Judiciary Committee. Nesinttli called uttthe bill authorizing a d requiring the Secretary of the Treasury t Issue to Meesre. tioldrmltli a Eros., of Cell i cilia and Oregon, 50,000 In 7-80 bonds In lieu o a like amount lost at nen. Mr. Clark moved to strike out the words inil requiring," (non the bill. The Secretary of the Treasury would then be simply author to I ueke good the lose, and would Un doubtedly do so when sattellect that It was In /red na stated. The amendment was agreed t' ,and the bill then passed. Mr. Morrill called up the bill to Incorporate t to National Minutia Protection Homestead Company. It Incorporates certain parties, un it ar the name and style of the National Mutual Protection Homestead Compauy for thelen emragcnient "r settlement, and the organize t on of the American States, with a capital of 8,4009,000. A resolution was passed authorizing naval v crawls to ho placed at the disposal of the cuarant l ne Commissioners of Now York for 0110 Seal. The House bilk relating to the writ of habeas c..rpur was referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. A hill was passed antborlahog the Secretary o - the Treasury to issue Bye thousand dollars t • Goldsmith d Bros.. of California, fora Ilko a fount lost at sea. Write bill incorporating ttra National Mutual rotection liornestead Company was taken up, road, discussed and postponed till to- ILOTTOW. , • Ajoint reaolution nutherialnk Commodore hanford to accept the decoration from the log or Italy wets passed. The Senate went into executive aeaslon, and afterwards adjourned. illeanzawroa, March 91.—Mr. Price ' of lowa, from the Committee on tbo Pacific Railroad, reported. back a bill to secure the speedy con strnetion of the • Northern Pacific Railroad snd Telegraph Line, So, winch, was recom mitted and ordered tote printed. Mr. Jullmaluttoduced until to eaptallee bounties orsoldig, and sailors alio sleeved From California—Alleged Bribery Case Editor Itelessod—Klating blot*. Swe F asscisco, March 21.—HonOlala date* of of the 6th of FebnLary state that the eruption of the great volcano has ceased. Tba Flag newspaper having charged the membersof the State Senate with bribery, In voting against the specific contract vessel act, a Investigation coninalttee was align:anted, o. IlleCarthy, its editor, was culled to t, II who Isis witnesses were to sustain the charge. Ile refused and was lreprisor, Alter lying In prison a month, the Senate me released him, and has promised to go on with I the investigation. hioCartby 1i:111,1118M .p .odu. his the WV:WA , —Vr'ilr:giltCgto—CTCP-I;[:f;lmprOvtng. Kentnety Pieldlers' veneration—At tem *ln. pted Suicide of on Alleged Anton. LorisviLta, !larch til.—The Kentucky Sol diers' Conaention meets here on the 16th end I:th of ApriL Arrangements have been made to bring soldiers at half fare over the princi pal roads. All *dicers and soldiers who served in Kentucky regiments are cordially invited. A largo attendance Is eapected. Sterling King t who confessed himself guilty of attempting the assagaination of Secretary Seward, endeavored to commit suicide this morning by severing a blood vessel of his arm. Ills recovery is doubtful. Liquor Setaures In libuisieetsti 1 New Toss, March 11.—At Taunton, Massa chusetts, certain liquors that were seized last , week by the State Conetables, were yesterday re-seized by the Vatted States Marshal, and returned to the owners. Massachusetts pro . h IMO the sale of liquor within her bontidanmi. The United States grants licences for such sales under which certain citizens of Massa , el/mitts puzsziothelr business In deflanosof the State is ws, and are arrested and lined by their authority. This raises a question of the pow er indirectly of a buslne.• prohibited by the State. The case excites much comment.. Fenian Meeting In Philadetphis. March 21.—The third of the series of meetings of the friends of Dish na tionality was Halls , The the American Mechanics Hall. The D t Head Centre, Andrew Arynne. presld r—Stirring speeches were made by icn. B. F. Mullin, 5. Meary and Major Haag - arty. Speaking of neutrality luw, General Mullin said, the course prodosed by Stephens und o , 2lanoney would not, and dig not, meditate any I - Whitton of them on military and naval operation.. lie wait re ccient, but miggestlye. He contended for the law of retribution. The Gee Case—Karderer Belewsea— Freedmea•s Shemin trimisted Cheers. • New Tone, March R.—Tlio Tribunre's Raleigh correspondent s telegtaphs that the Gee case will last till Juno, eltizeu, convected by the Military Commis sion at Richmond, of the murder of some Union soldiers, has been released by the ace retary of War because of &clerical error in the report.' The Freedmen's Bureau in Virginia and North Carolina have tut nod criminal ewes over to civil courts Norfolk Oyster Trodo—Ciemeot C. Cloy. FOSTIIIII.I Mon itelf., March 40.--A largo meet ing was held at Norfolk lately, to protest aguinet the present regulations of the oyster trade and to take measures to test their le gality. Strong resolutions were adopted on the subject. It la reported that Clement C. Clay has been allowed on his parole of boner the liberty of ,t l h n e rFn r :l 4 .lg s o:t v y i , t r h e i t ' irrg t Palls of 01l ot t y " :t . night. Rhode Demoeratie lion. l'novinsace, B. I. March 21.—The Demo cratic State Conrerdiork wan held to-day. Thos. Stiene, of Smithfield, presided. Wm. J. Mil ler and (leo. N. Bliss were chosen Seeretarle.s. NO rumination. for State officer, wore made. A committee was raised to bring forward ticket hereafter if deemed expedient Reso lutions were adopted declarlag the const.tu- Gen to be the foundation of American liberty, o moving taxation without representation, aid endorsing Andrew Johnson. New Yoga, March 21.-In the evidence for the uroseeution le the trial Of Major Gee, at Raleigh, for alleged inhuman trejitment to prisoners of war is the testimony of several soldiers of Nov 'York regiments, that Maim Geo ordered a Union soldier to be carried to the grave While yet alive. The testinionr daily becomes more damaging. It Is supposed tile evidence for the defense will begin on the titb lest overland Telegraph Expedition. New Yoax, March 21.—The steamer New York sailed itt noon today (or Aspinwall. Among her passengers we. Mr. Thomas W. Knox, the well known Journalist and writer, who will accompany the overland telegraph expedition from san Francisco through Lib°. lan, China and Aussie, to Western Europe. WASIIINOTON, Harsh 41.—it appears from of tidal data, that the Arlington estate, tomer the property of Gen. Lee, belongs to the brovernment, It having been purchased at a sale, for the non-payment of taxes. Lowavrtis, March 2L—The river Is rising slowly, with cloven lent five inehes of water in the canal. Patton Township Eleetion. The following Is the result of the election In ['eaten township election: Judge—J. Btevertm.... tid AL T00hi11.... 4' Inspector—E. Myers-- 00 .f i clinley.. 40 Assessor—J. Carothers.. 01 UM 89 Sapervisora—lL McElroy 88 R, unning'm 99 P. 'Wilhite De ANltabinson.. 30 &let Dfr-F. McClure... DO L.MeGlnlay... 104 J.Thompeon. 3:1 Oas.Orier..... 33 Audifor—T. McMaster'. 99 J. McGinnis.. • SLI Th. Treaa—E. Kunkle.— 89 8. McKinney. 40 Constable—John Bylyl.. 111. Tp. Clerk—John Scott... 00 • 12= • Passed.—Wo learn thtouh Yr. Dawes, that tAmeravielons of the act atiVel Co the term; of School Director; - ahltrOved April have been etztend&F tat Allegheny county. acapplament Ito tatiel b.p..yyyrjuss passed the uegidature. ....=s^lcae~"3au:."i' - ' 3 ..~.+,m~.=a~:+~';' ~:~1 2 ?+.:s,'.~i`Ld~"~J.}~. ~ C .:. -. ~ .. Mho Thai of Jailor Gee Arlington Estate, Inver at Loul.ville t•I V I FE:1 , 1:11! 4711 Pl etobunin. Fort Wayne eand irblertwo Railway Comp:toy—Ammo" Siertlog of Ntocktioldern. The annual recount; of the stockholder., or; the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chlengo Rail way Company was held on Wednesday, March flat, at the °Ake of the Company in this city. John Lorimer of Wooster, as caned to preside, and F. M. Hutchinson, Esq., acted as aecrotary. It was resolved that the polls for the annual election of Directors should open at noon and close at two o'clock P. BL Gen. George W. Casa, President of the Cons- =h. then submitted . the annual report of the.! of Managers, an abstract of which we , append below. The report shows the gross earnings for the year 1865 to be as follows . From Passengers Freight Nails. • Express Itents.. " itiseellancous Total e,440 ,SG The expenditures were : Maintenance of Way id ,3440. ..6 Care 5:11,11..: 91 Motive Power 1,6+31,91: M Conducting Tranaportation General Expenses 1,::Z979 79 6g7,919 • . Total $5.2a5515 Which leaves it balance of 43,°X3,54411 98 f o rth net income arising from the operations of the Rail way. The financial operations of the company are set forth as follows: Total Income Total Disbursements -- .Surplus S37O,XX , OS To this latter amount add the investment in the Akron Branch road, $175 575.40, , ail let gives a total Of $.1Z0,150.83 above all expenses and lia bilities, January 1, 1868. The expenses of working the road have been el% per Cen exceeded he gross income. The earn , lags of 1865 those of Itird $1,308,69 , 1.83, or about 111:14 per cent. In reference to the future the report says "the Board is ensiling to venture an esti mate for the current year, In view of the pa ralysoi of the industrial and commereial in terests of the country, growing out of the transition state through which it la passing." It Is stated, however, that the position of the road is snob its to give it a full share of the business of the country, whatever 'hat busi ness may be, and such as to enable the com pany to accomplish favorable results in the working of the road out of whatever traffic may oCer. The entire road Ls reported Li ex °alien t condition. More man on e-b al fof the en tire 403 Males between Pit t6burgh end Chicago have been renewed within the past two years, and all paid for out of the earnings—a result which it Is believed no other company ever accomplished Ina like period of time. The total length of siding laid during tine year was 12 miles and 22.50 feet, making Wattles and :27 feet now ill use. There were two new . locomotives added during the year, Makin the total number IV). The pasSenger anti' freight egtiljunent was very rnt4erially Merea. I ed durtorrthe year. The report then refers to the contract be- 1 tween this Company and the Cleveland and Pittaborgh Company, and status that , the amount paid nutter the contract is not : large for the object. gained. It al.' not expected that any considerable sum i s4ould be paid out of the income of either ; party to gain these results, and the Boards of the respective companies have concluded a slip- pleMent to the original contract, which arts I executed on the lath of February last. This supplement WWI read and received the aporo- r val of the stockholders. Tile Board then alludes to tile purchase and i operation 01 the Akron Branch railroad, elixir one miles in length, and extending from Ilua- son, on the Cleveland mill Pittsburgn road, to 31111ershurg, the county neat of Holmes coun ty, The amount paid for the title to this road was 4470,9.40, and the low prier', together with ' too object gained of preventing the road from ' falling into unfriendly frauds induced the purchase, which it Ls believed win prove profit-' ably. The lease of the New Cantle awl Beaver ley Railroad Is next referred to, and the re suite have shown that the arrangement to a profitable one, and that It will always prove ' remunerative to this corn patty, and aloe to the . shareholders of the N. L. B. V. Co. The • gross earnings of the latter company, from July hit to Dec. 31st, lea% was $79.013.97, of which 00 per cont.) ar was tine to the i P. W. F.& C. It. W. Co. The repot t then refers to (our railway pro- Jects making Fort Wayne a terminus, nail tile. comes the importance of these p.o.lects, when completed as feeders to the main line of the company. The establishment of Transportation Lines "Ls next referred to. For ten years the com pany declined to admit these lines, but found thorns:Ares, by reason of Itransl i antatioll:l.."•ll. debt COMIKAILIg lines, compel .1 to e.taldldi them, but in no doing have taken such preemn Lion us .311 give tho greaten! natistnettte , I' shippers, slot protect the company agaltin. rla and An Improper absorpt lon of he profits of th t, e business due to the railroad comp:lnn.. US far the reeolt has shown an increase hi • ' • nameset reormattar - sesanasturnantar.ettverts thleneetin OM route by shlppers,and an increase.. of net rovenne without a eorreeponding crone of capital The [Maid coneinde by aoknou ledging the adelity Industry, and entetelty with which the business of the road has been managed during the nest tear by the several executive I °dicers and their subordinates In their respee dee depot tmesits. The report was areepted and adopted, after which the meeting adjourned. The following named gentlemen were duly elected Directors tor the ensuing year • J. P. D. Lanier, Louis H. Meyer, Simnel .1. Tilden„ New York; J. Edgar Thompson, C. W. Cass, bprmger ILarbarigli, Pennsylvania, Runt Jarvis, It. It Springer Hon. John Alterman, Ohio; Samuel H J anna, esse L. Williams, flint' Hoagland, /0411 aria; Win. It. Ogden. Illinois. In nemoriam The teachers at the Fourth Ward School, natultlalay street, dller,hony, ut a nr,,etitie held Monday, March 10, unanimously the following resolutions ass tribute r u xpect to the memory of their beloved h. d and fellow teacher, Miss heckle J. Haman who was unexpectedly called away Gem r earthly toll to enter, as we fondly trust, t eternal rest of the blessed in Heaven Winanzati, It has pleased God, the soverelip ruler or the universe, and all-wise disposer of events, to remove from our midst our amiable friend and fellow teacher, while yet in actual service and ardently devoted to the Import. ant duties of her profession ; therefore Res , itect, That in her sudden and unexpect ed death we keenly realize the loss of a wor thy Associate, a zealous, devoted and surreal. fel teacher, and a sincere and affectionate friend. Resolved, That In this sad bereavement we recognize the hand of a merciful hod, who by thin dispensation solemnly and earnest:) , calls on us also to prepare to meet HMI. Consumption, that Insatiate foe, ever de lighting to select the fairest for Its prey, marked her for its victim, and with unwonted speed accomplishmi Its fearful work; teaching us the lessen we are so slow to learn, that our life is held by a very uncertain tenure, and we should always be ready to lay down the armor and receive the crown. • . Bemired, That we cherish the memory of this loved ono, who so faitnluily fulfilled her mission, and while we drop the tear of sorrow over the grave of our departed friend, we tender our kindest symdath lea to the Ix , relived family of which she was a member. Resulted, That in her death our schools have lost ark earnest, faithful teacher, the fruits of whose labors so excellent and so abundant, can neither measured nor recounted till the end of time. Intellectual toe high degree, the subject of warm Impulsive affection., pos sessing a noble nod gencrons nature, and but, In the morning of her earthly existence, life with its pleasures and enjoyments was sweet to her, but The life bath gone, the breath is fled, And what huth bees, no More shell be; Tl4;piiiillosr7inriri7iie welcome tread, Ohl where are theyl and iniere is steel Reintoed. That these resolutions be pnbllshal a th o d ally papers, and a ,copy presented to thd bare; aced Burglars Felled at Last—Outeidere and Dap'leate Keys Rendered Uncles.. - - We were recently shown n floor look, the In vention of M. MetMunigle, Esq, of the city of Allegheny, which fatty sustains the mars title, and we have no limitation in pronoun cing it one of the greatest inventions of the day. It Is n Complete novelty, quite simple In Its - construction, easily understood, mania ran be manufsetured and finished US cheaply as the common locks 'now in use. It mount read ily be put out anyer but, should such a thing happen,worker In iron can make the necessary repairs as well as a lock smith. It can, by simply removing the face plate rind adjusting the spring bolt, be used either an a right or left hand or mortice lock. The han dles or snobs, which operate the spring bolt, are arranged on separate spindles, and when propekly adjusted they become a permanent part of the lock, and hence the continued an noyance of rattling and loose handles is en tirely done away with. This part can be used separately, where the bolts which are opera tea by the key are unnecessary. Letters put.. ant for this bolt have been scented. In the next place, that part of the lock the I bolts of which are operated by the key, con- . slot of two bolts, so arranged that whim the i key Is turned on one side, the bolt which It springs into the keeper passes over the out. side or Opposite key holes, shutting the same so effectually that a person inside is rendered tectly secure film intrusion t w o an ints. We consider It far superior to any lock now in use, for hotel and private bed - room doors, de. it is impandble teinsartanything from the outside into the key bole, and there fore it cannot be piCked, or disarranged by outside interference. Letters 'patent have also been secured forth° arrangement of these bolts. Mechanics or other persons curious in such sitters are invited to call and examine the Mee, third story, City liall, Allegheny. • Ualoa P rayer Meeting.—There Is a Busi ness Men us prayer meeting held every day In the Pint Presbyterian Chureb, Wood street, at 4 o'clock. P. SL, etintinning one hour- The Christian community aro cordially invited to attend; We understand that these meetings have been atte n dance me three weeks past, with a fair and Considerable Inter est,. There seems to be a moving among the dry bones, and if /here is any Incitement in the abounding wickedness in oar midst, It Is high time fOk all oar churches to awake from leep slid get to work. Merrimac rraliatag Law In Allegheny. —A special meeting of Allegheny Councils will be, held on. Frlo.y evening, (Lo-morrow) for the of considering the question or g of the existing ordiniume erebibitlng the eireflonOt wooden buildioee. majea. Of the people. bolas voted In favor of - ro brilariedMet their - lashes MU be cirri attercractlaticalilimeh oppoation. Wool Growers• Association. The Wool Growers of Allegheny County met er , loy. at Ilarcie Hotel, at the call of Gov. ' j ohn• •>n, N'aie President of this county of the State Wool Growers, A.ssociation. The t.iilon-luit Constitution °us offered by cov../ohn.,ton, and after a little discussion, was adopted To further the extension, secure the proper. ty and protein the Interests Of tanners and others engaged in wool-growing in the county of Allegheny, Pennstivanla. we have adopted this •1111, TITCTION. i. That the Society shell be called the "Wool Growers' Society of Alicklieny county, " and that it shall be counts, ed with and auillary to the Wool Growers' State Association of Penn sylvania, and the National Wool Growers Air , sedation. t. That the officers of the Society'' hall con slat of a President, Secretary ands„Treamiror, and corresponding clerk, and said °dicers shall be now elected, and hold their offices un til others are elected. That the annual meet- Mg shall be held In Pittsburgh on the first Monday of February, at which time and place, °incenses aforesaid shall be elected. 3. The President, Secretary, Treasurer and Clerk shall perform such other duties as usual -Ipir: in g t. ritd;O o fti r ce ni s.. o. Th i at th a e r. Pr i es . l e d a e c ri t t townshg x-) iierth Executive Committee ; that said committee shall have charge of the inter ests of the Society in their respective town ships, procure mernoers, eirenftto informa tion, diaserninate petitions, whetheraddressed to State deli national authorities, L eith such Aber details us may - from timatotiPle be given hem In charge. 1. Thee the objects and purpo'See of the So- net v, are set forth in the preamble annexed. G 1 oat the President of this Society shall be "presentative delegate to the State Ass°- , ation. t. That the payment of live dollars shall eons I slim., any person a life member, and the sum of one dollar an annual member. That the See etary is hereby directed to procure certifb sales for membership, to he handsomely de, signed with proper vignette, and deliver the same to each member of the Society. 7. That full discussions shall be allowed at anneal meetings in relation to the best meth ods of relsing, caring (or and Improving sheep; of the beat modes of preparing wool for mar ket, and the kind best suited to this climate, ..te. Any report made by any member in wet ri n g to file among the archives of the Society. S. That the President of the United States, the Governor of Pennsylvania, the President of the State Society of Wool Growers of Penn sylvania, the Senator; from Permsylveula In the National Congress, and the members of Congress representing this cOunty, or any part thereof, are hereby constituted honorary members of this Society. In accordance with this constitution, Hon. W. Y. JOntneros was unanimously chosen Pres ident, and Jab. 111.'Doxstn Grtex, Esq., was elected Secretary, Treaturrer and Correspond ing Secretary. The following comulittemi were a ppomted, In accordance with the Constitution, to eirou- late petitions asking for an Increase In the TartlTupon Wool. Findlay—James McAllen, Robert Mel:Arran, George Burns. Moon.-Philip Stevenson, Wm. H. Guy, Base- I lull Metik. Robinson , -Capt. John Young, liatthere Hall. Prenklin—liermon Wright. Scott—Cot. Wm. Espy, Thompson McCabe. Upper St. Clair—John (1111.111 an, Alex, Fife, Borland. Snowden—Ur. Gllnispie, Alex. 31°31m - ray, I Wm. Donald/lon. • • Jellersen—Andrew Large, Milo Wilson, .1. D. MeElhenny. .Elizabeth—Capt. James Kerr, Wallace !they, ; James Bruce, Samuelllindmen, Jr. Union Carnahan....Vorsatiles--John I.ndtrlcr, James S. Lari— more, Francis Walls. Patton—Alexander Elliott, John Thompson, , John Morrison, McKelvy, Henry clialfant, ; .Tr., Jame.. Kelly. 51..trahall—Sti sire Neely. (VI lo—John alerrick. .$3,111,V.1 48 . 4.7 or; 48 u ,4 88 oo 110 1,451 12 25,354 ON 640,1 OA 01 4,259,.175 II Fawn—Jamos Kennedy, Bonjamin Harbison, John Ess ME= • . Harri.n--John Ilarrlson,Washington North Fuvette—Geo. K. 31eKee, Robert Pot tor, It. W. dlonn, I.l¢J. John Marthens. South Payette—John H lekumn, G. Y. Coulter Wm. !dogs. West Deer—Marti:non Porter. Indiana—Wm. Henderson, sr., David Boyd James Barton. East Deer—George Pillow, Wm. G. Reed, A r ealttald J Cbartlers— , Cornelln sonny, John Hodson, ohn S. neelly. Mr. Glenn offered tile following renollition wide h u lid Enfolded Resolved, That we circulate petitions for the lowing: tint les to im ituposed on intportell v. mil, viz : ten t cuts per 1t.., and ten per cent, t.•. 1 re'erret. inele ling energise at last port of entry or, on unshed went antes, not more I.llllli -two cents per M.: and twelve cents pei /La.: ten imr red ~ .d on wool erit :nu .tver Ilttrts -t e emits per lit., furl utllng hi. de , 111 lest port of notr.::--tiouttle these et Co to be charged on washed and triple on scoured wool. • The Seeret.o.ry W. ordered to procure nod non W:Wq yiAltions qr? (rt,ponding to thin ,ottltron. ' Mr. Gluon orterell the following, which woo 11014.1: Resulted, That the than ks of the Association are hereby tentlared to the editors of the Gazette, Coninierentl, Chronicle and Poe, for too it generosity al giving the use of their columns for the benefit of this Association. The Association then adjourned, subject to the call of the President. Moat".let Court W mussel n a v, March D.—Before Judge Damps toe. The Jury m the case of Miss itt=spit.oVr 6on rs. John Corey—action for breach of promise of inarriage--returned a waled verdict for the plaintiff in the suns of Vtlloo. .Vm. La pie vs. W. W. Bradshaw. Action to recovers balance alleged to be duo the plain tiff for work done. The Jury was withdrawn, and the case amicably - arranged by the parties. Harvey Robinson and Robert B. Robinson ve. The school Directorsof Baldwin township. The plaintiffs each put a tubstitnte in the army, paying the bounty out of their own funds. They then applied to the School Di rectors for the sum vf WOO each, being the amount which said Di:ectors are authorized to pay, ender Act of Assembly, to those who might put substitutes in the army, aud•have them properly criqon the quota of the ~strict. Capt. Fo s . rovent Marshal, teoti that the plaintiffs 'ad put substitutes in '• nrurY, and that the record showed that •Nrere duly credited On the quota of Bald .,vruship. I)efcneants' counsel argued is , the case for the .plaintiff's had not been set, inasmuch as there was no proof • quota had been nasttened to that Dis t. -no evidence that the plaintiffs had pr Id any money to the substitntes. The sole[t..eee, however, WEB this : The defendants lusd pot to their astbatitntes prior to the patemoe of the act authorizing the pay 's:tient of IFYXo by the School Direetora, and it was held trust the act was not retrospective, and hence slid not apply to.those substitutes put in before it's passage, The Jury found for plaintiffs in the sum of pao each—subjee to the opinion Of the Court upon questions of law reserved. There are several suits of a similar kind now pending, and it Is probable that the question will be taken to the Supreme Court for decision. John Ilughes vs. Anthony Frevvogle. Action of ejectment. On trial. Court of Common Plea. Wunacno&r, March 21.—lletore Judge Ster rett. in the (We of Ackerman ye. Shafer, before reported, the jury, after remaining out all night, came into Court and mated that it was Impossible for them to agree. They were, therefore, discharged. The slander ease of Mrs. Algeo ve. Hrs. Agin was resumed., and a number of witnesses examined on beha lf of the plaintiff. The tes timony went to show that the slanderous words complained of had been uttered by the defendant. One witnaas was examined for the defense, but the testimony did' not help the case of the defendant., whereupon the counsel for the plaintiff stetted that there was but ono way to settle the matter, and that was by making a retraction. The plaintiff did not cairn to make money of the nefendant, her only object being to viddicato her character. The Jury was then withdrawn, and by consent of counsel the followingentry was made upon the record : 'Thereby declare I did not any of Mrs. Moo any of the words laid in the do (lteration of the plaintiff, and that I know nothing aguinet the character of tirit. A.lgeo as complained of in this case; and the defend 'ont agrees to pay. the costs of the Witnesses so as not to exceed $5O, and $3O counsel fee to plaintiff's attorney—docket fees to be relate. ed. , ' Thin statement *se signed by the coun sel for the defendant, and thus the matter ended. E. 11. Ifeaatlngs vs. Edward Efehentattb and wife. Action for serelces rendered as survey or. Verdict for defendants. . . Mrs. Margaret G. Semple vs. John B. Semple Action on a promissory note for $2,000, with la terest from December 1, 1860. Amusements. TnawTas: In consequence Of Win enthaoWs. Mu manner in which the beautiful play of Naomi, the Deserted, was received last Want, Manager Henderson has been prevailed Upon p e n t peat it, ch a rni Mrs. Waller will r her great ter of Naomi. This is one of Mrs. Waller's Meat thrilling perform. autos, and Is a character in which she stands preeminent. The performance will conclude with the pleasing farce of the Dead Shot. On Saturday afternoon a matinee will be giv en for the benefit of familiar, at which the son. outlet. play of the Streets of New York will be presented. Draws doves.—Tonight Is the sixteenth night of Ilelen Western's engagement,: and still the "Woetorn" mania rages. TO-night she appears as Dion Bourelcault , s great gye,,a e t drama of the Octoroon, or Life in LOttisiene, as Zoe, Mr. Herne personating the charactnr of jaejb wci n ynny. On saturdny nticirnodn there wi.. be a grand Bolen Western tontin ee for tile weak of families, at which the Frew% Spy will be produced. Masonic MALL.....T40 IrOnderfni SithyMi stUl e teltee the curb:eats Of theric, and draws crowds to Masonic Hall eve - night. The per. formanees of Mons. Fabian, lively wizard of the entertakunent and the drawing of the numerous gifte,coin_prise the amusing portion of the exhibition: We include the drawing is a portion of the amus e ment,for it is really amusing to witness the eagerness of those who hold numbers to see what their prize is. Dr. Wisdom—We invite the attention of our friends to the advertmement, under City liothles, of this celebrated occulted. and aurist. whOse testknonlabi as a skillful operator are of toast convincing character. HO wiDbe fond at parlor 11 Monongahela HOU% where we advise all afflicted by defeetive eight and hearing to mil and consult with him.. The doctor will remain until Wednekiae March thtli; after that time he wilk visit PlettelMtit Monti:ay, of which due notiottwlll betimes, ~-'F~ r.:v .F~~Y`" , ~.n.~.y~~ ~`~..v~ ~. ~~;,,~;:~:~`a` ul. a~'a'.. _~.:a.:,r...,. x,:ntr,.t. PR CE THREE CENTS 140nira on “Paroltar Poopl4E. Nearly everybody Iles hoard Mr. tion,q•, WO need Say nothing of his peculiar manner and hlp orielnal litylu of eloquence, Ids droll and Inimitable humor, and his ansurnaseed Power of personation,' by which he is able to Mom to his audience the character he wish°r to deecrlbe. • On Wednesday evening dollvered his lee tare on "Peculiar People," at City Mall, under the auspices of the Mercantile Library Asso ciation, to am many people as could possibly j find sitting room In that spacious edifice. The faults, follies, frailties and peculiarities, both noble and ignoble, of all elasseS of people, , were brought successively and rapidly before the audience, with all the vividness and truth hiltless of real life, while the orator, with ' that beautiful benevolence and Christian charity for which he Is diatingulsbed, com mended, or excused, blamed gently, or indig nantly denounced, the various virtues, vices, frailties, follies, or crimes he •so vividly de pleted. True, living and heartfelt piety Was contrasted with hollow.bearted hy y r ,a oci rimy and cant • and the soldier, heroical.4. Ming or suffering for bin eountty, with the wretch who, to gain a paltry party - end, would stab that country to the he art. With all his atlrth.proroking qualities, Mr. Gough is an minima Christian,, and he is not ashamed to express his sentiments before the audience. lie is not ghat namby-pamby dilu ted style of Christianity so common In borne literature and fashionable life, but is aground, and fall and thrilled that which Pant reach. et; and he hisauditors, whee l' at the close, with bervld eloquence he exhortik them to strive to be of the number of tuat "Peculiar People" whom Christ is purifying to himself. "zealous of srood works." This evening Mr. Gough lectures in the j same Hall upon the subject of Temperance one noon which of ell others he is peculiarly at home, and handles with a power rarely equaled, and we think never surpassed of course the house will ho again c ro w ded. We have been requested to entitle/lee that owing to the Late:l , -s of the arrival of the chairs, the Lecture Committee win not be able to sell secured seats sooner than 2 o'clock this afternoon. Court of Quarter Sessions. WiDNESDA.T. March U.—Before Judge( Mel lon and Brown. James Palmer was tried for the larceny or a horse. Jury out. Edwin Jones was put on trial for larceny, but the Jury found a verdict of not guilty. Peter Emgee and Peter Stewart were ar raigned on a charge of burglary, in robbing the store of Mr. Kramer, or the Fifth ward. Emgeo was used as State's evidence, and a not. pr.. was entered as to him. Stew art was convicted and remanded for sentence. James Dunn was acquitted of a charge of larceny, but earnestly warned by the Court to abstain froM drinking liquor, and attend to his work, or he would yet find himself in the penitentiary. - - • Bermefit of W. J. Cogrowell.—thi idenday night Mr. IV. J. Cogswell, the leadiug man at the Pittsburgh Theatre, takes a benefit. This is Mr. Cogswell's first benefit SIMI) his pfrival in our midst, and he is eminently deserving a first class benefit. He has worked hard, and has succeeded as we honestly believe In mak ing hosts of friends, and we hope that they aft turn out upon this occasion. The pieces selected tor this occasion are Wonde - or the Woman who Keeps a Secret, and Capte , m fi yd. The bill Is well selected and will be pot upon the stage in the most attractive manner. Matotraantnx o Mutsamee.—litil Burgwin, agent of .lames B. Irwin, ameased, was before the Mayor yesterday on a charge of maintain ing a nmaanco in the react Burke's building on Fourth street. Kis r hold the defend ant to the strict letter o tbe law, and he wit.s tined tM. This moo in another argument to favor of the sewerage system. Land I.lllde,—A land slie occurre the hmtvy storm yesterdayscorning, uponthe Connelleville road shout a mile and u half this side of McKeesport. The road was covered with rock and debris, and completely blocku dod. The only damage done was the deten tion of the trains for a few.hours. Jurors fined.—The following named Ju rors, falling In attendance at the Court of quarter Sessions, wore yesterday fined S3o each for non.attentlance, atttanenta wore 'seared for than"' J. G. itnekofen, oo Andrew Gut ty,, J. Millar, U. Juraphreys, W. P. Weyntan, and .1. S. Willock. - Aemaull and Battery.—Thomas Norton., and Roger Rowe u ere yesterday hold to bull by Mayor McCarthy for assault and battery' on the person of Thomas Ragan, a watchman In the Ninth ward, whlle In the discharge or his dnty. Larce.—Mra Kelly wai yesterday before Mayor McCarthy charged on oath of H. Mur phy with the larceny of 01,76. Upon bearing the ease, the CV Mellor, wan deemed Insonicient to bold the accused. and she was discharged, - - The Spbyux.—The chamber set wtoi pre- Rented to Mr. IL B. Beggs, nil Penn street, evening, at. Maxonlc lied. lu this vv. - dec. Grew will be anothe. chamber net given awe). costing VS, and 149 other present. • Home Allldn.—Mr. F. Dolhnun, atter an ab sence of several months In Europe, has re turned to Ids home In renewed health anti in esnellcut opt Its. ills numerous Lrlenda ulll be glad to wkleome "Frank Leslie's Lis;ljos Magazine" for April, with a rich volume of contents, has been received, and cam he had at Pittock's, Filth street, opposite pastoffico. The engineers en the Western Central Rail road. under the supervision of W.lnor Roberts, Esq., have commenced locating be tween Clarion and Brownsville. OUR HARRISBURG LETTER. Correspondence of the "Pittsburgh Gazette. HAIM/1811SO, March 31, Wed Mr. Glass has read a bill repealing so much of the first section of the act of Starch 1, ISA for the Improvement of Highland Avenue, in Collin's township, as provides for the election of Street Commissioners on the third Friday of April, and authorizing the electors who re side on the Avenue, to meet at the school house, on the third Friday of March, and elect a Commissioner for Otte year. The Commis sioner Is to assess, levy, and collect from the owners of teams,wagons,ea..ts or othervehlcles hauling or transporting stone on said avenue, the sum of five cents per perch for each and every perch hauled by vehicles having wheels or tires of four Inches in breadth, and seven cents per perch for vehicles having wheels or tires of less than tour inches, the same to he collected weekly. Mr, Sigh= hastesull a bill incorporating the City Deposit, Bank mid Truitt Company, with a capital of $lOO,OOO. Allred Pearc John At well, R. S e d e rs erg Brewer, IL. W. Burke, Jr., Shalleriberger, George Beam and W. H. Gordon arennamed, named as bleorpomtors. The Company are to receive money on deposit and to transact any other hardness transacted by banks, except theissueof eirenlating notes They can alsonold oddeposlt in trust notes of the United States, States, individuals =deur- pomtions and to sell the same. Mr. Bigliam has a small bill in charge allow ing Messrs. Reese, Graff and Dail, of your city, to construct a railroad from their works to the sid Allegheny Valle eitYli y Raii te•lroad at a point just out- M "An act incorporating the Pittsburgh and Connellaville " ie the title and Manufacturing Corn. pear, le of a tall read by Mr. Herron. In the bill Messrs. A. Batelle, II M. Wickers ham, J. M. Rallay, N. J. Bigler, W. M. Faber, S. 11. Hartman; W. E. Bmertz, Bateman Our, and 1.,. Goehring, are named as incorporatory with a capital of $6OO OOO , which can be in creased toe million; the company can hold lands, tenements and mineral rights in Atte- • gheny, Westmoreland. Fayette and Somerset counties; the lauds not to exceed two thous and acres. They can also mine coca, - iron ore, limestone, firs clay, and othqr minerals and manufacture Iron and steel, and make/inch railroads as the?. desire; no NO to exceed al a n aig M trra in h=read a Pines in corporating the Peoples' TradinCompany of the borough of Birmingham., This bill pro. grVbe t w o gftßothb.nlr. / l ag ° e l , ' ,kltl g y o b : rll ' ilt Nicholas Runtzler and Samuel P. Hellas power through 'authorized agents to carry on the business of general dealers, both wholesale and retail, to buy and sell all kinds of goods, wares, increhandize, produce, Movisions, fuel and any other articles that may be necessary in the business of general • dealers; also to re ceive and sell goods upon coramissloni and to encourage stockholder. so as to enable them to purchase to a better advantage the 'recess._ nes of life, The capital Is to be WM. =2 Oti.9-032 Wednesday morning. Much Tibt. .14 o'clock, Mrs. MAittIAKET. retool. of doshooltotio. In the TO you of bar ago. The funeral whl take place ruts aryzurecor at: o'clock, from the residence of her son., Johnston Hors, East Liberty., Tim Mania of the famLly are rmpectfully invited to attend. - • BINDLEY—On Wedneadoy. • March Mat. at quar ter p mi a snat tw , r. ti .. aon of John C. and El Notice of funeral In Evening Chronicle and to morrow mornlneo - 404:4 s 314 EMLI.LIPALE- CEBILE'rEItY.—A rue and most picturesque place 6f If6palt.re, nate on the uplands: Immediately north of Alleitheuf Cltyosu the blew ltrlghtan Kee& .Penes wtahnly to Getout Ithilal Lou :11l apply at the belPellfdbh. ant's oleos. et the Cemetery., 'Title Deed., Perndu 'and all other tonstneat will attended to at the Drys Warehoute of the andered, corner Of cod boisaoek streets, sUI DT. Bearably sod Treasurer, We) :Telo) of No a aki -11011Pitin 64,C0., • • DIALERS DI Choice.Faiiiily Groceries, C learlfsrerd A YTOAMMlS PI S A S S I I N ' 121 ' cm, etc. ATTILA. LOWEsT pleleiss; Also Agents (Or REYNOLDS 4 CO.'S %EERIE POW DEES. Sold lc PecSeSee at-23 c.d.50 No. 790 Penn Street. oda= Rd PIANOa SECOND -mum P I A Z 3 -7 2 -013, , A 1.80,4440, $6O. VINIOI2OO - $ l2O, • ~ $l4O and uPsvazda oamu.tyrrs ITS'GAZIA:t.E. TWO EDITIONS ARE ,?RIOTED. on ON woman fitt OTHES smato The edition IS tprrtahall !Ida UIIt Mob the sat. ecrlaert socinast se:the ilia taut. TERMS i, Slnglle Copies • " .41 50. clubs of Flys 1 115. in clubooften asulupwsrll.s..--- 1 15. BOOTS AHD SHOES. ' 4 THE PRESS. IT IM-PRESS Fv KNOWLEDOE, 'ILM-PBXEIIfEB ERROV, DE-I•REgmEs TYRANNY, OP-PREBBEB NUN N. AND EC .I . IIIC.SES THE TRUTH wben It aays that tfls LAlttiEal tad BEST assortment of =I BOOTS & SHOES x 1 T7ElCEozcxxlc-sr Is TO BE FOUND AT CARDINER'S COMMIT BALL SUDS STUB No. 60 Fifth St., Where Goo* are Warranted;lote. Paired Free and sold Cheaper than any other EstabllSh- mh. meat in the City PROPOSALS COSS'ltOm.len'ti lIFPIC0 0, , tilyy ALLsnuesy. March 16th, IMO. f SEALED PROPOSALS will be Ire ,-; eelovocirl 01 ,211:0111.ce until MONDAY EVENING, ??4,.1r.t.5.e-,t,„b•°W.'"fabtileeSEr"ian of the On. lis, In the Market Lights and dißelivetlr hi e ge . lll additional lieu found with DIJNCAN I.lALLAs.l'llebek'tLf°7h:Vat•! kots. Proposals will also be received at the same , time for furnishing 20 new (Du Posts, 1 mieskeetel It. R. FRANCIS. City Controller. COUTUOLI.a.tt'S (Yenta, - I -- CITY' 07 AI.LtOULNY, Marc La,l6O FALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Q ”Proposals for Grading and Paving, 1 ' will be receivedat NW°Mee until MONDAY EVENING, Anril 24. for timeline' and Paving the following Streets. vise Aldwell Street, from Ditto A venue to Juniata SI reet•, Franklin Street, from Allegheny Avmote to eedgwlek Street; tiamilton Street, Irene Allegheny Avenue to Manchester line; Rldge Street, Dom Ma rion Aturme totrolre Avenue; Allegheny Avenue, fehru 'Western Artnue, to Franklin Street; Ohio Av enue, Roote Railroad to Manchester line: Third street, East Lane to Chosnnt Street; Fremont I S , reci. front.Ohle Lane to Islandidenethecond Al -1,. from 'Middle Street to West Street berth Ave nut frame Federal Street to Cedar Avettekt North A mime, Rob, Cedar Avenue to East Land. Any information desired in relation to the above will be given by %VAL SicLIKNDRY, Rocordlng licgulttur. R. B. FRANCIS, deleanlatd City Controller. I ) II.OPOSALS.—SeaIed Proposals fur !Supplying the Treops ett Allegheny ArlenaL, P •una., with 333ELE33 - r_ F•d• ale months, commencing on the,Flßwr DAY OP - APIUL, MA and ending on the hOth day of Sep tember, 14(4, will lie revelled by the subscriber .n -111 the 1/1/Tit INSTANT, et 12 o'clock, IL. srhen they will ho opened. The Beef to by of read nnd they quality, In quarter, Withan equal fprCo-o iscrslun of each, (necks asedshanks to be excluded.) 'the days of Issue ' the probable quantity Of beef re eutrod, and the ternes and moldltioniterthe contr.., nn be e-m,•rtalned on application to the sniSseriber, at Allegheny Arsenal. ne..Pittabhrgh, yy ISAAC ARNOLD To., tat Lt. of Ord. and Bet. Ca t. U. Se4st, mleD rlb edtd A. A. C. IL CONTRACTORS. — UAILWAY LETTING.—The All teeny Sitter ItAlzad vaviv-O.OilVIMPilu AND 1 Y 14.4 re "l quired l e f is fr the fifteen sections Sr their, road, extending from 011 City atuttaward, nfteen sections 0010041012 ! from Mahotelng Creek northward to the vicinity uf Brady's Bend - Yrou Work, Each section wilt be andut one mile in length. Maps, proeles, piens, and specific-attune of the wok will be ready Air examination at the En •1- iteer's office, ou Plte street, lu ilee City eef Pitts burgh, no the Ist of March next, and proposals will receircil at the saran place oi to 6 o'clock, r o Tile l'ltintsA.Y.stbusoAl. ARC. line w A ll be run out ho d sla ked loon as practiceble, but contractors can at any Slain obtain al the Erigineeex MSc, lea Pittsburgh, all the tutor blatlen necessary to enable then, to eLtnidne and id for the work uutientandlngly. Any further information desired can he had by sPril.tlon In person or by letter to Um subscriber. leltadm F. WRIGHT Chief TEsurineer. pROPOSALS FOR SAFES AND LOCKS. WandDuerots, D. C. March &I, 1866. Sealed Proposals 0 . 111 be received at the 00100 of the Supervising Arcelteet, Treasury Department, Washington, 11. C., until 12 aL, APRIL Fri, IWO, for furnishing the Burglar Proof and the Burglar and Fire Proof Safe.required by the Treasury De partment (or one year from the acceptant° of the proposal of The succeeshil bidder. .idig ,, cl , r o a y tt i o n os t ri f del...l i nes for the i ßurglar Proof ift true on It present u..ed, viz: afern e ate ° 7l;les '' of ' iren t and hardened - steel, can he obtained epee application at this De partment. Burglar F P - tree will be constructed in the same manner 0111.1 eaeed with • suitable fire never covering, the piens and specifications 'for hich must be soltatitted by the bidder. Safes to beshipped in portent condition within a reasonable time trout date of order. The Lock. will lis furnished by this Department, but mat Depot Deplane by the contractor, and be In perfect working order when the Safe le turned over tt the proper °Meer of the Government. • rim bids to be per superficial foot, messared on De outside and to co-er all charges whatever,' of Aline painting and ape: fixtures, (except mkt Of It Tirs. t . nimosals will also he received &or Harglarand it'd Powder Proof Locks; to be accompanied with ll ea mpies, bids meat be - accompanied by the guaranty of I . - o responsible permute In the corn of g 5,0166, that ti e bidder will accept and perterm the contract If awarded to Wm, the salaciener 'of the ...enmity to he no dined to by the District Attorney of the district where the bidder resides. The Department reserves the right to retect any or all bids, op to award -the emaract for Burglar Proof Safes to onoparty. and the Burglar and Fire Proof Sofas to another. Wit be doesnesetthe Inter net dared Government to do so, and, no hid will be con abet dons not conform to the require mg: ° W1:..1Vnt' , ° , 7 1 :P,61,...b, fiSaleo and Leas and addressed to A. 11. 111/lele TT. Supervising Architect. Treasury 'Department, Washington, D. C. A. B. AIUbIICTT, nibilentsrdtapt Acting Supervising Arehltect. CARPETS. "WE OFFER TR'E'E LARGEST . T MAUI In the Weet of everything In tee Ilne clieuEl.3Fnuiss, OIL WLOIIIIB, Dariaa,sk, Reps & Lace .WINDOW CURTAINS. Goad Ikirdered and Plain WifiLlOW SHADES, Table & Piano Covers, ° ""r°'" IPT,,VIt7:I6g LOW EST ""'" INPFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & '73 Fifth Street, 2d 000 r, • Next Oultdiug to U. S. Custom 'louse anti Postal Noe INSTIRANCE. IFE EliBl7/11.1110E1 ILIVEINIIIII - A Neltll-11to N V.Nti .11UP.S.F.Y 111.UTUAL LIFE ItibUNANCE: CO. Or NEWARK, N. • J.', dealt. to .11 the attootlon or tlsons rltt.oltM to NW iiharillritir.mgrumt burgh. , " • " b.—One 'raw feature In Life Assurattee is that onn:robletES are Noieforreitin r.Litstatter. It the party Neemes unable to meet. id s 'animal Par. m , nte he will Rtyr lbtfelt - Dle policy, laittbealnoutit of itituranee will be dlnslnlabetlty scum equivalent 10 the premium so unpaid, ,tberebriunnOringAlie crsLit ObActlon that eatrberuadeptgainstLife Insurance._ HUB Books AEI) paniittleti, &th, can be had.or J /ULM, (loners' -orient mll9-:91c1 Menne rairlionse;_rlttelsnrgh. 'ff:ll;;lgwvio)rgr:wpgiiicwil BUY YOOll NOTIONS, • Tois, Baskets, • vrailralserx:ens, .(Mr B. 1.417E1V8 Varlet, and Store. No. NA klarkevtroct •• A st - rmbts. _...._ .._..._.._, . - ~... UN/11141EL . ' • MO beau pdhatitioshen Cheese; BO bble...prinie New York Dried.Apples6 . 25 do • Dried reaches; querteee: • - . 00 sacks do I do helves; ,•.•• •• bble. New Zoek White Deane; ' :. 66 Dbl. !Sorghum Itlyrop; 100,easks Pesti Ash:. .I" -, SO do - :Soda Ash; Z bails. tirl y tirgv : :;: . ... . .. I,t6oolge Galena Ceed; . 200 hale DOLL , Lake llerrlng; 50. do White Fhb. • • 60 kltte Nos. i twit" Mackerel; 30 half ahle..lld. 3 do ' ' ' Scu Ohio. Pasltrs, :• , ...., u store and fur . at. El ,f. D. acxriti6D. la= let and iti first street _ _ SZUNDRIES *Obis, prime Sorghum; 40 •• " Pickle,: • • CD Pickles. In osag; 10 •• choice Nary Bemis: 30 •• N ow Dried Peaches; T = •• Cut awl-Dry T o l wcaoi •- wa,ao Cigar. all grades, etOre sad formic Jour to the trailit at. : sow cuels, C. Birtts--us bbbi. "" 1 " .3 " 4 tcr ig l akx ambis osaal,o strait. O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers