The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 21, 1866, Image 4

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the WittAlutlit 6aulte
• 'Plat OP Tait Firra ttlagllDAZZTTh. I
Teest..AT. /Larch 20 INDI
7 otett I Re „order
The intletnent W 1 13411/10111A the etxther tn
- 1• 8 . 8 'I/. 1. litlB,ll
_, gether .Ith the depreciation In lb,- sold 1 rk - Ida like, \,,.- Rel .
. - -
°° r o hare a londt ncy in i. tard Moue .
ROBINSON, IIIeCLEAN dlt CO., which, at best has litett t 3.1 - 3 tam la r. el tic ts d LOlO LeBAl
3me rasa
,st di . R Arr Post°, I
Bankers and Brokers, for d " .e. "t e Pont, and us tou iltmenci lot
~,,,,,a3 N. i enst. err', and fr. .•r
Produce general!, 1. • ers halts au I cottfined
No. 76- Fourth Street. Pittsburgh , '
I , a lm ost wholly to supplying Utc Inwrd, 10 no •a I RAVI!. TO-DAT
ORKS IN TE riprit 4 NIL Eli ILLF
sat toms Jolly„_ I Mississippi
A3l 41,1 C 3 • hat non metro and P.m an Arousal Til
'antlers la all kinds•of Clovernment ISesurttlea, Gold . ants of the recall I molt et• laas o hot to a 3
Forest • lay isoralon I.arketsbnr,2
I A aft I/1%1 IF Fl/ on 411.- ant anal each u in.,.•n t
and Silver. IJacurnnt Bank Note., Forel,.
Pitt. b h
s urr,.., g rawn y l in e and c t , neia . ic aynunt or n mini. Its 1 Asll ( 31•IT ' A lit i Office, No. 2 Duquesne Wa.) ,
and Domettic Exotic:toga , etc , ete , et, fe e round lot operations to record
1 IT en, 11 LATHER, err.
ellpilllatlon ( $1 540 lUD 18 88„ urely Ins r.-. 41 In " n
li I.
Deposits received in l Venda and Currency le. I Lilt ll°. -There 11, no di mead for 11 heat, aml
11. O,•L. an i na num., aof9S Al FSTATF it le
cereal allowed On Iliac deposit* Collections Made the Market 14 nen and pr. etc nonilsoull3 on Tht river coo about stationary al tb Is point
tues In ite lath y 4r or bonito ss and has paid ir tio (Near su•petosion 11;1 i,o, ,
in all parts of the United IStates on must favorable thunga tl IS ate serves , lam tht• demand I 4 ter ) isol el ening, a ith Mot Bet In the channel lit UNION LINE, r.:303. i1iv ,7 .::1' ,i ),T,v, r ,"' --'. " '"“"‘"
light, e I ton tlithe to /loot° al 40441, on creek,„ .
0 dot, dab to ta On MA •••I FAI TI 111. BS OF 1'l:It l: M Fin ~,
IL I slew. n 3 marks Tun weather) eaten/.
Orders executed with lapatch for et , •rTthltng In i U 745 fur small low from stare; tali of 501 '"'
gal cam of litigation h. nese rreil an •y I letter
,c,c 3 , ahamoelir, tit. MA entity and fair dealing Is a spec 1 •Its ester ][3uilr ki iiri,, T c 34 , 40 - 11,.
the the 1 3 0.011 hew York, phtfadetpl la im m 3li l at 42- 1 1 .14.• dull and tntirtly tiontimd v. 94 Pet and exerualingly unpleasant, and the
au4 Pittsburgh Brokers• Beard. atrictly on eOnll ' S .
1116 reinpau,
alms. °I ..tkic of 1,14.11 , 11811 prime It out n 2, dell, cued at anon which fell on Monday is rapidly dissoll
lug from view It Ls altogether likely that b• 11. polka.. fols 1 a n•
Ma. on H. CLEWB &CO rNsg •4 ]' ark yt . oo,Kalclticot -mid to 11 1131114, torn in scaling ht
%I 111 run /bre. .1010 old el steamers trete s• 1, ~,,,,„ , f,,,,,, U „.,,,,,.,, ~. r . r ,'U.' U,U,',...,.41.,',.,,,,';
GUY/.. Philadolphla. Messrs C. D A 'l' II PFIt. all lots from atom at Ctieee, for edsellscl and
e rins.tugh Monongahela C ity Itrowna.lllc, Met a Inc, ~„ p ion , go '' i1,', 1 ) 111 ,..1 t. m. t, , 0 r ~,,t ' s „,,, Brand-" Lucifer."
ELVA llosteon.
ID-night or to - morrow our rivers will agate Landlnt t...manor° Genera a n 1 ~,•no„oort i 111 noliell a rotation, gooti'l•lgt"rou'altlife'
an- be rising raphlly ander the fruition,. or ' l,
FLOL „ R-ls• quiet Bud steady , Vet.
• Region+ This Ituc 0 composed' of the following •
.. at. mut n t
rel.. in canerl, • ...Red for nu rUlng propenles
changed Sales from store In n regular nay .
FINANcE AND TRAIL'', ..0., for Spring. ten:46 ,- 4. for half Spring and recent ruins
... n PAI lark 't rr71 . ,...r n e ' 1,1 ul
half Winter, and SIOY4IIO, Mr all Winter. Rye There has not been a single transient aryl- .11i Lad sii 55 Hirt. o ecrc t try
lo t 110 11 It
ft , r
. r , 4 ,, r i
. 1. 9 1 1 t. a t i ss s p E l D .. ..L E 1 I g e , _sas a l T ed . l o va g r
„ heelers
°Mee I r 11, • itrrn I•ennsrlyanla where
I lour 0 dull -small on ca at gent, 4,,,,,. yet shwa our last report Ihe Lent Leot 1 got VA 1 ETTF cAPF 9iY Pr 1 ItS and niank Application. wlll le furnish 1 a " 1, 4 ';,,,,',.,.',,,- SI ,;',.1 , „ i t,' IV ' s; e' L tt lij oa i ' l,3 ek
TranD• V Mnr , h 9 9 , i'. “ meal 10 !oaten at - 010755. per bush In from Parkeraburgh, and left again on tiro. Tel Luna pm e AirT Is ItlibliElt
Lirdd still continues to decline, le leg quoted PROVISIONS-Sacou eon thanes dulL and 1 and
foundre City, front the sante point will FRANKLIN trPl Z V% 4. A RK , '" ' '.4
" 444 creel , Pl It/ hot iCh Ittrlt t t IA I/ II L Carroll.
Agent: wanted throughout Us, state Apple I
~,,, and
Mon Priam •
are drOonlnr 'salt of 4000 Ms Shoulders ,be at the wharf this morning la A I LATIN CAPT 1
In SLIP, 1 ori. to-d.r, at 127 7 6 As the gold pre
a . ;34414, 500 rt. tilbhed of
at 164, and 7tOu I The Ida Bees No .1 and Ptrie,. a rile. .1 The. packets will leave Plltatturgpity" . d m- r. ' F.l l (rt./Irk 1 L slat.• Agent
A a 111 ; A
3111i1111Z1 deellnen t the Intritasie value „ ( Out cur- ,Um SUMO . Lured Hams al 224. Lau' is quiet from Oil City, and the heho cleared for that na attd IS p sn, usrt VI Sunday vo hin rt
• I "HARTER icark PERPETUAL 'yk,r,agreati A. k• 1, G,
.11111 P at 8 o clot k a rn k L /403447/..
reney llppreclatt e, and this Is the cOnannen- and unchanged at ISO 1 8%•3 - Bleep Pork dull- Point bud evening, with an ext ellent trip. The through packet far the 011100 on. will le 0 .•
quoted at SIM qr.
1 R
The Aviaries, left fur Now pOrle Ins 3 este rd.) Pittsburgh dealt at 5 p m tiros,. Il le daily at
Mon tlipt all 1 / 1 lathed for when gold am; quoted
SBELIS-ClOt cowed is dull and nomlnal,with afternoon with an excellent freight list,and I ° .
pply laagel In excess of the demand.
atom hundred per et 11l premium Now, that
about all u p , papp epg ,, r ,„ „n o Could
, nen I,Leaved BroWnayllie for Pittsburgh i
Ills Favorable result is being brought about, e• L u " t i s i ll Fallen at liAltDra Thnotby Seed 13 quo. date. in accordance with circlets received L ; t 1::: " 1 1::: . :: , a 2 6 v P
,:,... .
A lo Mtn/31.PS 10
eases Greensboro ant• (:close at i 0 clank FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY
It is led upon with pretended fear and di. , [eel at ti 3s 4@t• lotecoll Is Ices attire but tin, (rem Washington, prohibiting the transport a
LIIIII in certain circles Wo say pretended, 0i,r,3g...L_,,,,,„„ „,,,,, is
no. Of rttrOluron on st t amen; Milt ss pro, 1- Leaves AI onongobata City at 5 o•el, I.
Ca and in de- <led a ith 1314;11111. wonsetillng similar to The hoe 0 roMpooted or 11r111 class aide wheel
Deem no ametint ores rte argutuent will i mand i and welfare sales repOrtesl at. 45 to 5n those for sec urine ponder, A apt Golding at. amers built expo saly for the trul. They will
oe co•n mallard by winter of lout 4 s 184 rlenee. an. oti , Flo I ko 4 Ist 143 Fr • r n4l
Convince sound financiers that the decline in EGGS-In demand and the arrivalS 4
Li ar z fall. • compelled to store a titan:aft) of licit!) ,
PHIL kW 1 Pill A
r off sales ot 3 blds at Id and 7 lib
-I=9 - 1."1"2". EVIE117.1.8 C.a. 9EC, Y =.
got Carl PoeMbIF be the PeeeeellOeuf thmew e l IP CII LASE-Is stead .
an of passenger. file boats will le•ve prompt 3
I troleum ehleh he had rerel ten for and 1. t 'III 1.7 Dartlettlar attention to the wants and cow
Assela on Jan. I, 15164, • • 12,4157,519 DI oty 1
with sales at 20(th for lon beam befort tne proh nice ottle r a .... t the hour ads, rttat ti
disaster. A c endden contraction Of the our- ootrimort OhiC., and 24025 for Ralintntre and I made / rim^ t 3
The Crrie. Brooks, ( apt Jag Darlington .
runny, brought Otani by legiollatten, might 4,08 B 7•71
Freights Received at all Hours.
SW to (Ls
POTATOES -Dull but unchanged, sales of
5/0 bbls p rted at $ 3 ,93g9,50 per DLL new Z 1014,11114 sold ParlLerel.urif packet hot
Aterned Premium.,
leul to ecrions disturbances;
nothing - of
off earl}• 3 esterday morning It 0 general 13
invested Prerniunn
L usetUed Cilm• 416
the kind Is going on at Present Oar national. G RAIEWAPPI,Es-sidea In tote of j, 1,1,1. I on LIC Nlell 1 li. the . Carrie' is the tlnest Fur further particulars, enquire of
Bin s
Ire In a more prosperous condition lePOrted at MI per bbl. I steam Ir, in point of au. and finish, that has 1%11 I Isall NeF I Itol Agent Interne for IbG4
s , sr ass.
Lull[ for (he Muskingum Rorer
. A SHES . - COMMOn Soda Ash is <stinted at S eta
Perot mai and temporal yi e 9clea - ,t, 111 rral lenne loot of Halter •na Dorris on Streets
than the most sanguine anticipated at cuff smoi wa,, Pearls irt /2. trade
t tind
HrosrileVllle, .._
Brooklyn, N• Y .
close of the war. The government Merlons PIG LEA.I.C- 'r Dull and lower noted at lot. flit Savona (:apt..Joli• did not get off for
1. " 10 lil T. JOSEPH AND I ❑ I,. N Ilan ger 1,41 Lee ,
are aasess u ag the ..,,,,,,:sttona of the head of DRIED PRI:HT-Dull and unchanged Salt% the L' per Misslsalppl a. expected last etc
a Ithout 1 .1 t ll I • .11111 RIVER - The soden lid Samuel Grant
01; 0 Applet at 13 to 15, and Peacecs at 15 to .99, for ring u r ee r
l d she
~.. r. l 11 Icor°
1 cntsc t, tooter Edward t Dem
the Treasury Department, and the reduction
George Fates
otters and halves
v 1 g the clerk will see that puee ~.... ...Liner
J aco lit bad th Aload I Stier
of onr public debt has already begun and trill 0 /L-Sale of Z bbls No . 1 Lard at $1,75 sensors resolve every proper attention Ai,. .1 I 0
Capt. SW - FF O T erturgt W. itleharda, i llt •0 i ..... i•3l n Irr2si-"kt'lle*e"Nßo.r. ttEA Sll ;St ir licli n ellT Yew lon
be rapidly oontinued
HILL FEEL)-13 dull and neglected with a 1
Tte hlgh-hcaded Axmadllio,Lapt S i weenet Irlit oni• r the above and all Intermediate trolls CHARLES V BAN , Is ER . Pres , lo ' I •ra ty
drooping tendenc3, and the demand 1 5 almost lls announced for tl. Mimouri ris•er and ot- on 0 t I 1 1 to A 1 so to • aa
SIDA AHD f DAL['real Irtot -
-bale of Stocks on Tuesday evening, March
S 1'4 :904110
oily of a retail character sons intending to emigrate to that par of tin for (mu, It or passage apply on board or to nJAS IN Ile %LL IsTER See y pro tem
Phh, at Commercial Sales Rooms, 106 Smith. Wh
1 country should hear this tact In mind mita I. L ark A . ....I IN t.. 001) Ann . J G Coif] \ Aptllo
I.IIIIZO L °roc r Va mad and Third s treet.
field street. by A. Mellwaine, auctlonoer PCITSIBURGII Ph.Tttlit.k.o 51 MARKET. n The Edinburg, Lure Thompson, will be tle 1,•011 "'Egg p -
next packet leaving for Cincinnati and Loots- c HIS ts. NEW
ii ic l. hO-Th. ongealit FIRE AND MARINE 3E .. .0 tr .c>l.D teat .i.e. 4 >IE/ 313.1131 C Sr 4
..14 1, 4 1,1 at, ,ontr
Bank of Pittsburgh 88 to& I -
Ville, as will also, the Financier, Copt Dar
Esehange National hank co 75 1 Opetce or Till PlTT6Htlint O•ravys i I e
t a; tor hew Oriels.. The Lamella, La t.
p Ft N 1 `.. e 1111 t apt• Datinaon
-In obedience to a resolution of the House Moaner, March 20, tact ,. 4 e, will be r ady to
e for NaSliville ti , 11l la ate n 4 •110/ t. 011 0 A rt 111JAA at 4p m INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A NERII A.
of Itepre/entatives, passed on the sth instant, it at DE-The mink., fox Crude Watt dull and I snout the latter part of tht week FoT v freight or riasage ,, apply on board or to
VI ork • and omen. *onion Tow as •Islp
1 1 The Slit er Lal.e, Leapt Todd, is next on the aI i SIAK.4 01 I 1'... 11 oOD %gents
the Secretary of the Treasury furnished Con- ' heavy toolay, on sng to the unfavorable ad
for St . Louis , and the Lohman Cain It ,
Ureic ale 1 Irrret 11011 .4 MOOD . 4 rahrl
.. ng I=p
glees, on Saturdct3•, with a statement of the Vices from the East and dee line in gold, anti J Porter, Is announced for the Cap er ''.. ki
i l 3
Int PO II I e.-The sploadidp.
amonat of money now In the public) Treasury, L,„, er,„ .1., . few „In, afore wyro Willing and olppi
Ih. ..,e work. has tMr largest cap mit] Ihr , roan
. ip illi 1 A urp illm IN 'Flit, pfiliE.
including all sums in the keeping of Assistant " ream's to buy at 12113, have retired from Ii no Lorena, hale Itobino 111141 Role Moore trilliN".llll7.7h-'
try ri brand eland, 110 111,41. lln thts country
Treasurers, National hanks end all other do- the fleld at present, in opes that by holding I were advenised to leave C h o t
innati for Pitt , .111 haw for tin alto,. and all lo r lfl ' . ' ntTiVol C lT S' r s t;
.11 I 1. F urop., for quality and are Oat an I the un
positonea, ileaignating the amouat in each I off they will be able Co force Crude deoiers to i . burgh on Monday evening last , on TIII 11 , 11 A 1 at p to "
lo put In 00 I 61 100111 d t arra Is prepared repeclale
separately The Secretary says
make still farther coneessiOna We .an re- The O heeling IntrUsgencer, of Tumetay /or Mien. or Itaaas/t ttiltrY on b oar ,l ot to Hartford Fire Insurance. t'otupany, .. , ..1. st
"I transmit herewith a conununication from Ports : aks of 525 th ,Is on the spot, at 12li 600, sal e
M "tote/ Itlrrra of 801 l F IPS HTII IS •I Ah h i
the Treasurer of the United States, together to only% at 1214,1500, on the upot, at 12Ci, and I A 115001 h ref/011M! In tll Is Fltk yesterday d nthl9 ID4 01 L1A.17/13 Inas I Ate"
A•K°I.• • • . 1111,5144,000 •
In proctn 11, ring Taub for 1711 M
eel title ly
with statements prepared by him furnishing it la said there was a ale r3JOO bbl ut 23, by Me.ll Booth, Battelle & Lto , from Cap: l 4. 41.1110 AND 1.1T.r.
the Intormation called tor by the resolution unekages included, delivered (ter-on board Charles Muhleman, at Lineinnatl announced ± Malls -11 I t lid
from which It wills ppear that Ihe as enable , tame) In Philadelphia . The fact that Itedned the sale at C incinnati s • esterthay of the Ph II ' a al.
" Oran"
' '
nil • Lk 1 Ah t ••. so 4 Las Wan TURD,
Ay e an es nett - acting and all loop on hand
balance in the Treason , according to returns Is droopinevery dal, almost, ban I tendency Sheridan No part Malaya els en tn her then 15 111 gra. for the sir°. r and an Int. rtut Mate poet. fair Pr tketion can Lee ecured In the Mauve nano. I 1 I olot 0 7 0 or
received to the lett Instant, Is $1.0,41A &C. 91, ,„ ~„,.. Condo a., Rather ' i e thdt she sold for 1310 000 ails ante on rout. she o 1 Ili l'ltsla A^lli 4 i n, land reliable I ornpalilre
bal an ce
Of Mini 1257 . 712 ; 221 37 , • nurse no) s un,. lit buy nt presen'tionotati iisarli m m ' ai n" e ll is n a will make one more . trip to 1% bet lin tSI . I t
1 -.
t lZJiii-ir .E.TesTCiir litlX3Hl/81
=pal 54 Of which sum 4r/1,7210358 5, nas on ra„,,,,,dary and w - 1: 0 ,m, iLdg, C.
n LOlll9 COM 6,1 11, hII •e I te i ii i :IT !' ''''''Ffr Z(''lll",lt',".l',`:l t '"" l i '
•r to
~,,,,, , AL. illa
M I JON Fs. Agent
denneit in Of booka designated rte 110- pots:eat inilicatiogs m , aaSparobablhtuy teat Tot ' h chaser.. P
...._._____3 ' ' ' ' ' ' l'r
' 1
t. t mit and Refined will go still loner The __„,....... 1., ' 011 K EOK li BUIS- a.,
1 iNt.i ,, , 4110 5 , EDA 441- 32,i No real y st W att r atreet luta stairs /
-The Nee lork Tribune, of March 18 nos, art villa ( routine° light Whith Ls owing tr the , TRAVELERS ' GIIIIIMI. 5f s. 1., MT AsD Du ist7Girre -fin -'''''''.."...
WESTERN INSER All( E CO.. O IF s , „ e turtle part!, nee Iles rapines tor tads port,.
"Action upon the bill to fund the eurten et fuel that Crude men aro In no particular hurry I
Bpl, n,1141 pm". ngt r en,. r /41% A 4• %, ( apt • A 7 4 PIT 1•411 ()RIM t • call amt .4.• 110 rent, cortnr os I ILE and 1./ MAGA
obligations of the Trea.ur3•is to ailed for telt Mama gat , tl , lng their obi tO Markeja-
IS lot, 3 I. and Feu 3 to tee^ Is e tra /ant tor alit
sTi.k.k.•la aver , 'sty NA at, r aorta
interest in Onartria/ elredes There Is little /LEX'' , LD-There Is no imrrot•ement to velvet and Departure of Trains. an 1c point* teat e .aboa L about 11,4 20111 Wll e flak It l 's DFR
tr. tsr3 nZI IdAt 111 NI Oaf! 11•511 1 31111 re 10
rivrsm sea January U. IMO.
donbl that the act rotary will be given ttll the ooto in deluded oil, and with. but a limited de
ito (ant, ( rt.. aoott tin realter al nu rlantlon Olt 1111 I • (PT 0 . 10 50.1. '' s• kEI it bet 0A• nt
o , r, , , ~, ,00,,
.1 0 . a
~ l' i 0
,s , CO If MEI If.IA L 011. HORT/ s
rtdoriungE •
'Lion ;
di , _ •
b. l , 14 /5„ alaral -aly srlle bum been salleted with.
pea or required to get tho National debt. Into mond, prices are suit tfoading doa for Pennsylvania Central itailrood. t I,' , ' I' '''' ' 'r " "
or n Itch I or patnagi apply on hoard or so up lash's Pittsburgh
..., s n gh ,, a i n , tl . .l . l . ol . eult, of breathing for five or Mx
a condition where It can Lo tumidity veinal Immtdinte de/i?,,kht Philadelphia, 37 etnte &waif • deriver i ..... nahS It lAIK.4t 01 LI /..,‘: ,NW Ant M.
r..-,,,..,;,. ~ , i_ ., : -- I „, ...x„ixikithaictvrgi.
from sttrolus Incomes Thu movement to. •lIK the best oder 0 could hear of to.dny, ei Jay Exert. 233 a m Dull
want . pec i 0 p I , • M ., , h n , procood , an c ar Ofr May, 40 fro one, and 41gser for July ~ stemma Ai Tom•all 40 anl Fast Line 2eoa to
.„„, 1;0II t IN( IN NATI, LOIL - U lil Inset. Agana an in) la t f Yu• our Attu.. a „,
rditati and alo had to • n treatLd by several phyla
-we /auks A Ilona losiltatiuu matbag,a by Din rURE WHITE BURNING OIL
,•Lana without ally rcitst In thlo state of her easel
that nothing ertn pror (Int the deal noble condi- 1 at t, our retailers refuse tO sell at tams( figure., V, l ,l r e •••r • •• P • i r , ::: It r ,r o , V o • ,,T„ Pr i .I 2 ; -,„, IA. ISA 111 S AN IA N tall Vll 1 K
tel. are ...II k to
to U conaninnllr and .81, 1,8
•d so h 1 your PEC / • OILAL CO DOD SY BUB.
Mon of afters new early • day kongrens, b 3 hat, 11 no can Judge the futon hi the ,
4. 18 . Phlt • Express 410 pm 7.1 18 all Arnow ' S 50a m Tin apieutlid pa... 3,, al ustcr
I Ail Kt IA d.. rmluethy promptus so and liberality Ir man
1 natal:My ,4, hand and no dale
1 lsBught, the first time, a fifty cant bottle, which ria
want ooUrage In aiding Die neeretur3, mai 1 ,13 ere may StiOreool in finding healers at tin. hesonstow A n 4
n c Ut pm lohnst n Accom lu 10 •m n ~, , , ~ I Kid 1 1 5. ' 1 4 cola the antra, to r attach they hare anottne las I
Ita id her very meal. I then called and got a dolls
nrolong the troubles of people obllgtd to pas totes above named within a • ery fen day s,und f ast I Ins lo ;m pan Mut Erie Mall I.l3apto ~ t ` vn ". ^...". 111,0, 0 at 11 s M fering 011• brat yr dratlon to thoon s h lee. to la. a3l HE 11,03,3 1 ...
5.F IlAitinf..T HATES,
este, which cond her entirely. and one Ku town'
fixed sums of money from asset., stes,iiir roll- , tlemlblY at a atilt farther reduction Ve o ha• t tat Wall Aar te 6an• in , Baiumore y,p a I r„, pso , h r ,, n , 1 7 1 1 L r A P,Sr s ".T. s Spiy on Merl, nr 1 „,„reg
[rare of the former disease, except weaattess 1
•-• k i tap nle
Int; In I , alue, but It cannot case ~,,,,,,), from ant ono sale to report, 500 Idol 4 for May do- ' 5 l lo at •InkJ R all Ammo Isopm 1 .
...: Id its ... 7As co s o t g et . th ik. l o . azel the mettleine myseLf to I
tht ma halite Mises attending the p.,,,,,, 0 1If , ell ,at 39 eenta, Rea Oli 11 011.011 tars, ot re ''''' Its o allpitiva Earns, .ot p m FOR KEOKUK, GALE-
Ii y , {` lll be Furnished to Carriers at
medicine cured me by lazing
from gold lit '1.15 to 100 " "`•• For frl e oil, there seems to be no demand 112 . 1 . 1 . 1 a , ~,, ~,,,,„• , ,,‘
~ .0 , z , , ,, , ,::; rir . s Ae n sc . oos 6 mum
'.. t, lit lit til r 0T PAS I A\ is,rk . ii:F sw "-- I: Dias( ions
. ek J Il NA W Y Lit, one dose I a xpn os my entire satlsfactlost with th
medicine, inn vsa are . liberty to pubitah this
-The New Tort - Lbanmerctel Advertiser say at I . !tterer, wed in the absente of .1., we Omit ~ i.rn. i t t .„. m , p . AI I 11 ll I AA. Ulhl,B -PM not
you desire to do ao wlt a ILSON,
"Tim allot of the deellim in cotton upon the 1 •I.°4°. "°"
The church train. carte 51 ilk • Mutton t reel pan.enger . trainer (Of t ALDO\ rapt.ll J Pony A Ica N unit k Andrew Aral. 3
So C 11 t ol) STREET _
Alderomu, Fifth Ward
Manta/let tiring intertst ha Indicated b,3 the 5 APTLIA AND RESIDUUM -Residuum la . ..easy • at IOS• us , returning leaves Pittsburgh a , irt e l e a r tl r ll i W o llra 1 tm e t e and will leave with dispat n
on besot to. It It AIM. r Jr
lanou AlcAalty, . David at L• Ist
gees I Thous. _
fact that a few days sham a large mane Meter. Jolt, and entirely nomlnAl at /4 to *Da Der r r°P •' 33.
coo Iplirlet h-r,,,rlrPi M.l l OOll, Agee,. Al. :ander spa., I has J dart,
barrel Naptha does not seem to be wante.i . rtitabargh, Colnroboa sod Cluelonnti
ItKAD rdr. 1 tarilritl-7,:','-.lel,:grlallia
lag house at Providence, R I , failed tor about
ca t )l. I Herron doh,. 11 Alt (am
81,000,000, through having on hand a large my price
~,. is ) EGULA R PA( WET tiala=laa fV HI itt Iton Jame( l' Dant,
daughter who ham taken teasel medicine/I fOr• bit
amount of cotton purchased at high prices •3
1 RRIVALS-The arrivals of Crude by lin. : i n' "°° :t: p‘ m ; iv , L...• .
, ;z • - .... ~.. ~,,,„,,,., MARI ETTSomwarIMEM. els , m a i il tithe le 1 - acr.are
at man an I 1,1L5,,,,t, lu
Q R " clu h r . at *r " rs ' a b rTna.o 41 Rom 3* on • bentte of r r
anu also a heavy stook of mannfactuted 1 Shen river since our last report, a ere . g ~,,,,,,,, , •,/, ~, E,,,,,,,,.. ~,PI ° A \ D /A 51. al ILI F - lito On. sttautor IAI Al • a
GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. lent aninnt/ lliein Ayer's Chem
goods o follows
, tteobett•lile Ao Ateuhena Ille Ac I •P t UBA11 a Al ( apt tIL .Teti ,will It ..1.1 for the C
, lITIZ EN S' lilt St RAN CE 4 4/1111P A -
Pectoral Oyrup as. I hefore she had used half a N A L
Ile she wa r watt ma TM second bottle cored het
The trade in ,try goods [plays the Tribune) 1 i ether it Ben 7e2 111 Itomnbach
„'" "ems...lett.. 4 15 P m emelt...intl. 10 10 ato 411 , 11.• and all Inter:et Mato Iron., earn rt; Ph Dal . Pr I, t lITTSBL ILL Ii -- snake r 'rut r 1, 14 i It I
It. turn 111 ittli 1 . /sum. ide .... I. i "" 1 M "'l'. . r . . eOOO nerrr CRUDE AND REFINED OILS,
entirely or her r nigh JOHN DADIN,
cohtinues extrmnely chflL There la no confl- 1 ot • MnP
• hlrine3 405 iW P Logan 000 PI ttaborwh, FL We and Chicago. ! ..... /11 1' l ' : . vs .1 It t en. LIN U.
0 a 001) eat lit 1 531 Baia A t S.l al,al 1 n i 14111 Po 111. k hog nesne Way, a urg 5
ancisom street, Allerheny.
deice In prices among bay - ere, and anotatlona 4 . Ukel n 3 hal I D llushnel 10110
Departs ,r,„,,,..
WU A (HP-BARD oratory
~... e ii
crf demi:ohs cotton goods have stiii furthcr dc
- I sprat • ti, raphata . 2 6/11 rn -
Inst.... steamboats and r at ros a
A UItEAT I. 111(111W/8RuTE0/81Vg-PiC14/01.
elined, standard eheeting, being non held ai Totid
3934 ic :press As p m Express a s 1.3 p m LEGAL. lusurla against loss ` i n dunage Ito the . t igs due „,,tr01pr,. , , ,, r . 0 ,-....-j , ~ , ,,e . •• ," 4 ' . ' ." •hilV
.41.1••• -
-SYRUP -I Ilve In Peebles townahlp. apeora
24 cents whtle prints arc 1615., cent loam --- - -ow- ryas 2ep ut Eletrew a= p u
%II 713ana 11 .... ...„ II 13 pso or th. Southern and M Late, Itly.r., I aat o and respectfully aorlota? YoWge " e " 1:0 a ' I/T *4 :3121T
cougly I had • a cough anyVeltualt Width ml.
than a (seek age The ir e in foreign dry
% bet ling Seer sSts p m LEI GIIEN Y CO CITI , g4.-In the 31.'1:::.7:17.-Istit:irellasnt!tli,Ush: ;7y . In
:neaten about the 411 of Feb aly last. anti tonne
goods Is still done almost exclusively thronglt IILARRITS BY TELEGRAPH. Ne* Erleatuts Accommodation s ',He i d en , f . A matt. r trf the final acetotut a 11111 N Met AMA, JQE IN.
ued eight months lo f ed Lae hest physicaas
the auction room, and few goods Can bo sold
- ~t at 10.0 , ~ 3 c, oto ~,, o , t , ood i or g o on 01 the adtelnlorator. ;I 1111 1 143 i 1111 I .I. tonerlsolts •
In the country, .d my cough contlnULO 'Unabated
until early ID October Al that lintel wag adobe
Lauer than nt a Irma nun, have been /80014. Nen lurk Stacks. Uri 4.00de and Menet. ' ' " 4. ''. '.' P. ''' • ''''''' .- 9•th ' 2 ' P ' l''''l- re... 1 Ind 1101 , r 1. I bra sly 1 - 111, A I; mos on tt m Ragan•7
fall n ten among •
small tines during the wef.
,„„,, ta,gt, mty 5h.,..t.„„ 3 3,,,, to moh. In ertz court SIMI FI I• 1111 F I. tau I. ...nod In • a, I 7ol U in sVl 'L p ' t to, No. i tit'. 1 1 Slit SF., Pittstrurgh, ,
Delivered to Subscribers ,(o tr) o . lart n ec e t . otga Cough . Syrup, »litchi Old. as
t after lls d K cm Lot t was entirely free Am
-The import antics at New I ork tor the • verso.
Pittsburgh. Cleveland and Wheeling. jr,!;.;:',',„'4„„ 1: 11 , 1 , 0 , r 141 lindll Mr am/ mut owl Make lad Park, Jr 1 James AI I tat; .1
the eOnghlng scut spitting I had detemired Of MIL
rust n • eel., including Or) good.. utnount to 5Kw I oar, March al -The stock Markt t Departs drilevr r , bay... Itte as ro r •alel NCI ount W. 0 duhstaton
111 Till. Cl/ WIT It F Jones, 0 liarbaugh
I J I &Ithaca Jr e ornarding sad ( ommlanteelli Mere boat
settles wel4 and I think It abottld DL attrwll UM
$5, 0 09,147 4 1, against Ilse total eaten not $3,107,1M4 a • is generally Imam. during the du, At the scums. Lys • a m s Ten,. isspn,,, „ „, „„ ~,, „ ,
IJ /shun meek, I -dm 9 Dilwortt,
this valuable remedy will do for others what It htt
ram. week nan veer. The p„,,,,r, ei,..prp,,,, 4 e ,01 11111(411r11 the /tat Ira, ,LII 11r121 spe. nht &time. 250 p nt Rion. V 13, 6/1 rI I I II
aAII S Into 0r b ri, esrelay Crest m IMin A !Madge, At. 1 Mater to . Mu. Illutelesting Lubrimung,
done in mat ease JOHN C LITTL ,X
Witness It 11 Elan Peebles township.
of domesticpwkint,,,artulont D 4 401 5 ,3 6! agato,,: 11, fueling bus tan high during the day and gall 6Pt • m Fat • 7..• a m
(.. erg( Lllsselmns
teto-y ; rt. , :.. Paltrolrom tate rte constantly on hand and
/11,072,E439 SaUle creel. last • car n,,..t..., for I". 1 ..0.• h. " . 1.000 io rge TIP ant .al K irt•KIII Steubenville Accommodatiou leases All, 'therm. II I 111 lerut nr 1 a 111 stl.•tsd to the d tit,. of Ila
aldtl the lowest market prirea 4 Onalgnmenta
Parrott Tou mire, Apr 1114,1843
1 Up at
„, o ~, , „,„ ,„,
~,,,,, ~...,,,, ~,,, „,7 * , 0 . 4 , 7 I .SEOPI.E'II INS/ RANCE ( 0. - au I cad. r• ...netted
ant am
AL • 1" .
Att ORDERS tI. CURE *Some Unatt „-tam m
the week aro 472481,rate r ho r„,ppip, of touo „ ot Ito. market la due to Um fart that on. .no. I,
Pittsburgh and I. onnell amine. / 1111 .r t I PUL•taurult on 1 Iflthltl Y navel. rat •
oeoeiwioo anti 4„, nuipp,p,.. i,.‘„,:, balsa an or atiotbit rims Jaen taken itnammsofoll of It)
Departs (Is a
~,,, r . 1
n us ,,
r st ....,, I loAk, i u wits a eel rrio. re at: aortic . 0 1 ri , I' 'I 19 , Olt \ ink l% lads AND FLI"TiI all% I '''''!"' "'"" "W''
neighbor of mined ss re y pi with a lad mega e
Tbe number Of (migrant passengers art It mi t ill.. and run up at abort I nteret, MUD 1L si,„ 7 4,,,,, o ,
,n, 4 a".
i . •t. i t. tIV 310 11 1
____ i LVILS 1 111011121r8 4 ~
i which every one spposed to he 0 1120:1211pUeli DI
daring Ute week. 4,Wt. Ally satiating the forward turn / lie twinning „peaa„ esio pin I. gore. In MI •na mh, Itw tad aAAII 111 PAI ilt, Auditor.
4 relatlres told rue that he bad uses Seery remedy
"t re [he elostilli Prlte. at 4 - 30 t 41 0 Roc , 81 %, lA' Newton At n gasp to %V Newton X, nam am
tlaey heard of a [Moat tweet. no brother camel
-The defeat of the finance bill in the tion,e IL. titling, 109 Liteldgan Contra/J(l3. alit , u 1.04,,,,p0rt. ti te• re ha Itch eesport 6to• to ( 111 1 • 11 ANS" t OGRI SALE IRRICK 1311, rlllB kik O - C 7 TA(TI. 11E110 or
I dee Stan die and all were cor o tgfined lh the belief that
of ,The at W.asbingto on Frialpy ,,,,,, her e g, impel. ,t, 11( 1' , " Cle, eland 2' . lista. ala id lye, aana/1 , i a g
,he could n ot toe. 1 had ab t tbe third of • bottle
i ist • NTII at It AI,Lk „. i i , , „
caused httle cancans. Tbe IA bale that pro ,
1.. Pittstarilh'Sbyg Litimigas •& siortit 3% este ta itraddot ••IL n 4 10pm Firadllock a A oAka p ot li 111 l 'a. ' l I I (‘)."' 1 1 l 'T
. apt I t am t at ala OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQIIA AMMONIA. F. -n- of your Pectoral eyrun, which.' gave hlm, mid It ea
eedeal the veto on Dm bill adman , a dlveralt3 of 0 elerre 1, WIC, Lt. veined .1 Tot, Lo 111 4 1 ‘ har s h Irak, / 461 pns4 hn rrn i rola al sa aul ant 1.1 - 4, - I.'"
" I'
' ''.
I ' " "2"
h I 1 1
1, , et wt. ant 1.. .old oil srr 'll Loam of ,' ,'" ~‘' '', l ~, smuti I .l artret
graltVslrr galind:re"rre'm'rkTtiofertla:regmaltag
aPini...l•M°.g Inernb m's which ree d o rs It fm - Um k Island, lIJIA, Pittsburgh, Fort Way 'n't Allegheny Valley Wolleasad. loinlny r, On .alta I „, onit 11. , mlllifie I I 81,8 I, I/1 „." n ' ,‘, "„.. ,„ 'n one, trim. LI, COM .cse.,, I Ifi Iltriocrlaeot S 1 Y. tritißN CENTS PER WEBB.
probable that Loner. ea Plll rtgrae upon any ~,,i Lhie,,,,,,, .thla. Ohio & Mississippi Certill Departs I sterfarr totar lOn harm ( urt tit. It Oran!. lio tar and „ .1 C. ' Intro F airkpatt La,
Of the man he baling about eighty ear s old. I bat e
no doubt Ina PectnaM saved hiallfe.
definite policy of finals, The Impression le de 3 .Ri,..„ Western Union Ttl. grunh 10., viol et Ca a jrx Area , ii , ~, lotin I. ourno NI ar I All stool 4 111 ./Inal,„'l • ... • '.‘ U .... Prlllll. S Bleach 8
PITTS/fete 11 PA
More gentral that the Secretaly readrea little. r,„„,,,„ ,o, &t I -,... " iit prt-ss
rarer, ~ lament ~ s Lao lam Nall .
. 0, ~, ,
.. 0
o , s ,
.„ ,s ,
0 ,, , ~ s•
„, , ~, , (so ., 1/114.1 vli l . tar, t /lane., Lore
Accomruottetton 10p to Accutuntadatlon re an, MOre „,r It 8e nu Fast 1 , lah or Manta. .tare , and 41 Al Ai PIM I IPS Pr AI Ittl 1 .........1111/16661•Em
-- - - --
If any - !retaliation to carry out hi, policy The
utif 3 . W srf \ Ir. Prcent. at LIC E NSE LIST.
At•t or )(arch 1,1%, it 14 boner cal,con fen upon 1•10nr.1 Ann GOLD ea,,,A.,,,p .”,,, Ere mi....... i. to o n 6et 111 1 , 18111 A Illt orient,. of 4 feet all. y rr. from,
II aluut Lto, t it, rear •fI .t !woos parl•or I A., re, 11 F ...Alilausat hare. tarY
- -
t II t E -Pica. send me snottiersupply of yourval
the Secretary of of the Treasury all the power Tht ry leo nO change to notice in mono% and Clay and Franklin
-4 11831 n M arm rlr4 in t ht. sn i isoa fa 1 ', ', •/1 la %IF, Ist • DOA ‘4, nI s 1 r
PPLIti ATION h male Pitmond Syrup Almost ever3lrody Upend el
needed for funding into a permanent form the tl 4 markt t muslin. extremely emyutMl 1 , .., ~ . r. ''..... •,I ~ .„, „P r P .• • • ,n 1 (....1. rte I a two aey lar . bk it. utt• " I I r I " IR E" l'''T 04. 4
‘ 1 /.1 4.411.1.1 1N . ,/ RA Nt I. tO. , 0. ~.,I, . .. 1... I ~,' S 4 ' 0,66 6P DISPATCHES to u the cold , and are emptlOng for °Dr heyser's
l'eBtoral Syrup St t have aold sixteen bottle. the
whole of tlm outstanding int ertat-Irearint, Itt r cent 7 bum Was another 111.11r4 .nlon to 4,,, - ;`,4 P , 1 4`,,, • ;, n , "° ' ° ' • r **l** -"• ' o . at/ ~ t t i u•• a h
3 er. 11a, or and I 1,1 ..c an I
1 Well 11 11 \ 1 1 t ' 'I I 1 r 1 ^lat Nt if, .... + I,ln sto o ' ‘ 4 •r . "..
sl 144 ek and ••ra now entirely . out. /dr. A Alter
ailtations of short date The discretion sic- as rent .
to-day The gold marl. 1. n.M t
It. ay., 1, all,
„, U. g k itio. k
• • 1 . . 1.4.1) et cLi.
•ed Mr I . Maher, both of latatraville ea., told al
to alb that art to the &centers Len C,lllll. 1111 c rat °nun r LOla &rare LllO e 101441 of Iht 11 / 4 1 drover o•relle Deater-lirent Coal Wet .4
dr I. I I TIIE 114 I I'll 4 01 11/E AP. 1.... ....i5aa , .•‘ .11 load. ot •, e an, ' llB lll4. 111a1 al I I II ~ I rf , , rtt to aar 1 1 Utah/tram
they 'mold not be withoot it Is their • fatnillaa In
it hat wide one but pothaps not taupe so th on and . Is ft WU 1774 The ion tst nab wax at in Arrow.
if•trlff. • 1I It 1114,1 , I I'll I. Lail. Al' tl Sum. 1.5 __
1 , 1t h 1 4 , to to
tact all who rise 110001 watt( II again.
is really regefreti for effecting the prni,o, u • clot k,at 127.4, t • e lone. price rem 1.e.! .114 4. go 100 pm lelnatn 4 14 1 mItIS II f I•lost 1 ,gI for 4 1 *eta of la, orlon. J.. 11 \ Ihrt 10 411 Preto hot ii , a 10 d"to
Tours, amber/fol..
contemplated kir laceedloch has notate It •to fiesta)] Of i hot I ntrt it 4 were higher cm Illarniony altage, Nt. a hair all. I 1 • 4.1 Mare II , •ro no. I J. ill. D Barr )ft % 1,, I ..,,, , . • , • I ) . •” 4 I do
J 9 VArrrß loN a Eotqa
1 I, 1 , 01%r LI, rah.,
io 10 do
January 11 law
funds even-thirties, eompo t c
um mit rest 1.014• 0 tCI/1111110 we d Pacific, Mat lower on Cron Arrives ffrpart• And amel, II e 3 . 1 / 021 .f Y. broary I•tla lb.
to d., • I.
3 6 - 'l = l4l::laid
certlOcatesof intlebteclat ot or temnOrar) loan. n oll . II Doe - ocotillos 44,111 fre, 13 at 51113.0.1, and Ca P a I •I( • m to tit tot tor t hart., flO 1,-porni Ilil I to tie al
PIRG TO Mee , 4an
„,,, , ~ ,„„ no ~,
Into sor 6 per cont. bonds, rtainiug not 01 , 1 r clotad arm at the higher Baur( ~,,,,,‘„, „„,1 nailer allage--No 3 NIL II lair Street \ Lino l a of Pit ..lourg h 11.1110 g It. 0 'll taas• t . J 0 U Mot r 1
lo ~,
Arrloss, Departs ' '
".ernl 1 0e I 1111 4111 11• 4or , n natio,. I• 111111. I 1. 1 1 iltr... fo mg, a Ilea I
forty ,years co
more can be nemlea •
ITM rt II teak cm. In dtmaiel . 5 but s er3 illth
„la i. ,•tox ,mg doom. Is.
4 s ,0
5., aas lo .ats g and In log of 11,4 , •I talon IhBt the ••341 pc Mar . el I 1 via , •
• hat lea Oa"
II 1s i. h lo 11.•
Uno description of neellrlt,444 Into which Ila sin( k cue. out 1. kt chic, '.. ripper nas .01.1 Watthingtors tata gr -- Illaylev Mk s el Lau l Is IMO 11 llv 01.0 t. 1/ to. . tice of the applica y i Be. k taa, e
( tit t Wal 14 •0 I I 4, M Ina I 10 do
short obligatiOns could lot funded 0 hich ht at Sakele
Avrfore• fuporle In n fur ro,a,„ pll 4 l tn fib, DA IL I 1.4 talriTit, JOllO Irwin Jr Mr 011 %Lc, .
has not Intl authority to Isaac to tin extent
uni 'ma,.
31 11 13 In 1 6nOa, In r Llit en, of 1 / 1 1181.orgt, f r Omer week. an I that 11 I Fahnestock I !lob. rt 11 tta a.. t. taar I do
to lo
required,ond the only problem remaining 1. lotriw•ra l a rtrea-Th( follow Mg are the aunt a r
wail 1 rlrr 8 111 3. aciatt lat thr u..t term of thl• wwwww.m.amwam.w.w,......„,......... •
tt tf n got:G.l.lo rs AS n m how o th• et ra s
.4 a , s; rtoo, • t lo
be mlve4 is. What form of bond at ssulti Ix 01091 , ,„ n , 8„ 7 , t.,t, i ,„ Gaao A 4r,0. leas A ..,,,
Js V 1, .1,1 Ward. 00
nt Tire 1. .
cal ICY GOVERNMENT SALES. 1,.... I autts. a ate d^ do
ealenittted to Mat. a funding Of the en=ter 11„ ward A ..., ni ono o ird s'oi ri4 „ or, t t ,T i hi,44,, • ICELSIOR OMNIBUS & LIVERY STABLE, '-')
%,,, Jstt,R. II t(lmt 1 rout y fa to a
*bort debt,while duly conser••Mg the inter. st • • Maack atone M, Columbia • 24, Canoe la
It oat .. I It. g oil, g As d) Jo
Of the Government 1 Let Mr . McCulloch sett] prin,„ ~,,,,,,,, E t, p oo ,g e 1., I l et ., la , wo„, en PIN N 141 it rr r 1 N TIIE DISTRII TCOIIIT, No. S 4 ( . 3
'OII.3IIYMENT SALE. ii .... xt...11/..11... - I to.trts 4th hard do
that question and net accordingly , InahltiL ~ t itta 1 ' Dc DeSalmon, liamatOrt vtaut , Manch.,
on, t • artltlon Margaret 1 3 . • latter .. 4 atharine II n • artug, 1 du do 11
kiln% T 1 hill policy to the country through a t. r alt
A B rown • D r in a p oi 4 -- wt . ir, J AXES HAIM a NON, Proprietors.
ler( 1 , 'Mime
uati .11 I Ann kl X at,
Roan %Laura 1 10 do
a 11 ultolut t Sat g Howe do • lo
remind Brew/sal to rennin
/Mee for nu i sly , ( r , ,,,
.... Corset Jean., Peperell 10, llama M Can-
~, 4
iL ,
,L.ll .
~, r Inn iii hoary oae of 11/0 lefeoaants nove l l
11 Ito. rat, , at to 1,
months, inviting con•er dons -Philo Ledo, L.ln / ' tunnels , Hunt/ton 55, Las unia F 35, Ticks, no., aws, („11, e.
roe /V e tt...h . rulabra f.r all natio I Tor geese is I
Fiteirncta In the
a 1 Wedding. and Moo r ess, : ',ls, I, en nt tt I with the propert• gneeusw are tutiery , Hardware, tin
ii I, mu a 4 ~ m are good. do •1,
--....------ Hamilton 50 D 45. Stripes New ]'ark, 40, Thom o•Mies, at ahem nod% and ruaann•ble , I I, s surd I thereto ..ato. dat t e ti On and ware, Stoves, Ranges, , ~. ~,, .„ rl, dr, .1. RELIABLE MARILT REPORTS,
ALLEGHENY C OTTLE AIARk ET. dt Lykes 33. /loop Skit ts 9T & A Menter's, IS 1 a LIC OPEN VAT AND 5 fatliT no- st i eta tattoo ha. Ittg la .1/ Collfinu. l ' you aro hL re I tau, man I ppteirmarn iI. , other goods, L Lorna
In fair demand at former prices
/ 1 tined I 10 1111 101 I "tart t a 'h. 530 UAI Of Blankets, Se. I • ittatmcga
Ath° Su Net art tavern WI Irma rataborgo
OPPIOS or rue Pirrestruon GattrTe, I The auning Poa an). the prices of goods of
11 int II nes t to arcepi ,a et rust u old proper,
A B 11111mte Is 6t. do
Tress/AV, ![arch 53, WA I all descriptions are falling The dee fine one
STRAIT/3EIIPS. ~ ~ t ..sid • aluatton :It i • 111 atilme, ul Ibe ord. rot
t. rt
.1 actal II IA Al PIK, --
haat. er acme.
CATTLE -The supply of cattle on sale y e.. gr-, though mtme kinds of M ee - t yesterday,
undlse were held by owners with conaltlern. I , -________
sai ., STEA SI TO . AND I * ROll LII El , - .14 la./deny
Pruthouolary J lila Mlller
/I In be soli tat Au. tt act at tin Ale•heat 1 tar. a 1 -I ' l , k K. I
~P,P,IP.. , to
do do
terday was again up to the u5..10 avergo, tile tble firmntas. So much effort to tnake
s aahvlth 3 eon .
I LTTEIIS 01' ADIIILAISTRATION " 4r* """ 4 " 4 ' l4 ` ."
. 414, ..4
" r . '''
: lo
Flo tt AND KU Er 5 SY. , tAt alerts ...pi tut.. • g ,
- 4 haunts been grunted to the undersigned on the Tr. '8" " '''')"" s ' ' ' s ' ' " 23-I. " '"" b e ' l "' ' i""
7 ."." ‘"'
i° do do
whole number In the pens being estimated ut lino rarely been put forth. and the diaposition week The 1011141, LI h, I nailing
• large .ra t of tn. foregoang wtletes In aril "um ' t it' au to lu
*a tin tO get rid of the good. Woolens were the t
, pone of JOil \ ul.l Dr, deceased all et..
froru PM to IMO head, and as the demand vra I
EVERY SATITRDAY ~...u. In g tbramelets inocineo to th. sum° wh ' unvite r ,:, , , 1 L1g, , ,r . 0 ' n ut , l o /1 10 part or ". " 1"°- vier , 0 ".•• 11 ... i. ,
lightest The fall in one month, on the baule
100 Clocks masta t °mos lo au du
restricted almost entirely to supplying the of the prices of goods sold at auction rester. 1 tt MI dist. pa yin, art ono all persona haring claims -- • '''*".
2 ' Idea. 4 410 Ms tors, t . I I idle, do do 10
Wants Of the retail trade, the market ruled A I day, Is reported to he fully one hundred pm EVERY WEDNESDAY, • .i.... , , , , 7 , , , , ,.: .; ,. tr i t: . ,11.. ,.. ,: ..., 4 t0 r......., them, duty an . 4 it ° ;a nd ., ~,,,
100 t °unto./ • I all a I ' rnl. ' . ". r .1. to oto
little dull, tboughDrices, as composed with I cent The eyeing. dooline may not exceed hi
non AS SI EOIII,I 2...0 Lanterns 2 - no tilanketa Lus meta 11., k I , lo
Mat week, underwent no etaentlal change ,or ra percent in th a t . hue
AI.I MU rat al a' of J. tit • t.t rot deceast a -al f hauberk IKV Leather Itork ,I. t h.. I nd•Mln to to to
There wits little or no inquiry on the mut of 1
Ti r Item •oath! to and from Ira land, Fnglan I .8r /I
,6118aelinIns 140 Mash roe. i symood a. Mahn., 1•1 ars oth Word lo
al ea, rt m 613 de a t o a
rwrlClLtual *Poeta
11 in 118 ht 1 0111 er goods do do
shippers, and we presnme 5o bend would be u TM, w a d line in Petrol um St kit I lan
• .., e and ..11../1.,a one ,. tine/our/1i '''' r im '' . bre hence 1 arm
fair estimate of the number, sold for that pur j_ , n ;,.' n e t t ,rop, Central ., e oe 1 Ano ibt k.osPaty • oltirea
f. I lan. +vs it.,otto Mee. and Yorke •I On Hatchets a 44, AN ant 0 a 110 do
celalOr, I
].O.V n , 4 4, n„,,,,, 11. no If , 1 , 112 J la, ro Ito Ward do
posy The falling elfin the demand for ably. °° O. Ony r • bolted , 4 10 , rx
JOHN G. DALE, Agent,
loSn Ilan t ll
1,45, Palmer, 4,13, States, 11,00, Plt
I ETTERS TEST AIIIENTAIII on 3. ' 44 ° P .r.- -MoWru b It root, •
' a lo do
met is In consequence of the unfavorable
Sao I °Man! Mamas,
l'ar'k Dolan do vi i Ward do
condition °film Eastern markets Last week, hole, ;M.
IS Broadway•, N. Y. .... t, i • tall 01 Ici, I.A Itl t ( (.1 t 1 DE, aacewell T lo ta , Now York Market 1
IL• . i 11 Neste to the smarmedled all per4oll4 T,,,, ' : u,„„"'„, ynbil"ln'7l't „ 11 ,11?4,, 1 7P . , 1 !t h j'
' 'la'''
1 , ,1, e
and thaw who bad cattle there then lASI
, e
Partite LI lons against said estate os 111 present them ~, 0 4 • clearers 4 - -•• •• -'' - ' ! '"l4." ''''''
g°'" " au
mousy, and they have no Idea of trying It New 1 oar, March MI - Cotton henry and __ _ _ , _
Pair moth. Itlcluol t, roe for sr Ith ment Kea sa -' •• top , . lityanna I, ( hosts M at, . cot. r. ,m 4 do do do
again this week, for fear they might again de °opine, with Mere doing at 393 , 46 , 4ec for ,
~, m.,, , ,nd,
bt.„ ,
..L, ~ 1, , ,i 1 rn 0 . : . 5 1 e r .. ., i onlercus and nalseellaa rout fur k•alaor u eddmfter .0
avcr• tan Wan,'lo
meet a @imitation, ea alit be aeon by refer 1 Middling Flour dull, unsettled and 5610 c PYRITES. r,;,',„•,,lats payment to 111
y „w
ROBERT YLETt It Yli 130 's•V, 0 ,t 3 o,lo s do 4o
once to the sales, prices ranged this week re lon or, toles et $7,10017,10 for Extra State; S9,IS 1
It 9 Mat RCM
turn. md
Surg. on and Ir. Lohmel USt 0 • ... n •.tari. i° do do
_llecileal Purveyor 1; • 44 a 4)ea MUrrat 10 do do
Rom 6 tea for nommen; 6to ta4 for medium Reid for Extra E. K. 0 ;41870 forTrado Broods, I I'IIE PENNSYLVANIA Ear.utu. °a It a tut, DE, (It ceased
de h her, do du do
and 7to 7t for prime CO ertra. ate market cloxing henry ii hbky dull, Wet. ' a
at Macs 00 lii3dr & C°''°• SIALE OF
n hat .1 I. rm. a „ an 40
HOG mine° dull and neglected, Mat at, tern, 1P, 2 7 Wheat, spring le r ie loner, white I SALT 11 1ANEFACITRING tO.IIPANA ft 13 laarthlw I. ott 'e
Log 11 Memo • acing Nouse du to
the ern - vale conthlue light, pries, in a retail i firm at 111,te for No i Club, 0,66 for prime new
.. GOVERNMENT PROPKEITY , 1 boar liner do I.
way, remain about as last week, ranging from , NO / do in store, end eI,S. for Inferior Mil- i
SKIRT& ,to Stockton., lu d • to
( lawat • litooe• do .10
f 434 to /034, for fair to good averages Hamrick neukee Club Eye, dro p In Barley in mod
au. lbatattelmer , 4 do t o
CO, bonght 70 head from Clery, averaging seats regueat choke ALIO. Cora le bette, at
Alichatl (armor, .1 dat. do
about 160, at EPAtand Patterson ml.l Emerlca IZA374e for unsound, and 74075 e far Bound mix- i
rb - sril..rgr mai,
(lariat Klr In
a Co. St bead, averaging about tm, at ev, it ici western, both in store and delivered pats I
BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC n.246,ctcpasr, ci-.".• Facer hullo krr ao au to
Fred l condi lu Iss do
Se worthy of remark, that the great propor. dull and heavy at 85636 c tor unsound western ,
tlon of the Hogs now coming in are light,aver and fd6s3e for sound do. Petroleum dull and
.___ eL.,.., .. ho I. of r s<4 nla to. do
aging from 150 to melba lower , crude 2046M3e, refitted In bond 36640 r I ..... • •
1011 DOCIII.E)
thee.L \ allot', fat. co 1-t 15 - ar I Alle Moo
BLIEEP-There was a Dur retail demand (0 1 , Pork opened lower and closed more firmly at .3 e , utpirturet lot' I r Call
111 dart ellen of the 'Secretary of II tata all the Al e n l e mt I FIB tl. do Mt 1,
bheep [fits week, and a bile the market win I 1 , 847 , 5im for newmese, closing at $26 for rein- SPItINGSKIRTS Jla I , lu/eh, rF al lug 11010, dr, tto
apparently morn active and a shade Lamer , liar. 825,75 for old d and Fit for rime, also I realnylvaslaSalt alablighetarloa Co a Clelos
P Building Materials, Steaus Est. . 1",, y '1 1: ,0 .1i:. r :;, r 0 Cu 04 . 1 ' er condo .t do
prices, as compared with last week, have un- 3,1 W barrels of new mess for April ana May,
Scant> Dann* r 4 ( o dr do
Ilmotielorni old:sally by ibe sole often of Peed, glues, Machinery, Tools, Irott, Hannon J ultail. r I al, et, ...4 a ard l ' o
dergone no material change, and fair to prune ' , eller, option, at gr 435.1,15 Reef stead at p ..„ .. . e
fat mutton Sheep may be fairly quoted at Bto previous prices. Beet hams, heavy, at 076 bonier rat St reet and ouquesne
Copper, Ltatither, iL Stores Hear) Ills! slo do do
7 cents, gram and common at sto 5.4. Laffert9 , .1830 Bacon arm at 15.3 for Cumberland cut,
T' or i arious Minds $ A,
Kinder John ( Attila r ~,,
11„ do lo
ad Ward do
It Co. retailed 172 head for Logan, at 5.4 to 61,4 I 13,..4616e' for short nbbed, and 16 , 0 for short - 11, 111 S S Bp l iiiLp i y & clay
'John lb yt r a., do a
Kerwin*. Co. retailed US, at 6 to IE4O, and I clear; cut meats steady at uv4.61234. for ehoul- SUIEDRIES. 9
9 a lat•h ,re 411 1•1 ted at Macon laa lo tar t nor"! he J karst, o„ do d
DulTretalled LOD. dere, and IllWj2l/04 for hams. Lard heal y at --- _ ...._
Fran t ut
ch . b.....
„ r) a
si ii.nd. St... • ...anent, iO,lll 1 rtclmat +ma p..rltiantlit Yak•rttloe tout K. k a tits Nouse do d o
1.7121104., Butter quiet at • t>l6lse for Ohio, and
Neat.. of a lan e Amon Laboratory ntol Ana 11. ar I °lvy 00 I.
• SILLS or eATTat.
i 10687 n Tor State.
2•47111NRT 'InICIIMILME_ , ' it ' ai. nod also, . S. a ) 111rdluo, to do
Eels& Co sold 20 head of gdod cattle, to gn -
trail h.!. nem re r oth, r gouda, do d
011 City, at AM. and retailed 70, head of ielr to I
Tools, hiarhiner) and illaterkils, ""'" A '''''' lo •'" A" A "d d
pi ime western cattle at GOO to 7L4 Carr A I Cureatto, Match 93- Everting-Plour, very
I. e Hwang c do do .10
Jos It ch. r
do d
'McAllister retailed about 100 head at from a dull. Wheat, dull, At 8 1 ,2461,MX for No . l and
7ip. RothehUde a Eckert sold Marks a . Tra , Jr for Ro. 8 Corn quiet at fle for No. I.
, ( 4 , ,, 1,1Let ,,, ,,t d A
i t:/ , , ,,, 1n .
. 1 r.,,,,,,,
~00 r r t i s t .1 11V1 1
i ka . l . Co o r i l:: , I u t ae
„..;',. 10
tit, 110 1 00
man 20 bead of prime cattle at Saf, and rt. and Mc for No. 2. Oa th , aull at Me for ho. L
s Roll ' r
t " ,l 1 110 do
tailed /mull atdHir Lafferty a Co. retallod illalt win es, Inactive at 4d,? . ..(112,itt Proyhdons,
./j' hl/11 t P 4II‘I r rr
. "
I ibl i( • ~ t _uct icon. !I- st,,,Arr,,, do do do
Ski bead for P. A. Logan at slew, 39 head dulhtness mirk . 23 639,40. Dressed 110g5,410,70
110 do du
on their own woman at LI/.07 , 4" Liggett sold itecelpte-4,200 barrels float, 3,700 bunhels of
~,•0 talanuit. do do do
Shriver &I bead df fairish steers, weighing I wheat, 9,000 bushels corn, OM bushels oat.
9n I hoer II 4 ber I alllig kfuum Co 1/10
SOX% at s,9o.datitfman note Myers A Era le Shipments-3,400 barrels dour, 4,400 bushels
J. sell-este do do ao
Johanna Lsug do lo 410
head, averaging 112.5, at 0.4. Buell A. Ileirti sold I wheat, 4,61 X, bushels oorn, 6o abnaliels oats.
I rata la I liar l, do d o
Greenwald a Co 16 bead, averaging aboatiloo At. lLonltt Market.
It. lo 4 ...c10na1! • .10 do do
cu, 53g. Stroup° sold Myers A - Jiro 15 law/ Of
Aiwa S rua Ihlt ,4 4 ,
to do
oxen, averecUng about Leaked 89;', Emeriek it Sr Lotus, March El-FlOar very dull; medium
JO4I lit hichannsultt r,‘lts as I°
Co. mailed 17 bead for Isaac Anderson at sc, I and lower grades declined 25 cents; binge ex-
Gott. it, 1 unk. 1 a t do do
era; and 15 head on (heir own amount. at ISICI. " 10,576 , 7,12 1 4; &Fable extra 111‘90
. Wheat
t schmer r ' , ern Bore Btrutinglotet
Greenw a ld sr, Kann !whin e d 67 borniz droopingat alp for falri.61110.00; ehoteecom
no I ore y s o
to j'eany all good eafrie,4 eat% Morel ek & mon steady at 0,001,113; Mixed and yellow at
las sob do do
D eed rewind 83 , , iinadg(46,7 4 con. wad re Dead, 19,44; 01,0 for fine white. Lard 17361 Mis in tee.
tw , hau kating Mame, do
Ilerman Assmots do d^ do
&semi:lngle" to Greenwald & Kahn, at 6.,,,• "b " k ) be an 51 . 1 1 52 C
Fool Albrecht, do do do
Crouse A fleas retailed In head at 5h..69.y,' Cineitinatl Market
Fred. Senn oil...raved& do do
Shtiver *old 17 head to Greenwald{ Marks 1 (.. mein awn, Martb W.-flour an 4 Wheat dull
P. ter lichlteal, du *do Traurman retailed 63, HYers &M. 35 , L , Whisky in Unused demand, at 0.45 Provis
(..r Dlatler
Dull. Garret,7 aver° du k lat do
do go
11.1mtbeth ,
Rorke, It; O. Metz, 14.
I lons dull Mess Porkata. Lard 1te4(1124 field
Barbara I. mall as
Philip 51•glitc, other good,. to .111a11C11""lite
Aug 'I lialille / at/1411mm, do Ilene e l, "'
Unallas muter Tavern,do rr.
au I
Gan. A )taker, do do do
Jolla IS orlon boob, do do
Jacob Schadd de do Sham 4°
Jeromo HAM do
Eli 11 , 3 miff, do
itg, .tb"rg i NET AND ELEGANT TYPE.
t Its P again, Eating Homer d- -
Fn. Fitzgerald, other goods,' do 'IIWP ILr '". '.
Clart. Tlsreetteuser, Trvern do
"alt Tosomhip I
John Eihleary, go ods,
do do I
A. Lightner, other goods do iie
h, McPherson, Tavern, . Cornea do I
John Snyder, do t Intrilert do
Stehle n kielotrt, do
...5!: . % , C., eit.l.tesilloo4s, Franklin g: '
ti: ,,, v 5 i,.. 7 . .- 'f
du ti:a.:.. I:
Jacob PrX," tlu do dn
do kteDandless du
Jam/ha/weer, de do do
Ann Iteum tt, do Pltt du
Andrew Jack, „
Plum do
Jos. Dierstelu go timers e do
iPhilip Gent, do do do
ntryle•NAltereejge do illebineon do
Ells Ftnaaree,a' go' k."
Nader Jo
Frtd SaML do
do 81 Clair do
Thou MeeloMity do
Auttrow Hoover, L.
do do do.
Sticlowl Kg" Eating Elotue, do do
Ratthew tame, Tavern. 1.11310 a do
Jua Neely a David Beath /stern, do do
Altman Moore. do Vervain., do
Jacob Steinhart, do do do
Tao tout t will all on Whlite . MDAY, the Pah day
oCklarch,lB6(kat 10 co clock, A al , for healing/be
above eppiliatlarn
Apothems will Ole their bonds In my °tee on or
before the day of hearing
limneustranon moat be riled on or before 00 day
of bearing•
4:ll4it . fues of Mesons, payed mart to liken oat
gran led, :,Teb -,4“A1l b.. , :%,.tr..:,..4.4,1:f.;:e.
.b 17.3, W. A. 111E11NUN. (desk
WEBNESDAY. :tiAIiCH 21, 1864
Sow York 114.ItSe Market., i ------.--
.Yew Tons, March SCI.-Tho current prices/0r I IMPOSTS RI RAILROAD.
the week, at all the markets. are: Beef Cattle. I .II.I IIDOICGII, ?oar Warne & CHICAGO. it. I' .
drat qua Ity , per head, 07018; fair to good ; 3.latch M.-4 b ile eggs 1 half bbl butler, L U
quality, 13016,50. common quality, $116'13; in- ' %Mgt it co 20 bide ury apples, Cook, Bro &co;
ferlorquallty,dll. Correa:ld Calves, extras, ; 3:0 ban barley, D Wallace; 20 cases bitters R E
oxe m aro. q ity% SFOOIX4 Ordinary quality, i.
4,18cl:el-wt..; 26 1. 404c0 m ,
ce.l Italryienadec,Oriio
1005; .CoUllnon, ...50460; I fertOr , 0 0 0 3 0. Vest i
ittuCalves, first quaLty,per pound :14%e; ordinary . I 11 smith & co; 21 do soap and candles Wm' M
Ig ar a o ll i ty r ,
g lite nal t ity ,te; ,
l e po om io l i o c a ga ,g al.f eaol t il Y r , y, l , o 4,7l s l ll .4l l % ob i . : 11
Ailbym...Llcetyrrt;,EMybriavuiSgestioada,' 14 .5, 11r Ei l v ice ::
u rr ia as, ry per boat, lity.mtd4,sl2o;ww_ P r ,55 /ai r ° ,..,,,, goo i t 5.,, 1 pithridge ; 100
bit dour, Culp cteitepard;2B tie
334:0; Itiferl:rosieta. • Swine henry; corn-fed, lard, .1 Lippincott; 10 Multi shoulde CO ok,
Ear poull, 4 lob t • light and medlum,.loti Dm &en; RC bbts flour, ty lambert; duc al'a can
' "' l TVer i o t - 1 1 . 41 t e s i tllfel . break ln the Cottle i gli e r B / I ; lld ali b e ' r & tu f ig h ri;ifo a do, 2 2 ,t ea 4 ; 1 1 )„,t0,, ,,, n, A , *
• market , this week. prices declining from 102 c . do do; yo do clinahos4 Means & Coaniiiiiiii:
per petind, yet the market was by no cacao. I tette lron, Park Pro & Co;
overstocked; 00 supply.boing only about whea t
bad all *Wag been regarded as fair cattle," , March AJI:L-4 cars- , lumber, Frasier & Jiro; 10
which, however, Isere mostly poOr. The bulk r bbls dry applas, T C Jerkins { 10 do do, Seur
at the Otlerinaibwero front la to leg; compare- green & Drat-Se hills chairs, T JR YOUng .1! col .
. tivoly feir 101 d shore 17 1 41 Thli MG& been the Euis ehatrs;,A, liftmen & co: shelf We wow.
hardest clay . - for 'owners they have known for on, C V lkuterta bids do, Jae Connor; la Caddies
Many month& ,
tobacco, Jas Murphy; to kegs do, p.lllbrbltz; 2
vow calvosdtlisluld heavy. Thanks to the balfithits do, Alioderthelmer. -• ‘ ' .
StealthCommlsalimers the market 1s no longer
Perriaraust, COLVKatrastrOlfßiouriaTt IL R.
- Illnlted with raiserabie earea"ee, and i 1 .,. I march at-3 earc!barlay, 8 Ilarlaugh & co; 1
market 'for _good cattle may In . expected . ,
car stares, C 0 Smith; / (10 Ailoi - John Meyer; fa
.'rote. Sheer, and ' , limb' , were fairly " Ur° '' 01l this; D Bllloorol2o pkgS ilah, hitla, don &
~ the pnece, . flop la moderato demand at th e , & 00 , 3 pkgs,'W .1 Meek; 1 car-COMO tV . 7 Btow
ahoy* priiita.' -Tho Ultal receipts of all stock., I y
I arc; do do, J & W Falrley . •
at all the' yards, for this week and last week i
were-a nil - t o w s , Any.* 3,329 Cows 1311; Will ; Astroutar.l3reynsa, March - lb-3 cars wheat;
m i d • 141Mbis, 14.107 • Swim., i Kennedy & Brotitir table oniOntir - OW O OII 3 Kan.
e g u v ., Asa; BbeeP . .. _ --.. 5 54 1 .c o ,, 1 111.11 y. 9 Mlls chairs. Hadley 4 co; 1 car wheat,
tar last stook: .../.4M, .., . 11 .. - ,
1,3117. T O 2 sm . s i mp an d Lambs,- j5,,,..t,12 i . Gilmore, almpson & 09310 - pkgs totaiocoit.
M4/•treal Correa,
,„ W Jet:Annm ; Vdo tip, winterhaturer - act); 20 -
his curlles,Gmbault 4 ThOraa3; 33 dOt brooms
Inlohnston.. - .
. . _
Cti#C l NP) . nArket:
OOectsil 1141441 t t 0 the TittillirstißOard of Trade.
:C}foli.oo,7-.3liptelrlo.—Flour dull' unit un
changed. , •Irheat. • wcak at g 1,2434 Inc NO: 1
gprtog.. - Com, ittrinOr at 40 to tott for No. 1;
0410,11ra:ter at 21625 far 100, t. Rre,,juess -
Pork, Weak at 424; Lard, nomtnaigr Isaiah. ;
Ilthleity; at 6,1142 Petroleum, free.
M. Bidet Ana•wool, nu •
t'ef .
- ';'"
DEB - rmtY
JUSEr. , . . ,
ii- .4 1211 4:Dennst i. ton.
114SiaticEaDliJitern sad
Usek.rit'olFroarY4l' :-...U'isobaSsulC3B:-
bushels loser bee&
100 barrels Po C twb Blow Potatoes
fo • Sifted Core Meat.
rash floor Is composed of TWO finely tennsered
40 •• Rom luy :
Go. I •pringa, braid.] tightly and firtnG together
VA • • Extra Yawl's. Floor;
. len to edge, forming the S rnomitter and hoot
.50 • • •• buyer . do
ELF Xllll. E hoop Miser. I'h,•, will not bend or
40 • • /lye do
nn sk like the single springs, but wilier. lin ...le
13 • • Sorghum Molasses. their g , set fu I uksn of shae whore three or four ut •
130 dozen Co' n Brooms,
hoar skirts will hare been thrown away as tuteles.
ln afore and for WO by
In fact for the promenade or the house the .
FETZER & AIIMSTRON G. 0 t „,.,, , ‘1,,,,,.. or e a r, they er e eoportor to all oth.
11)ROtolO - Corner Market and First ktreej__. era, combining coltrOnt. OnnanlLlTY and exuno•
DUCE. HT, wi th that ZULE3A-VCZ Or :SHAPE which ha. mat',
- 0 . /00 bbla. Eller' Family Flour.
00 •` Rye do
60 " Pearl Hominy; STANDARD SKIRT
3., •, prime White /leans:
GO •• choice Green Apples;
of the faahlonabla world.
100 l'eachblow Potato.;
•• Mir:, tlif* - ' al .T 1 i".1=2.",;:t ladles VI i above.l=l. f-Z V.ll
, stores to this city. Ininalre fut
10 • • • • Tenches;
Tor an,e by " n'oh
E irizzu a ARMSTRONG, Bradle'
___ s Duplex Elliptic H H art.
fe2 Corner of Market and First atreeta. .
- a -
l e 3 :3moodir
i Gnu dozen Freak Tematoca, 3 and pounds,
i TO '
i I
S I X d
land ECUad s ,
/0 Whorlle ries; s, Blackber
I tt? :: •••• gliTA . ea;
60 • • Lima Roans:
. 66 • •reen l'ettat
Nu • • G •
• Corn
Alt Warranted choke quulty. We also olyer a large_
stock of mooned Leine., Preeerrea, /CoWhit" o
Sauces, Mkt., .Ic., &e. REYLIER A BROS..
.90 Nos. 1.9/ and 124 Wood street
SUNDRIES, bur sale at ISA , LlberY
ty ntrekt:
Miff PEACILEB-97 Wile. large bal..
RINI 4. e illrti - do e r w r I T.',° wpbs; H '
IIOMINY-16 bbill. PIRO hominy:
LIME-I.sobbla. White Lime
fil i tl4-400 bbla. Osten No. l ; U. R. Llrensed Moldlern •-• . Chains Agent.
160It tlIIUM-AZP. D ri:r;frot Syrup; Bountteir fur Wounded 14 oligou collected In tre
FARM ItIITTELL-6 bbla. and boxes prime roli 1..0 to tiventy dayo
FARM-3 Idris. antl 2 bonen Egg.: I aOgivo N. Ai 5/rant street, Pittsburgh
-20 bood/e.: • l all with litsebarxe and two w unease. .an 21
11EltItINU-8 bble.. Labrador;
H ARLEY-Macke Spring.. i McMASTER,GAZZAirI A. CO.,
w. T. BECK & CO., 1.111.
_ Wholeaste Woe.. and Prodllee Dealer.
pnEsts annivai. GistocEittes.
... 2.3 hide. No. lEthoro %forbore' '
kV halves do oh. do ;
100quar.. do do do
Relate do •to do
dabble. No 2do do Ot VA L Iltal,_, " EXECUTION krgr•POLZerti,
dabblers do do do
Tales examined and Collection. trusTe In Penns.).
60 iota .
No. a large do
sank. Ohloi_mill WeELVlrglol. Ibil
be halves du du d o
. -- ----- - -----
SO bbbt. an ruedloto du
LSO halves No. /Lake Merring•
, Ulf BOUNTIES, BACK rAy, and MillteryClaboo
fa do do White /kb; .
," • 160 Witv prime RIO Coffee •
; thecls7l7o.,7lllkaitit::' ' X ' f c1?=,`,17, 4 % ," I "c:llberd,t,`
. IV Md. do POrtoßlco.fiugar.
; claim. w0..60. . • 4,:, G. r,,,.2,,R . ' '
60 do fair to mime IJubs twiner,
Attorney at Lew,
100 belt. Refined engirt" ait.ried; . Dlarnond ;street,
t roate tee Court douse.
to do .7.1. O. ittntal.nsu Mole.aos; N. 8.- No are ode IS limekiln doe. not
76 do.: redo Imo do
neceed, and rdl InfefActs *lx given gratis. Mat
10 do-: - Cabe •.- • . do
/50 do erne sasented brander
1211= 5 "2,'"d•
With • (cord aniOrtMellt of ell_ottite goods In oar
Noe, fur sale low be
JOHN 1. Bovaz 4 , 12W/w..ft
Comer water apt ,tthstiga a‘
i)~J '=2iS"-xX7.+';.:,~ l; s-.'- K wce~ ~=r':-,~;c'~~+ti:~::3u:.s.:
rb:r el t.burg
till City.
.c. 311 City.
..ltamtit.ou ....Parkersburg
.GoMing Neu- Orlminu
-.Gordon Utl fall.
AT 1.0151b7 ELTAILJ'EIeIIt,
Mi.301".41-ILa 3:I3ELILManzaI i the Oesen Et lowest rate..
. 1 04.1C1111.111 ar GaRLISL
eita - csot.
- 8ut.,,,,57-ii.t,tettii..it7iiictit,ai-i,-
NAVY bal•AinlifleiT. AVa , liingtotk, D. C. I
Mlfg CA , ! I IT I Pi °41 : 1
.1)1i FOR THE
wzoriv h l r ri t of ne.:llent Offlcore will tonveno at
VA 1 1 1 4 4 , ,, zi,...V
..1'..,i k 1 :::i5L 4 :7 1 11,%N, Via i gn.M:
114 ' 0312 :.'; ,6,1 il l tTtlgtk i jil d likoettlix"nt.
cocoa ot the Navy. edieti
Ueutleawn destroys or appearing boron, either
fßoard, Milli 17111%6 IltlliiitlMUO .14 the llooomble
tia"i=7:ll.l!!:lltrat'illfign,'i; `lrAr'....d-ap
,,,,,,,,, p o lot the; desire to preeent theintal res. Ap "
idlaittOtia take accompanied by reeponialble teml .
monlalkof mond thatattcY.
..: . ~• . .
Candlaatta taut be lees than Mratity-one nor
. mortitbanddeptitmln pint °foga.
tin pense lark/lowed h7-tt.L.O.' oyentment to man- ,
41datradhut „, the:oeutoteer the team im a I
sueciattratexamoottoo. It Ar legal prerequisite for , ez3 - ~,..
r".9P". TyVOlitai-
ktc :, wtc . .., ~ _ . 4, ChlaforStireeo. IR . .
tc. l lllM u loo bbl 6. Ugh, col.
4 tor sale by 'L. IL TO/GT.
'!"' rim
. . . ,
L . P. S'pONE,
°Foot, 113P/AMOND STIIISZT, apposite the
t:vur tHeall Ittlarargt4 Zs. IMAM*
of Hartford. Conn
Ilk :Alga° tglWar "t.
G. lilt. COPPER- roun ' d rode:
&CNA COPPltilt—ari
:M.141114. COPPNIt — s h had:
; 30,000 lilt. WILCIUG111: IRON and rod:
tuna PIG 1110 N;
,ClAll;l.lrTun6crrlemble shells:
45.000 lbs. TlN — bloaf%4l alma:
404:1114. CIIAIN.,TOIIIe and cable:
0.1.10 Cords cIA/T/I—Cottou, English :serge, till.
=MO lha.
6,000 feel BELYING—gum and leather : aastirt..l
MACIIIMES—DrIIIa, IYanera,4lllll
berew.miltlux i.SU stn.= Cud Trip II annum,.
Barnes., Saddles, Horse Eqiulgadeasts, In
fantry and Cavalry Annedattrements.
Blankets, wagon and Gun Carriage
Irons, 33 unserviceable Canuota.-irou
lagar'ra:n"%7ll!'a ti n all e tterl D a7:,ll7 f a e rtt
Part. (neve >for Sprinesileld Muskets and
Colt's Revolver., and an ansartinent
/3623.4:11. 011eo.
I lie attealon of Ndrthern begnia Is called to MI.
aalr,which Is n., .
large our, and to minable propent.
Yell printed Catalogs of the property to NcY Ol •
can be obtained Iron the Chief. or Grildaisre .a
washinglon, U. C., sad Iron the Commanding Or.
near of the Augusta Aracnal, Georgia.
The sale will commence ,
IPed.6esday, april74/h, 1866,
11400= sind:zual i tilMwop erty Is sold.
Onfit. l4 4Zi j eja.
• Com../t num a. Arsenal.
sz, cancr...a...ww-.
Cf k 31 1 ,111, 4,441A1 N 1 8,
"FFI, N.J 4 in:QuEbst. WAI.
0312.457,519 ne 17...jyd ri""32/11::rxtc-4-lEc•
Storage for Refined Petroleum,
. I : l :tr i go b k e OUI Jaya Coffee lent reeeleed
ret o
Corner of Liberty .411,m,1 sirens
GACuret4 13ronehitis
Otherwise Improved
G• PiLM_AL. a°
On. - PirreliCßoll, Notembee la, 1851
Althiniel4 not in advoeateof Pair
iicnittnce, kWh. ilteris me pleasure In e•
seri 1.13 ref ottlilAt )0,3r PE, Or.AL 811-1117/..
Asa medicine, it is Well uorily the attention Of
pi riot. oil.. mai In nut manner be aflllcted
nit i
ought, fold., and Loaf S.. anr tlinland foe the
Ills severest o a f voids and boa .
rseues.a. tlnsu toy
throat 'stlid oecontr so closed as to prevent eny
speaking. above a Ishlsper, and by takingesfew doses
01 the above Syrup it yron/d relieve Me entirely.
In reroloniending this uh filch., I tenet unbesi Las
logic esp Nat It la the hest min.') ever found,
Is iv to
Cs u r . e " are foe
I Tours moat resin ethilin
A/111 J. JONES,
(Ashler t itlseus' Deposit Haut.
're( BeriTILLY, Ohio,Much 11,
I have Use: Dr. liesaei .0 lough [Trap for in bad
eoosh of several years staliiiinr, and can cheerfully
top i t t o the beet no/dilutes. for /lief mane th at I hue
ei er taken. • PlUe/S.
o c_ta I c ws,
IFilh Foreign and DOSlteitiC
.zszc . 7a
3 E I3 I r rCo3EtI.AJL.S
topics at tae day—printed
NOW C 144
The Chealiestland Best
•n Western Pkessolly?van"'
A.4l :vertish mg,
AT Roseau tiiitlL
1866. Dm KEYsmi's
Pectoral Syrup
Cvirets.l - I.giitlariaasi
All Diseases of the Lungs
irgi , I invite art•ollot. to tome of the ban exits
Cure° 1 - .) my
Pectoral Syrup
I h r.' „, lf; , * , ; , ",r,T;',:.;:l:tr h .I'lll7ttetrtrrl:lV;
Attend to Your Colds.
tiz‘ctliof.lacillrviliDarb;iiittlyll3 bred by DEL ILLY
- -
COai 1.. PR
Strr kgenaa th a deuy
oltair acknowledgingthe e cellence ofyour Peelers
It all DArdutP.l.7.;
0.1 or my T o, world onelwaliairer
rd with. I are not ore , ' more than onerbalf Of tha
bottle, and C3i. ono de, with that all tub aro iirglet•
ed would girt p as Nee trial as 1 .hare.dolle. to
they will be proud Urea}, "It latioqUailkutediente.
wold not auger another aneb An attack' Sot ae
oruil u deration, or at any cost: 1 UM' colLildent I can
reathe more freelv than I ever did.'..ll,alla ll always .:
acknowledge d ebO , of gratitude for Inienting• AO,
e aciallent a remedy.; You are at liberty:U:l 'nail m y
name In Ohio regard as you thing iroer. -
Altaaeuger Common
S. R. •111111,trAlli, toms fell oirreltlsentawna.
all who entertain Aoutda eau eonstitt toe perm:m.llyr
SEE% PECTOP.AL had. been troubled
with a cough and cold for several weelis--sobadvm
t. that I could not sleep. I had the adviee end pre
ciriptions from three of the beet Wavelets:arm Um
ty, Whom I could tousle, but do se.: I gasify
proeured a bottle of your Pectoral liyrup, which
cured me entirely. .•
„oltlignott) J. W. SIMONTON.
No. 346 Giberty street 'Pittsburgh, Va.
January 9th. 1160.
r bTOPTß—rrllow ciwl dolt/.
(to to Keyser's, no I) ood street; and gets bottle et
his Cough Pectoral. /anti" thatton't,your
came must be deepen e_lndeetirrt
.This unraccimen
of the colloquy one beam -very dry Inemidecatclumg
periods of Um year. And we can. from acteil cope
riment, cheerfully concur in the wleberre admoni
tion m -above, for aro c sihave tried the ' r •Pectoral,r , Ja
• roost stubborn with entire success. fee.,
two week s ago we wnt Pittsburgh; with one ut
the most distressing,:bontrary, mulish; townabduable
coughs we ever erflic l wa
this :, 3 2pgreetPe h rtrufri 'reel ? , In hop eaony
eso4 thi ng t:
out, bur it me no In fact, e n d in rather tO
u nco boroo,sed by practice, end to have sconired
I strength, poteney mad distressibility by-the oper ,
up, in o,'. ktageut_Cho siege. we coughed our way
to geyser% la ood orreek procured & etty
cent bottle of the r• Vaieworrl,'! took ti steerdleg re
; oi roo raoma. sad to forty-eight doers,we were -muter
°roe field, the e b valltr t in u g Immo Titur.
f r'li rmi d° 7D i le . adlarerist ' ate negnet CAtraZwCong
l'iaili.—alirowiseetife Clippie, Dee, 14,
r t
Prop 4
. rna4 ookt Ery.
No. 140 WOOD 11190.1i11N,
INaktiislavalsh, .IP,faiki*!dsi
tresarta sad 1014
140 •wwwl tki4NA, mwts r